#( rodolphus lestrange. )
r0do-puss-y · 5 months
I'm here Fabian
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incorrect-malfoys · 7 months
Rodolphus: How did Bellatrix react when she found out you were dating Narcissa?
Lucius: She was fine with it
Lucius: She threw a rock at me
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reyrey-art · 2 months
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You can find a HD version on my Pixiv. This is the best quality I can post here (>﹏<)
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slitheringghost · 4 months
Voldemort Fic Recs
I meant to post this for hprecfest over four months ago, but uh... I didn't. More fic recs in Part 2 here.
The Limits Of Perception by deslea (800 words, G)
Rec: A truly fantastic character study in few words.
He meets a different kind of falsehood at school. The Pure prize the collective. They put aside their individual interests and feelings, follow codes of honour designed to protect family and name. It is still lying, but at least it is lying for something better than one's own ends. This is a kind of hypocrisy that he can tolerate, he decides.
of all my demon spirits by slashmarks (Tom & Ginny, 1.7k, T)
Rec: Ginny writes to Tom after the events of CoS. Paints a detailed picture of Tom and Ginny's relationship, and it's a great character study of Tom in addition to Ginny.
But I think maybe you were lying when you said that I was boring and stupid after all. Do you remember when we talked about the last war and I didn’t understand how anybody could think muggles were animals, because even if I don’t really know any muggles we go into the village to get groceries and stuff all the time and Mrs. Hoof keeps sweets by the counter just to give them to kids like me? You teased me about being bought with candy, but then you said the Death Eaters had to decide muggles weren’t people in order to kill them, and that really most people do that all of the time, like with house elves and stuff. You said that it was because most people are hypocrites and can’t face their real choices, but I think maybe it’s something you do, too, Tom. Maybe I had to be a boring and stupid little girl because you were about to kill me.
a shade amidst the shadowy dead by slashmarks (Tom & Cassiopeia Black, 2.4k, T)
Rec: THE Voldemort backstory of all time - Bellatrix's great-aunt Cassiopeia Black, a lesbian Dark Lord with a Muggle lover, and Tom Riddle and Bellatrix's mutual teacher and Mother Figure (TM) who they're both grieving when they meet. AKA Bellamort's very own Bathilda Bagshot.
Circling around to the potions shelving, she stopped halfway, a small twitch of a half-smile disturbing her serene face. Tom had fallen asleep with his face in a book in the armchair between bookshelves. In a moment he would wake, hearing her move. He would politely pretend he had lost track of time, and she would politely pretend to believe him. Of course, she knew perfectly well he was sleeping in the lab all the time for the summer, and she knew why. The school-leaving age in muggle Britain was fourteen, and Tom had therefore been expected to leave the orphanage two years ago.
The Shack at the End of the Lane by Asenora (Tom & Merope, 4k, G)
Rec: Voldemort’s victims meet Merope in the afterlife. A wonderful concept.
One day, a second bedroom materialised in the shack. It had white-washed walls and a black-and-white tiled floor, and contained no furniture other than a rickety iron bedstead, a wardrobe, and a hard wooden chair. She opened the wardrobe, and found nothing in it except an empty shoebox. 'This place needs some cheer,' she thought, and was unsurprised when a set of paint pots appeared in front of her.
the serpent's tale has come undone by slashmarks (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 6.2k, E)
Rec: Fantastic Voldemort POV in a Bellamort getting together fic. Slashmarks' ability to write both Voldemort's hunger for connection and intimacy and his cruelty is so impressive.
Orion Black's idiocy would be his prize, in this case. He understood what he was seeing when he looked into Bellatrix Black's cool gray eyes and the mind beyond them. He would gratefully use what Orion Black had discarded or overlooked as essentially worthless; or at least, not worthy of his attention and maintenance. He knew that pureblood men were often idiots about women, but sometimes the boundless capacity for it in otherwise intelligent ones surprised him. - Moreover... He had wanted family as a student, he remembered that; something to replace the loss that had occurred at and before his birth, someone to claim him, someone who would defend his interests and give him something to defend. He had the Death Eaters as the closest possible thing now. The demands marriage would have made on him would not be... tenable.
endless nights took on my whole life by slashmarks (Bellatrix/Voldemort, Voldemort & Rodolphus, Bellatrix & Rodolphus, Sirius & Bellatrix, 12.4k, M)
Rec: My absolute favorite Tom Riddle POV. A HILARIOUS Voldemort and Rodolphus dynamic in addition to a wonderful Bellamort.
