#( shut up and embrace lyd. shut up and embrace )
vanbredevoort · 9 months
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why am i listed as Lady Findabair's pet ?
where did it all go wrong ??
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seanfalco · 2 years
Out Shopping
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an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98​​
Word Count: 7k Warnings: smut, oral (f!receiving), anal fingering, anal sex, shower sex, choking, marking
[ masterlist ]
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"For a lot of you, opening night is in two weeks!"  
The director took a deep breath before continuing.  "You're doing great, but I need you to know this entire show like the back of your hand if we're gonna make it perfect.  Class dismissed!" he joked, clapping his hands together. 
Lydia had been slowly building a resistance to performing, the more she rehearsed, the less tired she was after each run through and she couldn't wait to use that while stage-dooring with the fans. ‘We're done early, going home’, she texted Win, since she'd been asking earlier what time practice would end.
‘Lucky I got here early then lol’, Win texted back, already catching sight of Lydia’s bright coloured pony tail.  Usually she just waited for her fiancé at home, but today Win wanted to get out of the apartment for a bit, plus she was hoping to take Lyddie shopping before returning home. 
“Mmm, Winnie...” Win’s Nathan whined, stretching, not yet ready to commit to opening his eyes yet as he reached for the closest warm body in the bed with him.
Lyddie's Nathan was still very much asleep; he was at that stage where any outside noises blended into his dreams. "Five minutes, Lollipop," he mumbled with a sigh, kissing the arm that embraced him.
Win’s Nathan hummed as he felt Win kiss his arm and he tightened his grip on her.
Lyddie's Nathan started to slowly wake when he noticed the person embracing him was taller than Win… and didn't have Lydia's breasts that he liked to lean against. "Lollipop?"
“Hmmm? Win?” Win’s Nathan asked groggily, squeezing the person in his arms tighter before he realized it definitely did not feel like Win.
Lyddie's Nathan slowly opened up his eyes.  "Jesus Christ!" he yelped, jumping away when he saw neither of the girls were in bed, and that the person holding him was his clone. 
At his doppleganger’s exclamation, Win’s Nathan gave a jerk, finally opening his own eyes to find his twin in his arms and he screamed, quickly scrambling from the bed. “What the fuck, mate! Where’s Win?”
"How am I s'posed to know?" Lyddie's Nathan shouted, running to the opposite side of the room as if he was running from the devil. "Oh my fuckin'... can't just go around holdin' someone like that!"
“I thought you were Winnie! I was deep asleep!” Win’s Nathan cried. “It wasn’t like I did it on purpose!”
"I know..." Lyddie's Nathan groaned, clenching his eyes shut. "Let's just never tell the girls about this, alright? It doesn't have t'be weird, you're me and I'm you so it's like... it's like masturbation."
“Agreed, they can never know!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, throwing a shirt over his head. “Besides, it’s not like I was gettin’ off or anything! I only have a semi cause it’s morning!”
"True, true... and I only kissed you, 'cause I thought it was Lyds! We're just gonna live our lives and forget it ever happened, it's not like it's the first time," Lyddie's Nathan shook his head, trying to forget the heart tattoo incident.
“Yep, yep, exactly.  It never happened!” Win’s Nathan agreed, catching sight of a piece of paper by the nightstand. “Looks like Win went to go meet Lyds, so they might not be back for a while.”
"Oh, did she say where they were goin'?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, looking over his clone's shoulder, but quickly backed off when he noticed how close he was, quickly making a b-line for the kitchen.
“Says she wanted t’take Lyddie shopping,” Win’s Nathan answered, following his twin out. “What’s Lyddie got for leftovers?” he asked, leaning against the counter, keeping his distance.
Lyddie's Nathan sighed as he opened the fridge. "There's some beef stew, mashed potatoes, rice..."
 “I’ll eat whatever,” Win’s Nathan shrugged. “So, what d’you wanna do while th’girls are indisposed?” he asked, pulling out a couple of plates.
"I don't know..." Lyddie's Nathan shoved everything in the microwave and hoped for the best. "D'you wanna play a game or somethin'? We could watch a movie if you'd like."
“Movie’s always good. I like watchin’ stuff from th’future,” Win’s Nathan chuckled.
"Yeah, me too," Lyddie's Nathan nearly burnt himself taking the plates out of the microwave. "Sometimes Lyds says some shit about the future, and I never know if she's jokin' or not."
“Yeah? Like what?” Win’s Nathan asked, nearly burning his own hand as he took the plate from his twin.
"She told me about creepy clowns walkin' around and nobody knew what was happenin', and one time the world stopped 'cause nobody could decide if a dress was gold or blue," Lyddie's Nathan snorted. "Sounds made up t’me..."
Win’s Nathan shuddered at ‘clowns’ before shoving a forkful of food into his mouth. “What d’you think mum’ll say when she finds out there’s two of us... and that we’re marryin’ two chicks?”
"Ow... I didn't think 'bout that," Lyddie's Nathan inhaled sharply. "I don't think she'll be too happy, she wasn't thrilled when there was just one, imagine two! She might faint again.”
“Yeahh...” Win’s Nathan agreed with a twist of his lips. “Though I think she’d like Win and Lyds.”
"She loves Lyds, she kept tellin' me that I finally found a good one," Lyddie's Nathan rolled his eyes. "She'll love Win too."
“I hope so...” Win’s Nathan murmured, setting his plate down. “Never got th’chance to bring her round t’mum’s yet. Dad seemed t’like her... maybe a little too much,” he grumbled.
"Same thing with Lyds! He never said hi t'her y'know?" Lyddie's Nathan shook his head remembering that night in the police station. "He turned t'me and asked 'who's the bird?', fuckin' gross, man."
Win’s Nathan groaned. “D’you think we should invite him... y’know, to th’wedding?”
"I wouldn't, it's not like he'd come anyway... specially knowin' mum's gonna be there and drag th’dog with her," Lyddie's Nathan scoffed. "It might be worse if he does show up, Lyds told me he caused a scene at my original wedding."
“Ohh, classic Mike Young,” Win’s Nathan grumbled, rolling his eyes. He’d been sort of holding out hope, especially after Jamie, that their dad might actually try harder, but it didn’t seem like it. 
"I don't wanna risk it with the girls, I want it t'be perfect for them," Lyddie's Nathan had been scared of the wedding, he wasn't even sure how it’d be done.
“Me too,” Win’s Nathan muttered. He’d been thinking about it a lot actually. “How... uh, I mean...” he groaned, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes. “Ah fuck...”
"We could try to pass it as a double wedding..." Lyddie's Nathan mused. "Or find a hippie officiant who doesn't care about that. Maybe we can do an alternative union, or somethin'."
“Yeah maybe,” Win’s Nathan agreed, picturing how each of the girls would look, his heart aching for it. “Ughh, what’s takin’ ‘em so long?” he whined, flopping back amongst the cushions.
"What? Am I that horrible t'spend time with?" Lyddie's Nathan mocked, following his clone to the couch. "I thought we were havin' some quality twin time... d'you have any ideas for the honeymoon?"
Win’s Nathan glanced over at his clone. It wasn’t that he disliked spending time with him, he just missed the girls. It was kinda odd when they weren’t around. “We could always go t’one of those fancy beach resorts. Or maybe Spain? Italy? I dunno man, somewhere warm, where they can wear bikinis all th’time. That is if we ever let em leave th’bedroom,” he laughed, waggling his eyebrows.
"I like the way you think..." Lyddie's Nathan bit his lip in excitement. He missed the girls as well, but he enjoyed those moments when it was just the two of them. "We could go to some tropical paradise, I've always wanted t'drink from a coconut."
“Ha!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, “Me too! Oh man, it’ll be great. Other important question. Bachelor party? Thoughts?”
"I kinda wanted t'do somethin' classy, like cigars and poker..." Lyddie's Nathan leaned back with both arms behind his head. "I've never smoked a cigar, and I can't play poker, but we can figure it out."
“Eh, how hard can it be?” Win’s Nathan laughed. “I’d say we should go back t’Vegas, but I’m banned for life.”
"Man... how th’fuck did you do that?" Lyddie's Nathan widened his eyes. "I did some pretty questionable shit over there, but none of them got me banned."
Win’s Nathan chuckled nervously. “Got arrested for cheatin’, didn’t exactly stick around for the court date after I posted bail,” he explained.
"Oh, so you got caught... not gonna lie, I probably would've if Lyds wasn't there," Lyddie's Nathan admitted. "She watched me like a hawk the entire time t'make sure I wouldn't mess it up, that's how we got the money for this flat."
Win’s Nathan crossed his arms over his chest as a sour expression crossed his face. “Yeah, well, I shouldn’ta trusted Nikki t’be my gamblin’ partner,” he grumbled. “I wanted t’surprise Win, so I let her sleep.”
"Yeah, Nikki hates our guts, dunno why..." Lyddie's Nathan could think of a few reasons, but none of them big enough to justify her rage. "Don't worry, man, next time the girls go on tour, we'll just casually skip Vegas, or we could use our power t'get you in."
“Yeah, no kiddin’. I would like t’go back to Vegas sometime,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed. “Hey!” he yelped, sitting up suddenly. “I just thought of somethin’! If we could use magic t’get me back into Vegas, why can’t we just magick our marriage certificate or whatever!”
"We could do that..." Lyddie's Nathan grinned, happiness filling him the more he thought about it. "The girls are gonna lose it when we tell them! We can actually get married, all of us! Well, almost all of us, but y'get it," he corrected.
“Hell yeah!” Win’s Nathan cried, high fiving his twin. “I’m a genius,” he boasted with a huge grin.
"Let's not exaggerate..." Lyddie's Nathan taunted. "You're okay, we both know I'm the real genius in this household."
“Oh right, that just means I’m the one that’s good at sex,” he pointed out, remembering what Lyddie’d said the other morning. “Ha!” he exclaimed, pointing at his twin.
"No! I meant I'm the sex genius of this household, you're the genius of less important matters, like... like taxes and shit," Lyddie's Nathan argued. "Just ask the girls when they're back!"
“Jokes on you, I know nothin’ about taxes!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed. “And I will!” he announced.
"Prepare for a rude awakenin', mate..." Lyddie's Nathan quirked an eyebrow smugly.
"Hey babe!"  Lydia ran to give Win a hug after seeing the text. "We live two minutes away, you didn't have to pick me up," she said despite being very happy with the surprise. "I missed you!"
“I missed you too!” Win exclaimed, squeezing Lyddie back. “I was actually awake and figured I’d come get you, plus I wanted to walk a bit.  Maybe we could look at a couple shops on th’way home?” she suggested hopefully. 
"Sounds nice, did you have anywhere in mind?" Lydia asked before kissing Win's forehead and taking her hand. "The Manhattan Mall isn't that far if you wanna go... what are we buying?" 
“Perfect!  I thought we might pick out a new outfit for you, for your birthday,” Win suggested. 
"Aww, you're so sweet." Lydia took Win's hand as they crossed the street heading to their destination.
“Y’know, I don’t think we’ve ever been clothes shopping together,” Win mused as they walked into the mall, passing several stores til they found one that had some cute clothes that matched Lydia’s aesthetic.
"Yeah, I don't think so either." Lydia couldn't stop smiling.  "Soooo, what type of outfit should I get?  Cause, I don't know exactly what we're doing, so how can I possibly dress for the occasion?" she teased.
Win thought for a moment, they’d be both inside and outside, and it was starting to get colder out. “Maybe a skirt and jumper with some leggings,” she suggested, letting her hands slide over some of the hanging clothes. 
"Okay..." Lydia agreed, looking for anything colorful or covered in sequins. "Y'know, Thanksgiving is coming soon, I was thinking we could do something special." 
“Oh yeah,” Win nodded, “It is, isn’t it? I can’t remember having ever really celebrated before,” she murmured. “We could make a dinner together... if you wanted.” 
"That's what I was thinking!  We could make dinner, then cuddle under the blankets watching some feel-good movie... I wanna show you guys how thankful I am for having you," Lydia said, mindlessly looking through a pile of jumpers. 
“That sounds absolutely perfect,” Win agreed with a sigh. “Did y’find anything you like yet? This skirt’s kinda cute,” she said holding up the plaid pleated one she’d found. 
"Yeah, I like that," Lydia nodded, grabbing a baby blue jumper with pink hearts all over it. "I love that combo, I'm gonna look like Baby Spice," she giggled. "She used to be my fashion icon as a kid."
Win laughed. “Scary Spice was always my favourite,” she said, following Lyddie to the changing rooms in the back. “You always look so cute no matter what you wear,” she murmured, fixing her hair as she caught her reflection.
"Not as cute as you, babe." Lydia gave Win a quick kiss before starting to undress. "Are you not buying anything for yourself? I was looking forward to watching you change," she joked.
“Oh, I wasn’t planning on it, but if you wanna pick out something for me, I will,” Win replied with a grin. “Or I could just take my clothes off for the hell of it,” she laughed.
"That's always a plan," Lydia put on the new outfit and looked at herself. Something about that jumper was making her feel odd. "The skirt is very cute... but I think I might go with a sexier top, I can't get sick anyway," she chuckled nervously.
“Okay…” Win said, tilting her head to study Lyddie’s reflection. “I’ll pick something else out for you and myself if y’want,” she offered, taking the jumper to return to the shelf. 
"Yes, please, like a crop top or something with cleavage..." Lydia sat down, it was weird, when she envisioned the outfit, it was nice, but when she saw herself in it, that was another story. 
“You got it, babe,” Win exclaimed, hurrying out to find something else. Five minutes later she returned with a low cut black top for Lyddie and a similar outfit for herself. “How’s this? Better?” she asked, holding the top out for Lyddie. 
"Much better," Lydia smiled, putting it on. "You have great taste," she took a deep breath, looking in the mirror. "I was aiming for Baby Spice and landed on young me.  Remind me to never put on an oversized jumper again." 
“I was gunna ask what was wrong with it,” Win mused as she undressed, bending to pull the skirt up around her hips. “I thought you looked cute.” 
"It just didn't feel right."  Lydia thought about trying on some high heels, but she didn't need to get any taller. "I haven't worn oversized anything since I was fourteen.  It just doesn't look good on me." 
Win finished dressing and frowned slightly. “You wear Nathans’ oversized shirts,” she pointed out, coming to stand next to Lyddie at the mirror. 
"At home, yeah.  I'd never wear it out without a belt or a corset," Lydia explained, admiring Win's reflection. "It makes me feel like the most undesirable person on the planet," she laughed. 
“Uhm, hate t’break it t’you, but you could be wearing a burlap sack and I’d still be crazy attracted to you babe,” Win countered with a grin. “Even if you didn’t have your colourful hair or wore glasses, I’d still be right here by your side, beggin’ t’shag you senseless.” 
"Winnie..." Lydia blushed, looking down to avoid her eyes. "You haven't seen me with glasses, I left them in England just to make sure I would even think about it. Glasses can be sexy, but not on me. You just say that 'cause you love me, and I love you too." 
“You’re right, I do love you,” Win murmured, raising up on her toes to kiss the corner of Lyddie’s mouth. “But even if you were just some girl I’d never seen before and you looked like that, I’d still be attracted t’you. But it’s okay if y’don’t believe me,” she said fondly, stepping back to admire her. 
"I want to believe you..." Lydia smiled, draping her arms around Win's neck. "I guess we'll find out in a few years. Si had a vision a while ago when we were at the Brooks Atkinson that I'd get to be Dawn in Waitress, for that I'll need short brown hair and glasses." 
“Sounds good,” Win quipped, snaking her arms around Lydia’s waist.
"You are so amazing, you know that? It should be illegal for someone so sweet to be so hot, and funny, and talented, it's not fair for the rest of the world," Lydia murmured before gently pressing her lips to Win's. 
“I’m not all that,” Win protested weakly, not wanting to pull away. 
"You're so much more," Lydia whispered. "You make me feel so special, I don't know how you do it, but you do... I love you." 
“You deserve to feel special,” Win murmured against Lyddie’s lips. “You’re the best woman I could ever ask for. I love you too, babe.” 
"You're gonna make me cry," Lydia only half-joked. "I can't believe I'm gonna have to pick my wedding dress without your help, that's gonna be a tough one."  She took one last look in the mirror before changing back into her clothes. 
“What? Why would you have t’pick it out without me?” Win asked with a frown, undressing as well. 
"You can't see your bride in her dress before the wedding, neither can I... it's bad luck." Lydia knew it was a silly superstition, but she didn't wanna risk it. "I'll have to go by myself or take the girls with me." 
“Oh, right...” Win murmured, biting her lip. She hadn’t thought of that. She didn’t wanna go without Lyddie, but if it meant that much to her, she didn't wanna upset her. “Are you... a little overwhelmed with everything we’ll have t’plan?” she asked hesitantly, pulling her jeans back up. 
"Well kinda, I don't know what we're gonna do, how we're gonna do it, but at the same time it's exciting, isn't it?" Lydia looked at the three rings stacked on her finger. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with all of you, and I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress." 
“I can’t wait either,” Win breathed, trying to imagine how beautiful Lyddie would look. “C’mon, let’s go pay for these,” she said, opening the dressing room door. “After this, wanna grab a coffee or something?” she asked, not ready to head home yet, selfishly wanting a little more time with Lydia to herself. 
"Sure, I want something sweet, like those little cake pops from Starbucks, or brownies." Lydia’d been avoiding desserts in preparation for the opening night, but it wouldn’t hurt just this once. "And then maybe we could take the 6th Avenue on the way home, the walk is a bit longer, but we get to pass next to the Bryant Park." 
“Perfect!” Win exclaimed, paying for their new clothes and pulling Lyddie with her. Soon Win had a coffee in hand while Lyddie snacked on her treat. “What d’you think the boys have been up to while we’ve been gone?” she mused.
"I don't really know what boys do together... watching porn, playing video games, sleeping," Lydia suggested, tilted her head as her thumb made circles on the back of Win's hand. "Thank God I left some food for them, so they don't burn the entire building down tryin’ to make something." 
“Very good idea.  I know you all like to joke about my cooking abilities, but I trust them even less in the kitchen,”’ Win laughed.  “I’m glad they’re getting along now,” she added, her voice sobering.
"Aw c’mon, you're getting so much better in the kitchen, I actually like your food!"  Lydia leaned against Win, kissing her cheek softly. "It makes me happy to see them having fun, they really are like a pair of twins... it's so cute to watch." 
Win smiled as she sipped her coffee. “They really are, I’m glad he gets to sort of have a brother again,” she mused, looping her arm with Lyddie’s as they walked. She was glad Lydia had suggested this route; the park was lovely. 
"Yeah, let's just hope his mum doesn't have a fit when she sees the two of them," Lydia laughed, distracted by the crunchy sound of the fallen leaves. "She freaked out about his power, imagine if she knows about the multiverse theory." 
“Well, her boyfriend’s a dog, so I think she’ll be able t’handle a little more weird news,” Win laughed. “Though, you know, I’ve never met her... not officially. Like I saw her at his... funeral, but...” Win trailed off, not wanting to think about that. 
"Ah yeah, they should be getting married soon too, like next year I think. She's gonna love you, she loves me," Lydia mused, looking up at the gray sky, “and you're a lot more lovable," she teased. "One day you'll meet my mum too, at least I hope so." 
Win squeezed Lyddie’s arm. “I’m sure I will,” she said, smiling softly up at her fiancé as they neared their building. 
Before Lydia reached for her keychain, she pulled Win close. "I can't seem to find my keys... maybe after a kiss I'll remember where they are."  She wanted to enjoy the last few moments of Win's undivided attention.
Win cocked an eyebrow at Lyddie, a smirk snaking across her face. “Well, if that’ll jog your memory...” she mused, pulling Lyddie close and pressing her lips firmly to hers, deepening the kiss willingly, her hands lingering at her finace’s waist.
"Here,” Lydia pulled the keys from her back pocket, slightly dizzy with the feeling of Win's lips, "let's see what the boys didn't destroy while we were gone." She opened the first door.
Win slipped her hand in Lydia’s, twining their fingers together as they made their way back to their apartment door.
“Wait,” she said, stopping Lyddie as she tried to put the key in the lock. “One more kiss,” she pleaded.
"As many as you want, sweetheart."  Lyddie placed her hand on the back of Win's neck before their lips crashed once again. Their passionate kiss was only interrupted by the unmistakable sound the boys causing of a ruckus in the apartment.
Groaning, Win reluctantly pulled back, breaking the kiss. “We better see what they’re on about,” she muttered, letting Lyddie open the door. As soon as Win and Lydia stepped into the room, Win’s Nathan jumped up. “I’m th’sex genius! Tell him!” he exclaimed. “He’s just th’regular genius!”
"I don't know what I was expecting..." Lydia looked at Win. "What are you two even saying?" 
"Y’know, the other day, that thing about one of us bein' smart, and the other bein' good at sex! He thinks he's the sexy one! Tell him, Lyds!" her Nathan rushed to kiss her neck and prove his point.
Win glanced over at Lydia, trying to hold back her laughter as her Nathan approached, biting his lip seductively. "Tell him, Winnie. I'm th'best at sex, right?"
"Both of you are the best at sex, that was a joke! Every time Simon and I would disagree on something like that, dad would say: one of you is right and the other gets a cookie," Lydia laughed, mussing her Nathan's hair. "Don't worry, you're both irresistible."
Win's Nathan pouted, glaring over at his twin. "I feel tricked," he muttered with a sour twist to his lips.
"Aw, poor baby, what do I have to do to make you believe me?" Lydia squished his face between her hands.
"I can think of a few things," he replied, his lips twitching as Win rolled her eyes.
"And what things did you have in mind?" Lydia drawled. 
"Hey! Not fair!" Lyddie's Nathan protested. "Y'know she likes the pout, that's playin' dirty!"
"Why don't y'take off your clothes and I'll show yeh," Win's Nathan winked, ignoring his brother and pulling Lyddie into the room. 
"Oh my God," Win muttered, carrying the shopping bag inside as she pressed the door shut with her back.
"Can y'believe that shit?" Lyddie's Nathan watched as his clone disappeared into the bedroom with Lydia. "You don't think he's better at sex, do ya?"  He took the bags from Win, trying not to sound too insecure.
Win gave him a long suffering look before stepping into his space, taking his hands in hers. "No, I don't think he's better," she murmured, catching his eye. "I think you're both amazing, just in different ways."
"I'll take it... maybe we're just both geniuses," Lyddie's Nathan nodded slowly. "Any chance y'wanna take your clothes off too?"  He gave her a hopeful look.
“Mayyyybe,” she teased, letting go of his hands to slowly lift the hem of her shirt.
"Shower or couch?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, hypnotized by the sight of Win's thighs.
“Whatever you’d rather, mister sex genius,” she laughed, letting the rest of her clothes drop to the floor.
"So, what did you wanna show me, Natty?" Lydia threw her leggings across the room. 
“Wanted t’show you my sexual prowess, so you don’t forget who th’real sex genius is,” he purred, getting naked as well.
"I remember saying you're both sex geniuses..." she mumbled, too distracted by Win's Nathan. "But I'm not opposed to that, you can show me." 
Tossing her down to the bed, Win’s Nathan practically leapt atop her, pulling her legs open, his mouth dragging down the inside of her thigh. “I love you, Lyddie, you’re so fucking hot, babe,” he groaned against her skin as his hands wandered higher.
"Oh, I love you too," Lydia breathed, arching into his touch, her fingers buried in his curls. "Please, baby, I want you so bad," she begged, hoping he would understand what she wanted. 
Not one for drawn out foreplay, Win's Nathan buried his face between Lydia's thighs, lapping at her clit eagerly, his fingers sliding into her, pumping several times before he switched tactics, pulling out to circle her other hole, easing her into it like the last time.
"Nathan..." Lydia didn't expect that, but she wasn't complaining, she wanted to feel the way she felt that day. "That's so good, Natty, you're so good to me." 
“Yeah? Y’like that?” he asked, lifting his face to look at her. “I wanna make y’feel so good,” he murmured, pressing slowly into her, working her til he could fit two fingers while he sucked at her clit. 
Lydia gasped, carefully watching Win's Nathan's movements. "Yeah, I love it when you fill me like that." She’d been reluctant to try taking both Nathans at the same time like Win did, but she wanted more. 
“You want more, Lyddie? Y’want my cock?” Win’s Nathan asked, eager to give it to her. “
"Yes! Yes, please, Natty, I want you," Lydia whined, squirming. "But..." she wasn't sure if she ever made that request before. "Be gentle with me?"
“Course, love,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, bending to place one more chaste kiss to her cunt before crawling atop her to reach in the bedside drawer for a condom and some lube, pausing to kiss her thoroughly.  Wrapped and lubed up he pressed his tip to her hole, watching her face carefully as his thumb circled her clit. “You ready?” he asked breathlessly. 
"I'm ready," Lydia felt a mix of excitement and anxiety though she knew everything would be fine. Win's Nathan (just like her own) could be a huge asshole, but he was a caring one. She trusted him to make sure she was okay and to stop if she wanted, he said it himself, he wanted to make her feel good. "I love you." 
“I love you too, Lyds,” he replied, his expression softening as he said it, grinning down at her before he slowly pressed into her. Taking his time, centimeter by centimeter, letting her adjust as he filled her. “Fuck, you’re so tight. This tight little arsehole’s all mine,” he groaned, fighting not to come already. 
"All yours..." Lydia threw her head back with a loud moan. It felt weird at first, but after she got used to it, she started really enjoying herself. "Kiss me," she nearly whispered, looking back at him, his words still sending shivers down her spine. 
Still moving slowly, pulling out to slide back into her, the slow pace and her tightness almost too much, Nathan obeyed, leaning forward to kiss her, hoping it would distract him so he could hold out longer, wanting to make sure she felt just as good as he did. “Fuck, Lyddie, you’re such a good girl,” he murmured against her lips. “You’re takin’ my cock so well,” he groaned, bracing himself with one hand so the other could continue to massage her clit. 
Lydia moaned into Win's Nathan's kiss, feeling her pleasure building up fast "I wanna be good for you," she whimpered. "I'm getting close, keep going, Natty, please, I need you." 
“I’m close too, sweetheart,” he mumbled, keeping his thrusts measured while his fingers mashed desperately against her clit. “Fuck, I need you too. You’re so good t’me. So good.” He could feel his climax building. “Come for me Lyddie, please!” 
"Oh, Nathan!" Lydia cried out, letting that delicious rush take over, capturing his lips again to avoid screaming too loud with the intensity of her climax. "Come for me, daddy," she panted, not even stopping to think before the words spilled out of her mouth. 
At Lydia’s words, Win’s Nathan’s eyes shot open and as if it were a switch being flipped inside him, he came almost instantly, crying out in pleasure as he gave several last jerky thrusts, filling the condom. “Holy fuck,” he exclaimed wearily, pulling out of Lyddie and looked down at her in wonder. “Where did that come from?” he exclaimed, panting. “Not that I’m complainin’, just... Jesus.”
"I don't know," Lydia laughed, hiding against a pillow to cover how red she was. "I couldn't help it, it just felt... oh my God–” She wanted to disappear, but at the same time she was glad he seemed to like it. 
Nathan quickly pulled the condom off, tossing it in the trash can before pulling the pillow away from Lydia’s face so he could see her. “You have no idea how fuckin’ hot that was. Please, call me that again when we’re... y’know,” he begged, peppering her with kisses. 
"I thought I had that one under control, the one kink I managed to hide from you all," Lydia pulled him close with a giggle, still trying to hide from him. "But I'll do it if you like it... that was really good, I didn't think it would be, but it was." 
“Wait, so y’never called th’other me that before?” Win’s Nathan asked incredulously, feeling rather special, pulling Lyddie into his arms. 
"No, I was too embarrassed, but you did just take my virginity.”  Lydia kissed the beauty mark next to his collar bone. "Well, half of it anyway, I was feeling kinda... vulnerable." 
“Aw baby,” he cooed, running his fingers through her long hair. “I love yeh so much. I feel incredibly lucky t’share this with you...” he murmured, looking up at her through his long lashes. 
"You're so sweet, sometimes I forget how adorable you can be." Lydia twisted one of Nathan's curls, pressing her lips to his jaw. "Next time I could do it to you... if that's something you want." 
Nathan’s eyebrows rose. “I’d like that,” he replied, swallowing. It had been a while since he’d been pegged and the thought of another first with Lyddie excited him. “You look so hot with that strap-on on.”
"We can certainly make it happen." Lydia stretched before carefully sitting up. "I'm so thirsty, do you want something?" she looked back before taking his shirt and putting it on.
"C'mere," Lyddie's Nathan took Win's hand as they headed to the bathroom. "Let's relax a little, shall we?"
“That sounds nice,” Win murmured, letting Lyddie’s Nathan lead her, trying not to look too excited.
"I bet it does."  He smacked Win's ass before turning the shower on and stepping in and taking her hand. "Y'look so sexy right now,"
Win stepped into the shower after him, tripping slightly to land against his slick chest, the water soaking them both.
"Careful, Winnie." Lyddie's Nathan held her close before leaning in to kiss her, his hands sliding with ease up and down her body.
"Guess I can't help falling for you," Win joked, grimacing at how cheesy the line sounded as soon as it came out of her mouth, quickly pressing her face to his chest as she wrapped her arms around his back.
"That's so cute!" Nathan chuckled, he wanted to hold her forever, but he also wanted to fuck her until she screamed. "Turn around for me, sweetheart, against the wall."
Win obeyed, pausing to take one of his hardened nipples into her mouth, flicking her tongue against it before biting down gently. As she turned, she looked at him seductively over her shoulder, swaying her ass enticingly as she bent over.
"Fuck, Winnie," Lyddie's Nathan growled, smacking her ass once more, harder this time. "Y'love bein' a little tease don'tcha?"  He wrapped one arm around her, his fingers quickly finding her clit, massaging it slowly.
“Yeah, you like it too,” Win said with a cocky smirk, gasping as he touched her.
"You're right about that, love," Lyddie's Nathan purred, kissing her neck and kneading her breasts while the tip of his cock teased her entrance. "Tell me, what you want, Winnie."
“I want you t’fuck me til I’m screaming,” she replied, arousal coursing through her as he teased her folds. “I want you t’fill me. Use me, Natty,” she begged, so different from the other day when she wanted him to be gentle.
"Naughty little thing..." Lyddie's Nathan took both of Win's hands, pinning her against the wall and pressing his body against her. "Be a good girl for me and tell me when you're close," he demanded while slowly filling her completely.
“Ahh—“ Win cried, moaning as Lyddie’s Nathan pushed into her, holding her so she couldn’t move. “Yes, Natty,” she gasped, surprised at just how commanding he could be. She’d never seen her Nathan like that before.
"Hmmm you feel so good, baby girl," Lyddie's Nathan murmured, his other hand making its way to Win's neck, his fingers just lightly pressing into her skin, but without choking her yet. "Look at’cha... so beautiful, so well behaved for me."
“Mhmm,” Win whined, heat filling her as his hand circled her throat. With each rough thrust she rocked against the wall, the water not quite drowning out the lewd slap of his skin on hers as he pounded into her from behind. “Please Nathan,” she whimpered, her legs shuddering.
With a smirk, Lyddie's Nathan slightly tightened his grip on Win's neck while thrusting firmly into her. "That's right, Winnie... y'like that? Does it feel good?"  He had only done this once to her, and the first time was slightly traumatic, so he just wanted to make sure everything was okay.
“Fuck yes. Yes, it feels good! Just like that, please Nate! I’m so close!” Win cried, her voice hoarse with his hand tightening against her throat. She was seeing stars already, the heady mixture of pain and pleasure filling her. “God, please!” she whined.
"Come for me, baby, you've been so good, my good girl deserves it," Lyddie's Nathan kissed the back of Win's neck, mercilessly slamming into her, each vigorous thrust pushing him closer to the edge.
Win cried out as her orgasm slammed into her, intensified by the lack of oxygen, and she gave a loud keening whine, unable to articulate words.
"Jesus, Winnie, you're so hot," Lyddie's Nathan moaned, pleasure blurring his vision for a moment before he was able to focus again. "Are you okay?" he immediately let go of Win's neck and took her in his arms.
“I—I think so,” she murmured weakly, though her legs felt like water and she was still a little lightheaded. “God, that was hot, babe,” she panted, holding onto him.
"Yeah, it was..." Lyddie's Nathan turned the shower off and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around Win's limp body to keep her warm. "Y'did so good, I love you so much, princess." 
“I love you too, Nathan,” Win replied, pressing a kiss to his wet chest. She didn’t know what it was about him that made her so eager to obey, to please him, but she liked it. He made her feel safe, even with his hand around her throat.
"Let's sit down a bit, alright?" Lyddie's Nathan wrapped a towel around his waist and carried Win out to the couch, unsure if the others were done or not. "I'll get some water for ya," he ran to the kitchen.
“Thank you, babe,” Win murmured as he returned, taking a sip of the water. “Am I gunna have a bruise?” she asked, her lips curling at the thought as she snuggled against him.
"I think so," Lyddie's Nathan smiled, kissing her forehead. He sure loved to be rough, but the aftercare was always the best part. "I could always make it disappear..." he teased.
Win pouted up at him. “Please don’t, at least not yet. I want them t’see,” she murmured, kissing his neck lazily.
"Ah, I see... y'wanna show off, y'little tart," Lyddie's Nathan laughed. "Okay, I like it."
"Is everyone decent?" Lydia knocked from the inside of the room. 
"Absolutely not," her Nathan shouted back.
Win’s Nathan pulled his boxers on before following Lydia out to the other room, finding Win curled up in his twin’s lap on the couch, still wet from their ‘shower’.  “Jesus Win,” he exclaimed as he caught sight of the darkening bruise around her neck. How hard had he choked her? he wondered, his stomach flipping slightly.
"Oh yeah, look at that," Lydia lifted Win's chin and placed a kiss to her neck. "I love it when he does that. Don't worry, honey, it's not bad," she turned to Win's Nathan before heading to the kitchen while her Nathan watched her, rather proud of himself.
Win’s Nathan chewed his lip, unable to quite tear his gaze from the bruise as he took a spot on the couch. “Does it hurt?” he asked. 
“Mmm, not really, it’s just a little tender,” Win mused, pulling Lyddie’s Nathan’s arms around her as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “I’m fine, babe, really,” she assured him, grinning sleepily, worn out. When Lyddie returned with her own water, Win’s Nathan caught her, pulling her into his lap as well.
"Careful," she moved to find a comfortable position. "I'm also a little tender," she whispered in his ear before kissing his neck. "So I see you had fun," she took Win's hand. 
