#'yes nick . it was not funny'
erik-christine · 1 year
just the difference between the two.. nick jonas I’m so sorry 😭
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dizzybizz · 1 year
just came to a realization.....
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..... when,,,, when they're smug and serious and-
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seafoodsoda · 1 year
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I am simultaneously confused and pleasantly surprised tumblr has banded behind Yes Man over Nick Valentine, let’s keep the win streak going for our boy ✨🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊✨
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r-truth · 5 months
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No one:
Stevie Nicks: I'll follow you down til the sound of my voice will haunt you. 👁👁 You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loved you. 👁👁 I'll follow you down til the sound of my voice will haunt you 👁👁 Was I just a FOOL? 👁👁 YOU'LL NEVER 👁👁 GET AWAY 👁👁 FROM THE SOUND 👁👁 OF THE WOMAN 👁👁 THAT LOVES YOU! 👁👁 WAS I JUST A FOOL? 👁👁 I'LL FOLLOW YOU DOWN TIL THE 👁👁 SOUND OF MY VOICE 👁👁WILL HAUNT YOU. 👁👁 Give me just a chance! 👁👁 You'll never get away! Never get away! Never get away! 👁👁 🧍‍♀️ you could be my silver spring,😔 my blue green colors flashin'.
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gutter-sun-fun · 1 year
Rise Leo: Ya know we have a confession to make, we made up those songs on the spot.
Rise Donnie: Also we killed a man together six years ago in Nebraska.
Rise Leo: We wanted to feel like god :D!
*camera pans out onto their counterparts/two brothers who look down right terrified*
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girlwiththegreenhat · 9 months
i am never going to recover from the death shroud radio play actually
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sardonic-the-writer · 7 months
genuinely so happy someone finally put dream in his place; and it turned out to be Gumball Waterton/Leonardo Hamato???
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pollyna · 4 months
Phoenix: What do you want me to say, Bradley? The guy’s Navy.
Rooster: I was Navy.
Phoenix: And now you’re the son of a dead man. Why don’t you let yourself act like one?
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astriiformes · 4 months
The Tendi and Rutherford fake dating episode really was one of the best things a TV show could do to cater to me, an aromantic person, because I generally do not like fake dating as a trope, but I do love taking tropes that are often considered romantic and applying them to characters who love each other platonically instead, and Lower Decks just did it so well.
The joke at the end of the episode where they're like "That was terrible, lets never do it again. Anyways" and then climb on top of each other in the Jeffries tube because they really are that close, just not in that way was such a perfect moment. They're inseparable best friends and also pretending to date each other was awful because it made them uncomfortable. And the joke for most of the episode isn't really that they are uncomfortable, it's that they're stuck in a weird contrived sitcom scenario and don't know how to get out of it.
Also I'm going to be thinking about the gag with Rutherford shouting "We got married at a wedding!" to the rest of the hotel lobby forever.
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archersartcorner · 1 year
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Replaying Far Harbor cus DIMA…… I MISSED MY LIL WAR CRIMINAL DIMA…. So here’s some old doodles from July 2021! Wanna draw them againnn but also drawing DiMA means committing to. Drawing DiMA, unfortunately.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
something coming together in my brain about a SPN/Star Trek fusion with the vessels as trill hosts and angels as the symbiont
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hppjmxrgosg · 1 year
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He’s right and he should say it.
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"The Bark Is Worse Than The Bite" (Furblyg Angst)
[Nick's hanging with Abi at his house and all of a sudden she goes pale and shies away from him.] Nick: "Hey, your demeanor changed. What's wrong?" And that's when he feels it. Them. The all-too-familiar, ugly teeth of those awful creatures infiltrated his mouth yet again. Tearing into his leg wasn't enough for them the first time, and now they continuously invade and slowly make what's his theirs during these monthly "events". Nick: "Sorry...it was careless to try to see you today. You should go before it gets worse. It's not even sunset yet though, so I don't get why this is happening now...you shouldn't see me like-" Abi, quietly but assertive: "Like what, Nick? This is nothing new to me- to us. It's almost been a year. Plus..." Nick: "Plus what...?" Abi: "...plus your eyes have been yellow for awhile, the teeth are just what caught me off guard." Nick instinctively reached up to touch his face as if that would confirm his fears. Claws, that he didn't know were there, ever so slightly grazed his cheeks, causing him to recoil in disgust.
Nick, now frantic: "Abi...how have you managed to stay here this long with me? For Christ's sake, how are you even ok with being next to me right now? I did notice you gradually move away though, and I really can't blame you. But why didn't you tell me sooner...? You shouldn't be here, and it has to be getting worse- I literally didn't even realize I had already-" Abi, doing her best to pacify Nick's and her own distrust: "Well, your eyes still hold some of you. Yes, they're no longer the comforting and safe brown-almost-black I find myself staring at for far too long, but I can still somewhat see that kindness- your kindness- in them, even now. But..." Nick, skeptical: "But...?" Abi, gradually losing any confidence she had: "Your mouth- your words- aren't as kind as your eyes when you're...'here but not here', so any change there reminds me of that night. Your teeth are sharp and scary and that awful, searing pain arises every time I see them again. What you said at the pool house hurt worse than being thrown, to be brutally honest. And like...you're still you right now, but I...I don't want to be hurt again like that, Nick." Nick, somber: "...I think one of the most fucked up parts of this whole "condition" is that I don't even really remember that night. Or the month's that followed. Or the next one's. And I'm not going to remember whatever happens tonight, either. The cruelest part, though, is that you have to."
The two of them are quiet for a few minutes before Nick finally speaks up.
Nick: "Sometimes...I wonder which of us is really cursed. I'm sorry, Abi."
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Power Armor Punch Part Fifty Eight
TW: suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, self harm, and mention of past rape
Teshteal: *quietly* The guards wouldn’t even ask… I’ve been pinned against a wall so many times for that alone. *nuzzles her neck* I’m fine with cuddling…
Joyce: (Heart shatters into a million pieces when she hears that Teshteal was raped before. She cradles his head and rubs his back in slow circles, draping her leg back over him for extra security) “I’m so sorry that happened to you…” (Looks to the side for a minute, then down at him) “We can snuggle together all you’d like, I don’t mind. We can even take a nap together if we want.”
