#wis aurora
linderosse · 4 months
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Wielders of Wisdom: Introductions Part 4
Phantom (Guardian) [ST]
Driven and determined; orderly; kind of a diva
Surprisingly strong after Malladus fortified her body for his own use
She started dating Spirit after he renounced his hero status to go back to being a humble train engineer. Orders him around all the time (they genuinely love each other).
Her singing voice is enchanting :)
Story: [Redacted until further notice]
Aurora (Dreamer) [AoL]
Depressed and tired
Barely holding it together for Dawn’s sake. She misses her home and family fiercely.
Very fond of Hyrule and Dawn. Kinda regrets kissing Hyrule now that she knows Dawn thinks he’s cute. A small part of her is bitterly jealous that Dawn gets to be summoned away into other eras, while Aurora seems to be trapped after the Great Decline— but she loves Dawn and would never begrudge her that opportunity.
Doesn’t sleep much anymore
Story: Since her awakening, Aurora has done her best to be the older sister Dawn never had. But the world is still devastated by the Great Decline, mistrust runs rampant, and it’s hard adapting to life centuries in the future. Dawn keeps telling her about the other Zeldas, but neither Dawn nor Aurora have been able to summon the others to their era, and Aurora hasn’t been able to leave. And none of that has stopped the court of Hyrule from taking sides, using the dual princesses as figureheads to push their own agendas. Aurora will do what it takes to support Dawn’s goal to unite their people— and who knows? She might be keeping secrets of her own…
< Part 3
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undead-potatoes · 10 months
I want to know about Jay and Aurora’s dump stats! So they impact them?
HAAA I was just about to reply to your answer with SAME HAT
Jay's dump stat is strength, in addition to constitution. He's real noodle-armed in his gnome form, and mainly relies on this wild shapes for physical strength and constitution.
I headcanon that being around a spore druid who did not take precautions for much of his teen years made him poorly in some ways, like giving him asthma and possibly poor stamina. Though I also attribute that last one to being a gnome and having to make twice the effort of everyone else to get anywhere.
And Aurora's dump stat is intelligence, followed closely by charisma, and like Manva, her intelligence stat was also much higher before being tadpoled. She actually wanted to go into biological science / academics when she was younger (reflected in some of the shit she's up to as Bhaal's chosen), but she grew up poor and her family needed the money so she started grunt work down by the docks instead.
Her charisma stat was always kinda low though. I just imagine she was always a little weird and off-putting, especially as a kid, and social skills were never her forte. It did get worse after the tadpole though, just more spacing out and going all quiet at strange moments, or accidentally saying weird shit w/o thinking.
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hajoonswife · 2 years
It’s like September all over again... Your girl Aurora is here! I missed you guys so fucking much you have no idea 🥹 These last few months have been hell on earth, I had to deactivate both of my accounts because I have lost myself in the smut I was writing and the guilt of writing it has been eating me alive and I had to run from it, but now I’m back but unfortunately I won’t be writing any smuts, Idk if I will write again but let’s see where this takes us... But yeah, here I am now.
I sound so cringe omfg
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damagedghoulette · 4 months
Aether, having a moment: Stop saying ‘I wish’ and start saying ‘I will’
Dewdrop: I wi-
Phantom, straight faced: I will my parents still loved me
Rain: …
Swiss: …
Mountain: …
Cumulus: …
Cirrus: …
Aurora: …
Dewdrop: I’m so proud
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bokettochild · 2 months
I absolutely love fics that give all the Links different written languages.
For the ones that don't...
Who do you think can or can't read/write cursive? I firmly believe that Wind's grandma taught him how to read it, but he never writes in it so he can't without double checking certain letters multiple times.
Yes, Wind is quite proficient in Hylian cursive! He and Aryll actually both are since Granny doesn't really use anything else except back when she was first teaching them how to read, and even then, her letters are all swoopy and graceful (they love that). He reads it well, but his handwriting is still awkward and crooked (JoJo had it overlapped onto Warriors'). Aryll spends more time writing things down so she's a bit better than he is, but only a bit.
Four is familiar with cursive, since he spends a lot of time at the castle and most of the royals use it. he can read it well, and he can sort of write it, but Blue finds the excessive loops to be ridiculous and while Red thinks they're pretty, it's too tricky to do all the time, so only really Green uses cursive, and only when split. Vio likes how it looks, but he writes to get things down, and he thinks too fast to care about how his writing looks (it looks like chicken scratches).
Legend is also quite used to cursive, and he can write in it, when he takes the time to try. Most of the time, he's like Vio and just trying to jot things down, but if he's writing a letter or a note to someone, he tends to at least try and make it look nice, and cursive does a decent job of that. I'd like to note, also, that since he's a bit of a book collector too, Legend is very good at reading even the crappiest of handwriting, not just cursive.
