#( connection. / && bullet sullivan )
thelostsullivans · 1 year
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ROBERT “POPS” SULLIVAN. Luke, Bullet, Frankie, and Reggie's grandfather. City councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted Frankie and Bullet in their later teens; didn’t approve of his son Kelly’s marriage to Bullet's mother Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. Favors Frankie over Bullet ( most of the time ) and doesn't know about Luke and Reggie ( yet ).
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JOHN SULLIVAN. Frankie's father and uncle to Bullet, Reggie, and Luke. Eldest son of Robert. Fuck up, but not as big as Kelly. Currently incarcerated in New York.
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KELLY SULLIVAN. Father of Luke, Bullet, and Reggie. Only knows for certain about Bullet. General criminal, currently incarcerated in New York, but getting released soon. Asshole.
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FLORENCE ( nee DARCY ) SULLIVAN. Mother of Bullet and estranged wife of Kelly. Con artist and thief. Currently incarcerated in New Mexico. Turned Kelly in to get immunity in an unrelated case.
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RIVA DARCY. Maternal aunt of Bullet. Looks out for her when she's in town. Personal hero of the younger redhead. Hates the Sullivans. Tried to adopt Bullet when her sister was thrown in the clink until Robert got in her way.
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MICHAEL “MIKEY” SULLIVAN. Younger brother of Frankie. Perished in an auto accident. Honestly was Frankie’s heart; they loved that kid. It’s difficult for Frankie to speak of Mikey now, but if they do, it’s all glowing.
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DONNY WILSON. Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand. Had no business messing around with Bullet at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things. Bullet calls him her first love, but that ain't it.
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LILAH BECKWITH. Bullet considers her her first girlfriend, though she was Frankie's at the time. Broke Bullet's heart and really just pissed Frankie off.
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SARA JAKOB. The one who got away for Frankie. They have a tattoo of her name in a heart on their chest and they refuse to get it removed. Very, very sore subject.
------------------ ...to be continued...
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
🇮🇱 Mon morning  - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Yom HaZikaron today - Israel Memorial Day for its fallen
Yom HaAtzmaut tonight - Israel Independence Day
📍REMEMBRANCE  SIREN AT 11:00.. a solid-note siren in remembrance of the fallen will sound at 11:00 PM.  SOLID-NOTE SIREN IS NOT AN ATTACK.  BUT if the siren changes to up-down sound, IT’S REAL, take cover!
📌GAZA CASUALTY NUMBERS..  UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), numbers are 1/2 reported by Hamas -> https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/11/un-halves-its-estimate-of-women-and-children-killed-in-gaza/
▪️ISRAEL PRESIDENT HERZOG SAYS.. at the Western Wall plaza: "I stand here, next to the remains of our temple, with torn clothes. This tear - the Jewish sign of mourning, is a symbol of the mourning and grief of an entire nation in this year - a year of national mourning.”
▪️WHITE HOUSE SAYS.. A telephone conversation was held between the US National Security Adviser Sullivan and the Israel National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegavi:  Sullivan affirmed the US commitment to Israel's security and defeating Hamas in Gaza. They discussed the situation in Gaza and the ongoing efforts to secure the release of the hostages. Sullivan reiterated US President Biden's concerns about a major ground operation in Rafah, where over a million children have taken refuge. He discussed alternative courses of action to ensure the defeat of Hamas everywhere in Gaza. They also agreed to schedule another personal meeting soon.”  (( We hear this again and again, but have yet to publicly hear .. a .. single .. magical .. suggestion. ))
.. The US Secretary of State spoke tonight with Defense Minister Yoav Galant. He reiterated US opposition to a major military ground operation in Rafah.
🔸THE IMPOSSIBLE DEAL.. senior Hamas official, Hussam Badran: "The negotiation must lead to a full and comprehensive ceasefire, complete withdrawal of the occupation forces from all areas of the Gaza Strip, to the return of the displaced to their homes without restrictions or conditions, and to the beginning of aid and rehabilitation. After that will come a respectable prisoner exchange deal that will end the suffering of our prisoners.”
(( Translation: Surrender, withdraw, rebuilt Gaza for us, and maybe we’ll give back hostages - or their bodies. ))
▪️HAMAS SAYS.. Hamas in an official announcement: “We condemn President Biden's remarks, according to which if Hamas agreed to release the hostages there will be a ceasefire today.  We see this as a complete erasure of the results of the last round of talks.”
▪️IRAN - WE GOT NUKES.. an Iranian lawmaker announced that Tehran had obtained nuclear bombs.
▪️AID.. Hundreds of trucks carrying thousands of tons of food and goods are stuck on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing after Israel’s capture of the crossing.
♦️HEAVY AIRSTRIKES CONTINUE IN GAZA, particularly in Jabaliya.  Enemy report: “heavy attacks by the Israeli air force all over the strip, according to them the attacks are as strong as they were on the first day of the war”
⭕ PALESTINIAN ATTACK ON IDF OUTPUT - JENIN.. “Terror fighters managed to attack the Israeli military camp, west of Jenin, with a heavy barrage of bullets.”
⭕ 3 ATTEMPTS BY HEZBOLLAH TO HIT AN IRON DOME BATTERY.. via suicide drones.  The Air Force is having difficulty intercepting, one hit next to a part of the battery but only minimal damage.  One hit the soldiers dining tent, one failed to explode.  
⭕ HEZBOLLAH DRONES at northern Golan communities.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH DRONE BARRAGE at north west border towns.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS at 2 aid ports to Gaza.
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unfortunate-arrow · 10 months
𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐧 | hp ww1 character profile
warnings: mentions of death and war trauma
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Full Name: Linus Matthew Sullivan 
Nicknames: Yank, Yankee 
Name Meanings: Linus → Greek, “flax” ; Matthew → Hebrew, “gift of god” ; Sullivan → Irish, “dark eyes, hawk eyes.” 
Date of Birth: November 26, 1893 (Sagittarius)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Blood Status: Muggleborn 
Nationality: American 
Residence: Buffalo, New York, United States of America (birth to 21) ; TBD
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Faceclaim: Joseph Mazzello
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Height: 5’9” 
Build: Lean but athletic 
Hair: Sandy brown that’s short
Eye Color: Hazel 
Childhood & Ilvermorny: None 
Adulthood: A bullet scar in his left shoulder 
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) None
Other Distinguishing Marks: None 
Clothing Style: Collared shirts ; suspenders ; trousers ; jeans ; boots ; sweaters ; jackets ; loafers ; ties ; flat caps ; newsboy caps
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Accessories: Identification tags 
What’s in His Pockets: A pencil ; small journal ; a compass ; a pocket knife ; pay-book ; his uncle’s pipe ; handkerchief
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Voiceclaim: Joseph Mazzello 
Accent: American 
Dialect: Inland Northern American English ; General American English 
Languages Spoken: English 
Languages Understood: English
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MBTI Type: INFJ — the advocate
⤷ The INFJ personality type is Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging, which means they are energized by time alone, focused on understanding ideas and concepts, led by their values and intuition, and firm decision makers. This combination of personality preferences produces people who are intensely idealistic, authentic, and empathetic. Although INFJs do not tend to have a large circle of people they are close to, they value deep connections and emotional intimacy with their close friends and family. INFJs believe the world can be a better place, and they concentrate on doing their best to help it get there. 
Enneagram Type: Type 6 — the loyalist 
⤷ Sixes are defined by their desire for safety and security. They seek to anticipate and avoid risk, and to ally themselves with trustworthy authority figures and institutions. Sixes are alert and vigilant, always thinking several steps ahead to anticipate and prepare for what could go wrong.
