#'interested parties' is code for ANGRY MOMS
pollyna · 1 year
So, hear me out. Bradley knows about the Iceman but doesn't know him.
He's the friend Uncle Mav takes for important dinners once in a blue moon, and Bradley feels awkward around him because the man is tall, even if not the tallest man in his young life, and even if his mom tells him to go say hi, he hides behind Mav's leg and spends most of the night looking out at this man like he is some sort of mythical creature who not only knew his dad, Nick, but flew with him too. There's a picture in moma's bedroom of the five of them: moma, dad, uncle Mav, uncle Slider, and the Iceman.
Iceman is the man that Bradley hates a little bit because when he ships out, Uncle Slider wakes up at actual dawn, and Bradley can never get back to sleep because then his mom gets up too, and Uncle Mav really really tries to walk around on his tips when he comes through the door with him, but Bradley is awake. And it's too soon for him. So he has the right to hate him a little bit because of that.
In the years to come, the Iceman is going to be a voice over the phone, a sporadic presence over their table, and the person who will make Uncle Slider, who he calls Papa these days, cry like a baby the day he and his mom got married. And he's going to be the person with whom Uncle Mav sometimes disappears for weeks at a time, sometimes even months, coming back generally more tanned and happy than Bradley can remember him even being. He is the man who sends letters and postcards that his mom pins on the fridge and the man who makes his Papa leave the house at 2 am because his plane had been shot down and nobody knows shit about what happened. He's the man who forces him to wear his suit because of the medals and all that, and he has to go, especially if they are in the afternoon. (It's that Iceman forces him in the suits, nope, that's all his mom's work).
So yeah, he knows of the man, but he knows very little of him, and maybe he spent about twenty hours in his presence and company in his sixteen years of life. Then, during a party, some of his classmates ask if his uncle Mav is single because her aunt is interested in him, and Bradley doesn't know how to answer. When he asks his mom that same afternoon about Mav's love life, she shrugs and says, "He has someone, baby goose, had for a long time," and that's all he gets out of her, besides a single long look at the photo of Mav and the Iceman.
Something happens in the two years he and uncle Mav don't talk because something stupid Bradley said and something equally stupid Mav answered, and Mav writes to him a lot—letters, mail, and even a wedding invitation he sees five months later because he was away for his training and didn't switch postal codes. He doesn't open it because he's still angry with him, and his mom is so fucking disappointed with Bradley because "he got married and you weren't there". This thing hunts him for a long while, until he doesn't see Mav by chance when he gets assigned to Top Gun for the first time. He's wearing his wedding band, and he smiles sadly at him before saluting a superior and disappearing in the crowds, talking away with the base commander.
(It takes another half a year before they reconcile, but Mav doesn't talk about his spouse, and Bradley doesn't ask. He hears, thanks to the gossip vines, that the Iceman is getting his second star, and his mom talks, with Papa about his white hair and how distinguished he looked, during a barbecue the week before. Papa laughs and says, "Yeah, I'm sure he thinks exactly the same.")
But then he gets to know the Iceman, and not only of him after the mission, after he and Mav almost died, the man himself, with four stars on his shoulders and enough commandments on his chest to make the jacket look really heavy to wear, came to salute them on the bridge, shaking hands with every pilto and exchanging a couple of words with Mav himself. They are back on the land, Mav is sleeping in the back of the Bronco when they arrive home, and Carole and Ron are already at the front door waiting for him, talking with a guy sitting on the patio swing.
"Hey Mav, we are here," he says, gently shocking the man.
It almost happens all too fast, considering Uncle Mav is injured, and he's limping because his ankle is in a cast. He wakes up and looks around like he doesn't know where he is, but then his eyes focus on the figure who's looking back at him and who's getting up and walking towards them. And oh god, the Iceman is there, the fucking Admiral is in his backyard, and he's walking towards his car, but his eyes are on the person behind him, who's trying to get out of the car without killing himself.
"Kazansky, fancy finding you here," Mav starts, straddling himself against the Bronco.
"I was in the neighbourhood, so I thought to come by and say hi," he says, all serious but with a smile trying to creep on his features.
"Always a pleasure to see you, Admiral," Mav answers, already taking a step towards him.
"It is always a pleasure to know you are alive, Captain," he said, closing the distance between them, taking his face between his hands, and kissing him slowly.
"Fuck Pete, Jesus Christ, baby, I'm so happy you're home," he murmurs, and Bradley knows he shouldn't be hearing this because it's private and not for his ears. So he slips out of the car, as silently as he can and walks towards his mama and papa who engulf him in the biggest, warmest hug he has received in a little while.
He doesn't know how long they spend like that, hugging each other and not really talking because Bradley is getting all the comfort he needs by only being there, until Mav pats him on the back and says, "Hey B, I want to introduce you to someone."
And Admiral Kazansky smiles at him, not in the polite way he got accustomed to seeing him smile, but in a warmer, more familiar way: "Hi, I don't think you really remember about me, I'm Tom, Pete's husband."
So, at the end of the day, he knows of the Iceman, because of gossip, and knows a little about him because his mom and papa talk a lot about him, but he can say he personally knows Tom Kazansky, the man who married his uncle Pete and who sits in front of him every time they come over for dinner.
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spaceofentropy · 1 year
tag game - stranger things edition
The lovely @dragonflylady77 and @harringrovest tagged me so here I am!
ride or die ship (your otp): Harringrove
most annoying ship: it's a tie between Steve/Nancy (those two don't work together in canon, they are like soap and grease, why even try to put them together AGAIN?!) and Byler (because Will deserves way better than Mike Wheeler, and he should realize it soon for his own good! T^T)
second favourite ship: Metalsandwich. There's something so fun in the ways those three interact and interconnect...
favourite platonic relationship: Stobin all the way!
underrated ship: Mungrove
overrated ship: Byler (again, free Will Byers 2023!)
one thing i would change in canon: ONE?! I get only ONE and I even have to choose which one?! How can I decide?! [Sadie Doyle voice] The utter inconsistency in how the UD works! No, Troy the little bully almost killing a kid and getting away scot free! No! El needing to be re-traumatized to get her powers back! No! Karen Wheeler noncing around unpunished! No! Eddie's stupid death! No! The rest of the party being shitty friends to Lucas again and again and him just going along with it in the end like it's no big deal! No! Nobody actually trying to pull the mindflayer out of Billy! No, just Billy's death in general!
something canon did right: quoting @harringrovest's answer, lifeguard!Billy. And Steve in that silly silly sailor outfit. Season 3 was a weird beast, but at least it gave us those two things!
a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: my metalsandwich long fic Of soulmates and colors and also my oneshots Come close and Amok which were banged out in a couple of hours each but I love a lot. And also What doesn't kill you makes you a monster, because writing demobat!Steve Harrington was fun as fuck! Yeah, basically I'm proud of each fic I published, thank you. And I'm also very proud of the shark glasses that led to THIS! beautiful, perfect edit by @imsodishy 🥲❤️
a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Billy Hargrove
the character i relate to the most and why: Billy Hargrove, because... well, personal reasons.
character i hate the most and why: Dr. Martin fucking Brenner, because he kidnapped kids, manipulated and tortured them, tortured El's mom until her mind broke, and the narrative wants us to... not hate him, not really, because after all he was right? He re-tortures and re-traumatizes El but it's for the greater good? Well, fuck that shit, fuck the Duffers and their whole writers' room, and fuck Brenner with a rusty pipe!
something i've learned from the fandom: as with anywhere else, there are lovely talented people in fandom that make great stuff, and there are also not great people (looking at you, assholes who wish harm on others because they like one character you dislike!), so the block button is your best friend. Also, squeeing in happiness at good art and fics is even sweeter when done in group! ❤️
three tags i seek out on ao3: I don't really have an answer, since I don't usually look for specific stuff; I more go with the flow or jump on fics that someone recommended/mentioned that sound interesting.
song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Desire by Meg Myers is so Harringrove it hurts; and while Wolf by Yeah Yeah Yeahs is pure "Billy Hargrove after basking in Steve's love a little too long", Like You Better Dead is my favourite Billy-coded song, because, yeah, he can be as angry as he wants to be, just watch him burn!
I should tag someone, so... uh... argh! Hoping you've not been tagged, and begging preemptively pardon just in case... @salthat @destroya2005 @ariesbilly @suometar and anyone who sees this and wants to do it! :P
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Code Blue - Ch. 9 "Wicked Game"
Summary: Orlando returns home with a stolen treasure that he can't take his eyes off of. Megan sinks to a whole new low. Lee has a vivid dream. His world blows up as he loses more than one thing he loves. Megan faces Jo's wrath. Josie gets one hell of a shock.
*Warnings* Language, sexual references, smut, angst, death, mentions of medical malpractice, anxiety, alcohol mentions/use
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Orlando, Megan, Amy, Britt
Salem, Massachusetts
February 10, 2023
12:15 am
Orlando returned to his ocean front condo a little after midnight and went straight up to his bedroom. Reaching under the bed, he slid out a box of personal belongings, one being that of a picture frame that encased a photo of him, his mom and two sisters. He had just moved in a month ago and still had not found time to unpack his things.
He sat down on the bed and reached into his jacket's inner pocket, pulling out your photo that he took from your room. He then placed it on the glass over top of his family, sliding it firmly inside the upper corner and stared into your golden eyes.
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He then texted you to let you know he made it home safe although he knew you probably wouldn't see it until the morning since you had been, to put it blatantly, sloshed and had fallen right to sleep after he laid you down in your bed.
"Hey Josie. Just wanted to let you know I am home and ok. I had a wonderful time with you tonight although I am sorry it had to be under such sad circumstances. Maybe we could go out sometime, that is if you would like to. I'm sorry for what you are going through. Thinking of you. Talk soon."
The wide awake doctor placed your photo on his night stand and laid down with his chocolate eyes fixated on your image until he fell asleep.
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8 am
Megan had removed your phone from the charger and took it to her room. Last night she had been lurking about when Lee had shown up, watching the entire exchange. Later, she had managed to snap a few compromising photos of you and Orlando during the kitchen party you had with him, Amy and Emily. Nothing too damaging, just an innocent hugs and what not, but she knew Lee would not see it that way, especially with Orlando being his best friend. From what she could tell, the enticing Dr. Pace was irrevocably besotted with you...and his voicemail that she had just listened to confirmed it. She planned on destroying any chances you had with the doting doctor after the humiliating confrontation between you and her.
Megan had always been extremely jealous of you ever since yours and her teen years. All the guys chased after you. A perfect barbie doll is how she saw you, who got all the Ken's....and it made her more angry because you were never interested in them or their attention. Even her own brother, Jason, adored you more. Now, you finally had a man you actually wanted and she was bound and determined to blow that right out of the water. She also saw Dr. Bloom's text to you that he sent last night which enraged her, that yet again, another man was falling at your feet, worshiping the ground you walked upon.
The sly sibling typed in Lee's number and composed a text message to him with the attached the photos, one being a hug between you and Orlando when he had arrived and the other of him up close and personal, touching your face. Although he had only been wiping your tears, it looked seemingly intimate from the angle she snapped it at. This would bestow your wrath upon her soon enough, but she didn't care as the damage would already be done.
"Seems my sister can't decide which doctor she wants. He also carried her up to bed last night and I had to listen to the moaning and the bed thumping against the wall all night long."
Megan hit send with a devious grin. Sure, the entire text was fabricated, but would Lee believe you, or Orlando when you both tried to convince him otherwise? Doubtful. It was yours and Dr. Bloom's word against hers as there were no other witnesses. Britt had left early with Dave, Amy spent the evening in the bathroom sick and Emily went to bed.
Megan then quickly put your phone back and went back to bed without a care, anticipatingly waiting for the bomb to drop and blow up your world.
Earlier -7 am
Lee muttered and moaned in his sleep as you vividly invaded his dreams. You were in bed with him, your hand caressing his bare chest over his St. Christopher pendant and small soft patch of hair that lied atop his pounding heart. The way you smiled and gazed at him was that of pure desire but it also held that of a burning love, like he was all you could see. Every time your hand moved, golden sparks the color of your eyes, radiated over him.
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He had sexual dreams before, what man didn't? But this was something he had never experienced before. It was like you were really there. He could feel you, smell you. Every detail of your face was pronounced as the candlelight shimmered of off your smooth skin. An angel was all he saw.
His cock was throbbing, begging, pleading for your hand to find it as your fingertips traveled down his happy trail. His lips were parted, yearning for yours to take his breath away with an overly longed for kiss. The closer your mouth came to his, the heavier he breathed, the stronger his solid cock twitched, the more his hips relentlessly swayed against you. Your hand was now slipping under the covers that barely concealed his aching manhood.
His name flowed out of your mouth in reverberation as your lips grazed his, your sweet warm breath tickling his tongue that was urgently waiting for yours. Your hand found his long and girthy impatient member and your fingers curled around it, sending a shockwave through him. His head arched back as he madly moaned, his hips bucked and....
Lee woke up aspirating and grunting your name as he released, saturating himself and his sweat pants with his warm essence. He then desperately felt the empty spot beside him, realizing you were never there.
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Off to the shower he went with intentions of zero degree water because after that dream, he was still very much aroused. He needed to focus as he had a 9 am conference meeting at the hospital.
Lee chugged down a red bull and quickly devoured a protein bar. For being a physician, he certainly had the most unhealthy diet. There was no one to cook for and he had no desire to cook for himself, He was into the fitness part though. Working out, running, hiking, surfing and yoga were just a few of the physical activities he enjoyed doing. although the past week he had been slacking with all that had been going on.
He headed out the door a little after 8 in a light blue dress shirt, satin navy vest with matching slacks and tie, black oxfords and carried the navy suit jacket as it was another oddly warm February day. Getting in the car, his cell phone sounded. He had some glimpse of hope that it was from you in response to his voicemail he left last night. I wasn't from you, but it certainly was about you from a number he didn't recognize. His heart shattered as he read the message and swiped through the attached photos.
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8:30 am
Orlando was on his first morning break when he received a call from his very distressed and angry best friend.
"You just had to do it didn't you? You just had to go after her."
"Lee...calm down, what is going on? I don't know what you mean about going after her. Going after who?"
"Really? Is this how you're going to play it? I know that you fucked her last night. Did you really take advantage of a poor girl who's mourning the loss of her brother?? Someone who says she is Jo's sister sent me the photos and told me all about you carrying her up to bed and keeping her up all night with your...."
Lee paused as he sat in the hospital parking lot. He couldn't even finish the sentence.
Orlando froze and stood dumbfounded as Lee then continued his rant, having a good idea that Megan had did something terrible.
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"How could you do it man? You knew...you know... what she means to me?"
"Lee...slow down man. I don't know what you are talking about. What pictures?"
"Well obviously you don't know that you both were photographed while displaying your affections for one another, so here, let me send them to you."
Orlando's heart was palpitating and he really didn't know why because he knew he...and you...didn't do anything wrong.
He left the cafeteria and went to the locker room waiting on these so called photos.
"There. You gonna deny it now?" Lee snapped.
Orlando opened his texts to see two photos of him and you hugging and one with his hand on your face, standing only inches apart.
"Lee, man...I can explain these...."
"No...you can't. I have eyes. I can clearly see what is happening here although I had been blind to it. You moved in on a pregnable girl, knowing how upset she was yesterday...."
"Lee stop! You don't know what the hell you are talking about. And...she was upset over you or did you forget that part? Nothing happened! Trust me, she wants to be with you or are you that damn oblivious?"
All Orlando thought of in that moment was when you snapped at him for calling her Jo, demanding only Lee to call her that.
"Did you not carry her up to bed? and have inconspicuous sex all night?"
"I don't know what Megan told you, but she is a liar. She has it out for Josie. The both of them got in a huge fight last night. Come on Lee, open your eyes and see what's going on here."
"Oh I see alright...right here in front of me that I can't stop looking at. You just couldn't do it could you? Let me finally....finally be happy. She was the one thing that woke me up inside, brought me back to life...and you had to ruin it..."
Orlando was now pissed off. "You're clearly not going to listen to reason, but listen to this. If anyone ruined what you and she could have possibly had, that was you!"
Orlando hung up and immediately called you as he paced about, but there was no answer.
"Come on, come on pick up." he reeled as he stood frozen with his head down, pinching his eyes brows together with his fingers.
"Josie...call me back when you get this, it's extremely urgent!"
Lee knew the two of you were not an item, but something....something had began between you both and he knew you felt it too, at least he wanted to believe that. Whether he had a right or not to feel what he was feeling....he felt it...he felt it immensely and couldn't make it go away even if he wanted it to.
The meeting commenced, unfortunately with Dr. Westbourne and Dr. Conrad both present. Lee did his best to concentrate but about fifteen minutes in, he found his mind wandering to you and those images.
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He found himself loosening his tie as his airways constricted when he envisioned you in bed with his best friend. You had never been his, yet he felt like he had lost his true best friend that he barely knew.
"Dr. Pace? Did you hear what I have just told you?" Dr. Westbourne asked in a second attempt to gain his attention.
"Oh...yes. Sorry. What...what was the question?"
She stared at him, recalling his manic visit to your place yesterday.
"Do you understand the purpose of this meeting? Your patient, Miss Henrietta Carpenter's family has requested a brain autopsy. They believe a medical error was made during her tumor removal."
Britt's words began to echo and fade as Lee's mind traveled to the 18 year old girl who had asked to see him multiple times the day before she died. It was the day the explosion victims came in and he was needed to assist in their treatments because of short staffing and one patient, your brother, had head trauma, so he had never made it in to see her. Could he had made a mistake? There were always complication risks with brain surgery...but...did he cause one? Did his mental state of mind finally catch up to him in his work and cause the death of that young trusting girl?
He stood up, leaning on the table to balance himself. The anxiety was beginning to claim his ability to focus....to breathe.
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"Dr. Pace. Are you alright?" Dr. Westbourne asked as she came over to him.
He didn't speak and was perspiring and pale.
"Can I have everyone leave the room please while I speak with Dr. Pace."
He knew this was bad and that Britt was about to let him know just how bad it really was.
"Lee...the board is concerned, as am I about your mental state of mind lately. It has not gone unnoticed. I am aware of the reasons behind it and I am truly sorry and sympathetic over it...but with that said...it is clearly affecting your work and that puts your patients at risk. Lee...I am sorry but I have no choice but to suspend you until the results of the autopsy are back. And...god forbid, if the results do determine medical malpractice, the family will most likely file a lawsuit against the hospital and you. The girl's mother claims her daughter had repeatedly asked to see you and you had never came in. ...that was the day before she died...They claim she was in discomfort that night."
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"I was in the ER with you and the explosion patients for christ sakes! She was always asking for me and it was always for non medical reasons Britt! If she was experiencing problems, why wasn't I paged? I was never even told about her death until I came in for my shift the next day!"
"Lee, I know this but...this is standard protocol. You know as well as I do of the many complications that can arise, and that does not mean it was caused by you. We just have to wait and see. And...I saw you at Josie's yesterday Lee...and the state you were in...."
Lee whipped his head up in anger. "This has nothing to do with Jo. You leave her out of this."
"So...you are calling her Jo now? and quite defensive of her I might add. Lee, what is going on between the two of you? You looked like hell yesterday and you still do."
"That is none of your business." he snapped and pursed his lips.
"Oh but it is...and the hospital's when it affects your work ethic. You need help Lee and..."
"Jesus...no wonder people call you the britch." he reeled and stormed out.
Lee got in his car, slammed the door shut and tried to breathe. He took out his phone again...almost calling you because you were the only one he wanted to talk to....needed to talk to. Instead, he found himself looking through the photos again when suddenly he came across one he had never seen...a very disturbing one. A photo of him laying passed out on the floor from when he fell out of the attic...and it was taken from the attic.
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How did it get on his phone? He didn't have this phone when that happened...and who took it? because he was alone that night...or so he thought.
Lee sat up in a befuddled state and then drove off.