Hyrule hasn't got much expose to written materials, but most of what he has seen are old books with the gilded letters and the like, so he doesn't even know cursive is a thing until Aurora introduced him to it. He's not very good at reading it, and definitely can't write with it, but he's getting better.
Wild might have been able to write in cursive before he lost his memories, but he doesn't any longer. Most of Hyrule doesn't bother with cursive, not even Flora, since she, like Legend and Vio, has only the intent of writing things quickly and no longer has anyone to tell her to make it look nice. Purah and Robbie are the same. Sidon and the Zora do use cursive, but Wild doesn't really care enough to try reading it, since most of the time anything they bother to write is just official mumbo-jumbo to him anyway. He does have rather neat printing though!
Sky can read cursive, as can all the students at the academy, but he prefers to print things out, because it's easier and he was always a rather lazy student. Zelda feels the same way, but Groose actually has the best penmanship out of them all (he wanted to be better than Sky). They can all write cursive, but again, Sky never cared to practice enough to make it look very nice, so he sort of struggles to do it.
Twilight on the other hand! Twilight has the fanciest gosh-darn handwriting out of the whole chain! Since he's a total book nerd (look at his house), I'd say he's probably been exposed to all sorts of handwriting, and as a kid decided he would make his handwriting look like the stuff in fancy books. Ulli helped him to learn, and he now writes with a very neat hand indeed. Most of the time he prints things, to save time, but this man could be a calligrapher if he so chose! He really likes to do those embellished first letters like in old books, and while sometimes he gets teased about it, Shad may or may not have asked him to help with some of his publications because of his skill.
Warriors has very neat handwriting, but unfortunately, cannot read or write in cursive. I'm a street-rat Wars truther, so this man probably only recently learned to read in my take on him. He makes sure his handwriting looks nice, but cursive is a bit too much for his needs. Soldiers don't get sent things with cursive most of the time, so when he does, he can usually just ask Impa to help him read it, as it's usually in regards to an official frivolity anyways.
Time cannot cursive. Malon can, but she's not very good at it either (reading or writing). Time doesn't care to learn, Malon doesn't really care to improve, and the only way to get Time to even try would be to tell him he could use it top mess with Wars.
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reality-detective · 7 months
The Firmament is likely Earth's Magnetic Field, which is not created by Earth's core, but is actually caused by Cosmic Magnetic Induction from the Sun through ferromagnetic elements inside the Earth that set up the conditions for said induction in the first place.
The visible Plasma / Electro-Static Energy of inertia and acceleration near the vortices of Toroidal Magnetic Reciprocation towards the poles of our planet known as AURORAS, sure would look like flowing waters separating Heaven and Earth to our ancestors thousands of years ago, as it still resembles today.
Which begs the ultimate question :
Well, if this experiment would shine quite the Light on that answer by working the opposite direction.
Since our Pineal Gland and the cells in our Wi-Fi enabled meatsuits are wirelessly plugged into Earth's Electro-Static /Magnetic Field, what happens if we LEAVE the Resonant cavity of the Field filled with Electro-Static Energy our body is dependent upon to not only function, but attain consciousness?
Similar to a Light bulb moving too far away from a Tesla Tower, would it be LIGHTS OUT for consciousness?
Through this logic, brings another legitimate questionable observation :
Either we physically / consciously couldn't have went to the moon, or Earth's Magnetic Field extends much further than they're telling us.
The sole / soul reason to suppress Nikola Tesla will be 25% due to "Free Energy" and 75% because our species digging into what he was working with and what he KNEW, would lead directly to the suppressed metaphysics related to TRUE BIOLOGY! 🤔
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comicaurora · 1 year
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humaudrey · 2 months
Descendants Scene Rewrite: Mal (& Uma) vs Audrey (& Melody)
"Hey, you two must be the daughters of Maleficent and Ursula, aren't you?"
Melody finally managed to take her attention off of the sea witch pirate captain she just moments ago learned was Uma, and her handsome lackeys, and turned toward Audrey. Everyone had, actually, just as Audrey intended. Despite the enthusiastic and friendly sounding tone, anyone who knew Audrey, knew this was anything but.
The interference of Mal and Uma's playfully snarky conversation with Ben caused him to step back. Audrey relinked her arm with Ben's while Melody slowly approached the couple.
"Yeah, you know what, I think I speak for Melody and Arietta when I say we totally don't blame you guys for your mothers trying to kill our parents and stuff," Audrey said, attempting to sound casual with a chuckle. Melody was agape, much like most of her peers.
"Audrey–" Melody warned.
Audrey continued anyway. "Oh, we're not sisters. Melody and Arietta's mom is Queen Ariel of Seaside, 'The Little Mermaid'. My mother is Queen Aurora, better known as 'Sleeping–"
"Beauty!" Mal absorbed Audrey's pep, as Audrey's smile slowly dropped. "Yeah, I've heard the name. And you know, I totally, do not, blame you for your grandparents inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother, to their stupid christening."
