koushuwu · 3 months
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TOGAME JO ↳ for @feitanporter happy birthday my love <3
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nnnneeev · 3 months
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just how much money does this guy make??
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jolapeno · 8 months
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omg, you lot. i cannot believe this at all??? 7k of youuuu???
thank you so much. i wish i could hug every single one of you. like, from the bottom of my heart, i am so grateful to every single soul who has supported me. i cannot believe you've allowed me to take a little slice of the internet (and your hearts) to share stories and crazy ideas with you. whether you came for one fandom, and stayed for another or whether you've just discovered me, i adore you all. thank you, from the bottom of my heart ❤️
now. normally, i do celebrations differently, but i'm trying to be kinder to myself and allow myself to celebrate how good i am (ugh, felt so weird saying that). so, I thought we could have a...
you can send as many as you like from the below (and you can send them in on anon, if you'd feel more comfortable), but all you have to do is send me an emoji:
📝 send me a word + i'll search for it in my wips + show you the sentence 📺 make me choose between two (characters, shows, episodes) 🍑 fmk (you can be wildly inventive, just choose pedro boys please) 🎶 + your name/word and I'll assign a song from my liked songs to match each letter 🖼️ + a mood/word and i'll find three photos to send as a moodboard (you can also choose one of my fics if you want) 🔐 + a fic of mine and I'll tell you a directors cut/fun fact about it 🌝 open ask: you can ask me anything! send me any questions, top fives, fave things, book recs, random questions you're burning to ask
tagging below some moots who may wanna take part (but zero pressure):
@psychedelic-ink @fuckyeahdindjarin @thetriumphantpanda @hellishjoel @goodwithcheese @secretelephanttattoo @rhoorl @joelsgreenflannel @swiftispunk @joelscruff @maggiemayhemnj @perotovar @scenaaario @burntheedges @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain @msjarvis @hier--soir @oonajaeadira
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
HEY super duper random ques - do u have any tips for drawing jo ?? I absolutely adore how you do it, hes so accurate but still stylized (hes also cute in your style !!) - i try but i can never like. get the face right:,) the eyes the nose the face is not facing ... pls this is an sos
i cant find the first ask where i shared my sawashiro/tsutsumi notes SO ill simply repost them :]
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fauvester · 2 years
Grand babbee cardassian has broken me… also more Jocasta content pls we love a quiet queen
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He gets up early every day to pick fresh fruit from the garden for his grandkids. Elim III is his Little Regnar. Lim thinks he's going to spoil them rotten (the orphanage and the dirt floor gardening shed that they lived in was CHARACTER BUILDING. it made him the MAN HE IS TODAY.)
JOCASTA LOVE.... she's truly an underrated queen.. here maam ms head scrub nurse you dropped your crown 👑
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She cares about outward presentation as much as any Cardassian, but especially hair (cardassian hair being much thicker and coarser than human fur.)
also she refers to julian as Dr Bashir at work just out of propriety and respect. most people don't know that they're father and daughter simply because she does not care to tell them. they just think she's his favorite because she's good at her job and gently takes no shit
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^ scenes that play before the least pleasant vacation miles has ever been on
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charmwasjess · 5 months
22 for Jin-Lo!!!
and then 3 & 17 for Jocasta :D
22) headcanon for Jin Lo!!
JIN-LO RAYCE MY BELOVED!! So, maybe this is a broader head canon than just Jin Lo, but I picture the Temple as almost a magic entity itself - an absolute maze of secret passages, fake doors, hallways that seem to go nowhere, hidden chambers that are used for something specific and then lost for generations and rediscovered. And the Archives being one of the oldest existing parts of the Temple and such an important place, they're some of the most riddled with secrets.
Jin-Lo spent his Padawan years with Jocasta determined to find as many of its secrets as possible, and every so often, when Jocasta thinks he needs a pick-me-up, she just casually reaches over to scratch the nose of one of the busts and a giant secret door opens in one of the bookcases. Jin-Lo's mouth drops. She just laughs. "Enjoy." She'll probably expect to see him again in another few days.
3) NoTP?
