#'wherever I have gone--wherever I've been and gone--wherever I have gone / the blues are all the same'
ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: February 10
“Blues Run the Game” by Jackson C Frank
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✨Dress Up, Part 3: The Honeymoon✨
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Who's ready for the honeymoon?? I've been dying to get this one out for y'all. Thank you all again for the incredible support on this fic, I absolutely love you all! Enjoy!!
I tried to make it as clear as possible who is speaking at any given time lol
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Summary: The wedding is over and it's time for the honeymoon! And you have an interesting proposition for your new husband...
Warnings: 18+, smut, fingering, oral (m & f receiving), p in v, anal, multiple partners
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As promised, Lucifer behaved himself for the rest of the reception. He was always very good at keeping his promises with you. Although, you had piqued his curiosity when you had mentioned the little "proposition" you had for him later in the evening. He was insatiable. And you loved it!
"C'mon love, at least give me a hint!" Lucifer begged while you were in between conversations with the hotel patrons. "Do you think it's fair to keep secrets from your husband?" He latched onto your waist and pressed a kiss to your cheek, a little laugh escaping your lips. "I'll just keep kissing you until you tell me!" Sure enough, he began to pepper small pecks across your face, finally forcing you to push him away gently.
"All good things to those who wait, Lucifer," you teased, taking his one hand and leading him towards the bar. "We just have to say goodbye to a few more people, okay? And you're one to talk! You still haven't told me where we're going for our honeymoon!"
He chuckled, bringing your hand up to his lips. "I'm the Devil, sweetheart; deception is in my job description, or so I've been told." You rolled your eyes playfully and made your way towards your new daughter-in-law.
"Charlie!" you greeted, bringing her into a warm embrace. "Thank you for this. You did an incredible job. This was everything I could have hoped for and more."
"Oh, there's no need to thank me!" Charlie beamed. "Everyone here worked super hard to make sure everything turned out perfect!"
"You're too modest, Charlie dear," Lucifer complimented. "Anything you touch turns out absolutely perfect. And I shouldn't expect anything less from my little girl!"
"Thanks, dad. I-I love you two so much!" Charlie's eyes started to well up with tears as she brought you both in for a hug. "Oh, dad! Did you tell her about the surprise?!"
Lucifer shook his head. "I haven't, but we're just about to head out right about...now!" With a snap of his fingers, a portal appeared behind the trio. You went to turn your head, but Lucifer used his hand to turn your face back towards him. "No peaking!" Without warning, you felt your legs give out beneath you as Lucifer scooped you up into his arms, cradling you against his chest and smiling down at you. “Thank you all for a wonderful day,” he called out to everyone. “It’s certainly one we’ll never forget. We’ll be back in a few days' time. PLEASE don’t burn the hotel down while we’re gone!” He turned around to face the portal and leaned down towards you. “Close your eyes for me,” he whispered against your ear. You did as he said and let your eyelids fall.
You felt the subtle jostling of Lucifer’s movement as he carried you through the portal. He only took a few more steps before he stopped completely. Wherever you were, you felt a slight breeze hit your skin. You guessed you must be outside somewhere. But Lucifer’s footsteps sounded like they were hitting tile flooring. Before you could try to rationalize further, you felt your husband’s lips graze your earlobe.
“You can open your eyes now,” he cooed.
Your eyes shot open; Lucifer’s grinning face was the first thing you saw as he finally set you back down on your feet. You were right about being outside. Kind of. You were on a balcony. The footsteps you heard earlier made sense now. But you saw something else that had completely caught your attention. The sky above you wasn't red. It was a deep blue. You turned to Lucifer in confusion. "Where are we?"
"Surprise!" he nearly shouted, gripping your hips and twirling you around before placing you back down. "Welcome to the Lust ring, my darling!"
You blinked at him a few times before looking back over the railing, smiling eagerly. "So, this is what you've been hiding from me?"
"It is," Lucifer said as he pulled you flush to his chest. "Do you remember how I said that you're no longer bound to the rules that govern sinners? This is part of that deal! You're free to travel anywhere as my Queen, and that includes the other six rings of Hell! Not that I would recommend most of them. But Asmodeus-"
"Wait, Asmodeus?" you questioned, "The Sin of Lust?"
"Yes! Although I usually just refer to him as Ozzie. He's one of the only Sins I get along with. But anyway, he's the one who put us up in this lovely room for the next few days. I told him I was getting married and well, he practically insisted on letting us use his Honeymoon Suite at the hotel he owns here. Told me I needed to 'put the room to good use'." Lucifer flashed a smug grin before leaning in to capture your lips. He picked you up once more and carried you over to the too- large heart-shaped bed, setting you down on the soft dark purple bed sheets. "So, my angel has a 'proposition' for me?"
Suddenly your cheeks felt burning hot. To be honest, you haven't given your own proposition much thought before this. But that week without any intimacy nearly drove you up the wall and your mind created scenarios that you had never even considered before. You regret mentioning it in the first place, but it was too late to turn back now. "W-Well, yes, I do...I mean, I did. I umm...it's..."
Lucifer laughed and sat himself down next to you, his hip connecting with yours. "Now what could possibly have you so tongue tied?" Lucifer teased as you looked away from him. "I've never seen you like this before. You don't have to be embarrassed, love! Whatever it is, I'm sure I can handle it! I don't think there's anything you can suggest that would scare me away." He brought his hand under your chin and turned your head towards his wanting expression. "Please tell me!"
You sighed shakily. "And you won't freak out?"
"Now when have I ever freaked out?" You cocked an eyebrow at him. "Ok, fair point. I promise you that I won't freak out."
You inhaled a few short breaths before speaking. "Youcanduplicateyourselfright?" you blurted out without thinking, making Lucifer pause.
"Duplicate myself?" he repeated, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhh, yeah I can. But what does that have to do with...o-oh...OH! UMM...S-SHIT! WOW I uhh...wasn't expecting that..."
"Hey, you said you wouldn't freak out!"
Lucifer shook his head rapidly. "Freaking out?? Who's freaking out?! Not me! Certainly not me! I'm cool, I'm alright, I'm fine! It's just uhh...I..." He laughed nervously, failing to reign in his sudden panicked reaction. But for some reason, it seemed as though he couldn't stop smiling.
You reached down to cup his hands in yours. "Luci, listen, if that's not something you're wanting to try, that's totally alright! I'd never ask you to do something that would make you uncomfortable! That's why we talk about everything beforehand! Please don't worry about it." You smiled and cupped his face in your hands to press a light kiss on his lips.
"Now sweetheart, I never said "no", now did I?" you heard a familiar soothing voice echo behind you.
You turned your head slowly, only to see an identical Lucifer sitting next to you on the opposite side. You gulped and smiled warily. The other Lucifer grabbed your hand and kissed it delicately.
"You...you want this?" you turned to your Lucifer as the other continually kissed up your arm.
Lucifer beamed at you, taking your other hand. "More than you know! If I'm given the chance to provide you with as much pleasure as I possibly can, I will never turn down that opportunity! Besides, I do owe you from the reception, and I intend to pay it back tenfold."
You didn't think your face could get any more beet red. Your lips met with your Lucifer once more, his tongue gliding across your bottom lip, begging for entrance, to which you happily obliged. The other Lucifer found his way to your neck, now sucking and nipping at your sensitive skin. You had barely begun, and your adrenaline had skyrocketed. You had to pull yourself away before you wouldn't be able to stop yourself.
"I...I'd like to clean up first, if that's alright," you chuckled. Your Lucifer grinned, with both of them standing up and offering you their hands.
"Shall we?" they spoke in unison.
Your face flushed as you took each of their hands, pulling yourself up from the bed. They led you to the illustrious bathroom that was connected to your bedroom. It was way too grand for just a couple. Well, at least you three would take up just a little more space. You stripped out of your reception dress quickly, your lovers following suit. The shower itself could have easily fit everyone on in the hotel inside, but the three of you planned to use the space to your advantage. Once the shower was heated to your liking, you stepped in tentatively, letting the hot water relax your body. You didn't realize how stiff you had been. Perhaps the cause were the two men that just stepped in the shower to join you. One stepped around behind you, the other in front. Perfectly sandwiched between two God-like figured. Her heart threatened to beat out of your chest as you felt two hands gently massage your shoulders while two more thumbed circles around your hips.
"It's alright, darling," your Lucifer spoke calmy from behind. "We'll go at the pace you're most comfortable with, yeah? If you need to stop at any point, say the word and we'll be done." You nodded your head, giving them the 'okay' to continue.
"Let's get you all nice and clean now, love," the other Lucifer cooed. He passed the bottle of shampoo to your Lucifer while he lathered his hands with soap. You felt a pair of hands massaging your scalp ever so gently as they thoroughly scrubbed your soft hair, detangling any knots that may have formed. Two more hands roamed your skin, gliding across every inch of it. Starting at your neck, moving across to your shoulders, down to your breasts. Your breath hitched and you giggled, noticing how long his hands lingered in the specific area. His hands finally moved down lower, to your stomach and your hips, only to reach around and give a few light squeezes to your ass. You knew he was going to be touchy, especially considering it's been an entire week since he's been able to feel you like this. And you weren't going to deny him.
You rinsed your hair, watching the other Lucifer lower himself onto his knees to wash your legs, starting at your calves and working his way up to your thighs. After a few seconds, you noticed his hands have not left your thighs; he continued to run his hands along them delicately but desperately, almost begging for something more. You looked down at him only to be met with pleading eyes. It suddenly clicked with you. Wordlessly, you spread your legs apart slightly, allowing him access to the one area of you that you knew he wanted. That he needed. You let out a few shaky breaths before you at last felt his digits glide along your folds. You didn't know how much you missed the feeling of his fingers until he began his ministrations, easily finding your sensitive nub in the process. You mewled as your Lucifer turned your head to capture your sounds on his lips. You felt the other Lucifer's fingers enter you slowly, causing you to moan into your Lucifer's mouth. He swallowed it happily. You felt him languidly thrust his fingers in and out of you, your walls clenching around them.
"Now this is heaven," your Lucifer whispered against your collarbone. "I can finally tell you how wonderful you taste on my tongue." Without warning, the Lucifer beneath you gripped your thighs and plugged his face into your aching pussy, your knees nearly buckling under its own weight. Luckily, Lucifer caught you and held you close to his chest as the hot water continued to loosen every muscle in your body.
"I gotcha," your husband murmured before nipping at your neck, leaving bruises and bite marks in his wake. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Both of their tongues worked on your trembling body, your mind couldn't decide which area to focus on. You felt Lucifer's tongue push past your folds, his forked tongue hitting the most sensitive area inside of you. All that managed to leave your throat were whimpers of pure, overwhelming pleasure.
"L-Luci...I-I...," you tried to speak, becoming more and more difficult with each passing second. "B-Bed..."
You felt both Lucifers smile against you, each of them pulling away to stand up straight. The water was turned off and they led you out of the shower. They took some towels, drying you off as best they could before your Luci scooped you up and carried you back over to the bed, laying you down gently.
"What do you desire, my queen?"
You grabbed your Lucifer's hand, directing him to sit behind you. You looked at the other and patted the sheets in between your thighs. "I'm sorry that I interrupted your meal, please continue." Eagerly, the one Lucifer jumped onto the bed and dove between your thighs once more, continuing his tender licks up your dripping slit without giving you a second to brace yourself. You cried out while your Lucifer sat you in his lap.
"Such beautiful sounds, my darling," your Lucifer praised. "I've never been able to hear them so clearly when I've done this before. I've been dying to taste you again; it's been so long." You tried your best to focus on what he was saying, but the pleasure between your legs had taken up every bit of your attention. You missed this more than you were willing to admit; to have your lover devouring you like it was his last meal. You felt his hands snake underneath your arms, beginning to squeeze and knead your breasts. You were seeing stars, your vision blurred as you could feel legs begin to tremble uncontrollably. The other Lucifer had to wrap his arms under your thighs to make sure you couldn't pull away from his devilish tongue that was now circling your clit relentlessly. You were on the verge of breaking. "I can tell you're close, sweetheart. It's okay, let go for me. Let me taste all of you." You felt two fingers enter you at that moment, forcing you to thrust your hips up in unbridled ecstasy. Once his fingers curled inside you, the coil in your stomach snapped.
"A-AAHH...HHNG...LUCIFER!" you cried out as your orgasm overwhelmed you, your walls pulsating around his fingers that had refused to slow down as you came. You rode out your orgasm, feeling Lucifer lap up every last drop of you before you had finally come down from your high. Your breaths were heavy, but your Lucifer captured your lips once more, inhaling every last one. Oddly enough, you could taste a faint hint of yourself on his lips, even though he wasn't the one between your legs.
"Tell me love, how much did you miss my tongue?" the Lucifer below you asked coyly as his thumbs ran soft circles around your inner thighs.
You rolled your eyes and smiled. "Enough to know that I'll never ask you to wait for me again."
He beamed at you, picking himself up from between your legs and leaning for a tender kiss, the other leaving more hickies along your neck. This was everything you could have imagined and more. But you weren't done yet. You needed more. You had felt Lucifer's hardened cock against your back the entire time you were sitting in his lap. It was time to give him his fill of you. And you were more than willing to let him claim every part of you.
"Yes?" they answered.
"I want you to take me. All of me. Please..."
"D-Do you mean..." your Lucifer swallowed hard, the other completely red in the face.
"I do," you nodded shyly. "Is...Is that alright?"
With a snap of Lucifer's fingers, a third one appeared and stood next to the three of you at the edge of the bed.
"Anything for you, my angel," the third spoke softly, a nervous smile crept across his face.
Oh, you were so fucked! In both senses of the word. Your hands shot up to your face in a failing attempt to hide your embarrassment. You felt a pair of hands pull them away, now staring back at two pairs of lust-filled eyes.
"Are you absolutely sure, love?" Lucifer's voice echoed behind you. You could almost hear the shakiness in it. "Please don't feel as though you need to do this for me."
You managed to shift yourself so that you were now kneeling in front of your Lucifer, his head resting in the palms of your hands. "Yes, I want this. This isn't for you or for me, this is for both of us. I'm yours, my king." You brought your lips to his, entangling your tongues together in a fiery kiss. When you pulled away, Lucifer seemed to be caught in a trance, completely drunk on you.
"Let's get you ready," he grinned. With a swirl of his hand, a bottle of lube had appeared, tossing it to the Lucifer standing beside you. You noticed the writing on the label before he threw it away.
"Apple flavored?" you questioned.
"Let me ask you, did you taste yourself on me when you kissed me a minute ago?" Lucifer smirked a bit when he asked. Your face flushed a bit, but you nodded. "I thought as much. It was faint, but it was there, right? I didn't think you wanted the taste of normal lube when you uhh...umm, yeah...haha...It's hard to explain, but the short and simple of it is that all of our senses are connected. If one of us is touched, the others will feel the sensation of being touched as well. And I promise that the faintest hint of apples will be the only thing you can taste. A little fun fact about duplication for ya!"
You grinned as you and your Lucifer got up from the bed while the second assumed his position, lying flat on his back, his leaking cock resting on his abdomen. You wanted nothing more than to ride him senseless right now as you made your way back on all fours and hovered yourself over him, but you knew you would get to soon enough. You smiled down at him beneath you, he grinned and winked in response. The other two joined you in bed, with one kneeling behind you, the other in front. Your Lucifer's cock hung just inches from your face, almost begging for any kind of attention. You went to grab it, but his hand stopped yours. "Ah, ah, patience," he scolded lovingly, "I can wait. Let me concentrate on you, yeah?" As if on cue, you felt a cold finger teasing the entrance of your ass. In inhaled sharply, gripping the sheets below you from the sensation. You and Lucifer didn't use it often, but you always enjoyed it whenever you tried it.
"Ready?" you heard him ask behind you.
Slowly, he inserted his lubed finger into you, letting your muscles relax around him. After a few pumps, a second finger was inserted, thrusting in and stretching you out as much as he possibly could. He applied a generous about of lube as he spread his fingers apart inside you, opening you up and making sure you would be able to handle more in just a little bit. The less pain you felt, the better. When he felt as though you were thoroughly prepped, his digits retreated from your ass. He rubbed some more lube down the length of his shaft before positioning himself to enter you. At the same time, you felt the Lucifer below you shift, lining his cock up with your wet cunt. You inhaled deeply a few times, albeit a bit shakily.
"If you need to stop at any time, please don't hesitate to use our safe word," your Lucifer instructed. "Do you remember what it is?"
"Radio." you responded. Neither of you had to use it before, but this seemed like a scenario where it may need to come into play. The word still made you chuckle to yourself regardless.
"That's my girl," he cooed. "Tap my leg and I'll pull out if you need to use it. Slow and steady now..."
You felt your ass stretch first as he entered you lethargically, letting you stretch around his length. You felt the burning sensation for a moment or two, but it soon receded after he remained fully inside for little bit. Your pussy was next, sinking down as far as you could before Lucifer's hips bucked up to meet yours. With two cocks now fully sheathed inside of you, you gave them the 'okay' to start moving. The room was filled with nothing but moans when their hips started rutting into you, feeling absolutely and completely full. You looked up at your Lucifer with desperate eyes.
"Y-Your turn, Luci," you babbled, opening your mouth wide, your tongue falling to the wayside and drool beginning to drip down your chin.
"F-Fuck..." was all he managed to choke out before to tip of his cock was already past your lips. He did his best to match the pace with his other selves, not wanting to go too deep. And he was right; the faintest scent of apples filled your senses as his cock was pushed in and out of your hot throat.
This moment was pure bliss.
Your mouth, your ass, and your cunt all being filled and fucked senseless, somehow in the most tender and loving way imaginable. Lucifer had never been rough with you and he wasn't about to start now. All three cocks were hitting every single pleasure point in your body, it was almost overwhelming. But you didn't dare stop.
You felt a pair of Lucifer's claws dig into your ass as he fucked you from behind, another pair shooting up to grip your hips as he thrusted up into your aching cunt. The last pair of hand you felt playing with your hair as you used your tongue and mouth to drive him mad. But you felt something else not long after. Something had wrapped around your leg. His tail. You weren't sure which it belonged to but you were too fucked out of your mind at this point to care. You felt something else, something that could have made you scream were your mouth not full. Another one of his tails, but this one had gone straight for your clit, its movements increasing with every thrust. Your eyes crossed as your second orgasm hit you like a freight train, giving you no time to prepare. You moaned loudly around Lucifer’s cock as your pussy clenched around his other, your juices leaking out and trailing down your thighs.
