#'i will treasure the chance to be wrong once again my friend'
broodwolf221 · 6 months
i love solas so much
mr. i know everything....... but didn't even vet corypheus properly
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
...and also the only time that Solas of all people, is completely speechless, for once at a loss for words in response to an irrefutable argument.
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Throughout the whole game (with a few exceptions in which he actually admits to having misjudged), whenever you get the chance to debate him on something you do not agree on, Solas, Mr “I’m a trillion years old, you know nothing, so listen carefully” will practically verbally jiu-jitsu you for every possible argument you might have, like, he’s an absolute master at playing Ace Attorney refuting any of your points, much like playing mind chess with Iron Bull, there is no chance to win an argument with Solas if he’s determined to have you recognize the flaw in your logic or at least understand his perspective, making you feel like this gif at the end of every debate.
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But when Lavellan says “I would have had you trust me”, finally, there is no counter argument, no clever comeback, no objection... He has nothing. Because Lavellan is right and he knows. There’s just silence until he turns around and continues with the rest of the dialogue. And I think it’s interesting how this is kinda the culmination of all the little hints throughout the whole game at his ingrained distrust, leading up to this moment.
“An enemy can attack you, but only an ally can betray you. Betrayal is always worse.”
"The next time you have to mourn, you don't need to be alone." “It’s been so long since I could trust someone.”
“That’s when you should lean on your friends.” “Apologies, Inquisitor. I have learned not to do that.”
“I’ll rely on those I trust.” "You think to share your power, to avoid the temptation to misuse it. A noble sentiment... but, ultimately, a mistake." (...) "Because while one selfless man may walk away from the lure of power's corruption... no group has ever done so."
“You created a powerful organization, and now it suffers the inevitable fate of such. Betrayal and corruption.”
"I trust my friends." "I know that mistake well enough to carve the angles of her face from memory."
“She was betrayed as I was betrayed. As the world was betrayed!” - Flemeth about Mythal
You get the sense that him witnessing Mythal being betrayed and murdered by the Evanuris was probably the catalyst for his immense trust issues, so much so that it still has that big of an impact on him centuries later. And of course it has, when 1) it was this batrayal and power corruption that set everything in motion, it almost lead to the end of the entire world, which in turn lead to the creation of the Veil and finally the loss of his world and his people, 2) he has spent the last 1000 years walking the Fade, having to look at the ever present Black City in its center - their prison - as a constant reminder of what happened. (I know it’s not confirmed yet, but come on! 😂)
And then there is Lavellan (or any high approval Inquisitor for that matter) at the end of all this. Who proved him wrong with every action throughout DAI. Who has shown wisdom in their decisions and that the power they were given mustn’t corrupt them. That there is no reason for him not to trust them. And yet, he simply can’t, because the past still haunts him and centuries of history have taught him otherwise (and like a bunch of other reasons for him to not tell Lavellan the truth in that moment in Crestwood, but that’s beside the point here lol). 
And then at the end of Trespasser, Lavellan finally throws it straight to his face, and while he could pull any of the excuses listed above, he simply can’t refute them anymore. Look at his expression as he just looks at them in response, at first still frowning for a second, as if he’s still about to argue them again, but then suddenly shifting into sorrow, slightly shaking his head in defeat. “I got nothing.” Solas, who easily managed to own you in any debate prior to this, is all out of arguments. It’s the final argument and the Inquisitor won.
(Well, technically, it even happens twice in this final conversation, if we’re counting Solas’ internal debate with himself. lol)
"We aren't even people to you." "Not at first. You showed me that I was wrong."
But going back to his distrust, it surely can’t be a coincidence that this whole issue was also topic in a recent interview with DA4′s Creative Director, talking about what defines a hero.
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I’ve talked about this numerous times now, like here, here or here, but what it all comes down to is basically just one more penny for the “Solas needs to learn how to trust again in order to be saved from himself” jar. lol
“We will save our friend from himself… if we can.”
Like. It’s literally his name. Pride. Saving Solas from himself does quite literally mean to strip him off his name and the belief that, to quote John Epler again, “only he has the answers, that he is the only one who can solve this” and to accept the help of others. Which is why he has to get a new name by the end of all this. I’m dying on that hill. 😂
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 4 months
PALentines day 💋
Bale!Bruce Wayne x reader drabble <3
A/N: we all know about Valentines day, we've beard about Galentines day, now get ready for Palentines day!! A day to celebrate the most platonic of friendships... most of the time.
(I'm sorry that this is so short, I've been trying to write some shorter stuff lately <3)
~Fi 🐝
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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Friends. That's what you were. The friendliest, most platonic tier of friends. Okay, you were good friends. You did hang out a lot, and it was always fun. Maybe best friends is a better term. You went to each other for advice and whatever was on your mind, always having someone to confide in.
Bruce was the best best friend, which is why he stood in front of your door with a overly dramatic bouquet of flowers and a disgustingly expensive box of chocolates.
Because, if your friend doesn't have a valentine, you step up and make them a little surprise to brighten their day! ... right? This isn't weird. No, he's just being a good friend, that's all.
At least that's what he told himself when his brows furrowed and a subtle feeling of regret started to seep into his bones. He hated how much this felt like he was actually taking you out and not like a thoughtful gesture you'd get from a friend.
And it didn't help his case of being madly in love with you, either. He hated himself for how much he liked this, being able to pretend that you were more than just friends for even a split second. That he was able to do what he's been wanting to do for years; show you just how much you truly mean to him.
Bruce has had a gray, dull and gloomy life. Everything seemed to go wrong for him, throwing him deeper and deeper into emotional ruin. But then you came along and made everything just that little bit more bearable. You were like his little ray of sunshine that broke through the heavy clouds and make him see the beautiful colors of the world again.
And he knows that he can never give you back just how much you've given him, but some flowers and a box of pralines are the steps in the right direction... right? Jesus Christ, what was he doing? He's just your best friend. God, this IS weird.
And for a beat, he'd actually thought about turning straight on his heel and sinking into a pit of shame once he was back in the privacy of his own home. Bruce huffed in frustration at himself. He'd been standing in front of your door like this, like an idiot, for the past 10 minutes and still hadn't found the courage to knock.
The crease between his brows softened. What if... you appreciated his gesture? What if, this was exactly what you needed after a rough week. Just someone thinking of you. And, what if... you felt the same? A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, along with a pinch in his heart.
Bruce wanted nothing more than for it to be true, to know that you've been loving him just as he's been loving you. He was never a fan of hope, but that's all his lovesick heart was filled with now. Overflowing with the desperate hope that he has the chance to make you his and treat you like the treasure you are.
He had the urge to fall to his knees before you and just let everything spill out, how you made his life better in every way, and that he was but a man who couldn't help but fall for his guardian angel.
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《Tag list》: @allysunny @certifiedredhoodlover @hellonheels-x @gaozorous-rex-blog
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Feel free to add your own!
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scarlethexelove · 3 months
Hello!! 👀
This is like an extension of something I’ve already requested. ‘You’re Mine Now’ was awesome
I absolutely love dark Agatha and if you’re okay with writing it, it’d be much appreciated 🙏🏻 Okay so… Maybe Agatha and Reader already have a dynamic that works for Agatha. Agatha is happy because Reader behaves very well so Reader is allowed to do more things in the house. Then, Reader watches on TV that her best friend is looking for her, it is like a switch is turned on and Reader wants to escape. Agatha realizes it and stops her. Agatha tells Reader that she (Agatha) couldn't let nobody take her precious treasure so she had to make that person disappear. Then fucks reader 🫣 Sorry this is pretty long but yeah! I would like to read it if you are okay with writing this. Totally cool if you’re not ofc
You're Not Going Anywhere
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Pairing: Agatha Harkness x Reader
Word Count: 2088
Warnings: Dark!Agatha, Smut, Spanking, Restraints, Cum Strap, Rough Sex, Forced Submission, Dub/Con, No aftercare, Talks of murder, Choking (Not the fun way).
Part 1: You're Mine Now
A/n: I really hope you enjoy this nonnie. I tried to make her nice and dark with this one. I kind of feel the smut is kind of shit and I'm sorry about that.
Soft sounds play through the air as you watch the tv. The room is dark only illuminated by the beams of light spilling from the sides of the curtains. You know it might not be the best idea to ignore Agatha’s wishes for you to clean the house but you just want to be lazy today. You haven’t even managed to get out of your pajamas today. Your mind barely focused on the tv as you almost stared pass the tv. 
Words start scrolling on the bottom of the tv as your program is interrupted, pulling your focus to the tv. You watch as the scene changes. A woman you find familiar talking to a news anchor appears on the screen. The words scrolling on the bottom states that a woman has been kidnapped and missing for six months. You look back up a picture of yourself now displayed on the side of the screen. It’s in an instant that your suppressed mind comes back to reality. That is your best friend. You’re the woman that is missing and people are looking for you. You hadn’t even noticed that you had been gone for six long months. You’re mind submitting to that of the older woman who has kept you captive. 
You quickly jump off the couch and look at the time. Three hours till Agatha comes home. You have time to pack some things and run. A few months back Agatha had removed some of the locks off the door to keep you here. You have become compliant with her wants and needs. No urge to run from the woman, only the thought of love for her keeping you there. You didn’t see the reason to run from someone taking such good care of you. But now it is like the spell is broken and you have to get away. You remember the horrible things that she did to get you here and you need to run now while you have a chance. 
You make your way into the bedroom grabbing some things. What you didn’t know is that Agatha was watching you. Camera’s scattered all around the house so she can watch you even while at work. She curses as she grabs her jacket leaving work and rushing home to you. If you think you can leave her you are wrong. She will just have to show you again who is in charge and who you belong to. 
