#( fucking kill my indecisive ass )
thebibliosphere · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts about the 27 chapter method of writing or are there other ones you might recommend more? I’m extremely disorganized and indecisive when writing which is frustrating because I never actually end up making progress. An existing outline method to at least get all of my thoughts down and decide where the story will go (instead of 27 possibilities and nothing concrete) would be extremely helpful but I don’t want a very obvious cookie cutter type story if that makes sense
The 27-chapter method works well for some people, but I'm not a huge fan. It fucks with my ADHD too much because if I map something out and define it as having 27 chapters, then it's got to have 27 chapters, no more, no less. If I realize during the writing process that the plan isn't going to be executed the way I envisioned it, so help me, god, my brain will derail this entire thought train, and there will be no survivors.
It was a problem I frequently ran into when redrafting the first Hunger Pangs book, and my brain melted trying to assign chapters to things. I told my editors at one point, "I can't do this. Can you find where the chapter breaks should go?" and they very graciously took my walls of text and figured out where the chapter breaks should go because it's just not something my brain is good at doing. In fact, it was preventing me from actually writing.
(I suspect that's why I enjoyed the earlier Pratchett books so much. No chapters = no breaking my focus.)
It sounds to me like you're a natural pantser, not a plotter, but you're also (like me) the type of person who needs a liittttle bit of structure to help you keep flying by the seat of your pants or the momentum drops off, and you get bogged down in the wrong details.
The way I do this is to basically sit myself down and figure out the A to Z of the story, write down a list of things I Absolutely Want to Have Happen that I set into stone, and then kind of start listing things off like bullet points. Like this:
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So top of my page is the starting goal, what do I want to have happen? I want my Blorbo to go on an adventure. Why? To... defeat the Evil Blorbo!
That is basically as simplistic as you can get. Some people don't need to get that simple, but sometimes setting it down on paper really helps, especially when you're prone to getting stuck in other details that don't progress the plot.
Next, I list out the core things I want to happen that are set in stone. So things like: -Blorbo's parent dies. -Blorbo meets the ragtag band of adventurers who teach them to survive. -Blorbo gets a sword that is integral to world-building. -Blorbo gets a scar as a sign of both the physical and psychological changes that have affected them. -Evil Blorbo gets their ass kicked.
Those things are set in stone like milestone markers and I will usually try to make them hit certain narrative beats for whatever genre I'm in, though not always. Sometimes a cool sword is just a cool sword.
Next, I move on to figuring out how I get to those points.
This is when I start writing the plot out as a laundry list:
Blorbo wakes up on the farm one day. It is a [descriptor] day. How does Blorbo feel about this?
Blorbo and their dad have a meaningful and deep conversation that will make the reader instantly hate you for killing him off in the next ten pages.
Blorbo meets up with their friends. Character building and perhaps some world-building ensues.
An EVENT of some sort happens, and CHAOS ensues.
PARENTAL FIGURE eats shit and dies.
Blorbo is thrust out into the world.
Blorbo on the road: shit is terrifying, and they really wish this adventure was happening to someone else.
And so on, so forth.
I make a point not to number any of these individual parts, as it helps me to move them around if I need to without feeling like I'm breaking up some set-in-stone order. If you want to try and break your list up into Parts to follow conventional story arcs, you can do that too.
But you can also leave that until the end if you like. As I said, I split my stuff up into chapters and parts during the editing phase.
There's no one right way to do this.
I also try to keep the list vague, as if I personally go into too much detail during the plotting stage, I lose interest in actually exploring the narrative details while writing. Because fuck me I guess.
Don't worry if the above is too vague for you. Nothing is stopping you from going back to those bullet points and expanding on them later if that works better for your creative needs.
The main goal right now is just getting from A to Z and listing out the steps so that you have a roadmap to find your way before you get distracted. It really is just sometimes helpful to say "Character does X" so you can move on and keep plotting until you have the vaguest of outlines which you can then expand on further if you want to.
After I've bullet-pointed my way from start to finish, I'll maybe go back and identify some areas in the story where I should be hitting certain genre beats, but otherwise, I'll just start writing and see what fits where.
Some people are likely screaming at how simplistic and undetailed that is, but again, everyone's creative process is different, and it's really just about playing around until you find that one that works for you.
I've tried just about every "how to write" guide out there, and in the end what works for me is a bastardized amalgamation of all of them.
I can't be a true panster, but nor can I be a detailed plotter.
I absolutely cannot think of things in strict chapter outlines or I will get overwhelmed. But breaking them up into parts is fine.
I also have to remind myself that sometimes when you are writing, a better solution will present itself and this does not mean the whole project needs to change/you need to start over.
The destination is still the same, and you will likely still hit many of the same points along the way. It's just now you might be taking a detour, and thankfully, you don't have to redraw the whole map. You can just follow the signs marked "diversion," which thankfully, you can also control because all of this is within you control.
Even when it doesn't feel like it.
I hope some of that is helpful. I'm still trying to work out how to explain how I do things in a clear manner. So I apologize if this isn't helpful 😅
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zoe-is-amazingg · 1 year
Could I request maybe Steve or Billy or JJ (I’m so sorry I’m so indecisive) where you’re at a party and a guy is being strange and invading personal bubble and Steve/Billy/JJ (whichever) steps in and is like jealous but justifiably and is just protective or however you think they’d react?
I’m so sorry and I hope this is okay, this is my first time requesting something and I feel like I’m about to sweat from stress and nerves
Too Close For My Liking Man
JJ Maybank X F!Cameron!Reader
W/C - 1.0K
Summary - Some guy is invading your space and JJ doesn't approve.
Warnings - Angst, fluff, swearing, alcohol use and alcohol + drug mention and that's abt it i think!
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You toss around in your bed sheets as you hear booming music over the speakers Rafe set up in the house. Fuck him. You had a test at school tomorrow and you did not need this. Rafe didn't understand, he fails school and Dad still pays him money for motorbike fuel and crack. You fail and he'll disown you. Rafe was so privileged, and you hated it with every bone in your body.
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand, you sigh and turn it on.
Sare-Bear 🐻
Babes, you need to come down here rn. Rafe is going to kill you.
Your little crush arrived.
Shit. Read 11:23 am
You put a proper tight dress that you had for any occasion, you weren't about to show up in a baggy T-shirt and worn-out jeans. 'Your little crush arrived.' She meant JJ, a pouge. She was right, Rafe will kill you. As long as you reach JJ before he does. You put on heels and walk out of your room and down the stairs.
"Hey! Hey! Y/N! I was hoping to see you here!" JJ exclaims as he brushes your shoulder with his fingertips. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" You half yell, you grab his wrist and lead him into your bedroom.
"We're already in your room princess? I thought you would've had some drinks first before we got in this position." He smirks. You shake your head and try to not say something back like you usually would. He looks at your bookshelf and scans the books with his fingers. "Answer the question." You mutter out.
"Uh, I'm here because the pouge were having drinks at the chateau, right? Anyway, Kie and Pope went somewhere and John B, I don't even fucking know, but I turned on the TV and started thinking about us!" He explains and you tilt your head ever so slightly at him. "In what way?"
"Well, we flirt, all the fucking time right, so what if we were more." He asks, taking a step closer to you, you were still at the door, fingers crossed no one will come in and ask why you had a man-whore of a pouge in your room. "Uh, two things, one, my dad will kill me, two, Rafe would kill both of us."
"But I just think that you're so pretty and th-""Look, JJ, I really am flattered, but we will never work, you're a pouge, I'm a kook and my parents and sibling will kill my ass." You interrupt him and he nods. He looks so sad; you would do anything just to make this moment never exist. Fuck the test tomorrow you just broke a friendship with someone who meant some much to you and as what he is saying to you makes so much sense to your heart it doesn't as much to your brain.
He steps closer to you and places a kiss on your lips so softly and breaks the kiss. You really wanted more, but you wanted alcohol more now. "Bye, Y/N." JJ mumbles as he leaves. Shit. Shit. Shit. You wish with everything that you could retake those words and never of said them in the first place. You wish that you let him finish his goddamned sentence.
You slowly walk out of your room and down the stairs. You walk into the kitchen and find a bottle of Malibu and slowly pour out shots for yourself until a guy comes around and slowly starts making small talk with you. "So, what are you doing all alone?" He asks you.
"I actually live here for your information." You slur. He smirks at your remarks and cups your elbow. He tries to pull you in, but you push away. "Have you had one to many, princess? I didn't know you lived here." You sigh and push off the counter and try to go to the bathroom, but he stops you and holds your waist.
As soon as he said princess, that's when you wanted nothing to do with him. It reminded you too much of the friend you just lost about thirty minutes prior to when he came around. Fuck, you really couldn't get out of talking to him, could you?
"So, are you dating someone? Or are you mine for the taking?" The guy asks and you nod your head. He was holding your waist hard, too hard. You wanted to disappear and never see him again, but as soon as you try pull away, his grasp on you grows stronger.
"I'm-""Taken. By me, so please, step away, you're standing too close for my liking man." You hear JJ say, the look on the creeps' face as he backs away from you and JJ takes you to your own bedroom. You hug him as soon as the door closes and your press a kiss to his forehead. "Thank you so much, I don't know what I would've done without you." You whisper in his ear. As soon as you back away, your eyes go to his lips and his hands slither around your waist. Your lips hover inches away from each other's as you decide to break the gap and kiss him. Your arms twine around his neck and you giggle as you both break the kiss.
"I think we might just make it after all." You smile
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N - Please request things if you want! I have a couple that I am working on but here is the people that I write for ***
Taglist request here **
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tosteur-gluteal · 8 months
So I made a silly au to my own au months ago
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If you want the lore behind that silly looking Sunny, click here!
So I found these old drawings in my old sketchbook
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Basically, what I imagined is that - you know, I mentioned how something baaaad happened during the recital in my OMOFALLS au. Well here, I imagined that that bad thing would be uhm. Sunny kinda. Uh. Oyasumiying himself on stage. And I can't really spoil omofalls too much but basically Sunny was going through a rough time. Bad time at school, bad time at home, bad time doing some pretty sus occult stuff⁉️⁉️
Yeahhhh that Grimoire doesn't contain child drawings only uhm
Again I can't spoil much
But dis dude HERE in that UNDEAD SUNNY AU just. Came back to life???
And I have several routes for how the events could play out. I'm still indecisive:
- Sunny stays alive the coffin somehow for like, 4 years. And like he stays alive somehow by...eating these weird ass blue flowers growing around and out of him??? Idk bro. Don't ask me how he survived this long with a stab wound, no O2, no food – leeeet's just pretend uh. These flowers are cool asf + photosynthesis with no light somehow
And after these four years he's like "fuck it let's get outta here" and Basil was here like "oh sunny I miss you" and then Sunny is like "surprise motherfucker" and Basil is like "AAAAAAAA"
And then they become a silly detective duo
The problem with that option is that (lemme just show you a screenshot of my reasoning lol)
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So yeah. I...don't know if I'm even able to write toxic Sunnflower (because here Basil would legit give off groomer vibes) and like their dynamic, done correctly, could be just terrifying and I'm here for it. However it would lose that silliness I had in mind when creating that AU.
Also yeah, we could spice things up by making Basil research these stuff at the same time, desperate to undertand what the heck was sunny doing by the time he was alive. In his remembrance, yk.
BUT this gave me a sillier idea
- Kill off Sunny, as in he's not alive in the coffin. He's dead DEAD. Ded. And Basil researches this stuff to make him come back to life, BABYYYY.
And he succeeds! Except it took only one year. Basil is still messed up in the brain but like less messed up (and I can rest in peace bcuz he's not giving off groomer vibes here)
And so! They can be paranormal investigators together once again! Except this time it's way more serious!
Here, the drawings I made
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Sunny's family probably moved out, or maybe not, idk
Either way he has to hide himself so people don't recognise him
Blue flowers grow out of him sometimes so Basil has to cut them out. It doesn't hurt him at all.
That forest is NOT normal at all guys 🤯🤯 but that's for another day. In fact, that's for the day I finally release omofalls lol 😵
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hackerqueen · 1 year
Another Love
Chapter 2: Burning pile
Previous chapter <-
warnings: sex scene, mental breakdown
I shut the door behind me loud enough for him to hear me come. We hadn't seen each other for a week and a half, and my whole body felt the separation. I managed to hang my coat on the hanger when I heard his hoarse voice from behind me.
– You came late. – he announced in a not very pleased tone – Where were you?
I bit my lip as I turned to face the tall, tattooed boy with his arms folded across his chest. He looked at me curiously, probably imagining what I could do. I decided to do what I can do best. To lie.
