#('Whos The Entire Taishiro Fan---')
izzyizumi · 2 years
Dear ANYONE going to Toei's AnimeNYC panel (tonight?!??!) -
(I'd much rather everyone stay safe and NOT go to cons but) on the off chance someone is going to be there either way --
PLEASE report back with news on 2020!Koushiro's possible Voice Actor (or Impressions of them) + the Taishiro in Ep01+02
The Entire Taishiro Fandom Will Thank You Immensely
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{Gif by Me} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use) {Post marked 'no re-blog' because we'll have news by tonight maybe?!? idek I'm just throwing this out there}
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis (Poll I + Poll II)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Taichi, shall we!
The overall results / spreadsheet
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis due to redundancy reasons and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like:
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Overall votes: 164 (approx. 131 in sum after the exclusion), the main poll got 107 votes, the secondary poll got 57 votes.
The “Others” choice in the main poll received 6% (approx. 6 votes) and 7% (approx. 4 votes) in the secondary poll. The comments/tags did not specify any preferences here (aside from characters that were already part of the main choices).
Ship Analysis
1st place: This was actually a clutch one - and we may assign Koushiro’s victory (27%) here to the fact that Taichi’s poll was reblogged by Taishiro centric blogs as well. Initially, Yamato was leading the poll for the majority of the voting time and only got surpassed by Koushiro in the last few days (by round about 7 votes). Taishiro is still a well liked ship overall, presenting a “breaking your typical brawns/brains trope with a lot of mutual loyalty and devotion” bond that is still appealing to many, with them being all ride or die for each other. With several blogs even having picked it up in recent months, it should not be too surprising that they did get a lot of votes in comparison - however, a lot of big fandom names have moved on to different fandoms and it has become rather quiet outside of the Japanese spheres. Taiyama/Taito on the other hand has always been going strong and is a very popular choice for both parties.
2nd place: As mentioned above, Yamato (21%) was leading the poll for the majority of the time. And for good reason, as Taiyama is, not only in fandom but also in canon, a relationship that is highly focused on in terms of how they clash, but also complement, support and make each other better - which is also why there are tons of official promotional art that could have been used for the graphic! Taichi is Yamato’s (development) foil for a reason and the way their dynamics are being presented make them an appealing choice for one another. If the poll had been shared in Taiyama spaces, the results may have looked differently.
3rd place: Sora (16%) has been in the race for Top 3 the entire time, there wasn’t really any competition coming even close to them - however, she wasn’t surpassing Yamato at any moment of the voting. She did share second/third place with Koushiro quite a few times though. The poll was also making rounds in Taiora centric spaces, and even if there have been less enjoyable times in the past, tumblr itself is still having a dedicated  group of fans committed to making content, as Taiora has always been a viable ship for Taichi, just like the other two. Since Sora has been presented as main heroine in Adventure 01, being ride or die next to Taichi and foiling his development to the point of even indirectly activating his Crest of Courage, it is not surprising that their bond is still as popular as it is.
Honorary mentions: Daisuke is the only other character who surpassed the 10% mark for his senpai, but only picked up speed in the last few days. Mimi and Meiko were the only other ones who got past the 5% hurdle, which is interesting considering that other internet spaces (such as Facebook or Pinterest) are a lot more active in the Michi department.
“The 1 vote squad”: As Taichi’s polls were the ones to get as (comparably) many votes as they did, there actually are no “just 1 vote” answers - every other character in the Adventure verse (except one) got 2-3 votes, making those quite the niche options.This includes not only the main characters (Jou, Takeru, Ken and Miyako), but also the minor side characters (such as Menoa and Catherine).
“0 votes go to...”: Iori is the only character who didn’t get a single vote (which can probably be assigned to the lack of screentime/interaction as well as the age gap).
Annotations: Hikari was automatically excluded as a choice up front. Taikari does not seem to be a wide-spread choice in English speaking fandoms, even if a look at Japanese centric spaces may suggest that it’s fairly popular there.
What did the other polls say?
Interestingly, the other polls mirrored the results above and thus, Taichi won Yamato’s (37%), Sora’s (32%) and Koushiro’s (55%) polls as well, making him the character to win most polls overall.
He was also coming in second in Meiko’s (22%) poll and ranked third for each Mimi (13%) and Takeru (6%).
In Jou’s (2%) and Daisuke’s (3%) polls, he was quite a niche choice overall. 
He received 0 votes in the polls for Ken, Miyako and Iori.
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
As mentioned above, Taichi’s polls were the ones to receive the most votes overall, hence the numbers might be a little bit more accurate in comparison to other polls. He’s our main character after all, so he is likely to have interaction points and dynamics with a huge chunk of the cast. And thus, it’s no surprise to see people having different and also varying preferences for him - even if the results were pretty clear on who exactly was favoured most. However, the biases are still to be taken into account here. Thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls.
Nevertheless, on a very personal note, I am both relieved and also not really surprised to see Yamato, Koushiro and Sora being represented as  the most popular choices for Taichi, as canon does frame them to be the most viable options, trope wise and screentime wise at least (rival/foil/opposite, right hand, female childhood friend). 
Seeing people slightly fancying characters like Meiko and Takeru is interesting, presumably due to his protective attitude towards them - a huge focus on Tri had been his and Meiko’s arcs being intertwined, making them contemplate whether and how to make very difficult choices, thus relating to each other. Takeru may look up to Taichi in a more brotherly way, that could also turn into more as they get older. Mimi is also represented for similar reasons, as the fandom sees a lot of potential in Michi, even though their anime interactions are more rare. Jou’s and Daisuke’s minor appearances suggest a niche interest in their dynamics after all; with Jou and Taichi gaining understanding and respect for each other through the series and Daisuke looking up to Taichi has his senpai, maybe even putting him on a pedestal there.
The comments in the tags have also only mentioned the three winners overall, so the “Others” option did not reveal any other potentially preferred suitors. This leaves room for speculation, but usually, the option is reserved for OC ships or for when people prefer to not ship a character at all (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!)
Other Analysis Posts 
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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fatgum-sugarplum · 3 years
Do you take requests still? Your Movie Night with the boys post is lovely brainrot, but what about specifically HORROR movie night with the boys? As someone who's a big horror fan and fully believes Hizashi Yamada is a coward.
Dhfnfkkdksksk I love this cause I'm a horror junkie through and through.
Kuugo is a little apprehensive. He's never really watched horror out of a general disinterest, so he's not scared per se but he does worry his neutrality toward it will hurt your feelings.
You end up picking something a little more psychological that has an actual message behind it and hes surprised when he ends up enjoying it along with you.
Occasionally stumbles across movies in a similar vein and sets the titles aside to bring up to you later so you can watch together.
Taishiro loves over the top horror movies that try far too hard to be scary and end up just being kinda goofy.
You two spend the entire time making fun of the movie, mocking the characters and just generally having a good time.
If you pull out a legitimately scary one though expect to find yourself in his lap the entire time. He insists it's to make you feel safer. It's not.
Aizawa, believe it or not, is something of an aficionado when it comes to horror movies. He may have seen your suggestions before but he'll gladly watch it with you regardless.
