#( friend. / && ray walker )
wyrmswears · 5 months
So what were the circumstances of Jays adoption in the libber super hell au?
Did she put him up for adoption with an adoption agency or did she leave him on Ed and Edna’s doorstep
If it’s the second one then why did she choose that particular couple to leave him with? was it because she knew them or was it just because she was in the area?
she chose the walkers specifically. in pretty much all my aus, i like to have the walkers be just normal people whose kindness touched libber in some way.
i sort of have this headcanon that libber has a tendency to end up with shitty partners. its no fault of her own, shes only ever kind, but the world is cruel to her. shes a bit of a tragedy story to me. when ice - the previous elemental master of ice that is - was around, he would console her after harsh arguments and shitty breakups with whatever asshole she was with. its unfortunate that cliff doesnt show that side of him until after ice is gone, then.
after a particularly bad argument, libber leaves the house she shares with cliff with little idea of where shes heading and ends up at the junkyard. ed and edna help her a lot that night, comforting a crying stranger on their doorstep. to the walkers, its only the natural response; it doesnt mean nearly as much to them as it does to libber.
and so, when in need again, she seeks this same couple. for this au, i imagine libber intended to come back for jay. he was only ever meant to stay with the walkers temporarily, just until libber had defeated the villain of the week and could safely take care of him again. maybe it would take a month at most, she thought. of course, she doesnt get the opportunity to return.
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daisiesinvienna · 1 month
Hi! I live for your writing and i just saw that you write for daryl dixon too??
Could you write a oneshot where daryl and reader were separated after the prison, and when joe and his gang get revenge on rick she’s there instead of michonne?
Reckoning and Restitution
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Title: Reckoning and Restitution
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: After you and Daryl were separated during the fall of the prison, Daryl finds himself in a gang he doesn’t want to be in while looking for you. But when Joe and his gang seek revenge on Rick for strangling one of their friends in a bathroom, you get caught in the crossfire.
Warnings: Typical TWD violence, gore, swearing, sexual assault.
Era: Post-Prison, Pre-Terminus
Author’s Note: I had something planned for Billy but I saw this request and couldn’t resist. This is a little dark, but if you watched the scene in the show you should be alright reading this. Also I saw this big ass spider run across my floor while I was writing this and now I can’t find it so i’m gonna go sleep on the couch
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The sun had begun to disappear into the horizon, casting long shadows across the cement. 
You allow yourself to admire how the sky briefly turns into a vast, endless, ever-changing canvas of color, then starts to fade. Sunsets like these always make you feel hopeful, reminding you that even though the world had ended, you still have a chance at a happy ending. The sun would always rise and set, always paint the sky those brilliant colors, despite the horrors occurring down on earth. At least for another few billion years. 
The sun slowly sinks down into the horizon, taking with it the last few golden rays of light. Now, as the three of you trudge down the desolate and winding road, the sky slowly fades to black. 
You glance over at Rick, who has his eyes fixated on something up ahead. You follow his gaze, making out the silhouette of an abandoned vehicle not too far down the road, under the branches of a particularly large tree. 
“We’ll camp here for the night,” Rick says as the three of you reach the car. He pries open the car door to inspect the interior for anything of use as you check the perimeter for walkers.
It had certainly been a long day. You and Rick had decided to take your chances and head towards Terminus, thinking you could at least see if anyone from your group had gotten the same idea. But it was far away, and a difficult trip with a kid in tow. Especially when the kid was going through the difficult pre-teen phase.
It was lucky that you had found Rick and Carl after the prison fell. Or they found you, more like. Rick had quite literally drug you from the carnage, because you were so intent on finding Daryl. It took some convincing before you finally followed Rick and Carl away from the prison. You knew that with Daryl’s inhuman tracking skills, he would have no issue finding you. But it had been at least a few weeks, and there was no sign of him. It was an understatement to say you were worried. 
You plop down on the side of the road with a sigh, calculating in your head the days until you would reach Terminus. You had been keeping relaxed and calm by telling yourself firmly that Daryl would be waiting at the gates with that pissed-off look he always seemed to have no matter his mood.
Rick sits down beside you, having set up Carl in the backseat of the old car. He rummages around his pack before pulling out the last two granola bars, holding one out to you. You wave him off, knowing it would be wasted on you and should be saved for Carl.
He doesn’t falter, giving you his signature stern look.
“Take it,” He tells you, and you slowly accept the granola bar. “You’ve barely eaten today.”
You gratefully rip open the plastic packaging and take a bite, knowing he was right. 
“Thanks,” You mumble through a mouthful of food. Rick nods, opening one for himself as he glances towards the car where Carl slept. You know all too well the look of concern etched on his face, though he tries to mask it.
“He’ll be alright,” You state, taking another bite of your granola bar. Rick sighs, averting his gaze from the broken-down car. “He’s a tough kid.”
“I just wish he didn’t have to be,” Rick mutters, staring off into the woods. You nod slowly in agreement, opening your mouth to speak when you hear a stick break under someone’s boot behind the two of you.
Your hand immediately flies to your hip, hungry for the knife you knew was tucked into your belt. But just as you had wrapped your fingers around the hilt, the cool barrel of a gun was pressed against your temple. 
About ten rough-looking men emerge from the woods, all carrying guns and looking eager, like they were excited to see what Santa had brought them for Christmas. They slowly but strategically space themselves out, surrounding you and Rick so you had no escape route. You glance at Rick, to see that he has a gun to his head too, held by a man that had a sick grin on his face.
“Oh dearie me. You fucked up, assholes,” He announces, his voice sending chills down your spine. Your knife is yanked from your belt and flung onto the concrete, and you slowly raise both of your hands into the air, knowing there was no way out. 
“You hear me? You fucked up,” The man holding a gun to Rick’s head says, laughing. He was the clear leader of the gang. “Today’s the day of reckoning, sir. Restitution! A balancing of the whole damn universe! Shit, and I was thinking of turning in for the night on New Year’s Eve. Now who’s gonna count down the ball dropper with me, huh?” 
You knew that even if you and Rick retaliate at the same time, it would be pointless. Every man in the surrounding area was pointing a gun at the two of you. This wasn’t going to be good.
“10 Mississippi!”
What would happen when he finished counting, you didn’t know. You lock eyes with Rick, and he gave you a look that makes it plain you weren’t to try anything. Not yet, at least.
“9 Mississippi!”
You glance at the car parked a few yards away. One of the men was looking in the window at Carl, waving and grinning maliciously. Carl had woken up, and he looked from the man outside his window to his Dad, who was on his knees with a gun to his head.
“8 Mississippi!”
“Joe!” You hear someone shout. From behind the car, a man cautiously walks out. It was dark, so you can’t quite make out their face, but you could never forget that southern drawl. Your heart skips a beat.
“Hol’ up,” Daryl murmurs, stepping into a patch of moonlight. You stare at him in disbelief. Your eyes meet, and he gives you a look that makes it clear he doesn’t want any of this. His eyes dart from you to the guy behind you, who was still pressing a gun to your temple. You feel a surge of hopefulness. Daryl wouldn’t let this happen.
“You’re stopping me on eight, Daryl,” Joe retorts, raising an annoyed eyebrow at him.
“Just hold up,” Daryl mutters again, clearly looking for a way to stop this without pissing Joe off.
“This is the guy that killed Lou, so we got nothing to talk about!” Shouts a gruff looking man with a shotgun.
“The thing about nowadays is we got nothing but time. Say your piece, Daryl,” Joe says, gesturing at him with the air of giving him the spotlight.
“These people, you’re gonna let ‘em go. These are good people,” Daryl says softly to Joe, almost pleading. There was a hint of panic in his voice, though his facial expression was determinedly calm. You had never heard him speak this way before.
“Now, I think Lou would disagree with you on that. I’ll of course have to speak for him and all because your friend here, strangled him in a bathroom!” Joe yells.
“You want blood. I get it. Take it from me, man,” Daryl says, throwing his crossbow aside and raising his hands in surrender.
“No!” You shout immediately, scrambling to your feet. “Daryl, No!”
The man behind you roughly yanks you back to the ground. You try to pull yourself from his grasp, but you stop struggling against him when you hear the click of the safety on his gun. The man covers your mouth with his hand.
“Hush up now, bitch. I don’t want to have to shoot you yet,” He says, pressing the barrel to your temple. You instantly feel sick to your stomach.
“You keep your hands off her!” Daryl says firmly, taking a furious step towards the two of you with murder in his eyes, before two guys grab onto his arms and yank him back. 
“This man killed our friend!” Joe laughs, smiling broadly. “You say he’s good people. See, that right there… is a lie.”
“It’s a lie!” Joe repeats triumphantly. This seems to be some sort of code, because to your horror, a good number of the men surrounding you advance on Daryl. 
Daryl swings at the one who reaches him first, knocking him to the ground with one powerful blow. Before he can even turn around, the other men are on him. 
“No!” You shout desperately, watching Daryl try and fend off at least six guys. Daryl was strong, but he was significantly overpowered. “He didn’t do anything! Leave him alone!”
Daryl manages to land a few blows on his attackers, but they soon manage to get him on the ground. 
“Teach ‘em fellas, teach ‘em all the way!” Joe laughs. He then gave the other men a nod, which you soon realize was the ‘go ahead.’
The man holding onto you shove you forward onto the ground, and you hit your head painfully on the concrete. Before you realize what was happening, you are roughly flipped onto your back and the man had crawled on top of you. You hear the sound of the car door opening, and Carl’s yelp as someone drug him out of the car and flung him on the ground.
“You leave him be!” Rick shouts angrily. You could hear the sounds of grunts and fists colliding with flesh somewhere behind you, and knew that Daryl was putting up a hell of a fight.
The man on top of you pins your hands above your head with one of his, and you thrash and shout as you struggle to escape his grip. 
“Yeah, that’s right. It’s so much more fun when you fight it,” The man purrs, smirking down at you as he roughly tore your shirt off, buttons scattering onto the road.
“No! No, stop it! Get- off- me!” You shout, starting to panic as he roughly grabs at your chest.
“Don’tcha fuckin’ touch her!” Daryl yells furiously from behind you, but his shouts are silenced as the men continue to land blow after blow.
“Listen it was me, it was just me!” Rick shouts desperately as Carl’s yelps become louder from next to the car. Tears are streaming down your face as you struggle against the man above you. What did they want with Carl?
“See now that’s right! That’s not some damn lie. We can settle this, we’re reasonable men,” Joe says, sounding genuinely entertained by the sight before him, as if he was watching the ending of a suspenseful movie.
“First we’re gonna beat Daryl to death,” Joe says. It sounds like Daryl’s resisting was starting to slow, but the impact of fists didn’t falter. If anything, they sped up.
“Daryl!” You yell as a last resort, the man starting to fiddle with the button on your cargo pants. You desperately try to free yourself, knowing what was going to happen to you if you didn’t escape. “Daryl!”
