#'hell is my home so im staying here to run the hotel with my loyal hotelier!'
thebookmarker99 · 4 months
A lot of people are now speculating about Charlie remaining in Hell with Alastor and Niffty at the end of the series. I'm looking at those drawings in the background and it really does support that theory...
One drawing on the right looks like it could be Alastor and Charlie in the shadow, while the drawing on the left is Niffty with her bugs in the light..
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ninak803 · 4 years
Elitist Nightmares
Another chapter is ready! Enjoy it. & read tags for CW.
@whataboutmyfries I don't know what to say... You're such an incredible good, nice, amazing bean!
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
@sunflowerfox87 here is a new Chapter!
Chapter 6
Remus walked up and down in his living room. He felt Leo’s eyes on him, following every step he took
The last few days, they had spent refining their plan and by now it was a pretty decent one. Sure, there still were variables, like Sirius himself, but they couldn't do much about it. They also didn't know when they would kick it off or how everything would work out in the end, but their plan couldn't get any better.
Remus sighed and sat down next to Leo.
“I went over it again and again. It's good as it is.” he said.
Leo nodded.
“You're nervous.” he stated.
Remus bit his lip; nervous was an understatement. He was supposed to trust a Black. Someone who was part of the family, who… No. His mind wouldn't go back to his own family. Not now, he still had work to do. He needed to stay calm.
“Yeah. I am. This is just not what I thought this mission would look like, not at all. I like to have control over things and now I have to trust Sirius Black to work with me.” Remus shook his head “I don't like it. I don't like him, I guess.”
“You don't like his family. And if he really is lying, you can still kill him.”
Remus laughed a little.
“You're right.”
They sat in silence for a while, Remus still thinking about everything he and Leo had talked about the last couple of hours. Remus rotated his shoulders a little to get rid of the tension in his muscles. It didn't work.
“You're going to work with O'Hara and Tremblay afterwards.” Remus said.
The younger one turned his head to look at him, something showing in his eyes. Curiosity, joy maybe, but definitely a bit of nervousness.
“They can teach you more. Both of them are pretty good at what they are doing. Usually. And I don't know what Dumbledore wants me to do next, I guess I'll have some time off, which would be good, considering that I have a houseguest by then.”
Leo nodded, a small smile on his lips.
“Yeah, sure. I don't mind. They both seemed… nice.”
Remus looked at him, then grinned a bit.
“Sure. You'll be doing fine with them.”
He took a sip from his coffee and scrunched his nose. It was cold by now and there was nothing worse than cold coffee, he sighed.
“Okay… You have the rest of the day off, Leo. I'm going to meet Sirius tonight and tell him about the details. I don't need you for that.”
“You sure? I could wait in the car, like the last time.”
Remus shook his head.
“No. I appreciate it, but no. You get some sleep tonight.”
It was the middle of the night as Remus sneaked through the Blacks mansion. He tried to not make any sound and listened very carefully if there was someone still awake who could notice him. He opened Sirius' bedroom door just a crack and slipped in. It was dark and Remus could hear Sirius soft, regular breaths. He was asleep. Well, not for very long anymore. Remus moved closer to his bed and looked at him; he was lying on his back, his mouth slightly ajar, his hair a mess around his head. He looked… calm. Remus hadn't seen him so relaxed before, he always seemed so stressed and restrained, but right now he seemed peaceful. Remus almost had a bad conscience that he would wake him up any moment. Just almost.
He touched Sirius' shoulder gently. When he didn't react, Remus shook him a bit. That did the trick. Sirius opened his eyes and almost jumped out of his bed when he noticed Remus. His hand moved up to his heart.
“Fuck you. You scared me. That's your way to get in touch with me? Scaring me to death?” Sirius said, his voice still heavy from sleeping.
Sirius sat upright, moved a hand through his hair.
“So what's up, Amber Eyes?”
That confused Remus a bit.
“Amber Eyes?” he asked.
Sirius just shrugged.
“Tell me why you're here.”
Remus sat down next to Sirius on his bed and nodded.
“Okay, so we came up with a plan, how we will handle this situation, but you have to cooperate, otherwise your death is inevitable.”
“Im fine with my death…” Sirius whispered, almost inaudible.
That and the sadness in his voice made Remus heart hurt. He swallowed.
“Well, we're going to fake your death, everyone is going to think you're dead. That'll work for my purposes. And until everything is solved, and we got rid of your parents, you're going to stay at my place. You can't stay at a hotel, people would recognize you.”
Remus looked at Sirius, who remained silent.
“I'll need your blood to prepare the crime scene. It has to be a lot of blood, so it'll be plausible. You'll feel dizzy for a while, but you'll survive. After that I'll bring you to my place and then we have to wait.”
Sirius still didn't say a word, he just looked at Remus with a look he didn't quite understand.
“I have to tell James and my brother.” Sirius then said.
Remus shook his head.
“No. You can't tell anyone. I'm sorry, but I don’t think your brother would lie to your parents about it, I think he couldn't do it.”
“I still have to tell James, though. He is about to lose his job, he has a wife and a child, he needs to know. Also, he is my best friend, he will blame himself for it, he'll think it was his fault. That'll destroy him. I can't let that happen. You want me to work with you? Then let me tell my best friend.” he sounded determined.
Remus sighed.
“You think you can trust him? He's loyal to you, not your parents? He won't sell us out?”
“No.” Sirius laughed a little “He will be happy to know I’m out of my parents' reach, to be honest. I do trust him.”
“Okay, I'll be back on Wednesday. Try to act unsuspicious until then. Oh, and you can't take anything with you… No clothes, no phone, nothing. Otherwise it would look like you had run away.”
Sirius nodded a little.
Remus got up and looked at him.
“I'll see you on Wednesday then. Don't do anything stupid, Im still watching you, remember that.”
Then he silently made his way out of the house.
He couldn't fall asleep that night again, too many thoughts occupying his mind.
“You look tired.” James said.
They were on their way to a meeting early in the morning.
“Can we talk later?” Sirius asked him.
James looked at him worriedly.
“ sure. Whenever you want to talk, I'm here. You know that.”
Sirius sighed and nodded. He had three days. Three days he had to act normal, though everything was far from normal.. So he acted normal, he attended the meetings of the day; he said his opinion on topics where no one actually cared what he thought. He ignored the angry looks from his parents. Perfectly normal.
Back home he went to his bedroom with James, who sat down on his bed. Sirius preferred to stay in the moment. He looked at James, who was waiting patiently until he found the courage to say what was on his mind all day. Sirius was sure he had already noticed the nervousness, James knew him better than anyone else.
Sirius sighed.
“Okay, you won't like what I'm telling you now, but promise me you'll listen first.”
James raised an eyebrow, looking confused.
“Okay? I promise, go on then.”
Sirius looked at his hands, fiddling them. He swallowed before he started speaking again.
“So a couple of days ago, this guy broke into my bedroom. He actually came to kill me. He had a knife and everything…” his hand moved up to his throat as he remembered.
Shock showed on James’s face as the realization sank in. He opened his mouth to say something but Sirius lifted his hand before he could start.
“Nothing happened, obviously. I'm good, don't worry. I don't know what made him change his mind, though. He came back yesterday with a plan and you won't like that either: We're going to fake my death and I'm going to hide somewhere, I don't know where yet. And I'm telling you this, so you don't blame yourself for it. this is going to be hell for you. My parents will investigate against you, obviously. You'll get fired, you have to find a new job, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, James…” he swallowed again.
James got up the moment he had finished talking.
“No. That's not going to happen. I won't let that happen. This shouldn't have happened in the first place!” he moved a hand through his hair in frustration.
“James, that's nothing to discuss. It is going to happen, even if you're not okay with it. I just wanted to let you know beforehand.”
James shook his head vigorously.
“It's my chance to get away from my parents, to get out of this hell of a life.” Sirius tried to argue, “Please, don't be angry.”
He looked at his best friend pleading, and James sighed.
“Promise me nothing is going to happen to you. And you have to contact me as soon as possible, I need to know you're okay and not actually dead. Fuck. I don't like this, I don't like this at all.”
Sirius smiled a little.
“I know you don’t. And I promise, I'll behave so no one has to shut my mouth and I'll be in touch.”
He pulled James in for a hug and he wished he never had to let go. He wasn't so sure if Remus would let him call James or write to him, but he was going to try it, anyway.
After a moment, he let go of his best friend reluctantly.
“When?” James asked.
“Soon.” was all Sirius told him.
Sirius was sitting on his bed dabbing on his freshly cut lip with a cloth, when the bedroom door opened and his brother stormed in.
“Why can't you just shut up for once in your life? It's like you want her to do this to you! Why do you have to provoke them all the time!” he shouted.
“I just told her what I was thinking.”
“Well then, don’t!”
Sirius shook his head, getting angry with his little brother. Who did he think he was?
“And then what? Just do as they tell me? No. I will not kiss their asses, I'm not you. I don't care what they say about me or what they do to me! And you shouldn’t either.”
Sirius got up and looked down at his brother, both of them angry now.
“I do care what's happening with you! But you know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe I shouldn't. You obviously don't care what consequences your behaviour might have for others! For me. You just care about yourself, you selfish asshole.” and with that Regulus left.
Sirius heard him go to his own bedroom, the door closing loudly.
He rolled his eyes. His brother was such a drama queen sometimes, so Sirius went after him, knocking on his door.
“Reggie, come on. Let me explain everything, without fighting.” he tried.
“No. I don't want to talk to you now. Maybe tomorrow, now fuck off.”
Sirius shook his head, swallowing. They won't be able to talk tomorrow. It was Wednesday already.
p.s. there will be more of Finn, Logan & Leo the following chapters, I promise!!
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silveryfairy · 4 years
hey man if it's not too much trouble, could you give us a brief rundown of the Nocturnes? It's just, every morning I wake up and there's a new one, and I Care everyone in this establishment a lot though I don't really know them, thank you kindly have a nice day
let my preface this by saying: aayushi, i love you, and your enthusiasm and interest for the things i create never ceases to bring me joy. you are the kind of friend i think everyone should have and i say that completely genuinely outside of this bit.
i say that as an apology in advance for what i’m about to unleash upon you, because what you’re going to see is the product of my friend @himepapillon and i’s absolute BRAINROT and what comes of it when not only two people make an oc universe from scratch but what happens when we then have to explain that universe to other people
you are in no way required to retain this information as to be completely honest me and jeremie haven’t fully either and we’re the ones who MADE this shitshow. below is the shoddy family tree i lovingly crafted in ms paint
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let us begin. 
for starters, i’ll specify some things:
1. not every oc on this chart is mine, as it’s a collaboration between me and jeremie - the koenig family and bishop family belong to faer but the rest is all me baby! for the sake of your soul i will only be going into my half of this Mess
2. the universe this takes place in is a pretty wacky and silly one, just, like, Slightly removed from reality. these characters are all completely batshit insane and do things that no human being probably should. it’s all portrayed critically, as the general concept of this whole thing is “the goings-on of a bunch of unhinged corrupt rich people”. we kind of flip flop on how seriously stuff is played but if i had to slap a genre on this it’d be, like, black comedy drama. i know a lot of these concepts sound kinda fucked to write but that’s just because i’m trying to describe them in a SOMEWHAT concise way without going into Super Introspective mode
the nocturnes are an incredibly influential and rich family in the uk that tends to produce very influential and rich people. they’re also all a little bit insane. the main characters of this Saga are the sons of desmond and xanthes, the family’s resident Power Couple and biggest figureheads. they suck ass but that will become apparent the second i talk about their children.
from oldest to youngest, the nocturne boys are:
ichor nocturne, 25 - the eldest, ichor was disowned from the household when he was 18 for unruly behavior, sent to live alone on a farm so he couldn’t tarnish his family’s image any further. since then, you’d think the isolation has driven him a bit mad - he’s a very prolific cotton farmer and has been doing astonishingly well for himself, running his farm on his own with only his parents’ inheritance as help. ...that, and, of course, the blood of the people he executes to keep his crops growing - or so he believes. he moonlights as an executioner in the small town over, exterminating the ‘pests’ of the city. despite his newfound violence, he still routinely checks in on his siblings, finding ways to mysteriously end up at their door to pay visits. the older brother instinct still hasn’t left
icarus nocturne, 23 - the second eldest (only by technicality, as he is a twin), icarus is the family’s golden child! but not in terms of business or anything, oh no - icarus is a famous heartthrob teen (sorta) musician! he’s been in the limelight since he was a little boy, being an actor as a small child and getting into music as he grew. his general Look(tm), accompanied by infectiously happy rave music, is a trademark cutesy mask over his face with oversized clothing - meant to express as much energy as possible as he bounces about the stage. in reality, he lives a life as forced and controlled as possible by virtue of... living the fucked up life of a child star. but his parents have someone to take the fall - so, what of his twin?
achilles nocturne, 23 - icarus’ younger twin, which wouldn’t mean much... in any family but this one. achilles has had it drilled into his head since the beginning that he was a mistake next to icarus, to the point where legally, he does not exist. following icarus beginning his career, achilles was unpersoned completely - living in the family’s basement with the height of his education being for a very specific purpose... needing to be icarus’ body double on tours and for paparazzi - after all, they can’t have icarus’ purity tainted by all those clamboring fans! it’s a godawful situation. on the bright side, though, achilles has found a hobby where he can be himself: twitch streaming! yes really. under the name of 1upanonymous, hidden under a mask just like his brother, achilles at least has a fanbase that can love him for who he is! ...uh, kind of.