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Earlier at 8:45 am
You woke up with a screaming headache and the taste of last night's bad decisions in your mouth. As you laid there, unwilling to get up, your thoughts went straight to Lee and you knew he had been in your dreams as well. Suddenly, the sound of car tires squealing to a stop in the driveway and a door slamming alerted you.
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You got up to look out the window wondering who would be here this early and why so dramatically at that. When you saw it was Orlando, you rushed to put your slipper boots on and ran downstairs to see what was going on.
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Upon opening the door, he rushed right in.
"Josie....we need to talk. I tried calling but you didn't answer."
"I'm sorry, my phone has been down here charging. Orlando, what is wrong??"
"Well that explains how she did it."
"Who? Did what? Come sit down, you look like you're going to pass out."
"Your phone...she got Lee's number from it and..."
"Whoa whoa what? Who Orlando?"
"Your sister. She took photos of us last night in the kitchen and sent them to him...she told him I had carried you up to bed and that we had sex."
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"One of us hugging, the other when I was only wiping your tears away. Megan had been watching us undetected and took pictures. She apparently saw me take you up to bed, but she lied to Lee and told him she heard us...you know."
"Seriously? Wait...how do you know this?"
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"Because Lee called me and told me and to put it mildly...he was pissed off and didn't believe me when I told him it wasn't true."
Orlando showed you the racy appearing photos, although they were completely innocent.
You couldn't believe what you just heard and seen. Emotional pain consumed you first as you thought Lee and how he must feel. It was unbearable.
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Then the rage took over as you grabbed Orlando's phone from his hand, then went flying up the stairs to confront Megan. Your screams of her name awoke Amy and Emily who came running in.
"You!! You ruined everything!!!"
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Megan sat up as Amy asked what was going on. You shoved the phone at her.
"This...this is what's going on. She took these last night without me knowing and then sent them to Lee, telling him Orlando and I slept together!"
Amy gawked at the pics. "This is crazy."
"Why would you do this!!! Do you think of no one but yourself?! Of course you do, what a stupid fucking question. DO you have any idea what Lee is probably going through?? Do you even care??" you shouted at the top of your lungs.
"I was angry!"
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"SO you go and hurt someone else because you were ANGRY at me...ME!!"
Emily and Amy stood speechless while Orlando sat downstairs listening to the fiasco.
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"Yes, I did! Because you deserved it after what you did last night, humiliating me in front of everyone...in front of Mom! Since when do you care about this guy anyways when no one is good enough for the holier than thou Josephine!"
"Well Megan, I do care about him and if you weren't such a spoiled little brat, maybe you would understand that!"
You stormed out and ran back downstairs to get your phone and try to repair the probably irreparable damage.
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"How could you do something like that??" Amy asked Megan.
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Megan peered up at Amy in silence. She had always liked Amy because no matter the grievances she had with you, Amy had still been nice to her."
"It's disloyal. And something like this can never be undone. Ever." Amy continued and then left in disgust.
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Amy came downstairs and gave Orlando his phone back as you listened to Lee's voicemail from last night that surprisingly, Megan didn't delete.
"Jo...please...I only want to talk...and try to somehow fix this. Can you please let me do that? It's killing me knowing that I hurt you and that you're...are you afraid of me now? I swear to god I would never hurt you. I know how fucking stupid I sound saying that after what I did and there is no excuse...I chose to drink and take those pills which caused me to become someone else. Jo, I take full responsibility for my actions and I am so damn sorry. Please...please can you ever forgive me? I know I don't have the right to ask anything of you, but please, could you let me try to make this right? To show you I am not a monster. We...we connected...and it was strong.....I know you felt it too Jo. It was real... that's why it hurts so damn much....Please...call me."
The regret and pain you felt was like no other as you sat down and cried into your hands. The emotional turmoil and anguish in his voice gutted you. You had treated him so horribly when he had came over in such a bad way. He clearly needed someone and he chose that someone to be you...and you turned him away. He was right...so right..about the connection. It was very very real and incredibly strong. You never believed he was a monster, just a man in severe agony...and he needed you.....you needed him.
You dried your eyes and called him. You had to try to explain. Maybe if he heard it from you, he would realize the truth.
Lee returned to his lake house, ripped his tie from his neck and then shaved his beard off. Anything at that moment on his neck or face suffocated him. The mood he was now in required some liquid medicine. He changed into some jeans, a blue and red plaid shirt and a black knit hat revealing the bad boy image he once had years ago, then he sped off to the bar down the road as he couldn't sit in the house alone with himself...not again.
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With the music blaring some good old rock n roll, he cruised around for a bit to blow off some steam before going into the bar or he knew he would most likely end up in some altercation as it wouldn't take much to set him off.
The cd shuffled to the next random song. He stared at the player for a moment in shock. Why did that song of all songs have to play? He couldn't bear it and shut the music off completely.
Then his phone rang. When he picked it up and saw it was you, he hit ignore and tossed it aside aggressively.
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After a few hours at the bar, a girl came in. A girl he knew from his past that he once hooked up with, but felt nothing for. Jessica was her name. A petite young sandy blonde.
"Lee?" she asked as she stood at the bar where he sat.
He did a double take when he recognized her. "Jess...hey. How are you?"
"Not bad. How you been looka?" she smiled with seductive eyes.
"Been better. Sit down, let me buy you a drink."
She obliged and the two sat and caught up for awhile. Lee was feeling pretty good and invited her to follow him back to his place. Again, she obliged and off they went.
"Orlando...thank you for coming to tell me all this but I need to go find Lee. He won't answer."
Orlando reluctantly left and you went to take a shower to wash off last night's gritty feeling and refresh yourself.
When you got to his rental house, his car was not there. You tried calling him again but this time it went straight to voicemail. You didn't leave one and called Orlando.
"Hey...Lee is not there. Do you know where he might be at?"
"Possibly one of his other places, otherwise, I am not sure."
"Could you give me those addresses...please?"
He hesitated because he wanted to be with you, but he knew if he didn't tell you, you would find out some other way. He also knew it was hopeless to pine after you as your heart clearly lied with his best friend.
"Sure...you got a pen?"
You jotted down both locations and then drove off on your search for the missing doctor.
The closest one was on the lake so you chose that one first and lucky for you, there sat his car, with another one behind it you didn't recognize. You knocked on the door and rang the bell but there was no answer. Maybe he was ignoring you, you thought...or maybe he was in the shower or sleeping...but then your eyes went to the car that sat behind his. Then you heard laughing coming from the boat house on the other side of the driveway. Walking down the blacktop pathway, you froze as you came to the open door. There was Lee with a woman hoisted up on him, and they were kissing.
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That immediately ceased when she saw you.
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The look on his face was first that of surprise and remorse. He never in a million years thought you would come looking for him and actually come to this place.
"What are you doing here Jo?"
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"Honestly, I don't even know now. I think I just wasted my time and interrupted yours."
Then, he got cocky.
"Thought you would be off with Orlando somewhere, or wait...was it Dave you said you were seeing?"
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You could tell he had been drinking and that he 100 percent believed you had slept with Orlando.
"So this is what you do huh? Make assumptions and believe my lying jealous sister instead of your best friend who told you nothing happened between us? and then bring some random bar whore to your place to make a huge stupid mistake?"
You looked at her as if you knew who she was, but she didn't say a word.
All he did was raise his eyebrows while giving you smug disdainful stare in admission to your accusation.
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There was something in his eyes though...something that said he hated what he was doing to you right now, but your anger made you ignore it.
"Well...I guess there's nothing more to say."
Beside you, there was a sculpture of a woman, but you hadn't paid enough attention to it to see who it was. In retaliation to his heartless reaction, you suddenly knocked the art work clean off of it's pedestal, sending it shattering to the ground and walked out.
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He went to clean it up and felt sick, not from drinking, but from the unnecessary pain he just caused you. Your car door slammed, causing him to flinch and then you raced off squealing your tires. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes, wanting to get in his car and chase after you...beg you to forgive his stupidity...because you were right...this was a mistake. He didn't want this woman, not even in the slightest and even if you hadn't shown up, he knew he never would have gone through with sleeping with her. He began to realize that Orlando had told the truth, otherwise, why would you have bothered seeking him out if you wanted his best friend...or Dave even...which he now was seeing that was also nothing but a ruse.
"Hey...forget her. Let's go up to your room."
"Get out." he mumbled.
"GET OUT!" he then shouted as he slightly tuned his head to the side enough to leer at her.
"You know what? Fuck you Lee." she snarked and stomped out.
"No thanks." he muttered as he picked up the broken pieces of what was once.....you.
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solasan · 1 year
i'm greedy n would love to see all of the creation prompts for marine pls n thank u xoxo
infamous MC questions
Development: How did you come up with your character? Is their design still evolving? How do you think they might develop through the story?
oh she's definitely still evolving LOL. i'm still trying to get to grips with her, but i think i'm starting to figure her out so yay!! i'm super boring in the way i develop characters, so i just kind of started from a jumping point of 1) angsty angry ex relationship w seven 2) daisy jones but make it grunge rock 3) fun wild colour scheme LOL. marnie's a name i've been testing on a few ocs recently n this time she's stuck <3
as for how she might develop, i'm hoping she Matures Emotionally LOL. from imposter syndrome & abandonment issues poster child > queen of self-confidence and love, baby! idk what form that would take (like i think it's a development she could have if they lost botb, but also if they won) but here's hoping she doesn't alienate everyone with her pride before it happens 🤞
Voice: What does their singing voice sound like? Do you have voiceclaims(s) for them?
answered here
Lyrics: What are some songs you associate with your character? Any specific lyrics that really scream your character?
cherry bomb (joan jett & the blackhearts) is a big marnie song bc 1) i know for a fact she screams along to it in the car all the time and 2) the lyrics are just... very her vibe. allll of i hate my mom (GRLwood) is very heavily marnie-coded too LOL. all eyes on me (bo burnham) is very lyrically marnie (are you feeling nervous? are you having fun? it's almost over / it's just begun) even if the genre/style isn't anything she'd sing (tho she might listen?).
Fame: Do you think your character will enjoy fame? Do they think they will? What elements do you think they might struggle with? Do you think they’ll be happy at the end of this road?
marnie definitely wants fame; definitely feels an urge to prove herself and to also seek out people who love her, who want her around and admire her. but i think the realities of fame will prooooobably suck for her more than she thinks they will. she loves attention & admiration, but i think the fickleness of public opinion is gonna fuck w her (shes already struggling to handle this whole fight situation & reactions to it in the press as well as all the references to her relationship w seven).
also, despite how open she seems, there's a lot of stuff abt her life that she wants to keep private (what rly happened with seven, why she doesnt talk to her parents, the true extent of her partying) so having no public boundaries is..... gna be difficult for her, aha. but i think the accomplishment will help her in her way towards happiness, and she'll be proud of herself & the band for any fame/appreciation they manage to claw out?? and she absolutely will love being adored by her fans LOL so u kno there's highs and there's lows
Storybeats: If you could design one scene to happen in the story, what would it be? How would it change your character? What would make it so satisfying for the character arc?
answered here
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like. (You’re also welcome to choose one of the other questions to answer!)
hmmmm. she got into music in the first place to try bonding with her dad aha :/ he had a lot of old rock records and he used to listen to them when he wasn't on assignment. even used to laugh when she sang along sometimes, which was a balm for her no one loves me heart. he kind of lost interest over the years, tho, so it never brought them together.
when she left her parents' house for the last time, she stole his rumours vinyl lol. probably that might come back to bite her on the ass legally like that is entirely possible. but it's one of her most sentimentally valuable possessions, even if she doesnt break it out often bc it makes her think of her dad :/ it's defo come on tour with them in her luggage
Seven: Do you have headcanons about their friendship and/or romantic relationship (past or future)? What do you imagine some of their best memories are? What do you think some of Seven’s favourite things about your MC were/are?
answered here
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a-world-in-grey · 4 years
Sunshine Never Stops au hcs - part 4
part 1 part 2 part 3
In which things start to speed up.
-Around the same time Cor gets his present - and heart attack - Alata and her group visit one of the Kingsglaive bases in Duscae. It’s near enough to Costlemark Tower that the group hopes to leave the truck at the base and travel on foot.
-Unfortunately for Selena, her brother is stationed at that base. Nyx is not pleased to learn that Selena is taking daemon Hunts. While those two argue - loudly - and Loqi and Ravus staying to make sure that Selena doesn’t try to sock Nyx one and that Abyssus doesn’t get up to mischief, Alata asks Titus for a private word.
-Once assured of privacy and security, Alata proceeds to reveal that she’s aware of Titus being Glauca (hello miasma beacon), asks why no one’s treated him for Miasma Poisoning, and then straight up offers to heal him. Titus is justifiably paranoid until Alata informs him that she’s Alata Mederi, the Chancellor’s niece, and she’s not going to blow a deep cover operation. But he’s got Miasma Poisoning, and that will compromise both his mental and physical faculties long before it kills him. Titus schedules an appointment with Alata after they return from their Hunt.
-Alata grabs her group, but is convinced to take along a group of Kingsglaive when the glaives learn what they’re going after. They take Luche, Tredd, and Axis, because Titus puts his foot down on Nyx going.
-They kill the overpowered Jormungand, Alata demonstrates Ifrit’s Blessing for Solheim tech and fire immunity, and somewhere between Alata losing her favorite leather jacket and returning to base, Tredd and Alata have become snark-buddies. Loqi Despairs. He’s witnessed three bondings already, so he clearly sees the snap-bond happening right in front of him.
-The group returns, and Alata - who might be suffering the effects of a not-quite healed concussion - finally gets a good look at Libertus and has an ‘oh no he’s hot’ moment. Alata cures Titus with the Holy Fire the next day, which is more than a bit hard on everyone’s nerves.
-Alata and co head off to Lestallum leaving a Cleansed Titus - who is experiencing first hand exactly what Alata meant by ‘compromised mental faculties’ because he can think for the first time in over five years - and a murderously angry Tredd (and Kingsglaive) because people saw the scar over Alata’s heart and spine. Alata got to tell them that her grandfather caused it and her uncle saved her life - all true, just not the whole truth - and more than one Galahdian is maybe pissed that Alata’s grandfather is already dead and they can’t kill him again.
-Two days after Alata and co leave the base, Cor drops by, and Nyx learns that a magical giant snake is not the worst thing his little sister has recently killed. Of course, the glaives collectively bluescreen when they learn exactly who Nyx’s little sister has been Hunting with, and Cor has three consecutive heart attacks when he learns that Sola’s been hunting the Menaces, has Ifrit’s Blessing, and died because apparently Mors put a sword through her chest!
-(It wasn’t Mors, but Cor hears grandfather and thinks the worst, not knowing that Sola was referring to Somnus instead.)
-In Lestallum, the group’s plan to pick up a couple Hunts are dashed when Loqi gets a splitting migraine, because apparently now that they’re close to the Disk of Cauthess Titan’s decided to poke his nose into things.
-Alata does not appreciate the assault on her Shield’s mind. She’s still protective from the Tempering Grounds, so the group beelines for the Disk - passing the smoldering remains of Ullder’s former command - comes face to face with Titan, and proceed to kick Titan’s stony naked butt because apparently the guy has absolutely zero social skills.
-And somewhere during that, Alata’s far too stubborn Shield loses possession of the Braincell, decides to nail Titan in the face with one of the Ifrit Special ammunition Alata made for him, and winds up gaining Titan’s Blessing.
-Alata is going to sit on her Shield. After they hightail it out of the area before people come investigating because like Pyre that was quiet.
-And in Niflheim, Ardyn receives a personal invitation to visit Queen Sylva and discuss ‘his niece’s accomplishments with interested parties.’
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dapplemoth · 3 years
mothwing x nightcloud hypokits?
interesting choice! Lets see what happens when we add Mothwing and Nightcloud into the mix..
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the result is a gremlin!
alright alright, for real though, this is actually an alternate version of Breezepelt. Although, Nightcloud named him Mudkit instead at Mothwing's request to honor her old mentor. His full name will be Mudpelt once he grows up.
More story stuff under the readmore
In this universe, Nightcloud never fell in love with Crowfeather (Or well, she didn't settle with him I should say..they were never in love even in canon) but she did fall in love with Mothwing during the journey to the new territories. They were..hesitant to act on their feelings at first due to them being from different clans on top of Mothwing being a medicine cat, but they couldn't control how they felt and love began to blossom..
Since Mothwing is having similar love troubles, she and Leafpool eventually confide in each other about their difficulties in maintaining a cross clan relationship with their respective mates, and eventually all parties become acquainted with each other. They all agree to keep each others secret, and Nightcloud and Crowfeather cover for each other if Windclan cats start getting suspicious of their whereabouts.
When Leafpool and Crowfeather break up, Mothwing is told by Leafpool about the pregnancy and they tell Crowfeather about this new development. It is then revealed that Nightcloud is also expecting kits..and the group agrees to keep the secret of the parentage; Crowfeather acting as the 'father' of Nightcloud's kits. Nightcloud also offers to take on Leafpool's kits, but that is quickly shot down due to their different delivery dates.
Cut to later, Mudkit is the only surviving kit of his litter and Nightcloud dotes on him (Crowfeather keeping his distance). Mudkit grows up thinking Crowfeather is his real father and does his best to impress him, and their relationship is actually a lot better than it was in canon even with Crowfeather's personality. He gets his warrior name, Mudpelt, and eventually comes to respect Holly, Jay, and Lion quicker than he does in canon..until the secret of them being his father's children comes out that is. Then, on top of that, Nightcloud and Mothwing reveal the truth to him out of guilt for keeping this secret from him for so long.
To say he was a little angry was an understatement.
He goes to the Dark Forest and resents his entire family, feeling like the forest cats are the only ones he can trust. Eventually near the ending the Great Battle, he comes on his own and chooses to betray the Dark Forest and forgives his mothers and Crowfeather for keeping his heritage from him, understanding why they did it.
During the Broken Code arc, Nightcloud joins Mothwing to Shadowclan when she is wrongfully exiled by Mistystar. They get back together and can finally live out their golden years in peace. Mudpelt still remains in Windclan with Crowfeather because he has a family there like in canon, but he always takes the opportunity to visit his moms every gathering.
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simplyotometrash · 4 years
Some Obey Me Headcanons!
Part One!!
Lucifer has always been the dad sibling. After each of his brothers were “born” while they were angels, he was the one to raise and teach them everything.
It’s common knowledge that Mammon is his favorite. Even if he hates to admit it. He’s hardest on Mammon because it’s the only thing he knows how to do anymore.
Despite the fact that they don’t seem to get along because of Mammon’s antics, Lucifer only ever confides some of his most pent up feelings to the second born. 
The only other person he confides in this deeply is MC.
Before the fall, Belphie was his second favorite brother. Even after things have settled after Belphie was free again, he can never look at the youngest the same.
All he wants is for his brothers to be happy and live on. Even if it means working himself into the ground for their sakes.
He doesn’t ask for help. Help has to be forced upon him.
With how much he works, even at home, it’s not uncommon to find him napping with a pen in hand at his desk and his head on his paperwork.
He wishes he had done better raising Satan. He blames himself for their strained relationship, but he feels as if it is too late to truly fix it.
Sometimes he also wishes he had raised Satan as his son and not his brother, considering Satan was born from his wrath.
Children, for some reason or another, flock to him.
His control issues and needing to know everything that happens under his roof stems from the trauma of the war, the fall, and what happened with Lilith. 
It’s his deepest fear that he will lose his brothers and be completely and utterly alone.
A bisexual mess of a demon. No one can convince me he doesn’t have at least a small crush on Diavolo. 
Oh the second born brother. He just wants to see everybody happy. But he always messes up and ends up making people angry instead.
He has severe impulse control issues, hence why he’s broke all the time. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to save his Grimm, I headcanon that his sin of Greed compels him to spend. It controls him and so he struggles to keep money. 
But by gods does he have great luck with gambling. Get him going and he will win big every single time.
But keep that money where he can’t just grab it or else he will be compelled by his sin to buy things.
He doesn’t even want most of the things he buys. His sin took root in that empty space left from the fall and being cast out by the one he called his father. 
His sin pushes him to try and fill that void with objects and money when really he just wants someone’s love.