"That's an understatement..." her Nathan gloated. He thought it was hot to leave bruises, if Win wanted she could always borrow Lyddie's power. He didn't really understand why his clone got so upset.
“Mhmm,” Win hummed contently, eyeing Lyddie and the way she shifted in Nathan’s lap, her expression tensing for the briefest moment. “What about you, hmm?” she asked, running her thumb over Lydia’s knuckles.
"Oh you know... it was fun," Lyddie grinned, trying not to look too excited. "We had a good time." 
"Seems you were right then," her Nathan didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, “we are both sex geniuses."
Win laughed. “You really are,” she agreed, curious exactly what all her Nathan and Lyddie had done, but if she didn’t wanna say, she wouldn’t press. “So what did you two get up to while Lyds and I went shopping?” she asked, eyeing both Nathans curiously.
"Talkin', y'know, wedding stuff and whatnot." Lyddie's Nathan shrugged. 
"Aww, you two were planning wedding stuff? That's so cute!" Lydia cried. 
"Yeah, we were thinkin' maybe with a little magic, we could get married, like legally."
“Wait, really?” Win asked, sitting up straighter. “That’s amazing!”
“It was my idea!” her Nathan exclaimed proudly.
"You're full of great ideas..." Lydia pulled him closer. "It's gonna be perfect." 
"Hey! What are you sayin'? That I don't have great ideas?" her Nathan folded his arms. 
"No, sweetie, both of you have great ideas," she got up to take the empty glasses to the sink. 
"That's right," her Nathan exclaimed, giving her a playful smack. "Jesus," she hissed. "Easy there."
“Yeah, careful killer,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, watching Lyddie as she passed.
"Wha- Lyds! You're always complainin' I don't hit you hard enough!" Lyddie's Nathan shook his head. 
"Well... today you gotta be a little more careful,” she chastised, fighting a smirk.
“Lyddie!” Win exclaimed. “Did you let him fuck you in the arse?” she cried.
"Wait, what?" Lyddie's Nathan nearly screamed. "Did ya?" 
"I might've..." she snapped back, unable to look anyone in the eye.
“Did you like it?” Win asked, reaching for her hand. In her excitement she hadn’t meant to embarrass her.
"Yeah, it was good, did you?" she asked Win's Nathan, knowing his response.
“D’you even have t’ask? It was amazing. You’re amazing,” he insisted, wrapping his arm around her.
"You too, babe... now, enough about my arse!”  She leaned into his embrace, feeling her cheeks burn.  "We're gonna get married, for real, that's exciting!"
“I can’t wait,” Win sighed. “We should probably start planning.”
14 notes · View notes
roscoe-dream · 4 years
End of the Line [ 2 ] || Stiles Stilinski
A/N: part two is here! there isn’t much stiles present in this until the end because.. he’s erased.. rip.. but I hope you read it still! STYDIA turned STILESxREADER. Some other scenes are changed around too. italicized text are memories.
word count: 8,239
WARNINGS: lots of angst and tears! but your heart will be mended at the end.
Inspired by this song and this song. Highly recommended you listen on repeat while reading!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ [ Part One ]
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
You couldn’t tell if the reason the aching was due to your heart cracking in two or not, but you didn’t give it much thought as tears rolled down your cheeks. As you stood in front of the pack, your eyes darted over each one of their solemn faces that stared back at you. Your mouth was agape, opening and closing like a fish out of water as you tried to form a sentence. But you couldn’t, your body was frozen in place as you tried to process the utter betrayal of your friends.
‘Stiles can’t be her son.’
Lydia’s voice echoed through your ears, the words tumbling from her lips in defeat. You refused to believe them, though. From the night you woke up gasping for breath, the name ‘Stiles’ being the only thing you said, you refused to believe that he wasn’t real.
“We-” You stammered, bottom lip quivering as you locked gazes with the leader of the pack. “We have to keep looking for him. We have to keep looking for Stiles.”
Scott’s face fell, his heart aching as he watched his best friend break over someone none of you could remember. Although he was silent, it spoke volume to you. “What about a relic?” You tried, eyes darting to both Malia and Lydia desperately. The strawberry blonde sighed, her hand grabbing onto the wrist that was roughly handled not too long ago. “There’s no relic of Stiles-”
“We don’t know that!” You shouted at her, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and looking down at your shuffling feet to avoid their bewildered gazes.
Malia’s blunt voice was next to speak, “It doesn’t even sound like a real name.” She scoffed, her arms crossing over her chest while glancing over to the other two wary teens. “We’re fighting the wrong battle, Y/N.”
Your vision grew blurry with tears, and while you tried your best to make sure they didn’t fall, a few escaped in the process. “We’re trying to bring Stiles back.” Your voice was weak. The thought of your best friends abandoning someone so easily made your heart ache. “He’s out there, and we need to help him. We need to-”
“Enough!” The alpha’s voice suddenly boomed, making your heart stutter. You stared at him with bulging eyes, jaw dropped in shock at the volume of his voice. “The ghost riders are back, and we have no way of stopping them.” Scott spoke sternly, his eyes narrowed at you. “And whatever they are, they’re real. We can’t keep chasing after someone who isn’t.”
Malia instantly agreed with him, her head bobbing up and down. “We have to move on. He didn’t leave anything behind.” She said, the pair of them turning away from you and making their way towards the exit of the hospital. When you looked to Lydia with your bloodshot eyes and wet, flushed cheeks, your bottom lip began to quiver again.
“The only thing he left behind, was me.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
Your fingers massaged your temples in attempt to soothe another one of the piercing headaches you’ve been getting since a couple weeks ago. You knew it had to deal with Stiles, it was the only explanation. For the past three months, up until a couple weeks ago, you never thought of a Stiles or felt as empty as you did now without him.
“Why don’t they believe me?” You croaked, letting your tear stained face fall into your hands as your shoulders raked with sobs. They didn’t stop, even when Lydia placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. “He’s real, Lyd. I know it.”
“I believe you.”
Your hair stuck to your stained cheeks as your head to snap up to her direction. “After everything we’ve been through, I believe you.” Her words were soft, but sincere, and it was all you needed to pull her into an embrace you so desperately needed. You two held each other in silence, and you thought back of the event that took place a few days ago with the pack at the hospital — of them giving up on Stiles. Lydia pulled away when the shrill sound of the bell rang throughout the hallway, her hands coming up to your face to wipe at your cheeks and fix your makeup. “Let’s get to class.”
“Stiles, seriously, I need to get to class!”
Your laughter was loud as it bounced off the walls of the hallway. It was empty, just you and Stiles in it as he grabbed a hold of your wrist tans tugged you close to his body. Whipping around to face him, your laughter died down as you stared into his whiskey eyes, your lips curled into a soft smile.
“You have a bathroom pass, you’re okay to stay here for a few more minutes.” He assured, his bottom lip jutting out into a little pout to persuade you. With a playful roll of your eyes, and a cheesy smile, you sat back down on the stairwell.
“Okay, Stilinski, but you’re the one failing history. Not me.”
And once again, your giggles could be heard throughout the empty hallway as you watched your hazel eyed best friend do a victory cheer.
You inhaled sharply at the sudden ache to your head, a whimper leaving your lips as you squeezed your eyes shut. You haven’t felt a pain like that for a few days, why is it starting again now?
Ignoring Lydia’s lingering concern, you adjusted the strap of your bag and quickly scurried off to AP Biology. Fortunately, you shared that class with Lydia, but you also shared it with Scott. Your bag made a small clattering sound when you plopped down in your assigned stool, your head falling into your folded arms. Your position stayed this way for pretty much majority of class, up until you felt a nudge to your side. Pulling your head from your arms, you turned to look at Lydia with furrowed brows, lips parting to ask what was wrong before she silently pointed outside the window.
Slowly following her gaze, you stared straight at what appeared to be an abandoned powder blue jeep.
“What if we gave it a paint job?”
You asked aloud as you leaned down to soak the large sponge in your hand with water from a bucket by your feet. Plopping it onto the hood of Stiles’ jeep, you bit back a smile after glancing at the spastic boy’s bewildered expression.
“No!” He gasped, sounded deeply offended. “I love this jeep. Rust, dents, and all. Plus, it was my mom’s and she never changed the color.”
Your lips pulled into a frown at his words, loosening your grip on the sponge and let it sit on the hood of the jeep, rounding the front of the vehicle to meet Stiles on the other side. “I’m not saying we change it, Sti, just.. make it look nicer. It’s like the homeless person of cars!”
You fell into a fit of laughter at his horrified expression, not missing the ghost of a smile he held on his freckled face.
“That’s it, you’re walking home!”
Your eyes grew wildly as you continued to study the jeep, ignoring the stinging to your skull as you turned to face Lydia, shaking her out of the daze you found yourself in seconds before. She quickly blinked back to reality, her eyes eagerly searching your own. “We need to get to that jeep.” You whispered, watching as her strawberry blonde hair swayed with the bobs of her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but was very soon interrupted by another voice.
“Ladies, is there something outside that’s more fascinating than the structure of the human mind?”
“I don’t think so.”
You grimaced at the woman’s pointed gaze at your answer, quickly giving her an apologetic smile before she turned back to the rest of the class. As soon as her attention was off the pair of you, your eyes traveled back to the rusty jeep in the parking lot. “Now, many people credit the corpus callosum for giving us sense of intuition, gut instinct, even we ourselves aren’t aware-”
Her lecture was cut short by the screeching of stools. The sound made the class of teens divert their attention from the biology teacher to you and Lydia, who were looking around with a similar absent look in your eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out, only tears forming in your waterline. Thankfully, the teacher noticed, and with a labored sigh, she nodded towards the door. You quickly exited the classroom, faintly hearing an ‘I’ll be right back’ from Lydia and an ‘I’m going to go check on her’ from Scott. Your swift pace didn’t slow at the sound of another pair of clacking heels and thudding footsteps. Pushing past the school doors, you ran towards the man attaching his tow hook to the front of the jeep.
“Hey, wait!”
The man turned in your direction, an eyebrow raised with curiosity at your frantic behavior. “You can’t tow this jeep.” You spoke between pants, looking behind you to see Scott and Lydia walking up to your sides.
“Paperwork says I can. It’s been reported as abandoned.”
Your eyes rolled, and you pushed past the man to slap a hand on the hood of the vehicle, eyes narrowed up on his taller figure. “There. Now it’s not.”
The man opened his mouth to protest, but with the menacing glare Scott was giving him, he unclasped the hook from the hood of the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. The three of you looked between each other, clearly stumped as to why you went out of your way to stop the tow man. “Well, now we have a jeep- Scott, you okay?”
The teenager had his head cocked to the side, eyes squinting in concentration as he slowly walked towards the door of the jeep. You took a step back, too curious to interrupt what Scott was doing.
“There you guys are!”
All three heads snapped towards Malia, who’s dark brown eyes were eyeing the jeep intensely. “You heard it too?” Scott asked, pulling his face away from the window of the jeep. “It’s coming from inside.”
“Break it.” Lydia ordered, stepping closer to the group, “The jeep’s abandoned anyway, nobody’s going to say anything. Break it.”
Scott hesitantly nodded at her insisting, guiding the three of you away before smashing the driver’s side window. The ringing sound that the two werewolves could only hear grew, making it loud enough for you and Lydia to hear as well. “Is that a radio?” You asked, stepping forward to peek inside the jeep to find a police scanner installed into the vehicle. The four of you swiftly shuffled into the jeep, eyes locked on the device that kept its consistent ringing noise.
Then suddenly, it stopped.
And honestly, it felt like your heart might’ve too.
“Why’d it stop?” asked Lydia.
“It doesn’t matter,” you sighed, reaching out for the glowing on/off switch to shut it down. From the passenger seat, you turned to look back at Scott, who held that same perplexed expression from outside the jeep. “What? Did you catch a scent?”
Both teen wolves nodded at this, their noses twitching while they inhaled deeply. You were soon met with Scott’s dark eyes, confusion swirling in them. “Yeah, uh..” He shook his head in disbelief, eyeing each person inside. “Mine. Lydia’s, Malia’s. Yours.”
“Especially yours.” Malia added, slouching in her seat with scrunched brows before asking, “But how? I’ve never been in this jeep before.”
“Neither have I.” Scott said, propping his elbows on the back of the two fronts seats. You turned to face Lydia, who’s lips were twitching into a small smile. “Yes, we have.” She said quietly, and you were quick to catch on. “We just don’t remember it.” You finished quickly, your eyes searching both Scott and Malia’s desperately.
“I thought we were done with that.” Malia deadpanned, glaring at Lydia for getting you riled up again. The three of them continued their quarrel while you let yourself grow distant, a faint ringing in your ear that grew louder instantaneously.
The grip he had on your face readjusted as he licked his lips nervously. "Remember... Remember that I've been in love with you since the beginning of our friendship, and that I didn't even realize until middle school." He chuckled humorlessly, swiping at the few stray tears that sprung from your eyes.
You shook your head in his hold, the faint memories of your blossoming friendship since diapers flashing before your eyes. "Stiles." You wailed, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth to silence your cries.
The boy's eyes flickered past you, his heart stopping at the sight of a Ghost Rider just outside your window. He released a steady breath, leaning into your face.
"And remember this."
“Y/N!” You heard Lydia shout, pulling you out of your trance-like state. You sniffled, glazed eyes looking to hers before letting them wander to the rest of the group’s concerned stares. “I’m sorry I, uh, was just thinking of something. I’m sorry.” Your words were rushed before you bowed your head down to avoid anymore prying eyes.
“We found an address..” Lydia said gently, almost as if she were to speak any louder, you would break. “It’s 129 Woodbine Lane.”
Exhaling slowly, you lifted your head up, a small sound of disbelief tumbling from your lips. “That’s the Sheriff’s house.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
“Girls, is this about Stiles again?” The Sheriff’s voice was stern as he looked between you and Lydia from across.
When you announced that the address was home to the Sheriff and Claudia, you and Lydia booked it to her car, rendering both Malia and Scott speechless. After being there for about fifteen minutes interrogating them about their apparently ‘stolen’ jeep, the two adults eventually caught on to your persistence. “Y/N,” Claudia called out to you, a soft, yet worried smile on her face. “Don’t you think it’s time to let this go? Talk to somebody about this?” She asked, shifting her attention onto Lydia as well. “Maybe it’s a good time to talk to your mothers about this..”
You stared at her blankly, worried that if you thought about nobody understanding what you and Lydia did in the slightest, that you’ll break. That you wouldn’t be able to put yourself back together this time.
“I’m sorry, you’re right.” Lydia said, collecting her things from the floor before she stood up from the lounge chair. The three of them conversed a bit longer, but it was all just background noise to you. You were too lost in your head to notice them make subtle glances towards you. Suddenly, you stood up, alarming both Claudia and the Sheriff. You could feel your hands shaking, so you held them, twiddling your thumbs rapidly. “Do you mind if I-” You choked out, resulting to just nodding your head in the direction of their restroom. Once granted permission, you rushed to the hallway, not caring that the three awaiting bodies could hear your pained cries. Your grip on your bag faltered, and you let it drop onto the floor. You stared at the wallpaper that Lydia had told you about peeling, and you found yourself gently rubbing the paper. Pressing your back to the very same wall, you slid down the wall with your head in your hands.
But what you didn’t know, was that the teenage boy with the unforgettable whiskey eyes was doing the very same thing.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
As you sat in the driver’s seat of the rusted blue jeep, you let out a wince while your stomach churned, unable to fathom the familiarity the vehicle brought you. You just couldn’t remember where it came from. You sat there in silence with Lydia, waiting for Scott and Malia to return from wherever they ran off to after hearing a faint roaring in the distance.
“We’re gonna bring him back, you know.” Lydia’s voice broke the silence, attempting to ease your visibly distraught state. Although it didn’t work, you appreciated the effort. “How are we going to do that when we’re the only two people who believe he’s even real?” You asked, your eyes begging for an answer from your best friend even though she was unable to give you one. Just when Lydia’s jaw dropped to speak, footsteps approached you both quickly. You looked over to find a huffing Scott, his right hand clutched around something as he stopped by your window. “Where’s Malia?” You asked, looking past Scott briefly to see if she would turn up, but didn’t. “The roar,” Scott panted, eyes squinting as he recalled the previous event. “It was Peter’s. Peter Hale’s. H-He got out from where the Ghost Riders are keeping people, and he gave me this.”
Before you could ask more questions, a set of keys were in front of your face, hanging off of Scott’s index finger. You eagerly snatched the set from him, looking over them while Lydia climbed into the back seat for Scott to sit in the passenger. Giving the two of them another glance, you slid the key into it’s ignition, a laugh falling from your lips when it was a perfect fit. Turning the key, you heard the engine begin to roar to life, making a smile appear on your lips. Not soon after, there was a loud clunking noise, before the engine died down. “God! Stupid thing..” You grumbled, turning the key again while pressing down on the gas.
“Don’t flood it.” Scott warned, making Lydia cock her head at him with raised brows. “Do you even know what that means?” She asked, chuckling as Scott looked at her with a pained face. While the two engulfed themselves into a small bickering match, you managed to start the car, a squeak of excitement coming from you as you watched the lights inside the car come to life.
The voice was faint behind the static being from the police scanner, but that was all it took for your heart to skip a beat or two. “Guys..” You mumbled, voice going unheard by Scott and Lydia as they continued their argument. “You guys!” You shouted, eyes looking between the two of them when they silenced, huffing out a breath before gesturing to the active police scanner. “Listen.”
“Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?”
And just like your own, both the boy and girl’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. Scott barely hesitated, snatching up the mic and putting it to his lips. “Stiles?” He asked tentatively, like he was waiting to be wrong. When the name fell from Scott’s lips, your body went rigid. The possibility of Scott actually believing you now made your eyes well up with tears, a hand reaching up over your mouth. You watched as Lydia grabbed the mic and put it to her own lips, “Stiles, is that you?”
The silence between the three of you was agonizing, the only thing you could do was wait for the familiar voice to ring through again.
And then it did.
“Scott, Lydia, is that you?”
The gasp you let out was muffled behind your hand, the tears in your eyes trickling down your face while you stared at your two best friends in awe. This was real. Stiles was real, and he’s alive.
“Oh my god, Stiles.” Lydia wailed, a tearful smile jerking at her lips along with Scott. “We can hear you.” He confirmed, making a glance at you before looking back at the small wired mic.
“Oh my god, you know me? You-you remember me?” Stiles asked, his tone showing evident disbelief. “Okay, okay, um.. Where’s Y/N? Is she there?”
Your eyes fell from Scott’s to the handheld device, only to look back to him. He gave you an encouraging nod, giving you the mic and staring with Lydia as you held it to your lips, asking quietly, “Stiles, is this.. is this really you?”
From the other line, you heard a slow breath of relief come from the radio. “Yeah, listen to me.. Do you remember the last thing I said to you?”
Your mouth fell agape, looking to the mic as if it had all the answers, while Scott and Lydia stared, expecting one from you.
“Remember… Remember that I’ve been in love with you since the beginning of our friendship, and that I didn’t even realize until middle school.”
Your eyes closed briefly, the blurry memory growing clear as your face scrunched up in concentration. Then it hit you. Moments before Stiles was taken. His love for you. And the kiss. Putting your lips back up to the mic, you spoke breathlessly. “You said.. You said ‘remember I’ve been in love with you, since the beginning.’ and then-” your bottom lip was worried between your teeth, a small sob escaping you. “And then you kissed me.” The words came out weakly, tears rolling down your face just as much as the night he was taken, but that was the only thing you knew from the distant memory. Scott took the microphone from you, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to talk in the state that you were in. “Where are you? We’re coming to find you.” Scott asked hurriedly, knowing that his best friend was out there was putting him on edge.
“No, no. You can’t. You won’t be able to find me.”
He sounded so defeated through the radio, and god, did it break you. You thought that him talking to the three of you might be doing more harm than good to you right now. What if you wouldn’t be able to get him out?
“Stiles, what’re you talking about? Just.. Just tell us where you are and we’ll come, we’ll come.” Scott pleaded into the mic, eyes filling to the brim with salty tears, same as yours. In the distance, you could hear loud rustling from Stiles’ end, making you involuntarily lean towards the mic. “Just, just remember this. Canaan, okay? Remember Canaan.” His voice sounded panicked, and the rustling only grew louder. Stiles was in danger. Ripping the device from the tan boy’s hands, you cried into the mic, “No wait, Stiles, don’t go! Stiles!”
You were too late.
He was gone.
But, you were determined to bring him back.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
You looked between your pack in the dinning room of the McCall house, you felt as though you were stuck right at the beginning. Scott face was blotted with tears, his cheeks glistening underneath the light as he stared blankly ahead, repeatedly calling a disconnected phone number.
Your attempt to get Sheriff Stilinski on your side after hearing Stiles through the radio fell straight through, as he shot you, Scott, and Lydia down almost instantly. After looking through the underground tunnels, you managed to find a riff, but it was destroyed by the hellhound — who was being controlled by a supernatural Nazi from 1943. You could almost relate to how Stiles felt right now — uou were stuck, and you didn’t know what the next step was or if it was even worth it.
Lydia was the first one to break the fifteen minutes of silence. “Scott,” She sighed, placing her hand over the cellphone in the tan boy’s hand, slowly easing it down onto the table. “Your mom’s gone, but she’s still alive.”
“What do we do now?” asked Malia, her dark eyes looking to the three of you expectantly. She was never really one to follow rules or plans, but this was different — it was all you had left.
“We can’t hide from them.” You murmured, looking to your fingernails as you picked at them to avoid eye contact. “What about Lydia? The Ghost Rider was scared of her.” Malia pointed out, making you sigh and simply shake your head at her.
“No, it wasn’t fear. It was more like.. reverence.” Lydia said.
“It doesn’t matter!” You snapped, the weight in your heart only seeming to grow heavier with each breath you took. “The rift is gone. We’re the only ones left.”
Then it was silent.
Until it wasn’t.
The backdoor of the McCall house opened abruptly, creaking as Sheriff Stilinski stepped through. His light eyes looked to each of you while you stared back at him, confusion clear in the four of you.
“I have a son.”
And that was all it took for your hope to be restored.
Looking up at the older man with glossy eyes, your expression mimicked the three of your friends — hope and confusion.
“His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski. But we called him Stiles.” Noah’s eyes drifted to yours, an apologetic smile gracing his features before he cleared his throat. “I remember.. when Stiles was a little kid, he couldn’t say his first name. Not sure why, it pretty much rolls of the tongue. But, uh, the closest he could get, was ‘mischief.’” This time, the Sheriff’s eye’s drifted to Lydia, who was giving him a tight lipped smile to match with her green eyes.
The man pursed his lips, a dry chuckle rumbling from his chest as he looked to the four teenagers. “I remember when, uh.. Stiles first got his jeep. It belonged to his mother, she wanted him to have it. The first time he took it for a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duck tape that day.” His lips curled into a smile as he thought back on the memory, and you couldn’t help but do the same because finally you could see it — you could see the end of the line. “We’re here tonight because my goofball son decided Scott and Y/N, two of his greatest friends in the world, into the woods to see a dead body.”
You blinked up at him, your jaw slacked while you tried to form a simple sentence in your head. “How.. How did you remember?” You asked, blown away at his ability to remember someone he so blatantly told you didn’t exist. Noah nodded towards Lydia, and you quickly whipped your head around with a watery grin on your face. “It started with Stiles’ jersey. Then I found the red string for his crime board. Finally, his whole room came back and all the memories.”
“Then the strangest thing happened.” The Sheriff scoffed, looking to Scott when his eyes furrowed curiously. “I thought I saw him.. Something opened, right in the middle of the room, just for a moment. Then it was gone.”
“A rift.” You mumbled, eyes growing in realization as you looked to the group. “I thought there was only one left? We saw it disappear.” Malia asked, referring to the portal that was now destroyed by Parrish — in his hellhound form. “You remembered Stiles, and that opened a new rift.” Lydia pieced together, pointing to Sheriff Stilinski who looked among you all with a lost look on his face.
Scott bowed his head, the ends of his lips twitching into a smile. “If the Sheriff can do it.. maybe we can too.” He proposed, looking to you with hopeful eyes. You grabbed ahold of his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and nodding to him. “The rift closed, but we can open it again.”
“How?” asked Malia.
“By remembering Stiles.” You said firmly, “we have to remember everything.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
“How will we know when it’s working?”
Your question was muffled behind your fingers, your teeth gnawing on the nails and turning your skin soft. Lydia looked over her shoulder at you, eyes narrowed with pursed lips, and you immediately shut your mouth. You were in the Argent bunker, watching a locked Scott McCall travel through his own mind in some sort of cooling machine.
With Malia and Lydia on your side, you watched a Scott stood still with seeled eyes, waiting for further instructions from Lydia. “This isn’t working..” Lydia whined, her voice wobbling with panic as her eyes grew at the way Scott thrashed around in the machine. “You said he needs an emotional connection, right? Like what the Sheriff did?” Malia asked, stepping closer to Lydia who was pacing on the other end of the room. The strawberry blonde nodded, looking to the taller girl with glazed eyes. “He wasn’t just remembering someone, he was remembering his son. His family.”
“Whatcha thinkin’ about, Stilinski?” You asked, crawling your way between him and the McCall boy as you all laid on the floor of his cluttered bedroom. Both of the boys shifted about on Stiles’ floor, making room for you before cozying up again.
“I don’t know, I just.. I don’t know.” The whiskey eye boy sighed, his tongue darting over his lips as he stared at the ceiling. You looked over to him, brows raised in concern as he struggled to find the words. With your bottom lip worried between your teeth, you let your closest hand reach out for his, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance which he returned almost immediately.
“It’s just.. ever since my mom died, and my dad being in the station majority of the time,” He mumbled, exhaling shakily before sitting up from his position. You and Scott both mocked him, sitting up with crossed legs in a small circle to see each other. “You two are my best friends, you know? You’re all I have left. Besides my dad, but he doesn’t risk his life nearly as much as we do and-” He paused, his eyes filling with tears that caused your own to prick with them. Looking to Scott, you watched as a small teardrop rolled down his tan cheek.
“I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if something happened to either one of you. You’re family.”
“Scott!” You called out to the boy, gently tapping on the glass window of the machine in attempt to catch his attention. “Listen, I remember something. During our junior year we were with Stiles, okay? And-and he was talking about how.. how after his mom died, we were all he had left.” Your eyes welled up with tears, blocking your vision. You sniffled, not caring if the tears shed or not.
“He said that he wouldn’t know what he would do with himself if he lost one of us, that we’re family. But he’s lost right now, Scott. He’s lost and we need to remember him, we need to remember our family and find him.”
Your words seemed to strike a cord with the alpha, his thrashing stopped and he was mumbling things underneath his breath. But it stopped, and as soon as it did there was a deep rumbling sound, causing you and the girls to jump and stare at the flashing light coming from the window. As soon as it appeared, it vanished, and was replaced with a loud beeping sound coming from the machine. You were quick to act, pulling Scott out of it. Malia rushed over with a blanket she found lounging around and guided him to sit as you glanced at him.
“It was working, why’d you pull me out?” Scott asked incredulously, eyes bulging as he looked between the you and Malia. “You were going to die in there.” You said simply, catching a glimpse of Lydia who was already staring at you.
“How do you get Scott to do that?” She asked, tone almost accusing, as if she were piecing together some sort of puzzle.
You blinked at her, eyebrows scrunched together as you thought of the now distant memory. “When, uh, when you and Malia were talking about family, it triggered a memory of Stiles.” You mumbled, but it was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. “For the past few weeks, I would get these headaches.. and whenever the headaches came, so did the memories of Stiles. As soon as I remember though, it gets blurry — I forget. But I know they’re from him.”
You never looked up from your locked gaze on the floor, but when you did, you were met with three stunned stares.
“It’s you..” Lydia said quietly, her heels clacking faintly on the concrete floor as she made her way towards you. She grabbed ahold of your wrists, her sea foam green eyes boring into your own. “It’s all about connection, and you’ve had one with Stiles since the Ghost Riders took him.”
“It’s true.” Scott agreed, his teeth chattering slightly while he cuddled into the blanket around his shoulders. “When I was remembering him, I was also remembering the two of you together. I would also tease him for making it so obvious,” he chuckled, staring off distantly before he locked eyes with you. “Nobody had a connection like you two.”
You were speechless, staring between the three of your best friends with soaked cheeks. “Okay.. okay, so, what do we do?”
Just as you spoke the words of agreement, smiles appeared on their faces, which only made you mirror them. “We have to do it the old fashioned way.” Lydia stated, grabbing ahold of your shoulders and guiding you to an empty stool propped up next to the metal table. “We’re going to have to actually hypnotize you.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
You were in a classroom. A single desk occupied by you whilst you sat in front of a television, a remote settled on the wooden desk by your right hand. As you looked around cautiously, a ghost of a smile appeared, genuinely excited about the fact that you were actually hypnotized.
“Weird..” You whispered, your eyes darting around the empty classroom and to the television that displayed a static channel.
“Y/N? Are you in the classroom? Do you see the TV and remote?” Lydia’s voice echoed throughout the room, causing you to jump slightly in your seat. Your focus drifted to the remote, picking it up and inspecting it. “Yeah.. Yeah, I’m here.”
“Good. Now, the remote gives you access to all of your memories. Find the memories of Stiles.” Lydia’s voice directed, and your thumb hovered over the power button, thinking of the missing boy before clicking play.
You heard the faint patter of footsteps approach you, it was a boy about your age, six years old. He had freckles scattered across his face, a shaved head and a sheepish smile.
“Hi. I-I’m Mi..Mie-Mieczy...” You watched as the boy sighed, his face heating up with embarrassment. When he looked back up to meet your eyes, you offered him a friendly smile, holding your hand out for him to shake. “Hi, I’m Y/N.. your name is Stiles? Your dad said so!” You asked, beaming happily when the boy, Stiles’, face visibly perked up at the fact that you knew his name. A small giggle escaped your lips as he shook your hand enthusiastically.
As you conversed animatedly with the younger version of Stiles, you could hear Sheriff Stilinski speak to your mother faintly in the background as they watched the two of you together. “Something tells me they’re gonna get along just fine.”
You gasped, no longer reliving the memory of the young version of yourself and Stiles. Now back in the empty classroom in front of the TV, you looked between it and the remote in your hand, a laugh of disbelief erupting from you and echoing throughout the room.
“Stiles..” You whispered, longing evident in your tone. In your trance, the three of your friends watched you intently as you whispered his name, making the flame of the candle flicker lightly. Lydia then cleared her throat, taking the lead once again. “Y/N, look for another memory of Stiles.”
You did as you were told, flickering through the multiple channels the television had to offer.
“You’re too pretty to be crying, Y/N.”
“No! You can’t go, it’s too dangerous!”
“Sometimes the person we’re looking for isn’t in the search at all. Maybe.. maybe they’re just right in front of us.”
Stiles’ voice echoed loudly around the room as you clicked through every memory, each one being passed by because none of them fit — none of them felt like what you were looking for. You landed on a channel, pausing briefly your rushed clicking and letting it play.
“I’m with you, ‘til the end of the line.”
It was Stiles’ voice again. No memory being played, just his voice, but you could somehow remember the exact moment of the conversation took place. “Is that a Marvel reference, you Star Wars nerd?” You heard your voice this time, echoing just like Stiles’ had been. A smile grew on your lips as the memory began to restore itself in your mind. “Yeah! But, you’re so into that stuff so.. it could be our thing! What do you think?”
“I think..” You found yourself whispering the same response you said in the memory, “I think it’s perfect. I’m with you ‘til the end of the line, Sti.” You murmured in your trance, confusing the three teenagers once again. “Y/N.” Lydia’s voice called out to you again, “Find the memory that you and Stiles made a connection.”
You furrowed your brows, looking over your shoulder suddenly. There was a door, but it wasn’t there before. Setting the remote down, you picked yourself up from the wooden desk and made your way to the door, slowly pulling it open. You found yourself in the Sheriff’s house once again, but you weren’t alone. You were in a memory. This memory was different though, and you knew it as you made your way to where the memory was being played out. You always relived them, never watched them — but this one, you were exactly that.
You watched your eleven year old self sit down next to a boy around the same age, who you knew was Stiles, and place a hand over his. He had tears in his eyes, and his face was vacant of emotion. You watched as your younger self looked at him with sorrow eyes, and your heart broke when you realized what memory was being played.
“This was the night his mom died..” You mumbled, tears clouding your vision and you quickly wiped them to watch the memory continue being played out. No words were being said between your younger selves, but none were needed to be. You observed Stiles placing his head in your lap, tears rolling down his face at a quicker pace as his expression finally broke. He released heartbroken sobs as your fingers ran through his hair, your younger self staring ahead. If you didn’t know that this was a memory, you would’ve thought she were staring right at you.
It didn’t take you long to figure out why this memory was being played, and your jaw slacked at the realization. “That’s when it happened.” You whispered in shock, finding yourself slowly being pulled from the trance.
“That’s when what happened?” You heard Scott’s faint voice ask. The vision of three of your best friends were blurry as you were snapping back to reality, and they all were looking at you expectantly as you cried.
“The night his mom died, when I was there.. H-He was crying with his head in my lap. That’s when it all changed.” You spoke while staring off at the candle, who’s flame was now burnt out. “I-I didn’t realize it until now, but that... that was the night we fell in love.”
At this point the tears trailing down your face were relentless, only growing worse when you painfully gasped. “I was there! I was there the night he was taken.” You sobbed, hands covering your mouth while Scott, Lydia, and Malia’s faces contorted with shock. “When the Ghost Riders took him, I was there.”
As you stood up from the stool, the ground shook beneath your feet, a bright, zapping light took over the room before disappearing behind the door. You glanced back to the three teenagers behind you, taking a step forward and carefully opening the door, revealing a blinding white light at the end of the tunnel.
Stiles turned his body to face yours, using both hands to grab onto yours with need. “Y/N, I’m going to be erased, okay? Just like Alex. You’re gonna forget me.”
“No. No, I won’t! I won’t. I won’t.” You promised, your sobs escaping at every chance they could.
“You will.” He whispered calmly, tears rolling down his own freckled cheeks as he gave you a small smile. “Remember… Remember that I’ve been in love with you since the beginning of our friendship, and that I didn’t even realize until middle school.”
“I never told him,” Your voice croaked at you spoke aloud, walking closer to the white light. “I never told him how I felt before they took him. That I love him. I never said it back!” You shouted, the feeling of Scott grabbing ahold of your arm to keep you from walking towards the light making itself present.
Then suddenly.. there was no need to walk towards the light.
