#( they are thinking about moving to san sequoia
storiesbyjes2g · 2 days
3.171 Happy birthday to ya
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When it got closer to party time, Sophia and I moved the couch to the backyard for more seating options. Our parties always end up fragmented with some sims eating in the house and others on the patio. My goal is to keep everyone together, so hopefully this will help. We also moved the picnic blanket and put the portable crib outside to accommodate the little ones. Because we're friendly again, I invited Yasmine and her girls, but she declined. She doesn't know the other guests and didn't want anyone asking questions about Stacey. I completely understood but feel bad for her. This spellcaster business has really trapped her and the girls in their home.
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Apart from my baby aging up, I'm most excited about having Dub and his family in our home for the first time. Between the deaths and parenthood, it's been super hard for us to connect lately. I guess I was naïve enough to believe it would be easier being in the same city, but life keeps proving it doesn't matter where we are. Life is going to life, and that's that. I suppose I'll have to be more intentional about hanging with him too.
"You got it smelling good out here, bro," a voice says from behind me.
That Henford accent is unmistakable, and I was so glad to hear it. I turned around and embraced him.
"Wassup, man! Did you find us okay? Welcome! Finally!"
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"Right? Took you long enough!"
"Don't even play, man. You know how life is sometimes."
"Sure do. This house is nice! And the view!"
"Thanks. If you're able to stick around later, I'll give you the tour. Hey, where's Maia? Is she coming?"
"Yeah, she's running a little late. She's just finishing up a project for a client."
"Ahhh. See? San Sequoia has been good to you already. I'm glad her business is picking up."
There's no way Dub showed up alone, so I looked around for Tambara, knowing she couldn't be too far behind. I spotted her toddling across the yard, trying her best to catch up with her daddy.
"She's getting to be extremely independent these days," Dub said when he realized I was watching her. "She won't even let us pick her up anymore. I don't mind that so much, but waiting for her really slows me down."
"She'll get faster," I said, thinking about Desiree's determination. "Just give her time."
Tami and Desi look nothing alike, but I see glimpses of the immediate future in her proud face and wobbly gait. I want Desi to grow up and change the world, but I can't part with my little girl. At the same time, I'm anxious to see her continue to grow. I love watching her smash these milestones like the boss baby she is. Ugh. Fatherhood is just a melting pot of contradictions. How can I be happy and sad, proud and scared at the same time?
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Tami finally made her way over to us, so I waved.
"Hey there! Do you remember me? I'm Luca. That's a pretty dress."
Her face lit up, and I knew it didn't matter if she remembered me or not. I was currently her new bestie. Flattery works at all ages, hee hee.
"What do you say when someone gives you a compliment?" Dub asked.
"I know," she shouted.
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Me and Dub had a good laugh. She's so precocious, and I love it. Kids really do say the darndest things, and I can't wait to hear what Desi will have to say. Hopefully that's not a be careful what you wish for situation, heh.
"That's right, Tam," I said. "You better know it."
"How are you holding up?" Dub asked, wiping the smile off my face.
"I'm good. As good as I can be, rather. It gets a little better every day."
"I'm glad to hear it. I can't even think about what that's going to be like."
"It might sound morbid, but you should start thinking about it, man. It's the shock that's hard to get over."
"You play dollies with me," Tambara shouts.
That was probably supposed to be a question, but she's too excited about her new, big friend and it's too cute.
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"Oh, no," Dub says to me. "You start that and she'll never let you go."
She's adorable, looking just like both of them. I hope she and Desi will like each other. It'll be a shame to have them fighting or snubbing each other when we hang out.
"You can play with Desiree later, okay?" he says.
"Speaking of... We should probably get this show on the road soon. Let me finish these ribs."
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(makeovers and family photos below!)
