#( .para )
sterlingxlevin · 3 months
When: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Who: Sterling Levin featuring a random npc named tammy lol
Where: Sterling’s home while Sunny is with Noelle
Notes: Sterling hasn’t been feeling well lately but chalked it up to being nothing and has continued working on preparing for the event. She notices, however, that her waistline is a bit tighter and she realizes she’s missed her period, resulting in a very panicked trip to a drugstore for a pregnancy test.
Trigger warnings: pregnancy, fears of abandonment, and mentions her and Liza’s car accident a few weeks prior to this.
Sterling was the kind of person who knew no limits. She took on so many hobbies as a kid and it was encouraged by her father because he believed it helped her with the grief of losing her mother so young. But one of the things Sterling took on as a hobby that she absolutely loved was making jewelry with clay. She had always been into art, making little sculptures, doing beautiful paintings, and anything that could be a creative outlet for her. But making jewelry was her favorite, and last year she would even sell her items in the Sea Glass boutique, but with her life getting busier, she’d stopped for a while. With the new event coming to Aurora Bay, Sterling decided it would be a great time to get back into it. She’d spent the last few weeks making sure she had enough items, cute little baggies to put them in, and all the financial things about it sorted. And, of course, she had to dress up for it! 
It was as Sterling was trying on her new dress that she’d noticed the waist was a bit tighter than usual for the size she’d bought. She didn’t think much of it, in fact, she immediately assumed she was just bloated. It was nearing the time of her period. However, Sterling recalled the way she’d been feeling sick the past few days, and even bad enough she threw up the other day. And that was when she realized she hadn’t checked her calendar for her period yet. After Sunny was a complete surprise baby, Sterling made sure to meticulously track her period, and any time it was barely off, she would either panic or just go out and get a pregnancy test.
Sterling had been busy, though, so it honestly hadn’t crossed her mind. It really hadn’t for a while. The youngest Levin got a little nervous but tried to remain calm. She and Arkin had been sleeping together for a few months now, but they were being safe, which is what she kept telling herself at that moment as she checked her phone calendar. Sure enough, though, she was late. Late late. Sterling’s stomach dropped and she almost immediately called Liza only to realize Liza had dealt with enough Sterling drama to last her a lifetime, considering it was Sterling’s fault they’d gotten into a car accident and Liza got hurt. Sterling decided to do this alone. 
She threw on a t-shirt and shorts and slid her feet into comfortable shoes before grabbing her purse and keys and heading out the door. She prayed that this time was like any other time where her period was late, where she'd panic a little, but it would turn out to be nothing. As Sterling got into her car, she started mumbling to herself about how periods could be late for a number of reasons or that maybe her waist line being a little tighter than usual was simply because she’d gained a little weight because weight fluctuates. These were all things she was telling herself to keep herself calm, but it was so difficult. 
Sterling needed to know, but after all the rumors that spread about her in Aurora Bay when she got pregnant with Sunny, she decided she would go to a pharmacy outside of Aurora Bay to purchase a pregnancy test. That way it’d be less likely for her to run into someone she knows. It’s what she and Liza did when Liza got her pregnancy test last year when she found out she was pregnant with Elise. Sterling really wished her sister was there with her now.
About half an hour later, Sterling arrived at the drugstore outside of Aurora Bay and made her way inside, beelining for the pregnancy tests. She hated buying tests because she felt like people always judged her, although she supposed she finally was getting to an age where it was more of something people congratulated rather than judged, right? Despite Sterling telling herself this to comfort herself, she immediately thought about people judging her as a single mom. She really, really liked Arkin, but what if he left her the same way Sunny’s father had? The thought alone made her want to throw up.
Sterling grabbed several different brands of tests and made her way to the counter. She tried making small talk with the cashier, hoping she could somehow distract the older woman from the fact that she was ringing up three pregnancy tests as she spoke.
“Good luck.” The woman- her name tag read Tammy- as she handed Sterling the bag. “Thanks. Y- I’m so sorry if this is weird, but do you have a restroom?” Sterling nearly whispered as she asked and Tammy gave her a sympathetic look and handed her the key to the bathroom. 
“You’re a lifesaver, Tam.” Sterling then pulled a fifty dollar bill out of her purse and handed it to the woman as a tip. Maybe it was excessive for the woman showing her kindness, but Sterling really appreciated the small kindness she was given in those few moments in the store.
Sterling sped walked to the one person bathroom and struggled to unlock the door because her hands were shaking so badly, but once she was inside, she locked the door and went straight to the sink where she pulled everything out of her plastic bag. She peed on the sticks and then waited several excruciating minutes for the results. A million things were running through her mind then. Sterling already knew she’d keep the baby. She’d wanted another child for a while now, but she feared what people would think about it. Because in Sterling's mind, the next time she would have a baby, she'd be married or at least engaged, but life never worked out the way Sterling thought it would and she feared a lot of things, actually. Would Liza call her crazy for having another baby right now? Would Arkin leave and the baby never know its father, just like Sunny? Would Sunny be mad at her that she was no longer going to be an only child? Would Sterling’s father be angry with her? These were all things running through her mind, but the timer on her phone going off snapped her out of her thoughts, causing her to jump by the sudden noise.
With her heart racing, Sterling inched towards the sink where the pregnancy tests were lined up and she picked them up one by one. Two pink lines, pregnant, and two pink lines, read each of them. Pregnant. Sterling was pregnant. Again. The blonde stared at the tests, her lips parted and she felt like she couldn’t breathe, and once again a loud noise snapped her out of her daze. It wasn’t her phone alarm this time, it was Tammy. “You alright in there?” The woman called, and Sterling moved to the door and nearly yanked it open, tears in her eyes as she held up the three tests. “They’re positive.” Sterling nearly choked and the tears started coming down her face, and the sweet older woman named Tammy- a stranger- hugged Sterling and tried to console her.
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-Créditos al autor.
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chicacrazy0 · 1 month
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black-beauty-poetry · 2 months
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El amor realmente enceguece a las personas.
-Dark prince
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yo-espero-que-me-leas · 6 months
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saciada · 4 months
estou cansada de deixar que todos tenham o meu melhor enquanto recebo qualquer coisa.
alessandra braga — saciada.
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impotesmentis · 8 months
eating her out!! (gnawing on her guts and snarling)
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lipid · 10 months
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Protests and memorials in honor of the first and only openly nonbinary Mexican magistrate, Jesús Ociel Baena Saucedo, in CDMX, Aguascalientes and Mexicali.
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Ociel advocated for laws protecting LGBT people, trans youth, equal marriage, gender identity recognition, between others. They inspired a lot of trans and gnc people in the country, being widely celebrated for their advocacy in court and for being open about their relationship with gender.
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On the morning of November 13, 2023, Ociel was found murdered with their partner in their house. Police said they didn't have "enough proof" to consider it a homicide.
Justice for Ociel, for Karen, for Renata, for Paola, for Naomi, for Dayanne, for Ivonne, for Valeria, for every trans person murdered in this country and in the world.
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umpensamento1p · 3 months
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coldxjean · 3 months
Solo dime... si te espero o simplemente me marcho... 😊💔🖤
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mimill3 · 3 months
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“You HAVE to see this! It totally proves my theories are right!”
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chicacrazy0 · 5 months
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simplygoingmadd · 2 years
blasting my silly little music and creating my silly little daydreams so i don’t lose my silly little mind
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yo-espero-que-me-leas · 5 months
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saciada · 6 months
sempre te tive como quem soubesse que ia te perder.
— saciada.
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