I think you meant generally, but I was already thinking about Jocasta for the second half of this, and got mad. :D
This is a funny answer because obviously I ship Dooku and Jocasta in all kinds of various iterations - as a couple, as a polycule with Sifo-Dyas, as friends with benefits… (hell, I might love writing them best as bitter exes in Thunder Answered Back) but I think I would have really hated whatever they were going to do with the love story between them in AotC. Like ughhh, can you imagine how annoying that plot would be for me personally?? First, the 1.0 reheat of the Romance Leads to the Dark Side plotline (already fraught) and how little that makes sense in Dooku's greater story. Also, what it reduces Jocasta to.
Even now, some within the fandom have pinned the Deserving Fall of the Jedi Order on her for being checks notes ah yes, lightly snarky to Obi-Wan that one time, so I can't imagine the hate she would have got for being a female character who has the audacity to exist onscreen taking up plot while being older who bore some "responsibility" for Dooku's fall. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see expanded screentime in AotC for either of those characters, but I shudder to think of the takes.
17) What's a book, movie, or show you think Jocasta would like?
Actually, like Dooku, I think Jocasta reads EVERYTHING. I think her ability to consume books is legendary and she has an opinion on everything from Space BookTok to Palpatine's ghostwritten and highly fictional memoir Sheev: an Understated Courage to poetry and lit crit. She manages to stay on top of this impressive heap of reading despite her Archive responsibilities because she does not sleep.
And yes, ahem, Bride is on her holds list. She makes direct eye contact with the Archive acolyte who hands her the holobook and thanks them politely. She's going to read it in her office over lunchbreak with her salad. Why not?
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dylanlila · 2 months
now i am overwhelmed with the kindness you're showing me, i don't know how to thank you all
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shoshiwrites · 5 months
For the touch prompt, #24, please.
Thank you so much Jess! <3 I couldn't get our coffee-talk out of my head🥺☕
24. "whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin"
“Now,” he says, with the tinny clatter of the dishes plunked down next to her, without a splash, “I didn’t add too much sugar— because, well, we ain’t got any, and also because I know you don’t like when it sticks at the bottom.” She laughs, the warm timbre growing in her chest. “Thank you." She doesn’t say anything when he sits next to her, not across, their elbows barely touching.  He sips at his own cup, black, the way you drink it when you need it like a tonic. She lets her hands warm around the enamel mug, watches the coppery color of the coffee inside, the lightest touch of milk. Not like his hair, a chocolatey brown. Maybe if they all got a little bit more sun. It was some stupid detail, the sugar. She must have mentioned it in the course of a conversation weeks ago, surrounded by talk of memories and home. Powdered coffee crystals on rushed assignments, the corner automat and Sunday mornings. Like they ever had enough sugar for her to have specifications about it. She wonders if he ever takes his differently. Before the war, she means. She wonders if he even likes it. He’s not grimacing, just sitting here with her.  “How is it?”  It’s not a lie when she says, “delicious.” He smiles. “Just what I needed.” A beat, and she knows the answer here, asks it anyway. Yours?” The grin on his face tightens by a centimeter, fades under the lightbulbs. “Gets the job done.” She looks back down at her mug, the faint print of her lipstick, out the window to the gray afternoon, across her shoulder to him. “A girl might get used to this kind of treatment.” “Hope she does.” Now don’t go saying things like that. Her stomach twists, somewhere deep in the pit, and suddenly what she’s most afraid of is someone walking in. She makes to stand, hastily sipping the coffee as she does.  “Where you off to?” She leans down on impulse, pressing her lips to the top of his ear. Like they do this all the time. Like it’s a habit. “Got a story to file.” “Right. Well, let me know if there’s any trouble.” “Thank you,” she says, suddenly a whisper. Presses a kiss under the lobe. He lolls his head slightly, leaning into her touch. “For the coffee.” Maybe she imagines it, the smallest exhale in his voice. “Anytime.”
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kingkatsuki · 2 months
What I’ve meant to ask you since you brought back the ‘would you still love me if I was a worm’ agenda - how would you react if kaji asks you that question? 🌚
Omg Nana😂 if Kaji asked me?!
First of all he probably regrets asking the moment the words leave his lips because he sees my face break out into the widest grin before I get excited and he swears in his head😂😭 because I’d never think that he’d ever ask me a silly question like that, when he’s always telling me off for asking him so many silly questions.