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Dub and fam by @mysimsloveaffair
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hellodahliah · 2 years
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trying to convince your mom to buy you a dollhouse... and lots of new toys (because dad said no)
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simfuldelights · 6 months
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Settling into a new save
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vivalasthedas · 1 year
sims 4 stuff packs have returned
does not look worth paying for
especially since the sims 4 already has so much absolute cesspit hustle culture nonsense in it already (they might just be using it as a buzz word to get attention for a pack that looks like it's avery basic kitchen set, some cas stuff, and a new sales stand to sell cooked things but i still hate it already xD)
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fallstaticexit · 1 month
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After the inevitable conflict between Lyric and Myrah mom ends their family dinner, Mel visits his old stomping grounds. The only good thing to come out of his parent's divorce as a child was moving to San Sequoia and meeting his friends and future wife. He really can't imagine his life without his tribe.
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Bonus: NOOOOO absolutely not
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Loren: Hello?
Mel: Hey, Loren.
Loren: Hey.
Mel: Guess where I am.
Loren: Beats me. Where are you?
Mel: We used to loiter at the old pier when we were kids—me, you, and Aiden. Our rounds of tic-tac-toe and hangman are still etched into the old, rotten wood. Aiden didn’t know how to spell Mila Kunis and spelled it Mila Kunes, so we were playing for like an hour trying to figure out what the hell the word was. [chuckles] Remember?
Loren: Yeah. I remember, Mel.
Mel: Yeah...
Mel: Listen... I wanted to call because we haven’t talked about what happened.
Loren: I really don’t know what to say.
Mel: No, I know. I just- I wanted you and Maeve to know how sorry we are about all of this. You know we raised Selene better than that, and it really surprised and disappointed us.
Loren: We were disappointed too.
Loren: As a parent, you prepare for the big heartbreak, but I never imagined it would hurt like this. We’re having to rebuild our daughter from the ground up. It’s devastating. She didn’t deserve that.
Mel: I know. I feel so awful...
Loren: [sighs] You didn’t do anything, Mel. Selene is an adult, and she made a choice. A fucked-up one, but a choice nonetheless, and now we process and we move on.
Mel: Selene’s dropping from the tour.
Loren: Zoey would hate that. Despite everything, she would still want Selene to compete. At least to kick her ass, anyway.
Mel: Zoey’s an amazing young woman. You and Maeve did a great job.
Loren: Selene’s a good kid, too. A dumbass, but good. I don’t hate her. I love her like she’s my own. I just need her to work through her shit.
Mel: And are we still cool?
Loren: Yesss, Starboy. We’re cool. But if your daughter comes within 10 feet of mine, I’m going to kick her and your ass—at least for now.
Mel: Understood.
Loren: I love you, Mel. You and Nina are our family, always, ok? Anyway, I’m going to turn in for the night. Talk to you later-
Mel: Wait, there’s one more thing! My mom married a man half her age and didn’t tell anyone.
Loren: Fucking Myrah! [laughs]
Mel: Ok, there’s another. Olive is doing the same thing, except it’s a rich milf or something?
Loren: How many times do I have to tell you and Aiden, they’re not Milfs when they’re our age.
Mel: [chuckles] Night Loren.
Nina: Hey, you. Ready to head back to the hotel?
Mel: Yeah, but sit with me first. I just got off the phone with Loren. We were talking about Selene.
Nina: How’d that go?
Mel: We’re good. Just wish our kids were. I feel like the twins don’t think they can come and talk to us anymore.
Nina: Or maybe they’re in their 20s and they think they have it all figured out. Sounds familiar?
Mel: Is it really the same thing over and over?
Nina: But this time, we’re going to make sure we’re listening. If there’s anything I learned about your mother and Lyric, it’s that our children will always want to be heard. We should give them that when they’re ready to speak.
Mel: You always know what to say.
Nina: I learned by loving you.
Mel: Off subject but...remember that thing I said I always wanted to do?
Nina: Mel. It’s like...11pm at night.
Mel: Come onnn, nobody’s around. It’ll be quick.
Nina: Once you get started, you never want to stop.
Mel: We’ll use a safe word. The moment you want to stop, we’ll stop.
Nina: Just be gentle. We’re not in our 20s anymore.
