#(      one shot sutff :)       )
macadeliks · 2 years
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will you stay.  by  macadeliks
“your boyfriend is there.”
there’s a smirk at the corner of maddy’s lips, a twinkle in her eyes.
“shut up, he’s not my boyfriend.”
but lexi cannot help the smile on her lips, thoughts of blue eyes and wide grin.
or doctor lexi has a famous skateboarder that always ends up flirting with her in the emergency room.
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savedbyharrington · 7 years
Traveling to France with Steve would include...
Request: Hi there! I'd like to request a HC where you go on a trip to France with Steve Harrington. Maybe they're in Paris at first and then they travel to the seaside where they have a little vacation house or something like that.
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Flying in first class because his parents payed for the ticket
Arriving in Paris and right after checking-in in the hotel, going out to eat something typical like a Baguette
And that was Steve’s suggestion because he has no idea what’s typical from France other than Baguette, Macarons and Omelette
He’s such a dumbfuck and you love it
Also, having a picnic under the Eiffel Tower with a bottle of champagne.
Going to the Louvre and taking a picture of him with Monalisa doing a cute funny face
Steve buying you french hats so you can “feel more french than ever”
again you say he is a dumbfuck but you can’t help yourself and you laugh, while hugging him and kissing him
He tucks your hair behind your ear and says how beautiful you are
Under the Arc de Triomphe with a beautiful sunset
A few days later you travel by car to Deauville, to enjoy the beautiful beaches.
Your musical taste was pretty much wild going from The Clash, to Madonna, and of course you were not only listening to it, but also singing.
And once you got tired of singing, Steve tried to entertain you by telling some awful jokes
You still laughed at all of them, of course.
Plus talking about interesting subjects and conspiracy theories
At the beach you wanted to rest and sunbathe, taking Steve a while to but sunblock on your back, because he loved it
 But he acted like a little kid, refusing to stay out of water.
“Babe, c’mon! The water is incredible”
“Okay Steve, let me just stay here under the sun a little bit more”
Steve then gets impatience and simply carries you on his arms, after throwing a bit of sand on you, to the water, gently getting you all wet.
You tried to be mad at him, but you couldn’t. That smile of his was melting your heart
Later on he’d complain about how his back was aching due the sunburn.
“I told you to take a break from swimming to put the sunblock again”
“I know. Stop making it worse please!”
You two would stay at the Beach until the night, watching the stars while laying on the soft sand
He’d name one of the stars with your name
and say “I love you” for the first time with the light of the moon and the stars brightening you
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karlyanalora · 3 years
Clan of Two: Memories
Ashoka glanced over at the Mandalorian who was watching them. She’d be talking with Grogu for quite some time, and she could feel the Mandalorian’s apprehension.
“Has he been a good guardian?” she asked.
She felt joy explode through the Force from the tiny being in front of her as he engulfed her in memory.
Buir was looking around, his helmet glinting in the harsh sunlight.
“Alright, kid, there has to be a bathroom around here somewhere.”
Grogu frowned as the cramping got worse. He really couldn’t hold it much longer.
They did find a bathroom. In the skeeziest cantina around. Everybody there was so scary! Some of them wanted to eat Grogu!
“Go on, kid.”
Grogu looked up at Buir pleadingly.
Buir sighed.
A few moments later, there were quite a few snickers as Buir stood outside Grogu’s stall.
“You done, kid?”
Grogu gave a happy coo in response as he toddled out and Buir lifted him up to wash his hands. A scaly green alien with a snout approached them with a dangerous glint in his eye.
“There’s a pretty bounty on that one’s head.” he hissed.
“I don’t want any trouble.” Buir said in his tired voice.
“Leave them alone, Bossk.” said another wrinkly brown alien with spikes. “The restroom is no place to claim a bounty.”
“Sutff it, Hondo!” the scaly one snapped and lunged for Grogu.
Buir hand flew to his side and two shots rang out. Bossk fell to the ground dead.
Buir nodded to Hondo. “Thank you.”
Hondo simply grinned. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Jedi youngling. Besides, I know they make terrible bounties.”
Grogu watched from the wash basin that was his bathtub as Buir washed his brown clothes. He cooed curiously at him.
