#in our portrait we look pretty happy ( FAMILY )
big-gay-apocalypse · 8 months
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//X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) #1
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nanettewheeler · 2 days
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sidsinning · 6 months
#1 thing I am the most curious about/eager for the series to explore is 1000% the Morningstar family, especially Lilith
Bc who even is Lilith in reality besides what we have seen her as in the eyes of the other characters
Clearest image we get of her is in their family portraits
We usually see her as the menacing mystery figure working in the background, but in these photos she's clearly a normal happy mom who genuinely loves her family as any mother/wife would. She's not just a smirking dominant figure with a hidden agenda. All she's doing is having fun with her family and has no qualms about showing a range of emotion.
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Charlie sees her as the role model she takes after and wants to make her proud. It turns out she sees Lucifer in pretty much the same light, but with the addition of having an awkward relationship bc of the distance they've had. With Lilith she never speaks about her with any lingering awkwardness, so we can assume she's been a good mom raising Charlie this whole time.
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(For those who are saying "Lilith is a bad mom bc who leaves their kid alone for 7 years???"- she is literally thousands of years old while Charlie is well into adulthood before those 7 years. It's like a business trip to them. She wasn't an absentee parent for leaving for 7 years out of Charlie's 200+. The thing that's weird is that she's not communicating with Charlie. Our girl deadass owns property with a job and employees. Just bc she's not great at it and is having Lucifer step in to help recently, doesn't make Lucifer the superior parent suddenly. He's confirmed to be a kind of shitty dad despite how much he cares for her by the creators themselves. Kind of the point of his introduction ep guys. The 7 years are a mystery to unpack. Chill tf out.)
In this flashback people are blaming Lilith for separating Lucifer and Charlie on purpose, seemingly as the cause of their distant relationship. But it feels more complicated than that, based off Lucifer's reaction.
He's sad reaching out to Charlie by the end of the flashback, but when Lilith first appears he's smiling all the same and not deterred in giving Charlie to Lilith to carry away for what reason we don't know. A normal, standard occurrence he's used to. It seems both parents have agreed it's best for Lilith to take Charlie at this age now, for whatever reason.
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Was his mental health affecting his parenting too much so they decided Lilith would shoulder the bulk of the task? Maybe Lilith really did separate the two somehow for her own reasons and convinced Lucifer with it? Another mystery reason each parent agree on?
When exactly did both of them separate? When Charlie was already an adult or around the time of the flashback when Lilith was her primary caretaker as a kid? (I'm assuming adulthood since Lucifer and Lilith seemed to still be getting along in the flashback despite her emotionless face.) Why did they separate when Lucifer seems to clearly love and yearn for her all the same, still wearing his wedding ring? 😭😭😭
And ofc what is this deal she made with Adam to stay chillin on a beach in heaven, and why did Adam, a reckless narcissist who likes yappin to whoever is gonna listen, not ever reveal this fact to her family to the very end?
There is just so much to unpack with their family and Lilith is the key ingredient rn to unlocking it
Like ofc I'm looking forward to Sir Pentious in heaven, Alastor's deal, the future of the rebuilt hotel, Lucifer now being a seemingly main character in season 2, etc.
But the Morningstars,,,different level
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sirfrogsworth · 2 months
Froggie's Birthday Retrospective
My birthday was Tuesday, July 30th.
I turned 43.
And I was unconscious for most of it.
I started a new dose of medication and it did not go well. I was quite sick. I have been out of commission for most of this week and was unable to celebrate my birthday with all of my friends.
I was feeling pretty bummed so I decided to look back at pictures of my past few birthdays and hoped nostalgia would make me feel better.
And it did.
But you can never seem to get the sweet without the bitter when grief is involved. Despite the happy feelings, it was also a huge reminder of what I lost. And it made me really miss Otis and my parents.
These are such joyous memories and I am so grateful I was learning photography and was eager to document everything in my life. And I decided to re-edit all of the photos with my current skills and I think they turned out pretty well. So I'm going to share them with you and we can all celebrate my birthday virtually.
We start with me and Otis in our birthday headgear.
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And here is The FrogMom joining in.
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Seems I got a few presents that year.
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But no present can top a corgi trying to sneak attack with an ear licking.
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The next year I ordered some cool Batman birthday hats.
I did not get cool Batman birthday hats.
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I was a little grumpy about that.
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"Otis, we are doing our grumpy face!" "But I wanna be a pretty princess." "Okay, but will you do a grumpy face first?"
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Mom and Otis had a pretty special relationship. And seeing them together always tugs at the heartstrings.
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My good friends Sarajane and Erin came over for a birthday dinner.
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And I was trying out a new photography apparatus to help me get better portraits. Something called a "tri-reflector."
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So naturally I needed some test subjects volunteers.
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I didn't really know how to use it properly, so it mostly just made their necks brighter, but I got a few good shots.
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Sarajane made me one of my all time favorite gifts...
A Jayne hat!
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And another, tinier Jayne hat!
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Let's see if we can get Otis to wear that.
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Let's try one more time.
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You know what, I'll just wear the tiny Jayne hat.
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Everyone must wear a Jayne hat!
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"Hey Dad!"
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"Are you really asleep?"
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The next year, my good friend Brittany joined the fun. And someone gave her a knife for some reason.
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And my dad got very serious. So I used my very serious LUT on the photo.
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Such deep thoughts.
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Deep thoughts concluded.
Deactivate serious LUT.
My friend Ryan came across the country to watch me blow out a candle.
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Just so you know, I am not a 1 year old in this picture.
My mom found this in a drawer somewhere. It was the only birthday candle she had.
And then the next year it was just Brittany and Erin and Otis. We had a pizza party.
I asked them to do a Renaissance pose.
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And then ruin it.
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Renaissance pose...
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And then ruin it...
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I've had some pretty good birthdays with amazing family and friends. And I am grateful for those memories.
And I do plan to redo my birthday when I am feeling better. Perhaps I will finally try a real sushi restaurant instead of just getting it at Sam's.
In any case, if you are inclined to get me something for my birthday, I have an Amazon wishlist.
Froggie's Amazon Wishlist
I also am trying to build a new photography studio upstairs, and if you would rather help with that, these are some things I could use.
Froggie's Photography Wishlist
And I also have a PayPal and Venmo if that is easier.
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cupajoscafe · 1 year
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in our family portrait, we look pretty happy, we look pretty normal, let's go back to that
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swiftieblyth · 6 months
Honeymoon: Italy, Rome, and Venice
warnings- fluff
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“Tommy, you ready?” You asked, looking in the mirror.
“I am my love,” Tom smiled, walking out from the bathroom. “However, I do have some bad news my loves.”
“What is it?” You asked, petting Lady.
“Dogs aren’t allowed at the Colosseum.”
“Oh,” you frowned, looking back down at her. “What will we do then?”
“When we’re done we can come back and get her,” he promised, sitting next to you and petting her head while she licked his hand. “But she’ll have to stay here until we’re done.”
“Do you think she’ll be okay? It’s like leaving our baby alone.”
“I know my love. But it will only be for a few hours, she’ll be okay. Right my darling, Lady? Will you be okay without us for a few hours!”
Lady looked at Tom and tilted her head, then looked to you with her puppy eyes.
“Tommy,” you breathed.
