#( family. / && teddy johnson )
hoe4sports · 1 month
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Alessia Russo x Leah Williamson x child
A note from the author: Once again, another fic based off my life. This is a part of a potential series called “Found family”. Enjoy!
Warning: Fostercare, anxiety, long fic
Summary: You are moved into yet another foster home, and you spend your first 12 hours with Alessia and Leah. Oh, and their little companion.
You sit in the social worker’s car while she talks about your new home. She says that this home is a good home, but she said that too about the Johnson family and the Sussex family. You shrug your shoulders as a respons before gripping the ear of your plush cat tighter. The kitty is white, or he used to be white until your last foster father spilled his coffee all over him. You tried to rinse him in the sink, but your foster sister got upset with you. He is patchy brown now, and he smells of coffee. You don’t even like coffee. But he is the last piece of home you have left; your parents had no family. No grandparents and no siblings or cousins. Just you.
The houses are passing by your window, and you see the car moving from lower class areas to middle class areas to upper class areas and back to lower class areas. All your bad experiences are sadly linked with lower class families. The families where money is tight is statistically speaking where abuse is more likely to happen. The big raindrops rolls down the windows and you watch two raindrops to see who is faster. The answer is none of them; because a big truck splashes the window and vanishes the raindrops.
“The new family is excited to welcome you. They don’t have any kids, but they do have a friend for you”
“A friend? Like a chicken?”
You feel excited. You like chickens, they are friendly and they don’t bite.
“No silly, a kitty!”
Your eyes widen at the thought of living in the same house as a cat. You used to have a cat, back in your real home and the memory of him makes you miss him every day. You loved your cat. You love your plush cat. It sparks a tiny excitement in you, but then again you worry if you are allowed to touch the cat. Sometimes, foster kids aren’t allowed to touch certain toys, animals or even parts of the house. Tears forms in your eyes of the thought of him, and you clutch your hand tighter around the plastic bag of personal items that you own. It’s weird, you decide. You used to have puzzles that mommy would puzzle with you, and books that daddy would read to you. You used to have Barbie and dolls. And mommy would buy you so many dresses. You don’t have any dresses anymore. No puzzles. No books. No Barbie and no dolls. It’s only you, your teddy and a few pairs of pants and shirts. It used to make you feel sad, but you are just thankful for getting out of the last foster home.
The car suddenly comes to a stop in front of a big white house. It is a fancy house made out of wood and you can see what looks like handrails on the top of the house. There seems to be a garden, and there is a nice front porch with flowers on it. You blink as you look towards the door. It has a cat door. It resembles your real home. Where your mom planted flowers in the garden and your dad would cut the grass. It was only last summer, but it feels like a lifetime ago. The sudden onset of dejavu makes you smile. But then, you suddenly don’t want to leave the car. You don’t feel ready to disappoint yet another family. Perhaps, this family have more rules than draw others. There are always so many rules. Rules about what you are allowed to eat to what soaps you can use. So you let go of the plastic bag and clutch your fists to the seatbelt. The social worker opens up your door, and you shake your head. She tries to grab your hand, but you refuse. You really do not want to come out of the car.
She gives you a sad smile.
“Okay, how about you sit here and I’ll go get your new fosters?”
You shake your head rapidly and your little heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest. You feel warm, and sweaty, and stressed, and scared.
“I cannot let you sit in the car forever, I’m really sorry. I’m gonna have to lift you out of the car now.”
You close your eyes while your hand unbuckles your belt. The last family made you buckle and unbuckle yourself, so you are no stranger to helping yourself. You unwillingly hop out of the car and hold your kitty tight to your chest. The plastic bag comes along, but it’s too heavy to carry so it ends up dragging behind you. The social worker would grab it, if you would’ve let her; you don’t trust anyone with your things anymore. One family threw away your favourite dress and another lost the last picture you had of your mom and dad.
You find yourself In front of the big front door when the social worker presses the doorbell. It’s late, close to bedtime and the rain is pouring down. You yawn. The door swings open after a few seconds and you get caught off guard. You drop your plastic bag and hide behind the social workers leg.
“Hi! Welcome, please, please come in!” A blonde woman says. You peek at her from behind the social workers leg while trying to decide what category to put her in. She has kind eyes, like your mommy and she is smiling. Your social worker steps forwards which leaves you stumbling a few steps forwards. The embarrassment shows up on your face, but before you say anything; you see the woman reaching for your plastic bag. You know the drill, so you quickly snatch it from the ground before slowly moving yourself to the inside of the home.
You scan the entrance. There is a white built in bench with shoes underneath. You see a coat rack and there is some decor. There is even curtains and blinds on the windows that faces the entrance. It smells like warm cookies and milk, like your mother would make when you were little. Then, you see the other woman. She looks stricter than the first woman. She’s not that smiley, but she dosent look mean. A piece of her hair hangs in front of her eye before she quickly brushes it to the back of her ear.
“Y/N, that is Leah and this is Alessia. Say hi to them, please.”
You can’t say a word. Like all the words and letters of the English alphabet have left your mind. You shake your head rapidly. All the bones in your body freezes and your tears starts pressing in your eyes. You don’t know what to say or how to say anything. You don’t wanna sound dumb, and you don’t wanna sound sassy. The social worker looks down at you and sighs.
“Thank you for taking her in at a short notice. Things weren’t exactly good, and I had to move her quickly. She’s a good kid.”
One of the women squats down to your height.
“Hi, I’m Alessia. Who is this?” she asks. She points to your kitty, but she dosent touch him. You clutch him to your chest, and a silent tear rolls down your cheek. You feel terrified, maybe you aren’t allowed to have him?
“Uh..His name is Meow” you mumble, barely giving her a second of eye contact. Even though you don’t look at her, she looks at you. She waits and she seems to be patient.
“Im happy that you and Meow came to stat with us. We are happy to have you stay here for a while”
You feel scared. A while. How long is a while? It’s one of those adult’s acronyms that you don’t understand. Maybe, if you are good; they will let you stay for more than a while. You decided that you need to be polite, and kind, and helpful. You offer Alessia eye contact, and she smiles warmly at you.
“Oh look, there is someone else excited to see you” Alessia says as their white cat appears. He has white and brown fur, and he has blue eyes. He looks exactly like your old cat. The cat that used to live with you and mommy and daddy. Your eyes widen at the sight of him, and the cat trots its way over to you.
You reach out your hand, like you mother taught you. He sniffs it before instantly bonking his head into your had. Then, her purrs loudly.
“His name is Musli, he is a ragdoll, and he is 4 years old: just like you.”
“Musli” you parrot quietly while looking at the cat. You decide that you like musli and for a second, you feel calm.
“Alright, Y/N, I have to go now. Be good, okay? I’ll be back in a few weeks.”
She pats your head.
“Thank you once again Mrs. Russo and Mrs. Williamson. Call me if any issues or concerns.”
And with that, you are left alone. You, your kitty and your plastic bag is left to yourself. Tears swell in your eyes, and Musli rapidly rubs himself on you. You look down at him, and a teardrop lands in his fur.
You look up and you gulp. Time to be good. You nod your head while wiping your eyes on your sleeves.
“We were about to go into the kitchen to have some cookies, do you like cookies?” Leah asks while looking at you.
You nod again as your stomach rumbles. The last time you had something to eat was this morning, when you had a few pieces of carrots.
“Let’s bring meow to the kitchen with us, so he can have a treat too”
Alessia winks, and it makes you smile shyly. You follow the two women to the kitchen; meow in your right hand and the plastic bag dragging behind from your left hand. The bag leaves a stream of water from underneath it, and it makes you feel embarrassed.
“This is where I sit, and this is where Leah sit.”
Alessia points to a table with four chairs. You nod while scanning the kitchen. It’s big, and white. It’s pretty, and there is a gigantic fridge with a tap in the door. You shove your bag next to the wall, careful to not leave it out for anyone to trip on. That way, nobody will get mad at you.
Leah drags out a chair, it’s pink and it has a little step, a little place for your feet and a seat. It’s a children’s chair and you feel confused. Did they have a kid that you don’t know about? It scares you, because that means that there will be a competition and normally, you lose them.
You stand there dumbfounded while Alessia gets the out the plates. Leah gets out the glasses. They are high up, in the cabinets over the kitchen sink. It makes you sad because that means that you can’t help out with the plates.
Soon, everything is set and you are still frozen in the middle of the room.
“Come here, Y/N” Leah says before patting the pink chair. You slowly walk over to her before looking at it.
“Whose chair is that?” You whisper.
“It’s yours, you can use it for however long you want” Alessia says while smiling at you.
You climb up carefully, and you place meow next to you. Alessia puts forward a little bowl of milk, which leaves you confused. Are you supposed to drink out of the bowl? You don’t mind, really, all you want to is to be good. Your hands grab the bowl and you lean forward to drink the milk.
“For meow” Alessia says, and it makes you feel embarrassed. Leah quickly fills up your glass while Alessia puts the bowl infront of your plate. She pats the table, and you put meow infront of it.
“See? He likes it” Alessia says which makes you smile. Then you eat your warm cookie quietly. Alessia tells you about her day, and Leah answers. You just nod along, busy eating your cookie. This feels nice, you think. They seem kind. But you worry that they will be extra mean once you make them angry for being disrespectful, bad or dumb.
After finishing the cookie and drinking the milk, Leah clears the table.
“Thank you Mrs. Russo and Mrs. Williamson” you mumble, scared to say their names wrong. The pair of them shares a sad look before looking towards you.
“Please love, Call us Alessia and Leah. We aren’t your mom or your dad, but we are here to take care of you”
You nod.
“Should we find the bedroom?”
You nod, again.
“This is the bed. I didn’t know what colors you like, so I grabbed what we had. We can go out tomorrow to get you a few things. Where is your bag?”
