#and I dont really wanna be stuck out in the rain
caterpillarinacave · 6 months
Well, you suppose, no point in hanging around their home, not unless you'd wanted to search the place, but the unfamiliarity with your environment and its odd creatures makes you hesitate to be left alone, so you join them on the creatures as they ride into town, sitting behind the older, friendlier person, the path from the hut takes you past the trees and onto a road, it looks like asphalt similar to your world which explains why you didn't think it odd before when you first went into town, though now you're curious about why they have it if they just ride these creatures, you observe the woods and can see a variety of trees, all looking autumnal, you find yourself wondering about the structure of the seasons around here, just how different is this world anyway? The walk is slow but pleasant, leaving you far too much time for thinking, the two you ride with chat amicably, though you can't determine the topic, you've resisted the urge to check your phone valiantly up until now, conserving the battery, but you've decided a sleeping phone still loses its charge, so you might as well fiddle around with it before the inevitable strikes, as it powers on you are surprised to find that the battery is actually at full power, as if you'd left it charging rather than turned off, but after a moment you really can't be bothered to care especially since you're already maxing your brain space putting one foot in front of the other as is, what's one one more oddity to the shenanigans? Still no service unfortunately, you flick open the camera and take a look at yourself, a little tired, a bit messy, but stunning as always, you flip the camera around and take a photo of the younger rider, looks the same even caught on a digital screen though, you can't say you're disappointed but you were kinda hoping for something more just for the heck of it, the two look at you curious and you show them the picture, the older one seems excited and pulls out a black box about the size of your palm and shows it to you, gesturing between your phone and it, you stare confused, the older one passes the box to the other and with a put upon expression the younger takes the box, holds it out in front of themself, almost like...a camera? They hold the box pinching a corner and the other hand pinching diagonal to each other and then pull, the box breaks apart into two triangular pieces, between the two pieces thin silvery strands appear and then solidify into an image, an exact reflection of you and your fellow rider, it's a picture, they hand it to you and close the box, putting it away, the photograph feels like a soft fabric, it acts like it too allowing you to fold it, on the other side is an image of the younger person who took the photo in the same pose as when it was taken, you have no idea what to do with this information, but luckily you guys are now riding into town so you tuck the photo away and refrain from overthinking it.
The town looks as it did before, the architecture is odd, not in that it looks horribly strange, just in that it isn't what the town you were from looked like...you are very knowledgeable on architecture of course, but it's about here your narrator fails you, suffice to say, the buildings are building shaped, taller than the structures from your town, the people seem to appreciate multiple stories more than your town did, and the rooftops are more sloped, perhaps this environment gets a lot of rain comparatively, the riders stop at what you would guess is probably a downtown sort of area, you didn't really see much of the town or its people in your panic before so you enjoy observing here, the people meander freely going about their day, if it weren't for the unfamiliar language and other minor changes you could honestly forget you were in the midst of some other world, you all climb off the backs of your creatures, the friendlier one goes to put them away, when they get back they say something to the younger and then shoo you both away indicating that you two should stick together while they take care of some errands, feeling a little wrong footed you follow the younger person around, they enter shops, clean and organized, they feel like local shops at home, the younger wanders with you in tow, they don't seem to be buying anything, between shops you notice a group of kids, unlike all the adults you've seen they all have bright colorful hair, including colors unnatural in your world, pinks and greens and blues alongside your standard blondes and redheads, you wish you could ask why all the adults have dark hair, if it was a fashion thing or a natural aging thing or if the children dye their hair maybe, but that's a complicated topic for how little you can communicate. The two of you enter another building, it reminds you of a thrift store, everything seems randomly placed on shelves, less organized, there's writing you take note of but can't understand, on the shelves are many items which you don't recognize, but as you sift through a basket you find a hair brush, just a plastic bristled brush with some brand name you can actually read, it looks so odd sitting there among the box of long spiky sticks, so you pick it up and head to what you presume is an employee or something at the back near a counter to ask where this came from but alas, you still don't speak the language and they unfortunately do not know what you want, they do take the brush though and tap it to the counter, a square appears on a screen you hadn't noticed and the employee stares expectantly, you're hit by that one feeling of being left at the cash register when you aren't the one paying and realize that's because you are exactly in that situation, before you can embarrassedly turn and walk away, your companion walks up and taps a space beside the screen which glows and the square turns to a circle before fading away, the brush is handed to you and you both leave, of course you refuse to be impressed or flustered, you're sure if any of them saw how tap to pay worked in your world it'd be pretty confusing too.
You inspect the brush but find nothing interesting about it, as the two of you finish wandering you end up back where the creatures were left and settle in to wait, you figure your hair could use a brushing and get to work, your companion gives you an odd glance but you pay it no mind, at least until you look down and find a streak of blue in your hair where you just brushed, confused you check the bristles but they seem clean, yet your hair is blue, you put the brush away annoyed, you feel a headache coming on, instead of brooding you pull out your bundle of berries feeling hungry, you inspect them each carefully remembering how they tasted before and pop one in your mouth, immediately your headache disperses and you feel less hungry and tired, you put away the berries and go back to waiting, once the older person comes back with a cart of boxes they hook one of the creatures to, you all head back to their place, on the way the friendlier companion hands you a black box which you recognize as the camera like item, indicating that you should keep it, you guess they got it for you while shopping earlier and you accept it bemused but thankful, when you all get back you help unload the boxes and when you're all done you're offered a place to stay, you aren't sure for how long they mean, but you have a feeling that understanding your predicament they mean quite some time, they show you a smaller, yet still cozy hut off to the side of the main living house with what you can easily identify as a bedroom and bathroom, not having anywhere to go you accept for the night and enjoy an evening meal with them before going to bed, but as morning approaches you have to decide what to do next, do you plan to accept their offer to stay longer?
(Feel free to expand on your choice either way. :) )
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serejae · 28 days
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a lonely jaehyun meets you, ask you to marry him because hes just so stupid (in love)
“im gonna smack that pout off your face” sungho scoffed as jaehyun slumped against the sticky diner booth. “are you seriously bullying a sad man?” he replied
“no im bullying a loser, its been a year. you really need to get over her, she dumped you and wasnt good for you. i just dont get why youre so stuck on her”
jaehyun huffed again and rested his head in his hands “she was just different, i imagined my life with her…i was ready to marry her sungho, i dont know what i did”
his friend leaned back in his seat taking in the sight and sighed “lets find you someone, youre never gonna find someone if you keep moping around like this”
“but who-“
“are you guys ready to order?”
the two men looked up at you and jaehyuns mouth opened a bit before he closed it and sat up fixing his posture, sungho looked over at jaehyun and raised his eyebrow before ordering leaving jaehyun to order next
“i…uhm, can i get more time?”
you smiled and nodded before walking away to get their waters
“would you call me crazy if i asked them to marry me?” he whispered leaning close to sungho
sungho spitted out his drink all over jaehyuns face making him shriek
“dude what the fuck” jaehyun screamed while standing up
the diner went silent making him look around
you ran over to the table and saw the water all over the table as well as a wet jaehyun
“oh my gosh are you both okay? do you need anything?” you said looking around clearly panicked
“marry me, will you marry me?” jaehyun asked while staring at you making the diner gasp
“excuse me?” you tilted your head slightly smiling at the situation, a man covered in water was asking you to marry him
“i know its random but do you have a partner?” he asked grinning at you
you shook your head no before looking down at your watch
“i get off now…if you wanna get married”
jaehyuns smile grew bigger as he took your hand and walked out the diner with you as sungho yelled for jaehyun as he expected him to pay the bill
you both walked as you talked about your hopes and dreams, and as you spoke jaehyun turned to look at you as you continued to walk. dont get him wrong, he was listening, just very slowly. your words seem to come out slower, something about you made his heart rate slow down yet quicken. without a thought he reached to hold your hand, he still looked at you
you looked down at his hand with furrowed brows making jaehyun let go in fear you were uncomfortable
“no, no!” you laughed understanding why he let go
“your hands are just pretty sweaty”
he looked at his hands and saw how sweaty they were, he chuckled softly with a hint of blush on his face from embarrassment
“can i ask you something though?” you said quietly in the empty city, jaehyun thought this was so romantic, just you two in a beautiful city
“yes” he started
“yes, i want to kiss you” he smiled at you
“oh. i was just asking where are we…?”
jaehyun shook his head quickly bringing himself back onto earth. he looked around and saw the unfamiliar sight. you two have been walking for so long unbothered by your surroundings that you now dont know where or what your surrounded by
realizing how much he fucked up he groaned and let out quick apologies as he pulls out his phone to try and find a solution. hes met with your laughter that makes him turn to you
“we can just use google maps and walk, you can drop me off at my house”
he nodded immediately still feeling guilty
noticing his expression, you held his still sweaty hand and smiled at him. “i had a great day today with you. it was unexpected but i really enjoyed talking and getting to know you” he blushed again as his smile grew bigger. “you mean it?” you nodded as he let out a little giggle
you both continued to walk to your house but slowly
shit it was raining.
like instinct, jaehyun took off the jacket he had as he put it over you two holding it with one hand, and not letting your hand go in the other. you both ran back to your place with a collection of laughter and banter
so when it ended and you both got to your door, jaehyun stared at you and you stared at him not wanting the night to end
you opened your mouth to speak but he opened his at the same time. you both closed your mouths to let the other speak but were not in a awkward situation
“i really wanna see you again”
“i really want to kiss you”
he immediately covered his mouth as his sentence was not as romantic as yours, but you were quicker. you moved his hand and held his face before leaning in to kiss him
and as quick as he covered his mouth, he kissed you back as he held your hand
maybe he wasn’t the only one stupid in love
“do you still wanna get married?”
