#( sometimes it works perfectly fine but sometimes................. )
allaboutsturns · 2 days
Perfectly Wrong
christopher sturniolo x reader
content/warning(s): angst, toxic relationship, verbal abuse.
summary: you and chris realize that your relationship is rather toxic and that the two of you are perfectly wrong for each other but no longer working as a couple no matter how hard you try to work. you make the final, hard, decision on whether to stay or go.
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taste the poison from your lips,
lately we're as good as gone.
you shifted nervously on the stool that you were seated on as you watched your boyfriend, chris, closely. the two of you had hardly interacted all day. you were feeling incredibly touch deprived; it had been a day or two since chris last kissed you.
he got into these moods sometimes where he didn't even want to look at you and it crushed you but you always stayed because you knew the him you fell in love with would come back, and to be fair, you got in your moods too. sometimes you would snap at chris because you got too overwhelmed and sometimes you would start arguments just because it was a defense mechanism.
you grew up with parents who constantly argued and used you as their mediator so you were almost always apart of the argument. to you, arguing meant that you loved the person.
you shifted again, wanting to touch him, your body begged to be held by him and you knew that because you felt a painful ache throughout the entirety of you.
chris was making dinner for everyone so you felt guilty about wanting him all to yourself, but you couldn't help it. he was yours and you were his and you just wanted some time to have him to yourself.
after a mental battle with yourself, you slowly stood up from the stool and looked at your feet as you shuffled towards your boyfriend, "chris..?" you whispered. his back was turned to you but you still looked at him with doe eyes, so afraid that he was going to yell at you. you felt your body begin to shake with anxiety and you tried to calm it but you couldn't.
chris sighed loudly before placing the utensils in his hands down on the countertop. he turned around and looked down at you with an annoyed expression on his face, "what." he stated harshly. you looked back down at your feet as your fingers fidgeted with each other shakily.
"i just miss you... can i have a kiss?" you asked quietly, afraid that if you spoke to loudly he would snap.
chris rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated chuckle, "is that seriously what you're bothering me for?" he asked, his tone sounded angry. he pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes tightly, almost as if he was suffering from a terrible headache that wouldn't go away.
you caved into yourself, still looking at the ground. you just needed one kiss, one hug, one touch, and you would be happy. why couldn't he just give you that?
"chris... please, baby," you pleaded. he shook his head before turning his body away from you and back towards the food that was cooking on the stove. you looked up when you no longer felt his sharp gaze and felt tears tug at your waterline.
"fine." you mumbled while taking a few steps backwards, "fuck you, asshole." you whispered to yourself before turning away and walking to you and chris' shared room.
the moment you shut the bedroom door the tears began to fall. a thunderstorm roared in your mind as your eyes poured rain. you slid down the door and brought your knees tightly into your chest trying to hold yourself together so you didn't break. your body heaved roughly as sobs escaped your soft, parted lips.
'fuck, chris. one kiss. i just wanted one kiss... or even a hug... you could've just brushed my hair out of my face and kissed the top of my head and that would've been enough.' thunder cracked repeatedly and the absence of lightning made you incredibly anxious.
'i can't do this anymore... i can't. fuck but i love him so much. damnit.' the thunder echoed through your mind again.
you couldn't do it anymore. you wanted to be able to so badly and you knew that you would continue to fight for your relationship no matter how badly you wanted to quit, you just didn't know how much longer you'd be able to before your body physically gave up on yourself and chris.
you know how much it hurts
every time you say you hate me.
"fucking god damnit, chris!" your voice boomed throughout the house. you could see chris flinch at the loudness of your voice but you were too blinded by anger to acknowledge it. you picked fights pretty often and he always hates it when you do. chris knows you can't help it but he doesn't know how much more he can take.
"you're always screwing around! are you fucking stupid?! like i'm genuinely asking, chris, because i don't know anymore." you shouted, walking closer to him so you were directly in his face. he moved his face away from yours for a moment before looking directly into your eyes, his own completely barren of emotion, almost as if a switch had gone off in his head, like he had turned his emotions off.
"yeah, hah. yeah i am 'fucking stupid'. can't believe it took you this long to notice." he said blankly, looking directly into your eyes. your eyebrows furrowed and your nose scrunched with anger.