Because there was a figure standing in front of it.
You let out a cheerful laugh, tears bunching at the creases by your eyes as you stared at the familiar shadowy figure, gasping out it’s name.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
“Where is he?” You whimpered, feeling your knees buckle at the thought of failing Stiles yet again. Gripping onto the stool, you looked to Lydia and Malia, who were staring at you sympathetically. “We didn’t see anyone.” Lydia spoke gently in attempt to keep your emotions from spilling.
Scott had left you with both Malia and Lydia to keep trying to bring Stiles back and to be here just in case he comes here looking for any of you.
“I saw him. It was working, I know it.” You mumbled, mostly to yourself, but with Malia’s supernatural hearing ability, she heard you loud and clear. You stared at her blankly as she hopped up to her feet, pulling open the door and beginning to step out. “Um, where are you going?” Lydia asked from where she was next to you.
“To go find Stiles,” Malia stated as if it were obvious. “Listen, Stiles isn’t coming here. If he were, he would’ve, but he hasn’t, so he’s not.”
You blinked at her, deciding to disregard her last sentence before standing up yourself. “You believe me?” You asked her, and when she silently nodded her head, you were quickly on her side. “Okay well,” You trailed off, turning to Lydia who was still sitting on the stool. “Stiles is out there, I can feel it. So please, Lyd, help us bring him home.”
You watched as the strawberry blonde pursed her lips, lifting herself off of her own stool before strutting over to you. “Let’s go find him.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” You heard Scott yell from the end of the hallway of Beacon Hills High. Stumbling over the train tracks that were magically built into the floor, you grunted as you fell into his chest. “I’m looking for Stiles.” You answered with a shrug of your shoulders, watching Scott’s eyes grow with an emotion you really didn’t have time to decipher. “I’m going to places he’s most likely to show up while Lydia and Malia look at where the other train track lead, but his jeep’s gone.. So I won’t be able to look anywhere else but here on foot.”
Scott eyes darted around as his mouth opened and closed, trying to find something to say. “I, uh, took it? Yeah, Liam needed me so I hotwired the jeep and drove to the hospital.” He explained, a sheepish smile on his lips. You nodded slowly at his explanation, not really seeing all the pieces fitting together. “Okay.. so where is it now?”
“What? Oh! It’s still at the hospital. I, uh.. ran.. here.”
You rolled your eyes at his painfully awkward replies, pulling away from him and beginning your journey down the hallway. “Well, I’m going to the lockerooms.” You announced, peering back at Scott who was now conversing with Lydia, who appeared out of absolutely nowhere. “Take Lydia with you! There are Ghost Riders everywhere.” Scott shouted, giving Lydia a shove before dashing off into the other direction.
“He seems a little.. off.” You said to Lydia, chuckling softly. The two of you walked side by side through the eerily silent school, occasionally checking over your shoulders in case you needed to defend yourself. “Yeah, but that’s Scott McCall for you.” She laughed nervously which you furrowed your brows at.
“You know, you’re acting just like hi— Lydia, look out!”
Your words quickly caught her, and the Ghost Rider’s attention. “Cover your ears.” Lydia warned, her voice low but stern and you quickly did as you were told, squeezing your hands to your ears as Lydia released one of her banshee shrieks, sending the Ghost Rider flying into the set of lockers. It was silent, and you slowly pulled your hands away from your ears, stepping closer to Lydia to see the damage done.
But when you did, you felt your heart stop. All because were staring straight into a pair of whiskey eyes, and while you did, you felt all the memories with those eyes come rushing back.
“Lydia..” You heard Stiles’ voice say with relief, a smile appearing on his lips at the sight of his best friend. Deciding to come into better view, you shuffled to the side of Lydia, and the scuffling of your feet surely brought attention from the two other people in the room. “Y/N..” He mumbled, his voice holding a whole new different emotion as his hazel eyes filled with tears. In the background you could hear the clacking of Lydia’s heels fade away, giving you two your moment.
You didn’t know what to think as you slowly stepped towards the boy, almost as if you were to rush towards him any quicker, he’d disappear. A face you haven’t seen in months was finally in view, and the gaps in your memory were finally being filled by the boy you loved — it all made sense again. It was that moment where all the tears, all the fighting, all the heartache- it felt worth it. It felt like the world finally made sense again.
“Is this real?” You croaked, a weak sob eliciting from you when your hands reached out to cup his cheeks, all while staring into frantically into his eyes. The brunette quickly leaned into your touch, his tears rolling down his cheeks and onto your hands as he greedily soaked up the feeling of you touching him — deprived of it for what felt like an eternity. “It’s real, I’m here. I’m here, I’m real.” He repeated to you, eyes fluttering shut before he held the back of your head to his chest, nuzzling the tip of nose into your hair.
The moment, however, didn’t last long before you were thrashing in his hold. “I never said anything back,” You wailed, bottom lip quivering as you recalled the last memory you had of him. “You told me you loved me, and I never said it back. I never told you how I felt.” You panicked. You felt the heat rush to your neck and cheeks as Stiles gripped onto your face as a way to snap you back. Fortunately, it worked, and you were staring at him wide eyed while he simply looked at you with his same beautiful, lopsided smile.
“You didn’t have to.”
Was all he said before his lips were slanted on yours, involving you in a kiss that was completely different the first one the two of you shared. The first kiss, it was frantic, rushed. Stiles kissed you because at the time, it was the last time he would ever see you again. This kiss, however, was slow and it said everything that words couldn’t. You felt your breath hitch, your body melting into his as you kissed him back with love and longing — two emotions that overwhelmed your body more than any other. You felt the grip he had on your face tighten, pulling you even closer to his body as he pushed as much passion as he could into the kiss. Finding yourself holding onto his flannel overshirt, you couldn’t help but shuffle your feet closer to close any existing space.
He was the first to pull away, his forehead pressed to yours once more while he inhaled deeply to catch his breath with you doing the same. Your eyes were open, scanning over his face and looking over each freckle and beauty mark that littered his face gracefully, bringing a small smile to your lips.
And as the boy in front of you slowly peeled his eyelids open, revealing the beautiful whiskey color you found yourself in love with, you knew this was it.
He was back in your arms again, more real than ever. Not a pounding headache of a memory. Not a faint dream that had you gasping for breath in the middle of the night. Not a figment of your imagination. He was real and this was it.
This was the end of the line.
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fandomrewrites · 4 years
Season 2; Episode 5: Venomous
Hello all! Get ready for a very protective reader in this chapter. This chapter really shows why I absolutely adore (Y/N) McCall. She will do anything for her friends, even if that means turning into a complete bitch. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and as always constructive criticism is appreciated!
Season 2; Episode 5: Venomous
Pairings: Scott McCall x Twin Sister, Lydia Martin x Best Friend
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,930
Season 2 Masterlist
I sat in Coach’s class beside Lydia in the back of the room. In front of us Jackson, Scott, and Stiles seem to be having a heated discussion. “Listen up,” Coach says as he walks in, “Quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you - like McCall - might want to form study groups since tomorrow’s midterm is so profoundly difficult I’m not even sure I could pass it. All right, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question.”
I pay little attention to the midterm review but rather squint my eyes trying to read the boys lips. The only thing I can make out is Stiles saying Lydia’s name. Damn I really I hate not being able to read lips.
“Jackson, you have something you want to share with the class?” Coach asks seeing the boy’s conversation.
“Just an undying admiration for my Coach.” I roll my eyes at Jackson’s statement.
“That’s very kind of you. Now shut the hell up.”
Lydia is now at the front of the room, writing the answer to the question. Or at least, that’s what she should be doing. Instead of writing an answer she has unknowingly written ‘EMPLEHENOEMOS’ over and over again.
Coach starts calling her name, “Lydia?” He pauses when he finally gets her attention, “Okay then. Anyone else want to try answering? In English?”
The class starts laughing at Coach’s comment. All Lydia can do is stare wide eyed at the class with tears in her eyes. I quickly stand up grabbing both of our bags and gently pull her out of the room.
I lead her into the closest bathroom and place our bags on the sink. I then check under the stalls looking for feet. I notice someone is in the last stall and quickly knock on the door. “Someone’s in here.”
“I know. Hurry the hell up and get out.”
Not even a minute later the girl steps out of the stall and glares at me. “Who do you think you are? I’ll take however long that I want.” She slowly walks to the sink to wash her hands.
Lydia is biting her lip, refusing to cry until it’s just us two. “You’re going to wash your hands and leave quickly before I throw you out myself.” I snap.
The girl scoffs, “You wouldn’t dare.”
I take a step closer, my eyes narrowing into a cold glare, “Do you really want to take that chance?” The girl looks at me then turns on her heel and moves out the door.
I lock the door behind her then turn towards Lydia, “Okay, it’s just us. You can cr or talk to me freely now.”
On cue Lydia starts sobbing. She falls into me, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist. I quickly return the embrace and gently run my fingers through her hair, knowing it calms her down.
“Everything is going to be alright Lyds. I got you. I won’t let you go. I promise.” I whisper to her, placing a kiss on her head.
Once she starts to quiet down I whisper to her once more, “You know you can tell me if something is wrong? Even if it sound crazy, I’ll never judge you.”
She finally backs away from me slightly to look me in the eye, “I know. I just - I don’t know what’s going on.”
I nod in understanding and gently run my thumbs under her eyes to wipe away any remaining tears. She bites her lip then pulls me into another hug, “I love you so much (Y/N/N).”
“I love you too Lyds.”
I calmly sat down near Lydia in chemistry, not fully paying any mind to those around me. As more students pile into the class, Scott and Stiles grab chairs to sit on either side of us. We both throw them curious glances wondering why they rushed over to us and sat down despite the desk being for two people.
I lean over to whisper to Scott, who was sitting closer to me, “What’s going on?”
“Isaac and Erica are going to try and test the Kanima venom on Lydia.”
My eyes immediately harden into a glare as I subtly look over my shoulder eyeing the two werewolves. Erica was too focused on watching Lydia, but Isaac caught my eye and winked at me like he wasn’t planning on harming my best friend.
I scrunch my face up looking at Isaac slightly shocked by his new found confidence. I never really noticed him much before since he was always quiet, but I guess turning into a werewolf has a weird way of changing you.
I finally turn back to the front of the room as Harris starts speaking, “Einstein once said ‘Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; And I’m not sure about the universe.’ I myself have encountered infinite stupidity.”
Harris pauses as he looks right at Stiles. “So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you’re going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let’s see if two heads are better than one. Or in Mr. Stilinski’s case, less than one. Erica, take the first station. You’ll start with - “
Before he can finish his sentence ever male hand minus Isaac, Scott, and Stiles, shoots up. “I didn’t ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down.” The hands all reluctantly drift down, “Start with Mr. McCall.”
“All right. Next two, (Y/N) you take the second table-”
“With Lydia?” I ask hopefully, an innocent smile on my face.
“No. You two will do well away from each other for once.”
“I beg to differ, we work exceptionally well together.” Lydia turns to me, an amused smile on her lips.
“Miss McCall take the second station and Isaac you can join her.” Harris replies, leaving no room for argument.
I grumble under my breath but move my things to the second table, Isaac joining me not even a minute later. Finally, all the pairs are together and the sound of glass vials clinking can be heard throughout the room.
“Scott caught me up with what you’re planning. Derek’s wrong. It’s not Lydia.”
“Yeah? How would you know that?” Isaac smirks.
“She’s my best friend. I know.” I pause, reading over the directions for the experiment. I can feel Isaac’s eyes on me, “If you do anything to her, I swear to God you’ll be sorry.”
I finally look back up to meet Isaac’s eye, “You know I’m a werewolf. You’re not very intimidating to me.”
I lean closer to him, “I don’t need to be supernatural to be persuasive or intimidating. It will do you well to remember that.”
The stupid smirk doesn’t leave his face, “You’re really hot when you’re angry.”
I scoff and open my mouth to reply but before I get the chance Harris announces that it’s time to rotate partners. Isaac stands, almost lazily, and winks one more time at me before making his way to Stiles.
This time I was partnered with Allison, “How’s Lydia?”
“Clueless about what’s going on.”
I nod my head, “Isaac didn’t tell me anything. But if it is Lydia, though I highly doubt it, they plan on killing her.”
“We won’t let the happen.” Allison reassures.
“I know.”
“Switch,” Harris calls from the front of the room.
Allison stand up, making her way towards Erica, I bite my lip watching Isaac sit beside Lydia. “What’s wrong?” I quickly look to my right, forgetting that I still needed to complete the experiment.
I instinctively roll my eyes at the sound of his, “Nothing's wrong Nate.”
“Please, we may not have talked in weeks but I know you. And I know that look. You’re worried about something.”
“Yeah well it’s none of your business. You lost your privilege to be concerned about me when you decided to cheat.”
I cut him off, turning to look him right in the eye, “(Y/N). Only my friends can call me (Y/N/N).”
Before he has the chance to reply Harris addresses the class, “Time. If you catalyzed the reaction correctly you should now be looking at a crystal.”
I gently pull out the crystal from the vial and slowly turn it. “Now, the part of this last experiment I’m sure you’ll all enjoy. You can eat it.”
“You can have it,” I mumble as I hand Nate the crystal. I turn my attention instead to Isaac and Lydia just a few seats away.
Lydia holds the crystal between her fingers. Just as she’s bringing it to her mouth Scott stands up, knocking his chair to the floor, “Lydia...”
He was too late though, Lydia turns to Scott, “What?”
I gulp, the venom didn’t affect her. But there has to be another reason. I know for a fact Lydia is not the Kanima. She can’t be.
Stiles, Allison, Scott, and I quietly slip into Coach’s dimly lit office. Scott locks the door then turns to the three of us. “Derek’s outside. Waiting for her.”
“You mean waiting to kill her?” Allison questions, glancing at me.
“If he thinks she’s the Kanima? Then yeah. Especially after what happened in the pool.”
“It’s not her.” Stiles and I say at the same time.
“She didn’t pass the test. Nothing happened.” Scott replies.
“It can’t be her.” Stiles says.
“It’s not. She’s my best friend, there is no way it’s her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s something because of the bite, but she’s not the Kanima. She’s probably just immune to the venom.”
“It doesn’t matter. Derek thinks it’s her. So either we convince him he’s wrong or we figure out how to protect her.” Allison says, stopping any arguing.
“I don’t think he’d do anything here. Not during school.” Scott says.
“What about after school?” Scott just nods so Allison continues, “What if we can prove Derek’s wrong?”
“By three o’clock?” Stiles asks.
“There could be something in the Bestiary.”
“You mean the nine hundred page book written in Archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that.”
“Lydia can read it.” All three heads turn to look at me in shock. “That’s how I recognized that it was Archaic Latin. We just have to tell her that it’s some weird new hobby. I just hate lying to her.”
“I think I know someone else who might be able to read it, so we don’t have to bring Lydia into it unless absolutely necessary.” Allison states.
Scott nods then speaks once more, “I could talk to Derek. Maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove it’s not her.” The three of us share a look but reluctantly nod, “All right. But if anything happens you guys let me handle it.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you can’t heal like I do. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Allison puts her bag on Coach’s desk and pulls out a crossbow, “I can protect myself.” She puts it down but Scott still doesn’t look convinced, “What? DId something else happen?”
“I just don’t want anyone getting hurt. If something goes wrong, you call me, okay? I don’t care if your dad finds out. Call, text, yell, scream, whatever. I’ll hear you and I’ll find you. As fast as I can.”
Allison nods. Scott continues, “We’ve got until three.”
He turns for the door, but pauses when he hears a snapping sound. He spins back, hand whipping in the air just in time to catch the crossbow dart from landing right in the middle of his face.
Stiles lowers the crossbow with a guilty smile, “Sensitive trigger on this thing-”
As school ends Stiles, Allison, Jackson, and I rush Lydia down the nearly empty corridors. “If we’re doing a study group, why didn’t we just stay in the library?” Lydia asks.
“Because we’re meeting up with someone else.” Stiles says, constantly looking over his shoulder, clearly worried about any of the newly formed werewolves following us.
“Why didn’t they just meet us in the library?”
“That would’ve been a great idea. Too late.”
“Okay, hold on-” Lydia tries to stop but Jackson grabs her arm.
“Lydia, shut up and walk.” I glare at the back of his head, hating how he treats her.
About a minute later we were finally in Stiles’ jeep. I was sitting shotgun while Jackson, Allison, and a confused Lydia were in the backseat.
Finally pulling up to my house, I rush out to open the door and usher everyone inside as quickly as possible.
Once everyone is inside Stiles slams the door shut and locks it. He then proceeds to flip the dead bolt.
I go to the back door to make sure that’s locked, missing the conversation between the four still by the front entrance.
I make it back just in time to see Jackson and Lydia walking up the stairs.
A minute passes before we see Derek and his pack standing in the street, watching the house.
I now have a metal baseball bat gripped tightly in my right hand as I peer out the window, keeping an eye on the Alpha and his Beta’s. Allison calls Scott to update him an get him here as soon as possible.
As the sun almost sets, Allison starts pulling out her phone. “What are you doing?” Stiles questions her.
“I think.. I think I have to call my dad.”
“They’ll probably kill her too.” I snap.
Allison looks at me wide eyed but before she can reply I continue, “Whoever the Kanima is, has killed people. You’re dad - Gerard - will not allow them to live.” I explain more gently, “You can’t call them. Scott will be here.”
Stiles looks down at the crossbow in Allison’s hand. “I got an idea. Just shoot one of them.”
“Are you serious?” Allison looks shocked.
“We told Scott we could protect ourselves. So let’s do it. Or at least give it a shot, right?”
Allison nods, a bit hesitant. “They don’t think we’re going to fight. If one of them gets hit, I guarantee they’ll back off. So shoot one of them.” Stiles finishes.
“Which one?”
“Derek. Shoot him. Preferably in the head.”
I turn to look at Stiles with my best are you dumb look. “If Scott was able to catch an arrow, Derek definitely can. And I seriously don’t understand why you want him dead do bad.”
Stiles sighs, “FIne. Shoot one of the other three.”
Allison looks out of the window, “You mean two.”
My eyebrows shoot up as Stiles says, “I mean three.”
Stiles and I turn to look out the window again, “Where the hell is Isaac?” I ask.
Just as the words leave my mouth Isaac grabs Stiles, lifting him off his feet and tossing him across the room.
I instinctively raise the bat up getting ready to swing, but Allison beats me to it raising the crossbow. Isaac is too fast though, he knocks the weapon to the side, making the arrow hit the ceiling.
He then throws Allison across the room. Before he gets the chance to turn back around fully, I use all my strength to hit him hard with the metal bat. Unfortunately it has little effect on him.
I raise the bat once more but begin to speak, “If you leave Lydia alone I’ll make out with you,”
He tilts his head and allows a sly grin to appear on his face, “That’s tempting, but Derek gave me orders.”
“What are you his lap dog?” I scoff.
Before he can reply Stiles and Allison are back up and attacking. I hear Lydia call from upstairs, “(Y/N/N)? Allison? Stiles? What’s happening?”
Allison ran to the base of the stairs to answer, “Get back! Someone’s trying to break in. Go!”
Not even a minute later, Allison runs upstairs to try and protect Lydia. I can just make out her voice yelling, “It’s here... Stiles, (Y/N/N), it’s here!”
That’s the last thing I hear before I catch a glimpse of Erica heading up the stairs and shortly after Scott entering the house.
There is a powerful roar, then we open the front door. Scott tosse Erica and Isaac out towards Derek and Boyd. Scott steps out onto the porch, closely followed by Stiles, Allison, and I.
“I think I’m finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You’re not an Omega. You’re already an Alpha. Of your own pack.” Allison, Stiles, and I share a look. “But you know you can’t beat me.”
“I can hold you off until the police get here.” Derek cocks his head, listening to the distant sirens. He must hear something else, something that Scott picks up too. They’re eyes move up, the rest of us following their lead.
On top of the roof, the Kanima looks down at us, it’s lips peeling back to reveal rows of sharp teeth. It opens its jaw and unleashes an inhuman shriek, my hands flying to block my ears.
Derek turns to Boyd, “Get them out of here.”
Lydia then steps out of the front door, “Would someone please tell me... What the hell, is going on?”
Everyone around me looks surprised that Lyda is till, well Lydia. Me though, my lips tug into a smug smile, I knew she wasn’t the Kanima.
After this thought passes through my head I can hear Scott whisper under his breath, “Jackson.”
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freddy-hughes · 4 years
Trials and Tribulations: Judgement
[ Its finally done! Thank you all for reading! Fair warning: It’s WAY long. I hope you all have enjoyed reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing it. @drustvar-dragonfly​ for mentions throughout the story. ] 
[ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ] [ Part 3 ] [ Part 4 ] [ Part 5 ] [ Part 6 ] 
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White. That’s all he saw around him. A great vastness of blinding white so brilliant it hurt his eyes. Though Freddy was aware he was sitting, it was hard to tell if he was even inhabiting a body. He tried to look for his hands, but instead of calloused hands, willowy fingers greeted him. They were small, childlike, and as Freddy stared at them the blinding whiteness all around him slowly began to morph, and change. The vague outline of a tree formed around him, the whiteness overhead cast in an opaque blue, and Freddy was suddenly aware he was clinging to a tree branch. 
“C’mon Fred! It isn’t that high!” He heard a familiar childlike voice call up to him. 
“I-I can’t, Lyds!” He heard his own young voice answer. The whiteness all around faded slowly, the colors coming back a little more vividly, and Freddy found himself looking down to the ground below, where Lydia stood. She was a child, perhaps nine summers, face still round with innocence, but fiery red hair wild, and free.  “I-it’s too h-high!” He called again, thin arms wrapping tighter around the tree branch he clung to as his eyes clamped shut to try and stop the fearful tears from slipping.
“C’mon Fred! You can do it! C’mon!” Lydia called again, her confidence in him infectious, though he didn’t feel it in his own heart. He peeked an eye open, heart pounding, and slowly looked down below to see Lydia beaming up at him. She wasn’t that far, but to the mind of a child, she might as well have been miles away. With a gulp, Freddy felt his legs begin to move, trying to shimmy themselves towards the lower branch to help ease himself down. It was slow going, met with trepidation, but with overwhelming support coming from below, he felt himself get more, and more confident in his descent. 
At the very bottom of his trek, Freddy felt his foot slip, and with a surprised yelp fell to the ground with an unceremonious thump. He felt the tears well anew, cries bubbling in his chest, only to spill out in that overly dramatic way that children have. He wailed, hands pulling into fists to press into his eyes in a vain attempt to stop them. Two hands wrapped softly around his wrists, pulling his hands free. He hiccuped, looking, only to see Lydia’s smiling face. “You see? That wasn’t so bad huh?” She asks, a gentle tease to help quell his racing heart. “Told you that you could do it.” 
Before he could answer, Lydia’s child self froze. She still had a smile on her face, and her hand was outstretched to help him up. She didn’t blink, her chest did not rise with breath, she merely stood there suspended in time. Freddy looked to her, confused, blinking, only to feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as rhythmic footfalls broke the silence. The picturesque tree in the valley began to dull, and fade back to white, as the massive Stag stepped around it. It’s huge green eyes inspected the two of them there, never blinking.
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Everything around him faded, vanishing like sand in the breeze, leaving only the white void all around. With agonizing slowness, the dust of another memory rematerialized all around him, shifting him to the inside of a familiar home. His father stood in the kitchen, at one end of the dinner table, with his mother on the other. They were frozen for a moment, faces twisted in anger. Freddy remembered this moment, and suddenly became viscerally aware that he was peeking into the kitchen from his bedroom door. With the warbled sound of a gnomish recording being wound until it synced, he watched his parents move with sluggish, stilted movements until they too seemed to align with the recording. 
“He’s my son! He will do as I tell him!” His father's harsh voice seethed at his mother. 
“He’s my son as well, Emmett! He’s a gentle soul. He isn’t meant to be sequestered in your temples with his nose in a book!” 
“And so what?! He will learn to like it!” 
“He isn’t some servant you can command around to do your bidding! He is your SON!” 
“And what do you think would be better for him, hmm? If you had your way, he’d be some uncivilized savage in the forest eating moss, and berries! Is that what you want for your son? A life on the cold ground in rags as he ‘whispers to the trees’? Not in this house! He’s a Hughes! He’ll be a right noble gentleman! I will not have you filling his head with nonsense like you filled mine when I married you!”
His mother slapped his father. Hard. The sound was resounding, harsh, and punctured the stillness of night like a gunshot. Her face was red, indigent rage smouldering in her green eyes as she stared daggers at his father. Freddy watched in horror as his father returned the seething, rage filled look, only to pay her back with a much heavier hand, sending his mother toppling against the kitchen table. 
“He’s a Hughes!” His father spit, wiping at his face, and brushing his dirty blond hair out of his eyes. “He’s MY SON. He will do as I tell him.” 
Freddy trembled in the doorway, his small knees clanking together as he felt hot tears slip down his cheeks at the scene before him. His mother slowly rose from the kitchen table, lip split and dribbling blood down her chin. She wiped at it with the back of her hand, but her eyes never ceased glaring daggers at the man she married as he sat at the head of the table. Silence filtered between them, and right as one of them was about to explode again they too froze. Mid stride his mother stood suspended, hand raised to assail his father once more, who sat there with his arms raised defensively. 
They did not move, did not breath. The front door slowly pushed open, revealing the face of the Stag beyond the threshold.  Like a snake it’s neck slithered through the air, coming around the bend of the house to inspect the two of them where they stood with passive, curious eyes. Freddy followed the trail of it’s massive neck, trying to find the rest of its body, which he found standing outside the kitchen window. Slowly, the Stag’s eyes shifted back to Freddy, and with a blink, the house stuttered, falling in and out of focus like static electricity. It blinked out of existence for a split second, only to return, and distort until a similar, yet different kitchen now sat empty before him. 
Freddy was looking inward, from the front porch, watching his mother's back as she cleaned dishes with a light hum. From the side room a man appeared, shirtless, and he meandered with lazy legs up to his mother. He wrapped his arms around Freddy’s mother's waist. Twisting black tattoos in the shape of a bear’s paw rested on the back of his left shoulder blade, and a necklace of bear teeth, and claws wound around his neck. The two spoke quietly, but Freddy couldn’t hear what they said. 
The man suddenly turned, and their eyes locked. He was grizzled, his face a shaggy mess of a black beard, but though his eyes were hard they were also curious. The man left his mother's side, and passed the kitchen table. He stood in the doorway, his height massive, and otherworldly to the mind of a child. “So yer Freddy,” He asked, voice rough, and gravely. 
Freddy nodded. 
“Yer scrawny. That's fine. I’ll fix that.” 
“W-what...do-do y-you mean, M-Mister?” Trembling lips responded, confused. Freddy’s large eyes peeked past the man to his mother, who was still dutifully washing dishes, though the hem of her dress had been pulled up, and she looked rather disheveled even to his childlike mind.
“Get yer things, boy. Yer comin’ wit me ta meet tha High Thornspeaker. Gonna see ifin’ I can make a bear outta you yet.” Came the gruff response. 
“W-what? N-no, M-mom!”
“Don’t be afraid Freddy, my love. You’ll be okay.” Came his mother's response, though she didn’t look over her shoulder to see him. 
A rough hand grabbed his lithe forearm, dealing a hard squeeze that was likely unintentional, but to his innocent mind, Freddy flailed as though being attacked. Hot tears stung at his eyes, as he desperately tried to pry those massive fingers off him. “N-no! I don’t wanna go! You can’t make me! Mom! Mom! Help!” 
The man’s hand squeezed harder, the free one rising swiftly to land a hard blow to the back of his head, but before it could land, he hesitated. The dishes clattered softly in the sink, and though Freddy frantically tried to escape, the giant bear of a man held him fast. He was crying, wailing, kicking at the ground to try and pry himself free. However once his mother appeared from around the brute’s shoulder, Freddy stopped. He held his free hand out to her, trying to grab at her skirt, and though his mother pulled him close to embrace him, it wasn’t as inviting as he once remembered. Slowly, those massive fingers let him go, and without hesitation Freddy wrapped his arms around his mother. 
Her hands softly ran through his hair, gently quieting him, and with tender motions pulled his head from her dress to look at her. She cupped his face, wiping those tears free. 
“Don’t be afraid Freddy. This is exactly what we talked about remember? You’ll be strong, just like I promised. Now, stop your crying, and go get your things. Today is the first step to being the man we’ve always said you’d be, hmm?” 
Freddy felt a protest on his tongue, but the look in his mother's eyes stopped him. Instead, he sniffled, and accepted his fate. Slowly, he cast his eyes towards the towering brute, who was watching the two with a strange mixture of confusion, and annoyance in his eyes. With a small nod, Freddy let his mother go, and shuffled back towards the house. 
“That's a good lad,” She praised gently, “Get enough clothes for three days, okay? I’ll have a packed lunch for you when you’re done.” 
As Freddy went to go towards his room, he looked over his shoulder. His mother was frozen on her tiptoes, a kiss planted on the brute’s cheek. His arm was around her waist, pulling her close, but the two were completely motionless. Behind them, silhouetted by the blinding whiteness, was the Stag. It was inspecting his Mother again, along with the man. Slowly, it leaned its head forward, and touched it’s beak to the man’s shoulder, and like dust they vanished.  
The house quaked beneath him, shifting, and sliding like sand through an hourglass. Freddy wobbled atop the floorboards, hands grasping at air, until the house too vanished, and Freddy found himself on his back looking upwards. The whiteness overhead focused into the vast blueness of the sky, peppered with fluffy white clouds, and from his peripheral vision a slender arm reached upwards to point. 
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“See that one?” The voice asked, a smile laced through the words. “Doesn’t it look like a bunny?” 
Freddy squinted, trying to make out the shape, but all he could see in the cloud was a bumble bee. “What are you talkin’ about Lyds?” He teased, chuckling, “That’s a bee.” 
“No it isn’t! Come on, look again! See? There’s its body, and those are its ears, and it even has a fluffy tail!” Her fingers traced the outline of the cloud in his field of vision, the two rolled a little closer on their blanket to share the same eyeline. His heart raced in his chest, being this close to her. He was afraid if he tilted his head to look at her, his heart would stop entirely. 
“Well what about that one?” He changed topics, his own hand coming up to trace the outline of another cloud. While no longer a child’s arm, there was still youth to his hands. Freddy remembered they were about fifteen summers, give or take. Then again, they did this often throughout their years. “See? Doesn’t that one look like a fox?” He traced the long fluffy tail, up to the back, ending in two little pointed ears.
“It looks like a lump,” She teased, blatantly ignoring his description to gently annoy him. 
“Oh come on Lyds, look! It looks just like a fox, I’m telling you.” 
“Uh-huh. Is that what foxes look like out there now? All lumpy, and hardly like a fox at all?” 
“Now you’re just bein’ mean,” He playfully jabbed. 
“Or maybe you just can’t see that what you’re pointin’ at is just a big lump.” 
He turned to face her then, a playfully dramatic gasp on his lips as he tried his best to look personally wounded by her words. However, the retort died on his lips the moment they locked eyes. They were so close their shoulders were touching, noses mere inches  from one another. Whatever teases they had lined up were quickly forgotten as the air was charged with that familiar youthful tension of a first crush. Freddy felt himself lean in, hesitation palpable in his eyes, as if asking her if this was okay, or seeing if she would stop him, but to his shock she didn’t. Lydia never hesitated. She pressed her lips against his softly, eyes fluttering closed as Freddy just laid there, shocked, and motionless. His heart beat so fast he was sure it was about to burst. She pulled back, not feeling him reciprocate, but before embarrassment could override whatever pushed her to act on their mutual feelings, Freddy kissed her. It was too quick, too jarring, and their teeth clinked together awkwardly. He was so eager to return it that even their foreheads bumped, and the resulting laughter from Lydia was too contagious for him to ignore. They laughed together for a moment, the tension bubbling out in other ways, but as it slowly started to die down, they again found themselves locked in a stare. 
They met in the middle this time, a little slower, and the fireworks that blew up in his chest were just as he remembered. A childhood friendship turned crush now culminated into a first kiss that had seared itself into his memory. However, before the memory could fully play itself out, and end with more awkward laughter, a cleaning up of the blanket, and lunch basket, Lydia froze against him. Freddy kept his eyes closed. He didn’t want this one to end. He wanted to bask in the innocence of it, back when they were young, and foolish, and helplessly in love but denying it, only to crash together in that quintessential clumsy way of adolescence. 
She still didn’t move. 
He swallowed the lump in his throat, and slowly opened his eyes. Right behind Lydia was the piercing eyes of the Stag. It watched him, curiously, and then looked to Lydia, only to turn its head skyward. The lumpy fox cloud was still in the air, frozen. Freddy felt Lydia begin to fade against him. She crumbled like leaves, the memory slipping away, and blowing in the breeze. 
Only he and the Stag remained. 
“Why do you show me this?” Freddy whispered, tears threatening to fall as he felt his lips tremble. “Why do you torture me?” 
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The Stag did not answer him. Instead, it looked off in the distance, and when Freddy followed its gaze the man from earlier was sitting across from him. They were sitting around a campfire, eating messily from foraged berries, mushrooms, nuts, and though Freddy had protested, his Teacher had insisted they needed more protein. He caught a snake to cook over the fire as well. They were silent as they ate. Freddy took a moment to just take in his Teacher, to remember him. He had softer lines than before. His childlike mind had distorted certain features from the fear. Thomas was still a massive brute of a man, and just as grizzled as Freddy remembered, but his eyes were a lot kinder now, even as he noisily ate his meal. He hardly wore anything, just a pair of loose pants with a wolf's pelt around his waist held up by a belt, and sturdy leather boots. He was almost always shirtless, Freddy remembered that much, but this time a heavy bear pelt was wrapped around his shoulders. Idly, Freddy pulled his matching one tighter around his shoulders. 
“I know you don’t eat meat, boy,” Thomas said lightly, as he finished off his meal, slurping loudly from his water skin. “Sometimes, you’ve gotta make peace wit’ the cycle. If you’re in need, an’ you use every part, then you ain’t done nothin’ disrespectful. Thank tha snake that fed us tanight. Use all tha bits, an’ tha cycle remains intact, an’ honored.” 
