#( in before zelda has to separate them )
7-oh-ta1 · 1 year
I know I did not just see someone imply that bec Rauru is Zonai and bec Sonia is poc that Hyrule can't be imperialistic fhfhghh guys do we remember which country this game series is made in? Do we know the history of that country? Are the ppl of that country poc
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duckapus · 1 year
Episode Idea:
It’s a regular day at Bob and Breakfast until a group of Garo led by one with a Legally Distinct Design much like Bob’s come asking for him. Bob clearly recognizes them, because the second he sees them he tells the desk clerk to say he’s not here, then runs up to Meggy’s apartment and begs her to hide him. Unfortunately the lead Garo didn’t miss what he was doing and shows up at Meggy’s door, fighting their way in when Meggy tries to cover for him, so the two jump out the window and make a break for it.
This results in a chase through the city that the rest of the crew ends up involved in, until the Garo group have everyone cornered. It’s revealed that the lead Garo is apparently Bob’s sister Marcy(who none of the crew knew existed) and that she and her team are here to take Bob back to the clan. The crew obviously aren’t on board with this idea and fight back, which results in the Garo retreating, taking Boopkins with them as incentive for Bob to follow. Though, not until he can explain to his friends what’s going on.
Apparently all the different backstories he’s given them over the years have been lies, because he just Does That Sometimes. He actually grew up in the biggest Garo clan in Ikana, and was trained alongside his sister as one of their warriors.
The thing is, he was absolutely terrible at doing anything The Garo Way, as anyone who’s been near him for more than five minutes would tell you. He’s loud and obnoxious. He has no respect for authority. His sword “technique” amounts to “Flail Wildly,” “Use Gun Instead” and “SPEEEEEEN!” He sucks at stealth and thrives on attention. He’s greedy, cowardly, perverted and addicted to drugs. So he was very much the black sheep of the clan, made worse by the fact that Marcy was everything he couldn’t be, no matter how hard he tried.
And for quite a while he did try, until eventually he realized he just was not going to ever fit in there, and he had to either leave as soon as possible or end up miserable for the rest of his(probably short if he ever got assigned to a mission) life. But nobody just leaves the clan, so he’s been on the run from them ever since. Especially from Marcy, since she was fully dedicated to the clan even back then and took his departure as a personal betrayal.
So with the real backstory out of the way, they’re off to Ikana Canyon to save Boopkins.
Trying to take him back by stealth doesn’t end up working, nor by force after they’ve been made. So Bob challenges the clan for the freedom of his friends and himself. The Garo Leader agrees, declaring that if he can beat the clan’s greatest warrior, he and the crew can go back to the Mushroom Kingdom and the clan will leave them alone. But if he loses, he has to stay with the clan, while the outsiders will be banished from Ikana for the rest of their days. and of course, Marcy is currently the clan’s greatest warrior.
The next morning, in the moments before the duel, the crew gathers up for what hopefully won’t-but given Bob’s lack of skill realistically probably will-be the last time they see him. Tears are shed, hotel keys and keepsakes are handed over, and Bob actually manages to express how much he cares about everyone without his usual issues getting in the way for once. And then, it’s time.
The duel starts out about how you’d expect, with Bob getting his ovaries handed to him on a silver platter, until he hears his friends cheering him on, with Boopkins in particular shouting at him to stop trying to fight like a Garo and start fighting like a Bob. This gives him a second wind and a new, extremely chaotic strategy, because apparently getting into the kinds of Situations the crew does makes you get pretty good at unorthodox fighting. This manages to put him at about even with Marcy, and he eventually manages to win, and his victory is met with loud applause from his friends...and the rest of the audience, who apparently really didn’t want him to come back and are fucking ecstatic that they won’t have to put up with him.
Significantly less happy about this is Marcy, who concedes defeat for now but vows to get her brother back from those outsiders another day, even without the backing of the clan.
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linderosse · 28 days
Super long post; read at your own peril (tl;dr at the end).
But I just had a brilliant possible idea about where Echo (the new Zelda from Echoes of Wisdom) fits in the Wisdomverse, so I’m documenting it in case I decide to use it.
See, merging Echo into Fable would be cool. They seem very similar already (relevant post), and it’s a good option.
Yet there are a few small problems with this. I can get around them, but they’re still something to consider.
Fable’s already in four separate games (Most Zeldas get one game or less). Adding EoW makes a fifth.
Fable is already quite powerful amongst the Zeldas. Adding EoW makes her a bit OP. I’ll have to balance that carefully.
Fable has a planned story arc in the Wisdomverse. This might conflict with EoW (for example, this is why LU decided against adding TotK to Wild)
So while I still think it could be cool to merge Fable and Echo, I’m also looking for other possibilities. I don’t want to introduce a new Zelda between Fable and Dawn unless I have to.
And then I realized:
There is already a canon Zelda between Fable and Dawn.
I’ve literally already introduced her.
I have plans for her that could totally work with what we see in Echoes of Wisdom.
She’s vastly underpowered and could use the abilities from EoW very well
I could totally see myself writing her personality into EoW Zelda— it’s a different take than how I’ve depicted Echo before, but it would work equally well imo
And she’s also the Zelda with the least canon information; the one we know the least about overall— especially since we never meet her in her own time.
Guys, if Fable doesn’t work out, I think it might be awesome to merge Echo with Aurora— Hyrule’s second Zelda.
Imagine this:
Aurora woke up centuries in the future, after the Great Decline. She’s trapped in a vastly different world with Dawn and Hyrule as her only solace. She loves them, but she’s not from here; and she can’t shake the dread that she’s left everything behind: her friends, her realm, her brother, who she still cares about despite everything he did to her— and also, of course, her Link, who she loves, and went on an entire adventure to save.
When she was Echo, she was a hero. But as Aurora, she’s an echo of the past; a mournful ghost of a bygone age
Tl;dr: What if Echoes of Wisdom is the era Aurora came from— and where she desperately longs to return?
(More thoughts on the timeline under the cut.)
So— Echoes of Wisdom seems (so far) to take place around the time of Legend’s era, with enough ambiguity that it could be either before or after Legend’s era of ALttP/Oracles/ALBW/TH.
Currently leaning towards “EoW before Legend” considering the similarities to OoT, but I could very well go with “EoW after Legend,” which would be necessary for the Aurora merge. The Oracle games, after all, have a lot of similarities with OoT in terms of races and characters present (Zoras, the Deku Tree, Zelda’s design, etc), and they come after ALttP, which doesn’t have quite as many. Same thing with FSA, which is canonically after Twilight Princess but obviously resembles Four Swords more, and both Wisdomverse and LU have shifted the timeline to match. So there is precedent for similarities to skip a generation or two, even in canon.
I also doubt EoW is going to include a Prince of Hyrule (the one character we know of from Aurora’s backstory). This is fine, because I’m confident I can come up with a reason the Prince was away during the events of EoW. Perhaps during the events of EoW, the Prince left on a journey of his own and first encountered the Wizard that leads to Aurora’s downfall.
Anyways, these are just tentative plans. We’ll see what happens when the game comes out!
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tw1l1te · 5 months
𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖘𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖔- 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
“Oh, I like her already.” Wars speaks. The Vet just seems to roll his eyes, muttering something about the Captain’s ego.
You rise back into a standing position, eyeing the group again. You look back up at Time, stating, “I presume you’re the Hero of Time, based off of your moniker.”
“You would be correct, although hardly anyone calls me by that title.”
You hum at his comment, finding his humble nature pleasing. Turning to the one named Sky, you motion your hand at him, “And you must be the Hero of the Skies, or the Chosen One. The first of us, if we go by technicalities.”
He nods hesitantly, curious as to where you got all of this information about them. He would’ve been more uneasy if you weren’t a descendant, but you were one of them, after all.
“Why… do you call yourself the Forgotten Hero?” he asks.
You smile solemnly at him, “Because this era has been doomed. Utterly and completely in decay. By the time my quest is done, Hyrule, or what remains of it will collapse and rebuild itself over thousands of years. I will be too hidden in the past to be remembered.”
You take a small breath before continuing, admitting the truth out loud.
“I will also be forgotten because I’m not you, or your descendants. I’m not the traditional male hero. Quite the anomaly, aren’t I?”
He seems conflicted by your statement, eyebrows furrowing together.
“But if you’re the only female so far, wouldn’t that make you more memorable? The heroine of Hyrule?”
“Maybe in another life, but not this one. I’m considered a disgrace of a hero by most people outside of my village and a few others spanned across the land.”
“Why would you say that? Didn’t you save everyone from destruction?”
You smile sadly, “The destruction happened years before I was born. If anything, I caused more of it.”
He takes a moment to think before asking the inevitable question.
“Link… who exactly did you defeat?”
Your eyes snap back up at him, making sure he was looking right at you. The information you were about to reveal was going to create the rift of the ages. It was now or never.
The room was silent for a few minutes, the only sound being heard was the loud blizzard beyond the splintered walls of the shack. The loud silence made you wish the shack would finally collapse in on itself.
Sky finally speaks, eyes glued to you. 
“W-what do you mean by that? You’re saying she caused all of this?”
You sighed, knowing he was one of the more… innocent followers of her. 
“Well, a few thousand years after the Era of the Wilds, there started to be a lot of… religious issues surrounding Hylia. A lot of questionable and downright disgusting practices. It caused people to start grouping up and separating, causing the nations of Hyrule to close off from each other.”
Looking around the group, you take a moment to let them process the new information before continuing.
“The Rito, Zora, Gorons, Gerudo, Sheikah, and Hylians all started to conflict more and more, eventually ascending into a 50-year war, or the Reawakening. The followers of Hylia formulated a plan to resurrect her in the flesh, killing Zelda in the process.”
“A life for a life.” Time muttered, deep in thought.
“Exactly. The plan was successful, the goddess being reawoken after millennias of being dead. She came back… unrecognizable, both physically and in an ideological sense. Her morality and character had been altered so much to the point of her followers becoming a cult. The cult killed my parents, thousands of people that questioned Hylia, essentially wiping out most of the kingdom.”
“And the land? How did it come to be so… bleak?”
“Hylia is the Sun, both literally and metaphorically. The sun is technically up beyond the clouds, but the amount of destruction and chaos she brought forth made the landscape unrestorable. The entirety of Hyrule looks just like this,” you motioned out with your hand.
“Hyrule is also significantly bigger than any of yours. Probably still larger than if you were to combine the size of each of your era’s Hyrule’s. It has been a cold, snowy abyss for over 30 years now.”
The brunette piqued up, head tilting slightly, “So where is Hylia now? Hyrule Castle?”
You shake your head.
“Hyrule Castle is in utter ruins now, most use it to scavenge for rock or old weapons. I’m… not sure where she is right now, I'm trying to track her down.”
“Didn’t you say you killed her?” the Veteran asked.
“I did but… her psyche is still present. She may not have a physical body anymore, as I returned it back to its dormant state, permanently, but her essence is somewhere. Everywhere.”
Time walks up to you, arms crossed over his chest. Curse your short stature, compared to his at least.
“From what you're telling us, it seems that we were brought here to help you. We came here through a portal, and from what we’ve learned, we can’t leave an era unless we’ve completed the task at hand, regardless of our own opinions or standing on the matter.”
“What were your original plans before being brought here?” you ask.
“The Shadow and his army. It took us months to finally pin him down and defeat him.”
You remember something being mentioned in the archives about a dark version of Link, but only being a mere shadow. Now a physical form? That was something you didn’t experience in your own journey. Lucky you, you suppose.
“Right now Hyrule is… in limbo, I suppose. Hylia’s first form was defeated about a year ago and we’ve tried to track her essence down since. We don’t know if she’s using someone as a vessel or if she’s resting in some sacred grounds to gather strength. Granted, the blizzards have made it significantly harder to even make it past the woods.”
Four, one of the shortest and most colorful of the Link’s speaks.
“So where exactly are we, based off of older maps?”
You ponder for a moment, trying to recollect exactly what town you could use to reference the location you were in. Something that was familiar to them.
“If I were to use my ancestor’s typography maps,” pointing to Wild, “I’d say we’re in the location of the Great Plateau. The plateau collapsed in on itself thousands of years ago and grew thick forest and brush, impenetrable if you were inexperienced with the outside world.”
You take a pause before continuing.
“Though if I were to be more accurate and precise… this would be almost the exact location of Ordon Village from the Era of Twilight.”
Twilight perks up at that, intrigued by your expertise and knowledge of their past eras. 
“How do you know that name?”
He nods.
You were revealing way too much about yourself within hours of meeting your ancestors. This is definitely not what you had planned.
Sighing, you reveal another ability you had kept concealed.
“I have the memories of every hero before me. I can see and dream of their travels, their fears, desires, secrets, everything. Even their own thoughts, at times.”
Twilight’s brow furrows, confusion emulating off his features.
“Isn’t that only what the goddess reincarnated can do? How can a holder of the Triforce of Courage accomplish that?”
“I don’t know. All I know is that it started when I was seven and I have them almost every day, multiple times a day.”
Time bristles at the age it started for you: seven.
He was the youngest hero to start his journey.
Of course, it made sense.
The memories of the hero began as soon as his purpose was ignited.
He was going to speak again, but you beat him to it, mentioning something about supper and needing to attend to some matters.
“Once you’re fed, I’ll come find you and find you a shack to board in. It will most likely be mine, as the village is full enough as it is. Dusk and Colin will show you around a bit, let them know if you need anything.”
With that, you bundle the scarf over your face again and leave through the front door, not looking back behind you.
“...You think they saw that time I rode on a bear in just my undergarments?”
ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Okay you know what actually yeah. I was tired but I had a point.
Why. On earth. In zelda fics. Do people not shut up about everything being hylia's fault forever and ever.
Like, the one deity out of a dozen odd who got cursed into this right alongside Link. All the focus on one great all being power who then gets blamed or blessed for everything that ever happens. It's just... I don't know, it just seems like a culturally Christian thing. Not even that - American catholic.
Especially Legend omg when people write him he never shuts up about how everything bad that's ever happened to him is all hylia's fault and she's doing it on purpose with no thought to her poor beleagured hero. He sounds like someone who grew up in an American conservative household who turned out to be queer and never bothered to unpack any of it and acts like he's now atheist.
But even then you could do something interesting with that!! The common headcanon that Legend is hylian royalty - of course that family would put immense worth and worship on hylia as her descendants, she who founded their kingdom. And maybe legend could feel bitter about not inheriting the magic, or the throne, or whatever meant he grew up away from the castle. Give him some unexamined religious trauma! Heck, he could bond with Flora over disappointing your family's expectations or something! They could work on unpacking it together! If you must make it part of his character at least think about why!
Because that belief is wrong, because hylia is literally the one deity we can pretty safely understand is not all seeing, all knowing, all being.
Every time she has a voice, a role, we see her make mistakes or be tricked and have regrets.
Skyward sword, she's literally zelda. She's a young protective warrior goddess (she used a sword and lead armies to battle against demise) who was created by the Three to guard the triforce and keep watch over hyrules lands. By the time ss starts she's already made several tough calls, not limited to yoinking hylians into the sky. When she was zelda she hated every second of leading Link around and even then!! It all hinged on him being completely willing! He was never forced to do anything, she didn't even have her memories with the plan until after she'd fallen to the surface! Their relationship was entirely genuine and she very nearly overestimated her own willingness to go through with the plan! And even then she still managed to get kidnapped lmao. That's not what happens when you're in charge of fate.
