#( slythersquad. )
littlesnakelets · 10 months
I head canon that the snakelets have a list of little selfmade spells or potions they invented over the years.
They include:
various make up potions - invented by pansy
Skincare potions - invented by milicent
Hair grow / hair remover potions - invented by daphne
various clothing hexes such as
Spell to make clothes apear tighter or wider at certain bodyparts - invented by Theo
Cooling and warming charms - invented by draco
Anti sweat mark charm - invented by vincent
Anti Cathair charms - invented by milicent
Waterproof/fireproof spell for furniture, clothes and parchments - invented by blaise
(After he got paired with Finnigan for a potions assignment)
Charms to avoid green stains from cheap jewelry
A magic battery that allows MP3-Players and other elecyronics to work in hogwarts - invented by Theodore and Y/N
Anti-potion drops- a self made potion that detects cheap love potions and basic partydrugs in drinks and food - invented by the girls in year 6 after the weasleys wizard wheezes started selling their potions
Magnetic spell that makes objects magnetic to the place they belong to - invented by blaise because all his friends are chaotic af
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virdix14 · 1 year
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Hello Tumblr! Haven’t been on this app since the art boycott of 2018😅 Here’s some of the SlytherSquad with the Barbie+Ken meme🤲
Anne def planned it, Seb screwed it up beyond belief, Elle cheered him on, and Ominis did absolutely nothing wrong:)
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                     the gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds                            • • •  but they haven't seen the      b  e  s  t    of     us    yet          | x @rody-lestrange @amycus-harrowed  @swordofdamoclesbelby @advictoriamxnott @vcnityemma x |
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vcnityemma-blog · 7 years
Emma Vanity + Slythersquad Aesthetics 
Commandeering the commons for weekly game night, girls vs. boys and/or slythersquad vs. slythersquad jr. 
Making posters and banners for Quidditch matches and getting way too over-the-top about them. 
White Elephant secret santa every year !! 
Summers spent at the lestrange pool always ends up with everyone soaking wet, as well as games of chicken and pranks ensue. 
Slythersquad being fiercely protective of Slythersquad jr. 
Everyone’s birthday is on the calendar in the commons and everyone’s birthday is celebrated differently.
No rules quidditch games for fun on the pitch. 
Group holidays to the seaside or the mountains + all the memories. 
Evan constantly taking pictures of everyone. actually being good at it too.
Nobody knows which sweater belongs to which person but they don’t care anymore.
Group study guides + group tutoring sessions for Slythersquad jr. 
Female side of Slythersquad doing that thing where nobody actually says anything but they have a full conversation.
Male side of Slythersquad annoyed by that + talking in their own code.
Amycus is Slythersquad dad, Emma is Slythersquad mom.
Evan makes food for all the parties.
Rod makes sure nobody fails potions.
Tally marks on the wall on the number of times Slughorn looks like he’s regretted every life decision he’s ever made.
Christmas is a huge ordeal and nobody is left out + epic snowball fights.
Halloween is also a huge ordeal, and group costumes are a thing.
Slythersquad girls having cuddle puddles + hair and makeup on point.
Swear jar is a thing. A joke, but a thing.
Douche-bag is also a thing. Evan is currently winning.
Barty and Reg are the unofficial official smols and are therefore in hazing phase.
Rab is sort of still in hazing phase too tbh.
Narcissa is the girl group favorite Slythersquad jr. Emma is the girl squad mom, and has named her princess. 
Group leaf pile laying.
Group swimming.
Group star gazing.
Drunk truth or dare. Drunk game night. Drunk conversations at 4 am in the commons. Drunk singing. Drunk rapping (in Portuguese) 
Girls have shared clothes so many times nobody knows who actually owns what
There are four beds in this dorm but we use one. 
Someone goes to every club/event for each person. Nobody goes to their cool/lame past time alone. 
Everyone has a partner for class, every time.
Too loud in the great hall.
Nose goes. OR everyone look at Barty at the same time.
