#( if i do one more i'll allow myself a lil treat )
techniiciian · 1 year
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amazingmsme · 4 months
Something Lost, Something Gained
AN: This fic was so much fun to write y’all have no idea! Just a lil birthday treat for myself because I’m in desperate need for more epic fics. Starts out kinda sad, but definitely doesn’t stay that way! I love these silly men so so so much!
Today's date crept up far sooner than Odysseus could've imagined, and when he made the realization, it hit him like a ton of bricks.
Today was Telemachus's 10th birthday. 10 long, arduous years spent away from his family. 10 long years Penelope had to raise their son alone. 10 long years without a father...
Odysseus slammed his fork on the table, making everyone jump and all conversation cease as the captain shoved his plate away, "I'm not hungry. Feel free to help yourself."
Polites watched, dumbfounded as Odysseus stormed away for seemingly no reason. When he turned back, Elpenor had already claimed Odysseus's plate as his own.
Polites stood to follow, hesitating as he looked at the table. He shoved his plate over to Eurylochus. "Watch my plate, I'll be right back." As he walked away, Elpenor already made a grab at his plate just for show. Eurylochus created a protective wall around both plates with his arms, hunched over and shoving Elpenor away with every attempt.
Polites followed him to the upper deck. He was stood at the front railing of the ship, staring at the horizon.
"So... wanna tell me what all that was about?" he asked, trying to keep his tone light.
"Not really."
"Well that's okay, you don't ha-"
"It's Telemachus's birthday," Odysseus suddenly spoke, cutting him off. Polites blinked in surprise at the unexpected confession.
"Yeah. Oh."
"You know, you're allowed to be upset about missing out," Polites said, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Odysseus heaved a heavy sigh.
"But it's not just this one. I've missed all of them," he spoke through clenched teeth, and he gripped the railing so hard his knuckles turned white. Polites lowered his hand to rest atop Odysseus's.
"Not by choice though. And he knows that," Polites insisted as his friend looked at him with sad, tired eyes.
"Does it make a difference if he's never even seen my face?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
"I think it does..."
"Yeah, well... I don't." He pushed away from the railing, starting to walk away when Polites called out to him.
"Odysseus, wait!"
Said man stopped in his tracks, slowly turning to face his friend. When Polites didn't speak, Odysseus gave a confused shrug, tossing his hands in the air as he waited for an answer. He finally found the words he'd been searching for.
"Telemachus knows you love him."
A painful sob lodged itself in Odysseus's throat, large enough to choke him. "How?"
"You don't think Penelope told him every day? That she didn't make sure that he knows you didn't have a choice?" Polites asked, desperate to get through to him.
His shoulders sag, "I do, but-"
"But what?"
"I don't wanna get my hopes up."
"Odysseus, please-"
"I've missed his entire life, Polites. A kid doesn't just forget that sort of thing. It hurts." Odysseus took a shaky, shuddering breath. "And I wouldn't blame him if he hates me for it."
Polites felt his heart break just a little hearing the words leave his friend's lips. "You can't say that!"
"Why not? He has every reason to resent me!" he exclaimed, holding his arms out to the side dramatically to make his point.
"Only if you give him one!" Polites argued, and for once in his life, Odysseus shut up. "But I know you won't. Because you're a good person Odysseus," he insisted, even as he snorted and looked away. "You're a good captain, and an even greater friend," he started, smiling when he saw the hint of a blush grace his friend's cheeks, so he continued. "I wouldn't really know, but I assume you're a good husband," he took the opportunity to tease, relishing in the way Odysseus chuckled and shoved his shoulder. "So I know you're going to be an amazing father," he finished off by gripping his friend by the arm, pulling him close to press their foreheads together. "I just know it."
They stayed like that for a few seconds before Odysseus pulled away, patting him on the shoulder. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Now go finish your food before someone else does."
Polites chuckled at his attempt at a joke, relieved to see the hint of a smile on his face, however small it may be.
"Whatever you say Captain."
The rest of the day went on as usual with everyone carrying out their daily tasks. Most of the crew seemingly forgot about Odysseus's earlier outburst, much to his relief. But he still made a point to avoid as many people as possible. He couldn't trust himself not to snap.
Eurylochus had been watching the captain from afar, having sensed something was wrong, but not wanting to pry. So he kept his distance, observing every sigh, every downtrodden glance. He knew it wasn't really in his place to ask.
So he went to the only person who would.
"So... what's eating him?" he asked, sidling up next to Polites and nodding in the direction of their captain. He followed his gaze and sighed.
"I don't really know if I should say. But, it's just you, I don't think he'd be too upset," he said, biting his lower lip in thought. He leaned in, motioning for Eurylochus to do the same.
"Today is his son's birthday, and it's really getting to him."
"I see," Eurylochus nodded in understanding. "That would be hard on anyone."
"Yeah, but he seemed really torn up about it," Polites said, tracing the wood grain beneath his fingers. "I just wish there was a way to cheer him up."
Eurylochus watched him from the corner of his eye. "Maybe there is."
They waited until after dinner to execute their plan, noticing the way Odysseus skipped that meal as well. They went about the ship, gathering the needed supplies for their surprise. When Odysseus would get close to catching them, they'd take turns causing a distraction. Finally, they were ready.
"Odysseus, can you come here for a second? I need to show you something," Polites said casually so as not to stir suspicion.
"Of course. Everything alright? I feel like I've barely seen you today," he noted. Polites felt his heart race in his chest, hoping Odysseus hadn't caught on.
"Yup, everything's fine! Just been busy, that's all," he said, guiding him below deck, stopping in front of a familiar door.
Odysseus arched a brow, barely holding back a smirk.
"You brought me to my room?" he asked skeptically, though clearly amused to some degree.
"Just go inside!"
"What? You telling me I need to go to bed or something?" he teased, but opened the door nonetheless.
He was greeted by scraps of rope tied in fancy knots hanging from the ceiling, a wine barrel, and... Eurylochus with a plate of food?
"Um... what's all this?" he asked, looking between the two with a bewildered smirk.
"A party!" Polites exclaimed. "What's it look like?"
"Not like any party I've ever seen," he taunted, finally stepping inside, closing the door behind him.
"We had to work with what we have," Eurylochus explained, lips tugging into a smile as he held out the plate of food. "Here, thought you might be hungry."
"Thanks," he accepted the food and sat on the edge of his bed, facing his friends. "You know, you didn't have to do this."
"Obviously! We did it because we care about you!" Polites chirped, taking a seat next to his friend while Eurylochus sat on the floor, leaning back against the desk.
"And we don't like seeing you upset," Eurylochus added. "So we thought you could use some cheering up," he said truthfully.
"I guess a little fun wouldn't hurt," he admitted. Polites snorted, nudging their shoulders together.
"Well don't sound so happy about it!" he teased, poking fun at his reluctant response. He chuckled and shoved him away as he took a bite of jerky.
"Oh I won't, believe me," he shot back, but he was already starting to loosen up.
He really started letting go after a few glasses of wine. Needless to say, they were getting rather loud and rambunctious as the night wore on. They passed around a cup, dipping it straight from the barrel. They laughed and shared stories, the sounds of their merriment faintly echoing down the hall, grabbing the attention of a certain passerby.
"Having a party without me?" Elpenor asked from the doorway before inviting himself in.
"Not at all! Just a... private little engagement," Polites slurred before breaking off into giggles as he bumped into Elpenor when sat amongst them.
"Well, care for one more?"
Odysseus shrugged, handing him the cup. "Sure, I don't see why not. The more the merrier, right?" He was met with a drunken chorus of agreement.
"Couldn't agree more," Elpenor said before downing the cup's contents, starting to play catch up. Before he knew it, he was just as drunk as the rest of them.
"So, you feeling any better?" Polites asked during a lull in conversation.
"You know what? I am, actually," Odysseus admitted freely, a wide smile stretched across his face. Polites and Eurylochus shared a proud look, clasping their hands together in a moment of mutual celebration and gratitude.
"And here I was, wondering what the hell you two were planning," Elpenor shook his head with a chuckle. "You could've asked me for help!" he whined, stretching out to nudge Eurylochus's leg with his foot.
"That would've been counterintuitive, we were trying to keep it a surprise," he taunted, smirking at the scoff that left his lips.
"You guys really didn't have to do this," Odysseus said in a slightly softer voice, head angled down towards the floor so he didn't have to look at anyone directly. "Thank you."
"You're welcome!" Polites exclaimed before tackling him in a hug. Elpenor piled on top, dragging Eurylochus in after him because it just wouldn't feel right leaving him out.
"By the Gods, you're crushing me!" Odysseus wheezed out through drunken chuckles.
"What's that? Crush you more?" Eurylochus asked, pressing more of his body weight against the dogpile. He was met with a slew of groans and a shrieky, "Don't you dare!"
"Okay, okay," he relented, starting to crawl off of them, Elpenor following suit.
Polites started to sit up, resting a hand on Odysseus to push himself up. His hand slipped and shoved itself under his arm and Odysseus immediately barked out a laugh, pressing his arm to his side, "Noho don't!"
Polites sat up, hold his hands out as a sign of surrender. "Sorry, it was a genuine accident."
"Yeah, that's what you always say," Odysseus accused, and a curious Elpenor popped over Polites's shoulder.
"What's an accident?" he asked, looking between the two.