Bellatrix was a new experience for Tom, as something of a kindred spirit. Abraxas might be the closest thing Tom would admit to a brother, but he had no real patience for magical theory or interest in it beyond utilitarian concerns, and Reinhard was simply too nice a person, deep down, a condition even the Lestranges had never cured him of. Bellatrix, though, was capable of sharing everything for the first time: she could keep up with him intellectually, she was as fascinated by magic as him, and any squeamish bone had long ago been extracted. Best of all, she shared Tom Riddle's fervent loathing for every aspect of magical Britain's society and his desire to personally torture to death most of the Wizengamot, which Tom had always known better than to fully express even to Abraxas.
The Edge of Reality by deslea (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 4k, E)
Rec: Fascinating exploration of the Death Eater cult and initiation.
To ensure their continued loyalty, they must be given a new family and future, better than the one they have agreed to cast away. When this is achieved, in his experience, they will do virtually anything in his service. Their loyalty to old laws and values and connections is either severed, or so conditional as to be irrelevant. It is a delicate exercise, carried out with an intricate blend of Legilimency and plain old-fashioned manipulation. It is magic at its finest.
'The son and heir of nothing in particular by @artemisia-black (2.6k, M)
Rec: Beautifully written, and I love Tom's musings on London in this fic.
But unlike the damp which pervaded the orphanage in the depths of winter, this scent did not evoke desperation and destitution. It did not remind him of scratchy government-issued pinafores and the flavourless soups that the matron insisted warded off the flu.  No, this damp smelled different. It smelled of ancient, untapped magic. But most importantly, it smelled like home.
The Velveteen Rabbit by Asenora (Tom & Mrs. Cole, Tom & Merope, 3k, G)
Rec: A unique take on Mrs. Cole and Tom's relationship, and a heartbreaking young Tom.
It’s just about pride - when he’s hurt, when one of the bigger lads punches him in the face, he won’t give anyone the satisfaction of knowing. He just watches, his face completely unmoving, staring whoever's attacked him down until they're the one that's frightened, and then whirling off triumphantly, with his chin in the air. But, if you know where to look, you can find him a wee while later curled up in a corner of the orphanage where nobody usually goes, running his fingers over his black eye or bruised jaw like he could cure the injury by magic, muttering words of comfort to himself, telling himself he’s all he needs, and he’ll be alright, and he will always, always manage to survive.
My True Family: Voldemort and Family Connections by slashmarks (Meta, 3k)
Rec: Cheating ‘cause this isn’t a fic, but a must-read essay that challenges the idea of an inhuman Voldemort who can’t love.
Voldemort immediately knows how to lure Harry to the Department of Mysteries when curiosity isn't enough: a threat to Sirius Black will be enough, and it is. Sirius is not only Harry's only remaining magical family, but he represents a hope Tom Riddle once shared, and once was equally disappointed in: a magical guardian who would take either boy away from the muggle world and status as a friendless orphan.
In Place And Blood. by Lanna Michaels (Tom & Merope, 2.3k, G)
Rec: Tom raised by Merope still becomes Voldemort and this time his motivation is solely revenge on purebloods for his mother.
That night, for the first time, he shares a room with six other boys, five of them purebloods, and he wants to murder them where they sleep. He doesn't know how to do it, but he has ideas. They all deserve it. They deserve it for what they did to his mother. Purebloods had left his mother friendless, a disgrace, had thrown her out and left her to die and her son with her. Tom is going to make sure they live to regret it. Tom is going to make every one of them regret it.
if the sea were sand alone by Anonymous (Tom & Dumbledore, 12.8k, G)
Rec: A gorgeous and heartbreaking what-could-have-been for the Dumbledore and Tom relationship, the starting point being Slughorn comes to the orphanage to introduce the magical world to Tom instead of Dumbledore.