Will absolutely gently (but with a comforting firmness) hold your hand if you're scared. Hides the small smirk he gets when you cling to him like a lifeline, absolutely loves the feeling of you needing him.
Hizashi wants to like horror movies, he really does. He's even made it through half of a few of them! He just happens to be unable to handle suspense or jump scares or...anything really.
With his quirk that's a huge problem. Sure he has damn good control of it but that can easily fly out the window when adrenaline and instinct kick in.
Don't watch horror movies with Zashi unless you want several shattered items and ringing ears at best.
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dantelionwishes · 3 years
Sato spoke in a firm tone as he leaned against the wall behind him, arms crossed with difficult-to-read expression across his face. He was never a fan of lecturing his students like this, but it needed to be done every now and then. Kids were getting more and more stubborn nowadays, and he's not sure who to blame.
"We've discussed this in the past during our classes. Have you forgotten? Tell me." The teacher waited for an answer from the injured boy, his voice loud and clear with instruction.
A soft huff came from the boy. He felt like he was somehow dying and dead at the same time. Everything hurt. Everything felt terrible.
"... I was winning." He croaked. Whether that was really true or not didnt seem to matter. Maybe he fried his brain a little...
"You were winning in a losing battle with yourself, Watanabe." The teacher had raised his voice a little with urgency, "So many times. I've told you to never overuse your quirk like that." Even while wearing the mask it was clear how loud his voice was getting as he spoke, a growing exasperated appearance on his usually calm face.
"Do you understand the risks you physically take when you pull of stunts like these, Watanabe? Do you?"
He turned his head away from his teacher, grunting lightly. Hell, even that simple movement hurt like hell-- "Everyone's quirks b-.. Backfires somehow." Sniff. "... 's not my fault-... Not my fault mine sucks." If he had just gone a little further he could have knocked her out of the ring. Could have proceeded. Hell, he might have won the entire event!
A sigh.
He was crying. Sato took a deep breath to calm himself down and massaged the bridge of his nose.
"You're not listening to me, you can't even answer my question." His brain really was that close to getting melted, his student's basically delusional at this point. He can't think of anything else. Sato really is grateful to have a co-teacher like Lucca to act as referee. Their special class of unique students were a bit stubborn, almost comparable to the current third years when they were younger.
"I've told everyone in class to not overuse their quirk, not just you." The teacher leafed through Taishiro's medical papers, briefly going through the history of his quirk. "Do you understand where I'm going, Watanabe?" Based on the student's expression alone, he knew he wasn't listening.
Previous records of burns. Overuse. Overheating in summer. Some brief notes about malnutrition and possible neglect from a few years back-
Was he listening? Tired? Or did he fuck himself up and needed longer to think? Oh lord.. ".... Ss.." ow
".... Sato-sensei... I-- gh... You don't get it at all." sniffle. Ow existing is painful. "... I-i have to."
"You don't." His voice stayed unyielding, but kinder. "You don't have to, Watanabe."
Sato set the papers beside away, handing it to Recovery Girl who watched with a worried expression. "It's...a high school event," he approached, sitting at the foot of the bed where his student rested. "Watanabe. It's a sports festival. You are a sixteen years old teenage student who shouldn't be focusing on studies and making friends."
".... You d.. you don't get it-" It felt like no one did "You just-- S-sometimes you just gotta deal with a little pain- UGH-" Yoshie look what you did you fucked up the kid- He squeezed his eyes(?) Closed. "T-... To get where you need to.."
"A little." He repeated, "A little pain." Sato felt a nerve pop at how Tai's words, but let it slide. Take a deep breath, you're past your prime, Osamu. It's his story, not yours. Don't make it about you. The kid needs this. He needs you right now.
The teacher pointed to his pitch-black hands, his injuries, his bandages, his current state of being. There was even a constant, soft whirring of a fan as his student recovered in bed. "You're going to get yourself killed before you can get where you need to, Taishiro. I can't let you do this."
His hands twitched. There was an attempt to ball his fists, but the pain didn't do any favours.. If he kept this up then he'd lose the functions in his hands entirely, if not the hands themselves.
"W-" An attempt to sit up. Very short lived though. "Y-you're not kicking me out of the tournament are you?!" Owie his throat. "You can't do that!"
"Stay still, Watanabe-kun!" Recovery Girl raised her voice from her seat, upset. "You shouldn't move around so much in your condition. You're going to stay here until you've stabilized." She crossed her arms. "Anything happens to you, and it's going to be on me!"
"You heard the boss," Sato turned back to his student, putting a sympathetic hand on Tai's blanketed knee. "Please, you need all the rest you can get. You need this more than anything else right now."
B- but that's not fair!!!" He shook a little. Pain? Anger? Who knows. "I was so close-- You can't do this to me, Sensei!!!" Oop tears ahoy
"Close to dying, if that was your goal." The teacher's expression was solemn, serious. This conversation was getting nowhere, and his student continued to be stubborn and in denial. He wished he could stay here for him, but he's got his job as a homeroom teacher cut out for him. He has other students to tend to, but this one...he might not be enough for Tai.
"I don't want you risking your life out there, against your own classmates. It's. A sports festival. You're supposed to be having fun out there." Sato pointed to the window, where the stadium could be seen from the clinic, "You enrolled here to become a hero, didn't you? What's the point if you don't make it to fighting villains? You won't be anywhere close if everything ends here."
"If I can't handle a sports festival how am i going to handle villains?!??" Angy.. "I-its not my fault I was matched with someone powerful!!"
"No hero gets to choose who they'll fight on the battle field. That's exactly what you're here in UA, Watanabe." Sato raked his fingers through his own locks, giving his student a meaningful glance. "To learn."
The usually tired teacher's eyes began to blaze with passion. "You're going to exactly learn how to, without endangering yourself. I've been teaching you how to, haven't I?" He didn't enroll into education for nothing, after all. "Or perhaps my classes really are that boring, hm?" Sato passed a joking glare towards Taishiro, recalling his grades and current standing.
".. I was winning" Huff "You should be happy about that... One of your students was doing good.. And now you're blocking him from winning"
He's not listening. Teenagers really are a different breed, huh?
The bed shifted from Sato's weight as he slowly moved towards the other student before gently, softly, enveloping Taishiro in the warmest hug he could give without adding pain to his injuries.
"You've done amazingly, well beyond my expectations...and now you need to rest. I'm so sorry I have to stop you here, when you're so close. I really am." Sato brings a hand behind Taishiro's head, carefully caressing his brightly coloured hair. He strokes the back of his head gently, speaking in a voice just as tender.
"I'm more than happy, Watanabe. Thank you for being a proud, strong student of Class 1-X."
He flinches a little from the pressure. Ow- Injury--
Whens the last time someone pet his hair like this? Not since he was tiny, probably. It was nice. Reminded him of snoozing on his dads lap on the way home from the park.
Sniff sniff-
The tears were already there, of course, but this just made it worse, thick black tears pouring from his eyes(?) Mann.. Even after all of that. After almost melting himself alive. After being so stubborn..
He was still just a teenager.
