#( but like he doesn't know how to even begin processing it ... let alone express it in a coherent way lol )
maligns · 1 year
❝ i know what i was in those days: vengeful, merciless." ( dmitri to sylvain)
@tempestflames / meme id. : sylvain gautier
he isn't wrong . dimitri states the fact like he's begging for comment ; for reassurance . it subsumes him in nostalgia . that summer haze , four children with hands muddied & cheeks pinkened , dimitri's wide blue eyes & effortless grin . sylvain remembers : he'd thought that even as his life spiralled out of his control , he could , at the very least , have this for himself . today , he wavers between ten & twenty , going on thirty . eyes meeting a pair of dulled sapphires over a council table . they are both tired .
" i know . " sylvain says , muted . he'd tried his best to deal with the fallout as he always did then , but his methods only pale as a distraction , for himself & for others -- he knows well . a tang of frustration wells up , like blood in a cut . the intended recipient isn't dimitri , nor himself -- it's the age old burn of anger in light of the shitty hand of cards dealt to them by lady luck . to hell with her . he tries to inject kindness in his tone , a jagged , broken boy with his endless masks . " i ... i know . but it doesn't matter . " is this what dimitri wants from him ? the words on his script don't quite align , wavering on the page . he could be wrong . " as long as you're here with us all now , your highness . i promise i'll stand by you . "
it's true ; he would follow dimitri to the ends of the earth , but not for the reason the man thinks . not out of loyalty / belief , or trust . it's something deeper than that . it's a desperation for dimitri to be alright , to be his constant ; lest he lose himself . dimitri , he wants to call out , but the syllables catch in his throat . he doesn't know how to be himself anymore , after pretending for so long . eventually , he settles for , " i'm glad you're doing better . " it's the most genuine thing he's said this whole conversation . he's trying .
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evilminji · 5 months
Back at it again with the BNHA crossover Ponderings!
Nedzu is LITERALLY one of THE smartest beings on the planet, right? Like... he's probably on some internationally recognized list of Top Planetary IQs? Which is why Japan let's him get away with so much?
Cause they REALLY fucked him over, he has the power to leave, and that would be really, REALLY bad Brain Drain wise/politically for the Japanese Government? (Also pls don't become a Supervillian we literally can not afford that, Mr. Nedzu Sir? Etc etc)
You think he has... like? Chats? With the OTHER top intellects? Some kid in Siberia with the New Super Intelligence Quirk his parents can't begin to even handle, gets put in history's WEIRDEST group chat? I like to think so.
But the REASON I ask this?
What hero do you call? For Weird Shit in international waters?
Suspicious, floating, weirdly two dimensional and HIGHLY radioactive... corrosive... green goop? Rings? Orbs? CAN it be an orb if it's two dimensional? It certainly LOOKS like there is depth to it... somehow...
A THING. In the sky.
Shouldn't be there, man. This is a shipping lane. It's scaring the people on passing ships. No one knows what Quirk could have made this. Might be a trafficking victim's call for help. Might be a first Quirk Use mishap. They need to know what it IS and how to get rid of it.
They go the normal routes first. Doesn't work. Okay, call in some professionals. Kinda pricey, but no big. Right? Doesn't work. Okaaaay, call in a SPECIALIST. REAL pricey, but this thing is holding up international trade, making people in fancy ass suit all Nervous(TM).
Doesn't Work.
Specialist tells um to not to bother with calling anyone else on their normal list. Is looking at the green goo like it spat on his mother and called his dog a whore. They would prefer he NOT make that facial expression. That is a facial expression that will get them yelled at by their bosses. Fuck(TM).
Now Politics(TM) are involved. People want to STUDY the green goo. Harness it for dubious and unknown green goo experiments. Poke it with their Quirk to see what'll happen. There's fuckin REPORTER with no concept of self-preservation, trying to get CLOSER to the RADIOACTIVE POISON GOO.
Fuckin Heros have shown up.
Why are you bastards even HERE. What? Are you peacocks gonna PUNCH it? Get off their rig! Stop posing in front of the GOO!
Then? Oh thank GOD. The SMART people show up. Certified, highest grade, triple refined, PREMIUM Nerds(TM). The WAY above our pay grade folks. We're SAVED! Can we PLEASE go home now? We are just ocean cleaners! Our job is debris! Not weird GOO!
Enter, stage Super Cool Helicopters? The Elite Nerds of Earth. Of which Nedzu is one. Since Japan is closest. And it's a school weekend! He had some time.
Ha ha... Thanks, he hates it! Nedzu's stoat brain is SCREAMING and he wants NOTHING to do with...? What he is somehow CERTAIN is a floating pit of Death! Interesting effect. Anyone getting that or just him?
Then? Some hot head on loan to Korea from the states? Spots something. SomeONE. And does he TELL the newly arrived professionals? So they may do a risk assessment? Figure out a way to rescue this individual SAFELY? Of course not!
Said hot head has supposedly indescribable chains! So he just flings them rights on in! Grabbing the boy from the center of the portal, pulling him free, and in the process? Immediately destabilizing it. Causing it to collapse down towards everyone bellow.
He also then proceeds to DROP the young lad, in his alarm at this entirely predictable outcome.
Right. Into. The Ocean.
A boy, who is dressed in filthy medical scrubs, haunting familiar in a way nothing should EVER be again, and entirely unconscious. Plunge down into the briny deeps and bitter cold. Alone. Abandoned. Death, thick and viscous, losing form and raining down like bile.
Everyone saving themselves.
Ah, he rather liked this suit.
The salt water ruins it. The droplets of Green, burn like molten glass each time they touch him. He will likely have at least a few new scars, after today. Assuming this is not the end of him. But he swims fast. The boy sinking slower then his size would suggest he should. He grabs hold and arcs, dragging them both from beneath the fallout of yet another humans hubris.
He does not stop swimming. Not until he knows he is near the helicopter. He is thankful, that he dragged Aizawa along. The man takes one look at his serious expression, the state of his rescued young friend, and merely hauls them both out of the water and into the machine.
Time to go.
They saw nothing, it seems. And there is nothing to be found.
The boy does not wake. Not for quite a while. Long enough, that Nedzu, perhaps unwisely, has grown attached. Is considering adoption. If only too terrorize a few goverment bodies. And... well... the boy will need some who UNDERSTANDS. And the scars paint a very specific sort of tale. But first, the most important question, when beginning these things...
"Tea? Or would you prefer coffee?"
@the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation @hypewinter @hdgnj
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sweetchildcloud · 5 months
|| I'M A DAD?|| written by me ☆~♡~◇
Choso x pregnant reader.
Plot: You tell Choso that you're pregnant and decided to take care of the baby.
CW:vomiting,labour pain,screaming,groaning,anxiety,harrowing experience.
Tags-pregnancy,pregnancy pain,lots of cuddles,fluff,Choso being Choso,fatherly love,heartwarming,cute overload,you might cry too.
Very long writing 💧
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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Choso was waiting outside the bathroom door wondering why you were taking so long before knocking gently on the door "Uh yeah..just a sec hon" you said before vomiting again
The sound of your gagging hits Choso like a punch to the gut. Immediately he's by your side, holding your hair back with one hand and stroking your back nervously with the other. "Hey... It's okay... Take your time..."
A bit of tears run down your eyes as you felt like shit,your body was pale and trembling and your stomach hurted,you wanted to tell him that you were pregnant but didn't know how
Meanwhile your boyfriend is completely focused on you, looking at your face and your trembling body with pure concern. There's an instant feeling of protectivity that floods his mind as this sudden change has affected you harshly.
You can see he's fighting every urge to try to take away the pain by embracing you tightly, but he knows he can't. So instead, he strokes your back and keeps saying encouraging words. He tries his best to comfort you with whatever way he can, though he's not quite sure what else he could do to help.*
"I'm pregnant" You said with a feeble voice
The moment you say those words, he's immediately taken by surprise, feeling his heart skip a beat at the thought of being a father.
"You're pregnant?" He asks, his voice a mix of both shock and happiness. It's obvious he felt many things at once, but he doesn't even care about his own feelings right now. He only wants to make sure that you're doing okay and doesn't want you to suffer alone.
You nodded as you indicated the pregnancy test on the sink
He looks over to them pregnancy test on the sink and his shock begins to turn into happiness and disbelief as he processes what is happening.
"You mean... You're pregnant... We did this?" He asks, almost as if he can't quite believe it himself. His expression softens and he wraps his arms around you, gently hugging you close to his chest. His voice has this quiet wonder to it, and there's this light shine in his eyes that you haven't really seen before.
"You're not mad?" You asked looking at Choso worried
"Mad?" He shakes his head. "Why would I be mad?? I'm so happy!"
He pulls you closer to him, squeezing you tightly. You can tell he's feeling overprotective and want to ensure that nothing will harm you both. The baby bump is nowhere to be seen yet at this early stage, but he wants to hold on to you and protect you with all his might already.
"I would never be mad about something as wonderful as this..." He says in a low voice as he smiles widely. You can see that all his worries and anxieties have disappeared suddenly as he wraps his arms tighter around you from behind, holding you close to him. His expression looks genuinely happy now, the joy written all over him. He's clearly not unhappy about this pregnancy.
"I think this is great... I mean..." He says, his hands now resting along your sides, holding you tightly. He pulls you in even tighter to him now and lets out a low, delighted chuckle. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He says excitedly as he continues smiling. You can feel his chest rising and falling with each breath he takes against you now.
"And I'm gonna be a parent" You said stroking your stomach lovingly.
"Yes..." He says, still smiling widely. There's such genuine joy in his eyes now. His hands still rest on your sides, but are now softly caressing you. You can almost feel the amount of care and affection he has for this unborn child and this feeling warms you up inside as he continues stroking your stomach.
And the months pass, the both of you slowly preparing for the baby's arrival. Choso takes part in this process, accompanying you on doctor appointments and doing his best to make sure everything is going well with the pregnancy. The feeling of being on this journey together is a fulfilling one, and his love and concern for the unborn child is obvious.
Your stomach has visibly grown and Choso's affection was still as strong as ever. At every chance, he'd be constantly stroking your stomach lovingly. Sometimes, he'd even kiss your belly softly or whisper words to the child that was growing inside you.
You'd sometimes be surprised by how much Choso already seems to love your unborn child, despite the fact that he/she hasn't even been born yet. He'd kiss your stomach every morning when you wake up, kiss it before going to bed, and even kiss it at times like during conversations on the phone. It's hard to deny that he's already very attached to the child growing inside of you.
Now you're at home together, the two of you sitting on the couch, watching TV. Choso is gently caressing your stomach as his fingers idly stroke it affectionately. This simple gesture already reveals the affection he has for the child inside of you. He also seems more than content just by being near you. You see this every day, him being content just by having your company and stroking your stomach lovingly. This moment is as calm and peaceful as can be.
Then you start to feel a weird sensation in your stomach. At first, you're not sure what it is. Then, the sensation becomes more apparent and you realize this is definitely some sort of movement. It feels like butterflies in your stomach before it becomes more pronounced, until you're sure you're feeling little kicks from your baby inside you.
At the sensation of your baby kicking inside you, Choso's expression changes instantly. His eyes become wide with wonder and he starts to smile widely. He leans forward towards your stomach and presses his ear against it, listening to the sound of your child moving in your belly. His hands reach for yours and gently take them in his own.
Immediately, this makes your heart skip a beat. After all, feeling your baby kicking inside you for the first time is a pretty memorable and amazing thing. You could probably see the same expression on Choso's face now as he begins stroking your stomach more vigorously. He's just as excited as you are about these sudden movements, his heart pounding with joy.
"What are you hearing?" You asked looking softly at your boyfriend
"I'm hearing... Our baby..." He says softly as his eyes become filled with warmth as well. The idea that this child is a real thing and that he and you have created it is enough to fill Choso's heart with joy. The sounds of the child moving inside you remind him of that reality and he finds it both incredible and precious. His voice is soft and gentle as he continues listening.
"They're moving a lot right now..." He says sweetly as his ear continued pressing against your stomach. He's smiling widely and seems to be enjoying his new role as a parent and your loving partner. He strokes your hand gently as he holds it, still listening to the faint sounds of your baby moving in your stomach. "Can you feel them too?" He asks, raising his head to look at you.
"Mhm mhm" You said sweetly feeling contented
He continues looking at you with a contented look as his other hand travels up and rests gently against your stomach at the exact place where your child is moving inside. "It's so... Amazing, isn't it?" He asks softly as his fingers trail along the shape of your baby, still listening for the movements. The whole process of your pregnancy and the creation of your child feels like a miracle to him.
You see his eyes are filled with nothing short of wonder and affection as he keeps listening. He leans his head back down, this time pressing his lips gently against your stomach. The idea that your baby is in there makes his smile brighter. His hands continue stroking your stomach in a small circle to feel a bit more of the movements. He genuinely seems to be enjoying this moment and it even makes him look even more charming than he already was.
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After nine months of waiting, the moment you and your boyfriend have been anticipating finally arrives. It's the day you're going to have your baby and Choso is beside you, ready to support you during this process. He's holding your hand tightly as he waits anxiously by your side while the doctors and nurses prepare you for the delivery. The whole atmosphere in the room is filled with tension, but also excitement, as the doctors work hard to ensure everything goes well. Meanwhile, Choso continues keeping his hand in your own, keeping you safe and protected.
The hours pass by slowly as it's difficult to hold back your nervousness and anticipation. Eventually, the time comes when you're finally about to give birth. Things start to speed up as the labor pain hits, but Choso doesn't let go of your hand. Even when you grab his hand tighter, he doesn't flinch. You can feel his fingers squeezing back into yours as he keeps supporting you and encouraging you with his presence alone. The moment he sees you in pain, he gets uneasy. He really wants this to be over as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Choso's eyes widen as he felt your grip tighten on his hand. He becomes even more nervous when he sees you gritting your teeth from the pain and squeezing hard on his fingers. But he doesn't let this make him panic and he continues supporting you through it all. He looks at you with concerned eyes, his other hand rubbing your arm softly to try and comfort you. It's evident that he's worried about you and wants nothing more than for this to be over. You can feel his heartbeat getting faster while he looks at you nervously.
