#I guess we never really stop being children as we age we just learn to hide the inner child
katyspersonal · 7 months
Rare Tumblr L when you and the bitch that hates you share a mutual and after you casually interacted they do the possessive boyfriend shoulder grab thing by instantly sending them something after you but with very obvious interior motive, so you gotta show them you aren't scared and send this mutual even MORE love, and so you have passive-aggressive "communication" like this to assert your place while clueless mutual is DROWNING in attention and love as a result and thinks how lucky they are 😔
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cowboythighs · 1 year
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When Wayne took Eddie in, his biggest worry was that he was going to screw the poor kid up even more than his parents already had. After all, what did he know about taking care of a kid? How would he know what his nephew didn’t know- what Wayne needed to teach him? And how was he going to manage raising a whole little human and provide for them both? But to his surprise, Wayne soon found out that Eddie was shockingly self-sufficient. That he’d had to learn how to cook and clean and do laundry for himself, because his parents were too caught up in themselves and their own issues to take care of him.
Wayne’s momentary relief that he wasn’t starting from ground zero was soon replaced by a level of resentment towards Eddie’s parents. It wasn’t fair that Eddie had been forced to rely on himself so much. It hurt Wayne to see someone so young worrying the way he did about not using too much water; hurt watching Eddie silently going behind Wayne to turn off unused lights because he worried about the bills being too high to pay.
When he figured out Eddie's lemonade stand wasn’t set up to fund a new comic or toy, but rather to try and pay his share for room and board, Wayne took Eddie to the local thrift store and headed straight for the toys section. He was stern when he told Eddie to keep his money, and that they were not leaving until Eddie had an armful of his own toys because Wayne was determined to make sure Eddie had the chance to be a kid.
He watched as Eddie slowly pursued through the selection of toys- inspecting them carefully. When Wayne caught on that Eddie was looking at the price tags he gently admonished him; told him these are used toys; they’re cheap enough and that Eddie didn’t have to worry about money with him.
Eddie tried to argue, insisted that he knows how this goes and appreciates the thought, he really does think it’s nice that Uncle Wayne wants him to have fun stuff to play with, but he knew that just because they have money now it didn’t mean they won’t somehow come up short later, and how he’d much rather have heat than a GI Joe.
Wayne tried to be patient, to not to be as gruff as was his nature as he told Eddie “I may not be your daddy, but you're my boy and I’m gonna take care of you”. Wayne told him it was time to stop fussing and enjoy being a kid. Wayne allowed himself a smile when Eddie relented and picked out a handful of toys.
When they passed the book display as they walked towards the register Wayne stopped. “You like readin’?'' he asks. Eddie looks longingly at the books but only shrugs.
“Don’t know, never had any books to read”. Eddie says it like it doesn’t matter, but his face betrays him.
“They had books in school, didn’t they?” Wayne asked. Eddie just gave another shrug.
“Guess so. I didn't get to go to school very often. Mom and dad were almost always too tired or too sick in the mornings to take me. and we moved around a lot. When we lived close I could walk to school by myself as long as I had clean clothes. If you go to school dirty, teachers get too nosey," Eddie stated like it was common knowledge, “and then they call your parents and you get in trouble and have to move again. But mostly it was too far to walk so I couldn’t go anyways.”
Wayne’s heart felt like it was breaking anew with each detail of casual neglect his nephew had to endure. It wasn’t right for a kid so young to have gone through so much and be so nonchalant about it. Making up his mind he directed Eddie over to the books and told him he can have whatever he wants. There's a slim selection of children’s books to choose from, but it's a place to start.
Wayne watched Eddie's eyes as they kept wandering back to a boxed set with dragons and wizards on the spine. Wayne picked up the set of the Lord of the Rings books without a word and took the set up to the register with Eddie trailing behind. They were far too advanced for a kid his age, especially one as far behind as Eddie, but Wayne decided he would read to him every night. would read aloud the stories of Bilbo and Frodo and Middle Earth and watch Eddie's love for learning grow.
Wayne was proud when time passed and Eddie started leaving dirty dishes in the sink and letting his room get messy. He didn’t mind when Eddie took a long shower or stayed up late writing his own stories. Wasn’t disappointed when he got held back in school, or spent his free time playing games of make believe with his friends. Because he knew better than anyone that Eddie had a rough start in life and had been playing catch up for a long while. And besides, it gave him a chance to be a kid just a little longer, and there was nothing Wayne wanted more than that.
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trivalentlinks · 1 year
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saw this cute reddit Am I the Asshole post by reddit user tway23421 with peak enemies-to-friends energy and thought my friends here might like it.
Also here's another enemies to friends story from its comment section with a similar energy, but from the rebellious asshole kid perspective (by reddit user D_OShae)
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AITA (Am I the Asshole) abbreviations:
WIBTA = would I be the asshole
NTA = not the asshole
[Image ID
1st image: reddit r/AmITheAsshole
Posted by u/tway23421 11 hours ago
WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
I (37M) live with my wife (37F) and son and daughter ( 9 and 11 respectively).
Recently, there has been this kid who comes by our house after playing soccer and either rides his bike or walks over the lawn with his cleats on his way home.
It started out as me giving him stern looks whenever I saw him, then it slowly progressed to me asking him to just go around.
The last time I asked him to stop he made a point to stomp extra hard and twist his feet in to the grass to piss me off.
Since then Ive just been hosing him. The first time I sprayed him with the hose he ran off, but then for some reason he just started standing there while I hose him like he enjoys it.
Its now progressed to me sitting on my lawn chair pointing my hose at him, and him just staring at me while he does so. Sometimes we even make small talk.
Im ngl, it started off as a really bitter relationship, but Ive actually gotten to know the kid quite well, we talk for maybe 15-20 mins everyday, and he doesnt seem to mind being hosed down after sweating hard playing soccer.
He comes by daily and we just shoot the shit while I hose him and he stands there for a bit.
Wife told me I need to stop, even after I explained it to her she said Im making us look like childish idiots.
I guess I could stop, but honestly its really funny waiting for him to come by and I see no harm in it. WIBTA?
2nd image:
Comment by D_OShae 4 hours ago:
NTA, and this is actually kind of sweet.
When I was in my teens, I used to visit a small greasy spoon (diner) where my friend was a waitress. This old guy (late 70s) came in every day at the same time and sat in the same booth. He would order one of three meals. One time I sat in "his" booth doing some homework (and drinking a ton of coffee refills). The man came in and told me -- not asked -- that I needed to move. I did. It happened again a couple of weeks later. He called me a little bastard for sitting his both. A couple of days later, I did it again on purpose. He called me a little bastard and told me to move. I moved my books. The man grumbled and sat down.
Over the course of about two months this scenario got repeated. Somewhere along the line I asked him about a ring he wore. The stories started to come out. I learned he and his late wife came to that restaurant for over 20 years to have dinner. I was sitting in her place. However, I kept asking questions, and he kept relaying his stories. This man lead an AMAZING life, and I listened to any tale he wanted to share. This went on for two years.
When he died at the age of 81, I went to his memorial. I met his children and grandchildren. When they asked how I knew him, I told them my tale. His children laughed because he called everyone a little bastard, male and female alike. Then I began to recount some of the stories he told me. His children verified some, but then they heard stories he never told them. I ended up meeting with his children several times to tell them everything he told me.
Mr. Banhke, I am not a believer, like I told you many times, but I still think of you and your incredible life. You are not forgotten.
AITA (Am I the Asshole) abbreviations:
WIBTA = would I be the asshole
NTA = not the asshole
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Only two today, but long ones!
Anonymous asked:
Out of curiosity, are there any tropes in Media/Fanfiction that you and katsu Hate/Love...? or even Neutral about it?
I think don't you guys talked about that before unless I somehow missed it?
Anon! Sorry for the late reply. I had to think about it for some time, but I also feel like there is no way to answer this question in a definitive 100% conclusive way; there will always be some exceptions when the trope that we hate somehow still works okay, or when our favourite tropes don’t do the story justice at all. So this is more of a list of first things that come to mind! Mostly because these are the tropes we discuss the most.
We really tend to not like a lot of family-related tropes, especially when characters settle down and start a family and start living a slow domestic life and stuff, and when it’s painted as an endpoint or a happy ending of sorts. This is why we don’t really like talking about characters having kids or headcanon OC kids for our ships, the idea just doesn’t have the appeal to us. Maybe it’s because we don’t want children ourselves so it doesn’t click with us/we don’t get it; maybe it’s just because of how overwhelmingly popular this trope is, and how a lot of times it tends to make characters lose their unique characteristics and boil them down to just being a mom and/or a dad. Even if it’s not fanfiction but an original piece, we don’t really resonate with stories like that. Hmm, I guess it’s mostly about the nuclear families though, because I personally would find a story about a broken household more interesting. But if it’s just a “he is a papa, he is another papa, and here is their sunshine baby” is just boring to us personally… Where are my stories about characters going through divorce and fighting over their children? lol
Same goes for anything pregnancy related. We really don’t resonate with tropes that are related to pregnancy, the only possible exception being some horror stories.
Our favourite tropes… we love a despair-filled story! A tragedy, I guess. “Yes, everything is that bad; no, there is nothing you can realistically do to fix it” type of story, maybe a good example would be Shingeki no Kyojin.
When a super powerful being is somehow linked to one person and doesn’t stop being a super powerful being and doesn’t develop empathy or humanity! I don’t know how to explain it lol We love it when someone super powerful and inhuman favours a character, either due to having plans for this character or due to its selfish obsession, but it doesn’t go the typical route of “and then the demon learned how to care and love someone”. Like, the obsession is still there, but the creature doesn’t experience it in the same way that humans do, even if it looks like it, there is still this creepy gap that could never be closed. Whenever this gap closes and the creature starts feeling love, it turns into the trope that we really don’t like lol
Somehow related to this, but not really? I’ve said it multiple times, but: character A loves character B so much that they are willing to do horrible things for them (things that character B never asked for). We also love selflessly loyal type, sadodere or yangire boys, anything that makes characters’ relationship with each other almost cartoonishly exaggerated and extreme. I hope it makes sense.
Also! A character is bored and does whatever they want in the story, dancing to the beat of their own drums. Like chaotic neutral, but without any common sense? Hisoka from HxH or the Tweels would be good examples. You never know whether they are an ally or a foe because you can never guess what exactly they’re thinking about.
I can talk about it for ages, but these are the tropes that come to mind first!
Anonymous asked:
Any fav writers/artists you two follow bc of their work or ships?
Im new to bsky and want to follow ppl with similar taste first
Sorry for the late reply, Anon!
To be completely honest with you, we don’t have a lot of people who we follow on bsky; well, we do have a lot of our favourite jp artists who made an account there when it became publically available, but a lot of them don’t post there regularly and prefer to still use twi. Still, I’ll give you the links in case they start posting again!
I wish I could give you more recommendations, so if anyone wants to add to this list, feel free to comment under this post.
Here are some of our faves:
https://bsky.app/profile/thumaru.bsky.social - not shippy, but a lot of very good character art; their Vil is top notch.
https://bsky.app/profile/rakugakityou03.bsky.social - also not shippy; absolute god of illustration, their art is gorgeous.
https://bsky.app/profile/akiseizon.bsky.social  - I physically can’t NOT post a link to Futairo-san; I am so obsessed with their art it’s pathetic at this point.
https://bsky.app/profile/moketaros.bsky.social - one of the best rkvl artists out there, even though they haven’t updated their bsky in a bit…
https://bsky.app/profile/chocomaimai.bsky.social - one of my favourite Shroud artists! They don’t post much on bsky unfortunately, but their collection of artworks on pixiv and twi is great.
https://bsky.app/profile/rikuaso.bsky.social - another one of my favourite Shroud artists! Their Shroudcest is gorgeous :”)
https://bsky.app/profile/ingtakou6910.bsky.social - pretty Jamils!! Very pretty Jamils!!
Once again, the list isn’t as big because I’m limiting it to bsky, but if you ever want a twi/pixiv list, let me know. 😔
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melishade · 1 month
Attack on Prime New Age Anthology: Explanation
Main Story
Jack, Miko, and Raf get an explanation on Optimus and Megatron.
"Okay. Spill. Who's gonna fess up?" Miko demanded from her quarantine room, hands on her hips.
