#sylvie laufeydottir fluff
talesofesther · 9 months
discover the beauty
Sylvie x Reader
Summary: Sylvie doesn't quite understand what you make her feel, or what she should do about it. All she knows is that you've brought a warmth to her life that had been long lost. So when you ask her to spend Christmas with you, how could she ever say no?
A/N: This is, or was supposed to be, a quick and sweet lil story with my favorite lady to give her the Christmas she deserves. Naturally, I got a little (a lot) carried away. I also feel like my writing turned out rather different in this, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. <3
Word count: 6k
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You were not something she expected to have. Sylvie may even go as far as saying you were not something she wanted to have. Not in the beginning, at least.
It was a normal day at work the first time she saw you. During a late afternoon, with golden rays of a setting sun seeping through the windows of McDonald's. You walked in with a backpack hanging from one shoulder and the ghost of a smile on your lips. You ordered a burger and fries accompanied by an orange juice, a combination Sylvie didn't serve too often. You thanked her with an even wider smile and sat on one of the tables closest to the window. You finished eating and didn't leave, instead, you pulled a sketchbook from your backpack and started scribbling something down. All the while that you stayed, Sylvie could feel your eyes on her from time to time.
A routine started then. You'd come by almost every day, at the same time, make the same order, sit at the same table, and pull out the same sketchbook. And it went on for weeks.
There was something about you that Sylvie couldn't put her finger on, something that stole her focus and forced her to recount the change at least twice when you were around. Your presence carried an aura of calmness, being around you was easy, and talking to you felt like breathing.
Slowly, order by order, you and Sylvie grew closer. Slowly, Sylvie started to expect your presence at the end of each day.
Today was a Thursday, a day you usually stopped by. When the clock on the wall hit 4 PM, Sylvie found herself stealing glances at the main doors. Sometimes she'd chastise herself for the childish behavior, after all, why should she care if you stop by or not?
A cold breeze came in through the open windows. Sylvie leaned on the counter beside the cash register, looking out onto the parking lot; it was covered in a thin layer of white. The snow had slowly and thinly started falling just a few days ago, announcing the definitive arrival of winter and the ever-approaching festivities of the end of the year—as did the obnoxious Christmas decorations scattered all around the inside of the fast food place.
She had heard her colleagues here talking about it, Christmas, and from what Sylvie gathered it was a time for celebration and gifts, a time to spend with loved ones. When the matter came up in conversation, Sylvie hid in the corners, making herself look busy and distracted with anything she could think of. She didn't want to answer the casual questions of where she'd be spending her Christmas at, who she'd be spending it with. She didn't want to admit she had no one at all and would likely spend the night at a bar, alone.
The sound of the door being pushed open brought Sylvie back to reality, she looked up only to see you walking in, with your backpack on one shoulder and bundled up in a hoodie with a jacket on top to chase away the cold.
It was new to her, the fluttering in her stomach whenever she saw you and the warmth on her cheeks whenever you smiled at her. Everything was new. Sylvie didn't know what to do with the feelings you brought to her. It's not like she had many of those when jumping through apocalypses.
Your eyes met hers and your smile was instant, you adjusted your hold on your backpack as you approached the counter. Your greeting came in the form of a question; "Why is it that good things always have to hurt a little?"
Sylvie raised an eyebrow at you, an amused smile of her own fighting its way to her lips. Her fingernails tapped the counter softly. There were small flakes of snow hanging onto your hair, your clothes, glittering under the artificial lights; why did they make you look prettier still?
"The snow," You nodded toward the big windows behind you, "So beautiful yet so unforgivingly cold, isn't it?"
A low hum went past Sylvie's lips, she shrugged with a teasing smirk. "I don't know, I don't think it's that cold."
You huffed, already familiar with the statement yet baffled all the same, "That's because you're a special case I'm still trying to figure out."
She narrowed her eyes at you, her voice just a tad lower, "Good luck with that."
You avoided her eyes and nodded softly, smile lingering on your features. You leaned your elbows on the counter then, hands coming to stay just inches away from Sylvie's. She wondered what it would feel like to touch you.
Sylvie cleared her throat, promptly chasing away the thought. She grabbed her notepad and pen, her customer service voice making an appearance; "The usual?"
"Uh yeah," you sounded just a tad disappointed. As Sylvie wrote down your order, you leaned just a bit forward and closer to her, pursing your lips before saying; "So, any plans for Christmas?"
The pen in Sylvie's hand gave a sudden and rather forceful scratch, nearly tearing the paper. She halted, intently glaring at the out-of-place line that was now written on top of the word 'fries'. She held the silence for a moment longer, her jaw set tightly in place. For the first time in a long time, she hesitated. "… No."
A soft frown came to your features. You didn't ask, but the question was there.
"I'll probably just sleep in," Sylvie glanced up at you with her lips pressed together in a smile that looked a little too forced. She didn't give you time to answer. "Your order will be ready in a minute." She informed you, before turning around to fiddle with the ice cream machine she had already organized this morning.
Two minutes later, your order was ready. You mumbled a gentle 'thank you' to Sylvie before making a beeline to your usual table near the windows.
It was a little pathetic, really—you thought to yourself as you munched your burger—how quickly you became infatuated with the pretty attendant from your local McDonald's. Sylvie had captured your attention since the first day you walked in and said your order to her. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that. But there was something else there, something about her eyes and the way she carried herself and interacted with others, that gave away the impression that she had lived a thousand lives, seen a thousand worlds, and now carried the weight of it.
Sylvie was, what you liked to call, an artist's utopia. The perfect muse. Everything about her was screaming to be written down in novels and painted to be hung in a museum. Her genuine smiles whenever she delivered a random order as well as the closed-off and tense ones whenever her colleagues crowded her. The prideful way she'd glance at her name plastered on the employee of the month display as well as the melancholic look in her eyes when she climbed in her truck at the end of the day. Each part of her seemed to tell a story bigger than anything you could fathom.
And that, was simply something you couldn't bring yourself to ignore. It started as a mere sketch of her serious expression on the first day you noticed her. And then you came back, once, twice. And it evolved into her being the biggest constant in your sketchbook. There were scribbles of her profile, her back, sometimes just her eyes or hands, smiles and frowns. Each piece of her as seen by your eyes, now eternal, shaped by the grey lines of your pencil.
Whatever could you do, after all? She was enchanting.
In the end, it was expected that she would become quite familiar with you, given how much you stop by. But you were pleasantly surprised to realize that you two clicked rather well. You'd go as far as calling her a friend now.
And today, you noticed the hints of sorrow that always danced in her expressive eyes making a more vivid appearance. Maybe that's the reason why you threw caution to the wind.
When you finished your meal, you picked up your backpack and promptly walked towards the counter Sylvie stood behind. Deciding that if you waited, your courage would most likely vanish.
She perked up when she noticed you coming towards her, a mix of confusion and expectancy painting her features. Her posture straightened as she reached for the notepad, expecting another order.
You cleared your throat, unable to properly meet her gaze and choosing to fiddle with the pen lying around in front of her. "You know, my family lives a few hours from here and I don't plan on driving there this year." Glancing up at Sylvie, you had to hold back a smile at the sight of her adorable frown. "So, I was thinking… Maybe, if- if you want," you held her gaze, words heavy on your tongue, "We could spend Christmas together." It came out more like a question than anything else. You bit the inside of your cheek, and waited.
Sylvie breathed in sharply, her shoulders tensing. Her eyes shifted from one side to the other, as if looking for an answer around the vicinity. For excruciatingly long seconds, she said nothing. And you were already thinking of a half-assed excuse to give her an out when she finally spoke.
"Okay." You'd never heard her voice this small. "I'd like that," she smiled then, it was a sweet, little thing, barely a stretch of lips; but it warmed your heart like nothing else could.
The day before Christmas arrived both too soon and too late. Sylvie woke up this morning and her first thought of the day, as she still lay in bed, was you. And how she would be meeting you at McDonald's just like every day before, but today there was a break in the pattern; she would be leaving with you. Together.
Sylvie had reluctantly agreed to spend the night at your place when you insisted Christmas morning was the most special and crucial part of the holiday. Yet now, as the day finally was upon her, she began to wonder if she'd dug her own grave. Because her stomach twisted with the mere thought of it, her body felt all warm and fuzzy knowing she'd be spending so much time by your side, and her heartbeat skyrocketed knowing she'd be waking up the next morning only for you to be the first one she sees.
As Sylvie drove to work, she couldn't help but admit that this whole Christmas thing gave the town a rather pleasant look. Several decorations in bright red, golden, and green could be spotted in every corner of the town; string lights were a must in most buildings and houses; and inside each store at least one small Christmas tree was present.
While stopped at a red light, Sylvie's mind wandered to one specific aspect of the tradition. Gift giving.
Should she get you a gift? Did she want to?
She had never given or received any gifts. She wasn't sure if the two of you were close enough for it to be acceptable.
She gulped, grip tightening on the steering wheel. Her gaze roamed around the stores nearby and people walking on the snowy sidewalks. Just in case.
And a little further down the street, in a small corner beside a bakery, Sylvie spotted a retail store.
It wouldn't hurt to take a look, she decided.
The selection of items inside the store was… less than pleasing. They weren't bad in on themselves, but as Sylvie browsed the racks of hoodies and sweatpants and t-shirts, she felt that nothing seemed right. In her eyes, nothing particularly suited you and nothing was good enough.
A sigh went past Sylvie's lips as she ran a hand through her hair, messing it up more than it already was. She felt lost, out of place in her own skin. The few people around her were minding their own business, eyes fixed on the clothes they were after. Yet she couldn't help but think they were watching her.
She didn't know how to do this. Any of it. She didn't know what it was that you made her feel; she didn't know how to act around you without looking like this was her first shot at a normal life; she didn't know how to buy a damn gift for you.
Her mind started spiraling and she second-guessed her decision to ever say yes to all of this.
Sylvie was about to bolt out of the store and come up with some excuse about not being able to join you, when her eyes caught sight of a green and golden scarf. It was hung by itself and looked rather out of place amidst the t-shirts beside it.