2 am study sessions before major exams.
Annual scavenger hunt slythersquad vs. slythersquad jr. always gets too intense. Prize is unicorn headband. 
Slythersquad and Slythersquad jr. being ultimate friend goals !! * heart eyes * 
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ALLIANCES OF OFC : The Slythersquad
featuring @scriimgeour & @jackxdawlish & @athaircaraid & @pulchra-anguis & aiyanna figg
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confundo · 7 years
OTP Blogrates + Promo
So in celebration of my 22nd birthday yesterday and because I’ve gained some new followers, I figured this would be something fun to do! 
follow the birthday girl
reblog this post (likes only for bookmarking pls)
message with your OTP of choice from any fandom (example under the cut)
Once I reach at least 25 notes, I’ll make promo lists of 5-7 (depending on the notes; bolded for mutuals, +f for just followed) 
**Plus, everyone will get a personalized comment!**  *Blacklist aishwarates if you don’t want to see this on your dash*
ship: | who?? | notp | don’t ship | okay | cute | sexy | perfection | otp | the otp to end all otps
icon: alright | nice | pretty | beautiful | perfect <3 | GIVE IT TO ME URL: alright | nice | coolio | incredible | perfect <3 | how?????? theme: alright | nice | pretty | beautiful | perfect <3 | GIVE IT TO ME posts: alright | nice | coolio | incredible | perfect <3 | EVERYTHING I NEED overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 compliment: 
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mallowbees · 4 years
hiss hiss im here to participate in the slythersquad shenanigans 💚🐍💚 im a half-blood slytherin and im ready to slytherin someones dm's (jk lol)
K: Hdghfhfg lmaO But yes welcome snake friend!! :D
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When Neville meets Mulciber (PT 1)
St. Mungo’s Hospital, Winter 1988
Mulciber was always one to hold a grudge. The end of the war had not softened him, nor had it converted him to pacifism. He’d spent a total of  seven years in Azkaban, but his brother was able to get him out once it was revealed that – Yes, things connected to Evan. But they still lacked the physical proof he physically committed them. Most of his victims were in an uproar causing him to vanish soon after he left the prison ward. The ginger still did work for his fellow Slythersquad, mainly cleaning up the messes they didn’t want anyone to know about.
One of those messes sat in St. Mungo hospital. It made the corners of his lips twitch into a sneer when he walked by the window and saw the Longbottoms. Look at you now, Alice. His inner voice venomously hisses. They probably thought at the end of this that he would be committed to St. Mungo’s, but funny what happens with an overdose of Cruciatus Curse. Evan passes by their room and notices the boy at their bedside with Augusta. The hatred in his blood boils sourly, but he pushes through to finish his job first.
Evan tugs the black sleeve material down to his wrist to hide the mark on is forearm. Some of the nurses’ stare at him skeptically, but then he opens the door to the room he needs to be in. Quietly closing it behind him when he turns to the man cowered in the corner babbling about a strange man. Evan’s hair is longer now – shoulder length and wavy. He pauses in front of the door and threads his fingers to tie the hair into a ponytail. Bags under his stormy eyes, and there’s even crow feet in the corner of his eyes. He’s aged well beyond the years at Hogwarts.
“Hello. Do you remember me?” The voice whispers with his signature torturous chuckle. The patient glances at him and freezes in terror. The man places his fingers into his mouth and starts to rock in his position. Whispering over and over again a single phrase, ‘Not.’ But Evan knew he really meant, ‘Nott’. Mulciber decreases the distance between them casting a gaze behind him to the nurse watching him.
“It’s me. Your ole pal Evan.” His voice drops into a whisper as he knelt in front of the distressed man in the corner. The man starts to punch himself in the side of his head and lets out a shriek of madness. Mulciber surely knows the sound, but quickly reaches inside his coat pocket to produce his wand. Imperio was the cure to almost anything he could ever need. Evan had been foolish in school with it, but as an adult he figured out ways.
