#( talking to: taylor lincoln )
macksartblock · 5 months
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beware of burnout it's so real i'm afraid
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also bc ended up making my writing into a font to avoid killing my hand as much and bc I saw Caden do this, I thought it would be fun to see who y'all think it suits lol
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 8 months
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Sleep deprivation is one hell of a drug
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peachyvillian · 29 days
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a few ref redraws . i love love SWIFTLI 💜
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cerealforkart · 8 months
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Lincoln dreams of carrying Taylor like a sweet prince 🧡❤️
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cosmiado · 8 months
can we please take a moment to appreciate the absolute BANGER of an ep that is s2 e4 Barf Bum Movie Men. the Piss Shop intro. the anagram generator shenanigans. Sherwin Touchie, Dookie Mo Oil, and our FAVORITE beloved boy mr Unworthy himself. ELYSE GUESTING AND BEING THE FUCKING FUNNIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. pissfoot gumtoucher origins. Scary's tummy ache origins. "i can handle anything. riding a horse broke my hymen." Taylor writing 'sExxxx Drippins' on his backpack. Elyse guesting. "cant you even tell what's wrong with my face?' 'all three boys look up at her face for the first time." LOU BEGA. the battle between Beth and Anthony over what the horn sounds like. trumpet acid. the popular kids have secret entrances and also a horse stable. did i mention Elyse guesting. truly one for the history books if i do say so myself
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draworlive · 1 year
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inspired by that one time lincoln and taylor combined to become a force of nature in episode 37 does anyone even remember that
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“Calm down, he’s fine, he’s going to hell to hang out with his dad.” Ok this ain’t about Taylor.
This is about Normal, who just had his heartfelt monologue about being besties who will always have each other’s backs.
This is about Hermie, who cried a little bit at the thought of indirectly killing a magic whale because it politely asked him not to.
This is about Lincoln, who was already so deeply wounded by Scary’s betrayal, only to have her sink the knife in deeper and twist.
And maybe this is about Scary too, who undoubtedly knew that threatening Taylor was the best way to get to hell, but killing him? Decapitating him, in front of her and all his friends? Did she know? Did she care?
Does she care now?
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unluckyprime · 2 years
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how about it guys . how we feeling today
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
Traits that make me more likely to be interested in a president's story:
Did not want to be president
Career path before the presidency was something other than becoming a lawyer and going into politics
Faithful to his wife (bare minimum), has a good relationship with his wife (gets them many points on the favorites list)
Personally a nice, humble, otherwise good guy
Did something interesting after leaving the presidency
It's not a foolproof list, but most of my favorites do hit most of these points.
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etherealbards · 1 year
since i love your taylor and linc designs so much, can i request them watching anime together? :P
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SORRY THIS TOOK TWO MONTHS. they are the duo ever (also thank u im so glad people like my teen designs!!)
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macksartblock · 7 months
Can’t stop thinking about Willy’s proposition to the teens. They’re free to go but where?
Back to the place so lovingly crafted by a devoted mother to accommodate for a lack of a father?
Back to the place that once held so much love and strife, the place that reliably held a girl’s mother and best friend only to now hold nothing but a safe left in her name by her stepfather?
To a ruined plot of land, now full of ash and burnt reminders of a presence that will never return?
To a place that once held a child’s whole world?
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drumbhoohoo · 1 year
the teens are two coins. each of them have another that is their vice
scary and normal are developing in opposite ways for the same reasons. because of their dads. scary is becoming softer and kinder. normal is becoming harder and harsher. neither are necessarily growing or getting worse theyre just learning their dads were right
linc and taylor are on the same coin in the way they are with their dads. lincs dad(s) tried so hard to raise him right and love him SO much but hes turning against them. he doesnt want to forgive. taylors dad wasnt present for most of his life but hes fostering a great relationship with him. both did not realize things about their dads (grants problems for linc how much nick cared(?) for taylor)
this podcast is nothing but poetry and piss jokes
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popcornkwantum · 7 months
Swiftli week, day 2
A demon's personal cooler
"It's 11:30"
“Why so late?” Taylor asks.
Lincoln shifts his hand to have his palm flat on Taylor’s forehead and answers, “Because you were burning up earlier this morning and clearly still are.”