Positive Traits: Creative, insightful, intelligent, principled, passionate, altruistic, responsible, compassionate, conscientious, dependable
Neutral Traits: Stubborn, private, reserved, idealistic, logical, trustworthy, courageous, loyal, tenacious, adaptable, focused
Negative Traits: Sensitive, reluctant to open up, perfectionistic, anxious, can be aggressive, very private
Common Stressors: The war, MACUSA, work, finances, life 
Comforting Things: Books, comic strips, drawing, baseball, ice hockey, ice skating
Interests & Hobbies: Baseball, ice hockey, reading, ice skating, drawing, sketching
Description: Linus is a “think before you act” type of person, who rarely makes a significant decision without thinking everything through. He’s a quiet person, who usually keeps to himself and takes a while for him to open up to others. He generally holds firmly to his beliefs, principles, and ideals… which isn’t always the best thing as it leads to Linus’s consistent violations of MACUSA’s Rappaport’s Law. In addition, Linus is intelligent, stubborn, and kind. He tries to help those who need it, but often feels like he’s falling short… something exacerbated by the way his mind interprets his role during the Great War. Despite it all, though, Linus tries his hardest to be the man that his mother always believed he could be.
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Wand: Linus’s wand is made of fir wood with a wampus cat hair core and is 10 ¾ inches with an unyielding flexibility. 
⤷ There is no doubt that fir wood, coming as it did from the most resilient of trees, produced wands that demanded staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and favored owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanor. They were poor tools in the hands of the changeable and indecisive. Fir wands were called 'the survivor's wand' as its owners were known to come out of mortal peril unscathed. Fir wands were particularly suited to Transfiguration.
Other Magical Abilities: None 
Patronus: Lynx
Patronus Memory: The first trip to the Pan-American Exposition with his uncle in July of 1901
Pre-war: A shadowy iteration of President William McKinley’s assassin with a smoking gun
Post-war: Himself walking away from someone who needs help (typically a soldier)
Pre-war: The shadowy assassin is revealed to be his Uncle Frank holding a smoking loaf of bread 
Post-war: Himself, kneeling by the person and singing a silly (and sometimes bawdy) song
Linus smells like sandalwood, allspice, mint, and ink.
Linus smells baking bread, popcorn, and a few things related to Maritza. 
Mirror of Erised: Linus would see the muggle and wizarding worlds coexisting peacefully, without Rappaport’s Law. He’d see his mother and uncle with his own family, mostly as a reflection of that.
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House: Wampus
Astronomy — Exceeds Expectations 
Charms — Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding 
Flying — Exceeds Expectations 
Herbology — Acceptable 
History of Magic — Acceptable 
Potions — Acceptable 
Transfiguration — Outstanding 
Arithmancy — Exceeds Expectations 
Extracurriculars: Quodpot
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Affiliations: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ; the Canadian military 
Age 12 to 21 - Newsboy
Age 21 to 23 - Soldier, private 
Age 23 to 24 - Soldier, lance corporal 
Post-war is TBD
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Father: Ephraim Cornelius Lovell [deceased, 1858-1913]
Born in late 1858, Ephraim Lovell was the eldest and only child of Cornelius and Jemima Lovell to survive to adulthood. Ephraim had a good and mostly happy early childhood, but everything changed when he went away to school at the age of thirteen. Life was tough at school, and by the time he graduated, Ephriam had become an only child. His four siblings had all contracted different illnesses and passed away. This left a deep mark on Ephraim, and while he had already begun to take after his father’s philandering ways, he fell deeper into them. Even marrying Ellen Blackmore at the age of 28 wasn’t enough to curb Ephraim’s philandering ways. His first child and only child with Ellen, Eugene Silas Lovell, was born in 1887. Ellen died three years after their son was born and Ephraim did mourn his first wife. Two years later, Ephraim married his second wife, Martha Burke. They had a daughter shortly after, whom they named Ophelia Florence Lovell. Shortly after Ophelia’s birth, Ephraim went to the United States for his merchant business. It was there that he met the young and innocent Bertha Sullivan, whom he was quickly taken with. Like many previous affairs, Ephraim hid his marriage and won Bertha’s affections. They carried on an affair for two months before Ephraim returned to London. He didn’t know that he had left Bertha pregnant or that he would have a second son. Of course, that was kinda par for the course with Ephraim. It was likely that he had fathered multiple children. Ephraim died in 1913 after suffering a fall. He only ever knew two of his children. 
Linus never knew his father. In fact, he didn’t even know his father’s name until he met Eugene and Ophelia and they discovered they were half-siblings. Unfortunately, by that point, Ephraim had been dead for a few years and Linus never had the opportunity to meet the man. However, given Eugene’s and Ophelia’s summations of the man, Linus wasn’t sure if he actually wanted to know Ephraim. 
Mother: Bertha Mary Sullivan [deceased, 1874-1906]
Born in January of 1874, Bertha Sullivan was the eldest child of Mary and Lewis Sullivan and the twin sister of Frank. She had a pretty good childhood, although her parents passed away when she and Frank were fifteen. They lived alone from that point, both working to make ends meet. Four years later, Bertha stumbled upon British businessman Ephraim Lovell and she began a quiet affair with the man. He gave her a lot of hope for marriage, but in April of 1893, he returned to England. Bertha was left heartbroken… and pregnant. Desperate to leave New York City and her recognition there, Bertha left the city for Buffalo, New York with Frank joining her two years later. Her son, Linus Matthew, was born on November 26, 1893 and Bertha raised her boy in Buffalo. She loved that boy and did everything that she could to make sure that he never had to work before the age of 18. Unfortunately, that ideal failed as Bertha fell ill with influenza in February of 1906 which then turned into pneumonia. She died in March of 1906, when her son was twelve. 
Linus had a good relationship with his mother. They were close, especially given that a lot of the time it was just the two of them (and Uncle Frank most of the time too). He loved her a lot. Linus was heartbroken when she died and he spends a lot of time wishing that he could turn to her (or even Uncle Frank).
Uncle: Francis Michael “Frank” Sullivan [deceased, 1874-1906]
Born in January of 1874, Frank Sullivan was the youngest child of Mary and Lewis Sullivan and the twin brother of Bertha. Like his sister, Frank got his first job at the age of 15. He started as a newsie, before finding work in a factory. He wasn’t a fan of Bertha’s clandestine relationship with some older British businessman and after learning that Ephraim Lovell had abandoned and impregnated Bertha, Frank threatened to go find the man. Bertha told him that it didn’t matter and shortly after she left New York City. Frank remained in the city for two years, before following his sister (and nephew) north to Buffalo. He moved in with Bertha and Linus and did his best to help with his nephew. Frank indulged the young boy, as much as he could. He took Linus to the Pan American Exposition in 1901 and even hoped that his nephew would get to shake the hand of the President. Eventually times grew hard on Frank, and in 1905, he decided that it was time to journey out west and find a fortune. This venture failed and Frank died in the April 1906 San Francisco earthquake, only a month after his sister had died from influenza-induced pneumonia. 
Linus had a good relationship with his uncle. For much of his childhood, Frank was the main male influence in his life and helped to shape Linus’s view of masculinity. He had a close relationship with Uncle Frank as well, adoring the man. Linus was heartbroken to learn of Uncle Frank’s sudden death, mixed with some of the shock of the earthquake. 
Half-brother: Eugene Silas Lovell [1887-1918]
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Ephraim Lovell’s son with his first wife, Ellen, Eugene was born on January 24, 1887. His mother passed away when he was three and two years later, his father remarried. Eugene was mostly raised by nannies, staff, and occasionally, his step-mother. He attended boarding school, and did not have magic. His childhood was fairly lonely and Eugene became determined to be a different, better man than his father. When war erupted in 1914, Eugene joined the army and by his death in 1918, he had achieved the rank of sergeant major. Eugene was killed in 1918 in an explosion and some exposure to mustard gas. However, he was able to meet his brother.
Linus had never expected to learn that he has siblings and was pleasantly surprised to learn that he had a brother. Eugene, on the other hand, was not impressed nor surprised to learn that his father had fathered a third child. It took a little while for the two to warm up to one another, but they exchanged letters and greetings throughout the war, up to Eugene’s 1918 death. 