Mel: We’ll go nice and slow.
Mel: [panting] See? That wasn’t so bad.
Nina: [breathlessly] Easy... for you to say...what happened to nice and slow?
Mel: Want to go again?
Nina: ...yeah, but hurry before someone calls the police. [laughs]
Mel: Hold on tight.
Nina: [squeals] Wait! I’m slipping!!
Mel: I said hold on! I’m gonna do a big spin.
Nina: OK! OK! Go!
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satureja13 · 2 months
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New Survey! (I try to post a link -> here, hope it works? (plz let me know if not). If not, check your TS4 login screen.) It's not all the pages from the survey (it's all about the new pack). At least they ask us ^^'
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That's what I wrote. Ciudad Enamorada has just no vibe imo. But I also think that Copperdale has a great vibe, and Moonwood Mill :3 It's just my opinion. I started a build in the new world and I planned for us to move there for a while but it's just not talking to me. San Sequoia never talked to me either. Ach dammit, I forgot to mention the bugs! Lol, but I think they are aware.
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bumblebeessims · 3 months
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Sebastian Herrington for Mad About Dodo
Known as: Seb, Bas, 'Hey, you over there!' Traits: Cheerful, Bro, Loves Outdoors Aspiration: Friend of the World Age: Young Adult Sexuality: Gay Pronouns: He/Him
Seb is from a rather well off family, but he's more interested in working in his (or any) garden than adding to the family coffers. He just wants a beautiful world for people to be happy in. That does mean that he was raised on galas and theatre visits and the like though. He was always a hit at charity functions and parties as a child, since he was well behaved and easily happy. It was when he learned to sneak away to poke around the park or started playing in the plant pots that issues began to rise. His parents (Alexander and Isabella) and older sister (Madeleine) will be horrified when they found out that he has signed up for a show. Seb thinks it would be worth it though, if it turns out that Dodo is the one for him.
Raised mostly in San My, he was actually born in San Sequoia and moved back there once he was old enough. He loves his family, as overbearing as they can sometimes be, but he missed having more greenery than a balcony allowed.
If you ask him about his scar, he will come up with wild stories about how it happened. The real story is a lot less wild and includes falling off his bike as a teenager - if he lets you know that, then you know he likes you. His first relationship was his high school 'best friend', Seb was a lot more invested in the relationship than Jason though. Seb was subsequently crushed when he returned to school after his accident and saw who he thought was his boyfriend flirting it up with someone else.
Private Download @akitasimblr
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mysimsloveaffair · 5 months
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After completing my task, Maia and I finally get some much-needed time alone.
Wade: I was talking to your dad about something before you walked in.
Maia: What was that?
Wade: Well, you know we’ll need a bigger place once the baby arrives, and I was wondering how you would feel about moving back to San Sequoia?
Maia: Why San Sequoia?
Wade: I guess I fell in love with it when I was there. It’s beautiful, and you can’t beat the weather. But it’s only something to think about. If you don’t want to go back, we won’t.
Maia: Part of me wants to. I do miss it. But, Dub, some of my worst memories took place there.
Wade: I know, and I understand. I won’t bring it up again.
Maia is quiet for a while.
Maia: You know what, let’s do it.
Wade: You really want to?
Maia: The only way to conquer bad memories is to face them head-on. I can’t continue to run from them. And you’re right, San Sequoia would be a great place to raise our baby.
I’m so glad to hear that, but I hope she’s not just saying that because of me.
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cinamun · 1 year
Alright y'all, time for a little audience participation again! This time, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help Indya & Darren decide where to live!
With the twins graduating soon, Darren personally cannot wait to get away from their sprawling estate on the water's edge in Tartosa. He hates having to walk so far from his bed to the kitchen for snacks. He would really like to downsize when its just the two of them.