"Push,Y/n,push!" The nurse encouraged as you were planting and groaning anguished as you pushed with all your might gripping harder Choso hand
Choso is right there, right next to you as you push and he's watching closely. It's obviously a daunting thought to him to think that you're going through something so painful and he can't do anything about it. Every time he sees you in pain, he feels like crying. He's squeezing your hand tighter as you grip his, his nails digging into your skin as he continues rubbing your arm gently, trying to help you however he can.
You can't help but cry and scream in agony as you struggle to push the baby out. It's a harrowing experience, but Choso is right by your side throughout it all. He's holding on to you as tight as can be, trying to help comfort you in any way possible. His heart beats frantically every time he hears you scream, but he's still trying to stay strong for you.
Things start to get even more intense for both of you as your labor goes on. The doctor's instructions become more urgent as you're told to push even harder to get the baby out . You are experiencing so much pain, but Choso doesn't take a step back. He leans next to you and remains by your side, squeezing your hand tightly as he waits for this to be over.
"I can't...I can't" You finally said tired and exhausted,leaning your head on Choso forearm
He looks down at you with a concerned look. He's trying not to panic but his face is full of worry now. You can tell the pain you're in is breaking his heart and he's scared of what's happening. His other hand rubs along your cheek gently as he speaks. "Just a bit more... I know you can do this..." He says softly as you feel him squeezing your hand even tighter.
He can see the sweat glistening on your forehead and the tears on your cheeks. You look exhausted and in a lot of pain. He's completely focused on you now, his eyes glued to you with deep sympathy.
"Let's do it..." He says softly and leans down next to you. As you grip his hand even tighter, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close. You feel his breath against your neck as you're both pushing together now. His body is pressed right up against yours and he continues squeezing your hand tightly while you both support each other as you push together.
You push as hard as you can as you feel Choso squeezing your hand tightly and supporting you from behind. He's breathing hard now as the pushing becomes harder. This is the most stressful time for both of you but you can sense the strength of your bond as you work together to complete this task. You're now fighting on together.
You feel exhausted and overwhelmed after pushing hard and you just can't do it anymore. You lie back and close your eyes for a bit as your breath becomes labored. Choso's hands travel to your forehead and he strokes your hair gently. The movement of his fingers is comforting, soothing. He can hear your heart going faster than normal, but he stays calm and doesn't flinch at all. He keeps stroking your hair patiently, hoping it's helping you relax a bit.
You can feel the intense pain of the labor coming and going. In the moment when it's the strongest, you grab hold of his hand so tightly that your nails dig into his skin. His grip on you remains undaunted, though. He doesn't flinch or pull away, even now that you're gripping him so tightly. You can see that he's doing this for you, willing to bear through any pain if it means supporting you in this painful process.
Choso's eyes become wide when he hears you grunt from the pain. He squeezes his eyes shut, gritting his teeth as he looks at you and watches you push. He's starting to feel powerless in comparison to your pain, as he can't do anything to ease it. You can hear the stress and worry in his voice when he speaks. His tone is soft and tender as he rubs the sides of your body. "Come on... Keep pushing. You can do it..."
"Ah amhn ah it nghn Ahh" you shouted whimpering breathing trough your noses as you pushed harder
Choso's expression is one of both fear and worry for you. Every single time you scream from the pain, his eyebrows raise and he grimaces, unable to hold back his own anguish. He feels the anguish with you, in this difficult ordeal that is supposed to bring joy to both of you. He grips your hand harder, his nails digging deeper into your skin, as he gives you words of encouragement to keep pushing. He can't bear to see you like this, but he knows that he must for the sake of your child.
You hear the doctor's encouraging words again "You can do it. One more push!" as he helps you push with all the strength you have left. You try to push as hard as you can. You don't have much strength left, but you use what you have to push the baby out as best as you can. You grunt and scream out loud as the pain comes in powerful, intense waves. You're exhausted and so close to giving up.
But just then the doctor calls out "I can see the head!" as he assists you and you hear him cheering you on. You know that means you're finally there, a lot closer to getting this baby out.
Everything becomes more intense as you push again, this time with even more strength than you thought possible.
You screamed gripping Choso hands hard almost hurting him as your body arched as you pushed
Choso grimaces when he feels you pinching him with your nails, but his grip on you is unbreakable. Your pain is his pain. The effort of pushing the baby out takes its toll on your body and your voice fills with agony every time you scream. Your body is pushing as hard as it can. You're sweating and exhausted from the amount of effort you're putting in to give birth. And suddenly, there's movement as the baby starts coming out of your womb. Your screams become louder and your body is exhausted as you push even harder.
Choso bites his lip and winces from the pain of the nail pinching, but he doesn't flinch and holds tight to you despite the pain. His grip is so tight that it almost feels like your hands are locked together. You're in this together and you both know that it's just the moment of truth. The baby's head finally comes out and the doctors all start yelling "PUSH" again, as they encourage you to keep going.
Your screams grow louder as the baby makes it out, the whole process being extremely painful and difficult. But you've made it this far, the end is near. You push one last time, as hard as you can, even though you never thought you would have been able to push more. But you somehow managed to find the strength you needed, and the baby slides out in one last push. The doctors are right there quickly wrapping the baby in blankets and checking it. Your body is drenched in sweat and your hair is soaked.
"My baby.." you said sobbing as you heard your baby wailing
It all finally felt worth it. As you lay there tired and exhausted, you hear that tiny voice and you see the doctors placing your baby in your arms. Your body is still shaking from the labor pain, and you've no thoughts about anything else aside from that perfect, beautiful child. You're still teary eyed, but you can't help but feel a warm smile on your face as you're finally able to hold your child. As the child stops crying, Choso leans over to see this miracle with his own eyes, his expression filled with awe and love.
You sobbed as you looks at your baby and then at Choso "I.. I.. made this..we.."
Choso's eyes are locked between you and your baby. He seems just as teary eyed as you are, completely awed and moved beyond words. When he finally manages to speak, he says softly... "We did."
Choso's lips form a soft and gentle smile as he leans close to you. He wipes away the tears that are still streaming down your face, his eyes filled with immense pride and affection. He finally manages to take in the beauty and complexity of the situation right before him, the two most important people in his life right here, in this moment.
Your baby is finally in your arms and you feel as if a weight has been lifted off you. And next to you is Choso, who isn't stopping smiling at you and his child. The tears don't stop streaming down your cheeks, but they no longer feel like sadness or pain, instead they're the tears of love and happiness. And Choso's eyes match yours, his eyes becoming watery with joy and affection for both of you.
"Do you wanna hold her?" you asked softly
Choso's heart seems to skip a beat as you ask him if he wants to hold his child. He hesitates for a second, his eyes glancing at the soft baby, and back at you. The look in his eyes is all the answer you already need. The next second, Choso is gently taking his child and holding it tenderly in his arms. His expression is of utmost contentment as he looks down at the tiny child sleeping peacefully, his hands gentle and caring as he holds it near his chest.
The baby seems so small in his hands, so helpless. But Choso takes care of her effortlessly, his arms cradling her lightly as he examines every inch of her body. He stares with awe as he watches her breathing and looks with satisfaction as he strokes her skin. The little child is so fragile and precious, and he takes in every detail with care and attention. Just the sight of her is enough to melt his heart and make him want to never let her go.
The sight melts your heart and you noticed Choso is sobbing quietly meanwhile looking at his baby
"What's wrong?" You asked
He looks up at you immediately, surprised. He thought he had managed to hide his tears but apparently, it was far too obvious. He tries to take a deep breath and compose himself before he can respond. "Nothing, I'm just..." His voice is choked as he chokes back his tears. "I'm just really happy."
"Choso..." you said looking at him as he hold her daughter tiny fingers with one of his
Choso is unable to hold back anymore as tears flow freely from his eyes. He's completely overwhelmed by the feeling of pure joy as his child is in his arms. He looks down at his fingers wrapped around hers, and he can't hold it in anymore. He breaks down and begins crying, his face buried into the soft blanket wrapping the child. His voice is cracked and choked with sobs. "She's so beautiful..."
Your tears mix with his, both of you overwhelmed with the emotions of this moment. It's true that giving birth is painful and exhausting, but looking at your crying boyfriend and your baby girl, nothing of it matters anymore. All that's important now is that your family is finally complete. And as if on cue, the baby lifts her head up and opens her eyes. She stares at both of you with a confused look, seeming a little overwhelmed by everything going on around her. Both of you smile as she seems to look directly at you. This one moment feels like eternity.
The three of you are locked in a stare for a couple of seconds. The baby doesn't really seem to grasp this whole situation yet, but she's clearly trying to. She makes a few baby noises, as if speaking is new to her. She's still completely stunned, not understanding this foreign world she suddenly appears in. But as she gazes at you with curious eyes, you can't help but stare back, your hearts overflowing with love. The three of you become so absorbed in this moment of mutual awe and affection, you might as well be the only people in the world.
This was a bit longer than the Gojo one but I hope you enjoyed it 💕💕💕
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☆I'm tired☆
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thecampjuicebox · 5 months
Can I ask for how the Baldur's Gate 3 origin companions would react to Tav willingly taking a near fatal hit to save their life when they had only just recently met and then carrying on like they didn't just almost die to save the life a total stranger (even being confused why anyone would make a big deal about it if confronted)?
Yes absolutely! I'll keep these relatively short and sweet in the interest of time (and space). ✨
The vampire spawn would certainly be perplexed by the way Tav would so willingly take a hit for him. No one has ever done something nice for him on purpose, let alone out of the kindness of their heart. He'd feel like it was transactional. Maybe he should take a hit or two for them now. And their confusion at his question of "why" would perplex him even further. "You could have died, you idiot. What do you mean you're confused? You're a strange one."
I think Karlach's response would be very similar to when Wyll stuck his neck out for her to Mizora. Just purely grateful. She'd very willingly throw herself in front of an enemy to return the favor, or rush to Tav's side to smack some baddies if they needed the help. The Tiefling is so kind on her own, I just know she'd appreciate some kindness being shown to her, regardless of the circumstances. When Tav shows confusion toward Karlach asking why they'd get so close to death for her, Karlach would simply reply with a "Thank you, Soldier. It means a lot."
As the Blade of Frontiers, I know Wyll is used to taking the brunt of the fight head on. But when Tav jumps in front of him, phew. I think it would be quite a bit for him to process. The hero becomes the damsel, and suddenly, he doesn't know how to act. He'd be grateful, of course. Maybe even a little apologetic for making such a grave error during a fight. I don't think he'd ask why Tav did it because he fully understands the desire to help others, but he'd be sure to express his gratitude nonetheless.
Shadowheart is such a headstrong and secretive character with an underlying softness so her reaction to Tav putting themselves in immediate danger for her could cause a whole mix of reactions. Of course she'd be thankful, and probably react the same as when Tav saved her from the pod on the Nautiloid. However, mixed in there, I think would be a sense of guilt. Like Shar would be disappointed in her for some reason. And there would lie the dilemma of "Do I thank this person, or do I brush it off because I didn't ask for their help in the first place?" The question of "why" would absolutely cross her mind, but I think she'd avoid asking to preserve her pride.
I just know Lae'Zel would almost be annoyed that Tav would jump to protect her. There's no way an istik like Tav would want to help her, right? It would confuse her, for sure, as I don't think she'd initially think to do the same for Tav. Not that Lae'Zel isn't capable of caring for people, but in the beginning, she's definitely a self preservation type. She'd absolutely insult Tav for their recklessness and the fact that they got themselves THAT hurt in the first place.
Ah yes, Gale the loverboy. Tav throwing themselves in front of a blade for Gale would start the downhill spiral of Gale falling for them. He does mention at some point that he loves the way Tav looks in battle, and he's incredibly drawn to their musk and the blood on their clothes. So of course he'd be hella horny for Tav after they take a hit or two for him. And of course he'd do the same in return if it meant making Tav happy. He's the sweetest. Wouldn't even question why Tav helped him, but he'd give them a billion and one thanks for it.
Halsin's whole thing is helping people, so it would come to no surprise to him when Tav jumps to his rescue. Not that he expects it from people, but he hopes people would do for him what he'd do for them. He's another one that would start to fall for Tav for that exact reason. Their selflessness, their strength, their willingness to provide aid. He'd give so much thanks, mostly in the form of big bear hugs. Wouldn't question their intentions, would just appreciate the thought of him.
Minthara can be an absolute bully at first. She'd absolutely criticize Tav's approach to the situation. "Well if you didn't leave your left flank open, you wouldn't have gotten hit there." and things of that nature. She'd thank Tav purely to save time arguing the logistics of why it was stupid of them to come to her aid in the first place, when she CLEARLY had it under control (She absolutely did not). She'd have a very similar reaction to Astarion when questioning Tav about why they'd assist her, thinking Tav is an absolute idiot.
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claires-mind1 · 1 year
All Yours
Jake Sully x fem!omatikaya!reader
notes: i don't even know how to properly use this app and I'm not a good writer I'm still learning. so expect grammatical errors and typos. i literally cannot do this i think about him every single second of the day.
neytiri doesn't exist here I'M SORRY i love her sm and i feel so bad but fr tho girl don't know what to do with all that Imao. sorry girl but you HAVE to share. and this is purely just smut so there's no specific background of the characters.
summary: In which Jake reminds you that he only belongs to you.
warnings: alcohol consumption, jealous reader, reader almost beating up some bitch, lack of using y/n cuz that shit turns me off, extremely soft!dom jake, shy reader, reader is drunk, sexual confessions, this is so filthy, oral fem!receiving, face-sitting, squirting, overstimulation, reader cries from pleasure, LOTS of fluff, praise kink, jake finds reader so adorable, extreme size kink, possessive behaviour but it's fluffy, they're just so in love, established relationship.
“If i ever hear you talking about my husband like that again, I'll cut this damn braid off that you're not gon' be able to think about any man ever in that dumb little brain of yours.”