Faceclaim: Lachlan Nieboer 
Half-sister: Ophelia Florence Lovell 
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Ephraim Lovell’s daughter with his second wife, Martha, Ophelia was born on December 9, 1892. She grew up alongside her brother, Eugene, and was mostly raised by her mother, nannies, and other staff. She spent very little time with her father, who was a workaholic who had multiple affairs throughout her childhood. Ophelia was accepted into Hogwarts when she was eleven and she was sorted into Slytherin, where she ended up becoming a prefect and headgirl. After Hogwarts, Ophelia began working as a journalist for the Daily Prophet. In 1914, when World War I broke out and Eugene joined the army, she decided to join a small coalition of wizarding journalists who were determined to report on the affairs of the wizarding world during the war. It was there that Ophelia discovered that she had another brother. 
Linus never expected to learn that he had a sister, but he was grateful to meet Ophelia. They were never extremely close, but it was nice to know there was someone else in the world, especially after the war. Linus liked his sister, she was quite different from him, but they got along quite well. 
Faceclaim: Julia Brown
Childhood: None 
Adulthood: A black Labrador retriever named Blackie 
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Love Interest: Maritza Krum (@potionboy3)
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⤷ Linus first saw Maritza Krum when he arrived in France in 1915. A year later, he saw her once again, this time during the Battle of Somme. A few months later, while on a 10-day leave in Paris, Linus runs into Maritza. As it turns out, most of Linus’s leave is spent getting to know Maritza and possibly, kinda falling into something that could turn into love. Before he returns to the Front, Maritza gives him her necklace and makes him promise to return it to her after the war. Throughout the war, Linus and Maritza exchange letters. They share a few moments in-person here and there, throughout the war, before officially reuniting in November of 1918. They eventually married on March 4, 1919.
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Son: Constantine Marinus Sullivan
Faceclaim: Omar Rudberg
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Son: Malachi Francis Sullivan
Hufflepuff | b. November 26, 1935
Faceclaim: Jack Fisher
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Best Friends: TBD
Close Friends: TBD
Sydney Barlow (@gaygryffindorgal)
Kit Enfield, Alexej Kavinsky (@potionboy3)
Colm O’Shea
It’s Complicated: TBD
Ilvermorny Dormmates: TBD
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
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Place of Birth: Buffalo, New York, the United States of America 
Hometown: Buffalo, New York, the United States of America 
Linus Matthew Sullivan, born November 26, 1893, was the only child of Bertha Sullivan and Ephraim Lovell, although he never knew his father. Therefore, he was raised primarily by his unmarried mother. When he was two, his uncle Frank joined Linus and his mother in Buffalo. Uncle Frank became a permanent fixture in his life, mostly as the fun uncle which included taking his nephew to the Pan-American Exposition in 1901. Linus had a pretty good childhood before learning that he was a wizard. Sure, there were some weird things that happened, but the Sullivans mostly wrote them off. 
At the age of seven, on September 6, 1901, Linus attended the Pan-American Exposition with his uncle. His uncle, Frank, took him to shake hands with then-President William McKinley. What happened then would stick with Linus for years to follow. President McKinley was shot twice in the abdomen and Linus never got to shake the president’s hand.
The rest of Linus’s childhood was fairly quiet. His mother and uncle worked a lot, mostly to ensure that Linus never had to even think about going to work himself. It worked until their deaths in 1906. 
At the age of 11, Linus learned that he was a wizard, which came as a complete shock to the Sullivans.
Ilvermorny Years:
Upon starting at Ilvermorny, Linus was chosen by Wampus. It took him a while to become comfortable at Ilvermorny and he balked at some of the strictness of the American wizarding world. It seemed at odds with the values of no-maj America. Eventually he settled in, but much of his first year was disrupted by sudden changes to his life. 
In March of his first year, Linus was pulled out of charms class and informed that his mother had died of pneumonia. Less than a month later, Linus learned that his Uncle Frank was a victim of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.
Linus generally enjoyed his time at Ilvermorny. He ended up playing quodpot, although he generally kept to himself. During the summer, Linus worked as a newsie to make money and supplement the care that he was receiving in the orphanage. 
After graduating from Ilvermorny, Linus continued his work as a newsie. He felt adrift, unsure of where to go or what to do. Thus, he stuck to what he was familiar with. Unfortunately, what he was familiar with led to multiple, continuous violations of Rappaport’s Law which forbade unnecessary contact between wizards and no-majs. Even after being fined, Linus continued to violate the law. His constant violations led to a hit wizard being assigned to his case in late 1914.
Feeling desperate, Linus made the decision to flee into Canada in the winter of 1915 and he made an uncharacteristically impulsive decision to join the army. He entered the war as a private and was sent a few months in boot camp. He was shipped out to the Western Front in June of the same year… which led to a first glimpse of his future wife, Maritza Krum. 
During the war, Linus generally kept his head down. He met his half-brother and sister during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. In late 1917, he ended up joining the company of Kit Enfield (@potionboy3) and was exposed to the wizarding culture of the British Isles. In addition, he had a confrontation with Ralph Myers, the hit wizard after him, in October of 1918. The confrontation occurred after Linus was hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the left shoulder. 
After the war, Linus marries Maritza Krum and they have two sons, Constantine and Malachi.
Old Age:
After retiring at the age of 96, Linus spends his time working on hobbies and taking some time for himself. 
Linus passed away in his sleep at the age of 102 in 1996. He left behind a wide array of direct descendants.
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Favorite Color: Blue 
Favorite Food: Tomato soup ; popcorn 
Favorite Drink: Coffee 
Favorite Weather: Crisp and sunny 
Favorite Season: Winter 
Favorite Book: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum 
Dislikes: Wet clothes ; MACUSA ; war ; broccoli ; peas ; mushy vegetables 
Linus’s post-war trauma (PTSD) is defined by reliving his experiences in a very different way. In other words, Linus’s war memories are remembered in a way that paints himself in a fairly negative view. One example is believing that he did nothing to help a dying soldier when, in reality, he held the man’s hand until he died.
Every Christmas season, Bertha Sullivan paid for a photograph of her son. Sometimes they included her and Frank, but mostly, they were just Linus. He holds tightly to them, for his mother’s handwriting on the back. 
Important Links & Tags:
tag: Linus Sullivan
More information about his sons, Constantine and Malachi
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corkcitylibraries · 2 years
Echoes of our Past | February 10th 1923
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Librarian Richard Forrest takes a look at news highlights published in The Echo 100 years ago this week.
Old Sores Can be Closed
General Richard Mulcahy, head of the armed forces, said that if those opposing the Free State would only come forward like men and admit that they had taken the wrong road, and lay down their arms, they would quickly be restored to the affection of the public. This would be such a massive and unexpected relief to the country that the sores that opened up in the last eight to ten months would close again in a month. 
President Cosgrave in London
President Cosgrave’s present visit to London is concerned with a multiplicity of departmental, legislative and financial matters which are passing from British Government to Irish control under the terms of the Treaty. He met Prime Minister Bonar Law at Downing Street this morning.
Shooting Near Midleton Yesterday
At about 6 o’clock last night a young man named John Wiggins was proceeding home to Ballinacurra in company with a National soldier named Lee. When the pair came to a rather quiet spot on the road revolver shots rang out and Wiggins was hit in the palm of his left hand where the bullet still remains. The two returned to Midleton where he was attended by Dr. P.J. O’Brien before removal to Midleton Hospital. The injured is an ex-National Army man having served in Midleton and Youghal. Elsewhere in east Cork, “Maryland” the property of the late Tom Donovan in Rostellan, was burned down last night. The residence was untenanted and devoid of furniture. 
Concealed Soldiers Shoot Raiders
During a raid on a Waterford sub-post office, soldiers who were concealed shot two of the raiders dead.
