#'so... how did your bio mum die?'
monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
Was thinking about that old Jurassic Bark AU I barely spoke about set in like... Medieval fantasy kinda land and Roxy, Monty and Chica are all the highest (or close to) commanders of their respective kingdom's armies. Roxy being King Bonnie's adopted sister (as she normally is in my AUs lmao), Chica being Queen Freddy's childhood best friend, and Monty being King/Captain Foxy's best comrade in arms.
The three of the kingdoms are at war over a treasure that's said to belong to the kingdom that truly belongs or whatever I don't remember and none of them knows where or what it is. The idea was that once one of them got the treasure, they would be the ones powerful enough to bring peace to the land however they see fit. None of them have actually thought about what they're gonna do, but they know they can't let the other guys have it, because they don't know what they'll do either.
The story was that the three of them got separated from everyone else and are forced to work together. Surprise! The treasure is the friends we made along the way! And in their efforts to stop this bullshit, that friendship shifts into oh fuck they're in love whadda hell
So I was thinking about this again, and aside from some cool story scenes, it'd actually be really funny if Monty and Chica didn't know that this Roxy is Prince Roxanne. Because she's obviously not a rabbit. She mentions it and they straight up don't believe her lmao
Chica and Monty have managed to get to common ground. They've started talking more casually and enjoying eachother's company, which is strange, but it's making the situation more tolerable. Roxy has been mostly keeping out of it, but they finally get her talking when they're bitching about their respective leaders. They push her into saying literally anything about King Bonnie and start making some wild assumptions and she just.
Roxy: I miss him...
Chica: You... You what?
Roxy: .... We just... We're not normally apart this long... It's weird...
Chica: You're no-
Roxy: What?!
Like!! Can you imagine that conversation??? Lmao they thought they were all just lucky to land their positions or worked really hard for it and then Roxy's just there in the royal family living the fucking high life. They don't believe her for ages and she proves it when they have to cross into a village she's familiar with and they greet her with so much excitement. Monty and Chica like what do you MEAN she's next in line cause Bonnie doesn't have a child??? What do you MEAN she was adopted by royals????? What do you MEAN she's been thrown into battle a million times when she's so important to the survival of her kingdom????
They're having a time of it! Roxy doesn't see the big deal honestly. So she's next in line, so what? Do they honestly think she'd let her brother die first?? Tch idiots. She also has to keep reminding them that she does NOT have royal blood, or lord blood, or anything like that. She's got lower class blood than both of them and neither of them can wrap their heads around this.
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 2.1
Cynthia and John are worse and crazier for admitting what they admitted in the bio. But Jane and Paul are not exempt.
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Will forever love this pic of Paul and Julian. He does not look like the fun uncle. He looks tired and dependable. Just stepped out of the womb as a father, didn't he? The sperm that fertilized his egg probably passed some fatherly advice and hair tussles to the other sperm as it passed them. 
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They should've bought the fucking island.
They never look more like a couple than when the women they're actually dating are right next to them. 
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The India footage actually looks so beautiful. Obviously it's a beautiful place, but they all genuinely look so free and at peace there. It really could've been so good for them. Getting enlightened, getting soberish, growing closer as a band, taking a much-needed rest. It should've been good. 
The music choices in this documentary! The drastic shift from, “all you need is love” and “the dream I had was true” and “I don't need much to set me free.” to Paul leaving to “yes I'm lonely. Wanna die.” “I'm going insane.” “Look at me. Who am I supposed to be?” 8d8 psychic damage. And the thing is it's real. John really did flip a switch, just like that.
Smashing my head into a wall. It's the same as Yoko's quote about how ‘nobody hurt John more than Paul.’ Really Pete? Worse than after his mum died? Really Yoko? More than that drunk cop? Paul, what the fuck did you do to him in India, seriously, because at this point in the doc I can't accept the theory that it was just some lack of communication, I just can't. 
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It's also telling to me that when John's losing it, everyone's solution is some time alone with Paul. Nobody panic. Paul can fix him. Little do they know Paul's the one that broke him. Or maybe they do know and that's only another reason they know Paul's the only man for the job?
Old-fashioned ad voice: You liked Protective Jesus Scandal Paul? You'll love Protective LSD Scandal John! Really. Before the question is even out, he's making fun of it. I think he cuts off the interviewer at least three times with jokes before he can get the sentence out, and by the time he is, Paul's giggling too hard to feel bad about his little PR fuck-up.
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Then he lets Paul talk a bit before jumping back in, this time with his Hard Man suit on. It's just so good. A testament to their unconditional love, really. Because, clearly, Paul's just hurt John pretty bad. And yet, here John is. Using every trick he's got to defend his friend. 
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But actually, though John is supposedly the one everyone's worried about, Paul's doing a pretty shit job of being the “stable” one. This entire press tour he's either fucking blazed and laughing at everything or disassociated and not contributing.
(((except during that political discussion – again! Paul secretly has actual thoughts on actual things?!)))
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But for the most part, John's absolutely holding down the fort. I wonder if this is another case of everyone – all their friends and business associates, just like we as a fandom still do now – assuming John is the problem child, and Paul's the strong one, but actually they're both both. 
Back to the political interview. They're just so in sync. Finishing each other's sentences when you're talking about the weather or your shared work is one thing. Finishing each other's sentences on complex topics like why poor whites often vote bigots in or the cause of rampant misinformation is quite another. 
“Letting his dad cut his hair at sixteen, seventeen.” You all know that John hates Jim quote. 
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John: so there's war, and vegetables. There's relativity and absolute.  Paul (absolutely smitten): that's great Johnny. Int: that's rather hard for people to interpret. John: well if they can't interpret it now, maybe they will later..... 1. John really was extremely intelligent. 2. That last statement sums up Beatles historiography.
Paul really just Won't be alone with John, will he? Well, two can play at that game, Paul, and John's going to win, let me tell you. 
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But he's going to do one last panic grab for attention first.
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I really do think if John had done something like that *before* Paul would've given him that attention. Told him he's being insane and taken him home to splash some cold water on him or something and then given him whatever softness Paul was capable of. But not anymore. 
I wonder if Paul could go back to 1966 if he just wouldn't have taken John to that Indica show where he met Yoko. If he would've just said “okay John, sure, let's just stay home and trip on the couch tonight.” I don't know.
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Anyway, Yoko gets an A+ for persistence. Imagine being Paul, George, or Ringo, though, and John is suddenly madly in love with this woman whose been begging you all (and then him specifically) for a platform for over a year? It would be weird to say the least. 
John: don't you hate me? I'm crazy, you know. Paul: no I don't hate you. John: aren't you pissed at me now, Paul? Even a little bit? Paul: I'm very proud of you. It's the unstoppable force (“Don't ‘nore me, Mimi!”) vs the immovable object (“I learned to put a shell around me”.) Someone get them some professional help before they nuke the whole world. 
“There is, however, a desire to get power in order to use it for good.” One of those quotes that just really lets you see a person, you know? Benevolent dictator Paul. 
Yoko, why are you talking about how bad your boy doesn't want to fuck you right in front of all his closest friends and on record for posterity? If you have to be talking about your sex life, shouldn't you be lying about how insanely horny he is for you? Oh, right, she will think of that, just not yet. 
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And then she waxes poetic about how turned on John is when he's working on music with Paul. Cool. Smart. Thanks for that, though, genuinely.
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And Then (gosh, Yoko is such an asset to Beatles history when she's not actively spreading misinformation. Everyone give her a hand) she goes on about how Paul goes out of his way to make her feel respected and even valued. Compare that to John and Linda, anyone? And I want to be clear, I'm not saying this means John cares too much and Paul doesn't care at all, which might be the surface read. I just think John's reaction was to scream in everyone's face that he was in pain and Paul's was to insist ad nauseam that he was fine. You know?
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The English Love Deception Pt2
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Jude Bellingham X Reader Ft Trent Alexander Arnold
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: swearing and bullying
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you straightened your hair and gave yourself a bit of waves towards the end ofc your natural hair slays but styling your hair gives you a bit of a confidence boost which you’ll be needing a lot of tonight.
You didn’t wanna glam up glam up but you did glam up glam up giving yourself the excuse of that you’re always going to dress up to matter where you’re going or how trivial the matter is *cough* not that one supermarket incident *cough*.
your black dress is short maybe a bit too short for the kinda cold weather these days but you enjoy it when your thighs quiver a bit as it gives you a fake sensation of alertness of your surroundings and that yes I’m alive. (Kinky if you ask me)
However, you’re secretly hoping that the chilly weather wouldn’t be the only reason why your thighs would shiver. ummmmm not that you’re expecting anything tonight .
“get yourself a jacket y/n unless you wanna end up in bed with the flu,”MJ screamed at you from the kitchen while you were making the last touch ups with the straightener, but what she said is right so you went to your closet and look for a jacket that won’t ruin your outfit.
The only jacket you found was a black leather jacket that used to belong to Trent. The jacket had this JB print on the inside which might explain his weird obsession with Justin Bieber’s songs on your road-trips together back in the days. You used to make yourself believe that you can still smell his cologne on it.
You haven’t really moved all your clothes from your grandparents house. You thought that the necessary pieces of clothes will do you well until now cause you’re lazy ass was too lazy and now your left with two options:
A)Wear the jacket and act clueless if Trent notices Because you really don’t wanna die frozen
B)Go without the jacket because you’re heart can’t stand another act of drama and die
Well you clearly don’t wanna die yet and you don’t want the reason of you staying in bed for a week to be a 80nm virus that isn’t not even considered as a living thing (bio classes guys focus in your bio classes)
“Are you guys ready?” You called for them at the door while you were putting on your knee high boots after you found yourself subconsciously touching the tattoo you had on your ankle with Trent’s name. You thought Trent was gonna be a permanent character in your life lover or not but now you’re left looking like an obsessive bitch which you’re seriously not.
“I swear y/n if it turns out that you’re fooling around with Bellingham and you’re lying to us I’ll make steak out of your left thigh and I’ll take this girl with me to burn your house down,” said MJ as she hooks an arm around Bunny’s neck while squinting at you.
“seriously guys? When have I ever lied to you guys about anything? Please don’t burn my house down I can’t go back to my grandparents’ house now after the scene I made” That question made them look at you deeply their eyes calling you a liar.
“Okay okay I know I’ve got history of hiding stuff but no trust me that Jude boy is the last person on earth I would even consider to look at,” you genuinely tell them crossing your arms to look firm and trustworthy usually it works most of the time.
“Okay guys let’s go we’re already late,” bunny says pushing us out of the door and ushering us towards the house next door, only for you to hear some serious barking.
I mean it makes sense why that dog hates your guts I mean his owner didn’t get an hour of discipline so it’s understandable that his dog would carry some of his owner’s traits. All respect to his mum though.
“Oh guys look at himmmm isn’t he the cutest,” bunny said as she went to play with the dog ruffling it’s fur acting all cute with your fucking nemesis.
“I don’t think we’re looking at the same creature. A friend of my enemy is my enemy too beware bunny I got my eyes on you,” you told her as you walk to the door.
“Oh come on he can’t be that bad just because he bit at your pants once doesn’t mean he hates you maybe there’s a misunderstanding or something,” MJ says as she rang the bell.
“I could’ve ended up with no legs girl that dog doesn’t bark only he bites too,” you desperately explained your understandable hatred at the dog
“I’ll get the door guys,” you hear a familiar voice saying from inside before opening the door, “oh it’s you girls”
Trent says as he hugs MJ and Bunny
his eyes linger a bit at your outfit focusing on your jacket you were hoping he’d say something hoping he’d tell you that everything was all just a dream and that he’s still the boy you trusted with your life. All you got was a “ y/n you were so missed,” with a hug that lasted 3 seconds you counted them cause you knew that’s all you’ll ever have from him.
He still felt the same he smelled the same you felt his muscles at you he definitely grew buffer good for him but it wasn’t good for your heart.
“the party is at the backyard let’s go I’ll leave you guys to mingle have fun ladies,” Trent says as he directs you guys to the backyard and left.
You felt sudden relief when he left and wow this Bellingham must be filthy rich cause look at all these doors and chandeliers. Everything was super clean and shiny the things you would do to actually own a house like this. The backyard was packed with people good looking people you may add.
Everyone had a radiating aura of confidence that you hoped was contiguous cause you really need to be infected with that.
“Now where are those hot football players don’t get me wrong the women are fine but we need to focus on our goals,” said MJ coach who was holding a cup of god knows what.
“I can’t seem to find Jude I mean it’s his house he should be here right?” Said bunny looking around for him. Oh god how I wish he just simply vanishes every time I remember how close he was to me, telling me to blatantly compliment him after he insulted me boils my blood.
What you didn’t know was the sight of Trent smiling and talk to his friends made your blood boil even more.
“I need to go to the bathroom so you guys can go have fun and I’ll come back quickly,” you told them, “just don’t have too much fun.”
You said winking at them before entering the house looking for someone to ask where the bathroom is. If you wanted to enjoy this party you need to calm down so you thought maybe collecting your nerves away from people would help a bit.
You heard a voice up the stairs so you went towards the voice hoping they’d direct you to were the toilet is, but you immediately stopped when you saw two people talking to each other quietly with the man pressing a lady to the wall.
You can’t make out their faces as the tall man’s back was towards you and he was covering the lady’s petite figure.
You must walk away as this is an infringement of privacy but you stopped moving when you heard her say
“Jude, this needs to stop,”
“stop? I haven’t even done anything Hannah this is fucking crazy and you should at least show a bit of empathy.”
“Whatever we had had ended a while ago you were just too proud to understand that I’ve dumped you for another I-“
The man who turns out to be Jude forcefully slams his hand next to the girls head causing both me and her to jump a bit. This man got some serious issues somebody needs to tell him that whatever he is doing is considered assault .
“You out of all people have zero right to talk about my feelings whatsoever. My friend whom I consider a brother fucking sent me an invitation to your fucking wedding and you expect me to just be so fucking happy about it?”
“I don’t like the way you’re talking to me Jude ,”
“I don’t give two shits if you like it or not. Is that how you return all my favours you go and date my best friend out of all people oh god not only date you’re fucking engaged to the man.”
“It’s not my fault you chose your career above your woman I guess it’s also my turn to choose too.”
“That’s messed up,” he whispers to himself, “can you hear how fucking messed up you sound now, Hannah? I didn’t find out about your wedding from you. Trent fucking sent me the invitation and I had to act all happy for my brother because I can’t tell him he’s getting married to a fucking snake who thinks of nothing but herself.”
“You left for Dortmund, Jude. Why is it when you do it it’s fine but when I do it it’s not?”
“We did talk about it dammit you even told me you supported my choice and said how it would make me an even better player. The moment I leave you go and jump my friend how is that fine in that fucking brain of yours?”
“I won’t allow you to speak of me in that manner, jude. There is nothing to be done anymore and I sincerely wished you’d be happy for me the way I was happy for you when you left to get closer to your dream.”
“The likes of you are a disgrace to the female population. No words can describe my anger towards you fr.”
“I heard from Trent that you got yourself a little girlfriend though I wish you both well oh and do bring her next week to the wedding,” Hannah said pushing Jude away walking towards the stairs. I hurry and I hide behind the staircase and wait for her to leave. This girl be causing a lot of problems everywhere she goes. Not my problem though everyone who associates himself with her can suit himself because he probably deserve it.
You don’t condone cheating though if that was the case.
I was dreading my meeting with Trent I guess it’s Hannah I should be scared of.
I go for the stairs and only to bump into something.
“Excuse me sir,” you automatically said
“I guess I’m not a ma’am anymore?” Jude said in a tone I can’t describe.
“Do I know you?” You act cluelessly if there is something you aren’t you aren’t either delusional nor a good actor.
You can sense how annoyed he got when you claimed that you didn’t know him. Ha, I’ll step on that ego of yours, mf.
“There are more snacks in the kitchen guys come help me get them,” a voice came from downstairs. You suddenly felt a warm firm arm circling your waist and pushed you towards the hallway upstairs away from the voices below.
“You seriously do have something for pushing people around,”
“ oh so dora the explorer actually remembers who I am”
“yes and as I recall I remember you saying I look like a gorilla looking desk”
“monkey not gorilla”
“Same thing” you rolled your eyes at how immature this convo sounds now.
“no definitely not the same thing and if I can say, I’d say you make a fine monkey looking desk now.”
“Well no doubt girls don’t last long with you if that’s your way of flirting with them.”
“you have contacts on right? I liked you better when you couldn’t see. ”
“I see you haven’t replied to my comment that means I’m actually right. Well I’m always right but you just proved that I am.” You covered yourself with your jacket as it started getting chilly.
Jude noticed your movement and deeply inspected the jacket.
“This jacket looks extremely familiar. God i have the same exact one and I can’t seem to find it.”
“I don’t know but this jacket is mine I borrowed it from a friend of mine and somehow it’s still with me so that means it’s now my-“ you didn’t even get to finish your sentence before Jude got closer to you and slid the jacket off your left shoulder. He then got even more closer to your neck to look at the inside of the jacket.
His hot breath hit your neck you can’t help but gasp at the sensation. You hoped he would mistake your reaction as a gasp to him removing your jacket not you acting stupid cause he exchanged some oxygen and CO2 beside your neck.
“now will you be a good girl and tell me what is my jacket doing in your possession?”
“I told you it’s not your jacket it’s mine I came from my house with it on.”
“Well care to explain why does your jacket have my initials? Are you perhaps a stalker?” He said emphasizing ’your’. He looked you in the eyes questioning you as if the deeper he looks the more answers he would find. Surprisingly he wasn’t angry nor annoyed he was genuinely intrigued.
“JB could stand for Justin Bieber Jonas Brothers Jacob Black (team Edward for life though) the list goes on. You don’t have any evidence that it is yours and I don’t know who you are.” You lied you don’t want to look dumb if you told him you knew he was the first teen football player who scored in the World Cup he’d 100% be sure that you’re a stalker which you’re obviously not. Apparently you took the jacket from Trent who took Jude’s jacket but you’ll keep that to yourself for now.
“Even though you’re extremely suspicious and now accused of theft, stalking and eavesdropping may I add, I’ll let you keep the jacket but I want something in return,” he said before he leaned very closely to your ear you swore you felt his luscious lips tickling your earlobe. He knew you were eavesdropping I mean it was kinda obvious. he then whispered his deal that made you shout instinctively
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Nishidake Household: Chapter 5, Part 1
In this part the Nishidake household hit a few roadbumps with the inclusion of the health mods.
