#( The stunning comment really made me smile. I needed to hear that today <3)
caterpillarinacave · 6 months
Well, you suppose, no point in hanging around their home, not unless you'd wanted to search the place, but the unfamiliarity with your environment and its odd creatures makes you hesitate to be left alone, so you join them on the creatures as they ride into town, sitting behind the older, friendlier person, the path from the hut takes you past the trees and onto a road, it looks like asphalt similar to your world which explains why you didn't think it odd before when you first went into town, though now you're curious about why they have it if they just ride these creatures, you observe the woods and can see a variety of trees, all looking autumnal, you find yourself wondering about the structure of the seasons around here, just how different is this world anyway? The walk is slow but pleasant, leaving you far too much time for thinking, the two you ride with chat amicably, though you can't determine the topic, you've resisted the urge to check your phone valiantly up until now, conserving the battery, but you've decided a sleeping phone still loses its charge, so you might as well fiddle around with it before the inevitable strikes, as it powers on you are surprised to find that the battery is actually at full power, as if you'd left it charging rather than turned off, but after a moment you really can't be bothered to care especially since you're already maxing your brain space putting one foot in front of the other as is, what's one one more oddity to the shenanigans? Still no service unfortunately, you flick open the camera and take a look at yourself, a little tired, a bit messy, but stunning as always, you flip the camera around and take a photo of the younger rider, looks the same even caught on a digital screen though, you can't say you're disappointed but you were kinda hoping for something more just for the heck of it, the two look at you curious and you show them the picture, the older one seems excited and pulls out a black box about the size of your palm and shows it to you, gesturing between your phone and it, you stare confused, the older one passes the box to the other and with a put upon expression the younger takes the box, holds it out in front of themself, almost like...a camera? They hold the box pinching a corner and the other hand pinching diagonal to each other and then pull, the box breaks apart into two triangular pieces, between the two pieces thin silvery strands appear and then solidify into an image, an exact reflection of you and your fellow rider, it's a picture, they hand it to you and close the box, putting it away, the photograph feels like a soft fabric, it acts like it too allowing you to fold it, on the other side is an image of the younger person who took the photo in the same pose as when it was taken, you have no idea what to do with this information, but luckily you guys are now riding into town so you tuck the photo away and refrain from overthinking it.
The town looks as it did before, the architecture is odd, not in that it looks horribly strange, just in that it isn't what the town you were from looked like...you are very knowledgeable on architecture of course, but it's about here your narrator fails you, suffice to say, the buildings are building shaped, taller than the structures from your town, the people seem to appreciate multiple stories more than your town did, and the rooftops are more sloped, perhaps this environment gets a lot of rain comparatively, the riders stop at what you would guess is probably a downtown sort of area, you didn't really see much of the town or its people in your panic before so you enjoy observing here, the people meander freely going about their day, if it weren't for the unfamiliar language and other minor changes you could honestly forget you were in the midst of some other world, you all climb off the backs of your creatures, the friendlier one goes to put them away, when they get back they say something to the younger and then shoo you both away indicating that you two should stick together while they take care of some errands, feeling a little wrong footed you follow the younger person around, they enter shops, clean and organized, they feel like local shops at home, the younger wanders with you in tow, they don't seem to be buying anything, between shops you notice a group of kids, unlike all the adults you've seen they all have bright colorful hair, including colors unnatural in your world, pinks and greens and blues alongside your standard blondes and redheads, you wish you could ask why all the adults have dark hair, if it was a fashion thing or a natural aging thing or if the children dye their hair maybe, but that's a complicated topic for how little you can communicate. The two of you enter another building, it reminds you of a thrift store, everything seems randomly placed on shelves, less organized, there's writing you take note of but can't understand, on the shelves are many items which you don't recognize, but as you sift through a basket you find a hair brush, just a plastic bristled brush with some brand name you can actually read, it looks so odd sitting there among the box of long spiky sticks, so you pick it up and head to what you presume is an employee or something at the back near a counter to ask where this came from but alas, you still don't speak the language and they unfortunately do not know what you want, they do take the brush though and tap it to the counter, a square appears on a screen you hadn't noticed and the employee stares expectantly, you're hit by that one feeling of being left at the cash register when you aren't the one paying and realize that's because you are exactly in that situation, before you can embarrassedly turn and walk away, your companion walks up and taps a space beside the screen which glows and the square turns to a circle before fading away, the brush is handed to you and you both leave, of course you refuse to be impressed or flustered, you're sure if any of them saw how tap to pay worked in your world it'd be pretty confusing too.
You inspect the brush but find nothing interesting about it, as the two of you finish wandering you end up back where the creatures were left and settle in to wait, you figure your hair could use a brushing and get to work, your companion gives you an odd glance but you pay it no mind, at least until you look down and find a streak of blue in your hair where you just brushed, confused you check the bristles but they seem clean, yet your hair is blue, you put the brush away annoyed, you feel a headache coming on, instead of brooding you pull out your bundle of berries feeling hungry, you inspect them each carefully remembering how they tasted before and pop one in your mouth, immediately your headache disperses and you feel less hungry and tired, you put away the berries and go back to waiting, once the older person comes back with a cart of boxes they hook one of the creatures to, you all head back to their place, on the way the friendlier companion hands you a black box which you recognize as the camera like item, indicating that you should keep it, you guess they got it for you while shopping earlier and you accept it bemused but thankful, when you all get back you help unload the boxes and when you're all done you're offered a place to stay, you aren't sure for how long they mean, but you have a feeling that understanding your predicament they mean quite some time, they show you a smaller, yet still cozy hut off to the side of the main living house with what you can easily identify as a bedroom and bathroom, not having anywhere to go you accept for the night and enjoy an evening meal with them before going to bed, but as morning approaches you have to decide what to do next, do you plan to accept their offer to stay longer?
(Feel free to expand on your choice either way. :) )
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raffe156 · 2 years
Late Night admin
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Pairing - Price X Tank X Ghost
Summary - A team night out turns into more, is 3 really a crowd?
Warnings - Smut (18+) Voyeurism, Language, alcohol, Age gap Price (39) Tank (25) Ghost (36) SoftDom!Price, public sex, praise kink, fingering, Hair pulling, Oral (M receiving), P in V, unsafe sex, Ghost being a little simp for Tank
AN- Well, this was meant to be smut without plot...well, I failed at that.. not 100% happy with it, but we'll see what you guys think. It doesn’t tie in with the Your captain series- this is an AU in which dr Helen never even crossed Prices mind, Tank never left for Squad 8 …so a better universe 🤣🤣🤣
It's kind of filth/heartfelt. Also I know Kyle has moves no one can tell me otherwise, haha 😂
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters, Only Tank
💖 As always, feedback welcome! It only results in me getting more stuff out - p.s Iam working on Breakaway state part 3 don't worry 😘
@deadbranch @mildlyhopeless @fanficandartgal @shuttlelauncher81 @a-littlebirdie @soapyghost @boomtowngirl @mostannoyingbillioner @brewed-pangolin @chb-7 @sarcastic-raptor163 @tapioca-marzipan
“No nothing…you look good kid…you sure you don’t want my jacket?” Price was already removing it from his shoulders.
“No im good, I’m literally in jeans and a T-shirt…” You looked down at yourself, but the comment still boosted your ego, but Prices opinion was biased at the best of times he told you you looked stunning with dirt, grime and gun oil on your face!
“Yeh but you look good…is that one of my T-shirts? Have you knotted it at the back?”
“No…its an old one…” you made for the door out of his office knowing full well it wasnt an old one and it was infact the very same top he had worn earlier today.
“Tank…If that has my name on the label…”
“It doesn’t want me to take it off and show you?”
“Yes actually…” He smirked knowing full well it was his. You scoffed he wasnt daft, for a start it did have his name on the label and smelt of cigars and his aftershave.
“I thought you wouldn’t mind, and besides if I smell like another man then guys won’t try and grind up on me in the club! It’s a win win…Me and Kyle can dance in peace with out you and Ghost kicking heads in” you rested your hand on his chest. He didn’t know you were going to a club. Shit.
“A club? I thought it was a pub?”
“Need to get your hearing checked already? How very sexy John” you motioned for him to leave his office, he followed reluctantly.
As you an Price entered the club the music hit you vibrating through your body. You turned to look back at your Captain he looked annoyed already, it was too many people for him. That an the doorman had asked you for ID at the same time the other had told Price the pub was down the road. As you manoeuvred through the crowd of bodies you reached back for his hand and laced your fingers into his giving them a little squeeze and a wink. He smiled, thats all he needed, but he did feel abit daft, this place wasnt like the dive clubs he had gone to as a teen, it was fancy and he much preferred the pub, the doorman had said one was down the road he wondered if he could talk at least Ghost into joining him leaving the ‘youngsters’ to the clubbing.
You spotted Kyle waving to you from across the room, you tugged on Price's hand leading him through the crowd. Ghost and Soap were sat in the private booth you and Kyle had booked. You can’t even remember when you had booked it but you were both definitely drunk when you did, never again were you being left in charge of team nights out. Soap jumped up he looked almost shocked to see Price, but then these days where ever you were Price wasn't far behind.
“Captain! Tank! Nice of you to join us” He slapped Price on the back.
Ghost moved up for Price to sit beside him handing him a drink, it wasn't top shelf like they were use to but it would do as he did he gave you the quick once over, he always did, he noted that you were wearing Price's Tshirt he knew because the sleeves were much wider than one that was your size, the knot on the back making it tight and hug you just right and also the Cigar smoke and aftershave were a dead giveaway.
Before Price could tell you to sit down next to him, you and Kyle had already made your way to the Dance floor, he shook his head smiling he loved when you were like this…happy…having a good time there wasn’t much time for that in your line of work…even if it wasn't his scene he was happy he came just to see you laughing and dancing and…..were you not wearing a bra? How had he not noticed that back at the base? Fuck sake! He would be having words later, he wasn't the only one who had noticed, it was the first thing Ghost had clocked when you had walked up to them, he watched as your tits bounced with every movement and the way you swayed your hips had him shifting in his seat to rearrange his jeans. Price was a lucky man. Taking a sip of his drink he noticed Price was also watching you, Ghost was probably the only one who knew that you guys had been fucking for a few weeks now, he had caught you two at it late one night in Price’s office, Price had looked entranced by you falling apart under him, Ghost had wanted to be apart of that , he wanted to be the reason you crumbled wanted to feel you under him…but he simply observed replaying it back later in his bunk. After that he had watched you both a few more times he tracked your habits knew what words were code for you two getting together. “Need a had with some paperwork tonight Tank, you mind?” You neverminded, thats what Ghost found so alluring, you never said no to your Captain, complete obedience, as he always said “Good soldiers, follow orders” and you were the best little soldier he knew. It made him jealous, he wanted you wrapped around him, he wanted just a taste of what you and Price had even if he had to share.
You an Kyle had been dancing for what seemed ages, your skin numb from the beat. You noticed Price and Ghost in deep conversation.
“What do you think they are taking about!” You tired to shout in Kyles ear. He was 7 tequilas in so he hadn’t noticed them looking over as much.
“Who Price and Ghost? How would I know…the good old days probably hahaha ohh no this is a banger of a tune!” You had lost him now. You looked back over to the booth, Soap was ordering more drinks and trying to chat up the waitress who to be fair looked interested. Ghost was now in Price’s ear, you made eyes at Price he just gave you a wink. You had a feeling you were the topic of conversation.
“Had much paper work this week Captain?” Ghost finished his drink. Price side eyed him, He knew Ghost had been watching you and him for the last few weeks, he wasnt daft Ghost thought he was smart but Price was smarter.
“You know what I have, Tank has been a massive help, don’t know what id do with out her…”
“Yehhh shes a good girl our Tank…thinking of asking her if she wants some one on one sparring sessions…perfect her hand to hand combat skills…” Ghost signaled the waitress for another round.
“Hmmm you can always ask, she’s pretty busy most days with me or Kyle…but you can only ask cant you?” Price gulped his drink in one.
“Yeh I noticed shes always busy with you, not so much Kyle…but I was thinking more of a late night class, I think she’d be up for it…you could even join in…give us a few pointers If you get what I mean…thats only If Tank is good with it?”
Price narrowed his eyes, was Ghost suggesting what he thought he was? Bold move…even though he didn’t like the thought of sharing you with him, Price did like the idea of putting him in his place he had no doubt Ghost would be good to you, but not like he was, it would be nice to take him down a notch or two, he had noticed him sniffing around you and it was becoming tiresome. Price glanced over at you, he wondered if you’d even be up for it, He beckoned you over.
You were being summoned, you tapped Kyle to signal you were going to get your drink from the booth, he nodded he was in full rave mode. The heat from all the bodies was suffocating, it wasnt till you emerged out and into the booth did you realise how warm it had been in there, your skin was shiny with sweat. Price patted the seat in between him and Ghost, both men hardly budge up, it was a tight squeeze. You sat down sipping your drink. Cosy.
“Having fun kid?” Price handed you and Ghost a shot as you downed the drink in your hand.
“Thanks and yeh…what’s up?” You were on alert now, this was the first time in weeks these two looked like they were getting on? Something was going on?
“We have a little proposal for you love” Ghost leaned back in his seat his arms on the back of the booth, legs spread wide.
“Oh yeah? An what would that be?” You took Prices drink from him, swishing it before knocking it back…not his usual grade but it went down a treat. Price gave you alittle smirk, you caught on fast no beating around the bush with you. His clever girl.
“Well…Me and Ghoat have been talking and…” Price handed you another shot.
“Is this about Ghost watching us have sex in your office? Because I know about that…I clocked him about 3 weeks ago…Whats up LT you not been able to get it out of your head? The Captain is good at what he does…” You took the shot and followed it with another. Both men looked at eachother in disbelief. Ghost rolled his eyes.
“What do you mean you knew? You knew he was watching us the whole time?” Price leaned forward. He couldn’t believe you hadnt said anything.
“Yeh…I thought it was something you two had arranged? I thought thats what the whole song and dance with ‘Need a hand doing some paper work’ was about? I thought it was code for Me and Tank are gonna be at it in my office Ghost” you gave a thumbs up to demonstrate. Ghost started laughing it was a sound you only heard on the rare occasion something really tickled him.
“So how about it then Tank…Me you and the Captain? You up for it” He rested his hand on your thigh leaning in close enough you could smell his aftershave, it was peppery and dark it sent shivers up your spine. Price slid his hand up the back of your top spreading his fingers out on your back it only intensified the goosebumps.
“What do you think Boss?” You glanced round to Price giving him a cheeky grin? Price was hooked.
“Yeh I don't mind a little bit of audience participation if you dont kid, what time we leaving?” He snaked his hand round to your chest palming your breast in his rough hand. Ghost watched as you melted into Price's Touch.
It had been a mad struggle to convince Soap not to bring the waitress back to the base with you in the end Ghost had paid her to walk away. He had better things to be doing.
Once back at the base you said your good nights and headed to your side of the base, Soap helped Kyle to their shared room, but Ghost hung back.
“You not coming LT?” Soap wanted help with the very drunk Kyle.
“Im sure you can manage Johnny…Im gonna have a proper drink with Price…need to get the taste of shit bourbon out my mouth”
Soap nodded picking Kyle back up from the floor half carrying him half dragging.
“Don’t let him swallow his tongue!” Price yelled after them.
Once they were out of ear shot Price turned to the lieutenant.
“Some ground rules Ghost…you don’t cum inside her I don’t care how good it feels…she likes it rough but nothing visible, lastly if she says stop you stop”
Ghost nodded why did he feel nervous? He’d imagined this hundreds of times, he followed Price to your room.
“Oh one more thing…even in here I’m still your Captain so what I say goes”
Price knocked before letting himself in to your room, Ghost right behind him.
Without a word Price moved in on you in two strides pressing his body to yours cupping your face, pulling you into a deep kiss. Ghost watched on as Price unbuttoned your jeans pulling them down and helping you step out of them. He didn’t know when he should join in he waited for the go ahead.
Price sat you on the end of the bed, his hand stroking the top of your head.
“Thought you wanted to join in Ghost?” Price called back to him, never taking his eyes off yours. That was his invite.
They both towered over you but you didn’t care, you had already started working on unbuckling Prices belt. Ghost was already shifting his jeans down to rest on his hips.
“Steady on sweetheart…” Price stopped your hands, pulling his cock out for you. Ghost steadily stroking away. The site of them both made you ache. Ghost was exactly how you imagined, Price steered you head in his direction pressing his tip to your lips.
“Open wide for me love” Price stroked your cheek tenderly. You did as you where told and wrapped your mouth around him softly licking the underside of his head. You looked up at him as he slid further down your throat. The sight caused Ghost to let out a low growl.
“That’s a good girl…” Price looped his hand up into your hair. You could feel Ghost getting impatient, but you looked to Price for permission, he nodded. You reached out your hand to grab him. He sighed at the softness of your hand on his cock you stroked him but he was eager to have your mouth around him as well. You pulled away from Price leaving a string of spit and took Ghost in your mouth, you could feel the corners of your mouth split as you tried to take him in. Christ, he was big, you tried your hardest but you gagged and pulled your head away gasping.
They looked at each other amused then back at you, like a pair of bullies that had their victim cornered.
“Easy now…lets not get carried away eh?” Price cupped your face letting your recover.
“Lay back for me…” you did as you were told, the butterflies in your stomach more of a flurry now. Price crouched infront of you his mouth an inch away from your opening you could feel his warm breath. You looked down at his handsome face his eyes a liquid blue you willed him to touch you. The heat from his tongue as it slipped in caused a little groan to escape from you.
“Please…fingers…please” you begged him.
“So impatient…but seeing as you asked politely…” Price could rarely say no to you, he pushed two fingers in his tongue still flat against your clit, you could feel his beard scratching your inner thighs but you liked it always did. He lazily curled his fingers up inside you, as you rolled your head back you locked eyes with Ghost. He moved closer to you, his hand falling to stroke the top of your head all the filthy things he wanted to do to you caused a stampede in his mind. Price stopped and turned his attention to Ghost. He was getting impatient as well Price wasn't a cruel man but Ghost needed to learn his place when it came to you. He removed his fingers and angled himself over you pressing his tip just enough to make you squirm. Ghost watched as your eyes switched from a soft focus to full-blown desire.
“Think Ghost wants to know what it feel like to be inside you Tank…so I'm going to be generous and let him go first, is that ok?”
Price leant forward planting little kisses on your breasts and stomach, your skin smelt of him it drove him insane he hoped Ghost would be able to smell it a reminder of who’s you were claimed by him.
You nodded glancing over at Ghost who waited for Price to remove himself from between your legs he was taking his time on purpose.
“Ill be right here where you can see me ok…” Price positioned himself just to the side of you. You watched him as Ghost softly nestled between your thighs. He lifted his ski mask up so it rested on the bridge of his nose. He placed your leg over his shoulder slightly lifting you from underneath with his hand he angled you up to his face. The position was a new one and Price was impressed and he knew you were to from the little smirk on your face which was soon wiped clean as Ghost made contact with you, he went at it like a last meal, the taste of bourbon and honey and the faint cigar ash…Price making sure he knew he was just a guest.
He sucked hard on your clit causing you to dig your heel into his back arching up further. The noises coming from you sent him into a frenzy and knew you were close, he wanted you to cum, he need you to cum he had to hear the sound and know he had caused it.
“Need to feel you cum on him cock…” Ghost shoved you up the bed with one hand, he nudge at your centre with his tip, Price looked at you for any sign of hesitation Price was above average in size but Ghost was wider, but from the look in your eyes you wanted it. Fair enough. Without a word you spread you legs open wider for him. The fuse in Ghosts brain blew, he slowly pushed inside, your walls stretching around him, it was a tight fit. It took everything for him not to ram his length in fully. One last push and he was fully inside you for real and not just in his head with his hand as a very poor substitute.
“Fuckin hell…” Ghost was drunk on the feeling of you around him, with every draw back your walls sucked him back in he had to slow down or else he was going to break the first rule, but your moans were blocking out all rational thoughts, then there the sound he wanted to hear most of all you were coming undone the barrier falling down. You clawed at his chest, shuddering as you came. He gently wrapped his hand round your throat only applying light pressure looking into your eyes. Price said you liked it rough.
“Simonnnnn……”you moaned as you shook, he had to pull back slightly he would of happily filled you up there and then but he could feel Price switching his gaze from you to him. Watching him like a hawk. How bad of a beating would it be?
“On your front Tank” Price stood at the top of the bed helping you get on all fours.
“Let’s get one more out of her eh?…remember not inside…I mean it…Ill hang you myself…” Price winked as he said it, Ghost believed him.
Looking down at you spread open again for him, he watched Price nuzzle your face, calling you a good girl as you took him to the base. He felt spoilt as he buried himself inside you again only giving you a moment to adjust around him before he bucked his hips into you with each thrust he made sure to slowly drag himself back out trying to match the rhythm of Price thrusting into your throat.
“Tell your Lieutenant how good you feel…tell him…how good you are…” Price gritted his teeth.
You could feel your orgasm building then the thin little thread broke, causing both men to fall apart, ready to break. Price had stilled, his head back as you swallowed every last bit. Just as Ghost was close you turned to look at him, you eyes glossy.
“Did Price tell you not to cum inside me?…” You voice was strained, it was enough to send him over the edge. He nodded only slowly slightly.
“Well you can…but I want to see your face as you do…without the mask…” You half-turned you body reaching up for him to hold you to his chest. Price shot you a look, no way Ghost was removing his mask…but just like that it was off and thrown on the floor…Ghost was hook, line and sinker for you.
“Good boy…” you studied him kissing the large scar on his face. He clutched you to his chest, his forehead resting on your temple panting your name as he came inside you coating your walls. You both collapsed forward Ghost moving to the side of you still tangled up you reached to pull Price onto the bed, he obliged. The small cot creaked in protest under the 3 of you.
“Do you want your mask back Ghost?” Price reached for it.
“No…its ok ill leave it off for a little longer..does this mean I get to help with paperwork more often?” He kissed your shoulder liking the way your skin felt against his face.
“We’ll see” You and Price agreed in unison.
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hughesies · 2 years
could you do one where the reader is the best friend of Sira (Ferran torres girlfriend) and she meets Gavi for the first time and he is absolutely in love with her please. Thankss<3
love at first sight, pablo gavi
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*not my gif. full credits to proper creator*
summary: sira invites you to the fair with her, ferran, and a friend, which you both click instantly.
pairings: pablo gavi x fem!reader
note: i hope you guys like this one🫶🏼. please leave any comments or tips for me and keep requesting!
"im nervous," you stated, picking at your nail cuticle. you haven't tried to engage in any sort of new relationship since your breakup when you found out your now ex-boyfriend was cheating on you. that was nearly 8 months ago. you've just been scared of the same thing occurring and going through that pain again.
"y/n, what is there to be nervous about? you need to get back out there and forget about that stupid kid." sira stated, eyes focused on the road as she drove.
she was currently driving to a famous fair in Barcelona. you both were going to meet her boyfriend, ferran there along with a teammate of his. they both played for Barcelona's football team.
"i don't know, like what if we don't get along? it's going to be awkward," you looked out the window but could still see sira roll her eyes from the corner of your eye.
"please, you two will get along just fine."
as you guys arrived at the fair, you walked down to the food stands to meet up with ferran. after all, sira was just trying to do a nice gesture for you.
you two finally found ferran and his friend, and his friend was a very good sight to look at. you smiled as the two of you approached them. sira gave ferran a little hello kiss and hug, while you gave him a little hug, becoming familiar with his presence.
gavi finally made eye contact with you, and he thought you were absolutely stunning. from your light brown, wavy hair to your deep honey-colored eyes with long lashes.
"hi, im y/n," you smiled brightly at him as you introduced yourself. he was at loss for words, but quickly snapped out of whatever effect you had on him.
"uhm hola, soy gavi, pablo gavi," gavi stuttered a bit and smiled back. you both have each other a small hug as you would normally do when you meet somebody but held on a couple seconds longer.
the day went on and you and gavi got along pretty well. he loved cracking jokes, which would make you laugh, showing your gorgeous smile. he loved everything about you so far. he loved the way you were calm. he loved hearing your soothing, soft voice. your laugh was one of the most intoxicating laughs he's heard. he didn't know he could like someone so much at the same time he met them.
you loved so much about him as well. you loved the way he spoke to you. you loved how he wouldn't leave you alone. you loved hearing his Spanish accent as he spoke English. he was different. you felt like you could be yourself around him. you liked him so much as you barely met him today.
you both knew for sure you wanted to be around each other more than once. you two enjoyed each other presence.
as the day came to an end, you were sad not knowing the next time you would see each other, as the same went for gavi. you decided to exchange phone numbers for the future. you gave each other a long, friendly but as well very flirtatious hug.
the two 18 years old got into different cars, hearing things from both ferran and sira.
"what if we don't get along? it's going to be awkward," sira giggled as she mimicked your statement from earlier in the day. you just rolled your eyes and smiled.
"so do you like him?" sira asked beginning to drive off.
"yeah, i really do," you blushed as you looked out the window, viewing the sunset, thinking about gavi.
"entonces, qué piensas de ella?" ferran asks his teammate. (so what do you think of her?)
"ella me gusta mucho." gavi began blushing as well, looking out the window, thinking about you. (i like her a lot.)
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realcube · 4 years
saying things they don’t mean during an argument
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thank you to anon for this request <3
characters ♡ msby black jackals (hinata, sakusa, atsumu, bokuto)
content warning ♡ angst, hurt to comfort, fluff, swearing, crying, adoption  (sakusa’s) & suffocation (?)
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kōtarō bokuto 
♡ you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest - you knew he was a bit boyish sometimes but you never expected him to be so childish in regards to a simple request
♡ ‘bokuto, i have so much on my plate!’ you cried, tightly gripping the sheets underneath you, ‘planning the wedding, going to work, doing almost every chore in this damn house and filing all our fucking taxes!’
♡ you momentarily paused to look at him, expecting a look of sympathy but instead getting an eyeroll which prompted you to continue, ‘and all i am asking for is you to run a few errands! that’s it! why are you so opposed? i thought you enjoyed grocery shopping?!’
♡ bokuto pulled his night-shirt over his head as he stormed to his side of the bed, ‘it’s not fun without you!’  he whined childishly, plopping himself down next to you and gasping when you had the audacity to shuffle away from him
♡ ‘it’s not supposed to be fun, bokuto!’ you yelled, completely fed-up with him at this point, ‘a few errands, that’s all i ask of you!’
♡ bokuto notices how your voice shook and your lashline glistened; he didn’t want you to cry so he begrudgingly gave it, but with a strong comment to go along with it so you knew that he really didn’t want to 
♡ 'fine! i don't need you anyway!'
♡ then proceeded to dramatically pull the duvet over himself and pout, averting his gaze to the wall opposite 
♡ in this context, he hoped that you’d understand his comment and not take him too seriously but since you were already on the verge of tears, this simply pushed you over the edge
♡ you buried your face in your hands and hid under the blanket in hopes he didn’t realise you were crying but his senses are just different when it comes to you so try stifle that sob all you want, he’s still going to hear it and he’s still going to instantly pull you into his arms while frantically apologising 
♡ ‘please don’t cry, (y/n)! i really didn’t mean it- i do need you! i love you so much, my life wouldn’t be the same without you! you do so much for me and i am so sorry for not showing you how grateful i am! like you’re so pretty and kind and talented and smart - only geniuses can do taxes - so i’m just so lucky to be with you and i can’t wait until we’re married. please, don’t leave!’
♡ eventually his praise slowly became pleas as he begged for you not to leave/hate him
♡ he does not want to lose you bc of a silly comment he made-
♡ eventually his endless pleas started to become more than background noise to your sobs, so you finally hugged him back, whispering, ‘i can’t wait to marry you too, kō.’
♡ this action lifted a massive weight off his chest and he let out an audible sigh of relief, his grip on you loosening, ‘mhm, and of course, i’ll run the errands, babe. i suppose, it’s the least i could do.’
♡ you hummed in agreement, glad that a part of your mental stress had been relieved, allowing you to finally relax in his arms and perhaps doze off in his loving embrace 
♡ ...
♡ ‘mm, you smell like marshmallows, (y/n)- can i add marshmallows to the shopping list?’