Once you're done you finally turn around ready to leave but you hadn’t noticed the clicking of the door behind you. Startled when you see the older woman standing behind you. A gasp leaves your throat before a hand is placed around it. Squeezing tightly and walking you backwards. You grasp at the hand around your neck the more it squeezes. Digging your nails into her arm hoping that she will let go, but there is a fury in her eyes. 
“Please.” You whimper while still struggling against her. She slams your body back against the wall making you whimper more. “You think you can leave me, little girl? I own you. You’re not going anywhere.” Agatha hisses. You can feel yourself getting lightheaded the longer she holds your neck. The woman is much stronger than you so your struggle is futile, her grip never loosening. 
When your vision starts to blur and black spots appear in your vision Agatha finally loosens the grip. Tossing your body on the bed like a rag doll. You cough and sputter as air fills your lungs. Your hand placed against your neck feeling the tenderness of the flesh. Your voice is hoarse as you try to speak. “I just wanna go home.” A dark chuckle leaves the woman. “You are home sweet girl.” 
Agatha is on you in an instant, pulling the shackles out. You kick and scream trying your best to fight off the woman, but it is no use. She flips your body over easily so that you are laying on your stomach. Securing both of your ankles to the bed. She then moves and secures your wrist to the bed. Leaving your spread eagle on the bed. 
“I’m going to have to punish you baby girl.” Agatha’s hand smooths over the curve of your ass. You squirm as her hand touches you. She grabs your pants and underwear and pulls them down swiftly. Bunched up around your thighs as she grabs your ass harshly. “I think 20 each side will do. Now count whore.” Her voice is dark and dripping with venom. Agatha’s hand comes down hard. “O-one.” You cry out. Her hands are rough the more she slaps down hard on your ass.
Your tears stain the sheets below the longer she goes. Your ass is a bright red, tender and hot to the touch. You’re cries and screams only egging the woman on. You have stopped counting but she doesn’t seem to mind anymore. Relishing in the pleasure she gets from your pain. By the end you have no more fight left in you. Your body is already exhausted from the beating. “P-please. No more.” You whimper hoping the woman will hear you. She stops her hand smoothing over your ass which makes you cry out in pain. 
“Are you going to behave from now on?” Agatha asks you, her hands moving down to gently caress your tights. Her hand sliding between feeling that unmistakable wetness, smirking to herself. You nod your head, mind already fuzzy. Throat sore and scratchy from the beating you had just taken. She would normally ask you to speak up but she can see that the fight you had not that long ago is gone. 
You’re relieved when the bed feels lighter. Agatha shifting her weight and removing herself from the mattress. You can hear some shuffling and you turn your head trying to look. Tears still fall, blurring your vision slightly. You can’t see her but the bed dips again as a hand rubs your ass again making you whine and squirm. “So pretty like this.” Agatha leans down and whispers in your ear. 
Agatha’s weight shifts on the bed again. She moves between your legs. She grabs your pants and underwear that is on your thighs. You hear the sound of fabric ripping as she tears your clothes off of you. “You’re fucking mine you hear me?” Agatha leans over you, a weight slapping on your ass. You whimper and nod. “Yes. I’m yours.” She leans back up towering over you. “Good girl.” The weight that once sat on your ass she now swipes through your folds wet with your arousal. Spreading it up and down and coating her strap. 
You have no time to register Agatha’s actions as she lines up with your entrance and thrust the faux cock inside of you. You cry out at the deliciously painful stretch. It’s bigger than what you have taken before. She starts a hard and fast pace, fucking into your tight hole. “Fuck your taking me to well.” She slaps your ass again, enjoying the hiss of pain that leaves your lips. Her hand moving you and wrapping around the back of your neck pushing your face further into the mattress. 
Right now she doesn’t care about your pleasure, only her own. Fucking into you with reckless abandon. “So fucking tight no matter how many times I fuck you.” Her hips slapping against your ass making you whimper and moan. “You wouldn’t survive without me. Just a dumb stupid whore.” You’re already clenching around her strap the faster she drives her hips into you. Your pleasure heightened by the pain. 
Agatha leans over you pressing her front into your back still holding your face down rutting into you. “You fucking try to leave me again I’ll kill you. You don’t get another chance, little girl. I told you’re mine and if I can’t have you no one can. You know that little friend of yours? I saw that she was looking for you. I took care of that little problem. I saw her little TV stunt. I wanted to see what your dumb little brain would do if you knew so I recorded it. Let it play for you. So stupid thinking you could get away.” She whispers in your ear. More tears slip down your face. You’re trapped here forever you know the woman wouldn’t lie. You’re her property now and there is no one else left to save you. 
It is better to let your mind submit now. Let her be your one and only. You’ll be safer that way. “I’m sorry.” You whimper. “I-I’ll never try again. I’m you-yours.” She smiles, kissing your shoulder before leaning back up and pounding into you. Her hand still smacks against your ass occasionally. Your sounds spur her on to continue. 
You let all your thoughts melt away. Whimpers and moans fall from your lips, the squelching sound of Agatha pounding into your pussy mixing in. You submit as she pushes you into your subspace. Babbling how you are hers and sorrys for trying to leave. She just smirks above you. Her test didn’t go quiet as she hoped but she has you now. The perfect obedient little housewife. Cooking and cleaning for her then being the perfect little fleshlight for her to use. 
Agatha’s thrust becomes more erratic as the harness brushes against her clit perfectly. Her need to cum approaching fast. “Mmm fuck. I’m going to fill this little pussy. So fucking tight.” Her hands move to grip your waist digging in her fingers, sure to leave bruises behind. You’re confused by her words but that thought melts away when she hits that spot deep inside you. The sight of your tear stained face and your reddened ass cheeks sends her over the edge. As she cums her hand moves and you feel a gush of liquid fill you up. Your own orgasm then washing over you. 
The realization of what she meant as you feel so full. Cum leaking out around her strap as she doesn’t slow down. Continuing to pound into you roughly. “Aggie.” You whine hoping she will stop but she doesn’t. You can only see part of her but there is an animalistic look to her. She is going to keep filling you whether you want her to or not. Her thrust rough and hard as fucks you even further into submission. 
You don’t know how many times you cum or how many times she has filled you by the time she stops. You're both panting and sweaty messes. Your whole body hurts from her roughness and the marks she has left on you. You whimper when she removes her strap from your overstimulated aching core. She isn’t gentle about it like normal. She slaps your bruised ass once more before climbing off the bed. The mix of your cums leaking out of you onto the sheets below, as your gaping hole clenches around nothing trying to keep the cum in. 
Your eyes droop as your fuzzy mind listens for her movement around the room. You expect her to release you from your restraints and to clean you up. To place ointment on your bruised ass but it doesn’t come. “I’ve been so kind to you baby girl. Let’s see how you like it if I leave you as a mess. The dumb cumrag you were always meant to be. Maybe you’ll learn your lesson.” Agatha’s harsh tone filters through your ears. You cry out for her. You want her comfort and her soft touches. 
The door slams shut moments later leaving you in darkness. You continue to cry as your body shakes. You want her to come back to comfort you and tell you that you are her good girl. Promise you’ll never do it again. But your mind is tired as your struggle to stay awake. Your whimpers for the woman become quiet as you drift off into a deep sleep. 
What you don’t know is that Agatha is sitting on the other side of the door. Listening and watching you. An evil smirk playing on her lips. She has finally broken you completely and all it took was showing you that you can’t leave her. She had to punish you in order to break that last bit of hope deep in your mind. Soon she will have you as her perfect little housewife. Destined to be with her, tied to her forever.
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fieldofdaisiies · 2 months
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azriel x eris | 2,7k words | warnings: slightly vulgar wording | masterlist
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Sunlight, peaking through the looming clouds high above the Illyrian mountains, makes the snow around them glitter. Fresh, crisp air brushes their faces, fills their lungs, and cools their sweat-drenched bodies. Snow threads through the trees, the branches and needles are covered in frost. Nothing but endless white. Thick layers of endless white, a few animal trails criss-crossing here and there, but other than that there is nothing but boundless snow and calm. 
Well, it would be silent, weren’t it for the cheerful hollering of a single Illyrian male. 
“Yes! Brothers! Yes!” Cassian throws his hands up in the air, tramples on the ground and then continues to cheer loudly. There is a radiant grin on his lips, so bright it rivals the sun high above in the sky on a beautiful summer day. “Look at the winner! The winner who is me – Cassian!”
When he is close enough to the other two, he wraps both his arms around his brothers‘ shoulders, mindful of the wings, of course, grinning triumphantly while pulling them to him. Rhysand huffs a laugh.
“It looks like the two of you lost. It looks like my brothers are losers,” he announces in a joyful, but not one bit gleeful, voice. He is only happy. “And I won. I’m the winner!”
Cassian squeezes his brothers tightly once again as they waddle through the ankle-deep snow, their boots already fully covered in the fluffy white. 
Azriel sighs with amusement, craning his neck beneath the weight of Cassian’s muscular arm.
“It was close,” Rhys grumbles, and with a grin on his lips shakes his head at his best friend. “Really close.”
Cassian laughs again, the sound so loud and rich it bounces off the Illyrian mountains around them. He is truly happy about his victory and Azriel wants nothing more than to share his best friend’s happiness, to be happy for him, but at this moment it is hard to force those feelings. Happiness is once again hard to find within him, there is a spark of light, but it is barely there and he worries it extinguishes completely one day. Like a candle you blow out.
“I don’t think it was that close,” Cassian chuckles and then addresses his brother who has been silent until then, “what do you think, Azzy?“
“It was close.” As much as he tries to sound as happy as his brother does, his voice is colder, hoarse and obviously Cassian immediately knows that something is wrong. 