There was silence among the Survey Corps before Armin decided to speak. "Optimus was the first to arrive on our world. He came four years ago, during the Battle of Trost."
"You guys have a time stamp for the day?" Jack asked.
"Our months might be different than yours," Armin insisted.
"What season then?" Jack asked.
"Around the spring?" Armin guessed.
"...what happened next?" Rafael asked, "How did Optimus act?"
"Optimus saved my life," Armin explained, "He saved me from getting eaten by a titan. I took a gamble, and I told him about the titan's weaknesses. He helped us and E-!" Armin froze, not wanting to speak Eren's name in front of these people. "He helped us stop the titan invasion in Trost. Many of us survived because of him."
"Optimus has also been shown to be very compassionate, if you're worried about that," Hanji added, leaning against the wall of their quarantined room, "Besides providing us with knowledge and technology so we could protect ourselves, he protected us on missions, helping reduce the death toll among the Survey Corps. And for those that did die, he helped prepare their bodies for a proper funeral."
"...Optimus and I talked a few times," Onyankopon spoke, "Our first conversation, we talked about forging a path to peace, and how a world of different people was beautiful. Later, I was accused of something that Yelena and a few others had planned, but Optimus was willing to come to my cell, talk to me, and show me mercy. His influenced helped be get a second chance to prove I wanted to help the island survive."
"Optimus told us stories," Sasha added, "He told us stories about his adventures. He helped us survive during the winter and introduced us to new experiences."
"He's also been gentle with children whenever he's been around the orphanage," Historia chimed in.
"Also, Optimus was willing to barter Cybertronian technology and resources to try to prevent the use of the Rumbling while giving us time to become just as advanced with the rest of the world," Hanji added.
"It's true. Hizuru has been making those negotiations with Paradis," Kenshin informed.
"Well, it sounds like Optimus," Miko addressed Jack.
"Besides, don't we already have the confirmation that it's him with the Star Saber?" Rafael asked.
"Better safe than sorry," Jack explained, "Anyone have anything else to add on Optimus' behalf?"
"...I was mean to him," Gabi forced herself to speak. The girl was curled up into a ball in her room, "I was cruel to him. I refused his help and called him a devil. But...he still treated me with kindness. He was even willing to save my life. After everything I did, he still wanted to save me."
"We're gonna circle back to you being mean to Optimus later," Miko warned.
"Hey, she's been through enough!" Colt yelled at her.
"Optimus and I have never had a formal conversation," Kenshin decided to speak up to get the attention off of Gabi, "We wrote each other letters, but they were insightful. He made me feel like peace could be attainable without the use of the Rumbling."
Willy thought about confessing his sins, about how he vilified Optimus in order to unite the world against a common enemy. But he was afraid of what would happen. These children, this place, held Optimus in high regard. How would it look when they find out he was the one who made Optimus look like the enemy?
"Guess there's not really much left to ask about Optimus," Jack assumed.
"So what about Megatron?" Miko coldly demanded.
"What about him?" Hanji asked, "He came in when we learned the identity of the Colossal and Armored Titan. A month after Optimus arrived on our world. And you saw how differently he was acting."
"Well, Buckethead has tried to kill us multiple times and you!" Miko pointed to Armin, "Beg Bumblebee and Wheeljack to save his life!"
"Whoa, what?!" Jack exclaimed.
"That was you?!" Rafael shouted in anger.
"I'm still quite the outsider. What exactly are Megatron's war crimes?" Kenshin asked.
"You mean poisoning me with dark energon and taunting the Autobots about it?" Rafael asked bitterly.
"Or kidnapping us and using us as ransom for the chance to restore Cybertron and destroy Earth?" Miko added.
"Or holding our planet hostage with Darkmount and destroying the only home that I've ever known?" Jack stated.
"Tearing out Bumblebee's voice," Rafael seethed, "And took over his body!"
"Tried to take over our world with undead Zombie 'Cons," Jack added.
"Stabbed multiple people in the back, and you decided to defend the ex-con who killed his own planet and tried to destroy ours at least five times." Miko pointed to Armin. Kenshin couldn't help but grow tense while Willy, Colt, and Gabi looked visibly terrified. Megatron did...all of those cruel things?
"...Do you think that I've been brainwashed by him somehow?" Armin challenged Miko, not wavering at Megatron's war crimes.
"Maybe." Miko crossed her arms.
"Sounds more like Stockholm syndrome," Rafael assumed.
"I chose to defend Megatron of my own free volition," Armin declared, "No strings attached."
"What made you decide to defend him?" Jack questioned, "The fact that you're willing to do that knowing Megatron's background means more negative things for you."
Armin was ready to speak, but...many of their conversations had been private and personal. Back then, Armin was afraid of saying anything out of fear of what Megatron would do to him. But Megatron did trust him now, so much so that he willingly gave his name to him. But how could Armin defend Megatron without exposing his secrets. There had to be something. Armin's thoughts wandered back to Eren, and he hated how bitter he felt thinking about his former friend. He hated how hypocritical he was feeling in that moment. Armin was willing to defend Megatron but couldn't feel anything but resentment towards his childhood friend. The time spent, their childhood dreams...Megatron saving Eren's life...and Megatron comforting him...
"Megatron saved my friend's life," Armin declared, "He tried to take his own life, but Megatron stopped him before he could do it. He noticed the signs long before I ever did."
"And your friend was-!"
"Human," Armin cut Rafael off. "He was human."
Armin noticed the way that Jack, Miko, and Rafael looked at each other in disbelief, giving him the courage to continue. "And...when I had found out that my friend was going to die because of the titan curse, I tried to find a solution through books. Megatron tried to get me to stop spiraling, but instead I just threw books at him. He didn't hit me, or try to kill me. He...he comforted me in my moment of grief."
Jack slowly shook his head. "I don't believe you."
"I'm telling the truth," Armin declared.
"We've seen Megatron be cruel and ruthless," Jack retorted, "It's going to be a little hard believing you when his cold-heartedness is all we know."
"Fine!" Armin stood up on his feet, "Megatron was a spy in Marley for four years, pretending to be a human, just to get us information on Marley so that we could survive an impending invasion! Megatron let me have a book on the ocean, which has been one of my interests for years and he knew that! Megatron created a secondary plan that got us out of trouble when Eren started to go against us! He saved your people and ours during the Rumbling!"
"Oh no, a few good deeds sprinkled in here and there when Megatron's killed a whole planet!" Rafael exclaimed, "Where was Megatron's 'compassion' when I was slowly dying?! Because to him, I was just a bug!"
"I'm speaking from my own experience! Megatron has changed!" Armin emphasized.
"So far, only one account to back that up!" Rafael retorted.
"I blackmailed Megatron," Hanji chimed in, earning all eyes on them.
"...what?" Miko said.
"I blackmailed Buckethead," Hanji repeated, "To his face I might add."
"N-....no....," Miko was at a loss for words.
"Oh yeah, I totally did that." Hanji couldn't help but grin at their accomplishment, "And Buckethead couldn't do anything about it because I was the Commander of the Survey Corps and an ally to Optimus Prime. Although he did try to choke me out, I still managed to get him to back off with my words."
"There's no way you blackmailed Megatron and lived," Jack proclaimed.
"If Levi makes it out alive, he's my star witness," Hanji declared, "Also, I've also had a few instances where Megatron was showing just a hint of compassion."
"You too?!" Miko screeched.
"Yep," Hanji answered with a pop, "See, one of our temporary allies killed one of my closest friends and I wanted blood. Megatron said no because it would have jeopardized the mission, and in my drunken state, I threw two bottles of whiskey at him."
Jack, Miko, and Rafael's mouths dropped.
"And pulled on his hair...and bit him...well, his holoform, but still," Hanji listed off, placing a finger on their chin, "What else have I done to screw with Buckethead?...oh! I called him a coward to his face, and this was before I rejected his apology to me about his piss poor attitude."
"YOU CALLED HIM A COWARD?!" Jack shouted.
"HE APOLOGIZED TO YOU?!" Miko screamed.
"To all of us actually," Sasha added in defeat.
"What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?" Rafael repeated as he clutched his hair with his hands and began pacing in his room.
"And don't get me wrong, he's still extremely violent in nature and has no issues killing or using low tactics against us," Hanji explained, "But the Megatron now is drastically different from when I met him four years ago. He's been the most proactive in trying to stop the Rumbling before it could start. And he managed to figure out a ploy that would have compromised our entire military."
"No! No no no no no no!" Miko immediately shut Hanji down, "I need a counterpoint now!"
"He was actually pretty mean to me," Gabi confessed.
"HA!" Miko shouted at Hanji.
"But...I wasn't actually listening to his advice when he was pretending to be Matthew," Gabi added.
"Advice?!" Miko yelled.
"Megatron cared about us!" Colt declared, "I don't care about the war crimes! I know he cared about us!"
"Oh yeah?!" Rafael demanded.
"Yes! He found a cure for an unknown illness that I had and saved my life!" Colt declared.
"HE WHAT?!" Rafael shouted.
"There's no way!" Jack denied.
"I'm telling the truth!" Colt retorted, "He had no reason to save me! If anything, it would have been better for him to let me die because I was a Warrior Candidate! I was next in line to become a Warrior and be an enemy to him! But he still went out of his way to save me!"
"Um! Ummm...." Miko's attention fell onto Historia, "You! You talk to Buckethead?!"
"I asked him to kill me if I ever became a cruel ruler which he agreed to, and he rescued my wife, Ymir, when I had asked him to," Historia explained.
"What is happening?!" Rafael yelled at Miko and Jack.
"Hey, I think you guys are going to break them," Kenshin commented.
"Nah, this is the kind of fun that I need," Hanji insisted.
"You!" Miko pointed to Kenshin, "C'mon, you gotta give me something!"
"He volunteered to be a human's body guard as she came to visit my home," Kenshin explained.
"What?!" Miko yelled.
"He did challenge her to a one on one fight too," Kenshin added, "He did injure her, but she did managed to break the katana he was using. He actually apologized about it later. And-!"
"No! No! No! LA! LA! LA!" Miko covered her ears to block out what Kenshin was saying.
"Never mind, this actually is kind of fun," Kenshin smirked.
"Who was this person?!" Rafael demanded.
"Mikasa," The Survey Corps said in unison.
"Oh, you mean the psycho that tried to kill Jack!" Miko pointed to the room Jack was in, "That explains everything!"
"Hey, she was the first human he ever tolerated," Hanji retorted.
"Is she a murderous psychopath like he is?!" Miko demanded.
"Hey!" Armin shouted, "Mikasa's been through enough! I don't care if she's not here! Stop trying to insult her!"
"She tried to kill my friend! I have a right to be pressed!" Miko declared.
"Okay, hold on! Where is she?!" Jack asked, "Because I haven't seen her at all!"
"I!....I don't know," Armin confessed.
"What?!" Sasha screamed.
"What do you mean 'you don't know'?!" Rafael demanded.
"She was alive after the power of the titans were wiped out! And I went to go check on Megatron and when I tried to find her!...she was gone," Armin explained.
"Great so we have someone who might be carrying a disease running around doing god knows what," Rafael groaned.
"Not much we can do about it now," Jack proclaimed before turning his attention to Willy's room, "Hey, Blondie!"
Willy raised his head and looked through the glass to see all eyes on him.
"You got anything to add? You've been pretty quiet," Jack remarked.
"I don't have much to say," Willy proclaimed.
"You mean besides the fact that you were the one who decided to declare war on Paradis, including Optimus," Kenshin snitched on Willy with venom.
"You declared war on Optimus?" Rafael demanded.
"It was a politically charged situation!" Willy retorted.
"You mean it was easier for you to vilify Paradis instead of forging a path of peaceful solutions and trading agreements!" Kenshin yelled.
"You've been in this political realm long enough to know just how the world felt about Paradis and the power of the titans!" Willy shot to his feet.
"Well, my father, despite his own hiccups, was willing to listen to Paradis and give them a chance to prove themselves!" Kenshin declared, "What have you been doing?! Living a lavish life while having everyone else grovel at your feet over a goddamn lie! Who knows how many people from our world are dead now?!"
"Okay!" Jack clapped his hands together, "We need to know about Optimus and Megatron. We'll ask about your world's politics later. Do you have anything on either of them?"