Teshteal: *softly, tearing up at the horrible memories* Thank you…
Jasmine: (Fusses in her sleep in the med room, her thumb having ended up in her mouth again. The shapes swirling in her dreams have gotten more darker and ominous, like they are looming over her)
Nick: *rubs her stomach and hushes her before singing the lullaby to her, hoping it helps her nightmare*
Jasmine: (The nightmares literally melt away when she hears the comforting lullaby and the motion of her stomach being rubbed deep in her sleep. The shapes start reverting back to gentle hues and softer angles, giving a more pleasant dreamy feel. She relaxes with her thumb still in her mouth, her other little hand clasping Nicks dress shirt)
Nick: *he’s gonna have that song burned into his hard drive by the time she’s woken up*
Jasmine: (She loves it though, it transports her to a more simpler and safer time in her life when she wasn’t living in crippling fear, depression, and self hatred)
Ma: (Is still ironing and mending up everyone’s clothes, making sure no hems or collars are frayed)
Joyce: (Thinks for a moment, then carefully speaks) “Would you like me to rub your back under your shirt? Mama tells me that skin-to-skin contact helps people with relaxation and relieves stress, it doesn’t have to be sexual or romantic in anyway. She says that’s why sometimes people these days can be so aggressive and mean spirited by default, they never had a proper hug or reassuring physical contact.” (Although some people are just plain evil and no amount of hugs and kisses can fix things)
Teshteal: *softly into her ear simply because it’s right there* I wouldn’t mind. *goes back to hiding his face in her neck. Timidly* Be gentle okay…?
Joyce: “Of course I will.” (Thinks back to how Donny and Ma do this for guidance, she doesn’t want to frighten Teshteal by being too rough or fast. She rubs her hands together and then pumps her right one into a fist multiple times just to make sure it’s warm) “I’m touching the bottom of your shirt and back now…” (Slightly lifts up his shirt so she can slip her incredibly soft and warm hand right hand under it, starting to massage a circular pattern that avoids his spine. She drapes her other arm around his shoulder and gently rubs his neck, listening intently to make sure he’s not uncomfortable)
Teshteal: *relaxes a little at her touch. There are raised and lowered ridges that mark where several scars from beatings that are still slowly healing. They used to be a lot bigger. Softly* If you have to remove my shirt, that’s understandable…
Joyce: (Quietly) “You can either roll it up or take it off or leave it like this, whatever makes you comfortable.” (Being extra gentle over any raised marks she feels, her heart twisting when she thinks about how he may have gotten them)
Donovan: (Come inside through the front door with a bundle of aged wood from the pile for the fireplace to heat up the living room as evening approaches. He walks into the living room where the fireplace is located by the sofa, walking slowly as not to startle Teshteal who seems to still be calming down from earlier)
Joyce: (Nods at Donny, giving him a half smile and wave)
Donovan: (Starts the fire for them, stoking it until it’s burning brightly so they both stay nice and toasty. He then rises and leaves to check on the animals again, honestly thinking that his sweet and nurturing little sister is only comforting a friend, not thinking more of it)
Teshteal: *decides it would be easier to take off his shirt, only moving his body and head to help get it off. After that it’s back to hiding his face away in her neck. Slightly darker lines, oddly smoother and more sunken in than the rest, zig zag and gather like massive veins along his back. Some of them seem to glow around where his tail starts*
Joyce: (Heart aches again for the poor gremlin man, knowing there’s probably a horrific story behind each and every mark. She moves her left hand down from his neck and starts rubbing his shoulder blades while her right hand focuses on his lower back. Her hands are very gentle with their movements, taking care not to cause any harsh pressure or pain) “Is this alright for you…? Am I too rough or too fast? Do you want me to remove my leg if it’s a bit much?”
Ma: (Comes out from the laundry room with an armful of clothes, passing by the two on her way upstairs to put the clothing away in the guest room. She takes out a double rolling clothes rack from her room and brings it to the corner in the guest room, putting the freshly pressed coats, jackets, shirts, and pants to hang. Everything else she puts in small bags and places on the dresser for their owners to collect later)
Gardio: *still working hard outside. He tosses some things in the bin, others for wood or scrap, but saves any mirelurk carapaces blown in to use for armor plating*
Teshteal: *almost melts at the tender rubs on his back* You’re doing just fine… *loving hum*
Joyce: “Good, let me know if anything is bothersome. I’ve never really done this before on someone else, it’s only been done for me by Donny or Ma.” (Gradually adds just a bit more pressure on any tense areas she feels, keeping it within a limit as to not hurt Teshteal. She tightens her leg and arms around him while turning her body slightly so he’s resting more on top of her, humming her favorite song to cause soothing vibrations)
Teshteal: *blushes slightly at the change of position and the hold she has on him with her arms and legs but trusts her enough to hold him like this. He breathes a very light moan of relief as the tension is released from a good few areas in his back*
Ma: (Comes back down the staircase to start on dinner for everyone, popping back into the med room to check on Jazzy and Nick another time before hand. She smiles warmly when she sees that the girl is fast asleep in her fathers arms) “Ah, you finally settled your little one down…”
Nick: *nods* Don’t suppose you could fetch her pipboy and the tape with the lullaby on it for me? Getting kinda tired of humming the same song on repeat.
Ma: “Of course.” (Leaves the med room and fetches Jasmines Pipboy from the guest room along with the lotion and her teddy bear. She returns and places the items on the table besides the chair, putting the lullaby tape on)
Jasmine: (It’s not one the same lullaby Nick was singing, but this cradle lullaby is still effective at keeping her calm in her dreams, it reminds her of her siblings and friends peacefully playing with her in their living room or piling together to sleep during a sleepover)
Ma: (Points to the cooler of IV fluids Donny had brought from the Harbor) “We can start giving her those instead of the blood as she’s still not drinking enough water or eating. I’m prepping dinner soon and I can whip up some porridge for her to eat later or bring another bottle of formula.”