And in botw and totk - she's in her full divine form, her full divine powers, she's ancient and magic and worshipped in every corner of the kingdom. And (spoilers!) she loses contact with one of her own mf statues. Not just any ten apples high chibi statue you see in the towns, no, it's The Big One. She's got no idea what happened to it, but she's (rightfully) worried, and asks Link to check it out. And in an entirely separate instance, her OTHER big statue in the ToT gets overridden!! By a triangle head! And ol creep in the deep is the one who releases the statue! It's been what 20k years of power and worship - if she's not all powerful then she never will be.
Hyrule - every hyrule - is very, very polytheistic. She's not even a goddess of time to be in charge of stuff like that! There's multiple of them: Naryu, Cia (and Lana), Farosh to an extent, and many artifacts that can cause time travel, like the harp of ages, the ocarina, the big portal in ss, those time shift stones in the same game, the statue in wind waker. Please stop treating her like the magic elf equivalent of Monotheistic American Christianity God.
She was introduced in skyward sword. The game that came out before botw. She did not exist in any of the games that came before that. There was a lake hylia! In the kingdom hyrule! That's it! Her name or even existence wasn't even hinted at before that. It's actually canonically pretty unlikely any of the chain (cough cough legend) have even heard of her! And her assigned job is protector of the triforce. That's it. And she can't even use the thing. She can very explicitly as a main driving force of the ss plot not use the triforce she protects. And the triforce, shockingly, is not even in every game.
Cases that hylia often gets the most flack for (links awakening and all the trauma from that, Link failing in botw, the events of totk) hylia has absolutely zero part in. Hilariously. And she has zero power over wishes made to the triforce or who makes those wishes or what the triforce does about it.
She even gets all the blame for the cycle of the hero, the reincarnation! Which? We know exactly how that happened. Blaming her for a curse she herself is a victim to?? Demise, in skyward sword, explicitly, on screen, doing it ON PURPOSE, cursing the spirit of the hero and the blood of the goddess.
Hylia, I don't know if you've noticed, also has her own blood. Whether or not she lost that blood upon return to her divine form, she still couldn't break the curse. Link, spirit now tied to whatever demise had cooking up, is basically to reincarnate in time for whenever the Interesting Times happen. And it's demise's fault, who, again, did it on screen, on purpose, explicitly, pointing at the camera with text bolded and everything.
So why do people even blame her? I think it comes down to this:
Her name matches the kingdom. Whatever her connection to the people with the same name, I don't know, but she did found the surface kingdom as a mortal. Being named zelda at the time I wonder who chose the name XD!
Her worship in botk as a high ranking deity. Again, not monotheistic, there's temples to the Three and there's Malanya and Satori and the great fairies and the yiga worship ganon, but hylia is the most widespread for all she's basically a side character working for the new heart piece situation. Again, this is only the case in ss/botk, she doesn't appear in even aoc.
A misguided belief spread in fanfiction that in linked universe, hylia is the one opening and controlling the portals. To my knowledge, lu canon is that the portals are opened by dark link, or at least that's the working theory. I think it's assumed that hylia is the one who gathered the heroes together to combat it? If that's true? Congratulations! We have one (very plot necessary) act of hers in a fan comic. That is not canon to The Legend Of Zelda series.
An american Christian (I hesitate to say evangelican?) cultural understanding of religion. The differences between polytheism and monotheism. How one might feel if the divine was proven real on earth. Zelda is a Japanese property, it is not a Christian country. Though it draws aesthetic inspiration from western medieval fantasy it is not and never will be culturally western. The majority of ao3/tumblr users are American or at least English speaking, and that will always affect interpretation. It's giving 'be thankful to God no matter what for he always has a plan. Trust in him and your suffering will be rewarded' which is not a universal religious belief.
Something I've noticed to be surprisingly common in fandom, is where a mentor or figure of authority who is anything less than perfect or all forgiving can very quickly have their reputation ripped to shreds by the fandom. And then newer authors come, read those works, internalise that about the characters and produce new works that assume that character's cruelty to be par for the course. I will not be listing those characters or fandoms for a variety of reasons lol. But it is amazingly common and very hard to untangle, especially in larger fandoms. It's character bashing in a way near identical to cancelling people irl. It's not 'giving them depth' or 'making it more realistic' (grittier equalling realism is an ice cold take proliferated by dudebro comic authors and wrong besides.) Have some critical thinking.
Lately, I've also been running into a great many fics (not so much comics) that make hylia do some fairly heinous stuff... And then unironically blame her for it. They do remember they're the ones deciding what the characters do, right? She's not an abusive master playing with her puppets until they break, she's quite the opposite! Use the right tags (dark hylia/ooc characters/character bashing/author made them do it, idk) or dial it back. This is a growing percentage of fics and I'll never restrict content but yanno, if you're going to make hylia evil or manipulative at least understand it's a canon deviation (and do something interesting with it, I once read an amazing botw fic with evil hylia and fierce deity!).
TLDR, To summarise, hylia is canonically incapable both emotionally and physically of doing the majority of things characters in fics blame her for. Stop using her as a scapegoat especially when demise is right there. Please give your whumpees deeper characterisation than hating on hylia. Please give legend deeper characterisation than hating on hylia every time he or someone else is sad. Please remember wild can talk to hylia if he wants. Please double check anything you're not sure about :D!
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Breakdown [Isekai!Reader + Legend/Marin] (Part 1)
In which Isekai!Reader has a breakdown and then proceeds to break reality.
This fic is purely for my own satisfaction as I've yet to find this particular topic explored and I have a mighty need. I've taken liberties. This is self-indulgent trash.
PART: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
TW: Choosing not to display warnings. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
You'd tried not to get close. From the moment you were tossed through the portal (conveniently right at the Chain's feet), you did everything possible to prevent either side from growing unnecessarily attached.
Didn't stop them from strong arming you into joining them though. As an abnormality from the portal, it was in their best interest to keep you close and monitored. Which was fair, so despite your misgivings you went along peacefully.
Though you made sure to let them know where you stood in all this.
You weren't cruel, per say, but you made sure to keep your distance and openly expressed your disinterest in opening up to them. You just wanted to find a way home, and for the most part they did their best to respect that.
Most of them anyway. Wind was an absolute menace. The boy was relentless in trying to wiggle his way into your good graces, always trying to include you in all his little side-quests and jokes.
It would be cute, honestly, if you didn't know he was trying to pump you for information. Clever, using the kid, if you didn't already know who these men were.
(If you're going to try to act friendly with the target Wind, remember to disarm yourself of obvious weaponry before approaching. Silly boy.)
You'd put money on Warriors having orchestrated most of the interactions between you and the youngest. You may not have as advanced senses as them, but you're not blind. It's obvious Wind is reporting to Warriors and Time the nights Wind takes extra pains to interact with you.
(Not that there was much to report. You stuck to your story. Came from a more futuristic world, don't know why you're here, the Heroes of Hyrule are just stories- myths- where your from. You don't know much about them. Yes, you have some secrets. No, they're not harmful to their merry little band. Pot, meet kettle. You'll show them yours if they show you theirs. No? Okay then. Last you checked, they forced you into their group. "Have a good night Time, I appreciate everything you guys do for me. Goodnight Warriors, Legend, Four. Sleep well.")
For being such powerful, experienced heroes, they're not always the brightest. Must be the influence of their Tri-force alinment. It takes a special type of person to do what they do afterall. YOU certainly wouldn't.
But you degress.
Yes, you did everything within your power to keep yourself separate from them without making them your enemies. Slept away from the group, tried (and sometimes failed) to percure your own food. Refused any gifts, money or luxuries offered to you that did not directly involve your continued well-being.
Hell, you even took to cutting grass in your spare time, just so you had something to offer up with you inevitably needed thier assistance. And wasn't that a shock, to find rupees just laying around in the grass. Money literally grow in plants here.
Mind blown.
("No Wind. You found that one, so it's yours. Thank you for the thought though.")
Overall, you thought you'd done an excellent job of it. They- usually- kept to their part of the camp, you stuck to yours (lonely though it was). You rarely talked to them unless strictly necessary or Wind managed to back you into a metaphoric corner. During travel you watched the world go by, acting as another silent pair of eyes.
You thought you'd managed to keep yourself in check.
What a fool you were. To ever think you could keep yourself from loving these kind, selfless, traumatized, courageous goofballs. How shortsighted, to think you would ever be able to stay impartial to their plight, to their pain.
When the divines cast a hook, you took it with both hands and didn't let go.
You're such a damned idiot.
It'd been one hell of a ride to get to the point of no return. Somehow, you'd stumbled though a second portal just as you and the chain had finished exiting the first. Literally, just walked out the first, moved 5 feet away from Legend (your portal crossing partner that time) and promptly stepped into another portal that'd opened right in front of you.
You'd heard Sky's alarmed shout, the beginnings of Wild's bellow, saw Legend try to make a grab at you from the fading entryway. You witnessed Legend flinch back in shock as a wisp of light pulled from his hand and disappeared into the portal. Saw him fall to his knees, seemingly crumbled in pain.
And then you were gone.
You fell onto warm sand, blinded by bright, warm sunlight directly in your eyes. The smell and taste of salt was so strong you can almost feel it coating your insides.
The sea, you quickly realize. Your back hurts from being tossed from the portal, but you're so, so thankful you landed on dry land and not somewhere in the middle of the ocean. A little pain is worth not succumbing to exhaustion and drowning after a desperate, futile struggle.
You laid there for a moment, shocked and grateful and shivering from adrenaline.
You noticed the portal didn't disappear, and none of the chain came charging through to save you either. You watched it for a while, taking deep breaths to calm your heart and waiting for something to happen.
Should you try to go back through? Why is the sound it makes so damn irritating?
"Are you alright?" A lilting voice asks unexpectantly, startling you from where you're sprawled on the sand. "Oh! Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!"
It didn't click at first who this woman was. Long, beautiful red-blond hair, freckled, sun-kissed skin and a little red flower swaying in the sea breeze above her head. A sweet but sad smile, with just a hint of grief in her soulful dark eyes.
You were surprised she didn't notice the portal. You wondered why.
"My name's Marin. What's yours."
It should have clicked.
It didn't.
You broke your own rule, unwittingly though it may have been. Don't interact unnecessarily. Don't get involved. Don't put yourself in a position to get attached. Don't think about it too hard.
Don't. Get. Emotionally. Invested.
"Oh! What a lovely name! I wish we'd have met before-" Her eyes flickered sidewards, and it was then you noticed the biggest egg you'd ever seen on top of a volcanic mountain peak. Just there. A nightmare wrapped up in a pretty bow, waiting for someone to open it.
And he did.
It started to break right before your eyes. Light seeping out through the cracks and pouring down the volcano and into the surrounding land. It was not how you remember this going down, but you knew (without a doubt) what this was and what was happening.
The shock must have been evident on your face because she started talking again, soothingly, though her voice cracked with emotion.
You barely heard her, eyes fixated on the sight of a mountain slowly starting to disintegrate. On the sounds of screams in the distance. Of little shapes moving away from the light, like roaches across the mountainside.
Your eyes flickered to the portal, still there, waiting, emitting the most horrendous noise. A long dark corridor stretching out into a vast nothingness.
The sceams continued. Some cut off suddenly. It was a small island, and the mountain tall. It let their voices carry into the lands below.
Your body was cold. Your skin numb and prickling.
You noticed Marin still talking. Her eyes frightened, though she was trying not to show it.
She was trying to distract herself, you realized. "We should go to the village. Say goodbye. I'll-I'll introduce you to my father. You can be part of our family. No one deserves to- to without having a f-family."
You looked at her. Eyes wide open. Throat tight. Heart beating. Mind numb.
That was where she should have been right now, wasn't it. But she wasn't because she was talking to you. She was too far away to reach it.
(She was never meant to reach it.)
She knew that. You could see it in her eyes.
This world could not be this cruel. It couldn't. It just couldn't.
She looked to you with such sad eyes. Wet with unshed tears. So very aware.
She reached out for your hand.
Her fingers cradled yours, warm and soft.
She tugged you slightly, inching closer. Other arm stretching, stretching. Embracing.
Her skin was warm, like sunshine. She smelt of sweet fruit and clean sweat. Her heart was thundering.
It was warmer still where she hid her face in your shoulder. Wet. Damning.
And then a whisper. The flutter of lips.
A secret, breathed like a confession.
"I'm sorry Link. I wish I could have lived for you."
You bent.
You twisted.
You ached.
"Marin. If you had the chance to survive this, no matter how slim, would you take it. Even if it meant giving up everything? Even if it meant having to live with the pain."
She stared at you, bewildered. And then-
"You're like Link. Aren't you?"
Her expression shifted. Beneath the sheen of tears, a fire ignited in her dark eyes. Hope, so strong it scorched the world.
It burned you too. That unyeilding will to survive.
"Take me to him." Her eyes softened, but were no less determined for it. Instead, her resolve set like obsidian. "So we may grief the loss of our family together."
Hook, set. Bait, taken.
It was agony. From the moment you grabbed Marin's hand and attempted to enter the portal, it felt as though your entire bloodstream was on fire. Like being unmade and reforged all at once, originating from where your hand connected with hers.
You wanted to pull away, but you didn't. She wouldn't have let you either way. Her grip was an iron vice. Deceptively strong.
She didn't even flinch despite the sweat you could see gathering on her brow, the way her jaw clenched. Her entire body was covered in goosebumps, the hairs on her arms standing on end.
You couldn't imagine what she must be experiencing, if the feeling of her hand alone was enough to arrest your breathing.
You took another step forward. She matched it. It was like walking through wet sand, sticky and unyielding, but not impossible.
You moved one step at a time, slow and steady. Open mouthed panting, sweat running down your faces and soaking your hair, plastering it to your scalps. Your skin was flushed from exertion and you guys hadn't moved more than a few paces.
You weren't even out of sight of the entryway when the light was suddenly ripped away from behind. Leaving nothing but a yawning void.
Marin stumbled, as though her strings had been cut, and you followed. Your entire body was molten lava, bones scorched to nothing.
Someone was screaming. Or maybe you both were. You couldn't tell. Marin was gripping your hand with all her might and you gripped right back. The point of contact felt melted into her skin, like you were a part of her.
Or she was part of you.
Eventually, you felt her start to rise, pulling you with her. You couldn't see, but you knew she still had that fire searing in her eyes. No amount of tear stains could hide her will to live.
She took a step forward, and you followed her into the dark. One, two, three, four....
Time lost it's meaning. You'd long since lost count of the steps you two stumbled through together.
It was getting harder. Each step forward seemed to add another weight to your shoulders. It hurt to breath, it hurt to blink. You stopped opening your eyes a while ago. Your skin felt blistered and cracked.
You and Marin had tried talking, but it wore on her too heavily. She was gasping for air even more desperately than you were, breaths raw and ragged.
More time passed. Each step got harder. You were stumbling more than you were walking.
You were sure your nose was bleeding. You could taste the iron in your mouth, where liquid dripped over your upper lip. You couldn't feel your face.
Then Marin threw up. Fell to her knees and just kept puking and puking, struggling for precious air, whole body convulsing. You reach down blindly with your other hand to try to get her hair out of the way.
