#au ramble
tosteur-gluteal · 5 months
Omori mlb AU make my brain go brrrr
Question: how different does basil act when he's stranger/mint from his regular self and is he purposefully doin' that or does the kwammi transformation just affect his personality that much?
Glad you asked, anon! Yes, Basil's personality changes whenever he's either his civilian or his hero self, just like RW Basil and Stranger are different. Yet in a sense, they're facets of Basil, the person he really is:
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Before Basil turns into a superhero, he's constantly under pressure (parents + bullying) and his only way of surviving this environment is by being overly nice, overly modest. He's trying to stay as unnoticed as possible, while having the best grades and participating in a way to make him look smarter than everyone else. And that irritates a lot of people, because as a results he's perceived as "fake". He has to be that perfect obedient son for his parents; as a result he's really struggling to even know what is his real self.
Being Catmint is really liberating to him. He can be negative, he can be bad mouthed. He can be obnoxious... And yeah, he tries to play it cool. Yet, it doesn't feel like his true self yet.
At the end of the day, it's really his friendship with Sunny/ partnership with Ladybug that helps him through that. When he met Sunny, he noticed that his overly polite self wasn't what Sunny found endearing about him. It was his little quirks he didn't even know he had before, it was his centers of interests, and yeah, his flaws. He noticed that it's exactly what made him love Sunny as a friend and as a crush: He's just a dude. He's just a dude who likes art.
For Ladybug: He realised he doesn't have bare everything by himself. He realised that he can be vulnerable, he can show kindness without the fear of getting percieved as weak. And yeah, he realised he can trust Ladybug.
While he always tried to push Ladybug away, he learnt that actually, there's nothing wrong with camaraderie at work (and god knows how if Ladybug didn't have a crush on Catmint, he definitely wouldn't have the patience to deal with that angsty boy... Or maybe yes, IDK)
So yeah! He's kinda doing it on purpose. Thank you for the ask, anon! Tell me what you think!
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libraryofgage · 11 months
@humangerbil thanks for enabling me, here's a ramble about the modern Steve in 80s Hawkins idea:
Steve's parents are still pretty damn absent but they make up for it one year by just?? Giving him a house?? He's like barely 18 but now he's a homeowner in some little town outside Indianapolis so that's cool he guesses
He goes to Hawkins and sees the house that hasn't changed since the 80s (the plaid room nearly traumatizes him) but it's the first space that's really his so he does kinda like it
Anyway after vibing around the house for a bit, he walks around and ends up at the library and learns Hawkins history including a bunch of kids that just died or disappeared mysteriously in the 80s, a huge earthquake, and serial killer Eddie Munson but something about it all makes him feel like it's not quite right, but that's in the 80s and there's nothing he can do about it now
Cue some Upside Down bullshit that pulls him into the 80s but he doesn't know at first because the house is Like That except he goes outside to find a vintage Beemer and joy rides around, ends up at the arcade, overhears some kids talking about what has to be DnD right and that's cool these days so he adds opinions or something
He meets Eddie Munson later and is like "oh, the hot serial killer" and Eddie is like "I'm sorry what" and so it goes from there
It includes a lot of memes, Steve being openly bi like a modern guy but also trying to deal with, like, 80s attitudes toward it but also flirting with Eddie. He happens to have his phone and it still works so he can play music and TV and movies (legally downloaded he swears ;P ) and I just think Eddie would be soooooo into Fall Out Boy and MCR sue me lmao
We also just get, like, Steve with that modern nihilism and young adult anger at the world (he realizes Reagan is president and has a brief but serious moment where he considers assassination) that he can finally take out on tangible things like monsters and he's never felt more alive and happy than in 80s Hawkins with a bunch of kids who are supposed to die and
Oh, yeah, he should fix that too, time line or fabric of space be damned
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mothratta · 7 months
Modern AU where Dagur goes to the gym and meets Ryker (they’re not buddies but they’re always there at the same time for some reason). The pitch each other by the weights and gym stuff and that’s how Dagur gets introduced into the local mafia !