Rhys does too. But he doesn’t say anything. There is something between them, a cold and unspoken words that have been there since last year's solstice. Since the incident with Elain…
The general‘s body goes rigid, his arm tensing around Azriel, his hold tightening. “You alright?” Cassian asks. He knows Azriel isn’t, but what else should he have said. He wants to check in, often doing so lately. He can’t stand when his brother is hurting, his own heart aching with his brother’s sadness.  
Azriel doesn’t want Cassian to worry, not when he was just so joyful. It is his day, his snowball fight victory. So he nods and cracks a little smile, wanting nothing more than for his brother‘s happiness to return. “Just sour, I didn't win.”
Cassian chuckles to that, not fully believing him, but accepting his answer for now. “Next year you‘ve got another chance.”
“I’ll beat your ass then, Cass,” Azriel tells him and the smile on his lips feels a bit more natural then. 
He tells himself that he needs to focus on these moments. These moments that truly matter. Just the three of them. A few years ago, they have finally gotten Rhys back and are now lucky enough to spend the snowball fight with him again. Azriel knows he has to treasure these moments and not dwell on his sadness. He has to enjoy the small moments in his life, those that remind him of his youth with his brothers, those careless moments where nothing and no one could bother them. 
“Next year I will win,” Rhys says and both Azriel and Cassian burst into laughter. 
“Right, Rhysie, if you say so.” Cassian pats his shoulder, his laughter sounding in the air around them. 
Azriel smiles. 
Even though he tries so hard to change his mindset, to focus on this moment, on the inside he still feels cold. Maybe the warmth of the birchin will help. He just wants to be inside, melting away in the heat, the steam clouding his mind until all negative thoughts vanish. 
So when moments later this is the case, he exhales a long breath and rests his head against the wooden wall behind him, sitting in a sprawl, sweat already glistening on his skin. The heat slowly crawls beneath his skin, stimulating every cell of his body, the musky scent of his surroundings making a haze appear in his mind. 
Hot curls of steam and the scent of pine and cedar mixed with the smell of some essential oil wrap around Azriel like a cloak that slowly pulls him toward oblivion. He exhales slowly, and his treacherous mind allows him to entertain thoughts he never imagined he would think about. Perhaps it's the warmth of the fire that triggers such fantasies.
But he sees him, clearly, right in front of him — Eris. With a smile on his lips, and a hooded gaze. Sweat also glistens on his pale skin. Most of his body is hidden by fog, or steam, yet the upper half, his pale skin, and all the corded muscles are bare. Eris’ hair is tied back in a low ponytail, his lush lips parting with every word he says. Yet, Azriel can’t make out a single thing he says, but he doesn’t care. He only watches him and relishes in the sight that is provided to him. He looks so good, Azriel thinks, even if this is just happening in his mind.
In his fantasy, Autumn Court male nears him, smirking and then he crouches down. Azriel feels how his cock hardens, something that shouldn’t fucking happen when he is in the birchin, nude as the day he was born. He tries to shake off the thoughts, not allowing his mind to go down this path. 
He tries to direct his thoughts elsewhere – to Eris’ chest (which also doesn’t help). But if he remembers correctly, Azriel has never seen Eris without a jacket or shirt, he should have no idea what his chest looks like. And actually he doesn’t! Of course, he has never seen Eris without a shirt. This is all his imagination, it is not real, this is—
“You truly think Eris cares about him?”
Azriel's eyes snap open instantly, widening as he gazes at Cassian. Fuck, haven’t his mental shields been up? He panics the slightest bit, heart beating a tang faster.
“Lucien is his brother,” Rhys answers, his head hanging low between his knees, hands crossed behind his neck.
Cauldron be blessed, Azriel thinks, Cassian was talking about Lucien and not about him.
“That doesn’t mean he cares.” Cassian shakes his head, his lower arms braced on his strong thighs, hair unbound, falling in curls over his broad and sweat-glazed shoulders. 
But Rhys shakes his head, a contemplative look on his face. His eyes touch Azriel’s when he says, “I think he cares. Eris is…many things. But I know he cares about some people. He cares about Lucien. He cares about his family.”
“He‘s a dickhead, first and foremost of all,” Cassian grumbles, and Azriel feels a sudden surge of anger within him that he can’t quite place nor find a reason for. 
“But I have to admit you might be right. We don’t know what Beron does to him, or any of his brothers. Or what the hell Beron does to the Lady of the Autumn Court, so I guess you might be right. With everything he has seen and been through…there might be some people he wants to protect.” Cassian swallows and brushes a few curls of hair out of his face. “On the other hand, this also makes me wary – why he doesn’t finally act and put an end to it. Doesn’t he want to finally have change in his court? Change for good I mean.”
Rhysand blows out a long breath and straightens up. He chews on the inside of his cheek for a moment, then gives his head a shake. “I know what this feels like, Cass.” Rhys brings up a hand and clears his face off the sweat. “You think that back then I had never thought of ending my father’s reign?”
The High Lord tips his head back. “As much as you hate them and want them to be gone, to put an end to it all, they are still your fathers. It is something you can’t do just like that. Something you need to prepare for. Because once it is done, you have to live with it.” He swallows thickly. “You have to live with the knowledge that you killed your own father. That your father’s blood was spilled by his own son’ hands.”
Azriel’s stomach squeezes at that. Rhys is right, he has never thought about it like that and he shouldn’t have Eris pushed like that back then. It was wrong.
Silence falls over them, each one of them probably digesting what Rhys has said. 
“You believe that Beron tortures him?” Cassian asks after a moment. His shoulders are dropped, emotions Azriel can’t quite place swirling in the general’s eyes. 
“I doubt there is anyone in his near surrounding he doesn’t torture."
The back of Azriel’s throat is aching, just like his jaw, grinding his teeth hard. His fingers flex and then curl toward his palms — the only possible way to keep the sudden fury somehow under control.
“He uses his,” —Cassian‘s gaze touches Azriel’s and then locks, sympathy within his brown eyes— “firepowers on Eris?”
It feels like Azriel’s whole body convulses and he needs to hold onto the bench beneath him to keep from breaking. Or…heading right for the Autumn Court, doing what Eris should have long done. Ending the High Lord of the Autumn Court’s life, making him bleed and suffer for everything he has done.
“We don’t know,” Rhys says, “and we also shouldn’t make speculations. Eris‘ business with his father is none of our concern.” He brushes his hair back. “Our concern is only Beron‘s death and the future of Prythian.”
But it isn’t, Azriel thinks. He has always thought…
Azriel shakes his head. He has no idea what he has always thought, but he has never considered that Eris might be equally afraid of fire as he himself is. Beron might torture him with fire. Eris asked about Azriel’s scars, maybe because similar scars grace his skin…
As awareness spreads, his chest tightens and starts to ache so fiercely he has to place his hand atop his heart. His throat constricts when he tries to swallow and suddenly he feels a little dizzy.
“And keeping Lucien safe,” Cassian adds.
“He will leave for the Mortal Lands tomorrow.” Rhys leans back against the wall, shoulders relaxed as if he is talking about the weather and not the possible danger that may be lurking in the Mortal Lands for Lucien.
“That’s safe?” Azriel asks, and turns his head to look at his brother.
Rhys shrugs a casual shoulder. “He wouldn’t change his mind. I talked to him, but he said he wanted to leave. We can’t force him to stay here, it is his decision, not ours.”
The High Lord exhales a long breath. “He is a warrior and Jurian is there as well, to fight and protect.”
“But also Vassa and you know who Vassa is connected to.” Honest worry rings in Cassian’s voice, his chest heaving with deep inhales.
Rhys only gives his head a little shake. “As I said before: he wants to leave and we can’t force him to stay here. It's Lucien's decision, not ours. In his life, many decisions have been taken from him. We have to allow him his freedom now.” The discussion is over for Rhys, that is clear. 
“Lucien is a grown-up fae male, powerful and strong, if he considers going to the Mortal Lands right, then we should listen to him.”
“Your brother?” The female’s voice is nothing more than a hushed whisper.
With a somber expression, Eris tilts his chin downward. “They talked about him in the meeting earlier. I need you to keep an eye on the lord now.”
“Lord Karbaron?” Cenka turns her big brown eyes to the heir of the Autumn Court who is towering over the small female. Her shoulders are slouched, her lower lip pouted the slightest bit while she is nibbling on it. 
Cenke is his only spy. The only loyal person he has in this court, safe for his mother and maybe one or the other of his brothers. She is young, and in all honesty, Eris doesn’t really know where she comes from. He barely knows anything about her, only that she is loyal to him and that he can trust her – she has proven that over and over again. 
Her long auburn hair is tied back into a tight braid that reaches down to her hips where there is a belt with many daggers. Daggers Eris has provided her with after hours and hours of secret training, preparing her for any kind of danger that she could possibly face in the future.
Slowly Eris dips his chin. He knows Lord Karbaron. He has been his father‘s closest advisor for centuries. Whatever the High Lord does, the Lord knows about. 
“I need you to follow him. And bring me all the information you can get. I know he knows more than we think, more than anyone else in this court does.”
“More than you do?”
A cold chuckle leaves Eris. “Most definitely.”
Cenka dips her pale chin, fingers threaded in front of her body. Eris reaches forward to touch her – something he never does– and his broad hand fully grasps her small, bony shoulder. “I have faith in you. I know you can do this, Lady Cenka.”
She nods, purses her lips and determination fills her dark brown eyes. “I‘ll try my very best, Lord Eris. For a better future." She smiles, her whole face lighting up and in the next moment she is gone, the only hint of her former presence in his office the now open window she slipped out of.
Eris keeps his gaze on the window, a contemplative look passing over his face. He brings up his hand, rubs his palm over his chin and draws in a deep inhale. The long curtains, moving due to the breeze blowing in through the window, brush his shins, his eyes now focused on the rain drops, lazily falling from the sky. 