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imweirdimjazzy · 3 months
The Ol’ Typewriter
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Pairing: Human!Alastor x Female!Reader
Description: Books and storytelling under the rain with your mischievous old friend Alastor, who couldn’t help but gave advice for such writing in your book.
Warnings: mentions of murder
Word count: 2515
A/N: hello! Yet again with Human Alastor one. Can’t help it I guess. Remember most of this isn’t canon to actual show and even mention of his age. I wrote this when it was raining a lot and I thought of an idea. And here we are, enjoy it! :)
Droplets of water slip out of Alastor's red umbrella. As he stood there on the corner of a street in New Orleans. The past few days only gloom over the city and anytime by now it was gonna be raining.
And for today it had the whole sky pouring.
Alastor cleaned his glasses with his sleeve. Rubbing off any droplets that had fallen or gotten there before he had popped open the umbrella. While he hummed a tune that was stuck in his head.
Placing his glasses back onto himself he made sure that his vest and button up had nothing smeared or messed up. With one hand in his pocket and the other of the umbrella.
Coming from around the corner and my heels clicking on the concrete sidewalk, I bump into the view of him and become smitten immediately.
“Alastor, I didn’t expect you to wait here for me.”
Catching a hearing of my voice, he turned to face me. Smiling and getting under some sort of roof of the small shop that I stood under.
“Well, how could I not be with a lovely lady such as yourself?” Alastor chuckled and almost closed the umbrella until I stopped him.
“You and your compliments,” I snickered under my breath. “Come on, keep the umbrella up. I wanna take a small walk with you.”
It caused Alastor to smile and looked at me curiously.
“Alright. Sounds fine to me, dear.”
Alastor popped the umbrella open and I carefully went under as he looked down to me to make sure I didn’t get wet. “Where would you like to go?” He asked.
“I’m not sure. I wanted to walk out since it was raining. It’s really nice the way the rain smells and how fresh cold hits you.”
Taking a few small steps on the sidewalk, I poke my hand to let the droplets of rain slip through my fingers.
Alastor kept up with my pace and only smiled. As he started to enjoy the quiet rain hitting the street, the soft taps fell against the umbrella with us under it.
“Ah, yes, isn’t it lovely?”
“Very much lovely,” I grinned. “Anything new in your radio show?”
Alastor hummed quietly as he thought about his day. “Nothing too notable has happened. Of course, I had to deal with some pesters calling in ungodly hours. People being too desperate for my attention as per usual.”
I chuckled and shook my head.
“People in this city can’t get enough of you, Alastor. Look at you though. You made quite a lot of progress. From being in a little house and unstable microphone, to now a full studio with jazz bands coming on to your show. I say you've been doing good.”
Alastor only laughed it off while looking away to the side.
“Ah it’s been quite a wild ride, dear. What can I say, I’m simply unforgettable!” He exclaimed. “Oh, there is something I wanted to mention.”
“Mmh? What is it?”
“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out later darling.” Alastor only smile widely, looking at the rain fall. “But I promise, it’s something you’ll like a lot.”
“I hate suprises you know that,” I mentioned with tinge of embarrassment.
“I’m aware of that, my dear.” He playfully snickered as he placed a hand on my shoulder and pulling me in jokingly. “Which is what makes it all the more fun.”
“Of course you find it that quite enjoyable,” I laughed and unconsciously lean closer for support of warmth.
Alastor notice and made sure an arm was wrapped around me. Pulling close and holding me against his side. “Of course I do! Your reactions are priceless when it happens. Even if you dont like it.”
“Yeah I suppose I’ll mention that when they inerview me in future of how Alastor was in real life—and I’ll just tell them that you were such a rude old cruel man who love to torture his poor friend with such kind of suprises.”
It spurred a cackle out of Alastor the way he found amusement what I was saying, but I suppose it was always like that with him. He always found my words and way of speaking amusing.
Alastor placed a hand on his chest pretending to be offended with the slight tease I had pushed on him. “Me? Rude and cruel? I have no idea what you’re speaking of,” he said. “And old?”
Making a tsk sound and shaking my head, I playfully replied back.
“Yup, you’re an old man stuck in a young body.”
He looked down to me as he flicked my forehead. Making me hiss out of pain and rub my forehead. The devilish grin had sneak into Alastor lips as he saw me slightly in pain. “And how exactly how old is old darling?l
Glaring at him for a second—until recovering with a small smirk.
“I say about…twenty-six. Oh wait—you’re twenty-six!”
He raised an eyebrow when I spoke out his age. Stick with the same grin. “Yes yes, laugh it up. I’m twenty-six. I know that,” Alastor mocked.
We continue to bicker along the way of the sidewalk. As slight splashes hit the curbs from oncoming cars or carriages being sent around on the road. Turning around the corner, I had recongize the small book store in middle of the shops surrounded in downtown of the city.
The bell rang as both costumers left the shop with books in hand ready to be read. Sending me into small frenzy with the pages left untyped from my old janky typewriter I’ve had since when I was twelve. Being stolen of course, no one in my family or me could’ve afford any kind like that.
I had frown a little knowing there was book at home that I couldn’t find any way to finish it.
A kind of problem I had never thought I would bump myself into. Especially since writing is the only thing I’ve been able to do for who knows how long
The two customers had passed us just as we about to reach the display window of the bookstore. Peering inside and observing the shelves filled with copies of books.
Alastor did the same but noticing the frown off from the reflection of the display window. Tilting his head and reading my face carefully.
“What’s with the frown, darling?” He questioned with a smile.
“Oh nothing.”
Alastor slightly dropped his around me and had now fully face me with another raise eyebrow.
“Don’t lie to me, dear,” He spoke. “I know there’s something on your mind.”
For a small moment I only look at him until facing away. My eyes landed back to the sidewalk ahead of us. Taking a small steps with Alastor leaning the umbrella over to me, making sure water wouldn’t get on me.
“You know how I mention I’n writing that book?” I muttered.
Alastor glance back to the display window but continue to walk the same pace I was on. “Mhm. I remember you mentioning that. How is it going? Any thrilling plot points?”
I chuckle a little but fell gently as I bit my tongue.
“Um well—well I hoped it had going better to say the least,” I sighed. “I have written so much so far but I can’t be able to finish the ending of the book.”
“Oh? What’s the problem then?” Alastor asked with smirk. “A small writers block?”
“I suppose so, yes, but it’s really what I think is the best for the characters in the ending of my book.”
He hummed almost excitedly and lean onto me while walking. “Ah, so which one is it? The man character gets a happy ending, or everyone dies sort of ending?”
“Well—well it just…the main character doesn’t exactly make the best decisions ever since meeting this man who has twisted her life up in flames. She walked through so much pain and suffering to be able to be with him. Even how dangerous and wicked he is. I thought—I thought well, maybe, she deserves this ending. A happy ending where she’s able to get what she wants, but it doesn’t seem right.”
The street had grown cold and quiet the longer Alastor had listen to me. Keeping in his thoughts as he processed the bit of plot point I had given him straight from the story. Also, smiling at the small analogy of a man twisting her life up in flames.
“Hm…I see your dilemma,” He said. “Now, let me ask you a question, dear.”
Glancing back to Alastor I had grin a little. “And what’s that?”
“Well, it depends on a couple of things. In this book,” He began, “How wicked is this man, exactly?”
“He’s…evil to say the least. He’s killed many, many people,” I cringe with breath under my voice.
A sly smile had stay still on his face while he moved his free hand poking my shoulder. “And this girl, what is she like?”
“She’s…she’s a bit harder to describe.”
“C’mon dear, surely you have some sort of an idea,” Alastor teased out of entertainment.
“I do, she’s just intelligent. On what she does and on what she sets her mind onto. She’s very funny as well and can be quite sarcastic at times, but before meeting this man, she’s unsure what her future would turn out to be. Once meeting him, all she wants is the mere satisfaction of just wanting to love him.”
Imagining in my head with two characters in mind and just falling into the plot line that I had started a few years ago. With Alastor’s chuckle breaking my thoughts and humming a little tune.
“So the poor darling has fallen in love with a wicked man. How cliche.”
“Oh shut up,” I scoffed. “I thought you were helping me not making fun of it.”
“I’m just teasing, you know that. Besides I am still very much helping,” Alastor replied.
Rolling my eyes away, we stayed quiet for a moment. Until I broke it with a thought that had continued to grow in my mind.
“You know,” I started, “Even though he is wicked, he knows he loves her. Maybe not in a way people would consider love but he does. And maybe he doesn’t know that himself. The wicked man sure has faults and tendencies that fall short but I do have to say he’s loyal.”
“I suppose love makes people do things they normally wouldn’t, doesn’t it?”
“I suppose…but that doesn’t give me enough of an idea on what kind of ending to give them.”
“Hm…let me ask you another question my dear.”
I looked at him and nodded for him to go ahead.