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driftingmoonmenace · 11 months
ok ok ok so new AU idea ramble incoming I'm tossing under the cut!!!!
So Y/N is in like a bad accident as a child that renders them mute and dealing with life-long chronic stuff, right? So they function and cope through it growing up but as they get older, things get a bit more difficult for them to care for themselves properly, plus since they're mute they have to use sign language. Family isn't an option and they have a close friend that helps them often but Y/N hates to ask for help.
One day Y/N and their friend are like out and about at a kind-of flea market type of thing, and come across this badly damaged robot (DCA) that someone is selling, a little bit expensive but they're like badly damaged and rusted. Limbs missing and hardware broken beyond repair. Y/N jokes about getting them to have as a nice companion and help them out but moves on. Their friend, caring about Y/N and being a bit tech savvy decides to buy it as a gift and surprise Y/N, thinking they could both help fix them up together.
Y/N and their friend slowly repair the boys and get them some-what functional. But unfortunately they end up having a broken voice box so Y/N and the boys have a bit of a hard time communicating but they grow to be friends despite that over time.
Of course the entire time this is going on, Sun and Moon have no memories about the daycare, or the pizzaplex, since their memory has been wiped (and it's obvious they probably have been decommissioned but also Y/N and their friend have never heard of anything Fazbear Entertainment related either). The boys start remembering fragments of memories, which then leads to them to slowly putting them together like a puzzle and unlocking the remnants of the virus still in their system. 😌✨
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itz-alaine-12 · 1 month
Y'all should I start rambling about my AU?? It's called the Mad Genius Inventor AU bcuz now I wanna start rambling but also should I? Idk
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monsoonxskies · 1 year
Imagine if I actually shared literally any of my Demon Luca AU worldbuilding here. Just sprinkle it in on top of various art posts so y’all can slowly piece together the timeline of the whole thing.
Yeah. There’s a whole storyline and everything. Demon Luca is more developed as a character than 90% of my ocs are. I could write a whole ass novel about him if I had the time and energy. But alas, college prevents me from spending time writing down the plot and forces me to only speak in concepts and ideas lmao
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some-pers0n · 1 month
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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liimonadas · 2 months
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randomly rememebered a very silly maya content creator AU i came up with like 2 years ago. its just dumb fun haha
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maskofredacted · 1 year
Batman AU where the batfam is an extension of Gotham’s will so they can’t leave the city without taking a piece of it with them
Bruce, ever practical, has a batarang made from a steel piece off the bat signal (not that he’d be able to throw it but it’s a backup nonetheless)
Dick, Jay, and Tim have made it Robin tradition to carry pebbles in their pockets (the justice league has come to associate the soft jingling of rocks with the arrival of the Dark Knight)
Steph finds pretty rocks and quartz to crack open and share with Cassandra- and they cycle through their newest finds (cass does keep a shiny piece of obsidian in her utility belt, it was the first one Steph gave her)
Duke keeps a corner from a road sign in his pouch, the reflective yellow paint matches his theme- (what better representation of the city than perpetual construction)
Damian reverently carries a piece of deep green sea glass from the harbor. The color reminds him of his mother, and he finds the beauty fitting. (The irony that the only way for him to leave his new home is an echo of the reason he’s there in the first place is not lost on him.)
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tosteur-gluteal · 7 months
So I made a silly au to my own au months ago
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If you want the lore behind that silly looking Sunny, click here!
So I found these old drawings in my old sketchbook
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Basically, what I imagined is that - you know, I mentioned how something baaaad happened during the recital in my OMOFALLS au. Well here, I imagined that that bad thing would be uhm. Sunny kinda. Uh. Oyasumiying himself on stage. And I can't really spoil omofalls too much but basically Sunny was going through a rough time. Bad time at school, bad time at home, bad time doing some pretty sus occult stuff⁉️⁉️
Yeahhhh that Grimoire doesn't contain child drawings only uhm
Again I can't spoil much
But dis dude HERE in that UNDEAD SUNNY AU just. Came back to life???