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Back to Mt Komorebi where the Nishidake household sleeps. Last rotation they got the news that Kaori’s grandparents had left a large inheritance for her and her wife. The Nishidake family are the guardians of the mountain, a mantle which requires loyalty to the region. Specifically you can go somewhere on holiday, but if you take steps to move away you will die. At least according to a bunch of dead ancestors who tried, including Kaori’s parents.
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Charlie: We better get up
Kaori: Clover’s belly is not the boss of us
Clover: *barks hungrily*
Kaori: Who am I kidding? Her belly is totally the boss of us
Charlie: *laughs* I can go feed her if you want first shower
Kaori: Please. I had a not great fall yesterday and my muscles are still aching
Charlie: You should have said, I could have given you a massage
Kaori: I’ve maxed my snowboarding skill, I’m not meant to have falls
Charlie: Everyone has falls *to Clover* Come on my honey pie, who wants biscuits?
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Charlie: Did you get back in your pyjamas? *kisses cheek*
Kaori: Yeah, they’re comfy
Charlie: Remember we need to go to the doctors first thing
Kaori: Why? Since when
Charlie: Mum text about a new mod. Apparently we need vaccines and to go see a gynaecologist
Kaori: Char only one of us got a bio degree
Charlie: Oh, they just look at our pixel parts and tell us if we’re healthy
Kaori: What? I don’t want some stranger looking at my pixel parts
Charlie: We don’t have a choice
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Kaori: Sure we do! We just don’t go. It’s not like we’re going to get pregnant or one of us is sleeping with someone who has a pixel parts infection
Charlie: We don’t need to be trying to get pregnant for our reproductive organs to stuff up and explode
Kaori: *suspiciously* You’re just being gloomy right? Our organs won’t actually explode…
Charlie: Guess the only way for you to find out is to come with me
Kaori: *rolls eyes* Fine. How much will it set us back
Charlie: Don’t worry. All players on the team get health insurance, we’ll be fine, it won’t cost as much
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Kaori: Brilliant! We could use the savings on a new couch
Charlie: Umm, I don’t think that’s how savings work. And we hardly ever sit on the couches anyway
Kaori: Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have nice ones. And I’m not suggesting we use the inheritance on ourselves, but you and I do get income we can spend. You knew you were marrying a shop-a-holic Char, I like nice things
Charlie: Am I included in these nice things
Kaori: Only if you take a shower
Charlie: Oh, she burns!
Kaori: Shut up, you know I still have a fear of fire. I’ll get the dishes, you shower so we can get these medical visits over with
Clover: *barks* Hope I don’t have any medical visits
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Kaori: We survived!
Charlie: Heck yeah. Now, about what the doctor said…
Kaori: Char she said I’m neurodivergent, it’s not like we need to be worried or sad or whatever
Charlie: I’m gloomy, I can’t help it. Do you want me to go to the psychiatrist with you
Kaori: Nah, I’ll be sweet. Can you get started on the chores for me though?
Charlie: Does gardening count
Kaori: So long as you don’t let Clover track the dirt through the house
Charlie: I won’t. But I know you enjoy vacuuming so… I’ll leave that for you?
Kaori: *laughs* Guilty! Okay, I’ll vacuum when I’m back
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Charlie gets started on her indoor garden. She learned how to garden during her biology degree with Rahul, not that she’d tell her dad that she’d ignored his many attempts to teach her about soil types and fertiliser strengths. She’s calling out to Clover every so often when she realises Clover is barking differently than normal.
Charlie: You better not be inviting around the hound dogs
Clover: *barks to the hound dogs*
Charlie: We’re getting you spayed so don’t even think about it
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Kaori: What’s all the noise in here
Charlie: You back? How’d it go
Kaori: Did you say we’re getting this precious angel spayed
Charlie: I did indeed yell that
Clover: *barks in love*
Kaori: But... Charlie... puppies could be so cute!
Charlie: No
Kaori: Why not? You got her and Allie as puppies
Charlie: Over population K. There’s enough strays out there without adding to the surplus
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Kaori and Clover go to the garden room where Charlie is fighting a temporary bug invasion.
Kaori: But what if... we kept the puppies
Charlie: *sighs* K, pregnancy is hard and labour is rough. Yes you may end up with cute puppies but think about what Clover would have to go through. It’s not right for us to put her through that when we can get her fixed
Kaori: *pouts* Suppose
Charlie: I don’t want to be pregnant. You don’t want to be pregnant. Why would we make her do something we’re not willing to go through ourselves huh?
Kaori: You’re right, I know you’re right. She just really seems to want to make puppies
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Clover: *barks in love*
Charlie: It’s hormones. Should calm down when she’s fixed. Now what did the psychiatrist say
Kaori: That I have… wait he did write it down somewhere for me…
Clover: *barks in love*
Charlie: Honey pie mummies are talking right now
Kaori: Oh, I kept it on my phone. I have this thing called… Dysgraphia? I think that’s how it’s pronounced
Charlie: I haven’t heard of it before
Kaori: Yeah me neither
Charlie: Do they think we need to be worried at all
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Kaori: No. It’s just why I have trouble writing neatly and getting stuff from my head onto paper
Charlie: Did they want you to start anything like meds or tutoring or something
Kaori: Depends on how much I’m bothered. Like I have the film and literature hobby but I enjoy experiencing stories more than creating them you know. I’ll see how I go
With the garden tidied Charlie gets into her uniform and heads off to work.
Kaori: Good luck playing Char! We'll be listening and watching
Charlie: Thanks. Hey Clover, I’ll see you when you have less organs
Clover: *whines*
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Kaori: Here we are, standard vets. I’ll go sign you in for a spay, come on Clover
Clover: *whines in love*
Kaori: Let’s see… do we have an account here? We should do, we took Allie here after all
Bartholemew A. Bittlebun, Snr.: *meows* Lady you’re in my puddle
Kaori: Spay… spay… spay! Here we go, all signed up
 Bartholemew A. Bittlebun, Snr.: *meows* The service here is terrible
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Kaori: I’m lucky this screen lights up. Why is it so dark in here?
Clover: *barks* Puddle! I must jump in as tribute to Peanut
Bartholemew A. Bittlebun, Snr.: *meows* Make your own puddle to play in
Clover: *barks* But this one is right here and I need to roll
Bartholemew A. Bittlebun, Snr.: *runs from the scene of the crime*
Justin: Hey lady, your dog is making a mess! All over the floor
Kaori: Maybe you should wait for the vet outside Clover
Bartholemew A. Bittlebun, Snr.: *smirks in victorious cat*
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Cora: Clover? Clover?
Clover: *barks* That’s my name, don’t wear it out
Cora: You’re a nice doggy, right
Clover: *barks* Why do you look scared
Sick Non Fox: *barks* Get out of my way!
Clover: *growls* You get out of my way fire feet
Sick Non Fox: Why hasn’t the vet taken you in yet? Do you have rabies
Clover: *growls* I do not have rabies
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Kaori: So do you have a cat or-
Brant: Three dogs, the youngest one seems to have something wrong with his feet. Luckily we live nearby
Kaori: Oh man I live all the way in Mt Komorebi, but this is pretty much the only vet clinic in the world
Brant: Tell me about it
Cora: Nice doggy? Want to play
Clover: *barks* at least that rhymes with spay
Sick Non Fox: You’re getting your organs taken out? Loser. I can breed free
Clover: *growls* I pity any offspring of your ridiculous looking self
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Cora: Here we are. If you could just get her to sit on the treadmill
Kaori: Clover, sit. What was the delay?
Cora: Oh, you know, just wanted to check some things
Clover disappears into the machine…
Kaori: What do you mean? What things
Cora: Not to worry. This is my first time doing a spay but I did learn how to tell the difference between the uterus and the bladder
Clover: *whines*
Kaori: Is she okay in there
Cora: She’ll be fine. Now the procedure does fit her with a cone. We recommend *thinks hard* that it stay on for the rest of the day
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Kaori takes Clover home feeling less than confident in the nurses abilities but Clover seems fine apart from the cone. Charlie will be working until 9 but the fridge is almost empty so Kaori starts on dinner.
Kaori: I’m sorry we won’t have puppies Clover, they would have been cute. Maybe in a few years mummy will let us get another puppy huh?
Clover: *barks dejectedly*
Kaori: Of course, we could always just go adopt a puppy as a surprise
Clover: *barks questioningly*
Kaori: I know babykins, you’re right. Rescue pets do not make good surprise gifts
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Kaori turns on the radio while she eats so she can tune in to Charlie’s game. She’ll watch it properly when she’s eaten but she likes to catch the start. It’s a rough game for Charlie’s team, they don’t win, and Charlie gets subbed out ten minutes before then end. She returns home gloomier than usual.
Kaori: Do you want a massage
Charlie: You watched the game huh
Kaori: I did
Charlie: I hate when coach subs me out at the end. I’m the best on the team for the penalty shootouts
Kaori: I suppose you can’t win them all
Charlie: This stupid reporter-
Kaori: Hey, have some food while we talk. You look pretty wiped out
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Charlie: You left me the last of the Pho?
Kaori: I had to cook so I figured I’d let you have it
Charlie: Aww thanks K. You’re sweet
Kaori: Now you mentioned reporter
Charlie: *sighs* So it’s post match press and this guy calls the loss one of the worst ever to happen in soccer. Which I get, it was a rough end. But he was asking me who was responsible? Did the dude not see I wasn’t even on the pitch for the end?
Kaori: Did you tell him off
Charlie: I thought about it, but I didn’t want to throw coach under the bus. Then she’d have even more reason to bench me. So I spouted some nonsense about teamwork. I swear they target me with the tricky questions because they know I’m gloomy and they’re searching for a soundbite
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Kaori: Come here, I love you and your gloominess. It keeps me and my cheerfulness grounded
Charlie: *sighs* I suppose so. I guess I should do the dishes
Kaori: No, I got them. I think somebody wants their cone off
Charlie: Oh Clover, Honey pie? Who wants to be free again?
Clover: *barks* Have mercy on me
Charlie: Does my brave girl need a hug, huh? Do you need a hug?
The tired trio head to the bedroom together and fall asleep.
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ohtobeleah · 11 months
After that visit to her bio dad does Felix tell Dot anything more about what happened to them when dot was younger?
I feel like this happens. But not straight away. I feel like you need a week or two to just breathe and sit in the fact your daughter, your first born, the little girl that you almost died for, that Bob did die protecting, knows what her biological dad did.
“What’s all this for?” Bradley’s asking as you place some snacks onto a tray and crack a tub of spinach and feta dip open.
“Dot and I are gonna talk—“ You paused for a moment as he look up at your husband, he’s still got that stupid moustache but his face is older now. “About Jaidyn and everything.”
And all Bradley does and step closer, he can, if it’s quiet enough in the depths of the night, still remember your screams. He often had nightmares of you in that closet. They always got worse when he was on carriers a million miles away from home.
“I’m proud of you, you know, he knew what he was doing—telling Odette what he did. He just wanted to get to you again.”
“He did.” You admit through a sigh. “But Dots old enough now for the truth I guess, and grounded so instead of going out with her friends to that party she wanted to go to she can help me get up on that roof she loves to sit up on and can listen to her mum.” Bradley just chuckled, he knows you’re gonna break an ankle getting up there.
“Make sure to include how heroic I was will ya?” Bradley knows the backhanded slap to his stomach is coming so he dodged it. “Ah, your gonna have to be quicker than that ma—oof—“ But the elbow? He didn’t see that coming.
“I’ll be sure to let our daughter know how obsessed you were with me, Commander.”
Read more from ToE
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riverstardis · 2 years
high tide:
here we go😥😥
aw connie pulled some strings to get emilie in a good hospice
jez! him trying to flirt with connie and then his face when she introduces herself as the clinical lead sjsjdjfkfk
is that patient in sex education? just looked it up and yes she is. i miss when they used to put the full cast list up on the website not just the main ones
aww they’re looking at childhood photos. it must be so weird for them realising that they’d never actually seen pictures of themselves at that age before
cal telling ethan to go breathe into a paper bag SJDFKFKKF
emilie asks ethan if he’ll get the test done and he doesn’t answer but then later says he will and then cal crashes the ambulance trying to stop him finding out that his results are already there😭😭
“your sense of responsibility is pathologically stunted” “i just don’t think the world’s gonna end every time i leave the house. you’re like one of those nut jobs who walk around holding placards predicting apocalypse. you’re a disaster fantasist” pretty succinct descriptions of their characters tbh sjdkfkfk although ethan’s life is basically just one disaster after another can you really blame him😭
i love how they’re both so aware of how fucked up they are. and they’re both trying so hard to hide it from other people, especially ethan because cal does kind of use it to his advantage a little to seem dark and mysterious to women (taken from his character bio) whereas ethan tries to hide it completely
they’re a bit wrapped up in it all at this point but i wonder if afterwards at any point they really thought about how much of The Way They Are, which they probably couldn’t explain before, could be explained by them being neglected and then taken away and adopted
aw lofty’s patient turns out to be diane’s daughter and she’d come to take pictures of him to put on twitter but he wasn’t like she thought he’d be
they’re so funny😭
ethan saying they could be at the hospice right now if they’d left it to him but no cal had to make a big spontaneous gesture and now emilie might die on the side of the road and cal says at least he’s trying something and the side of the road is better than some hospital trolley and ethan actually walks off to look at the tyres instead of responding which probably means he knows cal’s actually right for once but doesn’t want to admit it sjdkfkfk
cal carries on “oh hang on, you’d prefer that wouldn’t you? because then you could control it. like you love to control everything. antiseptic ethan bubble, never taking a chance. like a selfish, misanthropic little baby” “what did you call me?” “you heard me.” what cal’s describing sounds an awful lot like an anxiety disorder to me🤷🏽 well except the selfish misanthropic little baby part that’s just him being mean
i’m sorry but there is absolutely no way that police officer didn’t see ethan go into the ambulance as she approached them😭
this is a perfect example of why having sibling relationships is SUCH a good idea because only siblings could bounce back from the argument they just had in about 5 minutes flat (it’s also why will was never gonna work as a cal replacement for ethan because if they argued like that they just,, wouldn’t be friends)
cal’s like why do i always do this why do i never think things through and ethan’s like no it’s me who hasn’t been thinking and says that he’ll be there for him when he opens his test results
ethan calling emilie mum for the first time🥺 though does that actually reflect how he feels about her or is it still for cal’s benefit??
jez giving iain a piggyback sjdkfkfk
“charlie we need you. it’s lofty. he’s gone up into the ceiling” coming full circle then? back into the loft
emilie saying cal’s a dreadful driver sjskfkfk
lofty’s decided to leave. he’s going to do a charity walk and then after he says he’s going to retrain as a bereavement counsellor. well that doesn’t happen does it? actually idk how long it is before he joins holby?
ethan being scared of crabs skskdkfk i love him
aww emilie’s crying watching them :(
cal is going to open his results and ethan says how he wishes he would’ve told him so they could do it together and cal’s like “we did do it together” and pulls out ethan’s envelope and explains how he took his blood
noo he looks terrified i can’t watch this🫣🫣🫣
zoe saying to dylan that she knows how close he got with lofty and how much he’ll miss him and dylan says “he was just a nurse. and not a particularly competent one” but his face says otherwise :(
aww everyone group hugging lofty🥺
here we see cal’s new and improved year of birth: 1984 (instead of 1986 which it was earlier in the series) which they must’ve changed because they’re about to show ethan’s date of birth too for the first time and in deciding what year ethan should’ve been born they realised they’d made cal too young because 1986 is the latest ethan could possibly have been born to be where he is in his career but if ethan turned 2 when cal was 4 they can’t have been born in the same year
i’ve paused it to mentally prepare and i’m actually shaking rn wtf someone tell my brain it’s just a tv show😭
ethan points out that the statistics aren’t in his favour after cal’s result is negative but actually his personal chance hasn’t changed it’s still 50% it’s just that it seems to get worse because if you take their chances together, it’s more likely that one of them will have it than neither of them having it, but with cal testing negative that takes away his part of that and the chance that one of them will have it change to just ethan’s individual chance (yes i did just pause it again to draw a probability tree)
“cal and i are doddery old men by then. cal’s on his 4th wife” this is now even worse than it was originally because NOT ONLY is ethan not going to make it to that age, CAL DIDNT MAKE IT EITHER NOR DID HE EVEN HAVE A FIRST WIFE LET ALONE A FOURTH WTF CASUALTY I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Just As Crazy
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Request: Yes / No  Hello Maybe you could do a Bellatrix X slytherin daughter reader who is just like her mother but is more insane.All she wants to do is to make her mother and Voldemort proud. She was the one who helped Tom open the Chamber of Secrets but nobody caught her. Then in 5th year she was the cause of Sirius death by betraying the DA when she shows up as a death eater. Tyyyyy 💕 Anon
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Bellatrix Lestrange x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 1248
Warnings: Sirius dying and that should be it 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My Mother was locked up in Azkaban, so I was living with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. My cousin Draco wasn’t really a huge fan of me, but I wasn’t really a fan of him either. He was weak, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He was too emotional and wasn’t Death Eater material. However that wasn’t my decision to make. The two of us went to Hogwarts together,  obviously getting placed in Slytherin. I ended up using the Malfoy name so no one knew who I really was. My Uncle was able to sneak letters into my Mother and she was delighted I was put in Slytherin. The first year was rather boring but that summer I got a job from Voldemort. I had to help the young Weasley girl open the Chamber of Secrets. My Uncle planted the book and then it was up to me to make sure the Chamber got opened. I was just the watcher to make sure Ginny wasn’t destered, but at the same time I couldn’t be caught. Lucky for me it was pretty simple, however Harry Potter ruined it and killed the basilisk! 
I then had to gain Harry’s trust. It wasn’t easy to do, but I managed to do so by defending him and his disgusting friends against Draco. He hated it, but I assured him I hated it more. However it all paid off when I was invited to join their secret group in year five. Dumbledore’s Army was what they called themselves, how pathetic. Unbridge ended up catching us because of Cho Chang. Luckily they still trusted me and when Harry was going to the Ministry he asked me to join them. A small group of us made our way to London after a bit of trouble. When we made it to the Ministry we went straight to the Department of Mysteries. We walked down the hall, following Harry and he stopped just in front of a door at the end of the hall. 