“I know love. But it will only be for a few hours.”
“Okay,” you sighed, kissing Lady’s head. “By darling, I love you. Daddy and I will be back later.”
The two of you got to the Colosseum in Rome and you gasped, holding onto Tom’s hand.
“Tommy, it’s gorgeous.” You breathed.
“Second most pretty thing here,” he smiled, kissing your hand.
“Tom,” you smiled. “You smooth Mr. Blyth.”
“And you are beautiful Mrs. Blyth.”
The two of you got back to your hotel room later that day and Tom unlocked the door. As soon as he opened it you both saw Lady running to you.
You gasped and crouched down to the ground, as she ran into your arms. “Hi, my sweet Lady!” You smiled, scooping her up, and kissing her head while you stood up. “Mommy missed you so much!” You exclaimed while she licked your face. “I’m so happy to see you! My sweet girl. But guess what? You get to spend the rest of the day with me and Daddy!”
The three of you went to the Trevi Fountain and took a family photo, then you got lunch, Tom being the living dog dad he was and giving some to Lady even though it’s probably not the best for her. After that you and Tom got gelato and you three went to the other sights you wanted to see.
When you three went to Venice you all three took a boat tour of the city, Lady constantly either on yours or Tom’s lap. You three also got a portrait painted of the three of you.
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nadinebrooks · 2 years
Here is the link to my masterlist.
How You Spend the Christmas Holidays
I just thought this was something cute to do for the holidays! I hope you are able to spend some time with family and friends. Please enjoy!
Harry: Gryffindor, halfblood, same year
"I'm going to miss you so much Ronnie." I threw my arms around Ron's neck hugging him tightly. Then I turned to Hermione pulling her tightly into me.
Today I was having to say my goodbyes to Harry, Ron, and Hermione before I headed off to the Hogwarts express to go home. I was a little jealous that the 3 of them would be spending Christmas at the Weasleys together.
My parents booked us a flight to the Bahamas for the break. They couldn't stand the snow so we spent every Christmas somewhere tropical. They promised that next year, I would be able to bring Harry, Ron, and Hermione along with us.
"Ron and I are going to head out to the library really quick." Hermione grabbed him by the arm and dragged him towards the portrait hole.
"But why do we have to leave them alone?" Ron questioned.
"Because Ronald-" was the last thing I heard before the entrance snapped shut.
"I can't believe that we're not spending Christmas together." Harry sadly sighed. I took his hand and lightly pulled him to the couch. I sat down and Harry snuggled up to me. Harry and I had always been pretty touchy with one another. We weren't dating or anything, but I always found myself reaching for his touch.
"I know Harry. I'm not happy about it either, but at least you'll be with Ron and Hermione."
"But I want to be with you (y/n)."
"It's only for a couple of weeks. It'll be fine."
"Are you sure you can't skip out on the trip?"
"You know the rules Harry," I mumbled. "I'm not allowed to skip out on family trips. It'll be over before you know it."
"Can I at least give you your present now?" Harry got up and headed towards the bedroom not even waiting on me to reply.
"Sure. I'll go get yours." I smiled and then headed to where I slept and then came back with a box. Inside was a broom maintenance kit and a couple of books that some famous Quidditch players had signed. Harry was beside himself when he opened the gift. He kept thanking me over and over again.
"Now for you gift." He grinned when he had finally gotten over the shock. I opened the box and inside was a moving photo of me, him, Ron, and Hermione playing outside in the snow a couple of weeks ago. We were all grinning and waving at the camera.
"Oh Harry." I threw my arms around him pulling him into a hug. "Thank you so much. Who took this?"
"You're welcome." He stammered his face bring red from the hug. That was strange. We were always touching and not once had I ever seen him blush like this before. "Colin took it that day that we all went outside the first time it snowed. I have something else for you."
The way he passed this gift over I could tell there was something delicate inside. I was so worried about breaking it that I had to make sure I slowly opened it.
Inside was a very dainty charm brace with three charms on it. There was a lightning bolt, a crown, and a lightbulb. I looked up slightly confused waiting on him to explain what each charm represented.
"The lightning bolt represents me," he pointed to his forehead. "The crown is because Weasley is our King and the lightbulb is because people refer to Hermione as the brightest witch of our age. It's so that you can always have us with you."
I sat there staring at it in awe. No one had ever given me anything like this. Nothing this thoughtful.
"Do you like it?" He nervously asked. I looked up at him and then back down at the bracelet. I carefully sat it down not to break it and leaned into Harry.
I reached over and cupped his cheek and before I could stop myself, I leaned into him pressing my lips onto his. I wasn't sure how he was going to respond but I was pleasantly surprised when he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into him.
Harry started kissing me harder and I instantly matched his roughness. Harry's hand reached into my skirt and grabbed my ass. I let out a little moan opening my mouth so our tongues could meet.
We were going at it for a minute and it could've lead to something much more until we heard someone come into the common room which caused us to pull apart.
"I guess that meant you liked it." Harry chucked his face bright red.
Ron: Ravenclaw, muggleborn, year above
"Sorry, it's not much." I shrugged as we walked up to my house. Her eyes widened as she took in my house. Recently, I had learned that (y/n) came from money so I was a little embarrassed to be showing her my home for the first time.
I was a little scared that she would start having second guesses about coming here. Even worse, everyone was going to be home for the break. I knew that my family could be a lot to handle.
"Please don't say sorry. It's perfect." As we walked towards the door, I noticed that the smile never left her face. "Is your house held up by magic?"
"Yes." I admitted wondering if that was going to be an issue for her. "Are Muggle houses not?"
"Not at all." She giggled. Before I even got a chance to open the front door, my mom had pulled it open and was beaming at (y/n).
"You must be (y/n)." She cried out pulling her into an unexpected hug. "I am so excited to meet you. Ron has been talking about you nonstop since he said you were coming over for the break. Please come inside and make yourself at home." I felt my face instantly heat up. Pretty much everyone knew that I liked (y/n) so I figured that by the time she left the Burrow, she would know as well. "I'm just about to start cooking dinner. Is there anything that you don't eat?"
"Well I'm good with just about everything besides (dish you don't like)." (y/n) shuttered slightly while her eyes were wandering around the kitchen. There was so much going on that she couldn't keep up. All the dishes and food flying around was normal to me, but I wonder what it was like to be in a Muggle household when tons of cooking was going on. I'd have to ask (y/n) about that. "Do you need help with anything?"
"Oh no dear." My mom shook her head beaming at (y/n). I could tell that she was really going to like her. "I've got everything under control. Ronald take her stuff upstairs. She can sleep in Ginny's room. Make sure she feels at home."
The next couple of days were absolutely amazing. We all played outside in the snow together building snowmen. There was constant teasing from the twins. Then there was Ginny and Harry telling me to just make a move on (y/n).
They said that she obviously liked me as well but I didn't believe them and I refused to make a fool of myself with an audience. She even told me about Muggle Christmas things like Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph, and about some elf that lives on a shelf.
The break was starting to come to an end, and I still hadn't made a move on (y/n) yet. I thought it was weird because one second we would be cuddling on the couch drinking hot chocolate but the next minute we were acting just like friends.