Alessia says. You lift your bag up, and Leah reaches for it.
“Can I help you put your clothes away in the dresser?”
You nod.
“Thank you, Mrs. Leah”
The pair of them frowns, and you don’t understand why. Then Leah takes your clothes out; one by one until they are all taken out. The clothes are all wet from being dragged on the ground, and the pair of them shares a sad smile.
“Im gonna have to wash your clothes, they are all wet and dirty. Is that okay? Then tomorrow, we will get some more clothes” Alessia says while looking at the small pile of clothes.
You nod, but feel confused. Who are we getting clothes for, you wonder. Perhaps they need you to help carry the bags home. You are either way grateful for getting to come along instead of being left home by yourself.
You let out a big yawn, and drop meow in the action. Alessia instantly picks him up and reach him towards you.
“I think that maybe mr.meow needs a bath? Do you want to grab your toothbrush, hairbrush and pj so you can both get ready for bed?”
You look at her in confusion. You don’t own a hairbrush or a toothbrush anymore. It makes you feel dirty and uncomfortable, so you look down at your socks.
“Mrs. Alessia.. I…uh.. I don’t have a toothbrush or a hairbrush” you stutter out. You don’t see it, but Alessia and Leah shares a heartbroken look.
“Okay little miss, you can call me just Alessia and her just Leah. Whatever you want to, ok?”
You nod.
“We will put down toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrushes, hair ties, hair bands and knot spray on the list for tomorrow. Do you have a pj?”
You shake your head.
“That’s fine, Leah will find something for you to wear. Let’s go to the bathroom to get mr.meow cleaned up”
You smile at Alessia while nodding.
“Okay” you mumble out just loud enough for Alessia to hear.
Mr.Meow sits in the bathroom sink in a bubble bath. His whiskers are pointing downwards because of the weight of the water. Musli sits next to your feet, and you find yourself feeling safer around him. Your mommy would always say that a cat knows a good person; so if you ever needed to know how to categorise someone; see if a cat likes them. The memory makes you smile. Alessia hands you a tiny brush and smiles.
“Do you want to give him a little scrub?”
You smile and nod rapidly. Then, you get to scrubbing. You scrub, and scrub and scrub. Then Alessia scrubs, and scrubs and scrubs. Everything from his tail to his ears and paws. Soon enough, meow is white again and he goes into the dryer for a few minutes until he is dried enough for you to cuddle him.
Leah steps into the room while you are hugging him tightly with Alessia sitting on the toilet lid.
“Here, I have a little cousin that is the same age as you. She said that you could have this!”
Leah pulls out a pink pj. It’s a set with flowers on the pants and a princess on the front of it. It makes you light up. You nod your head before crashing into Leah’s legs in excitement. Leah looks surprised for a few seconds until Alessia nudges her to have her put her hand on your head. It feels safe.
“Thank you, Leah”
After washing meow, brushing your hair with Alessia’s brush and putting on the new pj; Alessia and Leah put you to bed. Or, rather they followed you to your bed while you put yourself to sleep. They turned on the little nightlamp on the nightstand before they said their goodnights. You found yourself laying in bed listening to the sounds of the house, much like you did at the old foster homes. Always waiting for someone to be disappointed with you.
The bed is soft just like your bed back at home. Not your old temporary home, but your old real home. The home you were born into. Where you took your first steps. Where you learned to put the cereal in the bowl before the milk. Where you learned to say please and thank you.
The bedroom is big. It has been painted a calm pink color, and there is a bookshelf with a few books. A few of the books are books you recognise, like the pink glittery one with Pappa pink. There is some toys and what you seem to recognise as Lego. You are not sure if you are even allowed to use the toys, but you appreciate being able to look at them. You don’t really know who they belong to because you arrived so late that you couldn’t think of asking. Your hand presses down on the mattress you have found yourself laying down on. It’s soft, and it’s comforting in a weird way. It feels like what used to be home. Before mom and dad and you took the trip to the local beach. Before one drunk driver changed your life forever. Before your life become something that you couldn’t even recognise anymore,
But the bed isn’t like home. It’s probably the most comfortable bed you have ever had, you decide. Even nicer than the one you once had. The frame is white with butterflies. The pillows are fluffy and the duvet is warm. You like the print too, it is pink with little purple flowers. Even though your new foster parents have spent a ton of money and effort on making this bedroom feel cosy, you end up sleeping on the ground. Not directly on the ground, but on the big thick fluffy rug in the middle of the room. It’s pink too, so you decide that it is perfect to sleep on. This way, you won’t get too comfortable in Leah and Alessia’s home. If you get too comfortable, then it will hurt even worse when they decide to kick you out. That’s why your hands softly pull the duvet and one pillow down to the floor, before laying down on it and wrapping yourself in the duvet. It feels strangely safe to be in this bedroom, in your temporary house. The feeling is new, and you are not sure whenever to regress the feeling or embrace it. You close your eyes slowly, listening to the soft hum of your two new foster moms chatter soothingly downstairs. It leaves you feeling like you are in a state of bliss that allows all the cells in your body to, for once, relax completely. It feels like you are floating, like you are at peace. Meow is in your hand, and musli comes to lay down next to you. He purrs, sending vibrations through your heart making it feel calm. Soon enough, you see your mom and you feel yourself drifting away.
The next morning, you wake up terrified. Did you oversleep? Why don’t your foster moms wake you up? You feel anxious. Perhaps you were supposed to wake yourself up? Irresponsible. That would already be one shot. You only get three. That’s what the other fosterfamily told you. Three shots and you are out.
You are only four, so it isn’t expected of you to wake yourself up. But you don’t know that. You drag yourself out of bed, and then it hits you: oh god. You fell asleep on the ground, but you woke up in the bed. Was it wrong of you to sleep on the floor? Did Leah or Alessia put you in bed? Maybe they are upset with you? It scares you to the point where you feel yourself shiver like a chihuahua.
You stumble out of bed before making a silenced run to the door. You shuffle down the hallway until you see the staircase and you peek out from behind the handrails. It smells like coffee, and pancakes. You find a place to sit in the staircase where you can look into the kitchen, but still be partially hidden by the shadows of the dark hallway.
Leah and Alessia is in the kitchen. Leah is reading something from her phone out loud and Alessia is listening while making pancakes. You can see orange juice on the table as well as jam, cheese and milk. Leah has a cup of coffee with milk in it. It’s light brown, and you recognise it because your old foster mother would tell you to put milk in her coffee for her.
You can feel the hunger growing in your gut, and you hold meow close to you while closing your eyes hoping that it will disappear. Then, Musli hopes downstairs. He sniffs your arm before meowing at you. You quietly try to shush him, but it doesn’t help.
“Y/N? There is breakfast for you in here love”
Leah says while smiling at you from the kitchen. You look back at her with wide eyes. Musli is still rubbing himself on your shoulder, and you force yourself to stand up. You quickly go to the kitchen, not wanting your new moms to wait. Waiting isn’t a good thing, especially when they are waiting on you. It can cause them to be upset with you. You don’t want that.
You hop up on the chair you sat in last night, and your eyes widen when Alessia places a pink princess plate infront of you with a few pancakes on. Are all of these for you? You feel confused. She hands you a fork, not an adult fork. A tiny fork with a bunny engraved into it.
Alessia sits down, and you look at her. She is now eating, and you look over at Leah who is pouring herself juice. You feel conflicted; if you ask if it is for you then they might take it away because you seem ungrateful. But if you don’t ask, then they can get upset with you for eating everyone’s breakfast.
“Uh, Alessia? Can I eat this?”
“Huh? Are you allergic?”
“What’s allergic?”
They both share a sad look, but to you; it looks like disappointment.
“It’s for you baby, just eat however much you want”
You look at Alessia and Leah. Sceptical, yet grateful. You nod before you start eating. Then you realise that you might need to eat everything; because you don’t know if you are gonna get another meal today. It feels strange to sit here with two adults eating pancakes. Musli is sleeping by your chair. It almost feels like a dream. Like something that is taken out of a movie. But it’s a movie that you don’t want to end. That’s the thing about movies; they always have an end.
