#bellatrix lestrange x daughter!reader
caroldenningsglassyy · 5 months
edited by moi 🫶
some meemaw carol content
will be posting my carol edits here as well <3
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princesspuffle8 · 5 months
The Unexpected Daughter
Your 4th child with Sirius isn’t really yours, well that is to say that she wasn’t born of you and Sirius, but rather of two people that are related to Sirius. Nevertheless you love her all the same like she was made from both of your flesh and blood.
Her origins though are that of being Bellatrix and her husband Rudolph’s biological child, their second child to be precise. She was discarded and disowned by them as she did not possess any magic, she was a squib. Truth to be told, she was rescued by her aunt Narcissa who found the child severely malnourished and beaten within an inch of her life at the young age of around 5. She’s only a six years younger than Polaris and only two younger than the twins. Even though children can officially control their magic at around age 11, it manifests itself from birth and other witches and wizards can feel the magic of others. Kinda like how you can tell a flame on the stove is hot. When Bellatrix’s daughter was born, there was no such spark and to confirm it Bellatrix made her visit someone with second sight to see into her future, which showed one without magic. 
Enraged she took all her hatred and anger out on the child. Choosing to make her into a slave than treat her as a daughter. Narcissa saw this and begged Bella to hand over her parental rights, which her and Rudolphus agreed to as they wanted nothing to do with her. Unfortunately, although Narcissa had compassion for her niece, her husband did not and didn’t want her around him or Draco, and since she hadn’t talked to Andromeda in years she didn’t feel comfortable dropping in and dropping a child on their doorstep.
So that’s when she gave her to you guys. Unfortunately, the girl came to you guys within no name. Thinking that “brat” or “wench” was her name which enraged you both and broke your heart at the same time. 
So you and Sirius gave her a name and officially adopted her. The name given to her was Lysithea, Lysithea Artemia Black. Since you were big on meanings for names, as you helped the poor child have a proper bath for probably the first time in years you told her the meaning behind her name. With her nickname being Thea. Lysithea meant delivered by the gods, and you joked (inwardly you were very serious) that she was delivered to you and Sirius by the gods and was your “gift from Artemis” the moon goddess. All the while reassuring her that she was safe her and protected and that no one would ever hurt her again. Upon hearing this, Lysithea broke down into body shaking sobs and as you rocked her back and forth repeating the words that she was safe now and shes gonna be ok. 
Lysithea was tiny for her age. Sporting the signature Black family look of long dark black hair and silver grey eyes. She had numerous bruises and cuts and was so malnourished her cheeks were sunken in and hollow, but after she continuous treatment and care under you and Sirius she opened up. To help her recover faster, at your suggestion, you had her see a therapist for children to help her cope with the big changes in her life. And it paid off entirely as she began to open up and be more vulnerable around both you and Sirius.
You and Sirius made a vow to not treat her like an outsider and do everything in your guys power so that she is best acclimated to any environment she chooses to pursue. Be it staying with the wizarding community or going off to explore the muggle world. 
That being said, you enrolled her in the best muggle school money could offer as well as any muggle extracurricular activities that she might enjoy. Out of the many she tried, she really loved martial arts and gymnastics. Martial arts so she would never feel defenseless again, which James gave her some enchanted brace knuckles which could dent steal with a single punch and Sirius gave her some heavy duty nun-chucks which were also enchanted as well as a self defense bracelet that was enchanted with lots of protection charms because she was his first baby girl, and he’d be damned if anything happened to her. Never again. 
Both of you made it a point to show up to her martial arts meets or gymnastics meets every single time. If both of you couldn’t make it someone from your tribe (Lily, James, Remus, Dorcus, Regulus, Mckenna, Andromeda) would come in y’all’s place. Often times carrying over the top banners and signs to cheer her on loudly.
Now were their times when Lysithea felt insecure about not being able to do magic or depressed because she was a squib? Yes. But Sirius was quick to catch that and had a way with words in able to comfort her. 
As for Polaris, Leo, and Regulus they were the most overprotective big brothers ever. Polaris even got in trouble at Hogwarts for knocking the wind out of Delphini (Bellatrix and Rudolph’s not voldemorts) oldest daughter for calling her “ex” sister a filthy squib. And while the school reprimanded him, secretly you sent him a letter saying that you were proud that he stood up for his sister.
As for Leo and Regulus (your son Regulus, let’s call him Andy) from the moment she came to you guys they showered her with gifts. Stuffed animals, sweets, toys, hugs, and just pure genuine affection. Since they were closer in age they told each other lots of secrets, and always reassured her that she was loved so much.
Narcissa also secretly engaged with her too. Sending letters with muggle money tucked into the folds of birthday cards or small packages filled with treats or stuffed animals. It was her way of showing that she still secretly cared.
To Lysithea she was a lucky girl who has two loving parents and three lovable protective older brothers. 
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 months
Lestrange!Daughter!Oc x Weasley!Reader though????👀
The Reader’s grown up poor and wanting things and overall a better life for all of their family that they could never have given their circumstances so instead of going the routes of Percy or the twins (I.e. striving to have a good career/move up the workplace food chain or owning their own business), the Reader goes down the path of getting what they want through whatever means necessary, particularly through illegal means. But the Reader still very much loves and adores their family so what they do benefits them all too, at least that’s how the Reader sees it, even if the rest of the family are in the dark about it. Like, the Weasley vault at Gringotts fills up just a bit more each and every time any of the family members make a visit to it or the Reader is slipping gold to their siblings for them to get something they really want or leaving some gold lying around the Burrow for Molly or Arthur to come across.
Not to mention, Weasley!Reader would use some of the extra money they’ve made to outright spoil their younger siblings, and gift their parents something every once in awhile always under the excuse of having saved up pocket money or getting a promotion at work or something like that.
I just imagine Lestrange!Daughter having this sixth sense that’s basically a criminal vibe check and whenever the Reader is near it just goes off the charts so she starts following and stalking them but the Reader has gotten so elusive and good at hiding their tracks, until finally Lestrange!Daughter is able to stick close enough to witness first hand their illegal activities and she’s captivated from then on. Especially, seeing how the Reader ‘handles’ people trying to swindle or deceive them and their ‘business’.
Imagine Molly’s reaction to the Reader coming home with Lestrange!Daughter following at their heels or Lestrange!Daughter just flat out barging into the Burrow unannounced and uninvited like they own the place. Like, I could see Molly telling the Reader that Lestrange!Daughter has to go and the Reader just being like “If she goes, I go, and if I go I’m not coming back” (mainly cause once Lestrange!Daughter has the Reader with her at Lestrange Estate she’s not letting them go, at least not anywhere without her).
Plus, Lestrange!Daughter would totally spoil and give her darling anything they wanted without question. She’ll gladly give them the life they’ve always wanted, the life she ultimately believes they deserve wholeheartedly.
Another Idea: Lestrange!Daughter!Oc x Lily!lookalike!Reader👀👀👀. Just imagining Severus’ reaction to Bellatrix’s batshit daughter with his beloved Lily!lookalike, the man would have a heart attack on the spot.
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sheeple · 10 months
Miracles don't exist | 30: Battle of the Astronomy Tower
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Dumbledore's death A/n: Another year complete. I'll be taking a break as usual from posting to finish the story. 24th of December will chapter 31 be posted. But before that time I've got a little extra content for y'all :)) [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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Theodore is quick to send a spell flying towards the Death Eaters. But it's easily deflected by Bellatrix Lestrange. You try to get out of bed, grabbing your wand that lies on the bedside table. But your legs give out under you and you land painfully on your knees.
You crawl towards the closest wall and hoist yourself up, raising a shaking arm and ready to defend yourself and Theo. "What," huff, "do you", huff, "want?", you ask, out of breath.
You already know the how, but now the why. Why here with you? And not hunting down Dumbledore.
With a flick of the wrist, Fenrir Greyback comes stalking toward you, a sinister smirk on his face. You yelp and fire a disarming spell, but it bounces off of him.
Theo's quick to jump over the bed and stand in the way between you and the werewolf. He puts an arm in front of you, which you hold on for support.
"Isn't that just the cutest?" Bellatrix laughs cruelly, the other Death Eaters joining her. "The little fiancé is protecting her."
You wish you had more strength, you wish that you weren't so exhausted so you could stand up to her. But instead, your legs shake and the hold on your wand is weak. Even if you wanted to protect yourself and Theo, your spells would be weak.
"I won't ask again. What do you want?" You raise your chin.
She grins, walking towards you. She throws Theodore away with a flick of the wand against the wall and grabs your face, digging her filthy nails into your skin. The two of you stare in silence, daring the other one to look away. 
From the corner of your eyes, you see Theo clambering up. You give in and look at him worried. 
Bellatrix takes this as a victory and rips her hand away from your face. "Take them", she orders to Greyback.
The werewolf picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You trash against his hold, but it's useless as your feet dangle off the ground and Greyback just marches on. A Death Eater holds Theodore at wand point and makes him drag his body off the floor.
You're disorientated as the group moves through the castle, upstairs and through doors. Until you finally feel the cold breeze of the night air and you're being put down.
Draco stands in front of Dumbledore at the top of the Astronomy Tower, his wand pointed towards the elder man. 
"Well... look what we have here." Bellatrix halts the group, her eyes trained on the pair. She moves towards your cousin, whispering, "well done, Draco."
"Good evening, Bellatrix." Dumbledore seems unbothered like he has been expecting it. "I think introductions are in order, don't you?"
"Love to, Albus. But I'm afraid we're a bit on a tight schedule. Do it!", she hisses towards Draco, the boy's hand shaking.
You try to move forward, but Fenrir's hand wraps around your throat and holds you in place. You move your hand to the side, reaching out to see if you can grab Theo's hand. But he's too far away from you.
"He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way", remarks someone to your right.
"No! The Dark Lord was clear, the boy must do it."
There is some creaking from down below you, and you glance at it. Your breath stops as you spot a reflection in a pair of glasses. Harry. The two of you make eye contact and you slowly shake your head, scared of what will happen.