“I just don’t like hurting animals…” Freddy defended meekly, staring down at the cooked bits of meat on his little wooden plate. “Nothing deserves to suffer that way…” 
“You gotta soft heart, boy. Nothin’ wrong with that. Tha forest though,” He gestures around them, “Don’t care if you’re soft, or hard. It’ll kill you, one way or tha other. Jus’ gotta accept that. You ain’t nothin’ ta the forest, an’ it’ll take what it wants, when it wants. It’ll make you suffer, an’ it won’t bat an’ eye at it. So ifin’ you’re starvin’, or you’re dyin’, you gotta do what you have to. So respect tha forest, respect everythin’ you find, but if you have ta kill? Use every bit, and bury the bones. What the forest gives life to, must always return to tha forest. Understand me, boy?” 
Freddy sniffled, nodding. With great hesitation, he tries to take a bite of the snake meat. He can’t bring himself to do it, however. It just doesn’t feel right. He had looked away when his Master had caught, killed, and skinned the snake. He didn’t participate in the prayers his Master whispered when burying the bones. Freddy didn’t offer his respect, and thanks to this creature. It didn’t feel right to still eat it. So instead, he set his wooden plate down on the grass before him. 
His Master pulled out his worn wooden pipe, and his leather tobacco pouch. With practiced ease he packed the bowl, and with a match strike lit it. He leaned back, relaxing, pulling in a deep inhale. A few smoke rings  puffed out, yet as they lazily floated upwards, they too suddenly froze. Freddy sighed, exhausted. He looked around for the Stag, but did not see it. The forest all around did not fade, or shimmer away. It simply stood frozen all around him. “Master?” Freddy tried to ask, but no answer returned to him. Freddy turned to look, only to be greeted by the mesmerizing eyes of the Stag. In its beak was the body of a snake, the same type of snake his master had killed that day. Freddy sat there frozen, looking at the Great One before him. Without thinking, Freddy reached out to try and touch it. Did it have fur, or feathers? He wanted to know. Would it let him? As his fingers got closer, and closer, the snake suddenly came back to life. Its jaws unhinged, body coiled, and suddenly struck. Fangs dug into the meaty side of his hand. Freddy yelped, eyes closing for a moment, only to open, and find himself in a field of tall grasses. 
His master was laughing loudly behind him. “Did it get you, boy?” He called through his laughter. Freddy, meanwhile, was trying to dislodge the harmless bullsnake from his hand. As gently as he could, he gripped it by the head, and pried its teeth loose. Still holding it gently by the head, Freddy held it up for his Master to see. “It’s too small, boy. That wouldn’t even feed an owl. Let it go.” With a sigh, Freddy gently tossed the serpent a little ways away from him to avoid another strike. 
A heavy, calloused hand gripped his shoulder. Freddy looks up to see his Master looking westward, towards the farmstead they were tasked to inspect today. The inhabitants called upon the Thornspeakers with concerns of strange fungus sprouting on the edge of their farm, and their pigs mysteriously dying, and seemingly rotting over night. Freddy, and Thomas were the two nearest the area, and were quickly dispatched. “Come on, boy. Let’s go.” His master walked a few paces away, only to freeze mid stride. The wind still gently blew, rustling the grass around them, but Thomas stood still as a statue. Freddy walked up to him, curious, but as he was about to reach out to touch his shoulder, the forest all around him began to shift again. Everything that happened next could only be described as poorly remembered. Freddy wasn’t exactly sure what happened in the interim, but just as a scene would phase into existence, it would suddenly change to another section. At one moment, Thomas was talking to the owner of the farm, only to suddenly jump to the pig pen, then morphed into the tree line, only to land on Freddy sitting with the farm owner's pet bunny in his lap. Everything happened in chopped off portions, half sentences poorly remembered, pieces of the forest, or the farm faded into whiteness as Freddy had a hard time recalling it. He remembered the bunny though. A big grey fluffy thing with triangular ears. It was adorable. 
“Stay here, boy,” His master called, coming to a squat next to Freddy as his big hand reached out to take his shoulder. “Watch the farm. I’m gonna head down a ways, an’ see what I find.” 
“Okay. Did you meet McFluff?” Freddy gestured down to the rabbit in his lap, happily munching on a piece of lettuce the owner of the farm had given Freddy to feed him. His master rolled his eyes, but smiled all the same. 
“Aye, I met McFluff. Stay here. I’ll be back.” 
“Be safe.”
“Aye, boy. I’ll be safe.”
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Freddy watched his master leave. He never came back from that jaunt in the forest. Minutes turned to hours. When dusk hit, Freddy insisted on going to look for his master, but the farmers were adamant it wasn’t safe at night. Night is when the worst of things happened they told him. Freddy couldn’t just leave his master out there, though. In the middle of the night, when the farmers went to sleep, Freddy snuck out. He sent a message through his small communication stone to the nearest pair of Thornspeakers, telling them of his situation, and to come to meet him here at the farm come day break. A terse response came through the stone. 
Freddy walked through the forest for what felt like an eternity. The steady rhythm of the Stag behind him kept him moving forward. It was following him, but for what? He wasn’t sure. The forest got darker, and denser the further he went in. The trees grew closer together, their canopies high up above him obscuring the moonlight, and making it nearly impossible to see. He frowned, looking skyward, but only the darkness speckled with faint flashes of the moon greeted him. “I should have stayed at the farm…” Freddy murmured to himself. 
He continued to move forward, though Freddy internally willed himself to stop, knowing what was to come. He did everything he could to make his legs cease their forward momentum, but a rustling in the distance piqued his interest. He  moved a little faster, Thomas’ name on his lips as he reached the top of the small hill. When he cleared the top, Freddy looked downward, only to see the flat topped heads of the largest mushrooms he had ever seen. They were swaying from side to side, huddled around something. Freddy squinted to try, and see what they were doing, but the dull squelch of something piercing flesh made his blood run cold. “M-master?” He called. 
All at once, the Fungarian’s turned to face him. Their crude wooden spears were jutting at haphazard angles from the back of his master, who was there on the grass in a bloodied heap. He was covered in thorns, cuts, and stab wounds. Spores covered his back like a well worn cloak, and the idea of these creatures using his body in such a disrespectful way made Freddy’s blood boil. He didn’t rush forward, as badly as his mind wanted him to. Instead, it turned to run. His feet stumbled down the hill, sending him sprawling, only for him to scramble his way to his feet, and run until he made it back to the farmstead. 
Dawn had already broken by this point, if Freddy remembered correctly, but all he could do was watch as his body crashed into the arms of the Thornspeakers who had come to help them. He wept openly, and plainly into the woman's chest. She held him protectively, trying to offer him comfort, and to suss out information from him, which she got through garbled hiccups, and sputtering cries. The two Thornspeakers rushed off to where Freddy had described, but everything slowly faded to white all around him. He couldn’t remember what had happened in the following hours. He could remember the crying, which he felt his body violently rocking with the sobs, but in his mind everything else faded away. 
The only thing that pulled him back into sharp focus, was a warm hand on his shoulder. Puffy red eyes turned to look upwards, where he saw the kind face of the woman from before. She squeezed his shoulder gently. “Here,” She said, offering him the bear tooth, and claw necklace Thomas had always worn. Reverently, Freddy took it, and held it in his hands as a new round of sobs took him. He cried, and cried, until he could cry no more, but the hand remained on his shoulder. It didn’t move. With a sniffle, Freddy looked upwards, hoping to see the kindly face of the woman before, but instead was just met with the eyes of the Stag again.
“He didn’t deserve to die like that,” He mumbled weakly, “He didn’t deserve that…” The Stag did not answer him. Instead, it just looked off to his left, and Freddy followed it’s gaze, only to be greeted with the familiar tree line outside Lydia’s, and his home. The sun was high in the air, a soft breeze rustled the trees overhead. 
“Goin’ back again today, Fred?” He heard Lydia ask from behind him. 
“I know it’s out there, Lyds. I know it is.” His voice answered her. Freddy pleaded with himself to not go, to stay. ‘Stop putting your boots on you idiot! This is the last time you’ll see her! Stop! Stop!’ He screamed at himself, but this was a memory, and he couldn’t change that, no matter how badly he wanted too. 
“And I bet you’ll find it,” Lydia said as she sat down behind him on the stoop, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. She kissed his cheek, leaning their heads together. “Just don’t be out too late. I’m makin’ your favorite.” 
He smiled at her, hand coming up to grip her wrist, and squeeze softly. “I won’t be out long, promise. Plus, when I get back, I’ll finally have the coin to get you that ring I promised.” His smile was massive, proud, despite the blush on his cheeks. 
Lydia just smiled at him in that familiar way he knew so well. “I know you will. Go on, and don’t be late now.” 
“Be back before you can even blink! Love ya, Lyds!”
‘Stop! You idiot! Stop! Don’t go into the woods! Stay! Please! Please, Gods damn it! Stay!’ He screamed, but he could only watch himself wave goodbye to Lydia, and trek into the forest. He was never seen again. 
The cottage vanished like dust in the wind, and all around him was just the blinding whiteness. Freddy fell to his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks as he silently begged for it to somehow materialize before him again. It didn’t. He wept. 
The steady beat of the Stags hooves behind him made Freddy flinch, but he did not open his eyes. Instead, he dug his palms into them, trying to stem the flow of tears, but they would not cease. Instead, he just knelt there, with the final good memory he had turning to ash in his mouth. It was gone. He was gone. The idyllic life he had lived, the future he had planned for, the love, and devotion blew away in the wind like leaves. It was all gone, just like that. In the span of just one single day, it all fell through his fingers. 
“Why do you show me this?” He asked again, not looking to the god he knew was behind him. “Does my life mean so little? Am I but an actor to you? Will you watch me strut around upon the stage for your entertainment? Am I not worth more than that?! Answer me!” Vile anger laced his words. He broke down into another round of fresh sobs. In the end what would it matter what words he said to the great God of the forest? He was nothing to it. 
The Stag did not answer him. Instead, he heard it lower itself to the ground. With hesitation, and once his tears had somewhat abated Freddy looked, only to see the beast starting at him. Slowly, it tilted its head to its back, as if indicating Freddy to climb up. “So you will ferry me to death then?” He asked, arms falling to his sides, a hiccup racking his chest. “So be it.” 
Freddy got to his feet, swaying, but steeled himself. With a hesitant step, he approached the great God. It didn’t move. He took another step, and then another. His hands reached out, feeling the coarse fur, but unlike what he thought it didn’t vanish before him. Instead, it was solid, warm, and very much real beneath his palms. Freddy took a breath, readying himself. He cast his eyes to where the cottage once was, “I love ya, Lyds.” He whispered, lip trembling as new tears spilled anew. He climbed up on the back of the Stag, and waited. 
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“Have mercy on me, Great One,” He asked gently, “Make it gentle...and kind. Please…” 
The great beast didn’t speak, only getting to its feet, and meandering forward into the blinding whiteness. As they progressed into the endless void, it slowly began to shift, and change around them. A wash of green all around, a swath of blue above peppered with white clouds. Slowly, the forest came into clearer, and clearer focus. He knew these trees - they were the ones outside Lydia’s grandmother's house. 
Deirdre's cottage came into view, as if materializing right before his very eyes. The Stag continued forward, unperturbed by this. Instead, it just walked to the side of the house, where one of the side windows looked inside. Freddy followed it’s gaze, and inside Deirdre was bent over the mask, tapping at it softly with her finger in the same fashion she used to do when he would daydream in her home.
“Fredrick Hughes, is that your voice I hear?” She asked, looking to the wooden mask curiously. “Freddy, if that’s you - and I mean really you - I need you to stay here a little bit longer.” Another tap tap tap to the center of the masks’ forehead. “Fred, you remember our little phrase? The one we chose all those years ago - the one you recite every time you knock at my door so I know it’s you who’s doin’ the knockin’?” 
Freddy watched her curiously from atop the Stag’s back. “Gram..?” He called, “Is that…? Is that you?” Freddy watched as Haskell, within the house, jumped up onto the table the mask rested upon, his little black tipped paws tip toeing over the trinkets. The little fox made it over to the crystal ball on its pedestal on the table, and after a little inspection, looked back to Deirdre. “Grams?” Freddy tried again, “Grams...where am I?” Haskell knocked the crystal ball off its pedestal, pushing it with his paws until it made it to the back of the mask. Suddenly Freddy watched as the entire table began to rumble, as if a tiny earthquake had ruptured beneath it. It rattled for a beat, only to go quiet. 
Freddy, atop the Stag’s back, felt suddenly light headed. He swayed, head throbbing, as his neck suddenly became too weak to hold his head upright. A loud *WHOMP* of magic erupted around his ears, making them ring, but when Freddy opened his eyes, he found himself looking at Deirdre as if he were sitting on the very table the mask rested upon. “Grams!” He said triumphantly, but she was looking at him with that expectant look she always used to fix him in. “Grams, it’s me. It’s me! Freddy! Why - “ He tried to remember the saying they had come up all those years ago. They had done it to make sure that whoever came to the door, was in fact the person they claimed they were. In that moment, he regretted not setting up the same system with Lydia. “Why do we suffer - suffer the winter’s harsh winds?” He asked, the fragments of that memory fuzzy, and his ringing head trying to grasp at the straws of it long succumbed to haze in this strange place. 
“Freddy, my dear, that’s not quite it.” Deirdre retorted, her tone firm, but familiar. Freddy had never wanted to cry out of sheer joy at seeing her, and knowing it was really truly her, and not some cruel machination of the Gods of this place. “I can’t say my part until you get yours right. C’mon now.” She tapped at his forehead again, the same three taps with the tip of her fingernail that was so blissfully familiar Freddy felt a sob choke in his throat. “Focus. If you’re strong enough to reach my old ears from wherever you are, surely you’re strong enough to remember a simple phrase.” While Deirdre was always one to dish out tough love, it had always been done with genuine love beneath it. She had always been fond of Freddy. “One more time, and it needs to be right.” 
“It’s hard to focus, Grams,” He says, his tone laden with heavy defeat. “I think it’s finally over.” However, the expectant tone she took with him, and the chance of having one final conversation with someone - anyone - from his former life was not something Freddy was going to give up lightly. If this was the final thing the Stag would show him before ferrying him to eternal sleep, he would make the most of it. “Why,” he groaned in pain, shaking his head to try and dislodge the buzzing in his ears. “Why do we suffer winter's cold breeze?” 
“Because it bares aloft next summer’s seeds.” Deirdre responds with a smile. “Very good. See? I knew all that belly achin’ was unnecessary. Always so dramatic, this one.” She tsk-ed, and shook her head, though Freddy couldn’t have been happier to have heard it. “Now then, why don’t you tell me where you are. You’ve been out galavantin’ for long enough, and it’s long past time for you to come home.” 
Freddy felt hot fresh tears roll down his cheeks. He couldn’t have asked for a greater mercy than to hear the familiar voice of someone who loved him, raised him, cared for him like her own. He wanted to reach out and hug her, tell her how sorry he was, how he wished he could have come home to have a cup of her tea, and some of her world class mushroom, and potato stew. He took a moment just to look at her, and cherish this sweet gift before it all likely ended for him. “I don’t know where I am, Grams,” He admitted through his tears. “I’m in the forest, I know that much - or at least I was. I don’t know where I am now….but do you remember the old stories we used to read? The ones about the deep forest, and how you could get lost out there for ages, and find yourself somewhere you shouldn’t be? I think I’m there.” 
He might as well be honest with Deirdre, if this was the last moment of closure he could give her, and in turn Lydia. If he could give them one single thing, it would at least be the truth, and his unending love for them. “I tried to come home,” He says softly, “But I think I got lost along the way.” 
“You’ve been lost for quite some time now, Freddy. I’d say it’s been goin’ on about three years since you left, and sent that thing back in your place.” Deirdre said with a sigh, and Freddy felt the weight of that information crash on him like a rock slide. His chest constricted so tight he was sure his heart would burst, and he felt as though he was suddenly free falling. Three years. He had been wandering for three years. This place had stolen three years from him, from them. Bitter tears rolled down his cheeks as he crashed back to earth with the crushing realization that nothing could survive that much time. He knew he couldn’t. 
“Always were a little too curious for your own good,” She murmured, pulling Freddy back from the pit he fell into. “Think back to that day, Freddy. I need you to focus. What do you remember about the day you left? Where did you go? What were you looking for? What did you find? If we can figure out how you got lost, maybe we can work on gettin’ you found.” 
Freddy remembered the ‘dreams’ he would have while in this place. He would see himself walking around the forest, digging things up, twisting them, and then burying them again. He’d see himself outside Lydia’s house, attacking Celest, gripping her with hands that were too tight. It had been him in shape, and voice, but it wasn’t him. Freddy felt the reality of that weight even heavier upon his already constricted chest. Something had been there while he had been lost for all those years, torturing them. The Spider had mentioned some kind of wicker doll masquerading as him. He had thought that nothing more than cruel words used to break him. He had been wrong. The Spider had promised him that there was nothing worth going back too, that he was a stone in the ground, and now with the truth laid bare before him, Freddy realized that was likely very much the truth. He couldn’t cry anymore than he already had, there wasn’t anything left in him. All he had was the truth, and he offered it faithfully. 
“I was down by the Elsons farm. They were having trouble with their crops. Wanted me to check the earth, and promised me a few coins. I had promised Lydis that ring. Silver, with opals, and emeralds. Remember the one I showed you, from Boralus. I was going to get her that one.” The memory spilled from his lips effortlessly, as if that would somehow explain the current predicament he was in. Perhaps it would give context as to why he left, now to explain how he got here. If only he could remember. “I couldn’t find anything at the house, so I went into the forest to find whatever was corrupting the soil. If it was anywhere, it had to be nearby.” The fragments of the memory were coming to him in jagged pieces, and though Freddy tried frantically to jam them all together, there were too many pieces missing, no matter how badly he tried to focus. 
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“Didst thou not thinkest to wonder where thy was? Hast thou thought, perhaps, thou hast never truly left that glade?”
The words of the black goat whispered in the back of his mind, and Freddy grasped at them tightly. “I remember. The Horned One showed me. I was chasing down the Coven - or at least a member. She mocked me, and so the chase began. I ran, and ran, and ran. Down by the creek, taking a left, further into the forest. Deeper, and deeper we went. I couldn’t catch up to her, and that's where I found the Glade - untouched, unknown, unchanged by man. Those places so deep you know man hasn’t walked there in centuries. There was a stump, and that’s where I found this mask. It whispered to me. I remember hearing the voice of the Bear, my great guardian, and I went to get it.” He paused, the pieces falling together almost perfectly right there before him. “When I got to the stump, there was magic. I remember the feeling of it - like pins and needles.” 
Freddy looked up to Grams as a heavy, weighted pause fell between them. He truly was lost. Led on a wild goose chase, only to be tricked into coming to this Godforsaken place where he was nothing more than a play thing to Gods. It was then that Freddy realized that perhaps there was no point in attempting to save him. Perhaps what the Spider said was right: it was a mercy to be a stone in the forest - to be a place visited until it isn’t anymore. A memory cherished, until it’s slowly forgotten. It was a mercy to forget, a mercy to die. He couldn’t risk either Deirdre, or Lydia in a vain attempt to save him from his own hubris, and stupidity. 
“Maybe there isn’t a point in finding me anymore, Grams,” Freddy whispers, looking from his place on the table to the window where the massive eyes of the Stag stared back at him. “Maybe it’s just time….for you to both let me go.” 
“If Lydia heard those words comin’ from your mouth, I imagine she would slap it right off your face.” Deirdre reprimanded, disappointment clear in her voice at what he had said. “And I would let her.” She finished, head shaking as she clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth. “You don’t get to do that, Fred my boy. I know you’ve been through it, but there’s people that’ve been here waitin’ for you ever since that day you disappeared - how do you think they’d feel if they knew you just...gave up?” 
Freddy had no real way of explaining to Deirdre exactly what he had been through. The trials he had faced were daunting, crushing, and now that he was at the seeming end of it, there was so much of him that just wanted to rest. To close his eyes. To feel peace again. How does one go back to peace after so much chaos has come crashing down upon their head? He didn’t know. However, Deirdre's words did strike something in him. They waited for him? Ever since he left, they had waited. That little flame that had all but nearly flickered out in his heart, remained steadfast. No matter what he faced, Lydia, and Deirdre deserved to see him alive, and back. They had waited, and suffered enough. The least he could do was at least try. 
“So, enough of this ‘no point anymore’ nonsense. I’ll have none of it.” Deirdre once again gently scolded as she went to the nearby shelf to pull a large grimoire free. She laid it on the table beside Freddy’s head, and leafed through the pages. 
“She would slap me,” Freddy says with the barest hint of a chuckle beneath his voice. “I don’t think my teeth would stay in the same place after.” There was a kind of nostalgic whimsy to his tone, as if remembering the simpler times when Lydia would lightly slap his arm, and laugh. They had always joked about how she ‘abused’ him, which always wound up with another slap to his arm in good jest. The memory was too sweet, too innocent to let slip through his fingers. Freddy felt his heart steel over, whether he wanted it to or not. “I was told to go forward, because I couldn’t go back the way I came. He told me that ivory tusks would attack me - and they did oh they did - and the great Guardian sleeps. He told me to sleep to awaken, and to awaken to sleep.” A pause, the thoughts rolling around in his head, as he tried to jam the square block through the round hole in his head. “Does any of that make sense? Everything used to make sense, but it’s all so confusing now.” 
Deirdre was still flipping through the pages in the grimoire. She shook her head idly, “Oh no. No, Freddy. That doesn’t make one lick of sense, I’m afraid.” She kept turning the pages, even as she spoke to him. Page, after page was swiftly turned, the rhythmic sound of the paper almost lulling Freddy into a calm serene, which only made the sudden cease all the more jarring. 
“Unless, of course, you’re talkin’ about the world of the Fae.” Her eyes scanned the contents of the page before her, and her shoulder drooped with the weight of the confirmation to her earlier assumption. “I’m not goin’ to lie to you, Freddy, you really stepped in it this time. However, the fact that you’re here, talkin’ to me, is proof that you might just see the end of this yet.” She looked up to him, their eyes locking. “We just need to figure out how to get you awake here. Fully awake. We need to find your body, Freddy, and we need to find it before it’s too late.” 
Freddy simply looked up at Deirdre with a mixture of melancholy, and hope. Part of him wanted to be done with this, to fall into both her, and Lydia’s arms, and hug them tightly. He wanted to tell them how much he had missed them, how he had never forgotten about them, and that they were what drove him to keep moving forward, regardless of the trials he faced. However, another part of him just wanted to rest. He wanted them to find peace, to know that the earth had reclaimed him, and this realm of Gods was where his spirit would wander forever. They could move on, and find him waiting for them at that stream, where they could be reunited at the end of long, and happy lives, regardless of his tragic, and sudden disappearance. 
“We need to reunite your spirit, which I believe is who I’m talkin’ to right now, with your physical form,” Deirdre said, pulling Freddy from his melancholic thoughts. She clapped the book shut quickly, and set it aside. “If your body is still in that glade, Haskell and I will find it. It is my hope that reuniting this mask, now that the corruption has been driven from it, with your body, will pull you back from the land of the Fae, and you can rejoin ours once more.” 
“I just need to know one thing,” Freddy said, his eyes casting a long slow glance around the room he was in. There was no sign of Lydia, and no sign she had been there in a while. Part of him was fearful that whatever had taken his place in reality had harmed her beyond forgiveness. Part of him knew that was likely the case. Lydia and Deirdre were very close, and it was not like the matron to leave Lydia out of information, especially when it came to Freddy during these trying times. “Where’s….where’s Lyds, Gram?” His voice wavered with emotion, as that little flame flickered in his chest, quickly losing it’s fight. “I have to know what’s been happening here, Grams. I have to know what I’m coming back too. I just...I need to know if what the Gods here have told me is true, or if they were just trying to break me.” 
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Deirdre was already on the move, pulling the strap of a knapsack over her shoulder, and throwing various ingredients, and items inside. “I’ll make ya a deal, Freddy,” She called to him at the table, while Eilit - Deirdre's fawn familiar - nudged the doorway open. The mesmerizing eyes of the stag were there right behind the familiar, watching her curiously. Freddy followed the impossible length of its neck back to its body outside the window nearest him. “I’ll put your mind at ease about the most important things, but that’s all we’re gonna have time for - I need to get down to the glade, and find your body as soon as possible, and every second we spend her yammerin’ is one too many.” Deirdre was busy securing a basket to Eilit’s side, affixing it with a long leather strap around her belly. Once the basket was secure, she went to the table, and gingerly scooped up Freddy’s head. In that moment, he became viscerally aware that he was - in fact - nothing but a mask, with no body attached to it. For a breathless moment, Freddy was airborne, only suspended by wisened fingers, and that terrified him. What had the Stag done to him? Where was his body? 
“Lydia is alive, and she’s safe. The house is still standin’, just a little singed, and in need of some sprucin’.” She set Freddy’s head securely in the basket, but that ringing was back, along with the fuzzy feeling in his head. Everything was spinning, flipping, going topsy turvy, and no way to tell which way was up, or down. “I’ll fill in the details when I can sit ya down, and put a hot cup of tea in your hands. C’mon.” She took the reins of Eilit, and took the doe outside the door, but the ringing in Freddy’s ears didn’t stop. 
Instead, he felt himself free fall. He grasped at the air desperately, grabbing at nothing to try, and slow him down, only to find purchase on nothing but clouds. He closed his eyes, preparing for the crash back to earth, but it never came. A beat. Another. Freddy opened his eyes. He was back atop the Stag’s back, outside the cottage, and meandering down the forest way was Deirdre, and Eilit. He tried to call out to them, but they did not hear him. They cleared the tree line, and everything around him dissipated once again into nothing. 
“Why?” Is all Freddy can ask, though he already knows the great Stag will not answer him. He’s asked the great beast the same question again, and again, and all he was given were memories of the trials he faced in his life, before being brought here. There were good memories in there as well, this is true, but in this moment they served as nothing but salt in the already fresh wounds of his psyche. Freddy felt so tired. 
The Stag, as he expected, did not answer, and instead just walked forward with Freddy upon his back. They meandered for a time in the blinding whiteness, the sounds of the previous memories bleeding all around him. Children laughing, Lydia gently teasing him, his parents fighting, his Master dying, his broken cries, and his final farewell to the one woman he loved. They all swirled around him, the ghosts of his past, the memories nearly claimed by this place, until they all went still. The Stag stood motionless, looking around, and the great dense glade where Freddy lay dying at the feet of the boar came into view. It materialized slowly, like a Polaroid picture, until the two were standing there on the island in the center, surrounded by the calm lake. 
The Stag got down upon its belly, allowing Freddy to slide off its massive flank, but it’s eyes stood transfixed on the single tree blooming in the center of the island. A flicker of light blinked at the base of the tree, only to grow more intense, until a single beam shot skyward, and an ethereal door of pure white light stood before them. Freddy looked into the great expanse, and then up to the Stag with curious eyes. “So this is it, then.” Freddy asks, motioning to the door. The great Stag shakes its head no. 
“Fred, my dear boy, the way is open. The door unlocked. I've done all I can, the rest is up to you..."
Deirdre's voice called through the shimmering door before them, and Freddy looked to it for a long, agonizing moment. The Stag had seen into the very depths of his soul, weighed the length of his character, and brought him back here to make the final choice. Freddy stared into the large white nothingness before him for an unknown amount of time.
The great body of the boar was naught but bones in the water behind him. It had decayed to nothing, and was reclaimed by the moss, and water. Haskell had crumbled as well, the last vestiges of his body now a skull held reverently in his trembling hands. The Stag stood motionless beside him, those mesmerizing eyes watching him curiously, and perhaps a little expectantly. Freddy had seen his life laid bare before the Great Guardian. He had seen himself grow, learn, fall in love, and chase down wickedness that only sought to claim him. Despite the joy at seeing Deirdre again, and getting to hear her voice, Freddy could not help the profound feeling of doubt in his heart. 
He did not doubt the love of those on the other side, but his master had always told him that life is an ever moving cycle of change. Nothing remains constant. Did the love he had formed, cherished, and counted on all this time to give him strength change after so much time apart? He didn’t know. Part of him didn’t want to know. In truth, Freddy was terrified of the next few steps that would ferry him to freedom, to reality. If it had changed, what would that mean? Could he move with the change, adapt to it, or would it destroy him? He wanted to believe that it hadn’t, that it couldn’t change. Yet, the Spider had been so insistent that there was nothing worth going back too. The Horned One had promised that his name would be fully written in his book, because the life that Freddy left behind couldn’t possibly still exist on the other side. He was afraid to know. He was afraid to face it.
However, if that was all true, then why did Grams go through such stakes to see him brought back? Why did she try? If there was nothing left for him, why would she bother? Freddy knew the doubt was trying to keep him here, but his legs were shaking as he stared into the white void before him. 
“Tell me true now, Grams,” He calls through the void, the voice whispering from the mask in Grams' house. “What am I waking up to, out there? I need to know,” 
Emotion chokes his words, his hands growing gaunt in the land of the Fae as his spirit tries to reconnect to his body on its own volition. His feet take him a step closer. Another step, and with agonizing slowness his weight, and strength leave him. Freddy feels his legs shake to support him, feels the life of three years get sucked out of him in one hard pull. He collapses to his knees, and looks to the white doorway with wide, fearful eyes. 
“I just gotta know if this was all worth it,” He sounds on the cusp of defeat, like the next words would surely weigh heavy on his decision to cross over, or stay here. “I gotta know if there’s enough of me there that’s worth coming back too…if all of this was enough…”
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The Stag kneels beside him, watching as his body withers away to nothing more than a gaunt skeleton wrapped in ragged leathers. It’s head tilts to the right, and then slowly rotates to the left, inspecting him with curious eyes. Freddy looks to the great one, and reaches his skeletal hand outward to run his fingers through the feathers upon its face. It was so soft. 
"Freddy..." His name sounded through the doorway with an air of hesitance that she didn't try to hide, and Freddy could hear the way her face scrunched up in a sorrowful wince. "Things have changed since you've been away, I won't lie to you about that. Even a wise old crone like myself can't control the influence of time." 
Freddy heard her sigh, but collected her resolve. "But to ask if there's anythin' worth comin' back to - if these trials and tribulations you've been fightin' through have been worth it, all I can say is yes. It's worth it because you are worth it, dear boy. You deserve a life lived freely, to feel the sun shine on your face and the grass at your fingertips. Do not stay in that dark place, surrounded by death and decay - you do not belong there." 
A pause, and he could feel her hand squeezing his own like she was truly there in front of him. 
"You know this, as well as I."
Freddy looked at the Stag for one final time, his fingers still lightly caressing those soft feathers. Tears slipped silently down his cheeks, and he closed his eyes to try and stop them. Everything had changed, he knew this, but Deirdre was right: there was still a life worth living on the other side. 
“Don’t be afraid, Freddy,” He heard his mother whisper. 
“You’re a bear now, boy. You face what stands in your way, and you do not back down.” Thomas murmurs on the breeze. 
“See? I told you that wasn’t so bad, Freds.” Lydia laughs softly in his ears. 
When Freddy opened his eyes again, all he saw was the familiar wood of Deirdre's roof. 
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Not so Strange or Unusual Part 2
Thank you for liking my work! It’s awesome that people actually enjoy it. I really want to write everyone in character. If you think you can help me do that, message me please! LYDIAS POV
Why, why, why did he have to show up now of all time’s?!?! I was just getting use to someone looking at me without pity or concern or judgement in their eyes, and now my best friend thought I was going crazy! Y/n caught me staring at Beetlejuice when he literally popped into existence behind her. And just now when we were arguing outside her room!
I banged my head into the kitchen wall. “That’s not a good look babes,” a voice said behind me. I whirled around and jabbed my finger into his chest. “This is all your fault! You can’t just pop in and screw with my life.”
Beetlejuice, my personal pain in the ass, just grinned at me. “It’s not you I want to screw. And if Y/n’s dream is any indication, she wants the Ghost with the Most bad.” He spread his arms as if to show why anyone with eyes would want him. I glared at him, not amused. Then what he said clicked,
“You went in her dreams? You TALKED to her? Since when can you do that?” I was trying not to raise my voice any louder in fear of waking up my friend again. Beetlejuice had the nerve to look smug. “Since always Lyds. Dreams and nightmare are easy for a demon like moi to control.”
I had to stop him from going near her again. I couldn’t lose the best friend I’ve ever had to the weird that is my life. “How do you know if Y/n’s flirting was real then? You could’ve been getting the reaction you wanted from her if you controlled her dream?” I asked the first thing that came to mind. I was trying to make him doubt my best friend’s mutual flirting. I’ve seen Y/n playfully flirt with people she knew were comfortable her doing so. It was so natural to her sometimes she didn’t know she was doing it until I said something.
Beetlejuice scowled and his hair turned a little red at the tips. I just didn’t know if he was angry at me or the doubt I had planted. He disappeared in a puff of white smoke. I just hoped he’d stay away for the rest of my break. I’d gladly entertain him another time. A part of me knew he was probably plotting somewhere, scheming a way to make me say his name. I had to climb the stairs and get to my room quietly in case Y/n had gone back to sleep.
Burying my head in pillow, I let loose a scream. I should have known he would be trouble. He’s been gone for a year to continue the hunt for his dad and now he pops back into my life like he never left. Literally.
A poof of white smoke, and Beej was leaning on the mantle. “I’d love to see that. Girl on girl is hot! Especially that one. Your taste is almost as good as mine babes.” Beetlejuice drunk in the sight of Y/n like a man who had be denied for his whole life.
Then Barbara shook me awake to tell me he was in her room. Adam had somehow pulled him away from standing over her bed and lead him to the hall. What a creep! Beetlejuice had the nerve to ask us what we were doing, interfering with ‘foreplay’. Ew.
“Y/n is off limits Beetlejuice! She is the one person who treats me like a normal human being at school,” I told him angrily.
“Just say my name babes, and I’ll happily explain everything to her. You can have your friend, and I’ll get someone to really play with, if you know what I mean,” He had the audacity to wink!
“I don’t care if hell freezes over, I won’t say it!” Then her door flew open. Adam and Barbara went still with shock beside me. “You okay Deetz? Anything I can do for you?” Beetlejuice chuckled like she addressed him instead, “Oh babes, there are so many things you do for me. More importantly to me.”
I honestly don’t know what I said to her, I just wanted her to go back to shut the door.
I looked on my nightstand at the picture of my mom dressed as Edgar Allan Poe’s ghost. She’d know how to handle this mess. I always calmed down looking at picture. just then there was a knock at my door. The Maitlands peeked in. They’ve gotten better at interacting with the physical world over the years. 
“Are you okay, Lydia?” Barbara asked gently. I wanted to scream no I wasn’t and cry in frustration. Beetlejuice was being selfish as usual and getting everyone wrapped up in his mess again. Adam came over and wrapped me in a cool feather’s touch embrace. They would’ve made good parents if they lived to have kids. 