Cork Egg-Packers Strike
The striking egg-packers picketed even more stridently last night and prevented patrons from entering the bar of the Grosvenor Hotel. The hotel is a concern of Mr. J. Sullivan, one of the packers’ employers. Earlier they prevented provisions and parcels from being delivered to the Windsor Hotel nearby which also belongs to Mr. Sullivan. When interviewed, Mr. Sullivan said that neither of the hotels has the slightest connection with the egg business and in the case of the Grosvenor he is merely a shareholder. He said railway strikers may as well picket the businesses that use railways. There is no progress to report in the strike by Cork’s flour milling operatives.
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Cork District Sessions
Daniel O’Keeffe of Eason’s Hill was charged by Guardsman Dwyer with having been drunk in the South Main Street at 9.45 pm on Friday. Kate Carroll, no fixed abode, was charged by Patrolman Bryant with a like offence on the Grand Parade. Both fined 2s. 6d.
Women’s Health Association
The Association met in the St. Vincent de Paul Hall on Queen Street (Fr. Matthew Street) on February 8th. Mrs. Maurice Healy in the Chair. The reports for December and January were read by Nurse Lyndon. There were 102 tuberculosis cases on the books. Of these five went to the sanatorium, one to the Union Hospital (St. Finbarr’s) and one died. Eight cases returned home from the sanatorium and one from St. Patrick’s Hospital. The houses of two cases that died were disinfected. Air cushions were lent to two bad cases. Instruction was given in seventeen cases pertaining to the danger of sputum. In all health cases, 573 home visits were made in the two months. Regarding Samaritan work, a great number of cases had to be helped owing to unemployment. Tonics, malt, dressings for surgical cases and foodstuffs such as milk, eggs etc. for necessitous cases were distributed. There is a great need of warm underwear etc. for the winter months.
At the Opera House
Charles Doran and his travelling Shakespearean Company gave their farewell performance at the Opera House last night. It was “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” performed before a very large audience. After the fall of the curtain Mr. Doran returned heartfelt thanks to the public of Cork for their splendid support. The O’Mara Opera Company open their engagement on Monday night with “Mignon”. This beautiful opera by Ambroise Thomas is a great favourite in Cork and a most enjoyable performance is anticipated.
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Poor Joe Spriggs Soccered
Joe Spriggs’ application for reinstatement has been turned down. He has admitted playing Soccer, and according to the rule, he stands automatically suspended for a period of two years. The case is a rather hard one, and his name, which smacks so much of cage birds and bird-lime, appeals to me as I am a bit of a bird fancier myself. Poor Spriggs. In the absence of Gaelic football matches during the many troubled months that have gone by, betook himself to the Association code to keep in form and to prevent his becoming rusty. That is the head and foot of his offending. If such a rule had not been in existence, he would not have been sprigged and caged up as he is now. The times that are in it are making it difficult to get our G.A.A. players to turn out, and other games are increasing in popularity. Not only with players but with the public. Time for leniency. 
Miscellaneous International Snippets
The Minister of Labour has stated in Rome that the Italian government will maintain the eight-hour day. The Prince of Wales enjoyed great sport with the Quorn Hounds yesterday. His horse fell but the Prince received only slight facial scratches. The Belgian refusal to handle mail for Germany is causing serious delivery delays. The Belgians say that if the Germans want the mail they will have to come and fetch it. Steps are being taken to rescue the sacks of English mail lying at Herbesthal. Aviator Broad reached Paris from London on a night flight of four hours.
0 notes
lucius-the-sinful · 2 years
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
thank you kalyppso <3
💤 - Zafir’s mind is incredibly busy, always working towards solutions to his various problems, usually leading to a lack of sleep. He also lives in a very dangerous world, and is hyper aware of his surroundings at all times. What helps him sleep is security, in a physical or emotional sense.
🥞 - Zafir is tall and large, so his diet leans heavily into protein. His favorite breakfast, however, is a hash of leftovers--usually potatoes and eggs with whatever breakfast meat is available (sausage, ham, or bacon). He’s not a very good cook, but its a simple enough meal that can be heated in an oven or over a fire. Bonus if there is some bread and honey to go with.
🍃 - Zafir’s connection to nature isn’t that inherently strong with his world being corrupted by perceived unnatural sources. He sees nature untouched by chaos as something that will inevitably be corrupted. He believes (at first) there is nothing that can be done. This makes survival in his world difficult, but he still finds enjoyment in one activity: hunting. While it is a necessity to survive, there is also something immensely satisfying about bringing down an animal, the hunts also serving as moments of peace in the chaotic environment.
🎵 - His playlist is a mixed bag of a lot of things. Some alternative rock, grunge, synth, and folk. In modern AU's, I imagine him to be a fan of all sorts of rock, his favorites being Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, and Sullivan King. The top three songs I associate the most with him are Black Hole Sun, Kingdom of Cards, and Magnum Bullets
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parvamundiarc · 3 years
Suzy wanted to write screenplays. For a living, that is. She did write screenplays, but nothing ever came of them. She still has the notebooks filled to the brim with her ideas and stories, but they’re just “collector’s items” to her now ( as she puts it ).
Junior used to be... very shy about sex. He thought he was terrible at it until a friend of his taught him more about how to get out of his head and into the act and how to enjoy it and thus, make it more enjoyable for his partner. He gives her credit for getting him to come out of that shell. I will not be revealing this friend at this time. Thank you.
Frankie threw the biggest bash for KT for her 40th birthday back in January... And she didn’t even attend it. She knew it was all just an excuse for him to throw a rowdy ass party and she didn’t want any part of it. He... didn’t seem to notice.
Lou’s mom Ida shipped her with Eddie and was wary of her fondness for Shaun. A mother’s instincts, man...
It’s bananas how good Teddy is at baseball and how good his biological father ( Shaun ) was too, and how much they’d bond over that... If Lou would even let him near their son or if Teddy would even want it.
Farah’s VW Beetle is in the shop. Again. She’s pissed.
Aisling has found herself in some trouble. I will not be elaborating at this time.
Brad woke up wanting a meaningful relationship. He blames the hangover he has. This will change by noon anyway.
Gertie is considering retiring, but she hasn’t a clue what she would do with her time if not at the bakery... Or looking out for Lou.
Kelly Sullivan is getting out of prison soon and his kids ( Bullet, Reggie, and Luke ) are having very complicated feelings about it.
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lostsullivans · 4 years
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@aninsomniacsocs​​ sent:  i should call my ex. (Gabi to Bullet)
PARTY TIME | accepting
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          “Oh fuck no!” Without a second thought, Bullet slapped Gabi’s phone right from her hand, watching it smack against the hard floor, screen cracking. She drunkenly stared at it a moment before bending and scooping it up, shoving it into her low-cut top. “You’ll thank me tomorrow, darlin’. Promise. When we go shoppin’ for a new phone and you’ve NOT called your ex-asshole.”