“Just stay in the tub until I hang this up to dry. I’ll find you something to wear.”
Grgou chirped.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you aren’t shaped like a human kid. Nobody makes any clothes that’ll fit you. So it’s this or a pillowcase.” Buir looked up from the washing for a moment. “Huh, that might work.”
Grogu found wearing a pillowcase with holes cut out was too cold. So he sat wrapped in Buir’s cape until his jumper dried.
Grogu was swimming in a deep natural pool they’d found. He was chasing a frog and thought it funny Buir decided to go swimming with his clothes on. He kept following the frog. Just as he caught it strong arms wrapped around him and yanked him up to the surface.
Grogu happily ate his frog while Buir shivered in his wet armor, muttering. “Of course he can swim.”
Ashoka grinned at “Buir”.
“You’re right, he’s a great dad.”
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Summer Rain ☔
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: one shot, university AU, fluff
Word count: 2.1K
Warnings: none
A/N: This was soo unplanned!! But my mind is full of ideas recently! The moodboard is my first ever so apologies; it isn’t as aesthetically pleasing, but I still had fun :((( if you could let me know what you thought... I’d  be glad! 😊
There was a laugh that resonated the space in the university park. It was a bright summer day, making you feel pleasant since the recent storms cleaned up the air and brought in cool breezes. 
You were humming a song to yourself and an instant smile spread over your face when you heard that contagious smile. Not even looking up to know whom it was coming from, you continued drawing, his image vivid in front of your eyes even though you weren’t seeing any of him in that instant. Your left leg was folded under your backside while the other one was dangling from the bench, enjoying the freedom and the gentle breeze.
Another round of that same laughter came to you and this time you looked up, your gaze focusing on his face.
He was sitting opposite you, thankfully. You arrived to the place before him and his friends, and as much as you suppressed the gnawing thoughts, you felt like it was a beautiful fate that he sat across you so you could have a proper view while you were drawing exactly him. Right now, his eyes were almost invisible given how wide of a smile was plastered on his face before he chucked down a bottle of water he kept slurping from the entire time. He listened to what his friend had to say before starting to giggle again.
You sighed blissfully, slowly averting your gaze back to the little drawing you had going on. It had been weeks since you started working on this comic book, drawing all your desires down. Desires and images you had with him. As much as it could have been creepy, you liked to imagine him in different universes. If he wouldn’t be a university student, what would have become of him? Or he had been one but he liked to smoke and not smile too much, his reserved posture still a charming point. You imagined him in various clothing that wouldn’t  be scandalous, but the lines you sketched with your pencil would be able to give the image a sensual feeling, your heart fluttering just at the thought of him dressing that way.
But the most common sketch you almost always ended up drawing unconsciously was him smiling down at you, holding sunflowers out for you to take. His long hair would fall into his warm eyes and the sun kissing his skin would turn it into gold. And just like that, it would end up with another sketch where you kiss him. Because that was the only way you were willing to have the story end. Kissing. Both of you smiling.
But you didn’t know him. You never talked to him. And his smiles were basically for free, given how he would smile at anyone who met his eyes even for a split second. A walking sunshine, indeed.
And just like that you were crying.
A drop fell onto your sketch, exactly on his smiling face as he was looking at you.
Except, it weren’t your tears for once.
“Guys, let’s go! It’s raining!” you heard his friends shout, grabbing all their belongings they had sprawled out on the table.
The crowded park suddenly moved. Everyone was rushing into the surrounding buldings as the rain intesified, while you took the time to collect all your sutff, trying to avoid the rain drops ruining all your artwork.
The weather not hinting it would suddenly let rain fall, you didn’t come prepared, umbrella dutifully stored in the corner of your apartment. Reaching for the last sketch, another hand, quite feminine, appeared in the line of your vision, grabbing it and handing it to you. Murmuring a thanks, you barely got to look up while you zipped up your backpack before you heard a voice.
“Come quickly, you don’t want to get drenched,” said... Baekhyun.
Snapping your widened eyes up at him, you froze, not understanding what was he doing in front of you, his jacket above his head as a shield as he motioned his hand at you to hurry you. Without waiting for your answer, he stepped next to you and widened his right arm so that you were under his jacket too, before he said: “Run!”