“GAA-AHHH, O-OH FFFFUCK,” all of them gasped together. All of them had felt you cum on his cock. He was done for.
“M-My love…”
“I-I can’t…can’t s-stop…”
All their movement had stopped as they came at the same time. You felt his hot seed spill out inside of every hole he filled. It took everything you had left in you to not collapse right then and there. Your Lucifer was the first to pull out, finally letting you properly catch your breath. You swallowed his cum without a second thought, licking your lips as you stared up at him innocently. He turned away from you quickly, his face feeling like it had caught fire. You felt two pairs of hands grab your waist, hoisting you up and off of them, and gently laying you down on your back. With a final snap of his fingers, the two Lucifers smiled at you one last time before disappearing, leaving you with just one. Lucifer, now completely spent, plopped down on the bed right next to you. You shuffled closer to him, snuggling against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and peppered kisses all along your face. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“Are you okay, my queen?” he asked breathlessly. “I didn’t hurt you at all, did I? Was it too much? Were you-MMPH” you cut him off with a searing kiss to his lips. He melted into you, your lips languidly moving against each other. You pulled away, tears welling up in your eyes. Lucifer’s face fell instantly. “Oh, God, I hurt you, didn’t I?! Fuck, I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to-”
“No, Lucifer!” you laughed, cutting his panic short. “I’m not hurt, you didn’t hurt me! I-I’m just…so happy…” you threw your arms around him and began to squeeze his body as hard as you could manage. “Thank you…”
His arms tightened around you as well, bringing you as close to him as physically possible. “No, my love, I should be thanking you. Not just for this. But for everything else.” He sat you both up, now leaning yourselves against the headboard. He left one arm draped over your shoulder as the other reached for your hand. “You’ve given me everything I could ever want, and more than I ever deserve. You’ve given me patience, understanding, kindness, stability, joy. I could go on forever about what you’ve done for me. But out of all of those, the one thing that you’ve given me that I know I could never go without, is your love. You’re mine, and I’m yours, until the end of time. I love you.”
You couldn’t stop your tears from falling. You smiled at him sweetly, wiping away the tears from your cheeks. “I love you too, Lucifer. But you’re wrong, you know.” The angel cocked an eyebrow at you. “You deserve everything and more. Never doubt that.” You pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. “You’ll always have me. Always.”
Tears fell from his eyes now, pecking your face with more kisses again. Suddenly, he scooped you up in his arms and hopped off the bed in an instant.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we, my beautiful wife?” he whispered to you as you made your way to the bathroom once more. “Hope you like bubble baths!”
“Of course I do, my darling husband.” He smiled and leaned down to press another kiss to your parted lips.
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Anywho, hope you liked part 3! Part 4 will be a sort of epilogue so stay tuned! Thank you everyone for your support 💖
@ask-theradio-demon @kermitdafroggy @thonethatflies620 @luc1fersducky @a-okay-rj @bat-boness @myhornybrainonlyknowsthis @misfitgirlwrites @animationmovieshipps @orbitinglumps @ramenkitten @blaackbiird @bigfatbimbo @lucisaspen @bvnnyangel @seulace9 @fluffypinkpillows @starlightdreaming @k-n0-x @rosen-und-mondlicht @raindropsfromheaven @slutforlucifermorningstar @lola576 @ag-cookiebat800 @victoriousvic @rand0m-1diot @lonelynmisunderstood @cosmic-lavender @yourmom132 @liveontelevision @luci-lover-forever
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
What is a general hc for yandere Soap?
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Warnings: Yandere behavior, military + talks about trauma and PTSD, kidnapping, and dubcon (not in detail)
A/N: Sure!! Sorry this took extremely long. I've been struggling with my health. Hope this was okay <3.
Gif and icons are NOT mine; the gif belongs to @/bunnygifs. As for the icons, I'm not sure. If you do find the artist/or are the artist, please contact me so I can credit you!
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Soap is a very complicated person. Underneath his nice Jester Act, he’s an extremely manipulative, obsessive, and possessive man in every aspect possible. He owns you; you own him, vice versa.
He’s two faced with you, only if you’re capable of staying one way. Much like Jekyll and Hyde.
Johnny wasn’t sure what was so addicting about you, but he knew you were the one for him. The very first time he saw you, he was immediately smitten and approaching you with a wide smile. Flirting and wooing his ways with you as his cheeks flushed with pink, legs like jello and hands sweating as his mind was overloaded with question after question. While Soap’s not easy to fall for someone, he couldn’t help but see that you were incredibly attractive; as well as interesting and a genuine person.
It definitely makes more sense if you were on the team. Price bringing you in as a new recruit; a needed medic or another soldier that finds him just as perky, or annoying.
Or, in any other story, you could be a civilian who he had met while living next door. The apartment complex getting lonely, and somehow, the cheeky bastard showed up with a welcoming smile and a few of his buddies helping him move in. Wouldn’t it be nice to know him, no?
Despite these two — Soap would quickly realize he needed you. The calls weren’t enough. The hourly talks weren’t enough. Nothing was never enough because you weren’t his. And you certainly made him lose his mind.
Either way, you’ve caught the eye of a man who’s incredibly hard to get rid of. His name speaks loudly in certain situations when he’s with you.
That being said, Johnny is always around you — in and out of the battlefield. He’s always trying to engage with whatever you’re doing.
Gonna head out and get a drink from a bar a couple of minutes down the road? Why not let him come along? Catch up on some things, plus the two of you could play truth-to-drink.
Need to go grocery shopping? Let him drive with you! He would feel safer going with you, plus, he needs to restock his fridge. Wherever you are, he’s there; even with and without your knowledge.
Soap is a huge softie with you. Even Ghost and Price see it. It’s clear that he likes you, which leaves him doing it the ‘original’ way. He will go all out and woo your heart; going as far as to buy your favorite flowers or go get that movie you haven’t seen in ages. He pays attention closely to the conversations you two have, so expect gifts to come.
This also means that he dislikes people around you, his blue eyes turning into daggered icicles that talk to you. And those who don’t get his signals, he gets aggressive, which isn’t a pretty sight.
He makes it clear that you’re off limits and stares at anyone who looks at you too long or simply the wrong way. While he acts incredibly sweet and kind in front of you, the minute you turn around, his smile is gone and staring into the person’s poor soul until they run away with their tail between their legs.
Johnny is the type to overcompensate things, which can be annoying. He’s overbearing — almost suffocating to the point you may or may not snap at him to knock it off or leave you alone. He will act like an overprotective boyfriend, even if the two of you are not dating.
Because of this, you’ll likely lose a bunch, if mostly of your friends or close family members. At the end of the day, he’s sitting right beside you as he comforts you from the losses. I mean, he’s better than them, right?
Soap is more on the jealous side. While he knows he’s attractive and strong - likely your type - he just can’t help but pop his knuckles in pure annoyance whenever he sees you talking to someone he feels is a threat. Soap will try his best to be always around you, keeping an arm or hand on you at all times, showing people he has an interest in you or that you’re dating.
And because of his severe jealousy, he’s a master at manipulation. He’s very persuasive with his words, especially with his sweet and dirty talk.
He’s always guiding, keeping you away from people he deems bad, and whenever you question it, Johnny always smiles before telling you not to worry about it. By the end of the day, you’re in his house with him locking the door.
With how insane he is, and just how devoted he’s with you, you’re gonna be kidnapped. Even if you’re already in love, he can not stand people talking or keeping you away from him. He wants you by himself.
Your safety is his top priority. The minute it’s threatened, even by a friend invading your space or seeing you uncomfortable in public, all his nice and flirtatious mask is thrown out the window and goes berserk. He’s not afraid to swing, kick, or even draw high amounts of blood if it means that you’re safe.
Now, the minute he can call you "his" is the second he really shows his colors; being a cheeky bastard and a manipulative prick. Of course, he’s a natural flirt and will tease or woo you every damn chance he gets.
Soap is very open with affection. In all types of shapes, but he mainly shows it through gifts and physical affection. He’ll randomly give you rocks with specific names and expects you to remember.
Or cuddling you closer to his body, hand instinctively curling around your hips and lips sucking in deep bruises. His favorite part with you is rolling in bed with you, tracing your body marks as he rubs his face into your belly.
Soap is incredibly clingy. It gets worse when he gets home after being out for a long time of not seeing you.
Once he’s home, whether that’s from a mission or simply spending the day shopping for necessary items, he will not leave you alone. His arms are always on you, grasping and pulling you in for cuddles and his Scottish slangs whispering in your tinted ears for more attention.
Punishments come in waves– and if you’ve broken them, even ignoring his final warnings with tsks, it isn’t pretty.
Usually, he figures a good fuck with sorta ye out, no? With the amount of orgasms and pretty begs you let out, he’s certain you won’t break them again, correct?
But, if that doesn’t work, he’ll put a chain around your ankle, keeping you in bed and treating you the same as if you didn’t do anything. Slowly but surely, driving you insane until you say sorry.
Soap is excellent at spying and has no shame if he’s caught, even by you. You won’t be allowed to shut any doors, even if you are using the bathroom or showering. But, you wouldn’t mind him coming in, would you?
My masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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motherofdogs1010 · 5 days
Siren II (Dark!Thomas Shelby x Reader)
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Summary: And so a game of cat and mouse begins...
Warnings: 18+ only, eventual NONCON/DUBCON smut, forced marriage, dark!Tommy, obsessed!Tommy, singer!reader, eventual pinv sex, eventual pregnancy, dark shit will be happening
A/N: Song used: Say Yes to Heaven- Lana Del Ray
I just wanted to say I love the support you all have towards my writing, it means the world, but I wanted to say that I do take mental health breaks! So anytime I take from posting is because I am focusing on that!
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
Part I
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Her eyes widened a little at the sudden appearance of a man in a suit standing in the doorway. He was only a little taller than her, maybe by a inch or so with a dark-colored pageboy's cap on his head as a cigarette hung from his lips; she could see the sides of his head were shaved very tight against his scalp but his cap hid his eyes so she couldn't see them.
But she could feel his eyes still and it made her feel on-guard as she cleared her throat.
"Hello", she responded back, "can I help you?"
"Forgive me", the man said, pulling the cigarette from his lips. "I'm Thomas Shelby, owner."
"I thought Harry was the owner", she said, confused.
"I bought him out recently", Thomas stated, Y/N still eyed him cautiously.
The man screamed danger and she felt a little uneasy under his blue gaze as he smirked at her apprehension.
"I just wanted to let you know that you gave quite the performance. You have quite the voice."
"Thank you, Mr. Shelby", she responded before clearing her throat. "It's time for me to go."
She could still feel his gaze on her as she hurried out of the Garrison, even in the current safety of her home, it was like she could still feel his deviled gaze on her body.
A few days had passed since the meeting with Mr. Shelby and it seemed like wherever she turned, she'd find a man with a peaked hat following her. Always a different man trailing enough behind her that she was sure they were supposed to remain hidden, but her eyes always caught them.
She figured it was best to pretend they weren't there, a sinking feeling telling her that if she acknowledged them, things wouldn't turn out well for her. So she took many turns and circled the same route. It made no sense to throw them off so they wouldn't find her way back to her apartment.
Today, she was at another pub that she sang at, known as The Drunken Griffin. It was larger than the Garrison with a proper stage where they had a band play for its singers and she was hoping this would help as she stood at the microphone. She had to make sure she didn't get too close since the microphones were so sensitive as she heard the melody the band began to play.
If you dance, I'll dance And if you don't, I'll dance anyway Give peace a chance Let the fear you have fall away
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Tommy sat in the hidden back of the pub, a cigarette dangling between his fingers as a cold whiskey sat in front of him. She was dressed in black again, her hair framing her as she sang to the watching crowd.
I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you
His mind felt quiet as the troubling thoughts of Kimber, that new Inspector Campbell and the stresses of Ada running off with Freddie Thorne began to melt away.
Say yes to Heaven Say yes to me Say yes to Heaven Say yes to me
Tommy had been having her followed for the past week, but the little minx seemed to have caught on to that.
If you dance, I'll dance I'll put my red dress on, get it on And if you fight, I'll fight It doesn't matter now, it's all gone
It was only a matter of time now...
I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you, mm I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you
He definitely had his eye on her...
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bettyfrommars · 3 months
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Welcome Back to The Nightmare Factory
Steve's Version Part 1: When the Night Comes
m a s t e r l i s t
Blurb 1
Nightmare!Steve x fem!Reader
word count: 2.2k
18+ONLY, lurking monsters, night terrors, star-crossed lovers
Author's Note: Hi, I've missed you. Until now, we've only explored this world with Nightmare!Eddie, but it's time to throw Steve into the mix. Different reader, of course, and I plan to jump around to random scenes as this progresses; it shall not be a linear experience. Nightmare Steve is a biker Steve hybrid that will often cross over into the world of Hawkeye that I created for my biker!Steve au.
Also, you do not need to have any knowledge of the original Nightmare Factory or biker Steve to enjoy this xoxox
You didn’t know how long you’d been waiting on the bench under the bus stop awning, but the sun was sinking on the horizon and the air vibrated with the promise of rain.  A drizzle dotted a few fine pinpricks on the sidewalk, yet you could feel a damp chill seeping in through your bones as if you were already soaked.  
Across the street between monochrome, saltbox roof houses, stood an old brick building.  A flickering neon sign out front had the outline of a purple hand on it, palm out announcing Psychic Readings in a mustard yellow that rivaled the melting sun beyond. 
You looked down at your wristwatch, only to realize you weren’t wearing one, and then checked up and down the empty street. Just when the thought occurred to you that there were no other humans around, the flutter of a curtain in one of the houses across the way caught your eye.
Maybe the buses stopped running at dusk and you’d missed the last one.  But then, how would you get…to wherever you were going? 
“It’s never on time,” a voice next to you spoke up, making you jump.
You were certain that there had not been anyone sitting on the bench with you a second ago.
“The bus, it’s never on time,” she repeated. The woman had short, dark blonde hair tucked behind her ears, a spray of freckles across her nose, and a restless smile tugging up the side of her mouth. “There is always a lot of traffic at the factory on Fridays.”
“The factory?” You cocked your head, trying to understand. 
The last offering of fuchsia in the sky flickered and was gone in a blink, erupting a sudden fear in your gut at the loss of light. The fresh blanket of cold made your toes cramp, as if they’d met with one of those icy pockets in sunless, concrete corners.  
The woman kept the side of her face to you at all times, never turning to look at you straight on.  You had this crazy notion that perhaps the other side of her didn’t exist.  
The sight of a motorcycle approaching warmed your heart and your guts for some reason, and you hoped that the bus was not far behind.  The rider inched to a halt at the curb in front of you, stomping one booted foot down to steady himself, engine grumbling.  In the amber glow of the single streetlamp, you were able to get a look at him.
Wearing sunglasses at night, he raked a big hand through his head of thick, unruly hair, and reached up to light the smoke that was held between his lips.  The lighter’s flame let you see the square line of his jaw and that the tattooed lettering on the knuckles of one hand spelled LOVE.  He wore leather and denim, with a red shirt, and he tipped his chin to you before turning to the other woman on the bench. 
Behind him, the neon psychic sign blinked furiously as the bus in question crawled into view.
”Thank you for keeping an eye on her,” Steve said to the other one on the bench, exhaling smoke out the side of his mouth. 
“Of course,” she stood to button her coat.  “Beers are on you this Friday.”
“Remind Eddie if you see him, I might be running late again.” He hadn’t gestured to you, but somehow you knew that you would be the one to make him run late.
The bus rattled closer; it was filled with blue light and odd, dark shapes.
“Are you ready?” The man on the motorcycle tossed the smoke to the pavement and extended his hand to you.  “Jump on.”
You got to your feet and hesitated, trying to figure out where you knew him from.  
“But I’m waiting for—-”
At that, the air brakes on the lumbering passenger vehicle hissed, coming to a stop, and a cloud of fog billowed up around it.
“You were waiting for me,” Steve tipped his chin at you. "I made a promise."
At another glance, you saw through the windows that it was crowded in figures wearing black shrouds, shuffling forward at the sight of you.  They were moaning with unspecified longing that somehow translated into the creepiest sound you’d ever heard.  Gasping, you took his hand, and he pulled you close, urging you on the seat behind him.  
“I got you,” he whispered.
On the bench, Robin filed her fingernails with an emery board, blowing a pink bubble with her gum like she hadn’t a care in the world.  
You held onto Steve’s leather jacket to swing your leg over the bike, zipping your torso flush to his warm back.
Behind Robin stood an endless sea of the same shrouded creatures, clustered dead still in the night as if being actively born from it.  Some had antlers, some had hunched backs, and others were impossibly tall and thin. Lining up front to back and shoulder to shoulder, appearing out of seemingly nowhere, collectively withering one long, low growl.  
You hugged him frightfully close, squeezing your eyes shut to bury your face in the back of his neck.  He smelled like warm summer rain, damp earth, campfire smoke, and a zest of vanilla spices.  Safe, I'm safe.
He revved the throttle and told you to hang on tight, but you wavered, checking to find that the army of faceless ghouls were right there—they’d been yards away, but now they were within arm's reach, hovering.
But then you were in the wind, head forced back by the velocity, choking on a scream, whimpering unintelligible pleas into the leather of his jacket.
He shifted gears and it felt like you’d entered some type of warp speed, engine humming between your legs.  Eyes shut tight, you swore you felt sharp swipes of skeleton hands at your back and heard the shrieking wails of defeat as the masses lumbered to catch up.
The flap of enormous wings sounded as a few took to the sky, but Steve shifted again, lowering his head.  “Don’t look,” he begged.  “Soon they won't be able to touch us.”
Back at the bus stop, the door to the bus squealed open, and Robin did not look up from picking a piece of skin from her cuticle.  
“Good luck with the next one, Dickie,” she said to the driver who hulked in his seat like Mothman, one clawed hand clutching the wheel.