The man grabs you roughly by your hair, lifts your head, and hits it hard against the concrete below you. You groan, impossible pain flooding your head. You were too dizzy to struggle, and as your vision faded in an out you fought with all your might to stay conscious. Going unconscious in this situation would be deadly.
“Then we’ll all have the girl,” Joe says as quiet sobs escape you. You hear the sound of a belt buckle being undone.
“Then the boy,” Joe laughs. You could faintly hear the sound of Carl’s cries for help, and someone laughing loudly.
“Then I’m gonna shoot you, and then we’ll be square!” Joe laughs manically, foolishly bending down behind Rick. But his laughter was silenced by the slight inconvenience of Rick breaking his nose with the back of his head. Rick lunged for his gun, and the two started scuffling. The man on top of you didn’t care too much.
“What’s the matter, girl? No more fight left in ya?” He laughs, starting to attempt to pull your cargo pants down, ignoring your quiet begging.
Everyone suddenly turns around in shock to look at Rick and Joe when a horrible scream pierces the air. Then, somebody spat.
You seize the opportunity, and in the moment of silence, you use your remaining strength to knee your distracted attacker in the balls as hard as you possibly could. He shouts in pain, bringing his hand down to hit you across the face, making you see stars. The gunshots ringing through the air drowns out whatever vulgar word he calls you. Rick had gotten his hands on a gun, and you hear multiple bodies drop behind you. Before you know what’s happening, Daryl lunges out of nowhere and tackles your attacker, knocking him off of you.
Daryl got on top of the man, landing blow after blow on his face. He had a look of pure rage his eyes that you’d never seen before. Rick was violently stabbing the man who grabbed Carl. You scramble to your feet, ignoring the dizziness, looking around frantically. Bodies littered the ground. All of the men were dead, except for Joe, who was still choking on his own blood on the pavement.
Daryl finally stops hitting the man, before pulling his knife from his hip and stabbing him through the heart. Rick had long but killed Carl’s attacker, and you hear the body drop. Then there was almost complete silence, only broken by Joe gurgling and spluttering blood onto the pavement and the ringing in your ears.
Daryl turns to look at you, scanning you for injuries. His face is horribly bruised and bloody. When he stands up, Daryl stumbles up to you and immediately pulls you into his arms. You sink into them gratefully, before the tears started.
He holds you close, apologizing over and over again for hundreds of different things as you cry into his chest.
You’ll never admit it, but you were losing hope that you’d ever see him again. He very well could’ve died at the prison and you never would have known. But now as you clung to him, you realize that that was a stupid thing to think. Nothing could kill Daryl Dixon, except Daryl Dixon.
“I never stopped lookin’ for ya,” Daryl murmurs, his voice cracking. You look up at him to see tears streaming down his face. You’d never seen him cry before. “‘M sorry. ‘M so sorry.”
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seresinhangmanjake · 5 months
Stolen Angel - Part 3
Demon!Jake Seresin x reader
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Summary: You thought you were having a one-night stand with some random, normal guy. Turns out he’s a winged, demon-like stalker who has been obsessed with you for years.
Warnings/Notes: Jake is a little dark. Kidnapping. Manipulation. Obsessive behavior. I’m sure there are typos. This used to be a different fic for August Walker, so if you see it, it’s fine. I wrote that one too.
Words: 1426
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
JAKE POV - (One Year Ago)
He can’t stop watching you. Smiling, laughing, serving customers caffeinated beverages on their way to work. The sunlight streams through the front glass window of the cafe, the rays illuminating everything of you that they reach. Your hair, your eyes, your skin. You’re bright, happy, healthy, stunning, and it does unreasonable things to his heart.
He’s been sitting there for two hours now, not even pretending to occupy himself with a magazine or newspaper or anything that will make him less conspicuous. You’re the only thing that has his attention. The only thing that ever has his attention when he comes to this world. He spends this time, each second of it, observing your every move, memorizing every feature of your face, and when you leave for the day, he follows. Just so he can be a little bit closer to you.
You’ve never noticed him, and sometimes he chuckles at your lack of awareness and how well it works in his favor. You have no idea that he trails you from the cafe to your apartment. You have no idea that he stands outside your building as night cloaks the day. You have no idea that he leans against the same lamppost he always does when he comes to see you, his stare latched on to your window—third floor, second from the left—as you strip yourself of your uniform and into your pajamas. He’d watch forever if he could, but he, and those like him, do not have that luxury. 
The hand that lands on Jake’s shoulder is expected and he turns his head to his friend. 
“Time to go,” Javy says. “In a month you can come back and stalk her some more, but we’re cutting it close. We have to get back.”
Jake sighs, giving your bedroom window another glance. The light clicks off. “I know.”
“She’s not going anywhere. I’ve kept an eye on her in your absence and she’s had the same routine for the last six months,” Javy reminds him as he rolls his shoulders, preparing for the weight of his wings to return. 
Cartilage and bone materialize as his gray feathers, one by one, seek him out from the spot he had shed them. Each one returns to their place, layering themselves together until his wings are fully reformed. 
Javy gives them a testing flap, scattering the fallen leaves at their feet. When he sees Jake has yet to call for his own wings, he huffs. “Seriously, it’s eleven fifty-six. Do you really want to spend six months in The Tower because you chose to stare at your little girlfriend rather than be punctual…again? You literally just got out.”
Jake stands from his leaned position and a moment later his black feathers find him. He spreads his wings out in a stretch. 
“I’ll take that as a no,” Javy says with pride. “So let’s go.” Then he’s shooting up into the night, a speck in the darkened sky. 
Jake takes one last look at your window, imagining himself in that apartment, holding you, kissing you, falling asleep beside you. He doesn’t want to leave you behind. Leaving you behind is leaving a part of his heart behind. But he has to do it. For the night, you’re warm and safe tucked in your bed, and that will have to be enough for him until his return next month.
“Good night, Angel,” he mutters. “Sleep well.” Then he follows after his friend.
Food everywhere. Grapes smashed in between the stones of the walls; plums dotting the floor, one having rolled under the bed; juice from apple slices staining the rumpled bedsheets; the silver tray, now dented in the middle, thrown across the room. All as if some bratty tornado tore through the place. Except now the brat is missing. 
He’d guessed you would struggle to stay put once you regained enough of your energy, which is exactly why he'd planned to sit by your bed while you slept. But—albeit very reluctantly—he had listened to Javy’s advice about giving you some space for the night. A mistake, clearly, because now he has to hunt his little escapee down.
Shaking his head, Jake rubs the back of his neck and gives the room one last scan in case you got the bright idea to hide until he got close enough for you to whack him in the skull with something hard. When the assault doesn’t come, he jogs to the window and peers through it the way you were when he found you standing there the other day, your pearly wings in all their grandness cascading gracefully from your back. 
Glancing to the nearby field many stories below, he spots you seated in the grass with your knees tucked to your chest. His pounding heart stutters in relief.
How the fuck did you get out, Angel? he thinks as he hurries from the room, down the multiple twisting staircases, and through the maze of halls. You’re the last person who should have the ability to leave this place. New residents of The Tower have been known to roam the halls for months at a time, trying to find a way out until they surrender to exhaustion and return to their rooms, and yet you walked right out the front door?
When he reaches the main floor, he stops short at the silhouetted figure leaning against the doorframe. He knows that figure well, and realizing that someone he trusts has been keeping an eye on you from a reasonable distance permits Jake to take a calming breath before he steps closer. 
“She’s…content, I think,” Javy says, tucking back his large gray wings to provide enough space for Jake to comfortably stand beside him. “Doesn’t seem to want to run off.”
“Only because she doesn’t know where to go,” Jake sighs, running his fingers through his hair. And thank fuck for that. “How long has she been out here?”
“At least since four. That's when I found her,” Javy informs him. He looks at Jake, playfully grinning. “We watched the sunrise together.”
“Has she seen you?”
“No. She hasn’t so much as turned her head in hours,” he answers, then after a pause of consideration, says, “How do you think she managed to make it out on her first try?”
Jake shakes his head. He has that very same question. Anyone would. “I don’t know, but had I known she could, I would have locked the damn door.”
“Maybe The Tower felt bad for her,” Javy suggests. “You know she always made it easy for the unfairly imprisoned.”
Unfairly imprisoned. Yes, Jake supposes that is what you are. But it’s not for forever, and it’s simply to protect you while you adjust to your new life by his side. Surely, you can understand that. And then you can start accepting the happiness and love you’re denying yourself. 
“She fucking scared me,” Jake says, and Javy snickers.
“Then I imagine you're even.”
“She's not scared of me, she just has to get used to me.” Jake watches the gust of air flutter your feathers. You still haven’t moved, save for one hand's fingers which continuously weave through the blades of grass. “She's taking her damn time though.”
“Don't be unfair. She's known you for a couple of weeks—a couple of very difficult weeks—which is nothing compared to the head start you had.” Also true, to Jake’s dislike. But he’s shown you how much he cares, and that should be plenty to help you catch up. Then Javy says, “You should take her back. Just for a few hours.”
Jake’s head snaps to the right, eyes just short of bugging from his head. “Are you insane?”
Javy shrugs. “The day is coming up. It might be easier for her to be here with you if she knows she has the option to visit her world.”   
“That’s not her world anymore.” 
“True,” Javy agrees. “But don't you miss seeing her smile?”
Jake swallows. He’d give anything to see you smile again; smile at him again. Though he was gifted one when he was deep inside of you, praising you, telling you how beautiful you were, offering the same compliment since he brought you here has not elicited the same reaction. If anything, you frown more intensely, with more effort. 
“It's too soon,” Jake says. “She's still attached, and I can't trust her.”
“It's more important that she trusts you,” Javy counters. “And this could be your olive branch, my friend.”
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @penguin876 @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @emilyoflanternhill @wretchedmo @shanimallina87 @crowsreadsarahjmaas @mamachasesmayhem @sky2nd @jessicab1991 @rosedurin @averyhotchner @horseshoegirl @roosteraloha @b-bradshaw @fandom-life-12 @hookslove1592 @buckysteveloki-me
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Kind of following in @theonetruegnome 's footsteps, could you draw my Sunny for me? I'll copy/paste her description below, and it would mean a lot to me to see this lill bundle of energy finally have a vassal (That makes it sound like she's a skin walker damn-) You don't have too though. Its completely fine of you don't.
Name: Sunny Sunray☀️
Necklace: Sun with darker yellow rays
Sent: Fruity Mix Pronouns: She/her
Personality Description: A walking, talking ball of energy and positivity. She is constantly skipping around the halls, humming to herself and bouncing around. She can be a bit air-headed at times, and somewhat full of sass, but she’s still bouncing around and cheering her friends on no matter what, whether it be rain, shine, an easy OR hard time! Even after all these years, she's still as happy as ever! Well…on the surface at least.