Hermione told me it was her way of trying to tell me that she liked me, but I wasn't having it. When Ginny told me that that she had confined in her about liking me during one of their late night talks, I decided I had to do something. So, the night before we had to return to Hogwarts, I found (y/n) playing wizard chess with the twins.
"(y/n)?" I quietly questioned. I was super nervous but this needed to be done. "Could I talk to you for a second?"
"Of course." She grinned standing up. "George can you play for me?" Then she walked towards me. I took her hand and gently took her hand and dragged out into the hallway. "What's up?" She questioned.
"Well you know what it means when two people stand below mistletoe?" I asked rocking back and forth on my heels.
"Yeah." She nodded slowly. "It means they're supposed to kiss." Then before I could lose all confidence, I leaned forwards and pressed my lips onto hers. At first I didn't think she was going to kiss me back, but then she did softly at first and then rougher. I was melting into the kiss. She pulled back looking slightly dazed. Her eyes flicked upwards.
"Ronald!" She scolded. "There wasn't any mistletoe."
"I know," I shrugged looking down at my feet. "I just needed an excuse to kiss you."
Draco: Slytherin, pureblood, year below
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as (y/n) shivered and pulled her large coat even tighter around her. She was one of those people who was always cold no matter what.
"Would you like to wear my extra jacket?" I offered shrugging out of it and trying to pass it to her.
"No." She shook her head, teeth chattering. "I'm fine. Keep your jacket Draco."
"No you're not (y/n)." She reluctantly took the jacket from me and shrugged into it. It was too big on her, but she looked adorable in it. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Blaise smirking at us.
Blaise knew that I had a little crush on her, but she had absolutely no idea. Well I don't think she had any idea.
"I think we should stop and get some butter beer." He suggested. "Before we head back to the school."
We had decided to come to Hosgsmead to do some Christmas shopping. There were only a couple of days left until classes ended for the term.
We entered the small pub trying to squeeze through everyone until we found an empty table. On our way to the table I did see Potter and his friends but I didn't feel like stopping to make any comments. After we claimed our table, (y/n) decided that she would go get drinks for everyone.
"Should I invite (y/n) over for Christmas holidays?" I asked Blaise when she had gotten out of earshot.
"She's never been to your house before?" Blaise questioned. "Not even for those fancy New Year's Eve balls that your parents do every year."
"Well yes, a couple of times." I said after a moment of thinking. "I think our parents introduced us to each other at one of them a couple of years ago."
"So you're thinking about inviting her over for the whole break?"
"Yeah." I nodded, "maybe you should come too so it won't be weird."
"Oh no no no." Blaise shook his head chuckling. "I refuse to be a third wheel Draco."
"But you're not going to be a third wheel Blaise. There's nothing going on so-"
"Okay and I'm back." (y/n) walked up to us carrying three large mugs of butterbeer. She passed them around to us and then sat down beside Blaise. "I wonder where Pansy is. I haven't seen her the whole time we've been here."
"The last time I saw her was in the joke shop. I think she ended up heading back to the castle." Blaise shrugged. "So what are you doing for Christmas break?"
"Well my brother is coming home from the United States. He's been studying there for the past eight months so I'm super excited to see him. But besides that, I'm going to the Malfoy's infamous New Year's Eve party, I won't be doing much of anything. What about you guys?" She looked between us taking small sips of her drink.
"Well Draco had this amazing idea that we should all go to his house for the break." Blaise answered.
"But if you don't want to that's totally fine. I understand. You said that your brother is coming home for the break so if you need to do to that then it's okay. I'll just see you when we get back." I stammered not able to stop myself. I hated the fact that she made me feel like this.
"I would love to." (y/n) gushed. "I'll go to my house for a couple of days just so I can see my brother and then I'll come to your house after I get to spend time with him."
"Yeah." I nodded smiling at Blaise surprised that he was actually okay with being with us. "That would be great."
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Some photos from the Let's Get Back That Stolen Child family outing.
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They off to form a boyband.
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Well done, Arthur, you took away any chance of them taking us seriously with that hat.
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Divorced dads having a moment for the boys
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Just say you love each other, you dumb dumb brothers.
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In our family portrait, we look pretty happy...
Also after this I stood and watched over Kieran for as long as possible. He stays asleep on the floor even when everyone else wakes up. But once you leave camp or sleep, he's gone. 🥺 I tried.
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artodynamics · 1 year
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
We look pretty normal, let's go back to that
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I’ve seen the one w Charles got some likes so I did one for Max too🫣
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kingedmundsroyalmurder · 10 months
Addendum to the chapter 1 post that I thought of later:
“Not this afternoon—haven’t got time. I must mosey up to the North End to see a man who has got a lovely throat. Nobody can find out what is the matter. He has puzzled all the doctors. He has puzzled me, but I’ll find out what is wrong with him if he’ll only live long enough.” This is Eric's best friend, a well known doctor, cosplaying as, like, 1900s Dr. House. No concern for the patient's well being, just a Mystery that must be solved. No wonder Eric has such a low opinion of doctors!
(Sidenote: those of you who Anne, what is Gilbert like as a doctor? Because TBC didn't have a great opinion of them, and this book is not shaping up to be too complimentary either. Did LMM just have a fairly poor opinion of doctors in general that colors her work?)
On to chapter two, and we meet an actually sympathetic character! Larry West seems like a lovely young man, and I hope he recovers fully and that he and Agnes Campion are blissfully happy together. Unlike either Eric or David, Larry actually seems to care about the people under his charge, i.e. his students. I already want him to be our protagonist instead.
"The former looked more like a benevolent old clergyman or philanthropist than the keen, shrewd, somewhat hard, although just and honest, man of business that he really was." Kilmeny of the Orchard, sponsored by the Better Business Bureau! There is absolutely an interesting thread to tease out across LMM's life and work that connects Eric Marshall to Barney Snaith, but I want to read more of this book before I make further commentary on that. But it does appear that Maud's opinions on rags-to-riches businessmen, uh, Evolved over the years.
Actually never mind, I'm gonna girl who's only ever read The Blue Castle this book a tiny bit more. Compare:
"And then those girls were as pretty as pinks, now weren’t they? Agnes was the finest-looking of the lot in my opinion. I hope it’s true that you’re courting her, Eric?”
“Prettiest girl in Montreal,” said Dr. Redfern. “Oh, she was a looker, all right. Eh? Gold hair—shiny as silk—great, big, soft, black eyes—skin like milk and roses. Don’t wonder Bernie fell for her. And brains as well. She wasn’t a bit of fluff. B. A. from McGill. A thoroughbred, too. One of the best families."
Women aren't really people, they are trophies and objects to be collected and revered. Barney grows out of this mentality through his travels. Eric... well it remains to be seen about Eric, doesn't it?
"Perhaps I am. When a man has had a mother like mine his standard of womanly sweetness is apt to be pitched pretty high." So we're getting the standards by which Eric judges a future wife and the role she will be expected to play. He wants a society hostess, a woman who can step seamlessly into his mother's shoes. He wants her to be sweet and serene and, presumably, beautiful and delicate like his mother in her portrait. David and Mr. Marshall both basically want him to marry Ethel Taverse -- beautiful, well brought up, good lineage, of the Right Sort. Eric... honestly Eric has such fantasy standards for a woman that in a different book the resolution would be that he realizes that he's gay. He's doing that doesn't-realize-they're-queer-yet thing of, "it's not that I don't like [expected other gender], it's just that I haven't found anyone yet with [vague laundry list of impossible qualities]." I know that doesn't always translate into queerness, but it's an experience that definitely rings true to my baby ace teenage years before I had the words or knowledge to accurately describe my experiences.