After centuries of being called scum and a degenerate because of something he has little control over, he gave up trying and gave into just being his sin.
He cries easy but only to MC or Lucifer. He won’t show his tears to any of his other brothers. Maybe Beel sometimes. But only sometimes.
He knows Lucifer’s most precious and deepest secrets. He’s his brother’s confidant. But he doesn’t even breathe a word of these secrets to anyone else.
He tries so hard to get attention, so he does stupid shit. After falling to Devildom, his family was changed forever. So any attention is good attention even when it’s him being punished. 
MC is the one who showed him positive love and attention again. It is one of many reasons he sticks to their side like fucking super glue to skin.
He’s actually a total mom-friend, though you wouldn’t guess it. You’d think he is the type to get drunk and pass out at a party? His alcohol tolerance is actually much higher than he lets on. He cleans up and takes care of people after they’ve all passed out.
He wasn’t nearly as anxious and against socializing before falling to Devildom. He retreated into himself out of fear of the unknown world they had all fallen into after the war.
He has an anxious attachment style. He knows it isn’t healthy. It’s rooted in the trauma that losing Lilith created.
The longer he stayed closed in on himself, the worse his anxiety got. To the point he became a recluse. 
He fears getting close to someone. He feels insecure in relationships, not just in himself. He doesn’t feel like he’s good enough.
He’s had relationships in Devildom before, but the first one ended poorly and it only made things worse for how he saw himself. The demon only dated him because of who he was, and preferred his status as the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy. Not as who he really is. 
The few relationships that came after all ended before they really could begin because his anxiety monster was screaming that he wasn’t really good enough. That they only ever pursued him for who he was in status and power.
MC’s persistence to become his friend is what made him begin to do some self-reflection.
They tried so hard to become friends with him, they put so much effort into him, and they encourage him to just be himself. If they do all of that, maybe he really is enough as he is.
He does try to step outside of his comfort zone more because MC opened his eyes to the truth of himself. 
But baby steps are needed.
He taught himself how to code just so he could make games. He got bored after making one and preferred playing to creating.
He doesn’t actually hate Mammon. Their little rivalry traces back to when they were angels and still growing up, competing for Lucifer’s attention. He actually loves his brother very much, despite how irritate he gets.
His envy is its own thing. It took root within his insecurities and has a voice all its own. It used to be so loud that he couldn’t think. But the growth he’s had since MC came into his life helped quiet that voice down a lot.
He’s closest with Satan and Asmo, feeling like he doesn’t fit with his older two or youngest two brothers anymore. 
He knew from day one that he wasn’t like the rest of his brothers. He was always different. Born a demon, never once an angel. He knew that they weren’t truly his brothers.
All he ever wanted was for Lucifer to be his father. Not his brother. 
Lucifer once was his hero, the person he admired and respected with all his might.
As he got older, his wrath only grew with him. And his anger at Lucifer grew as well.
He wanted to find himself as separate from Lucifer. He knew where he’d come from. But everyone treated him as if he were just some offshoot of Lucifer. He wanted to be his own person. For everyone to see that. It fueled his anger and built the wall that came between them.
He’s an excellent shoulder for comfort. He often comforts Levi when he breaks down or provides reassurance to Asmo.
These three are the middle children, they stick together.
He was alive when the Library of Alexandria was burned. Even though he wasn’t supposed to go to the human realm, he saved some texts from the library and keeps them safe.
The real reason he wears his jackets the way he does is just like when you’re in bed. If it’s full on with both sleeves, he’s too hot. If he doesn’t have it on at all he’s too cold. So one arm in a sleeve and one arm not in a sleeve.
Asmo has tried and failed to give this boy fashion help. He refuses to take it. He thinks he looked like an intellectual (for the love of god please lose the black undershirt at least, Satan).
He carries cat treats and cat food in his bag at all times in case he comes across a kitty in need.
He has sneaked many cats into the House of Lamentation. Lucifer knew the entire time but let Satan have a few days before he “found out” about the cats.
His wrath has burned strong for so long, even when he was passive, that he didn’t know what it was like to feel calm. But MC’s very presence sends a wave of peace right to his very core. 
If you’re insecure and you know it clap your hands. 
Levi might seem like the king of insecurity, but Asmo takes the cake.
He masks his insecurities with what people think is narcissism and over confidence. He puts on a show so nobody knows how he really sees himself.
Lust was always shoved down his throat as sexual only. So he went with it. He was supposed to be the Avatar of Lust. To be what was expected of him and to make sure he was liked, he did what he thought everyone wanted.
And it turned him into someone he never wanted to be. He didn’t know how to find himself again.
He isn’t nearly as sexual and lewd as everyone thinks. He’s touchy and clingy, yes, but touch is his love language.
When he’s hurt or doesn’t feel well, if he’s had a bad day, if he’s sad- all he wants is to be held by the person he loves and who loves him. He wants to hold hands or link arms. He wants to wrap his arms around them all the time. 
But because everyone in Devildom only saw him as a sex symbol, he had to bury his truest desires. He had a persona to keep up. 
While he does love to take care of himself, he used to break mirrors because he was so sick of who he had become. It took a lot of time for him to get through it. 
His MC is the only one who wasn’t tainted by his power. A power that seemed to just be active all the time whether he wanted it or not.
Everyone was all over him but it wasn’t as if he could control it. His sin was always active, it attracted people.
But MC wasn’t interested or affected. 
And that was what was most attractive to him. 
They saw him for who he was and encouraged him to just be the true Asmo. Not the Asmo everyone wanted to see.
He is excellent at sewing. He loves making his own accessories and clothing from his own designs. 
He’s ambidextrous. You think that the king of fashion only uses one hand? Darling, if he only used one hand then his homework would never get done. He write with one hands and be painting his toes with the other. 
One of the few people that can get Levi out of his room to hang out. They’ve always been close. Sometimes he does that just so the others can get Levi’s laundry and dirty dishes.
He’s the most emotionally open and stable of the brothers. He’s made peace with his inner monsters and can coexist with them. He’s also surprisingly good at advice. 
Can and will break into Lucifer’s study to make the eldest relax because he’s working too har.
He has bobby pins on him at all times. Not just for fashion but for lockpicking! He can be clever and beautiful!
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kassies-take · 3 years
If You activated the Werewolf curse after saving Lena Luthor from an assassination attempt
A/n: A TVD and Supergirl crossover. This can be read as its own but for a greater understanding of the situation: Saving Kara
You: Hey Jess *looks at phone, walks past Jess's desk, doubles back*
Jess: *unconscious on the floor*
You: *rushes to Jess, checks pulse, sighs in relief* Mom! *rushes into Lena's office and pulls out collapsible knife*
Office: *trashed*
Lena: *chained to her chair*
You: *throws knife past assassin's head*
Assassin: *chuckles* oh ho. you must be the daughter. I suggest no sudden movements, while we are waiting for the whole *mocks* I need the access codes from Lena Luthor, can I make you a drink *pours whiskey into a cup*
Lena: (Y/n) it's okay I can handle it
Assassin: You should really listen to your mother.
You: you think she's going to give you the access codes chained to a chair.
Assassin: *sips* yeah. She's the monster here after all.
You: she's not a monster
Assassin: agree to disagree *throws glass at you*
You: *rolls out of the way, pulls belt out from loops, and extends to make a sword.*
Assassin: *pulls the knife from the wall* can I ask you a question. Are you trying to fit in someone else's shoe because something is missing here *swings knife around* oh I got it, there isn't any blood
You and Assassin: *fights*
Assassin: *gains the upper hand*
Lena: *breaks the chains*
You and Assassin: *gets distracted*
You: *power side kicks*
Assassin: *groans and clutched stomach*
You: *leg swipes*
Assassin: *falls on his neck and it snaps*
Lena: *stares at the dead body*
You: *runs to Lena* are you okay? How, how did you get out of that? *checks her body* are you okay? Mom? *creases eyebrows together, chokes, and groans*
Lena: (Y/n)
You: *kneels in pain* what is happening to me *groans, pants, and eyes turn gold*
Lena: *kneels and hugs you* it's going to be okay baby. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. *signals for Kara*
Superfriends: *sits around*
Kara: *wraps her arms around you*
You: *poker face*
Lena: (Y/n), triggered the werewolf curse
Jamie: the what curse?
Lena: *sighs, looks at J'onn and Brainy*
J'onn and Brainy: *nods*
Lena: the werewolf curse runs in our blood. It is triggered by taking the life of a human, intentionally or accidentally. Every full moon we involuntary and unwillingly transform into hostile wolves.
Lucas: we've seen you on full moons
Lena: I wear a moonlight ring, as long as I wear the ring I can control my transformations.
Liam: did you know? *looks at Kara*
Kara: when we considered having kids, Lena was reluctant. She told me then, we were always very careful so you guys wouldn't trigger it. Then Lucas killed one of the Cadmus agents 5 years ago and it didn't trigger it.
Lena: Because I had the ring and there was no way for you guys to trigger it, we kept it from you... I was scared.
Brainy: Kara's Kryptonian genetics is blocking the werewolf gene.
You: *quietly* That's why you didn't want us to get rid of our powers for Jeju
Liam & Lucas: and why you didn't want us to use our powers
Supercorp: *nods*
Lena: anger is a strong emotion among our kind.
Lucas: I just always assumed that was a Luthor thing.
Lena: Believe me I wouldn't be a surprise if it was a Luthor thing. My eyes turn gold whenever I am angry or scared.
You: How did we never notice before?
Lena: *smiles* you guys were always a lot more interested with your Kryptonian side than you were with the human side.
Liam: what about investors, shitty businessmen, and just downright awful people.
Lena: normally just look away and calm myself down.
You: are there any perks to being a werewolf
Lena: We have access to super speed, super strength, enhanced agility, durability, regenerative abilities, and enhance senses. These are all accessible after the curse is triggered, in human form and in wolf form where these powers are stronger.
You: I’m sorry there’s more of us?
Lena: when I was trying to figure out this wolf stuff more, I ran into a couple of packs on the east coast. Met my friend Hayley, she helped me understand more about myself and in return, I helped her with a wolf problem in Mystic Falls. I wanted out of the Supernatural World and Hayley gave me the only Moonlight Ring we knew of. Haven't been back since.
Nia: Says the girl who married an alien, has half-alien children, and a friend group that is 70% not human.
Jamie: Is this on the Luthor side?
Lena: Oh god no! Can you imagine what Lex would've done if this was in his genes.
Alex: I asked that question too. *proud mama smirk*
Lena: my grandfather was from New Orleans he had the gene, when he moved to Ireland he met my grandmother and the rest is history.
Kelly: How did you trigger the curse, again?
Lena: Veronica Sinclair always had this fancy yacht party, I was drunk and accidentally killed someone. Two weeks later every bone in my body contorted, broke reshaped itself to make the wolf skeleton.
You: *winces*
Lena: It lasted hours luckily I locked myself in the apartment I had. Went to the Luthor Manor to see if I could find anything. In Lionel's study, I found a letter from my mom. Explaining the whole thing to me. *takes off the ring and hands it to you*
You: mom but you'll...
Lena: I don't want you to go through that *smiles at you*
You: I don't want you to go through that again, we will do it together
Lena: *smiles and kisses your forehead* I'll work on finding someone to make you a moonlight ring.
You: El Mayarah
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zot3-flopped · 3 years
After the news of Zayn's drugged out tantrums broke it made me think about how he, Liam and Louis are crap parents. Yes they foot the bills and the kids will want for nothing. But money really isn't a substitute for stable presence in a child's life.
Zayn's clearly been using drugs for years (eating disorder my ass that 2014 weight loss was coke based) in addition to being a self sabotaging puerile chump. An intoxicated, emotionally unavailable parent that's constantly having violent outbursts and rage-filled rants is so toxic for poor Kai. Even an infant is affected by this kind of abuse; just because she's small doesn't mean she isn't aware.
Louis does genuinely seem to love his son, but he's in another country 99% of the time. Call it what you want, but that's neglectful. I wouldn't want a drunk jackass around my kid! Much less an absentee father. That's sure to cause separation anxiety for Freddie. He just seems to be more interested in partying with the losers he keeps on his friend payroll then rushing to see his son whenever he's able. This is pre and post pandemic travel restrictions.
Liam is at least in the same zip code as his child recently but he seems like such a messy buffoon. I feel as if Cheryl were to leave him alone with Bear he'd lose him within minutes lol. He's got the emotional IQ of a 12 year old. A child picks up on their caregiver being incompetent. Again, frightening.
They're all deadbeat dads as we say in America. Typically that means they also dodge child support so it's not technically accurate. But I can't help but think it's more true then not. They're hurt children who will hurt their own children with irresponsible behaviors. Selfish, the lot of them.
Hilarious then that these mouthbreathing terminal virgins accuse someone like Olivia of being a neglectful parent. She co-parents amicably with a creep who cheated on her and sticks to a consistent schedule. These hateful stalkers KNOW HER SCHEDULE but still insist she's a bad mother. If she's truly such a bad Mom wouldn't she have ignored Halloween with her kids to stay with her boyfriend in NYC? It's comical. The double standards are shameful. No one ever asks men how they "do it all" as Dads. The internalized misogynistic bile is so telling. It breaks my heart but it also makes me really fucking angry. She does it all, parent, artist, loyal friend, ethical business owner, philanthropist, industry change advocate, and yes, unapologetically sexually active adult. Harry doesn't date pretty but not clever women as grown-up. He's matured. I wish these other 3 would for the sake of their kids.
Now Khai is at the wobbly walking and grabbing stage, she definitely shouldn't be left alone with Zayn who probably has his drug paraphernalia scattered everywhere, and God knows how much passive smoking poor Freddie does in the course of his dad's visits.
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radiantroope · 4 years
Lonely Heart || Rafe Cameron
Chapter Four - Tainted Love
chapter summary: Janelle comes over to talk and starts to show her true colors. You and John B. go surfing where he gets you to open up to him about your mom. An unlikely friend saves you from falling into what seems like a trap.
warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of familial death, a beer is mentioned
word count: 4.3k+
author’s note: yeah uhhh don’t hate me for this lol. i wanna fight her too. as always, please leave me some feedback and let me know if you’re enjoying this series <3
read chapter three here!
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You didn’t leave the house much. You didn’t want to risk running into Rafe or Janelle anywhere. Topper had dropped by a couple of times just to check on you and see how your mother was doing. Sarah was over the most, refusing to let you waste away in your room by yourself. She was going back to school at Chapel Hill, splitting her time between the mainland and the island. You’d tried to insist she didn’t have to come over every other day, but she wasn’t taking no for an answer. ‘You’re my best friend. You can try and shut everyone else out, but not me.’ she’d said.
Your mother had an appointment that day to have a brain MRI. They wanted to check the tumor and make sure the chemotherapy was helping slow the growth or at least keep the tumor at bay for the time being. Her form of cancer was aggressive and there was a chance the chemo would only work for so long. Eventually the tumor would stop reacting to it and continue growing rapidly. Your parents told you the visit was boring and you’d be in the waiting room the whole time so they made you stay home.
You stared at the fresh cup of tea in front of you, robotically dipping the tea bag in and out of the scalding water. Your mind was consumed with thoughts of Rafe, as much as you tried not to think about him. You couldn’t comprehend why he’d ghosted you and started dating your best friend. Was he ashamed of loving her and feared you’d think you were replaced? Truthfully, it is how you felt. He pushed you out and made more room for Janelle in his life, letting her fill a place you thought would always be yours.
Your whole perspective on your life was forced to change. The dreams and goals you’d had when you were younger, picturing Rafe by your side, you’d instead achieved and chased by yourself. You went to college parties and drowned yourself in booze to ignore how wrong it felt being there. You had mindlessly hooked up with fraternity douchebags, hoping it would fill the void in your chest. It never did. You had tried to go on dates with guys who were so sweet and nothing short of gentlemen, but none of them managed to wow you. They weren’t rough around the edges with just enough attitude to keep you in check. They were soft, men you could walk all over and they’d let you. They weren’t Rafe. You hated yourself for comparing them all to him, but he was all you’d ever known. He was all you ever wanted.
Guilt started eating away at you for focusing so much on the boy who unknowingly broke your heart. Your mother was dying for God’s sake. You should be putting all of your attention on her and making sure she was happy in what was going to be the last year of her life. You were upset with yourself for being so angry with her for not telling you about the engagement. It wasn’t their fault your closest friends were a couple of backstabbers.
The shrill ring of the doorbell ripped you from your thoughts. You abandoned the now cold cup of tea at the coffee table, sock clad feet sliding across the hardwood as you moved through the house. You glanced down at the oversized shirt you were wearing, biker shorts poking out underneath. You had a feeling your unruly hair was sticking out in all directions from the bun it was in but couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
The moment you ripped the front door open, you tried to slam it right back closed. Bile rose in your throat as you pushed against their body, growling, “Get the fuck off my porch.”
“I’m here to talk, Y/N, please!” Janelle protested, trying to look at you through the crack in the white painted door without having it crushed. “Just give me ten minutes.”
You hesitated, pausing against the door. Words couldn’t describe how hurt you were that she’d kept this from you for years. She had been one of your best friends. She knew things about you that your own parents didn’t know — that Rafe himself didn’t know. Could it hurt to at least try and hear her out?
You finally pulled the door open, avoiding her striking green eyes and waving your arm out to let her in. You shut the door loudly behind her and moved to the couch. “Ten minutes,” you stated, sitting at one end while she took a spot on the other.
“How’s your mom?” she started, giving you a sad smile.
You shrugged once, responding monotonously with, “Fine.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Janelle said softly, seemingly sincere as she stared at her lap. You kept quiet and didn’t show any change in emotion on your face, so she continued, “I should have told you. The second things changed with Rafe and I, I should have come to you about it.”
You closed your eyes for a moment and breathed in deeply as to collect your thoughts. There were a million things you could say to her right now, most more unpleasant than others. You sighed, “You knew how much I loved him, Janelle. You were the only person I told. Do you understand how much of a slap to the face this is?”
“I know. I broke, like, the first rule in girl code. I suck,” she replied, shaking her head a bit. She had been avoiding your eyes but looked back over, “We didn’t expect it, you know. It just kind of… happened. Things were really rough for both of us for a while and I guess it made us closer. We were able to connect on a deeper level.”
You stared at her, unable to read the expression on her face. You couldn’t pinpoint one sort of emotion swimming in her eyes. A weight settled on your shoulders, something within you feeling unnerved.
“Do you love him?”
There it was, a smile. The first real emotion the dark haired girl had shown you since she stepped foot in the house. Did she even care about you at all? Did she care that this was ripping you apart inside? “Of course I do. I wouldn’t have said yes to marrying him if I didn’t,” her response lit a fire within your chest, spreading through every nerve ending in your body.
“Then why did you never seem interested in him before?” you questioned, watching the creases form between her eyebrows. “You chased after Kelce for two years without giving up. You never once gave any indication that you were remotely interested in Rafe until I left, apparently.”
You were simmering in pent up anger and betrayal, jealousy sitting just below the surface. Though, you kept yourself calm, refusing to let those emotions through. You knew Janelle like the back of your hand and you knew there was more to this. You wanted to push her until she said exactly what she was thinking. The slow contort of her face into an angry scowl proved to you that it was working.
“You don’t just wake up one day and decide, hm, I’m in love with this person now, Janelle. How do you even know if what you have is real?”
“Well maybe if you weren’t so conceited and wrapped up in yourself you would have noticed,” Janelle spit, the olive toned tan to her face turning a light shade of pink. “Everyday I had to listen to you bitch and moan about how he’d never love you back. All you did was cry because you were too scared to tell him how you felt. I always loved him but you always made everything about you.”
You blood boiled under your skin. Your face became hot and you clenched your hands in your lap to keep them from shaking. Your bottom lip was sure to start bleeding soon with how tightly you bit it between your teeth.
“You weren’t there for the fights with Ward, when he called him names and made him feel less than. You weren’t there for the nights he got black out drunk because he wanted to forget. You weren’t there for the fucking cocain addiction that almost ruined his whole life,” Janelle seethed, leaning closer to you with every word she spoke.