Dickie looked from Robin to the road ahead and back a few times, trying to understand what was happening, before sinking his wings with a sigh.
“Do you need a ride, sugar?” His voice was usually deep and bellowing on the job, but just then it came out in a comically high-pitched southern accent.  
The first time you met Steve, he’d been waiting in the corner of your bedroom.  
Waiting for you to go to sleep.
But you were up late watching Ewoks: The Battle for Endor on the small, VCR combo TV that was perched on your dresser.  The violet crescents under your eyes hinted to the lack of sleep you’d been getting the past few months.  You’d been having a bad rash of nightmares, and if you didn't know any better, you’d think you'd been specifically targeted somehow.  
This was not the first time you’d unknowingly had a movie night with shadow Steve, but it was the first time you’d felt his presence.  He was nothing but a dust mote of a glimmer, but still, you stared right at him, and asked if anyone was there.
Had he made a sound? Had he accidentally snickered a bit too loud at the giddy Ewoks? Or were you starting to sense him though the cosmic barrier that kept you in different worlds?
It made his heart stall for a second, mouth agape, and a hand outstretched, ready to come clean.  To let you know that he wasn’t just some creep off the street, that he was just doing his job—but of course you couldn’t see him.  If he ever got the chance to explain it all to you, he’d let you know that the two of you were on different channels of reality.  Like switching stations on a radio, he could tune into you, but you didn’t know how to tune into him.  
So, there was no way that you could…
“Back again I see,” you hummed, turning to face the screen from where you sat propped up against the headboard in your pajamas.  “Where will you be hovering tonight? On the ceiling or at the foot of the bed?” 
Were you talking to him? As far as he could tell, you were the only two in the room.  
“I’m not afraid of you,” you whispered, defiantly.  
Did you really mean it, or were you trying to convince yourself?
“I don’t want you to be afraid of me,” but even as he stepped forward, he knew the effort was fruitless.  
The sound of a barely audible whisper made you turn the volume on the tv down.
Okay, before you’d been bluffing, but that time you really heard something.  
Flinging the covers off to jump out of bed, you spun around, wielding the remote out in front of you like a weapon.
“Who’s there?”
Nothing.  No one. Just you and all of the nightmares you’d been having about paralysis demons pinning you down and sucking out your soul.
A horrifying thought occurred to you then that maybe they’d followed you out of your dreams and into the waking world.  
You tossed the remote back onto your bed, spinning around to address the room.  “If you have something to say to me, do it now.  Don’t be a fucking coward and wait till I'm asleep.”
Your declaration was met with nothing but the garbled conversations on the TV.
It took a while for you to finally get to sleep, but once you did, that’s when the rattling on your closet door started.  It was just a few scratches at first, coming from the inside, but then the doorknob wiggled.
Steve stepped out of the corner and walked—nay, floated.---around to the other side of your bed to act as a barrier between you and whatever was coming out of the closet.  The beeping on his watch told him you were entering a deep sleep; he’d also draped an invisibility layer down just in case you did happen to wake up during the confrontation.
The closet door creaked, opening an inch, just enough for three long and meaty, hairy fingers to curl into sight.
“Wrong room, genius,” Steve said curtly.
The door propped ajar just enough so that one big, milk white eyeball could peer out.  “Steve?” A garbled voice whispered.  “I thought you were at the abandoned hospital with Hopper tonight?”
“I was,” Steve answered.  “But now I’m here, asking you not to bother with this one.”
The big eye twitched, blinking a few long blinks.  “Whatever you say, dude. I’ve got better places to be.”
Whispers tickled at your ears, as if someone was having a conversation nearby, but not close enough to fully comprehend the words.  
You heard the name Steve.
So then you muttered it outloud: “Steve?”
Shocked, he spun around, staring at your parted lips.  But then a snore escaped from the back of your throat, and he eased back.  
“I won’t let them bother you,” was what he said, and you believed him.  Whatever that meant.
The motorcycle began to slow, and you took the opportunity to check behind you, slumping with relief to find that the highway was empty.  Lined with evergreens on either side, the road shot straight out behind the two of you into ominous, smoky oblivion, as if there had never been a town or a Psychic sign or a bus stop.  
Steve knew he was cutting it close, his time with you would be over soon, but he wanted to take you out and show you something cool, maybe even impress you.  He’d told you about the crimson-colored lake before, about how you could see Mermaids and all manner of sea creatures.  It didn’t make sense that they were all in a lake, but still, there it was.
“Have you ever seen a mermaid in real life before?” He asked over his shoulder, shouting above the wind.  
You hadn’t, not that you were aware of, anyway. Everything felt so real, it hadn’t even occurred to you that perhaps you weren’t even in the real world.  
“Well, don’t talk to them, and don’t look at them for very long,” he warned.  “They’ll bite your face off as easily as wink at you.”
You nodded, taking in that information.
“I want to show you where—-”
But then the road dropped off at an abrupt cliff edge that appeared to jut straight down into a sea of stars.  It was like a reflection of the sky above.
“Shit, I’m so sorry—” Steve yelled as the bike caught air.
You were going down, falling into the ether of nothingness, and you couldn't tell if the blood-curdling scream you heard belonged to you or someone else.
You clung to Steve while you plummeted down through the infinite space of some unknown universe, about to crash and burn. 
Was this it? Is this how you die? 
In bed, your eyes flew open with a jolt, clutching a pillow to your chest like you might’ve once held onto a boy for dear life.  The pillow smelled like warm summer rain, campfire smoke, and vanilla spices.
After a few blinks, you realized that was the first time you’d slept all through the night without being forced awake by terrors in a very long while.  
Thank you for reading, and much love to those of you who have enjoyed this world from the start. Now that I'm writing again, I'm working on a very special chapter for Nightmare Eddie as well that I can't wait to share with you.
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Hummingbird's Kiss
AO3 Link
The year is 1896. 20 year-olds MC and Ominis have graduated from Hogwarts, and are well on their way to starting their lives as a couple. This story is about their first night together in their new, tranquil home.
Ominis x fem!MC
NSFW—sooo much sexual content. All very vanilla.
What can I say except it's their wedding night and they're taking advantage of that. Nothing crazy, they are very soft and gentle with each other. Fluff is mixed in. Fairly slow-burn
Word count: 4,305
A/N: This came together super fast, but I love how it turned out. I really missed writing nsfw, I gotta say. As always, I basically write these things with my MC's lore in mind, but hope that I've made it open-ended enough for others appreciate too. Some things are not as open-ended as others, like their home and MC's family background. I just really, really wanted to give them the prosperity and happiness they deserve lol. Making them temporarily keep the Gaunt surname is also definitely weird, but I wanted to keep that part open-ended too instead of projecting my own MC's chosen surname on the reader. :)
MC could scarcely believe how quickly the time had gone. It felt as though one minute she was confessing her love to Ominis Gaunt, the boy with whom she happily caused mischief around Hogwarts, and the next they had graduated, started their adult lives, moved to the peaceful countryside and gotten married.
The two had specifically chosen to live far away from the wizarding world to live a safe and happy life together. They would still see their old friends and family any time they liked, but preferred keeping their magical identities secret in their day-to-day lives to avoid the powerful and dangerous Gaunt family finding them. Ominis was their opposite in nearly every way, and both he and MC feared the other Gaunts taking retribution against MC for daring to defy their ancient morbid traditions and stealing their son away. They would decide on a new surname together, but for tonight she was, proudly, Mrs. Gaunt.
Their new home in the idyllic countryside, a property surrounded on all sides by muggle neighbors, was a wedding gift from MC's father. It had been passed down to them from his ownership in the hope that they would breathe new life into the old English country house.
The ceremony had been a quiet one, just the way both MC and Ominis wanted. It was a cool, late June evening in the manor's garden where they exchanged vows in front of their dearest friends and family. MC's dress was a pure white silk with designs of hummingbirds and flowers that, with the help of an enchantment, fluttered around the skirt and train. Poppy Sweeting had given her a strikingly beautiful flower crown of daffodils and violets to which she could attach her veil. Ominis' jacket was a handsome shade of dark, leafy green, enchanted to glimmer a subtle, deep hummingbird blue wherever the shadows touched it—an invention Sebastian Sallow had been eager to present to his best friend—complementing the designs on MC's dress. While he could not see his bride, he heard the joyful tears on her voice as she made her vows—and that was all he needed to be the happiest man in the world.
After the music had faded and guests had returned to their homes, the couple were left alone in their house for the first time. MC and Ominis had always preferred the quiet, and rather than feel lonely, they reveled in the silence of their new home. Ominis enjoyed quiet places where he could better hear MC. He had always been comforted to hear her soft footfalls and the brushing of her clothing as she lingered nearby—and tonight, the sweeping of her silk dress made his heart swell.
Their bedroom had been made up for them by the servants, and MC felt her heart leap into her chest at the sight of it. Sumptuous ivory sheets adorned a large four-poster bed with emerald curtains to keep out the cold in winter. As instructed, large open paths had been made to allow Ominis to move unimpeded, leaving the room free of the typical Victorian clutter of floor decorations. There stood a beautiful armoire and dressing table with a mirror on either side of the bed, and large plush chairs with a small end table accompanied wide windows that looked out over the wild forests beyond the property. At the moment, they were bathed in pale moonlight that streamed through the windows in contrast to the gas lamps that washed the room with an inviting glow.
MC let go of Ominis' hand to let him explore and commit the room to memory so he would be free to move around his bedroom without having to use his wand.
"It's beautiful," he breathed. "I couldn't imagine a more perfect place to begin our life together." He set his wand down on the dressing table, took off his jacket to drape across the back of a chair, and took tentative steps on his own, testing his knowledge of the room. He was, as always, a quick study and was soon making strides back and forth. Seeing him walk unaided and with confidence in their own private world, where they were safe from goblins and ancient magic and vindictive Gaunt family members, filled MC's heart with overwhelming happiness, and after a day of so much excitement, she had no hope of holding back the sob of pure joy that escaped her lips.
"Are you all right?" Ominis asked with alarm as she closed the gap between them and he quickly wrapped her in his arms.
"I'm just so happy," she sniffled. "I could never have imagined how completely perfect this moment would be." Her emotion was infectious, and Ominis felt elated tears roll down his own cheeks as he held his wife tight in his arms. Against all odds—all the forces that sought to keep them apart or end their lives—they had succeeded.
Ominis held MC's head to his chest, and she could feel his heart madly beating in sync with hers. He had grown a number of inches taller than her, just enough to rest his well-defined jaw on the top of her head, and he did his best to envelop her in his warmth and love. He reached for her chin, and held it gently as he leaned down to kiss her slowly. From the evening they shared their first kiss as teenagers, the magic of their lips pressed tenderly to one another never wore off. Each kiss at the start of a new day felt like their very first all over again, and tonight that feeling was magnified.
Ominis' kiss deepened, and he reached a hand up to gently hold the side of MC's face and her neck. Her heart rate was suddenly off like a shot, and Ominis felt the change under his hand. "Mmm, my beautiful little hummingbird." He stopped long enough to purr in her ear. "So pretty... and so small and quick-pulsed, too." MC sighed, goosebumps rippling down her arms and back as she nearly went limp in his arms at the sound of his voice. Ominis deftly guided MC to sit on their bed before she would find herself passed out on the floor.
"How is it," he chuckled against the arch of her neck in between kisses, "that after all these years, I still have the same effect on you?"
MC could only moan in response, completely melted under his touch. Each time his lips made contact with the skin on her neck, another bolt of lightning shot through her entire body. She could feel her lower abdomen heating until it was nearly a painful ache. How this man managed to be a walking aphrodisiac, MC would never know.
Ominis gently pushed her down onto her back and leaned over her, arms on either side of her as he began peppering her collarbone with tiny kisses, each as delicate and soft as a raindrop. The lace collar of MC's wedding dress felt soft against his lips, but he yearned for more, frustrated that he could feel the warmth of the delicate skin underneath but he could not get to it. He reached behind her and began unclasping the collar and upper back of the dress as she wrapped her arms around his neck to hold herself up. They had had enough precious moments of privacy before tonight that he was quite an expert at unclasping or unbuttoning MC's dresses to get to her neck, and MC delighted in it. Laying her back down, he carefully pushed the dress down to reveal her delicate shoulders. Very rarely had he ever been given the opportunity to touch her bare skin this far down, and he savored the moment. He brought his slender fingers up to caress the impossibly smooth skin, sweet with the scent of her floral perfume and exposure to the fresh air all day. He began gently biting the skin and sucking on different spots until he had found a place that made her whimper and arch her back. "Good girl," he whispered into her skin as he dragged his lips along each spot that made her moan, committing them to memory. Beneath him, MC quivered and felt slick arousal between her legs. Ominis had always had a way of inciting amorous feelings in her that she would either relieve by herself later on, or convince him to help with his own hands, but she couldn't remember the last time he had had an effect quite this strongly on her.
Suddenly, he pulled away and MC thought for one horrible moment that he had heard trouble or found something wrong with her. But he merely smirked down at her. "Hmm, this won't do at all, will it? Here we are in our marriage bed—and you, my darling, are still almost completely clothed."
MC smiled through love-intoxicated eyes, and she was rather grateful her husband couldn't see how intensely she was blushing. "Well, it seems you ought to do something about that," she murmured, giving him the invitation to do the honors. His eyelids also began to feel heavier, and he gratefully obliged.
Sitting back up, Ominis brought MC up with him as he traced her back to find where he had left off with the task of unclasping the myriad of tiny hooks that stubbornly held the silken dress to her body. Each clasp that came undone with a swift flutter of his fingers heightened MC's arousal. She smiled to herself wondering how he would feel about the corset and chemise beneath.
Once Ominis could find no more clasps, MC placed a tender kiss on his check and stood to step out of the dress. He eagerly followed, taking the dress from her and draping it over his jacket on the nearby chair. She took it upon herself to undo the corset as he felt around and exhaled sharply in mild frustration that he had not yet reached his prize. "You women and your barbaric ways," he chuckled as he teasingly dragged his lips along her neck again, hoping it would encourage her to go faster.
"Oh hush, you," she smiled. She let his fingers follow hers to learn how she undid the corset so he may help in the future, and she delighted in watching him hungrily lick his lips as he focused so intently on learning this vital skill.
Finally, setting the restrictive garment aside and taking her first truly deep breath of the day, she promised Ominis that the only thing that stood in his way now was the tiny sheer dress hanging loosely off her seated form. His hands fervently took over and he savored the feeling of the thin fabric over her skin. He could feel every delicious bump and curve as his hands traveled up and down her lithe torso. His fingers traced along the shoulderless neckline, and he marveled at the existence of such a clothing item. He hoped she would wear such a thing more often in the privacy of their new bedroom. Tracing down along her sides, his hands stopped to rest on her hips. A thumb tentatively swept forward to the intersection of her thighs and torso, and she gave a heady sigh.
"Stand up," he murmured. His voice was quiet but firm, and she happily obeyed. Holding her waist, he guided her to stand in front of him between his knees as his hands slowly pushed the chemise up and over her head, tossing the clothing aside. His hands once again came to a rest at her hips and he placed a single, slow kiss between her breasts. “I can already tell you’re far more beautiful than I ever dared imagine,” he murmured against her chest.
Standing there, completely exposed to the slightly chilled air and her husband, was a positively terrifying and exhilarating feeling. She rested her hands on his shoulders and let her head loll back slightly in ecstasy. It was equal parts torture and pure pleasure that Ominis was now taking his time exploring every inch of her skin, planting kisses as he desperately tried to memorize every square inch of her body in his titillated state. His hands drifted up to her breasts and he eagerly took hold, cupping each one and gently squeezing. Ominis craned his neck slightly and placed his mouth over a nipple, causing MC to gasp and reflexively pull him closer. His tongue alternated between long, gentle strokes and slowly circling the sensitive nub as his thumb lazily massaged the other nipple. MC was quite sure she had begun dripping, she was so wet.
As if reading her mind, Ominis let his other hand move over her stomach and down between her legs. He felt the product of her arousal long before he reached her sensitive folds, and he gave his signature mischievous smile. He took his mouth away from its current task, sending a shudder up MC's spine. He ran a single finger along her core as she let out a long moan, and placed the finger in his mouth, savoring her taste.
"You're sopping wet, my darling," Ominis smirked. He once again guided MC by her waist, nudging her to lie back on the bed. The moment her head hit the soft sheets, Ominis was on top of her. He kissed down her stomach and across from one side of her hips to the other, the entire time a string of moans and begging coming from MC's lips. His kisses were barely more than a soft tickle against her skin, which made the desperate ache in her abdomen flare. She tangled her fingers in his hair, trying to gently push him further down, but he resisted with a soft chuckle. His kisses circled around and down her thigh, gently biting at the soft skin and delighting in hearing her moan his name in desperation. He had always been such a tease. She could not decide if she loved that about him, or hated it. Finally, Ominis pushed her legs apart and made one long dragging motion with his tongue over her core. MC moaned loudly, and her hand on the back of his head pushed him further towards her. She immediately became embarrassed and clapped a hand over her mouth, which Ominis heard. He stopped and moved up to lie next to her, gently stroking the side of her face before moving her hand away from her mouth and murmuring to her. "Please don't be embarrassed. Your voice is the most beautiful sound in the world to me. I want to hear it on our wedding night—whether you're whispering what you want me to do to you, or screaming my name—I want to hear all of it. Can you do that for me, my pretty little hummingbird?"
MC hummed positively, feeling some growing confidence from his words—the same confidence she had when they would break the rules together as students, or when she would get frustrated with his teasing and insisted he be gentlemanly enough to help her relieve the tension in the private moments they could steal together. "In that case... I want you back where you were and putting your tongue to work," she smirked. Ominis' face became flushed, and with an aroused smile, a "whatever you wish" barely tumbled out over his lips.
"Wait—" MC put a hand on his chest as he had started to shift. "You've been dressed far longer than I. How am I to enjoy my husband in a state like this?"