You overshot and your hand ended up in the spray (it was perfectly smooth like water, not at all natural). It felt like liquid metal across your skin, ripping a scream from your throat.
The smell of burning flesh hit your senses as you curled around your arm, the limb pulsing under you.
You could feel tension building in your body, heavy and foreboding.
Marin was crying. She was shaking. She retched again.
She clutched your hand like a lifeline, desperation corded into every muscle in her fingers. You squeezed back with everything you had, reassurance you were still there in the total darkness.
The tension snapped.
Then her hand went limp, only your grip keeping her from fully slumping to the ground. Dead weight.
"Marin?" You rasped, voice shaking with pain and shock. "Marin?"
She didn't respond. She didn't move. Her limp body slumped against your side, like a branding rod searing through your clothes.
Your heart raced in panic and it gave you the strength needed to pull your still burning arm from beneath you and feel for her pulse.
You found it. Faint. So faint it was a mere whisper, but there.
Ahead of you, an endless void. Behind you, the gapping maw of nonexistence. Nothing in all directions but the limp body leaned against your leg. The sound of the portal just kept growing louder, like metal scraping in your ear.
Your body was so heavy. Your skin seemingly peeled back and exposed, burning against the agony of existence.
You broke.
You shattered.
You felt.
"It doesn't get to be this way." You panted, eyes open, seeing nothing and stinging like hornets. "No. You don't get to do that."
Emotion rose like a tidalwave within you, boiling under the surface of your skin. You turned your eyes up, casting your gaze into the void there.
"You don't get to do that to them. You don't get to keep hurting them like this. They're not toys. They're real."
You swallowed thickly.
"They're real."
The emotion boiled over. The dam broke. Everything else was lost to the Rage.
"YOU!" You screamed, voice shrill, hot liquid falling from your lips as something stretched and burst. "Don't! Get! To! Keep! Hurting! Them! You don't get to do that! They're people! They're real people with real feelings and pain, Goddamnit!"
You were lost to that rage. The feeling that had haunted your every waking moment since the moment you fell through that first portal. Since first you realized where you were.
From the moment you realized who they were and what that meant.
"You don't get to take anything else from them! You hear me! Not a single. Damned. Thing. More!" You spat. "I will not allow it! I! Reject! It!"
You hauled Marin forward inch by agonizing inch with strength you should not have, using spite that ran so deep it tore at peices of your soul.
You weren't even looking forward anymore (what need have you to know when the torment ends, when you're never going to stop. not until death takes you). Instead, you'd braced your feet firmly and started hauling yourself backwards, back arched so far you were nearly sitting.
"I will not let you keep hurting them for your entertainment!" You screeched, not caring how it hurt. Not caring how spit and snot and blood ran down your chin. How sweat soaked straight through your clothes, stinging against the aching rawness of your skin.
You pulled, both hands latched onto Marin's one. The universe pulled back, trying to take this precious being from your grasp. Your progress was halted.
You snapped.
You screamed then, rasping, tearing and wordless. Just kept screaming and pulling against the universe. Against the pain. Against the unfairness of it all.
The universe pulled again and you snarled like a beast, grip so tight on Marin's wrist you felt something cracking. She felt like Hellfire under your hands.
It only enraged you more.
"You don't get to have her! You don't get to hurt him anymore! You don't get to hurt any of them! They're mine now! You! Don't! Have! The! Right! THEY'RE MINE!"
A choked rasp, iron flooding your throat as the nosebleed gets worse.
"Marin is mine! Legend is mine! Hyrule is mine! Wind is mine! Warriors, Sky, Four are mine! Time and Twilight are mine! Wild is mine!"
Another step back, an inch gained.
Again, and again, and again.
"I'm going to take back everything you stole from them!" You howl into the void, uncaring of how absolutely broken your voice had become. "The moment you let your guard down, I'm taking everything! You. HEAR! ME!"
The universe let go and you fell.
...and Marin fell with you.
Suddenly, there was gentle light filtered through leaves, cool spring air and the faint call of birdsong. No endless darkness or scorching magma in your veins or the infernal screech of portal magic in your ear. Just bliss.
And then your body reminded you that it was not fine.
Your muscles seized, tightening in painful reminder of the strain you had put them through. Your skin stung like sandpaper burn from head to toe, your lungs ached so fiercely it drew tears to your eyes.
Eyes tightly closed and teeth gritted, you curled around the limp body sprawled at your side, limbs intermingled as your body spasmed through the pain.
Then, there were hands on you and you cried out in agony.
Someone shushed you, soundly oddly choked and quiet as another pair of hands gently tried to move you. Then several.
You refused. Arms tightening around the precious being trapped in your embrace. You fought with what little strength you had left, sobbing as the hands managed to pry you loose.
You wailed in dispair.
Someone sobbed with you.
You finally succumbed to your body's desperate demands to escape the pain. You drifted away to the feeling of gentle arms cradling you close, of soft whispers in your hair.
Finally, peace found you. If only for a time.
Perhaps there will be a part two. Maybe even venture into yandere territory. Who knows.
I must return to the shadows once more to recharge.
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sapphicseasapphire · 7 months
Miscellaneous Cryptid au lore bits that are too short/too specific to make it into individual posts!
If you want more information about any of these, feel free to ask! I’m always willing to ramble about my Little Guys haha!
(In no particular order)
• Sky’s wings are too big to fit through doors. He will 100% for sure run into people in a crowded street. Because of this, he stays behind when the others go to villages. This gets incredibly lonely for our friendly little bird boy so eventually it’s decided that someone has to stay with him. This leads to one on one bonding between Sky and everyone in the Chain! (Except Time)
• Four can control water, earth, fire, and air, but not particularly well. Jack of all trades is a master of none. That being said, each individual color is a master of their element, so when separated, they are a FORCE to be reconned with. Their diminished power as a whole is a huge source of frustration for them, but I can’t let them be too powerful.
• After the their adventure is over, Time lives out the rest of what would have been his mortal life with Malon, then he takes care of his children, and his children’s children. But eventually he’s just… lived too long. His humanity falls away and he becomes more and more of a God and stops interacting with mortals almost entirely. Except when the other Links are born in their own eras, Time looks after them Father Time style and if they fall, he rewinds to before they were injured (their last “save point”) and pushes them to a better path. (Game over. Continue?)
• Even if someone is born with the blood of a God, their powers need to be awakened. This usually happens in a moment of desperation. For example, during Time’s adventures, he meddled with the flow of time so much that it became his dominion. Twilight’s powers awakened when he was like two years old. His parents had been killed by monsters- monsters that were now looking for him. And in his desperation, he looked to a squirrel in the tree above and he copied it. The monsters lost track of him, ignoring the animals of the forest. Time was gifted, well… time… because against a falling moon, it was his last hope. Twilight was gifted shape shifting because he had no other chance of survival.
^ Hylia doesn’t count because she was one of the original Goddesses. Many of the Zeldas, while they do possess the blood of the Goddess, have not had their awakening. Yet.
• Warriors will sometimes blurt out random sets of data without being prompted. He’ll ask to run calculations on things that no one has ever asked him to. And while the others might find this confusing, it’s his way of expressing his interests. Of learning more about the things that he likes, of telling people about the things that he likes. This happens rarely, but when it does, Sky drops EVERYTHING to talk with him, so excited to see him opening up.
• The Legend of the Godkiller is a very idealized and not very accurate retelling of Sky’s final battle against Demise. It paints him as a very confident, willing knight of the Goddess. Full of righteous anger and absolutely thrumming with power. In the story that Time knows, Sky wasn’t even scared. He knew he was capable of killing Demise, and he wasn’t even surprised when he was cursed. This is… far from the truth.
• Yeah, Time knows about Sky’s curse. But what’s he gonna do? Confront him about it? Tell the others? And risk drawing the wrath of the Godkiller? Absolutely not.
• Wild is more sentient than he lets on. He understands more than the others might think. He’s a little chaos gremlin who gets so easily distracted and acts more like a wild animal than a person, but he’s very smart. He couldn’t do long division but he can tell that… something’s not right with Sky and the Master Sword. The others haven’t caught on yet.
• Hyrule is so incredibly timid by nature. He’s used to being hunted: first as a fairy, sought for his healing magic, and then because of his blood curse, sought by monsters to bring about the revival of Ganon. Because of this, he’s incredibly shy. Until one of his companions gets hurt!! Then he’s ALL BUSINESS and he speaks with the authority that one might expect from a fairy so powerful.
• Speaking of that! At first, no one knew he was a fairy! He was afraid that they’d bottle him (they had other bottled fairies in their pouches when he’d first met the others, so it was justified). He kept up his glamour until he physically couldn’t anymore. The others knew he was a magic user- he tended to fight less with a sword and more with his spells and had an affinity for healing, but they didn’t know JUST how powerful he was until his glamour fell apart.
• Hyrule’s glamour can change the way that people see things, but it cannot change the physical shape of something. (Except himself, because his body is mostly magic anyway). For example, he could hide Four’s horns, but if you were to touch the top of Four’s head, you’d still feel them! He can make Wild look like a Hylian, but that doesn’t make their antennae go away. This is why Sky can’t go into towns: his wings may be invisible, but they’re still there, they can still feel pain and can still bump into people and walls. So… he can’t fit, unfortunately.
• The best swimmer (aside from Legend, Ravio, and Wind) is Sky. Which is weird, right? One might think that those massive wings would slow him down. But he has the Water Dragon’s Scale! Everyone’s so surprised when he starts racing people and WINNING. When he jumps out of the water in a spiral spin. Legend can call him a cheater all he wants, but he’ll be a hypocrite for it. He can’t say anything about using magic items to bolster abilities.
• Legend and Wind go from enemies to best friends in the course of like a month. They bond over a war and the ocean, and their connection is strengthened by the conflict that they’re both familiar with. Honestly a big reason that Legend warms up to Wind is that Ravio is fond of him. Also it’s actually impossible to hate Wind. Also he went to Outset that one time and was ablel to better understand Wind’s perspective.
• Wind dies a little bit inside every time Aryll or his grandma call themselves a Sea Monster. But he doesn’t have the heart to correct them.
• Ravio was never really afraid of Wind himself. More so… afraid of the monster that he had the potential to be (Ku). When Wind was never corrupted, Ravio had no reason to hate him! So they became friends during the War of Eras.
• Ravio joins the Chain very late. But we love him anyway.
• Twilight has little nicknames for everyone. If he calls them by their actual name/their title, they’re in trouble.
• Four only splits around Sky, Warriors, Hyrule and Twilight at first. Actually, the first person they split in front of was Sky but that was an accident. Once they determine that it’s safe, they start doing it around the others… slowly but surely…
• Post God Reveal, Legend and Four join Sky in the “distrust Time” corner
• Time wields Wars’ sword because Wars has deemed him the most powerful. Because of this, Warriors will go with Time when their adventure comes to an end. (This way, neither of them have to face eternity alone).
• I know I made a whole big long post about what happens to Mer if they don’t soak, but I neglected to say that all that will happen to Aquili too, just to a lesser extent. Wind needs to soak as well, just not as often as Legend and Ravio do.
• Mer cannot assume their natural form if they have anything on their legs/feet where their tail would go. Ravio’s… not wearing anything under his robes. And Legend… isn’t wearing anything under his skirt. Being barefoot definitely isn’t ideal but it’s better than the alternative: being unable to soak and drying out. Now, they could simply remove their shoes/pants, but they’re traveling and often in battle and they don’t always have the time to shed their clothes. If they need to jump into the water? They jump into the water.
• During Legend’s adventures, him being Mer was a secret. (The Zora were already antagonistic- imagine what they’d do if they knew he was a war mongering Mer!) This is why he needed flippers or a magic item to be able to swim- something on his feet or something magically imbued to keep him from transforming.
• For Sky, Link and Aepon are generally completely fused, but there are certain events that can force an imbalance between their influence over him. For example, if he’s hurt and takes a heart potion for healing, the body is healed, his Link half is healed, but is Aepon half is still weakened. The others might notice that he acts differently after taking a potion and he just seems very… unwell. Distressed, panicked. But also, he has both Aepon dreams and Link dreams. And depending on their frequency and severity, they can affect how he acts when he wakes, at least until both halves are sufficiently awake.
• When Sky’s Aepon half is more dominant, he is actually legitimately a bird. He doesn’t speak, he just chirps and squawks and trills like a bird. He looses all sense of personal space. And he’ll LOOSE IT if his feathers are touched.
• Sky can’t see well at night but he has a much greater endurance for looking at bright things.
• Hyrule hangs out around Sky as much as he can because Sky can’t take heart potions and also his bones are literally hollow and can break a lot easier than the others’
• Hyrule is a GIFT to this world and I don’t draw him enough.
I have a LOT MORE to say about these guys but this is just off the top of my head right now. Also I don’t want to spoil story elements! But let me know if you have any questions or want more context! I have short stories written about like half of these.
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bluesdesk · 17 days
My Spirit Tracks designs inspired by LinkedUniverse :)
And facts under the cut!
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I made these for the weekly prompt on the server! I'm still unsure about their nicknames, I liked calling Zelda "Spirit" and Link "Tracks", but later I started calling her "Angel" and Link either "Tracks" or "Engie". Help XD
LEFT: Zelda's design before the adventure. She's the great-great-granddaughter of Tetra and Wind, and they're both black and have curly hair in my designs, with Tetra's skin being a little darker than Wind's. Angel's skin is lighter than Wind's due to having a couple white ancestors between her great-great-grandparents and her. She took her eye color and freckles from Tetra and her nose from Wind!
CENTER: Zelda's design after the adventure. When she got separated from her body, her spirit was pale and light, hwr hair got wavy and floating, and her body lost color due to being "lifeless". When Malladus possessed her, her eyes changed from dark blue to yellow. When Zelda got back into her body, it didn’t regain its original color, much to her desperation. However, she enjoyed helping Link and got an outfit she really loves.
RIGHT: Link! He's the great-great-grandson of Niko and Aryll, who dated Niko as an adult. He's tanned but his ancestors between Aryll and him are mostly white. His design is mostly taken from his engineer clothes, but with the green tshirt and belt from his hero clothes. I originally wanted to roll his sleeves up but noticed how in LU everyone has long sleeves! His eyes are brown, and his personality is pretty much like Aryll's.
- Of course they have the same great-great-great-grandparents. This, however, makes them too distant relatives to be considered family.
- Aryll joined the crew a few years after WW. She enjoyed being on the ship and when she turned 12 she decided to join her brother, and later, as an adult, she dated Niko (I headcanon Niko to be at most as old as Wind, but maybe a couple of years younger).
- Zelda's ancestors are all travelers and adventurers. Her parents, in particular, are alive and well but on a journey across the seas to visit the old islands and ancient Hyrule. Link’s parents have done pretty much the same, but Link chose to live with Niko and be a train engineer rather than sailing.
- Zelda hates her new look. She can't stand it at all, and while some makeup helps, she doesn't feel good. She hopes to regain her original appearance some day, mostly her colors, but both colors and hair type would be the best. Link always tells her she's beautiful no matter what, and he's totally sincere. He fell in love with her when she was a spirit, so looks really don't matter, but he too hopes she'll het her original appearance back as he wants to see her truly happy.