Sylvie made a beeline for it, instantly reaching out to run her fingers through the soft fabric. It was comfortable to the touch, dark green wool woven with specks of details in gold; carefully made, not a string in the wrong place.
Carefully, Sylvie took it fully in her hands. This is it, she decided with a faint smile. This is perfect. You were always complaining about being cold, after all.
She walked up to the cashier with a newfound confidence, holding tight onto the precious scarf. "It's a gift," she stated rather proudly, "How do I do this?"
The woman behind the counter looked less than pleased to be working on Christmas Eve, she raised an unamused eyebrow at Sylvie; "You want it wrapped?"
Sylvie hesitated for a beat, and then recalled the many customers she had served who held bags themed with reindeer, Santas, and the like, all carrying wrapped gifts inside. It seemed to be the appropriate decision. "Yes."
After her detour for gift shopping, the day went about as normal as it could. Sylvie got to work barely on time, parked her truck in her usual spot, served a few customers, and watched as thin snowflakes fell from the sky. It wasn't a busy day, only a few and far in between walked in to grab a lunch, and most of them took it in a to-go bag.
When the clock hit 4 PM, however, Sylvie grew restless. She would be leaving earlier today, and you would be stopping by any minute now.
"Ah, almost time to leave," Carla, one of Sylvie's colleagues and one of the few who'd also agreed to work at this time of year, sighed from her place on the other side of the counter.
"Yep," Sylvie mumbled, her eyes fixed on the parking lot outside.
"Can't wait to not come to work tomorrow," Carla chuckled, "Gonna be spending the day with my kids." She smiled to herself and turned to look at Sylvie properly; "You got any plans, Sylvie?"
The enchantress' instinct was to deflect the question with something else, but her lips hovered and she found herself being engulfed in a foreign emotion. "Yes," she breathed, "I do." The soft smile on her lips held more sentiment than she cared to admit.
A gush of wind washed over her then, making her hair flow. She looked towards the entrance and saw you standing between the open doors. A familiar smile crinkled the sides of your eyes and you raised a gloved hand in a timid wave.
"And she just arrived," Sylvie spoke, more to herself than to her colleague, words dripping with something akin to adoration. She took off her hat, picked up her checkered trenchcoat from the back, and bid Clara goodbye before walking up to you.
"Hey," you greeted her, burying your hands in the pockets of your jacket. Voice sweet as honey and cheeks pink from the cold. "You ready to go?"
It scared her, that you could so easily strip her of her defenses. Her muscle memory sometimes urged Sylvie to hold onto the handle of a sword that wasn't there. If only to feel some sense of security.
She gulped, wriggling the ends of her sleeves between her fingers. This warmth, these colors you'd unintentionally brought to her life—she never realized how much she craved it until you came along.
Maybe she doesn't need her defenses anymore.
With that, Sylvie climbed into her truck and you followed, giving her the instructions that led to your house. The drive was comfortable, the weight of your presence beside her, surprisingly, didn't throw her off; on the contrary, it felt like you belonged there—talking about the upcoming snowstorm of tonight and pointing out the blinking lights you passed by.
Your home turned out to be exactly as Sylvie expected it to be. Two trees stood tall in front of the small house made of dark wood, several string lights were hung all over the porch, and there was a Santa plushie peering through the window. The inside was all warm and homey, each nook and cranny of your house exuded comfort and peace.
You took off your jacket, haphazardly throwing it over the couch, and kicked off your shoes. "Please, make yourself at home," you gestured around with a wide smile. "I'm gonna make some hot chocolate to warm up, would you like one?"
With her heart in her mouth, after a lifetime of living in cold, apocalyptic worlds, Sylvie allowed herself to be enveloped by the warmth. The blinking lights of the Christmas tree in your living room danced over her skin; in her wildest dreams, she'd dreamt of this. Tears prickled her eyes.
A gentle touch brushed her fingers, and Sylvie held her breath. She glanced down to see your fingers hesitantly hooking around hers. You'd noticed the crumbling walls around her—Sylvie didn't mind. Your touch raised goosebumps on her skin. She held you tighter, "I'd love one."
You led her to the kitchen, talking about the bathroom at the end of the hall and the guest bedroom she'd be staying at, only letting go of her hand when you had to start preparing the two mugs of hot chocolate. "I'm glad you agreed to come here," you spoke casually, keeping your back to Sylvie as you skimmed around the kitchen. "I was- I was afraid you'd think I was weird for asking."
Sylvie chuckled, bashful eyes looking down at her hands. Her heart wanted to jump from her chest. She bit her lip, wondering if it would be too foolish to admit what it meant. "I was glad you did," she confessed quietly, both to you and herself. "I'd be alone otherwise."
Your movements halted, and after a beat of silence, you glanced at her over your shoulder. "I would too."
Hours went by like minutes. Chocolate wraps and a half-empty bottle of wine were now discarded on your coffee table. Somewhere along the late hours of the night, you and Sylvie ended up bundled together on your couch under a blanket, sharing stories and laughing to your heart's content as if you'd known each other for years.
You'd lost count of how many embarrassing childhood memories you'd already spilled for her, all so you could hear that laugh of hers again and again. She was beautiful like that. With the warm glow of your fireplace highlighting her features, the shape of her smile, and the strands of her hair. You did your best to capture this exact image of her in your mind, so you could put it on paper later.
Sylvie lay on one side of the couch while you occupied the other, her legs were tangled with yours under the blanket. Maybe this wasn't just a mere infatuation, you mused to yourself, drinking in the spark of her eyes and the weight of her body on yours.
She leaned her head on the back of the couch, looking at you as her smile faded from a wide grin to a soft tilt of lips. She had the look of someone who just discovered something magical. You couldn't help but think you weren't too different.
Her very presence was like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. Her melodic voice was the last thing you heard before drifting off to a light slumber, dreaming of warm colors and bright eyes.
It was a ten, maybe fifteen-minute thing. One of those naps that catch you by surprise when you're engulfed in comfort.
You woke with the feeling of the couch moving beside you and then heard the sound of pages being carefully turned. The blanket still rested comfortably over your body and the fireplace still cracked with a low flame. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you came to only to be greeted with the sight of Sylvie sitting by your side, with your sketchbook in her hands.
You inhaled sharply and held the air in your lungs, bunching up the edges of your blanket in your hands. Suddenly wide awake. You could vaguely recall forgetting the book on top of the kitchen table this morning.
Her hands held the book almost reverently, delicate fingertips tracing the lines that shaped sketches of her. They were fairly endless and now that you watched as she turned the pages, you realized there were more than what you accounted for. The dark graphite on paper outlined her hair, her eyes, her lips; and Sylvie herself gazed down at the drawings with her lips parted and eyes glazed over.
You gulped, with any possible words stuck in your throat. Would she be mad? creeped out? Maybe never want to speak with you again?
You knew that she knew you were awake already, yet for long moments, Sylvie held the silence. Her lower lip twitched at each new image of her that she discovered in your book. It almost looked like she was holding her breath too.
Gripping tightly onto your book, Sylvie finally looked up at you again; "Did you… make these?" It was nothing but a breath, almost as if she was afraid of the answer.
You merely nodded, avoiding her eyes.
Sylvie breathed in, it sounded a lot like a sniffle. She pursed her lips, looking down at the book and then back at you. "Why?"
You cocked your head to the side, focusing past your thundering heart and on the soft curve of her eyebrows and the way her bright eyes reflected the orange flames of the fireplace—they glimmered, and if you didn't know any better, you'd say it was because there were tears there.
"I uh-" Your voice stumbled, and you cleared your throat to compose yourself. "You were… captivating ever since the first time I saw you. I thought that- that there was a lot of beauty and…" You bit your lip, hesitating. "And a lot of sadness, in you. And I just… wanted to capture it. I couldn't help it, I'm sorry."
A gentle smile came to Sylvie's lips, there were too many emotions swimming behind her eyes for you to put your finger on any of them. "You think I'm…" her words were quiet, private. Her fingers fiddled with one of the pages. "I'm beautiful?"
You opened your mouth to answer just as your gaze caught sight of the window that led to your porch. Outside, you could see the heavy snow falling from the sky. A soft gasp went past your lips, "The snowstorm is starting." You threw the blanket off your lap and ran to your door, haphazardly putting on your boots before yanking the door open and rushing outside.
The snowflakes clouded the dark horizon of the night, falling rapidly like summer rain and collecting on the streets in a white blanket. The lone lamposts cast a golden light on the increasing snowfall, if you pretended enough, it almost looked like specks of magic. The snow had always fascinated you. Despite the chilling cold it brought, you always waited eagerly for the first real snowfall of the year.
You stood in the open space of your yard, looking up at the sky and watching as cold stars fell upon your skin and clung to your clothes.
Slow footsteps that crunched the snow captured your attention. You turned around and saw Sylvie joining you, her eyes were wide in amazement as she watched the white flakes cascading down from the sky. She raised a hand to try and catch the snow, carefully so, as if the natural phenomenon could scare easily.
The snow kissed her pink cheeks and landed on her gently outstretched hand, it surrounded her as if it chose to fall tonight only so her eyes could witness, touching her with delicacy, all intimate and tender as some of the flakes melted on her. You were envious of their privilege. A breathless chuckle escaped Sylvie, and her gaze turned to you. There was a near child-like excitement glinting in her pupils and it was enchanting.
You watched as the faded light of the street lamps outlined her body, as the snowflakes clung to her eyelashes and brought a smile to her lips. The world around you blurred at the edges; there was only her and the snow. "Beautiful," you simply breathed, not an ounce of doubt in your words.
Sylvie blinked multiple times, her smile fading yet the shine in her eyes increasing tenfold. The air was suddenly charged with electricity, warm under the cold weather. Sylvie's lips parted, and you thought you saw her glancing down at your lips.
You chanced a step closer, and then another, running your tongue over your bottom lip. One of your hands brushed hers, while the other came up to tuck strands of blonde hair behind her ear.
Sylvie gripped your hand as soon as she felt your touch, as if you could disappear with the snow at any second.