He trembled, hiccuping as his lip trembled... And finally fully giving into his tears. Wailing onto his teacher. Sorry Sato your shirt is gonna get stained
It's not the first time Sato's shirt got stained with black tears. If anything, he's just happy to be there for his students in their time of need. He continues speaking what's on his mind, all the while hugging and comforting him via headpats.
"You kids are going to be the future. You guys are going to protect us when the time is right," voice low and soothing, he kept going. "So as your teacher, I can't have you risking your life as early as now. It would be my fault if something bad happened to you, it meant I didn't teach right."
He leaned back, breaking the hug. Even with the mask, Sato's smile was evident as his eyes crinkled with encouragement and pride towards Taishiro. "So with that, please continue being a good student, 'kay? Study well and become a great hero."
Hic hic hic--
Oh he's a mess. Aw man the bandages are gonna get stained too. :C
He kept shaking. Pained. Both emotionally and physically. God he was so tired-- "I-i'm trying!!"
"Trying a bit too hard, I'd say." Sato laughed softly, if not a bit cocky.
"You'll need some extra remedial classes if you want to be a good hero. And maybe some extra focus." Before he could say anything else, there was a knock at the door. Ah, right on time. Recovery Girl glanced as Sato put away his phone into his pocket, did he contact someone?
"Come right in, sir. The door's open."
He lifted his head. Another doctor maybe? Who would- ...
Oh lord-
Yoshie wastes no time. He's still in his pizza place uniform. Pizza smell. Pizza man.. He dashes over to grab and hold his son, of course causing the kid a little more pain but- Hey he could deal. Proabbly-
"D- Dad?!"
"Tai- Taishiro i saw everything--" He grabbed his son by the shoulders, face full of concern.
"How could you do that to yourself?! Do you know how dangerous that was?!?!"
"No! You can't-- Son. You can't keep doing this!!"
Tai is pulled in for a tight hug again, his father tearing up as he holds his son protectively, tai looking stunned for a moment.
"You can't do that-- Why would--" A sniff. From Yoshie this time. "..You're my only son, Tai! You can't do that to yourself!"
The father turned his head a little, looking at the teacher. ".. I-is it possible for me to take him home? Watch over his recovery?"
Sato hummed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well...it's a miracle the match ended before things for irreversible. It's another miracle that we've got such an amazing nurse on our side, too." He glances over to Recovery Girl for an opinion. "What do you say, Ma'am?"
"He's still a bit unstable, so we need to watch over him a bit more. He did too much work this festival, so..." The school nurse herself huffs, always with the tendency to scold those she heals up. "Learn to control yourself, young man! You're still a teenager, don't risk yourself at this age!" She raises her cane, gesturing to all the other students in the ward. "And that goes for all of you, too! Got that?!" A collective groan from the injured students follows, sounding like a "yes, ma'am."
The teacher decided to continue for her, "He should be okay to bring home by tomorrow." He placed a hand on Yoshie's shoulder, kind but firm. "Don't worry Watanabe-san, your son is in good hands."
A small nod, before he turns back to his son, cupping the students face.
"Tai.. I know it's not been easy. I know-.. I know i've not been the best father to you-" Two idiots be crying "... But this-..You can't do this. Not for my sake.." Looks like he saw the rin match. oop. "You have to do things for yourself. Make friends! ignore your work-- Hell, get another piercing- Just.. Don't give up your youth for me, Tai."
All of this was for him.. All of this was.. All... "
... D-daaad-!!"And back to wailing he goes, his father chuckling a little through his own tears, holding him close. and letting his son cry it out. There was a lot of healing to be done, but at least this time he'd fight like hell to be around to help with it.
Sato watched as the two cried in each others arms, relieved that things turned out pretty well in the end. He excused himself from the clinic, waved goodbye to the nurse, father, and patient.
Now, then...
As soon as he closed the infirmary door behind him, Hikari, the redheaded girl from the other class was clutching her cellphone anxiously as she stuttered to find her voice. He wasn't well acquainted with her, but knew she did rather well in his class knowing that she received some sort of prior training from her pro hero relatives with that unfortunate quirk of hers. And she's the last of Class 1-Y standing...if anything, he's a bit worried considering Lucca's most anxious student is going to fight his scariest, angriest student.
"It's okay. He's doing well." He craned his neck as he looked up at the towering high schooler, "It's not your fault."
Taishiro didn't know Hikari's immunity to heat and fire. Trying to pull off a stunt like burning himself up in the inside to try and fry her only backfired completely. She couldn't do anything either, doing her damnedest to keep herself in the stage even if he kept rewounding time. Lucca must have noticed her student's distress in trying to get close to Taishiro to stop him. I really have to treat her to drinks sometime, it's tough being a teacher.
A broken whimper stopped his trail of thought.
"Ah, sorry. You want me to escort you back to the stadium? Don't worry, I know Fuwa is scary and all, but--"
"........it's not th-that...."
Sato raised a brow and observed her movements. She's always trembling, but...she's shaking pretty badly. The student looks like she just finished crying, puffy eyes, nose and all. She clutched her phone close to her body before opening her mouth again. Hikari recalled the conversation she had on the phone and mustered up all the courage she had.
"I...I need to go home."
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
stupid question but what do you think their favourite foods would be? who has a sweet tooth? Prefers savoury? Spicy? takeout? Home cooked? Dietary restrictions or requirements if any?
It’s not stupid. Don’t worry!
Aizawa isn’t picky when it comes to food. If it’s edible and won’t hurt him, he’s typically fine with it. Cooking takes spare time he doesn’t have. He relies on frozen and ready to go meals from the store. Though if someone were to make him a filling home-cooked dinner, he might just smile. It doesn’t matter what- mashed potatoes with beef and mushrooms or a more traditional meal like sukiyaki. If it’s warm and hearty, he’ll greatly appreciate it.
Before, Toshinori relied on a lot of takeout and frozen meals he just had to throw into the microwave to eat. Now that his life isn’t as busy with Hero work, he enjoys relaxing at home and planning his meals. He’s collected a nice amount of cookbooks where he often looks for new inspiration on soups, salads, and things to put on rice, like stewed meat or roasted vegetables. He avoids spicy, oily, fried, and processed food because of his health. Cooking at home is one of his favorite past times now.
Hizashi likes fried food. And spicy food. And greasy food. He is by no means a fussy eater. Giant-open-your-entire-mouth burgers stuffed with sauces, onions, tomatoes, spicy peppers, and whatever else gets thrown in are a great way to his heart. Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and chili are just a few examples of the rich, heavy meals he enjoys.
Taishiro has a horrible sweet tooth. He can’t get enough. Cake and cookies are his absolute favorite. Homemade cake and cookies are enough to make him drool, especially when they’re fresh out of the oven so the gooey chocolate chips melt in your mouth. Other than those, he isn’t picky in the least. All food is good food. But unlike the others, Tai does eat way more than the average person. Way, way more if he’s bulking up. Only big meals satisfy him.