He knows he can trust Cenka, she would never betray him. Not like his brothers. He can’t trust them. As much as he wants to, he can’t bring himself to fully trust them…but he will try. 
Eris turns away from the window and finally closes it, his hands cold. He flexes his fingers when a kernel of remorse and worry takes root in his chest. What if Beron finds out about her, what if he finds her, what if—
He won‘t! There is no way Beron will find out that he also has a spy now. Cenka is brilliant at her job, almost like a shadow wrath, no one will catch her.
Afterall, she is not…a giant, idiotic bat that easily gets caught…
Which reminds him that he has a letter to send. Not only one actually, but a few. So, turning from the window, Eris stalks to his desk, pulls back the old oak chair and sits down. 
Using a pen that once was a present from his mother, he starts to write – only a few cryptic words that the recipients will understand, but not Beron (if the letters should land in his hands) and then he sends off the letters and hope comes alive within his chest.
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tag list for ACOCD @hnyclover @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @queercontrarian @fandomsmultiverse @acourtofbatboydreams @chunkypossum @baileybird71 @beckkthewreck @hells-sluttiest-new-arrival @owllover123 @acotarobsessed @goldenmagnolias @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @v3lv3tf0x @talibunny30 @allyhill @popjunkie42 @skyesayshi @going-through-shit @mybestfriendmademe @12334555666 @nickishadow139
general Azris tag list: @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt @brekkershadowsinger @ladyelain @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams
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nerdee-blondee · 3 months
I have some words on DA: Dreadwolf and what Solas intends to do with an Inky who drank from the Well
Now, I'm an in NO WAY an intellectual or theorist when it comes to media. I love perusing the internet and reading everyone else's theories and see if I agree or disagree. HOWEVER I do have (a lot) of feelings about some specific things we could see in Dreadwolf
So, as I said, you have the choice as the Inquisitor to drink from the Well of Sorrows. Which, as we know, means you are bound to Mythal's will and in turn means you are bound to Solas.
Now we can assume that Solas means to use us for nefarious purposes. To stop us from stopping him, or basically making us a ticking time bomb to our own cause. BUT WITH AS MUCH AS I LOVE SOLAS AS A CHARACTER AND HOW MANY LAYERS THIS EGG HAS? I don't think he would do this to us, especially if you have high affinity or have romanced him.
To bring in another fandom and story, I think this can play out like what happened with Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan. Now I don't feel like explaining the whole plot of AOT here BUt (SPOILERS I GUESS) towards the end when Eren starts the Rumbling and the alliance is in the plane to go reason with him, they talk about how Eren HAS THE ABILITY to stop them from titan shifting. He has the means to prevent them from stopping him and his grand genocidal plan, but he hasn't. Why? It would definitely make his 'murder-everyone-in-the-world-plan" go by smoother if he was able to prevent the only people could stop him. But again, he doesn't. As Reiner so dutifully points out, Eren hasn't taken away their titan abilities because he wants his friends to stop him. He knows what he's doing is monstrous and irredeemable, but he cannot personally stop himself on this path that he's started. So, he wants his friends to give it their all and do their best to stop him with nothing holding them back.
Bringing us back to Dreadwolf, we can all theorize and assume that Solas wants to be beaten. That's why he says to a high approval Inky "I would treasure the chance to be wrong once again, my friend". Solas cannot stop the path that has been set in motion for millennia, so he hopes the people of this current Thedas (mainly Inky) can rise up and stop him. SO, ABOUT THE WELL, I believe Solas knows he has the ability to use us for his own personal gain; but he won't do it. He wants his friends to stop him (or lover).
It probably is the better option that we drank from the Well and not Morrigan (because WE KNOW how Solas feels about her LOL).
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mcflymemes · 1 year
NATIONAL TREASURE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film
what do you see?
i'm gonna steal it.
this is cool. is this how you feel all the time?
what time is it now?
i'm so sorry i dropped you.
once we catch them, what do we do?
and you have no idea where he went?
just tell me what you told my friend.
is this real?
tell me what i need to know.
i made something for you.
what do you think? i'm a hostage.
stop chatting and get in the van.
then we keep looking for it.
you're not supposed to be up here, looking at that.
come on romeo, get out of there.
you know the key to running a convincing bluff? every once in a while you've got to be holding all the cards.
honey, stay as long as you'd like.
i know what i have to do, i'm just trying to think if there's anything else we could do.
you know what? i take it back. you're not liars. you're insane.
people don't talk that way anymore.
i would have done exactly the same to you.
i thought i'd be a good idea to have a duplicate.
you're treasure hunters, aren't you?
so we find a way to make sure the status quo changes in our favor.
who were those men?
you know what you have to do.
don't speak again.
i'm not going.
it's only a matter of minutes before the FBI shows up at my front door.
why don't you just come back down here and we can talk through this together.
will someone please explain to me what these magic numbers are?
are you crying?
look, i will let you hold this if you promise to shut up! please! thank you!
i know the person who has the originals.
do you want something?
i see why you left him.
look, if you wanted to leave me behind, you shouldn't have told me where you were going.
okay, pay attention.
we found bullet casings.
delicious jams and jellies?
it's not a conspiracy theory.
you owe me $35 plus tax.
you know something? you're shouting again.
we missed it.
you know, thomas edison tried and failed nearly 2,000 times to develop the carbonized cotton-thread filament for the incandescent lightbulb.
at least i had your mother, for however brief a time.
this is huge.
this is a waste of time.
i'm just trying to hide from my ex-husband.
beautiful, huh? i have no idea what you said.
you're a genius.
enjoy. go ahead.
everything i told you was the truth.
you are gonna go to prison. you know that right?
how do a bunch of guys with hand tools build all this?
you're not hurt, are you?
did bigfoot take it?
well... this might be possible.
do you have a visual?
yeah, rub it in.
is there a door that doesn't lead to prision?
at least i had you. what you do you have?
if it's any consolation, you had me convinced.
it means if there's something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsiblity to take action.
what if we go public? plaster the story all over the internet?
are you all right?
you handled that well.
the guests know something happened but they don't know what.
well. that would bother most people.
someone's got to go to prison.
you would do well to be a little more civilized in this instance.
you don't know this?
this isn't a day for "um."
he doesn't remember a thing.
we can't go back there.
it means the treasure is real.
i've never been so happy to be proven wrong.
our evil plan is working.
i'm still not against you.
i'm in a little trouble.
i know something about history that you don't know.
i'd be very excited to learn about it.
still a little on edge from being shot at, but i'll be okay. thanks for asking.
there was no file opened. we didn't find the information credible.
if you're not a steak, you don't belong here.
anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help.
when are we gonna get there? i'm hungry. this car smells weird.
you're all lunatics!
are you trying to steal that?
why does that never happen with me?
it's not like we have our reputations to worry about.
we did the only thing we could do to keep it safe.
hold on one second. let me just take in this moment.
they don't have it.
a toast to high treason.
there's no chance anyone can steal this.
hey, i don't make the prices.
the aliens helped them.
who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first?
i'm taking the whole thing.
you know, i really couldn't accept something like that normally... but i really want it.
now could you please stop shouting?
give me that!
i leveled with you one hundred percent.
you're still shouting, and it's really starting to annoy.
we probably deserved that.
no broken bones? a jump like that could kill a man.
it's invisible.
i volunteered.
i don't have that on my computer.
can i marry your brain?
you know, something i've noticed about fishing? it never works out so well for the bait.
we don't actually have it.
they're like early american x-ray specs.
i'm sorry for your suffering.
here's to the men who did what was considered wrong in order to do what they knew was right.
why do you care?
i lost my feed.
i don't know where anyone is anymore. i have nothing!
get out of there! get out of there now!
it was cool. you should try it sometime.
for the record, i like the house.
enjoy your spoils.
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The Way He Looks at You Series
Valentine's Day Bonus Content: Festival of Love II: Want
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Read on AO3 Read on Blogger Read on Tumblr Story Master List: The Way He Looks at You Series
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Chapter Summary
Cal reaches out to a trusted friend to figure out what was wrong with the celebratory food. Rating: 18+ Words: 1.8K
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I stand in my office, wearing the thick material of my Inquisitor pants and only my undershirt; a tank top. I sit at my desk, but find the fabric, while useful in hiding an erection, rather abrasive when sitting with said erection. 
The holopad sits centered on my desk, a new staple of my life. While my Light was in a coma, I sought comfort; finding solace in the plethora of stories housed in the handheld device. I attempted to read her stories, but our tastes differ and it became painful to read the words that she once held dear. 
I lean against the desk’s edge, finding small comfort in the position and pick up the treasured reader. Sending a message to my most trusted advisor, Kaahlii. 
I may have made a mistake. What do you know about Camby berries and Chak juice? Are they both safe for human consumption? 
I wait, my free hand palming my erection, desperate for relief from the painful discomfort of being unnaturally hard. Kaahlii, ever reliable, doesn’t make me wait long for a response. 
Thirteenth Brother Cal, 
Odd to hear an Inquisitor admit to a mistake, perhaps there is hope for you yet. I am aware of the traditional food. Naboo is home to many Cambylictus trees and the people there, human and otherwise, consume it regularly. 
The Chak juice is a different story. It only comes from the Spirit Tree on Endor. However, there are no cases of human consumption being a problem. 
How did you get your hands on it? 
Owner and Operator of Second Chance Literature 
I chuckle at the dig towards my kind. Kaahlii’s a straight shooter, something I like; gone are the days of honesty. Most fear me and speak to appease my temper. Those above me care not for my personal development. Kaahlii is an outlier; she has never feared me, perhaps because Light likes her and I love my Light. Or maybe because she can tell when I’m bluffing. 
You don’t have to be so formal with me, please. You said yourself this is a secure way to contact you. I know your technology exceeds the best of the Empire. 