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bastardsullivan · 4 years
tag drop bc necessary, part ii
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findmyblood · 5 years
tags, pt. 8 – connections
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thelostsullivans · 1 year
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Name:  Francis Joseph Sullivan Nickname / Alias: Frankie Born:  July 25th, 1989 Age:  34 Hometown:  New York City, NY, USA Current location:  New York City, NY Gender / Pronouns:  genderfluid, they/he Sexuality / Attraction:  heteroromantic heterosexual Occupation:  Co-owner and manager of The Blue Lounge / general shithead / future Senator Family: John (incarcerated) and Ada (deceased) Sullivan, Michael Sullivan (brother - deceased), Bullet Sullivan (cousin), Luke O'Doherty (cousin), Reggie Santos Costa (cousin), , Robert Sullivan (paternal grandfather), Lake Sullivan and Ollie Wolfe (children - verse dependent)
Face Claim:  Ni.co Tor.tor.ella Hair color:  Brown Eye color:  Blue Height:  5′11
Positive Traits:  Smart, born leader, funny, charming, charismatic Negative Traits:  Conniving, opportunistic, selfish, callous at times
Raised among a sea of crooked men including his father and uncle, the only shining lights in Frankie’s life were their younger brother Mikey and mother Ada – both of whom he was extremely protective. When they both passed away in a car accident, Frankie’s life turned upside down. He and his father John grew closer, if only due to loneliness, and the pair found a connection to John's criminal brother Kelly. Frankie suddenly found themself looking up to their uncle, a man they’d always been a bit afraid of, and connected deeper with him. After a while, John packed up his kid and moved him into a small apartment in Manhattan that his father Robert had loaned him. Soon, John's brother Kelly and his daughter Pearl, recent transplants from Santa Fe, New Mexico, joined them. The two older men then began a ‘business’ of crooked dealings, while Frankie and Bullet (as her father dubbed her) fended for themselves. Relying on what he knew of the life and using their cousin in every way he could manage, Frankie and Bullet struck up a bit of a gig themselves until their fathers got nabbed and thrown into prison. Left alone officially, the pair decided they'd continue to survive the way they had until their grandfather seized the opportunity to look good to his constituents and took them in. Life had improved, it seemed.
When the pair finally discovered just how awful their fathers were and what had gotten them thrown into prison, Frankie, lost and confused, decided to attempt to strike out on their own, leaving the crook in themself behind, determined to head off on the straight and narrow now that they had these new opportunities under their grandfather's care. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have a clue how to get through life without employing all the things that hindered him from keeping his nose clean, and soon he fell back on all of them.
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lunarastrobabe · 3 years
Rafe Adler x Sam Drake- Deja Vu
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(Fluff/little angst)
The heavy summer rain poured outside, a few cracks of thunder rumbled through the cloudy sky with multiple bolts of lightning shining through the cracks in the black curtains. Sam stared at the alarm clock that sat on his bedside table, waiting anxiously for the numbers to change. “Shit.” He mumbled to himself, rubbing his tired eyes and sitting up, his bare chest covered in cuts and bruises, including the three bullet holes on his abdomen. Grabbing his worn brown v-neck t-shirt from the edge of the bed, he slid it on and picked up his phone, if he couldn’t sleep, then coffee was the only solution.
He dragged his sluggish body down the staircase, the beige carpeted floor feeling soft against his bare feet. His thumb scrolling through multiple text messages, mostly from Nate or Sullivan asking when he was coming to visit them again. He switched on the main light as he entered the kitchen, squinting his eyes at the stinging sensation. Sighing he grabbed a clean cup and setting it under the spout.
“C’mon you stupid machine,” He grumbled, pressing multiple buttons until it made a grinding noise. “Finally!” He said, a little bit of joy in his voice, taking it by the handle and bringing the mug to his lips. Noticing his packet of cigarettes and his silver lighter near the back door, he hesitated for a moment, as he had promised his brother he would give up smoking after they left the motel in Madagascar. ‘Well, one couldn’t hurt, right?’ He thought to himself. Shrugging, he pushed open the door to the back yard, the warm summer heat mixed with the earthy smell relaxed his mind. Leaning against the door frame, he took another gulp of the coffee and put the cigarette in between his lips.
The smell of his dirty prison cell, a snoring inmate in the other bed beside the wall. Stuck in this shit hole for thirteen years, he thought he would never get out, either alive or dead. The confused yet, ecstatic feeling when the guard let him out of his cell, saying somebody was here to bail him out. Nathan was the first person who came to mind. The hot sun beaming down on the prison, looking at this place the first time he arrived here in search for the treasure, he just knew it was a bad place to be in. Sweat and blood of the inmates that were imprisoned here, seeped through every room and wall he walked through, even in his own cell. Every night, he rarely slept, all he could hear was fighting, yelling, and sometimes even singing, and not just by the inmates. The guards would whistle as they patrolled the halls.
“Hello, Samuel.” Rafe said with a smirk on his face, placing a hand on his shoulder. Sam didn’t know what to think or feel, he was unsure as to whether this was a dream or not. Was it a dream? Was it reality?
Years later, he and Rafe had grown close, closer everyday, even when working with his irritating ass, Sam still saw the good in him. A few times they had nights together where Sam had made him his own. Nights where they would just hold each other for hours. Those moments he thought about everyday since Rafe’s death, he missed him, more so than he ever thought he would, even after the betrayal when Nate had found out the truth.
He smiled to himself remembering the past, but soon turned into a frown and lit the cigarette, taking a long, puff. He looked ahead of him, into the darkness, his eyes flickering from the little garden lights to the stars in the sky. Still, he felt alone, he felt as though his destiny was unfulfilled. He thought Avery’s Treasure was his true destiny.
Few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, Sam jumped a little at the sound, the half lit cigarette falling out of his mouth and onto the wet grass below. He groaned. “And that was my last one. Goddammit.” He said to himself. walked back inside, closing the door behind him and placed the mug in the sink. Running his fingers through his hair he made his way to the front door, grabbing his pistol that sat under the doormat. He leaned against the door before swinging it open, only to be unprepared for who was standing in front of him.
The flashbacks. The pain. The heartache. Sam knew that all too well. He hid it from everyone. He thought that finding Avery's treasure would make him feel, satisfied. Hoping it would fill that deep hole that plagued his heart. The survivors guilt he had dealt with every single day since their last encounter, he had never expected to see that particular face again standing in the middle of his living-room at three in the morning. All their history flashed before his eyes, he felt as though he was being crushed by thousands of bricks, just piling on top of him. In his mind, it was a hell he couldn’t escape from.
"Samuel." Rafe said, taking a step forward, pursing his lips slightly and looking at the ground before his eyes connected with Sam. His hair slicked back as it always was, every little strand perfectly sculpted into place, along with dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep.
The anger built up inside his chest, "You son of a-," Sam threw a fist at him, his beaten and bruised knuckles coming into contact with Rafe's jaw. The memory of nearly getting killed on that ship burned through his mind. His fists unclenched, feeling as though the physical contact calmed his anger. He sighed, watching the man hold his cheek in his hand, trying to ignore the searing pain.
"I thought you had died back on that goddamn ship!" He yelled, pained and bewildered. He glanced over at him as he rubbed his sore knuckles, so many questions circling his head, wondering how he escaped, noticing the scars from his recent wounds, and why he had suddenly come back. The stabbing feeling in his heart was unbearable. Rafe stared at him, his eyebrows relaxed and the guilt of abandoning him was overpowering.
“Samuel, I-,” But before he could explain, Sam cut him off.
“No you can’t be here, there’s no fucking way.” He tried to turn himself away and choke back the tears already forming in his eyes. He refused to be let down again, he didn’t want more heartbreak.
“Hey! Look at me,” The soothing tone in Rafe’s voice calmed him down. He relaxed, controlling his breathing. He took Sam’s face in his hands, caressing his cheek with his thumb. “It’s me. I’m here. I’m alive.” It took a few seconds longer to realise his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him and that he had emerged from the dead and back into his life. His eyebrows furrowed, looking at the man he had fell in love with, all those years ago. His chest tightened at his touch, the butterflies in his stomach returned after the prolonged absence.
They sat together on the couch, discussing for hours about the traumatic events that had occurred both apologising to each other for everything that had happened and all the lies that were told.
It was now seven thirty in the morning, feeling the sleep deprivation kicking in, Rafe laid down on his back and opened his arms for Sam, all he wanted to do was hold him and comfort him after being without him for so long.
“C’mere.” He whispered. Sam moved closer and wrapped his arms around Rafe’s waist, laying in between his legs, resting his head on his chest. He listened to his heartbeat, that thumping sound that he never forgot. He breathed in his scent and felt his heart strings being pulled.
“I missed you.” Rafe mumbled, pressing a light kiss to his head, running his fingers through his hair.