"My hand slipped and I guess it tickled," Polites answered casually, as if this wasn't the best news Elpenor had ever heard.
"Oh, you guess," Odysseus couldn't help but mock under his breath, but Elpenor talked right over him.
"You mean he's ticklish and you didn't fucking tell me?" he exclaimed, voice cracking slightly in his drunken state. He reached out and shoved Polites as "punishment" for keeping such valuable information from him. He was already reaching out for him, and Odysseus tucked his knees to his chest just in time before he could latch on.
"Elpenor, no," he warned, but there was a wide, nervous smile stretched across his face. He held his arms in front of himself protectively, quick to smack away the approaching hand.
"Elpenor yes!" he exclaimed, giggling at the way Odysseus crawled away from him.
"Seriously! I'm too drunk to try an' fight you off," he slurred, kicking a leg out to keep him at bay.
"That sounds like a perfect opportunity to me," he chirped, not deterred in the slightest. Odysseus tried to scramble to his feet to make a run for it, but as soon as he stood on his knees, Eurylochus gently shoved him back down.
"Traitor, the hell's that for?"
"Thought maybe we could cheer you up," he shrugged, not even bothering to hide his smirk.
"But you already did!" he tried to justify, but his pleas fell on def ears.
"Maybe we just want you to be extra happy!" Polites teased, slinging an arm around his shoulder, ruffling his hair as he did so.
Odyssues brushed him off. "You started this..." he accused, though he didn't sound mad.
"Technically Elpenor did," Polites corrected.
"Yeah, don't give him credit!" he mock scolded, reaching out to poke his stomach. He flinched away with a slight giggle, a hand reaching down to shove him away while the other hid his wine-flushed face and bright smile. Encouraged, Elpenor poked him again, and again in rapid succession until Odysseus fell on his side in a fit of bubbly, drunken giggles.
"I can't believe I've been afraid to get revenge all this time! You have a lot to answer for!" he teased, scribbling from his sides to his stomach. He looked at the other two and scoffed, "What are you waiting for? An invitation?"
"No no no dohohohon't lihihisten to hihihim!" Odysseus pleaded, but the smile on his face was too encouraging for his friends to listen.
"We're just gonna make sure that good mood is here to stay," Polites reasoned, shooting him a playful wink.
"It will! I promise!"
Eurylochus chuckled as he ruffled his hair, even using him to lean against, "For some reason, I seriously doubt that."
"You too, Eurylochus?" Odysseus huffed and pulled away, causing him to stumble slightly.
"Hey yourself! Three against one is so unfair!" he whined in hopes of masking his giddy excitement.
"You're so right, three against one is pretty unfair, isn't it?" Elpenor asked with mock sympathy. Odysseus eyed him skeptically leaning as far from him as possible.
"Um... why are you agreeing with me?"
Elpenor placed a condescending hand on his shoulder as he shook his head slowly, "Oh Odysseus, you're not too drunk to remember all the times you three ganged up on me, are you?"
Memomories came flooding back in a fuzzy haze; ones of Elpenor pinned to the ground, screaming for mercy through shrill hysterics. A sly, proud grin found its way to the captain's lips.
"Yeah, but you make for such an easy target," he taunted. Elpenor's jaw dropped in shock at the sheer audacity before he lurched forward, latching onto his sides with scribbling fingers. He was way too drunk to have any hope of holding back his laughter as bright, carefree cackles fell past his lips. He was apologizing profusely the very moment he touched him.
"You know, if you wanted me to just start, all you had to do was ask," Elpenor spoke smugly. Odysseus shook his head, slapping away exploring hands.
"Nah, he just likes to dig his own grave. Right Captain?" Eurylochus asked, scratching the nape of his neck. Odysseus snapped his head back with choked back snickers, his nose scrunched adorably.
"Ihihi dohoho nohohot!" he cried, somehow even his mirth sounds indignant as he complained weakly.
"Come on Odysseus, you know you kinda do," Polites teased, squeezing his knee and drawing out a snort.
"Wait wait, do that again!" Elpenor demanded. Polites grinned as he repeated the motion, and another giggly snort escaped their friend.
"Oh, you didn't know he did that?"
"No," Elpenor practically purred, cocking his head to look at the giggly mess their captain had become. "I didn't. And you were giving me a hard time," he taunted, scratching behind his other knee. Odysseus kicked his legs frantically, burying his face in his hands to hide from the giddy embarrassment.
"A-ahahat least mine's ahaha normal spohohot!" he snapped through his hysterics.
"Hey, don't bully him, you fucking hypocrite!" Polites mock scolded, managing to trap his foot in a headlock. The obvious move would be to go for the sole of the foot, but his fingers stopped just short, tracing slow circles around his ankle. Odysseus tugged on his trapped leg with renewed strength, helpless snickers tumbling out. Though no matter which way he thrashed, their hands remained glued to his skin.
Elpenor made note of where Polites was tickling and arched a brow, glancing at Odysseus with a look that was half skeptical, half severely amused. "Ankles? Really?"
"S-shuhuhut UHUHUP!" he cried, screeching when he drilled his thumbs in his hips in retaliation.
"I wouldn't be so bossy if I were you."
"You know what? I agree!" Polites exclaimed, grabbing ahold of his other leg to give his left ankle the same treatment.
"You ahahasshole!" he yelped as blunt nails traced thin skin stretched over bone. Polites let out an exaggerated gasp at his words.
"Excuse me?" he asked, and by the playfully indignant tone in his voice, Odysseus knew he was in trouble. "I throw my best friend a party to cheer him up, and I'm an asshole?" Polites growled, squeezing up his calves.
Odysseus arched his back with a surprised squeal, kicking and thrashing as much as he could, but he remained pinned. Maybe if he weren't so drunk, he would've stood half a chance.
"Wow," Eurylochus tutted, shaking his head, but it was downed out by Elpenor's sarcastic little quip, "Some crimes can never be forgiven."
Both Elpenor and Odysseus giggled at the joke while Polites shared a fondly annoyed look with Eurylochus.
"Aren't they just a piece of work?" Polites asked, hands resting on his hips to give Odysseus a break.
"Little bit," Eurylochus agreed with a warm smile, chuckling at the tandem cry of "Hey!" that their words sparked. He returned to the task at hand, lightly pinching up and down Odysseus's ribs, making him yelp and twist side to side.
"Nohoho dohon't!" he giggled, tugging on his trapped arms.
"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't," he bargained, not even bothering to hide his smirk.
"Oho come ohohohon!" Odysseus whined, tossing his head back in frustration. "It tickles, that's why!" he snapped, but the flush to his cheeks and wide grin took away any bite his words would've had.
"Do not let him off that easy!" Elpenor exclaimed, delivering a barrage of pokes and scribbles to his belly. Odysseus buried his face in the crook of his arm, desperate to hide the deep chuckles and snorts that escaped their usual prison.
Eurylochus raised a brow at Elpenor's adamant insistence. "And why not, exactly?"
"He's so mean to me!" he exclaimed, borderline whining.
"You deserve ihihit most of thehe time!" Odysseus spoke up through choked back giggles.
"More like only half!" Elpenor corrected, kneading his sides to effectively make him shut up. If he could talk, they weren't doing their job right. In his opinion, anyway. His hands traveled down, relentlessly squeezing his hips before moving on to his thighs.
Odysseus snorted and threw his head back as carefree belly laughs escaped his lungs. His feet drummed against the floor and he bucked for any kind of leverage.
“Nohot there, NOHOHOT THERE! Elpenor stohoHOHOP!” Odysseus shrieked as he squeezed just above his knees. He relented and decided to trace the backs of his knees, which might as well be just as bad.
“So, are you having fuuuun?” Polites asked, leaning in with a teasing grin as his fingers slipped inside his sandals, tickling the trapped soles. Odysseus kicked and cackled in response.
“Whahahat?” he cried out, cheeks flushing almost as dark as the wine they drank.
“He definitely sounds like he’s having fun,” Elpenor chimed in.
“But you’re not still sad anymore, right? Did we tickle it out of you yet?” Polites continued to tease, scratching his arch with blunt nails.
“Ohoho fuck you, yehehes, okahahay? I’m hahahappy you sahadistic assholes!” he yelled through his laughter, and they finally showed mercy. He curled in a protective ball as residual giggles stumbled out.
“That’s all we ever wanted,” Polites chirped, doing a poor job hiding how smug he felt as he threw his arms around his friend in a bear hug, nuzzling into his neck. Odysseus giggled and scrunched his neck, shoving him away by the face.
“Speak for yourself! That little shit wanted nothing but revenge,” he pointed an accusatory finger at an admittedly very guilty Elpenor.
“Yeah, and I still got a lot to make up for,” he promised, smirk firmly in place.
“Seriously though. Did you like your party?” Polites asked, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.
“I really did,” Odysseus nodded, a softer smile finding his face. He glanced up, looking at his three friends. “You didn’t have to do all that.”
“What can we say? That’s what friends are for,” Polites shrugged and returned his warm smile.
“Just- yeah. Thanks.”
“Yeah, seriously, anytime,” Elpenor butted in, skittering a few fingers across his belly. Odysseus jerked away with a surprised shriek as he grappled with the hands.
He managed to snatch one up and scribble over his palms, sending him into a panicky giggle fit as a string of apologies fell past his lips. Odysseus let him go, snickering to himself when he heard Elpenor mutter under his breath, rubbing at his hand.