"I wanted to kill them," he said. "They left me there. All those years, and my father, and my grandparents, they left me there. The last thing my mother said to him was, 'What about the baby?' and the last thing he said to her--" He cut himself off. There was so much pain etched into his face that Albus shuffled off the bed, and, standing over him, pulled his head to his chest like he was still a small child. He had felt abandoned, once. It was a wound that had never truly healed, and it had taken him years to realize the extent of the damage.
More fic recs are in Part 2 of rec list here.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 5 - Whump
@wolfstarmicrofic July 5, word count 994
Not gonna lie I had no idea what this prompt meant so had to look it up. I hope it's right 😅
CW - Torture, use of the cruciatus curse
His father grabbed him by the collar and forced him to walk down the hallway towards the library. He struggled as best he could, but Orion Black knew what he was doing. He flung Sirius onto the hearth rug. Sirius grunted at the manhandling but stubbornly got to his feet and glowered at his father. He hadn’t even done anything this time. He’d been lounging on his bed reading a wizarding history book for Merlin’s sake. 
The library door opened again and a procession of family members filed in. Bella and her husband, Cissa and Lucius, Cygnus and Druella. Then finally his mother. This wouldn't be good. 
He automatically stood up straight with his head held high like he’d been trained to do his entire life. 
“Father, what is going on?” His voice adopted his old accent as a form of self-preservation. His eyes flickered to his mother’s side where Regulus’s grey eyes peeped from. 
“Stop being pathetic Regulus,” Walburga scolded her youngest son, dragging him from behind her. Sirius’s eye twitched as he watched Regulus grit his teeth in pain as Walburga’s hand squeezed tightly around his arm. Sirius had to tense his muscles to stop himself from crossing the room and wrenching her hand from his brother’s arm. 
“It is time for you to take your place in this family, Sirius.” Orion brought Sirius’s attention back to him. His ears pricked as Bella laughed her horrid cackle, but he never took his eyes off his father. He swallowed and steadied himself. 
“What would you have me do, Father?” He kept his jaw clenched tightly, silencing himself. 
“It is time you proved yourself the true heir of the Black family and join us in the new future that shall soon begin.” He felt his stomach sink. This was more than just taking over from his father. 
He allowed his eyes to quickly scan the room. The only ones that seemed uncertain were his aunt, Narcissa and Regulus. His eyes rested on his mother and her superior scowl. This was bad. 
“Enough pretty words Uncle,” Bellatrix burst out, ripping the sleeve from her forearm. “It is time, little cousin, to take the mark and join your family in our rightful place.” She rasped proudly, the snake and skull tattoo stark against her pale skin.
“Father, you can’t be serious!” He turned back to Orion, panic creeping into his voice. 
“We have allowed your little rebellions for too long, Sirius,” Walburga took over as he knew she would. “You will take the mark, Sirius, and you will find more suitable companions. From this day you will no longer associate with the Potter boy and the other riff-raff you seem so fond of.” He couldn’t help it, he shook his head at her. No. “If you won’t agree on your own, then we will make you!” She raised her wand at him. “Crucio!” She spat the curse at him. He watched in slow motion as the red spell crackled its way towards him. 
The pain was unlike anything he’d ever felt. His skin was melting from his bones. A thousand knives sliced into his nerves. Time meant nothing as the pain engulfed him. Then, just like that, it was gone. He was on the floor. He didn’t remember falling. He lifted his head defiantly. 
“Crucio!” Bella cackled with glee. The pain shot back through him, harsher than the first time. He screamed, his throat felt like it was ripping itself apart. He was on the floor again, panting, when his cousin lifted the spell. His body spasmed with aftershocks. But again he raised his head. 
“Crucio!” Orion drawled, flicking his wand at his eldest son. Sirius’s scream croaked out of his burning throat as he thrashed about on the floor. Orion let up sooner than his mother and Bella had, but at this point it meant very little.
It took him what felt like hours to raise himself onto his knees and raise his head this time. He glared at his mother. Seeing Regulus’s blank face beside her. 
“Crucio!” Multiple voices said in unison. He had no idea which of his family members had cursed him this time, but the pain spread to every part of his being. His spine curved backwards and his neck followed. His muscles were so tense he was sure they were tearing. He felt his mind starting to bend towards madness. But he refused to let them win. He conjured Remus’s face to the front of his mind, blocking out what he could. His vision became fuzzy and blackness crept in at the corners. As he lost consciousness, he kept that vision of Remus close.