“I’ll be fine. This isn’t the first time that demon has messed with me. It won’t be the last. I just have to outsmart him again,” I told them. God, I hope sounded more reassuring than I felt. 
“We’ll help in anyway can. Just get some rest now,” Barbara touched my head and I felt a wave of calm come over me. Sleep was overcoming my panic. Before passing out, I prayed to whatever deity oversaw the Netherworld to keep Beetlejuice away from my friend.
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fanficimagery · 6 years
Imagine celebrating New Year's Eve with the Pack and someone makes their feelings known for you when they realize you're unattached.
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Peter X Reader
Arms full of supplies for the New Year's Eve gathering you and the Pack are having at Derek's, you enter the loft with a skip in your step.
"Feliz Navid, bitches. Momma's back." Several heads snap in your direction- each and every one of them yelling back a greeting in response. From his spot perched on a metal table, you grin at Isaac. "Hey, Lahey. Be a sweetheart and go grab everyone's gifts from the trunk of my car?" He hops off the table and you toss him your keys. "Thanks, puppy."
He ducks his head as he passes you and Lydia chuckles as she makes her way towards you. "Are you ever going to stop calling him puppy?" She asks while briefly hugging you.
"Never. He might be a vicious werewolf when the occasion calls for it, but other than that he's perfectly docile and adorable."
She rolls her eyes, but the corner of her lips twitch. "Whatever you say." You hum back and then she eyes the small ice chests you're carrying in each hand. "What's in those?"
Smirking, you hold up the red ice chest at eye level. "In the red we have jello shots for the weres and in the blue," you say as you hold up the other one, "are jello shots for the humans."
"Did you say jello shots?" Stiles comes up, eyes sparkling as he takes hold of the blue ice chest and holds it to his chest as if it's something precious. "Last time you made jello shots we got into a lot of trouble. Are you sure the boyfriend is okay with this?"
Your heart practically skips a beat at the mention of a boyfriend, and you slightly narrow your eyes at Derek who raises an eyebrow in response. "The boyfriend can't be mad if there is no boyfriend," you mumble. Lydia and Stiles' smiles falter, and you roll your eyes. "Relax. I'm the one who broke it off. I'm good."
"Well in that case, darling, let me go ahead and take these and put them in the fridge." Peter comes up from behind you and takes the ice chest from you before taking the other from Stiles. As he passes you, he winks and you chuckle as he heads for the kitchen.
Stiles grumbles and follows after the werewolf, and Lydia sidles up to your side. "You sure you're okay?"
"Yeah. I'm perfectly happy with my decision."
"Good. He was a slob anyway. You could do so much better." You snort and nudge her with your shoulder. "I'm serious," she muses quietly. "And now that everyone here knows you're single, Peter will not leave you alone tonight."
You groan. "Not this again. Peter is.. Peter. You're reaching, Lyds."
"I'm really not, but if you wish to remain oblivious then please be my guest."
"Thank you."
Isaac soon returns with Scott and Malia in tow.
"Who gets what?" Isaac asks.
"Lydia and Malia get the rum-filled chocolates, plus the gift cards to Starbucks."
Malia's eyes subtly widen. "You got me something?"
"Duh. You're Pack, silly."
Malia, the one member of the Pack who rarely let her guard down even after you were let in on the big secret, flashes you a small grin. Lydia passes her, her gifts and she eagerly opens the box of chocolates to snack on.
"Peter and Derek get the bourbon bottles, plus the big wrapped rectangles. And you, Scott, and Stiles get the rest of the bourbon bottles, plus the rest of the gift cards to Starbucks as well. Enjoy!"
Seeing as Isaac had passed Derek the two large wrapped gifts, plus two bags that hold a bottle of bourbon each, you excuse yourself from everyone as you follow after Derek who has gone to seek his Uncle. "Hey, Hale, wait up." He waits for you and smiles when you sidle up to his side. "I, uh, I kind of want to be there when you and Peter open your gifts. They're kind of.. personal and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, to me it would seem like a good thing, but you never know."
"Y/N?" Derek muses, smirking. "You're babbling."
"I'm sorry. I'm just.. really excited. I hope you like your gifts."
In the kitchen, Peter is leaning against the counter with two empty jello containers beside him and a smug smile plastered across his face. "I haven't gotten a gift in a long while. I'm pleased you thought of me."
"Well with the way you wear those v-necks it's kind of hard not to think of you," you mumble. Derek snorts and you tense, red blossoming across your cheekbones. Glancing at the younger werewolf, you elbow him. "Just shut up and give Peter his gift so you can open them together."
Derek does as he's told before setting their liquor aside and together they rip the wrapping paper off the front. You hold your breath as the two Hale's blink down at the portraits in hand and your heart starts to pick up speed the longer they remain quiet.
But when Derek meets your gaze and you see the tears swimming there, and the faint smile curling his lips, you sigh in relief. "Where did you find this picture?"
You shrug. "As you know, I flew across country to spend Christmas with my grandparents. Apparently before they moved, they were really good friends with your grandparents. Nana was going down memory lane and I found that picture of your family in a box. Immediately I had it taken to the store and blown up so you could hang it somewhere or whatever."
"I remember this day," Peter suddenly murmurs. "We were celebrating Laura's eighth birthday and since we can't look at a camera head on, your Nana went around snapping candids so our eyes wouldn't flare." He finally glances up and your throat tightens up as you witness the once psychotic werewolf with a teary gaze of his own. "Thank you."
"It was no problem."
Derek's the first to move, he wrapping you in a one-armed hug as he kisses your temple. "Really, thank you. You don't know how much this means to me. I don't have any photos of them."
Your bottom lip trembles as you glance up at him. "You're welcome, Der. Now go hang it somewhere before you make me cry." He chuckles deeply before leaving and before you can even exhale, Peter's embracing you tightly. Barely managing to move your arms, you wrap your arms around his waist. "Seriously, you guys are going to make me cry," you chuckle wetly.
Peter's chest rumbles and you inhale sharply as he rubs his cheek to the opposite temple that Derek hadn't touched. The Hales.. they're scent marking you. "You truly have no idea how much this means to us, do you?"
"Uhh.. umm," you gulp. "I might have an idea."
Peter chuckles as he pulls away, he smiling softly down at you. "You truly are a magnificent woman."
Your eyes widen since your tongue seems to fail you, and his smile transforms into a smirk the longer you remain quiet.
"Ahem. I'm not interrupting, am I?"
Glancing towards the kitchen door, Lydia is smiling far too innocently.
"Not at all, Miss Martin. I was merely thanking Y/N for her gift." Peter gently caresses your jawline with his fingers before he really steps away, he then grabbing his portrait and leaving the room.
"He totally wants to bone you."
"I second that," Stiles says, leaning around the corner. "And if his gift is the same as Derek's, he's going to wanna bone you ten times worse. Or woo you. Either or, you're in for some major wolfy hanky-panky courtesy of Peter Hale."
You groan as Lydia chokes on a laugh. "I hate you both. Go away."
"Whatever you say, Y/N," Lydia teases you. "But don't act so shocked when Peter steals a kiss at midnight and you wind up in his bed."
Stiles snickers as you stomp passed them, exiting the kitchen. "Scott!" You bellow. "Lydia and Stiles are being assholes."
But instead of Scott taking your side, you find him sheepishly smiling. "Well, they're not wrong. Have you really not noticed how much nicer he is to you?” You start to glare at the Alpha, but only end up gaping as he continues talking. “Why do you think you two are always paired up? He's much more agreeable when you're around."
"I- but- what?" Scott nervously chuckles and you exhale loudly. "Not you too! That's it. I'm going to stick to Malia's side. At lease I won't have to hear about boning from her." As you glance at Malia, the girl in question raises an eyebrow in response. But when she goes to retort, you point at her threateningly. "Not a word, Tate. Not. A. Word."
The pack all laugh as you plop down in a vacated sofa chair, you then making yourself as small as possible when Peter returns to the room. With the clothing he wears and how it shows off every rippling muscle on his werewolf body, you know you're completely fucked. Especially when he steals a glance at you as he sits across the room, his gaze darting up and down as his expression turns thoughtful. You shift in your seat and he slowly smirks.
Yep. Utterly and totally fucked.
Despite all the alcohol floating around, you only partake in a few jello shots and nurse a couple of mixed drinks. The party is later taken to the rooftop and you immediately make a beeline to the small portable chimney that has a lit fire on the inside for the humans to keep warm.
You watch as Stiles and Isaac duel with Roman Candles, ducking out of the way every now and then when they flail with the fireworks still in hand. Malia and Scott soon pair off, followed by Lydia and Deputy Parrish when he finally arrives. Derek eventually focuses on keeping an eye on Stiles and Isaac to make sure neither of them fall off the roof, and you remain huddled by the fire.
Someone sits next to you and you immediately cuddle into the warm body when their arm is wrapped around your shoulders. "Whatcha up to, Peter? Not having fun with the other puppies?"
"I'm right where I want to be."
"Mmm. Is that so?"
"Yes." Peter smirks as he keeps his eyes on the dancing fire and you huff in response. "I didn't say it earlier," he then murmurs, "but I am sorry about the failure of your relationship."
Snorting, you shake your head where it lays on his shoulder. "No you're not. Everyone hated James. Especially you. You'd taken to snarling when he did something you didn't particularly care for."
"Well he was a bum, darling. You worked your pretty little ass off to make ends meet and what did James do? He sat on your couch and played video games."
"And that's the exact reason why we broke up a couple weeks ago."
"Mhm. It was pretty ugly," you admit. "I'm surprised Stiles didn't find out and tell the pack since I had to call in the Sheriff."
Peter growls. "Did he hurt you?"
"No. He just shouted and threatened, and then tried to make off with items that didn't belong to him. Stilinski set him straight and kicked him out of my apartment for me. I was kind of embarrassed about it all, but I got over it. I just needed to find my groove again."
"And now you're here getting trashed with the puppies."
Chuckling, you nudge Peter. "Am not. I'm totally in control of all my.. whatever. I'm just cold and sleepy and waiting until we can all go inside. I totally plan on bribing you out of the guest bedroom so I have some place to sleep tonight."
"Sweetheart, if you want to share my bed-"
You and Peter both laugh at the quickness of your answer, and soon enough the both of you then fall quiet. The Pack rowdily start a countdown and Peter pulls you up as he leads you over to the ledge of the building. Stiles and Scott are a little too cheerful with their countdown, and you smile as Malia manhandles her boyfriend into paying attention to her when they near one.
Fireworks sound off in the distance as midnight strikes, the sky lighting up in various colors and sparkles. Closing your eyes, you inhale and then exhale deeply as the year starts anew.
"Hmm.." You glance up at Peter and your breath catches when you see the heat in his eyes as he stares at you.
"Happy New Year."
"Happy-" The rest of your words are cut off as Peter presses his lips to yours. Momentarily frozen, you're then brought out of your stupor when his hands gently cradle your face.
Despite the hardness of Peter's body and his reputation within the Pack, he's gentle with you. Your eyes then close as you finally return his kiss, your fingers hooking into the belt loops of his jeans as you lose yourself in him when he boldly deepens the kiss.
You jerk back in surprise just as you had taken Peter's bottom lip between your teeth and he growls as his own tongue soothes the sting you’d left behind. But knowing Peter, the growl is more for the interruption rather than the maybe painful nip.
"..what?" You mumble, glancing around until your attention lands on the one person paying you any attention.
"I told you Peter had a thing for you and you didn't believe me," Lydia muses.
Sighing, you roll your eyes. But before you can blurt some excuse, the knowing look in Lydia's eyes and the way Peter is practically purring has you realizing the truth. Utterly and totally fucked indeed.
"Well?" Lydia then grins. "Are you going to keep denying it?"
"Nah. I rather spend my time riding this werewolf's dick than making excuses and sleeping alone." You bluntly state while gesturing to Peter.
Lydia cackles and Peter somehow ends up behind you, his hands gripping your hips as he tugs you back into his body. With his mouth near your ear, you shiver as he says, "Promises, promises."
And feeling more bold than you have had ever felt in your life, you press back into his groin while smugly grinning over your shoulder. "What do you say we start off this new year with a bang, Hale?"
"I'd say it's about damn time. Lets get out of here."
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mordellestories · 6 years
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Neither Here Nor There
Excerpt from Chapter 6. Face to Face
It was lucky she was small, ripping the veil any more would likely endanger the entire perimeter. He wasn't so sure he hadn't already done it some permanent damage.
It started off well enough. She managed to get an arm and a leg out before toppling over. He was still holding her hand when in trying to keep her balance, she bunny hopped on one leg and rammed her head into his gut falling to her knees.
She stayed there stock still for a moment, hand in his. Apparently, she had been holding her breath because she let out a long exhale and lifted her head slowly, giving him a full view of her face for the first time in six years. She seemed to be having as much trouble finding what to say as he was. So, he did what he thought would help and cracked a joke at her expense.
"Very graceful, Lyds. I give it a ten outta ten," he rumbled, amused.
She looked at him confused for a moment as if she had expected an entirely different person to be standing before her. He quirked an eyebrow and smirked.
"You know, as much as I like havin' you so close to my balls, we should probably skedaddle. Like, now."
That did it. She jumped up to attention, snatched her hand away, and dusted herself off.
"You're still gross," she muttered.
He laughed and threw an arm around her shoulders. She started to try and squirm out of his embrace, but he held on tight and stomped a foot to the ground creating a gaping hole beneath them. Lydia only had a moment to widen her eyes before they began to plummet.
Her screams and Betelgeuse's cackle were cut off as soon as the hole snapped shut.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Extra Credit: Part 7 (Shalaska) – Rosie
A/N: TWO Extra Credit updates in ONE month?? It’s more likely than you think.
I need to give the biggest thank you to Lyd @pianowired for being my beta for this chapter! I really needed a second pair of eyes and she picked up a million typos and flagged my clunky af sentences so I can’t thank her enough!
Summary: University Professor Sharon Needles hooks up with a slamming hot blonde at a bar who may or may not be one of her students.  
Chapter Summary: It’s the fall semester break! Juicy things happen! This chapter is 7.8k words! Come talk to me at my sideblog @aqrosie! Enjoy!
Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six
“So I just stir it like this?” Alaska asked, looking to Sharon for guidance as she mixed their pasta through the boiling water. She was taking her job of making sure the pasta didn’t stick together very seriously.
“Yeah, that’s perfect,” Sharon confirmed, kissing Alaska’s hair before she moved to open the pantry door.
Alaska smiled, a little bit in love with the scene around her. Maybe a little was a huge understatement. They were half way through their fall break together, an entire week of just the two of them. While the thought of a seven-day date in theory should have freaked Alaska out, she had never felt so safe around someone until she met Sharon, or more at home than in her apartment.
The only down side was the week was running away from her at lightning speed.  
Between sleeping together and actually literally sleeping together, they had spent the last few days cuddled up on the couch, showing each their favourite movies while Cerrone purred under their comforting pets. Then there were all the Polaroids.
As Alaska had packed her bag for the break, she had thrown her little baby pink instant camera in at the last minute on a whim. But one night when she wanted to take a selfie with Sharon to capture the moment, her professor had coiled away in fear.
“No,” Sharon said boldly. “Nothing electronic. No proof. No footprint. We can’t afford for this to get out.”
Alaska had agreed immediately, ignoring her heart crushing slightly at the shitty reality of having to be responsible. But hilariously, the situation was salvaged when Sharon scoffed and said “I mean if we had a Polaroid camera or something not digital we could try but—“
She stopped talking when Alaska really did pull out a Polaroid camera, looking like a smug Mary Poppins as she did so.
“Bullshit!” Sharon exclaimed in astonishment, completely missing the youthful resurrection of the retro gadget in recent years due to her age.
They had spent the rest of the night taking cute photos together, first a nice smiley one, then one of Sharon kissing Alaska’s cheek, then a candid laughing one which has become Alaska’s favourite. In it Sharon’s throwing her head back and Alaska’s face is tilting out of the frame as she cackled. Then they took photos of each other, a couple silly ones and a couple caught off guard, which look amusingly ‘indie’ and ‘poetic’. That became one of their favourite nights together so far. Sharon loved every part of it; how they bonded, how the sound of the film being processed brought her way back in the best possible way, how they could let loose, how they now had little mementos of themselves to physically hold onto. Alaska loved it too, but mainly because of Sharon. Seeing her face light up at the whole process was heartwarming, and she loved every minute of it.
Eventually they had run out of film, and while it was on the shopping list to buy more, the bunch of polaroids they had were now dotted around the apartment. Sharon had one on her bedside table and another placed in the frame of her vanity mirror. There were a series of three on the fridge, and when Alaska went into the office to grab a pen, she noticed a candid one of herself on Sharon’s desk too, propped up against the stand of her sleek desktop Mac.
Alaska had her own collection going, but she knew when she got back to the dorm she wouldn’t be able to proudly decorate her room with them. She kept her collection in a clean sock, a hair tie keeping them bundled together. She tucked them away in her bag, out of sight, as if they were more precious than money. Well, not like; they were more precious.
But she kept her favourite shot of them, the laughing one, inside her phone case. She had to pry it apart to get it out to look at it, but every time she did she couldn’t help but smile, as if the happiness felt in that moment was contagious.
“Do you know how to test if pasta is done?” Sharon asked, throwing a tea towel over her shoulder and wrapping a hand around the younger girl’s waist as she supervised Alaska’s oh-so-difficult stirring.
Alaska bit her lip as she smiled, managing to look even more adorable as she shook her head, her high ponytail swinging and her white apron-clad body wiggling slightly as she moved. There was a tiny smear of flour on her cheek from when they made the pasta earlier, and the hand that wasn’t stirring the ladle had a thin layer of dough caked on her fingers, making her stick them out daintily in the air.
A feeling had thudded in Sharon’s heart all afternoon as they made the pasta together from scratch, laughing as Sharon taught Alaska a thing or twenty about cooking. The feeling almost vibrated between the chambers of her heart, bouncing around and growing stronger the more time she spent with Alaska. She knew what it meant, and the feeling wanted to jump up through her throat. But instead she swallowed it back, something telling her the moment wasn’t completely right.
“Don’t you like… squeeze it?” Alaska attempted before laughing at her lack of expertise.
“Mmh, kind of,” Sharon laughed, nudging Alaska’s hand up to bring the ladle full of pasta out of the water before quickly grabbing a strand. “Or you could do this.”
Sharon swiftly threw the wet string of spaghetti against the glass splashback, Alaska watching in shock as it stuck.    
“Oh my god!” Alaska exclaimed, bouncing on her toes. “Can I try?”
“Of course,” Sharon encouraged, taking the ladle from her hand. “Grab a strand, maybe that one hanging there, come on, quickly—“
“I’m trying!” Alaska squealed, her laughter getting in the way of her fingertips grasping at the hot, wet spaghetti. Once she finally pulled a strand loose, she lumped it at the glass surface adjacent to the stove and cackled when it limply fell down.
“Aw, me too, girl,” Alaska drawled, picking up the strand before chucking it into the sink.
“One more try,” Sharon prompted, dunking the spaghetti into the water before bringing it to the surface.
“No…” Alaska whined, “I can’t do it. You make it look so easy.”
“Oh my god Alaska yes you can, throw a damn noodle before we overdo them,” Sharon ordered in mock seriousness, which only served to dissolve Alaska into more giggles.
She shakily pulled another strand from the heap and threw it at the wall, her eyes widening as the noodle stuck proudly to the glass surface before she shrieked.
“Oh my god, I did it!” Alaska lit up, clapping for herself as Sharon cheered.
Sharon’s heart skipped a beat as she watched Alaska, all smiley and overwhelmed with excitement at her little noodle sticking to the wall.
I’m so in love with you, Sharon thought.
“Now take it off the stove,” Sharon said after a moment, the feeling in her heart inflating by the second.
She was so ridiculously in love with Alaska, and the sensation of the realisation almost brought tears to her eyes.  
Alaska didn’t notice the slight shake in her girlfriend’s voice as she concentrated on draining the pasta, the almost blinding steam giving Sharon a moment to rapidly blink away the moisture in her eyes.
“Aw, I’m so proud!” Alaska said as they plated up two beautiful bowls of pasta, complete with delicious red sauce and topped with fresh basil.
“You should be,” Sharon said honestly, refilling their glasses of wine.
Alaska wrapped her arms around Sharon’s waist before looking up at her.
“Thank you so much for teaching me how to make something,” Alaska drawled, her voice dripping with affection. “I love it so much.”
Three words rested on Sharon’s tongue, but as she opened her mouth, they halted, running into each other before collapsing into a heap behind her teeth.
Instead she kissed Alaska, bringing their lips together and communicating what her vocal chords couldn’t yet manage.
Alaska kissed her back, her eyelids fluttering shut as she melted into their embrace, unaware of the unspoken confession rolling off Sharon’s tongue and onto hers.
“I have a date,” Dorothy said.
“With a man?” Blanche asked inquisitively.
“No,” Dorothy replied, ready to deliver another signature zinger.
“With a Venus flytrap,” Alaska said in sync with her favourite character. Even half asleep she could recite every line from her most beloved show.
She giggled softly from her reclined position on Sharon’s couch, her body practically one with the soft cushions as she approached her fourth episode in a row.
It was Friday afternoon, and Sharon had become inundated with emails from colleagues ahead of a Saturday morning faculty meeting to regroup for the remainder of the semester. Alaska craned her neck slightly to see Sharon in the office, stretching her arms above her head before returning to rapidly type away on her keyboard.
Alaska had gone in before, planting another cup of coffee down beside her and another kiss atop her head. Sharon had hugged her and apologised yet again for having to do work during their break together. But Alaska didn’t mind at all. Just being able to chill somewhere peaceful, away from her parents, the campus and any university responsibilities, was a holiday in itself.
Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and Sharon was perched on the coffee table beside her, gently nudging her awake.
“Come on baby,” she said while smiling softly, “have a nap in the bedroom. I know from experience you’re gonna get a sore neck from this couch. Trust me.”
Alaska cleared her throat as the laugh track sounded from the TV, realising she had nodded off. She stubbornly didn’t want to sleep, and was too lazy to leave her sprawled position, but curling up in their sheets did sound awfully inviting. She let Sharon help haul her up from the couch before the older woman wrapped an arm around her waist and turned The Golden Girls off.
Climbing into bed, Alaska snuggled under the covers as Sharon drew the curtains, darkening the room around them. Alaska couldn’t help but sigh as she was enveloped in the delicious embrace of their bedding, the subtle scent of Sharon infused into the sheets swirling around her. Sharon kissed her on the forehead, the both of them enjoying the rare, comforting act of her tucking the other girl in.  
“Nap with me,” Alaska said quietly as Sharon pulled away.
“I have a bit left, I’m almost done…” Sharon considered, before a yawn swallowed the rest of her sentence.  
“Come on, you deserve a break.”
Sharon wasn’t one to argue. She gingerly climbed over Alaska, spooning her on top of the sheets as Alaska curled up underneath them.
“Five minutes,” Sharon told herself, letting her eyelids flutter shut as she hugged Alaska, her arm draping over her waist as her left thigh rested between Alaska’s legs.
The quietest moan escaped Sharon’s lips. It was like being lowered into a hot bath; her muscles relaxed and the tension around her shoulders evaporated. Their breathing synchronised effortlessly, Sharon’s lungs expanding as Alaska exhaled.
A small smile tugged at Alaska’s mouth. Why didn’t they mutually nap more often? In a weird way, Sharon’s gentle waves of breath against her neck and their bodies pressed together felt just as intimate as sex, but in a different way.
In what felt like as close to experiencing an epiphany as Alaska thought she would ever get, something came over her. With her eyes closed, her mind hurtled through time and she found herself envisioning moments like this more often.
Alaska had fantasised about a future with Sharon. This thought process wasn’t new. But instead of picturing how they would decorate their apartment together or frolicking around on the beach in the sun, hand in hand and in public, Alaska was suddenly picturing introducing Sharon to her parents, family roasts on a Sunday, and Christmases together. She was picturing a proper house, a yard, another cat, a dog, a baby. And while it all seemed so far away, what was once a terrifying concept of commitment was now not just something she wanted, but something that felt right.
Oh my god, Alaska realised, I’m so in love with you.
And just like that, her futuristic montage ended. With her body still, she opened her eyes, noticing that they were a little misty. Now out of her thoughts and back in Sharon’s arms, she noticed the deep, even breathing from the other woman, and how heavy her limbs felt pressed against her.
Alaska bit her lip to hold back her smile.
Sharon had fallen asleep, and the precious moment warmed her soul. She suddenly remembered how in Grade 7 she went over to a friend’s house and held their new little kitten in her lap, which promptly fell asleep under her gentle pets.
Alaska closed her eyes as sleep tapped at her eyelids and begged to be welcomed in. Before she allowed herself to slip into unconsciousness, one thought hung in her mind.
I love you, Sharon Needles.
“… and then I bought this Marc Jacobs bronzer,” Courtney rattled off, opening the sleek white compact and extending it towards Alaska, who was sitting cross-legged on her bed opposite her dorm roommate and best friend. “Here, smell it, it smells like coconut!”
Alaska leaned in and took a whiff, smelling a mix of makeup, coconut, and luxury.
“Ugh, stunning,” Alaska commented, thoroughly enjoying Courtney’s fall break makeup haul and living vicariously through her as she pulled out goodies from the black and white Sephora bag, where the price tag was well into the hundreds.
“I think that’s it?” Courtney questioned, frowning at the spread of palettes, highlighters, and lipsticks on her bed. “Oh and that Anastasia gloss I showed you on Snap! But it’s already in my purse.”
“You did well, Court,” Alaska smiled, standing up to finally begin unpacking. Their room was a mess, with the floor covered in clothes and their beds covered in everything else – including makeup, snacks, books, and even a kettle Courtney had brought from home.
“I still can’t believe you did zero shopping on the break,” Courtney shook her head, “I thought your splurge was going to rival mine!”
Alaska laughed and shrugged her shoulders vaguely, knowing her at times aloof personality would excuse her lack of details.
“Oh, you know,” Alaska rambled, hanging one creased T-shirt onto a hanger and laying back down after her hard work, “I just hung out with the fam, baked a lot with mom, cuddled little Poundcake.”
“Aw,” Courtney said, swatching a gold eyeshadow on the back of her hand. “Yeah I saw those cookies on Snap.”
“Oh yeah!” Alaska forgot she sent Courtney pre-planned photos to cover her tracks.
God I’m good, she thought smugly, picking up her phone to open Instagram.
“I just don’t get how you say you were home, when you were actually here in Pittsburgh.”
Alaska froze.
From her peripheral vision she saw Courtney lift her head to look at her best friend.
“What?” Alaska croaked, the word barely making it out through her tight throat.
She could just feel how scared her face looked. Her cheeks turned hot and the dorm bedroom began to spin slightly.
How did Courtney know?
“I saw on Snap Map,” Courtney revealed, reading her mind.
Alaska closed her eyes. She was so fucking stupid. It never crossed her mind to turn off her location on the app. It didn’t matter how savvy she thought she was, or how many photos she staged. She had fucked up her entire plan.  
“So… where actually were you?” Courtney asked quietly. She swatched another shade on her hand.
For a fleeting moment Alaska considered lying to one of her closest friends. Saying it was a glitch, accuse her of being crazy, but she couldn’t. They both knew it wasn’t a glitch. And there was something in Courtney’s voice, the hushed vulnerability, that made Alaska realise there was more to this than she first realised.
“I just—!“ Courtney said abruptly, taking Alaska’s silence as a moment to open up, before regretting it but continuing away, desperate to get her bottled up thoughts out. She kept looking down at her hand. “I just, I don’t know what’s going on with you lately. Well I think I do, but I don’t. But I know that you haven’t been as close with me, like ever since the semester started you’ve been weird and distant and I feel terrible for saying that because what if you’re going through shit I don’t know about? But then I think, you’ve always told me if you’re going through shit, so why am I so in the dark? And—“
“Courtney,” Alaska stood to interrupt her frantic friend, watching as she wound herself up and rapidly blended the gold shadow into her hand.
Courtney finally paused and took in a deep breath.
With wide eyes she looked up at Alaska standing above her, the both of them a little taken aback at her outpour. And suddenly the two of them couldn’t stop laughing. Alaska literally doubled over, grabbing her knees for support as she cackled, while Courtney couldn’t help but roll onto her side as she shrieked, before moving when she realised she was on top of her expensive makeup.
While some tension still lingered in the room, the majority of it evaporated when Alaska sat down next to Courtney and wrapped her arms around her.
“I’m sorry,” Alaska started.  
“No, I’m sorry,” Courtney had to apologise. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“No,” Alaska shook her head. She needed to come clean. She had been so wrapped up in herself and Sharon that she had forgotten other people, their emotions, actions and relationships with her, still existed. “You’re right. I’ve been shady as fuck recently.”
“Why?” Courtney asked, and Alaska wanted to rest her head on her shoulder when she heard the concern in her voice. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh yeah,” Alaska assured her. “Things are great, it’s just…” Alaska didn’t even know where to begin.
“Are you… in a relationship?” Courtney asked outright, taking Alaska off guard.
“Is it that obvious?” Alaska drawled. She was going to be in so much shit with Sharon, but she was trying to not think about it.
“Well, you’ve had a surge of hickies on your neck in recent weeks so it wasn’t too far-fetched of a guess. But aww!” Courtney squealed, wrapping her arms around Alaska. “That’s wonderful! With who? What’s their name? From uni? Do I know them? Oh my god, tell me it’s not Derrick—“
“It’s not Derrick,” Alaska said immediately, making them both laugh.
“Then who is it?” Courtney asked.
Alaska squeezed her lips together, as if she was trying to stop herself from throwing up. Maybe she was.
“I don’t want to say yet…” Alaska eventually said. “I don’t know! We’re just like, not official yet, you know? It’s still really early days… and I don’t want to make a big deal in case things don’t actually end up working out with her.”
“Oh, her!” Courtney sighed, her smile beaming and her eyes soft.
Alaska couldn’t help but smile, and when she did, she couldn’t stop. They laughed again, and Courtney literally shook Alaska’s shoulders.
“Look at you!” Courtney gushed. “You’re glowing! She’s in love!”
Alaska covered her face with her hands before pulling away and shrieking with joy. It felt so liberating to have Courtney know, and to share in what she was feeling. She was in love, and she couldn’t bring herself to deny it.
“So is that who you stayed with during the break?”
“Yeah,” Alaska said, wondering how much she could reveal without revealing it all.
“Wow, I mean that’s great your parents let you stay with her, even though it’s only early days.”
Alaska murmured in agreement.  
“Oh my god, they don’t know,” Courtney concluded, reading Alaska like a book.
“No, they don’t, and you can’t tell them—“
“Like I would tell them!” Courtney exclaimed. “I’m not a mole.“
“Fuck awf, ya dog arsed mole,” they both said in unison, quoting an iconic Courtney line she slurred while drunk at a handsy frat boy during one of their campus parties back in first year.
“Aw, I feel like the old you is back,” Courtney thought, going back to her makeup as Alaska stood up and picked another shirt up from the floor. “Not that I don’t enjoy loved-up Alaska, but loved up Alaska is a sneaky snake.”
“I’m sorry for not being honest with you, I didn’t realise how shit it looked on my end.”
“No, it’s okay! I can see why you’d want to keep it quiet at the start,” Courtney agreed. “I felt bad for bringing it up, but when I saw snaps from you at home but it said you were still here, I just had to mention it. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“No, don’t feel bad, I would have done the same,” Alaska said. In fact, Alaska would have mentioned it much earlier if she suspected one of her friends was attempting to pull a fast one and conceal a hidden romance.
“So we’re good?” Courtney asked.
“We’re great,” Alaska smiled, walking the short distance from her closet to hug Courtney.
“Right, I need to wash my hair,” Courtney announced, grabbing her towel and toiletries bag. “Gotta look stunning for 8am tomorrow.“
“Ugh,” Alaska whined, not ready for Monday. “I forgot tomorrow was an 8am start.”
“Yep,” Courtney said, double-checking their timetables sticky taped on the back of their door on her way out. “Bright and early tomorrow at 8am, Strategic Marketing with Professor Sharon Needles.”
Alaska forced herself not to laugh and instead turned to face her wardrobe as Courtney left the room, only to return seconds later.
“Forgot my damn shower sandals,” she added, rummaging around her wardrobe. “Oh, and there’s no rush, but I’d love to meet your mystery woman! Bring her out to drinks when it’s right! I’m sure she’ll fit right in with the gang!”
“Aw,” Alaska nodded, holding back a laugh at the thought of Sharon clinking drink with her friends at the uni bar while Courtney took an oh so original Boomerang. “Thanks, Court.”
Courtney left again, and it was only when the door finally shut and she didn’t immediately return for another forgotten item did Alaska let herself collapse on her bed. She had so much to tell Sharon, but just like the revision quiz was she meant to be studying for, that problem could wait for tomorrow.
“Honey, I’m home!” Sharon announced as she closed her apartment door behind her upon spotting Alaska pottering around in the open plan kitchen.
“Sweetie!” Alaska replied, both of them laughing at the stereotypical sitcom trope.
“How’s my baby?” Sharon asked softly after pecking Alaska on the lips.
“Good,” Alaska smiled, busying herself by wiping down a mug that was already dry.
She swallowed dryly, attempting to calm her nerves as Sharon kicked off her heels and made herself comfortable, knowing her bombshell was only going to cause tension.
“Fuck, that 8am was a killer, but we had a pretty decent turn out. And people actually laughed at my jokes!” Sharon exclaimed, rinsing her coffee Keep Cup in the sink. “What a win!”
“I always laugh at your jokes,” Alaska smiled, wrapping her arms around her waist from behind. “They’re funny.”
“Aw, I know you do, I see you sitting there in the front row smiling down at your laptop,” Sharon cooed. “Also I’m really craving pumpkin risotto tonight so I hope you are too.”
“Sounds delish,” Alaska drawled, distracted. She was trying to find the perfect moment to tell Sharon, but she knew she just had to get the words out.
“I’m gonna get started on it now so we can have an early dinner and you can get back to the dorm in good time,” Sharon planned, pulling out pots and pans.
“Sounds good,” Alaska replied, opening the fridge and helping bring out ingredients, deciding then and there to break the news when Sharon was warm, well-fed and happy on wine.  
Almost an hour later, the moment arrived. They were cuddled on the couch, their dirty dinner dishes forgotten in the sink and their wine glasses running low on the coffee table.  Sharon’s lips were against her neck as her hand massaged Alaska, under her skirt but over her underwear.