Your jaw clenched painfully as you grit out, “How was I supposed to be there when he’s the one who cut me out of his life?”
“He cut you out of his life to send you a message, Y/N!” Janelle shouted through a laugh, a condescending smile settling on her lips. “He was so happy when you moved to California because he was finally free! He wasn’t being suffocated by you anymore!”
“That’s not true,” you whispered, shaking your head quickly. Your mind flashed back to your going away party. The soft voices and gentle touches. The way he looked at you like you were the only person he had eyes for — at least that’s what you thought.
“It is, and the sooner you accept that, the better. Rafe doesn’t love you,” the raven haired girl stated. Your glossy eyes flickered to hers. The bright green in them was gone and replaced with a cold, mossy color. “He never loved you. He never will love you the way you’re so desperate for him to. You moving was the best thing that ever happened to him — to us.”
You stayed seated on the couch as she got up and slung her entirely too large of a purse over her shoulder. Your eyes were full to brim with tears that you refused to let fall in front of her. You wouldn’t let her see how much this was ruining you. This wasn’t the girl you’d met back when you were ten years old, it was a completely different person. Or maybe she had been this person the whole time, and you had just been a pawn in some sick game. Only did you look at her when she opened the front door.
“And Y/N,” the sweet tone replaced the venomous one she used only moments ago. “Stay away from him. I don’t need you messing with his head before the wedding.”
The door slammed and you sat there, allowing the tears to flow down your flushed cheeks. You didn’t sob, you didn’t scream and throw things around like most would have thought. It was just a silent flow of saltiness that felt never ending. A numbing feeling came over you as you let Janelle’s words absorb into your head. Had you really been so blind by your own love for Rafe you never saw hers? Had you been so stupid to think the Kook Prince would fall for someone as ordinary as you?
You don’t know if it was only minutes or maybe hours that you sat on the couch, blankly staring at the wall. Eventually, you finally pulled yourself up and located your phone. There was one thing you knew would help you escape the depression spiral you were heading down. And there was one person you could call who would be willing to do it with you — despite hardly knowing you at all.
“Hello?” John B. sounded utterly confused as to why you were calling him.
“H-Hey, I uh, I know this is weird,” your voice was dry and you cleared your throat, “Do you, i dunno, maybe wanna go surfing with me?”
You sat on top of your board out where the water was calmer, watching John B. pull off an intricate trick with his own surfboard. You hummed in thought, wishing you could pull off some of the moves he did. You tended to just catch the biggest wave you could and ride it out for as long as possible. You’d picked up some things over the years, but just riding out a long wave was your favorite feeling. You loved the rush, like you were flying.
“You’re really good,” you complimented the brunette as he made his way back out to you.
“Thanks,” John B. chuckled, moving to straddle his board just as you were, “You’re pretty good at riding out the big ones. I bet I could get JJ to teach you some things. He’s better than I am.”
You laughed softly and shook your head, brushing your wet hair behind your back, “JJ would rather scrub Heyward’s boat to the bone than hang out with me.”
“He’s not that bad,” the Routledge boy tried to defend his friend. “Well, not anymore. He’s more… tolerant.”
You hummed in response, staring out into the open water where the edges curved at the horizon. The sun was beginning to go down, casting an orange glow over everything around you. John B. watched you, seeing the gears turning in your head. He’d barely seen you smile all day and from what Sarah had told him, surfing always made you happiest.
“You wanna talk about it?”
You turned to look at him, his soft hazel eyes saying It’s okay, you can trust me. You sighed heavily and averted your gaze to the purple and white board below you. You could feel that you wanted to cry again but your eyes remained dry, like you had nothing left in you. The hollow feeling in your chest felt like it was going to swallow you whole.
“You sure you want my demons weighing on your conscience?” you asked playfully, the corners of your mouth upturning slightly.
John B. smiled softly, shrugging a bit, “We all have our demons, Y/N. Some worse than others.”
You nodded and eyed him for a moment longer before asking, “What was it like.. to lose your dad?”
The curly haired boy sucked in a breath. It had been four years but it never got easier. His dad was all he had and then he was alone, still a child having to grow up entirely too fast. He let out a soft breath, “It was hard. I didn’t know what happened to him for nine months, and then to find out he was dead? It was like a part of me died with him.”
You nodded, silently listening along as he opened up to you.
“It was painful and ugly. I lashed out at my friends… It’s still painful sometimes. I try to think about the good things though. The fishing trips on his boat, going to work with him.. His horrendous endeavour to find The Royal Merchant,” he paused to laugh at the memory, and you did too. You’d heard enough stories about him and his friends searching for the lost gold as well. “I know he’s still with me. He watches over me. Your mom will too.”
You nodded again, bottom lip quivering slightly. Your voice was strained as you spoke, “It fucking sucks seeing her like this. Everyday I feel like I can tell she’s getting worse.”
“I regret not being around more the last couple of years. If I had known this was going to happen I would have done so many things differently.”
John B. waded his board closer to you, resting his hand on yours that was gripping your knee. His eyes were remorseful, lips turned down in a frown. His father’s death was sudden and unexpected. He understood your pain but he also had no idea how to handle knowing the inevitable was coming. He couldn’t imagine watching someone you love slowly slip away.
“Don’t think about that. Don’t beat yourself up for what you didn’t do or wish you did. Spend this time reminding your mom how much you love her and helping make these last moments she has some of the best. Make more memories with her that you’ll look back on and smile at,” he told you, squeezing your fingers softly.
You met John B.’s eyes again and nodded, giving him a soft smile. It was nice to talk to someone who didn’t exactly know you on that personal level but could also relate to you. He had experienced a loss like you were about to and it was refreshing to hear how he coped with it and get some advice. You wondered exactly how much Sarah had told him but it was nice that he was judging you. Maybe years ago, he would have thrown it back in your face, called you a snob and any other insult he could think of. Maybe it was dating Kook that changed his outlook, or he’d grown up and matured and realized the stupid rivalry wasn’t worth being a complete dick all the time.
John B. drifted away from you again when he saw you seemed more relaxed, he looked out where the sun was starting to dip below the horizon. He offered, “Why don’t you come back to the Chateau with me? Sarah’s coming over and I know she’s dying to get you to hang with us.”
You contemplated for a moment, unsure how inviting the other Pogues would be to another Kook in their company. But for once, getting out and being around other people sounded a lot better than going home and burying yourself in Ben and Jerry’s while binge watching a show you’d already seen. So you nodded and smiled, “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
Rafe didn’t listen to Topper’s advice of leaving you alone. He couldn’t pretend like seeing after all of these years wasn’t a sucker punch to the gut. He kept replaying everything over the course of five years in his head. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he could’ve done differently. The different outcomes of his actions replayed in his head like a broken record. What could have happened if he hadn’t cut you out of his life? Would you have ended up together in the end, despite the distance? Should he have told you how he felt that day, when it felt like your gentle touch was the only thing holding him together?
He traveled out onto the South side and watched from his truck as you and John B. left the beach. He thought about getting out and speaking to you there but instead he watched from the shadows as you strapped your surfboard to the top of your mother’s car and drove away behind the Volkswagen.
Against his better judgement, Rafe followed you. He stayed far enough behind that you wouldn’t recognize his truck. He knew his way to the Routledge boy’s house anyway. Many a night’s he had gone there when he was younger and looking for trouble, or when he got older, to pick up his sister when she didn’t have a ride. He knew that’s where you were heading. He would pretend it didn’t bother him slightly that you were hanging out with the Pogues. He’d grown more accustomed to seeing them around but the roots of the rivalry were still deeply embedded within him. He still thought they were at the bottom of the food chain.
You didn’t think much of the headlights that pulled up behind your car, thinking Sarah had just arrived. You dug around in the backseat, trying to gather the things that had spilled from your bag. The headlights shut off and it was quiet for a moment. You heard John B. curse softly and your heart nearly stopped when you heard the voice.
“Sup, John B.?” Rafe’s gruff voice filled the air, nodding his head at his sister’s boyfriend.
“Rafe,” the Routledge boy greeted back, an edge to his tone.
You slowly removed yourself from the car, turning to face the last person you wanted to see, next to Janelle. You hated the way your heart skipped a beat when his azure irises met yours. He swallowed thickly, waiting for you to make the first move, which you did.
“What are you doing here?”
“I- I uh,” Rafe’s hand came up to rub the back of his neck, eyes leaving yours to stare at the ground. “I don’t know. I wanted to see you.”
You scoffed and shook your head, reaching back into the car to get your bag. He hesitantly moved closer and continued, “I’m worried about you, Y/N. I know things are weird right now and I’m sorry about your mom but I-”
“Don’t,” you snapped, standing upright and slamming the car door, “Don’t pretend like you fucking care.”
“I do care. I just want to talk.”
“You had five years to talk, Rafe!” you shouted, voice shaking as you did so. You bit the inside of your lip and begged your body not to betray you. You didn’t need him seeing you cry. “I waited and waited for you to talk to me. I asked myself ‘why’ for years! You’ve moved on with your life, that’s fine, I can accept that. But don’t expect me to be a part of it anymore. Just go back to pretending I don’t exist.”
Even from a distance Rafe could see the glaze to your eyes. He could see your body shaking as you tried to keep yourself composed. It looked like you were about to fall apart in front of him and it made his chest ache. You always were the one to pretend to be strong for as long as you could until it crushed you. He shook his head and tried again, “Y/N, please, you don’t understa-”
“Yo, Rafe! Didn’t know you were stopping by!” you turned to see JJ Maybank bouncing down the porch steps, an arrogant smirk painted on his chapped lips. His unruly hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards baseball cap. He was shirtless, flaunting his physique in only a pair of grey cargo shorts. He’d heard you yelling and figured he may as well come investigate.
“Maybank,” Rafe greeted the Pogue stiffly, a lot more tense than he’d been around John B.
The younger blonde boy threw his arm around your shoulders as he came to your side, catching you by surprise. You glanced up at him, but his eyes never left Rafe, his smirk widening. You didn’t see the look of anger that flashed across your former best friend’s face, a fire igniting in his eyes — JJ caught it though, and he was going to run with it.
“I heard about the engagement, man, congrats!” JJ spoke enthusiastically and you had to resist rolling your eyes. You suddenly had the urge to throw up like on the Druthers, but you swallowed the feeling down. Your eyes met Rafe’s again as JJ kept going, “Don’t you have, like, a cake tasting to get to or something?”
Rafe’s hands curled into fists, knuckles cracking as he squeezed. If anyone knew how to get under his skin in just the right way, it was the Maybank boy. He breathed out slowly through his nose, choosing to ignore the comments from the Pogue. He pleaded with you, “Can we just talk, real quick? Please?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, bro. Y/N’s really busy right now,” JJ answered for you, tilting his head to look down at you, “Aren’t you, bubs?”
You stared up into the tan blonde’s indigo eyes that were screaming at you not to go to him. You knew he was trying to help you, but you weren’t friends. You didn’t understand why he came to your defense so quick. He could have just let you stand out there and allow Rafe to rope you back in like you knew he could.
“She can speak for herself,” Rafe snapped at JJ who looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. You hadn’t moved out from under his arm so clearly you had no interest in going to the Kook.
“Go home, Rafe,” you said, turning with JJ to walk up to the Chateau. “Wouldn’t want to suffocate you anymore,” you took a dig, repeating what Janelle had said to you earlier in the day.
Rafe stood there, watching as you walked to the porch, wrapped in someone else’s arms — someone he despised. His heart pounded harder in his chest the further you got away from him, like you were taking it with you. He silently got back in his truck and backed out, tires squealing as he peeled off down the road. He gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles, breathing raggedly. Wouldn’t want to suffocate you anymore. Those words bothered him, knowing he’d heard something like that before but he couldn’t recall when, where or more importantly, who.
“Well that couldn’t have been anymore awkward,” John B. stated as he led you into the house.
You’d expected JJ to drop his arm the second Rafe was gone, but he didn’t, guiding you into the kitchen for you to put down your bag. You sighed heavily and rubbed your face with the hand not pinned to your side, “I’m sorry about that. And thank you, JJ, you didn’t have to do all that.”
The boy hummed and waved his hand, finally stepping away from you and moving to the fridge, “The guy’s an asshole and needs to learn he can’t always get what he wants. Especially after what happened on daddy dearest’s boat.”
You felt your face flush, looking over at John B. who held his hands up as if he was surrendering, “I didn’t say anything, swear.”
“Word travels fast ‘round these parts,” JJ clarified, walking back over and handing you a beer. He sat down in one of the chairs at the kitchen table, patting the one beside him for you. “C’mon, tell your good pal JJ what the Prince fucked up this time.”
tag list (if you want to be added, shoot me an ask or a message!): @pink-meringues​ @k-k0129​ @solllaris​ @taiter-tots​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @fttayla​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @jjmaybcnks​ @sortagaysortahigh​ @queenk00k​ @drewswannabegirl​ @diverdcwn​ @royalmerchant​ @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ @obxmermaid​ @anxietyspacetart-15​ @butgilinsky​ @teenwaywardasgardian​ @bricksatanakinswindow​ @fangirlvoice​ @juliarose21​ @skiesofthesketchy​ @daughterofaphrodite​ @dontjinx-it​ @outerbanksbro​ @sportygal55​ @nqbmf​ @xenagzb​ @sweetlysilent​ @loverofmineluke​ @aaleksmorozova​ @meltame17​ @summerkaulitz​ @stupidpendeja​ @rafej-cambanks​ @popcrone818​ @slutforjjmaybank​ @madschalamet​ if you’d like to be removed, please let me know!
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peachyteez · 4 years
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second chances ≫ DAY THREE, COMFORT.
as a feral wolf hybrid that was violent with all of the employees assigned to him, seonghwa was subjected to be put down. however, jiyu being the softhearted feral hybrid nurse she was, she decided to save seonghwa no matter what.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @choisaniskillingme, @t-tbinnie, @multi-bookmarkscripts, @hello-its-ya-boi
feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to the list! :)
✧ notes: a little sneak peek of jiyu’s home life. it’ll be explained more in depth in later parts of the series.
back。| next。
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hearing the horrific sound of her alarm, jiyu groaned and tossed over towards her nightstand to silence her phone. sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she got out of bed and opened the curtains, hissing at the piercing sunlight pouring in. she watched the sun slowly rise above the city—it was a peaceful scene for her.
however, the peace was disrupted when her phone rang.
her blood ran cold when she saw the caller id. dad.
she hesitantly answered the phone. “h–hello?”
“it’s been a while, jiyu,” her father spoke. “i’m assuming you’re still working at that ridiculous hybrid center.”
jiyu’s grip on her phone tightened. “so what if i am?”
“watch your tone, young lady. or i can bring you back before our agreed deadline.”
jiyu grit her teeth as she stared straight ahead out her bedroom window. “why did you call?”
“as someone who’s about to take over the family company soon, you should start thinking about your future. you can start by thinking about your future marriage.
jiyu felt her world go numb at her father’s words. future marriage?
“i’ve sent you a file of canidates to your email. they’re all sons of other big corporations that i’ve chosen. combining our shares will be beneficial to both parties,” her father continued. “look through the list and send me at least five of your picks.”
“are you serious?” jiyu quietly seethed. “dad, you’re practically handing me off to someone i don’t even know or love! why can’t you leave me alone? it’s my life!”
her father sighed. “i’m doing this for your own good, jiyu. it’s better than devoting your life to hybrids—”
“if mom were still here, would you still be doing this?” she asked, feeling a spurt of bravery. “would you still say the same thing—”
“enough, jiyu!” her father shouted. the two were silent after his outburst. “i’m doing this because i love you. give me your picks by the end of the day.”
he hung up. jiyu dropped the phone from her ear as she felt tears welling up in her eyes. “love, my ass.”
she wiped her tears away and turned away from the window to get ready for the day. however, the phone call left her in a gloomy mood, something yeonjun picked up on the moment she sat at her desk.
“bad morning?” he asked.
“my dad called.”
yeonjun rolled his eyes at the mention of her dad. jiyu’s told him her past and yeonjun absolutely hated the man. he treated jiyu more like an asset to the company than his own flesh and blood.
“what happened this time?”
jiyu turned her monitor on and continued typing up yesterday’s report on seonghwa and soobin. “he wants me to get married to strengthen the company shares. i have a list of candidates and i’m suppose to choose.”
yeonjun almost spat his water out. “and you’re letting him do that?!”
jiyu paused her typing and sighed. “i have to. otherwise he’s taking me back before our agreed deadline.”
“but he can’t just—”
“i’ll be fine, yeonjun,” she reassured with a small smile. “can we please just drop the topic?” she asked when more people started filing in to the office.
while greeting their coworkers, yeonjun quietly sighed. “alright.”
throughout the day, jiyu tried to forget about the phone call. easier said than done. i’m doing this because i love you. it was a line that her father always repsonded with whenever she asked why he was doing all of this.
jiyu always scoffed at the idea. it wasn’t out of love. her father never once stopped to ask what she wanted to do in life. instead, he planned out her life for her. everything in her life was already pre–determined and calculated for the business. except for the last five years.
shaking her head to get rid of her thoughts, she realized that hours had already passed, and it was time for the daily checks on the hybrids.
“time for the daily checks,” she nudged yeonjun next to her.
as they both walked down the hall towards their hybrids’ rooms, yeonjun gently ruffled her hair. “i’m always here for you, okay?”
stopping outside seonghwa’s room, jiyu smiled. “thank you.”
watching her best friend turn the corner, jiyu entered the code in for seonghwa’s room and the door opened. seonghwa, who was once again sitting on the floor with his knees tucked to his chest and staring out the window, turned around and looked at jiyu.
jiyu plastered a smile on her face and closed the door. “hey, buddy. looking out the window again?” she asked as she took a seat on the floor by him.
seonghwa slightly furrowed his eyebrows. something about jiyu was off. her smile seemed...forced. and he didn’t sense her usual bright vibe that she usually had.
“did you sleep good last night?” she asked as she looked out the window. seonghwa’s room window faced the field, so she saw various hybrids out and about with their caretakers or with some nurses.
out of her peripheral vision, she saw seonghwa give a small nod, making her surprised, yet happy. he might not have spoken, but the silent form of response was nonetheless, an improvement. “that’s good.”
hearing her response with a forced happy tone made seonghwa frown. “you’re not happy.”
jiyu thought she was hearing things. looking around the room, she didn’t see anyone else. it was just her and seonghwa in the room. staring at him with widened eyes, she realized it was him that talked. “d–did you j–just—”
“for the record, i was verbal the whole time. i just preferred not talking,” he explained.
jiyu could only nod. this certainly came as a shock to her. then she remembered what he said. “what do you mean i’m not happy?” she quietly asked.
seonghwa glanced at her out of corner of his eyes. “you’re not how you usually are when you come visit. you seem down.”
jiyu looked down at her hands in her lap. “is it that obvious?” to be honest, she was also shocked at how seonghwa managed to pick up on her mood. she’s only known him for two days, yet he knew her well enough to know that she was indeed, not happy.
“to an observant eye, yes,” he responded.
jiyu sighed. “i’m sorry. i know how hybrids can be affected by negative moods—”
“stop apologizing, it’s fine,” seonghwa interrupted with a sigh of his own. “you can’t always be happy, you know.”
“...yeah.” suddenly, the conversation she had with her father replayed in her memory and tears started forming again.
looking over at the female next to him, seonghwa noticed how tears were gathering in her eyes and how she desperately tried to not let them fall. before he could process what he was doing, he reached a hand out and gently pat her head.
jiyu tensed and regret immediately filled seonghwa. he immediately retracted his hand. “s–sorry,” he mumbled.
“no, no. i didn’t hate it,” jiyu frantically explained. “it just caught me off guard, that’s all.”
an awkward silence surrounded the two. for seonghwa, he didn’t know to comfort the female next to him. they’ve only known each other for two days, making him wonder how to comfort her without making things awkward for the two of them.
“um, is everything okay?” he carefully asked before internally facepalming himself. of course not, you idiot. that’s why she’s sad.