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he spoke as if you were making some crazy, otherworldly request but in reality, all you were asking was for him to take paternity leave to help you care for the baby 
♡ you’re not really a baby-expert so you thought that sakusa would be happy to stay home and learn how to care for the child with you - as a couple, as a team 
♡ but he was extremely opposed to the idea, spewing out a much of nonsense as to why he needs to go to work, but a part of believed that he just didn’t want to deal with his child - or maybe, he didn’t want to deal with you
♡ ‘sakusa, how do you expect me to raise a whole baby on my own! they need a lot of attention - i don’t think you understand how big of a commitment this is, you can’t treat it like a hobby!’ you cried, having long before burst into tears because your mind told you the worse - that he didn’t actually love you, he lied about wanting a kid, he lied when he said ‘i do’.
♡ usually during arguments when he notices that you’ve started to cry, he’ll drop everything he was doing to shuffle over to you and wrap you in arms, then whisper sweet-nothings into your ear until you feel better but today, he showed little consideration to your emotions as he continued pacing through the living room while you bawled your eyes out on the couch
♡ ‘i thought you loved (c/n)! you were so gentle around them but it turns out you’re not even willing to take a paternity leave to help take care of them!’
♡ ‘what happened to the man i married?’
♡ ‘kiyoomi, you need to revaluate yourse--’
♡ you wouldn’t allow him to get a word in, which was probably for the best considering he had nothing good to say 
♡ but you were forced to cut yourself off when heard the sound of shattering so you immediately search for the source of the noise and there stood sakusa, his hand resting on the decorative table in the place your framed wedding photo once was - now, it was laying smashed on the ground surrounded by it’s own glass shards
♡ he pushed it off like the petty bastard he was
♡ while you sat stunned, staring the mess he just voluntarily made, he quickly turned on his heel and strolled away at a leisurely pace, 'my life was a lot easier before you entered it.'
♡ that was the last you heard of it for the next three days - you were giving each other the silent treatment 
♡ you couldn’t have any sort of grain for three whole days bc they are all on the top shelf and you usually make him grab it for you but you refused to talk to him- 
♡ you were the first one to break it though as you noticed that he hadn’t went to work for the last three days and curiosity got the better of you 
♡ ‘kiyoomi.’ you called out to him from the kitchen but he didn’t even look up from his book - ‘parenting for dummies’ - causing you to scoff, ‘why aren’t you going to work? did something happen?’
♡ finally, he sighed and shifted his gaze off his book but only to shoot you demeaning look, as if you were stupid, ‘paternity leave, duh.’
♡ the corners of your lips twitched into a smile, which you quickly forced away when you recalled the events that occurred three days ago and the hurtful things he said, instinctively looking over at the decorative table to remind yourself of what he did 
♡ but to your surprise, the picture was no longer laying on the ground, pooling in shards of glass but rather, it sit on the table with a brand new frame - which had both of your initials engraved onto it along with the date of the ceremony
♡ you didn’t need to choke out an inquiry as sakusa noticed your stunned expression and answered on his own, ‘i bought a new frame. i hope you like it.’
♡ of course you liked it; this one was a chic black with silver decals which matched your living room aesthetic way better than the other, tacky blue one did - plus, this one was customised which made you love it even more
♡ ‘i do. i really do. but i don’t like your attitude lately.’ you muttered, shaking your head as you waddled over to the couch 
♡ sakusa was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you down next to him, ‘i’m sorry, love.’ his voice cracked slightly as he whispered in your ear, ‘i cannot put into words how much harder my life would be without you. i just..hope you understand.’
♡ it’s not that sakusa was bad with words; he was just too emotional and overwhelmed to produce a long, coherent sentiment for you so he just prayed that you recognized that everything he said on that day was meaningless
♡ ‘i love you, (y/n).’
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atsumu miya
♡ you rolled your eyes, ignoring him and continuing to type your essay until atsumu slammed your laptop closed
♡ ‘please, (y/n)! you know how much this means to me! i’ve been waiting for this festival for years!’
♡ you scoffed, folding your arms and patiently waiting for him to move his filthy hand off your laptop, ‘i do and i’m proud of you. but i have a lecture that day and my exams are just around the corner - and you know how much my education means to me.’
♡ atsumu had to take a moment to suppress a gag at how sickening and condescending your tone was, ‘it’s just one lecture, (y/n)! you’re not going to fail your exams because you missed one lectu--’
♡ ‘you don’t know that.’
♡ atsumu blinked twice, a unimpressed expression painted on his face as he let out a sigh, realising there was no possible way he’s going to be able to get through to you - i mean, he’s been trying for the last 20 minutes to no avail
♡ he ran his hand through his hairs, turning on his heel, heading towards the door and left
♡ but not before peering over his shoulder to shoot you a nasty glare and spitting, ‘you’re so selfish. you can’t even do one thing that’d make me happy - you never can.’
♡ that was the final thing he said to you for the next....20 minutes 
♡ that’s actually a new record for him - usually he storms out of the room, sulks for a minute or two then renters to beg for your forgiveness 
♡ but not today. he was so mad that he needed 20 whole minutes to cool down and come to his senses
♡ but once he did, when he came back into the room, he expected to see you typing your essay or studying as usual since his words don’t usually effect you too much 
♡ so of course he was shocked when he slipped back into your shared bedroom to see you with the duvet tossed over your whole figure, faint sobs coming from underneath 
♡ his immediate reaction was to pull the blanket away and offer himself as your source of heat, so he wrapped you in his muscular embrace, ‘b-babe.’ he stuttered, eyes-wide as he never would’ve thought you’d take his words seriously, ‘are you okay?’
♡ he knew that was a stupid question but he simply asked it to determine how sad you were - and considering you weren’t able to babble out a reply, that wasn’t a good sign
♡ ‘you’re not selfish.’ he reassured you while rubbing circles on your back, ‘if anything, i was being selfish- and nothing makes me as happy as you do, (y/n). i- i really didn’t mean it.’
♡ he paused only to place a kiss on the top of your head, ‘i love you- and to show you how much i love you..i’ll drop you off at your lecture on that day, and take you to the festival afterwards; does that sound good?’
♡ you were finally able to choke out a response but only to explain how unachievable his idea was, ‘my lecture finishes at 5 and the festival ends at 7, and there is a 45 minute drive between the two- you’re only going to be able to spend a little over an hour there.’
♡ ‘and i’ll have a blast in that time!’
♡ you sighed, your lips twitching into a small smile as you buried your face into his chest as you really couldn’t look him in the eye, ‘and why can’t you just go without me again?’ 
♡ ‘who the fuck am i going to play dance dance revolution against if you don’t come?’
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shōyo hinata 
♡ you crossed your arms over your chest, internally regretting ever opening your mouth to try calm down fiancé as now, not only is he even more angry, but also most of his anger with now directed at you rather than manager, like it was previously 
♡ eventually, you started to develop a headache from all his screaming and shouting so you politely asked him to calm down, to which he replied, ‘calm down?! you’re the one who made me mad with your rude-ass comment and now you’re telling me to calm down?!’
♡ you preferred it when he was demanding for you to say ‘butt’ instead of ‘ass’ because now that’s he spent more time with bokuto, he’s started swearing more often and to be honest, it’s scary when a 5″4 ginger sunshine is yelling at you, calling you a ‘rude-ass’
♡ ‘shōyō, if i’m completely honest, i have no idea why what i said was so mean and i have no idea what’s going on- why are you so mad at your manager?’
♡ suddenly, he twisted his neck to look at you as if you had just been possessed, ‘what?’ he inquired in a hushed tone, his voice hoarse and oddly sinister  
♡ you quirked a brow, too tired of his constant bitching to pay attention to his tone of voice, ‘yeah, you speak too fast, shōyō.’ you said with a shrug, checking your nails to ensure that he knew that you truly did not care about how he scowled at you, ‘plus, i just don’t understand why this gets you so worked up - i try, i really do, but i guess your volleyball problems just go over my head.’
♡ hinata clenched his fist, realising that he wasn’t going to make any progress by complaining to you. he whipped his head away before storming off, not even sparing you a final glance, ‘you just don’t get it; you don’t understand anything i say and you don’t even make a fucking effort! you just think you are so much better than everyone - well, you’re not! try coming back down to reality with the rest of us, and then we can talk.’
♡ followed by a slam of the door which rattled through the whole apartment
♡ you really had never seen hinata so angry before in your 6 years of being together 
♡ the words he said were far from pleasant and a part of you wondered in he genuinely meant them, perhaps he had been supressing those thoughts for ages and now that he was finally mad, he could let it all out
♡ though you tried to reassure yourself that everyone says things they don’t mean when they are angry, but the tears started flowing on their own
♡ hinata didn’t plan on seeing you for another few hours as he had the idea of heading over to bokuto’s, have a drink and cool down but when he hopped out the shower, he realised he had left his phone in the bedroom - where he left you. 
♡ begrudgingly, he slid into the room with the intention of grabbing his phone then leaving but that went to shit when he noticed that you were bundled up under the blankets, and he could hear distant sniffles coming from underneath
♡ and hinata only has four moods: mad asf, happy asf, loving you & volleyball...asf
♡ so upon seeing you in such a state, presumably because of what he said, elicited his mood to change from ‘mad asf’ to ‘loving you’ 
♡ he pounced on you, causing you to fall sideways and squeal but he simply did not give a fuck
♡ ‘baby! i am so sorry! i didn’t think what i said would make you cry!’ he blubbered, or at least, that’s what it sounded like since you couldn’t actually see him due to the fact he had trapped you under the blankets, ‘i don’t know why i even said that! you’re not like that at all- i don’t think of you like that!’
♡ he paid little regard for your pleas of mercy as you squirmed frantically under the blanket, trying to escape his grip and body weight. he simply continued babbling on about how sorry he was and how amazing you are, ‘you are down here with the rest of us - i just said for no reason. please don’t be mad! you are - what does bokuto call it again? - oh! a humble--’
♡ ‘shōyō! i’ll forgive you if you get off me right now - i can hardly breathe!’
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sparklingchim · 4 years
better together; f | pjm
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pairing: jimin x wife!reader
word count: 1.9k
genre: fluff, dad!jimin, married couple, slice of life au
warnings: oc is pregnant, nothing else unless you hate children ?
summary: just a casual day with your husband jimin and your little boy jihoon.
a/n: hello! this is a fic i wrote a while ago and thought about sharing it now🥰 there are a few more chapters that i wrote in that universe but they still need to be edited. i hope you like it!!❤
,,Why are you so active today, my little bean?" you coo, rubbing your belly and feeling the tiny kicks from your 7 month old baby girl in your womb.
,,Baby?" you hear the sound of your 2 year old little baby boy, who is sitting next to you, on his high baby chair. His pastel blue elephant bib is draped around his neck, already soiled with the chicken soup rice porridge your feeding him - even though he only ate approximately 3 spoons of it yet.
,,Your baby sister is moving," you tell him and he excitedly stretches his grabby hands, aiming for your bump, completely ignoring the spoon that he was about to latch his mouth on.
Of course his short chubby arms can't quite reach it, so you grab him from his baby stool and place him on your lap. He automatically brings both his hands on your stomach, roaming them all over your bump and anticipating the movements of his baby sister.
Both of your hands have a firm hold on his back and keep him safe on your lap, because Jihoon tends to get dynamic and thrilled at random times - especially when it had something to do with his still unborn sister. Jihoon loved feeling her kicks, even going so far to refuse to sleep sometimes and clinging onto your womb to not miss anything his sister does.
,,Ohhh," his stunned voice breaks the silence, his eyes going wide as he feels his sibling moving. You laugh at his reaction, one hand pushing his soft hair from his forehead.
When you attempt to sit him back into his baby chair, he whines in displeasure, putting pressure on your stomach with his small hands. You sigh in defeat, not wanting to make him sad because you don't let him rub your belly.
For a few seconds you let him be, granting him the glee he earns from being the closest as possible as he is able to be with his sister. The way Jihoons whole focus is solely fixated on his baby sister makes your heart swell in pure fondness. He couldn't wait for her birth just like Jimin and you.
You don't forget to feed him though. You grab a spoonful of Jihoon's porridge behind him and hold the spoon in front of his lips, waiting for him to open his tiny plump lips - that he definitely got from his dad - but his eyes are remain on your bump, not caring about the food presented in front of him. You slightly raise your hips up, causing his body to bounce on your lap to draw his attention towards you - but nothing. Jihoon simply doesn't care.
,,Jihoon-ah," you scold him with a stern tone  since he's obviously ignoring you.
He looks up at you, with those big brown eyes and your heart lights up at his innocent face.
You hold the spoon closer to his mouth, but still, he doesn't attempt to part his lips, only backing away with his head.
,,No," he says and pushes your hand away with his much smaller hand. You quirk an eyebrow up at his behaviour.
You don't get to berate him again, when you hear the door opening and then closing shut again. You both immediately get excited - well, your excitement isn't really shown outside compared to Jihoon, who seeks to get off your lap and eagerly wants to rush off to his dad. His feet slowly sink down to the floor with your protecting hands around his little body and then his chubby legs sprint to the hallway, desperately wanting to greet his dad.
You hope he won't fall, because that accident happened a lot of times already - always ending up with some sobbing, teary eyes and clinging onto either Jimin or you. Your little boy let his delight go too overboard sometimes and only reserved little care into his surroundings. You'd have to teach him to be more aware of that.
,,Hello little guy," you hear Jimin's voice echoing from the hall.
,,Daddy!" Jihoon exclaims, giggling afterwards because Jimin probably spooned him up and snuggled his face into Jihoon's neck.
You just sit there, a warm smile on your lips, and don't make an attempt to get up to greet your husband too, because your feet are killing you today.
A few seconds later, Jimin enters the kitchen with Jihoon in his arms. Jihoon wrapped his arms and leg around Jimin's upper body, like a little koala bear and you chuckle at that sight. Jimin tilts his head down and places a tender kiss to your lips.
Even though Jimin was only away for 3 hours - because he had some meeting at the company - you missed his presence at home. And I seems like your not the only one who missed him, since Jihoon is practically glued to his daddys body.
,,You three are good?" Jimin asks, taking a seat beside you, while rubbing your belly in soft strokes.
,,We're all fine.", you assure him with a sincere smile. Jimin kisses you again. You just look so adorable right now.
You look at the back of Jihoon's head. Jimin's hand is placed on his back to hold him closely.
,,But Jihoonie still has to eat, right?" you say and look expectantly at his back, waiting for a reaction to your words. Jimin's gaze shoot to Jihoon's - still full - bowl and frowns.
Jihoon wiggles his body and then muffles a tiny 'No' into Jimins shoulder.
Jimin chuckles but then quickly asks ,,What's the matter, baby?" He softly nudges Jihoons head with his shoulder, wanting to see his face. Jihoon looks up to his dad, his lips forming a little pout.
,,You're shirt is stained with his food.", you giggle, after seeing the mess that Jihoons bib caused on Jimin dark shirt. He peers his eyes to the stain but doesn't say anything to that. Jimin and you were already used to dirty clothes since your little boy couldn't stop creating a mess every five minutes.
,,How come you don't want to eat anymore when it seems like you apparently enjoyed it?" Jimin asks the little boy.
You sigh and stand up. Jihoon needs to eat something and if he won't continue eating this meal, then you're going to cook something else. He was already fussy when you sat him down on the baby chair earlier and you don't want to deal with whines if your going to resist on making him eat that food.
You groan slightly when your feet carries your whole body weight and instantly place your hand on your side to steady yourself. Your bump got really big.
,,No, no, baby. I've got this, sit down. I can cook something for him," Jimin says, standing up with Jihoon in his arms and puts a hand on your shoulder. You look up at him, wanting to say that it's okay, but he's faster.
,,Your feet hurt, right? Let me run you a bath, love," he says, putting Jihoon on his baby chair and whispering ,,Wait for daddy, okay?" Jimin places a quick kiss on his head. Then he bends down a bit and you feel one of his hand on the back of your knees.
,,I can walk Jimin, don't carry me," you retort, your weight making you a little insecure. Of course he doesn't listen to you and in one swift motion your in his arms. He naturally watched out not to discomfort you or the baby, while proceeding to lifting you in his arms. You hear Jihoon giggling behind you, entertained by the sight of his mommy getting carried by his daddy like a baby.
,,Your dad is so strong, Jihoonie," Jimin calls out while walking to the bathroom.
Jihoon only laughs more at that comment yelling a ,,Me too!"
,,You're saying I'm fat?" you ask hurt, swatting his chest.
,,No, no! Of course you're not fat, baby. I'm just playing with Jihoonie," he panics, looking worried and concerned, because he knows that your hormones are getting the better hand of you these days. But it weren't your hormones this time. You almost laugh at his panicked face, but you decide to hold it in and not try to sooth him. Maybe you just have a little demon inside you that likes teasing Jimin, but you think it's fine for all those times he used to tease you for something.
,,You better be," you mutter and feel his lips pressing a soft kiss on your cheek.
He slowly lets you slide of his hold and you sit on the closed toilet lid, watching him as he runs water into the tub. Jimin tests the temperature of the water and hums quietly when he is satisfied with it. Then he puts some liquid inside to create bubbles and a delicious smell.
,,No bath bombs this time, I have to buy some again," Jimin says and you only nod. The fact that he even noticed that there were no bath bombs left made you want to cry. Maybe now the hormones were actually kicking in.
,,Thank you," you answer, never missing a chance to thank him for his care and thoughtfulness he's showing every day.
Jimin turns around, a lovely smile already tugging at his lips and widening once he takes me into sight.
,,You need me to help you?" he asks carefully. You shake your head as an answer.
,,No, go and feed Jihoon, your mini-me is starving," you reply. Jimin rolls his eyes at your exaggeration.
,,My mini-me is not starving," he makes clear and his eyes soften at the cute nickname you both - actually you - created for your little baby boy. Jihoon has so many of Jimins features- his nose, his lips and his eye colour are just like Jimins. You both always said how you wanted tiny replications of both of you running around the house once you'd get married, but now that it actually happened, it's scary how a tiny Jimin waddles though the house, always giggling after he'd done something he'd surely wasn't allowed to do.
,,Mommy!", Jihoon exclaims in that moment and you raise a brow up.
,,Hurry up, he's waiting," you say, swaying both your hands to shoo him away.
,,He just yelled your name. Shouldn't I be the one he's missing after coming home from a meeting?", he pouts, but doesn't wait for an answer as he leaves the bathroom.
You smile at his question. Suddenly you feel the need to snuggle your little Jihoon in your arms since he shouted your name, because he's alone, but you have to take a little break from today and his daddy is on his way to him anyway.
,,Daddy's coming!", you hear Jimin shout and you start discarding your clothes on the floor.
,,No, want mommy!", Jihoon yells back and you start laughing.
Apparently Jihoon wasn't satisfied with anything he got today.
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theperfectlovestory · 3 years
You Are My Home
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Information: This will probably have multiple parts but stand alone (?) I'm a bit nervous to post this cause this is a more personal uhh imagines 😂
Summary: It's been a long time since your friends saw you, a lot has change and you are in a better place in your life. Specially the relationship part
Pairings: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Theme: fluff
TW: none (?)
Word Count: 2,241
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"Hey guys" you greeted, giving a small smile to your friends. It's been a long time since you all had the chance to talk together
Everyone has been busy and since you left your original city 2 years ago, the best you can do is chat with them once in a while
You are confident that the relationship with them is strong but you are sure many things have changed. But change is good, specially since you left with heavy heart and full of uncertainty
Right now you are in a good position in your life, and everyone is free, or at least made sure to make time. But still, the best you can do is video call for now
After 2 years this is the first time you've seen everyone. While they keep in touch and get together once in a while. You just were too far, both physically and mentally
"Hey, long time no see" Steve teased and you chuckled
"Damn you look good" Natasha commented "been taking care of yourself, I see"
You made a face and nodded "happy now I finally hit the gym like you always nag me to?" She chuckled
"Hey, just want you healthy"
"I know, thank you. Your voice is actually what pushed me in training" you leaned on the table, placing your cheeks on your knuckles "I can just hear you berating me for being so weak"
Everyone chuckled, agreeing that she does do that
"But in all seriousness, you look happy" Bucky complimented
Sighing, you nodded, finally at the position in your life where you can actually see yourself having a bright future
"I am, finally got my shit together, mostly at least"
The topic then transferred to your other friends, enjoying their presence even just from the screen. Laughing together just like the old times
"(Y/n)?" You turn your head to the voice, your girlfriend, Elizabeth calling for you coming from the second floor
"Darling, I'm in the dining" you answered and immediately heard footsteps
Without looking at the screen of your laptop, she smiled, excitedly tilt your head by your chin, kissing you deeply
Every one of your friends are stunned. Of course, you never showed them any public display, not like you had the chance anyway since you never really pursued anyone for years you were with them and now here you are kissing Elizabeth Olsen
Very famous actress, part of big filming companies, a producer as well
"Damn (Y/n)..." Natasha whispered and you laughed when Lizzie finally realized you were actually on a video call
"Oh no, sorry baby" she said wiping your mouth and hers with her sleeves, you shake your head to stop her
"You're fine, or not. But Lizzie, meet my friends" you gestured on the screen and Lizzie shyly waved at them. Blush dusting her cheeks as she pursed her lips into a decent smile. Your taste still lingering on her mouth
They said a quick hi to be polite then suddenly spoke all at once berating you for not telling them you are dating "the Elizabeth Olsen". The actress, the girl of your dreams
Then it was your turn to blush when Bucky mentioned that she's the reason you never had any interest in other people. She was just too 'shiny' to you, the other just seemed dull
Elizabeth looked at you with new found love in her eyes as you got bullied by your friends. She can't help but give you a quick kiss on the cheek before apologizing for interrupting your moment with them again
"Oh no, you did not interrupt at all. We probably wouldn't even know she's dating if you didn't come" Tony said and everyone told him to shut up
"It's not like how it sounds, Ms. Olsen. (Y/n) is very proud of you, she just really doesn't like speaking about her relationships" Peter explained and Elizabeth chuckled
"Oh I know, that's why we are not in public anyway" she patted your head "but it's okay. I don't want to drag her in the mess of Hollywood so if you can just keep all this between us" she gave everyone a small smile and they either shrugged or nodded
"No problem" Natasha answered "I'll make sure these idiots don't slip up"
Elizabeth gave them a big smile before she left to get breakfast. Once she is gone though they started attacking you with questions again
"Fine fine" you sighed, finally giving up "we met a few months after I left, I applied to the Marvel Studio as set decorator. I was fixing up the set the night before with a bunch of my coworkers so the shooting will proceed with ease. I'm usually just there at night so when she came looking for her phone, which I actually picked up and was planning to give to the lost and found before leaving, they pointed her to me. I gave it to her, she thanked me and that was it'' you shrugged
"Then how did you two got together"
Pursing your lips, knowing they wouldn't stop anyway you told them
It was the wrap up of the filming for Endgame. The biggest movie you will ever work with if you are honest
A bunch of A-listers are there and a lot of demands have to be met so for the first time, the whole movie you had to be in and out of the sets. You barely slept or ate in the past few months. You apartment even collected dust since all you did there is go home, take a shower, then go out
You mostly slept on set. By the end of the filming your body is screaming for rest. But you kept going anyway. This project is a very big deal for you, specially you lead the look of the set. anything that needs to be changed, moved, removed, added to the set goes through you
So basically, all day you stand in front of the set, watching the designers work their magics and you requesting changes, assessing the atmosphere in pre production and etc. and at night, clean up and set up is a bitch
One morning you were so tired you wanted to pass out there and then when Elizabeth enter the area. She was shooting all her parts today that can be soloed
You tried to keep yourself awake and alert to anything and everything so when you noticed an uneven ramp and props that she will unfortunately stepped on, your body started running before your mind can comprehend what's happening
She let out a squeal when she broke her ankle and fall but before she hit the ground and risk further injuries on her wrist that is sure to break her fall, you were catching her
But your body felt so weak that instead of staying up right, she fell on you. At least she wasn't hurt at any part of her body but you were, you hit your head on impact but it was minor
If ever, it only made you dizzy
She stood up and you did as well. You rubbed your hand on your face, ordering staffs to re-arrange and clean up the set so no more obstacle can cause accidents
You didn't even dare look at her eyes knowing those green orbs will suck your life out of you. You asked her if she's okay, also apologizing for the dangerous set up. It was overlooked that she would be indeed walking in heels, boots but heels nevertheless
"It's fine, I'm fine" she said, smiling but her eyes are full of worry "are you though? You hit your head when you broke my fall" she said, even unconsciously touching it
"Uh yeah..." you awkwardly smiled at her "it doesn't hurt, thanks" you then slowly back away. When the props have been arrange, the shooting started but your body felt so weak you had to call your assistant to cover for you
You went to the area where you always rested and slept. You were out for almost 2 hours when a cough woke you up. You sat up, rubbing your eyes and ask what they need without even looking at them
"I...brought you food, and coffee" your head snapped, looking at the voice you only dream of talking . She had a small and awkward smile and shy look in her eyes directed to you
"I was looking for you where you usually stand but noticed you weren't there" she explained, your face obviously gave your confusion away "I wanted to thank you again, the stunt director said that if it weren't for you, I would most likely break my wrist in that fall"
You slowly nodded, giving her a small smile "well, it was our fault for not triple checking the set"
"No no, please don't do that, accidents happen, I'm just here to thank you. It was me being clumsy too" You look at her with newfound admiration, a firm believer of 'never meet your idol, it will disappoint you'. But it wasn't the case with her at all
You are aware of the rumors that she's actually very kind, down to earth and serious with her job. It's a good rumor considering she is well known and if you are honest, you know deep in your heart it is true, but you never get your hopes up high
If only you met in a different circumstance, maybe you would think of trying to flirt a little but you know your place. This is a work situation and you need to be as professional as you can be. She is still an actress after all, you need to respect her space
It doesn't mean that she is being kind to you, it's an invitation to step into that space of hers. So you muster the most professional smile you can
"Well thanks, it's really no problem" you said with indifference and if you are actually not too much in your head, you will see her frown with the change of tone
She then handed you the food and the coffee "I'd actually like to talk more again sometimes" she said, swallowing the tightness in her throat "maybe for a coffee?"
The invitation did wonders in your body. Your heart is just beating a tad bit faster, your stomach filled with butterflies, your cheeks turning red. All the cliché reactions you can feel, it's there but then you moved and you groaned, your body sore from over work
You were so sure you wanted to say yes, but your body clearly wanted to say no. After this shooting, you just want to drop dead in your apartment and maybe wake up 3 months after
"I'm just so tired recently, I will be no fun" you chuckled, exhaustion dripping on every syllable "but hey, maybe a few weeks after the filming is done, if you are still up for it?"
The sadness of rejection from earlier was turned into a big grin. Her excitement sparkled on her eyes "sure, I'd give you my number then"
You nodded and gave her your phone. She didn't even have to ask for a password because you never put one in. It's easier since you give your phone to your assistants all the time to contact people for updates on props shipments and other business related matter
She excitedly tapped her number, saving it as 'Scarlet Witch' and that made you giggle. Using her screen name that's not even canon yet
"Okay, Scarlet Witch, I'll call you when I finally get some well deserve hibernation, then maybe I'll be more fun to talk to than a usual" She laughed and nodded and you are so sure you can never be more in love with her voice
She then said a few more things before leaving you to rest. You thanked her again for the food and coffee before she disappeared
"I can't believe you almost rejected her" Steve said wide eyed "she's like, your dream woman"
"Oh I can" Natasha said "(Y/n) doesn't hit uncertain, have you ever played with her on anything? All her hits are aces!"
"But it's like the chance of a lifetime!"
"Yeah! That's why you make sure you attack when you know it will hit!"
The two started bickering and you all just watched, laughing at their same old antics. Elizabeth then walk to your side, offering you a fruit bowl for breakfast, you thanked her and then invited her to seat besides you and she did, you kissed her off camera
"What was that?" She chuckled but tried to catch your lips again when you pulled away, you giggled at her pouty face
"Nothing, just suddenly can't believe I'm actually dating you" she sighed, giving you a small smile
"You might think that you're the lucky one but it's actually me" she said, pressing a hand on your cheeks and squeezing it lightly "you make my life whole, (Y/n), you filled the space in my heart where money or popularity cannot"
"And you picked up and fixed my broken pieces" you countered, leaning on her hand that's now just slowly rubbing your cheeks
"I guess we are both lucky then"
Your eyes both glint the same way. Feeling like you finally found where you belong, in each other. You are home
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akaashisupremacy · 4 years
New Beginnings
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with Gojo, your relationship is in shreds. Will you be able to find peace in each other again?