tomasine “tommy” nocturne, 16 - the youngest of the bunch, and it says a lot about his siblings’ capabilities that he’s the technical heir to the nocturnes’ various businesses and fortune. tommy is just a feral 16 year old that doesn’t give two shits about any fame or fortune, he just wants to party and drink and have fun like any other kid his age! he’s rebellious, loud, and charmingly annoying (to his brothers anyway), and has no real care for the gravity of his family’s situations beyond finding it annoying that they want him to be all PRIM and PROPER and BUSINESSY EEWWWWW. he’s just a funny loud little child trying to live his best life. loves his brothers fiercely
already a mess of people. and really, all you need to know about or really keep in mind are those four: the upcoming characters are largely just side ones we came up with because we thought it’d be funny to flesh out this fucked up family more. so let’s get into the anatra branch of the family - headed by jael nocturne, xanthes’ brother and the siblings’ uncle
jael anatra-nocturne, who i am not giving an age for my own sanity trying to decipher this fucking timeline - a crude and playful uncle, jael is someone the nocturne boys either love (icarus, tommy) or hate (achilles, ichor). constantly joking, as he expresses affection with loving insults - kind of a money-driven asshole, but a lovable one - he’s a career politician and met his current husband, joaquin, on the job. or, well... no longer current, because jael’s funny life of debauchery, toxic masculinity, and making fun of his nephews, came to an abrupt end when he was assassinated on live television. yipes!
joaquin anatra-nocturne, who also does not get an age - jael’s former secretary and current widow, joaquin is the local wine uncle. im not sure if that’s a classification but it is now, because he is one. an unapologetic gold-digger, he (publicly) took jael’s death frighteningly well, and is now living his best life with a revolving door of new boyfriends. his relationship with jael was a genuine and very loving one, and joaquin IS devastated by his death, but both of them just found the bit of pretending to be this loveless gold digger/politician couple very funny, and being as suspicious as possible around his husband’s death is exactly what jael would have wanted joaquin to do
taddeo anatra-nocturne, 14 - the youngest child of these two, a shy little boy with big Child In A Horror Movie energies. makes potions in the backyard and probably decorates his clothes with animal bones n stuff when he’s older. despite this he’s pretty harmless, nice and fiercely loyal - tommy especially thinks he’s fun and likes to hang out with him at family gatherings - just so long as you look past the creepy dolls he likes to talk to and fires he likes to set. especially close with jael and wants to be a miniature version of him, buuut still being a shy tween taddeo hasn’t been able to act on that much.
dailon anatra-nocturne, 20 - the adopted second child of jael and joaquin, dailon is a moody and unstable delinquent that was snatched up by them just as he was about to age out of foster care. while he has a chill ‘cool-older-even-though-he’s-younger-cousin’ demeanor, the tension when he’s around his parents - jael specifically - can be cut with a knife. dailon hates his dad: ‘someone who expresses affection with insults and jokes and likes seeing people pissed at him’ and ‘someone who’s volatile, short-tempered, and sullen after living in a foster home most his life’ are just as bad of a combination as you’d expect. dailon gets himself into a lot of trouble, and is an overall very self-centered prick, but we’ll get more on that in a bit.
HELL FAMILY...2!!! that’s the last of the families to cover, buuuut there are still some other names on that list - mostly connected to dailon. this is REAL “just going on in the background” shit that you also do not need to know whatsoever (except for mitzi she’s pretty important she’s just down here for organization purposes) - i just like to play god and make characters get into drama.
[tw: cheating, unhealthy relationships, stalking]
mitzi “moon” altberg, 23 - achilles must feel very far away by now, but we’re back to him for a second! mitzi is his ex-girlfriend he met online, a fan-to-employee-to-lover and one of the maybe two people outside of the family achilles has shown his real face to. however, achilles growing up deeply unstable - between his parents’ abuse, having spotlights on him and adoring fans both as icarus’ body double and as a streamer, and in general not really growing up to be any kind of well developed human being - made this relationship a complete disaster. he grew obsessive and controlling - and when she tried to ignore him, he broke his one rule (to never go outside without permission) to find the hotel she was staying at in real life and show up to confront her. the incident was completely covered up, both by the nocturnes and with their connections, and so mitzi was forced to stay silent. this entire thing is based on this song! as time heals wounds, though, mitzi will end up doing pretty well for herself and putting achilles behind her - even getting a new boyfriend, jared!
reynard fiala, 20 - dailon’s (ex-)boyfriend, who he’s enraveled in his own weird soap opera subplot with. reynard is a relatively chill person, with an interest in art and taxidermy - just as morbid as dailon’s brother, but in a more. Normal way. genuinely a sweetheart who does not deserve what happens to them: getting cheated on with dailon’s best friend. yipes^2! while it's earth shattering in the moment, all reynard will really want to do come some time to process is to move on and for him and dailon both to heal in peace... far away from eachother (which is easier said than done since taddeo thinks reynard is super cool and loves having him over, the awkwardness between them and his brother be damned)
jared summers, 21 - the most normal person here. a longterm best friend of dailon’s, and yes, the very same one i just mentioned. he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer - what we in the industry would call a himbo if his dumbassery didn’t cause very real damage - who had been pining for dailon for years and him dating was no deterrent, and dailon, thinking the world revolves around him as he tends to do, accepted jared’s confession so they just kinda started dating on the side. jared has the moral backbone of a pool noodle, and even after it causes dailon’s relationship with reynard to fall apart, will need a wholeass intervention to be staged to make them both realize just how shitty they’re being. after that, though, jared will end that mess and be on his way to becoming a better person himself - with the help of a sweet girl he’s met online.
jared and mitzi dating in the future is the most contrived thing on the planet but just hear me out that it’ll be HILARIOUS for achilles to check in on his ex-girlfriend and find she’s dating his cousin’s best friend, who said cousin was apparently dating on the side. very small world, it is. 
anyway, thank you if you’ve somehow stuck around to read this entire thing - this isn’t even getting into jeremie’s half of this whole ordeal, which includes some of these fellas’ friends and partners, as well as more crazy rich people nonsense. it’s been very fun to think about and i do love it all dearly, even if putting it all together it’s SUCH a mess.
we don’t intend to make anything Legit out of this, it’s honestly just a fun way to pass the time. it’s the adult equivalent of playing dollhouse. in our minds this is like a 20 season soap opera but actually explaining it to other people it’s just like this
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but thank you again for letting me babble i hope it was somewhat entertaining! and again, godspeed if you managed to read this much XD
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tk-productions · 3 years
Mystic Sisters- Ch.19 Trader
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Hikari’s pov
It was a few days later and we were still in Yokohama. Yua went to get breakfast from the convenient store while I packed up the rest of my stuff. After Yua’s dream a few days ago we thought it was best to find out what this castle was that we kept seeing. We were headed to Yokosuka. It might bold a clue to us and powers. I tried contacting Saki but I couldn’t get a hold of her. When I last talked to her, that's where she told us to go. We still haven't heard from anyone. It had been days and our parents still haven't called. They probably don’t care at this point. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and braided my hair into two braids. Akio's hat still laid on the counter.
"Well since I still have it and it's cold I might as well wear it" I grinned and slipped the hat over my head. I don’t know why I was obsessed with him and his hat. Did I really just say that? That I was obsessed with him? According to Yua I was but I wouldn’t call it that.
"Im back!" Yua yelled. She was sitting the food on the little table we had in the room.
"Are you done packing?" she asked, sitting my food in front of me. I nodded unwrapping my onigiri. “I brought some more water since someone drank a gallon of water by herself.”
“I’ve been thirsty. Leave me alone.” We quickly ate so we could catch our train. Knowing how long it takes Yua we still might be late.
“When we get there I'll try contacting Saki again.” I told her once we got to the train surprisingly on time.
“If she doesn't answer we’ll stay in Yokosuka until we can reach her.”
Luckily it was only a 30 minute train ride and the train wasn't too packed. I shivered feeling a cold breeze. The same way I felt When Akio was around. I looked at Yua to see if she noticed too but she was too busy listening to music on her phone. Once we got off I felt another cold breeze. Quickly turning around I expected to see Akio like usual but he wasn't there. No one was.
"What's up?" Yua asked after I turned back around.
"Nothing let's go.” I told her grabbing my suitcase walking past her. I swear I felt him around. After dropping off our stuff at the hotel we went to a local ramen shop for lunch. As we walled back I heard my name being called. "Saki?" I said stopping in the tracks.
"Hikari I can't get to you guys right now. I'll come find you just not now. There's something going on. Mom and d-."
"Saki!" I called out, I called her name a few times but she didn't answer. Mom and dad? What was she gonna say?
"She sounded like someone or something was after her. She tried to tell me something but got cut off like last time. "I told Yua who was now standing in front of me.
"We'll just go back to the hotel or go to our grandparents since dad made it obvious he doesn't want us home.” She told me. I nodded grabbing her hand. I looked past my sister staring off into the distance. I could feel him nearly. This time I knew he was here. But where?
"What's wrong? she asked, grabbing my cheeks forcing me to look at her.
"He's here"I said blankly.
"Well Akio was right. You were easy to find."
Yua quickly turned around and Akio and his friend were there.So he was here earlier.
For a second I could have sworn he smiled at me but when I looked closer he still had the same blank look on his face. Akio and I stared at each other, not breaking eye contact until Yua spoke up.
"How the hell did you find us? We're not even in Tokyo any more.”
“Just because you left Tokyo doesn’t mean we couldn't find you.” The older boy pointed at the hat I was wearing. “That belongs to my brother little girl.”
I sucked in my breath and was shocked. “Excuse me I am not little!” I said stomping my feet.
Akio smirked at my reaction. The other boy looked at me and then at Akio. “I guess she’s your type.”
Akio looked insulted. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? What are you tryna say Riyoshi?”
“Oh nothing, don't get all butt hurt now.”
“So your names Riyoshi?” Yua questioned.
“That Princess is none of your business.” Riyoshi told Yua “However you should be worried about your boyfriend though I left a pretty big scar on his face.”
“Try his whole body.” Akio chimed in, chuckling. “Don’t downplay it man you nearly killed that guy.”
“Yea but he can die later he’s not our mission.”
“Y'all are really too handsome for this shit. What’s so important about us?”
Riyoshi seemed to find that amusing while Akio just stood there.
“Well isn’t this a nice surprise .” Says an unknown guy walking up.
“And you are?” Yua asked
“My name is --
“Irrelevant. We're busy, go away.” Yua snapped.
“Right we don't need anymore weirdo’s here.” I said.
“You little bitches. First off my name is Levi.” Levi was definitely triggered.
“Who are you calling weird?” Akio and Riyoshi said in unison.
I ignored them and looked at my sister. “This is getting bad very fast. Let's get the hell out of here.”
“You really think we have a chance there's three of them. Stay put!”
“Looks like they can communicate by just looking at each other. Interesting.”
“It’s called telepathy dumb ass.” Riyoshi shot at Levi.
I decided it was time to shoot some fire and make a break for it since they obviously weren't paying attention at the moment.
“Yua throw that car and i'll blow it up, decent distraction don’t you think?”
“We're sister’s for a reason. Let's do it on 3.”
“1” I started.
“2” Yua followed.
“3!” We said aloud. Catching the boy's attention but the plan was already in effect.
Yua used her powers and tossed a car in their direction and I shot a fireball at it causing it to explode. Yua grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could and I was happy because I still had my hat. He shouldn’t have given it to me, it's mine now.
We made it to a nearby ally before Riyoshi literally jumped off of a building and landed in front if us with Akio right behind him. “Damn not gonna lie that was a little hot.” Riyoshi said basically giving my sister the eye.
“Wow you're trying to kidnap us and you're flirting at the same time. You and my sister are made for each other.”
“Hikari now is not the time to promote my antics.” Yua snapped.
“I thought it was pretty funny.” Riyoshi answered.
“What is happening right now?” I asked very confused.
“What’s happening is these idiots have betrayed the VHA.”
“The fuck are you talking about?” Riyoshi said darkly.
“Oh yea when your little brother here saved his little girlfriend I caught it all on camera and showed it to Amelia.” Levi said with a big smirk on his face. “Long story short your public enemy number one now. Both of you. Amelia was so hurt when she watched the video. She couldn’t believe that two boys she practically raised would turn on her and choose to side with the enemy. You know her policy on loyalty right? Since you betrayed her everyone at the VHA will be coming after you. You two aren't welcome back. You're at the top of the blacklist. ” Levi said walking closer to the boys patted me on my shoulder. “Nice job brat you just got your friends here killed.”
Before I or Levi could react Levi was flying backwards as Akio kicked him with the utmost force. Yua and I jumped both our eyes turning white in shock.
It didn’t stop their as Riyoshi grabbed Akio by the back of his collar pulling him back so he could face him. “Seriously Akio?”
“I swear my body moved on it’s own.” Akio explained.
Suddenly 6 more guys showed up and we were surrounded but luckily we knew how to fight. Yua and I got into defensive positions back to back.
Riyoshi Pov
“Well since we were considered traders anyway might as well help them fight. But I will deal with you later.” I said to Akio, giving him the deadliest glare I had. It worked. He looked like he saw a ghost. Since the VHA turned on us we would have to run. Getting caught and brought back to Amelia would be worse than being on the blacklist. Amelia kept a list of people that have wronged her or weren’t loyal to the VHA. If you were to get caught after being blacklisted then she would make your life hell. Because of an incident that happened before Amelia started putting kill chips in us so that way if someone turned on the VHA the other members would kill that person on sight.
I didn’t have my wooden bullets but I had regular one’s and they definitely would work on halflings. Quickly loading my gun I saw Akio pull out his sword and I knew he was serious about this girl right then and there.
“Go do your thing i’ll cover for you.” I told Akio and he took off slicing two of the guys in seconds. He didn’t need my help but I heard a squeal. It was Yua turning my attention to her. She was ok but Hikari was struggling and her goal was to protect her sister. One of the boys came charging at them. Hikari waved her hands in front of her causing the boy to turn into ice. He stood there frozen until Yua ran up to him punching him causing his body to shatter into pieces. While Akio went for Levi I ended up doing three headshots killing them instantly since they weren't worth my energy.
“Aghhhh.” I looked up to see Levi running for his life and Akio chasing him with his sword like a mad man.