Nick: *reaches for the cooler and takes out a bag of fluid. He hooks up a fresh line then flushes it and attaches the new bag*
Donovan: (Finally gets around to walking inside after a long day of doing manual labor, running to the Harbor and dealing with the idiots over there, and fretting about the Trappers. He enters through the lighthouse so he can rinse off in the shower stall and change out of his work clothes that smell like sea gunk and a barn. He’d work for longer but he might drop if he lifts another finger so it’s just best to call it a day. Besides, there’s still chores to do indoors that require less physical demand)
Gardio: *Doing his best to get as much done on the yard as possible. Feels he has to earn his keep*
Lucille: *if she knew how hard her dad was working she’d just feel more guilty about laying around in bed most of the day*
Joyce: (Happy and grateful that this seems to be working at helping him calm down, he feels less tensed up in her arms already. She continues to rub in circular motions along his skin while humming, closing her eyes as she breaths deeply in a pattern that she saw in a relaxation magazine)
Teshteal: *decides to kiss her neck a little. His tail wraps around them a little but it’s mostly slack*
Jasmine: (Stays asleep as Nick does the flush and the swap with only a quiet hum while her nose scrunches cutely)
Ma: (Glad that the teen didn’t awaken while Nick does this, she fears if the girl wakes up it will be difficult to put her back to sleep. Kinda like a newborn baby in a way) “Do you need anything before I leave to cook?”
Nick: *shakes his head in response*
Ma: (Starts to leave the med room) “I’ll be off then.” (Heads to the kitchen and washes her hands then dries them off on her apron, getting straight to work. She decides to make little bite sized chunks of steak served with a side of macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and a greens salad. She turns on the oven and gets all her ingredients and pans out, flicking on the radio for some background music)
Donovan: (Shrugs off all his work clothes and enters the shower, sighing at the hot water that streams out as he gives himself a quick scrub down)
Joyce: (Hums a different and softer note at the kisses, her eyes fluttering open to look down at Teshteal. She starts rubbing any knots or tension she can find in his shoulders with her palms and fingertips, still being extremely gentle)
Teshteal: *notices the shift in tone and stops. He doesn’t know if it’s a good thing or not. He feels slightly more tense at that*
Joyce: (Gives him a light pat on the back to reassure him) “You’re fine Teshteal, it’s just no one has really been so truly sweet and caring with me to the point where I get butterflies in my stomach and get all rosy cheeked.” (Returns to massaging his shoulders while humming the same melody)
Teshteal: *smiles, lips still pressed against her skin* I could say the same for you, angel. *He goes back to gently kissing her neck*
Joyce: (Softly laughs between her hums, returning the smile as she looks at him under half lidded eyes) “I’m glad we feel the same…”
Donovan: (Finishes his shower and dries off throughly, dressing quickly. Instead of heading into the house section he chooses to climb the lighthouse until he gets to the little apartment at the top, finding it completely squeaky clean and spotless thanks to their guests having good manners. He grabs a leftover drink from the cabinets and starts slowly sipping, taking his binoculars and peering into them to give the area a quick once over in the dimming light)
Gardio: *still working outside to get as much done as possible, his glowing eyes helping him see in the dark. Once he gets as much of the yard as cleared as he possibly can, he takes the carapaces he found and starts trying to turn them into bulletproof armor or a form of chain mail*
Teshteal: *wonders if he should return the favor somehow. Surely she must be tense, too. Especially taking care of such a neurotic mess like him while having her own slew of issues. He starts slowly and gently massaging her shoulder and lower back through her shirt where he can, occasionally peppering her neck with more kisses*
Joyce: (Sighs with relief at the touch, she is a little sore and tense after today but not really due to Teshteal but her own stress that she has been dealing with. She’ll chat with Donny about it later, for now she can enjoy this moment)
Donovan: (Scans the waters for a long moment, taking another swing at his drink. No signs of boats of any kind, he won’t turn on the light tonight in order to not draw more attention. He only does this when there are actual boats in the water that may be lost or there is a raging storm as there was yesterday)
Ma: (Swaying and softly singing along to the radio as she chops cheese and sets the pasta and potatoes to boil. She wonders if maybe Nick can join them for dinner by leaving Jas on the sofa while remaining within her sights at the table, that is if she allows herself to be set down and if Joyce and Teshteal join them too)
Teshteal: *again, very careful with his hand placement. He stays in the range of her shoulders, back, and sometimes sides as he gives her massages, only increasing the pressure and preciseness of his fingers ever so slightly on a particularly tense and knotted up area. It’s the least he can do for all that she’s done for him. Softly with worry* Stop me if I’m pressing too hard. I don’t want to hurt you. *worried she might be pushing herself too hard after feeling how stiff her back truly is. Wonders how bad Jas’s is. Or Lucille’s. He doesn’t Even want to think about Gardio’s- the man lived through the apocalypse*
Gardio: *Lucille’s lack of taking breaks and working on a project to utter completion comes from him. He has not stopped working on the armor even as night falls. He whipes his brow, hammering chunks of mirelurk shell together to make a chest piece. Figures it’ll be light enough for Jas to use and it would be better than the leather armor she had on*
Dogmeat: *laying near the fireplace in the dog bed lazily*
Joyce: “Alright, I’ll let you know.” (Closes her eyes again because he’s doing so well) “Heh, you’re almost as good as Mama. She said she used to give in-home massages for rich folk in her town after working in her cafe for extra cash. I think that’s why we have so much bath stuff in storage.” (Smiles and jerks her head to the closet) “She has a massage table stored in there along with some prewar spa equipment. I think she almost had a heart attack seeing the blood soaked day spa on this Island.”
Teshteal: *smiles. It’s high praise* I try my best. *kisses her jaw and her neck again before focusing on the massage again. Softly, concern in his voice again* I know you love to help around here, but I’m worried you might be pushing yourself too hard. Try to take it easier on yourself, okay…? *kisses her neck again. He knows one thing that is important in this kind of thing- looking out for and taking care of each other. That part he’s absolutely certain about*
Jasmine: (Starts to slowly stir awake, taking her thumb out of her mouth as she yawns sleepily. Her head is still incredibly stuffy and she still feels burning hot on the inside, but she isn’t so dehydrated anymore)
Nick: *notices and smiles warmly down at her so she doesn’t start panicking at the IV* Hey, Rosie. You slept a good bit there. How was it? *pets her hair*
Jasmine: (Sweetly hums at her Dad in response while she cuddles up close to his chest, still drowsy. She hasn’t taken notice of the IV sticking in her arm, the process of getting that is a distant blurry memory in her mind)
Ma: (Singing along with the radio as she prepares dinner, the two trays of macaroni and cheese already in the oven. She’s currently working on the meat and mashed potatoes, a delicious aroma filling the air)
Lucille: *stirs from her bed. She hasn’t slept at all. Just thinking of how to improve the defense of the lighthouse. But now she’s smelling the lovely meal being prepared so she wanders down stairs to see what’s cooking and if she can help. She doesn’t pay any mind to Teshteal and Joyce- that’s their business* What’s for dinner? Can I help?
