#( connection. / && shaun conlon )
tckenbythesky · 4 years
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          GERTRUDE ‘GERTIE’ JOHNSON is a very large part of Lou’s story that doesn’t get much mention or play. She’s almost like another mother/grandmother to Lou, a guardian of sorts, and someone who has looked out for Lou her whole life. She was best friends with Agnes Snyder, Lou’s maternal grandmother, and was a fixture in the Wolfe household for the first decade of Lou’s life.
Gertie owned a bakery in Greenville with her husband and Lou’s mother Ida worked there on and off for years prior to her death. Having been unable to have children of her own, Gertie treated Ida, her best friend’s daughter, like a child of hers, and subsequently, Lou too when she came along. When Gertie’s husband grew ill and unable to help manage the bakery, they made the difficult decision to close it down and move north, closer to some of their extended family. This was hard on Lou since it came at a time when her young life grew painful and was just the beginning of her losing those she cared. Though Gertie didn’t pass and would call, write, send cards and gifts, her visits were few and far between due to her husband’s condition.
When Bill passed, Gertie opened another bakery, in his honor, but also to keep herself busy. Also, with his death, he left her with a fairly substantial amount of money, which she invested in real estate around the city. Her bakery is located in the Prospect Heights neighborhood in Brooklyn and she owns a few buildings outside of that, mainly the one Lou rents for her shop and apartment when she moves to Brooklyn.
Lou’s arrival to New York was a welcomed one and Gertie immediately went into grandmother mode, setting the young woman up in her brownstone, the guest bedroom ripe for a visitor. Lou, however, being the independent creature she is, only remained until she decided what she wanted to do. Though Gertie was sad to be alone once again, she was happy to see that Lou hadn’t changed in that way, and helped her secure the space for her shop and apartment, selling the building to her at a very discounted rate. (NOTE: Lou hasn’t fully realized how discounted it was, but is still incredibly grateful and doesn’t allow Gertie to go a day without knowing that).
These days, Gertie sends along day-old baked goods to Lou each day. Lou, knowing she can’t possibly consume all of it herself, puts them out at her store for free as part of the ‘ambiance’ she wants to create there. It’s become a bit of a partnership in a way, or free advertising at least. Gertie is still incredibly overprotective of Lou to the point where the younger woman will not even discuss her love life (or lack there of) unless there is someone worth mentioning. And Gertie, for her part, demands that she vet any potential suitors.
VERSE DEPENDENT INFO:  In the AU based off of Lou’s main verse, Gertie sets her up with her nephew Max. They have a fairly long relationship that begins to unravel toward the end, particularly due to Max’s temper. During a small window of time when they’ve taken a break, Shaun returns to Lou’s life, showing up at her work after hearing from Eddie where she was, and they have a brief affair. When Max and Lou reconcile, Lou ends her fling with Shaun. Shortly after, Max is killed during a botched robbery of a convenience store, having taken a bullet for a complete stranger. Within days, Lou finds out she’s pregnant and can’t quite determine who the father of the child is, Max or Shaun. She says nothing of her relationship with Shaun, leaving Gertie and the rest of the Johnsons to assume that Lou’s unborn child is Max’s, the child of a hero. It wasn’t until Teddy was about three that Lou finally comes clean about his parentage, when Gertie inquires about dissimilar her looks from her nephew. Feeling deeply hurt and betrayed by the news, Gertie essentially kicks Lou out of her life.
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lostsullivans · 4 years
new tag drop, pt. 5
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shesboundtolose · 5 years
Lou Wolfe’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Lou has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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STANLEY WOLFE - Father ( largely an awful force in her life )
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IDA (SNYDER) WOLFE - Mother ( deceased in almost every verse )
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DANIEL WOLFE - Uncle ( Lou has never met him in almost every verse )
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LEIF SNYDER - Uncle ( worked at the juvenile detention center Lou was sent to; helped make life rough for her as a way to get back at her father )
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OLIVIA “OLLIE” IDA WOLFE / SULLIVAN - Daughter ( verse dependent; very similar to her mother, though she doesn’t like to admit it. Would fight God for her family. )
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THEODORE “TEDDY” MAXWELL JOHNSON ( CONLON ) - Son ( verse dependent; reminds Lou so much of her mother at times that it’s difficult to be in his presence. )
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GERTRUDE “GERTIE” JOHNSON - Close family friend ( worked with Ida’s mother, was like a second grandmother to her. Took Lou in when she left Greenville and helped her establish herself in Brooklyn. The closest thing to family Lou has. )
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LEONA (BRENNAN) CONLON - Family friend / Shaun’s mother ( tried desperately to be there for Lou as much as possible. Loves her like a daughter. )
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SHAUN PATRICK CONLON - Best friend / that first love / first serious boyfriend ( assumed deceased in most verses; father of Teddy in others )
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EDWARD “EDDIE” JAMES ARMSTRONG - Best friend / Guy she should be with / patron saint of patience & broken hearts ( Lou left him back in Greenville to spare him; she spared no one. Moves back to Queens with her brother and eventually, accidentally, reunites with Lou. )
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FRANCIS “FRANKIE” JOSEPH SULLIVAN - Douche bag / Big mistake / Punishment ( most verses – in a few, he is the father of her daughter Ollie )
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CHARLEMAGNE CLAUDIUS CHRISTOPHER “CHRIS” MACKINNON - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( strictly business )
Lou has, in general, some sort of friendly acquaintance with pretty much all of my other muses in a smattering of verses.
