#( so yeah ♥ )
femgirlfriend-moved · 2 years
ok guys my unemployment era is done i got a little lucky and i got hired at a cafe i really wanted to...im still processing it though im really happy but also scared idk. im still going to be broke though but in a normal way
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hugs-and-stabbies · 2 months
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[ parts 4 & 5 ] Over a month later but we're finishing this!! just one more part left :]
[link to part 3]
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mythvoiced · 1 year
# Miyoung and Yeo? :3c
@jeoseungsaja | cell phone headcanons
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone At first she'd probably be supers polite and just keep it as 'Wang Yeo' but after their friendship deepens and she starts considering him the platonic soul in her life that has helped her learn how to love life again, she might actually still keep 'Wang Yeo' BUT WAIT hear me out, this time with a cute lil emoji, like this 'Wang Yeo 🦊' because Miyoung is kind of awkward when it comes to her contacts and naming and such so she just goes... name + cute emoji~ Also, I imagine, for the longest time, Yeo is the only contact in her phone that isn't work related and she fully likes it that way~
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone I COULDN'T DECIDE I FOUND SO MANY I LIKED, ahem I do think Miyoung might be more direct about asking for a picture for the express purpose of using it for his contact. So I chose this one and I like to think maybe they're casually spending time together and Miyoung randomly remembers she wanted to ask him for a photo and asks him now
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone Now this may be fueled by my current brainrot, but listening to this soundtrack, I do think Miyoung would enjoy it greatly and I believe she'd choose pieces from it that she associates (vibes only) to people in her life, and while this track was coming to an end I just 'hey you know what-' SO I HOPE IT'S OKAY
- my muse’s last text to your muse
[ txt | Wang Yeo 🦊 | 11:12AM ] I found a set of small ceramic foxes!
[ txt | Wang Yeo 🦊 | 11:15AM ] Oh, sorry, good morning by the way!
[ txt | Wang Yeo 🦊 | 11:15AM ] I'm out with Jaemin right now, but would you be interested in one of them? I can bring them over later!
[ txt | Wang Yeo 🦊 | 11:16AM ] Because I bought them, of course 😎
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seance · 3 months
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THE MUSKETEERS 10TH ANNIVERSARY REWATCH / fave episodes [1/?] ↳ SEASON 1, EPISODE 3 / commodities (x,x)
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hansama · 9 months
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Day 5 - Lazy...
cozy hours.... u////u) ♥ ♥ ♥
(+ bonus undercut)
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without the front stuff bc i subtly worked for that sans booty//////
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bethanyactually · 8 months
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Nancy Drew + text posts (37/?)
4.08 || The Crooked Banister (1/5)
feat. @gorgeoussimplehousecat ♥︎
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apoptoses · 1 year
Have you ever been reading Devil’s Minion and thinking to yourself, “damn, I just can’t nail down a face for Daniel”? Have you watched Interview with the Vampire and felt like neither Christian Slater nor River Phoenix hit the mark for you?
Allow me to introduce you to James fucking Spader.
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Look at him! Is that not the face of Daniel, completely fed up with Armand feeding his cigarettes down the garbage disposal?
He’s got the naive and beautiful face but ALSO the defiant yet beseeching thing down! Also he was like 22 here, which is right around the age Daniel met Armand so he’s at peak Healthy, Pretty Molloy here. No wonder Louis decided to take him home!!
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“Do you know what a zip code is, or a tax bracket? I’m the one who buys all the goddamned airline tickets. Millions. How are we going to get millions! Steal another Maserati and be done with it, for God’s sakes!”
Spader is the original 80′s pretty boy you’d assume starred as the leading man in some schmoopy romances or schlocky teen dramas and he did that for a minute. Like check him out in Pretty in Pink-
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 Is this not peak Night Island Daniel, in his Miami Vice looking bespoke suit ready to head out with Armand for the night?
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Look at him snuggled into his blanket in Tuff Turf, like Daniel hungover and forcibly woken up to honky tonk piano tunes!