“Do you believe that love and loyalty can withstand even the most difficult and dire of circumstances?”
“I would say yes but…I don’t know. Love can only do so much. But maybe it can chance a whole narrative on what you intended to be.”
The sentence made Alastor jump a little with a smile. Almost intrigue. “I see. That is an interesting way of thinking about it. May I ask another question.
“Go ahead,” I grinned.
“Is this story based off of any experiences you may have had?”
The question made had almost hit a near pole on the street and look at bewilder. “No. Why would you say that?”
Alastor only smile wider. Catching on how quick it had distracted me. “Well, you seem awfully invested in this character. I’m just curious if they reflect a piece of you darling.”
My eyes had looked away and stare at my feet below me. Stepping on some small puddles.
“I could’ve, possibly. Maybe putting something that’s related to me. I just would've not know what I could had possibly put in it.
“Ah, perhaps you may not think you put anything into, but everyone leaves a piece of themselves in their writing.”
There was no response out of me.
We had stopped at a corner. Waiting to cross while vehicles had enough support of engine to pass. Both of us staring at the cloudy view of the city and how the rain had sparkles the shine of street lamps and dirty roads
The rain and road. Every small sense that had kind to just send a comfortable feeling, cradling in your chest.
“How would you end it? If you were the writer?” I broke the silence.
Following closely to my gaze, taking in the smell of rain—Alastor return his look at me.
“Well, if I was the writer, I wouldn’t quite give them a happy ending, or even a happy middle. I would make it bittersweet.”
Alastor chuckle, only this time much more gentle and hold my gaze.
“Mhm. Bittersweet,” He repeated. “You see, dear, if it was my story, I would give them a mix between happiness and sadness. They may get what they want, but at a very steep price. They may find their happiness, but it comes with a cost.”
I nodded slowly and spoke, “So, would you let them be together?”
On the inner corners of his lips I caught it twitch a little. Turning upwards and tilting his head continue to give me such a look I would never guess something on Alastor’s face.
“I suppose I, in my twisted way of storytelling, would allow them to remain together,” He let out soft chuckle.
It had made me chuckle along with him and shake my head. “Even how murderous the relationship get and how many crimes will be comitted?” I asked.
“Yes, even with the murderous tendencies and the countless crimes they may commit. They would remain togther because, in my mind dear, true love can withstand even the most twisted and darkest of relationships.”
Standing there, I had somehow smile like a fool. I didn’t count how long I stared at him like that, but grabbing his arm and hooking mine around his, I just knew.
“Didn’t expect you to be the type to be romantic kind? Maybe you could help me more with the story.”
It cause him to laugh and shut his eyes to let it all run out. Squeezing my arm and leaving a smile remain on my face.
“Me? Romantic? Who would’ve thought?” Alastor tease, his tone holding a hint of sarcasm. “How’s that old typewriter by the way?”
I groaned and blew a piece of my hair out of my face. “Janky, old and winding down—but I can handle it for another two years.”
“Why are you asking?” I added.
Alastor shook his head and smile. “Just merely asking dear. C’mon there’s cafe I wanna show you.”
Be able to cross the street, Alastor and I walk down with much more to talk about.
My mind all over the book I was writing and telling him the wandering ideas roaming inside of my head. Not being able to contain them any longer and only being able to tell him.
While Alastor listens and watches me.
Picturing the brand new black typewriter wrapped in a bow in the back of his automobile.
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divinesolas · 1 year
would.. you ever consider.. a chad x reader x ethan threesome thing ? like reader admits to chad that shes sexually attracted to ethan too and chads like "oh really?" and all teasing like then she just goes "chad, im serious. what if we tried something new.. but ethan was included?"
so when they knock on ethans door to ask if he'd like to try something with them ethans quick to let them in and its just reader in one of chads huge shirts on her and chad in his boxers, both covered in hickeys from moments before.
and idk if u wanna take it from there but i could be more in depth (i love writing im just not good at it 💀)
just my thoughts about this, might do a full fic at a later time!
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i feel like chad would be down, the though probably had crossed his mind once or twice in the past but had never brought it up in fear of making you uncomfortable.
he'll never admit it but he was relieved to hear you bring it up first and would be more than eager to go get ethan.
ethan was always a little (very) envious of your relationship. he didnt know who he wishes he was more tbh so he always tried to be out of the dorm anytime the two of you were over in fear of hearing something that would leave him throbbing and reaching his hands down his shorts.
today he couldnt leave despite the fact he wanted to. he had to study for his upcoming econ test, he would normally go to the library but it was closed today and it was raining so he coudnt even go sit outside, everyone elses dorms were occupied leaving him stuck there with his headphones blasting as he tries to ignore whatever the hell the two of you were doing.
when he hears banging he ignore it, finding it unbelievable the two of you were making so much noise until he turns around and notices the knocking on his door.
when he opens his door and are greeted by the sight of the two of you practically naked and sweaty, covered in hickeys with bruised lips he finds himself taking a step back to compose himself
"do you need a condom?"
you laugh at ethans clearly uncomfortable way of making conversation
chad shakes his head and eye's ethan up and down, "bro you know you dont own any condoms."
"i... well i have that box you gave me."
chad shakes his head and looks at you one more time to confirm with you and you eagerly nod, your eyes unable to leave ethan and his growing buldge
"you wanna join us?" "dont just ask him like that?" "how else am i supposed to do it?"
ethan stares at the two of you bickering with confusion, "What?"
"we want you to join us ethan" "join you.. with what?"
he can only watch as you walk towards him and wrap your arms around his neck giving him a grin, "you know what silly."
chad finds his way behind ethan and lays his head against his roommates shoulder. "so we were just wondering if you wanted to join us-"
you would laugh at his eagerness if you didnt want him as bad as you do
bringing his head towards yours you slam your lips against yours as chad begins to kiss down his neck
ethan feels like he's in heaven, maybe hes a little grateful the library is closed today
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coralpaperthoughts · 7 months
I am drawn between two options !!
So Adrien and Marinette Do Not get along as superheroes, due to the rivalry over their love interest, but is it the same as civilians?? Coz there's two options:
1) Adrien and Marinette have a rivalry over something in civilian form, maybe Marinette caught Adrien with the gum on her seat and the umbrella scene didn't happen, maybe it just never rained that day so there was no chance for Adrien to redeem himself
So now Marinette lumps Adrien together with Chloe, coz no friend of her could possibly be nice, and Adrien just doesn't have the energy to correct her so he just rolls his eyes and gets on with his day (coz please let me boy have at least a bit of back bone and let him stick up for himself for once) and they sorta just send daggers through their eyes to each other coz they're melodramatic
They also have an academic rivalry coz they're battling for second best of the class (obviously Max is first) and also they battle for Class President too, dragging Nino and Alya into their rivalry too (but they love each other too much to let it get to them, they just play along)
OR !!!
2) Adrien and Marinette are like this 🤞 out of the masks, they are the bestest bestest friends coz, although they love Nino and Alya very much, they always end up getting stuck together for outings and hangouts, Nino and Alya will constantly ditch them to go on dates
This time the umbrella scene does happen, but instead of Marinette falling in love (because by this point she's already falling in love with Scarletbug) she just realises that Adrien isn't actually an asshole like Chloe, so she decides she'll accept his advances at becoming friends
And they just get along so well !! they have so much in common, so many similar hobbies and interests and just a lot to talk abt and they pretty much hit off immediately
These four become inseparable,
and obviously there's the ppl who start shipping Adrien and Marinette but they either ignore them or are oblivious to the talk - they're just really good friends coz they're superhero counterparts have a rivalry and the irony of the situation is just hilarious and also they just haven't fallen in love with each other yet,, yet
And I mean ig I could make it that Marinette does fall for Adrien during the famous umbrella scene, but I don't think that's fair coz Adrien thinks he's gay, in this AU, and he doesn't realise until later on that he's actually bi
and also he's very open about his gayness, it's one of the first things he casually mentions after he gets to know a person and can trust them (didn't take him that long to trust Nino or Marinette) so Marinette would know that she doesn't stand a chance (yet) and I just dont think that's fair on her and I wouldn't wanna write that either
edit: i wanted to clarify that Adrien isn’t out yet to the public, he isn’t a public gay figure (yet) because he hasn’t really told his dad yet and he doesnt even feel like telling his dad coz his dad is a POS that probably wouldn’t even remember his name if it wasn’t plastered all over the city so Adrien just doesn’t waste his breath (eventually though, Adrien comes out to his dad in a heated argument and idk what the outcome that discussion will be just yet)
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oinkinpigprince · 5 months
Osomatsusan older sibling headcanons!!!!!
In this the sibling is still in highschool, lol(I’m in high school, I want out I’m boutta go bonkers)
This little shit, he tries so hard to be the respectable older brother. But you know damn well he’s a little scum bag
Gives really bad dating advice, like he knows what he’s talking about. You listen to him and you got yourself a one way ticket to a restraining order
Tries to help you with homework n shit but, he’s secretly illiterate and can’t do long division. He tries his best
If you ask him to do your homework though and you get a low grade, he’ll be so fucking offended. Probably go down to the school himself to complain
He makes fun of you so fucking hard, it won’t matter if you’re turning 18 in 2 days he’ll come up to you like “ew who left this ugly deformed baby here, get out you stupid little baby!!!”