“more or less,” she vaguely responded. “it’s just some personal issues at home.”
seonghwa nodded, falling back into the same awkward silence. suddenly, jiyu scrambled up from the ground. “ohmygod, i’m suppose to be here for your daily check up, not cry a river!” she squeaked as she ran for the clipboard on the table.
bewildered by her sudden mood switch, seonghwa couldn’t help but secretly smile as he watched the female hastily write. she was an interesting person, he wasn’t going to lie. and different from his previous caretakers.
going through the morning checklist, jiyu mumbled to herself as she checked off the boxes. “temperature’s okay...no, not sick...condition’s stable...”
“jiyu,” seonghwa suddenly called out to her.
jiyu whipped around in surprise at the sound of her name coming from seonghwa. her eyes widened even more when she turned around and he was standing directly behind her. looking up, she cocked her head in confusion. “y–yes? what’s the matter?”
seonghwa took a deep breath for what he was about to do. gently cradling her head, he nuzzled the top of her head with his cheek.
jiyu was shocked speechless. what is he doing, what is he doing—
seonghwa pulled back and sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. he couldn’t lift his head up. “i–it’s how wolves comfort each other and...well...it looks like you needed some...so...”
her silence only made him afraid. had he made a mistake? was she going to punish him?
“i–i’m sorry if you didn’t like that. i–i won’t do it again—”
snapping out of her shock, jiyu didn’t know how to react. but one thing was definitely clear. she was ecstatic at this huge leap of improvement for seonghwa in the span of three days. not to mention how it looked like he was slowly warming up to her. a warm smile slowly spread across her face. “stop apologizing, you didn’t do anything wrong,” she reassured.
seonghwa snapped his head up in surprise, eyes slightly widened from the unexpected reaction he received. she wasn’t mad? his former owners would’ve definitely punished him if he attempted something like that with them.
“thank you for the comfort,” jiyu added.
frankly, seonghwa was shocked at how different jiyu was compared to his former owners. “y–you’re not mad?” he meekly asked.
jiyu furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “of course not. there’s no reason to be angry.”
his question was like a window for jiyu. a tiny window into his past. if he asked a question like that, she figured that he must’ve had a history with abusive owners.
“i may not know the details of where you were before coming here,” she softly said, catching seonghwa’s attention, “but you’re safe here. no one’s going to hurt you, i promise. try giving us a chance to help you recover, yeah?”
seonghwa thought about it before slowly nodding his head. a grin spread across jiyu’s face at his response. “if you want, i can start taking you outside tomorrow,” she suggested. “you probably haven’t been out in a while, right? ever since coming into...this ward.”
giving him another smile, jiyu walked towards the door to continue with her morning rounds. “then i’ll take you out tomorrow.”
she turned over her shoulder to give him one last look. “and really. thank you for earlier.”
and with that, she left seonghwa’s room.
the tiniest smile spread across seonghwa’s face. maybe, just maybe, the universe gave him a second chance.
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redhawtriot · 5 years
Operation Unvirgin (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I had this idea the other day that Bakugou probably would be super celibate. Like he is very goal oriented and doesn't like to attach himself to others, so I feel like he wouldn't have ever bothered with girls or even beat his meat or anything (the shit’s fucking perverted okay?! how could any decent person touch themselves?)
But he hears that Deku is boutta get laid and he gets pissed bc WHAT? That loser is gonna beat him in something?! So he goes on a mission to loose his virginity before Deku. 
So I wrote the NSFW piece of this and it was UTTER GARBAGE, but I know that many of you guys are writers so think of this as a very informal request: Anyone can write the second half of this and tag me and I will repost it (except no non-con plz). It doesn’t matter how long it is.
If this completely flops I will ... sigh... post my shitty NSFW next week... (But please spare me and yourselves from that outcome) 
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Bakugou never could understand all the hype surrounding the opposite sex.
The blond man would wrack his brain as he tried to remember the exact moment where his fellow peers stopped looking at girls like the enemy and started looking at them like walking deities, mindlessly floating behind them as if an invisible scent enchanted their spirits. Sometimes he felt like a lone soldier in sustaining self-respect.
In his isolated state, he only watched in disgust as freaks like Mineta and Kaminari drooled over women and reduced themselves into warm bodied zombies in the presence of a vagina. Pathetic.
He would never in a million years let a woman rule over him. He had seen how his hag of a mother treated his father, and he would rather stick his face in a vat of acid than have his soul belong to someone like that.
His stupid mom always told him that he would probably meet someone in high school that would change his mind, but there he was, the night after graduation, victorious in his pursuit of staying the fuck away from crazy broads like her.
In fact, this ridiculous graduation party that Kirishima had dragged him to was probably the last time he would see most of these extras, since he doubted many of them would make it past being D-listers or side-kicks—and that was him being generous.
The colorful beams of light took turns fading in and out of the dark room as the heavy bass of multiple speakers pounded into his body, sending a flurry of vibrations in his abdomen. Although, Bakugou would never admit this out loud, he actually enjoyed this scenery. The stomping of the music reminded him a lot of his own quirk and the lights weren’t completely hideous.
Yeah, as long as no one at this shitty party tried to talk to him or get on his nerves he would be just fine—
God Dammit.
“Hey, dude!” Kaminari threw a sloppy arm over the angrier blond’s shoulders as Kirshima, Deku and Mina all followed behind him through the dense party crowd. Now, if this had been two years ago, Kaminari just might have found himself short an appendage through an explosive altercation; however, throughout his high school career, Bakugou found that simply ignoring the idiots was usually enough to deter them from trying to converse with him.
So Bakugou swallowed the increasing rage that was bubbling in his throat and simply scoffed instead, swatting the man’s arm away from him and turning his back on him and his incoming entourage. Kaminari only laughed in response, “C’mon bro we are officially graduates! Ditch the bad boy act and loosen up a little—we are men now! Just ask Midoriya!” he slyly suggested.
The sound of his rival’s name piqued his interest, yet the stubborn man still refused to give the short-circuited idiot the satisfaction of knowing such a thing, so he continued to glare away from him as Izuku spoke up, “N-no it’s nothing really… Uraraka and I have just been together for a while. Honestly, I don’t even know if I will go for it. I don’t wanna be a jerk or anything bringing it up to her! Forget I said anything at all, actually!” the young man frantically waved his hands as his face became obviously red even in the dimly lit atmosphere.
Mina snickered as her hands found their way to her hips “The shy guy act is cute and all Midoriya, but every girl wants confidence in bed! I am sure she wouldn’t mind if the two of you at least talked about it,” she bumped the green haired boy with her hips as Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows even deeper.
Kirishima was the next to speak up “GO for it, man! There worst that can happen is that she’ll say no!” he heavily patted the concerned Izuku’s back, “But the manliest thing for you to do is respect her boundaries,” he quickly added in.
The green haired man shook his head at the ground, “I should have just kept my big mouth shut...”
“She won’t say no,” Mina sang with a mischievous expression drawn across her face.
The three boys turned their attention to her with confused glances before Kaminari spoke up, “C’mon Mina! You know something don’t you? Spill it!” he begged.
Mina looked as if she were contemplating for only a moment before he gestured for the men to come closer, “Don’t tell her I told you, but…” she trailed off for dramatic effect, “She was totally gonna try to seduce you tonight, Midoriya!!” She winked. Bakugou’s ears perked up at this statement,
“WhAT?” both him and Izuku cried out.
Kaminari and Kirishima laughed at the blond’s outburst, “So you were listening after all, huh Bakugou?” the latter questioned.
“What do you think of the situation, buddy?” Kaminari leaned into the explosive man with a smirk.
“I’m not your damn buddy,” Bakugou bumped the electrical dumbass away from him, “I think you idiot perverts need to stop worrying about whose panties you’re gonna fail getting into and worry about not being able to keep food on your fucking plates when your careers flop!” he barked as the four blinked in surprise at his sudden outburst.
Kaminari saw this as the perfect opportunity to mess with him, “Bakugou are you… a virgin?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS, PIKACHU,” the man under interrogation screeched.
“He totally is!” Kaminari threw his hands up in feign shock, causing Mina to giggle.
Izuku awkwardly shifted on the balls of his feet as Kiri loudly spoke up, “Hey guys, it’s not manly to butt into another man’s personal life like that.”
Bakugou ignored his defender and continued screaming at dumb and dumber through the loud music, “S-Shut the hell up!” his face was dusted in a light shade of red as he spoke. He tried to shake these foreign feelings of embarrassment away. So fucking what if he was a virgin?
“Deku still ain’t shit! Who fucking cares if he’s gonna get his dick dirty?! I could fuck any of these bimbos!” he loudly called out, causing a few girls crowding the area to throw him wary glances before they cautiously moved away. The group of friends noticed this and Kamari and Mina failed miserably at stifling their laughs at the scene.
“It’s ‘make love to’, dude…” Kirishima quietly correct his angry friend in a feeble attempt to save his future endeavors with women.
“NO. FUCK! I said what I meant dammit!” he yelled as he once again fought away the redness on his face, “I could fuck any one of these bitches within an inch of their life!” he furiously vowed.
“Any, huh?” Mina questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s what I fucking said, Raccoon eyes!”
“Then how about…” the yellow irises scanned the dense room for a moment before a smile split her face. She happily pointed a finger, “that one!”
Bakugou followed her finger through the crowd and found you on the other side of the room. The fading lights intermittently illuminated your features, but he knew exactly who you were— Y/N L/N.  The only other person at U.A. known for being just as proud as himself if not more. Also known for having a slough of men on your heels at any given moment, but not giving a single one of them any significant time of day.
Mina snickered at Bakugou’s sudden silence, causing him to throw a glare at her. He fought of any creeping feeling of disheartened as he began a march toward your dancing figure, “Fucking easy” he roughly hyped himself up before approaching you.
“Hey,” he barked roughly. It didn’t really come off as much of a greeting and had more of a threatening tone to it, but in your shocked state you could only offer a half-hearted smile at the daunting man before returning to the conversation that you were having with your friends.
However, after a while, you noticed that your friends were distracted as their scared eyes kept darting behind you. He was still there wasn’t he?
You rolled your eyes before throwing a glare in his direction, “Do you fucking want something, dickhead?” you snapped.
“I SHOULD—” he began to threaten but he clamped his mouth shut and bottled up his feelings of rage from being disrespected before he continued, “You…” he barked, an unfamiliar feeling of uncertainty gripping at his chest, “I want you,” he said sternly. He had heard Kaminari say some stupid shit like this before and it worked. If it worked for an idiot like him then surely—
Bakugou’s thoughts were cut off as you simply threw your head back in a fit of laughter before turning your back to him to converse with your friends again, “Anyway,” you loudly began before beginning to talk to you friends again.
Bakugou’s face contorted in aghast uncertainty before he looked back to his classmates. Kaminari was giving him a thumbs down, Mina was giggling like crazy, Kirishima was beaming him a reassuring smile and Deku was no where to be found. Fuck! he probably went off to find Uraraka!
The thought set a competitive fire in his chest as he looked back toward you, “Let’s--“ he stopped himself to re-frame his approach. He thought of the words of encouragement that shitty hair might give him in this moment,
‘Treat her like a queen!’ ‘Ladies love a man with a code! Don’t tell her what to do, ask her!’
“Do... you want to dance,” he forced himself to ask through slightly gritted teeth. This was utterly humiliating.
“You think you can handle it?” you joked through a small smirk before eyeing him up and down. The man only averted his glare from you in response as he scowled at a nearby wall. You gave a small laugh at the display. It was almost childish how he was acting.
You suddenly noticed the red tint that was adorning his cheeks, sending a wave of excitement throughout your body. A sudden predacious urge clutched your abdomen at the sight.
“Okay,” you smiled after wetting your lips. You leaned into him before grabbing his forearm and leading him deep into the hot pool of dancing bodies. He stiffly followed after you.
If he thinks he can handle it then you’ll just have to show him how wrong he is...
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Title: “Sunsets and Slip ups”
Pairing: dom! Yoongi x sub! brat! Reader ft. Namjoon ft. Jimin
Warnings: angst, cheating, degradation, abusive parent (trigger warning!!), smut, cream pie, spit play, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks), If I missed anything, I am sorry!!!
*Author’s Note: I wrote this part very differently, introducing you into the mind of the ‘Min Boy’ character. It’s much longer than my other fics (8300)!! Honestly, the story came together so well that I just kept going. I hope you all enjoy!!*
Rating: 18 and over
Your phone pings beside you causing you to stir in your bed. You roll over reluctantly, not sure if you want to start the day even though you're not really sleeping. A second ping causes you to make your decision, awake it is. ‘I have to go to away this weekend. I’ll be back late Sunday.’ The first message reads. ‘Sorry to spring this on you but I wasn’t expecting it either. Be good brat. Xo. Min.’ You jump up from under the covers and reread the text over and over. You type a response and delete it, then type another and delete that as well. “Fuck it.” You throw off the covers and pace your bedroom, opting to call. The phone rings for what feels like forever. “Hello.” He answers. “You can't go away this weekend!” “Can I call you back please?” He’s annoyed and you don’t care. “No, we can talk now or not at all, ever!” You shout. There is silence on the line, but the call hasn’t dropped. He’s probably muted you. You stop pacing and try listening more intently to no avail. “Hello!” You yell. “Your lack of patience is unsettling.” He comes back on the line. “I don’t care, you don’t just get to spring leaving on me at the last minute after I invited you to my father's birthday party. You promised you would come; said you would meet him. If you flake out on me now, I’ll never talk to you again.” “It’s my mother y/n. She’s asked to see me. I’m sorry but I have to go.” Your eyes widen and you immediately feel stupid. “Is everything alright?” “I honestly don’t know. I won't know until I get there. Look, I am sorry about missing your father’s party. I can make it up to you and to him.” “No, it's ok. Go and do your thing. Maybe one day, I’ll be meeting your mom you know? Who knows right?” Your chuckle meets with silence. “She’s much better company than my father that’s for sure. I gotta go but I'll see you as soon as I get back. Be good for me brat.” “Yoongi,” You begin but he's already hung up.
Yoongi broods over his packed bag, knowing he shouldn’t really care what y/n thinks but at the same time feeling terrible about letting her down. He did want to spend the weekend with her and meet her father. It was the right thing to do. It was the first time in a long time that he’s ever felt close to someone. He shook his head to tousle his still drying hair, zipping his bag. “Son,” He turns to face his father, “I hear you're going to see your mother.” Yoongi doesn’t answer. His father enters his room and slowly paces, looking over everything with either a shrug or grunt of disapproval. Don’t get angry, that’s what he wants. Yoongi grinds his teeth, repeating this mantra over and over. “Did you need something?” His father stands before him, arms behind his back. “I don’t need many things Yoongi, I have assured myself a comfortable life. The one thing I truly need as a father is the cooperation of his only son. I haven't always been the best father, that I can admit, but I like to think I am fair. Your mother, on the other hand, has always coddled you, made you weak, emotional. It kills me to see you so dependent on her approval, her love, especially when you know who she truly is deep to her core.” He turns to face the window. “Lee An has brought me many new possibilities. A new life, sense of purpose, and love that your mother never could but best of all she has brought me a second chance. A second son. Now having said that, your new brother will be joining us here soon and I expect you to show him around the city, make him comfortable. Booze, clubs, women and spare no expense.” He turns to Yoongi, gripping his shoulder hard, “Am I understood?” “Yes.” Yoongi growls. His father moves his hand up, wrapping it around Yoongi's pale neck and squeezes. “Yes, what?” “Yes, sir.” His father nods in approval. “I can see that fire in your eyes. Your Min blood dying to be freed. It gives me hope son, but before you say something witty or disrespectful, think of your mother and how she wouldn’t enjoy seeing you with bruises on your face.” Yoongi swallows down the angry lump in his throat as his father releases his grip and places a kiss on his forehead. “Have a safe flight son and send your mother my regards.”
“Please Joon, please! Give me something, I know you know more than you’re saying. You yourself have said he’s your best friend.” You sit across from Namjoon in his living room, having mustered up the energy to leave the house once the party planners arrived. “I really can't tell you anything Y/N, I'm sorry. You'll just have to ask him yourself. To be honest, I'm surprised he told you he was going to see her in the first place. He's incredibly private, even I have to drag things out of him at times.” You groan aloud which does nothing more than cause Namjoon to grimace. “Well, he is going to miss Daddy’s birthday so that’s a strike against him.” Namjoon laughs before getting up and walking to his kitchen for a glass of water. He takes a long sip and points over at you. “You're falling for him, aren't you?” Your eyes pop open and you chuckle nervously. “Not at all. I don’t FALL for anyone. He’s just interesting that’s all and you know I love a good challenge.” “Nope. I am not buying it. You haven't been this annoying since....” “DON’T even say his name aloud!” You shout. Namjoon gives you a large sly grin before taking a seat with you again. “Is he coming to you father's birthday bash?” “Absolutely not. I haven't seen or heard from him in over a year and to be honest I would very much like to keep it that way.” “I agree Y/N, I would have it no other way. Besides, Yoongi isn't the type to share his toys.” You scoff at the remark. “What exactly does that mean? No one owns me Namjoon. Wait, does he talk about us? What has he told you?” “Uh, Uh, Uh. How do they say it? Ah yes! Bro code. All I will say is keep your nose clean.” You roll your eyes at his comment. “Fuck you Joon and your bro code.” “See you tomorrow night Y/N.” He calls out to you as you let yourself out.
Yoongi stares at the fresh bags that have formed under his eyes. His flight arrived late last night and since sleep seemed to evade him, he had opted to forgo it all together. He instead paced his hotel room, stalking Y/N’s Instagram page until the sun shone through the curtains. He should’ve been brave, sent a text or even called to tell her he missed her and wished she was lying in bed with him. He never did, the twisted voice of his father taking over to frown on such behavior, telling him to be a man, let her come to him. It was the never-ending battle of his mind. Do I give in to the darkness and be everything my father wishes me to be or can I hold onto the light my mother gave me and choose a different path? My own path? One where the two sides co-exist and I can just be me. Yoongi’s mind mulled these thoughts over in his frigid shower, his head down, allowing the water to cascade over his pulsing skull. He dressed quickly in dark jeans and a white button down, slamming a red bull in the cab on his way to his destination. Upon arrival, he looked over the unkempt lawn with a sigh. It was only 7am so he let himself into her home using the spare key she still had hidden under a fake frog on the front steps. He knew that her aide would not yet be there so they would have time alone. He couldn’t wait to see her, he had to know what was so urgent. It had been so long since they’ve seen each other, he needed answers. Yet, in this moment, even with all the anticipation and excitement that had borne itself in his chest, he didn’t have the courage to approach her, so he just stood in the doorframe leading to the backyard and watched as she danced carefreely in the sun.
You wake in a hurry and take off from your room to your fathers, only the sounds of your fluffy slippers shuffling against the hardwood can be heard. You burst through the door and jump on your fathers’ bed, scaring him awake. “Happy birthday Daddy!” You shout as he rubs at his eyes. You stand up and start hopping up and down singing happy birthday. He laughs aloud, “Get down Y/N. You’re going to break my bed.” You hop down onto your knees and hand your father a card and red giftbox. “Open it! Open it!” He rips open the card and reads it to himself with a smile before opening the box. His eyes light up at the sight of a golden Rolex. “Y/N, its too much!” “I saved my stipends and got it for you. I knew you wanted it. I hope you love it Daddy. You must wear it tonight at the party. There will be so many beautiful women there and they have to see how stylish you are.” He sighs. “Its perfect darling, thank you and please don’t worry about my impressing anyone tonight. I am more interested in the impression this Min boy you’ve been seeing makes.” Your heart suddenly drops. “About that, he won’t be able to make it. He had a family emergency but he says he will make it up to you.” You fathers brow furrows, “Is that so? Well, no one lets my daughter down. Tell him while I appreciate the sentiment, it isn’t needed. Besides, this must be divine intervention since I’ve invited a more suitable suitor for you.” “Daddy, he has an emergency. He would be here if he could. I am not interested in any other suitors.” “I know how boys like that think and I will not allow you to be taken advantage of, now I will hear no more of this Min boy. Besides, I thought it was my birthday, come let’s go enjoy breakfast.” Your father shuffles out of bed and heads into his restroom, leaving you feeling defeated.