He probably thinks I’m gonna give him a stupid answer, like that I’d carry him around in my pocket, or that I’d have to take a new photo of him for his social media but I’m honest when I tell him of course I would, that nothing could make me stop loving him.
“Looks like I’m never escaping you, huh?” He tries to act like his heart rate hasn’t sped up and that he isn’t blushing, but he’s pleased (and surprised) with the answer. And if he could fall even more in love than he already is, he would—
And then I tell him that I would make him an adorable little terrarium for him to stay in and then he’s just rolling his eyes like “there it is; there’s the dumb answer”😂😭
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
Hi! I just binged your 30’s posts and I’m obsessed!! I’m so invested in Josephine in particular, I hope she can find a path that’s more stable for her but still ambitious! I’m going back to the very beginning now, but just wanted to let you know that you’re an amazing writer!!! I hope you write a book one day :-)
Oh my goodness BLESS you! I literally read this and curled up exactly like this…
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And boy oh boy, me and you both. Jo has really become my baby girl this last decade. It’s a tricky balance that she needs to find isn’t it? For her to crave that feeling of being free and alive but also needing love and safety. Sigh. It’s a journey for sure.
But I am SO excited for you to go back to the beginning! It is well and truly the greatest compliment to me. And trust me, even just in reading the 30s so far, you’ve already read a book! I have it all together in a doc and so far it’s already 87 pages (!!). I could never give up my pretty pictures in favor of only text though, so this will be my “novel” I’ll forever be proud of 🥰
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cellphonehippie · 1 year
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dreams aren’t what they used to be
happy birthday jo!!! have the most loveliest day ever <3 @krysten-knitter
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paperbagedhead · 2 years
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Holy Moly!
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elwenyere · 8 months
WIP Ask Game
I was tagged by @notasapleasure: thank you so much for the tag, my dear. <3<3<3
I have told myself that this is the year I finish or yeet, so hopefully this list will be getting smaller for a while. Feel free to send me an ask or a reply about any WIPs that seem enticing, and I can share some thoughts and/or a snip.
Star Wars
Codywan Pirate AU: yes, I have been writing this for like a year and a half, and no it still doesn't have a title, but it is coming along! Slowly and hopefully somewhat steadily
Codywan Fake Imperial Husbands: a fic inspired by this gorgeous art from @frostbitebakery and by her miraculous mind
Melshian dramatic reunion take two: this one doesn't even have a single line written, but it came out of my attempts to bide the time until Andor season two by imagining the most melodramatic ways that Cassian and Melshi could see each other again
Stony North and South AU: my unforgivably overdue MTH fic, inspired by the Elizabeth Gaskell novel (and the BBC adaptation with Richard Armitage smoldering amid floating puffs of atmospheric cotton)
Stony Sequel: a sequel to my 5+1, canon-divergence fic Three Little Words; or, Five Times Steve and Tony Didn’t Actually Apologize + One Time They Did that would have followed the alternate timeline through Endgame. I started it so long ago, and I really don't know if I'll ever be able to write the rest, but I've so far been too attached to what's there to delete or scrap for parts
Sambucky Old Guard AU: sadly, I'm not sure this one will ever be finished either, but I really love the first and only scene I wrote, and I think the concept has good juice
Top Gun
How to Shoot Somebody Who Outdrew You: this WIP is the only one that has a title, and a title is almost all that it has lol
Open tags to anyone else who would like to play!!! @ me with your WIP list, babes.
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alltheoutsinfreeeee · 5 months
Do you think Cait and reeve are two separate people or the same? (Big Cait and reeve fan here :D)
OMG HI! Always love meeting another Cait and Reeve fan! Also I love all your fanfics! They're very good!
And to answer your question: seperate, absolutely. I'm not really picky about the how, if Cait is a highly advanced AI or if he was Inspired (though I personally prefer the Inspire way), but I am 100% of the opinion that Cait is his own person and people can pry that thought from my cold dead hands :D
(Obviously there's some overlap between the two, but that's in the same way that there's overlap in my personality and the rest of my family.)