When he came to, the room was empty. They’d tortured him until he couldn’t take it any more and then left him, broken on the floor. 
“Sirius,” A whimper came from the corner. “Sirius, can you get up?” Regulus’s face appeared above him. “Sirius, you have to go! They’ll kill you,” Something dripped onto his scorching face.
He was rolled over and over and into green flames. “Potter Manor!” Regulus choked out. Sirius’s last view of his family home was of a shaking, tearful Regulus as he swirled away in green flames. 
He landed with a thump on the hearth of Potter Manor in the middle of the night. 
“Sirius?” A voice he’d know anywhere gasped into the quiet room. Candles around the room suddenly burst into life and Remus was holding him, stroking his hair from his face. Sirius burst into tears and grasped at Remus, needing him closer. Remus wrapped him in his arms, murmuring sweet words to him as he gently rocked him. “You're safe now. I promise you’re safe. I won’t ever let them hurt you again.” And for the first time in a long time, Sirius felt safe. He spotted the Potters coming down the stairs and let his eyes close as he lost consciousness again, safe in Remus's strong arms.   
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I am not saying everyone should believe in canon bellamort (even tho it's canon) but some people's reasoning against it is hilarious, my personal favorite is:
"but she had a husband!?!"
Even if you look past the obvious fact that people do in fact cheat in a lot of times,
What the hell Rodolphus could have done about it anyway? Complain about it to his boss?
Oh well...shit situation lmao
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incorrectbella · 7 months
Voldemort: Severus, how long do you estimate this task will take? Snape: By myself? probably around 25 minutes. Voldemort: And if I made Bellatrix and Lucius help? Snape: Oh an hour and a half at least!
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marauders-bs · 2 months
august 6 dorlene prompt: keeper - @dorlenemicroficprompts word cound: 218
Dorcas ran an hand over her short hair, buzzed after a particularly bad Christmas break, trying to get her head back into the Quidditch game.
The game would decide who won the House Cup. Reg was on top of his game, as usual, and Potter was distracted for some reason. Whatever. It was good for the Slytherins. McKinnon and Black remained the best Beaters in a long time, and it honestly pissed her off.
She stormed over to the Slytherin Keeper, who was falling apart. They were down thirty points, and it was definitely his fault. Dorcas and the other Chasers had been perfect, and with the Gryffindor's star Chaser distracted, they should've had the game in the bag.
That was the only reason Dorcas was fuming as she told Rodolphus off. She was not in any way fuming because of Emmeline Vance, sitting in the Gryffindor section and cheering on Marl- McKinnon. Cheering on McKinnon. She was not fuming because Reg had seen them kissing. She was not fuming because she was jealous, because she wasn't jealous.
"You alright, Dor?" Reg asked quietly as they got ready to take off again. "You're looking at McKinnon like you'd like to cut her open."
Dorcas snorts, listening to the whistle blow and kicking off from the ground.
Close enough.
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hyalithium · 3 months
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Chapter 3 of 'Sweet Mourning Lamb' is up on AO3!
Harry is home and Rodolphus finds out that he's (apparently) a father. This chapter was a blast to write and I hope you all enjoy it <3.
Info about fic below cut! :)
Summary: Voldemort makes the last minute change to let Bellatrix tag along when he goes to kill the Potters. Stepping over Lily Potter's still warm corpse, Bellatrix takes the prophecy into her own hands and decides that the pretty little baby in the crib was destined to be hers. She'd wanted a child of her own for so long—and those little green eyes were calling to her. Who was she to deny fate? Besides, what's a prophecy when pitted against the will of a woman like Bellatrix Lestrange?
This fic is very much crack treated seriously w/ daddymort vibes except V is a creep who wants to smash (once Harry is older ovc). The beginning is 100% all cute Death Eater family vibes with baby Harry.
Link to Chapter One.
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marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
A short little ramble about the black sisters cause I'm bored and I'm not writing fanfics:
Narcissa: Narcissa was always stuck, she was always in the middle, never on one side, never on the other. While Bellatrix was hopelessly devoted to Voldemort, Narcissa stayed silent and enjoyed a mostly quiet life as a barely present Death Eater. While Andromeda was free and married a muggle-born, and did what she truly wanted. Narcissa was on Voldemort's side of course, she wanted to be, but she didn't agree fully. She thought it might be a bit wrong, but never really voiced her opinion. She loved Alice, so much, but again Alice was a pure-blood. She was friends with purebloods and some half-bloods, not any 'mudbloods'. But her sister had left her for a muggleborn and this had made her detest them most of all. In the end she was the half-half. Stuck in between. 
