#( atlas ) lore
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Non card version too!
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orbitfalls · 4 months
throwback to when i first drew bartylily and couldnt decide what clothes to give lily so i just. just took the clothes that i was wearing and gave them to her. and pretended like nothing lol
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junotter · 1 month
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Part 1 of my modern avatar au, the fire nation
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hinamie · 2 days
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off on an adventure ! this au turns 1 week old today
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
pose ref [x]
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month
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allgremlinart · 2 months
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whatever. collection of Ursa for whom it may concern (part 1)
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kibutsulove · 4 months
I genuinely love this image so much it looks like she’s explaining what lmfao means in text to him
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candle-scm · 5 months
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1. Sokka knows all the best Southern Water Tribe hair oil mixtures and therefore Izumi's hair is the best in the palace (yes even beating Zuko) and 2. Sokka doing Izumi's hair became their gossip hour and that's the way it's been since she was a toddler
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muffinlance · 3 months
DELIGHTFUL news: you know that charity auction I put a prompt in? The winner asked for the next Dark Night in Ba Sing Se installment. So. That's officially in the works. Next part stars the cabbage man, Toph, and Zuko's deep and compelling hatred for The Guard Hat. Look forward to it! Outlining in progress.
Also! I am so close to finishing Scaled Over. Like, three short scenes and an edit read close.
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zukkaart · 7 months
Do you guys think Zuko made Aang’s final air-nomad outfit?
Like canonically out of them, only Katara and Zuko can sew. And I’d imagine Katara was pretty wrapped up after that final battle with not only healing Sokka’s leg, but knowing her- probably healing anyone else she could get her hands on. And she also would have no knowledge of what traditional air nomad formals would look like.
And yeah I guess Aang could have made it himself. But he was only 12 the last time he saw the monks. And I highly doubt they taught him much past how to repair is own clothing.
But who spent years studying the monks and air bending? Who became obsessed with their culture and traditions in an attempt to find the last one? Who searched all the air temples not once but twice, from top to bottom? Who canonically makes his own clothes (i.e. the blue spirit outfit)?
Zuko, always Zuko
I also like to think that the relic/amulet Aang wears in that same scene was also given to him by Zuko. Just bc I’m sure Zuko kept a lot of air nomad things on his ship, and I think either he or his uncle would have salvaged it- probably out of convenience. Zuko as a reminder of his “purpose”, and Iroh as a symbol of hope.
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My eyes are getting dim... what's happening..? Am I going to look normal? What... why is it turning black? Why can't my eyes be human...?
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zeb-z · 9 months
I'm actually unbelievably unwell about Etoiles character you don't understand. He's always been a sword, protecting by attacking first, by fighting back, offense as the best defense. He jokes a lot about dying for the island, dramatic and half sarcastic, but there's truth in his jests. He would kill, and he would die, for his daughter, for the rest of the eggs, for the safety of everyone on the island. He does not hesitate, for what good would that do him?
Then he gets the shield, and it changes the entire game. And while he can still kill to protect the island, he can no longer truly die for them.
His role is functionally the same - he draws attention to himself, he's just as ready for a fight as he's always been, he fights the codes to protect the island - but its the difference between a sword and a shield, because of his literal shield.
He's the only solid defense between the codes and the island, and all the eggs. The only one who can tank the hits and negate the effects of their crazy powerful swords.
A sword cannot hesitate, but a shield must consider it - he cannot take risks when he’s fighting in the Colosseum, because if he dies he’d lose the shield. He cannot risk attacking the fake Pomme without hesitation, not until he’s sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s not his real daughter.
A shield must be sturdy. It must hold up under pressure. It must stay strong and reliable, no matter the circumstance - as the eggs go missing and everyone else crumbles, Etoiles cannot follow suit. He will play his part and defend the island, shouldering what the others cannot, because who else will do what he does?
To lose the shield would not only mean to lose himself, but to lose his family. He cannot fall without failing the entire island, his loss would mean disaster, for who is he if he’s not standing between the ones he loves and the monsters that threaten them?
He's as much a shield as the one he carries.