"More than beautiful." The increasing wind nearly carried your voice away. You traced the outline of Sylvie's jaw with your thumb, the same one you'd traced with your pencil countless times before. "I don't think I could ever tire of drawing you."
There was no time for you to react before Sylvie took hold of your cheeks with both hands and pulled you in. Her lips crashed with yours with an unexpected delicacy. She came closer until her bare feet stood between your boots and her chest was flush with yours, as if no amount of closeness was close enough.
Her kiss was tentative and almost shy in a way, the softest lips moving in tandem with yours like they belonged together. You gripped her waist, onto the fabric of her plaid pajama shirt that you thought looked oh so adorable on her as soon as you saw her change into it.
With your eyes closed, all you could feel were Sylvie's warm touch and gasps that you kissed away, a striking contrast to the cold snowflakes falling onto your skin and melting between each stolen kiss. You wouldn't have it any other way.
Sylvie's fingers buried in the hair at the nape of your neck, she pulled away only a fraction of a second, bumping her nose with yours to fill her lungs with only the amount of air enough to get her lips back on yours. Surrendering herself to the moment, to you.
Your fingertips sneaked beneath her shirt, gingerly brushing against the skin of her hip. Sylvie shivered under your touch. Her lips tasted like chocolate and wine, all sweet and addictive.
When she pulled away, Sylvie refused to go far. Her doe eyes were swimming in a sea of adoration, almost pleadingly so. You tugged her closer still, placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. It felt like a promise, the world frozen in place to hold the moment.
When Sylvie woke up the very next morning, she wasn't sure if it had been a dream or not. Golden rays of sunlight seeped through the window and made the snow outside shine like glitter. Sylvie touched her lips with the tip of her fingers, the memory felt almost too perfect to be real. But then again, she doubted her subconscious would ever gift her with such a blessing over the night.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Sylvie glanced at the package resting on top of the bedside table. She had been extra careful for it to not be crumpled or torn, it still looked perfect.
She ran a hand through her hair and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before getting up and walking to the window. The streets, sidewalks, and yards all around were covered in a thick layer of white snow, glistening under the sun. It was Christmas morning, and Sylvie was stalling.
Apprehension and nervousness twirled in her stomach wildly, she wasn't used to this. What if you regretted it? What if she had crossed a line?
The clattering of plates coming from the kitchen pulled Sylvie out of her mind. You were already awake.
Taking in a deep breath to steady herself, Sylvie forced her feet to move. She picked up her wrapped gift, and turned the door handle.
Immediately, Sylvie was engulfed by the smell of cinnamon and chocolate, it weaved through the air like a warm hug, making her close her eyes and inhale deeply. The enchantress couldn't help but allow her nose to guide her towards the kitchen, wood boards creaking under her bare feet and stripes of sunlight coming through the windows and shining against her pajamas as she walked.
The radio was on and you were humming along with the song playing, with your back turned to her as you worked on something on top of the counter, your hips swaying softly and hair pulled up in a haphazardly done bun. The window beside you was open, allowing for the cold breeze to come in, along with the morning sun rays, bathing your kitchen in an array of warm colors.
Sylvie's heart was in her throat, she bit her lip until she nearly tasted blood. There was a sting in her eyes as she looked at you as if she'd just realized what love felt like, what life was all about.
As you turned around, with your lower lip between your teeth and focused solely on the two mugs of hot chocolate in your hands so you wouldn't spill anything, Sylvie decided that she could get used to this. Actually, she would have a very hard time ever waking up without it. Without you.
When you noticed her standing before you, holding the wrapped gift between her hands as if her life depended on it, a huge smile broke into your lips and you lit up like the Christmas tree in your living room.
"Sylvie!" You exclaimed her name as if you'd been waiting the whole morning to say it. You left both mugs on the table and didn't waste a second before rushing to her. Sylvie barely had time to move your gift away before your body collided with hers. You hugged her tightly, bunching the fabric of her shirt between your fingers. "Merry Christmas," you whispered against her skin.
A breath Sylvie didn't realize she'd been holding went past her lips as she enveloped her arms around you, burying her nose in your hair and savoring the feeling of you. "Merry Christmas."
When you pulled away, Sylvie's cheeks were dusted pink and it had nothing to do with the cold. She avoided your gaze, looking down at the package in her hands instead. Tracing the wrapping with her thumbs, she said; "Um- I bought you this…" It almost sounded like a question, as if she wasn't sure this was the right way to go about it.
"You got me a gift?"
There was a waver in your voice that made Sylvie look up at you, only to be greeted with the sight of your eyes shining with… could it be love?
Sylvie tried to mimic your smile, as much as her nerves would allow. She nodded, pushing the gift into your hands.
You took it as if it was made of gold, hugging it to your chest. "Thank you," you breathed, before leaning in to land a peck to the corner of Sylvie's lips.
The gesture brought goosebumps up and down Sylvie's spine, and she watched with bated breath as you carefully tore open the wrapping at last. Your mouth hung open as you pulled out the scarf, tones of green and golden molding between your fingertips. You felt over the fabric, with your eyes drinking in every detail of it, until you promptly hooked the scarf around your neck and nuzzled in it; "I absolutely love it!" Your eyes crinkled on the sides because of your smile.
Sylvie's heartbeat stumbled, she reached up to trace the green fabric until her fingertips found the skin of your jaw. "It suits you."
"Oh, I just remembered," you told her suddenly and took hold of her hand so you could pull her to the living room. You dragged Sylvie to stand before your Christmas tree, and under it, rested a single box wrapped in green and red paper decorated with little Santas. "It's for you," your voice was as timid as Sylvie's had been as you pointed to the lone box.
Sylvie blinked and turned to you, squeezing your hand to make sure you were real. "You got me a gift?" She couldn't remember the last time someone had gotten her anything.
You pursed your lips and nodded, almost bouncing on your stance from excitement. "Of course. Come on, open it."
A breathless chuckle went past Sylvie's lips, and she knew right then and there, on this peaceful Christmas morning beside you, that she was a goner. She crouched down and unwrapped the box, prying it open with utmost care. From inside it, she pulled a crumple of white, green, and golden fabric. Much like the scarf she had given you, it was meticulously sewn together with a soft and comfortable wool.
Her chest felt all tight and warm with an emotion she could barely contain within herself. Standing up and stretching the fabric, Sylvie realized that it was a sweater, decorated with reindeer and Christmas trees. Peering around it and to you, she could clearly see you were holding back a grin.
"We'll be matching!" You exclaimed, clasping both your hands together.
Without a second thought, Sylvie pulled the sweater over her pajama shirt, closing her arms around herself and raising her shoulder as the soft fabric enveloped her. "It's perfect." She decided.
A soft laugh went past your lips and you raised a hand to Sylvie's hair, straightening the strands she had messed up. Your fingers brushed over the soft, blonde strands, until they fell to her shoulder and then found her hand, intertwining your fingers together.
Sylvie basked in the silence of the moment, in the feeling of your skin touching hers, of the comforting weight of your presence. She closed her eyes and gripped your hand tighter, gulping back a sudden wave of tears. From a lifetime of living in worlds on the edge of destruction, she'd found her little piece of paradise, all on her own. And she'd keep it close to heart until the end of her days.
The thumb of your free hand brushed her cheek, drying a drop of wetness there. The single tear that had fallen past her defenses. Sylvie looked at you and expected to see confusion or even judgment, but she only found care and adoration.
You brought your intertwined hands to your lips and placed a kiss on her knuckles; "I made us hot chocolate, what do you say?"
Sylvie's answer came in the form of a kiss of her own, to your lips instead.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Sylvie’s taglist:@milkiane @v1ci0us
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olsenmyolsen · 5 months
Playing Pretend
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master list
dark master list
No Powers AU (Female Reader X Sylvie Laufeydottir)
Summary: When a blonde needs your help, you end up with something more.
Word Count: 1.7K
Content: Gross Loki but fluff otherwise :)
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It had been a rough couple of months for you.
You paid too much for a small apartment in the city while working at a barista job that paid too little.
Your aunt, who practically raised you, was now sick states away, and your younger sister, who swore she would never settle down, had apparently found the person of her dreams.
You wouldn't say you were depressed, but with winter turning into spring, you couldn't call it seasonal anymore.
So, with the first Saturday in a minute to hit a reasonable temperature outside, you decide to take a walk around your local park. It had a small lake with benches and swings. Plus, there was a coffee shop that was actually better than yours nearby.
"Bye, Frances!" You whispered as you petted your American Shorthaired cat, who wasn't even your fan, before leaving.
Your dirty Vans hit the sidewalk as you adjust your baseball cap and put in your AirPods. Just because you were out and about didn't mean you wanted to talk to strangers. You just need fresh air and to feel the sun's warmth on your face.
About three-quarters of the way through your favorite artist's new album, your left airpod died. You could've sworn you charged them, but then you thought harder about it and couldn't remember the last time you charged the case...
You parked yourself at a bench and set down your hazelnut oat milk latte to pull out the dead airpod case and stuffed both AirPods into it.
More people passed by the longer you let yourself rest against the wood of the bench. It was nice, and you found yourself smiling. Especially when you watched a labrador retriever with one eye steal a breakfast sandwich away from its owner. "Lucky!" The black-haired owner yelled before shaking their head and getting up—dog in tow.
You decided to give yourself a few more minutes before getting up to finish your walk. But before you could even think about moving once the time was up, a woman joined you on the bench. She was out of this world, stunning, out of breath, and spoke in an English accent faster than your brain could comprehend.
You blinked at her. "...what?" The woman whose blonde curly hair cascaded around her face scooted closer. "Love, play pretend, please." She didn't wait for you to nod or anything before her hand with green-painted nails slipped its fingers in between yours.
You practically froze as her hand warmed yours. Her touch was like a shock of life as you couldn't help but feel yourself. You turned your head to her, but she was too busy looking towards a tall man with slick back black hair. "Here he comes." She whispered as she turned back to you.
Jumping at how close you were.
"Sorry." You said to her, but she shook her head. "No worries, dear." She then shined her pearly whites at you.
