#( better * miyoung )
awesamforehead · 6 months
ASHERRR sam is playing valo on tina's stream rn (also in a 5 stack with foolish miyoung and abe) actually u will probably learn this info from an update account before me but i'm happy so there u go YIPPEEE
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daemour · 11 months
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Pairing: royalty!Mingi x royalty gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, light angst, royalty au, arranged marriage au
Warnings: none
WC: 1898
Summary: You and Mingi aren't friends, not even after marriage. But you're not enemies either. In fact, you don't know where you stand but after an incident maybe it could be something more?
after being complained at for "never writing Mingi" (ahem @mingsolo) here we are! to tide us over while i struggle through nanowrimo i have a handful of prewritten fics so y'all aren't dehydrated
“With the power vested in me by the Gods, I unite Princess (Y/N) (L/N) and Crown Prince Mingi Song in holy matrimony, thus joining their kingdoms.”
The priest leads the two of you to join hands, and as you do light shines from within your clasped hands. The ceremony is over and you are now married to the…well, former nemesis of your people. The funniest thing was when you were just toddlers, your parents had even talked about marrying the two of you together. But then something changed. And it wasn’t long before both countries were locked in a war before you even had the chance to talk to the prince for more than your greetings.
It was devastating. Both countries were large and powerful, and the smaller kingdoms around them suffered for it. It was only when his father died that the high empire intervened and, as a result, decided to use your marriage to make peace. Mingi would not be crowned until he was married to you, and the wedding took place much sooner than you had hoped.
Which brings you to now. Neither you nor Mingi talked or even looked at each other the entire carriage ride home. It was not a joyous occasion, not for the two of you. No shared beds, or rooms, just barely acknowledging each others' presence.
In fact, you’re pretty sure he hates you. He rarely acknowledges your presence. You don’t know what to do with yourself in this hellhole. All you do is show your face in the throne room when needed and then retreat to either your private gardens or room until next called for.
“Yuri, could you do me a favour?” you call for your handmaiden, who might just be one of your only friends in this dreadful castle. The servants like you well enough but there’s only some much kindness they can offer before the nobles’ words get to you.
“Yes, milady?” Like a ghost, she moves to stand beside you, her hair glowing in the sun. Sometimes you look at her and feel she would be a so much better fit for the role of queen here. You can barely hold the attention of the court ladies while Yuri can shut them up with a single polite sentence. “How may I assist you today?”
“Could you do me a favour and fetch me some tea? You know my favourite. I’ll take it in my room, and you can take the day off.”
Yuri bows her head. “Thank you, milady.” You can hear the smile in her voice, excited at the prospect of a day off. You wave her off and as she enters the side door, you lean back on your hands and enjoy the rays of sunshine on your face for just a moment alone. You take moments like this with gratefulness, as it’s only when you’re truly alone that you feel almost at home.
With another sigh and a crack of your back, you brush off your full skirts and make your way to your room. It’s when you almost reach your quarters that you run into Lady Miyoung, a lady of high social standing that you heard was rumoured to be marrying Mingi before the war had started.
“Lady Miyoung, what a surprise,” you greet her quietly, tilting your head into a bow. “I did not expect to see you near this wing.” You did not expect her because this area is regulated strictly as only you, your personal servants, and your husband are allowed entrance.
“Oh, yes, a pleasant surprise, I’m sure,” Miyoung sniffs haughtily and your eye twitches. As much as she despises you, she’s popular among the court and if you dare raise a word against her the social exile you would face would be irreparable. “I heard the most interesting conversation the other day, you know.”
“Ah,” you are not quite that interested in court gossip, but if Miyoung found her way into your wing without being stopped, it must be something important.
“I heard,” Miyoung leans in as if you’re sharing secrets about childhood crushes, “that King Mingi has been looking for a second wife to bear him a son. A woman of his court, with high social standing, of course. In fact, I heard that he’s quite sick of his war trophy.”
And her words cut you deep. You know she’s referring to herself as the lady of the court with a high social standing, and that you are his war trophy. She’s not subtle, but she’s subtle enough that you cannot sentence her to anything without the wrath of the court against you. You feel your throat tightening but you force an almost painful smile on your face. “I see. Well, the rumours of the court have no bearing on how I will go about my day, so I thank you for your wisdom. You may leave.”
Miyoung raises a perfectly shaped brow, no doubt pleased at your obvious hurt but also craving more of a reaction. “Now, now, there’s no haste. A court doll like you must have nothing else of interest as her husband, His Royal Majesty, has much more important matters to attend to.”
Your eyes widen in shock. Never before had a court lady been so openly disdainful of you. Behind your back, easily, but to your face and in your quarters? You open your mouth to rebuke her but before a single word leaves your mouth, you hear wind rushing past your ears as a person stands before you. As your eyes move up his broad back your hand flies to your mouth as you recognise the back of Mingi’s head.
“My King,” Miyoung stutters out, just as surprised at his sudden appearance.
“Why are you here?” Mingi’s booming voice echoes in the narrow hallway. “I do not recall you being given permission to be in this area of the castle.”
“Why, Queen (Y/N) invited me herself,” she lies straight out of her teeth.
Mingi looks back at you, his eyebrow raised as he awaits your confirmation. And on any other occasion, maybe you would have folded in your eagerness to please the court, but your heart still stings from Miyoung’s words. You shake your head ever so imperceptibly.
Mingi nods. “I see. Now, Lady Miyoung,” his head snaps back to her and she has the audacity to flutter her eyelashes at him. “Lying to the King and putting words in the Queen Consort’s mouth is a punishment worthy of being stripped of your title.”
“Your Majesty!” Miyoung squawks and Mingi holds up a hand to silence her in the middle of her sentence.
“Not to mention the other offences I heard when walking by,” Mingi continues and Miyoung swallows as she realises the trouble she put herself into. “Spreading harmful rumours about the King and the Queen Consort?”
“You’re majesty, I wasn’t–” Miyoung tries to save herself but Mingi is not having it.
“Keep your snake mouth shut” he snaps “lest I cut your tongue off for disrespecting my wife. You have, by extent, insulted me as well. Second wife? Don’t make me laugh. Queen (Y/N) is a hundred times more the queen you would ever be.”
Before Miyoung could protest anymore, Mingi snaps his fingers and guards you didn’t even expect to be there come out of the shadows to take Miyoung by the arms.
“My King!”
Both you and Miyoung gasp in surprise, although yours is more confused and hers is plain offence, but Mingi ignores you both as he addresses his guards. “Take Lady Miyoung to the dungeons while I decide what to do with her.”
And without hesitation, the soldiers drag an offended and whining Miyoung away. It’s only when her hollers finally cease that you snap to attention, quickly bowing at your husband. “I didn’t expect you to be here, Mingi,” you state as he bows back. “I thank you for your help in dealing with Lady Miyoung, though.”
Mingi sighs. “I should’ve done more before, (Y/N), and I’m sorry. I should’ve known how hard it would be for you, moving so soon after the war.”
You shake your head as your hands clutch at your full skirts. “You have no obligation towards me. Lady Miyoung was, in a way, correct about one thing. I am a war trophy.”
“No obligation?” Mingi’s voice raises in volume but he pauses to calm himself down after he notices you flinch at the volume of it. “(Y/N), you are my wife. The furthest possible thing from a trophy. I should have nipped the gossip in the bud—neither of us wanted a war and we could not control our circumstances.” Mingi reaches forward, almost as if to hold your hands, but decides against it, his hands just hovering awkwardly in the air.”
“But you don’t care,” you contradict him, your voice small. “I know you don’t owe me anything, but I rarely ever see you, and the court thinks I’m a joke. I can’t show my face without hearing the whispers behind my back. I do my best to listen to the commoner’s struggles and offer solutions but there’s only so much I can do when the officials and their wives are against me.”
Your words stun Mingi to his core. “You think I’m indifferent?” At your careful nod, he overcomes his hesitation and takes your shaking hands, bringing them to his chest as you are pulled forward at the motion. “My wife, I adore you. I would be lying to call it love, but I hold you in such high regard, and given time, I would come to love you if you’d let me. I am so sorry that you came to that conclusion.”
You hesitate before reaching forward and squeezing his warm, large hands. “It’s okay,” you whisper. When Mingi raises an eyebrow you laugh breathily at his suspicion. “It truly is. Yes, I felt alone and out of place, but your words and kindness have comforted me. We can try again. I’ll attend more councils with you as is my duty, and we can have lunch together afterwards. I’ll do my best to appeal more to the nobles and we can get to know each other. I don’t hold it against you, Mingi.”
Mingi nods slowly as he processes your words. “We shall,” he smiles and you can’t help but smile back. He brings your hands to his lips, pressing a kiss against them. “We will, and that’s a promise. I will defend your reputation with all I can, and you will blossom in this court, I’m sure of it.”
You giggle a little at his phrasing and you give his hands another gentle squeeze. “I will hold you to that promise.” A pause as you stare into each others’ eyes and an idea hits you. “Mingi, are you busy right now?”
Mingi shakes his head. “No?” he cocks his head, his eyes warm.
Your eyes shine as your smile grows even more on your face. “Then please do me the honour of accompanying me to my garden, my King.” You punctuate your question with a short laugh and Mingi’s eyes shine as he nods.
“Please, let’s.”
You feel a warmth bloom in your chest as you gently pull him down the hall back from where you came.
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kkumawrites · 1 year
Pang! Part Sixteen: confrontation previous | next WC: 950 CW: small physical fight, slight blood, non-serious death threats
✦ send an ask, a dm or sign up here to be part of the taglist! ✦ part one (50/50)
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The last thing you wanted to do was talk to Miyoung, let alone face to face. You didn’t do well with confrontation but you didn’t see much of a choice, afraid that she would take it out on Chan if you didn’t show your face. You had explained everything to Soonyoung to which he was pretty adamant on not letting you go and rightfully so. Still, you had already made up your mind, so he instead insisted that he at least come with you to be on standby. It had worried you on why he had phrased it like that, suddenly feeling a lot more nervous. 
So here you were, sitting with your best friend on a bench while waiting for the wicked witch of the west to show up. Soonyoung was smoothing his thumb over the back of your hand, only temporarily giving you some relief from your anxiety. When she finally comes into view, she’s hand in hand with Chan. You can feel your stomach plummet and for a second you think you might actually throw up. 
She saunters up to where you and Soonyoung are sitting, a fake smile plastered on her face. “Oh! Hey! Fancy seeing you guys here!” You blink at her, wondering if this bitch was for real. Miyoung doesn’t give you or Soonyoung a chance to say anything before her claws are wrapped around your wrists, pulling you up with a harsh tug. “Let’s go get something to drink! Baby, you stay here ok? We need some girl time,” Before you know it, she’s dragging you away and Chan is blissfully unaware of the dangers you’re in as he takes a seat next to his favorite hyung.
The two of you barely make it halfway across the field before she lets go of you with a shove, almost causing you to lose your balance but thankfully you manage to not fall on your face. Miyoung looks you up and down as if sizing you up, a look of disgust on her face and it sends a shudder down your spine as you uncomfortably look away. 
“Look, I’m gonna make this clear ok? After your stupid little project you delete his number, better yet, block him. You never speak to him again. He’s not interested and why would he be? He has me,” She says this so seriously, complete with a hair flip. You roll your eyes.
“We’re just friends, regardless if I am interested or not. I have done nothing to interfere with your relationship nor do I have any plans to. Don’t take it out on me or Chan that you’re insecure that he’ll find someone better.” This time you turn on her, pushing a finger into her chest. “But I swear, if you lay your hands on him again. I will make sure you never see him again,” You’re deadly serious, fire in your eyes. 
Miyoung scoffs, letting out a shrill laugh as she pushes your hand away. “You’re joking right? Are you trying to threaten me? Please, he NEEDS me. Why else would he still be with me? Besides i’m sure he knows he deserves it, if he was just a better boyfriend I wouldn’t have to remind him all the time,” 
Now normally you’re not a violent person, but you’re unable to contain your anger, your pure hatred for this girl. Without thinking, you slap the bitch across the face and you’ll never admit the small bubble of satisfaction you feel in your chest at finally putting her in her place. She doesn’t make a sound, simply pressing her palm against her reddening cheek. When she moves her head to look back at you there’s a smile on her face that utterly confuses you. 
Before you can register anything she decks you straight in the face, the impact of her fists against your nose is sickening and you stumble back, surprisingly able to stay up on two feet as you clutch your nose. You can vaguely hear someone screaming your name in the distance but you’re more concerned in making sure she didn’t break your nose as your fingers press against the appendage. It stings so bad and tears start to well up in your eyes. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Sooyoung's yelling at Miyoung who’s now cradled against Chan's chest, fake crying about how you slapped her. 
“Hyung! Back up!” Chan tries to defend his girlfriend but Soonyoung is seething. “Look, I don’t know what happened but Y/N hit her first!” 
“I don’t give a fuck! If your girlfriend broke her nose i’ll kill you,” He growls over at them and Chan’s quick to walk away, not wanting to deal with the situation anymore, more focused on Miyoung. Soonyoung’s fists are curled at his side as he watches them walk away, the audacity that Chan wouldn’t even check if you were ok.
“Soonie…” You mutter pathetically from behind him and he whips around fast, watching you with tears streaming down your face at the pain. He’s quick to come over and cup your face in his hands, checking the damage Miyoung did. When he peels your hands away from your face he curses as he sees blood dripping from your already bruising nose.
“Shit, your nose is bleeding. Are you ok?”