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runwiththerain · 8 months
an introduction to the marauders
for @gently-decaying-flowers
follow up posts will be made for the valkyries and skittles
james fleamont potter
also known as prongs
important canon information:
dead, died on october 31st 1981 defending his family from voldemort so lily could protect harry
his parents are fleamont 'monty' and euphemia 'effie' and we love both of them
his animagus is a stag
was head boy and a chaser on the gryffindor quidditch team
had a mutually antagonistic relationship with severus snape
fancast information:
original fancast was aaron taylor johnson
second fancast was reiky de valk
my personal fancast is gabriel.stewart
other fancasts include nickisnotgreen and thomas weatherall
common fanon traits:
is known as the sun and a golden retriever character, wears red converse, swiftie, quidditch obsessed, early morning riser who tries to force other people too (doesn't work), loyal, hero complex, hopeless romantic, mischievous and loves pranks, often is desi or latino, would take a bullet for anyone in his life, definitely strutted and is a therapist friend, has a hard time opening up
jily/sunflower/flowerpott: james and lily evans
jegulus/sunseeker/starchaser: james and regulus black
prongsfoot: james and sirius black
moonchaser: james and remus lupin
sirius orion black
also known as padfoot
important canon information:
godfather to harry and best friends with james
left home at 16 to live with the potters
was wrongly accused for the betrayal of lily and james
served 12 years in azkaban before using his animagus form to escape
his animagus is a black dog
was killed by his cousin bellatrix lestrange
fancast information:
original fancast was ben barnes
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is conan gray
other fancasts include louis seriot and eren m güvercin
common fanon traits:
drama queen, massive david bowie fan, rides a motorcycle, experiments with makeup, genderfluid, compulsive and mischievous, gay, owns and wears a leather jacket, he thinks his initials stand for son of a bitch, short king, gets jealous easily, no concept of personal space, mommy issues, daddy issues, family issues, pretty crier, french, likes to paint his nails
wolfstar: sirius and remus lupin
blackinnon: sirius and marlene mckinnon (widely unaccepted now)
prongsfoot: sirius and james potter
remus john lupin
also known as moony
important canon information:
his nickname of moony came about due to his "furry little problem" (being a werewolf)
in prisoner of azkaban he taught d efense against the dark arts at hogwarts
has a child called teddy with nymphadora tonks
was killed in the battle of hogwarts
fancast information:
original fancast was andrew garfield
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is p4perback
other fancasts include paul ahrens and matthew hitt
common fanon traits:
always wears grandpa sweaters, craves academic validation, best friends with lily, grumpy around full moons, loves chocolate, the mastermind behind all the marauders pranks, goes to a study group, is a massive nerd, tall but it took ages for him to grow, self worth issues, raspy voice, swears a goddamn lot, welsh and no one can understand what he says
wolfstar: remus and sirius black
moonwater: remus and regulus black
moonchaser: remus and james potter
moonrosekiller: remus and barty crouch jr and evan rosier
peter pettigrew
also known as wormtail
important canon information:
traitor to the marauders
was james and lily's secret keeper but ratted them out to voldemort hence resulting in their death
his animagus form is a rat
hid in his rat form in the wealsey family as 'scabbers' until discovered by sirius and remus in the prisoner of azkaban
fancast information:
original fancast was dane dehaan
second fancast was undecided
my personal fancast is lewis capaldi
other fancasts include maxwell acee donovan and jacob batalon
common fanon traits:
friendly and sociable, plant dad, needs validation, great cook/baker, indecisive, cheeky, amazing at chess, not the smartest academically, childhood friends with james and marlene, quick thinker, unintentionally funny, wants nothing more than to fit in, sometimes forgotten, has a really healthy dating history, sometimes has the best pranks and suprises the others
pebill: peter and sybill trelawney
unknown ship name: peter and james potter (usually a one sided crush)
unknown ship name: peter and remus lupin
partyvan: peter and barty crouch jr and evan rosier (this is mostly made as a joke)
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(Family pets and the pet they take to Hogwarts)
Family: Dog (Mastiff) - Padfoot / Paddy
James: Ferret - Dave
Albus: Tawny Owl - Klaus
Lily: Tabby Cat - Ziggy
Teddy: Spotted Owl - Koda
Rose: Maine Coon Cat - Hemmy
Hugo: Toad - Flip
Family: Dog (Golden Retriever)- Lisette, Maltese Cat - Claude
Vic: Singapura Cat - Bella
Dom: Eurasian Eagle Owl - Octavia
Louis: Rat - Rio
Fred: Rat - Snot
Roxanne: Tawny Owl - Ozzy
Molly: Ragdoll Cat - Elio
Lucy: Peterbald Cat - Silver
Family: Dog (Shih Tzu) - Bono, Dog (Cockpoo)- Stevie
Alice: Snowy Owl - Nina
Frank: Toad - Angus
Scorpius: Ferret - Sage
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all-too-random · 11 months
HP Next Gen HC: Character Information
This is just some very basic information about the next gen characters as I see them in my own hcs. I've made some for other canon characters as well as some of my OC's, if anyone wants that
Name: Edward Remus Lupin Nicknames: Teddy (by everyone), Tedward (by James) Birth Date: April 20, 1998 Parents: Remus Lupin & Nymphadora Tonks Siblings: None S/O: Victoire Weasley (as of his 6th year) Gender: Demi-Boy (amab) Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: Pansexual House: Hufflepuff Favorite Subject: Transfiguration Least Favorite Subject: Charms Patronus: Wolf Pet: an Owl named Solstice Blood Type: Half-Blood (Metamorphagus) Favorite Spell: Aparecium (makes ink invisible)
Name: Victoire Appoline Weasley Nicknames: Vic (everyone), Vicky (family ONLY) Birth Date: May 2, 2000 Parents: Bill Weasley & Fleur Weasley (Delacour) Siblings: Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley S/O: Teddy Lupin (as of her 4th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: She's not really sure. She's never been attracted to girls, but she's always attracted to Teddy, and he is not exactly cis House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Charms Least Favorite Subject: Music (she did it for one year... learned the hard way that she cannot sing) Patronus: Albatross Pet: Hermit crab named Shelldon (he stays at home when she's at school) Blood Type: Half-Blood (part veela, possibly a little werewolf??? Her family has never looked into it) Favorite Spell: Geminio (duplicates objects; she's always losing things, so duplicating them helps)
Name: Molly Willow Weasley Nicknames: None. She is Molly or nothing. Birth Date: December 14, 2001 Parents: Percy & Audrey Weasley Siblings: Lucy Weasley S/O: Calum Wood (as of her 6th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight House: Ravenclaw Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes Least Favorite Subject: Divination Patronus: Pheasant Pet: None. She doesn't want another responsibility. (Borrows Lucy's owl to send letters) Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Accio (summons an object)
Name: Dominique Charlene Weasley Nicknames: Domi (pretty much just family), Dom (everyone else) Birth Date: January 22, 2002 Parents: Bill Weasley & Fleur Weasley (Delacour) Siblings: Victoire Weasley, Louis Weasley S/O: Agnes "Aggie" Wood (as of her 5th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Lesbian House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures Least Favorite Subject: Astronomy Patronus: Husky Pet: She is in charge of Peggy, the family Owl Blood Type: Half-blood (part veela, hopes she's part werewolf) Favorite Spell: Episkey (heals minor injuries; she's hurt a lot from quidditch)
Name: Fred Gideon Weasley II Nicknames: Freddy (by literally everyone; he's only Fred if he's in trouble) Birth Date: August 29, 2003 Parents: George Weasley & Angelina Weasley (Johnson) Siblings: Roxanne Weasley S/O: Astor Zabini (as of his 6th year) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: ???? That's a good question, man, he doesn't know either House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: History of Magic and Charms Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes (he took it because Molly recommended it, but it makes no sense to him) Patronus: Bassett Hound Pet: A toad named Frogger Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Scourgify (cleans an object; makes it really easy to clean his messes before he's caught)
Name: James Sirius Potter Nicknames: Jamie (by whoever feels like it) Birth Date: September 2, 2003 (he and Freddy were only born days apart, but bc of when their birthdays fall, James is a year behind in school) Parents: Harry Potter & Ginny Potter (Weasley) Siblings: Albus Potter, Lily Potter S/O: Rylee Finnigan (briefly in 4th year), Alison Longbottom (on-off 3rd year-5th year, solid from Christmas in 5th year-onward) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Straight House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Transfiguration Least Favorite Subject: Potions Patronus: Mountain Lion Pet: An owl named Owlthello (he thinks it's hilarious; also he loves Shakespeare)  (he's also been begging his mom for a dog for YEARS!) Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Repairo (repairs broken objects; uses it on his glasses a lot)
Name: Lucille Audrey Weasley Nicknames: Lucy (by everyone. Hates being called Lucille) Birth Date: February 10, 2005 Parents: Percy & Audrey Weasley Siblings: Molly Weasley S/O: None Gender: "Gender is a social construct. I am whatever I feel like I am. But Im not a man, because fuck the patriarchy." Pronouns: She/They Sexuality: AroAce House: Ravenclaw Favorite Subject: Divination Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes (She's actually never taken it, but has decided it is her least favorite to spite her sister) Patronus: Raven Pet: An owl named Haven Blood Type:  Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Colloportus (closes a door & keeps it from being opened) (this is the only way they were able to stop their family from barging into their room)
Name: Roxanne Fabianna Weasley Nicknames: Roxy (was used a lot when she was little, but not so much as she got older) Birth Date: April 5, 2005 Parents: George Weasley & Angelina Weasley (Johnson) Siblings: Fred Weasley II S/O: Ty Jordan (as of her 3rd year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Pansexual House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Herbology Least Favorite Subject: Transfiguration (everything is only ever partially transfigured...) Patronus: Hyena Pet: an owl named Gem (she wanted a cat, but she's allergic) Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Flagrate (allows the wand to write/draw in the air with fire) (she just thinks it's neat)
Name: Rose Bailey Granger-Weasley Nicknames: Rosie (by family only), Ro (sometimes, can be used by anyone) Birth Date: September 15, 2005 Parents: Ron & Hermione Granger-Weasley Siblings: Hugo Granger-Weasley S/O: Craig Bowker Jr. (as of her 5th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Straight, on the Ace spectrum House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: History of Magic Least Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures (they're too unpredictable) Patronus: Tuxedo cat Pet: A cat named Poppin Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Lumos (makes it easy to pull all-nighters)
Name: Albus Severus Potter Nicknames: Al (Harry; don't call him that.) Alby (by his family when he was young) Birth Date: March 9, 2006 Parents: Harry Potter & Ginny Potter (Weasley) Siblings: James Potter, Lily Potter S/O: Scorpius Malfoy (as of his 4th year) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Gay House: Slytherin Favorite Subject: Potions Least Favorite Subject: Arithmancy (he took it one year bc of Scorpius. Never. Again.) Patronus: Grass Snake Pet: A ferret named Misty Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Revelio (revels a hidden object)
Name: Louis Arthur Weasley Nicknames: Lou Birth Date: November 12, 2006 Parents: Bill Weasley & Fleur Weasley (Delacour) Siblings: Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley S/O: Tierney Finnigan (as of their 4th year) Gender: Nonbinary/Genderfluid?? (They're still kinda figuring it out) Pronouns: Any (they/them is what they usually go by) Sexuality: Pansexual House: Hufflepuff Favorite Subject: Muggle Studies (also really likes Music, but it sometimes makes them feel dysphoric bc of their voice) Least Favorite Subject: Patronus: Dragon Fly Pet: A cat named Atlas Blood Type: Half-blood (part veela, possibly part werewolf) Favorite Spell: Lumos (she's afraid of the dark)
Name: Hugo Jack Granger-Weasley Nicknames: None Birth Date: April 16, 2008 Parents: Ron & Hermione Granger-Weasley Siblings: Rose Granger-Weasley S/O: Ruby Gilligan Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures Least Favorite Subject: History of Magic (its a lot of reading & he has dyslexia) Patronus: Hedgehog Pet: A toad named Toothless (he loves HTTYD) Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Aguamenti (he spent a lot of his childhood in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and has had to extinguish fires on multiple occassions)
Name: Lily Luna Potter Nicknames: Lil/Lils (by everyone), Lulu (by Abus) Birth Date: May 24, 2008 Parents: Harry Potter & Ginny Potter (Weasley) Siblings: James Potter, Albus Potter S/O: Lorcan Scamander (as of her 5th year) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Straight House: Gryffindor Favorite Subject: Divination, Astronomy, and Alchemy (she can't pick, she loves all three) Least Favorite Subject: DADA (she doesn't really want to know how to fight, if she's honest) Patronus: Field Mouse Pet: A cat named Aquarius Blood Type: Half-Blood Favorite Spell: Alohomora (opens a lock)
Name: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Nicknames: Scorp, Scor Birth Date: January 31, 2006 Parents: Draco Malfoy & Astoria Malfoy (Greengrass) Siblings: None S/O: Albus Potter (as of his 4th year) Gender: Male (feels gender-neutral, sometimes, but chooses to identify as male) Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: Gay House: Slytherin Favorite Subject: Potions Least Favorite Subject: He likes them all to a degree Patronus: Ferret Pet: An owl named Sparticus (also claims Albus' ferret as his "step-ferret") Blood Type: Pure Blood Favorite Spell: Avifors (turns small objects into birds. Does it when he's bored or to be petty)
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Part 8 of Vegas AU that now has a name!! Thank you again @hbyrde36 💜
Betting It All On Love
Steve and Eddie did eventually get to talk more about family, laid sweaty and sated on the floor of Eddie’s bedroom. Steve wasn't entirely sure how they'd ended up sprawled out on the plush carpet, he knew full well it’d give him a three-day backache, but he couldn't find it in himself to give a shit. Not when his head was happily pillowed on Eddie’s chest, listening to the reverberations as much as Eddie’s voice as he told him about his childhood. 