Willy sighed before looking away. "I never met Optimus. I only heard accounts. It was actually when he used his powerful blade that I got a good look at him for the first time. But..."
"You've met Megatron," Jack assumed.
"...he went by Matthew Hayes when I met him," Willy explained, "And when I did, he...saved my life and the life of my family. But...looking back...I think it was a ploy to try and get close to me and my family. And out of curiosity and intrigue and finally having a moment of being treated like a normal person, I let him in. I let him into my home, I let him train my sister, Lara, into becoming a better fighter. He's been near my kids. The titan that managed to take on the power of the titans, including ripping out the heart of the Colossal Titan, was near my children."
Armin noticed the way that Miko and Rafael seemed satisfied in hearing that. That their superstitions and accusations were right, but Jack...he seemed to notice something in Willy's words.
"Sounds like there's a 'but'," Jack noticed.
"He asked me for books to save his life." Willy pointed down to where Colt was, "He willingly entertained ideas like going to a party. I mean, all of those could have still been ways to gain my trust and secrets, but...I vilified him on that stage, when I addressed the world. I said Optimus and him were cruel monsters that needed to be stopped. And he was there behind the stage when I said those words....I was fully expecting to die that night. And when I talked to Megatron then, I had hugged him and told him to run away from the danger to save himself. Hell, he probably helped plan the Liberio invasion. But...he had no real incentive to save me. It would have been better for him to let me die, even after I insulted him. Instead, he pushed me off the stage as Eren crushed his human form."
Willy covered his eyes with his hand. "I don't get it. Why would he even do that? He showed disdain for me when he was lying about his identity and had every reason to want me dead. Why...why would he save me?"
Rafael looked visibly sick to his stomach while Miko looked tense. They were so disgusted and in denial about all of these different accounts of Megatron that were...positive!
"I'm going to the bathroom." Rafael walked away from the glass and to the back of the quarantine room, where he opened the door and shut it right behind him.
"Pillow." Miko walked over to the pillow on her bed and grabbed it before shoving her face into it and screaming. She fell back on the bed, kicking her legs up furiously before slumping in defeat, pillow still over her face.
"M-megatron was the one who saved you?" Armin asked Willy in surprise.
"Wait, why are you acting surprise?" Jack asked him.
"Well, we heard from Kiyomi that someone pushed Willy off the stage, but...Megatron never told us about it," Armin explained.
Jack didn't respond. He merely walked over to the bed before sitting down and covering his mouth with his hand.
"Still don't believe us, I'm guessing," Hanji assumed.
"It's hard," Jack confessed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Considering the amount of things Megatron's done to us directly and indirectly...I don't know."
"...I'm not going to ask you to forgive him," Armin stated, "Megatron's already stated that he doesn't deserve that. He knows where he stands. But...if you can give him a chance to show how much he's changed-!"
"Even if we wanted to, it's not up to us," Jack interrupted, "The Autobots are going to want to put him on trial. Execution's his only path forward now that he's in their hands."
Armin felt he heart drop. Wait...in trying to save Megatron's life...did...did he condemn him? Was he...was he going to lose someone else?
"It's been a long day." Jack lied down on the bed, "I think it's best we all get some rest."
Hanji turned their attention upward to the corners of the glass. "You do that."
(Well, there will be more conversations in the future, and the Autobots are definitely going to talk about it, especially since Wheeljack committed treason by helping out Megatron.)
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alder-saan · 2 years
A knight on a white horse
Brienne of Tarth x afab reader
(I say afab bcz well... there is no trans person in GOT, I guess, so may be in this world that is not even a question. I'll try to not to gender R, but the entire plot is based on R being a single parent perceived as a mother so...)
Warnings : mention of sexual abuse and bullying, insults
Wordcount : ~3000
Angst, little fluff ?
You were the mother of a child, a wonderful little girl, but she had no father since he had decided to leave you for an other woman, before her birth. Now you two lived in your house, but a being an unmarried woman was not well thought of in your village. And this day, your daughter disappeared...
SPOILS FINAL SEASON (at the very end of the fic)
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Being a single mother in this town was hard. You had been in love with a highborn man who told you he would marry you and live with you in a big castle. He told you you would never have to work, and you could spend all of your time dancing at the balls, learning how to read, how to embroider... He told you you were the one in his life, you were his soulmate. And you believed him. Because he said he loved you. But you soon understood he was lying. All of this was an horrible lie for him to had sex with you. And when he found out you were pregnant, he just left you alone. When your parent learnt you were in an outside of marriage relationship, they kicked you out.
You walked to this town and started a new life. You had to work hard, you had to sleep in stables. You needed money to find some decent home for the child you would have. Every day you would work in the fields, collecting carrots, cabbages, and other vegetables, for a miserable wage. Sometimes, your employer would try to touch you, as you were "a little whore who opened her legs to anyone and managed to get knocked up by a stranger" (why would you try to tell him that was not a stranger but the lord of the land ? It would have made no difference). Sometimes you would successfully stop him. Sometimes not.
You finally found an old woman, Ariee, who hosted you for almost nothing. She was the only really kind person here. Thanks to her, you were still alive. You just had to help her cleaning the house, fixing some broken stuff and tending the little garden in which strange plants were growing, and she allowed you to sleep in a room of her house. Even if the entire world seemed against you, you had an ally. She never blamed you for being pregnant, and she helped you giving birth to an absolute wonder you named Elsie. You asked Ariee to be her godmother. When you were working, the old woman was taking care of your daughter.
But as your daughter was growing, you were not anymore the only one to suffer from the other villagers. Elsie was 6 the first time she went back home, a huge bruise on her face. "John told me we weren't welcome here ! So I told him this was our home ! So he hit me" she said. John was a kid from the village. That was the first time you permitted her to go outside alone, and the last time. Ariee told you many times to move, to find another town somewhere else, but you knew it would be the same. And maybe you weren't going to find another nice old woman to help you. So you decided to stay. You knew you could handle this. The only thing you were afraid of, was that your daughter could not. She was at this age when girls want to make some friends. And she watched the other children playing in front of your house. She had such a sad look... But what could you do ? Let her playing with the other kids ? No, they would hurt her.
"I am sorry, Honey. You can't go with them. Remember what John did to you. I don't want this to happen again. Do you understand ?" "Yes mom... But I want to play a game..." "We can play with you, if you want" Ariee told
And so you played together.
You loved Elsie. Yes, you didn't want her at first. But in this world, she carried hope. You wished you could give her a best life. You wished a knight on his white horse would come, one day, and fall in love with her. You wished she would fall in love with him too. And you wished he would put her out of this misery.
But she was still 6. And you had to protect her by yourself until the knight would come.
When you opened your eyes, the sun was warming your skin. You slept much more than you expected. But you needed this. You stretched your arms and legs, then you sat on your bed. This night, you slept with Elsie because she was afraid of the dark. But she wasn't in the bed. No worries, it was quite late, she probably was downstairs, watching the pictures in the only book of the house (that was a gift from her father to you a few days before he knew you were pregnant), playing with Ariee or helping her to cook. She loved this. You put on a brown dress. That was your work dress. You quickly brushed your air, and went down, to eat some bread. No one was there. The old woman and your daughter had to be in the garden. You took a slice of bread and ate it, going outside. Ariee was watering plants. But no sign of your little girl.
You frowned
"Hello, Ariee" "Hello" "Do you know where Elsie is ?" "She told me she was going to see if you were still asleep, why ?" "She's not in the house" "I'll search in the house, go in the town." She said.
You nodded and ran. You were afraid. What could they do to her ? She could be in danger. The kids could be cruel, and the adults even more. You searched in the streets. The town wasn't that big. You asked your neighbours. They didn't see anything. You searched everywhere. In every little hiding place, even if it was too small or too high for her. She wasn't there. You sat on the floor, crying silently, when you heard a conversation.
You know what, I saw baby whore today. Did you ? I thought her slut of a mother never let her out... She told me she wanted to pick some flowers. And what did you reply ? That there were some in the forest. You froze. He said WHAT ? You immediately went back home.
"Have you found her ?" Ariee asked when you entered. "No I... I'm afraid she might be in the woods." "What ? How ?" "Marcus just found funny to tell her that there were flowers in the forest" "What will you do ?"
You took a knife in the kitchen
"I'll go" "I am sorry I really wish I could come with you but I am too old for that, I-" "I know, Ariee, pray for her, please"
And you left again the house, a long, sharpened knife in your hand. You were already crying. If she was lost, you had no chance to find her alive. But you didn't care. You had to find her.
You searched for maybe two hours in the woods. She was nowhere. You didn't know where you was, nor where she could be. Your eyes were filled with tears, you couldn't see anything, so you decided to stop. You rested on a tree, trying to calm down your heartbeat. You wiped a tear. After a few minutes, you were a little calmer, and you realised where you were. You were far from the town... You were alone, almost lost. No sign of civilisation here...
You smelled cooked meat in the air. You had to be near an other town... Instinctively, you walked, following the smell.
That wasn't a town. That was a man in armour, blond haired, sitting in front of a fire, you could only see his back. You almost fainted when you saw your daughter, lying on the floor next to him. She had bruises and dirt on her face. What did this man do to her ? You walked slowly towards him, trying not to make a sound, holding the knife. A twig cracked under your foot. The man stood up, drawing his sword as he turned towards you... He... She. She was so tall, her sword too... You stumbled and fell, trying to step back.
You could see she was confuse. Why would you try to attack her with this knife while she was full plate armored. As she saw the fear in your eyes, she put away her sword, and bowed down to help you.
"Don't touch me !"
She immediately walked away and watched you stood up. You still had your knife and you threatened her with it.
"Give my daughter back ! Or I'll kill you"
She didn't seem impress and just told you :
"Oh, this girl's yours ? Don't worry she's okay. She's sleeping"
You didn't know what to say. You approached Elsie, still threatening the woman with your knife. You gently shook your daughter to wake her up. She opened her eyes and you burst in tears, holding her tight.
You looked at the woman. Did you have to thank her ? You didn't know...
"I'm sorry mom... I was lost" "Don't worry my sweet child, we'll go back to our home, okay ?" "Yes" "Thank you lady-knight !" Elsie said "I told you I would find your mother, but you mother found you first" she smiled at your child. "I-I am sorry for being rude I-" you apologied "Don't worry, I am used to." "Do you travel alone ? I can give you a bed for the night if you want" "That's okay, I usually sleep outside" "But I really want to thank you. Please, accept it" "Yes ! Lady-knight ! I want to show you my home !" "O-Okay" she replied
She packed the few things she had, put out the fire and buried the bones of the rabbit she had eaten. She whistled, and a white horse appeared from among the trees.
The knight on the white horse !
She picked up Elsie to put her on the back of the horse.
"What's-What's your name, lady-knight ?" you asked "I am Brienne. And you ?" "Y/N" "Do you need help getting on the horse, Y/N ?" She said "Yes please"
She grabbed your waist and lifted you up on the horse.
Did she just- She's so tall and so strong...
You blushed. Why did you find a woman attractive ? You meant yes, she's beautiful and you wished to kiss her right now but- She took the reins to lead the horse, walking by your side. She looked at you but you seemed lost in your thought.
"Are you okay ?" "Yes, thank you Brienne. I can walk if you want to be on your horse" "That's okay, where's your village ?" "Over there" You showed a direction.
You were back in the town. Folks were looking at the three of you. Such a strange trio. A slut and her daughter on a white horse, with a giant lady in armour. They started to laugh at you, and some of the children threw you little rocks.
"I am sorry, they are like that because of me..." you said. "Don't worry. I'm used to"
You held your daughter against your chest and showed Brienne the way to your house. Elsie jumped out of the back of the horse and ran into the house.
The old woman was in the garden and came when she heard Elsie yelling. She wiped her tears and held the girl.
"Oh thanks Lord you are safe !" "Thanks to Brienne the lady-knight !" Elsie said "Yes, yes, I'm gonna give you a bath, girl" Ariee replied
She left you alone. Brienne didn't seem really comfortable. You could understand. She didn't know this house, she was a complete stranger.
"Follow me, I will show you your room"
She nodded and you went upstairs. You entered your daughter's room. Brienne was looking everything in the house with her curious blue eyes, as if she was searching for something. She was beautiful... You cleared your throat.