“Well, it’s pretty late. Guess we should all turn in for the night,” Eurylochus spoke up when he saw Odysseus yawn, which sparked a chain reaction. Only now did it set in how bone tired they truly were.
They stumbled to their feet, beginning the drunken bumbling walk to their respective rooms. Polites lingered in the doorway, watching Odysseus with fond look in his eyes that was mirrored back at him.
“I really meant it. Thank you. For… everything,” he admitted, ducking his head as that creeping blush returned. “I uh. I needed that.”
Polites grinned wider and shrugged. “I know.”
“Yeah yeah,” he waved him off, before the realization set in. “Wait, what?”
“G’night see ya tomorrow byeeeee!” Polites rushed out his words before rushing out the door. Odysseus rolled his eyes, knowing he’d get back at them tomorrow. Which was technically today. Damn was he tired after that…
But there was one last thing he needed to do. He didn’t know if it would work, if he’d even hear him, or even agree to this favor. Still, he knelt in the center of his room, a few pieces of paper and a toy wooden horse spread out before him. He pressed his hands together, taking a deep breath. He closed his eyes and prayed.
“Hermes, if you can hear me… All I ask is for you to deliver this to my family. I haven’t seen them in what feels like forever, and today is my son’s birthday. And, well… I just thought it would be nice for him to have a gift from his father.”
He heaved a sigh and stood, making his way to his bed. He collapsed face down, falling asleep almost immediately.
Sometime in the middle of the night, a cloaked figure snuck into his room. An answer to a prayer.
Hermes nearly tripped over some of the fallen decorations, but he swiftly managed to avoid them. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for. He folded the letters and picked up the hand carved toy. He studied it for a moment, running his hands over the smooth wood.
“You did good. Think he’ll really love it,” Hermes praised aloud, though he knew Odysseus couldn’t really hear him. He dropped the items in his satchel, walking over to the unconscious man. He squatted down so he could be more level with him. His snores were loud and deep, indicating a peaceful slumber after such an ordeal.
“You have some good friends, I hope you know,” he mused, glancing at his sleeping form, noticing the gentle smile that still lingered. He chuckled and shook his head, “Oh who am I kidding, of course you know.”
He stood up, slinging his satchel over his shoulder. “Well, I guess I won’t keep your son waiting.” And with that, he left, dashing into the night.
When Odysseus awoke, he immediately noticed the offerings he’d laid out were gone. He smiled to himself, sitting up in bed as he sent out a silent prayer in thanks.
And in a palace across the seas, Telemachus woke up to a new toy sitting on his bedside table, along with a written letter from his father.
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herotome · 8 months
Hi there! I’ve been following for a fair while (I was interested in the premise) and have been meaning to play the game for a while as well, but only started the last day of 2023! One heck of a way to start a year though!
I was wondering, how would the ROs feel about/interact with an MC who is touch averse? If MC can’t stand for people to touch them without getting a little sick feeling? How would that affect their relationship? Would that be a thing that would determine if they would or would not enter a romantic relationship with MC?
And maybe as a lil tiny bonus if you’re feeling up to it, how would the ROs feel if MC one day tried linking pinkies with them? If MC told them that their specific touch isn’t that bad and they wanna try slowly building up physical affection?
Sorry, this is kind of a long ask >.< I myself am iffy on touch at best and I know it’s commonly seen as a “necessity” in relationships of all kinds. Herotome is a VN that kinda breaks down modern relationships and I was curious so I wanted to ask, but alao totally understand if you don’t want or are unsure of how to answer this. Have a lovely whatever time it is in your time zone and I can’t wait to see how Herotome progresses!
Dude(gn) you're valid as hell thank you sending this over <3
I do wanna give a quick shoutout to @crescencestudio who - I know through my direct experience of editing for Alaris - is putting a huge array of touch-averse dialogue options in their VN. Do give them a follow if that interests you...!
I also want to express how flattered I am that Herotome kinda breaks down modern relationships - that's definitely been an unstated goal of mine.
Now let's see about your ask...
Warden: Fuck yeah he's down-- gosh what's gotten into me I'm cursing so much today but I'll make an effort not to censor myself <_< But yeah... honestly a touch averse MC would be right up his alley - assuming he is reassured that he has not done anything wrong/offensive with any accidental touches. To some extent, he enjoys the concept of self-restraint(...) and begins both his professional and romantic relationships rather carefully - so not having to worry about whether he's not touching someone too much or too little - and instead focusing on not touching them at all - should be quite refreshing for him tbh? He may want to touch sometimes, particularly after spending a LOT of time together... but being respectful and ensuring his beloved is comfortable is way more important to him.
Griffin: ..... well, Griffin would do her best LOL. They would have to set expectations and really communicate upfront (which you would always be doing with Griffin regardless of touch aversion, lets be real) - what is not on the table, what could be on the table in the future, what MC wants out of a relationship - and if MC is prepared to discuss these topics and - most importantly, if MC is 100% ready for a relationship - in all likelihood a touch averse MC will be able to make things work with Griffin. Just gotta be clear and communicate.
Mia: ngl she can get pretty needy, it might be rough with her...! She'll want to hug when she cries and she can get pretty insecure about herself, so I wouldddn't super recommend a touch averse MC getting into a romantic relationship with Mia... Communication can be rocky with her even when both sides try their best. But gosh she'd treat touch averse MC sooo well in the time they spend together, if MC would allow Mia to cook and pamper!!!
Dart: Eh.... Why not? He's willing to give it a shot, and if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out. ....... I'm sorry this is all he's giving me ;;;;;
Jade: lmao she's touch averse on and off herself so she'd understand MC best out of everybody with very minimal communication no questions necessary. They'll be perfectly happy reading on opposite sides of the couch or something...
As for linking pinkies and slowly building up physical affection-
lol idek what to say bc that's so stinking adorable and swoonworthy
Warden, Griffin, Dart, and Jade would make sure MC is not pushing themself over their comfort zone just for their sake - they went into a relationship knowing not to expect touch (I assume?!)
Mia would be too busy having the happiest day of her life straight up vibrating and also having a heart attac like
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littlesislovesyou · 9 days
Hihi my fellow innocent, pretty n adorable mutual💕💕💕💕
My day was okay just post body exhaustion hit and I kinda took a quick nap sorry lol I'll respond rq and see if you're still around and probably rest up more if not. But I missed you alot sweetheart...and when you posted those pictures how could I think about anything else but you while I was relaxing 😭 it was actually hard to resist just masturbating to the thought of you in between my legs the entire time and getting off to your pictures >< You naughty tease~ I bet you got so happy that you got me in public again huh? Someone needs to get grabbed and kidnapped to the back alley and be paid back in pull for being such a hot piece of ass constantly teasing me and tempting me into wanting to cuddle up against you and hold you tight but also fucking you senselessly for being such a perverted whore...teasing me all the time, this is what my baby deserves, nothing more and nothing less <3333 But I appreciate your support and I did get some rest ye!
I enjoyed it ty! (Wish I was eating you out as dessert though...) I guess I'll rip off the bandaid then if you're okay with it and for myself to get more used to occasionally saying it.
And mhm...no better way to find out how hydrated I am but checking the source, no? Then you'll be a good and cute little kiddo and I'll show you just how much I hydrate and I hope you do the same...we just gotta make sure yk? ; p
Awww I know you would love to be my personal little desk fuckpet...maybe I'll get a comfy bed for you to sit and lay down on and occasionally you come up to get your treat...my cock throbbing so closely to you so you can lick and suck it dry and me randomly grabbing the back of your head and using your throat to vent out my frustrations both sexual or otherwise~ I'll be playing single player story modes with you seated in my lap and cockwarming me after finding a comfy spot....occasionally humping or grinding against my cock throbbing uncontrollably inside of your soaking wet pussy Maybe out of desperation or need...or maybe you just want to tempt me into going past thrusting up into you and instead pausing and choosing to fuck your lights out...🤭🔪
If it's the last one...then it'd probably work LOL
I'd love to have you in between my legs though while I'm gaming from the bed. Your head on my thigh and naked with my cock out and throbbing against your face as you relax and occasionally stroke or suck on it to deal with your oral fixation...having you lay with my cock in your mouth would be so fucking hot and I'll just hold your head tight and fuck up into your pretty little mouth~ You'd be such a good girl for me baby <3333
I'd always try to get you touch yourself...for me~ Everytime... whether it's to watch you get embarrassed and horny as you finger fuck your needy lil cunny until you're begging for me to use my fingers and mouth on you before raping you and making you cum all over my cock like a good little fucktoy...! You're here to entertain and be good for me after all and I'll simply always...return the favor as a fellow mutual and make sure you're sake and secure cuddled up in my arms~ Keeping myself balls deep inside of you to prevent any cum from leaking out and covering you in kisses 🖤🖤💗
I'm glad you're enjoying my writing so much though 🥰
I'd love to know how far you'd let me go and what I'd be allowed to do to my innocent little sister yk? How far will you allow your elder sibling to use your body as they see fit, hm? I'd loveeee to hear it from you one day hehe 💗
I hope you're having a goodnight and if you're asleep. Please sleep well and have wonderfully naughty dreams...