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JACOB MICHAEL STACK - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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CHARLES “CHARLIES” PHILIP ARMSTRONG - Asshole / cop who’s loyal to Stanley / Protective older brother ( can’t stand Lou for many reasons; also has the wrong idea about her. )
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PEARL LEE “BULLET” SULLIVAN - Cousin to Frankie ( verse dependent; her jealousy blinds her and she winds up hating Lou fairly irrationally. Lou is somewhat apathetic in return. Distrusts her anytime they’re around one another. )
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DOMINIC “DOM” BRENNAN CONLON - Protective older brother / suspicious bastard ( never trusted the kid of a cop, and thought Lou was too much trouble for her worth. )
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BRADLEY “BRAD” LINCOLN - Friend of Frankie’s / just likes to poke the tiger ( verse dependent;  he really just tries to ruffle Lou’s feathers upon Frankie’s request. )
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lostsullivans · 5 years
Bullet Sullivan’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Bullet has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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Kelly Sullivan - Father ( generally imprisoned in New York with his brother John; bestower of her nickname. )
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Florence (Darcy) Sullivan - Mother ( generally incarcerated back in New Mexico; main perpetrator of how and why Bullet uses her looks to get what she wants. )
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Robert “Pops” Sullivan - Grandfather ( city councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted her in her later teens; didn’t approve of Kelly’s marriage to Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. )
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John Sullivan - Uncle ( Stuck with Kelly in prison. )
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Riva Darcy - Aunt ( Looks out for Bullet when she’s in town; personal hero; detests the Sullivan clan. Tried to adopt Bullet herself until Robert got in the way. )
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Francis “Frankie” Sullivan - Cousin ( son of John; kept Bullet alive during their teen years; he is much more like an asshole brother to Bullet than cousin and it shows. )
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Ruby Lee Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Penelope “Penny” Faith Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Donny Wilson - Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand ( had no business messing around with Bullet Sullivan at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things )
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Bradley “Brad” Lincoln - Friend / associate of Frankie’s ( Friend too, more than lover, but                                             they have a complex relationship. )
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Shaun Patrick Conlon - Son of a Sullivan associate ( Assumed deceased; Frankie set Bullet up with the idea of seducing and distracting Shaun. It didn’t work the way he hoped. )
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Edward “Eddie” James Armstrong - Best friend to Shaun ( For fun while she was in town. She liked how sweet he could be to her. )
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Charlemagne Claudius Christopher “Chris” MacKinnon - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( verse dependent. business and fun. Bad things. )
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Lilah Beckwith - First ‘girlfriend’ ( actually Frankie’s girlfriend at the time. Oops. )
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Raymond “Ray” Walker - Friend ( tries to keep neutral, and keep her out of trouble )
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Kotone “KT” Mori  - Long-suffering employee at The Blue Lounge ( mama hen type. Looks after Bullet as best she can. )
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Murphy “Murph” Taggart - Bar owner/Perpetual fuck-up/Sullivan associate ( These two have a weird relationship, but it’s friendly overall )
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Lochlan “Loch” Taggart - Brother of perpetual fuck-up/reluctant Sullivan associate ( Treats Bullet like a human being, so of course she’s a little sweet on him. )
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Jacob Michael Stack - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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Louise Danielle “Lou” Wolfe - Completely unaware of reason to feud ( verse dependent; Bullet irrationally (and maybe sometimes rationally) despises Lou; Lou is generally apathetic in return. )
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Dominic “Dom” Brennan Conlon - Protective older brother / son of an idiot ( refused to be swayed by Bullet’s charms )
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tckenbythesky · 4 years
tag drop, part 6
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