Indya is willing to settle for under 2 gigs and this took a LOT of convincing. She is looking forward to cleaning less surface area and having more intimate spaces to share with her husband. She's very nervous about what is to come and doesn't want to think about it, so she is letting Darren take the lead. Again, Indya's only requirement is the house/townhouse/condo/what the fuck ever needs to be 1 to 2 gigs because she's bougie as fuck (her current home is 6 gigs).
Darren has narrowed it down to 4 options:
Mind you, you have no idea what Indira and DJs plans are for after high school because reasons. For now, just imagine they won't be at home.
Also... with one grandparent in SS, does there really need to be two more?
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pink-chevalier · 9 months
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Previous — Next Transcript Below ↓
Zaxton: What're you thinking about?
Pandora: That we should pack our shit and move already.
Zaxton: smiles Really?
Pandora: Yeah. I was anxious about moving to a different town, but it's better than Willow Creek.
Zaxton: I know. I was nervous about that too, but I heard several good things about San Sequoia.
Pandora: From who?
Zaxton: Believe it or not, from Doli.
Pandora: Doli? Really? I thought you two don't get along.
Zaxton: We don't. The boss said to play nice, so we're being civil.
Pandora: About time. You two hated each other for something that happened eons ago.
Zaxton: sighs She ruined all of my case files, Pandora.
Pandora: I know, I know. Let's not talk about that right now.
Zaxton: Then let's talk about how to tell the kids about the move.
Pandora: Before we tell the kids anything about moving, we need to talk to Penny first and get approved.
Zaxton: I already did that.
Pandora: confused When was this?
Zaxton: About a few days ago. Remember when I told you she came to talk to me about Jules?
Pandora: nods Yeah.
Zaxton: I told her about our plan, and she started the process on that day.
Pandora: Why are you doing so many things behind my back?
Zaxton: I'm not doing anything behind your back, hun.
Pandora: Yes, you are, and I—hisses in pain Ow.
Zaxton: worried What's wrong? Are you okay?
Pandora: nods Yeah, I'll be okay.
Zaxton: I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.
Pandora: No, I'm sorry for overreacting. I think the pregnancy hormones and heat are getting to me.
Zaxton: Wanna sit down? I can get you an ice cream or some-
Pandora: Ice cream. Ice cream sounds pretty good right now.
Zaxton: chuckles Okay.
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igotsnothing · 9 months
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Beginning/Previous/Next 🐯🥭🐠🌅🪷
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Uncle Leo, 40- Software Engineer- Married to Auntie Mei: Ok! I left the last boxes in the kitchen. Do you think you’ll still need the dolly? If not, I’ll take it back to the truck.
Lee: I think we’re good now. Let me help you.
Auntie Mei, 40-Real Estate Agent-Lee’s mother’s youngest sister: (Speaking loudly in Tomarani) Neni! We are leaving soon! Where is your purse?
Neni, ??- Retiree-Lee's grandaunt: (In Tomarani)...It’s somewhere.
Anya, 52- Accountant- Lee's mother: (Whispering, in Tomarani) Do you think they’re going to be ok? The air conditioner and ceiling fan are still broken and they don’t even have a box fan. Henry’s not used to this heat. Maybe they should stay with us one more night.
Hiran, 54- Microbiologist- Lee's father: (In Tomarani) They’re going to be fine, Annie. Henry will get used to it. All they have to do is open a window; there’s a nice breeze.
Henry: (Heavily accented Tomarani)
Mali, 16- Student- Lee's sister: No! You are putting the stress on the wrong syllable. If you say it like that, you are telling someone to have a short night, instead of a good night.
Vihn, 10- Student- Lee's little cousin- Mei and Leo's son: HAHA!! A short night! *Snort*
[Laughing and conversations]
Vihn: Have a short night, Mali!
Mali: Ha! YOU have a short night! You’re the little one!
Anya: I’m just saying- it‘s no trouble at all. You can stay with us until your AC units are repaired. Henry, you’d like that better, right?
Lee: Mom...
Henry: AC would be nice, but we have so much unpacking to do still before Lee starts his classes next week.
Hiran: Speaking of which: your suitcase is still in the car!
