#( find me and dru here please )
iamyourdailydoseofbi · 3 months
I can only share my interest in Aegon to you, so I’ll just drop this here. (Dw, contrary to what I say next, this is not a request. Just desperation.)
Broski, I NEED reader wife who’s scared of heights and dragons but Aegon gets her to ride with him just cuz he feels like it. (My hand is probably 1/3 smaller than one of their teeth. I believe Anyone sane should be scared sh’tless while seeing a dragon. 💀)
I ONLY READ ONE FIC WHERE THEY FLY ON A DRAGON! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY AEMOND FICS OF THISS??? HELP ME FIND MORE CUZ I NEED TO HAVE A RIDE ON A DRAGONNNNN. Imagine the refreshing air and scenery. (I personally imagine the beautiful pink/orange clouds from Httyd when Hiccup and Astrid fly together for the first time)😭⚰️
Also, about the death threats, you handled it well. Really, when everyone finds out you like a hated character, it’s like they are trying to get you to sign your own death sentence. Anyway, keep doing you. You write exceptionally 🤭🫶 ily
pairing: Prince Aegon ii Targaryen x Lady-in-waiting! Reader prompt: Aegon kidnaps you to ride on dragonback, it does not go well. word count: 1, 000+ words
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You had been very very firm when it came to dragon's. You were no Targaryen nor held a drop of Valyrian blood in your veins. Sure, you like to gawk at them in art. The dozen paintings, stained glass windows, and books that filled the Red Keep were enough. You would never dare to go near one in real life. Dragon’s were not natural. To ride one, to tame one, it was not natural. A lot of the things that the Targaryen’s did were not natural. 
So when you started as Helaena's Lady-in-waiting, you did everything you could to politely refuse to be near them. Need to go to the Dragonpits? The carriage was nice and comfy, no need to leave it. When Helaena offered to fly with her? Suddenly you grew ill with a cough. Helaena accepted, understanding your fears. She offered kind words and an open invitation should you ever change your mind on the matter.
Aegon was, as always, different. The word 'no'  just could not connect in that tiny little brain of his. He took it as a challenge. He would jest about kidnapping you and taking you flying. You laughed and told him you'd push him out of a window if he dared to do it. 
Of course, he had tried once with a look a little too serious on his face. After waddling away, clutching his groin from your hard kick, he learned that it would not be easy to get you on dragonback. You’d fight back. You would be a challenge, he liked that a lot.
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Kicking and screaming at the top of your lungs, you did everything you could think of to get free of Aegon's hold. Clawing at his arms wrapped around your waist, he dragged you along to the Dragonpits, the dragon keeper's onlooking in confusion and mild horror. You could give less of a shit if they thought you mad. There was no way in the Seven Hells that you were going on a flight with Aegon. You'd rather kiss the King's rotten lips than to go flying.
"No! Put me down, you drunken oaf!" You shout, thrashing against him.
"I am going to kick you so hard you'd never be able to get it up again, Aegon! Put me down!" You bellow, yanking at his hair.
"Not a chance, we are going flying." Aegon brushes off your threats, "You will enjoy it. Tis' delightful."
Letting out a loud scream into his ear, he did not falter, running off of pure spite and stubbornness. It would have been admirable, if it was not for the fact he was dragging you along to go flying. Yanking hard on his hair, he yelps loudly, though his grip does not falter. Gods damn it, why did he have to be strong? Sensing that fighting would not help you, you tried another way.
"Please, please, Aegon." You beg, "I'll give up my desserts for a whole moon. Just let me go."
"Tempting." He chuckles, a smirk on his face.
"Please, Aegon. I do not wish to fly." You beg, on the verge of tears.
"I fly all the time. Once I even did it drunk, tis' nothing dangerous." He scoffs, rolling his eyes. 
Shaking your head frantically as his grip tightens, he drags you into the dark cave, the stench of dragon thick in the air. The few torchlights in the cave illuminated enough to see his dragon, Sunfyre, burrowing into his rocky nest. Feeling tears of fear bubbling up, you go deadly silent, losing your voice. This was your worst dream come true. Face to face with a dragon. Holding back the whimper in your throat, Aegon presses a kiss onto your temple, refusing to let you go.
“He won’t harm you. He’s used to your scent.” Aegon whispers into your ear, “I brought him one of your dresses to smell.”
“Let me go.” You whimper out, voice full of pure terror. 
“Come on, you’re already here. Let’s just go for a quick flight.” Aegon argues, shaking his head dismissively. 
Slowly letting go of your waist, you go to bolt for the cave exit, only to be swept back up into Aegon’s arms. He carried you like a toddler who had a habit of running away. Letting out a loud cry as he refused to put you back down, he wags his finger mockingly, a half amused look on his face. Hearing Sunfyre stir in his nest, you try more desperately to get away, the rumbling of the dragon echoing loudly in the cave. 
“No, no, no.” He scolds, “Bad Y/n. No running away.”
“Put me down! I want to go back to the Red Keep!” 
“No, if I have to attend Court, then you cannot escape this.” He suggests, “Consider this your duty.”
“Fuck duty. Put me down, Aegon!” You sob, bottom lip wobbling. 
“Ooh, so now we do not care about duty, hm?” He mocks, shaking his head with a smirk.
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Pressing a gentle kiss onto your temple, he carried you closer and closer to Sunfyre, until the two of you were right in the dragon’s face. Feeling your grip tighten on him, he slowly smiles at the feeling, like see you so unlike yourself. This had to be the first time he had seen you act so improper and anxious. It was refreshing, amazing, and amusing all at the same time. 
Smiling bright as Sunfyre stirs away, the golden dragon huffs at the two of you, his two large green eyes staring back. Puffing his chest out in pride, he hoped the sight of his dragon would impress you and make you swoon. His dragon always got compliments. Looking down at your face, there was not an ounce of admiration or awe or anything positive, only terror. 
“He’s pretty is he not?” He gloats proudly, “You know, they say he is the prettiest dragon to have ever been hatched.”
“If I survive this, I am going to kill you.” You whisper out, face pale.
“Stop speaking as if you are going to die. Sunfyre would not dare to attack, not whilst I am here.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“I’ve seen your dragon, can we leave now. I want to go back to the Red Keep, Aegon.” You whimper, tears bubbling up in your eyes.
"No. Don't you dare." He argues, "Don't you dare do the whole crying trick on me. I am not foolish like Helaena and can be swayed."
Watching as you sniffle and whimper, his grip tightens on you, not wanting to give up just yet. Seeing the big puppy dog eyes you give him, he grits his teeth, tensing up. He falter's for a moment. He was always sucker for those big puppy dog eyes of yours. You knew how to make him crumble.
"No, no, no, don't give me that look." He tries to resist.
"Please, Aegon."
"No. Stop that." He shakes his head, "Stop that right now. I demand you stop that."
"I..I want to go home, Aegon. Please, take me home." You beg, sniffling.
Letting out an exasperated groan at you begging and pleading to go home, he begrudgingly agrees to it, knowing that it would be no fun if you cried the entire time. Scowling like a child who had its toy taken away, he loosens his grip on you, putting you back down onto your feet. One day he’d get you on dragonback. Sadly, just not today.
"Aegon, please, I want to go home." You whimper, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks.
“Fine, fine, stop crying.” He grumbles, “But next time, we are going to actually get on the dragon.”
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thatztyv · 10 months
Hickies and Teasing
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(I kinda don’t like this but I haven’t updated in a while so..)
- Teasing Urban about the hickies on his neck
Word Count:
- 1.6k
Ki'Asia Moore
(kie- a-she-uh  more)
"Dru I just love how you called yo barber to come to my house", I said as I walked into my living room.
"My boy had to come get me straight before he left town", he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch between Jack and Urban.
"How are my two favorite white boys?", I said putting my arms on their shoulders.
"We're good", Jack chuckled.
"Asia I need a favor", Urban said making me arch a brow.
"What you need?"
"I need you to make me some pants by Friday."
"It's Wednesday Urb", I sighed.
"Love you Asia", he said and patted my back.
"You make me sick", I said rolling my eyes.
"Now when I ask you to make me something you cuss me out", Jack said.
"That's cause you wait til the night before an event to tell me. Be having me rushing to get some shit done for you", I said and mean mugged him.
"I be forgetting to let you know ahead of time", he chuckled.
"Mmhm", I hummed before standing up.
I walked over to my black recliner and sat down letting the bottom up.
"Alright Dru, how you like it?", Matt said handing him a mirror.
"You do yo shit everytime man, 'preciate it", Druski said handing him his mirror back and standing up.
"No problem", Matt said setting the mirror back in his bag.