"fuck you. you think you're so fucking funny with the sarcasm." you scoffed. he shrugged and moved his eyes away from yours, now looking behind you, seemingly uninterested in the conversation at hand. you threw your hands up in defeat, "i can't stand you. god i fucking hate you." you growled before walking to the front door. you stopped for a moment and looked back at the boy that you forgot you loved in this moment. you could see that the emotion had returned to his eyes and face, you could see the tears pooling in his eyes and the shake of his gentle hands. that was the last thing on your mind right now though.
"don't text me, don't call me, don't reach out and don't have your brothers reach out for you," you paused and took a deep breath before continuing.
"i just can't even look at you right now or i'll explode. i'll be back in a couple days." you finished your sentence and grabbed the door handle, turning it and pulling the door open. chris watched as you shut the door behind you and disappeared. he didn't want you to go, he wanted to fix this and talk to you but you were in one of your moods. his heart panged in his chest as he heard your car start. you were seriously leaving. you had gotten into heated arguments before where nick and/or matt had to intervene, but you had never actually left and he was horrified that you did.
'what if she doesn't come back... oh god please come back. i need you, ma... please don't do this to me. not now.' his mind boomed as a thunderstorm erupted throughout every corner of his brain. he couldn't stop the thoughts that kept coming at him like a freight train.
after thirty minutes of standing in the same exact spot, unmoving (aside from the body tremors he was experiencing due to overwhelming emotion), waiting for you to come back as tears fell aggressively from his eyes, he turned and walked to your shared room. he was too tired to keep waiting and he wasn't a damn dog, he had no clue why he was acting like one.
he grabbed one of your hoodies from your side of the closet and hugged it tightly against his chest before curling up on your side of the bed. he was too shaky to get under the covers so he just laid on top of the comforter and fell asleep, breathing in your scent which lingered on the hoodie he grabbed.
there's no use,
we were made to break.
after a couple months of smooth sailing in your relationship, chris fell into one of his moods again. it was an endless cycle and for some fucking reason the two of you couldn't break it. you knew that you both needed some hardcore therapy, but you guys were too stubborn to admit it and take action. you didn't want to be so vulnerable around a stranger the way you'd need to be during therapy and chris didn't want to come across as weak for attending therapy.
you looked at the tv as you quickly clicked through various tv shows and movies, trying to find something that would catch your attention. chris sat a couple inches away from you and rubbed his eyes, the bright screen shining in the dark room began to elicit a headache, "can you fucking pick something?" he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before looking over at you.
you nodded quickly and put on a random show, "yeah... sorry." you said quietly as the show began to play in the background. chris rolled his eyes so hard you thought they might fall out of his head. he looked back at the tv and his face twisted in annoyance, "the fuck is this shit." he scoffed. you wanted to shrink into yourself, wanted the couch to swallow you whole and allow someone else to deal with his shitty attitude but you knew that wouldn't happen and you couldn't take it anymore. you were about to crack.
"hello? like you put on a stupid ass show and then don't answer?" he said, his tone sharper than a knife. you closed your eyes tightly trying to fight the anger and annoyance and sadness surging through your body. you knew it was time but you were so scared and felt your heart breaking.
"damnit, chris." you mumbled before standing up and throwing your hands up, "i can't do this anymore. i seriously can't." you stated, looking directly into his beautiful blue eyes, the same eyes that made you want to melt away into him, yet this time you just wanted to look away.
"huh? the fuck do you mean, ma?" he asked, his expression softening but his tone still frustrated. you chuckled out of disbelief, "i mean i cannot physically do this with you anymore. we are slowly fucking killing each other and i am not ready to die." you said, hoping he would understand your poetic language. you felt all of the air leave your lungs and you felt dread cast a shadow over your body as tears began to form in your eyes.
chris' heart dropped as did his face. he shook his head, praying that this was a dream and that you didn't actually mean it. he loved you so incredibly much and wasn't ready to loose you, no matter how right you were about the situation you had put yourselves in. all he could think about was the night you became his girl, the night he kissed you under the moon and the stars, the night the two of you promised to never hurt the other. he now knew that he broke his promise and that you broke yours.
"baby..." he said, his voice breaking slightly. he hardly ever called you 'baby', it was usually 'ma' or 'babe' so this had taken you aback a bit, but you shook your head to rid the thoughts of staying from your mind. you needed to leave and you knew that now, no matter how much it was going to hurt you, hurt him, hurt his brothers. oh god it was going to crush his brothers. you were all so close, they were your found family and you had no choice but to let that go. it was the four of you against the world since the day you met them. you had their backs regardless of the circumstances and they had yours.