Before Ominis could think of something sultry to say in response, MC had taken him by the shirt collar and began untying his tie. Tossing it aside, she got right to work unbuttoning his vest and the shirt underneath, all the while wrapping a naked leg around one of his and kissing at his neck. Ominis instantly moaned her name and did his best to keep his arms from giving out. Merlin, she was good. She pushed his shirt off his shoulders and admired his slender build, slightly toned muscles rippling perfectly under his pale, smooth skin. She also noticed the little beauty marks that, starting from his cheek, trailed down across his body. As her hands slid down his sides, she found and kissed each little mark, worshipping this gorgeous man and wondering how she ever got so lucky as to have him fall in love with her. Ominis shivered, and a moan echoed in his throat.
Her gaze finally traveling downward, it was clear just from looking at him what was going on under his trousers. She ran a finger along the hem of his trousers, sometimes dipping no more than an inch below. Ominis once again moaned, this time louder and with a plea to her name. MC relented—her own body screaming for more than what she was getting—and she got to work unbuckling the belt around his waist and unbuttoning the trousers underneath. Pushing his trousers and pants away as her breath rushed hot across his shoulder, she was met with his erection. All the books and conversations with friends in the world could not have prepared MC for this beautiful sight. Ominis, still holding himself up on his arms, was panting desperately now. He wriggled out of his remaining clothes before she could do anything except stare. "You are the most breathtakingly gorgeous man on earth," she murmured without thought. Hearing those words quickly brought Ominis' lips to hers. He cared not that he had miscalculated where her voice was and missed her lips on his first try. To be given such a compliment by the love of his life was almost more than his heart could bear, and he was completely over the moon.
When they finally broke away, he remembered the order he had originally been given, and he gave her one more small kiss before shifting back downwards.
MC's hand once again found purchase in his pretty blond hair, and he kissed the inside of her silky thighs. "I have never done this before, my darling, but tell me what you want and I shall do it," he said as he dragged his lips up and down her inner thigh, impatient to please her.
MC hesitated, feeling a bit shy again at the thought of giving explicit directions, but she squeezed her eyes shut in determination and took a breath, allowing herself to get lost in pleasure. "You should use that beautiful, warm tongue of yours—"
Before MC could continue, Ominis had dragged his tongue up her core in one long, slow stroke. She gasped, high pitched, and sighed. "Yes... yes, exactly that, please... That little bump you feel at the top, you should focus there." Again, in the middle of her thought, Ominis did as he was told and playfully flicked once at her clit, sending a massive wave of pleasure through her body. She cried his name and gripped his hair. "I want you to rub small circles," she panted. He dutifully moved the flat surface of his tongue over the tiny organ, marveling at its enormous power and delighting in hearing his wife moan his name. After a minute or two of this, however, she gently stopped him.
"Are you sure you're finished, darling?" He asked, licking his lips and already missing her taste. Still out of breath from the intoxicating sensations she hadn't thought possible, she wordlessly guided him up next to her and brought his face near hers. His graceful body, laid next to her, was entirely too distracting.
She cradled his lovely face in both her hands, gazing into otherworldly blue eyes that stared through her, a tone of lust in her voice he had never before heard. "I... want you inside me," she breathed. His eyes lit up.
"Are you sure, my darling? It is tradition, but I don't want you to feel as if you must. I would be more than happy to oblige if you want to go back to—"
"Please," MC panted. "In fact, it's not that I want you, it's that I need you. I need to be as close to you as possible, Ominis.”
He was not about deny his beautiful new wife—certainly not with that breathless, needful voice she used. He agreed enthusiastically and brought himself directly over her. He was already dripping precum before her pleas had fully left her mouth. His own body ached and begged for that primal release, twitching in anticipation. He lifted her legs and took her hand down to his erection so she could guide him in. Her grasp was like pure ecstasy, and he groaned with pleasure as she teased herself with him a few times, resisting the base urge to push himself all the way in at once.
At first, the couple were slightly nervous. She felt so warm and tight as he gradually pushed deeper, stopping whenever she whimpered and tucked her head. Each time, he would hush her and stroke her hair, reassuring her that she was doing well. He reached down to gently roll her clit between his thumb and forefinger to relax her, and MC threw her head back, her hips hitting his with some force as he found himself deliciously buried inside her. His head swam with pleasure for a moment until he returned to his senses. "I'm so sorry," he gasped, panicking. He felt around until he found her hand and squeezed it gently. "Are you hurt?"
MC panted for a moment, the pain easing quickly. "You feel... so incredible," was all MC could manage to breathe with a desirous smirk. "Can you do that again?"
Ominis sighed with relief and, leaning forward on his arms, began a gentle rhythm. He balanced himself and did his best to both keep his rhythm and play with her clit. He rolled it in his fingers, massaged tight circles with his thumb and ran two flat fingers up and down it—anything he could manage to do, just to hear more of her intoxicating, desperate cries of pleasure.
One of her hands held the bedsheets in a death grip while the other reached up and ran her fingers up the back of his scalp. She was completely lost in rapture as she rolled her hips to his rhythm and told him how good he felt. He had no idea how much longer he could hold out hearing her like this and feeling how warm and wet she was around him.
“Please… don’t stop,” she gasped. “That feels so good,” she whimpered. Ominis squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to savor just a few wonderful moments more before he came completely undone.
“I love you,” she panted. “Everything about you, it’s perfect. As if our bodies were made for each other. Merlin, I cannot believe how incredible you feel inside me—”
Her gasps finally took over, making speech impossible. The timbre of her voice raised and, with Ominis’ next thrust, she surrendered to the most intense climax she had ever felt. Her hands flew to his hips as she rolled against him and waves of pleasure radiated out from her core, his name on her tongue over and over between the most beautiful gasps Ominis had ever heard. Hearing her ecstasy and feeling her body tightening around him, he could no longer hold back. He pushed as deep as either of their bodies would allow, and through gritted teeth he moaned loudly, letting the pulse of his own climax overtake all thought and reasoning. His entire body shuddered, and he held MC tight as he pressed against her and made his final few arhythmic thrusts.
Blissful silence overtook the room, save for the couple attempting to catch their breath. They held each other close, scarcely believing what had happened. Ominis pressed a tender kiss to his wife’s lips, and MC grasped her husband’s hand as tightly as her tired body would allow. The skin of their chests pressed together felt so perfect, and MC loathed the thought of having to eventually separate. He finally pulled out of her and rolled over to let her relax atop his chest, and she was rather sad to feel a bit emptier.
"That," MC panted against Ominis' shoulder, "was so much better than I ever could have dreamed."
"So I take it that was better than whatever those pretty little fingers of yours can do?" Ominis earned himself a gentle, playful slap on the chest.
"Hush," MC laughed. "But yes, I… don't even know how describe this.”
Ominis chuckled and planted more soft kisses along her cheek and neck. “We should have all the time in the world to figure that out, my little hummingbird.”
Tears once again stung her exhausted eyes at his reminder, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “How was I so lucky,” she smiled through her breaking voice. “My beloved Slytherin partner in crime, my protector, my true love… it’s all like a dream to finally be here with you in marriage, and I hope to never wake.”
Ominis gently squeezed her in his arms and pressed the side of his face to hers, breathing in her perfect scent—now of perfume, fresh air and the sweat of lovemaking. "If I recall correctly, and I often do, a certain witch has saved me countless times, as well. But I think you needn't worry about waking up. Nothing could ever keep me from my little hummingbird." He slowly ran a hand up and down her smooth back before covering her with the sheets and listening to her breathing as she tried, and failed, to fight off sleep. Nested in their disheveled bedding, skin pressed against skin, they slowly drifted off together, silently promising they would never be far apart.
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searchingforgravity · 2 years
Wrapped in Red - Day 2 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Elvis has been working nonstop lately in Vegas, leaving no room for your sex life. He gets a short break from work to celebrate the holidays with you and you have a wonderful Christmas with him. He is excited when he finds out his present is you, and it awakens something that's been sleeping for quite some time.
TW: Smut, sex, oral (male receiving), dirty talk, slight degradation kink
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 2364
A/N: Here's day two, guys! Thank you for the request for this one, I love the red ribbon idea, and I hope you guys like it!
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Usually, Elvis is up for sex whenever you're willing to give it to him. And wherever. There have been plenty of times where he's tried to take you in his car, at a party, in a local bathroom for Christ's sake. And you love this about him. But it's been almost a month since the two of you have been intimate, leaving you extremely sexually frustrated.
Elvis has been working shows in Vegas nearly every night, you know this is the reason he hasn't been satisfying his or your needs. By the time he gets home to you, you barely have time to cuddle up next to him before he's snoring at your side. But it's Christmas weekend and he just got some time off, so to say you're excited is an understatement. You are so exhilarated for this Christmas that you went out to the finest lingerie store you could find and found this gorgeous red ribbon lingerie that you knew would bring him to his knees. It's not much of an outfit, but more of a wrapping bow barely covering your most private parts. It's perfect for what you have in mind.
On Christmas day, Elvis is much more handsy with you than you expect. Maybe he's just as pent up as you are; you hope he is. He wakes you up like a little boy on Christmas.
"Sweat heart, wake up," he mumbles as he lightly shakes you. You open your eyes to find his blue orbs staring back at you, smiling like, well, a kid on Christmas. It makes you smile to yourself as you stretch awake. "Good morning, baby. Merry Christmas," he chirps and starts kissing all over your face. Your cheeks, nose, forehead. When he comes to your lips, the kiss is charged. You can tell he's needy for you. You start pushing him away, he can't spoil the present before you give it to him. "E, Give me some room, honey," you feign irritation, immediately missing his lips on yours. "Merry Christmas, handsome man," you whisper after he gives you those damn puppy dog eyes. You can't help but pull him back for a quick kiss before getting out of bed.
After you ask Elvis to get the presents ready, that you'll be down in a second, you rush to get ready, running over to the bottom of the closet where you've hidden your little present for him. You take it out and lift it up with both hands to view. You laugh quietly to yourself, it looks small enough to wrap on a present. After shimmying into it, you look over yourself in the mirror, twisting to look at the backside and back to the front again. It barely passes as clothing. Perfect. You quickly throw on a robe and slippers and trail downstairs to meet your expecting husband.
When you see him, he looks like heaven. His silk pajama pants are hanging onto his hips for dear life, his matching shirt riding up his chest as he reaches up to adjust an ornament that has gone out of place on the tree. It makes you bite down on your lip to stop a whine from escaping. You can't blow the surprise too soon. You slowly tiptoe behind him, wrapping your arms around his strong torso, kissing his back. He hums in pleasure as he leans into your touch. "I've missed you so much," he whispers, trailing his hand behind him to squeeze at your waist. "I've missed you too," you mumble, your grip on him tightening.
After having some breakfast, he pulls you on the floor with him and you nuzzle up into his back. You can feel his morning wood still prominent through his pants, but decide to ignore it, you would be taking care of it shortly. You start opening presents with him and it is a memory you never want to forget. You both laugh and exchange lingering kisses, his hand threading through yours.
"Okay, here's your last present," he says as he brings you over a small wrapped gift. "I hope you like it, sweet girl," he mumbles as he kisses your cheek. You quirk an eyebrow at him, noticing how much importance he's putting into this present. You slowly open it as his eyes trail over your face, awaiting your reaction. When the paper is off completely, you find yourself holding a music box. It's identical to the one your mother had that she would play for you so often as a child. One that you'd lost when she passed away and that you've never forgiven yourself for. Tears suddenly come to your eyes as memories flood of your mother. You open the box and are filled with love when it's the same tune she would play for you all those years ago. Tears fall from your eyes as your heart swells with love for this man. "Oh E...It's perfect," you whisper as you wipe a tear from your face. "C'mere baby," he breathes as he takes you in his arms holding you close.
After you both start putting away your gifts, you start nervously playing with the string on your robe. "Well, I have one other thing to give you, but it isn't nearly as good as the one you gave me," you say, but he quickly dismisses your comment. "Oh stop, I'm sure I'll love it, baby." He looks around for a present, and while his back is turned, you let the thin robe slip from your body, exposing the red ribbon your wearing. "(y/n), I don't see anyth-" he is stopped short when he turns around to face you. You suddenly wish you'd taken a picture of his expression because his eyes are so wide it looks like they could pop right out. His mouth hangs open at the sight of you, making you smile to yourself. "Oh," he breathes as his eyes rake over your body. He is like a deer in headlights, stuck to the spot he's standing. "Are you going to just stand there, or are you going to come get your present?"
This encourages him to start moving as he quickly approaches you, immediately molding his lips to yours. You moan softly at the neediness of it as you wrap your hands around his neck. He sighs into your mouth, picking you up as he practically runs back to your room, shutting the door with his foot. "Jesus baby, you're gonna make me cum in my pants like a damn boy," he groans as he lays you on the bed, his eyes raking over your body again. You blush at his words as he brings lips to yours, trailing them down your neck. You decide to give him some attention as you roll on top of him, his eyes never leaving your form. "Let me give you your present, honey," you state as you nibble at his ear lobe. He can only nod in response as you unbutton his top. He leans up to help you take it off as you throw it somewhere in the room. You crawl in between his legs, pulling down his pants. His dick springs free as he's not wearing any boxers and you absentmindedly lick your lips in anticipation.
You look back up to him and his eyes are completely blown with lust. Seeing you about to suck him off wearing that pretty little outfit is enough to make him cum right then and there. You run your hands up and down his muscular thighs as you take his tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. His eyes roll back as he relaxes his head into the pillow. "Christ, baby," he hisses, making a wave of arousal course through you as you take him deeper. You hear him gasp above you as he gently places his hand on your head. You look back at him and his eyes are locked on you. Seeing you look up at him while in such a position has him softly bucking his hips into you. "I wanna fuck your pretty mouth," he mumbles with hooded eyes. This makes you moan onto his dick as you nod in response. He can only groan as he pulls his hips back, and snaps them back up, his cock hitting the back of your throat. You gag at the contact, making him tighten his grip on your hair. You quickly recover as you start bobbing your head along with his thrusts, causing profanities to escape his lips. You reach down to play with his balls and he throws his head against the bed once more, clenching his jaw at the sensation. "Oh fuck," he groans as he picks up the pace, now nearly pounding his dick into the back of your throat.
You moan again at this, causing vibrations on his shaft. "Oh, baby, God Damn," he grits through his teeth, suddenly pulling you off of him. "Get on your hands and knees," he demands, causing a pool in your core as you nod. You get into position as you lean back a little, making sure your ass is on full display. This make him groan out as he smacks your ass unexpectedly, make a tiny squeal escape your throat. "Wanna fuck you with this damn outfit on," he grits out, his hands coming to your hips. This makes you moan as you rest your head on the pillows, clenching around nothing. "You want that baby? Want me to fuck you in your whore outfit?" This makes you bite your lip and moan softly. "Yes, please," you whimper, needed him so badly. Hearing you so needy for him makes a growl escape from his throat. Suddenly, you feel him rip the part of the outfit that covers your pussy. You might be annoyed with him if you weren't so turned on. Instead you push back against his hand as you feel his fingers travel to your core. "Damn, so fuckin' needy for me. It's been a while, hasn't it baby?" he moans as he trails his other hand along your ass. You can only moan in response as he brings his lips to your backside, softly kissing where he slapped just moments before. "I'll make up for it, sweat heart. Gonna fuck you so good." Without warning, he softly pushes himself into you, making you gasp out as you clench around him. He groans as he wastes no time pounding into you at a quick pace.
When you catch your breath, you cry out at finally feeling him inside you like this again. He grasps at your hips for leverage as he snaps his hips deeper inside you, making you moan loudly, biting down onto the pillow. With one hand gripping onto the silk sheets, your other comes down to circle at your clit. When he notices you pleasing yourself, he swats your hand away as he rubs you with the same gusto, making you cry out as you curl your toes in pleasure. "Such a good little slut for me. You take me so well, sweat heart," He groans picking up the pace, hitting the spot deep inside you that he always manages to find. "Fuck! Elvis," you shout as you squeeze your eyes shut in pure ecstasy. He brings his lips to your neck, biting as sucking harshly, leaving purple marks that will be there for a week. He trails his tongue over his work making you mewl out in pleasure. "You feel so fuckin' good 'round my cock, fuck," he groans out, now pulling back to fully slam into you, the sounds of slapping skin and moans echoing through the room; His name leaving you lips like a chant
"God Damn! You're so tight," He gasps as you clench around him, your orgasm quickly approaching. He ruts into you sloppily and you know he's close. "Are you close, baby?" he groans, speeding up his pace on your clit. He always needs you to be the first to cum, and this time he'll have no problem doing that as you are currently falling apart, teetering on the edge. "I'm so close, E," You moan almost incoherently, the pleasure you feel overriding everything else. "Cum with me," you whimper as you grab onto his hand, digging your nails into to it. "Fuck, sweat heart," he groans, your words pushing him over the edge. You both reach your peak at the same time, grasping onto each other as a violent orgasm overtakes you. He pulls you to him as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, a soft cry erupting from him, his fluids shooting deep inside you as he milks himself dry.
"Fuck, baby," he groans, breathless. You can only sigh in agreement as he kisses your neck gently. He pulls out and groans at the sight of his orgasm leaking out of you. "Ya' look so fuckin' good, drippin' for me like this," he muses, his fingers trialing over your sensitive nub. You hiss at how sensitive you are and he leans his head down, kissing your cunt. It momentarily makes your eyes roll back. "Elvis, it's so sensitive," you whine and he pulls away, bringing you to lay down with him.
He nuzzles his face into your hair as he sighs deeply, wrapping his arm around your waist. "M' sorry I haven't been takin' care of you lately," He mumbles, your back glued to his chest. You shake your head as you intertwine his fingers in yours. "Don't be sorry, you've been so busy." "I know, but I've seen how needy you've been. I should'a taken care of you," he whispers as he runs his hand up your waist. "Well, I think you just made up for it, sweetie," you respond running your hands through his hair languidly, still blissed out. He hums in response, kissing your neck softly. "C'mon, let's go take a shower, maybe you can make it up to me some more," you mumble softly. He lifts you up as he carries you to the bathroom, already getting worked up for round two.
Tag List:
@flowersofcement @horrorgirl4life @father-of-2cats @peaceloveelvis @looloolily @dark-raven031 @tantamount-treason @goldobsessionsworld @mghy
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residentrookie · 11 months
jegulus reuniting in the afterlife microfic- wordcount: 1387; this was heavily (HEAVILY) inspired by the album folklore and i've incorporated several little references if anyone is interested. enjoy!!!