“You could still have tried,” Taylor crankly mumbles back. He knows it’s a little unfair to Lincoln, but he can’t bring himself to be thankful for sleeping in and having his morning plans thrown out the window.
“I did,” Lincoln chuckles, luckily not taking the offense, “You only angrily growled at me when I came to wake you up at nine.”
Yea that sounds about right actually.
Taylor is sick with a demon cold and Lincoln is there to take care of him
And have some additional doodles *.✧
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cerealforkart · 1 year
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Dungeons and Daddies the Manga Lesson 33: An Extremely Goofy Episode
Read left to right
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Transcript under the cut
Transcript reading guide / key
[xxxx] =  identifier of text source
- =  break between panels
(xxxxx) = text outside of normal speech bubble
This is My Least Favorite Page of Anything (Page 129)
[Normal]: This was all Willy’s fault!
[Dice roll]: Persuasion, 1
[Panel Text]: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
[Link]: What is this?
[Normal]: I’m so sorry I led us here…
[Taylor]: Link, we’re in one of the most respected American anime of all time. 
(Which means we play by comic rules now. Left to right.)
[Stewie Fucking Griffion]: Oh hello, new visitors. 
Casting (Page 130)
[Text Box]: Taylor Swift as Austin Powers
[Austin Powers]: Do I make you horny, baby?
[Normal]: No! That should be me!
[Text box]: Normal Swallows-Oak-Garcia as Borat with Pickle Rick on his shoulder.
[Borat]: My wife!
[Pickle Rick]: I’m a pickle!
[Text box]: Scary Marlowe as Napoleon Dynamite.
[Napoleon Dynamite]: Figgin blows.
[Text box]: Lincoln Li-Wilson as himself
[Garfield]: (Don’t worry this one’s with me.)
Pickle Punchline (Page 131)
[Text box]: Door locked with immovable metal rod. 
[Link]: Science isn’t going to solve this one, it says Punchline, so…
[Napoleon]: If we went to, like, a party and did like, lines…
[Link]: or like, Knock Knock?
[Austin]: Oh! I think this just needs a cool groovy joke to open it up!
[Rick]: Why don’t you say something about how you have an immovable rod in your pants, Austin Powers?!?! It’s fucking so simple! I’m already doing two improvisations and I’m still coming up with Austin Powers jokes!!!
The Aristocrats (Page 132)
[Link]: We will be performing… The Aristocrats? What’s that?
[Borat/Rick]: It’s a notorious joke among comedians, where they tell the zaniest, most offensive joke they can. Watch this.
[Text box]: Error 404: I’m not drawing this.
[Napoleon]: Pfffffffttt.
[Rick]: Do not go in there. Say “Do not go in there.”
[Link]: Uh. Sir? I’ve just been informed don’t go in there. 
[Rick]: Jesus fucking Christ, Kid!
Transcript provided by @confusedfoam
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lolliepops-rox · 1 year
My favourite thing about the teens is that they're each other's first real friends.
Like Taylor is popular and well liked at school, but he only has surface level connections with everyone. He is a point of admiration, not a friend, likely due to his (semi?)famous mum & being rich.
Scary is respected by the popular (soccer) kids for her athletics prowess, but never made friends with any of them. Lacking connection for anything outside of soccer.
Normal, is not well liked by his peers. However his position as the school mascot gives him a certain level of status. Particularly by being the bridge between the soccer players, the cheerleaders, and the band kids.
Link has never spent time around people his own age. His social skills really reflect a kid that was only socialised with adults. This approach to interpersonal drama/conflict is not that of a standard teen.
But. From the moment they broke out of detention, the kids have been friends, best friends. This sudden and unexpected click with another person, that they've never experienced before. Something so perfectly ride or die.
Sure, there is conflict and fighting. But I think it's clear that the kids have at no point fully given up on each other.
It's all just so special.
While it seems only Taylor & Normal like Hermie. He comes from a pretty similar situation of having no friends, to having two really close ones.
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abeinginsand · 1 year
Something, something, Lincoln doesn't like butterflies because they always fly away and don't return. Something, something, Taylor's demon wings are starting to sprout. Both are secretly freaking out about it. ---- Started working on this (fic snippet here)
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