“I’m sorry- I don’t know what came over me…I just couldn't stop myself,” Your voice is slightly nasally as you come back to clutch at your nose. 
“It doesn’t matter right now. Come on, let’s get you to the clinic, I swear to god if that bitch broke your nose i’ll kill both of them,” 
“Damn…Seungkwan was right, that bitch has a nasty right hook,”
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shyxcherry · 2 years
Drinking Games | San
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summary: when you need an easy way to make money during your last semester of college, your friend gets you a job at a local bar. you wish that didn't include the cute singer who won't leave you alone, but when do things ever go your way.
pairing: Singer!San x Bartender!Reader
genre/warning: fluff, angst, smut, drunk men as reader does work in a bar, San is an idiot, but we love him anyway
Word count: 10.9k
note: My biggest fic i’ve ever written. i hope you enjoy it. there may or may not be a part two in the works.
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You tie your hair up in a knot as you open your locker door. You throw your bag and phone into the locker before shutting it. You put your lock back onto the locker, so no one steals your stuff. This room may be locked by a code and only accessible to employees, but you wouldn't put it past anyone to steal your things. This was a bar after all.
You had gotten this job about a week ago. You needed a way to make money so you could pay your way through your last semester of college. You had tried working during the day, but between your classes and studying, you were mentally and physically exhausted. When your roommate Chae suggested a night job at the job where she works, you were against it. But you needed money, and what better way to make money than being a bartender?
Chae and another bartender, Miyoung, had spent the last few days teaching you the basics of drink making. You were in college, so of course you did know the basics. You and Chae would also practice drink making one your weekly movie nights. So, you at least knew your way around the bar.
You felt the heavy bass under your feet as you make your way to the bar. You nod your head greeting Jungho, one of the security guards who worked here. He was quite tall and looked like your typical scary guard, but Chae assured you that he was a big Teddy bear. Both him and Yunho, who was a guard as well.
You had some unspoken rules that Chae and Miyoung had told you about. One: Don't wear your hair down. Drunk man will grab it when you don't give them what they want. Two: Don't be afraid to show some skin. It will get you more tips. And three: Don't get involved with San. He was the leader of the group Purple Rose. You didn't have to ask what that meant since Chae had told you when it happened a few months ago.
Apparently, the last female bartender they hired thought she had a thing with San. They did sleep together, but San said that it was a one-night stand. That caused her to go 'crazy' according to Chae. There was even a rumor that she slashed his tires.
Today was your first day working without the help of Chae or Miyoung. You were working with a man named Hongjoong. You had met him when you were hired here. He was nice from what you could tell. He had some facial piercings and a sleeve of tattoos. Your favorite thing about him was his hair. It was split dyed black and white.
"What's up, short cake?" You heard Hongjoong yell at you over the loud music. They had just opened the doors, so people were starting to flood in.
"Like you're the one to talk." You joke. He was one of the shortest guys who worked at the bar. He hated when people rubbed that in. He bumped your hip as he brushed past you.
"Shut up."
The two of you get the bar prepared as people started to line up. You put on a smile as you started taking orders. You and Hongjoong worked around the bar nicely together. He told you that the two of you make a good team.
"Hey (Y/N)!" You look over to see Yeosang. He was the waiter of the VIP lounge. He would take drink orders and bring them back. The VIP lounge isn't very large, so Yeosang could manage it well on his own. "A round of vodka shots and a martini please."
You take the some shot glasses and place them on the tray he was holding. You pour a generously large amount of vodka in the glasses. You then work on making the martini. You place the mixed drink in a cute glass before placing an olive spear in it. You give it to Yeosang. He thanked you before walking off.
You look up from making a drink as the people of the dance floor start cheering. There you saw the owner of the bar standing on the stage. You knew what was about to happen. Purple Rose was about to play. The band was very popular for a small group. According to Chae, they are the main reason this bar stays afloat. The lead singer, San, had been sick, so they haven't played the last few days. This would be your first time watching them.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you having a good night tonight." The owner, who told you to call him Red, spoke into the microphone. "It's about to get even better. Give it up for Purple Rose."
The crowd went crazy as four men walked onto the stage. You knew a little about them from Chae. The drummer was first. His name was Mingi. He was tall with gray hair. You smile as he jumped around the stage getting everyone hyped up.
Next were the two guitarists. On the bass was Seonghwa. He had black hair that was slicked back. He sported a leather jacket, which was his signature look. The other guitarist was Wooyoung. His hair was similar to Hongjoong's with the black in white, but the white was tucked underneath the black.
The last to come out was San, the singer. You felt like your ears were going to shatter with how loud the girls were screaming. His hair was slicked back like Seonghwa, but he had a red streak going down the middle.
"Thank everyone for coming out tonight. We are Purple Rose, and we're going to play some songs for you if that's okay?" San spoke into the microphone. The audience responded with cheers and whistles.
You did your best to watch them perform while you served drinks to people at the bar. You couldn't take your eyes off of San. The way he moved around the stage. It is like he belonged there. His voice was amazing as well. He had a natural growl to his voice.
You knew better than to interact with him though. He looked like the type who could make girls fall in love with him with one conversation. You weren't going to be one of them. You needed this job.
The group played for another half hour before announcing that their set was done for the night. You noticed that the four of them got off the stage and took pictures with the women who were waiting for them. You rolled your eyes before looking away as one girl, who barely had any clothes on, threw herself at them.
"Hello there, angel. I haven't seen you before." You heard someone say from behind you. You turn to see San leaning onto the counter with a smirk on his face. "Are you new?"
"Yes, I just started here last week." You answer shortly as you handed some guy his fifth beer.
"My name is San." He held out his hand for you to shake. You looked at his hand for a moment before leaning over and shaking his hand.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He replied to you. You rolled your eyes at him before crossing your arms over your chest. You didn't miss him glancing at your chest.
"What can I get you to drink?"
"Trying to get rid of me so soon?"
"How did you guess?" You answered him. A loud laugh came out of his mouth, almost startling you. San liked you so far. A woman who fights back and doesn't just throw herself at him. It made him want to fight back.
"Just a beer."
You make him a glass of beer before sitting the tall glass in front of him. He thanked you before taking a long sip of the beer. He reached in his pocket and pulled out some money, but that's where you stopped him.
"It's on the house."
He should know this. All four of the band members get free drinks. Red said that it was one of his form of payments for them performing for him.
"It's a tip, angel. I only tip the pretty ones."
"And that's supposed to make me feel good?" You question him. Before he could respond, Hongjoong yelled from behind you.
"Is that why you never tip me?"
"You're not a pretty girl." San replied with an eye roll upset that he was interrupting his conversation with you.
"That's hurtful." You laughed as Hongjoong placed his hand over his heart.
"Don't worry. I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen." You reply.
"Thank you." Hongjoong smiled at you before glaring at San. "That's how you compliment someone."
You felt San grab your hand gently. He placed the money in your hand. Before you could throw it back at him, he chugged the rest of his drink before walking away.
"See you around, angel."
You grumbled under your breath before shoving the money in your back pocket. You weren't going to say no if he wanted you to have it so bad.
"I don't need to warn you, do I?" Hongjoong warned. "I mean, he's a good friend of mine, but he doesn't have the best history when it comes to women."
"Don't worry. I've already been warned." You tell him. You didn't have any interest in him. You had too much on your plate to be worried about a guy.
"Good. I don't need my new partner quitting over a broken heart."
"Not a chance."
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You kick a rock down the sidewalk. This was your weekend off of work, so you were able to spend the weekend studying for you finance test on Monday. You decided to take a small break and go get some food. Thankfully, you lived down the street from a convenience store. Perfect for a college student.
You pull the door open as you step inside the quite store. It was 11 at night, so the store was empty besides the cashier. You grab a basket and make your way down the aisles. After you had gotten everything you wanted, you made your way to the front of the store. You pay for your food before walking over the tables.
You pull out your phone out of your pocket as you heat up your food. You continue to watch a drama that you had gotten interested in while you eat your food. You were enjoying yourself. That was until someone sat in front of you.
"Hello, angel."
You look up to meet the dark eyes of San. You held the urge to roll your eyes as he sits his bag of food down. Out of all the chairs, why did he sit here?
It's been three weeks since you started working at the bar. Since then, San has bothered you every night since he met you. And by 'bothering' you, you meant he's been trying to ask you on a date. You spent the first week completely ignoring him, but that got tiring very quickly.
You had told Chae about this. She said something similar to Hongjoong. That you needed to be careful around him. But there was something that she also said that you couldn't forget. According to her, San doesn't chase after woman like he has with you. Most of the time when San asks someone out, they say yes. But on the rare occasion they say no, he will leave them alone. You have said no a total of 12 time. You counted, but he hasn't taken no for an answer. Maybe it's the fact that you aren't afraid to put up a fight.
"What are the odds?" You mumble as you continue watching your show.
San let you continue to watch your show as he set up his meal. You looked away from your screen as he concentrated on his food. Your eyes drifted to his lips as he bit it. You heard him chuckle as you meet his eyes. Instead of being embarrassed like San had thought, you held eye contact with him.
"Like what you see?"
You shook your head as you rubbed at your lips. "Your lips are really dry. You should fix that. Your side chicks wouldn't like that."
"Don't worry, angel. You're the only one." You roll your eyes at him. Of course, that's the only thing he would get out that. "You know what would make this even better?"
"Don't say it." You interrupt him.
"If this was a date." You roll your eyes as he ignores you.
"You wish."
"I do. I spend all of my time wishing you would go on a date with me." San told you.
"You're such a liar." You laugh at him.
"Just one date?" San asked.
"No thanks."
"If I say yes, will you leave me alone?"
"Yes." He answered quickly.
"Just one date." You warn him.
"Unless you want more." He winked. Before you could respond to him, he interrupted you. "Just one date. If you don't enjoy it, I wound bug you again."
"Okay." You agree.
San pulled his phone out of his pocket. He pulled up the contacts before handing you the phone. You hesitated to give this man your phone number. Worst case scenario, you'll block him. You enter your number and send yourself a quick text. You hand his phone back to him.
"I'll let you know the next time I'm free." You tell him.
"You won't regret this, angel."
"I better not."
Due to your hectic schedule, it took almost two weeks before you and San could schedule your date. At first, he thought you were purposely pushing it back, but when you sent him a picture of your full color-coded schedule, he started to understand. It also made him admire you. You worked full time at a bar while you were a full-time student. San had tried that before, but he had failed. So, he understood partially. Until then, he was okay with texting you until your first date.
You also didn’t mind texting him. He wasn’t as annoying over text. He was very offended when you told him that. The more you texted, the more you got to know about him. The two of you were very similar. You both had a love for music, except you couldn’t sing for the life of you. That didn’t stop you though.
It was a Friday night that you scheduled your date. He had told you to dress casually. He had hinted at the idea of you wearing a dress, but you turned that down quickly. You still dressed cute though. Chae had whistled at you when you exited your room. She loved the fact that you were finally going on a date. She had tried to set you up many times before, but none of them have worked out. She did let you know how she had felt about it being San who you were going out with.
“Be careful.” She warned you.
“I will.” You assured her. “I’m just doing this to get him to leave me alone.”
“Okay. I just don’t want him to hurt you. I’ll be here to pick up the pieces. After I murder him.”
You laughed at your friend. “You watch to many crime shows.”
You grab your bag and phone before walking out the door when San had texted you stating that he was there. When you get outside, you see San in front of the building leaning on his car. When he sees you, a big smile covers his face. You smile at him as you stop in front of him.
"You look beautiful (Y/N)." He compliments you.
"Thank you. You look nice as well."
"Don't tell anyone, but I'm trying to impress this cute girl I work with." San said as he opened the door for you. You slide in before he closes the door. He walks around to the other side and gets in.
"Do I know her?" You play along.
"You should." He answers. "It's hard to miss her. She looks like an angel."
"Alright Mr. Cheese. Where are we going?" San laughed at your response.
"It's a surprise." San winked at you.
"I hope it's a good one because I hate surprises." You tell him.
"It's a good one. I promise."
San starts the car and drives off. The two of you listen to music in silence while you drive to your date location. At least it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. That was until San spoke up.
"So (Y/N), if you could live anywhere, where would it be any why?"
You could help but burst out laughing. "Where the hell did that come from?"
"I was trying to start a conversation with you." San laughed. He liked the sound of your laugh.
"I know that. I wasn't expecting a question like that." You told him.
"I may have looked up good conversation starters." San admitted. You looked at him to see if he was telling the truth. His red face gave it away. At least he was trying. You would give him that.
"I've never thought about it." You finally answered his question. "I would want to stay somewhere remote. Preferably in the mountains somewhere."
"Why the mountains?"
"I used to go on hikes with my parents when I was younger. We also camped a lot." You tell him.
"The Forrest kind of creeps me out." San says. "There's bears and stuff. I prefer the beach."
"There are sharks in the ocean." You chuckle when San huffs.
"You have a point."
"There's always a risk of danger when you go out into the world. Especially nature. I think that it's worth it."
San looked over at you. Beauty and brains. You weren't afraid to tell him your opinion, even when it didn't match with his. He appreciated that. It made conversations more interesting.
"Here we are."
You looked around. "Where are we?"
"My apartment." San answered. You looked at him skeptically.
"You brought me to your apartment?"
"Yes and no." He answered. "You have to trust me."
Both you and San got out of the car. San grabbed your hand as he guided you unto the building. He half expected you to let go of his hand, but when you didn't and held onto his hand, he felt his heart race. He really didn't want to mess this up. He had Seonghwa help him plan this since he was the only one who had a girlfriend.