The world glows softly at the edges, and James Potter knows he’s dead. 
It’s all too picturesque, too perfect, down to the height of the sun, still perched above the trees but low enough to convince you it won’t burn to watch it set. James’ eyes catch on it and stay there for a moment, marveling at the brilliant cascade of light and color smeared across the sky, pink and orange and blue, a soft blue, like Harry’s blanket. 
It had been in his son’s crib when it happened. Lily was about to carry him upstairs and wrap him up in it, swaddling him in the gentle cotton, brushing back his dark hair as his eyes moved behind his lids, captivated by dreams. 
The landscape shudders a bit when he blinks against a pressure in his eyes, but comes back strong, the grass waving hello in the wind. He almost waves back. Wants to. It looks so welcoming, like something he could sink into and never reemerge from. 
The white house appears between one blink and the next. Or maybe it was always there. James feels like perhaps things come and go freely wherever he is now. The sun glints off the high windows and caresses the white shade of the wide porch, painting it a faint gold. There’s a figure seated in a rocking chair and James approaches it, wading through the waist high grass. 
If he could still feel things like surprise, he might have dared to try. Whatever he was expecting wasn’t this. 
The name, the beautiful, cursed name that was once a comfort and later a torment. Regulus was a name that had curled up and died on his tongue; he alone had cared enough to stoke the embers, to keep it alive and by extension, the person attached to it. When he stopped, it went extinct. He aches to know he let it. 
Regulus was supposed to be missing. Not dead. Not here. His body was never recovered which meant… hope. It meant the real and visceral and painfully human Regulus Arcturus Black was compressed to exist in that liminal waiting space of ‘lost but not gone’. James had kept him there selfishly when all along he’d been here. Wherever ‘here’ is. 
“Where are we?” he asks, curiosity winning out. Regulus’ silhouette is a blur to his eyes. He’s a shape James can’t quite puzzle out, an amalgamation of colors he doesn’t know the names of. Regulus stains the world around him like a bleeding watercolor, as if being here for so long has made him blend into his surroundings, melting into the matter with the sorrowful ease of a weeping painting instead of keeping a firm shape. Still, he's so beautiful. James can’t recall his face exactly, but he knows he loves it. 
“I don’t know,” Regulus answers, and James basks in the sound of his voice. “I never thought to ask.” 
James doesn’t question the logic behind that sentiment but takes his seat beside a slowly rocking Regulus. The sun looks just as beautiful here as it did standing in the field.
“So this is where we go. When it’s over.” James knows he should feel something other than a steady, pulsing calmness emanating from his center. He should be terrified and raging and desperately, wretchedly distraught. He had a life, a really fucking good one. A wife he loved fervently. A son he would do anything for. His friends. People he wanted to see again. But then, Regulus was always one of those people James wanted to see again, and here they are now. Together at the edge of… somewhere. 
“Are you surprised I’m here?” Regulus asks. 
“I didn’t want you to be here. I wanted to beat you here. I wanted—” he pauses, feeling that ache in his center flicker a little with some foreign emotion. “I wanted to be wrong. But I knew, really. Of course I knew.” He faces Regulus, the blurred shape of him. “You would have come back to me if you could have. Wouldn’t you?” 
Their love had been such a small mark etched into the loveline of his palm, hovering somewhere above his horribly short lifeline. Just a blip, really, a drop in the ocean. But oh, how it echoed across the fabric of his life. How it ricocheted. The drop, the ripple, the tidal wave. Even when dead in his mouth, the name Regulus was engraved onto his heart forever. 
James knows that Regulus is smiling. “Always. I wouldn’t have made you wait.” 
“Isn’t that what you’ve been doing?” James questions. “Waiting for me?” 
Regulus seems to shrug. “You waited for me. It was only fair.” 
The rhythm of his rocking reminds James of some ancient comfort, the cadence of a mother’s steps while a child rests in the womb, waiting to be born. The full circle of life stops here, at death, at the slow rocking of his chair on a wrap-around porch. How fitting that it should end the way it began. 
The thought of mothers brings to mind his own. Will she come too, and share a seat with them on their porch? It makes him think of Lily, the mother of his child. He died before he could make sure she was safe. Something like fear flares in his gut. He knows, somehow, that he didn't save her.
“Don’t worry. You’re with them, too,” Regulus murmurs, assuaging it. James can’t help but blink at that. 
“I am?” 
“Yes. You’re everywhere your soul has touched.” His eyes open and land on James, for the first time offering him something to latch onto. They’re still that dusty gray-green, the cold, unliving stone sprinkled with lichen’s defiant life. “You’re infinite, James Potter. You’re everything.” 
The lines of his eyes flood, then spill over. He barely feels it. The sun glints off of his tears, still hanging at the perfect height in the sky. He knows with finality that it will never set. 
“Am I with Harry?” Unlike Lily, James is certain that Harry is still living. He feels farther away, farther from his reach.
“In every way you can be,” Regulus assures him, and he struggles to let that be enough. He thinks helplessly of Harry, his sweet, darling boy who sang with the birds and cried when he fell down. He was always trying to go everywhere so fast, too fast, and his little legs could never keep up with the rest of him. James wouldn’t be there to catch him anymore. 
He releases a breath and settles into himself. “I hope he can still feel me. And Sirius—” oh, Sirius, not Sirius, “I hope they can still feel me.” 
“I used to close my eyes and picture you sometimes,” Regulus says, just the breath of a confession. “When the wind blew. When the sun glowed your favorite color, that bright, beautiful red. When the grass whispered your name to me.” He pauses, letting them listen to the sounds around them. “Could you feel me then?” 
James thinks about it. Thinks about the rare lulls of stillness in his chaotic life, when even the wind didn’t dare rise above a whisper, like the world was holding its breath. It had felt like a caress, like someone reaching through the cracks of space and time to hold him tightly, to keep him together. All along it was Regulus, his Regulus, still holding on from lightyears away. 
“Yes,” he answers, the sudden clarity shining bright. “Even when I didn’t know it was you.” 
James looks down and grabs Regulus’ fingers gently, lacing their hands together. There is no shared pulse between them, no trace of the hot, sweating palms that had grasped for each other in dark rooms and hidden corners. But there is no need for shadows and secrets now. There is no one here to witness this touch. There is no one who might judge them for reaching out to each other now. In another life, in their past life, they may have paused before staking claim on each other in the daylight. 
But it’s just James. It’s just Regulus. It’s the sun and the trees and the grass waving hello. Or maybe goodbye. Or maybe it's just waving to feel the wind. 
James lifts his hand and waves back.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
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Fic Rec Friday - Round Up Part 2
Thanks to everyone who participated this week - the theme was: rec a fic starting with the same letter as your name / username. I have a list below, but I only included ones people tagged me in or ones I could find from the #fic rec friday tag. If I've missed any, please let me know!
Please read at your own discretion. Heed tags and ratings on each individual fic. Keep yourself safe, friends!
Also PSA - the rec lists were super long this week so i'm so sorry if i have stuffed up a link or accidentally put someone in the wrong category!
911 Lone Star (part 2) (needed to be split into 2 posts this week!)
Sanctuary by @reyescarlos
Say You’ll Remember Me by @myemergence
Searching For A Trail to Follow Again by @sunshinestrand
Seven Ways Back to You (series) by Lolaland (me)
Slowly Becoming Lovers by @morganaspendragonss
So Many Somethings by @iboatedhere
somebody to you by @reyescarlos
Soon by @rmd-writes
snapshots by @sanjuwrites
still we’re holding on by @rosedavid
sweetest devotion by @reyescarlos
Teardrop on the Fire by @carlos-in-glasses
The Many Names of TK Strand by tabbytabbytabby
The Marriage Tamales by @bellakitse
The Ring In by Lolaland (me) and ifyoustay
the ruins of wonderland by @carlos-in-glasses
The Sex Pollen Incident by @hoko-onchi-writes
The Space in Between by @fortunatelydecaffeinateddinosaur
to live for the hope of it all by @strandnreyes
to which there is no reply by @reyesstrand
Two Hearts gone black and blue by paperstorm
Two paper airplanes flying by @liminalmemories21
Vet Pups and Set Ups by @iboatedhere
View from the Top by @bellakitse
What Family Does by AShortWalkToDelinquency
What You See Will Be by @thevenstar
When I dropped my sword I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door by @liminalmemories21
when I’m like this, you’re the one I want by @thebumblecee
White by @chaotictarlos and paperstorm
Wings Are Frayed by @iboatedhere and @pragmatic-optimist
hate to say i spent it all on masquerades by @hattalove
i don’t think that we should have friendly sex, anymore by @capseycartwright
i like you so much (it's kinda gross) by @gayhoediaz
Make it pretty for me. by @snarky-drabbles
Our story's been heartache and wonder by @tails89
The Shift by @popfly
whenever you call me, i'll be there by ipretendtobesane
with every heartbeat I have left by iriswests
Black Sails
i might believe a good deal of it, too by explosiontimothy
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Raspberry Sherbet by theclaravoyant
Repudiate and Disavow by mystery_ink
Check Please!
A Whole Different Kind of Light by @porcupine-girl
As We Run, We Become by @iboatedhere
at certain times by @parvuls
Chris Chow, Matchmaker Extraordinaire by 42hrb
Cromwell Cinematic Universe (series) by @sincerelyreidburke
Crossed Wires by @lecrivaineanonyme
Theatre Building, Dec. 6 by @cricketnationrise
There Have Been Five Kisses by @cricketnationrise
Good Omens
Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too by @thebibliosphere
Wherever You Will Be (That's Where I'll Call Home) [The DomesticVerse] (series) @gyzym
A can of josta by @jim-jam-gem
Cold, Cold Heart by @amadness2method
Marvel Cinematic Universe
take it or leave it by kellifer_fic
in a field of dandelions by @princess-of-the-worlds
It's Not in the Way that You Came Back to Me by nie_narzekam
Parks and Recreation
It's a Strange Paradise by CongressmanNoJaw
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whirligig-girl · 11 months
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Followup to this painting: [Oh You Poor Thing]
The Prodigy kids are so interesting to learn to draw. They have quite complicated color pallettes and designs that don't trivially translate to a 2D cartoon, and figuring out where to simply things without them being unrecognizable was an interesting challenge. I went for something close to the Lower Decks style this time (i.e., my usual Guzcomic style) to complete the crossover. If I ever made more Prodigy-focused comics I think I would first spend a lot of time coming up with a better simplification of their designs and color palletes. If there's one thing that the Prodigy kids absolutely have going for them, it's strong shape language in their silhouettes.
I really hope Prodigy gets picked up. I've been rewatching it and it's just so much fun.
Image ID: Digital art webcomic in a Star Trek Lower Decks like art style.
Panel 1: The alien kids from Star Trek Prodigy are wandering together in a crowd. Dal and Gwyn are calling out Murf's name. Gwyn has turned her liquid metal sword into a bullhorn. Zero says "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Rok-Tahk says "Where are you..." Jankom, frustrated, says "Come on guys, it's no use. He's gone forever."
Panel 2: Eaurp Guz, a green slimegirl in a yellow starfleet engineering uniform, is running through the crowd with something wrapped up against her chest, holding it like a baby.
Guz: "Hello? Have you seen a--" Stranger 1: "No." Guz: "Have you seen a group of Mellan--" Stranger 2: "No thanks." Guz: "GRR! You'd think another Mellanoid Slime would stand out in the crowd." Guz: "Hello? Have you seen--" Stranger 3: "BEGONE FOUL THING!" Guz: "Ugh."
Panel 3: Guz continues. "Oh! you kids! Have you seen a Mellanoid Slime? Kinda like me. Gooey, sparkly, probably humanoid and bluish?
The Prodigy kids are gathered in a group and look at Guz, a little clueless. "Like Murf?" Dal says. "Who?" Guz says. The viewer can see Murf, the bluish-purple Mellanoid Slime Worm, being cradled by Guz, but the kids can't see him.
Panel 4 & 5: Close-up of the wrapped up Murf, who turns around, a little teary-eyed, and makes a chirp sound.
Panel 6: Murf leaps out of the wrapped blanket towards the kids, smiling, splashing some blue slime onto Guz's face, and she closes her eyes and braces for the goo to hit her. The kids look ecstatic. "MURF!" they all shout at once. Rok-Tahk goes on and says "I missed you." Jankom says, "Hah. Jankom never doubted a thing."
End Image ID.
Guz: so. you're. this slime worm's communal family.
Jankom: what of it, ya bag of snot?
Guz: do. do you even know how to raise a slime worm?
Dal: Yes! Well. Maybe. I mean he's basically indestructible, how hard could it be?
Rok-Tahk: Yeah! He once survived eating a live photon grenade.
Guz: What.
Dal: Yeah you know it was probably all the time he spent enslaved in the chimerium mines; hardened him up to it.
Guz: WHAT?
Gwyn: It's a long story.
Guz: wait. hey aren't you those wanted fugitives?
Jankom: Desperately, desperately wanted!
Zero: I can't read her thoughts but I do not think that's the kind of wanted she means.
Dal: Gotta blast!
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pixelfun20 · 5 months
I'm currently working on an AU one-shot for @definitelynotshouting's amazing Hunger AU! It's been in the works for well over a month now since I've been fighting some really bad writer's block, but I wanted to post some snippets so I can prove that I've actually been working on this, lol. Big thank you to TJ (I hope I'm using your name right) for letting me putter around with this for so long. Here's some bits and bobs for proof of life.
“Sorry,” Grian breathed after who-knew-how-long, blinking a few times to further center himself and draw the beast close to his heart, where it usually sat. Safe and far away from anyone it would hurt. He looked over at Ren when the other man didn’t immediately respond, and— “What are you doing?” “Meditating,” Ren replied lightly, sitting with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. One sky-blue iris peeked out from underneath his eyelid, flashing him with relief-worry-affection before it was gone again, and taking the emotions with it. Grian stared at him. “Remarkable way to stop feeling things if you do it right. You good, man?” “Yeah, yeah.” He breathed, the embarrassment coming in a flush a moment later. His own emotions were roiling, bubbling up and down in a tremor. In the next moment he laughed, for some reason he couldn’t decipher. “Sorry about that.”
--And a different scene--
Ren had been calm and soothing when Grian had told him about the Watchers, about who he was. He hadn’t pushed for anything Grian didn’t want to tell him, and more often than not he waited for Grian to come to him with stories of his past. Tango, though. Well, Tango was a scientist. Not that science was a bad thing. It was just… for Grian, it was uncomfortable at times, like he was a caged songbird being shooed out into an open room for the first time, free to roam wherever he liked. Tango showed up whenever he liked, usually with a half hour’s notice, but sometimes not, with whatever question had passed his mind. A question that was super important, and had to be answered now, in a “what do you mean you’re trying to work on Sahara, I need answers!” sort of way.
I hope this is was a fun proof of concept! I usually don't post my snippets on Tumblr, so maybe I've done it all wrong... lol. But I'm having fun, and in the end I guess that's all that matters.
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Dress Up: Part 3 Preview
Hope you enjoy this preview for Part 3 babes and please don't kill me!
No active warnings but you may be able to infer some things by the end hehe~
As promised, Lucifer behaved himself for the rest of the reception. He was always very good about keeping his promises with you. Although, you had piqued his curiosity when you had mentioned the little "proposition" you had for him later in the evening. He was insatiable. And you loved it!
"C'mon, love, at least give me a hint!" Lucifer begged while you were in between conversations with the hotel patrons. "Do you think it's fair to keep secrets from your husband?" He latched onto your waist and pressed a kiss to your cheek, a little laugh escaping your lips. "I'll just keep kissing you until you tell me!" Sure enough, he began to pepper small pecks across your face, finally forcing you to push him away gently.
"All good things to those who wait, Lucifer," you teased, taking his one hand and leading him towards the bar. "We just have to say goodbye to a few more people, okay? And you're one to talk! You still haven't told me where we're going for our honeymoon!"
He chuckled, bringing your hand up to his lips. "I'm the Devil, sweetheart; deception is in my job description, or so I've been told." You rolled your eyes playfully and made your towards your new daughter-in-law.
"Charlie!," you greeted, bringing her into a warm embrace. "Thank you for this. You did an incredible job. This was everything I could have hoped for and more."
"Oh, there's no need to thank me!," Charlie beamed. "Everyone here worked super hard to make sure everything turned out perfect!"
"You're too modest, Charlie dear," Lucifer complimented. "Anything you touch turns out absolutely perfect. And I shouldn't expect anything less from my little girl!"
"Thanks, dad. I-I love you two so much!" Charlie's eyes started to well up with tears as she brought you both in for a hug. "Oh, dad! Did you tell her about the surprise?!"
Lucifer shook his head. "I haven't, but we're just about to head out right about...now!" With a snap of his fingers, a portal appeared behind the trio. You went to turn your head but Lucifer used his hand to turn your face back towards him. "No peaking!" Without warning, you felt your legs give out beneath you as Lucifer scooped you up into his arms, cradling you against his chest and smiling down at you. “Thank you all for a wonderful day,” he called out to everyone. “It’s certainly one we’ll never forget. We’ll be back in a few days time. PLEASE don’t burn the hotel down while we’re gone!” He turned around to face the portal and leaned down towards you. “Close your eyes for me,” he whispered against your ear. You did as he said and let your eyelids fall.
You felt the subtle jostling of Lucifer’s movement as he carried you through the portal. He only took a few more steps before he stopped completely. Wherever you were, you felt a slight breeze hit your skin. You guessed you must be outside somewhere. But Lucifer’s footsteps sounded like they were hitting tile flooring. Before you could try to rationalize further, you felt your husband’s lips graze your earlobe.
“You can open your eyes now,” he cooed.
Your eyes shot open, Lucifer’s grinning face was the first thing you saw as he finally set you back down on your feet. You were right about being outside. Kind of. You were on a balcony. The footsteps you heard earlier made sense now. But you saw something else that had completely caught your attention. The sky above you wasn't red. It was a deep blue. You turned to Lucifer in confusion. "Where are we?"
"Surprise!" he nearly shouted, gripping your hips and twirling you around before placing you back down. "Welcome to the Lust ring, my darling!"
You blinked at him a few times before looking back over the railing, smiling eagerly. "So this is what you've been hiding from me?"