“This is it.” He said. We walked slowly to the door and walked in to see a dark room with shelves of orbs.
“Ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five.” Harry said and stopped in between the shelves. 
“He should be here.” Harry said. 
“Harry. It’s got your name on it.” Neville said looking at one of the orbs. everyone watched as Harry grabbed the orb. 
“Harry.” Hermione said and looked down the hall. He pulled his gaze from the orb and looked down to see a Death Eater walking down towards us. I silently smirked and no one could see me since I was in the front. Harry moved in front of us and I quickly changed my expression to one of worry. 
“Where’s Sirius?” Harry asked. 
“You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams…” Uncle Lucius said and removed his mask. 
“And reality.” He finished. 
“You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy.” He said. 
“If you do anything to us, I’ll break it.” Harry said and I tried my hardest to not roll my eyes. I heard my Mother’s laugh and I suppressed my smile. 
“He knows how to play. Itty, bitty, baby. Potter.” She said and shook her head at me. It wasn’t time. 
“Bellatrix Lestrange.”  said, stepping forward. 
“Neville Longbottom, is it? How’s Mum and Dad?” Mum asked with a smirk. 
“Better, now they're about to be avenged.” He replied and held up his wand. My Mother held her up and Uncle Lucius saw this could go bad quickly. 
“Now, let’s everybody just calm down, shall we?” He said and they each lowered their wands. 
“All we want is that prophecy.” He said. 
“Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?” Harry asked and I sneered slightly. 
“You dare speak his name? You filthy half blood!” My mother shouted. 
“It’s alright. He’s just a curious lad, aren’t you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really. Haven’t you always wondered the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don’t you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me. Then I can show you everything.” Uncle said, holding his hand out. 
“I’ve waited fourteen years.” Harry said. 
“I know.” Uncle said, looking as though he cared. 
“I guess I can wait a little longer. Now! Stupefy!” Harry said. Everyone did the same and then ran. We ended up getting separated and my Mother found me. She grabbed me and pulled me along with her. Luckily no one saw. 
“Where’s Y/N?” I heard Harry ask. 
“They must have gotten her.” Neville said with a nervous tone. I smirked. 
“Get back to the door!” Harry shouted and I heard them running. 
“What do I do, Mother?” I asked. 
“Just wait for the right moment.” She said and took me with her to follow them. We followed them into a new room and while the chaos was going on my Mother hid me in a doorway. I had to stay there until it was the right moment. 
“Did you truly believe, or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?” Uncle asked and I stifled my laugh. 
“I’ll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die.” He said. 
“Don’t give it to him, Harry!” Neville shouted, but my Mother hushed him. I saw a white light appear and glanced around confused. 
���Get away from my godson.” Sirius Black said punched my Uncle. Other white lights came and a fight started. I wanted to join, but my Mother gave me a sign to stay hidden. My Uncle was in trouble and my Mother had made it to me. I knew it was my time. 
“Avada Kedavra!” I shouted and aimed it at Sirius. My Mother and I laughed as he fell back into the archway and disappeared. 
“No! No!” Harry cried and I laughed harder. My Mother and I smirked at him as we ran off. 
“I killed Sirius Black!” I laughed as I heard Harry running after us. 
“You coming to get me?” I teased. 
“Crucio!” Harry shouted and hit me. I screamed as I fell to the ground and Harry pointed his wand at me. My Mother escaped through the fireplace so I was alone. I looked at him with fake sadness. 
“You’ve got to mean it, Harry. She killed him. She deserves it.” I heard the Dark Lord say and I looked up shocked and worried. 
“You know the spell, Harry.” He said and he appeared behind Harry. I started laughing and smiling. 
“Do it!” He said, but Harry turned around and knocked his wand from him. 
“So weak.” He sneered. Dumbledore appeared and a fight started, giving me the perfect moment to escape. I made it to Malfoy Manor and my Mother greeted me with a wicked smile. 
“Did I do well, Mother?” I asked with the same smirk. 
“You did dear, the Dark Lord will be proud.” She said and my smile grew. The two of us gave an evil cackle and I knew the Dark Lord will rise to power once again. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​  @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers​ @sambucky8​
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imagine-that-100 · 4 years
Holiday | Part 13 |
Description of Part 1: Alex Turner x Reader (Female) | You’ve been friends with Alex Turner and the other boys from Arctic Monkeys since you were 13. You never for a second thought that Alex would release a song about you though. From late night phone calls and almost constant texting and teasing, you’ve managed to stay close with him over the years. When a pact is established and a holiday is arranged, life seems to be treating you very well. But a month in LA will either make or break you.
Word Count: 11.4K
A/N: It’s Friday, which means you get your next dose of Holiday! So, this series is probably going to end up being around 20 Parts all together. That’s not for definite but with what I have prewritten and what I have planned for it that seems like the number it’s going to end up around. Not for definite but don’t worry we aren’t anywhere near done yet.  Taglists are always open. Thank you for reading x
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The click of the door unlocking distracts you from your conversation and you can already tell that as soon as that door opened something embarrassing would take place. And you weren’t wrong.
You press your lips together as you watch the front door open. The men around you laugh at the joke that one of them just made as you watch Y/B/F push the front door open, and you just wait until she inevitably notices who’s inside your flat.
When the door is halfway open, she immediately looks over and her eyes go wide which causes you to grin at her. She doesn’t even look your way before she completely retracts herself back out of the room with a little squeal of excitement.
You couldn’t stop the giggle leaving your lips as you watched the front door close behind her and you lent your head on Alex’s shoulder as you heard him start laughing at her reaction too.
“Who was that?” Jamie asks you, looking from the door to you.
Nick also looked completely confused, which you weren’t surprised about. Not everyone walked into a room, squealed and then immediately left.
“Just Y/B/F” You tell them as your giggles die down.
“Your best mate?” Jamie confirms, he remembered you talking about her before.
You pick your head up off Alex’s shoulder to nod, “Yeah she lives here too. Didn’t pre-warn her that you were coming though”
“She knows who we are?” Nick asks.
“Yeah we met at one of your gigs, rest is history” You smile at the memory.
Jamie looks at you curiously before asking, “When?”
“Humbug tour” You say as you sit up a bit.
“Didn’t tell her I knew you straight away though… And she only became obsessed when I was having a moment of weakness and watched 2007 Glastonbury again” You continue to tell them as you stand yourself up so you can go and check if she’s okay.
You started walking towards the front door when you heard Alex sigh.
“Why am I going out with someone who’s obsessed with me?” Alex shakes his head at you.
“Are you having a laugh?” Jamie asks him whilst wearing a very confused expression.
He was obviously thinking the same thing as you.
“Al, hunny” You say turning back to look at him, “Everyone in the room can vouch that you were just as obsessed with me as I was with you”
“I mean she’s right” Nick shrugs and Jamie nods in confirmation.
You giggle as Alex looks at them like he’s broken-hearted because they sided with you.  
“You’re meant to be my mates, stick up for me” You hear him scorn them as you make your way towards your front door to see if your best friend is alright.
You open up the door and take a step outside as you say, “Y/B/F?”
You look right first but see nothing, then you check left and see her just stood down the corridor with her shopping bags still in hand. You smile at her before letting the door close behind you as you walk towards her.
You smile at her as you approach her, “Are you okay?”
“Y/N/N that was Jamie Cook and Nick O’Malley, right? Or am I seeing things?” She asks you, completely blanking your question.
“No, you’re right” You chuckle before talking some of the many shopping bags from her.
“Fuck me” Y/B/F sighs before leaning her head against the wall. Still a little in shock, it seems.
After a moment, she looks back at you and says, “Jamie Cook is sat in my spot”
“Yeah but you’re not gunna kick him out of it, are you?” You laugh.
“Hell no” Y/B/F says with a massive grin on her face.
You start slowly walking back to your door which you notice that, in her shock, she’d left her keys in.
You suppress your giggle before asking her, “Are you prepared to say hello?”
She shakes her head at you.
“Not really, I look like a tramp” She gestures down at herself.
You looked at what she was wearing and shook her head. She looked so cute in her baby pink joggers, white trainers, and her long sleeved white cropped V-neck top.
“That’s a lie, you look gorgeous” You tell her, wishing you’d attempted to look cute.
You just wore your blue jeans with a long-sleeve black top tucked into them. You were in your slippers currently too just because you weren’t going anywhere with Alex until later on, so you thought you’d be comfy for a while longer.
Alex had made his usual effort though and was dressed in his black boots, jeans and a black and white striped top. Crazy how even the simplest of outfits made him look fucking incredible.
“You think so?” Y/B/F asks you as if she didn’t believe you at all.
God you loved her so much. She was too precious.
“Yes, most definitely” You tell her with a big grin before you open up the door once again, except this time Y/B/F stays inside when she enters.
“You know what? I sometimes wish you didn’t have a boyfriend so I could get off with you” She sighs as she places her bags down on the ground next to where you’d just put her others.
You laugh at what she said before making your way back over to sit next to Alex. As you do that though you nudge him a bit so he will budge up so Y/B/F can come and sit down next to you.
“Right Y/B/F, it’s nearly been two months. You can’t wish me away that quickly” Alex tells her as he moves up and you take a seat next to him again.
You smiled at him telling her that. You knew two months wasn’t a big anniversary by any means, but you were pleased to know he knew how long you’d been together for.
You shouldn’t have been surprised though. Alex was one of the most romantic people you knew.
Everything had been plain sailing for the both of you back over in the UK thankfully. It had been a week since you were at your Mum’s and you’d all coexisted in the smallish flat quite well.
In fairness, you weren’t there for most of the day but from what your best friend and Alex had told you when you’d come back home, they got on quite well and gave each other the space they needed.
Y/B/F was now obviously off work because it was the summer holidays and Alex floated around your flat keeping himself busy either by playing your guitar or watching TV. You guessed he’d been napping too considering the state of his hair when you’d come home from work the other day.
You knew he’d being going seeing his Mum and Dad a lot too, something which you were both going to do later on. You hadn’t been to see them with him yet because you’d been knackered after work every night, but you couldn’t wait to see them in a bit.
“Sorry Al, I just miss the days when I could pull my best friend” Y/B/F shrugs her shoulders pretending to sound a bit deflated.
That seems to get Alex’s attention though and his head snaps towards you.
“You used to pull each other?” He asks you with his brown eyes staring at you.
Looks like someone liked the idea of that.
You grin at him, “It’s happened more than once”
“Would be happening again right now if it was up to me” She mumbles as she passes by you all just to chuck her shopping bags into her room.
“I mean it doesn’t look like he’ll have any complaints about it” You chuckle with suggestive eyebrows at her before she disappears off into her room.
She shouts back to you, “I bet he wouldn’t”
“I don’t have any objections either” Jamie grins at you.
You start giggling at Jamie saying that and Y/B/F comes and sits down next to you. She gets herself comfy on the settee when she smiles at Jamie and Nick.
“It’s nice to meet the both of you. I’m Y/B/F” She introduces herself.
“Yes, we have heard a lot about you” Nick smiles back at her.
Jamie grins and chuckles though, “Mostly about the present you sent Alex”
“Oh, for fucks sake” You sigh before sinking into Alex’s side a bit more.
“Ha, yeah, it was a pretty good idea and from what I hear, it went down a treat” Y/B/F giggles before nudging you in your side which you playfully glare at her for doing.
“Think treat would be an understatement from the things I was hearing” Jamie chuckles and it almost sounds evil.
“What have you heard?” You sceptically ask him before you look to Alex wondering what he’d been telling his mates.
Alex just look at you and shakes his head, “Don’t look at me. I didn’t tell anyone anything”
You could tell he was being serious.
“Oh for fucks sake, is Miles making shit up again?” You turn back to the other two Monkeys on the sofa opposite wanting to know.
“Matt mostly, actually” Nick tells you and you shake your head.
You tut before saying, “He wasn’t even there when he opened it though. He’s full of shit”
“No but apparently he saw Alex’s wrists the following day” Nick grinned.
“Alex’s wrists!?” Y/B/F shouts from next to you.
She shot straight up in her seat and turned towards you and Alex with her jaw practically on the ground.
“Jesus Christ” You murmur before running a hand through your hair.
“Did you- Oh my god” She stammers, and you just press your lips together whilst you look at her.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” She asks you, her jaw still hanging open.
You shrug innocently before pointing to Alex, “Because I feel like I divulge too much of my sex life, especially when it’s with him”
“What is that meant to mean?” Alex asks you with raised eyebrows.  
You laugh, “You’re pretty so people wanna know more about you”
Nick and Jamie just laugh at that. Alex looks like he wished he didn’t ask.
“I actually can’t believe it I’ve never been prouder” Y/B/F excitedly tells you.
You grin at her, “Thank you my love”
She blows a kiss at you and you laugh before blowing one back despite being sat next to each other.
“You know if I didn’t know how obsessed with each other you are” Nick starts by pointing between you and Alex.
He then continues to say, “I would think you were the roommate Al, and they were going out”
You and Alex chuckle at that but Y/B/F backs up Nick’s point.
“He is the constant third wheel, yes” She confirms, and it makes Alex scoff as he throws his arm around your shoulder.
“I’ll get off with her in front of you in a minute” He threatens and you have try and not roll your eyes.
She laughs and stands herself up, “You won’t because you’ll know I enjoy it”.
That caused you to snort because you know it would be true.
“Yeah, there are pros and cons of having a bisexual best mate” You chuckle as you watch her walk towards the kitchen.
“Pros outweigh the cons” Y/B/F says as she turns to look back at you.
“Oh definitely” You say as Nick and Jamie laugh.
She asks you guests politely, “Do you’s two want a brew?”
“Yes please” Nick smiles at her.
Jamie nods before saying, “She’s already a better host than you two”
“I offered you a drink when you came in and you said no” You scoff, offended by your friends sat opposite you.
“She’s a shit friend just ignore her” Y/B/F says from the kitchen.
You scoff but don’t react to her other than that. You shake your head before looking over to Nick and Jamie who are silently chuckling to themselves.
They look so good; You were so glad they were here. You hadn’t seen them in over a year, so it really had been lovely catching back up with them.
“You gunna make us one Y/B/F?” Alex calls to her and she tells him to fuck off.
You pat his thigh before resting your hand on it. “Don’t be silly” You tell him, knowing exactly what she was about to tell him.
“You live here. Get up and make it yourself” She shouts back at him which makes you laugh.
“Didn’t want one anyway” Alex mumbled under his breath before he kissed the top of your head.
You had a little chuckle to yourself as you watch Y/B/F come back into the room with Nick and Jamie’s drinks in hand. And after they securely take it from her with a ‘thank you’ she goes back and gets her drink before sitting herself down next to her again.
“So, I believe you two met at our gig?” Nick asks Y/B/F more than he asks you.
You nod as she follows up with, “Oh yeah. Those were the days”  
“Alex, bring back the humbug hair please” She excitedly asks him too.
“I mean it’s really not that far off” He says before running his hand through it.
He’d not gelled it back today, but after his shower he’d pushed it so it was out of his face and it was getting quite long. You didn’t fail to tell him how good it looked either.
A little longer and he’d look like a brown-haired version of Prince Charming, and you were certainly okay with that.
“But yeah we met at your Liverpool show… Then we were next to each other again in the pit for Sheffield weren’t we and we got talking before the support came on” She tells them before taking a sip of her drink.
“We exchanged numbers at that show, didn’t we?” You ask her.
She nods, “Yeah we did, because I texted you to see if you were going to the Newcastle one”
“Which I obviously was” You grin at the boys around you and they shake their heads at you.
You knew you were a weirdo superfan, but you couldn’t help it. You just loved a good gig and their music was top tier.
“But we both weren’t going to your London shows but we then realised that at the time we lived twenty minutes away from each other, so we ended up going in my car to the Newcastle one” You carry the story on.
Alex looks at you then and says, “I swear for half of these you didn’t tell us you were coming to them though”
“No I didn’t because when I came to see you at the end of the Manchester gig, you were fuming I’d been driving all over when I could have just come on the bus with you guys” You smile remembering it fondly.
You continue, “And then you made me get the bus with you to Nottingham and you got them to detour back through Manchester so I could get my car before you went up to Glasgow”.
“Fucking hell, I’m glad you weren’t in the pit for that gig” Alex says before hugging you slightly closer to him.
“Shit yeah, that was bad that” Jamie remembers.
Y/B/F looks around at the men in the room slightly confused, “Why? What happened in Glasgow?”
“The crowd were animals. They were throwing shit at us” Nick tells her.
Alex tells her, “We had to stop a few times… Didn’t we?” Double checking with the other lads.
You knew he was right because you remembered him telling you about it afterwards.
“Yeah bloody rowdy bastards. Never seen anything like it” Jamie shook his head with wide eyes, obviously remembering the whole ordeal.
You feel it was the perfect time to throw in a joke.
“So… You could say they were dangerous animals” You say almost immediately wanting to laugh at yourself.
You knew it was a bad joke but since being home with Y/B/F you’d got back into the habit of saying them.
“Oh fuck off” Alex sighs immediately and shakes his head.
He removes his arm from around you before pushing you towards your best friend.
“You can have her Y/B/F” Alex says, and you lean against your best friend instead.
She whispers in your ear, “I’m glad you said that joke because I was seconds away from saying it”
You both just have a little giggle to each other before a new conversation starts back up. Half an hour passes by really quickly whilst you all chat away and it’s all relatively calm.
To begin with.
“How are Katie and Kelly?” You ask Jamie and Nick.
“My lot are doing great thank you” Jamie smiles.
Nick nods, “Yeah, same for me”
“Both your babies are okay?” You check with a smile.
Both men opposite you nod their heads and your glad to know that everything is good with them.
“Yeah they are doing great” Nick tells you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even know you had a kid Nick” Y/B/F says.
“And that’s what I like to hear” Nick grins liking that his privacy is still maintained.
You chat a little more about how they are doing before you just settle into conversation and before long Jamie brings up about when Y/B/F entered the room.
“Your entrance was quite comical Y/B/F” He grins at her.
“Yeah sorry about that. Not used to having my heroes sat in my home” She says a tad embarrassed before taking another mouthful of her brew.
Nick chuckles, “Wow don’t think I’ve ever been called a hero before”.
“Well you most definitely are one. You’ve saved mine and Y/N’s lives more than you’ll ever know” She tells them.
You nod with a smile.