But the deliciousness doesn’t end at his looks. Because in true Molloy fashion that man said ‘you know what? I wanna make movies for freaks and weirdos only’
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In Sex, Lies and Videotape he plays the sweetest pervert who loves interviewing women about their sex lives, video taping it, and then watching them back naked but not actually getting off! He’s impotent, he’s a gentle and lovely weirdo, there’s vampire!Daniel fodder for days in this one.
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Crash is a horny flick that defies all explanation and really you need to go in blind if you’re gonna watch this one, but let me just say this: If Spader and his Wife in this film aren’t the most Daniel and Armand coded couple in cinema history I will eat my shoes. Also there’s tons of beautiful footage of him driving around at night with his blond hair ruffling in the breeze.
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Your prefer your Daniel with glasses? Oh, perfect, because in Bad Influence he plays a sweet guy who gets into a fucked up situation with a toxic friend and a sex tape!
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In Storyville he lets himself be thrown on the floor and lays there submissively before getting involved in yet another sex tape scandal!
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Don’t even get me started on Dream Lover, another smut filled romp (with some filthy deleted scenes if you google the uncut version) which has the most Devil’s Minion promo photos of all time-
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Like! Get the fuck out!
I could just go all day about his body of work but some of it you’ve just gotta see for yourself. In pretty much every film you’re guaranteed smut with him being deliciously submissive, extremely gentle with his hands, and down for all kinds of kink. And in most of his movies he gets bloody at least once, like-
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this is a shitty picture i took of my laptop but look at the blood at the corner of his mouth! Vampire activities!
In summary, let me hit you with a photo dump:
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Daniel laying in a cheap motel room during the chase years!
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Daniel with delightful 70s hair!
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More glasses!Daniel!
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Daniel with a half-buttoned 80′s shirt looking so beautiful it’s no wonder Armand couldn’t NOT turn him!
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It’s dark, he’s wet, he looks exhausted!
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He’s the ideal beautiful Molloy Weirdo and I will not be accepting any other arguments, goodbye!!
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fauchart · 8 months
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Tarasque learns of the Papas' demise
It's brutal news, especially with Primo having been his biggest anchor since his very first days in the Ministry.
Dewdrop's words will stick - as the head of security, he should have known, should have done something, should have stuck with them every single minute just in case, he thinks. Doesn't matter that the very top of the Church made sure no word got out until the deed was done. Made sure nobody who would try to stop things would be around.
Also, ever wondered why Dewdrop's horn fell off on-stage one time? Yeah, that's why :] It held on a while but had to break eventually after sustaining so much damage and suffering Dewdrop's headbanging and jumping around during shows.
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ryuki-draws · 6 months
I want the trains to look at each other so gently and smooch and cuddle with each other with no care in the world 😭💕💕 everyone loves these trains
What would the Autobots and Decepticons think of it when they get back to Cybertron that an Autobot and a Decepticon are ‘friends’ (they are 100% more than just friends at this point)
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The trains are at it again!
They have a wonderful story about reluctant cooperation to tell to their leaders, of course! I'm sure they'll understand the dire situation Grease and Astro found themselves in - because of the leaders' own negligence nontheless - and everything will return back to normal. Re-joining their ranks, Grease fixing up stuff and Astro hauling Decepticons around... not thinking about each other for a split second. Out of sight, out of mind, am I right? Well...