"It is," Lucifer spoke as he pulled you flush to his chest. "Do you remember how I said that you're no longer bound to the rules that govern sinners? This is part of that deal! You're free to travel anywhere as my Queen, and that includes the other six rings of Hell! Not that I would recommend most of them. But Asmodeus-"
"Wait, Asmodeus?" you questioned, "The Sin of Lust?"
"Yes! Although I usually just refer to him Ozzie. He's one of the only Sins I get along with. But anyway, he's the one who put us up in this lovely room for the next few days. I told him I was getting married and well, he practically insisted on letting us use his Honeymoon Suite at the hotel he owns here. Told me I needed to 'put the room to good use'." Lucifer flashed a smug grin before leaning in to capture your lips. He picked you up once more and carried you over to the too-large heart-shaped bed, setting you down on the soft dark purple bedsheets. "So, my angel has a 'proposition' for me?"
Suddenly your cheeks felt burning hot. To be honest, you haven't given your own proposition much thought before this. But that week without any intimacy nearly drove you up the wall and your mind created scenarios that you never even considered before. You regret mentioning it in the first place, but it was too late to turn back now. "W-Well, yes, I do...I mean, I did. I umm...it's..."
Lucifer laughed and sat himself down next to you, his hip connecting with yours. "Now what could possibly have you so tongue tied?," Lucifer teased as you looked away from him. "You don't have to be embarrassed, love! Whatever it is, I'm sure I can handle it! I don't think there's anything you can suggest that would scare me away." He brought his hand under your chin and turned your head towards his wanting expression. "Please tell me!"
You sighed shakily. "And you won't freak out?"
"Now when have I ever freaked out?" You cocked an eyebrow at him. "Ok, fair point. I promise you that I won't freak out."
You inhaled a few short breaths before speaking. "Youcanduplicateyourselfright?" you blurted out rapidly, making Lucifer pause.
"Duplicate myself?," he repeated, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhh, yeah I can. But what does that have to do with...o-oh...OH! UMM...S-SHIT!"
"Hey, you said you wouldn't freak out!"
Lucifer shook his head rapidly. "Freaking out?? Who's freaking out?! Not me! Certainly not me! I'm cool, I'm alright, I'm fine! It's just uhh...I..." He laughed nervously, failing to reign in his sudden panicked reaction. But for some reason, he couldn't seem to stop smiling.
You reached down to cup his hands in yours. "Luci, listen, if that's not something you're wanting to try, that's totally alright! I'd never ask you to do something you that would make you uncomfortable! That's why we talk about everything beforehand! Please don't worry about it." You smiled and cupped his face in your hands to press a light kiss on his lips.
"I never said "no" now did I, darling?," you heard a familiar soothing voice echo behind you.
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nost4lgica · 8 months
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To confess your loneliness is to confess your failure as a human being. To confess would only cause others to pity and avoid you, afraid that what you have is catching. Your condition is caused by a lack of human relationship, and yet to admit to it only drives your possible rescuers farther away.
So you attempt to hide your loneliness in public, to behave, in fact, as though you have too many friends already, and thus you hope to attract people who will unwittingly save you. But it never works that way. Your condition is written all over your face, in the hunch of your shoulders, in the hollowness of your laugh. You fool no one. Believe me in this; I've tried all the tricks of the lonely man.
David Marusek, Counting Heads
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You and dawn are lonely. Lonely and on the street. The bakery is closed, the vendors gone, the doors shut. There are no cats in the street, which is heaped with trash. The solitary tree stands at the door of the building to greet the dawn bringing news of an eternity of no interest to anyone at this superfluous hour. You and dawn are two lonely strangers who have met against their will, without congeniality or curiosity. You know not where you are walking but retrace old footsteps until dawn pours out its kohl blue and departs. You confess that you have erred.
Mahmoud Darwish, In The Presence Of Absence
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وجلس حزني تجاهي تأملني قليلاً ثم أجهش الحزن
بالبكاء وبقيت صامتة.
And my sorrow sat next to me, stared at me for a while, then it burst into tears and I remained silent.
Ghada el-Samman, unknown
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The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence.
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Loneliness has followed me all my life. The life of loneliness pursues me wherever I go: in bars, cars, coffee shops, theaters, stores, sidewalks. There is no escape. I am God's lonely man.
Taxi Driver (1976)
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Vincent Van Gogh, Sorrowing Old Man (At Eternity’s Gate)
It is possible to be wild and kind at the same time. It is possible to be both alone and be loved. I have known this to be true. In others. In me. To be loved. And to also still be alone.
Anis Mojgani, In The Pockets Of Small Gods
I have been trying, for some time now, to find dignity in my loneliness. I have been finding this hard to do.
Maggie Nelson, Bluets
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The interaction between a genetic bias and life circumstances that constitutes loneliness is generally beyond our control. However, once it is triggered, the defensive form of thinking that loneliness generates-a lonely social cognition-can make every social mole­ hill look like a mountain. When we are lonely we not only react more intensely to the negatives; we also experience less of a sooth­ ing uplift from the positives. Even when we succeed in eliciting nur­turing support from a friend or a loved one, if we are feeling lonely we tend to perceive the exchange as less fulfilling than we had hoped it would be.
John T. Cacioppo & William Patrick, Loneliness: Human Nature and The Need For Social Connection
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Lindsay C. Gabson, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
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anothersoulless · 6 months
Red Windows {Cloud Strife x Reader}
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I've been gone for a long while working on like, 10 different drafts on and off while also managing life (it's stressful rn, ngl) but let's get to a different thing I wanted to do (so I have more stuff to work on :3)
Considering Spotify wrapped was released a bit ago, I will work on OneShots based on my wrapped, they're gonna be smaller though, since I'm trying to rekindle my passion for writing. Also, of course, I keep my right to skip any song, the only songs I 100% will do are song in my top 5, also song I already based a OneShot off do not get a second one unless i want to. Anyways, I know I ALREADY wrote something with this song, but I'm gonna be honest... I hate it. So let's change that! (this one is a lot better but I still don't like it, anywho)
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First up:
The music in the club was loud, nearly deafening as you sat down near the bar, your drink right in front of you. The main lights were dimmed, wildly coloured spotlights roaming on an automated path through the room, some device near the ceiling creating a colour-changing star pattern on the floor. There was a dance floor at the farthest wall, even though most people just danced wherever they wanted to. The barkeeper was rushing around behind the bar, due to some misfortune, all alone this evening.
Taking another sip of your drink, you watched the crowd. It all seemed to blur together, like it was all distant, until you looked back at your drink, the liquid a light blue hue due to whatever juice the mocktail was mixed with. Some people were obviously singing along with the music, their voice drowned out by the bass running through you body, shaking the floor and glasses. Watching over the crowd, your eye got caught on multiple couples, some just looking great, some dancing in a ridiculous manner, others getting a tad bit too handsy. Adverting your gaze again, you downed your drink, ready to leave. It hadn't even been your idea to come here, and yet he was the one who was late.
You made your way to the barkeeper, sliding the money over you owed them, some additional dollars added, as you left. You bid the guard near the exit goodbye, wishing him a good day and leaving the estate, going up the stairs to ground level. Immediately, there was a big commotion, two people arguing about something. It was definitely the guy who checked everyone and gave them the bracelet, arguing with someone about their ID. You pulled out your phone, while walking up, already pulling up the chat with your date, writing only a meager "I'm leaving, thanks for the heads-up" and sending it. You pocketed your phone and looked towards the commotion, stopping dead in your tracks.
"Please, I swear I'm 18, how else would I have a Tattoo? I really just forgot my ID, doesn't my driver's license prove enough?!" But the Guard was unyielding, despite his logic being flawed, still denying the blonde entry. The blonde with the unique hairstyle and the striking outfit you had been looking out for all night. A blonde with a tattoo on his lower arm. It were too many similarities to be a coincidence, especially after he begged to just talk to his date waiting inside, since his phone died. You went up to him then, tapping him on the shoulder. "Cloud?" The blonde turned around, dressed in a loose, white button-up without a tie, a bit messy on his figure, yet still charming, paired with grey dress pants and black dress shoes.
He was confused, not immediately recognizing you, taking a few seconds to register. "I'm sorry, I swear I would have been here on time, but I was in such a rush I forgot my ID at home and-" you smiled, stopping him with a hand hold up "I heard, it's okay. Let's just do this another day" Cloud seemed a bit defeated, before he perked up. "Wait, uh- I... I know a place we could go, if.. if you still want to?" You blinked a few times, debating. "Sure, are you driving?" He nodded, leading you to his vehicle. You didn't know what you expected, maybe something like a car, definitely not a motorbike, though. With a bit of help from him, you got on, before he gave you a spare helmet and his riding jacket, which you happily accepted. You could tell he was a lot more careful when riding, a lot more tense. Maybe he didn't want to scare you? It was kind of cute really. And your hands felt warm thanks to his body heat, which made you wonder just how warm he was when he wasn't subjected to cold evening air. Shrugging that thought aside was probably a bad idea, considering you could just feel his muscles under the shirt, now the only thing your mind focused on. They weren't rock-hard, still a bit squishy and you hoped to god he hadn't noticed when your fingers dug into his flesh a bit, or, if he noticed, that he thought it was because of the motorcycle.
The Place you two ended up at looked nothing like the club he had chosen originally. It was a bit run down, made of wood and looked a bit messy with the string lights and the huge sign reading Seventh Heaven. Cloud let you get off the bike first, then parked it and turned to you with an apologetic look. "I know it's nothing like we planned and definitely not what you thought, if you want to leave-" you smiled and cut into his words. "It's okay, it doesn't matter where we eat or drink, we wanted to get to know each other, one as long as it's good i don't mind." He smiled. "It's the best, even if it looks a bit sketchy" You gave him back his Jacket and he packed away everything, before offering you his arm. You took his hand and he led the way, up the stairs and through the double doors. There was a woman behind the counter, gorgeous, and she already looked tough from a bit away. She looked up and surprise crossed her face. "Cloud?" She then looked at you, and before she even asked who you were she seemed to already know, instead asking what had happened for you two to end up here instead of the 'fancy' place that was the original plan.
The bar was empty, but it looked clean and lived in, loved even. Cloud didn't hesitate, striding to the counter and sitting down after you. He let you introduce each other, before he explained that she was a childhood friend who had already helped him many times in various situations. She was nice, saying she'd even give you two something to eat, as you and Cloud started your date. "So, childhood friends?" He nodded simply. "Yeah. Tifa and I have been... Through a lot of complicated-" he paused, for a minute. "It's not like we even dated, god no" he blushed at that thought. Embarrassed. "It's just a lot of complicated things we've experienced together." You smiled cheekily, sipping on the drink in front of you, shimmering just as blue as Cloud's eyes and resting you head on you hand, before you teased "So she's no one I should worry about?"
He sputtered, nearly choking on his drink, as he rushed to reassure you, while you simply chuckled. "Don't worry, I know how it is. It's good to have such a close friend, really." Your date smiled then, a small smile but it was there. "Yeah. I don't have many friends, admittedly. You don't really make a lot of friends when you have my last and my job and... Well, I've been alone a lot. Tifa was there when I needed her and I got some real good friends afterwards as well. They're good friends, all of them"
Cloud was always very vague about his job and past, but you didn't mind. It was not your place to pry. Not yet, anyways. Maybe someday... You looked at his glass, the drink a ruby red, so clear and vibrant it nearly looked like it was a crystal itself. "So, I know people always wonder, so, did you already have a girlfriend?" He pondered. "I wouldn't call her that. She was a very close friend but it was never more, even if the lines blurred sometimes." There was another faint blush. God, you just loved the way his cheek turned a light pink. "We're still close friends. You'll probably meet her some day."
You chuckled then, "Some day, huh? Looking to repeat today even before it got really started?" His cheeks turned even brighter, and he stammered a bit, definitely flustered beyond compare now. "It's not- I- I didn't mean that, it just slipped out." You laughed, and patted him on the arm. "Think about what you say better, next time" Next time. Some day. A promise of another meeting. Even if he failed to meet you on time. Even if it wasn't the best date ever or ideal or anything like it, you got to know him well. Probably even better than you would originally have, and there was just something about him. Those really bright blue eyes and the blonde hair and the soft, light paper skin had caught your attention. Paired with his tougher build, you didn't know what to expect, but he was a perfect mix of both.
"I have dated a few before. The best relationship I had was probably with a girl from a different neighbourhood, a poor one. My parents didn't approve, but she was the sweetest girl ever." You explained. "We broke it off because we realised we didn't click like that, and we stayed friends as well." His eyes rested on you, studying you. You looked back at him and smiled sweetly. "You know, every time I look at you, I have one thought in mind: pretty. How can you actually be so beautiful?" He blushed at your words, scrambling for words yet again and looking away. "It's weird how you can't handle compliments. Surely, you must have gotten these a few times, no?" He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I just... Never cared about the person saying it." "Awe, so you care about me already? It's our first date, and you're already falling for me."
In a flurry of braveness, he looked you dead in the eyes, "what if I am?" Dear Lord, you nearly felt your soul leave your body, this man had really no idea what he was doing, nearly killing you like that. You stayed silent, air whipped out of your lungs and thoughts racing through your brain, too fast to grasp. And then a whisper: "That wouldn't be a bad thing" Both of you blushed, and the evening went on. A small homely meal later, a few drinks in your system, your arm religiously brushed against his, your shoe bumping against his chair more often than before, sitting closer together now as well. You laughed and you ate and you drank. Then he had to stop, still wanting to be able to drive home. You decided to call it a night, a sense of uncertainty washing over you two.
You didn't want to push it. It had been a really fun night. He fumbled nearly every step along the way, but still managed to make it even better than expected. When you went to the bathroom, you took a pen and a piece of a bill that you left in your pocket and scribbled down your number on it, folding it. Considering he hadn't asked for your number and simply did everything via the app you two met over, you figured maybe this would push him in the right direction without pushing too far.
You returned to the counter, tapping Cloud on the shoulder. "We should probably call it a night. I have to work tomorrow, and you can't drink anymore because you need to drive, so I'd say this is a fairly good place to stop." He looked at you, from his sitting position, for a second, before he stood up. "Yeah, you're probably right. Do you want me to drive you home, or is that too soon?" You shook your head. "A little bit too soon, Cloud." You bid your goodbye to Tifa before returning to Clouds bike. "Don't worry about me getting home. I'll have a friend pick me up in a few minutes. On another note... I really had fun tonight. Somehow, even when it first looked like you had just ditched me, you made it... Probably my best date ever. Thank you for that. You leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, and handed him the paper.
"Call me if you want it throw it away if you don't. I hope I'll see you again?" He smiled again then, leaning down a bit. Your faces were so goddamn close, mouths nearly touching. "You definitely will" and then he kissed your forehead and smiled as he drove off. You look back at the bar. Tifa standing in the double doors and shaking her head, smiling. He still had to work on some of his etiquette, but he was doing really well. And you? You simply smiled, a giddy feeling in your chest, while the corners of your mouth refused to lower even an inch.
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hidden-elytras · 5 months
I know this is day 3 info, but i went through and compiled the quiz to consolidate the weights for the answers as I didn't notice it done here.
Everything is under a cut because it is long
Q1 - "Pick a block type" "Smooth Quartz" - 3 pt "Diamond Block" - 4 pt "Oak Wood" - 2 pt "Dirt" - 1 pt
Q2 -"Pick a floor type" "Dark Oak Planks" - 4 pt "Dirt" - 1 pt "some quartz" - 3 pt "Blackstone brick", - 2 pt
Q3 -"How do you secure your home?" "Make it all unbreakable!" - 2 pt "Create a trapped maze that leads to the entrance to confuse unwanted visitors" - 4 pt “I live in people's walls so I don't have to worry about that." - 3 pt "A locked door with a key, like a normal person." - 1 pt
Q4 -"You've been put in charge of an egg! Where do you house them?" "I give them everything I own, which isn't much but they know they're loved. I can sleep outside." - 2 pt "Build a gigantic mansion just for them, treat them like royalty!" - 4 pt "100% sealed bunker with multiple passcoded doors, no windows. If no one knows they're alive no one can kill them." - 3 pt "My child is freerange and can sleep wherever they want. " - 1 pt
Q5 -"Pick a decorative object" "Globe" - 3 pt "Painting" - 4 pt "Potted plant" - 2 pt "pop corn machine" - 1 pt
Q6 -"Pick a couch" "Red couch" - 4 pt "Purple couch" - 2 pt "Blue couch" - 3 pt "Green couch" - 4pt
Q7 -"Pick a thing to collect" "Gold" - 4 pt "Rocks" - 1 pt "Furniture" -2 pt "Classified information" - 3 pt
Q8 -"Cucurucho is coming to visit! What do you do?" "Make them a cup of tea and bake some cookies, have a nice time!" - 2 pt "I have prepared a guillotine at my front door. We will see the results soon." - 3 pt "We spend the visit in silence, but I'm fairly sure they're quietly judging my taste in furniture."- 1 pt "I answer their questions at the door and they leave, the rest of my day is uneventful." - 4pt
Q9 -"What about your garden? What's in there?" "A collection of turtles that keep breeding to a problematic amount." - 1 pt "A beautiful flower garden, carefully tended to!" - 4 pt "A lavacast stretching into the horizon. My neighbors can't stand it but no one can stop me." - 3 pt "It's a humble garden with some grass, a tree, and a pond. " - 2 pt
Q10 -"Looks like you've abducted a federation worker! What do you do?" "I keep them deep underground in a cold cell. They will never see the light of day, but they're still alive." - 3 pt "They can wander the house freely, the only thing keeping them there is their fear of what might happen if they leave. I feel bad." - 2pt "Once I get what I want from them, I kill them. When the investigators come, I serve them a wonderful meaty stew. There is no evidence." - 4 pt "Oh my god what do I do I didn't mean to end up like this and now i've gone so far I don't know how to undo my mistakes." - 1 pt
And the results:
score 40 : Potential Investor - A guest-to-be! You must have a great interest in investing into the island… How about we talk business sometime? We'll surely be able to find you a residence here that perfectly fits to your tastes!
score 37 to 39 : Cucurucho - Wow! Perfection 🙂
score 34 to 36 : S-Rank Worker - Above and beyond, you're a REALLY big deal. Usually leading things behind the scenes more, you're the reason the "machine" exists- and you decide who will be the cogs. Do you feel guilt? Or are you proud of your actions? You must've done some unsavoury things to rise up to this rank.
score 29 to 33 : A-Rank Worker - Cream of the crop! You're often leading the ranks below you, and they can depend on you to manage the place and keep things going smoothly. If they can't do it, you'll step in and do it yourself.
score 24 to 28 : B-Rank Worker - Most often in the role of the security around the island. Your colleagues and island guests can depend on you to keep the place secure and protected. If anything happens, they should be able to come to you to solve it! Stay safe out there.
score 19 to 23 : C-Rank Worker - Filling out this quiz during your break huh? Hard-working and doing your best, you're most like a C-rank worker! Put on a hard hat and your visibility gear. You've got some friends in the federation, but you're still on the road to greatness. Just keep at it, bud!
score 14 to 18 : Island Guest - You're one of the people that was invited to the island as a guest! Your chaotic and unlawful nature means you cause much trouble around the place, but your love for exploration and a great creative spirit also causes you to make some incredible structures! Please stop causing so much trouble.
score 10 to 13 : D-Rank Worker - Expendable and in great numbers, you aren't given any free will. Why were you even filling out this quiz? Get back to work.