"This is Elsie's bedroom but she'll sleep with me for the night" "I can sleep on the floor, this was really kind of you to-" "She often sleeps with me, that will not disturb her" "O-Okay" "You should take out your armour. You don't need it here"
You approached to help her. Under her armour, she was a normal woman. Tall, yes, but normal. She wore a simple white shirt and brown pants. You could feel her back muscles under your fingers. That was quite... attractive. You were bright red at the thought she could sleep with you, gladly she couldn't see you. You tried to hide it under a poker face as she turned towards you. You smiled to her. Her cheeks were pinkish too. She didn't look at you, avoiding your gaze. Instead, she viewed the garden through the opened window.
"Are you searching for something ?" "I was just wondering where was your husband..."
You closed your eyes and sighed. So that was the time when you had to say you didn't have one and when the woman would laugh at you and insult you. You didn't want this to happen. But you didn't want to lie to her.
"I-I don't have a husband. Her father left me when I found out I was pregnant" "You raise this girl alone ?" "No, Ariee helps me" "It must be hard" "It is. Especially when every one calls me a whore" "I'm sorry" "Don't apologies for them. They don't deserve it" You sighed. Downstairs, you heard Elsie laughing. "I know how men can be... rude" she said. "I believe you"
You smiled at her, your eyes in hers. You were absorbed by her saphire colored eyes. She blushed a bit and looked away.
"I am sorry, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Do you want to shower ? You may be hungry. We have bread and fruits-" "I am okay, really. Thank you for being so kind"
Elsie, who cleaned her face, bursted into the room and hugged Brienne's legs.
"Lady-knight, follow me, I'll show you my book ! I can't read it but there is some pictures in it !" "O-Okay, show me, Elsie"
Your daughter took one of Brienne's hand in hers and led her to the first floor. You followed them. Elsie was so cute, and Brienne too. The little girl took the book on a shelf and sat on the floor.
"Sit with me, lady-knight"
And Brienne sat. Else opened the book and searched for a very special picture you knew was her favourite.
This was a drawing of knight, that probably was a woman, fighting a bear. But as you couldn't read the story next to the image, you didn't know. Ariee couldn't read neither. But when it was time for Elsie to go to sleep and she asked a story, you would took the book and tell her what you imagine being the story of a young woman becoming a knight to save her father. You didn't know the book was a story about Brienne of Tarth. But you did notice her eyebrows when she saw the picture.
"What is this book about ?" "We don't know" you answered "No one here knows how to read" "I do" "You do ? Oh ! Can you read me the story ?" Elsie handed the book to Brienne. "Of course" She took the book.
The cover was just simple leather. No title, no ornament. She opened it. Here, in italics and gothic font, the title was written.
"Brienne the Beast..." She whispered. "Oh ! That's your name !" "I don't think that's a beautiful story. I can't read it to you" "But you told me you-" "Elsie, don't bother her, please..." you said.
Your daughter pouted and stood up. Then, she left the room, going upstairs.
"I am sorry, I hope she'll understand..."
The sun was down, you were still laughing with Brienne when Ariee went to sleep. Elsie was in bed for a long time. She was exhausted. Now you were both sitting at the table, in an awkward silent. You didn't want to go to sleep now. You wanted to talk to her a little more. You really liked her. She told you about some of her adventures. She was there for the long night. She was a hero ! You had a hero in your house. When she talked about that time, you could see in her eyes such a beautiful light. But you had no more question about her. Except for one.
"Brienne ?" "Yes ?" "That book... Was your story ?" "Oh... No. That's a story someone wrote to make fun of me." "What ? Who ?"
She laughed a bit and looked through a window.
"I don't know. And I don't care. If I wanted to know every single person who laughed at me at one point of their life..." "Do you often get mocked ?"
Her eyes rolled.
"Look at me, Y/N, I am a woman and yet I am taller than most of men. I am an ugly woman and-" "You are not." "Please, this is not funny. I know I am ugly. Don't try to make fun of me. I really like you, so please don't do it."
You cupped her face in your hands. She was confuse, you could see it in her eyes.
"Brienne, you are not ugly. I really find you attractive- I mean, If I was a man I would ask you out- I mean... You are beautiful" "Please... I am going to believe you if you keep telling me this" her tone was half whispering half pleading
It was painful, I could hear that. You kissed her cheek.
"Believe me. You are so... stunning. Oh, no, don't cry, please"
You softly smiled at her and wiped a tear with your thumb.
"Brienne, I mean it. You are beautiful" "No one ever told me that" "No one ever ?" "Well a man told me that once, but he left me so I assume it doesn't count." "How would a man leave you ?" "He loved his sister more than me..." "He is stupid. If I was a man I'd never let you down." "If I was a man I'd ask you for marriage."
You blushed. Did it mean what it meant ? She blushed too, understanding what you understood.
"I- What I want to say is that-"
You gently kissed her. She shyly reciprocated.
"Take me away with you" you said.
OKAY that was definitely longer than I expected. I may write an other part one day...
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Aonung and reader
Never directly said but I may have leaked my neurodivergence into the oc and I always wanted to be close to be close with my siblings but my mom always pit us against each other so may have went over board with the bonds in this one… oops this has you starting at 18 and when you are a little bit older 22 mate with Aonung
As Neteyam’s twin sister and Jake and Neyteri’s other oldest child I too was handed big expectations though dad seemed to be more gentler with his daughters. Kiri being so close to our age we were close but she was still closer to Lo’ak. Neteyam and Lo’ak were the only ones allowed to go on missions as dad said it was our duty to learn from grandma and become healers.
One raid I heard from one of the warriors told me about what Lo’ak did that almost got my twin killed and I was pissed. I charged to find them. Before I even could see them I could hear dad yelling and Neteyam trying to take the fall again. “Stop taking the blame for him! If you don’t let him fall he won’t learn!” I growled with a singular focus, ignoring my father telling me to go back. I decked Lo’ak as hard as I could.
Dad pulled me back quickly, “Hey, enough! Go back.”
“No! Teyam is bleeding and this moron…!”
“I said enough. Neteyam walk your sister back to the village.” Dad hissed.
Neteyam walked forward and wrapped an arm around me and applied gentle pressure to get me to move forward. Once out of ear shot he turns and hugs me “I know you were just scared but you can’t just deck Lo’ak.” I gave him a look that said watch me so he continued, “I’m okay, see it’s just a scratch.”
“This time… what about his next stupid move? What about then? Neteyam… I can’t imagine living without you.”
He pulled me tighter, “Hey, I’m right here.”
Not long after we were forced to flee our home to the Metkayina clan. There we were taken in and the leaders assigned their children to teach us their ways. The girl, Tsireya, was kind and it was clear Lo’ak liked her… however her brother, Aonung was crass and rude. I didn’t like him as he clearly detested us.
But I noticed he was a little bit more gentle with me so I started to play into it. When he would get frustrated with one of my siblings I would run my hand down his arm and hum, “It was a good try don’t you think? I was out of breath before them anyway.”
He’d pause before turning his attention to me with a sigh, “yeah I guess…”
On our way home from our sessions Lo’ak scoffs, “Why are you always hanging on to that Asshole?”
“Because when I hang on him he eases up on you, you’re welcome.” I smirked.
Neteyam laughed wrapping an arm around me and bumping against Lo’ak, “weaponized flirting.”
When we started working on learning to ride the Ilus when Lo’ak was struggling Aonung simply laughed, so I got really close and he instinctively wrapped an arm around me as if to assist me in treading water. I leaned my chin on his shoulder, “Aonung… is it really that hard? That looked like it really hurt. Should I be nervous?”
He gives me a squeeze, “Nah, even this idiot can do it. I’ll show you, pretty girl.”
When my brothers got in a fight with Aonung and his friends I stepped up and yelled, “Enough! What is this all about?”
My brothers got up and joined me. Lo’ak jesters at Aonung, “This asshole called Kiri a freak.”
With a straight face I stepped up to Aonung and smacked him, “The only freak I see here is standing here in front of me.” I pivoted, “let’s go.”
When dad found out he was furious and despite the fact that Lo’ak wasn’t in the wrong, he made him go apologize. It was a while since he went to apologize so Neteyam and I went to track down Aonung and when he tells us what he did, with the surge of emotions all I could do was scream. I screamed so loud I attracted many other Na’vi attention including Tonowari.
“What is the meaning of all this screaming?” Tonowari asked.
Pointing an accusatory finger at Aonung, “He sent my little brother to his death!”
Tonowari looked over at his son, “Son? Tell me that this is some sort of misunderstanding.”
Aonung looked at his feet and his father lost it, “You better hope that, that boy isn’t dead! Come with me, we’re going to go find him!”
Neteyam took me home to wait and as soon as we were out of sight I took some deep breaths and flopped down. All emotions were drained out of me. Neteyam gave me a look and I stated, “What? What did you expect me to do?”
“Tell his father and dad.”
“Well now everyone knows what he did.”
“Are you even concerned about Lo’ak?”
“Of course but what use am I right now? And you are acting like I acted irrationally. Tonowarni is going to find him and that was emotionally draining!”
Neteyam plopped down by me, “I guess you are right, I’m sorry. You know he’ll be alright.”
I was walking on the beach on my way to the grove for some special fruit when Ao’nung came out of the water and tried to catch up with me. And though I tried to quicken my pace, his long legs carried him right up to me though he did stay a step behind me giving me space. “What do you fuckin want, fish boy?” I growled refusing to even look at him.
I could hear his fumbling steps as he tried to keep the one step behind me and not over take me. “Pretty gir..”
“Don’t you dare call me that!” I hissed interrupting him.
“Sorry, I mean (y/n)… please forgive me I will do anything to make it up to you. I already apologized to Lo’ak please… please tell me what I can do to make it up to you.”
I dead stopped causing him to bump into me and when I pivot we are practically chest to lower chest. “You can feed yourself to that monster you left Lo’ak for.”
Aonung bowed his head, “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… I’m sorry I picked on your sister and I’m sorry I left your brother alone… with a horrible creature no less. But I really like you…”
“Liar. If you actually liked me not just lusted after me then you would have never treated my siblings like you did. But none of that matters I never liked you. You were an ass, I had to flirt with you to get you to be decent.”
The last part seemed to hurt him the most, “I suppose I deserve that… but can’t we start over again?”
I scowled at him, “start over? Can’t restart something that never began. Now buzz off!”
He looked sad but he deserved it so I stormed off.
… my twin brother was almost killed and I was a wreck waiting for him to heal enough to be stable. Ronal was with him now continuing his treatment as I sat on the edge of the deck with my feet hanging over the edge, tears streaming down my face when Aonung sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me. I allowed him to pull me close, holding me in his arms letting me sob into his chest, allowing my snot and tears run over skin. “He’s going to make it.” He whispered into my hair. “He’s strong and mom is doing everything she can for him.”
After the battle was seemingly over I allowed Aonung to get closer to me. We were walking down the beach to go to the grove to retrieve my favorite fruit. Aonung tested the waters by bumping his arms into me before wrapping his arms around me. When we arrived Aonung would climb the trees for me insisting it was his job to get the high ones, even though I’m much better at climbing the trees. Once my basket was full Aonung took the basket from me and carried it back to my family’s bungalow. Stopping before the entrance he shifted the basket. “You want to come in? We could eat together.”
Aonung swallowed, “You sure?…”
“Yeah now come on.”
It’s me and Neteyam’s 22nd birthday. Neteyam has found a mate and plans on giving her a betrothal necklace tonight but right now was our traditional time together where we just redo each other’s hair. My hair wasn’t completely braided like his so it wouldn’t take as long but it still felt nice to do. I was taking out the last of his braids when Aonung found our hiding spot.
“Hey… you look good with your hair down Neteyam.”
“Aonung, what do you want? This is our time.” I snipped.
Neteyam was completely relaxed, “relax sis, he doesn’t mean any harm. Right Aonung?”
Aonung chuckled nervously, “Right… what are you doing anyway?”
“Doing a full refresh of his braids. This is our tradition. No matter when we last fixed our hair, we do this on our birthday. I find it grounding.”
Neteyam smiled as I began to section off his hair, “Well what’s up my friend?”
Aonung shifted, “Oh um… nothing… I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can just catch up later.”
“Nonsense have a seat and join the family time.” Neteyam chuckled.