The two of you waited for the elevator after San had hit the button. When the doors opened, you stepped in. San hit the button for the top floor.
"Do you live on the top floor?" You asked.
"No, I live on the third floor." San answered.
"Then why are we going to the top?"
"Patience angel."
The door opened and the two of you stepped out. San led you to the stair that led to the roof. San held the door open so you could walk through first. You held your hair back as a burst of cool wind blew around you. It was then you could see the beautiful view he had from his roof. Being able to see the stars without hearing the traffic was nice.
"Right this way, my lady." San's arm wrapped around your waist as he led you to your date spot.
On the other side of the staircase, there was a small gazebo. It was covered in string lights. There was a blanket laid out for you to sit on. Right in the middle of the blanket there was a picnic basket and some wine. There were also some blankets to cover yourself with. San remember when you told him that you get cold easily. He set out some pillows for you to sit on.
San watched your reaction. "Do you like it?"
"I do." You smiled at him. San let out the breath that he was holding.
"Then let’s eat."
The two of you sit down as San pulls out the food. He had one of your favorite foods that you had told him. He also had his favorite food. He also brought some snacks and wine glasses to drink the wine in.
The two of you had some small talk while the two of you ate. You made San pull up the website with those questions. You both answered a few of them. After you were done eating, you leaned back and covered yourself up.
"Earlier you said you went hiking with you parents, were you close with them?" San asked you.
"We were." You answered. "I was the only child, so the three of us hung out almost every weekend. They didn't want me being lonely."
"Are you still close?"
You shook your head. "Not anymore. As I got older, I didn't share the same values as my parents. They wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer, and I didn't."
"What did you want to be?" San asked.
"At that point I didn't know." You answered. "I took a couple different college classes when I found out I liked business and finance. My parents didn't like that when I told them. They said that either I go to school for what they want, or they didn't want to see me again."
"What did you end up doing?"
"I'm a bartender. What do you think?" You laugh. "It's been three years since I've seen them, but they'll message me every once in a while to make sure I'm not dead."
"I'm sorry." San apologized.
"Don't be. I had to do what was going to make me happy." You told him. "What about you and you parents?"
"We've always been close. Especially my sister and me. At first, they weren't the blighted fan of me singing. I did what they asked and have college a go, but I ended up flunking out. It was after that they gave me their blessing." You watched San as he told you about his family. You noticed while you two were similar, your backgrounds were completely different.
The two of you lost track of time up there. Around midnight, San brought you back home. He parked his car before getting out to meet you.
"I had a good time with you San." You confess.
"Enough for a second date." San asked hopefully.
"Maybe." You tease.
San finds himself leaning in. Against all of what you previously thought of him, you lean on as well. San cups your cheeks as his lips meet yours. It was a short and sweet kiss. When he pulls away, he leans his forehead on yours.
It was then you felt it. The pit in your stomach. The ugly thing you call anxiety. You weren't used to being intimate. You haven't had many boyfriends, and you were still a virgin. You knew that San wasn't. What if you didn't meet his expectations? What if he realized he didn't want you because of your lack of experience?
"(Y/N), what's wrong?" San noticed something was off when you pulled away from him. You weren't acting like this before the kiss. Did he do something wrong?
"Nothing. Um..." You trailed off as you lost your train of thought.
"If I did something wrong, you can tell me." San told you. You shook your head.
"It's not anything you did. Can we just... Can we take it slow?"
San blinked as he finally understood the situation. He felt bad for not understanding earlier. "We can go however slow or fast you want. I won't push you. And I will never make you do anything you're not comfortable with."
San watched you relax some. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize." San interrupted.
"Thank you for tonight." You tell him.
"I'll text you in the morning." San tells you. You nod at him.
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After the first date that San took you on, you agreed to another date. That second date turned into five dates. You didn’t want to admit it, but he was nothing like you first thought of him. He was kind to you, and he never made you uncomfortable in any way. You told him that you wanted to take it slow because of your lack of experience with guys and schoolwork. He respected that. He never pushed you. He always waited for you to make the first move. Then he would take the lead.
At first, you held yourself back. You were scared to get too involved with him just in case he was like you thought. But the longer you hung out with him, the more you found yourself letting go with him. San couldn’t hide his emotions well, that you learned early on. You could tell how happy he was when you opened up to him. He always listened to you with such an intensity in his eyes. Even when you were talking about boring things like your studies. He even asked questions. He never interrupted you. He made you feel cared for which was a new feeling with you. That also scared you.
Tonight, the two of you were hanging out at his apartment. You often hung out here because the two of you had privacy. You lived with Chae, and you loved her, but she was the nosiest person you knew. The first and last time you brought him over, Chae interrogated you for a solid three hours. You had to lock yourself in your room to get away from her. You also loved the view from his apartment. He didn’t live to far from the bar you worked at. The neon lights from the restaurants and bars were all you could see.
The two of you started out watching a movie. You ordered pizza that was left half eaten on the table. All was forgotten as you sat on San’s lap. His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist as the two of you made out. This wasn’t how you planned on the night to go. But when San saw you putting on a new strawberry lip balm, he just couldn’t help himself. One quick kiss turned into this.
You felt yourself getting carried away the more you kissed him. And the more you kissed him, the more turned on you got. You wanted him so badly. You hoped that he felt the same. You ground your hips against San’s. You felt yourself becoming wet when San let out a deep groan. You also could feel him become hard against your bare leg.
San pulled away from you making you whine. He smiled before placing his forehead on yours. “Angel, if you don’t want to take things further, we need to stop.”
“What if I want to continue?”
“I would love nothing more, but are you sure?” San asked you. As happy as he was to finally have you, he wasn’t going to push you. He would wait for as long as you said. He knew that you were a virgin. He would be honored if you trusted him enough for him to be the one to take your virginity.
“I want to be yours.” You told him. His hands reached up to brush against your cheeks. He pulled you into a kiss. You grip the collar of his shirt as you pour all of your emotions into the kiss. He continued to brush your cheeks as he pulled away again.
“We can stop at any point.” San assured you.
When he was completely sure that this was what you wanted, he stood up with you in his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he made his way to his bedroom. You felt your back hit the soft mattress as he laid you on his bed. You sit up on your elbows as you watch him remove his shirt. You rake your eyes down his body. He was very fit, which didn’t shock you. What did shock you were the nipple piercings. You felt your heart race as he stared at you.
“You like what you see?”
You lean up and grab his hand. “I’d like it better if you were on top of me.”
“You’re wish is my command.”
You lay back has San hovers over you. You wrap your arms around San’s neck as he pulls you into another kiss. You feel a shiver as San’s hand start to pull up your shirt, exposing your stomach. You break the kiss before lifting yourself up as he pulls your shirt over your head, leaving you in only a bra. You felt yourself blush as San admired you.
“So beautiful.”
San pressed a kiss to your red cheek before he slowly made his way down your body. You tilted your head as he kissed down your neck. San felt himself grow impossibly hard when you let out a soft moan as he sucked on your neck. He didn’t think he had heard a more beautiful sound. He wouldn’t mind hearing that for the rest of his life.
His hands brushed over your bra. You stiffened for a second before relaxing. He paused and looked up at you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You told him. “I’m just not used to having anyone touch me like this.”
He pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. “You’re safe with me.”
“I know. I trust you.”
San felt his heart swell as you said that. He knew that he hadn’t had the best past with women. You knew that. That’s why it was so hard for you to open up to him. He was so glad you did. You were the most beautiful woman, inside and out. And he was going to spend the rest of your time together telling you that.
“Can I take this off?” His hands brushed your chest once again.
You didn’t flinch this time as you nodded your head. You lifted up your back some as his hands slid around your back as he unhooked your bra. He slid the bra down your arms before tossing it to the side. You felt yourself turn shy once again as your hands rested on top of your breasts. San noticed this. He kissed your cheek before speaking.
“You don’t have to hide from me.” He whispered. “Especially when you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
You let him guide your arms to the side of the bed. When he looked down at your chest, he couldn’t help the smile that overcome his face. He laughed as he buried his head in the crook of your neck. You laughed along with him.
“I guess we really are made for each other, aren’t we?”
You had a matching set of nipple piercings. You went out partying one night with Chae and some other friends. After spending half the night drinking, someone had the idea of getting piercings. Some didn’t agree, but most did. That included you. You already had a few piercings in your ears, so you wanted something else. That’s when Chae said she was getting her nipple pierced. The two of you went in together and held each other’s hands as you got them. Once you saw them the new morning, you instantly regretted them. That was until you saw the way that San stared at them.
“I guess so.” You laugh.
San pulled away from your neck with one last kiss. He kissed his way down your chest. You jumped in shock when San placed your left nipple in his mouth, your hand instantly going into his hair. You let out a moan when he started to suck on your nipple. His other hand went up to play with the other nipple. You hadn’t felt anything like this before. San could tell how much you were enjoying it by the sounds you were making.
“Does my baby like that?”
You looked down to meet San’s eyes. They were filled with lust as he placed your other nipple in his mouth. You thought you would be uncomfortable looking into his eyes while you were being intimate, but it actually calmed you if that made any sense. It also turned you on even more if possible. You whimpered as San released your nipple with a loud ‘pop.’ He started to make his way down your body, kissing every inch his lips could reach.
“So soft.” You heard him mumble. Once he got to the hem of your bottoms, he looked up at you once again for permission. “May I?”
San unbuttoned your bottoms before sliding both them and your underwear down your legs. Before you could close your legs, San laid in between them. His lips caught yours in a passionate kiss. Your hands rested on his face as he kissed you. He held your lip between his teeth as he pulled away. As he let go of your lip, he placed a sweet kiss on your nose that had you smile.
“Are you ready for me to continue?” He asked you. You nodded your head at him, but he wanted you to actually answer him. “I want you to use your words, angel.”
“Please what?” San teased you.
“Please touch me.” You answered him. Gave you one last kiss before making his way between your legs. He places a kiss to your inner thigh as you try to relax.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you.” He placed more kisses to your inner thigh as he made his way to your heat. “Since the first time I laid my eyes on you, I’ve wanted you more than anything. I knew I had to make you mine. And now that you are, I’m never letting you go.”
He placed a kiss on your clit making you jump. You had never felt so sensitive down there. You could feel every breath as San watched your reaction to him. You looked beautiful. Your eyes scrunched shut as he licked a strip up your heat. The moan that came out of your mouth made him think he was in heaven.
You gripped the bedsheets as San started to suck on your clit. You felt yourself moan louder the more San pleasured you. As soon as you felt yourself getting lost in pleasure, San released your clit. A loud whine came out of your mouth as you opened your eyes.
“Why did you stop?”
“I’m sorry, angel.” He apologized, but the smirk on his face said otherwise. “I just wanted to prepare you.”
“Prepare me for what?” You asked.
“My fingers.” You gulped at his answer. San could see the fear in your eyes. “I going to take it slow. It may be uncomfortable at first.”
“What if it hurts?” You ask.
“If it hurts, you let me know, and I will stop, okay?” You nod at Sans answer. You watch him as he goes back to your heat.
You felt yourself relax as San continue to kiss and suck on your clit. You felt him shift, so you knew what was going to come next. You tried to stay relaxed as San enter one finger into you. You shifted at the feeling. It wasn’t painful, but it was slightly uncomfortable.
“Are you okay?” San asked.
You nodded your head. “I’m okay. You can keep going.”
San watched your face as he started moving his finger in and out of you. He could tell that you were starting to enjoy it. Your mouth parted as a soft moan came from your lips. He decided to take it further.
“I’m going to add a second finger.” San warned you. You let out a small ‘okay.’
San continued to lick at your clit as he added a second finger. You threw your head back as he stretched you out. It felt oddly good. San continued to watch how you reacted. He could tell when you liked something by how loud your moans were. He continued to make sure he was only causing you pleasure, not pain.
“Does it feel good?”
“S-So good.” You moan out. You could barely talk because of the pleasure. You felt him enter a third finger causing you to moan again. It wasn’t long before you felt a familiar pit in your stomach. “San, I’m close.”
“I know baby. Go ahead and cum. I’ve got you.”
You arch your back as San sucks even harder on your clit. Between that and his fingers pumping out of you, you reached your climax. You griped his hair as you moaned out his name. San almost felt like he could climax just from watching you orgasm. The way your eyes scrunched up. Your head was thrown back as his name came from your lips repeatedly. He would never forget the image.
San pulled his fingers from you as you came down from your high. You watched as he placed his fingers in his mouth before sucking them clean. When he released his fingers from his mouth, you grabbed his neck before pulling him to you. Your lips crashed in a messy kiss. You could taste him on you as you continued to kiss him, which wasn’t as disgusting as you thought it would be.
“How did that feel?” San asked as he pulled away from you.
“Amazing.” You answer still out of breath.
You run your hands down his chest as you make your way to the bulge in his jeans. His head falls onto your shoulder as he lets out a moan when you start palming him through his jeans. You were barely touching him, and he felt like he was going to cum. It was when you started to undo his pants that he stopped you.
“Not tonight.” He told you. “Tonight, is all about you. We can do that another time, okay?”
“Are you sure?” You ask. You could see how much he was straining in his jeans. He placed his hands on your cheeks as he raised your face to meet his in a kiss.
“All I want is to be inside of you.”
You blushed at his words. “Okay.”
