#( regulus black. )
petrifyhq · 2 years
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welcome back to hogwarts, regulus black. a lot has changed since we last saw you around  —  you’ve got twenty - four hours until your next class starts up.  timothee chalamet is now taken.  
( Timothee Chalamet, Twenty, Cis Man - He / Him ) hey, is that REGULUS BLACK wandering the halls without a companion? the FIFTH YEAR is getting bold. and here I thought the SLYTHERIN was always more astute, courteous, & level-headed. but then they are also known to be secretive, haughty, & vengeful, so maybe that makes sense. these hard times are enough to change anybody, I suppose. and did you hear people are saying they’re in THE KNIGHTS? rumors fly when people are cooped up.  here, I’ll show you — REGULUS always reminded me of foggy mornings, sly smiles, the scent of old parchment, spilt wine, stepping into a dark-wooded home, bitter laughter, the sensation of emptiness when you’re alone after spending the day with your favorite person, blackberry winters, and being woken up in the middle of the night by a thunderstorm shaking the house. and I’ve heard HE IS PLANNING TO MURDER HIS PARENTS IN COLD BLOOD. let’s hope the PUREBLOOD doesn’t get attacked by the beast. or let’s at least hope that rumor doesn’t get back to them before they do. ( Nimue, twenty-four, Mountain, She / Her )
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thatboisus · 8 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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justafanbutcurious · 2 months
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bloodbruise · 9 months
the bitches traumatized by saltburn would never survive the fics in my ao3 history
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mentallyadinonugget · 5 months
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alexsays-no · 18 days
Todo lo que fue de los dos son ecos de amor
(Everything left between you and me are echos of love)
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industrations · 8 months
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Teeny tiny🤲
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fiasco95 · 3 months
Sirius: Regulus got arrested at 2 in the morning. Guess who he called?
Sirius: Oh, James? His fiancé, logical choice right? No.
Sirius: Oh? Then, me. His brother, the most obvious choice at this point! No.
Mary: I’m confused, who the fuck did he call then?
Sirius, pointing at Remus: Him. And they got maccies right fucking after!! Instead of letting James and I know!
Regulus, nodding: Brother-in-law.
Remus, nodding back: Brother-in-law.
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just. dropping this here
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whore-of-hogwarts06 · 4 months
AU where Dad James Potter has a crush on baker Regulus Black:
James and five-year-old Harry: *enter bakery*
James, to Harry: Go on, buddy, tell the nice baker what you want.
Harry: *shyly walks up to Regulus*
Regulus: What can I get you, cupcake?
Harry: *giggles* I’m not a cupcake!
Regulus, with a wide grin: Oh! I’m so sorry, you’re so sweet, I mistook you for one!
Harry, pointing to James: My dad thinks you’re sweet, too!
*James and Regulus freeze and just stare at each other*
Harry, continuing his yapping: He talks about you all the time. He thinks you’re really pretty and that you have a nice a-
James: *grabs a random cupcake and slaps a 50 on the table before grabbing Harry and fleeing the bakery*
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outromoony · 2 months
Me when the slow burn is slow burning
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tenakiie · 25 days
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He likes to brag about his bf from time to time
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thatboisus · 1 month
me logging onto tumblr after consuming a new piece of media
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moonyswarmsweaters · 4 months
Because almost everybody is doing this:
if this gets 100 notes, I’ll finally clean my room
if this gets 200 notes, I'll go on a long walk
if this gets 300 notes, I’ll post a picture of something artsy I made and proud of
if this gets 400 notes, I'll make marauders fanart ( I have been scared to do this to not dishonor them with my sucky skills)
if this gets 500 notes, I’ll post a link to one of my marauders era inspired playlists
if this gets 1000 notes, ill try to make sure I drink enough water (for at least a week, let’s not aim too high)
if this gets 5000 notes, within a month, ill try coming out to my best friend
edit: I did it! She just pretty much said “that explains a lot” and asked some questions. Overall great. Fuck you and thank you all for making me do this to
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starchaser98 · 1 month
"Not every ship has to be gay!"
Girl you're using TUMBLR. THE gayland. What did you expect?
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jameskinniesrise · 5 months
Remus: James have you ever won an argument with Regulus.
James: We never argue. He speaks French and I shut up.
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