It was slow and sensual, relaxing and comforting, everything they both normally loved, especially as a way to unwind after a Monday.
But Alaska couldn’t relax.
What she didn’t know, however, was that Sharon could sense it too.
“What’s on your mind, love?” Sharon asked gently, pulling back as she moved her hand to rest on Alaska’s waist.
“What?” Alaska said in surprise. “Nothing."
“Okay,” Sharon said uncertainly. “You sure? You’re just… a little tense.”
It was almost comical the way they watched Alaska’s body suddenly sag as she forced herself to relax.
“We can stop,” Sharon said, wide eyed as she moved her hands from Alaska. “Like if you’re not comfortable I totally understand and we can stop—“
“No, Sharon, baby, that’s not it, I promise” Alaska reassured her, her heart warming at Sharon being so considerate. “It’s not you.”
Sharon nodded, sensing Alaska was genuine.
“Then what?”
It was now or never.
“In… a series of events…” Alaska started, not knowing how to phrase it. “Courtney found out.”
Alaska knew this was going to be hard, but she wasn’t prepared.
Sharon sat frozen, before she ripped her hands from Alaska and stood up quickly, pacing the room before Alaska could get a second word in.  
“How does she know? What the fuck. Who told her? Did you tell her? Who else knows? Oh my fucking god—“
“Sharon I didn’t tell her!” Alaska had to interrupt, quickly standing up to match Sharon’s height, and to shake her shoulders if need be. “I would never tell her!”
“But she knows about us!?” Sharon exclaimed, whipping around to face Alaska. Her blue eyes were already brimming with moisture, and the sharp spike in emotion wasn’t something Alaska expected.
“No! Only that I’m seeing someone!” Alaska exclaimed back, moving to touch Sharon, who only shrugged her embrace away. Alaska fiddled with her hands instead, noticing how Sharon’s were shaking in response.
“Fuck me,” Sharon sighed, her shoulders slumping in relief as the situation became clearer, “you really should have fucking led with that information.”
Alaska nodded, knowing she had screwed up the delivery. She was just so nervous and overwhelmed that she had momentarily forgotten a key detail.
They stood in silence, Alaska waiting for Sharon to ask the questions, which she did.  
“Does she have any idea at all that it’s me?” Sharon asked, her hands on her hips as she stood in her office clothes, looking like she was in the middle of a high stress meeting.
“No, not at all,” Alaska answered. “She told me she hoped it wasn’t Derrick.”
Sharon made a face.
“Does anyone else know you’re in a relationship?”
“No,” Alaska answered. “But Courtney might talk… but she’s very loyal! …But was also very excited.”
“I don’t want your little friends to try and bust this case wide open,” Sharon ran her hands through her hair, pulling at her roots before dropping them completely and smacking her pencil skirt in the process.
“I can make Courtney promise not to tell,” Alaska attempted, not even taking offense to the ‘little friends’ jab. Alaska knew how immature they probably came across to Sharon, and she wasn’t about to start another argument.
“Yeah well fuckin’… college girl promises might not be kept.”
There was more silence, and Alaska bit her lip, looking at a still Sharon who stared at the ground, practically hearing the gears turning in her head.
“How did she find out, anyway?” Sharon questioned.
Fuck, Alaska thought.
“I… um, there’s this feature… on Snapchat, where they use your GPS location… and everyone is on this big map,” Alaska explained, looking at the floor instead of matching Sharon’s erratic gaze. “And… over the break I was sending Courtney photos of my mom’s baking and my little cat, saying I was back home.”
Alaska ignored her the shake in her voice. She was so fucking scared to tell Sharon.
“But… I forgot to turn my location off, so Courtney saw I was still here in Pittsburg—"
She heard Sharon inhale sharply.
“… And she asked me why I lied, and then guessed I was seeing someone… so now she knows.”
Alaska didn’t lift her head to see the look on Sharon’s face. She couldn’t. But before she could even respond, Sharon left. Alaska watched as her feet walked away, down the hallway, before she heard the sound of their bedroom door close.
She found a small comfort in the fact that Sharon didn’t slam it shut.  
Standing there, Alaska cried, letting the tears she had held back all night finally fall. She waited, straining to hear any sound come from Sharon’s room, or to see her re-emerge. But there was nothing.  
She knew she had fucked up, she knew this was her fault. But it felt like her heart was being crushed. This was their first ever fight, or conflict, at least. She wished for nothing more than to be back on the couch with Sharon, their bodies intertwined as they kissed.
Alaska paced around, not knowing what to do with herself now that she had calmed down. It was only just past 7pm, and she had told her dorm supervisor she would be back right before their 9pm cut off after ‘visiting her grandma, who happens to live in the area’.
She wrung her hands, not wanting to knock on Sharon’s door just yet. To distract herself, she did the dishes, the hot water softening her skin and soothing her senses. But as she stacked dishes, she smelt the faint scent of smoke. Suddenly on edge, Alaska looked around, inspecting the oven, toaster and microwave and wondering if anything was burning. But they were all empty.
She walked into the living room, sniffing the air and trying to hunt down the source. It was coming from outside, so she immediately suspected a forest fire, or perhaps someone getting too keen with their chimney.  
Opening the sliding glass door, she stepped onto the dark balcony before jumping back.
“Oh, sorry!” Alaska exclaimed upon seeing Sharon leaning against the railing, a lit cigarette perched between her fingertips as her silvery blonde hair blew gently in the night breeze.
Sharon jumped too, the interruption ripping her from her deep train of thought. She almost knocked her orange Halloween-themed glass ashtray off the railing in the process, but thankfully grabbed it just in time.  
“Oh my god, you spooked me,” Sharon whispered, clutching her chest and taking a drag.
“I thought you were unspookable,” Alaska said, standing in the doorway.
She noticed Sharon had entered the balcony from her bedroom’s glass door, which explained the silence.  
“I’ll go,” Alaska said. But she didn’t go. Instead, they stood there, the traffic from the ground filling the silence.
Alaska spoke again. “I didn’t know you smoked.”
“It’s a filthy habit, it’s gross, I’m really trying to quit,” Sharon explained quickly, hovering her hand around the ashtray as if to show she was about to stub it out.
“I’ll stop in a sec,” she instead said coyly, taking one last, long drag. “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to get the smoke in. I know how gross it smells.”
Alaska was surprised at how apologetic Sharon was, and even more surprised at how she assumed Alaska was so against smoking. Which, on second thought, she was. But there was something so seductive about the way the embers from the lit end flickered in Sharon’s blue eyes, and how the smoke trailed up from her parted red lips.
“Oh, no,” Alaska stammered, physically shaking her head out of her trance. “I actually kind of like the smell of cigarettes.”
Sharon cocked her head to the side, smiling before stubbing it out.
“It’s like, comforting,” Alaska said bashfully, stepping out and joining Sharon now that the tension was gone.
Sharon felt a pang in her heart when she realised Alaska’s eyes were red-rimmed, and that her reaction had caused her pain.
She wrapped her arms around the younger girl to hold her, squeezing her as she felt Alaska squeeze back.
“I’m so sorry,” Sharon apologised, her words muffled as she spoke into Alaska’s hair.
“No, I’m sorry,” Alaska said, tilting her head up and looking at Sharon. “It was my mistake, I fucked up.”
“But I blew up.”
“Only because I screwed up again and didn’t tell you Courtney doesn’t know it’s you.”
They stood together, their arms wrapped around each other until they finally broke apart. Alaska lowered herself down on the two-person outdoor loveseat just behind them, and Sharon joined her.
“I just freaked the fuck out,” Sharon sighed.
“But like, rightly so,” Alaska replied, lacing her fingers with Sharon’s.
“It’s just,” Sharon started, “I know it’s only Courtney, but the more people who know, the more chance there is of this getting out, and if this gets out, everything will be ruined and I might not get to see you anymore and I know we’re both adults but we both knew the consequences of this and someone else knowing just makes this all so real and—“
“Sharon,” Alaska tried to interrupt.
“No, let me finish,” Sharon said, her heart pounding as the words poured out of her. “It’s all just hitting me now how real this all is and I’ve always cared about you and loved you but I need to tell you now that I’m so fucking in love with you, you have no idea, and the thought of losing you is my biggest fear. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I’ll be damned if I don’t get to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Alaska was silent, watching as Sharon finally took a deep breath. Realising her outpouring of emotions was over, Alaska’s face broke into a smile, which practically lit up the night sky.
“You love me?” Alaska whispered.
“So much,” Sharon whispered back, their lips centimetres apart.
“I love you too,” Alaska announced. “I’ve loved you for what feels like forever, and I know that sounds cheesy as fuck but lately I haven’t been able to imagine my life with anyone else. I wish we could go out and have brunch and take photos of it like Ivy and Jinkx, or go to museums and take photos of each other looking at art like Shea and Sasha, but I care so much more about you and us and our relationship, that having it get out isn’t what I want either. I just want you. I love you, Sharon, so much."
Sharon’s heart melted, and it was only when she blinked and her vision warped did she realise she had tears in her eyes.
Their lips met, passion exploding from their hearts and communicating so much more than what words could. Alaska’s fingers tangled in Sharon’s hair as Sharon’s tongue lapped against hers, a smokey aftertaste underpinning their embrace. They stayed like that on the balcony until they couldn’t anymore, Sharon’s arm wrapped around Alaska as they shared kisses and looked up at the stars, their hearts so full of love that they felt like they could ascend into the galaxy above them and shine together. While Courtney knowing of a relationship changed things, it only made their actions more secretive, their time together more precious, and their feelings for each other more raw and powerful. Sharon looked to the stars, knowing as long as no one else knew, things were going to be okay.
“So, when am I meeting your girlfriend?” Willam asked offhandedly, unassumedly picking up the soy sauce bottle as she eyed her colleague and closest friend
The avocado sushi grasped between Sharon’s wooden chopsticks fell to her plate as she stared wide eyed at Willam across the small table, her whole body frozen as the sushi train continued to politely glide around them.
“How do you know?” Sharon breathed.
“Oh my god,” Willam exclaimed, lowering her voice as she smiled with glee. “It was just a hunch. But you didn’t deny it. Holy shit."
Fuck fuck fuck, Sharon thought.
Like a ridiculous unbalanced seesaw, Willam’s expression became more excited as Sharon’s dawned in horror.
“You’re a fool, Needles, a damn fool,” Willam laughed. “Walked right into that one.”
Sharon ran an anxious hand through her hair, suddenly forgetting about her luch and looking at the other diners around them, on alert for any one of them to turn around and suddenly start publically shaming her for shagging a student.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Willam said softly, not expecting Sharon’s withdrawn, uncharacteristic reaction.
There was always a little chemistry between them that kept things exciting, but Willam and Sharon were close friends first. Best friends, even. They shared so many of the same interests, and both being lesbians was the final bond in their valuable, female friendship. It wasn’t unusual for them to discuss their relationships, ask for advice, or delve into the details of a recent hook-up. But Willam had noticed a change over the past few months. There were no more one-night stand reviews during their Monday lunchtime catch-ups (at least, not on Sharon’s behalf. Willam was still pulling her weight.)
Except, there was someone. Willam just knew. She didn’t miss the goofy smile from Sharon when her phone would light up during a faculty meeting, and how it wouldn’t leave her face until long after she’d locked her home screen. She didn’t miss the way Sharon claimed the love bite on her neck was a curling iron burn, when her hair that day was actually dead straight. She didn’t miss the way Sharon laughed louder and hugged Willam a little bit longer.
She seemed loved-up. She seemed happy.
And by the way she was currently acting, Willam was right.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to divulge into all the details,” Willam backtracked. She sensed Sharon’s hostility, but it only made her more curious.
“No, it’s okay,” Sharon lied, recalling the story Alaska had fed Courtney the night before. “We’re just… not official. I don’t know. I don’t know what we are at the moment, so I don’t really want to talk about it and like, jinx it…”
“Right,” Willam replied, eyeing the avocado and salmon combination coming travelling towards her. She wasn’t buying Sharon’s vague babbling. “Tell me her name.”
“No!” Sharon exclaimed, as if Willam had just had the audacity to ask Sharon for her dad’s phone number.
Sharon’s cheeks grew hot. She always talked about all things dating with Willam, and she knew she wasn’t coming across well. She was just so taken off-guard. But as Willam hailed a waitress to alert her the approaching wasabi bowl was empty, Sharon realised this was exactly how Alaska felt when Courtney had sprung it on her – and Sharon had made her feel worse. She made a mental note to spend extra time between her thighs tonight to make up for it.
“Why not?” Willam protested. “At least show me a photo. Is she cute? She better be.”
“No, I mean— no to showing you a photo,” Sharon explained. “And yes, she’s cute. She’s beautiful.”
“What does she do?” Willam asked, dunking her sushi into her little bowl of soy sauce as Sharon picked up her previously forgotten chopsticks.
“She’s… a hairdresser,” Sharon improvised, suddenly recalling the alibi Alaska had given her the moment they first met. The flashback to that incredible first night sent a flush of warmth through Sharon, and she couldn’t help but smile at the table at the thought of it.
“Aw,” Willam said through a mouthful of rice. “Look at you, she’s in love.”
Sharon burst out laughing. Willam had worn her down, and talking about Alaska, finally indulging and talking about her greatest pleasure of all, the woman who had captured her heart and was always on her mind, made her giddy.
“Look, you’ll hear all about her when things are more serious and a little more… set in stone,” Sharon promised. “l… really like her. So I really don’t want to fuck things up.”
Willam smiled at her friend as she heard the authenticity in her voice.  
“I’m so happy for you Shaz,” Willam said, the both of them not used to sentimental moments like this, “you deserve this.”
S: So
S: Willam knows
A: WHAT!?!?
S: About the relationship, not you personally
A: Thank fuck
A: Oh lol, I see what you did there
A: I’m gonna go to my room and smoke now
A: :))))
S: Happened exactly like you with C, she guessed, said she could tell
A: we’re such fools
S: loved-up fools
The sun beat down on Alaska’s back, warming her skin and drying the salt from the sea into her pores before she heard a voice.  
“Be careful not to burn,” Sharon warned, lowering her designer sunglasses to check up on Alaska sunbaking next to her, just out of reach of their umbrella’s circle of shade, which Sharon had made herself comfortable under.  
Alaska rolled her neck to the side, smiling at the lengths Sharon went to protect her milky white complexion and prevent early aging. Her blonde hair flowed down from the chic, wide brimmed straw hat she wore, while the dark sunglasses framed her face. An expensive long sleeves white shirt covered her arms, while a plunging black one piece hugged her figure. Her gorgeously long legs were exposed, though the umbrella protected them, as did the layers of sunscreen she had applied earlier. A novel rested in her lap, and a beer was wedged into the sand next to her.
In comparison, Alaska was laying in the sun, her high-cut olive green bikini showing off her curvy bottom, while her back was completely exposed, her bikini top left unhooked under her chest in a bid to get the perfect tan. Her once-wet hair was half drying as she laid, and grains of sand were peppered along her cheekbones.
After Sharon herself had been sprung, she still felt guilty for getting mad at Alaska for a simple mistake. But even though they couldn’t go public, Alaska admitting she wished they could do normal things like go out for brunch or to museums or the movies had played on Sharon’s mind ever since. With some Googling and a price tag that barely made a dent in Sharon’s bank account, she had found them a swish holiday Airbnb that backed onto their own little private beach.
The location was just over an hour away from campus, and the time of the year meant not many people were planning beach getaways. While cooler weather was on the horizon, they had lucked out, with the weekend away they booked being bathed in sunlight and humidity one last time before fall properly set in.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go swimming?” Alaska asked, rolling onto her side and giggling as Sharon lowered her sunglasses again to admire Alaska’s exposed chest.
“I’m sure,” Sharon said succinctly. “I stepped on some random crustacean when I was 15 and split my foot open and have been scared of the water ever since. But you looked very cute frolicking around before.”
“I’ve always wondered about that scar on your foot,” Alaska mused.
“Case closed,” Sharon said, taking a swing of her beer.
Alaska got up, walking over to Sharon and ducking underneath their short umbrella. She sat down on her lap, not caring that her wet hair dropped water onto the other woman, or that her damp body was against her pristine shirt. Sharon discarded her book, choosing to instead wrap her arms around Alaska as their lips met. She sighed as her skin felt the heat radiating off Alaska.
“You’re so warm,” Sharon murmured, kissing her girlfriend, “like my personal little sun.”
Alaska giggled, and being this close meant Sharon noticed the odd little freckle here and there on her face, and how her nose scrunched up when she laughed.
“Okay, I’m the sun,” Alaska said, playing with Sharon’s hair, “and you’re my moon.”
“That’s very cute,” Sharon replied, moving to kiss Alaska’s neck and licking her lips as she tasted salt.
“Please come and swim with me? I promise there are no crustaceans, and the moon actually controls the sea, so you can just shoo them away if they get too close."
“Oh my god,” Sharon grinned, allowing Alaska to haul her up from her beach chair. Their heads almost knocked into the umbrella, but after Sharon shrugged her sun shirt off and Alaska piled her salty hair onto her head and secured it into a messy bun, they walked towards the water together.
Sharon’s alabaster skin glowed in the sunlight, and it was endearing to see her be so cautious as they stepped into the calm water. Once their bodies climatised, they walked in a little deeper, Alaska always a step in front and holding her hand, and Sharon following her sandy little bottom until they became waist deep.
“Are you still scared?” Alaska asked, wrapping her hands around Sharon’s neck and feeling herself pulse as her bare chest pressed against Sharon’s.
Without Alaska initially meaning it and through a weird, telepathic way, they both realised her words carried a meaning beyond just the sea. There would be a million consequences if their relationship got out. Those closest to them would get hurt, and judgment would come from every angle.
But ever since their mutual declaration of love, that ending to their relationship didn’t feel like an ending anymore, but just something that could happen. They would still carry on, hand in hand, together.
“No,” Sharon said, hugging Alaska closer. “As long as I have you, I’m not scared.”c
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approvedtrash · 6 years
Stilinski Family
There I was, sitting in my bathroom with my left hand over my mouth while my right hand held the test. I’m pregnant. I couldn’t believe it, but I was so happy. The only problem was how was I going to tell Stiles? We hadn’t really discussed kids, but I always thought he’d make a great father. I didn’t want to tell him just yet.
{Stiles: Hey babe! Movie night tonight?}
{Me: sure love <3 can’t wait}
 I’d try and get his reaction towards little Stilinskis tonight.
“(Y/N) where you at babe?” Stiles said as he walked in the front door. “Stiles! I’m so excited for movie night!” I said jumping in his arms. He hugged me tightly and I felt at peace. He would love this news, right? Even though it wasn’t planned…? Right..?         “This is so long overdue.” He said pecking me on the lips. Well, this isn’t the only thing overdue. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch. He was leading me towards the arm of the chair to sit on when he went for my neck.
He has a way of hitting the most perfect spot on my neck just underneath my ear that sends me into a sexual frenzy. His hands were gliding up my inner thigh when my stomach turned. Oh no. Not now. Morning sickness at 4:30 in the afternoon? Great. I had to push him away so I could run into his downstairs bathroom to throw up. Romantic right? When I was done I grabbed my toothbrush I kept there and brushed my teeth before I walked out to face him. Deep breaths.  
“Hey, babe,” I said as I hung onto his shoulders. He was cooking something amazing already. He smiled as he turned, and placing his hands on my waist with my arms raising to go around his neck. “Baby, you okay? I know it gets a little intense, but I don’t think I’ve ever made you sick before.” He teased in his low sexy voice.
“Yeah, I must have the stomach flu or something, but this smells so good. What is it?” I asked inquisitively. “Oh, just your favorite.” He smiled slyly. I got so wide-eyed and I realized he was making his famous seafood pasta. “Yum!” I squealed. He pulled me closer and said, “I wanted to do something special for you. We haven’t been able to be together for a while.” I had been ignoring him for a while trying to figure out how I was going to tell him the good news. “It’s been terribly too long since we’ve done anything like this. Though I do remember it was quite a night.” He said and I smiled. I remembered that night.
 Clothes everywhere but on our bodies. I was laying spread out on his bed with him on top of me. He always liked being in control. He liked having me under his control. No one ever saw this Stiles. This was my Stiles. I knew every little detail about how he liked me, and it drove him crazy. I knew that even though I may have not had my freedom in this moment I could still make him mine with the movement of my hips. It drove him crazy the way they moved while he was inside me. I knew that that made his build up even more intense and it was an experience for us both. He released with me. We had gotten into quite a rhythm and it was good for both of us. Everyone was satisfied and no one left unhappy. Though the times I actually left after that was second to none. I often stayed to cuddle and we would talk about typical Stiles things. Scott being an alpha, Star Wars of course, what he would do once he started at the academy or became an FBI agent. Yet the idea of a family never came up. That was the night that everything happened. We used a condom but I had skipped a day on my birth control and he did not pull out in time, and that kids is how babies come about. That is how I am in this situation right now.
“That night was one for the books babe.                I can only hope that we are still that in love when we have a family.” I said nervously. I had to drop it somehow. He tensed up I could tell but it wasn’t enough to cause any doubt. “I’m sure when the time comes we still will be, but that wouldn’t be for a while now. I mean you don’t want that right now. We’ve got so much to accomplish.” He said. It wasn’t mean and he seemed to like the idea, but he didn’t want it now and that’s what scared me. That’s what sent me over the edge. I had to do something about this. He didn’t want this now, and I couldn’t force this on him. I couldn’t keep it. “Uh babe, I’m not feeling great. I’m just gonna go to the store to get something for this and get some fresh air. Save me some of that pasta though. I’ll want some later. I’m so sorry bye.” I said as I grabbed my stuff and left him standing in his doorway wondering what the hell had just happened. I needed to talk to Lydia and I needed to talk to her now.
 *This is Lydia, you know what to do.* BEEP. “Hey Lyds, I need to talk to you about something. Call back when you can.” I said right before ramming into someone at the store. “Hey (Y/N).” it was Scott. Shit.. “Oh, hey Scotty. I’m so sorry. I’m so clumsy.” I said nervously. I knew Stiles must have sent him to check on me. “You doing okay? Stiles seems really worried about you.” He replied blowing his cover. I smirked and nodded, “Yeah, like I told him it must just be a stomach bug or something. I don’t really know for sure.” Like an idiot I believed I could lie to a freaking werewolf. “Why are you lying to me (Y/N)?” he said sternly. Okay dad, jeez.
“Look I just have some news that I need to figure out how to deal with. I don’t know what I’m going to do for sure and I don’t want anyone else worrying about it.” There. That sounded believable, right? He raised his eyebrow and responded, “So that’s why you were leaving a message for Lydia. You need her help but not your own boyfriends? Are you cheating on him?” I don’t even know if you could rate the amount of offended on my face I was so completely shocked at the words that had just come from his mouth. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHY WOULD I CHEAT ON STILES AND THEN TELL LYDIA?” I yelled in the middle of the aisle. Scott seemed to have noticed he hit a nerve because he didn’t say anything but he did, however, take my arm and rush me to a less crowded area.
He was staring at me intently whilst still gripping my bicep. What the hell. What is he doing? Then it hit me. He could tell. He knew my schedule just like Stiles did, but he could sense it. “Oh my god. You’re pregnant.”
All I could do was stand there with a blank expression on my face. I couldn’t lie to him because he would know. Then again I couldn’t confirm it because Stiles should know first right? So I did what any girl my age would do to get out of this situation. “You think I’m getting fat?” I said offended. His eyes went so wide I thought they’d fall out of his head. “NO! (Y/N) that’s not what I’m talking about and you know it. Don’t try to change the subject.” He said. I didn’t think he could be any more of a dad right now. “You know Scott, sometimes I wish I had some privacy.” As I said that my phone started ringing. I looked down and saw that Lydia must have gotten my message because she was returning my call. “Scott I have to take this. See you later and don’t say a word.” I said very sternly before answering the phone all cheery.
“Lydia! Where have you been?” I almost yelled as I answered the phone. “Jeez, (Y/N), calm down. I had an extra hour for my engineering class. What’s wrong? You sounded like you were in trouble.” She said in her usual Lydia way. “I just uh, needed some advice. You know Stiles best and you’re my best friend.” I replied nervously. We sat there in silence for what was only about 20 seconds but it felt like an eternity. “Lydia, I’m pregnant.”
“Oh sweetheart, I know.” She replied. This was if this was any other day news for her and I’m over here with my heart pounding out of my chest. I was trying not to sound offended when I replied, “What do you mean ‘You know’?” She chuckled, “You just said I know Stiles best. So when he told me that you’ve been avoiding him for a couple weeks now and he said you were sick earlier today. You don’t think I forgot the text I got saying how incredible the sex was you guys had what about 2 ½ months ago?” I swear Lydia has got to be the smartest person I know.
“This is why I love you, but what do I do? Have you said anything to Stiles yet? Scott knows but that’s only because he could hear the heartbeat and he thought I was cheating on Stiles… Lydia, I need my best friend.” I said sounding defeated. “What you need to do is tell Stiles before some crazy story ends up going around.” She was always the level headed one. I thanked her and we made plans to go to a doctor in a week because I needed some kind of support that was going to be positive since I still didn’t know how Stiles was going to handle the news.
 As I pulled into his driveway a crazy wave of nerves came flooding into my body. How could I possibly have let this happen? I turned off the car and got out, shutting the door ever so slightly because I didn’t want to do this in the middle of the street. We really needed to be inside for the news I was about to drop on him. I unlocked the door and peered inside to see him cleaning things up in the kitchen. There were candles lit so the whole house smelled like lavender. He turned around and his eyes were bloodshot. He had been crying and it’s honestly the most heartbreaking things I have ever seen, and I had done this to him.
“Oh my god (Y/N)!” he whimpered as he ran towards me. He had dropped to his knees in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist and sobbed into my stomach. “Stiles, please don’t cry. I’m back. I wasn’t leaving or anything..” I had begun to cry as well – stupid hormones­ ­­­– so my voice had cracked and I dropped to the floor. We held onto each other for minutes but it felt like days. This was the embrace I needed. I felt so comforted and loved I knew that even though this news may come as a shock we were going to be okay. “Baby why didn’t you tell me?” He asked me when he finally picked his head up from my shoulder. As he asked he was holding my pregnancy test in his hand.
For the record, I am not always so dumb as to leave things like this behind, but baby brain is a thing.
“Stiles, I am so sorry. I should have told you sooner, but I was terrified that you weren’t going to take the news well and then you started saying that it wasn’t time for babies and I got upset and I’m so sorry…” As I finished my sentence he was fiddling around with something else in his other hand. “(Y/N), I could not imagine a more perfect mother to raise a child with me. I am excited that this surprise has come along. I wish I could have surprised you first though.” I cocked my head because I didn’t know what surprise he could possibly have for me because he normally ruins them. In the best ways though.
“(Y/N) all my life I’ve wanted a family. I’ve wanted someone who understood that Scott is my brother and Lydia while I’ve loved her we are best as friends. I’ve always wanted someone my father would see as a daughter and love her like I do. I won’t find someone else like that and I’m so honored to have you in this chapter of my life. I want to start our own chapter together.” I should say by this point I’m a wreck of tears and snot. “It would make me the happiest man alive if you would marry me, (Y/N).” He spoke softly almost like a whisper and pulled out a beautiful princess cut diamond ring.
At that moment it could not have been more perfect. Though not even seconds later we heard clapping and I couldn’t help but start laughing. Lydia, Scott, Malia, even Theo were all coming down the stairs with balloons and champagne. Scott had his typical smirk on and broke through the laughter, “Well do we have an answer?” I looked at Stiles and I couldn’t have smiled any bigger. “Well, I guess I’m going to officially be apart of the pack! Yes!” Stiles licked his bottom lip before he picked me up and kissed me. “Whoa, I don’t know if this is good for the baby.” He quickly put me down but continued to kiss me. It was the most magical and romantic night. One I will never forget. For as long as I live.
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vanbredevoort · 5 years
☱ we been there but oh man do i love the classics
lyd’s journal
I think I’ve fallen in love with him.
And as much as the topic seems irrelevant to our cause and plans for the future, one could think I have to put it into perspective and deal with it like I would with any setback. It is of no importance the fact that his mere presence sends my soul into a hurricane of emotions that keep me from my peak performance, that the mere mental image of his smile and the sound of his laughter breaks my concentration and my breathing refuses to calm down when I specifically order ir too.
I am left with two choices then: leave him, as to not let my affliction become a burden on him, an obstacle in the middle of his path to glory for the whole continent; or bottle it up as much as my heart and knees allow me to, and remain by his side as long as he allows me to, or as long as I breathe. The problem is that they’re apparently not mutually exclusive, for the thought of parting ways makes me think if the first one doesn’t happen, it would lead to the other in no time.
No grand act of his has brought me to this realisation. I’ve always thought, considering my disbelief of things of romantic nature, that some important action would trigger this affliction of mine-- but nothing of the sort happened. I didn’t fall for him while he was giving a long speech about his dreams, I did not realise my feelings while inside his embrace.
--- I fell for him in silence. It had been weeks since we were shut down inside the manor, reading the records of the elder blood experiments. In front of us lay a huge piece of parchment that only now resembles a genealogical tree, but at the time only a few names, scratched and rewritten, tainted the page. Silence. The sound of books, the smell of ancient knowledge.
And it clicked. Some sort of puzzle piece fell into place as I realised my hand longed to reach out and stroke his forehead until the frown disappeared. That I wished nothing but to curl up against him in an intimate way. That I craved to be taken in a mess of books and soft carpets.
I fell for him in silence. And in silence, I will stay.
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seanfalco · 3 years
Happy Birthday Winnie | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98​
Word Count: 7k Warnings: Recreational drug use, alcohol, smut, public sex
[ masterlist ]
"So, where are you guys takin' me?" Win asked again curiously.
"For the thousandth time, you'll see when we get there," her Nathan exclaimed with a laugh. "Maybe we shoulda blindfolded her too," he muttered, glancing over at his twin.
"That would've been nice, wouldn't it, babe?" Lyddie's Nathan teased before biting her neck softly.  
"Don't worry, it's gonna be amazing, you're gonna love it, I'm sure of it," Lydia put both hands on Win's shoulders, massaging her.  "Now relax and enjoy your day."
"Mmmm," Win hummed, the sound turning into more of a moan than anything under their attention.  "I guess I can do that," she joked, letting her eyes slip shut. 
"That's a good girl," her Nathan teased, taking her hand to give it a squeeze as he looked out the train window.
"Fuck, I hate when you say that in public..." Lydia shuddered while still massaging Win's shoulders.  "I look like a nymphomaniac with zero self control." 
"And where's the lie, Lollipop?" her Nathan leaned back with a laugh, reaching into her backpack for more snacks.
"Mmm, you can call me a good girl any time," Win taunted.  "Besides, if you're a nympho, Lyds, then so am I," she laughed.  
"And I wouldn't have it any other way," Win's Nathan murmured, waggling his eyebrows.
"Yeah, maybe my mum was right when she said I'd find my crowd," Lyddie looked out the window.  "I think we're almost there!" she cried, holding Win tightly. 
"How d'you know that?  Have you been here before?" her Nathan asked in the middle of devouring a tin of cookies.  
"Once, when I was a kid, but it's been so long..."
Win snagged a biscuit before leaning closer to the window to see if she could get any idea of where they were going.  All she could see were crowds of people and tents.  "Is this some sort of festival?" she asked excitedly.
"Might be... why?  Does the birthday girl like this sort of thing?  I had no idea!" Lydia gasped dramatically.  She had the idea a few months back.  She thought it would be nice to take a little time off and be as far away from Win's family as possible on her special day.
"Oh my God," Win exclaimed, turning back to throw her arms around Lydia.  "This is the best birthday gift.  Thank you thank you thank you!"
"So I guess you like it then?" Lydia joked, hugging Win back.  
"What kinds of drugs d'you think they got in there?" Lyddie's Nathan mused. 
"Nathan!  Probably all of them, but we're not doing that, not after what happened at the club,” Lydia snapped. 
"What, wou almost shaggin' me at the car park?" he snorted.  "We're here, might as well try somethin'... we're immortal."
"I'll do some Molly," Win murmured with a smirk.  "It's not a proper festival if you're not a little high," she teased, winking at Lyddie's Nathan.
"As always the mum of the group is gonna have to take care of everyone..." Lydia rolled her eyes. 
"Nah, c'mon!  Do it with us!" her Nathan pouted. 
"Forget it, I'm not gonna be peer pressured by my fiancé, no way.  It's Winnie's first birthday in this dimension, I wanna remember it."
"Aw, maybe I shouldn't then," Win deliberated as they got up to exit the compartment.  "I don't wanna make Lyds be the designated driver, as it were." 
"But it's your birthday, babe, you should do what you want," her Nathan argued, following her out.
"That is true, you are the boss," Lydia grabbed her backpack before Nathan could reach it.  "I don't really mind it, you're too adorable for me to be upset." 
"And I'm not?" her Nathan asked, perplexed.
"I think you're adorable," Win exclaimed with a smirk.  "I think you're all adorable," she teased, throwing a cheeky grin over her shoulder at them before climbing down the steps to land on the platform outside.  "Looks like it's a bit of a walk," she noticed, shading her eyes from the sun overhead.
"I'll give you a piggy back ride if y'want," her Nathan offered.
"D'you want me to carry you too?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, poking Lydia’s arm. 
"Ha, very funny..." she muttered, putting her beach hat on.  "Take the backpack, and be careful, there are breakable things in there, breakable gifts," she whispered, following the others.
Once they made it to the entrance, Win's Nathan let her down and they showed their tickets to get in, getting coloured wrist bands so they could drink. 
"Okay, let's find the schedule," Win exclaimed, bouncing on her toes to look around, lost in the sea of people.  "Then we can figure out which acts we wanna see and plan our day."
"Here, I have it on my phone somewhere..." Lydia searched for a few seconds before showing it to Win.  
"D'you have any more food in there?" her Nathan whined, opening the backpack, but was surprised with a black velvet box.  "Lollipop, c'mere" he pulled her to the corner. 
"What?  If you keep eating everything there will be nothing left for the rest of us..." 
"No, not that, what's this?  Are you gonna... y'know... pop the question?" 
"Oh my God!  No, I got her a bracelet, why?  Do you think she's gonna be disappointed?"
"Okay, I think I've decided which act I wanna see first," Win announced, handing Lydia back her phone, noticing the looks on her and her Nathan's faces.  "Everything okay?"
"Brilliant," Lyddie's Nathan smiled, quickly closing the backpack.  "Let's go then." 
