#( meme. ) how's my portrayal?
gnzma · 2 years
[ anyway icb i follow so many great ppl with so many great muses they write so well and in such fantastic, imaginative and powerful ways omg ]
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shiroi---kumo · 1 year
Portrayal: chefs kiss! I love everything about this White Cloud Prince and beautiful detail you’ve poured into him. 💕 He is the product of creative love and passion and it shows!
beep beep how’s my portrayal ? || accepting
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You're always saying I'm sweet, what about you?!
You're so sweet. It makes me so very happy that you love this cloud of mine. He took over my whole life and all his worldbuilding is so heavy. I just - I get so happy when people love him because he means so much to me.
Ahhhhh you're wonderful.
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antvnger · 1 year
// OKAY. portrayal notes *kicks down the door of your inbox*. i know i've said this before, but it bears repeating: i literally feel like i'm friends with scott lang.
when all the quantumania promos were out, i was pointing at the TV like 'i know that dude!! i talk to him on the internet every day!!' you have absolutely nailed his energy, vibe, speech patterns, humor, you name it.
from his playful, comedic replies to asks to the intense heart-to-hearts he has, you've done such an exceptional job of rounding out his character and giving us a degree of depth and nuance that the mcu just doesn't have space for. scott lang's memoir is this blog, imo.
you're exceptional at knowing scott's strengths, insecurities, and limitations and how these would all impact his life and relationships. and from a meta perspective, it's always a joy to write with you because while we all LOVE scott lang in this house, it doesn't feel like you write him in a way that's to put him on a pedestal or just to push his agenda. he's so grounded and real, which is yet another expression of your inherent scott-isms.
i always love to see how YOU come through in your scott portrayal and how scott comes through in you with our own interactions, too. you both have the best traits of each other, and it's my greatest honor and pleasure to call you both friend and get to share creative space with you. you were one of the first RP blogs i interacted with personally and ic, and i am eternally proud of that fact.
can't wait to see everything that we'll continue to create together for our boys. mun and bros forever! <33333
((IRON MUN!!))
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((This is what you’ve done to me ☝🏻 I’ve been hit with ALL the good feels))
((This is honestly such a sweet and very perceptive analysis of my portrayal like wow I am blown away by it! Thank you so much! I’m very humbled. I took screenshots of this so I can keep it.))
((You’re just the best. Thank you so much for this!))
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voicelesshatred · 1 year
YOU’RE A ____ ____ AND LIKES ____ THE MOST
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
(slides on my anon shades) your depth of understanding and analysis of luck is so comendedable. you've done one of my personal favorite things to see in a portrayal which is take a character with a significant enough amount of presence in canon to get a general understanding of who they are, but also a small enough presence to not necessarily be called a main character, and made him your own, completely and entirely. being able to fit luck into different verses, think about what he's up to in modern day, and just fully flesh out his 1930s timeline is so impressive and i love hearing ALL your thoughts about him and his dynamics. you given such a good impression of luck that really influenced my enjoyment of him as i was reading the novels, and i'm especially fond of your portrayal now that i'm writing berga and we've really hashed out their relationship haha.
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meechi. I WROTE UP AN ENTIRE THING FOR THIS AND I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT. HELP ME. FOR THE SAKE OF MY SANITY & BREVITY, THOUGH, HERE IS WHAT THE ORIGINAL ENTAILED : Your words & thoughts are so very much appreciated, Eros, and it makes me happy that my portrayal fuels more adoration for Luck in canon material. Hearing that makes my day, as I'm sometimes worried I'd become far too removed from with canon with my interpretations ( more as a result that I haven't read the Baccano! novels in full for. Awhile now jbkvdsdbjvskdjvk ). But, also, it excites me so much to see you pick up Berga & give him the appreciation as he deserves among the Gandor brothers! He's so neglected, and I'm so looking forward to writing with you, regarding both him AND Raine. their dynamics are looking to be a fun & awesome time together, and i'm more than happy that we became mutuals <3 you're a delightful presence on the dash, and your passion for your muses is so wonderful. thank you, once again, for sending this in!
how's my portrayal? / @rhpsdys
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cxdemusings · 1 month
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fastfists · 11 months
i haven't been following for long but you seem to have a very deep understanding of Knuckles and what makes him appealing as a character!!