Uma took a few steps forward, matching the forced smile Audrey had worn earlier and faced Melody. "Nor do I blame you for your grandfather, who wrongfully banished my mother from that pathetic, underwater sandcastle of a kingdom."
The diss hurt, but what really pissed Melody off were the snickers from Harry and Gil. Whatever smiles the two princesses tried to force on her their faces, they never developed.
Melody bit her tongue, and forced a chuckle. "Water under the bridge?" Melody asked Audrey.
"Totes!" Audrey replied, her fake smile returning.
"Definitely!" Mal reciprocated.
Audrey and Mal shared a rather insincere laugh simultaneously, before they both simultaneously trailed off with a sigh. Uma's smirk only grew bigger as Melody's lips stretched in a thin line.
"Well, while we're apologizing," Gil began, stepping forward to the rest of the group. "I guess I'm sorry for my dad trying to kill your dad even though your dad kidnapped your mom and took her hostage and held her against her wi–"
"No need," Ben said. "None of you have anything to be sorry for. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. You're not your parents, and you shouldn't have to answer for the crimes they committed."
The seven villain kids all shared looks between one another. Uma snorted, and opened her mouth as if she were about to say something. Instead, she kept to herself and crossed her arms.
Ben paced back and forth, intentionally looking each of the new transfer students in the eyes. "You all deserve a chance to live here in Auradon. I wish things were different on the Isle for you, but I'll do everything in my power to ensure that everyone lives the lives they deserve. And today, I'll start by welcoming you to Auradon Prep."
A genuine smile had returned to Melody upon listening to her best friend. She nodded at Uma, who she caught staring at her rather quizzically.
"And on that beautiful note, I'll steal control of the tour and show you guys around!" Zephyr chimed in. "Right this way, please!"
Ben, Audrey, Melody, Zephyr, and Seth gestured toward the front of the school, allowing the seven villain kids to take the lead.
Mal and Uma decided to compete in a speed walking contest for a battle of dominance. Jay and Harry had rolled their eyes at the sight, then entered a staring contest of their own. Carlos caused Jay to lose as he passed both of them and dragged Jay along by his shirt collar. Evie and Gil, meanwhile, were once again distracted by their surroundings until Harry turned around and pushed Gil forward as Gil waved hello at everyone.
Evie curtsied as an apology, before strutting off and holding the rear and the group of five followed behind her.
Seth specifically broke out in a jog to catch up to Evie as everyone gathered around the copper statue of King Adam.
"So, we're good, right?" Seth asked.
Evie giggled, and rolled her eyes playfully as she went to stand beside Mal. Was that a yes?
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aurora-daily · 3 months
Aurora: “We have this golden opportunity to truly understand each other beyond religions, cultures and how we look, but we choose to fuel our fear against each other”
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An interview with AURORA for Hot Press by Riccardo Dwyer (June 24th, 2024)
There’s an ineffable air of Teutonic mysticism surrounding Aurora Aksnes – an Aurora-aura, if you will. Raised in a small municipality near Bergen, Norway, her elfish appearance, rare humour and all-round quirkiness have led some to cast the 27-year-old as a kind of Nordic folklore character turned chart clambering sensation.
Perhaps this hyperborean categorisation is deepened by her appearances on Frozen soundtracks and John Lewis Christmas ads, as well as a fan-made Wiki site which contains enough hyper-linked lore to make the creators of Skyrim blush.
It’s easy to see why Aurora’s attracted so many dedicated Warriors and Weirdos (her affectionate label for her fanbase). In addition to her one-of-a-kind comportment, she’s released three glorious, genre-meandering albums which artfully zero in on some of life’s biggest quandaries – from inner conflicts to questions about a deity.
Her fourth opus, as anyone shrewd enough to spot the mentions of ‘Blood’, ‘Skin’ and ‘Mind’ in the singles leading up to the project will know, suggests a thematic direction towards us, mere Homo Sapiens.
“With every album there’s one specific thing that really inspires and intrigues me,” Aurora acknowledges. “This time, it’s man’s relationship to man. It’s all about your relationship to your own organs, and how you listen to what they’re trying to tell you, especially the heart. I’ve been reading a lot about the history of anatomy and the abilities we give each organ, and how that varies depending on the era and country.”
The title of the LP is at once a statement and an enquiry – a cry for civility in a world seemingly devoid of compassion and a marker of the artist’s own anatomical reflections. It’s probably best to let Aurora explain all that good stuff though. So, then, What Happened To The Heart?
“That is the question,” she nods. “I’ve been thinking about that a lot. I’m very overwhelmed by the state of the world. We have this golden opportunity to truly understand each other beyond religions, cultures and how we look, but we choose to fuel our fear against each other. We’ve been given the chance to be connected more than ever, but we fail to connect in the right places.”
The golden opportunity for connection – the internet, and more specifically social media – is central to the rampant evaporation of love.