"please don't do this." chris spoke as loudly as he physically could but his voice didn't get past a whisper due to how badly his throat ached. your throat ached too. you were fighting for your life against the tears, the sobs, the wails that wanted to escape so badly. you walked over to him and sat down, your knee resting against his thigh gently.
you looked at him so painfully yet so carefully and gently as you thought about what you were about to do, "you know i love you... and i think i always will," you said gently, "and i love your brothers so much... you guys are my family.." you took in a shaky breath as tears began to fall.
you placed a hand against chris' cheek carefully the moment you saw the first tear fall from his own eyes, "but we aren't good for each other... and i don't want to hurt you anymore. i can't take you hurting me anymore." you whispered, the words felt like poison leaving your lips.
chris leaned into your touch as you rubbed your thumb against his cheek, a stream of unbreaking tears falling from his beautiful eyes. his heart was breaking inside of his chest as was yours. it felt like someone was stabbing you in the chest in the exact same spot over and over again, "i love you, my moon... we love you, me, matt, and nick.." his voice broke as a sob fell from his lips.
you kissed the top of his head before standing up again, still looking at him even though he was looking at his lap, "you're perfectly wrong for me and i'm perfectly wrong for you.. i truly wanted to fight for us for the rest of my life, but i can't... not now at least. not until we've healed." you started, "i promise i love you and i always will, but i have to go. i have to find myself and i have to give you space to find yourself." you continued, "you have to allow yourself to be found... allow yourself to heal, love." your tone was gentle and kind, it was hard to keep it that way when all you wanted to do was break down in chris' arms.
chris continued to just look at his lap, his grey sweatpants now stained with tears, nodding ever-so-slightly at your words.
"don't forget about me.. maybe down the line we can try again, when we're both ready. i wish we were ready now but we just aren't." you stopped the sentence abruptly, realizing the part you had been dreading the most, the part you had nightmares about, was here.
your feet shuffled and you grabbed your keys off of the coffee table, finally looking away from chris. you just couldn't look at him during this part. you felt his eyes burning into you, he finally looked at you the moment you looked away.
"i love you, chris. i'll see you again someday, stay strong for me tough guy..." you turned and began to walk towards the front door, "i love you, y/n... stay strong for me too, beautiful." he whispered quietly but just loud enough for you to hear. you smiled to yourself as more tears fell from your orbs. it was a sad smile, a grieving smile. you lost something today, something that had the potential to be beautiful, something that has the potential to be beautiful, but it's not ready to be beautiful yet.
you walked out of the front door and that was it. you locked it behind you. for a moment you held the house key in your hand, rubbing your thumb against the valleys of the key, reminiscing on the day you got it. after a couple minutes you placed the house key that the boys had made for you under the door matt.
you shot the group chat that the four of you had made years ago a quick text, letting them know that the key was under the matt before leaving the group chat and getting into your car.
you put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway for the last time, well, for the last time as this version of yourself. who knows what the future will throw your way. you had your car idly sitting in the middle of the empty road for a moment as you looked at the house that you had made so many memories in. you allowed yourself to take it all in one last time because you didn't know if you'd get the chance to again.
you were sobbing harder now that you were alone. you had a habit of keeping everything in until you were alone because of how vulnerable it made you feel and you really didn't like being vulnerable around people. it was odd though, you always felt okay with being vulnerable around the boys... that is up until this point.
after about five minutes, you put the car in drive and drove off. your phone was buzzing with notifications from matt and nick but you ignored them, putting your phone on 'do not disturb'. you didn't know where you were going or what your plan was, but you knew you'd figure it out. you always did.
all the stars in the sky could see
why you're perfectly wrong for me.
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wow okay two in one day!! wahoo! hopefully this makes up for my absence! i'm going on a ten day cruise soon and there won't be any wifi so you will be starved of content for a little while im sorry!!
this one is a sadder one please dont hate me, im a sucker for angst and this idea was just tugging at my brain cells, i cant help it... I LOVE U GUYS SM!! ;(
- ace <3
taglist: @whoisabbyysblog @mattyblover07 @b2cute @samandcolbyfan22 @h3arts4harry @nickgetsmewetter
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earthtoharlow · 10 hours
Jack pretending to freeze during facetime and Maryse does the same back and he's all 🙄🙄🙄
Main Masterlist
Maryse was on her way to the studio when she decided to FaceTime Jack who was in New York promoting Instigators which was coming out in a few months.