“How’s that?” Jamie asks.
“Well we have a saying in this flat…” Your best friend starts, and you take over to finish it.
“An album a day keeps the depression away” You smile.
Your smile only gets bigger when Alex starts chuckling next to you.
“And nine times out of ten it’s one of your albums” Y/B/F confirms.
“Or Miles’” You point out.
She grins suggestively at you before saying, “Oh yes, who could forget about that man”
“You need to prepare yourself for when you meet him” You say as you scoot yourself closer to Alex again.
She bolted up so she was sitting up in her seat properly, “Miles is coming?!”
“Not today. Don’t worry” Alex eases her worries.
“Thank fuck” Y/B/F breathed out a sigh of relief as she sank back into sofa, “I was about to run to the shower”
“What’s going on with Miles?” Jamie asks.
“They have been in contact and you know…” Alex trails off and you roll your eyes at having to take over.
Sometimes he was still too pure around his mates. You of all people knew how dirty that mouth could be.
You didn’t think he should have a problem saying what was going on.
“They’re gunna fuck, is what he’s trying to say” You fill them in.
“Oh right, nice one” Nick chuckles looking from you to Y/B/F.
Jamie asked curiously, “How’d that even come about?”
“Y/N/N half set them up” Alex informed him.
“Not really, they grouped together embarrassing me about Alex” You tell them the full truth.
“Which time?” Y/B/F asks.
You’re about to answer her but then she carries on.
“The time I told them that your most relatable video was Snap Out Of It, or when I told them that you thought about Alex when you were with that other guy” She yet again spills your secrets.
“You thought about Al whilst you were with someone else?” Jamie gasped with a grin plastered on his face.
Nick’s jaw is on the ground, but he also laughs at what had just been revealed.
“I fucking hate you” You tell your best friend.
“I can’t believe you’ve done this again” You sigh dramatically before leaning your head on Alex’s shoulder to hide for a second.
However, Alex smirks and aids Y/B/F in spilling your secrets, “Yeah, he was too boring for her apparently, so because she was listening to our music, she thought about me”
You can hear Jamie’s laugh this time as Nick starts bullying you.
“You’re actually filthy” Nick chuckles with a disappointing shake of his head.
Your head snaps back up to say, “It’s not like any of you fuckers were meant to find out”
“You all know far too much about me, it’s not right” You shake your head and put your feet up on the sofa so you can hug your legs.
“Well I’m sorry that you were being a whore for your best friend, and he found you fit too…” Y/B/F defends herself.  
“I think I set you up and I don’t near you complaining when you’re shagging in the next room” She continues before taking another sip of her drink, so she didn’t laugh.
Jamie and Nick try and hold back their laughter at that and you shake your head.  
“Fuck my life” You say before hiding your face into your legs that you’re still hugging.
“It sounds like he does” Y/B/F says nonchalantly, as if it wasn’t a big deal.
Nick and Jamie then burst out laughing and you can only hide by closing your eyes. Alex just chuckles and pulls you into him.
You feel him plant a kiss which makes you feel the slightest bit better.
“Sick of being bullied” You murmur as you pick your head and look to the people around you again.
Alex smiles at you and shrugs before saying, “I’m still gunna shag you either way”
He has you laughing at that, so that made it a little difficult for him to kiss you, but he got one after a second of giggling.
“Oh, forgot to tell you” Y/B/F taps your shoulder
“Want me to ruin your favourite song off Favourite Worst Nightmare?” Y/B/F asks you.
“I don’t think you can ruin that song” You tell her.
Alex asks you, “Which song?”
“You should know you wrote it” Jamie tells him.
“Yeah sorry I’ll just read her mind and tell you which one it is” Alex furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head.
Sarcastic bastard.  
“Is it 505?” Nick asks with a smile.
You shake your head, “Nope”
“Stop guessing” Alex says because he knows Nick will just carry on guessing and he will probably go through the whole album without getting it right.
“See if you can guess from how I ruin it” Y/B/F grabs all of their attention
You pout, “I really don’t want you to ruin it though”
“Too bad” She smirks at you.
“Right come on tell us” Jamie hurries her on.
“The song is about a condom” She says before pressing her lips together watching for your reaction.
You pull a face at her before shaking your head, “No it’s not”
“Sing it to yourself in your head” She instructs, and you do as your told.
You literally get to the second line before your jaw drops and you turn to Alex and scowl. There’s no hesitation in your actions as you slap his arm.
“You’re fucking disgusting” You scowl at him before moving out of his grip.
“Right I’m sick of you two reading into my songs. Because I don’t even know which one she’s on about” Alex sighs
“Balaclava” You tell everyone.
“Is it bad I can’t even remember how it starts?” Jamie asks and you laugh.
“Running off over next door’s garden before the hour is done. It’s more a question of feeling than it is a question of fun” You say slowly as you look at Alex.
You couldn’t believe your favourite song now had these connotations.
“Al mate, that’s nasty shit” Nick scolds him.
Alex mumbles, “Fuck sake, I can’t win”
“I can’t believe you’ve just ruined my favourite one” You pout turning back to your best friend.
She smiles at you victoriously but says, “I’m sorry it ruined it for me too, so I had to share the discomfort”
You huff in your seat before looking at Alex.
“Sorry love but what did you think it was about?” He asks you.
“I don’t even know, I just thought it was some Bonnie and Clyde shit” You shrug and pout your lip.
“Well it’s still about that don’t worry” He smiles but shakes his head at you.
“It’s alright Y/N I’ll go out with you instead and write nice songs about something poetically tragic for you” She grabs you hand and kisses the back of it which makes you, Jamie, and Nick giggle.
“I can do that myself thanks” Alex says before taking your other hand and practically pulling you back into him.
He was the cutest but softest possessive boyfriend in the world.
“I take it you’ve told her about the album then?” Jamie smiles at the both of you.
“About Everything You’ve Come To Expect? Yeah, she came to the studio when we were doing some recording” Alex nods before getting up out of his seat.
Alex looks to see if everyone else around him still have full cups and they practically do so he just asks you if you would like a cup of tea and nod you head saying, “Please”
“Don’t mean that album” Jamie chips back in though
“What album then?” You ask confused.
“AM” He says, and you look at him blankly.
You pretty much knew everything about that album. You knew every lyric. Every beat of Matt’s drums. Every Guitar solo.
So, you were confused as to why he was bringing it back up.
“About how AM is practically an album about you” Jamie reveals, and you go deadly still.
Not being able to comprehend, you ask, “What?”
“Most of the songs on AM are about you” Jamie tells you again.
“No, they aren’t” You shake your head.
“Well they are… He’d be texting you and then start writing lyrics down the next minute” Jamie informs you.
But you don’t believe him.
“No, they’re about Arielle. They aren’t about me” You say completely in denial.
You were so confused. Even Nick was looking at you like he was sad that you weren’t realising.
“No, Fireside and Arabella are about Arielle. The rest are pretty much you” Jamie confirms.
“Yeah okay, Knee Socks is about me, but none of the others” You say.
Nick looks at you like you were a precious child that was too innocent to understand.
“Do I Wanna Know, R U Mine, One for the Road, Party Anthem, I Want It All, and if we’re counting the era Electricity is and Stop the world is obviously about you” Jamie lists them off on his fingers
“How is it obviously about me?” You asked, having none of it.
It had never even gone through your mind that any of these songs would be about anyone other than Arielle. She was with him whilst they recorded the songs to put on the album.
“Are you joking doesn’t the Stop the World’s lyrics literally go ‘Getting you alone isn’t easy to do’? Because me, Nick, and Matt were always around when you came to see us” Jamie makes his first point to you and it stuns you into silence.
“Dislikes everyone in the room…” Jamie quotes the next line but then shrugs.  
“Speaks for itself that one” He says before glancing towards his mate in the kitchen who was definitely earwigging.
“Then what is it? Oh, ‘Doesn’t wanna tell you the truth’ because he didn’t, because he always thought your flirting was a joke” Jamie drops another bomb.
Nick takes over this time to tell you, “He always said that you left too soon whenever we saw you even when we were out till daylight”
“And he’s wanted to get off with you since we were sixteen” Jamie makes his final point, finishing off the chorus of the song.
“The album may have come out just after he broke up with Arielle, but he wrote most of the songs before he even got with her” Jamie tells you and that was when it hit you.
You went cold. Freezing cold.
You couldn’t believe it. All of your favourite songs were about you.
You were deadly silent and when Alex came back in you looked up at him your face still held complete shock.
“Is he being serious?” You ask.
You saw him nod and look at you cautiously. You murmur a ‘thank you’ as you take your tea off him.
“I… I don’t know what to say” You stumble on your words a bit as you watch as Alex sits back down next to you.
You really weren’t expecting that today. Or any day for that matter.
“You don’t have to say anything. They are what they are. You helped me a lot more than you actually know, but you don’t have to say anything” Alex says before taking the first sip of his tea.
You smile at him with your lips together and nod. You’d talk to him about it later, you didn’t want to make things awkward now.
“I fucking knew Stop The World was about you” Y/B/F carries it on though.
“How?” You ask completely baffled.
She tells you her theory, “After you came back and told me that you were together, I was listening to it and was thinking ‘yeah definitely. Got Y/N/N written all over it’”
You shake your head at her not believing her.
“I also guessed that You’re So Dark was based on that Halloween picture of you” She told the room and you shake your head.
Alex looked towards her with shock written on his face, “You’re freakishly good at knowing these things”
“You’re joking, You’re So Dark too?” You ask.
Alex smiles at you before pressing his lips together. So, he was telling you but also not.  
YBF says, “Why are you surprised? The song literally says I want you down on all fours”
“Enough about Alex and sex please” You say having enough.
She raises her eyebrows at you, “Okay I’ll remind you of that when you wanna watch 2013 Glastonbury again and you have no one to drool with”
“I’ll just shag him as I watch it. Best of both worlds then” You fire back.
“Oh. My. God” Alex says like he wants to leave the building entirely.
You all just end up laughing.
Thankfully the conversation ends up going in a completely different direction after those revelations and the conversation is pretty peaceful. That is until an hour later Y/B/F pretty much makes you all jump.
“Nick O’Malley” Y/B/F says.
“Y/B/F” He comes back just as strong but then he quickly deflates with, “I don’t know your last name”
She giggles before she starts, “I’m surprised by you”
“How come?” He questions her curiously.
She shrugs, “I don’t know, I just always got the impression that you were really shy”
“No, not shy at all… I just don’t like people, so I don’t talk to them” Nick tells her with a grin
You laugh, “Absolute mood”
The lads stayed for a few hours before they had to head off back home to their wives and children. You’d had a really nice day catching up with them and you were glad you all got on so well together.
You decided to wait until you were alone with Alex to bring up the AM thing with him. You weren’t embarrassed by it at all, you were just a little shocked.
You genuinely never expected anything like that. And you’d never thought about any of those songs that way at all.
So, the first moment you got alone with him, which happened to be on the way to his Mum and Dad’s house, you decided to bring it up. You were driving your car that you and Y/B/F shared over to Alex’s as she was walking to her Mum’s house today.
You turned the radio down a little before you started talking.
“Al about before…” You trail off for a second.
He seemed to already know what you were about to say, “You don’t have to say anything Y/N/N, Jamie shouldn’t have told you”
“No, it’s okay” You say honestly.
Now it had sunk in, you really weren’t bothered by it.
“It’s a lot for someone to take in. He should’ve just kept his mouth shut” Alex sighs, obviously annoyed and you can see in your peripherals that he shook his head.
“Alex… All I wanna say is I’m flattered and… Call me self-absorbed but I’m still going to play them on repeat, regardless of who they’re about” You tell him honesty.
You’d spent almost the last 2 years being obsessed with that album. You weren’t for a second going to change that behaviour just because you’d been told certain songs were about you.
“You’ve got it tattooed on you; I would expect nothing less” Alex smiles at you.
You quickly glance back at him and smile. Unfortunately, you can’t keep your eyes on the gorgeous man next to you as you’re forced to look back to the road.
“I have questions though” You tell him a little sheepishly.
You hear him chuckle, “I never doubted that you would“
You quickly smile at him before asking, “How is electricity about me? Because I know for a fact that I hadn’t kissed you before that night in the bar. Because I would have remembered”
“Okay before I start, I just need to tell you that when I write a song… It starts off as literally a line or two or an idea, and then I think of a storyline around it mostly... And I liked to make the ones that have pieces of you in it, a bit more hidden” Alex explains, and you nod to show that you understand him whilst keeping an eye on the Sheffield traffic.
“So, Electricity…” He begins.
“That one was just when you used to kiss my cheek for a few seconds, and I could feel it for days after… And the nicknames you called me, and the little flirting that happened… That’s what that one was about” Alex tells you and you smile.
Alex tells you, “Oh and I guess when you helped me get over Alexa, I fell for you again then cause I literally just wanted to be on the phone to you all the time”
You turn your head slightly towards him and you’re about to say something else until he takes the words straight out of your mouth.
“If want me to explain them all I will do. I’ll go through them now” Alex says, and you smile before remaining silent.
He knew you too well.
Alex says, “Do I wanna know and R U Mine speak for themselves really”
“One For The Road literally started because I remembered being sat on the floor talking to you at your house party back in the day. I think it was the time your Mum got angry at us”
“Oh my god I actually remember that now you say it” You almost gasp.
It was the night that you forgot to tidy up after your house party. But you could remember sitting on the floor next to him because there was no room left on the sofa. You were there for a long while actually just shamelessly chatting away to him.
“So, you get that I built that song around that memory of you sitting on the floor chatting to me?” Alex double checks.
You nod your head understanding a little more how he became the creative genius that was Alex Turner.
“Okay good, so I Want It All... Is that one not obvious, now you know how I write them?” He asks you.
You shake your head, “No, not at all. I’ve got no idea how it’s related to me”
Alex sits up and turns to you a little bit more asking, “Do you not remember after that Suck It And See show, that you came back on the bus and you were completely besotted with the miniature whisky’s we had in there?”
You shake your head not remembering that at all.
“You drank almost all of it Y/N” He informed you.
“Why am I an alcoholic?” You sigh.
Alex just laughs at you before continuing, “Well yeah anyway when you were leaving, you kissed my cheek before you got into the taxi back home because the bus had to leave”
“I don’t remember that at all” You say honestly. “I remember coming onto the bus with you all, but I don’t remember drinking. I mean, I know I obviously drank but I don’t remember miniature whisky at all”
“Pisshead really, aren’t you?” Alex laughs.
You just laugh too as you make your way into High Green. You were almost there now so you hoped he’d continue spilling this information until you had to get out of the car.
“Jamie told you about Stop The World…” Alex continues on.
“You’re So Dark, primarily based on that picture of you on Halloween” He told you and you still couldn’t believe that.
It was the one year that you’d ever dressed moderately slutty for Halloween by having a short black dress on. You’d literally covered yourself in fake blood though and you had a shitty Dracula cape on that you’d splattered in blood too.
“But I don’t drive a Prius or read H P Lovecraft or Edgar Allen Poe?” You glance at him, still a little confused about that one.
“Right I had to make it clever or else you’d know it was about you. And I didn’t want you knowing… And I knew you never knew you were quoting them”
“I quoted who?” You ask with furrowed eyebrows.
“You used to quote Lovecraft and Poe all the time on your Instagram and you didn’t even know it” Alex informs you.
Oh shit.
You did used to google quotes to put as you Instagram captions back in the day. Maybe you should have fact checked.
“You love your vampire programmes and them shitty films from a few years back… And I remember your emo phase. You were always in your leather jacket and I’ll never forget that spiked collar you had”
He told you and you felt embarrassed. Mostly about the fact he was referencing really bad films that you once loved but the fact that he liked your emo phase. Most of the time you looked back at the pictures and hated them.
But you kept them on your account because there was no use in hiding from your past. You’d embraced it and one way or another it led to who you were today.
It’s another reason why you never deleted any pictures of your exes off your Instagram.
Alex continued to explain that song though, “You watch horror films which I sorta dipped into that a bit more to make it clever. But in truth I actually don’t know how you didn’t know that one was about you”
You shake your head at him, “Alex I don’t listen to your music and automatically think it’s about me. I literally only knew Knee Socks was because I used to wear knee socks like it was law”
Alex then places a hand on your thigh, which you didn’t mind about, but you knew he was doing it because he was about to make a point.
“Y/N, you used to stay on the phone to me until like four in the morning sometimes, so that’s where ‘shun the daylight’ came from” Alex tells you with raised eyebrows like you should have at least had an idea.
And he had a point.
“Alright, fair enough” You murmur before focusing on the road properly again.
Alex then decided to smugly add onto that that, “And you know I like you down on all fours”
You gulped.  
Suddenly all the memories of the different time that position had been used was brought to the forefront of your mind and you had a hard time getting rid of them
“Not whilst I’m driving Al” You scold him a bit half-heartedly and didn’t even attempt to move his hand from your thigh.
Absolutely pitiful that he got you hot and bothered just by saying that.
He chuckled to himself before giving your thigh a squeeze before carrying on.
“I think the last one is Party Anthem, and that was about a dream I had” He informs you which you found really interesting.
“I dreamt that we didn’t know each other but you were there in the bar and I fully tried my hardest to pull you but…” Alex pauses for a second.
And from a quick glance over at him, you think that it’s because he was trying to remember the dream.
After a few seconds, he starts again, “You were in this bar looking stunning in this long black dress that you were in. And all I can remember other than that, is that I really wanted to get you back home with me and nothing else mattered…
“So that one was about me literally longing for you at this bar whilst everything else went on around us and I just didn’t care… Because I was there with you” Alex smiled at the memory of it.
“Did you get me?” You couldn’t help but ask with a smile on your lips.
“I woke up just as we were about to get to it. I was so fucking annoyed” Alex chuckled.
You shake your head at him as you pull into a space just outside his Mum and Dad’s house.
“Why’d you think I was so hesitant when I answered the phone when AM got released and you called me up?” Alex smiles at you as he watches as you park the car and turn the ignition off.
You undo your seatbelt before turning to look at him and sweetly smile at him. You see that he had a hair out of place that you knew would bug him, so you lent over and moved it out of his face for him.
“You’re actually the cutest Alex” You say as you comb your fingers through his hair.
It was purely out of habit at this point, messing with his hair. You loved it and you knew he did too, so he had no issue with you maintaining his vanity for him.  
“Why?” He chuckles before leaning in to kiss you.