– My visit at Hannah's has been extended. You know, bouquets and decorations and all that stuff. – I replied giving him the best smile
The man visibly relaxed and then came closer to me, he was within reach of my hands. Trying to control the chaos in my mind, I pressed my lips against his without hesitation and threw my hands around his neck. The kiss was aggressive, dirty and needy from the start. Because that's what I needed at that moment. Or at least that's what my fucked up brain told me.
His strong hands found their way to my hips, gripping tightly. Our kiss deepened and our tongues joined in some kind of dance. I gasped as I felt his hands slide down to my ass and squeeze it tightly.
– Christ MC, what happened to you? – he asked between kisses with a slight laugh
I pulled away from his mouth and looked into his brown, warm eyes.
– It's been a really long day. – I murmured and my hand slid to his chest. – Would you like to help me relax?
A killing smirk played across the boy's lips as he grabbed my thighs without warning and lifted me up.
– With pleasure.
The rest of the night was just snippets for me. I remember we landed on the bed after that, his hot hands quickly stripping off whatever clothes I was wearing. He touched me firmly, and the feeling of his skin on mine was refreshing. I got rid of his leather jacket, which I threw in the corner of the room. We were naked, but I felt like I was back in summer California for a moment. Sweat poured from our bodies and hot breaths mingled with each other. I will always remember the moment he hovered over me, his eyes staring deeply into mine. He entered me and my gaze was clouded with lust. He was indecisive, sensitive. As if he allowed to overshadow lust with emotions.
Just not that.
I pushed him hard and he landed on his back. I sat on his lap and was instantly immersed in him. My body was driven by some crazy, animal need to control the situation, which was missing in my life now. The man's head tilted back slightly, and our breaths turned into moans and grunts. I rode him fast, his dick hitting the spot where I really needed it. It wasn't long before we both climaxed. In a rush of pleasure, I threw my head back and grabbed my breasts and started squeezing my already hard nipples. I came screaming his name.
– Phil! – several seconds later I tried to calm my raging heartbeat and rapid breathing. Phil pulled me to him, hugging me and drawing unfamiliar patterns on my back
– You are amazing. And hot. – he confessed, still trying to control his trembling voice. – It's really madness that I have a woman like you in bed.
Yes. It's madness.
* * *
Phil fell asleep quickly. It wasn't a surprise, he always did that after sex. So he didn't see me lying awake until dawn wondering what the hell I was doing. He didn't hear me as I slipped into the bathroom, slid down the door, and pressed my hand over my mouth to muffle the silent sobs that tore from my heart. Tears flowed down and I hated myself even more because I didn't know why. I made violent decisions, and later paid for it with tears and self-harm. I didn't know how much time had passed, but I finally got up from the cold tiles and went to the mirror. I wiped my tears, forced a smile. Barely visible, but a smile. I was strong. And what I've been through will only make me stronger. As usual, I vowed to myself that this was the last time I allowed myself to be broken like this. This is only a one-time situation caused by a visit to the cemetery. After all, I moved on.
I went back to bed and Phil didn't notice I was gone.
* * *
I woke up to light kisses on my neck. I furrowed my brow and hit the reason for my awakening. I heard a soft groan and opened my eyes.
– Even in your sleep you have to be aggressive? – He laughed and I slapped him twice as hard
– Never wake me up at – I checked the time on the clock on the nightstand. – Nine o'clock?" Are you crazy getting up at this time on a weekend?
– No, you're the sleeping beauty. – he replied back and I rolled my eyes. – Jessy will be there soon. You made an appointment with her and you weren't at the apartment, so I texted her that you are at my place.
I clenched my jaw slightly, but ignored all the comments I wanted to make about it. I got out of bed and quickly started getting dressed.
– Damn, this is the view in the morning. – I heard Phil's comments as he spread out on his bed. – We could do this more often.
I turned around and gave him a questioning look as I pulled on my pants.
– I mean.. well, maybe it's time we decided what our relationship is? – he paused, looking at my reaction. – Maybe we should move in together?
I stood frozen, staring blankly into his face. Phil, a womanizer just proposed to me? In a weird, twisted way, but still. I swallowed and nervously laughed.
– You know I care a lot about you. – he said very seriously, and I felt my palms sweating. – Damn, MC, I don't know what you did to me. I've never acted like this with any girl. And you are a walking mystery. Why won't you let me in? Why are you afraid of falling in love?
– Love is scary! This feeling of falling terrifies me. The only way it ends is with hitting the ground. – I replied sourly and saw him open his mouth to protest and start convincing me of his point. I closed my eyes and rubbed a hand over my forehead. – Shit Phil, I have no idea. I need more time.
– I've been giving you time for almost two years! – He raised his voice and I flinched
The silence was broken by the ringing of my phone. Jessy saved me from this dramatic conversation by informing me that she was already at the block.
– Look, I don't have the head to talk about this right now. I have to go. – I said quietly and heard the boy curse under his breath. I sighed and walked out of the room and out of his apartment.
With a heavy heart, I got into Jessy's red Volvo. Girl greeted me with a meaningful smile that said only one thing.
– So you're with my brother?! – she asked, not hiding her enthusiasm, which I quickly extinguished
– Jessy, we're dating. It's a big difference. – The girl sighed but nodded – I don't want to rush.
I've already rushed once and let my heart give itself to a man far too soon.
Jessy stroked my shoulder, which brought me some comfort.
– I'm sorry, I understand. I know I wasn't there when you needed me, so I don't want to put pressure on you. – she said honestly, and I felt my heart melt. We have only recently started to renew our relationship.
– Thank you. – I whispered, and my friend gave me a warm and sweet smile. – So we're going to breakfast?
The red-haired girl nodded with satisfaction and headed towards the Rainbow Cafe. Rihanna's well-known hits were playing on the radio, which additionally improved my mood. I watched the passing views through the car window. The blissful, pleasant moment was interrupted by the moment when on one of the streets I saw a man who was dressed all in black and had a hood on his head. I couldn't see his face, but the sight made me jerk my face up from the window.
– Jessy! – I said louder which scared the girl – Jessy, stop the car!
– What? Why?
– It was him! Jessy it was him. – The words flowed out of me like a maniac. Like I was in a trance. – Stop that fucking car!
Jessy stopped abruptly, and I hastily ran out of the car towards the alley where I had previously spotted the figure. No no no.
– MC? Who are you talking about? – she asked in a scared voice. – You scare me.
I was breathing fast, trying to find a suitable explanation for my behavior. I turned to Jessy and shook my head calmly.
– Something confused me. Never mind. – I waved my hand, ignoring my performance from a minute ago. – We'd better go get some food because I'm starving.
Jessy looked at me strangely until we got back to her car. I fastened my seatbelt and unfazed, began changing the song on the radio.
And I sat there with a calm and cold face as the pile burned inside me, just like in a radio song.
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lionmythflower · 2 months
Headcannons. Alastair and Chase Redford.
ily rhakdbakdnw ty for the ask :D
Ok ok
Let's do this (this is based of the show plot line bc I can't remember the book plot line and I don't even think Alistair and chase were in the books)
Pausing my music for this
Ok so first how Alistair came to wonderland for a bit of background info
Heard sm1 say that smth bad was happening where he lived and his mother told him to follow a white bunny cuz she was the Alice before him
And blah blah blah he goes to wonderland and such but then he doesn't go back to where he came from bc of whatever bad is happening
I hc that he was from like our world so there's no magic from there
and he meets everyone in wonderland and becomes friends w Kitty, Maddie,Lizzie, bunny and chase
And probably at some point Alistair realizes he has feels for chase and most likely goes to Maddie to talk abt it
And Maddie is completely normal abt it cuz shit like this is normal in wonderland
but anyways when chase realizes he likes Alistair he goes to Lizzie and Lizzie is js like bro idk js ask him out?
Lmao so he does and Alistair is like gnskfbskfbns
And then they date
and they'll probably like middle school age when they start dating
(Bunny is js casually in a qpr w the rest of their wonderlandian friends (Lizzie, Maddie and Kitty))
The land gets cursed by miss evil queen aka raven's mom lol
And the mad hatter, Lizzie , Maddie and Kitty escape
But bunny Alistair and chase don't
And the three of them basically js form a very close friendship (besides Alistair and chase) and help each other deal w their friends being gone
Alistair mostly comforts bunny when she's sad abt not being w her partners
And chase and Alistair help eachother get through it
And one day a few years later
bunny and Alistair are being the sillys that they are and exploring Wonderland for the 5th time that week
And they find the story book of legends and such, blah blah y'all know what happened w that and the Cheshire cat kitty's mom
And cue them trying to figure out ever after high bc this place is so weird
And people hitting on both Alistair and bunny and their oblivious asses js not noticing 😭😭
Anyways everyone thinks they're a couple bc even tho everyone in wonderland acts like that w their friends it's not normal in ever after
But bunny gets reunited w her partners:D
And now Alistair is separated from his
And they're co-dependant on eachother so neither of them take it well
I'm sorry ( no I'm not) but Alistair would 100% go off on headmaster grimm for being rude to him or any of his friends
Alistair is just going of at grimm with a bunch of wonderland cusses and our world cusses (lmao this is the real reason why grimm doesn't like Alistair)
But anyways
Alistair seeing darling and being like oh hi darling! 🥰 bc darling has 100% caught Alistair almost getting killed by some of the cards and helped him out lol
Anyways the rumors that bunny and Alistair are dating went away when Alistair mentioned his boyfriend and Maddie kissed bunny in the cafeteria lol
But then imagine w the wonderland episodes
They would probably go differently lol
w/ chase helping the girls bc that's his bsfs
alistair would be so happy to see chase again when raven broke the curse on wonderland
But anyways
They all lived happily ever after
Alistair is a very fidgety person and also has anxiety and ADHD (and panic attacks)
And chase has sensory overloads and anxiety attacks (he has autism and anxiety)
(Cuz I said so got both of the last two bullets)
Alistair gives asexual vibes and probably js gay
And chase give demiromantic and maybe bi??? Idk
Chase is indecisive as fuck and Alistair is impulsive as fuck
They balance eachother out
Alistair rambles so much
And he doesn't think most of his friends listen
But then Chase will remember smth he said in a ramble a whil ago and alistair is ill js be like :D
Chase calls Alistair, Ali and he says he hates the nickname but he secretly loves it
Alistair is lalalala and chase is okokokok
Alistair gets sick so easily it's not even funny anymore
Chase takes care of him when he's sick
Alistair is the friend that has a bag w literally anything and everything in it
(Lizzie made it and Maddie somehow made it like her hat where you can take anything out of it)
Alistair is an introvert that acts like an extrovert and then he goes and hangs out w chase and is silent for like 3 hours as he recharges w his bf
They take naps together:) <3
Alistair steals chase's clothes bc chase is taller so they're rlly baggy on him and he likes that lol
Chase more often than not has earbuds or headphones on to block out noise
chase is the kind of person that you'd think would be rlly scary and then you see him curled up on a couch with Alistair and it's js like oh!
Also the kind of person that everyone things is homophobic and then it turns out he has a boyfriend
Alistair makes playlists for all his friends and has made so so many for chase lol
Alistair gives trans vibes tbh like ftm yk?
idk what chase is but there's no way he's cis
Alr that's all I can think of
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mayoiayasep · 8 months
mayoi ayase. kaoru hakaze. kanata shinkai. mika kagehira. IZUMI SENA <-- remembering all the enstars characters i am so normal about
anyways what are we hoping for the solos to sound like
oh ive rambled about this before! im not the best at naming music genres and tbh i'll probably do another prediction post once we get titles bUT!! butbutbut for a short summary
hiiro - i would love for him to sing a rock song tbh....maybe mix it in with traditional elements but the main sound that i think would fit him is actually kinda similar to the stuff his seiyuu gakuto kajiwara has sang personally (stream irochigai no itotaba rn)
aira - aira has to get one of those upbeat idol sounding songs its literally imperative. im going to click on his solo december 20th and its just going to be a cover of no. 1 by mona honeyworks
mayoi - augh ive been thinking about this for months. mayoi's voice is sooooo suited for shit that should be played in a cathedral like the full ass organ and everything. ive been leaning towards smthn like malice mizer's au revoir but i also really want to hear like. long grand sweeping notes. idk. im still indecisive about it i just hope it blows my tits clean off when i hear it for the first time
tatsumi - oh this guy could kill a ballad so fucking hard. like a more upbeat song for him would be welcomed and i would enjoy it but also smthn softer and a little slow would be so nice for his voice too.
anw to conclude the solos have been really good so far so tbh i just hope they dont fuck it up with alkaloid. especially since its their first round of solos
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kraekat29 · 1 year
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Summary: Ruby has been gone for a few months on a business trip. When she returns home JJ shows her just what she’s been missing.