Physical Description: A yellow bunny with a lighter yellow underbelly, lighter inner ears, and a darker sock pattern on both her feet. She’s got round chubby cheeks, and her pupils often turn into yellow stars when she’s excited and really happy. Other than that, she’s very similar to Hoppy physically. 
She has a HUGE sweet tooth
Despite often being cheery and bouncy, she does have her bad days every so often. They result in a very cross, petty, and sassy Sunny for that day
Her favorite activities are racing, hugging people, and using her skipping rope
She’s a pansexual
She remembers almost every tune she’s heard and can recite it almost flawlessly
She can speak German (and yes she can put on an accent for it) (Again, you dent have to draw her, but I'd like to see her in your amazing style!)
Best I could do, apologies if it wasn't what you imagined ^^
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Absolutely adorable gal btw
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daryltwdixon · 2 days
Live-In Bodyguard
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A requested one shot:
hi!! i was wondering if you could write a little story where y/n and daryl were paired to live together when they first arrived at Alexandria and now have been living together for a while. They’re not necessarily friends, and actually don't really like each other and one day daryl is out hunting when y/n spills something on her clothes, leaving her with nothing but one of daryls old t shirts. 🤭🤭🤭🤭 he comes home and catches her in the kitchen where she pulls the tshirt down to cover her underwear and keeps apologizing. Tyyyyy @dixon555
I did take a little bit of creative liberty on the situation in which he catches you in buttttt what can I say :)
Fluffy, protective Daryl
When Rick comes out to meet you and the rest of the group, explaining the rooming situation at the compound you've arrived to, you can tell he seems hesitant before breaking the news to you. 
“Y/N…” he says carefully, his hand rubbing at his growing beard, “you and…” he looks over to Daryl, his eyes searching his chosen brother’s face. 
“No way,” you say, suddenly understanding, “No way, Rick. I can’t live with this guy,” your thumb points over your shoulder.
“Like you’re such a ray of sunshine,” Daryl snaps back at you, “think I wanna share a place with you either?” 
You and Daryl were…I mean, obviously you had lived together the past however long it had been since the group had found you. It had actually been Daryl who found you in an abandoned house, covered in walker guts and dirt after hearing you screaming when there was a whole group coming into the cabin. But since then, you'd been living in close quarters with everyone. As much as you had appreciated him coming after you, the rest of the time you’ve known him he’s always been on you–how you can’t be trusted on your own, always needing protection, never allowing you out of his sight. You had started going crazy that this man would barely speak to you, but insisted on always having eyes on you at all times. 
Rick sighs, looking at the ground, his forefinger and thumb at the bridge of his nose, “Look, y’all need to figure something out, this is just what I was told. The house has two rooms, you won’t be in each other’s way–”
“Great, great. Thanks a lot,” you groan, heading toward the row of houses, “my own live-in bodyguard,”
“Be nice,” you hear Rick saying under his breath to Daryl.
“Always am,” Daryl replies. 
This was going to suck.
You’re drinking coffee at the small kitchen table in your house at Alexandria, finally starting to feel settled in the place. Daryl was out in the beginning days of your time here, he finally understood that the walls were enough to keep you safely out of harm’s way. You had tried to sneak out a few times, only to find him waiting for you at the exit, ready to stop you. It’s like he could read your damn mind. So, you gave up trying to work around his helicopter protection. You decided to focus on your house, making it a home for you. If Daryl was going to be out hunting most days anyway, you figured you would make it how you wanted it. You found a way to decorate the place, even if it wasn’t the easiest task. The walls had been freshly painted a couple weeks ago when you saw they were a nasty mustard yellow when you had first walked in.
“Oh god,” you had moaned.
Daryl paused, suddenly rushing to you. He came up to your side quickly, scanning the room. You could tell he was on high alert.
“No, no, it’s nothing,” you assured him, “Just…the walls,” 
“The…walls?” he had grunted out
“They’re ugly,” you said to him, simply.
“And you were hoping for…?”
“Maybe a nice blue or something, anything but this awful mustard,” you said, and began walking around to discover the rest of the place. 
Two days later you had found a note stuck to a pail on the kitchen counter, with a large roller brush on top. When you approached it, a small, traitorous smile had crossed your lips.
“For making the walls less ugly” 
You hardly had to guess who the terrible handwriting was from. 
You took the whole day to paint, excited for a new project that felt like making the house a home. Setting your lukewarm coffee down on the wooden floor to dip the paintbrush in a fresh coat of paint, you begin your task. You’re lifting the paintbrush up to the wall, gliding it gently along the seams where the corners meet. When you step back to view your work, you trip over your half empty coffee mug you left on the ground, causing you to flail your arms out for support, the paint brush in your hand splattering all over your shirt.
“Ah, shit,” you thought out loud, touching the bits of paint that were wet on your shirt now. There were blue splatters all down the front of your shirt and your sleeves. You sighed, and looked around. You might as well finish before going up to change. 
When all four walls of the downstairs were done, you head up the stairs. 
Unfortunately, you hadn’t really had the chance to get out and scavenge for new clothes in Alexandria since you mostly stayed in the house, trying to acclimate the past couple of days. Daryl was out on a hunting trip today–surprise, surprise. He seemed so pent up since arriving. Every little thing pissed him off lately, his temper was so easily brought out of him. Not that he was very forthcoming on the reason he was so annoyed lately. But you would see him roll his eyes, scoff, and just overall pouting as soon as you arrived. You knew Daryl was most comfortable out in the woods–it was his happy place, oddly. As much as anyone else was terrified to be out in the woods alone, he cherished it. He barely talked to you in the past months you’ve known him but you were quietly getting to know him from afar. Or at least as far as he’d let you get from him. He was intriguing as much as he was annoying to you. 
So you’re up stairs, searching to see if any of your dresser drawers happen to have a fresh set of clothes, but it seems you’re out of luck. The drawers are barren, the dusty wooden bottoms seemed to be mocking you now. ‘Told you to get some clothes,’ they tell you as you open and clothes every single one to no avail. ‘Should've left the house for some when you had the chance–now look at you’. You shake your head– anthropomorphizing a dresser is weird. It’s a dresser. It doesn’t speak. But if this one could you know it would be chiding you for being such a recluse the past few days of arriving at the commune. A sudden thought occurs to you– you had seen Daryl walking in with a few things over his arm yesterday when he came in from being out in the woods again. He had grumbled something along the lines of getting called to the main house and being told off for looking like a forest creature with how ratty his clothes were looking. It had made you chuckle to see him embarrassed, holding a pile of crisp clothes that were such a stark contrast against him, but now you were suddenly grateful. Maybe you could take one of them and he wouldn’t even realize it was his, since he probably hadn’t worn any of them. Looking out into the hallway to make sure he hadn’t snuck in and was about to catch you, you quietly walk over to his room. You hold the doorknob in your palm for a long second, talking yourself into going in. It’ll be fine, it’s not weird–it's just Daryl. You close your eyes shut tight and open the door.
The room was pretty barren much like yours, you weren’t sure what you were expecting, really. As you look around you see signs of his presence though– his poncho hangs over the back of the chair at the desk, the keys to the motorcycle on the wooden chest at the bottom of his bed. 
You sneak over quietly to the chest of things, putting his keys to the side and opening it with delicacy. He could walk in here at any minute and find you snooping, and you’d be dead meat. But when you open the chest, none of the new clothes are there. It’s all his old stuff–the ratty sleeveless shirts, the angel wing vest he would wear, a big tee shirt with car or motorcycle oil stains… You stand and deliberate your best course of action. These options are still better than sitting in dry crusted paint all over you all day. They’re not necessarily dirty, since Carol had come over yesterday to take everyone’s things to be washed. Daryl had surprisingly neatly folded them up in the chest when he put them away–or maybe Carol had and he just left them like that. Gingerly, you pick up the large tee shirt with the faded oil stains, giving it a once over before deciding it was good enough. You take it and make your way to the shower, praying Daryl isn’t back til the evening when you could put it back before bed. 
You’re stepping out of the shower, wringing your hair out when you hear the door close out in the living room. Oh, shit. You were stupid enough to leave your paint splattered shirt in your bedroom along with your pants, only bringing in Daryl’s shirt and a pair of underwear to change into after your shower. You curse at yourself inwardly, figuring there was no way out but to face it. Hopefully Daryl would just stay downstairs while you made your way to your room to put your own clothes back on. You throw the tee shirt on, and it surprisingly makes its way past your butt, hiding everything just enough to be decent if he were to accidentally spot you running for it down the hallway. You collect yourself, wringing your hair out one more time before hanging your towel on the door and stepping out. Steam escapes the bathroom as the door swings open, and you’re looking around the door frame, making sure no one is there. You sigh in relief when you see no one on the landing–Daryl is still downstairs then. Or maybe he’s not even here and just had to grab something on his way out again. 
If only you were so lucky. 
You’re on the way to your room, padding over gently to your door, hand on the banister to keep yourself steady, when you catch in the corner of your eye coming up the stairs. You freeze on the top landing, directly in front of the staircase when he catches you trying to creep down the hall. 
His eyes linger on your face for a minute, and you watch his eyes suddenly scanning you from head to toe. You look down at yourself to assess how screwed your situation is– your wet hair is dripping on the shirt, making parts of it damp and see through. Of course where your hair meets your chest, the wetness is the worst, making the shirt cling to you like a second skin. Your eyes dart up to him as you take in your nearly drenched chest, your nipples hardening to the cold air now that they’re wet. His eyes are glued to you, still on your chest until they start to scan down to your bare legs, where the shirt just barely covers you decently. You squeeze your legs together, bringing the shirt past your underwear, a blush blazing across your face and neck. “Daryl, I'm sorry, I just--”
But suddenly he’s climbing up the stairs and grabbing you so quickly that the air escapes your lungs as he holds you against the wall, his lips crashing into yours.
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lowquality-buffet · 2 months
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Pretty rare that cats will tolerate toddlers coming up to them - they mean well, but they've yet to learn how to approach with any kind of calm. The neighbor's kids loved Ray though, because he actually allowed them to come up and pet him without him freaking out and running away. Each morning on their way to daycare, they would make a point to stop in front of the house, hoping their furry friend would run out to greet them, which he often did. Same thing on the way back home.
He managed to charm quite a few of the regular walkers in my neighborhood, and if he wasn't out (and I was), I'd often get asked, "Where is Ray?" Gradually, everyone found out that he was no longer with us. Condolences were given, of course. But this evening - on the one month anniversary of his passing - the neighbor kids, accompanied by their parents, stopped by to give me a card they had made...
Time heals, and Bob and I have adjusted fairly well, but man, this just broke me. Sometimes things happen that suck, but if nothing else, my faith in humanity gets restored.
Tears and smiles - sometimes they just go together.