Ma: (Smiles warmly at Lucille as she turns around from cooking the chunks of tender meat in a bit of butter) “Steak served with macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and a nice green salad on the side. You can set the table with the silverware to help and ask your father and Detective Valentine if they will be joining us for supper.” (Figures that her son will come here on his own eventually)
Lucille: *frowns at the thought of asking Nick anything since he’s been watching over Jas 24/7. Knows the moment she walks in, the girl will shy away and the detective will just glare at her for making her upset. It hurts honestly to think they’ve fallen so far. She nods at Ma* Alright. I’ll start with setting the table… *turns and grabs some plates from the cabinet and sets them down on the table. Then the placemats and silverware. She also grabs some glasses so everyone has one to drink out of then napkins to the side if they have it.
Teshteal: *smelled the food and his stomach starts to rumble after a few moments. He’d been so caught up with Joyce and trying to calm down that he didn’t realize he was hungry*
Joyce: (Softly laughs as her eyes flutter open to glance at her boyfriend) “You sound like Donny. He doesn’t like it when I do harsh work, he says I already have enough worry and strain on my plate.” (Hears his stomach rumble) “Oh, somebody has got the case of the hungrys. Luckily, Ma’s fine cooking can fix that.” (Kisses the top of his head while she giggles teasingly)
Teshteal: *smiles* I’m sure it’ll be amazing. Smells amazing, too. *looks up worriedly about what he said* Maybe he’s right… *moves to kiss her cheek lovingly* I’m sorry if I’m overstepping. I just want take care of my darling angel.
Lucille: *She walks out back to ask her dad first, wanting to avoid the drama of Nick and Jas as much as she can* Hey, Dad- *notices he’s working on armor* What are you working on?
Gardio: Mirelurk plated armor. Their shells are bullet resistant and I thought I’d use a few of them from the yard to make armor. Going to give this one to Jasmine since she needs something better than leather armor.
Lucille: *frowns again at the mention of Jasmine, especially since she’s the one who gave her the armor in the first place*
Gardio: Hm? What’s wrong?
Lucille: *surprised he can see her expression let alone the armor he’s working on in the dark but doesn’t remark on it* Nothing you can help with. *adopts a blank neutral expression* Ma wants to know if you’ll be joining us for dinner.
Gardio: Of course! Let me finish this armor first-
Lucille: *sees where he’s at* That’s going to take a lot longer than you think.
Gardio: *pauses and looks at the armor then grins sheepishly at his kid* You’re right. I’ll come in right now.
Lucille: *beams* Great! *spins on her heel and heads for the dreaded med room*
Ma: (Starts to place all the large serving dishes in the center of the table so everyone can help themselves again. She takes out the pitcher of tarberry from the fridge and places that in the center as well, still humming along with the radio)
Joyce: (Giggles at the kiss) “Nah, you’re not overstepping. You just caring for me at a valid reason.” (Continues to massage Teshteals back, realizing that she had slacked off while he was rubbing hers. They have to get up soon to eat, but she wants to stay in this warmth for a little longer)
Nick: *strokes Jas’s hair before reaching to replace the bag of fluid with another, this one high in vitamins she needs*
Jasmine: (Makes a noise of complaint when she sees that Nick is moving to replace the IV bag. She claws at his shirt to emphasize that she doesn’t want another one)
Nick: Sorry, doll. Just one more. *sets it up and goes back rubbing her stomach* You’ll thank me later, kiddo.
Lucille: *comes in with as neutral of an expression as possible* Will you be joining us for dinner?
Nick: I think so. This is the last bag we’re doing for now. I’ll have to find some way of sitting her within eyesight so she doesn’t think I’m missing suddenly.
Teshteal: *hums softly at the continued massage. He buries his face in her neck. Out of curiosity he does a very small and gentle nip there just to see what would happen*
Joyce: (Gasps at the little nip, then giggles with delight once again while gently squeezing Teshteals shoulders)
Donovan: (Comes down the lighthouse stairway and into the living room, rubbing his head. He gives Joyce a questioning glance but then sees Lucille over by the med room and decides to go over and check on Jas before asking what’s going on and why Teshteal doesn’t have a shirt on)
Jasmine: (Looks up and glares at Lucille, still so bitter from earlier and the last few days, it’s all pent up and boiling in her. She starts to sign incredibly fast, fast enough that it’s hard to tell what she’s saying but there are a few gestures she puts emphasis on. At one point she makes the “B” sign and aggressively brings it to her chin multiple times, then makes the “Okay” sign but forcefully shoves it towards Lucille fingers forwards. Finishing it all off by flipping the older woman with a snarl)
Donovan: (Walks up behind Lucille and witnesses this blow up. He can’t keep up entirely with what she said, but most of the harsher gestures are hard to miss) “Rosalinda!” (Wonders what the hell Lucille did to make Jazzy so bitter and angry towards her)
Jasmine: (Not sorry as she huffs and hides away in Nicks shirt, the equivalent of her walking out of the room)
Lucille: *picked up a lot of what she said thanks to her left eye and just looks defeatedly at the two. She’s not even angry. Just tired.*
Nick: *didn’t notice the defeated look as he gave a dissaproving glare down at the girl. Starts scolding Jas for her behavior, stopping the motion he was doing dead in its tracks* Was that really called for right now? I know you two have had your spats, but she only came in here to ask a question on behalf of someone else-
Lucille: *tired and dead sounding tone* It’s fine. I deserve it. *turns to Donovan and flashes an apologetic smile* I’ll join you all later. Go ahead and eat without me. *leaves before she has another breakdown in front of everyone. That’s the last thing Jas needs right now. Or hell. Maybe it’s what she wants at this point*
Teshteal: *smiles happily at the giggle and does more of those along her neck and collar bone where he can reach*
Joyce: (Gasps and giggles more at this while she ruffles her gremlins boyfriends hair, wondering if Teshteal is aiming to make her burst with joy or something)
Ma: (Had finished serving all the food and is wondering if she can get those two lovebirds to break apart just long enough to get through dinner)
Jasmine: (Seething with anger as she trembles, seemingly ignoring Nicks scolding while she closes her eyes and starts mouthing things to herself)
Donovan: (Watches Lucille leave with concern on his face along with shock at Jasmines rant, having caught that defeated slag Lucille had. He wonders to himself if he should alert her father of what just transpired, especially after last nights event where she ended up in the attic)
Gardio: *walked in the door, pleased with where he stopped but his face falls when he sees Lucille walking defeatedly up the stairs. He waits for just a moment so she doesn’t feel like she’s being chased down before going to the attic. Gets extremely worried the moment he sees her with that dead look she had at the nucleus. Softly* Lucille? What happened?