A doting mother tragically lost to childbirth. The enormous amount of guilt Eddie had carried for years because he’d been the one begging his parents for a sibling and when Al came home from the hospital alone, all he'd said was “the baby killed your mother” as though it was Eddie’s fault. A jailbird good-for-nothing father, incapable of putting anything, including his own child, before his imbecilic impulses and when Al had been sentenced to the rest of Eddie's childhood behind bars, Wayne had been willing to be separated from his husband and his kid if that had been what Eddie needed.
Of growing up with his uncles and his cousin, of their siblinglike bond, of never really missing his father when he had the two best dads in the whole world. The whole Munson-Clarke clan had started out in Hawkins, Scott and Wayne only choosing to leave when they’d decided they wanted Charlie. Mainly because they knew that their relationship was tolerated as two bachelors living under the same roof, but that the town would find it much less tolerable when they started raising a child together. That Scott had still never had the heart to leave his post at the school, because who else was going to teach kids the real facts and not the made-up ones the rest of the faculty were happy to go along with.
Steve confessed to being envious of them, of listening to Scott tell tales that started "This weekend my partner and I took our kids..." and wishing he could be one of them. Of getting to know Scott the man not just the teacher and the guilt he felt over the fact that he could've walked into Eddie's life long ago if only things had been different. 
Eddie just hummed softly and pointed out that they’d known each other all along, that they had in fact gone to the same kindergarten and were actually friends once upon a time because Eddie had always had a tendency for strays and Steve had not been a confident child. He had spent the first two lunches sitting miserably alone on the swings before Eddie had waltzed over and commanded that Steve wasn't allowed to be sad any more because from then on they were best friends and best friends didn’t let best friends be sad.
They were back in bed by the time he told Eddie about his lonely childhood in a giant, empty house. About the string of nannies, about Sarah, his au pair from England who always spoke softly and smiled brightly and sung sweetly, who made cookies with him and taught him to swim, who left abruptly in the middle of the night, leaving a behind a white teddy bear and a promise that she loved him very much and that it wasn't his fault she had to leave.
A wife who couldn't trust her husband as far as she could throw him, jet-setting around the world to make sure the only thing he was doing was his job. Never bothering with Steve and only really making an effort to make sure he had someone to take care of him until sweet old Mrs Johnson had died in their living room the Friday they had left for their business trip. And because Steve had managed to deal with finding her cold lifeless body and fended for himself for the rest of the weekend, that had somehow proven to two grown adults that an nine-year-old boy didn't need taking care of any more.
What his parents never realised was, that was the first time Hopper had taken care of him. Steve had eaten and slept and was well groomed because he'd spent the weekend at the cabin, playing with El and climbing trees, trying to catch butterflies and getting covered in mud, all the things he was never allowed to do at home. He'd only really stopped going to Hop's during his parents absence when he'd become close with Tommy, who'd convinced him his life was great because he had unsupervised time to himself, so he could do whatever he wanted. Except all Steve had wanted was to spend time with other people, be near their noise and constant movement, just something, anything to fill the silent emptiness.
Christmases and holidays that were spent alone or getting into trouble with people who called themselves his friends, until the day Hop had said enough and hadn't taken no for an answer. Then he'd become The Babysitter, which had led him to Dustin and Claudia, a mom and a baby brother to add to his weird little found family. Who'd recommended Steve as a babysitter for Holly, where he'd properly met Nancy who had no interest in children, but that hadn't stopped him wanting to marry her, until she called him and their relationship bullshit of course.
Then he'd rebounded with Billy in the locker room showers, where he'd had the fastest sexuality crisis of all time when Billy had caught him staring and instead of punching him when his back had hit the tiled wall like he'd assumed, Billy had stuck his tongue in his mouth instead.
When Steve hadn't got the grades to get into college, and he lost out on a scholarship when Billy tripped him in the championship game because while he was tying his shoelace he was supposedly looking up one of the cheerleader's skirts, he assumed he'd stick around Hawkins until El and Dust graduated, but Billy had insisted he moved to the city with him. Made it sound like some fairytale dream, like their happily ever after, and it was great, until it wasn't. Until he’d finally had enough of being used and cheated on, which led him into the arms of his platonic soulmate who lived in the apartment across the hall, who rescued him not only from Billy but from himself.
It felt good to lay in the safe little bubble he always felt in Eddie’s presence and let it all out, even as they mourned for the little boys they once were, they were equally able to console one another, and Steve felt a weight finally lift off his shoulders.
Robin knew, in the way she knew everything, they’d always had heart-to-heart's but it wasn’t quite the same she needed to make jokes when a topic got too heavy, desperately had to inject some lightness into the dark.
But not Eddie, he listened and nodded solemnly, cried with him, teardrops leaking silently down his face and into his hair and when they were finished talking, he injected Steve full of the affection he’d been sorely missing, pressing kisses into every inch of his skin, squeezing their hands together, their wedding bands slotting neatly against one another, putting him back together in a way no one else had ever been able to.
By the time the sun was poking in around the heavy gold curtains, Steve had never felt closer to anyone than he had with Eddie, despite his earlier reservations he’d never had anyone he’d told everything to, never had anyone he’d wanted to, but it felt so easy to talk to him, like he understood, and maybe he did in a weird way. And as he turned his head slightly to look into Eddie’s eyes glistening in the slithers of early morning light, Steve knew he’d never felt so deeply for another human being. He opened his mouth to speak, trying to translate all he was feeling and thinking into coherent words, but it didn’t take him long to give up. The only words that wanted to flow easily out of his chest were far too big to say yet, or maybe not too big to say precisely, just too big to be heard. 
Eddie raised his eyebrows expectantly, patiently waiting for Steve to say whatever he needed to, but he couldn’t say it, it’d break them if he did, and he felt selfishly like he desperately just needed to keep their bubble of protection and delusion for a little while longer, so he shut his mouth with a tiny shake of his head, a silent “never mind”, pushing closer into Eddie, translating all he was feeling into deep kisses and gentle caresses, silently loving Eddie as hard as he could and convincing his hormone flooded brain the feeling was mutual as they both eventually fell asleep happily tangled up in the blankets and one another.
It'd been years since Steve had last slept as deeply and as well as he had being Eddie's little spoon, even though they hadn't actually slept very much at all, he couldn't remember the last time he woke up feeling actually awake. Honestly, he wasn’t all that pleased about it, he was having a lovely dream of being somewhere tropical, the sounds of seagulls and crashing waves morphing into the dull thudding of Robin pounding on their door, shouting for Eddie, whose only possible offence could be snoring too loudly given he was still sound asleep.
"Ed!" bang bang bang "Eds!" bang bang bang "Eddie!" bang bang bang "Dorkus! You need to come out here before he comes in there!"
He? What the?
Steve wiggled out of Eddie's hold, leaving him to sleep peacefully, slipped on Eddie's boxers (mainly because he didn't know where his own were) and opened the bedroom door, gently pushing his best friend back into the living space. "What's going on?" he asked gruffly, only registering what was happening when Robin gestured towards the front door, where Chrissy was physically trying to keep someone out, “Sorry, we were expecting room service” she muttered as he moved instinctively towards the door.