And I have several routes for how the events could play out. I'm still indecisive:
- Sunny stays alive the coffin somehow for like, 4 years. And like he stays alive somehow by...eating these weird ass blue flowers growing around and out of him??? Idk bro. Don't ask me how he survived this long with a stab wound, no O2, no food – leeeet's just pretend uh. These flowers are cool asf + photosynthesis with no light somehow
And after these four years he's like "fuck it let's get outta here" and Basil was here like "oh sunny I miss you" and then Sunny is like "surprise motherfucker" and Basil is like "AAAAAAAA"
And then they become a silly detective duo
The problem with that option is that (lemme just show you a screenshot of my reasoning lol)
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So yeah. I...don't know if I'm even able to write toxic Sunnflower (because here Basil would legit give off groomer vibes) and like their dynamic, done correctly, could be just terrifying and I'm here for it. However it would lose that silliness I had in mind when creating that AU.
Also yeah, we could spice things up by making Basil research these stuff at the same time, desperate to undertand what the heck was sunny doing by the time he was alive. In his remembrance, yk.
BUT this gave me a sillier idea
- Kill off Sunny, as in he's not alive in the coffin. He's dead DEAD. Ded. And Basil researches this stuff to make him come back to life, BABYYYY.
And he succeeds! Except it took only one year. Basil is still messed up in the brain but like less messed up (and I can rest in peace bcuz he's not giving off groomer vibes here)
And so! They can be paranormal investigators together once again! Except this time it's way more serious!
Here, the drawings I made
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Sunny's family probably moved out, or maybe not, idk
Either way he has to hide himself so people don't recognise him
Blue flowers grow out of him sometimes so Basil has to cut them out. It doesn't hurt him at all.
That forest is NOT normal at all guys 🤯🤯 but that's for another day. In fact, that's for the day I finally release omofalls lol 😵
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naturecalls111 · 6 months
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Gotta let your future kids know, cook! Gimme a sharpie!
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gas-station-chai · 10 months
I ship them but in a "definitely on their 3rd divorce" way
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bluerosefox · 1 month
Mama Bat
There was a baby in the Batcave.
There was a baby in the Batcave.
There was a glowing, white haired, Lazarus green eyed baby floating in the freaking Batcave!
A baby that was currently wearing a superhero themed footy pajamas and making tiny circles in the air as they coo and make spit bubbles.
A baby Cass had found while on patrol... in Hong Kong before suddenly and somehow appearing in Gotham. In the Batcave.
Along with them, sitting innocently on the batcomputer chair was a baby bag (themed after Black Bat somehow) full of everything a baby needed a glowing green sticky note with purple handwriting on it.
'Cassandra Cain
Take care of our little Ghostling. Everything will make sense in due time.
P.S Daniel enjoys the stars.
By the time Bruce finished reading the note aloud, Cass had manged to get a hold of the baby who was making happy noises and patting her cheek.
And a second later a blinding light overtook the baby and once the light was gone, the baby now had black hair and bright blue eyes.
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
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Thinking about how Nightmare has 4 mortals and 3 of them are so so bad at taking care of themselves
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hollow-indigo · 7 months
5000 notes and I’ll answer ANY question about ANY of my OCs. no vagueness, no riddles.
edit: disclaimer: some vagueness will have to be upheld for Wisteria lore upon request
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daedelweiss · 3 months
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"did you ever have a moment realizing you're loved?" • this scene has been on my mind since the conception of LM. you'll see this scene and its context soon~ it just means a lot to me and is one i revisit a lot for comfort uwu✨️ • ( 🌿 please do NOT repost, edit, trace, use, and/or sell 😴 )
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