#'this person doesn't go away no matter how much I try to mark the mutual as MIIINE so bye' skill issue
katyspersonal · 7 months
Rare Tumblr L when you and the bitch that hates you share a mutual and after you casually interacted they do the possessive boyfriend shoulder grab thing by instantly sending them something after you but with very obvious interior motive, so you gotta show them you aren't scared and send this mutual even MORE love, and so you have passive-aggressive "communication" like this to assert your place while clueless mutual is DROWNING in attention and love as a result and thinks how lucky they are 😔
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statiicstag · 4 months
[ ooo im seeing a lot of people talking about their alastors and how they handle relationships today makes me wanna join in !! yapping under the cut
i honestly think part of why i was so intimidated to bring my interpretation to tumblr was specifically because of how he handles emotions and how it could be seen as ooc (which I see now why does that matter there's so many unique ways to write this guy lol) in the way that mine is not completely emotionless but oddly emotional and That is what fuels him to be the way he is
mine is mostly fear driven and that I diverged from the finale where he's blatantly freaking the fuck out about nearly dying for the hotel. now the way I read that I honestly think he was just trying to show off by killing Adam and didn't expect to be nearly killed but the fact he'd nearly sacrificed his life for someone else clearly horrifies him, and i don't necessarily think its because of attachments to the hotel but even the vague Idea that, if he DOES form attachments, this is what happens he nearly dies
and i personally think that's the root of all his problems: he doesn't experience love like a normal person, he equates love with ownership (he considers husk a friend canonically yet he has him on a leash, same with niffty he canonically cares for her) i think he thinks he has to force someone to stay by his side or they'll walk away and his care will be tor nothing. and i think he has a very "eye for an eye" mentality—like each party has to be Doing Something for the other party to stay involved, love itself isn't enough. i also truthfully write him as fearful of the hurt that can come with letting someone in and caring about them, because that's a weakness
i think the reason he's so comfortable keeping rosie as a friend and not under his thumb is because she doesn't seek him out? like they have a mutually beneficial relationship for him, he can come and go, vox was Too Much and it frightened him so he self sabotaged the relationship to avoid pain
most people he just wants to be of use to him—he views others like pawns, and if you can't provide either entertainment or some kind of service, you're useless
clearly all this can be pushed past I have several ships on this blog he actually cares for but overall even at the beginnings of those, he sees them as someone he has to sink his nails into and own to a degree (though that can be worked past too). and good luck getting an i love you out of him, its simply not how he operates. anyone whose walked away from him has walked away with claw marks embedded in them ]
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iravaid · 2 months
Re; your "English" AU, how do you think Alone would go, if that sort of mission would even occur in this timeline? Would Simon still be trying to get him out alive, or would things be a bit more complicated?
Also, you mentioned parallels between Rodolfo and Valeria? Would love to hear more of your thoughts on that!
Hello! I'm so sorry this took months to respond to. IRL things swept me away and before i knew it, it was almost August 😭 But thank you for the ask!!
So, things for the English AU aren't super developed outside of key events/concepts, I havent sat down and done a proper writeup for plot nor timeline, outside of being insane with @farramint who is the other mother of this competent roba + valeria and simon girlunity thought experiment 🥰🙏 - so things are up in the air, and may be liable to change. But what is written below is what I currently have in mind.
In the English AU, Soap, as part of the 141 cadre, meets Simon as a tout/inside guy for the Las Almas cartel, providing Los Vauqeros with (albeit sparse) important information regarding burial sites and cartel activity. But he has yet to reveal the identity of El Sin Nombre, either out of a personal sense of honour (on account of Valeria dealing with Roba)(and while he can betray her in small ways, a proper actual betrayal may be too far for Simon, after all she did to get him out of Roba's claws), or as a bartering chip to ensure he gets the fuck out of this place without the military pulling the rug out from under him once they get the information they need (whether or not this is just his paranoia speaking is another matter). Price has personal investment in getting Simon, one of their own as an SAS man himself, out of there. Leave no man behind, after all. Gaz and Soap have their own mutual horror over seeing a man like Simon experience the things he has and knowing that could very well have been them, if things had been different. But I don't see the 141 being necessarily hostile to Simon once they get a clue into what exactly he's gone through at the hands of Roba.
The missile subplot may be scrapped entirely, with the main focus being taking down the Las Almas cartel directly, as they've been marked as a collaborator with the growing ultranationalist movement brewing in Russia (with weapon and terrorist smuggling allegedly being facilitated through them), and therefore a threat to the US and the West, ultimately drawing in both the Shadows on Shepherd's side, as well as the 141 - less on the British interference angle, but more that Kate doesn't trust Shepherd and wants 'her' people (like Price) there in with it. Simon is there, having worked with Rudy and Alejandro via tips on where 'missing' people have ended up at, and now as a full-blown informant who realises the wheel is turning once more, wants to get back home with the assurance his family won't be killed by Roba's (now Valeria's) men stationed to watch them.
The Alone mission then may sprout from the reveal of who Simon actually is, and Shepherd realising Simon has very damning evidence of corruption within the US military a la Vernon's betrayal. Shepherd wants Simon snuffed out, Graves pulls his cunty little betrayal moment, and Simon and Soap end up doing the Alone mission together (either via radio before meeting up like in the game, or meeting sooner). Gives them a chance to bond through life or death situations. Heart emoji. I really don't see the appeal in playing with the 141 thinking Simon is an enemy in this AU, because he has been through so much and effectively coerced into cooperating with two cartels for his own survival (and vengeance). It feels unkind to purposefully write the 141 as willingly ignorant to one of their own's suffering for artificial conflict. Not that there isn't any initial trepidation in the initial meetings, and not that this wouldn't work in other AUs, just not this specific one.
Rudy and Valeria!!! Okay, digging up old chats (as in. september of 2023) about this one, but I think with specific characterisation they can have some very interesting parallels. It also depends on one's own interpretation of the characters, so if this feels too far into the fanon headspace, so it goes <3
Rudy, in my eyes, is a man capable of extremes, but won't go past a set line because he has something, or someone, holding him back. He strikes me as a pragmatic man, someone who sees the violence in his home and finds the only way he can face it is with measured aggression of his own. The thing holding him back from going full bloodspatter being Alejandro, and the other man's idealism. I can see something there in Rudy knowing the depths of his own desire for causing pain/the hashtag warcrimes he'd commit for the sake of his home, but also choosing Not to do so, because his commander finds it detrimental to their goals. Alejandro has a compelling magnetism that makes not just Tudy, but Los Vauqeros as a whole rally behind him in the face of monumental odds, even if Rudy can't help but believe that ruling with fear is a lot more efficient than trying to peacefully untangle the institutions that enable organised crime within his home, perhaps he puts too much trust into Alejandro's idealism. And maybe he knows that, but to Rudy that's fine. He's a loyal man, to the very end, and he will let his commander be his moral compass, for the most part.
I think what primarily links Rudy and Valeria are their (in this AU, at least) capacities for ruthlessness. And what divides them is how they act on it. When Valeria looks at Rudy, she sees a weakness in his lack of brutality, and a proximity to Alejandro she once enjoyed, but now doubts the validity of (those two were at each other's Throats in MW2 in a way that doesn't speak to a lack of emotional connection). And with Rudy, he sees an active and irredeemable brutality from Valeria that he knows is also within himself, and that disturbs him. Because he can see the consequence of her actions every day within Las Almas. I think both see in the other a life they could have had, and for their own personal reasons it's a disturbing sight, and also one they simultaneously resent. Valeria refuses to be weak. Rudy refuses to be cruel. Neither will be the first to look away if in deadlock.
Another parallel could be their pragmatism: there can be further parallels pursued in their treatment of English AU Simon, where both characters see Simon as a useful asset. While Valeria is no Roba in how she treats Simon (as in. not an attack dog. he has been upgraded to outdoor cat)(may have been microchipped), Simon is still Her underling. And her weapon. He is as useful so long as she has enemies that need snuffed out. There can be a camaraderie gleaned between them. Valeria isn't so apathetic to Not see that Simon has been through hell a thousand times over and is still somehow not catatonic at this point, and Simon can recognise the ruthlessness and cunning it takes to be someone like Valeria and not be dead in an unmarked grave by the end of the week. Also the hashtag girl recognises girl moments. Rudy can also see the use Simon would have for Los Vaqueros, if he has information of use to them, such as potential operations by the cartel, or hidden burial sites of missing persons. He can at the very least compartmentalise his feelings, and if the hand of Valeria's shadow shakes when he points out an unmarked grave on the map, that's not Rudy's goddamn problem. It also means Rudy won't be all that devastated when another potential ally could end up brutally murdered. But this is Simon Riley. The man is a cockroach. And he has a habit of impressing the most unlikely of people.
Additionally, for better or for worse, in the center of this chaos, Alejandro remains. He has chosen his path in acting against the cartels and, somehow, remains steadfast in it. Valeria knows Alejandro is just one man, and she hates him for it, sees it as weakness and futility. Conversely, Rudy knows Alejandro is just one man, and loves him for it. He knows this is a strength, that if Alejandro is just one man, so are their individual enemies.