“When I was younger and the internet first came about, I remember trying to understand what it could mean for people,” says Aurora. “None of that happened. Porn and gaming happened instead. We haven’t really made it as far as we all might have expected.
“We see and hear each other, but we don’t feel each other with our hearts. We still let these heart-breaking things happen, we’re watching people in Palestine lose their lives for no reason. We should be on a path forward to a peaceful world, but it seems like we’re heading in the opposite direction.”
This, Aurora suggests, is a result of our human tendencies being exploited by the binary overlords.
“We talk into echo chambers in real life, because we surround ourselves with people who are similar to us, so we don’t often get challenged,” she reflects. “Then we have the internet, which is based on algorithms, so we end up in echo chambers there as well. It’s like the world doesn’t want us to learn from anyone else with a different opinion or to interact with people who oppose us, and that’s something that really scares me.”
The issue of climate justice also permeates the record. The origins of What Happened To The Heart? are in fact rooted in environmentalism, after a call to change led Aurora to pose the record’s titular question.
“Indigenous leaders of the world joined together and wrote a letter, ‘We Are the Earth’, basically pleading with leaders of the mass-produced world to lead more with their hearts and less with their minds,” she explains. “The way we live is so heartless and cruel. We take whenever we can. And if we’re not forced to apologise or pay for it, we won’t.
“We will gladly let the people of the future pay for what we’re doing now. And we will gladly let someone far away pay for the clothes we wear, or the food we eat. We know that things are wrong, but we still just go along with it. That’s how the world is today. It’s a weird dynamic to live in as a human, because I don’t know what else I can say. It blows my mind to realise how deep our issues lie.”
Aurora is evidently passionate and well-informed. Does she see it as an artist’s responsibility to weigh in on issues of social justice?
“Well, scientists have tried to warn us about global warming for 50 years and nobody has listened,” she points out. “Leaders of the world don’t want to change their ways because it won’t benefit them. They want to have money now and to not have to think about the world later.
“Sadly, it’s come to the point that artists and musicians, as individuals who connect people, have to deliver the important messages. You have to reach out and appeal to the masses, and artists are the best at doing that – at engaging people and riling them up around unity and love, rather than fear and hatred.”
She acknowledges her own role in what’s often a ‘mass-produced’ music industry.
“You can talk to companies who do things right, or to people who have a minimal carbon footprint,” she says, “but that’s not where your words are needed. It’s good when you’re part of an industry that has a lot to be better in. There’s more room for the things say to make a difference, instead of talking the same shit to people who know it already.”
What Happened To The Heart? holds up sonically too. It’s rife with romantic melodies, expansive synthscapes and arena-ready choruses, punctuated by Aurora’s distinct, soaring vocals – which have drawn comparisons to both Enya and Björk. However, Aurora finds it difficult to assess her own music.
“I don’t really see it when I’m in it,” she says. “I see it later, when I hear it. I don’t like listening to my own music. I would rather eat a baby.”
They must have some tasty infants in Norway, I laugh – the songs really do sound good.
“This album has a huge range,” she admits. “It’s been extremely fun to play around with, because I wanted it to symbolise both lyrically and sonically a process of pain – and the two paths you can choose, self-destruction or self-healing. With humans, it seems that pain often inspires more pain – hurt people hurt people.
“I see all of my music as being a really clear extension of me, and I think that’s really showing in the production. It starts really soft and spiritual, and then it ends on a really hard and human note. It’s going to be fun to sing live. I’m shitting myself with excitement.”
Using that phrase as a gauge of excitement rather than fear is indicative of Aurora’s uniqueness. She goes against the grain in most facets of her artistry, even imposing a Tarantino-style limit on her creative output. Strictly committed to releasing no more than eight albums, the decision tracks back to her early days as a musician.
“I started writing songs when I was about nine,” she says. “Songwriting was beginning to give me a new sense of meaning in life and made me feel better than anything else I had ever touched or let touch me, and I just had a moment thinking, ‘Oh my God, there’s so much I could write about. What do I want to say?’
“I remember taking it really seriously and writing down a map of all the things I want to say, and there were roughly eight big themes that I wanted to approach.
“First up was The Demons. The Warrior was chapter two and then chapter three was God. Now we’re at The Human, but yeah, there’s eight things and I’ve said four of them. It’s going well so far.”