You laid there as San got up from the bed. You weren’t ashamed as you watched him unbutton his pants. His length jumped out as he pulled his pants down his legs. You felt yourself almost moan at the sight of him. You had never seen someone so beautiful.
“How are you from this world?” You question. You smile as you finally made him blush for a change.
“You can’t just say things like that out of nowhere.”
“Well, it’s the truth.” You tell him. “You’re absolutely stunning.”
San sits on the side of the bed as he pulls you into another kiss. While he kisses you, he reaches over to his bedside table. He opens it and pulls out a condom. He pulls away from you for a second before opening the packet and sliding the condom on. He lays in between your legs once again as he kisses you. You stiffen when you felt his length brush against your heat. San pulled away before looking at you.
“Do you want to keep going? We can stop right now. I won’t be upset.” San assured you. You could tell he meant that, but you didn’t want to stop. You meant it when you said you wanted to be his.
“I don’t want to stop.”
“Are you sure?” He asked again.
“I am. Just be gentle.” You laughed. San kissed your cheek as he promised he would.
He grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist. “I need you to relax for me. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Okay.” You nod at him. He waits until you relax some before he continues.
“Are you ready?”
San lines himself up at your entrance. He waits before you nod your head at him before he slowly pushes into you. You clench around him as he stretches you. You burry you head into his neck. San continues to ask if you’re okay, even though your answer is the same every time. You’re finally able to relax enough for him to insert himself the rest of the way in.
He kisses your forehead as you try to adjust to him. “You’re doing so good, angel.”
“I don’t know about that, but thanks for the compliment.” He chuckles at your response. Even if you were in pain, you were still cracking jokes. You pull away from his neck and give him a kiss. His hand goes to the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss. As he kisses you, he feels you relax around him. You pull away and lay your head back on the pillow. “You can move now.”
“Are you sure?”
San pulls himself back before slowly thrusting into you. It didn’t hurt as much then at first. The more he continued, the better it got. It went from pain, to an uncomfortable feeling, and finally to pleasure. Even if it was torture for San to go so slow, he would until you told him otherwise. He could tell it was starting to get better for you by the way your fingernails dug into his back.
“San?” You get his attention.
“Yes, my baby.” San looks at you.
“Can you go faster?”
“As you wish.”
This time San buries his head into your neck as he speeds up. He was trying to hold off for you, but he didn’t know if he could. You felt so good wrapped around him. And the moans that were coming out of your mouth weren’t helping him.
“You feel so good baby. I don’t know how long I’m going to last.” San groaned when you clenched around him.
You could tell that he was close because his speed picked up. You knew he couldn’t help himself. He wasn’t used to going slow, but you didn’t mind the speed up. As long as he didn’t mind the marks on his back from you.
“San, I’m close.” You moan out.
“Me to baby.” San’s hand made his way down your body. Your body jolted as his hand rubbed at your clit. You let out a loud moan as he brought you over the edge. “Cum for me.”
You threw your head back as you came to your climax. San was right behind you as he finally got his release. He sloppy thrusted into you as the two of you came down from your highs. San laid his head on your shoulder as he pulled out of you. You moan at the loss.
San was careful to not put all of his weight on you as he collapsed on you. You didn’t seem to mind as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You started to play with the hair on the back of his neck as the two of you laid in silence. That was until you spoke up.
“Thank you.”
He lifted his head up to look at you. “Thank me for what?”
“For being my first.” You answer. “I couldn’t have imagined it going anymore perfect than that.”
San felt his heart swell as he placed a kiss on your lips. You responded instantly. When he pulled back, you could feel a new emotion that you haven’t felt before. One that scared you.
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
San felt his eyes widen as you confessed that to him. He then whined when he realized what you said. “I wanted to be the first one to confess.”
“Way to ruin the moment.” You laugh. San gasped at you.
“I ruined the moment?”
“Just a little.” You hold your hand up with your fingers almost touching.
“Take that back.”
“Make me.” You smile. You let out a scream as San’s hands tickle your side. You slap his hands as you try to make him stop tickling him.
“Take it back.”
“Okay!” San’s hands freeze for a moment. He leaned close to you.
“I didn’t hear you.”
“You didn’t ruin the moment.” You smile at him. He placed a kiss on your cheek as the two of you catch your breaths.
“I think I’m falling in love with you too.”
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You pull your hair out of your clip as you walk in the locker room. Tonight, was one of the nights that Purple Kiss didn't perform. San wasn't the biggest fan of it. Since the two of you slept together, he didn't like you being at work without him. You brushed him off saying that you knew how to take care of yourself.
He begged you to let him at least come pick you up, but you told him no. You had a test in the morning, and you didn't need any distractions. San understood that, but he wasn't happy. He sent you a pouty face just to make sure you knew.
When you walk to your locker, you furrow your eyes. The lock that was on your locker was cut off and was laying on the floor. You rush over and open your locker. You dig through your bag. Your phone, wallet, and car keys are still in the bag. Nothing was stolen, so why did someone cut the lock? It was then you saw it.
There was a package laying on the bottom of the locker. You picked it up and opened it. Out of it fell a USB and a note that said play me.
"This is some horror movie level shit." You mumble. "Oh well."
You throw the package in your bag before slamming your locker shut. Watching that could wait until tomorrow after your test. And it did because you forgot about it.
You were lounging on the couch doing schoolwork and watching Gossip Girl when Chae come into the apartment. As she fixed herself a bowl of cereal, she turned to you.
"Didn't you want to show me something?"
You looked at her in confusion until it hits you. "Oh. Look at this."
You explained to her how your lock had been cut at work and how you found the package inside. You watched her as she opened the package.
"This is something you'd find in a horror movie."
"That's what I said." You told her. "Wanna watch it together?"
"Hell yeah I do."
You saved your schoolwork before closing it out. You put in the USB. On it was only one thing.
"The real San? Maybe it's one of his stalker exs." Chae told you.
"Only one way to find out."
You click on the video. The screen was black, but there was audio. You could clearly make out San and Wooyoung arguing.
"Have you seen the new girl?" San asked.
"The one that's out of your league?" Mingi responds. You could hear Wooyoung laughing before you're assuming San hit him.
"Why would you say that?"
"Seonghwa's girl said that she was way too smart for me." Wooyound said. He wanted you as well. You couldn't figure out why though. The girls that threw themselves at them were more attractive than you.
"You have a worst track record than I do with women."
"She's different though." San told him.
"Which is why she would never go for you." Mingi told him.
"You know you guys are supposed to be my friends, right?"
"We are." Wooyoung said. "We're just being honest."
"I think you're wrong." San said. You paused the video before looking at Chae. It seems like she had the same idea you did.
"Is this going where I think it's going, is it?" You ask.
"I really hope not." Chae answers. "I really thought San changed because of you."
You hit play on the video hoping that the two of you were wrong.
"You know what this mean?" Wooyoung says. "A bet."
"Really?" San asked.
"You have one month to sleep with her."
"And if not?"
"You owe me $500." Your eyes widened at Wooyoung's statement. Is that why San tried so hard to get you to go out with him? You felt like you were going to be sick.
"Let's be fair." Mingi said. "You have to let him get a first date before the timer starts."
"Are you in on the too, Mingi?" Wooyoung asked.
"Yes, but I don't think he's going to even get a first date."
"I don't even know why you bet on these things Mingi. You always lose." Wooyoung said.
"Shut the hell up."
"Alright. Winner gets one grand. You in San?"
Please say no.
"You're on."
Chae closes the laptop as the video ends. You stare at your lap, playing with a string on your shirt. You felt your eyes burn with unshed tears.
"You can say I told you so. I won't be mad." You tell her.
"Come here."
When Chae pulled you into a hug, you let out a sob as you cried into her shoulder. She held onto you tight.
"I feel like an idiot."
"He's the idiot if he didn't realize what he was doing." Chae told you.
"I slept with him Chae." Chae eyes widened at your statement. She knew how important losing your virginity to the right person was to you. "I told him I loved him."
"I'm going to kill him." Chae threatened. She couldn't just sit around and what you cry over some guy who didn't deserve it. She's going to make sure he regrets ever talking to you. She's going to make his life a living hell.
"You're going to have to beat me to it." You tell her.
"Well, I did just watch this good documentary on how to properly hide a body without getting caught." You laughed at Chae's statement. You pulled back and wiped your face. "What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to confront him." You answer. "After I pull myself together."
You put the USB and paper back in the envelope before taking a long, warm shower. You do what you said and pull yourself together. You put on some makeup and a cute outfit. He didn't deserve to see your tears. He doesn't deserve to see how much he hurt you.
"Kick his ass for me!" Chae yells as you leave the apartment.
You make the drive over to his place. You weren't sure if he was home or not. You had his spare key though, so you would just wait. You had half the thought of being petty and trashing his apartment. You knock on his door and wait a minute. The door opens revealing a half-asleep San. His smile bright when he sees it's you.
"Angel." He pulls you into a hug. He places a kiss on your cheek before pulling back. "What did I do to be blessed with your presence?"
You roll your eyes as you pull the envelope out of your bag. "Something happened at work last night, and I wanted to show you."
"Did someone hurt you? You should've let me come-"
"Calm down. No one hurt me." You interrupted him. "Except for you."
"What did you say?"
"Nothing." You smiled. "Anyway, my locker was broken into. Nothing was stolen, but I found this."
You hand the envelope. He opens it before looking at you. "What is this?"
"A video that I want you to watch." You answer.
San looks at you questionably. You weren't acting like your normal self. You were shutting yourself off from him like you did when you first met. But he did what you asked and played the video on his laptop. You didn't move as you watched him. As the video ended, San reacted similar to you and just stared at the black screen.
"Let me help you out here." San looked at you when you started speaking. "(Y/n), let me explain. This isn't what it looks like."
"I'm sorry." San told you.
"I don't want an apology. I want an explanation." You raise your voice. "Was I a fucking bet?"
"At first yes." San said. That was all you needed to know as you turned to leave. "But I told them I didn't want to be a part of it anymore."
"And I'm supposed to believe you?"
"It's the truth." San told you. "After the first date, I realized that you were some one-night stand. I wanted to get to know you. The more I found out, the more I fell for you. Nothing I ever told you was a lie."
"Our whole relationship is a fucking lie!" You yell at him. "Were you ever going to tell me?"
San was quiet for a moment which answered your question. You run your hand through your hair as you blow out a frustrated sigh.
"I should have listened to everyone when they said to stay away from you."
"I never want to see you again."
"Please don't do this." San begged. You could see the tears start to form in his eyes. "I love you."
"You should've thought about that before you broke my heart."
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“Are you sure you’re okay to do this? I can still pick up your shift.”
“Chae, I need the money.”
It has been almost a week since you had your breakup with San. You were trying to heal from the whole thing, but San was making it very hard. First it was phone calls. Then it was texts. You ended up blocking him on everything possible, but he still would give up. He never showed up to your place which you were grateful for. You know you couldn’t avoid him completely since he performs where you work, but you were still going to try. He did; however, send some sort of apology gift every day. Flowers and food would be at your doorstep every morning. He was persistent you would give him that.
“How much longer do you have?”
“2 months.”
You were so close to graduating. But in order to graduate, your fees had to be paid. Paying that on top of rent and bills had you struggling a lot. You and Chae go half on paying rent. You were even able to pay your half this month. Chae said that it was okay because she knew how hard you were working, but you still felt bad. You just needed to hold up for two more months. You know this wouldn’t be the end of your money issues, but it would help. You already had a job lined up for after graduation.
You looked at the time on the wall. “I’ll talk to you when I get home.”
“Okay. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You threw your phone in your locker before slamming it shut. You open the new lock you had bought and placed in on the locker. Hopefully this time someone wouldn’t break into it. You didn’t have much to lose at this point either.
You start your normal routine of pulling your hair up before walking out of the locker room. It was quiet at the moment since the bar had another hour before it opened. Hongjoong had texted you earlier asking if you would because he was having some car trouble. You told him that you would come in early to set up the bar. Especially when he said that he would do his best to keep San away from you.
You listen to the DJ setting up his playlist as you polished the drink glasses all while you ignored the security guards. You knew that they were friends of San’s. You didn’t know if they knew, but by the way they were looking at you, San told them. You didn’t want any questions.
You were almost done setting up the bar when someone past you. You turn to see Hongjoong with a towel finishing up the glasses. You give him a smile which he returned.
“New hair, Papa Smurf?”
“You know. I had some mild life change, so I decided to change up my look.” You let out a laugh at his reason for dying his hair. “How are you doing?”
“I’m doing great.” You lie. He looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“The truth please.”
“What do you want me to say? I found out my first love only got with me for a bet. I can’t even afford my tuition anymore. And I have to make an A on my next exam, or I’m not even going to graduate.”
The two of you jumped when loud music started playing. People were starting to be let into the bar. Hongjoong couldn’t respond to you as people started to line. You put on a fake smile as you started to serve people their drinks.
You heard the familiar screams of the crowd, so you knew what was coming. You took a deep breath as you willed yourself not to look up and to keep serving. You didn’t know what would happen if you looked at San. Would you get sad and cry? Or would you get angry and yell at him?
You bobbed your head to the music as you polished some glasses. You get a small break while Purple Rose performs because everyone wants to watch them. You felt someone staring at you, so you looked up. You made the mistake of looking up towards the stage. Your heart dropped as you made eye contact with San. He was looking at you the whole time. His eye contact never waivered even after you looked at him. He wanted you to know that you were the only person he wanted. Even if you didn’t want him anymore.
“Hey, Princess!” You turn to see Yeosang standing next to a new guy with black hair. You smile wide as you walk over.