You kiss his soft lips a few times before pulling away to answer his question.
“I don’t know… I’m just… Very flattered” You took your time to think of the right words.  
“Like, even when we were just talking on the phone normally, I never thought that we were chatting anything but shit like we usually do” You laugh, “Obviously we had our serious chats, but I didn’t ever think that it would be worthy enough for you to write a song or five about”
Alex chuckles at your little joke before taking a hold of one of your hands.
“You have no idea what you’ve always done to me love” Alex smiles at you before moving that hand he had a hold of and placing it against his chest.
As soon as he’d made you do that, you could feel his rapid heartbeat was.
“I think mine’s faster” You say grabbing his hand and placing it just about your heart.
Alex silently feels your chest hammering away for a few seconds and you can see his shock in his face.
“I do that to you?” Alex’s asked in disbelief, your heartbeat felt faster than his.
You smile at him, “You always have”
It was cheesy to admit, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t true.
“Tell me, how we were just friends for so long again?” Alex asks before removing his hand from your chest and holds your hand once more.
You chuckle, “I really don’t know”
“As long as you keep flirting with me for the next sixty years, I think my heart will always beat that fast for you” Alex admits with a cute grin.
“Jesus, I might have to stop because I don’t want you to die on me” You joke, grinning back at him.
Alex leans back in for a final kiss before getting out of the car, “Where’s the fun when there’s not a little bit of risk, ey?”
You laugh but shout after him, “That was disgustingly cheesy”
Another week goes by and in that week, you’d had some surprisingly good news. As it turned out, the company that you currently worked for was opening its second building out in America and thankfully that building was being opened in LA.
Your superior who you’d handed your notice too last week, came up to you at work and asked for a chat in her office. You of course agreed thinking she would be making another plea for you to stay with the company but surprisingly she gave you even better news.
She’d heard though different people that you were leaving because you were moving to America. So once she asked what area you were moving to, she breathed a sigh of relief. She then basically offered you the job to start over there in the same role you were in now but over in America.
You jumped at that chance with a quick phone call to Alex in between just to check if it was alright with him that you wouldn’t be starting till later in the year. But he of course said it was fine and that he was so beyond happy for you.
Everything seemed to be going great for you both and you’d started slowly packing the things you wanted to take back with you. You obviously didn’t need to take everything as you would be back over here to see your family and Y/B/F more than once a year.
So, you’d had a busy week to say the least. You were tying up loose ends at work and making sure everyone was catered for and then the only thing you had to do was find a suitable replacement for you at work.
You had two weeks to do that and then you were free until the end of October. The building was due to open in LA the last week of October which Alex was buzzing about because you could both celebrate your first week at work by going to his fancy Halloween party.
Apparently, he’d already got his outfit planned and he had ideas for him with how you could match. You dread to think what he had in mind but you loved Halloween so you would definitely be taking part.
In truth you couldn’t wait to get back to LA. You were ready for a change and ready to start a life with Alex.
You loved that he was who you were coming home to every night after work. You loved that he never failed to make you smile and give you a kiss every chance he got.
It made you so happy that he got on with Y/B/F really well. It was so strange to see them interacting with each other when you came home from work.
You’d come home one day during the week to see them both lay on the opposite sofas both watching the first Avengers film together and they were both talking about how pretty Scarlett Johansson was.
Something which Alex went all red about when you creeped over to him and called him out on it. He then proceeded to pull you down on top of him, still in your work outfit, so you were forced to watch it with him.
You slotted yourself into the small space between him and the back of the sofa and you all watched it together. It turned from appreciating Scarlett Johansson to Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans and even Tom Hiddleston.
When the weekend arrived, you spent your Saturday practically doing the same thing. It was lashing it down with rain all day, so you were all having a movie day.
You spent half the day cuddling your best friend and the other half cuddling Alex. You only went over to him though when you were continuing with your Marvel marathon and he got jealous of you gawking over Chris Hemsworth.
And the cuddling didn’t stop later that night when you’d both decided to head off to bed.
Despite doing nothing all day you were both knackered when you went to bed and you couldn’t wait to get to get to sleep.
It was 1am so it wasn’t really late, but you were usually awake till 2am minimum. So, as you were getting into bed an hour before usual, you couldn’t wait to get to sleep.
You were that tired that as you got changed, you didn’t even longingly look at your boyfriend as he stripped himself down. You just got yourself into your pyjamas and got into bed.
Once Alex joins you under the covers, you cuddle yourself into his body. You were both on your sides facing each other with your head tucked under his chin and buried into his neck.
Alex can feel your tired breaths on his neck, and he hugs you closer to him. You yawn slightly and feel sleep taking you over.
Alex smiles to himself hearing your yawn. He starts twirling your hair around his fingers as you slowly slip further into sleep.
Only when Alex feels you release a deep breath, he leant down and kissed the top of your head and says a soft, “Goodnight Y/N/N” knowing you’d be asleep soon so you wouldn’t have heard him if he’d waited any longer.
Your lips brush against his neck as you tiredly reply, “Night Al, love you”
Alex was slightly taken aback by that, but it didn’t stop him from saying it back immediately.
“Love you too” Was his reply and he was so relieved he could finally say it.
He’s loved you for a long while and he’d wanted to say it the first day you were his.
You smiled at what he said but you didn’t fully process his words until a minute later when it clicked, and your eyes opened. You moved back so you could look at him and he looked down at you to meet your gaze.
“Did I just? Did we just?” You stumble on your words confused.
You genuinely had no clue whether you’d just dreamed that or not.
Alex chuckled at that before he lent down and kissed you quickly.
“Yeah” He smiled.  
You close your eyes feeling like a moron.
“I’m sorry, I’m so stupid. It’s not even been two months” You say before covering your face with your hands.
“Ey, none of that” Alex says before moving your hands out of the way.
Once he can see your beautiful face again he says, “Two months or not. I love you all the same”
You let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he said it back or you would have wanted to die.
“I love you Alex. I really do” You tell him properly.
Alex grinned at you before leaning down to kiss you. You both couldn’t get the smiles off your faces even as you kissed.
“I love you too baby” Alex said before pulling you back into him and held you the tiniest bit closer before kissing the top of your head again.
Hearing that fall from his lips gave you goosebumps. You don’t think you’d loved anyone the way you loved him.
And he was here. He was yours.
And he loved you.
The following Saturday was nowhere near as cute.
You’d been lay in bed all day in pain thanks to your period making an appearance.
Thankfully, Alex hadn’t been with you all day as he’d gone out early for a full day with his Mum and Dad, so you were grateful that he hadn’t seen you in the mood that you’d been in.
The same couldn’t be said for Y/B/F as when you’d dozed back off to sleep around noon, she’d come in, jumped on your bed to wake you up and you’d snapped at her. You did apologise because you were really ratty with her, but she knew you got like this sometimes especially on your first day of extreme pain.
Y/B/F knew to give you your space after that and you only ventured into the lounge where she was residing when you got yourself something to eat and drink. Which you didn’t do much of as you collected a few cans of Fanta Fruit Twist on your first trip to the kitchen.
So, you ended up spending the majority of the day in your room with your TV on watching The Office US to pass the time. The programme put you in a slightly better mood, but you were still feeling moody in your bed all day.
You hadn’t even been on your phone all day just because you knew it would piss you off looking at people having a better time than you were having.
You were currently up to the episode in The Office where Dwight, Michael and Andy were doing parkour and despite it being hilarious you weren’t even laughing because of how awful your body currently felt.
You heard the front door close over the volume of your TV and you looked at your clock to see that it was 17:47 which meant that it would probably be Alex coming back. You’d let him use your car this morning because you knew that you and Y/B/F weren’t planning on going anywhere today so he may as well have made use of the vehicle.
You couldn’t even bring yourself to get up to go and greet him though. You’d only just got yourself into a comfy position where the pain had stopped, and you didn’t want it to come back. You were due to take more tablets to dull the pain even more, yet you didn’t move.
You hadn’t even texted Y/B/F because you still felt bad about before.
Y/B/F turned around to look at Alex as he came through the front door and she said a quick, “Hey”
“Hello, you have an alright day?” Alex asks her as he quickly gets himself a beer out of the fridge.
After a long day with his Mum and Dad he just needed to relax.
“Yeah it’s been alright apart from the love of your life biting my head off” Y/B/F giggled.
Alex laughed at that. He then followed up on what he’d just been told with, “Why what happened?”
“She’d on her period and is the rattiest person in the world the first day when she’s in pain so she bit my head off when I went in to chat to her”
Alex shakes his head not even surprised.
He remembered you being ratty in high school and when anyone questioned you about your mood, you’d just be completely honest and tell them it was period pain. A tactic that seemed to work because people were too embarrassed by your answer to carry on talking to you.
“She’s still in there?” Alex asked her as he walked into the lounge.  
Y/B/F nods with a smile before turning back towards the TV. Alex heads towards your closed bedroom door and he laughs when your best friend warns him, “Good luck with the she devil”
Alex walks into your room chuckling to himself as he closes the door behind him. He turns to see you lay flat on your stomach across the bed.
Your head is buried into your pillow with one eye slightly on show looking up towards the TV that shows The Office. Just from here Alex could tell that you were in pain as you’d not even murmured a hello to him.
Alex puts his beer down on your desk before moving round the bed so he could crouch down in front of you to see if you were alright.
“Hey, love, are you okay?” He asked as he tucked a strand of your hair, that was lay over your face, behind your ear.
You gave him a little smile as he then stroked your cheek for a few seconds before you shook your head and release a little groan to answer his question.
“What’s up?” He asked you, pretending that he didn’t know.
You just snuggled into your pillow a bit more feeling sorry for yourself, also not really wanting him to see you moody.
“Ey, look at me” Alex softly cooed until your full face was on show.
He gave you a grin seeing your tired face. He coaxed a little smile from you before giving you a sweet kiss which definitely made your smile get a bit bigger.
After he pulled away, he looked at you in a way you recognised that he was asking if you were okay.
You murmur into the pillow, “I’m on my period Al and I feel like I’m about to die”
Alex chuckled at your exaggeration and asked you, “Is that it?”
You frowned at him before you went to playfully hit his arm, but you quickly realised you didn’t have the energy or capability to move without it hurting so you just stopped.
“Jesus, you just be in pain” Alex chuckled seeing the anger flash through your eyes at what he said but then it quickly dissipated.
You start whining then, “It honestly feels like I’m being flayed from the inside out”
“A bit extreme that love” Alex said raising his eyebrows at you as if you were being stupid.
He was just joking with you and you knew he was, so you pouted at him.
“Until you’ve been through it you can’t comment” You grumble.
Alex then laughs a little as he stands up and kisses your forehead after he gets back to his feet.
“You may as well have stayed with your family Alex; I’m going to be like this all night” You tell him starting to feel bad that you’re inevitably going to be moody with him too.
Alex makes his way to the other side of the bed before he lays down next to you. He hugs you from behind which you find very cute and he kisses the top of your head again.
He says into your ear, “Why are you trying to get rid of me when I could be helping you?”
“Didn’t think you’d wanna be lay in bed with me being grumpy all night” You tell him honestly.
“It’s no different to any usual night then is it” Alex says in a serious tone but he’s joking with you.
You scoff, “You’re so nasty”
Alex just laughed at that.
“You know I’m joking. Please tell me how I can help” Alex said rubbing your back that was still covered with your pyjama top.
Of course you’d stayed in your pyjamas all day.  
“Can you please get me more Paracetamol and Ibuprofen from the kitchen please and another can out of the fridge?” You plead with him.
Alex smiled before kissing your head again and he said, “Okay”
He very kindly went and got you the painkillers for you and once you’d thanked him you made as few movements as you could to take them, so the pain didn’t come back. Of course, that didn’t work though so you ended up wincing in pain again.
Alex was sat on the bed next to you when he asked, “Where does it hurt?”
“My uterus” You tell him as you lay back down on your stomach, but you look towards him this time.
Alex snorted at that answer.
“Other than there” He chuckled.
You tell him, “My stomach and back are killing me”
“I could give you a back message if you want?” Alex graciously offered.
You think about it for a second but then decide against it.
“Tempting, but it’ll make me wanna have sex with you, and I don’t wanna do that” You say honestly, and you see his brown eyes spark with mischief.
“I meannn”
“No” You say very quickly.
“Definitely not. No thanks, I’ve already said that I love you too soon I’m not having sex with you on my period that soon too” You tell him before you chuckle, “You either get one or the other”
Alex laughs at that. “Well, you tell me to stop just before you want to fuck me and I’ll either keep going or stop” He teases a little.  
“Alex” You say sternly.
“I’ll stop I promise” Alex says before manoeuvring himself, so he was pretty much straddling your arse.
You give in, “Fine, but please be gentle with me”
Alex laughs as he pushes your top up your back, so he had access to your skin. For once you were warm for him to touch.
Probably because he’d just had a beer in his hand and the fact that you’d been in bed all day.
“Words that have never left your mouth before” Alex mumbled with a grin, but he’d said it loud enough for you to hear.
“Wow, are you trying to make me hit you today?” You scoff tying to look around at him as you felt his hands start rubbing your lower back.  
Alex smiled at you, “You’ve got to be nice to me now. I’m in control of this massage and I know how to get you worked up”
“Please don’t” You plead.
“Be nice then love” He said as his hands started working on your lower back.
After about 5 minutes of him working his magic on you, you felt a lot better. You chatted about his day with his Mum and Dad and how he’d gone with them to see his Grandma and his other Grandad.
He said that he’d had a really nice day with his family around him as some of his cousins had shown up too who were a similar age to the both of you. Apparently one of them had mentioned you and how he followed your Instagram which Alex them called him a stalker for.
Alex told you that his cousins’ comeback was something along the lines of, “It’s not stalking, I just think she’s fucking fit”. You laughed at that just imagining Alex trying not to be jealous or biting his tongue, so he didn’t say something he’d regret.
You also jokingly agreed with him when he told you that his cousin apparently called him a ‘lucky man’. But in truth you were the lucky one.
You were about to go and start a life with him. And yeah it was all a bit quick and sudden after nearly two months but if two people love each other as much as the two of you seemed to, you didn’t think that there was anything you wouldn’t do to try and make it work.
You were also really lucky because as his fingers were working the aches in your muscles away and your pain started to dissipate. But you didn’t tell him because you wanted him to carry on.
This was the most relaxed you’d felt all day.
Once he’d finished telling you about his day, a comfortable silence fell between the two of you and the only noise in the room was the TV blaring away. But a comfortable silence when you’re in the presence of someone you love was overrated, so you start chatting to him again.
“Alex” You get his attention.
“How are you so good at everything?” You ask, really enjoying the feeling of his fingers massaging your skin.
Alex hums in amusement before saying, “I’m not, I just know you. I know what you like“
“But you’re still so good at it. I love those magic hands” You smile into the pillow.
Alex laughed at that as he carried on rubbing your skin, “Do you have a thing for hands or something?”
“Just for yours” You tell him, and Alex laughs again.
A few seconds pass before he asks you, “How are you feeling?”
“A little better” You hesitantly say because you didn’t really want him to stop.
“Do you want me to carry on?” Alex asked picking up on the fact that you seemed to be enjoying this.
“Mhhhh yeah, please do” You laugh a little.  
You fall into conversation about your day, and you tell him that you’d literally done fuck all and just tried to sleep your pain away. He jokingly scorned you because about watching The Office all day without him which ended up in you promising him a full day watching it at some point back in LA.
As you talked about life back in LA though you felt Alex repeat a movement on your lower back that resulted in you arching your back. He’d done it once before, so you didn’t know whether he knew he was doing it accidentally or not.
So, you decide to ask, “Are you doing that on purpose?”
“Doing what?” Alex questions as he pushes from the small of your back up your spine with his thumbs.  
You giggle as you arch your back again. He was definitely doing it on purpose.
“How do you know to do that?” You ask him.
“I know a lot about you and how you move” Alex tells you as if he’s proud of that knowledge.
You say “Oh right” in a way that suggests you didn’t believe him.
So, Alex decided to show you that he actually knew you like the back of his hand.
“I’ll demonstrate. If I do this…” Alex saying as he grabs your unsuspecting hips, “Your stomach always tenses and you inhale” and he wasn’t wrong you did exactly that.
Then you felt him lean forward over your body and you felt him move your hair to one side of your neck. He touches the bit of your neck that’s just under your ear and near your jaw and says, “You like it that much when I kiss you there, that your jaw always falls”
You hummed in satisfaction when he kissed you there and he nipped down on your skin which like he said made your jaw drop.
“Alex” You whine, knowing he was trying to get you a little worked up.
“You also really like saying my name whenever I do anything, and I love it” Alex said huskily in your ear and you loved it.
“I love you” You say as you roll yourself over so you’re now facing him and he’s still hovering over you.
Alex smiles and leans down to kiss you. You smile into the kiss and throw your arms around his neck, so he stays there for a little while.
You would definitively never get tired of kissing him. It had definitely become your favourite way to pass the time.
Alex pulls away and brushes your nose with his and says, “I love you too”
You smile up at him and you start to feel his fingertips trail down your body. Once he finds the bare skin on your stomach, from your top being pulled up, he slowly trails his fingertips down to the top of your joggers.
Yes, last night you’d slept in your joggers because they were so cosy and warm.
You sharply inhale as you feel his fingertips dance across your lower stomach.
He ask looking at you suggestively, “Do you want to know what else you do?”
You silently chuckle and shake your head at him. “I think you’ve had your fun for today” You say as you reach down and stop him from teasing you.
Alex pouts down at you but you just chuckle and say, “Thank you for making me feel better”
“Anything for you” He smiles before he leans down and kisses you again.
“Now, come on big decisions have to be made for the rest of the night now?” Alex says with a smile. He was back to being cute now.
“Oh right?” You ask him curiously as he hovers above you. That gorgeous chain dangling from his neck again, begging to be pulled so you could kiss him again.
Something which you restrained yourself from doing.
You actually paid attention to Alex when he asked you, “Yes, Dominos or Pizza Hut for tea? And for our classic movie night, are we watching Terminator or Blade Runner?”