“Akio!” he stopped and looked at me confused “Leave him be. Let's go. More members will be here any second!” I then looked towards the girls who were standing around catching their breath.“ You too since you're the ones who got us in this mess.” I walked away Akio right behind me. The girls are reluctant but they followed nonetheless.
“This is Bullshit.” I said to myself as I tried to think of my next step on how to approach this crazy ass situation.  
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legion1993 · 4 years
We Are What????
Tumblr media
Title: we are what????
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff sq: long lost sibling
Tags: tabooo, long lost brother and long lost sister loosing virginity to eachother, long lost brother and long lost sister married in vegas, long lost siblings learning the truth after its too late, long lost sibling sex
rating: 18+
summery: not telling
created for @spnfluffbingo​
fluff 2020 masterlist
it had been the best vacation, it had been the best vacation you had taken to date. the events went as follows: 
you were on vacation this was well deserved, this was your 3 weeks away from the busy of running your own business.
 your co ceo thought you deserved a vacation after you worked your ass off for almost 3 years to get your company to where it is today.
 you were in Vegas, you were gonna dance, gamble, and drink and just enjoy yourself. You were now 5 days into your vacation and sitting at one of the blackjack tables you meet a very interesting opponent.
 YN: “do you come here often?”
 jensen: “nope I can only come here when my brother is home to watch the place. I’m Jensen by the way but everyone calls me Jay.”
 YN: “YN it’s nice to meet you. Do you normally play blackjack?”
 Jensen could only laugh as he played his turn.
Jensen: “no normally I play poker but I figured I’d switch it up. I’ll stand. So YN what brings you to Vegas other than obviously to get your butt kicked at blackjack.”
 YN: “I’ll stand as well. My Co ceo of my company thought I could use a vacation after 3 years of building the company non stop. So she sent me here to have the time of my life for 3 weeks with possibility of extension.” 
the dealer: “reveal your hands one at a time.”
jensen reveals a hand of 19. You smile darkly.
YN: “I hope your not too disappointed with this.” 
You say as you reveal your hand to be 21.
YN: “blackjack. I win!”
the dealer: “congratulations to YN our winner for the 5th night in a row. Do you want to cash out or do you want to bank for more play time later?”
yN: “I’ll bank I owe my opponent an apology drink!”
that was your first mistake. After several drinks you both were hammered. Walking back to the hotel cause through the drinking you both discovered that you were staying in the same hotel. 
you stopped at the wedding chapel. You both went to get ready and graciously paid the people for their service.
officiant: “Jensen and YN you have come here tonight to be joined in the eyes of God and the church. You may say your vows when your ready.”
Jensen takes your ring and slides it on your finger. 
Jensen: "YN I've only known you a few short moments but it feels like a lifetime. It feels like destiny. I promise to evermore love, honor. Cherish and protect thee now and evermore!" 
you took Jensen's ring and placed it on his finger.
yN: "Jensen, I feel the exact same way and I know that right now we are probably doing something that when morrow light breaks through will seem like a bad idea but I now and ever more will love honor cherish and protect thee forever with all my being!"
officiant: "then I hear by pronounce you husband and wife. Jensen you may kiss your bride!"
Jensen dipped you as he kissed you. Then you both signed some papers and were led to where both your bags were on a trolley and being taken to the honeymoon suite. 
graciously tipping the bellboy who loaded the bags into the doorway for you both and then left. Jensen picked you up bridal style and tis is how you lost your virginity.
Jensen and you tore each other's clothes off then while he had you pinned against the wall, he slid his cock into your pussy.
pounding you against the wall, in the shower, in the kitchenette, on the table, on the couch, on the floor and finally on the bed. Yes you both christened that honeymoon suite. 
for the next morning at yonder Light breaks through the window. you both woke to an array of feathers everywhere you both were snuggled together and then it sunk in. Both of you sitting straight up and looking around the room.
jensen: "what happened last night?" 
yN: "I remember the blackjack game and nothing after."
that's when you looked at your finger... Holding it up for Jensen to see.
yN: "clearly something else happened last night. Cause I don't remember getting married."
jensen: "let's think rationally now. Is it really so bad honestly come on let's at least see what we can be as a couple before we jump to any conclusions. How bout this I'll go hone with you once we are done in Vegas and we will figure us out."
yN: "sounds good to me plus you are hot I'm not surprised either way that I married you." 
Jensen could only laugh as he ushered for you to come back to the bed.  You went back to the bed, Jensen's strong embrace wrapping around you immediately. You sat on his lap his hands roaming cross your skin. 
Jensen: "now let's enjoy our honeymoon and make some magic of our own."
YN: "shouldn't we eat?"
 Jensen: "we will order room service after we finish waking up. I say we clean up the place a bit and take a shower then call room service."
YN: "clean a bit first, then shower cause it makes no sense to shower then clean. Oh I should warn you thaw t my place is new and needs a bit of reno work…"
Jensen could only laugh. 
Jensen: "that's okay it will be an amazing starter home for us or at least till we figure us out."
You went to your phone and connected to the Bluetooth speaker in the room. You played your Playlist as you and Jensen got to work. Cleaning, dancing, singing. Taking a shower you went in first Jensen called room service then joined you. 
Things starting to slowly feel normal. Throughout the rest of the vacation you both spent time at the casino, doing shopping, both of you taking full honeymoon advantage.
 The flight home was alot more enjoyable with someone to spend it with, you slept on his shoulder and he used your head as a rest spot as well his arm was around your shoulder.
 It was the most comfortable ride of your life. The arrival back on your home soil was a relief to see that it was still busy beyond compare. You went and picked up your car (black 2019 Dodge Challenger) from the parking valet. 
Jensen: "she is a beauty." 
YN: "the GPS is already programed to take us home. Do you want to drive?" 
Jensen perked up when he got back to you after having taken a lap round the car. He smiled. 
Jensen: "I would love to but I have to ask how the hell did you afford this?" 
YN: "Perk of having my own business and on top of that perk of being the world's best selling brand of sunglasses. Now get in and start her up!" 
Jensen and you both got into the car and jensen took a breath as he started the engine. Jensen ran his fingers over the steering wheel and just completely fell in love with your baby.
 Jensen: "damn YN she is a beauty. Now let's hear her purr."
 Jensen sticks your car in drive and slowly brings you both out of the parade. Once the speed sign showed that he could go 60 he stuck you baby in gear and took off. he knew to obey the rules of the road but he still had fun with it.
 Along the way your Playlist silently played in the background as you and Jensen played 20 questions. The more you both talked and the questions answered the more you both felt like you could actually pull this off, but of course you weren't gonna say anything. 
Jensen: "this neighborhood is beautiful. How much further to your place?" 
YN: "3 more blocks then it will be number 344 on your left."
 Jensen slowly drove down the blocks he smiled to himself the thought that he was married and to a woman who makes the most amazing sunglasses. His hand remained in the wheel and the shifter but your hand floated to rest in his hand.
 Arriving at your house in a matter of moments you noticed another car in the driveway that was not familiar to you. 
YN: "that car doesnt belong to me.. someone unexpected is here."
Jensen: "relax YN lets grab the bags and walk to the door im sure its nothing to worry about."
Grabbing the bags you both went up to the front door, you saw it was open a crack… You both slowly walked inside.
 YN: "hello, whoever is in here this house is owned…" 
Steps came from the basement and down the kitchen floor standing now in the doorway to your kitchen was your mom.
 Sheila: "surprise!" 
You dropped your bags and ran into the embrace of the person who had sat there with you while you cried about your loveless life. 
Yn: "I thought you weren't coming for a few weeks." 
Sheila: "yes well when we last spoke you said you wanted to do some renovations on the house. But that you were gonna do that on your own after you got back from your trip. So i decided that i would be here when you got back to surprise you… dad thought you could use the help and if he wasnt busy running the store back home he would be here too…"
You and your mom oulled back when Jensen cleared his throat clearly wanting to get your attention. You pulldd back from your mom and went back to jensen. Who now extended his hand towards your mom.
 Jensen: "ma'am my name is Jensen i am your daughters husband well kinda we…"
Yn: "twas a drunken wedding in vegas and one thing led to a really amazing vacation plus he is a loyal customer for my sunglasses. So i brought him home so we could see if we want to remain married or divorce. I gues thats my surprise as well… im really glad your here mom."
Sheila shoke jensens hand and then smiled as she heard a timer go off. 
Sheila: "go on take your stuff to your room dears. ill do it all for you both not to worry. Now go upstairs and make sure only your laundry comes down to the laundry room.. lunch will be ready soon!"
You and jensen with your bags go upstairs to your room. Your king bed and furniture exactly how you left it. 
Jensen: "renovations huh?"
Yn: "ya some painting and replacing carpet with laminate type thing. Paint every room in this house a different color depending on what the room is. Laminate to match each room. Im ambitious. Also restain the deck leading to the pool in the back. The pool cleaner and the lawn tendants should have been by and if not yet they will be by later. Running my own company comes with perks. Sorry im ramblin."
Jensen: "its alright i think its kinda cute. Now when do we get started on these renovations?"
You smile as you  go to grab your laundry basket for yours and jensens clothes.
YN: "soon as i go pick up the paint i picked out what colors i wanted for each room before i left but now that im back i can get them and start painting and shifting stuff around and and and."
You now put your hands on the bed as you just stood there. 
You were way passed overwhelmed, this made way for Jensen who had just finished getting settled in throwing his dirty clothes in the basket before coming up behind you wraping his arms around you like it was normal. 
Jensen: “dont get worked up as part of seeing all we can be ill help you renovate the house. Tomorrow we will pick up the paint and whatever else we think we will need and we will be fine. For now lets get this laundry pile put together and taken down to your mom. Then you can show me kinda what needs to be moved and where it needs to be moved to for each room to be set up so it can be painted and then we will get the floors done once everything is painted. Room by room. This house will be prestige when we are done. It will reflect the woman you are. And i look forward to renovating this home with you.”
You smiled. As you threw several more things into the basket, then you came across the wedding attire that you both realized might need to be dry cleaned instead. 
You put them off to the side and decided that you would hand them to your assistant the next time you would see her. You were not okay still, you had a lurking strange feeling in your stomach that something was terribly wrong. 
Jensen was hot, sure neither of you rememebred anything except for what you all were told by the staff. You were now sure that something was wrong. It was something in Jensen’s eyes and nature that made your mind question what was happening right then.
 But you ignored it, you felt happier than you had in ages. 
YN: “ya i guess your right. Now lets go down to mom before she decides to think degenerates of us.”
Jensen: “technically we are married degenerates. But your right as well. Lets go.”
Jensen carried the basket following you as you both walked back downstairs. You showed him where to place the laundry basket then both of you went into the living room. 
Your eyes floated to the table to the stack of coupons and various packages and other mail items on the coffee table in the living room. 
Jensen: “damn girl are you always that popular?”
YN: “yep every day… but this is from the passed month excluding todays cause it doesnt come for another hour. This will be fun. Would you like to help me open this massive pile of whatever is in here?”
Jensen: “do you have a letter opener?”
You go over to the kitchen to your junk drawer and come back with your personalized black canary letter opener… you handed it to Jensen who marveled it for a few moments before kneeling down beside you as you proceeded to organize the mail into piles.
 Jensen: “i hope one day soon to be moved in here permenantly with you. Honestly i feel so happy and we are probably gonna be expecting before we know it with how much we did not leave the bed during our time in Vegas…”
You smiled at that thought. You a mother how much of a quaint little idea that was. Damn your babies would be lookers. Jensen started with the parcels he opened them one at a time then you would go into the parcel and pull out whatever was inside.
Jensen: “i know you are thinking, you make this face when your focused or thinking i noticed it first when you were answering your emails and such while we were in vegas. Are you okay?”
YN: “hmm… yeah im okay just doing some planning in my head. Usually how i open my mail. Im sorry ive been so quiet.”
Jensen put his arm around your shoulder before you had finished speaking.
Jensen: “its all good i know you have alot on your plate. Just dont be afraid to talk to me if you ever want to.”
YN: "thank you. Now let's finish going through the mail and then I need to conference call with my assistant to make sure our week is on track."
Jensen smiled he could not believe that you were the one who made such amazing sun glasses! They were literally his favorite pair. You were the embodiment of grace and beauty,  from Jensen's point of view you were an angel.You spent the rest of the day showing jensen how your life works. 
Your mom ordered chinese for dinner with extra for left overs for the next few days. That was fine. Renovations went amazing! The next month was about getting settled in, sure the renos took longer but that was perfectly fine.
 A room a week, the flooring would be done later.. once everything was painted. Jensen and you sat in on a few confrence calls from the house during the renos and then you decided to show jensen the company and how it works make him your temp secretary while you gave your current one the month off.
 You woke up however one morning feeling off. You went to the bathroom and went through your morning work routine, shower, do your hair, make out with jensen. But this one morning you felt all bloated and gross.
 You got into the shower and thats when it happened you got that nauseous feeling. The words "oh shit" went through your head as just as you knelt down beneath the waters flow you threw up instantly.
 It was 5 minutes later that you were finally able to speak enough.
YN: "jensen…"
Footsteps were heard, jensen knew your routine, this was unusual. He came into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain to reveal you knelt down and a small pile of slowly washing awake puke. He shut off the shower head but kept the water flowing.
 Jensen: "what happened?"
YN: "i was feeling off, but i didnt think i would vomit, can you call xavier and tell him that he has to handle everything today im not going in."
Jensen: "let me get you out of there after i help you clean all the vomit off and wash your hair, then ill clean the bathtub and then ill spend the entire day waiting on my girl!"
This was the first time that Jensen had used a pet name for you or referred to you as something other than YN. This was a good sign meant he was getting used to the idea but so were you for you were putty in Jensen's arms not cause of the nausea but cause of how he made you feel. 
You watched as he cleaned the bathtub, wiped up the water off the ground, sprayed febreeze in the bathroom. You were not okay but you felt something new. 