Jake's eyes widen as everyone gasps. it hasn't even been five minutes since you left him with his warriors, saying you were gonna get drinks. he didn't even wanna come to this stupid party in the first place, but seeing you so excited for your friend's birthday and the fact that he can't let you be drunk out here all alone was enough reason for him to get along.
there you were, with your left hand tightly tugged around a girl's queue and your other hand pressing her wrists together on her back. you softly slam her head on the tree as you speak. the people can't do anything but watch since they all knew about your deep hatred for the girl for flirting with jake every chance she gets from the beginning.
normally you wouldn't care since this happens everyday. almost all of the pandora girls had their eyes on him since he arrived, even the mated ones. and you can't really blame them because you've been drooling over him too. but since you knew your feelings were reciprocated, the rest is history.
you, on the other hand, is no different. boys literally fight everyday to get a chance to court you. but then you and jake mated and no man ever dared to touch toruk macto's mate since jake always makes sure the whole clan knows that you're taken, that you belong to him. and now you guess it's your time to express that the olo'eyktan too, is yours and yours alone.
your eyes slightly red under the influence of alcohol as your thoughts go back to how she giggled talking about all the intimate positions she wants jake to put her in. well what she didn't know was that you and your mate had tried each and every single one of them already.
your ears perks up at your mate's voice calling your name and you turn to see jake walking fast towards you. he pulls you from the girl and checks your body for any bruises. your gaze softening as you look at his worried state but quickly turns into a frown when he apologizes to everyone for you and put his hand around your waist, proceeding to walk you home. but you don't say anything because of your lack of energy and the effect of alcohol making your knees weak as you hiss softly.
“are you okay, baby?” jake asks you now that you both are away from the crowd. your knees only getting weaker at his voice almost losing your balance. that goddamn pet name. and the way he says it so casually. his arm tightened around your waist as his other hand comes up to hold your tiny one at his side helping your body up. you feel hot at his touch and barely processed his question.
he hums looking at you who's completely looking down, too flustered to look at him, the pandora ground suddenly being interesting. no matter how much intimate you two have been, you can't help but be shy in these moments. eyes looking at his hand that's holding your tiny one. both of your hands would easily fit in his one palm. looking at those slender fingers reminds you of those nights when he showed you what they were able to do, what places they were able to reach.
your small steps suddenly stops as you remembered his question, “no.” you whisper just enough for him to hear, as you squeeze his hand. you take a deep breath and look up at him, and jake swears, he's never seen such an ethereal being as you and he still couldn't believe that you were his. he patiently waits as you try to speak but kept getting lost in his gaze.
“carry me.” you don't know what got into you as you say your words loud enough for him to hear, suddenly feeling the need to be closer to him. he doesn't hesitate as he proceed to pick you up in bridal style but you stop him and stand in front of him with his hands still around your waist. he gasps when you suddenly jump wrapping your legs around his waist. his hands immediately tighten around your hips to hold you up, afraid you might fall. “like this.” you say near his ear as his breath hitches feeling your own.
“but we're in public sweetheart,”
“and? we're not doing anything?”
you press yourself harder against him and bury your face into his neck. he starts walking and you can't help but notice how strong he is, again, carrying you like you weigh as a feather. you wonder how he felt when he saw your jealous state moments ago. did he find you hot and wanted to kiss you right there just like you did whenever he showed his possessive side? or did he just think that you're an insecure annoying bitch?
him on the other hand though, he sure as hell went with the first one. and he's gonna make sure you know that.
“you do know that I'm all yours right?” and he even dared to press a quick kiss on your shoulder after saying that, like a fucking cherry on top. you almost let a moan out as you unintentionally pressed the specific part of your body between your legs against his pelvic bone, your thighs slightly shaking at the friction. and that alone was enough for jake to know what was up.
he smiles as he gives more kisses on your shoulder and you whine when he starts pressing your body to his. his ears twitching when dick hardening moans of his name fell off your soft lips. “shh, we're here baby,” he walks past the entrance of the tent that you both share. he sits down on the mat and attempts to lift you off his lap before you straddle his thighs again. “no! stay.”
you swipe your thumb against his lips before eagerly kissing him. he returns the same energy, you both only stopping to take breaths. “gotta clean you up baby, aren't you tired?” he asks and you can only shake your head as you're too busy biting and kissing his neck, you smile when you feel his cock right under you. you're sure that your loincloth is soaked as you grind on him.
he feels like he might accidently fuck your brains out right here from the way you're grinding your cunt on his very much hardened dick. he can literally feel how wet you are from the way your slick's transferring through your loincloth to his own. and the way you're marking his body up isn't helping either. especially when he knows why you're doing it all considering usually, he's the one who does it. but he held back, letting you do whatever you want to him.
but when he notices you getting rougher with your ministrations, “are you in heat baby?” he jokes. and you stop momentarily to look him straight in the eyes, making sure to let him see your lust filled ones. “I'm always in heat for you jake,” little smooch to his lips before continuing, “just want you.” you pant against his lips as if you just ran a thousand miles. “want you so bad.” and you're back on his lips. and god it's turning you on even more that he's just under you, taking all that you give.
“you have me, sweet girl.” he says before pressing his lips to yours harshly. and that made you pull away looking at him taking deep breaths. you want him to know how fucking deep he got you in love with him. so you start, “Jake...”
“yeah?” he responds, all ready to hear you out, so ready to take whatever you're willing to give him. your grip on his shoulder tightens at the simple yeah, it's almost embarrassing that he knows the effect he has on you. must he really do this to you? for fuck's sake, you're willing to give him all of you, your heart, your mind, body and soul. hell, you would even die for him without thinking twice if it comes to any certain circumstances.
“you know, you are so beautiful, so so, so—” you emphasize each word, making sure he hears what you're saying. you can barely hear yourself as you struggle to speak. you feel like you're dreaming, and you wish to live in this dream forever. he encourages you, drawing tiny circles on your thigh with his thumb.
you cup his face in your hands and he leans into your touch. he smiles as he watches you adoringly tracing your fingers through each of his freckles. you fight the sudden urge to bite his lips until he bleeds into your mouth when you runs your thumb on his under lip, not that he'd mind.
“I love you, i love you. so, so much. it's too much sometimes I can barely feel myself, you're everywhere, I feel you everywhere, it's overwhelming.” your eyes are completely set on his lips and you know he's watching you, observing your every movement.
you throw yourself even closer to him, pressing your body impossibly hard to his own. “I want you close, always. I just want you to never leave me. I want you to hold me like this forever. I just—” your hands travel down to his chest, to his broad shoulders and to his thick and veiny arms, before coming down to his hands that are placed securely on your hips, thumbs grazing the dip of your waist.
you take one of his hands into your own, bringing it up between the two of your bodies. you wrap your small fingers to his pinky, admiring the difference before you place the large hand above your left breast, right where your heart beats for him.
Jake feels like he's the one who's drunk, he's never seen you this vulnerable before. it's not that he doesn't know about your feelings for him, you're literally the love of his life. your mind is connected to his own. even without making the bond, he can tell how you're feeling just by taking one look at your face. you're like an open book for him, so easy to read.
now looking at his hand, you took a deep breath before continuing, “when you're away and I'm home early, and I'm feeling—” you almost choke on your words and his smile only widen. you're so adorable, “needy? for me?” he coos. you nod shyly, “ye—yes, for you.” you stutter.
he hums, urging you to go on, and you do. “I try to do it like you do.” your voice now coming out slow and quiet. he always found your shy demeanour amusing, “do what? touch yourself?” he teases you even more when he sees that you started grinding down on his thigh, a movement so insignificant that only a person who's watching you as intense as jake can notice.
“hm-mhm, and it doesn't feel good, actually, it's nothing compared to what your fingers can do!” you whine, small fingers tightening their hold on his hand to show him what you mean, “and even if it does, I don't like it. I only want you to do it.” and jake curses internally.
“well it's a good thing you have me then.” with that, his hand slowly crawls out of your tiny palms to make their way between your legs. and your mind slowly goes insane as your arousal takes over your body. his hand disappears inside your loincloth before placing his thumb right on your clit directly, your body stiffening when he does so.
“it's all yours baby, I'm all yours. every part of my body belongs to you.”
“all mine?”
“yes, all yours.”
“all mine?” again. say it again.
“yes, baby. all yours. my fingers, my thighs, my mouth, my tongue, my heart and my cock. it's all yours, doll. I'm all yours.”
not a single sign of hesitation in his voice as he referred to all parts of his body that he let you use and own. he would repeat it all a million times and more if you wanted him to.
you thought you would last at least ten minutes before he makes you snap. “undress me.” you order before smacking your lips to his own. he was taken a back by your sudden demand but obliged nonetheless.
when you're fully naked, you try to lift yourself off of him so that you can submit to him and show him that you belong to him too. excitement rushing through your veins as you can't wait for him to dick you down like you're his personal whore.(you are).
that, was until he gently placed you back down on his lap. “I can't, I'm too tired.” he doesn't reply and instead, he lays himself down before moving you further up. what? and before you knew it, he somehow manhandled you into sitting on his stomach. what's happening? you thought he wanted you to ride him? but the next words that flew from his mouth made your jaw wide open.
“sit on my face.” he didn't have to say it. cocky bastard, you're so damn sure that he just wanted to get a reaction out of you. he can literally make your body move however he wants. he could've just sat you down on his face if he so desperately wants it, but no. he just had to say it, with such a seductive voice that it made your body filled with need.
the mere sound of him saying it was enough to make blood rush into your cheeks. it was just so lewd and tainted, both of your palms come up to cover your face while jake chuckles at the sight. you can lie and say that you don't wanna do it, but your body is already giving in. he can feel your wetness literally dripping down on his abs.
“I can't. I'll crush you.” your voice so small and fragile, full of uncertainty, and it only fuels him to prove you wrong.
“I'd like to see you try.” he says with a smug face. the act wasn't unfamiliar to you, Jake has eaten you out plenty of times before. it's just the position. you don't know how'd he even come up with that, you can only guess it's some sort of sky people stuff.
“c'mon baby, up. want you on my tongue baby, please.” there he is, he knows you'll eventually give in. he knows you'd do anything he asks and now, he's asking—no, more like begging to pleasure you? fuck, one must be fucking mentally insane to not want jake sully's face between their thighs.
you find yourself fantasizing about it even though your mate is literally waiting under you to make your fantasy come true. you both haven't been giving that much time into foreplay lately, though jake always insists on getting you ready for his cock with his fingers stretching you out. so eager to just feel each other, considering you both being busy with your duties all day.
but when you do it though, you both get so into it, especially jake. he makes it feel like it was the actual sex. you would beg for his cock and eventually give up, knowing he wouldn't stop until he's fully satisfied. so many nights, he's fingered you to sleep, keeping them inside your warm walls for the whole night, you'd wake up so guilty that you passed out on him without having him inside you. but he would quickly get you out of your thoughts, curling his calloused fingers inside you, still soaked with your cum, “morning, princess.”
but you can't blame him, you're just too beautiful. it arouses him, to watch you fall apart for him from the simplest touches. going down on you has always been one of his most favourite activities to do. sometimes he feels like he doesn't even need to fuck you. he could easily get off just from eating you out without touching himself.
he loves it. the way you'd desperately grab his hair and rut onto his face as he does everything in his power to get you off the edge. pushing his face into you as deep as he can, your slippery entrance swallowing his tongue inside, nose putting just the right amount of pressure onto your clit. these are moments where he gets the privilege of drowning in you. he can see you, hear you, smell you, taste you.
while you were distracted, he's already moved you up to his face, legs spreading on either side of his head, it's only when you feel him kissing your sticky clit, that you notice everything. your hips moves away almost immediately, it feels so lewd. but you can't go far of course, with the way his hands are gripping your hips, keeping you in place.
and Jake being the best mate he is, realized he's going too fast. so he takes his sweet time teasing you, trailing sloppy kisses closer to your core. his nips and licks at your arousal that are dripping down your thighs. “shh it's okay, i promise.” his eyes drinking up the way you pussy glistens and clenches around nothing as he smirks against your inner thighs. he knows you'll be begging to get his tongue inside you within minutes.
when he feels you getting relaxed, “that's my girl.” that was all he said before he hungrily nudges his nose against your swollen bud, taking a deep sniff of your arousal. his eyes are tightly shut when he smells your sweet scent. he takes the pink muscle out of his mouth before tracing the length of your cunt with it.
he starts to roll your hips on his face causing deep moans to come out from the both of you. the way he eats you is so, slow and sensual, as if you're the most expensive dish in the world. he takes his time with you, and it makes you feel even more frustrated. he rocks you against his face, tongue eagerly lapping up the essence coming out of you. “taste so sweet.” Jake mumbles, pressing a long kiss to your clit earning a loud breathy moan out of you.
his grip on your hips loosens from time to time willing to let you take control. he needs to keep his hands on you to not touch himself, it was supposed to be about you and he's making sure it stays that way. eyes tightly shut as he tries his best to ignore the ache between his own legs and he's not gonna lie, his cock is now so sensitive that he's sure the slightest touch against it would instantly make him cum, you just taste that good for him. but he ignores it, his full concentration only on you as his brows furrowed, focusing on your release.
but you can't. the moment you realize he's not guiding you anymore, you're lost. you're completely lost, your hips losing rhythm as your built-up orgasm is rudely interrupted by no other but you. you know he just wanted to let you know that you have complete control over him, that you can ride and use his face however you want.
it's not the same doing it all on your own. usually, you wouldn't even know anything, mind blank as you just lay on your back, letting him do all the work because you knew he'd take care of you. and he does. but now that you are the one who's doing it, it doesn't feel the same. it doesn't feel good.
so you just can't help but writhe above him not knowing what to do, your dripping cunt hovering above him now, ready to get up. your lover figures you just needed a break so he slowly hums against you leaving trailing kisses on your thighs. you can't even talk because of how frustrated you are, so you use your actions instead.
with shaky hands, you slowly catches his hands that are threatening to crawl away and place them back on your hips, right where they belong. “please...” was all you could mutter before he realised what you wanted. he raised his head enough to reach your pussy and pressed a soft kiss on your clit. he smiles against you, god she's gonna be the death of me. your actions arouse him even more, letting him know that you want him to make you feel good, you want him to do it however he wants and you'll take it without a single complaint.