Taglist” @the-girl-before @murderousginger @minigranger @turnertable @bastillewolf @slothgiirl @billskarsgard-is-gorgeous @watashi-no-namae-wo-yonde @fookingsummertime @marvel-avengers01 @shibuikelsi @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo @gretavanbobatea @chocolatecig @iamnotjesha @rachaeljayne15 @edgythought @when-the-darkness-comes​ @angelicnobody​ @marveious​ @liviasaugusta​ @boysinskirts​ @musicmania100​ @he4rtbre4khotel​ @innocte​ @beckauhhh​​ @whoknowswhatimeant​ @tony-starks-ego​ @tobarmaidswhodontcount​ @elektranxtchiios​  @bettyschwallocksyee​ @alexsvacuumcleaner​ @cornerstqne​ @halfofwhatisayismeaningless​ @juicebox-baby​ @yousuck-marina​ @nrldswita​ @dot-writes​ @skullag​ @arctic-bloe​ 
Other parts can be found in Masterlist in bio x
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ughgclden · 3 years
bee, love, don’t apologise, please, it’s okay, and first and foremost, are you alright?? i hope you’re taking care of yourself, love, but i understand, i don’t think there’s been a year since third grade that i haven’t gotten pneumonia in the winter. I hope you’re feeling alright!!
honestly, dead poets society is one of my only personality traits anymore, i find myself drawing parallels to it constantly, for no reason but i love thinking about it. i’ve watched it so many times at this point, it’s,,, concerning. those tests always take me way less time than they give me, and i used to feel really awkward, i remember i took a bio one once, four hours they gave me, 45 minutes in, i was finished, and the moderator didn’t believe me. i aced it too, like the silly little neil kinnie i am. i’ve gotten used to the ‘worse’ side of being a neil kinnie, and honestly, now that my mum isn’t as controlling about everything as she used to be, it’s easier to deal with. i remember once, i’d gotten an 89 in algebra, and she threatened to pull me out of the fall show. that was a neil perry moment if i ever had one lol. the biggest thing these days is just imposter syndrome, imposter syndrome like oh you’re not hispanic enough, but also, you’re not queer enough, nonbinary enough, things like that. It’s exacerbated some days, but i try.
i watched the it movies on my cousin’s hbo,,, i may or may not have used it without her permission since she forgot to log out of my computer, but that’s neither here nor there. i remember having such a hard time taking the first one seriously initially, because of all the new kids on the block jokes, having a mum who was obsessed with them made it hard, especially when i actually got them all- in truth, the only midnight premiere i’ve been able to make was the force awakens, and i had school the next day too. i’m definitely a richie kinnie, and i have the internalised homophobia (only towards myself though) to prove it /hj my waterbottle has both a sticker of neil on it and a sticker of the r + e carving on it. in case there was any doubt about me lmao. stan kin makes sense for you, honestly, i can see it, i can see it.
okay so listen- no really, i’d bought them with the intention of only drinking half of one that night and spreading them out like that, but then came 9:45pm, and i had a research paper (on womens’ pockets/lack thereof) due at 10am that i simply hadn’t even started, so i downed them all in an hour and got the paper turned in at 5:56 in the morning. but i scare you huh? /hj bee, you’re too sweet, in truth, i’m fairly inelegant, but i try, as for the comforting and cosy, i’ll take you at your word, since that is something only someone interacting with me could discern. i do try to be kind to others for the most part. mainly i think because i’m usually on the other end of mean people.
i’m just perceptive like that bee, i dunno what to tell you, something just tells me, you know? /j and thank you, i always feel a little silly talking about it, because most of the tattoos i want are dead poets society tattoos, i guess some part of me, within the part of me that feels so incredibly tied to it, feels as if if i were able to get a tattoo i’d owe it to the movie in some way, if that makes any sense. i’ve already begged a friend of mine to go with me to get my first once i get to new york, the question though, is what to get first. i’ve got time to make a decision (for once in my life) i just spend a lot of time thinking about it.
honestly, i have never known a school rule to make sense. banning ripped jeans? banning dyed hair? it’s almost as if if they don’t stifle everything natural about kids expressing themselves they dont feel like they’re doing anything. but i digress. the same-sex couple rules were. awful. 12 year old me had enough going on without having an administrator yell at my friend and i for hugging in the courtyard and not leaving until we were a foot apart, but hey.
okay, jumping over a fence to go to a mcdonalds? how coming of age indie movie manic pixie dream girl of you /hj
200k words, is that a challenge? also ahaha not at all like my italian uncle up there just opened a ‘pizzeria’ /hj but mob!star au? might be a project i should start… granted, i’m not as good a storyteller as you, but i can try.
when i was little, i wanted to revolutionise things, i guess. i even actually wrote out a campaign, i wonder if its still somewhere. thank you for believing in me, but these days, bee, i’m thinking less about changing the world, and more about making it the next few weeks, and then the ones after that. little star was aware of so much, but also so little. i wonder what they’d think of me now, honestly.
i did, in fact, teach archery, it was so fun but my arms got SO SORE, and the kid who challenged my archery skills seemed surprised when i actually,, hit the bullseyes. my inner susan was happy then. incidentally the experience is also why i made a playlist called “touchstarved and wanting to teach you to shoot a bow” which low-key slaps when i’m lonely. and bee omg i cannot believe you said im better than susan pevensie i will be thinking about this for the rest of my life thank you- and yes, yes it was named aslan, however did you guess? /j prince caspian<33333
i’ll let you know my results from the tournament, as soon as they come out, and i say this having just put on pjs after taking off my suit, and sitting in the room with my cat in my dear evan hansen hoodie, frantically refreshing the results page because i’m anxious and impatient.
i hope you have a good night, with fitful and restful sleep, i’m sorry this got to be so long, but you know me, i certainly can talk. i’m honestly shocked i even made it to finals, considering i was running off four hours of sleep, having gone to bed at three last night. whoops.
all my love, hugs, and a warm mug of tea,
p.s i said yes so that?? happened?? it honestly feels surreal but we’re not gonna be in the same place anymore come the end of this year, so that’ll be something to deal with
P.p.s might just start adding spanish or latin or russian phrases to these if i keep having to translate your cute french bee /lh /hj
star my love, i know you said don't apologise, but i think the word 'sorry' makes up about 60% of my vocabulary. i'm okay!! was just a bit icky, but luckily i've recovered now!!
that's so nice - and again, makes so much sense for you. i think you would work perfectly in welton, i know it. i love bringing the messages from that film into my own life, as silly as it may sound. i'm astonished, and so fucking jealous of you. i used to finish tests maybe half an hour early, but hours is so impressive??? fun fact i did finish my physics final in about 45 minutes and slept for the other hour <3 neil would b proud my love!!! oh my god - i'm so sorry that happened??? but that is also so neil kinnie??? it seems futile me saying this, but i assure you that you are hispanic enough, and queer enough, and non-binary enough. you are enough, period. more than enough even. imposter syndrome is the worst, and i'm so so sorry you're dealing with it.
she did that to herself, you just saw an opportunity /lh a midnight premiere of the force awakens sounds so cute though omg - i hope you had the absolute best time. the r + e carving actually broke me. as a die hard reddie shipper since 2017, seeing the movie make it basically canon?! had me a mess in the cinema.
you are ridiculously comforting and cosy, everything about you feels like a warm hug from a familiar face and i love it. and the way you write is so smooth, it makes me think of a quill smoothly gliding across parchment, the deep black ink unsmudged and pristine. that seems a little pretentious of me, but oh well.
i also want some dps tattoos!! i desperately want "and still we sleep" from todd's poem, and was also so so tempted to get an outline drawing of meeks + pitts dancing on the roof. i love that, and i can't wait until the day you get it, whichever one it may be. my one concern is becoming addicted to them and making my bank account suffer - at least my piercing obsession is a little easier to fund /hj
i've NEVER gotten that - they claim it's 'distracting' but how on earth would it be?? when i got to college, no one was distracted by my dyed hair, and i certainly wasn't distracted by other people's outfits or painted nails. you were yelled at. for hugging. a friend.. what the fuck is wrong with these people??
just call me ramona flowers star /j it was possibly the highlight of my school career, sans hiding in the back room of the music room to avoid a maths test
i bet you're an amazing storyteller, if these letters are anything to go by. it would be a new york times best seller, i know it
we all have to take things one step at a time, i think. that's the only way i really get through things if i'm honest. one day after another and the cycle repeats. i love wondering what young me would think of me now - i'd probably be intimidated of myself, but i like to think i'd be proud that i'm still here, pursuing something i love
that playlist. sounds nothing short of sheer perfection. i too am touch starved and want to teach someone to shoot a bow - even though i.. cannot shoot a bow... but i can wield a sword so, it's close enough.
i saw your message about the tournament results - im so fucking proud of you!!!! you deserve it so so much and i couldn't be happier for you. see, your words and ideas are changing the world, even if you don't realise it.
ps; that is so fun???? omg im so happy for you star, you deserve tis <33 i hope towards the end of this year whatever happens leaves you both happy, no matter how far the distance.
pps; omg no.. please don't do that.. aha that would be awful... definitely wouldn't make my heart race.. haha not at all
all of my love, star. pardon the pun, but you are out of this world ;) i'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes;
il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé <3
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soccerbites · 4 years
fools gold, JJ Maybank
masterlist on bio
a.n: i posted this near april this year, but when i deactivated i lost it so I'm posting it again, if you read it and feel it familiar, that's why :) also, english is not my first language so forgive me in advance for any mistake.
words count: 1,3k
warnings: mention of a close relative death, a close relative being very sick.
(not my gif, if it's yours let me know so i can give you credits)
Tumblr media
After I finish eating completely alone in the kitchen of my home, I did the dishes and fed Simba, my cat. He was a birthday present from JJ who was also the one who chose the name, and I have to admit that I love it.
Mum was on a trip visiting my grandma who was found very sick and needed help at her house. It has already been over a week since she left and i don't really expect her back in a few more.
As i was opening the freezer to take out the ice cream i had bought today, a sudden but still gentle knock on the front door took me by surprise. I placed the cold plastic box on the kitchen table and walked to the door while they continued to knock.
I slowly opened the door so i could see who was behind it, when i saw my best friend's face i smiled and let him come inside my house.
- "hey Olivia" he said as he stepped inside.
- "hey" i closed the door "what are you doing here? did something happened at home?" i asked fully knowing that he had got into a fight with his dad again, his back was facing my face.
- "the usual" he said as he turned and looked me in the eyes, i just stood there, hands on my waist as i looked at him "what" he smiled.
- "what was it this time?" i went to the kitchen and took two spoons so we both could have some ice cream.
- "I don't even know OI" i smiled at his weird nickname and came out of the kitchen to find him sitting down at the couch and i did the same, "anyways, can i crash here tonight? by the way, where's Simba?" he turned the tv on.
- "he went to my room after i fed him" i gave him one of the spoons and he smiled at me as a thank you, "and of course you can crash here, stay how long you want to".
- "thank you" he opened the ice cream box "when's your mum coming back? i miss her" he took some ice cream with the spoon and took it to his mouth.
-"i miss her too" i copied his actions "i wish i knew, i haven't talked to her in like two days, signal has been pretty shitty in the island lately" i licked my lips that tasted as cookies due to the exquisite ice cream, "grandma is really sick, at this point we are just waiting".
- "for what?" he asked as he looked at me.
- "for her to die, i guess" my voice cracked a little as i said that and he noticed, JJ took the ice cream box and put it on the little table besides the couch.
I looked at him as he came closer to me and hugged me tightly, i hugged him back.
- "I'm ok, i promise" i said while we broke the hug, he started searching in my eyes any sign of tears, but there were none, "you know i never really got to know her, she never liked mum moving here with my dad".
-"i know, you told me the story" he just kept staring at me.
- "stop staring at me, it makes me uncomfortable" i nervously laughed and turn away.
- "i make you uncomfortable?" he asked.
- "no, your firmly stare does" i glanced at him, he hadn't stop looking at me yet.
- "'firmly stare? all those books you've read make you talk weird" he scrunched his nose.
- "they don't, you're the one who doesn't talk properly" now i was looking at him.
- "stop firmly looking at me you make me uncomfortable" he joked and i just blanked my eyes at him and pulled out my middle finger.
- "suck my ass" i said.
- "look at you! so sassy suddenly!" he laughed and i just ignored him "c'mon don't ignore me" i didn't even glance at him "i see how it goes".
I thought he had give up but i found out i was wrong when he started tickling me.
- "you bitch!" i said between little laughs "stop" but he didn't "JJ STOP" he just kept tickling "i fucking hate you" there was when he stopped.
- "no you don't" he stated, looking kinda offended.
- "yes i do" i said while i stared at him, his face went completely neutral.
- "you know? that's a pity" he crossed his arms and his muscles tensed under his white short sleeve t-shirt.
- "why?" i asked being actually intrigued by it.
- "because i love you" he said and looked deep into my eyes.
- "i love you too JJ, you know that! i was just joking so you would stop tickling me" i giggled a little.
- "no, not like that" he bit his bottom lip and looked down.
- "what do you mean?" i tried to make him look at me again but he kept avoiding eye contact.
- "i really love you" part of me knew what he was talking about but the other part couldn't actually believe it "i am in love with you" he finally looked at me, waiting for an answer i couldn't give because i was shocked, "great, i've ruined everything" he said as he ran his hands through his hair and got up, i just kept looking at him, "i should get going".
He was already walking towards the door when it hit me. I got up and ran the few meters between us and turned him by his arm once i reached the door.
I was staring at his lips as i tried to talk but couldn't manage to say a single word. So i kissed him, he responded almost instantly and placed his hands on both my cheeks as i did in the back of his neck. After a few seconds we pulled away and he pressed his forehead against mine.
- "you don't have an idea of how long I've been waiting for this" he said with his eyes still closed.
- "me too" i answered while i gently placed my left hand on his jaw, he smiled to that.
- "i just-" he stopped mid sentence "i just know how afraid you're of relationships of any kind" he opened his eyes and looked into mine, "and to be honest i do too, i don't commit to stuff and you know that".
- "of course i do" i smiled trying to calm him.
- "I don't want to hurt you Ol, as well as i don't want you to hurt me".
- "JJ, i can play the tough part sometimes but you know I wouldn't hurt a bug, even less you".
- "i could still hurt you and i would never forgive myself if that happens".
- "let's sit down" i grabbed his hand and we sat down together on the couch again, "listen, i don't have any memories of which you're not in, I've known you for God knows how long and I've been in love with you for a few years now, i know every little secret about you, or at least i like to think i do" we both laughed, "what i'm trying to say is that there's no fucking way-" he interrupted me.
- "stop cursing you little kid" he pointed a finger at me.
- "alright, what i was trying to say is that there's no way, there's literally nothing you can do that would make me hate you or at least want to" he laid down on the couch, positioning his head on my legs.
- "there's nothing you could do to make me hate you either" he looked at me with one eye while he scrunched the other one and smiled, "am i still able to stay here?"
- "of course you're you fool bitch" he got up from my lap and grabbed my face with his hands.
-"i told you to stop cursing!" he laughed.
- "why don't you want me to curse?!" i asked as i giggled.
- "because it makes me want to kiss you".
- "and who says you can't?" he smiled at my answer and kissed me again.
hope you liked it :)
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80s-roger · 4 years
Not On My Watch - part one
pairing: dad!roger x mum!reader (mid80s)
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note: R/N means random name, there will be part 2 sooooon. thank u for being patient and still being with me. i love u all and i’ll say again how much i missed yall. i have a dialogue prompt link in my bio if u have any requests!
summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with roger had its ups and downs but laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. On summers he has the right to be with her for two weeks.
warnings: angst from both sides
words: 2,290
masterlist // dialogue prompts
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“Laura, are you ready?” You asked her as you were wearing your coat.
“Yes mum, I’m getting my backpack!” She answered from her room.
“Alright babe, your dad’s waiting for you!” You cringed at the last words; dad. You ended it on bad terms, but laura had nothing to do with it.
“I’m ready!” She ran through your place fully excited to spend her weekend with Roger. You kissed her before going at the parking, to get your car; that one Roger bought you for Christmas.
You shook your head trying to forget some explicit memories from you two in this car and started the engine, going to Roger’s house. It was a mansion compared to your ordinary flat. Maybe Laura would be happier with him, who knows.. Her attitude’s different when she’s with him like they’re best friends.
“Did you get all your stuff?” You asked her as you were reaching his home, just one turn and you reached the destination.
“Oh no.” She whispered at herself while checking her backpack.
“What is it, love?” You asked concerned.
“Mum, would you mind going back to get my pyjamas? I don’t have my pair here..” she looked sad.
“Of course, I’ll let you go to your dad’s now and I’ll come back in a quarter with your pyjamas. I won’t be late.” You smiled at her and dropped her by his door. “Let me help you carry the backpack.” You offered but she politely refused.
“Dad! Open up, I’m here!” Laura shouted when knocking his white front door.
You tried to keep yourself together when the door was about to open in any second. And there he is, wearing his daily comfy clothes and still looking hot on those. Yes, you were always in love with him, but in the end he wasn’t. Too much cheating while on tour made you extremely mad. You had a dignity to save and a child.
“Hello my little baby girl!” He leaned down to hug Laura. Their hug was long-lasting, they didn’t see each other since the previous weekend. “How is my blonde little angel?” He asked her with a smile on his face, he hasn’t looked at you yet, he’s really focused on his child and you don’t blame him.
“I missed you!” She said between their hug, to his ear while her arms crossed his neck and his hands rubbed her back.
“I missed you too! We are going to have a really good time! Uncle Fred will visit us tomorrow, he can’t wait to see you!” He kept that bright smile of his on his lips and so did she. But her smile got bigger at the second Roger said uncle Fred who happens to be her godfather too.
“I missed uncle Fred. How are his cats?” She laughed because she enjoys playing with them at Garden Lodge.
“I guess they’re fine?” He giggled. “Come on in, don’t stand here.” He kissed her and they both walked in and you were standing there like an asshole watching him ignoring your existence for about five minutes.
“Yeah. You have to take these too, huh? I brought your kid here, a thank you is appreciated.” You said annoyed stretching your hand with two bags towards him.
“Thank you, enjoy your weekend.” He had that selfish ego towards you, you would kill him right away. The choices you have made after the divorce looked right for your happiness. This man would ruin your state of mind if you lived under the same roof.
“I will, that’s for sure.” You winked. “I’ll just have to come back again to bring Laura’s pyjamas. Too pity you don’t have a pair of hers, while your closet must be full of forgotten thongs and cropped tops.” You mocked him right into his face and he was standing there watching you humiliating him.