Each answer is given a score of 1 - 4. The scores from each question is added up and then whatever range you fall under is the result you get from the quiz.
Another important note - Almost each result can be gained from multiple different answers EXCEPT for "Potential Investor" Which can only be gotten from scoring a 40.
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eaaaazygurl · 2 years
Violet Flowers
Pairing - Arthur Morgan x F!reader
Summary - You find John Marston staring at you longer than you'd come to appreciate. As you confront your friend, he can't help but let it slip that Arthur has a big surprise for you.
Wordcount - 7000+ (a long read! May need some time to finish.)
Notes - Slightly modified Canon: Sean was taken by O'driscolls instead of Bounty Hunters, the events of RDR2 take place over the course of years in the three states rather than just one year (because only playing as Arthur for 1 year in game time is CRIMINAL and this is an established long term relationship!) Fluffy Morgan obviously, Dutch being a dick without actually making an appearance, John being a supportive best friend and brother.
PS: My apologies if I have irritated anyone. I've reposted in hopes that the read more works. I didn't realise you actually had to add a read more! So thank you to the person who kindly pointed out that adding one would be a good move ^^
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Marston was staring at you again.
The scarred Outlaw stood at the steaming stewpot, sharp eyes stuck to you, unaware that you had obviously taken note.
It was just past 7pm, you had been taking in the thick, pungent aroma of the Bayou Nwa swamps that surrounded the Van Der Linde's new camp; Shady Belle, a quaint rundown plantation house that had been without repair or proper inhabitants for what looked like a decade now. Whilst somewhat unpleasant, you had been here in the stagnant water and shit-filled silt before when you were once just a small posse of seven men and women, all of them friends and family, off to explore the supposed wonders of Saint Denis just beyond the border of the Bayou - or rather - you had gone to scope any easy pickings and see the potentiality of robbing the city's main bank before heading back to your camp in the Heartlands of New Hanover. So yes - you were already accustomed to the smell of rotten corpses and Alligator excrement by now.
You sat idle upon the rotting wooden bench just beside the plantations main doors where you and Sadie had shared a good laugh on the situation of things; Little Jack had returned, saved by the men of the gang. You had never seen Abigail beam a smile so bright as she charged through the commotion to lock her young son into a death grip of a hug, tears of joy streaming down her rosy cheeks as she cried out many thank-you's to the boys. There had been a party that night, one that descended into an entire gang sing-along whilst Javier struck the cords of his trusty guitar. John and Abigail had retreated just after one song, wanting to make Jack comfortable in their new camp, and you had scouted around the group to find your partner: Arthur Morgan.
Your relationship had blossomed the day he returned back to Clemens Point, black and blue and horrifically injured by Colm O'driscoll and his boys. Your extensive knowledge on tending to injuries had come in useful that night and you were able to clean the awful gun wound to Arthur's shoulder whilst effectively voiding any fever or infection. Your feelings towards the Outlaw had been apparent for months; having been good friends for just over a year beforehand, running the O'driscoll Boys from the Heartlands so that your posse and Arthur's gang might be a little safer. Clearly you had pissed them off one too many times, and you spent the next few weeks blaming yourself for Arthur's kidnapp. During those weeks of you aiding Arthur; washing him, tending to his beard and hair and making sure he was well fed and hydrated, you had both admitted to eachother your true feelings. The entirety of the Van Der Linde gang had caught on many months prior but you both had been blissfully unaware until then.
It had been - and still was - a beautiful, fruitful relationship. You were both extremely gentle with eachother, attempting to outmatch the other with gifts, words or physical affection. But, you were also an unstoppable duo when it came to getting jobs done. Wherever your names were known, people knew not to piss the both of you off when you came into town, lest they want a bloodbath.
A deep sigh of relaxation escaped your lungs as you sloped down on the bench in deep thought as you remembered back on the events prior to Shady Belle, ignoring the seats complaints as the beams of wood creeked under your weight. Sadie had left a little while earlier for a small scouting mission around the Bayou alongside Lenny, voicing her goodbyes with a 'See ya later.' Kieran passed on by with a little wave and small nervous smile, prompting you with a cheerful "Afternoon, Duffy."
Your eyes met the little pot of stew just ahead once again, investigating who had gathered round to take a bowl before you decided to go in and offer yourself some of the contents: Tilly, Jack and John were huddled around the pot, Jack attempting to take himself out a ladle of the sloppy liquid.
You eyed John once more out of instinct, feeling his eyes burning into you yet again. You were confused, feeling irritation begin to bubble in the pit of your stomach. Marston knew your relationship with Arthur and he knew what consequences he would be facing if he attempted anything - even now he would be getting a rather hard clip around the back of the head for staring as much as he was. Besides, he had Abigail and they seemed happy! Happier - at least, and yet, he still hadn't taken his eyes off of you. That's when you decided to act, pulling yourself up with a stretch and then sauntered over towards the pot with a lick of your lips, your stomach aching. You were hungry, afterall.
"Wolfbite." You addressed John as such, a silly little nickname Arthur had given him when you had both found John drunk as a fool and harassing the general store clerk inside of Rhodes. You had to drag him out of the shop by his arms, and as you recall Arthur had berated him for such actions; "God dammit Wolfbite, you go five minutes in the town and yer already tryin' to get us shot at!"
John shot you a displeased glare at the comment, but he knew ultimately it was just a fun little nickname - nothing as irritating and uncomfortable as Micah's retorts. Besides, you were one of John's closest friends within the gang, irritating eachother for the fun of it was just in both of your nature: "Y/n." He addressed you back, watching as Jack struggled aimlessly with the ladle.
You watched intently as John eventually came to his son's aid, gripping the handle against Jack's little hand, "Here, this is how you do it," He pulled the ladle down so that the bowl of the object took a big dip into the stew. Jack studied the way his father brought the ladle up some and then spilled the contents into the silver bowl; "Now you try, without my help."
Jack pursed his lips, focusing hard as he preformed a very similar action to his father, taking a dip and then pouring the liquid into his bowl, "I did it!"
"You sure did, Jack." John praised the boy with a ruffle to his brown hair, then began nudging him away, "Now go on, back to your mother before you drop your hard work all over the floor."
"Thanks, Pa." Jack had turned to reply, and although you spotted a brief flinch from the man, he relaxed rather quickly and replied with a, "You're welcome, son."
Jack soon made his way back, leaving you and John alone at the pot. You bent down to take your own bowl, draining some stew into it, "I'm proud of you, ya know."
"Why?" John took a small step back to allow you some room.
You drew back after filling your own dish, glancing up at John with a smirk, "Just you and Jack. You've really changed your way with him since Horseshoe."
John awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he too bent down to collect a bowl, "You weren't even with us at Horseshoe Overlook?"
"No," You took a spoon of soup, "but Arthur tells me a lot. Said he didn't understand why you shyed away from your own son for so long, how you and Abigail were fightin' all the time." As you blew on the hot contents within the dip of your spoon, you watched curiously as John let out a deep sigh, waving his empty bowl around as he groaned, "Of course Arthur tells you everything. What else has the old man rambled on about?"
You gave John a soft laugh and shrugged, taking a mouthful and swallowing, "Nothin' much. Just how you bellyache all the time, especially since you became a wolf's chew-toy. But between you and me? Sean had the biggest mouth," as you mentioned Sean's name, you frowned deeply.
The events over the course of the past few weeks were awfully troubling and your escape from Clemens Point had forced you all to leave Sean behind. The Greys had put a bullet through his head - he hadn't even been on the defensive from what Arthur told you.
You could see the pain in your lover's eyes as he explained the situation, how Sean had been dishonorably shot, Bill too although he had survived. How the boys almost wiped out the entire Grey family and dealt with the drunken Sheriff. The locals might have said that ridding the town of those two parasitic families was a blessing, but all blessings come with their consequences, and poor young Sean had been the unknowing sacrifice. He was your friend long before you knew of the Van Der Linde gang and Arthur. You recalled many a night of drunken laughter with Sean and your posse. He had even been the one to properly introduce you and Arthur, pushing the Cowboy to help you out when Arthur had freed you after the raid on the O'driscolls to save Sean himself. Now, Sean was gone, and even if the Irishman could be a little gutter-brained and irritating at times, you all missed him dearly.
"I do miss that kid, even if he was a little shit at times. He was an annoying little brother in a way." John was now filling his bowl though a little sluggishly as he shook his head at the reminder of Sean Macguire.
"Arthur said the same." You reply, taking another mouthful and briefly looking towards the sky as if in search of something. You then clear your throat to remind John of your previous talk before the sore subject of Sean came up, "Anyway... about Arthur."
"What about Arthur?"
You hush John with a sigh, leaning more on one foot than the other as you squint slightly to capture the man's attention, "He worries about you John. He just wants you to bond with Jack, to have what he didn't because of..." your voice trailed off, but John carried the conversation onward: "Issac and Eliza... yeah, I know." He took a small stroll over towards where a small campfire had been smouldering, setting himself down onto one of the wooden crates whilst you took your place at a fallen log.
John continued, "I've got something that he had and cherished, and that was taken away from him. I was throwin' that all away whilst he was suffering his losses. I'm a damn fool."
"I don't think you are." You chimed in quickly. You'd had a conversation of some sort similar to the one you were having with John now, remembering how Arthur understood his little brother's worries but wished he'd come and confided in him before running off for god knows how long. What you said next was almost a direct repeat of what Arthur had said to you: "I think you're misguided yes, but not a fool. Besides, you're making an effort now. That's more than enough, and Arthur seems to think so too."
John glanced up at you from his stew with a small startle, "He does?"
A soft laugh escaped your throat as you finished your meal, throwing down the bowl to rest your arms against your knees, "He's happy for ya John. All he wished for was that you and the boy got along. Seems like that wish is coming true."
John shared the smile with you, appreciating your little talk. You gave it a few seconds before prodding John with the question you had originally planned on asking him: "So, there's another thing I was gonna ask you,"
John placed his bowl below his feet in a patch of sodden boggy grass, "What's that?"
What you said next had John freeze, tighten his lips and sit up straight.
"Why were you staring at me? Wasn't hard to realise concidering I had full view of the camp from the plantation house." You leant forward slightly, a brow raising as you smirked, "Y'do realise if Arthur found out he'd have your head?"
There was a brief silence, and then John answered with a short and stubborn, "Wasn't nothing like that and you know it. You got Arthur and I got Abigail. B'sides you're my best friend who would I-"
"Easy there John you might end up losin' your voice at this rate! I'm just jokin' with ya," You shook your head, amused when John slowly forced his jaw to shut, eyes narrowed and mouth pouting as though he had been a child scolded by their mother, "I was just lost in my own head okay?" He managed to speak out bluntly.
You clearly weren't satisfied with his answer and at the right time, too. Thundering hooves alerted you to someone's return. As you and John both glanced over towards the hitching posts, you spotted Arthur skidding to a stop upon his white Arabian mount, gracefully slipping from her side to give her a gentle brush and feed before hitching her up.
You slowly twisted your gaze back round to John, a smug look crossing your face, "Great timing on Arthur's behalf. Sure you don't want me to call him over?"
"No!" John had snapped back, not out of anger, but anxious fear, and not the terrified fear but one that he usually felt when Arthur was mad with him, like a scolded child, "No- please don't. Arthur WILL have my head if I tell you."
"Tell me? Tell me what?" That statement had confused you, and clearly it hadn't meant to slip because John was now writhing awkwardly on his perch, cursing under his breath. You wanted to pry further, now completely invested in knowing what it was John was trying to hide, "Marston, are you and Arthur upto something? Come on tell me, I won't say a word. Promise."
John tried to throw his mind onto something else but to no avail. He tried averting his gaze but it was too much. His eye briefly caught Arthur, still tending to his horse. The pressure began to mount. Your eyes were staring with an intensity that almost burnt: "A robbery? Some sort of big job? Please tell me, pleassseee?!"
"Okay fine! I can't tell you everything, that would ruin it but-" He ducked a little and brought himself forward so his voice could be lowered, quickly checking on Arthur to make sure he wasn't striding over. Your confused expression only deepened as John shuffled closer and quietly spoke, "Arthur's got a surprise for you, but I can't say anything else." You guessed that, so you frowned, displeased. John then hissed a whisper, eyes wide with warning, "It would really ruin it- and don't say anything! If he finds out you even have the smallest idea he'll throw me into the swamp!"
You knew the threat of Arthur launching John into the water was one that made his body shudder. It was common knowledge within the camp that John Marston could not swim, and a common joke shared amount the many to tease him with. Even Jack took a few digs from time to time, leaving John to snap back a "Don't you start imitating your Uncle now!"
And so, you agreed, placing a hand onto John's shoulder in reassurance, "Okay, I won't say a word. Promise."
"Say a word about what?" Arthur had somehow managed to come up behind you and John without a sound, a brow raised with a dark shadow falling over his eyes from the brim of his hat. He rested his large hands upon your small shoulders, leaning down so that his mouth came to your ear, "Is Marston botherin' you darlin'?"
"Oh no not at all!" You gave Arthur a soft smile, pressing your cheek against his own, his short beard tickling the soft velvet of your skin.
John sat upright and smiled awkwardly, holding his hands upwards in a gesture, "We were just talkin'."
"Yeah I guessed that, but about what?" As Arthur spoke, the beard tickled earning a little giggle that made the Outlaw internally melt.
"About little Jack. John's been teaching him how to pour his own dinner. He's even gonna take him fishing soon." You gave John a look as if to say 'go along with it.' Whilst not entirely a lie, John had just showed Jack how to handle a ladle, the fishing part was false.
Arthur's interests had peaked at the mention of fishing. John hated the water, so this was a first, "You? And water? Fishin'? Well I never thought I'd see the day! You really are trying to bond with that kid,"
John gave Arthur a slow nod. He was anxious and he knew exactly where this was going. He couldn't escape this now...
"Looks like you an' me are goin' fishin' then, Marston! Not now, obviously. But soon. Proud of ya, brother." As Arthur gave John a gleaming smile, he cleared his throat, gently cocking his head a few times to encourage Marston away. Almost instantly he clocked on, grabing his bowl and yours too, "Well I'm off. I'll get these cleaned for you Y/n, no need to thank me. See you soon." John threw his hand to the side in a 'goodbye,' scurrying off into the crowd.
"Hey there, sweetheart." Arthur, now finally alone with you, sat to your side and gently nestled you into his side, placing his chin against the top of your head, "You okay?"
"Better now you're here," You enjoyed the warmth Arthur's broad chest brought you, inhaling the scents of tobacco and various herbs, mint being one such iconic scent. It wasn't often you and Arthur could settle against eachother without the threat of danger lurking nearby. Usually Arthur would be hurled into one of Dutch's crazy plans, hunting for the gang or out on scouting missions. You often joined him on them, but Dutch had been strict on making sure you two were in for the job rather than the time spent together. You weren't one of Miss Grimshaw's slaves luckily, Dutch and Hozier saw your great potential and wanted to put that to good use.
Now you could just relax, taking in the gentle chatter of the camp and quiet cooing of an owl overhead. Distant gurgles of Alligators could be heard some ways off. Your ear then met the gentle thudding of Arthur's heartbeat. Bliss could not come in many forms but this just had to be one of them. Usually Arthur wouldn't be so forward and open with his emotions in front of prying eyes, he tended to keep that confined to less crowded areas but tonight was different, Arthur simply didn't care for what others thought. He was still the same tough man that could load two hay stacks onto his shoulders and walk a mile without a bother as much as he was the gentle, kind and sweet man that had won you over.
Eventually Arthur pulled back from you, eyes gleaming and face a slight dash of red. You'd noticed it in the orange glow upon his face - his eyes had brightened and cheeks darkened slightly, giving away his blush. His hand found the rim of your jawline and gently nudged your head upwards to meet his gaze, "I got somethin' for yer."
"Oh?" Intrigue had your eyes widen as you sat up a little more, shoulders lax and smile cheerful. You never got used to the little gifts Arthur would bring back for you, and so you were excited to see whatever it was next. A new gun, perhaps? Maybe even a fine bit of jewellery he'd managed to pickpocket. Whatever it was, you were curious. Arthur took your hand and stood, you following suit close after. He was walking you past the plantation house towards the overgrown garden that bordered the swamp. In the near distance your eyes could pick up the glow of amber and a structure you'd never seen before. It was something like a bandstand but smaller, a wooden gazebo, creeping vines completely overtaking it's structure with little white flowers growing from each stem. From what you could gather at a glance, the shrubbery had been cut back extensively and the vines looping the wood prunes and trimmed to give it a much neater appearance. The murk had been swept away and cleaned to the best of it's ability.