“Hey beautiful,” Jack greeted her, his voice soft
“Hey, you!” She replied, a smile spreading across her face. “I miss you.”
“Miss you more,” he said, settling back into his chair. They chatted for a while, catching up on their days and sharing little moments of their lives apart.
Suddenly, Jack's screen seemed to freeze, his face stuck in a weird expression. “Oh no, did the call drop?” she asked, her brows furrowing in concern. She knew sometimes the phone would lose connection when she walked inside the studio. But then she noticed his eyes and body still moving slightly.
“Really?” she laughed. “You’re pretending the call froze?”
Jack began laughing, breaking his act. “You weren’t supposed to figure it out so quickly.”
Maryse smirked, deciding to play along. She held her pose, eyes wide and mouth open as if the call had frozen on her end. She stayed perfectly still, waiting for his reaction.
“Hey, you’re not allowed to do it back!” Jack exclaimed, feigning annoyance. “That’s cheating!”
She broke character and burst out laughing. “You started it! I’m just playing fair.”
“Fine, fine,” he said, shaking his head with a smile. “I guess I deserved that.”
Their laughter filled the gap between them, making the physical distance seem smaller. Just as Jack was going to speak again, his manager knocked on his door letting him know his next interview was about to start.
He gave her an apologetic look as he leaned closer to the phone.
“Go, I’ll call you later tonight.” Maryse said, giving him a smile, letting him know that it was ok.
“Promise?” He asked.
“Promise,” she replied, blowing him a kiss. He caught it with a smile.
“I love you, Jack.” Maryse told him, holding up her hand in a wave, waiting for him to say it back.
Just as he started to say something, he froze again, his face twisted into an exaggerated expression. This time, she saw his shoulders shaking slightly with laughter.
“Oh, come on,” she said, laughing. “Not again.”
But he stayed still, determined to keep up the act. With a playful eye roll, she hung up on him. Almost immediately, her phone buzzed with a text from him.
Jack: 😔
Jack: did you just hang up on me?!
Maryse: yes because you play too much
Jack: call back so I can tell you I love you!
Maryse immediately hit the call button. Jack's face appeared on her screen again, with a slight pout. “Seriously, you hung up on me?”
She laughed. “You deserved it!”
He pouted some more. “Okay, okay. But I had something important to say.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” she asked, leaning in closer to her phone, her eyes sparkling already knowing what he was going to say.
“I love you, too.” he said, his voice soft and sincere.
“Yuck!” she replied playfully, scrunching up her nose and laughing.
He rolled his eyes with a grin. “You’re such a brat.” And then hung up the phone.
Maryse shook her head, still smiling, and went back to her work, her giggles lingering in the air
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callsignmayhem · 1 day
Maverick who is doing his usual (idiotic) shit, also known as running around like headless chicken/causing chaos/making Ice to clean up his messes/also stressing him out/everyone should be worried if at least one thing isn't on fire and completely disarray after hurricane Maverick/Mav needs one of those harness things you put on a kid to stop them from running off/cuz Mav will without a doubt fuck up something that was perfectly fine before/and Ice would have to make some calls again/whilst trying to keep an eye out for whatever the hell Mav will undoubtedly try do next/Mav has this special talent of pissing off people, wreaking havoc and getting away with it/mostly cuz of certain admiral/who just says that let Mav do whatever the hell wants, cuz if you tell him no, he's even more tempted to do it and will do it nevertheless/Ice would sigh and be like: my circus, my monkey, when seeing Mav with a shit-eating grin on his face/before doing something crazy, whatever the crazy might be at the moment/sometimes Ice has to literally drag Mav away (by the ear) cuz he's gonna do some crazy shit once again/and more than likely to endanger something or someone/Ice gets at least one call a day from someone who encountered his crazy pet monkey and that someone is telling Ice to come pick up that said monkey/who has destroyed once again Navy property or something else/when going to pick his hyperactive dumbass of a pilot up, Mav is sitting in a chair, smiling so innocently when seeing Ice, like he's never in his life done anything not-so-innocent, reckless shit/but we all know that he has/multiple times actually/Ice is considering just handcuffing Mav to something in his office, but it wouldn't work for long cuz Mav would find a way to break free the second Ice turns his back/only thing he'd see is Mav slipping out of the room/off to cause chaos for the millionth time/so Ice gets up from his chair, follows Mav along the corridors and corners Mav, hitting him in the back of the head/dragging him back to his office and sitting him down, ordering him to stay put/it's like having two jobs, first is daytime job (navy) and second is 24/7 job (looking after the crackhead also known as Maverick)
The same shit show happens every goddamm day, slightly differently and in different scales but still happens.