“I missed you too.” Sam replied. But there was one more thing he wanted to do. He sat up slightly, and looked into his eyes again. Nothing could compare to the connection they had together. Rafe’s fingertips ran up and down Sam’s side, he always had the most gentle touch when he was with him.
Sam leaned in slowly, his left hand holding Rafe’s cheek, their lips parting slightly before joining together, holding onto each other, worried that if they let go, they would disappear.
Although Sam felt like there was more to explore out in the world, he knew having Rafe back in his arms once again, could be the start of a new adventure.
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codeswitch · 4 years
Sherlock Holmes and the Watchmaker of Filigree Street are both set in London in the 1880s, please steal my crossover fic ideas
Option 1: Mori and Thaniel meet Arthur Conan Doyle. Mori says something cryptic like what he tells Dolly Williamson at the end of Watchmaker ("You think you're dying, but you aren't. You need to eat some proper fruit and go to the sea"):
ACD: how could you POSSIBLY know this secret fact about me
Mori: I.....deduced it from context clues
Thaniel, internally: Keita no one is going to believe that you can just DEDUCE something like that
ACD: how absolutely fascinating, tell me more
Thaniel, internally: screaming
Option 2: Post-Watchmaker, Mori and Thaniel meet Holmes and Watson. The opportunities are truly endless but here are some ideas:
The four of them are somehow connected to the same case. They meet and Holmes and Mori start arguing very politely and very stubbornly. Thaniel and Watson inadvertently exchange the exact same long-suffering glance. Each spends the rest of the meeting absolutely terrified that the other has discovered their Big Secret
During the case, Mori sets up a convoluted plot to get Holmes to overhear Thaniel playing piano. Holmes and Thaniel's budding musical friendship is almost ruined when Holmes discovers that Thaniel actually WORKS FOR Gilbert and Sullivan, those uncultured crowd-pleasers who are ruining the London music scene
Thaniel pulls Watson aside. Excuse me, is Mr. Holmes, er, you know...? Watson: I'm not SURE what you're trying to IMPLY. Thaniel: I meant is he also a [whispers] clairvoyant? Watson, sweating bullets: no he's not a clairvoyant, what an absurd thought, he's just really fucking good at his job, hahaha next question.
At the end of the case: Holmes: so, Mr. Steepleton, I see that you and Baron Mori adopted a child to help with your work, she seems marvelous. Watson: do NOT get any ideas
Option 3: Before Thaniel and Grace's marriage, Grace decides to bring The Case Of The Potential Clairvoyant (And Is My Fiancé In Love With Him Or What) to that detective she read about in the newspaper
Holmes: ah yes, he's in my notes as "Baron Mori, that asshole who is somehow connected to a lot of shit I can't prove." Grace: this feels right
Holmes thinks Grace must be joking when she says she's a chemist, because Women Can't Be Real Scientists. He tests her by saying something condescending and complicated that he thinks will go over her head. She replies with "oh, I just read an interesting monograph on that reaction, but the experiment's design clearly had some fatal flaws." Holmes reevaluates everything he thinks about Grace in 15 seconds. What if he showed her that current experiment on sulfer dioxide...Half an hour later, Watson kicks Grace out of Baker Street before she and Holmes blow something up.
Holmes meets Matsumoto and hates him on sight. That afternoon, to Grace: "Why are you getting married again? You're both obviously in love with other people, this seems avoidable. Also, your future husband is beyond irritating but he seems to genuinely care for you." Grace: excuse me. you dare. you presume.
"So as far as I can tell, Mori hasn't committed a crime, but I did uncover this plot to assassinate a prominent Japanese minister." "But does Mori have something to do with it?" "Probably."
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the-dc-killjoy · 3 years
4x12 - Old Souls
Wynonna Earp's over. I'll do pretty much anything to get another season, but shows (not that I think that this show could ever get to that point. id still love WE even if it turned into whatever Grey's Anatomy's doing rn) shouldn't overstay their welcome. If this is the end, than it was a damn fine ending!
The cute.
I've been watching Martina sing since I was 11 years old, and it still puts a smile on my face. Rachel was iconic as always, and I'm gonna miss the most recent addition to the Earp family. I can just imagine the chaos of her, her not really but kind of boyfriend, and Randy Nedley on a tiny boat in the middle of nowhere. Poor Nedley. Let's hope Chrissy remains the only one of his many daughter figures to catch mono.
Speaking of mononucleosis- that's such an awful transition that i'm keeping it, I believe that Wayhaught has officially christened the entire homestead. Bedroom, The Stairs, kitchen floor, barn- short of just going to pound town (i'm not getting any better with sex references tonight. am i) in a patch of grass outside, they've got everything covered. Or nothing covered if you know what i mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Am I getting better now?
The random.
Nedley walking Nicole down the isle, Wynonna walking Waverly down the isle, Doc being Waverly's best man, and Wynonna being Nicole's best friend (no she will not take a secondary title. best friend will go on her tombstone)- sigh, i'm so gay. i can't really explain what that has to do with these circumstances, but i am and this makes me happy. Rachel and Nedley (and Billy was there somewhere right?) being the only people in attendance made this the perfect pandemic wedding even though there wasn't actually a pandemic in Earp land. I was the living embodiment of the pleading face emoji when they panned over the chairs. Doll's chair hurt me. like deeply. like i'm still suffering. there aren't words. fuck, i miss him.
On a lighter note, Waverly said fuck (like eight times)!!! She technically said it already, but chainsmoking-angelic possession doesn't count, right?
I'm glad that Jeremy has this new thing with Damon, but I kinda wish things had worked out with him and Robin. He officiated a wedding, got promoted, and got a handsome date in one afternoon, so I can't be too sad about his adorable self.
Charlotte Sullivan, the jilted dress shop owner/witch, played one of the earliest (in my knowledge at least. this show was my brother's thing not mine) representation of a bi woman in Canadian media. I don't know too much about her Rookie Blue character, but if you can have tolerated the will-they-wont-they, end of the world romance of the main character's kinda mediocre relationships for a couple more seasons, I'm sure you'll find out! By the nature of Canada having 16.87 actors in total, I tend to see a lot of overlap, and I have to infodump about that somewhere. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Earping callbacks! Wynonna's truck, her motorcycle, the bullet proof vest, Nedley and Nicole's father-daughter thing, Waverly never saying the f-word (and subverting that), i'm all in, even Rachel always being stuck with juice while the adults are drinking- perfect! We had a little bit of the usual supernatural insanity, but this episode was wall to wall fanservice, and it was perfectly in-character fanservice. That's the way to go! It didn't feel forced or awkward and the edited mailbox will make me tear up on rewatch
The relationship. (aka i wanna talk about wyndoc and had no outline when i started this thing)
The Wyndoc goodbye was beautiful. I'm not into the whole you need one person to complete you kinda thing, but the implication that it didn't have to be romantic (implying that Wynonna's person was Waverly) was great. I felt that the scene worked perfectly, and might have been fine leaving it there if there was another season clearly on the horizon. With the fact that this was the series finale (i sighed so hard typing that. my poor lungs), I'm glad that they got their own happy ending.
The analysis.
Nicole's and Wynonna's as individual characters mirror each other in so many ways, but I'm just gonna wax poetic about one: their relationship with the GRT. Wynonna was hurt by the town, badly. She grew up with a steady stream of shitty adults and a few who told her to shake the demons out of her head and embraced the tough love mantra. It made a lot of sense that she left as an adult. Waverly was most likely the only reason she didn't skip town before that.
Nicole had a negative integer of adult role models in her life, with the murdered aunt and uncle and the whatever-the-fuck her parents were trying to be. Sure, a little trip to the Ghost River Triangle left her with trauma that she spent a lifetime repressing, but what's a little surviving a massacre under the six year old girl bridge. Am I right?