 “You have a girl that comes to see you here. Her name is Emma. You’re going to take whatever medicine she gives you.” He leans over with an a voice of authority. The man is hypnotized and nods his head in slow understanding. Evan hears the voice of the nurse behind him. ”That’s enough Mulciber. Go home.” There wasn’t a home for him now persay after the war. When he closes his eyes he can see the battlefield, and he knows the faces he went against all too well. Straightening his stance he moves out of the room, and who should he stumble upon in the hallway? A small little Longbottom. One that had found his way bumping into Evan’s leg. Obviously he got that from Fucking Frank.
”S-sorry.” The boy whispers and Evan can feel the corners of his lips tugging into a devious smirk. He knelt down closer to the boy’s height, and part of him became stunned when he noticed the features of Alice. “It’s okay boy. I was just visiting an old friend of mine. Say, you look like my old friend – Alice.” The boy gives him a wary eye, but murmurs softly.  “That’s my mum’s name.” Fucking Salazar this kid was like Frank already giving him the third degree with his eyes. Mulciber holds out his hand to the boy, and smiles slowly.  “Ah, Alice Longbottom. My name is Evan, what is yours?” He used the opposite hand so he doesn’t have to mask the mark with cloth.“I’m Neville.” What the actual fuck kind of name is Neville?
Mulciber snickers at the boy and stands tall once Neville takes his hands. ”You know I have so many stories about your mum and dad. Do you want to hear them?”He’s never seen such a light illuminate from a child’s eyes in wonderment. The boy agrees eagerly, and Mulciber starts to walk with him through the hallway.  “Hmm alright Neville. Where should I start?” Where should the lies begin? He was being ruthless, but what was left to care about for Evan didn’t exist. Neville’s bouncing up and down asking him for any story.
“I bet you’ve heard nothing but good stories. But you’re at a decent age now. A young man’s age to know the truth.” He can tell that doesn’t sit well with the boy, when the boy pauses his movements and takes his hand back from the strange man. The lad is thirsty for knowledge about his parents though, so he nods and tells Mulciber he’s ready for the stories.
”Well you see I knew both your parents for a long time. We went to Hogwarts together, and your mother…” Evan’s words pause as he swallows a lump in his throat.” Your mother and I were together. She was a wonderful woman there’s no doubt about that. But your father…”He tsks the air and his grin grows wider with resentment. “Your father was a bully. He didn’t care who he hurt, and he didn’t care who he took under. That is.. if your father is actually Frank. I’m sorry kid but your mother.. she got into some rough times.” He lifts his shoulders into a shrug. The boy is frowning, and Mulciber leans over to give the boy’s shoulder a friendly pat.”There, there kid. The truth is cruel. Hey.  How about we sit at that bench and Uncle Evan will tell you more?”Neville is still pouting but mentions Augusta.
That old hag. Evan mentally scoffs. What is she going to do about it? Send him a damn howler? Mulciber nods to the boy, “You won’t get in trouble kid. Uncle Evan is just taking you right there. We’re still in the hospital.” So the boy follows, and Evan gives him the most horrifically detailed story he can give about Frank stabbing him. Sending the boy into tears. Mulciber sits back an feigns a serious expression, but the inside of his mind is clouded in laughter.
 “Your mother was perfect but your father ruined her. You’re lucky you have her eyes.” A voice calls for Neville, and he gives Evan a hug before he hops off the bench and skitters down the rooms to his grandmother’s voice. Augusta gives him one look, and Evan grins right back waving to her. This was far from over.
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Hi! Just a quick disclaimer/read before you ask, before we get into all the fun questions/Slytherin insanity. Obviously, the characters portrayed on this blog are not my original characters, however their personalities are mostly my own fanon creation. They may not fit your definition of their personalities, or they may differ wildly from the books. I am not trying to apologise for any of their actions. Please do not hate on this blog because I am (in particular) a Pansy apologist.
They will answer questions about crushes/relationships, but nothing sexually charged. 