Gang Orca’s is a given. Any and all seafood satisfy him. His favored meal is squid in sushi, sashimi, or tempura. Also, any type of fish that’s full of flavor he enjoys: salmon, bluefin tuna, and eel. Kugo’s a fan of salads as well, specifically Greek and Cobb salads. They’re fresh and healthy and he’s always willing to cook for people, particularly his partner.
Hound Dog loves barbeque, meat, and, more importantly, the two combined. Grilling is also more than acceptable. Take any BBQ sauces, whiskey, sweet, honey, smoky, and just lather the ribs, chicken, pulled pork, or beef. Grilled mushrooms, corn, asparagus, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes are a beautiful cherry on top. Do not touch his plate. He will growl, possibly snap his teeth defensively.
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Hello. I found your writing about family heroes, and I'm thrilled. It's so nice, cozy, cute and delicious. I love it, very much. Thank you so much for your work!♡
If you're ok with this, can I have whole families (Eraserhead, Fatgam, All Might, Hawks) who comfort their mom after having to interact with her family (I mean, her parents, grandparents, and the rest). With whom she has a very bad relations. Well, it's realy very bad there... Please, choose the format that is more convenient for you.
Please, feel free to ignore it if you don't like it. That's all right.♡
Thank you. Take care of yourself. Good luck. Have a good time♡
The Pro Dads Comforting You After Seeing Stressful Family Members
Eraserhead / Shouta Aizawa, Fatgum/Taishiro Toyomitsu, All Might / Toshinori Yagi, Hawks / Keigo Takami
Thanks for such a kind request 🥺
Warnings: Of course it is gonna contain some toxic family members and what not exploiting your fears and your children’s insecurities and what not....
Masterlist / Request Info in masterlist
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You and your parents? Well the two of you had an ok relationship
But then when you and Aizawa married? It just felt strained and forced, especially after the two of you began having children, fostering, and adopting....
Until one day while visiting, your mother said something along the lines of ‘is he even well enough to help take care of the children? Put together enough? Around enough?’
It kind of just really got you stuck in your own head for a bit, but you were quick to prove her wrong...for the time being.
You didn’t mention any of that to Shouta though, you didn’t know why you didn’t....
Then now you had everyone with you this time, your husband and children to visit.
It was a loud environment, but it was nice and soothing, it was what you and Shouta were use to as you, him, and your mother and father sat in the kitchen to make small talk as your children played about in the conjoining living room.
But of course, your mother said something along the lines of ‘you have so many kids...I don’t know how you manage with Aizawa hardly ever around....’
The silence soon followed as your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach, watching your father nod his head in agreement. That’s when you only offered a small smile before getting up, your kids already huddling around you and Aizawa.
They didn’t even cast a glance as their grandmother tried to tell them farewell, they were all too busy clutching onto you and Shouta.
Upon arriving home, they all just dragged you to the livingroom to all pile up and cuddle while watching some of your favorite movies and trying to make you laugh and smile with their silly antics
But later on that night when you and Shouta would be back in the master bedroom ready to sleep? The tears would come
He would just simply open his arms up for you to cradle you and rock you...
Hands to give you reassuring rubs upon your back as he whispered compliments and pet names to you to crack a smile out of you...
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You loved your whole family but.....
Your grandmother? That was where the huge BUT was at
She was old, quirkless and could vividly remember the days where quirks were beginning to play a part in everyone’s lives, but that doesn’t mean she totally understood it or got it or didn’t hold any prejudices against them
So she wasn’t happy when you introduced your boyfriend Taishiro to her...and she was upset as she sat through the wedding ceremony at the shrine....
And then she absolutely hated his appearance! He was ‘fat’ in her eyes, no quirk could change that, but he just let it bounce off himself...
Though upon a family reunion when everyone was at your home, she made her few comments about Taishiro that you and him just shrugged as you talked and caught up with cousins and other relatives
But then the words ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if his daughters turn out the same way...they are already on the path...’ came from her mouth, that’s when all hell broke lose
You stomped right up to her and gave her a piece of your mind before gathering up your daughters into a room to drill into their heads that they were beautiful and perfect...but they reassured you that they knew that...
Once everyone left, your daughters gossiped about family drama that they picked up during the reunion as they helped you clean up, you only hushing them....but you couldn’t help but be enthralled with what they had heard....
And they continued talking about it because it made them feel relieved for you to surpress your gasp and laughs as they would drone on and on about the stuff they heard
They also gathered you and Tiashiro to the kitchen table to play a few rounds of a card game, filling the whole house with everyone’s laughter
Laughter was the best medicine.....
But then later on Taishiro would talk to you about what happened which at that point you would only shrug it off and laugh over the incident....
Which then he’ll probably tell you ‘you becoming a mama bear? Hot as fuck....’
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Your dad never liked Toshinori....not one bit and he made it clear...
‘The man is too scrawny...too sickly! He looks like a damn twig!’
You would only respond with ‘I love him, that’s all that matters....’
Wasn’t too happy about the marraige, but couldn’t do anything, your mother absolutely adored Toshinori...
But then once it was revealed that Toshinori was All Might the entire time? And now that he was in retirement?
Your father would drop by often to hassle you over ‘how will he provide? How will he not put you and your child in danger?’
Finally one day you just slammed the door right in his face, your daughter now at your side tugging at your shirt....
She would tug you along to make a pillow fort, to read a small book together, watch a show, movie, just anything together to distract you from what had just happened....
She was a smart girl because it worked all day until Toshinori was home
That’s when you finally opened up and told him what happened, your voice quivering with the tears that you wanted to cry.
He only hugged you though and told you everything was going to be alright
‘Your father can hate me, he’s got a high standard for who he wants his daughter to have and that’s fine...but I promise you those things he has said to you will never happen...’
You didn’t need him to reassure you, but his affirmations pushed away those tears away quickly and your broken heart was mended on the spot....
Then he would cuddle you and tell you how beautiful and amazing you are...which always got your heart fluttering
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You and your family were on good terms, you checked in each other a lot and always visited each other
Your sister? Nope, nope, nope, and nope...
Yeah you would hate her every and now and then growing up, but who doesn’t have a little hate for their sibling growing up?
The moment you and Keigo started dating? That’s when it went down hill...
She would try to feed you with insecurities of ‘he’s probably cheating on you....’ or ‘he’s famous, he just wants a pretty face for the media and an easy girl for the night...’
But those insecurities would vanish just by looking at the loving looks Keigo would give you, so you never dwelled on them
She may have been trying to look out for you, but it was just the totally wrong way to do it and you’ve tried countless times to tell her that, but to no avail
One day when you and Keigo along with your two boys and daughter went to visit, your sister showed up too...
The tension was high as your parents chatted away with Keigo, your daughter sprawled out and sleeping in Keigo’s lap and your sons messed around outside
You and your sister were silent until the conversation led on to his work and popularity and about all the fans he must interact with
That’s when your sister decided to give a snarky ‘yeah...probably taking peeks under all those girls’ skirts...’
You didn’t even get a chance to say anything before Keigo was calmly covering your daughter’s ear to begin chewing her out, you only sitting there in a daze
When your sister looked to your mom and dad expectantly, they only shrugged their shoulders at her...