“I love you.” he mumbles into your pussy, before slowly sinking you down back on his face. you jolt as he kisses your cunt slowly as if he's trying to savour every moment. and the truth is, he is, he doesn't want this to end ever. he knows you wouldn't have agreed to do this if you were sober, too shy. but god he wishes you were drunk all the time so that he can be smothered between your thighs, eating his favourite meal all the fucking time.
he kisses your labia the same exact way he kisses your lips, pulling at it before exploring your folds with his tongue. the wet sounds of him kissing your clit and muttering things to it makes your head spin. “so pretty,” smooch “so good...” smooch “doing so good for me.” followed by his loud moans sending electricity right through your cunt.
when your moans get louder, he uses the tip of his tongue to tease your hole pushing it in slightly before pulling it out, leaving your cunt to clench around nothing. he feels you move above him trying to get his tongue inside you. he chuckles as he looks up at you to see his favourite sight. eyes tightly shut as you grind down on his mouth using the guidance of his hands.
and that's when he suddenly stops. your eyes cracked open, immediately looking down to see if he's hurt. “I-I'm sorry, are you hurt?” your folds hovering his face once again. and you were met with an unreadable expression of your mate before he pushes your knees up, putting you into a squatting position above his face. no way. “keep your eyes on me. I need you to look at me while i pleasure you yeah?”
and with that, he sticked his tongue out and quite literally slammed you down on his face causing the pink wet muscle to slide inside your hole, earning a loud moan from you at the sudden penetration of his tongue. you unconsciously try to pull away, the pleasure being too much for you. but he only pulls you back down making a wet slapping sound.
you obeyed his command and kept your eyes on his that are looking straight at you, half of his face buried under the weight of your cunt. he bounces you on his face and twirls his tongue inside you. at this point you don't even care anymore because it felt unbelievably good. your legs were spread wide for his face to settle in between, it fits so well. jake thinks this is right where he belongs and he wishes to stay like this forever.
you moan his name as he moves you up and down, smearing your arousal that keeps oozing out of you on his face. he sticks his tongue as deep as he could before pressing his face into you, nose nudging against your bud. he works two jobs between fucking you with tongue and sucking the life out of you from your clit.
it doesn't take you long before you are trembling above him, chanting his name like a prayer. you would've lost your balance long ago if it wasn't for his strong hold around your thighs. he focuses on your clit, flicking the sensitive button with the tip of his tongue before taking it into his mouth to suck.
he presses his tongue flat against your sore pussy before he shakes his head side to side, the movement being hard and fast to give you that pleasurable vibrating friction. soon, he feels you lose it, hands coming to his hair to pull at it, hard. hips desperately trying to move away from his unresting mouth, indicating him that you're about to reach your high.
final and the loudest scream of his name fall from your lips before you completely and utterly lose it. you're sure the whole world of pandora heard you, but you both couldn't give a fuck less about that. in fact, jake's proud of it. he feels your cunt dripping into his mouth and he pulls away just for a millisecond.
“yes baby. such a good girl, gushin' into my mouth oh—” he cuts himself off, lapping up the mixture of your slick and his spit that streams out of you. your lover moans into you, dipping his tongue into you once again, to get more of your sticky liquid. his hand coming up to rest on your stomach, thumb lazily drawing circles on your slick coated clit. he knows you're sensitive but he wants more.
he still tries though, fucking into you slow with his tongue, helping you through your orgasm, hands patting your thighs for comfort. you wait for him to stop so you can get off, but he doesn't. his hold on you only getting tighter as he spreads your thighs even wider. his chin comfortably tucked between your ass cheeks from how deep he's pushing his face into your cunt.
he keeps you plugged full with his tongue, letting you ride it as if it were his fat cock, causing your slick to drip down his tongue directly into his mouth as he gulp the sweet essence down his throat.
you feel like you might die, you thought it was gonna be like a one time thing. you hear him hiss for a moment before he's tugging your legs to his arms. hands holding the underside of your thighs, and then he lifts you off of the bed. you can barely feel your toes touching the mat, your whole body weight on him as he finally reaches his goal by making you actually sit on his face.
your ass resting on his chin as he impatiently buries his face into your warm cave. you want to squirm away and just stop everything because never once in your years of living, did you ever think about actually sitting on someone's face, specifically jake sully's. but you knew better than to move, too afraid that you might hurt him. and even if you tried, he would just yank you back down to where he wants, anyway.
even though you are on top, you don't have much control over this. well, he tried to let you, but you both knew that you've always preferred his way of doing things. tears are starting to form in your eyes from the overstimulation, but you love it.
you love the way his face fits between your legs just right, mouth pressed to your pussy like a human on pandora with an oxygen mask. you would laugh if you weren't just as desperate, with the way he's acting like he might die if he stops, groaning loudly when you try to push his face away, even if just for a second.
you look down to see if he's comfortable but when you did, he's not even looking at you anymore. eyes tightly shut in concentration as he drinks up your slick. it's almost like he's enjoying this more than you are. he rocks you hard against his face, using every muscle to stimulate your core to death.
even though you're a little concerned, this was no surprise to you. Jake has always been wild when it comes to sex. you'd known that since the first memorable night you two had shared. he never even let you spend your heats alone. and for that reason, you rarely touched yourself but mostly because you never felt the need to. he always kept you full and satisfied, even had his little inside joke that he's gonna need his wheelchair back, not for him, but for you.
my jake's so mesmerising, you think. it was a sight, seeing such a pretty face coated and smeared with your arousal. it boosts your ego, seeing a powerful man that so many people bow down to, between your thighs with you sitting on his face, worshipping you like a goddess, so desperate to pleasure you.
and just like that, he coaxes three more orgasms out of you in just a tiny amount of time that it's almost embarrassing.
your throat is sore just like your little clit that's still in jake's mouth. you're sure that he must be hurting too, he didn't even do anything or let you do anything to get him off. he just lets himself suffer and you don't know how on earth is he able to be still so collected, acting like he doesn't have a very angry dick to calm.
even though you can barely open your eyes, tears streaming down your face, thin coat of sweat covering your skin, panting like a dog with your tongue rolled out, you love what's happening, though you'd never say it out loud.
before you know it, two thick slender fingers are plunging into you, making you scream. “c-can't 'nymore! too much. too much!” you can't even form proper words because of the tongue, that is now relentlessly working on your sensitive and overstimulated clit. the way he's fingering you isn't what he normally goes for, it's hard and rough, almost like he's chasing for something.
he watches your hole welcomingly sucking his digits in. “I know, i know. just give me one more baby, just one more then we'll be done.” Jake once again gets you to obey. you feel so small above him as you chant, Jake. Jake!
“Jake! something's coming! I—” he hopes it's what he thinks it is. “shh, let it go baby, I'm right here. I'm gonna take care of you.” and you do just that. and it happens. he feels your whole body shake and your thighs pressing together above his face before he splitting them open again, not wanting to miss the sight he's been dying to see.
jake watches in awe as the clear liquid squirts out of you, pushing his fingers out from how powerful it was. eyes widening as you pour on his face and rolling down his neck and chest. some of it even getting into his mouth, letting him taste your immense amount of pleasure.
he traps your sore clit into the gap of his two fingers and he shakes it as the remaining juices sprays onto his face. and jake fucking whimpers into you as if he's the one who's being pleasured. "so good for me, fuck, yeah just like that. so sweet." your small body shaking and writhing above him was such a pleasing sight. and he's still shocked by the fact that it was all because of him.
he keeps you firm on his face, tongue slowly licking your sore pussy still, making sure you fully rode out your orgasm. he looks up at you just to see your pained expression, you're crying. what the fuck. he lifts you gently off his face, sitting you back down on his lap.
you let a whine out from the friction when the bulge from his crotch touches your sensitive button, which he backs off when he realises. he panics when he sees that you still haven't opened your eyes. “hey, hey! baby...” you smile like an idiot when you hear the familiar sweet like honey voice.
“look at me?” he pleads.
your eyes slowly open but you still keep your head down, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes after what you just did as you mumble a few sorrys' and sob through whatever you were saying, still too fucked up to process anything. but jake wasn't having it. so he starts “look at me,” grabbing your chin up to make eye contact. “you did so good, such a good girl for me. I'm so fucking proud of you. I love you baby, you were so fucking hot you know that?”
now, his voice is clear, you're sobering up, as if he'd just sucked all the alcohol out of your cunt. he reaches for the bowl full of water on the side of the bed and brings it near your lips, giving you no other choice but to drink.
your gaze finally lands on his face and Jake almost let a giggle out from how you completely dipped your head back down. well, how can you not when his face was completely soaked with your cum, your arousal dripping down his face like sweat. he spares you, rubbing your slick off his face with his forearm.
you're sobering up. god, what do i do? a million thoughts runs into your head, eywa please. the way he's looking at you as if you're the only woman to exist in the whole universe, it's not fair, please stop. you beg.
shoving your thoughts away, you lean in. your eyes trailing down to his body, landing on his loincloth, fully soaked with his- wow did he just? you catch a glint of shyness on his face. you tug at his bottom, seeing that he's still rock hard. “no, I'm okay. you need to sleep.” so what? that was it?
“I don't wanna sleep.” you glare, continuing to untie the string on his loincloth.
“princess, you don't have to.” he insists. bringing your hands back in front of his face before pressing kisses on each knuckle. he scoops you up as if you're some doll and lays you down. you don't wanna lie, of course you're tired. but you at least need to feel him, so you try. you pull him by the neck so that he falls on top of you.
“you said you're all mine...” you pout and jake's eyes soften.
“I came just from eating your sweet cunt baby,” you slam your eyes shut from his words. god why? he's so shameless with it too.
“completely untouched.” it makes your stomach filled with guilt as much as it fills you with butterflies.
he buries his face into your neck, which had become his comfort place on your body. you notice that he does it often, whenever he's tired, upset or frustrated. he heavily breathes into your skin as if he's holding back, you know he is. his cock is still hard and you are still wet. you need to feel him, feel his body, feel his soul.
so instead of talking, you quickly tug your longest and the thickest braid before grabbing his own. bringing the ends together, you catch how messy his nerves are moving, revealing the state of his mind. they immediately recognise yours as they rush to tug at each other.
jake's eyes widen at the sudden intrusion of you in his head. he can never resist you, not when he can feel you, not when he can feel the way you yearn for him, the way you beg for him, the way your mind is filled with nothing but him. you didn't give him a chance to prepare, your being taking over his head, he needs a moment.
“inside, want you inside.” before giving him a chance to deny your desire, your hands quickly work to untie the strings on his loincloth while he's was still processing all your thoughts in your head through the bond. it's all too much for him, it always is. whenever you both make tsaheylu, the mere need you feel for him amazes him, makes him wonder just how someone could love him this much.
with his head still buried in the crook of your neck, he feels your fingers wrap around his girth, earning a whimper from him. “you said this is mine too...” you softly say with a frown. “yes fuck yes, it is baby.” you align his length with your entrance, “then please.”
who the fuck is he to deny?
wow now THAT was something 😋
tell me if y'all want a part 2
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Hello ! I would like to request a half angst half fluff fic for Daemon x Stark!Reader.
Reader is quite a tenacious woman and good with her words, the only daughter of her father. She managed to get her father to let her learn how to fight and she's a great warrior. She even commanded part of his army and was successful in the battle. She is very respected in Winterfell. Even warriors look up to her. She's a fiery spirit and very loyal. She was promised by her father that she could marry whomever she wanted but she actually had no interest in marriage.
But her father will get a very interesting proposal to marry her to Daemon, something that Viserys arranged. Of course Daemon is pissed too. He doesn't want to get married to an unknown woman.
Her whole family will travel to the palace but nothing was yet said to her about the plans being made. Her family will break it to her after arriving just before she will be thrown in a room with Daemon for them to know each other. She and Daemon hate each other at first glance. And I was imaging Daemon calling her wife and she would yell at him something along the lines "I will not be your palace bitch, you manwhore." . Still they get married but they don't actually consumate their marriage that night.
They will spend time apart, not even staying in the same room for a while until Daemon catch her one day at the dragonpit. She will be there interacting with Caraxes. Or maybe him trying to but her not knowing how to approach him properly. Daemon could help her and that's when they begin to grow on each other. they start training together and slowly fall in love and they confess it to one another a while later.
Thank you !
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A/n: I might make this into a two parter. 🦦
As the only daughter of your Lord father, Sylvain Stark, your upbringing was primarily done by the men in your life; Which meant being frequently roughhoused by your brothers, sneaking away from your etiquette classes to watch the knights train under your fathers ruthless but fair tutelage within the courtyard. Your mother, much to your surprise, encouraged this behaviour of yours by dressing you in your brothers out grown clothing, disgusting you as a boy and setting you on your way to train with your brothers; Who refused to go easy on you based on the pretence that you were a girl and their sister. Though that didn’t meant that they weren’t protective over you because they were and so much more.
So whenever a boy failed to respect your request to be left alone or impose his thoughts on how girls like you weren’t meant to pick up a sword, irritating them in the process but before any of your brothers could life a finger, you had gifted the boy with a bloodied nose and a cut running across his cheek from your nails. You were punished but it didn’t felt like one, considering the fact that your father had been spent most of it lecturing you on how to throw a proper punch and praising you for developing a backbone. It wasn’t until then that you expressed to him your interest in swordsmanship to which he had laughed off but once he saw the fires being stoked within your eyes, reminding him of himself at your age, demanding his own father to teach him how to fight after being scuffed up in a fight with a boy twice his height.
“You truly are my child, aren’t you.” He says, ruffling your hair, eyes flickering in amusement as you shoved his hand away with a pout and mused hair. “Tomorrow we start your training.” You remember cheering that day, hugging your Lord father by the waist only to be confused when he held at arms length, “I’m warning you now y/n, becoming a knight is not something that should be taken lightly. I’ll be putting you through your paces. Within this room your are my daughter but out there,” your father gestures to the courtyard where two knights were sparing with wooden swords, “you are one of them. No special treatment shall be given during this time, am I understood?” “Understood fa-Lord Stark.” Sylvain smiled at your with pride as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, finally bringing you in for a hug. “Get some sleep dear child for I’ll need you to be up and early for training tomorrow. So no sneaking off to the kitchen for late night snacks.” You groaned at the thought of sacrificing your favourite activity to get what you wished but in the end it was a fair trade.