In their early lives, these characters had nothing but negative experiences in the aptly named town of Purgatory. Wynonna was drawn back into town by Curtis' letter just in time for her 27th birthday, and Nedley applied for Nicole to start working as a cop. Neither of them directly chose to come back to the Ghost River Triangle, but both of them did have the final say.
Wynonna decided pretty early on that she was going to stay no matter what. She already abandoned her sister once. How could she do it again with all of these monsters lurking in the shadows. As time went on, her circle of people expanded, but Waverly has always been the person that fight through hell and high water for. Even when fighting wasn't necessary, when it hurt her much more than it helped anything, she did it anyways because it was the only thing she could do to protect her sister. Wynonna thought it was the only thing she could do at all. This entire season, she's been fighting a war with herself, and her leaving, Waverly telling her that it was okay to leave, was the first time that took a break, took a breath since she arrived in Purgatory on her 27th birthday. Her child and the man she loves are out in the world, but she will be back with them at her side. Maybe after a quick road trip, maybe after a few years, but she will be back.
Nicole spent a majority of season 1 and 2 feeling like an outsider. Season 3 came with the realization that these people were her family and the Ghost River Triangle was her home. Early season 4 kinda shat all over that, oops. The rest of this season has been her finding her footing again. Nicole was a wandering soul, but she voluntarily staked herself to the land, vowing to protect it and the people within its borders for the rest of her life without the ability to leave, and she doesn't regret it. Her wife, her family, her people are all in this one not-so-sleepy Canadian town.
Nicole found her place, after a lifetime of searching, and Wynonna left, temporarily, after a lifetime of feeling trapped. They might seem like opposites, but both women call the same place home.
Originally, I watched this show was to cope with the ending of Agents of SHIELD (which I kind of used to cope with the ending of Killjoys, which featured Emily Andras as a writer in season 1 and has near identical humor, found family, and a healthy serving of gay and wow this is turning into a bit of advertisement isn't it), but it wormed its way into my heart. I've never quite seen a show like this. Never seemed interested in a western, even a sci-fi western. Never saw the gay couple reach OTP status both in fandom and canon. I've never seen so many fan conventions dedicated to just one show. I usually stay for just one character (and Wynonna has become one of my all time favorite characters), but I find myself connecting with so many of the beautiful people being brought to life on my screen. Wynonna, Waverly, Nicole, Rachel, Dolls, Jeremy, Doc, Nedley and so many other hilarious and heartbreaking characters make this show, and every single human who played a part in this self-proclaimed shitshow deserves a round of applause and a swig of whiskey.
The end.
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happylifefanfic · 3 years
Safe Place Chapter 3
“Come on, man.  Tell me more about her,” Buck insisted as he and Eddie double checked the equipment on the truck to make sure everything was operating correctly.
Eddie heaved a big sigh before turning around to face his friend.
“Buck, I really don’t know her that well.  I’m not sure what else you want me to tell you,” Eddie said with frustration lacing his voice.
“Dude, she’s been babysitting Christopher every time we have to work and she’s off.  Plus, she’s all Christopher talks about.  I think he has a crush on her.  Besides, you’ve totally glossed over the most important detail of all,” Buck said with a grin.
“And what would that be?” Eddie asked as he rolled his eyes.
“Is she single?” Buck said, clapping his hands together.  Eddie’s frown deepened into a scowl.
“I don’t know,” he spat out between clenched teeth.
“Well, find out for me!  Emma could be the one I’ve been waiting for,” Buck said with a hopeful expression on his face.
“No way in hell, Buck,” Eddie growled, shaking his head.  He immediately regretted biting his friend’s head off, but he couldn’t shake the fury that ran through his body at the thought of Buck dating Emma.  Or anyone dating Emma for that matter.
“Okay then.  I’ll just ask Athena,” Buck said before turning around and pulling out his phone to tap out a text.  Eddie watched his friend walk away in dismay.  When he walked away from Emma that night a few weeks back, he knew in his gut that he had made a mistake.  Even though he had tried dating again after Shannon’s death, nothing ever felt completely right.  He’d gotten close once with Anna, but in the end he knew that he’d run away from her out of fear.  He’d never been good with the unknown and a new relationship scared him more than he had realized.  By the time he had decided he was ready to overcome his fear, Anna had moved on and was happy in a new relationship.  Eddie couldn’t blame her.  She deserved someone who had his shit together and wasn’t going to run scared every time they tried to take their relationship to the next level.
“Eddie, can we talk?” Bobby asked as he came to stand next to the younger firefighter who looked like he was trying to solve the world’s problems while he was inspecting their equipment.
“Sure,” Eddie said, putting down the clipboard he had in his hands.
“I wasn’t sure I should say anything, but I just got a call from Athena.  Apparently Buck is trying to get Athena to set him up with Emma.  Athena is concerned because she’s convinced that there is something going on between you and Emma,” Bobby said, causing Eddie to sigh loudly again.
“Nothing is going on between Emma and me, Bobby.  She’s kept Christopher for me a few times when we had opposite shifts, but that’s it.  She’s my neighbor, Christopher’s sometimes babysitter, and a friend,” Eddie replied.
“Well, if you’re sure, then Athena can’t really hold Buck off much longer,” Bobby said with a chuckle.  “He’s driving her nuts.”
“I can only imagine,” Eddie said, sparing a grin.
Bobby opened his mouth to say something else when the alarm sounded causing the 118 to burst into a flurry of action.  Several moments later they were racing towards the scene of an emergency.  Bobby listened carefully to the information being relayed by dispatch.  
“Dispatch, repeat that,” Bobby said, wanting to confirm what he’d just heard.  The words that echoed through his headset caused his heart to speed up.
“What’s wrong, Cap?” Chim asked from the backseat of the firetruck.  Bobby turned around and made eye contact with Eddie.
“There’s been an officer involved shooting at a shopping center,” Bobby said flatly.
“Is it Athena?” Hen asked on edge.  Bobby shook his head.
“Athena was one of the officers on the scene,” Bobby said, maintaining eye contact with Eddie.
“Emma?” Eddie managed to say.
“She was shot, Eddie.  Dispatch said she’s still breathing, but she’s unconscious,” Bobby said with sympathy in his eyes.  Eddie just stared at Bobby as he slowly nodded his head.  
“Hen, when we get there, you and Chimney are to work on Emma.  Buck, you need to help keep the scene clear so we can get the ambulance out of there ASAP.”
“What about Eddie?” Buck asked, looking between his friend and his Captain.
“Eddie knows what he needs to do,” Bobby said as the truck came to a stop.  The team of firefighters immediately jumped from the truck and ran to assess the situation.  Hen, Chim, Bobby, and Eddie found Athena leaning over Emma’s still body on the ground near their police car.  Athena had her hands pressed down hard on Emma’s upper left side of her chest.  Hen and Chim immediately knelt down to begin assessing Emma’s injury.  Bobby stood to the side and put his arm around Athena when she rose to her feet.  
Eddie knelt down at Emma’s head as he watched his friends rush to stop the bleeding from the gunshot wound that was too close to the location of her heart.  
His eyes shot down to see Emma’s green ones staring up at him.  The corners of her eyes and mouth were pinched in pain.  His right hand immediately found its way to cup her cheek.
“How are you feeling?” he asked as he leaned down closer to her face.  Emma’s eyes drifted close briefly before blinking open.  
“I’m okay, but I’ve been better,” she said.  A second later a loud gasp left her as Chim pressed down on the gunshot wound.  Eddie’s other hand reached out to cup Emma’s other cheek.
“Focus on me,” he said.  “Hen and Chim are going to take the best care of you.  We’re going to get you to the hospital and you’ll be good as new.”
Emma nodded her in reply as a tear leaked out from each eye.  Eddie hated to see her in pain.  In that moment, he would do anything to take her pain away from her.  Within moments, she had been loaded onto a stretcher and was being put into the back of an ambulance.  Eddie stood beside the ambulance as Hen and Chim got Emma settled inside.  A hand came to rest on his shoulder and he turned to see Bobby standing there.