“What can I get for you sweetheart?” You question. Yeosang motions to the new guy next to him.
“This is Jihoon. I’m training him.”
“Hello Jihoon. I’m (Y/N).” You hold your hand out for him. He shakes your hand mirroring your smile.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Tell her what we need.” Yeosang nudges him.
“Um, a round of tequila shots.”
“Coming right up.” You walk off to fulfill the order. You come back with a tray full of tequila shots and lemons. They had salt at the table, so you didn’t have to get any. You hand the tray to Jihoon before sending them off.
“Thank you.”
You get back to working completely ignoring San singing. You didn’t want to look at him again. You just wanted to forget him. Why was that so hard? He hurt you, so why do you still love him?
You didn’t notice that the band had finished playing until Hongjoong had pushed you to his side of the bar. You didn’t realize why until you saw San walk up to where he normally stands next to you. You watched the two argue before someone got your attention.
You something wet hit your arm causing you to look. Some guy had spilt his beer all over the bar, you, and some girl. The girl shrieks before walking off to what you assume is the bathroom. You grab a wet towel and start to clean up the mess. That was until the drunk man grabbed your wrist.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing behind the bar?”
“What the fuck do you think?” You question. “Working. Now let me go.”
You try to yank your arm away from him, but he had a tight grip on you. One that was starting to hurt.
“I can show you a better way of making money. Especially with a body like that.”
“You wish. Let me go.”
You motioned for security to escort him out. That was until you saw a flash of black fly towards the man. You watch in shock as San punches the man so hard, he fell out of his seat. People gathered around as they watched San repeatedly punch the guy. Security and Red arrived and pulled San off of him. Security pulled the drunk guy out of the bar while Red yelled at San.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“He was assaulting your employee.” San yelled back at him. You looked down as the two men looked at you. Red started to understand why San had become so violent, but he still couldn’t have something like this happening in his bar.
“That’s why we have security guards.” Red told him. “My office now.”
Red shoved San as he didn’t want to listen at first. San looked at you one last time hoping that you would look back at him, but you didn’t. Your eyes stayed glued to the ground. That was until Hongjoong got your attention. He watched you nod at him before walking off for a break. He waited until you went to a safe area before walking off with Red.
You make your way to the employee bathroom. You turn on the cold water before splashing your face with it, trying to calm yourself down. You don’t understand why San was acting like this. He shouldn’t be acting hurt when he was the reason all of this happened. Even if he was regretful, he couldn’t change what he did. The only reason why he talked to you was for a bet. You knew that could’ve changed somewhere along the way. He could’ve ended things after you slept together, but he didn’t. He stayed with you for 3 weeks after that.
After drying off your face and sitting in the locker room for a good 10 minutes, you got up to continue your job. You pat Hongjoong on the back as you past him letting him know you were okay. You continued to put on a brave face as you served people for the rest of your shift. Last call was an hour later. Everyone got their last drinks before you two started to clean the bar. As you were cleaning, you heard someone clear their voice from behind you. You both turn to see Red standing there.
“You mind if I borrow you for a moment?” Red asked you. You turn to look at Hongjoong. You didn’t want him to clean up by himself.
“Go. I’ll handle it.”
You took at deep breath as you followed Red to his office. He opens the door letting you enter first. You sit in the chair in front of the desk while he sits behind it. You decided to speak first.
“I’m sorry about what happened earlier.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” Red told you. “It wasn’t your fault, but someone does have to deal with the consequences.”
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“You know my rules. No fighting in my bar. Now, do I fire the guy who makes me money? Or the girl who I pay to work here?” Your heart dropped at his questions. He can’t fire you. You need this job.
“Please don’t.” You plead. “I need this job.”
Red looked unbothered as he shrugged his shoulders. “Not my problem.”
Red pulled out an envelope and handed it to you. You opened it to see your paycheck. You scoff as you look back up at him. He really was firing you for something you didn’t even do. You stood up from his chair as you made your way out of his office. Red said something as you opened the door.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
You turn to look at him. “Go fuck yourself.”
You slam the door shut before you walk to the locker room. You hurry over to your locker before pulling your stuff out. You were going to let anyone in this bar see you cry. You could hold it in until you got to your car. You throw your bag over your shoulder as you exit the building. You walk over to your car but stop when you see who’s leaning on the driver’s side.
“What do you want?”
San turned to look at you. “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he.”
“No. I’m pretty sure the only one hurting me is you.” You respond. San’s shoulders dropped as you said that.
“Can we talk? Please.”
“I thought me blocking you was my answer to that.”
“You know me. I’m stubborn.”
“That you are.” You tell him. “Let me start by asking you something.”
San looked excited to talk to you. “Ask me anything.”
“Why do you keep hurting me?” You ask him. You could see him deflate when you ask him that.
“Angel, you have to understand that hurting you was something I never wanted to do.”
“But you did, and you keep doing it.” You blink, feeling the tears hit your cheeks. “Using me enough apparently. You got me fired San.”
“What?” He looked at you shocked.
“Someone had to pay for your stupid actions, and once again it was me.”
“I didn’t- Why would he do that?” San questioned. You shrugged.
“I don’t know.”
“I know you’re struggling. Let me help you.”
“No, San.”
“Please leave me alone. I’m begging you.”
“Is that really what you want?”
“Okay.” San sighed. You could see his tears match yours. “I won’t contact you again. But just know that I never lied to you, not once. Especially when I say I love you. And that won’t change.”
“Goodbye San.”
“Goodbye Angel.”
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murky-tannin · 7 months
I'm shocked Cellbit and Miyoung won with their score. I swear i could do more then they did solo in the same amount of time and there were much better players on other teams. The reveal at the end of them somehow doing much better then everyone else was so funny it took me so off guard
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soojungdx · 6 days
hello! 💞
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hiiii everyone! sorry for the delay – if you didn't see ms soojung's pinned post, i am not new, this is carly (jaeyong and miyoung's mun). if jaeyong is my worst boy and problematic fave, soojung is my worst girl whom i hate. she's an entirely new muse to me and i'm looking forward to seeing the chaos she causes and how she develops! she's a sideblog, so i won't be following anyone from her account! but her about page is here. please give this post a like if you want to plot with her and i'll fly to u asap 💗 i know i owe a bunch of replies and i will also get to those asap, i have been having a rough go of it lately alksdfjalsdf BUT! i will do the usual ramble about her under the cut and offer some plot ideas too 🙏 thank u for reading in advance!!
born to two a tier enhanced agents – they were among the first generation introduced to the public
they did not keep her out of the spotlight. she will tell you she has been a superstar since she was born. or something
naturally everyone expected her (and her older sister) to follow in their parents' footsteps
her relationship with her parents is Fine and they are fine people but they were fairly absent because of their jobs
also were/are filthy rich
this left soojung to mainly make nannies' lives a living hell
despite being social and attending events with her parents (when allowed) she was actually a very lonely child
the nanny that she didn't manage to scare away wasn't the most affectionate and she and her sister are kind of opposites and fought a lot
her reflection manipulation manifested when she was nine and looking for a way to entertain herself. making things out of reflections was fun for a while but eventually got old
she ended up spending a lot of time online when she wasn't out socializing and failing to make many deep friendships (she was a troll and catfish tbh)
she did not care about following in her parents' footsteps but they still made her apply for pinnacle every year. and they signed her up for heroes of tomorrow academy
she hated it. too much work!!! she didn't care!!
her older sister got into pinnacle at 19 and was very dedicated, very heroic, very cool
one day when soojung was home alone with her parents, two assassins broke into their home
they were prepared to block her parents powers but didn't expect soojung to be there, so they couldn't control her
her ability to create portals through mirrors manifested then, and she and her parents escaped that way
they moved to x palace apartments after that, for the higher security if nothing else
soojung became a Little more dedicated to improving her abilities after that, just so she could protect her parents better if something like that happened again
eventually she got bored and started slacking again though
she also started streaming herself playing video games, and her charisma manipulation manifested to help her gain her own lil following
or big following. jjangame is pretty big online now, due almost entirely to her parents' rep and the charisma manipulation, because she is awful at games and has a terrible personality. but good for her
she was both relieved and scared when it was her final year to apply to pinnacle. on one hand, fucking finally, she could just stream full time, but also what would people think if she DIDN'T become an enhanced agent???
she got in despite being underqualified #nepotism
she hates pinnacle she hates training and school but she hates the idea of being irrelevant even more so she puts up with it
but still streams whenever she can!
personality-wise she is just a little brat. bitch. asshole. fake!!! so fake nice but actually incredibly mean and selfish she dgaf about anyone but herself and maybe her parents and MAYBE her sister
but she is still beloved by the public both due to the image she projects and her charisma manip, NOT her actual personality
she is terrified to do anything socially significant without her charisma manipulation, but it's only her minor ability, so it tires her out when she uses it. so she takes lots of naps and people probably think she has chronic fatigue. fine with her
i'm ngl i had some but i forget a lot of them bc it's been so long aslkdjfajlksdf let's see
fans of ame (her streamer persona)
alternatively, haters. she does not know how to deal with being hated, especially by people she hasn't personally wronged
people she's personally wronged <3 i'm sure she's thrown plenty of friends under the bus and stabbed plenty of people in the back over the years
pinnacle and heroes of tomorrow classmates!
i WOULD like her to develop genuine relationships with depth but she doesn't know how to do that KLSDFKLSDF so patient people to put up with her and actually be a good friend to her...it will be sad because she will probably treat them like shit but
she has a corgi named winston and is obsessed with him but doesn't walk him because she's prissy. they have a dogwalker. so winston's dogwalker!
or soojung has to walk winston herself one day and you're like why is this girl walking a corgi in stilettos and acrylic nails and a diamond necklace. wait a second she didn't pick up that dog's poop!!! evil!!
she's probably the type to get in a bunch of shallow romantic relationships because she loves attention. she's bi so both the guys and the gals are acceptable for this though i think she's mostly been with boys
i get the vibe that One relationship or crush fucked her up A Little Bit but i do not know details.....Perhaps We Can Find Out...might need a girl for this one though 👁️ lots to unpack here...
people she plays games with. you could be featured on her stream! or at least your voice over discord could
ok i truly believe i'll be better at brainstorming for her so i'll leave it off here 🫡
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zerolune · 8 months
₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ Chapter 6 - horrors of the night
: ̗̀➛ Pairing : Anton × OC
Synopsis: When Seunghan, Wonmee, Anton and Gwen go for a movie, the horror movie isn't the only horror they face.
Warnings : swearing, a jerk guy.
Next, Masterlist
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"Oh seriously cmon!! It's the last day of our promotions! It'll be fun!!" Wonmee exclaimed, encouraging Eunryung. "No way in hell am I paying to get heart attacks." The elder refused. "Please it isn't fun with just two people!" Wonmee urged once again.
"Yes, researches have proven that watching films with more people provides a better experience due to the adrenaline boost from the movie being balanced out by the endorphins released due to the presence of your friends." Gwen spoke almost robotically, explaining why Eunryung should join them.
"Wow-uh- you're not wrong now- but! Why me though? Why not Yuri or Miyoung?" Eunryung asked, diverting the target. "Miyoung is going for samgyeopsal with her siblings and Yuri has to choreograph for Taemin Sunbaenim." Gwen said again, very mechanically.
"What are you guys talking about?" Sungchan asked as the boys entered the practice room, pretty late. "We are trying to convince Eunryung to see the new Nun movie with us, on the last day of our promotions, would any of you like to join?" Wonmee offered.
"Horror no way, I'm out!" Wonbin and Sungchan explicitly stated. "Hmm sorry I have plans," Shotaro said. "Oh I can come! I love horror!" Seunghan said. "And based on the timings, I'm free!" Seunghan checked his phone for the show timings on some app.
"Great! So, you, me, Gwen and anyone else?" Wonmee looked around. "I have something with my family that night so probably not," Sohee pouted. "I have a meet up with friends," Eunseok said, checking some kind of calendar-schedule.
"Ah well, that's okay, three people should be fine," Seunghan grinned, going over to discuss the timings with the other two. Anton on the other hand, looked around, of course his hyungs knew that he hated anything to do with horror, and maybe the girls forgot about him (sorry Anton), but if Gwen was going- this was his chance.
"Oh I can go! It'll be great to see a horror movie!" He finally spoke up, his hyungs looking at him judgementally. Seunghan was about to say, "But don't you-" before he looked over to Gwen and a light bulb lit in his head. "Alright so four of us! Great!" The boy began walking over to Sungchan who was about to say something and immediately whispered to him, "Hyung, let the lover boy follow his heart-even if it stops during the movie." He then made Sungchan look towards Gwen.
"Ohh, I see," He laughed.
"Alright, soldiers, listen up, 9:30's the movie, so they gotta leave by 9:10, we have to make sure Anton looks his best, in precisely 58 minutes- we would have had a whole hour if Anton didn't argue that he was going to a HORROR movie just because he loves Gwen."
"For the last time-"
"Shut up Loverboy! Soldiers Let's get to work!" Shotaro began parading around, as the boys carried a 6 feet tall boy across the dorm. "Listen you are no way in hell wearing that ugly ass hoodie, wear this denim jacket or lose the love of your life." Wonbin began.
"And we gotta do something with your hair cuz you remind me of when my mom used to cut my hair," Eunseok began ruffling the boy's hair.
Finally they dressed him up-giving him an early 2000's teen movie makeover-not that he needed one. "Now, I know it's gonna be scary, and you will want to die, but under no circumstances will you call for your eomma, we can't let her think you have mommy issues." Shotaro gave the first advice.