It didn’t take long for you to prove your worth as one of the best swordsman to have ever picked up a sword in Westeros. Your father’s vigorous training have shaped and melded you into the knight you were known as today. Your body held it’s fair share of scars, providing more then enough evidence to even the most sceptic of sceptics that you weren’t one to be taken lightly without reaping the repercussions. Even though you quickly became a household name within your home of Winterfell, it hadn’t become well known enough to the other houses of Westeros only until it was in conjunction with some of your earliest escapades as commander of one of your father’s men; Which included some of your brothers in attendance.
There were some knights within your squadron who believed you to be too weak for such a position, some even went as far as to petition themselves as commander instead but your father would only scoff and say, “A real man wouldn’t feel the need to take opportunities away from others, unless they were scared. So tell me lads, if you believe yourself to be as tough as you say, why don’t you let my daughter test that theory out herself?” Needless to say those knights became dutifully compliant to your every command after having the lesson vigorously beaten into them by your own hand. Those who were unsure or uncertain of your leadership held their tongues within your presence, soon enough their views on you changed after being lead to countless victories under your command against all those that opposed House Stark.
So much so that you have heard yourself and your squadron being referred to as ‘The Iron Wolf’ and ‘The Wolf pack’ in passing when you and your squadron road through the courtyard, armours soaked in the blood of your most recent conquest, the excess staining the snow in an unsettling shade of crimson whilst the disembodied head of the lousy Lord who dared to pick a fight dangled from your hip like a spoil of war. Men, women and children gathered to greet you back with their deafening cheers that filled the air. So much to the point that you could barely hear the voice of the servant, who came to stand by your side as you handed the reigns of your horse over to the stable boy. “Your father would like a word with you in the grand hall, Princess.” You could tell from the tone of his voice that it was immediate that your presence was needed and with a curt thanks you rushed through the castle, helmet in hand, until you were in the grand hall where your father was sat at the head of the table.
“You called for me father.”
“I did indeed child, I take it that the battle was a successes?” Sylvain questioned as his eyes looked at the bleeding head at your hip with pride. You smirked, reaching to unclip the head from your belt before presenting it on the table before him. “You said that you wished for his head, so his head I have brought you.” You replied. Sylvain only chuckled as he lifted himself from his chair, moving to bring you into his arms, uncaring of the blood getting on his clothes; He was just happy to have his child back home safe and sound like any parent. “Is there a reason for my presence here today?” You asked when you pulled away from his embrace, your smile fading from your lips when you saw the somber look upon his face. “Dad?” Your father sighs heavily, “I received a raven this morning, from King Viserys. He wishes for my presence at KingsLanding at once.”
You instinctively reached out to grasp at your father’s arms like a lost child, gripping them tightly as your displeasure with being departed from your father became all the more evident. “Whatever for? We do our duties here in Winterfell and he and his family does theirs in KingsLanding? Why the sudden urgency? It’s not out of the realm of possibility to suspect something has arisen.” Your father didn’t have the heart to tell you the truth, so instead he choose to lie but had he tell you the truth, he knew you’d outright refuse. Ever since you grew to a certain age where marriage was put into question, Sylvain decided that instead of forcefully searching you a suitor, he would let you yourself choose on your own accord. However your disposition to get married had placed him into a corner he felt he couldn’t get out of before your eligibility comes to pass.
So when he received word that King Viserys was offering up his brother, Daemon, for your hand in marriage; It felt as though the gods had decided to spare him the fate of an impending headache that would surely come from the small council’s demands of your arrangement. “Give your mind a rest dear daughter,” Sylvain chuckled, his hands cusping your elbows reassuringly, “I wouldn’t want you to take up arms and storm KingsLanding on the pretence of a misunderstanding. I’m certain it’s primarily down to boring political business.” You snorted at your fathers disinterest for political disputes despite his position as Warden of the North, causing a smile to spread across his lips. “The upside to this however is that I’m granted the due diligence of bringing along my beloved family.” You smiled softly at your fathers words, resting your head comfortably against his chest like you did as a child. “Oh and your invited too.”
“Oi!” you exclaimed, pulling yourself away in order to slap him on the arm for his cheeky comment that only made your father laugh at your reaction. “You think yourself so fucking funny for that, don’t you?” You rhetorically asked him as he made a face as though he were in genuine thought, “I’m believed to be quite hilarious, according to some people.” Your father responded in kind. Though before you could make another jest, your worried mother -who had heard joyous news of your return but had yet to see you with her own eyes- walked into the hall upon hearing her husband and your laughter echo off the stone walls from just outside. Her eyes widened upon seeing you, picking up her skirts in her hands as she rushed to your side before letting them drop so she could cusp your face in her hands. Your eyes closed upon instinct at the touch of your mother, sighing deeply at the one thing you’ve missed the most since your time away from Winterfell. A strong warrior you maybe but even the strongest of warriors fall on their knees at the gentle touch of a mother.
“Hello mother.” You said wistfully, bringing your own hands away from your father to support your mothers arms. Practically purring in content when her thumbs brushed across freshly healed scars that ran across your cheeks like jagged bolts of lighting. “My sweet brave child, you had me worried sick when you didn’t visit me upon return!” Your mother exclaims but calms down when she saw that other then the occasional scar, you were without major injured. “Then again I shouldn’t be surprised that it is your father who gets to see you first.” You knew deep down your mother wished she was more hands on with your growth, after all you were the only daughter she bore out of a cluster of boys. Your mother thought that due to being the only women in the family, you’d be as thick as thieves; Unfortunately for her, you had more of an affiliation with anything that constitutes to boys. She tried her best to have common ground with you though it never lasted long, especially when your vigorous training sessions with your father left your tired and unable to withhold conversations.
You didn’t blame her, you couldn’t blame her for wanting something that was just for you and her. She was your biggest supporter in whatever it is you did, the pride in her eyes was the soul reason why you kept fighting the tougher fights, just so you could come home to her appraisals and motherly comfort. “I apologise, the adrenaline of our victory must’ve carried me away from you. I’ll be sure to make up for it in the meantime.” Your words must’ve brought her some comfort as she smiled at you before pressing a kiss to your forehand. “You best do child, now I’m certain your father has told you of the contents in the King’s letter, why don’t you run along to your chambers to pack your things before we are due to set off.” She says as she ushers you out of the hall before looking back at her husband who’s attention was brought back to the letter. “You haven’t told her have you?” She asks, walking up to his side. “No,” he said, “she’d refuse before i could even make it to the proposal.” Your mother sighs, picking up the parchment, being mindful of the bleeding head she knew of to be your work, reading and re-reading the inked words scratched into the letter.
“She’s held this off for far too long. Brandon, Richard, Edward and Sylvester would’ve already been married to their betrothals by the time she chooses a suitor.” Your mother commented as your father slumps back into his chair, his face covered by his hands as he ran them down his face. “Which is why I took the liberty to accept on her behalf.” Your mother looked at him with wide but confused eyes, “but you said-“ “that she could choose? Yes I did but you know as well as I that girl detests marriage, never less political ones.” Your father cut her off, knowing very well how her mind works in certain situations. “Y/n would rather lop off her own arm if it meant getting out of an arrangement. She must one day understand that I made this decision for her.” Your mother knew how much your father loved you, she knew that he didn’t wish for you to be a lone wolf for the rest of your life. He merely wishes for you to be happy and he could only pray to the Seven that this marriage would do just that even if it takes forever.
“I wish her to be happy too Slyvain,” your mother replied, holding his hand in hers, “but we mustn’t act the victims when she soon learns that we’ve been withholding the truth.” She advised before taking her departure from the grand hall, leaving your father to mull over recent events and question himself before an audience of a dead man’s severed head. “Did I do the right thing?”
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goteigirls · 6 months
Random Marriage drabbles
Hello everyone! This is my first time posting a drabble like this, if I missed anything please let me know, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
CW: Unexpectedly suggestive in Unohana’s part 😭 I’m so down bad for that woman
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At the beginning of the marriage, I believe Unohana wanted to keep it low profile. Not because she’s ashamed of her wife, hell, far from it, she just wants to assure that no one in the Seireitei bothers you with things concerning her, as a lot of people are too scared to approach directly. One of the things that she loves about keeping it quiet is that if someone tries to make a move on you, she comes out of nowhere (As far as you know) to ask that person what they’re talking to her wife about with an eerie smile on her face. It's enough to send them running.
The Soul Reapers of Squad 11 could be stubborn brutes, you knew this firsthand as well as the warning words from your wife. How unfortunate you ran into one during your nightly walk around the Seireitei.
“Hey there pretty lady… you alone tonight?”
Your eyes narrowed and your nose scrunched up at the strong stench of sweat and alcohol. You felt a man twice your size place his hand on the wall next to your head, you didn't even turn to meet his gaze and sighed, you didn't feel the least bit concerned.
“I'm on my way home, if you'll excuse me.”
“Come on, I wanna get to know you, got some time on your hands?” You finally turn your head to look at the man, the rugged face familiar to you, a man, a small fry of the eleventh squad under Captain Zaraki Kenpachi. You can't seem to recall his name though.
“No sir, I have someone to go home to.”
“Your husband doesn't have to know.” Just as the man is about to put his hand on your waist, you see a figure flash step behind the man in front of you.
“My, a conversation doesn't require two people to be so close, tell me boy, what could you talking about with my wife that needs you to be?”
You see the man visibly sober up, turning his head so fast you swear he got whiplash. A spine-chilling smile was present on Unohana’s face.
“C-Captain Unohana!” the man comically scoots 5 feet away from you faster than you could process. “I-I didn't know she was your w-wife, I-I apologize deeply for my actions, have a wonderful night!” and there he goes, running off.
“It's rather comical how fast that one ran away, quicker than the last one.” you watched him get smaller and smaller as he went further and further, turning your attention back to your wife.
Her expression softens when she looks at you, giving you a genuine smile. “Never mind that you should just go straight to my infirmary if you insist on having these walks, we could go together.”
“I like it when you have to go around and chase me though.” You half-joked and pouted playfully, leaping onto her chest while looking up at her through your eyelashes.
She didn’t budge when you leaned against her, her eyes narrowed at your words but her smile didn’t falter, “Acting like that can get you into bad situations, quiet down before you eat your words.”
You knew what she meant, and it struck lightning throughout your body. A redness slithered its way across your face. Your gaze shifted, and so did your body, your arm wrapped around hers and you stood by her side. “Let’s go home please?”
“That was enough to get you going? Hm well, I guess I’ll have to take responsibility once we get there, yes?”
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She definitely has a soft spot for her wife, though she can be mean sometimes, she tries her best to show her affection! When at home, after her duties as a Captain, she enjoys spending time with you. She isn’t a romantic by any means but she loves star gazing by the engawa by your shared room before bed.
The stars sparkled in the sky so beautifully tonight, you thought every time you saw it, it was a sight you’d never tire of, but you could also say the same for the woman sitting next to you.
You turn your head to Soifon, analyzing every detail of her side profile in your gaze. To her night clothes, to her unwrapped hair, and the relaxed expression on her face.
“I can feel you staring.” Her cheeks quickly became rosey, and she tilted her to the side to stare back at you, “Is there something you wanna say?”
“No, nothing. I just like admiring you is all.”
She didn’t respond, looking back at the stars to avoid your gaze. You smiled mischievously and pounced on her suddenly, but being the captain of the stealth squad meant that she had way quicker reflexes than you, so you ended up pushed against the floor face down with Soifon on top of you, one of her arms placed next to your head and the other gently pinning one of your arms against your back.
“Oh! Not so rough Soifon!” You whined, though it was an exaggeration. You giggled right after, squirming in her grip.
“Tch, idiot, You’re not exactly subtle with the uptake.” She let go of your arm but didn’t move from her place on top of you. She watched you turn your body to face up at her, your loving gaze and smile was enough to put her in shambles.
Before she could move away, you slipped your hands around her shoulders and wrapped your legs around her waist to lock her in place, “take me to the futonnnnnn.” You made a kissy face at her.
Soifon grumbled under her breath, “I didn’t marry a child.” She placed a hand on your back and another under your thigh, using her strength to pull you and herself up to stand while carrying you against your body.
You happily placed your chin on her shoulder as she carried you to your shared bedroom, the futon already laid out in the middle of the room. Just as she was gonna place you down, you stole a kiss.
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I imagine Rangiku to have a wife who's constantly dotting on her due to her lazy tendencies and makes her help Captain Hitsugaya like she's supposed to. Rangiku reluctantly listens to her occasionally but there are moments when she pulls her wife along to join her naps on the couch in Hitsgaya's office, which the Captain walks in on, not the least bit surprised, but he’ll let this slide a couple of times.
“Rangiku! Aren't you supposed to be doing paperwork right now?!” you put one of your hands on your hips with a disapproving, and the other held a tray of food, you thought it would've been a nice gesture to get your wife some lunch today.
The blonde’s eyes snapped open and shot up from her resting place on the couch with a slightly groggy sheepish grin on her face, “ Oh hey sweetheart, didn't know you were coming to visit the office.”
“Don’t change the topic!”
“Is that food for me, dawh! You shouldn't have!” Rangiku ignores your scolding and gets up to walk over to you and leads you to the couch, “I'm glad I have such a cute wife that gets me lunch sometimes, Come on let's enjoy it together.”
You looked at her, unamused, a blush dusting your face. You'll just have to find a way to get your irresponsible wife to work another time.
After a bit of teasing from Rangiku, and finishing lunch, you leaned your head against her shoulder. She went on about unimportant details about her day and how slow it was, her voice lulling you into a much-needed rest after the work you had done around the Seireitei.
She got quieter as she noticed your eyes drooping. She smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist gently so it wouldn’t interrupt your slip into slumber.