Lucille: It doesn’t matter. It’s not something that can be helped. Or rather, it doesn’t matter if I help or not.
Gardio: *sits with her* Jasmine…?
Lucille: *nods* I can’t even be in the same room without her getting upset somehow. I didn’t even say anything. Kept it all neutral just so I wouldn’t cause trouble. *mutters* Coming on this trip was a mistake. *covers her face* I should have shot myself at the spring-
Gardio: *pulls her into a hug* No, no don’t say that. Don’t even think it. *holds her tight, partly out of the fear he’ll lose her again* You did what you could-
Lucille: It wasn’t good enough. It’ll never be good enough. Better if I just stay away. *quietly* Or disappear.
Gardio: *sadly* You’ll have to face her someday… you can’t just run.
Lucille: I think I can. It would be best for everyone.
Gardio: *heart breaks hearing that* Not for me. Certainly not for Nick-
Lucille: Nick doesn’t care. Even if he did, his memory’s finite. He’d just as soon erase me from his memory as he would any case he worked a hundred years ago if I vanished. Just one less problem he has to deal with.
Gardio: I don’t think he’d do that, sweetie. Even then, he might care more than you think.
Lucille: Nick stopped caring the moment he realized I was a threat to his kid’s mental health. He’s just being polite about it. *scoffs* I’ve worked with him- this version at least- long enough to tell when he’s just being polite. *raises her right arm as proof*
Gardio: *somber hum* I knew the original Valentine, darling. I know he wouldn’t just turn his back on someone he cares about because someone new entered the picture. What you’re describing doesn’t sound like Nick at all…
Lucille: *goes quiet then shakes her head again* Doesn’t matter… I deserve to be called everything Jasmine said I was.
Gardio: What did she say?
Lucille: *goes quiet again*
Gardio: *gets even more concerned* What did she say?
Lucille: Don’t get mad at her, please? I’m tired of causing trouble. Discuss with Nick, maybe but don’t yell at her?
Gardio: I promise. *nods*
Lucille: *tells him everything Jas said through ASL. She winces and tears up at a few but she keeps it surprisingly together*
Gardio: *eyes widen in shock then he frowns and holds Lucille more protectively, fully aware of how that could send her over the edge again* I… I see. I’ll talk with Nick. *tears up himself as he his daughter’s hair* For now, please know that I love you. That you matter to someone. *lip trembles as he tries to smile* Okay…?
Teshteal: *hums softly* We should probably get up. My stomach won’t shut up now. Really rude of it, don’t you think? *cheeky joking smile up at her. Not at all forced- it’s a genuine attempt at humor*
Joyce: (Gives a bright smile and chuckle back at his humorous joke, gently stroking the lower sides of his stomach while giving him a quick smooch on the cheek) “Oh yes, very rude indeed to make us end our loving embrace prematurely.” (Waits for Teshteal to get up first as he is partly on top of her)
Jasmine: (Sniffles in her Dads shirt, then bursts into waterworks with loud wails while desperately choking to suppress them. She’s not sorry for what she did, but Donny’s reaction right now and from yesterday is getting at her because she knows that she’s changed for the absolute worse and he and Ma can tell for sure)
Nick: *hushes her. Might be a bit before they can join everyone else for dinner*
Donovan: (Decides to leave when Jas starts crying because he wants to scoop her up and cradle her in his arms until she stops weeping. Damn those sweet doe-eyes and pitiful wails that tug at his heartstrings. He leaves Nick to deal with his kid while he heads off to the dining room for dinner)
Ma: (Gives her son a questioning and concerned look at all the commotion that just happened nearby)
Donovan: (Waves it off and mouths “later” as he takes his seat at the table, realizing just how hungry he is. He still waits patiently for everyone else who’s coming to take a seat before serving himself though)
Lucille: *blinks*
Gardio: *quietly, almost in a panic* Okay…?
Lucille: *buries her face in her father’s chest* Okay…
Gardio: *sighs tearfully. He’ll have to discuss this with Nick later. Hasn’t been around until recently but he senses this has gone on for far too long.*
Lucille: *just shuts her eyes. Wishes she’d just disappear*
Teshteal: *blushes at both gestures but giggles at her response and pushes himself up using the couch this time. He successfully untangles himself from her legs and arms without incident, grabbing his shirt and putting it on. He extends his hand to Joyce to offer his help*
Joyce: “Ah, what a gentleman.” (Takes his hand as she gets up from the couch, tossing her blonde hair back and smoothing it out so it isn’t sticking outwards. She winks at Teshteal before leading him by the hand to the dining table, smiling at Donny and Ma who are waiting)
Donovan: (Gives a tired smile at his little sister, gesturing at the two seats across from him for the two to sit down at)
Joyce: (Sits down in one of the offered chairs and pats the spot next to her for Teshteal. Her emerald green eyes light up at all the food, her mouth watering at the macaroni and cheese as she locks her gaze on it)
Teshteal: *sits next to his girlfriend happily and starts dishing up*
Jasmine: (Crying bitterly from the fever, stress, anxiety, and how downright awful she feels as a person compared to her younger self)
Ma: (Hears Jas crying so she walks to the med room to check in. She frowns sadly at the wailing girl and extends a hand to offer Nick a handkerchief for his daughter) “What happened, hm?” (Pats Jazzy’s head gently, glancing to check how much fluid she had taken while she was sleeping)
Jasmine: (Just keeps sobbing like a little child, grabbing onto Nick with all her strength)
Ma: (Reaches behind her and takes out a sheet, setting it down on the table besides Winnie and the lotion) “If you want to join us after she’s calmed down some, you can wrap her up for coverage and set her on the sofa while you dine within her sights.”