So. God. I don't know if i'm making sense. Ultimately, I think if a story has the space for it, there is real space for drawing compelling, tangible parallels and contrasts between Valeria and Rudy that could really flesh out their characters outside of MW2. If i was a little more insane I would talk about their animal associations and counterparts. but alas!
as a bonus ramble. Rudy being a bird ringer is something sooo personal. to me. that's kind of it. I love the idea of Rudy taking a blessed early morning off from the godforsaken meat grinder that is his career, just to set up a couple mistnets somewhere to catch passerines and the occasional kingfisher river netting. This is unfortunately another case of fanfiction write taking the chance to go soooo indepth about a personal passion because I too am a bird ringer (trainee.)(so close to getting my license heehee).
He gets to interact with nature in a non-destructive way, center himself by handling a living being in a methodical, scientific way. And then boom. That fucking pasty brit appears in the river. There is plot surrounding why Simon (unconscious)(couple of bullets lodged in him)(buzzcut) ended up here, but that's for later <3 all we have to worry about is Rudy holding a pissed off bird while staring at some Guy he isn't totally sure is alive washed up on the river bank. Unfortunately he is in fact alive. Rudy sews him up. They go their semi separate ways. Love wins.
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Blackpink Reaction To Their S/O Struggling W/ Drug Addiction
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Warnings / Misc. -- ⚠️ Sensitive Topic ⚠️, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
A/N: Hey everyone! This request covers a sensitive topic that I haven't been personally exposed to, but I hope that I do it justice. I did my best to handle it with care and be as realistic as possible. Let me know what you think!
PS -- I didn't specifically name any substances or describe them in too much detail; I wanted to leave you room to picture whatever you had in mind, especially if you happen to be struggling irl.
👩 Also, I wrote this as Fem!Reader because nothing was specified. I hope that's alright, anon! Thank you for your patience :)
♡ Happy Reading ♡
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Discovered it after a few weeks of dating
She's amazing at reading people, so she had sensed that you were struggling with something; she just didn't know what. 
She wanted to wait for you to tell her about whatever it was, but one fateful day she witnessed something that explained it all. 
It wasn't meant to happen; she wasn't meant to see you like this. But, as fate would have it, Jisoo stumbled across something she never saw coming. 
Her footsteps grow louder as she walks her way through the house, peeking her head into various rooms in search of you. The two of you invited some of your mutual friends over, and they've all been curious as to where you slipped away to earlier.
"Baby, are you in here? Everyone's wonder--" 
The sound of the latch clicking out of place makes your heart drop and sets you into motion. Before you have enough time to fully react, though, Jisoo opens the bathroom door to find you sitting on the ground, attempting to shove a foreign substance into a plastic baggy. 
Your hands make quick work of moving it out of view and sitting up on your knees, but she picks up on what's going on. Her eyes land on the material as you shift it behind your body, looking up at her with wide eyes. 
"Jisoo--" Tears are already beginning to work their way into your eyes, slightly blurring your vision. Too many people have walked out on you after witnessing this, and the thought that she might go too is overwhelming. 
She keeps her tone level as she steps into the room and quietly shuts the door behind herself. "Y/N, please explain yourself." 
"I-I'm sorry Jisoo, I should've told you sooner." You shakily say, bringing a hand up to swipe away the few tears that've already leaked out. It's not usually like you to get so emotional so quickly, but seeing the pained look on her face is reason enough. 
"Come here," she utters, plopping down next to you and pulling you up against her body as she leans back on the side of the tub. Her fingers rub soothing circles on your back while you rest your head on her shoulder, lightly dampening the material of her shirt with your tears. "I'm not mad at you for this, but I need you to tell me about it. I want to help you, my love. I can't watch you hurt yourself like this." 
"Okay. Just promise you won't go," you softly say, the syllables of your words breaking here and there from the raw emotion you feel. 
"I'm not going anywhere, Y/N." She presses a light kiss to your temple for reassurance, and her heart breaks when she feels your hands grip at her clothes out of habit. How many times have people told you that and still left you in your time of need? She cradles you in her arms, realizing just how fragile you are in your current state, and tells you to take your time. 
With a steadying breath, you begin to explain your struggles. 
Road To Recovery
Constant check-ins
"Hey honey, we're at the studio now. Are you taking care of yourself for me?"
Helps you deal with the symptoms of withdrawal when they hit
Focuses on distraction and redirection as ways to help you cope
If you're at a party and feel tempted after seeing someone use, she leads you away to distract you from the urge
Helps you find safe alternatives 
Celebrates the little victories
"Yes, Y/N, 4 and a half weeks clean is plenty reason to celebrate. Now mark it on the calendar and get over here so I can put this hat on you." 
Playdates at your local dog café to keep your mind occupied (and bringing Dalgomie so he can make new friends, of course)
Takes you indoor skydiving. She wanted to find a way to give you an adrenaline rush while still being able to participate with you, so that was a happy medium. She battled her fear of heights to do that with you.
Not letting you lose hope if you relapse
"You're not a burden, and I'm not letting you give up on yourself. Not after all the progress you've made. I believe in you." 
Accompanying you to rehab and recovery meetings, if you want her to
Bringing you your favorite snacks and candies when she picks you up
"I got you a little something," she smiles, leaning over the center console of the car to kiss your cheek. "You deserve a treat, baby." 
Whenever you decide to tell everyone about your struggles and recovery journey, she's right next to you for support 
Spends all the time she can with you
Early on, she would get really worried when you missed her calls or took a while to respond, but eventually she got over her fears to some degree
Still checks up on you when she's away for work
"Sorry for missing your call, Chu. Dalgom tried to kill me when I was giving him a bath and I couldn't get to the phone in time." 
Overall, just a very proud girlfriend who sticks by you no matter what
After You've Recovered
Annual "recovery party" to commemorate your sobriety 
Sometimes you invite the girls and your other friends, and sometimes you prefer to just spend the day at home with Jisoo
"Look at how far you've come, my love. I'm so proud of you."
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She would be the only one who figured it out on her own. She picked up on the signs fairly quickly and always subtly helped steer you away from any potentially tempting situations
If you two watched a movie that happened to have a triggering scene in it, she always noticed how you'd look away and subconsciously tense up a bit
"Hey, babe. This movie's kinda boring; why don't we watch that new Netflix documentary instead?" 
If the two of you were invited to parties that were likely to have a bunch of alcohol and drugs, sometimes she'd try to suggest staying in or doing something else instead
You eventually caught on to her diversion attempts, and sat down with her to have a talk. 
"How long have you known?" You ask, pulling your legs up towards your chest as you sit back against the headboard of your California King. 
"A few weeks," she starts, running a brush through her hair until it's untangled. Her damp locks stick to her shoulders as she approaches you, some strips slightly drier than others. "Were you ever gonna tell me?" She inquires softly, facing you as she sits down beside you on the bed. 
"Of course, Jen. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, I just… I was on my own with it before you. I didn't have anyone to turn to because everyone left once they found out." Your confession makes her chest ache -- it's a physical, honest pain that she feels as she imagines you battling such an unforgiving foe with no one in your corner. She places a warm hand on your thigh to comfort you, knowing just how much her touch helps when you're upset. "Hey, it's okay. There's no point in worrying about that now. I know it's hard to open up, babe, so thank you for doing this. I'm here to listen, alright?"
"Thank you, Jennie. I don't know what I'd do without you." 
"You'll never have to know, either, because I'm staying right here." 
"I love you," you whisper, leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips. 
"I love you, too," she sighs against you, preparing herself for the emotional night you're about to have. For now, she takes a moment to just pull you into her arms and rest her forehead against yours, finding comfort in your steady heartbeat. 
"We'll start whenever you're ready." 
Road To Recovery
Makes various arrangements to ensure that the media won't know of your struggles
Keeps things on lock, especially if you decide to remain private on the matter and not tell the world
If you make a public statement about it, she still does everything she can to keep you protected from the negativity. She knows first hand how tough it can be to deal with, so she never lets you face it alone
You both help each other work through things
"You're my rock, Y/N/N." 
"And you're my world, Jen."
Takes care of you during bouts of withdrawal 
Sings to you to calm you down and help you relax
Takes you to theme parks and rides all the big coasters with you so you can get a similar high that you did from the drugs. She gets to be clingy with you and spend the day having fun, so she doesn't mind it, and you enjoy it just the same.
Suggests fun activities for you to do together 
"We should visit that pottery place tomorrow! I've heard a lot of good things about it." 
You stick close together when you're in public, especially when paparazzi are near
Your presence helps with her anxiety, and you hold her close and tell jokes to keep her attention off of it
Random surprise celebrations waiting for you when you get home
"Hey Jen, I'm home." You announce, shrugging your coat off before hanging it up on the metal rack next to the front door. 