He isn’t allowed to pick you up from anywhere, you had to walk in the rain cause he forgot you existed lol
This has happened more then once
He worked his ass off to repay you each time though, he’ll spend all the yen he earn to make you forgive him
Genuinely does care for you and if you bring someone home, he’ll pull the scary big brother act. Doesn’t matter your gender or your partners gender. He needs to show them who they’re gonna have to deal with >:((
Pray to god he never sees you hanging out with friends, he’ll unintentionally embarrass the hell out of you
You two locked eyes and you knew damn and well it was over for you
“Is that my dearest baby sibling? Oh and they have company! My dearest angel baby sibling may I accompany thee to make sure no one gives you any trouble”
“Karamatsu I’m fucking 17” “nonsense, I know you have trouble speaking up for yourself so allow me to! My darling baby sibling”
He just wants to make sure his dearest darling angel baby sweetest little sibling is okay and doesn’t get hurt
Actually very sweet, and just wants you to know you’re loved and cared for. He’s probably the best one to come to if you’re having problems
He probably will cry if you struggle with insecurities and self doubt, you’re so cool how fucking could you >:((
If you wanna explore your style him and Todomatsu are your guys. He’d probably love dolling you up in his flashy clothing
The rest of the brothers make fun of you, but the happiness in Karamatsu’s eyes seeing his baby sibling indulge in his wacky clothing sense makes it worth it
Cannot fathom you doing ANYTHING wrong, he could watch you smoke crack out of a pipe and he’s just like “lol, what cool magic tricks my dearest sibling does!”
Will fight tooth and nail for you, even if you’re in the wrong
“Hey (y/n)! You took my fucking donut”
“how could you even fathom them doing something so stupid they would never!”
“Lol i totally did”
“. . . My dear baby sibling once again, taking the blame so their elder brothers don’t have to fight! Taking on the burden of keeping us from tearing each other apart! Truly remarkable!”
Mother hen!! Smothers you a lot to make sure you’re doing fine and you’re getting enough sleep, food, and water(I think he just likes the authority he gets over you)
If you’re a shut in he’ll take you on walks around the park and maybe buy you a little treat, to make sure you don’t shrivel away in the dark
Has beaten osomatsu and Karamatsu’s asses for doing your home work for you. Makes you do it yourself but guides you to the right answer
Probably pressures you into taking higher classes, joining clubs, and other things. Wants you to he successful and well rounded so you aren’t stuck like him and the other brothers
If you are also into idols he is ECSTATIC, if he wants to share his interests and hobbies with anyone it’s YOU
Actually loves listening to the music you enjoy, even if it’s death metal or rap. He’ll indulge in it to get closer to you.
You and him have lazy days where you watch magical girl shows like salior moon or madoka
Hassles you on your friends and what they’re like, doesn’t care for drama but likes to keep tabs on the types of crowds you’re in
If you get sick, it’s fucking over for you. Will not let you out of bed for a hurricane, will make you sleep in that bad and take all of the gross medicines that make you feel sicker than before
Doesn’t actually talk to you much, he loves you and all but just kinda tries and hides from you at home
He feels like a total fuck up, and hates the idea of you seeing him as a useless bag of garbage
Ichimatsu though does like watching you grow up, when he sees you out with friends he can’t help but tear up a little
Seeing you so happy with your friends makes him feel all warm and fuzzy, he just hope you’re being true to yourself unlike him
He totally goes to fuck it up though, 100% he spots you with your friends and decides ‘I’m gonna ruin this precious moment’ strolls up like “you kids ever heard of goatse?”
You have to SCREECH at him before he scares off your friends, he thinks it’s so fucking funny the way you try and claw at his face to give him to shut up
“You ever heard of this thing called un-bir-” “OMFG GO AWAY YOU CHRONICALLY ONLINE TROLL!!!!!”
Absolute bastard, he knows it pisses you off
Sometimes though, he’ll bring you a random cat and just kinda, hand it to you. You have to pet it, it’s the law, you have to listen to your big brother, he’ll call the fuckin, pet the cat, don’t make him call the police on you
He’s the reason why you cannot tell your brothers if you’re going on a date, he’ll find you, and when he does. You might as well have cancel the date and faked your own death and move to Russia
Scares the shit out of you and your partner, you and your partner are sitting at a cute cafe and he just sits right next to your partner and stares so intensely, unblinking
It doesn’t end until your partner leaves, mission success. Doesn’t even say goodbye just leaves
Makes you play baseball with him, he’s the reason you can pitch a perfect throw
Wants to be around you constantly, and knows exactly how to make you smile and laugh, and abuses it horribly
He’s actually one of the sweetest brothers, he’ll try and help you with EVERYTHING, doesn’t matter if he’s any good
Would really want you to join a sport but if you end up being more into the arts he’s just as happy
He still thinks of you as a little baby so when you mention anything about highschool or normal teenage activities hes Just Like “BUT YOURE LIKE 3?!” “JYUSHI IM FUCKING 18”
Jyushimatsu had no perception of time, you’re 3 years old forever, sorry
Him and Choromatsu bring you out a lot, especially if you don’t go out he’ll drag you to do activities, and he gets creative
He’ll pick you up and go “ewwww, look at this stinky baby, let’s throw it back in the dumpster”
Jyushimatsu never lets you over work yourself, every time he sees you even remotely stressed he is ON IT, he’ll octopus wrestle you onto the floor for a nap, no escape
Jyushi also is probably the most ride or die person you will meet, if you told him you kicked a yakuza member in the balls and stole their money and contraband he’ll just nod and say “okay, let me go get my bat” and help you dismantle the entire crime district just so you don’t get hurt
But usually he’ll just drive you to target to go replace a vase you broke
You’re his only sibling, he only has a younger sibling and he will die on that fact
Todomatsu will often take you out to drink coffee and take pictures, he loves spending time with you almost as much as Jyushimatsu and buys you tones of cute clothes
He loves playing dress up w/ you, especially if you’ll let him dress you up really girly
He’ll grab you and use you to pick up chicks too, playing the perfect big brother role. He acts so sweet but you know it’s a slimey little act
Todo constantly asks who your favorite brother is, kicking his legs up trying to look cute. God forbid you say anyone but him, he once refused to talk to you for a week cause you said someone else
He is really cuddly though, you’re having a bad day and just wanna relax go to him. He’ll get you some snacks and put on a movie and you two will just sit under a blanket and talk shit about the other people at your high school
He also loooves the Highschool drama, he will sit you down and buy you coffee just for the chance to judge a bunch of children’s morality choices and also spend time with you. Friend drama? Class drama? Some kid almost died from alcohol poisoning in math class? He’s all ears
Todomatsu will also tell you about all of the shit he use to get into during his highschool year (he’s totally not lying or really did happen you have to believe him)
When it comes to dating he actually have some decent advice but also complains, how can you get bitches and he can’t?! It’s not fair he’s cuter than you!!
You feel so loved in this house
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minkshame · 1 year
I did want to reshare the SPARE CHANGES PLAYLIST complete with tracklist and key lyrics... under the cut
Half a World Away (R.E.M.) - My hand's tired, my heart aches / I'm half a world away
Leaving New York (R.E.M.) - You might have laughed if I told you (it's pulling me apart)
Dirty Imbecile (The Happy Fits) - When my heart starts beating, lungs stop breathing / All my fibers say to run away
Don't be Seen with Me (Oppenheimer Analysis) - I kept things under strict control / Resisted all diversion
How to Disappear Completely (Radiohead) - That there, that's not me
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (The Beatles) - I can see them laugh at me, and I hear them say / Hey, you've got to hide your love away
Heart in a Cage (The Strokes) - See I'm stuck in a city, but I belong in a field
Back to the Old House (The Smiths) - Cause I never even told you / Oh and I meant to
Promise (Laufey) - And I should get a cigarette / For how much restraint
No Time to Explain (Good Kid) - It's been a while I've been out on my own / I'm in denial about living life alone
I Guess He'd Rather be in Colorado (John Denver) - I guess he'd rather work / Out where the only thing you earn is what you spend
Give you My Lovin (Mazzy Star) - Cause you see, rain reminds me of you / And everything has turned to you
Hopelessly Devoted to You (Olivia Newton-John) - I know I'm just a fool who's willing / To sit around and wait for you
I Don't Wanna Be Okay Without You (Charlie Burg) - And I can hear so clearly all the words I wish I'd said / You're stuck in my head
Mamma Mia (Austin Weber) - Yeah, I've been brokenhearted / Blue since the day we parted / Why why did I ever let you go?
Livin' With a Heartache (The Beach Boys) - I'm no good alone, you know-a everyone sees / That you left me alone with nothin' but a heartache
Oh Love (Delaney Bailey) - And I don't want to turn back time anymore / But I do miss when I thought that I was loved
Duvet (bôa) - But you know that it means so much / And you don't even feel a thing
I want you (Mitski) - We're starting over / And I love you darling
The Less I Know The Better (Tame Impala) - I was doing fine without ya / til I saw your eyes turn away from mine
Pork Soda (Glass Animals) - Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? / How come I see you and ache instead?
Spare Hearts (Exit Mouse) - I know you’re afraid / Of making a big mistake / But you’re just what I need / Spare me the fear
Les maudits mots d'amour (Le rouge et le Noir) - Mais dans l'ivresse de tes bras / Tout le reste vole en éclat, / Vole en éclat.