The Camby berries came from Naboo, but the Chak juice… You’re going to be mad at me. Go easy on me, okay? I got them from a goods smuggler. 
Also, your bookstore has a name? Why did you put your position and business too? 
-Just Cal 
The carnal need is driving me mad. I consider throwing care to the wind and demanding my Light’s body, taking her as I had before the accident. But I resist, refusing to sacrifice progress for my own selfish needs. To my relief, the reader chimes and my eyes scan the screen, eager for a distraction. 
Just Thirteenth Brother Cal, 
This is a secure line, but considering how loose you operate with safety (the Black Market, really?), I’m not sure that you won’t slip up and let my technology fall into the hands of someone with more sinister values. 
I’ll need a moment to research with this new and horrifying information. Also, Rosara continues to ask when you will read for the children again. You should visit as soon as you are able. 
You would know my business had a name if you had ever bothered to enter as a customer. It’s called a signature. Businesses use it to seem more professional when messaging clients. 
Owner and Operator of Second Chance Literature 
I smile at the prospect of seeing Rosara, another person who sees my true nature. I type out a message to Kaahlii, emphasizing my original name. 
I know, I messed up; I was just trying to do something special for her. I’ll await your research, though, if you can, faster is preferable. 
Visitation will be a possibility once things are more stable here. I fear she’ll run if I take her anywhere at the moment. 
-Cal Kestis 
Minutes elongate as I wait for Kaahlii’s response. I stealth towards the open door, wondering if my Light is feeling similar effects. She sits on our couch, the back of her head visible. I look harder; one shoulder moves rhythmically, barely perceivable. A smile creeps across my face. She is needy, too. 
I listen, wanting to catch any of the sweet sounds that fall from her mouth as she works. Frustration leads me to peer into her mind, hoping to hear her desire, hoping she thinks of me. 
She imagines a compromising position and, to my delight, I see I am in control of her pleasure. My face buried between her thighs, her head thrown back in open-mouthed ecstasy. My fingers stuffed deep inside her hungry cunt, curling and relaxing with each thrust. 
I rub myself through my clothes, wishing to give into her desires. If she would only ask, I would eat her out until my tongue stopped working. The holopad dings and her head turns as I move out of view, walking back to my desk in silence. 
Inquisitor Cal, Thirteenth Brother Kestis,
I’m afraid that I may now know why you are so eager for a hurried response. I truly do not want to imagine you in this light. I’d rather hear of the crimes you’ve committed against your fellow Jedi. 
The Black Market is an unreliable resource for novelty goods, something I should not have to explain to someone with so much power. Chak juice is often cut with a nectar commonly found in Kashyyyk. This allows dealers to keep a high price while giving you a fraction of what you were hoping for. The taste is similar enough but has a few unfortunate side effects. 
It is commonly used by black market animal breeders, to encourage their stock to stay plentiful. The side effect is similar in humans: high sex drive. 
That’s not all, it also causes memory loss. 
Cal, I know you stopped reading at those words, but come back and bear with me. The memory loss is only of the day of consumption, nothing else. You aren’t going to lose her again. I promise. 
If anything, she may be more eager to spend some…quality time with you. Do yourself a favor and delete the messages from today. It’s not worth the stress you will feel later when trying to piece together more lost memories. 
Owner and Operator of Second Chance Literature 
I freeze, sickened, knowing she will forget again. Rage bubbles at the loss; a day I made for her, to honor and love her, to show her I can be everything she wants. 
I consider writing myself a detailed note, outlining the events of today, hoping to preserve what will soon be gone. Kaahlii’s words ring true; I can’t cause myself more stress with another unsolved mystery. I consider meditating on the matter, but the dull ache of being hard reminds me I lack the blood to think clearly. 
After consideration, I delete the messages and decide I will clean the kitchen and erase any evidence of today. To avoid further confusion, I create a mess on my desk, hoping my future self will assume I was completing mundane activities on the missing day. I stride toward the kitchen, knowing there are no consequences for today’s actions. Intentions set on making the most of it. 
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You almost jump out of your skin when Cal’s footsteps approach from behind you.Stilling your frantic movements as your heart pumps a surge of adrenaline through your body. 
Cal doesn’t glance at you, busy instead cleaning the kitchen. You sit there, paralyzed, wondering if he is reading your mind, aware of the need at your core. He doesn’t seem to notice, but you aren’t sure. You debate excusing yourself to the bathroom, but his arms being on display keeps you firmly seated on the couch. 
Your eyes drink in his beauty, looking over every inch of exposed skin, feeling disappointed he wore a shirt. Cal doesn’t glance up, as he often does when you admire him in your mind. He looks distracted, maybe even disappointed. 
You decide to take a risk, bringing your hand back between your legs. The movements are timid, attempting to enjoy yourself in secret. But your eyes track Cal’s every movement, though your head angles forward. 
Cal washes the dishes by hand, laying them to dry on a towel, his biceps flexing as he scrubs. Sparks of pleasure shoot through you as you make contact, using three fingers to sweep the entire area in long drags. The needy ache seems momentarily appeased, but demands more, urging you to watch the attractive man that could solve your problem. 
He turns to the counter and furrows his eyebrows. You watch, eyes raking over his arms, following down as he uses his middle and ring finger, gliding it along the stone surface. Your heart skips a beat at the extremely intimate gesture. The motion stops and he holds the hand before his eyes, curling the two filthy fingers to rub smoothly against his thumb; determining the counter will need cleaning. 
Unconsciously, your hand imitates the motion, stuffing yourself with the same two fingers and curling just as Cal had. You press your lips together, calming yourself. But your mind pictures Cal’s fingers instead, begging you to ask for his help. You refuse the impulse, but don’t look away. 
Cal wipes down the counters before moving to dry and put away the pile of clean dishes. He opens every cabinet and drawer necessary, and upon completion, he moves to close them all. Only, he doesn’t close the drawers with his hands. Instead, placing his hands on the counter and using his pelvis to bump them closed. The movement is inherently sexual. 
You’d typically laugh, but the desire in your belly replaces the humor with lust. Feeding the fire and creating imaginary intimate scenes with the man. Picturing laying beneath him while he thrusts deep into you, claiming your body. You want to know what he might feel like. 
Your thumb brushes over your clit, and a tiny moan slips out. Cal looks up, eyes dark and focused. Yours widen in panic, awkwardly clearing your throat. He says nothing, and it feels worse. 
He resumes working, and you slide your fingers out, wiping the mess on your thighs. You toss the blanket to the side, heading for the back of his quarters, needing to finish in private. Cal also heads for the hallway, forcing you to dodge to squeeze past him. 
Except you stumble, and Cal’s warm hand envelops your upper arm. You look up, meeting his eyes. Time stands still. 
Your mind, hazed with lust, draws your attention down to his full lips. The heat of his gaze lingers on your face, waiting. He smells good, and he’s so close, it wouldn’t take much. 
Your body decides for you, a tiny step forward, lifting your chin. Cal leans down to meet you halfway. Your lips collide, hands quick to find purchase on the other’s body. Yours in his damp hair, fisting handfuls of the soft coppery waves. Cal’s find the backs of your thighs, lifting you to wrap around him as he presses you into the wall. Everything in your body lights up. 
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Next Chapter: Need
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The Foster-Part Three
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TW: hints at smut. Language. Angsty situations.
SUMMARY: Situations arise that being certain relationships to light, as well as desires and tensions….
The Foster Part 3
She was flawless in every way you picked yourself apart and it made your eyes narrow at her. It was the only action in which allowed Kiara to find something to like about you, a mutual loathing for the effortless beauty that was Sarah Cameron. Leaving a string of insecure girls and aroused men in her wake without the means or care of doing either. At least to everyone but John B, it seemed. 
"Haven't you done enough?" Kiara shot as she stood before John B, your eyes widened as JJ leaned over to you. 
"Sarah got our golden boy fired after he borrowed some scuba gear..." 
"Stole, you mean-"
"Doesn't matter. Just goes on to prove once again why you can't trust Kooks..." 
But if you happened to learn the details of their mutual disgust for her presence, nobody validated this more than Kiara. 
"Don't you have a boyfriend to irritate? Some friends to stab in the back?"
"This isn't about you Kiara." She tried to look back towards John B, resuming a conversation that didn't have a chance to begin. Her siren eyes flashing to you for only a moment before you looked at John B. 
"You shouldn't even be here." The girls continued to throw cruel remakes at one another before you recognized the fire behind Kiara's eyes. The one that would come just seconds before she would lunge, something you believed you knew well as you'd done the same. Many times. 
"It isn't worth it..." You explained before Sarah scoffed. 
"And who the hell are you supposed to be?"
"I don't know what's going on, but-"
"Stay out of this-"The way Sarah projected her hand to your face was enough to alter any potential kindness into an upset rivaling even Kiara's. 
"I think you're on the wrong side of the island, Barbie. Maybe you need to get back to whatever ken doll you've managed to victimize long enough to realize you're pretty dense otherwise-" You tapped her temple as she hit your hand away. 
"You think because you're new that your opinion matters. Hate to break it to you, sweetheart. You don't. You and whatever sob story you rode in on. Piece of advice, you might want to try putting a little effort in because whatever tragedy is responsible for the bags under your eyes will only make people feel bad for so long. Won't be enough for anyone to stay-" The very thing you tried to keep from happening to Kiara had now been what forced John B to wrap his arms around your waist to keep you from attacking Sarah. 
But from the second he pulled you away, you were able to feel every pull of each muscle as he took you into safe parameters. For Sarah's sake. When you were finally released, you repressed a pout as you found an odd comfort in his grasp. 
"Come on, Rocky..." He teased while taking you into his room within The Chateau. 
"If all Kooks are like that, I can see why you don't get along."
"Usually Sarah's actually manageable...Until recently, anyway."