"In here," she calls from the kitchen, effectively pulling you in with that sweet voice of hers. When you reach the doorway and peek in, a dumbstruck smile slowly parts your lips as you see the set up she constructed. 
"Happy 3 Weeks" a multicolored banner reads, displaying the phrase above your dining room table where Jennie sits. "Surprise, honey," she says softly, glancing down at the cake she made for you as she scoots it closer. You approach the table and examine it, practically feeling your heart grow 10 sizes from the love you hold for your girlfriend. 
"Is this why you left practice early?" 
"Mhm," she nods, kissing your cheek before she reaches into a small gift bag next to her chair. "I'm so proud of you," she grins, sliding a thin, glittery headband into your hair. It has two springs attached to the top that bounce in every direction possible, surely making you look like a dork. 
"God, I love you." 
"You'd better keep that same energy after trying the cake. I think I might've added too much baking soda…"
You shake your head and pull her in, pressing kiss after kiss to her lips until she's grinning just as hard as you. 
Going on adventures with Kuma and Kai
Especially to dog parks and other national parks 
Helps you fill things out for rehab and doesn't let you get too stressed about it
Helps you regain confidence in yourself if you relapse
"This isn't the end, Y/N. You're strong, I know you can beat this."
Is right next to you through it all
After You've Recovered
Go on an annual vacation to get away from everything and celebrate your sobriety. You take the opportunity to escape the media and reconnect with each other
"Where to this year, Y/N? Bora Bora, maybe?"
Intimate celebration between the two of you on vacation, and then the girls throw you a party when you come back
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You were really good at hiding your secret from people -- especially those that you care about most. You're always afraid that once they find out, they'll pack up and leave. 
Rosé was one of the first to actually stay
She had been fairly oblivious to your struggles since you masked that side of yourself well, but one day the two of you attended a little get-together at your old friend's house, and your dirty laundry was aired.
"Bro, come on, let's play Truth or Dare!" One of your old friends says, perking up at the fact that he remembered the game even existed. He's already a little tipsy, but so are some of the others. 
"I don't know, dude," you hesitantly start, missing the way that Rosé curiously raises a brow beside you. 
"Come on, we'll keep it tame." Another person adds from the couch opposite you, their voice low. You recognize her as Cho, a sort of frenemy from your high school years. Something doesn't sit right for you with the hint of mischief that shines in her eyes, but your friends' pleas eventually push the feeling away and you relent. 
"Fine, but if Austin gets dared to do some dumb shit like last time I'm dropping out." 
"Like what?" 
"Like what?" You ask back, disbelief evident in your voice. "Are you forgetting the fact that I had to bail you out after you got arrested for streaking down the neighborhood?" 
"Okay, fair point," Austin holds his hands up in surrender. "Just a few rounds." 
As everyone's once boisterous laughter finally dies down into quiet chuckles, you turn to Rosé for a quick kiss. She reciprocates and holds you there for a few more seconds, loving the way your lips feel against her own. As you brush your nose against hers and garner a sweet giggle from her, Cho interrupts the moment with a phrase that makes your blood run cold. 
"So, Rosé, has Y/N told you about the time she got arrested for drug possession? Word on the street is that she still can't shake her old habit..." 
Rosie feels the way you tense up at the question and pull away from her, cringing at the exposure you just received. The room goes silent, enabling a pen to be heard if it were dropped. 
"Hey," Austin goes to defend you, about to yell at her for bringing up such a difficult topic. 
"It's fine, Austin," you say, sticking your hand out in front of him to keep him from approaching her. The last thing you want right now is a screaming match about your struggles. 
Rosie finally speaks up after what feels like an eternity, turning to Cho to say, "No, but that's none of your business. And I strongly advise that you don't speak on her name like that again." She cuts her eyes at the other girl, sending an icy glare at her to show that she's serious before giving her attention to you again. 
When a few tense moments pass with no one really saying anything, Jackson, the host, speaks up. "I think you need to go, Cho." 
"Ah, what a shame. The fun was just starting," she mockingly pouts, stopping next to you on her way out the door. Rosé strokes the back of your hand to soothe you, tracing mindless patterns with her thumb until your shoulders relax and you look into her eyes. With Cho now gone, your friends decide to go out into the backyard and give the two of you some time to clear things up. 
"So, I guess we should talk." You start, pulling your legs up onto the couch to sit criss-cross. She studies the way that you begin to nervously fidget and drop eye contact, and the sight breaks her heart. 
"Your past is your past, Y/N, and I won't ever judge you for it. I wish she wouldn't have brought it up like that -- I really wish she didn't," she says, emphasizing the word to remind you of how upset she is with Cho, "But I can tell that you're still struggling. I want to help you get better, and I'll be here with you every step of the way, babe. You mean the world to me." She smiles sadly, trying not to think of how much it would hurt to lose you. 
"Okay," you breathe out, accepting the honest help that she's extending to you. You've been burned and lied to in the past, but you trust Rosé to stay true to her word and assist you on the hard journey laid out before you. "Let's start from the beginning," you say, preparing yourself to retell your struggles from the moment they began all those years ago. 
Road To Recovery
Takes care of you when withdrawal hits hard
Isn't afraid to take the day off if it's bad enough and she needs to
"Hey, Teddy. Tell everyone that I'll be staying home today, okay? I've already let the girls know, too." 
Reassurance to the max
"You're doing amazing."
Is your shoulder to cry on when times get tough
On a weekend trip, the two of you snuck away to the beach to go cliff diving. It was a thrilling experience, and you'll always remember that day with her
Helps you find healthier alternatives to your addiction that can make the transition easier until you fully recover
"Baby, look at this." She says, repositioning her laptop so that you can see what she's looking at. The two of you are sitting on the bed, and her legs are stretched out over yours. "These herbs are safe to smoke and they can help with a lot of your troubles. These over here," she says, pointing to a section of the screen, "help with stress and anxiety. They make it easier to relax." You nod, logging the information in your brain as you run a hand over her smooth skin to keep yourself calm. It's a habit that both of you love. "Thank you, Rosie. Nobody's ever done anything like this for me." You say, keeping your head down as you remember all the people that have left you behind in your time of need. 
"You'd do the same for me, and I'm happy to be here for you." She declares, holding one of your hands within both of her own. She cradles it delicately, just like she does your heart. "I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel my love. I'm not going anywhere, babe." She leans in, connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. 
Keeps your spirits up if you relapse
"You're not a failure, Y/N/N. This is just a setback, and we're going to get through it together."
One of her friends told her about a fun art class that's supposed to help people in recovery let go of some of their resentment and negative feelings, so she brought it up and you agreed to go
It was structured in two parts:
Part 1: Everyone went out to an old car lot that had various old vehicles, electronics, and other things to smash up. Once you let loose and relieved some of your tension, you collected scraps of the things you destroyed.
Part 2: With the scraps you brought back, you were told to create any type of artwork you wanted -- whatever felt right. Collage, graffiti, scrapbook, etc. At the end of the class, you were informed of the driving message behind it: Though the negative feelings and aversions you dealt with in the past may have left you feeling broken, you never really were -- you've always had the power to piece yourself back together and continue on.
After You've Recovered
Taking a month off work every year to travel and experience new things together. Usually consists of going to another city (or even country) and exploring their art museums and other artistics outlets 
The new experiences help remind you off all the reasons you want to stay sober, and they help her have new material for her songs
Lots of pictures and drawings to remember all of your adventures
Collect trinkets to hang up / display, especially around the holidays
The girls have a special celebration waiting for you when you return
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She could tell something was wrong when your behavior started to change over the course of a couple weeks
She suspected other things, but after finding a substance in your bag while on a vacation trip, she was blind sided by the reality of the situation
"Hey Lis, have you seen my swimsuit?" You casually ask, strolling into your hotel bedroom in search of the item. "I thought I left it--"
Your words catch harshly in your throat, nearly making you choke from how quickly you cut yourself off. She's sitting on the edge of the bed with the baggy in her hands, and tears brim in her eyes. 
"Fuck," you wince, closing your eyes as you put your face in your hands. "You weren't supposed to find out like this."
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks, staring straight ahead, though her eyes don't focus on anything in particular. Knowing you hurt her is bad enough, but seeing her like this makes the pain even more evident. 
"I was going to, I promise. But I've been trying to wean myself off of it," you begin to explain, slowly walking across the room until you're in front of her. You squat down and put your hands on her thighs, staying quiet until she meets your gaze. "I've tried to quit cold turkey in the past but it didn't go down well. I figured I could handle this on my own and not get you involved."
"Baby, I want to be involved. You've been different lately, and having you shut me out didn't help ease my fears. I want to be a part of this, okay? You can turn to me when you feel alone," she says through the occasional tears that roll down her cheeks, "It's my job to help you and keep you safe. So let me," she crouches down next to you as she says the last part, wrapping her arms around you when she notices your lip tremble. "I'm not gonna let this get between us," she says against your shoulder, reminding you of how strong her love for you is. 