Bellatrix storms towards Draco, leaning close to him. "This is your moment. Do it. Go on, Draco! Now!", she bellows, clearly getting impatient.
Draco quivers, his face morphed in anguish. The grip on his wand tightens and you swear he's going to do it. He's going to kill Dumbledore.
"No." Professor Snape appears from nowhere, making everybody turn towards him.
There is a moment of silence and shock until the headmaster breaks it. "Severus... please", he begs.
The former Potions Master raises his wand and fires off the killing curse. Avada Kedavra rings in your ears as a flash of green light hits Dumbledore. He flies off the railing and you scream. You launch out of the hold of the werewolf and rush towards the railing, watching how the man drops from high until his body hits the stones below.
You clutch a shaking hand over your mouth. Bile rises in your throat. A pair of hands snatches your shoulder and you get pulled towards the stairs. You watch how Bellatrix fires the Dark mark into the sky with a celebratory yell.
The Death Eaters move swiftly towards the exit of the castle, destroying everything in their path. Everything is a blur until you're outside and Hagrit's hut is in flames.
"Snape! He trusted you!" Harry comes barreling down the hill, wand in hand and fury in his eyes. He fires spells at the man, getting angrier every time Snape deflects them. Until he yells, "Sectumsempra!"
You let out a shriek, clutching your hands over your ears and crouching down. You brace for the impact, the pain. But it doesn't come. Instead, you're pulled to your feet and dragged towards somewhere.
You disappear in a flurry of dark robes and black smoke. Hands grip you and you get pulled in all different kinds of directions. It's hard to breathe. And even when you have stopped moving and you collapse on the ground, you're still out of breath.
The grass under you feels coarse. You know where they took you to. Malfoy Manor. To Voldemort.
A hand grips your bicep harshly before you get yanked off the ground and dragged into the house. You look up and study Snape. He has his never-breaking hard glare on his face, his eyes focussed on where is supposed to go and nothing else. They don't wander, don't linger. 
He brings up stairs, and down endless hallways until he stops in front of familiar wooden doors. He knocks two times and waits a moment before opening one of the doors and pushing you inside.
You stumble, your legs still weak. You find your footing as you hold the back of a chair for support.
The Dark Lord stands in front of the fireplace, his back facing towards you. Nagini slithers around him, her head resting in his hands as he pets the snake. 
You wait with bated breath for what will come. 
Nagini slithers from the Dark Lord's hold towards you. She makes her way up your leg and restricts herself around your middle. "Hello, pretty", she hisses. If a snake had eyelids, she would have fluttered them at you.
You swallow with an uncomfortable smile on your lips, you reach out and run a hand over her scaly body. "Hello, Nagini", you answer back.
She lets out happy hisses. Nagini nestles herself against your body with no intention of letting go.
The Dark Lord is still facing the fire, his wand in his hands. "I assume the mission went successful?"
"Yes, Draco fulfilled his assignment. Dumbledore is dead." It feels weird to say it out loud. Everything happened so fast that you didn't even have a moment to realise what happened. Dumbledore is dead and Snape killed him. All the while Draco was supposed to do it. 
The Dark Lord turns around, his snake-like eyes trained on you. You straighten your back, chest rising anxiously.
He reaches out and takes hold of your chin in an ice-cold hand, his long nails digging into your skin. He studies something on your face. "What did this?"
Confused, you frown. He pushes your face to the side so you're facing a mirror fastened on the wall next to the door. You take a step towards it and Nagini unfurls from you. A large and angry scar creeps from under your jaw towards the inner corner of your right eye. You trace it and hiss as it still hurts.
"I was... I was hit with the Sect- Sectumsempra curse... by Harry Potter", you admit, hanging your head low. Flashes of pain travel through your mind and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
A presence behind you turns you around and you do not dare to look at him. "My Heir, I expect you from now on to attend every meeting and follow my every order. If you do so, I'll grant you your revenge."
You snap your head up, brows knitted together. "My revenge, Father?"
An unnerving smile grows on Voldemort's face. "On Harry Potter."
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious @raineisms @mastermindmiko @timmytime17 @regsg18 @supernatural-lover @bubybubsters @lafrone @hermionelove @the-sander-fander @akengii @aliciacat20 @unstablereader @burns-in-the-sun @rachelnicolee @damagelove @daintylittlerose
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Neville Longbottom x Hufflepuff! Lestrange! Reader
A/n: y/n has mommy issues we love a good relatable. y/n 😅
Prompts: “I can have literally any boy in this school, what’s stopping me from dating every single one of them.” “Y/n youre not being a very good person.” “Well would you be if you were this beautiful?”
Summary: Y/n finds a glamour potion, no one at school liked her and often feared her because she is Bellatrix’s daughter. Y/n uses the glamour potion to get people specifically boys, to like her. However only one boy was not under her spell, Neville. He decides to confront her.
Being the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts overnight has its perks. Boys flocked to me like I was Anna Nicole, but at times it got to be too much. They bought me jewelry, new clothes, and candy.
“Y/n explain, now.” Neville demanded, the hallway was surprisingly empty. “I don't owe anything, Mr, Longbottom.” I kept formalities out of respect and a weird form of rebellion against what the awful slytherin boys would call Neville. “If you owe me anything Lestrange, you owe an answer to this.” Neville looked at me with anger.
“I'm not telling you anything!” I yelled. “Lestrange!” Neville yelled pushing me to the wall. “You listen to me and you listen good, you are going to tell me what you have done. That way I can fix it.” I squirmed under him, his face was so close to mine. “No! You can’t!” I said with tears in my eyes. “Please don't take this from me, Neville!” I begged. “Why?” He questioned, confused.
“I need the attention and love I get from them, I need it!” I sobbed hysterically. “Why? you get enough of it from all the Slytherin boys?” Neville scrunched his nose. “I want more! Of course, the Slytherins will love me! Without the potion I made they would be the only ones that like me.” Neville stepped back in disgust.
“and besides I can have literally any boy in this school, what’s stopping me from dating every single one of them.” I said hysterical. “Y/n you’re not being a very good person.” Neville looked beyond confused. “Well, would you be if you were this beautiful?” Y/n said with smartass undertones. “God you are just like her in every way.” Neville shook his head.
“Don't you dare! Don’t you dare compare me to that monster, I hate you! I hate you, Neville!” I sobbed as I tried to run away. If there was one thing she would admit to sharing with her mother is her fast change in emotions. “No, get back here!” Neville yelled while running after me. He caught up to me and yanked me by the hips, hitting my ass on the hard floor.
“You don’t ever compare to that horrible excuse of a mother!” Screams at him getting up slowly. “I would have never thought you hate her so much?” Neville said almost like hating parents was a foreign thing to him, but it was in for y/n. She use to love her mom but over time she saw Bellatrix for the monster she was and not the mother she wanted so badly.
“How could I not hate her? After everything she's done to you, to me...” Y/n says on her feet, looking like she had memories of her mother she had yet to tell anyone. “You have good people on your side, Neville, remember that.” y/n walked away holding herself as she did.
*Over time the boys stopped talking to her and went back to fearing her. It was something she was used to she couldn't walk anywhere without being looked *as* her mother. Y/n was reading a muggle book on crystals when Neville sat down next to her.*
“Good afternoon,” “Okay what do you want?” “I just want to talk to you,” Neville explained he looked like he was running away from something. Y/n noticed a pair of taunting boys. Y/n looked at Neville making sure the boys could see her. “Good afternoon,” she said seeing out of the corner of her eye the boys walking away. “They are gone now.” “Oh, sweet Merlin.” Neville whisper-yelled in relief. But Neville hadn't up and left yet.
“So I noticed you stopped-” Neville tried to say awkwardly, “Yeah courtesy to you my friend. Now you can tell all your loser friends that you hang out with in the room of requirements, how you stopped, the evil Y/n Lestrange.” she rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t do that!” Neville cut in. “Oh yeah, that sounds so unlike something the innocent Neville would never do!” y/n said mocking him.
“Why do you hate me so much Y/n?!” Neville yelled back confused, “Because you were the only one who didn't fall!” Neville stopped, “What? Fall meaning?” “I wanted you to love me, but I got everyone else *but* you!” Y/n sounded genuinely disappointed. “So you used the Glamour potion to… get me to like you?” Neville looked at her trying to find her logic.
“I now noticed how bad that sounds…” y/n looked down at the ground, “y/n I think I know of a reason it did work.” Neville stated, “Really?” Y/n quickly looked up at Neville her eyes meeting his, “Because I already liked you. Well like you.” Neville blushed.
“What? But I’m-“ Y/n said confused, “I know and that conflicted me for a long time, but now I realize that you aren’t like *her*.” Neville looked at her with a strange love that she wasn’t used to, “So what do we do now? We both know we like each other.” She asked, “I don’t know I’ve never really had a girl like me back before?” Y/n gently held Neville’s warm, soft, delicate hands, “I think we can start with that.”