"How I look T?", he asked walking to the couch beside me.
"You look presentable", I hummed.
"Matt since you're here, you'll shape up my beard?", Urb asked getting up from the couch and walking to the chair Dru was sitting in before.
"For sure", Matt said as he cleaned off his clippers.
Urb sat down before pulling his hair up into a bun.
"Damn Urban who the hell been eating at yo neck", Druski laughed out loud.
"What you mean?", he asked clueless.
"Yo neck is full of red and purple spots", Jack said and I laughed quietly to myself.
He pulled his phone out and held it up to see his neck.
"Oh shit", he mumbled.
"Urb you must was in some coochie last night?", Druski asked laughing.
"It must've been real good for her to be sucking on yo neck like that", I teased.
"He had to been fucking that shit up huh T?", Druski laughed.
"Hell yeah."
"You laid it on her Urb?", Jack chuckled.
"Fuck y'all bro", he said and rolled his eyes. "Matt come cut-"
"Nah that's what you was doing to whatever girl last night", Druski chuckled.
"They wasn't fucking, they was fawking. There's a difference", I chuckled.
"Tearing that shit up", Druski said laughing.
Urban smacked his lips.
“Just a shape up right?”, Matt chuckled.
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"Who you texting that got you smiling like that T?", Dru asked as he got up from his seat.
"None of your business", I said and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Let me find out", he said and looked me up and down.
I playfully rolled my eyes and put my phone away.
"We gone run to the store. You want anything?", Jack asked as he grabbed his phone off the table.
"Cookies and Cream Ice cream please."
"Ok", he hummed after checking his phone. "Urb you coming?"
He looked up nodding his head, "Yeah."
"Now that we got you alone", Druski started as he turned back to look at me. "You hit that chick from the other night."
"No", I said immediately shutting him down.
"Said that with a quickness", Jack chuckled.
"Then who did you put it down on?"
"Hickeys on your neck say otherwise man", Jack chirped as he looked at me through the rearview mirror.
"Keep your eyes on the road man", I said pulling my phone out.
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I chuckled to myself as I put my phone away.
"I have an accusation", Druski said and looked over at Jack.
"Against?", I asked as I let my hair down.
"What I do?"
"You fucking Tiana", he said and for some reason Jack must've went blind because he almost ran off the road before mashing on brakes.
"Yooo what the fuck are you doing Jack?! You tryna kill us", I said as I gripped the car door.
He turned around and looked at me.
"You and Tiana fucking?!", he said making me look at him like he's stupid.
"You actually believe Dru? He just told you it's an accusation. I'm not fucking Tiana."
"I don't believe you", Druski said squinting his eyes at me.
"I know she has a boyfriend and who he is but it's not me", I said lying right through my teeth.
"She actually has a boyfriend?"
"Yes, she actually has a boyfriend. Dru you don't stand a chance my guy", I said and leaned forward to pat his shoulder.
"Damn", Jack mumbled.
"Can we go to the store now", I said sitting back in my seat.
"Damn y'all got groceries didn't it", Tiana chuckled as we put our bags on the island in her kitchen.
"Well we staying the night so we brought some snacks", Jack hummed as he walked to put a box of chips in Tiana's pantry.
Tiana furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me y'all doing what now?"
"Spending the night", Druski said nonchalantly as he put some juices in the fridge.
"No y'all not. Y'all needa be gone by eleven", she said crossing her arms.
"Urb told us all about your lil relationship. So if he can spend the night so can we", Jack said squinting his eyes at her.
"You told them", Tiana said and looked over at me.
"They were gonna find out eventually... At least I didn't tell them who he was", I said making her let out a breath of relief.
"We just wanna meet and have a civilized talk with him", Druski said.
"Nothing you do is civilized. You're gonna scare him off", she whined. "Y'all gotta go home. Tell them they have to go home Urb."
"She's right we should go home. It's not fair for us to stay over unannounced."
"It's not unannounced though. She knows we're spending the night.. now", Jack said.
"Y'all need to get out my house", she whined.
"Nope", Druski said and leaned against the countertop.
Tiana looked at Jack then Druski then she looked at me. "Y'all get on my fucking nerves."
She stormed off and I just shook my head.
I paused the movie on the tv and looked around the living room.
Jack and Druski was passed out on the couch to my left.
I shook my head and looked down at my phone to check the time. 11:47.
I got up from the couch slowly and made my way to Tiana's room.
"Baby?", I said as I poked my head in her room.
"You can come in", Tiana said.
I walked in and closed the door. She was getting her bed ready for her to go to sleep.
I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her.
"You still upset?"
"Mm", she hummed as she tossed a pillow to the side.
I turned her around to face me and put my hands on her hips.
"Uht uh, we not doing nothing while Jack and Dru are here", she said after dodging my kiss.
"They're downstairs on the couch out cold", I said gently turning her face back to me.
"I don't care. I'm not about to hold back moans cause they wanna try and be detectives", she said and crossed her arms.
"Baby", I sighed.
"Don't baby me", she said taking my hands off her hips and walking off.
I walked into the living, turning on the light.
Jack and Dru were asleep on the couch.
"Both of y'all get the fuck up", I said as I shook both of them.
"Is her boyfriend here?", Jack mumbled sitting up, rubbing his eye.
"He's been here. Look yall need to-"
"We missed him?!", Druski said quickly sitting up.
"Look I'm her boyfriend. Y'all need to go cause I'm tryna get some play tonight but y'all cockblocking bad."
"I fucking knew it!", Druski said loudly.
"You figured it out yay. Now get out", I said pulling them off the couch.
"Damn, he get a girlfriend and don't know how to act", Jack mumbled as he stumbled back a little.
"Pussy will change a man, a black woman's pussy especially", Dru said as he stood up.
"Akeke.. Now get out."
"How you gone kick us out Tiana house? I'm sitting right back down", Jack said.
"EVERYBODY GET OUT MY HOUSE", Tiana yelled from upstairs.
"You still mad?", Druski asked.
"Hell yeah cause y'all won't get out my house", she argued. "Finna call the cops and say y'all trespassing."
"Girl go to bed", Jack huffed.
"Fuck you Jackman!"
"Will y'all just go?", I said, trying to reason with them.
"No", Druski said. "We spending the night. We not leaving til tomorrow morning."
"No pussy for you tonight", Jack said making Druski laugh.
"Y'all are aggravating. We wasn't fucking tonight no ways", Tiana said walking into the living room.
"You a lie. We saw Urban buying that whip cream, You was ready for tonight. And don't think we forgot about all them hickies you put on him T", Druski said. "Just nasty."
"I can't wait til y'all get girlfriends, imma embarrass y'all so bad and cockblock like a mufucker", Tiana said and rolled her eyes at them.
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thegingerwrites · 6 months
Fanbinding: am i a stranger to you? by @chasingfictions
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Just then, the last of the blood slipping from that boy into Spike, him and Dru grabbing for each other with their fangs in each other’s mouths, then walking hand in hand up Fifth Avenue, all the way back home, a little prayer croaks out of him, before he realizes enough to grab it back— Please. Please, let it be like this always. - (In which New York City is one of the various loves of Spike's unlife, he can’t stop thinking about the Slayer, and in which, mostly, he just really wants to belong somewhere, if anyone will have him.)
link here
I was inspired by the folks at the Renegade Bookbinding Guild and their Binderary 2024 events to try my hand at binding some of my favorite works of fanfiction. This one is the fifth part of chasingfictions my blood tastes like laughter series and has had a special place in my heart since 2021. I'm from NY and I read this between classes my first semester back at school during the pandemic and Spike's love for the city seemed to perfectly resonated with my own so I wanted to commemorate that in print!
This is the first text block I've ever sewn by hand. At four signatures, this seemed like a perfect starter project. I'm learning that part of designing books is doing it by ✨vibe✨ The gray/white/silver/gold marbled cover said New York to me, sort of a glass and concrete with a bit of shine aesthetic. I went with red end papers because vampires. The typesetting isn't too fancy but I really wanted to find an art deco ornament to separate sections of the fic. It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to decorate the spine. I originally used a gold foil quill to trace the text of the title and author but then went over it with a paint pen recommended in one of the Binderary sessions last month and fell in love with the effect. I can't believe my hand was steady enough to get it that clean 😅
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May I please request a songfic with Han from Fast and Furious for the song We’re Not Making Love No More by Dru Hill?
Okey dokey my love ♥️
We're not making love no more
Pairing:Han Lue x reader
Description:You and Han slowly fall in love after getting out of an abusive relationship
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Sure I've been in love a time or two but in the end I still chose you no one could ever could ever make me feel this way that's why it's killing me what we're going through
You were in an abusive relationship for 4 years with a man named Anthony who you had met in middle school and started dating your junior year of highschool but right after graduation he started his behavior of hitting and degrading and as the next 3 years of the relationship went on things got much worse.