Nick: Will do. *gives Jas the bear and rubs some of the lotion on her back* Ssh…
Jasmine: (Starts to calm down to quiet sniffles almost immediately despite the feelings getting bolder. She’s still extremely exhausted even after the long nap she took, and crying makes her head hurt even more so it’s best to stop sooner rather than later)
Ma: (Nods at Nick then returns to the dining room, taking a seat at the head of the table between Joyce and Donny before she starts serving herself) “Make sure you chew your meat thoroughly, I don’t want any of you choking on a piece.” (Airs out a napkin and places it on her lap)
Donovan: (Serving himself a balanced portion of meat and mashed potatoes followed by the salad and macaroni) “Of course we will Mama, don’t worry.” (Pours himself a glass of tarberry water)
Joyce: (Scoops up a mountain of macaroni and cheese on her plate, taking a bunch of salad as well when both Donny and Ma send her a look)
Teshteal: *catches that look. Really hopes it isn’t about what they’d been doing*
Gardio: *petting his daughter’s hair. Considers staying around her at all times to make sure she doesn’t… do anything to herself*
Lucille: I’ll be fine… please stop worrying.
Gardio: No. It’s my job to worry. I’m your father.
Lucille: *can’t argue with that. Quietly while wishing she’d never existed to cause him such heart ache* I’ll be fine… Go eat. I’ll be down in a moment.
Gardio: I want to believe you, baby. I really do, but I’m sensing that if I leave right now you’ll do something terrible.
Lucille: I won’t. I promise…
Gardio: *hesitates then softly* Have you eaten much today?
Lucille: Some eggs. A couple pancakes.
Gardio: So not much… How about we get some dinner. It might help you feel better.
Lucille: *quietly if it gets him to let go* Okay…
Gardio: *smiles a little and lets go, getting up and helping Lucille to her feet*
Lucille: *follows him down listlessly*
Gardio: *Walking slow enough so she’s within eyesight at all times*
Nick: *when the bag finally finishes, he disconnects her from the line and wraps her up to carry to the living room*
Jasmine: (Fusses a little when she is disconnected and her IV catheter has to be touched but settles down again when Nick swaddles the blanket around her as a few slow tears dribble down on her cheeks. She holds Winnie tightly while she snuggles up to her Dads chest, humming a somber note as she cries into his shirt)
Donovan: (Frowns at his sister and her food choices) “You need to eat more balanced meals…” (Remembering that she drenched her breakfast in syrup and whipped cream) “Here, give me your plate.” (Takes Joyce’s platter out of her hands and starts adding more meat and mashed potatoes, scraping some of the macaroni and cheese back into the tray)
Joyce: (Pouts at this as she sits back in her chair with her chin on the table) “But I love mac and cheese!”
Donovan: “And I love you and want to make sure you live a long, happy, and healthy life.” (Hands the better portioned plate back to her)
Ma: (Tucks a napkin in her collar) “He’s right angel face, you can’t eat that unhealthy all the time.” (Picks up her fork and knife and starts eating)
Joyce: (Takes her plate back from Donny and also starts digging in, actually very grateful that these two care about her enough to stop her from gorging herself full of whatever her heart desires)
Teshteal: *lets out a small “oh” at the realization it was Joyce’s meal choice*
Gardio: *comes in and sits at the table*
Lucille: *sits next to him in the same spot as breakfast, moving slowly, face still quite defeated and dead. She doesn’t make a move for the food at all*
Nick: *picks Jas up once she’s all swaddled and takes her to the living room sofa, sitting her up with Winnie* I’ll be at the table if you need anything, doll. Just over there, okay?
Lucille: *shrinks a little hearing the two enter the livingroom*
Jasmine: (Clutches Winnie to her face, glancing over to the table where she can see the remaining empty seats at the end under her teary eyes. She nods, cuddling up on the sofa with the sheet tightly around her. Just as long as Nick is nearby and she can mostly see or hear him she’ll be fine with laying here for awhile, but she will start to get anxious if its for too long)
Ma: (Smiles warmly at her two guests, noticing the expression on Lucille’s face but she doesn’t say anything about it) “Glad you could both join us. Please, help yourselves to as much food as you would like.” (Gestures at all the large plates filled with food) “But do leave some room for dessert, you probably don’t want to miss out on that.”
Donovan: (Perks up when he also hears Nick and Jas in the living room, noting to himself that the girl is no longer crying out loud)
Joyce: (Looks at her brother, face getting just a tiny bit serious) “Donny…”
Donovan: (Turns back to her, reading her expression and the silent question she’s asking. He reaches out and takes her hand from across the table) (Softly and patiently) “I told you not to worry about that and to let me handle it, there’s nothing you can do to stop it.” (Strokes the top of her hand, some worry gleaming in his eyes) “So it’s useless to stress yourself all the time.”
Joyce: (Casts her eyes down at her plate, then nods while flipping her wrist around to squeeze his hand before drawing it back to eat)
Donovan: (Squeezes her hand back then takes his fork and knife) “And no, there was nothing lurking out there. You’re safe Jojo.”
Lucille: *slow nod at Ma but only gives a dead stare at her blank plate*
Gardio: *as he dishes up* You’re not going to eat…?
Lucille: *dejected* I don’t deserve it…
Gardio: You may not feel you deserve to eat, but you do need to eat *sighs and takes her plate. He grabs a small portion of each food item and puts it back on her placemat* Try eating this at least.
Lucille: *stares at the food blankly then* It’s just going to go to waste…
Nick: *sits down next to Gardio but noticed what’s going on* Not like you to turn down a good meal, Lucille. What’s the matter?
Lucille: *looks away in shame*
Nick: *looks to Gardio in confusion*
Gardio: *serious almost foreboding tone* We’ll talk about this later…
Nick: No- we ought to talk about this now.
Gardio: Not at the dinner table, Nick. Let’s just let everyone eat in peace. *sighs* She hasn’t exactly had a good couple of days. *rubs the despondent women’s shoulders*
Teshteal: *looks a bit worried at the situation*
Ma: (Was split between the two conversations between her guests and her kids. She gives everyone an equally worried look, especially at Joyce and Lucille)
Pirate: (Whines from under the table, sensing the uneasiness)
Joyce: (Snaps out of her train of thought and also looks around) “…What happened? Did I miss something?”
Donovan: (Puts most of it together as he was there for Jasmines blow up, but he figures there is so much more to the story so he doesn’t say anything. He knows for a fact that something went down between the two girls, sowmthing big because Jas doesn’t just wake up and decide to choose violence against someone for no apparent reason)
Ma: (Pats Joyce’s shoulder) “Just eat your food, my dear. You need your energy and strength.”