Aonung comes and sits across from us, “so…uh… happy birthday…”
“Thanks man.” Neteyam laughed.
“Thank you.” I hummed.
“Of course my pretty girl … um… Neteyam… I would like your blessing to court your sister.”
“I’m right here. And we kind of already are.” I complained.
Neteyam sat up, “He means more officially… like I would of had to do back home. Aonung I have a couple of questions before I give my blessing. First, how do you see my sister?”
“I see her by my side as my light and as my strength. I see her as the mother of my children and the heart of my family.”
“Ok… Kanza already knows how my sister reacts to your fights so we already agreed if you fuck up she’s coming to stay with us. What would you do to make amends after the two of you get into a fight?”
“Well I know I would have to give her a moment and I would need it too but then I would first get her, her favorite fruit and bring it to her and ask to talk it over. I would listen to her feelings and share my own as we are equals in this relationship and we have to work on this together.”
“Last question, when did you know it was her?”
“After I did that stupid shit to your brother and she was angry with me and I realized she might never speak to me again and it actually bothered me.”
Neteyam leaned forward and patted Aonung’s shoulder, “Blessing granted my friend.”
Neteyam leaned back and I continued working on his hair.
Aonung turned his attention towards me, “So my pretty girl, I would like to have our first courtship in front of the clan during the spring festivities.”
“That’s in two days, Aonung! Why are you asking so late!” I scolded pausing on the braid I was focusing on.
Aonung blushed, “Well I’ve been out for trainings for the past month and I thought it would be cute to ask you on your birthday.”
Neteyam chuckled reaching back to pat my shoulder, “It is cute but if you haven’t noticed my sister isn’t someone who handles things sprung on her very well.”
I groaned, “I hate that you are right about that but yeah it’s cute… but what if I mess it up. I still don’t have all your traditions down.”
Aonung smiled reaching out to touch my cheek, “Ma (y/n), this is just a formality, nothing to worry about.”
I raised my eyebrows working on a hair knot, “Really our clan used it as a way for the clan to decide whether or not to accept them as their leaders mate.” Aonung went quiet, “it’s the same here… but they won’t veto you. You’re amazing! You have a natural healer and already have had previous training to be a Tsahìk before. Which is why mother was alright with me courting you in private and has been taking you under her wing. She already approves of you so surely the clan will follow suit.”
I groan, “Alright but I don’t want to think about this. I just want to enjoy my birthday with my brother. Can we just forget about this for now?”
“Sure of course, will I see you tonight ?”
“Yeah at dinner.”
I walked in Aonungs private pod, inside he had prepared some of my favorite foods. “Ma’onung you made dinner for us with my favorite foods… even the ones you don’t like.”
He smiled bringing me into his arms, “of course Ma (y/n). I see you. Happy birthday my beautiful girl.
The festival comes around and Aonung keeps an arm around me as we walk amongst the clan on the beach. He has really grown up but I started to notice how he seems just as nervous as I was despite being all confident earlier. I found it comforting. He squeezed me close and kissed my head, “are you having a good time, pretty girl?”
“Yes I am. Thank you. Are you?”
“Of course I am pretty girl. Shall we dance?” He gestured with his free hand.
Once the festivities died down, Aonung walked me back to my family home. He took me into his arms and leaned down for a kiss but stopped short before he touched my lips allowing me to close the distance. Once he had my lips against his, he dominated my mouth. It was as if he was a starved man. But when he pulled away, it was all too soon. He chuckled at my frustration, “Easy love, we can’t be caught making out too much. It’s important to stay proper during our courtship.”
I groaned, “It’s just a kiss.”
He smiled and gave me a peck, “You know how strict court ship is for the future chief. But don’t worry, we’ll be mated before you know it.”
“Ulg! Fine, when’s our next outing?”
“In three days… this will be a big one…. You will be coming with me on a hunting trip… don’t worry I picked a location that will be easier for you. You don’t need to worry, tomorrow my sister and Rotxo will take you out to practice some more. But just so you know I think you do great already.”
I smiled up at him, “Thank you and thank you for setting that up for me…can I get one more kiss?”
Aonung wrapped a hand around the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss. He pulled away as quickly as he had swooped in, “Good night pretty girl, get some sleep.”
It comes to our last courting where his mother decides her thoughts on us and the clan decides whether or not to accept me. I was looking through my necklace tops trying to decide what was best for the occasion but couldn’t decide which one was appropriate. My dad placed a hand on my shoulder, “Aonung is here to see you.”
Panic set in, “But I’m not ready!”
“Calm down he just wants to give you a gift.”
I nodded and made my way to the door where Aonung waited. “Hey Aonung… You look dashing.”
“Thank you my love. I brought you this to wear today.”
He held up a beautiful netted necklace with beads and shells laced into it, “I made this for you to wear today.”
I smiled, “it’s gorgeous! Thank you.”
He kissed me quickly, “of course… see you soon.”
I approach Aonung and his family in front of the clan. Aonung took my hand and turned to his mother who announced her support for us and like Aonung said the clan followed suit.
Aonung brought me to the water where Eywa and our ancestors could be heard. Our loin cloths already left on the shore. Aonung kept us above water easily, one hand wrapped around me, while the other retrieved his queues and allowed ours to bind together. He was visibly overwhelmed at first, just as I was. But as we synced his hands travelled down to my thighs. He pulled me up and I could feel his tip prodding at my entrance. He kisses me gently before using his grip on my hips to sink himself below the surface. I gasped as he attached his lips to my cunt. While one hand treads water, the other shoots down to lace through his curly hair. His tongue twirls around a bundle of nerves that had my body shaking. His fingers dug into my hips as he pulled me firmly against his mouth. I whimpered as I squirmed on his tongue. As squirmed he moaned and the vibrations against my sensitive flesh. I pulled at his hair as his tongue slowly pushed into my wanton whole. My euphoria drove him further as he could feel it through our bond. He suck my bud into his mouth as I absolutely lost my mind, grinding down onto his mouth. He resurfaced with a smug smile, “that was beautiful, you’re already so out of breath. That’s not good.” After giving him a look, he said “we’re going to have to submerge for this next part.”
I groaned, “seriously? Can we make it quick then? We can have another round if you want to take your time at home.”
He chuckled and gave me a kiss, “okay I will be quick. But our night won’t be over do you understand?”
I nodded, “I understand… ready.”
“Big breath.” And then he pulled us under before he slammed into me, completing our Union. He quickly fucked himself into me. I could feel him hyping himself up so he would cum inside me in just a few pumps. He quickly pulled us back out of the water grabbed our loin clothes and without pulling out dashed us to his now our pod.
I could already feel how hard he was inside of me. He smirked, “You did so well baby… I think you’re already ready for another round.”
I groaned, “Yes!!! Please yes!”
He looked at me with such adoration that I didn’t care there was smugness in his smirk. He leaned forward to kiss my lips as he began to pump in and out of me. He pushed my leg up to my chest opening me up more to him. He moaned in my ear as he pressed his body into mine. My arms were wrapped firmly around him holding him to me until his hips stuttered and his hot seed spurted into me causing the coil in my stomach to snap and my walls squeezed around him. His body went limp as he allowed my leg to come down and my arms fell slack. His breathing was heavy and his heartbeat was thumping strongly. I found his weight on me comforting.
When he rolled off me our queues got disconnected. I curled into his side. He wrapped an arm around me lazily, “that was … that… felt… felt otherworldly.”
I chuckled and decided to tease, “yeah it was okay…” I began laughing when he looked at me with the wtf look. “Sorry couldn’t help it! It was great.”
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theweirdestroller · 6 months
Headcanons Pt 1 - Nightmare's Gang
'Aight, I'm bored, haven't posted in ages, I need to do something. While I have been mostly inactive in the UTMV fandom, I thought it'd be fun to post some of my more uncommon headcanons! And some pretty common ones too, I guess. Here we go! This is all for sympathetic everyone btw. No heartless Sanses here!
The shortest Sans in Nightmare's Gang. I will start fighting people over this. He was starved for years and people make him so much larger than the rest of the gang! He is tiny and spindly and it takes time for him to even begin to spar with the others
Best cook, 10/10, knows all the recipes. He had to spice up the lot of nothing he and Papy had, so he knows how to make a little go a long way and taste good
Really good at taking care of plants and animals. Always seems to be in tune with what others need.
Has sharper senses than most Sanses, minus his eyesight, but not by much
So nearsighted he needs glasses, but would break or loose them if he got any. His eye is too damaged to try contacts, physical or magical
Would be the best around children. Just, so caring and attentive. Panics a bit if they cry though
Isn't too science minded. I'd say since his AU deviated from canon Undertale, he'd focus less on science and more on food
Hates fish. Partially to do with Undyne, partially because their scales and gills freak him out. Hates cooking with them too
Very cuddly, loves being around as many people as possible
Gonna say this once and only once: Human Killer would be ginger.
He cannot cook. Don't let this man into the kitchen. Not only is he a pyromaniac with poor self-control, he also swims in chaos and could not care less about the well-being of others
Has ADHD. Can't stand still for two seconds. Whenever Nightmare's lecturing or talking or something, he's always pacing around. Listening, but moving
Absolutely a cat person, but only has a single black cat and she's missing an eye
Is a flirt but terrified of romance. Hates it, can't stand it. Don't speak to my man about love. Personally, I think he's aroace, but flirts for fun
He can use knives as weapons but not for much else. Can't cut food, not very good at whittling, don't even get me started on peeling vegetables
Surprisingly, he is good at using knife-adjacent things, mostly tools that are basically just knives
I like people who headcanon him as a carver, because he totally would be. But I think his main medium for art would be clay. He has a potters wheel that he doesn't use too often as he likes sculpting without it
Continuing on with the MTT, Dust can cook soup. He can make more, doesn't like to, don't ask him to
The most scientifically minded of Nightmare's Gang, he makes a lot of their chemical based weapons, smoke bombs, acids, and the like
His vision gets fuzzy during fights due to his magic, and nobody knows how to help. He's learned to fight with it, but it is a bit risky
Out of everyone in the gang, he gets overstimulated the easiest
He was the first of Nightmare's Gang. Then Killer, Horror, and lastly, Cross.
Chara had abandoned Dusttale for years before Nightmare found it, so Dust is used to absolute silence, he doesn't like it much
He doesn't like being around too many people at once, but it's better than being alone. He'll actively seek out company if it gets too quiet. Said company is often Horror, because H never really gets that loud
Nightmare's right-hand man and the braincell of the gang
Has leukophobia and kenophobia
Great cook, rarely burns food, can make things taste good, and is probably the only one who is allowed to help Horror in the kitchen
Him and his Chara are actually pretty close. Not at first, obviously, but as time goes on, they both realize they are the only ones left of their AU. They hang on to each other when the memories don't shut up
Always finds a way to call Nightmare "my prince" or "your highness." Nightmare has asked him to stop, repeatedly
Likes climbing things. He'll go up into a tree and fall asleep there if someone lets him. Will also do this on rocks, walls, buildings, and people
Very quiet. His normal footsteps barely make any sound and he uses this to sneak up on people
Probably the most mischievous in the gang, second only to Killer. His best friend is Epic, this man is a complete and utter troll. Nightmare once woke up to his room flooded with rubber chickens. It wasn't Killer.
His voice is naturally so soft that you can barely hear him. His laugh sounds like a little imp though.
Well versed in sign language! His Frisk was mute and thus he had to learn it at a young age. He sometimes signs when he talks so the gang can understand him better. Granted, Nightmare is the only other person fluent in sign
Freaking nerd.
Knows so many languages and three of them are dead. He had a lot of time on his hands after he left his AU
Had no idea he was farsighted until he found Dust, who could read things easily. He tried everything to make reading easier and just assumed that his goop had somehow ruined his vision
Can technically cook. There are no promises that it'll actually taste good though. It may also be burnt or expired.
He has to consume a mix of emotions and physical food to keep himself alive. He did not know he needed to eat until after he found Horror. The magical overload of the Apple Incident managed to sustain him. He passed out in front of Horror and was put on a "diet," if it can be called that
His corruption is semi-sentient. It's not malicious, but it's more selfish than Nightmare used to be. And I mean, Pass. Night was a doormat. He wouldn't fight back even if his life depended on it. The corruption keeps him from attempting to give everything he has to please others. It's still kind of an issue
He forgave Nim for everything she threw on him and Dream. Nobody in Nightmare's Gang thinks any of that was okay.