"Yeah JJ told me about the scuba gear. Why did you take it?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." He confessed before looking over his shoulder. "And they'd kill me if I did "
"Well I have nothing but time and need something to calm myself down before I find out just how many hair extensions she has." 
"Damn, scrapper...okay...But just keep an open mind." And with this, John B began to tell you every detail that had transpired since before he was sent away into the system. Details of treasure and gold. A sunken Grady White and a dead body. An old compass and its connection to a clue that brought him unintentionally to now. But where he expected you to become even more inquisitive or even confused, you just laughed. 
"Fine then, don't tell me."
"I'm serious. My dad spent his entire life looking into it. Taking our rent money and just disappearing-" He was suddenly on his feet.
 "Come here..." He took you across the hall and into his dad's office. Walls littered with research of an old maritime vessel you pegged as "The Royal Merchant." Your fingers came to the collection of books, mostly too dusty to appreciate a lack of care for, until looking back at him. 
"He left this..." A tape recorder placed what had been a final message along with a map. The contents sending your mouth wide. 
"And I was on my way to finding out more before being hijacked by the state-"
"What exactly are you after?"
"400 million..." Pope spoke in the doorway. 
"Don't get me wrong, I didn't ignore the fact you had my back with Sarah, but it doesn't mean I forgot you stole my clothes." Kie added.
"Actually, I gave them to her..." John B defended, his eyes reaching across the space to you rather slow climb as you adored the attention and defense for a moment. 
"Well still...I guess you're one of us now..."
"You should have seen the look on her face. I don't think I've ever seen a princess that pissed..." JJ finally entered. 
"She knows..." Pope explained, slightly disappointed. 
"Good because in case y'all haven't noticed, we aren't the best at keeping a low profile..." 
"Speaking of that..." John B suddenly alerted you all of the new and unwanted arrival. 
"JJ..." Kiara warned. 
"Swear to God wasn't me...I don't think..."
John B collected your hand within his own. 
"I'm trusting you. Please don't make me regret it." He spoke into your ear, squeezing your hand just enough to leave an impression of the warmth he could allow. His body leaning down to you as if to tell you it would be alright. 
"If they see you, they'll take you both back!" Kiara reminded as everyone looked to one another before you and John B were ultimately left waiting for the other to offer some grand masterplan. 
"Closet. I'll take care of them..." Kiara spoke somewhat reluctantly before pushing you to the direction of his room. Before you could object, the bedroom door came closed. 
"If you felt better about it, I could probably squeeze under the bed-" You would allow him even a second before taking him within the closet, the sound of steps approaching having meant you escaped in the nick of time once again. 
"Maybe if I had you around the first time, I never would have been caught..." He spoke in a low whisper. .
"But then you never would have been blackmailed." You reminded, reading the tension of his torso as it was forced against you. The heavy exhales forced from shirt inhales making you well aware of just how close he was within the darkness. 
"You can trust me, John B." He scoffed. 
"Sarah said the same..."
"I'm not her..." You could feel his smile. 
"You definitely aren't..." The sudden sensation of his fingers against your knuckles pulled your own breath to quiet. Even though your heart hammered within your chest, you couldn't help but wonder if it was with intent. Because of this, you remained still. Growing more desperate by the second. 
"I'm glad you did."
"Blackmailed me. It wouldn't be nearly this much fun without you. Or entertaining..." You smirked to yourself. 
"Or..." He continued, his touch having now rested on your elbow as it made that stealthy climb. 
"Or?" Your voice was weak, truly consumed by the moment and the closing proximity that continued from adrenaline and apparent fate set you a part of. 
"Okay all-" JJ tore the doors open, revealing just how close you and John B had been. An unnecessary closeness that existed from your need to be close to one another. 
"It's late." Kiara interrupted Pope's inability to formulate a sentence of any kind. 
"Yeah..." John B clenched his jaw in disappointment. 
Within a handful of minutes, Kiara returned home after following Pope to his father's borrowed truck to wish a good night, leaving JJ asleep on the couch, and you unsure of where you'd rest for the night. But one thing was for certain, you needed to wash the day off. Between running the night before and the near scuffle an hour prior, you were anxious for that cleansing feeling. 
"I don't think Kie left anything else, but you can borrow a shirt of mine..." 
"You sure?" He nodded. 
"Least I can do for how you defended us..." 
You nodded, slipping across the hall before starting the water. Testing the stream below, you turned to find John B's reflection in the mirror. His eyes trained on you in a way of regret for having been interrupted prior. Your lips pulled to a widening grin before you teased your fingers along the line of your shirt. But just before he would learn of your proclivity of white lace, you closed the door. 
The shower was uneventful yet sultry in theory. You imagined John B making his way into the steamed room, collecting the curtain in a forced pull, and joining you to enact the visions that contradicted your attempt to get clean. Yet the events of the night brought you to smirk at yourself in comparison. You hardly knew him. Even if he made your thighs press whenever he was close and offered some sense of safety you could explain. He was really no more than a stranger. 
With heartbreak eyes. Tempting lips. Muscles that could pull you effortlessly away from gravity. It was enough to bring a blush to his cheeks and your hand in a teasing descent before you remembered how close he had been. How his chest fell against yours. How his breath rested at your lips…
Because of this, you retracted any attempt to silence that need between your legs and finally exited from the shower. But once doing so, you became nervous on what you'd say when seeing him again after your near peep show seconds before shutting the door. After a moment's hesitation, you decided it was better to face the music, but found him looking at you instead. 
Without a word, just as your lips parted to speak, he moved into you. His hands at your hips as he walked you back into the sink. A final look for consent offered to you before he then surprised you with a soft kiss. But it was that instant collision that offered only a glimpse of the passion he was capable of. 
Passion you were soon to learn from this unexpected turn of events. 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916
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orifumioshi · 3 months
At the end, I don't have any other place to ramble long texts aside here; It took me a while but I think I'm finally ready to put into words what Toriyama-sensei meant to me.
I was very young when DBZ was airing over here, I don't think I was even alive when DB aired and thanks to my great grandma dementia antecedents, I don't find it odd that I have a hard time trying to remember my childhood but I have this tiny bit of memory when I was about 5 or 6, watching the DBZ Majin Buu arc, specifically when Goten and Trunks were training to fuse, I was so excited and maybe I was trying the fusion dance by myself too and after the episode (episodes? can't recall if we got more than 1 ep per day) I was tired and took a nap with the good memory of the episode, when I woke up I found that my mom put a blanket on me and closed the curtains, it was nice.
On school, I had a hard time getting along with girls and instead, had boy friends who liked Dragon Ball and we would play we were DB charas and me despite being a girl would often pick Gohan or Mirai Trunks (don't ask me how the roleplay went because don't remember).
Between Digimon and Dragon Ball, I began to draw when I was about 7-8 years old and by then, I was already aware of kid Goku from the original DB series but never had the chance to watch the anime, instead it was another fun story:
Don't remember my age but by then I probably already watched all DBZ and I was shopping (probably at Walmart) with my mom and I saw a magazine (Manga of course, didn't knew what manga was back then xD) with kid Goku and Krillin on the cover, it as very cheap so my mom gladly bought it for me.
When we came home, I quickly took off the envelope and opened it the wrong way (as the baby I was, didn't knew how to read manga) but read it very happy, it was the first Dragon Ball thing my mom bought for me and I would even bring it to school to read it over and over again, it was the volume of the beginning of the tenkaichi budokai where we meet Tenshin-han and Chaozu and of course, I still have it in my hands and treasure it with all my heart.
Then, around the age I began to draw, colectionable cards were released and everytime I was given my allowance, I would buy cards although there were times when I didn't had money, my mom was kind and bought them for me. My friends also bought cards so it was a nice way to bond over, at the end, the only friends I had in school was thanks to Dragon Ball (I got bullied for liking Digimon "instead" of Pokemon so it was nice to have friends with at least one of my same interest).
Indirectly, Toriyama-sensei helped me to have friends, someone as shy and introverted like me was able to have friends and when I drew Goku in class, the other kids praised me (and some where jealous) and it helped me to have a little bit of self esteem, I owe Toriyama-sensei the feeling of being praised for something I drew!
One day my mom bought me an activity magazine of the Cell tournament and by tracing a Goku drawing from it and coloring (at my home) I cheated and told my friends that I drew it by myself; honestly I felt very proud of how I colored it and even my teacher praised me. Later I decided to try my own stuff and you might know or not, but I drew two saiyajins, a red and blue one; yes, I drew the Super Saiyajin God Red and Blue when I was 11 and I still can't believe it! Although, back then I was just thinking on making Saiyajins who would control fire and water. The amount of times DBZ aired in my country open TV are years worth of my very own live, even today open TV is airing DBZ (and DBS now too) and just the day the news spread, our open TV channel Azteca 7 aired a marathon of movies from 1:30 pm until midnight (with a break of 2 hours due a soccer match) and this week, we are getting the DBZ finale once again, I don't think I'm ready to rewatch carrying these feelings but I'll do my best.
You might be aware or not, but the very reason I began drawing was Digimon and Dragon Ball as stated before.
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It was Dragon Ball what gave me friends and a somehow decent primary and middle school experience, it was great when all the kids (and I of course) would sing Chala-Head chala during break or try the fusion dance, even in my university years (less than 10 years ago) we would still do those things! For almost 30 years, Dragon Ball and Toriyama-sensei have been part of my life and I assure you, it will remain.
Regarding characters, I'm pretty sure I began to had my gay awaken with Android 18, she was so pretty in my eyes and even today, I'm jealous of Krillin. Also as I said before, I began watching DBZ before DB so I easily attached to Gohan, as a kid myself I was impressed by how he survived alone in the Saiyajin arc and constantly asked myself if I would even be able to do that and also became very fond of his relationship with Piccolo.