“I thought we are no longer married, right?” He ironically asked. “Why so jealous?” He let out a crooked smiled.
“Fortunately we are not. And I don’t give a shit about you anymore.” Your ego was talking, you do give five shits about him. “But I don’t want my kid exposed to the fabrics your whores’ wear.” You angrily defended yourself and got back to your car but Roger continued the beef.
“Neither do I want my kid around new men. She needs only one father figure.” He was legit serious while defending himself.
“Is there another joke on its way because I have to leave. It was a good one though.” You ironically replied and left, leaving him unable to call you out.
Roger went inside his home, watching his only daughter fixing her stuff in the living room.
“Laura, will your mum leave this weekend?” He asked trying to catch bait.
“She leaves every time she brings me here.” She seemed unbothered.
“Where’s she going on weekends?” He would die in any second if he didn’t know what you’re doing on weekends and with who.
“She goes on road trips with R/N!” She raved and Roger’s inner Leo awakened.
“Hold on a second, babe.” He took her stuff away from the table to talk with her about it. Laura seemed like she screwed up. “Who’s R/N? Have you met him?” He asked on a serious tone.
“N- no. But she told me we are having dinner with him on Tuesday!” She was thrilled at the idea and Roger was on the edge of insanity. “Mum looks so happy when she talks about him, I’m very happy for her.” She smiled at her dad, having no idea what was coming next.
“Do you know anything else? Won’t you tell papa?” He smiled at her trying to fish her for good.
“She said she would leave right after leaving me here. She made her luggage for the weekend too.” She grabbed her stuff at her arms. “Can I go to my room now?” She politely asked.
“Of course, you can. I’ll let you know when food is ready. Oh and close the door at your room if you want to feel like you’re on your own.” He kissed her forehead and Roger was sitting at the couch, really thoughtful and confused. Laura obeyed his request and so did she closed the door. She didn’t know that her father would start an argument with you. He couldn’t deal with the fact you date another man beside him. That’s so selfish of him, isn’t it?
You came again at his place with the pair of Laura’s pyjamas, unaware of what was coming next. Seeing Roger every time he picks Laura or the opposite you get nothing but heartache and need to cry because you have been heartbroken for years. It took you a lot to stand on your feet again. Roger surprisingly, opened the door before waiting for you to knock. He seemed furious towards you and really nervous. Maybe he couldn’t handle the words he was about to throw.
“Uh, here are Laura’s pyjamas and a pair of clean clothes, guess you don’t have many or any.” You rolled your eyes.
“I bought these clothes.” He checked them by opening the bag.
“Yeah, I know, I just don’t want them in my house, they should stay here and be worn when she stays with you.” you arrogantly crossed your arms.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Flames were popping out of his eyes and he angrily placed his hand at the door’s side.
“Yes, you’re right. I gotta go.” You attempted to turn around but his hand prevented you from it. “What the hell, keep your hands off me.” You tried to get his hand off you. But he wouldn’t resist. “Roger!” You yelled.
“Who’s R/N?” He asked with so much jealousy on his voice.
“What’s it to you?” You bitterly answered trying to put his hand down from you.
“Tell me, or I’m not putting my hand down from your arm.” His raspy voice got shrill. You got scared of him for the first time.
“That’s none of your business Roger! You don’t have the right to invade in my personal life!” You defended yourself physically and emotionally.
“It is my business as long as Laura knows about him. Tell me, who’s he?” He demanded.
“I’d rather keep this for myself.” You toned up your teeth and so did Roger with your arm. “Stop it, you’re hurting me!” You yelled again and now he pulled you aggressively inside his home’s hall.
“Fine! Now that I don’t clasp your arm, you can talk.” He had his hands on his waist waiting for you to speak.
“You don’t have to know who R/N is. I didn’t have to know the names of all the groupies you have slept with.” It’s a fact. And he didn’t seem to bother.
“No, I have to know. No one’s allowed to sleep with you.” Oh God, this man has such a nerve.
“Excuse me? Are you serious?” You opened your mouth in shock, being unable to believe what he just said. “Am I your property or something?” you asked.
“No you’re my wife and my daughter must not meet that asshole. I will not let that diner happen.” He really pushes his luck.
“Firstly, I am not your wife, we divorced a couple of years ago. Secondly, watch your language, this man treats me better than you did all this time so you’re the asshole. Thirdly, you’re forcing me to get restraining orders against you.” You warned him and now he seemed less aggressive than before.
“That man is nothing but trouble between our family!” He is so mad that you date a man after so many years. It was him all the time. But at him, you were one of the plenty.
“We’re not a family! You ruined it. You ruined my happiness and now? You won’t let me date a man? Why? We are not married anymore! Unlikely you, you didn’t seem to bother while I was waiting for you to come home after touring. You were constantly doing it, with no regrets!” You shouted but he tried to lower your tone by pushing you to the wall so Laura wouldn’t hear any angry tone. Your tears would run any moment but you had to stay strong. You’re a strong woman, all this time you were strong. Roger was speechless. He knew you were right. But he’s selfish and so are you.
“You can’t present another man to Laura! She’s a child! At least I was doing it on secret!” His face was approaching yours, so the tone would be lower. He is doing it every time when he wants to take control. You couldn’t stop looking into his blue eyes. It’s like a trick of his, whenever you fight.
“You were secretly doing it because you didn’t want me to know. Not because of Laura. Now, stop looking me this way.” Your voice was smoother and your eyes stopped staring Roger’s. You would melt at any second.
“Have you had sex with him?” He asked with no signs of guilt or embarrassment.
“What the hell, my life’s nothing to do with you anymore. You don’t have to know.” Your eyes were back at his again. His warm breath hitting your face, his lips coming closer to your nose and slowly rubbing that area.
“I’m sure you don’t feel the same way whenever you have sex with him. It’ll always gonna be me.” He teased your skin with his nose, going to your ear, your cheek, your nose and later his lips against yours. Sending shivers all over your body, with his hands wrapping your waist and his legs covering yours.
“You do think a kiss of yours would change my mind?” You arrogantly asked, interrupting the hot moment.
“No, I’m just reminding you what we did. And how it ends up.” He smirked with his palms now on your cheeks.
“I don’t want to remember. You bring me pain and I don’t want it. I’ve had enough of this shit.” You said back trying to put him down.
“So you’re leaving me now for that guy?” He asked defeated. Okay.
“You were leaving me for other women, years and years. You always had the excuse I’m on tour but I do miss you. This is what I was settling for. Do you think I would feel guilty for falling in love with a man who’s not you?” The last sentence hit him right to the feelings. He was speechless. You opened the door again, leaving to meet your new partner at the train station. But you didn’t finish. “You’re right though. I don’t feel the same way when I’m with him. I feel better. I feel appreciated and loved.” You stepped out but before closing the door you said one last thing.
“If you’re curious, sex is better with him. Not that I have many experiences, but I think I can compare between two men.” You smiled, hiding the pain. You lied. Nothing feels like Roger. He hurt you, he mistreated you but you can’t lose feelings for him. You love him but you don’t want to revive the days before divorce. And now you left, started the engine and vanished from the neighbourhood. Crying and missing Roger. But R/N is just a distraction. He’s a good company, but there’s not the passion you used to share with your ex-husband.
“I fucked it up again.” Roger said to himself hitting his head with his hands. “I won’t let her be with him. She doesn’t love him.” He knew you really well. He was missing most of the times, but he knew you. He could read your thoughts.
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 1 Episode 6: A Fanatic Heart [Part Two]
I mean Fara is doing her best to be a good leader but I'm still pretty convinced she's going to die
FakeMusa is doing her best and I support her
Actually fuck OFF Terra you have NO RIGHT to ask that of her, much less EXPECT it
Also just a lil bit of FakeMusa analysis, she is not only feeling her boyfriend dying, but also all of the pain and terror and regret and anger of everyone else in that room. Of fucking COURSE she's going to get overwhelmed
Also also imma say she like, felt the death of her parents or something because that's been a building subplot all series
"He's in pain" ...so you want FakeMusa to feel it instead. Wow real good friendship there, Terra
Also it's bad enough that Terra's asking this, but for her dad, a TEACHER, to ask this of a first year who hasn't even learnt that technique yet, is fucking ridiculous
Called that
Well they kept the Musa Dead Mum plot... and now I'm upset
Don't FUCKING touch her Terra. People shouldn't have to expose their trauma to be allowed to say no - FakeMusa needs a hug but NOT from you. You want to talk about consent issues? Because this whole subplot is a big fucking red flag.
The one thing Fate got right - which I am certain wasn't intentional - is the neurodivergent coding of Musa. Like, the headphones to block out painful or too much stimuli is actually really well done (hence why I think it was an accident)
Sorry was Terra actually unbarricading the door? Sacrifice the many for the few is it, Terra?
Oh shit it JUST wants Bloom
Fara Bloom literally TOLD you they were just after her
I'm actually so mad that FakeMusa is negotiating her personal boundaries due to an adult and her supposed friend bullying a child
Oh Bloom's floating. Okay. We don't have the budget for wings but the fire fairy can float for no apparent reason
Why are some of them super easy to kill and others take like... a whole thing
Oh shit she can turn them back into people. Right okay, feel like that should have come up sooner
Dowling is such a good mother and I'm so afraid she's going to die. There's way too much time left for nothing else to happen and Rosalind is just rocking about
Sorry Terra that crossed a line. I actively hate you.
Oh Beatrix just fully lied about being an orphan, she has a dad
Oh no he's not her bio dad
So Riven and Dane are villains with Roz now. Right
"Cooler?! I love Tinkerbell!" "Of course you do" good friend banter but I despise Terra now so can someone else have banter with Stella instead?
Aisha you didn't even introduce yourself how would Bloom's parents know who's talking to them
"Bloom transformed" no she fucking didn't she got shitty fire wings that have made me SO ANGRY. That's not a transformation it DOESN'T COUNT
None of you are considering the possibility that the whole "Blood witches" thing was a lie? No? Eveyone just tells the truth all the time always, even Rosalind?? Right okay. I hate this bullshit show
Also you canNOT just throw in a term like "blood witches" in the last fucking episode. That's a fucking joke Weed Boy
Sky is having Sad Boy Hours
Ooh a Sad Boy montage
See Bloom's going to talk with Dowling and I feel like it's going to go badly because NO ONE IS LOOKING FOR ROSALIND
Bloom is finally being open and honest with Dowling and accepting her as a mother figure so she's DEFINATELY going to die. These death flags are waving in my fucking face
Also from Fara's face: when was the last time she got a hug oh my god
That's just not what a figurehead is. You wanted to becime a symbol. There's a rather large and important difference
I'm so angry that she's getting this development now. In the last 20 fucking minutes of the season
Stella is so awkward and cute I love her why didn't we get HER FROM THE BEGGINNING
Also if this important conversation happens off screen I will feel robbed
And it's happened off screen. That is bull-fucking-shit
Sad montage of their baby... yikes
Oh the mother is leaving. #NotMyVanessa
This montage is bullshit I wanted a CONVERSATION
Okay but the Winx actually acting like friends is cute
So Riven and Dane went missing the night the school was attacked and no one's seen them and you just... aren't worried about these literal children? What kind of bitch-ass school...
Oh the Solarian army has FINALLY arrived
Stella ain't here lads
Oh fuck OFF Queen Nightlight
You're arresting Silva??
Sorry there is literally NO fucking way Sky's dad is alive. I mean he clearly is and is clearly Beatrix's dad but that makes no sense. Shit writing at it's shittest
Stella's mum is CLEARLY involved in this shady shit
Also what kind of justice system...?
Hello there Bitchboy King
Fara vibing with the freshly burried corpses
Okay Rosalind is here and I'm scared for Fara's safety
Also apparently no one was aware the Burned Ones used to be people. I had assumed that was common knowledge but apparently that was supposed to be a secret reveal at the end that I worked out... so long ago. Come on lads
Also also I'm so scared because Sword Dad is being arrested and now Fara is alone with Rosalind and I feel like Fara is going to get murdered and replaced by Rosalind while Sword Dad is replaced by Sky's Dad
Oh Rosalind knew about the Burned Ones being people
Rosalind is a really good villain but she scares me and also her actress is still shit
The dragonfire is now the "Dragon Flame" and created the Burned Ones. I just. I'm so out of fucks to give
And Bloom has it too. Shook
Of course she risked kids to test Bloom - have you MET this woman she's shady as fuck
Dowling is talking about how she finally saw the light when she stepped out of Rosalind's shadow and clearly this a whole "I've escaped your abuse" thing and I'm so happy for her. And also terrified because she's definately about to die
If I leave this on pause Fara doesn't have to get murdered
And Queen Exposed Wire is in fact a part of the coverup. Shocked
I like that Rosalind is explaining everything. I genuinely do appriciate a good villain monologue
I'm so fucking upset. She just. Snapped her neck. Lifted her up and murdered her. I'm actually on the verge of tears it was so brutal. I cannot believe they made me care about Fara in the last fucking episode only to KILL HER OFF
Did she just speed-rot Fara's body?? I'm so upset. I'm so fucking upset
And now all the Winx who were actually happy and getting along are coming back to this shitshow
Brian Young is a fucking criminal. Thank fuck that's over
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mantra4ia · 4 years
Hello Bad Guys: Top tier Lucifer ‘villains’ s.1-4
August 5, 2020
One of Lucifer’s main weaknesses as a show is the episodic “cop procedural” not giving us a very long time to stew with the antagonists and really appreciate their villainy enough whether we love to hate them outright, or we really torn by their evil doing because the characters are layered. That being said, there are a few rare exceptions that add just the right amount of darkness to balance the devilish shenanigans of the show, to give depth to the stakes. I very much hope that we get more antagonist complexity in season 5. Villains are interesting in comic narratives and should be treated with care.
Lucifer: Tom Ellis delivers a masterful performance whether he’s being Saint Lucifer, or going on a truly vengeful bender. Although Lucifer is the central protagonist, when the show explores Lucifer at his darkest or most desperate, we get to see him at his most antagonistic. Two of the most recent examples are his against the Tiernan family in “Devil is as Devil does” when he breaks McCaffrey’s back and against his own brother Amenadiel when he lashes out at him trying to start fights. His one monologue against Amenadiel where he compares him to a masochist soul in hell - his “pointless existence...reminds me of you”- is still one of the most painful parts of the show to watch, like powerlessly watching a car wreck. That’s one of the reasons I am looking forward to him portraying Michael in s5, because not only will we get to see Mike brewing and developing hopefully long term over the whole season to get to know him, but Tom is so gifted at those chaotic nuances.
Malcolm played by Kevin Rankin: Celestials and supernaturals haven’t been the biggest baddies on Lucifer, which is good. I think Malcolm is so great as an antagonist because his character is 100% human, a corrupt cop (making Chloe vigilant about more corruption in the department), which grounds the show in reality despite other fantastical elements and shows how the scariest evil isn’t cosmic as much as the depth of depravity when people are consumed by greed. And when he comes back to life hell hungry / crazy as a fox, it’s legitimately scary because he’s unpredictable.
Maze played by Leslie Ann-Brandt: Again, although she is technically a protagonist, when Mazikeen is hellbent she is ferocious. Case and point when she teams up with Marcus, tortures Lucifer, and hurts Trixie. It’s hard to watch her spiral, but she does it spectacularly.
the decoy Sinnerman, Marcus’ associate played by Kevin Carroll. I believed he was menacing and committed to a life of crime, dude stabbed his own eye’s out with a  pencil. I wish I got that intensity from Cain.
Mum / the Goddess played by Tricia Helfer: this character illustrates well, even as a larger than life cosmic entity, that you don’t have too be malicious or overtly intimidating to be an entertaining bad guy, just have a very clear motivation of what you want, misguided intentions, and a ruthless kind of tenacity to let nothing and no one stand in your way.
Perry Smith the prison warden played by Alex Fernandez: great bio (again, corruption in the prison system is both insidious and relevant) just not a very long arc.
Jacob Tiernan played by Jere Burns: I just love Jere Burns and I think that every actor from Justified should make an appearance on the show. Can you imagine? In all seriousness though, that human trafficking plot was hella grim. I wish we could have had a few more multi-ep arcs like that. 
Oscar Rivas, the zealot from Los Xs played by Joseph Melendez: Jason Ning knows how write all the dark episodes! Season 4 “O, Ye of Little Faith ” sees Rivas go out by impaling himself on a stake. As far as murderous bad guy goes, literally nailed the dismount with insidious gore. The only disappointment was that this guy was a pawn of Father Kinley.
Honorable mention:
Nick Hoffman the paparazzo played be Jeremy Davies: I know he’s not a true villain as much as a painful antagonist from Chloe’s past, but I love his reckoning in her backstory. Did I mention how everyone on Justified should be on this show? Walton Goggins, pleeeasse be next.
Underwhelming baddies:
Amenadiel played by DB Woodside: before he became part of the Heavenly bros protagonists, I had really high hoping in season 1 that we would get more of Amenadiel as an enemy. We get great brotherly conflict from him to be sure, but apart from his first confrontation with Luci where he literally goes for the throat and the wing burning beach scene, there’s never a defining moment where we just get to hate him or say “Woah, that’s scary.” He’s just too charming to be worthy of that pilot line “I look forward to eating your heart one day” which was a stellar set up by the way. Which is why I love Amenadiel as a character, not as a baddie.  
Uriel played by Michael Imperioli: I love Uriel, his power, his cleverness. I don’t think he was ever meant to be a conventional a bad guy. That’s not my disappointment. The underwhelming piece was that he was a 2-part setpiece for Lucifer’s character development (once in the flesh, once in the hellscape) rather than fully formed character
Father Kinley / Dromos the demon played by Graham McTavish: same problem I have with Cain (below). Father Kinley and Dromos are treated more as obstacles than threats. Granted, Dromos possessing Kinley is creepy, but not threatening although he’s meant to be ‘evil.’ Now Walton Goggins, he would have been a very scary vatican priest.