Pink rose over your cheeks.
You hadn't had someone smile like this in... "Sylvie!?" You looked over. So that was her name? The man whom she pointed out earlier came closer to the bench.
Shocked to see her. Or was he?
The blonde, who you correctly assumed to be Sylvie, let the man borrow her attention as she turned her head away from your soft eyes. "Loki?" She said in a fake cheery tone as she squinted at the man as if he wasn't standing too close to comfort. "That is you!" She said while laughing, bumping her shoulder against you.
The man, Loki, noticed.
His smile dwindled. "Yes..." He awkwardly moved as he stood by your bench. "I thought I saw you but wasn't sure."
Yeah, I thought I saw you, so I followed you??? You thought.
"It's me." Sylvie once again shined her teeth, but you noticed how it wasn't genuine, like when she smiled at you. "I'm here meeting with my girlfriend." The blonde spoke up, and thankfully, Loki didn't see how your eyes widened.
Sylvie squeezed your hand. You took that as a signal to save her from doing all the talking. "Hi!" Your voice came out more harsh than gentle, surprising you and Sylvie.
But the blonde loved it. "I'm Sylvie's girlfriend, Y/N."
Loki finally paid you any attention. "Right..." The man said as he extended his rough hand to you, gripping it with force. Not happy with how his morning was turning out. "I didn't realize she was seeing anyone?" Loki said as he let go of your left hand. His eyes trained on you.
You gave him a smug smile. "Things just happen." You then turned towards Sylvie and gave a sweeping smile to her. "Don't they, darling?"
Sylvie bit her tongue before she clicked her teeth and gave a similar smug smile to Loki. "They do." Loki let out a frustrated breath that he covered up with a false grin. "Well then, how long has this been going on?" He wagged a finger between you and the beautiful blonde next to you. You should've let Sylvie answer, but you were honestly starting to already get tired of this man.
"Two months." You said, making Loki's eyes light up. "Oh really!?" Sylvie's hand squeezed yours, but you didn't look her way. You just nodded to Loki. "Yeah, why?"
The man pulled his eyes from you to Sylvie. "What about our dinner a month ago?" Sylvie cleared her throat. "That was just a dinner, Loki."
He seemed unconvinced. "And the kiss?"
One look at Sylvie, and you could tell she regretted ever giving this man the time of day—especially the taste of her lips.
Sylvie turned to you. She was lost and wasn't sure which direction to steer this conversation. Luckily for her, you grew up in a household where everyone lied playing cards, so you could do this.
It's called Poker Face for a reason.
"Sylvie didn't want to hurt your feelings, Loki." The man in the suit and tie looked at you and shook his head. "You expect me to believe that?" Oh, this man had one hell of an ego. "I do because it's true. Sylvie told me all about the dinner. She couldn't get out of it. She would've felt bad. This kiss was to lessen the blow when she ghosted you." You wet your lips. "I'm sorry."
The words sprung from you without stopping, and Loki's grin flattened with each passing line.
Sylvie finally tore her eyes from your side profile and looked up to Loki. "I'm sorry, but I could only say no so many times without you listening." That made you remove your hand from Sylvie and throw your arm around her.
She bit her bottom lip at your hold.
"So you two really are together?" Loki sounded sad as he still wasn't sure.
You nodded for the two of you. "Do you need more proof?" Loki didn't say anything as you rolled your head to Sylvie. She was already looking at you. Her eyes were indulging and calm as they stared at you. "Kiss me, Y/N." She asked of you.
Your eyes closed as your lips softly collided with hers. You tasted like your latte, and she tasted like honey.
The simple kiss between the two of you convinced Loki enough as he walked away when he saw Sylvie's hand reach up to cup your face.  However, you melted even more and pushed your body into hers as your arm wrapped around her.
You two only stopped when the air became non-existent.
Your lips would be bruised tomorrow, but that didn't matter right now as Sylvie looked at you with a shocked smile before realizing Loki was gone. You didn't bother looking.
"I- I didn't mean for it to go that far," Sylvie said with a nervous smile. "I'm glad it did." You weren't going to be shy. "I enjoyed it. As long as you did?" Sylvie nodded before laughing, covering her face with her hands. "I did, and I promise you I don't do this regularly."
You laughed. "I would hope so, or my day is ruined." Sylvie nodded to your joke as her eyes found yours again. "Thank you for that, by the way. I saw him and panicked." You understood. "Well, it looks like it worked, so I don't think you need to worry about him anymore." Sylvie nodded. "Except now he thinks I'm in a committed relationship."
You hummed and found yourself looking at the art on Sylvia's shirt before you lifted your eyes from the blueberries on it. "I love the shirt."
"I love your cap." She said even if she didn't care about American sports.
You smiled. "So what should we do about the relationship?" Sylvie closed her mouth and thought. "You're from her, right?" She asked, confusing you slightly. You nodded. "I live here. Yeah. A couple of blocks that way." You pointed behind you.
Sylvie looked. "I suppose...." She turned to you. "We could get to know each other. If that's alright with you?"
A flutter happened.
"I think it's more than alright, Sylvie." You whispered as you found yourself closer to the blonde. She didn't mind. "Perfect, Y/N," Sylvie replied as she gave you one more kiss as a thank you.
"Now... are you busy today?" Sylvie asked as her lips left yours. "Not at all." Sylvie smiled. "I was thinking about hitting this bookstore nearby. Would you like to join me?"
"Of course." You spoke honestly and with more excitement than in months. "Great," Sylvie said as she rose from the bench and stuck her hand out to help you up.
The two of you walked beside each other and brushed shoulders as you crossed the street. The loud city being a friendly reminder in the background. You could see how uncomfortable Sylvie was. "I brought my AirPods if you wanna listen to anything?"
Sylvie quickly nodded as she hated how loud the city could be. "Here." You gave her the charged airpod as you stuck the dead one in your ear. "Is this okay?" You said as you clicked play on the album you were listening to prior. "Oh my god, I love this!" Sylvie shouted at you.
And just like that, maybe things weren't so rough for you anymore.
Especially when you and Sylvie didn't lie about being girlfriends anymore.
It was the truth.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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blondie20000 · 10 months
Rockin Around the Christmas Tree - Loki x Sylvie
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What in God's name is that?
Loki narrowed his eyes and looked through the branches.
He saw boxes flying out. Loki couldn't see what was in the boxes but he is pretty sure they are coming from a time door.
A time door?
How is that here?
Loki leans forward as much as he can. His frown deepens when he saw tables of various food gliding out of the time door.
What is this?
It kept going until Loki's eternal prison is covered with boxes, food, presents and...is that toys?
Loki focused on the doll which gave him a creepy smile.
Not weird at all.
He looks nervously around suddenly feeling vulnerable and on edge. He knew whoever is coming could attack him because after all Loki couldn't let go of the timelines he is powerless in this situation.
Then there's another possibility this could be a hallucination? He has sat here for...Loki couldn't say but it would make sense for him to lose his mind by now.
The God of Stories suddenly groans as his power courses him. His eyes shone green as images of the timelines go across his mind. He bites his lip and waits for the episode to ride itself out. After several moments the images fade away and Loki has regained control over his own mind again.
Mentally cursing himself and gripping the branches harder Loki glares at the time door again but what comes out next shakes him to the core.
She is just as beautiful as the last time he saw her. Her hair is longer now but it still suited her Loki would love to reach out and thread his fingers through her blonde locks. Her smiling face turns towards him but Loki is the first to break eye contract. He sadly looks away.
This can't be happening I must be hallucinating.
Still he found himself saying her name anyway.
"Syl..." He coughs and clears his throat. It has been a while since he spoke. "Sylvie!" He croaked.
The beaming smile is back facing him again.
"Hey Loki."
She bends down and picks up a box.
"Is this real?" He questioned out loud.
Sylvie responds with a nod.
"Very much so."
Loki rakes her up and down. She is out of her Asgardian clothes and is instead wearing jeans, sneakers and a jumper that said Merry Christmas ya Filthy Animal.
Why would I imagine Sylvie wearing that?
The jumper could be his mind reminding him of his sinful thoughts when it regarded Sylvie or maybe...maybe this is real.
Loki's eyes slowly widen with realization.
"Sylvie." This time he said it more clearly but his voice shook with emotion. She gives him an reassuring smile.
"I'm here Loki."
"But...What are you...What are you doing here?"
"What does it look like?" She opens the box. "I'm here to decorate the bloody tree."
"You turned this Godforsaken place into a freaking tree and as it's Christmas I thought we should decorate it."
"Christmas? Tree?"
"Christmas tree you got it."
She gets out the Christmas lights and lets it float into the air. The God of Stories looked with awe as the lights stretched and went around his new home. It disoriented him at first seeing so many different colors after seeing green for so long. His awe soon worn off and is replaced with worry.
"Sylvie what are you doing this could destroy the timelines this could..."
"I know what I'm doing."
Baubles came flying out of the next box. It floats in the air then tinsel followed that went round and round all the way to the top.
"Sylvie." He hissed her name. "What is the meaning of all this?"
She sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Getting ready for Christmas." She stated with an 'Isn't it obvious look?"
"But why? That is a Midgard tradition?"
"That's beneath you?" She said with a raised brow.
Loki said nothing.
Sylvie walks over to him and bends down so she is eye level with him. Loki's breath hitched up as she got closer. His hands trembled.
Don't lose focus don't lose focus. He told himself.
"Loki." She said her voice serious. "You told me we are Gods right? Well..." She sighs. "I never felt like a God...I...I never got the chance to be a God and to be honest I can't ever see myself being a God not like you."
She shakes her head.
"So you want be like them?" He asked.
"I wanted to be free." She nodded. "A chance to start fresh, a new life. After He-Who Remains when I first arrived at McDonald's when I first saw all those people, families, their children, their happiness." She smiles. "I realized then that I wanted that and from that day I swore I will try everything that includes celebrating human traditions. I am still sticking to that promise I will celebrate Christmas but I'm not celebrating it alone and nor are you."
He looks at her puzzled.