- When Zelda got back to her body, she didn't notice she was still that pale. There were so many other things to do, consider, think of. Moreover, she had her glooves on. After defeating Malladus she and Link went back to the castle where they quickly fell asleep due to exhaustion. After some hours, Link woke up to Zelda screaming in terror from her room. He went upstairs and noticed her in tears, staring at a mirror. She saw herself as a monster. Link tried to help, to tell her she's beautiful anyway, and then distracting her talking about adventures and history. This helped her, other than make her order some new clothes based on her adventure.
- In my headcanon Tetra didn't become a white and elegant princess when the king told her she was Zelda. She didn't even get a dress. She just got the information, and was left thinking about her ancestors. All the events of WW happened with the exception of Tetra still being Tetra, dark skin and pirate clothes.
- Yes Zelda's body will slowly recover and she'll eventually regain her original colors! Happy ending :)
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erimeows · 1 month
The wedding of King Sidon and Lady Yona is nothing less than beautiful. Link supposes he should be happy- he’s sat at the table with King Dorephan, Bazz, Muzu, and Lady Yona’s parents- a great honor. His best friend is beaming with joy, just as he has been since he was given the title of ‘king’. Sidon is proud of the hard work he’s done to catch up with his predecessors, proud of the new peace he’s provided his domain with, proud of his new wife.
Link wishes he could be just as joyous. He should be. He knows he should be, and hates himself for not feeling the way he knows he’s supposed to feel. Sidon is his friend, and all Link has ever wanted is for his friends to be happy.
Yet, as he sits at the table lined with lacy linen cloth, holding a champagne glass that’s far too large for his small hands and listening to the other guests’ absentminded chatter, he can’t help but notice how shit he feels. His stomach churns and sinks when his eyes land on Sidon and Yona.
He’s jealous. Jealous. Why is he jealous? Link stops to dwell on it, gripping his champagne glass so tightly that his knuckles turn white. 
It’s not like he spent much time with Sidon before, anyway. He was always too busy; fighting Ganon, helping the citizens of Hyrule, protecting Zelda and helping her train to control her powers. Though they’re ‘best friends’ according to Sidon, and though Sidon knows him in a way that most others don’t, Link isn’t justified in feeling jealous. Yona is a kind woman, anyway- it’s not like she’d rip Sidon away from Link entirely.
Link thinks back to the ceremony itself. There were some things about it that were… Off. While Yona and Sidon themselves were beaming with joy, neither of them read any vows, and when they were told to kiss, they only kissed each other’s cheeks. Link assumed it was a cultural difference- at least until he heard Yona’s parents whispering about how ‘odd’ this ‘new age’ wedding is. 
Old, outdated classical music being played by an orchestra echoes through the walls of the well-decorated palace. The piano and harp are played slightly off key, but everyone else is too blissfully unaware to notice. The decorations are gaudy and old, clearly picked by someone with far worse tastes than Sidon and Yona. 
The wedding is anything but new age. The only difference between this wedding and any other arranged one is that Yona and Sidon aren’t trying all that hard to be in love for their kingdom’s sake. That realization fills Link with some relief. He doesn’t want to consider why that might be.
Sidon and Yona dance together briefly before they separate to go greet their guests. Yona’s parents excuse themselves to the dancefloor along with many other Zora who were waiting for Sidon and Yona to finish their first dance. With the open chairs at the table, Sidon and Yona come to sit between Link and Bazz.
Though Link remains silent, sipping on his champagne, Sidon’s amber eyes are less than subtle with how blatantly they’re trained on him- even as he excitedly discusses a new idea for a military squad with King Dorephan. Link is too agitated to focus on the conversation despite the topic being one that would interest him on any other night. There’s laughter ringing in the air. Link briefly hears King Dorephan teasing his son for being so work-oriented on the night of his wedding before turning to Yona to talk.
“Are you alright?” Sidon whispers when no one else is paying attention to them, to which Link nods.
He hopes that will be the end of it.
It is not. 
Still able to feel Sidon’s gaze trained on him following his answer, Link stands up and leaves to go literally anywhere else. Riju, Tulin, and Yunobo hauled ass to make it to the wedding on such short notice. Maybe he could find them and get them to join him for a dance. Hell, people are paying so much attention to the newlyweds that Link suspects he could slip out of the domain and back into the wilderness where he feels he should be. The only person who would notice- or care- would probably be Sidon, in the midst of all of this chaos.
Link finds himself in a nearby corner. When he puts his back to the wall and turns around, he’s embarrassed to find Sidon weaving his way through the crowd to find him. The Zora is so tall that he has no issue seeing over all of the other attendees. 
Their eyes meet from across the room, and Link panics. The panic only grows as Sidon gets closer, until he’s right there, bending down to Link’s level and placing a giant hand on one of Link’s shoulders.
He panics because people are watching them, wondering why Sidon isn’t beside his wife or with his family and is instead chasing after Link. Whether Sidon is too oblivious to notice or just doesn’t care, Link is unsure.
He panics because Sidon chasing after him like this, being able to tell that he’s feeling poorly, makes him feel special- no, loved.
And he panics because he wants to feel loved by Sidon. He doesn’t want Sidon to stop whatever this is. 
Of course, it makes sense. It all makes sense now.
Link looks at the ring on his finger with that gorgeous cerulean stone on it and sighs. He leans back against the wall and slides- slides down until he’s sitting on the floor with his head in his hands.
A pang of guilt tears through Link- at least until he sees Yona and Bazz at the table together. From where Link is sitting in the corner, he can see underneath the tablecloth well enough to get a glimpse of Yona’s left hand and Bazz’s right hand, their fingers are intertwined and both hands are on Yona’s left thigh. 
Link puts the pieces together.
That’s why the ceremony was so odd and why the first dance was so friendly…
And he knows that Sidon isn’t a fool. He must know if his leaving them alone and acting so platonically with his newly wed wife is anything to go by. Even during their dances, he was overtly respectful, sure to keep his hands well above her waist and to keep a reasonable distance from her- almost as if they were family, rather than lovers, which Link figures is more accurate. An arranged marriage is more complicated than Link ever could’ve guessed. 
“My dearest Link,” Sidon starts, sitting right next to Link on the floor without a care in the world. It’s almost as if all he sees in this room right now is Link. That fact- that deep bond of friendship they have- is terrifying, especially now that Link is aware of how much more he wants. He doesn’t want to just be friends, he wants… He wants to be Yona right now. How embarrassing. “What is troubling you? Please, tell me.”
So blunt…
Link shakes his head again, trying to keep his face as neutral as possible. There are other Zora watching, confused as to why Sidon is neglecting his queen in favor of the measly Hylian hero who’s dressed in rickety armor. Thankfully, a lot of them are too busy dancing or drinking to notice, but the ones who do don’t make any attempt to hide their judgment- namely Muzu, who would’ve had Link dead on the floor by now if looks could kill. Link quickly comes up with an excuse and gestures to the alcohol bar near the entrance of the room with the best ‘sick’ expression he can manage.
“Oh, you drank too much? I never realized you Hylians were lightweights. I suppose you are much smaller than us… What a shame,” Sidon tilts his head curiously, eyeing the bar and then Link’s champagne glass that he left on the table. It’s still half full. If Sidon puts together that Link is completely sober, he’s at least courteous enough not to call out the lie. “Ah, I’d hate to cut the celebration short, but I could walk you back to your room if you’d like? I don’t mind at all! Actually, I’d prefer to be the one to ensure that you return safely.”
Link shrugs. Sidon takes as indifference as an invitation to lift the Hylian off the floor bridal style. He does it with such ease that Link is surprised. Sidon is so strong, so considerate, so… Perfect. Link watches Sidon’s face- his eyes go to Yona, who winks at him before turning to continue her conversation with Bazz. Link pauses. He must’ve imagined that… Right?
Link’s body aches with exhaustion as he walks towards the border of Zora’s Domain with Sidon by his side. Since solving the problems in the domain, defeating that giant monster, attending Sidon’s wedding, crying himself to sleep the same night, and staying knocked out well into the following afternoon, Link has gathered his supplies and readied himself to continue his search. With Sidon being the fourth sage he’s gathered, Link now has to find the fifth- and final- sage.
Link wants to stay. At the same time, his body is itching to leave. Staying with Sidon for the few days that he has has made him realize things that he didn’t want to. For instance, the realization that Link would throw everything away to stay with Sidon in the domain for the rest of his life if saving Princess Zelda weren’t a factor. Or, the realization that Link has been painfully in love with Sidon since that first day he rode on the man’s back. The worst one was probably the realization of how jealous he was during Sidon’s wedding, on what was supposed to be the happiest day of his best friend’s life.
It’s been less than a day since the wedding and Link doesn’t feel much better. All night, instead of standing by his new wife, Sidon followed Link around, trying to drag the information out of him- almost as if he could smell Link’s souring mood from a mile away. Link had to pretend that he’d drunk himself to the point of becoming sick; a lie that’s somehow less embarrassing than the truth. Link is so overwhelmed with the feelings that he chooses not to acknowledge them- at least not out loud. 
He keeps his arms crossed over his chest and pretends that he doesn’t sense Sidon’s eyes on him for the entirety of their walk. One of Sidon’s hands is on his back, cool and reassuring. He guides Link through the terrain even though they both know that Link doesn’t need the help. Sidon doesn’t talk about it, so neither does Link. 
When they reach where Link knows they’re going to separate, he dwells on what to do. He could forget it all, reject his responsibilities and stay here in the domain forever… But, then he remembers that really, he can’t. What would become of Zelda? Just like Sidon, she’s Link’s best friend. And how would someone as noble as Sidon react if Link failed the people he’s supposed to serve? Sidon would surely lose all love and respect for him.
Link glances at Sidon and stops in his tracks, sunkissed cheeks turning bright red when he sees that Sidon is already intently gazing back at him. He knew. Sidon has a terrible habit of staring at others without any pause, but actually meeting his eyes is… Intense. The prince- no, king, now- jumps and jerks his hand away from Link’s back as if the blond’s shirt has burned him. 
Link raises an eyebrow, partially confused, partially concerned.
Sidon looks at Link for a little too long, amber eyes going wide as if he’s also realized something important. His normally pale, cool skin flushes a deep shade of purple around his cheeks. Link pauses, wondering if he should ask what’s wrong, but before he can, Sidon bows.
“I wish you the best of luck, dearest Link,” Sidon grins- that ridiculously big, ridiculously toothy grin of his. Link can’t help but smile back. “Please, travel safely. I believe in you.”
Link’s heart throbs in his chest at the warm, familiar words. He wants to say something so badly, but he just… Can’t. Not without knowing for sure that Sidon returns his feelings. Not yet.
So, he offers Sidon a nod, and then turns to leave. He barely makes it out of the domain before he misses Sidon’s large, strong hand on his back. 
For now, Link is sure that things are better this way.
They have to be. 
As much as Link hates to leave Sidon’s side, he finds that it’s easier for him to decompress once he’s out of the domain.
Whether that’s because he’s away from all of the people, because he’s finally ‘working’ again, or because he’s away from Sidon and Yona specifically, he isn’t sure.
Over the next few days, Link spends most of his time occupied, just the way he prefers. Between struggling to help the other sages with the lingering issues in their respective areas, fighting off gloom and monsters, and searching for Zelda, Link hardly has any time to himself. He’s grown accustomed to this, though- since becoming Zelda’s personal knight, it feels as if his life is constant chaos, constant fighting, constantly being on guard. 
Most other men would become insane from the lack of rest, but Link finds comfort in what has become his day to day life. He goes to bed late, wakes up early, eats breakfast, and spends his morning helping whoever needs it. Then, he spends the rest of his day hunting down monsters, fighting them, and- currently- searching for the supposed fifth sage. After that, he eats dinner and goes to bed. 
The four avatars, Tulin, Riju, Yunobo, and Sidon are with him. While Sidon’s walks by his side, far too close for comfort, the other three stay close behind- guarding. Link wonders why they take the positions they do. He wonders a lot of things about the avatars in general. 
Link still isn’t used to having them around. He thinks about them constantly, theorizing about them, all while scolding himself for wasting his mental energy on something so trivial when Zelda is in Ganon’s clutches. 
The avatars aren’t real, he reminds himself. They’re spiritual manifestations of his friends, here as tools to assist him in battle. They’re not living, breathing beings. They’re not feeling. They don’t need to eat, rest, or sleep. And yet… Link finds comfort in them just as much as he finds comfort in being on the battlefield. As if they’re real people.
In Sidon’s avatar, Link swears he finds more comfort than he finds in being on the battlefield- and that fact is terrifying, mostly because it makes Link fantasize about silly, unrealistic things like settling down with the Zora and living the rest of his life out in peace, with Sidon by his side.
That’s something Link tries not to think about. Sidon is married, after all… These feelings he’s had for him are inappropriate, especially considering Mipha… Link shakes his head, trying to clear it of the thoughts. Sidon’s marriage is arranged, and both Sidon and Yona had made it apparent that the two were merely friends who happened to be getting married during Link’s visit. Regardless of Sidon’s marital status… There’s no way it would work out. What’s the likelihood of Sidon returning Link’s feelings, anyway?
Link peers at the man’s avatar, who continues to walk next to him. The avatar stares back, but doesn’t smile. Link frowns. Oh, how he misses that big, toothy grin of Sidon’s… The familiar feeling of a cool hand on his back, guiding him through Zora’s domain. Link just misses him.
It’s late- two, maybe three in the morning. Link wishes he could be like the lifeless avatars surrounding him, constantly alert and ready to go, never in need of sleep or food or anything at all. But, even Link can admit to himself that he is merely a Hylian. As such, he needs his rest. 
He finds a cave to camp out in, sets out his sleeping bag, and takes in his surroundings. It’s scarily dark and damp, but he knows he’ll manage just fine. He’s slept in worse. 
Sidon’s avatar still stands next to him, far too close, while the other three linger near the entrance of the cave with their beady blue eyes watching over Link’s small frame. 
With him sleeping alone in the wilderness, it’s not uncommon for Link to use the avatars to keep guard of his resting area. He is all too aware that it does take small amounts of energy from the sages to have their avatars active, so he only uses one at a time to guard him when they’re not traveling through dangerous terrain or in active battle. 
Tonight is Sidon’s night, Link’s favorite. It’s nice to feel like he can be alone with the other man for once. Even if it’s not truly Sidon. Whether it be in a cave, in his home, or on a field of wildflowers, being with Sidon(‘s avatar) brings Link peace. And, unlike a real person, the avatar can’t judge him. 
Would Sidon judge him? Link is curious. At the same time, he doesn’t want to know the answer. Not really. If Sidon knew who he was outside of the stoic, impressive hero that he sees behind his rose-tinted glasses, would Sidon still consider him his ‘dearest friend’? Would Sidon still place a hand on Link’s back so carelessly to guide him from place to place if he were aware of Link’s true feelings? 
Part of Link wants to know. Most of him doesn’t, and as that- yet another realization- washes over him, he dismisses Riju, Tulin, and Yunobo’s avatars, leaving him and Sidon’s avatar alone in the cave. It’s just the two of them, alone. 
If the real Sidon were here, what would he do? Would he act like he always does? Or does he also have things that he would die to do if they were alone, together, like this, without anyone or anything to stop them? Images flash through Link’s mind, so vibrant behind his eyes despite them being figments of his imagination; of Sidon, holding Link close to keep him warm through the night, pulling Link close to his broad chest, connecting their lips, and-
Not right now. Not tonight.