Notes: Gojo Satoru is good-looking, all powerful and beyond good at his job. I’ve always wanted to explore something he struggles with 
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: ANGST AND PINING, exes to friends to ??, commitment issues lol (wc: 1.3k) tw: mention of blood, infedelity-ish
“Sensei, why are we heading to the infirmary?”
Right after Gojo Satoru arrived at the den Itadori Yuuji was staying, Kiyotaka burst in and whispered something in his ear. Gojo’s eyes widened and he immediately set off with Yuuji tailing him.
“What happened to her?” Gojo exclaims.
The three arrive at the infirmary to see you writhing in pain and screaming in agony. There is dark red blood on your side. Gojo looks like someone had been clawing nails at a chalkboard. He hates to see you like this.
Kiyotaka looks for a healer. Yuuji goes to hide. Gojo tries to undo your makeshift bandages. You’re in a blur of pain.
The next thing you remember after your aborted mission is Gojo Satoru’s concerned eyes watching over you. You’re in the Jujutsu Tech infirmary. Your wound is still fresh as hell.
“She’s really beautiful, sensei.” Itadori Yuuji comments quietly from your bedside.
“She is.” Gojo agrees. Your eyes are closed, yet you sense his presence seated on a stool by your bed.
“Is she a former classmate?” Yuuji asks.
“Among other things. She used to be my fiancée too.”
Yuuji probably scrambles at his stance, “Your what????”
Gojo turns to him, “To be clear it wasn’t a love match. We were arranged to be married by our families by 21, but we broke it off.”
Whenever either of you say this, it always leaves more questions than answers.  
Your eyes flicker open. You wince as you try to sit up. Gojo immediately reaches out to aid you. Your hands swat him away.
“Welcome back?” He cheekily greets.
You sniff and look the other way. Why did he have to work here?
Beside him is a young student with pink hair. He must be Yuuji.
“Go get her something to eat from the kitchens.” he tells his student, “Something gentle on the stomach and nutritious enough to get her strength back.”
Seeing Gojo Satoru is  a different kind of pain. You once thought you were to be married to this man. Because you knew it was your obligation to your family, you learned to love him.
You both enter Jujutsu Kaisen at 15, Gojo a year ahead. It was the most painful three years of your life. Gojo was a popular and inexorable flirt. His attention span for romances was short although he was never short on female attention.
He cared for you very much. He protected you, assured you and was one of your best friends, but you’ve come to accept that he could never love you romantically or be faithful. He just wasn’t interested.
It hurt you deeply of course. You had tried so hard to love him and he couldn’t do the same for you. Was something wrong with you?  You felt deficient. You took the blame onto yourself.
When you were about to graduate, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
“Gojo, I’m going back home this Sunday, probably for the last time.” you approached him while he sat on a stone bench. He had just come back from a mission.
“Any reason it sounds so dramatic?’ he raised a brow.
“I’m breaking off our engagement to my clan leader.”
Gojo was so taken aback he didn't know how to react. His mouth hung open.
“You don’t love me and I don’t think you can.” you sighed, looking away.
Gojo fiddled with his hands, “I do, just not romantically.”
It bothered you that he loved you like family. How could you be married to him if he couldn't see you as more than a friend?
“I don’t know why you haven’t come up with this idea yourself honestly.” you frowned. You can feel yourself glaring more intensely than you had wanted to project.
A gentle gust of wind blew by, ruffling the hairs on your head.
“I have,” he quietly admitted, “But I was afraid you’d take it personally and I was trying to find a way to spare you the anguish.”
You shook your head and kicked a pebble, “There’s nothing you can do to spare me.”
“I’ll go with you. If you do this alone, your clan will exile you. Maybe if they see that it’s mutual maybe they’ll be kinder.” he resolved. The arranged marriage was important because it solidified an alliance between your families. Breaking it off meant you were essentially having your own insurgency against your clan.
But they weren’t kinder. You were still exiled. It was hardly a surprise. At least you were relieved of the prospects of loveless marriage.
“Can you not watch me eat?” You weakly snap at him.
"I can see you’re still pissed at me.” he acknowledges saintly.
You angrily stuck your spoon on your porridge with all the strength you could muster
“Every time I see you I’m reminded of how I failed to make you love me,” your voice is peeling with emotion, “And how my clan kicked me out because of it.”
Gojo opens his mouth to talk, but nothing comes out. Instead he nods understandingly. He goes to grab you more water.
“Every time I see you hurt like this, it reminds me how I fail at protecting you too.” he murmurs, “I know we’re no longer engaged, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m supposed to keep you from harm.”
He talks with his back away from you, as if you could see through him even without his eyes.
“You didn’t fail at anything,” he continues, “Things couldn’t work out between us because of me. I’ve long since known that I’m not into romantic relationships—at least not in the long term, monogamous way that leads to a wedding and a family. But if I could…I promise…it would be with you.”
“Maybe in a different life.” He adds, reigning in his emotion.
Your face softens at his words. You reach out to hold his hand and he holds you tenderly.
“I didn’t mean to cause you the pain that I have.” he whispers, his voice hoarse.
Tears fall down your eyes. You’ve always carried the blame on yourself. Hearing that from him lifts imaginable weight from your chest. You didn’t realize how badly you needed his apology.
He reaches into his pocket for a handkerchief and wipes away your tears.
“We’ve wasted so many years lost in our own pain.” you mumble back, looking away from him.
“We were too young to deal with the cards that we have been dealt then.” he replies, “You should be kinder to our younger selves.”
He lightly squeezes your hand and for a moment you’re both silent.
“Yeah, I guess I should.” you said with a small smile, “I wish we could press a reset button to start over.”
You hear footsteps entering the infirmary. Itadori Yuuji sees the two of you, hands still entangled in each other. He tries to walk back as if not having seen you.
You both pull away. Strangely you don’t feel embarrassed at all.
“Yuuji, go get a wheelchair. We’re taking our guest for a walk. It’s a beautiful day today.” he instructs, eyes still locked at you. Yuuji nods, glad to be sent away.
He turns to you grinning, “That kid was stunned at how beautiful you are. He told me so on the way back. He only likes Jennifer Lawrence so I guess you’re at par with her.”
You both chuckle and laugh.
“I’ve always wanted to be mistaken for a celebrity.”
“You’re more badass in real life though.” he tilts his head.
“You didn’t need him to get a wheelchair. I can try to walk.” you insist, pushing against the bed rails.
Gojo stands to help you, “The doctor clearly said you need to save your strength. You can walk when we get to the garden.”
“I can’t believe we’re bickering already.” you roll your eyes.
Gojo snorts. You crack a smile. He helps you swing your legs down the bed. Today you start anew, an attempt to reshape how your relationship should’ve been. Today, you finally get some new beginnings.
General taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan @kaizumi@holaaaf@glxar@francxsca
Series Taglist: @kageyamakock 
Like this fic? Check out another Gojo fic here.
The rest of the series: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
Heyyy if you made it this far. Let me know your thoughts and if you’d like to see the next chapters 🥺 Writing this fic had me feeling so many typa ways hahahaha and I just need to share it with people. 
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auramindedd · 4 years
I Like You - SMAU*
Part 10
CorpseHusband x FemReader - Y/N
warnings: cussing
notes: uhhh,, idk where to take this series, but ima just go w the flow igs 😭 also,, i completely give up on adding the small details like the likes, comments, replies, and the times on tweets so i’m super sorry if it bothers you lmao
it’s also pretty long,, mostly writing rather than the smau, butttt i really like this one 🥺
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“When’s Rae gonna be home?” Corpse asks, playing with his hands.
“She’ll be home tonight, I just don’t know at what time. Why?”
“Uh... I- I just... I don’t know? I’m kind of nervous?”
“Corpse, Rae is your friend. But if you don’t feel comfortable, I can get a hotel room for you not too far away from here?” You suggest, 100% willing to pay for a hotel room for him if he wouldn’t feel comfortable being here with Rae here.
“I wanna stay here- with you... If that’s okay with you, of course.” There’s a slight blush on his face, it makes you smile a bit.
“Yes, I want you to stay here, too. You can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” You grab his plate, stacking his on top of yours, taking them to the sink.
“No, no. I can be on the couch tonight, I don’t sleep anyway.”
“Corpse, I’m not gonna have you sleep on that uncomfortable ass couch. Come on, we’ll figure something out. Wanna watch a movie?” He nods his head. You grab his hand, or more so his fingers, leading him to your room.
You turn the lights off, turning your fairy lights on instead. You tell Corpse to get comfortable, fluffing pillows for him, letting him lay back.
You know Corpse would be a bit anxious and nervous, not something you’d ever blame him for. You’re surprised you’re not being awkward or nervous. You’ve been trying your best to keep Corpse comfortable here, making sure he isn’t getting too nervous.
“Can we watch High School Musical? I have the stupid ass songs stuck in my head, childish me is coming...” You ask, not wanting to torture him with such a movie. Well, it’s not a bad movie, but you’d understand if anyone’d want to shoot themselves in the head while watching.
“Of course, baby.” You can’t help the butterflies that erupt in your stomach from the nickname. You sit closer to the TV, wanting Corpse to be comfortable rather than you.
Suddenly, you feel a hand around your waist. Corpse pulls you to him, letting you lay next to him. He looks at you, smiling. You smile back.
“Corpse, can I ask you a question?” He hums, indicating for you to go on. “That one time, you didn’t answer me for two days... You told me it had been because I was too ‘pretty.’ I didn’t believe you, and I still don’t. Why didn’t you answer me, like for real?” You don’t ask this in a bad way either, you’re just genuinely curious.
“I- uh... I’m going to be 100% honest, Y/N, but I don’t wanna scare you away.” He says cautiously, hesitating to go on.
“Corpse, you could never. I’m too attached already.” He chuckles, letting out a sigh.
“I like you. Like, like like you... I liked you before even seeing your face, but after, wow.” Silence. Deafening silence. But honestly, you can hear your fucking smile. You don’t think you’ve ever smiled so hard in your life. “Y/N, baby, say something, please.”
“Corpse,” You look up at him, probably scaring him with your smile. “I like you, too. Like, like like you.” He chuckles, but it’s more of a chuckle of relief. If that’s a thing?
He pulls you close to him, letting your head rest on his chest. You listen to his heartbeat, his breathing, trying to match yours with his. You slowly drift off, your eyelids getting too heavy to keep open.
You wake up in Corpse’s arms. He’s gently stroking your side, looking down at you with a small smile.
“Good morning,” His voice is raspier and deeper than it already is. You didn’t know that was possible.
“Good morning,” You say, yawning softly. You bury your face deeper into his chest, snuggling closer to him.
“So fucking cute.” He mumbles, softly chuckling.
After a while of just laying there in Corpse’s arms, you decide to check social media and your messages. Already, Twitter is going crazy, assuming quickly that you and Corpse are dating. It’s not anything you didn’t expect, but it’d be nice if people didn’t jump to conclusions.
You decide to tweet a good morning, feeling good about today. And sadly, very unfortunately, you decide to text back the group chat - something you’ve been dreading to do.
Corpse is there, reading the messages, but you don’t mind.
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You kind of, accidentally, and very stupidly put yourself out, but it’s all good, nobody said anything besides Brooke. You all have a drunk Among Us lobby to get to.
After getting ready, Corpse getting his laptop and mic ready in another room, you join the Discord call. Corpse joins quickly after. Surprisingly, nobody says anything about you two being in the same apartment while greeting each other. You don’t doubt that someone will say something soon.
“Let’s all take a drink - to Corpse and Y/N holding hands!” Alex exclaims, clinking his glass on his mic. The rest cheer, pretending to clink their glasses as well. You sigh and laugh a bit, but nonetheless, you’re gulping down a glass of champagne.
“Alex,” You say, catching his attention.
“Fuck you!”
“Hey, hey, hey. No fucking.” Karl says, and you can hear him slap his hand to his mouth after realizing what he just said. The lobby bursts into fits of laughter, but the one you’re trying to listen for, Corpse’s. It’s silent on his end.
“Karl, how much have you had to drink?” Dream asks, slurring his words. Didn’t this game just start?
“I had like 3 beers?”
“You fucking lightweight.” You tease. “Dream, you’ve been drinking too...”
“Yeah, we might’ve pregamed an Among Us game.” He admits shamefully.
“Didn’t expect less from you two,” Rae says, adding a disappointing tone to her voice for effect. She starts the game, despite the sad protests from Karl and Dream.
You pout, wanting so badly to be Imposter. You’re a good liar to say the least, and people easily fall for your sweet, innocent voice. It’s funny, pathetic even, which is why you want at least one good Imposter round.
“Whaddup, baby,” Corpse greets you in Nav. Dream follows behind him, Karl coming in shortly after.
“Hey, my beautiful alcoholics!” You greet cheerfully, earning groans from them both. Oh, how fun it’s going to be teasing them.
“At least she called us beautiful.” Karl says, walking out of Nav with Dream, leaving you and Corpse alone again. You get back to doing your task, connecting the ship with the dotted lines and whatnot.
“Am I beautiful?” You can hear the pout in his voice, it’s cute.
“Gorgeous, stunning even.” You say before walking out of Nav, smiling to yourself.
This round is pretty uneventful, along with the next few. But after about five rounds, you’re all incredibly drunk after playing some drinking games.
“No balls,” Rae dares. You’re Imposter this round, and Rae’s made you her personal hitman. She’s telling you to kill Karl, but he’s innocently doing his tasks.
“I have three actually.” You defend yourself, not making any sense at all.
“Three what?” Sykkuno comes in.
“Three balls,” Rae answers.
“Okayyy then...” Sykkuno drawls, leaving you two alone. Corpse comes along, the second Imposter. Oh, how convenient.
“Hey, Corpseee,” You greet, making it so fucking obvious.
“Oh my God!” Rae exclaims. You sigh, facepalming yourself. “Corpse kill Karl, Y/N kill Sykkuno.”
“Woah, since when did we become your hitmen?” Corpse backs his astronaut up.
“I’m not killing Syk!” You whisper-yell.
“Okay, then you kill Karl and Corpse can kill Sykkuno.” You can hear her shrugging as if it’s no big deal, but literally, Karl and Sykkuno are the sweetest people to you.
“No, I’m not doing it, Rae...” Corpse still hasn’t said anything. He’s watching you and Rae go back and forth, whisper-yelling even though anyone would be able to hear you.
“I’ll call you two out.”
“You’d never,”
“The emergency meeting button is looking real sexy right now.” Ugh, fuck the stupid smirk you can just hear in her voice.
“Fine, we’ll do it.” Corpse says. He goes and kills Sykkuno. You hesitate killing Karl, but he already watched Corpse kill Sykkuno so, unfortunately, you have to.
You and Corpse run away, leaving Rae to report the bodies.
After you and Corpse vouching for each other the whole round, nobody putting sus on you two because well, you sound so innocent and sweet even while being shitface drunk, you two win, earning groans from everyone in the lobby except from Rae.
“To be fucking fair, Rae had me and Corpse be her hitmen sooo, you can blame her if you died.” The lobby starts yelling playfully at Rae.
After finally finishing streaming, Corpse comes into your room, plopping down onto your bed.
“Gosh, I’m gonna have the worst fucking hangover tomorrow.” He murmurs into your pillow, hugging it close to him. You jump onto the bed, sitting next to him, playing with his hair. He doesn’t mind, or you don’t think he does.
“It was fun,” You say, smiling to yourself. You love spending time with your friends. You can’t imagine how much fun it’d be if all of you got together in real life.
“It was,” Corpse yawns, looking up at you, smiling as you keep playing with his hair. He gets up, settling himself into your bed again, pulling you into him, letting you rest your head on his chest. You wrap an arm around him, snuggling yourself closer to him.
“We should probably eat something... And get ourselves some water.” You say, knowing that tomorrow’s hangover is going to be a bitch.
“I don’t wanna let go of you.” Corpse whines. You try getting up, but he almost throws a fucking tantrum. Quickly, you get out of his arms, running out of your room, giggling like a fucking maniac.
“Y/N! Please!” He shouts softly, trying not to wake Rae. He runs after you, following you into the kitchen. You run to the other side of the counter. He goes left, you go right - vice versa.
“Corpse, we need food and water.” You say, trying to grab pans out of the cupboards while he’s trying to get you. You can’t help yourself from giggling. Rae will kill you if you two wake her up.
“I wanna hold you,” Corpse pouts. Gosh, he’s going to be the death of you.
“In a sec, I can make us something real quick.” Drunk Corpse obviously equals Clingy Corpse.
“Fine,” He sighs dramatically, sitting on a stool. You grab pans from underneath the cupboards, pulling out some bread and cheese. Grilled cheese is easiest and it’ll take the least amount of time.
As you’re plopping bread into the toaster, Corpse snakes his arms around your waist, snuggling his face into your neck. There’s the slightest stubble, making you giggle.
“Corpse, I can’t cook with you on me.”
“Yes you can, I’ll help.” So stubborn...
You take the bread out of the toaster before it gets too toasted, putting it on the buttered pan.
It was a mission to finish the food to say the least. Corpse demands you eat in your room that way he can hold you. You put on The Promised Neverland, watching the TV as Corpse watches you. But honestly, you don’t mind.
You two fall asleep in each other’s arms again. And you don’t think you’d ever be able to fall asleep without being in his arms again.
Taglist - comment or message me to be added.
Sorry for not updating, I have to go through a bunch of posts. I’ll update in the next post.
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bitch-for-bo · 3 years
Forever (Kageyama x chubby reader) (possessive Kageyama)
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Kageyama is possessive. Rightfully so though, every where you went you attracted, no, demanded attention. You were beautiful, inside and out. And many days Kageyama wondered just how he was lucky enough to have been the one to catch your attention. You were his world, his angel, and whenever someone else tried to entertain the thought of being with you, he wasn't happy.
So sometimes he needed to show you that he belonged to you, and that you belonged to him.
You watched as his chest rose and fell steadily with exertion. The sweat on his forehead was clearly visible and you could tell that his body was beginning to grow exhausted. You loved seeing this, everything about him when he was like this oozed power, from the way he stood, with his feet planted firmly with his muscular arms extended above him, to the look of overwhelming concentration on his face.
Your fiancé only got like this when he was playing volleyball, or when he was making love to you. It wasn’t something that he allowed others to see, saving it exclusively for his volleyball team and his loving partner. No one else got to see him like this because while it was when he was most concentrated, it was also when he was most vulnerable. When he played volleyball, he wore his feelings on his sleeve. It was as if he was trying so hard to control his physical state, that his emotions were left completely exposed.
Most days, this kind of passion on his face and in his movements, had the ability to take your breath away, and today was no different. The way that he practically glided across the court reminded you of a panther. You looked away, you could feel your body heating up as you watched Tobio play and the last thing you needed was to get aroused. You were here today to watch his practice and be a supportive girlfriend, nothing more nothing less.
Of course, the only person on the all-Japan team that knew you were Tobio’s partner, was Hinata, Kageyama’s volleyball partner and best friend (Besides you of course). Seeing as they were best friends, Tobio hadn’t been able to keep you a secret for very long. It had only been a month into the two of you dating when Hinata had finally figured it out, and you reckoned that you would’ve been found out slightly faster if it was anyone other than Hinata.
Seeing as only Hinata knew, Tobio had asked you to keep the PDA to a minimum. It’s not that he was embarrassed to be with you, very much the opposite. He felt that if his teammates knew of your existence, your beauty and naturally charismatic personality would draw them in much closer than he would allow any of them to be. You had decided to oblige because while it was sometimes fun to rile Tobio up, you really didn’t want to deal with his possessive side at the moment.
As soon as you had calmed down slightly, you looked back to the court to find that all of the players were now laying on the gym floor stretching. You decided that it would probably be okay if you walked down the bleachers and waited near the gym doors, it’s not like you were going to disturb the already-over-practice.
As you walked down the stairs, your eyes caught Hinata’s, who was currently leaning onto Kageyama as he sat on the gym floor, assisting him as he stretched.
“Look! It’s Y/N!” he shouted, one of his hands leaving Kageyama’s back as he reached up and waved to you, a bright smile taking over his face.
You smiled and waved back, hoping that his comment wasn’t loud enough to draw the attention of either the coaches or the other players. You really didn’t need the extra attention or even possibly a scolding.
Down on the court, Kageyama reached up behind him to swat Hinata on the back of the head, causing the redhead to let out a surprised yelp and glare down at his friend.
“Shh,” Kageyama hissed, “I don’t want anyone knowing about my relationship you dumbass.” His voice was hushed yet didn’t lack his usual biting tone.
“Why?” Hinata asked, his curiosity causing him to completely forget about the fact that Kageyama had just hit him. “They would love Y/N!” He beamed.
The first time that Hinata had met you, he could think nothing other than the thought that Kageyama had struck the lottery with you. You were everything that anyone could ever want. You had a sweet, patient personality (necessary to deal with Yama’s awkwardness and mood swings), you were incredibly smart, and to top it all off, you were one of the most gorgeous women that Hinata had ever seen.
Hinata remembered exactly what you were wearing the first time that he’d met you. It was during the summertime, it was actually at the wedding of one of Hinata and Kageyama’s mutual friends. Hinata could remember how Kageyama had reacted when they found out that each quest was encouraged to bring a plus one. He had been shocked that Kageyama had been so calm about the situation, usually, his best friend would freak out at the thought of having to plan out having a guest with him. As soon as Kageyama had simply agreed with the plus-one invitation, Hinata had known something was up, and pretty soon, Kageyama told him about you and told him that he’d be able to meet you at the wedding.
It was a summer wedding and it was outdoors. You had chosen to wear a very simple, light lilac summer dress. You were always careful when you went to weddings to follow the proper etiquette, not wearing a color too close to white, matching the dress with nude heels that were no higher than 2 inches. Unfortunately, you had never been a small woman so even in 2-inch heels you ended up towering over the bride. Luckily, you only saw her when Kageyama went to greet his friend and congratulate him.
It had been almost sunset when Hinata had met you, and with all of the times that he himself had been compared to the sun, he couldn’t help but see you as the purest definition of the star. The way that the orange-pink sky lit up your face as Kageyama introduced you to him, nearly left him breathless. That along with the way that your light, flowy dress hugged and accentuated your breasts and hips, managed to make Hinata develop a blinding crush on you (much to his dismay).
Thankfully, over time, Hinata realized that while you were incredibly beautiful and kind, he saw you as nothing more than a friend as well as the girlfriend of his best friend (although sometimes he would still find himself slightly jealous that Kageyama had managed to snatch you for himself).
Kageyama just pushed Hinata off of him and stood up.
“That’s the problem.” he whisper-shouted at the redhead. He didn’t want any of his teammates to notice you, you were his to view and his only.
“Ahhh…” Hinata nodded, knowing all too well of Kageyama’s possessive tendencies. A smug look came over his face as he hurried to catch up to Kageyama, who was walking towards you on the side of the court. “Your stingy side is showing Kageyama.”
Kageyama just rolled his eyes as he finally came to stand in front of you.
He smiled down at you, a light blush painting his face as he tried to regain his cool. He couldn’t help but get a little starstruck each time he saw you. You were so so stunning that he almost had to pinch himself to remind himself that this wasn’t a dream, that you were really his.
And the same went for you. To you, everything about Tobio was perfect and nothing had more rewarding to you than watching your fiance go from the awkward, stumbling 21-year-old he was when you had met him to the brilliant man that stood before you. Over the last 3 years, you’d had the honor of getting to watch your boyfriend truly flourish.
“Hey,” you said, grinning up at your boyfriend, careful to deny the urge to jump into his arms and hug his sweaty form.
He just grinned right back at you, his blush only growing as he fought his own urges to lean down and take a kiss from you.
“Hey,” he replied, “Thank you for coming, I know it must’ve been boring for you.”
“What?” you scoffed, your eyes widening at the ridiculous statement. “I love watching you play.” The genuine excitement in your voice made Kageyama blush even harder.
“Aww, what about me Y/N don’t tell me you were only focusing on stupid Kageyama!” Hinata whined, slinging one of his arms up and around your shoulders.
“Of course not, you did great Hinata” You complimented, knowing that Hinata was probably the only other player that you could complement without Tobio getting fussy.
Hinata picked your hand up, inspecting your engagement ring.
“Really is a shame you’re wasting your life on this idiot though.” he tutted, before giving you a quick kiss on the side of the head and running back onto the court.
“Ignore him.” Tobio scowled, earning a light giggled from you.
“You know I usually do.” You assured. “So, when will you be home?” you asked quietly, making sure that no one could possibly hear.
“Well I think the team wanted to go out tonight...so…”
You nodded, the whole team had been working so hard lately, they deserved some off time.
“Okay baby,” You smiled, “since you’re going out with friends, I might call my girlfriends up and have a night out myself.”
Kageyama nodded. He loved how easy going you were. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have you.
“Be careful and have fun.”
“You too,” you said. He gave you one last love-filled glance before turning and going back onto the court, probably on his way to the locker rooms.
You turned and left, fishing your phone out to call your friends.
The music at the club was loud, and the flashing lights were almost intense enough to give you a headache. It was also almost overwhelmingly hot in the club as well, which had led you and your friends to take a break. You all had decided to cool down, so you went and ordered a couple of rounds from the bar.
Seeing as you had been at the club for at least 30 minutes already (and did some pregaming before) you and your friends were a bit more than tipsy. Still, you didn’t have work tomorrow and Kageyama didn’t have practice so both of you were going to be able to sleep in as long as you like.
Right after you had put your order in with the bartender you looked towards the entrance of the club, your jaw hitting the floor in surprise.
“Oh my god…” you gasped, how unlucky was this?
“What?” your friend asked, her eyes trying to follow yours across the club.
“Look” you replied, pointing your finger towards the entrance where nearly all of the all-japan team members stood.
“Damnnn... “your friend gasped, “too bad you have a fiance bitch…”
You scoffed, pushing her into the side of the bar. Your eyes went straight back to the entrance, scanning the men as you looked for a familiar stoic face.
“You idiot! That is my fiance. That’s him and his team!” You couldn’t help but laugh a little at your friend who just gaped at you.
“You never told me he had hot friends! I hate you!”
You just laughed. You really wanted to approach your fiance and greet him, but you also knew that without the distraction of practice, it was more likely for some of his other teammates to see you. So you settled with turning your back to the team, hoping that Hinata hadn’t seen you because you knew that if the rambunctious redhead caught sight of you, he would definitely approach you.
For the next couple of minutes, you tried to form a plan on how you could avoid the team, it was a fairly large club so you were pretty sure that it was possible for both of your groups to co-party without crossing paths.
Little to your knowledge, Hinata had already caught sight of you and snuck away from Kageyama and the team so he could greet you. He would tell Kageyama that you were at the club after he said hi to you, otherwise, Kageyama wouldn't allow him to draw any possible attention to you.
You were still trying to think of all of the possible problems with your plan whenever you felt a strong arm wrap around your shoulders. You quickly turned towards the arm with your fist raised, ready to put a handsy bastard in his place.
“Woah! Hey there!”
“Hinata!” you scowled. As soon as you saw him, all of your hope of having a stress free night disappeared. You wondered how he could be so reckless, how dare he blatantly walk up to you!
“Sorry!” He said smiling, his arm unhooking itself from around your body as he leaned against the bar, trying to kind of block you from the team. Despite what you and Kageyama thought, he wasn’t a complete idiot.
“It’s fine… it’s not like I was going to be able to avoid you anyways..” you sighed, resting your chin against your palm in a pout.
“Wait,” Hinata said, “you already knew that we were here? I thought I was doing you a favor by telling you.”
You smiled at the sweet sentiment, before nodding.
“Yeah, I saw you guys when you came in.”
Hinata nodded. Of course, you had noticed, you never failed to impress him with your observation skills. God knows that if you hadn't had good observation skills, you never would’ve realized that Kageyama was flirting with you when the two of you had met.