Also I'd love to buy you ice cream just to make you lick it in front of me...but you know exactly why I made such an odd request and you start doing it as sensually as possible while making lewd eye contact and mouth noises in front of me 🥵 Making me hard as bricks for you~ <333
Bonus points if it's 'innocent' little sis teasing their sibling knowing full well they're enjoying this in more ways than one and want to see how long before they snap and fuck your brains out 🤫
Ahhh hi there! I missed ya a ton! 🥺💗 I’m glad you took time for yourself though, I won’t lie I would totally nap with you if I could’ve.. and it totally wouldn’t turn into us fucking all sleepily or anything that would be crazy hm?;’) 💗💗 ahh sorry but yes I’m glad you got some rest! And food hehe;’)
It’s a shame i couldn’t be your dessert hm? 🥺💗 I wouldn’t mind at all having your head between my thighs~ ahhh stop it you’re making my pussy tighten around nothing💗💗💗☺️
Ugh always making me so horny so late at night~ if I did end up going to bed with my window open, you just so having to coincidentally enter in through my window, seeing how I passed out with my hand in my panties, softly breathing as you rub your knife down my soft shirt and panties, my unconscious body reacting as I get goosebumps, my nipples would harden as you pass over them with the knife, I’d already be so wet, half the works done for you~ ☺️💗
Ahh you see what you do to me? 🥺
Ahhh ! 🥺🥺 yeah you’re gonna get me a nice pretty soft bed right by your desk so I’m never very far away, coming up to rub my fave against your thigh, nuzzling your cock through your pants, I just can’t help it 🥺💗 I want my treat so bad!<3
I just know I would love being your fuck pet<3 I’d be so good for you~ never letting you go unsatisfied<333
You’re so sweet 🥺💗 wanting to keep me all safe, all cozy and filled up to the brim with your cum<3 extra points if you fuck it deeper into me after 🥰 you’re such a caring scary masked stalker💗💗💗
And also a caring perverted older sibling;’) I can’t help it, I just wanna tease you as much as possible, it’s what good little sisters are for right?🥰 and how could I not, I mean, I can’t help it that I find my big older sibling so attractive ~🥺💗
Aghhh I won’t lie I’m curious to know if you have any other kinks that haven’t been discussed yet?🥺💗 you don’t have to tell me of course I was simply just curious, I know I have a few I’ve never even posted about before
Also please pls show me how hydrated you are 💗🥺 god, I need a good role model after all!<3
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 10 months
I like the idea of a medic scout friendship. ive seen people try and make medic his dad and like I dont know I feel like you can look up to someone without making them your dad. that interpretation of their relationship is not my favorite but to each their own as they say. maybe im the weird one but I like to project my social anxiety onto scout. like this guy is similar enough where it feels like im allowed to do that. lol. well the point is I like to imagine scout considers people he talks to and is around often enough as friends regardless of how hes treated because they talk to him, if they really hated him they'd leave forever, right? I call it the friendship system, if someone tolerates us enough to keep coming back theyre my friend now. anyway I like to think medic has spoken/hung around scout envienbijv. this ask is a disjointed mess. Basically the moral of the story? I really like making scout worse by taking parts of myself and twisting them to try and fit the charater because if it doesn't ill be too embarrassed. like is it lame to want medic to keep everyone awake for surgery and make small talk at them and some of the mercs like it more, and scouts just come to associate it with "hanging out with medic" time? I dont know. I dont think I explained it well enough I hope you understand and if not im sorry for being weird. I havent eaten yet so the world is awful right now. I JUST RELAIXZZED IM JUST GIVING SCOUT TF2 MY UNMEDICATED ASS'S ISSIUES MAN. scout tf2 really is the adhd haver ever I guess. I just think it would be neat for the mercs to be freinds and I dont really like it when they absolutely hate each other in fan works lol. like I like to think they annoy each other, get into fights, and do dumb shit but in the end care about each other even a lil even if they cant or dont show it like most well adjusted people do. theyre literally team fortress.sorry im off medication right now I hope you have a good day this got too long 💀
I'd love to be able to break this down line by line but I'm so tired I'll just bullet point this
• I love people who associate so closely with Scout because that's so real and I totally get where you guys come from
• Medic and Scout are definitely friends
• I understand all too well the philosophy of "you keep hanging out with me so we're friends now"
• Socut getting surgery is definitely his hang out with Medic time, and he comes to enjoy it more than most things
• You weren't weird at all, but please eat something!
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hepbaestus · 4 months
Just some thoughts about the past year for me :)
This may get a lil deep, I'm writing this at 11pm while procrastinating revision, so it's going under a read more.
If you had told me that over a year ago I would've joined a fandom that absolutely changed my life during one of the worst periods of my life, I would have laughed. I wouldn't have believed you at all.
These past 14 months have been the greatest time of my life when it comes to being part of a fandom; I'd never really properly interacted with many people in the fandoms I was in so it always seemed quite isolating. I think of it like when you're in a car and it's late at night, you're passing lots of bright adverts that you can't fully engage with as you're passing by so quickly and it's so late that you're very sleepy.
It was just me in my little corner of the internet (i know, such a commonly used phrase) enjoying myself.
And then the qsmp started, literally a day after my life went to shit and I found solace and comfort in the early days of the server depsite not engaging much because of travelling and shitty hotel wifi, when the eggs were brand new. I was a Phil main so I'd been a crow for a while and I wanted to branch out, to spread my wings if you'd allow me a singular bird pun. So who did I branch out to?
Another white man in his 30s /aff.
Now I don't remember much of my first few months in Fit's chat, I could probably look back at the vods and see that I was likely a chronic lurker, rarely chatting. But once I'd gotten comfortable and subbed, his chat became like another little comfort nook on the internet for me.
Seeing Fit and Ramón, and how they treated each other was something very healing for me, not to be too parasocial but it definitely mended some of the father issues I had. It's such a joy, to this day, to be in his chat and chill and I'm very glad that I joined at the time that I did and then, as time went on, I genuinely found comfort in just chilling in Fit's chat no matter what the content.
The people I've met, like Shen, Lills and Pen just to name a few, are some of the greatest people that I have the honour of talking to and it's because of the server that I get to do that. I've genuinely made friends in a fandom like I had never before and they're all so cool and talented and I feel like I'm just little old me, you know?
I was introduced to streamers that I'd never heard of, languages that I wouldn't hear in my day to day life outside of the streams and it was so special. I'll never forget the nights I stayed up extra late watching Cellbit play Hollow Knight or live blogging through the Fitpac date. They're all such treasured memories that I hope I'll hold for the rest of my life.
Now because of this server, I have what is probably (outside of my irl friendships) the longest relationship I've ever had. Admittedly that's with the Portuguese Duolingo Owl but eh, 486 days of learning Portuguese after wanting to all my life after not being taught it my own Portuguese dad, is something that I'm proud of. (This is me trying to inject some humour into this slightly sad piece of writing. Is it working?).
This isn't me saying goodbye to the qsmp fandom, I'm still gonna be here being silly and posting angsty posts and fics. It is, afterall, what got me out of a major writing slump. This is more of a see you later to the server (and whatever '2' may mean), I think. There may not be something like what the server was meant to be for a while after everything that happened so I feel like I should give it a little send off, you know?
I didn't really have an idea of where this was meant to go, I was kind of just writing whatever came to mind and how I felt but I'm glad my life is what it is, despite everything that I've gone through. And that couldn't be without the people I've interacted with, talked to and shared thoughts with.
So thank you <3
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weirdfishy · 1 year
fic stats meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
tagged by @mashumaru !!! thanks lovely for the tag, i haven't had a minute of brain power to write lately, but i love being tagged in these!! (also, all my ao3 stuff is archive locked, so y'all've gotta be signed in to read them)
Most Hits
Unknown Caller ID - Danny Phantom x DC Batfam
Surprisingly, Damian steps in front of him, arms crossed. “Batman, this is my Father. He arrived soon after receiving word of my capture. Please, refrain from arresting him.” Danny reels.
one of the favs (n istg i will make more but like. life.) bc it's crack Treated Seriously n i love this concept that Damian has just gone 'you're now my father' to Danny bc Danny is Worthy Of Dating Bruce
Second Most Kudos
Tim's Drake's introduction to ✨Ghosts✨ - DP x DC Batfam
Tim, currently standing on top of the Batmobile, in distant yet full view of the computer’s camera, shouts, “Not B! How the fuck do you deal with a ghost!??” Tim hops off the car and dashes towards the computer as Constantine just gives a weary sigh, dragging a hand down his face.
lil bit of crack treated seriously, allowing myself to be silly goofy
Third Most Comments
just slip me on, i'll be your blanket - The Sandman, dreamling
It boils Hob’s blood, to see him like this—to not know how long his stranger has been here, in this hell of human greed. But you can be hurt…or captured. He’d heard the stories, the rumors of The Magus and the Devil in his basement. Hob didn’t know about devils, but he did know of those assumed to be yet never were, taking human form. Hob also knew of imprisoning others, and of being imprisoned.
legit one of my favorite prose stuff, even if i lost motivation (& my notes) for fleshing it out
Fourth Most Bookmarks
Discussion in Trust - Boku No Hero Academia
“We know that the second they know they can control you, you’ve lost,”—a pause—“but once you lose, you can learn. And I learned, Sensei, from fucking five, that “quirkless” was a societal loss I’d never stop learning from.”
my contribution to all might bashing, dadzawa, and like? analyst izuku. proud of it still, at the time i adored it but yk, my self standards raised so.