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incorrect-mtg · 9 months
A Note for a Friend
It was after the third nightmare of the night, where her mind once again conjured images of her friends being torn apart by phyrexian horrors, that Kaya decided she wasn't getting any more sleep. Putting on some warm clothes and sturdy boots, she let Ravnica's streets embrace her.
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There was never a time when the city was actually silent – the cover of darkness meant simply a change in the type of business and clientele operating at any given time – but Ravnica right before dawn had a certain... calmness that let her wander, going wherever her feet took her. It didn't come as a surprise, however, that they ended up bringing her to a place in particular. A place that she kept coming back to, with a frequency that wasn't quite obsession but neither was it entirely healthy. The wall of a currently closed inn. The Traveler's Noticeboard.
What had once been a magically-warded bulletin board, always filled with notes but nevertheless big enough to fit one more, was now an impromptu memorial wall, a place for all planeswalkers that had witnessed and survived the phyrexian invasion to put their hopes and sorrows.
She let her eyes wander among the notes, taking it all in. One message, signed only with a rune she could not identify, assured their intended reader that its writer was ok and would be staying in Ravnica for the forseeable future. A pattern repeated all over the noticeboard.
But for every message like that, there were three or four with a more desperate tone. One, its writing rushed and barely readable, begged for a "T" to please reach out if they were ok. Another mentioned that a funeral would be held in Kamigawa for an "M".
And then there were the messages left outside the noticeboard itself. In the wake of losing their spark and realizing they were now on the other side of the wards, so many walkers had turned to placing things just outside of it, using memory to sidestep magical protections.
Of course there were more of the same messages as before, but they are accompanied by a new type: planeswalkers stuck away from their home, asking (sometimes begging) someone able to reach out to their family and friends beyond the blind eternities to tell them they're ok.
But overwhelming in their numbers are the mourning letters. Farewells that could never be shared, epitaths of those lost in the fight, drawings and paitings, some flowers she knows are magically protected because they have been blooming for months. In this section, she'd left a message of her own.
She focuses, looking for her own handwriting, and her heart skips a beat when she can't find it... before she forces herself to calm down. It would not do to give herself hope when the message could have simply been blown away by the wind, rather than reach its intended reader.
So she pulls pen and paper out of her pockets and writes a replacement before affixing it to the wall:
J, L said you "don't fail." I want to believe that. If you read this, reach out. If you can't, just replace this with a message of your own. You know where I keep watch. -K
That done, she turns to leave, the first rays of sunlight just starting to hit her and the note-covered wall behind her. She knows she is a fool to maintain any hope, that her note probably did not reach its target, but she still walks back to her home with a spring in her step.
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furiarossa · 6 months
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"Danny looked down, thinking. Only then did he notice an inscription on the pedestal holding the three statues. “Madeline Walker | Vlad Masters | Jack Fenton The ghost friends honor them, April the 3rd, 1983: For the heroic saving of our lives" «They… they never told me anything» Danny looked at the statue, then at Skulker, then back at the statue «Why?»."
Okay, this lineart is so good that inspired a scene in me (I wrote it, even though I practically never write in English) and TWO different color versions.
7th submission for the @green-with-envy-phandom-event! This is a collab: the lineart was created by the awesome @ecto-stone, while we did the color. 
Alternative (golden) version + ficlet under the cut!
Danny approached the sculptural group, vaguely in disbelief. At first he didn't really understand what he was seeing... he just had the feeling that it was something familiar, that the shapes of those greenish bodies reminded him of something. There were three people, dressed like ghostbusters, with tools and protective goggles. There were also other details, rays and small figures.
Danny squinted. One of the three was too similar to his father... but younger, with more hair, with a cheeky smile. So the other two, they were... yes, he had only seen them like this one other time, in a photograph from their college days, but... they must have been his mother Maddie and Vlad Masters.
It was quite impressive, to see a statue of three people he knew so well as adults, but immortalized forever, frozen in time, as the version of them that had been real only years before.
«Why is there a statue of them in this place?» He asked Skulker «They are ghostbusters, why did you immortalize them here, in the Ghost Zone?».
Skulker looked up at the sculptural group, his gaze unreadable, machine-like. But his silence, which lasted a few moments too long, spoke for him.
«It's a celebration» He said «From the times of the ectoquake. We all risked dying... or losing all the information in our cores, due to altered magnetism» he touched his chest with his large gloved hand «We would have forgotten who we are, we would have become a bunch of babbling ectoplasms devouring each other to survive, unable to recognize ourselves. A fate worse than death».
Danny looked down, thinking. Only then did he notice an inscription on the pedestal holding the three statues.
“Madeline Walker | Vlad Masters | Jack Fenton
The ghost friends honor them, April the 3rd, 1983:
For the heroic saving of our lives"
«They… they never told me anything» Danny looked at the statue, then at Skulker, then back at the statue «Why?».
Skulker pulled his gun from the holster, a handkerchief from his back pocket, and began cleaning it. That gesture worried Danny, but the other ghost didn't seem to want to attack him.
«They never told you anything because they don't know anything» Skulker revealed, speaking in a low voice «They themselves asked for their memories to be erased»
«Why?» Danny shook his head «Vlad certainly wouldn't have thrown away the opportunity to be adored as someone's savior»
«You know nothing about Vlad» Skulker's voice was thick, sticky, full of menace. Danny realized that they had never talked about Vlad before: how had he and Skulker met? What did they think of each other?
«Vlad wouldn't let anyone, not even himself, see him as a hero» The ghost hunter continued, moving the cloth more rapidly on the butt of the gun, as if he was trying to remove a stain «That's not what he does. But on that distant day… he and your parents saved the lives of all of us. They saved the entire Ghost Zone ecosystem»
«My parents probably did all the work and he joined the group only to take the glory» Danny snorted
«You don't know anything» Skulker said slowly
«I know Vlad quite a bit»
«No. You are a fourteen years old boy who thinks he knows how things go, but he doesn't. I've known him for twenty years, and you for... how long? Less than a year? And most of the time you just argue like two children»
«The fact that he fights with a fourteen year old» Danny pointed to his chest «I think already says a lot about him»
«He's training you, brat. For my part, if I could I would have taken your head off a long time ago... but he saved you, remember?».
Danny blinked. Yes, the first time they had seen each other… he had been trapped in the cube, powerless, with only his head sticking out, like a trophy. And Skulker would have gladly used his new blade on him, if it hadn't been for Vlad, who had stopped him.
«He's only doing it because he wants to have me as his son» Danny muttered
«Doesn't sound like a bad reason to me» Skulker growled.
For a few moments, there was silence. Only the movement of the ectoplasm could be heard, like the riptide of the sea in a bay, there wasn’t even the sound of breathing.
«So...» Danny, who had no intention of arguing with Skulker, continued «What's this about the ectoquake?»
«It's something that... happens» explained the ghost hunter «Every now and then. It's not exactly cyclical, but almost. And anyway, you can predict it, but you can't stop it. An ectoquake is the most terrible circumstance the community can experience: it not only destroys the lairs, but also the physical forms of the ghosts and their memories. It is a magnetic storm of such magnitude that it destroys everything it touches, rearranges it and turns it into something different. Every time an ectoquake occurs, thousands of species disappear forever and those who survive become mindless cannibals. It takes years for species to re-evolve and for ghosts to regain a minimum of reasoning»
«Wow. It really sucks...»
«Indeed. Usually very few ghosts survive: those who have access to a portal and can escape into the material world, for example. You get out of here» Skulker pointed up, as if there was a ceiling (which wasn't there) «The ectoquake can't get you. But the problem is that ectoquakes can also be predicted by humans»
«And so?»
«And so the ghost slayers remain stationed outside any natural portal, trying to kill every ghost that is escaping. It's a sealed fate»
«The ghost slayers?» Danny wrinkled his nose «I've never heard of them...»
«You're used to seeing those ridiculous ghostbusters... the Guys in White, those bad copies of Mystery Incorporated, your parents... but there are real monster hunters out there, with real weapons capable of blowing your head off. They don't go hunting for flying kids, they want to collect large quantities of ectoplasm at once, and to do so they predict ectoquakes and capture and kill those who escape»
Even though he was in his ghost form at the moment, Danny still felt goosebumps. Perhaps his ectoplasmic body simply remembered the reactions of his flesh body, or perhaps the idea disgusted him enough to change the surface composition of his ghost.
«At that time I was… little. Small. In the physical sense of the term» Skulker seemed a little embarrassed at this revelation, but he didn't stop recounting «I didn't have the armor yet, I was a small and defenseless body, and I managed to get out early, without the ghost slayers noticing. The ectoquake was a month away. But I was captured by them» he pointed to the three statues «They were in college and still studying, they weren't dangerous. Maddie and Jack wanted to dissect me, study me and then kill me» Skulker's voice softened «Vlad begged them not to do it. He saved my life»
«I can't imagine it»
«Too bad for you, kid. Too bad that you can't imagine that your parents, exactly as they do today, try to destroy the ghosts, while Vlad, exactly as he does today, helps me»
«I told them about the ectoquake. And they did something incredible: they built a portal for the first time. Not that little thing that would later destroy Vlad's life: a real portal, bigger than all the others. Huge, inside an abandoned building. Six meters in diameter, so that ghosts of any size could fit through. No ghost slayer expected us to escape from there, because they didn't know that portal existed. And then they invented something else, the Fenton thermos, a device capable of capturing ghosts, with which I was able to collect and transport the slowest or weakest ghosts, or those who were too afraid, into the material world» Skulker frowned «When the ectoquake came, the damage to the Ghost Zone was incalculable, but… but we didn't have to start from scratch. There had been many casualties, but many of the plants and animals were safe, my friends and I were still sane, we were fine. We had spent all the necessary time inside the abandoned building. Some inside the thermos, others free… we were all alive. Thanks to them: Madeline, Jack, Vlad»
«I… I didn't know. Why didn't I know?»
«I’m telling you, they don't remember anything»
«They knew ghost slayers were dangerous, boy. They knew they might have let some information slip: how to build the portals, where the escape route they'd created for us was. They decided together that they would forget it. There is one of us who can make wishes come true...»
«Yes, exactly, Desiree. To protect us all, they wanted to forget what happened»
«Couldn't you just wish the ghost slayers would stop hunting you? Or that ectoquakes didn't exist?»
«You have a skull as thick as a bison's» Skulker placed his index finger on Danny's forehead «Do you really think ghost slayers are stupid? They are protected by amulets, ghost powers do not work on them. As for ectoquakes, they cannot be avoided in any way, they are an integral part of the Ghost Zone!»
«Well, yeah, I didn't know» Danny's cheeks turned a light shade of green.
Skulker withdrew his hand and approached the sculptural group, placing his hands on the pedestal. «Their heroism, their intelligence, their sacrifice… we will never forget them. They have already forgotten them» He sighed «It's a real shame that Madeline and Jack betrayed him and abandoned him like this. He didn't deserve it. Together they could have conquered the world, obtained everthing, but instead...»