Another month would pass before this would ever occur again. Sure enough it did this time at work. Jensen against your pleading took you to the hospital. You were pleading that you were okay and didn't need it but you kept being shot down.
 The doctors took blood work, had you peee in a cup, hooked you to a iv drip. They were doing everything they could think of. Till the doctor came in the room with a nurse with an ultrasound machine.
 Doctor: "we are just gonna make sure everything is good with your abdomen. Don't worry bout a thing. It's painless. I'm just gonna unzip your jeans a bit and then lift your shirt a bit so I can put the jelly on."
 You and Jensen complied never expecting this as a possible outcome. Never suspecting that this would be the moment you would be within the grasp of several doctors all of whom have looked after you since you were a child. 
Doc: "ok lets see what this shows. And if anything else i would like to run dna matches on both of you. Just a precautionary measure. Nothing to… oh well this is definately the source… tell me YN when was your last period?"
You had to think about that cause you last had it during the vegas trip. Good thing showers exist… but anyway you were sure you knew the answer but you complied anyway.
YN: "I think it was during my Vegas trip but doc please tell me what is going on…"
Doctor turns the monitor to face you and Jensen whose face along with yours goes pale white. 
Doctor: "congratulations your pregnant! But I want to run a blood sample on both of you to find out why there was an abnormality in your blood work."
Jensen and you get blood drawn while the fact that you were expecting a child while not even sure yet if your marriage would last. 
Jensen: "what abnormality could be in your blood work?" 
YN: "that's what you choose to discuss, not the fact that we are pregnant?" 
Jensen: "I'm shocked probably as much as you but right now I want to address that I am thrilled about this baby. Even if we haven't figured us out we are parents to a brand new life we created in this short period together. I could not think of a better way to spend the rest of my life than with you and this child."
That of course is when the doctor returned. 
Doctor: "so you both are the correct parents of this child but the abnormality in both your blood works showed several similar strands of DNA. You are siblings more specifically twins."
This made Jensen and you drop your Jaws, neither of you were expecting the news about the baby, but now finding out your siblings well that made you both shocked as fuck.
Doctor: "judging the reactions crossing both your features I am gonna gather that you both knew not of this."
Jensen: "are we done here can we go home now?"
 Doctor: "of course just be sure to come back in 4 months for another check up for the baby. And congratulations as well as I'm sorry."
 The doctor left, you and Jensen took all the stuff, now in the car with the papers of both results had to now find a way to break both news to your mother. Never thinking that anyone else would be at the house when your arrival home came round. 
You pulled into the driveway, both of you holding the file with both sets of results. Walked inside to see not only your mom but your best friend and your father as well, your best friend ran straight for you as you did her, then you let her go and was immediately embraced by your father.
 YN: "can everyone sit down and jensen will grab you all something strong to drink while we tell you something we just found out."
Jensen goes and pours some drinks for your father, mother and best friend as you both sit in front of them and begin the confrontation of a lifetime.Jensen: "for those who don't know me that I am meeting for the first time I'm Jensen YN is my wife. YN got a little sick at work so we just got back from the hospital. We found out 2 things while there."
Yn: "mom dad was there another child that you guys had along side me… Like am I a twin?" 
Sheila: "yes you are, I am ashamed that you are just finding this out now. I never thought you would. We had to make a choice when you and your brother were born money was a luxury we didn't have a lot of. We could only afford to keep one of you so we made sure your brother got adopted into a good family who would give him the life he deserved. We kept you cause we always wanted a girl. Why do you ask?"
You pull out the DNA match results between you and Jensen and hand it to your parents. They look at the paper and immediately look at Jensen they begin to shed tears of joy toasting to Jensen the prodigal son!
 But you both still had to tell them the other news. You were gonna let Jensen take this one cause you were still shocked to say the other set of news…
 Frank: "what's your other set of news? Also what happens to your marriage now with this news as I assume you both have done the deed together…?"
 Jensen: "dad, mom cause we did the deed and this entire marriage thing, consequences flurished before we found out about us being twins. We have to say we are still in shock but we are willing to make things work if you guys agree to help us…"
Jensen hands them the second set of results. You feel your hand drop to your belly Jensen's on top of yous as they look at those results. Your best friend doesn't look at the results cause she could tell from the moment she saw you.. 
Talia: "I'm gonna be an aunt yippee!!!" 
Sheila: "Talia can you please give us a few moments to speak with our children alone."
Talia: "of course."
 Talia leaves the room not straying too far so she can hear everything.
 Sheila: "Jensen we are so happy you have found your way back into our lives. We hope you come to accept us as your parents and not as those that gave you up…" 
Frank: "we understand the lure that you both had to eachother I mean you both look like supermodels good looks and all. Though we don't entirely approve of the way you came back into our lives son. We are proud of the strong people you both have become. YN my daughter we are honored to be your parents and now the grandparents to this grand baby that will grace this world soon!"
Sheila: "we are a family again!"
Jensen and you hug it out with your parents as you leave their embrace to go and sit on the steps with your best friend.
 Talia: "so you married your long lost twin brother?"
 YN: "drunk married my long lost twin yes but in our defense we were plastered. Neither of us were thinking straight and we didn't know we were siblings."
Talia: "how long till I get to meet my niece or nephew?" 
YN: "7 months but in my defense neither me nor Jensen nor anyone else  get to find out the gender for another 4 months. But how would closer to the due date you like to become a hired live in nanny type person just to help out around here once the baby is born what do you say sis?"
Talia just hugs you both of you just sitting there perfect harmony while Jensen is with your parents in the living room filling them in on his upbringing and stuff like that. 
You were sitting there with your best friend reminiscing on a time when things were simpler..You both were called back into the room at that moment. Re-entering the room you go to stand beside your husband/twin brother.
Frank: “after so long we are a whole family again. Now our family is expanding and we are so grateful to have the opportunity to be with you all. Jensen, YN though the circumstances under which you met were not ideal, you both are not shunned, not disregarded in any way shape or form. You both did right in the eyes of god and the church. It is only fit that we offer to help you both in any way we possibly can with the preparations for the arrival of the baby. To Yn and Jensen may the odds be ever in your favor…”
This was now the time when you regretted showing your father the hunger games! But the toasts flew in and chinese was ordered, everyone except you drank. What happened after that is you and your twin brother husband person thing lived happily ever after.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Title: we are what????
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff sq: long lost sibling
H&H sq: reverse!verse
Tags: tabooo, long lost brother and long lost sister loosing virginity to eachother, long lost brother and long lost sister married in vegas, long lost siblings learning the truth after its too late, long lost sibling sex
rating: 18+
summery: not telling
created for @spnfluffbingo​ @heavenandhellbingo​
fluff 2020 masterlist   heaven and hell 2020
it had been the best vacation, it had been the best vacation you had taken to date. the events went as follows: 
you were on vacation this was well deserved, this was your 3 weeks away from the busy of running your own business.
 your co ceo thought you deserved a vacation after you worked your ass off for almost 3 years to get your company to where it is today.
 you were in Vegas, you were gonna dance, gamble, and drink and just enjoy yourself. You were now 5 days into your vacation and sitting at one of the blackjack tables you meet a very interesting opponent.
 YN: “do you come here often?”
 jensen: “nope I can only come here when my brother is home to watch the place. I’m Jensen by the way but everyone calls me Jay.”
 YN: “YN it’s nice to meet you. Do you normally play blackjack?”
 Jensen could only laugh as he played his turn.
Jensen: “no normally I play poker but I figured I’d switch it up. I’ll stand. So YN what brings you to Vegas other than obviously to get your butt kicked at blackjack.”
 YN: “I’ll stand as well. My Co ceo of my company thought I could use a vacation after 3 years of building the company non stop. So she sent me here to have the time of my life for 3 weeks with possibility of extension.” 
the dealer: “reveal your hands one at a time.”
jensen reveals a hand of 19. You smile darkly.
YN: “I hope your not too disappointed with this.” 
You say as you reveal your hand to be 21.
YN: “blackjack. I win!”
the dealer: “congratulations to YN our winner for the 5th night in a row. Do you want to cash out or do you want to bank for more play time later?”
yN: “I’ll bank I owe my opponent an apology drink!”
that was your first mistake. After several drinks you both were hammered. Walking back to the hotel cause through the drinking you both discovered that you were staying in the same hotel. 
you stopped at the wedding chapel. You both went to get ready and graciously paid the people for their service.
officiant: “Jensen and YN you have come here tonight to be joined in the eyes of God and the church. You may say your vows when your ready.”
Jensen takes your ring and slides it on your finger. 
Jensen: "YN I've only known you a few short moments but it feels like a lifetime. It feels like destiny. I promise to evermore love, honor. Cherish and protect thee now and evermore!" 
you took Jensen's ring and placed it on his finger.
yN: "Jensen, I feel the exact same way and I know that right now we are probably doing something that when morrow light breaks through will seem like a bad idea but I now and ever more will love honor cherish and protect thee forever with all my being!"
officiant: "then I hear by pronounce you husband and wife. Jensen you may kiss your bride!"
Jensen dipped you as he kissed you. Then you both signed some papers and were led to where both your bags were on a trolley and being taken to the honeymoon suite. 
graciously tipping the bellboy who loaded the bags into the doorway for you both and then left. Jensen picked you up bridal style and tis is how you lost your virginity.
Jensen and you tore each other's clothes off then while he had you pinned against the wall, he slid his cock into your pussy.
pounding you against the wall, in the shower, in the kitchenette, on the table, on the couch, on the floor and finally on the bed. Yes you both christened that honeymoon suite. 
for the next morning at yonder Light breaks through the window. you both woke to an array of feathers everywhere you both were snuggled together and then it sunk in. Both of you sitting straight up and looking around the room.
jensen: "what happened last night?" 
yN: "I remember the blackjack game and nothing after."
that's when you looked at your finger... Holding it up for Jensen to see.
yN: "clearly something else happened last night. Cause I don't remember getting married."
jensen: "let's think rationally now. Is it really so bad honestly come on let's at least see what we can be as a couple before we jump to any conclusions. How bout this I'll go hone with you once we are done in Vegas and we will figure us out."
yN: "sounds good to me plus you are hot I'm not surprised either way that I married you." 
Jensen could only laugh as he ushered for you to come back to the bed.  You went back to the bed, Jensen's strong embrace wrapping around you immediately. You sat on his lap his hands roaming cross your skin. 
Jensen: "now let's enjoy our honeymoon and make some magic of our own."
YN: "shouldn't we eat?"
 Jensen: "we will order room service after we finish waking up. I say we clean up the place a bit and take a shower then call room service."
YN: "clean a bit first, then shower cause it makes no sense to shower then clean. Oh I should warn you thaw t my place is new and needs a bit of reno work…"
Jensen could only laugh. 
Jensen: "that's okay it will be an amazing starter home for us or at least till we figure us out."
You went to your phone and connected to the Bluetooth speaker in the room. You played your Playlist as you and Jensen got to work. Cleaning, dancing, singing. Taking a shower you went in first Jensen called room service then joined you. 
Things starting to slowly feel normal. Throughout the rest of the vacation you both spent time at the casino, doing shopping, both of you taking full honeymoon advantage.
 The flight home was alot more enjoyable with someone to spend it with, you slept on his shoulder and he used your head as a rest spot as well his arm was around your shoulder.
 It was the most comfortable ride of your life. The arrival back on your home soil was a relief to see that it was still busy beyond compare. You went and picked up your car (black 2019 Dodge Challenger) from the parking valet. 
Jensen: "she is a beauty." 
YN: "the GPS is already programed to take us home. Do you want to drive?" 
Jensen perked up when he got back to you after having taken a lap round the car. He smiled. 
Jensen: "I would love to but I have to ask how the hell did you afford this?" 
YN: "Perk of having my own business and on top of that perk of being the world's best selling brand of sunglasses. Now get in and start her up!" 
Jensen and you both got into the car and jensen took a breath as he started the engine. Jensen ran his fingers over the steering wheel and just completely fell in love with your baby.
 Jensen: "damn YN she is a beauty. Now let's hear her purr."
 Jensen sticks your car in drive and slowly brings you both out of the parade. Once the speed sign showed that he could go 60 he stuck you baby in gear and took off. he knew to obey the rules of the road but he still had fun with it.
 Along the way your Playlist silently played in the background as you and Jensen played 20 questions. The more you both talked and the questions answered the more you both felt like you could actually pull this off, but of course you weren't gonna say anything. 
Jensen: "this neighborhood is beautiful. How much further to your place?" 
YN: "3 more blocks then it will be number 344 on your left."
 Jensen slowly drove down the blocks he smiled to himself the thought that he was married and to a woman who makes the most amazing sunglasses. His hand remained in the wheel and the shifter but your hand floated to rest in his hand.
 Arriving at your house in a matter of moments you noticed another car in the driveway that was not familiar to you. 
YN: "that car doesnt belong to me.. someone unexpected is here."
Jensen: "relax YN lets grab the bags and walk to the door im sure its nothing to worry about."
Grabbing the bags you both went up to the front door, you saw it was open a crack… You both slowly walked inside.
 YN: "hello, whoever is in here this house is owned…" 
Steps came from the basement and down the kitchen floor standing now in the doorway to your kitchen was your mom.
 Sheila: "surprise!" 
You dropped your bags and ran into the embrace of the person who had sat there with you while you cried about your loveless life. 
Yn: "I thought you weren't coming for a few weeks." 
Sheila: "yes well when we last spoke you said you wanted to do some renovations on the house. But that you were gonna do that on your own after you got back from your trip. So i decided that i would be here when you got back to surprise you… dad thought you could use the help and if he wasnt busy running the store back home he would be here too…"
You and your mom oulled back when Jensen cleared his throat clearly wanting to get your attention. You pulldd back from your mom and went back to jensen. Who now extended his hand towards your mom.