Fifth Most Words
C'est la vie - Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss/Murder!Reader
Drip,  “Family is not blood.” You tilt your head back, closing your eyes, voice low and slow. sigh “But I would bleed and cry for family found blind- I would turn to & die. I would turn blade & kill.” You lick your lips, catching the edge of the cut, the sting causing you to shiver.  drip, “Apocalypse,” you finish, tilting your head back to face them, squeezing the trigger. die-
oh boy, this one is my second??? fic posted, and i fully intend to rewrite it, but it's been awhile, and it will continue being awhile
Least Words
To See the Sea Last - The Witcher OC
Stilled lungs bloated with a corrosive, burning salt, and yet felt no pain. The water line rose higher. Strands of gray danced in a thin crown as the ocean submerged the body of a man who had chosen to both live and die by the whims of the sea.
a flash fiction fill, it's a lil poetic death scene of one of my OCs, a pirate named Walerian. i actually adore this, even if it goes mostly unseen
no pressure tags to: @oliveofvanders @fannafiction @spacedace @shire-bard & ofc anyone who would like to ! <3
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firelord-frowny · 28 days
anyway, i started trying to work out a plan that will allow me to start earning a comfy living while not having to work myself so hard that i'm miserable for all eternity 🙃
bc like. i straight up cannot and will not resign myself to enduring a 5+ day work week with 8 hour days for the next forever of my life. i simply Will Not wait until im 60something to be able to have ample time to enjoy myself and relax and properly tend to my emotional/emotional wellbeing. it's just not happening. nope. no. not doing it.
instead, i'm deciding on how much time i would feel comfortable dedicating to earning income, and doing the math for how much money i'd need to earn under those circumstances in order to support myself.
main things to consider are the quality of life/lifestyle i want for myself,
and how many days per week and/or hours per day i'm comfortable with.
i 100% hella absolutely do not want to have to work more than 4 days a week. i think 3 would be ideal, but i could live with 4 for some years, probably. i will NOT accept more than 4. i already know that in the long term, 5+ days a week of having to be responsible for shit that doesn't directly sustain my corporeal form will make me miserable to the point of wanting to off myself.
and on those 3 or 4 days a week that i'm willing to work on, i don't wanna be on the job for more than 5 or 6ish hours.
so basically, i need to create a situation for myself where i'm able to earn a decent full time salary within a ~part time~ schedule, which i think is SUPER DOABLE.
i think it's super doable particularly because i'm straight up Not Interested in the kind of life that would require raking in big bucks to sustain.
i don't want a big house in a ~nice~ or upscale neighborhood. i specifically want a wee little house. a lil cottage, if you will. the cabin i stay at when i go to cherry springs is literalyyyy my dream house. small kitchen, small living room, 2 small bedrooms, one lil full bathroom. i love it. when i poke around on zillow, looking at similar houses in the kinds of places i'd like to live in, most of them aren't more than like 180grand.
and if i'm able to live in the kind of lil house i wanna live in, in the kind of region i wanna live in, then i'll have little to no desire to ~splurge~ on much of anything to make myself happy. i won't want to shell out money on vacations, because i'm already where i want to be. i won't feel a need to Treat Myself to luxury items or expensive food or eating out because i won't have an empty fucking hole in my heart that i need to fill with Stuff.
the skills/expertise that i have mean that i'm able to value my time at a hella nice rate. depending on the circumstances, my low end is $40ish/hr and my high end is 150ish/hr and if i can just manage to work out a consistent schedule, or better yet, earn a yearly salary instead of an hourly wage ior getting a lil bit of work here and a lil bit of work there, i should have no problem, within a few years, reaching a goal where i'm able to support the kind of life i want to have, within the parameters that will work best for my mental/emotional wellbeing.
i realize that it's gonna take time to create those circumstances for myself, and I'm probably going to have to proverbially Suck It Up for a few years and deal with working more days and longer hours, and being a miserable and anxious and depressed mess because of it. i'm not under the delusion that i'm gonna snap my fingers and suddenly be earning $1500 a week, but as long as I know my goal is reachable in the next handful of years, i think i can find the resolve to put up with it.
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evanzbuck · 10 months
THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay, now that I’ve obnoxiously gotten your attention, allow me to ~scream~ once more 🌚: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY LOVE!!!! Today ought to be an international holiday because one of the greatest people to ever grace this planet was ushered in and everyone should be rightfully honoring this! I really and truly cannot find the words to tell you how much I love and adore you! You are without a doubt such a delight of a human and I consider myself VERY lucky to be able to call you a friend! Your existence is a gift to us all! I hope today overflows with happiness and warmth for you! You make every single day amazing and I am all the better for knowing you! I’ll never stop being grateful to this site and a lil ol’ show about first responders for bringing us together. It’s been a true treat over the years fangirling obsessively about all the things we both love. But more than that, I’ve loved seeing the way our friendship has genuinely blossomed. Ugh I wish we lived on the same damn continent. I swear I would knocking on your door right now with cake in hand to celebrate you in real time. But this will have to do! I hope you’ll have the most fantastic day because you are a queen, a STAR, and you should be celebrated to the highest degree (every day tbqh but especially today!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETHEART!!! 🎊🎉🎂🥳
KIMMMMMM oh my GOD first of all how dare you!!! You genuinely made me tear up from start to finish but I'll forgive this time 😌 cause your words have made me insanely happy and I don't know what else to say besides thank you thank you thank you. For this sweet message, for being such an AMAZING friend and all these incredible years! kdhsdjdkdhsk arghhh yes I would give anything to live at LEAST in the same continent as you but girl as we all know you have a way with words and this is MORE than enough darling, it has made my day and I love you sooo much 🥹🥹 thank you again 💞
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highwaydiamonds · 2 years
@mountainmaven tagged me for this lil question set- Thanks Kim!💖
1. Are you named after anyone? Ehhhh technically my mother chose my first name from Meggie in The Thorn Birds (though with a different spelling of Meghann. I'm Megan, and I generally dislike being called Meggie... It's p rare that I respond to being called that.)
2. When was the last time you cried? ... Yesterday? I almost cried today from reading a post someone made, but not full crying. That happened yesterday. I am a very easy crier.
3. Do you use sarcasm? Who? Me?!... Please. Of course I do. Far more than I ought to at that. It's the flip side to my insecurity probably -an abundance of snark.
4. What's the first thing you notice about people? That really depends on how I meet or come across those people. In person - probably eyes and the way people watch/listen- I'm likely looking to see how people might be judging me ( or more specifically my body.) Online - if people are funny or engaging. Are you thoughtful - it's a place where you CAN lead with your thoughts first - so does someone? or do they take the LCD and run with it ( AKA be a total troll or send a dick pic - that sort of thing. UGH to both)
5. What's your eye color? Something somewhat indeterminate? Meh I usually say gray-green. It's a mix of my dad's gray-blue and my mom's green gold hazel. the gray and green got mish-mashed together and there's a tiny tiny gold rim right around the pupil. idk man. my eyes are very color. (like the creature is very shape.)
6. Scary movie or happy ending? Considering that i am very easy to scare - i have made myself jump by forgetting a stationary object was on a table and then when i saw it there i was so surprised i jumped- i rarely go for scary movies. Happy ending please... (i am working SO much not to make jokes with that. I deserve a treat now.)
7. Any special talents? Clearly. I am talented at not allowing myself to make dirty jokes (see above question's response.) Other than that, I don't think so? I don't want to make self deprecating remarks (wow I am just avoiding all the jokes tonight, right?!) - I think there are things I do well, but I wouldn't necessarily call them special talents. I cannot belly dance, strike an apple sitting on your head with an arrow, or put a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue. Your girl has no party pieces. (and if I *were* making bad jokes - here is where I woul say, " I AM the party piece." But that would be a lie. I don't like parties very much XD )
8. Where were you born? In a hospital. That's what this question was looking for, right? (confused? see the answer above re sarcasm.)
9. What are your hobbies? art journaling, knitting, reading, occasionally baking, watching tv and movies more than i ought to, playing with makeup (not good at it but i like it) - and when the finances are they darling - shopping for cute things (which might pertain to the above or might just generally be sparkly and/or adorable.
10. Do you have any pets? Not that are mine personally right now B UT the house I am living in her several. There are two dogs that are permanent residents ( Peat and Lily - border terrier siblings that are like 15 years old I think. Two dogs that live here part time - Nova and bailey - who are probably 4 and 11 respectively. Then three parrots (two greater mccaws of differing kinds - Mello and Maddie, and one lesser Mccaw - uh i think anyway- and that's Emma Peel - yes named for the avengers tv character). And two bearded dragons ( differing kinds) - Fred and Apollo. There will also be a puppy joining the household in probably a month or less - one of the people in the house is getting a Lakenois puppy out of a litter so there will be that. I'll enjoy there being a puppy around but gotta say i have learned things about myself living with this many animals. (namely that I do not want to be responsible for this many animals. especially squawky birds. good for you if you do.)