If I can't be yours (Loren & Mash) - I realize / We're not the same / And it's making me sad / Cause we can't fulfill our dreams in this life
Memento Mori (Red Vox) - Could it be, the presence of memory / Is all we are, all we'll ever be?
I Know It’s Over (The Smiths) - And it never really began / But in my heart it was so real
Sparks (Coldplay) - My Heart is yours / It's you that I hold on to
Turtles All The Way Down (Sammy Copley)- And I’m aware / That it’s not fair / To bring you here then send you on your way / You had so much to say / And to ask
Door (I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME) - If I'm out of line / Just show me the door / I promise you I / Won't come here no more
Scary Love (The Neighborhood) - No one has ever cared for me / as much a you do
It's Been a Long Long Time (Harry James) - You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you / Or how empty they all seemed without you
Those Eyes (New West) - I close my eyes and all I see is you / And the small things you do
Heart to Heart (Mac Demarco) - To all the days we were together / To all the time we played apart / In each other's lives
Another Believer (Rufus Wainwright) - And give me just one more chance, one more glance
Home (Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros) - Man oh man you're my best friend / I scream it to the nothingness
Genesis (Jourma Kaukonen) - And there I found myself with you / When breathing felt like something new, new / Along with you
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
I really REALLY need a fic where Caitlyns daiting fem!Zaun!reader and now reader always sneek into Caitlyns room to see her(this takes before vander died) and one say cassandra caught them and pointed her gun at reader,who got flashbacks from the battle on the bridge and she has a panic attack where cait comes in and shields her and trys to comfort her at the same time.
You dont need to do this request its just stuck in my mind currently.
Safety In Home
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Tags: 2k words, young!caitlyn, young!reader, fluff & angst, PTSD flashbacks, guns, death mention
You met Caitlyn while she was out with a man she called Jayce. She was hovering around him, picking things up and examining them. She asked questions about why he would need certain things while he gave her half answers, probably because of your obvious company.
Eventually she got tired of his not completely honest answers and turned to you. She started asking questions and you answered, asked some of your own. You quickly got on and eventually she started coming in to hang around the shop and occasionally buy things to take home. Then one night it was late and dark and you, used to the dangers of the Undercity, offered to walk her home and she said yes.
It was raining and you were both soaked by the time you arrived at the gated house. Your breath was taken away just by the sight of it. It was huge. All the houses in the era were larger and more fancy than you’d ever seen in your life.
“Well, this is me,” Caitlyn said, tugging at the bottom of her shirt.
“You’ve got a nice house,” you said.
“Yeah, maybe someday you can come inside,” she said, bumping her shoulder with yours. “I should go, my mom’s probably worried.”
“Yeah,” you said, a jealousy prickling your insides.
Caitlyn grabbed your hand and squeezed it. “I actually wanted to ask you a question,” she said. “Do you want to go on a date? You can say no! But I really like you and not in a platonic way but I really also wanna stay friends so you can say no if you think it’s too much or you don’t want to or—“
“I’d love to,” you told her and she smiled.
She brushed some of the hair stuck to her forehead away from it and squeezed your hand. “How about this weekend? Meet me at the bridge?”
“Sounds perfect,” you said.
You went back to the Last Drop with the smallest skip in your step.
“You look happy,” Vander said as you sat down at the counter. “What happened?”
You sat back in your seat. “Can I just be happy?” you asked.
“No, no, of course you can,” he said, moving to grab you a cup and make you a nonalcoholic drink. “Just wondering what made you come in with such a big smile on your face is all.”
You shrugged and looked off to the side. It wasn’t busy tonight. It normally wasn’t when rain was on the forecast, except for the occasional few who came in trying to escape it.
Vander handed you your cup and you took it before you went downstairs to find Vi, Powder, Claggor, and Mylo all sitting, sprawled out over the couches.
“You’re late,” Vi said.
You took a long sip of your drink and spun around as you debated whether or not to tell them before you just blurted it out, “I’ve got a date this weekend.”
Powder was the first to react, sitting straight where she was hunched over the table, a screwdriver and whatever she was working on once in hand now on the table. “What?!” she asked, no anger, simply excitement in her tone.
“You? You got a date?” Mylo asked.
“Congratulations,” Claggor said, “who is it?”
Powder stood up and grabbed your hand. “Can I help you pick out an outfit?” she asked, tugging on your hand once with every word.
“Huh,” Vi said as she relaxed in her chair.
Together, with all their help (Mylo being the least helpful and Ekko heard from Powder and coming in to help), you picked out an outfit. It was your only pair of pants that weren’t covered in patchwork or holes paired with a cropped, sleeveless shirt with frog buttons in a color Claggor and Ekko swore matched your skin tone perfectly and shoes that Vi helped you clean and try to shine. You also let Powder do your hair.
You met Caitlyn at the bridge and she looked at you with eyebrows high, eyes wide, and mouth low as a blush started to fork over her cheeks. She held out her hand and led you into the woods.
“I found this place while I was doing some target practice,” she said.
Eventually you got to a small pond. Caitlyn spread out the blanket she got while you squatted near the water. You put your hand under it and watched it drip off your fingers when you brought it out. You’d never seen water this clean, especially water that hadn’t been run through some piping system.
“This place is beautiful,” you said.
“I know, right?” Caitlyn replied as she started taking foods and drink out of a basket she’d brought. “It’s nice to get away from the cities, all the mechanical stuff and just bask in nature.”
“Yeah,” you said, agreeing absentmindedly as you looked up. You could see the sky, blue and clear, through the small clearing in the trees above you. “It really is.”
Caitlyn stood beside you for a moment. Then she hesitantly grabbed your hand. When you squeezed it, still taking in the sights more than you were processing what was happening, she leaned against you.
“Are you hungry? I brought food.”
You ate the best meal you’d ever had that day in company you enjoyed more than you enjoyed most. You laughed a lot. You smiled so much your cheeks hurt. You felt safe. You’d never felt that before but here, with Caitlyn, you truly, fully felt safe. It was a nice feeling to have.
You went back that night with your head in the clouds and recounted everything to Powder who hung onto your every word and Vi who scoffed and acted like she didn’t care but you could tell she did. You were, after all, the first of the group to go on a real date with someone you liked and who liked you, for now they’d have to live vicariously through you.
It didn’t take long into your tentative relationship for Caitlyn to start sneaking you into her room. It was large. A bed bigger than any you’d seen pressed against the middle of the wall, a dresser beside it, a desk in a different corner, a storage box parallel to it. It was huge.
Eventually though, you got into a habit of sneaking into her room after you were finished working and she’d bring you some of the high quality food prepared for a council member and her family for your own dinner. Occasionally you’d save any sweets she may have brought to give to the others. That was when Mylo finally admitted that maybe you having a girlfriend wasn’t a completely awful thing.
You were sneaking in one night when your foot caught the window and you fell. You muffled your own grunt and stayed still for a moment. You couldn’t hear anything, no footsteps, no talking. Maybe no one heard you.
You righted yourself and brushed off your clothes. You’d been trying to keep your clothes cleaned these past few weeks, if purely because you didn’t want to get Caitlyn’s pretty, expensive things dirty. Maybe it didn’t matter as much to her but just a couple things from her room alone could feed you and your friends for over a month in the Lanes.
You sat down on Caitlyn’s footstool and retied your shoe. It was stupid of you to not have done so earlier. You should know better by now. You did, actually. You should do better. Just because Caitlyn was your girlfriend and an alley didn’t mean everyone in Piltover was.
You shook your head as you finished your retying. Then you stood up.
You rocked back and forth on your heels as you debated what to do with your time spent waiting on Caitlyn. Obviously, it couldn’t be something that would draw attention. It couldn’t be loud or cause a lot of movement.
You sighed.
Then suddenly the door opened and a woman holding a rifle was in your face. You immediately stumbled backward.
Powder running for Vi. An enforcer with a rifle. You ran for her. Tackled her down just as a gunshot rang out. Losing sight of Vi in the process.
“Mom! Wait!” Caitlyn’s voice said as you fell to the ground.
Yelling voices drowned out by the sounds of fighting. Fire everywhere. Smoke filled your lungs. Powder’s hand in yours as you continued to search for Vi.
“She’s a friend. She’s my friend,” Caitlyn said as the sound of hurried footsteps drew closer.
Running towards Violet. A bomb sounded in the distance. She grew closer.
A hand gently touched your shoulder.
You grabbed Vi’s hand and yanked her and Powder out of the main thoroughfare of the fighting.
“Hey, are you okay?” Caitlyn asked. “Talk to me. You’re scaring me.”
A body next you. A body far away. Bodies everywhere. Your parents’ bodies. A broken cry for them to be okay, to wake up, they were scaring you.
Caitlyn called your name and ran her hands up and down your arms.
Your name being said, distant, so distant. A hand on your arm guiding you away.
Caitlyn’s hands cradled your face, wiping away tears you hadn’t processed fall. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe, I promise. You're with me.”
“You’re safe here with me, kid. It’s all over now. I promise.”
Caitlyn’s hand grabbed your own and held it to her chest. Your fingers twitched as you could feel her heartbeat, her chest rise and fall.
“Breathe with me,” she said before doing an over exaggerated breath.