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prettygreenpills · 2 years
Requested oneshots✨
Narcissa reunited with fem!reader and their baby after the war
The winning game Narcissa Malfoy x fem!reader
Narcissa´s and reader´s baby gets sick
Soft smut with Narcissa
Narcissa Malfoy using toys and praising you - Narcissa Malfoy x fem!reader
Dom!Narcissa making us try out her toys for the first time
Dom!Narcissa makes you cum at work
Narcissa waking fem!reader up by eating her out
Narcissa x fem!reader with daughter spending an afternoon together
Narcissa x reader x Lucius smut, Lucius is a little rough and Narcissa tries to make it better for you
Narcissa x reader in a secret relationship, reader gets hurt and Narcissa helps them together with Bellatrix
Fem!reader staying at teacher!Narcissa´s chambers for the night because of a nightmare
Mother!Narcissa helping mentally ill and depressed fem!reader
Narcissa trying to explain fem!reader why she can’t be in love with Bellatrix, while Bellatrix listens from behind the doors
Narcissa and Y/n having a date in Paris
Y/n giving birth to hers and Cissy´s child
Princess Narcissa x commoner!reader having a baby in secret
Y/n getting accicentally hurt by Bellatrix, but Narcissa heals her
Bellatrix finding out that the reader is pregnant
Rought smut with Mistress!Bellatrix because of her jealousy
Bellatrix coming home from Azkaban x fem!reader
Narcissa delivering Bella´s and readers baby
One night stand with Bellatrix x fem!reader
Narcissa realizes you fell in love with Bellatrix
Taking care of Julie Ranmore after a fight at her work with Michael Ranmore
Julie Ranmore x fem!reader enjoying a weekend away together
Julie Ranmore and fem!reader having a baby
Fem!reader comforting Julie Ranmore after a fight between Michael and her
Julie Ranmore falling asleep on a reader while watching a movie
Julie Ranmore taking care of pregnant fem!reader
Kathryn Villiers breastfeeding her girlfriend!reader
Julia Hoffman being a sub x fem!reader
Polly Gray x fem!reader enjoying a punishment for missbehaving on a family meeting
Fluffy smut Polly Gray x innocent!reader
Polly Gray finding you masturbating
Polly helping Y/n with her mental health
Polly Gray helping Y/n with her newborn baby
Polly Gray x daughter!reader where the daughter reunites after several years
Mother´s day with Polly and Y/n as her daughter for the first time since she came back
Polly’s niece Y/n gets a shot
Y/n pushing Polly’s limits getting Polly to show who is in charge, smut!
Severus x fem!reader enjoying a cold day in winter
Severus helping fem!reader with the groceries
Helping Emma Banville out after a stressful day
Sugarmommy Evelyn Hugo x Celia st. James smut
Evelyn Hugo and Celia st. James moving in together
Draco x reader!girlfriend cuddling in the common room at night
Switched roles
Too loud
Switched roles
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evalevaeva · 2 years
running to you // George Weasley
Brief: You get trapped in a castle filled with death eaters.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
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You ran. You could feel the warm wind on your face as the walls collapsed behind you. The school was collapsing with every second you ran and you could practically feel the fire burning around you. You could see hundreds of students running to help but could not find the one ginger you needed at that moment, George.
He couldn't be dead. He said he'd be waiting at the courtyard for you but the courtyard was set aflame by the death eaters. It was terrible. The school was in shambles and the death eaters were after every muggle-born in the school and people who supported Dumbledore. Just your luck, you were muggle-born and part of the Dumbledore army. Death eaters would be coming for you any minute if you didn't escape as soon as possible. You turned the corner as the last wall behind you collapsed, essentially cracking the floor apart as well. You held the remaining pillars as you tried to catch your breath until you heard maniac-like laughter as you turned the corner.
Bellatrix Lestrange was already waiting for you, her wand pointed as you held up your hands, not ready to accept your tragic fate.
George ran through the few hallways that remained standing. He looked everywhere, left and right, and there was not even a glimpse or the sound of your breath anywhere as he continued his search. He may have backed out on school but he wouldn't back out on searching for you. George stomped every classroom and lavatory until he turned the corner and saw Bellatrix holding you at wand point.
"No. . .!" George cried out, but it was too late.
A flash of green light filled the room as your anguished cries filled George's ear before it went totally silent. The dead body of his lover remained on the ground, seeming as if you were asleep on the ground. George ran and kneeled next to your dead body as he pointed his wand at Bellatrix and without a skip of a beat, he killed her mercilessly, "Avada Kedavra!".
George held your body close as his body broke with sobs. Tears streamed down his face and his wailing filled the hallway where the both of you once promised to one day marry and run away together to a field. None of those dreams would come true, never. George hugged your body as his Mother came running from behind him, shocked at her son's cries and the body of her once future daughter-in-law in his grip. Molly caressed her son's face as she wiped his salty tears. There was no future for him, his future was gone.
"You could've held on for a while longer! I was running to you! I should have arrived faster I'm sorry! Please come back! I can't do it!" George cried as his Mother pulled him into a hug.
I was running to you too, George Weasley.
Goodbye, my love.
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ghostsprettymama · 2 years
Plot: Voldemort's children Attending Hogwarts? What is dumbledore thinking? Perhaps he's trying to get them to go against their father?
Warnings: Angst,violence,mentions of sui,child endangerment,harrypotter, M x F reader. all stufent characters mentioned in this part are minors so no smut. only fluff.
Pairing: Harry potter x Voldemorts daughter ! reader
WORD COUNT: 3,565 words 19,378 characters
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“Y/n?” your cousin draco woke you up. You slept in the malfoy manor due to your parents orders, well Bellatrix convincing your father Voldemort for you to stay Somewhere safe..
you got up, it was still nighttime.” You think Hogwarts will like you?” the little boy asked. you thought realistically, you were a pessimistic little girl.” no. They fear my parents and I look alike them. Seeing me would send them to their ancestors..” you said getting up.
“What about the potter, we can make him our friend!” said Draco, oh He's so optimistic, you loved it. You hugged your cousin. “I admire your optimism Draco, but I am potter repellent.” you sighed.
The tales of harry did seem cool to you. You just didn't like how these common folk stretched it.
“What's your father like?” Your cousin asked. You two went into the living room sitting by the fire, he wanted the story again.
you smiled, you two were both 11 yet you acted like his older sister. “My father is the strongest dark wizard there is, my mother following behind! No wizard or witch dares to utter his name or...” you used a cloaking spell re- appearing behind him. “HE KILLS THEM!” you said, a magical hallucination of your father behind you.
Little Draco screamed as you ended your spell hugging him. “It’s fine draco. No matter who or what it is ill protect you” you promised him.
Narcissa Malfoy came in, crossing her arms “Children we must leave for Hogwarts soon. Why are you not packing?” she smiled.
“Sorry, mama Y/n was just telling me stories,” Draco said going back to your shared room.
Just as you head out, Lucius stopped you. “You do remember your plan for this year correct.” He asked you, you weren't scared of the Malfoys.
If anything they feared your father, and if you failed. That equals your father's rage. “Befriend potter,” you said. “Good” he released his grip on you as you went to the room packing.
You walked with pride Besides the Malfoys, everyone knew who you were. You looked at potter with a smile, he smiled back. he looks kind, i hope to enjoy befriending him. molly held him pulling him back and whispering in his ear " do not mind that cursed girl, she is not to befriend" she protected harry
When I locked eyes with that girl, something in me clicked instantly,I moved when molly whispered in my ear since the sensation was irritating, and I looked at molly shaking my head.
"no.. she's not cursed.." I said furrowing my brows, I defended the girl as if I knew her for life. when I saw mollys reaction being shocked I shook my head and turned back around and she was gone.
I saw the girl again with a blonde boy and the girl I had saw earlier performed a trick which made the blonde boy smile, then they looked over talking and pointing, I was so confused. I looked at my new friend Hermione asking her a question "Hermione who is she?" she turned her head immediately raising an eyebrow.
her eyes widened like her eyes were about to pop out. "That's Y/n Lestrange riddle.. shes like the opposite of what you're stereotyped to be.. but I personally don't believe in such buffoonery. im, not gonna assume shes bad off of tales and neither should you" she lectured.
"oh now she coming over-" I said
"Y/n Riddle, my full name is Y/n Lestrange riddle. what's yours" Her sweet eyes smiled but not her mouth, how odd. "Harry potter," I Said shaking her hand, she didn't patronize me or treat me horribly.
"I wanna be your friend can I?" She asked me. "yes! of course," I said happily. "can my cousin draco come? or you guys can move to our cart it can fit lot of people" She said optimistically.
We moved to her cart, we had lots of conversations and eventually, ron warmed up to her.
y/n pov
Harry walked in with my hand in his, draco holding my other, they did this since i almost fell off the boat.
"I could've sworn I saw something!" I protested and they sighed in sync. Draco looked at me with a concerned look.
"You act like a suicidal pigeon!" he smacked me on my head and i rubbed in pain.
we sat at tables getting called one by one,Dumbeldore and snape looked at me, i know who snape is because he works with my dad.
i wave and he nodded, i was gonna sit by harry but the tall ginger twins sat where i was going to.
"sorry the seats taken" the one on the right said "kick rocks" the other said.
I felt rage consume me and im sure they could tell by my eyes, i just wanted to be by my friend. i shook my head sitting across from the trio, draco taking the space between me.
"Fred dont be rude!" ron hit his arm, and got scowled by fred. "yeah dont be rude to the evil princess!" George said, i was upset.
"Im not a princess .im the same as you. a normal person. royalty isnt as it seems but it seems itd feed both of your egos." i said , sitting across from harry with draco. turning to the man who stood up. he looks like a grandpa.
He gave a speech but i felt eyes on me. i squeezed dracos hand and he squeezed back three times. calm down its alright. thats what the squeezes meant.
"We have a two students here . yes theyre Harry potter and Miss Y/n Lestrange Riddle. treat them as your companion and not enemeys against eachother. At hogwarts we all are all equal" Dumbeldore looked at Fred " and we will not discriminate because of parents or what they did. children are not their parents, you all are here to become amazing witches and wizards, act like it."he sat back down.
Soon each teacher introduced themselves giving speeches but i spaced out,my owl rested in my lap, i loved her dearly. if anything happened to her id wreck havoc. Soon everyone but me Got sorted.
Then it was my time. i walked up as eyes were on me. i did what my mama said and held my head high, i stepped with delicate grace.
"i heard her mother put her through intense training"
"her father treats her like a war machine... they dont even celebrate her birthday"
"they taught her everything but to be a child."
I payed no mind to whispers that didnt know a thing. Lucius taught me not to associate with fools who speak out their rear ends. I sat down in the chair, when the hat was placed on me it seemed to have a crisis.
"You are tricky...a child filled with so much passion,charisma, Knowledge and promise. so friendly yet turned away by all but her kin and a promising boy." the hat asked me a question.
everyone fell silent when i said my answer. "What do you see in your future" it said. "Rebelling against evil and protectong my friends from those who hurt them. no matter who." i said.
I saw dumbeldores smile in the corner of my eye.