 Jensen: "ma'am my name is Jensen i am your daughters husband well kinda we…"
Yn: "twas a drunken wedding in vegas and one thing led to a really amazing vacation plus he is a loyal customer for my sunglasses. So i brought him home so we could see if we want to remain married or divorce. I gues thats my surprise as well… im really glad your here mom."
Sheila shoke jensens hand and then smiled as she heard a timer go off. 
Sheila: "go on take your stuff to your room dears. ill do it all for you both not to worry. Now go upstairs and make sure only your laundry comes down to the laundry room.. lunch will be ready soon!"
You and jensen with your bags go upstairs to your room. Your king bed and furniture exactly how you left it. 
Jensen: "renovations huh?"
Yn: "ya some painting and replacing carpet with laminate type thing. Paint every room in this house a different color depending on what the room is. Laminate to match each room. Im ambitious. Also restain the deck leading to the pool in the back. The pool cleaner and the lawn tendants should have been by and if not yet they will be by later. Running my own company comes with perks. Sorry im ramblin."
Jensen: "its alright i think its kinda cute. Now when do we get started on these renovations?"
You smile as you  go to grab your laundry basket for yours and jensens clothes.
YN: "soon as i go pick up the paint i picked out what colors i wanted for each room before i left but now that im back i can get them and start painting and shifting stuff around and and and."
You now put your hands on the bed as you just stood there. 
You were way passed overwhelmed, this made way for Jensen who had just finished getting settled in throwing his dirty clothes in the basket before coming up behind you wraping his arms around you like it was normal. 
Jensen: “dont get worked up as part of seeing all we can be ill help you renovate the house. Tomorrow we will pick up the paint and whatever else we think we will need and we will be fine. For now lets get this laundry pile put together and taken down to your mom. Then you can show me kinda what needs to be moved and where it needs to be moved to for each room to be set up so it can be painted and then we will get the floors done once everything is painted. Room by room. This house will be prestige when we are done. It will reflect the woman you are. And i look forward to renovating this home with you.”
You smiled. As you threw several more things into the basket, then you came across the wedding attire that you both realized might need to be dry cleaned instead. 
You put them off to the side and decided that you would hand them to your assistant the next time you would see her. You were not okay still, you had a lurking strange feeling in your stomach that something was terribly wrong. 
Jensen was hot, sure neither of you rememebred anything except for what you all were told by the staff. You were now sure that something was wrong. It was something in Jensen’s eyes and nature that made your mind question what was happening right then.
 But you ignored it, you felt happier than you had in ages. 
YN: “ya i guess your right. Now lets go down to mom before she decides to think degenerates of us.”
Jensen: “technically we are married degenerates. But your right as well. Lets go.”
Jensen carried the basket following you as you both walked back downstairs. You showed him where to place the laundry basket then both of you went into the living room. 
Your eyes floated to the table to the stack of coupons and various packages and other mail items on the coffee table in the living room. 
Jensen: “damn girl are you always that popular?”
YN: “yep every day… but this is from the passed month excluding todays cause it doesnt come for another hour. This will be fun. Would you like to help me open this massive pile of whatever is in here?”
Jensen: “do you have a letter opener?”
You go over to the kitchen to your junk drawer and come back with your personalized black canary letter opener… you handed it to Jensen who marveled it for a few moments before kneeling down beside you as you proceeded to organize the mail into piles.
 Jensen: “i hope one day soon to be moved in here permenantly with you. Honestly i feel so happy and we are probably gonna be expecting before we know it with how much we did not leave the bed during our time in Vegas…”
You smiled at that thought. You a mother how much of a quaint little idea that was. Damn your babies would be lookers. Jensen started with the parcels he opened them one at a time then you would go into the parcel and pull out whatever was inside.
Jensen: “i know you are thinking, you make this face when your focused or thinking i noticed it first when you were answering your emails and such while we were in vegas. Are you okay?”
YN: “hmm… yeah im okay just doing some planning in my head. Usually how i open my mail. Im sorry ive been so quiet.”
Jensen put his arm around your shoulder before you had finished speaking.
Jensen: “its all good i know you have alot on your plate. Just dont be afraid to talk to me if you ever want to.”
YN: "thank you. Now let's finish going through the mail and then I need to conference call with my assistant to make sure our week is on track."
Jensen smiled he could not believe that you were the one who made such amazing sun glasses! They were literally his favorite pair. You were the embodiment of grace and beauty,  from Jensen's point of view you were an angel.You spent the rest of the day showing jensen how your life works. 
Your mom ordered chinese for dinner with extra for left overs for the next few days. That was fine. Renovations went amazing! The next month was about getting settled in, sure the renos took longer but that was perfectly fine.
 A room a week, the flooring would be done later.. once everything was painted. Jensen and you sat in on a few confrence calls from the house during the renos and then you decided to show jensen the company and how it works make him your temp secretary while you gave your current one the month off.
 You woke up however one morning feeling off. You went to the bathroom and went through your morning work routine, shower, do your hair, make out with jensen. But this one morning you felt all bloated and gross.
 You got into the shower and thats when it happened you got that nauseous feeling. The words "oh shit" went through your head as just as you knelt down beneath the waters flow you threw up instantly.
 It was 5 minutes later that you were finally able to speak enough.
YN: "jensen…"
Footsteps were heard, jensen knew your routine, this was unusual. He came into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain to reveal you knelt down and a small pile of slowly washing awake puke. He shut off the shower head but kept the water flowing.
 Jensen: "what happened?"
YN: "i was feeling off, but i didnt think i would vomit, can you call xavier and tell him that he has to handle everything today im not going in."
Jensen: "let me get you out of there after i help you clean all the vomit off and wash your hair, then ill clean the bathtub and then ill spend the entire day waiting on my girl!"
This was the first time that Jensen had used a pet name for you or referred to you as something other than YN. This was a good sign meant he was getting used to the idea but so were you for you were putty in Jensen's arms not cause of the nausea but cause of how he made you feel. 
You watched as he cleaned the bathtub, wiped up the water off the ground, sprayed febreeze in the bathroom. You were not okay but you felt something new. 
Another month would pass before this would ever occur again. Sure enough it did this time at work. Jensen against your pleading took you to the hospital. You were pleading that you were okay and didn't need it but you kept being shot down.
 The doctors took blood work, had you peee in a cup, hooked you to a iv drip. They were doing everything they could think of. Till the doctor came in the room with a nurse with an ultrasound machine.
 Doctor: "we are just gonna make sure everything is good with your abdomen. Don't worry bout a thing. It's painless. I'm just gonna unzip your jeans a bit and then lift your shirt a bit so I can put the jelly on."
 You and Jensen complied never expecting this as a possible outcome. Never suspecting that this would be the moment you would be within the grasp of several doctors all of whom have looked after you since you were a child. 
Doc: "ok lets see what this shows. And if anything else i would like to run dna matches on both of you. Just a precautionary measure. Nothing to… oh well this is definately the source… tell me YN when was your last period?"
You had to think about that cause you last had it during the vegas trip. Good thing showers exist… but anyway you were sure you knew the answer but you complied anyway.
YN: "I think it was during my Vegas trip but doc please tell me what is going on…"
Doctor turns the monitor to face you and Jensen whose face along with yours goes pale white. 
Doctor: "congratulations your pregnant! But I want to run a blood sample on both of you to find out why there was an abnormality in your blood work."
Jensen and you get blood drawn while the fact that you were expecting a child while not even sure yet if your marriage would last. 
Jensen: "what abnormality could be in your blood work?" 
YN: "that's what you choose to discuss, not the fact that we are pregnant?" 
Jensen: "I'm shocked probably as much as you but right now I want to address that I am thrilled about this baby. Even if we haven't figured us out we are parents to a brand new life we created in this short period together. I could not think of a better way to spend the rest of my life than with you and this child."
That of course is when the doctor returned. 
Doctor: "so you both are the correct parents of this child but the abnormality in both your blood works showed several similar strands of DNA. You are siblings more specifically twins."
This made Jensen and you drop your Jaws, neither of you were expecting the news about the baby, but now finding out your siblings well that made you both shocked as fuck.
Doctor: "judging the reactions crossing both your features I am gonna gather that you both knew not of this."
Jensen: "are we done here can we go home now?"
 Doctor: "of course just be sure to come back in 4 months for another check up for the baby. And congratulations as well as I'm sorry."
 The doctor left, you and Jensen took all the stuff, now in the car with the papers of both results had to now find a way to break both news to your mother. Never thinking that anyone else would be at the house when your arrival home came round. 
You pulled into the driveway, both of you holding the file with both sets of results. Walked inside to see not only your mom but your best friend and your father as well, your best friend ran straight for you as you did her, then you let her go and was immediately embraced by your father.
 YN: "can everyone sit down and jensen will grab you all something strong to drink while we tell you something we just found out."
Jensen goes and pours some drinks for your father, mother and best friend as you both sit in front of them and begin the confrontation of a lifetime.Jensen: "for those who don't know me that I am meeting for the first time I'm Jensen YN is my wife. YN got a little sick at work so we just got back from the hospital. We found out 2 things while there."
Yn: "mom dad was there another child that you guys had along side me… Like am I a twin?" 
Sheila: "yes you are, I am ashamed that you are just finding this out now. I never thought you would. We had to make a choice when you and your brother were born money was a luxury we didn't have a lot of. We could only afford to keep one of you so we made sure your brother got adopted into a good family who would give him the life he deserved. We kept you cause we always wanted a girl. Why do you ask?"
You pull out the DNA match results between you and Jensen and hand it to your parents. They look at the paper and immediately look at Jensen they begin to shed tears of joy toasting to Jensen the prodigal son!
 But you both still had to tell them the other news. You were gonna let Jensen take this one cause you were still shocked to say the other set of news…
 Frank: "what's your other set of news? Also what happens to your marriage now with this news as I assume you both have done the deed together…?"
 Jensen: "dad, mom cause we did the deed and this entire marriage thing, consequences flurished before we found out about us being twins. We have to say we are still in shock but we are willing to make things work if you guys agree to help us…"
Jensen hands them the second set of results. You feel your hand drop to your belly Jensen's on top of yous as they look at those results. Your best friend doesn't look at the results cause she could tell from the moment she saw you.. 
Talia: "I'm gonna be an aunt yippee!!!" 
Sheila: "Talia can you please give us a few moments to speak with our children alone."
Talia: "of course."
 Talia leaves the room not straying too far so she can hear everything.
 Sheila: "Jensen we are so happy you have found your way back into our lives. We hope you come to accept us as your parents and not as those that gave you up…" 
Frank: "we understand the lure that you both had to eachother I mean you both look like supermodels good looks and all. Though we don't entirely approve of the way you came back into our lives son. We are proud of the strong people you both have become. YN my daughter we are honored to be your parents and now the grandparents to this grand baby that will grace this world soon!"
Sheila: "we are a family again!"
Jensen and you hug it out with your parents as you leave their embrace to go and sit on the steps with your best friend.
 Talia: "so you married your long lost twin brother?"
 YN: "drunk married my long lost twin yes but in our defense we were plastered. Neither of us were thinking straight and we didn't know we were siblings."
Talia: "how long till I get to meet my niece or nephew?" 
YN: "7 months but in my defense neither me nor Jensen nor anyone else  get to find out the gender for another 4 months. But how would closer to the due date you like to become a hired live in nanny type person just to help out around here once the baby is born what do you say sis?"
Talia just hugs you both of you just sitting there perfect harmony while Jensen is with your parents in the living room filling them in on his upbringing and stuff like that. 
You were sitting there with your best friend reminiscing on a time when things were simpler..You both were called back into the room at that moment. Re-entering the room you go to stand beside your husband/twin brother.
Frank: “after so long we are a whole family again. Now our family is expanding and we are so grateful to have the opportunity to be with you all. Jensen, YN though the circumstances under which you met were not ideal, you both are not shunned, not disregarded in any way shape or form. You both did right in the eyes of god and the church. It is only fit that we offer to help you both in any way we possibly can with the preparations for the arrival of the baby. To Yn and Jensen may the odds be ever in your favor…”
This was now the time when you regretted showing your father the hunger games! But the toasts flew in and chinese was ordered, everyone except you drank. What happened after that is you and your twin brother husband person thing lived happily ever after.
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pynkhues · 5 years
5 and 11 from the October prompt list! 🙃
“I might just kiss you.” / “It’s not always like this.” 
+ anon prompt: Alright I know you probably have a bunch of these but I have a prompt for Playing House. Prompt: Rio has a really tough day at work(like real shitty) and Beth senses it even though he tries to put on a brave face for her and the kids. She does/plans something to make him feel special and loved.
(This was actually originally just based on your prompt, @lilliloves, but anon prompted this today and it fit wonderfully, so I hope you both don’t mind sharing!) 
Set in The Centre and Circumference / Domestic Fic universe
(Early-ish. Probably three or four months after I Could Be Your Welcome + See You in the Light)
There’s blood at his knuckles.  
Ain’t the first time, and he’s sure it won’t be the last, but still – he finds his gaze fixed briefly on it anyway, flexing his hand, feeling the ache in it already. His skin ain’t split though, which means the blood belongs to the guy in front of him, this wiry fuck who’s already spat out two of his teeth on the floor between them, drool oozin’ out of his mouth, so thick with blood it’s almost black, and ain’t that a picture, Rio thinks, resting back into his heels.
His gaze flicks to Demon, and it’s all it takes for him to start rolling the silencer onto his gun.   
“No, please,” Vinny moans, squirming back against the chair, hiccupping, feet leavin’ smears of dirt against the concrete floor of the warehouse. “I’ve got a family, I’ve got kids.”  
And sure, Rio thinks, rolling his head back towards Vinny, keepin’ his face carefully blank. There’s a chill in the air, but Rio ain’t feelin’ it, not in here, not with the heat of the fight still thunderin’ through his veins, not with the righteous fury still boilin’ in his gut because shit, none of them should even be here, none of them would if it wasn’t for Vinny. Rio raises an eyebrow, pulling his expression into a look of faux care.