Trying to clear his mind of the thoughts, Link lies down in his sleeping bag and sharply inhales. He gives the cave one last scan to make sure he’s safe before settling. 
Then, much to his surprise, Sidon’s avatar is not only sitting on the ground, but digging through Link’s backpack. Link watches with curiosity. Is it looking for something to eat? Something to keep itself occupied while Link rests? A certain tool or weapon to use for nearby enemies? 
Link furrows his brow when the avatar pulls out… A blanket. An old blanket that Zelda crocheted for him God knows how long ago. Link keeps it for comfort, but doesn’t use it often, fearing that it’ll get ruined by the elements or a midnight battle. Link jumps up to take the prized possession from the avatar’s hands, but before he can do so, the avatar is gently ushering Link to lie back down and draping the blanket over him.
Link’s face turns bright red. He watches the avatar, whose expression doesn’t change. Instead, it turns around, sitting with its back facing Link, and crosses its arms as it peers outside of the cave to watch for any potential danger.
Flustered, Link turns around in his sleeping bag and cuddles the blanket closely. He swears he can smell Sidon on it where the avatar’s hands touched the fabric. 
No. It can’t be.
The damn thing is just an avatar. It’s not Sidon. It doesn’t have feelings of its own, let alone feelings for Link.
Clearing his head, Link turns around, closes his eyes, and falls asleep.
The next morning, Link wakes up with a clear mind, summons the other three avatars back to his side, and continues on his venture. On his search for the fifth sage, he finds himself in Rito village for supplies. He knows that there shouldn’t be any conflicts arising and dismisses all four avatars as to not attract more attention to himself than he already does when he’s in the area.
Link approaches Brazen Beak and is unsurprised to find that Tulin is there, fluttering outside the front and haphazardly screwing around with a new bow and arrow that he has between his claws. To anyone unfamiliar with the boy, it would look dangerous and reckless, but Link knows Tulin isn’t stupid enough to hurt himself with his own weapon- even if he isn’t the most careful. Teba is standing next to Tulin, carefully watching. It looks like he wants to scold his son and snatch the bow right out of his talons, but he manages to restrain himself, merely crossing his wings and impatiently tapping his digits against the top of his chest. It’s apparent that despite Tulin clearly having come of age as a warrior, Teba is still having trouble treating him like he’s fully grown.
Link can’t blame him. Seeing Tulin’s tiny, fluffy body, his big blue eyes still full of so much life, Link realizes that Tulin shouldn’t have to be a warrior- even if he wants to be. There shouldn’t be so many evils for him to have to fight against. A lot of the warriors in Hyrule shouldn’t have to be doing what they’re doing right now… That’s why Link is so grateful for the avatars. With them as substitutes, Link doesn’t have to have Tulin or any of the others there in person to assist him. To know that they’re both by his side and safe at home is worth the pangs of loneliness that hit Link when he has to remind himself that the blue silhouettes aren’t the people he loves, but a small piece of them.
It’s freezing cold. So cold that Link has to wear four layers of thick clothing to feel remotely comfortable as the snow rains down onto his hood. He pulls his coat tighter around him and approaches Tulin. He’s not really in the mood to talk after the wedding and the event that took place with Sidon’s avatar last night, but it would be rude to pass Tulin and Teba without saying anything. 
“Good day, Link!” Tulin excitedly greets the swordsman, his wings fluttering with joy as he returns his newfound weapon to the bow holster on his belt. “I didn’t know you’d be coming again so soon after we met up! I thought I felt you in the area, but it’s a little hard to tell, y’know?”
Link shrugs. He was in the area on his search for the fifth sage and desperately needed to stop for more armor, bows, and food. With Brazen Beak as well as a flurry of authentic Rito markets and restaurants nearby, Rito village seemed like the logical place to stop. Link almost explains his thought process, but then, he processes Tulin’s last question. 
‘Felt’ him in the area…? What the hell does that mean?
“Felt…?” Link mumbles, tilting his head.
“No one explained this to him?” Teba sighs, sharp charcoal eyes laced with exasperation. Tulin doesn’t get the chance to answer before Teba turns back to Link and clarifies. “It seems the sages had a discussion about the avatars they’ve given you. They were trying to find new ways to assist you without having to leave their domains, but all they can do is put small amounts of their energy into their avatars and track your general location.”
“...So, you all know where I am,” Link nods in understanding. He never would’ve guessed. It’s not like he’s seen the sages too often. In the midst of all of the chaos, they haven’t had spare time to sit and chat about the avatars. “Can I ask something else, Tulin?”
“Of course! What is it?” 
“Can you control or see what the avatars are doing?”
“Um, no, I don’t think so,” Tulin tilts his head, pausing to think. He brings a wing up to his chin and hums. “Wait, why are you asking? Did something happen?”
“No,” Link shakes his head and offers the most reassuring smile he can muster even though his face is covered by a cloth mask to keep him warm. Though Tulin appears unsuspecting as always, Teba’s eyes narrow with confusion- as if he’s trying to figure out the same thing that Link is. Thankfully, Teba has no idea about Link’s feelings for Sidon, let alone an idea of what happened in the cave or of the thoughts that Link has had about Sidon and his avatar. “I was just thinking that if you could, it would be useful.”
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense,” Tulin frowns. “Sorry I can’t help more!”
“You’ve done more than enough,” Link quickly replies upon seeing the disappointment on Tulin’s face. Prying for information about the avatars for his own personal use might not have been the best move, especially when his questions were directed at Tulin… Perhaps he should’ve waited until seeing one of the others. Then again, one of the others may have questioned his intentions more than Tulin is now. “Thank you, Tulin. I’ll be on my way.”
Before Tulin or Teba can object, Link ducks into the entrance of the store and lets out a sigh of relief when the warm(er) air washes over his ice cold body.
He reaches into his pockets to count out his rupees, mulling on what all he should buy (or, mulling on what all he can afford)...
A blood moon comes later that night. 
After weeks of travel and tedious tasks, doing what he’s meant to do once again fills Link with energy unlike anything else. No more puzzles, no more socializing with people in places he’s not that familiar with, no more riding random horses, no more rotting away in caves, no more constant cooking over a shittily made fire- just fighting to protect the people of Hyrule with his sword and shield. The avatars stay close behind, but Link is the one who carries the battle.
He’s never liked to rely on others. 
Perhaps the malice that the blood moon brings affects Link a little, too. On any other night, he’d never enjoy a fight like this. But tonight, he enjoys it more than anything. The rage, sorrow, and desperation that have been coursing through his veins since Ganon’s return are all released with each monster he strikes down and dissects for meat, weapons, and parts. 
By the time Link finds a camping spot that night, a warm, fuzzy feeling of optimism is coursing through him. He feels as if he’s coming closer to finding the fifth sage as well as finding Ganon and Zelda. 
His mind flickers to Sidon. Why did the avatar put that blanket on him? Was it an act of love? An instinct? Or is taking care of Link something the avatars are just automatically programmed to do? If so, why wouldn’t one of the others have done it previously? Why was Sidon the first? Oh, the things Link would give to know exactly how the avatars work… The things he would give to know Sidon’s true intentions.
Link lies out in the middle of a field on his back. It’s not snowing where he’s at now, but it’s still chilly. The coat on top of the layers of sweaters and wool pants he’s wearing keeps him at a comfortable temperature, but none of the clothing replicates the warmth of a body. He wishes Sidon were here with him now, abandoning his responsibilities to stay with Link, lying beside him and holding him close to keep him warm through the night. Even if Sidon is cool blooded, anything- anyone- is warmer than this frigid cold. Lying with Sidon would be heaven right now…
Link flushes at the thought and sits up. He’s surrounded by yellow grass and dead wildflowers. Though he’s cleared out most of the monsters in the area, the signs of the blood moon remain, drops of crimson on nearby blades of grass and a metallic scent lingering in the air to accompany the ruby moonlight that shines down on his sunkissed skin. 
He dwells on the issue of the avatars as they interact on the field. Riju and Yunobo’s avatars sit in the grass to study the wildflowers while Tulin’s flies around above them. Sidon’s avatar watches them, but doesn’t smile or join them. Link doesn’t command them in any way for now, instead choosing to observe for as long as he needs to in order to figure out the answers to the many questions he has.
It doesn’t take long- at least not after considering the other information he’s collected since being gifted them.
Link quickly starts to suspect that the avatars will only do things that their respective sages would. They’re not uniform, soulless beings who are programmed to perform a strict set of actions. They’re spiritual representations of their sages, and while they aren’t capable of any actions that are especially complex, they can act of their own accord as long as it doesn’t go against Link’s commands.
Link would normally dismiss three of the four avatars before settling down for the night. This time, he allows them to stay for a little longer.
Tulin’s avatar flutters over to Link and ruffles his hair. It’s another sign that the avatars not only act for practical purposes such as combat, but of their own free will- or, of their sage’s will. While not nearly as expressive, they do have… Personality, even if it’s not very much. 
Though Link has known that the avatars aren’t directly controlled by the sage’s themselves, he supposes it makes sense that the avatars would do things that their sages would despite that, such as fighting alongside him in battle or guarding him during his travels. They’re more like spirits or manifestations than they are like machines.
The same night that Tulin’s avatar ruffles Link’s hair, Yunobo’s avatar starts to cook Link a meal over a fire made by Riju’s. Admittedly, Yunobo burns the food into a big black heap, but Link isn’t sure whether that’s a result of it being made by an avatar or an inevitable happening with Yunobo being the chef.  
Meanwhile, all Sidon’s avatar does is stand near the others with its beady blue eyes on Link. 
Link never thought he’d miss the color amber so much… Never thought he’d miss Sidon so much.
Link wants to know what Sidon is doing right now. He wants to know if Sidon is thinking of him, too.
But, currently, he’s stuck in the middle of the wilderness with the four wisps of blue still by his side. He supposes it could be worse. At least this time, his friends are doing a good job of staying alive. 
…Hopefully it stays that way. 
Link forces down the food that Yunobo’s avatar ‘prepared’ (AKA decimated with fire) and sets up his sleeping bag in the middle of the field. 
Technically, if he follows the rotation he’s been using, it’s Riju’s night to keep watch as he sleeps. But, Link figures he could probably get away with using Sidon’s avatar again. Sidon is a king now, anyway, busy with days full of paperwork, meetings, and other political crap if Zelda’s career as princess is anything to go by. Surely, Sidon won’t notice a little more of his energy being sapped than what he’s used to… A mere night’s worth. 
Link gives all four avatars a once over before dismissing three of the four of them. Now, it’s only he and Sidon’s left, standing alone underneath the cool air of the night.
The avatar approaches Link on its own, but it doesn’t do anything. Just stands there.
Link is curious. The smart thing for him to do would be to go straight to bed. Rather than doing that, though, he finds himself tempted to test the many theories he’s concocted regarding the avatar- regarding Sidon’s avatar, specifically. What would it do if Link touched it? Held it? Loved it? Would it react at all- and if it did react, would it react kindly? More importantly, if it did react kindly, would that reaction be a reflection of Sidon’s true self? 
…Would using the avatar get him the answers he’s been craving since Sidon’s wedding night?
Link takes a step closer to ‘Sidon’.
Sidon matches the action and takes a step closer to Link. 
Link commands him to kneel, so he does.
And then, Link is practically throwing himself into the avatar’s arms. It catches him, holds him tight, and pulls him into its chest for a tight hug. Link melts into the touch, a shaky sigh of relief flowing through him as he’s affectionately spun around in the cool night’s air. Then, ‘Sidon’ is gently placing Link down on his sleeping bag, sitting next to him, and pulling that same crochet blanket over his frame. 
Link sighs. His heart races, pounding hard and fast against his chest. He can’t remember the last time someone has hugged him, let alone in a way so… Affectionate. So close. There are so many things he wants to ask, but he knows that the avatar won’t answer the questions Link has for the real Sidon.
Link tries not to overthink this like he overthinks everything else. It’s an avatar, and from his understanding, the sage’s connection to them is minimal. They don’t know what the avatars are doing at any given time, just their general location, so Link could use them for any purpose. With the information provided by Tulin, Link is fully aware that Sidon has no way of finding out about what happened. Link should feel better, but he doesn’t, because the hug from ‘Sidon’ isn’t the answer he assumed it would be.
Friends hug each other all the time. 
Link wants a definite, concrete answer. A kiss, maybe a verbal confession- even though the avatars can’t talk. He wants something that, if he were to gather the courage to bring it to Sidon’s attention, Sidon wouldn’t be able to deny the romantic implications. 
The only solution is for Link to test the avatar again… In a different way.
Link puts it off forever. He runs around, doing meaningless tasks; fighting Yiga clan members, helping a little girl trying to travel to Gerudo Town, taming different kinds of horses, the usual things. 
Finally, on another one of ‘Sidon’s’ nights, Link decides that it’s worth pushing his theory about ‘Sidon’- or, about the avatar of him. The hug, while not too suggestive, was intimate and intense for Link. Maybe it was a hint to Sidon’s true feelings- maybe, if Link takes this further, he’ll get confirmation that Sidon is in love with him- that is, if his theory about the avatars only responding to situations the same way their sages would is correct. 
Link decides to test the avatar a second time. He tells himself it’s merely to confirm his theory. Deep down, he knows it’s because he wants that intimacy again. He’s getting greedy. He can’t bring himself to care. The avatar doesn’t smell like Sidon, and it certainly doesn’t speak like him, but the avatar is part of Sidon regardless and Link loves it for that.
Perhaps it’s wrong of him to abuse Sidon’s ‘vow’ like this, but Link has done many questionable things since the calamity and figures that there’s no harm in continuing to do so. The avatars aren’t people, anyway. This isn’t hurting anyone except for Link himself. Best case scenario, the avatar reacts the way that Link hopes it will and returns his affections. Worst case scenario, the avatar doesn’t, and though it will hurt, Link will at least have his answer. 
The others are gone and Link is alone with ‘Sidon’ in another cave he’s found to set up camp in during his travels. Sidon is sitting by the entrance, his back facing Link as his broad, blue frame blocks any potential enemies from coming in.
Link commands Sidon to come and sit by his side, so he does, blankly peering down at Link.
Link doesn’t remember when ‘the avatar’, ‘Sidon’s avatar’, and ‘it’- turned into ‘Sidon’; into ‘him’, but it’s already happened and he can’t stop it, can’t keep himself from getting out of his sleeping bag and climbing into the avatar’s lap. His logical mind screams at him to stop, reminds him that he will regret this forever no matter how the avatar responds, tells him that he’s stupid for fawning over Sidon when Princess Zelda is still out there somewhere. But, the part of him that loves Sidon, the part of him that’s so illogical, manages to win for long enough that Link has the time to throw his arms over Sidon’s shoulders and pull himself up to kiss the Zora.
It’s odd- bizarre, really. The avatar’s lips don’t feel like lips, rather like wind ghosting over Link’s own. Link doesn’t question it, though. If this is the only way he’s going to get to kiss Sidon, he’s going to relish in it; relish in the way that Sidon’s big hands thread through his hair, in the way that Sidon kisses him back and easily puts him on the floor of the cave- wait, what?
Link breaks the kiss to admire the position Sidon has gotten him into. He’s on his back, with one of the avatar’s knees between his legs. The other knee is beside one of Link’s hips, keeping him pinned. Sidon’s elbows are on the ground on either side of Link’s shoulders and his hands remain in Link’s blond locks. Link realizes that, if this were Sidon and not the avatar, he wouldn’t be able to get out of this position. 