“Go with her,” Bobby said.  Eddie nodded before climbing into the back of the ambulance to sit beside Emma.  Memories hit him hard as remembered a different ambulance ride with another woman that had meant so much to him.  Eddie reached out to take Emma’s hand in his.  She squeezed his hand in return.
“Emma, I’m going to put this oxygen mask over your face,” Hen said as she moved the mask to cover Emma’s nose and mouth.  The rest of the ride to the hospital was filled with Hen and Chim asking Emma questions.  Eddie sat there silent as he held Emma’s hand as tightly as he could.  He thanked God that she was still conscious the whole time.  When they reached the hospital, Eddie helped remove the stretcher from the ambulance and then followed it into the emergency room.  Hen and Chim filled the nurses and doctor in on the injury while Eddie continued to hold Emma’s hand.  
“Sir, you need to move so we can take care of her,” a nurse said as she put her hand on Eddie’s arm to move him back.  
“I’ll be right outside,” Eddie said to Emma as he squeezed her hand.  Her eyes found his and she nodded at him before the nurse moved into his line of sight.  
Nearly an hour later, Eddie was ready to climb the walls of the waiting room.  They had heard nothing about Emma yet and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait.  
“This is ridiculous,” Athena muttered.  “Don’t you know someone you can talk to, Hen?”
“Let me see what I can find out,” Hen said, going to look for a nurse.  
Eddie sighed as he paced across the floor again.
“You care about her,” he heard Buck say.  His brown eyes shot up to meet Buck’s gaze.
“Of course, I do.  She’s a friend,” Eddie said.
“You know that this is more than just worrying about a friend,” Buck said.  “If she was just a friend, Bobby would have had you helping me direct traffic at the scene.  If she was just a friend, you wouldn’t have ridden in the ambulance with her.  If she was just a friend, you wouldn’t be pacing like this.”
“What do you know?” Eddie said as he cut his eyes at Buck and continued to pace.
“I know that you’ve been scared to give a relationship another try.  I know that you looked like you were going to cry when you heard Bobby say that Emma had been shot.  I know that you watch Emma every time she’s around even though you think no one notices.  I know that you were insanely jealous earlier when I said something about dating Emma,” Buck said softly.  Eddie stopped pacing to look at his friend.
“It’s okay for you to care about her.  It’s okay for you to have feelings for her,” Buck said.
“I-I-” Eddie started to say, but was interrupted.
“Who’s here for Emma Sullivan?” a doctor asked.  The firefighters and Athena all stood together.  Athena took a step forward.
“I’m her partner,” she said.  “How is she?”
“She’s resting right now.  The bullet missed her heart by three centimeters.  She’s very lucky.  Based on what we could tell from her bullet proof vest, the bullet went through the velcro strap that connects the vest to her shoulder,” the doctor said.
“But she’s going to be okay, right?” Eddie asked as he moved to stand next to Athena who placed her hand on his arm.
“She’s going to make a full recovery.  I want to keep her overnight, but I don’t see why she shouldn’t be able to go home tomorrow,” the doctor said.
“Thank God,” Athena breathed.  “When can we see her?”
“Two of you can come with me and I’ll take you to her,” the doctor said, turning to hold open the door to the hallway.  Athena and Eddie followed him with no hesitation.  Moments later they were entering a hospital room to find Emma lying on a bed in a hospital gown.  Athena went to her right side while Eddie sat down in a chair on the left side of the bed.  Emma’s eyes fluttered open to see Athena smiling down at her.  
“Hi,” she croaked.
“Boy, am I glad to see you’re okay,” Athena said as she ran a hand across Emma’s forehead.  
“Thank you.  Did you get the guy?” Emma asked squinting her eyes at Athena.
“We sure did,” Athena said.  A shifting sensation on the bed caused Emma to look to her left.  Eddie was sitting in a chair beside her bed with his hands clasped between his knees.  
“Hey, neighbor,” Emma said quietly, causing Eddie to meet her gaze.  The emotion she saw swirling in his eyes caused her heart to beat faster.
“Well, I’m going to run to your place and grab some clothes for you,” Athena said, patting Emma’s hand.  “Do you need anything else?”
“Just my phone charger and a toothbrush,” Emma said.  “Thank you, Athena.”
“You’re welcome.  Get some rest.  I’ll be back in a while.”
Once Athena had left the room, Emma focused her attention on Eddie.
“Are you okay?” she asked.  His brown eyes had been looking down at his hands again.  They slowly rose to meet her gaze.
“I’m better now,” he said.  “You scared the life out of me.”
“I’m sorry,” Emma whispered.  “I thought I had the situation under control and the second guy came up from behind me.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” Eddie said leaning forward slightly to rest his hands on the bed near Emma’s hip.
“Thank you for being here,” Emma said.  “You should probably get going though.  Christopher will be home from school soon.”
“Buck is going to pick him up for me and keep him tonight at his place.”
“Eddie, you can go home and be with Christopher.  I’m going to be fine,” Emma said.
“You’re stuck with me, Sullivan,” Eddie said with a small smile on his face.  
“Emma, just accept it.  I’m staying here with you until you get to come home.  I know that I have been sending you mixed signals and I’m sorry.  You’re important to me and I didn’t realize just how important until today.  So, I’d like to stay,” Eddie said as he took her left hand in between both of his.
Emma just stared at him for a few seconds before she nodded her head slightly.
“Okay, Eddie, okay.”
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lostsullivans · 4 years
          He lights a cigarette that he doesn’t intend on finishing, just to give the illusion that he’s older, wiser, than he’s ever given credit for. All of seventeen, he’s watched out for himself for so long now that he doesn’t know what being looked after means anymore, and he knows, deep down, Bullet feels the same.
That, of course, doesn’t mean that he’ll allow them to meet at that level. The girl needs to know he still has the power. The moment that illusion’s gone, she’ll stop listening to him, and he can’t have that. She’s been an asset beyond his expectations, though he’s always treated her like a burden.
"So this… This shit with Pops… Do ya think it’s genuine?” Bullet asks as he draws from the cigarette. They’ve sat in silence long enough.
“I’d like to think so, but he’s a politician, and above that, a Sullivan. That’s two versions of a liar. Just because he’s successful, doesn’t mean he’s any different than the rest of us.”
She clams up again and looks away. He realizes then that she actually bought into the fairy tale their grandfather spun for them.
“Yeah, but… Maybe he’s finally doin’ the right thing. Maybe he’s steppin’ up where everyone else in our lives has folded.” He doesn’t like her tone and though she can’t see, he narrows his eyes at her. “We’re supposed to look out for each other, Frankie. That’s what family does.”
He exhales the smoke polluting his lungs and shakes his head. He doesn’t even have it in him to laugh at her naivety.
“Not this family.”
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maedcny · 4 years
"Grace had several options. He had two. No. If there was any hope of keeping his promise, he had just one: Cassie's choice. She had made a promise, too. A hopeless, suicidal promise to the one person on Earth who still mattered to her--mattered to her more than her own life. She stood up that day to face the faceless hunter because her death was nothing compared to the death of that promise. If there was any hope left, it lay in love's hopeless promises. He crawled forward, past the front bumper, into the open air, and then, like Cassie Sullivan, Evan Walker stood up. He tensed, waiting for the finishing round. When Cassie stood up that cloudless autumn afternoon, her Silencer had run. He did not think Grace would run. Grace would finish what she began. But no finish came. No silencing bullet, connecting Grace to him as if by a silver cord. He knew she was there. Knew she could see him standing crookedly in front of the car. And he realized there was no escaping the past, no dodging inevitable consequences: Cassie's terror, her uncertainty and pain, they belonged to him now." The Infinite Sea Rick Yancey III. The Ripping-24
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