Yoongi’s smile soon fades as his mother abruptly stops dancing. He swallows slowly, removing his hands from his pocket and standing upright. “Wont you come say hello to your mother or are you still frightened of me after all this time?” She turns to face Yoongi and his eyes well with tears at her beauty. He hadn’t realized how much he had forgotten of her looks. “Come now angel, hug me.” She spreads her arms wide. He walks over to her slowly and falls into her embrace, sobbing softly as she pets his head. “Shh, its ok now. Mother has you. When did you change your hair color?” She pulls Yoongi away from her body, looking him over. “Do you hate it?” He asks. “No, I love it, your dark hair made you look too much like your father but this makes you look more like my angel.” He smiles at her response. She pulls Yoongi by the arm and over to sit with her in the shade under a large tree. “How are you angel? It’s been too long. I’ve wanted to write but they won’t tell me where you are now.” “I am good mother. It has been quite an adjustment. Father remarried.” She nods. Yoongi wonders what she’s on or not on as she continuously pets his face, arm, or head. “I heard from grandmother. He married his assistant Lee An, they always enjoyed each other’s company. He used to tell me I was crazy but I wasn’t was I angel? I was right, you see. I know things.” She whispers closely to his face and then breaks out laughing. “Mother, why did you ask to see me?” She stops laughing quickly and looks puzzled, hurt almost. “Didn’t you miss me angel? I missed you so much or have you turned against me like your father? Are you settled in with your new family? Your poor mother left with nothing.” She growls and then gasps before smiling. She goes back to petting Yoongi’s arm. “I have missed you mother but I have questions.” “No! Yoongi! No!” Yoongi and his mother turn to see her aide running towards them. “Alice! Hi! My son is here.” Yoongi’s mother waves at her. Alice comes towards them quickly, out of breath, she leans in and whispers into Yoongi’s ear. “You know you aren’t supposed to be alone with her.”
You’ve texted Yoongi multiple times but have yet to receive a response. He’s been on your mind all morning since you broke the news to your father that he wouldn’t be joining in on this evening festivities. “Morning gorgeous!” Your BFF enters your room. “Hey!” “Hey yourself! What’s with the long face?” “Daddy is not happy about Yoongi not being able to make it tonight. He doesn’t want me seeing him. On top of that I can’t reach him at all. Ugh. I really just want to let him have it but I’m trying to be understanding of his situation.” “And what exactly is his situation Y/N? This is the first you’re even hearing about his mother. He could be lying and out somewhere with his actual girlfriend. Don’t let him fool you with his charm or whatever it is you see in him. Tonight, is all about your dad anyway and having a good time. Screw that silly ole Min boy.” You nod, hearing what your friend was saying but upset that she’s feeding you doubt. What if Yoongi really did lie and was out with some other woman? Could you handle being made a fool again by another man? You lift your phone up and type out a text, ‘If you’re lying about your mom and fucking around with another girl so help me God Min, I’ll do everything in my power to bring you down.' You toss your phone to the side and look over at your BFF who is pretending to ignore you. “Wanna see what I’m wearing tonight?” You ask her. Her eyes light up. “Hell yes! Show me!”
Yoongi sits in the living room now with his mother as Alice serves them tea. He feels unsettled as he carefully looks over every detail in her home. Shoes in the kitchen, clothes on the coffee table, and missing photos from the wall all have him fearing the worse. “You said you had questions. Well? Ask them love.” His mother says, settling into the seat next to him, petting him once again. He pulls away from her much to her dismay. “You’ve grown cold Yoongi. Like your father.” “Are you off your meds?” Yoongi snaps. Alice walks in, removing the clothing from the coffee table to make room for tea. “Those pills make me crazy. They fog my brain. I’m better without them but to answer your question, no, I am not off them. It’s a condition of my release. I must take them. Alice here makes sure of that. Don’t you Alice?” Alice places the tea kettle and fixings on the coffee table. She pours Yoongi's mother tea but Yoongi shakes his head when offered. His phone begins buzzing in his pocket. He pulls it out quickly and smirks at the messages from Y/N. “Girlfriend?” His mother begins rubbing his arm. Yoongi swallows hard and puts his phone away. “Yeah, something like that.” “What’s she like?” “Different, good different. I like her.” “That’s so great, angel. What’s her name?” Yoongi grows tired of the back and forth. “Ah! Why am I here mother? Why did you want to see me? Just tell me already.” Her face dropping, she turns away from Yoongi, sipping her tea obnoxiously.
“I lied to you earlier. Grandmother didn’t tell me about your fathers’ marriage. He did, himself. I spoke with your father. He says that you are going through a tough time. He says you’re angry, emotional. He says it’s my fault. I am so sorry for all that I’ve done Yoongi. You must understand how hard things were for me back then. I was sick. I didn’t know what was real or not. Your father hurt me, and I had to hurt him back. You were all that I had to use against him. I am so sorry for that. Your father thought it would be a good idea for me to give you closure. He only wishes to see you grow into the man I know you are capable of becoming.” Yoongi stands now, pacing back and forth, eyeing his mother suspiciously. “What did he offer you?” He spews. She laughs nervously. “Sit down angel. Your pacing is making me nervous.” “WHAT DID HE OFFER YOU?”  He shouts, his body shaking. “15,000 a month if I no longer contact you or see you. He is willing to take care of all my medical needs and the house needs so much work. Don’t you want your mother to be taken care of?” He scoffs. “So, 15,000? Is that all I’m worth? I suppose I shouldn’t be upset though mother, it’s more than the nothing you were originally willing to give my life for isn’t it? I’m not mad, I do want you to be taken care of because I hold more compassion than you or father ever will and he’s right, its time I came into my own. You shouldn’t contact me again, as far as I’m concerned, my mother died years ago.” He turns to walk away. “Yoongi wait,” Although he doesn’t want to, something pulls him to face her, “Don’t misunderstand that night. I was only trying to free you. If you truly care for that girl, leave her be, you’re no good. No matter how hard I tried, you’re rotten just like your father.” His mother’s normally soft features harden, and he can’t help but think about that day. That awful day, she had that same look as she grasped his neck tightly, holding his body underwater in the tub with her own, desperately trying to drown him.
“I want to thank you all for coming to celebrate my amazing father here tonight. Without him I would be nothing, so Daddy I hope your day was everything you imagined, and that tonight is the cherry on top. Yes, that means he’s still single ladies! Happy birthday Daddy! Cheers!” The crowd erupts into laughter and applause, sipping their drinks. You hug your father and he leans in to whisper into your ear, “My esteemed guest has arrived. I hear he is somewhere in the crowd. Go find Namjoon, I’m sure the two are rubbing elbows as we speak.” Your stomach flips suddenly at the thought of some blind date attending the party. You move through the crowd in search of Namjoon. “God this party is fabulous! I love being your friend, have I ever told you that?” Your BFF stops you in your tracks. “Have you seen Joon?” she shakes her head. “You look amazing in that dress girl! The girls are out tonight,” She laughs, “If only that Min boy could see you now. His loss.” She hands you a glass of champagne from a passing waiter that you immediately chug, still looking around for Namjoon. “Something is up, I have this feeling in my gut you know.” “You just need something stronger.” Your friend points out, dragging you to the makeshift bar. “Two double shots of whiskey neat please.” She tells the bartender. She hands one to you after tipping the gentlemen behind the bar. “Cheers!” She shouts before you both swallow your drinks in one hot wave. You breathe out quickly to keep from retching. “There he is!” You make note aloud, leaving your friend at the bar and making your way through the crowd toward the stairs to where you saw Namjoon standing at the banister, overlooking the party. By the time you make it up the stairs however, he’s walked off. “What the?” You say aloud.
“My God, Y/N, I think you are more stunning than the last time I saw you.” Your jaw drops as your ex-boyfriend Jimin approaches you. You scramble to find the words as he looks you up and down. Your skin gooses at the sight of him. He is still as gorgeous as you recall. He stands before you effortlessly handsome. Lips full, hair brushed back and parted, in an all-black suit. “Cat has your tongue huh. How have you been, Jagi? It's been so long since we last spoke or even saw each other. Imagine my surprise when your father called me and invited me to his huge birthday bash. You know I couldn’t resist seeing you right?” “Jimin, I, you can't be here. I don’t want you here.” He smiles wide at your duress. “Oh Jagi, but you're already so excited to see me.” He passes his fingertips along your spine, moving you closer to his body. “People are watching.” You raise your hand up to rest on his chest, keeping him at a distance. “You look so beautiful in this red dress Jagi, hugging every curve, did you wear it just for me?” You can't keep your body from responding to his advances as he rests his hand just above your plump ass. You swallow hard, breathing in his scent, realizing how close you are now. Your entire forearm resting on his chest now. “You hurt me Jimin. We will never, ever, be what we once were. I don’t know what Daddy told you but it's never going to happen. I’ve met someone else, someone more alluring, and honestly I really like him.” You whisper, oh so close to his lips now. He chuckles softly, licking his lips. “Just one kiss then. A sign of peace between us, closure if you will, a chance to seal what once was.” He whispers back, leaning in for the kill. Try as you may, you never could resist him. You hadn't met someone so entrancing until Yoongi and God what would he say if he could see you now? Wrapped in the arms of another man, tongue frantically swirling around his, hands tangled deep in the hairs on the nape of his neck. Could he ever forgive the sight? You know you should stop, rip away but instead you push further into the kiss, allowing him to knead your ass. When you both part you’re out of breath, staring longingly into each other's eyes. “I hope he treats you well Jagi. Better than I ever could. You deserve it.” Jimin trails his fingertips along your spine once again. “Sorry to interrupt,” Namjoon cuts in, placing his hand on your elbow, “We have a problem.”    
God she’s like heaven served up by the devil himself in that dress. Yoongi thinks to himself. He watches in awe as you confidently give your speech, offering your father away. He had hopped on a private jet back home and arrived with enough time to shower, change, and slip into your father’s birthday bash to surprise you. As he watches you walk off into the crowd, he decides to stalk you quietly, taken by your beauty. He smirks as you look around frantically and he wonders if you can feel his presence, if you could both be at all that connected. As you swallow down your drink at the bar, he follows your line of view to see Namjoon looking down over the crowd. He hums to himself, intrigued as to why you’re so excited to have spotted Namjoon at all. He watches you rush through the crowd and decides to intervene. ‘Miss me? Meet me downstairs by the bar.’ Yoongi watches as Namjoon checks his phone, looking over the crowd again and meeting his gaze. Yoongi waves as Namjoon’s turns and takes the back stairwell down to meet him.
“When did you wander in?” Namjoon asks as he approaches Yoongi. “During the speech. How’s my brat been?” Namjoon shakes his head with a chuckle. “I gotta say, I knew you two were gonna hit it off. There should be some sort of prize on my end for letting you have that room at the Lake house, but if I am being honest, she’s been fishing for information. She wants to know more about the enigmatic Min Yoongi.” “She should get in line with the rest of them.” Yoongi chuckles. “Yeah? Well, I gotta say you’ve surprised me. I didn’t think you’d ever tell her about your mother.” Yoongi shrugs. “I didn’t tell her much honestly. Just that she asked to see me. No big deal.” “Speaking of, how did it go?” Yoongi shakes his head, fiddling with a coaster at the bar. “Sorry to hear that bro. I know you were hoping to get some answers from her but I am sure….” Namjoon’s voice fades away, the sound of Yoongi’s pulse booming in his ears instead. His heart drops in his stomach as his blood runs cold. He lifts a finger in the air, pointing up at the spot where Namjoon once stood. “Who the fuck is that?” Yoongi spews. Namjoon turns around to look at where Yoongi is pointing, his eyes soon shooting open at the sight before him. He looks back to Yoongi who if at all possible, has turned paler, eyes sunken in with a look that could kill. “Um, I think that's Jimin, her uh, ex.” Yoongi’s head snaps quickly to meet Namjoon’s gaze. “Why on earth is she up there kissing her fucking ex?” “I don’t know but you gotta calm down ok. I know what you may think but they have been broken up for like 2 years or something. I’m sure there is an explanation.” Yoongi scoffs at the comment. “Oh, yes. I’m sure she just tripped and he caught her with his lips. Get out of my way.” Yoongi pushes past Namjoon now. “Wait,” Namjoon grasp Yoongi by his coat, causing Yoongi to grip Namjoon by the arms tightly, “Let me talk to her first ok. Maybe you and her can go someplace quiet so as not to cause a scene. It IS her father’s birthday after all.” Yoongi grunts angrily at the ground before releasing Namjoon. “Fine. Go.” Namjoon hurries off, leaving Yoongi's head spinning a million miles a minute.
“What? What’s wrong?” You stare at Namjoon, who looks frantic. “It’s good to see you too Namjoon.” “You shouldn’t be here, scum.” Namjoon snips. “I was invited,” Jimin scoffs, looking over to you, “Jagi, call me anytime. I am always available to you, but it seems I am not wanted. I guess I should be leaving now.” Jimin leans in and kisses you on the cheek before turning towards Namjoon. “It really is good to see you Namjoon. Be well.” “I’m sorry but I don’t share the same sentiment.” Namjoon responds, hardening his face. Jimin nods and walks off. “Joon, that was not what you think ok? I can explain. He just wanted…” “Maybe it’s not what I think but I have to say my piece. What exactly are you playing at? He cheated on you, broke your heart, and left you in shambles. Yet here you are like putty in his hands, giving him everything he wants, ready to serve up the same thing he did to you to Yoongi and I know that Yoongi isn't perfect but he means well and deep down he’s a great guy, better than Jimin ever was to you.” Your heart seizes at Namjoon’s words. “Well, we don’t have to tell Yoongi right now ok? What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him right? I know he’s your friend but so am I and I just need time to process everything and then I can talk to him about this. Just give me some time that’s all I ask.” “I’m sorry Y/N but your time is up.” You gulp at his comment. “Joon.” You plead as he steps to the side, still holding your elbow. Your jaw drops and heart races as you look over towards the seating area and see a familiar pale face staring back at you through his laced fingers. “Yoongi. How?” You whisper. “He was trying to surprise you. I suppose the jokes on him huh. Like I said, we have a problem.”
Her shocked face says it all. She didn’t feel me here at all. There is no connection. I am the fool, as always. She thought she could get away with it. Yoongi’s mind races, all his insecurities flooding his psyche. She begins to approach him, taking a seat beside him. “We should talk. I know you think you know what you saw but there is so much to unpack there. I had no clue you were here, why didn’t you tell me?” “Would it have made a difference, if you knew or not? Would you have avoided the kiss all together just for my sake?” Yoongi turns to face her now. “Found an empty lounge room. I guess it's for the staff but if you guys need a few minutes to talk, there’s no one in there.” Namjoon informs. Yoongi stands and watches as Y/N gets up as well, turning to follow Namjoon. He can’t help but watch the sway in her hips, angered by the twitch in his dick caused by her skin-tight dress. “Here we are.” Namjoon says as you all reach the destination. Namjoon opens the door, allowing for Y/N and Yoongi to walk in. Yoongi nods at Namjoon and closes the door behind him, sure to lock it. As Yoongi turns, Y/N slides her body up against his. “Please don’t be mad at me baby. It meant nothing to me. He means nothing to me. It was nonsense, closure. You’re the only one for me and I even told him that. You’re all I need.” Yoongi looks over her pleading face, fighting with himself on what to believe. “I can make everything better. Make it up to you. You know I would never hurt you.” Yoongi closes his eyes tightly at her words, swallowing hard as she rubs his growing erection. He hates how his body responds to her. “Are you angry? Please, say something. What are you thinking? Do you want to spank me? Is that it?” Yoongi’s eyes pop open at her question. His body tightening to her ask. He did want to punish her, hear her desperate cries as he turns the flesh of her ass red. Make her swallow his cock down completely just so he can watch the tears swell in her eyes as she gags, drooling on his balls. Deny her every pleasure, allowing only himself the chance to feel it all. She moves in and places her soft lips against his and all he can picture in his head was her in the arms of another man. As she tries to deepen the kiss, anger ignites inside him and he can’t help but shove her back. “On your knees, Brat!” He commands. ‘Fuck the light, fuck trying to be good, where has it gotten me,’ Yoongi thinks to himself, ‘Tonight, she meets the real me.’
“No!” You shout defiantly. You won’t give into Yoongi’s behavior tonight. Normally you would have no trouble doing exactly as he commanded, reveling in his every explicit desire. It always turned you on, how well he tamed you, how in tune he was with your body, but lately something changed in him and he was softer, more romantic, something you had grown to love as well. You wouldn’t give in without a fight or at the very least having explained the situation fully. Yoongi didn’t respond to your defiance, instead he opts to lean against the door and watch you. “I know I fucked up ok. I should have never even allowed Jimin to touch me, let alone kiss me. I swear though, I told him about us. I told him that I really like you Yoongi and I do.” “I’m going to fuck his name right out of your mouth.” You swallow hard at his response, squeezing your thighs together at the feeling of your cunt clench around nothing. “I, I wanted you here with me. Daddy was upset, he called him because he thought that, that…” Your resolve is failing you as you scramble to find your train of thought. “That his whore of a daughter needed to be chock full of someone, anyone’s cock?” Your eyes pop open and you run towards Yoongi, slamming your fist into his chest. “Don’t talk about daddy like that. You know nothing about him.” “I know that I’m the only one you’ll be calling daddy here tonight, brat!” You shove him away from you. “I know you’re angry Yoongi. You have every right to be but please don’t shut me out. I want to be more to you than just some random girl you fuck.” Yoongi chuckles, walking over to you. He slides his fingertips along your jawline. “I wanted that too, but you ruined everything.” “Don’t say that. It was one slip up. It meant nothing. I’m sorry ok.” He nods running his fingertips down your neck and along your exposed cleavage. He takes the tiny red strap of your dress between his fingertips and twirls it before yanking it hard, snapping the fragile fabric. “Such a gorgeous little slut. Tell me, are you going to be a good girl and take everything I give you?” You moan softly, biting your lip, trying not to fall for his wicked charm. “Yoongi, please.”
He hums, drunk on the sound of you begging. He takes you by the waist, squeezing your hips before pulling you into his massive erection. “I promise I’ll be good, if you promise to forgive me.” You grind against him now. “My gorgeous little brat, you forget who’s in control here.” He spins you around quickly, his hands trailing along your breast and down your torso. You know what he needs, how to take control. You press your backside into him and yank up your skirt, before dropping onto your knees on a loveseat in the lounge. He groans from deep within his chest at the sight of you. “Do it. I know you want to.” You urge, crying out as he wastes no time slapping you hard across the ass. “Better keep it down brat, we wouldn’t want daddy to hear, now would we?” He teases, slapping you once again this time harder. You sink your teeth into your bottom lip to keep from screaming. Yoongi plants two more heavy palms on your exposed ass, panting heavily with lust each time. Your backside burns against the cool air, but you don’t care you know he needs this; this is how he speaks; this is how he expresses his emotions. “More!” You shout, egging him on, showing him that you could speak his language. You needed him to know that you needed this too and that you could be each other’s escape, if only he would let you in. He yanks your thong down, cupping your drenched sex. “I said more!” You hear him scoff right before he brings his large hand to meet your exposed cunt. The slap creating an illicit sound against your wet lips. It sends shock waves through you. “Fuck!” You yelp whilst Yoongi proceeds to spread your lips open and tease your swollen bud with two fingers. You mewl and grind against him. “God, feels so good. You always know what to do.” You praise just as Yoongi quickly winds back and slaps your cunt once more causing a sharp zap of electricity to shoot through your needy clit. You jump forward at the new feeling, Yoongi grasping your hips and pulling you back onto your knees. He begins once again to tease your clit, uses your juices to rub small circles around it. You hitch your hips back at the feeling, needing more. “More please. I need you inside me.” Yoongi obliges by sliding one measly finger into your soaked cunt. You clench desperately, “Stop teasing.” You plead. “Such a greedy cunt. Look how she gobbles at my finger. So wet, so sweet, begging for more.” Yoongi mocks. He adds another finger and you growl with pleasure at the feeling. You raise your hand up and begin to rub your neglected clit as Yoongi fingers you roughly. “Fuck! I’m so close.” You cry out. “That’s enough.” Yoongi yanks his fingers from inside you, instead slapping your hard once more on the ass. “You fuck!” You cry out. “You don’t cum until I say you do brat.” Yoongi groans, licking a long trail from your clit to your taint before slapping you once more upon your exposed cunt. You cry out once more not sure of how much more you can take. “Yoongi, my God, please. I need you.” You beg him. Yoongi gently rubs his palms over your burning ass and you wince in pain. You wait to see if he'll plant kisses along your backside like normal but instead, he squeezes your cheeks tightly causing you to yelp in pain. He hums in delight before planting himself on the couch, allowing you take in the sight of his cock pressing firmly against his zipper, begging to be freed. He bites his lip seductively watching you yearn over him. “Not until you come suck daddy’s cock.”