Keigo was soon bidding a farewell to your mother and father with his daughter now held onto his chest as she dozed away, your sons now back inside and hugging their grandparents goodbye....and snuck sticking their tongues out at their Aunt from behind Keigo’s legs...
Yeah they totally heard all of that....
So when you got home, your daughter recommended coloring, so all of you sat at the kitchen table to color away together and show off your skills
When you and Keigo were alone, he would just tell you over and over again how you were the only one for him and how pretty and beautiful you were and how perfect you were...
You didn’t my need to confirmation from him, but the praise from him would bring a blush from your cheeks as he would scratch your back or play with your hair as the two of you would watch a show or a movie.
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anim3tingz · 3 years
Match-Up for zeepzo0p
Hey love! So, I decided to try something a little different for this match-up. It’s my first time doing this for a poly relationship so I hope it works out well. Enjoy! ❤️
Tag: @zeepzo0p
My Hero Academia:
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum) & Keigo Takami (Hawks)
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Relationship Song: My Best Friend - Weezer/Summer Vibe - Forrest Nolan
First off, I just feel like y’all would make one hell of a cute throuple. Like, for real I can’t stop shipping y’all together.
Talk about the most laid-back and fun relationship ever. Both guys don’t take things too seriously and I feel they would be down to try anything.
So, if you’re feeling particularly spontaneous or get wrapped up in a new interest I could see them just going along for the ride and joining in on the fun. Say you get into an art phase. Like, you go all out buying supplies and whatnot. They’d be right beside you trying to paint, cross-stitch, whatever. I just see them taking part in whatever your current interest might be.
Keigo might say some sarcastic comments like, ‘Oh, yay! A new thing to waste our time & money on.’ But, don’t listen to him. Lol. He won’t admit it, but he actually finds your phases really cute. Plus, he actually likes how you open him up to other things he wouldn’t think he’d like. Taishiro, however, gets just as wrapped up as you. Lol.
Your food now...Damn. The 1st time you ever cooked for Taishiro he was hooked. Doesn’t matter what you make, this man is down. You want to try a new recipe? He’ll be your guinea pig.
It’s not a well-known fact, but Keigo is actually a pretty good cook. So, I could see the two of you cooking meals together and trying each other's new creations, bouncing ideas back and forth between each other. Lol. Expect him to play around a little bit, though. This is Keigo we’re talking about.
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Both guys are very supportive of you wanting to go to culinary school, love. You follow your dreams. Your men are behind you every step of the way.
When you’re feeling a little stressed out or get the urge to partake in some “herbal medicine” I feel like Keigo would be the one to join you. He gets pretty chill when he’s on his high. Taishiro, however, tries not to partake. Lol. There was the whole ‘Munchie Incident of 2020’. His hit was a bit too strong that night and the munchies that ensued were quite insatiable. You and Keigo had fallen asleep only to awake later to see your entire house cleared of food. Poor baby was so embarrassed, he swore he’d never do that again. Lol. So, he leaves that to you and Keigo.
Movie/Streaming Nights!
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Game Nights (Videogames/Board Games/Card Games)!
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Keigo would be the one just sitting in the background laughing as he watches his two idiots dance.
You guys just love hanging out together so pretty much any activity that involves y’all hanging out together you guys tend to gravitate toward. Y’all are legit best friends so you spend a majority of your time together.
Lord have mercy, when Keigo and Taishiro get together. Those two put the Weasley twins to shame. So, I hope you’re up for getting pranked on. Lol. But, don’t worry Taishiro won’t let things get too out of hand.
Taishiro tends to stand as the responsible party in your relationship. Lol. Keigo’s mouth tends to get him into trouble and mix that with your slight authority problem and well...You see why Taishiro has his hands full with y’all. :)
Taishiro is that stable, kind, supportive man, while Keigo is the funny, wise-ass, who secretly has a sensitive side. Speaking of which, because of his past, letting his emotions out has always been difficult but since getting together with you he’s been able to open up a bit.
Each man brings a little something different to the table.
For instance sweet, romantic kisses and bear hugs are practically guaranteed with Taishiro.
Meanwhile, with Keigo...PASSIONATE kisses. Plus, this man likes to cuddle. Although, don’t expect him to admit to that. As mentioned before, he’s not the best at showing his emotion but baby boy does love you.
Jealousy? A little bit. Mainly on Keigo's end, though. You might not notice it, but Keigo is envious of the relationship you and Taishiro have. You guys just seem to be so much alike that he gets a little envious, at times. Taishiro, on the other hand, is the most secure in the relationship. He loves the fact that you and him have so much in common, but he also likes the sarcastic whims that Keigo brings to the relationship. He just knows you can count on him to bring humor to any situation.
Overall, this is just a great relationship. You guys just bring out the best in each other and aren’t afraid to try new things. Plus, what’s not to like being in a relationship with your best friends. Well, that and both guys are super hot, let’s be honest. Lol. But, really. I ship y’all so hard.
For more Fatgum/Hawks love check out this…(Click Here)
Black Clover:
Magna & Asta
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Relationship Song: Break The Rules - Charlie XCX/Fallin’ - Why Don’t We
Where to start. Lol. Y’all are the most boisterous bunch EVER.
But, omg! It would be such a fun relationship.
I could just imagine you guys just talking for hours on end and never getting bored. Like, just imagine late-night convos under the stars on the roof of the base.
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Whether you’re all together or one on one, the conversation just flows so easily between y’all. I think that’s one of the biggest selling points in this relationship. I mean, would you really want to be in a relationship where you can’t talk with someone? It’d be so boring.
Just like with Fatgum/Hawks, I see Magna/Asta being just as into your interest phases. These guys are such a spontaneous bunch. Lol. And, can you just imagine the humor and shenanigans that would ensue. Omg. I’d think you’d probably die from laughing so much. Especially, when the two start going at each other.
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Just don’t leave these two alone together for too long. That’s when bad things tend to happen. Lol. These two LOVE to prank you. If you thought Fatgum & Hawks were bad...Honey, there’s no responsible party member here. Lol. You’ve been warned.
One funny thing about your relationship is how your cat reacts to them. Surprisingly your cat loves Magna, Asta though...Lol. Much like the anti-birds, your cat attacks Asta in nearly the same way. He doesn’t seem to understand why the cat hates him even after he’s brought him treats and toys. It’s sad, but oh boy...is it a funny sight to see.
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Both babies LOVE your cooking. Like, when they hear you’re cooking they’re the first ones sitting down and practically drooling all over the table when you finally bring the food out. And, while you yourself aren’t a fan of spicy food you know Magna is and you always try to make sure to satisfy his spice cravings. Just know Magna never expects you to do that for him but he appreciates all the effort you make for him. It’s one of the many little things he loves about you. Now Asta...the boy has already guzzled down half of the buffet you laid out for the rest of the Golden Bulls. Lol. Have I mentioned he loves your cooking?
Both babies are pretty affectionate and playful.
However, Asta is a little inexperienced, but he does his damnedest to impress you. He’ll get you flowers and let’s not forget he’d show off. A LOT. Lol.