The altercation only lasted for another second before Chrissy was shoved unceremoniously backwards into the room, only managing to keep her balance thanks to her years of training; Dan Carver practically flying the three feet into the living room as he tripped over his own feet and lost his balance, having the nerve to give Chrissy a dirty look as though it was her fault he was acting like a moron. Steve was immediately furious, felt his spine straighten and his face harden as he looked down at the idiot laying by his feet as he tried his hardest to keep a lid on his temper, he knew getting arrested for punching the dickhead wouldn't help anything.
Carver clambered to his feet, smoothing the lapels of his suit jacket as though the immaculate carpeting might’ve tainted it. He looked Steve up and down, narrowing in on Eddie’s boxers slung low on his hips, "Harrington!” he screeched indignantly, “So it's true?” Dan demanded to know, starting to pace the length of the sofa like a caged animal, "I thought Wheeler was playing some sick joke! But apparently not! So what? You two were fucking behind my back the whole time?" he accused, flailing his arms around as he yelled. 
A derisive laugh crawled up Steve's throat, thanking his lucky stars that even when he was manic with rage, his poker face was as strong as ever, "Don't be dense, Carver, it suits you too well!" Steve stated evenly with a snarl.
His bitchy King Steve persona didn’t faze Dan though, not that Steve really expected it to, his family were well known for being a little batshit. Dan just snorted contemptuously and carried on with his diatribe "Well, what am I supposed to think when you come flaunting out here in his underwear?"
Steve raised one eyebrow slowly, the only outward indication he was losing his temper, "So what? Because he moved on faster than you did, that means he was cheating on you?" Steve queried condescendingly. That was a serious leap past logical, even for a Carver.
"Clearly" Dan scoffed as though Steve had just answered his question for him. And just the insinuation that Dan wanted to blame Eddie, that he wanted to assume Eddie just had Steve waiting in the wings, that Dan was accusing Eddie of being anything like Billy was making Steve's blood boil.
Steve sucked his teeth trying to keep himself calm, sucking in a rapid breath through his nose and rolling out his neck, towering further over Dan, "Okay, firstly, some rules," Steve instructed, "you always did need them," he muttered under his breath, it seemed to be the first time Carver even registered that he was in danger, looking up at Steve with wide eyes. "Do not, under any circumstance, insult my husband! Just because you made brainless life choices does not give you the right to disrespect him. Secondly, apologise to Chrissy!" Steve demanded, his voice as hard and cold as ice, pointing over to where Chrissy was being comforted by a visibly furious Robin on the couch, like he was scolding a particularly naughty child.
Dan’s whole body sagged, his shoulders slumping, his head bowed, muttering an apology to his feet. And yeah, Dan might be regretting all the choices he’s made in the past hour, but Steve was still fuming and King Steve wasn't one to back down until he was done tearing his victim apart, "And thank her for not having your ass thrown in jail for assaulting her," he barked as a command, because as if by his almost thirties he still didn’t understand that forcing someone bodily out of the way was most definitely not okay. Self-entitled brat! Steve thought, and then Finish him!! which sounded alarmingly like Tommy.
Steve didn’t really want to give himself too long to think about that, sucking in another breath and carrying on regardless, "Thirdly, who the hell gave you the right to come barging in here? Newsflash, buddy, you gave up your right to know anything about Eddie's life when you humiliated him in front of your nightmare family!" Steve was starting to yell, his voice raising and becoming less and less steady because the mere thought of the way Dan had broken up with Eddie made him so viscerally angry not even King Steve could contain it.
He took a deep breath, trying desperately to cling to the last of his control, purposefully lowering his voice back to normal, "But a quick FYI, I met Eddie less than 72 hours ago, and he's already the greatest person I've ever met! He's twice the man you've ever been, so don't you dare even try to blame him! You and your pretentious, ignorant, backward, dipwad family were lucky to even know him. You're fortunate he ever graced you with his presence and treated you all with the kindness and care none of you deserved, but I know he gave out in spades because that's just the kind of man he is. I don't know who the fu-"
"Steve," Eddie interrupted quietly, finally emerging from the bedroom, holding up one of the hotel's luxuriously fluffy dressing gowns, wrapping Steve up in it as he wandered over to him.
Steve deflated at Eddie’s gentle touch, "Sorry," Steve muttered, all the fury he'd felt towards Dan dissipating in the hold of Eddie's gaze.
Eddie smiled softly at him, tucking a stray bit of hair back behind Steve’s ear. Flicking his gaze quickly over Steve's shoulder, his expression hardening before he glanced back at Steve, "D'ya mind?" Eddie asked quietly, his eyes roaming all over Steve's face.
It was obvious what Eddie was asking, so obvious that Robin was already waiting by the front door with her hand outstretched, she already knew this was going to be a tough walk back to their room. Steve swallowed hard past the lump already forming in his throat, "No, of course not. I'll just..." Steve muttered, gesturing towards Robin. Eddie smiled gratefully, nodding. Steve hoped it meant he'd see him later, but he couldn’t know for sure.
Chrissy crossed the room, wrapping Eddie in a tight hug, "Do you?" she asked, the "want me to stay" unnecessary.
Eddie smiled gratefully at her but shook his head, "Nah, babe. I got this!" he sounded so determined, Steve was proud of him, even if this meant the end of their relationship, he wanted Eddie to have whatever he wanted, wanted him to be strong enough to reach out with both hands and take it.
Chrissy cupped his face, "Yes. You do!" she told him, the best friends having a quick eye conversation before she nodded sharply and let go, heading out of the suite.
Dan still hadn’t stopped staring at his feet, "Sorry," Dan muttered again as she passed him by.
Chrissy didn't even bother to answer, just gave him the finger and followed the other two out the door towards the stairs. 
Both girls took each of Steve's hands as they ambled down the corridor, Robin making sure to be careful of his tattoo. Neither of them said anything as they headed downstairs, not that there was anything they could say to make it hurt any less, but he felt their comfort as they walked with him in silence.
Luckily, Robin had thought to shove their room key into her dressing gown and as soon as she let him in, he flopped face down on his bed, tears already leaking from his eyes. The girls to curled up together on Robin's bed, giving him the space Robin knew he was asking for, wrapping her and Chrissy in the blankets and putting on a movie. No one even spoke for a good few hours, Steve spent the endless time either sleeping, listening to snippets of film, crying silently or obsessively wondering what Eddie would do now his ex was back and clearly mad with jealousy.
Time passed as Steve flowed in and out of consciousness, he recognised at least two lines from two distinctly different films, both of Robin’s favourites, but he’d no idea how long they stayed, wasting away the precious hours of their holiday while Steve wallowed. Consciousness flowed back to him with the ringing of the phone, Robin fumbling for the receiver and her quiet “Hello? Dust, now isn’t a good time. No, we haven’t been shopping yet. It's a book Dusty, how badly can you need it. Well, if Steve promised, then he’ll get it for you, won’t he? For some reason, he can’t say no to you,” she muttered into the phone like she didn’t know Steve would die for the kid.
Steve pushed himself upright, holding out his hand to question whether Robin wanted him to take his little brother off her hands, “Your mum around?” she asked instead holding up a finger in a wait-a-minute gesture, “Dust. Dusty. Dustin! Words cannot express how little I care about Dork-dom or its robots! Put. Your. Mother. On. The. Phone,” she insisted, placing the warmed, hard plastic into Steve’s palm and wrapping his numb fingers around it. 
He just about managed to get the phone to his ear, as Claudia answered with a cheery, “Hello?” A sob crawling out of Steve’s throat uninvited, his vision quickly blurring Robin sitting on the bed opposite him. “Steve?” Claudia asked, her voice immediately filled with concern, and it breaks him entirely; instead of the faux cheerful greeting he’d intended, what actually comes out of his mouth is a broken whine that sounds distinctly like “Mom!”, followed by another sob as Steve tries desperately to suck air into his lungs. “Steven, honey, what’s wrong?”
And where to start? It had all gone so horribly wrong. A few hours previously he was terribly stupidly in love and now… “Everything,” Steve whined, his voice catching before he could even finish the word. He can’t even remember the last time he felt so miserable, all he wanted was to curl up in his mom's embrace.
Claudia sighed heavily, like she was miserable because he was, “Oh, honey, do you need us to come? We’ll come. Don’t worry baby, it’ll be alright,” Claudia cooed softly, removing the phone slightly away from herself as she yelled, “DUSTIN!” 
And it was as if the noise slapped Steve around the face, like being doused in cold water, quickly snapping him out of his funk and straight into a panic because if Claud came, she’d bring Dustin AND Hopper. And the last thing any of them needed was for Hop to end up in a Vegas prison because Steve was being dramatic over his own stupidity. Eddie didn't owe him anything and if being with Dan is what he wanted and what would make him happy then that was really all Steve cared about. 
“No!” he blurted out as she was halfway through giving Dustin instructions on packing bags and going to the neighbours to ask Mrs Jones if she’d be okay to look after Mews. He could practically see Claudia’s eyebrows raising in the way she always did whenever Dustin was being a little shit, the whole “Excuse me! Who raised you?” look; it brings a slight smile to his face for the first time since he woke up that morning.
“Sorry, I just… I mean… I don’t need you guys to come, honestly, I’ll be okay. Robin’s here, and I’m just being silly. Really,” Steve admitted, and he heard Claudia’s unconvinced hum, so he does his best to explain what happened. She didn't speak once, listening intently and just sighs heavily when he was finished, muttering a few expletives and “those bloody Carvers!” under her breath. By the end of the call, she promised to stay home, and he promised to call and when Dustin started whining because he wasn’t going to get to go to Vegas after all, she tells him how much they love him and hangs up to deal with her youngest.
Steve tried to lean forward to put the receiver down and realised he can’t move. Chrissy was tucked under his spare arm holding him tightly around his middle and Robin was wrapped around his back, her face smushed into his shoulder blade, and he had no idea when they moved, but he was so very grateful for them. Except Steve's bladder was demanding that he move, so he pats Robin’s arm and squeezes Chris’ hand where she’s got his wrapped securely in both of hers and slouched off to the bathroom with a grunted hum when Robin asked if he was sure he was alright. 