"I am forever grateful for what you did for me, for all of us. I want to say thank you." She gets out a present. "I know its not much but..." She smiles sheepishly. "It is Christmas and um well..." She puts the present down on his lap. "I hope you like it."
Loki chuckled slightly as her cheeks blushed pink. She frowns at him.
"What's so funny?"
You are cute when you are embarrassed. He thought.
"Well there's one thing." He added. He shrugs his shoulders. "My hands are tied."
"Oh...Of course." She laughed slightly. "I didn't think about that."
"You can open it for me?"
She smiles.
"I will."
She removes the ribbon then she lifts the lid. A gasp escapes Loki's lips as Sylvie lifts a blanket out. It looked exactly like the one he created in the void.
"You made this?" He asked.
"I been practicing." She grinned. Then she looks at the blanket. "Still looks like a tablecloth to me."
He huffed a laugh at that.
"Here." Sylvie said.
Sylvie wraps the blanket around his shoulders. Loki's smile widens. He brushes his cheek against the fabric. A mixture of both happiness and pained filled him. While he loved the present it also reminded him of what happened afterwards. Not wanting to upset her Loki clears his throat and thanks her for the present.
"You are welcome." She goes back to the box and lifts several ornaments out. She then gets out a smaller version of a tree. "More the merrier." She chuckled as she puts the miniature tree down.
"What's that?" He asked as he nods at the ornaments in her hands.
She holds up the two ornaments.
"S for Sylvie, L for Loki."
Loki studies the two letters in her hands.
"You may have created this tree but it's our Christmas."
She hangs the two letters on the little tree next to each other. It probably meant nothing but Loki couldn't help but see it as something more.
He sighs. God he sounded pathetic.
"And finally..." Sylvie gets out an angel. "The tree topper."
She walks back over to him and sticks the angel on one of his horns.
"Why?" He frowned.
"You are obviously the tree topper to this tree." She giggled at the sight of him. "I was originally going to pick a star but I thought an angel makes more sense because I know you are watching over us."
"I do." He slowly nods. He raises the branch that is nearest to him. "I keep yours close to me." He smiles. "I have always watched over you Sylvie it brings me comfort knowing you are happy."
She bites her lip at that. Another blush creeps up her cheeks. Loki found himself blushing as well.
"I...I brought food." Sylvie quickly changed the subject. She gestures to the trays. "I didn't know what you wanted so I picked everything I also brought some movies, some games, I even brought some festive tunes." Sylvie waves her hand.
All I want for Christmas started to play in the background.
"Had to jump to several timelines to get the stuff." She said. "This song didn't come out until 1994."
"You been busy."
She places an Elf hat on her head.
"You have no idea." She grinned.
"Why the toys?"
She looks over her shoulder at the piles of toys.
"Yeah I gone overboard." She grits her teeth.
"I like it." He said.
She looks at his face. He is smiling a genuine smile.
"I'm glad." She picks up a plate of pigs in blankets. "Want one?"
He shrugs his shoulders again.
"I can feed you."
He pulled a face at that. She rolls her eyes.
"I'm a God."
"There's no need to be ashamed. I'm cool with it. Here."
She lowers herself and gently orders him to open his mouth. He does and she pops the pigs in blankets in his mouth.
"Well?" She asked after he swallowed.
"It's okay."
She gasped at that.
"Just okay?"
"Well it's alright."
She runs a hand down his face.
"What else is there?" He asked in a teasing tone. His eyes shone with mischief.
Sylvie went and picked up a box of truffles.
"If I remember rightly." Loki said before Sylvie offered him the food. "This blanket is big enough for two people."
She raises her eyebrow.
He shifts in his seat.
"I never said anything about my legs being tied."
There is that hint of mischief again but also Sylvie noticed something else underneath it all she saw a hint of shyness as well.
"If you want to of course." He added quickly.
"It would make the feeding job easier." Sylvie sighs and nods. "Alright then."
Sylvie slides on to his lap. She grabs some of the blanket and puts it over herself.
"That okay?" She asked.
"Yes." He replied trying everything he can to contain his excitement.
She gestures to his mouth. He opens it and allows her to toss the truffle in.
"Sweet." He noted.
"But good?"
"Not sure maybe I need some more to find out." He grinned.
She scowls at him but amusement showed in her eyes.
They eventually settled on a movie. Sylvie chose Home Alone telling him it is a classic.
"Humans love it."
Both the God and the Goddess laughed at the movie. They loved Kevin and his traps. He is mischievous, chaotic and fun just like them. Sylvie snuggled into his chest as they watched the movie. Loki looks down at her. Warmth filled up inside him. He always imagined moments like this but never in his life did he think they would come true.
After they played snakes and ladders. Sylvie moved his pieces for him. The game prompted Loki to tell her the story of the time when he turned into a snake to prank his brother. Sylvie snorted and begun telling him funny stories from work.
"He tripped and the milkshake went all over him. The guy shrieked like a bloody banshee."
Loki chuckled.
"Serves him right for being a dick." He replied.
They had a few rounds of chess and told each other jokes from the crackers. Then they settled on watching It's a Wonderful Life.
Sylvie is back against his chest again. Loki wished he could wrap his arms around her. A wave of his power goes through him again reminding him of the burden he now has to carry. His face goes slack as images flood his mind.
Sylvie touches his cheek with concern. Few moments later Loki blinks and shakes his head.
"I'm fine." He said his voice strained.
"You look like you are in pain."
"I've had worse."
She didn't believe him.
"Sylvie don't let it ruin this...please."
Sylvie had so many questions but the way Loki looked at her silently pleading with his eyes made her go quiet. Sylvie then nods and decides to respect his wishes.
"Okay." She said.
She turns her head back towards the movie. She may have dropped it for now but this wasn't the end she will find a way to get him out of this.
She swore on that.
The awkward atmosphere soon vanished and the God and the Goddess found themselves engrossed in the movie. When the movie finished they both look up and see a mistletoe hanging above them.
"Now who put that there?" Loki raises an eyebrow. "Was it you?"
Sylvie shrugs and gives him a cheeky smile.
"Was it you?" She asked.
He shrugs back and smirks.
Seems no one is going to answer that question.
"Can it be fixed?" He asked.
Sylvie looks up at his hopeful expression. She knew what he meant. He meant them, their relationship.
"Loki." She replied. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
He narrows his eyes as he processed her response. Eventually a dawn of realization settles over his features. The tension melts away from his shoulders and a gush of relief comes out of him.
"Not broken." He mumbled.
"Hope kept it alive." She answered.
Loki leans forward. His face is inches away from hers.
"Together?" He whispered.
She cups his chin with her hand.
"Together." She repeated.
She then pulls him for a kiss.
Sylvie wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him harder and more passionately. He responds just as fierce.
"Sylvie." He mumbled into the kiss.
Sylvie felt the tears roll down her cheeks as they both poured their hearts out into the kiss.
Suddenly Sylvie heard fireworks. She looks up and sees rays of colors exploding all around them. It is a magnificent sight.
"Definitely you." Sylvie teased.
"Would you prefer rain? That's popular in romance movies."
"Definitely not." She kissed him again.
Eventually they both pulled away and touched their foreheads together.
"I love you Sylvie."
The words came out so quick Loki didn't even think twice but now he said it he became worried fearing he has gone too far. Sylvie beams at him. Her heart warmed at those words.
"Same to you Loki same to you." She straddles his lap and runs her hands down his chest. "Is it weird to feel attracted to a tree?"
He burst out laughing at that. She licks her lips and admires every part of him.
Na not weird at all. She thought with a smirk.
"Merry Christmas Loki."
Loki smiles and it is the most beautiful smile Sylvie has ever seen.
"Merry Christmas Sylvie."
It wasn't long before they begun filling each other up with the festive spirit with Rockin Around the Christmas Tree playing in the background.
The rocking is definitely not pun intended...
...Or is it?
The End
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reinasegadora · 3 months
Candlelit Poems 🖤
Pairings: Loki Laufeyson x Sylvie Laufeydottir x Fem!OC
Warnings: None.
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Harlow's heart raced as Loki and Sylvie led her through the winding corridors of the ancient castle. Their fingers intertwined, a tangle of excitement and secrecy.
"Almost there," Loki whispered, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Sylvie squeezed Harlow's hand reassuringly. "Trust us," she murmured, her smile soft in the dim torchlight.
They halted before an imposing oak door, its surface etched with intricate runes. Loki produced a key from thin air – a trick that still amazed Harlow – and with a flourish, unlocked the door.
As it swung open, Harlow gasped. Before her stretched a vast library, its shelves reaching impossibly high, disappearing into shadows above. Countless books lined the walls, their spines a rainbow of leather and gilt. Floating candles cast a warm, flickering glow throughout the space.
"Welcome to our secret sanctuary," Sylvie said, guiding Harlow inside.
Loki grinned, "We thought you might enjoy a little... literary adventure."
They led her through the labyrinth of bookshelves, each turn revealing new wonders. Here, a cozy nook with plush velvet cushions; there, a spiral staircase winding up to a lofty reading platform.
Finally, they arrived at a circular clearing in the heart of the library. A picnic blanket lay spread on the floor, surrounded by stacks of books and more candles.
"Choose a book," Loki encouraged, gesturing to the carefully curated pile.
Harlow selected a slim volume of poetry. Sylvie took it gently, opening to a dog-eared page. Her voice was melodic as she read, the verses painting vivid images of love and longing.
As Sylvie read, Loki produced a bottle of wine and three glasses, pouring with a practiced hand. The rich aroma mingled with the scent of old books and beeswax candles.
When the poem ended, they sat in comfortable silence, sipping wine and basking in each other's company. Harlow felt overwhelmed with love for her partners, marveling at the effort they'd put into this surprise.
Suddenly, the ceiling above them shimmered and faded, revealing a breathtaking expanse of stars. Harlow's jaw dropped at the magical display.
"Shall we dance?" Loki asked, rising and offering his hands to both women.
No music played, but they didn't need any. They swayed together, a tangle of arms and gentle laughter, their movements guided by the rhythm of their beating hearts.