Let's hope by the time they get back, the war's over. Otherwise, it's pretty much over for them instead (in all meanings of the word, hah)
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sysig · 7 months
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Didn’t know you had it in you, did you (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Winter King#Winterkov#What? Me? Enjoying a self/ ship ft. two dorks wearing glasses? Haha couldn't be me that doesn't sound like me at all#Trading one Tom Kenny brainworms for another sheesh - Tom Kenny stop voicing queer scientists challenge (impossible)#I hadn't drawn Simon before but I have known he's a massive cute for a heck while now lol#And yeah confirmed - he's Really fun to draw especially this iteration#His crows feet and hair streak ugh <3#Plus I've just missed this style of eye more than I realized haha#And Winter just flows off my pencil like water like woah#I blame Spamton at least partially for that lol although he's easier to draw than Spamton :0#Spamton is very fun! Winter's just easier for some reason :0#Maybe 'cause he's so soft-faced haha ♥ And I don't use my colours on him lol#Honestly I only count this as self-slash on a technicality - yes they're both Simon bodily but that's not really Simon in Winter anymore huh#Maybe to some extent - he's still a scientist and all but honestly there's a comment I can't stop thinking about since I saw it#About how really that's The Crown using Simon as a host just without the madness - and his skills aid in keeping him lucid#So it's like a ghost puppeting your clone's still-living corpse more so than kissing yourself :) In my opinion lol#And I don't say that to get away from self-shipping! I love that stuff!! That's just genuinely how I read Winter now haha#Not that he wouldn't play into it lol#I've seen a ''I am like this so you are also like this :) Right Simon? :) You're like this'' and I enjoy that very much#Manipulative so and so <3
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aprosin · 27 days
"Well, you're thinkin' of what could've been. But you've become someone I've seen before. I swore I'd seen you before"
- A Night To Remember (Laufey)
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alternate versions
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schnaf · 5 months
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22 days until gaon's 22nd birthday
day 22 aka THE COUNTDOWN IS OVER - gaon's past birthday brrrr ppoppos
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Mer fic has been read and thoroughly enjoyed!! \o/
I simply love how you adapted the world to an underwater environment! From the weapons and the ways of life, to the way the vocabulary shifts in the vigilante’s inner dialogue that reflects how they perceive the world!
Of course, we start off with y/n being very smug about sabotaging Eclipse hehe XD Which thankfully, despite his later arrival, was not in vain since the weapons seem to be now unretrievable. Too bad this deal was important enough that the boss himself arrived to see it through.
And oh. My goodness.
Mer Eclipse does not hold back! However, he does indeed hold, as the vigilante can attest to gflñghfd I mean, tentacles are after all pure muscle. And this guy has no problem showing how strong he is, seeing how he both just outright threw his trident so hard it got stuck into a rock wall, and then effortlessly got it out of it too. (I am very normal about that by the way glfkdgjl) And I have a feeling Main verse Eclipse would be ecstatic to leave as many marks as this one did in one go oof. 
(sidenote: I love that he refers to them as Pearl, because it makes so much sense with their pearly scales! Oh and I love that you kept the black and white color scheme so characteristic of them!)
And ahhh it fits so well that he is an octopus like mer! With how touchy he is, and I’ve said before how he is so imposing and takes space and attention, so this form definitely lets him do that physically at a next level! But I also kept thinking how an octopus can technically fit itself into very tiny spaces! So what if y/n at one point is fleeing from him and gets through a tiny fissure that they are sure Eclipse’s massive figure couldn’t go into, but then surprise! Not only is he squeezing through, he’s doing so with ease and there is a wide sharp grin approaching very fast as he claws at the walls for momentum and y/n can only hope there’s an exit they can find at the other side… 
(But I digress, back to the fic XD)
He seems even more willing to use lethal force against y/n too!It really seemed he was going for a join me or die approach, even if the vigilante was assuring themselves that he wouldn’t. Even I was unsure for a moment there, whew!
And oh, that was so smart how they used their own blood to entice him into listening to them. With how blood stays in the water I can only imagine Eclipse has had more than enough encounters with y/n to grow addicted to the smell of theirs. Freaky but useful to entrance him enough to make him more agreeable. Though I can’t see that working next time with the way he delivered that ultimatum.
And then aaaahh!!! Sun and Moon!
(Oh but before I get to that, I really like the way you handled the conflict of the two sides that were originally humans and animatronics, with the humans being the sunlight mers, and the animatronic being the twilight mers, though that really has me itching to know the backstory for the celestial trio!) 