"I'm sorry I waited so long," your words are muffled against her shirt, but she can hear how the emotion in them changes your voice slightly. 
"We have to start somewhere, and this is just as good a time as any. I'm right here, Y/N/N."
Road To Recovery
Sweet texts and reminders throughout the day
"Hey baby, have you eaten today? The girls and I miss you like crazy." 
"Don't forget about your check-up tomorrow. I already told my manager that I'll be taking the day off, so I'm all yours 😉"
"*image attachment* Question: Do you think Lego would look cute in this or do you think Lego would look cute in this? Because he WOULD." 
Stargazing trips to talk about how far you've come
Making treats for the cats together if you have a bad day
Sometimes your withdrawal leaves you with weird cravings, but she never hesitates to race to the store at any hour and snatch up your favorite treats
Learning how to cook together to keep you occupied and give you a hobby (plus she's always wanted to get better at it)
“If you fling that at me, I swear to God I'll--”
Day trips to random parks and open locations to have little photoshoots when she has free days
Once took you bungee jumping for the experience and adrenaline rush
Bringing you into the studio if you're having a hard time and don't want to be alone
Always listens to you and shows how much she cares
Opts out of events if she suspects that drugs will be there to tempt you (considering you're always her plus one)
You still send her to enjoy herself at the events without you sometimes, though it does take a lot to convince her to leave you at home
"Okay, okay! But we're binging that new show when I get back." 
Makes you laugh often and cheers you up when you need it most
She's your sunshine
After You've Recovered
Considering that you're her muse and she's the artist that she is, she hatched a plan early on to document your journey to recovery
"One more, babe. Just like that." She instructs, holding the camera up to her eye one final time. "Perfect." 
"Alright, close your eyes and turn around." She commands while returning to the coffee table that sits in the middle of your living room. Her hands make quick work of putting the finishing touches on her gift for you while you patiently sway and hum to whatever song is stuck in your head at the moment. 
"Annnnnd done!" She shouts, approaching you with a wide smile tugging at her lips as she holds the book out in front of herself. "It's a photo album. I started it the day you told me you wanted to try and get better," she says, smiling softly as she slowly walks you through the beginning pages of the book. "I thought it would be nice to see how far you've come," her eyes remain glued to the pictures she took as she continues flipping, and she fails to realize that you're staring at her now. 
"I'm so in love with you. I can't thank you enough, Lis. This is beautiful." You shake your head in quiet disbelief, genuinely surprised that someone would work so hard on something for you. It shouldn't be a surprise with her though, considering how much she loves you, but it still baffles you sometimes. 
"This gift only shows a fraction of my love for you, but I'm happy you like it. This is nothing, baby; there's so much more where this came from. Thank you for letting me in." She captures your lips in a meaningful kiss, and finds it hard to pull away. You seem to be her drug of choice, but neither of you care to end that sweet addiction.
Annual trips to photoshoots and fashion shows
Being her favorite model (seriously, she could look at you for hours on end)
Always feeling so loved and cherished, no matter what the two of you are doing
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himitsu-luna · 4 years
ᘛ:。Nct 127 when they realize they are catching feelings towards their friend with benefits:°•
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Context: you and your friend became fwb out of curiosity. You trusted each other and just wanted to have some nice time and de-stress together, without the heaviness of a commitment on your shoulders. But after a while he started to miss you when you were not together; he started to feel jealous; he started to think about you all the time; he couldn't help thinking that you would make such a great couple; he started to catch deep feelings for you...
What would they do?
Taeil would be #confused
Not about his feelings, no. He would know exactly what he feels for you. But he would not know what to do at first
He would try to figure it out if you have feelings for him too
If he sees that you have, he would confess straight away
If he thinks you don't have, then he would keep his feelings for himself
He would not end the relationship though. He would try to deal with it as best as he can.
He would not want to let you go, but if he sees he may end up hurt badly, then he would end your relationship
"Hey. I need to tell you something. I like you. I mean, like like. Do you think we should continue this?"
First of all, I don't think Taeyong would know how to deal with this kind of relationship
I think he would fall in love really quickly
And he actually would take some time to realize he is in love, because he would mix his romantic feelings with his friendship feelings
BUT, this boy, when he understands his true feelings, he would still keep your relationship platonic as far as he can
Because he just doesn't want to lose you
I think you would need to make the first move
Or he would let a confession escape unintentionally
"Oh God, you're so beautiful, I love you so much......OH SHIT! Did I say that out loud??"
When he realizes the affection he feels for you might be something deeper, he would distance himself a little bit, so he could think about it
After thinking, he would call you
And he would be straight and honest with you, right to the point
He just doesn't want to hurt you or being hurt
He would talk to you seriously, but in a really caring way
"You know, I ended up liking you more than a friend. I can't keep this going, I know we had a deal, but that's what I'm feeling. So, what do you think?"
Yuta would be pretty much like Johnny
But more impulsive, I guess
He would think a lot about his feelings too
But I can see two outcomes
He would just simply confess and be direct and sincere with you.
He would end up confessing to you out of nowhere, when he feels the jealousy growing on him after hearing you talking about another person
"Oh well, I'm sorry, but I have something to say! I like you more than this friend of yours likes you, ok! Now come here,let me hug you".
Doyoung would hide his feelings for a while, and would watch you to see if you like him back, just to be sure
Then he would confess to you right away if he sees the feelings are mutual
But unlike Taeil, even if you don't have feelings for him, he would confess to you anyways
He can't just be chill and ignore his feelings for so long
And you could feel it too. He would be all nervous around you
"So, I guess you noticed already that I really like you, right? What do you think? Could we make this work?"
I think Jaehyun would be pretty chill about everything
He would just let it flow, you know
He would be aware of his feelings, but he would not pay much attention to them
He would enjoy the moment. It's enough for him the kind of relationship you have
He would act more romantic though
If he sees the opportunity, then he would confess, really casually
"I like you, you know. I understand if you don't want a commitment. But I just wanted to let you know."
Winwin at first would be scared and would distance himself
He would be confused and lost
He doesn't want to end everything, but he is afraid of the consequences of keeping it going
He would wait to see if his feelings go away.
At the end, he would get to the conclusion he was wasting his time, the time he should be spending with you, and would come back to you
He would try to confess to you so many times, but he would fail every attempt
At the end, you end up noticing his feelings for you, and you ask him
"Oh my God, yes! I like you, yes, thanks for asking!"
Ahhh I think Jungwoo would be extra clingy towards you
He knows his feelings, and for him there's only one thing to do: confessing
And, I don't know why, I think he would not be the shy Junguwu. I see him being bold
Of course he os afraid of losing you, but he can't bottle up his feelings
He would start acting super flirty
So after some time, when the opportunity comes, he would just simply confess
"Hey Hey Hey, I like you. Yes, I fell in love with your amazing being, it's not my fault! You take responsability for that! Can we try to be more than friends?"
Mark Mark. When he realizes he has feelings for you, he would struggle so much
I think he would keep the relationship going, and would not confess straight away.
He would wait to see if you like him too
And he would start becoming all dreamy
He would act extra romantic, hoping you fall for him too.
It actually would be a little akward ngl hehehe
But there's a time he can't handle the situation anymore. So he just confess
"Yeah, so, I actually kinda like you, yeah, you know... Hmm... Do you think we could work? Would you give me a chance?"
Haechan would be a mess
He would be overwhelmed by your presence
He may have this naive behaviour, but I see him taking some matters really seriously. Yes, and you would be one of these special things
He would think deeply about everything
And he would still keep your relationship
He would start to act more caring towards you
And he would try to show off too
He would confess pretty quick though, because he wants to be sincere with you. He would go straight to the point
"So I thought I lot about this, and the thing is, I like you. What do you think we should do now?"
Thank you so much @pistoletrose for the request! I hope you like this! Please, give me a feedback, it's my first time writing this kind of content hehehe 💗
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ghoulxbaekhyun · 4 years
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I have a new header now :D and I think these few new dedicated days will mark the beginning of more positivity in this community 🖤
𝓢𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @incubuswooyoung
𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @pianist-jihyo @biker-minghao
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1. @yourmom-jieun
Ji-chan, I can't stress enough just how much you mean to me. You've always been the heaviest rock in my life, you've helped me through so much and you've always been there for me. My dearest little sister, you're such a strong person. The amount of pain you've gone through was unbelievable, yet you still held on for the sake and happiness of your children and your friends.
You helped and cared for many of us, but I don't think you've ever had equal amounts of love for yourself. I know today will be the day of your departure and I am saddened by that. But if it means you'll be happier, you'll be healthier, you'll be better, then go for it.
Just because the person is gone doesn't mean the memories will be too. I'll always remember you. And you know exactly where to find me 🖤
2. @/spy-jaehyunx ° @time-for-confession
To dearest Admin Kai, I can't thank you enough for always looking out for me. Yoonoh was my first everything. My first kiss, my first crush and my first love. I hope you know that even if you're gone, I'll always remember you.