As they danced, books floated off the shelves, circling them in a lazy orbit. Pages fluttered open, releasing glowing words that drifted through the air like fireflies.
Harlow closed her eyes, committing every detail to memory: the warmth of Loki and Sylvie's embrace, the soft brush of Sylvie's hair against her cheek, the faint scent of Loki's cologne.
In this moment, surrounded by books and starlight and the two people she loved most in the world, Harlow knew she had found her own personal magic.
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louisetaylor · 2 years
Some Loki cuteness
(Loki is visiting Stark's house with Sylvie, who's been there several times)
4-year-old Morgan Stark: Uncle Loki! *runs up to him and clamps onto his leg*
Loki, confused: Hello. Who are you?
Morgan: Morgan Stark. Can you make a lusion for me please?
Loki, whispering frantically to Sylvie: How does she know my name?
(Sylvie pulls him across the room to a sofa. Morgan sits on Loki's foot like a parole anklet while he walks, so he has to drag her along.)
Sylvie, loving all this: Uncle Thor always lets her hang onto his leg when he visits. And he tells her about his brother Loki, who's tall and thin with black hair and green eyes and makes illusions in the air.
Loki, sitting down and sticking out his leg so Morgan's a foot off the ground: Well, I won't be outdone by Uncle Thor.
Morgan: Uncle Teeb let me go sledding in his shield.
Loki: Am I in the brotherhood of the uncles now? *puts down Morgan* All right, Morgan. What kind of illusion would you like?
(Morgan goes to a basket full of toys and books and looks through the books. Sylvie helps her.)
Sylvie: What about this one?
Morgan, bringing Loki the book: One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
Loki, who definitely knows what a fish is: What's a fish?
Morgan, who is very smart: It's a animal that swims in the water.
Loki: Ohhhhh...
(Morgan climbs up to sit between Loki and Sylvie, gives Loki the book. He reads it to her while creating illusions of the fish. By the end of the book, the room is full of brightly colored floating fish.)
Morgan: I love you two thousand.
Loki, trying not to cry because here is a small person who doesn't hate or fear him: That's how old I am! How old are you?
Morgan: Four.
Loki: Then...I love you four thousand.
Morgan, giggling: That's too many.
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
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All works written about Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki Laufeyson. Drabbles, HCs and one shots.
Requests for sylki are currently closed
☆ - smut ♡ - fluff ☾- angst
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Her glorious purpose ♡ ☾
After sylvie kills He Who Remains she doesn’t feel the glory she thought she would. So sets out to track down the only person who she thinks would understand.
Sylvies scars ♡ ☾
Loki tracks down Sylvie and tends to her wounds. Both the mental and physical
Forehead kisses ♡
Sylvie isn’t always good when it comes to affection. Loki finds a compromise
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wandaromanoffroses · 8 months
Request Info & Masterlist
Request Info
I write for Natasha Romanoff (most preferred), other Scarlett Johansson characters, Wanda Maximoff, other Elizabeth Olsen characters, Sylvie Laufeydottir and other Sophia Di Martino characters. If you request any other marvel women, I may consider it but it'll probably be a no. Yelena is a 100% no.
Kinks I will not write include watersports, non-con (implied is fine), a/b/o, age play and pet play. I'll only write age gaps if all parties involved are over eighteen. Incest is an obvious hard no but I accept stepcest.
Please specify if you want G!P or GxG.
I do not write fluff. Smut and angst are very welcome, however.
If it's not obvious by now, this blog is for non-men and non-men only. I will not write R as a male and I will not write about male love interests. It is also clearly an 18+ blog.
Natasha Romanoff
The Challenge (Part 1) - Smut
"Isn't she gorgeous?" - Smut
Recreating Dirty Dreams - Smut
Ovulation - Smut
Taylor Swift
Daddy - Smut
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eykismyfav · 1 year
Loki (Series) Masterlist
❤️‍🩹- Angst, 💕-Fluff, 💔- Self Doubt/ Insecurity
Loki (Any Variant)
One Shot
Damaged but Not Beyond Repair Loki x TVA!reader ❤️‍🩹💕
Everything is Going to Be Okay... I Promise  President Loki x Adopted Daughter!Reader 💕
Mobius M. Mobius
One Shot
Dancings Not a Crime Mobius x TVA!reader 💕
As the World Caves In Mobius x TVA!reader ❤️‍🩹💕
My Idiot Part 1 Part 2 Mobius x TVA!reader 💕
Times Up Mobius x Variant!reader ❤️‍🩹
You’re My Home Mobius x TVA!reader 💕
Driving Lesson Mobius x Daughter!reader 💕❤️‍🩹
The Aftermath Mobius x Daughter!reader ❤️‍🩹💕
Sylvie Laufeydottir
One Shot
Trouble in Paradise Sylvie x Fem!reader ❤️‍🩹💕
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Alex’s Christmas Sleepover 2022!!!
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Okay, okay, sooooo
Last year I started this way too late and I also, like, completely failed and didn’t get any of my story requests done, so I greatly apologize for that 😅😅😅 BUT to @shadyrunawaykingdom, @corner-emo​, and @sevenmillionpsychos​, if you still want the same stories that you requested previously, I will write them this year and they will be the very first stories that I put out from this. If you want a new story instead, just let me know and I’ll do that instead. If you’d like to request another story along with your previous one, that’s perfectly fine, just know that your new story requests will go into whatever list I have going after your previous requests are done. If you need a reminder on what story you requested last year, let me know and I’ll tell you!! 
So, now, here’s how things will go. Below, I’ll have listed the characters that I’m currently comfortable writing for categorized by fandoms, as well as different symbols relating to christmas and whatnot. You get to choose if you want a moodboard or story (if you pick story, you automatically get a moodboard as well, please keep that in mind), as well as what character or characters you’d like in it. If you want a story, you get to choose what type of story (smut, angst, fluff, comfort, etc. as well as any combinations - any characters I list that are canonically younger than 18, I will be aging up unless you ask for a scenario that requires them to be younger, just no asking for there to be smut while the character isnt aged up to 18+) as well as if you’d like a shorter story (Around 500-1,500 words) or a longer story (Around 2,000+). You then get to also add in any of the christmas symbols that I list and voila. I shall create something for you 😌
I do ask that you go through this whole post in order to create your request. Also, if you want a specific version of a character (ie, Emo!Wanda Maximoff, Dark!Lizzie Saltzman, Season 3!Eddie Munson, etc., etc..), then please let me know!! You can just fill out the information below and let me fill in the blanks with whatever comes to my mind or you can give me a specific scenario along with the other things as well, it's entirely up to you!!
Duration: 12/08/22 - 01/31/23
[Polyamorous ships are allowed for both of the following]
📖 - Character(s) x Reader (Please specify platonic or romantic)
👩 - Female, Transfemale
👨‍🦱 - Male, Transmale
🏳️‍🌈 - Enby, Other (Please specify)
🚢 - Character(s) x Character(s) (Please specify platonic or romantic)
[Crossovers are allowed!!]
✪ - Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier
⍟ - Steve Rogers/Captain America
⎊ - Tony Stark/Iron Man
⧗ - Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
४ - Loki Odinson
🕸️ - Peter Parker/Spiderman
➳ - Clint Barton/Hawkeye
ᱬ - Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
⩔ - Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America
🥂 - Pepper Potts
🔫 - Yelena
🏹 - Kate
🥥 - Bruce Banner/Hulk
🍄 - Jen Walters/She-Hulk
🪄 - Dr. Stephan Strange
🔨 - Thor Odinson
🐍 - Sylvie Laufeydottir
🦯 - Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Stranger Things:
🌼 - Robin Buckley
🐉 - Mike Wheeler
🤱 - Steve Harrington
📷 - Jonathan Byers
📒 - Nancy Wheeler
🍃 - Argyle
🍁 - Gareth Emerson
🧠 - Dustin Henderson
👮‍♂️ - Jim Hopper
🎸 - Eddie Munson
😇 - Joyce Byers
🏀 - Lucas Sinclair
👙 - Karen Wheeler
🦸‍♀️ - El/Jane Hopper
🎶 - Max Mayfield
💏 - Will Byers
📣 - Chrissy Cunningham
🇷🇺 - Dmitri Antonio
🥃 - Murray Bauman
😈 - Lucifer Morningstar
🥀 - Rory Morningstar
👑 - Chloe Decker
🚓 - Dan
🥽 - Ella
💼 - Charlette
🔪 - Mazikeen Smith
🍎 - Eve
🎓 - Linda Martin
📿 - Amenadiel
The Originals:
🐺 - Klaus Mikaelson
⚖️ - Elijah Mikaelson
🪞 - Rebekah Mikaelson
🧿 - Freya Mikaelson
🪬 - Vincent
🔮 - Davina Claire
🗝️ - Camille O'Connell
👠 - Hayley Marshall
🏏 - Kol Mikaelson
🎀 - Aurora
🧨 - Keelin
🧬 - Marcel
⛓️ - Penelope Park
🧳 - Josie Saltzman
🗡️ - Hope Mikaelson
🧭 - Cleo
🚨 - Ethan
🚀 - MG
🎠 - Lizzie Saltzman
🥊 - Jed
♟️ - Ben
🎩 - Landon Kirby
🎸 - Finch
🔥 - Kaleb
✍ - Story
📈 - Long
📉 - Short
😘 - Smut
🥰 - Fluff
🥺 - Comfort
😔 - Angst
💀 - Dark
🗡 - Mafia
😊 - Cute
😍 - Flirty
🌇 - City
🌄 - Country
🏖 - Vacation
💒 - Married/Wedding
💍 - Engaged
🐹 - Pets
😝 - Silly/Weird/Crack
😴 - Sleepy
🤒 - Sick
🥳 - Party
🤰 - Pregnancy
🛍 - Shopping
🍼 - Baby/Kids
⚔ - Era AU (Specify which, please, 1800s, 1860s, 1940s, 1980s, etc.)
🏍 - Bikers
👻 - Spooky
🦇 - Vampires
🎒 - K-12
🏫 - College
These were all the ones I could think of, but if you had others in mind, that's perfectly fine as well!