And well. When people tell you to run, you run. And so you did, the backpack now on your back. The rain was so heavy, puddles were already reflecting him and you when you stepped into them, splotching the dirty water to every direction. You giggled happily and you heard his breathy laugh, too. Daring to look up, you saw his profile that you so well studied for all those weeks, trying to get each and every curve, spot, scar of his face correctly. Even though you really were good at your craft, no one could give justice to his face, not even your steady, skilled hand.
“Which building?” he shouted over the rain, looking down at you, to catch you stare. He gave you a genuine smile as he slowed down a bit and only then you heard yourself panting.
“Art building,” you replied, not dropping the eye contact. He nodded before he turned to the left.
Thankfully for you, art building was further away from the university park. At least five-seven minutes of walking. You knew you had some little time with him for now.
“So an art student, huh?” he asked. “I saw your drawings. They are amazing.”
Your heart stopped beating for a split second. The drawings of him. Was he able to recognize himself?
You blushed, biting your lip as you stared on the pavement trying not to step into another huge puddle, although your white sneakers had been already drenched. “There are better people out there.”
“But you have a very distinct style,” he stated and when you looked at him again, his smile was even wider. “Like, really, really cool one. And, I don’t think I have met you before,” he added nonchalantly.
Smooth talker. But your heart was still beating hard and fast. “Eh, yeah, I am not the most known person on this campus.”
“Neither am I.”
You scoffed gently and he gave you a curious gaze. “If you say so. But,” you stopped for a second, quickly contemplating whether what you were about to say would ruin your conversation or not. “I defintely met you before. Well, saw you.”
You might as well admit your crush on him.
He was genuinely surprised at your words. “Really? I am so sorry, I usally don’t pay attention...”
“No,” you quickly said, shaking your head gently, “it is all fine. Anyway,” you said and told him your name, smiling at him brightly. At your name, his eyes sparkled and murmured: “I’m Baekhyun.”
“Nice to meet you.” Finally.
“The pleasure is all mine,” he said, sending you a playful wink.
You giggled again, looking ahead of you, just to spot the art building. Not very happy about it, you stole another glance at the male next to you and when he felt your gaze, he turned his head with a lopsided grin.
“What is it?” he asked, his voice light.
“What is your major?”
“Singing and performing.” He shook his head to get his long hair out of his eyes. “But I am also very intrested in music production and such.”
You knew it. You knew it all. His major - it could be easily figured out, and your crazy high school-like crush on him made you sniff out information quite easily. The latter information though, you overheard in the cafeteria when, yet during another fateful meeting, he sat opposite you at the table in front of you, and spoke with passion about creating music.
You still feigned surprise. “So art building is your main place for lectures, too! I am a bit offended you never paid me any attention,” you acted.
Baekhyun laughed but you felt it wasn’t completely honest. He was sorry. “Hey, no, no, I am just so ignorant towards my surroundings sometimes,” he spoke gently. “You have no idea how mad I am right now that I missed a chance to talk to someone like you.”
You almost stopped walking, redness and heat giving away your emotions to him. Was this a dream? “Well, we can always just do that. Start talking,” you smiled genuinely.
He hummed. “That we should do.”
Climbing up the stairs that led to the main entrance, you stopped once safely under the roof, turning to stare at the huge downpour. If Baekhyun wouldn’t be next to you right now, you would have closed your eyes and imagine him next to you. Just how lovely was it you didn’t have to imagine and dream?
“So,” he said sheepishly as he turned to you, his jacket drenched and leaving a small puddle on the concrete where he was standing. He observed your red cheeks and your curled up hair from the humidity and suddenly forgot the question he was planning to ask you. You blinked rapidly at him, which snapped him out of his reverie, because damn, that was cute. “Eh, would you like to show me your drawings? And then,” he hesitated, his hair falling into his eyes again. Your hand itched. “We could grab a coffee if... the game would be still on for you.”
If the game would be still on for you, he had said. Leaving those words up to your forever colourful imagination, you nodded, somehow not shy to show him the sketches of... him. The on-going comics would be considered too, but you would have to see.