Just as I've remembered my fallen comrades, my past friends, I'll definitely remember you. Thank you for giving me the love and affection, for the late night talks, that time you said you'd deal with my angsty ass.
Thank you. For being there for me, both you and admin. I'll be here for you anytime, Kai. Don't forget to take care of yourself, yeah? 🖤
3. @m00n-purplerose-chatbot
This is directed to both admin Moon and the boys. To the wonderful, legend of a person Admin Moon! I respect you and your writing skills very very much. You never fail to touch my heart, wether it be a depressing angst scene or an action-packed fight scene or a soft heartfelt scene. You manage to hit me with so many different emotions that I didn't know we're possible. I've known you and the rest for quite some time now, and I'll have you know you're one of my closest friends here.
To the boys, (yes I'm giving them all a paragraph)
Jeonghannie, I hope you keep on staying strong. You've been through a lot, dearest leader. You've suffered plenty and you've seen way too much heartache for the average person. Although it gets tough, I know your past shaped you into the person you are today. And I couldn't be any prouder.
Shuashua, I haven't gotten to know you well enough to say too much, but I want you to know that you still have my support and affection. Take care of Jeonghan like you always do, you both are made for each other. Try not to stress out because of the kids, I know how frustrated and helpless you can feel from their ruthlessness hhh-
Hao, you're the definition of that one best friend that loves exposing and teasing the shit out of you but cares and loves you just as much as they do their bullying. I haven't gotten close to you, just like Shua either, but I'll have you know I'm here for you too. Stay the way you are, sunshine. You've never failed at making me and other people smile.
Wonnie and the gang, you're a tol bean. You're seriously one of the squishiest people ever you know that? I'm glad that you're also staying strong despite the past that you probably have. I haven't gotten to know you better as well, but I'm looking forward to learning more and more about you all! Hope you forgive Seokmin for the argument too :')
Jihoonie, I know we don't really talk, and by don't really talk I mean we barely talk at all. You're the logical person in the team and you do your job very well. You're reserved and cold and mysterious. But I know you're more than that stone face. I'm looking forward to learning more about you too, so take care yeah?
Junnie, we may not talk a lot but I want you to know that I care for you too okay? It may just be a few skirt pics that are simply unforgettable but I want you to know that I'll be your hyung just as much as I'll be a hyung to the others. You and Wonwoo are freaking adorable, so stay cute together okay?
Mingyuuuu, I remember the longest conversation we had was because of the engagement ring mishap kshsjsjsk. You got your ass whooped, and I was worried tbh- but you've probably been through a lot already. I want you to know I'm here for you too okay? So keep staying strong!
Last but not least, dearest Seokminnie. Oh, where do I start with you? I can vaguely recall the first ever interaction we both had, when you and Hao pointed out the fact that yes, I do eat humans. Cannibalism never striked me as a way to start a friendship but hey, it worked~
Over the course of a few weeks we've only gotten closer and closer. I can't help but be protective of you, and just feel like keeping you in my pocket most of the time. I know your past, and you know mine. It may not be alterable but let's keep staying strong together okay?
I know your secrets too, and after what went on in private i think it's time for me to be honest and come clean. I think I'm starting to fall for you too, Seokmin. I've never felt something like this with anyone else before but I like you too.
I won't pressure you into choosing me, it won't be fair for you to face such pressuring. But I want you to know that it's mutual. Even if you're too good for me. But thank you, okay?
Thank you for always staying by my side. 🖤
4. @vampiresanha
Sanha and Aleister, thank you for caring for me. Thank you for all the fun times and showing me how to live life. Thank you for calling me out on my boringness and swooping me away to that cliff. You two are such amazingly people that deserve way more friends and love.
I'll always be ready to donate my blood whenever Sanha needs it, you'll always be my favourite vampire. Aleister will always be my favourite dragon. You two will always be my favourite person with two souls.
Thank you for being here for me, you both. I'll let you know that I'll do the same. 🖤
5. @moonlightchn
Admin, I can't express just how much love I want to shower you in ;-; you're such an amazing person, and i want to thank you for all the affection and care you've given me. I wouldn't mind staying up late to talk to you through asks again, twas fun~
To Channie Chan and Chris, you three are the most chaotic pack of wolves I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Channie you fucking cutie, stay soft and stay loveable okay? You're the sweetest fluff ball ever, I can't handle the uwus you shower me with >-<
Chan, the big scary alpha that I let the chance to dom slip away dumbly, you're a really great person. Taking care of your pack while being so nice to others. I'm here for you anytime yeah?
Finally, the one that I must've wounded. Chris, I'd like to start it off with an apology. I'm sorry that i hurt you after answering about who my favourites were, I really didn't mean to. You're on rut now and I know you'll be all passive aggressive and as long as you are I'm never replying to our DMs but even so. I want you to know just how much I care for you. Because i do.
No matter how much we trash talk each other and no matter how much angst we end up accumulating, I'll still care for you. All three of you.
And that's a promise I'm willing to keep. 🖤
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Now, I'm sure there's more people that I need to talk about, more people that have been there for me and helped me through various different things. But for now, I'll end it here. Admin's fingers are starting to hurt from typing all of this at once, but we both have no regrets because these are all the things that we've always wanted to say.
Call it appreciation if you may.
I think I'll do my Support Saturday in a different post, so for now, that's all for Sentimental Saturday.
Thank you, to everyone. Thank you for being here🖤
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EXO 🖤: @werewolf-sehun @werewolfkai @j-0ngdae @serialkillerkris @softdomtao @y-ix1ng @captain-kyungsoo @college-baekhyun @serialkillerkris
🖤: @ghoulxjeongyeon @vampiresanha @barista-san @bunjihyo @dalsooobeanie @madmanwoodam @m00n-purplerose-chatbot @your-jaemin @moonlightchn @mafiabossxjunmyeon @xash-axx @time-for-confession @yourmom-jieun (🥺) @vamp-jjk @yourchaechae @kpop-shelter
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You are such a ray of sunshine! A full blown sun actually!!!!!!!! I 💜 you!! Ok so I'm about 5f5i tall, brown eyes, straight long light brown hair, faint freckles on my face and pink/white skin. I do prefer historical romance and IDK if this is a trope but when 2 people kiss in the dark and at least one of them doesn't know the other person's identity... and then they recognize them by their smell or another kiss or whatever... that's my frickin jam.
[My darling M! I have been SO excited to write this for you. You have been so supportive of me and my writing and you have no idea how much it means to me! I had the end of the scene all planned out in my head from the moment I saw this ask, I just needed a plot to make it shine. But it turns out I fall back on spy tropes a lot when I’m trying to come up with ideas for short stories. I also did a masquerade, which you might find familiar. I hope you don’t mind.]
It had been shockingly easy to persuade her mark to meet her in the hedge maze for a ‘private conversation.’ If he’d known who she was, he would have never agreed to it, but tonight everyone was costume and her cunningly designed domino with its lacy black filigree and profusion of red feathers hid enough of her face that he hadn’t recognized her. Her task was to enchant him, distract him, and occupy his every thought while her partner searched his study and personal suite.  
The lady’s maid who’d been assigned to her for the evening had done a wonderful job transforming her into an elegant seductress. Her light brown hair had been curled within an inch of its life and piled atop her head. Her vibrant red gown was tightly fitted through the bodice and was cut to show off her shoulders rather than her breasts. The overskirt swept back to revel falls of black lace and the hem was just high enough to reveal the tips of her scandalous red slippers.
It hadn’t taken much to catch his attention and hold it all night. Many men had been drawn to her when she’d first entered the ballroom, but once she’d shown her preference for him alone, the rest had begrudgingly faded away. They’d danced more times than was polite and he’d fetched her lemonade and although he had to leave her side to attend to his guests often, he always returned to her. He’d been a little surprised by her suggestion that they meet in the garden, but had agreed readily enough.
By her estimation, she would have to keep him out here for at least three quarters of an hour and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t looking forward to it.
He was a good man. She had been playing the part of governess to his two young wards for a fortnight, during which time he’d been shockingly involved in the children’s lives. He insisted on family dinners three times a week and was always popping into the nursery to take tea with them or take them on a jaunt. He had invited her to join them multiple times and he always treated her like she was a lady instead of the help. The children loved him, his staff loved him, and his tenant farmers respected him greatly. That was enough for her to report to her superiors that he was no threat to the mission, but they wanted his private rooms checked, just to be sure.  
And now he was approaching her, emerging from the shadows glowing like a god. His costume was all gold and black, setting off the strands of blonde in his hair and making his tawny eyes shine. He’d discarded his mask and he stared at her with predatory intent as he approached her.
There was no greeting, no preamble or flirtatious words. That wouldn’t have been like him. No, instead he strode up to her, reaching for her hip with one hand and the nape of her neck with the other, and kissed her like it was the only thing he was capable of doing.