I pull my truck close to the curb and kill the engine. The sudden silence and stillness in the car makes me feel present in the moment, makes it seem real. Now, my emotions can bubble up to the surface of my consciousness, making me restless. My stomach flips over nervously.
Pulling down the driver’s side sun visor and sliding open the plastic door to reveal the vanity mirror, I check my makeup a last time. I haven’t felt, or looked for that matter, this good in a long while. And I’m done wasting time.
Without the air conditioning on, the car is getting warm in the summer sun. I take this as a sign I should stop stalling and get on with it. So, I take a deep breath, hold it in for a few seconds, and let it all go. Then, I slide a hand under my black sun dress and slip off my pair of pale pink lace panties. I stuff them into my bag and get out of the car, not stopping to allow a second thought.
Once on the porch at our house , I breathe out another heavy sigh through my lips, hoping to push my chaotic thoughts away with the air. It’s not working. I haven’t been home in a while, it was driving me crazy.
And then the door is pulled open before I could open it myself. And that did the trick; the wild torrent of thoughts flee my skull in a hurry. My stomach drops again, a little bit in anticipation and a little bit in fear.
I look up at my boyfriend, JJ, all big doe eyes and lips just a little parted, but not smiling. I want him to see my indecision, like I’m not sure I want what I’m getting myself into. It’s part of the game. I have the baby doll face and a look of innocence naturally; why not use it to my advantage?
JJ pulls me over the threshold, against his body, and kisses me slowly on the lips. When he pulls away, he makes a sound in the back of his throat like he’s taken a bite out of a dessert he enjoys. It should be ridiculous, but when he does it, somehow it’s not. It makes the skin on my upper arms prickle. I smile up at him and stand on my tip toes for another kiss.
“Are you thirsty, baby?” He asks. “Would you like something to drink?“ He walks toward the kitchen, gently leading me along. I was thirsty, sure, but not for anything he could get me from the fridge.
"No, thank you.” I reply. "I’m fine. I think I’ll just go put my things in our bedroom, if that’s okay with you?”
“Of course.” He says and smiles.
I head down the hall, feeling his eyes on me as I walk away. My sun dress has an open back and I feel fairly certain he’s enjoying what he sees.
Two large hands close on my hips and I can’t help it; I’m so startled, I jump. He laughs a little under his breath, pulls me back against him, and sweeps my smooth, blonde hair behind my right ear. 
He leans in close and breathes, "You’re so fucking adorable. I can hardly stand it.” My flesh erupts in goosebumps.
This is too easy for him.
He brushes his lips down my ear lobe and kisses my neck, one of my several weak spots. His mouth explores my throat and along my collar bone, raising a new wave of goosebumps. I can’t help it; I arch my back and lean into him, anticipating the feeling of him stiff and hard against the curve of my ass.
I lean back and ah, yes, there it is. He pulls me harder against him with his hands still on either of my hips. The pressure of his cock against me makes my stomach slip once more, like I’m free falling. 
I roll my head to the side so he can reach my throat better. The delicious feeling of his tongue and teeth on my skin makes my desire swell. His kisses get harder and his hands begin to roam from my hips. Back over my ass, up along the curves of my small waist, taking their sweet time before finally reaching my breasts. But when they get there, they freeze. His whole body stiffens behind me. He kneads his hands over them, feeling my hard nipples and my nipple piercings, pressing through the flimsy material of my sun dress.
“You’re not wearing a bra, are you?” JJ asks in my ear, his voice playfully stern. I bite my lip and refuse to answer, so he turns me around to face him.
“Well?” He asks, again. 
I still keep my mouth shut and cast my eyes down like I know I’m in trouble. Just a game, sure, but it sends my heart racing.
He places a finger below my chin and pushes it up so I have to look in his eyes. They’re warm and bright and absurdly. The veins that run along his forearms are strangely sexy to me. I feel a visceral desire to run my tongue along them.
“Distracted, are we?” He asks. His voice low, but still the hint of playfulness is there. “Well, I guess I’ll just find out for myself then.” 
He plucks up a strap of my dress and slides it down my shoulder. Now the other. The bodice of the dress slips down my body like water, hanging on my hips but leaving me naked from the waist up.
“I thought so.” He says. And his hands go exploring again. Slowly and teasingly, until he lands a hard pinch on my left nipple. I gasp and he smiles.
Standing still and letting him touch me like this makes me feel dirty. And I can’t help it, but I like it. My body craves it. I feel a sweetness between my legs and know I’m dripping already.
"You really should answer me when I ask a question.” He warns. I nod. “Say it.”
"Okay.” I reply, "I’ll answer you.” My breathing is getting shallower and faster and he definitely notices it. And I know how much he likes it.
“Better.” He says. "Now, anything else to share?”
I fight the urge to smile and look down again. My cheeks feel hot. I know I’m blushing.
After a few seconds, I can’t help it and I have to look up at him again. A light bulb goes off behind his eyes and he tugs down on my dress, so it falls over my hips and down to the floor of his bedroom. And then I’m standing completely naked in front of him, his eyes climbing over each inch of my skin like it belongs to him.
“So, you weren’t wearing a thing under that dress?” He asks.
I shake my head and he raises his eyebrows. “Nope.” I say. 
His shameless desire for me makes me feel bold. I give him a faux shy smile. This seems to put him over the edge; he’s grown tired of waiting. So, he yanks my body against his and kisses me roughly and deeply on the mouth. I get caught up in it, parting my lips for him when I feel his tongue. My hands finally get to do a little exploring of their own.
Once he knows I’m properly distracted, he pushes me and I fall back on the bed. Another rasping gasp; he’s caught me off guard - I hadn’t been expecting that. I prop myself up on my elbows, so I can watch him tug off his grey t-shirt and shorts. The outline of his hard cock in his briefs makes me feel nervous once again, like I’m a little kid who’s spotted her crush at recess. A wave of desire pulses down my body.
I greedily want to take him in my mouth, feel his cock hard and smooth and wet slip in and out between my lips. I want to make him moan until his hands grab fistfuls of my messy hair and pull tight, fighting to hold on a little longer before he cums down my throat.
But I don’t have a chance to get my mouth on him before he deftly flips me over so I am laying on my stomach. He pulls me towards him so my feet touch the floor again, but my upper body is still against the top of his bed. I suppose I must have spread my legs for him without consciously deciding to, because I feel him standing between them now.
Theres a loud smack when he brings an open palm down on my bare ass. The sting and surprise make my skin tingle and my heart pick up the pace. It feels like there’s a hummingbird beating its wings in my chest.
He tugs my hair, pulling my head to the side so he can lean down and put his lips to my ear to whisper, “It’s been way too long since I’ve had you. I’ve missed you.”
And innocently, I ask him to show me how much he’s missed me.
He yanks down the front of his briefs and pushes inside me. He loves how wet I get for him and lets a moan escape his lips when he feels it. With his first thrust, I have to let out a big breath. I’m tight and to be so suddenly filled gives me a sweet, violent sort of pleasure. I’ve been craving this and to have him inside me after all the waiting makes me feel almost high.
I arch my back so he can go deeper. I’m just a petite thing and taking so much of his length like this hurts, but when I hear another one of his moans, I don’t pull away.
Suddenly, he slides all the way out of me and turns me over onto my back. He steps out of his briefs and climbs on top of me. Then he pulls my wrists up and I hold them there, so he can reach into his bedside drawer and pull out a length of thick, black cording. I keep still so he can quickly wind it around my wrists and knot them together. 
“Too tight?“ He asks, and I shake my head secretly loving the feeling of being at his mercy.
I spread my legs for him, so his narrow hips are high between my thighs. My pussy aches with anticipation; I want him so badly. My eyes roam over his muscled body and up to his face. In his eyes, I see my own hunger reflected sharply.
He tries to tease me, letting the head of his cock slip up against my wetness. It made me squirm. It is impossible to stay still beneath him. My craving for him blocks out all else and in this moment, feeling him inside of me is the only thing I want. I can’t help it. I’m going to beg.
"I love it when you squirm, baby.” He says. 
His eyes sweep down my naked body as he slides his cock against my clit again. It rolls over smoothly, slick from being within me. I know what he wants and so I give it to him.
"Please, JJ.” I say between breaths and try my best to give him an innocent, wide-eyed look that he likes so much. Which is not easy to do when you’re begging for cock.
He wants to tease me longer, wants to make me really beg before he gives it to me. But my doe eyes are doing the trick and he can’t wait much longer either. He tells me to say "pretty please.” I don’t hesitate.
So, he slips my bound hands behind his head, so my arms are around his neck and finally plunges into me again. I’m flooded with carnal relief, my body stretching to fit him. I usually like to watch him enjoy me, but tonight I want it so bad I can’t concentrate. The feeling is already overwhelming and the initial relief vanishes in an instant. But the pleasure is building swiftly, winding me tighter and tighter.
I pull in my arms so his forehead almost touches mine and he kisses me eagerly, his tongue tasting my lips. I tilt my head back so he looks at me and there is something I don’t recognize flashing in his eyes. I may not know what it is, but my body reacts anyway. A slow, delicious wave of pleasure rolls through me. I lift my hips to try to keep it with me.
His rhythm increases and it feels almost brutal, but I’m grateful for it. I move with him as he pulls in and out, in and out. I know it’s about to come, so I try my best to clear my mind. It’s always been difficult to get me to cum, but somehow he’s able to do it.
I suppose he’s seen something on my face or I’ve cried out because he smiles and says, “You really do like it rough, huh?” And he goes harder.
Part of my body wants it to stop, feels like I won’t be able to take it anymore, like I’ll explode. And after a few more harsh trusts, explode is exactly what I do. I catch one of the waves of pleasure racking my body and bear the most delicious, lingering release. The feeling is intolerable and enormous. For a few clear moments, there is absolutely nothing for me but all-consuming pleasure.
Then, I collapse into the sheets like a fluid, utterly spent and happily exhausted. Now that he’s taken care of me, it’s his turn. Seeing me cum that hard has him frenzied. 
His hands are rough and wild, on my breasts, in my hair, at my throat. He lowers his head so my bound wrists slide off of his neck and I hold them down against the bed over my head. He yanks up each of my legs easily onto either of his shoulders.
I know by the increasing rhythm of his breath that he’s close, so I move my sightline from his hips to his face and his body stiffens over mine. He finishes with two more slow, smooth thrusts as he empties his load inside me. He pulls out and I feel sore and tender and raw. I relish it.
I get up onto my knees and sit down comfortably onto my heels, holding out my hands so he can untie the cording. He reaches out as if to do so, but instead grasps ahold of my forearms and tugs me sharply towards him so my face is close to his. Without a word, he puts a soft kiss on the corner of my lips and then frees my wrists.
A little bit of warm cum drips down my inner thigh. And I sort of like that too. It feels natural.
I really should pull on some clothes, but we’re both already half asleep when he pulls me into his arms. So instead, I let myself fall into sleep soundly with my head resting on his chest.
I was happy to be home.
Smut tags: @jjsprettybaby @cristina-t @jjgaybanklover
21 notes · View notes
69bitterbeingz · 6 months
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DISCLAIMER: This is a reupload from my prev account! best to follow the fic through ao3 [linked below] to avoid any future issues PAIRINGS - johnny knoxville, bam margera, steve-o, chris pontius, ryan dunn x female reader WARNINGS - swearing, drinking, drugs, suggestive shit, blood mention
ao3 version
Music blared through the speakers hooked up to your CD changer, your favourite album filling the room; you could barely do anything without listening to music as well, life wasn’t made to be lived in silence. A mountain of clothes filled the space on your bed, but they weren’t lazily discarded clothes from weeks ago like they usually were - nope, you were just being indecisive.
You don’t think you’ve ever agonised this much over an outfit in your life. Usually you coast through life giving half an ass, but now you were practically killing yourself over making the absolute perfect decision under threat of… what exactly? Maybe you’re going mad. LA is making you crazy. You guess it makes a lot of people crazy, actually. Through the loud music, you were able to hear your bedroom door open - the fact that they didn’t knock first gave away who it was.
“What’re you doing?” Mila asked, wandering over to the bed and rifling through all the discarded pieces. You shrugged, flicking through hangars of dresses.
“I don’t know, trying to figure out what to wear.”
“What?” He screwed up his nose. “Just throw something on like you always do.”