«They didn't betray and abandon him!» Danny exclaimed
«You weren't there, ghost boy. How would you know?» Skulker looked at him over his shoulder, a single green eye visible, luminescent like a light bulb «You should listen to the story as told by others too. And maybe even your stupid parents would be ready to admit what they did to him. You weren't there, but I was. And I don't wish for anyone to see what I saw».
Danny looked up at the statue, feeling a myriad of emotions boiling inside him. An invisible hand squeezed his stomach. He didn't know about this, about how they had become heroes of the Ghost Zone… what was there that he still didn't know about them?
(I will definitely expand this thing later... for now, you got the idea XD).
Aaand here there is the golden version (of course there are gold statues of the saviors, somewhere!):
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[Oh, and a lot more of our Danny Phantom fanarts: Here’s our tag!]
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goodwhump-temp · 11 months
Shows, movies, anime, & cartoons (Organized Alphabetically by TV Title)(pinned) - Message me if any of this is outdated! Organized whump of my posts
Ray Palmer | Arrowverse Jake Peralta | Brooklyn-99 Tangerine | Bullet Train Richard Castle | Castle Ryan | Castle Johnny Gage | Emergency! (1979) John Carter | E.R. Peter Bishop | Fringe Simon | Firefly Malcolm | Firefly Mike Schmidt | FNAF Movie Tom Mason | Falling Skies Matt Damon | Jason Bourne Jake Green | Jericho (2006) Hawkeye | M*A*S*H Steven Grant | Moon Knight Thomas Shelby | Peaky Blinders Shawn Spencer | Psych Daniel Jackson | SG1 Trip Tucker | Star Trek: Enterprise William Riker | Star Trek: TNG Rodney McKay | SG: Atlantis John Sheppard | SG: Atlantis Sam Winchester | Supernatural (S1-S15) Mark Wahlberg | Ted 2 Hughie | The Boys Shaun Murphey | The Good Doctor Dick Grayson | Titans Rust Cohle | True Detectives Cordell Walker | Walker Ryan Gosling | Multiple movies Owen Strand | 9-1-1 Lone Star
Hajime Nagumo | Arifureta: From Commonplace To World's Strongest Ciel Phantomhive | Black Butler Ichigo | Bleach Yukio Okumura | Blue Exorcist Rin Okumura | Blue Exorcist Akutugawa | Bungo Stray Dogs Atsushi | Bungo Stray Dogs Yuu Otosaka | Charlotte Lelouch Lamperouge | Code Geass David Martinez | Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Allen Walker | D. Gray Man Saiki K. | Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Natsu | Fairy Tail Grey | Fairy Tail Yuki | Fruits Basket Edward Elric | Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Edward Elric | Fullmetal Alchemist: 2003 (+ the Movie) Shoyo Hinata | Haikyu!! Nanase Riku | IDOLiSH7 Kuroko | Kuroko No Basket Cheng Xiaoshi | Link Click Lu Guang | Link Click Deku | My Hero Academia Natsume Takashi | Natsume's Book of Friends Yuito Sumeragi | Scarlet Nexus Kirito | Sword Art Online Cid Kagenou | The Eminence in Shadow Naofumi | The Rising of the Shield Hero Ashiya Hanae | The Morose Mononokean Vanitas | Vanitas No Carte Yuri | Yuri On Ice
Boimler | Star Trek: Lower Decks Ezra Bridger | Star Wars Rebels Bumblebee | Transformers: Prime Optimus Prime | Transformers: Prime Ratchet | Transformers: Prime Smokescreen | Transformers: Prime Jack Darby | Transformers: Prime Lance | Voltron: Legendary Defender Robin | Young Justice Blue Beetle | Young Justice Batman | Justice League / Unlimited, JLA + Movies..
Johnny Cage | Mortal Kombat
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cultofdixon · 1 year
My Sunshine
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • The prison collapse scrambled everyone and Daryl thought he had lost his everything. But when the group got in a bit of a pickle with a stranger community, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel • ANGST/SFW • TW: Injures / Scars / Canon Violence / Cannibals / Execution / Fire
Requested by: Anon
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Everyone has their special someone. Whether that be a boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or best friend or even a family member. Someone that makes life worth living for.
Daryl had her. His sunshine. His partner in crime. To anybody else looking at the two, Y/N was the complete opposite of Daryl.
The two were similar when it comes to being a more quiet duo. But Y/N was more of the shy, sensitive type unlike Daryl’s intense, thick-skinned type.
The moment he knew he was in love with her was all the way back to their quarry days. She may have been in her own little world while surrounded by others who wanted nothing to do with the Dixons at the time unless for hunting purposes…but she would always try to include Daryl on everything “group related”. Nobody liked Merle. Even his own blood but he tolerated him.
“Hi…” Y/N gently taps Daryl’s shoulder startling him out of his thoughts while he was skimming a squirrel. “My bad…I was wonderin’ if you wanted to sit with us. While we cook and eat what you and your brother caught for us”
“Uh…” Please god just say yes man. “Nah. I’m fine here”
“Oh…okay, well”
Well? Daryl looks up at her with curiosity before watching her walk away as a frown slowly brought itself on his face. I should’ve said yes.
The archer flinches once more when he spots Y/N has brought her camping chair to be beside him and his little campfire set up. As she sat down she went through her pack taking out a protein bar for herself and the man sitting beside her who happily took it.
“Ey, you gonna share with me?” Merle adds joining his brother like usual as Daryl was about to answer for her when Y/N tossed him the one she was holding. “Score”
“Y/N yea—-“
“I have more” Y/N pulled out another one from her pack before leaning back in her chair. She was met with a confused look written on his face. “Glenn isn’t the only one that can smoothly go through an infested city”
With half the bar in his mouth, Merle snorted amused waving the other half toward her. “I like her”
And he did. Well, they both did. But Merle didn’t like her in that way, surprise surprise. He didn’t mess with her except for his usual remarks toward everybody. In a weird way of putting it, Merle gave Daryl the “Merle seal of approval” for Y/N. That she would be good for him. And that’s when Merle was really Merle.
“You should tap that”
“What the fuck, Merle”
Y/N was a part of the Atlanta group and before she left, Daryl expressed heavily for her to be safe and that’s what sparked their mutual flame. Hell when the herd came through their campsite and Daryl came to the mess, he thought he would’ve lost her to. But to his surprise, he watched Y/N ripped the head off a walker that managed to pin one of their own and met its demise when it got too close to biting.
She can definitely handle herself Daryl thought as his heart continued to race watching her stumble a bit. He quickly shot the walker that approached from behind her while she dropped the head and crushed it under her boot.
The human ray of sunshine turned around to find the bolt before whipping back and locking onto Daryl who ran over to her.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you” and that was the first deceleration in words by the archer himself.
After the CDC and the time on the farm, the two have gotten closer and not only did Daryl take his own bolt but also the bullet…is when Y/N returned the same level of feelings since the quarry.
“You really scared me today…”
“‘M sorry sunshine”
“Daryl…” Y/N brought herself to lay down beside him looking him in the eye as Daryl wanted to reach over and pull her close but they weren’t there yet…until she spoke once more. “I’m falling in love with you…I can’t lose you, okay?” She whispers to him to keep in mind of the sleeping people in the house as Daryl reaches toward her wiping away the stray tear that fell when she said those words.
“C’mere, I ain’t going anywhere” He whispers back, resting his hand on her hip waiting for her to get close enough to wrap his arm around her.
The two had their own little bubble that popped every once in a while, because the world didn’t know when to calm down. Daryl thought he had scared Y/N off when he was enraged at himself for not finding Sophia sooner but she had the one thing he lacked which was patience. She kept her distance but not far enough for Daryl to get any negative idea that she hates him.
One quiet moment from the storm of grief flooding through, Daryl brought himself to sit beside Y/N on the porch of the farm house. No one interrupting the two or wiggling their way into their bubble. All Y/N did was scoot herself right beside him gently taking his hand into hers, letting him know that she’ll be there. Even through all the scary moments.
Their growing relationship wasn’t a secret, but was unexpected to others. When the time going from house to house for a place to stay through the winter, Daryl would always ask Y/N to come with him to go hunting or sweep the near by houses and she would always agree. Extending her hand for him to take and that was the most physical touch they would do. Especially in front of others.
“When did that start happening?!” Glenn questions out loud the second the two left as Maggie laughs.
“You’re blind as hell, Glenn”
“It was obvious” Carol laughs a bit with Maggie leaving her friend even more confused.
“I didn’t see that comin’” Rick adds as Lori rolls her eyes with a smile.
“You didn’t see them hang out all the time before you came back into our lives” She smiles with a little laugh escaping her lips before bringing Carl close to help him warm up.
Walking through the quiet streets as the snow started to fall onto the two. Daryl stops and admires Y/N who parted from him to look up and watch the snow fall on her. A moment of peace he will engrave in his mind the sight before him. Her smile. Her contentment. She was happy, and so was he.
“I love you Y/N” He declares watching her attention from the snow land on him as her smile never faded for a second.
Y/N brought herself back to Daryl standing before him with that beautiful smile of hers as she looks up at him.
“I love you Daryl” She smiles warmly as the archer took his opportunity, resting his hands gently on her face and brought his lips against hers.
Their snowy first kiss is one for the books…
The times at night, Daryl took every chance he got to hold Y/N close in his embrace when most of the group would be sleeping. Not that it mattered if they looked, but he preferred when everyone was asleep so that he could leave small kisses to the top of her head and temple. Cherishing every part of her in the comforts of his arms.
When the prison was their new home, Daryl didn’t like the idea of sleeping in a cell and slept on the catwalk for the first few nights. He didn’t expect Y/N to join him, but she wasn’t ever leaving his side any time soon. Especially when Merle died.
One thing she’ll remember during the moments before Merle’s Hail Mary…
“You’ve always been close to my baby brother”
“I’d like to believe he’s always been close to me and we’ve slowly became comfortable with each other. That lead to more”
“Promise me something?”
“It’s nothing murderous is it?” Y/N teases getting a laugh from the older brother. “I promise whatever it may be, Merle”
“I know how much he cares about yea. He’s always cared about yea. Loved yea even…can yea just promise me…you’ll be there for him even more when I’m no longer here”
Oh Y/N knew in a way that Merle was going to sacrifice himself in some way. He may be an ass and people may not like him…but he loves and cares for his baby brother.
So he did it for him, even if it left a scar on Daryl’s mind…the pain that lingered by leaving the world.
Y/N returned to the prison after spending a few hours in the yard, to be met with a worried Daryl when she reached their shared cell. When the Woodbury folk infused themselves, they decided it was time to move from the catwalk.