The bartender came back and set the screwdriver that you’d ordered in front of you. You nodded in thanks before taking a large sip.
“What’re you gonna do?” He asked, yanking the beverage away from you and stealing a bigger than polite gulp.
“We can avoid each other as long as I and my friends stay at the opposite side of the dancefloor and stuff.” You said, swatting at the back of his head as he went in for another drink.
“Ahh,” he said, taking two more gulps and finishing the drink. “Well, good luck!” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away from the bar, most likely to go back to his teammates before suspicions rose.
You simply flipped him off as he left, but before you could order a new drink, a new hand wrapped around your arm.
“Hey Y/N let’s go back to dancing!” Your friend said, trying to drag you to the dancefloor. You glanced towards Kageyama’s group, noticing that they had kind of dispersed, some of them staying at the side tables, others heading to the bar, and a few headed towards the dancefloor.
You decided that you liked those odds, and it was probably okay for you to relax a little.
You and your friends returned to dancing, trying to stay towards the middle of the floor. It might seem a little counterintuitive, but being in the middle of the dancefloor meant it was easier to blend in and become just another body in the mass.
At least something about this night was going right, the music the club was playing was probably the best mix you’d heard playing in there in the last couple of visits. Your group was having the times of their lives as you focused on having fun and moving to the music. You could feel the stresses of the week melting away with the music and alcohol when suddenly, a pair of electric blue eyes met yours.
You stopped moving, you couldn’t tell if your heart was beating because of the dancing or if it was the striking look of your fiance looking at you from across the club.
Kageyama must’ve gone home when you weren’t there and changed. He was dressed simply in a dark blue button-down and black slacks but you couldn’t help the shiver that ran through your spine as your body grew hot.
You could tell from the look on his handsome face that he wanted to approach you, but before he could take a step, one of his teammates, a man nearly as tall as Kageyama with bleached blonde hair, slapped him to the shoulder before starting to talk to him about something.
Kageyama broke eye contact with you, turning his face to talk to Atsumu. But neither his heart nor his mind was in the conversation as he couldn’t help but try and sneak glances back out across the club, searching for the figure of his fiance.
After only a couple of seconds of searching, his eyes found you once again and he had to stop himself from letting out a groan.
You were intentionally swinging your hips in the most inviting ways possible, making sure to give Kageyama a nice show. The security of him being across the club meant that you could behave like this and have it be completely within the rules. After all, none of his teammates were watching you dance, only him.
You could feel Tobio’s eyes on your ass as you swing your hips around to the song playing over the club. Since your back was facing your boyfriend, he wasn’t able to see the teasing smirk on your lips as you ground your hips in a circle.
Your body was heating up more and more by the second, you could almost feel his body beneath you as you drew circles with your hips, throwing your head slightly back and rolling it around, exposing the flesh of your neck for his viewing pleasure.
Kageyama was barely keeping a grip on himself as Atsumu continued to talk to him, the blonde had pulled Kageyama into a conversation with him and Kiyoomi, not knowing anything of the battle occurring between Kageyama and his beautiful girlfriend (whom the team still didn’t know existed).
He was having trouble focusing as you danced. He knew that you were acting this way just to tease him, and he also saw that purely by coincidence, you were wearing one of his favorite dresses. The way that the dark red dress hugged your figure was enough to drive him crazy. Even from his position across the club, he could see the way that your breasts and ass were on perfect display, as well as the soft bounce of your thighs as you continued to move.
His legs were twitching with the urge to go and shield you from everyone else in the club. He knew that you didn’t mind people watching you dance, but he did and he could already see several male glances glued to your body. But despite how much he hated all of those men staring at you, he couldn’t blame them. You were almost ethereal in the way that you commanded attention with your movements. Your confidence oozed out of you, attracting and drawing the attention of almost everyone within a 10-foot radius.
He almost growled as he saw you wink at him before shaking your ass at him, he knew that you were aware that he couldn’t approach you and obviously you were having great fun making him miserable.
He felt himself getting hard, and he knew that he needed to stop watching. Hopefully, if he stopped watching, you would stop dancing like that.
He shot one last glance your way, a glance that said ‘you’ll get your punishment later’ and made you clench your thighs.
You just laughed as he turned away. You knew that it was mean to act like this, but you just couldn't help it. Plus, no harm no foul.
“Y/N!” You head a shout behind you, turning to find Hinata. “Dance with me Y/N!” he asked his eyes like an excited child.
You only laughed in response, before stepping towards him and beginning to dance (much more innocently)
You and Shoyou danced for at least ten minutes, just having fun and laughing. Seeing as Kageyama rarely danced, you were grateful that he had such an energy-filled best friend. After a couple of more songs, you both decided that it was once again time for a drink break, and went to the bar together.
After demanding it of him, Hinata bought you a drink to make up for the one he had stolen earlier but as soon as the bartender set it down in front of Hinata, a hand popped out and stole it before you had the chance to claim it.
“So Shoyou, this is where you’ve been sneakin’ off all night?”
You glanced around Hinata to see the blonde that was talking to Kageyama earlier. Hinata gave a small awkward laugh, his eyes glancing to yours apologetically.
“Hey, Atusumu..”
“So….” Atsumu drawled, walking around Shoyou to get a better look at you, “this yer girlfriend Shoyou?” You could feel his eyes glancing down your body, causing your face to heat up and embarrassment begin to rear its ugly head.
Atsumu really was quite handsome, you thought. You couldn’t help but get a little flustered as he eyed you hungrily.
“Haha,” Hinata chuckled nervously, his hand resting itself protectively on your upper back. “No, just a friend.”
“Just a friend….whatta relief thought I was gonna have to steal your girl from ya…”
It was your turn to laugh nervously as Atsumu leaned across the bar to order a drink.
Atsumu was glad that you weren’t Shoyou’s girlfriend. Ever since the first time Hinata had snuck away from them, he had seen the redhead approach you, and ever since then, you had been caught in the crosshairs of his sight.
He couldn’t help but admire you from across the club, the way that your dress complimented your plush body was something that he’d been practically drooling over all night. He could only imagine how soft you were underneath the lovely material, he’d noticed the way that as you had walked to the bar with Hinata, the dress had slipped slightly up your thighs, exposing the supple curve of your legs.
With as flattering as the attention from the blonde setter, you knew that you needed to leave. Your plan to avoid the team had clearly failed and you had decided just to take the loss and call it a night.
“Well,” you said, stepping away from the bar to make your quick escape, “I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick.” It wasn’t completely a lie, you were actually going to go to the bathroom, you were just gonna leave the club right after.
“Promise to come right back?” Atsumu grinned, leaning slightly closer to you.
“How about this,” you drawled back, deciding that the best way to get him off your back at the moment would be to lie your ass off and promise to meet him later, “I’m here with my friend right now, I’m gonna make sure that she has a good time before I worry about myself, so, why don’t you try to find me in about an hour, then maybe you’ll have a chance.” You had leaned towards Atsumu as well until the two of you were only inches apart.
“Deal,” he said, his hands itching to attach to your waist, you were so close…
“See ya then” you smirked, throwing him a wink before sauntering off to the bathroom. As soon as the door closed behind you, you let out the breath that you’d been holding.
‘Fuck’ you thought, ‘ Kageyama is not going to be happy.’
But it’s not like you had a choice. In fact, you thought that you had handled the situation pretty well. Hopefully, Atsumu would get drunk and forget about the whole ordeal.
Once you’d regained yourself, you pulled out your phone and called your friends to tell them that you were going to head home. They whined a little but eventually understood that you’d made up your mind.
Now all that was left was to sneak out without looking super unnatural.
“Yeah, that’s her,” Atsumu said cockily to the table, causing Kageyama to clench his fists in an attempt to calm himself.
He couldn’t believe that he’d been so careless in letting you out of his sight. He couldn’t believe that he was so unlucky that his teammate made a move on you…..well….. He could believe that. With as enrapturing as you were, it was impossible for someone not to try and approach you. He was just unhappy that it had to be Atsumu.
The blonde had come sauntering back to the area that the team had been inhabiting and had begun to brag about the promise that you’d made him. Of course, at first, Kageyama hadn’t known that it was you who Miya was talking about, but soon Hinata had timidly whispered in his ear, just what the situation was. Kageyama couldn’t even be mad at Hinata, after all, he knew that the over-exuberant spiker couldn’t help it.
The team had only seen you briefly, you were walking into the crowd, trying to get to the exit. As soon as you had ducked into the mass of people, thankfully, none of them could see you leave the building.
After you’d disappeared, a couple of members of the team made comments on your body, congratulating or teasing Atsumu over what they deemed to be a hopeless endeavor, telling him that he didn’t stand a chance.
All of the comments made Kageyama livid, but at the same time, it made him feel totally victorious that he was the one who would get to go home to you later. He didn’t like the way that they were talking about you, and soon the possessive side of him couldn’t stand to stay and listen.
He and a couple of the guys went over to the bar and got a couple of drinks, all of them thankful to be away from the more rambunctious members of the team who were still either conversing at the table or springing around on the dancefloor.
As he sipped his drink, Kageyama couldn’t help but let his mind wander back to you. That dress was truly one of his favorites. The way that you looked in it never failed to distract him, and when he’d seen you in it earlier, he’d almost forgotten how to breathe.
He couldn’t wait to go home to you. He wondered if you had already showered and gone to bed yet, it was a shame that he wasn’t the one to strip that dress off of you, but he was hoping that you’d replaced it with one of his shirts, or even nothing at all.
He set his drink down. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, he needed to see you, to hold you.
He passed back by the team on his way out, coming up with some lame excuse of feeling too tired to continue the night, getting teased by Bokuto that he was secretly taking someone home, which wasn’t completely off base.
As he walked out of the club into the cool night air, he thought of how you had been dancing earlier, the way that your eyes had flitted to his before you would expose your neck to him, or how you would drag your fingers down your sides, outlining your perfect shape for him as you danced.
‘ Fuck’ he thought, ‘I’m hard.’
He hailed a cab, eager to get home to you. Soon, he was opening the door to your apartment and walking inside. He quickly removed his shoes, eager to find you and wrap you in an embrace. But halfway down the hallway to your bedroom, he stopped.
“Fuuuuckkk….” he heard the high pitched moan drift out of the closed door, the sound going straight to his dick as he anticipated the sight awaiting him. Your moans continued to grace his ears as he slowly peeked in the door, avoiding making any noise so that he could watch you silently.
He found you with your back to him, kneeling on the bed as you pressed a vibrator against yourself. You had shed all of your clothes, leaving your skin bare to his eyes, every goosebump and shiver completely visible to his hungry gaze.
He silently approached you, working his belt off of his hips as he walked. When he got close enough to you, he cleared his throat appreciatively, his dick hardening when your head dropped back to look at him.
God, you looked so good for him. Your eyes were watering and from where he stood, he had the perfect view of your pretty tits as well as a view of the little pink toy vibrating against your already soaked pussy.
Suddenly, your mouth dropped open and another string of moans came out. Kageyama raised his hand to your cheek, his gentle fingers caressing your face, carefully pushing the sweaty wisps of hair that were sticking to your temples. His heart lurched as you looked up at him, your teary eyes filled with love. He looked right back down at you in adoration, not believing how lucky he was that he was yours.
“How long did you have to wait for me baby?” he asked his voice calm despite the furious blush gracing his face.
“....not long…” you whimpered, your insides twisting as your fiance slowly leaned down to join his lips with yours. You almost cried into the kiss, the warm feeling of his mouth against yours making the last couple of hours of torture completely worth it.
“You looked so sexy tonight baby.” Kageyama praised as he leaned away, allowing you to catch your breath after the searing kiss. He sat on the edge of the bed before running his hand down your body from your breasts to your naval before wrapping around your hand that was currently holding the vibrator.
He took the toy away from you, making you whine pathetically at the loss of contact.
“ Shhh… ” He hushed you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he stood up again. “I’m gonna fill you up so good, but first I want you to suck me for a bit” He unbuttoned his slacks before letting them drop to the floor.
Your eyes hungrily made their way across his powerful thighs, your mouth practically watering at the sight of the thick muscle that laid underneath his dark boxer briefs. You looked up at Kageyama, moaned lightly as he began to work on unbuttoning his shirt with his long, graceful fingers.
You wanted those fingers inside of you, you thought, keening at the mental image of getting stretched out by Tobio before he filled you with his cock.
You quickly sunk down to your knees and pulled his underwear down his thighs, biting your lower lip almost painfully as his hardening dick popped out. You drooled at the sight, Kageyama had to of had one of, if not the prettiest cocks in the world. The way that the hot appendage stood proudly, long and thick with a gorgeous vein running halfway up the length put art to shame. The slight upward curve made him fit perfectly in your hand, made it perfect for rocking into your fist as you got him off.
“ Please …” he whispered, and that was all it took for you to eagerly wrap your lips around his cock, your hand twisting gently at the base.
“ Shit ,” Kageyama grunted, throwing his head back at the sudden sensation of the warmth of your mouth surrounding him. He threaded his fingers into your hair as he gently guided your head down onto his cock.
“You take me so good,” he mumbled, his praises going straight to your clit as you moaned out around his dick, your fingernails raking down the fronts of his thighs as you gripped onto the muscles.
You were slowly building your pace up, going from giving the tip of his cock small, hot licks, to taking him as far down your throat as you could muster.
Kageyama was putty beneath your fingertips, his whole body felt like it was on fire as you worked him just like he liked to be worked. He could feel himself starting to lose his control over himself as the overwhelming urge to fuck you silly started to creep up his spine.
“Fuck baby,” he breathed as you swallowed him into your throat again, relaxing around the thickness as best as you could, he knew that he was close, “ keep going, baby… .”
Your pussy only clenched harder at his encouraging words as you quickened your pace, trying desperately to make him cum. One of your hands left his thighs to lightly grip his balls, the light touch pushing him that much nearer to the ledge.
“ Ooh fuck….. Please….wanna cum in your pussy baby” he moaned, his fingers sweeping the hair across your forehead as he looked down at you with blown-out pupils.
All you had to do was nod before Kageyama pulled his cock out of your mouth and hoisted you up onto the bed. He leaned over you, claiming your lips in a searing embrace as he ran the tip of his cock against your pussy, making you moan at the feeling of his pulsing cock against your lips.
“ Please Tobio …” you begged, your legs wrapping around his hips in an attempt to pull him inside of you.
After pumping his cock a couple of times in his hand, Kageyama lined himself up with your opening, before easing himself in.
All it took was feeling your tight walls wrapped around him for him to lose himself, his hot cum spurting into you as he buried his face into your neck, licking and sucking at the flesh as he gently rode out his high, careful not to thrust into you too hard seeing as you hadn’t been properly stretched.
“ Tobio ….” you breathed, the feeling of his seed inside of you making you yearn for him to breed you that much stronger. “ Please...fuck me Tobio… ”
“ Shhh… ” he soothed, trying to pull out of you as carefully as possible, groaning at the lewd squelch that your pussy made.
He crawled down your body until his face was level with your cunt, his fingers spreading the lips of your pussy apart as he inspected the sight of his cum leaking out of your hole, groaning at the incredibly sexy display.
Timidly, his tongue poked out of his mouth and prodded at your clit, pulling a high pitched whine from your lungs as your fists gripped the sheets underneath you.
Kageyama wrapped his mouth around your clit, sucking the little bud into his mouth as his fingers began to prepare you, scooping his cum up and fucking it back into you.
“So good for me baby…. You’re being so good for me aren’t you?”
“ Yes!” you cried, your hips trying to grind down onto the digits that were fucking into your dripping cunt far too slow for your liking. “Please give me your cock.”
Tobio decided to indulge you, crawling back up your body and realigning himself with you.
“Fuck, you’re so tight baby.” he groaned, his hips slowly pushing into you until he bottomed out.
You were being reduced to a whimpering mess with the feeling of being so completely full of your boyfriend. You wrapped your arms around his back, your chest pressing against his as he began to thrust into you with slow, calculated movements.
“ Please …” you sighed, your hips bucking desperately as you tried to coax him to go faster.
As Kageyama stared down at your blissed-out face, he could only thank god that you were his. After seeing how his teammates ogled over you, how much you were desired, he could help but feel like the luckiest man alive as he buried himself deeper into you, your walls clenching deliciously around him.
“ Fuck baby… . No one else can fuck you like this but me….” He groaned, his hips beginning to snap in and out of you a little bit faster.
You almost cried at the change in pace as you nodded and babbled out, “ yes, you fuck me so good, only you… ”
Tobio continued to thrust into you, whispering praises and compliments into your ear as he pounded into you, telling you how good you felt around him, how lucky he was to have you all to himself.
He could feel your end approaching as he reached down and began to circle your clit, taking the small bud between his thumb and index finger and rolling it, causing your eyes to roll back into your head.
“Fuck! Tobio!” you cried, your fingers digging into his shoulders, “...m’ gonna cum…”
Kageyama’s head rested in the crook of his neck as his thrust quickened even further, he could feel his second high rising within him as well.
With a few more thrusts of his hips, he had you crying as you came on his cock, milking his second load of the night into you.
Kageyama stayed inside of you even after you both came down from your highs. You keened in the feeling of being stuffed full of his cum, his cock acting as a stopper to keep any of it from leaking out.
If you had your way, he would never pull out, you would never have to let go of this full feeling.
“Wanna stay in you forever.” He mumbled against your skin, his cock twitching as small aftershocks rocked through your pussy, surprising him with small squeezes every few seconds.
“Ok.” you giggled, wrapping your arms around him happily.
He let himself indulge for a few minutes before deciding that he wanted to inspect his work, he went back down to be eye level with your pussy, once again groaning at the sight of his cum along with your juices seeping out of your puffy hole.
“ No please. .” you gasped in surprise as his fingers started shoveling the cum back into your hole, pressing against the spongey texture of your g-spot with every thrust.
“Come on baby….” he encouraged, his fingers going from 0 to 100 as he mercilessly finger fucked you. “Give me one more orgasm, K?”
You nodded, there were tears in your eyes and your thighs were twitching as the sting of overstimulation took over your pussy. You knew that Kageyama would never push you too far, you knew that he only wanted to make you feel good.
Your second orgasm took you by surprise, the high ripping through your body as you began to convulse against your fiance’s fingers.
“Tobio!” you squealed, your hands flying down to his wrists, trying to stop the digits from continuing to fuck you through your high, you could feel yourself creaming all over the sheets and his teeth bit into your thighs.
“ Good girl ….” he growled as he replaced his fingers with his tongue, lapping up your juices as your body went limp against the bed. He pulled away, his chin glistening with your cum as he smiled adoringly down at you.
After a moment’s rest, he climbed off of the bed, leaning over and lifting you into his arms. He carried you to the bathroom and sat you down on top of the counter before retreating to the shower to turn it on.
When he returned to you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, enjoying the feeling of your plush, orgasm-rocked body against him.
“You did so well for me…..” he whispered into your skin, “I love you so much…”
You mewled at his words, your nose nestling against his hair as your own arms returned the gesture of wrapping around him.
Once the shower warmed up, he put both of you under the steady flow, the hot droplets relaxing you as you melted back against his chest while he contently washed your body.
Tobio looked down at you.
“You know all of my teammates wanted to take you home tonight…”
You hummed in response, only half-listening to your fiance as you continued to bask in your post-orgasm glow.
“I almost had to tell that you belong to me,” he continued, running his fingers across your body, lathering soap against your skin.
You hummed again.
“Tell me who you belong to baby,” he whispered, turning you around in his arms.
You looked up at him with a sweet smile on your face, your fingers coming up to thread through his soft wet hair. You leaned up and placed a sweet kiss against his jawline before resting your head into his chest, hearing the gentle thudding of his heartbeat.
“Tobio Kageyama,” you stated, “I am completely yours.”
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sorry seems to be the hardest word - h.o
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Word count: 3171
Warning: angst, swear
Pairing : harrison osterfield
Request: no.
N/A: It took me so long to write this. I remember i asked @soft-haz to write something with the "sorry seems to be the hardest word" vibe, it was so good! But i wanted to write something by myself too. Remember, english is not my first language, so be kind if you spot mistakes, i really try my best. Italics parts are flashbacks
Thanks to @petersasteria because she correct a big part of this fic! Love you. Don't hesitate to tell me what you think of the fic! Love you all! xx
part 2 (harry hollad x reader) - part 3 (harry holland x reader)
The few rays of sunshine in London today and England's victory over the Croats had improved your mood. Tom and Harry were home as soon as the game was over, they found you sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. You hadn't wanted to join them at the bar for obvious reasons: to keep your privacy as much as possible. Living with four boys was not easy, but living with four boys, one of whom was a world-famous actor and another in the midst of the media boom, was even more so. Of course, fans knew that Tom, Harrison, Harry, and Tuwaine had a female roommate. But you've always managed to never appear with your face uncovered in any media activity of your four-favorite divs.
The bottle was already nearly empty and you were already on your drunken streak, not wanting to stop when two of your drinking buddies had just entered. What a good opportunity to continue the evening.
"Will you join me, boys?"
“Mmm yeah, sure, love.” Harry said.
But a problem presented itself to you: the boys drank beer, you drank wine. You had two options now: either open a new bottle of wine for yourself or continue the evening with beer. Your eyes turned to your glass, spilling the rest of the bottle into your jug before swallowing it dry. Harry had a stunned expression on his face as Tom smirked.
"I see hanging out with us leaves its mark."
"You wish, Holland. I knew how to do it before I even knew you existed."
"You've known me since I was 19."
"And you think I waited for you to learn how to drink?"
"Fair enough."
You met the boys in a pub. You’ll never tell Nikki that, when you met them, her precious twins drank too many beers even if they weren’t old enough to drink (technically, they weren’t criminals, drinking beer at 16 is legal and come on, it’s England!)
So, you met the boys in a pub. It was one of the nights when your friends and you wanted to drink until you're blackout drunk. You were in that pub/club, looking up after one of your friends. She had detected some pretty boys in the back and left you there, alone. You moved around the room without paying attention: glass in hand, your phone you stared at in the other. You suddenly felt an arm blocking your chest with force. The surprise had made you drop your glass.
“What the heck?!?”
“You will not pass, miss.”
“Oh yeah? Why? Is the pope there?” You said sarcastically
The man who stood in your way raised an eyebrow and you looked at him, waiting for a response.
“You are very funny. It’s a VIP space.”
“Once again, why is that?”
“None of your business.”
“Actually, I don't care if Sir Elton John is in that bar or if it's even the Queen of England. I'm just looking for my friend: tall, blonde, balloon-sized fucking boobs, red dress."
“Not seen."
You sighed. The situation annoyed you to the highest point. You had lost your friend and that big asshole had broken your glass. The man in front of you seemed to be marble. Short answer, arms crossed, and an imposing posture. All you wanted tonight was just to have fun. You didn't care that God-knows-who, any famous or rich enough to book a VIP space, was in that bar.
"Would the asshole that hired you tonight, at least be kind enough to buy me the glass you broke with your bullshit?"
From his side, Harry had noticed the altercation. He then walked towards you, he laughed when he heard you insult his brother through the bouncer's fault. And as the Colossus' bodyguard was about to tell you that you could always dream of getting that free drink, Harry spoke up.
“The asshole, maybe not directly. But the asshole's brother. Certainly. It will be on his check anyway.”
“For God's sake, what are you waiting for then?”
And just like that, you met the boys. Harry paid you for the glass that the other jerk broke, invited you to this precious VIP space and you could talk and dance the night away. You had exchanged your social media and over time, your phone numbers. And as fast as you couldn't imagine, you had found yourself stuck in an apartment with four adorable idiots as roommates.
"Hey, y/n, where are the others?" Harry asked.
You grumbled and grabbed the beer the curly had just opened. He protested as you took a sip. Tom gave you a curious look and you frowned behind your bottle.
"I don't know where T is, but Harrison's gone on a date with Gracie."
The two brothers exchanged a look heard in the face of the bitterness they had perceived in your voice. It was no longer much of a secret that you had feelings for Harrison. You had feelings for Tom's best friend for almost as long as you'd met him. Harry had noticed it first, because you were much closer to him than to Tom. The actor had understood at the start of an evening, at the beginning of the relationship between Harrison and his girlfriend.
However, you didn't hate Gracie. She was beautiful, kind, and very funny. She really brought out the best in Harrison, she made him happy and you could see that because of the distinct smile on his face. You didn't hate her; she just wasn't you and you just weren't her. And that was the whole problem. Jealousy consumed you and you hated yourself for it.
“Are you alright, darling?” Tom asked you since silence filled the room after your last sentence.
"I'll be fine after one more drink" you simply answered.
You took a sip of the beer you stole from Harry. Drowning in alcohol was certainly not the solution. But you just wanted to forget the blond a bit for tonight. Tom's worried look made you roll your eyes.
"Oh come on, Tom. Don't give me those eyes. I will be fine ..."
“Yeah, sure.” he said with a doubt.
"Can we just watch a silly movie or play a silly game to make my night better?"
Harry seemed to hear you as he shrugged and took a sip of his drink. He knew you by heart. At this point, he really considered you his best friend. So he knew you needed something to clear your mind. Something where your mind should be quick to think about.
“One,” he said nonchalantly.
"Two" you responded with a huge smile on your face.
"You are both stupid." the Holland elder complained about the game you had just started.
"You say that because you're a lousy actor who can't remember his lines. Play Holland!"
"Three". He capitulated.
And you continued like this until 21. Then, there followed a multitude of rule additions each time you reach the number 21. The 7 turned into "I'm a poor liar", the 18 into "I'd rather kiss a guinea pig" ... And every time one of you made a mistake, he drank. After an hour, the game looked like a strange conversation from the outside.
"Squirrels are scary, man." Harry said, mimicking his older brother.
"Black Widow is the best president of the United States" Tom said
"But she’s a bad lay." you responded, with a fake sigh of disappointment
"I'd rather kiss a guinea pig"
"Because you have no taste"
It was at this precise moment, in the middle of the conversation, that Harrison decided to enter the living room. His blissful smile gave way to an air of amazement and disbelief at the talk between his three roommates. It was Tom who first noticed his best friend. He nodded to greet him. Harrison wore a simple black t-shirt with chinos. You took a look at your roommate and your cheeks flushed a little more than they already were.
"Hello mate! How was your date?" asked Tom with a big smile on his face
"Awesome. Can't believe it will be a year in 3 freaking days." Harrison said.
You could see his large smile, and blissful air. He was sweating happiness and although you were happy for him, it tore your heart. You purse your lips to avoid comment. Harry spoke up.
"We're playing 21. Do you want to land with us?"
"In fact, you can take my place." You got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen to drop off your beer drain. Harrison frowned as Tom exchanged a new look with his brother.
"y/n, you can stay, It's an unlimited players game." Harry almost begged.
"No, I'm tired. I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed."
“y/n” Harrison tried to call you to hold you back a little longer.
But you were already gone. You've never climbed the stairs so fast to run away from your roommate/best friend. Harrison looked at Tom and Harry, worried about your behavior. The curly one just shrugged his shoulders as his brother shook his head, silent. They weren't intending to get involved in this. You were the only master of your feelings and the time you'll decide to confess them to Harrison. That is why they preferred to be quiet.
You spent the whole next week to avoid Harrison as much as possible. Established more distance with him was your solution to protect yourself from your feelings especially after his one-year anniversary date with Gracie and his absolute cute instagram post. It broke you down. Your heart was in peace but you couldn't blame him or his girlfriend. You were in love with the wrong guy, that's all.
But you couldn't hide from him forever. After all, you both lived in the same house, you had the same friends. So, it was hard to pretend he didn't exist.
Today was not your lucky day. You bumped into him in the kitchen. That was his opportunity to hold you down. He grabbed you by the shoulders, preventing you from burying yourself. Now he would finally find out what was wrong with you. Because Harrison wasn't a fool. He had noticed that you acted with him differently. Your behavior remained unchanged towards the other boys in the house.
“y/n. Don’t avoid me; please, please y/n, look at me”
You have plunged your eyes into its bewitching blue irises. Big mistake. You were drowning now in the turmoil of your feelings for the blonde. He had always had that effect on you, always. Tears started to bead at the corners of your eyes, you were biting your lip to hold back the torrent of tears that was already beginning to flow. Harrison's throat tightened at the sight of you like that and his hold on your shoulders slowly loosened.