“No, but nothing feels right , I can’t wear it if it doesn’t feel right.”
“The fuck is wrong with you? You’ve never taken more than ten minutes to put on an outfit.” 
You pouted, twisting your head to give him a look that said ‘ you’re not helping’. Of course, Mila was unaffected, making himself comfy in the clothes mountain with his lanky legs splayed open.
“Where you going that’s got your panties in a twist?”
You hummed to yourself, considering a strappy red dress that you probably haven’t worn since you were 16. “Uhh, just a house party.”
“It’s one of those douchebags, right? Gonna trash their house for the show?” Mila said it matter-of-factly, and you gave a slight nod of the head, ignoring the 'douchebag' dig. “Are you trying to impress them or something? Since when did you care about that?” The mocking tone left a bit of a bad taste in your mouth, but you decided to let it go; that’s just Mila, ever difficult to be around. You bit the inside of your cheek.
“I don’t. I’m just indecisive tonight.”
Mila jumped up and smacked your back as he walked past, heading back to the bedroom doorway. “Don’t choke on your vomit.” And disappeared as quickly as he appeared, like a frustrating gnat in the wind. He’s lucky he’s talented. However, you observed your crap pile with pursed lips as you came to the reluctant admittance that he had a point, you were overthinking this. The 7th track started playing, and the heavy thudding beats steadied your racing thoughts as you reached for the unopened beer bottle set on the desk. Popping the cap, you decided you just needed to loosen up first, then you’d be ready. When does it start again? 8?
You glanced at your bedside alarm clock - 9:23 - that gave you maybe an hour, plenty of time to get started.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
You stumbled out of the taxi at 10:37, an empty bottle of wine in one hand and an unopened bottle of absinthe in the other - a housewarming gift for Knoxville’s soon to be destroyed home. Or more, currently being destroyed, as the party was well on its way, random drunks and numerous kegs inhabiting the front garden. Despite already being tipsy, you were nowhere near the level of these guys, you felt almost sober watching them. Thank Christ you didn’t drive here, because lord knows your car wouldn’t make it through the night. Hell, it wouldn’t make it through the next hour by the looks of it.
After discarding the empty bottle near the drive, you traipsed through the carnage of drunk 20 somethings, narrowly dodging a thrown beer bottle before you made it through the front door. The chaos was only more concentrated inside, people packed like sardines, the thick smell of sweat and alcohol permeating the house. As you walked through, you noticed broken glass on the floor, unknown fluids on the walls, people going at it like catholic rabbits - you needed to be way drunker for this shit. Everyone was brushing shoulders as you pushed through the crowd, but you were startled when an arm hooked around your neck from behind, pulling you into the crook of someone’s arm.
“ You took yer fucking time!” The slurred Philly accent immediately clicked.
“Who turns up on time to a party?” You retorted. Whatever your cheek was pressed against didn’t feel like fabric, which is when you realised Bam was totally shirtless, and you were nestled against his totally shirtless chest. Red faced, you pushed yourself out, though he was insistent on keeping his arm around you. You looked around at the drunken havoc. “How the fuck did Knoxville agree to this…?”
Bam practically buckled with laughter, yanking you down with him.
“Aw man, you think he’d actually let this happen? No way!” He straightened up, pure drunken glee on his face as he elaborated. “So, we set it up for him. Who doesn’t like surprise parties?”
“You just brought a fratboy rager to his house??”
“Yup!” He said, popping the ‘p’. “Shoulda seen his face, fuckin’ gold!”
You needed a drink. 
“Where is he, anyway? 
“Last I saw he was in the kitchen.”
You nodded, and with a little effort, you freed yourself from Bam’s hold in pursuit of Knoxville. You weaved between party-goers, clumsy on your feet as you tried to navigate the bottom floor. It wasn’t long before you arrived, a large modern kitchen with glass sliding doors that led to the back yard. Every inch of counter space was covered in bottles and kegs, full or otherwise, and every corner was filled with yet more people, spilling over into the garden. It took a few seconds of scanning the crowd, but you finally spotted him setting up shots in the corner. You wasted no time approaching him.
“Johnny!” You called as you got close, and his head shot up. He twisted round, and his face went from a confused squint to a smile when he spotted you. His arms fanned outwards and he scooped you up into an enthusiastic hug as soon as you were within reach - he must be pretty wasted.
“ [Y/n]! Good t’see you, sweetheart.” He dragged out your name - God his accent was so strong now, probably thanks to the alcoholic slur. 
“You’re in good spirits.” You commented, and he exaggeratedly nodded, a wide smile stretching his cheeks.
“Yesssir! Hey, lemme getcha a drink.” Hand firmly pressed between your shoulder blades, he pushed you towards his corner and slid some of the shot glasses over to you. “ Go on, I’ll do ‘em with ya.”
You didn’t have to be told twice. You awkwardly clutched three shot glasses between your fingers and knocked them back, liquid burning the back of your throat and the unpleasant taste making you want to gag. Johnny followed suit, but drank it like it was smooth as water. Before you could forget, you smacked the bottle of absinthe you brought onto the counter next to his hand.
“This is for you, by the way. To say thanks, not that you really had a say."
“Awww, ain’t you sweet?” He gave you a one armed hug, tucking your head into the crook of his neck for a second [he smelled like wood sandal and booze] then let you go to look at the label. He had to narrow his eyes to make out the text, but once it was legible they widened.
“ 70%? You tryna kill me?”
You sniggered, taking it from him to crack the cap. “Just fatally wound you. C’mon, I’ll do the first with you.” You topped up just two of the six shot glasses [you’re not a fucking animal] then pushed one over to him. “Y’know when Bam said he threw this party without you knowing, I thought you’d be a lot more pissed.”
Johnny shook his head with a giggle. “Don’t worry, ‘m gonna get him back way worse.”
You couldn’t wait to see that. You both picked up your shots, but as you went to cheers, Johnny grabbed your wrist.
“ Wait wait wait! ” He wound his arm around yours to link them, only spilling some absinthe as he did so. You blushed a little, but decided to blame it on the vodka. With a nod, you threw back your shots, awkwardly yanking each other in the process. It numbed your tongue on the way down, the strong aniseed taste much more preferred to the straight ethanol of before. You weren’t sure when, but you knew that 70% was gonna hit hard.
After a few more drinks with Johnny, you excused yourself to the bathroom, and immediately noticed walking was a lot harder than it was before the shots. You clung to the banister of the staircase like a lifeline, but you still managed to trip on your way up. Then was the task of of figuring out which door led to the bathroom… You did the logical thing of kicking open each door ‘til you got it right. Luckily you only walked in on two couples, then the fluorescent lighting of the bathroom blessed you like God on earth. Strangely, though the door of the bathroom was unlocked, a man was in there, leaning over the sink. From the elaborate back tattoo, it wasn’t hard to tell who it was.
“Hey Steve.”
He jumped up, swivelling around and sniffing hard.
“ Woah , [Y/n] hey! You made it.” You were so distracted by the white power around his nose, you forgot to tell him to get lost so you could piss. He noticed you leering and offered you the paper straw he must’ve stolen from Knoxville’s kitchen. “You want a bump?”
Oh, you so could. You really contemplated, wondering if you should go full rockstar and do a line with your good friend. 
Then you remembered the sheer amount of alcohol in your system, and you figured if you were gonna snort coke you’d wanna do it without the influence of anything else. You weren’t planning on your heart stopping tonight. So you waved him off with a ‘nah, you enjoy yourself’. Steve-O shrugged, snorted the last of the coke, then gave you a one armed hug. Lots of hugs tonight. He made himself scarce after that, pupils the size of dimes, and you were left to piss in peace. 
Were those Steve’s jeans in the bathtub? Huh, you didn’t even notice he was naked. 
One bathroom trip later and you decided another drink was needed to refill the tank, so you stumbled down to the kitchen to grab a beer. Since Johnny was nowhere to be seen, you took that as your cue to explore a bit more, so you ventured out into the garden. More drink, more debauchery, more people jumping into the pool fully clothed. Near the bushes at the back of the garden, you saw a circle of people sat on the ground, plumes of smoke rising into the night sky. Your heart skipped a beat - you knew EXACTLY what that was. You had never willingly gone up to a group of random people so quick, but you were delighted to see it wasn’t just strangers. Taking a fat bong rip was none other than Chris Pontius, holding the smoke for as long as he could before exhaling, giggling like a little girl. He then passed it to the right of him, where Danger Ehren sat - you were kinda disappointed he wasn’t wearing his goofy ass helmet. When you got near enough, Chris finally noticed you and his face lit up like a kid on Christmas. 
“ [Y/n], c’mere!” He called out, beckoning you with both hands. It was obvious he was a few hits deep, and man did you wish you were him right then. The guy on Chris’ left side shuffled over, making enough room for you to sit. Ehren waved to you when you sat down, trying not to choke on the bong smoke as he kept it in. Chris turned to you with the dopiest smile you’ve ever seen. “[Y/n], baby, d’you want a hit?” He offered. That was far more enticing than Steve-O’s offer.
“I’m so glad you asked, hand it over.” 
Ehren passed it straight to you, and that first rip felt like bliss. You hadn’t smoked weed in two years at least, and you forgot how nice the immediate light-headedness was, your blood starting to feel airy as the smoke diffused. You blew it out through your nose, fiddling with the lighter in your hand.
“Someone looks happy.” Ehren commented, and Chris giggled as he poked your side, a boyish grin ever present. You passed back the bong to make its rounds, though your hand was filled by somebody’s blunt that you were all too happy to smoke. It felt like your lungs were filled with clouds, and whenever the smoke burned the back of your throat a little too much, you’d remedy it with your beer. Life never felt better. 
After ten minutes of chain smoking, you were well and truly stoned. You slumped into Chris with a serene smile, letting the music at the party thread through your ears alongside his melodic voice. Ehren looked like he was about to pass out, and you wondered how high his pot tolerance was.
“Your hair’s so soft ..” Chris said dreamily, his fingers curling through your hair. You mewled like a cat, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck as his nails against your scalp felt heavenly. In return, you tangled your hand in his shoulder length locks - it was knotty, but he didn’t seem to care when you pulled at them. He just heaved a sigh and relaxed into you. “That feels in sane…. ” He mumbled, pressing his head into your palm. For a moment, you glanced down at Chris’ lap, and you weren't expecting to see Ehren totally knocked out and curled up in Chris’ folded legs. Without thinking, you slipped your flip phone out of your shoulder bag and snapped a picture. 
“He looks so peaceful.” You commented, and Chris giggled.
“He’s like a l’il puppy. ”
The moment was interrupted when you heard the buzzing of an engine. Your eyebrows scrunched together, and you turned to face Chris directly, your noses practically touching.
“You hear that…?”
He squinted his eyes, concentrating on trying to separate the booming music and hundreds of people talking from any other background noise. His ears perked as he heard it.
“It sounds… like it’s coming from the hedge…?”
Well it turned out he was right, since just as you two turned back to scrutinise the green hedge, a motorbike came crashing through. The vehicle toppled over and threw the driver to the ground, the guy sat just behind getting catapulted into the grass ahead of him. The crowd of people whooped and cheered, like they’d seen the coolest shit ever, and to be honest it was pretty cool. Chris raised his eyebrows, barely responding to the crash he just witnessed.
“Huh, looks like Dunn’s bike.”
“Dunn has a motorbike?”
You heaved yourself up from the ground and went over to the driver face down in the dirt. A head of dirty blonde curls indicated Ryan, but just to be sure, you kicked his ribs. He jolted and groaned, rolling onto his back. 
“Hi Ryan.” You greeted. His eyes fluttered open, wincing as he moved to sit up.
“ Fuck … hey.”
“You drive a motorbike?”
The conversation was cut off by loud groaning mixed with raucous laughter. Whoever his passenger was is clearly a good trooper about being thrown off a motorbike. The man got on his hands and knees, buckling a bit as he clutched his ribs; you probably should’ve expected it to be Bam. He flicked his head up, dark hair slicked with sweat jumping away from his face, and you gave him a lazy wave.
“Hey Bam. Did you know Dunn drives a motorbike? ”
Bam started giggling, managing to stand up and limp over to you with his arm still wrapped around his ribs. He then wrapped his arm around your neck and leaned his weight on you, though your body felt heavy enough with all the pot; you damn near fell over. 
“D’ya see that? That was fuckin brutal .” He laughed, swinging into your body like his ankles couldn't quite support his full weight. “Dunn you fucking asshole, you can’t drive for shit .”
“I’ve had like… a million beers.” Ryan lay there like a beached whale, covered in dirt and a few grazes. “I’d like to see you do better.”