The white-haired Captain entered his office, immediately spotting his lieutenant sleeping with her lover leaning on her shoulder. He had an urge to start yelling at her to get up, but in the corner of his eye, he saw a messy stack of papers on his desk.
Walking to his desk, he noticed that Rangiku’s share of paperwork had been completely done. “ The bare minimum of work… it’ll have to do.” And off to work he went, as quietly as possible.
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mocsbylexan · 7 months
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Krama, Toa of Twilight
teachings_draft_1.crn //: LOAD NEXT PASSAGE
Eighth lesson: To hone your inner light, you must accept your inner shadow. To control your inner shadow, you must remember your inner light.
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T: What are you looking over there for? V: I'm… reading what you wrote. The beginning of it anyways. T: By all means. I could use an editor I think. V: … T: … V: … Few regrets, hm? T: Few. Not none. V: … How is Krama doing, turaga? T: I… believe he is improving. Slowly. Did you get any results back from the Ghosts on his protodermis sample? V: Nothing that's useful. All they can say is that he has less light left than the others. They haven't figured out how much yet. T: As if we didn't know that already. V: How exactly is he improving? Is his mental state more stable? T: Like I said, slowly. I think the new thoughts he's been dealing with since the procedure frighten him. But it's hard to tell with the way he expresses his emotions being so muted now. V: And his elemental powers? Has he regained some control of them? T: No. V: … T: … V: Is that thing you were telling me about with his mask still happening? T: Yes… It's strange. We focus on practicing his kanohi use most of the time because I think it's grounding for him. To still have at least one toa-like thing he can do. But the things he can do with that mask… V: You've worked with the first Toa Nuva, aren't you accustomed to strong kanohi powers? T: Even Artahka's kanohi Nuva don't match the level of power that that toa seems to be able to draw forth from a simple great mask. V: … Turaga, that kind of power with a Komau- T: I know. Sometimes I fear it will become dangerous enough that he'll turn away from even this in fear of what he might be capable of. V: Maybe we should get him a different mask to use. Something more positive. T: I've tried that. It doesn't even work with a different Komau. It has to be the one he's worn all his life. V: Really? Why? T: … I don't know. I've examined the mask in and out and it's unchanged. It's just a normal kanohi. V: … T: … V: The others worry about him, Turaga. T: I know. V: They try not to show it, but I can tell. They… they were expecting him to lead them. T: He did. He led them in his bravery, in being the first to undergo our… V: Our experiment. T: … V: Turaga, the future students that you're writing this chronicle for… do you plan to have them all drain some of their light? Once we're sure the process is perfected? T: … No, I think not. For certain we've seen that the procedure grants great power… V: … Control over two elements alone is incredible, let alone two of the most powerful… T: Yes, but to change oneself in such a way… I do not intend to push that upon anyone. The students may come and they may learn our ways, just as you learned them from me. There's no need for them to undergo such a drastic change. Unless they… seek to make such a sacrifice of their own volition, and with an understanding of what it means. V: Like these ones did. T: Yes. These students are… a very special team. I am not sure I can ever be grateful enough to their commitment to this project, even knowing what they risked. V: They did gain great power, turaga. T: And a heavy burden of duty. You know that. V: Yes. T: … V: … I should go to bed. Training will be hard tomorrow. T: As always. V: Yes. T: Goodnight, Viama. V: Goodnight, Turaga Tanma.
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naavispider · 1 year
I had to share this idea with someone because it's been sitting in my head for days, but imagine an AU of Spider growing up alone in the wilderness as a feral wild child, somehow blessed by Eywa to be able to breathe Pandora's air without a mask, raising himself as a result of being abandoned (unintentionally?) as a baby, and somehow managing to evade the notice of both the scientists and Omatikaya clan, who aren't aware of his existence.
And for years, this is the only life Spider knows...
Until one day, a recom team led by one Colonel Miles Quaritch, finds him.
Omg, that is SUCH an interesting concept... how would Spider interact with the recoms if he's never had the opportunity to speak with others as an adult? If he was abandoned as a toddler, he would have some grasp of language (probably English, I'm assuming), but it would be very developmentally delayed 😳 He wouldn't even be able to connect to Eywa because he doesn't have a queue, so it's not like he could listen to the tree of voices either. It would be SOMETHING.
Maybe he's aware of the Na'vi, having seen them a few times in his life and hidden due to fear, but never actually interacted with them. He never understood their language. And then comes a group of them, dressed weirdly and able to communicate with him. He doesn't understand why they are so confused to see him - why they can't take their eyes off him, why they won't let him run, why they keep holding onto him despite his ferocious struggles.
He finds it difficult to understand them at first (years of not speaking or being spoken to will do that to a person, especially one in a developmentally critical stage), but he tries to listen and process the words.
From the recoms' perspectives, it would be incredibly challenging to communicate with him. Let's just say for argument's sake that Eywa also blessed him with high levels of speech and language abilities. It would still takes weeks in my opinion to get the kid rational enough to have a decent conversation (eg why were you all alone in the forest?) because he still hasn't had a proper conversation with another living being in at least 12 years? (Depending on when he was abandoned). So he would be truly, completely feral. It would take highly trained professionals to be able to help him make progress to express himself properly, and of course there's the fact that he doesn't trust any of them a single bit. I think the fact that Quaritch is his dad would go completely over his head to begin with.
This is such an interesting concept, I hope somebody runs with it!
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shiyorin · 1 year
The love of the Primarchs for their lover (Part 4)
Almost finished
Perturabo. His love is like a siege: persistent, unrelenting, and unstoppable.
His love for you is a love he cannot contain. He loves with an intensity and a purpose that few can understand. It's a love that's as relentless as it is passionate. He cannot be satisfied with anything short of their complete and utter devotion and he won't stop until he gets it.
His love is a force of nature, a force to be reckoned with. You cannot stop him, and you cannot stop his love for you. He will love you no matter what.
His love is, as you might expect, powerful. He doesn't know a softer kind of love; he loves with fire and iron. His love is passionate, determined, and focused. He loves as a blacksmith loves the process of making a great weapon and his love doesn't stop until he's created the ultimate creation.
The only way for Perturabo's love to be demonstrated is through work and his work is all about expressing his love and his devotion to his lover. He doesn't see a divide between his work and his love. To him, these are all a part of the same passion, the same love. And so long as his efforts achieve their intended purpose that is to honor and cherish the one he loves then that love is a success. It is a love that is about dedication and accomplishment and he is dedicated to his love.
Konrad Curze. His love is like the coming of night: terrifying and unstoppable.
His love is one that he cannot escape from. He is cursed to love you, and you are cursed to love him. He is plagued by an intense, all encompassing love that terrifies everyone else. Nothing can stop his love for his lover and there is nothing that can stop his lover from loving him.
His love is one of passion, but also of obsession and obsession alone. It is a love that is all-consuming and one that will never, ever end.
He's a man of extremes, a man of contrasts and his love for you is no exception to that rule. He loves you with an intensity that borders on obsession, but at the same time, he finds great happiness in the mere thought of being with you.
His love is one of passion and obsession... and yet, it's one that finds a kind of calm in knowing you'll always love him in return. His love for you is a contradiction that he would never even begin to comprehend. And it's one that makes his life worth living.
His love is not the most pleasant.
It's an aggressive, violent thing that comes without remorse or sympathy. His love is a violent and harsh thing that comes with no warning and it will do whatever it takes to ensure its own survival.
He loves in a way that is selfish. He loves in a way that is self-sustaining. But most importantly, he loves so that he may hate. The hatred that he so desperately crazes is what truly drives him. His love for you is unique in that it is violent and destructive... Yet, it is also tender and loving. It is a love of great extremes and of even greater desires. There is a passion in the desire to love his lover that cannot be matched by anything else.
Ferrus Manus. His love is like iron: strong, unyielding, and powerful.
His love is one of great intensity, but also great restraint. He loves like iron is made.. and he is like iron in his ability to overcome any threat to his love.
His love is one that is unbreakable... and one that will never be shaken. No matter what the world throws at him, he'll remain strong... and he will remain steadfast in his love for his lover.
He has a steely resolve, and he is a man of action. He shows no weakness, and he shows no mercy to those who oppose him. He is always on the offensive, always fighting. He will never give in to doubt, and he will never give up on his love. No matter how many things try to destroy his love.... he will never yield. His love is his strength—and he will never let it go.
His love is powerful, but also reserved. It is a love that burns with great passion, but is also very controlled. There is a balance between these two things that he has achieved... and it is in this balance that he has found a great deal of happiness. He loves you deeply and passionately, but he is also capable of restraint. It is a unique kind of love, one that requires great strength of spirit… and yet, there is nothing that he cannot do for the sake of the one he loves.
Horus Lupercal. His love is like a well-refined machine: powerful and unstoppable.
He loves with the intensity of a war engine and he is an unstoppable force of destruction when it comes to his love for his lover. He is a juggernaut and his love for you is an unstoppable one. He will never stop until he has conquered everything in his path and, hopefully, in the end, he'll conquer his lover as well.
His love is a unique one. It's a love that combines elements of both passion and desire with those of violence and domination. It's a love that's just as much about passion as it is about control and it is an unstoppable force of destruction and power. It's a love that'll consume you and it'll take everything from you.
There can be no doubt about the sincerity of his feelings; he is an unstoppable force of power and passion and he will never give up the fight. His love is an all-consuming force, a force that no one can resist. He will find you and he will bring you to their knees.
Corvus Corax. His love is like a fog: impenetrable even to the most powerful of lights. It is a love that is like a ghost, ever-lurking, ever-haunting, ever-following. It is an ever-present force that cannot be stopped or hindered and it is one that, when it catches hold of his lover, will never let go. His love is an insidious one, an impenetrable fog that hangs over him and his lover. A fog of love and a fog of misery, both eternal and indestructible.
He is consumed by a fog of love and a fog of misery. He is consumed by the spirit of love and the spirit of sorrow, both of which are as ever-lurking and ever-haunting as one another. He has accepted that fact and he has accepted the fact that his love is like a fog. He is surrounded by a great cloud, a great fog, a great spirit one that will forever haunt the heart of his lover. Yet, he still loves. And he will forever love, despite the sorrow that he feels. Despite the misery that he can only escape through his love. 
He loves with both passion and desire, but also with the deep sadness of one who can never fully love. He is a man who feels things deeply, and it's in those feelings alone that he finds some measure of companionship. He loves like the curse of eternity, an inescapable chain that pulls you to him, just as it pulls him to you.
His love is like a dream that never wakes up. His love is a beautiful one but it is one that is tainted by sadness. He loves with great passion, and his love is one that will never die. He loves like the beauty of a dream, a dream that will never come to an end. For he dreams only of his lover and yet, in that dream there are other things too. Things that he cannot shake away, things that weigh on his heart. His love is a perfect and beautiful dream but it is also one that's laced with darkness.
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acacia-may · 1 year
Can I please request 💙💘💓 for Yamichar, please?
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for playing my game and for your ask! 🥰 I really appreciate it and hope you'll like these headcanons! For the last one, I apologise that I couldn't tell exactly which category you were requesting and made my best guess of "Family" and wrote a headcanon about Yami and Charlotte with kids, but if you wanted a different category please feel free to send in another ask and I'd be happy to write that for you too.
Questions from this "Bye Bye Writer's Block" Ask Game
YamiChar Headcanons
💙-- Hurt/Comfort
Yami generally feels like he needs to be the strongest in order to protect, provide for, and lead his squad, and this mentality has made it difficult for him to open up to others and show vulnerabilities. As he and Charlotte grow closer, however, she becomes one of the only people he can really put his armor down around, and (though it is a slow process for him) he really does start to share with her things that are difficult for him to tell anyone else: how much he cares and worries about his loved ones (his squad family in particular), how he worries about letting them down, and how he blames himself when he is unable to protect the people he cares about most. Charlotte who has similar feelings (especially in regards to her own squad) is always an empathetic listener and does her best to encourage him that he doesn't have to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders alone. Together they learn that being vulnerable is not the same as being weak and that they can be just as strong if they learn to put their armor down every once in a while and allow themselves to be human.
💘-- Romance
Yami much prefers to show his love with his actions (mainly acts of service) rather than talking about his feelings, and Charlotte generally understands since she gets a little shy and tongue-tied when it comes to verbal expressions of affection herself. However, both the Black Bulls and the Blue Roses make this into a "big deal" and try to get their respective captains to confess their love "properly" to each other. This becomes an even bigger problem when the Black Bulls figure out that Yami plans to propose and insist he can't propose without a speech.
Yami is eventually convinced that Charlotte really hasn't and/or won't understand how much he cares about her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her without him expressing his love in words, so he ends up stumbling his way through writing his feelings down in a speech (with his squad's well-meaning help of course). For Yami's credit, even though he thinks it’s stupid he carries it around with him and actually practices it for at least a week beforehand because he wants things to be special for Charlotte.
When time for the proposal actually arrives, however, he uncomfortably begins the speech but stops abruptly saying, “This is stupid.” He then improvises a very curt, very Yami but actually heartfelt (for Yami anyway) expression of why he wants to marry her. It ends with “I…you know…” To which Charlotte laughs and replies “I…you know…too” and accepts his proposal! 💕
💗-- Family
Though they keep very busy in the future, it is very important to Yami and Charlotte that they always carve out time to spend together with their children as a family. Sometimes this involves just spending an quiet evening at their house with Yami teaching the kids how to play cards or everyone having a dinner comprised of everyone's favourite foods, but more often than not, this involves outings and fun family activities, especially more outdoorsy ones like camping, hiking, or sparring/training together.
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quinloki · 1 year
A Light Touch
Fem Reader x Eustass Kid
CW: language, assault, violence, sexual themes and situations, implications of non-con, loss of limbs, blood. 18+ Only.
Chapter 1 - Table of Consent -
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Chapter 16: Benefactor
You stayed down in the basement for hours. You could hear the crew working upstairs to clean up the glass and start repairing the house. Your emotions were all over the place, and you weren't having an easy time trying to organize them, let alone process them.