“Yeah, yes, they - - I have - - my eldest is barely six years old. You know Emily. She’s just started school, she - -”   
“You think about her when you stole my product?” Rio asks, voice lowly drawlin’. “You think about that little girl when you took out the connect?”  
At least that’s enough to shut the fucker up, leave him splutterin’ on his own blood like he’s bein’ waterboarded, and Rio just watches him. Watches the lines of his throat twitch, his blackened eye swelling shut. He remembers getting shawarma with the guy. Remembers beers at Cisco’s. Thinks he might even remember the guy’s daughter for real – blonde, dimpled, all puppy fat cute like one of his sister’s old Cabbage Patch Dolls.  
Mostly though he remembers this fuckin’ trip. Remembers sending this guy, days ago, out to pick up pills from Marta in Canada only to hear that the pills were gone and Marta was dead, and this fuck was nowhere to be found, and shit.  
Marta had kids too.  
“Rio, man, please. I fucked up, I know that, I - -”  
Rio gives Demon the nod.   
Demon offers him a cigarette, but Rio shakes his head, pulling his keys out of the back pocket of his jeans as he watches Diego hurl his guts up onto the concrete a few steps away. Kid’s pretty new – can’t be much older than 21, but both Dags and Bullet had vouched for him. Said he was loyal, quiet, got the job done. They’d worked with him on one of their smaller side hustles, and Rio figured what the hell. New blood could be good for the operation. This sorta trial was always good for the new intake too – let them see what waited for ‘em if they got in their egos, if they thought they could pull one over.  
And Rio had been impressed enough. The kid hadn’t complained, had helped get Vinny here, even thrown a few good punches and helped Demon clean the body of any prints or DNA before gettin’ rid of it. The vomitin’ was a good sign too, for a kid this green. Death should matter. Should scare you. It means you treat it serious. Means you ain’t cappin’ people without cause.
It’s what keeps you kickin’.  
“A drink then. Fuck, I need one,” Demon says, and Rio flicks his gaze back to him. “Back to the hotel?”  
And he probably should. Their rooms are already booked, paid for. They’ve been stayin’ there for a few nights – had crossed the border and holed up as soon as Rio had gotten word of Marta, knowin’ just how quick they had to move to pull Vinny out before he could burrow too deep. Knew how quickly this situation needed handlin’.  
Elizabeth hadn’t liked it.  
Had done that thing where she’d tried to come with him – goin’ so far this time as to pack a bag and put it in the trunk of his car, plant herself in the passenger seat, and he’d practically had to drag her outta the thing. It hadn’t been until he’d told her she needed to stay to look after the dealership, the drops, keep business runnin’ that she’d agreed (although she’d still been prickly at that).  
Truth was, it hadn’t just been business – although he couldn’t exactly deny it’d been good not to have to worry about it, to trust her enough to keep it runnin’ smoothly. Hadn’t even just been about the house neither, although it had been about that too. The kids were still gettin’ used to the new house and the new routine after all, especially hers, and he’s learnt fast how quick those seeds of guilt plant in her when it comes to them, knows how easily they grow, how ripe their fruits are, had known how twisted up she’d get herself if anythin’ happened while they were in Canada and the kids were in Detroit with her sister or her friend or - - worse - - that dumbass ex of hers.  
Nah, it wasn’t just that.  
What it was was he didn’t like her on these jobs.  
Didn’t like her reckless ass ignorin’ plans or mouthin’ off, didn’t like her stormin’ into situations like that face and that body was some sort of armor, and, hell, didn’t like none of these guys lookin’ at that face and that body. Didn’t like them seein’ her, didn’t like them standin’ so close to her, didn’t like the fact that he dreamt of it sometimes. That clenched jaw of hers, somebody else’s gun underneath it, somebody who didn’t have anythin’ stoppin’ them from pullin’ the trigger, and just - -  
Rio rubs at his head.  
He does want a drink. 
More than that, he wants a fuck. Wants to release this livewire of tension in him, wants to lose himself in a body underneath him, but the only body he wants is Elizabeth’s, and he could drive home tonight, but that would mean talkin’ to her. Would mean gussyin’ up to her Bambi-eyed interrogation.  
She’d be in her ugly ass pyjamas, he thinks, and the picture of it comes too quickly.  
Probably the ones he hates the most. The cream satin ones with those little orange flowers. Sittin’ up in their bed, nipples hard, pokin’ up through her shirt, those pale cheeks of hers flushed pink, her eyes a little wet, her hair a mess, waitin’, breathless, for him, and - -  
He snorts.  
Who’s he kidding?   
More likely angrily scrubbin’ dishes at 2am and ready to ask him a million questions he don’t wanna answer. 
Marta and Vinny.  
“You know Vinny’s family?” Rio asks, turning back towards Demon, who nods. “Send ‘em the usual?”  
“50g? You wanna send it cash or wire transfer?”  
Rio tilts his head from side-to-side, considering.  
“Cash,” he decides. “Send a hundred to Marta’s. Deliver it in person. We’re gonna need a new connect for the pills.”  
Demon just hums in affirmation, flicking ash off the end of his cigarette, before he says: “I’ll stick around a few days. Get it sorted. Take it this means it’s a no for the drink?”  
Rio blinks, surprised, hadn’t even quite realised that that was what he was doing, but as soon as Demon’s said it, he knows he’s right.  
Thing is, it ain’t even like Elizabeth’s the first woman he’s wanted to lose himself in after bad days, just it’s barely even about fucking her at this point. Just - - he wants to bury himself in her until she’s all he can smell, until the taste of her skin is hot on his tongue, until he’s close enough to her he can count her eyelashes, and shit, that ain’t a thought he’s used to. Ain’t even one he’s particularly comfortable with.  
Just - - he thinks of another cold night in the hotel alone and tense, and then thinks about bein’ home instead, thinks of her asleep, thinks of not wakin’ her to postpone her questions and the inevitable argument, thinks of crawlin’ into bed beside her, layin’ his head on her breast, the softness of her beneath him remindin’ him of all the ways he ain’t, her heartbeat fluttering beneath his ear, the way, only half awake, she runs her nails down his scalp, the way she smooths her too-smooth fingers at the base of his neck, and it’s urgent suddenly. The need in him.  
He could be there in two hours.  
“Call me tomorrow, yeah? Let me know how you go? Keep Diego with you. Show ‘im the ropes.”  
Demon makes an acknowledging gesture with his hand, and Rio heads out into the night.  
The house is dark when he pulls up, the only light comin’ from the back porch because Elizabeth swears it makes her feel safe (like the half a million dollar security system he bought doesn’t), and it means she’s not expecting him. Means she might actually be asleep. Means maybe she took him seriously for a change when he told her to stop waitin’, stop callin’, that he’d back when it was over.  
He slips into the house, disarming the security system and beelining for the laundry. He kicks his shoes off, washes his face, his bruised hands in the sink, before filling it to soak his bloodied clothes in, adding the disinfectant from the cupboard, and stripping off to his boxer briefs there and then. It had been at Elizabeth’s insistence the first time he’d done this that they add the lock to the laundry room door, just to keep the kids out, and he’s glad for it now, for the ability to leave his shirt there, reddening the water, without worry.  
Running a hand over his face, he grabs a pair of sweats and a t-shirt from the pile of clean laundry in the basket, steps out, fixes himself a drink at the bar cart in the living room, finishes it there alone, trying to steady his hands, his breath, to calm his frayed nerves before he allows himself the comfort of bein’ beside her. Tries to wrestle out of the maw of the last few days, of Vinny’s slack jaw and Marta in a body bag, scrubbing briefly at his face and finishing the last of his drink before starting up the stairs towards bed.  
There’s somethin’ to be said there about the moonlight through the window, the too soft glow of the night outside of here, softening everything in its path, and Elizabeth is right there in the middle of it, curled up on her side in their bed, her hair fanned out against their pillows, bags beneath her eyes like she hasn’t slept well in days, which - - fuck, somethin’ in him twists at the thought, but then – right there, nestled into her chest, is Marcus.  
It’s enough to make Rio stop in the doorway, dig his arm into the doorframe, enough it might leave a mark, enough it pinches. He should leave him, he thinks, slide into bed beside ‘em and leave it be, but then - -  
Vinny’s blood is thick on his hands tonight, the weight of him heavy on his back, and he needs Marcus just - - away from it. Away from him, at least until the mornin’ comes, at least until he’s had the time to put this night behind him, to wash the stench of it off, and shit, he thinks, almost crawling out of his skin, leg jittery with tension beneath him. This ain’t somethin’ to be shared, not with him.  
He strides quietly over to the bed, gently tugging his son out of Elizabeth’s arms, relieved more than anything when Marcus comes easily. He lifts him up, carrying him quietly down the hall and flipping on the light to his bedroom. It’s neat at least, which makes it easy to take him down, to flip over the sheets of his bed and lower his son into them. His head’s barely hit the pillow when suddenly big, dark eyes are bein’ turned on him, the kid’s little mouth fallin’ open like a spell.  
“Go to sleep, pop,” Rio hums, and when Marcus tries to sit up, he gently pushes him back down.  
“You’re home!”  
“Nuh, but I will be tomorrow. You’re dreamin’ right now, yeah?” he keeps his voice low, dulcet, brushes his hands through Marcus’ hair, tucking him back down beneath the covers. “Faster you fall asleep, faster you’ll wake up, faster I’ll be home.”  
And he doesn’t think the kid really believes it, but still, Marcus hums sleepily, happily, back at him, his eyes driftin’ shut again and Rio just - - watches him. Watches the rise and fall of his chest and the flutter of his eyelashes and he thinks how easily he could never see it again, like Marta won’t, like Vinny, and just - - shit.
He rubs a hand hard over the back of his head.
Not worth thinkin’ about now, he tells himself, slipping back out of his bedroom and heading back towards his own. It’s only then that the exhaustion really catches up with him – hits him square between the shoulders like somethin’ out of a cartoon, and he swipes at his forehead as he heads back towards their bed, gaze only flicking up to see Elizabeth sleepin’ soundly, the soft curve of her body like an invitation, and his eyes travel too easily down her, from her peaceful face to the arc of her shoulder and the dip of her waist, the long trail of her legs and - - he just - -  
There’s a lump at the foot of their bed, tangled up in the sheets, and Rio steps slowly towards it, eyeing off the mound of it when the lump squirms back suddenly, and shit, Rio thinks. He rolls his eyes, reaches for the blankets, lifting it just in time to see Jane peer back up at him, dubby in her fist, her little face scrunched up, half hidden in a bunny rabbit onesie and it must be a hand-me-down from Emma, because she’s swimmin’ in it.  
“’ey,” he hums, and Jane blinks up at him, bright eyed, before she pants like a dog, wiggles her butt, goes to bark, but Rio frowns, pushes a finger to his lips and jerks his head to where Elizabeth is sleeping. 
“Don’t wake your mama up. C’mon.”  
He holds his hands out for her to leap into, only she pulls her face into a little scowl, shaking her head.  
“No,” Jane growls, and Rio rolls his eyes again, frustration sparking in his belly.  
“I ain’t playin’, darlin’, c’mon. It’s way past bedtime.”  
And Jane just - - shit, she sticks out her tongue, and Rio exhales sharply, feels the stress of the day and the exhaustion of tonight press hard at his temples, but he smooths out his expression as best he can, reachin’ over to her, only she’s trying to tangle herself up in her mother’s legs, and Jesus, Elizabeth must be real tired if this don’t even wake her. Before Jane can get herself too wrapped up, Rio moves closer, pluckin’ her out of bed by the back of her onesie and pulling her unceremoniously away from Elizabeth.  
He intends to lift her straight up into his arms and walk her to bed like he’d just done Marcus, but Jane starts thrashin’ the second she’s in the air, and shit, Rio grunts and then he’s gotta loosen his grip or he might accidentally hurt her, but loosenin’ his grip only serves to make Jane spring off the bed and sprint down the hallway in a flurry of pink fleece and animal ears. Behind him, Elizabeth stirs, and Rio’s head whips around, waiting for her to resettle before he moves quietly to the doorway. Jane’s standing at the top of the stairs, her little face peering out from beneath her bunny rabbit hood, and Rio frowns at her, gesturing his head to her bedroom.  
Jane shakes her own head furiously in reply, and Rio exhales sharply, stepping out into the hallway, unsurprised when Jane retaliates by clutching at the railing and starting down the stairs, and shit, he thinks, picking up his step. The booties on her pyjamas are so big she’s gonna trip herself up, tumble head-first over them. He moves quickly enough to grab her underneath the arms and when she starts to yelp and thrash again, he spins her quickly in his arms, until they’re practically nose-to-nose.  
“What’d you want?” he asks her, staring her down, because shit, his nerves ain’t here for tantrums tonight, and Jane just looks back at him, long and hard, little jaw rockin’, and this kid really is somethin’ else, and as much as he hates to admit it, if he were in a better mood, he might be amused.  
“Special drink,” Jane settles on, and Rio arches an eyebrow at her, about to tell her it ain’t the time, but then - - shit, Elizabeth’s concoction of milk heated on the stove, honey, cloves and cinnamon really does seem to knock ‘em out. Maybe he can ground in a Nyquil to help. 
“Then you go to your bed?”  
Jane nods, and Rio does too, resignedly pushing her onto his hip and taking the stairs two at a time until he hits the bottom. He thinks about just depositing Jane on the couch, lettin’ her watch somethin’ bland and g-rated on the TV, but then he doesn’t really trust her not to sneak up the stairs, back beneath Elizabeth’s arm, and if she gets there again, Rio’s knows he’s gonna be subjectin’ himself to the couch.  
So he deposits her on a stool at the kitchen island instead, glancing around the kitchen only to stop when he spots the pot on the stove and the spice packets already on the bench. He walks over, grabbing the pot and looking at the thin rim of milk build-up cooked into the sides of it.  