You were now inches away from the structure. Awe overtook you as Arthur gently ushered you onto the steps, your eyes meeting a number of half melted candles, their flames dancing in the soft breeze. Little purple flowers were scattered across it's interior - the same flowers from Big Valley, yours and Arthur's favourite spot. There were also yarrow petals from what could have been Clemens Point, and tiny yellow orchids from up in West Elizabeth. Slowly, you began to make a connection: these flowers were from key areas you had been in during yours and Arthur's time together. The yellow orchids reminded you of the day Arthur had freed you from the O'driscolls, the yarrow a flower you had used to heal Arthur's injuries from his own kidnapp and the purple flowers in Big Valley, the place where you had both realised your feelings.
"It's beautiful Arthur..." those words escaped your gaping mouth, Arthur watching you with a wide smile as you examined the decor with sparkling eyes; "I'm glad you think so, darlin'."
"You didn't have to go through all of this effort for me... it must've taken you days to get to all of these flowers." Curiosity began to ebb once more. Your gifts had often been small and sweet, picked up by chance on the cowboys adventures across the states. Only this time... these flowers hadn't been picked by chance.
Arthur simply replied with a small nod, "It did. Three days, in fact. That's why me and John were gone three days but uh- don't tell Dutch." He cleared his throat and lowered his tone, smirking, "He jus' thinks we went out on some robbin's across the states."
"Got ya, I won't say a word." You gave Arthur a small gesture that imitated locking your mouth and throwing the key before you returned to studying the flowers and candles, "You really outdid yourself this time. How am I going to get you a better gift now?"
"There ain't no need darlin' this ain't a competition." Arthur chuckled sweetly as drew his fingers through your soft hair, gently removing some of the debris that had accumulated where you could not see - bits of grass and sticks from what he could only assume was haybales for the horses. You'd been busy.
"Still doesn't seem fair to not get you anything in return though..." You whimpered quietly. Arthur brought his hands to your face, his right hand palming your soft cheek whilst brushing his thumb across the velvety skin whilst his left thumb gently trailed across your bottom lip. Your eyes met his brilliant pools of ocean, dilating as you gave his thumb a gentle kiss. Your eyes then danced around the gazebo, attempting to take in every fine little detail. It certainly must have taken days to get this place into shape, for again you'd never noticed it before. You wondered how Arthur had found it, let alone cleared it without you noticing. You were now completely turned from Arthur who had stepped back to give you some room, your back facing him as you studied the interior some more, "Honestly Arthur how on earth did you manage to fix this thing up without me realisin' you was upto something?" The Outlaw remained silent, a little out of character to not respond to you with something sweet or sarcastic, "Oh, I get it. I ain't allowed to know. It's a secret then?"
By the time you'd finished speaking, the wooden floorboards of the gazebo creaked, and you felt a sudden change in pressure. It as if by instinct that your body decided to turn in a slow fashion. Arthur was no longer stood, but crouched. He was bent down. On one knee. His eyes wide and full of anxiety as he pulled a hand out to hold just underneath you.
"Y/n." He began, a slight stutter forming as he spoke, "The day I met you was the day I felt my world change. Ain't nobody else that has ever made me feel this way."
Your eyes were wide, bright. You stood there, your head cocked downwards meeting Arthur's gaze. From the corner of your eye you could see a brief movement within the treeline and recognised the frilly dress of Mary-Beth and the hat of Sadie. Had the gang been watching you and Arthur all this time?
"We've been on our fair share of dangerous missions, had a lot of close calls... so I guess what I'm tryin' to say is-" Arthur's throat convulsed as he took in a deep breath, taking your hand in a vice-like grip. You could feel the heat radiating from them despite being gloved - an obvious sign that his palms were sodden with anxious sweat.
"Will you take my hand in marriage?"
The world became silent, still. It was as though time itself had stopped, because you swore you couldn't feel your heartbeat anymore. Even the gentle noises the Bayou made were all but noisy. It was dead quiet.
You felt an excitement build in your stomach and a deep blush fill your cheeks. Your eyes were in a state of shock, glittering in the moonlight overhead and the flickering of candle fire below. Arthur Morgan was asking for your hand. You! You'd never even imagined a man as handsome and kind-hearted as Mr Morgan would want you in such a way, and now you were on the precipice of becoming Y/n Morgan. You wanted this so bad, but the anticipation of your longer than comfortable silence had Arthur squirming, his grip on your hand loosening. Before he could pull away in shameful defeat however, you tightened your own hand and yanked the Outlaw up, letting out an excited "Yes!"
A perfectly wide smile overpowered Arthur's emotions as he beamed happily at your response, taking you into his arms and spun with you, the most brightest and extatic laugh erupting from his chest as he brought you back down into a loving embrace.
An eruption of cheering and applause had the both of you startle before Arthur could shower you with tender kisses. He let out an irritated "Christ sake!", his eyes narrowing at the crowd. Once he recovered from the startle Arthur brought you into a tight embrace once more sighing softly against your hair, "Of course Hozier told the entire gang..."
Your eye caught Hozier skipping down from the Plantation house like a youthful young man once more, his face glowing with pride and happiness as he began to stride a little quicker over to you both with open arms, "Congratulations my boy! Oh look at you both!"
"Hozier," Arthur tipped his hat, one arm coiled around your waist, "Thank you for uh... helping me set this all up."
Hozier had been Arthur's fatherly figure alongside Dutch since adopting him into the gang all those years ago. Unlike Van Der Linde, Hozier had more of a nurturing approach, teaching Arthur how to read and write and hunt. Many of the things Arthur could do was all taught by Hozier, even horse riding, whilst Dutch was more or less the one to teach Arthur the ways of the Gunslinger, how to pickpocket and rob and strengthen himself up. With Hozier, there could have been no better man to help him organise this. That's how you hadn't noticed the Gazebo preparation. If Hozier wasn't distracting you with stories and tales, Arthur was at your side.
"Oh my pleasure Arthur, I did the same with Bessie. Only it wasn't in a swamp... or under a rotten gazebo- but you get the point." Hozier flailed his hands in the air before placing them upon Arthur's shoulder, "I am so proud of you. Both of you."
Hozier hadn't only taught Arthur. When the man had taken his hiatus with the gang alongside Bessie, they had found themselves within these here states, mainly New Hanover and Ambarino. He had actually stumbled upon you and your twin brother, Archer, along with a few members of your posse. You must've only been about seventeen at the time, maybe a little older, but you could hardly read or lift a bow. You had been the daughter of a rancher family, made an orphan when the O'driscolls had burnt down your home and everything you knew over an 'unpaid debt.' Even Hozier had been rather surprised and concerned that they had made it this far East, but alas, it had only been a small portion of the gang and the O'driscolls were plentiful. Colm had still been back where Van Der Linde's gang settled, butting heads with Dutch in a rivalry that felt as old as time itself.
You had spent many months alongside Bessie and Hozier. He had taught you how to hunt and fight as well as handle yourself with a gun and Bessie taught you how to cook - properly. It wasn't until Bessie had become gravely sick that Hozier left you and your posse. He had originally planned to take her to a doctor and return, but a man whose heart had truly belonged with his gang? You understood. Hozier had returned to Dutch and it wasn't until spotting him in the streets of Valentine that you reunited.
"Thank you Hozier, truly." With your face pressed against Arthur's chest, you sighed deeply, a smile overtaking your features. Arthur somehow managed to bring you closer, "So where's Dutch?"
"Upstairs I'd presume. He knew this was going to happen, but you know what he's like when he's in a mood." Clearly that was a dig. Hozier narrowed his eyes towards the plantation house, a scowl forming. He and Dutch had been neck a neck recently, you even recalled Hozier accusing Dutch of being way over his head, cocky and arrogant. You had to agree, Dutch had been running loops around you all recently, getting you into more trouble than it was worth. He'd even ignored Hozier's warnings of Colm's fake parley which had ultimately gotten Arthur into a life threatening situation those few months back at Clemens Point.
Arthur frowned. He had expected Dutch to at least make an appearance and congratulate you both, but he hadn't. Clearly it had gotten under his skin, so you brought Arthur's hand up, removing a glove to plant a gentle kiss against the back of his hand, "I'm sure he'll come down eventually. If not, talk to him tomorrow."
Hozier bowed his head in agreement, "Yes, let him have his moment. Besides, we've got a wedding to plan and little time to do it!" With that, Hozier scurried away, his face bright with excitement. You turned your attention to Arthur who glanced back down at you, a soft smile forming, "I'm sorry I couldn't get you an engagement ring. Figured if we're always on the brink of death then why not get wed in say... a couple of days?"
While many woman would startle at the sound of a wedding so soon, you understood the risks of an Outlaw's life. You had lived it for many years afterall, and you wanted nothing more than to take Arthur's name and call him your husband. Besides, the camp's spirits were already at it's peak with Jack's return. The Pinkertons wouldn't find you for the next few weeks, at least. There was no better time, and so, you agreed with a nod, looping your fingers around your soon-to-be husbands, "I'd want nothing more."
A couple of days had passed since Arthur's proposal. Whoever had remained awake that night congratulated you with excitement and chatter, and the next morning wasn't any different. The girls were all around you within an instant, prodding and poking you with ideas and questions alike; what dress did you want? What food? Did you want any decorations? To each of those you politely declined, knowing the gang's funds were needed for food, medicine and ammunition. Nevertheless, they all still were successful in making some arrangements.
Arthur on the otherhand found himself in conversation with Javier, Charles, Lenny and John that following morning. Bill had no desire to talk about love, but despite that, he was happy to be given an excuse to drink on the eventual day of the wedding, and Arthur knew deep down Bill was happy for him. Dutch hadn't been seen since the proposal, off gallivanting around Saint Denis with who Arthur assumed would be Micah. Hozier was more than displeased with that man's behaviour as of late, especially not showing for a majority of their adopted sons proposal and planning. Kieran in Dutch's absence had offered to make trips around the city to gather goods to which Arthur gratefully agreed, it would be the first time Kieran could leave the camp grounds without Dutch tethering him down with an iron fist. You could tell by the twinkle in Kieran's eye that he was most excited to be able to actually escape the confines of the gang.
Midday soon rolled around. Arthur was at your side, messing with your velvety hair as you both took refuge in your shared room from prying eyes and endless questions, "It ain't gonna be a big fancy weddin', gonna have to have it here cause of the Pinkertons. We ain't got the money for anything much either-"
"Arthur." You paused him in his tracks, smiling up at him innocently, "I don't care about all of that. All I care about is being able to call you my husband. Nothing more, nothing less."
The idea of calling Arthur your husband tickled you. Two of the West's greatest Gunslingers unified in marriage - a danger to truly behold. Nevertheless, you were overjoyed to take Arthur's last name. Y/n Morgan. It had a nice ring to it.
"So, who's gonna be your best man?" You quizzed Arthur curiously, slowly laying downward to rest your head against the Cowboy's lap to which he began carding his fingers through your hair.
Arthur paused for a second, humming to himself. There was a slight nervous energy and you could see his jaw muscles working themselves, "Guess I'm stuck between John and Lenny..."
"Lenny's a brilliant man and a great friend. The youngen' definitely has life to him, got me out of a few binds now. Dare I say he's probably one of the members I'm closest to- aside John." Arthur dug fingers into his stubble and scratched, indicating that he was deep in thought. It was one of the many small things he did that you took notice of with a sweet smile.
"Marston and me? We're practically brothers. I've known him fifteen years. Sure, he ran from us for a time but he's proven his loyalty. Ah- I don't know..."
"Well," you squinted slightly to get a rough idea of what you were going with, "Why don't you make one of them the ring bearer and the other your best man?"
Arthur's brow rose slightly, jaw parting in a little gasp of triumph before he turned his gaze to you with a wide grin, "You little genius!"
"Eh what can I say? I'm good with organisin'." Your shrug was half arsed with a smug smile plastered across your face. Quickly you were hoisted from Arthur's legs and your head embraced by his giant hands only for him to bring you upward, planting a heavy kiss against the tip of your nose. Arthur was obviously excited, it had you fluster and giggle sheepishly. After all this time with you swooning over eachother Arthur still found ways to make you shy and giddy.
"Well then Cowboy, if the weddin' is tomorrow you'd best get your arse off the bed and go organise your new ring bearer and best man!" Your eyes shifted to the sky outside, noting that midday had well and truly passed. There was still a lot to do and time was seeping through the cracks faster than you liked. Arthur took note of your suggestion with a low hum in agreement and a nod, gently shifting you aside. He scooted towards the door, paused, galloped back to place a soft kiss against your lips and was off once more, only this time he'd actually left. You could've sworn you heard a hushed giggle of excitement echoing down the hallway as he scampered down the stairs of the plantation house.
Rolling your eyes with amusement you hoisted yourself up and shifted yourself towards the outside balcony just ahead of you. You had already ran your plans by Miss Grimshaw and the girls, so you didn't need to go and make any last minute changes or decisions. You'd been up most nights to arrange that, so fatigue gripped you like the talons of an Eagle. You'd rather spend the rest of the day resting up for tomorrow.
Leaning your arms heavily against the banister of the balcony, a fresh cigarette finding your lips, you scanned the clearing below. You spotted Arthur over towards Pearson's stew pot exchanging happy conversation with Marston and Lenny. Grimshaw was pacing the entire camp with a keen eye, making sure the girls were hard at work on whatever it was they were tasked with; sewing clothes, fixing up the camp and discarding debris - you name it.
Javier, Bill and Swanson were exchanging sharp glares, their hands gripping firmly onto cards that they had tucked against their chest around an old wooden table. Whatever sort of card game they were playing - it was serious. You caught a glimpse of Kieran running his hand slowly through the mane of his own mount and surprisingly exchanging words with Sadie, the both of them smiling and giggling with eachother. Who'd have thought... Mrs Adler making amends with an ex-O'driscoll? Kieran was a fine soul, an anxious mess and hardly an O'driscoll at all. The poor kid couldn't even lift a gun without chewing five layers of skin from his lips. Nevertheless, you were happy the two were exchanging words without Sadie threatening to remove his jugular.
You struck the matchstick, carefully lit your fag and took a long drag, allowing the smoke to escape through your nostrils as you took a deep sigh outwards.
"Hey." The voice behind you had you almost drop your freshly lit cigarette from your lips, though the paper had luckily stuck to the bottom of your lip, flopping around before you nestled it back into the left hand corner of your mouth. Spinning, you came to face the man who had almost ruined your moment of tranquility: John Marston. He had left Arthur and Lenny's side some time ago whilst you studied the rest of the camp, and now Arthur was sat beside Hozier under the canopy of one of the tents, his arms flinging to and fro in some mad explanation of god knows what.
You turned your attention back to John, patting the wooden rail beside you, inviting him to take a spot beside you, "almost made me drop my cigarette," You gave John a narrowed glare, watching as his expression went from relaxed to anxious within a matter of seconds as he met your gaze, "Oh- sorry y/n I didn't mean to scare ya-"
"Oh shut up ya big wuss I'm only jokin'!" You gave Marston a gentle shove against the shoulder, earning an amused smirk from one of your best friends within the camp. Aside from Arthur, John had always been there for you. He saw the chemistry between the both of you before anyone else, noticed the way you both gazed at eachother and even teased Arthur a great deal around camp before you'd even been invited into the gang. You couldn't even count the amount of times John had saved your arse on missions, and whenever a robbery had came up, it was always you, John and Arthur to take the call of the wild. You as a trio were truly a force to be reckoned with.
"Thanks for not gettin' me in shit today. I'm really happy for you both y'know," John had whipped out a cigarette of his own, now giving you a hearty shove whilst tweaking his eyebrows, "Jokes on you, I've got premium cigarettes! Not those flimsy shit sticks you got hanging out that gobby mouth of yours, half-eye."
"Uhm!" Letting out a playful snigger you crossed your arms and removed the now stumpy butt from your mouth, pinging it from the balcony with an agile flick of your fingers, "I'll have you know I still have both my eyes, Marston." You made emphasise on 'Marston', earning a soft chuckle in response as he rest his arms against the beam of the balcony, eyes tracing the camp to find Arthur now red faced and scoffing at a very pleased looking Hozier whome fiddled with Arthur's ring finger, tongue poking from the corner of his mouth in concentration. Your eyes too caught the scene, smiling softly at the sight before you, "Hey, does this mean I get to call you brother now too?"
John tipped his head, his bottom lip pronounced a little more in thought as he spat his own cigarette butt from his mouth and turned to face you, "Y'know what, I think it does."
"Well then, I'm gaining a pretty cool brother tomorrow too," You shot John a little smile, watching with a smirk of amusement as John blinked, stood and began to imitate himself throwing up. He then snorted a laugh, opening his arms and beckoned you in for a friendly embrace, "All things considered though Y/n, that man down there?" His thumb pointed down towards a now very chipper Arthur listening to Hozier's rambling. You gazed down with a soft smile and returned your attention to John, taking a step back with hands against hips leaning heavily to one side as John continued, "He loves you. Loves you one hell of a lot... don't think I've ever seen him this happy before."
"Well it's a good thing I love him one hell of a lot too then ain't it?" A buzzing sensation passed through your spine as you sagged yourself halfway over the banister, sighing happily as you watched Arthur and Hozier, a rosy blush filling your cheeks.
John slowly nodded, "Yeah, it is good. Everythin's good... well, Arthur made me his best man and Lenny the ring bearer so I guess I'll be off. Got plannin' to do."
As John went to leave, you turned your attention to him, calling for him to stop before he disappeared. John peered round the corner of the balcony doors at you, a questioning gaze.
You simply smiled, a genuine smile of happiness and thanks as you softly sighed, "Thanks for keepin' me company. You know you mean a lot to us both, right?"
John huffed a sigh, a wide smile in response, "Yeah, I know. You know where to find me if you two need a helpin' hand." And then he slipped away, presumably in search of his own little family.
Taking in a deep breath whilst steadying yourself on the rails with your hands, taking in the rather relaxed atmosphere, you dipped your head in comfort, a gentle smile dawning your features. All was well, all was pleasant... the sound of chittering Sparrows and the low rumble of Alligators brought a rather fair harmony to the Bayou, you'd all by now gotten acquainted with the smell of rotten bog water, and for what it was worth, everything felt perfecrly balanced for once in such a long time.
Arthur turned his attention up towards you, watching on as the golden rays of sunlight glowed against your soft features, awestruck and beaming a lovestruck smile as the wind caught your hair ever so gently.
Nothing could encompass this feeling - such a rarity that you longed to last forever.
Pure bliss.
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