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mitamicah · 6 months
Its Micah sappy hours prepare yourselves
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I had to wake up at 5.30 because I couldnt be in my excitement anymore - i took a shower, sat down to try this meditation app i got and I have bacially been crying for 8 minutes straight 😭 (happy tears, happy tears
Thank you so much to every single person I have been able to meet at the see you soon tour so far. Every single one are part of the reason for this intense happiness i am feeling atm ❤️💚
I wish you an amazing rest of the tour to everybody still looking forward to their gig (and maybe I will see you later in Göteborg 👀👀) and looking forward to maybe see some of you again in Helsinki for Böle 🥹
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kitkatsudon · 11 months
What are your thoughts on their characters of the alternate universe also being neurodivergent?
Eg, Gon and Jihun both having autism. Or Yeong and Eunseob also both being neurodivergent.
First of all, what a great question! I’m very pleased you’ve got me talking about this in a public place, lol.
I think the best way to start is to think about the question in a general sense, rather than focusing on Eunseob and Jihun in particular. After all, the multiverse is vast, but the question here is… exactly how vast? It really depends on how you conceptualise it. In the TKEM canon, we’re shown different universes that contain variants of the characters we’re familiar with, and it’s implied that everyone exists with the same DNA in every universe, implying strict continuity within the universes… except that’s not quite right, is it? If that were the case, one would expect people to live and die at the same time in every universe, but we have proof that isn’t the case, even without Lee Lim’s meddling. Take Song Jeonghye, for example: she’s alive and kicking in the Republic, but in the Kingdom Queen Song died when Gon was very small (I think three years old in Korean age?), which was before Lee Lim started drastically altering the continuity between the universes. If people can die at different times in different universes, what happens if someone in one universe died as a baby, but in another universe in the infinite multiverse they went on to have children? These children wouldn’t exist in the first universe where they were dead, causing a big inconsistency between the universes.
That’s why I prefer to think of the multiverse using the mindset that, in the infinite multiverse, there’s a universe where every possible outcome of the universe has happened. This means that there are an infinite amount of universes where, for example, Lee Gon exists as he does in canon, where he exists as he does in our headcanons, and also an infinite amount of universes where he was never born at all. The implication of this is that, if you can think of something, it will exist somewhere in the infinite multiverse. (This also means that every fanfiction is canon, and hypothetically the canon characters could visit the universe of any fanfiction using the Manpasikjeok - I love having the concept of the multiverse in the show’s canon because it means that somewhere, somehow, you’re always right >:D)
With this in mind, my official, blanket answer for the question of whether or not Gonjo variants would be neurodivergent is both yes and no. There would be an infinite number of universes where they are, and an infinite number of universes where they aren’t.
However, you also asked me about these specific cases, so let’s talk about them!
Jihun… is a difficult one to call. What I can say at least is that if he is neurodivergent, he would probably need to be high masking to be able to reach a high position in the military. From his uniform, you can tell that he’s a pretty high ranking officer (I don’t have wifi right now and the signal isn’t good enough for video so I can’t check his exact rank at the moment), which means it would probably be difficult for him to serve if the military thought that potential neurodivergence would affect his ability to do his job. With that being said, it’s certainly not impossible. In my opinion, we haven’t really seen enough of Jihun to make an educated call either way, but from the way he was purposefully paralleled with Gon in the first episode, it’s not out of the question.
As for Eunseob, this is perhaps more likely. We’ve spoken about Gon and Yeong having an ND-to-ND connection, but I think it’s telling that when Gon first arrived in the Republic, Eunseob was the only one to really humour Gon and try and spend any time with him. I think, however, that a big point is how Yeong and Eunseob are presented as such polar opposites, with such extreme personalities. Neurodivergent traits are often characterised by extremes, and the way they’re characterised as extreme opposites in the show really lends itself to a neurodivergent reading for both of them. As for his exact diagnosis, I agree with you in our messages that he’s more likely to be ADHD, but admittedly I have’t really thought about this well enough to create a well thought-out argument as to why - it’s just kind of based on intuition and vibes, more than anything else. Something I want to note is that in @deesarrachi ‘s Polycule Cinematic Multiverse, Yeong has ADHD, and although last time I checked, the full fic isn’t ready yet, I can’t help but wonder if, in this universe, both Yeong and Eunseob have ADHD (and if you see this and would like to, deesarrachi you are more than welcome to expand on this in the comments or in a reblog)
Anyway, I think those are all my thoughts on the subject? Thank you once again for the question, you kept me very entertained while I’ve been sat on the train for a couple of hours :D
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