"GRYFFINDOR!" shouted the hat, Draco looked upset, harry,hermione and ron clapped along with the twins who suprisingly clapped.
you sat by them , draco glared at you as if you werent related to him anymore.. that hurted.
we headed to dorms, you tried to speak to draco but he turned his head away from you, you shrugged. " i dont get it." you said " get what?" Hermione tilted her head. "Draco.." you frowned.
"Maybe hes temporaily upset. " hermione held your hand with a smile "its okay to let them be mad. focus on being with your friends the rest of your hogwarts life!" she said hugging your arm.
i sat in the common room with fred,Ron,George and harry. they were playing games while i looked out the window, i already completed my first task what else.. i bit my lip.
"whats wrong now?" harry said sitting beside me,i shook my head. "youre at hogwarts! have fun with us" harry said pulling you to wizards chest.
"Fair warning im not easy to beat," Ron said. you smiled, he underestimated you, you had played against many people while your dad worked including your siblings. speaking of them, they walked in sitting behind you.
"You have siblings?" Fred asked " two sets of twins in gryffindor hm" George replied to his twin. you and Ron battled with chess, he almost had beaten you if you didnt move right, but you wanted him to win, you purposely lost.
"Hey no fair you lost on purpose" Ron said,you felt your sibblings hands on the your shoulder. "do it again." Miles said in your ear,Max was at the other ear.
"Do what Riddles do and beat those who challenge them."Max said and you listened,you werent under imperius, you jusf feared them.
You moved with skill and non perdictable actions. the game ended in a matter of sections, they smiled "Thats our sister." max and miles said hugging you then heading to their rooms.
You calmed down looking at the four,all of them showed concern. "what was that" said fred. " nothing" you got up going to your room.
Harry pov
"Shes an odd fellow" Ron said laying on the couch, he ate chocolate frogs."Shes not strange.. when i saw her at the train i saw something different then what you see.." I hugged my legs to help me think.
"Ooh what are you fated lovers!" George joke making ron choke on his chocolate frogs. "Dont be ridiculous were too young for that stuff and i doubt she ever would feel like that" i rolled my eyes heading up to sleep.to my room
I had the weirdest dream, about a stone. maybe i can ask Hermione about it. we were in spell castings class, Y/n and draco were across from me.
She was having trouble with casting spells, when she looked at me , i froze. i shook my head showing her the correct motion.
She did it suceeding, when she showed draco i saw his smile, when he looked at me though. it was a scowl.
When class ended i pulled my friends aside going to the library,ron huffed only having food on his mind right now.
"I could be eating some amazing food right now harry" said ron, i rolled my eyes. "a dream i had about a stone.. it was crimson red.. and shined and i think i need to find it.." i said .
Y/N pov
" harry are you speaking of the sorcerers stone?" you asked him, ron sat on a desk near me while hermione searched a book. " i cant find it." hermione said flopping down.
blue = y/n
pink = hermione
red= ron
white= harry
"we have to tell someone"
"who can we not trust"
" maybe our friends? like the teachers or... i have no actually what about you ron"
"i dont know ask y/n"
you knew who you couldnt trust, you cant trust them or throw your cousin under the bus, you choose someone you couldnt care less for. "snape."
"why him?"
"hes gonna embarass us and think im just trying to rebell agaimst my father! plus hes weird!"
"i think hes alright even though he looks like hes constantly suffocating "
"you mean his double chin ron??"
" a what?"
"oh my god"
"i know who we can tell"
"Professor Mcgongall!" you said. you immediately ran to her class, when we arrived everyone said stuff at once.
"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT CHILDREN one at a time.. y/n first" She said looking at you, directly in your blue eyes to sense a lie.
"Harry had a dream about the sorcerers stone...and that my dad was gonna take it .." you said, looking at her in the eyes. you had her convinced almost.
"I don't know how you found out about the Stone, but rest assured, no one can possibly steal it, it's too well protected." she said sitting in her chair.
"its getting late off you go to sleep." she said dismissing the gryffindors "But- "off you go!" she said, she looked at your eyes which flashed with rage. nobody was listening to your friend.
"Fine. if you wont trust us then youll see what happens" you stormed off, Mcgonagal sighed shaking her head.
"Potter" she said as everyone but harry left.She took harrys hands in hers " On behalf of y/n. do not let go of that girl no matter what. she is a pure soul that is a key to the future.. i dont believe shes out of her fathers control, but please, never let go of what you have." she said
Harry nodded, not understanding but he nodded.He quickly followed behind his friends reaching for Y/ns hand. the two 11 year olds naturally had such a close bond their bodys automatically did this.
they waited in the gryffindor common room for every staff and student head to sleep. then came neville
"I cant let you do this! not with her, her parents-
"Lumos Maxima Muffliato " y/n said doing the motion hitting neville with it as he fell asleep.
hermione looked surpised high fiving y/n " im proud of you remembering what we studied!" she hugged the other female with a smile.
"cmon !" harry ran, to a mirror, ron knew what he was doing but the other two didnt.
They came to a door, Y/n pinched her nose “Eugh it smells like wet dog..” she said gagging “maybe because a dogs in there” Hermione said opening the door.
The Quartet entered seeing the massive, The lestrange child flinched seeing how huge the mutt was. “I dont think we should.. It could attack us..” Said y/n. “Its asleep.. “ ron said. Hermione spotted the self-playing instrument.
“The harp! Its playing and it makes the dog sleepy.. But how do we...” Hermione tried to find a way. “C'mon!” y/n pulled Hermione in the boys following.
“it has horrid breath” Harry said,y/n snorted at him. “Y/n,Ron help me move the Paw” Harry said moving to the dog. “Why me? Why not Hermione and Y/n??” Ron said “Just move the paw!” he said rolling his eyes.
you two did just that. When fully moving the paw, a trap door was revealed. “I’ll fall first- dont fall unless i give you a sign” said Harry. “ what if something bad happens,” Said Hermione. “Then you two have to leave,” Y/n said.
“Wait why just us” Ron looked at y/n confused.” because im going down. First TAH TAH!” the little girl jumped down without warning.
“Bloody hell- did she just-” Ron was in shock. “she's strong! She’ll be okay” Hermione replied. “Wait. Did it get quiet..” Harry said “the harp... It
Stopped playing” the now trio turned around as thick globs of drool leaked down to the floor. “JUMP.” he said as soon as he turned around jumping down.
The two followed having common sense in not wanting to die. The dogs attacked the door ripping it apart.
The four kids were now in slimy vines that slithered around” stop moving idiots! Its devil's snare, relax yourselves and stop moving! Itll only kill you faster” hermione said "kill us faster???? NOW I CAN DEFFINENTLY RELAX THANKS!" ron yelled while struggling. hermione listened to her own orders relaxing, the vines would snap and she sunk down.
"Hermione?! Y/n where are you!" ron said "Im with her! just relax trust me." Hermione said, harry listened while ron struggled, falling down, joining the duo. "HARRY" ron said in pure anguish.
"youre here!" hermione said to harry and he nodded looking at y/n. "is ron- not here?" hermione paced around trying to think of something "i know this spell from herbology..." hermione tried to remember" is it Lumos Solem?" Y/n asked in curiousity " umm.. My aunt narcissa taught me that.." Y/n added on.
"Yes! brilliant y/n thank you so much!" she hugged y/n "now say it with me!" hermione said aiming her wand at the snare.
"Lumos Solem!" the two aimed up at the devils snare , it released ron shriviling up. "good thing we didnt panic!" ron said"good thing those two saved you." Harry corrected. Y/n and hermione heard something "what is that?" hermione asked . "sounds like wings.." Harry said as he approached the sound, oppening the doors and his friends following behind.
"wow... i never saw bugs like these in books" Hermione said " neither have i..in any of the forbidden books my mother made me read either" y/n seemed amazed looking at them " thats because theyre keys..and i bet one of them fits that door" Ron said, the qauret walked, coming across a broom. "whats this all about.." hermione said. " i dont know.." the ginger boy replied. they went to the door as harry potter looked at the broom. "strange.."
"Alohomora!" Hermione said and the door didnt budge "worth a shot." ron said, hoping to brighten the mood.
"maybe one of those keys fit... but how would you get to it?" Y/n said
"the broom!"
"Harry dont tell me you came to look at yourself.." Y/n said jokingly,Harry looked at Y/n trying to see if she understood, she nodded, both of them looked in the mirror seeing different things.
Y/n saw the truth, havoc. her by her fathers side . fire was everywhere on hogwarts, then screaming and crying she was over rons body screaming. she pointed her wand at herself and harry did the same action. "Avada Kedav-" someone pulled her away from the mirror.
Her crimson eyes returning to their regular colour ,she looked at Professer Quirrel holding her hostage with fear as she still was shaken. "THE STONE BOY." a voice said.
Y/n Pov
"father?" y/n said trying to squirm put the flimsy teachers grip. "turn around. and let go of my child" he released you turning around taking his turban off.
a face in the back of his head.
Harry flinched"oh my god.." . Y/n backed up infront of harry automatically defending him.
"my girl, bring me the stone, dont you want me to be proud of you?" Your fathers disgusting mutilated face said in the back of his head. "no." y/n said "what?" "I SAID NO." " who taught you that word! you know better then to say it to me" your dad spat venom at you
"are you guys really- "SHUT UP POTTER" you both said in sync, god damn you were your fathers child, Y/n turned to him .
Quirrel got closer to Y/n and she tried to cast a spell on her father “P-petrifi- “ she attempted but the man smacked you out of the way.
“Give me the stone boy, and join me, you wont have to die” Voldemort father sounded promising. “NO.” he shouted at Voldemort.
“Dont make it harder on yourself! GIVE ME THE STONE BOY OR SUFFER A CRUEL DEATH.” he said as Quirrel chokes him out, Harry panicked not being able to breathe, his hands gripped Quirrels,burning him. The touch had burned quirrel he’d release the boy letting go.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” He said dropping into his own pile shriveling away. Y/n couldn't believe it, Y/n got up shaking the pain off, She walked to harry hugging harry making sure he was okay.
Then everything went black.