The avatar opens his mouth, as if to say something, only to fall silent.
Link curses to himself.
The avatar can’t speak.
What would it say if it could?
…What would the real Sidon say right now?
‘Sidon’ leans down to kiss him again. Link kisses him back, only to feel one of those large hands slipping underneath his shirt and groping his chest. Link gasps and curls into the touch.
When was the last time someone touched him like this? 
Sidon looks up at Link, but it’s not him. Not really. The amber eyes that he’s used to, sparkling and full of so much life, are pools of emptiness. The blush that he imagined would be there, the big toothy grin, they’re both nonexistent. Reality slaps Link in the face. 
This isn’t Sidon. And whatever he wants, he’s not going to get it out of Sidon’s avatar. He has to get it out of the real Sidon. The hug, the kiss, neither of them are ‘true’ answers like he thought they would be. His theories, while probably correct, haven’t brought Link any peace. Not this time.
Link panics and scrambles to dismiss Sidon- no, the avatar- as fast as he can, before this situation gets any worse.
Almost as if he weren’t there in the first place, Sidon’s avatar vanishes into the cool night’s air in a flash of blue light. 
Link sits up and hangs his head in shame. 
Just what has he done…?
A week passes. Link desperately tries to keep himself occupied. He has so much to do that staying busy isn’t hard. He manages to find the fifth sage, Mineru, and defeat the Seized Construct with her help. Now, he has to find wherever the hell Ganon is hiding. Despite all of it, Sidon lingers heavy in the back of his mind. The other avatars circle around Link as he tries to find a good place to settle down for the night. 
Sidon’s, however, is noticeably absent. Link can’t look at him- at it- after what they did in the cave that night. So, he hasn’t used Sidon’s avatar since then. He’s too embarrassed, too ashamed, too… Too scared that he’ll push this further than he should.
Link sees a cave in the distance and feels heat consume his body from head to toe.
He doesn’t want to sleep in a cave ever again, even if it’s much, much safer than sleeping out in the wilderness. He thinks he’d rather sleep in a pool of gloom than sleep in a cave again after that night…
He raises a single hand up to his face, brushing his fingers against his bottom lip. Even if it was the faintest sensation, he swears that when he dwells on that kiss for too long, he can still feel the avatar’s lips.
The climate in Central Hyrule is at least decent at this time of year. As the night falls, it’s pleasantly warm with a peaceful breeze. The next blood moon shouldn’t be for a few more days and despite the gloom that lurks here and there, the area is more peaceful than it has been. Link lays out his sleeping back and gets ready to dismiss the avatars, only to hear heavy footsteps.
He braces himself for combat, placing a hand on the butt of his sword only to further tense up when he sees a blur of crimson red and bluish grey in the distance. 
“Link!” Sidon calls out as he runs closer.
Link takes his hand off of his sword and stands there, confused, all while dismissing the avatars. Sidon is notably alone, running through the night with flushed cheeks and sweaty scales. He pants as if he’s out of breath from running for a long time.
“Link!” Sidon doesn’t hesitate to run to Link, practically collapsing onto his knees in front of the Hylian so they’re eye level. Link is too stunned to do or say anything, especially when he notices tears in Sidon’s amber eyes. As Sidon reaches forward and places his hands on Link’s shoulders, the tears fall from his eyes and down his cheeks. “Link, you’re okay-”
Link nods, furrowing his brow. Why is Sidon here? Why is he crying? Was he… Under the impression that Link was in danger? Before he can talk himself out of it, Link reaches forward to wipe the tears from Sidon’s face with his thumbs. 
“Link, my lo- I mean, my dearest friend,” Sidon starts. “My scouts informed me that you were spotted nearby, so I came right away!”
“What?” Link questions. He can’t remember the last time he’s seen another Zora, meaning that they must have been hiding from him on purpose if they were nearby. Why were they even sent this far out? Link can’t think of a good reason for them to be away from the domain right now. “Is there something going on?”
“No- well, yes- I couldn’t sense your location with my avatar for days!” Sidon explains. His voice is shaky with relief. He manages to stop crying for long enough to smile. “I was so worried. Thank Hylia you’re safe.”
“Wait,” Link pauses, struggling to process that Sidon has been actively tracking his location with the avatar to the point that he freaked out and traveled across Hyrule upon noticing that he wasn’t able to. “Why are you here? What’s going on?”
“Oh, w-well, um-”
As Sidon struggles to explain himself, which is already unusual, Link notices the blatant lack of royal guards. Normally, when he’s at the palace, Sidon is allowed some freedoms, but especially now that he’s king, the council would never let him leave the palace unattended. Link understands the need to get away, but for Sidon to leave with no protection… God, he could’ve been assassinated and no one would’ve had any idea.
“Where are your guards?” Link demands. 
“Not here. I sent the scouts away after they reported your location to me as well,” Sidon confesses rather sheepishly. “I may or may not have snuck out. Lady Yona is covering for me back home. That being said, what is going on with the avatars? I’ve been able to feel where you are almost every day since I gave you my vow… This is odd.”
Link winces.
Sidon was unable to find Link’s location, and thinking better of Link, assumed that it was some sort of malfunction. Link wants to lie to him more than anything, but he just… Can’t. His conscience aside, he needs answers. They need to have this talk. And if it goes poorly, he can leave, and they can both pretend that it never happened.
“I dismissed yours.”
Sidon’s eyes go wide.
“Did I do something wrong? My dearest Link, I-”
“No, no, it’s nothing to do with you, I-” Link interjects. “I did something stupid.”
Sidon waits for Link to explain for a ridiculously long amount of time. Two minutes, maybe three, pass by. Link can’t find the words to explain his actions, let alone his logic behind them. Thinking about it in depth, the way he tested Sidon’s avatar was actually quite violating, even if it’s not technically a person.
Sidon pulls away and sits down on the ground. Link sits by his side. Silence, again, and then Sidon is placing a hand on Link’s back and asking-
“Are you alright?” 
“I’m fine,” He answers. “I, uh, I hugged your avatar. Sorry.”
“And? That is fine,” Sidon, bless him, continues to see the best in Link. He practically beams with affection and rubs Link’s back. Link’s skin burns at the contact. Now, with everything that’s happened, with the avatar, and tonight, Link realizes that the hand on his back was never platonic. He has his answers. The hard part is going to be giving Sidon an answer of his own. “The conditions you travel in must be lonely. I’m honored that you wanted my avatar as your company.”
“I came out here to make sure you were well. It seems you are fine, but why did you dismiss my avatar over a… Hug?”
“It’s not-” Link clams up, squeezing his hands into fists and placing them in his lap. How does he tell Sidon about how he found out? How does he confess his feelings? He’s never done anything like this before. Hell, he’s never felt like this before. “I’m not…”
“What is it? There’s something you’re refusing to tell me,” Sidon frowns, shaking his head in disapproval. “Honestly, it’s dangerous of you to dismiss my vow for so long. The Link I know would never act so foolishly, especially with you searching for Ganon. If you would’ve found him without me by your side… I don’t even want to imagine it. So, what is it that’s important enough for you to have dismissed me? Was it the wedding? I knew something was off, but you wouldn’t tell me-”
Link sighs.
“It made out with me,” He mumbles, and then clarifies- “The avatar, I mean.”
“Made… Out?”
“Kissing,” Link covers his face with his hands. Even through years of being defeated in battle, doing embarrassing things for his job, being in uncomfortable medical situations due to injuries, and so much more, he’s never been this humiliated in his entire life. “We kissed.”
“Oh,” Sidon whispers at first, and then yells. “Oh!”
Link clasps his hands together and bows his head. His bangs cover his eyes to spare him from having to look at Sidon.
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? I’m sorry! Why, I don’t know why my avatar would do such a thing! To violate your autonomy like that, what a heinous-”
“Sidon,” Link cuts Sidon off before he can finish the guilty, apologetic ramble Link knows he’s about to go on. “I… Kissed it first.”
Sidon tilts his head in that oh-so-curious, oh-so-adorable way that Link fell in love with all those years ago.
“Excuse me?”
“The avatars- they, um, they act like you would in most situations. I figured that out. So, I tested it… Tested you… By kissing it. And it kissed me back, and I’m sorry.”
“But why?” Sidon whispers.
Link can’t tell if the man is horrified or merely confused. 
“Long story,” Link murmurs. “If it were the real you, would you have done the same thing?”
“My dearest Link,” Sidon’s eyes fall shut as he reaches over to place a hand on Link’s knee. It’s so warm, so strong, so reassuring. Link would kill to melt into his touch right now, but he can’t bring himself to do so without hearing the answer he needs said out loud. “You must know the answer to that by now.”
“You think I would’ve done any of what I did with the avatar if I knew? I need to hear it.”
Sidon reaches forward to hold Link’s face in his hands once more. He tucks a loose stand of hair behind Link’s ear. Such large, strong hands, yet so gentle, they caress Link’s cheeks and handle him like he’s something to be cherished. Sidon leans closer, leans further down, and rests his forehead against Link’s.
“Then, I’ll tell you the truth… I’m in love with you. If it were me rather than the avatar, I still would have returned your affections, and quite frankly, I’m jealous that that thing got to kiss you before I did.”
Link shrugs, averting his gaze to the grass beneath them.
“You still can… Kiss me, I mean,” He tentatively offers, and much to his surprise, Sidon doesn’t hesitate.
Their lips are connected again in an instant. Link reaches up, grabs Sidon's cravat for purchase, and kisses the Zora back. As much as he loved that kiss with the avatar in the cave, he loves kissing the real Sidon much more; loves the sensation of Sidon’s gentle hands cradling his face, of Sidon’s thumbs stroking his high set cheekbones, of Sidon’s soft and solid lips tenderly moving against his own, of the real Sidon. By the time Link pulls away, he’s breathless. But before he can say or do anything else, Sidon is speaking.
“Please, come home with me,” Sidon pleads as he stands up and pulls Link to his feet. “Just for tonight, so you can rest and so I can know that you’re safe. Then, in the morning, when you’re well rested and fed, resume your search.”
Link nods, and with that, the two are walking side by side and hand in hand back to Zora’s Domain.
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tenderleavesbob · 3 months
This is Zelda's and Impa's side of Link beginning his new adventure.
"Your Majesty! Captain Link's horse has returned!"
"Captain Link's horse? Where is the Captain?"
Zelda stood in front of Epona and stroked the horse's mane. She forced steadiness into her hands and neutrality into her expression as she examined the hero's faithful steed.
"There is no sign of the Captain, Your Majesty."
Her saddlebags were untouched. There were no signs of injury. The mighty warhorse looked stressed and disturbed but otherwise well.
"She would not just leave him behind, Your Majesty," Impa murmured from her shoulder. Her expression was tight and she looked around the field like she expected an attack from all sides.
"If someone had attacked him," Zelda agreed quietly, "she would have stayed by his side and fought to protect him."
Both of them had seen it during the war. Epona was fiercely protective of her Hylian companion. In turn, Link doted on her like she was his child. Link would not have voluntarily separated from her, nor would he have left his things behind. Link liked to be prepared.
Link had promised that it would be an easy trip. He had promised there would be no issues with him traveling solo. He had promised to be careful.
Zelda managed to keep her face calm but couldn't stop her heart from pounding. The war was over. Link was supposed to be safe! Recover from everything he went through. He insisted that he was fine, but...
"Send a troop to the fort!" Zelda shouted, not looking away from Epona. "I want an update on the fort and if there has been any sign of Captain Link."
Impa took over from there. Zelda left her to it. A terrible premonition gripped her heart as she led Epona toward the stables. Link would never forgive her if she did not personally see to Epona's care. She prayed that she would see him soon and be entertained by his endearing protectiveness of his horse once again.
Yet she couldn't shake the feeling that it would be a long time before she saw her beloved hero again.
"Link," Zelda whispered, "you better be okay or I'll kill you myself."
Thousands of years in the past, Link sneezed. Making a face, he wiped his nose. Mask frowned at him in concern. He no longer had the adorable baby-fat in his cheeks, but Link wanted to pinch them anyway. "Are you getting sick, Captain? Perhaps we should find a place for you to rest."
Link scoffed and kept walking. "Probably still dust in my nose."
Thinking of dust... he hoped Epona made it home and someone gave her a good brushing. Epona was a warhorse, but his lovely lady deserved better than to be left dirty.
If Zelda and Impa didn't personally see to it, he might need to yell right back at them when he finally made his way back home.
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neverchecking · 1 year
TotK Link
Okay, I know not everyone has played Tears of the Kingdom, nevertheless finished (I know I haven't), but I just have brainrot that I need to spread.
And I now have the platform to do so >:)
So, of course, Spoilers under the cut!
CW: Yandere, TotK spoilers!
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・❥・So, this can go two ways. One, TotK Link is Wild who was taken mid-adventure with the other Links. Or, two, this is an entirely different Link, kind of like Calamity (AoC Link-- there are some great headcanons about him -> Here! Go check them out they are so, so good.).
・❥・I like both ideas! But, let's talk about the second option.
・❥・So, imagine, the chain and Reader are coming through a portal to this new Hyrule. Or, well, they think it's new. It's oddly reminiscent of Wild's Hyrule only...bigger. There are islands in the sky, holes covered in what appears to be malice in the ground. People are more abundant, there are towers standing, glowing a welcoming red rather than the golden towers in Wild's Hyrule.
・❥・It's so different, but yet so familiar.
・❥・Now, it's evident that this Link is a little more...Feral. Look at his hair and tell me otherwise, you can't. This man had won. He had won, gotten his victory over the Calamity and was supposed to have the rest of his life to settle down. But he didn't. It was ripped away from him once more. Not only that, but he was thrown back to square one. Gloom now riddled his veins making him feel like he was newborn fawn stumbling out of the Shrine once more. So he's probably livid. Angry with Hylia and fate, and Ganon and and and-
・❥・He has no patience left to offer.
・❥・Zelda was supposed to have unlocked her sealing powers, no? And she did nothing. Actually, that's a lie. She used them to save herself. He was left dying again and she saved herself. After he destroyed the Master Sword, the only thing that made him anyone, protecting her. Destroyed his arm. Destroyed himself. And she saved herself. Rauru had to protect him. Had to save his life before Zelda did.
・❥・So, yeah, he's a little less...companionable. He had to save someone who wouldn't give two shits about him again. He thought they had improved their relationship, but he guesses not. Betrayal runs deep in his gut, igniting a fiery inferno that burns on spite.
・❥・And the worst part about it? Everyone around him is praising that damned Princess. For the bare minimum. Showing them a recipe, building a school that should've been there years ago, hell, even just having a horse got her praise out the ass.
・❥・He was tired of it.
・❥・People stay out of his way a lot more. He wears a look that promises some form of harm should someone cross him, and he's more than willing to deliver. Because now, it's not just the one land of Hyrule. Now he has to deal with the Sky Islands and the Zonai creations. Now he has to deal with the depths and all of those creatures which just bring back the gloom he dispels. And he's so over it.