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ alaska. alba. alban. amara. andri. aneira. angel. angelina. apricity. aquila. aquilo. arctic. aspen. aster. aurora. ayden. balthasar. beir. beira. beiron. bell. belle. bianca. blanc. blanca. blanch. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. blaze. blizzard. blizzardette. blu. blue. borea. boreas. boris. brea. bree. bylur. carol. caspar. cedar. chione. chióni. chris. christina. christmas. clara. claudia. cloud. cloude. coco. cocoa. colden. cole. cozy. crimson. crystal. december. dew. dewdrop. dewey. dewy. diamond. douglas. edur. eira. eirlys. eirwan. eirwen. elitsa. ella. elsa. ember. emmanuel. emmanuelle. eryi eryi. estelle. euria. everest. everett. everette. evergreen. fannar. fionn. fir. fjolla. flake. frediano. freeze. fritz. fros. frost. frostette. frostine. frosty. fuyu. fuyuko. gale. garland. ginger. gloria. gwyneira. hazel. hika. holly. ice. icee. icelyn. icicle. icidia. icie. iclyn. isarr. isbert. ivy. jack. jack.. jaki. january. janus. jolly. joseph. josephine. joy. juniper. kari. khione. kirsi. kit. ledi. ledia. lucas. lucina. lumi. mafuyu. mafuyuko. mary. melchior. merry. miyuki. natalia. natalie. natasha. nevada. neve. nicholas. nick. nieves. noel. noella. noelle. north. november. oak. oakley. olwen. pepper. peppermint. permafrost. pine. poinsettia. polaris. rain. raina. raine. rainer. reign. reyner. robin. rudolf. rudolph. rudy. sally. scarlett. scrooge. sioc. snow. snowdrop. snowesse. snowette. snowine. snowstorm. snowy. solstice. spruce. star. stella. storm. stormy. tundra. vega. viola. vixen. warrin. weiss. whittaker. whyte. willow. winny. winter. wren. wynn. wynter. wyntr. yuki. yukio. yule. yulia. yves. yvette. zane.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arc/arctic. arctic/arctic. aura/aura. bleak/bleak. bli/blizzard. bliz/blizzard. blizz/blizzard. blizzard/blizzard. blue/blue. chill/chill. chilly/chilly. clou/cloud. cloud/cloud. co/cold. coat/coat. cold/cold. cool/cool. cry/cryo. cry/crystal. crystal/crystal. drip/drip. drop/drop. fir/fir. flake/flake. flu/flurry. flur/flurry. flurry/flurrie. fre/freeze. freeze/freeze. fro/frost. fros/frost. frost/frost. frostbite/frostbite. froze/frozen. glacier/glacier. glove/glove. hail/hail. ice/ice. ice/icicle. icicle/icicle. mitten/mitten. rain/rain. rain/rainy. scarf/scarf. shiver/shiver. sky/sky. sle/sleet. slush/slush. snow/flake. snow/snow. snow/snowflake. so/snow. sto/storm. storm/storm. storm/stormy. stormy/stormy. tundra/tundra. water/water. wi/winter. win/ter. win/winter. winter/winter . ❄️ . 🌌 . 🌨 . 🌨️ . 🌲 . 🗻 . 🧊 .
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linderosse · 5 days
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9 days left: Let the countdown begin!
Enter Dawn, the first ever Zelda— and Aurora, who followed right after in Adventure of Link!
Dawn deserves credit for starting off the whole franchise, paving the way for all the others.
And Aurora… well, some of you know I have plans for her that might be very relevant to Echoes of Wisdom :)
(I’m a bit late on this first one; whoops 😇)
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queersrus · 11 months
astronomy witch theme
astra, astro, astre, astera, astel/astelle, astella, ariel, aura, aurora, aurore, aure, aurelie/auralie, auralia/aurelia, atlas, aristar, aries, altair, astreaus, aether, apollo, apolla, artemis bila, boreals, boreal comet, cosma, cosmic, cosmo, celest/celeste, celestia, celestio, callisto, calypso, Cassiopeia, claudius, caelum, caelus, cassio dusk, dawn estel/estell/estelle, estella, elera, elio, esther, eclipse, eclipsa, eclipso, eostre, eos galaxy, galactica, galactico, galactix, galactic, galacta, galaxius hecate/hekate, helios, hemera, hera iris, ira juno, jupiter, janus kepler, keyra/kayra lune, luna/loona, lunar, luno, lunette, lyra moon, moona, mars/marz, miranda, meno nova, nix/nyx, nox, nuit pandora, pallas, pulsar, pollux rhea stel/stell/stelle, stella, steller/stellar, star, stella, stary/starie, sol, soleil, solar, solette, solina, solana, solace, solstice tian vesper, vega xian zorya
astra, ayla, airy, array, aquila, antlia estrela/estrella, eddington, eridanus kepler, kuiper herschel, halley, hale, hypatia, hevelius drake starcatcher, starwatch, stargaze(r), starlight, scorpius, spellman Cassiopeia orion ursa delphi, delphius pictor fortune le fay/fe/faye nightingale, nighwatch, nightmoon moon brightmoon gloom, gloam
the witch of the stars, the witch who studies the stars, the star watch, the astronomer, the witch, the astronomer witch, the stellar witch, the witch who knows the sky, the witch of the night sky
(prn) who knows the stars, (prn) who studdies the stars, (prn) who knows the magic of the stars, (prn) who practices witchcraft in starligh, (prn) who studdies magic by starlight
1st p: i/me/my/mine/myself
si/star/stars/starself sti/stell/stellars/stellarself ai/astre/astros/astroself ai/astronome/astronomy/astronomine/astronomyself wi/witch/witches/witch's/witchself wy/witch/witchs/witchself ci/conste/consteli/constellations/constellationself mi/magi/magics/magicself