“Where you’ve been…”
“Digging. Burying. Uh. Which reminds me…you can’t tell Rick who the other body is”
“Did yea kill somebody? Did somebody hurt yea that yea had to defend yourself?” His panic got caught in his throat that he wasn’t there to protect her, but his thoughts quieted when she rest her hands on his chest looking up at him with those beautiful eyes of hers.
“Merle deserves some respect in death.” She whispers feeling his hands gently place themselves on her face watching her sigh and the tears threaten to spill. “I’m so sorry for your loss, my love”
The archer himself cried for the loss of his brother and it pained him watching her cry. He learned when Merle died that Y/N lost her family in Atlanta before Glenn saved her.
They both lost what was blood.
But now they have a new family. Just the two of them…and one with those they formed bonds with since the quarry
“You’ll always come find me if we’re ever separated…right?”
“I will always find yea, sunshine. But it’s gonna take a lot to pull you away from my embrace”
Even if that thing was the Governor’s return and the collapse of the prison. Daryl never hated himself more in any other moment except for when he escaped alongside Beth…and didn’t find her on the way out. Didn’t find her in the nearby tree line. Didn’t even find her a few miles out.
A part of him was blaming himself and another wanted to set the whole world on fire if he didn’t find her.
The days have past and Daryl found himself sitting outside the car beside Rick while Michonne and Carl slept…blaming himself for everything that happened since the prison collapsed.
Losing Y/N
Losing Beth
The Claimers
When the group made their way to Terminus after reading sign after sign on the matter when following the train tracks. Rick decided it’d be best to go through the side, unexpected and to get an idea of everything. But what he didn’t expect was some of the residences that weren’t their people, wearing their belongings. He didn’t hesitate to raise his gun and didn’t stop his brother when Daryl suddenly ripped the necklace off a person’s neck.
“WHERE DID YEA FIND THIS” He snaps causing them to tremble and step back. He didn’t get an answer and his mind tuned out Rick’s words when he noticed Hershel’s pocket watch.
“I got yea somethin’” Daryl whispers to Y/N while she ate breakfast with him at one of the picnic tables.
“You didn’t have to get me anything, my love”
“That’s too damn bad. Cuz it made me think of yea” The archer states going into his pocket to hand her a small pouch.
Y/N set her spoon down brushing her hands off before inspecting the pouch about to make a joke that that was the gift but given Daryl’s waiting excitement for her reaction, she decided against it. She finally opened the pouch pulling out a gold necklace with a charm of the sun.
“You get it right? Cuz you’re my sunshine” he knew how cheesy that sound but watching that already amazing beautiful smile of hers grow.
“Well. Help your sunshine out” She gestures for him to put it on her as she held her hair out of the way for him to clasp it before leaning into her kissing her shoulder and bringing her flush against his chest. “I’m honored to be your sunshine, my love”
The four was forced in the train car not knowing what to expect. But Daryl’s mind was on the obvious, that Rick had to ask for him while he panicked.
“What happened to Y/N?”
“No idea” Glenn immediately responds with as Maggie smacks his chest gesturing to the anxious archer.
“She came with us. I was with her since the prison collapsed. Last I remember was her being lead to medical, then things turned sideways and now we’re in this train car” Maggie frowns watching the worry write itself on Daryl’s face. “We’ll find her”
He never expected for this to be the way he found her
Daryl, Rick, Glenn, and Bob were taken to this room that looked exactly like a slaughterhouse. The archer was forced to his knees first in front of this trough with Rick beside him as he noticed Gareth, the one that seemed to be the leader, dragging this unknown person given by the sack covering their head. They were forcefully placed on the opposite side of Daryl who was currently gagged. The two randoms on the other side of Bob were suddenly butchered in front of them, the blood spilling into the trough and they suddenly knew exactly what was happening. Or what was gonna happen.
“Take the fucking bag off her head. I want her to watch us kill the ones she wouldn’t stop yelling about finding her” Gareth snaps as one of the two butchers behind the group grabbed the bag ripping it off her head.
No no NO
Daryl looked at her, scanning her person right then and there. Noticing every cut, every bruise, and taking note of each one that’ll add to a minute the second he gets his hands on the leader to strangle the living daylights out of him for however long the damage done to his girl adds up.
The explosion rang through the facility and the second Gareth left to investigate. Y/N somersaulted backwards driving her foot directly in one of the butcher’s family jewels causing him to fall while Rick manages to break free and stabbing the other butcher then taking care of the other that Y/N knocked off his feet. Rick cut Daryl out after getting Y/N and the two didn’t wait another second before latching onto the other.
His anxiety got stuck in his throat when he tried to speak. He was relieved but still freaking internal as Y/N shook in his embrace trying not to fall apart. They still had to escape.
Thank god for Carol
Everyone regrouped, along with their new friends they’ve meet before the hell sanctuary. Daryl quickly assesses Y/N’s injuries as her eyes were checking his.
“Are you alright, D?”
“I’m fine. You don’t gotta worry”
“Well…fuck…I’m sorry but I just can’t not…” Y/N suddenly started tearing up feeling Daryl’s calloused yet gentle hands take a hold of her face. “They killed and ate people in front of me…and I was mentally dying at the fact that I lost you to that hellish place. I’m not gonna lie and say that I’m fine! I’m fucking terrified!” She cries holding his wrists. “I don’t ever want to lose you. I can’t lose you. I love you. I love you so fucking much”
In that moment Daryl couldn’t contain it inside any longer as he felt the tears fall off his cheeks as his hands moved to her hips. He felt her hands find purchase on his neck bringing him down enough for her to press his forehead against hers.
“I’d be lost without my sunshine”
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junosbagel · 1 year
regular | charlie walker x gn!reader
summary: you are new to woodsboro and luckily landed a job at the local video store. charlie, a regular at the video store takes an interest in you
warnings: none!
a/n: a little story that came up in my head. i'm also open to receiving criticism!
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-it had been only a few weeks since you moved into woodsboro
-luckily you got a job at the local video store so you can get a head start in making some decent money
-you found it easy and enjoyable to an extent as you also got to recognize and speak to the regulars that would usually purchase or rent movies
-along with keeping some movie posters and merch, and the discounts for yourself
-on a particularly slow day, you were simply doing homework at the register since you had already finished restocking items
-"hey um, i was wondering if you have the descent in stock, i couldn't find it at the shelves"
-you looked up, the boy whom you recognized from school stood on the opposite side of the counter
-"the descent, huh? let me check."
-you turned to the computer, searching if anyone had recently purchased or rented it
-"i'm sorry, our last copy had been purchased. we won't have the next copies arriving soon"
-before charlie could speak, you beat him to it
-"i could recommend you something though."
-"o-oh, sure"
-"since the descent is pretty much about these girls getting stuck in a cave and having to survive from these humanoid-cannibalistic creatures... how about a zombie film?"
-"zombie film's cool"
-"by the way, your name's charlie right?"
-"yeah," he looks at your name tag, "y/n," he read aloud. you gave him a simple nod
-"have you heard of 28 days later?"
-"i haven't seen it yet, but i heard it was really good"
-"trust me, it is. would you be interested in renting it?"
-charlie nods
-"DVD or blu-ray?" you ask
-he paid the fee for renting the movie
-weeks turned into months and out of the other regulars, your interactions with charlie were the highlight your days at work
-he quickly found it easy to talk to you, and you did too. you and charlie became good friends fast
-he had quickly developed feelings for you
-something about the way your eyes light up when your favorite movies were mentioned, or the way you got excited when you got to talk about your interests, how effortlessly attractive you looked all the time, the way you looked at him when you were listening to him, everything about you was so attractive to charlie
-sometimes, the two of you would talk when no one else was in line at the register
-you and charlie would also give each other movie recommendations after learning how equally passionate you are about them
-the two of you would also talk in school, but you didn't have many classes with each other
-on days you didn't have work, you'd go to the cinema club meetings since charlie is the president of the club
-when the last bell rang, he went over to you as everyone exited the classroom
-"i was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie with me tonight. i was originally gonna go with robbie, but he had to do something with his mom, so i have an extra ticket"
-"sure thing. what movie?"
-"ooh! i've been looking forward to seeing it."
-"cool. i can pick you up later if that's cool?"
-you smiled at his offer, "yeah, thanks. i'll text you my address."
-charlie bit down on his bottom lip to repress the idiotic smile that was about to form on his lips, "alright. be ready by 7, i'll see you later"
-the rest of the afternoon, charlie had been freaking out
-he was even surprised that he had the guts to ask you
-charlie was constantly checking himself in front of the mirror
-was his hair too messy? were his clothes not properly ironed? does he stand awkwardly? did his voice sound weird?
-well, it was too late to do anything now. he had to leave his house to pick you up
-following the address you sent him, he arrived in front of your house in minutes. he saw you approach the car
-he opened the passenger door for you too
-for some reason, charlie was very nervous
-whenever he was around you, he was still nervous, but not THIS nervous. sure the two of you have spoke numerous times, but in this particular setting, it made his hands all sweaty and his face felt like it was burning up
-however, you had kept things pretty casual like always
-he offered to be the one to buy your guys's food and drinks but you insisted on paying instead since he was the one who paid for the tickets
-the movie started and things were fine
-although charlie tried to focus on the massive screen in front of him, he couldn't help but sneak glances at you
-throughout the times where there were jump scares or suspenseful scenes, you would lean towards charlie or place your hand on his shoulder/arm or both
-thank goodness he was in a dark theater because the entire time his cheeks were painted with a deep red
-when the movie was over, you both decided to sneak in another theater to watch another movie and ended up watching despicable me
-pretty random movie, but the both of you were up for another movie, one that was lighter
-it was really late at night, but it was also a friday, meaning no school, so you and charlie grabbed some fast food and ate together in an empty parking lot, sitting on top of the front of the car
-the both of you talked about the movies you had just watched, shared funny stories, joked around with each other, playfully argue over random opinions, and even got into a few deep conversations
-eventually, it was time to go home. he dropped you off at your place
-before you got out of his car, you thanked him and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek, then left
-he was completely shocked, cheeks red, and face on fire
-the next time you saw him, you had asked him out!!!!!
-obviously he said yes, so now the two of you are dating yayayay
-things were almost the same aside from being more affectionate and hanging out/going on dates more frequently
-he likes to visit you during work and sometimes brings you food that you can eat during your breaks
-sleepovers and movie nights together all the time too
a/n: this is kind of meh but like i said it was something small i thought of. ALSO i hope someone noticed that i referred to movies that were much older since scream 4 takes place in 2011. Insidious and Despicable Me both came out sometime in 2010 so yeahhh
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geralts-yenn · 10 months
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Geralt-Yenn's Masterlist
Hi! Thank you for taking a look at my materlist! Here you find a bunch of stories in which I put all kinds of Henry Cavill shaped characters.
Most of these stories contain content not suitable for minors, so if you're under 18, please do not read!