Sitting in the common area, you took out your sketchbooks, some having donkey ears because you used them so much. A shiver ran down your spine when he sat close to you, his knee almost knocking into yours.
Catching the goosebumps on your forearm, he was quick to shrug off his shirt that he wore over his white t-shirt. Before you could protest, he stood up and put it gently on your shoulders from behind, making sure the skin was covered well. Smiling to yourself, you thanked him as he sat back down, an intense emotion in his eyes as he nodded in acknowledgement.
One deep breath, and you slowly opened up the sketchbooks. He was still watching you, though, the sharp light of the common room highlighting features a daylight wouldn’t do.
“This is,” you started and caught his gaze on you, but you didn’t let that discourage you. If anything, you were more than sure of this. “This is all my recent work that I take pride in. So be kind,” you added, raising your index finger to warn him.
Baekhyun chuckled at your antics when he caught your index finger and gently shook it, letting it go. “Okay, okay, calm down, tiger.”
Laughing, you tucked your hair behind your eyes, observing him observing your work. He was studying each piece with interest, humming in approval, dragging his fingers over the surface, over your signature. “The details are almost perfect,” he muttered and after a second he raised his eyes to meet yours.
“Yeah, almost,” you agreed, shrugging. “Nothing is perfect in this world, Baekhyun.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, and smirking, he reached a palm out to you. “A pencil, dream girl.”
Staying still and staring, it took you a moment to break his eye contact. His encouraging smile made you move finally, taking out your pencil case you doodled various versions of banana milk on, and placed your favourite pencil into his awaiting palm. “Here.”
Baekhyun didn’t wait, as he grabbed one of the sketches of him. “Almost perfect... Why almost, when it could be just perfect?” he murmured, leaning in close, the pencil’s sharp point hovering above the drawn lips. He moved it just above the right side, and placed a small dot.
Your mouth was hanging open by then when realisation hit you.
And all your racing thoughts were confirmed when he looked back up at you and leaned in close, pointing to a mole just above his lip. Just where he drew the dot on the lip on your sketch. “You missed the part with the biggest sexappeal, cutie.”
Still not giving in, you frowned. “No more dream girl?”
“I don’t think it would suit you anymore,” he said, tapping his chin. “Since you might change from a dream girl to...?”
“If I only knew you had a crush on me,” not letting you finish, he laughed softly, shaking his head as he let it hung for a moment before looking up at you. “You are gorgeous inside and out.” He paused and let his eyes wonder over your facial features. “Would you still want to grab a coffee with me? Is the game still on?” he muttered, his voice almost intimate.
“Yeah,” you breathed eagerly and you wanted to scream and shout from happiness. “Yes.”
He giggled and leaned in, still grinning, making you squeal from the proximity. “Baekhyun!”
He laughed. “Sorry! I wish I had the sunflowers that you drew... Thought I could at least smile at you like that. Just like you dreamt.”
You were red like a tomato, sweating and bothered. Was this really happening? Since when was he like this? And did this mean he liked you?
“And the kiss,” he teased. “Can be the next step.”
CuriousCat Ask box is also open! Or comments!💕
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
Drunk text from kinsra to raz lol
> You don't normally get drunk. Poison doesn't tend to effect you. > But Sineha got you some magic wizard booze. > It was just one shot in before you were wasted.
> And wasted you wants your kismesis.
CC: 33ro the 33ottle you gave me the wizar shit sutff [attaches selfie]
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CC: 33ro CC: i swear im seeeing GOD CC: cpome /\\and out with me! drink with meeeeeeee sineha CC: sineha i wanna /\it onyyiu CC: you suck and your 33one cats are creepy come over rrrrrrrrrr
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thekazumakuwabara · 6 years
I finished through watching the movie again (so I could figure out where to make gifs and sutff) and I have SO many great screencaps (though I don’t wanna spam you all with it at once).
The HD version really has so many tiny details you wouldn’t be abel to see with the VHS/DVD versions and I just... Even if it’s just to give a sense of visual depth. So have some random shots.
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That is seriously a lot of hair. Just how freaking LONG and THICK is his hair?? Inquiring minds want to know.