Your heart hurt, it ached so deeply you almost wanted to rip it from your chest just to have a moment's relief. You couldn't heal it, there was no physical wound to mend to bring some sort of relief.
Eventually Emma came down with a tray of food. She didn't say anything until she was sure you had seen it.
"I'll come get it later, but I wanted you to know that you can go back to your room if you want. Or, well, anywhere in the house." There's sadness in Emma's voice and so you know the whole rest of the crew knows.
"Thanks." You respond, pulling the tray close as she leaves.
The food's warm, and it makes you feel a little better. You hadn't had a chance to eat before all hell had broke loose, and you hadn't realized how much it was making everything else sink into you.
You had no idea what you were going to do. The only thing you knew for sure was you needed to think really hard on it before you made any decisions, and sulking in the basement wasn't going to help. Not that you didn't have a right to be angry, but you didn't want to make any decisions because of your anger.
First thing, you wanted a shower, and clothes that were clean. Clothes that were actual clothes too, being in your pjs felt like a depression move and you didn't want that either.
You got up, tray in hand and head upstairs. You come out of the basement carefully, not because you're worried about another attack, but you don't know how much glass is still on the floors, or where Kid is. Right now, you're not sure if you want to see him.
He had left earlier without a word. You didn't know what expression was on his face since you couldn't bring yourself to look at anyone. You didn't know if it mattered right now, since you were still raw.
You see Killer in the kitchen, cleaning up and prepping for dinner. When you set the tray down, he turns in your direction.
"Thanks Em— er." Killer freezes in place. It's almost funny to see a guy as big and intimidating as him be so shook up by you.
"Thanks." You say, knowing he had made the food. "I'm going to my room. I... just need to think on stuff."
"Let me know when you're hungry again." He says evenly. There's a twitch in his body like he wants to reach out and say something more, but he doesn't.
"Where is he?" You ask with a sigh.
"Out. You won't run into him in the house." Killer assures you.
You nod, and head up to your room.
The stairs feel big. The open space in the middle of the staircase feels empty. The higher up you get the colder things feel. Like there's a series of walls closing between you and the entire crew with each step you take.
The window in your room is boarded up with thick planks and metal bars. Aside from the basement it might be the safest place in the whole house right now. Stepping into the bathroom, even the few small windows in here were reinforced.
You could feel your body relax.
A long shower and a longer soak in the tub were the beginning of what you needed. You used all the little creams and oils you could get your hands on and just let your mind wander. Water made it easier to think. Made it easier to be relaxed while you thought. Made it more comfortable to feel and cry, and you didn't know why it worked that way, but you were grateful for it.
When you came out of the bathroom and got dressed you realized you were far less angrier than you had been earlier, which meant you could start to sit down and think about what had happened.
And what you meant to do.
Before you could really let yourself dig in to your thoughts, your phone rings. It wasn't a number you had saved, and your stomach knotted immediately.
After a few rings it stopped, and a moment after that you got a text from the same number.
Unknown: I'm not Vander Decken, Miss (Y/N).
You look at the text in disbelief before picking up the phone and texting back.
You: Who are you?
Unknown: A benefactor. A friend of your father's.
You: I don't know who my father is, how can you? How could I even trust what you're saying?
Unknown: I have proof, but the validity of my relationship to your father is not why I'm reaching out to you. I wish to help with your stalker issue, Miss (Y/N).
You: Why now?
Unknown: I had promised your father I wouldn't directly interfere in your life. However, that brat Kid isn't handling this well enough, and I felt the need to intervene more directly.
Your brows knit. Only you were allowed to be angry at Kid right now, who did this asshole think he was bad-mouthing your "it's complicated" status update?
You: Kid's done a lot for me.
Unknown: I could do more.
You: who are you? And don't give some vague benefactor bullshit.
You: Wait, did you pay my hospital bills?
Unknown: I did.
Unknown: Go find that blonde cook of his, and then call this number. I won't divulge who I am over text, young lady.
Your blood nearly froze you in place. There was a level of knowledge coming from this unknown number that unsettled you deeply. You were also certain that it was best for Killer to know about it than for you to keep it secret, so you took your phone downstairs with you.
"Killer!" You called out, assuming he was in the kitchen. Sure enough he stepped out into the landing of the stairs as you came down to meet him. You scrolled your phone to the start of the texts and handed it to him. "Read this."
Killer's eyes were usually hidden by his hair, but you could see the light in those baby blues as the scowl on his face. He handed the phone back to you.
"Call it."
"Sure," you prompt the phone to call the number associated with the texts and after a couple rings a velvety voice fills the air between you and Killer.
"Miss (Y/N), and Killer, how nice to hear from you."
"Who are you?" You ask again, but when you look up to Killer you see his scowl deepen.
"He's a Warlord." Killer says, and you're impressed at how steady his voice is.
"I see my reputation is intact. I am Donquixote Doflamingo, young Miss (Y/N), and your father was my right-hand man."
"...What? Wait what? A Warlord?! You're a Warlord!" You nearly drop the phone, but Killer catches it as your legs buckle and you sit down on the floor with a thump.
"Indeed. Your father-."
"No. No." You put your hands up even though he can't see you. "Absolutely not. I don't want to know anything. I have enough on my plate right now, I refuse to hear one word about my father."
"... Very well. Then to the matter at hand," he says, emphasizing the last word in a way that made you flinch. "The day after tomorrow a limo will arrive at your apartment. You, young lady, will be there, and I will guarantee that it will be safe for you to be there. At that point you will do me the courtesy of making a decision."
"Get into the limo and I will protect you, not only from your stalker, but from the weight of your heritage. You will want for nothing and have all that you could desire, but you will forfeit any alliance with brats like Kid and his generation. You will be a member of my family and your loyalty will not be split."
"If I don't get into the limo?"
"Then I will not intervene in any way with your life - personally or professionally." His voice isn't disappointed, and something about that unnerves you.
"What if I don't show up at all?"
"I would advise you to not snub a Warlord, young lady. You are family enough that I'm willing to give you an option, don't insult me for it." There's an edge in his voice that twists your stomach and makes your face go pale. You can almost feel the hand at your throat from the words alone.
"She'll be there." Killer says, the assurance more for you than Doflamingo.
"Indeed. Take today and tomorrow to think it over. You won't have to worry about any disturbances slipping through the cracks in the meantime. Go outside and enjoy a proper taste of freedom, Miss (Y/N)."
The line goes dead, and you just sit there for a few long minutes. After a moment, Killer sits on the floor with you, setting the phone between the two of you.
"Kid's going to blow a gasket." You say finally.
"I have questions."
"I will answer what I can."
"So you're not just a crew or gang. Y'all are the Kings of the South Blue, like how they call Luffy and his crew the Kings of East Blue."
"Hookay." You let out a breath and lay down on the floor. Kings were contenders from the world making their way through Grandline Metro to find the One Piece. It's why there were so many Devil Fruit users in the 600 sq km of the city. The city's underbelly was a gauntlet and took people years to get through.
Some Kings became Warlords - either because the World Government scouted them, or because they applied for the position by doing something meritorious in the eyes of the Government. Some Kings became Emperors, but that was a nearly impossible feat because the Emperors themselves were so entrenched.
Most Kings died or retired when they realized they had bashed against their dream to the point of defeat.
Kid didn't strike you as someone who quit. As a matter of fact, you were pretty sure you knew how he lost his arm. He was either going to find the One Piece, lose the race to it, or die in the attempt.
Suddenly, you were angry that Luffy and the others had educated you on all this when they were trying to recruit you.
If you became a part of Kid's crew, you'd face Luffy and the others eventually.
"Fuck." You stare up at the ceiling. "That explains a lot." You sigh. Eustass would need to fly under the radar in order to keep his foundations stable while he pushed into the city. Eventually the Marines would get mixed into things but the longer you could avoid them the better your chances.
If he had outed himself as a Devil Fruit user on the traffic cameras to save someone he didn't know, he would've sacrificed everything the crew had worked for to that point. It wasn't just a matter of having to register and pay some fines.
Even if it was just registering and paying fines, he didn't know you from the next faceless rube when the accident happened. He had no reason to risk his growing empire for you.
"Who's Doflamingo's right hand man?" You ask after a long silence.
"I don't know who is now," Killer replies. "But a year ago it was a man named Vergo."
"I'm guessing he didn't retire."
"I heard he had been posing as a Marine for a long time. Something blew his cover and he died." Killer explains.
"So then for a few months Doflamingo consolidates his losses, and eventually decides to - I guess - pay homage to his friend and tosses his daughter a bone in the shape of a really lucrative job offer." You grumble into the air. "Except a drunk guy rear ends her on the way there and utter chaos ensues."
"I don't think you're wrong." He agrees. "Doflamingo is fanatical about family, he probably wanted to do more."
Tears slip down the side of your face, but you're not sobbing. There's no pain in your heart, and you're not even sure you're truly sad, but a single thought sits in your heart as the errant tears dry on your face.
"Both my parents are dead." You say softly to no one in particular. "I never expected I'd meet my father, but... the finality of this feels heavier than I thought."
"Sorry, (Y/N)." Killer offers after a long silence.
You breathe in and let out a sigh. "It's okay. Mom did her best. I guess in a weird way, my dad did too. Sounds like he had the backing to do whatever he wanted, and that at least explains why mom was so paranoid. In the end though, he let her raise me like she wanted."
You stared at the ceiling for another long minute. "What in the hells am I going to do?" You were muttering to yourself more than anything as you sat up. "I hate to ask you this, but can you tell Kid about this? I still need to think on some stuff before I can, um... y'know."
"Sure." Killer stands up, dusting his jeans off. "Hey, uh, look I don't know that I have a right to say this, but um..."
"Fire away, Killer." You prompt, standing up as well.
"I've known Kid almost his whole life. He's gonna push you toward Doflamingo. I shouldn't say that, being who I am, but I feel like you have a right to know it won't be because he wants to."
"Being who you are?"
"... I'm his right-hand, (Y/N). It's not my place to sabotage what the Captain decides."
"Your secret's safe with me." You assure him, starting your long trek back up the steps to your room.
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lasi-nariyoyo · 11 months
SVT's 96z : Where are they at now?
What is this reading about?
I asked the cards where Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo and Woozi are at mentally, what are their current feelings and their intentions for the future. 
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously. 
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8 of cups, 7 of swords, the Empress (added later the Magician for more clarity)
There's a feeling of abandonment, this can mean everything and nothing. If we link it to his private life, maybe someone walked away from his life or he left someone. Maybe if we interpret it professionally, he feels left behind or lonely?
His new solo is coming out (pls support him) so this feeling of uncertainty might be related to it. Maybe he doesn't feel that confident without the rest of SVT or he feels too much responsibilities and expectations on himself (let's not forget their tour is behind the corner, so he must feel overworked right now).
These cards might also be related to something much more trivial. For example he's buying something and he's being careful about it, scams are always behind the corner.
I feel he's very insecure about some aspects of his life, but at the same time it's not all bad and he is or will be in a phase of creativity and production. If his problems are personal, it's possible he might solve them or meet new people that will give him new energy.
I think that once he'll be able to overcome whatever caused him pain, he'll be able to heal and take new opportunities.
the sun, death, 10 of swords, 6 of cups
He is happy with where he is right now and with what he achieved. He's extremely proud of himself and of the other members.
But we're talking about our beloved tiger, once he achieved something he's always thinking about the next step, so he's ready for a new challenge and he's also ready for the struggles tied to this new challenge.
We know Hoshi's story as a trainee, we all know how much SVT struggled and how hard they had to work to be where they are. This man is 100% ready to go through blood, sweat and tears to achieve what he wants. 
In a way, these cards seem all tied together, and it seems Hoshi is really ready to begin something new, a new cycle and he's ready to work hard for it.
But life isn't only goals and work. Hoshi should also spend some time to connect with himself. It's possible he has some unsolved questions from the past or that he simply has to reconnect or care more for his old friend/family.
queen of wands, the sun, knight of wands, 4 of wands
Queen of wands is an interesting card related to Wonwoo. Maybe it means he's more confident and ready to be more in the spotlight? I think of his "game boy" lives, in the past maybe he wasn't exactly comfy during lives, especially if alone, but now he's hours and hours on live, playing games. More than a "yass queen" type of confidence, I think he simply found his special way to express himself. 
He's also quite content like Hoshi. He's satisfied with everything that has happened, they are successful, full of ideas and happy.
But like Hoshi, being happy doesn't mean not wanting to obtain anything new. He's probably in a process where he's trying to do something new.
He has achieved a lot, but probably dreams to achieve even more.
temperance, the hierophant, strenght, page of cups
He's in a stable state of mind. Unlike the others so far, he isn't particularly happy, nor occupied with worries. Their success hasn't changed his own attitude, but on the contrary he's continuing his path and thinking about the next steps. Nothing makes him extremely overjoyed, especially professionally since he knows that achieving success is hard but keeping it is even harder.
We know this guy is all home/studio/gym, so he's working hard on what will come next. He has his own trusted working schedule and he's following it religiously.
Probably he should let go a bit of his job and focus on more fun and relaxing aspects or in general on his private life, pretty much like Hoshi.
Thoughts: for this reading I'm picking cards that fall from the deck, this is why you might see a different number of cards for each member. ngl Jun's cards puzzled me, so I had to pick one more to understand it better. The other three 96z seem in a better position mentally, but it's nice to see how they're all so focused on their job and on the future. Hoshi's reading in particular felt so Hoshi lol Woozi's cards were also very much Woozi too in their vibe :') idk what's up with Wonwoo, but he seems happy too lol
That being said, I received some asks in the meantime (thank you^^), among which there is one about skz's future spouse, svt's love situation and svt's ideal types (which I already intended to do), I'll do them as soon as I can, I apologize in advance if it will take a while!
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fireflylitsky · 2 years
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Another beautiful gift from my lovely and skilled art friend without socials, so I post this on her behalf. We are probably the only two MadaKaku shippers on the planet, but PLEASE prove me wrong XD Loosely inspired by the snippet below featuring young buck Kakuzu just after his defeat by Hashirama when he meets Madara for the first time (and hates him) Rating: E Word Count: 680 Characters: Madara, Kakuzu
Kakuzu lies still, the coldness of the river is not quite enough to numb the pain of defeat, but it does something for his wounds. That will have to do. He’s washed up onto an embankment, and for a while he just exists there like any of the stones and waterlogged debris around him. 