Bellatrix: Bellatrix was devoted, she fully believed in Voldemort, well for the blood-purity and everything like that. She knew it was 'wrong' she didn't care. She was very extreme. She loved the thrill of it, for her it was thrill, killing off those 'pests' was enjoyable, like playing a video game, or watching a movie. This hatred of ‘mudbloods’ increased to a level unknown and probably bigger than Voldemort when Andromeda left for a stupid muggleborn, her Andromeda, her sister. She vowed to never let Narcissa leave, even if she had to kill that stupid pure blood she was friends with who was on the wrong side, she needed her sister to stay. If she loved someone (like Rita Skeeter) they had to be just like her. Bellatrix’s life always revolved around being a Death Eater and her life as a pure blood, she showed off her status and her power. Of course she still fully fufilled all her 'Sacred 28' Pureblood needs like her family expected, but her main priority was the cause. Above her own life. Over anyone’s life. Above her husband whom she only married to keep up appearances. Above everything but Voldemorts word.
Andromeda: Andromeda knew what was wrong, and couldn’t keep silent about it. She knew everything was wrong, she had stayed for her sisters, and then left for Ted, a muggleborn. She ran from the family, ‘tarnishing’ the Black name, but she was free. Free of the abuse, free from their lies, free to live as she saw fit. She knew it was the best, though she missed her sisters, and occasionally her cousins, she loved the freedom. She knew Voldemort was doing bad, her husband was fighting against it all day, but she couldn’t bring herself to in case she died and left her daughter all alone. Everything she did in the end was for who she loved and who she had made her family.
In the end Bellatrix was just a Death Eater, Narcissa was just a Death Eater, and Andromeda was the one who escaped. That’s all they were to people who they didn’t know, people were unknowing of the differences, of how those three sisters could’ve done everything, but were just apart forever.
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r0do-puss-y · 4 months
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They deserved it
They fucking deserved it
every single one of them
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incorrect-malfoys · 1 year
Bellatrix: Goodnight, Draco
Draco: Goodnight, Auntie Bellatrix
Bellatrix: Goodnight monster that eats children who are bad
Rodolphus, through a walkie-talkie under the bed: GOODNIGHT
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the-original-gays · 8 months
Bellatrix: Why would someone want to hurt Rita?
Rodolphus: Maybe they met her.
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slitheringghost · 3 months
Voldemort Fic Recs, Part 2
Part 1 is here.
colours by @allthepeculiarthings (900 words, T)
Rec: A beautiful Tom character study, and I love the detail of Merope's green shawl.
It was Mrs Cole, herself only a young girl at the time, who had thought to take his mother’s shawl from around her shoulders, and bundle him in it instead. His mother, after all, would have had no use for it, resting under a few feet of soft earth. It was a frayed and ragged thing, and the green dye of the crocheted wool faded further and further into the dangerous territory of grey each year, but Tom clung to it nevertheless. His shawl, his name, and his life – he clung onto all he had inherited from his mother like a starved dog guarding its last meal.
time turns and tells them by @slashmarks (Tom & Abraxas, 1.4k, T)
Rec: The most fascinating version of how the Death Eater cult started - from a Tom that never really planned on it or on becoming Voldemort.
Hogwarts uniforms were a great class leveler as long as you were a student. Afterward, of course, the Wizarding World sorted most of the upstarts straight back out. Tom hadn’t needed to be sorted, being the best and brightest, except that he would have gone out buggering a lethifold before he resigned himself to pushing papers at a Ministry desk to buy first generation class privilege without even the paltry efficiency of doing it with a fountain pen instead of a quill. Magic in Britain, he had long ago concluded, was wasted on the magical. They had no imaginations at all. - Abraxas was the only one of his friends he’d let keep calling him Tom at school, less as a sign of intimacy and more because ‘Voldemort’ was terminally wasted on him. Abraxas’s great gift for amoral calculation was marred only by a dire lack of romance in his soul. But he was also the only friend Tom still saw regularly, have retired the Voldemort character when he no longer needed to keep a dorm full of pureblood morons in line.
a learning experience by @laeveteinn (Tom/Hepzibah, 9k, T)
Rec: I love Tom's voice and characterization in this, with an unexpected twist on Hepzibah Smith.