Somehow thought 'tween me and you our love would stand the test of time and never ever fade But we're not making love no more we're not even trying to change
After one night which sent you to the hospital for 2 weeks you went straight to the police as soon as you got out getting a restraining order,breaking up with him,getting your things,and moved in with your aunt for 7 months until you slowly recovered,got a new job,found an apartment and moved in as your life became secure and safe.
Tell me how it slips away does it ever stay the same? We don't even talk no more we've ran out of words to say tell me it don't have to change won't it ever stay the same?
You met a couple of new friends as you started working your new job and went out more from clubs and parks to car races and local restaurants becoming friends with the Toretto siblings,Brian O'Connor,and Roman Pearce meeting the man who you would fall in love with and will teach you what real love is.
I know that things aren't going right but don't you think it deserves a fight? A love like ours don't happen every day and we're losing it right as we speak and if we don't wake up it's a memory
You and Han met when he came with brian and roman to help fix your car and help sprucing up your apartment moving things around and after having lunch together getting to officially meet and know han liking how smart and kind he was but also that he didn't let people run him over for it.
A time gone past a love that sailed away and we're not making love no more we're not even trying to change tell me how it slips away does it ever stay the same?
Soon after spending time together you both realized you had feelings for each other afraid that the other didn't feel the same keeping the feelings hidden until an unexpected moment while at his house leads to finding a person who loved you no matter what.
Sometimes I get lonely cause I remember you used to say to me I'm gonna be here for you I would wipe your tears how did it slip away we don't even talk no more we ran out of words to say
After 6 months of dating you told him about what happened to you after he saw a faded bruise on your hip and he was so sweet always asking if you had bruises or scars anywhere so he wouldn't hurt you on accident anywhere on those and you felt so much love from you never felt in any of your other relationships especially with anthony getting engaged and married after 7 years together and being the happiest you both had ever been.
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merakiui · 6 months
Hi mera!!!! Barista anon here!!
Its totally OK. I figured you were busy and I have no problems waiting.
I still couldn't get over the fact that DRU gave darling like a crumb of other human interaction before just saying 'haha, nope.'
YOUR BRAIN IS BIG AND BEAUTIFUL AND GORGEOUS!!!! So many floybs and im hhhhhhhnnnnnnnngggggggg just imagining scummy/sleazy floyb with muscular tattooed arms just hits so good. He reminds me of the song 'problem' by Natalia kills tbh.
But the step floyb and sk!floyb also have me aggressively drinking my coffee like, can I live in that braincell of yours????
BARISTA ANON, HIIIII!!!! ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) thank you so much for reading the tsum fic!!!!! Azul outdoing his tsum..... he has no choice but to ravish you. It's sex fueled by pure jealousy. >:D he can't possibly allow his tsum to have the honor of turning you into a debauched mess!! And unlike the tsum, Azul can do so much more. He'll kiss you all over to make up for the lack of smooches from the tsum. Obviously he's much better than his plushie counterpart.
aaaaa DRU is indeed a cruel plot for our reader. It would have been so delightful if she and Marisa could continue their interaction. They're platonic soulmates in my heart. 🥺
Omg that song fits scummy, sleazy Floyd so well!!!! OTL he also reminds me of "Kinky" by Gameboi, but maybe that's because I wrote the fic while listening to that song on repeat. ( ꈍ◡ꈍ) Floyd with tattoo sleeves is so delicious,,,, omg but a Floyd with tattoos and piercings is an entire feast. He's so perfect in every form!!!!!
Please feel free to live in my brain cell. You will find so many Floybs here, and all of them will love you forever. I also love stepcest Floyb and sk!Floyb!! Although recently I've considered adding a new Floyb to the ever-growing list......... ✨ coffee shop stalker Floyb ✨ it's the usual coffee shop meet-cute au, but Floyd's only ever sitting in the coffee shop to pretend to do his homework when in reality he's just admiring you. <3 Floyd watching you and your coworkers chat and laugh and he wishes that could be him.
One day. :) he's sure of it.
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five-bi-five-mind · 1 year
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Faith Lehane x fem!r
Genre: Smut
Words: 2.8k+
Summary: Faith can’t help but want to corrupt you… just a little. She was practically hooked on you and when she got that itch… well she would only have one thing on her mind until it was scratched.
Warnings: dom/sub dynamics; overstimulation; strap-on use (r receiving); top!Faith, bottom!r; rough sex; choking; a lil innocence kink…
A/N: Just a short little smut fic of Faith being... well you know... Faith. Hope y'all enjoy. The Dru one will be next and then I might focus more on the actually more serious, angsty Faith fic.
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Faith was feeling cooped up. It really wasn’t her jam to be sitting around like this. Her time of sitting around doing research on whatever big bad was lurking had been long over. She hasn’t done this shit since she was part of the misguided Scooby gang. But here she was, pretending to pour over books while you sat on the other side of her tiny studio apartment. How did she get pulled into this?
Oh yeah, she bumped into you two minutes before becoming a demon’s midnight snack and immediately she was smitten. Of course, she had to go and fall for a softy with a heart to help the helpless. And, of course, when you found out about Faith’s slayer status you were eager to be her useful little sidekick. 
You were also a worrier though. So, that made Faith go along with your little plans. Something about being more prepared, finding weakness faster than just throwing everything at it… blah blah blah… Honestly Faith zoned out about that conversation and instead focused on how nice your tits looked that day. She did that kind of often. It wasn’t that she didn’t value what you said. She really did. It was just that you were so endearing when you were passionate about something and it made Faith’s mind wander. 
Like now for instance. You were sprawled out on the floor, very focused on whatever it was you were reading. Faith was again paying attention to anything but the monster at hand. Currently, she thought about how innocent and unsuspecting you looked as you scanned the pages in front of you. It made the wheels in Faith’s mind start turning it. 
It was always when you looked particularly small and adorable that got Faith going. She had this weird, maybe slightly twisted need to corrupt you just a little bit. But not in an evil way. No, she’s been there, that's the past. This was in an almost… animalistic way. 
So an idea came to her. Abruptly, Faith shot up from her spot. You watched as she dug for something under the bed. She purposely shielded whatever she was grabbing from view and scurried into the bathroom. 
You stared at the door for a moment, shrugging it off when she didn’t come out quickly enough to keep your attention. Your eyes went back to the books in front of you, dutifully trying to sleuth out this demon’s origins and weak points. 
A moment later, the bathroom door opened again and your eyes went up to glance at Faith. She had the perfect poker face on, but still something told you she was up to something. 
She plopped down on the bed and started to grin down at you. This had your full attention now.
“Let’s take a break, babe,” She said with a hint of excitement in her tone.
“Okay…” you said hesitantly. “And do what?” She was definitely up to something. 
“Well first you could strip for me.” 
You immediately blushed at that, your eyes bugging out of your head. “Faith!” You exclaimed, jumping to your feet. “We’ve got serious work to do!” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Faith rolled her eyes teasingly. “But baby, I’ve got that… itch.” 
Of course she did. She was practically useless in terms of brain work until she fixed that little problem. Faith warned you up front that she had a pretty strong libido. She said it was probably a slayer thing. You thought it was really just a Faith thing. 
“Please, baby?” She broke you out of your thoughts. The way she was looking at you was already breaking your resolve. She had her lip between her teeth and was giving you those hungry eyes that already had you weak at the knees. 
“I guess we have been going for a while…” 
“That’s right, babe. Time for a break.” She leaned forward where she sat, the anticipation of what was to come already had her body buzzing. “Now, give us a show?”
Your face flushed even more at this, but you rolled your eyes to play it off. You were still going to give her what she wanted, you just didn’t know how much of a show that would be.
For whatever reason, your hands went to your jeans first. Popping the button of them before moving to the zipper, you noticed the way Faith watched your every move. You shimmied out of them slowly until they fell to the ground and you stepped out of them. Then you did the same with your panties. Your hands went to your shirt and started to tug up, but then you saw Faith’s hand shoot out in a stop motion. 
“Wait!” Faith interrupted. “Leave it on.” There was something about the image in front of her that had her eager to just grab you and throw you on the bed. It was her shirt you were wearing, after all. So, to see you in just her shirt and nothing else had her feeling more and more keyed up by the second. 
You shifted where you stood. Not entirely sure what you were waiting for. Faith, on the other hand, enjoyed the way you squirmed under her gaze. She also loved the way you were waiting for her to give you your next order. The way she already had you a little bit in tune with her, trained to be good for her. She could feel the wetness flood between her legs where she sat. 