“I hate seeing you like this. Please talk to me” he almost begged you
“Harrison…” your voice struggle as soon you pronounced his name.
“Please darling…tell me what’s goin’ on”
As a perfect angel, Tom was the one who saved you by interrupting this quick talk. You wiped away your tears with the end of your sleeve and run away to your room. Harrison sighed in despair. He didn't understand why you were running away from him like the plague.
“Dude, do you know why she's like that. What did I do? » He finally asked to Tom.
"I can't tell you Haz. She's the only one having the right to tell you about this"
"Bullshit. Fuck you all." Harrison said, frustrated.
Then he just quit, leaving the kitchen.
Sunday came and Tom asked you all to spend the night with him before his LA trip the next evening. It was a normal night with friends. And despite your pent-up feelings and wanting to avoid Harrison at all costs, you didn't want to miss Tom, he was your friend.
There was only the usual gang: Harry, Tuwaine, Tom (obviously) and you. But the tension was felt within the group. The lingering unspoken words about your feelings for Harrison were beginning to weigh on all of your friendship. It was so bad that it hurts to stay in the same room as Harrison. All you could see was his constant happiness, this wonderful man he had always been but in a more radiant version of himself. And you weren't the cause of that. You hated it, you hated being selfish that much. You were ready to sacrifice your friendship with the young Netflix actor for two reasons: you wanted to protect yourself ... and you weren't ready to be that obstacle in the midst of Harrison and Grace's happiness.
You were in the kitchen with Harry, pretending to help him with drinks and snacks. The curly boy could see you dragging your feet, repeating like a mantra this phrase "come on, you can do it ... do it for Tom, it's his night. Don’t be selfish, you can make it." And you really wanted it ... have a good time with your friends.
Sometimes Harry felt guilty for introducing Gracie to Harrison. They worked together as set PA in 2018 and became close friends but not as close as you were with him. You considered him like your best friend. It made sense for him to feel a bit responsible for your broken heart. But you never said a word about it.
“I’m sorry, y/n” confessed Harry.
“For what?” you simply responded.
"For having hampered your happiness. I was stupid to introduce Grace to Harrison and ignore your feelings. I wanted to help my friend. "
"Bullshit Harry. Never apologize for that. You've been a great friend to Harrison."
"But not for you."
"Who cares?" you asked, trying to minimize your feelings
"Me ... you are one of my best friend y/n"
"Just like Harrison is your best friend. Don't apologize for making him happy. Fuck, I'm the one who should apologize." You said, with a tone of anger and despair in your voice
And that's how you crack, breaking in all your sensitivity. You couldn't hold back your tears from falling as you blasted everything that was on your heart. You don't even realize that Harrison is a few feet behind your back. The weight of your feelings, your anxieties explode in the kitchen as when a cup is dropped on the immaculate tiled floor.
“What I got to do to make him love me? What I got to do to make him care? Not as the sweet friend Harry. I’m deeply in love with him and it’s gonna drive me insane! What I got to do to make him want me? Huh Harry, can you tell me? All those question in my head…and no answer to that. And you know what? It's sad, sad situation…more than that it’s a shitty situation, because I'm getting away from him and it makes us sick. Because I'm unable to tell him why.”
“You just told me.” Harrison finally said.
You jumped for a second before you froze. Harry is caught off guard and rushes into the living room stammering an apology. You are trapped. You are trapped and you can hear the footsteps of your roommate coming closer to you, so close, that now you can feel his breath on the back of your neck. Gently, he places his hands on your arms and exerts pressure for you to face him.
"You love me"
"It depends ..." you replied with difficulty
"On what?"
"On what you heard before."
"Enough that you can't contradict me."
Her thin smile doesn't help you relax. Instead, you look down, admiring your two pairs of feet. You felt like being stripped naked and you didn't like that feeling. If you could have kept this secret in your grave. But now he knew and you felt even heavier than the Titanic.
"So ... is that it? Nothing more to tell me?"
"What do you want me to add to what you've already heard?"
"Sorry?" he tried.
"For what?"
"For what? y/n are you kidding me? Sorry for being distant with me, maybe? Sorry for hiding all these things from you? Sorry for not trusting our friendship to come to me and speak?" he exploded…
"What would that have been for, Harrison? You don't love me back…" you screamed back.
"I ... I’m ..."
"See, sorry seems to be the hardest word."
After that last ironic reply, silence fell in the kitchen. So was that it? Was that how your friendship was to end? The great giants of the universe had reserved this dramatic scene for you to break years of bonding. You didn't know how to get out of this situation. You didn't even know if there was a few more things to save. You were broken and had just spoiled the happiness of one of your best friends.
Harrison was silent. He seemed to be probing your body, your attitude, analyzing any gesture that might give him the opportunity to take a step towards you. But the solution was there, finding everything ... It was enough, for both of you, to swallow your pride.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" you echo your previous conversation
"Sorry for not feeling the same as you. For not being who you want me to be to you."
"You know ... I don't hate her."
"What?" he asked, confused.
"Gracie. I don't hate her. She makes you really happy. I just hate the jealousy I feel towards her… I hate that I am not her. But I don’t hate her, she's a really good girl."
A small smile dawned on Harrison's lips, the blonde toyed nervously with his fingers and the ring he always wore as an accessory.
"Yeah ... yeah she's great."
"I'm really sorry ... about everything."
"It's ok. We don't control how we feel. I..I can understand"
"y/n?" he tried; a little bit shy about what he’s gonna ask.
"Do you think we can be friends again?"
You bow your head, taking a minute to think. Was everything really broken? Were you going to be able to rebuild a solid friendship after this conversation? Were you going to be able to squeeze out your feelings? You sighed before plunging into those beautiful blue eyes that you loved so much.
"Maybe. I hope so with all my heart."
"I hope so too. And I hope you find someone like I found Grace."
"You can always dream. You dripping with love, it's impossible to find someone like you two."
"Don't despair. He might be closer than you think."
He winked at you and you looked at him confused. But after a few seconds, a smile appeared at the corner of your lips. No, you had no hope of him talking about him. But you were happy, because that little sentence opened the door for you to a bond that you were trying to find.
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lostinwildflowers · 3 years
Night Skies and City Lights
Koshi Sugawara x Reader
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Summary: Sugawara comes from a rich family, he owns lavish cars and houses, and can buy whatever he wants. When he is invited to an event in New York City, he wants to bring a date. What do you do when your best friend asks you to go with him?
Word Count: 8.0K (Yeah I’m sorry)
Warnings: wealthy!Suga, swearing, friends to lovers, pining, angst, two dum dums don’t realize they both like each other(omg please kiss already i stg), fluff of course :)
A/N: Here is my part of @bakugohoex​ (Ria)’s 3K follower event!!! I can’t say it enough, but congrats love! I hope y’all enjoy my first time writing for Suga bb :) Please let me know what y’all think in the comments or in my inbox please, this took a lot from me to jump of out my comfort zone. Love y’all! - Birch<3
Dividers were created by the lovely and wonderful @anlian-aishang​ :) (I totally didn’t get these made just for this fic LOL)
Also, this and this were my inspiration for their outfits :) (total credit to the artist of the drawing and creator of the dress.) Okay I’ll shut up now, please enjoy :)
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The last bell of the day rang out loudly, and all through the hallways, you could hear the happy cheers and chatter of students on their way home for the weekend. Students bustle quickly out of your assigned classroom, and a chuckle leaves your lips at the horde of them that clutter around your door.
You are drawn out of your thoughts as you shut your notebook, realizing that you had to put all of your books in your locker for the weekend. You begin shoving binders and folders into your backpack as fast as you can as the teacher finishes putting the chairs up for the janitor to clean overnight.
As you zip your bag shut and toss it over your shoulder, an extra binder in your arms you call out, “Have a nice weekend, Mrs. Smith!” The older woman calls back a goodbye as you slip out of the door, striding down the halls toward your locker.
Your bag hits the ground next to your locker with a loud thump as you set the binder in your hands on top of your bag, turning back to your locker to enter the combination in. Footsteps down the hall pull your eyes away from the small dial as you pull the lever open swiftly.
Warm, brown eyes lock onto yours in an instant and a smile slides across your lips as you lunge toward the taller framed boy.
“SUGA!!! I thought you went home without me, you jerk,” you whine out as you wrap your arms around him. Large and muscular arms wrap around your waist, picking you up off the ground to spin you in a small circle.
You can feel Sugawara’s chest rise and fall from his soft chuckles and as he pulls away, he shoots you his signature sugary grin.
“Awe, did you really think I would leave you behind, Y/n?” he teases as you return to placing your binders in your locker. You roll your eyes in fake annoyance as you chide back at him, “Well you took your time getting here and the hallways are totally empty, so yeah.”
Suga leans against the locker next to yours, crossing his arms as he watches you struggle to place one of your textbooks on the top shelf. He leans forward quickly, grabbing it from your hands to place it above your head with ease.
“You really think I would let my best friend walk home on a Friday afternoon, all alone, with no one to protect her? Geeze Y/n, your expectations of me are very low,” he pouts as he looks away, brown eyes gleaming playfully as you pick up your bag in one hand, closing the locker with the other.
You shove him, bag slipping from your hands as you slam him against a locker. Laughs bubble out from the two of you, and you are so distracted by trying to catch your breath from all the giggles to notice that Suga has slung your bag over his shoulder and has tossed his arm around you, guiding you out of the building.
Casual conversation is held between the two of you as he walks you home. Suga talks about his classes and the status of his college applications. You talk about how you were so excited for the weekend because you finally got a break from classes and you got to sleep in the following morning.
It seemed to be too soon when you landed on the steps of your front door. Suga rubs the back of his head with a soft grin, offering your bag out with his opposite hand.
You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and murmur, “Thanks Suga, I always appreciate it when you walk me home. I know you could always drive us, but the weather was so nice today and...”
A slight warmth hovers over your cheeks as your words trail off and you shrug as you grab your bag from him. You look down at your feet before mumbling out, “and I guess I like spending time with you outside of class and stuff.”
Suga lays a hand on your shoulder, causing you to look up at him quickly. His head tilts softly, like how he does, and chuckles, “Well I enjoy it too, Y/n! This is what best friends do, so you can count on me!” With his last words, his thumb juts toward himself and he gives you another one of his classic smiles.
You can feel a slight drop in your mood at his words. This is what best friends do. The silver-haired boy in front of you had been your best friend for years, but now he’s in high school and he’s not the same little kid he used to be.
He was thick with muscle from playing volleyball, and he was devastatingly handsome. Suga’s concerned face suddenly has you focusing back in as the hand he rested on your shoulder moves to cup your face softly.
“Are you alright, Y/n? You looked kinda dizzy there for a second, do I need to walk you in-” “I’m okay,” you chirp out as your (colored) eyes widen. Suga flinches at your words before pulling away from you, tucking his hands into his pockets.
You immediately feel bad for slightly snapping at him, he was always just trying to help. “I promise I’m good, Suga,” you say more gently, “I was just lost in thought there for a second.”
He gives you a nod and then a look of thought travels across his face. Suga opens his mouth to say something, but your front door opens to your mom’s voice, and you turn away from him before he gets the chance to speak.
“Hi mum,” you call as you wave to her. Suga doesn’t say anything but just lifts a hand to wave at her as he starts to back up. “Hey, Y/n, I gotta go home, I’ll text you, yeah?” he says softly as he turns away.
You nod over your shoulder as Suga fully turns around, too quick for you to see the blush on his cheeks and the embarrassed look on his face. He curses under his breath as he walks away from your house and down the sidewalk. 
You were his best friend, so why the hell was it becoming so hard to talk to you?
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The following week was difficult for Suga after his failed attempt to ask you his lingering question. He had been invited to New York City for an event by his coach, Keishin Ukai. 
All of his friends were going with their girlfriends and significant others, and he didn’t want to show up alone. Suga didn’t really bother to listen to what the event was about, but he knew it was supposed to be a black-tie affair.
There were two reasons why he was struggling to ask you to go with him. The first reason, although selfish and a daydream, was every time he would go to ask you, all he could picture was the way you would look in a floor-length dress like that. Would you want to wear purple or blue? Maybe even an emerald green?
Just the thought of you looking so ravishing on his arm had his tongue-tied and all rational thought leave his head. His second reason was a bit selfish too, and it was because it was you.
You were his best friend. You were more than his best friend. You were his person, the one who he loved and enjoyed more than anyone else. Yeah, he had the biggest and sweetest crush on you, and no way to tell you.
How couldn’t he love you? You were absolutely stunning, you had an amazing sense of humor with a perfect midnight laugh. You were so, so kind to others, and the soft touches on the shoulder and friendly hugs were more than enough to make his heart skip in his chest.
So, when he acted slightly weird around you after that day he walked you home, you began to worry that you had done or said something to push him away. You didn’t want there to be tension between the two of you, you guys were best friends!
You both were currently sitting in Suga’s personal library after school hours, books sprawled out in front of you as you studied for your upcoming tests. Suga sat in front of you, glasses perched on his nose as he read from a small journal, taking small notes every few seconds.
On the other hand, you were furiously doing math homework, sketching out curves of complex equations, and typing things aggressively into your calculator. Suga glances up at you in concern when you let out a huff after loud clacking into your calculator.
“Everything alright, Y/n? What did that poor calculator do to you?” he chuckles lightly, setting his journal down and lightly stretching, leaning his palm against his face as he gives you his full attention.
You look up from your calculator a little wildly, a flush covering your cheeks as you register Suga’s words and his brown eyes on you. You push the calculator away from you as you murmur, “I just… I really don’t like math.”
Suga nods knowingly and takes a closer look at what you were trying to do. “Yeah, I don’t want any of that,” he laughs out with a disgusted look on his face. 
You pout and cross your arms, giving Suga the best puppy eyes that you could. “Pleaseeee, Suga? You are so good at math, you took this class a whole year early!”
Suga just rolls his eyes before scooting over to your side, one arm resting on the back of your chair as his eyes flicked over the problem. You tried to focus on the small corrections he was giving you, something about concavity and zeros on the graph.
It was difficult to think about math when your really, really cute best friend had his glasses on and was trying to teach you something. 
Holy shit he looks so hot, you think to yourself as you watch Suga redraw the graph you were miserably failing at. No wonder he wants to be a teacher, he’s amazing at this. Wait! Why am I thinking like this? He’s my best friend! I don’t like him like that!
“You got all this?” Suga asks you, a gentle expression on his face as he finishes the sketch, holding it up to show you. You blink dumbly at him for a second before nodding, “Yeah, uh, thanks, Suga.”
He gives you a short nod back but doesn’t return to his seat. He reaches for the journal he had been reading but stops and turns back to you.
“Hey, Y/n, I actually have something to ask you,” a blush starts to creep up his neck and red coats the tips of his ears. You turn away from your math homework to get a better look at your best friend.
One of his hands goes to scratch at his neck while he stutters out, “I- I, uhm, was wondering if you would w-want to go to this, uhm event with me? It’s in New York, so I get it if you don’t feel comfortable and it’s-”
“Suga, I would love to!” you chirp out, a smile gracing your features as you place a hand on his shoulder. A deep sigh of relief leaves his lips as he grins back at you, “Thank goodness, I really didn’t want to go alone. Not when Daichi and Asahi are going to show up with pretty girls on their arms.”
You blink at his words and look toward the floor, “Are you asking me just because I’m your best friend? Or am I pretty enough to fit in with your friends?” A sinking feeling hits your stomach as you realize the differences between you two.
It was easy to forget Suga’s wealthy status when he was your best friend. You had grown up together, so he just seemed like family. Suga never truly liked to flaunt his money or possessions, so it never really bothered you. But here he was, asking you to fly across the globe to go to an event with other rich people.
Suga quickly waves his hands in front of him before awkwardly trying to reassure you, “No, no, Y/n!! You are my best friend, and well, you’re really pretty- I just thought you might want to go, and I don’t think you aren’t pretty, in fact, I think you're one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen!”
A silence falls over the two of you as you both look at each other in surprise at Suga’s small outburst. You burst out laughing at the embarrassment on Suga’s face, hands clutching toward your stomach out of habit.
“You should have seen your face, Suga! Oh my gosh, you really are too sweet for your own good sometimes,” you squeak out in between giggles. Suga visibly relaxes at your words, and then pouts in his chair, sticking his tongue out at you in annoyance.
A smirk appears on Suga’s lips as he turns back to you, an evil look plastered onto his face. Your eyes widen as you start to realize what that look meant.
“No, SUGAAAAA!! Do we have to go shopping?” you whine as he pulls you into a new store. He just laughs and reassures you that it was very important.
“You have to pick a dress to wear at the event, Y/n,” he states, hands looking through the rack of dresses in your size. You stop for a moment to admire him, his brown eyes looking over each dress, taking in every part before deciding if it was your style or not.
“Can I at least pick which color we wear?” you ask as you slide in next to him. Suga just laughs and nods as he pulls a dress off the rack to show you.
The rest of the afternoon is spent shopping for new suitcases, outfits, and of course, the dress you were going to wear at the event. Suga left you to get your dress fitted as he went to find a matching tux.
You surprisingly trusted him to get a suit that matched well enough, because it’s Suga here. He is quite the fashionista, and he had a picture of your dress to show to his tailor. You would be taking the clothes with you that day, as the plane would leave the following morning.
You both had agreed to meet at the airport in the morning, Suga had even gone as far as to have a car drop by your house to pick you up, and all of your luggage would be loaded by some of his private crew. 
Suga waved at you as you slid out of the car he sent, and you lifted your arm to wave back. You thanked the driver and slid out, your carry-on slung over your shoulder as you made your way over to him.
The private jet was waiting and ready to go, so you both boarded the awaiting plane and got buckled in for take-off. You had asked Suga if you could sit next to him, as you were a little uneasy about flying, and being next to him would be comforting enough for you until you got up into the sky.
He, of course, was reading over the itinerary for the event, but the feeling of being up in the plane made you slightly sick to your stomach. Your head landed on his shoulder, and before you knew it, you were asleep on his shoulder.
Suga looks down at you with a soft admiration and love in his eyes, and he allows himself to enjoy the closeness with you. He gently rests the side of his head against the top of yours, and he slips an arm behind your back so you could be more comfortable. It was going to be a long flight to New York City.
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It wasn’t long before your plane landed and you were sleepily getting ushered into a fancy black car. The hotel you were staying at was apparently one of the nicest around, so you couldn’t complain as your heavy eyes stared out the window.
Neither you nor Suga said anything when you woke up from your nap, and neither of you noticed the faint blush coating the other’s cheeks when you pulled away. Suga, ever the gentleman, had helped you down from the plane and carried your bag the whole way to where the car was waiting.
You could hear the radio faintly in the background, along with the soft and calm voice of Suga. He was on the phone with one of his friends, you couldn’t tell if it was Daichi or Asahi though. Suga told whoever was on the other side that you both had landed safely and were going to the hotel to relax after the long flight.
Soon enough you are facing a very large and fancy-looking hotel, bright lights shining down against the darkened night sky. You are caught staring for a moment before your car door opens to Suga staring down at you.
“We’re here, Y/n. Let's grab our bags from the trunk and get settled in,” he murmurs quietly, as if to not startle you. You give him a nod before beginning to slide out of the seat, knees wobbly as you stand up straight.
Large and comforting hands steady you on either side of your hips, and you look up to see warm honey-colored eyes staring back at you. “Ya okay there, Y/n? I don’t have to carry you now, do I?”
A chuckle leaves both of your lips as he pulls away, handing you your backpack and rolling your suitcase up next to you. The two of you head into the main lobby, waiting for a minute to get your room number before locating the elevator.
You once again slump against Suga as the numbers on the elevator click by slowly. Suga glances down at your tired form with affection in his eyes, and he whispers, “Hey, you can’t be falling asleep yet. You slept almost for the whole plane ride, and we’ve got some things to go over.”
You turn your head to glance up at him with confusion lacing your features. “Whatcha mean we got things to go over? Like for the event?” you question him, eyes flicking over his face tiredly.
Suga nods as the elevator opens to your floor, and he leads the way down the hallway to where your large room was waiting. You had asked him if you could share a room, as you had never been to NYC before and were hesitant to be alone.
As you get your things situated, Suga explains how with his friends at the event you can be yourself; goofy, charismatic, and so on. He also mentioned how his coach was going to be there after traveling, and that you would have to be pretty put together in front of him.
“This sounds like a lot, Suga,” you fret, hands fiddling with your suitcase as you pull out a pair of pajamas. “I don’t know if I’m going to be able to remember all of this.”
Suga doesn’t say anything for a second before he looks you square in the eyes and says, “Well don’t worry about it too much. I’ll be right there beside you, Y/n. I drug you into this mess, I can at least be by your side for the whole night.”
You gave him a smile before nodding to the bathroom, “I’m going to get a shower now, is that alright?” Suga just gives you a quick thumbs up over his shoulder as he reaches for the remote to turn on the tv. 
You wander into the very large bathroom, taking in the high ceiling and marble countertops. You set your clothes down next to the sink before turning on the water and getting ready for your shower. Tomorrow was the big day, after all.
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The night was young as the bright lights from the city reflected off the windows of the black limo you were sitting in. Suga was sitting across from you, head resting against the window as he watched the streets fly by.
He looked handsome. He looked sinfully handsome. His legs were crossed, and maybe that was a good thing. You could stop staring at his thick and muscular thighs.
You couldn’t help looking at your best friend like this. The way his perfectly tailored vest fit snugly across his chest was distracting, and the way the sleeves to his black button-up were rolled to expose his strong forearms was unforgivable. 
Suga was looking out of the window for one reason and one reason only. He was trying to stop staring at you because holy shit his best friend was riding in a limo with him to a huge event, and oh my goodness did you look divine.
Your flowy black dress filled a good portion of the limo, so Suga couldn’t really sit next to you anyways. In general, he was struggling to contain himself around you, so he opted for quietly watching from the window as you played on your phone.
The limo stopped after a few more minutes of driving, and suddenly you had arrived at a huge mansion just outside of Manhattan. Suga helped you out of the limo, offering his arm to you as you walked toward the growing party.
You clung on tight to Suga’s arm as he began talking to CEOs and other pompous aristocrats, your (colored) eyes scanning around you to see if you could recognize anyone. Suga mentions you a few times to the people he’s talking to, and you say a few words here or there, letting Suga carry the weight of the conversation.
Soon enough, the conversation ends and Suga leads you away from those people before leaning down to whisper in your ear, “You’re doing great, Y/n. Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”
Your (colored) eyes look up to him quickly, a warmth flooding your cheeks as you scan over his features. He looked as calm and collected as ever, his brown eyes watching the crowd as he guided you toward a less busy corner.
“You look handsome tonight too, Suga,” you murmur shyly as he finally lets his gaze settle over you. He playfully punches your shoulder and chuckles out, “Hey, I was trying to be nice and make this about you, ya know.”
You got to shove him back playfully before you catch sight of shoulder-length brown hair, paired with a barely-there scruff. 
“Asahi!” you call out, waving at him as he catches sight of you and Suga. A man slightly shorter than Asahi follows behind him.
Suga turns away from you to see Asahi and Daichi approaching and he opens his arms wide for a hug. “Asahi, Daichi! Good to see ya, fellows. How have you been?” Suga asks them, pulling you up next to him so you could say hello to his buddies.
Asahi gives a shy smile as Suga wraps him in a big bear hug and he stutters out, “I’ve uh, I’ve been good Suga- I can’t b-breathe when you sQUEeze me that tight.” Daichi just laughs and pulls Suga away to do the handshake chest bump thing that guys always do.
“Nice to see you Suga, Y/n, I haven’t seen you in forever! You look beautiful tonight,” Daichi says as he pulls Suga under his arm. Suga shoots you a sheepish grin as his best friends begin to pull him away.
“Y/n, is it alright if we steal him for a little while? To catch up?” Asahi asks as Daichi starts ushering Suga away from you. You just give Suga a little wave as you respond to Asahi, “Yeah, no problem! Just bring him back to me in one piece.”
Asahi laughs as he follows the captain and vice-captain into the mix of the party. You are left alone for a brief moment before someone calls your name. You look around, but you don’t see anyone you recognize.
Suddenly, two shorter boys appear in front of you, large toothy grins gleaming at you. “Noya! Hinata! How are you?!” you squeal out as you trap them both in a hug. 
A bored voice from behind them mutters out, “They should be better, they’ve been slacking off at practices.” You pull away and lunge at Kageyama, wrapping the tall, lanky boy in a tight hug with a cry of, “Kags! I should have known you would be here!”
“Hey!!! Why don’t I get any love?” came the fourth voice, and you turn to be faced with Tanaka. You let a laugh leave your lips as you give the last boy a hug before pulling back to look at all four of them.
“I haven’t seen you all in so long, you all look so handsome!” you state happily, hands toying with the side of your dress as you gaze upon them. Tanaka, Hinata, and Noya all beam under your praise, while Kageyama just blushes faintly and covers it up with a cough.
Noya looks around you for a second, confusion obvious on his face as he ponders aloud, “Where’s Sugawara? He was the one who brought you right?”
You go to tell him that Asahi and Daichi stole him but you are cut off by Hinata chirping out, “Yeah, is he like your boyfriend or something now?”
“Oh quit it, you moron,” Kageyama snaps at him, “Sugawara would have told us if he managed to snag her, dumbass.”
You blink dumbly at them all for a second before they all look up at you, eyes wide like puppies who ate something they shouldn’t have. Tanaka breaks the silence by saying, “C’mon guys, do you really think Suga could catch someone as pretty as Y/n? I don’t think so!”
“Hey, I would watch your mouth there, Tanaka,” Daichi’s voice comes. Asahi and Sugawara are right behind him, and Suga slides in next to you with an apologetic smile. He leans down to whisper in your ear as Daichi starts arguing with Tanaka, “Sorry I took so long, the guys really missed me, and I-”
You quickly shush him and shrug with a smile, “No, no it’s alright. I was just catching up with these lunatics.” Suga gives you a grateful smile in return before looking back at his friends, laughing along with a joke Noya told Asahi.
Your (colored) eyes flick over Suga’s handsome face, taking in the soft pink on his cheeks from laughing, the beauty mark next to his eye, and the gentle curve of his lips as he smiles at his friends.
You must have kept your eyes on Suga for a second too long, because Hinaya peeps out, “Hey, Y/n, is there something on Suga’s face that you’re looking at?”
You tear your eyes away from Suga as fast as you can to look anywhere but at any of the people around you. The group of boys all watch you as your face flushes and your mouth gapes open, but no words come out.
Suga starts to get concerned when you don’t say anything, and he murmurs to you, “Hey, what’s going on? Y/n are you okay? Your face is burning up.” You remain silent as you try to think of anything to say, so Suga nods to Daichi as he starts to pull you away from the crowd.
Suga guides you through a large set of heavy spruce doors before leading you out into a small garden. The cool night air helps to calm the rush of heat coating your face and neck, and Suga takes a deep breath in before sighing it out slowly.
“What was all that back there?” Suga asks quietly as you sit down on a long bench on the side of the garden. You avert your eyes away from him as you fiddle with the layers of tool from your black dress.
“Y/n?” Suga asks as he leans down to you, resting one arm on the bench next to you, caging you to the bench with just his body. He brings his other hand up to cup your cheek, bringing your eyes to meet his. You gulp at the warmth of his touch, even though you feel shivers down your spine.
Suga’s expression is anything but harsh though, there is only concern and care in his eyes as he gazes down at you. You open your mouth to answer him but you are left with silence hanging in the air. Suga tries to give you an encouraging smile, allowing his hand to drop from your face to grab one of your hands.
“You know you can tell me anything, Y/n. I’m your best friend.” But I want to be more. The words were left hanging on his tongue, but you didn’t know any different because you were so caught up in your own head.
“I uh, yeah, thanks Suga. I guess I just got lost in thought and zoned out for a minute,” your murmur as you look down at his hand on yours. Best friend. That’s what Suga was to you, a best friend, a study partner, your everything.
“Suga, I-” “Hey, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Tonight is about having fun, so we don’t have to get too much into this, okay?” Suga cuts you off gently, squeezing your hands reassuringly before reaching behind you to pluck a rose from the bush near your head.