Asta’s kisses are passionate, but a little sloppy. Like I said, he’s a little inexperienced, but after some time he’d get better. He just gets so passionate and excited that kisses often are a little rushed and sloppy. But, just know he just gets so excited whenever he’s around you he just can’t contain his emotions.
Magna...I see him actually being a romantic at heart. He’d be the smoother one of the two for sure. He loves to whisper compliments into your ear and give you forehead kisses. Plus, his kisses are...ugh. He’s a good kisser. And, that smoldering look he gives you when he goes to lean in...RIP.
Jealousy is normal between y’all. Mainly in terms of ‘you’re hanging out with so and so too much’ or ‘it’s my time with them’. They’re just like kids fighting over a toy at times. Especially Asta. Lol. That boy is just so in love with you. He just wants all your attention. Magna gets jealous too, but he mainly just fights over you to annoy Asta. These two I swear. Lol.
These boys love you so much, though. So, despite all their idiosyncrasies they always support you in whatever you choose to do. And, if you’re ever feeling low you can guarantee they’d be right there to lift you right back up. They love seeing you smile and laugh. You’re their baby and they’d do anything for you.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
So I’m sure you’re ALL on tenterhooks to find out what I thought of episode 36... the answer is.... LOVED IT!!!! No I really did. If you like Taishiro friendship, this is an essential episode to watch. Doesn’t blow me out of the water, but still just good.
Although Taichi has a big something to do as usual, it’s still very much a Koushirou episode. FREAKING YAY. I have a dozen thoughts about it, and what bugs me the most, of course, is how we needed this episode AGES ago ugh. But we’ve now had two or three episodes in a row that have actually felt like Digimon Adventure, so perhaps all that finger-crossing is working?
They could unravel all that good work in a minute by never addressing it again... or not letting Koushirou show his personality unless it’s his “turn” for an episode from here on... but you know, I will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Pic of the day:
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“I don’t like people. But they are occasionally useful.” - 2020 Izumi Koushirou’s life lesson, lmao
*The red strip at the top is about the big earthquake that hit Eastern Japan yesterday. It’s annoying to have it there for the entire episode - usually they only stick around for a couple minutes - but this WAS a large earthquake. It caused many people to lose power. So making sure everyone knows what’s going takes precedence over Sunday morning cartoons. (I’m in Osaka and didn’t even feel it, but my friends in Tokyo prefecture very much did.)
Lots and LOTS of ranting from a rabid Taishiro fan under the cut!
(also I didn’t check for typos so. yeah)
The episode starts right off by assuring us this is a Koushirou episode. We get the trademark Izumi Koushirou floating in the void of space sequence, which is excellent and very encouraging framing.
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Koushirou Kenobi: “Use the force, Taichi.”
Taichi: “Use it yourself.”
(the episode in a nutshell)
The initial thing that bugged me - okay, so the kids got separated for the umpteenth time many episodes ago, and since then we’ve stuck to Taichi like barnacles. The only glimpses we’d get of the other kids showed: Yamato running towards something, Koushirou flying towards something while researching the satellite malfunction, Jou in the hot springs, and Mimi at the crystal caves. For Jou and Mimi, I don’t care, because they never tried to move, but Yamato and Koushirou were constantly moving. Yet, in the end, it’s Taichi’s group that catches up with Koushirou, rather than the other way around. It DOES make sense - it seems like Koushirou told them to “meet at the giant gold pillar” because that’s where they needed to be to save the world, so it became the rendezvous point. But it just bugs me because, once again, all the activity is on Taichi’s side. But that’s a minor quibble. The end result is still THIS:
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More of the team is together!!! Taichi and Koushirou are together!!! Yaaayy!!!
... the betting pool for how long it will be till the next separation is now open >.>
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Poor Komodomon’s long mop dog fur is so dirty. “Fizz his fur always looks like that.” He’s tracking mud everywhere. “Fizz look at his ears his fur is supposed to look that way.” Next episode - everyone gives Komondomon a bath.
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So the start of this episode is just a bunch of talking about how dire things are with the satellite situation. I’m not gonna bother translating. Watch the sub when it’s out if you really want to know :P The important thing is, the gold pillar is directly causing the malfunction, no one on Earth can stop the satellite from plummeting to Tokyo, the city is being evacuated, and there are only 20 minutes till impact.
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Koushirou has an elaborate plan which Sora adorably sums up as “So, we’re gonna shoot it out of the sky *makes punching motion*”
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The crux of Koushirou’s plan hinges on a repeat of how Omegamon saved Tokyo from the missile way back in like, episode 2 or 3. Taichi says, “Yeah, but I barely remember how we did that.” Which is hilarious because I don’t remember either because it was 30 EPISODES AGO. Once again this episode feels like it was meant to happen WAY EARLIER THAN IT DID. It’s just weird to be referencing something that happened 30 episodes ago after everything else that’s happened, AND on top of that, there are many references in this episode and none from later than like, episode 10 or 12. Making this all seem very oddly timed.
I’m not quite sure if, within the story itself, it matters that Taichi “doesn’t remember well.” He also doesn’t remember the Devimon battle where he and Agumon were infected with dark energy. That one makes sense for him not to remember. If that hadn’t happened, I would just take his “I don’t remember how we stopped the missile” to just mean it was so long ago. But together, it’s making me wonder if something else is going on.
Or maybe Taichi’s just been hit on the head one too many times (okay, that seems the most likely of all, haha)
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People of Tokyo: Is it Godzilla again? I heard he’s itching to fight King Kong. You know, given how often our city is attacked by kaiju, some might wonder why we haven’t moved away by now. But home is home, ya know?
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The group sets up to fly to the peak of the gold pillar. Obviously, without Yamato, there’s no Omegamon. No one points this out, but Koushirou seems very stressed with his plan, and it seems that he contacted Taichi in the first place because he thought “Taichi’s the one who can pull this off.”
After hearing the plan, Taichi shoots him through the heart with another “Koushirou, you’re so awesome!” and YAY I MISSED THIS SO MUCH!!!!!! *sobs*
Then he does his best to reassure Koushirou by remaining positive and determined that they can and will do this no matter how much Koushirou waves. The majority of the episode is them flying up the pillar while being assaulted by enemies trying to stop them, so it’s not like they get to talk about their feelings (lol). But at least we get a bunch of close ups of Koushirou’s and Taichi’s expressions, and that’s how we see this dynamic in play. Yes, Koushirou is the brainy one who made the plan, but he doesn’t have the confidence to take the lead, so he handed the reins to Taichi. As for Taichi - yes he has the confidence, yes he can do it... but he also has absolute faith in Koushirou. So that’s why this episode makes my little Koushirou fanatic heart skip a beat.
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First of the enemies is this guy, aptly named BladeKuwagamon.
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They’re actually pretty scary! They do real damage. (Blood in Digimon word is glowy unicorn-like stuff haha). Birdramon gets stabbed, but before Sora can get too upset, she just yanks the blade out of her chest...
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... and then crushes it into dust with her beak.
Sora: Holy crap, my partner is metal AF.