✧ send me a ✖ if you enjoy my portrayal of my character ✧
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[dying Kia noises] AHHHHHH, THANK YOU. I have lots and lots of feelings for the boy, plus I want to try and do him justice in how I portray him. He's been one of my favs since forever and want to make sure he's given the proper respect and care he deserves. So, makes me happy you think I'm doing him justice, makes me happy...especially when I think I'm making him too OOC or such QwQ
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
I absolutely love your portrayal of Khare! You thought through about how her mutation works. Which amphibians she was basically fused with and how they each have their own role in her mutation that when brought together makes for a very cool yet terrifying way to live.
Also such a beautiful tragedy with her story. How she had a normal life before being snatched away to get experimented on by Prometheus. Her escape, how the heavy trauma doesn't stop there nor does the practical storytelling as she had to survive in the wilderness on her own for a time. Gaining injuries and of the sort until she ends up in Gotham city. A perfect place to lay low from people who work for Prometheus as there still could be a chance they're out looking for her.
How her mutation slowly spreads, hindering her memory and slowly eating away her mind. And that's ALONG with the eyes and teeth growing all over her body especially after getting juried. The uncertainty of if there is a cure, or a way to keep the mutation at bay. Or if Khare's fate is sealed and she is living on precious time. How one day, she'll loose herself. Every bit that makes her human, the friends she's made, her compassion, kindness, her determination. All her emotions and thoughts slowly decay as she watches her own body deform into something else.
Not to mention how relatable and sympathetic someone may feel when Khare is too scared to tell her family that she's alive because of how powerful Prometheus is. Like, a giant corporation, with MANY connections. Surely they figured out where her family lives and are waiting for the day Khare might return.
All of this to say that you have a perfect balance of tragedy along with a slice of life. The way you write Khare being drained from long shifts hits the nail on the head on how it actually feels like. It's so easy getting entranced with your writing! always worth waiting for as it's always so descriptive even when it's just a few sentences! Khare is just so human and I love it!
Her mutations are very cool but they actually come with a cost and you show it. Which I don't think is done enough in media. (especially with some superhero powers where theirs "comes with a cost" but it actually doesn't show or feel like it does. It's just generic and on top of that the superhero is out doing superhero shit. Contradictory with Khare. Who actually reads and FEELS like a normal person being stuck with powers that come with a cost but only wants a normal life. And actually lives a normal life! That's what makes Khare stand out. Because in the situations where she does fight it feels more genuine and so much less scripted.)
Please tell me your favorite things about my portrayal/muse?