Remember, you can put together as much as you want as long as it makes sense!!!
🖼 - Moodboard
📸 - Number of Pictures
🌈 - Color(s) Theme
🧱 - Background Color
🚫 - No Background Color
Christmas Symbols:
🎄 - Decorated Christmas Tree
🌲 - Non-Decorated Tree
🎁 - Presents
🎅 - Santa Claus
🤶 - Mrs. Claus
🧑‍🎄 - Elves
🎶 - Caroling
🕯 - Christmas Lights
⭐ - Stars
❄ - Winter
☃️ - Snowman
🌿 - Mistletoe
🔥 - Fireplace
🍽 - Food
🍪 - Desserts
🦌 - Reindeer
🛷 - Sled
🧤 - Gloves
👒 - Hats
😌 - Blankets
👕 - Sweaters
🎂 - Holiday Desserts
☕️ - Hot Chocolate/Apple Cider
🌨 - White Christmas
⛸️ - Ice Skating
🧣 - Scarf
Again, if you can think of any others that you would like to use, I am perfectly fine with that!!
Guys, you can request as many stories as you want, just remember that these things all take time!!! Just let me know what your requesting in a reply, ask, reblog, dm, etc. Anything at all!! Just please let me know!! And if you have any questions, definitely feel free to ask me!!!
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Please write some more Sylvie fluff! The last one was awesome
Thank you thank you thank you! It makes me so happy to hear you liked it :D here's a lil something that's been sitting in my brain collecting dust for the past week or so lmao. Enjoy <33
Lamentis Love Confessions (Sylvie Laufeydottir x reader)
Warnings: swearing, Sylvie's kind of mean (she apologizes), friends to lovers, Sylvie being soft (possibly out of character)
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Being tossed out a train is not a pleasant experience to go through, as it turns out. You let out a loud "oof" as you took a tumble down a grassy hill, landing next to Sylvie when you eventually stopped.
"Well, that was quite rude," you commented as Sylvie frantically searched through the grass.
"No, no, where is it? I had it just a moment ago, where could it be?" She muttered to herself, growing more and more agitated by the second. "Goddamn it!"
"What happened?" You asked, looking around in the grass with her for whatever she had lost.
"It's the Temp-Pad, I had it earlier, where could it have gone?"
"Do you need help looking for it?"
"No, I can find it myself," she snapped.
You blinked at her slowly. She'd never spoken to you like that before, no matter how much you annoyed her or how often. "Okay, I'll just be over there then. Lemme know if you need me." You got up and left, but not before picking up her cloak and carrying it with you.
After walking around for a bit, you finally settled on sitting on a patch of dirt near the spot you'd been tossed from the train. Wrapping the cloak around you, you got comfortable and watched as Sylvie found something that appeared to be the Temp-Pad. You could see her fiddling with it for a bit in the distance before she stopped and began making her way back to you.
The sound of loud stomping announced her arrival as she groaned in frustration. "Great. The Temp-Pad's broken, which means we're stuck here. Which means we're going to die. That's just fantastic." She turned to look where you were sitting, still wrapped up from earlier. "Is that my cloak?"
You looked up at her as she stared at you with a perplexed look on her face.
"Yeah, I hope you're okay with me borrowing it. I like it because it keeps me warm, plus the smell reminds me of you. It makes me feel safe."
Her face softened at your words, her usual scowl and grumpy demeanor replaced by the faintest of smiles. She took a seat next to you on the ground and let out a sigh. "This is not how I imagined things would pan out."
"Yeah, me either," you agreed. "But hey, at least we're here together, and we have each other. That's good enough for me." You gently bumped her shoulder with your own, letting out a small giggle as you did so.
A rare smile appeared on her face, something that only ever happened around you. Her gaze suddenly dropped to the ground. "I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I treated you like shit when you were only trying to help." She chose to keep staring at the ground while she apologized, unable to look you in the eyes. "You're the only friend I have, and I should treat you better."
"Oh, hun," you said, using one of your many affectionate nicknames you had for her. "I mean, you're right, you shouldn't treat me like crap, but I understand how upset you were. I forgive you." You opened your arms, silently offering her a hug.
She hesitated before scooting closer, allowing you to envelope her in your open arms. She sat there awkwardly for a moment before relaxing, her frustration and stress instantly melting away.
"Sylvie, can I tell you something?" You said after a moment.
"Of course."
"I-" You let go of her, scooting away a little bit as you felt your face flush. "I like you. More than a friend. I- I think- I love you."
Sylvie was shocked. You loved her? You loved her? You, a person who she saw to be without flaw, loved her, a troublemaking Variant, an outcast, someone who was constantly on the run?
She must have been lost in thought for longer than she thought she was because all of a sudden you turned away from her and let out a sigh.
"Forget it. Forget I said anything, okay?"
"No, wait."
She reached out and took your hand into hers. "I- I like you, too. More than as a friend, I mean."
You turned to face her again, her icy blue eyes meeting yours. "Really?"
"Yes, really. I...I love you, too."
You instinctively leaned forward, your face mere inches away from hers. You looked into her eyes for approval. She nodded, and you sealed your confession of love with a sweet, passionate kiss. Your noses bumped as you pulled her close, and that was when you knew you always wanted things to be like this, with you right by her side.
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @nevilleismywhore @xxromanoffxx @your-next-daydream
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jellycolors · 3 years
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𝘴𝘺𝘭𝘷𝘪𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘧𝘦𝘺𝘥𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘴𝘥
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞/𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞
𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
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amphxtrite · 3 years
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sylvie laufeydottir x fem!reader
warnings: lots of fluff, fast paced.
summary: sylvie meets a beautiful dancer while resting on a planet about to meet it’s end.
word count: 1.4k
song: runaway by aurora
hope you enjoy!
Sylvie sighs as she pulls her cloak tighter around her and clutches the reset charge close to her body entering the time door in front of her. She was absolutely exhausted after her last few attacks of the minutemen and vigorous jumping around the timeline, so she figured she would stop by an apocalypse that still had a little time before its demise to rest.
Sylvie steps into the opening of an underground shelter on Trio Imus-4 in the year 3038. The planet was in the middle of an interplanetary war with another world and on the losing end, Sylvie predicted she could have a good couple of days here, and if she laid low the TVA wouldn’t be able to detect her before she fled. A green glimmer coats her body as her headpiece fades, a bag appears on her back and her armour is well covered by another cloak, before she knocks on the door.
“Hello? P-Please is anyone there?” She chokes out in her most pleaful voice.
A couple moments go by when a woman and a man emerge with holstered weapons, staring curiously at her.
“May I come in? M-My family died on the journey to find you, I have no one left.” She murmurs, shivering the wind.
The two look at the young Sylvie with pity and nod as they stand aside.
“Come on in, you’ll be safe here.” The man whispers. 
“Oh thank you.” Sylvie smiles, happily entering and following the two further into the shelter.
Almost too easy, she smirks.
The distant sound of chatter eventually grows into a clear hum as she enters the main living area, Sylvie scans the space as she finds an empty area to sit and finally rests.
A sigh of relief leaves her lips as she collapses and feels her eyes begin to droop, reaching into her conjured, travellers bag she holds her dagger and new reset charge in a tight grip and allows unconsciousness to pull her into the sweet abyss.
“Hey, wake up and have something to eat, you’ve been knocked out  for a while.” A soft voice chimes from above her. The woman who let Sylvie in hands her a small loaf of bread and a bowl of what looked to be soup. “It’s not much, but it will help you keep your strength up.” She smiles.
Sylvie’s eyes widen as she takes the warm meal into her hands, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been shown such kindness.
“Thank you...” She murmurs, looking up in awe at the woman.
“Please, call me Urith.” She smiles, walking back over, to who Sylvie assumed to be her husband.
Looking back down at the food in her grasp, the blonde takes a deep breath in and gratefully begins eating, the warm feeling in her stomach felt so nice after countless cold nights, and she debated going to ask Urith for more when she was finished, but decided against it at the sight of the hungry children around her.
For a couple moment the runaway, felt at peace, almost tranquil at the almost homey feeling of the small shelter, one by one the children were filling up on Urith’s soup and then rushing over somewhere just out of Sylvie’s vision, it didn’t seem like anything at first, but after every child ran over in the same direction, she began to grow confused.
And then she heard it.
“I was listening to the ocean, I saw a face in the sand, but when I picked it up then it vanished away from my hands, down.”
Sylvie’s ears prick up and she glances over to see the children sitting around a woman’s feet.
“I had a dream, I was seven, climbing my way in a tree, I saw a piece of heaven waiting impatient for me, down.” Her body began to move unconsciously, standing and slowly shuffling towards the almost ethereal voice pulling her in.
“And I was running far away. Would I run off the world someday? Nobody knows Nobody knows, and…”
Sylvie spots you, a beautiful maiden clad in a cream coloured gown, slightly dirty from the dust, but still absolutely beautiful.
“I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't complain.” You continued, swaying around, twirling and smiling as the children clapped and Sylvie watched from a distance.
“But now take me home. Take me home where I belong, I can't take it anymore.”
You raise your head and your eyes lock with a pair of blue-green eyes, you smile at the beautiful stranger as you continue the song and she cocks her head at you.
An idea pops into your head and swerving around the children, who laugh cheerfully, you reach Sylvie and offer her your hand.
“My name is y/n, care for a dance, traveller?” You ask sweetly, a smile resting on your face.
“Sylvie, pleased to meet you, but I’m afraid I don’t dance.” She apologizes.
“I’ll have none of that nonsense, everyone can dance Sylvie.” You offer again with a laugh.
The blonde grins at your seemingly endless amount of positivity as she prepares to decline.
“Please miss, we want y/n to finish the song.” A young boy pleads, wrapping his arms around your leg as he makes puppy-dog eyes at the woman.
Sylvie’s voice catches in her throat.
“Oh, I-”
“Pretty please, y/n’s an amazing dancer.” A young girl chimes.
“Children, be nice to Sylvie, she’s had a long journey.” You scold playfully, stroking the children’s hair as you wave them back to the group.