Henry: Oh, yeah! I almost forgot! Let’s go get it!
Lee: [Heavy sigh]
Henry: Lee? Where did you go?
Henry: What’s going on?
Henry: For what? Talk to me.
Lee: What was I thinking? What the HELL was I thinking? We had the perfect life back in San Sequoia. And now? I ruined it all. I dragged you across the world to live in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language, where the weather is hot year-round, and we bought an old house with no F*CKING AC!
Henry: Listen-
Lee: What if you decide you hate it? What if it’s too much and you want to return to San Sequoia?
Henry: Lee...
Lee: What if you end up hating me and leaving?...
Henry: Look, it’s perfectly normal to be nervous. This is a HUGE life change for us both! But...We talked about this so much! Ever since you started applying to medical school. Lee: this is the opportunity of a lifetime! You got a scholarship to one of the most respected and prestigious programs in the world! And thanks to its reciprocity agreements with all these different medical schools, transferring your license will be easy IF we decide to move. I knew what I was agreeing to when we decided to move.
Lee: But you are so far away from home...
Henry: What are you talking about? YOU are my home. Please don’t think like that. This is an adventure, and I love that I get to experience it with you.
Lee: Are you sure you are ok with all this?
Henry: You would know right away if I wasn’t.
Lee: True. You’ve always been upfront.
Henry: I’m so proud of you! My honey is going to be a kickass doctor!
Lee: It’s going to be rough for a while. I’m going to be studying all the time.
Henry: You better. I expect to be a well-kept man when you are through!
Lee: [Chuckles]
Lee: Are you ok with my family? They are pretty intense...And very loud and nosy.
Henry: I love your family! They are so warm and welcoming. They even gave up their Sunday to help us move in...That’s awesome!
Lee: I’m a lucky guy.
Henry: I will admit to being a little suspicious of Neni.
Lee: Whaaaat? Why Neni?
Henry: She keeps trying to feed me all the time. I think she’s plotting to fatten me up so she can cook me for Christmas...
Lee: Can you blame her? You’re such a snacc...
Henry: Hey... Are we ok? Are you feeling better?
Lee: Yeah...I am.
Henry: Good. If anything like this comes up again, promise me you will tell me right away. I don‘t like seeing you so upset.
Lee: Promise. And you, too, will tell me right away if anything comes up?
Henry: Something has DEFINITELY come up, baby! No AC can handle this heat!
Lee: You ridiculously adorable perv. C’mere.
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clarkes-and-god · 11 months
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"Fabian, why the hell have you decided to move across the damn country with my pregnant daughter? What on God's green Earth made you think that was a good idea? Moriah's just told me and honestly I don't know what to say."
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"It's so nice out here, Beth loves it. It's a small town and everyone's really traditional -- just good, honest, people. It's not like we're moving to San My or San Sequoia. And it's so cheap! I've bought an old-school ranch house, it was only $40,000, we're moving in soon. And groceries are only-"
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"I'd rather you move to San My or San Sequoia! At least we have family there. Have you even thought about why it's so cheap? There'll be no jobs! Do you have a job lined up?"
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"Well, not really, but I was thinking. Maybe we could set up a little satellite church? We could run it out of our house at first and then see how it goes. I wouldn't need much money and I reckon the people here would really like what you preach. More than most of the Brindleton folk."
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"You may be right about that last part, there's an awful lot of liberals up here. I really don't think you're cut out to be a pastor, you're too quiet. But here's the thing, the Bible is very clear that we should provide for our family, it says so in Timothy 5:8. So, for the benefit of my daughter and grandchildren not being destitute, I'll let you try it out. If you mess up, I will not be funding it anymore, is that clear? You'll have to live with your current decisions if that happens."
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"I understand, thank you for this."
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taanoir · 5 months
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Nicole flew to Henford for a visit with Blake. They were both happy to see each other.
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They spent time catching up on life. They found that their interests had diverged. Nicole still loved music, dancing, going out to clubs and had followed her dreams into the tech industry.