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RUUUUUUUUUE, WHY YOU GOTTA SLAY ME LIKE THIS???? 😭😭😭😭 This right here? Is hands down is the loveliest message EVER like... where do we even begin? First and foremost, thank you so, so much for taking the time to write down and send such a dedicated and thoughtful message - it means the world to me, as do YOU in having been such a phenomenal writing partner through both Rorschach and Oswald (and while we're at it, let's not forget Dan!) Receiving such a detailed message about the things you like concerning Khare is just about the highest praise imaginable considering what an excellent writer you are yourself! You have a fantastic eye for storytelling, delving deep into the narrative to shape not only your muse but the world they live in, how they grow and develop through interacting with that world which is not always the easiest take and yet somehow you always make it seem so effortless? Ever since we started talking, your writing has been a huge influence and a stellar example of roleplaying to not only look up to but to admire and emulate. Writing is hard as fuck even on the best of days but you? Have really helped shape my perspective on so many things, how to write well without padding everything with purple prose and to get into a muse's head. Rorschach is a beautiful example of that what with being very much in his head (and not the forthcoming man in his feelings or words.) It's just one of the many reasons I love the relationship our muses have, Rorschach being incredibly unhinged and aggressive as he was during Watchmen but clearly having changed since his untimely demise, awakening somewhere in the middle of Gotham. You've made that feel so real, how very disconcerting it would feel to die only to wake up in a completely different world, in a universe oddly similar yet so different to the one you left behind. And then there's Dan over on @made-of-archimedes, being Rorschach's polar opposite in being so much more approachable and affable but having his 'darker' side present too, his woes, his worries and very real concerns. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you encapsulate personality so well, making your muses feel so very human with minds of their own, as though you've plucked them straight from the movie. You mentioned once before how you didn't feel you did that, that maybe you weren't writing them 'right' but that's not true at all. Your portrayal made me love your two ragingly repressed men and to appreciate their characters all the more after seeing them from your lens. Ah, I'm so sorry to have waffled on like that but honestly Rue, how you're always so kind and thoughtful is a mystery even Dr. Manhatten couldn't solve. Thank you again so much for saying so many wonderful things about Khare! I've tried so hard to describe some of these things (with less success than I'd have liked) so for you to have nailed everything on the head like you did? Means a lot to me, from your thoughts regarding her mutation to her struggles and fears to why she doesn't contact her family back home. She's fucking scared, completely at a loss on what to do or even if she'll manage to survive when every day there's a new tooth or eye to greet her. Her mutation isn't a cute issue at all, instead being the shit-covered end of the stick of gaining a 'useful' power with very heavy costs. Not everybody gets superpowers like Peter Parker and her story is an example of what happens when things go terribly, terribly wrong. Tumblr is getting fucky now and won't save this post so again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for such a lovely, uplifting message! It means so much that you like my silly frog-fish shambling flesh horror of a girl and her relationship with Rorschach is hands down my favourite part about her development as a character! I look forwards to interacting with him (and Dan) much more in future and for their stories to continue!
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oatflatwhite · 5 months
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the inherent homoeroticism of war media: a completely unserious presentation by me
[note: some slides have been removed because they're literally just fancams and also i had more than 30 slides boo tumblr image limits]
BIBLIOGRAPHY (just going in order of slides)
and your knees are driving me wild - mash s02e08
george mackay has found his niche in homoerotic war movies
war stories are inherently homoerotic. that's how we got stucky
hangman you look good - top gun: maverick (gif by babyrooster)
letter of recommendation: watching masters of the air secondhand
it's not just sports - masters of the air e02
1 being not gay at all, 10 being liberace in an f-16
we'll go to chicago - band of brothers e01 (gif by @fkmylif3)
it is the law that every piece of war media
kim is a homoseggsual - kath & kim s01e02
Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals) - Barbara Kruger
The Secret History of Australia's Gay Diggers - Ben Winsor (+ Paul Fussell quoted within)
Sexuality, Sexual Relations and Homosexuality - Jason Crouthamel
Soldiers bathing in Malaya - AWM
Private Frank Crocker letters featured in Sebastian Faulks and Hope Wolf, A Broken World: Letters, Diaries and Memories of the Great War (2014), pp. 75-78.