He carefully peels the thorns off quickly before he turns back to you, sliding the brilliant red rose behind your ear with a soft caress to your cheek. He gives you a slight smirk before he shifts his weight and murmurs, “I meant it earlier. You really do look gorgeous tonight, Y/n.”
You blush under his watchful gaze, and you can see his eyes trail over your whole face, even going as far as to take a step back to look at you in your dress. He lets a cheeky whistle slide from his lips as he looks at you fondly, and this time you are at a loss for words because of the way he’s looking at you.
He’s never looked at you like this before.
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It was quiet in the car, no music, no hushed whispers, just hanging silence. It wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, but you could feel some tension between you and Suga. 
You were feeling a lot of things after the way he looked at you, but he brushed the situation off fairly quickly, lending you a hand before whisking you back to the party where his friends were waiting.
Suga helped carry the train on your dress as you made your way up to your room, only a few words being passed between the two of you to keep the dress in the best shape possible.
Once you made it comfortably inside the room you turned to Suga, a faint blush coating your cheeks as he unbuttoned the silver-colored vest that was wrapped so neatly around his torso.
“Hey Suga,” you mumble, hands clenching at your sides as you inwardly groan. He turns to you quickly before murmuring back, “Yeah?”
You shuffle closer to him before turning your back to him and saying over your shoulder, “Could you unzip me? I don’t think I can reach it.”
Suga just nods, and he has to clear his throat and mind to keep his thoughts from straying. His mind was tired and he could make a fool of himself if he wasn’t careful.
One of Suga’s warm hands rests on your waist as a brace, and the other hand uses its nimble fingers to slowly slide the zipper down your back. Suga’s breath catches in his throat for a second, his hands lingering longer than they should have.
He can’t help the way he’s looking at you when you turn to face him. His eyes are blown out wide, full of some unknown emotion as he looks over you. Suddenly it clicks in your head.
He’s giving you the same look he gave you in the garden. It’s an intricate look, one of many layers, the first and most outward one being happiness. Then, maybe some adoration and giddiness. But the final depth to it, you couldn’t quite place your finger on it.
You turn to fully face him, opening your mouth to speak before he spits out, “You can have the bathroom first, I’ll uhm, I’ll get changed out here.”
You give him a nod before shuffling over to your suitcase and grabbing your pajamas before slipping into the bathroom. Once the door shuts behind you, a shaky sigh leaves your lips as you lean up against the door.
Fuck, what was that just then?
You get changed as quickly as you can, hanging the dress on its hanger before jumping in the shower. Once you take a quick shower, you wipe your makeup off and comb through your hair. You splash some cool water on your face to help you clear your thoughts, and you lock eyes with yourself in the mirror.
I’ve got to be honest with myself. Something is going on here, and I’m not really sure what it is. I can’t deny it, I like him. I like him a whole hell of a lot. I just can’t ruin this…
You shake your head to try to rid yourself of your lingering thoughts before you walk back out into the main living area of the hotel room. At first, you don’t notice where Suga is at, but then when you catch sight of him, a flush is filling your cheeks before you can help it.
Suga’s back was facing you, but it was very much a shirtless back, and while you had seen him shirtless after practices or even when you were swimming in his pool, this was different. This was domestic, there wasn’t anyone else between you two.
You squeak as you drop your phone, the small rectangle cracking against your foot in your stupor of Suga’s back muscles. He turns around quickly at your cry, and you avert your eyes to the floor to pick up your phone, trying to relax the rapid beating of your heart in your chest.
When you look up, Suga is pulling on a shirt, but you still manage to see the nice set of muscles set upon his toned torso. You wander over to your suitcase, putting away your toothbrush and other small items before glancing over at him.
Suga was already looking at you and he quips out, “Why’s your face all red? Did you use up all the hot water?” You just giggle to try to cover your butt, and he joins in as you nod, “Yeah, you know me too well, Suga.”
The rest of the evening slides by rather silently, with you scrolling through your phone before giving up and trying to sleep. Suga, however, is sitting at the desk next to his bed, reading one of the books he packed. He even had his reading glasses on so he could dim the light a little more for you, in hopes you would be able to fall asleep.
After 30 minutes of tossing and turning you shuffle up and whisper out, “Suga? Do you think you could lay with me? I can’t seem to fall asleep.” When Suga looks up from his book at you, your hair is slightly mussed from your constant motion, and your t-shirt is just barely hanging off your shoulder.
You looked as exhausted as he felt. He just gives a tired smile before nodding and placing his book down. He slides his glasses off before rubbing at his tired eyes, flicking the lamp off as he stands up.
Suga walks over to the side of your bed closest to his, so that if you wanted him to move to his own bed, it would be less of a hazard in the darkness. You pull the covers back for him, and soon enough Suga is settling down next to you, laying flat on his back.
You roll over onto your side to face him, and in the darkness, you can see his eyes twinkling from the lights of the city behind him. You whisper into the darkness, “Thanks for inviting me on this trip, Suga. It means a lot, you know. I’m not one who grew up with all the fancy things you have, so this was a true experience for me. Thank you.”
You can hear a tired chuckle from Suga as he whispers back to you, “No, Y/n. Thank you for coming with me. Don’t know what I would have done without you today.”
You just smile to yourself at his words, your heart fluttering a little more as you hear him softly groan as he fluffs his pillow before flopping down again. You blink once before closing your eyes and murmuring, “Goodnight, Suga.”
A quiet, “Goodnight, Y/n,” is the only response you hear before you are pulled under by sleep. Except you missed the silent thought floating around in Suga’s head.
I love you.
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A soft beam of glowing sunlight is what wakes you up, the ray shining brightly into your face as it slid past the parted curtain. You blink your eyes a few times to allow them to adjust to the light, and you are confused for a second at how heavy the blanket feels around you.
Said heavy blanket groans softly in your ear as he too squints at the light filling the room. Suga’s arm was wrapped firmly around your waist, pulling you close to his broad chest. This had you waking up fast, because the fact that your best friend was most definitely spooning you right now was a little jarring.
A groggy but deep grumble of “G’morning” falls from Suga’s lips as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. Warm puffs of air from his nose land on your skin, and you shiver at the goosebumps that rise on your arms and legs.
Suga shuffles a little more, tightening his grip around you as he mumbles, “You cold, Y/n? I’m roasting right now.” You giggle at his words before turning around in his arms, a whine leaving his lips as you shuffle around.
“Good morning, Suga,” you whisper as he blinks sleepily at you, large brown eyes soft in his morning glow. “Good morning, Y/n,” he says back with a dopey grin, a slight flush covering his cheeks at your close proximity.
You push on his chest with a gentle shove and another giggle as you murmur, “You said that already, you dork.” Suga just chuckles along with you and says, “I guess I’m not used to waking up next to you. We’ve been best friends for how long now and we’ve never had to share a bed?”
You both laugh at his words, enjoying each other’s company for another quiet minute before Suga’s phone starts ringing. Suga rolls onto his back with a loud groan, his arms and legs making a large starfish across the bed, pushing you off in his haste.
You cough a few times as you glare up at him, and Suga just points to his phone and mouths, “Sorry, I need to take this.” He grabs a pair of clothes before disappearing into the bathroom without another word.
The soft noise of the shower turning on alerts you that it was safe to get changed, so you pulled on a pair of jeans and a comfortable sweater before scrolling through your phone as you waited for Suga.
The day itself wasn’t meant to be super exciting, Suga had gotten an extra day in Manhattan for you to sightsee and go shopping. The flight to Japan was leaving that night though, and it was the last flight leaving for the night so you couldn’t miss it.
Suga allows you to drag him around the city, taking pictures at small cafes and huge signs here or there for your family back home. There was one building that had pretty brickwork and you asked Suga if he wanted to take a selfie with you.
He took the selfie on his phone, he had the better camera after all. You both smiled at the camera with large grins before Suga started counting down, “3… 2…. 1… ” and on what should have been cheese, he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of your cheek instead.
You tried not to think about the lingering feeling of his lips on your cheek as you ask him to send you the photo. Little do you know, he saved it as his lock screen while he was waiting for your phone to receive the picture.
After getting dinner at a small and locally owned restaurant, Suga begins pulling you toward the hotel. You both pack up your suitcases and bags, and before you knew it you were boarding the same jet that had taken you to the states.
The sky was pitch black as the plane ascended upwards, and you find yourself burying your face into your hands as you adjust to the feeling of being thousands of feet in the air. Suga was sitting next to you quietly, writing something in his journal about the event and talking to the CEOs.
The silence isn’t necessarily comfortable, there’s nothing except for the sound of the flight, and you can’t help but feel like you need to say something. You shuffle in your seat for a second, trying to get comfortable on the large cushion underneath you without bumping into Suga.
“Hey, Suga?” you ask softly, trying to not bug him if he was writing something important. He finishes writing whatever thought he had before turning to you, one hand coming up to rest against his cheek as he regards you.
“Yeah?” he prompts as he looks over your form, your hands clenching together as if you were unsure if what you were going to say was okay or not.
You turn to face him a little more, and you stare directly into his brown eyes as you say, “Thank you, again for taking me on this trip. I really had a lot of fun, and it was great to see Daichi and Asahi again. Noya and Tanaka too of course...”
Your words start to fade in Suga’s head as he gazes upon you. The lights from the city were shining brightly against the night sky behind you, lighting up the hair around you like a golden halo. The soft and warm-toned lights from inside the plane made your (colored) eyes sparkle, and suddenly, all Suga could think about was you.
He thought about all the times he tried to ask a girl out on a date, but they all rejected him because they thought he had a girlfriend. Suga was always so confused, he was hurt by the fact that no one wanted to date the rich kid, no one even tried to mooch off of him.
And it was because everyone knew he had you. You were always by his side, eating lunch next to him, walking to class with him, getting rides home in the winter because he didn’t want you walking home in the snow.
He had fallen so utterly and deeply in love with you over the years, and he was ready to toss it all out of the window with his next action.
Slowly but confidently, Suga brings his right hand up to cup your cheek, allowing his hand to glide behind your head. He leans in, eyes soft but determined. You didn’t understand what was going on at first, allowing your words to slowly drift off as Suga was the only thing you could think of.
His left hand finds a place on your waist, pulling you gently toward him as his head starts to tilt to the right. Your heart starts beating faster in your chest as butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
Suga was giving you all the time if you so desired to pull away, but he was pleasantly surprised when you leaned in, lips parting ever so slightly as you shut your eyes.
His lips felt like fire and ice all at once, burning and freezing as the air left your lungs. Kissing Suga was like eating a meal after fasting for weeks on end. He felt so much like home it almost scared you.
Suga’s lips move against yours at a bruising pace, letting you set the tone of the passionate kiss. You hear a slight groan from Suga when you brush your tongue against his bottom lip. He takes charge quickly though, his tongue chasing after yours playfully.
You try to battle him for dominance, your hands sliding across his chest before rising to tug on his hair. Suga takes this chance to tug gently on your bottom lip with his teeth before pulling away slowly, chest heaving from the weight behind the kiss.
You lean forward quickly though, press a soft peck on his lips before he pulls you close, leaning your forehead against his while you both catch your breath. No words are shared for a second as you both regain somewhat normal breathing, and this time you notice the flush on Suga’s cheeks.
You can see the city lights reflecting on his face as he looks at you, eyes blown wide with surprise and happiness, and definitely something else.
It’s the look he gave you in the garden, and it’s the look he gave you when he helped you out of your dress. This time, words start to come to mind to describe the look he’s giving you.
It’s tender and sweet. It’s fond and warm. It’s so Suga. It’s so… intimate.
You go to say something, but Suga beats you to it as he reaches for your hand. Suga swallows thickly and then says, “Y/n, I- I'm sorry, I don’t know what came over me, but hear me out okay?”
You open your mouth to interject, but you decide against it and give him a nod. He takes a deep breath and squeezes your hand ever so slightly, his own shaking slightly at his sudden nerves.
“Y/n, I know we have been best friends for a long time, and I really have enjoyed our friendship, and I mean it. But, I can’t deny it any longer,” he looks down at your hands before looking you square in the eyes.
“I am in love with you, and I have been for years now. I tried to play it off as sisterly love, because we were practically raised together. But I couldn’t deny the way my chest would flutter when yet another girl would turn me down for one reason and one reason only, you.”
You blink in surprise for a second, but Suga continues, “I couldn’t help but feel mad when jocks from the soccer team would try to ask you to the spring formal. I thought it was because I am your best friend, but I love you more than that.”
You give him a smile back, a warm feeling spreading over your body as you manage to choke out, “I love you to Suga, and not just in the best friend kind of way.”
Relief and joy flood Suga’s face, and you almost swore you saw tears gather at the edges of his eyes. He flushes softly before murmuring, “Can I kiss you again?”
You give him a gentle nod before he pulls you onto his lap, holding you close to his toned chest before leaning forward and kissing you like his life depended on it.
And on that flight, city lights against the midnight sky became an ambient background as the two of you discovered what you had been missing out on for all these years.
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firstofficerwiggles · 4 years
Chapter 2: Adventures in Space Babysitting
Link to Chpt. 1, Chpt. 3
Pairing: The Mandalorian x female reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Mild swearing, sexual arousal, references to sexual relationships, canonical violence
Word Count:~5600
Summary: Caretaker reader is settling into her job and she realizes she has a crush on Mando. Some fluff, action, and little angst in this chapter.
Author’s Note: Welcome to Chpt. 2! I haven’t really written anything with angst before so I hope you think that part went okay. Thanks for reading!
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The little green body launches itself up onto your bed yet again waking you in the early hours of the morning. The child snuggles up close to your chest and you can’t help but rub his little back with soothing motions. You have tried to get the child on a routine these past few weeks, and this seems to be the one pattern he’s most pleased to follow every day. The first time he showed up in your bed you thought Mando had placed him there as a subtle hint that it was your turn to be on child duty. However, when you heard Mando frantically looking for the toddler that first morning, you knew the little one had managed to sneak his way over to you all on his own. Neither you nor Mando know much about the child’s life before Mando rescued him, but it seems to you that it must have been difficult, because he appears to be starved for affection and he seeks it out every chance he gets. You’ve always been a cuddler yourself though so you are happy to oblige him and honestly although it means you don’t get to sleep as much as you used to, you love your early morning snuggles with him. Besides, it helps keep your mind off how much you’d like to snuggle Mando.
This silly crush on Mando has hit you out of nowhere and you feel like a complete fool for even acknowledging it. You suppose it can’t be helped to a certain extent, as he has to be hands down the nicest man in the entire galaxy, implausible as it may seem. He’s a gun-for-hire, rough and tough bounty hunter, covered in armor and weapons, and yet he has been nothing but thoughtful and respectful towards you. When you first spoke to him about establishing a better schedule for the child and working on some developmental milestones, he listened carefully and encouraged you to do what you felt was best. Other men you’ve known in the past would have questioned your recommendations or only half-listened to you dismissively. But Mando asked thoughtful questions that showed you he valued your opinions and then he was sure to comment on how well things were going after you began implementing the changes. You couldn’t remember the last time an employer gave you a compliment on your work, and it was just nice.
Then there was the first time he brought back a bounty to the ship. He’d been gone for about two days and when he returned, he was dragging a large alien man behind him. While you tried not to be overly curious, you couldn’t help but watch him as he manhandled the guy into the carbonite freezer. You were impressed with his strength, but it also made you feel a little bit wary as he next strode over towards you and the child. Your cautiousness melted away quickly though as Mando placed a bag of berries on the crate sitting next to you, mentioning that he noticed how much you seemed to enjoy them and thought you’d like to have some more. The thought of him noticing such a detail and then taking the time to stop and buy the berries for you made you want to swoon. You told yourself you were being ridiculous and that it was clearly just an overreaction to someone finally being nice to you.
The child is starting to get squirmy and you know that means he’ll be looking for breakfast soon. You listen carefully for Mando and realize that he must either be still asleep or up in the cockpit. Either way, you doubt he’s eaten any breakfast yet as he seems to prefer your cooking over his own. You toss back your covers and get yourself ready for the day. You decide to make eggs this morning, the little one’s favorite food that isn’t sugar-based. You are just finishing cutting up some fruit to go with the eggs, when you hear Mando’s boots behind you.
“MMM, smells good.” He says sounding still a bit sleepy. “I’m starving.”
You turn around with a plate all ready for him and a cup of caf, telling him “Lucky for you, I knew you would be.”
“Thank you, I don’t know how I survived without you,” Mando replies. Your heart sings at his words and you quickly turn back to the food so he can’t see the goofy smile breaking out on your face.
“Mostly on ration bars it seems.” You noticed he had quite the stash of them when you were first on board. Fortunately, you’ve convinced him to try to get a greater variety of food whenever possible.
“Well, my taste buds thank you too.” He carries his breakfast into his bunk where he can eat in privacy. At first, you felt sad for him always having to eat by himself, but you realize he must be so used to it that it probably doesn’t bother him. Nonetheless, it hasn’t stopped you from thinking up ideas for a shared meal sometime in the future, maybe when he knows you better and his trust in you is stronger.
After breakfast, you’re getting the child ready for a day out on the town. Mando is dropping off several bounties today which means you’ll be able to stretch your legs off the ship and visit the market in Batuu. As the ship lands, Mando is already back in the hull quickly reviewing all of the safety protocols for leaving the ship. He does this each time and at first it was rather annoying, it’s not like you’re an idiot, but then you realized he does it because he simply cares that much about the child’s and your wellbeing. While his protectiveness towards the child is completely logical, you still can’t get over how much it extends to you too. You’ve been responsible for yourself for so long; it never occurred to you that another adult would care so much about protecting you.
“Before I forget, I found a holster for you.” Mando is holding out a leather belt for you. “You shouldn’t keep the blaster in a bag; you can’t get to it fast enough.”
“Oh, thank you.” You say politely, although you’re hoping that just once he’ll fail to remind you to take the blaster along. You know he said you have to take it with you every time you leave the ship, but you still feel uncomfortable carrying it around. At least when you could shove it into your bag, you could pretend you didn’t have it, but now, it’ll be right there on your hip, much harder to ignore. Your fingers fumble with buckling the holster; knowing that he’s watching you intently makes you nervous. Mando steps closer to help you, softly brushing your hands away. Maker, he’s so close to you and each time his hands brush against your waist as he secures the holster you need to remind yourself to breathe.
“There you go.” Mando finishes but lets his hand linger for a moment on your hip. You feel his thumb brush back and forth just a bit before he sharply pulls away as if realizing what he was doing. You slip the blaster into the new holster, and he gives you a nod, “Looks good.”
You feel your face heat up as you realize he’s staring at your hips and you distract yourself by making sure the child is ready to go, “Ready to explore?” you ask him, and you hear a happy coo in response from the pram.
You follow Mando down the ramp of the ship, glad to be out in the fresh air and sunshine. Shopping for supplies never seemed like anything interesting in the past, but now that you get to visit different markets on new worlds you’ve never seen before, each little shopping trip feels like a new experience. The colorful stalls filled with all types of wares beckon you to explore and discover some exotic fruit or an old book that you might never see anywhere else.
Oh, speaking of books, “I thought I might try to find a few children’s books for the child, if that’s ok?” you ask Mando.
“Are you trying to teach him to read? Is he ready for that?” Mando sounds curious, but not skeptical in any way.
“No, not yet, but I know he likes hearing stories,” you explain, “and I’m not sure how much more I can keep inventing ones to tell him.”
“Have you just been making those stories up yourself?” He nods in approval, seemingly impressed. “You have a good imagination.”
“Oh, um, thank you.” You’re caught off guard there for a moment, as you hadn’t realized he’d paid much attention to the stories you tell the little one.
“Yeah, I liked the one you told him about the magic frog. It was funny.” He surprises you again. Not only was he listening, he remembers the silly story you made up, and he liked it.
“Thanks,” you say again, stunned by his comment, but it’s his next suggestion that totally floors you.
“You should write them down, make your own book.”
“Make my own book?” The idea would never have occurred to you.
“Why not? Maybe you can even get the kid to draw pictures for it. You can get him some coloring pencils too.” Mando turns and hands you some extra credits. “I need to take care of some business, now, but you two will be safe here. Meet me by the fountain in 30 minutes. Do not be late.” He punctuates that last statement with a point of his index finger and then turns to go.
You watch him head towards a cantina and then just stare down at the credits in your palm. How is he so nice but then also kind of scary? And why does it make you ‘feel’ things? You shake your head at your own silliness and then look down at the little guy and say, “Well, let’s go find you something to color with.”
Perusing the stalls, you find plenty of items to fill up your bags and empty your wallet. You discover a great notebook with plenty of space for writing and pictures. The more you think of the idea of creating your own little book with the child, the more excited you get. You find a few children’s books too, so that you can be sure to keep the little one entertained when he’s tired of drawing. Cognizant of the time, you start to head to the fountain in the center of the market, Mando’s designated meeting spot, when you smell a delectable aroma. The baby smells it too and immediately begins whining and reaching out his little hands. You head to the source of the scent to see several types of kebabs at a nearby stand. You still have some credits and are preparing to order but the little one is too impatient and before you know it, two kebabs are floating to the pram.
“Hey! You have to pay for those!” The man behind the stand yells at you.
“I was; I mean I am,” you quickly tell him, “I’m sorry, he’s just so sneaky and fast sometimes.” You offer him a smile, hoping to smooth things over. What’s more, you pray the man thinks the child just grabbed the food and that he didn’t notice anything magical about it. “How much are they?”
The man looks you over for a moment and then his demeanor changes, “Well, for you, mama, I’m sure we can work out a little deal.” He leers at you.
“That’s ok,” you say uncomfortable at the look in his eye, and you let your smile drop from your face, “I’ll just pay the regular price.”
“Ah, c’mon, there’s nothing like a little discount among friends.” He steps out from behind his stall to stand right in front of you. He reaches out and brushes a hand down your arm, “You’d like to be my friend, wouldn’t you?”
You take a step back and say, “I’d just like to pay you for the food.”
“We can call it even, if you give me a little kiss.” This gross creep moves closer to you again, this time leaning down.
“I have credits.” You tell him, attempting to sound firm while you start to step back again, but he anticipates your move and reaches out to grab your wrist pulling you up against his body. You push on his chest, trying to pull away when you hear the sound of a blaster priming and then a raspy modulated voice says, “Let her go.”
The man drops your arm instantly and you can finally back away from him. You’re very grateful to see Mando with his weapon pointed directly at the man’s head. The man holds his hands up, “We were just having a friendly little chat.”
“Didn’t look friendly to me.” Mando deadpans, but he holsters his blaster now that it’s clear you’re safe. He comes over to you, placing a hand on the small of your back and turns you to walk away with him.
“Hey! She still needs to pay me for the food,” the man protests.
“What did he want for the food?” Mando asks you.
“A kiss,” you reply sardonically.
Mando shrugs, then turns back to the stall, approaches the man quickly and then just head-butts him hard with his helmet. The creep lets out a loud yell of pain and collapses to the ground.
“There you go, a kiss from a Mandalorian.” Mando drawls, before turning and striding back over to you.
Oh damn! That was the hottest thing you’ve ever seen and you feel your body flood with desire. Ok, so maybe that was a blatant show of male posturing, and as an educated, modern woman, you probably shouldn’t be so aroused right now. But some primeval part of your brain has taken over, and the only thought you have is how great a protector Mando is and how much you want him to protect you. You can’t even say anything to him right now because you’re just replaying the moment over in your head. It isn’t until you realize that Mando is saying your name, repeating it, that you finally snap back to reality and remember to thank him.
“You don’t have to thank me,” Mando is saying, “Are you ok?” He asks you slowly to make sure you’ve understood him. It’s possible he’s already asked you that but you were too swept up in your cavewoman thoughts.
“Oh, yes, yes, I’m fine,” you reassure him, “That creep just made me uncomfortable, but he didn’t hurt me. But, thank you again.”
“You’re sure?” Mando asks, a bit doubtful. What are you supposed to tell him? That your dazed look is because you’re turned on by him right now. Super inappropriate, having a major crush on your boss! You take a deep breath and remind yourself yet again that Mando is your employer.
“Really, I’m fine, thank you.” You’re pleased that you managed to get that out in a normal sounding voice. Mando considers you for a moment.
“Why didn’t you pull your blaster on him?” He wants to know.
“I don’t know,” you tell him truthfully, “I guess I’m just not used to reacting that way.”
“Hmm, we’ll need to work on that.” He seems satisfied at that and starts walking back towards the Crest. You force your feet to follow him, telling yourself to pull it together.
“Is that really considered a kiss from a Mandalorian?” You can’t help your stupid mouth from blurting out your question.
He laughs, surprising you because it’s the first time you’ve heard it. “Technically, yes, we call it a Keldabe Kiss.” He chuckles again and then says, “But there is a much softer version too between lovers.”
Ok, you almost become a puddle hearing him say the word ‘lovers’, and thankfully he’s still amused by your question that he doesn’t seem to notice your mouth dropping open and your feet stumbling a little. Instead, all he says is “Let’s get back to the ship, kid’s got the right idea, I could use something to eat.”
Later, Mando powers up the engines and you figure you’re off to the next planet, but instead he keeps the ship in the atmosphere, taking you away from the town. He lands in a clearing near a forest, and says, “This will be a good spot to practice.”
“Practice?” You’re confused.
“Yeah, I told you we’re going to work on your reaction to threats.” He says this in a matter-of-fact voice, “Plus, I know you said you could shoot, but I want to see how you handle that blaster.”
Sighing internally, you put the holster back on and collect the blaster from the weapons locker before following him down the ramp. The baby toddles down the ramp too, curious to see what’s happening.
“Alright, Miss Top-Marks-in-Shooting, let’s see you hit that tree.” Mando’s tone is rather chipper as he points out a large tree directly across from where you’re both standing. It’s a very easy target; he must think you exaggerated your skills.
You draw the weapon smoothly and shoot, just as you were trained to do, hitting the tree with ease. You fire four shoots in a small cluster pattern, to show that you are capable of accuracy.
Mando nods his head once, “Ok, now hit those five trees in rapid succession.” He points to a line of smaller trees further away to your left. You turn and successfully hit all five in what you consider to be a decent pace.
“Not bad, but see if you can go faster.” He instructs you. You try again, hopefully quicker this time. He nods when you look back at him and then points out a new target. You both keep repeating this pattern and he offers some critiques as you shoot, but generally, he seems satisfied.
“You did well,” Mando tells you after a bit, “You ever hit a moving target?”
“Uh, no.” You look at him cautiously, wondering what he has in mind. Your eyes must show how anxious that makes you, because he says, “We’ll work on that another time.”
You can’t help but let out a small sigh of relief. You figure practice time must be over for now, but then he says, “Let’s work on that reaction time for when someone is in your face. Just let me tell the kid first.”
Mando walks over to the little one who has been sitting on the ramp watching you shoot. “Ok, kiddo, this is just pretend. You understand? No one will get hurt, so no powers, ok?” The baby coos up at him and Mando nods.
“Gotta make sure he doesn’t try to fling one of us into a tree.” He says to your bemused expression. Mando returns to face you and steps close until he’s practically touching you. Your heartrate immediately picks up and your body starts to feel hot.
“I want you to draw your weapon on me, but do not shoot me,” he says definitively.
“What? No, I can’t do that, Mando,” you tell him in protest.
He reaches out lightning fast, grabs your wrist, and hauls you up against him in a similar manner to the jerk in the marketplace. Your positioning might be the same, yet this time you don’t feel creeped out, no, instead you like it, your traitorous body even pushes you a little closer to him.
“Draw your weapon on me. I’m a threat to you.” Mando tells you in a gravelly voice. Stars above! You have to bite your lip hard to keep from moaning. What is wrong with me? You realize he’s not going to let you go until you draw the blaster and so you finally comply with his order.
Mando releases you with small chuckle, as he says, “Ok, let’s try that again only not in slow motion.”
“Wait, wait, I’m not ready.” You’re panting like you just ran a race.
“That’s the whole point,” he replies, “Threats don’t just wait until you’re ready to shoot them.” You could swear he’s smirking at you under that helmet.
“No, I mean, give me a second to imagine I’m being threatened,” you are trying to buy yourself time before he decides to touch you again. “I need to visualize it.”