I woke up in a infirmary bed, i opened my eyes to see y/n resting beside me,Dumbeldore came in with the stone looking at me. "I dont get it..." i said looking at Y/n.
"Get what potter?"Dumbeldore said sitting by his side, opposite of y/n"I just met her.. not to long ago and she protected me from him.. her father, she failed and know she couldnt yet she did.. and when i look at her i feel like i should stay close and hold her hand like we never should be seperated...I feel like i know her more then anyone like were connected somehow.." he said his eyes moving to dumbeldore and he nodded.
"Can i say something you might not believe Harry?" dumbeldore said with a smile. "Of course sir.." Harry said. "The sun and the moon at first were strangers, yet with one look they felt as if they forever knew eachother. their souls were bound together destined as soulmates.. but many things came between their love. on many adventures the moon protected the sun blindly no matter who it was, she knew she couldnt live without the sun, because they were bounded together by a phenomenom. When by fate two are born, their souls are bounded since their life which is set in stone, depend on eachother." he said.
"but i dont get it.." Harry said "i dont love her?? i barely know what that is" he said confused "Soulmates arent always Romantic dear potter. now rest up. you have class first morning tomorrow!" he laughed walking out
"hes confusing..." Harry said his hand rested in Y/ns hair. "you are like the moon now that i think of it..but why protect me when you cant protect yourself.." Harry sighed.
"Us..? soulmates? is that some tale dumbeldore got from a book.."
" i wouldnt mind if we were ." y/n said suddenly causing harry to jump. "when were you- "ive been awake" y/n said opening her eyes. " soulmates can be platonic harry, dont fret i wouldnt be with you for .. yawn. a milllion years"
"yeah right."
The end.
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caroldenningsglassyy · 5 months
another carol edit w/ my favorite song ever 🫶
edited by moi <3
care bear 🐻
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Just As Crazy
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Request: Yes / No  Hello Maybe you could do a Bellatrix X slytherin daughter reader who is just like her mother but is more insane.All she wants to do is to make her mother and Voldemort proud. She was the one who helped Tom open the Chamber of Secrets but nobody caught her. Then in 5th year she was the cause of Sirius death by betraying the DA when she shows up as a death eater. Tyyyyy 💕 Anon
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Bellatrix Lestrange x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 1248
Warnings: Sirius dying and that should be it 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My Mother was locked up in Azkaban, so I was living with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. My cousin Draco wasn’t really a huge fan of me, but I wasn’t really a fan of him either. He was weak, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He was too emotional and wasn’t Death Eater material. However that wasn’t my decision to make. The two of us went to Hogwarts together,  obviously getting placed in Slytherin. I ended up using the Malfoy name so no one knew who I really was. My Uncle was able to sneak letters into my Mother and she was delighted I was put in Slytherin. The first year was rather boring but that summer I got a job from Voldemort. I had to help the young Weasley girl open the Chamber of Secrets. My Uncle planted the book and then it was up to me to make sure the Chamber got opened. I was just the watcher to make sure Ginny wasn’t destered, but at the same time I couldn’t be caught. Lucky for me it was pretty simple, however Harry Potter ruined it and killed the basilisk! 
I then had to gain Harry’s trust. It wasn’t easy to do, but I managed to do so by defending him and his disgusting friends against Draco. He hated it, but I assured him I hated it more. However it all paid off when I was invited to join their secret group in year five. Dumbledore’s Army was what they called themselves, how pathetic. Unbridge ended up catching us because of Cho Chang. Luckily they still trusted me and when Harry was going to the Ministry he asked me to join them. A small group of us made our way to London after a bit of trouble. When we made it to the Ministry we went straight to the Department of Mysteries. We walked down the hall, following Harry and he stopped just in front of a door at the end of the hall. 
“This is it.” He said. We walked slowly to the door and walked in to see a dark room with shelves of orbs.
“Ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five.” Harry said and stopped in between the shelves. 
“He should be here.” Harry said. 
“Harry. It’s got your name on it.” Neville said looking at one of the orbs. everyone watched as Harry grabbed the orb. 
“Harry.” Hermione said and looked down the hall. He pulled his gaze from the orb and looked down to see a Death Eater walking down towards us. I silently smirked and no one could see me since I was in the front. Harry moved in front of us and I quickly changed my expression to one of worry. 
“Where’s Sirius?” Harry asked. 
“You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams…” Uncle Lucius said and removed his mask. 
“And reality.” He finished. 
“You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy.” He said. 
“If you do anything to us, I’ll break it.” Harry said and I tried my hardest to not roll my eyes. I heard my Mother’s laugh and I suppressed my smile. 
“He knows how to play. Itty, bitty, baby. Potter.” She said and shook her head at me. It wasn’t time. 
“Bellatrix Lestrange.”  said, stepping forward. 
“Neville Longbottom, is it? How’s Mum and Dad?” Mum asked with a smirk. 
“Better, now they're about to be avenged.” He replied and held up his wand. My Mother held her up and Uncle Lucius saw this could go bad quickly. 
“Now, let’s everybody just calm down, shall we?” He said and they each lowered their wands. 
“All we want is that prophecy.” He said. 
“Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?” Harry asked and I sneered slightly. 
“You dare speak his name? You filthy half blood!” My mother shouted. 
“It’s alright. He’s just a curious lad, aren’t you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really. Haven’t you always wondered the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don’t you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me. Then I can show you everything.” Uncle said, holding his hand out. 
“I’ve waited fourteen years.” Harry said. 
“I know.” Uncle said, looking as though he cared. 
“I guess I can wait a little longer. Now! Stupefy!” Harry said. Everyone did the same and then ran. We ended up getting separated and my Mother found me. She grabbed me and pulled me along with her. Luckily no one saw. 
“Where’s Y/N?” I heard Harry ask. 
“They must have gotten her.” Neville said with a nervous tone. I smirked. 
“Get back to the door!” Harry shouted and I heard them running. 
“What do I do, Mother?” I asked. 
“Just wait for the right moment.” She said and took me with her to follow them. We followed them into a new room and while the chaos was going on my Mother hid me in a doorway. I had to stay there until it was the right moment. 
“Did you truly believe, or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?” Uncle asked and I stifled my laugh. 
“I’ll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die.” He said. 
“Don’t give it to him, Harry!” Neville shouted, but my Mother hushed him. I saw a white light appear and glanced around confused. 
“Get away from my godson.” Sirius Black said punched my Uncle. Other white lights came and a fight started. I wanted to join, but my Mother gave me a sign to stay hidden. My Uncle was in trouble and my Mother had made it to me. I knew it was my time. 
“Avada Kedavra!” I shouted and aimed it at Sirius. My Mother and I laughed as he fell back into the archway and disappeared. 
“No! No!” Harry cried and I laughed harder. My Mother and I smirked at him as we ran off. 
“I killed Sirius Black!” I laughed as I heard Harry running after us. 
“You coming to get me?” I teased. 
“Crucio!” Harry shouted and hit me. I screamed as I fell to the ground and Harry pointed his wand at me. My Mother escaped through the fireplace so I was alone. I looked at him with fake sadness. 
“You’ve got to mean it, Harry. She killed him. She deserves it.” I heard the Dark Lord say and I looked up shocked and worried. 
“You know the spell, Harry.” He said and he appeared behind Harry. I started laughing and smiling. 
“Do it!” He said, but Harry turned around and knocked his wand from him. 
“So weak.” He sneered. Dumbledore appeared and a fight started, giving me the perfect moment to escape. I made it to Malfoy Manor and my Mother greeted me with a wicked smile. 
“Did I do well, Mother?” I asked with the same smirk. 
“You did dear, the Dark Lord will be proud.” She said and my smile grew. The two of us gave an evil cackle and I knew the Dark Lord will rise to power once again. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​  @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers​ @sambucky8​
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Imagine: Being Bellatrix Lestrange’s daughter and dating Charlie Weasley. [gif credits below cut]
“What’s on your mind?” Charlie asks, rolling over and snuggling closer to you in bed, “You’ve got your thinking face on.”
        You smile and roll your eyes.
        “I’m...” you murmur, “I’m not like my family, am I?”
        He pauses, and makes you face him. Charlie shakes his head, and looks into your eyes.
        “Where has this come from?”
        “I... I’ve just been thinking.”
        “Well, no you’re not. You’re kind, and gentle, and loving. Nothing like your family.”
       “I love you.”
Want to request an imagine? Click ‘Ask’ in my bio!
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Darkened Days
Taglist | Request | Wattpad
Main Masterlist | Harry Potter Masterlist
Harry Potter x Reader
Summary: Harry comforts Y/N, after the death of Sirius Black.
Warning: Character Death, angst, mourning depression
A/N: I really woke up from a nap a couple of hours ago, and it made me want to write this for some reason. The death of Sirius was one of the hardest cinematic deaths I’ve seen, and Harry’s screaming makes it harder.
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Y/N always knew about her father. Even though he was a prisoner in Azkaban, she always found a way to see him. When She was little she would use her Metamorphmagus skills to sneak into Azkaban. It was a tricky task, but she made it work. Seeing his daughter’s face is what kept him sane.
In the meantime, she would stay with her Uncle Remus. He knew she would sneak off to see her father. He would try to convince her to minimize her visits, by explaining his fears of what could happen to her. Nothing could stop Sirius Black’s daughter from seeing the one she loved.
But when she started attending Hogwarts, Remus’s wishes were fulfilled. Y/N had to keep up with her studies, meaning she wouldn’t have as much time with her father. She still went to see him though. When she did, they would talk for hours about Y/N’s studies or Sirius’s life at Hogwarts. The only thing Y/N could never do with her father was give him a proper hug. At least, not until he escaped in Y/N’s 3rd year at Hogwarts.
Now, Y/N was at the end of her 5th year, and Dolores Umbridge had practically ruined it. Y/N now stood in the office of Professor Umbridge, along with Harry and the rest of Dumbledor’s army. Pansy Parkinson held onto her with a tight grip and her wand pressed into Y/N’s neck.