And dear God, what a kiss! She’d never been kissed in such a way before and she’d been kissed many times. His lips were soft and full and he was already tracing her lower lip with the tip of his tongue, illicting delicious waves of heat that shot down her spine and settled at her core. The hand on her hip moved over her body, exploring her ribs, her spine, the curve of her breast, while the hand at her nape moved to tangle in her hair and angle her head as he wished.  
“I’ve wanted to do this since the moment I met you,” he groaned, pulling away from her mouth and licking and sucking his way down the column of her throat to the spot where her neck met her shoulder. “When I saw you in that gown, all that beautiful skin on display, I thought I’d expire on the spot. Did you wear it just for me?”
She was s drugged by his kisses it took her a moment to put his words into coherent order. When she realized what he’d said, she stiffened in his arms and pushed away from him with a gasp.
“You know who I am?” she asked, horrified. What had she done? How had she gone wrong? The mission was in jeopardy now and it was all her fault. “My God…”
He pulled her back into the circle of his arms and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She was so stunned that she let him.
“I don’t care,” he said, pressing a gentle kiss to her jaw and murmuring against her skin. “I don’t care whose gown you stole or why you thought it would be a good idea to sneak into the ball. All that matters is that you’re here and you want me just as much as I want you. We’ll work out the rest later, but have no fear, I have no intention of letting you escape from me.”
Her heart melted at his words and she gave herself a mental shake. She had seduced countless men for the Crown, had kissed and flirted and granted favors that had brought her partner and herself plenty of mutual pleasure. She’d never developed feelings for any of them. How was he any different? And what was she going to do about it now?
“When… I-I don’t…What…How did you know it was me?” she finally asked.
He smiled down at her and kissed her nose. “Your freckles. They’re mesmerizing. I don’t think I’ve ever been so enchanted by something so small in all my life.”
And then he was kissing her again and she decided that she would deal with the assortment of problems that this posed later, because kissing him was the most marvelous thing she’d ever done in all her life.  
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Hello! Can you do one where the reader is a newer singer who is headlining for some other artist/band so she doesn't get to see her boyfriend, Josh a lot because twenty one pilots is also on tour. But since she is on break for a few weeks, Tyler and her make arrangements for her to surprise Josh. Thanks :)
“He’s moping again,” Tyler tells you, as he continues to eat whatever it was crunching loudly in your ear. “He won’t say it, but I can tell.”
You let out a sigh, and turn onto your stomach, staring at your best friends name scrolling on your phone. “Yeah, I can tell too.”
“Where are you guys right now?” Tyler asks.
You look up and out the windows of the moving tour bus your tiny band had managed to get. You couldn’t really see anything, partly because it was night time and partly because the windows were so tinted. “I think we’re somewhere around Washington. But I can’t be sure. It’s all melting together.”
Seven years ago, you met Tyler through a mutual friend of Jenna’s, and all three of you had become best friends instantly. Five years ago Tyler had introduced you to Josh, and you were pretty sure it was love at first sight and it was only a matter of weeks before you and the drummer began dating. Six months ago your small town band landed the break through you had been waiting for; touring as one of the opening acts for Paramore. And it worked out that both Tyler and Josh were going on tour during the same time, so you figured that you’d both be busy enough that it wouldn’t be a huge deal that you couldn’t see each other for close to a year. And of course you had FaceTimed and talked on the phone as much as you both could. But what you didn’t plan on was realizing how much you missed his presence. How he made you feel like the only person in a room just by smiling at you. How he would kiss you on the cheek any time he had to walk away from you. It was the little things that you didn’t really think of that you missed the most.
“He still doesn’t know, does he?” You ask. About a week ago you had found out that you would be getting a couple weeks off after the show tonight, so you immediately called Tyler and set up a surprise visit.
“Nope,” Tyler replies, mouth full of food. “Everything is set up. Jenna and Mark are going to meet you at the airport and take you to the hotel.”
“Perfect,” you sigh, rolling onto your back, staring up at the roof of the bus. “Do you think he’ll be surprised?”
“Are you kidding?” Tyler almost shouts, as if the answer is obvious. “He’s going to crap his pants, Y/N. Literally.”
“Could have gone my entire life without that visual, Ty,” You stifle a laugh. You talk with Tyler for a few more minutes before saying goodbye so you can get ready for your show. Butterflies swarmed your stomach when you thought about how soon you’d be able to see Josh. You were horrible at keeping surprises in, but you knew his reaction would be worth it.
You were on your plane before Paramore would even be playing. You didn’t even change after the show, just grabbed you bags, called an uber and started your long journey to the other side of the world. You honestly hated flying more than anything, but the need to see Josh was greater. You just popped a couple of sleeping pills and slept through the whole thing.
Jenna’s scream made you partially deaf when she saw you, running up and throwing her arms around you. You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen the girl show any emotion but excitement but it’s the exact reason you love her.
“Tyler wishes he could be here,” She tells you after Mark gives you a hug. “But he’s keeping Josh distracted. He’s noticed that you guys haven’t texted.”
“Yeah I tried to come up with a good excuse,” You reply, throwing your carrion over your shoulder before Mark offers to take it from you. “I said that we were driving through an area that has really bad service and then I just texted him saying I just woke up from a nap,” You laugh nervously.
“Are you excited for tonight?” She asks.
“Yeah, more anxious than anything,” You admit. “I just really want to see Josh.” It had been too long since you last felt your boyfriends arms around you, and you were homesick.
“This is going to be awesome!” Jenna squeals in excitement, and you can only smile, wishing time would speed up.
Jenna spends most of the afternoon with you at the hotel, which was spent mostly at the swimming pool, before she heads back to find Tyler. You still hadn’t seen him yet and your anxiety was rising by the hour. The plan was you’d join Tyler on stage for Tear In My Heart and that would be the big reveal. You had packed more than you probably needed to, but you knew you’d be indecisive about your outfit for tonight. It needed to be perfect.
You settled on your favourite black ripped jeans and a tank you bought from hot topic that says “I prefer the drummer” after you and Josh had been dating for a couple months. It was nothing glamorous, but you knew Josh would love it.
After what felt like hours, someone finally came to pick you up. The concert had just started, Heavydirtysoul just ending as you arrive at the venue. You put your stuff in Josh’s dressing room, smelling all of his clothes before you leave to find Jenna. It helps.
Jenna is in her usual spot, beside the stage closest to Tyler. You’re fitted with an in ear so you can hear yourself on the stage, and then it’s just the waiting game. But you didn’t mind this time. You get to watch Josh do his favourite thing in the world. And your heart finally feels full, after the months of not being able to see him in person, you were going to be able to hold him and kiss him in a matter of moments.
“Alright guys,” Tyler soothes the crowd after the last song finishes. “This next song I usually dedicate to my smokin’ hot wife. Can everyone please put your hands together for my beautiful wife, Jenna?” He gestures to her from the stage and everyone goes crazy, causing Jenna to turn light pink. “But,” Tyler continues when the crowd quiets. “As we all know, Josh has been feeling a little lonely this tour. His lady has been touring with Paramore, and hasn’t been able to visit. So I’m going to dedicate this next song to him.” Tyler casts a look over at the drummer, who gives him a sweet smile and you’re practically bursting. You want to run out and kiss his smiley cheeks, but you know it’ll be better to wait. “Jishwa, this is for you my fren.” And Tear In My Heart begins, and that was your cue to get ready.
It doesn’t take long for them to finish the first chorus before Tyler cuts the music. “Hold on a second,” He says into the mic, giving Josh a look. “Just a second.” He casts a quick look over to you and you give him a thumbs up, preparing yourself. “Ladies and gentlemen, I think we need some help. Would you please welcome my good friend, Y/N!!!!”
The screams sound distant in your in ears as you walk on stage, but you have blinders on to Josh who is sitting, eyes wide with shock. You can’t contain your grin, and you give him a quick excited wave before he leaps off his stool and closes the distance between you. You’re trying to hug him as tightly as you can, not caring that he was all sweaty from playing.
“What are you doing here?!” He asks you over the screams, eyes taking in your presence.
“I got some time off, and I wanted to surprise you,” You giggle, happy that everything worked out the way it was supposed to. He doesn’t say anything and just lifts you, spinning around in a circle, the crowd going crazy.
“Isn’t that adorable?” Tyler asks the crowd as Josh smothers your face with kisses, refusing to let you go. He’s so smiley and you can’t help but let a few tears fall. Your heart was so full.
“Hey Josh,” Tyler calls after a few moments. “What do you say to finishing the song?”
Josh picks you up from behind and carries you over to his drum set, sitting you in his lap and giving Tyler a thumbs up before pretending to drum while you’re on his lap. The crowd is going crazy and you yourself can’t help but laugh. You know that you can’t stay on stage for much longer so you turn to kiss Josh, earning whistles from the entire arena before getting up to leave.
“Alright guys, give a big round of applause for Y/N,” Tyler says as you stop to give him a quick hug before heading back to Jenna. “Now that Josh is feeling better, lets get this show going!” And just like you hadn’t interrupted, the show kept going. You can’t help but notice how much more enthusiastic Josh plays and how he keeps stealing glances in your direction.