Lt. Marcus Pierce / Cain played by Tom Welling: Cain is an underwhelming big bad for me, specifically because we don’t get into the gritty of his past, just a lot of exposition that says but doesn’t show which makes it hard to connect the dots between tormented eternal, crime lord, and occasional straight arrow. It would be nice to get a sense of what triggers him to reinvent himself and what drives him to toe one side of the moral line or the other. We do get a flashback of him with the LAPD, but that’s when he’s on the right side of the law. I believe the motive that he wants to die, but the torture and mental instability of age that would lead into something menacing doesn’t translate on screen, just sad and bored Cain - therefore I don’t really believe him as an underground crime boss. Which is a shame, because I like Tom Welling, I enjoyed Marcus’ relationships with both Lucifer and Chloe, even the dynamic where he tries to use Chloe as a means to an end and has a change of heart. However, I never got the sense that the season arc knew where it was going with his villainy, and his descent back into crime near the end felt very unearned.
*21 Days of Lucifer Countdown: Here’s looking forward to the season 5 villains/antagonists. I cannot wait to meet Michael.*
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tessimagines · 5 years
He’s Your Brother // Steve Harrington
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Summary: Both Steve Harrington and (Y/N) Henderson love her little brother Dustin. But by God, it is so easy to tease that kid.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Masterlist is linked in my bio
Warnings: Just a lot of teasing (it’s more funny than hurtful, though)
Word Count: 950
A/N: A lovely request by a beautiful anon! Thanks so much :)
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“And that’s the shirt you’re going with?” 
Steve drums his fingers against the steering wheel in front of him as he pulls out from the curb, checking out Dustin’s floral shirt in the reflection of the rear-view mirror.
He’s right, the shirt is nothing short of disgusting. The mixture of yellow and pink is almost gag-worthy at first sight, the bright pink Hawaiian flowers popping out from a lemon background. Never-the-less, you nudge Steve beside you as Dustin’s face widens in over-the-top hurt.
“I can’t believe you just made fun of my shirt,” Dustin says, “this is the epitome of disrespect that I should not be receiving from my sister's boyfriend. I can’t believe I’m letting you date her.”
“Woah, hang on a second there, buddy.” You turn around in your seat to face Dustin. “It’s up to me who I date, even if they’re just an idiot with really good hair.”
Steve blinks, turning to look at you for half a second. “I don’t know if that was a compliment or not.”
“Of course you don’t, sweetie.” 
Steve rolls his eyes but you can still see the amusement in them. The hint of a smile sits upon his lips as you lean over and place a quick kiss to his cheek, followed by a very audible gag from the backseat.
“Ewww, gross!” Dustin dramatically proclaims, pretending to shield his eyes from the intimacy. “Please don’t kiss in my presence. And you need to keep your eyes on the road, I don’t want to die on my way to my first date with Suzie since Science Camp.”
“Oooh, Suzieeee Poooo,” Steve teases, watching Dustin roll his eyes in the backseat of his car. 
“So, how did you manage to get this Mormon girl from Utah to go on a date with you in Indiana?”
“Her Dad had some Mormany thing going on in the city and her Mum said we can meet up if she gets to sit a few tables away,” Dustin innocently replies, eyes looking out of the window.
Steve takes his eyes off the road for a second to look at you and smile. “Sounds classy.” He winks, and you almost swoon all over again. And there it is, the inaudible recognition of what the two of you are going to do next.
“Hey (Y/N), What is Planck’s constant?” As soon as the words are out of Steve’s mouth, Dustin lets out a groan. You try to stop yourself from laughing and continue to go along with the little game.
“Oh, Stevie Buns, surely you know Planck’s constant?” You say, taking his spare hand in your own on the armrest console. 
“Oh, but I forgot! We’re all gonna die if you don’t tell us!” The more you and Steve go along, the more Dustin shrivels up even further into the back seat. 
It takes everything you have to not crack up right there, but somehow, you manage to keep your voice straight. “Only if you sing it for me, Steve.”
“No please, we don’t have much time!”
“I want to hear it, Steve!”
When Steve finally starts singing the theme to the Never-Ending Story, Dustin begins shouting at him to stop. Dusting must have heard you, Steve and his friends sing the song a hundred times since the summer, it’s a wonder he doesn’t just give up on trying to get you to stop. 
“Just please stop, okay! Stop! STOP!” Dustin shouts, hitting the armrest console. “That song is only for Suzie!”
“Are you going to sing it for her tonight?” You ask, turning around to face him in the backseat. He stairs you down as he moves back into his seat again, utter frustration in his eyes.
“That is none of your business.”
“(Y/N), feel like Papa Johns for dinner?” Steve asks as he pulls up out the front of the restaurant. Dustin makes a sound that seems like he is on the verge of tears, but you can’t help but smile. 
“I think that’s the best idea you’ve ever had, Harrington.” All three of you get out the car, Dusting quickly rushing to get inside and away from the two of you. Steve wraps his arm around your waist and smiles, his eyes beaming in the dim light of the dark carpark. 
“I love that kid,” you state, watching Dustin rush in through the front door of the Pizza restaurant, not even a glance to see if you are behind him. “But by God, that shirt is hideous.”
Steve laughs, nodding his head in agreement. “He’s your brother.”
You give him a light, playful punch on his arm, watching as he over-dramatically pretends like it hurts. You roll your eyes, but lean forward and place a quick kiss to his lips.
“You know, if you play your cards right, he might become your brother too.”
Steve smiles and you smile, and for a second, the chilly Indiana wind doesn’t seem so cold. And he leans in, wrapping his arms around you, the familiar smell of his sweater creating a lightness in your chest.
When his lips are near your ear he says, “Oh God, what would I do with myself?”
You roll your eyes again but can't seem to wipe the smile off your face. And Steve knows it, sending a smuggest of smirks flying across his lips. He takes your hand, giving it a kiss before leading you towards the restaurant. 
“Come on, we better get a table close enough because I want to both see and hear this.”
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There you go! I hope you liked it and please tell me what you think :)
If you would like to make a request, you can do so by dropping one in my inbox. You can find a link to my prompt list in my bio if you would like to make a request using that.
Feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to one of my taglists.
Tags: @xinyourdreamsx @marvelismylifffe
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aliciaspinncts · 4 years
001. KODI AMALARASU. / @kodibitesback - birdie!!!!!!! it was really hard to choose which of your characters to particularly praise here, it was a very close race because all of your characters are fun & chaotic & GREAT & you develop them so well. i went with kodi because she has such a depth to her and everytime i read anything about her i just want MORE... like paragraphs and paragraphs more. she may be a hot vampire cop but she’s also so much more than that !!!!
002. SUSAN BONES. / @cursedbcnes - BLO!!! again had trouble choosing between characters... it’s a nox thing babie! i went with susan because i remember reading your intro and just being so fucking enraptured – i want susan bones and the hogwarts schnanigans all years written by you pretty please... gimme seven books blo i know u can do it <3
003. ZEPHYRINE TRAVERS. / @theatricalities - i said im gonna be quirky and not choose george out of daisy’s characters even though i would die for him and will die for him ! no but seriously your writing for george is gorgeous and you have crafted him so DAMN well and that makes me even more excited to see more of zeph because....... i was intrigued by her from the first read of her bio and god i want justice for her mum!!!! you took that de idea and you said you know what? i’m gonna make this iconic and yOU DID
004. JO DIGGORY. / @nemesiism​ - maybe i have a big ol’ soft spot for angery teenage wix wandering into the muggle world and picking fights <3 but seriously everyone always spouts off about how sick blo’s nellie is ( and they’re RIGHT to do so ) and that must feel like a huge shoe to step into to play the twin but honestly. you went ahead and made jo such an interesting character in her own right, as well as making her FIT with nellie and !!!!! that is not to be underestimated you fucking boss...... anyways lets go fight club pals <3
005. PARVATI PATIL. / @patilsurvivor - PLUME!!! parvati is one of those characters that i feel is... hard to get right? but you’ve made her so well-rounded and grown and there’s so much interesting about your interpretation that makes me just want more and more and more and more and more!!! i love the transition from divination shop to curse breaker to working at the weasley shop and it just... works so well with the kind of chaotic grief that she’s dealing with and basically I’M EXCITED TO SEE MORE!!!
if you’re not here it’s not because i don’t LOVE YOU???? narrowing this down to five characters was really really hard because it’s truly a delight to write with everyone here - i kept jumping between people i want to include and i’m being very indecisive BUT YEAH. if you’re a part of this group babie you are a star i just feel that in my bones
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shawnsassymendes · 5 years
Behind the Scenes pt.2
synopsis: same as yesterday folks
warning: if you hate camila, dont read this
wc: 2k
{Materlist in Bio}
You were sitting on the floor next to Andrew on set, slumped against some counter at the diner you were filming at.
Shawn and Camila were sitting at one of the booths, waiting for instructions as Shawn played with Camila’s hands. Camila put her hands up and let them roam Shawn’s face, constantly poking an eye or sticking her finger in his nose. Camila giggled whenever Shawn would push her hands away because she knew she was going to keep doing it anyways.
You put your head against Andrew’s shoulder, growing tired of waiting for something to do. “You doing ok, kid?” Andrew brought up a hand to brush away the hair sticking to your forehead from the heat.
You were always like this, very touchy feely. Whenever you got used to someone it was always linking pinkies, napping on shoulders, cuddling, hair playing, you name it. Obviously with the other person’s consent, but no one on Shawn’s team seemed to mind.
“Hmm, I’m good. Might turn into a puddle, though.” The big industrial type fans were pointed at Shawn and Camila and all the high tech equipment. The diner they chose seemed to be behind in the air conditioning department, which meant sweltering heat for the rest of you.
Andrew chuckled and offered to get you some water, but you refused. You got up and walked towards the booth your boyfriend was sitting in. They were still figuring out lighting and the like, so you had time to enjoy a little bit of the cool breeze the studded stars were offered.
“Hey, baby.” Shawn grinned when he noticed you walking over.
One of his hands let go of Camila’s and reached for you, the other still tangled in the girl’s fingers. “Hello, my love. You bored yet.” You took a seat in front of Shawn and held his hand across the table. You slipped off your shoes and propped your feet up in Camila’s lap.
Shawn looked at you with that look. You know the look. The look that made you feel like you could do anything and everything. Like you were the only thing that boy needed for the rest of his life. The look that sent fireworks through your veins because you knew. You just knew he was going to say something that would bring all the blood rushing to your head within seconds.
“Always bored when I’m not with you, pretty girl.”
There it was. All the air in your lungs got knocked out of you and you felt your face heat up like a thousand suns. Such simple words had you so discombobulated.
Camila pouted, looking up at Shawn from her place on his chest. “You never call me pretty girl.” You all knew she was simply joking, teasing Shawn for being so love struck.
“Cause you aren’t a pretty girl.” Shawn smirked, flicking Camila against her forehead with the hand that was previously holding hers.
“Hey!” You and Camila both said in unison, she with a little more edge. You chuckled and leaned back in your seat. “Don’t be rude to Mila, baby. You still owe her after you dropped her at the studio.”
“Excuse you, but me eating 300 mints today is enough to pay my debt. I could have eaten a tuna sandwich for breakfast. Bet you would have loved that, eh Mila?”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Camila glared at him, rising from her place in his lap.
“Mila, if you press it, he definitely would. This is a working diner. You still have some scenes left.” You knew Shawn had taken all these things into consideration when you had entered the set this morning. The boy was incredibly easy to read. At least to you, he was.
Camila’s eyes went wide as she realized how easily Shawn could have her smelling his horrid breath all day. “Fine, I didn’t wanna be called pretty girl anyways.” Shawn giggled in response, loving the control he would have over his co-star for the rest of the day.
Shawn was sitting on the motorcycle in front of the green screen, Anna trying to powder his face on the side, while you were standing off to the side with Camila’s mother.
“Oh, she loves it when I come.” Shawn burst out his favorite lyric from the song, runs and everything, with a boyish grin on his face. It was his favorite set of lyrics for a reason. The reason being that he’s a twenty year old man child. Anna struggled to powder Shawn’s forehead because his excitement (from the lyrics) caused him to stand up tall enough where she couldn’t reach it.
“Shawn, let the woman do her job.” You called out. Shawn sat back down and let Anna powder his forehead.
When she was done, Shawn looked over at you from his seat on the bike. “Come here, pretty girl.”
That little fucker knew what that nickname did to you. He was definitely using it to his advantage.
It took your brain a millisecond to decide to walk over to Shawn, the nickname clearly doing it’s job. By the time you walked over, the makeup artist had gone off to do something else, giving you and Shawn a mild version of privacy on the crowded set. As soon as you were in arm’s reach, Shawn put his hand on your waist and pulled you into his side.
Shawn was looking up at you with that look. Emphasis on the up because rarely was it like this. You looking down at Shawn, Shawn looking up at you. You liked the tiny bit of height difference even though he was still almost your height sitting down. “I’m so fucked for you.” Shawn mumbled. You felt your face heat up once more from Shawn’s words. Your eyes flitted down to his lips quickly, it wasn’t for long but Shawn noticed. The boy noticed everything about you. He couldn’t help himself.
His tongue darted out to wet his lips almost instinctively. He pulled you down and pressed his lips to yours. “I’m so fucked for you, too.” You giggled against his lips, bumping your nose against his.
“Fucked for each other, it seems.” Shawn smiled, forehead against your own.
“It seems.” You hummed, looking into his beautiful eyes. 
After a few moments of just looking into his eyes and him looking into yours (you would’ve gagged if you were to walk by major pda like this), you looked down at the bike and your eyes gleamed. “Can I get on?”
“You wanna get on the bike?” Shawn asked, leaning away from you. You nodded in response. “Front or back?” Shawn asked but he already knew your answer. He always knew. He was scooting to the back before you said, “Front.”
You loved being held, especially being held by Shawn. You climbed on with Shawn’s help, your front facing his. You placed your hands on his chest only for Shawn to cover them with his enormous hands, completely hiding yours from view. “I’m loving the bad boy Shawn vibes I’m getting from this.” You grinned.
“Oh, yeah? Maybe I should get a motorcycle then. You’d be drooling all over me.” He chuckled, looking down at you through his loose curls.
“True.” You hummed, pushing his curls away from his eyes and running your fingers through them, making Shawn drop his hands into his lap. He placed them on your hips, thumb teasing at your skin beneath your shirt. “But you’d have to wear a helmet. Karen would kill you if you didn’t.”
“Yeah, she would. And Aaliyah would die to go for a ride. You know I can’t say no to her.” You nodded, knowing his little sister had him wrapped around her finger. “Mum would kill me if I did, though. Too much responsibility. Taking her on a ride with me.”
“On second thought, maybe you shouldn’t get a motorcycle. I don’t think helmet hair suits me.” You mumbled.
“I think everything suits you, my love.” Shawn placed a kiss on your head, pulling you closer to his chest.
“You have to say that, you’re in love with me.” You rolled your eyes.
“Exactly, so no one else’s opinion matters but mine.” 
“I guess you’re right, pretty boy.” You felt Shawn’s hands tighten against your skin at the new nickname, the heat from his face easily distinguishable as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck. Oh.
You would definitely be keeping that in mind for future reference. Pretty boy. Who knew?
Shawn and Camila were goofing off in front of the green screen again. The last scene was being filmed and you would hopefully wrap up with music video tonight. You walked over to your boyfriend with Anna. She was going to fix Camila’s lipstick and Shawn’s concealer.
“y/n, blend out lover boy’s under eyes. I need to do Camila.” You gladly took the brush Anna handed to you and held Shawn’s chin in your hand. 
You began brushing out the edges, trying not to look Shawn in the eyes because you knew he was giving you the look. Ugh, this boy was unbearable. “You should always do my makeup, pretty girl.” 
“Shawn, do not go and just give my job away. I need it.” Anna spoke through the tube of lipstick she had stuck in her mouth. She was holding the wand up to Camila’s face, expertly painting her lips. 
Shawn rolled his eyes. “Ugh, I forgot you existed.”
“Mm, too busy drooling over his pretty girl.” Camila teased, smacking her lips after Anna finished with her. You put the brush in Anna’s bag and gave your friend a look to let up with the teasing.
Shawn smirked and pulled you closer into his chest. “Don’t give her that look, you know she’s right.”
Anna was zipping up her bag when Shawn’s hand came to stop her. “Anna, you didn’t do her highlight. Can I?” 
Anna looked back up at Camila to see that Shawn was right. She took out her little custom palette she had for Camila’s powders. She handed Shawn the palette and her highlight brush. “Be quick, they want to start in a few minutes.”
Shawn nodded as he accepted the items from the makeup artist. He dipped the brush into the highlight shade, tapping it on the side of the plastic compact to remove the excess. He lightly went over Camila’s cheekbones, cupid’s bow, and the tip of her nose. 
Shawn looked over at you and you saw that gleam in his eye, the one that came out when he was excited to show you something. He put the palette in Anna’s bag with the brush and started rummaging around. “Come here, pretty girl.”
“What are you gonna do to me?” You gasped, watching as he pulled out a red tube. You thought it was lipstick, but he opened it to reveal an eyeliner tip. “Is that red liner?”
“Yeah, look it matches your shirt.” He smiled, looking down at your red shirt. 
“You know how to use that, bub?” You looked at the eyeliner warily, almost like it was a weapon. 
Shawn grinned in response. “You’re gonna shit your pants when you see how good I can do this.” 
You looked between Shawn and the eyeliner for a few seconds before relenting and letting him massacre your face. You closed your eyes and felt him come closer, placing the thin brush against your lash line. He slowly pulled back moments later, telling you it was safe to open your eyes. 
Shawn held up a palette with a mirror for you to look at his masterpiece, you were pleasantly surprised. “Consider my pants shitted in. Wow, I didn’t think you had it in you, pretty boy.” Shawn blushed at the compliment and the nickname, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. He placed the liner and the palette back in Anna’s bag before she rushed off, being needed somewhere else on set.
Camila’s eyebrows raised slightly at the new nickname. “Pretty boy, eh?”
“Mm, it’s cute, isn’t it?” You asked, biting your lip at the sight of the blushing boy. “My pretty boy.” Shawn’s red cheeks deepened in color, you laughed at the sight. Shawn whined at you to stop, pulling you into him and placing his face into the crook of your neck again.
Very much a pretty boy.
thankyou for reading, my loves. a quick little thing for the second part of the bts video. idk where all the inspiration is coming from tbh, but im not complaining lol. send me your favorite line if you wanna. also ugh when i wrote the last 300 words or so i went to copy the whole thing to paste it in a pages docu to see the word count but instead of hitting copy i hit paste and when i hit undo i lost the last 300 words and ughh i got so annoyed i rewrote it so its good but still. update, they weren’t the last 300 words cuz i added some more lol. update, added a bit more again woopsies.
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