mike's mic screencap my beloved <3
winnix gifs by @bandofbrothers2001 @preacherboyd @galebucky
winnix art by @andromeddog
winnix art by @onefineginger
In storms and at sunset by jouissant
winnix memes/text posts: 1 (@bleedingcoffee42) 2 (@krakerjaksstuff) 3 (@claudycod) 4 (@lewis-winters) 5 (@mon-mothmas-collar)
man is a hopeless creature i don't like much of anyone (@sluttyhenley)
You Create Intricate Rituals: The Homoerotic Action Movie - Rebecca Radillo (Lyvie Scott featured)
val kilmer icemav warrior compliation by @mavernick2
t as in top gun: maverick (@misaothewitch)
which is gayer (@holypowell)
we're fools to make war by whimsicule
all my roads lead back to you by liadan14
m*a*s*h video by @amrv-5 (+ reblog tags)
clegan/buck(y) gifs by @4o4notf0und @rcbertleckie
clegan fanart by @ifapromise <3
clegan memes: 1 (@rcbertleckie) 2 (@season-two) 3 (@ww2yaoi) 4 & 5
bomber's moon by moonrocks
**i tried to tag/link everything, if anything is broken or unsourced please let me know and i will endeavour to fix it! standard disclaimer that a) any discussion about war media based on real life people is based upon the fictional portrayals of those people and not the actual dudes. and b) this powerpoint was made for fun, it is not rigorous academic analysis. all opinions expressed are my own. please do not take it too seriously! that's all <3
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shiigures-a · 2 years
「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
( accepting )
@erraticoptimism said: (( I find her adorable! It's always a riot when you're on the dash! )).
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Awww! Just don't let her hear that. lol. I don't think she likes being called adorable and other things that are adjacent to those. xD
But thank you for the kind words. I am glad I can put a smile on someone's face with my and the sword nerd's antics. Glad you stuck around with me. Here's hoping towards more shared antics.
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shiroi---kumo · 2 years
[[ hewwo Kira, tbh I can never emphasize enough how wonderful your cloudy marshmallow boi is. Given what we get in canon, you’ve extended LEAGUES upon LEAGUES on his character—filled him out incredibly, and instead of just another cliche hot guy anti-villain, we have a fully realized person, with a backstory and a family and it’s just!!! It’s great. Your absolute dedication is beyond admirable. ♥️ ]]
HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL? || Accepting
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|| This is illegal.
Screamy you just ahhhhhhhh. You're in the same "old person who watched this series as it released" boat with me. Good god you know what I have to work with. I love one marshmallow cloud. I'm so glad you love him too and I got so excited when you told me you watched FFU. Unlimited needs more love. I'm trying.
He was TOTALLY the "Hot Guy anti-villain" wasn't he? OMG that's gunna stay with me. As Cloud Boy makes ^ that ^ face and hides his blushing in my head.
You saying he's a person touches my heart in a way that is so special to me. I know you come in to praise Kumo whenever there's a chance but it really does mean the world to me. Kumo is so special to my heart and I've loved him for so long but Unlimited has always been the shunned child of the FF family so I just didn't talk about it. I've taken too much shit for liking so I always got weird about expressing my adoration for it. So when you dote on him it makes my little heart sing.
He is but a shy small squishy cloud but i adore him regardless. It means everything to me that you do too.
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antvnger · 1 year
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((Thank you, Anon! It always does me good to hear how people enjoy my portrayal of Scott, and I’m especially pleased that people actually do enjoy it!))
((And I certainly wouldn’t brush Cassie off. Scott wouldn’t approve, and I wouldn’t be doing him and her justice otherwise. Thank you for recognizing that))
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allgather · 2 years
i simply adore your portrayal, if that wasn't obvious enough already. the voice and depth you give each muse is so on point like ?? i love reading your posts, and how passionate you are. i'm so glad to have you on my dash!
how's my portrayal? : accepting uwu
you are so absolutely sweet and kind thank you so much. your words mean so much to me <3 thank you for sticking around and engaging so lovingly with all my thoughts, ideas, and silly little jokes.
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thehollowwriter · 3 months
Maybe I'm being silly, but despite all my ranting abt Rollo's mischaracterisation making me seem angry, I'm actually more sad than anything. Idk, it just kinda hurts to see a complex character I love so much being portrayed as a racist, religious bigot.
He's a traumatised teenager who literally watched his brother burn alive and couldn't do a thing about it. Like. Do you understand how horrific that is? And the cause of this horrific situation that left Rollo scarred is magic.