You begin to walk away as Sylvie’s arm reaches out and takes your hand, you turn back around a confused smile on your face.
Sylvie swallows her nerves and removes one of her cloaks before lifting your hand to her lips and placing a soft kiss to it.
“I can’t say no to such an offer.” She smirks, causing your face to light up as you pull her towards the children.
You help Sylvie place her hands on your hip and in your hand as you begin to guide her in some easy steps, once she gets the hang of it, you begin the song again.
“And I was running far away. Would I run off the world someday? But now take me home, take me home where I belong, I got no other place to go. Now take me home, take me home where I belong, I got no other place to go.”
Sylvie watches in awe as you sing, still expertly guiding her as she removes one of her arms to twirl you and you laugh into the song.
“You’ve got quite the enchanting voice, darling.” She compliments as your face heats up in a soft blush.
“Now take me home, home where I belong. Oh, no, no. Now take me home, home where I belong…” You pause, leaning in close to Sylvie as you breathe out the last lyric.
“I can’t take it anymore.”
Sylvie couldn’t trust, it was an impossible task to achieve, in that moment, she was conflicted, an stunning woman in her arms inching closer to her, eyes closed, her own eyes darting about in search of a danger, but there was none, for once, in this small shelter on a war-ridden planet, she was the safest she’d ever been and when your lips met, a warmth flood her entire body, making her dizzy in the head and weak in the knees. She quickly returned the kiss, moving her hand to your chin to deepen the kiss, closing her own eyes as she tilts her chin.
Your heart pounds out of your chest as Sylvie passionately leads your lips, it was desperate, quick but almost loving, as though she had wanted someone to do this with her entire life. The sheer sincerity of the kiss almost brought you to tears as you finally broke and the children all cheered.
“Sylvie, I think you’re the one enchanting me.” You laugh, continuing to hold her hands as she lets a small smile escape.
If only you knew, Sylvie sighs to herself, feeling her heartbeat quicken as you squeeze her hand gently.
“You kiss strangers often?” Sylvie teases, squeezing your hand back.
“Well, not usually, but sometimes... you can make exceptions.” You smile, wrapping your arms around Sylvie’s torso and swaying again.
“Now that is quite the story.” Loki chuckles, sitting back in his seat.
“Yes, yes, I fell in love with a fair maiden and had to leave as her planet destroyed itself.” Sylvie groans. “But when this is all over, I’m going back for her.” She states, determined.
And maybe feel her lips on mine again, a small part of her brain silently prays.
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buckyhoney · 3 years
the character development of loki is incredible.
he goes from a character so insecure and guarded that he used arrogance and pride as a mask to someone who believes that he is capable of a life beyond pain and suffering.
a life that he is able to be happy and one that is filled with genuine connections with others.
regardless if marvel intended it or not, these series are showing us that in order to become our most powerful self, we need to allow ourselves truly to express our emotions rather than repressing them.
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fairydxll · 3 years
♡ ♱ 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ₊˚୨୧
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☆*:.。. mcu .。.:*☆
💌 peter parker
i love you more than chocolate; fluff
anatomy exam; fluff
si tu es content; fluff
cool party; fluff
rainbow road; fluff
earbuds; fluff
trick or treat; fluff
pride and joy; series (ON HIATUS)
how they hold you; hc
putting up christmas lights; blurb
movie night; blurb
peter comes home to you crying; blurb
as you wish; smut
💌 michelle jones
what was your first kiss like; hc
💌 steve rogers
close one; fluff
rough day; fluff
how they hold you; hc
what was your first kiss like; hc
praise kink; blurb
💌 bucky barnes
timing is everything; fluff
oh baby; fluff
close one; fluff
one night only; smut
cheek to cheek; smut
their ideal date; hc
sweet little angel; smut
💌 loki laufeyson
surprise, i guess; fluff and angst
you stole my heart, but i’ll let you keep it; series (ON HIATUS)
things they'll never admit; hc
what was your first kiss like + what was your first time like; hc
💌 sylvie laufeydottir
💌 natasha romanoff
pup; smut
farther we fall; fluff
unfair; smut - deserved; smut
💌 yelena belova
going shopping together; blurb
💌 wanda maximoff
mystery of love; fluff
💌 pietro maximoff
caring for you while you're sick; hc
distracting you while trying to study; blurb
first kiss; blurb
💌 kate bishop
meeting her mom; blurb
💌 steven grant
💌 marc spector
˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ °
☆*:.。. tasm .。.:*☆
💌 peter parker (tasm)
delicate pleasures; smut
patching up his skateboarding wounds; blurb
💌 gwen stacy (tasm)
delicate pleasures; smut
˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ °
☆*:.。. eternals .。.:*☆
💌 druig
💌 makkari
💌 thena
˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ °
☆*:.。. xmen .。.:*☆
💌 charles xavier
💌 jean grey
💌 scott summers
💌 peter maximoff
dream come true; smut
˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ˚✧₊⁎ °
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misskatebishop · 3 years
Female Characters Masterlist
Check the guidelines before submitting a request.
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- I want you on top of me like cherry:
Warnings: +18, smut, vaginal fingering, strap on, oral sex.
Summary: Reader makes up for not being there for Carol’s birthday party.
- She ruined everything good:
Warnings: Cheating. Emotional Manipulation. Abuse. Toxic Relationship. Depression. Hurt/No Comfort. Angst.
Summary: Carol ruined your idea of a perfect life. Who will collect the pieces of your shattered heart from the ground?
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- Cuddling:
Warnings: None.
Summary: Natasha and Reader cuddle during movie night.
- Pointe Technique:
Warnings: None. Fluff. A bit of angst.
Summary: Natasha meets you at a ballet school.
- Through the lows and the highs:
Warnings: Some medical concepts and devices for blood sugar monitoring. Hyperglycemia.
Summary: Natasha gets home and finds out her girlfriend is not well. Nothing better than cuddling and waiting until her meds kick in.
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- Yelena explains what asexuality is:
Warnings: none.
Summary: Reader can’t understand why Yelena doesn’t have sex with her.
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- Having Some Fun:
Warnings: smut, vaginal fingering, +18
Summary: A customer flirts with Reader and things escalate quickly.
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- Easy Fix:
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort.
Summary: You come back from the Blip and expect to meet Wanda soon, when it doesn't happen, you go after her.
- I miss you, mommy:
Warning: Top Reader. Bottom Wanda. Mommy Kink. +18.
Summary: Your girlfriend decides to surprise you in a sexy, needy way.
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- Not All Families Are Blood-Related:
Warnings: Angst with a Happy Ending.
Summary: Kate brings her girlfriend to meet her mother on Christmas.
- Make You Feel My Love:
Warnings: None. Just fluff.
Summary: You and Kate dance in the kitchen.
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- Forget-me-not:
Warnings: Eternals’ spoilers. Angst.
Summary: You met Thena’s in a farmer’s market. She’s not exactly who you think she is. But she doesn’t know who she is either.
- I'd fight on Christmas night for you:
Warnings: Fluff.
Summary: It's the first Christmas you and Thena will spend together, and the Eternals are coming, too.
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- Frat Party
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Warnings: Fluff. Awkward flirting.
Summary: Kate didn't expect Yelena's apology.
- An American Christmas (Platonic)
Characters: Kate Bishop & Yelena Belova
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of angst at Natasha's mention.
Summary: Kate gives a tour through New York to Yelena during Christmas.
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
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Who I write for:
Varying characters from RDR2 x Fem!reader <requests OPEN>
Tess Servopoulos x Fem!reader <requests OPEN>
Moonknight x reader ( Steven/marc/Jake/Layla ) <requests CLOSED>
Sylvie laufeydottir x Loki Laufeyson <requests CLOSED>
Remus Lupin x Nymphadora Tonks <requests CLOSED>
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General blog rules / notes
• NO minors/ ageless blogs. The majority of my writing is nsfw and you will be blocked if you are a minor or ageless blog.
• men interacting with my sapphic content will also be blocked. Go away tf
• blank blogs are also immediately blocked. At least have an age in your bio or something that shows you’re not just an empty spam blog
• criticism of my writing is not welcome here. Whether you think it’s constructive or not. I owe no one ‘improvement’ of my hobby also I will cry
• spam likers of fic without reblogging something or commenting are also going to be blocked. Pls support your writers!
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Requests, styles and themes I accept
• fem!reader- sometimes what I write could be GN!reader but I always write with female reader in mind because I’m a female. It’s what I know and what I’m comfortable with.
• fluff
• smut ( be as feral as you want, I won’t judge )
• angst ( including death, violence etc )
I accept requests for one shots, drabbles, Headcannons or even just rambling little responses if you just want to get an idea out of your head and chat about it! I class drabbles as anything under 1k words.
Be as detailed as you can with requests it really helps me flesh out your ideas :)
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What I will not write
• non-con / dub-con
• minors, racism, transphobia, all that jazz
• reader specifically mentioned as being a teenager. I never specifically mention readers age so it is as blank for you to insert yourself as possible. But if you want it specific that they are younger for example, I won’t write them younger than 20. All the characters I write for are adults. So reader must be too
• AMAB reader
• anything relating to eating/ EDs. A bitch is in BED recovery not tryna get triggered.
I am a feral mf there’s not much I won’t give a try. But please remember I have a right to not do a request if I don’t want to. And also be patient. Sometimes I crank a request out within a week. Sometimes it’s months.
All request must be sent as an ask. I won’t acknowledge requests left in comments or in messages, it just makes it easier for me to have them all in one place.
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Last of all please be patient. Have respect and basic manners when requesting something. I don’t write in the order I receive requests, I go on what spikes motivation first. So if your request is taking longer than you’d hoped, just be patient.
I have a right to ignore requests if I don’t vibe with it or you didn’t follow the rules above, without informing you. I’ll simply just delete it.
Even just a hi/hello is nice! Remember I’m writing because it’s fun! In my free time. Don’t take the fun out of it for me.
If you you ever had any questions my ask box is always open please feel free to drop me an ask! :)
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