Joyce: (Confused, but she starts forking food into her mouth while her eyes glaze around at everyone)
Jasmine: (Curled up on the sofa, staring off at nothing while thinking of nothing as she silently keeps crying)
Nick: I won’t probably have much time to talk after. Not with Jasmine acting the way she is. Best to get it out now.
Gardio: I’d rather not. Not with how delicate the situation has gotten. Consider making a way for us to speak alone. I’m sure you can do that. *looks at Donovan and Ma*
Nick: Jasmine-
Gardio: *stabs his fork a little too hard on accident at the mention of Jas, the plate clinking loudly. He’s not exactly happy with her right now but he’s not about to yell* Will be fine with Ma and Donovan watching her for a few minutes.
Lucille: *flinches at the sound the fork makes. She goes back to playing with her food, not even eating it*
Nick: *frowns. Every time he’s left her in someone else’s care she’s ended up high or hurting herself thus far* I have my doubts.
Gardio: *gruff huff* Please don’t make me discuss this right now, Detective Valentine. Please-
Lucille: *grabs her dad’s arm* I’ll be fine. It’s okay. Just tell him before this gets out of hand.
Gardio: *sudden concerned look as he turns to his daughter* You sure…?
Lucille: *nods*
Gardio: *sighs and looks down*
Nick: Tell me what…?
Gardio: *looks lost for a moment then sadly at Nick* Lucille almost took her own life yesterday…
Teshteal: *drops his fork in shock*
Nick: *eyes widen, slowly setting his fork down as the reality of what he just said hits him like a truck*
Jasmine: (Bites down on her lip to suppress a scream of alarm and fear when the fork hit the plate, more tears flowing down her face while she hides behind Winnie as she listens in intently. Her heart practically stops in her chest when she hears that Lucille, her sister, almost ended her life… Because of her. Her mouth goes dry while she feels her chest compress in a sicking way, the most horrific thoughts baring down on her. She almost killed another close family member…)
Ma: (Covers her mouth in shock while placing a hand over her heart, looking on with sadness in her eyes at the almost lost of life they experienced)
Donovan and Joyce: (Share a glance, both remaining quiet at their seats)
Pirate: (Whines from under the table, pawing at Joyce while she stares up at her with puppy eyes)
Donovan: (Silently rises to his feet, realizing that Jas can hear them from the couch and he doesn’t want her thinking about this the wrong way again)
Jasmine: (Already standing with the sheet wrapped around her. She limps to the door of the laundry room, pain rippling through her with every step but she doesn’t care. She’s a fucking curse on everyone around her… A curse that destroys people on the inside out until they meet their inevitable doom. A damned curse who needs to taken care of once and for all until she leads another poor unfortunate soul to deaths door)
Donovan: (Sees the teen slip into the laundry room and follows after her with worry on his face) “Rosie?”
Nick: Lucille… *at a loss for words* Why…? Why would you even try to do that?
Lucille: *sighs* Because nothing I do matters. No matter how hard I try, it doesn’t matter… I’m always just going to be in the way. Or useless.
Nick: *quietly* Where’s this all coming from…?
Lucille: *goes quiet*
Jasmine: (Shuts the door to the lighthouse, spotting the bars that are used to block the door on the floor. She drops the sheet and quickly lifts those up to block the door, turning and running up the stairs as fast as she possibly can despite the blinding pain that could send her falling backwards)
Donovan: (Rushes up and tries to open the door, cursing under his breath as he hears the stairs creaking from the other side. He runs out the side door to heads to the handmade boat elevator on the outside. There’s a weighted sense of dread boiling in him, already knowing what the girl is thinking) “C’mon sweetheart, please don’t do this…”
Jasmine: (Makes it up to the little apartment in no time, doubling over as she tries to breathe under all her tears and strained gasps for air. She might’ve popped a stitch or two with the harsh movements of running up the stairwell, but she doesn’t care)
Donovan: (Stumbles in the dark to find the button to call the elevator down, swearing again when he feels the button is stuck)
Jasmine: (Spots the emergency pistol strapped to a box in the wall and takes it, loading it with a single bullet. She grabs a picture frame from off the desk and smashes it on the floor, taking a thick shard in her hand. It would be a sad and pathetic way to go, blowing out your own head while only in your underclothes at the top of a lighthouse, but it doesn’t matter. And it’s actually fitting, because she is a pathetic and miserable creature who doesn’t deserve a graceful or heroic death for all the pain, death, and sorrow she’s caused since she was born)
Lucille: *looks up and notices Jas is missing from the couch* Just go check on your daughter. I don’t think she’s taking the news well. *knows she’s going to get blamed for whatever happens* You can yell at me later.
Nick: Yell at you? Why would I do that? Jasmine’s actions are her own.
Lucille: It’ll be my fault anyway. Please just go after her before something bad happens.
Nick: I- Lucille, we need to talk about this-
Lucille: No we don’t. Jasmine’s in danger. I’m not. She’s more important after all-
Nick: *stands abruptly* MORE important?! That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say. Why would you think that?!
Lucille: Nick, you’ve done nothing but glare at me every time Jas gets the slightest bit upset by something I’ve observed. You even made me swear to stay quiet around her because she’s the most fragile thing in the world to you. *despite how dead she sounds, there’s a hint of frustration* I’ve tried everything outside of that to help her since the incident in your office, since I slapped her for punching Curie, but the girl is dead set on hating me.
Nick: Can you blame her-?!
Lucille: *doesn’t even acknowledge his response* The least she could do is show some appreciation… but I suppose that ideal got lost with a lot of other things in the war these days…
Donovan: (Whacks the jammed button multiple times until it unsticks itself then waits for the boat to come down)
Jasmine: (Starts carving the same words she had written in her notebook into her skin with the shard, just like the people in the vault did so many times to remind her of the kind of person she truly is. In the other hand she holds the gun tightly, planning on using it when she’s done telling everyone what she thinks of herself. She writes the words especially deeper on her chest and stomach, then her thighs. Her hand lingers over the lower part of her stomach, remembering that awful time just before the war when she was carrying a child and that thought only cements her negative feelings even further)
Donovan: (Jumps onto the makeshift elevator and sends it back up, horrified when he sees that his fears were proven correct. He stretches out an arm and takes two slow steps towards the girl) “Rosie, can you put down the gun and shard for me so we can talk…?”