He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror above the sink and realised he didn't look as bad as he thought he would. He looked rough, but given how he was feeling it wasn't exactly surprising. Realising he was still wearing Eddie's pants wasn't fun, it made him feel simultaneously glum yet consoled like being wrapped in Eddie’s embrace but, at the same time, like it might be the last one he ever received.
He didn't know why he was catastrophising the situation, why he was so convinced Eddie would go back to Dan. It wasn't like Eddie had been particularly pleased to see him. It was just, Steve knew he hadn't been his best self when he'd laid into Carver, but people from his King Steve days always seemed to bring out the worst in him. 
And he knew how convincing Carver's could be. He'd been in debate classes with Dan, and he'd been to every one of Lucas' ball games, Jason had the gift of the gab too and sure all they had were manipulation tactics, but that didn't mean they didn't work. 
But he also knew deep in his gut that he wasn’t giving Eddie enough credit, that convincing himself Eddie would go running back to someone who treat him like shit would be suggesting Eddie hadn’t seen how toxic their relationship had become, and how happy he’d been since he’d become single; even if he hadn’t been exactly thrilled about the way the relationship ended. 
Steve tried to focus on the positives instead, he'd had an incredible few days with Eddie as his husband and if that was all he was destined for, he would think himself lucky for it. Eddie deserved to shape his life however he wanted to and if that meant a life without Steve, well it would be agony, but Eddie would be happy and that was all Steve could ask for.
And Chrissy was incredible, even though they'd shared a similar upbringing she hadn't let it change her. She was one of the most beautiful people he'd ever met, with her natural warmth that just drew people in and a megawatt smile that naturally made others grow. She was so strong and gutsy, he admired her so much, and he looked forward to getting to know her better. And he knew she and Robin would continue to work well together, they were like yin and yang, like two different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that fit perfectly, and Steve couldn't be happier for them.
He hoped they were destined for a long and happy life together, he hoped he’d get to stand up at their wedding and talk about how they met and what a joy it was to watch their love blossom. He hoped Eddie would be by his side but if he wasn't, he wouldn't make them choose, he loved Robin too much to do that to her. Steve could just help with the planning, that was the important part, after all, no one got to spend any real time with brides on their wedding day anyway.
Not that Steve was spiralling or anything. 
He was about to leave the bathroom when he heard the girls whispering loudly to one another, neither of them seeming to realise that in such a small space, the bathroom door wasn't much of a sound barrier. Not really wanting to interrupt, he started the shower. He needed to be done with his maudlin mood, they only had a few days left of their vacation, and he wasn’t about to waste any more of it.
He could cry over getting his heart broken when Sam sorted out the divorce paperwork. In the meantime, he could enjoy the rest of Nevada. He stepped under the hot spray with a sigh, the cascade of water had always been a sure-fire way for him to clear his head, a way to cleanse his mind as well as his body. It was odd going through his usual routine one-handed, but if nothing else he’d always have Rachel, his aptly named tattoo, to remind him that for a few days out of his life he’d had and been a husband.
Feeling refreshed and slightly less morose, he stepped out into the bedroom, surprised to find Chrissy missing. Less surprised by Robin launching clothing at him, "Get dressed, dingus! We're going out," she informed him as she stormed past him into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door behind her.
He spent a few moments standing on the spot, grinning wildly to himself, she really was the best friend anyone could ask for. She knew if it were up to him, he'd sit in the room and fret about Eddie and his potentially ending relationship for hours, she knew he needed a distraction and that he needed to have no way to wiggle out of it. 
He might've had to go through hell to find her but it was so, so worth it. She was a true marvel, and he could only hope she knew how much he loved and appreciated her.
tag list @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @adhdsummer @nerdfighteratheart @anaibis @dolphincliffs @marinarasarah @deadflowercollector @lunabookworm @a-couchpotato @wonderland-girl143-blog @ddharrington @abstractnaturaldisaster @lololol-1234 @bestwifehaver @steviejeebiez
Part 9
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elisedonut · 10 months
Day 1: A favorite fic under 5k
My Choice: In Which Lucy Despises Sundays by HPfanatic12
This was difficult since i feel like alot of what i read falls into this category so i wasn't really sure where to start
in the end this was the one i ended up choosing because it's just really sweet and i love when the next gen kids end up protective of Percy like just in general.
So a good way to start the fest off!
I don't plan on doing this everyday since i already know there are a few prompts i just have no ideas for but I'm going to try to do at least 3/4ths of the prompts
yes most will be Percy related i will not apologize
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lucy Weasley & Percy Weasley, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Lucy Weasley & Molly Weasley II Characters: Lucy Weasley, Molly Weasley II, Percy Weasley, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Molly Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Teddy Lupin, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Harry Potter Next Generation, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Percy Weasley-centric, Percy Weasley Needs a Hug, Good Percy Weasley, Dysfunctional Family, Family Issues, Hurt/Comfort, Ambiguous/Open Ending, percy is a single dad Summary:
Lucy didn't like Sundays all that much
And it all has to do with how people treat her dad
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pearlescent-soda · 3 months
🐻Calling all Country Bear Fans: Actor Interview Preparation
I probably should've asked this question like three days ago, but I'm setting up separate email interviews with the remaining cast of the 80s-00s Country Bears. Does anyone have any appropriate and polite questions they'd like me to ask these voice actors:
Curt Wilson (Zeb, Speaking)
Diane Michelle (Bubbles)
Frank Welker (Randy the Skunk and Melvin)
Genia Fuller Crews (Teddi Barra)
Harry Middlebrooks (Zeke and Shaker)
Holaday Mason (Beulah)
Lori Johnson (Bunny)
Mike West (Max)
Mike Weston (Ernest, allegedly)
Peter Renaday (Henry)
Rod Burton (Zeb, Singing, and Ernest, Singing, probably)
I hate to ask, but if anyone knows how to contact Mr. Middlebrooks, Mr. Welker, Mr. West, Ms. Johnson, and Ms. Sherwin, please let me know. Also, I might ask Curt Wilson for an interview way, WAY later, because he recently lost a family member.
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rosenqvists · 20 days
As a fellow motorsports fan, I’d like to know, how did you get into motorsports?
ah anon, the age old question! well, i’m gonna detail my lore regarding motorsports!
i guess it started when i was born, because i was gifted a giant teddy bear wearing a jeff gordon t-shirt. but seriously, skipping to my childhood. as a kid i really didn’t know much about the actual aspects of racing aside from the cars going fast and looking cool. i grew up not far from sonoma raceway, and before i was born my family went there a lot to watch drag racing (which isn’t my personal cup of tea). of course my dad was a huge enabler of my love of motorsports, since he loved nascar and indycar. i primarily watched indycar and nascar and of course was a annual watcher of the daytona and indy 500’s as a kid, and i thought it was awesome. I usually rooted for whoever my dad liked (so mostly jimmie johnson, jeff gordon, dale jr, and helio castroneves).
over time, my love for motorsports waned as new interests took hold. i still watched the indy and daytona 500’s, i just wasn’t as invested. i’m not sure where the switch got flipped, but during the ‘21 500 i became super interested in looking back at the old indy 500’s and i got back into watching indycar! i got into formula 1 rather recently and rediscovered my love for nascar recently as well! i was a lurker on tumblr until a few months ago when i made this blog!
and that, my friends, is how ciara got into motorsports!
tldr: thank my dad for this lmao
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addisonxoconnell · 2 months
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[female & she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ADDISON O’CONNELL]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [DAKOTA JOHNSON]. You must be the [THIRTY-FOUR] year old [THERAPIST]. Word is you’re [OBSERVANT] but can also be a bit [DETACHED] and your favorite song is [CIRCLES BY PIERCE THE VEIL]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it @aurorabayaesthetic
warnings: mentions of suicidal ideation, parental abandonment, miscarriage
full name:  Addison Renee O’Connell
nicknames:  Addy, Ida, and Teddy used exclusively by her siblings
gender:  female  
pronouns:  she/her
sexuality:  heterosexual
aesthetics:  a lingering hint of perfume in every room she visits, a never-ending supply of notebooks and pens littered throughout her house, small lamps of warm light shining in corners to hide her messy life
age:  34
date of birth:  april 1 1990
zodiac sign:  aries
residence:  aurora bay drive (due to her husband)
occupation:  therapist
faceclaim:  dakota johnson
height:  5’7
build:  slim athletic build with most of her strength in her arms and legs
eyes:  blue
hair: dark brown
piercings:  both lobe and upper lobes of ears, nostril stud, and a navel piercing
tattoos:  left arm sleeve, ‘777’ tattooed above her right antecubital, 'bite me' tattooed on her butt cheek, 
other distinguishing features:  though her siblings look more like their mother, Addison looks most like her father
style:  she’s very much into jewel toned colors and goes for more comfort than what’s in fashion. In a way, she’s settled nicely between the all black attire of her brother and the brighter colored attire of her sister
traits:  observant, melancholic, thoughtful, quiet, aloof/detached
labels / tropes:  the caim, the metanoia, 
mental health:  up in the air if she’s honest 
physical health:  the only reason she’s where she’s at physically is because yoga and kick boxing keeps her emotions in check 
likes:  French style hot chocolate, knitted blankets, yoga on the beach, weekly personal spa day at home, pastel highlighters, and the months of October and November 
dislikes:  the overwhelming smell of alcohol when someone drinks too much, the brightness of the afternoon sun, her parents, and cold food
fears: turning into her mother, spiders, her husband leaving her, and too small spaces
hobbies:  reading smutty romance novels and fantasy novels, daily word search puzzles while she drinks her morning coffee, half ass attempts at knitting which end up as an incomplete project collecting dust, smoking at least one pack a day (she’s supposed to be quitting)
skills:  considers herself an average yoga master, decently good at surfing, knows how to make homemade pasta and usually pairs it with her homemade alfredo sauce, 
quirks:  when nervous she twirls whichever ring she finds first on her hand, she needs coffee before any interaction with anyone including her husband, she likes to keep some money in her wallet just in case something goes wrong with her card
mother:  Janey O’Connell
father:  Keith O’Connell (deceased)
siblings:  Arkin O’Connell & Eden O’Connell
birth order:  Arkin, Addison, then Eden
spouse / lover:  soon to be wc
children:  none (has had 3 miscarriages)
pets:  a cat named Lady 
notable close relatives:  Nikki Keaton, Erica Manning & Serena Keaton
ice cream flavour:  brownie batter
time of the day / night:  early mornings
weather:  rainy weekends
breakfast food:  yogurt parfait 
dinner food:  salmon alfredo pasta
colours:  teal and gold
wanted connections:
Childhood friends
The best friend who's been there from the start
Her own personal trainer at the gym 
Her usual tattoo artist that she will only go to 
Her girl gang 
People she does yoga with in the mornings
Her own therapist 
Her current husband (it will end quite messy) 
Her high school ex boyfriend (a love will blossom here in the future)
A frenemy in which they have to get along with each other either bc of family involvement or possibly husband involvement 
High school enemies that never really got over the betrayal so they continue to hate each other (maybe a boyfriend was stolen)
Husbands personal assistant (in the future he will leave addison for this woman due to having his baby)
Addison O’Connell didn’t think she’d live past the age of eighteen. She didn’t know what would suffocate her first - the never-ending grief of a life she’d never get, or the hole left in her heart from when her father left. It does sound quite selfish if you didn’t know the whole story, and you didn’t understand that at one point for a brief second, she did have a piece of happiness before it was ripped away. 