11. What sports do you play/have played? i don't play any now .. but seriously i was never sporty really. I played volleyball and softball when in middle school but does that even count? i like swimming but i was never going to be competitive at it when i was young. i was short and round not lean and long - so that was not gonna happen for me
12. How tall are you? 5'4" (slightly under it but close enough)
13. What was your favorite subject in school? I liked school pretty well generally - most of it was good - I didn't always like what we had to read but I liked English (aka Lit classes), History ( or government) , and some science courses (bio, advanced bio, physics) <-- in high school. Beyond that - ART HISTORY ( i should have found a way to major in it - or at least minor in it. I liked it better than either of my actual majors - and more than some of grad school classes too. seriously art history is way more fun than talking about budgeting in public administration. )
14. Dream job? The best answer to this is one I am stealing from a post here on tumblr or on twitter (idk) and that is, " I simply do not dream of labor." Seriously,I'm not sure any more. I think being a museum curator could be amazing, or like a special collections librarian ( if you dig the collection)... But I also think something where I could make a difference and change health policy in this country would be great - I'm not sure just what that would be or mean. I can't sew at all but i think being a fashion designer and making floofy dresses for myself would be cool. Fairy Princess- there we go - that's the job for me.
As to tagging... I never know who likes to be tagged and who doesn't. So @seashells-and-bookshelves , @librarianlirael , @ndb-123 , @i-blame-this-on-sherlock , @freckles-and-books , and seriously anybody that wants to. I like reading your answers- so take these and run with em- and tag me (so's i can read em) if you do.
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adoggirl · 1 year
3, 4, 7, 8, 9!
3 : how connected do you feel to your source?
Hmmm, I'd say semi connected?? Idk I can't really elaborate that well without anyone reading the fic but I'll try to... Uhm the basics r still there like at first hating how the plantars treated me but then kinda warming up to it n stuff and starting to act more like a lil doggie after the accident (like I said you'll understand if u read the fic but the accident was like I was stung by wasp like creatures (hybeenas hyena+ bees) and apparently their venom or whatever is in them when they sting u would usually kill a frog pretty much instantly aka within the minute and it's like REALLY PAINFUL but like the few who did survive had serious mental instability or something like that cuz they try to find ways to stop the pain. They hurt themselves or others and personalities can like completely change.) And all that stuff but I'm also like NOT connected to some stuff yknow how it is -w-
4 : do you have any exomemories? what’s your favourite one?
This is more of a case of “is this actually an exomemory or did I just really want this to be true that my brain made me believe it's true?” but I think my fave was when I asked Maddie ( as in I wrote and she read ) if there was some sort of potion that allows you to take any form you want and she said yes so as soon as it was done I downed that potion and turned firstly into what I show myself as most of the time but I could also like transform fully into a dog or back to human :33 ... I wish I could do that again
7 : have you ever met any sourcemates outside your system?
Oh frog no I don't even think more than 10 people here on Tumblr know about the fic I'm from lmao X3
8 : have you ever posted/sent a sourcecall anywhere? did it help you find sourcemates?
Hhahano I doubt there are any souremates on this app + I am WAY to socially awkward to be able to have the guts to post such a thing and lastly I'm not really interested in sourcemates, besides the plantars, Sasha and Marcy, Maddie and maybe a few other frogs, I have too much trauma with too many characters lmao
besides, I already have sprig, so I'm happy :33
9 : what do you think are your biggest differences from/similarities to your source?
Dog features, how fast I actually accepted the plantars and all that, in source it takes me seemingly way longer to finally accept that I'm their family pet while I think I accepted that role in (and I'm doing this really roughly I literally didn't have a way to tell the time and how many days were passing) a little over a month!
We're still very similar in how much we love the plantars they r my everything !! <33 /familial
I can't really think of anything else rn :P
I'll probably rb something else again 4 u to send so yeah be on the lookout!!
0 notes
Please write some more Sylvie fluff! The last one was awesome
Thank you thank you thank you! It makes me so happy to hear you liked it :D here's a lil something that's been sitting in my brain collecting dust for the past week or so lmao. Enjoy <33
Lamentis Love Confessions (Sylvie Laufeydottir x reader)
Warnings: swearing, Sylvie's kind of mean (she apologizes), friends to lovers, Sylvie being soft (possibly out of character)
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Being tossed out a train is not a pleasant experience to go through, as it turns out. You let out a loud "oof" as you took a tumble down a grassy hill, landing next to Sylvie when you eventually stopped.
"Well, that was quite rude," you commented as Sylvie frantically searched through the grass.
"No, no, where is it? I had it just a moment ago, where could it be?" She muttered to herself, growing more and more agitated by the second. "Goddamn it!"
"What happened?" You asked, looking around in the grass with her for whatever she had lost.
"It's the Temp-Pad, I had it earlier, where could it have gone?"
"Do you need help looking for it?"
"No, I can find it myself," she snapped.
You blinked at her slowly. She'd never spoken to you like that before, no matter how much you annoyed her or how often. "Okay, I'll just be over there then. Lemme know if you need me." You got up and left, but not before picking up her cloak and carrying it with you.
After walking around for a bit, you finally settled on sitting on a patch of dirt near the spot you'd been tossed from the train. Wrapping the cloak around you, you got comfortable and watched as Sylvie found something that appeared to be the Temp-Pad. You could see her fiddling with it for a bit in the distance before she stopped and began making her way back to you.
The sound of loud stomping announced her arrival as she groaned in frustration. "Great. The Temp-Pad's broken, which means we're stuck here. Which means we're going to die. That's just fantastic." She turned to look where you were sitting, still wrapped up from earlier. "Is that my cloak?"
You looked up at her as she stared at you with a perplexed look on her face.
"Yeah, I hope you're okay with me borrowing it. I like it because it keeps me warm, plus the smell reminds me of you. It makes me feel safe."
Her face softened at your words, her usual scowl and grumpy demeanor replaced by the faintest of smiles. She took a seat next to you on the ground and let out a sigh. "This is not how I imagined things would pan out."
"Yeah, me either," you agreed. "But hey, at least we're here together, and we have each other. That's good enough for me." You gently bumped her shoulder with your own, letting out a small giggle as you did so.
A rare smile appeared on her face, something that only ever happened around you. Her gaze suddenly dropped to the ground. "I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I treated you like shit when you were only trying to help." She chose to keep staring at the ground while she apologized, unable to look you in the eyes. "You're the only friend I have, and I should treat you better."
"Oh, hun," you said, using one of your many affectionate nicknames you had for her. "I mean, you're right, you shouldn't treat me like crap, but I understand how upset you were. I forgive you." You opened your arms, silently offering her a hug.
She hesitated before scooting closer, allowing you to envelope her in your open arms. She sat there awkwardly for a moment before relaxing, her frustration and stress instantly melting away.
"Sylvie, can I tell you something?" You said after a moment.
"Of course."
"I-" You let go of her, scooting away a little bit as you felt your face flush. "I like you. More than a friend. I- I think- I love you."
Sylvie was shocked. You loved her? You loved her? You, a person who she saw to be without flaw, loved her, a troublemaking Variant, an outcast, someone who was constantly on the run?
She must have been lost in thought for longer than she thought she was because all of a sudden you turned away from her and let out a sigh.
"Forget it. Forget I said anything, okay?"
"No, wait."
She reached out and took your hand into hers. "I- I like you, too. More than as a friend, I mean."
You turned to face her again, her icy blue eyes meeting yours. "Really?"
"Yes, really. I...I love you, too."
You instinctively leaned forward, your face mere inches away from hers. You looked into her eyes for approval. She nodded, and you sealed your confession of love with a sweet, passionate kiss. Your noses bumped as you pulled her close, and that was when you knew you always wanted things to be like this, with you right by her side.
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @nevilleismywhore @xxromanoffxx @your-next-daydream
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
OMG THE LAST HCS WERE SOO GOOD( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ) I really like your writing, it's very comforting. And yes, you write pretty fast! To do even half your work, I probably have to write for a few days (perfectionism obliges).
I come here with another idea! Not yet modern!Ling ideas tho (but I'll request it if you're not tired of me by that time haha x)) I was thinking of hcs or a scenario with Ling and a jealous reader. Not the cute kind of jealous, or the mad kind— more of the anxious, scared kind of jealous. Like (gn)reader having serious self esteem issues but not wanting to like restrain their partner, scared of losing them type of deal. Angst? Fluff? Comfort? I say you decide what you'd prefer. Thank you very much!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤️
AAAAAAA THANK YOUUU <3333 And of course I'm not tired of you!! I'll never tire of you and lil' Ling!!
Sorry this took me a bit! The boyfriend got sick and I've been taking care of him
Content: Ling Yao x GN reader!
Warnings: Detailed process of a panic attack, doubtful thoughts, but GREED COMES TO THE RESCUE, also Lust is her own warning tbh (I love her but damn-)
Notes: I've been mentally not feeling it, and I relate a little too hard to this ask, as sometimes I'll get like this with my boyfriend. I used the end to comfort myself lol. Dw, my boyfriend treats me right!! My brain is just a silly little goose trying to process 10 years of trauma lol
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Ling isn't gonna notice baby boy, baby
I headcanon Lan Fan as being somewhere between a little fruity and all the way fruity, so I don't think you'd have much to worry about with her
Riza is pretty stoic and never interacts with Ling
I don't like Winry
Let's just picture: Lust is still alive, and begins interacting with Ling cause he has Greed's philosopher's stone
It doesn't even have to be anything inherently romantic. Lust is forced to interact with Ling because he holds her "brother"
But it was one comment from her that set you off
She was in the other room with Greed, and you'd decided to listen in. They were talking about someting with Father and some guy named Hoenheim
"Honestly?" Lust said. "Your new host is really cute...too bad he's so young."