“Are you saying I’m not threatening enough?” Mando sounds skeptical and maybe a little insulted.
“No, I mean, of course, you are, you’re very threatening and wanted men everywhere should fear you, but I don’t fear you because I know you’ll never hurt me,” you explain to him in attempt to cover up the fact that you’re so damn attracted to him right now.
“You’re right; I would never do anything to hurt you.” He nods in agreement. “But wanted men everywhere should fear me, huh?” He sounds amused by that.
“Yes, yes, you’re very scary.” You tell him, rolling your eyes slightly.
“Ok, so pretend I’m someone you do fear.” He advances toward you. This time you think of Lieutenant Sauckel, an odious man from Imperial Intelligence that you despised. When Mando grabs you again, you imagine Sauckel’s black eyes and yellow teeth and draw your blaster as Mando pulls you to his chest.
“That was better, but still too slow.” He makes you try over and over, and each time you picture another terrible Imperial officer, Commander Brack, Major Frick, Junior Lieutenant Hess, and then finally Ensign Kerrick Hoven, the man who broke your heart and betrayed you. Imagining Kerrick’s smug face appears to do the trick, because it’s the fastest you’ve drawn the blaster yet, and you manage to wrench your arm away from Mando for the first time.
“Good!” Mando praises you enthusiastically, “That was really good.”
“Thanks.” You’re pleased to hear his words of encouragement, but your voice doesn’t show it. Picturing Kerrick again is enough to send you into darker emotions and you feel anger and sadness swirl in your stomach. Your face must give away your unhappy thoughts, because Mando suggests you stop for the day.
You stow your blaster in the holster and then head over to the child who’s been thoroughly entertained watching you both pretend fight. You reach down to pick him up and hold him close to your chest in a hug. There’s just something about his sweet little presence that makes you feel better. You’re smiling again when you pull away and head back into the ship. Mando follows you up the ramp and he’s quiet but you can feel him watching you as you stow the blaster in the weapons locker and remove the holster from your waist.
“Everything alright?” He asks you.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. I-, Thank you for taking the time to work with me on that. To practice, I mean. I know you’re very busy.” It really does mean a lot to you that he took time out of his schedule for you and you feel your heart swell as you think about his protective nature.
“You’re welcome,” he says, his voice a little softer, “Your safety is important to me. Plus, you need to be able to help keep the child safe too.”
“Yes, of course,” you nod in agreement.
“It’s helpful that you’re a good shot.” He praises you again, and this time you smile at his words.
“Thank you,” you reply sincerely. While you haven’t seen him shoot, you know he’s clearly an expert and it really does mean a lot to hear him praise your skill.
You turn back to the child, “I think it’s playtime now, what do you say, buddy?” He chirps in agreement and you head over to his small stash of toys and place him on the floor so he can start pulling out his favorites. Before you clamber down to join him, you feel Mando’s hand cup your arm just above the elbow. You turn back towards him with an inquisitive look. He just seems to stare at you for a moment, still holding your arm before telling you, “I’ll going to get us on our way to the next planet.”
“Ok, we’ll be alright down here. I’ll bring you up some dinner later.” You give him another smile and a quick nod.
“Good,” is all that he says and then he gives your arm a little squeeze before heading to the cockpit and you can’t help but feel a little fluttering in your stomach at that touch.
The rest of your afternoon passes swiftly as you and the child take his plushies on a heroic quest across the metal wonderland (the hull) to the black cliffs of mystery (a stack of crates) where you must find the golden treasure (a box of cookies). It’s a much more enjoyable game of pretend seeing as you’re not imagining Imps threatening you. It puts you in a cheerful mood and you’re still grinning to yourself when you bring Mando his dinner tray. You feel a pang of regret for him that he’s missed out on the fun afternoon with you and the child and it’s compounded by the thought of him eating his dinner alone too.
You want to ask if there’s any way you could keep him company while he eats, promising to face away from him the entire time, but it feels too pushy to ask him for that. Besides, you’re probably just projecting your own feelings onto him. He’s likely much more comfortable knowing that you and the child are safely shut away from him downstairs and there’s no way he can break his creed while he eats. So, you just tell him, “I hope you enjoy your food.”
When you head back downstairs, you’re mentally kicking yourself for getting too attached. Your job is to take care of the child and make sure his needs are met. It’s nice of you to take care of Mando a little too, but he doesn’t need you to keep him company or worry about him being lonely. I’m being pathetic. You turn your attention back to your little green charge and decide it’s time to give him a bath and get him ready for bed. Still though as much as you try, you can’t stop your thoughts from wondering back to Mando. It’s hard to forget what it felt like pulled up against his chest while you were practicing your self-defense. And you may have replayed the whole head-butt scene in your head a dozen times. Stars! Am I really so desperate that I’m falling for the first man who’s nice to me? You try again to push images of Mando out of your head and focus on the baby. It works until he’s sound asleep in his little hammock and you don’t have a distraction any more. Maybe you can just grab your holopad and read up in the cockpit. That way you can satisfy your need to be close to Mando but also keep from bothering him. You make your way up the ladder, making sure it’s ok to enter the cockpit in case he still has the helmet off, before flopping down in the passenger seat on Mando’s right. You sit there and fiddle with the holopad trying to find a story that will entice you enough to keep your eyes on it, instead of tossing glances at the armored man sitting next to you. Turns out it doesn’t matter though because Mando feels like chatting.
“Kid get to sleep ok?” he asks you.
“Yes, he was pretty sleepy after his bath,” you reply.
“Probably tired after that epic adventure you went on too,” he huffs out a laugh, “I heard you doing all the voices for the toys.”
“Oh, yeah,” you’re a little embarrassed by that as you know you can be pretty goofy when you’re pretending with the child, “He really seems to like it though.”
“Sure he does, I could hear him giggling too.” Mando confirms for you. “I’m glad he’s having this time to be a child. I don’t know much about his past, but I don’t think he’s had a lot of fun in his life.”
“Well, I’ll try to make sure he does something fun every day.” You already love the little one so much, anything you can do to make him happy brings you joy too.
“Who were you picturing when we were practicing your reaction time?” Mando changes the subject abruptly.
You take a moment to process his question, and then tell him, “Just some Imperial officers from my past.” You shrug, “I figured that would be good motivation to draw a blaster.”
He seems to consider you for a moment, and then asks, “What about the last time? Who was that?”
“Oh,” you try to let out a little laugh to ease the discomfort welling up in you, “That was the man who broke my heart.”
“An Imperial officer?” Mando sounds surprised at that.
“He wasn’t an Imperial officer when I first knew him. He was in the graduating class before mine. We dated when we were in school together and we stayed in contact after he graduated. He’s the one who convinced me to do the exams for the ‘research group’.” You make quotation marks with your hands when you say those last two words.
“He mislead you?” Mando asks.
“No, he didn’t know what it really was then either. He had only just heard about it and was trying to get a job there and convinced me that it would be great for the two of us to work together.” You pause there not sure if you really want to keep telling Mando this story.
He’s curious though, as he asks, “What happened when you both found out you were working for Imp Intelligence?”
“We were both shocked and we turned to each other for comfort. It was intense, because I still had old feelings for him, and at the time, I believed he was the only one who understood how I had been deceived because he was right there with me. For a while, it felt tragically romantic, like we were two people clinging to each other in the midst of a terrible situation.”
“So, how did he break your heart?” Mando questions softly.
“I didn’t realize how one-sided our love affair had become. I thought he shared my horror for the Empire and their actions, but little did I know, he was buying into the Empire’s message more each day. As I was trying to disrupt the intelligence, Kerrick was weaseling his way closer to the officers, trying to spend time with them or impress them with his work. They awarded him the rank of Ensign when he turned me in for sabotage.” You can’t help the tear that manages to sneak out and slide down your cheek. You look out to the stars as they swirl by you in hyperspace.
“What was his name? His full name?” Mando asks.
“Kerrick Hoven, why?”
He ignores the question and asks, “Is he still alive?”
“As far as I know, yes.” You’re not sure why that matters to him.
Mando just makes a little hmm noise and then says, “No wonder you drew your blaster so quickly.”
“Well, that’s my sad story of heartbreak. How about you, Mando? You have a heartbreak story of your own?” Now that you’ve bared your sad past to him, you’re curious to hear about his.
“No.” Is all that he says.
“No? Nothing?” You push back a little; he must have something to share.
“Not really. Never get too attached or involved with a woman.” He punctuates this with a shrug.
“What about when you were a bit younger? No love affairs?” You can’t stop yourself from being curious about his romantic past; you just want to know a little something about it.
“I’ve had lovers, but nothing long-term or serious.” he states, “Relationships don’t really go with being a bounty hunter.” He sounds rather blasé about his love life or lack of one, as if he doesn’t spend any time thinking about it at all.
You feel your heart drop at that and all of your fantasies about the two of you being together someday seem exceedingly ridiculous right now. Of course he isn’t a man who gets into relationships, and if you became his lover, it would probably be a short-lived fling that would burn itself out once the novelty of new passion was gone. You feel foolish and tired. The fun of hearing about Mando’s love life has dissipated completely for you. So you change the topic and ask, “Where are we headed to next?”
“Bespin” Mando says. “It’s a mining planet with a city high up in the clouds in the upper atmosphere.”
You listen politely as he tells you some other facts about the planet. It sounds interesting enough, but you’re not really paying that close attention as you’re still somewhat wrapped up in your emotional reaction to his dismissal of relationships. You take a deep breath to center your thoughts and then focus in on his words, telling yourself that this is for the best, that you need to let your stupid crush die and just do your job. If you can’t do that, you’ll just set yourself up for another heartbreak, and what will that get you?
Thank you for reading! Link to Chapter 3, Lust Actually. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters.
Tag list: @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11​ @theravenreads​ @nicotinebirds​ @boomtownboy​ @nova646 @sleepwithacommunist @mackycat11 @som3thingcr3ative
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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oliver wood x fem!reader to cedric diggory x fem!reader
warnings: angst, slut shaming, spelling/ grammar mistakes.
summary: you’ve had a crush on Oliver Wood for so long, but he continuously treats you badly. What happens when you’ve had enough, and who will help you through it.
a/n: I love Ollie, but this idea came to me, and I really liked it.
word count: 2.9k
“sometimes it’s better to let go than to hold on.”
enjoy <3
Quidditch was your favourite activity. You’d loved it since you were just a little kid, watching from the stands as men and women flew around a stadium playing the most wonderful game you’d ever come to know. You spent most of your childhood begging your parents, day and night to teach you how to fly, knowing they couldn’t say no to you forever. For your ninth birthday they bought you your first broom and it was one of the happiest moments of your life.
“Happy birthday dear y/n, happy birthday to you.” Your family and friends finish your birthday song. You flash a toothy grin before closing your eyes, making a wish and blowing out the nine bright flames on your cake. Your mum retrieves a knife and begins to slice the cake as you and your friends begin to chat. 
Your dad walks up to you, holding something behind his back. He kneels down to your level, “y/n sweetie, your mum and I have thought about it, and we believe it’s about time we gave you this.” He smiles, handing you a long object hidden in silver wrapping paper. You look down at the object confused, but when you wrap your small fingers around it, you immediately know. Your eyes widen and you rip off the paper. You were right, in your hands was a beautiful, sleek broom. “It’s a bit big for you, but you’ll grow into it.” Your mom laughs, coming in behind you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You don’t hesitate to bring her and your father into a hug, thanking them over and over again for your gift. Happy tears spilling from your e/c eyes. 
When you received your letter to Hogwarts in the coming years you made it your goal to become the captain of the quidditch team of whatever house you were sorted into. In two years, your parents had taught you all their tips and tricks for navigating on your broom. You picked up quickly and worked hard to add to the talent you already had. When you arrived at Hogwarts, bright eyed and excited to learn, you were sorted into hufflepuff, the house of the loyal and hard-working. You found this a good fit, you got started right away for a good reputation and waited patiently for second year, when you could finally try out.
When the fateful day rolled around you were one of the first people on the pitch for try-outs, the captain being the only other person there, she found your enthusiasm adorable and quickly became like the older-sister you never had. As the try-outs began, she was skeptical with your skill as you were only in your second year, but she learned that you were not only enthusiastic about quidditch, but your skills were unmatched. She was quick to make you a chaser, your fast skills and sleek tricks making you the perfect candidate. You helped the team to the best of your abilities not only playing well and helping them to victory, but also having a cheery personality, making friends with all the players and comforting the team after losses. You became the hufflepuff quidditch team’s darling. Your happy personality and love for quidditch made it impossible for anyone not to be drawn to you, but, you guessed it, there was a catch. The happiest people still have a reason to frown and your reason was Oliver Wood. 
He’d been your first crush at Hogwarts. You first saw him at a gryffindor vs slytherin match, a keeper and a mighty good one. He was so fast and had incredible skill, you couldn’t help but catch feelings for the handsome brunette. You decided you wanted to talk to him. 
It was hard since you were in different houses and different years, but you tried. Before a match against gryffindor one day, you caught up with a couple of your pals, Fred and George Weasley, to ask them about Oliver. ��Hey Fred, Hey George!” You called out to them while they made their way to the changerooms. “Hey y/n, what brings you over here?” Fred smiles over at you. “Just wanted to wish good luck to my favourite twins of course, you’ll need it.” You laugh, reaching up to rustle their short red hair. The twins laugh. “There’s something else I can tell.” George narrows his eyes at you and you grin a bit. “Okay you got me. There is something.” Fred nods for you to go on. “Can you tell me a bit about Oliver?” The twins look to each other, sharing a similar cringe on their faces. “Oliver? As in Oliver Wood,” Fred questions. You nod. “You don’t fancy him do you y/n?” George asks, cocking an eyebrow. “I might think he’s cute.” You grin sheepishly. “Listen y/n.” George rubs the back of his neck. “Oliver’s a great lad, but he’s not someone I’d try and have a relationship with, at least not right now.” He concludes. You look at him confused. “Well he is two years older than us and he’s a bit… Intense.” Fred finishes for him. Right as you open your mouth to ask for details, the man himself Oliver Wood comes marching through the change room doors and looks at the twins. “What are you two doing out here talking to our rival? Come on they’re about to talk strategy and I wouldn't’ want a stupid hufflepuff hearing it.” He spits the word hufflepuff out like it was poison. 
You feel your confidence falter and tears prick your eyes. “Come on now Oliver, she’s our friend, no need to get aggressive.” Fred tries to reason with Oliver, noticing the sadness on your face. Oliver simply rolls his eyes and steps back inside, shouting a quick hurry up. The twins look at you apologetically, you wave them off and start to walk to your own team's changeroom, disappointment written on your face. 
Even after hufflepuff won the match, you didn’t feel like celebrating, as soon as your seeker caught the snitch you were ecstatic but, Oliver had walked past you on your way out of the pitch, muttering ‘stupid hufflepuff, I’ll bet she was listening to us.’ That cut deep, leaving a permanent frown on your face even while the rest of your house partied. 
You were now in your fifth year and had been appointed captain of the hufflepuff team, after most of your teammates graduated, and you were overjoyed. You’d spent the whole summer thinking up strategies and new tactics and now you would be able to try them out. Throughout the school your friends had given you pats on the back and congratulations, they knew you’d been working on this since you stepped in the Hogwarts walls, and they were happy for you. Oliver on the other hand acted as though he was furious you’d achieved your goal. You had lost feelings for the keeper over summer but he continued with the constant ridiculing ever since that game all those years ago, calling you fake, not even that good, or just saying outright untrue things about you to anyone who would listen, and even though you didn’t fancy him anymore the comments still cut deep. It brought sadness to you every time you heard he’d mock you. You used to cry over these things, but you learned to build a wall to protect yourself from Oliver’s judgement. It was his last year anyways. You wouldn’t have to deal with his bullying any longer. 
“I heard y/n shagged the last captain to get the position she’s in now, what a whore.” You hear a voice whisper, Oliver. You sigh. It was going to be a long year. 
Practice with your new team was fun, making sure the new members felt welcome and running over old strategies with ones who’d been on the team in previous years. You were having a blast with everyone, until a voice called out. “Beat it puffs! We’ve got the pitch today.”
 You sigh, apologizing to Cedric who you were conversing with and flying down to meet the angry gryffindor. 
“I’m sorry Oliver, but I got the pitch booked with Sprout yesterday.” You pull out the slip of parchment residing in your pocket. “Doesn’t matter, I’ve got new players too y’know.” He scoffs his thick Scottish accent rolling off his tongue. “We’ve only just started, listen if you can give me an ho-” Oliver rolls his eyes and cuts you off. “I don’t care l/n, I don’t listen to little fakers who buy their way into positions and shag their way into captain.” He remarks, looking bored. Blood rushes to your face in anger and sadness. You drop your broom as your hand goes limp, your head hung down, not wanting him to see your tears. “What’s wrong l/n, you gonna cry?” 
Cedric touches down and tries to pull you away, but you’re frozen trying to blink the tears out of your eyes. 
“Oliver that’s enough.” Fred pushes his way to the front and puts his hand on Oliver’s shoulder. The gryffindor captain rolls his eyes. “Why are you defending the slut? You know I’m not wrong, she doesn’t deserve anything she has now.” He laughs a little.
You feel yourself burst.
“What the hell did I do to you?!” You lift your face and scream, letting the tears of anger and sadness slip down your face. “What did I do, that was so bad, so terrible, that made you want to bully me since I was twelve?!” You march closer to him, letting him see the pain he caused you. “I’ve barely spoken to you once and you built up this, this hate for me. Calling me fake, a slut, that I don’t deserve what I have. Do you know how hard I’ve worked for all this? Practicing daily, keeping up with school work, getting injured and hurt in games AND dealing with your ridiculing?!” You shout, letting years of anger be expressed, you see a flash of regret in the seventh year's eyes, but you couldn’t care less. “I wanted to be your friend Oliver, but without getting to know me you spread rumors about me, call me names, and you don’t care! I’m sick of being quiet about it, why can’t you just leave me alone!?” You finish. Oliver is stunned to silence letting your words sink in. You were right, he knew that, he never did get to know you. He just didn’t know how else to deal with the weird emotion he got when he saw you or the way his stomach burst into butterflies when he heard you laugh. So he shoved his emotions to the side and tried to convince himself you were this horrible person in order get rid of the feeling, but it never worked, so he continued, always hoping you’d brush it off and move on, but here he was standing shocked in front of you as tears ran down your red cheeks. He realized then that the feeling inside him was love, but it was far, far too late. You ran, ran away from him, any hope he was a good person and the idea that the two of you could be together one day. You ran from the toxicity of the way Oliver treated you and you ran from being hurt anymore. 
“You’re a piece of shit, you know that Wood. Y/n has done nothing to you and you treat her like the scum at the bottom of your shoe, I hope you’re happy with yourself.” Cedric shouts at the shocked gryffindor. The sixth year hufflepuff had watched you pine over Oliver since he was in his third year. He had a massive crush on you, but could never say anything in fear he’d ruin your friendship. He’d watched Oliver mistreat you for years, and watched as you held onto the hope he’d change, but Oliver had gone to the last straw and he couldn’t hold back his feelings anymore. He calls down the rest of the team and turns back to the gryffindors. “Enjoy the pitch.” Cedric says sarcastically to Oliver, patting him on the shoulder with a menacing smile, before turning and running after you. 
The rest of the team didn’t feel like playing anymore. Feeling sick to their stomachs after this encounter. Oliver turns around, but no one will look him in the eyes. Even the twin’s usual happy demeanor is gone and they’re glaring daggers into Oliver. “You fucked up, you know that right? You know, y/n had a crush on you since the second year, but your egotistical ass couldn't see how great of a person she is and instead ruined any chances of ever being with her, can’t believe she’d see something in someone like you.” Fred seethed, no one talked to his friends like that. He and George storm away and the rest of the team turn and follow, throwing disapproving looks at Oliver. Fred was right. You were right. He was the biggest idiot in the world, and now he’d have to deal with the consequences.
Cedric found you running into an empty girls washroom, he didn’t want to intrude, but he knew it was empty, and he knew you needed help. He steps inside and doesn’t hesitate to run to you and wrap you into his arms. You hug back and sob into Cedric’s shoulder. “W-what did I do w-wrong?” You sniffle and cry into his quidditch robes. “Nothing love, nothing. He’s an arsehole and doesn’t deserve you. He’s an idiot, walking around with a broomstick up his ass.” he smiles when he hears a small giggle from you. “You’re right Ced, he does look like he’s got a stick up his ass when he walks.” You stop crying to laugh a bit, wrapping your arms tighter around Cedric’s torso. 
“Listen, you're perfect darling, and if he can’t see it, I know I can.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Cedric takes a deep breath before continuing. “I know this isn’t the best time, but Merlin y/n, I’ve fancied you since the day I saw you do quidditch try-outs, zipping around like a pro on your broom, showing up everyone else on that pitch,” he sighs. “I saw you fall in love with Wood, pine over him even though he treats you like trash and push off his comments about you. Y/n, you’re so strong, so kind, so beautiful, so smart. Don’t let someone like Oliver get you down. He’ll never be worth it.” He finishes, gliding his thumb up and down your face. You blush. “Thank you Cedric, but I don’t know if I’m ready yet.” You sniffle, looking guilty. Cedric smiles. “I’ll wait for you darling, no matter how long it takes. I’ll be here with arms wide open.” He holds you tighter, kissing the top of your head. You smile. “Thank you Cedric, so much. I will come around I promise.” You sniffle before laughing into his shoulder. 
You knew then that you found the person you were really supposed to be with for the rest of your life. Cedric brought smiles to your face, while Oliver brought tears. Cedric admired your skills and knowledge, while Oliver doubted them. Cedric made you feel happy, supported, smart, beautiful. Things Oliver could never, and you realized. Sometimes it’s better to let go, than to hold on.
Oliver watched from the side as you fell in love with Cedric. Watched as the hufflepuff golden boy walked you to class, sat with you at lunch, hugged you after games and supported your dreams. Oliver did his best to move on, but was reminded daily of what he lost. Fred and George never looked at him the same, he saw you smile and laugh with Cedric by your side. That should be him, he thinks to himself a lot. If he had been kind, talked to you, got to know you. Maybe he would be the man you hugged, kissed, loved. The man who was by your side. He lost his chance and all he could do now was watch as you fell in love with someone new. 
Cedric Diggory had filled the hole in your heart Oliver had left. He showed you what real love felt like and showed you how you should be treated, and in the end, you did come around. After Cedric had caught the snitch in a match against slytherin you flew up to him, grabbed his shirt and tugged him towards you, letting your lips crash against his for everyone to see. It only lasted a couple seconds, but it warmed you to the core, sealing the realization Cedric was the one for you, it brought a smile across your face. “Did I do it?” Cedric’s grin grows impossibly wide as he takes your hand in his. He just won the match and the girl of his dreams! He had to be imagining things. “You did.” You confirm, squeezing his calloused fingers. Cedric laughs and whoops in celebration, pulling you around the pitch in a victory lap, holding your hand for all to witness before the two of you touched down. Cedric brings you in for another kiss, and the spectators roars in excitement. The brunette smiles into your lips, and as you pull away you whisper into his ear. “Thank you Cedric, for showing me true love.” 
And all Oliver could do was regret
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siriuslyblackblog · 3 years
Professor 》Remus Lupin (18+)
《 (3) 》
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Remus Lupin had just finished eating the third chocolate that day. It was evening already and he had ruined his supper. He wasn't feeling hungry, so he stayed in the classroom and waited for the student to arrive. Nancy's words had left him speechless. No girl had ever told him things like that. Remus thought it was funny at first, but when he caught himself thinking about those words, he quickly shook his head and stood up. He found an occupation, but his mind didn't cooperate. It's been so long since the last time he just looked at a girl in a different way. The fire in his heart he had for Nymphadora Tonks was slowly dying out. He did miss her, but if she came back this moment, he wasn't sure if he would want a relationship with her. It just wasn't the same.
He heard shuffling, then doors being opened. The redhead entered the classroom, dressed more inappropriate than in morning classes. He wasn't even sure that was possible. Merlin, he wasn't sure how Filch didn't notice. Not only him, but anyone.
"Good evening, professor," she greeted.
Her professor sighed, then placed another stack of books on one of the front desks. Remus already knew that she was going to be a tough one and he was already tired. Perhaps he should keep eating chocolate until he gets chubby so no girl approaches him? As much as he missed someone, he had to be focused on being a good professor this year. The rest will easily come. Although, he wasn't stupid. He knew what he looked like and he noticed all the attention he got from female students. Many seventh years purposely started getting in trouble just to get detention with me. Unfortunate for them, all of them mostly suffered detention from their House Heads.
"These books need to be checked and sorted alphabetically, Miss Pennington."
"Of course, professor."
Nancy pulled out her wand and got ready to cast a spell. Just as she opened her mouth, the stern voice of her professor interrupted her.
"No magic, " he said.
The redhead frowned first, then calmly put her wand back in her pocket. She adjusted the skirt so that a bit of her thighs were visible. The cold air hit her skin and made her shiver a bit, but she collected herself and put on the best smile she could.
"As you wish, professor."
Remus left the girl to do her task and went back to his place. While grading the tasks he had given the sixth years, he noticed one was missing. He counted the papers again, but couldn't get the number he needed. Then, he remembered. The girl which left the class almost in tears. The man furrowed his eyebrows, remembering her red face. He hated when people were sad. He knew how awful it is to hold back tears in a room full of people and he didn't want anyone to feel like that. He let her leave the class so she could let it all out in peace. Still, he wondered what caused that reaction.
"Miss Pennington?" He called out, abandoning the papers on his desk.
The girl turned around, waiting for the next words. Remus stopped for a moment, thinking if it was a right thing to ask about a student. Asking about someone's wellbeing isn't wrong, right?
"The girl from this morning. Miss-?"
"Periculum. Roseanne Periculum."
"Right, Miss Periculum. Is she feeling better?"
Nancy shrugged, then went back to arranging the books. Remus frowned, dissatisfied with the answer. This girl was supposed to be a good friend of Miss Periculum, yet all she had was shrugging? It must be terrible not having anyone to ask about your problems. He was lucky to have amazing friends with him during his bad times. He missed them.
"Do you happen to know the reason behind her behaviour today?"
Nancy rolled her eyes, annoyed with the attention professor Lupin was giving to a person that wasn't even in the room. She felt a bit guilty for not asking Rose about her problem, but at the end of the day, she didn't ask anyone. Rose shouldn't be feeling left out. Whatever it was, she'll get through it. Everything comes and goes, nothing stays.
"No, professor."
The week passed by rather quickly and Rose was soon getting Coco off of her so she could get ready. Nancy was still asleep. She had decided last night that she wasn't in the mood for classes, so she'll pretend to be sick. Dell was already dressed and sat patiently on her bed, waiting for Rose. Rose didn't really despise Dell like she did everyone else. The blonde haired girl was funny and interesting to be around. Maybe it was because of her relationship with Fred Weasley, but who knows. Maybe Rose finally liked someone who wasn't a Weasley. Speaking of Weasleys, they bombarded her with questions the next day she showed up at Transfiguration. Rose didn't want to explain that her insecurity kicked in, so she said the one thing girls always complained about: period. The boys quickly shut up, not asking her any more questions.
Next to Dell laid the fourth roommate. Priya Patil was the older sister of Padma and Parvati Patil. It was interesting how the initials of all three were P. P. Just like Dell, Rose also didn't mind Priya. She minded her best friend, Elisaveta Yakusheva. Her father played a big role in almost everything, just like Mr Malfoy. Elisaveta - or Lisa, like Priya and her close friends call her - is almost as popular as Nancy. Of course, Nancy's red curls and green eyes won over Lisa's blonde straight hair and blue eyes. Nancy was also a million times nicer, as unbelievable as it sounds. Priya was stuck between the two girls. She loved both of her best friends, but most of the time she faced the problem of choosing sides. In those moments, Rose was happy to have less than five friends.
This morning, Dell noticed that the brown haired girl had gotten up earlier and was spending a big amount of time in front of the mirror. She also noticed a chocolate peeking from her bag. Little did she know that it was a creation of the Weasleys. Rose was supposed to hand the chocolate to the new professor today. She wasn't sure what it was supposed to do. Fred didn't want to tell her and George only laughed whenever she asked.