“You were going to see Dumbledore, weren’t you?” Dolores calmly asked Harry. Dolores stood over Harry who was strapped down to a chair. Harry tried to stay calm as he calmly told the witch in all pink “no”, earning him a slap to the face. The sound echoed throughout the room, making Y/N jump. She also saw Draco jump a little in the corner of her eye.
Snape walked in with his dark exterior that her caries through Hogwarts 24/7. Snape and Y/N had an odd bond. Unlike Harry, Snape would excuse the fact the Y/N’s father tortured him as a child, and they would talk. He would protect her despite her being in Griffindor. Y/N would come to him with her problems, and Severus would give surprisingly good advice. So, when he walked in he was shocked, but also not shocked at the sight of Y/N Black in Dolores’s office along with Dumbledor’s army.
“You sent for me, Headmistress?” Professor Snape said in his non-changing voice. Dolores jumped up and turned to the potions teacher as if she didn’t just slap a student.
“Yes. The time has come for some answers, whether they will give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?” Umbridge quickly spoke.
Snape looked at Y/N. Anyone could see the tough exterior she was giving off at the moment, but Snape could see the look of desperate help in her eyes. He looked back to Umbridge and said, “I’m afraid you’ve used up all my stores interrogating students, and the last of it on Ms. Chang.”
We all looked at each other with relief. “Unless you wish to poison him, and I’ll show you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did. I cannot help you,” Snape said, earning a look from Y/N when he said “poison”.
Severus simply tried to walk away, but before he could, Harry started to speak, “He’s got Padfoot!” Hearing her father’s nickname, Y/N’s eyes instantly went to Harry’s. “He’s got Padfoot at the place it’s hidden.”
“Padfoot? What is Padfoot? What is hidden? What is he talking about, Snape?” Umbridge ambushed Severus in questions. Severus simply looks at Harry and says, “I have no idea”
As soon as Snape leaves, Dolores tells everyone that she has no choice but to use the Crucio curse. Hermione and Y/N protest against the action. When that doesn’t work, Hermione tells Umbridge about ‘Dumbledor’s secret weapon’. She took Harry and Hermione to find the ‘secret weapon’.
A couple of hours later, Dumbleldor’s army caught up with the Golden Trio and convinced Harry to let them join him in his fight. When they all arrived at the Department of Mysteries inside of the Ministry of Magic, they looked for the prophecy from Harry’s dream.
When they found what they were looking for, they tried to leave, but they were stopped by Death Eaters. They surrounded the teenagers. Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange were the only ones not wearing their masks. The teenagers protected themselves with their wands at the ready position
Lucius tried to convince Harry to give him the orb in his hand, but Y/N stepped in. “You will never get your Death Eater hands on this prophecy,” Y/N stepped in front of Harry, grabbing his hand from behind.
“I’ve waited 14 years… I guess I can wait a little longer,” Harry said before instructing everyone to Stupefy the Death Eaters. They all threw the spell, and ran, trying to escape.
They kept running until they all bumped into each other. Ginny threw a spell, causing all the prophecy orbs to fall off their respected area. Y/N transformed into a rhino, allowing all the members to climb on her back, and she ran to the door. They soon started to fall, causing Y/N to turn back into herself again. They came to an abrupt stop a few inches off the ground before hitting the ground.
The Death Eaters had found the group of kids, and started to attack again. All of the Death Eaters grabbed a kid, except for Y/N and Harry.
Lucius chuckled before speaking, “Did you actually think that children stood a chance against us? I’ll make this simple for you, Potter… Give me the prophecy, or watch your friends die.”
Y/N looked at Harry with begging eyes, telling him not to give them the prophecy. Harry looked around at his friends before his eyes turned to Y/N. He silently told her “I’m sorry” before giving the prophecy to the bleach-haired Death Eater.
A bright light emitted from behind Lucius. Lucius looked at the prophecy to see it wasn’t glowing, so he turned around. “Get away from my daughter and my godson,” Sirius said, punching Lucius in the face.
Multiple bright lights swirled around the room, hitting Death Eaters. The bright lights soon revealed Tonks and the rest of the Order. Y/N ran up to her father, giving him a tight-fitting hug. “Hello, baby girl,” Sirius said, patting his daughter’s head.
“Thank you for saving me. I love you. No matter what, I will always love you,” Y/N told her father. Her Y/E/C (Your Eye Color) eyes met his blue eyes.
Y/N broke her loving gaze at her father to see a Death Eater about to hit her, Harry, and her father with a curse. “Protego!” Y/N quickly yelled, shielding the three of them from the spell.
“Nice reflexes,” Sirius complimented his daughter. Y/N looked at her father with an appreciative smile. “Thanks! I’ve been practicing what you taught me during my 4th year!” Y/N said back, hitting another Death Eater.
They split up, allowing Y/N to morph into a cheetah. She ran as quickly as she could, dodging spells left and right. She bit a couple of Death Eaters, making them incapable of using their wands. Y/N saw Bellatrix appear, and she ran to attack. But before the girl could make it to her, Bellatrix yelled, “Avada Kedavra!”. The spell hit her father, just as she hit Bellatrix.
Y/N morphed back into her natural form. She ran and ran till she got to her father, but before she could grab ahold of his body. Sirius’s lifeless body fell through the veil. Y/N tried to pull him back, but it was no use. Her body fell as her eyes started raining tears. Remus and Tonks ran to both Harry and Y/N as they broke down in tears.
Harry screamed in agony. It was impossible to hear it and not feel the same pain. Y/N sat defeated. Her dad is once again taken from her, but she can’t sneak off to see him this time. She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t know how to continue without the one she loved most.
Harry ripped himself from Remus’s arms, and he ran after Bellatrix. He was not gonna let her get away with the pain she caused everyone.
Astronomy Tower
Y/N sat on the edge of the Astronomy Tower with her legs hanging off the ledge. She sat in her pajamas with a Griffindor blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She was too busy looking at the stars to hear the steps of someone walking up the Astronomy Tower steps.
“I hope you’re not planning on jumping,” Harry said jokingly. Y/N didn’t even look at Harry. Her face had been in the same frown for a couple of days not. Some believed it was stuck that way, but if you knew her, you knew she was still grieving.
“We missed you at Dumbledor’s return and your father’s memorial. Were you up here the whole time?” Harry asked, sitting down next to the girl.
She didn’t speak for a minute, but when she did, you could hear the sadness in her voice. “Why would I go to a memorial with a school full of students, when a school full of students didn’t even know my father. For the longest time, they thought my father killed your parents. My father never was a killer. He was your father’s best friend,” Y/N said through her tears.
Harry stayed quiet as he turned towards Y/N. She didn’t look back at him. Instead, she continued to look into the distance, and continue speaking. “When I was little, I would use my Metamorphmagus skills to sneak into Azkaban. It was hard physically and mentally. I would do anything for my father. We couldn’t hug because he was in a locked cell, but I would sit against the bars of his cell, and I would just talk. That was all I needed. All I needed was to know my father was there. Now, he’s gone. I can’t talk to the dead. If I could, I would talk to my mother every day. You know, I can see Threstrals because of her. A Death Eater killed my mother when I was 2. Now, I’ve lost both of my parents to Death Eaters.”
Harry didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know his parents. He didn’t know Sirius the way she did. The only thing he could do for him was to comfort her. He pulled Y/N closer to him, pulling her into a side hug, and they stayed like that till sunrise.
When they got back to the common room, they were exhausted from all of the emotional pain. They started to go their separate ways, but Y/N started to speak, “Thank you, Harry. I know how much my dad meant to you. I appreciate you coming to comfort me. I guess as long as I have you, I wouldn’t have very many darkened days.”
Harry smiled at her words before heading to bed. He fell asleep with a saddened smile. Y/N on the other hand fell asleep with a frown. She appreciated Harry comforting her, but it would be a long time before she stops mourning her father.
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sheeple · 8 months
Miracles don't exist | 36: Extreme security measures
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): idk man... lot happens here [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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Your eyes are trained to the rough waves outside of the cottage. A steaming cup of tea in your hand. Bill and Fleur are nice enough to give you a room to stay in their home. 
You've wanted to go search for Theo immediately, but Fleur forced you to have a shower. You felt grimy and dirty and just gross and once out of the shower were you glad she did so. That's what being stuck in a basement for half a year does to you. 
Once you've finally seen yourself in the mirror for the first time in months, a gasp left you. You've lost weight and a lot of it. It has made the scars over your body more prominent. Your hair is matted and nasty, sticking out at odd angles. But the worst is the word traitor carved into your collarbone. 
So... that is what Bellatrix did to you? Dear Merlin. It makes you want to puke. The fact that you've physically been permanently damaged by her makes your airways tighten up. Fleur has helped you through one or two nightly panic attacks. Salazar bless her.
Said woman comes over to you with a bowl filled with steaming porridge. "Eat up", she says gently, "you need to strengthen."
With a smile, you take the bowl. "Thank you. Not just for the food, but also for letting me stay here."
Fleur joins you staring out of the window. You slowly eat the porridge to not upset your stomach. You hesitate for a moment, not sure if you're in a position to ask for anything. "Do you maybe know... if- where Theodore is? Theodore Nott."
She looks over her shoulder towards Bill, who's washing up some dishes at the sink. They seem to silently communicate towards one another, leaving you out of their discussion.
"He's staying at Grimmault Place", says Bill after a pleasing look from Fleur. "But that was before he was sent to mainland Europe on Shacklebolt's orders."
A cold plunge envelops your body. He's... gone? Fighting a war that your generation has no reason to be involved in?
You feel a soft hand on your shoulder. Fleur gives you a sympathetic smile as she holds up a handkerchief. Only then do you realise that tears run in two streaks down your cheeks. You sniff and turn around, hiding away from them. 
"Is there... is there any news about him?", you croak out, doing your best to get your emotions under control.
But you get the message when Bill stays silent. You nod wordlessly and turn around. You walk out the door and towards the sea. You drop to a sitting position and bury your toes in the sand. 
The smell of the sea and the sand brings back memories of easier times. A time when you still had to watch out and take care of each other, it was far before the torture and heartbreak.