"In all likelihood the worst thing that will happen to you over there will be that some misguided woman will put you to sleep in a spare room bed. And if that does happen may the Lord have mercy on your soul!” Go to PEI, but don't consort with the locals! The Wrong Kind of Woman might tempt you! This book is a great primer on how classism and eugenics go hand in hand, isn't it?
So our plot has been set up for us. Eric, a young man in possession of a good fortune, is off to Prince Edward Island, where he will soon find himself in want of a woman to be his wife. She will either be a commoner, whom his family and friends think isn't good enough for him but whom he loves and will stand up for, or she will be a secret aristocrat, whom he will pluck out of her shabby surroundings and return to her birthright in high society. I want this book to go with option a, because it's more interesting, but from what I know of it it veers closer to option b instead.
(What he needs is an Anne Shirley to whack him upside the head with a slate and tell him to stop being such a jerk, but I'm not holding out hope.)
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random-writer-23 · 2 years
From Here to Here (Ben hargreeves x reader)
An: Hello my lovelies! Can you tell who my favorite UA character is yet or do I have to post more Ben one-shots? Wrote this one a while ago so it's been a while since I've read and edited it. But hopefully, you guys enjoy it! I'll be posting quite a few one-shots this week, a couple that I wrote a while ago, and also two new ones that I'm in the process of editing, a Kristoff one and a Poe Dameron one, so if you like those characters keep an eye out! Anyway Happy reading!
Warnings: reader dealing with Ben dying. very angsty.
words: 2421
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Ben Hargreeves was my best friend, or at least the only person I could tolerate for long periods of time within the Hargreeves family. My name is number 8, but I am not one of the 7 children Mr Hargreeves adopted. I have my own family, a mother and father who raised me, until the age of 5 when we discovered I had powers. They tried helping me control my powers for years but that did not go well, that was when they had found out about the umbrella academy, they did some research into it, and went to talk to Mr Hargreeves the adoptive father of the 7 umbrella academy kids. My parents made an agreement with Hargreaves where he would help me harness my power and control it, but I had to live in the Hargreeves household. My parents agreed and I was officially enrolled in the umbrella academy at the age of 10. I remember the first day I arrived at the academy.
I was met at the door by a very pretty blond woman who kindly smiled at me and led me inside after I said goodbye to my parents. I waved at them until the door closed behind me and took a deep breath. The kind woman held out her hand and I took it giving it a little shake.
"Hello dear my name is Grace," She said smiling
"H-hello" I replied shyly, pausing as she nodded encouragingly at me to continue "I'm (Y/n)" I finished.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you (y/n), Welcome to the Umbrella Academy, you can leave your bags by the door," She said letting go of my hand, she turned her back to me and started walking towards a big staircase. Meanwhile, I was frozen in place unable to take a step forward. All kinds of worries and thoughts ran through my mind. Thoughts like 'what if they don't like me', and 'what if I'm not good enough and they send me away' and more flooded my brain. Grace looked back at me to see if I was following her and I just looked at her with a frightened look on my face.
She smiled sympathetically, "Come along (y/n), I'm sure the rest of the children will adore you" She comforted me, walking back to offer me her hand to hold. I looked at it nervously before wrapping my fingers around her hand and letting her lead me upstairs. She led me to an office and entered it with me. Sitting inside behind a huge desk was Mr Hargreeves, my caretaker from now on. "Sir, (Y/n) has just been dropped off by her parents" Grace announced.
"excellent!" He said not looking up from his writings "Gather the rest of the children in the living room for a proper introduction to our newest student, I'll be down in a bit" He finished, my heart started beating faster, I wasn't ready to meet so many new people at once, I always had gotten bad anxiety with new people, ever since I was little.
"of course sir" She answered with a nod "come along (y/n) it's time for you to meet the others" She informed me softly, as if she could sense my fear, and gave my hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance. She started walking out the room and back towards the room where I had left my bags. I wouldn't let her hand go. We walked down the grand staircase and I looked at my bags still sitting by the door, I would have to get them later. She kept walking to a large living room type area, with large animal heads mounted on the walls. Large portraits of a group of kids in black domino masks hung above bookshelves and fireplaces, I assumed that was the umbrella academy. Grace stood me in front of the empty fireplace, and let go of my hand. I was about to start panicking that she was going to leave me to introduce myself to the children. However, she returned to my side almost immediately, this time with a bell in her hand. She rang the bell, and I could hear the faint thud of many footsteps from above, and I got nervous again. I quickly fumbled for Grace's hand and gripped it tightly.
"It's alright (y/n)" She said calmly, rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand soothingly. Then one by one the umbrella academy kids appeared in front of us, lining up in a straight line. They all eyed me, holding Grace's hand like my life depended on it. "Good afternoon children" She greeted cheerily, unaware of the glances the rest of the kids were throwing at me. "I'd like to introduce you all to (y/n), The newest addition to the team," she said trying to nudge me forward a little bit, but I shook my head wildly and refused to budge. She sighed and continued with the introductions. "(y/n), this is Luther" She said gesturing towards the first boy in the lineup, he had dirty blond hair and just gave me a small nod of recognition, no smile. "Diego" she continued gesturing to the second boy in the lineup, who had dark black hair and a slightly tanned complexion, he also gave me a nod of recognition, but unlike Luther, the corners of the boy's mouth turned upwards slightly in amusement. "Allison" Grace pointed towards the first girl in the lineup, who gave me a small smile, and I smiled shyly back at her. "Klaus" Grace continued, Klaus had an outright grin on his face and stepped forward taking a big bow as his name was called, flinging one hand out to the side, almost smacking the boy next to him in the face as he did. I let out a small giggle, and he stepped back into line satisfied that he was able to make me chuckle "Five" The boy next to him rolled his eyes, at Klaus, and gave me a smile as his name was called. "Ben" The small Asian boy barely looked up from his feet as he waved at me, and I waved back with a small smile. "and finally Vanya" Grace said as the last girl in the line smiled widely at me, and I could tell how overjoyed she was to have someone new in the house. "I expect you will all treat our new guest with kindness and respect," She said giving a stern look to each kid in the lineup.
"Yes mother" They all replied in unison, except for Klaus who answered a few seconds late
"Alright, your father said he would come down for introductions, but I suppose he's a bit busy at the moment. So you are all dismissed" She smiled at the children once more, before allowing them to disperse. I allowed her to detach her hand from mine, and she wandered off away from the living room. The other children gave me one final glance before dispersing to different corners of the house. Everyone left except for two kids Klaus and Ben...
"Well hello there (y/n)" He said slinging an arm around Ben's shoulder, leaving Ben no choice but to walk with Klaus towards me. "welcome to our messed up family" Klaus continued over enthusiastically as he and Ben stopped in front of me. Ben shot me an apologetic look before rolling his eyes at Klaus. Then I let out my first real laugh since being in the house.
"Shall we get your bags, and escort you to your room?" Klaus said bowing deeply after removing his arm from around Ben's shoulder.