“Breathe, kid. Breathe.”
You copied her best you could.
Slowly but surely you calmed down and she held you close. “It’s okay, you’re safe with me,” she said and you believed her. Surrounded by stuffy Piltover things, you believed her.
You slowly wrapped your arms around her and held her just as close. You breathed in the smell of pine trees and nuzzled your head against soft fabric.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” she asked.
“Please,” you said, voice broken.
She helped you up and you almost numbly suggest that she change, don’t want people to know that a Pilty is down in the Lanes. She dressed down as best as she could and dragged you through her front door, past her mom who she glared at and her dad who looked at you with sympathy you didn’t care to see.
For the first time, you led her to your home. Down the mineshaft and through the streets until you got to the Last Drop. You held her hand tightly the entire time and no one gave you trouble, recognizing you as one of Vander’s kids or not seeing you as prime mugging targets.
You opened the door to the Drop and Vander looked up immediately. His brows furrowed with worry and he stepped out from behind the counter.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling you aside and letting you drag Caitlyn along with you.
You didn’t say anything, just used your free arm to hug him. He hugged you back hesitantly, carefully, so gently. Caitlyn squeezed your hand.
“I should probably go,” she said when you pulled away.
“Nonsense,” Vander said. “It’s dangerous at the best of times. Wait until morning at least. Come on, let’s get you downstairs.”
Vander didn’t go back up until he saw you in the care of Vi and Powder who you immediately drew into hugs. You pulled Caitlyn into your bed with the duo of sisters and cuddled up to her while Powder and Vi settled next to you. Powder with her head laying on your thigh and Vi with her hand on your ankle.
Caitlyn gingerly wrapped her arms around your torso and rested her head against yours.
“I love you,” she said in a quiet voice. “You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted you to know.”
You hugged her back tighter and fell asleep with her in your arms and the tight feeling in your heart just a little bit looser.
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femmesandhoney · 4 months
my bestie told me that this obnoxious man who went to school with us keeps randomly trying to hit her up and she kept agreeing to hang out w him despite not really liking any of their hangouts and i was like girl...so she was telling me bout her latest one a few months ago that she couldn't get out of as easy bc she shared her schedule w him (stupid 😭) but i think she panicked and didn't think thru the fact she could just lie and tell him she picked up more summer hrs and yeah i told her so and she was like ik and hung her head lmao. anyways!! stop hanging out w men fr bc why did this girl tell me everytime theyve hung out they just WALK. i was like walk? And she was like yeah they just walked for hrs. and that he DOESN'T TALK he doesn't even try to contribute to the convo so it's her just badly trying to keep some tangible convo going the entire time?? so this last meeting after not hanging out for MONTHS she tried again for some unknown reason and she bet really heavy on the forecasted rain to save her near the afternoon. Except the rain never came. She got stuck hiking w him through three whole parks for like EIGHT HOURS. of just hiking. w a guy she doesn't even like. And the kicker? She said he smelt god awful like he hadn't showered before meeting her.
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do flipschitz romantically *going to movies then getting stuck by a sudden rain*
u dont have to do it if its to vague or hard to start with
have a nice dayy
Sure thing!! I'll try my best! Thank you so much for the request! <3 And have a nice day to you as well! Okay here we go rahhh (there's more underneath the break)
They walked out into the lobby, Ruth in a fit of laughing. "What do you mean the movie just ends like that??" Ruth giggled, trying to keep it together.
"Well, it's a part of a series, Ruth! There are many movies before, and likely after! It's a whole universe, and- and there's loads of lore behind it!" Richie smiled. He enjoyed seeing her like this - Out of the teenage angst they experienced in their everyday life. They rarely did things like this together.
They went to go through the lobby door but were stopped by someone behind the counter. "Are you sure you guys don't wanna stay in here 'till the rain stops?"
And sure enough, it was pouring down outside, so they sat down on a nearby bench.
Ruth leaned slightly up against him, reaching for his hand. He held her hand and smiled softly down at her before looking out at the people passing by.
"...Do you ever wish we could go unbothered by Max?" She asked, subconsciously intertwining their fingers.
"Well, yeah, most of the time. Pretty much all the time. He's a literal monster."
They both went quiet for a bit.
"..what are we?"
"No-! Well, yes- but, what are we?"
"...Considering that we've literally been dating for 3 months, I'd say that we're together. What, did you forget?"
"..Yeah- It all went pretty fast." she chuckled.
He smiled softly and gently planted a kiss on top of her head. As time went by, they shared stories to make time pass. Stories about pretty much anything that came to their minds, really.
Soon, the rain started to dial back and they decided that it would be a good idea to head home now.
They stood infront of one another, facing eachother. "..I guess i'll see you on Monday, then?" Richie asked. "Yeah. Unless I decide to pop by for shits n giggles." She chuckled softly.
"Yeah," He said with a smile.
They kissed before saying their goodbyes and parting ways.
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doodlebeeberry · 5 months
Why she was sitting up on the pool rim with her, then, Charlotte didn't know.
wip of a charlotte and amelia fic cause. i dont really have a good reason i just feel bad leaving it on my hard drive for so long with out touching it.
The plane wasn't quiet. It had been, it had been really quiet, for a while, back when Airy had first disappeared. Hours (days? Weeks? Months? Shifts, the others had started calling them, like they were stuck at work instead of in Hell, though she herself could never get in the habit) of silence would stretch over the plane on all sides. Charlotte, more often than not, would use that time the same way she almost always did: sitting back, thinking, watching, on occasion, whatever the others were up to. Fun times. But, sometime in between dying–or reviving, reincarnating, she didn't even wanna begin figuring that one out, so dying it remained–and Backpack–Liam–making an appearance…wherever Airy was, something changed. She'd noticed while trying to take a nap, how there was always noise now, some little background noise beyond the usual chatting that was a frequent fixture of this place. She heard rain pretty often, or what sounded like rain, sometimes like a drizzle and others like a down-and-out hurricane. Typing was even more common, the clunky kind from a loud keyboard, alongside computer mouse clicking and muttering. Lots of muttering. Lots of muttered curses, to be more specific, in a voice eerily like Liam's. Honestly, it sounded like someone had walked away from a voice call without turning the microphone off, all that kind of unconscious background noise. Putting two and two together, she could guess that Liam himself had something to do with it. Figures.
At the moment, she heard the faintest sound of snores make their way down to them, which had followed behind keystroke clacks, slowing steadily until, with a final little clatter, the vanished altogether. It was an easy picture to paint, Liam slumped over whatever keyboard he had on his end, asleep with his cheek pressed flat on the keys, and fitting given that almost everyone down on the plane was asleep as well. Subway and Whippy had gone inanimate–another wonderful phenomena of this place she wouldn't bother figuring out–in a little pile, one stacked on top of the other. She'd caught Tray dozing on the far side of the pool, and last she saw Scenty and Soda–Bryce–they'd been in the shed failing to play chess, she could only assume they'd fallen asleep at some point too. Charlotte was tempted to join in, honestly, she certainly felt tired. Earlier she'd been pulled, five against one (though it really wasn't much of a fight) into helping whittle down some of the wood from that last stake into something they could actually use. Someone–Subway, she guessed–wanted to make another game board, so that they'd have something to play other than chess. But despite actually doing something today, the keyboard noise combined with the renewing ache of growth in her shoulder had kept Charlotte awake, enough so that she'd said Fuck It and went on a short walk down to the plug and back in the hopes that it'd knock her out. Which it hadn't yet, even though she was already on her way back. Passing by Subway and Whippy, still inert, she groaned internally. Staring off into space and thinking–spiraling, more accurately, though she wouldn't put it like that–hadn't exactly done her any good before she died. Charlotte wasn't keen on playing that game again, but she didn't have anything else to do, particularly with just about everyone else asleep. She could swim, she thought, but hesitated at the thought of all that moisture mingling with her mold. She passed by Atom, the only other person awake by the looks of it, noticeable only by an overturned triangle of grass, bobbing as he tried drawing in the dirt with its tip. He greeted her, just like he had when she'd left. She could sit with him, watch him draw, even draw herself if she wanted, but…eh. She wasn't really one for art. That, and Atom was another one of those quirks of the plane she didn't wanna put much thought into; she didn't really like hanging around with just him. She nodded back at him, returning his greeting, and approached the shed. If nothing else, she could always steal the chess board from Bryce and Scenty while they slept, though the thought of playing a one-on-one match with herself was absolutely humiliating.
Charlotte sighed, rounding the corner. What she wouldn't give for her flat-screen. Or her phone. Or the internet. God, she missed the internet. All the movies or games or books she could have ever wanted had been right at her fingertips, and now she'd been reduced to just whittling away her time. Literally. It sucked. Before she could get too far with her griping, though, she glanced into the shed. The sight gave her pause. Bryce was there, as she'd guessed, leaning back with his feet kicked up on both the table and the board–the bastard, she thought, unable now to steal it without waking him–but that was it. Bryce was asleep alone, Scenty nowhere to be seen. Huh. it wasn't a cause for concern, really. Unless she'd fallen from somewhere, somehow, and shattered her sorry ass Charlotte knew she was fine–not like they could get lost here, after all, or go missing–but it was weird. She shrugged, turning away from the scene. Not like it was any of her business what Scenty got up to in her down time. But no sooner had she written the situation off did she spot the woman of the hour perched up on the rim of the pool, alone, facing the water. Again Charlotte paused–that was even weirder. She could count the number of times she'd seen Scenty up there on one hand with fingers to spare, and not once had she been alone. The ladder in her sights, Charlotte weighed her options.