・❥・Now, picture if you will, Reader falling through the portal, separated from the chain, scared and alone. Reader thinking they're in Wild's Hyrule, but his doesn't quite look like this, does it? Reader thinking that, hey, at least they're hidden and in a forest, only Oh Sweet Goddess Above-- THE TREES ARE MOVING-
・❥・Reader doesn't know what to do because THE TREES ARE COMING AFTER THEM, they were forbidden from having a weapon (Because why would they be separated ever? They were there to protect their sweet reader? why would they need to burden themselves with a weapon when the Links could fight for their honor?), and THE TREES WERE ATTACKING THEM-
・❥・But, here comes their knight in shining armor- or some sort of blue tunic. Honestly, the tunic was styling if we're being honest; the open back and split sides along the hips? (Iykyk)
・❥・The trees are taken care of easily and the blond is turning to look at reader.
・❥・Reader just knows. "...I'm gonna guess your name is Link?"
・❥・And while on the outside, all he gives is a simple nod, it's anything but simple. You, this gorgeous being that he just so happened upon, recognized him. It seemed that without Zelda parading him about like some show dog for all of Hyrule, people didn't know who he was. but you? You did? You knew who he was? And the way you were staring at him was like you knew what he had done. The sacrifices he had given. And you were thankful and appreciative. Which was all he asked for.
・❥・You then thank him (You THANKED him) for saving your life and explain that you had been separated from your group. (Group? You had a group? And they just...let you out of their sight?) He offers to help you look for them and you eagerly accept.
・❥・Now, he latches onto you pretty quickly. Your already used to all the Link-isms so he isn't much different. The silence, the constantly guarded exterior, your used to all of it. And it just convinces him further that you're perfect for him.
・❥・Eventually the rest of the chain do pop up. But this Link isn't convinced their safe, after all, Ganon could make puppets out of everyone. Whose to say their not puppets or Yiga? It's better to stay with him, can't you see that?
・❥・The chain obviously have a different opinion on the matter, Legend all but Demanding you back. Hyrule and Four try to placate this Link, while Wild, Wind and even Twilight are trying to think of way of just scooping you up and running. Sky and Warriors are trying to barter with this Link (What does he want? Fairies? Potions? Money? They could have it all should he just give you back). Time is the only one to recognize that this is still a Link. He still wants what's best for you. That doesn't mean he trusts him.
・❥・If Fierce Deity and First are int he group at this point, they too are probably either trying to manipulate explain to this Link that they are in fact your aforementioned group or are just barely holding onto the shred of sanity left thats stopping them from simply doing away with this obstacle.
・❥・But this Link, like all Links, is stubborn. Not just a regular stubborn either. He has learned the hard way that if he wants something, he's going to have to fucking cling to it to keep it. And he's not losing you. Eventually they explain the situation after a bit of your pestering and he loosens up, just the slightest, to take in their words. That doesn't mean he lets go though. Oh no, he just lets them meander closer without threatening a flame throwing at them.
・❥・He's sort of indifferent to Wild, I would think, since they're kind of the same person. He was just dealt the shittier hand.
・❥・When asked where Zelda is, he simply points up (Maybe her name is Natura? Idk, I'm uncreative). He does not elaborate. They don't ask him to.
・❥・Now, it's obvious you have just claimed this Link. He's yours. Sorry not sorry. It's just a matter of taking him with you. He's insistent on not leaving your side. The Demon King isn't actually doing anything, other than unleash monsters the people of his land are already familiar with. This is obviously a new threat and he's a Link isn't he?
・❥・In terms of names? Maybe he's the hero of the Zonai because Tears of the Kingdom doesn't really give us much to work with. Maybe they call him both Zonai and Sage. I like Sage, so I'm going with that.
・❥・The way he fights is fast and brutal, delivering hits that dissipate his enemies own mobility before delivering a fatal last hit. He's a unit of a man, probably like Twilight, if not a little smaller. (Have you seen the shit he has to lug around? Mans is built.) Same height as Wild though, just more built.
・❥・As for the type of Yandere he is? He's on you. Constantly. He is hovering over you because anything and everything can be ripped away from him in an instant, as Hylia as so helpfully shown. He is making sure nothing gets the chance to get closer to you. And he's using his new abilities to do so. Wild is probably interested in the abilities and the arm and the tech, since his Hyrule, after Sage's, is the most technologically advanced.
・❥・He's inspecting your food, checking your person every time you disappear out of his sight for a second, snarling at people who attempt to talk to you.
・❥・The group have to keep him in check like an untrained puppy.
・❥・Oh, but how he laps up the attention Reader bestows upon him. He is such a cuddle hog and he knows it, smirking smugly at the others while you hold him close because oh how his arm hurts so badly, didn't you know? Oh, how the gloom has him feeling absolutely rotten, please can he just lay with you for a while? Just until he settles back once more? Pretty please?
Anyway, those are my thoughts for now, feel free to add your own!
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wayfayrr · 3 months
The Menace read your answer and this is funny as you stayed in Legend of Zelda but don't worry you have other chances to get another character from another world or game.
So gather 'round, sit back, relax and please stay in your seat. Kick your feet up and grab some popcorn. Oh, and of course, lest we not forget, enjoy the show.
Here goes a Reader which probably is the most soft but also strict one. A master with the trident! This is Mipha!Reader
Reader is the Champion of the Zoras and their beloved next ruler.
They have the gift of healing others and themself but also to heal the water.
They are 55 to 65 years old. Zoras age slower then Hylians.
What only very few know is that Reader has a beautiful singing voice and they use it to put Sidon to sleep.
They are a master with the trident.
They are not a ghost but a living version from Age of Calamity.
Reader almost could give Calamity the armour but they both were thrown into a portal.
They are a very fast swimmer compared to Wild when he wears the full Zora Armour set. They can also breath underwater.
They only have a hunch why Sidon reacted so sad as he had to leave.
They are the epitome of elegance.
They love their younger brother to bits and only wants the best for him. That's why they teached him how to swim a waterfall up and how to surf down.
Most of the Chain would be jealous probably as Reader loves Wild and Calamity.
They just see they same boy they fell in love with in both of them. These two fight like cats and dogs for their attention and affection.
Twilight wanted to help Wild but also fell in love.
Hyrule was just relieved to have another healer with them.
Funny enough Sidon, his father and Muzu are Yandere too! The older version of Sidon, obviously. Sidon lost his sibling and Muzu and Dorephan practically their child and now to have Reader stand there in the Zora Domain once again and looking around as so much changed? They don't want them to go like Sidon had to.
Sidon wants to say so many things to them and learn from them. Muzu cried as they stepped into the throne room at first and thought it was their spirit. It was very emotional as they bowed down to their father before being hugged by him and Muzu.
So those three are very overprotective over Reader and forbid them to go with the Chain.
How they met.
Reader's PoV:
I walked around as I finally managed it out of Lake Hylia and was looking for Link. We both fell into this portal but got separated as I landed alone in Lake Hylia. I was around the Zora Domain and got stared at. I was kinda freaked out because of it. It was my home or so I thought. I noticed that Ruta was on a mountain so if the people need protection I have to climb onto it. Maybe I should put Ruta somewhere else. I was on the main plaza and saw a statue of me. I was more than confused as this was me right know. I turned around and saw many Zoras looking at me with their eyes wide. I waved at the children with a smile and they began to laugh before they ran to me.
„Are you your Highness Reader?“
„Yes, I am sorry I really would like to talk to you little ones but I have to talk to my father.“ I apologized to the children who nodded and took my hand to guide me to the throne room.
I giggled and we stopped at the stairs that leaded to the throne room.
„Thank you, I really appreciate your assistance.“ I petted them before climbing the stairs carefully.
Everyone looked at me strangely here. Link was gone, even as he managed to become my appointed knight, however he managed to do that.
I could multiple men talking two of them were definitely Muzu and father but one sounded like the Sidon from the future. If I travelled through time then were was my future version? Did I really die? I only had suspicions but that would explain all the stares and the statue. I didn't notice that I stopped as I heard the voices. So I continued my way up.
„We are busy with a meeting please come back later.“ they only heard my steps as one of the men called me out but I didn't stop.
As I was in eye sight I could hear gasps and someone running at me. As I stopped I was relieved to see Link coming at me.
„Link. I'm so glad to see you. I was worried as we got separated.“ he only nodded but it didn't bother me he will speak to me on his own accord I know it.
I looked over him and saw injuries again which I began to heal immediately. „You never change do you. Always when you injured you come to me and I will heal you, do you understand?“
He blushed slightly but nodded. As I was finished I walked towards my father and future Sidon. Muzu began to cry!
„Muzu is everything alright?! Are you hurt?! Are you in pain?!“ I rushed towards him and fretted a bit. Which was kinda embarrassing as I completely lost my composure.
But he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I stroke his head and turned to my father and Sidon.
„Father, Sidon please tell me what happened to me? I've never seen Muzu cry like that before. Did... Did I die during the Calamity?“
„I'm sorry Reader. I couldn't tell you, it already broke me to part from you but then also tell you I never got my sibling seeing me growing up? It was to much.“ said Sidon and I nodded understandably.
„Don't worry Sidon. I understand but I'm sure that I saw you grow up and becoming the Zora you are know. Just not with a body.“ I separated from Muzu and hugged my younger brother. He even lifted me up and pressed me against him.
„It was nice seeing you but I think you know what I will going to say, aren't you?“
„You can't leave! Just stay here a little longer!!“
„But only for a bit. I have something at home and I want to get it... For someone.“ Sidon giggled and turned me around so I could see the men which were talking to father.
But I was left speechless, there were two Links and one of them was wearing the very armour I crafted. Sidon let me down and I stepped towards the two Links.
„You are Link.“ I looked at the Link who I got separated from and he nodded his head. „And you are also Link.“ I looked at the one in the armour and only then I noticed his scars on the side of his face! I immediately began to heal it as I saw some scratch marks on it. The Link began to giggle and just took my hand into his.
He smiled softly and I turned bright red. Then the other Link ripped my hand out of the grip of the other. He pushed me behind him which let me shriek and grip onto his shoulders for footing. Link growled at the other Link. I know he is protective over me but that is not like him.
„Link everything alright?“ I asked from behind him and he nodded before looking at the group of blonde men.
„Reader, you may come from another time. But I'm still your father, so you are forbidden to travel with these heroes of the past.“
„Father! But... But I have to go back! I'm still the Champion of the Zoras and Vah Ruta's pilot! Vah Ruta only listens to me. I have to go back! What is when something happens to Sidon! It will hurt this Sidon as well! My duty as a Zora Royal is to look after my people and our Domain but how can I do that if you don't let me!“
„Reader. You listen what I have to say. You will not go with these men, do you hear me?“
„You can't stop me!“ with that I dashed to the side and jumped into the water. And in mere seconds I was swimming the waterfall up. I already could hear many knights of the Zoras following me and the other Link too!
„I'm sorry father... But as the next ruler I have to decline your order. I will go back to my time... As I don't belong here...“ I ran away to were Vah Ruta was standing. It's hard to get into it as soon as I activate the defense mechanism of the beast. I only have to be faster. Good I always was the fastest Zora in water!
That's how they met and before you think. Mipha would definitely listen to her father if he orders her to stay. I know but I have to remind you. This isn't Mipha, that Mipha died because of the water blight, and Reader knows it. That's why they decline and run away. They know they don't belong in this time. They belong to Calamity's era and they have to go back there. That's why they disobey. Normally they would listen like the good child they are. But they know they don't belong there! Wild definitely will be with Calamity the first Yandere before the other even fell in love with Reader. Calamity almost lost them and Wild did lost them. Even Flora would try to convince Reader to stay! So she isn't alone, so she has at least one of her dead friends back in her life. So these two will be protective even if Reader can defend themself with their trident. They have to protect them! Wild and them are practically engaged and Calamity is their appointed knight! But Calamity now knows what Reader wanted to give and say to him. Well, Reader has now two fiancées theoretically speaking. But after the Chain fall in love one by one as Reader is like a rose. A delicate and beautiful flower but also has thorns to protect themself. Well, they all want to have a Zora armour gifted by them, even if Twilight and Time have one, they want one from Reader as it means that they are engaged and to be married. But it is hard as Reader, even if they care about the whole group, is already in love with Calamity and Wild. So they obviously give them more attention as they are in love and let me tell you, these two will not only be smug about that. Oh no, they basically show it off. Reader can talk about poetry with Warriors but as soon as they see Wild with injuries because his shield "broke" while shield surfing on Death Mountain. They rush towards him and begin to heal him. Or they listen to Sky as he explains how different the Zoras from his era look compared to them but as soon as Calamity comes to them and just wants to hug because of a "nightmare". They hug him close and cradle Calamity but still listening to Sky until Calamity whined then all their attention is on him. If the Chain boys have alone time with Reader there is a 95 % chance that Wild or Calamity or Wild AND Calamity will butt in with something. They do that to each other too. But the Chain knows they can't say anything to Reader as they have a bleeding heart and they would want them to get them mad because of it. They are their precious and darling sea rose after all.
It's been about 10 days since I got this now 😅 I took a bit of an accidental break with how exhausted I've been but back to mipha reader!!! and It's amazing as always <333
Mipha reader is going to have a very interesting dynamic with the chain, because the zora are not going to let reader go if they have any say in it what so ever. only another portal from whoever is creating them is going to have any hope of getting them away. They lost you already so long ago - like hell is that happening again
I think AoC link could feel almost entitled to reader over the others, they're from his world, they made him the zora armour, it's only because of him that the rest even met you. seeing wild in the crafted set could make him a lot more possessive of you too, cause it's an immediate threat to his relationship with you
granted they could work together to keep you to themselves rather than sharing you with the rest of the chain, they're your two fiances and the rest of the chain could be gone for all they care
I think the pressure to have zora armour could damage the others relationship with them though, seeing as they have to use their own scales to make it which can't be pleasant really and if they're in the domain with their father, retainer and brother then no way in hell is that going to be made for even a single other link no matter how hard they push - and hopefully time doesn't bring up ruto
and with wild/cal stealing their attention whenever possible? no matter how much the chain love reader they aren't going to be getting their attention any time soon over the fiances <3
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gothic-soda · 1 year
BoTW Theory: The Champions were unarmed when the Blights attacked
Losing my mind I just realised this detail in BoTW and I had to share it. Maybe this has already been pointed out, but I wanted to dive into it. In Memory 15 “Return of Calamity Ganon,” none of the champions are shown with their weapons, except for Link.
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See, no weapons.
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And when Revali flies up to get a better look at the Calamity, we can see he doesn’t have his Great Eagle Bow.
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The only one with a visible weapon is Link, who has the Master Sword.
We can assume that the champions headed straight to their divine beasts while Link and Zelda headed to the castle. Daruk clearly orders all of the champions to immediately head towards their Divine Beasts.
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And really, if you think about it, the original plan was for the champions to strike Ganon with their Divine Beasts, they’d have no reason to think they’d need their weapons, because the Champions themselves were never meant to face off with Ganon directly.
Then there is also the fact that each Champion’s respective villages has kept their Champion’s weapons in a chest for 100 years after the Calamity. This is even though no one had set foot on any of the Divine Beasts in 100 years, so if the champions DID have their weapons on them during the battle, how would it be possible for each champion’s race to have their weapons in their possession? And they couldn’t have been retrieved after Link freed the Divine Beast, because Teba makes a comment that he is not strong enough to use the Great Eagle Bow without it slowing down his flight. I don’t exactly buy the idea that Teba, while injured, would have immediately tried the Great Eagle Bow the second Vah Medoh was freed. He most likely did so at some point before freeing the Divine Beast with Link.
