#(​guy in a gender neutral sense)
klanced · 5 months
when adam met 11yo keith he immediately knew that keith was gay and was like i have GOT to support this kid!! (runs into traffic) meanwhile shiro spent years operating under the assumption that keith had like a gender thing going on
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rystiel · 9 months
apparently people fight over ninerose and tenrose and which ship is better…? bro that’s literally the same guy. same ship. what are you talking about
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drysauce · 6 months
still thinking about how today the 50 years old professor said "that's so gender"
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ok I have been thinking about this nonstop for like a month now so. just for my own curiosity.
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herbie851 · 1 year
One of the (many) things I love about Ji Hyun’s boss is that she never assumes gender when he is talking about being approached by someone.
She says “someone”, “they”, and “that person”. She never forced Ji Hyun into a straight role and for that I love her.
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
If that’s the case, could we maybe get a mimic and/or dragon flirting with the reader, please? Have a lovely day either way!
(Okay, so. . . I wrote both, because I absolutely had a blast writing two different kinds of flirting styles, and everything goes down hill when Floofs wants to write silly flirty monsters. x'D We have Majestic and Valerian, respectively. A dragon born of duty and deep love for a place forgotten by time. . . and then there is Majestic, who is just.
I hope you enjoy!! )
Crowned Mimic (Majestic) x Anonymous Reader:
A jeweled chest made of white gold, adorned with pearls and bright pink gems. On the top sat a large crown, whether it was part of the chest, or an extra treasure left behind, it was left to the finder to decide. It was beautiful but as you know looks are well known to be deceiving. You pace in front of it, looking it over carefully. It had taken you such a long time to reach the end of this quest. All your hard work to appease a monster of a human, just to get them to give you their token word of peace to let you pass through their land. Multiple times the tasks you were given, you had felt more sympathy for the creatures you had dealt with trying to bundle your way through the dungeon. And now with this chest, in all of its brilliant light and gossamer craftmanship. There was something that didn’t add up. It feels too easy.
You kneel, staring at the chest intently, 
“Don’t scrunch up those pretty lips on my account, sweetheart.” 
Said the chest. 
If you hadn’t been suspicious it was more than it seemed before. You absolutely know now that something is deeply wrong with it. You stand up in a scramble as the top pops open slightly, revealing the faint outline of white gold glittering teeth and a pair of glowing eyes stare back at you. “Aw– Going so soon? Come’on! We were making a connection! You stare at me- I pretended to be normal!”
You pull out a weapon and stare at them in disbelief. “I– What is that supposed to even mean–”
“I was flirting with you! Sheesh! I tell you, all these people that come down here, can’t even make polite conversation. And here I was thinking, you know what I was thinking today? I said, you know what Majestic? If that snobby half-wit sends another person down here to get eaten, I am going to go with them!”
Your eyes dart to the hallway and back. Waiting for the attack that was never going to come. Tensing as shadowy hands began to sprout from the maw, instead using them to gesture and articulate as they talked.
“You’re better than this!” The mimic continues to rattle on, unaware you are eyeing the exit. “I mean come on! Look at yourself! The idiot brings you all the way down here, to eat chumps they don’t wanna deal with! And the last guy– had this great little book about self therapy, exchanged it for his life yanno? So I get to reading– And WHEW the things I learned from that thing! Pure gold– and I should know! Annnyway! To make a long story short, learning I have been used, been abused? I’m done being that jerks garbage disposal!”
The hands shift, making a pose that resembles resting a hand on their chin. “So. . . how about you get me outta this dump eh? We can go on a nice candlelit dinner, my treat~”
Dragon (Valerian) x Anonymous Reader:
“You look very handsome indeed, those clothes fit you nicely too.” The deep rumble chilled your bones, sending vibrations deep into your chest. You could feel your heart reverberating back to the sound. Strange and enrapturing. Peering back at the one eye that stared back at you, the iris like molten gold. Flecks and diamonds of orange like churning hot bubbles around a pool of brilliant yellow.
You fix your outfit and breathe deeply, mouth fixing itself into a nervous smile. 
“Well thank you, I appreciate you letting me get a change of clothes, and a place to shelter from the storm.”
The large head lifts up from its place resting on an old stone staircase to give a bark of laughter. “I should be thanking you! It’s awfully lonely on this mountain top.” 
“What. . . was this place?” You ask quietly, carefully closing the door behind you. “Ah. . .” The large creature sighed, their deep timber turning remorseful. “A civilization that has been long gone I am afraid. I dare say you would not remember, for you are so young. But this was, at one time, a bustling palace. Where dragons were protectors, wisdom keepers that whispered long forgotten knowledge to kings.” 