“Yeah, fuckin’ whatever, I’m getting another drink.”
So Bam limped over to the kitchen, and your body dropped to the grass next to Ryan.
“You alright?” You asked, running your finger over the grass blades.
“Think my spine’s broken, but yeah, peachy.”
You pulled him up into a sitting position, and Ryan groaned like an old man, a cut on his forehead starting to ooze blood. 
“I didn’t know you drove a motorbike.”
“It better fuckin’ be ok… love that thing.”
“You want a turn on the bong?”
“...Yeah, that sounds cool.”
You pulled him up with you, but before you could return to Chris and Ehren, Bam stuck his head around the glass sliding door.
“Dunn, [Y/n], get your asses in here, we’re doin’ body shots!”
“My body’s fucking broken.” Ryan complained, but you dragged him to the kitchen anyway, ready for more toxins to be put through your system. Bam got in the middle of you and Ryan to hang off both your necks, walking over to Johnny at the dinner table; to your delight, the absinthe bottle was already a quarter down. Johnny couldn’t stop giggling as he held up the bottle. 
“Y’know what someone told me? This shit–” He motioned dramatically with the bottle. “--is hallucinogenic.”
“Bullshit.” Bam immediately shot down, but Johnny just shrugged.
“Only one way to find out.” Johnny rucked of his shirt and lay down on the table, seemingly volunteering for the body shot. He kicked his leg at Bam. “C’mon!”
But Bam wasn’t having it. “No way, I’m not drinking offa you .”
Blah blah blah, you were getting bored. You grabbed the bottle and twisted off the cap as you gave Bam a pointed look.
“Then why don’t you lie down. You’re already shirtless.”
Bam started to giggle, like he didn’t really know how to respond, but ended up lying on the table next to Johnny. You grinned and poured as much absinthe as you could into Johnny’s navel, the cold liquid dribbling over the sides of his body making him ‘ooh!’ giddily. You pulled out your phone one more time - snap! - before handing off the bottle to Ryan. He already knew the drill. Bam squirmed when the liquid hit his stomach, but it wasn’t on there for long as Ryan dived in pretty immediately, blood from his forehead wound smearing over Bam’s pale skin. With Ryan already getting to work, you felt rushed to get to it. So, you clutched either side of Johnny’s waist and leaned in. You could feel his muscles twitch under your fingers, and it was getting to be incredibly distracting. You glanced up at his face for just a second, to see him staring at you intensely, his deep brown eyes entirely concentrated on you. You stalled for a second, caught in the tension, but you found your courage with a smile, dipping your head down. Slowly, you dragged your tongue over Johnny’s navel, lapping up the bitter liquid. His laugh jumped in pitch at the ticklish sensation, earning an annoyed look from Bam. Bam sat up abruptly, picking up the absinthe bottle and shoving it at Ryan’s chest.
“Pour s’more shots, I wanna drink too.”
As Bam got off the table, you sent Johnny a look as if to ask ‘ did I do something wrong? ’, but the goofy way he wiggled eyebrows made you feel better. The four of you got another shot down the hatch - and another - until it was clear you were all past the point of no return. Bam started staring at you from the other side of the table, and you returned it with the same intensity. You weren’t entirely sure why you were staring at each other, but that seemed to be the thing you were doing now. Whatever, you won’t question it. For a moment his eyes were unfocused, but when his attention returned, a devious grin pulled at his cheeks as he reached for the absinthe bottle.
“I wan’ do body shots offa [Y/n].”
Ryan and Johnny started to laugh among themselves, while Bam stayed silent, grinning at you all the while. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Think I’m too pussy to let you?” You asked, speech slurring together, but it’s not like anyone else was speaking clearly. Bam shrugged, tilting the bottle near his lips.
You’re not a pussy.
To his surprise, you perched on the edge of the table, kicking your legs as you hooked your thumb under your dress strap and flicked it off your shoulder. Bam seemed confused.
“ Wuh.. what’re you doin’?”
“‘M not wearing a shirt shitass . Gotta push the dress down...”
And that you did, yanking it down past your bra until your stomach was exposed. Once you were satisfied, you lay back on the table. At first, Bam simply stared, Johnny and Ryan starting to make excited noises. Ryan ‘ ooooooooh’ ed as Johnny playfully shoved Bam’s shoulder; “well go on, chicken shit.”
The cap came off, and cold liquid dripped into your navel. You squeaked and squirmed, spilling it everywhere - Bam had to hold you still, his cold metal rings against your skin sending a shiver up your spine. He seemed almost tentative , but he dipped down, placing his open mouth over the indent and messily slurping the booze. His tongue felt slimy , and when you glanced at his face you could see his pretty blue eyes fluttered shut serenely. You never noticed how pretty he was before, always too bothered by his antics, but like this he almost looked like a cherub. Eventually, he leaned away from you, allowing you the space to get your clothes back on. Even in your totally wrecked state, you floundered for what to do now, what to say after you bared it all to your three friends. Your gaze flicked over to the sliding door, and you suddenly remembered Chris Pontius, abandoned in the garden.
“I wan’ a smoke.”
So it was back outside to go find Chris and his pot circle. By the time the four of you returned, most of the circle had dissipated, leaving Chris to smoke alone as Ehren remained peacefully asleep in his lap. Chris looked up to gleefully say ‘hiiiiii’ [yes, like that] but Johnny was distracted by Ehren. The cogs in his head turned for a second, then he chuckled.
“Somebody get Dave.”
You raised an eyebrow.
Johnny didn’t say anything, just grinned so hard his face hurt, and it clicked. You squealed, shoving Johnny’s arm but throwing yourself off balance and falling into his shoulder.
“ Noooooo! I don’t wanna see him shit on Ehren!”
Johnny started howling with laughter, throwing his arms around you as you continued to fuss, though he let you go to chase after Ryan when he tried to go fetch Dave, insisting it’ll be funny. All four of you ended up near the poolside, when everyone was interrupted by a dramatic yell.
“ Ladies ‘n gentlemen!”
Everyone in the garden started looking around, trying to figure out where the voice came from.
“On the roof, dipshits.”
In sync, everyone looked up to the roof of the kitchen extension to see none other than Steve-O, probably coked up out of his goddamn skull, toeing the roof's edge. The crowd hushed, murmuring amongst each other before he jumped . Gasps, then raucous applause when he dove into the pool and didn’t crack his head open on the deck. You grinned from ear to ear, cheering Steve-O’s name as you were all splashed by the water. The boys cheered too, until Bam abruptly shoved Ryan into the water. You gasped and feebly wacked Bam’s shoulder, so he pushed you in too. 
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
The sun started to peek over the horizon, rays of light shining through the windows and fanning over the countless empty bottles on the counter, reflecting beautifully onto the ruined walls.
The house was totally fucked.
Aside from the few blacked out strangers in random spots around the house, the last remaining guests were you guys, lounging in Johnny’s living room. Most of you fell asleep hours ago - Bam and Ryan were cuddled on the far couch and Steve-O curled up on the carpet under the window. Chris went to the bathroom some time around 4am and never returned, so it was fair to assume he was passed out on the toilet; Ehren was still out cold in the backyard, and god knows where Dave went. That left you and Johnny Knoxville, tangled together on the bigger couch. You knew you were nodding off, eyes barely staying open, but somehow through the haze of the come up, you remembered your ‘mission’. Clumsily, you patted around for your bag.
“What you lookin’ for…?” Johnny asked, looking as if he was already asleep. You hummed to yourself, finally finding the bag and struggling with the zip.
It slipped from your hand at first, but you managed to grab the device and pull it out, flipping it open.
“What d’ya need a phone for?”
“Want your number.” You mumbled, pressing it into his palm. Johnny smiled, cracking an eye open so he could see what on earth he was doing.
“Y’mean you don’t have it already?”
“Let’s take care o’ that.”
It took him a while - a lot of dialling then redialling, but he managed to get it right in the end [or at least he thought it was right]. He smacked the phone onto the nearby coffee table, then snuggled into the couch cushions, holding you closer to his chest.
“Thank youuuu…” You giggled, trailing off as your body gave up and you finally slipped out of consciousness. 
Five down… mission complete.
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khaire-traveler · 10 months
Ok, I will try not to talk too much about this on here, since this blog isn't really about this type of content, but I need to nerd out to someone, none of my friends are into this, and this is my main blog, so here we go:
This is mostly just me needing out and gushing, though, lol.
Ok, ok, so for the past five days, I have been fucking binge playing this game. I literally spent the first day I got it sitting around for, like, seven hours (don't be me, and make sure to get up for breaks if you're gonna do the same thing). I was - and still am - absolutely hooked.
I LOVE this game!!! It's the first DnD based game I've played, especially of this quality (even though my laptop runs it like shit and the lag is killer ☠️). I'm playing on Explorer, so it's been fairly easy and very story-focused. I find the lore so intriguing, and I'm so interested in seeing where the story goes! I haven't seen anything past the camp party after saving Halsin, though, so no spoilers please. 🙏
So, I started off with one playthrough, but I came in with the knowledge that you are able to romance the characters and such. I REALLY wanted to romance Astarion (as most people I see talking about the game lmfao), but my bitch ass just could not get his approval, no matter how hard I tried. It got to the point where he actually made fun of me after we saved Halsin and had the camp party. 😭 I honestly suspect he might've glitched out somehow, since I had read online that people have had similar issues with earning the trust and approval of companions. This definitely bummed me out, but I was still enjoying the game a lot.
Along with that, in my original playthrough, I literally forgot to seek out Lae'zel. I had planned on doing it, but I just didn't know where to go, and by the time I had met Gale, I honestly forgot about finding her because I had to get offline at that point. 💀 I felt really bad about it, and I only went to go look for her after saving Halsin because I was reminded of her, and she had already broken out of the cage and killed the two tieflings who trapped her. I felt so bad that I just left her there on her own all that time. ☠️
After realizing that I wouldn't be able to recruit her until a bit later, I just decided to restart my playthrough on different save files. I figured I'd also at least get a proper chance with Astarion as well (love him so much; he is my meow meow 💕), and all while still playing as the character I took quite literally two hours to make (I was very indecisive about them lol).
So far, the new playthrough has been going very well, and I'm actually pretty happy that I restarted, since I had also apparently missed the scene of Astarion sharing his vampiric nature as well as some very key information from, and about, Lae'zel. I'm only about seven hours in right now, but I feel like I've somehow gotten more done in this playthrough than I did in my original which had something like fifteen hours. I've explored places I didn't even realize existed, picked up a ridiculous amount of loot, and even acquired all the companion characters that I know of in the First Act. It's been extremely successful! Not to mention things with Astarion are going very well. 🥰
Anyway, I've been enjoying this game a lot! This is my first ever time playing it; I didn't have Early Access and hadn't even heard of it until my friend told me about it this past Sunday lol. I'm honestly really glad that I got this game, despite the price of it and the price I had to pay for a new storage drive for my laptop in order to run it. It was certainly lots of money spent, but it was definitely money well spent.
I feel like my perspective on the world around me has changed slightly from playing this game (in a positive way). I feel a lot more curious about things than before, and I'm more inclined to take spontaneous risks which has always been a struggle for me beforehand. I also kind of feel like I can talk to other people a lot easier as well, as strange as that sounds. I play a Bard in the game, so my character has high charisma and stops to talk to other characters a lot, and I'm not really sure why, but seeing my character interact so easily with others has kind of inspired me in a way and helped to make social situations a lot more comfortable for me (I have social anxiety, so talking to people has always been pretty tough). As unusual as it may sound, this game has already changed me in such positive ways as a person, and I can't wait to see what other lessons it may have to teach. ☺️
All of that said, I couldn't recommend Baldur's Gate 3 more! It's genuinely one of those games that I think anyone can pretty much enjoy, and I also appreciate how inclusive it is with gender stuff and queer relationships. The other characters even refer to me with the correct pronouns, despite me never needing to enter my pronouns in! It's a very impressive game, and the graphics are absolutely gorgeous (especially when your laptop isn't absolute shit like mine lmao). Frankly, it's just great!
Of course, being so new, it does have its problems. I've personally experienced lots of lag issues - dialogue and animations won't be in sync, characters taking a long time to go from one location to another, environments not loading in very quickly, etc. I've also had the game crash on me a few times, but I honestly believe it's more related to my laptop than it is to the game, and for the most part, it hasn't caused me too much grief.