Mav: 🙂
Everyone else:😅
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kaelidascope · 3 months
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Saw this tag and wanted to assure possible readers that I am super super careful about pre-warnings! I have this note tacked on explaining how I manage overly sensitive content at the start of the fic;
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Most of the tags come from off-screen mentions, implications, or said in passing by the characters. Any and all actual depictions of the graphic tags are skippable and isolated in their own chapters. I'd say this one focuses more on artistic depictions and symbolic imagery versus actual dead dove - do not eat. Sometimes one is harder to stomach than the other, but rest assured it's not terrible <3 But it's totally fine if themes like that in general are not up your alley! If you want to give it a try tho, I go overboard with pre-warnings of every chapter
some examples of what they look like;
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i only just found your au and i need everyone to have a happy ending so badly im gonna cry ;-; sally is gonna be so freakin upset when she wakes up for real and sees she decimated barnaby.
oh, Barnaby already has his arm stitched back on when she wakes up! and really, even if he didn't, that'd be the Least of her worries. she wakes up into a Real nightmare - partially of her (unintentional) making
#happy endings... well... yes and no. depends on what act you look at#act one? no! actually things get So Much Worse in an entirely festive new way!#act two? eh! sorta! its more bittersweet than anything#act three and four blend into each other so much that three doesn't have an 'ending'#but the final act - act four... well. who's to say! im still workshopping what i want to happen#but i do know it's still gonna have at Least a bittersweet tinge to it#wh lights out au#rambles from the bog#there are consequences and not everyone Makes It. i dont like stories where everything wraps up perfectly fine#even if it hurts! i like it when things hurt in a good way. those stories where the ending is overall positive#but Enough Happened that its just... its an ache. looking at where someone used to be. you know?#my favorite shows and books and fics have ended with me smiling while sobbing bc it yes it Hurts but it was So Fucking Good#and while i wouldnt be able to handle rewatching/rereading due to Emotional Damage...#i think of them fondly and often and theyre Important to me#perfectly happy endings just rub me wrong. it always feels like there's something Missing despite it all being idyllic#i cant let my own stories - original or aus or whatever - have that kind of end#so if thats what people are hoping for! you've come to the wrong person and the wrong au!#i like to be kind but that rarely extends to my creative works!#i like it messy and painful and bittersweet and i like to be Ruthless with my creations with no compromise#sometimes characters need to fight. or leave. or die. or make serious mistakes. etc.#but anyway! anyway....#i will say that there isn't a happy ending for Everyone. and for others it's... complicated. again - bittersweet
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leomonae · 6 months
The epileptic cat kneads very deliberately! Legs are complicated things, you know.
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blobbei-art · 1 year
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Scene drawn very carefreely.
There is also no story context, I just wanted to draw Kasifer in a simple scene. But it looks like he saw someone sneakily taking a picture of him.
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salsflore · 8 months
i wish i were better w sharing (in regards to like my self ships. obvi)
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bylertruther · 2 years
sitting here wondering if the by|er fandom's resistance to AU fics is because for many this is their first time in fandom or if they just really Do like the canon plot of stranger things that much 🤔 hmmmmm..
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darcyolsson · 1 year
rereading twilight and nostalgia is making it an enjoyable experience overall but honestly i was not ready for how genuinely horrible and terrifying edward is. some of this is straight out of a horror movie
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beardedhandstoadshark · 9 months
@staff @support @humans appreciate you changing live-snoozing from 7 to 30 days, but the snooze button completely stopped working now :)
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hikarinokusari · 8 months
Modded bg3. Doesn't work.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
Blegh I feel overlooked sometimes and it's getting me down
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darabeatha · 6 months
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toytulini · 7 months
getting real fucking fed up with hulu :)))))))))))))
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uefb · 1 year
my god writing Newt & Jacob is my favorite
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out-of-context, post-meltdown moments for this story
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