After Blake moved to Henford he made friends with a group of locals that were into football. He still loved music but he spent most of his free time working out or playing pick up matches with his friends. He would hang out with his friends but usually at someone's house, he wasn't really a club person. Too much noise, too many people.
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They spent most of their time at the house. Blake's Mom, Poppy, was happy to see Nicole as well. She asked about Nicole's sister's and her Uncle's. Nicole gave them the run down on Tiffany's budding writing career and Jennifer's robotics competitions.
Her Uncle's were both doing well. Uncle Milo was still painting but he had picked up a job teaching art for the City, she thought he was looking for something to do with his time. He taught classes through the Community Center, his favorites classes were for the Gilbert County Memory Care Facility.
Uncle Gene was still running his business, they had transitioned over the years and were now focusing on hosting websites and providing storage space for businesses. More companies are wanting business websites, so they pay to have the site hosted remotely. It's a steady business and gives him and his team more time to develop new things.
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Nicole also met Poppy's husband Alfred, he was very friendly and funny. Poppy had left her job in accounting in San Sequoia and become a homemaker in Henford. Alfred had a good position with the Bank of Henford, which was partly responsible for how they met. Blake worked at a local gym as a trainer but Alfred had gotten Blake's brother Josh an entry level job with the Bank. Josh had gotten his degree in finance but Blake didn't think college was for him. Blake still though Josh was a jerk, some things don't change.
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They had always enjoyed playing chess together in San Sequoia, Blake was out of practice but they played a few games the night before Nicole headed back .
They both promised to keep in touch but the visit answered the question that had hung over them both, "did I miss the one?". They found they were still friends but nothing more, the trip gave them both the ending they needed.
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
Hey, I got a lil curious after seeing the new Missing Moments. What worlds do all of your Briars live in?
Hi! Thank you for asking! 😊
Ezra, Adrianna, Orion, Noa, Adie, Sonny, Vera, Amir, Rhys and Ellie all live in Henford
Mel and Nina live in Sulani but have an apartment in Del Sol Valley, for work.
Selene also lives in Sulani but travels a lot for her competitive surfing career. (she use to live with her fiancée in a cute little RV but I guess she better think about where she wants to live now 😖)
Olive, Lyric, Kris and Mateo live in San Myshuno.
Myrah lives in San Sequoia.
Willow and Elliot moved from Windenburg to Mt. Komorebi to be with Benji, Ami, and the new bush babies, Finn and Saori. (Also because in my COTF storytelling save , I turned Windenburg into the magic realm so I evicted them lol)
Silas and Sebastian use to live in Henford briefly but they’ve moved to Chestnut Ridge where they’re growing the devil’s lettuce together with their horses lol
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suesimming · 5 months
Dawn Of The Simfected Set-Up
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Meet Charles, a nightshift dock worker, a loner that likes to curl up with a good book and avoid social interactions. When the neighbours start to get a bit bitey, Charles manages to avoid becoming a Sim-burger and finds himself in charge of a small group trying to make it to tomorrow and not only survive but thrive. Or do they? Try the challenge and see.
To begin: 
When selecting a new game, select the story option where you answer questions to create a Sim. Select young adult and then just click randomly on the answers. Don't change too much about the Sim created. You can also use https://perchance.org/random-sim-generator. Best is to start with a male Sim.
Your Sims will have to be tested for the virus on a regular basis. The test is simple, just roll the dice and if you get even numbers, your Sim is safe. Uneven number means your Sim is infected so roll again and if you roll even numbers, they stay alive. Uneven numbers means your Sim didn't make it. If your Sims rolls clean or survive, they are immune for two rolls. When your Sim “dies” because of a roll, you can either have them die for real and have Grim come get them or change them into a zombie and move them out.