Despite its flaws, I personally believe this game is very much worth a play. It's loads of fun, and the characters are pretty charming and entertaining. The storyline is interesting with lots of twists and turns, and if you ever get bored of the mainline quest, there are literally endless sidequests for you to enjoy. Exploration is highly encouraged, and as you explore the realm, your map actually reveals the locations you've been to. Fast travel is also a super great feature, although there are some locations I wish that were on there that aren't, sadly.
Ok, I've...talked a lot, so I'm going to stop now. 😂 Thank you to anyone who actually read all this, and I hope you have fun playing or watching someone else play, if you plan on doing either! Take care. 🧡🪽
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crassinova · 9 months
Tell me about your OCs 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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UPDATE DEC 14 2023 if you saw the last one no you did NOT NO YOU DIDNT! NO YOU DID NOT THat was embarrasing so now heres a cooler and BETTER ONE
TW: Drug abuse, Religious trauma (implied homophobia)
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uaga what was i gonna type down here again????? oh well uhh thankyou everyone and fuck you tenna
Images below are placeholders for now before i remake/made all their reference sheets. again if anything sounds weird blame my lack of vocabulary and everything
anyway thank you for reaiding
“Chancellor” (He/Him)
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A mysterious stranger who is seen wandering in the wastes, appearing and disappearing. He is perceived as a guardian angel to people who were once saved by him from danger. Though some others think differently, believing he is a “prolific serial killer” due to his abundant kills and getting away with it freely. Previously seen in the Mojave frequently tagging along with the lone courier, MJ Akabine, until he disappeared to the Commonwealth to occasionally aid the sole survivor, Cain Cross, on finding his son…while also being chased by the synth detective again. It makes you really wonder what his story is if the detective is so adamant on knowing more about him, especially how little is known about him.
Is occasionally seen in The Tops theatre at 10PM to listen to The Lonesome Drifter. Assumptions is that its his favorite singer since he’s seen more often when the drifter was introduced in the tops.
He can play the guitar!
Has a fear of fire…why is that necessary???
Marty Jean “MJ” Akabine (they/them)
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An eccentric and sneaky gunslinger and part-time mad scientist who can always lend a hand (metaphorically and literally) to people who are in need of help. Though despite his quirky and eccentric behavior towards their close friends and victims they are quite an anxious mess! ( their charisma is a 1 or 2… or even at the negatives).
Occasionally been seen dragging raiders/ dangerous people to a recluse area to experiment on them to make new unique healing items and for curiosity sake. If the victim is lucky to survive their experiments they set them free, expecting the victim that they stop their reign of terror.
Back when they were a courier…well an ex-courier they had a strong obsession on becoming stronger so they can prove to people he is capable of surviving the wastes. They were really insecure about everything about themself like “What will make me stronger?” or “Will this makes me stronger?” which in their solution to that is to take drugs and force themselves to use more blunt fighting methods because they think it’ll make them “stronger”. That didn’t go so well.
Has a special interest in all kinds of small little creatures like insects and bugs as they are dressed like a cazador that are mostly populated in the Mojave.
Probably ate someone, theres no evidence of it but he probably did or not idk
has a strong father-son relationship with Chancey. The coat he has on right now is from Chancey before they have to seperate paths. They just "slightly" modified it
He got that name because two (or three) of his groupmates named him at the same time. Which formed Marty Jean Akabine. (though in reality its my indecisive ass having trouble choosing Jean and Marty so i used both. Oh yeah the name "Marty" idea is when i remembered the protag from back to the future for some reason and thought it was cool)
Cain Cross (He/Him)
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A sole survivor from the great war who was under cryogenic stasis beneath vault 111 for 2 decades, a man lost in time trying to find his lost son to rebuild his life. His life before the Great War was decent to say the least, if you ignore his struggles. He was apart of the Cross family, a religious and wealthy family that want what’s best for their children, to be pure and free of sin. For what seems to be a straight male with a loving family with a wife and a child, he kept that act for as long as he can remember in the name of everyone, to his parents, society, and God. All what his parents taught him go in vain as he prayed on and on wishing he could wash away the sins he made with a man during the 2nd Battalion. The guilt lingers on due to the fact he never told his wife about the affair before she died.
Gay (if it isnt obvious enough. He likes Maccready) and also asexual
Really likes detective media like the silver shroud, his parents didn’t like him liking childish things so he reads them in secret.
he wears shades because to look cool and because i would also be irritated if the sun keeps blinding me
think of johnny cage but hes not egotistical and suffers from internalized homophobia
Abel Cross (He/They?)
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Back before the war, they were perceived as the “The golden child” due to his outstanding grades and leadership skills. Their parents noticed his potential in the business and planned his entire life of being a business man… a life he never even wanted. He wasn’t fond of the attention as they like their time alone (and also with his brother, Cain). He wanted to do art which was something he was passionate in because it gives him freedom to do whatever with a canvas, he wanted to be free, to make their own choices. But he wanted to make his parents proud of him, they already planned his life around and he didn’t want to disrupt their plans so he forced himself into business. And for what? a couple of bones and a person who doesn’t exist?
had a huge identity crisis after the war (imagine having your parents shape your life and identity that you have no free will. he started to draw and paint more after the war so that’s good atleast)
Despite his charismatic personality he really just wants to sleep and watch his brother play video games and make art and eat hot chip and lie (he’s bisexual)
Lustful. Though he has to keep it a secret because of his parents strict behavior (Cain is aware of it but he doesnt tell because he isn’t a snitch(i wont elaborate than that because im uncomfortable just talking abt it further for now))
fun fact abt the Cross siblings: they have a matching snake tattoo that representing “sin” and freedom from their religious background. (based on the serpent in the Adam and Eve story)
YIAPEEE DONE ATLAST!!!!!!! thank you for reading this behemoth of text!!!!! there are more fallout ocs to be told but these 4 are the ones that I like so aahwhahhwhahwaaaaa !!!!! Shout out to my friend tenna for reading this once in a while I really hate them
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moonlightknightess · 3 days
Heartbroken!Sasha is finally here!
It really came out longer than I expected 💀 and I can only blame my indecisive ass for it 😭 As I mentioned before, this is just the first part of a two-shot fic (initially 3 parts long but sticking to two now), mostly introduction + a small taste I have in store for part 2 👀 Hope you enjoy!
- 2 years! - Her throat hurts with soreness, her eyes stung with sadness, her nose leaking snot until Mikasa handed her a tissue - I spent the last 2 years of my life trying to build a future for him! For us! And this is how he repaid me!? By fucking some whore on my damn bed!? -
It was already bad enough how Niccolo neglected her months before her discovery, the once sweet guy who used to wake her up with breakfast in bed was now a coldhearted douche that only acknowledged her existence when he needed something from her
She should have trusted her gut right when it started to show her all the weird signs, several red flags manifested in the form of late-night homecomings and new passwords for personal social media accounts and phones of his she used to be able to check freely, ignored for the sake of their already crippled relationship, wishing it was all in her mind and that it was just a matter of time before they went back to the normalcy they used to love so much
– I’m so sorry, Sasha - Her soothing hand rubbing on her back alleviates the ache in her heart at least a little. - I… don’t know what to think… I would have never expected him to pull out something like on you - 
She can’t blame her for that, she herself doesn’t know what to make out of this fiasco either, she was supposed to come back home early after an uneventful day at work and chill out the rest of the night alongside him. She only found out about this because of mere luck and no more.
It must have been crazy from her point of view, being called by her best friend and only hearing her erratic voice on the other end, begging her to come and pick her up as she shouted and screamed at several unknown individuals
By the time she arrived at her rescue along with his boyfriend Eren in his car, the shit show was already on its grand finale. with a Niccolo barely clothed holding her from running away, begging her to “talk things out” and a red-faced Sasha fighting tooth and nail to get away from him, berating his whole existence as she did so, his mistress hiding in the apartment several floors up from the reception where they were
It took Eren threatening him to beat the shit out of him to let her go for once. hurrying quickly to his car and parting away from a chapter of her life she wished it ended in a more positive note.
- It doesn’t matter - Sasha says, voice watery as she cleans her nose with yet another tissue, tossing it on the carpet of the car, stocking-pilling them on the floor - I couldn’t care less about him, or his stupid whore side chick! - her nostrils flared with anger as she got worked up, her hand holding a fist so tightly she could see her knuckles turning white - In fact, I couldn’t care less about men in general! They ain’t shit! On god! - … - No offense, Eren -
- None taken - He answered, making a left turn as he drove them home - Look, I know a couple of ways to kill somebody and get away with it, so if you-
She lets a small chuckle at his joke, Mikasa playfully chastising him for putting weird ideas in her mind
She lets her head rest on Mikasa, placing herself on the crock of her shoulder and her neck as she lets her keep rubbing soothing circles on her back, her own hand sneaking its way to hers and lacing them together, her breath calming when it meets the sweet scent of Mikasa’s perfume
Still, that doesn’t stop her eyes from breaking loose like a waterfall, her nose once again ugly-snotting and her facade finally crumbling as she feels Mikasa’s hand unknotting her ponytail, a sense of relief cursing through her scalp as she feels her hair free from its hold
- I loved him - She can’t help the tears staining Mikasa’s porcelain white skin, the hold on her hand growing harder and Mikasa holding back just as hard - I saw myself getting married to him in the future, having his kids in the future, and yet-
- Everything is going to be okay - Mikasa is firm in her words and yet soft to the touch, the hand that petted her hair now lifting her by the chin and holding her face up, her thumb erasing the trace of tears tarnishing her cheek and she makes her stare straight in the eyes - You are an amazing girl, Sasha. One with a love to share, and one that deserves even more - Mikasa rests her forehead against hers as she whispers to her heart, making it flutter with every word - Don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise - 
She can’t help the smile that starts to form in the corner of her lips, her hands quickly trying to erase any hint of tears from her face as she feels renovated with sheer motivation
- You are right - She thanked her truthfully, getting lost in the void of her onyx eyes if only for a little - I’m so sorry you have to bear with me like this… I must have looked pathetic - 
- You are not pathetic - Mikasa ensures - Why would you say that? -
- You know why - Sasha responds back - I mean, when compared to you, all this circus must have looked like a child's game to you… Like, here I am, losing my mind over my now ex-boyfriend fucking some skank, meanwhile, you two have an open relationship, and you don’t get bothered about each other seeing different people! Seriously, how!?  -
She sometimes can’t believe that up to this day, these two have had this kind of arrangement for a while now, almost as long as her relationship with Niccolo lasted
Especially when in the first years she knew they have been dating, they seemed to have a clear case of jealousy for each other, arguing every other week
Straight out of a rom-com, if she must say.
 - This and that are different, Sasha - She hears Eren respond after a short silence, meeting his gaze through the rear mirror, alternating between looking at her and looking at the road as he did so - Just because we are fine with each other having partners of the side, it doesn’t mean we are free to do as we please… Just like in monogamy, we got rules, it just happens that having other partners does not break any rule -
- I know that! - She says with mocking offense, she was well aware of how open relationships worked, she just wanted to make a comparison between her dilemma and their daily occurrence - But now that you mention it, what are your rules anyway? Like, the ones that dictate your other partners - She is genuinely curious about it
- There aren’t too many to be fair - He chuckles a little - Actually, It all boils down to letting the other one know who they are going out with and either approve it or not.. that and not letting ourselves get too emotionally attached with said partners - 
It was simple enough, and yet it doesn’t really answer this particular question that has been plaguing her mind, one that just started to form the moment she officially got things done with Niccolo
- Huh? Thats all? - She turns her head in Mikasa’s direction, her face betraying no emotion as she just nods her head - What about… you know, close friends? Like, are they off limits or…? -
A pregnant silence forms the moment she blurted out those words, the air inside the car growing hotter as Sasha regrets little by little her words 
- It depends - Erens responds, breaking the awkward quietness - We don’t really make a point of chasing anyone we both know so it doesn’t make things weird between us, but there can be exceptions -
- Oh god - Sasha gets taken aback, her mouth parted as she still processes those words - Does that mean you already did it with someone I know!? -
- Who knows!? - He makes a point of looking at her yet again through the rear mirror - Maybe you do, maybe you don’t! In fact, what makes you believe that it’s just me alone that did it? - 
- So it was Mikasa!? -
- Again, who knows!? -
- You gotta tell me! - 
- Nu-uh -
- Come on! You can’t just tell me something happened and then not tell me what happened - 
- If you want to know so bad go as Mikasa then! -
As if on cue, the moment she turns in Mikasa’s direction she is already looking out into the window as if the dark fields of nothingness were pretty interesting to see
- Mikas-
- No -
- But whyyyyyy? - She is already pouting at this point
- Because you were not supposed to find out… no one, actually - She said as a matter of a fact - But some people can’t keep a secret even if their lives depended on it -
Eren just laughs harder at her stab
- I know how to keep a secret! - She begs - Gimme at least a hint so I can connect the dots! Anything! But please let me knoooow! -
Mikasa let out a sigh as she seems to reconsider her words, still staring out the window as she says - We had a threeway with Armin -
- Oh. My. God! - She screams way too loud, managing to startle Eren of the road for a little before he composes the car - Way to go, girl! - She gets her hand up as if waiting for a hi-five, accomplish it once Mikasa raises her own, a pink shade of blush and a small smile adorning her face as she did so - I didn’t know you were into guys tho, Eren! -
- I am not - He clarifies - I didn’t do anything with Armin, it was all about Mikasa, it was her birthday after all -
- Oww how sweet! - She can’t help but pinch his cheeks - You two are just making me jealous now! -
- Hey stop that! You are gonna get us off the road! - 
- Alright alright! But for real though… It amazes me how unbothered you seem to be about all of this…- 
- It's just a matter of getting used to it… Besides Armin is my best friend too so it wasn’t that hard to deal with - 
- Yeah but still, it’s crazy… Do you really don’t mind people getting frisky with your girlfriend? -
- As long as I agree with it, then it's fine - 
- … What about me though? -
- Huh? - Both of them answered, as if they meant to coordinate like that 
- Like… - She can’t help herself, her mind racing 200 mph as she once again laces her fingers in Mikasa’s and rests her head above her chest, her mouth tickling her skin as she speaks - If I were to want to make out with Mikasa for being such a good friend and comforting me in my time of need, would you allow it? Would I… have your permission to do it? -
She can barely make sense of her behavior, let alone understand it. It’s not like she is intoxicated with any substance or she is suddenly having a mental breakdown regarding the current events so she has something to blame it on.