"Rosie, I feel like I'm watching Nancy. What's going on with you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You don't wear your skirt that way. And you've been trying to fix your hair for hours now. Is there something I don't know?"
It was true. The skirt was placed higher on her waist, revealing her knees and a bit of thighs. She had seen professor Lupin only during meals, but he was so far away to see her. Today she will finally see him again. She couldn't wait to hear his voice and look at him properly this time. Tired of her shuffling, Dell stood up to help her roommate. She cast a spell to fix the mess on her head. Soft brown waves replaced split ends and tangled strands. It has been so long since her hair looked like that. The last time she put effort in her looks was when she was in love with Oliver Wood.
Rose split up with her roommate and entered the classroom alone. The twins were in their seats, both of them sending a mischievous smile her way. She wished she knew what the chocolate actually was.
"Why a chocolate? What if he thinks I'm trying to flirt with him?"
George laughed at her words, then took the chocolate from her. He admired it as if he wasn't the one who made it. "Our professor has a sweet tooth, love. He won't be thinking about you when he sees it."
Needless to say, the girl was disappointed. That's honestly what she wanted. Him to see her, to think about her. One thought led to another and she found herself thinking about what happened that Monday in detention. Nancy came back looking like a mess, her lipstick a bit smeared on her bottom lip. She was jealous. So jealous that she could feel her head burning. Her thoughts were interrupted when George touched her leg with his under the desk. The professor entered the classroom with a good morning, then sat down. Rose crossed her legs, feeling a bit of fear because of the way she wore her uniform. Maybe she could let her tongue loose too and earn herself a detention with him. Just maybe...
After giving everyone a task, Remus remembered the girl and allowed himself to glance at her. She had her head down, her hair slowly getting puffy again. She seemed fine today and it made him feel better. He didn't like to see his students come to class in pain or anything like that. The girl then raised her head, looking directly into his eyes. Her eyes widened, surprised that the professor was already looking at her. Her head was soon in the previous position, her face now hidden with hair. Just as Remus wanted to go back to the lesson, he noticed something. He noticed how Rose was uncomfortably shifting under the desk. Then, he noticed her bare thighs. She had her legs crossed, her hands fixing the skirt every few moments. The redhead next to her shot her a few confused looks. She didn't look like that last Monday. She looked like a mess back then. Remus also couldn't help but notice that one white lock of hair and her plump bottom lip. She was a refreshing sight. Of course, all girls in Hogwarts were stunning, but they all looked the same. Roseanne didn't have long skinny legs and long nails. She also didn't have lots of makeup on her face. Remus wasn't sure when was makeup even allowed. He remembered how his friend once got in trouble for putting on lip gloss. A bright red lipstick? Merlin, what else will he see in this school?
Rose felt her cheeks burning as she felt professor Lupin's eyes on her. Finally, she thought. But she also felt disappointed. Did she really have to dress up that way to get noticed? What kind of a man is he? Rose also wondered if she really wanted to get close to a man like that. A man who only noticed her after she changed her appearance and copied the style of other girls. They always tell you to be yourself and be unique, but then you get excluded for being too different. It's hard to live, really.
The first class came to an end and everyone was too busy gathering their belongings to hear professor's words. Rose managed to write down the task he gave them for the next class, then gathered her own things. George playfully pulled her sleeve, then nodded towards the chocolate in her bag.
"Do I have to?"
"What are you scared of, Rosie?"
"I just don't want to get in trouble."
But she did want to get in trouble. A trouble called professor Remus Lupin. She glanced at the chocolate, then her professor. He was busy taking off his jacket and collecting his books.
"Since when?" George asked, surprised with the sudden change in his crush's behaviour.
Rose bit her bottom lip, thinking about the situation. The classroom was almost empty, a few students still pushing each other to get out. George pinched her cheek, then kissed her head. She despised contact of any kind, but head kisses and cheek pinching from the twins were different. She would occasionally hit their shoulder, acting like she hated it. The redhead was the last to exit the classroom, leaving Rose alone with the professor. He had gotten up and was arranging the books on the shelf. His jacket was placed on his chair and he only wore the white shirt. Rose couldn't help but notice his back muscles through his shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing the veins on his arms. The brown haired girl stood behind him with the chocolate in her hands, lost in the way his fingers went through the pages and the way his back muscles moved. She didn't even notice her jaw slowly dropping as the man set the books back in place and stretched. Rose wasn't sure he was aware that she's still there.
Remus turned around, running his fingers through his hair and letting out a sigh. He finally had some free time. Enough to eat one chocolate bar. Maybe two. The man stopped in his tracks when he noticed a girl standing in front of him. Her mouth was slightly opened, her cheeks pink and her chest slowly rising and falling. He wasn't stupid. He was aware of his looks. He just didn't think it was worth that much attention. There were men who looked far better than him. Then why did all the girls still go after him?
"Miss Periculum," he greeted, putting his hands behind his back.
The girl closed her mouth and gulped, then looked down. The chocolate seemed like a normal one you could buy at Hogsmeade, but Merlin knew what it actually was. She noticed professor Lupin eyeing the chocolate, making her more nervous than she already was.
"Oh, before you say anything..."
The man walked over to his desk, picking up a few papers and looking at them. Rose watched as his fingers moved, her eyes following the veins all the way up his arms. She could feel her cheeks heating up again, her mind creating pictures she would've loved to see happen in reality.
"...because you left the classroom last Monday, you missed a task I need to grade. I hope you understand that you can't be the only one without a grade."
The brown haired girl nodded, mimicking the previous action of her professor by putting her hands behind her back. "When will I do it, professor?"
Remus mentally slapped himself. The way his student called him professor made his mind go crazy. She had a quiet, silky voice and he just wished to hear it one more time. So he asked, "Sorry?"
"When will I do the task, professor?"
Rose repeated the sentence a bit louder and Remus had to use all his strength so he wouldn't smile with satisfaction. He needed to see her again as soon as possible and as often as possible. Her voice was addicting. He would do anything to hear her call him again. Remus also wondered what his real name would sound on her lips. He dared to wonder what it sounded like in more than just a normal way. The man turned around towards his desk, going through the papers to hide his heavy breathing. He did feel disappointed in himself. How dare he think about a student that way? But he still couldn't help himself and say:
"Tonight, Miss Periculum."
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emilyplaysotome · 3 years
Queen’s Choice: Part 4
This is the fourth chapter to a multi-part smutty fic with the MLQC boys. 
Catch up:
 part 1 part 2 part 3
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I don’t feel nervous until I’m in the elevator, on my way up to see him. 
You’d think I’d be used to seeing Victor by now, and even more used to him giving me grief about my presentations but I’m never prepared enough when it comes to him. 
I realize it’s because I owe him in more ways than I feel comfortable admitting. 
I owe him for helping my company and for saving me. 
Again and again and again. 
I know that they all care about me, but Victor has this uncanny ability to appear and whisk me out of harm’s way. I shudder when I think about what might have come to pass had it not been for him. 
Goldman is the one who breaks me away from my thoughts and I make small talk with him as he leads me to Victor’s office. I’m dressed slightly different, with a tight pencil skirt that’s flirting with being a bit too skimpy for me and a conservative blouse so it looks like a mistake. 
I’m not wearing underwear and I can feel my heart racing as I interact with a man outside of my target, worried that he can tell and I’ve accidentally exposed myself.
That doesn’t seem to be the case though, thanks to my blazer that covers my chest and I take a deep breath as I enter Victor’s office, the door shutting behind me. 
He looks even more handsome than I remember and I remind myself that my intention for today is to tease, not necessarily seduce - though I’m open to the latter. His eyes are glued to his computer screen, and he doesn’t so much as glance up in my direction as I take off my blazer and sit in front of him. 
The fabric of my blouse rubbing against me combined with the chill of the offices has made my nipples erect, and I resist the urge to cover up, instead arching my back to give the illusion of a fuller bosom despite barely filling out an A cup. 
When he does finally look at me I see a flash of irritation in his face before he says, “Your presentation was filled with errors.”
“What!? Really?”
I’m genuinely shocked because I spent so much time checking and rechecking my work and without thinking I run beside him, behind the desk and bend over to see the computer screen. As a result I can feel my skirt riding up and I wonder if I’m as exposed as I think I am. 
Victor doesn’t seem to notice this though, exasperated he walks me through what I need to do better and I end up forgetting about teasing him and take notes diligently. It’s because of this that when he finally asks, “Are you trying something funny with me?” I don’t understand what he’s talking about at first. 
“You really are a dummy, you know that?”
With that he pulls at the back of my pencil skirt, his fingers accidentally brushing against the top of my thighs. I blush uncontrollably and nervously scuttle back to my chair. 
“I didn’t want panty lines,” I whisper so softly it’s barely audible but he hears me and sighs again. 
“I’m driving you home and you’re changing so no one else sees you like this.”
��Is it that bad? You don’t...like it?”
It’s then that he pauses and with an eyebrow raised asks, “Is this for me?”
He grins now and I’m worried about what will come next. 
“Have you dumped those other 3 and come here to confess?”
“What other -“
“Let’s not act like I don’t know and you don’t know. Call me when you’re done with them and then I’ll fuck you silly right on my desk if you want.” 
He goes back to work and I’m stunned by his the straightforwardness of his response. 
“Was there something else?”
He’s smirking when he looks at me and I can’t help but feel like he’s enjoying playing with me like this. 
“I want to negotiate.”
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I can tell that this intrigues him. He puts down his pen and sits back in his chair, crossing his legs and waiting for more information. 
“I agree to stop seeing one of them and we see what we are like together.”
He laughs and my face instantly feels hot. 
“Why is that funny? Aren’t you curious too?” I say a little too loud and with an indignant expression I can’t help but have. 
He leans forward in his chair, putting his weight on his elbows as his closes the distance despite his grand mahogany desk between us. 
“I’m not curious because I already know.”
My face burns but I don’t back down. 
“Well I don’t. Offer stands.”
He considers this and with a smirk says,
“That’s basically confessing! I’m not ready!”
“I thought we were negotiating? I have the upper hand you know....”
“Two! And that’s my final offer.”
“I’ll consider it. But for now, let me take you home.”
I feel rejected as I sit in the passenger seat and far more disappointed than I expected to feel. 
None of them have denied me, and I can’t stop fantasizing about what it would have felt like to have him capitalize while I was next to him, bending over. I think about how his fingers could have entered me and how exhilarating it would have been to fuck on that grandiose desk of his. 
But it looks like I won’t find out. 
The car pulls up in front of my building and he says, “I’ll be in touch. Cover up in the meantime if this was really for me...”
He sighs but he doesn’t look exasperated. He looks gentle and tender and loving and he says, “I’m trying to tell you that I love you as you are.”
He drives off before I can reply. 
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My head is filled with fantasies of Victor beyond the ones in his office after he denies me. I check my phone to see if he has agreed to my terms but I don’t see anything from him. 
I feel frustrated but I also don’t know who I would pick. 
I really don’t want to choose. 
In the days that follow the intensity of the fantasies increase and I find myself alone in bed touching myself to the thoughts of being with him. I get messages from the others but I’ve got tunnel vision. 
I’m a woman obsessed and whose curiosity needs to be satiated. 
I eventually buckle and write him, asking if my terms have been agreed to, all the while not knowing who I’d pick. 
I get no answer. 
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I’m thinking about what my next move is a week after our encounter in his office. I’m home, wearing a comfy pj set, hair still wet and fresh out of the shower when there’s a knock at my door. I’m honestly wondering if Lucien has returned next door but it’s Victor who I see through the peep hole. 
He’s holding something and looks impatient and I eagerly open the door, forgetting that I’m not exactly in sexy attire. 
“I’ve brought a contract,” he says, breezing by me and heading to kitchen to fix himself a drink before walking over to my couch. He’s clearly come from work, but he’s loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves, indicating that he’s done for the day.
I sit beside him and confused mumble, “a contract?”
There’s a snort and he says, “Our negotiation? Or have you already forgotten?”
“No!” I exclaim, but my heart sinks knowing what’s most likely in here.
When I look over the papers, I’m surprised to discover that there’s no mention of parting ways with anyone. Instead the demands are...far more accommodating to my desires. 
The contract outlines in details how we shall entire an exploratory phase with each other, and will not finish until both parties are satisfied. This period has no deadline other that it will last until both parties are satisfied.
There is one catch. 
With each week that goes by, I have to say goodbye to one suitor. Two weeks, two men total. Three weeks...well, the decision will be made by then even should we not have a label on our relationship. 
Victor smiles as I realize the contract is outlined in a way should I have unlimited men, one would be sacrificed per week. 
He hands me an expensive looking fountain pen and asks, “Do we have a deal?”
I nod, taking the pen from him and signing my name next to where he’s already signed. 
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“It’s a pleasure doing business with you,” he says and extends his hand for me to shake it. When I take it, he grabs me and pulls me into him, his other hand wrapping around the back of my head as he kisses me. 
It’s brief because of how we are situated on my couch, and he pulls me onto him so I’m straddling him as he unbuttons my top, before sucking on my breast. His tongue flicks at me while his hand gently pinches the other and I moan helplessly. 
“Is this what you wanted when you appeared in my office in that sheer blouse?” He teases, but I can’t formulate a reply. 
“Well?” He pushes again, not accepting my half moan half whimper as a response. 
“Yes but more.”
“What more? Describe it.”
It’s embarrassing to tell him everything I fantasized but I do and as I do I can feel him getting harder and harder underneath me. I can tell he loves hearing about the nights spent with nothing but myself and thoughts of him and he carries me to my bed, stripping me of my bottoms, and demands I show him what I did those nights. 
I’ve never touched myself in front of anyone before and it’s both nerve-racking and exhilarating. As I start to do it, he strips down in front of me and does the same. 
It’s the first time I’m seeing him like this, not just naked, but animalistic in the way he watches me. I can tell by the way he’s stroking himself that things are escalating for both of us. I don’t want to come because he still hasn’t really touched me, but he demands that I show him exactly what I did and I feel compelled to obey.
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I cry out as a wave of pleasure rushes over me and moments later he’s kneeling between my legs on the bed, hovering over me as he finishes on my stomach.
We’re both panting as I hand him a tissue to wipe himself and I’m about to get dressed when he grabs my arm and stops me.
“We’re not done,” he says with a smile.
For a moment I’m surprised, but then excited at the thought that our first night together is only beginning.
Part 5
I hope you liked the fourth chapter of my steamy fic. As I’ve said before this is very out of my comfort zone but I tried to kick this up a notch! If you liked this, please comment, share, and like! I love seeing that :)
As always, if you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend, liking it, or buying me a coffee!
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tagging @ho-lee-snow-balls 
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Duff (2)
jaebum au series 
one / three
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pairing: jaebum x reader genre: angst, smut, cheating plot: you are the duff, and guys use you to get close to your bestfriend, turns out jaebum was no exception. but as time goes on the tension between you and your bestfriend’s unoffical boyfriend grows a/n: turns out its a series huehuehue hope y'all enjoy it <3 not edited
No matter how many times you walked into Heather’s penthouse you were always blown away by the view of that day. The sky was never the same, and each and every time you walked through the doors, the city was a painted in a different light. But as much as the view took your breath away, the male sitting on the couch made your blood boil. 
“Don’t you have a home, Jaebum?” You sneered at the boyfriend of three weeks putting his feet on the three thousand dollar coffee table as if he owned the place. 
“Always a pleasure, aren’t you, love?” He smiled at you cocking his head to the side. You rolled your eyes before placing your bag on the floor and walking in front of him, making him move his feet of the table. 
“Where’s Heather?” You fell into your designated armchair as you scanned the apartment. “She said she would be here.”
Jaebum decided to more annoying then usual and didn’t answer you. He took his phone out and began playing some old song. You swore your eyes were fully white in rage as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down. 
And failing. 
You leaned towards the beautiful man who smirked at you, you were sure you looked animalistic with your teeth barred, but you didn’t care. You were going end him, kill him. 
“Listen here, you little shit-”
“Oh my, y/n!” A soft gentle voice saved the now fully grinning man. “Have you been waiting for long? I’m sorry.” 
She took a deep a breath in, before letting it out, exhausted. 
“You know traffic.”
You nodded, getting up and walking towards her. You gave Jaebum one last glare before you followed into her room. 
“You won’t believe what I found today!” She giggled as she rammaged through the bags she carried with her. “I would have absolutely loved this for me, but they didn’t have my size.” 
She gave you a small frown, before pulling out a lovely silk deep red dress. “But they had it in one of your sizes. You know how the trend in rich people is stravation these days, it’s so hard to find dresses in my size. But lucky for you, the bigger sizes are always available.”
Heather wasn’t mean. She wasn’t a bitch. At least she didn’t try to be those things. It just comes across that way. She doesn’t realise what she is saying because she never did need to have a filter. She was surrounded with people who didn’t see this as rude or mean, but as character and wit. And people who did find it upsetting weren’t in a position to really tell her how she sounded to the rest of the world. 
You bit your lip as you stared at her, making her gasp. 
“I did it again, didn’t I?” She frowned, her shoulders falling. She was trying to have a filter and that was enough for you. 
“It’s okay,” you shook your head, before giving her a toothy grin. “This dress is stunning!” You gave her a grateful smile as you ran your hands through the softness. 
“I promise to wear it next time.” 
“You can wear it today!” She smiled before doing a little jiggle. “One of JB’s friends has a club opening downtown tonight, and you are coming.”
You sucked in air through your teeth as you pretended to be in pain from the thought of missing this event. 
“I actually have a really important meeting in two days-”
“Stop lying, I know you.” She shot you a blank stare, as she began taking of her clothes and walking into the bathroom. “If you do have a meeting in two days the work for it would’ve finished a week ago, and if not, then you’re just lying.”
“Nerd!” Jaebum called from somewhere in the apartment. 
You growled before looking at Heather in angered confusion. 
“Does he not have a home?!” You said loudly so he could hear you. Heather just shook her head, as she put on her pink robe. 
“Of course he does,” she clipped her hair up. “And you’re coming so get ready, I’ll be out in a jiffy.” 
You were about to object but the door was closed before you could. You sighed as you stared at the dress in defeat. 
“You’re wearing that?” Jaebum croaked out as you walked out of Heather’s room ready with your makeup, hair and outfit done. You shot him an annoyed glare in return, before opening the fridge. 
You sighed at the abundance of kombucha, and reached for the can of coke in the bottom row. You turned to find Jaebum staring at you with a weird look. 
“What?” You snapped. “Do you want one?” 
He shook his head no before looking away, his throat bobbing nervously. 
“Weirdo,” you muttered, as you opened your can and gulped a big chug. 
“You know there are glasses, right?” 
“You know you can shut up, right?” You gave him a fuck you smile before walking past him. 
“So you’re really wearing that?” He asked, watching you struggling to sit down. It was a gorgeous dress, and you had to admit it did look good on you, but it was a bit on a tighter side, especially in the decolletage. 
“Yes, why?” you looked at the boy, and instantly looked away as your cheeks flamed. 
Just because he turned out to be like every other boy and clung on to the next best thing in a matter of seconds, did not make him any less physically attractive. 
The way his dark trousled hair was pushed up, the way his jacket tightened around his arms as he crossed them. The pinkness of his lips, and the lip ring that you could not help but wonder how it would feel against your tongue. He was standing so causally, but the tightness on his face, and darkness in his eyes were enough to make you flame up. 
“Isn’t it-”
“A bit too comfortable?” You bit back before he could continue, “Yes, and this is the bigger size.” Your brows shot up as you nodded, as if to say I know, ridiculous. 
 It looked as if he was hesitating to say something for a moment. 
“I think-”
“How do I look?” Heather walked out in a dark green bodycon looking absolutely banging. She walked over and kissed Jaebum’s cheek. 
“Nice.” Jaebum smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, and seemed rather awkward. His eyes skipped over to you; you looked away feeling uncomfortable. 
“Let’s go,” Heather spoke cheerily, breaking the silence that settled in the penthouse. 
As you got up, you felt his eyes on you. 
You knew you shouldn’t, you knew it was bad. 
But you looked up and met his eyes. 
Your body was instantly on fire. 
He didn’t walk after Heather, he stood there walking you walk closer to him. Your eyes didn’t leave him, and even though everything in your body was telling you to look away you couldn’t. 
You finally walked past him and took your eyes off him and trained it on the door that Heather had walked out off. 
“And you,” Jaebum whispered, his body so close to you, you felt his breath tickle the back of your neck, “look absolutely ravishing.” 
Tingles ignited in your core making you slightly press your legs together, as your chest heaved. 
Bloody hell. You hated him. 
The dark liqour burned your throat as you took another sip and scanned the club you ended up in tonight. You couldn’t lie, this club was pretty amazing. It was well planned, and the design and lighting of the place was inviting, playful and classy all at once. 
“I can’t tell if you’re actually an alcoholic or just like torture,” Jaebum commented from beside you. You turned towards him ready to bite back, but were taken aback by how stunning he looked. The lights in this club really did favour him alot. 
“Shouldn’t you be grinding on my bestfriend?” You asked instead, as you looked for Heather.
“Someone’s already beat me to it,” you heard him mutter, as you found your friend laughing and leaning back against another guy. You frowned at that, Jaebum was much better looking than that clown. 
“And you’re okay with that?” You asked, being careful, incase he was hurt. You didn’t know if Heather was having a play around with Jaebum or whether it was serious, and didn’t want to promise in her stead. But something about the way Jaebum had said that made your heart sink slightly. 
He shrugged before taking a sip of his drink, “it’s none of my business.” 
You groaned internally. He was such a melodramatic king. 
“Hey guys!” Heather came up to the table you and Jaebum were sitting at. “You guys are so boring,” she pouted in proper tipsy Heather style. “Why don’t you guys dance? Have fun kids.” 
She took Jaebum’s glass emptied it, before heading out to the same guy who welcomed her with open arms and probably a hard dick. 
You glared at him when his eyes met yours and he instantly looked away. 
“JB!” A voice yelled from behind you, you turned to find a handsome guy in a very expensive looking suit. “My man, you made it!” 
He hugged Jaebum who looked as if he wanted to get far away from here. You chuckled at his pained expression. 
“Thanks for the invite, Bam,” Jaebum smiled. “You really turned the place around. It looks great!” 
Bam shrugged, before shifting his attention to you. His eyes took you in, and his smile widened. 
“Hi,” he held your hand bringing it to his lips. You turned to look at Jaebum with a humoured smile. “My friends call me Bam, but you can call me Bambam.”
Your eyebrows rose, as a giggle left you. 
“It’s so good you have to say it twice.” 
This time you laughed, taking your hand back. 
He was an actual literal clown. 
“I can’t believe you used a children’s movie as a pick up line.”
Bambam gasped as he looked at Jaebum. “Who is this uncultured lady calling animated films children’s movies?” 
“That’s on you Bambam,” Jaebum rose his hands up. “We told you that pick up line was ridiculious.” 
Bambam looked at you with playful eyes instead, “You’re lucky you’re so goodlooking. Otherwise this conversation would’ve been long over.”
“Oh, lucky me,” you rolled your eyes, smiling. “I’m y/n, by the way. This place is amazing! The design is immaculate.” 
“Thank you, all done by me,” Bambam put a hand to his chest and took a little bow. 
Jaebum tried to ask Bambam something, but Bambam didn’t look away from you. He cut off Jaebum and asked, “So, you two are a thing?”
“No,” you answered, letting out a chuckle. “I don’t think you could even call us friends.”
You felt Jaebum’s eyes on you, but you ignored him. 
“Are you seeing anyone?” Bambam asked, taking a step closer. 
“Much to my displeasure, I have no choice but to see people with this sight of mine,” Jaebum straight up snorted at your horrible attempt at humour, while Bambam smirked at you. “But if you’re asking romantically, then no.”
“Good,” Bambam said, and you gulped, before looking away nervously. “How about Friday-”
“You party poopers!” Heather giggled before banging her hands on the table. “All of you on the dance floor right, now.” 
She took your hand and dragged you away from the pair. You turned back and saw Bambam follow, with a sulken Jaebum trailing behind slowly. 
Heather placed her hands on your waist, making your sway with the music. You gave in deciding fighting it won’t get you anywhere. She turned around, and leaned against you, making you laugh as she moved against you. You turned around, both of bodies moving fluently in slut. 
You laughed as she reached back and slapped your ass, before pressing her front against you. 
“He’s cute,” she breathed into your ear. You looked up and saw Bambam studying you both. 
“Is he?” you replied, before hissing. “I don’t know, he’s not my type.” 
“Claim him before I make him mine,” she pushed you against him. Bambam grabbed you, and you instantly wanted to get away. 
It didn’t last long though. 
“Who is she?” Bambam asked leaning into your ear. You followed his gaze that was looking at Heather hungrily. 
“She’s Heather, my friend.” You answered, wanting to escape more than ever. You knew what was happening, it had happened so many times already that you were already dissociating from your body. 
“You don’t mind?” He asked, biting his lip as he looked at you. 
You shook your head, atleast he asked. 
“Thanks, babe,” he winked at you.
He moved past you before you could tell him that her and Jaebum were together. You turned to find Heather and Bambam already dancing together. You searched for Jaebum but couldn’t find him anywhere. 
You turned, bumping into someone. 
“Oh sorry,” you said softly before looking up, and finding Jaebum. You didn’t like the way he was looking at you. 
“I’m going to catch some fresh air,” you pushed past him, and walked out of the club. Instead of walking out onto the street, you turned and walked towards the stairways leadnig up. 
You needed to be alone. Actually, alone. Not surrounded by strangers on a cold late street. 
You let out a deep breath as you finally made it to the rooftop. It was much higher than you had expected and were pretty winded up, but you didn’t mind. There was no one here, and the view just made it much better. 
But that didn’t last long. 
You heard footsteps behind you, and even without turning you could tell it was him. The way your body began heating up from his stare, the sounds of his footsteps, you could tell it was him. 
“What are you doing here?” You called out, without turning back. “Don’t you have a friend to seperate from your girlfriend?”
“If I didn’t know any better,” he replied, his steps slowling down. “You sound a tad bit jealous.”
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes as you turned away from the littering city lights. “He was not my type. It’s better he went away himself.” 
Jaebum stared at you with another one of those intense looks. He looked at you as if he could see you clearer than anything else in the world. He looked at you as if he had solved a puzzle and was now inspecting every piece carefully. He looked at you like you were the only thing he has ever looked at. 
You tore your eyes away, your cheeks burning again. 
“How did you know it was me?” He asked, licking his lips. Jaebum placed his forearms on the railing, and some dangerous part of you imagined you between his arms. Between him and the railing. Your dress hitched, your breathe heavy moaning his name as he rammed into you. 
You turned around, and pressed your legs together. 
“It was your goddamn tap dancing shoes,” you lied, making him laugh. 
“These shoes cost this much just so it doesn’t sound like that,” he looked over at you, and you smiled back despite yourself. 
You bit your lip and looked away, as imagines of his mouth on your skin scorched your mind. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, and you shivered slightly. 
“I told you, Jae,” you breathed annoyed. “He was not my type.”
“And what if he was?” 
You were. 
“What would you do then?” His dark eyes peered into yours. You didn’t know if it was him, you didn’t know if it was you, but the distance between you lessened. 
Your dress hitched at your thighs as your body pressed against Jaebum’s. 
His minty breath laced with liqour brushed your lips, and you savoured its warmth. You wanted to feel it all over your body. 
Your eyes flashed to the lip ring and you once again imagined it between your lips. 
Jaebum was your type. He was most definately you type, and you let him chose her. 
“If anyone was my type,” you lifted your gaze to stare into his. His dark eyes shown with something, and you hoped it was understanding. He was your type, you had wanted him, but he had chose her. “He wouldn’t chose her.”
He had chosen her. 
“He would be an incredible fool to do that,” he didn’t move away from you, but he didn’t move in closer. 
You stayed for a moment, calming your body from crashing into his. 
You snorted in distaste before chuckling and moving away. You stared at the city lights one more time before turning back towards the building. 
Jaebum remained there, his body turned towards the lights, but his mind some place else. His knuckles white by his side, his body tight. 
You smirked at him over your shoulder. 
Jaebum looked over his shoulder when he heard your heels stop halfway to the door. 
“You fool.” You scoffed, before walking away. 
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