When Trunks arrived to kill Freeza, was a turning point in my life tbh; despite Freeza being very important, I never liked that arc (yes, I thank Freeza for giving us Super Saiyajin Goku but just that) so when he destroyed Freeza, I was extremely happy and immediately became my favorite. Mirai Trunks and Gohan are still my top favorite character even today along with the androids.
I suppose is no secret that we all know Piccolo was sensei's fav character so even today, I'm very happy SUPER HERO was made, I don't have proof but I don't have doubts either that THIS was the movie he always wanted to make, it felt to DB to the core and it quickly became one of my favorite movies; sure, Broly was a great movie too but at the end, I feel it was just Toriyama-sensei agreeing on making Broly canon rather than having fun with his very own characters which is why now I feel a very dear feeling towards SUPER HERO.
When DAIMA was announced, I was very happy to finally have something cute from the hand of Toriyama-sensei, I felt like he was finally given the freedom to make something for himself rather than for us and because of that very reason, I was (still am) looking forward to it! I can already hear the very same dude bros who complained that it wasn't "serious" or "cool" enough complaining again. I hope that now they can appreciate the series, sensei literally died working! Anniversary works don't need to be serious, they are meant to celebrate things and have fun os I really hope sensei was able to fulfill his work on DAIMA having fun.
I think I went a little far with my ramble (even going off track xD) so to resume, the impact Toriyama-sensei had not just in my artistic journey but in my life is irreplaceable, now Goku and co. are in our hands so we better take good care of then for him, thank you for the good memories sensei, I promise to keep doing my best and carry on your legacy by never forgetting what you gave us.
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Gush about your OC
Rules: — Post 5 Facts about your OC. — Open the latest section of #cyberpunk 2077 tag and reblog 5 posts of people you don’t follow, giving them nice tags. — Tag 5 People to spread the game.
got tagged by: @wraithsoutlaws, @imaginarycyberpunk2023 and @morganlefaye79. Thank you so much! <3
Guess I can do all my three oc's now thanks to you, ha! Too lazy to make three seperate posts so this is going to be an all-in-one long post with no cut:
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Vijay is not a friend of going into a gym to stay healthy. But you can find him swimming laps in a public swimming pool. He works out at least 3x a week and does usual exercises at home to stay fit. He also showers every day, otherwise he won’t feel awake neither ready for the day/night.
His main car is a Mizutani Shion MZ2, he got through Regina Jones, so it’s the vanilla car and rides like a pure dream. He doesn’t care if it's a Tyger‘s favorite. His second car is a 1980s treasure: a DMC DeLorean. Since he was a child he dreamed of owning this car one day — now that he’s got the money after years of saving, he was able to fulfill that dream. He also still has his racing car toy version of it (alongside with another one: Trans Am K.I.T.T from Knight Rider) he got when he was 5 years old.
Vijay is of Austrian origin but can't speak any German/Austrian. His kin traveled from Europe to the US during the 1920s and his family history got pretty much forgotten since he never got told anything about it. Ryder casually mentioned that V pronounces his last name constantly wrong (because he knows it better as a German :P) and told V that 'Steyr' is actually a City in Austria (Ryder's family used to go on vacation when he was a young boy).
Vijay does only use cyberware that is totally necessary for him aas a netrunner so it its mostly addons and mods for his Cyberdeck and the power weapons he uses together with the balistic coprocessor. This means he's refraining to use cyberware for: arms, legs, his skeleton and also integumentary, nervous and immune systems. No fashionable stuff either (the one on his throat is there because of an accident in his past).
Vijay can feel like a great friend on your side – until you consider how much you actually know about him. He’s cagey and never about to fully reveal himself until he fully trusts someone. Not even close friends get to know his true self. Almost no one will ever get a chance to even try to get through and make him talk about his scars from the past.
Wanna know more about my ginger boy? try these tags:
///core:_vijay_steyr.file\\\ ⇢ about.file \_/ aesthetics.files.file
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Ryder was a very fidgety child and somehow this stayed with him. He's got a better control of it now, but he just can't sit still for too long. He also has a habit to align objects neatly side by side, he doesn't like chaos on a table.
He can fly a plane — means any real plane but also any shorter flying vehicle as well. He also knows where their weak spots sit and he can override autopilot systems.
He collects gemstones such as amethysts, onyx and quartz. He believes in their ability to clear negative energies from his aura, so they help him to absorb his constant anger a little. Once he thinks the negative energy gets stronger again, he cleanses the gems and loads them up again in the sun. So if you stop by his apartment you'll find them placed everywhere.
Ryder loves to go shopping. Mostly together with Vijay because he always needs someone to approve the stuff he picks looks cool on him. Sometimes the two make a challenge out of it, which means that Ryder looks after clothes for Vijay to wear and vice versa. At times this ended up in funny combinations. And with Arki he's got a true fashionista on his side as well for sure. :)
Ryder's got a mod installed that allows only Vijay to reset his system if he falls into berserk mode unable to get out of it (people might think he'd turn cyberpsycho, but it's just the killing spree he is likely to fall in and can't stop). It doesn't harm him, but he needs a few minutes to get back to his consciousness and mostly feels like some sort of paralyzes.
Wanna know more about my German dude? Try these tags:
///core:_ryder_von_scharfenberg.file\\\ ⇢ about.file \_/ aesthetics.file
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Hizumi's mask is a keepsake from their little brother who's been too dumb (sadly) by joining the Tyger Claws and got murdered when he decided it was wrong and wanted to leave.
They have trained with a sword ever since Hizumi was 4 years old because their father used to be a skilled sword master and smith. Hizumi comes from a historic city named Kamakura — a city that used to be the de facto capital of Japan from 1185 to 1333 and the seat of the Kamakura shogunate. Many warriors found their rest in and around Kamakura.
Hizumi likes to roam the realm of the supernatural and believes the spirits are talking to them. Chigasaki got interested in it very early when they were diving into the world of Japanese folklore full of gods and creatures such as oni and yokai. They believe to have had an encounter with the Kami Inari at their home shrine in Kamakura that lies deep in the woods behind the hidden village.
Hizumi is a lazy bitch. Only talks when necessary or needed, doesn't interfere much either. It's likely that Vijay or Ryder have to give them an exact order to do something — it's like when you enter a taxi in Tokyo and can't tell the driver the exact location, he won't start driving. You'll spot Hizumi mostly sitting or lying around being lazy but still observing.
They also like to be up on high buildings. It's where they feel safest and inapproachable in the city. Down in the streets there is only danger around you all the time called daily life. Up high on a skyscraper, they've got peace. So, Hizumi likes to travel mostly over rooftops and is a huge fan of chilling on fire escape stairs, likely to observe enemies from above and also enter jobs this way if it's not in open space.
Wanna know more about my samurai kitsune? Try these tags:
///core:_hizumi_chigasaki.file\\\ ⇢ about.file \_/ aesthetics.file
Tagging (dunno if you already got tagged bc I'm always so late to the game): @nervouswizardcycle, @jessxmetal, @genocidalfetus, @f001onthehill and @gloryride (no pressure tho and even if you've done this already maybe there might be another character waiting to be told more about? :))
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
Hi you can delete this ask if you want but your Fishlegs post made me want to ramble iamsosorry
FIRST OF ALL there is a massive constant to how Fishlegs and alvin approach the bonds they make with other people. Alvin has multiple times formed “bonds” with others who stay in his life for a long period of time, but he never actually grows to care about these people and drops them the moment they’re no longer useful to him. Termagent, obviously, but also Humungous, who he “befriended” in the Lava-Lout prisons and then betrayed and abandoned for 15 years, and also in book 2 where Alvin spends weeks/months on berk with the Hooligan tribe and then tries to sell every single one of them into slavery without a second thought when they find the treasure. The people in his life have no effect on him and every time he moves on and forgets about them.
MEANWHILE the bonds that Fishlegs forms with his friends (Hiccup and Camicazi, mostly) are SO STRONG and important to him that it supercedes anything else. Like in book 5 where he wants to leave the Archipelago because of the Exterminators, but stays because he refuses to abandon Hiccup. And then goes with Hiccup to Lava-Lout island. Fishlegs’ loyalty to the people that care about him is imo one of his defining traits, and its hilarious that the son of Alvin the Treacherous is Fishlegs the Faithful.
ALSO if Alvin had actually decided to change and stayed around in Fishlegs’ life when he was born, he probably would’ve ended up with the lobster necklace. Again Fishlegs forms such strong bonds with the people who care about him that if Alvin had actually been a Good Father, he would’ve gotten that loyalty instead, and the Dragon Jewel that came with it.
ALSO one of Grimbeard’s criteria for being King was to be a Better Man Than He Was. And what did Grimbeard do? Abandon his baby son. But what did Grimbeard also do? Take his son back into his life when he found him again. Not trying to praise Grimbeard here, since he was still a Bad Awful Man, but Alvin managed to not even meet the minimum criteria of being a Better Man, because of how much of a Bad Awful Father he is.
ALSO in book 2 where Hiccup is trying to reason with Alvin during the swordfight, he says and I quote from the book in my hand rn: “Look, Alvin, it’s never too late to change. You’ve still got a chance to live life differently, make friends, start a family…” when Fishlegs is standing Right There. And then Alvin goes on abt how its Too Late For Him. Yeah, he already had a chance to start a family and he said Nah the first time.