“What next?” You asked impatiently, feeling very exposed, despite still being half dressed. 
Faith’s smirk just grew as she looked you up and down. What she had planned next was going to get a reaction out of you, she was sure of it. She could almost picture it, and she couldn’t wait for it to come to fruition.
“Now…” she started. “You’re gonna come here, princess and do as you’re told.” Faith gave you a devilish smile. Her hands went to her belt. Your eyes were glued to the way she slowly undid it and then began to pop the button of her jeans. Then your gaze went a little lower. How did you miss the slight bulge in her pants? 
Faith’s eyes never left your face though. She was wearing a cocky smirk as she watched your cheeks slowly flush when she began to pull out the toy she had hidden. She let you take it in for a second, your eyes widening as you realized that must have been what she scurried to the bathroom to put on. Of course she would want to shock you with it. That was something so… just so Faith. She loved the way she’d get you flustered and she was doing a damn good job of it right now. 
Faith slapped both her legs. The sound caused you to jump and break your dazed stare at the toy between her legs. “So, c’mere.” Faith’s hands planted on the bed as she leaned back a little. “Ride my cock.” 
You blanched. Your eyes went from her face to the strap-on and back up. You’d never done that before. 
With hesitant steps you approached where Faith was perched on bed. Again you looked at the toy between her legs before looking back up into her eyes. Her pupils were totally blown and she licked her lips as she watched you slowly start to mount her. 
“That’s it,” She purred as she watched you line the toy up with your entrance. “Good girl.” 
Her words instantly sent a flush to your cheeks, but still you focused on the task at hand. You slowly let yourself inch down on it. It wasn’t fast enough for Faith though. 
In a flash her hands were on your thighs. She simultaneously pressed your body down and thrust her hips up, fully sheathing the toy inside you. You let out a strangled cry at the feeling of being so filled by her, but you also felt instant pleasure with the way she rolled her hips a second later.
It didn’t take long for you to do the same, rocking yourself into Faith to match her motions. One of her arms hooked around your body as she fucked up into you while the other moved behind her to keep her balanced.
She had ordered you to ride her, but really it was her movements that had you bouncing up and down on her lap. You were just doing your best to keep up with her, your hands gripping fistfuls of her tank top to keep yourself upright and grounded. 
Faith had that cocky grin on her face the whole time. Watching you moan and whine on top of her gave her a sense of pride and even power that slaying never quite did. It was something about having you so completely like this, her cock buried deep inside you, making you do the filthiest things without a peep of protest that made her feel like that. No one else could do that, but her. So as you began to shake on top of her, signaling your impending release, something primal took over her.
With her hold on you, she had you flipped with your back hitting the mattress hard in two seconds. With a growl, she started pumping herself into you with what you could only describe as slayer speed. Your hands still held fistfuls of her shirt as she fucked you to your edge. You let out a long whine and your body shuttered as you came around her cock, but she didn’t even slow down.
Instead, she grabbed your legs and pushed them up until your knees practically hit your chest, allowing her to pump deeper inside you. At this point you couldn’t stop yourself from constantly moaning. The way Faith hit deeper inside you than any time before and the fact that you haven’t even come down from your orgasm was making you lose total control of yourself.
Faith, meanwhile, was grunting on top of you. It was like she was in a total trance as she fucked you. Her eyes went from watching between your bodies and being mesmerized by the way her cock disappeared inside you, to watching your face as it twisted in pleasure. 
It wasn’t long before you came again, crying out her name as you did. She actually slowed down this time, allowing you to catch your breath.
Her hand glided up your body until it stopped at your throat. She let it rest there, her fingers wrapped around your neck but not applying any pressure. Her head cocked to the side as she stared down at you. 
“Why is it,” She began breathlessly, “that I can never get enough of you. Is this what it feels like for a vampire to crave blood? Only, you know, for me it’s your pussy…”
She was always so crass. But with her cock still buried in you and the way she was licking her lips and looking down at you like a snack… you couldn’t deny all of it, even her words, turned you on all over again. 
“I’m not done with you.” She said that more to herself than you, punctuating that with another slow roll of her hips. You groaned and braced your hands on her shoulders, trying to indicate to her to hold up a moment. Words were escaping you though. Not because she was pressing harder on your neck now. No, she still wasn’t cutting off your airway. No, it was because the last orgasm she gave you still left you breathless. 
“I just want one more, princess.” It sounded more like a demand than a request, yet you still weakly nodded your consent. Her hips rolled into you again and this time it seemed like she was going to take it slow. 
She pulled the toy almost all the way out, taking a breath, while you held your own. Then without warning she snapped her hips, bottoming out again inside you. 
You cried out for her again and her hand flexed on your neck. “Yes, fuck, scream for me, baby,” she growled above you as she repeated the action. The control she felt in that moment was almost like a drug. The way you were so helpless underneath her hold gave her such a rush. She literally held your life in her hands, with the way her hand applied just the slightest pressure to make your breaths turn shallow. 
But it wasn’t her knowledge of her strength compared to your weakened, fucked out state that made her feel so high right now. It was the fact that you had utter trust in her as she pressed harder. It was such a wild mixture of love and lust that ran through her veins as she picked her pace back up and began fucking you abandon. She would never hurt you, even if she easily could, and you knew that deep down as you let her absolutely ruin you in the filthiest way. 
The choked out cry you gave as her hips slammed into you gave her indication to let up a little bit. Her hand left your neck and you took a deep breath before another pathetic moan left your lips at a particular hard thrust from her. 
You were a whining, moaning mess and all you could do was turn your head into the pillow and take it. At some point your hands have left her body to grab at the sheets. Your nails dug into the mattress as Faith’s hips met yours in a way you were sure was going to leave bruises. 
“I know princess, I know,” Faith grunted from above you as you let out yet another pathetic whine. It was all becoming a little too much, but still it was unbelievably pleasurable. “But you’re taking me so well.” 
At this point you thought Faith’s goal was to fuck you absolutely raw. And honestly, she thought about it, but she needed you in one piece for when she inevitably had this same itch to scratch again in the next day or two. 
Your face was fully buried in the pillow now and your whole body was shaking. Faith was leaning down to basically attack your neck with her teeth and tongue as she kept fucking you. With a low moan that was muffled by the pillow, you finally came for a third time. Your back arched as she drew the orgasm from you and your knuckles turned white from how hard they were holding onto the bed. 
Faith let you ride out the orgasm, slowing to a stop as you came down. She finally pulled out of you after a moment, practically collapsing on top of you as she did. 
She honestly wasn’t even exhausted though. Not even a little tired. She could go all night if you could take it. But you were still so fragile, so new to her slayer strength that she didn’t want to push you to your limit yet. Just strengthen your endurance a little… So instead, she willed herself to calm down and pulled you into her arms. 
You were still out of breath as your head pressed to her chest. She was also breathing hard, her excitement still not quite quelled. If she kept going she was sure she would break you, and that was something she swore she would never do.
She wanted to ruin you, sure. But she planned to do that over and over again for as long as you’d let her. That meant she obviously had to make sure she left you in one piece after practically fucking your brains out.
You nuzzled into her as your breathing relaxed. It was this part of the night that she wasn’t used to yet. The softness that came with you being hers. She didn’t mind it though. Fuck like an animal and love like… well whatever this was. Gently. Delicately. Faith hadn’t adjusted to it yet, but she would get there.
Her strong arms folded around you and tightened slightly. You hummed in appreciation for that small act of affection. 
Having your naked body pressed closer to her still had her a little revved up, but she was willing herself to chill out for you. Maybe, she could push it a little more after a bit of rest. Maybe she could convince you for another round. After all, she was still wearing the strap… 
A devilish grin spread on her lips again as her hands began to roam your bare body. She was never good at waiting anyways. You looked up at her with such a curious innocent look that had Faith’s heart racing again. Seriously, you couldn’t give her those cute doe eyes. It made her want to corrupt you in the dirtiest ways…
“Just one more, princess, yeah?” She practically purred into your ear. 
You gulped, but nodded. Your body was sore and spent but when she gave you that hungry look of hers, how could you say no? 
It was a long night and as per true Faith nature… it was not just one more. 
taglist: @bisexualblckcanary @desperate-gay
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nightwhispcrs · 8 months
— valentines ball mini event starter call under the cut ; dont be shy !! 3 starter cap per mun , pls . if you want to plot anything for our event thread / if any of these blurbs give you an idea , dm me after requesting the starter ! otherwise i will be writing them random .