He doesn’t waste time on stage once they’re done the show, practically running off and into your open arms. “I can’t believe you’re actually here!” He tells you between kisses. “How long are you here for?”
“I’m all yours for two weeks baby,” You grin, wrapping your arms around his waste under his arms and smiling up at your cheeky boy.
“Get a room!” Tyler shouts sarcastically as he drapes an arm over Jenna’s shoulder, lacing his fingers into her.
“I actually already have one,” You counter with a cheeky smile.
“So we’re gonna go there now,” Josh adds without even missing a beat as he starts pulling you towards the exit. “Good show Tyler, talk later!” He shouts, not even looking back as he keeps a tight grip on your hand. You can’t help but laugh at his eagerness, but you’re not going to complain. You had been waiting six months for this moment with Josh, and you’d gladly do it again if it meant you got a life time with him.
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Junior & Nancy
Junior: Umm, girl Junior: What was that all about? Nancy: He doesn't like me and the feeling's mutual Nancy: Not my fault I haven't done Irish for as long as you all have Junior: Mr Kelly is the least offensive teacher going, he doesn't dislike anyone Junior: Yeah its shitty, don't know why you couldn't have had a free but you know, not losing the culture and all that Junior: Not the end of the world if you get a bad mark though Nancy: Tell that to my latest assignment, it's got his red pen all over it Nancy: Thanks, exactly. Like I couldn't used the free to work on something that actually matters Nancy: But no, pile more work on the dyslexic student, hey Junior: Whoa, alright Junior: I don't think he controls how he has to mark or your schedule Junior: not a personal vendetta but something more has got your back up Junior: Gay spidey senses Nancy: Maybe, maybe not Nancy: I'm having a bad day and he's not helping Nancy: You know when you see something that you just cannot unsee Junior: You know where and who I live with, yes? Junior: Of course I have Junior: What's got you spooked? Nancy: The straights Nancy: Or, to be more articulate about it, the whole mixed messages dilemma Junior: Ahh, you're being IRL queer-baited Junior: who even? apart from the known suspects, most of the girls in our year act painfully straight Junior: could be a coverup but that is DEEP cover Nancy: It's really not Nancy: Most of the girls in our year are painfully straight and therefore are awkward around me Junior: Same but flip reverse it Junior: that's just because I'm awkward though, can't really push that on them when I'm closeted af Junior: sooooo, older or younger? Nancy: Older Nancy: I like her so much, I can't think about anything else, least of all Irish with that prick Nancy: I think she likes me too....no, I know she does Junior: Has she told you? Nancy: She doesn't have to say it, and she can't, she's with someone, but she shows me Junior: Oh, okay Junior: so you're hooking up on the low? Nancy: No. But I can wait until she's single Nancy: It'll be better that way anyway Junior: Yeah, better not to have the overlap if you can Junior: Don't want to be homewrecking Junior: So, when's she gonna break up with 'em, has she said? Nancy: I don't know. I don't wanna push her but it is getting to me. Obviously Junior: Understandable Junior: Shouldn't really keep you waiting Junior: Having two on the go, never an excuse tbh Junior: if she's decided then she needs to put the other out of their misery Junior: and you, like Nancy: I knew you'd understand Nancy: Casual relationship guru over here Nancy: You're gonna be such a good boyfriend for whoever you get with Junior: So easy to talk when you've got no experience, like Junior: N'awwh, there she is, lil miss ray of sunshine Nancy: I'm calming down Nancy: Still think he's a prick though Junior: Well that's alright with me Junior: I don't see it but I'll keep it to myself if you can keep it in around him next time, like Nancy: I'll do my best. Better than today at any rate Junior: He seemed genuinely shocked, Nance Junior: wouldn't be surprised if he tries and talks to you Junior: see what's up, maybe its just a misunderstand Nancy: Oh god he better not Nancy: Not if I'm gonna try and be on good behavior Nancy: Can I just tell him I'm a man-hating lesbian stereotype and have done with it? Junior: Might get away with it Junior: They won't want you shouting about how they're punishing you for being gay so Nancy: True Junior: Think you will get -1000 gay karma points for lying about being persecuted though so Junior: Think about it Nancy: I'm fine with that, the bullying that got me here had homophobic undertones and I never shouted about it Nancy: Some kind of balance? Junior: True Junior: In that case...go for your life? Junior: Probably still no but I'll leave it up to your conscience Nancy: Thanks June Junior: You're welcome Junior: You know you can tell me anything, right? Nancy: You're the best friend everyone deserves Nancy: I'm glad you're mine though Junior: and I'm glad you're mine Junior: even if you're trying to take us in a bad girl way I'm not sure I can pull off as convincingly Junior: do my best though Nancy: You've got the stare and pout Nancy: That's most of the battle I think Junior: Thanks genetics! Junior: Giving the look if not the confidence Nancy: Nobody our age has real confidence, not even the mean girls Junior: Do you think? Junior: I think my sister does Junior: but maybe everyone seems to in comparison to me Nancy: Your sisters are forces of nature tbh Nancy: It's no wonder you feel how you do Junior: Yeah Junior: I wouldn't wish they burned any less brightly for my benefit but Junior: It is what it is Nancy: I know what you mean Nancy: I wish my brother's ego was sized a little better, to leave some room for me Junior: I can see that Junior: Doesn't leave room to co-exist never mind compete Nancy: Exactly Junior: Has he got any better with talking to you lately? Nancy: No Nancy: I think he's trying actively to be worse and put me off trying Junior: That's lovely Junior: What does he think he's up to that its so important he can't spare you a second? Nancy: His conquests. Although how he treats them proves how unimportant they are to him Nancy: If I ever treat a girl like that please shoot me. You have my full permission Junior: Eurgh Junior: Aside from the obvious, how he manages to convince anyone its a good idea to get with him at this point is beyond me Junior: I'll have to, matter of defending honour Nancy: That must mean he only needs the obvious Nancy: That would work on plenty of girls from my old school honestly Nancy: God help them Junior: And here Junior: thankfully we are not graced with sire's presence that often Nancy: If he knew I had any crushes at any point ever I dread to think Junior: Cringe factor or? Nancy: I hope he wouldn't try and get with anyone I like just to prove he can, but I can't say I'm sure that wouldn't happen Nancy: At least she's above being interested in someone like him Junior: That's so messed up and weird Junior: calm down the twin rivalry Junior: a small blessing Nancy: As far as I know he's not into older women either so that's another Junior: Let's take that as gospel 'cos neither of us needs to have that conversation Junior: he'd be far too into it and it'd get real creep zone Nancy: Agreed, as much as I'd like him to talk to me I'm not stooping to that level Junior: He'll come around Junior: just enjoying his raging hormones to the fullest Nancy: It's a shame boys don't mature faster than girls Nancy: I'm in for a long wait for him to come around Junior: Maybe he'll become even worse and you'll be glad of the break? Junior: One can only hope Nancy: Now that's likely Nancy: I can unleash my anger on him instead of Irish class Junior: Yes, perfect! Nancy: This is why you're BFF material Nancy: Such good ideas Nancy: It just inspires me to be my best Junior: Never let it be said we were forced together by birth again Junior: Plenty of options in that pool, people Nancy: The truest word Nancy: You did not have to be this selective Nancy: 💛 Junior: 🌈💞 Junior: ugh, there goes the bell Nancy: Once more into the breach...is that how that goes? Nancy: Catch up soon Junior: TTFN
0 notes
dexondefense · 8 years
I was thinking about Vampire Nursey. He's hot, but doesn't really know it. So he doesn't get why Dex is like "idk why someone like you would date someone like me". Maybe he doesn't think different monster types can date? Maybe he wants to break up?
I wrote this half asleep and kind of sick so there are 50000 errors and it might not even make sense. I think I committed the cardinal sin of switching tenses. Also the prompt completely got away from me here, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m sorry. 
For the Monster Haus AU. Featuring Vampire Nursey and Dullahan Dex. 
“I don’t know why someone like you would want to date someone like me.”
Dex wasn’t an open person. Honest, maybe, but not open. Even after a month of whispered confessions and late nights of slipping into each other’s rooms, Dex was withholding on his thoughts on the matter. Not that Nursey was much better, but he certainly wasn’t going to go first in their game of emotional chicken. 
Dex, it seemed had elected to be the first to give, though Nursey suspected it had more to do with the Elven wine pumping through his veins than any personal decision to do so. Nursey hadn’t been much more careful with his intake, so he took a minute to wade through the alcohol in his head to decipher what Dex had said. 
Nursey had no heat in his body, not without someone else’s blood moving through him, but even now he could still feel the warm aftermath of Dex’s skin on his, the tingling singe of that magical fire still hot against his bare chest. Dex lay beside him, and perhaps his statement was more addressed to the dark ceiling than to Nursey. In the silence of the dorm room Nursey could just hear the neighbors next door chatting quietly, could hear the base of a beat playing over speakers two floors down, but mostly he could hear the fire in Dex, crackling in his chest as it swirled around itself and threatened to engulf them both. 