"Instead, ask if you can hold hands, just make sure they aren't sweaty," Seunghan said. "What if she says no?"
"Then change your name to Amanda Williams, move to Switzerland and never return- also get a buzz cut just in case." Wonbin advised.
"But relax, she isn't like that, she's a caring person okay, she'll know if you're scared besides she helped you with your bullies, she'll help you with ghosts too, don't worry." Sungchan assured.
"How can you say that for sure though?" Eunseok raised a brow. "Because- I don't know man she feels like my sister, we have been talking quite a lot lately and it literally feels liek we're siblings," Sungchan explained.
"As long as you don't commit sweet home Alabama, Anton shouldn't feel jealous, right?" Wonbin looked towards the boy who rolled his eyes at Sungchan. "Ah don't worry Anton, I wouldn't ever think that way... but now that I think about it..." Sungchan took a dramatic pause. "Why am I helping a boy become my sister's boyfriend?!?"
"You better not do anything suspicious," He suddenly warned Anton as him and Seunghan began moving out the home. "It'd be a blessing if he could even talk to her without stuttering, you shouldn't be worried at all," Eunseok teased. "Hyung!" They heard Anton protest before the door closed.
"Oh Seunghan! You're here, where's Anton?" Wonmee asked as they stood near the snacks counter. "Oh he'll be here any moment," Seunghan smiled.
Anton suddenly appeared out of nowhere, dramatically walking in, making eye contact with Gwen- who was-why was she looking at her phone- goddammit the dramatic entry they planned was useless.
"Oh Hi Anton!" Gwen looked up, shooting a smile. "H-Hey!" Anton tried to look cool. "What's wrong with you today?" Gwen laughed. "Okay, so who's getting the popcorn?"
"Me and Wonmee will take care of it, you both go!" Seunghan quickly ushered the younger two towards the movie hall, a plan being plotted in his mind.
"Ah so I see, Anton does like her! But you know I think Gwen likes him too," Wonmee said as her and the boy were walking back to the theatre with popcorn and drinks in their hands.
"Wait really? But she person-zoned him right?" Seunghan tilted his head. "Bold of you to assume a girl would tell her feelings straight! Why are you so oblivious, don't you have a girlfriend?"
"Oh well my ex yea, she cheated on me," Seunghan sighed. "You got cheated on? You? No way-"
"Get this, with my best friend," he revealed as Wonmee couldn't believe her ears. "That's well- uh- I don't know what to say, how do you feel?"
"I guess it's just life, stuff works like that," he sighed yet again, opening the door and holding it open. "I mean it shouldn't, like you're probably the hottest guy in our group?? Maybe the hottest person I've ever seen? And not only that, you're a gentleman, you're everything? How could they?"
"Woah woah, did you just call me hot?"
"I'm only saying the truth, besides, if you weren't hot you can't be an idol,"
"Sohee's an exception, he's cute as fuck."
"There's always an exception," she smiled, heading to their seat. "Oh look they're sitting beside each other! Our plan worked letsgo!!" Seunghan smiled.
Seriously what the fuck. Anton was one more jumpscare away from dying, how could anyone enjoy this? He was holding everything in him to not scream, and it was only 27 minutes until now, oh how would he even manage anymore?
Unbeknownst to him however, the girl beside him could sense the fear lingering in the boy, so almost immediately, she said. "Anton, hold my hand if you're scared, it'll be alright, it's just a movie."
She didn't give him even a second to respond as before he could say anything, his left hand had already been entwined with her left. He could feel the callous on her skin- from her playing her guitar probably, but it was still somehow soft and gentle. Like an assuring feel that nothing would happen to him.
Anton's heart still raced, but now it wasn't because of fear.
"Please that movie was ass," Wonmee remarked as the group was walking back to the dorm, which was quite close. "I know right, like the jumpscares were cheap as shit."
"I agree, like the cinematography should've been done better to compliment the acting for god's sake."
The three (Anton didn't speak, still reminiscing holding his crush's hand) continued to talk about the movie until they began walking past a 7/11.
"Gyuri Park? Is that you?" Gwen stopped in her tracks, turning back to look at her biggest nightmare. "Ah so it is you," a boy walked over to her, turning her around, getting ahold of her right hand.
"Minjae just leave us be."
"Ah so your hand and your voice both work well now?" He smirked still not letting go. "Let go of her you asshole." Wonmee came in front, shoving him aside.
"Oh Gyuri, you now have other friends and not just that loser boy, hot friends might I add." Minjae said checking out wonmee.
"Just shut up dude," Seunghan said in anger. "Ah you still have guy friends, guess you're still a slut huh?" Minjae only looked at Gwen, who had tears welling up in her eyes.
"Aww jagi, don't cry," he mocked, caressing her cheek. "Don't touch me, you creep," Gwen managed to shout, swatting his hand away.
"Oh feisty, guess you became like this to be more like my type right?" The bully kept laughing as his two other friends joined in, much to the four's despise.
"You know what, just fuck off." Anton pushed the boy, who was shorter than him, alas, Minjae punched him back, almost toppling him to the ground.
"Don't fucking touch him ever again, you jerk," Gwen kicked his shin before taking Anton's hand and running away.
"Guys come quick!"
"Gwen who was that?"
Taglist: @seolboba (comment if you wanna be added !!)
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Title: Gumiho
Author: Kat Cho
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2019
Genres: fiction, fantasy, romance, mythology, paranormal, contemporary
Blurb: 18-year-old Gu Miyoung has a secret: she's a gumiho, a nine-tailed fox who must devour the energy of men in order to survive. Because so few believe in the old tales anymore, and with so many evil men no one will miss, the modern city of Seoul is the perfect place to hide and hunt...but after feeding one full moon, Miyoung crosses paths with Jihoon, a human boy being attacked by a goblin deep in the forest. Against her better judgement, she violates the rules of survival to rescue the boy, losing her fox bead - her gumiho soul - in the process. Jihoon knows Miyoung is more than just a beautiful girl; he saw her nine tails the night she saved his life. His grandmother used to tell him stories of the gumiho, of their power and the danger they pose to humans. He's drawn to her anyway. With murderous forces lurking in the background, Miyoung and Jihoon develop a tenuous friendship that blossoms into something more...but when a young shaman tries to reunite Miyoung with her bead, the consequences are disastrous, forcing Miyoung to choose between her immortal life and Jihoon's.
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mgufm · 2 years
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SEPTEMBER 18  —  OCTOBER 6, 2022 a setup @ mugunghwa, south korea
6 PM
in the early evening of september 18, kojirō is taking a little-known shortcut to his next class, cutting through a secluded area of the green, when he overhears jiyeon and yua speaking in low voices. he hides behind a wall, and overhears them talking about miyoung and jisoo. he discovers the truth about miyoung and jisoo's relationship prior to jisoo's death, and overhears that neither miyoung nor yua plan to tell mina the truth. he quietly escapes the garden, leaving only the soft rustle of a rose bush.
7 PM
mina, miyoung and mingze receive separate e-mails from detective lee sangwoo, inviting them to return to the police station for questioning on september 27. the detective tells them that there have been new findings in the case, concerning the relationship between jung miyoung, and the deceased, kim jisoo. they're told they'll be given a chance to revise their statement.
9 PM
kojirō visits mina at her dorm and tells her everything he overheard at the green.
8 AM
through her impeccably reliable and so far unfailing sleuthing, yua comes to find that mina, miyoung and mingze had been invited back to the police station for questioning on september 27. yua keeps the information to herself, though the thought to tell jiyeon crosses her mind, and has no contact with jiyeon until the next day, when jiyeon herself contacts yua.
10:30 PM
hours after attending a normal day at school, mingze walks into the police station in the late hours of the day, approaches detective lee sangwoo, and says he's ready to give his statement ahead of schedule. the detective agrees and puts him in the chair. mingze gives a tell-all of what he saw, sparing no details. when asked if mina knows about this, mingze says he doesn't know.
11 PM
mingze leaves the police station, picks up a bulky backpack he had stowed away behind an alleyway dumpster before entering the establishment, and walks to the bus stop. he waits for the last bus of the day that will take him to the pier, a one-way ticket burning hot in his pocket. it starts to rain. as he waits for the bus to arrive—any minute now—he decides to call ( bullet train ), knowing his close friend had mentioned wanting to leave town before. ( bullet train ) picks up after a ring.
( bullet train ): mingze? it's late. what's up? mingze: i gave my statement to the police and i'm leaving tonight. the last bus is coming in about ten. it'll go to the pier for the last barge off this damn island. we always talked about leaving, right? come with me. we can leave tonight and never look back. you can go anywhere you want, or you can come back home with me. we'll help each other figure it out, like we said we would. ( bullet train ): ... mingze: ... ( bullet train ): ... mingze: hey? ( bullet train ): i can't leave now, mingze. ... not anymore. i... mingze: what do you mean— ( bullet train ): if you asked me a week ago, maybe i would have, but things are... complicated here again. things are never as simple as they seem here, but i can't leave my family now. not when they'll get caught in the crossfires of this... mingze: what? of what? don't let them tie you down to this shithole. ( bullet train ): ... ... ... i'm sorry, mingze. i know everything, and i'm sorry about all of it. about this town, this school, this island... honestly, i didn't think any of it was real—or, maybe i always knew but i... but i guess... mingze: what are you talking about? ( bullet train ): don't look back, alright? don't ever come back here. your life is in danger here. real danger. whatever you think this island is, it's worse. don't look back, not for anyone, not even for me. got it? mingze: i don't understand. what about your life? what are you— ( bullet train ): you don't need to understand. the less you know the better. when you think of this place, or me, or anyone you knew, don't forget the pain you felt here. i'm sorry, mingze, but thank you for thinking of me.
the line goes dead. the bus arrives. mingze boards the bus, the boat, and doesn't look back.
8 AM
miyoung walks into the police station as requested by detective sangwoo. he puts her in the chair and tells her that they've discovered new information about the case. the detective tells her that her and son jisoo were alleged to have had intimate relations a few weeks before his death, specifically, they were seen on the night of his birthday party on june 7, 2022. the detective asks miyoung if she can confirm this or not, if she continued to be in contact with jisoo at an intimate capacity after the date in question, and if mina knows of this alleged relationship. 
"yes, fine, it's true. we... hooked up on his birthday then kept seeing each other after that. i don't know if mina knows. jisoo said she doesn't. i don't think she knows. ... if you want to know why i did it... i didn't do it to hurt anyone. or, maybe i did... i don't know anymore. it doesn't matter, right? i did it," miyoung answers. the detective is quiet for a beat, as if he's giving her more space to speak, but miyoung says nothing more. the detective notes her statement and lets her go. 
outside the building, miyoung looks at her phone. her notifications are filled with texts from concerned friends asking about what happened with her questioning, and what she told the detective. miyoung replies to only one message.
jiyeon: what did you tell him?
 miyoung: i told him i don't think mina knew. ok? 
 jiyeon does not reply for the rest of the day.
10 AM
yua accepts a call from jiyeon. "fire exit," says jiyeon, before dropping the line.
yua makes her way to the fire exit of maehwa hall.
"what is it, jiyeon?"
"you knew they were getting called in today and you didn't tell me."
"no, i didn't know, i—"
"save it," jiyeon cuts her off, "it doesn't matter now. i was waiting for you to tell me, but you didn’t. i had to find out from minhyuk. and if you didn't know—and i don't believe you—you should have known. i told you to stay on top of this, yua. luckily, miyoung is in her right mind and told the detective what he needs to hear—that mina didn’t know. i can’t get ahold of mina or mingze, so i don’t know what the fuck they’ve said.”
"jiyeon, i'm—"
"if you think i'm letting jisoo die for nothing, you're sorely mistaken, yua. i will do anything it takes to make sure his sacrifice isn't wasted. ... i didn't know he was at that building that night, you know. he told me he'd be at practice. ... but it doesn't matter now. maybe the less i know the better. but whatever he meant to do, whatever happened, it worked out for us. and i'll see this to the end, because i understand what's at stake here. we lose everything if we lose her. this is serious. this is life and death. and if you don't understand that, yua, i will make you understand.
( post mortem ) understands this. they know what needs to be done. they would die for this, because they understand. and they will die for this, if you don't start doing what you're supposed to do. are we clear?"
with teary eyes, yua nods.
"say you understand."
"i understand."
7 PM
jiyeon, minjun, yua, siyeon, nika and ( plaid ) receive separate e-mails from detective lee sangwoo, inviting them to return to the police station for questioning on september 29. the detective tells them that there have been new findings in the case and that they'll be given a chance to revise their statement. he provides no further details.
after receiving the e-mail, ( plaid ) invites mina to have dinner together. nika immediately texts yua, saying she wants to meet at once.
7:30 PM
nika and yua meet at a secluded area in the town's park. nika tells her that she had received an invitation to go back in for questioning. yua says she received the same message. nika tells her that she suspects it has something to do with a relationship between miyoung and jisoo. yua looks alarmed, and asks where she heard about this. nika says there have been all kinds of rumors going around about all members of the red and green club. when asked if it's true, yua nods.
"what will you tell the detective?" nika asks.
"the truth, of course."
"and what is the truth?"
"that she didn't know. none of us knew. i only found out at the party."
"is that what you didn't want to tell me at the party?"
"i was trying to protect you. the less you know the better, nika."
"you guys are always saying that. i don't know what you mean. i heard even mina told the detective that she knew."