...At least the climb up the ladder was short.
Annoying, given the bad are and shit depth perception, but short. And the view from the rim wasn't terrible. Not that there was much to see, beyond the occasional sleeping forms of the others-now including Tray, visible from this vantage point, still curled up exactly where Charlotte had last seen her-but you could see the curvature of the plane, the way the "grass" seemed flatter the further out you squinted. At the very least, you could see it all more clearly that you could from the ground. At its edges, the sky was grey. Greyer, anyway, or duller. The sun sat squat overhead. Scenty sat criss-cross a scooch or two away. Hands at her side kept her balanced on the thin edge, Charlotte thought. She pulled herself up onto the lip, alongside her. Scenty didn't acknowledge her, if she noticed her at all, staring into the water. Reflected back, Scenty's expression was steady. Charlotte watched her a moment, then, with a splash, plopped her feet into the water. Perfectly lukewarm. Eugh. The reflection rippled. Scenty glanced at her slightly. Charlotte caught her eye instantly. She raised a brow, and Scenty looked away. Charlotte did the same.
They stayed like this for several minutes. Looking around, into the water. Sometimes Charlotte would drag her feet, back and forth, making the sun around their heads distort. Charlotte and Scenty hadn't talked much lately. They'd talked a little, in a place like this it was almost impossible to avoid one another entirely, but all of it was short and none of it mattered much. Just shift talks, mostly. Somewhere along the line, Subway, nosy bastard that he was, insisted on knowing more about her life-particularly her cave exploring, which both he and Whippy claimed was too cool a topic to keep to herself. She'd relented eventually, if only (she would say) to get them off her back, and one little story-time turned into another, then another. Then the others started throwing in their own experiences–who was dating who at Tray's school, convoluted sub-atomic politics as described by Atom that Charlotte simply could not wrap her head around, a story about sibling mischief that made Bryce sound fonder than she'd ever heard him. Even Liam had joined in a couple of times, with weird telemarketing stories that made him laugh tiredly. It became part of the work shifts, like yoga or whittling. Scenty, meanwhile, never joined them. Charlotte only offered once. She wasn't surprised, being turned down. She remembered what'd happened, just before Bryce showed up. Scenty was set on leaving that chat unfinished and Charlotte couldn't be assed to do anything about it, even if it kept them from actually talking about anything ever again. Whatever problem Scenty had, that was her business.
Why she was sitting up on the pool rim with her, then, Charlotte didn't know. She hadn't really thought this through as well as it seemed. Scratch that, she hadn't really thought this through at all. But the silence was getting awkward, with everyone else too asleep to break it. "The water's…nice," Charlotte tried lying first. Scenty hummed. The quiet returned. Damn it. She kicked the water around a bit. "You don't come up here much," she observed instead. "Not really, no," Scenty replied.
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isas-bathbombs · 6 months
If you’re gonna ask me questions I’m gonna ask you questions!
1. Favorite ambiance? (Like rain at midnight, sunrise etc)
2. If you got stuck in an escape room, which mutual or friend would you bring along?
3. What artists do you listen to? (I KNOW Taylor is gonna be on that list)
4. If you were a magical being, what would be your weapon of choice?
5. If you could travel to any period in history, not affecting the timeline, to see a major event what event would you want to see?
6. Cats or dogs? (Or both!)
7. If you could choose to manipulate any element, what element would you pick?
1. soft rains during late afternoon when im just in bed is really nice! and i really like sunsets too, i have a lot of pretty pics of it that i took. midnights where its cold and you’re watching the stars is also a good vibe.
2. i’d bring @oneginn not cuz if i think we’d be out quickly. but if i’m gonna suffer, then so is she 😒
3. ur right, i <3 taylor swift she’s all i listen to most of the time plss but i do also like the smiths, TV girl, IV of spades and sunkissed lola
4. power of friendship solves it all /j hmm i dont know honestly, it depends. can the weapon be literally anything since i’m a magical being? like a sword gun? a wand that talks? gun that blasts cakes??
5. this was hard lol but i’d say, the great emu war. i just wanna see australians get their ass beat by a bunch of birds LMFAO
6. both!! i lean more towards cats tho
7. oohh like atla? i think water would be cool. it’s usually what i get in avatar quizzes
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partyswirl · 1 year
False alarm for the gooieducks thing
just posting this cause people were rbing my post it was a glitch with me specifically cause console is glitchy, im now crashing much less. dont wanna spread misinfo oopsies
it might have been an issue with how many creature interactions were happening at once cause i was in subterranean, now im in sunken pier and I haven’t crashed yet and am lagging much less
so it was a false alarm but i think being in the same room as your slup while it eats takes some amount of processing which probably pushed my already weirded out game to the edge.
still dont know why the crash was so strange usually it exits me out of the game and is like “oops an error occured9 but for this one i had to actually turn off the console which is weird
also i had a weird glitch with a flashbang earlier so that certainly wasnt helping loading
console slups are weird
more stuff to know under cut, mostly glitches ive encountered incase you want to know them a lot of them have to do with either gourm or slips.
didnt mean to write this long but apparently i am rain world technical difficulties georg
pipeyard slups
sleeping in pipeyard yeets your slups so if you find a slugpup in pipeyard/already have a slugpup and enter pipeyard, either try to move out of the region same cycle or dont get attatched to the sluppy. i havent seen this issue in any other region yet but be careful
gourm wall clipping
maybe this is an individual thing as well but sometimes i clip into the wall as gourmand when im going through a pipe. i dont know why. it’s only happened in outskirts so far but idk. each time ive had my slup on my back and they come out unscathed so thats good.
id just keep walking to the side opposite where i shouldve come out of the pipe, and threw the spear and rock i was holding and i’d come out the other side most of the time so yea
time travel is bad
if you remember my time travelling thing yea be careful of time travel. if the region changes significantly during the timeline and you havent been to its updated state, DONT PASSAGE THERE.
it will send you to the state you’ve already seen, not the updated place. go to an adjacent region instead and then travel by foot there and it should be fine.
i got stuck in glitched shoreline and my spear is in purgatory yet unless i reset its playthrough or somehow achieve another passage or escape normally which is really hard as spear cause theres not a lot they can eat lol. also it crashes a lot as well
slup wall clipping
ive had a couple instances where either my sluppy somehow clips into the wall or goes into the pipe and disappears.
this also happened on gourm, might be a subterannean issue, it happened multiple times when i was going into the room with the monster kelp that has the scavenger toll to the upper left. either die to restart w your pup or theyll just be gone not much you can do from my observation
slup centipedes
not a glitch but if your sluppy wont grab baby centipedes alive sometimes theyll still eat them if theyre dead. spear it first and throw the dead centipede at them, maybe theyll eat it. try a few times. probably the same for noots. also sluppies will die to shocks from adolescent centipedes so b careful with those.
slup shelter
forst off, just because a slup spawned in a shelter does not mean it has eaten. sluppies will not have eaten on their first cycle so you have to feed them or let them have a starve cycle.
also sometimes if you walk into a shelter at full food it will instantly close not giving your slup time to follow you in.
if you close the game before you can fall asleep it will count as a death and send you back to the last shelter. i believe this is the only way to not just get your slup basically disappeared
dropwig gourm yeet
dont try to do the thing where you run past dropwigs and then stab them backwards as gourm. for some reason dropwigs are more likely to hit gourm, bigger hitbox??
and they yeet me into the stratosphere like 90% of the time, and stunned the whole time they just insta grab you after and it’s game over. they also seem to instakill me more often as gourm but that’s probably bad luck. anyway dropwig alley (the outskirts place) is way more dangerous soo yea
rain world on switch is super broken and weird
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chappellrroan · 7 months
fave Gracie Abrams songs and albums and lyrics?
her minor ep is my favourite personally because that's how i got to know her and became a fan, as for songs two people, i know it won't work, will you cry?, right now, block me out, 21, friend, i miss you i'm sorry, unlearn, brush fire, mean it, stay, mess it up, for real this time, camden are my all time fav from her released songs.