Addison was born three minutes after Arkin. Mostly a surprise for the O’Connell family, as they were certain a baby would fix all of their problems (but not two babies). She grew up as being always waited on second to her brother. He seemed to be the loudest of the two, so he got anything and everything first. Not completely understanding it until grade school, she tried to follow in his footsteps and be loud and demanding as well. This resulted in a spanking and to be quiet. In all of her life, she never tried it again after that. A lesson was learned very quickly and probably wasn’t the best one for her young mind. Things weren’t going to be fair for her. She tried to be jealous of her brother. She tried to want more for herself, but it turned into wanting more attention than anything else. 
Addison did everything she could to make her parents want to love her. She tried cleaning the house after school, doing all of her homework, and even figuring out how to make breakfast one morning (it was burnt toast). It never seemed to work. She was never met with a loving hug or any word of praise. It didn’t matter what she would do because her parents simply didn’t care. A fact that no one else in the world seemed was out of the ordinary. As if everyone avoided their children, when she knew her friends’ parents were completely different. 
It wasn’t until their third child, their third attempt at fixing a horrible marriage, that their father had left. Addison never knew if it was from getting cold feet at having another mouth to feed or another soul to crush. A harsh statement, but as she didn’t feel anything but disgust for the man. It wouldn’t have been right to try to convince herself it was anything more honorable. A father he claimed to be, she didn’t see any resemblance of the fathers of her friends. There could have been a small light of hope that if part of the problem was gone, things could’ve been better for the O’Connell family. It eventually died out, with their mom having two jobs just to stay afloat in the two-bedroom apartment. The added stress meant more nights they’d find their mom passed out, either in the bathroom or sometimes in her bed. It left Addison and Arkin to raise a baby mostly on their own. 
This had more of an effect on Addison as she continued to grow in the same environment that didn’t change if she was there or not. Besides keeping Eden alive and out of harms way, there wasn’t anything else needed from her. Arkin had his own life going on, and he didn’t necessarily need her as much as she needed him. She grew relaxed in her studies, the former high scores were slowly turning into more and more red marks and concerns from teachers. She started to sneak out at night after everyone had gone to bed. She tried to fill the hole her father left with anyone she could convince of being with her. The rumors going around certainly had its own troubling affect on her, but it only served as more fuel to stop trying. 
Surprisingly, she continued her life at Ocean Crest before her brother was able to help turn everyone’s life around. No, she didn’t do any better in school and would be an awful student if college was ever in the future. But, Addison figured out, finally, that things had an effect on Eden and that maybe she might need to set a better example to follow. She could say it was the spite of proving her parents wrong. To show her mother how to actually be one when she wasn’t consumed in her own grief and despair. But two very important people would say otherwise. Her brother and sister wouldn’t have let her leave without them, and she didn’t want to leave them alone in the world. Not after everything they had been through together, it was just about a tradition at this point to stick together. 
The idea of college never really appealed to her, but it was a way out. It was something new and different, and maybe she’d find a better version of herself out there. Which she did eventually find. It took some time and a few new habits gained instead of continuing on bad ones, but Addison O’Connell was able to turn her life around. She decided to become a therapist with the idea of helping people who really wanted a way to be better and not knowing where to start. She doesn’t know how much Aurora Bay might need her, but she wanted to be there for someone else like her. Addison wanted to be that person she never had as a child. 
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rodwacker85 · 4 months
fun facts i remember
marquis de lafayette gave john adams an alligator as a gift
winston churchill, despite being a prime minister won a nobel peace prize in literature
- also had a speech impediment and a difficult time pronouncing his s’s
- though he was a british PM, his mother was actually american!
calvin coolidge had a pet raccoon named rebecca which was saved after she was supposed to be eaten as thanksgiving dinner. she was one of the presidents pets and there is a picture of the first lady actually holding her!
- when she died a possum moved into her treehouse outside. herbert hoover named him billy possum
william howard taft was the fattest president, so fat they had to make him a new bathtub because he couldn’t fit in the old one
jfks and lincoln’s assassinations are strangely connected
- both presidents were elected to congress in ‘46 and elected president n ‘60
- lincoln was shot in the back of the head in the ford theatre; jfk was shot in the back of the head driving a ford car
- both shot on a friday in the presence of their wives
- both lost a son while in office
- both succeeded by a man named johnson respectively born in in ‘08
- both killers were killed before trial
andrew johnson housed a family of mice in the white house and called them the little fellows, feeding them flour and sugar
taft had a cow named pauline wayne. one day she went missing and was found at a slaughterhouse. i think it’s funny because how do you just look at a cow and go.. hey.. i recognize this cow, that’s the presidents! she was returned safely home 2 days later
taft also had a pet sheep named mooly wooly
martin van buren was gifted tiger cubs but had to give them away to the zoo
john adams and thomas jefferson both died july 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary signing of the declaration of independence. before john adams died it’s rumored he said “thomas jefferson lives” not knowing he had died two hours earlier
james garfield was left handed and also ambidextrous
teddy roosevelt was shot during a campaign speech in 1912 but continued to speak even with the bullet in him
calvin coolidge was born july 4
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
Noble | Harry J. Potter
Noble | Harry J. Potter https://ift.tt/eojysQJ by en_la70s ❛ In the echoes of history, truth lies hidden, In the hearts of the brave, love is written. Two souls, entwined by fate and love, In the face of darkness, they rise above.❜ ⋆⋆☆⋆⋆ Brietta Astor and Harry Potter are forced in fates hand. Their love is absolute. But whether history repeats itself, for better or worse, is what remains unknown. ⋆⋆☆⋆⋆ (harry potter x fem!oc) Years 4-7 Words: 13293, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Harry Potter, Original Black Family Characters (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Original Male Character(s) of Color, Charlie Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Cho Chang, Zacharias Smith, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Rubeus Hagrid, Andromeda Black Tonks, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Remus Lupin, Teddy Lupin, Ted Tonks, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Cedric Diggory, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Hedwig (Harry Potter), Crookshanks (Harry Potter), Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour Relationships: Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Slow Burn, The Golden Trio Era (Harry Potter), Original Character(s), Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs Therapy, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Battle of Hogwarts, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/Uu91TRm April 24, 2024 at 05:04AM
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the-haunted-office · 1 year
Updated: 10/31/2023
Here is where you can find all of my muses' relationships with others! Please bear in mind, all of my muses are multiship! This means that they can be in multiple relationships at once, but that they are each in separate universes, so nobody is cheating on anybody. I value each of my ships and their developments - they each have their own charms to me!
Romantic relationships may be either an actual ship or my muse is romantically interested. Please don't ever feel pressured to have your muse return feelings towards mine. I am okay with unrequited feelings, I don't take offense to it, and if my muse suffers at all for it, don't feel bad! If this makes you uncomfortable, though, do tell me and I can certainly not mention it in threads or remove it altogether.
Friendships may either be our muses are friends, or my muse thinks of yours as a friend.
And finally, it's important to note that these are in no particular order. I just threw them on there and anybody new gets added on at the end.
Please let me know if you have any questions about any of this, I'll be happy to discuss further in PM.