Start in Spring in San Myshuno in 17 Culpepper House in the spice market. Set life span to long and seasons to max, turn off the celebrity system, turn on the basic living system in lot challenges and you're only allowed to have the cheapest of the cheap furniture. Open the calendar and go to the first day of autumn. Create a holiday called "supply run" and choose fighting as a tradition(this holiday can be deleted once done). After a few days in game, go to the first day spring and create a holiday called "The Beginning" so your Sims can always celebrate this day. Set funds to $500.
Go to Strangerville to the Sigworth household. Give Jess the pack items(by pressing shift on Jess and going to pack cheats), put her in a hazmat suite and open all the doors to the motherplant at the secret lab to activate the Strangeville storie. When she returns to her lot, zombie proof it the way you'd think someone with a military background and in a hurry would do. Give her ammo, a weapon and a radio from the zombie mod and listen to the broadcast to activate the zombie event. Do one event every day for 3 days.
Mods for this challenge: ⦁ Deaderpool's MC Command Center ⦁ Sacrificial's Zombie, Life Manager, Release Bladder Anywhere ⦁ Zero's historical mods ⦁ Turbodriver's Wicked or Wonderful whims ⦁ Frankk's Language Barrier ⦁ LittleMsSam's Miscarriage ⦁ Pandasama's Child Birth ⦁ NeedCoffee4That's Begging and Pick-pocket ⦁ Lumpinou's RPO Collection and Rambunctious Religions ⦁ Midnitetech's Hunter, Gatherer and Crafter careers When moving over to stage: ⦁ Kuttoe's Enlist in war ⦁ adeepindigo Health redux ⦁ Basemental's drugs and gangs
Supernaturals are "infected" so they can't be added to your household.
World Setup:
Rooftop lot in the City: should be on one of the roofs with a campfire, generator, water tower, tents, washing line and tub. This lot will have water and power but the simple living trait.
In the spice district create a clinic lot with a army feel to it on one of the ground lots in the spice district.
Create a groceries store in the city.
Build a vet clinic that doubles as a hospital. Willow Creek, Newcrest, Windenburg, Evergreen, Mt. Komberi, Tartosa and San Sequoia are all available.
Build a "trader" post on the bar lots in Henford, Brindelton, Chestnut and Sulani.
Build a military base in Oasis Springs with family housing
Build a science facility in Strangerville with family housing
In Henford, Brindleton and Chestnut on the largest lot build a town (think Hilltop from The Walking Dead). Make it a rental property so many Sims can live in your town.
All towns are destroyed. It's the apocalypse, seed your worlds accordingly.
This challenge is ever evolving. I'm trying to use every world, every pack and use every bit of what Sims 4 has to offer.
Next post you'll get to meet the Sims your going to find in game. I've uploaded most of them to the gallery already or you can create your own. Gallery ID: suesimming
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sheplayswithlifee · 5 months
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Stacey finally musters up the courage to broach the topic that's been nagging at the back of her mind. Sitting across from Atlas, she lets the question slip from her lips, her tone tinged with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. "Why haven't I met them? You don't talk about them much."
Atlas's response comes with a heaviness that Stacey hadn't anticipated. His words hang in the air, a somber reminder of the complexities that lie beneath the surface of their relationship. "We haven't been super close since my lil sister Orion died," he confesses, the weight of loss evident in his voice. "My parents moved to Sunset Valley with grandpa Sebastian. He died a little before we met."
Stacey's heart aches for him, realizing that there's a part of Atlas's life that she's been oblivious to. His parents' move from San Sequoia to Sunset Valley suddenly makes sense, a silent retreat from the memories that haunt them.
But despite the distance and the pain of the past, Atlas offers a glimmer of hope. "They did mention they're thinking about moving back," he adds, a tentative suggestion that perhaps reconciliation is on the horizon. "If it's important that you meet them, I can tell them to come here. They can stay in an Air-B-N-B or something."
Stacey nods, a sense of determination rising within her. Meeting Atlas's parents isn't just about checking off a box; it's about understanding the man she loves on a deeper level, about unraveling the layers of his past and embracing the complexities that make him who he is. With Atlas by her side, she knows they can navigate whatever challenges lie ahead, together.
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