as for lyrics there are two aspects that depends on determining if i love them, for example in i know it won't work, i love how she sings "it won't work like that, huh?" but lyrically i like "i am your ghost now your house is haunted" so you can guess. anyways i will give my fav lyrics from my fav songs now <3
two people - "i loved you so hard for a time i've tried to ration it all my life, we could go yellow to black overnight i take you for granted because you're mine" (it's long but yes yes this) ALSO "cause you know everything that could kill me"
already mentioned for i know it won't work
will you cry? - "now you walk through me with my heart heavy breaking my reverie i could die early with your arms around me would it not kill to say goodbye?" AND "it's kinda funny how it goes from all to nothing you have to laugh before you start to cry"
right now - "and i ended a friendship on the day that i left and though i really meant it, it still makes me upset" (OUCH TOO REAL)
block me out - "i think i am burning alive but nobody sees the fire cause when i open my mouth i seem to be stuck in silence" AND "plus after all this time i should be a pretty crier"
21 - "i see the look in your eye and i'm biting my tongue, you'd be the love of my life when i was young" and "i get a little bit alone and sometimes i miss you again, i'll be the love of your life inside your head"
friend - "and i hate the way you love and i hate that i still care funny how you feel like we could ever talk again, how could you ever think i'd be your friend?" (applies to SO many people atp this is my lifesong)
i miss you i'm sorry - "thought you'd hate me instead you called in, said i miss you, i caught it" and the whole bridge honestly because NOTHING HAPPENED IN THE WAY I WANTED EVERY CORNER OF THIS IS HAUNTED AND I KNOW YOU SAID WE'RE NOT TALKING BUT I MISS YOU, I'M SORRY, I DON'T WANNA GO THINK I WILL MAKE IT WORSE EVERYWHERE I GO LEADS ME BACK TO US (i am very passionate about this song sorry)
unlearn - "i keep bringing all my problems to a pillow fight" and "cause if i'm gonna learn how to love you i need to unlearn how to love too need to unlearn when it feels right OH MY GOD I AM TRYING"
brush fire - "then we become a brush fire, burning all the pain HOW CAN WE SURVIVE A DESERT WITHOUT RAIN?" and "boy you know what to say before i turn away you words hit me like a hard rain in L.A"
mean it - "holding onto thin lines until we just walk between them, getting so loud i can't pretend that i dont hear them, maybe that thing you said under your breath you mean it, i know you mean it"
mess it up - "heard that you're happier hope you're sleeping well knowing i'm not, i am doing too much" and "and everytime i get too close i just go mess it up" AND "i keep thinking maybe if you let me back in we can make it better breaking every habit pull myself together you can watch it happen make it happen" (the mv has very special space in my heart btw)
for real this time - "a thousand times i got up to say goodbye i could be wrong but i think i'm for real this time"
camden - "self diagnosing till i'm borderline i will do whatever helps to sleep at night" and "somebody take over drive somebody notice how i'm trying" and "all of me, a wound to close but i leave the whole thing open i just wanted you to know i was never good at coping" (one of the best bridges ever)
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok im playing more zelda!! i feel awful this is literally all i can do rn
you know i miss the match over bell from botw. it was so good
i fucking hate this place btw. rauru's settlement or whatever. i hate bottomless bogs
i guess in regards to gameplay it's not that different than lava - more forgiving, even! lava kills you instantly and sometimes you can fight your way out of a bog! - but it FEELS worse. it's uglier for one thing
i'm really close to the lost woods so i'm gonna see if i can navigate it without a torch! since i can see the wind blowing. i have so many korok seeds to trade in lol
took me one false start but i made it! i just had to walk veeery slowly lol
MAXED OUT my weapon storage already. damn.
going to check out a tiny chasm i've been eyeballing forever. i deserve a break
i used to feel so nervous being this close to hyrule castle in botw...the hills between it and the lost woods...it's not as bad in totk although i am still hugging the water. i don't want the music to play lol
fucking korok seed i was supposed to get by starting a fire and using a pinecone to go straight up. it was raining. i had to make the most convoluted structure out of dead trees it took FOREVERRR
how exciting!! after awhile away from the depths i land right on top of a yiga camp AND i can see an easy lightroot from here. a gentle reintroduction
ooh, this book talks about lights that appear and then vanish....that's fucking spooky. i hope they dont mean hands lol
ive been wanting to try "hoverbikes" that ive heard about and theres some fans here, so
ok my bike died but for a test run that was NOT bad
this area is all explored except this one dark spot that i've just now lit up...i'll grab a few poes and go somewhere else
i'm gonna go to goron city and buy my stupid fire helmet. i swear if i don't kill that gleeok on lake hylia i'll die
oh! i found the goron brothers house! kabetta's diary...
uh oh, it's his marbled rock roast descent
ooh, i found the sidequest to get a boulder breaker!!
where tf do i get a cobble crusher these days i wonder...
god i forgot how fun minecarts are. i saw one of the oldstyle ones on my way by...
kilton's balloon! or um. whoever he is lol <3 i have TOOOONS of gems to trade
it's not the same here without the lava, but at least there's lava in the caves...
these mine cart tracks were RIDICLOUS. i got SO STUCK lol
i see dinraAl but im too close to the ground 😭
OOOOHHHHH maybe i can use a hoverbike.....i gotta finish this fight first lol
GOT A COBBLE CRUSHER.....oh man i almost LEFT these guys to go chase dinraal!!!
ok ok gotta hurry
so, this bike doesn't control as well as i';'d like...maybe i need practice...and of course i wish it was faster...but it's still REALLY cool
my battery keeps dying/my bike keeps falling :( i give up
ugh i have so much anxiety about dragon parts.
oh my god...i didnt even have this in botw, i dont have the amiibo card....................
aw i found some monster forces guys. of COURSE im gonna help them
OH we still get the bell after monster forces battles...good
i didnt get all my loot yet!! no one to help me when they come back!! im gonna die!!!
im not leaving w/o my Loot. i'll just have to do it on my own. thank god i have muddlebuds
GEEZ i did it. double loot
i can see the edge of the map! that sort of thing always did fascinate me...some of the textures are warped here lol that's creepy
ok, i looked it up and apparently i made my hoverbike wrong. im gonna try again w proper instruction!!
ok, new bike got me up to the top of gut check rock...it still has too much forward momentum for me, but i've seen a couple of different designs i wanna experiment with when i have more fans (currently only have 2 left in inventory)
i miss the goron blood brothers :( i mean it's so depressing that there's nothing up here but a korok seed...
ok fine that wasnt that bad. STILL
bike is LOTS harder to control with a korok on the back. i like of like the counterweight though to help with too much momentum...
the bike lists to one side! i definitely just need to improve my fan placement
woke up the horse god. JUST as unsettling as i remember.
omg the yiga hideouts REFILL after long enough. rip!
decided to fight the pirates while i was here. "monster forces"...hope i'm not supposed to be teaming up with anyone for this lol
i accidentally hit my bike during combat and it went over the side of the boat 😭 i can make another and i was gonna fast travel after this anyway but STILL......
AUGH it's dinraal again and once again i can't chase her...i know how to do the bike now but i don't have it and also i'm busy!!!!! ugh
248 korok seeds!! officially time for bed - when i started today i was somewhere in the mid 100s lol
i thought i wouldn't play enough tonight to need to make multiple posts but i guess i should have broken this one up, huh? whoops!
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Read before: Hello this is my first story ever I usually just stick to just reading so idk how to navigate the writing but I woke up from a nap with this dream stuck in my head so I just have to right it for the people i cant be selfish and keep it to myself😭 That being said I only watch the anime so this probably might not act like how izana really is
So maybe more of ooc izana x reader (it is ment for fem reader but it can be read as gn! Also aged up to were izana and reader are living together
Warnings: none really its just fluff with sexual intentions or it could be cute depending how you look at it (nicknames used) soft moments
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Laying in bed with a book while hearing the rain drops hitting your window a blanket around your body feeling nice and warm with the love of your life is laying right next to you is a dream come true
As I was reading a page of my book about the characters having a tender moment just enjoying each other's company the main character wanted to try to see how her boyfriend react if she put her hand around his neck.
An evil thought popped in my mind making me grin as I closed their book"I wanna try that" I thought.
I set the book aside and slyly cuddled up next to izana. "My king?" I asked their fiance try bot to sound suspicious
"Yes my love" izana ask putting down his phone to look at them
I then took my chance not thinking of the consequences and lightly grabbed izanas jaw and tilted his head up to lay soft kisses along his jawline and finished by pecking his lips. A I layed back down next to him I had to take a quick look laughing at his shock face and seeing that izana had a light blush across his cheeks
I giggled while saying "oh nothing I just wanted to let you know I love you" izana quickly snapped out of it and pinned them to the bed.
"You think your so cute dont you" he said while looking down at them with a smirk
"I think I am quite adorable dont you think" (y/n) replied while smiling
Izana laughs at that, "yes you are my queen/king you are so beautiful" before they can reply he kissed them.
Izana looked at the blush across (y/n) cheeks and chuckled. Izana took the back of his hand and ran it down the side of her face when he got to their he then curled his finger and put it on the edge of their lips "you are my heart, the person who lights the stars in my sky" he said while looking down at her with half lidded eyes with soft swirls of lust growing in his eyes.
(Y/n) looks up at him shocked with tears prickling in their eyes. They don't know how to respond to that so they softly kiss his finger that are near their lips. They put their hand on his cheek and see him lean in towards their hands while closing his eyes
"I love you so much my king" izana smiles at that and leans down to their face kissing them gently. He works his way down to their neck and running his fingers down their body. I decided to close my eyes and just enjoy the feeling of pleasure of izanas touch around their body.
Izana slowly lifts off their shirt to kiss the vally of their chest "you were made for me, your mind, this body is mine as mine is yours" izana says in a low tone. I growns while running my fingers through his hair encouraging him to go on. "Please izana I need you I cant wait anymore" (y/n) beg with want and infatuation clouds their eyes. Izana looks at them and laughs "anything you wish for my love".
Izana made sure to show her how much they ment to him that night.
A/n: heyyyy sorry if this is cringy I didn't mean it to be like I said it's my first ever post if maybe you guys wanna give me tip or if you wanna give me ideas to write I can try my best.
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