Nursey might not have needed to breath, but Dex was still panting against the sheets. When Nursey glanced over, he saw his eyes were closed, and only thing betraying that he was not actually asleep were his fingers, twisted tight in the fabric of the sheets between them.
Nursey had always thought they would have some kind of actual conversation about what was going on between them after sex one night. Being naked kind of all ready gave you that feeling of laying everything bare, so why not? He just hadn’t expected Dex to go first.
When Dex opened his eyes, they were nothing but burning orange and Nursey fought the urge to look away from the brightness. 
“What do you mean, Babe?” Had he had the mental capacity to be worried about the unapproved pet name he might have flinched, and had Dex the capacity to notice it, he might have smacked him. As it was, neither happened. 
The orange in Dex’s eyes shifted, and Nursey had known him long enough to recognize when he was shifting his gaze, though it was still hard to tell where he was looking. He bit his lip and Nursey felt something in his stomach tighten in affection. Or arousal. The two were hard to tell apart after a few glasses of mead. 
“Why are you doing this?” There was no self-deprecation in the question, no wanted pity and no fishing line. He asked it like he was confused, not hurt, and something about that sent a pain through Nursey’s still heart. Though something other than sympathy Dex didn’t want was tapping at the edges of his head, the same words repeated over and over in a quiet voice that wouldn’t fade out. 
“Doing…you?” He hadn’t meant for it be a joke, was just trying to wade through the destructive thoughts that were struggling for control. 
Dex growled, though Nursey recognized it as a sigh. “Fuck man.”
“What is it?”
“No one…” Dex trailed off, and the orange in his eyes moved again as he looked away. Nursey didn’t know how he knew he wasn’t being looked at, but he could feel it. The fire seemed to be dimming though, the edges fading to white as Dex’s illusion of humanity began fading back in. 
“Why are you doing this?” Nursey asked. He imagined for a minute he could see his counter attack floating in the air above them, but it may have just been receding smoke. “Why are you with me?” 
Dex’s forehead creased at the question, like it wasn’t one he could process. For a moment he was silent. Nursey resisted the urge to brush a sweat slicked strand of hair off of his face. 
“You’re incredible,” Dex breathed, like the statement too much out of him to speak any louder. “You’re…” He stopped like the words were caught in his throat, and when he opened his mouth Nursey couldn’t see any fire trying to escape. He wasn’t sure what to make of that. “I like you,” he decided after a pause. His face scrunched again, his nose pulling slightly to one side as he seemed unhappy with his final statement. “Who wouldn’t?” It was a simple but bare confession, undermining almost two years worth of painful insults and playing ribbing. 
Nursey didn’t take it lightly, simple or not. 
“Everyone likes me,” he told Dex quietly, a smile easing across his face. It wasn’t a natural sort of expression, but it was one he had taught himself over the years. Dex didn’t smile back. “Vampires are kind of fashionable right now, everyone wants to scare their parents, but no one wants to get serious.” 
For a precarious moment, Nursey thought he might have imagined saying all of that, had just thought it very hard in Dex’s general direction. Dex, for his part, simply stared, his bright eyes not betraying a single thought, until he rolled onto his back, fixing his stare on the ceiling once again. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Nursey swallowed around a sudden stone in his throat. Something was happening here, and it didn’t feel good. Maybe he just needed to drink, maybe he just needed to leave. “It’s fine-”
“I do.”
Nursey had one hand on the edge of the bed, eyes glancing at the floor as he tried to search for his briefs, but Dex’s voice stopped him. “You what?”
“I…want to get serious.” When Dex inhaled, it was loud, a painful sounding rumbling in his chest as the fire stirred. “If that’s what you want.” 
When Nursey looked back at him, the fire was contained to Dex’s irises again, the black flicker of a pupil pushing through. He looked more human than Nursey could remember seeing him in a while, or maybe he was just imagining that.
Nursey hadn’t realized he had been speaking out loud until Dex said, “I’m not human.” 
One time some sea monster on an opposing team had slammed Dex into the boards, and spat the word human at him like a slur. Nursey could remember as vivid as if it had just happened, Dex hissing back that exact sentence with venom in his tone tone and fire on his tongue. When he said it now though, it almost sounded like an apology. 
“I know. Everyone knows.” 
Dex sighed, and as he rested back against the pillows, no smoke rose from his mouth. The crease on his neck looked so pale in the dim light that Nursey could only make it out from memory. He looked so pale and delicate in the light, his freckles stark against the white of his skin and his mused hair flopping onto his forehead. 
“I knew when I met you,” Nursey continued when it became apparent Dex wasn’t going to say anything more. “You looked human, but you didn’t smell right.”
Dex snorted. “Thanks man.”
“No, uh, blood kind of…calls out, you know? Yours didn’t. It didn’t have that smell. I didn’t know what you were, but I knew you weren’t human.”
“I never wanted to be human until I came here,” Dex told him, and Nursey wondered if that was the first time he had said that out loud. It had the weight of a first statement, but maybe Nursey was just getting too poetic. “Never really thought much about what I was, can’t fucking change it. Everyone’s gotta be something but…”
Nursey didn’t need him to finish his sentence to understand. Demons, while not all that uncommon, weren’t considered something to mess with. Neither really were vampires, the glamour of forbidden stretching to his own kind didn’t really make Nursey feel any better about the attention he received. It wasn’t real, after all. 
“Should we not do this?” Nursey asked. He had his fingers tightening in the sheets, anxiety clawing through his chest as he kept his unblinking eyes on Dex. “Vampire and a demon, always told to stick to their own, right?”
“Right,” Dex agreed. 
“And we’re a terrible match.” Nursey felt his grip on the sheets loosen as Dex stared back at him, every bit as intent. 
“Then we shouldn’t do this. We shouldn’t get serious.” 
“It’s a bad idea,” Dex agreed, and when he reached for his hand, Nursey didn’t stop him. 
Dex kissed like a wildfire, Nursey had found out earlier on. All laid out passion and filled with everything he stuttered through trying to say. This time wasn’t quite the same. At least, not the brutal sense of attack it usually seemed to be. When Dex’s lips met his it was gentle and imploring, but with no less meaning than Nursey had come to expect from him. Nursey grabbed Dex’s hips when he maneuvered himself on top, their mutual state of undress all flooding back into Nursey’s senses at once as skin met skin for what felt like miles. 
Nursey felt his eyes roll back as Dex’s mouth moved to his neck, brushing burning marks into his cold skin. He felt like Dex was just as much on display for him as he was for Dex, the lean muscle of his back free for Nursey’s hands to explore as Dex worked on his neck. His fingers tightened on Dex’s shoulders, digging hard into the course muscle he found there. 
“You’re gorgeous,” Dex whispered against his neck, his own hands gripping Nursey’s side and running through his hair. “Those fucking paintings those assholes do don’t even come fucking close.” 
Nursey couldn’t blush, he didn’t have the blood to spare, but he imagined for a moment that Dex’s burning warmth was his own at the compliment. “Come on man, stop.” 
“You have to know,” Dex pressed, his nose running along the shell of Nursey’s ear. “There’s no fucking way you can’t know.” 
“You’re the beautiful one here,” Nursey countered, using his leverage on Dex’s shoulders to pull them even closer together as he kissed him again. “With your stupid fucking hair and your goddamn constellation freckles.”
“Constellation freckles?” 
“Yeah, just like the stars.”
“That’s the dumbest fucking thing you’ve ever said.” 
“Not by a long shot.” 
Dex’s shoulder trembled under his grasp, and it took Nursey a moment to recognize it as a silent laugh. Nursey tilted his head to press an affectionate kiss to Dex’s ear. 
“Did you mean it?” He asked when Dex stilled on top of him, tracing lazy patterns in the ridges of Dex’s spine. 
Nursey didn’t clarify, and Dex didn’t ask. “Yeah. I did. I’m…I want to be something here. Something with us.” 
With his nose pressed against Dex’s shoulder Nursey let his eyes fall closed. “Even if we should stick to our own?” 
“Even if we’re freaks of nature for it,” Dex agreed. 
“You’re the only freak here.” Nursey laughed when Dex gripped him harder, like he was going to try to choke the nonexistent breath out of him. 
When Dex pulled away he looked down at Nursey with a wide smile. A too wide smile. His teeth were sharp and his lips were thin and long, and the fire in his eyes was blazing. He was nothing close to human, and he was certainly no vampire. And Nursey in turn was no demon. He ran cold and still and he had no fire to match Dex’s. They were absolutely not meant to be in any sense of the word. 
Nursey had never been so in love.
That confession was just on the tip of his tongue, but it slipped away as Dex’s invaded his mouth. It was too heavy for tonight, a conversation for another time. 
Unspoken though it went, he thought he tasted the sentiment on Dex’s tongue anyway. 
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