Jasmine: (Automatically points the gun into her mouth with the safety off, her breathing picking up while she backs herself against the furthest wall from Donny)
Donovan: (Stays still and raises both hands in surrender) “Alright, I’m not getting any closer.” (Takes a deep breath, looking on at one of the most disturbing scenes he’s ever seen) “What’s going on in your head right now, Ro-Ro? What are you thinking?” (Gives her a pleading look) “Talk to me sweetie, please…”
Jasmine: (Doesn’t respond as she trembles, keeping the weapon pointed at herself as she glares at her childhood friend with cold eyes)
Nick: You brought a lot of this on yourself- your trust with Jasmine.
Lucille: *stands* I’ve been trying to fix it. I’ve been trying so hard. I’ve been neglecting settlements to take care of her. I’ve put everything on hold for her. One things pretty fxcking clear from all this- nothing I do fxcking matters. I’m just going to be some brute that makes everything worse- that’s what I’ve been since 88. That’s what I’ve been since the Prydwen. Since the Institute. *spiralling* I’m a monster. A murderer. Kellogg was right-
Nick: Kellogg? Lucille, he’s dead. What’s Kellogg got to do with any of this?
Lucille: *freezes then decides to run*
Gardio: *stands suddenly and runs after her* Lucille!!
Lucille: *pulls out Kellogg’s gun, thoughts racing. Knows she’s failed Jasmine by now. She has no idea where she is. Doesn’t matter. She can’t protect anyone*
Ma: (Stands and rushes after them both in concern for Lucille’s sanity and safety)
Joyce: (Watching on with wide eyes, turning to Teshteal as both her mother and brother have left) “What’s going on…?”
Donovan: (Realizes that Jas isn’t herself at the moment, she’s buried deep under whatever is torturing her mind and causing her to act out like this. He needs to melt her down before he can get anywhere with her otherwise he’ll be talking to a brick wall) “….Do you want me to tell you what I’m thinking instead?”
Jasmine: (Still says nothing)
Donovan: (Starts talking anyways, willing to do anything to distract her from pulling the trigger) (Calmly) “I’m thinking that right now there is a goddamn miracle standing before my very eyes. That one of my bestest friends, whom I could get away with calling my sister, and greatest inspiration from my childhood is alive after she was so cruelly ripped away and the entire world blew up into smithereens.”
Jasmine: (Sniffles and tenses up at his words, leaning on the wall because it’s so hard to keep upright or keep her mind straight with all the ripping pain she’s feeling. This girl Donny is describing isn’t her anymore, that little girl is long off dead and replaced with a mere husk of a person… A blood thirsty monster who curses everyone she touches. A worthless bitch who deserved exactly what happened to her at the vault and after it for all the damage she has done)
Donovan: (Keeps talking) “And she’s hurt indescribably inside, so hurt that she’s willing to throw everything impossible that she has accomplished away by ending her life. But I know that she doesn’t actually want to call it quits deep down just yet, because she’s a fighter who’d spit on the grim reaper any ol’ day and walk off with her head held high.” (Starts trying to approach again)
Jasmine: (Trembles even more, shaking her head while pressing the weapon to her mouth as a threat. He’s speaking nonsense and contradicting every voice that’s screaming in her skull, it’s making her head hurt even more and her chest compress to the point that it too hurts like hell)
Donovan: (Notices her trembling increases as he halts again) “Poor baby wants to break down right now and start crying from all the physical and mental torture she’s endured for far too long, and that’s okay because I want to help her start healing from all that. I want to do everything in my power to point out to her the light again that she had once radiated herself…” (Takes another deep breath, terrified on the inside but he remains calm and composed) “She’s bone tired from fighting everything, everyone, and herself all the time. She just wants to finally take a long nap on a giant marshmallow in Candyland. So I’m thinking that my main priority is to get this little girl who’s priceless to me back to safety downstairs so she can rest off this fever and get bandaged up once more.”
Lucille: *running out into the fog. Just wants to dissappear. Telling herself she failed everyone. That she’s a horrible person better off dead. She couldn’t protect the people she cared about most*
Nick: *gives chase after everyone else*
Gardio: *catches up to her and grabs her synth arm*
Lucille: *screeches and tries to pull away* Just let me disappear!! I’m doing everyone a favor!
Gardio: Lucille, please! Be reasonable!
Lucille: I am! I’m a horrible person who deserves to die!!
Gardio: *keeps pulling on her arm* That isn’t true!!
Ma: (Stopped when Gardio caught Lucille and watches from the sidelines, holding her shotgun in hand just in case they get some unwanted visitors)
Jasmine: (Thinks Donovan has too much faith in her, he’s waiting on a broken, fragmented miracle that won’t ever be put back together)
Donovan: (Rubs his hands together) “How I’m going to do that is still unknown. But like I said, you’re priceless and precious to me. Therefore I won’t give up or back down and leave you here or ever…”
Jasmine: (Wants to say that she is a lost cause, that he’s wasting his breath on someone so insignificant and worthless as herself. But when she opens her mouth she can’t speak, just whimper weakly. Other than being peoples eye candy, what else is she good for? Solo mercenary work where she doesn’t have to interact with people, just get in and do the job and get out? That’s it, those are her two options if she wants to live without burdening anyone anymore. She’ll probably end up blending the two and go back to being the sly, steel hearted, seductive assassin she was trained to be. That thought makes her inwardly vomit, she rather be dead)
Donovan: (Finally notices that the cuts she carved into her soft skin are actually words, more specifically insults. He frowns even deeper as he reads them, heart twisting when he realizes this is how she views herself) “And who sold you those lies? Because they’ve clearly never met my Rosie. They have never seen the courageous, talented, smart, happy-go-lucky girl who blazed around like a sparkling ball of joy, ready to brighten everyone’s day or protect them from those who sought to ruin it.”
Jasmine: (Shakes her head violently, pressing the shard into her side again to make slits to ease her pain while she mouths “No” repeatedly)
Donovan: (Holds out his hands again in desperation) “Please don’t do that to yourself… Not just for the physical consequences but also the mental strain it puts you through. I know you’ll say it feels relieving, it feels downright good. But in the long run it does more harm to you than you can think right now… Trust me please, can you do that at least?”
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It's funny to me how in the HeartStopper show we hear laughter after Nick or Charlie do something remotely queer and then the scene cuts to the queerest most gen z gay looking person in the room. What are you on about, sir (gn)? You have a mullet.
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