"Why thank you, kind sir," I said playing along with Klaus giving him an overdone curtsy. His eyes lit up as I played along with his Joke. He offered me his arm and I looped my arm through it. as he led me towards where I had left my bags, a sighing Ben trailing along behind us.
End Flashback:
I chuckled to myself as I recalled the memory of when I had first met the other kids. That was about 5 or 6 years ago, I'm 16 now along with all of the other kids. Five disappeared around 3 years ago, Vanya hasn't been the same since he left. He was one of the few who was nice to her, besides me of course. I was soon pulled out of my thoughts by a quiet knock on the door. I already knew who it was.
"Come in," I said sitting up on my bed, as Ben opened the door and stuck his head inside. "How was the mission?" I asked smiling with my arms open wide. He rolled his eyes and crossed the room stepping into my open arms. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head against his stomach.
"It was alright, we succeeded, although it was harder without you, we had to improvise on the stuff you normally would have handled," He said running his fingers through my hair, smiling down at me. "How much longer till you can come on missions again?" He asked, you see I had fallen down one of the many staircases in the house while rushing to get ready for a mission, and ended up with a broken leg. Mr Hargreeves was very upset about that as it meant I couldn't participate on missions till it was healed.
"A few weeks or so" I answered breathing in his scent content. You see Ben and I were a 'thing' but not officially a 'thing'. Like we knew about each other's feelings and acknowledged them but didn't make our 'relationship', if you can even call it one, official as we both knew Mr Hargreeves would disapprove of it. But Ben and I were content to stay this way.
"Hey (y/n)?" Ben said as he ran his hands through my hair again soothingly.
"Hmm?" I hummed my response, closing my eyes
"How much do you love me?" He asked and I could practically hear the smirking smile in his voice. My head shot up and I looked up at him. I tried to pretend I was mad at him for asking the question but I ended up smiling instead. I thought for a moment thinking up an answer that was sure to get on his nerves.
"From here" I stated simply, smiling at him.
"From here?" He asked, confused. "From here to where?" He asked with another smile.
I simply shook my head and said again "From here" Before burrowing my head in his stomach.
"I don't get it" He pouted a little.
"you will eventually" I replied with a soft chuckle.
"okay Love" he accepted my answer most likely knowing he wouldn't get anything else from me.
A few years later
I couldn't believe it, he was actually gone. The man I loved was actually gone. I couldn't believe it, but I was forced to accept it when they lowered his casket into the ground. I had been crying for a few weeks straight now, and after the funeral, I cried for a few more weeks. I was broken, Ben was the only thing I had ever loved, and the only person who made me feel like I deserved to be loved. I rarely left my room and when I did leave, Klaus didn't leave my side, he said he was acting on Ben's orders. I knew Klaus could probably summon Ben so I could see him again but I told him not to, no matter how many times he offered to. I knew that if I saw him, Klaus wouldn't be able to summon Ben for long, and once our time was up, he would be ripped from my arms again, and I wouldn't be able to handle that. Instead, I visited Ben's grave every week, every Friday. Today was no different, I exited my room and found myself immediately met with Klaus attaching himself to my hip. He knew the routine, I went through every Friday, and always willingly walked with me. We passed the playground and glanced at the children giggling while swinging on the swing set. We walked through the park until we reached the entrance to the graveyard. I saw Klaus tense up. No matter how many times I insisted he didn't have to come with me, he insisted twice as many that he did. So I linked my arm through his and he took a deep breath, while I led him to Ben's grave. I kept throwing glances at him whenever I saw his head dart in a different direction, worried. Soon we arrived at Ben's grave, thankfully it was a little separated from the rest of the graves, so Klaus wouldn't be surrounded by as many ghosts. He walked a little ways away from Ben's grave to give me some privacy, and the second he left my side I dropped to my knees and cried. I cried for a few minutes, before inhaling deeply and wiping my tears. I sniffled as I vaguely remembered a conversation we had before he died.
Semi-flashback (just a repeat from above):
"Hey (y/n)?" Ben said as he ran his hands through my hair again soothingly.
"Hmm?" I hummed my response, closing my eyes
"How much do you love me?" He asked and I could practically hear the smirking smile in his voice. My head shot up and I looked up at him. I tried to pretend I was mad at him for asking the question but I ended up smiling instead. I thought for a moment thinking up an answer that was sure to get on his nerves.
"From here" I stated simply, smiling at him.
"From here?" He asked, confused. "From here to where?" He asked with another smile.
I simply shook my head and said again "From here" Before burrowing my head in his stomach.
"I don't get it" He pouted a little.
"you will eventually" I replied with a soft chuckle.
"okay Love" he accepted my answer most likely knowing he wouldn't get anything else from me.
End flashback
I sniffled as I recalled the conversation, realizing he never got the rest of his answer. I decided I would give it to him now, even if he wasn't nearby. I reached out to gingerly tough the gravestone in front of me.
"T-to h-here," I said my voice cracking as I stumbled over my words. "That's how much I love you Ben" I finished as my shoulders shook with sobs. --Fin--
QOTD: What's your favorite animal?
Join my discord: https://discord.gg/9bwRmtXCuB
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of lyrics from Pink's Misunderstood album. change & alter as needed.
"I might be the way everybody likes to say."
"I know what you're thinking about me."
"Everything I want, I always do."
"Well, I'm happy, and I'm sad, but everything's good."
"It's not that complicated."
"I'm just misunderstood."
"I just might say goodbye."
"I'm really proud of all the things I used to do."
"I was taken for granted, but it's all good."
"I never win first place."
"My parents hated me."
"I can't do nothing right."
"Every day, I fight a war against the mirror. I can't take the person staring back at me."
"I'm a hazard to myself."
"I'm my own worst enemy."
"It's bad when you annoy yourself."
"I want to be somebody else."
"All you have to change is everything you are."
"She's so pretty. That just ain't me."
"Won't you please prescribe me something?"
"I think I took too much."
"What have you done?"
"I thought it would be fun."
"I think I'll get out of here."
"You're just like a pill. Instead of making me better, you keep making me ill."
"I haven't moved from the spot where you left me."
"This must be a bad trip."
"Maybe I should get some help."
"Everybody is waiting for me to arrive."
"I can go for miles, if you know what I mean."
"I'll be burning rubber. You'll be kissing my ass."
"Everybody's dancing, and they're dancing for me."
"I get really sick and tired of boys up in my face."
"Pick-up lines like what's your sign? won't get you anyplace."
"So, Mr. Big Stuff, who do you think you are?"
"Nothing good comes for free."
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall... damn, I sure look fine."
"I can't blame those horny boys. I would make me mine."
"Back up, boy, I ain't your toy, or your piece of ass."
"Give it up. He won't call you."
"Respect is just the minimum. Go on, girl, and get you some."
"You can't keep me down."
"Hey, hey, man, what's your problem?"
"You don't know what you're up against."
"Maybe you should reconsider, come up with another plan."
"You know I'm not that kind of girl."
"You can push me out the window. I'll just get back up."
"Are you ready for today?"
"You are beautiful, even though you're not for sure."
"You're gonna get your feelings hurt."
"I am only this way because of what you have made me."
"I'm not gonna break."
"[Name], please, stop crying. I can't stand the sound."
"Your pain is painful, and it's tearing me down."
"I told [name] you didn't mean those nasty things you said."