Rollo is, again, a traumatised teenager who watched his brother burn alive, and likely never got the help he needed to properly deal with his grief. Of course he's going to blame magic, it's likely how he copes, how he brings a sense of reason to a complete accident that could have happened to anybody with magic.
It's easier to view magic as a malevolent force that caused this tragic event. That way, Rollo won't have to confront the fact that there wasn't any "reason" at all. And now, he can eradicate the "cause" of his brother's death and make everything better. It's much more fulfilling than not being able to do anything to make it right because it was just an accident.
I would also like to take the time remind you that Idia literally tried to end the world and is still treated better than Rollo is.
"But he's based off Frollo!" You cry, except you seem to forget the fact that Jamil is based off Jafar, an old man who lusted after a teenager and wanted to marry her, and while Jamil is horribly misunderstood by many people, he's still not treated like a bigoted monster.
A lot of people came to the conclusion that he's racist against fae, even though nothing he does indicates that. He hates magic users specifically, and of course he'll hate Malleus, Malleus is notorious for using magic for every little thing and mainly being revered for his magic.
I also think Rollo being religious/Catholic doesn't make sense for his character. Think about it. He sees magic as dangerous, a vile influence that will bring nothing but harm, but people are complacent to adore and use.
Imagine trying to tell him there's an all-powerful, essentially magical being he must submit to and worship? One which, may I remind you, many say "allows" bad things (like the death of a brother in a blazing torrent of fire magic) to happen? He'd hate that shit. He'd probably gear up to fight god himself. He wasn't even afraid when he fought Malleus, after all.
Idk, this is just from a culmination of far too many posts, memes, "analysis'", and fics portraying this incredibly complex and tragic character who challenges the ideologies of our main chast as a creepy, obsessive copy-paste of Frollo, when characters who have done much worse are adored and treated like little meow meows.
I just don't understand why people do this? Is this because he went against the fan favorite, Malleus? Is this because he's "ugly" (he's not, and it's gross how many of you think ugly = bad person)? Is it because nobody can read?
I really don't know. But it really frustrates me that the common portrayal of him is so far from his actual character, especially since I relate to him in the sense of feeling a burning rage at something that has caused suffering for you, and not being healthy in your response to it/not being able to get help.
Idk man
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starbeltconstellation · 3 months
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Ahh, and THERE it is… 🙃🙃
I have kept my opinions mostly to myself about The Acolyte, because I wasn’t planning on watching it until seeing where it went with the Jedi. Almost everything in SW media has an element of Jedi criticism (sadly 🙄), so I knew that would be a given with this show, so I was holding off on any total judgment until the end.
One thing I KNEW I would despise and would make me not ever watch it is if they actually made canon that the Jedi brutally murdered an entire coven of witches and COVERED UP A MASSACRE (wtf on that part, because they would NOT cover it up, even if they’d made a mistake). Apparently, it is not as bad as I feared, and they don’t destroy the Jedi Order’s characterization entirely.
But THIS line. 🥶🤢
With THIS line that is apparently written in the newest episode—that’s it. You’ve lost me.
Because THIS line is just straight up genocide apologia.
Ohhh, of course they don’t come outright and SAY, “Loool, those space wizards deserved what they got! 🤪🤪✊”, but the implication is pretty clear, all the same.
From the very beginning, I knew the showrunner of The Acolyte didn’t like the Jedi or their culture, and said that her show “wouldn’t be kind to them.”
And I could’ve lived with just the stupid vagueness of portraying the Jedi as a pompous bureaucracy (because it’s just an infectious opinion that’s spread through most of the fandom), without FULLY condemning The Acolyte and declaring the show a terrible portrayal of the Jedi and their morality and culture, along with the CANON aspects of the Dark Side being a cancer in The Force that does nothing but make people miserable and cause imbalance in The Force.