Really likes curling up with people. He'll drag some of the gang to a couch or bed and just curl his tentacles around them. Very cozy.
His magic is a bit of an "acquired taste." Without any prior exposure, it feels dangerous, threatening. But after time, one begins to realize it's like a blanket, covering and protective
Out off all the Sanses here who have eyesight issues, Error's are the worst. Not only does he naturally have poor vision, his glitching makes it way worse
Doesn't need or want food. He'll eat it to make others happy or less worried about him though
Knows a lot of string based arts, crochet is his favorite though
Has to sleep above the ground. No idea why, he just doesn't like sleeping on a bed, or chairs, or couches. He has to web himself a hammock and sleep ten feet above everyone else
Hates the sound of chewing. Annoys him to no end, will stab his own nonexistent ears if someone chews next to him
A bird person. He really likes parrots and cockatoos
Mildly leukophobic. He doesn't spend too much time in the anti-void because of that
Yes, he's brothers with Geno and Fresh. Yes, they both annoy him to no end. Yes, he would kill and die for them. No, they may not be in the same room as him. He's also the middle child
Was not born with dyslexia. Does not read or write enough to confirm or deny if he got it after he glitched. He does have it though
Likes gardening. Never forgets to tend to his plants
And there we go! I love all headcanons from anybody, it's so fun to see how other people see the same characters! I do love tiny Horror, though. I'll cover the Stars next. I'll keep them all sympathetic too, as much as I used to hate Dream as a person, he's a great character and I know how to write him with more emotions then just toxic positivity. As much as I love emotionless Ink, I never used to write him like that and it's still uncommon for me to do so today. Blue's just a bean, we've never had any issues anyway.
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smol-stardust · 9 months
what is one thing/activity/hobby/tradition/experience/sight — any small thing like walking home from school or stopping to smell the flowers and drinking their nectar — that you think all children ought to experience?
I thought about this a lot and what I did as a kid, and the more I thought about it, the more things I wish all kids got to experience.
• Climbing trees (& the joy of eating wild fruits)
It’s just so fun and pretty!!! Like there’s so much pretty things to see up there and there’s something so rewarding about eating the fruits you got yourselves and just being up high kinda free. Also fun with friends as you just talk about nothing and everything.
• Running rampant (or on bikes) around farmlands. Just… lots of exposures to nature hehe l.
• Farming and not even in any serious manner but just enjoying the soil, watering plants and throwing water at each other on farms and oohing and aging over different insects and plants. But also, I think it made me realise food doesn’t just… poof and appear so there’s that too.
•Walking/Biking to school with each other and yes! Drinking nectar from flowers. Just enjoying the little things before we have to grow up
• Convenience store runs (without adults adds to the fun)
Snacks!! Also playing around with cash and having some responsibility makes the snacks more fun haha. Cuz it’s like, I guess a grown up moment and you’re proud but still a silly child who’s eating snacks :)
•Playgrounds. not one I thought I’d say but I notice a lot of kids have never been in playgrounds from doing camps with kids. And ahhhhh! That makes me really upset because they’re missing out on fun, and honestly, a lot of stuff is learned on playgrounds from interactions to subtle manners but also it’s just a chance for them to be kids ig?
<- we also talked a lot in sociology about how kids now have more anxiety related issues due to less playtime and exposure to playgrounds and how children are biologically hardwired to play etc to stimulate social intelligence, so I have many thoughts about this…
Honestly, just any sort of play time without adults around. I think there’s so much growth and time to explore yourselves and each other and some of the best times I had as kids was just running around with other kids doing our own thing. I think the independence and playtime is super fun and important :)
Something something, we’re social creatures and learn and grow by being around each other while playing and having fun.
Also, we’re creatures of nature deep down, go connect with it (or something)
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sams-venting · 9 days
I need to get this off my chest before I blow up at somebody 
But I know I did not just fucking watch someone try to say a fictional incest ship is worse than several real-life people getting groomed. Are you fucking serious. You are so lucky your ass was on anon motherfucker I would've hard blocked and reported your snide ass
I don't give a shit which 'side' you're on. I don't care what you think about whatever drama of the week is going on. I know my ass, who has actively had to report CSEM photos to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Cyber Tipline, did not just fucking watch you compare a disgusting ship, to actual teens being sexually coerced
I can't fucking believe you. We out here really prioritizing fictional characters over real breathing human beings
Get this, I am completely against pro shipping. I am just as repulsed by people looking at siblings or parents and deciding they should fuck for the silly dynamics of it as the next guy, it's fucking despicable. But I know I did not just your ass saying it's more harmful and creepy than your friend over there diddling real people almost half his age. Are you fcuking kidding me. 
And, before you start assuming shit, I again am on 'no side'. I don't give a fuck about the entire situation outside of people once again, conveniently dragging the victims of the gore anons into more bullshit. 
I am not blind to the fact none of this would've went down had a stalker not went digging for shit. No one would've known about the original doc a year ago had a suspected gore anon not stirred the pot after the callout post that got sent to the VAs. That was purposeful manipulation. No doubt about it. They wanted to pull up anything and everything on one of the few people that was trying to defend those that were getting harassed because of the big blogs. You'd have to be either really young, or really stupid to not've seen that bigger picture 
I also don't fucking trust ANYONE that makes a callout / awareness post for ANY REASON. I don't care who you are. As a quotev veteran of 7 years, someone who watched their friend get dogpiled on by big blogs 3 years ago in the Sonic fandom bc how dare a minor be uncomfortable with public porn of minor characters on tumblr, seen kids purposely catfish adults in the MHA quotev fandom so they could frame them for pedophilia any time their advances were put to a stop, the entire Revie and Jasper situation in the FNF vs Sonic.exe corner of twitter where one adult was partially framed once again by a kid that couldn't handle being told no, meanwhile the other had legit CP on their computer come to find out and was the Actual danger in the fandom 
So imagine my reaction of trying to escape to the fnafsb fandom and to tsams. Here 👏 we 👏 fucking 👏 go 👏 again. It's like everyone was born yesterday and baby spanking new to the Internet. How has No One learned the consequences of their actions. Adults included btw, just as childish if not worse than the teens that haven't learn basic internet etiquette. What the fuck is your excuse you're in your 20s, how is your media literacy This low mf. Smh 
All I can say is thank God I've decided to grow and mature as a person. And by that, coming to the conclusion that everything is ultimately ✨none of my fucking business✨ 
Bc guess what, it ain't. Just bc people airing out the dirty laundry does not mean I need to get involved and throw myself to the drama wolves. Sometimes, I don't need to have an opinion. Sometimes, if I do have an opinion, I know to keep it to myself unless I'm asked for it by my therapist or friends (and not anons guys I am begging you to not get baited by trolls please for the love of all things holy. Assume good faith in strangers, but never in anons. They use innocent questions all the time to pull a gotcha) 
Ultimately? All sides are guilty of some level of shit, end of discussion. 1) I already had beef with with the whole 'ur pd is showing' on a personal level. I will never forgive for that. In no scenario with strangers is that ever fucking okay. 2) I ain't gonna let the little fibs slide. I've seen the screenshots in the newest doc, I've compared the posts. A liar is a liar. 3) I personally don't like nor trust em. Didn't originally, definitely don't now. But again I acknowledge that's a personal decision. 4) I did not fucking like seeing people stalk the gore anon victims once again just so they can dig up scraps to support their persecution of their past abuser. 5) I am in no way denying the abuse they did infact go through. It was horrible to see, and I can only empathize with my own trauma from abusive relationships. 6) I am also however acknowledging that trying to drive them off of social media is not a realistic solution and is infact anti-recovery. So some of you are infact a hypocrite for wanting to abolish prisons and then pulling This kind of shit. Revenge is not justice. 7) if you wanna cut someone out of your life, you have to stop talking about them and 'looking out for their potential victims' or you're just going to feed the flames of drama. Be the bigger person and put down the stick if you're tired of the burn. This goes for everyone btw. 8) for the record I would not be Nearly as on the fence as I am rn if it weren't for [redacted] having learned this behavior from also being a victim of somebody else. It is incredibly common for those that have been groomed and/or abused in the past to then continue to seek out those same types of relationships. Especially if they never learned the why or how said relationships were fucked up in the first place. 
9) it is no one's place to decide if other people are allowed to give someone a second or third chance to be a better person. Idgaf if they're a victim or not. You do not have the right to dictate who talks to who. That is red flag toxic yaoi shit my dear friend. I, do not agree with a few of my mutuals chosing to befriend or forgive them. But I also know it is not my fucking place to tell them to do different. It is not my place to control who is with who for whatever reason. I don't like it, I don't agree with it, but I ain't gonna start shit talking left and right, throwing my opinions all about, and force them to do as I do. 
This is where the maturity clarity thing comes in btw. I don't like it. I have a bad feeling about it. I don't agree with these decisions my mutuals have made. But you know what? ✨It's none of my fucking business✨ and I mean it. That means, after I'm done venting here I'm dropping the topic. That means, just bc I don't like them that I'm gonna start bad mouthing to my mutuals about their friend. You don't go to your bestie and shit talk about their boyfriend right to them, that's messed up af. And this is no different 
Also, sidenote, fuck all y'all for using stranger's posts on the internet to drag someone else's name through the mud and reposting them to a doc without consent. Which Did happen to me with the big blogs vs confessions btw. I am still, very much not okay about that and I can't believe that's happening to other ppl too but for a different call-out. 
but fucking, trying to compare a fictional ship and saying it's worse than people who got groomed?
You are on razor thin fucking ice. Pull your head out of your ass, shut up, and sit the hell down before you spout any more stupid shit for the love of God. That about pisses me off more than anything right now I'm so livid. And I've been silently seething with rage since August so that's not to be taken lightly
[P.S. thank you to mod for being a place ppl can go to, idk what I would've done since I don't have therapy till next week. Sorry if I don't make any sense whatsoever btw, I am tired, it is 1 am, and my bpd ass is extremely emotional rn with no viable outlet except here. I am aware that reality is not what it seems past midnight as I am prone to delusion, so I'm genuinely not allowed to *talk* talk to ppl this late at night for everyone's well being, including myself. So again: thank you. Hope you're doing well, in spite of everything going on. Drinking water, petting cats, monching bread, etc, and letting the small things in life into your heart to spread wonder. Have a good night]
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loosesodamarble · 2 months
Summer Vacation from School
Summary: Leonidas runs into some new faces at his favorite park at the start of summer. Genre: general Word count: ~850 A/N: Oneshot 2/6 for Laura!
Leonidas paused.
He’d left the palace to take a walk through his favorite public park and then sit under the gazebo to complete the homework his tutors had given him. However, his plan didn’t account for there being a group of five other youths his age bantering with each other at the gazebo.
Leonidas had never seen them there at the park before. He thought he was familiar with the park’s usual visitors, that being parents bringing their young children out to play or elderly folks getting fresh air. Looking back, Leonidas recognized that he had never encountered another person his own age in all his time visiting the park and now they were hanging out under the gazebo, and all throughout the park for that matter. He wondered why that was.
“Yooo! Dude, you staring off into space?” one of the teens, a boy with black curls for hair called out.
Leonidas blinked and pointed to himself. The curly-haired boy nodded, and the teens around him smiled and their shoulders moved a bit from quiet laughter. The teens beckoned to Leonidas and he walked over to them.
“Nice threads, mister. Bet they cost a pretty yul,” a girl with heterochromatic orange and yellow eyes remarked.
“You think? I don’t really pay attention to the prices of things…”
For some reason, the group of five laughed again, more strongly than before. Leonidas raised a brow.
“Whacha looking so lost for?” Curly-Hair asked.
“I don’t know if what I said was really funny? And… Truth be told I was caught off guard by you folks being here,” Leonidas said, not seeing any reason to hide the truth. “Normally, I’m the only person of my age that comes to this park. As far as I know at least.”
“When do you usually come?” a guy with combed back hair asked.
“Late morning to early afternoon.” At his answer, “That explains it” and “No wonder” echoed between the teens, leaving Leonidas more lost. “What?”