"Well, do you?" Lydia muttered under her breath, she hadn't even considered that, but now she definitely was. 
"No, I don't think so, it's a nice surprise," he assured.  "I just thought... y'know.  You're very romantic, I thought this was another cinematic stunt."
Win led them to the stage for the act she wanted to see, the music having already started.  “I still can’t quite believe I’m here.  I’ve wanted to come to this festival forever.  You guys are the best.”
"Seeing you happy is my gift," Lyddie embraced Win from behind as they danced together.  Her Nathan disappeared for a second, returning with four bottles of hard lemonade which Lydia was reluctant to drink at first, but she wanted to have a good time with them.
“Thanks babe,” Win exclaimed, trading him a kiss for the bottle, bringing it to her lips as she swayed with Lydia.  Once that set was up she excitedly pulled them with her to the next band she wanted to see, the stage on the other side of the field.
“Hey Lyds, I know I probably don’t have to ask, but d’you have any sunscreen in that bag of yours?” Win asked, reaching for the zipper.
"Yeah sure," Lydia was already a little buzzed and didn't even remember the velvet box inside.  "I brought like four bottles just in case, Nathan did that thing Hermione did to her bag in the Deathly Hallows, anything we might need is in there."  The boys couldn't bother either, they were too busy sharing a joint to even realize what Win was doing.
“Nifty,” Win exclaimed, reaching in the bag and feeling around.  “What’s this?” she asked, pulling out the little box before finding the bottle of sunscreen.
"Oh, that’s... that’s a gift for you, I was gonna wait until later when we're alone," Lyddie murmured, remembering her Nathan's words and hoping Win didn't get the wrong idea.
“Oh!” Win exclaimed, quickly dropping the box back into the bag.  “I don’t wanna ruin your surprise!” she said instead, quickly zipping the bag back up.
"Don't worry, you're gonna love it... I hope you will..." Lydia took the sunscreen and tossed the bag to her Nathan while she helped Win apply it.
“I’m sure I will,” Win murmured.  “I wonder what it is,” she mused with a grin before turning to reach toward Nathan.  “Here, gimme that joint,” she exclaimed.
Lyddie's Nathan passed it to her with a smirk.  "D'you want some, Lyds?" 
"No, thank you," she answered, almost getting distracted as she ran her hand up and down Win's chest.  "I'm pretty sure you're the people they warned me about in D.A.R.E," she joked.
Win laughed, offering the blunt back to Nathan before pulling Lyddie in close to kiss her.  “Thanks for helping me, now I won’t burn,” she murmured.  “Do you need any help?”
"You know, I did put on sunscreen before we left the train, but I won't complain if you wanna put your hands all over me," Lyddie mumbled against Win's lips.  "Or other parts of you..."
“Mmmm, I like th’way you think,” Win murmured, playing with the hem of Lydia’s shirt.  “Hey boys, we gotta use th’restroom, we’ll be right back,” she said, stealing one more hit before pulling Lydia with her to go look for a secluded spot to snog.
"Can you believe that?" Lyddie's Nathan exclaimed, watching as the girls disappeared in the crowd.  "Won't even invite us..." 
“Don’t worry bout it, I’m sure by th’end of the night we’ll be gettin’ lucky too.  Might see if anyone’s got some molly though, since Win mentioned it earlier...” he mused. 
"Yeah, yeah," Lyddie's Nathan agreed, following his twin.  He really wanted to see how Lyds would be like high, but he wasn't gonna push her. 
Lydia happily followed Win until they found a space behind the stage where they could be alone.  "So... what could you possibly wanna do away from everyone?" she asked, flashing her girlfriend an innocent smile.
Pinning Lyddie’s back to the wall she finally let her hand slip under her shirt to feel her as she kissed her neck.  “Just wanted t’put my hands all over you,” Win answered as she worked her way up to her lips.
"Oh, Winnie," Lydia gasped.  She loved how hot Win's skin felt, how close her breathing was.  "Only you can make me feel like this," she sighed, sliding her hands down her girlfriend's back.
“Only me?” Win asked softly, Lyddie’s words warming her making her feel incredibly special.
"Only you," it was true, each of her lovers made Lydia feel amazing in a different way, and only Win was able to leave her breathless like that.
Win moaned as she slipped her tongue into Lydia’s mouth, her hand sliding down the front of her shorts.  “Be good and be quiet for the birthday girl,” Win murmured teasingly.
Win's words made Lydia shudder and she nodded obediently.  "I'll be quiet," she whispered, letting her eyes shut as she enjoyed the feeling of being touched like that.  "Anything for you."
“I may be waiting for my other gift, but I want this one right now,” Win teased, circling her fingers around Lyddie’s clit as the music washed over them from the nearby stage.  “I wanna make you come, baby,” she purred.
"You're so good to me," Lydia breathed before her lips were on Win's again in an effort to silent her needy moans.  She couldn't believe they were actually doing this out in the open; it was risky, but that only made Lyddie hotter.  "Winnie, I'm--"
“Good girl,” Win groaned, capturing her lips as she felt Lydia shudder as she came.  “Fuck that was hot.  You’re so sexy, Lyddie,” she purred, pulling her hand from her shorts and bringing her fingers to her mouth to clean them.  “We should probably find the boys, I bet they’re getting jealous by now.”
"They can be jealous all they want," Lydia kissed Win once more before taking her hand.  "Right now I'm yours," she took a deep breath, trying to recover.
"Oh, finally!  What were you two doin' in the bathroom all that time?" Lyddie's Nathan asked. 
"That's not something you ask people, Nate," Lyds mocked.
“Takin’ a massive dump, since y’asked,” Win joked, pulling him into her arms for a kiss.  “Why, were you feeling neglected?” she teased, already feeling light and floaty.
"A little bit, yeah," Lyddie's Nathan huffed.  "We got you a little somethin', but I don't know if you deserve it anymore... maybe we'll just keep it all for ourselves," he looked back at his clone and winked.
“It’s my birthday, and there’s plenty of me t’go around boys,” Win replied, glancing from Lyddie’s Nathan to her own, pouting at them.  “But if that’s how you’re gunna be, I’ll just go off with Lyddie again,” she said, taking a step back from Lyddie’s Nathan.
"No, don't!" he yelped, reaching for her.  "I was just screwin' around, I love you, baby, c'mon..." 
"Awww, you're adorable," Lydia teased him, squishing his face between her hands.  "So cute when you're jealous." 
"You two are gonna end up killin' me," Lyddie's Nathan grumbled, taking Win's hand and handing her a small plastic bag with colorful pills in it. 
"Good thing you're immortal then."
Win, grinned as she took the baggy from him, pouring the tablets out into her hand.  “Ahhh thank you babe.  Okay, who wants one?” she asked, placing one on her tongue before her Nathan obediently opened his mouth for her to give him one.
Lyddie's Nathan opened his mouth as well and looked at his fiancé hopefully. 
"Stop giving me that look!" Lydia said, shaking her head. 
"Okay... but I think you'd have fun," he muttered.  "If somethin' happens, just do your Wolverine thing and cure yourself." 
"First of all, since when do you know about Wolverine?  And second of all, if this shit reverses my powers, it won't be pretty!  I'll probably have an asthma attack or some shit." 
"It won't!  It's gonna be okay." 
"Ugh, if my mum knew about this... alright, hit me," Lyds grunted before sticking her tongue out.
“Okay, here we go,” Win exclaimed, giving Lyddie the last pill.  “Just enjoy it Lollipop,” she murmured, chasing the pill with a kiss.
The sun was beginning to sink toward the horizon as they headed toward the food trucks parked off to one side.  
“God, I’m starving,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, leaning against Lydia, his other arm draped over Win’s shoulder.
"Me too," Lyddie leaned back against him.  "I want something with a lot of cheese, and then I want soda." 
"Y'can't have soda, baby," her Nathan laughed.  "That'll give you a stomach ache." 
"Fiiiine you buzzkill, juice then," she took Win's Nathan's arm.  "It's so weird that I took the pill, but I don't feel any different." 
"Just wait, Lollipop, you'll see."
Once they got their food, Win found a nice empty spot in the grass for them to sit, the drugs starting to take effect, washing over her and heightening her senses.  Crawling into Lyddie’s Nathan’s lap, she moaned around her bite of food, the burger she’d gotten tasting better than anything she’d ever eaten before.
"Wow, okay," Lyddie's Nathan was taken by surprise when Win got on his lap, but he snaked his arms around her, wanting her to stay.  
"You look so beautiful right now," Lydia watched Win's Nathan while eating her pizza.  She still didn't feel any different, or so she thought.  "Like, I'm really hungry, but if I wasn't I'd kiss you."
“You want a kiss, Lollipop?” he asked, smirking as he set aside his nachos, sucking the leftover cheese sauce from his fingers. 
"More than anything," Lydia smiled, taking his fingers in her mouth before pressing her lips to his.  "Hmmm, you're so hot." 
“You’re hotter,” Win’s Nathan countered with a smirk. 
"I don't believe you," Lyddie, shoved the rest of her food in her mouth. "You and Winnie are the hottest people in this festival."
"Aren't you forgettin' anyone?" her Nathan teased. 
"Oh, you have the same face, of course you're included," Lydia huffed. 
“God, I feel good,” Win murmured, leaning back against Lyddie’s Nathan’s chest.  “The stars are starting to come out.”
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Lyddie's Nathan ran his fingers through Win’s hair.  "Like you," he murmured, kissing her cheek before going back to his kebab.
“Aw, you’re sweet,” Win giggled, finishing her food and stretching.  “I’m torn,” she whined. “I wanna go dance, but I’m also really comfortable right here.”
"I'm full, I kinda wanna listen to music and relax," he said, holding Win close.  
"If you want, I'll dance with you later," Lydia offered, without taking her eyes from Win's Nathan while she fed him his nachos.
“That sounds perfect,” Win murmured, turning in Lyddie’s Nathan’s embrace to get comfortable, resting her cheek against his shoulder as she gazed up at him, playing with the strings on his hoodie. 
“Now this is paradise,” Win’s Nathan sighed.  “Good music, a hot girl feedin’ me,” he murmured with a grin.  “I could get used t’this.”
"Oh, it's paradise alright," Lydia licked her fingers clean when she was done, and offered him her drink.  "Was it good, Natty?"
“So good,” Win’s Nathan replied, taking a long drink before passing the straw back to her, pulling Lydia into his lap.  After all, nearly every couple in the grass around them were in similar positions, snogging or cuddling.
Lyddie's Nathan smiled before leaning in to press his lips to Win's, taking his time to savor her kiss.  "We wanted t'make sure things were perfect for your big day." 
Win moaned into Lyddie‘a Nathan’s mouth, pulling him closer. “It’s more than perfect, you’re perfect,” she assured him, her head spinning, her body aflame with pent up need, the drugs heightening every sense.  Just feeling his hands on her skin was driving her crazy. 
"I love you, Winnie," Lyddie's Nathan kissed her back, matching her enthusiasm.  That's when he had an idea, remembering the day he proposed to Lyds -- he’d made her come by licking a lollipop and using his power to mirror the sensation on her clit -- deciding to do the same thing, this time he took Win's hand and gently stroked her palm. 
"I don't know why, but... I feel hornier than usual," Lydia whispered, running her hands under Win's Nathan's shirt, along his chest and his stomach.  “Kiss me, I wanna taste you."
“That would be th’ecstacy, m’love,” Win’s Nathan chuckled, shivering under her touch.  “C’mere,” he growled playfully, slipping his hand behind her neck to pull her closer as he opened his mouth to her.
With a soft moan, Lydia captured his lips.  "Remind me why they say drugs are bad again?" she joked, pulling him closer tugging at his shirt.  "I want you, Nathan, I've never wanted anything in my life like I want you right now."
“I love you toooo—“ Win gasped as the sensation hit her and she squirmed in Lyddie’s Nathan’s lap.  “Nathan, are you—doing this, or am I going crazy?” she asked, her breathing turning heavy. 
"What?  D'you feel somethin'?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, faking confusion while still rubbing the palm of Win's hand firmly at a steady pace.  "What's wrong, sweetheart?" 
Win glanced down at her hand, noticing that the sensation seemed in sync with the movement of Nathan’s fingers.  “Oh, you sly dog,” she moaned, biting her lip as she threw her head back.  “Why have you never done this before?  This is so fuckin’ hot.  Jesus, Nathan,” she breathed.
Win’s Nathan laughed harder, looking around, frowning at Win and his clone, unsure what exactly was happening, but Win looked like she was having fun.  “Let’s go for a walk, find somewhere t’be alone,” he whispered in Lyddie’s ear.
"Oh, I love how everyone's taking me for walks today..." Lydia grinned, taking Win's Nathan's hand, giggling just imagining what he wanted to do, shivers running down her spine from his whispering.  "Be right back," she announced, not that the others cared.
Spying a small pavilion with a sign for indoor bathrooms, Nathan headed toward it, pulling Lydia with him.  “Hope you’re not averse to a quickie in the loo,” he whispered in her ear.  “I wanna shag you so bad, Lyds.”
"I'm not averse to anything that involves your cock inside of me, Nats," Lydia exclaimed, barely making it to the bathroom without jumping his bones.  Her sex drive was usually crazy, but the drugs made it ten times crazier.  "I've never done this before... it's so exciting."
“You’ve never shagged in a public toilet before?” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, pulling her into the small one room stall with him and locking the door behind him.  “Well, I am a master at it by now,” he said, pinning her against the wall as his mouth went to her neck and his fingers went to the button on her shorts.
"No, only locker rooms and car parks," Lydia gasped, burying her fingers in his curls as his kisses awakened every last bit of her body.  "Oh, please, Natty, take care of me," she moaned, fumbling with his jeans, her hand sliding under his boxer briefs to palm his erection.
“Oh fuck, Lollipop,” Win’s Nathan groaned, tearing Lydia’s shorts and knickers down to pool around her ankles, urging her to wrap one of her legs around his waist as he pressed his cock to her entrance, kissing her deeply as he began to press into her.
Lydia kissed him back, whining as she felt his cock teasing her.  "Please, shag my brains out, Nate... fuck, you're so sexy, I need you," she mumbled, pulling Nathan closer again, desperate for him, his taste, his scent, it was all driving her mad.
“Oh God, Lydia,” he groaned, focusing on kissing her as he thrust up into her, filling her abruptly, not giving her time to adjust before he began to fuck her.  “Fuck, you feel amazin’,” he gasped.
"Nathan!" Lydia nearly screamed in pleasure, holding onto him for support, her head wondering for a moment, remembering their wild nights in New York, it was so good to feel like that again.   "Choke me," she breathed.
“Gladly, Lyddie,” he exclaimed, his hand not holding her leg circling her throat, lightly at first before squeezing, watching her expression as he continued to pound into her.
The feeling of Win's Nathan's hand on her throat made Lydia's mouth fall open, immediately driving her to the edge.  Her hands blindly grabbed his ass, encouraging him to move faster.
Win's Nathan yelped in surprise, but he sped up at her urging, thrusting into her even rougher, her back no doubt digging into the wall, but she seemed to be loving it and Nathan lost himself in her, feeling his pleasure crest quickly.
"I'm so close, Nathan," Lydia managed to say, enjoying his reaction to her unexpected touch.  She had to bite her lip not to cry out loud as she came undone for him, her body tensing up as she stared deep into his eyes.
"Oh, fuck," Win's Nathan breathed, pressing his forehead to Lydia's as she came, clenching around him tighter and he gave several more jerky thrusts as he spilled his seed in her, stilling to catch his breath.  "Fuck, baby, that was hot as fuck," he panted.
"I fucking love you," Lydia breathed, slightly overwhelmed by how good it had felt, how intense the sensations were; she even teared up a little.  "And I love fucking you," she laughed before kissing his collarbone softly.
Nathan laughed, pulling out and tucking himself back into his jeans.  "I love fuckin' you and I fuckin' love you too, baby," he exclaimed, taking her face between his hands to kiss her, brushing her tears away from her cheek.
"Sometimes I can't believe you're mine, at least half of you is..." Lydia murmured, pulling her shorts back up, feeling slightly lightheaded.   waited for so long, I-" Lydia nearly fell, holding onto him.  "Sorry, I got a little dizzy," she laughed.
"Whoa! Lyds, you okay?" Win's Nathan exclaimed quickly, catching Lydia before her legs went out from under her.  "Maybe we should get yeh some water and go sit back down for a bit," he suggested worriedly, wrapping his arm around her to keep her stabilized as they headed back to where Win and the other Nathan sat.
"I'm... I'm fine, I think I just need some water," Lydia assured, though she didn't know if that was supposed to happen, she was just happy to not be alone.  "It's probably cause I've been drinking, and this is my first time, nothing serious."
"Y'like that, huh?" Lyddie's Nathan kissed Win's neck with a smug grin, his fingers moving slightly faster.  "It's a special trick, for special occasions, such as your birthday... just gotta be quiet, okay, baby girl?  Or everyone's gonna know you're a dirty little thing," he purred quietly. 
Win whined but nodded, pressing her face into the crook of his neck to muffle her moans.  “God, I love you,” she murmured, kissing his neck, her breathing punctuated with a sharp breath every few moments.  “If you keep that up I’m gunna come soon.” 
"And that's not what you want?" Lyddie's Nathan asked, slowing down a little, but not stopping.  "Don't you wanna come for me, Winnie?" he murmured, bringing her hand up and kissing her palm gently, dragging his lips along her skin. 
“I—ohhh,” she sighed, her words melting.  “Please Nathan,” she begged softly.  “I do wanna come. God, I feel so dirty doing this right out in th’open,” she confessed. 
"You're a filthy girl, Winnie... but y'look so cute when you beg," Lyddie's Nathan murmured, licking her palm, slow at first, but more vigorously as he felt her squirming in his lap.
“Oh god, yes,” she whined. “Nathan, I’m—“ she didn’t get to finish her sentence before she came, pressing her face into his chest as she tensed, gasping a breath, her fingers of her free hand balling in his shirt. 
"That's my girl, so good, that was so fuckin' hot!" Lyddie's Nathan praised, holding Win against his chest.  "Happy birthday, baby," he said, kissing the top of her head, trying to ignore his own excitement.  He didn't wanna ruin the moment.
As Win came down from her orgasm, her head still swimming slightly, she tilted her chin up to look at him.  “I wonder what the people around us thought of you licking my hand,” she giggled before kissing his jaw.  “Thank you though, baby, but what about you?  I wanna make you feel good too,” she whined in his ear. 
"Well, you orgasmed in front of everyone, so I wouldn't worry about what they think," Lyddie's Nathan chuckled, but the thought of Win making him feel good was also an interesting one.  He snapped his fingers and a blanket covered them.  Everyone around was high, so it's not like they’d even notice...  
“And I’m the dirty one?” Win asked, cocking an eyebrow at him as her hand slipped under the blanket, and she shifted so she could unbutton his jeans, freeing his throbbing cock with a smirk.
"I thought y'were a fan of public sex..." Lyddie's Nathan mused, cupping Win's tits playfully as she found a comfortable position. "I just wanna please you, darlin', I wouldn't want my girlfriend missin' out on the concert,” he teased.
"I am," she replied, "I'm just sayin' you're as dirty as me, if not more," she pointed out, arching her chest into his hand as she stroked his length, brushing her thumb over his sensitive head and feeling his cock twitch in her hand.  "I love doin' this with you," she sighed, leaning against his shoulder as she worked her fist up and down, slowly at first. 
"I might be, a sexy bird taught me a trick or two at a hotel pool once," Lyddie's Nathan started, but soon he had to press his lips to Win's shoulder, tryin not to be loud.  "Fuck, baby, your hands are-- Jesus..." he mumbled. 
Win laughed, relishing his reaction.  "God, you're cute," she cooed, kissing his temple.  Wanting to tease him further, she sped her hand up, squeezing slightly as she worked him, drawing his earlobe between her teeth.  "Be a good boy for me, Natty, can't be too loud now or everyone'll know what we're doin'."
"Oh, you're evil, Winnie."  Lyddie's Nathan threw his head back, his eyes clenched shut, much like his fists.  "I love when y'wank me off like this, baby, don't stop," he groaned, bringing her closer, seeking her lips. 
Win grinned into the kiss. "And I love you baby," she replied, jerking him faster still.  "I want you to come all over my hand, make a mess under this blanket, y'filthy boy," she purred.
Lyddie's Nathan's best efforts to not be obvious about what was happening were lost when he heard those words.  "Fuck..." he moaned, slightly louder than intended as he came, not caring anymore what people would think, he was pretty sure half of them were doing the same thing anyway. 
Win's grin grew and she kissed Nathan despite the sticky mess still covering her hand.  "Good boy," she murmured.  "God that was hot."
"So hot!  I have no clue why I feel like this when y'call me a good boy, but Jesus... I fuckin' love it," he confessed.  Win had been confusing him, he was usually the dominant one, but he liked when she took charge like that.
"Really?" Win asked, taken aback, her stomach fluttering at his admission.  She'd always been the dominant one between her and her Nathan, and while she liked subbing with Lyddie's Nathan, there was something about watching him submit to her that excited her more than she could say.
"Well, you are good, so so good t'me," she murmured, running her clean hand through his curls. 
Before she could draw on his power to clean up his little mess, Lydia and her Nathan returned.
"Hey, loves of my life," Lydia smiled wiping the sweat from her forehead as she carefully sat down next to the others.  "Do you have some water?" 
"You okay, babe?" her Nathan asked, quickly zipping up his jeans and turning to check on her, opening the backpack to get her bottle.  "Y'seem a bit... shaky." 
"Yeah, I'm fine, how was your... sexy adventure?" she asked, sipping some water while leaning against Win's Nathan.
Win borrowed Nathan’s power to clean off her hand.  “It was very nice,” she answered with a grin, glancing at Lyddie’s Nathan.  “You?” she asked.
"Good, great," Lydia nodded, holding Win's Nathan tightly with her head against his chest.  "It was amazing actually.  In a second I'll be good to go again if you'd like..."
“Damn Lollipop,” Win’s Nathan laughed, kissing the top of her head. “I think you should probably rest for a bit first, huh?”
"I hate it when you're right," Lydia huffed, her head still spinning.  "How about... I give you your gift then?" she suggested, reaching for her backpack to fetch the black velvet box.  "Happy birthday, my love!" she cried, offering it to Win.
“You really didn’t have to get me anything, babe,” Win exclaimed, though she opened the box excitedly, having been wondering all day what could be inside. 
“What is it?” her Nathan asked curiously.
“Oh my God, Lydia, this is— it’s beautiful, I’m never gunna take it off,” Win gasped, pulling out a small silver bracelet with a heart shaped charm with the letters N + W + L + N on it. “Nathan, can you help me?” she asked, holding out her wrist for Lydia’s Nathan to wrap the bracelet around.
"This is so sweet," Lyddie's Nathan helped Win with the bracelet and kissed the back of her hand.  "You could've asked me t'make it,” he whispered to Lydia. 
"I know, I just saw it on my way home the other day and couldn't resist, so I asked for the engraving and..." Lydia smiled, watching how happy she was.  "It looks perfect on you."
“Thank you, Lydia, I love you so much.  I love all of you so much!” Win cried, feeling slightly overwhelmed with emotion as she pulled them all in for a hug.
"We love you too," Lyddie squeezed her back, feeling insanely lucky.  "Do you still wanna dance?  Cause I'm feeling better and the boys are horrible at it, so they would just embarrass you." 
"Hey!" her Nathan shouted, knowing that she wasn't exactly wrong.  "A little respect please?"
“I would love t’dance!” Win exclaimed, helping Lydia to her feet. “Boys?” she asked hopefully. “You sure you don’t wanna come too?”
"I'll go just to embarrass you, Lyddie," her Nathan got up, dusting his jeans.  
"As I suspected, the best way to get you to do something is telling you that you shouldn't," she smirked.  "Are you coming, babe?" she looked back at Win's Nathan.
“Course I am, I wanna dance with the birthday girl,” he exclaimed, letting Lyddie help him up.
Lydia pulled him as they headed toward the stage.  She was never very good at dancing like nobody's watching, but right then she couldn't be bothered by anyone else.
Bracketed by both Nathans, Win shook her hair out, moving to the music as she pulled Lydia closer while grinding against her Nathan.
What a sight they must've been, dancing, kissing, and holding each other... 
"I’ve just had the best idea," Lyddie wrapped her arms around Win, “once we get to the hotel..." 
"What hotel?" her Nathan interjected, confused. 
"The one I asked you to find and make a reservation at?" 
"Oh... I knew I had forgotten somethin'," he grimaced. 
"So you're telling me we don't have a place to sleep?"
“Maybe there’ll still be rooms available?” Win’s Nathan ventured, though he had a feeling it was doubtful.
"In the middle of a music festival?" Lydia was trying very hard not to freak out.  "In a town with two hotels?  We're fucked..." 
"Nah, I'll fix it!" her Nathan tried to calm her down. 
"Just like you did with the corpse in the car that one time?" she scoffed. 
"I did fix that, we're not in jail so it worked!" he whispered.  "Calm down, we can make us a tent, problem solved."
“There’s an area for camping,” Win pointed out, gesturing over toward the far side of the field.  “A tent sounds fun!” she exclaimed.  “But maybe make it a lot bigger than it looks on the outside,” she giggled, not worried at all as she pulled out another joint to light.
"See?  You worry too much, baby, give us a little credit, you're not the only responsible one..." Lyddie's Nathan held her from behind. 
"That's arguable," she teased.  "But if Win's happy with it, then cheers."
“I still wanna know what this ‘best idea’ of yours is,” Win purred, wrapping her arms around Lydia as her Nathan plucked the joint from her fingers for a hit.
"Well, I was just gonna say I brought our special toy so maybe I could use it with you once we're alone," Lyddie murmured.  "If you want..."
“Oh?” Win exclaimed, her eyes lighting up.  “I’d like that a lot, Lollipop,” she replied, straightening.
"Good, cause I wanna fuck you until you scream," Lydia purred before biting Win's neck softly.
“Ohhh,” Win groaned, wrapping her arms around Lydia’s neck.  “God that sounds amazingggg,” she whined.
"We get t'watch, don't we?" Lyddie's Nathan asked hopefully.  He’d never seen Lydia doing that yet. 
"I'll think about it..." she taunted.
“Aw c’mon baby, I like an audience,” Win grinned, taking Lyddie’s Nathan’s hand.  “I’m feeling a little worn out, shall we go pitch our tent?  It’s not like there’ll be no music tomorrow.”
"Very well," Lyddie's Nathan kissed Win's temple.  "Let's go then. I just hope nobody notices the tent showin' up out of thin air... but it's dark enough, I think." 
"You think?" Lydia laughed.  "You are so carefree, I gotta try that sometime, cause being in my head is exhausting."
“You want another hit of this?” Win’s Nathan offered, passing Win’s joint around as he wrapped his arms around both girls as they began to head toward the camping ground.
"I have to take care of the pipes," Lydia frowned.  "We have a gig coming up, but I like to watch you." 
"Okay, big reveal..." Lyddie's Nathan opened her backpack and got a rod out of it.  "What's that?" 
"That's--" he smashed the rod on the grass and an entire tent came out, making her jump and nearly fall, “--our tent!" 
"JESUS CHRIST, Nathan! Was this really necessary?" 
"No, but it was fun, wasn't it?"
Win laughed.  “Ahh, it’s perfect!  Thank you babe,” she exclaimed, raising up to kiss Lyddie’s Nathan’s cheek before hurrying through the flap into the tent.  “Oh my God, Lydia!  You have t’see this!” she exclaimed, gaping at the furnishing.  “It looks like a fuckin’ hotel in here.”
"Okay, this is amazing!" Lyddie walked inside and jumped on the bed, pulling Win with her.  "I love it ! You're the best, Nate..." 
"What was that again?" her Nathan asked, joining them with a smug grin.  "I didn't hear ya..." 
"You're the best, thank you," Lydia repeated, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“My hero!” Win exclaimed, kicking her shoes off as she fell to the bed. 
“What about me?” her Nathan exclaimed with a huff and she pulled him down as well.
“You’re my hero too babe, always will be,” she said, pressing a kiss to his lips.  “Seriously, this has been the best birthday ever.”
"I'm happy you had a good time, I've been so anxious all day to make sure everything is perfect, so it's good to know it all worked out," Lydia embraced Win, kissing her all over her neck and shoulders.  "It was a lot of fun... I just wish I could make you a cake."
“Aw babe,” Win cooed, giggling at her kisses.  “I don’t need a cake, I’ve got something just as sweet!”
"As soon as we're back home I'll make you one, I'll make you an entire dinner," Lyddie mused before remembering her offer.  "Are you too tired for my surprise?  Cause if you wanna go to bed I understand."
“I’m not too tired!” Win exclaimed, perking up.  “I want your surprise!”
"Boys, would you be so kind as to strip her naked for me?" Lyddie asked as she got up and dug through her backpack for the pink bag she kept the special toys on trips.
“Gladly!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, peeling her top off and unsnapping her bra.  
“Oh!” Win exclaimed, her eyes widening.
"Very good," Lyddie praised as her Nathan got rid of Win's shorts and knickers.  "So beautiful, all for me..." she slowly shed her own clothes and made a show of putting the strap-on on.
Win wet her lips as she fell back onto the bed, watching Lyddie while anticipation coursed through her.  “Oh God, Lyddie,” she breathed, turned on by how possessive she was being.
"Look at you, so needy, I love to see you like that..." Lyddie crawled atop of her.  Lyddie's Nathan on the other hand was extremely confused, if having Win make him a submissive wasn't enough, now he couldn't stop staring at his fiancé with that dildo on.
Win’s Nathan knew that look, he was pretty sure he’d had that look on his face the first few times Win wore the strap and he smirked, turning his gaze back to the girls. 
“I am, I need you so bad, Lollipop!” Win cried, running her hands down Lydia’s back.
"Do you?" Lyddie reached between Win's legs, circling her clit while looking up at her Nathan to catch his reaction.  "I guess you deserve it after how nice you were to me earlier behind the stage..." she teased her entrance.
Win whimpered, squirming under Lyddie’s touch, wanting more.  “Please, baby, I want you t’ruin me,” she begged desperately.
Lyddie slowly thrust into her, kissing her chest tenderly.  "Like that, sweetie, is this what you want?" 
"Jesus..." her Nathan breathed, swallowing nervously.
“Yes, more Lyddie,” Win gasped, her hands sliding down to grab Lydia’s ass.  “Please I want you t’ruin me.  Wear me out.  Use me.”
"That's a good little pet," Lyddie growled, slamming into her, moving fast and roughly.  "You're so good for me," she leaned in, pressing her lips to Win's.
Win let out a muffled cry as she kissed Lydia back desperately.  “Oh God, Lyddie, you’re amazing!” she whimpered in between kisses.  “I’m already so close, fuck, you fuck me so good baby!” 
“Holy shit...” Win’s Nathan muttered as he watched, spellbound.  Fuck but we wanted Lydia to do that to him.
"Yeah? You're gonna come for me, baby?" Lyddie kept moving vigorously.  She usually felt pretty awkward in situations like this, but seeing Win screaming her praises filled her with confidence.  
Her Nathan decided not to question it, he was too horny to think, all he knew was Lydia looked incredibly sexy like that.
“Mhmm,” Win nodded, unable to form words as her climax hit her like a bus and she raked her nails down Lyddie’s shoulder blades as she cried out before going limp.
"That was so hot," Lyddie took a second to breathe before pulling out.  "So, how was the show, boys?" 
"I- fuck!" her Nathan stuttered, quickly cleaning the mess from his hand.
“One of th’hottest yet!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, quickly tucking himself back into his boxer shorts.  “You’re gettin’ really good with that thing, Lyds.”
"Would you like to give it a go sometime?" Lyddie changed into a shirt and joined them in bed, pulling Win into her arms.
“Fuck yeah, I would,” he replied eagerly, kissing Win gently on the temple as he pulled her into his arms.
"You okay, Natty?" Lyddie asked, looking at her Nathan, who was strangely quiet. 
"Yeah, just a bit tired," he cleared his throat. 
"Aww do you want me to be the big spoon tonight?" she giggled. 
"NO!" Nathan jumped. "I mean... I wanna hold ya, I love you," he kissed his fiancé's cheek.
“C’mere,” Win called from the bed.  “I want all my loves.”
"Yes, baby," Lyddie snuggled Win, pulling the blanket to cover them.  "It's getting chilly in here..." 
Her Nathan hesitated for a second and joined them under the covers, stroking Win's hair.
Win opened her eyes to smile at him, reaching out to caress his cheek.  “Thank you guys for making my birthday so perfect.  I love you so much.”
"I love you too," Lydia sighed, soaking in their warmth.  "First birthday in this dimension, only a billion more to go... I can't wait."
Tag list: @magic-multicolored-miracle @santacarlahorrorshow @messengeronthemoon @the-freckled-luba @firstpersonnarrator  @spanishmossmagnolia @salvador-daley @forenschik @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @vonkimmeren  @violetrainbow412-blog
23 notes · View notes
Sterek A-Z Challenge: one word prompts
Week 23: W - Worry
When Stiles came home from his afternoon developmental psychopathology class, Lydia Martin was sitting in his apartment rhythmically drumming her perfectly manicured nails against the armrest of his favourite armchair. Stiles sidled into the apartment and slide the loft door closed behind him. The lock clunked into place. Shrugging out of his purple hoodie, he dropped it and his Batman messenger bag beside the door.
“Hey, Lydia,” Stiles greeted cautiously and glanced around the apartment. His boyfriend’s sneakers and leather jacket were missing. “Where’s Derek?”
“Picking up dinner from the cute little bistro on the corner.” Lydia wrinkled her nose. “Your bottle of ketchup and a jar of pickles was... unacceptable.” She stopped drumming her fingers to inspect her nails. “He should be back any minute.”
“Right... but it's Tuesday,” Stiles said as he inched into the main living area and hovered awkwardly beside the couch, afraid to sit down.
Lydia raised an eyebrow. “So?”
Stiles gave a short painful laugh and rubbed the back of his head, which knocked askew the beanie he’d forgotten he’d been wearing. “It’s date night.”
“Date night,” Lydia repeated. Her eyebrow crept higher.
“Yeah, you know, dinner, movie, walk in the park, and all that jazz,” Stiles said. He scratched his cheek and shifted from one foot to the other, unable to meet Lydia’s judgy glare.
“On a Tuesday?” Lydia said.
Stiles chewed on his bottom lip. “Yes?”
“Oh, for the love of god, Stilinski. Sit down,” Lydia snapped and pointed at the couch.