"Hm? Oh, yeah." Greed brushed her comment off and continued the conversation like before
Greed knows you and Ling are a thing and has your back. Plus Ling was freaking the fuck out in their shared headspace.
But, that was enough for you to creep away from the door and sit on the couch. Lust was attractive, and her main game was seducing men to get what she wanted...
What if she wants Ling?
What if she convinces Ling that she's better?
What if Ling changes his mind and wants to be with her instead...?
So many what if's swam through your head. Your heart thumped rapidly in your chest, your lungs feeling like they weren't getting enough air, your eyes stinging with tears as constant images of Ling and Lust together began to haunt you.
Slowly curling up into yourself, you turned so your face was plastered into the couch cushion
The ringing in your ears grew louder and you soon tuned out Lust and Greed, now being replaced by image after image of Ling with Lust
You refused to let tears fall, not wanting to bother Ling with this whenever Lust leaves and Greed puts Ling back
You didn't know how long you'd laid there until a pair of hands landed on your side. You jumped and turned. Ling's eyes were still a mahogany red, which meant Greed was still in control.
"Hey kid. From the look on your face, I'm assuming you heard what Lust said."
"Is it that obvious...?" You say, rubbing your eye.
Greed patted your head. "Sorry, kid."
"Sorry for wha-"
Greed had closed his eyes and allowed Ling to take over again. The prince pounced on you, rubbing his cheek with yours, ecstatic to be back in control
Ling's memory is spotty when Greed is in control, so he didn't know you'd heard Lust's comment
You hesitantly wrapped your arms around Ling, mumbling a low "hi"
Ling paused. "I know that tone. What's wrong, honey?"
Ling, your ever doting boyfriend, looked at you with concern.
"No, I'm...I'm fine."
"You sure? Your breathing heavier than normal..."
You gave Ling a fake smile. "Yeah, yeah."
Ling, not believing you, hugged you tighter. "You can tell me, hun. Nothing's gonna happen, okay?"
You trusted him, of course, but your brain and heart were telling you no... "I...I'm worried I'm gonna lose you to Lust."
son of a bitch-
"Oh...so you heard her?" Ling looks down at you. "Listen, I love you, okay? Not her. She can go try to hook up with someone else for all I care. Besides, this body currently inhabits her brother, so I don't think she's thinking anything in particular..."
Ling snickered at the end, kissing your forehead. "I promise, I'd never let her get close to me. Greed and her just needed to talk about something is all. I love you, okay?"
Numbly, you nodded, laying your head on his chest. "I love you too."
"Now, let's watch a movie and order in, yeah? I'll get your favorite~!"
He suddenly got up and moved to your TV, messing with it, then fiddling with his phone and ordering your favorite food for delivery. As you watched him, you felt the oxygen slowly return to your chest, and your muscles relaxed. You could trust Ling, he loved you. He really did. He wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't.
"Hey, Ling."
"Yeees, sugarplum?" Ling looked up from his spot on the floor.
"I love you."
Ling giggles. "I love you too! Food'll be here in fifteen, okay?"
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svftvluv · 4 years
Toxic Love
Pairings: Vinnie Hacker x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Y/N's boyfriend doesn’t like it one but that she did it with someone else.
Warnings; unprotected sex, dom!vinnie, breeding kink, dirty talk, lil daddy kink, oral receiving(female), hair pulling, choking
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"Why the fuck should it matter if I fucked troy!" She yelled back. Her and vinnie had been arguing ever since he found out she did it with Troy. She didn't think much of it since he had been sleeping around with girls. It had sadly become a normal thing in her relationship. It became so normal that she gave up on trying to get him to change. She stopped getting made over it and just let him be. "Because you're my fucking girl!" She was taken aback from his comment. How could he call her his girl after he fucked multiple girls. "Cut the bullshit. You and I both know what you do behind my back. By you fucking other girls that does not make me your girl." You didn't even feel guilty at all, you didn't care what he had to say.
He was fuming at this point. He didn't know if it was because she admitted she slept with one his good friends or because she didn't;t label herself as his girl. He ran his fingers through his hair before letting out a sigh. "And for the record I don't regret allowing him to cum inside me" And that became his last straw. Before she could even step a foot outside the door he pushed against the wall. "The fuck did you just say?" He said through his gritted teeth. She had the nerve to confidently say it again "I said i don't fucking regret having him cum inside me"
She didn't even have time to process anything before he picked her up, heading to the bedroom. "Vinnie put me down for fuck's sake!" She thrashed and yelled but nothing worked. He threw her on the bed, pinned her hands down before kissing her roughly. When he pulled back she gasped for air. "Strip now." He demanded. "mhm yeah sure." She rolled your eyes. "Do it or i'll do it myself." She only laughed at him, but didn't actually expect him to actually do it himself. He ripped her shirt, unclipped her bra, and pulled her skirt down along with your panties. He knelt down on both knees, pulled her closer him.
She felt his warm breath on her clit sending shivers down her spine. He, then, placed small kisses all around your area. She shuddered when he kissed her clit. He proceeded to eat her out, in slow stripes, knowing that she would want more, but not giving her the satisfaction. He went down to her opening and and just barely let his tongue enter her, making her whimper.
He pulled back out and did the same motions over and over again until he heard her whisper, "please." He looked up at her with a smirk. "What was that, pretty" She debated on whether or not saying it again, as she didn't want him to know how bad she craved him. Then again she was also desperate. "Just say you want me and I'll give it to you." She bit your lip and gave up "I want you badly."
He went down and sucked on her clit, but also slipped a finger past her folds, causing her to arch her back. He hummed adding vibrations to her sensitive spot. She brought her hand down to his head pushing him deeper as if she could. Before reaching her orgasm he pulled away. Making her whine out. He removed his clothes, and turned her over on your stomach, getting a perfect few of her bum.
"You're mine and only mine." He whispered into her ear. "Vinnie..." She whispered, but came out more like a plead. He aligned himself and pushed himself inside you. No matter how many girls he fucked, none of them would top her. "Act like a slut, gonna get treated like one." Her hands gripped the sheets as she adjusted to his size. "Only I can fuck this pussy, understand?" He groaned out. "Fuck you" She said with no remorse.
He grabbed a handkerchief, put it in her mouth and tied it around her head. He moved both of them over to where a mirror was. He grabbed a fistful of her hair to keep you up so she could watch what was happening. She gripped the sheets from the pleasure that was overtaking your body. She let out moans after moans. She couldn't control them whatsoever and it made her mad. But he made her feel so good it was impossible to keep quiet.
He looked at her through the mirror admiring the beautiful mess he was creating. "Always got fuck you like a whore for you to learn." He groaned out, loving the sight of her. Her mascara ran down her face, her hair was a mess from the times he pulled it, and she was squirming underneath him. Just how he loved it.
He removed his hand from her hair and instead wrapped it around her neck. He pulled her up and looked at her in the eyes before roughly kissing her. "Want you to make a mess on my cock, pet." She eagerly nodded in agreement. She smacked her bum several times since he knew she loved it. She was desperate to cum seeing how gorgeous he looked through the mirror was making her crazy. "Such a pretty rag doll" he taunted. He pulled out and teased her entrance sliding it up and down her folds, collecting her wetness. He slipped in once more and used his hand to rub her clit.
"what a pretty mess, my pretty mess" He emphasized. He removed the piece of cloth from her mouth allowing her to speak. "Vinnie, m’close." She admitted. His movements got faster. He leaned down pinning her hands down, recklessly fucking her as she as stared right at you. "Gonna cum for daddy" he smirked. She arched her back as her orgasm began to hit her.
"look at me when you cum.” She didn't have the energy to do that but he insisted when he grabbed her chin forcing her to look right at him. She opened her eyes enough to enjoy the view. Her legs began to shake. She held onto the pillow in front of her. "atta girl.” He praised her. “bet troy can't make you cum this hard?" He waited for an answer only to get a hum as a response. "answer me" "n-no only you...daddy"
He proceeded to fuck her until he reached his high. "gonna cum in my pussy.” She felt him release inside her filling her up ten times better than troy did. he didn't pull out and instead laid on top of her for couple minutes.
"i love you" he said, which caught you off guard, he turned to look at you since you didn't say anything. "and i love you more" he got up to get you a bath ready. you were left with your own thoughts. even though he said it, you know he would be with another girl tomorrow and so on.
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
no pls I wanna kiss YOUR brain, turnng it into a series would be absolutely amazing!!! and fr, you will do so well I just know it!!!
yes pls oh lord, I didn't think of that but now that you said it, haechan introducing jaemin to oc will indeed cause us so much pain.
imagine being unknowingly the reason why your partner finds somebody that treats them better and will probably leave you for them
the way you framed this sentence already has me biting my fist 😭😭😭
fr I envisioned jaemin as literally perfect (I mean ik we all have flaws but c'mon it's jaemin we're talking about). and fr, as a sunflower I really need to write him a formal apology for always painting him as the bad guy 😩🥹
oh I really didn't add any deets about hyucks ex jsjsjs but in my dream she was literally the kindest person ever. like she's actually, genuinely nice and like you said, that puts oc in like a very weird spot bc she can see why hyuck fell for her and all that, but a part of her (,which is human, I'm sorry is like so fucking envious). but then she can't even wish anything bad for her bc hyucks ex is actually nice 😭😭 I also pictured a scene where oc is crying and venting to jaem ab hyucks ex and she goes, "I wanna hate her, I really do, but doing that only makes me hate myself more" or something like that idk I'm bad w words.
also, I don't want haechan to be a bad person in this fic as well ( I mean I do but not with the others) I was hoping for like him being portrayed as actually a very nice guy, like YK even when he was dating his ex, he was the best boyf ever but then when it comes to oc, it just isnt the same idk. he tries (or maybe he doesn't) but like it doesn't work.
and jaem and oc being compatible is pls 🤞🏻 the most crazy thing ever. bc like she's in love with his friend and what not aaaaaa my heart already hurts.