Do not copy, translate or post my work anywhere else! I explicitly forbid using my work to feed AI!
What I do encourage you is to reblog my stories. Every little bit of feedback is welcome!
List by character under the cut:
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Your majesty (drabble; VampireKing!August/reader) 🔥
a lesson in obedience (VampireKing!August/reader/ofc) 🔥
Believe in me (modern AU vampire!Melot/ofc) 🌩 🔥 💕
Play time (softDom!August Walker/reader) 🔥
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bonfire (Sy/reader) 🌩 🔥 💕
summary: After months you finally see Sy again. But how will he react to you after he cancelled his date before he left?
Something like that (Sy/reader) 🔥 💕
summary: follow-up of bonfire - Sy finally takes you on a date
Part 1, Part 2
mother's day (drabble; Sy/reader) 💕
Yearning (drabble; Sy/reader) 🌩 💕
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Believe in me (modern AU vampire!Melot/ofc) 🌩 🔥 💕
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I need you now (Evan Marshall/reader) 💕
summary: After an accident your cute neighbor takes care of you
Brothers and Beers (drabble; Evan Marshall/reader) 💕 (Evan's pov on 'I need you now')
Fighting demons (Evan Marshall/reader) 🌩 🔥 💕 part 2 of 'I need you now'
summary: You've been in a relationship with Evan for a while now, but somehow you are still stuck on first base. You start questioning if he's really that into you.
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Believe in me (modern AU vampire!Melot/ofc) 🌩 🔥 💕
Ray of Sunshine (modern AU Melot/ofc) 🔥 💕
summary: just some fluffy, smutty summer dream with a tattooed biker Melot
Hearts Too Big (modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🌩 🔥 💕
summary: Nina goes on a camping trip with her boyfriend Mel and his cute neighbor Mike. Plenty of feelings - that’s the whole plot
Bubbles (drabble; modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🔥 💕
Bottom (drabble; modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🔥 💕
A very merry birthday (modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🔥 💕
summary: The boys are celebrating Christmas and more importantly, Nina's birthday
Found family (modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🌩 🔥 💕
summary: Mikey needs some love after meeting his family
Fairy Tale (modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🔥 💕
summary: Mike, Melot and nina celebrate their first anniversary
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 the natural thing to do  (Mikey/reader) 🔥 💕
summary: After another breakup, instead of your best friend you only find her brother Mikey at her home. The guy you had a crush on since you were 12…
pranked (Mikey/reader) 🔥 💕
summary: your babysitter job took some turns that you couldn't have forseen...
caught for sillyrabbit81’s milestone celebration 2023 (Mikey/reader) 🔥 💕
follow-up of pranked, but both stories can be read separately
date night with Mikey (drabble; Mikey/reader) 💕
ice cream, brownies and a hug (drabble; Mikey/reader) 💕
Hearts Too Big (modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🌩 🔥 💕
summary: Nina goes on a camping trip with her boyfriend Mel and his cute neighbor Mike. Plenty of feelings - that’s the whole plot
Bubbles (drabble; modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🔥 💕
Bottom (drabble; modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🔥 💕
Fakin' it (Mikey/reader) 🌩 🔥 💕
summary: To win back your ex-boyfriend, you decide to fake date your best friend. What could go wrong? 
Zoom (mini drabble; Mikey/reader) 💕
A very merry birthday (modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🔥 💕
summary: The boys are celebrating Christmas and more importantly, Nina's birthday
Found family (modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🌩 🔥 💕
summary: Mikey needs some love after meeting his family
Fairy Tale (modern AU Melot/ofc/Mike) 🔥 💕
summary: Mike, Melot and nina celebrate their first anniversary
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anahita (Napoleon Solo/ofc) 🔥
summary: After a hard job in Isfahan, Napoleon tries to lose some tension in the hamam of his client, the Shah
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Memories (Walter Marshall/ofc) 🌩 🔥 💕
summary: At your brother's wedding you have to face a ghost from your past - Walter Marshall - and you find yourself lost in memories
Part 1, Part 2
Hollow Hearts (Walter Marshall/reader) 🌩 🌩 🌩 (💕)
summary: you break up with Walter but you just can't let go
Hollow Hearts (bonus chapter) (Walter Marshall/reader) 🔥 💕
summary: you and Walter take care of each other (basically porn without plot, can be read without knowing the main story)
Headcanons / multiple characters:
Lazy morning sex 🔥
On-going series:
Inspo boards for my stories
Fluff = 💕 Smut = 🔥 Angst = 🌩
Collection of all my stories - follow to get notifications on new fics:
142 notes · View notes
asherbakugou · 4 months
Okay, so this is a story i might write but I do want to get it out there and see if anyone is interested in reading it.
So the series would be about the previous two sets of Elemental Masters of Ninjago, since some got their Element earlier, others later, and its a whole jumbled mess. The main focus would be these characters.
Keahi Kalama, The Master of Fire, and known as the Wildfire Archer, for when his arrows strike they wrupt into flames. He is also known for using different pouches full of powder to change the color and deadliness of his fire and to make the smoke itself poisonous. (Father of Ray Kalama, Grandfather of Kai and Nya Kalama)
Jiang Daiyu, the Master of Water, and known as the Tide-Bringer for she swept an army from the beach when they threatened her home village. She prefers to use a fishing spear as a weapon, simply because she knows how to use it best, and she is one of the strongest Elemental Masters of the Alliance. (Mother of Jiang Mei Lien (Maya), Grandmother of Kai and Nya Kalama)
Gerald D'Angelo, the Master of Earth, and known as the Shield for his control in forming shields to defend his allies. Most commonly seen using a massive war hammer to manipulate the earth and is naturally strong, breaking bones in a single punch. (Father of Lilly D'Angelo, Grandfather of Cole Brookstone)
Aspen, the Master of Ice, and known as the Bringer of Winter for he rarely is seen during missions in summer but once he begins being seen it means winter is coming. Used two long blades coated in poison that left his enemies rotting but frostbitten, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. (Unknown relation to Zane Julien)
Petir, the Master of Lightning, and known as the Blue Serpent for his powerful strikes using the Imperial Adder fighting style. So fast, very few of his oppenents stand a chance when facing him outright even when they outmatch him in strength because he has experience and speed. No known weapons used. (Father of Lyn, Grandfather of Jay Walker)
Eteri, the Master of Wind, and known as Tempest for in battle she could summon massive tornadoes that left gouges in Ninjago still seen in modern day geography. Rarely every used weapons, but carried Tessens, war fans, with sharp blades in case her element became disabled or she needed to fight without it. One of the strongest members of the Elemental Alliance. (Mother of Morro)
Aryan, the Master of Smoke, and known as the Ghost Samurai, for his ability to turn himself to smoke and travel quickly made people believe he was a ghost. A samurai that teamed up with the Elemental Alliance, because they were being threatened by the Emperor of Ninjago. Wore black armor and had a sword passed down to him that was still as sharp as the day it had been forged. (Father of Morro)
And Garmadon.
I wanted to do a series about how Elemental Masters weren't trusted or revered until recent years and that's why Morro never used his Element on the streets. It would show the Emporer basically deciding he wanted all elemental masters dead, not understanding very well that the elements would simply pass on, and sent out his army creating a period of war and strife.
A lot of the secondary Elemental Masters stayed in hiding with Wu, who did not wish to fight, while Garmadon led his own group to fight back and try to force the Emporer to leave them alone.
The main characters though would be Eteri and Aryan, Morro's parents, and we would see what happened leading up to him being 'abandoned' in Jamanakai at the base of Wu's Monastery. I thought it would be interesting to explore if his parents did not actually abandon him but circumstances happened and he ended up alone.
Parts of the story would flash forward to when Garmadon is talking of his old friends, finally sharing the information all of the ninja wanted before revealing Morro's parentage. (He's there because he's trying to redeem himself.)
So, what do you think?
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barringtonishigh · 7 months
mychemicalbarrett's masterlist
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Pete Wentz:
Aftershow Snuggles (M!Reader)
Scene!reader Headcanons
Sharing (GN!Reader)
Patrick Stump:
Insomnia (GN!Reader)
Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Surprise, Surprise (F!Reader)
Joe Trohman:
Nothing yet!
Andy Hurley:
Late Night Walk (M!Reader)
Headcanons (GN!Reader)
William Beckett:
Nothing yet!
Adam Siska:
Nothing yet!
Mike Carden:
Nothing yet!
The Butcher:
Nothing yet!
Michael Guy Chislett:
Nothing yet!
Ryan Ross:
Best Friends to Lovers Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Jon Walker:
Nothing yet!
Dallon Weekes:
Starry Skies (GN!Reader)
Streamers (GN!Reader)
Gerard Way:
Infodumping (M!Reader)
Baby. You're A Haunted Movie Theater (M!Reader)
Mikey Way:
Nothing yet!
Frank Iero:
Buzzed (GN!Reader) (TW// cancer)
Snuggles & Sniffles (F!Reader)
You're Safe (F!Reader)
Ray Toro:
Nothing yet!
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beba-780 · 7 months
Emperor of Ninjago (2)
• A few years passed and the battle of the Wu Resistance and Garmadon's forces was still far from over, many towns were already enslaved, kingdoms had already fallen and there were still others that still showed resistance, Garmadon left several members of his nobles in charge of the kingdom while traveling through Ninjago to make various conquests.
• Now Wu was in charge of training the four new protectors of Ninjago. Wu named them "Ninjas", and the former Four Elemental Masters passed down their Golden Weapons to them. Many of the rebels also trained under Wu's tutelage. The rebels are so loyal that they don't even count the locations of the rebel bases in the area that Wu has been when they are captured by Garmadon, and if they were to reveal the information, Wu created many camouflage systems for their bases and even rebel streamers that joined Wu created tunnels so that the rebels can move and hide more easily in case before Garmadon's guards came to attack.
• Garmadon has managed to capture many rebels, when he takes them prisoner, he tortures them to make them reveal Wu's whereabouts, but there are times when he kills most of them on the battlefield so that they would not be taken prisoners or slaves. When he goes to the battlefield, Garmadon is usually under the influence of the Great Devourer's poison so that he does not falter because of his kindly weakness.
• Very few rebels manage to escape from the palace prison, and not many make it out alive. Although the citizens live hard, very few risk helping the rebels, and if not, other citizens betray them in order to receive a good reward from Garmadon's soldiers. And not the entire kingdom knows of the existence of the young Prince Lloyd, only the nobles of Garmadon know it, but they see him very little, the other citizens are those who have never seen him, many think that the existence of Prince Lloyd is a lie. Not even the rebels can find out if Lloyd's existence is true or not.