I have made a few changes/fleshed out characters that were given very little character in the books:
Draco: Albino, though obviously that may be canon. Yes, it is possible for albino people to have grey/silver eyes. Depression and PTSD from the war/Lucius. Gay for Potter though in denial.
Blaise: Nothing really major except character development. Gay for Theo (next on the list). Don’t worry, they will all do their own introductory posts.
Theo: Not many people know/remember Theodore Nott, so pretty much a blank slate. Fybromyalgia (look it up). Homoromantic, demisexual.
Pansy: Lots of changes. Selective mute, shitty parents. Lesbian.
Daphne: Again, barely mentioned if at all in the books. Double amputee (legs) and fluffy pansexual. Living ray of sunshine.
I may use ships you dislike, (Drarry, Daphne x Pansy, Blaise x Theo, Romione), and there will be a LOT of swearing. I will tag triggers. Also trying to put together something on AO3 about the SlytherSquad and their adventures trying to set up Draco and Harry. ~ Mod Indiana
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taz-writes · 5 years
Nymia seems cool and all your characters seem really fun (and so different I love them) what would their Hogwarts houses be?
Thanks!!! I thiiiiiiiiiiink... Talxin gives me Gryffindor energy, but he’s tricky because I could also see him being a Slytherin? But ultimately his brave outweighs his sneaky. 
Syz is a Ravenclaw, it just suits her whole aesthetic. She would’ve gone well in Hufflepuff too though. 
Suenya, DEFINITELY Slytherin, no doubts about it. 
Darrus just has to be a Hufflepuff. 
Anlied’s in Ravenclaw with Syz. 
Nyrene’s another Slythersquad. She’s sneaky as FUCK. 
Pariya joins Darrus in Hufflepuff!
Now that I think of it, they’re actually really balanced? I didn’t do that on purpose, but they sort out really evenly, which is great... they’re a pretty balanced cast. Did I do a decent job at something?? Eh, it’s probably because most of these characters were made to fit a different sorting system anyway and so it’s fairly simple to pin down their differences b/c it was a more important part of how they were built. That’s not really the case with my other worlds. 
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                         “We Slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid. 
                                 For instance, given the choice, 
                        we will always choose to save our own necks.”
                 [ ○ Slythersquad ○ | ○ Hogwarts ○ | ○ 1977 ○ ]
@rody-lestrange @amycus-harrowed @lectoc @vcnityemma @rabastanlestrcnge @princissa @anatomicallyburke @snapeinthegrass @hisfirstlieutenant @andromedial @lucretiagreengrass @al-evanmulciber @bartcmiuscrouch
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[ N a r c i s s a  B l a c k  x  L u c i u s  M a l f o y ]
moodboard [4/??] @princissa
                            “Friends can become enemies, and enemies 
                           can become friends. Ego and pride can turn 
                         what is good into bad, and kind words can 
                       turn what is bad into something good.”
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❤️♥ 🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in "1977" including me if you care. Be honest and send this to anyone who made u smile this year🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫♥ ❤️
It's not even a matter of wanting to lose you, you wiley sod. That bloody matter is not something I've ever given a thought to. As far as I'm concerned, you and the lot of you have no business going anywhere. Blood pacts reign supreme.
i love you, bastards.
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❤️♥ 🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in "1977" including me if you care. Be honest and send this to anyone who made u smile this year🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫♥ ❤️ (xoxo Damocles)
I knew there was some sense of sentiment deep down inside that dark pit of your heart.
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Amycus is an important piece of the puzzle belonging to my sanity. Without this majestic shit bag, I'd be missing something important inside of me that helps me function. It probably most closely resembles the piece of my brain that gives me headaches, but nevertheless, it's important.
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How to verbally encompass the way I feel about Damocles... He is a brilliant mind, one that consistently seeks to further his knowledge. About what? That's not really anybodies business, if you as me. What matters is that his intellect is not wasted on the childish ideals of a progressive world. And since we’re being honest,  he's not too hard to look at.
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