“Tom, my boy,” Slughorn exclaims, all well-meaning, smothering concern, “you can’t work at Borgin and Burkes!” This, naturally, is the moment Tom decides he will.  (He learns that his disdain for boundaries extends far past the realm of magic.)
the tiger’s lady by slashmarks (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 4.8k, T)
Rec: A Voldemort tells Bellatrix about Merope fic. The portrayal of cyclical violence will make you ache, with Bellamort playing out Merope's past. I requested this; you can request fic from slashmarks in return for a pro-choice donation here.
“My Bella," he said, softly and directly into the back of her neck. She had missed this, or else it had come suddenly, this switch into the most dangerous of his moods. "You lie very well and very often, do you not?" She didn't know what to say, but the words came out on their own, responding to a lifetime of instincts built for just this sort of situation – when saying the wrong thing was better than saying nothing at all. "My lord knows I am a Black... And generally appreciates it." She felt him tense behind her, and for a moment she expected him to fling her into the hot stove, but instead he moved back, and he was laughing – a real, sincere laugh, a sign of genuine relaxation, and her shoulders also relaxed
The Pleiades by @saintsenara (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 2.8k, T)
Rec: Beautifully written, another version of Bellatrix and her finding strength in Merope that makes me ache.
But she could still see, as she hugged herself for warmth, the seven sisters engaged in their celestial Quidditch match. She muttered their names each night like a prayer. Alcyone Maia Sterope Taygeta Celaeno Electra Merope - ‘Do you like Quidditch?’ she asked the Dark Lord, as she levitated a coffee tray into the study. He didn’t look up from the wanted posters of himself he was inspecting at Mr Lestrange’s desk. ‘No.’ This didn’t surprise her. For all his magic, so strong that it seemed to roll off him like the waves which could be heard from the open window, there was a brittleness about the Dark Lord which made it unlikely that anyone would describe him as sporty. A healthy whack from a bludger would probably snap him clean in two.
Still Water by deslea (Bellatrix/Voldemort, Bellatrix/Rodolphus, 2.2k, M)
Rec: A post-Azkaban Bellatrix fic with an equally heartwarming Belladolphus and Bellamort.
"Show me," she said. Just that. He frowned for a moment, but then, he nodded, and then images and impressions exploded in her mind. His near-annihilation, and the struggle that followed. His boundless, relentless will to live, to find a way. To find a way back. Years alone with his own mind, with no other input to sustain him. He'd reflected and re-reflected on himself, his life, his nature, until it was like eating himself alive. And then, finally, rebuilding himself, cell upon cell, bone upon bone, skin upon muscle. To her, his body before her seemed like a work of art, the work of a great creator. That he was still himself seemed a miracle.
stray shard of soul by Laeveteinn (Tom & Delphini, 100 words, T)
Rec: An excellent Dadmort mini fic.
He hates this child’s screaming. It jangles long-numb nerves, and he considers igniting her crib. (Old habit.) But when he considers another harming her, some faceless enemy, he burns. He’d incinerate them. Next, the world.
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ginny-anime · 6 months
Rabastan: rodolphus have you ever been able to win an argument against bellatrix?
Rodolphus: we never argue. she speaks and I shut up
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fugamalefica · 6 months
Canon: Both Sirius and Voldemort mention Bellatrix and Rodolphus together in Goblet of Fire, as a married couple. They torture the Longbottoms together and she defends him (alongside Rabastan and Barty) during her trial. She and Rodolphus are paired together in the Department of Mysteries. In the Battle of the Seven Potters, Rodolphus takes a curse meant for Bellatrix. In Cursed Child, Delphi refers to him as 'Bellatrix's loyal husband'.
Rowling: She took a pureblood husband, because that was what was expected of her, but her true love was always Voldemort.
Somehow, fanon: Bellatrix hated Rodolphus! She was forced to marry him! He was...abusive.
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