Familial: Aurora (sister), Thursday (adopted daughter) Romantic: None, although he had an interest in Stanley Parable Friendships: Thursday, Thisday, Stanley, Pollux @the-rovarians
Familial: Mae (daughter), Cyrus (adopted father), Doomsday (self/sister), Thisday (self/brother), Nextday (self/sister), Tau @drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais (adopted nephew) Romantic: September, Katsuko @katsuko-rp-blog Friendships: Everyone in the Haunted Office; Julia & Sal @drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais; Vimi @stanbeeparable; Ted & Teddy @ted-the-survivor; Eisuke & Etsumi @reubyrp; Cube @theblackcubeofdarkness; Pollux @the-rovarians; Night @nightwing-scp; Rita & Alexander @employee-419 & @voiceofverbose; Lumera @lumera-eclipse
Familial: None Romantic: Thursday Friendships: Doomsday, Thisday, Nextday; Gorrister @ted-the-survivor
Familial: Thisday (adopted brother) Romantic: None Friendships: Everyone in the Haunted Office except for Doomsday
Familial: Cyrus (brother) Romantic: None Friendships: Thursday, Stanley
Familial: Thursday (self/sister), Thisday (self/brother), Nextday (soul mate) Romantic: Kiyuki @katsuko-rp-blog Friendships: Everybody in the Haunted Office except Cyrus and Aurora; Batt-Sadie @sorceryparable; AM @drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais; Ryoma & Avon @reubyrp; Tanfour @fourtymart; Kiyuki @katsuko-rp-blog; Milo & Rourke @systemadministratorclu
Familial: Thursday (self/sister), Doomsday (self/sister), Timmy (adopted brother) Romantic: Eisuke @reureuby Friendships: Everybody in the Haunted Office; Shadow Stanley, That Cyrus, That Aurora, That Mariella; Eisuke @reureuby
Stanley Johnson
Familial: None Romantic: Patricia @drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais Friendships: Everybody in the Haunted Office; Patricia @drchandras-sanctuary-for-ais
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ao3feed-drastoria · 1 month
Harry Potter Fluff A Series of One-Shots
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MRegA2t by RadiantArabianNights28 Harry Potter One-Shots. Involving maybe all the Harry Potter characters and the next generation. There WILL be Slash and Bashing. But warnings will be up the top of each chapter if needed. Romance/Humour/Hurt/Comfort/Family/Drama/Angst/Adventure/Friendship... Words: 3027, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass, Susan Bones, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Audrey Weasley, Molly Weasley II, Lucy Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Fred Weasley II, Roxanne Weasley, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Ginny Weasley, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda Black Tonks, Ted Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Amelia Bones, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell Relationships: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter, Susan Bones/Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Gabrielle Delacour/Harry Potter, Alicia Spinnet/Fred Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley, Hannah Abbott/Neville Longbottom, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood, Sirius Black/Amelia Bones, Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour & Cedric Diggory & Viktor Krum & Harry Potter, Marcus Flint/Harry Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MRegA2t
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ussgallifrey · 2 years
Dagger Squad Headcanons | Part 7
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Robert and his twin sister Melissa were children of the foster care system, going in when they were almost two years old. He has nearly no memory of his birth family.
They were shuffled between four houses and agencies before they were settled into the care of the Floyd family. They were officially adopted just after their sixth birthday.
100% was a Cub Scout, a Boy Scout, and an Eagle Scout.
His mom was a super involved den mother.
Joy-Anna Floyd - otherwise known as Josie, or more commonly Mama J to the neighborhood kids - is the quintessential Midwestern suburban mother. This woman would drop everything at a moment's notice for her kids or their friends.
Bob has a teddy bear from his birth mother tucked away in a box in the back of his closet that he sometimes opens up and holds. He likes to think he can still smell her perfume on it.
Likes his routines, sticks to them if at all possible. The timing of things is key - which really sucked for his sister when she missed her morning bathroom time by eight minutes.
6:15 at the bus stop, this kid was working through levels of Pokémon Blue while his fingers slowly began to freeze in the Midwestern winter temps.
His world from the ages of 7 to 15 were consumed by his game consoles. He really liked the old school systems - the Sega Genesis was where it was at.
He did little league for a few years before throwing his focus into hockey. His dad always says he could have made it into a college team if they hadn't relocated.
They lived in Minnesota up until Bob and his sister were 12, then they moved further west to Montana.
Melissa took the move better than him, by far. He had a hell of a time fitting in and making friends - becoming a real loner type by the time high school started.
Spent a lot of his summers working on his uncle's cattle ranch in Montana. He liked the work for the most part - being away from town and just kind of in-tune with everything around him for a little while.
Bob has a massive back tattoo. An angel sat on the ground with its wings curved around him, his foot on a compass directional face. It's a reminder to trust in himself and the path he is on, no matter what. It's his only tattoo and he doesn't like to show it off. If he flexes his arms/shoulders, it makes the angels wings appear to be unfurling and opening up.
He primarily wore contacts up until he enlisted. The glasses were a bit of a cultural change for him, to be honest.
Started playing guitar when he was nine. Picking up his uncle's long-neglected Gibson and just started strumming random chords on it during one of his summers at the ranch.
He's not good in terms of being on par with the greats, but he's probably the best self-taught musician out of the whole squad. His fingers move across the frets with a haunting speed.
He does not sing in front of anyone if he can help it. His voice is just fine and actually pretty rugged and handsome in a classic country artist sort of way, but he's too self conscious of his own tone to willingly break out into song around other people.
His favorite artists include Bob Dylan and Bob Seger. Though he takes a lot of inspiration from classic blues artists when it comes to playing - like Robert Johnson.
His favorite childhood food was peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
As much as he loves his mother and would do anything for her, she made way too many tuna casseroles growing up. So much so that he will not willingly eat tuna now as an adult.
Misses having his hair a little longer, around the ears.
His parents house back in Montana is basically a permanent time capsule to the pre-internet days of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Hardwood paneling and carpet as far as the eye can see. His old room has been virtually untouched since he left home at 18. You will find all of his old sports trophies, TMNT posters, and classic Star Wars figurines still where he left them.
He really got into robotics and engineering around the time of his sophomore year in high school when the computer lab received it's first upgrade of new computers.
His mom figures he probably could have invented the iPhone if he hadn't gone and enlisted. Bob would thoroughly disagree.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd are the types of parents who still bring up his school achievements as if he isn't currently an officer in the United States Navy. No, it's his third grade essay on nocturnal wildlife that gets brought up at Sunday dinner.
No one has been told the true origin of his callsign outside of his first squadron. Baby on Board, Barf on Backseat, Best of the Best, doesn't matter. He'll never tell.
His eyes can barely handle contact lenses after all this time and he sort of hates it.
Actually has a really filthy mouth, but he puts on the Midwestern charm and innocent phrases when he's out in public - especially in uniform. No, he saves that kind of talk for his partner and only his partner.
This man will dominate you at hacky sack.
His dad took him and his sister camping a lot when they were growing up. The really rugged kind of no-electricity, dig a hole in the ground to go, kind of camping. He feels most at home when he's surrounded by open wilderness.
Was a real 4-H, county fair kind of kid. Him and Melissa raised rabbits for a few years, a pig named Farley one year, and two American Quarter horses named Sunspot and Betty Lou.
He also did rodeo barrel racing for three years in high school.
Could tie knots blindfolded and in his sleep thanks to all the years he spent in the Scouts. Like the really obscure ones.
He will never drink alcohol unless he's actually on leave.
Has way too many mechanical pencils on hand as well as tri-colored pens he uses for note taking.
˚ ✧ more top gun headcanons ✧ ˚
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ao3feed-scorbus · 9 months
An adventure 19 years later
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PZfAqmE by TzuyuLight Albus Severus Potter, the son of the Chosen One, carrying his father's legacy, being Slytherin and hated by some. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, the son of a defecting Death Eater, being teased for his last name and an undiscovered family history. They had many things in common, and they were looking for something: an even better adventure than the ones counted.   °Fanfic about 19 years later and 3 more years. There will be characters both from the canon and created by me. °This story will be published in Spanish in Wattpad. °The characters of Nicholas Nott, Alice Longbottom II, Augustine Finnigan, Benjamin Zabini, Grace Zabini, William Umbridge and Conan Finnigan are created by me. Words: 324, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley, Lorcan Scamander, Lysander Scamander, Lucy Weasley, James Sirius Potter, Fred Weasley II, Molly Weasley II, Roxanne Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Astoria Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Rolf Scamander, Luna Lovegood, Percy Weasley, Audrey Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Moaning Myrtle, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Barty Crouch Jr., Lucius Malfoy Relationships: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Rolf Scamander, Daphne Greengrass/Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson/Blaise Zabini, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks Additional Tags: Harry Potter Next Generation, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, Adventure, Best Friends, Post-Battle of Hogwarts read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52772173
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practically-an-x-man · 10 months
Katherine Johnson (OC)
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(picrew is djarn's)
Full Name: Katherine Alessia Johnson Pronouns: she/her (cisgender asexual female)
Nicknames: Kat (usual nickname), Katydid (from her mother) Pet Names: love, darling (from Ahk)
Relevant Tags: #oc katherine johnson, #who waits forever anyway? fic
Birthday: January 24th, 1995 Age in Chapter One: 19
Universe/Fandom: Night at the Museum movies
Physical Traits: 5'2", slighty curvy build. Has amber/honey-colored eyes, a wide nose, a soft jaw, and a bright smile with a subtle diastema between her front teeth. Has vitiligo - affects her skin and hair, though she dyes her hair to hide the white patches. Has dark hair, likes to experiment with different styles.
Character Traits: artistic, kind, gentle, extremely creative and imaginative, welcoming and understanding
Relationships:  - Family: Mya Johnson (mother), Alberta Johnson (maternal grandmother) - Friends: Emília (Emily) Mendoza, Jace Scott; Teddy, Sacajawea, Jed, Octavius, Larry and Nick Daley, other NATM characters - Romantic Partner: Ahkmenrah
Additional Information: - She is named after Katherine Johnson, the astronomer and rocket scientist who contributed to the moon landing - Distantly connected to the Egyptian goddess Bastet - Able to utilize the tablet's magic for various purposes - primarily, making the things she draws come to life - Works as an artist, primarily commissioned for museum exhibits - Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee - Got into art by through reading comic books as a child - and still loves all things superhero to this day! - Has four sun conures as pets: Tango, Waltz, Skip, and Jazz - Has a habit of talking to herself or singing under her breath as she draws
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