“Lemme guess, you’re a noble and you got all the free time in the world,” Combed Back said with a lop-sided smile. Leonidas nodded. “See, we go to the local public school. And you come here when we’re usually in the middle of classes, that’s why you’ve never seen us before.”
“Yet you’re here now?”
“‘Cause school is out for the summer. Until August rolls around, we’re free folks,” a girl freckles across his face piped up. “Do… nobles not get summer break?”
“Erm, well, it’s not like I see tutors everyday,” Leonidas started, “but it seems odd not to engage in learning for more than two months straight…”
“Aah… So you’re basically in school year-round,” Freckles murmured.
“Sounds kinda lame…” a girl with round-rimmed glasses commented.
“Say.” Heterochromia pushed herself off from her seat on top of the table and stepped closer to Leonidas. “Wanna hang out with us? We’re going to a game gallery.”
Leonidas pursed his lips and adjusted the bookbag on his shoulder. He’d come all the way to the park to do his homework. Then again, the homework he had wasn’t due until after the weekend so he had plenty of time to work with. But these were total strangers to him and he was a stranger to them, as no names had even been exchanged. The group seemed good-natured enough, even if they saw him differently because of his status.
“You don’t gotta come with us…” Curly-Hair mentioned, tugging Heterochromia back by her wrist. “It was just an offer.”
“I understand that. And thank you.” Leonidas internally cringed at how stiff he must’ve come across.
“I’m going on ahead,” Glasses said while standing. “I’ll get six passes, in case Mister Fancypants decides to join.”
Leonidas opened his mouth to speak, and even reached his hand out to stop the girl, but Combed Back held his hand up to stop him.
“It’s all cool. Passes to get in are only fifty yul each,” he said coolly. The easy-going smile he wore made it clear to Leonidas that even that much was considered cheap for those without as much money. “And if you don’t come along, we can give the last to another lucky stranger.”
“Mhmm… You folks are pretty nice.” The words slipped out of Leonidas unprompted.
“Eh heh, well we try to be,” Freckles sighed.
“So whaddya say? Wanna join us for a bit a fun today?” Heterochromia pressed, giving a grin and friendly swing of her arm.
““Um, thank you for the offer. But I’ll pass. I have homework to do.” Leonidas patted his bag to emphasize.
“Shame. But it’d actually be lame of us to try and drag you away,” Curly-Hair remarked as he and his group started to leave the gazebo. “Don’t worry, you’ll see us plenty this summer.”
“Maybe next time I can join you.”
“And to make it fair, we could do a study group at our third meeting!” Freckles joked, earning groans from her friends but a chuckle from Leonidas.
“See ya’ around!” the four teens shouted to Leonidas before they were too far.
“See you.” Leonidas waved them off. Left alone, he muttered to himself, “Summer break, huh?”
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katyspersonal · 5 months
Cuck(2) detected
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Ok so me and @val-of-the-north consumed mushrooms from Willem's back and decided to brainstorm the Old Gods family tree! This was fun! Maybe some things will get reviewed later, but for now we good!
1) It was initially Val's idea that Caitha was Nito's daughter as someone closely tied to death, as well as he pointed out Pinwheel's masks actually must refer to Nito's family! Nito has an empty coffin nearby, and there is even a smaller coffin hidden.. So yeah. Father, mother and child! I pointed out that since Nito was not a God but Caitha is, it was the mother who had to be a Goddess- and it is further backed up by how Mask of the Mother sticks out in comparison:
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Father and Child look like just people, but Mother looks odd. I offered the idea that her quirk had to be connected to the water, since Caitha's quirk is tears of grief (death + water)! Her mask's design also features water waves motifs! o: (also I guess Nito had curly hair when he was alive XD)
2) We really liked the idea that whenever God has a child, they combine quirks of the parents, so there are other children! Gwynevere = Light + Love, Nameless King = Light + Justice as that kind of noble warrior associated with crows and what not, so this is general principle we follow mostly to detect parents
3) We are still not sure of the level on which Dancer, Rosaria and Queen of Lothric descend from Gwynevere, so the lines aren't clear! Dancer would be at least not a bastard kind of descendant since she is of royal family, so, from marriage!
4) Not sure of the exact specifics on Seath, it can be strange dragon genders or some soul fuckery, but we honestly tried to find another explanation for dragon blood of Gwyndolin, Priscilla and Yorshka and could not.. He is just the only dragon character relevant, and don't mind Gwyndolin being a sorcerer, and also the Moonlight butterflies stuff
5) Seath is the only white dragon and Priscilla is explicitly stated to be pale too, so we think it is safest to assume she is his daughter! She is also stated to be a bastard in Japanese original, so, illegitimate child of a royalty. Lifehunt ability then comes from Caitha's genes! We decided Priscilla was abandoned at infancy, clutching that doll, but we aren't sure yet whether her and Yorshka are non-identical twins only one of which shown fearsome ability potential right out or Gwyn just discovered a huge cuck fetish JHSDFFHDSHFS The thing here that puzzled me is that we receive Lifehunt ability from Soul of Aldrich in DS3, referring to him seeing 'pale girl in hiding' (Yorshka) after consuming Gwyndolin! That'd mean either that Gwyndolin had the gene too (connecting it to Seath then since Priscilla and Yorshka are no gods, ie the shared parent is not Gwyn), or that it was envisioned through sort of 'clairvoyance' from memory about Yorshka. Bro already envisioned Age of the Deep coming, so why not stop at the latter here?
6) Shira stated to be daughter of the Duke, which Val double-checked that shared symbols with Seath's title! The characters known with that status are Seath himself and that guy who is relevant to Seath, so sure, why not say the accent on that status had to be deliberate..
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^ would've been really sexy if the KEPT her white hair from concept art, then. I have an impression that either relation to Seath was an implication that got obscured later due to time constrains (like Fromsoft ALWAYS does and never learns from their mistakes) or it was consequences of how DS3 face model creators are infamous for doing the characters dirty. Look at what they did with Kirk. Look at what they did with Creighton and HIS wonderful white mane. Basically it is a straw we would like to grasp
That's I think the gist of headcanons, @val-of-the-north might add extra details and justifications if he's willing to!
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soullikethesea · 4 months
I really needed to journal. Wrote five pages!
There's so much to process. I decided that I *will* actually do the tantra workshop. 😱 It's mostly about getting to know yourself and learning to feel what you want/do not want and express that to another person. It seems like something I need if I to develop further as a person/adult, but it is certainly tricky and it's hard to tell whether it is already the right time for something like this. I mean, I struggled a TON with the haptotherapy. I think that was maybe also the setting... alone, isolated. And the therapist I tried was a guy. I made sure to sign up for an all-women's day for the workshop. I'm quite certain that being around men would give me Bf flashbacks.
So there's that... I read the first book of Heartstopper as well and I cried so much. Fox's pain. Not being accepted... ouchie ouch.
It makes me think of that time when I was around 12 and a random boy punched me in the street. I was with my friend and he was with a friend as well. My friend exclaimed: "She's a girl!" and he stopped. Said he'd mistaken me for a brother of someone he knew... it seemed fake - it was probably a dare or something like that. But yeah, it felt so strange to be punched by a random person. I was quite shocked that being more like myself had this effect. During that time I felt unsafe in general from the bullying and the stuff at home as well. I was growing into a different stage in life: now free to leave the house alone, go for runs in the park.
It was painful to be around most other children. I basically only had that one friend, who later turned out to be a trans guy, btw. I wasn't sure if I was gay, I didn't really want anything to do with girls my age and that made me doubt that idea. (They were mostly mean girls). I liked being with a guy while being perceived as a guy, but not as a girl. Most people thought I was a boy during that time.
Later I felt like I had to surrender to becoming more feminine, because I'd never heard of binders and yeah... my face and my hips were more obviously female. I developed really bad posture trying to hide my chest. But other than that I felt like there wasn't much I could do to feel more comfortable. At some point I remember asking in a bra shop if I could at least get a bra where it seemed like I just had one boob bump in my shirt instead of two. Kind of a funny/weird question. Turns out that it is something that hinges on wearing tighter shirts...
Anyway, so later on I started to feel more comfortable as a woman. It really started feeling like that once I started sports. I love what my body can do & I love to be strong. It helps me be more at peace. I don't look androgynous, but it makes me feel more like it. More comfortable.
So, now I'm trying to coax Fox into feeling the comfort as well. I know it's more tolerable for him now that we have broad shoulders. We can be a woman in our own way.
And I always felt like I was a strange girl, but I think I was a pretty average gay girl. A nerdy one, obsessed with imaginative play and nature. But yeah. How some girls are - aside from the mean girl types - and, I guess, how some gay girls are.
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gimletagain · 2 years
I’ve learned not to hold out any hope for Harry’s redemption arc though. I don’t know if he feels sorry about any of this.
Exactly, don’t fall with the alleged Harry the victim. He is behind everything with the wife and with his book coming soon, he of course wanted the Netflix show right now, to upstage W.
He really grew up with a chip on his shoulder and he now thinks he is the American Prince, the popular one, where there is no space for W. Like if he is hated in UK, he wants W to be hated in US, he believes it’s his right. He doesn’t want to stop his nonsense just because W was kind with him during the funeral, in fact, Harry believes that was the minimum W could have done after all the alleged offenses W did to him and the pathetic wife. If we are going to believe the rumours about them wanting to move to Bel Air, god, this man is pathetic and pure PR, he wants to be the *Prince of Bel Air’, he is really pushing hard for an identity, but he can’t see that he has none thanks for being just the handbag of the wife and using Diana for everything.
Please, just remember everything, THEY ALWAYS HAD THE PLAN TO LEAVE, since 2018 they were in talks with Quibi, Netflix, Oprah, etc, we are talking about a couple who plans everything (even if the plans are pathetic, they are planned). Soooooo, my guess is that they know that they need to do everything on their hands to keep the link with the RF, because they know the ‘fame is finishing. So what do we have? Again the racist narrative (with the Kennedy award), again the mental health, again the ‘lovely-dobey’ couple (with the documentary, pictures with Amanda Gorman, Elton John video, etc). So, perhaps that article about them wanting a ‘reconciliation’ on 2023 was true, that was the plan, to rebrand themselves as the ‘bigger people’ and continue having the link with The RF, but they never expected the Queen dying. So, according to their plan, they needed to release all the BS this year and on January the memoir, and then later 2023 the reconciliation (to have at least 2-3 more years of front pages with articles about reconciliation, etc). So, they believe Netflix is pissing their plans, that’s why they are putting pressure.
Everything with this couple is a plan, and H is worse than the wife.
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I occasionally feel for him. I was in a miserable relationship with an emotionally abusive older man in my 20s. During that period I was a pretty miserable c*nt to many of my friends and family, because I felt like my entire emotional existence was dependent on one person (him). But, I was 22 and learned pretty quickly, and I never crossed certain lines.
He’s my age now and I can’t imagine being so actively being a miserable person (or having the energy for it) with all of the gifts that the world had bestowed upon him - healthy children, a family that loved/loves him very much, more money and resources than 99.9% of the world, his health. All of that and he titles his memoir “Spare.” Tells you all you need to know, really.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
"But are you good at playing pirates?"
Ed blinks. "I am a pirate, so I'd hope so!"
Louis rolls his eyes in a perfect imitation of Stede. "Alma, he's not getting it."
"He means he wants to know if you'll let him win and capture you," Alma says patiently. "Dad always let us win, when he played pirates with us."
Ed shrugs. "I can do that."
"In our defense," Alma sighs. "We did warn him it was different playing pirates compared to being a pirate."
Stede follows her to Louis' room, and immediately covers his mouth to hide a laugh.
"Did you teach them this?" Ed asks from his position face down on the floor. His hands are tied behind his back with the cravat he'd been wearing, and his ankles tied together with what looks like one of Mary's scarves. Under his bad knee, they've kindly placed a plush pillow.
"I may have," Stede attempts to say it evenly, but a snort of laughter escapes. "Are you alright?"
"Fine, but apparently terrible at playing pirates," Ed scoffs. "We did not play it like this when Izzy and I were kids."
Stede nearly loses it again at the sound of Izzy's boots in the hall, stopping in the doorway to the bedroom.
"Ed, your tea is re-" Izzy pauses. "Oh. I thought you were helping watch the children."
"I am!" Ed protests, wiggling on the floor.