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Forgot to mention earlier but 5 whole minutes of the 20 minute countdown are used up just by digivolving apparently xD Taichi keeps asking Koushirou “how much time is left” and Koushirou’s panic grows more visible with each passing second...
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MetaLiffeKuwagemon looks cooler than he is. Supposedly he’s there to bring out the big guns, but to be honest...
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... the BladeKuwagamon don’t seem to need the help :P The enemy’s strategy is obvious: isolate each member of the team to prevent anyone from getting to the top. This is why Koushirou’s so stressed: he’s got a plan that is totally reliant on there being a leader strong enough to pull it off AND there being enough backup to protect that leader from the large number of enemies. And Koushirou doesn’t like these odds.
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Garudamon gets stabbed AGAIN
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Sora: Go on, we’ll be fine.
Taichi: Are you sure??
I MEAN HONESTLY! Garudamon is not only my favorite of Piyomon’s evolutions, it’s pretty much my favorite Adventure evolution. Always has been since I was 11 years old. And she (and Sora) NEVER get that credit. Like. Growing up, with US dub Adventure, I interpreted Sora as more of a straight up tomboy than she is in the original. That’s okay, that’s whatever, but what was most important to me was that I saw her as the third “strong” member along with Taichi and Yamato. Those two were clearly in a class above her, but I saw her as being in the same “Taiorato” league. Garudamon seemed to prove that: she was so cool, so powerful, and... yeah, I just always thought she had so much potential to be awesome and never got why it wasn’t used. That’s also why I was disappointed in Tri - like, I liked Soushitsu, but I just wanted more from Sora’s arc. Same thing in Kizuna: I understand Sora’s arc, I don’t hate it or anything - I think it makes sense for her. But since I wanted something different for her all those years ago, it just left me feeling a bit flat.
but enough about other Digimon series :P Garudamon gets to be super cool here and I only hope we get to see more of it in this reboot. I’ll forgive it some of its other mistakes if we do :D
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With Takeru/Hikari and Sora isolated by the BladeKuwagamon, it’s up to Taichi and Koushirou alone to race against the clock! Their teeth are clenched, sweat runs in rivulets down their skin, their hearts are pounding in desperation...
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Koushirou: Taichi-san! If we don’t get to the top soon it’ll be too late!
Taichi: Just don’t call me late for dinner!
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MetaLiffeKuwagamon makes life that much harder by knocking them against the pillar. However, this is a pillar of data, which enabled the BladeKuwagamon to evolve into MetaLiffeKuwagamon in the first place. Bugs aren’t that bright.
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Taichi and MetalGreymon are nearly submerged inside the pillar as a result, and then we get this sequence of red and black. The pillar had been emitting dark lightning, so I started to think... omg... is MetalGreymon gonna get a Dark Evolution???????
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.... Nah. That would have made sense, but.... nah :P
Overall I’m glad though, because that would really have turned this into a Taichi episode instead of a Koushirou one.
I’m not personally certain what the point of bringing BlitzGreymon out was. I had figured he would be like, a super fast evolution that would enable them to make it to the top. That would also have turned this into a Taichi episode. But...
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... Taichi tells Koushirou that he will have to go divert the satellite because Taichi has to deal with MetaLiffeKuwagamon.
I was both really pleased and really surprised. Because, again, now what’s the point of BlitzGreymon...? Why did we need a new Agumon evolution? There’s no particular reason why they couldn’t have just isolated Taichi with the enemy the same way the others were and had him tell Koushirou to keep going on his own then. They did do that, but first they gave him a new evolution. Why? Just because it’s cool?? I assume that must be the reason but we don’t even see BlitzGreymon fight xD It’s... it’s weird. But whatever.
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Taichi: Go, Koushirou!!!!! You can do it!!!!!
Fiz: *dies a thousand brilliant deaths*
So, Koushirou tells Taichi that he can’t do it - he can support Taichi, but he can’t take the lead. Taichi’s just like that’s wack, dude, of course you can do it. What I LOVE about Taichi and Koushirou’s dynamic is just that: Taichi never sees Koushirou as a weakling. The fact that he’s small, or that he’s brains over brawn, or even that he’s kinda antisocial - those are all reasons an energetic, extroverted kid like Taichi might bully, or at least think poorly, of Koushirou.
But Taichi values Koushirou. He knows how hard he works and is impressed both by that hard work and his talent. What’s more, he doesn’t see Koushirou’s brains as his support system. The whole time Koushirou’s thinking he’s there to support Taichi with his plan, Taichi was thinking, “I’m here to support Koushirou’s plan.” That is SO, SO important. And that’s why I LOVE this episode. The one thing the reboot seemed to really understand, that hooked me from the start, was the way it just GOT Taichi and Koushirou. They each support and follow each other, while each feeling like the other is better than them. Ugh I could like, cry over Taishiro now... omg....
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Taichi is successful in pushing Koushirou to go on, but of course Koushirou himself is still plagued with doubts. He reflects on how he’s always been fine being alone. He hasn’t particularly wanted friends and didn’t mind not having them, even though adults worried.
(Side note: this is a normal, if kinda rare, personality trait. I have it too. I always score Koushirou on “what Digimon character are you?” tests too lmao. Just like some people feel the need to be surrounded by others at all times, there are those whose social needs are very very low. I’m one of them. There’s nothing wrong with it except that even those people can get lonely and it’s easy to misunderstand them as shy or snobby. So what I love about Koushirou is, yes he learns to value his relationships more, but also learns to value himself. He is Koushirou: a brainy kid who’s happy on his own, but also happy with friends. While some people, like Mimi, struggle with that aspect of his personality, others, like Taichi, just accept it. To me that’s the best life lesson there is: there are always people who can and will be friends with you. Yes, I’ve lost friends because I just wasn’t social enough for them. But I have other friends who I’ve known for literal decades now. And I REALLY love those friends.)
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Koushirou feels grateful that he has AlturKabuterimon, and also that he has Taichi. So... here he is, reflecting on the last time he had meaningful interaction with that great friend Taichi... back in episode three. -____________-
Seriously, this would mean a lot more if this dynamic had been built on continually until this episode...
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Koushirou then briefly reflects on each of the other Chosen. Notably, every single solo image of them is from an episode that Koushirou either wasn’t in or wasn’t with them at the moment. Then we get this group image. It’s from EPISODE 12. (I’m actually not sure of the episode number but the point is, it’s from A LONG LONG TIME AGO. I think it’s the swamp episode??) That drives me NUTS. We shouldn’t have to reach soooo far back to find meaningful moments!!! Urk.
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Koushirou makes it to the peak of the pillar and AlturKabuterimon attacks the satellite to drive it off course. We see the impression of what looks to be HerculesKabuterimon and I really thought we’d get an evolution - it seemed way more appropriate than freaking BlitzGreymon - but nope.
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Oh well. Koushirou still saves the day. The people at home get to see the Crest of Knowledge take over their screens, hopefully giving rise to the idea that a nerd superhero is protecting them. Koushirou is the hero we deserve.
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The satellite falls into the water. I was like, shouldn’t that cause a tsunami lol?
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... be careful what you wish for >_>;
fortunately people were evacuated soooo things will be okay.