"that's not true. you just have to tell the detective the truth, nika. we didn't know. no one knew. you have to tell the detective that she didn't know."
"how do i know that's the truth? i always feel like you're hiding something from me. there's... something you're not telling me. i don't know if she knew—"
"i know, i know—but you have to convince them that she didn't know. tell them there were no signs. you didn't see anything. you truly believe that she didn't know."
"why would i say that if i don't know that it's true? yua..."
yua continues to beg nika to change her statement. nika doesn't budge, and, with finality, declares she'll tell the detective what she thinks is right. she tells yua not to contact her for a while, then hurriedly walks away.
8 PM
over dinner at their dorm, ( plaid ) tells mina that they've been called back for questioning by detective sangwoo on september 29. "i've heard rumors about your friends... is there anything i should know before i go in?" ( plaid ) asks. mina looks off to the side. after a beat, she answers, "miyoung and jisoo were seeing each other. i didn't know about it. that's what i told the detective too. i really didn't know. that's probably what he'll ask you." ( plaid ) nods. the dinner continues on in silence.
11 PM
in the dead of night, minjun is woken by an unusual phone call.
minjun: yua? why are you calling? what time is it— yua: (distressed. urgent, hurried speech. voice shaking slightly.) have you told her? minjun: who? what? yua: jiyeon. have you told her we're going in on the 29th. i know you got the invite from the fucking detective, too. minjun: no, i didn't tell her. yua: tell her. minjun: what? you tell her. and she probably got the same invite, anyway. i dont'— yua: i can't, minjun. i can't— not again— she'll— it can't be me this time. but you have to tell her. tell her now. now.
the line drops dead. after a moment of thought, minjun decides to call jiyeon. but before he dials her number, he scrolls further down his contact list for another name. siyeon's phone rings.
siyeon: minjun? why are you calling me? minjun: have you told jiyeon that you're going back on the 29th? siyeon: what? no, i haven't. how did you— minjun: good. don't tell her. stay away from this, siyeon. we don't need you here anymore. you can leave. you should leave. honestly, if i could go back, i never would have brought you here. ... i guess, for that, i'm sorry. siyeon: w— minjun: don't talk to me about this phone call. i'll say i won't remember. my advice... leave town.
the line drops dead. presented with the idea of leaving town, siyeon decides to stay put.
minjun dials jiyeon.
jiyeon: what? minjun: we've been called back. you too, right? i think everyone in the club's going back on the 29th. jiyeon: thank you for telling me. you know what to say, right? minjun: ... jiyeon: remember what i told you at the greenhouse the day after the fire. don't forget what's at stake here, minjun. we can't let jisoo's death be for nothing. and you don't want to make things worse for your family, do you? for everyone's families. you have the power to help them. make everything the way it was before. minjun: ... yeah. yeah, i know. convince him she's innocent. i get it. jiyeon: good. make sure everyone else going in on the 29th gets it.
jiyeon drops the call.
10 PM
after taking everyone's statements, detective lee sangwoo is unconvinced that kim mina was unaware of jung miyoung and son jisoo's relationship.
11 PM
detective sangwoo visits ( post mortem ) to ask for updates on the autopsy. after a short chat, ( post mortem ) gleans that detective sangwoo finds kim mina suspicious. they tell the detective that the official autopsy report will be out soon, but not that night. the detective leaves. yua emerges from behind a closed door where she'd been hiding.
"he suspects her," yua frowns.
( port mortem ) looks at the floor, then nods.
"what does this mean for you? for our family?"
( post mortem ) pulls out two sealed envelopes from their desk, and hands one to yua. "i've run out of time, yua. i can't stall him any more. this is the real report. the truth. and this," ( post mortem ) holds up the other envelope, "is what i'll be giving the detective tomorrow. yua, listen to me. the keepers' mission is real—you've known it all this time, haven’t you? or, at least, you’ve suspected. i’m telling you that it is. everyone on the island will lose everything if she's taken from us, but we don't have enough power anymore to decide the ending. i've carried the secrets of this town on my shoulders my entire life, yua, and i'm tired. i'm sorry you'll have to do the same, but... i am giving you a choice i wish someone gave me. i know you'll do the right thing—i'm just letting you choose who you'll do the right thing for."
yua takes the envelope handed to her. "what... why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?"
"we didn't convince him," ( post mortem ) answers, "you know what happens now."
"no, please—there must be some other way— some way we can—why would they—"
"power is what you want, yua. the power to change things. the power to not have to make decisions like this. but we've run out of that power. the only way we can get it back—that power, our lives—is to keep mina on this island. like we've done to her for hundreds of years. that means closing this case and making sure nothing falls on her."
"so, i should... i should burn this? make sure no one finds it? what does this even say? did mina kill jisoo?"
( post mortem ) shakes their head, the look on their face unreadable.
"i'm giving you a choice, yua. it's the best i can do—i'm sorry i can't do more. i can't free you from this... this town, this island. our family—every family on this island—has been doing this for hundreds and hundreds of years. it's what's kept us safe... comfortable... thriving. it's too late for me now, but... you get to decide if all this... this town, your family, your money, the life you knew, your legacy... is worth it.
that envelope... you can open it, burn it, hide it, show it to the other keepers... you can do anything you want with it, yua. but don't mourn me, okay? jiyeon was right. i do know what needs to be done."
yua returns to her family’s home that night, and hides the sealed document in a locked box under her bed. she attaches the small key to a charm bracelet nika had gifted to her, which she then starts wearing at all times.
the official autopsy findings come out. son jisoo is declared to have died of asphyxiation attributed to the fire. the case is formally closed.
almost a week after the case is closed, mundanity seems to reclaim the small town of mugunghwa. a sleepy silence covers the town like a warm blanket. radios and televisions hum almost too low to be heard, except in one household.
in the dark basement of detective sangwoo’s home, a tired television plays the news channel day in and day out. pictures and newspaper clippings and documents are stuck to a cork board, connected by red strings. case files and notebooks are stacked on top of a table.
BODY FOUND IN LAKE, reads the headline on screen.
‘the decapitated body of a 30-year-old woman was found on october 4 in donglim lake. authorities have performed an autopsy, but are unable to confirm the woman's identity as of now, as she possessed no identification and her fingerprints had been strangely burned off. we encourage you to approach the busan police department if you...’
"is that ( post mortem )?" ( brainchild ) asks, putting down a sandwich they had made for their father.
detective sangwoo sighs, "probably."
"decapitated? fingerprints burned off...? who would do that?"
"someone who wants to send a message but doesn't want ( post mortem ) to be found."
"what message? didn’t their family call?"
detective sangwoo shakes his head no, and sighs again. "they're dangerous," he says, "the people in this town. ... listen, i don't want you helping me with this anymore, alright? maybe you should go live with your uncle in seoul for n—"
"what? no, i'm not leaving you here."
"alright. just... just watch yourself, kid. and i know it’s a big ask because you go to school with them but... try to stay away from those kids from that club, alright? something’s off... i just don’t know what yet. you know what i always tell you."
( brainchild ) nods, "don't trust anyone."
detective sangwoo nods approvingly, taking a bite of his sandwich. “wait, one last thing. that mingze kid. any news about him?”
( brainchild ) shakes their head, “haven’t heard anything.”
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ooc info . this concludes act one ! ic , we’ve now entered the month of october 2022 . our next event will begin on october 11 ic , so feel free to plot interactions up until that date but avoid setting plots after .
these events were decided by character choices . some dialogue and individual statements were omitted from this plot drop to keep it from becoming toooo lengthy . if you’ll be writing about these omitted instances , please include the dialogue verbatim and try to modify as little as possible . pages will be updated to include all characters’ revised statements  +  all new info over the next few days . 
the canon liu mingze is now considered departed . the skeleton post mortem is now considered deceased . see our guidelines for deceased / departed characters . 
if you have any questions , just ask ! 
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bobbiworks · 8 months
Beyond the Bell's Chimes | FINAL
Jiwoo quietly sat on a bench facing the river. She sat there smiling as she reminisced about the past. If she didn't hear the song that triggered her core memories, the feelings life had suppressed, concealed from her to forget the life she wanted, the life filled with happiness and love. She couldn't help but quietly cry while feeling the warmth.
After the reunion, her friends went on with their lives. She realized that it was not only her who had it difficult in life. She learned that each of them lived a moment in their lives filled with difficulties, and she was proud of them, even to herself that they were able to go on happily.
Sungchan and Miyoung, once a happy loving couple in high school, didn't end up together because of differences as what both of them said during their get-together months ago. It was not easy to become friends with their exes, but Sungchan and Miyoung maintained it well. Though, Jiwoo wished that they will find their way back to each other because she could still see that they longed for each other.
Anton, with only a few years difference, he grew up to be a very fine man. He was still as clingy as back then and would always annoy the others. He pursued his dream of becoming a world-class cellist.
Shotaro became a business owner and owned several chicken restaurants. Who would have known that their family's chicken restaurant would become popular? Having the popular guys promote his chicken restaurant was a smart move. He also built a dance studio and held dance classes for aspiring talents.
Suyoung and Sohee got married like what they both said before graduating high school. The two were inseparable. Among the couples in their circle, the two were the healthiest and the least problematic. Only Jiwoo could laugh at herself feeling envious of the two.
Seunghan did really keep his promise to her that he will be by her side no matter what. Without her knowing, he has been taking good care of her parents and even Woojae behind the scenes. She felt bad for not noticing it all those years as she succumbed to her own mishap. Recently, he happily told her that he is beginning to like someone better than Jiwoo.
Wonbin had the best of both worlds, pursuing his passion for music and business. He remained a true friend. He will always be her first love, the one who loved her first for her, and the one who will always love her for her. Wonbin gave her a lesson to sometimes letting go of someone you love can be a start of a greater good.
"Jiwoo…" she slowly looked up and saw Eunseok standing a few steps from her. He looked like he ran his way to her once again. His eyes were big and bright, like almonds but were glimmering as it reflected the sparkling waters of the river. She didn't notice herself tearing until he mentioned it. He quickly went to cup her face and wiped her tears with his thumb. "I'm sorry, did you wait long?"
"Silly, no. I didn't." Jiwoo smiled. "I'm okay. I was just thinking about our friends.."
"Friends? Why?" He asked while getting seated next to her. "Are they making you sad?"
Jiwoo shook her head sideways, "the opposite. I just realized a lot of things. I get to talk with them and learned that we grew up differently.." She said, her eyes then shifted on his hand that was covered with blisters. She gasped as she held it up. "W-What happened?"
"Oh, this?" Eunseok asked. "I had to sign a lot of papers in a hurry.. I can't make you wait that long." He smiled, "Just think of it as my reward." He tried to make light of it but knowing Jiwoo, she didn't budge and went to get her cosmetic kit and pulled out some disinfectant and cream. She carefully mended his blisters and placed a plaster on the biggest one. Eunseok thought that he had to pull his hand away, but Jiwoo held it close and laced her fingers with his.
He tried his best not to smile widely, but his nerves betrayed him, and he pulled her close to his side, squeezing her hand. He then turned to Jiwoo, thinking that she was watching the river in front of them, but no. She was looking at him tenderly with a sweet smile on her lips. "Hmm?"
"I could watch you all day.." She spoke cutely, making Eunseok hold his breath, trying not to look like he was going to explode. "Can I do that?"
He took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah, sure." He said.
Jiwoo chuckled and moved closer to him, letting go of his hand and slowly wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her lips on his cheek. "I am so happy that you're here." She confessed. "To be honest, even before the reunion, I thought of everyone and everything made sense…"
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I lost my reason to live… Somehow, I lost myself in the process, and I felt lonely despite my achievements, despite having mom and dad live well.." She explained, "I happened to hear a song that made me remember all the things that happened in high school… everything we've been through together after that." She said. "I used to see myself looking lifeless, but when I remembered all those things, I began to look much livelier.."
Eunseok listened to her with pure intent, and when she finished, he gently planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'm proud of you." He said, those words made Jiwoo's heart skip a beat that she suddenly hugged him tightly. She never knew those words would mean so much to her. "I thank God, that we were able to cross paths again."
"I never loved anyone after you.." She confessed. "When I saw you at the hotel, I wanted to hug you, like I wanted to ignore the fact that there were people there… but I was hesitant because I thought you were mad at me.." She explained, "But now, everything fell into place."
"We just have to make up for the time we spent apart with a lifetime of being together." Eunseok said as he held her hand gently. "I told myself that I will never love any woman after you. My heart only wants you. Your happiness is my happiness.. your sadness is my sadness.." He explained, but Jiwoo began to chuckle, thinking that he was trying to lighten up the mood. "I'm serious, I want to marry you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Shim Jiwoo.."
"Who would have thought… that the King of Segye High School would want to date someone like me?" Jiwoo asked as she held his hand. "That, I wanted to ask myself if I were still not confident about myself.." She said, then cupped his face, gently caressing his cheek as she looked intently into his eyes. Her heart was racing, and it made her feel a bit breathless. "I had to build myself in order to deserve you, and I did. I did it so that I can be with you with no regrets.. I've finally reached my dreams, and I am very sure… very sure that I want to spend my life with you too.."
A sigh of relief left Eunseok's lips, dropping his head as he could finally breathe. "Damn, you got me feeling like I was in a roller coaster.." He commented, making Jiwoo chuckle.
"Did I?" Jiwoo said as she continued to caress his face. "I love you," She said, finally cupping the other side as she gently leaned closer to kiss his lips. "Thank you so much for waiting…"
Eunseok smiled, kissing her softly, gently falling into her sweet lips. "Will you marry me?" He asked when they pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.