“Looks like your mama already made special drink,” he says, rinsing out the pot and Jane just shakes her head. 
“She made it for Marcus, not me,” Jane tells him. “She always makes it, so it’s not special anymore. It’s just regular drink.” 
Rio arches an eyebrow, glancing back at her.  
“That right?” he asks. “But it’s special drink when I make it?”  
And shit, she might be right. He ain’t ever made it before, and at least the fact that Elizabeth’s already made it for Marcus tonight means the ingredients are there for him. He racks his head for the steps, for the muscle memory of havin’ watched her make this thing a million times before, and - - right, milk on the stove. He grabs a jug from the fridge.  
“Your hand looks funny.”  
Rio glances over at Jane as he moves to flick the stove on, that damn blanket of hers half shoved in her mouth, the floppy rabbit ears of her hood hangin’ down past her shoulder. He looks at his hand and the bruises really are bad – a dark, bloomin’ purple that he knows will only stiffen over the next few days. Will swell and throb and he resists the urge to shake it out.  
“Yeah?” he asks, and Jane rocks her head from side-to-side, considering.  
“It’s like when I felled over. Did you felled over?”  
“Fall,” he corrects, and when he looks over at her, Jane’s blinking at him in confusion, her blue eyes wide, her lips parted. He clarifies: “Did you fall over? Not felled, darlin’.”  
“Did you fall over?” Jane echoes, and Rio turns back to the milk on the stove, reaching for the cinnamon. He looks at his knuckles as he shakes in the spice, and wonders if he should’ve worn gloves, somethin’ that might’ve covered them from view.   
“Somethin’ like that,” he replies, capping the spice cannister, and it takes Jane a minute to reply, like she’s processin’ it, workin’ out what she want to say, and Rio lets her, his gaze fixed down on the way the cinnamon turns the colour of the milk, brownin’ it up. He blinks and sees the cinnamon, he blinks and he sees the blood on Vinny’s pale cheek.
He grabs the packet of cloves.   
“Is that why you went away?”  
Shit, how much of this stuff does Elizabeth usually put in? He shoves a finger into the packet of cloves, nudging them around, and finally scoops out a handful, watchin’ them bob around in the milk.
“What’d your mama say?”  
“That you had to work.”  
“Your mama ever lied to you?”  
“So I was workin’,” he tells her easily, glancing back around to look at her, and it ain’t exactly sudden, seein’ Emily in Jane’s place, propped up at the kitchen island, but it still takes him by surprise, makes him rock his jaw, jerk his head away, try to focus on the simmer of the milk and the sound of Jane’s feet, thumpin’ against the chair.
Jane ain’t Emily, she ain’t gonna lose a parent to this. She - 
“When my daddy goes away for work, he brings us presents home,” Jane says, and Rio snorts.
Okay, maybe she’ll lose one parent to this. Rio can’t exactly say he’s keepin’ Dean off any lists. Shit, might be addin’ him to a few. (Not really, although - - he ain’t rulin’ it out). Still, he shifts his weight back, grabbing a spoon to scoop in some honey.  
“Yeah? Like what?”  
“Like candy or dollies.”  
The honey oozes off the spoon into the milk, like Vinny’s bloodied drool to the concrete floor, and Rio’s voice is duller than he means when he says:
“Huh. Why you think he do that?”  
Jane pauses, and the question must surprise her, her little mouth hangin’ open for a moment, until she shoves the dubby in it instead. Rio has to resist the urge to tug it out, had made that mistake only a few weeks after movin’, had had to endure Jane’s hysterics and Beth’s frustration (“She only started doing it after Dean moved out, it comforts her, just - - leave it, please.”)   
“I don’t know,” Jane replies now around a mouthful of blanket, and Rio hums, grabbing her sippy cup off the strainer and pouring in the milk, making sure it’s not too hot in the process. He puts the top on, and glances at her, considering. He could just give it to her here, but in the end he holds up his hands, and Jane moves easily into them this time, lets him carry her to the couch, lets him hold her as he flops down on it, her body sideways in his lap, cradled in his arms like he’d do when Marcus was a toddler, like he still does sometimes, when he’s sick or needy.  
And it’s funny, coz Jane fits like Marcus used to. Kid had a growth spurt recently after all, overtakin’ even Emma, and it all serves to make Jane all the tinier. Like her aunt, Rio thinks, briefly amused, then – more so, huffing out a laugh – like her mama when she finally pulls her pumps off at the end of the night.
(How big are Marta’s kids? Does he even know?)
“Order’s up,” he tells Jane, passing her the cup and letting her wriggle up until she’s practically using his arm as a hammock, her legs sprawled out across his own. She takes a generous drink only to reel slightly up.  
“Yuck,” she says, spluttering, and Rio groans looking down at her, grabbing the cup and taking a sip, only to cough because shit - - it’s bad. Way too much cinnamon, enough it tastes almost like ash in his mouth, and maybe he’ll just leave it out entirely this time. Can’t fuck up just milk and honey, can he? He moves to get up, to make another, when Jane suddenly snatches at the cup again, clutching the sippy to her chest before shoving the nozzle back into her mouth. “No, I like it.”  
And figures, Rio thinks, arching an eyebrow down at her as she wriggles back against his chest, sucking on the sippy cup, her eyes already half-lidded. He feels his own lids drop too, like they’re playin’ some game of Simon Says (go to sleep), and he could almost doze himself when Jane reaches the hand not holdin’ the cup out to his. She pushes out a tiny pointer finger and taps him on each of his bruised knuckles and he just - - watches her do it. Watches this scrap of Elizabeth play the hand he broke Vinny’s jaw with like a piano.
“Marcus and mommy are upset at you,” she says suddenly, half muffled around the sippy cup, and Rio’s gaze shifts from their hands to her face, but she ain’t lookin’ at him. She’s lookin’ at their hands, and after a minute, he sighs.
“I know,” he tells her. “They don’t like it when I gotta go away like that. I don’t like it neither, but sometimes I just gotta.”  
Jane sucks the nozzle back into her mouth, staring up at him now, her eyes unblinkin’, and he always thinks it’s her sister that looks most like Elizabeth, but this one doesn’t go without, not with the steadiness of her gaze and the set to her jaw.
“It’s three,” she tells him, and Rio blinks down at her.
“What’s three?”  
“Three times you gone away.”  
Whatever he was expecting, it wasn’t that, and Rio stares at her, unblinking now, as Jane holds up her hand.
“Just after we moved here,” she ticks it off on her fingers. “Then the other time, now this time. That’s three.”  
And shit, she ain’t wrong. He mostly thought Jane barely noticed. Not like anyone would ever mistake her for the most perceptive of Elizabeth’s kids (not that any of ‘em really are), but Jane’s all energy and distraction and shit. He’s been busy. He’s always busy, and Marcus has never liked it. Never liked the fact that sometimes he just gotta move, gotta bring things back, gotta handle things, but - -  
“It’s not always like this,” he says, and Jane looks up at him, and there are too many expressions that pass over her round little face – disbelief and childish frustration until it finally settles on somethin’ else, somethin’ softer, less certain, somethin’ he ain’t seen on her face, at least not somethin’ he’s seen directed at him.  
“You didn’t say bye,” she says finally, her voice small, and Rio exhales, annoyed.  
“I did, darlin’,” because he did. Shit, got to fight about it with Elizabeth and leave Marcus red faced and weepy, made sure of that, but then - -  
He looks at Jane and any self-righteousness dies on his tongue.
“Not to you though, huh?” he says softly, and Jane shuffles back into his arm, presses her forehead into his chest, out of sight, the nozzle of the sippy cup sucked into her mouth like a bottle, keeps herself looking away from him, and Rio exhales. He looks down at his bruised hands, then at her feet, where the booties of her onesie hang limply down the side of the couch, her feet lost somewhere in the legs of the thing, the hood of it hangin’ so far down her face it almost covers her eyes, and he reaches up to tug it back, just enough he can see her.  
“’m sorry. Think maybe I’m still gettin’ used to this,” he says, because he hadn’t said goodbye to any of Elizabeth’s kids. Had trusted her to do it for him, had treated them like they were just a part of her, but - -
They ain’t.
They’re - -
Jane looks up at him, her eyes a little glassy and just - - he ain’t sure what that is, the feelin’ in his gut, hollowing itself out. “Can you be the first one I say hey to instead?”  
She makes a show of turnin’ it over, her squirming against his chest and drinkin’ that goddamn awful drink he’s made her, but then she nods, and Rio tugs on one of her rabbit ears.  
“’ey, Jane,” he says quietly. “You been good for your mama while I been gone?”    
And she grins a little at that, shakes her head into his chest again, giggling before she can stop herself, and Rio smiles too, but rolls his eyes.  
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”  
He almost reaches out to her, but before he gets the chance to, Jane wriggles up his body, curls her arms around his neck, and Rio leans down, scooping her up closer, feeling her collapse sleepily into his chest, still slurping at that drink, and hell if that ain’t commitment. He exhales a laugh, dropping a hand to her back, and it practically takes up the width of it, and he can’t say what he feels, feelin’ the rise and fall of her chest against his, her snufflin’ breaths against his shoulder.
And it’s hard enough, but then he exhales and he hears Vinny’s last one, and his hand tightens on her back, and he just - -
Needs to put her to bed.
Needs her safe and happy and dreamin’ of her mama and Paw Patrol and out of his nightmares, and when he stands up this time, starts up the stairs, when he finally does put her to bed, she don’t make a sound.
And then just, tuckin’ her in - - all his energy’s gone, sapped out of him, and any jittery tension he’d needed to lose has gone cold in his chest, left him pulled thin and stretched out, and shit, he thinks, rubbing furiously at his forehead, it’s just - -
Just is, he reminds himself.
There wasn’t a way around it. Not a way that’d keep him and his safe.   
And he can do this for his ma, he can do it for his sisters, he can do it for his son.
Can do it for Elizabeth and her kids too.
Can - - he exhales, leavin’ the thought alone, pulling his hand away from his face, grabbin’ the sippy cup from Jane’s iron grip instead and droppin’ it to her bedside table so it don’t soak through her sheets, flickin’ on her nightlight before slipping out of her room.
And it figures, that Elizabeth would be awake now, when he finally gets back to their (freshly) childfree bedroom, her blue eyes blinkin’ sleepily back at him, from her - -
Nah, he realises, his pillow.
“You put the kids to bed?” she whispers, pushing herself up onto her elbow, and Rio nods stripping off his t-shirt, arching his back, hearing it crack.
“You’re home earlier than I thought you’d be,” she adds, and Rio nods, padding over to the bed. He should leave his sweats on, knows he should, but for whatever reason, he can’t quite make himself. Just wants to be rid of them, rid of his underwear, rid of all of it. Wants to shower, but doesn’t have the energy to, so instead he just strips everythin’ off, sliding into bed beside Elizabeth.  
She doesn’t complain for a change, doesn’t squawk or pout or nag him to put his clothes back on. She just watches him, her blue eyes too clear, her features drawn.  
“Is it done?” she asks, and Rio sighs.  
“Would I be home if it weren’t?”  
It’s sharper than he means it to be and she looks a little wounded, and Rio exhales, because shit, he’s the one who don’t want this fight. Just looks at her for a moment, and it ain’t fair, that she can look this sweet, that her eyes and her body can sing like a siren in the night, callin’ for him across borders, across countries, callin’ him home, and he reaches a hand to touch her face because he wants to - - needs to feel her, but shit, it was the wrong move, because she’s gaspin’, grabbin’ his hand instead, a high-pitched sound escaping her throat when she sees how bruised it is.  
“Let me see it.”  
He yanks his hand out of her grip, curling it around her waist instead, pulling her beneath him, entangling their legs, hidin’ his hand half up her pyjama shirt.  
“Are you hurt?” she asks, and he can tell she wants to squirm out of his grip, to try and flip ‘em over so she can look at him properly, find somethin’ to nurse, but she ain’t got a clue how hurt he actually is, so won’t do it, and for once, he don’t want to correct her.  
“Keep askin’ questions and I might just have to kiss you,” he drawls, the to shut you up implied as he nestles his face into her chest, nosing between the buttons on her pyjama shirt so forcefully that the tip of it brushes the inner curve of her breast, inhaling deeply the faint smell of sweat and peach bodywash and that smell beneath it all that’s just her.  
“You say that like it’s a threat,” she replies, the words light, jokin’, but her tone ain’t real, and he knows she’d let him, but he also knows she don’t want him to. That she’d give him sex tonight like a gift, and that’s not how he wants this, not with her, not now. He just - -
Shit, he just wants to hold her, but he don’t know how the fuck to say that.
She inhales above him, a little wet, a little damp, like she might be cryin’ a bit, and she says, “Rio, what – ”  
He sucks in a breath, clenches his eyes shut, hand tightening on her waist.
“Not tonight, darlin’,” he says, his voice hoarse, cutting her off, and then - - because how can he say the rest of it? He just says: “Please.”  
The word hangs between them, and then it’s those too-soft fingers of hers, pressin’ tentatively to the back of his neck, and he exhales, harsh and wet against her breast, sinking his head heavily down against her chest, his mouth open as her fingers firm there and he knows she’ll be back on this shit tomorrow, that he’ll have to tell her somethin’, that he’ll have to make sure that money gets to Marta’s kids and to Vinny’s, that the compensation will be nothin’ but he lets Elizabeth massage the guilt out of his neck for now and finally he lets his eyelids flutter shut.   
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fabuloussisterofsin · 6 years
Hana Chapter 14
Hana: Woooorth It
Summary: Missy isn't one to take lightly to favoritism, especially when it's abundantly clear that it's about ethnicity. Having to fight her friend in the Mixed Tag match being paired with the man she hates is even harder. Tempers flare and both Shinsuke and Missy are in trouble, but not for long, and Missy has a really big idea. It was all wooorth it!