"I don't want love to destroy me like it has done my family."
"Can't we work it out?"
"Can't we be a family?"
"I promise I'll be better."
"[Name], please, stop yelling. I can't stand the sound."
"I don't want to have to split the holidays, I don't want two addresses, I don't want a stepbrother anyways, and I don't want my mom to have to change her last name."
"In our family portrait, we look pretty happy. We look pretty normal. Let's go back to that."
"[Name], don't leave! Turn around, please!"
"The night you left, you took my shining star."
"Don't leave us here alone."
"I'll be so much better! I'll do everything right!"
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my-chaos-radio · 5 months
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Release: September 16, 2002
Uh, uh, some deep shit, uh, uh
Like the record
Yea-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Momma please stop crying, I can't stand the sound
Your pain is painful and it's tearin' me down
I hear glasses breaking as I sit up in my bed
I told dad you didn't mean those nasty things you said
You fight about money, 'bout me and my brother
And this I come home to, this is my shelter
It ain't easy growing up in World War III
Never knowing what love could be, you'll see
I don't want love to destroy me like it has done my family
Can we work it out? (Can we?)
Can we be a family? (Can we?)
I promise I'll be better (I promise)
Mommy, I'll do anything (I'll do anything)
Can we work it out?
Can we be a family?
I promise I'll be better
Daddy, please, don't leave
Daddy, please, stop yelling (stop)
I can't stand the sound (can't stand the sound)
Make mama stop crying, 'cause I need you around
My mama she loves you (I know it), no matter what she says it's true
I know that she hurts you, but remember I love you, too
I ran away today, ran from the noise, ran away
Don't wanna go back to that place, but don't have no choice, no way
It ain't easy growing up in World War III
Never knowing what love could be, well, I've seen
I don't want love to destroy me like it did my family
Can we work it out?
Can we be a family?
I promise I'll be better (I promise I'll do)
Mommy, I'll do anything (anything)
Can we work it out?
Can we be a family?
I promise I'll be better (I promise, I promise)
Daddy, please, don't leave (stay)
In our family portrait (in our family portrait)
We look pretty happy (w look pretty happy)
Let's play pretend, let's act like it comes naturally
I don't wanna have to split the holidays
I don't want two addresses
I don't want a step-brother anyways
And I don't want my mom to have to change her last name
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
We look pretty normal, let's go back to that
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
Let's play pretend, act like it goes naturally
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
We look pretty normal, let's go back to that
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
Let's play pretend, act and like it comes so naturally
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
We look pretty normal, let's go back to that
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
We look pretty normal, let's go back to that
Daddy don't leave
Daddy don't leave
Daddy don't leave
Daddy don't leave
Daddy don't leave
Turn around please
Remember that the night you left, you took my shining star
Daddy don't leave
Daddy don't leave
Daddy don't leave (don't leave us here alone)
Mom will be nicer
I'll be so much better
I'll tell my brother
Oh, I won't spill the milk at dinner
I'll be so much better, I'll do everything right
I'll be your little girl forever
I'll go to sleep at night
Scott Spencer Storch / Alecia Moore
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ribbondee · 9 months
Art Time Lapse: Family Portrait (PMATGA)
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
We look pretty normal, let's go back to that
Music is not mine, it is the instrumental version of Family Portrait by P!NK.
Art is mine, do not repost without my permission.
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reality-exodus · 2 months
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch. 3 Carstairs
Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x herondale reader Word count:1.5k
Brother Zachariah
I was invited at the London Institute once again by Will who, through out the year he was inventing the most incredible excuses to summon me here so we can spend the day together. cannot deny that it is my pleasure to spend as much time as I can here. With Will, with Tessa and the kids. I feel grateful for them but mostly when the phrase ‘Uncle Jem’ comes from Y/N, James or Lucie, I am happy that they don’t seem to be uneased or afraid by my somewhat disturbing appearance. I am a silent brother after all.
I assumed I arrived earlier than expected as I strolled down the corridor of the room. It was empty and quiet when the sound of my violin stroked my ears. It was Mozart and it came from my former music room, I used to spent endless hours there until Will would come and annoy me. It was honestly the best annoyance in the world. I knew Y/N was using that room as I gave her my violin and notes when I first witnessed her as a toddler. I taught her the notes and I am glad to hear she has gotten so far even without my teaching.
I paused outside the door and enjoyed the melody. I hadn’t heard music in so long that I simply wanted to enjoy its sound. After some moments I walked in and the girl paused. She was well dressed, even though her expression reminded me of Will when he was bothered by something and would bury himself under a pile of books before he would decide to speak with me. Y/N paused her movements and turned to the entrance, I was glad she smiled once she sensed my presence in the room.
“Uncle Jem Good morning.” She smiled, she looked grateful it was me. I don’t know if it was the fact that I was a silent brother or the common things she had with her parents that help me perceive Y/N, James and Lucie’s behavior better.
“Good morning Y/N. Please don’t stop, I haven’t heard violin… Since the last time you played.” I would smile if I could.
“Perhaps you want to play? I am using gloves either way...” She offered the instrument. She was prepared for the breakfast to welcome the Carstairs, my closest blood-related family. I could sense she was uneased and I knew she wanted to converse something with me. It was the same tone Tessa was using once she wanted to say something. I was glad my niece was trusting me with her issues more than her parents. I mean, I do know how pressuring and overprotective Will and Tessa can be first hand.
“No, my playing would be torture for close-by listeners. Could you play Mozart perhaps. Any symphony you know best.” I requested and sat at a chair.
“I know the 40th symphony. The one you have noted yourself.” She spoke before she touched the bow to the strings of my old violin and started playing. As the smooth sound of the symphony flooded the room my gaze wandered at the changes that had been done to the room I used to spent most of my time. The fireplace was lit, the small fire roaring and offering a warmth feeling inside the room. The piano was moved next to the door, there was a bookcase on the place where there was empty spots or furniture with white sheets upon them. Utterly unused. The side that was completely empty is filled with paint and canvases empty and with drawings. I saw many paintings, My gaze fell on the family portrait she copied. It was the first Christmas after me and Will had gone through our ceremony. There was Charlotte and Henry in the middle. On Henry’s side stood Jessamine, Cyrus and Sophie while on Charlotte’s side there was me and Will. Exactly six years before Tessa came into our lives.
Before I knew it the symphony ended and I clapped slowly. “Congratulations, you’ve come along way on the violin. And as I see with the painting as well. It is pretty.” I commented and she nodded as she sat down on the carpet in front of the fireplace. “Will we not join the others at the dining room?” I asked.
“Of course, I wanted to mention that I had a vision the other day… It wasn’t much. But you said I should mention when I go through it.” Said Y/N as her attention was more on the music notes than me. She was organizing them carefully.
“And what triggered it? What did you see?” I wondered.
“We went at the stupid Tavern the Merry Thieves go. And the server, she wiped some ichor from my face and I immediately realized I was being dragged out of my body. I only saw how she turned into a werewolf and how she turned her first wolf… And then casually woke up.” She summarized her recent experience with her charisma. Both twins presented to have an ability and both of them seem to dislike that and who could blame them. Tessa and Will worry and I am still studying on the mysticistic books that the City of bones hide. Y/N charisma seems to have multidimensional and controversial explanations while James’ is more difficult to gather intel about.