She’s never looked so fucking needy and desperate to please me. Yoongi thinks to himself as she drops to her knees before him. She licks her lips in anticipation as she unbuttons his pants, freeing his aching cock from its restraint. She slowly strokes him, using his pre-cum to ease the passing of her soft hands along his shaft. He watches her with lust filled eyes as she bites her lip, twisting and twirling her fist around his cock. “Spit on it.” He demands. She swallows nervously making Yoongi smile. He wonders if this is the first time someone has asked her to do this. No matter to him, he was willing to work with her, push her past her limits, tame the needy brat inside her. He passes his thumb gently across her bottom lip before shoving his index and middle finger into the back of her throat causing her to gag. “Good girl. Now, spit on it.” She leans forward and allows her drool to accumulate at her lips before dropping a glob of spit on his reddened tip. Yoongi sucks in a deep breath as he watches her drool make its way down his shaft. He yanks her tits free, sliding down on the couch, he nestles his cock between them. He presses the soft flesh tightly against his throbbing member as he hitches his hips upward, fucking her full breasts. She places her hands over his, mouth opened, watching him through her lashes.
“Does my little slut like it when I fuck her tits?” “Yes.” “Yes, what?” “Yes, sir.” “Tsk, tsk. Not tonight I’m not.” Yoongi grasp her by her hair and yanks her head back licking unabashedly at her neck while tugging at her pointed nipple, eliciting a deep dark moan to escape her. “Yes, what?” “Yes, daddy.” Yoongi smiles against her neck, pulling her head down to meet his drooling cock. “Open wide for me baby.” She does exactly as she's told and Yoongi rewards her with a slow entrance into her mouth rather than the hard one he had planned. He allows her to relax her throat as he finds purchase there, holding her in place by her hair, as his cock throbs against her quaking esophagus. He rolls his head back at the feeling. He looks back down at her as she digs her nails into his thighs. He wonders if he should let her up for air or if she could hold on for a bit longer. She whines slightly and he presses into her further before pulling her up to his tip. She gasps for air and he groans at the sight of her all teary eyed, drool string from her lips to his cock, out of breath. “You’ve never looked more beautiful.” He tells her. “I’m so wet for you daddy. I want you so bad.” He smirks at her response. “Almost, baby, almost.” He hints, running his tip along her lips. She nods opening her mouth. She slides her tongue along the underside of his head, wrapping her lips around the tip fully she suckles at the mushroomed top, working one hand along his shaft and the other massaging his balls. Yoongi moans aloud feeling his body tense as his climax builds. If she keeps this up, he’s going to cum a lot faster than he intends to.
Yoongi abruptly stops you just as you are intensely working his cock. “Up.” He commands. You stand immediately, watching as Yoongi get on his feet, and pushes you onto your knees once more on the couch. He leans in and takes your ear lobe in his mouth, nibbling and tugging at it. “Do you love him?” He asks out of nowhere. “What?” He ignores you and begins kissing down your neck, biting at the sensitive flesh. “Did he kiss you like this?” He grips your hips, trailing his kisses down your back. “Yoongi, don’t do that. You're the only one I want.” You try to reassure him. “Prove it,” He moans, grabbing your sore ass and spreading your cheeks apart. He lands a slap on your already tormented rear end, “Beg me to fuck you. Make it convincing.” “Yoongi....” You start but your protest is only met with another whack across the bum. Your wanting pussy coming alive once again. “Daddy, please won't you fuck me?” You twirl your hips up at him. “No.” He slaps you hard across the ass once more, your juices flowing past your lips. “Fuck! Please, please, fuck me.” “Hmmm. Better, you're getting warmer.” He rubs his fingers along your slit, slapping down against your moistened mound. “Ah! Fuck me Min ok, stop playing games. I’m over this. Just please. I need release.” “Brattier.” He mulls, sticking two fingers deep inside you, igniting your nerve endings. You grip the couch now to keep from wailing at the feeling. “God, Please, it's not enough. I need your cock. Only yours will do. No one fucks like you. Please.” “Good girl.” He praises, shoving the whole of his cock deep within you. Your gasp caught in your throat. Yoongi takes the opportunity to shove his sticky fingers into your gaping mouth and excitedly you clamp down on them, sucking your juices from each one.
He drops his hand from your mouth to your throat, grasping tightly as he begins to drill his cock into you over and over. His moans grow hoarse and more animal like with each thrust as you feel your core burn with your rising climax. “Don't....you...cum!” He growls into your ear, keeping his tortuous pace, your pussy clenching and releasing with burning pleasure. You feel his grip get tighter around your neck as the air begins to restrict, “Yoongi”, You tap his hand to try and warn him of your oncoming climax. You don’t think you can hold on much longer. You vision becomes blurry as Yoongi cries out into the room, his release hitting him like a bus, he unloads his massive seed into you. You tap his hand once more, as you feel his seed create a heavenly slickness as it spills out of you. Yoongi tightens down on your neck once again and immediately releases, dropping his hand to attack your swollen clit as you take your first deep breath. Your body quakes in a way you’ve never felt before as your coil snaps at an unprecedented rate. You screech out, as you squirt your climax all over Yoongi’s balls. Yoongi continues to rub small circles along your bud whilst slowly thrusting in and out of you until you beg him to stop, the feelings of overstimulation too much to bear. Yoongi pulls his now softening member from inside you and you both begin to dress in silence. He hands you a few paper towels from inside the lounges bathroom and you happily take them, cleaning up the mess between your thighs. Yoongi looks down at his crotch, knowing no amount of scrubbing will fix the damage done to his suit pants so he opts to just untuck his dress shirt. “I guess ruining your suits is becoming a habit of mine.” You smile. He doesn’t respond. You walk over to him, forcing him to look you in the eyes. “Yoongi I am so sorry about tonight with Ji-, my ex. I know what I did isn't excusable but please know if I could take it back I would. I, God, I’m falling for you. I love you.” You painfully admit. Yoongi winces at your confession, causing your stomach to flip. “Don’t say things you couldn’t possibly understand the meaning of. I don’t take those words lightly and you shouldn't either. I’ve never said those words to anyone, and I don’t think I'll be starting now.” He smooths out his shirt of its wrinkles and you try hard to swallow down the lump in your throat, tears prickling at your eyes. “Yoongi, please, things have been so good.” He nods. “They have been and all it takes is one moment to fuck it all up.” He waves his hands up in defeat. You stop trying and just let your tears fall, hoping they will sway him, chip away at his cold exterior.
It kills Yoongi to see her standing before him crying, her mascara running. She looks spent, defeated, lip quivering. It broke his heart to hear her utter the words I love you. He lied when he said he has never told anyone those words. He’s told his mother but what was that for, she only ever loved herself. Deep down inside he knew that he loved this woman before him. She wasn’t just some girl he fucked. His emotions for her ran deep. Their connection immediate, from the moment he saw her face bathed in sunlight on the terrace of Namjoon’s Lake house, he knew he had to have her all to himself. Namjoon warned him of her, that she was breath taking, “A rollercoaster.” was his exact description and he couldn’t have been more accurate. She had made him feel things he hadn't felt in a long time but tonight she made him feel something that he felt every day of his life, betrayal, and that he couldn't have. So, as much as it pained him to shut her out, he had to pull his guard up, his wall was the only thing that truly kept him from breaking. Even as she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him, crying into his chest, he stood stern in decision. “I’m sorry but I don’t love you.” He whispered, watching her heart break before him, as he wiped away her tears. “Open it!” You both hear from the other side of the door right before it swings open. “What the hell is going on here? Who are you and why they hell are touching my daughter?” Y/N clings to Yoongi’s side. He’s almost proud to have been caught, the thought of her father setting her up with another man causing his anger to surge. “Daddy! Wait, let me explain. This is...” “I don’t give a shit who it is! I am told to investigate the sounds of screaming and what do I find? My daughter in the arms of this heathen? You dishonor me Y/N! Get over here, now!” For a moment Yoongi tugs at you, keeping you at his side, wanting to protect you from your fathers wrath. He knew all too well what you were feeling. “Its not her fault sir.” “Shut up snail! You’re unworthy of my attention nor that of my daughters.” “Daddy stop it.” She defies. “I understand sir. Good thing I’m already done with her.” Yoongi watches as both Y/N and her fathers face drop. He smirks, unbothered, making sure to shove his shoulder into her fathers on the way out of the room. “Wait, Yoongi!” She calls to him but he doesn’t turn around, this time choosing to hold onto the upper hand.
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dragon-overlord-yuu · 4 years
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Twin AU? Twin AU Lore under the cut
Ren Amamiya
Younger twin
Bisexual disaster
Actually it’s the brand of himbo where he’s high intelligence and low wisdom
Ren is ‘our’ Joker
Parents divorced when he was 12. He stayed with his dad in Inaba while their mom took Akira to Tokyo.
Mischievous and cheeky, with a flair for the dramatics
Always gotta be doing The Most™
Probably gets turned on by danger
This part of his personality gets toned down once he’s falsely charged with assault and shipped off to Tokyo on probation, turning him more meek and quiet
Reunites with his brother after four years whilst investigating Madarame’s palace
While he is considered the leader, the Phantom Thieves are split into two factions. The one lead by Ren consists of Ryuji, Ann, Morgana, and Akechi (when he does eventually join)
The reason for this is if Ren’s faction gets worn out in battle, Akira will step in with his and finish the fight and vice versa
Has a bit of an inferiority complex because he perceives Akira as the smarter “better” twin
Tends to doubt himself as a leader and often tries to overcompensate with stylish theatrics
Love interest is Akechi
Akira Kurusu
Older twin, by like, five minutes. He likes to rub this fact into Ren’s face a lot
Gay af
Seems to be the “better” twin: mature, polite, and subdued with perfect grades. But this is merely a mask forced upon him by his mother. He is just as much of a little shit as Ren is
His true personality is quite dry and snarky
Attends Kosei and is friends with Yusuke
He is aware of Yusuke’s situation with Madarame but feels powerless to do anything about it.
The least he could do is sneak Yusuke food while Madarame was out on his exhibitions.
Mom remarried a wealthy man who owns a tech company. Akira hates his guts.
Because of their newfound status, Mom became much more stricter on Akira to the point of being suffocating
Expecting nothing less than perfect grades, putting strict curfews on him, controlling everything from how he dresses and who he’s friends with. It got to a point where she put a tracker on Akira’s phone so she can monitor every place he goes and who he talks to.
When news reached of Ren’s arrival to Tokyo on probation, Mom forbid any contact with him out of fear of Ren being a bad influence on Akira.
He reunited with Ren during the Madarame arc when he unwittingly got sucked into his palace whilst bringing Yusuke food
He’s distant with Ren at first because he was terrified of his mother finding out he was talking to him
Akira gets Raoul as his Persona, but he does not have the wild card ability like his brother
He awakens Raoul when he wanders into Madarame’s palace a second time and saw Ren in danger, choosing to save his brother rather than listen to his mother and ignore him to save his own reputation
After all, Ren is still his baby brother and Akira’s big brother instinct never quite left him
His thief code name is “Jack” to fit with the card theme with Joker
Second in command of the Phantom Thieves, leading his own team consisting of Yusuke, Makoto, and Haru with Futaba as their navigator
Mother is dealt with in Mementos and he leaves the toxic environment with his parents to live with Ren at Leblanc
With his newfound freedom, he starts going on a true rebellious streak from there, starting with piercings and punk rock clothing his mother never allowed him to wear
Ren makes fun of him for it and calls him a Hot Topic Gremlin
Black nail polish all day everyday. He sometimes makes Ren wear it with him so they can match
Love interest is Yusuke
Gen/Story headcanons
Ren prefers to go into battle with brute force, Akira prefers to go in with careful precision and strategy. Because of this, they compliment each other nicely as leaders
Futaba Bodyguard Squad™
Really, whoever dares harm Futaba will be in for one confusing ass-whoopin 
A few times before changing their mother’s heart in Mementos, Ren would offer to switch places so that Akira could have a taste of freedom for a little while
After a particularly bad fight with their mother, Akira attempted to storm Mementos alone to change his mother’s heart. He quickly found himself overwhelmed by shadows. He then wakes up in front of the train station in Shibuya
He doesn’t know who saved him but he remembers seeing a black mask and a striped suit before passing out.
Akira disliked Akechi the moment he saw him, but when he realized his brother was in love with him, he tries to be civil for his sake.
Ren/Akechi and Akira/Yusuke double dates 
Ren and Akechi tend to get overly competitive, as they do. Akira and Yusuke look on with their relatively functional relationship wonder why they keep inviting them
“This is why we can’t have nice things...” 
Akira wanted to be angry with Akechi after his betrayal and attempt to murder Ren, but when he saw how broken Ren was after Akechi’s death in Shido’s palace, he realized just how much Akechi meant to him and finds himself sympathizing with him instead.
While the other PT are just kinda like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Akira was mostly bothered by how indifferent they seemed to Ren’s pain
The PT ask to steal Shido’s treasure literally the next day and a livid Akira absolutely rails into them for not giving Ren time to grieve and being so inconsiderate of him, expecting him to be a leader when he’s mourning for someone so dear to him.
He watches over Ren for the next couple of weeks, helping him recover just enough for them to raid Shido’s palace
But Ren is still overcome with anger and grief, he nearly kills Shido’s shadow to avenge Akechi. Akira had to step in and stop him. 
“Though he deserves death, killing him won’t bring back Akechi, Ren. Enough” 
During the fight with Yaldabaoth, Arsene and Raoul fuse into Satanael
When Maruki’s reality kicks in, he’s the fourth party member along with Ren, Akechi, and Sumire.
Akechi: “Joker’s enraged? I kinda like it”
Akira forcibly removed him from the premises for horny crimes  
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azozzoni · 4 years
restless & wreckless ch3
“Well, I didn’t want to move to this fucking town in the first place!” Lucas shouted as he yanked open the front door.
“Lucas, come back here!” his dad yelled, but Lucas slammed the door behind him, stalking down the hall to the stairwell and taking the steps two at a time.
His dad wouldn’t come after him, he knew. He’d stay in the apartment and Katelijn would soothe him, tell him that Lucas was just ‘acting out’ and that it was a phase that would pass. Rolling his eyes, Lucas burst out the downstairs door, yanking his jacket closed against the chill, fingers closing around his phone.
It was full of texts today, from his friends back home—Kes and Isa and Jayden—and it vibrated again as he strode down the sidewalk, having no particular direction, just needing to get as far away from his dad as possible.
Happy Birthday, Luc! was the text from Liv, and Lucas glared at the screen before closing out of the message.
His eighteenth fucking birthday. Some birthday.
Pushing back his hair, Lucas sighed as he finally slowed once he turned a corner to an unfamiliar row of houses. He hadn’t expected it to be a good birthday since any friends he had were far away in Utrecht, but he’d at least hoped he could get through the day without feeling like this, like something heavy and unpleasant had settled in his stomach as he kept walking.
On top of the fight with his dad, which honestly, Lucas didn’t even know what it was this time—his clothes or maybe the nose piercing he’d gotten yesterday as a present to himself, or maybe it was Lucas missing curfew (curfew—Lucas rolled his eyes) for the third day in a row—on top of that, there was the fact that when he’d called his mom, the Center had said she wasn’t in a position to talk at the moment. Lucas knew what that was code for, and he couldn’t go see her because even if he did jump on a train, they wouldn’t let him in.
He could always just crash with Kes, he thought as he slunk down the street. Just leave his stupid dad and Katelijn and this whole damn place.
Fuck, he needed a distraction.
Pulling out his phone, Lucas opened up Instagram, scrolling through his feed, but there was nothing interesting there, so he clicked on the search button, typing in a name he knew well enough by now.
Jens’ profile came up, and Lucas frowned as he clicked on his stories.
“We’re at the skate park,” came Jens’ voice from behind the camera, shaking as it swerved to show one of his friends. “And Moyo’s gonna attempt the Nail Slide. I’ve got ten euros that he boffs it.”
“Fuck you!” the guy on camera said and the story ended.
The skate park. Lucas had seen it wandering around town, a rundown park where guys with too baggy jeans hung around smoking weed and trying tricks on skateboards.
Well, it wasn’t as if he had anything else to do, and he certainly wasn’t going to back to his apartment any time soon, so Lucas shoved his phone in his pocket and turned around on the sidewalk, heading in the opposite direction.
It wasn’t exactly impressive as Lucas frowned at the skate park, the sunken cement pit in the ground filled with guys who had never seen an over-sized shirt they didn’t love.
Pulling out a cigarette, Lucas lit it as he surveyed the park, searching for a familiar mop of dark hair, a red hoodie, an annoyingly upbeat laugh. It didn’t take long to spot Jens, on the other side of the pit, his phone still out as he filmed his friends. As he turned the camera in Lucas’ direction, Lucas saw him pause.
Lucas didn’t move, pulling the cigarette from between his lips and exhaling the smoke as Jens’ phone fell, eyes fixed on Lucas. As Lucas watched, the little one said something to Jens, apparently trying to get his attention, and Jens said something in return. Apparently it wasn’t enough as the guy’s head twisted to follow Jens’ gaze.
From this distance, Lucas couldn’t make out his expression, though he doubted it was good.
Jens seemed to shake his friend away, though, and Lucas tapped ash off the end of the cigarette as Jens headed toward him, glancing over his shoulder carefully as if to make sure no one was watching. Lucas ignored the twist in his stomach as Jens reached him finally.
“Hey,” he said, looking confused. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I didn’t come here to skate,” Lucas replied, and Jens nodded.
“Obviously. You don’t have a board.”
Lucas took another drag, smoke filling his lungs, calming him as they stood there, so out in the open, though he could see the tension in Jens’ shoulders as he waited for Lucas to speak, to explain himself.
“I stole fifty euros from my dad,” Lucas said after a second. “How about we go spend it on something stupid?”
“Right now?” Jens asked, frowning slightly.
“No, next week.” Lucas rolled his eyes, shaking his head.
Jens hesitated, still looking confused. Lucas wasn’t sure what was so confusing about it. He had money and time to burn, and Jens was as good as anyone to do it with. At least they’d probably get to make out at some point, and Lucas wouldn’t have to think about the fact that it was his birthday, and all he’d gotten so far were empty text messages and his dad calling him a delinquent.
“I can’t just ditch my friends,” Jens said, glancing over his shoulder at the three guys who were watching them now. As Lucas glared at them, they turned away quickly.
“Since when?”
“Since I’m here with them?” Jens said, frowning, head tilting to the side.
Lucas scoffed. “Just thought maybe you’d wanna have some real fun,” he said, suggestive as he let his gaze slide down Jens’ chest.
Jens almost looked like he was contemplating the offer as he paused, but he shook his head. “I can’t now, but maybe later?
Annoyed, Lucas flicked ash off the end of his cigarette. He was annoyed at the look Jens gave him, almost hopeful, as if this was something they could just pick up later. He was annoyed at Jens’ friends all muttering together behind Jens’ back. He was annoyed as his phone vibrated with what was probably another pointless birthday text from someone he didn’t care about.