Returning to his village after failing to defeat Senju Hashirama is not something he wishes to do, but after an appropriate amount of wallowing, he decides it is time. Dying would have been easier, but here he is, pushing to his feet with a grunt.
“Finally. I was beginning to think he actually killed you.” The unfamiliar voice comes from behind. It is deep and low and has an obnoxious amount of arrogance lofting it up. 
Turning to look, ready to snap, the growl building in the back of his throat catches there and he halts. “Uchiha Madara,” he realizes aloud from appearance alone. 
"Oh good, so you know who I am," Madara says with casual relief. "That saves me some time.”
Though they’ve never met, Kakuzu knows enough–what he looks like, his bond with the Hokage–and he can only come to one conclusion about his presence here and now. “Come to finish the job then?”
To his absolute anger and puzzlement, this man actually laughs. It's not exactly malicious, but it's plenty to pit some fresh rage in Kakuzu's gut. Madara doesn't seem to notice or care about that though, he just shakes his head and pushes off the tree he’s been leaning against. “If only,” he sighs, “but no. He sent me to check on you, actually."
Kakuzu makes a noise of disgust. His defeat was dishonorable enough, this is just getting ridiculous. The last thing he wants is the Senju sending his Uchiha dog to check up on him.
"Putting you up against the Hokage like that?" Madara pauses to draw out a long whistle at the apparent severity of this. "Someone definitely wants you dead," he points out matter-of-factly, examining his nails.
Scowling, Kakuzu takes a challenging step towards him, ignoring the pain shooting up his leg. “I was chosen for my strength.”
"No," Madara says, slow to tear his attention away from the hangnail he's picking at, but when finally meets Kakuzu's gaze, he smiles as some mockery of sympathy. “You weren’t. You were chosen to die.”
Kakuzu is certain he will never meet anyone more infuriating in his lifetime. “What do you care, anyway?”
“Oh, it’s not so much that I care,” he muses. “Hashirama, well… he can be quite curious. As for me, let’s call it bored.”
Far from how he envisioned this night going, Kakuzu takes a moment to stare and process. “So you’re not upset with the fact that I tried to assassinate him?”
“Heavens no.” He's positively flippant and there's that smug look again, like Kakuzu could not be any less of a threat as he folds his arms over his chest plate with a shrug. “It was a cute try, don’t get me wrong, but no. I wasn’t exactly worried, Kakuzu."
Kakuzu just stares back with a dumb, blank expression because never in his life has he been spoken to like this. Before he can even think of a response beyond some feral growling, Madara is goading him again. 
"Do I have that right? It is Kakuzu, no?”
If the flaring of his nostrils and clenched fists at his sides are any indication, Kakuzu is, in a word, mad.
"Calm down," Madara offers with a sigh that verges on laughter, stepping closer. "I know you're angry. I would be too. I almost am for you." He pauses and smiles, not in any friendly way, taking note of Kakuzu's deep set scowl. "Almost."
"Keep your pity, Uchiha," Kakuzu manages to grit through his teeth. 
"You know who I am," Madara says. "Then you should also know that I don't give pity often. So enjoy it, really. Think of it as my gift to you."
Every word that comes out of this man's mouth makes Kakuzu want to end him.
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universeskies · 1 year
The Owl House - Thanks To Them: Luz's Healing and Internal Guilt
So, I wanted to talk about something really interesting and something that I also enjoy with how the episode, "Thanks to Them" really adresses and adresses it quite beautifully well and such. So lets start about what the main talk will be about this one.
And that is about Luz's Healing, and Her Internal Guilt which in a way I've seen people talking about per say how Luz in a sense, is having trust issues with the Hexsquad and keeping secrets to not only them, but also Her Love ones such as Her Mom and Awesome Girlfriend. Now then, with that... I wanna say that in a sense, saying that Luz shouldn't do that, that Luz should've told Them immediately or at the very least be honest with Them and that isn't fair for either Amity or Hexsquad to keep it a secret. I've seen this, and I just wanna say that isn't Fair of asking that to Luz or making it seem like the picture is all black or white. Not everything goes One-Side. And I wanna talk about this per Say and ramble about it per say too hehe.
Lets go back into Season 2's Episode "Hollow Mind" where Belos reveals the truth to Luz about Everything and how He got to meet the Collector and everything that We see come into fruit. That alone, should really tell that Luz, alongside everyone in a sense, where Victims of Belos' Manipulation. How basically Belos manipulated and tricked Her into helping Him get the Round Boi to get contact within The Collector.
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From this alone, I feel that is clear that Luz already feels quite horrible about hearing such horrifying truth. She can't even truly express it until around two days later perhaps as We see in "Edge of the World".
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This face alone, tells Everything. And Eda's quote of "Luz is finally ready to speak." shows that of course Eda, King and Hooty wanted to know what really happen in Belos' Mind but Luz couldn't talk. She couldn't say anything. We see how absolutely mortified She is and the thing is. She is Scared. She is scared to even tell what happen with Her words because in Her mind, She helped a WITCH HUNTER. She helped Belos get what He wanted and She doesn't know how Eda, King or Hooty would react. From this scene alone where Everyone is HORRIFIED to know the Truth, Luz doesn't speak, and You can see that everything was explained through drawings. She can't or doesn't want to say those words. Luz is expecting a bad reaction because of Everything that Belos has done, and Eda herself even explains that is Too much to process. And it is True. After that truth revealed, where basically the Ruler and supposed Witch Emperor of all Boiling Isles turns out to be a Genocidal Witch Hunter close to finally complete His goal on Finishing ALL that is in the Demon Realm, I wouldn't know how to react at that info.
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And Luz knows this. Luz expected a bad reaction, and thankfully the most She got was just a very scared reaction from Them, but soon enough composed Themselves to give Luz the care and Love and Comfort that She so much needed after a Huge Terrible experience. And that is...where it begins the process of Her healing. Luz slowly is healing, but also She is having what is a Self-reproach. A sense of guilt and Blames Herself. Which honestly, She is 14 or 15 Years Old. Like Eda said, She isn't suppose to go through or deal witha nything of that.
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She feels responsable for everything that has been going on in the Day of Unity, that She has a personal responsability or a goal to amend or atone for Her "Sins" per say. She is still young and has gone through a lot in Her life even before Season 2 or 1. The girl went through so much pain and grief and yet even then, found Herself smiling and enjoying life once again. She heals, but is it truly over? No. Because those moments are stuck there and despite sometimes wanting that to just ease from existing, its about Keep Moving Forward and look into the Future. Which "Thanks to Them" so much BEAUTIFULLY captures great!
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Luz is still healing, but She enjoys the little calms and small breaks that Life blesses upon Her and Her Love Ones. They deserve a moment to unwind and enjoy Their lives. And honestly, The Hexsquad going on to just FULLY Support Luz and immediately knowing well that none of what happen is Her Fault is just done SO GREAT and Beautiful that is really Heartwarming to see. Amity Loves Her so much. She Loves Her and Luz Loves Her dearly so much back and They both will defend Each Other. But not only them of course, Willow, Gus, and Hunter absolutely will support Luz with Their lives too and vice-versa. What is Great is also How Luz did plan to tell Them about the truth in Her due and comfort time. One could say that She still held the secret to Amity, Willow and Gus alongside Camila and Vee. When She told both Eda, King, and Hooty and Hunter knew of course, but even then, We go back with the the Reproach and the Fears. Luz is scared. She isn't sure what reactions could be and the Fear and Trauma, She went through can really be damaging. Can You really blame Her for that? I feel that Luz having that flaw is what makes Her so much Human and such a Great character, because even through fears, We all can do hasty decisions, because We're scared. It can happen, and its Okie-Dokie. Through the end of the Day, We all can Grow and get Stronger and always go through the worst moments with Our Love ones. No matter what.
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"Thanks to Them" represents that So GREAT and it comes full circle in "For the Future" with Luz coming into terms about that. She felt understood, and She realizes that nothing has to be faced alone or that situations out of Our Control, means its automatically Our Fault. What is to take of all this? That is okay and excusable to lie? To hide secrets? Nope! What is to take About this is That even When situations are really rough and tough, There Will always be Someone That Will be there for You. Perhaps you may Not feel it, But There Will be. And That through The worse, They Will stick with You and That is Best to see what goes on and what could be happening. Cause The act of Support, no matter How small it is, it's always quite helpful and life-saving.
I Love this Show So Much.
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I'll Let the Seasons Change My Mind (1/10)
also on AO3
featuring: Luigi, Mario, Bowser, Bowser Jr.
wordcount: 1117
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It's the holidays, and the Mushroom Castle is bustling with life. Family, friends, and strangers alike are celebrating together, gift-giving and well-wishing.
It's a beautiful occasion, Luigi knows that— Yet he can't quite seem to reach that festive excitement everyone else seems to be experiencing. That isn't anything out of the ordinary, he's used to taking a while to keep up, but right now… Well, he's struggling to find the light, and he can't identify any issues he could be having, which is frankly frustrating.
Mario and Peach are mingling among the guests, while he stays sat at the long table, covered with the most beautiful feast anyone could imagine. He's eating spaghetti from home and wearing an ugly Christmas jumper, painfully aware of how he sticks out like a sore thumb in situations like this one.
Luigi spins his fork lazily to gather his food, head rested against the palm of his free hand in an effort to dampen the noise around him.
It's not long before he's considering slipping away to head home, before he's thinking about how maybe he shouldn't have left at all in the first place— Who would notice his absence? Always hidden in his brother's shadow, 'the green one', how different would it have been if he stayed comfortable in his bed, watching the fireworks from his window?
… Even his window isn't in the best shape, the sill's gone slanted under the weight of well-watered plants, he needs to figure that out.
Taking a bite and setting his fork down, Luigi shifts to take a notepad and pencil from his pocket to begin sketching, coming up with ideas. Slanted windowsills are a good problem to have, much more easily solved than figuring out whatever's happening in his head.
He only gets to go at that before he feels a gloved hand on his shoulder, hears his brother's voice. "Everything okay?"
"I'm alright if you're alright." Luigi responds half-heartedly, finishing up his third idea before managing to look up— Mario doesn't seem too impressed with his answer.
"Is it too loud? I can ask them to turn down the music—"
"The music's fine, Mario." He hadn't even noticed the music beneath all of the chatter. "I'll leave it's too much."
"I don't think anyone wants you to leave…"
It's Luigi's turn not to look convinced, further worrying his brother.
Tapping his shoulder, Mario nods to the balcony. "Come on, fresh air and bro talk."
Luigi sighs and nods his surrender, closing his notepad to tuck away with his pencil before following his brother out. Times like these, when Mario notices something amiss and attempts to help, he feels worse for feeling bad at all. Not everyone is so lucky to have such a caring family member.
It's beautiful outside. Already night time, stars twinkling brightly in the sky and moon reflecting in the water. Luigi only wishes he had more time to appreciate it, but the look Mario's giving him with crossed arms tells him to get talking and quick.
"I don't know what's wrong, I just… am not in a good mood."
Mario's expression softens a touch, lips pursing to one side. These are the harder things to deal with— But better when not alone.
"You looked sad…"
"I might be." Luigi shrugs, picking at the bottom of his jumper. Suddenly, it's feeling a bit too itchy for his liking. Or is that just the nerves. "Hard to tell."
Mario nods, watching him carefully. "Do you want to go home?"
"Maybe. I don't think anyone would mind."
At that, Mario smiles, only confusing Luigi more when he glances back up to attempt reading his reaction. 
"Someone else noticed you weren't looking happy. I was gonna leave you be, I know how you are… But they asked that I check up on you."
"I already told you I'm—"
"It's not Daisy."
Luigi's heart stops. Okay, a lot to process when he's already struggling to process things— But at least this has possible answers.
"Who, then?"
"Another royal."
Eyes widening and cheeks flushing, he takes the slightest step back in disbelief. "You're joking. That's not nice, Mario!"
"Believe me, I can't believe it either! A princess and a king chasing after you…" He teases, brow raising as he prepares to attempt reading Luigi's own expression. "You've caught Bowser's attention."
Luigi doesn't know how he feels about the fact that doesn't sound strange or off-putting.
It's been a while now since peace was reached between the kingdoms, and to Bowser's credit, he hasn't done a maliciously bad thing since then. Mistakes and accidents happen, of course, but the Koopa king is showing an effort to change and act for the better.
If Luigi's being honest, even with their long history being against Bowser… He always had this faint feeling of kinship in the back of his mind. People think the worst of him if they think of him at all, and his relentless pursuing of Peach— He was clearly lonely, desperate for love.
Knowing that feeling makes Luigi more unsure; Is this love, or is this two people trying to fill an impossible gap?
Swallowing, he turns to lean over the marble railing, looking out at the water while he considers this— An impossible riddle to solve alone, yet one he doesn't think he wants his brother of all people to be involved with.
Mario comes up beside him, hand resting on his back. "You know there is no pressure, the ball is in your park…"
"I know." Luigi answers, barely above a whisper. "I will speak to him, at some point. Tonight is too soon…"
His brother smiles at that, stupidly proud for what most would consider a baby step. How else do things begin getting done, after all? "You can go home if you need to, I'll wish him a merry Christmas for you."
Turning, he begins to make his way off of the balcony—
"Give him this, for me?"
Looking back over his shoulder, Mario's brows raise to see Luigi holding out the pin he'd horribly mismatched with his jumper. A peony, his favourite flower.
"Very romantic, Lu." He remarks with a nod as he walks back to take it, laughing when he receives a playful punch to his arm. "I'll deliver it faster than you can say Lakitu!"
And that he does.
It's a small gift, a tiny gesture, but it warms the King's heart to no end. He looks out to the balcony, smiling slightly at the fidgeting silhouette before gathering a sleepy Junior up onto his shoulder to carry home, peony pin worn proudly over his heart to be seen by the other guests upon his exit. 
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