You watched the long dark body slither its way along the passageway far beneath you, keeping their head up to continue your conversation. “Though the people have been long gone, I still have an old standing loyalty I refuse to give up upon. Call me an old romantic.” Their eyebrows raise and you laugh. “I haven’t heard about dragons being protectors in a very long time. . . I had thought they had just been legends.” They huff, hearing down below their great tail scraping along the stones. “It was indeed a very long time ago. But we still remember.” They slide their head down, leathery wings folding back up against their back as they politely wait for you to traverse the staircase and join them.
I only did art of the mimic since this design has been in my head for longer (ง ​。꒦ິ▽꒦ິ。)ง
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If wanna you pop me a cuppa ko-fi, I will really appreciate it! Thank you so much for reading my silly stuff!
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space-pirate-alex · 9 months
We need more boy adjacent autumn mood boards to be honest
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pharmdup · 2 months
Hello pharma guy.Hope u dont mind me writing.Actually my brother Took pharma in college.He is not able to do it and there is so much cramming involved.Any suggestion from u to him
The response to this ask is probably coming far too late to help your brother, but the answer is flash cards. So many flash cards. If he’s still in pharmacy school.
If he’s not, good for him. The debt to income ratio is kind of nuts, where our schooling costs as much or sometimes more than medical school, but we almost never have the earning potential of a physician. I hope your brother is doing well.
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newwave-lesbian · 4 months
tbh im not a woman like i dont have a gender but my gender is also weird lesbian guy but when i'm with other queer women i really do feel like a woman in a nice and good way! and that's just that on that!
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I like making dirk normal despite growing up *gestures to earth b* mostly because I think dirk after working through his toxic masculinity he should be a guy. Just like a dude. The most normal guy. The most exciting thing is choosing where he wants to order takeout
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nonokoko13 · 7 months
<<DNI if you shame people for having "cringe" interests>> *proceeds to shame or disrespect someone for having interest in fictional stuff they don't like instead of using the block button even though that person has done anything to anyone*
#vent??? I guess??? idk#some people is mind-blowing to me. not in the good sense#idc much about fandom discourse or whatever but the level of blindness or hypocrisy some reach is??#like you see them telling everyone they are supportive and reality ��� fiction but then make gymnastic levels of stretching to explain why--#--what they like is good 👍 and everything they dislike or they're neutral of shouldn't exist and who enjoy it should kill themselves#and it doesn't even need to be something gross like this time I have seen it is because others like Kuromi more than My Melody dude wtf? 😭#guys is it homophobic to be cishet? Because apparently according to some who support everyone of the collective being cishet is enough to--#get blocked. If it was reversed they would get called out for their weird behaviour but ig I'm the weird one#like. One thing is blocking or putting boundaries because that's what social media is for. Curating your space is normal and it should--#always be#but another thing is opinating [insert sexuality/gender] is 'on thin ice' for just...being on the internet???#Idk what I was expecting from Twitter tbh. Although I see people like that in every social media#so sad and tiring#just say you don't want others to have different takes in whatever fandom you are and go. You don't need to give explanations or aact-#--like you are always objective and therefore correct#Anyway in this house we stan Kuromi and cishet people as long as they don't discriminate anyone for their gender identity or sexuality 👍#If you have read this far I'm sorry. Seems long. Have a nice day 🫶#and if you are wondering no that person didn't do anything to me they were talking about Kuromi/straights in general#but I felt the need to share#tw vent#edit: Seems like they did reach somebody over their interest in fandom stuff. Not surprises there#God forbid people to make their internet experience about their hobbies and interests#instead of curating THEIR OWN BLOG and thinking of what others want them to like instead#just a warning for those who like my shit. Unfortunately for you I like fictional characters being evil or morally grey as much as#fictional characters being good people#sorry guys block me if you want Imma keep using critical thinking 🤷‍♂️#OH AND WHAT UPSETS ME THE MOST: When somebody breaks their own dni to go to somebody to tell them they suck or whatever#like????? Why would you do that if you despise x trope or thing sm???? So you want everyone to respect your boundaries except yourself????#you just waste your own time and those you interact with by trying to create a raging conversation for all parts#fandom discourse
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twowink · 2 years
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akira in the studio like yeah their parental issues and upbringings have left them unable to be fuctional . drop them
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the-yearning-astronaut · 10 months
Tonight I am reminded why I don't go into or follow fandom tags....
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lovebiteshard · 8 months
ill be honest even if we dont share sources i still like to chat and im open to being taught about media so you can talk about your guys
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collarkey · 11 months
bad at being attracted to real people (self hatred makes me feel like it's "predatory" bc nobody could ever *want* me to be attracted to them. and if they ever found out they'd be disgusted or horrified) so I'm really. trying to pretend like I don't have the hots for one of my friends and haven't for years. alas it would never work so just gotta uhhhhh kill that
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dreamsrunfaster · 11 months
Star trek is so fucking compelling and it's literally just that they put guys in endless situations
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