2nd p: you/your/yours/yourself
sto/star/stars/starself sto/steller/stellers/stellerself astro/astr/astrs/astrself astro/astronomer/astronomers/astronomerself wo/witcher/witchers/witcherself co/consteller/constellers/constellerself mo/magicr/magicrs/magicrself
3rd p: they/them/theirs/themself
star/stars, sta/ar, star/stary, stary/sky, stary/night, star/light stell/stella, stell/a, stel/la, stell/steller, steller/stellers, stellar/stellars astro/astros, astro/astronomy, astro/nomy, astro/nomer, astro/astronomer, astronomy/astronomys, astronomy/astronomer constellation/constellations, constell/constellation, constell/ation wit/ch, witch/witches, wit/witch, wi/witch, witch/witchy, witch/craft, witchcraft/witchcrafts magic/magics, ma/gic, magic/magical
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sweetmariihs2 · 5 months
A headcanon-like thing I would like to share about Queen Lorelei
Tw: death during childbirth and some light mentions of suicide and grieving
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I love Queen Lorelei (King Roland's deceased wife). She barely appears or it's mentioned in the show? Yes. But oh well. Fandom.
We believe she's that genuinely kind deceased character, that everyone remembers as sweet and beautiful, always more gentle than the world was to her, like a ray of sunshine. She's absolutely adored by everyone and her beauty and kindness always brought all the eyes in the room to her and her sweet laughs and smiles.
But unfortunately she died some time after she got married, during the childbirth of the princes that her body wasn't made to support, because the only reason she got pregnant in the first place was the wishing well, and that action had consequences, which means, she got pregnant indeed but that didn't changed the fact her body wasn't capable of enduring this.
And well, she died because of that. I usually feel really bad about childbirth deaths, because I feel like that could have been avoided months earlier. She was well and healthy but trying to have children took her life, and that just happened because she wanted to have a family and live a happy life.
But well, despite being something that lacks information, her story and character fascinates me, and we try to suppress that desire to see her story through fanfiction and fanmade content.
In my case, I have a constant habit of relating characters to songs, in some cases to whole artists if their whole discography match this character or fandom. For example I can't hear some of Aurora's songs without thinking of Cedric.
In Lorelei's case, it was something I never spoke about, but since we're in a fandom and in constant search for STF related stuff and fan content to keep enjoying our favorite show, I decided to share this.
Basically, I'm a HUGE Lana Del Rey fan since around 2019. I know 90% of her released songs and I also listen to some of her unreleaseds (that despite me knowing a ton of unreleaseds there are more than 200 wandering through the internet so there's no way I know all of them)
During the start of her carreer (actually, her first albums, since her career started years before the debut album) Lana's songs told us stories. Some key words that I would like to relate to her songs are: girlhood, nostalgia and melancholy (+or tragedy if you think about it)
In her first albums (Born to Die + The Paradise Version which is a deluxe of BTD) her songs were centered around nostalgic stories and feelings surrounding girls' experiences. Because she is so beautiful and often delicate while singing about darker topics, it's like her voice and lyric choice just interconnect. She sang about girls who lost their lovers, about beautiful girls that felt unhappy or/because they wasted their youth, about tragic endings, like being taken away from your friends during your teenage years because you guys were doing all kinds of crazy stuff at that time (this song is called This Is What Makes Us Girls), all of this surrounded by a feeling of nostalgia, as if those stories had happened a long time ago.
(Her songs weren't made to romanticize anything, like some people say they were; in fact, a huge part of these songs were inspired by her own life and feelings, and Lana is just telling us stories.)
So, going back to Lorelei, some of Lana's songs remind me of her. Based on what I said you can understand why. But not only that, Lana has some very specific songs that kinds match the fandom's headcanons of how Lorelei would be like (since we have no official info about her character).
Like in the song Blue Velvet, which is a cover from Bobby Vinton's song, but Lana brought a whole different feeling to it. Bringing it to the context of her album, her version sounds a lot more heartbreaking than the original one. The lyrics are about a male character missing his lover, singing about her blue velvet dress and how he will never forget about his love for her, even after she passed. Lana's version has a whole orchestral instrumental through the song and mostly at the end of it, making the song sound nostalgic, tragic and even sounds like some kind of anthem close to the end.