I laughed at Sun’s exasperation at having a wide open entrance but y/n chooses the cool risky one XD I know they were trying to not get detected, but to Sun it must look like so extra for no reason other than to show off (and you just know he loves it all the same >:3c). And he glows gold!! That’s so fitting and so cute and he really shines like the Sun!! And smart as ever, he does not let the vigilante brush off what happened so easily, and even manages to get them to rest when they obviously wanted to go in and out. But also as fluster-able as ever too with that cheeky bed comment gfkdhgkfdjhg
And oh my gosh, the part that caught my attention the most with Moon was when he was warning y/n about getting involved (more than they are) with Eclipse and y/n responded that “he can’t hold me”, while guiding Moon to hold them. And ahhh that means so much, because it’s a silent way of telling him “you can, though.” Him and Sun, because Sun was also asked to stay when they were lying down for rest and aaaaahhh that has my heart melting into a puddle. But also Moon’s defeated “you are going to leave” had me clutching my chest a bit. I know he probably knew that the moment he went for the snapper they would be gone but aaagh you can just hear the yearning and so many things unsaid in that statement.
As a final note, I adored how you incorporated the similarities between the three brothers! The fact that Sun shares the same venomous spikes that Eclipse does (and yet they do not worry y/n as Eclipse’s do), and that Moon has a crown of tentacles he hides, that Eclipse also has (and I wonder if he hides them specifically to not make their familiarity obvious, since spikes might be common among the mer, but maybe tentacles surrounding the head is a bit more specific?), and not to mention the photophores that are in a similar pattern to Eclipse! Since they are organic in this Au, this means they very well can be birth brothers, with Eclipse inheriting both the traits of which Sun and Moon got only one each. But since he has the octopus theme and Sun and Moon have tails, I wonder if in this one he also did adopt them at first and they are just similar species and the photophores sync with those they have chosen as family? Hmmmm, this au has me thinking so many possibilities about how they grew up!
…And god dang it now I have the image of a baby octopus mer Eclipse and then an older but still young one being responsible for baby mer Sun and Moon and why does my brain give me cute when I just read this man do what he did XD
Anyways, I loved reading SJ mermaid style, Naff! Amazing work as always! <3
Ahhh, Chaotik! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, babe! ♥
Thank you! I love writing about a mer Y/N, especially with the vigilante, and it was so fun to figure out the little tidbits in the ocean.
Ah, yes, unfortunately for the vigilante, twilight mers have great strength. I didn't work this line into the fic, but Y/N would never dare try to throw their trident for the fearing of not having it in their hands and that they don't have the strength to throw an object like that through the water at a strong enough speed. Eclipse, however, can.
EEE thank you! I wanted to keep the vigilante's essence as much as possible hehe
Oh gosh, with Eclipse squeezing into a narrow space because of flexibility, your comment made me think of this meme:
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Eclipse was a bit upset when he found out what the vigilante had done, to say the least. He wanted to make it known how he felt. You're right to be concerned about the same trick not having the same effect next time around ;-;
Ahhh, I'm really glad the human/animatronic conflict translated well to the sunlight/twilight mers! I had to think about how to go about it to keep the prejudice against the boys and figured that would do the trick.
Sun and Moon are doing their best, and oh, how they endure their sweet little vigilante! I'm glad Sun's light hit well and Moon's little comments had an impact, ahhh!
Okay, I'm so glad you're curious about the boys' backstory and talked about their physical similarities because I've been itching to talk about it! I'm going to tuck it under the read more as I warn that it involves Death and Sickness.
The boys' mother is Comet and the boys' father is Quasar.
Comet is an octo twilight zone mer. She has deep purple and dark blue flesh and yellow suckers. She also has heterochromia eyes, one of red and one of blue, and black sclera. She has tentacles on the back of her skull and her face has a crescent marking.
Quasar is a fish twilight mer. He has pale yellow and silver flesh, broad fins adorning his long tail with a crescent-shaped tail fin, golden scales with scarlet patches like stars, venomous spikes crowning his head, and yellow irises and pale sclera for his eyes.
The twilight zone is a dangerous place, even for the mers that inhabit it. Predators, wicked mers, and the darkness prove lethal to even the most skilled and adapted.
Comet and Quasar loved Eclipse, and he was so clingy as a babe. He had the rare inheritance of both of their head features. Eclipse doesn't remember this time except for the vague care and tenderness that permeates dreams. It was happy.