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What’s interesting is that this is an old text and it looks like a mishmash of Japanese, Chinese and Korean characters as one language. Interesting to me the detail they went into that.
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He looks so bashful adorable here. But also I am amused at how dark they colored his uni comapared to the anime -- this is more the typical uni color in Japan.
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What a dork.
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Is it bad my brain went “ET, phone home” and Sailor Moon transformation time?
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Now Hiei’s like Spider Man, clinging onto buildings with only his hands!
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...or just toes of steel on the tiniest ledge ever. Still, wtf.
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Keiko is so pretty. I’m so gay.
There was a lot more I noticed while watching it but I’ll possibly write about it later. (Stuff about Kazuma’s psychic power observations in this movie on top of other things like why the hell are these car lights on?? It’s a parking garage and the car is empty. Interestingly once Yakumo attacked Hinageshi the lights turned off HMMMM.)
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Apology / Explanation (Dear fellow K-pop fans Pt 3)
Part 1 // Part 2 
Disclaimer: I’m going to tag some groups, or kpop in general like yk using the tags I usually use. You’ll understand why I hope. This is not a post about any group mentioned. I’m sorry I understand why this annoys people, please skip this whole post if you only wanted group related stuff. 
This is mostly for my followers, but the last part is about kpop and my unpopular opinion about things (hence the title), so if you’d like to read that, I’d love to hear your opinion about it (The beginning to that part will be bold and in italic so it’s easier to find). Then again, please excuse this post, it really rarely happens that I do this. 
Sooo hello there babies. 
I kept saying that I’d post some sort of apology or explanation as to why I didn’t upload regularly or why I was gone for quite some time without saying anything. 
I know a lot of people don’t really care about this too much, but I still felt like I “had” to, because a lot of people submitted things and I never really did anything or like idk there was one request I only wrote quite literally 2 years later. 
So first reason why I was gone: Me. I do tend to procrastinate quite a lot. When this blog was teeny tiny I didn’t write super long things, like I was shocked when I hit the 200 word mark yk. And then I kinda slowly began to get “better”, the stories got longer, I used a bit better language compared to the first tries etc. And as this blog grew, writer’s blog started to kick in more often and it got harder to think of new things. And I’m not saying like... idk I don’t force myself to write and as I often mentioned I do write the things that come to my mind all of a sudden. The first thing I think of while reading a request is usually the plot for the one shot. I rarely sit down and think of a plot, that’s why it feels like I keep repeating a lot of things and since there’s only some groups that I really really watch and listen to all the time, the person to repeat too. Don’t get me wrong, then again, I - for the most part - pick whoever fits in that concept, and knowing only some people, I keep choosing the same ones. Idk how to explain this really but I think this makes more sense: I do know a lot of Idols, but I often only know their names and general stuff about the group and not really how diverse their personalities might be outiside of shows or MV’s. 
I also struggled a bit with balancing school and life. My school luckily was really easy for me in general, but some things threw me of a lot of times. Like I cannot focus whenever I want to, but I kept pushing myself up to a point where I got like upset and mad, because the things I had to know for whatever test wasn’t a lot, but the fact that I couldn’t study when I wanted to was so annoying, so I spent quite a lot of my daytime getting mad about myself, and during night, where I usually write stuff, I studied. (I know I could’ve switched times, like write during the day and study at night, but stupid me thought I could change my brain lol) 
So I tried writing when I had nights of, but that was also kinda forcing myself so I had writer’s block again. Full circle everytime. And I also noticed how “bad” those force-written things where, other than the stuff I genuinely wanted to write. (There are some stories, kpop related and not, that I want to post some days, bt I didn’t want to part those out of the fear I wouldn’t finish them again.) 
Now the thing I didn’t want to mention, but at the same time wanted to write it’s own “dear fellow kpop fans” post about. During the past year, I noticed how I just didn’t fit into that “Kpop fandom” sutff. At least I thought so. That’s why I kinda kept a “healthy” distance to fandoms, I still watched videos and stuff but I didn’t really go deep as I used to. Idk why, it might be because I get older, or because I just don’t understand the obsessive behaviour of some fans. I’m not going to mentioned any age groups bc I’ve “met” super chill 12 year olds and super hyper and in a way annoying 22 year olds, and vice versa.