Tagging: @shinnakafan384 @shinsukenaka80 @pikapuff316 @wrestlethedevil @anglophilestymie  @marabellechilds0805
Hana: Wooorth It
Shin did his entrance dance and bent down, his legs crossed as he reached out behind him, waiting for Missy to take his hand.
Missy came out behind him and took Shinsuke’s hand and posed like they had practice. The King and Queen of strong style . He stood and pulled her to his side, his hand on her hips as he danced along side her. He pulled her into the corner and they did his wrist gesture with the fans there.
Missy walked and danced with him. She did the hand motions and danced around him. They made it to the ring and she gave Shinsuke a big kiss.
He kissed her back and climbed atop the top turnbuckle, his hands on her shoulders. Asuka stood facing Missy, Miz outside the ring in her corner. "You got her Asuka! She's a cheap Shinsuke imposter! Show her what a real woman looks like! " Missy rolled her eyes. "Why don't you shut up Mizzy boy," Missy said preparing to strike. The bell rung and missy went straight for Asuka.
"C'mon, beat her Asuka! I won't even have to step in the ring, you got this!"
Missy struck at Asuka twice, three-time until Asuka got her in a submission hold.
"I sorry." Asuka said quietly . Missy yelled out in pain. 'AAAGH!" She held her own though and broke the hold. She knocked Asuka down.
Shin was jumping on the ring skirt, reaching out for a hand. "You got this Missy-chan!" Miz reached for Asuka's hand. "C'mon Asuka! Let me after him!"
Missy tagged Shinsuke first, and she went to rest for a while. 'Go get Koibito!"
Shin jumped in the ring and immediately started trading blows with Miz. Miz held his own, throwing punches until Shin jumped up and dropkicked him.
"YEAH! BABY!" Missy yelled excitedly. "HELL YEAH!"
He fought Miz in the corner and ran forward to kick him. Miz rolled away and leaned up to tag Asuka.
Missy jumped back in and landed on Asuka and held her for a two count. The exchanged punches and kicks and Asuka nailed Missy hard and she went flying out of the ring onto the ground.
Shin jumped from the ring skirt after her. "Missy-chan!" Before he could get to her, Asuka pulled her back in the ring. "Strong style Missy-chan!"
Missy stood to the side and let out a growl leaning back. "LET"S GO!" SHe yelled before giving Asuka the kiss of death and pinning her for another two counts.
Shin danced in the corner. "Get her! Get her!"
Missy struggled and booked it for Shinsuke and tapped his hand.
Shin climbed in a dove for Miz. He got him down and Shin ran back to his corner and danced in anticipation. He ran after the downed Miz and the crowd yelled KINSASHA! He nailed it, but Miz rolled to the corner with enough wherewithal to tag Asuka.
Missy was back in it again and went for Asuka, another kiss of Death missy almost had her but Asuka broke out and pinned Missy and she screamed in pain. "AAAHHHHH!"
Shin jumped up and down. "Hana! Hana! Hana!"
Missy tried to break out but couldn't as she screamed. The count came to three.
Shin hung his head as she tapped, jumping into the ring. He yelled at Asuka in Japanese to let her go and Asuka immediately did so and backed off. As Shin leaned down to console Missy, Miz leaned over the ropes. "You two are all hype! Queen of submitting style!"
Missy clutched her arm as tears streamed down his face. "Fuck off Miz."
Shin kneeled in the ring, clutching Missy to his chest. "Are you okay Missy-chan?" "All hype!" Miz called. "You don't even have your own style, you had to steal your sugar Daddy's."
Missy's tears grew heavier as she moved her arm it hurt real bad maybe a torn muscle or something. "Yeah, and you're a pompous ass." Missy groaned and looked at Shinsuke.
"We get you checked out," Shin said. "You're not even as good as you used to be Shinsuke! Since you started getting laid, you're slipping, Shin!" Miz yelled.
'THAT'S IT!" Missy jumped up from the ring and nailed Miz right in the chest. She landed on him and started punching him.
Shin ran and tried to pull her away. "You get fined, Missy-chan!"
Missy curb stopped Miz breaking his nose. She grabbed his hair and lifted his head up. "make all the snide remarks you want about me pretty boy, but don’t you ever smear Shinsuke's name. He better than you and you know it. So why don't you take that hand you use to shut everyone up with and shove it in your mouth before I teach you a lesson." She dropped his head.
Shinsuke was shocked, his hands falling at his side as his brows knitted. "Damn, Missy-chan!"
'Wooorth it.' She stated walking away. She clutched at her arm.
Shin walked at her side, taking her back to medical where the cameras follow them. "Temper, temper Missy-chan!"
Missy sighed. "I know Shinsuke, but I'm tired of that half-wit running his mouth when he's not even talented. He's not half the man you are."
Shin shook his head. "You think too much of me. Let get you checked out." He said, opening the door to the trainer's room.
Missy followed. "I'm sorry It's just I'm fiercely loyal to the ones I love, I always have been and I always will be." she winced.
"I under-stand Hana." He said. "I protect you too." He helped her climb onto the exam stretcher before he kissed her cheek, holding her hand.
Missy showed them where it hurt. "You have a pulled muscle. ice and ibuprofen, and watch your temper." Missy sighed and nodded. "Ice and ibuprofen." She said again.
Shin rubbed her arm. "I take good care of her." He promised.
Shane McMahon walked in. "Missy! You had no right to attack Miz! He knew if he retaliated he would loose his job. So you attacked a defenseless man. If you have a problem with Miz, you let Shinsuke handle it like a man."
Missy rolled her eyes. “Of course sir. Yes, sir.” She replied quietly.
Shin stepped between them. "I pay fine for her. I handle like a man." When Shane left, Shin turned and kissed Missy. "I be right back."
"Shinsuke don't you dare! I'll pay it and where are you going?" She asked him.
"Listen to me. Stay here." He said with a stern look on his face. He stared her down for a moment with an intense look in his eye before he walked out of the door.
Missy knew he meant business and shut her mouth. Missy looked to the woman who was quiet. They both felt his intensity. 'Damn." She said quietly.
Shin stalked the hallways until he heard Miz's voice in the locker room. He opened the door and it bounced against the wall as he walked in. The men scattered, leaving Miz alone with Shin with the camera at his back. Miz put his hands up. "Listen. Shinsuke!" Shin went after him, a fury of blows ensuing.
Missy was sitting in the room and they examined her. Missy heard a commotion and got up to see what was going on.
Shin stomped Miz down a few times, slamming his head into the lockers. "Still King of Strong Style." Shin said to him as medics ran to him.
Shane McMahon pushed him backward. "You wanna jump people too? Fine! The fine goes up to four grand for both of you! Eight grand, Shin!" He shouted. "I handle like man!" Shin laughed, walking back towards the trainer's room.
Missy sat on the table jaw agape. She looked to the door waiting for her lover to return Shin came back, flexing his arms and shoulders as he walked in. "You okay, Missy-chan?"
"yeah...just a pulled muscle." She said to him. "That was a dumb ass move Shin, and I should know that I'm the Queen of Dumb ass moves."
Shin shrugged. "Woooorth it!" He said, mirroring her earlier expression. "I handle like man. I did not jump him. He knew what coming."
Missy laughed. "alright you got me on that one Stud." She said to him. 'Lets head to the hotel Im tired, and could use some cuddles. Let's go Shinbae."
He looked at her blankly. "Shinbae?"
"Yeah you're my bae." She laughed. and got up to take his hand. "Come on lets get out of here I'm done." She finished.
"Bae? What is bae?" He asked as she led him out,
"Ummm slang for a boyfriend. Something the kids are saying nowadays." She answered him. "Kinda like how Japan coined Kawaii."
He nodded. "I understand maybe."
Missy laughed. "You are most certainly Kawaii." She kissed his cheek.
"Kawaii? I no kawaii. I king of cool."
'Sure dear." Missy said patting his arm as they walked out further backstage. "You ready to leave honey?" She asked.
Before long they were home, stretched out in bed in their ring clothes, too tired to change. He held Missy against his chest. Missy nuzzled him and gave his neck a kiss. "Ewwww you're sweaty." She teased.
"You too!" He protested with a laugh. "I make you sweaty most times."
Missy laughed heartily. "Yes you do." She said before giving him a soft kiss. "Hey, so I had an idea." She said to him. "Hmmm?" He inquired softly . "Instead of me paying rent on my place, why don't I start sharing the rent with you at your place." She blushed.
"Like yah know cause I basically spend all my time when we're at home there. So Yah know conserve money and things.' She rambled nervously.
Shin shrugged. "Make sense." He said. "Big commitment."
"Well, I'm pretty committed to you Shinsuke." She said to him. "At this point in my life, I'm not looking for a short term good thing I'm looking for a long term good thing."
He rolled over onto his side to look at her. "I committed to you too."
"One day I want to marry you, you know one day." She said touching his chest.
"One day." He agreed, thinking of the cherry blossom ring hidden in his underwear drawer. "One day. For now, we shower and...and...what you call it? Cu-"
"Cuddle." She said to him. "Cuddling, and yes shower a shower would be lovely."
"Cud-ling." He pronounced flatly. "Yes. Shower and cud-ling. And Chinese takeout."
"I'll order what do you want?" Missy stretched and rolled over on him and then off the bed and onto the floor giggling.
He leaned over the side of the bed to peer down at her. "You okay Missy-chan?" He laughed.
Missy giggled. "I'm okay."She giggled as she started to take her costume off and she flung pieces of it at Shinsuke.
He batted the pieces away, laughing. He sat up and began taking his boots off, tossing them in the direction of his vest. Then he stood up to take his pants off.
Missy giggled put on Shinsuke's vest and stood up in that and the black thing she was wearing. She flipped her hair over and made a silly face. "Yeaoh!" She teased.
He shook his head at her and smiled. "No, you do like this!" He laughed, bending down on his knees and flexing his arm up.
Missy admired his ass and then giggled. "Why are you so flexible."She asked grabbing his pants and tried to put them on.
He smiled and leaned backward, bridging backward on his hands.
'Whhhhy are you so flexible!!' She stated again. She shimmied his pants up. "I can't get this over my ass."
He sat up on his knees. "You have more ass than me!" He teased, reaching over to slap it. "I like!"
She giggled before she pranced around and pretended to be Shinsuke. She then ran to the bathroom and stripped everything off. 'Come bathe so we can cuddle and eaaaat!" She called out to him.
He came into the room and kicked his undies off, stepping into the shower. "We wash."
Missy grabbed the soap bar that little nubs on it got it wet and started to run it over Shin's shoulders and back.
Shin hummed happily, flexing his muscles in his chest and back.
Missy loved watching his muscles work. 'That feels nice sweetie?" she kissed his neck before she moved the bar down his back and then up his sides.
He nodded. "Mmmhmm." He hummed, laying his head back and his wet hair fanning across his back.
Missy moved the bar of soap his side until it reached near his armpit. "I should give you a massage sometime." "Noooo...." He moaned, moving to cover the area with his hands.
"Are you ticklish there?" She asked him going for his other armpit.
"Noooooo!" He said shrinking away from her. "No tickle!"
"Okay okay I will avoid that spot." she giggled and handed him the soap bar. "My turn." She said to him.
"Turn back to me." He requested, and when she did, he began lathering up her back across her shoulders, down her spine, and across her lower back.
When Shinsuke reacher lower back she let out a weird little noise and arched away from him. "Nnnnnngh!"
"Ticklish?" He teased. "I be good; I leave alone." He reached around her to wash her chest and breasts, then down across the curve of her hips.
"mmm." She hummed happily. When he got to her hips and jumped and let out that same noise. "NNNNGH!" She shrank away from him.
"Hana!" He laughed. "I sorry! You so ticklish!"
"Well, the hips is less ticklish and more eeerm arousing." She admitted. "It was nice to have you touch me that way," she said before she cleaned off and shampooed her hair. "You know what you want for food?"
He nodded and told her what he wanted while he stood outside the shower, towel drying his hair. He finished and tied the towel around his hips, waiting for her to come out.
Missy finished up, and she got out of the shower and grabbed for a towel. "So I'll order then its Pj's and cuddles. I neeeeed cuddles." She kissed him. "Also you should wear just a towel more often."
He raised his eyebrows at her and smiled broadly, his tongue between his teeth. He dressed and stretched out in bed.
Missy smiled. 'Kawaii." Missy said to him before ordering their food and then she flopped onto the bed. "Within the hour." She said to him, and she turned on the TV for background noise. She rolled over to look at him. 'hi cuddle buddy."
He looked down at her, pushing her damp hair behind her ear. "Hi." He said with a smile. "Come cuddle." Missy assumed her favorite position for cuddling. She nuzzled under his arm leaving her side open for touching it soothed her. "Sorry about the match."
He pushed the bottom of her tank top up to bare her skin. He began running his fingertips lightly up and down the curve of her side. "It okay. We were to lose."
Missy shivered. “It just frustrates me, you deserve to be the champ to be revered like the king you are, and they treat you like trash.” She shivered again.
"I get there." He said. "Few more wins, I go to Mania. You too, few more matches."
“It’s just frustrating .” She nuzzled him. “Oh! Shinsuke.” Her skin got goosebumps.
His fingers grazed the curve of her hip to her lower belly, the pads of his fingers touching lightly across her skin. “Shinsuke!” Missy shivered. “That’s uh very nice.” She said her fingers dancing on his chest.
"You like when I touch like this?" He asked, hand tracing along her belly.
“Yes, it’s soothing and sexy.” She breathed. It made her also think of the time he’d be touching there to feel their child move. Maybe one day. “Your touch always soothes me Koibito.”
He kissed the top of her head. "I remember when we make love, then."
“Most certainly a hot spot for that.” She nuzzled his chest. “So, can I move in?” He nodded. "Yeaoh." He said lightly with a smile. "We live together by the beach. Make love on sand one night."
“That sounds absolutely wonderful.” She leaned up and kissed him. “I can’t wait for our future together.” She rested her forehead against his.
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