“Its alright, you did good to mention it. As I understand it was not that exhausting physically.” I made a regard and earnt a positive nod. “How about James? Did he have any incidents?” I asked.
“Look, I do not know if he will talk to you and on this matter I kind of trust you more on this than mama and papa… James disappeared during the battle of last night. We covered for each other to our parents. It was a close call for both of us and Math.”  Y/N spoke with uncertainty although I am sure it was because of the guilt she felt for speaking of her brother.
“Do not be concerned Y/N. I am sure James will come to me himself just like you did.” I assured her and she nodded. “Is there anything else you wish to share?” I asked her.
“No that was it.” She replied.
“Alright then I will be going. Thank you for the small concerto Y/N. See you in a while.” I greeted and left the room before I made my way to the dining table to find it empty, only cutlery and placed in perfect positions in order for the meal to be prepared. The library, I turned on my way. I opened the wide door and found them by the poetry shelves.
“Well well hello. Look who arrived early.” Will commented on my arrival. “You must have missed us.” He then added and approached me before he pulled me in a hug.
“Your invitation mentioned 8 o clock… But as a matter of fact I have missed you.” I spoke and slowly wrapped my arms around William.
“You seem skeptical. Do the Brothers treat you good or there is any issue.” Will asked and looked straight at my face. Even with my new features he could read me as could I.
“Will you needn’t worry about me. I guess I felt nostalgic. I heard Y/N play. I asked her to play something and she had my old notes.” I spoke with a heavy exhale and Tessa placed her hand on my shoulder. It was a painful feeling of nostalgia and melancholy that I never pondered of feeling again. Silent Brothers are not supposed to feel. But I do feel. I feel many things. Perhaps it because my cousin’s family. Cordelia, Shawna and Alastair are the only blood relatives I have left.
Will didn’t speak. I knew he was feeling this everyday.
“She grew to play just like you.” Tessa smiled at me, she was trying to ease the tensity, her gaze darting between me and Will.
“Indeed. I am glad my violin is being used and that the music room is filled with life” I explained and looked at them.
“Can you not say that you are needed here. In order to stay here longer. I am sure Brother Enoch wont need your assistance. James asked for you as well.” Will spoke and this got me a bit joyful.
“I could do that…” I spoke and placed my hand on Will’s shoulder when a servant walked in to bring a letter from Charlotte. With a quick glance Will read it and I saw annoyance and light anger to be sketched upon his features.
“What is it?” Tessa asked him.
 “We have to go to the Cornwall Gardens at the gathering that was arranged, Carstairs are already on their way there. Charlotte only found out, now as she said in the letter.” Will spoke up his voice rising as he threw the letter. “I am sorry Jem” He spoke.
“You don’t have to apologize. There will be time” I assured him.
“Now go tell your daughter that she will have to go outside.” Tessa smiled at Will and patted his shoulder.
“Which one?” Will asked and looked at us confused.
“Lucie will be more excited if we tell her that. Honestly William!” Tessa sighed.
“I will be leaving now. See you soon both.” I patted Will’s shoulder and left before the situation would get him angrier.
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allthewriteplaces · 10 months
Magnolia in May ~ Chapter Four
Author's Note: Oh, look, I'm actually on time for once! Anyway, to all of my American friends who are celebrating today, Happy Thanksgiving, and to the rest of you, I hope you're having a great week, but if not, here's a big hug!
Chapter Summary: Jessie spends more time with the kids, who give her a tour of the house.
Chapter Warning(s): None
Word count: 2466
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Chapter Four
Mrs. Milligan arrived shortly after we left the ballroom and so we had to cut our tour short, much to Ruby’s disappointment, since she was really looking forward to showing me the upstairs, but I promised her that we would continue the tour later once they were finished and that she and Charlie could show me what they learned in class if they wanted to, seemed to lift her spirits again.
Frances showed me to my room while the children were starting their music lesson. She led me up a flight of stairs, where a family portrait hung from the walls.
The woman, I assumed, was Mrs. Shelby.
Adorned in a mahogany dress that complimented her figure perfectly, she stood, facing the painter and her lips, which matched the colour of the dress, looked as though she were holding back a smile. Her blonde hair was curled and brushed against her blushing cheeks.
On her lap, Charlie sat, dressed in a mustard-coloured shirt with buttons, blue stockings and a pair of black dress shoes. His head was almost dead centre, his hair was much darker back then, I noted, though his eyes still held that mischievous sparkle, and he was facing away from the painter, instead, looking up at his father.
Several things told me that he was the main focus of this painting, the first being that he was framed by the bodies and inclined heads of his parents. Secondly, the light, possibly coming from a lamp in the room where this work of art was created, hit his face fully, unlike the part-shaded faces of his parents. Thirdly, his posture unified the composition as he looked towards, though probably not quite at, his father from his mother’s breast.
Yes, Charlie was the centre of their universe, that much was clear.
Thomas hadn’t changed much, I noticed. He still wore that same, thoughtful expression, as though his mind was elsewhere, no matter how hard he tried to keep himself tied down to Earth.
There was another painting as well that caught my eye.
Her expression was far from warm, unlike in the last portrait, in fact it could be described as judgemental, like she could see through me and my confident facade; but there was something, almost like devotion, in her eyes as well. She was bathed in a halo of white light, making her appear almost angelic and for some reason, I found it difficult to tear myself away from her gaze.
Walking down these halls, I thought, was like entering a museum.
Everything was pristine and perfect and elegant, and my room, which was not far from the staircase, was no exception. The windows were huge and framed in fine, elaborate frames and they looked out over the sweeping countryside.
Where else am I going to get a view like this? I thought.
The sound of a car door slamming shut prevented me from speaking my thoughts out loud. In the corner of my eye, I saw a silver car pulling up in the driveway and a pretty brunette opened the passenger side door and stepped out of it, a smile spreading on her face as Thomas approached her, placed a hand on her lower back and led her away to the stables.
“That’s Miss Carleton,” said Frances, nodding to the woman and then leaned in to add. “Comes around here every week to train Mister Shelby’s racing horses. She’s quite wealthy, they say. Owns her own prize-winning stud.”
“Apparently she stays overnight as well?” Frances’ eyes became saucers, widening in horror at the question I just asked.
“Ah, I suppose Master Charlie and Miss Ruby already told you about Miss Carleton,” she sighed while shaking her head, “they’re too smart for their own good, the pair of them. I’m warning you now, Miss, they will keep you on your toes until it feels like you’re dancing on a tightrope keeping them out of trouble.”
“Don’t worry. This isn’t my first time as a governess. Besides, I have five younger cousins at home. I’m used to it.”
“Good. Having an extra pair of hands will be a blessing.”
Laughing, I turned away from the window and my eyes landed on a wardrobe. It was dark oak, or at least that’s what it looked like to me, since I had seen similar ones in my friends’ houses. My hands gripped the handles and I gently swung open the door, expecting it to be empty, but it was full of clothes.
Dresses. Expensive ones, too.
“Those are the clothes you will wear while you stay with us,” said Frances. Shock was written on my face, I could see it in the mirror. It sounded almost too good to be true, these nice clothes, a spacious bedroom, it was more than someone like me, of my station, could possibly ask for. “Mister Shelby insisted that you have something new, as a way to symbolise your new life here. Speaking of which, he requests that you join him and the children for dinner this evening, shall I tell him you will be attending?”