**if we have blind dates , i will dm you about plotting and which of us writes the starter , so please don't request those here .
adam newman , 33 yrs — ( 3/3 ) dru , maggie , olenna
adam will be his usual flirty , gossip-y self . coming from the soap opera world , the relationship drama the revolves around valentines day is his wheelhouse , so feel free to unload your tea on his ear at the bar and let him help you form revenge plans . ( date : olenna tyrell )
arnold novak , 28 yrs — ( 2/2 ) jester , shen wei
being on a blind date with a stranger is one of arnold's worst social nightmares , so please distract him with anything you can . a dance , illicit substances , some gossip , or whatever else your heart desires . he will however be very engrossed and excited to view the exhibits and will probably be using them to avoid social interaction . it's canon that he's a BIG fan of butterflies , so catch them there . ( blind date : shen wei )
charlie dalton , 26 yrs — ( 1/3 ) neil
they're having the time of their life . still in denial about the feelings he has for his best friend , so charlie will be running around being a menace . probably trying to break into anything and everything that they shouldn't , and probably carrying around a couple flasks of mysterious liquor . ( "platonic" date : neil perry )
craig manning , 23 yrs — ( 0/2 )
on a date with his boyfriend , but craig can either get involved in some chaos or lend an ear to someone who needs it . he's sober , so can take care of anyone who's been a bit .. less than sober . you may find him around the insect exhibits ? fell like he'd think bugs are interesting . ( date : j.t. yorke )
eli joseph stock , 22 yrs — ( 1/2 ) auden
on a date with their partner , but will be quietly strolling through the exhibits as well . probably spending most of their time in ocean hall . they're from a beach town , so feels like home . a bit skeptical of valentines and pda in general , but will withhold judgement to themself . ( date : auden west )
fred flintstone , 40 yrs — ( 1/2 ) meredith
he's pining for nigel and in denial . also , seeing his dinosaur pets as skeletons is scarring and upsetting , so he's really having a hell of a time . ( blind date : meredith grey )
irina denali , 28 yrs — ( 3/3 ) bella , vic , cindy moon
moody and broody but still a beauty . she'll use this as an opportunity to dress up and look absolutely stunning , and she'll be quietly observing everyone's relationship drama . being 'immortal' yet having died , mummies kind of freak her out so she'll prob be over there . ( blind date : belle french )
jack shephard , 35 yrs — ( 1/2 ) hannibal
if anyone needs medical assistance , jack can help ya out . otherwise , he'll probably be sipping a gin beverage as he strolls through the exhibits . it's rare he spends time just hanging out in museums for fun . the polar bear will prob trigger some memories from back home ... you might catch him trying to hide a spiral . ( date : michael corleone )
katniss everdeen , 22 yrs — ( 3/3 ) rue , a-xiang , peeta
please let this person live and have a good time for a night . i might allow katniss to just have a nice time and enjoy a romantic evening , in love once again . i don't trust the admins with a peaceful evening *eyes emoji* but ... we'll see how things pan out . ( date : peeta mellark )
lee jordan , 28 yrs — ( 2/2 ) wei wuxian , hongjo
distract lee from the very secret feelings he's rekindled towards draco . let him get caught up in your drama , or run around with him causing trouble as he whines about how very very single he is . expect him to pry about your love life for his podcast - he loves gossip . ( unofficial hate-date : draco malfoy )
max goodwin , 34 yrs — ( 1/2 ) carlisle
my medical director doesn't get much time to relax , so he's enjoying this night . max is very very friendly and will be genuinely interested in meeting and getting to know knew people . a very curious mind , expect him to share some good advice while gazing at the exhibits .
michael guerin , 31 yrs — ( 3/3 ) qingge , childe , tatia
being at museums like this is kind of horrifying for michael , because as a secret alien , michael's biggest fear is that the government will find him out and he'll end up himself as an exhibit in this place . also he's single and lonely - what's new - so he'll be drinking his worries away and gawking at the "human origins " . ( blind date : tatia )
monica geller , 27 yrs — ( 1/2 ) laurie
looking hot and stressed . don't think for a second that monica has forgotten how violent and chaotic balls of the past have been in washington . she'll be doing her best to stay present , but she's going to be waiting for something terrible to happen at any moment . ( "platonic" date : laurie strode )
naomi pierce , 34 yrs — ( 2/2 ) junyi , kendall
girly is looking like a 100/10 and will be happy to share some champagne and relationship advice . events , galas , museums , etc. are commonplace to her so she's in her usual public-facing-mask element . she probably wants some of the gems on display . ( date : kendall roy )
parvati patil , 22 yrs — ( 1/2 ) cho
she's feeling mischievous but doesn't know where to place that energy . eeriely familiar feelings of a ball are haunting her , but parvati doesn't have her memories of hogwarts back yet so she won't know why . will probably take this opportunity to make new friends or flirt . ( blind date : cerridwen )
ramona flowers , 25 yrs — ( 1/2 ) ellie
ramona is , of course , very open to being messy and kissing someone other than their date . they're very open to anything , actually , and they're not above putting some graffiti on some priceless artifacts . ( blind date : tigris snow )
reid oliver , 37 yrs — ( 1/2 ) brennan
dr . reid thinks this entire social event is a huge waste of time , but he is a biggg fan of the free food . for someone who makes as much money as him , a neurosurgeon , he really should have a better palate and spend money on quality food , but he loves free stuff . plus he's looking pretty good in a suit . ask him for a dance if you want , but he'll definitely deny you /: sorry he's a dance-hating bitch . ( blind date : brennan sorrengail )
richie jerimovich , 42 yrs — ( 2/3 ) nat , bellatrix
i bet you've never seen a man this drunk and messy looking this good in a suit before . if you want him to stop rambling about his former drunk adventures back home , just kiss him or something . ( blind date : bellatrix black )
robin buckley , 24 yrs — ( 2/2 ) nancy , maya
they're very excited to be on a date with a very pretty girl !! you might catch her freaking out in the bathroom about it tho . she's also very very impressed by all of the pretty things on display . plus she's looking cute in her vintage dress . ( blind date : maya hart )
roman roy , 36 yrs — ( 2/2 ) tatum , tyrell
will be judging everyone's attire , relationship , and the quality of the alcohol at the bar . but he'll look good while doing it ! he really doesn't understand consequences of actions , so feel free to pull my chaotic man into anything . ( date : tyrell wellick )
tucker mccall , 45 yrs — ( 1/2 ) ceres
mr. wildcard homewrecking gossip king himself . will certainly insert himself into anyone's relationship drama given the opportunity . if you want to flirt , gossip , or have any deep conversations about the meaning of life , he's your guy . ( blind date : ceres vurith )
zahra bankston , 40 years — ( 2/2 ) alex , qui-gon jinn
she's the director of national intelligence , so i promise if you're doing anything stupid , zahra already knows and it isn't getting past her . she's enjoying this time to bump elbows with washington's elite though , so whether she actually says or does anything at this very moment is another story . also , you bet she's looking absolutely incredible . ( blind date : qui-gon jinn )
zoe rivas , 24 years — ( 1/2 ) annabeth
wrapped up in a beautiful gown , zoe will be ready to mingle or invite you to dance . they'll probably be in the darker rooms centering around electricity and the night sky because it's more calming and beautiful than the main floors swarmed with the entire city . ( blind date : abigail mckinnon )
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grucylover · 7 months
Let’s breakdown this possible clickbait spoiler video on YouTube. It has been supposedly leaked that some script info has been leaked that Gru & Lucy have 3 more children.
Obv the first new kid is Gru Jr and we will protect him at all costs.
Secondly, there’s a possibility Gru and Lucy could adopt Poppy. Poppy is a teenager that is a big fan of Gru and wants to be a supervillain like he once was. She adopts the same things as Gru (I.e her initial on her items). They meet Poppy when they move to the safe house in Mayflower and she is their neighbour. Most likely without her parents as what parents would let there kid dance in the kitchen???. Either poppys parents are missing or she’s an orphan like the girls so they could feel sorry for her and adopt her.
Personally. I don’t want them to adopt her but it bothers me slightly that she has blue eyes and the same nose as Gru so has Gru had a fling in his past? Unlikely but funny af. We want the girls to be the centre of attention like they didn’t get in DM3 and that’s that. More of the girlies please.
Personally aswell I think poppy and I can’t think of the word rn but tho she is Grus fan I don’t think she’s is on his side, really???? She could be an insider trying to get the goss sort of thing but is really working for Maxime Le Mal??? That’s my theory personally.
2. According to a site that could be bullshit but leaked information, Gru Jr could already become an older brother but it might not be Grus. A theory or spoiler has suggested that Dru returns to Gru with a baby (Dru Jr obv) he asks Gru to raise the child because of his life as a super villian. Maybe Lucy is pregnant by the end of it again that I long for?🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ the wishful thinking is real.