But if she had to guess, it would be the need to have something else to occupy her mind, to try to remove today's bad memories and replace them with better ones.
– … That would be hot, not gonna lie - He admits - still, it’s not me you should be asking permission for… yet -
She raises up from her safe hideout in Mikasa’s body, almond locking on black pearl as she takes in the sight of a surprised Mikasa, mouth gaped and the subtle shade of pink growing redder.
– … I … I don't know what to say, Sasha, I -
– A “yes” is good enough for me -
– Sasha! -
– Alright alright! - She holds her hands up in defeat - Look, I'm sorry for blindsiding you like this, not cool on my part I’ll admit… - She is genuinely apologetic, - I… I just need someone to make forget about this mess, if I am being honest with you - She lowers her face down in shame as she confesses her intentions - if you don’t feel like it that would be fine by me, it was worth the shot after all -
Her heart pounds against her ribcage as Mikasa gazes at her with uncertainty, a doubtful expression that flicks between Eren and her every so often, a silent understanding that she is yet to accomplish with a loved one.
Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours, her throat eager to call this off and to forget about it, her eyes locking on her sneakers and her fingers playing with each other until she felt the ever so calming hold of Mikasa’s on them, palm securing her fidgetiness as her sights get devoured by the darkness.
It takes her a couple of seconds to notice the warmness enveloping her whole, her mouth meeting the delicious flavor of mint that makes her dizzy in desire, the sudden weight of her body pilling on her little by little, threatening to make her lose balance until a particularly sharp turn made by the car throws her down, her back on the entirety of the back seat as Mikasa hoovers from above, hands floored against the cushion on either side of her head
- …If that's what you really want - Her breath is labored and erratic, her tongue swiftly licking off the remnants of her and her wrist smudging her black lipstick as she tries to get any trace left, teeth shining pretty bright making her lose any sense of control - Then so be it -
Mikasa proves to be too much to deal with the moment her hands start scouting through her body. Frisky fingers held onto her scorching hot skin as she caressed her ever-so-delightfully, her silk-like touch making her squirm on the cotton of her shirt as the wetness of her tongue took a toll on her neck, fleeting kisses meeting the crook of her shoulder and making her hold to dear life.
It takes her no effort to completely discard her plain pink blouse, her chest’s only layer of protection the lame white sports bra she wore from the gym and couldn’t bother to change out out of the bad timing of the recent events, her eyes locking on her chest with such adoration it makes her pass out on the spot.
- So beautiful… - Mikasa whispers to herself, hand shamelessly sneaking underneath the suffocating cloth around her chest, palm holding her firmly and so tenderly it embarrasses her how it manages to coax a small moan out of her - It just makes more mad to see how wasted you were on that asshole - 
She could have never be able to stop her even if she tried, the quick dive in she made on her chest taking her out of guard and her brazen kisses coating her whole: Chest, nipples, underboob and everything in between. Her hold on her head and her cries of her name not enough to deter her from coating her in black lipstick kissmarks
- God - Sasha whispers this time, a switch inside her turned on now that she gets to see the gorgeous mess that Mikasa made out of her, to see the kind of desire and devotion she longed for anyone to have for her, to drown herself in her sweet delusions that somehow became her new reality
She barely notices the vehicle coming to a halt as Mikasa devours her whole yet again, knee expertly placed between her legs where she is getting hot and bothered, hands threatening to make her tight shorts come loose, and hungry kisses robbing the air out of her until she feels like passing out, tongues dancing the more their liplock skillfully lasted until-
- We arrived - Eren says from outside the window, opening the door above their heads, the coolness in the air washing over her as a bucket of water, the both of them caught like a pair of deers in headlights as he takes his sweet time admiring the view he deems it enough, walking to back to the car instead
Mikasa is the first one to get composed, effortlessly getting out of the vehicle, leaving her alone with her thoughts, letting her process what just happened and what she should do next, pondering what could be her best course of action until the harsh sound of the cars vault closing finally snaps her out of it.
Her eyes tried to adjust to the sudden light of the lamps lighting up to their arrival, the both of them exchanging thoughts and not courteous enough to let her join their conversation, barely getting a glimpse of their conversation that she wasn’t trying to eavesdrop at all… 
Seriously, she was not!
It isn’t until she sits properly and pays more attention to her surroundings that she notices that she isn’t in her parent's place yet, the parking place of the apartment complex where they were not looking close at all to the one she used to park her father’s car, back when she used to live with him before moving to Niccolo’s place…
- This isn’t my pop's place, though… - She cringes a little as she speaks, because it feels like a pathetic attempt at deflecting, trying to ignore the giant elephant in the room, but still, she gotta get her answers 
- I can tell -  Eren answers back, a small smile directed at her as Mikasa berates him with a slap on the chest
If it weren’t because he was her best friend’s boyfriend she would kick where it would hurt him the most for mocking her like that…
- I assumed you were gonna stay with us - He says as he throws one of her backpacks over his shoulder, her large suitcase in one of his hands as the other one hands her the small purse she had with her - It didn’t look like you were done back there, to be fair - 
Ok, at least it was not awkward anymore
But still
He could use a thing or two about subtleness
He hurries himself into Mikasa for a tight half-hug before she can get too mad to him, making her best performance of trying to talk sense into him until he is basically showering her in pecks and half-hearted apologies, pecking him on the mouth with very same lips that coated her whole
It’s only when he manages to tame her into her lovey-dovey soft self that he returns back to her, offering a helping hand out of courtesy, bringing her out of the car so he can lock it 
- … You are unbelievable sometimes, Yeager - She allows him to keep her hand in his hold, a reassuring grip that she doesn’t mind at all 
- What can I say, I’m really eager to see you two go at it - 
It honestly takes her by surprise the way he gets close to her little by little, her body trapped between his and his car, their height gap in it’s full glory the moment she has to raise her head to meet his eyes, his frame getting dangerously close to her and his sturdy frame shadowing her whole, her mind yet again racing 100 miles per hour as she tries to find out what was going on, her face yet again taking a pinkish shade the more he studies her with his gaze, his unbothered expression turning into a mocking smile the more he realizes just how much of a hold he has on her, his hand sneakily guiding hers until-
- Jesus christ! - 
She can’t help the small scream and the high-pitched gasp that she lets out when she gets to see the sudden source of warmth and hardness that meets her hand, palm mindlessly feeling up the very noticeable outline of his length that tries to bulge its way out of his pants, his hand holding hers making her aware of the culprit of her current position
- Can you feel it? - She does, she does feel its heavy weight in the palm of her hand and the way it twitches whenever she applies the smallest of pressures on it, and she can’t help but reminisce about that time she was desperate to prove that the reason Eren refused to tell how big he was in that truth or dare game they played a couple of years ago was because he was insecure about his size, and that Mikasa only reason to stick to “it’s big” as her only response was because she was being a supportive girlfriend 
- It’s been like this since you teased me when you two had your fun - He makes her feel him up and down shamelessly, her hand hesitating between shying away or following his guidance, holding onto him on a tight grab that she swears it makes his breath hitch, if only a little, - Hell, I was hoping to have a turn if i am honest -
She is speechless, her mouth on a surprised “o” that she shuts as soon as she hears him snickering right in front of her, his confession making her feel a small pinch of guilt
She did this to him, whether she meant it or not, right? So it’s only fair she makes it up to him
It probably didn't work like that
Scratch that, it doesn’t work like that
But then again…
It’s not like she is opposed to the idea.
It would have been easier to go along with it if he wasn’t so weird about it, though
Seriously, she still can’t believe this is the guy Mikasa chose.
For real.
She lets out a sigh of relief as she makes up her mind, eyes locking onto him as she makes a point of keeping her hand right where he placed it, making sure he can feel her sharp nails digging through the fabric of his tight jeans, trying to encircle his whole girth in her palm, even if she failed to do so
She stands up on her tip-toes despite how caged she feels, blood rushing through her veins and a sense of giddy warmness swallowing her whole.
- Give me your worst, Yeager -
It’s ok
Everything it’s going to be ok…
She can’t help but wet the soft pillow as she bites it, teeth chewing so hard on the silk-like cloth it starts to hurt her jaw
Still, there is so much she can do to prevent them from driving her insane, her legs closing on Mikasa’s head not enough to deter him from making out with her lower lips
In fact, it has quite the opposite effect on the both of them, the telltale of Eren’s teeth pinching on her glutes and his hands forcing her knees apart letting her know he wasn’t a big fan of what she tried to pull off
- Do you mind? - He doesn’t bother stopping licking as he speaks, his voice muffled beyond recognition, tongue lapping at her rear mindlessly and yet so delightfully it makes her want to scream, to claw her nails on his skin and tear it open so she can’t escape from this sweet torture.
She can barely tell how long it’s been since she has found herself like this: topless, tossing and turning on their king-sized bed, her chest glued to the mattress, her hips raised in the air and with their leeching asses sucking the life out of her from below, kissing and tonguing her folds and rear alike as if it was their mission of life, slurping the very essence of her the same way a starved man lost in a desert would
And maybe, maybe that’s the reason why she can’t keep up anymore, because her wobbly knees are threatening to give up on her at any moment, her insides burning with a passion only found in the very flames of hell, her body a sweaty mess that already soddened the mattress below her, her lungs barely getting enough air by how hyperventilated she was
- …Mika!… - She cries, hand reaching behind her despite the discomfort of bending her back, barely grabbing the mess of hair in his head, trying to push him away -Please! I am-
Her pleas fall on deaf ears it seems, Mikasa’s response coming in the form of cheeky kisses on her moistness, her delicate thumbs spreading her folds open before she spits on it in such a vulgar way it has her rethinking if this was the same girl that managed to convey a million emotions in just one kiss
- What now? Quitting already? - He grabs her by the very same hand that tried to push him away, forcing it on the small of her back as he literally eats her ass whole, lips kissing her ring carelessly and yet exciting so many moans out of her as he does so
- I can’t anymore! - She can barely make sense of what she tries to say, being double timed like this was new to her, and she honestly believes it is way more than what she bargained for, the toe-curling combination of their mouths wreaking havoc on her bottom making her see starts through her eyelids
- Not good - The spank she receives is uncalled for, an open-palmed hit on her ass that has her screaming at the top of her lungs, her entire bottom half locking taut as if expecting more, the slurping sounds of Mikasa filling the room and making her realize a single spank was enough to make her come - This won’t do -
She can’t bother to make sense of what was going on, her mind barely registering his words and instead focusing on trying to handle the overload of sensations and the overstimulation they forced on her, enduring as much of their abuse as she could before she is crying for mercy, fighting for a battle that she already lost
Because she would be deluding herself if she said that she wasn’t enjoying this, being the sole focus of their attention, worshiped as a divine being that flatters them just by her mere presence
A divine being that has been profaned by their tarnished, blasphemous souls.