All I could do was nod in response.
“Very well then. I will send someone up in a moment to collect your old clothes, in case you would like to have them washed. There’s a basket just there.” She nodded toward a wicker basket in front of the wardrobe. “In the meantime, I’ll give you some time to settle in, and if you need anything else, give me a shout.”
“Of course.” I replied, “Thank you, Frances.”
With a polite bow of her head, she scuttled toward the door and the second it clicked closed behind her, I exhaled. Now I was alone, standing in the middle of the room, the light of the window shining in. I stepped over to it, taking a moment to admire the view.
Never had I seen such beauty, and I could only stare in amazement. I saw my suitcase against the wall. Having some free time on my hands meant that I could start unpacking my belongings.
Unzipping the suitcase on the floor, I kneeled in front of it.
First, I took out my Bible, the one my mother bought for me, my name written in pen on the front cover, and set it on the floor beside me. My aunt had also packed a new diary for me. At home, we were encouraged to keep a diary, as a way of reflecting on ourselves, but also as a safe space to sort through our thoughts and feelings. It was small, with a black cover and a gold bookmark. I set it on top of the Bible.
The portrait of my family went beside them. I wouldn’t be seeing them anytime soon.
Next, I began to sort through the layers of clothes Eliza had packed. The clothes I regularly wore — loose dresses, frilly, puffed blouses and fluted skirts — were more suited for housework, and some of the nicer ones were reserved for Sundays, picnics or house parties, which we were sometimes allowed to go to if they were held by close friends or neighbours.
Keeping them all folded, I set them nicely into another pile. The few things I had managed to bring with me didn’t add up to much, but they were the last few things tying me to my life back home, my family, and my faith.
God has always been by my side during the toughest times in my life, showed me where to go when I was lost and unable to find my way, and it’s His will that brought me here to these children and to help them prepare for the world outside these doors.
Standing up, I started putting things away in drawers and wardrobes and put my Bible on my bedside table. I didn’t pin Thomas as the ‘Church going’ type, but perhaps on Sundays, I would be allowed a few hours in the morning to pray before tending to my other duties.
With my suitcase now empty and the old clothes in a small brown basket, I settled into my chair by the window with a sigh and a soft smile. The warm sunshine and gentle breeze from outside served as the perfect companion. A sense of peacefulness washed over me.
I could definitely get used to this.
I uncapped my pen, and opened my diary, turning to the first blank page.
Saturday, May 10th 1930
Gosh, where do I begin? One minute I am in the nursery, playing with my cousins and now I am sitting in my room in a breathtaking mansion that looks like it’s been standing here for hundreds of years! If you had told me I was living in a museum, you wouldn’t be that far off. And you should see the new clothes in my wardrobe! They are the kinds of dresses I would see all the other girls wearing to garden parties and evening soirees. Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly thankful that my employer has gifted me with such lavish dresses, but I would have been just as content wearing my old clothes — though I suppose I might donate those once we get them washed.
I was deep in my thoughts when there was a soft knock on my bedroom door. I lifted the pen from the paper, laid my diary on top of my Bible, sat down on the mattress, and then told whoever was on the other side of the door that they could come in. The door clicked open to reveal Frances standing in the doorway.
“Pardon the interruption, Miss,” she began and then glanced down at Charlie who stood next to her, clutching his violin and bow in his hands and smiling rather proudly. “Master Charlie said he wishes to show you what he learned today.”
The boy nodded eagerly and judging from the wide smile on his face, I could tell he was impatient to regale us with some music, so I fixed my position on the bed and then beckoned them both to come in with one hand.
“Well, then, there is no time to waste!” I said, enthusiasm in my voice, and watched as he prepared himself to play. He knew exactly how to hold the instrument and where to put his delicate fingers, and when he dragged the bow across the strings…. Let’s just say it wasn’t the most pleasant sound, but he just looked so happy and proud of himself, that neither Frances nor I had the heart to discourage or criticise him.
The piece only lasted a few minutes and when he finished, we both clapped and he took a deep bow. He set the bow and violin to the side and then sat next to me on the bed, catching his breath. “It’s not as good as when Miss Milligan plays it, she makes it sound like fairy music.”
“Practise makes perfect,” I said, hoping I sounded encouraging and proud of what he did manage to learn. “The more you keep working on it, the better you will become, and who knows? In a few years, you’ll be standing up there on a stage and people will be cheering your name.”
“Really?” he asked, excited.
“Really,” I answered. I glanced toward the doorway again when I heard someone else knocking. Frances opened it and Ruby came bursting in. She plopped herself on my lap, which took me by surprise, but I held onto her so she wouldn’t slip. “Hello, there, Miss Ruby.”
“Jessie! I learned a new song today, too!” she exclaimed, practically jumping up and down because of how excited she was, “and I can play it all by myself!”
“Tell you what,” I said, adjusting her body so that she was seated more comfortably, “perhaps after dinner, you can show me what you can play. In the meantime, I think I was promised a continuation of our tour.”
We still had a bit of time left on our hands before we would need to start getting ready for dinner, so I didn’t see the harm of continuing to explore the estate. Ruby slid off my lap and then dashed out the door and Charlie followed after her, leaving his violin behind.
“I’ll take that in,” Frances volunteered, “you’d better go.”
Thanking her, I called after them. “Wait for me!”
“Hurry up!” Charlie yelled back. “You’re like a turtle!”
“Slow and steady wins the race,” I tutted and they started running, their shoes slapping against the hardwood floor, as I allowed them to lead me through the halls, show me all their favourite rooms, including a playroom, filled with toys and books, and even a rocking horse.
“Wanna try it?” asked Charlie and I laughed.
“Hm, I’m not as small as I used to be. I might not fit.”
“Please?” Ruby begged, her brown eyes twinkling in the light coming from the window. Charlie aided her in her pleas, making saying ‘no’ to them even more impossible. I relented, sighing and shaking my head, a small smile tugging at my lips.
Satisfied, they clapped their hands as I approached the horse, one leg on both sides and I sat, being careful not to put too much weight on the wooden back, so as not to damage what might have been a priceless treasure.
“Giddy up!” Charlie cheered and I did my best imitation of a horse, making it rock a few more times, before I got off and then fixed up my skirts. I couldn’t help but smile. I had a feeling that I was going to have a great deal of fun playing games with the children, and it was impossible not to feel excited at the prospect. We could do anything, and I had a feeling that no matter what it was, it would be an absolute blast having them as my opponent.
“Wanna play another game?” asked Ruby, taking my hands in hers.
“How could I pass up on the offer?” I said. “What shall we play?”
“Tag!” she said, tapping my shoulder. “You’re it!”
Without any further warning, I suddenly grabbed her by the waist and swung her up into the air, making her squeal and giggle in surprise and when I put her down again, Charlie took her hand, made a run for it, and I chased them around the house, the three of us laughing and shrieking as we ran and tackled and dodged each other.
Seeing the kids so full of laughter and playfulness, I could feel the stress and anxiety of the day melt away and I felt a wave of relaxation and peace wash over me. What better way to spend the time than playing and laughing like this?
To Be Continued
taglist: @runnning-outof-time @zablife
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