I personally find this is highly unlikely as Illumination would almost be promoting having kids, here, there and everywhere but it’s entertaining to think I guess.
If a script has been leaked and there is another 2 kids joining the family (ex Gru Jr). It’s highly likely they adopt poppy and they have another one.
By the way these are the words of the video and not me unless I have stated personally otherwise. I have not come across a script leak.
Personally, Im hoping for a daughter from Gru and Lucy one day (one more kid because Grus sperm count is high 🙃😒) because she will look like Gru with dark hair and green eyes and I think this will complete the franchise tho I don’t want it to end.
Just who knows what is going to happen in this movie but it’s exciting to think of all these theories and a bit of clickbait now and again can be exciting, especially when they mention a script leak I a sucker for it. Ngl!! So here we are.
Post your theories!!!!
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enigmatist17 · 4 months
The world came back in bits, flashes of color breaking through the white haze that had overwhelmed his senses when the bloody chip in his head fired off. He can't really remember what set it off in the first place, but can feel pain blossoming from several points all over his body, so it was clear he'd been attacked.
Oh, wait.
A bar, some men harassing a woman, and Spike stepping in with good intentions. He'd failed to notice two other men until they'd attacked, the chip preventing the vampire from fighting back or defending himself as he was beaten into submission. At least the bint who'd caused it all got away, so there was at least one mark in the white hat column for him.
The alley he had been in felt kind of soft under his shattered bones, and it took a long minute for the vampire to realize he was inside somewhere and on a bed. Oh, Spike doesn't remember getting up and going somewhere, but he'll take what little he can get these days, and gladly surrenders to oblivion.
He wakes once again to find himself feeding, the blood soothing the hunger he'd had constantly ever since the Initiative had used him for a sodding lab rat. While it's not the blood of a sire, something Spike hadn't tasted in several lifetimes, whoever was taking the time to feed Spike was clearly part of the Aurelian line and a fair bit older than himself. He lets out a soft snarl when he's pulled away from the source of the blood, annoyed when he can hear a chuckle somewhere to his left.
"You'll have more soon, don't worry."
What the?
Spike doesn't have the energy to open his eyes or speak, drifting back into sleep to the feeling of bone and tissue knitting back together. The next time he wakes, he's able to open his eyes and sit up, but he growls at the memory of being bested by bloody humans as he looks around the room he is in, sitting up slowly as he tests his limbs.
"Finally, he wakes."
"Penn?" The elder gave a short nod from his seat across the room, closing the book he'd been reading and setting it on the table beside him. "'Eard you were dead."
"Nearly died, survived." Penn shrugged, getting to his feet with a slight wobble. "Luckily for you, I am not, Angelus could not come."
"The poof wanted to come 'ere?" Spike was pleased to find his legs moved without pain, slinging them over the edge of the bed to face Penn proper.
"Yes, we found some...information on this Initiative group that is operating in town, but one of his pe-humans had a vision." The elder looked annoyed for a moment but shrugged it off. "Color me shocked to find you a bloody pulp in some alley, you don't seem the type to fall to humans." Spike cursed internally as he and Penn held each other's gaze, the other more curious than eager to find some sort of weakness Spike may or may not have.
"You'll want the Watcher, Slayer is never far from 'im." Spike finally scoffed, able to stand with minimum pain, Penn rising with him.
"Not coming with?" Those eyes narrowed as Spike growled.
"No, I'm not. He's not far from here, 'ave fun Penn." With that he swept out of the rather nice hotel room and into the night, heading for his crypt for some decent rest away from the prying eyes of family. He thanks his past self for ensuring proper sleeping quarters below the crypt he'd chosen, too exhausted to even kick off his shoes and he sinks onto his bed and back into sleep. It spared him from thinking about how humiliating it had been for Penn, of all people, to find him, and he knew that the Slayer and the others would most likely let slip his "condition" out of pure spite, leading to even more mockery. Maybe he'll just dust in his sleep; the Slayer of Slayers is gone as a footnote in demon history because of some bloody scientists.
Man his unlife just sucked, why the hells had he come back to Sunnydale?!
It's a pleasant surprise when he slowly starts to awaken to someone running a gentle hand through his hair, and Spike wonders if he's dreaming. Dru had been gentle in her rare lucid moments, whispering his poetry with a tender voice as she would hold him, both soaking up these peaceful moments before Miss Edith would inevitably return. Perhaps his brain was giving him a small mercy, so Spike decided to play along, chest rumbling with a purr as the hand continued its gentle pace.
Should we wake him?
No, he'll be asleep again soon, he's still weakened.
I still wish to hunt them sire, the ones who hurt him.
I know, but right now, my childer needs us.
Will we take him with us to L.A.?
If he wishes.
Spike isn't surprised to find the hand touching him is real, but is familiar with hiding his surprise to find that Angel is the one to touch him. He was sure Angel would have killed him; the hot pokers and torture were more than justification enough for his death, right? Instead, he's just...touching him, and speaking with Penn, who almost sounded like he gave a shite about Spike's health. Spike isn't sure what to make of this, so he just focuses on the gentle touch, lying to himself that it was just like old times until his brain decides to fall back asleep.
He can worry about everything later.
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tetsunabouquet · 5 months
Heir To The Lands Chapter 35
Working Out The Next Move Masterpost
After Catarina left, the group decided to gather in the garden of Dimmet Tarn. Everyone had helped gather some chairs from the house as the group was far too large to sit around the dining table. As a result, it was a mismatched and hilarious sight with all the young Nephilim, Livvy and Gwenneth the goblin gathered around Tessa and Jem. With the final bit of magical strength she had, Tessa had conjured up a table and Jem brought as many food items as he could find around the kitchen for everyone to snack inbetween the conversation. She was sitting exhausted, Mina babbling around her ankles before she picked her daughter up. 4 years old or not, this girl wanted to be part of the conversation. Kit gathered all his courage, decing to break the ice. "Hello to all who have gathered here. Before we start talking about the crisis with the Seelie Court and the big questions, please introduce yourselves. I am Christopher Herondale, the lost Herondale and the descendant of Auraline the First Heir and the High King of Faerie, I suppose. It's nice to meet all of you." As he sat down, the tall boy from Dru's group decided to stand though he had a bit of an nervous look. "My name is Tomas Grünlicht from the Köln Institute and the only thing special about me is that I have a rare eating disorder that causes me to sleepwalk and eat in my sleep." Kit was honestly not expecting that, but Tomas did lighten the mood as several chuckled. The girl next to him stood up, "I'm his primary victim of food theft, Octavia Boomkikker from the Dutch Enclave. Me, Tomas and Zeynep are basically a parabatai combi-package." Dru looked like she was having a hard time not to burst out laughing and Kit thought it was nice that Dru became so popular. The girl with the thick glasses was the next to introduce herself. "Hi," she said with a melodious soft voice, "My name is Zeynep Aksoy. I'm Tomas' cousin and raised at the Antwerpen Institute, nice to meet everyone." She and the the other two sat down, almost entirely in synch. The girl that Kit recognized as Thais stood up. "Hello, I am Thais Pedroso from the Rio Institute and Dru's best friend. I hope we can all get along." Without standing up, the Asian girl waved. "My name's Laura Ke, I'm from Australia and I'm a distant cousin of Jem Carstairs." "Hello everyone, my name is Anush Joshi and I'm Ty's assistant from the Scholomance if you will." Kit tried not to focus on him too much. "I'm Jaime Rosales and used to be the Seelie Queen's captive witness." Some of Dru's friends seemed to study his gaunt face in pity at the introduction. Gwenneth then decided it was her turn. "And I am the other witness, the one and only superstar of Faerie, Gwenneth." "I've never seen a pink goblin before," Tavi said, looking at the creature with interest. "I know, I am as rare as a flying sugarpie." The group chuckled again. Ty waved a bit shyly as he said, "My name is Tiberius Blackthorn, you can all call me Ty. I'm Dru's older brother." Now Dru took that as her cue to adress the group. "And I'm Dru, nice to meet you Anush." He nodded towards her and then Jem decided it was his turn. "I am James Carstairs, please call me Jem. I am Tessa's husband and before the Dark War I was a Silent Brother. I hope I can guide you with everything I know." Tessa took a deep breath. "I am Tessa Gray, daughter of Belial and Adele Starkweather. The only hybrid of my kind and the most knowledgable for when it comes to fighting the Princes of Hell." Anush and Dru's friends looked at her with such big eyes that they could fall out of their eyesockets.