But with THIS LINE that is SO clearly a wink and a nudge to the SW fans who believe the Jedi ‘deserved what they got’… 🙄🤢… I’m sorry, but they’ve officially lost me. 😬🤷‍♀️
There are things that I’d probably like, if I ever can make myself stomach getting through the show: seeing how different cultures view The Force, seeing more of the Jedi Order/culture/Temple/how they teach their students, the characters Sol and Jecki and Yord and Osha—even seeing Jedi fighting style being so different and more defensive while trying to not use their lightsaber unless necessary, since they are in a time of peace.
But for the most part?
With THIS frankly DISGUSTING line, I can say with absolute certainty that The Acolyte is a show that I would never enjoy, and that is frankly not a welcome addition to the SW universe to me.
I appreciate the diversity inclusion, and I find myself relating to that meme that says something like: “When you hate a show, but then realize the other people that hate it are mostly bigots, 🙃🙃” because—unlike THOSE moronic dudebros—my criticism is for the story itself.
It’s a genuine shame. It’s such an interesting premise, getting to see the Jedi in the High Republic Era. But with this… I now know that The Acolyte is a show not worth my—or ANY OTHER pro Jedi fan’s time. 💔😔🤷‍♀️😬
Only thing I’ll say in defense of it: Mr. Sith (?) IS hot. 🔥❤️‍🔥
And that’s the only other praise I can give. 🤷‍♀️
Loool, sorry for the rant. I’m just so pissed off. 😭🤷‍♀️😂
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demonslayerunhinged · 22 days
Unhinged yap
Sexuality is more than just sexual attraction
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It also includes emotional attraction. I say this because a lot of arguments against a character's queerness is that they don't show an outright attraction to the same or both sexes.
So here's the thing:
Emotional attraction plays a huge part in human sexuality and it's portrayal in media. It's often used in place of sex to portray characters attraction to one another especially in countries that aren't LGBT friendly. This is how creators can slip queer characters under the radar without tripping off the censor alarms.
The same can be said for a lot of anime/manga despite what the dude-bros want you to believe. After all what do you call a male character who has strong emotional feelings and connections to other male characters, isn't really interested in romance, thinks about another male character so often it becomes a meme, has some characteristics, mannerisms and thoughts that can be interpreted as queer, is always seeking out, communicates or fights with another male characters even in situations where it's completely unnecessary, has shown no interest in women asides from friendship, has an intense emotional connection to another male character that borders on obsession, is interested in 'how strong' other male characters are and constantly talks about it? Well straight I guess because they were paired randomly with a female character at the end of the anime 🙄.
This emotional attraction has its basis in reality as well, go to any queer forum and read through people's 'how did you know you were gay' stories and you'd find that a lot of them had an inkling because of their strong emotional attraction/attachment to a member of the same sex that went way beyond regular friendship, most of the times it's their best or close friend.
I'd argue that emotional attraction is even more significant than sexual, after all gay, pan and bisexual asexuals exist. It's also a lot stronger and in my opinion is the basis of a person's questions about their sexuality.
In your most vulnerable and emotionally raw moments like when you're lying in bed on a quiet, rainy night all snuggled up under layers of duvet who do you see at your side with their arms wrapped around you? Which sex do you feel most comfortable with emotionally? Which sex are you naturally drawn to? For homosexuals it's the same sex and for bisexuals it's either.
So when I'm analyzing a character's sexuality I tend to focus more on their emotional connections, especially in media that has no portrayal of sex or sexual attraction. Who they marry doesn't matter either because lots of gay people got married to the opposite sex most without realizing their true desires especially in times where marriage was seen as necessary to produce offspring.
Here are characters I 10000000% believe are queer, ignoring their ages and including asexuality.
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I know I sound like a broken record but I want to make posts about them especially about SaneGiyuu and RenTan. I'm currently working on the core wounds series but I'll release some queer demon slayer posts here and there.
In Conclusion, warble warble warble warble.
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