Stiles leaped over the arm of the loveseat and face-planted on the cushions before he scrambled to sit rigidly on the edge of the seat, hands in his lap.
Lydia pursed her lips. “Much better.”
Stiles managed to sit quietly for all of three seconds before he slouched back into the couch with a giant sigh.
“Why are you here, Lyds?” Stiles asked. “I mean, not that I’m not happy to see you. It’s totally cool for you to drop in, unannounced, two days before midterms... Oh my god.” He flailed, smacking his nose with the back of his hand as he tried to sit up again. “Someone’s dying. Who’s dying? Are you dying? Am I dying?” Stiles paused, eyes wide as he leaned forward and went eerily still. He swallowed. “Is it Derek?” he whispered.
Stiles couldn’t breathe. Not again. He couldn’t watch Derek die again. Last time he’d had to leave. Derek made him leave. He couldn’t. Not again. Not again. Not again. His vision swam, and he groped for the arm of the couch to help him stand up, but he felt lightheaded and woozy. A small, but strong hand caught his wrist and dragged him back down onto the couch.
“Stiles, shut up and calm down!” Lydia said, and Stiles realized he’d been repeating the same two words over and over again. She held one of his hands tightly and forced him to look at her. Her palm was warm against his cheek. “I need you to breathe. Can you do that? Look at me. Stiles!”
“You’re terrible at this,” Stiles gasped as he struggled to focus the blurred vision of strawberry blonde in front of him. “Like really bad. How are you so bad at this.”
“Maybe because your werewolf boyfriend would rip my throat out if I kissed you again,” Lydia said.
Stiles swayed and closed his eyes, trying to focus on Lydia’s voice. “Wasn’t a good idea the first time.”
Metal screeched in protest as the loft door was nearly ripped off its tracks. It crashed open, and a furious roar echoed through the apartment. Before Stiles could react, a cool breeze ruffled his hair, and warmth surrounded him as an all too familiar scent tickled his senses.
“Der?” Stiles wheezed.
“I’m here, baby,” Derek murmured with a slight lisp, which made Stiles let out a  shaky laugh. “Breathe with me.”
Stiles didn’t need to look to know Derek was wolfed out, fangs, sideburns, no eyebrows, and all, but he let Derek guide him, repositioning his limp limbs like a ragdoll until Stiles’ head rested over Derek’s heart. The steady beat soothed him. The tips of Derek’s claws prickled Stiles’ skin through his hoodie where Derek’s hand was splayed over Stiles’ chest.
“I don’t want you to die,” Stiles whispered.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Derek promised, nose buried in Stiles’ hair. A total pro, he talked Stiles down as he had many times after vivid nightmares and flashbacks.
Stiles sank further into Derek’s protective embrace, comforted by the gentle rise and fall of Derek’s chest in time with his own breathing. A hand carded through his hair, claws tender and delicate against his skull, and brushed back his bangs.
Derek pressed a kiss to Stiles’ forehead. “Better?” he asked.
Most people would ask if Stiles was okay. Derek never did, and Stiles appreciated it because, after a panic attack, he was anything but okay, which Derek understood and related all too well.
Stiles had once woken up to shredded pillows, anguished howls, and a flurry of feathers. Derek had shifted in the middle of the night in some sort of unconscious attempt to protect himself from his nightmares. They stopped buying down pillows after that, and Stiles kept a grooming brush in the bedside drawer.
“Yeah. Thanks, big guy.” Stiles patted Derek on the arm and tilted his head back. Without the presence of Derek’s eyebrows, Stiles was having difficulty reading his boyfriend’s expression. He absentmindedly pet Derek’s sideburns until Derek’s beta shift melted away, and then cupped Derek’s cheek, rubbing his thumb against the day-old scruff he found super sexy.
“Was backflipping over the couch absolutely necessary?” Lydia interrupted.
Stiles jumped and twisted around to stare at Lydia perched primly on the edge of her seat, ankles crossed and tucked to the side. She flipped her slightly ruffled hair over her shoulder and sniffed as if insulted he’d forgotten that she was there. Everything was fine. Lydia just decided to pop in... from Massachusetts.
“Ha. Are you kidding? Derek is the king of unnecessary flips and random parkour,” he joked, but his voice trembled. A slight squeeze of arms around his middle said Derek hadn’t missed it.
Lydia hummed. “Where’s the food?” she asked and glanced around again, and wrinkled her nose in distaste at their interior decorating skills. They tended to go for function and comfort over, well, anything.
“What was that, big guy?” Stiles yawned when Derek mumbled something too low for Stiles’ human ears to pick up, and he was sitting on the werewolf’s lap. Warm and cozy in his boyfriend’s arms, his eyes were heavy with fatigue. It’d been awhile since he’d had a panic attack, and he’d blissfully forgotten how exhausting they were.
“I dropped it downstairs,” Derek said through gritted teeth. Lydia pursed her lips, and a low growl rumbled in Derek’s chest under Stiles’ ear.“Stiles is my priority, not your disdain for gas station snacks and fast food. You should have eaten on the road if you were so hungry.”
“Some of us don’t have the ability to recover from food poisoning while still chewing,” Lydia snapped.
Snickering, Stiles drifted off to the dulcet tones bickering with a smile on his face. “Missed you, Lyds,” he mumbled, and their snappish chatter faded away as he drifted off.
The apartment was dark when Stiles fought to resurface from the depths of unconsciousness. He felt floaty. His eyes were heavy and limbs loose. He was curled against a firm body - Derek’s, his sluggish mind supplied as if he’d be able to mistake the earthy musk of his boyfriend for anything else - and tucked under the fleece throw they kept over the back of the couch for when Stiles inevitably got cold.
Stiles tried to latch onto the soft murmur of conversation around him. The scent of Indian roused his senses. Derek must have called in an order. Stiles’ stomach growled, and he groaned, shoving his nose into the crook of Derek’s neck. The conversation stopped. Stiles forced himself to relax, feigning sleep.
“So you hopped in your car and drove four hours because you heard  whispers in your freezer?” Derek said barely above a whisper, and his hand resumed rubbing small soothing circles against Stiles’ back.
Cutlery clattered against a plate and Lydia huffed. “Forgive me for worrying about my best friend.”
“That’s not-” Derek cut himself off with a groan. “You’re sure it was him?”
“Of course I’m sure,” Lydia said indignantly. “Derek...” Her voice was soft, almost hesitant, with a hint of something Stiles had never heard from the great Lydia Martin before; sympathy. “He was dying.”
“No.” Derek’s sharpness left no room for argument. His arms tightened to almost painful proportions around Stiles’ torso, trapping Stiles in the blanket burrito Derek had wrapped him in.
“What do you mean, no?” Lydia said. “This is a fact. I may not understand my powers, but they are never wrong.”
Stiles bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. Too few people stood up to Derek. He was all eyebrows and scowls which looked intimidating, but no one ever realized he was just a giant ball of adorable fluffiness goodness on the inside. He also loved that Derek didn’t take shit from the most formidable women Stiles had ever had the pleasure of meeting.
“I’m still alive,” Derek said.
“You came back,” Lydia pointed out. “You evolved, Derek. Stiles... Stiles is going to die.”
Stiles abruptly sat up, eyes so impossibly wide it hurt. “I’m gonna what now?”
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hazftcor · 7 years
Jealous Book 2 Part 3
Scoot Mctoot cares about his sister so much that he’s willing to do the things he doesn’t want to do, just for her
“Good morning Scott.” You say as you take a seat at the breakfast table.
“Can you add another plate for my new boyfriend please?” Scott looks at you, startled. You laugh at his expression. 
“Do not tell me you and Theo are dating now.”
“Yes we are, is there a problem?” Scott furrow his eyebrows.
“You just broke up with Liam?! Now you’re dating him? The enemy?” You frown.
“First of all, It was Liam who broke my heart and Theo, and Corey, who helped me through my heartbreak. Theo was always there for me and during our adventure fighting off the ghost riders while you remembered Stiles, there was a deep connection between us. Secondly, Theo is not our enemy anymore. he’s my boyfriend.”
“Are you crazy? He’s a f*cking murderer!” He raises his voice.
“Theo will never do anything to hurt me. He loves me! And I love him!“
“You can’t trust him, he’s the reason why you and Liam broke up.”
“I can trust him. I will always trust him. He’s my best friend! You’re just mad because it isn’t your otp!” Scott’s eyes turn red. You get scared and step back. He realizes what is happening and calms back down. 
“I’m sorry Y/n.”
“Please Scott, just let me be with him.” You whisper, afraid he would lash out on you. He steps a bit closer. You flinch a bit.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. I didn’t mean to scare you. Please don’t be scared of me.” He reaches his arms out for a hug and you carefully hug him. 
“Hear me out, today is the last pack meeting before Stiles goes off to the FBI thing. We’ll have a vote there. See who agrees and disagrees with you guys dating. I promise I won’t vote until the end.” You nod.
“Is everything okay here?” Theo comes down. You can smell his chemosignals, he was sad.
“Baby, you heard all that?” You ask walking up to give him a hug.
“Yes baby, don’t worry I’m alright.”
“Okay, come on, let’s eat breakfast together.” The three of you gather around the table. You give Theo your plate and go to get your own. It was silent, with only the sound of you guys chewing.
“Oh my God, where the hell is he?” Stiles complains. You cuddle closer to Theo while holding his hand. You catch Corey staring at you and he sends you a wink. A knock is heard on the door and Lydia opens it.
“Finally! Liam and Hayden! You’re here!” The other couple walks in. Liam’s eyes lands on your intertwined hand with Theo.
“Hey guys, sorry we are late. This is my new girlfriend, Hayden.” He smirks.
“Hey, I have a new boyfriend too! Everyone, Theo is my new boyfriend.” Liam glares at you. You knew just how to get on his nerves.
“You guys are gonna have to vote if Theo and Y/n should date.” Scott informs the pack.
“I agree, they look cute together. And Y/n is happy!” Lydia states, smiling. You smile brightly.
“Me! I agree definitely! Come on Mason.” Corey says quickly. You chuckle.
“Okay, I’m okay with them.”
“Okay so that’s 3 out of 8. You just need two more votes to be able to date Theo.” Stiles slowly raises his hand.
“I agree.” Scott gasps, putting a hand on his chest as if Stiles’ choice stabbed him in the heart.
“What? Y/n is happy, I am happy.” Stiles says. You grin.
“Okay one more vote. Malia? Liam? Hayden?”
“I completely disagree.” Liam states. You roll your eyes.
“Okay so now its two versus four.”
“I don’t mind, as long as he,” Malia jabs a finger at Theo. “,doesn’t bother me.”
“Is that a yes?” Scott asks. She nods. You happily jump up.
“Yay! Thanks Scotty! Thanks Mal, Thanks Lyds, Thanks Mas, Thanks Stiles, Thanks Cor! I love you all. Well not you.” Your eyes land on Liam. He frowns. You go back to cuddling Theo, who has been silent all along. You smile at him and he smiles back, kissing your forehead,
“What’s wrong babe?”
“Nothing, I just feel unwelcomed.“ You put your hands on his.
“Baby, it’s just one pack meeting. you don’t have to come to the rest if you don’t want to.” You give a small smile and cuddle closer to him, inhaling his scent.
“Okay so since we’re going to college, I’m leaving it up to you guys to protect Beacon Hills. If you have any problems, ask Y/n or Liam. They will be your alpha 2.0.″
“Why me and him?” You whine.
“because, you’ve been in the supernatural world longer than him and he’s my first beta.”
“Yeah, Yeah. just like the old times. Don’t worry Scotty, I will protect those who cannot protect themselves as much as possible, and that includes dear Liam over there, who has the I.E.D. What does it stand for again? Intermittent Explosive Disorder?” It was a good thing you had Brett Talbot’s number, because he and Liam held a grudge against each other. Brett loves to play with Liam’s anger issues. It was also good that you were good friends with Allison before she died.
“Y/n.” Scott sternly says. You snicker.
“Can you please stop trying to get MY boyfriend angry?” Hayden speaks up.
“Don’t emphasize on ‘my’ please. He was my boyfriend in the first place.”
“Hayden.” Liam states. Hayden instantly shuts up. The meeting continued on, with the tension being so thick that you can cut a knife through it. You received glares from Hayden, so you glared back. 
Finally, when the meeting finished, you and Stiles embraced tightly.
“I’m gonna miss you Y/n. Call me if you miss me.”
“Oh Stiles. I will miss you and your sarcasm.” You let go so Stiles and Scott could hug.
“Princess I’m gonna go.” Theo says from behind you. You turn to him and pout.
“Awh but I wanted you to stay.”
“I don’t think Scott likes me. I’ll come by once in a while don’t worry.” He smiles to reassure you. 
“Okay, stay safe baby.” You peck him on the lips before he walks out the door. 
When everyone left Scott walks up to you.
“Y/n you can have my motorcycle. I have Stiles’ jeep now.” He hands me his keys. “Take good care of it.” You nod.
That motorcycle can save someone’s life.
By the start of the school year, everything was different. 
“Hey! Nice work Diaz! Nolan, you can stay in there. You can take him. Nice shot, the best for pre-season.” Scott blows the whistle and watches the players on the field. You walk up to your brother.
“Hey sis, You ready to fill in my spot?” You nod. 
“Assistant Coach McCall, What exactly are you doing?”
“You’re giving them hope. When did I ever give you hope?”
“Exactly. Nothing motivates more than withering criticism. Also is this the new assistant coach? And speaking of losers, where's- where's your little friend?” Scott looks around the field for Liam.
“Yes coach, I’m Y/n McCall.”
“You’re a girl. Have you played Lacrosse before? Have I seen you play?” You nod.
“okay show me your moves. Go change.” You start to leave to go change. Coach turns back to Scott.
“Um? Is um a location? Is um behind me?”
“He’ll be here okay. He’s the backbone of our team, he stepped it up everyway possible. A born leader who can handle anything you throw at him.” Scott looks at you and gestures you to find him quick. You give him a nod.
“hey little McCall, who’s that on the bleachers?” Coach points to Theo sitting on the bleachers, reading a book.
“He’s my boyfriend. Gotta go.” You run inside and enter the boys change room.
“I can’t handle this.” Liam sulks, lying on the bench, half naked. You roll your eyes.
“Dude you haven’t even changed? Stop sulking about Hayden. Scott has faith in you.” The three boys look at you.
“Go away Y/n, You don’t belong here.” Liam says.
“I do. I’m the new assistant coach.”
“I can’t handle this.” Liam groans. You roll your eyes again and help him. 
“Yes you can. And you’ve handled so much worse than this. Now stop crying.” Corey and Mason grab his uniform. You push him up.
“I don’t think you should be here. This is the boy’s change room.” Corey says, nervously.
“Corey. Both of you are fully dressed, literally the only thing to see at the moment is Liam and his naked chest. And I’ve seen Liam naked before.” You help him put on his uniform and lacrosse things. Liam ignores what you said.
“You’re practically the Alpha now dude.” Mason tells Liam.
“i’m nothing without her.” You roll your eyes dramatically.
“Can you stop being a crybaby?” You push Corey and Mason away so you can quickly put on his clothes. Liam stares at you.
“You don’t understand, Hayden left me.”
“Good,” Corey hits you gently. You smirk.
“She moved, to protect her sister. It’s not like she dumped you or anything.” Mason explains
“Why are your arms so god damn heavy? Liam help me out here please.” You complain, struggling to put on the lacrosse padding over him. Mason gets a text.
“Okay, Scott says coach is losing it.”
“Scott’s leaving too.” Liam says before falling back towards you. You push him away.
“Going to college is not leaving, okay? it’s called growing up. And we’re all going to different colleges eventually.” Mason explains
“I thought we both were applying to UCLA?” Mason hand gestures Corey to shut up.
“You guys are going to the same college?”
“That’s not the point.”
“I don’t know where I’m going, so...”
“I don’t want to be with you.” You gasped, pretending to be offended
“Liam, we’re still here. Stop sulking and get moving. I have to change myself too.” Mason gives him his lacrosse stick and you get away from the boys, taking off your shirt.
“Um. Y/n.”
“What? Just look away duh.” You chuckle at Corey’s response when he saw you in your bra. 
“You still wear that bra?” You face reddens and you quickly put on your jersey which was Scott’s old jersey.
“Shut up.”
‘What is the point?” Corey and Mason start dragging him out. You follow.
“The point is, summer is almost over. We’re gonna be seniors. This is about to the best year of our entire lives, and you’re still captain of the lacrosse team.” They back up into and fall on each other. You laugh. Mason phone vibrates.
“Coach is making Diaz captain.” Liam’s expression changes. 
“Welp see ya. Gonna be kicking your asses later.” You wave goodbye before running out.
Diaz has the ball when you reached the field. 
“Other team, little McCall.” You run to the other side and put on your helmet. You look at Theo who was look at you. He smiles. Diaz throws the ball towards the net. Right before it hits the net, Liam jumps in. 
“Now that’s how you play lacrosse, McCall. Who is that kid? He’s spectacular.”
“Coach, That’s Liam.”
“well how am I suppose to tell them apart? They all are wearing the same thing.”
“They got numbers on the jersey’s coach.” Liam was running with the ball and you smirk. You run right at him, slamming into him. Both of you fall.
“Ow god damn it.” Liam gets up slowly, breathing heavily.
“F*ck. Liam.” You say. Scott blow his whistle and runs toward you guys.
“Y/n!” You put your hands up in surrender. Liam looks up with his beta eyes.
“Liam, your eyes.” Scott says.
“McCall. what the hell was that? That wasn’t a foul. That’s called winning.” Everyone gathers around but their eyes land on something else. A wolf.
The wolf growls and walks a bit closer.
“Everyone back.” Scott tells everyone. They step back. You step a bit behind Scott. You see Nolan standing and staring at the wolf.
“Nolan.” You say. You look at Scott.
“Nolan, Stay back. Are you okay?” You ask pulling him back. He looks at you, fear in his eyes. Scott stars at the wolf, eyes flashing red. The wolf turns around. Scott looks back at you and Liam. You nod. Liam and Scott follow the wolf into the woods, while you get everyone settled.
You hear Scott and Liam groan as you walk by Scott’s room. They were trying to close Scott’s suitcase. They were able to close for a second, but once they threw it on the bed, it opened again. 
“Hi guys. Having some trouble I see.” You smirk. 
“Y/n go away.” You fake gasp at what your brother just said. You go and sit in between the two boys.
“I’m offended Scott. Are you guys trying to kick me out of the house? Keep in mind that this is my house too.”
“Go away.” Liam tries to push you away.
“No. Don’t touch me. Liam was being a pervert today.”
“You changed in front of me.“
‘It’s not like you guys never seen each other naked.” Scott adds. The both of you blush.
“So do you want to talk about it?” Scott asks Liam.
“I thought we were talking about it.” You poke Liam’s head.
“Ow, what the hell?”
“That’s obviously not what Scott’s talking about.”
“Oh. That. Me.” You shake your head smiling.
“Yea. You. Your fangs. your eyes. your growl.”
“This is like the dread doctors all over again.” Liam blushes a bit, thinking about those times.
“Its not like we’re talking about this.”
“You just gotta remember your mantra. What three things cannot long be hidden?” 
“The sun, the moon, the truth.” You chirp in.
“I haven’t had to used that-”
“What three things cannot long be hidden?” Scott repeats.
“The sun, the moon ,the truth.” Scott tells him to repeat that over again. He takes a deep breath and repeats it. Scott listens to his heart beat.
“Better.” You hug Liam.
“I swear to god, if you make me kiss you again, I am gonna kill you.” You whisper. Scott laughs and Liam laughs in embarrassment.
“You don’t have another suitcase do you?”
“I have duct tape.”
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loserholland · 7 years
The Princess and The Frat Boy
Theo Raeken AU
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College AU which Theo falls in love with the reader who’s in a relationship but later gets cheated on.
Warning- Cussing and fluff? (I think) kinda rushed so it might suck I’m sorry
Word Count- 2,268
Strobe lights lit the dim room of ‘Zeta Zeta Beta’ house Theo stood with the rest of the boys upstairs leaning over the railing as he watched students enter the room ignoring the college students getting drunk till he notice a beautiful girl walk in. 
You walked into the room and now my heart has been stolen
Her tight red dress hugged her curves as she stood at the door way pulling at sides that were ridding up, her hair was straighten. The deep red dress showed off her tan legs as she shifted in her place looking around the room as her gaze moved upstairs meeting Theo’s ocean blue eyes. “Who’s that?” Theo questioned Stiles as the mysterious girl looked away “Dude, it’s (Y/N)” Stiles shrugged as he took a swing of whiskey which he quickly spit-take the drink making a weird face as Theo looked back to see (Y/N) had wandered off somewhere “(Y/N) (Y/L/N) goody two shoes friends with Lydia.. smart girl 4.4 GPA?” he questioned Stiles again “Nooo, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) not goody two shoes not friends with Lydia.. dumb girl who has a 2.4 GPA.. Duh! She’s the only (Y/N) (Y/L/N) I know!” Stiles answered with sarcasm as Theo punched his arm playfully.
You took me back in time to when I was unbroken Now you're all I want
Theo Raeken, (Y/N) knew who he was. A fuckboy, player, fratboy, arrogant person. Yet she never knew why, people say he use to be a sweet guy a gentleman but something happened that changed him.
Tracy Stewart happened, she broke Theo’s heart which changed him to go from sweet, caring ,kind hearted Theo to bitter, careless, coldhearted Theo. She broke his heart.. he was so in love with her as she simply cheated on him. The truth is Theo is just broken and awaiting to be fixed yet he built up a wall that won’t allow anyone to hurt him, he changed his attitude which he regret yet continues with it because he doesn’t want anyone to hold his heart only to crush it at the end.
Yet he when he saw (Y/N) walk into the room looking like a damn angel those walls slowly came crashing down.
And I knew it from the very first moment 'Cause a light came on when I heard that song and I want you to sing it again
It’s as if that one look, the eye contact they had changed everything. They had a few classes together so Theo decided to sit next to her in psychology class “Um.. excuse me but I’m sitting there.” a boy said sheepishly as he referred to Theo sitting in his seat that was next to (Y/N) “I’m sitting here now, scram.” Theo said coldly as the boy nodded avoiding eye contact with him as (Y/N) scoffed opening her notebook ready to write. 
“Hey princess.” Theo commented as he draped his right arm over the back of her chair (Y/N) glanced at him then looked back at her notebook “Don’t call me that fratboy.” she mumbled taking out a highlighter and a few pens and a pencil.
“Why not?” Theo questioned as (Y/N) ignored him opening up her laptop opening a new document for notes “Princess.” Theo repeated as (Y/N) glared at him “Theodore Raeken will you shut your mouth? Stop calling me princess because you don’t even know my name!” (Y/N) finally answered.
Theo smiled like the cheshire cat as (Y/N) cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)... did you really think I don’t know your name? I’ve seen you around and let me tell you.. that dress you wore to my frat party damn.. you looked so sexy.” (Y/N) starred at Theo with wide eyes causing him to chuckle “C’mon princess pay attention don’t want you failing this class.” Theo said playfully as he leaned back his attention on the white board watching what their professor was writing. 
I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me Like it was a private show, but I know you never saw me When the lights come on and I'm on my own Will you be there to sing it again?
It was as if (Y/N) didn’t know Theo or acknowledge his presence when they’re in the same room. It killed him that she didn’t even notice him nor try to talk to him.
“Hey princess.” Theo commented as (Y/N) continued to ignore him causing Theo to frown “Nice day out huh? Still no response as Theo sighed looking at the board “Please turn to chapter- Mr.Raeken!” Theo had stormed out of class as (Y/N) looked up to see he had left his seat leaving class. He didn’t want to sit there for the next hour not talking to (Y/N).
Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories Can I be him?
I heard there was somone but I know he don't deserve you
“He’s so sweet!” (Y/N) giggled as she talked about her boyfriend Gabriel Cruz knowing Theo was sitting near by, Gabe was not sweet he was a damn douche bag using (Y/N) to do his work and just for ‘cred’ dating one of the smarted popular girls. Lydia and the rest of the girls went along with (Y/N) knowing damn straight Gabe was none of these things. Theo got up from the couch in the student lounge and stormed out.
“He likes you (Y/N)” Lydia said in a sing-song voice taking a sip of her coffee as (Y/N) placed her book into her bag “No, he doesn’t Lyd’s.” Allison shrugged as she took a bite of her apple “You can see it, the way he acts now.. kinda like the old Theo... I think he’s willing to change for you.” (Y/N) leaned back into the couch and sighed “Oh Theodore.” she thought.
(Y/N) attended another frat party that wasn’t ‘Zeta Zeta Beta’ but her boyfriend’s party. She wandered around asking where Gabe had been “Outside.” one said “In the kitchen.” another said “On the porch.” finally someone told the truth “In his bedroom.” (Y/N) made her way up the stairs staying as close to the wall so she wouldn’t brush against these drunk teens. 
“Gabe I have been looking every-” There he was with another girl in bed... in bed with Tracy Stewart “(Y/N) this isn’t what it looks like.” she then grabbed the necklace that was around her neck ripping it off then threw it on the floor “We’re THROUGH! I’m breaking up with you douchebag.” (Y/N) rushed down the stairs her head hung low causing Theo to look at her with concern as she rushed out the doors “(Y/N)!” Gabe called after as Theo walked up to him punching him square in the face “You hurt her didn’t you?” he questioned as Gabe didn’t answer causing Theo to clench his jaw as he punched him one more time “Next time if I ask you a question you answer.” Theo stood up rushing out to get into his truck to find (Y/N).
It was a chilly night as (Y/N) hugged herself rubbing her hands up and down her arm trying to warm herself blinking away the tears as light sobs left her lips thinking about how she could be talking to Lydia about this or better yet Theo whom may actually like her  “Princess?” (Y/N) looked to see Theo in his truck with the window down “Theo.” she mumbled as he rushed out of the car to bring her into his embrace warming her up a little “Princess you’re freezing!” Theo exclaimed as he took off his bomber to placing it on her shoulders “C’mon I’ll drive you home.” he opened the car door allowing her to get in and get warm.
If you were mine I'd never let anyone hurt you, no, no I wanna dry those tears, kiss those lips It's all that I've been thinking about 'Cause a light came on when I heard that song and I want you to sing it again
“Are you okay?” Theo questioned as he was constantly glancing at her every five seconds “Yes Theo for the tenth time.. pay attention to the road.” (Y/N) mumbled resting her head against the window. “I kinda punched your ex.. twice.” Theo said trying to lighten her mood “Good.. he deserves it.” (Y/N) mumbled as Theo glanced at her and smiled.
They came to a red light as Theo looked over at her, his hand cupping her cheek using the pad of his thumb to brush away the tear (Y/N) looked up into his beautiful blue irises then to his pink plump kissable lips she slowly leaned up till she heard a car horn beep causing Theo to turn his attention back on the wheel stepping on the gas.
I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me Like it was a private show, but I know you never saw me When the lights come on and I'm on my own Will you be there to sing it again Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories?
“Thanks for driving me back.” (Y/N) mumbled as Theo shifted from one foot to another as they stood in front of her dorm room “No problem princess.” (Y/N) was about to hand back him bomber till Theo shook his head ‘no’ “Keep it, looks good on you.” causing (Y/N) to blush she turned around to open her door till Theo tugged at her wrist causing her to turn around as he hugged her again taking her by surprise slowly she wrapped her arms around his waist. Theo pulled back to place a kiss on her forehead.
“Goodnight princess.”
Can I be the one Can I be the one Can I be the one Oh, can I, can I be him?
(Y/N) wore his bomber the next day of class as she sat in psychology she placed her bag next to the seat awaiting for Theo to arrive. He entered the class as (Y/N) gave him a small wave as he rushed over to sit next to her.
“You look beautiful in that bomber.” he commented as she gave him a smirk “Thanks.. so I was told to keep it from this handsome guy.” Theo starred at her blankly “What?” (Y/N) questioned “You called me handsome!” Theo grinned from ear to ear as (Y/N) rolled her eyes “You weren’t suppose to hear that.” she mumbled as Theo smiled “Well I think you look stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, I can go on and on about your beauty.” Theo whispered.
Won't you sing it again? Oh, when you sing it again Can I be him? Oh, sing it again, yeah Oh, when you sing it again Can I be him?I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me Like it was a private show, but I know you never saw me When the lights come on and I'm on my own Will you be there, will you be there? Can I be the one you talk about in all your stories Can I be him? Can I be him? Can I be him? Can I be him?
After weeks of flirting Theo and countless dates he was ready to ask her to be his girlfriend.
(Y/N) and Theo stood under the stars “Wow.” (Y/N) mumbled looking up at the stars that filled the navy blue sky. Theo got down on one knee pulling out a velvet box “(Y/N) don’t freak out okay? Just listen to me.” (Y/N) stood there shocked at Theo position.
“From the first day I met you I thought, wow this girl is beautiful. I’ve always wanted to ask you out yet I felt so.. scared and intimidated because of your beauty and how smart you were. I ended up dating someone who hurt me and broke me causing me to change. Yet that night when you walked into the frat house looking stunning as ever, trust me you always look stunning but that night confirmed that damn I am in love with girl. We never talked yet I’ve seen you around campus and the way you are around people caring, kind person. When I sat next to you in psychology I thought ‘She’s going to hate me because of what she’s heard about me.’ but those things aren’t true.. I did that because I didn’t want anyone else to hurt me and I knew you wouldn’t hurt me so I let my walls down for you.. I know you will hold my heart and won’t crush it. Yes we may have fights our ups and downs but I know you’ll always be there so (Y/N), will you be my princess? My girlfriend?” 
Theo opened the velvet box revealing a rose gold tiara ring (Y/N) nodded as tears slipped down her cheeks without her even noticing “Yes!” Theo placed the tiara ring on her ring finger kissing (Y/N) passionately for the first time. “I’ve been waiting to do that.” Theo said breathlessly as (Y/N) chuckled “You should’ve done it sooner.” she joked kissing him again.
“This is a promise ring yunno.” Theo said as she laced his fingers with her’s kissing the back of her hand as (Y/N) nodded “You scared me when you got on one knee I was about to faint.” she said as Theo chuckled placing a kiss on her forehead “I love you my princess.” (Y/N) leaned in to place a chaste sweet kiss on his plump lips “I love you my frat boy.”
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wlwreading · 7 years
stolen dates — lydia martin
— pairing: fxf — requested by: @wicked-retributionn Lydia Martin had a good life, it was not exactly how she thought it would end up as, but it was still enjoyable. That's until you showed up. Being new to the school was an experience to say at least. You had made friends with both Lydia Martin and Erica Reyes, who were perfect in their own way. Erica was one of the sweetest girls you've ever met. You had met her in P.E, when you unfortunately had to defend her against some bullies. She had a tendency to shy away when she got too close to someone. "Hey, Lydia," you said to the girl sitting next to you as you sat down in your seat in class. Lydia replied with a similar greeting to yours with a smile gracing her features. - Lydia's crush on you grew more each day and soon almost everyone had noticed, with the exception of you, and Erica. You and Erica also grew closer, not in the way that Erica would've wanted but you thought that it was the obvious way. On the Friday, exactly one week before the big day, Erica came up to you, asking how your day has been, just like she's always done. But this time it was different, she had prepared something special in that brain that was hiding behind her smile. "Hey Y/N, do you have a date to prom yet?" She asked as curiously as she could muster, trying to act normal about the matter. It was not everyday that you could ask your best friend to prom. "No I do not," You seemed upset about the subject since even a human could smell the sadness radiating off of you. Your locker was slammed shut by the force of your own hand. "I thought,- no I think that we should go." Before any of your thoughts could be processed into words Erica cut your shocked self off. "Together, that is," Lydia was standing near the two of you, trying to act as if the book she was holding wasn't a cover up. Her heart felt as if it would burst at any moment and her palms were sweating more than she'd ever done in Sports class. She could practically hear Erica's smile when you said 'yes' and her own heart shatter. The book went up as a cover once again to try to hide her tear stained face. - It was the day of prom at school, and everyone was pumped. There was decorations in the colours purple, black and white scattered all over the place. Old posters over thrown with new about prom was almost the only thing that you could see all day. It was the only day that people would mind their own business instead of putting their noses into your life to spread rumours. You had not seen Erica the entirety of the day and even yesterday. Every person who had been asked where she was, hadn't noticed. Her absence from class grew and your paranoia decided to spike up. Where could she be? Luckily you had Lydia help you cope with the stress in her own way, she helped you get a nice outfit for the evening. The outfit itself consisted purely out of thing that Lydia thought made you look more like a goddess. After walking home alone and feeling blue, no one was there to greet you like you and Erica originally had planned. Sighing, you unlocked the door to an empty home. The best thing to do right then and there was to dress up and decide if you're attending or not. Your phone started buzzing in your pocked and you picked it up, answering as soon as you could. "Hey, Y/n" Lydia said slowly, she sounded nervous when she spoke. "What's up?" You tried to ignore the fact that Lyds wasn't herself. "I have some bad news," she said. You made a noise signaling that you understood. "Erica's missing," You took that like a boxer took a punch, with a strong face, even when every cell in you body wanted to cry. "Oh," - You had decided that crying was not worth it and put on the outfit. At least it gave you some confidence. You felt everyone's eyes fixated on you. It made you wanting to crawl back into your house wrapped up under a blanket. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to show up when your date has just been pronounced as missing. Lydia had felt a presence that she loved so much. Seeing you like that it made her already broken heart ache for your healing touch. Suddenly you felt an arm loop through yours. Looking up, you saw a head of perfectly curled red hair. "You came," Lydia breathed out, using it more as a question. You looked amazing, and Lydia felt a wave of shame wash over her for not asking you out first. "I couldn't let this go to waste, now?" A smile was now evident on your face as Lydia led you into the decorative gym hall. The iridescent lights were cast upon the large crowd of teenagers as a calm song played, making it look like heavenly. Lydia's steps came to a abrupt stop as her dress flowed around, showing of her beautiful curves. "Wanna dance?" She held out a hand for you to take. You played your hand in hers and it felt like everything would work itself out when you were in Lydia's embrace. "Doesn't the infamous Lydia Martin have a date to attend?" You put your hands around her hips as you swayed to the slow paced beat of the song. "I had other things to look after," she explained and tied her arms around your neck. "Plus, I couldn't leave you here alone." You felt as if you were floating. If time stopped you wouldn't be mad at all, because you were with Lydia, and you could stay there forever. this took so long to write, whoop sorry for not being active, I've had test on test this week :/ - 🌈
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