Janus bowed to the enraged Seelie Queen who looked like she wanted to tear out his vocal chords for admitting he had failed and that someone was trailing him. However, he had seen into some of the papers as he checked the bag's contents on his way to Central Park and he grinned carelessly. "Do not worry, my Queen. I did manage to catch glimpse of something very interesting we could use."
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jensen-ackles-girl · 2 years
Author’s Note: This is the first story I've posted on here, bare with me guys I've been trying to work on my writing it's not that good so please don't hate on my grammar or spelling errors I'm trying! I hope you like
(I've decided to make this a series so hope you guys like it)
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Pairing: Jared x SisterReader! , Genevieve x Reader (mentioned), jensen x reader (mentioned) , jensen x reader
Summary: Y/N is the younger sister of Jared padalecki they both grew up in San Antonio, Texas they both have good acting jobs both live in Austin, Texas so when the opportunity of a lifetime comes to Y/N to fly to Vancouver to be apart of supernatural
Warnings: Fluff,Some cussing,Family
Chapter 7
Y/N was tired all she wanted to do was crawl into her bed and go to sleep of course though that wasn't going to happen till later they where still working on a couple of scenes she was finding herself getting sleeper and sleeper on brakes she found herself getting coffee to stay awake they had finally finished filming the last scene it was getting hard to function so to her relief she heard the director call it a day she jumped internally because if she physically did it she would probably have fallen over she pushed herself through to walk to her trailer to grab her things.
Y/N rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn and grabbed her stuff walking out of her trailer she bumped into someone on the way out she mumbles a sorry to the person as she yawned again. The person chuckled she knew that chuckle from anywhere she looked up and saw jensen standing there. She let out a bashful smile "I'm so sorry Jen" he chuckled again "it's okay" he paused taking in y/n sleeply state "come on I'll walk you to the car. She had no time to process as she felt his hand resting on her lower back and started walking to the parking lot. She didn't protest she just walked with him as they got to the car she gave him a sleepy smile. He returned it as he helped her into the car. He made sure she was buckled up before shutting the door.
She let out a sleepy thank you as he closed the door he smiled and nodded minutes later the door opened again and someone climbed in she had no idea who it was because she had already fallen asleep the car ride home was smooth she hadn't woken up the only time she woke up was someone nudging her arm she rubbed her eyes and looked over to see who it was and it was her brother Jared "hey sleepy head" he chuckled "we're home" he helped her out of the car and into the house. When she couldn't make it up the stairs he picks her up and takes her to her bedroom where he lays her down on the bed gently and take off her shoes. He gently pulls her jacket off of her and covers her up. He kisses the top of her head and flipped her light off and shut the door on the way out.
Y/N slept the whole night long only getting up a few times to go to the bathroom her alarm went off and she shut it off and got up making her way to the bathroom and showered then got dressed in jeans and a tee shirt throwing on her jacket then put her shoes on making her way down the stairs to the kitchen starting a pop of coffee and started making breakfast for everyone she had decided to make pancakes the second one up was Genevieve she walked into the kitchen "Y/N you didn't have to make breakfast for everyone" she turned around and smiled at her "oh please it's not a problem and besides it gives you a break" she smiled and nodded "well thank you". She smiled "and nodded you bet" she fixed her a plate as the kids came down next she fixed them a plate making sure they ate as she made jared a cup of coffee hearing his loud footsteps coming down the stairs.
She smiled at jared as she handed him the cup. He smiled at her "thank you" she nodded "your welcome" she fixed him a plate of pancakes as she fixed herself one and a cup of coffee they both sat down and ate chatting with the kids and Genevieve once they got done jared started clearing the plates. Y/N drunk the rest of her coffee as she grabbed her purse getting ready to leave they had work in a few minutes she kissed the top of Shep's head then Tom's as she told gen bye. Her and jared walked out the door cliff waiting on them they both climbed into the car and cliff started his way driving them to set.
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b0nkers-papaya · 2 years
BriarBaskets AU INTRO POST
"Being pulled into an entirely new world can be terrifying, especially for your current circumstances. You should be careful of who you put your trust in." "...of course, you always have the option to ignore my words of advice. Only one of us would care anyway."
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So, welcome to the TWSTBriarBasketsAU. Out of the 15 people that are gonna interact with this post, maybe one of you have seen my account mention it before. This au is a slightly darker, slightly more anxiety filled, sorta open world rpg-style take on the original mobile game Twisted Wonderland made by Disney Japan and Aniplex. The main cast characters that you're familiar with were created by Yana Toboso and don't belong to me. Also, I'm gonna be bullshitting a bunch of world building, so don't take any of it as canon.
!!WARNING!! THIS AU IS NOT SPOILER FREE This intro post does not contain any spoilers for any of the chapters available, but do know that in future posts they may contain spoilers from the chapters.
Post dividers made by yours truly (they took me 3 days to design and I'm very proud of them).
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In this au, you're the magicless new student, who resides at the school lead by the oh so "gracious" headmage, and you're put in the care of the uncanny and slightly odd Vice Housewarden of Ramshackle, Dru Briar.
While you're settling in and contemplating your fate, Dru sits you down to explain a few things to you. "There's good and bad news. The good news is, that yes, it is possible for you to go home and you will go home. The bad news is, the only way for you to go home is if you fix the school."
"Main objective: Fix the school. Something is wrong with the school, and you have to fix it. "How do I fix the school?" you may be asking. Well in order to fix the school, you need to perform a ritual, and to perform the ritual you need to collect 8 symbols from each dorm respectively.
However, as you've probably already guessed, it won't be easy. You will have to be sneaky, you will have to lie, you will have to use resources available to you, etc. Most importantly, you cannot afford to get hurt or lose. If you get hurt, time does not stop for you, and if you lose, you get no second chance."
"I will be here if you need further instruction, the rules for the dorm are over there on the wall, good luck." "Oh and, don't lose....please."
With that, Dru gets up and leaves, letting you sit on the rickety couch in the dorm to take everything in. Grim waltzes back in, looking back and forth between you and Dru before shrugging and heading into the kitchen, presumably to go through the fridge.
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Alright then, now that you've been given an intro allow me to introduce you to your guide: Dru Briar.
Dru Briar is the Vice Housewarden of Ramshackle dorm in this au. You will be the Acting-Housewarden ("Prefect") of Ramshackle, taking over the Housewarden duties in Miss Bearer's absence. Worry not dear reader/player, for Dru will be taking over those duties when you find yourself busy with completing your mission.
Dru is there to give you advice, tips and tricks, and (in easy mode) to fetch you anything you think you may need. After all, you will be quite busy throughout your stay here at Night Raven Collage. They will also make sure to remind you of important details, and point you in the right direction. I must warn you that they're not going to be available at all hours of the day. They are as much of a student here as you are, therefore they have classes to attend to as well.
Before I take you onto the next section I have one more thing to add. I highly recommend listening to the bits of advice that Dru gives you before you leave the dorm each day. Sometimes they are words of encouragement, other times they are helpful/crucial funfacts.
With that being said, make sure you remember this: If you are ever confused on what to do next, if you ever need advice for anything, you can always go to Dru for assistance.
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To start wrapping things up, I'm gonna explain a few more things.
The style of this au is meant to simulate a classic adventure rpg game. You're given a task, a motivation, and an end goal. The only difference here is the stakes. Those stakes being, you can only "lose" a set number of times, and depending on the difficulty level you chose, you don't get to lose more than once (as in, if you lose, you don't get to try again. You know what I'm implying.).
As implied above, there is an easy mode, a moderate mode, and a hard mode.
In Easy Mode, you will be able to find the 8 symbols at the end of each of their respective chapter. They will be the easiest to acquire and find. You will also get a "little helper" that is there to assist in finding each symbol. They also serve as a "try again" button. You get 5 lives out of this button before it stops working. The symbols will be around the size of a charm and you will be provided a charm bracelet to put them on (to keep track of them).
In Moderate Mode, the placement of the symbols will vary from being at the end of the chapters to in the middle of the chapters. They will be harder to find in this mode, but still easy enough to get on your own. You will also get a "little helper" that is there to assist in finding each symbol. They also serve as a "try again" button, except this time you only get 3 lives. The symbols will be moderately sized, as if they will little trinkets such as figurines or accessories. You will not get anything to keep them in, so I recommend getting back to Ramshackle as soon as possible after acquiring each symbol.