There's also the song Carmen, where there is a girl called Carmen, who attracts all eyes to her and is known for her beauty, but deep inside she's not mentally well, and people seem not to care about or notice how she's feeling. By the end of the song she even gets a love confession (in french), probably hinting at the fact that she receives many of them, but it doesn't matter because those who give them don't really know her or care about it. Despite her state "she's still shining" (in Lana's words), because even though she's suffering, she's still beautiful and loved by people.
In the song Born To Die, Lana sings about enjoying your life while it's still happening, because we're gonna die sooner or later. In the music video the scenes interwine with her sitting in a throne and spending time with a lover, who seems to give her an unhealthy relationship, judging by his aggresive behavior. At the end of the music video they're travelling together by car and her boyfriend, the driver, tries to force her to kiss him back, and because of that their car crashes and she dies in his arms, making him face his guilt because he was the one who did this to her. Tragic ending.
Dark Paradise is a song about grieving a loved one. It was made based on her feelings and her life.
These are some of the songs that match because of the lyrics, but being honest, because of the album being so concrete, the lyrics don't even need to match for me to remember her, because as I said this album is about nostalgic girlhood and melancholia, and she often sings about memories like in the song This Is What Makes Us Girls, that was also inspired by her teenage years when she was taken from her friends, but the memories she carries with them last till this day and it makes her miss those times.
Going to the unreleased, there are so many more. Like the song Angels Forever, where she's singing about memories that at her youth she never thought they were going to end: "we were angels forever, forever angels".
Or Fine China, where she is watching a friend having their first child, and remembering that at her own wedding years ago her groom left her at the wedding, depriving her of the dream life she would have liked to have had, singing "I'm going down now, with all of my fine china and fresh linen, all of my dresses with them tags still on", hinting at what was left of the wedding, of a life she couldn't have, but that she was watching others around her having it in her place. This song kinda reminds me of Roland to be honest, even thought his story with Lorelei isn't really related to their wedding, he was also deprived of a life he wish he could have had. And he had her dresses packed, her stuff still there in the castle, just like in the song the pov had her fine china and dresses with tags still on (they were never used).
It kinda fits even more with that headcanon that Cedric was in love with Lorelei. He never had the chance to live a life with her, and he's a bachelor till this day, watching all the weddings and happy lives through the years but never being a part of them, thinking about what would have happened if life wasn't so cruel.
I had these thoughts and despite being a bit niche I still felt like it should be shared. I know that not many people are fans of listening to recommended songs (at least in my case that's true), but I also made this post for those who already know some of those songs and didn't noticed these connections with Lorelei's story. Those who don't know the songs and want to listen to them now are also very welcomed.
I think about how amazing would be if I made a fanfic about this and using these songs. But I won't do it, it's just a thought. Feel free to do it though, I would absolutely love to read that.
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acronym-chaos · 18 days
Frost and Snow ID Pack
[PT: Frost and Snow ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Alina, Aurelian, Aurora, Bane, Bianca, Boreas, Caspian, Crystal, Eira, Elowen, Everest, Faye, Frost, Glace, Glacia, Gwen, Hail, Hala, Icy, Icario, Ivor, Iris, Jasper, Kalt, Loden, Lucien, Lumi, Mira, Neve, Noelle, North, Orin, Perla, Polar, Quinlan, Silvia, Snowe, Soren, Storm, Talia, Theron, Tundra, Vail, Wynter, Yvette, Zephyr, Zanna, Zarina
[PT: Pronouns].
Bli / Bliz / Blizzes [Blizzard]; Chi / Chill / Chills; Cri / Cryst / Crys [Crystal]; Cry / Crys / Crystal; Fla / Flake / Flakes; Flur / Flurry / Flurries; Fro / Fros / Frosts; Frost / Bite / Frostbites; Frig / Frigid / Frigids; Glae / Glace / Glaces; Hai / Hail / Hails; I / Ice / Ices; She / Shiver / Shivers; Sli / Slip / Slipperys; Sno / Snow / Snows; Tha / Thaw / Thaws; Wi / Wint / Wints [Winter]
[PT: Titles].
The Arctic Phantom, The Blizzard’s Whisper, The Frozen Fate, The Frostbitten Monarch, The Frostweaver, The Glacial Guardian, The Icemist Warden, The Icy Embrace, The Keeper of Cold, The Silent Blizzard, The Snowbound Wanderer, The Winter’s Chill, [Pronoun] Who Brings the Frost, [Pronoun] Who Commands the Storm, [Pronoun] Who Shivers the Earth, [Pronoun] Who Walks the Tundra
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID].