Jiwoo burst out laughing, looking away to hide her red face. She did not expect that Eunseok would throw that question almost immediately.
"What? Did I say something funny?" He asked, pouting a bit. Jiwoo immediately shook her head and ceased her laughter. She then went back to hold his hand.
"Why are you so steadfast?" She asked him.
"I told you, I waited enough so this is it. I am so ready to marry you in an hour." Eunseok said with so much determination.
"You are really one of a kind," She commented and immediately gave him her sweetest answer with a kiss. "Of course, I will marry you, Song Eunseok."
The alarm went off, causing Jiwoo to turn and twist on the bed before reaching her phone on the bedside table. She immediately got up and slowly gathered up her senses before completely opening her eyes. She looked at the window and it was snowing. "Hmm, it's snowing." She told herself, then she felt someone shifted next to her. She turned her head only to see a hand poking out under the sheets and a glimpse of dark hair inches away from the headboard. She smiled and slowly went to check on him, pulling the blanket off his face.
Eunseok was sleeping soundly next to her. She pulled his arm from the side and placed it on his chest. He somehow felt her and went to wrap his arms around her, pulling her close, making her rest on his chest. "Hmm… good.. morning," He unconsciously spoke, not even opening his eyes.
Jiwoo smiled and pecked his cheek. "Good morning," she continued to stare at his sleeping face before she moved a bit in his embrace and cuddled next to him. "We should get ready for work." She told him.
"10 minutes." Eunseok replied, still not opening his eyes. Jiwoo's warmth next to him was enough to charge him up for the day but he wanted more. He can't believe that their honeymoon had just ended.
"The chairperson can't be late." Jiwoo replied, making Eunseok annoyed and finally open his eyes and looked at her with a frown. "Hmm? Why look grumpy?"
"Because… you're making me so." He replied, but Jiwoo just smiled at him before cupping his face and caressed it. She then pinched his cheeks.
"What do you want for breakfast?" She asked but Eunseok was still sulking at her. She sighed and dropped her hands and stared at him sternly. "Babe.." She smiled, "10 more minutes?"
Eunseok nodded without hesitation and went to bury his face on her chest, hugging her tightly. Jiwoo sighed, smiling contently with him. "I love you… Eunseok."
"My wife… I love you too." Eunseok replied.
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mythvoiced · 6 months
-. the evil-ification of my good-est (nicest? morally most upstanding?) characters (pt.1 ig idk)
zhìjiàn subconsciously thinks he's morally superior to most people he meets
miyoung is nice and polite and even very forthcoming but that can change real quick, real fast, with no ounce of guilt, she's nice because why not, not because she inherently thinks being nice to others is 'the right way to be'
seok-ju does not believe in redemption arcs, he'll enable them because it's the better option, but they will not be surprised if you commit whatever you need redemption for again, and they'll turn on you fast
domenico will only aid people in need if he's received the go-ahead from figures of authority first, he lacks initiative in most contexts and his constant fear of 'doing the wrong thing' or even being judged will get people killed
yoshino is very judgmental, very selective, very black-and-white, very incapable of understanding nuance
wenzhe is a MASSIVE hypocrite, this sometimes shows itself in harmless ways where he simply doesn't follow his own advice of 'take care', but it can also come up in the worst moments
raiden is perfect. full stop. leave him alone.
ambrosius is watch the movie~ like... deadass, i'm not trying to gate-keep, it's just-- his entire arc in the movie---
liz is, for the most part, unreliable, and violently emotionally unavailable
patrick makes it onto this list because he makes a continuous effort of being particularly kind to the underdog or people who 'deserve it', but thinking himself capable of discerning who 'deserves' being treated well (even if his choice is usually everybody who's not a hateful dickhead, even if he were correct) is a faux-pas attitude to have, ALSO??? look at an OUNCE of the baggage he comes with, he's--
ajay is submissive, not nice, and he's submission is a weird consequence of his perception of himself as someone who should not get to live in peace after all the pain he's caused, it's not natural to his character, it's subconsciously self-imposed. he would actually be nice if he got some healing.
samuel is very judgmental and really does not know how to not involve the entire rest of the world into his business
sabriel IS NOT NICE. sabriel is cheerful and excitable and loves learning but they are NOT nice. no sense of nuance. very dangerous.
thanh is great, leave them aloNE.
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mariesocuniverse · 2 years
Shopping Trip
NewMel go shopping
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“This was a horrible idea.”
Melody snorted as she sorted through clothing racks. Chanhee had joined Melody in her shopping trip and she had suggested that they choose clothes for each other to try on.
“You’re the one who agreed.” Melody said, adjusting the bundle of clothes in her hand.
Chanhee sighed and went off on his own to find clothes for Melody to wear. Melody browsed the Men’s section to search for clothes to fit her set.
She had two ideas in mind. She was going make two sets of clothing, and have Chanhee randomly choose which one to try on.
She knew he was going to hate her for this but she’s not going to regret it.
“Choose one or two.” Melody said, holding out one bundle on each side of her face. She saw Chanhee’s eyes widen at the choices.
The first set fit his style completely while the second set was a complete mess.
“Nope I’m not doing this.” He said, pushing away the second outfit. Melody shook her head and brought them back in front of him.
“Too late to back down now!”
Chanhee sighed and closed his eyes. He moved his hand between the two outfits before stopping at one of her arms.
Which was the unique styling of set 2.
Melody beamed and pushed him into the fitting room before he could protest. “Have fun!” She said, waving him away.
Melody took the clothes Chanhee had prepared for her and and walked into the fitting room. She thought he would choose something weird for her to wear but it was actually really nice.
“Yah Kang Miyoung!”
Melody stepped out of the stall and burst into laughter, taking out her phone to take photos of the sight in front of her.
Chanhee stood in front her wearing a bright highlighter yellow sweater. It had black and yellow frills on it, making him look like a bee threw up on him.
His pants made the look even better.
Melody had given him a pair of pants with cheetah print on it, spots and everything.
She wouldn’t be able to forget this sight even if she wanted to.
He marched towards her with a glare as she tried to stop herself from falling to the ground. “Yah how could you do this too me? What if deobis saw me like this?” Chanhee scolded her.
"At least I’m not asking you to buy it,” Mae said, twirling in her outfit, “Also you made a good outfit for me.”
“I knew I should’ve chosen a dumb outfit.”
A click and flash from their side made them freeze.
The two turned and say a fansite duck behind a clothing rack to try and hide.
Chanhee muttered a curse word under his breath. Melody shot him a weak smile.
“I guess deobis will know now?”
The photos went viral the next day.
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kkumawrites · 1 year
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Pang! Part Ten: boba (not) date previous | next word count: 569 tw/cw: mentions of someone hurting someone else
It was nice, actually hanging out with Chan - not that your project sessions weren’t fun but it was just nice to not have to think about work and just really talk with him. In the beginning when you first started meeting up, it had been awkward, him not talking or dry responses when you’d try to make small talk. While you didn’t approve of Soonyoung’s method, it was nice to finally see his true personality. He was bright and fun to talk with, passionate about dance in the same way you were with marine bio and it was so nice to see that spark in his eye whenever he talked about practice or their upcoming showcase.
Chan was currently talking about the solo he was preparing for, how he was working the choreo and his inspiration. You subtlety let your eyes wander over his form and you couldn’t deny that he definitely had a dancer's body. But it was his eyes that you couldn’t stop looking at, a small frown on your face as you noticed the very dark circles he had. It had to be hard, juggling classes, making a choreo from scratch and on top of that - had to deal with a very demanding and unreasonable gf. You felt bad for him, he deserved better. And it was definitely not because you have a crush on him. No, definitely not. And even if you did it was small. A very small crush. Miniscule really.
During your small rant inside your head, your eyes zeroed in on some small cuts you just noticed across his upper arm and you couldn’t help yourself as you reach out to look at them, effectively stopping his own rant. There were four small scratch marks across his skin, already slightly scabbed over.
“Do you have cats?” You questioned, even though you knew the answer - he lives on the campus dorms and they don’t allow pets. He flushes, pulling his arm away from you and trying to tug his sleeve over them.
“Oh uh. No nothing like that. It’s fine,” Chan’s quick to look away from you, moving to fiddle with the straw of his boba cup.
“Then what is this?” You say a little forcefully, but truthfully you’re a little scared to know but your stomach plummets anyway because you think you do already know.
“Um, it’s fine! Just, Miyoung and I went to the mall the other day and I was taking too long in the game store so she had to drag me out, that's all. Must have gripped me too tight, I didn’t even notice ha,” He laughs way too awkwardly before quickly changing the subject. “I’m feeling a lot better after boba, why don’t we just get back to the project yeah?”
You blink at him, unsure what to say but you definitely don’t want to pressure him to talk about it, especially if he’s not ready. You want him to be comfortable with you, even though it's killing you to not know all the details. “Yeah, sure!” You smile, trying to reassure him even though it doesn’t even quite reach your eyes as you pull out your laptop. Chan gives you a small thankful smile before doing the same, and the two of you work silently for a while, reminding you of how it used to be between you, something you definitely don't want.
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taegularities · 2 years
ry oc, what is the name of the twins? How is jk doing as a twin dad? ☺️
RY!OC: It's a girl and a boy! Her name is Miyoung... it means everlasting beauty, because she's truly gorgeous. RY!OC, shrugs: But Jungkook kinda established that nickname that has nothing to do with her actual name... so we've been calling her Nari a lot. RY!OC: His name is Haru. Means day. Miyoung is the quieter twin, so I guess it was him kicking most of the time during the pregnancy. *laughs* And he's a very happy and loud baby.
RY!OC: He's been so wonderful!! He often lets me rest when they wake up at night, and takes care of them until they've fallen asleep again. RY!OC: He worries a lot when he's at work. Keeps asking how I'm doing. And he talks to them a lot. At this rate, the first word they'll say won't be "mom", I'm sure. RY!OC: We've been happy. Nothing better than watching twins bicker.
ask my characters! <3
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
The way the fans all started screaming nooooo when Foolish's hair was getting cut shorter and shorter was annoying lol. Like it's always this huge sad moment to fans when male cc's get their hair cut shorter. BUT they always cheer on girls when their hair gets cut shorter? Any time Tina talks about her hair on stream, her viewers are all like "cut it shorter!!' When Miyoung cut her hair into the "boy cut" all the fans were like "yesss". Fans want guys to have longer hair and girls to have shorter hair, not sure what the real reason is because it's def not because it would look better on them. Like Foolish looks great with the shorter hair (more clean cut and emphasizes his features), most people have seen tina with shorter hair and she def looks better with longer hair (she's said this too)
i get what you're saying, although i prefer long hair foolish (but i'm a lesbian so what do i know). i think part of it could come from a subconscious recognition of that haircut (or lack thereof) breaking traditional gender standards? like people generally recognize women as having longer hair and men as having shorter hair, so i think it's nice to see ccs break that boundary with their appearance and just be themselves. only if they want to tho, and like you mentioned if people are getting too pushy about it it's annoying and invasive
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dxmiyoung · 24 days
∆ ⎯⎯ 【 fingerprints 】
tracking people across distances by their emotions is odd. for her, every emotion is like a finger print. emotions are complex, so no two instances of sadness, for example, feel exactly alike.
she doesn't really like to track people via their emotions. to some degree, it feels invasive to her. sometimes, there are special circumstances, though, like today. one of her students' emotions were particularly alarming today, as was what she told her in their counseling session.
she sent her home with mental health resources, but apparently she didn't make it home. miyoung gets the personal call from her student's mother, asking her if she knows where she is. she doesn't, unfortunately, but she tells her she'll find her.
so miyoung zones in on the student's emotional fingerprint, and she tracks her and her tumultuous emotions, growing heavier on miyoung's mind and heart the longer she focuses. as she approaches, however, her mood improves a little, bit by bit.
that's a relief, at least – and when miyoung arrives where her students' emotions are the strongest, on a local playground, she sees why. she's sitting on a swing, talking to a man on the swing beside her. part of her is worried for a moment, but she searches the man's emotions for any deception or ill-intent, and doesn't find anything. another relief.
by the time miyoung reveals herself, her student's mood is significantly improved. she smiles politely at the man, before turning to her student, smile still soft, but warming.
"sohee, i got a call from your mother," miyoung says.
sohee smiles sheepishly and close-lipped.
"can we call her to come pick you up? she's worried about you. we all are."
sohee agrees, reluctantly, and miyoung dials her mother, letting her know their location.
"do you still have those names i gave you?" miyoung asks her. she gave her a list of mental health professionals she suggested she look into. miyoung's name is not on the list – she tends to think it's better for her to remain her students' counselor and someone else to be their therapist.
"yes," sohee replies, voice quiet.
"okay, good. thank you."
miyoung takes a seat on the other empty swing beside sohee, making small talk that sohee clearly doesn't want to participate in, but humors miyoung with anyway.
it doesn't take long for her mom to arrive, and miyoung walks sohee to the car and bids her farewell with a smile and, "i'll see you on monday."
once the car drives away, miyoung takes a deep breath, finally letting herself relax. she remembers she's not alone, though, and returns to the swings and the man still seated on one.
"thank you for talking to her," miyoung says. she thinks it's only fair to offer her gratitude. "talking to you improved her mood a lot." she realizes that might be an unusual thing to say out of context, so she adds, "i'm an empath. and her counselor at school."
⎯⎯ @sparkydx
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