Someone drops down next to you silently, their hands playing with something. You glance to your side, but Hermione keeps on staring in front of her. In her hands a wand. Your wand. It got taken before you were forced into the cellar. 
"Are you alright?", you ask softly, your tired eyes raking over her body. You wonder what Bellatrix has done to her.
The girl nods before looking at you. "Are you alright?"
"I will be. I just... I need to- I don't know what I will do now. What are you guy's next move?" You pull your knees to your chin, burying your face.
Hermione hesitates for a moment. She lays the wand in front of you in the sand. But you feel no desire to touch it. 
"We think there is a Horcrux in the Lestrange family vault at Gringotts."
You stiffen. "How are you attempting to get in?" Logistically, there is no way that the three of them pass the goblins at the bank. They have to one, identify themselves with a wand that belongs to the Lestrange family. And two, they're public enemy number one.
"We've got her wand and a hair." 
"Pollyjuice potion? That's your plan? How are you going to bypass the endless counter-spell measures?"
She looks helplessly behind you. You turn around and see Ron and Harry standing at the cottage. Then it clicks. "You're asking for my help."
"I'm sorry, (Y/n). We wouldn't be asking if it wasn't necessary."
A deep sigh leaves your lips. "Fine", you let out. "But I first need to let Sirius know that I am okay." 
Grabbing your wand, you fire off a couple of spells into the sand to test if it is actually your wand. And if your magic still works after all this time.
Once that's done, you conjure a piece of paper and a pen. You pen a quick letter to Sirius about what happened and that you're okay. You also ask to let Teddy know that you're alive and kicking once he comes back. You give the letter to Bill and Fleur's owl and watch it fly away with the letter.
"So...", you ask, turning around to the Golden Trio, "what's the plan?"
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"This is the most reckless plan I've ever heard", you grumble lowly as you walk between Hermione — who's Polijuiced to look like Bellatrix — and a slightly edgier Ron than normal. Your Dark Mark is in full display with the dress you're wearing and you hate it. Harry is somewhere with Griphook under the invisibility cloak.
Hermione stumbles a few times over her heels as you all approach the front desk Gringotts. You clench your teeth and sneer at the goblins that look up from their work. Pretty much what the Dark Lord's Heir should do, in your opinion.
It's very quiet in the lobby when Hermione clears her throat. But no reaction from the goblin. "I wish to enter my vault."
You cringe internally at how un-Bellatrix Lestrange she sounds. You should have taken the roll. 
"Identification?", says the goblin uninterested.
The unsure look in Hermione's eyes makes you speak up. You step in front of her and glare at the goblin. "I hardly think that'll be necessary", you sneer.
The little man looks up from his work as he recognizes your voice. "Madam Lestrange. Miss Riddle." He stands up straight before turning around.
"I don't like to be kept waiting." Hermione calls after the goblin as she folds her arms in front of her chest.
"They know", whispers Griphook. "They know she's an imposter. They've been warned."
You share a look with Ron, who looks ready to pass out when guards approach your group from multiple points.
The goblin returns with another one. "Madam Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?", asks the other goblin.
"And why should I do that?" She's getting better at pretending to be Bellatrix, with the way she holds herself.
The way the goblin speaks to Hermione gives the impression that he's speaking to a child. "It's the bank's policy. I'm sure you understand given the current climate."
"No", you growl, "we most certainly do not understand. I won't imagine the Dark Lord be very pleased to hear when his Heir and most trusted follower are denied access." At this point, you're giving the others time to think up a plan. And you hope it comes soon.
Softly, from next to the goblin you hear Harry whisper out, "Imperio", before the goblin's face changes. He sniffs deeply as a smile forms on his face. 
"Very well, Madam Lestrange. If you will follow me."
The five you get lead to a minecart that sets off at high speed. Griphook steers the cart while the other goblin sits in the back, high as a kite.
"What is that, Griphook?", questions Harry as you pass over a waterfall that splashes down on the tracks below. "Griphook!", he inquires as the goblin tries to break but the cart doesn't seem to work.
You brace yourself for the water to hit you. Once you've passed under it Hermione is Hermione again and the cart has come to a screeching halt. A red light pops up before an alarm shrieks. Suddenly, the bottom of the cart slides from under you and you all plunge into the darkness below.
Hermione thinks quick on her feet as she casts a spell which seems to stop you just short of the ground. The spell releases you and you let out a grunt as you still drop pretty harshly on the ground. 
You clamber up, looking around. "Oh no, you look like you again", you point out at Hermione.
"The Thief's Downfall. Washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly", explains Griphook
Ron makes a snide remark but acts quick as the other goblin wakes up from his Imperio haze. You want to make a remark that while you are the Dark Lord's daughter, you haven't used the forbidden curses voluntarily, unlike the Golden Trio. 
But now is not the place nor the time for that.
As you approach the vault, a low rumbling and growling comes from within. A pit forms in your stomach as you recognise what that means. You've heard your aunt and uncle talk about an extreme security measure before when returning from fetching you money for school. But you never believed it to be true. Until today.
White as snow and wrapped in rusty chains, a dragon lies in front of the entrance to the vault. Scars and wounds decorate the skin of the dragon. It nurses his paw with pitiful whines.
"Bloody hell, that's a Ukrainian Ironbelly." Ron looks in amazement towards the poor dragon. 
A pit from in your stomach as Griphook hands out rattles. When he starts to shake the rattles, the Ukrainian Ironbelly flinches away.
"It's been trained to expect pain when it hears the noise."
"That's barbaric!" You huff out angrily.
"It's effective", quips Griphook back as your group easily bypasses the dragon to the vault. He lays the hand of the other goblin on the door and it opens.
Everywhere you look inside is silver and gold. On every table, wall, or even every inch of the floor; leaving just enough room to walk around. Holding up your lightened wand, you realise all this is yours. Bellatrix and Rodolphus don't have children of their own. So as Bellatrix' only daughter, it's yours. Or will it go to Rodolphus' brother?
"Accio Horcrux", Hermione calls out, but nothing happens.
Ron turns towards her. "You're not trying that one again, are you?"
But you know it's here. It's in the vault because you feel it. It calls to you. 
"Is it in here, Harry? Can you feel anything?"
"Yes", both you and Harry reply, looking at each other. 
You look around, your eyes drawn to a certain point of the vault. "It's there", you point out. Up high, you hear it whisper to you to come and get it. To touch it. It makes your skin crawl. A golden cup gleams evilly at you.
Hermione gasps as she accidentally bumps against a table. A cup topples over and starts to multiply. Of course, the Lestarnges are not that stupid to not put a curse in the vault.
"Give me the sword." 
Hermione pulls out a sword from her beaded bag and throws it at Harry. Since when does that fit in there?
As cups and plates and trophies multiply around you, Harry scales the growing pile of gold. The room starts to fill with objects as everyone struggles. 
"Stop moving!", you call out and the room stops filling. Only Harry's pile is still growing until he snatches the cup. He bursts out of the pile, but the cup flies from his hands. Into that of Griphook.
"We've had a deal, Griphook."
The goblin in question holds out his hand. "The cup for the sword."
Reluctantly, Harry throws the sword at Griphook, who in turn throws the cup towards you. You catch it and it sizzles in your hand. Your head twitches harshly.
A mean gleam takes over Griphook's features. "I said I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out." He opens the door and the cursed riches pile out.
The four of you stumble out and watch how Griphook escapes and the other goblin gets burned to a crisp. 
Guards fire blasting curses at you and you hide behind the pillars. "We can't just stand here! Who's got an idea?", yells Hermione above the blastst.
"You're the brilliant one!", argues Ron back.
You shake your head. "I've got an idea. But it's mad. Reducto." You fire the spell at the railing and it flies off. You run back before launching yourself on the dragon's back. The others follow you and grip tightly to the spikes on the back of the dragon.
"Relashio." The chain that holds the dragon snaps. It fires another blast towards the guards before it looks up. You follow its gaze and see your way out. The dragon climbs its way up, destroying a train track in its wake and sending a bunch of guards into the depts.
Bursting through the floor of the lobby, the dragon breathes fire around itself. Finally, it makes its way through the roof and sits like a gigantic pigeon on the roof, catching its breath.
Hermione fires a spell at its tail and the dragon flies off. You soar through the sky, getting a wonderful look over London. 
You don't know for how long you've been staying put before the four of you drop down into a lake.
You feel it. His anger. Voldemort knows that Harry's been destroying Horcruxes. It's all-consuming. Searing. Red hot. He knows you've escaped the Manor. He knows you've betrayed him. And he is outraged.
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious @raineisms @mastermindmiko @timmytime17 @regsg18 @supernatural-lover @bubybubsters @lafrone @hermionelove @the-sander-fander @akengii @aliciacat20 @unstablereader @burns-in-the-sun @rachelnicolee @damagelove @mqndrqke @llpovi @clairesjointshurt @222244445555 @jolly4holly @padf00ts-l0ver @fandom-life-12 @prettyb1tchsblog @pari-1 @f14ever @nopedefe @randomgurl2326 @rinalouu @yazminetrahan
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ablxssm · 3 years
Futures Untold
In which Snape’s long lost and estranged daughter is finally found. The catch is that she has become Lord Voldemort’s favorite death eater.
The Dark Lord sat at the end of the table, his sickly yellow nails tapping and clicking against the wood. The blood of a muggle victim pooled on the table and dripped onto the laps of those closest. Draco Malfoy clenched his jaw and exhaled softly as he felt it seep into his slacks.
“You wished to see me, my lord.” Severus Snape pocketed his wand as he strode to the Dark Lord’s view.
“Severus, always coming at a moments notice, come.” He gestures to the seat on his left. He quickly sat and looked at the dark wizard with his poker face.
“I see you have been doing so well with the... assignments I’ve given you. So much that I believe you deserve some praise for it. So to it that you been promoted, we will discuss your duties later tonight.”
“Thank you, my lord...” he bowed his head slightly,
Voldemort had a soft crinkle of a smirk and then turned to the doorway when a cracking sound echoed through the house. Everyone knew that sound, only one girl would appear with the sound of thunder as her entrance.