I guess cheating is allowed, right? or do you want it to be like haechan and oc break up but he’s still jealous and wants her back but on the other side there’s jaemin and she’s stuck (so jealousy, sex, and all that)
oh my dear god. option two pls. if hyuck and oc have sex it's all good bc I mean they're dating but if jaem and oc (or even hyuck and his ex) have sex, pls I want them to break up beforehand, I'll literally d word if either of them cheat 😭😭😭 like YK I mean idk you can write it the way YOU want but I was thinking hyuck and oc break up and then she sleeps with Jaemin and that for some reason makes hyuck real mad like hejsjs I want him to hurt oc with his words then (I'm sorry) like YK "ofcourse you went ahead and slept with him, you were waiting for us to break up" or sumn like that. bonus points if Nana defends oc and they get into a lil fight djjsjsjsjs
now that I've said wayyyy too much, I'd like to say that at the end of the day, it's really upto YOU, you can write it however you want and I know I'll be grateful either wayyy aaaaaaa.
+ this is the first time I've sent such a long message to any one so I apologize if the paragraph breaks are weird.
-bubbles anon
hi again! so i was writing down the outlines for the story and i came up with something:
what if haechan and oc were childhood best friends and she always had a crush on him but he never liked her like that, so obviously he dates other people but they are all silly flings until he meets his ex that is literally perfect and nice and that’s why oc is so jealous of her / can’t stand her, 1) hyuck doesn't love her and 2) she can't find a reason to hate her. but then hyuck and his ex break up (we need to come up with a good reason for this break-up it's going to be hard) and as always oc is the one lifting him up, always by his side and she's confident about making him fall for her (kind of if i get my way vibes). so one thing leads to another and they start dating. but as you said in the first anon it's like a rebound for him like he feels good with oc because she has always been his best friend and they truly get along but he's not sure that what he feels is love. i think it can be nice because jaemin could also try to open her eyes by saying that haechan is not the same he was when they were young and she needs to let go of this image of him she has in her eyes. AND them being best friends before being partners makes it even more painful because not only she's terrified of losing a lover BUT also her dearest friend. obviously this will be implied (maybe there will be some flashbacks) and the story will start with them already in a relationship.
anyway, their relationship has been going on for a year / a year and a half when haechan makes oc and jaemin meet. AND i was thinking that jaemin and hyuck have known each other for quite some time but lived in different cities (e.g.: jaemin had to move and now he's back). option one: if i make it a college!au jaemin could've changed university in his second year and now he and haechan are roommates. so imagine the DRAMA when haechan and oc break up but she keeps seeing jaemin so she’s always at their place and hyuck has to watch jaemin treat her better and all the romantic things going on. maybe the first time jaemin and oc have sex he overhears them but he doesn’t think it’s her and then boom in the morning she’s in the kitchen WEARING JAEMIN’S SHIRT and he loses his mind (like you said and even hurts her with words) option two: if it's not a college!au haechan offers (double stabbing himself in the back) jaemin to be his flatmate so they can split the bills, spend time together and so on. and then the rest is the same as option 1, same pain, same tears. probably this would be more interesting because since they would share a house jaemin would also see their domestic dynamics, idk maybe she acts as if their living together and provides even for his place but haechan doesn't do the same for her and jaemin would get mad ever for that, idk
also, wanted to ask if you minded if i gave oc a name and some physical characteristics (since i think of setting it in korea she'll be korean i guess) or do you want me to write it nameless like in the new stories i’m posting?
and jaem and oc being compatible is pls 🤞🏻 the most crazy thing ever. bc like she's in love with his friend and what not aaaaaa my heart already hurts.
NO BUT imagine that she likes something and she asks hyuck to do it with her, let's say an art gallery, but he finds art boring so he tells her to go alone and then HIII jaemin's right there, going with her. i think it would be even better if he also doesn't like art that much but he'll still go for her like screaming, crying 😭
I'll literally d word if either of them cheat 😭😭😭 like YK I mean idk you can write it the way YOU want
NO NO I'M FINE WITH THEM NOT CHEATING I HATE CHEATING but some people don't mind it so i was asking if you wanted that for extra pain or if it was a big no, happy we want the same thing 😌
bonus points if Nana defends oc and they get into a lil fight djjsjsjsjs
+ this is the first time I've sent such a long message to any one so I apologize if the paragraph breaks are weird
no dw nothing weird about it!! (also i'm the first one that after more than a year here still doesn't know how to use tumblr so i won't judge)
perfect, i'm happy you like it! i'll keep that then ♡🌺 HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT TOO
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saksukei · 4 years
jeon wonwoo college au
other college aus; jun minghao mingyu
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wonwoo was a math major, who had physics as a minor,, and he was also the captain of the basketball team,, he was one of the most popular boys in uni,, like there were literal fanclubs form wonwoo that went to every game of his!!
you were also a math major and yes wonu was most definitely in your class,, but you had never talked to him and you were pretty sure he didn't even know you existed
“GUYS” the class monitor, seungcheol exclaimed. “the dance majors have challenged us to a basketball match,, the losing team will treat the others for meat!”
“we are obviously going to win,, we have wonwoo in our class,” someone said.
“actually, the dance majors are taking help from the sports majors,,” seungcheol replied. “but they agreed that at least three girls needed to be on the team and only the points the girls score will be counted.”
“we are going to lose so bad,, none of us are athletic,,,” another one of your classmates replied.
“me, wonwoo and mingyu can train the players but we need some girls to volunteer.”
before seungcheol could call out your name, you hid behind your book so that he could temporarily forget your existence,,, he had already picked two other girls
“alright we have two players and now we just need one more–” seungcheol announced
And you were praying to God it wouldn't be you
BUT life truly is a pain in the ass
“y/n seems like she'd be good at basketball–” someone suggested.
You lifted your head up from your book to find the source of the voice and
you were like (●__●)
“alright, y/n it is!” seungcheol announced
you sighed, as you grabbed your books and shoved them in your bag and headed out of class
“wait,,” you heard someone behind you
and it was wonwoo
“uh hey what's up?” you asked
“sorry I suggested your name– you have a good height and you seemed like you'd be good at basketball,” he answered.
“that's okay,” you gave a weak smile. “i'll figure it out.”
“i'll train you,” he informed you. “seungcheol said there's almost two weeks before the match– so there's nothing to worry about.”
“except the fact that I could embarrass myself infront of maybe fifty people?” you joked.
and he smiled???
“i promise I won't let that happen,” he reassured. “and if it does happen, I'll embarrass myself too.”
“please,, you're so good looking that–” you stopped mid sentence as you realized what you had said.
“i'm so good looking that?” wonwoo teased.
“see this is what I mean when I said I'd embarrass myself,,” you hid your face between your hands, causing him to chuckle.
“its alright” he smiled. “i have another class, so I'll be seeing you at the basketball practice, right?”
“no promises!” you say,, as you bid him a goodbye,,
the next two weeks you ended up practicing with him and he's very patient while teaching you
and you start to notice him things about him,, like the way his hair falls on his face when he’s playing, his toned arms and that lil side smile he gave every now and then made your heart flutter
and like,,
now you've developed this fat crush on him bec he's just w O W Z A
on the day of the basketball match, everyone has these matching jerseys that mingyu ordered b u t instead of ordering one for you he ordered two for wonwoo
“what do we do now?” mingyu asked you.
“i don't know” you reply, confused.
“you can just wear the same one. I'm fine with it,” wonwoo told you.
“alright then.”
so there you were wearing wonwoo's jersey that was a bit too big on you,,, the name on the back being ‘JEON’,,, you were pretty sure you were marked for death by his fanclub,,
n e ways
after the match, the art majors + sport majors + math majors headed off towards the restaurant for the treat
you changed and you found wonwoo waiting outside
“hey um,,, I thought you left for the restaurant already?” you asked him.
“no actually I was waiting for you,” he answered. “everyone already went.”
You nodded, as you two walked towards the restaurant.
“by the way you did a great job with playing today,,, the team only won because of you,” he complimented
“well– it was because I had an amazing teacher,,” you replied. “that also stopped me from embarrassing myself.”
“well what'd I tell ya”
“you were right,” you smiled. “and I'll also give you back your jersey and the shorts, once I get them washed.”
“no, you can keep them,” he replied. “besides my jerseys suit you better than they suit me,,, after all, you're so good looking,” he teased.
“oh come on, you need to stop teasing me!” you hit his shoulder lightly,
but he instinctively caught your wrist and pulled you closer to him, you could feel his breath tickling your ear
your heart was racing
“then maybe we should go out and be the basketball playing couple, after all, my name really does look good on you.”
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