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elderwisp · 2 days
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On Repeat - an oc tag
rules are pretty simple, pick as many (or as little) oc's as you'd like and find a song that you relate to them the most! feel free to mention why too! o and tag some more ppl too! that would be cool! i tag: @goldenwaves @acidheaddd @dejasenti99 @earthmoonz @moonfromearth @stinkrascal @matchalovertrait @lynzishell @sirianasims @vicciouxs @gvaudoiin-tricou @smulie @living-undead @pralinesims @lucidicer @literalite @nepotisim @mattodore @madebycoffee @daniigh0ul @changingplumbob @yukikocloud @cinamun @moonwoodhollow @youredreamingofroo @acuar-io @raiiny-bay
deep dive below ⇣
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Frances Dubois:
Something about the whimsical instrumentals backed up with the haunting vocals almost reminds me of someone stuck in a loop. There's repetition in the chorus that solidifies that feeling. I also like the juxtaposition of the French lyrics, like the second singer is aware and has a desire to change. When I think of Frances, I envision someone in limbo and part of that is the inability to make a decision. She finds herself stuck, in a way, her anxiety makes the decision for her because doing nothing is something. Whilst Icarus has helped nudge her into making decisions such as aiding her in graduating, speaking to Atlas, and supporting her in her audition. there's still this internal desire to make that move on her own. The first time we see her do that is when she decides to kiss Icarus, which in a way, pushed her back into her loop as it didn't end well. As of current events, she's avoided him since.
↬ sometimes - mattyeux and princess chelsea
Daniella Álvarez:
This song to me encapsulates someone who has had to be independent at a very young age. The beginning opens with spoken lyrics, "She asked me who's taking care of me, I said, 'I take care of me'" and whilst incredibly empowering, there's always that question of how did we get here? Dan is the eldest of two younger siblings. In fact, there's quite the age gap between her siblings and if we look at Valeria, she also looks just as youthful. Dan is the product of an unplanned pregnancy as well as a bit of a narcissistic mother. The disorderly environment in which she's been given, learning to be a caretaker of her siblings and the constant pressure of success has lead her to have self-sufficient character. Whenever I think about her dynamic with her friends, I'm reminded of this scene, and she's the glue that is trying to hold the chaos together.
↬ taken care of - suzi wu
Kai Castillo:
Christ this song is so good. The instrumentals backed up by the vocals, feels a bit somber. Throughout Tessellate, Kai hides behind the fact that he has these feelings towards Atlas and they've started to bubble over into jealousy as Atlas's relationship grows with Kai's sister, Taryn. I also love that there are a lot of comparisons here to Lucifer Morningstar and religious elements. Kai's relationship with his religion is somewhat of a paradox as he is a closeted gay man to his parents, his sister and church. In fact, he does a lot of things that would bring quite a bit disapproval. He's unforthcoming, somewhat suspicious because his secrets have given him a reason to be. His story is of one that falls from grace.
↬ i am the antichrist to you - kishi bashi
Atlas Dubois:
While Paul Julian Banks narrates a song about struggling with addiction, I noticed there's a bit of a different beat in comparison to the rest of Interpol's songs. The tempo is much slower, as if exhaustion has set in and we're barely moving along. When we meet Atlas, it's at the beginning of a fresh start, not really knowing what has happened prior. Slowly throughout, we pull back minor details that entail his complex struggles with addiction. What initially started out as a bit of fun, became all consuming, allowing any given opportunity to be a reason why he should use. The bridge of this song also discuss the contrast between himself and his partner discovering his addiction for the first time. There's also a change in his tone during that that I find to be so neat! It does remind me a bit of his relationship with Taryn. I do know that addiction lasts a lifetime, and that love doesn't solve it all, but I also know that right support is the most important.
↬ rest my chemistry - interpol
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pechuyu · 2 months
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had an idea of katara putting on air nomad clothes and also wanted to experiment with water tribe tattoo designs
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mugentakeda · 3 months
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am still not reading the comics ever but I love young ursa and her whispy little bangs
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 22 days
Roku: It took me 12 years to become a fully realized Avatar, so I was about 28. uwu Kyoshi, throwing hands with random gang members at 17 while still not a master at anything: I'm just so happy for you.
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