• The new Ninjas are the ones who lead several of the rebel forces of the Resistance, their names were: Kai Smith, Cole Bucket, Jay Walker (Gordon), and Zane Julien. They began training together at a young age in the palace of Ninjago and after fleeing the palace their training became more severe and stronger in order to survive on the battlefields of Garmadon, the four became the new hope of the Resistance.
• Kai Smith inherited the Fire Sword from his father, Ray Smith, Garmadon's former royal guard, and became the new Master of Fire. Kai trained at the Ninjago palace at a young age, became a great swordsman like his father, even accompanied his mother Maya in protecting Empress Misako, and became an older brother when his younger sister, Nya, was born, who inherited her mother's powers and she one of the strongest rebels in the Resistance.
• Before the tyranny of Emperor Garmadon when he was possessed by the Overlord, Kai had great respect and affection for Garmadon, and that was because his parents spent too much time with the royal family, he practically grew up with them, Wu was his main teacher in the martial arts, and grew up training alongside his friends Cole, Jay and Zane. Additionally, he traveled extensively with his father on many expeditions throughout the land of Ninjago.
• After forming the Resistance, Kai and his friends changed their training to a more serious one since they now knew they had to survive in the new reign of Emperor Garmadon, and he took the title of Red Ninja. Kai managed to become a great leader over time, he was the one who came out the most from the rebel hideouts to lead various groups on the battlefield, Kai was always at the forefront of the battle and became the best fighter of the rebellion, even Kai managed to free many slaves from the work areas.
• Cole Bucket inherited the Earthquake Sickle from his mother, Lily, the former Earthbender, and now Cole has inherited that position. Cole lived for a time outside the palace with his family in a field, a home that belonged to his father Lou, but as his mother went on more and more missions, his family moved to the palace where Cole began his training and studies there with Wu, Cole became Jay's best friend, and the two always played in the forest near the palace.
• Cole was known in the palace as the strongest child, and many believed it was due to the earth elemental power he inherited from his mother, he was even able to knock down several guards with his bare hands when training with Wu. He fought a lot with Kai and they both had their own combat scoreboard, he was also a great climber, he even always managed to climb the walls of the palace. Cole also liked to play music, his father always gave him musical instruments and Cole became very good at playing any musical instrument.
• When they fled the kingdom Cole became the strongest rebel and was in charge of providing good defenses to their bases, his mother Lily died due to an illness that could not be treated, before dying Lily gave Cole the Sickle of the Earthquakes, that's how he inherited the title of the new Master of Earth and took the title of Black Ninja. By using his powers, Cole managed to create several shelters and defenses for all the rebel bases, in addition, he sent her father with the refugees so that he would be safe.
• Zane Julien inherited the Ice Shurikens from his master and guardian, Ice, the former Master of Ice, lived outside the palace along with his father, Dr. Julien, but since his father was in the palace, Zane initially lived in the palace. house of the famous inventor Cyrus Borg, there he met Pixal, Cyrus' daughter, both became great friends since they were children and still are, they even began to feel feelings for each other, but then Zane was chosen as the current protégé of the Master Ice, who, having no heirs, decided to choose Zane as his main heir. Zane was sent to live in the palace and was under Wu's tutelage. Zane trained with Ice while studying with Wu, before long, Zane became the smartest boy in the palace.
• Zane spent his time reading all the books in the palace, and was quite calm when training with Kai, Cole and Jay. He would sometimes even invite Pixal to the palace so that she too could read the books and experience the wonders of the royal palace of Ninjago. In addition, he helped Jay and Nya in their inventions with the artisans who lived in the palace. Zane managed to obtain a pet falcon, training it to send messages to Pixal when she was not in the palace. Additionally, Zane managed to build a wheelchair for Cyrus after Garmadon's guards left him crippled in both legs.
• After the creation of the Resistance Zane helped Wu continue deciphering the prophecy of the Green Ninja, and even became a great strategist for the rebellion, after Ice died in combat Zane inherited the Ice Shurikens, and became In the White Ninja, he does not go much to the front of the battle but he knows how to create great strategies to be able to defeat several guards on the battlefield, in addition, his falcon is now a messenger that sends messages to the infiltrators in Garmadon's nobility to provide information the Resistance.
• Jay Walker (Gordon) inherited the Lightning Nunchucks from his mother, Libby, a former lightning teacher. Jay also lived for a time in the country with his father Cliff Gordon, then Libby proposed that they move in at the palace so Jay could get started training him as the future Lightning Master. When he moved to the palace, Jay became best friends with Cole and Nya, he accompanied Cole out of the palace to explore the forest, Jay was not the strongest in training but he was the fastest, he beat everyone in many races when they trained in the palace courtyard.
• Jay loved to explore the workshops of the artisans who lived in the palace, together with Nya they always sneaked to the library so they could steal the plans of the inventions that were registered and improve them. Since he is not good at using heavy weapons, Jay has always used light weapons. Plus, being the smallest and fastest of his friends, it was easy for Jay to sneak into the kitchen and steal snacks.
• After hiding with Wu, Jay's parents, Libby and Cliff died in combat and the Nunchakus were given to him to be the new Lightning Master and Blue Ninja. He was welcomed by his godparents Ed and Edna and for that reason he changed his last name. After learning a lot from the artisans of the kingdom, Jay managed to invent great defenses for the rebellion, he was in charge of the evacuation of the freed slaves and Nya became his girlfriend after they both grew up and were part of the rebellion, Kai sometimes makes fun of their relationship but Jay is grateful that he considers him worthy to be with Nya.
• The Overlord always forced Garmadon to steal the Golden Weapons because they were the key to completely taking over Ninjago. But even with some rebels captured, Garmadon never managed to get a clue to the whereabouts of the four Ninjas.
• Meanwhile, Lloyd became a shy and innocent boy who was unaware of the actions of his father, Emperor Garmadon. The little boy grew up isolated inside the palace and almost never went out, the only thing he saw outside was the forest near the palace. But Lloyd still didn't leave his room, he was surrounded by tutors and servants who did everything for him, and he even saw his father from time to time.
• When Garmadon was free from the influence of the Overlord or the poison he always went to see Lloyd, which was sometimes strange for Lloyd, since he grew up seeing how his father always left the palace to conquer kingdoms and fight in various battles against the rebels, Lloyd didn't even know much about her mother, Misako, her guardians were under strict orders not to mention much about the Empress and all he heard about her was that she was a good Empress and wife in the past.
• Lloyd didn't even know that his father had a human form, he knows of the existence of the Overlord, but he doesn't know how he actually got to Ninjago or how he possessed his father. All he knows about his father's reign is that he did all this destruction so he could have true peace over Ninjago, Lloyd doesn't even know that Wu, the leader of the rebels, is his uncle.
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cozywriter · 15 days
Just a Regular Tuesday…
As the last zombie’s head rolls farther from its body, the rest of it falls to the ground with a thud, blood spurting from its neck and spilling onto the ground. Yume clicked her tongue in annoyance before making sure no blood from the undead had clung to her strings and retracted them back into her fingers while she muttered some very choice words. This had been the fifth time this week in which she had to exterminate a few walkers that got too close to her shop, and she was getting annoyed. It had only been two weeks since zombies started popping up and biting people on her side of town, and she was about done with them.
After burying the rapidly decomposing bodies a few ways away, — because what was she, some jerk? —she had finally been able to open up her bookstore. The little bell rang overhead as she entered before flipping over the sign on the door from ‘CLOSED’ to ‘OPEN’ and stretching her joints, a few mechanisms inside her popping. And here she thought she’d be rid of the rotting smell outside the shop. Then again, the streets near the brothels and red light districts always smelled worse in the poppet’s opinion. Sauntering behind her desk, she fires up her computer before opening her emails, frowning at the sight of an encrypted commission request from the mafia. And from Fisher no less. Honestly, the man had been pestering  her so much the past few weeks, she actually might consider strangling the man on sight. Sighing in annoyance, she immediately deleted the email and then plugged in a thumb drive, running a cleaning protocol in case the email brought along some unwanted viruses. Despite the thing being encrypted, she couldn’t be too careful.
Checking the clock, she’d need to let the protocol run for an hour. So she got up and walked over to one of the many bookshelves, letting her finger lightly graze every spine. The doll inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of the worn paper and wood, basking in the the picturesque view of the sun’s golden rays filtering in through the windows as they shined down on the dusty floor, a few faded, gold embossed letters from some books catching the light. Suddenly, the girl’s phone pinged from her dress pocket, one of its notifications popping up. Yume brought it out, smiling at the picture that her friend, Rosemary, had delivered. Apparently, she had gotten off of a bounty, as shown by the two humans that had been tied up, beaten black and blue and with all their gunshot wounds attended to. The Obscuran in question was posing in the corner of the photo, winking and giving the camera a peace sign with the men in the background, the following message being:
“Got the drop on these 2 goons. I can’t say anything about the bounty, but one of em’ dealt with illegally makin’ Poppets. I put a bullet where the sun don’t shine for ya’🦾”
The girl smiled and then rolled her eyes at her friend’s protectiveness before typing back:
“I hope it was the one with the flower because I’d like to see that fucker try and trim that bush🫣”
Yume snickered, returning her phone into her pocket before picking out one of the many hardbound texts on the shelf, making a mental note to put it back where she filed it before returning to her desk. Checking the progress on her computer, the protocol would need forty five more minutes to run. ‘Plenty of time for me…’ thought the doll, smiling mischievously before opening the book and leaning back into her chair. She sighed softly, her fingers resting over the aged paper as the book’s contents were now laid bare for her to see. Word after word, she became more invested in the story, every action and every sentence from the characters had drawn her in, as if begging her to keep their eyes on them. Yume wished it could always be like this. Cozy, comfortable and in the presence of her beloved stories. 
However, the sweet moment was short lived. A high pitched scream shattering the comforting atmosphere of her shop, startling the girl back to reality. Groaning in frustration, she peaked outside her shop only to realize some zombies had once again decided to stroll through the street. The doll could swear she popped a circuit when she put the boom down, inhaling sharply and marched on over to the door of her shop, quickly counting the heads that would roll before slamming her door open and extending her metallic wires to the closest walker, impaling him. The poppet then stepped out of the bookstore’s boundaries, slamming the door closed before angrily throwing the re-animated corpse across the street, the force of the strings cutting up the zombie into sashimi. Unsatisfied, she heard a groan to my left, quickly decking it in the face and kicking it away, but not before manipulating her strings to wrap around its joints. With a flick of the girl’s hands, she had dismembered the undead walker. Turning to the others of its kind, Yume sighed, readying herself. “Well, congratulations, pricks! I’m mad now..!” she shouted before running into the mob, offing any unlucky walker that she came across.
just a lil’ imagine I threw together!
DISCLAIMER! - The characters “Rosemary” and “Fisher” aren’t mine! “Rosemary” belongs to the amazing @thebellhop and “Fisher belongs to Good Boy Audios on YouTube!
I hope you enjoyed!
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