Requested by @luxdraconia!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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chichirid · 6 months
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ʚ mafuyu asahina id pack ɞ
(names, pronouns, titles)
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names: arachne,  aurora, belladonna, blair, circe, diskette, dusk, eris, evelyn, fuyue, fuyuka, hecate, horona, juliette, kiyoka, lavender, letal, lilith, luna, mashiro, melanie, ophelia, runami, sabrina, sekka, shiori, shizuha, shuuka, thorn, touka, twilight, vesper, willow, winter, wren, yuki, yukime, yukimi
pronouns: it/its, sno/snows, wi/winter, melo/melody, doll/dolls, mari/marionette, pu/puppet, snow/snowflakes, bli/blizzard, mu/musics, twi/twilight, own/owns, ❄️/ ❄️s, 🎭/ 🎭s,
titles: (prn) with a frozen facade, (prn) who writes haunting lyrics, (prn) with a hollow smile, (prn) who is searching for an escape, (prn) who fakes all that is real, (prn) who is overbearingly protected, (prn) tied by snowy strings, (prn) idolised by all, (prn) hiding from a blizzard
the frozen puppet, the admired doll, the imprisoned lyricist, the doll who needs guiding
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saturniasxenos · 23 days
Nature / Flora ID Pack
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Inside this pack, you will find: Pronouns, Titles, Names, and Genders that relate to Nature, Flora, Flowers, Trees, and anything alike!
This is my 3rd NPT pack! 💜 I hope you find what you are looking for. I try to add as MUCH content as possible, so even if you don't find it, you can have an idea! (I'm still not the best at titles...)
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🍀 Pronouns:
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🌸 Titles:
Preserver of The Forest
(X) Who Nurtures
Born From The Forest
Guardian of The Forest
Dancer of The Desert
(X) Who Guards The Oasis
Child of The Trees
Floral Founder
Seeker of The Leaves
(X) Who Dances With The Petals
Druid of The Land
Wings of The Forest
Nurturing The Land
Nurturer of The Forest
Nature's Guardian
Child of Mother Nature
Guardian of Mother Nature
Raindrop on The Leaf
Dancing in The Wind
Guardian of The Crops
Child of The Nymph
The Water Dancer
The River Traveler
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🍃 Names:
Fem: Azalea, Aurora, Aster, Bellatrix, Belladonna, Blossom, Coral, Calla, Camellia, Dahlia, Daisy, Dawn, Dove, Dandelion, Ember, Flora, Floria, Giselle, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Jade, Juliet, Jasmine, Luna, Lunar, Lotus, Lily, Lilac, Lavender, Magnolia, Marigold, Meadow, Moon, Maple, Nova, Opal, Petunia, Poppy, Plum, Primrose, Paisley, Rosamund, Rose, Rosa, Rainy, Raine, Stella, Summer, Thea, Violet, Verna, Vine, Willow, Zinna,
Masc: Acacius, August, Arthur, Acorn, Arno, Aire, Beckett, Bear, Birch, Cedar, Cliff, Clay, Corvus, Clayton, Cove, Canyon, Callum, Caspian, Dune, Dylan, Elwood, Finn, Fielder, Falcon, Fox, Forest, Florian, Flint, Griffin, Hunter, Jasper, Jonah, Kai, Leo, Luan, Lennox, Micah, Oliver, Quill, Oscar, Orson, Roscoe, Rainier, Rhodes, Reed, Ronan, Rowan, Spruce, Sol, Thorne, Thorn, Wilder, Winter, Weston,
Neu: Arbor, Ashton, Ash, Agate, Autumn, Aspen, Bay, Berry, Barley, Brae, Bryony, Basil, Brooks, Bourne, Cereus, Clover, Crow, Cypress, Chamomile, Everest, Eden, Fawn, Farley, Finley, Frost, Fern, Foxley, Hazel, Harper, Hyacinth, Iris, Juniper, Jay, Jett, Koa, Krow, Lake, Leaf, Lynx, Oakley, Nightshade, Onyx, Orion, Olive, Pike, Pepper, Prairie, Phoenix, Robin, River, Raven, Rye, Scout, Sage, Stone, Sable, Snowden, Storm, Thistle, Wolf, Wolfe, Wulfwynn, Wren, Zen, Zev, Zephyr,
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🌲 Genders:
Natureserenic - a gender related to spending your days in the middle of nowhere inside your cottage overgrown with nature, cats, dogs, and peacefulness.
Rotgrowth - A gender that has a deep connection to the idea of new plant life growing out of dead, rotting, decaying bodies such as animals and humans.
Vancouldian - a gender related to tall evergreen trees blowing in the wind against a cloudy sky
Regenderation - A gender connected to all things related to regeneration and growth. Medicine, nature, the life aspect, shades of pinks and greens, etc.
Mouanipre - a gender connected to baby animals, daisies, wildflowers, flower crowns, soft grass, meadows, fawns, bunnies, lambs, soft fur, sleepy baby animals, pastel colors, and cute baby animals resting in soft meadows.
Heliangender - a gender related to, affected by, or connected to sunflowers.
Convolvulaceaeic - A gender that has a deep connection to the Convolvulaceae Family of flowers.
Naturegender - Gender relating to nature/plants
Asteraceaeica - gender that has a deep connection to the Asteraceae Family of flowers.
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