“Ah! Lady Adoneius, welcome.” Voldemort stood and personally greeted the girl who came. Severus did not turn to look, he kept his eyes trained on the blood and Draco Malfoy. He was practically quaking in his seat. He flicked his wand to scourgify the blood on his clothes and instantly the boy calmed slightly and nodded to his Professor.
The girl wore her death eater mask, a black leather trench coat, tight black jeans with lace up boots to her knees. Her top was some sort of corset with metal linings of intricate designs.
“I come to report the mission went well. Lord Satora of Italy has agreed to help the cause.” Her voice was soft and muffled with her mask.
Severus had thought he met everyone, it seems that one person was still missed by him.
“Perfect,” He placed his hand on her back to guide her to the table and she sat across from Severus, her mask still on until she brushed her black hair off her shoulders and gracefully waved her wand.
She looked up to see the same black eyes as her own looking at her.
“Severus, have you met Lady Adoneius. I was hoping to acquaint you two later tonight, you will both be working very closely on my next... project.” Voldemort placed his hand on her shoulder and smirked.
His throat went dry, his eyes felt glassy and his heart was sinking. Sinking. Dropping. Drowning. Of course he had met her. She was his own daughter.
“No, sir. Pleased to meet you, Lady Adoneius.” He bowed his head and the girl just stared at him.
“And you.” Her voice was dismissive as she turned back to the Dark Lord.
“If there is nothing else for me to discuss with you, then I shall retire until you call m-“
“Nonsense, girl. Bellatrix will take you up to get changed for dinner. I know you would be rather comfortable in something else.”
“I’ll be fine, my lord.”
She looked back to Severus with her cold eyes and purposely pulled off her coat to show off her dark mark with pride. His eyes never left her. She glared at him.
‘Proud of me daddy? Imagine if you never gave me up that one day.’ She thought and watched his chest rise and fall in anticipations
Possible part 2?
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prettygreenpills · 2 years
Hi since it’s Saturday I’d like to make a request. Could you write a bellatrix x reader fluff where y/n and Bellatrix were in a relationship before she was sent to Azkaban and had a daughter together and after Bellatrix escapes, y/n, Bellatrix and their daughter ( you can make up the male if you want) reunite together with the help of Narcissa (maybe) and a lot of fluff of how much they missed each other? I’d love to see this. Thanks
Hello, thank you for requesting, here you go<3
Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange x fem!reader
Rundown: Bellatrix comes home together with Narcissa to “visit you” after your wife spent some time in Azkaban
Warnings: reunion(!), mentions of death, escape from Azkaban, fluff, etc.
Request status: saturday requests<3
“Hey darling stop playing with mama´s wand,” you said as you saw how little Delphini took Bella´s wand from the shelf. It had been there since you saw your wife for the very last time. To be exact thirteen years ago.
Delphini looked at you and she seemed a little sad. You smiled at her and waited for her to put down the wand she wanted to play with. As she did so, you gifted her with a little smile and then you pulled out your own wand.
“Here. You can play with mine,” you told her and handed it over to her. Delphini looked at Bellatrix´s wand and then she took yours. You knew that she wanted Bellatrix´s, but there was so much dark magic in that piece of wood. You couldn´t let her just mess around with that wand.
“Thank you,” Delphini said and then she walked out of the room where you have been spending time together. You watched her dissapear and then you sighed, closing your eyes.
The flame in the fireplace started going out. It was already night, around eight in the evening. You didn´t want to, and even if you wanted to, you didn´t know how to make a fire, sice your wand was with your daughter at the moment. And as you didn´t let your daughter take Bella´s wand from it´s place, you didn´t take it neither.
When some sound filled the house, you looked at the doors. Being sure in that it was Delphini playing with your wand, you closed your eyes and just sighed. Then you heard some heals hitting the floor and you realized it couldn´t be Delphini. That made you stand up and you swallowed, hoping you weren´t in danger. What if someone broke into your house? You didn´t have your wand at the moment and you knew that you couldn´t fight against the people who broke in.
“Hello?” You asked, walking out of the room. When you arrived to the hall, you saw Narcissa and your heartbeat which had sped up few moments ago, started to calm down. “Hi Ciss-” you were about to greet her when another person stepped insdie of the house.
You couldn´t tell who was it. The person was wearing all black and had a hood on. You naturally backed away and kept watching that person. You had no idea who could Narcissa bring to your house and you didn´t know if you wanted to know at that moment.
“Hi Y/n,” Narcissa said “hi” back and when she saw how you were watching the person in the hood, she stood closer to them. “Take it off, she is scared.”
You watched someone lift their hands and they took the edges of the hood. Your eyes widened as you saw the woman take the hood dow. That shape of nose. The cheekbones. The lips and empty eyes. Black curly hair. It was her.
“Hey,” the woman said and you almost forgot what your name was. You watched the black haired insane woman who was standing in front of you and all you could do was just swallow.
“Hey,” you whispered her back under your breath and you had a need to touch her. So you would know that this is not a joke, not some stupid magic or not a dream. You wanted to rush to her and hug the insane woman who you haven´t seen for fourteen years but something made you stay at the same spot for the rest of the time.
“Remember me?” Bellatrix asked you and she had a smirk on her lips. She hasn´t changed that much. Not at all. Only thing which changed was her hair. She had some gray hair but it wasn´t that noticable. And she also seemed really tired.
“Bellatrix,” you only breathed out and that moment all of the memories you had together hit you. Your first meeting. The first kiss. How Narcissa was warning you about her and you told her she was so wrong. Everything.
“Yeah,” she said only and you took a careful step towards her. You kept watching her face and when you were just few inches away, your eyes were still connected.
“Oh my god,” you covered your mouth with your hand and blinked few times. You saw how she got older. In her face. You didn´t know where to look first and you totally forgot that Narcissa was standing there as well, watching you both.
“Will you finally kiss or hug me? Or should I show you my forearm so you know it´s really me?” Bellatrix asked you annoyed and without thinking, you hung yourself on her body, refusing to let go.
You wrapped your hands tightly around her waist. You could feel her ribs. She lost so much weight while she was gone, but your face landed on her chest, which hasn´t changed at all.
“You fucking idiot,” you breathed out what made both of the women look at each other in surprise. “Bella you are such an idiot,” you said again and you didn´t pull away from her.
“I know,” she whispered back to you and then a kiss landed in your hair. “I know, I am so sorry,” she apologized and you shook your head no.
“Mom?” you heard from the side and that was the only thing what made you pull away. You looked in the direction of your daughter and saw her holding Bella´s wand in her hand, watching you both in surprise. “This started vibrating. I wanted to tell you,” she said honestly and you felt warm tears run down your cheeks. You knelt down and called your thirteen years old daughter to you. As she arrived, you lifted her up and swallowed. “Why are you crying?”
“I-” you wanted to say something and then you looked at Bellatrix. As she saw the exact same type of hair she had, her eyes wide opened and she wasn´t able to move. When she finally did so, she looked at you with wide opened eyes. “This is your mama darling,” you told her and looked at Bellatrix. Your daugter looked at Bellatrix as well and none of you spoke. Narcissa walked away from all three of you and left you all alone to talk.
“I- you were pregnant?” Bellatrix asked you and you just nodded your head, letting the tears fall. Bellatrix seemed to understand what was happening and she looked at your daughter. She smiled a little and you took a deep breath. You didn´t know where to start, she had missed with those fourteen years.
“When they took you. I found out few days later. Narcissa was with me since then and she helped me with raising Delphini. But she has never seen Narcissa as her mother,” you explained and Bellatrix looked at Delphini. She seemed to realize how similar they were. You didn´t want to interrupt that moment and Delphini was watching Bellatrix just like Bellatrix was watching her. You knew that it wouldn´t be easy at the beginning since they both had the same character and you didn´t even know how would you make that work. But the most important part was that Bellatrix had came back. She was in your life now again.
“You are my mum?”
“Seems like,” Bellatrix answered her question simply and you watched them have the first conversation in their lives. When it seemed like this was all they wanted to talk about, you put Delphini down. You didn´t know what was going on inside of her at the moment and you let her leave, because she wanted to. “She didn´t know about me?”
“I wasn´t sure if you would come back,” you answered her easily and let Bellatrix overthink it. She was watching your daughter as she was walking away and when she probably disappeared from her sight, she looked back at you. With hope in her eyes. “I am sorry-”
“Don´t be sorry Y/n, I understand it,” Bellatrix said and she stepped closer to you. Many people would panic if she would do this to them, but you were the calmest you have ever been. When a pair of strong hands hugged you, you finally felt what you haven´t felt in ages. Love. Warmth. From the woman who you had been in love with since you could remember.
“I have missed you so much,” you said and Bellatrix kissed you softly into your hair.
“I have missed you too Y/n,” Bellatrix said back and you didn´t pull away. You kept hugging each other. After those fourteen years it was something you didn´t know you missed that much.
Not knowing how much time did you spend like this, you were happy for every single second you have gotten on her chest. You could tell from only one look that she had been in Azkaban, but you didn´t care. The same person who you loved, the same person you had a daughter with was back at that moment and you didn´t know what to do. You kept just hugging her and when warm tears rolled down on your cheeks again, you hid your face more into her chest.
“So, you are not mad at me?”
“I was at the beginning. But I am not anymore,” you said what you felt at the moment and you didn´t let go of her. Bellatrix seemed to be really happy because she let out a loud exhale and neither of you pulled away.
You were happy you finally had her home. And you were happy you could hold her in your arms. The toughts which had been filling your mind in the night when you were falling asleep all alone, have disappeared and you could enjoy the moment you and your wife finally had. The moment you had imagined that many times you couldn´t count it.
“How could I be mad at you?” You asked more from yourself and took a deep breath.
“I was asking myself the same question,” Bellatrix answered with humour in her voice and you smiled. You missed her so much. And now, she was finally there for you, so you could hug her, cry on her chest, argue with her, love her.
She was finally there.
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tartheanmaid · 4 years
“She doesn’t deserve the Malfoy name Bella. I do.”
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