#( connection. / && leona conlon )
“Trust me, it’s not like that. We’re just friends… Who sleep together.” (Grace @parvumchao)
Ben had been so wrapped up in his own sordid relationship woes and the ire it was drawing from her big brother that he'd been somewhat oblivious to Grace's repeated absences from the Conlon household. A guilty part of him was hoping that the connection between them was as casual as Grace was making it sound and not just trying to downplay it to protect his feelings.
"Well, good, then I don't have to worry about anyone getting my seat at the dinner table." he joked, knowing full well Leona would find room all the same. He prodded her with an elbow to continue talking, eager to catch up on what he'd missed. "Seriously, though, tell me all the details. Well, not all the details, just the 'just friends' part of it."
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tckenbythesky · 4 years
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                                             MOODBOARD MEME | accepting!                    ( send   👪  for  a  moodboard  of  my  muses  family  dynamic )                                                 @benreillyscarletspider​ asked
First row:  Stanley (father). Ida (mother). Gertie (honorary/adopted grandmother).
Lou and Stanley have no relationship currently. She doesn’t want anything to do with him and he is the bulk of the reason she left Greenville. Ida died when Lou was fifteen. They had a fairly great relationship until Lou hit her teens. Lou has very, very complicated feelings about her mother to this day. Someday she’ll reconcile everything. Today is not that day. Gertie was a friend of Lou’s maternal grandmother and was a stable party of her life growing up until Gertie moved north. When Lou left Greenville and got a bit of wandering out of her system, she showed up on Gertie’s doorstep looking for help and of course the older woman obliged. Lou is as precious to her as her own children would have been, had she been able to have any.
Second row:  Daniel (paternal uncle). Leif (maternal uncle). Leona Conlon (almost a second mom. almost).
Lou has met Daniel only a couple times and she doesn’t think much of him beyond him being the only member of her father’s family to have wanted to meet her. He’s an eternal bachelor and a lush, and told Lou far too much about the Wolfe family and how his parents didn’t like many of Stanley’s life choices. Leif is a solid piece of shit. He took his distaste for Stanley out on Lou, particularly when she was in juvi. He partially blames her for Ida’s passing and he makes that known. Leona has tried to be a rock for Lou since the day they met, pretty much. She always believed Lou and her son Shaun would wind up together, married, with babies, and living a happy life on their own, until Shaun ‘died’. When Lou fled Greenville, she was crushed, but understood, and still emails her from time to time, just to check in. Lou doesn’t really keep in touch. It’s too hard for her.
Third row:  Olivia Ida aka “Ollie” (daughter). Theodore Maxwell aka “Teddy” (son). Bowie (honorary kid).
Ollie takes after her mother in many ways, which causes the pair to butt heads quite frequently. While she has her gripes, she has never felt unloved. Lou wasn’t expecting Teddy, at all, when he arrived in her life, and while the circumstances weren’t the best, she welcomed him just the same, and he’s her baby. His personality reminds her a lot of her mother’s. Lou found Bowie in the alley behind her shop, abandoned, alone, and crying. She took him in and cared for him, and he eventually became the shop cat. He kicks around there during the day with her and then goes home with her at night. She loves the little fuzzhead and he’s helped make her feel less lonely.
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shesboundtolose · 5 years
Lou Wolfe’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Lou has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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STANLEY WOLFE - Father ( largely an awful force in her life )
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IDA (SNYDER) WOLFE - Mother ( deceased in almost every verse )
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DANIEL WOLFE - Uncle ( Lou has never met him in almost every verse )
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LEIF SNYDER - Uncle ( worked at the juvenile detention center Lou was sent to; helped make life rough for her as a way to get back at her father )
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OLIVIA “OLLIE” IDA WOLFE / SULLIVAN - Daughter ( verse dependent; very similar to her mother, though she doesn’t like to admit it. Would fight God for her family. )
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THEODORE “TEDDY” MAXWELL JOHNSON ( CONLON ) - Son ( verse dependent; reminds Lou so much of her mother at times that it’s difficult to be in his presence. )
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GERTRUDE “GERTIE” JOHNSON - Close family friend ( worked with Ida’s mother, was like a second grandmother to her. Took Lou in when she left Greenville and helped her establish herself in Brooklyn. The closest thing to family Lou has. )
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LEONA (BRENNAN) CONLON - Family friend / Shaun’s mother ( tried desperately to be there for Lou as much as possible. Loves her like a daughter. )
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SHAUN PATRICK CONLON - Best friend / that first love / first serious boyfriend ( assumed deceased in most verses; father of Teddy in others )
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EDWARD “EDDIE” JAMES ARMSTRONG - Best friend / Guy she should be with / patron saint of patience & broken hearts ( Lou left him back in Greenville to spare him; she spared no one. Moves back to Queens with her brother and eventually, accidentally, reunites with Lou. )
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FRANCIS “FRANKIE” JOSEPH SULLIVAN - Douche bag / Big mistake / Punishment ( most verses – in a few, he is the father of her daughter Ollie )
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CHARLEMAGNE CLAUDIUS CHRISTOPHER “CHRIS” MACKINNON - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( strictly business )
Lou has, in general, some sort of friendly acquaintance with pretty much all of my other muses in a smattering of verses.
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JACOB MICHAEL STACK - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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CHARLES “CHARLIES” PHILIP ARMSTRONG - Asshole / cop who’s loyal to Stanley / Protective older brother ( can’t stand Lou for many reasons; also has the wrong idea about her. )
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PEARL LEE “BULLET” SULLIVAN - Cousin to Frankie ( verse dependent; her jealousy blinds her and she winds up hating Lou fairly irrationally. Lou is somewhat apathetic in return. Distrusts her anytime they’re around one another. )
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DOMINIC “DOM” BRENNAN CONLON - Protective older brother / suspicious bastard ( never trusted the kid of a cop, and thought Lou was too much trouble for her worth. )
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BRADLEY “BRAD” LINCOLN - Friend of Frankie’s / just likes to poke the tiger ( verse dependent;  he really just tries to ruffle Lou’s feathers upon Frankie’s request. )
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tckenbythesky · 4 years
tag drop, part 6
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