- Mmgh! - She muffles against the pillow yet again, an increase in their tempo that almost felt like they were demanding her attention, little moans coming out of her the more their wicked synchronization took a toll on her body, her thighs quivering hard and her mind a foggy mess that she is sure it's going to shutdown at any moment
- Whaa…- She drags her words as she tries to speak, mouth shifting every so often between voicing her content in the loudest cries of want and gasping for air like a madwoman in her deathbed, the sudden introduction of Mikasa’s digits rubbing and pinching her clit throwing her to the very edge, and Eren’s tongue parting her behind sealing the deal for her
For she has already given up, she can’t no more, their wicked duo proving to be too much for her to handle alone, her sight quickly blurring despite her effort to keep her last stand and her thighs shaking uncontrollably for one last time before everything comes loose, the sudden spike on her upper walls destroying the knot on her insides for good, adorning the mattress with yet another dark spot as she can do nothing to prevent herself from coming undone right in front of their eyes, the halt in their ministrations and their exaggerated reactions letting her know she is flooding like a broken faucet
Shadows overcome her vision as the smallest trace of strenght escapes from her body, the sensation of a hundred hands handling her form as a minor inconvenience, a million lips coating her whole, congratulating and cherishing her for making it this far, to please worry not anymore, for they will handle thing now onwards
And that, honestly, it’s what she wanted the most.
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arainmorn-art · 2 months
Ooooooh gosh. Watching Enola Holmes now. I'm only on the first hour, ugh. Right after THIS SCENE. It was so cringy and laughable I can't. This scene is a pure mindless power fantasy. I'm trying to tell myself that it's just a movie for teenage girls, I shouldn't be nitpicky, the tone of the movie is not serious... but I'm reading the Youtube comments under this video praising the scene and I want to talk about it. I'm a girl, I've been doing martial arts (mixed aikido) for three years and let me tell you this scene was bad. You know... I hoped this movie would be about outwitting your opponents, using your brains as your biggest strengths as a girl in a Victorian era. But whom I was kidding, we have a Netflix girl power movie, so let's get rid of any common sense.
First of all, that man was clearly not trying to kill Enola with those gently tossing and barely punching the air around her he did. One of the first things my sensei and his sensei told me is that no matter are you a man or a woman you have not many chances against a person who really, really wants to kill you. Not just frighten and rob you, kill you. Even very well-trained people now that. And they want to tell us, that a 16 year old girl having just lightly sparring with her suffragette terrorist mom in the garden could stand against an adult hitman? For how long Hollywood and Netflix will tell teenage girls and young women this type of lie? Oh boy. Let's take a look at the Enola's fight. This stunt on 1:30 might look impressive, but it's a garbage. It reminds me of throw from aikido for competions, which is not for real street fights, it's for show, so it makes a good base for stunts.
Yes, the uke (attacker) clearly knows when and how to jump to minimize the pain when the force is applied to his wrist and elbow joints, but the thing is the seme (defending) applies the force to unbalance the opponent and then throw him (my English is horrendous now, I know). Seme also never gets on his opponent's line of fall, he needs to stay in the control of situation (at least in aikido). But I keep rewatching that moment in the movie and I can't fucking see the moment where Enola would succesfully unbalance her opponent to do this throw. She kicked him with an elbow in his lower ribs, which is not a bad move, but not enough to desorient him with pain or to get him to bend over, it was not a solar plexis. And then SHE FUCKINGS JUMPS. She does a fucking flip with her 40 kilo ass to not only fakely throw him off balance, but to make him jump up and then land neatly past her, not on her, because she literally dives under his falling body with that move. Props to the actor to fall so carefully and not hurting Millie. Ugh.
Second, a man can crush woman's airpipe and skull with his bare hands, and usually easily outrun her. Men generally are stronger and faster. It's just a man design, they are built differently. That's why female and male sport competions are separated. Buuuuuut "Enola Holmes"'s executeves want to tell us, that a half-drowned girl in a dress and a corset was SO fast, that an adult fit man without a dress and a corset had to JUMP to hook her leg with a cane and stop her. Alright, she dodges his next strikes, though honestly I hardly find it believable, but then he takes her and throws against the wall. In such situation an air quickly leaves your lungs and you 're not likely to recover quickly, you also might have a concussion. Besides the drowning that's another point where our heroine could be done. By the way, the drowning was a bit more convincing, but then they pulled that eye-rolling gotcha moment with tricking and winking. It still was possible not because the heroine is smart, but because the attacker was stupid and indecisive. And he keeps being like that. As soon as she was on a ground everything could be finished very fast like in these brutal first seconds from Lucy's video:
He could kick her in the stomach, in the face, crack her skull with his boot, break her ribs, broken ribs would pop her lungs, there'd be internal bleeding, noone is here to save her - it would be over. And since he also has a knife, oh geeeeeee. Why. Why the killer must be so confused about finding out she wears a corset, when HE IS IN THE RIGHT REACH TO PULL OUT THE KNIFE FROM THE CORSET AND SLIT HER FUCKING THROAT. The adrenaline must be pumping, even a semi-realistic burglar would not wait for Enola to unbotten her dress to show him a corset, for fuck sake. Ah, yeah, if he would be still stupid enough to not slit her throat right away he would say "Thanks for letting me know!" and stabbed her holding the blade vertically, not across.
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This scene is not only child-friendly, it is very girl-friendly. Very clean (with a tiny bit of dirt to add some grittiness), very careful so main heroine wouldn't get any hits in the face as the face must stay pretty, very naive as if her fight mistakes, which were praised for making the fight more realistic and the character not Mary Sue, would not be deadly to her and also if the killer was not hardly dumbed and slowed down, oooh, with a little bit of pain on the actress face so you could worry for her and all this jazz. And gooooooooooooooooooosh how cocky Enola is here it's infuriating. At the end of this scene she was not outsmarting her attacker, it was a very dumb luck that he threw her in the barn with explosives. Honestly, to make this scene both more realistic and smart they should have create a thriller Alien-like scene where the protagonist must use her wit and knowledge (which are so often mentioned in this movie) to actually outsmart the hitman. What about her knowledge in chemistry? Or for Netflix writers it is only "Ha-ha, nerds do boom-boom with chemicals!"? Fine, do something more with explosives. Do something with her knowledge in physics. Do something other than using brute force! Because you clearly can't do it too!
Ugh, I'm tired and frustrated now. And I can't imagine why would they call her Sherlock's sister aside from marketing reasons. Marketing worked, I'm watching it. I hoped to look at Henry Cavill's Sherlock having Henry's charm and beauty and Holmes's intelligance, but this is not a Sherlock but a random quite dense dude from any other story and there's a microscopic amount of Henry's performance. And nothing of it is smart. A character's intellectual ability is directly related to the intelligence of the writer. And I can firmly say this whole mess is a popcorn pew-pew show in Victorian costumes, and not anyhow a Sherlock Holmes story.
Let's move on.
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detective-asshole · 1 year
Favorite childhood memory with me?
Why must you ask me this. You should know I'd be indecisive as fuck and can't choose. Y'know what have a few of em instead
1. That one time you dragged me home after I got my shit rocked by a dude who was way out of my league fighting wise and convinced mom that I didn't get into fight so she didn't rock my shit again. And then scolded me lmao
2. That like point in life where you got bullied for being a "nerd" (a smartass), and I beat up a kid because he made you cry once lmao. You dragged me away by the hair too and scolded me again because mom would so kill me for fighting with someone again
3. The time you stayed up until like 3am with me to help me study for that one god damned physics test I couldn't understand until I finally knew what the fuck to do. Fucking smartass. Saved my ass lmao. Also we both survived on coffee the entire time (because unlike me you actually have a normal sleep schedule. That I fucked up that week.)
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the-geek-librarian · 6 months
4,10,15 for lolopechka :D
Thank you for the baby bean asks :33
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, etc, anything, what would you put them in?
Ok so, first up Pokemon. No questions asked, she can fit into the world just fine let it be the games or the anime. Speaking of the Anime, stupid bullshit crossover Au where Lolopechka is Likos big sister and has 30 panic attacks when she learned that some Men in Black looking mf came after her sister. Also she would have SO much Beef with Diana (Likos grandma) and the RVTs for a lil bit.
Another game she just fits into perfectly is Yo-kai Watch, (yes I'm still going ape shit abt it) it's just a clumsy ass girl with her 100+-year-old Komasan (Gajah) and yo-kai cat (Vaninyan my beloved) that can potentially just kill everything in Japan but they can't bc they have been reduced to marketable lil guys. Its- it's just such a vibe honestly. I just know She would LOVE Jibonyan or well ALL the Nyans!!
10. Could you be best friends with this Character?
Uhhhhhh Yeah most likely, we'd both have the reputation of the "weird kid" no one what's to talk to except on the accession or to yk,,, be made fun of but moving on, I have the tendency to attract the most DUMMASS motherfuckers on the planet to me, so i'd be adding another one to my collection
15. What's your favorite ship for this Character (dosn't matter if it's canon or not)
Uhhhh I have two in mind that I really like so I'll just name those. (for reference, Lolo is a the biggest Pansexual EVER.)
On number one we got my beloved rear pare Vani x Gajah x Lolo. Yup, those three mf put together I get that they aren't everyone's cup of tea but I think there funny as shit together honestly
Now this is a three in one bc I'm indecisive as fuck but moving onnnnnnn. Vanica x Lolo, Gajah x Lolo (ofc my baby's oh my GOD) and Stella x Lolo, for the ppl who dont know Stella is @funky-sea-cryptid and @t-f-t Oc from there BAGING fic "The Blood of both is my Limdo"!! on AO3 highly recommend you check it out!!
Lolo is either looking at Gajahs ass or at Vanica's and Stellas tits. At times both bc she said "why have one when I can get both?" she has the right idea the lil shti
Anyway, Asking for more Characters is always open!!! Black clover related or not!! (looking at you Horizons fans, give me the baby Liko)
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dip-the-stick · 8 months
(Am I the most indecisive person on this website? Yes, but also you can't stop me from choosing four of these lol)
Ourple:), babybel wrapper, pumpkin and mossy moss
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IM FUNNY ONLY THROUGH TEXT. im funny in person too sometimes but thats Always on accident
i would kill for some woods frolicking rn
girl (gn) i almost only post about my weird ass life how are u a fan of that. its the most stream of conscious shit in the world
yeah no this one tracks. most recent crime was stealing from work :3 i do that shit all the time (taking food without marking it out. bc why the fuck should i have to work there and only get to eat 7 food items a week i mean come ON now)
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jinhyun · 2 years
Oh. My. God. He pushed her away because he's trying to sleep with the other girl? 😑🙄 I almost want to say I'm not surprised it was that shallow, but I am. I expected them to already be fwb with the speed at which she got pushed away. Not that he's been trying to get a quick lay. At this point I'm like 100% team anybody but Hyunjin! Like fuck him, omg. Really want to see her have more fun with Binnie and stop making herself available to hang out with Hyunjin now. I want him to chase her and not understand why. I want him to get so insanely jealous that he can't think straight and then realize "oh these are feelings™" and then have to confront the fact that he's been acting like an ass to her for soooooo long. I want him to realize HE DOESN'T DESERVE HER!! And then watch him scramble to figure out how to win her back. Basically I just want him to suffer. I want him to suffer the way the she has suffered or worse. Cus that's just..... I'm like fuming mad at him now 😤 I can't believe he's such an idiot. Like how does everyone but him know how he feels about her and he doesn't 🤦‍♀️the mixed signals he is sending, no wonder our girl is so confused!
On another note tho, I want to wrap Felix up in all the blankets and give him all the cuddles 😭 he is so soft and I love him being the best friend she deserves. But I also really want to see protective Minho being more than ready to go kill Hyunjin the second she says so lmao!
I hope you had/are having some much needed quality time with your bestie!! Thank you for the update while you're busy 😘🥰 You're amazing! I hope you have a great time but I hope you get some rest too!!
yup, that he did :) at this point it doesn't seem surprising at all tbh, like felix said he's just thinking with his dick and sadly it can backfire any time
all you just said about him suffering... ig we'll just have to wait and see whether karma gets him or not 😭 but it would be good for him to realise what she's worth and stop being an indecisive idiot for once and for all.
LMAO wbk minho would go beat his sorry ass the second y/n said the word. he's been wanting to for a good while now after all...
thank you so much!!! we just finished watching heartstopper and crying about it and now we ordered a 1lt mojito for each and are currently watching kpop funny moments so tonight should be fun lmao. i hope you're doing great too! tysm for this long ass ask, i love these and you sm 😭💖
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