First of all, Fishlegs the Faithful is literally everything to me,, and next the point of how Alvin couldn't even do the bare minimum of becoming a better man by reclaiming his son like Grimbeard once did-- THAT PARALLEL. And the fact that he would have probably ended up with the lobster necklace if he had been a better father. He had his chances the same as Hiccup did to earn his right to become king, but unlike Hiccup, he kept choosing wrong, again and again
And I'll never get over how many times throughout the series that Fishlegs stayed by Hiccup's side just because he refused to leave him, even when what Hiccup was doing was downright crazy. The island of the Exterminators, but also that moment in book 7 when they were flying back from the Northern Wanderer ship? Book 6 where they headed to the library? Book 9 when Hiccup is going to investigate the fortune telling hut and Fishlegs didn't need to come but he said 'of course I'm doing it if you're doing it' as if it's a no brainer??
It just makes me feel things. Alvin abandoning Fishlegs, only for Fishlegs to decide never to abandon Hiccup. To never, ever make Hiccup feel as if he was alone in the world, like he probably has, many times. Fishlegs, who would then go on to establish a tribe for anyone who feels that alone in the world. He's such an underrated gem of a boy.
I love this ask, I love talking about Fishlegs, thank you
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi there, it's Sarah here! I am so glad that you opened your ship ask again so can I please have a level 3 Disney, Marvel and The Umbrella Academy ships please?
Physical Appearance: I have long brown hair with blonde highlights, ocean blue eyes with bluish-purple glasses, I have a curvy but lean body with strong calves thanks to the years of dancing (cheerleading and ballet), horse-riding, running and jumping, I am 5'1 feet tall, I have pale-tan skin with freckles on my face and also I got random moles and freckles on my arms and legs as well and people say I got a smile that can brighten up any room.
Personality: I am an open-minded, kind-hearted, optimistic and friendly girl with a love of learning things like zodiac signs, MBTI types, crystals and Disney etc. I can be very impatient, stubborn, naive and I am also in the spectrum so I can be blunt and quirky only because I see the world in a different way from other people but I see the good in people no matter what and I am loyal and dependable to my friends and family and when someone hurts my friends and my family I can be fiercely protective all over them.
My type for a perfect person: I just want to be my best friend and partner in crime, I want a gentleman or gentlelady who will be proudly hold my hand and being glad that I am their girlfriend, I want someone to bring me flowers and compliments everyday and being the mother/father of my future kids someday and treat me like a queen all the time.
Sexuality and Pronouns: Bisexual (Both male and female preference) and She/Her
Big Three: Sagittarius sun, Cancer moon and Aquarius rising
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Enneagram Type: Type 2 (The Helper)
Temperament Personality Type: Sanguine-Choleric (The Influencer)
Likes: Singing, dancing, acting, writing, reading books, typing, watching Disney movies, Zodiac signs, MBTI types and crystals.
Dislikes: Mean people, vegetables, yelling, someone who hurts the ones I love the most and bullies.
Random Facts: I've been in the school productions for 5 years and my childhood nickname was Sarah-Bear.
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
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I ship you with King Ben. I think he would definitely treat you like a Queen, always making sure that you're okay, and feel treasured. He's soft-hearted and always strives to do the right thing.
・Most definitely calls you Sarah-Bear all the time, no matter who is in the room
・Loves taking you on the most magical dates. Usually something goes wrong (he turns into a frog because he ate the wrong flower, or you end up having a mermaid tail because you drank the river water)
・Likes to hug you a lot, and will wrap you in his arms whenever he gets the chance
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I ship you with Peter Parker! I think you two have an innocence that not a lot of people have. When people grow up, they lose the good parts of being childish. You guys hold onto that, and neither would work well with someone who has grown up too quickly.
・Surprises you when he comes back from crime fighting. He'll swing into your room and scare the shiz out of you. Once he did it while you were holding a mug and you dropped it (you were sad, it was your favourite mug .... he did buy you a new one though)
・He's very protective of you and never EVER lets anything bad happen to you. Never lets you get near the action because he would lose it if you got hurt
・Introduces you to the Avengers and Tony gives him the thumbs up
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲
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I ship you with Viktor Hargreeves! I think you work well with people who have a soft side. You wouldn't work well with someone like Diego, who is too harsh in his words and actions. Viktor would always act with you in the back of his mind, making sure that whatever he does, you're included and okay with it.
・Having the sweetest partner in the world, he always makes sure you feel better about yourself
・Flowers flower flowers, every week he brings you a new bouquet
・A lot of inside jokes, especially about his family. You've gotten used to how crazy they are, and often joke about it
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tendous-socks · 2 years
because i crave violence
twst ships i don’t like
info : i dont ship any twst characters cause i see them all as just friends, but here’s some shops that are just a no for me (my opinion, nothing wrong if you ship them)
1. kalim x jamil
… no- just- no. if jamil had the chance he’d actually try to ki- nvm he already did. i just don’t see them ever dating. with jamil’s past / present status i don’t see it. ‘enemies to lovers’ uh no. i just really don’t EVER see jamil stop hating kalim, let alone dating him. like he literally fucking. l o a t h e s the poor guy.
womp womp
2. adeuce
ik ik a popular ship, but i really don’t see them as anything more than friends 😭 like i personally don’t see how people ship them since they’re literally always fighting and all. don’t even see them as having a bromance 😭 deuce is too nervous for that and ace seems to have a very fragile masculinity
3. rook and vil
… i see the appeal- but uhhhh rook chose neige over vil and rook is lowkey highkey creepy. plus i feel like it’d be surface level if that makes sense? like ik rook is obsessed with vil and always sings his praise / is there for him, but it feels like filler words ya know. plus they seem to be better off as friends for me
4. cater and trey
once again with the friends card. i just don’t really see it. i see them being close friends but i just don’t see them dating
5. leona and idia
… ik opposites attract but idia is just.. rancid…(but i love him)
6. riddle and floyd
feels like stockholm syndrome. also theyd clash a lot, with riddle’s need for order and floyd’s sporadically- not blending / too many issues
7. leona and ruggie
wayyyyy too much of a power difference here. just doesn’t mesh ya know
8. sebek and silver
ik im hating on all the popular ships but like. i don’t see it. sebek doesn’t really like silver (cause he’s racist). and silver is just giving in his own world. plus sebek is too caught up on malleus’ dick to ever date someone (sebek baby pspsps😿)
9. jade and azul
…in all the fan art i’ve seen azul is always the bottom (like bottom bottom where it’s always like a h*ntai) and i see them as childhood friends / people who use eachother for convenience
ships i can see
1. jack and vil
idk. i got an ask about it and the more i think about it the more i like it
2. jamil and azul
just purely for the aesthetics. wont read anything, i just think they’re really funny together (who will say i love you first challenge)
3. malleus x yuu
more of a x reader thing but someone said that malleus really treasures yuu for being his friend and not judging him, even after they learned about his true identity. and i think about that a lot
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glaivenoct · 1 year
what's your opinion on the trope when someone believes they’re hard to love has someone who loves them like it’s breathing
Anon are you magic? I read this and asked myself why does this look so familiar. Didn't I reblog this? Didn't I -
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As you can see - I'm here for it. And, per my tag, my very first instinct is to apply it to my most treasured AU ^^; I've been thinking about it especially since I - not to plug it again, but ;u; - posted the aside about Noct and his shitty ex.
In terms of cage fighter AU, I think while Noct has this mindset of protecting himself and never allowing the events of the aside to ever happen again: believing he's hard to love is something he learned from Miles (The Ex). It's something that's very hidden under the surface in the main AU. Something he doesn't even really realize he's still holding onto and needs to unlearn. And when I think of how he'll develop with Nyx, who will so effortlessly fucking adore him, it's just *clutches chest* it's so fucking beautiful to me. Don't get me wrong, it'll absolutely scare the shit out of Noct, but thinking about that point in the future where he can really recognize and accept that he's not hard to love - sadskgljlk; it just ticks a big box of this AU as a whole, man. That's some good shit.
Besides my own AU (yes I take any chance to talk about it I'msorry ;u;) I like to apply it to NyxNoct (my default, sorry again) kinda in different ways -
When I think of a scenario in which Noct thinks he's hard to love, it's based on the title of Prince always hanging over him. No one wants Noct. Everyone wants The Prince. Everyone wants this person Noct has been expected/taught to be. All people will care about is that he's The Prince, not Noct. And it will either make Noctis feel like the other person's interest in him is disingenuous, or they're too afraid to be anything other than formal with him. I bounced ideas with a friend once about him potentially having experiences like that when he was a teen, or getting a "talk" about being careful when he starts dating because of people that want to take advantage. And because of that, Noct kinda just thinks "what's the point" - until he starts getting to know Nyx better, and Nyx actively probes into wanting more of Noct.
When I think of Nyx believing he's hard to love - it's very offhanded. It's kinda like him shrugging it off, letting it roll off his shoulders because it is what it is. It's spilled milk he's not going to cry over: Being a glaive without his home, an outsider in the very city he risks his life to help protect, this trauma ridden, exhausted battle-worn soul who at the end of the day thinks "My life is nothing". Sure, Nyx is a Hero, a charmer with a winning smile, a show-off and a badass - but who wants to love all that other shit? It's fine, don't feel bad for him because he's fine with it too. He's not opposed to the thought of a deeper, romantic love, but he's not actively looking for it either. He's not someone who worries about never finding it. He's just gonna do his thing and get by in life. Then comes Noct. My redundant ass has written this in fics and rambled about it on twitter ten different times probably but: Noct takes Nyx's heart by storm when he least expects it.
The trope is just something so profound and relatable in any which way you can spin it. Romantic, platonic, whathaveyou. It plays so well into NyxNoct and how they're so different. Here's Noct thinking "Why the hell does this glaive want anything to do with The Prince?", then there's Nyx thinking "Why the hell does The Prince want anything to do with this glaive?"
And yet, they love each other so deep, unconditional and effortlessly. AGAIN - *slams fist on table* GOODSHIT GOODSHIT.
Thank you for coming to Brina's 34osd8090th NyxNoct ramble. I cannot shut the fuck up about them I'm sorry.
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