"Here," Alma tuts, and helps him roll over onto his back. "I'd say I'd untie you, but you're Captain Louis' prisoner."
"You still could untie me," Ed says.
Alma shakes her head slowly. "I'm sorry, but that's not the rules."
"Rules! Pirates break rules!"
"Quiet dog!" Louis leaps from the closet. "Oh! Hi Dad. I captured Blackbeard!"
He can't hold back, and folds over laughing. "I'm sorry Ed, I really am...but they did rather efficiently capture you."
"No, I did!" Louis protests. "Alma was busy being a snitch, a privateer!"
"Just because I said Dad wouldn't want one of his boyfriends tied up-"
That sets Izzy off, cackling.
"Never mind you two," Ed scoffs at Stede and Izzy. "I'll escape my bonds myself!"
He twists, and wiggles, and rolls back over onto his face with a grunt. "Why is your kid so good at capturing people?!"
"I don't know, by all accounts he should be terrible at it," Stede catches his breath. "Considering I taught him how to play pirates."
"Izzy! Iz, come help me," Ed squirms towards the door like an inch worm.
"I don't know," Izzy wipes away a happy tear, struggling to not giggle more. "I don't want to invoke the Dread Pirate Louis' wrath. What if he ties me up next?"
"I have more of Mum's scarves," Louis threatens, and Izzy and Stede fall over themselves laughing again.
"Alma," Ed says. "I will teach you how to take out a man's eye if you free me."
Alma's eyes light up. "Really? Okay!"
In a flash, he's untied and up, Alma leading him by the hand. "Mum says knives have to be an outside activity, so we'll go to the yard. Who am I going to practice on?"
Louis stares as they leave, then stomps his foot. "He was my prisoner!"
"Hey," Izzy says gently. "He was, and you did well! But if you go with them, he can teach you and Alma both how to take out someone's eye."
"I guess," Louis mutters. "Is it hard?"
"Nah," Izzy replies. "Go on after them."
Louis races past Stede and Izzy, and they share a chuckle at his enthusiasm.
Then, a shared thought hits.
"Will Mary want him to learn how to do that?" Izzy asks. "At his age, I mean. Eventually they should both learn, but-"
Stede nods. "Yeah, just thought about that. Ed! Hang on!"
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enfant-du-fleurs · 2 years
As You Wish: Part 1 (Jake Kiszka x Female Reader)// Inspired by "The Princess Bride"
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NOTE: Hi! Well... I'm low-key obssesed with "The Princess Bride" book and movie, so I couldn't wait to write this fanfiction, also Jake dressed up as Westley for this Halloween and I literally fainted when I saw those pictures. I hope you enjoy it, you don't need to read or watch "The Princess Bride" to understand this fanfiction c:
WORDS: 2083
TYPE: fluff
PAIRING: Jake Kiszka x Female Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of kidnappings, strong language and uncomfortable situations.
SUMMARY: Inspired by "The Princess Bride", Y/N was a very beautiful girl who lives in a farm, she suddenly discovers that she may have feelings for her shy servant Jacob. This is only inspired by the first chapter of the book, so there's A LOT of more adventures for the future c:
The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel
Message In A Bottle - Taylor Swift
Flower Power - Greta Van Fleet
Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations
Annie's Song - John Denver
Today Was A Fairytale - Taylor Swift
As any other country in the Middle Ages, there was a king and a queen , and as any other other kingdom in the Middle Ages, they were misogynistic and the king needed a son, but his beautiful and wise queen never had a son, every single baby that they had… was a girl, and for some strange reason, the babies never survived more than one week alive, maybe it was because in that time everybody was dirty and they smelled like ass, or maybe… there was something darker behind the king. Even though it wasn’t a secret that the king was a misogynistic asshole, as I said… it was the Middle Ages so nobody really cared about it (maybe we could ask ourselves if we really live in the 21th century).
The king was trying to have son, but everything failed, so he took advantage of his power. He visited every single house of every single farmer with newborn babies in the whole country, and after a very extended search, he finally found a family with four children, a very cute little girl, two kids very similar to each other (in other words: twins) and the newborn SON of the family. The asshole king wanted to buy the newborn son, just like if the baby was a thing and not a human being, but as any other normal family would do, they said “No, absolutely no”. Apparently the king accepted the answer of the baby’s parents, but he could never accept a “no” for answer, so he paid a “professional kidnapper” to kidnap the baby. So a couple of nights after, the king forced the queen to announce that she was pregnant, so he could justified a baby coming out of nowhere in a couple of months. Nights after the big and fake announcement, the kidnapper finally stole the baby from his mother’s arms.
Fifteen years after, the boy grew up and now he was a teenager and obviously a prince named Samuel. He was more like his foster mother, relaxed and kind in comparison to the king, but after all, he grew up with a lot of privileges that maybe in his life as a farmer he could never had.
His real family never stopped looking for him, they never suspected something about the prince Samuel, even though his features were similar to rest of his siblings, the king really planned everything to justify his wife pregnancy, everything was on point.
Samuel’s sister at the age twenty years, she was already settled down with another farmer, meanwhile the twins Jacob and Joshua, at they age of nineteen they used to work as musicians on the street but due to the lack of money and food that they needed to survive, Josh went to Spain to learn the art of performing and smithy, meanwhile Jacob had to work as a servant for another family of farmers.
This family of farmers had a very gorgeous daughter, her name was Y/N. It was normal to see her riding her horse or playing around the fields and her dress was always covered of leaves. To be honest she was very quirky, she walked kinda funny, but I guess she knew it.
Y/N enjoyed teasing Jacob all the time, well… almost all the time, but the reality was that Y/N was deeply madly in love with him. Jacob was pretty handsome, his hair was starting to be longer, his body was athletic but not muscular, I guess that is normal for someone who works carrying stuffs, cleaning and going everywhere.
Our dear Jacob was also in love with Y/N, but they never said something to each other, he was very shy and introverted, so he only showed his love saying "As you wish" while he nodded at her.
One day, the king was looking for a wife for Prince Samuel, so he sent the Counts to look every single and virgin girl in the country. The Counts arrived to Y/N's farm and they immediately talked to their parents.
"As you may noticed, we are here because the King is getting older and the Prince Samuel is closer to the perfect age for being the king, so... according to the population records, you have a daughter, can we see her?" asked the Count.
Y/N's parents called her and when she was there the Count was seeing Y/N carefully, he noticed that indeed, Y/N was a very beautiful girl, her soft hair, her bright eyes, everything in her was perfect, except for the fact that she didn't like to take showers.
"Good Morning, young lady. I'm very sorry if we are bothering you or if we interrupt your day, but we are here because we have wonderful news for you." said the Count with calm.
"Oh! Really? News for me?" Y/N asked bowing her head to the side.
"Yes! Well, the King is looking for a new Queen."
"So... do you want me to look for a new Queen?" she said.
"No, my darling, is not like that. We want you to be the new Queen" said the Countness.
"So... that means that you want me to marry the King? Isn't he very old for me? I mean... he's like 67 years old man" said Y/N impressed by the weird proposal.
"No, no, no" the Count laught "You would be marrying the Prince Samuel. I know that you are older than him, just a little bit older than him, but that's not a problem, we can lie to the villagers just like the king does and everybody is going to be happy."
Y/N didn't like a single word that the Count was saying.
"You'll be rich, you can have an entire room only for you..."
"I already have it" Y/N interrupted the Countness.
"How I was saying" she sighed "you can have exclusive education and a very handsome prince."
"I don't need a handsome prince, I already met the prettiest and most talented man that I want to spent my life with. I know how to read, I'm not stupid, maybe I'm not rich but at least I'm happy. Why are you looking for a normal girl if there are a lot of beautiful princesses out there?" Y/N said.
Jacob was sweeping the leaves, although he was working, he was also paying attention to the conversation with the Counts, so when he heard that Y/N said something about <<she already met the prettiest and most talented man>> he stopped sweeping for a couple of seconds. His little heart ached, but then... he reminded that she doesn't have pontential fiancés, she hadn't even met any other men but him <<Who could be that man she mentioned if he only knows me?>> he asked to himself.
"Well..." the Count began to laugh nervously "We are just following the King's order. Since you're very young to understand the situation, we are going to talk about this with your parents."
"If our girl said no, it's no" her dad said.
"For God's sake! Are you sure to reject an offer like this?" the Countness asked to Y/N showing indignation.
"I don't even know how the Prince Sam looks like" Y/N said.
Jacob began to move closer to listen a little more of the conversation, but he kept sweeping. The Countness looked at the young servant a she pointed at him "The Prince looks a little bit like your servant." Jacob stopped, his face turned pale and he was just looking nervously at Y/N.
"Like Jacob?" the beautiful girl asked surprised.
"Like me?" asked the confused young servant.
"Yes, yes, both have very similar features, I would think that they could be brothers if I wasn't the Countness" she giggled "Both are very... very handsome, their noses are very... particular and their delicate and their kissable lips" she began to move closer to Jacob until she gently slid her finger on Jacob's cheek, he took two steps backwards and he ran to his little house next to the horses. He was obviously uncomfortable for the actions of this woman and because she said that Prince Samuel and him shared some features <<What if the prince is my brother?>> he thought.
After the akward moment, the Counts tried to convince Y/N and her parents, but everything ended with Y/N saying "I don't care if the prince looks like the most handsome man I ever met" sadly Jacob didn't hear that.
The moon was shining in the sky, the wind was brushing every leave of the trees. The horses were sleeping and next to them, there was Jacob's little house where he slept. He was playing a very sweet melody on his lute, Y/N heard him and she thought it was a good idea to finally tell him that she is deeply madly in love with him.
Y/N stayed a couple of minutes standing in front of Jacob's little house, she was very nervous. She knocked the door and Jacob stopped playing. When he opened the door Y/N without hesitation started to talk.
"I know that you find me annoying and I interrumpted you, but a couple of days ago I realised that I'm deeply madly in love with you and the only way to show my love for you was pissing you off, the thing here is that I realised that it's a very awkward behaviour, so I just wanted to visit you because I had the violent urge to tell you that I love you" she said without taking a single break to breath.
Jacob was completely astonished, he was petrified as a rock, he didn't move or say a single word.
"C'mon... say something" she begged.
"Something?" he furrowed his brows.
"You know exactly what I'm talkin about, Jacob"
He just slammed the door keeping his astonished face, of course that Y/N found that very disrespectful "Don't fool yourself, I don't like you that much either" she said trying to hide the fact that Jacob had broken her heart in million pieces "Everything was just because that old ass woman called you handsome, right? She's too old for you, Jacob!" she yelled.
Jacob opened the door again "No, it wasn't" he said quietly.
"Then? Why don't you just say something about what I told you?" Y/N desperately asked.
"Y/N... I love you too, since the very first minute I saw you, I had an enormous crush on you. But I'm just a servant, what can I do for you more than obeying your orders? Every single time, trust me" he gently took her hands "Every single time I said -as you wish- it was just me saying that I love you. You're the only reason that I compose melodies when I'm supposed to be sleeping, every single melody I play is for you." he gently kissed Y/N hands "I was waiting for this moment, my dear Y/N."
Our beautiful Y/N was melting, she was so happy to hear Jacob's words, she couldn't believe that her love for him was mutual. Once inside the house, Jacob played almost all his songs that he composed. It was so touching that the musician and the muse were together enjoying the music and finally... expresing their love for each other with shy kisses, tender glances and fleeting caresses full of innocence.
Finally they fell asleep, but the sound of the birds singing in the morning woke them up.
"Oh my God!" Y/N exclaimed getting up after resting on Jacob's chest "The sun is rising! Jacob! Wake up!"
He yawned and the first thing he did was looking at Y/N "Oh...good morning" he smirked "But eveyone is still sleeping, come here."
"I have to go, my parents don't know that I'm here" she said straightening her dress "But anyways, I'm so happy that we spent the night together with your wonderful music. Since the first time I heard you, I was completely mesmerized with your talent" she kissed softly his forehead.
"And I'm very happy too because you stayed here with me and because I know that our feelings are mutual, also... you heard me, I was always thinking and imagining how it would be the day you heard all the songs that you inspired me."
After spending a couple more minutes together, before Y/N left Jacob's little house, she said with a huge smile on her face"What if we compose more music... together this night?"
"As you wish, Y/N. I'll wait you here, my love."
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