I just realized as the groups grew and Kpop got known wordwide, fandoms got like really scary. Not just interanationally, but also k-fans. I’m not only talking about online fans, I really mean everything. Following the Idols, leaving them absolutely no space at airports, idk, being mean at fansigns, making fun of their mistakes, yelling at them personally and like bullying them etc. I just didn’t want to... support that? 
And online fanwars jesus, we all like the same thing, we shouldn’t hate on others just bc we like whoever we like honestly. I try to not mention groups and fandoms because, first of all the group can’t do anything about extrem fans, second of all not all fans are the same, so excuse me saying group and fan a shit load of times. And to anyone who thinks I might be talking about specific people, no I’ve seen a lot xD 
I don’t think I need to explain what happens exactly, but those things in general made me step back. I was confused. I didn’t know if I could openly speak about groups and write stories as I wanted because I didn’t know what people would think. And I started to dislike certain groups because of the fans, yk it felt super annyoing to me, but after a while I realized like, it’s no ones fault, I can like them and be in the fandom still. I don’t have to be like the people I see everywhere. 
And there is one thing I will mention. Which you can see in previous posts, I talked about what was happening and giving a little update about myself bla bla, I did tag groups because I mentioned open requests. In that moment I only thought, “my followers, that see the tags, will know which requests are still open” I didn’t tag them for attention or anything. I really just used those tags for the open requests. And like, 10 mins later I get a message, stop tagging them it’s getting annoying, I swear my heart was racing and I felt the need to apologize bc I didn’t want to upset anyone, But as I read and read that message again I thought how am I getting annoying? In three years of me being here I only tagged groups in non-group related stuff when I talked about open requests and unpopular opinions.I did count then and I didn’t even do that 10 times. I hate things like that too you know. I really do because I was looking for stray kids things some time ago and literally only other groups, like 1-2 groups popped up. Stray kids and other tags were used for nothing. I do understand why it’s upsetting but my post was like 5 sentences long and again I tagged them for people to know what was still left unwritten. 
BUUUUT I also know how loving this fandom can be, lke supporting small groups and making friends and helping one and another out. I really love this and made great friends through it. I also love how people pay respect to older artists etc, or being super respectful during december. This does overshadow the bad things, that’s why I’m back fully now. 
I am now back to being a full time fan, of more groups now actually. So I will be back writing things, every now and then until I get myself back up. I will finish open requests, the drabble game and the 60 day special before only writing new things, until then I’ll mix them up. 
I love you all, I’m glad to be here again, I am really sorry for being gone for so long, and I apologize again for using the tags now. 
(I will delete the tags after a short while, because as Isaid I don’t like this myself) 
Yours Sincerely, 
                                     - a confused hobby writer, that also is super anxious rn                                              lol, a die hard kpop fan, that coped with a lot of things                                               while writing stuff on this plattform 
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lil-nest · 6 years
Feedback Fest 2019
Today is the 14th of february, a very meaninful day for many of us, as it is the day before International Fanworks Day. Yesterday AO3 opened this year’s Feedback Fest: the point of this event is to recommend at least three fanworks, to check out other peoples recommendations and leave feedback on the ones you liked
Here is my list, all of it in the Batman fandom:
Candel Light and Plastic Bats by Claw_Animalae Its a nice story that hangs on the balance between character study and poetry in prose, describing how the canonically superstitious people of Gotham starts treating Batman like some kind helpful spirit, and for a sort of cult, with shrines and sutff, and later how this relation shifts while staying the same as they realise that he’s actually human and as the interactions between him and the people of Gotham become closer and more familiar. It’s full of images, and to me it reads more like a series of tableau than a story with a plot, and this hybrid style is what makes its charm. I’d also like to point out that it’s this author’s first and currently only story on AO3, and it’s not super popular, so I think even a small boost in kudos and comments will be noted and appreciated
Ghots That We Knew, by fishfingersandjellybabies I knew a story from fishfingersandjellybabies had to be here, because they’re my favorite Batfam author ever, but there are so many great stories and for a while I thought I’d never manage to pick a favorite among them... then I remembered Bee wrote Ghosts That We Knew too It’s a near 13k story about Damian staying as ghost after his canon death in order to help his family, with all the fluff and angst that brings. The writing, is wonderful, and I’ve cried over this story many times. Special bonus for happy ending and the guest appearance of one Heretic as a four year old ghost who was only guilty of wanting to please his mommy - there aren’t that many fanfictions out there reminding us that this poor nameless kid deserved better, and even fewer that attempt to fix it, but this is one of them.