In Hard Mode, the symbols are in plain sight. They will be easy to find, but near impossible to acquire. You will not be getting a "little helper" in this mode, you're on your own. Since there is no "little helper", you will also not get any second chances. You only have one shot in this mode. The symbols will be moderately sized, as if they are accessories. You will not get anything to keep them in, so I recommend getting back to Ramshackle as soon as possible after acquiring each symbol. I can't stress this enough, depending on the path you chose to getting the symbol, the moment you get it, run like hell back to your room in Ramshackle. Fear not, each difficulty and their corresponding symbols will be explained at a later date with their own respective posts. Choosing the difficulty will be done at the end of the Prologue Chapter "in-game".
Now for the closing act.
This au is not intended to be romantic in any way. I'm not saying you can't think of ways to put romance in. If by some miracle you chose to actually write something for this au (which I will read by the way.) all I ask is that you keep it SFW, keep it LEGAL, and keep Dru (and any other ocs you see me introduce or mention here) out of any of the romance stuff. If you do make anything for the au, please use the tag #TWSTBriarBasketsAU, or just tag me in it. I would genuinely love to see and/or read anything you guys make with it.
Finally, just in case someone is worried about this, Dru is not your rival. They're not gonna "steal your thunder" in this au if you're actually worried about that.
With that being said, that is all. To those that have actually made it this far in the post and read everything, thank you :D. I hope you enjoy this AU, and feel free to talk about it with me in the comments :).
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I hope I am wrong but I don't think I am. Jamie is lost in Faerie so he probably won't age. So in three years time when The Wicked Powers is set they will go off and find Jamie who is now age appropriate and there will be a love triangle with Dru, Jamie and Ash. I don't like this. Please Cass don't.
Also, I guess this instalment means me and Kit both react to traumatic events the same way and I don't love that for us but I do.
Hey Lexi!!
We actually talk about this on the podcast this week more thoroughly, but in the meantime, here’s our general thoughts on this theory:
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stay tuned for tomorrow's episode lol
(Also, girl, we love you! sending hugs <3)
Bry and Jules 🧡
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druidx · 2 years
Day 2 - Nano 2022 Round-up
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Word count total: 15,196
Time written total: 13:22
Word count today: 8,849
Time written today: 07:41
How am I feeling: A lot better. Yesterday I was very stupid, today I am less so (though all brain cells are focused on story and not anywhere else, like the state of the kitchen).
Best lines I've written today: (Martin and Baurus have stopped talking after Martin announced his intent to be on the feild of battle)
"Here. I think- Um. He probably would have wanted you to have this." [Aderyn] held out the coat, folded into a neat square. "I- Who, dear heart?" Martin gave a confused shake of his head, as the coat unfurled where he picked it up. "Who's coat is this?" "It belonged to Uriel. He gave it to me, right before he died." Aderyn swallowed. "It's got kevlar plating in the lining." Aderyn opened it up, to show him. "I think he- He weren't suicidal, that I could tell. But I think he'd made his peace with death. I think he put that coat on me – and he made sure the buttons was done up all the way to the top – but I think he needed me to stay alive. So I could find you. And make sure you stayed alive. Please, Martin. I know you'll have a flak vest, and I know you'll have everyone around you. But please. Would you wear the coat? For Baurus." Martin gathered the coat on his arm, but frowned at her. "Not for you?" Aderyn shook her head. "No. Don't get me wrong – I do love you. You're the best Dad-like person I've ever had. But Baurus really loves you. He does. Truly – madly – deeply. All that crap. And I- I fucking hate watching the two of you falling out over this shit." Aderyn sniffed, dashing at the tears. "And I know, that if you fell, it would destroy him. Baurus is the best thing that's ever happened to either of us, and you know it. So you fucking wear the coat. And you wear it for him. And then when you come back, you are going to make amends. D'you hear me? Because you are not fucking dying out there." Martin nodded, his eyes red and glittering. He swallowed, and swallowed again. "I'll wear the coat."
Problems overcome: I've straight up skipped the Miscarcand quest and the Thieves guild subplot, and moved straight into Allies for Bruma.
Problems ahead: Allies for Bruma is a mess. Because I wasn't sure what order I wanted everything to be, I've moved things around a lot and now the lead-ins to each are janky as hell. Also, I y'know, straight up skipped past Miscarcand. But that's Editing Dru's problem.
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drudeger · 2 years
welcome to my page!
hello, my name is drudeger or just dru for short! I also go by scoffin or knife and my pronouns are it/kit/ni (pronouny is here if you're not sure how to use them).
I'm an asian american, abinary (multi/polygender), bi-fictoamorous, polyamorous, ace gay lesbian! I'm also ADHD+autistic, and depressed with disordered anxiety.
I'm cryptidkin, a huge furry, advocate critical queer inclusion, shill for communism, and avidly self-ship (f/os include miya atsumu, fukunaga shohei, and vash the stampede).
you can find all of my socials here. you can find my tagging system here. and if you need something tagged, please tell me!! (I will not trigger tag slur reclamation, sorry)
no DNI. I unfollow, block, and mute freely.
undertale/deltarune, spider-verse, mob psycho 100, dungeon meshi, the owl house, she-ra: pop, steven universe, the amazing world of gumball, bojack horseman, hades (video game), sonic the hedgehog, the persona series, the total drama series, pokemon, digimon, meguru bachira (not blue lock just him specifically), any and all trading/collectible card games, hardcore techno music
beyblade (metal fight, zero g, burst, and x), bluey, chainsaw man, haikyuu, kuroko no basuke, fossil fighters, tenkai knights, trigun stampede, kirby (the pink guy)
special interests:
my big dumb multiverse au
art blog: @cryptidshollow
music archiving and general music blog: @draxmusic
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project1939 · 3 months
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200 Films of 1952
Film number 179: Return of the Texan
Release date: Feb 13th, 1952 
Studio: 20th Century Fox 
Genre: drama/western
Director: Delmer Daves 
Producer: Frank P. Rosenberg 
Actors: Dale Robertson, Joanne Dru, Walter Brennan 
Plot Summary: After Sam’s wife dies, he and his two sons move back to their old rundown family farm. Sam struggles to earn a living and deal with the grief from the loss of his wife. He finds help from his stubborn grandfather and a flirtatious woman in town. 
My Rating (out of five stars): *** 
This was just a nice simple family drama without too much melodrama. It’s more colorful and character driven than plot heavy and schmaltzy. The story could have easily become maudlin, so I appreciated the relatively restrained tone of it all.  (major spoilers!)
The Good: 
Dale Robertson as Sam. I’ve found him appealing in everything I’ve seen him in thus far (Outcasts of Poker Flat, Lydia Bailey, and O. Henry’s Full House), and I liked him here. He played Sam effectively as an outwardly stoic guy with clear pain and sensitively under the surface. 
Joanne Dru's Ann was a shocking character at times. She was a kind woman who also openly and shamelessly juggled a lot of men, flirting intensely with anyone she wanted to. The flirting could even be sexually suggestive. In most Classical Hollywood films, she easily could have been judged as a “bad girl” or a slut, but she wasn’t here. It was very interesting. 
I got quite invested in the characters- I really cared about Sam and his kids. 
The screenplay and the overall tone of the movie was handled simply and without excessive sentiment. 
I liked the fact that this was a film about grief; about dealing with a painful loss and trying to find a way through it. To have that as a central topic for a film was not very common in this era. 
The opening music was beautiful, and I enjoyed most of the score. 
The Bad: 
Grandpa! I love Walter Brennan, but I hated the character. Why the hell he just kept going to hunt on Rod’s land, knowing it could jeopardize his son’s livelihood and home... I was literally yelling at my screen, telling him to knock it the fu-k off. The film didn’t seem to totally judge him for it either, some of it seemed to be joking about what a colorful guy he was. That annoyed me. 
The “No Hunting” sign sent off alarm bells the very first time I saw it. I even wrote in my notes “foreshadowing??” It was pretty obvious. 
Grandpa sure recovered miraculously from the stroke he had. 
I was disturbed at the messages given when the two little boys (probably about 4 and 7?) looked at pictures of their late mother or told stories about her to other people. Grandpa especially acted like this was wrong- the kids needed to move on. Ann was always upset by it because it made her jealous and insecure. Sam just kind of tensed up. Please let these little babies remember their mother and process their grief in a healthy way!! 
I’m getting sick of seeing men get into fist fights whenever they have an argument or one of them feels butt hurt in any way. In Classical Hollywood it’s portrayed as seemingly the ONLY way for men to deal with their problems. Or at least the only MANLY way. A crown of respect is placed on the head of the hero who uses his fists. Barf. 
The trope of the wedding day for a character who is marrying the “wrong” person. In real life, are there honestly this many last-minute occurrences of “bride fleeing with her dress on to run to the man she really loves”?? 
Why, dear god, would you call one of your children Yo-Yo?? 
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