“Sorry, this offer won’t keep,” he snapped, eyes narrowed. “Enjoy skating with your friends.”
“Lucas,” Jens said as Lucas turned, and he didn’t turn back. Jens had nothing to say that would stop him, and Jens seemed to know it too as he didn’t say anything else and Lucas left the stupid skate park behind.
Sitting cross-legged on the bench, Lucas stared out at the river. Rain clouds gathered overhead, puddles already formed on the cement walkway, and he huffed as he unscrewed the cap on his bottle and took a swig, vodka burning his throat as it went down.
It wasn’t a birthday without a party, right?
Lucas grimaced as his phone vibrated again. He stopped himself from throwing it into the river as he pulled it out. But it wasn’t a text from someone in Utrecht or even his dad demanding that he come home. It was a DM on Instagram, and Lucas frowned as he opened it.
Where are you?
It was from Jens, and Lucas scoffed to himself as he closed out of it.
Jens wanted to know where he was. Jens had probably finished with his friends and thought Lucas would just be up for a booty call. Hadn’t that been exactly what Lucas had hoped for a few hours ago, though? Annoyed, Lucas took another swig from the bottle. He should have known better than to go to Jens earlier, to hope that Jens was into him enough to ditch his friends.
He’d let himself believe for a second that this was more than what it was.
So why was he denying Jens the chance to make out with him now? Lucas couldn’t disagree with the thought and he took out his phone again.
<i>Guess</i>, he wrote back, taking a quick picture of the walkway, the water, a little boat rental stand, and sending it on. Either Jens would figure it out or he wouldn’t, and that wasn’t Lucas’ problem.
Settling back on the bench, he took another drink of vodka, wiping his mouth and grimacing at the taste. The couple strolling past shot him a concerned look, but they walked on, arm in arm, and Lucas rolled his eyes.
If he was home, in Utrecht, he’d be with Kes and Jayden, and they’d be getting drunk together. Kes would have bought him something stupid like cookies shaped like dicks, and Jayden would have teased him endlessly about the nose ring, called him a wannabe E-boy.
If he was home, he wouldn’t have been sitting out in the cold, watching the way the wind rippled the surface of the water, too angry to go home, nowhere else to go, rejected by a guy who thought skateboarding was actually fun. Shaking his head to himself, Lucas contemplated his bottle. If he went home drunk, his dad would surely kill him, but did it really matter? What could be more punishing than having to live here?
“Having a party?”
A voice interrupted Lucas’ thoughts as he took another drink, lowering to bottle to find Jens at the end of the bench, hands in his pockets.
Looking away, Lucas shrugged. “Wouldn’t be my birthday without one.”
“It’s your birthday?” Jens asked, sitting down next to Lucas, eyebrows furrowed as Lucas shrugged again.
“Does it matter?” he asked, setting the bottle aside and reaching for Jens, hands on his shoulders, dragging him forward by his hoodie until their mouths met, soft and wet, a little cold.
“Wait,” Jens said, getting his hands in between them, and Lucas sighed as he sat back.
“If you didn’t come here to hook up, then why did you?”
“Lucas, it’s your birthday and you’re here, alone, drinking.”
“So?” he asked, frowning, staring at Jens. What did any of that matter? Jens shouldn’t have cared. Jens didn’t know him. Jens was just the guy he’d decided he wanted to make out with a couple times. Jens probably still thought he was completely straight.
“So, are you okay?” Jens asked, sounding concerned, and Lucas huffed, chewing on his bottom lip as he looked away from Jens, out at the water.
“Jesus, I didn’t tell you where I was so you could make this into an after-school special. I just wanted to make out with someone.” He paused, glancing at Jens. “I thought that was what you wanted too.” He scooted in closer again, leaning in to press his mouth to Jens’ neck, lips gliding up to his jaw, gentle kisses that he knew Jens wouldn’t be able to resist.
“I-I do,” Jens breathed, sounding sufficiently distracted, and relief washed over Lucas.
He didn’t want to talk about why he was out here, alone, getting drunk on his birthday. He didn’t want Jens to ask, to care.
“Good,” he murmured against Jens’ cheek as his lips grazed against his skin, teasingly soft as he reached Jens’ mouth, tongue sliding along his lower lip, a careful nip as he felt Jens exhale, warm against his mouth,
“But,” Jens said a second later, and Lucas didn’t let him go on, kissing him hard instead, pressing against him on the damp bench, following the slide of Jens’ tongue against his own, breathing through his nose as he drank in Jens, kiss deep and sweeping.
Jens seemed to forget what he was saying as he kissed Lucas back, hands coming up to his neck, thumbs sweeping over his cheeks as he tilted Lucas’ head up to his.
This was what Lucas needed—to not think about anything at all, to focus on Jens’ mouth, his hands, the warmth of his body, how easy it would be to climb in his lap and get off, even right here, with people walking past, completely exposed.
“But if you’re not okay,” Jens panted when Lucas moved to suck on his jaw, and Jens’ fingers curled into his hair, “You can tell me.”
Jens was just saying it to be nice, Lucas knew, even as his stomach clenched. Today was just a bad day, and Jens wasn’t going to capitalize on it.
“Shut up,” he said instead, kissing the concerned look off Jens’ face instead. He was fine. And he’d be more fine if Jens stopped saying things like that. They’d be perfectly fine the way things were.
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [9]
ix. unity day
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Language, drinking, violence/fighting, implied character death, sad things. 
Summary: Unity Day welcomes an ironic twist, when a meeting with the Grounders results in everything except unity. 
a/n: happy show day bbs. let’s pretend everything is okay, and just watch this cute smiley gif of Bellamy that I made for this chapter bc he is baby and I love him! also, yes, the taglist for this series is OPEN! also  also, yes all of your sweet comments and reblogs DO make me scream with happiness, so thank you!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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You drop down from your perch in your tree, where you spent the better half of the morning watching the Unity Day celebrations from above. As your feet hit the ground, you meander over to the crowd gathered to watch Jaha’s speech, catching the end. “To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying you the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way.”
You roll your eyes as he finishes, before the Unity Day pageant begins. You watch in relative interest, as the crowd around you thins in favor of the Unity Juice that Jasper is passing around. You move closer to the screen as the story of the Ark is told, and you feel someone come up beside you. You know it’s Clarke before she even opens her mouth. “Unity Day right?”
You scoff, catching onto her tone. “We all know the history of the Ark. Refusing to acknowledge the violence doesn’t erase the fact that it happened.” You turn to look at her, shrugging. “Besides, I never got to enjoy it like you guys did. I was always locked up, forced to listen to the celebrations over the speakers.”
She says nothing, and instead turns to watch the pageant. As the story continues, there’s a strange sound before the comms cut out, leaving nothing behind but static. You and Clarke exchange confused glances, and you mutter, “Strange.”
“I’ll keep an eye on it, who knows what’s going on up there.” She takes a breath before turning fully to face you. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but mom will be down in two days.”
“You’re right, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m not saying you need to forgive her. I’m just saying that you need to be ready to deal with this, to see her and maybe work with her, even if you don’t forgive her.” She squeezes your arm, “Just think about it.”
You watch as she walks off, before you shake your head and move to the perimeter, opting instead to spend a little time on security.
Night comes quickly, and with it, the sounds of partying only grow louder. As more Unity Juice makes its way around camp, you trade out on detail, and move to check on the comms. You aren’t surprised to find Clarke already there, tinkering with the static screen. “Still dead?”
She looks up, “Yeah, there’s nothing.” 
She stands up straight and looks around, and you watch her eyes catch on the partying. You smile a little, “You should join them.”
Her eyes flit to yours, surprised, and she immediately shakes her head. “Me? No. There’s still too much to do.”
“Nothing that can’t wait until morning.” You bump her shoulder with your own. “As our top medical professional and the unofficial leader of this camp, you deserve a night off.” 
“I’m not the only leader. You, me, and Bellamy share that title.” She turns to you, a smirk on your face. “Maybe you should go tell him to party. Let loose with him.”
You pull a face and shake your head, “I know what you’re thinking, and no. He’s an ass, and he’s not my type.”
She laughs, and you smile at the sound. “How would you know your type? You were-”
She cuts herself off, expression dropping, looking uncomfortable. You laugh and turn to her, “I was locked up. It’s okay Clarke, you can say it. It’s not like it isn’t the truth.”
When she stays quiet, you grab her hand. “C’mon, we’re gonna go get a drink together, AND just to appease you, I’ll bring one to Bellamy.”
Her grin splits her face, and she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. “Really? Ooooo.”
You roll your eyes and lead her to the fire in the middle of camp, picking up two cups of juice,  handing one to your twin. You turn to face each other, and your mouth lifts in a smile. “To the stars.”
Her smile matches yours, “To the moon.”
You both tap the cups together before swallowing the juice quickly, urging it past your tongue and down your throat before you can think about the taste. You scrunch your nose as you feel it trace a path through your body, and you smile when you find Clarke’s expression matching your own. You both laugh and you have to control the feeling spreading through your body, a mixture of pure joy and a nostalgia for something you’ve never gotten to experience before. Going to a party with your twin sister. 
She pulls you from your thoughts by lifting two cups to your face, a smirk hidden behind her neutral expression. “Appease me.”
You grab the cups with an eye roll and scan the camp for Bellamy, finding him quickly near the edge of the party, watching everything with a smile on his face. Your stomach flips, and you tell yourself it’s the Unity Juice. You head towards him, turning to glance at your sister, who is full blown laughing now. You shake your head and turn back, coming to a stop in front of Bellamy. He smiles, “Best Unity Day ever.”
He lifts the apple in his hand to take a bite, as you lift the drink to him. He takes it with his empty hand, and glances down at the other cup in your hand. “Didn’t know you were the type to let loose.”
A laugh blows past your lips, “Never really had the chance before this.”
His smile drops a fraction of an inch, and you regret being the reason why. His eyes find the Ark in the sky. “Your mother comes down in two days. You ready to face her?” His eyes drop and lock with yours, “You ready to forgive her?”
“I don’t want to talk about my mother.” You lift your glass and give him a one sided cheers, before draining it in a single gulp. When you lower the cup, you can see mischief glinting in his eyes. 
“Well I guess that’s that then.” And then he lifts his glass to do the same.
You don’t know how long it’s been when Clarke finds you and Bellamy, plopped beside each other, side by side, laughing. “Hey Clarke, are-”
You lift your eyes to greet her, cutting yourself off when you see her face, expression etched with that serious look she gets. “I need to talk to you.” Her eyes shift from yours to Bellamy. “Both of you.”
You stand, a little uneasy on your feet, and you feel Bellamy shift onto his feet beside you. “What’s wrong?”
“Finn's set up a meeting with the Grounders. I'm leaving to go talk to them.”
You rear back in shock, and Bellamy stills beside you, voice coming out in a quiet angry way that scares you a little. “Because you think that impaling people on spears is code for ‘let's be friends’? Have you lost your damn mind?”
“Bellamy is right, Clarke.”
She shrugs, “I think it might be worth a shot. I mean, we do have to live with these people.”
“They'll probably gut you, string you up as a warning.”
Her voice drops, “Well, that's why I'm here. I need you both to follow us, be our backup.”
You think about Finn, and all his anti violence rhetoric. “Does Finn know about this?”
She turns to you, “Finn doesn't need to know.” She grabs your hand, giving you a serious look. “And bring guns.”
You nod your head and squeeze her hand. “Be careful.”
She squeezes back and walks away, leaving you and Bellamy to make a beeline for the weapons tent. When you both step inside, Jasper and Raven are already there, lost in conversation. Bellamy starts talking as soon as he sees them. “Jasper, you're coming with me.”
“I am?”
You lift a gun and hand it to Bellamy, who passes it to Jasper. “You handled yourself well in the cave with the Grounder.”
“I mean, I hit him in the head.”
You step over to the bullets and start grabbing some, but Raven puts her hand on your arm to stop you. “If you're planning on shooting anything, you better think twice. I haven't checked those yet.”
You shrug her off, “Then give me some bullets that work.”
“What do you need them for?”
You say nothing, and turn to look at Bellamy, who just shrugs in response. You turn back to her and give her a glare. “Your boyfriend's being an idiot. And has now dragged my twin into his idiocy.”
You see her face drop, and regret mentioning Clarke, just a little. She hands you a few magazines full of bullets. “I'm coming with you.”
You shrug, “We can always use one more.”
You turn and hand some of the bullets to Bellamy before you both exit the tent, Raven and Jasper right behind you. Bellamy nudges your arm and then points, and you follow his finger and see Clarke and Finn ducking out of camp. You turn to Bellamy and nod, letting him take point before you follow, the other recruits hot on your heels. 
Most of the hike is spent in silence, trying to keep Finn from hearing the group following behind them. Night bleeds into day, and you feel yourself growing sober with every step you take. You never thought you’d miss Unity Juice, yet here you are. As the terrain slopes down, Finn and Clarke stay level as your group goes down below. Eventually the trees open up over a small creek and a bridge, and you can see Clarke and Finn standing side by side, with...Octavia. 
Your brows lift in surprise, and Jasper whispers, “What's Octavia doing here?”
You all watch as the Grounder from before runs across the bridge, catching Octavia in a hug as she flings himself into his arms. You nod, your earlier suspicions now proven correct, as Raven reaches the same one. “I guess we know how he got away.”
Beside you, Bellamy tenses, and you reach out to put a hand on his arm. He turns towards you and his eyes soften a bit, before you give him a small smile and a nod. He nods in return and you both turn back to the scene, watching as the Grounder angrily eyes Clarke, and she shifts back and forth, nervous. You feel your fingers tense around your gun, but before you can react, Finn reaches out and grabs Clarke’s hand. You turn and look at Raven, her face fallen, and realize how stupid you were for directing your anger at her on behalf of Clarke. Because Finn is clearly the problem. 
You turn back to the bridge, watching as three horses emerge from the shadows, and a woman slides off one of the horses and makes her way towards Clarke, who is now walking to the center of the bridge, alone. You watch through your scope, trying to make out what they’re saying, but unable to. All you can see is the anger on the Grounder woman’s face. Raven says as much. “Grounder Princess looks pissed.”
Behind you, Jasper mutters, “Oh, no. No. This is bad.”
Bellamy spins towards him, and you watch as Jasper lifts his scope to the sky. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“There’s Grounders in the trees.”
“Are you sure?”
You all lift your guns and look around, scanning the trees nervously. You lower your gun when you don’t see anything, and turn to give Bellamy a concerned look. “I don't see anything.”
“They're gonna shoot!” And before any of you can stop him, he jumps from behind the treeline, screaming, “Clarke, run! Run!”
He lifts his gun and immediately starts firing, and you watch as a Grounder falls from a tree. You lift your gun and turn towards the Grounder woman, aiming as she pulls a knife from her sleeve. You pull the trigger and fire a single bullet, watching as it catches her in the shoulder. Clarke turns to look at you, scared, her eyes locked on yours. You nod once, and then turn back to the trees, firing as Raven yells behind you, “Go, go, go!”
You and Bellamy cover them as they run back into the woods, and you watch in relief as Clarke, Finn, and Octavia slip behind the trees, heading into safer territory. 
You and Bellamy turn and leave, covering each other, sprinting up the hill and meeting up with the others as you tear through the trees, ignoring the branches that tear and scratch you. You run until the sun drops from the sky and the walls of the camp come into view, and only then do you all stop, doubling over to catch your breath. 
You look around at the others, and your eyes land on Finn, who is leveling a glare at Clarke. If looks could kill. You step closer to him, brushing past Bellamy to glare right back. “You got something to say?”
Finn stands tall, still looking at Clarke, voice loud. “Yeah. I told you, no guns!”
She steps beside you, radiating anger. “I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders! I was right.”
Raven cuts in right after, exasperated. “Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?”
He spins towards her, “I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your gun!”
Bellamy jumps to Raven’s defense, “You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn.”
“You don't know that! Jasper fired the first shot!”
Octavia glares at Jasper, “You ruined everything.”
“I saved you! You're welcome.”
Octavia storms off and Jasper follows, clearly upset. Finn turns back to Clarke, “Well, if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now. You didn't have to trust the Grounders. You just had to trust me.”
Finn storms off into the camp, with Raven right behind, calling his name. You, Clarke, and Bellamy exchange glances, thinking the same thing. He turns to you, shaking his head. “Like I said, best Unity Day ever.”
Behind you, a loud sound rips through the air, and you all turn to look at the sky, watching as a bright light races across it. Bellamy muses, “The Exodus ship? Your mom's early.”
Clarke lets out a laugh and you feel your skin pull tight with anxious energy. But as you all watch the ship, her smile fades. “Wait. Too fast. No parachute? Something's wrong.”
And as soon as she gets the words out, the ship disappears behind a range of mountains. Seconds later, a bright light flashes through the sky, followed by an explosion. You jolt back as if the explosion hit you, mouth dropping open in shock. Beside you, Clarke shifts, and then stumbles, dropping to her knees, a choked sob escaping her throat. You drop down beside her, wrapping your arms around her as she sobs, crying out for the only parent you both had left. 
You feel Bellamy lower down behind you, placing a strong hand on your shoulder and Clarke’s. Later you’ll wonder when things changed between you and him, when your mutual hatred started to ebb. Whether it was gradual, or all at once. Whether it was ever really hatred at all, or just misplaced anger. But for now, you hold your twin close, comforting her as she cries for your mother. 
It’s hours later before you pull yourself up into your tree, and allow yourself to think about her. And just as you start to get lost in thought, a voice drifts up from below. “Anyone home?”
“Can I come up?”
You hesitate for a moment. “Yes.”
You wait and listen, the sound of boots scraping against bark and grunts as he pulls himself higher. And then, a dark head of hair pops into view, followed by a face full of freckles, cheeks pink from exertion. He pulls himself up beside you and leans heavily against the trunk, catching his breath. You hide a smile and let your gaze lift to the stars, watching as the Ark blinks across the sky. Bellamy lets out a breath, and then, “You couldn’t have picked a lower branch?”
You breathe out a laugh, and glance over at him, watching as his eyes scan your face. You blush and look back up. “Better view up here.”
“You’re fond of the sky.”
You smile, and turn to look at him. “Because of my dad. He used to teach me the constellations, tell me all the stories, answer every question I had. It was our thing. Everything else was Clarke’s thing. But this,” you glance at the sky again, “This was all mine.”
You sigh, look down and pick at your nails. You can still feel Bellamy’s gaze heavy on your face. “I spent my entire life eclipsed by her. Weird to think that now she’s all I have left.”
You feel tears start to well up in your eyes, and Bellamy shifts closer, putting his hand on your knee. “I thought I wanted her dead. But now that she is…” You glance at him, remembering his mom. “I know that’s selfish. Your mom was taken from you and I wished mine away. But I was so angry. Angry that she turned in my father, angry that she took the only person that really understood me. Because, despite being a twin, I knew they favored her more. Clarke was better behaved, so she was chosen to see the Ark, be in the open. Clarke got the best grades, top choice for an apprenticeship, the undying favor of our mother. And I got a mother that always seemed ashamed of her secret.”
You fall silent, letting the anger squish out the sadness, until none of it remains. Bellamy takes a breath and his voice is quiet when he says, “You’re allowed to feel conflicted, you know. She was your mom, who, despite everything, kept you a secret until you were born because she didn’t want to give you up. And she gave up your father, for whatever her reasons were, and you’re allowed to be angry about that too. But don’t let that anger poison you and your relationship with your sister.” His voice drops softer, “Trust me.”
You look over at him, and his hand squeezes your knee. “You are not Clarke, and that is a good thing. You always talk about how bright she shines, but the stars don’t light up the darkness like the moon can. The stars don’t control the tide. The stars are important, but the moon is our guiding light.”
You feel tears squeeze your throat for a different reason, but you swallow them back down, whispering a quiet, “Thank you.”
He nods and you both fall into silence, shifting your gaze from Bellamy, to the guiding light that sits high in the sky. 
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