Dreams of Wires by DawnsEternalLight A one shot that deals with the long-term aftermath of Talia putting a mind-control chip in Damian’s spine and the plot to have deathstroke use Damian’s body to kill Dick, in particular the fact that it was never removed and how that affects Damian psychologically. It’s really well written, and I am always fond works that show characters dealing with trauma from event that canon brushed off. This autor is also one with several recommendable fics, including After Everything We’ve Seen, which is about Dick comforting Damian after nightmares/memories of his abusive training, and how he finds a loophole of sorts to one of Damian’s reasons for not opening up. It’s very cute, and I also like the concept because finding loopholes in inhibitions is a huge but often understated part of psychological help.
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bigshoeswamp · 8 years
Omg, this passage in 08:Cage is SO ironic and showing of Esther, Sally and Anthony’s characters. It’s perfect.  
Sally is talking about entering the CAGE, how her first time there wasn’t productive and...
“So tomorrow, our very own Esther Roberts is going to voluntarily spend twenty-four hours inside. We drew straws, well, they drew straws. I made myself exempt, and Partridge was going to be the lucky one to go in there, but Roberts confessed she was actually interested in doing it herself. She said she wanted to be "a pioneer in emerging science"-- which, y'know, good for her--and Partridge was more than willing to step aside. He says the idea of the CAGE is eerie enough, let alone actually being inside it. So tomorrow is going to be Roberts’s big shot, and we’re all excited to see what happens. She’ll be fine! Heh… She’s going to be fine.... Yeah.”
Esther wanting to go to the “eerie” place, to be “a pioneer in emerging science” is almost a call out, omg. It’s interesting how she always do so willing and enthusiascally, even with all the bad sutff involved. And what she does just grows bigger and bigger from here. She wasn’t supposed to be the one to go, but makes it so so by choice; much like it happens in the bigger picture later. And how the others just can’t relate to her choices, but don’t go against them.
Actually, the whole thing is a call out lol. Sally’s excluding herself, “which, y'know, good for her” and hesitant confidence in Esther’s future well being is just SO HER. How she doesn’t really want to get involved, and does what she can not to, while genuinely hoping for the best (wanting to believe in it, really) in these limits she set for herself.
Anthony drawing the straw and not actually wanting to go is PURE IRONY. “He says the idea of the CAGE is eerie enough, let alone actually being inside it”. Too bad his will won’t matter much later on when he’ll have to enter the CAGE, this time without a time limit.  
Seriously, even Jack not being mentioned here is great, given his soon departure from the organization. 
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featuresofinterest · 7 years
“flowers in a box” is still the most incredible sherlock fanfiction in existence:
“(john has the hots for sherlock even if he has squinty eyes) (i bet john has a squinty eyes fetish)”
“(everyones a bitch on this show and so is anderson)”
“the killer is anderson because he is a douche.”
“anderson stempted through the doorway of the door. in side was a bunch of creepy sutff like spider web and a fish tank with deadly fish and a hammer head shark in it. and so was moriarty.”
“last time we saw him was at the pool. remember it blew up becasue u shot the bomb then the water began to explode.”
“’im alwyas happy’ said moriaty ‘i have a moto cycle-copotr who wouldnt be happy’“
“mycroft was found dead and was baed into a cake thsat he couldnt eat because he was ded the end”
“’*_*’ said john”
the numerous references to anderson being a pimp
the skull that apparently lets people travel through time but is later revealed to actually make clones, which john sold at one point to buy a motorcycle helicopter
the fucking plot twist at the end where the whole fic turns out to have been john’s dream and the fic writer actually knows how to write properly and they were just trolling us the entire time and is this not series 4
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