Quasar was killed by a gang of twilight zone mers before Sun and Moon hatched. Comet did everything to take care of her children alone, at times going hungry but ensuring her little ones had full bellies.
Comet taught Eclipse to always take care of his little brothers. She made certain that he knew that he and Sun's venomous spikes could never hurt anyone they were related to by blood. She also showed Eclipse how to tuck away his head tentacles and that one day, they'll show Moon how to do the same as well.
Eclipse always had a deep connection to his baby brothers, gazing at them in his mother's arms as she cooed and sang lullabies. Eclipse missed his father terribly, but his mother's expectations made it clear that they would make it, they would survive.
A few years later, Comet became deathly sick while they were still young. She instructed Eclipse to go to the Reef to ask for aid. He took his still baby but not-so-small brothers with him. When they ventured to the edge of the corals, they were met with scorn and chased off before he ever had a chance to beg for medicine for his mother.
When he returned, she was laying still, cold, the current tugging on her weightless body.
Eclipse took care of his brothers, finding food and shelter, keeping them safe from dangerous mers and hungry predators alike. His hatred for the Reef and the sunlight zone mers festered, and Sun and Moon longed to escape the darkness, and at last, things changed. The twilight zones could live among the sunlight zone mers.
Eclipse couldn't stand it. Sun and Moon tried to convince Eclipse to leave the darkness behind and stay with them, but he wouldn't.
Tragic backstory aside, baby octopus mer Eclipse is very cute, and oh, he did take care of his younger brothers. Though they have different body types, that never separated them. It was Eclipse's choices later in life that tore the family apart, but they all survived. Eclipse made sure of that.
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phnmnt · 2 years
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Shen Yuan shixiong AU - Part 12
Upon waking up, Shen Yuan finds himself tied up and feeling cold. Raising his head, he finds Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying similarly bound to a nearby pillar. His shidi heaves a sigh of relief as their eyes meet. "Shixiong!" Ning Yingying pitifully calls him too, her expression miserable. This isn’t going to be your last rodeo shimei…
The system halts his thoughts by telling him that he lost all the initial points he earned by quickly tracking their target (and letting Luo Binghe fall into danger). He hatefully swears at the system inside for a few seconds. Then his mood goes worse when he discovers why he was feeling so cold in the first place. WHERE! WERE! HIS! CLOTHES?!?! That demon thing was decent enough to leave him pants, but they had to take everything else! No wonder the system took all those points.
Feeling rather sorry for himself, Shen Yuan takes another moment to lament his predicament inside. Luo Binghe, observing him, looks both worried and embarrassed, his eyes wandering in all kinds of places against his will. Even now, as they share a room back at the sect, he always made sure to avert his gaze or left the room when Shen Yuan changed, and took extra care to always respect his shixiong’s privacy. If it weren’t for the present situation, he wouldn’t have known how smooth and clear this skin of his was under all those layers. How soft and warm it must be under one’s hands… Luo Binghe’s eyes widen. Surprised by his own thoughts, he feels the blood rushing to his head as he forces himself to look away from the sight. Feeling a sudden pressure in a certain place, he presses his knees together, shame settling in his heart...
A sudden mocking laugh starts to resonate around them. Shen Yuan doesn’t have to think really hard to know that this is the skinner. However, he has a harder time guessing their identity since their appearance is covered by an ever changing black smoke. It’s only when looking around, finally taking note of his surroundings, that an idea forms into his mind. A pleasant smell hinting at rich materials and the visual quality of everything around him… they are back at Old Chen’s manor.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 8.5 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11
(Second part incoming~)
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bethanyactually · 8 months
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Nancy Drew + text posts (41/?)
4.08 || The Crooked Banister (5/5)
feat. @catty-words and @fierycavalier ♥︎
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aurore-vacances · 1 day
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⌗    "    ᛝ‿    LETS    HAVE    AN    ENCORE   !   𝜗ϱ    𐭩ྀིྀི ₊⊹    "
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