We know from BoTW that each divine beasts has chests containing weapons that the champions could have potentially used to defend themselves, but they are all spread out throughout the divine beasts, so it certainly would have been difficult for them to get their hands on any weapons even when they did realise they were under attack.
The only weapons onboard each divine beast were:
Vah Medoh
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5x Bomb Arrows
10x Ice Arrows
1x Knights Bow
Even the best archer in Hyrule (which Revali canonically was) would not be able to defeat Windblight with that.
Vah Naboris
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1x Knights Bow
1x Knights Shield
The only thing Urbosa would be able to use here would be the shield, she’d still have her fury, sure, but that’s hardly a fair fight. And even if she knew how to use a bow (which there is no canonical basis that she does) there weren’t any arrows aboard Vah Naboris anyway.
Vah Ruta
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10x Fire Arrows
10x Ice Arrows
1x Knights Halberd
The only weapon Mipha could even use here is the Knights Halberd. She’d have no use for arrows without a bow, and same thing with Urbosa, we have no idea if Mipha knows how to use a bow anyway. I should also mention that the halberd is in quite a difficult place to get to, right at the top of the Divine Beast. So this really wasn’t a fair fight for poor Mipha.
Vah Rudania
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1x DragonBone Boko Club
2x Knights Bows
10x Arrows (in two separate chests, so 2 chests each with 5 arrows)
5x Ice Arrows
Nothing here would be particularly useful for Daruk. The Boko club is made out of wood, so it would catch on fire. And I don’t think Daruk would even be able to hold the Knights Bow, it would be too small for him even if he knew how to use a bow (which again, who knows if he does or doesn’t). Daruk seems to have to worst luck out of everyone.
And yeah maybe there were other weapons on the divine beasts that the champions did use, but my point is to illustrate that most of the weapons they had available to them were not ideal.
The sad part is that these chests were all unopened, so the champions likely didn’t even get a chance to defend themselves, they were taken completely by surprise.
It also puts into context that most of the champions make some kind of comment about their opponent fighting dirty, it literally wasn’t a fair fight.
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a-manicured-lawn · 1 month
So. Wind and Spirit as Sages with Secret Stones. It probably wouldn't make sense but I think the NotTwins having those things has good potential for both crack and angst.
you've made me roll this around in my brain for a WHILE anon and i'm going to go HAM (long enough to need a 'keep reading')
to start with, we need to know their magic types. we've got several such as Time, Wind, Spirit, Lightning, Gloom, Light, Water, and Fire. for obvious reasons, Wind and Spirit will be the ones we'll focus on today considering it's both these Links' names and the best matches for their personality and game usages.
the Wind secret stone has the ability to create gusts, right? WRONG. The gusts were already made by Tulin before he got the Stone, and the stone allowed for the avatar summoning and possibly enhancement of the power. By the same token, Wind's secret Stone would of course be Spirit Wind, and his control over the wind would be enhanced since that's his original usage of the element. depending on how juiced up he is, it's possible that he wouldn't necessarily need the Wind Waker to direct the breeze if he had a Secret Stone on board, but that means he'd be able to create an avatar to help Wild out.
Spirit, obviously, would be getting a new ability with his Secret Stone. In canon lore Spirit has no connection to ghostiness aside from seeing the dead similar to Wind, but i personally like to add the concept that Spirit can, in fact, separate soul from body at will alongside his Zelda. This Secret Stone could perhaps be the reason for this gift, allowing him to "die" at will and use his soul to possess Phantoms, scout around, and ignore anyone who tries to put him on bedrest. it's not as flashy as, say, Wind's, but it's still both impressive and useful and can be used for a variety of situations (until someone's got a bug net!).
now that we've got the whole concept of their powers mapped out, though, we have to figure out why, exactly, these two children have world-ending power in the palm of their hand. You mentioned Crack, you mentioned Angst, and both are so delicious that there's no reason why we can't do both.
Following the defeat of Ganondorf, there are a LOT of Secret Stones hanging around. Mineru's, Ganondorf's, Zelda's, and the Sages depending on whether they'd be asked to give them up. Naturally, the safest place for these extra stones would be with someone who's uninterested in them, i.e. Wild and his Purah Pad/Sheikah Slate. who cares about power, he's got Recall and unlimited bombs at the same time!
Crack: Everyone is hanging around the campfire, chatting and having a great time. They get into a conversation as to the most impressive things all of them can do, with Wind loudly declaring that he's got the Wind Waker and is thus the flashiest and most epic Hero of them all. Spirit is next to him, quietly knowing that he doesn't have all that impressive of items himself without his train.
Since they're both kids, everyone gives them a patronizing "Sure, Jan." and ignores them. And. Well. Wild *does* tend to love his brothers.
Wind insists on a demonstration of his coolness, and Wild decides to have some fun. As he pulls out the Wind Waker, Wild taps him on the ankle with one of the Stones. the light breeze turns into a blistering gale with a loud yelp, and the Stone makes an ankle band to tie it to the new Sage Of Winds!
Cue Wild cackling in the background, tapping the other one to Spirit. THAT one goes even worse, as the new Sage of Spirit promptly dies as soon as the Stone touches him. there is a LOT of panic, a hundred apologies, and a very excited Hero once Spirit learns he can do it on command.
The Sages are both delighted at their new powers, refusing to take them off and using them for minor inconveniences. Thanks to Timeline Shenanigans they can even turn back time to TotK, saving Link in the nick of time from Aerocudas or angry Constructs and vanishing with a cheeky salute or a shy wave. if this particular Wild went to LU before TotK, that would throw him WELL off his game even after both boys had vanished.
Meanwhile, over in Lurelin, two young boys kick back with virgin banana dacquiris and watch the boat races while comparing the speed of a boat to the speed of a train. Neither win, of course, considering that there are no trains in TotK (hmpf.)
Angst: Within Zonai architecture, twin dragons have always been a recurring motif. Some pieces, like the Shock head, tend to look like the dragons Wild has seen in his adventures. Farosh, Dinraal, Naydra.... Zelda.
But for the rest, Wild has never seen these twin dragons before. An architectural liberty, perhaps? or a memory of dragons long-vanished?
It's only during a particularly ugly bout with the Black Lizalfos that he discovers exactly why. As a club shatters his leg and the Twins rush over to cover him, he sees them both shoot glances at each other.
At the twin Secret Stones, lying placidly on their wrists.
He can't do more than whimper out "no!" as one twin, then the other protect each other as they grab the stones from their holders.
Then, as one, swallow.
Twin Heroes no more as the shockwave obliterates the nearby monsters and Twin Dragons rise into the sky with simultaneous howls.
(cue an epic quest for them to revive their brothers, because if it happened for Zelda once then Wild is NOT giving up.)
hhhhhhholy fuck this went on longer than i expected. Surprise?
if you want to write any of this be my guest!
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scopophobia-polaris · 3 months
Honestly I have a theory that sheik was ORIGINALLY early in development supposed to be their own character but became Zelda’s alter ego later. Regardless their body types and features are so different it’s so fucking funny seeing Nintendo try to gaslight us and say « NUH HUH SHEIK IS LITERALLY JUST ZELDA IN DIFFERENT CLOTHES » like come on she definitely gave herself a dick be real. Zelda is SO the non binary person who says « yeah I dream about changing genders and I wish I wasn’t always a girl but I’m not trans I’m just cis haha »
🫵👍 BWAHHAHAHA YEAH oh my god, there is a chance that could be the case because of this
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Because this is Sheik
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Like OBVIOUSLY so, he could of been made to ve a separate chracter originally yes! And i don't know if there are any alternate development notes or interviews that says otherwise, but...the more I look at this picture, I'm scared this was gonna be Tetra before Tetra if you catch my drift.
OoT and MM to a lesser extant probably have so many weird production stuff we just don't know about, if we had like the stuff we have today about botw's devlopment but for OoT I would be so excited, the little stuff we has interests me to no fucking end and I wanna see what the hell was going through their brains for half of it cuz one thing....Im just gonna word vomit out this theory.
Link's mom. There is a chance that her design in the manga was actually by Nintendo originally and not the akira himekawa. So, here me out, the German Club Nintendo comic, it's called Hyrule under fire, its supposed to be about the end of the civil war that happens before OoT, so, since Link's dad is so close to just looking like Link with cheek bones (designs that drive me up the way in a funny way for reasons that if you ever ask me I'm gonna throw up on a post) I think he was just made up for the comic.
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Like....look at him, HOWEVER.
Link's mom has a consistent design between here and the offical manga
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(Love his dad dying in the shadow like HDNSBDHSN)
The ONLY thing that's different, is that in the legendary edition of the manga her dress colors are different
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BUT, THEYRE FLIPPED, ITS STILL BLUE AND PINK, and her earrings are still pink.
Both of these came out within 2 years of eachother, the German comic in 1998 when the game came out and the manga in 2000, so either Akira Himekawa saw the German comic from 1998 and decided to reference that design for their own work OR....Link's mom had an offical design that was SCRAPPED FROM THE GAME.
I wish I could ask them about it because they would be the most straightforward I bet, look if any of you ever want to @ them on twitter and ask where they got that design I would LOVE to know
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Guys. Why is there even a debate here. Some of the games were explicitly written to be connected, some of them weren't. Not everything has to fit into one cohesive timeline. As a matter of fact, they can't. Now, there is some more nuance to it. Read below for my explanation (infodump) plus a more nuanced chart.
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Red and blue lines are canon within the games' text. Ambiguities are filled in with green. I'll get more into that later. Let's first explain the two completely separate mini timelines.
The Four Swords miniseries stands mostly alone. The Master Sword and the Triforce are present in every other game or (mostly--looking at you, Master Sword in LoZ and AoL) have a good reason not to be, but they are not present at all in these three games. Instead, we have the Four Sword and Light Force. The only wrinkle is that Ganondorf shows up in FSA... so I don't know about that one. I don't think anyone does.
As for BotW and TotK. Oh brother. What do we do with these. Skyward Sword is intended to take place seemingly millennia, or at least several centuries before Ocarina. We see the founding of Hyrule with the first monarch and her chosen knight, the cycle of recurring evil and heroism being established, and the forging of the Master Sword
Wait. What about Rauru and Sonia? I thought they were the first rulers of Hyrule. And if the Zonai were around long before Hyrule, where is any of their presence in Skyward Sword? Huh. Alright. We don't know how much time passed between the first Calamity and the second, but from the past era of TotK to its present, we can account for at least 10,105 years of history. We don't even need to get into how Zora and Rito coexist or anything smaller like that. There's just no fucking way these two games fit with any of the others. Fine, that's fine. Moving on.
There's also a little hiccup around the Oracles. Nintendo seems to go back and force on whether the Oracles feature the same Link as in ALttP and LA, but if they do, it probably makes more sense that Oracles happen before LA (the linked Oracle game ends with Link boarding sailing off on a small ship and LA starts with him on one). So like... I guess they fit there?
Either way, let's take a second to look back at where this idea of a timeline split happened. Remember that WW and TP both clearly take place after OoT. That isn't theorizing, that's in the actual text of each game. The thing is, they're mutually exclusive. TP has Ganondorf being executed, as he would have been after the Hero of Time goes back to his original era and warns Zelda that her plan to get to the Triforce first isn't going to work (which is implied to be what happens at the "The End" screen of OoT). WW has Ganondorf coming back by breaking the seal put on him, and the Hero of Time didn't appear to stop him again (as would happen if Link was sent back in time). Fans started theorizing way back in 2006 that OoT created separate timelines, with WW and TP being mutually exclusive sequels to it as the evidence.
Some fans have asserted that Nintendo just "took" the fan theory. But come on, put everything together here. The texts of OoT, WW, and TP HEAVILY imply the timeline split. The only reason we called it a theory is because the writers didn't literally say "And then the timeline split in two". The texts are pretty clear though. It's the only thing that makes sense. That isn't to say that there needs to be a cohesive timeline, and that the split is the only way to fit it together. No, OoT is connected to both WW and TP no matter what. That was the intent. It's just that the explanation for OoT to have mutually exclusive sequels actually fits neatly into the texts of the games.
And now we come to the tricky part. Put yourself back into the 90s real quick. ALttP seems to have been written as a prequel to Zelda 1, showing Hyrule before its period of decline. Alright, let's just accept that because it may as well be true. The lore at that point was so thin that it made enough sense. I kinda slapped Zelda 1 and 2 at the end there to show it, because we do have a cohesive timeline from ALttP to TFH. That's fine, all well and good.
Likewise, OoT seems to be written as a prequel to ALttP. We see conflict over the Triforce, the origin of Ganon, the seven sages, and an earlier iteration of the Master Sword. Back in 1998, we had no reason to not believe it. These are tenuous connections that are not explicit in the games' text, so I've paired them with green lines to show it.
But wait. ALttP is ALSO mutually exclusive to TP and WW. Oh brother. What do we do about this? Even after figuring out the timeline split in 2006, fans didn't know what the fuck to do with the first four games of this franchise. They could go after TP, but that's even messier than putting them right after OoT. Yuck. This doesn't feel good at all. Oh yeah, and then there's the Four Swords games that don't fit anywhere.
Now you can imagine the position the writers of Hyrule Historia found themselves in when they were tasked with creating an official timeline. Some of the games have certain explicit connections, as detailed in my first chart. But they had to cram everything into one timeline. Well. They knew they had a timeline split in OoT, because that's what the texts of OoT, WW, and TP collectively say. The lore of ALttP also mentions seven sages (or wise men, but let's call them sages), but not a legendary hero. So... if you really stretch your brain out here... it kinda makes sense that there's a timeline where the Hero of Time died fighting Ganon. Maybe. Kinda. Not really, but kinda. And then there's the Four Swords miniseries. Fuck it, throw them in randomly.
The two-way split doesn't disagree with OoT's text at all, which said that Link won. The three-way split does disagree with it by asserting that Link lost. But if we're really trying to fit everything into one timeline, that is the cleanest place to put them. Some people really hate this, but it does seem that those are the same people that demanded that there be an official timeline in the first place. ie the same people who were gonna be pissed off with anything Nintendo gave them that wasn't exactly their own theory being confirmed.
Alright, real talk. The producers of the Zelda series have said time and time again that they think of what would make a fun game then write a story that fits around it. The Wind Waker devs wanted you to sail around the ocean. Then the writers decided "oh, we could put this after Ocarina! After all, weren't they left without a hero? What if Ganon came back with no one to stop him? How would that problem resolve itself? What if the gods just flooded the world?" Then the Twilight Princess devs wanted a spiritual successor to Ocarina, with an epic adventure on horseback across the traditional Zelda kingdom setting. So the writers went "hey, in Ocarina, Link warned Zelda about Ganon, right? What if he was executed then, and then the world was never flooded?"
We have to realize that trying to put games with this design philosophy into a neat little timeline is a futile effort. It's never gonna work because it wasn't designed to. More so than any other storytelling medium, video games take so many approaches to continuity. The Halo games were all meant to be sequential and fit neatly into a strict timeline. Pokemon is all canon within itself but the ties between games are less important than the stories of each game. Mario essentially has no canon except for recurring characters and settings. Zelda is gameplay first, canon second. That's why the two most recent mainline games don't even try to fit in the canon of the previous eighteen. That's just how it works and we're gonna have to accept that.
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