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He did it!! He’s so happy! AlturKabuterimon’s triumphant holler is adorable.
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Taichi and BlitzGreymon fought hard OFF SCREEN!! OFF SCREEN!! HIP HIP HOORAY! And then we get to see him leaning on Sora T_T could this episode give me any more perfect moments?? Looooove it
So yeah, if you can’t tell, I’m thrilled with this episode. There are just a couple things I would have liked to improve: better animation, at least one palpable heart to heart between Taichi and Koushirou, or just a bit more time spent explictly in Koushirou’s head - but honestly we got something that is pretty darn good, especially for this reboot. I hope we do get more like this, both for Koushirou and for the others. I hope the growth here isn’t forgotten moving forward. I really, REALLY want to see more of that “I lead, you support me - you lead, I support you” mutually beneficial relationship that is the foundation of Taishiro <3
So next week! Mimi’s back and the heads are gonna roll!
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My theory that she’s finding crystals to make Crests seems unlikely to be the case now that we know the rocks constract the rock Digimon. But... hey, we’ll find out next week.
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Also Taichi’s gonna make this face after talking with Mimi bahahahaha. I can’t wait.
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Why I find Taishiro compelling and uplifting
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Oh Anon, there’s nothing I’d like more.
Taichi and Koushiro’s relationship is one of my favorites in all of fiction. Whenever I feel down, they never fail to make me smile.
For this piece, I’ll focus on why I enjoy them as an endgame romance, but I’ll also talk a lot about their friendship. After all, they have one of the most beautiful friendships in Adventure.
If I boil it down to the essence, what I love about Taichi and Koushiro is that they represent this insatiable desire to learn and explore. I think that they have the most fun roles on the team; they’re the ones who get to say, “Let’s see everything there is to see in this Magical World!” That confidence combined with a genuine love for how beautiful the world is—it’s intoxicating to me. Their shared interest in their magical surroundings starts as a childlike curiosity, but over time it grows into a mature appreciation, leading them to both choose careers where they can continue to explore the Digital World.
Courage and curiosity go together and they go together so well. Not in the way that love and friendship go together; love and friendship are parallel mirrors. Courage and curiosity go together because they are essential to moving the story forward. I often call them “the relationship most important to the plot.” As the Adventure writers were developing complex group dynamics, they instinctively understood that they had to make the Driver and the Brain close friends. So that’s what Taichi and Koushiro became.
And they were such talented writers that they made this unlikely friendship seem entirely natural! This relationship is part of what humanizes Taichi and Koushiro beyond their designated group roles. We learn that Taichi is one of the most introspective and thoughtful characters. Meanwhile, Koushiro is shown to be one of the most impulsive characters! Taichi and Koushiro need to have such complex traits in order for their friendship to make sense. And their friendship has to make sense in order for us to be emotionally invested whenever the Protagonist and Exposition-Delivery-Boy talk about what to do next.
Taichi and Koushiro’s relationship is based on mutual respect, loyalty, and admiration. In spite of the apparent differences between a sporty extroverted goofball and a brainy introverted nerd, they have plenty in common to make them the best of friends and the strongest teammates. They were never going to become a canon couple. But they hold such potential and promise. The close friendship between two seemingly different personalities based on shared values is one of the most compelling. The fact that it is a friendship between the friendliest child and the shyest child makes it one of the most uplifting. Their relationship goes through several twists as they grow; why not let one of those twists be romantic? Doesn’t it suit the bearer of Courage and the bearer of Knowledge to break another barrier and become the queer endgame romance we want and deserve?
Well, I think so.
As for their moments, they have so many! I started to write about them and realized that I was being too ambitious. There’s more than I can fit in one post! So instead, I’ve summarized under the cut what I would like to write about in the future.
The beginning of their friendship, everything seen and unseen
Episodes 9 and 10 (absolutely critical for my understanding of their characters)
Finding their crests and the Pyramid episodes (a turning point)
The Picodevimon arc, including their star crossed conversation between two different dimensions
Everyone’s Favorite Scene in Vamdemon’s Castle (another turning point)
The Vamdemon Arc
The Dark Masters Arc, including parallels with the canon couple Sorato
Our War Game (God’s gift to us Taishiro fans)
Season 2
I apologize that this post isn’t as detailed as it could be. But the truth is that I have too much to say! And I really would like to write more about them! Thank you so much for your question. I have other commitments that I want to write about too, but I hope to keep returning to your prompt in the future, for my favorite non-canon couple in the world.
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dianaagron · 8 years
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hello darkness my old friend i’ve come back on tumblr once again (after like one month of not uploading anything or reblogging or answering messages for that matter because im a shit person who is actually very busy)
once upon a time this was called the your fave crack edits maker watched the thing earlier review but let’s be honest im not editing a flying fuck lately so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  (here are part 1, part 2 AND part 3 tho)
warnings: i talk like a sailor, i haven’t been in touch with the fandom or with the whole franchise for like months and if you’re not that interested in the actual plot of the thing and you’re just watching out of love for the characters, there’s a 99% chance i’m even more disinterested than you (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧
basically if you’re looking for in-depth analysis and metas yo this ain’t the post for you my friend
good luck reading lmao
it’s a truth universally acknowledged that if a tri movie is coming out, tumblr user dianaagron (clara for friends) won’t know about it until the day after, when she’ll wake up and check twitter after 84 years of not logging in and realize that yesterday was the day. actually, this time i remembered the episodes were out the same day they were released, but still it was because of good ol’ twitter, because with all the mess that’s going on with me (part of the reason why i’m never here) even if i happened to check at the beginning of the week when soushitsu was coming out, i still managed to completely forget about it in the span of a fucking day. also, i’m fucking pissed because i’ve always watched the thing after downloading the various episodes because that way i have all my stuff and i can go back and easily find caps and other stuff like that but nope not this time because i can’t fucking find a single torrent and i’m refusing to download subbed episodes because a) it’s gonna take so long to direct download something and b) what use are subbed episodes when i know i’d be replacing them with unsubbed ones as soon as i can find working dls (this is a cry of help: tell me where i can download the episodes, im dying, thank you)
one thing to take into account: i was extra pissed for various reasons yesterday night when i watched the first two episodes, so i’m not really sure if that’s why, compared to the shit that i had to deal with in real life, the episodes (in the contrary to all expectations) weren’t bad at all. truth is i actually liked this installment? INCREDIBLE, I KNOW. of course it had its nonsense moments and parts that made me roll my eyes (im buying pizza for everyone who can guess which were those moments) and other negative parts, but i really preferred movie 4 to movie 3. i’m guessing this is an unpopular opinion because i remember everyone was so happy with kokuhaku back in the day and i was the only soul going like lmao i didnt even cry but idk, i liked this one, it wasn’t bad. btw, i said i’m guessing mine could be an unpopular opinion because i’m writing this sorry excuse of a review before reading anything else cause i don’t want to be influenced :)))))
(save me ive written 500 words on nothing) (meanwhile i finally found torrent links) (and i had to pause the review because i ended up going out yesterday night so this is me talking one day later from what you’ve read before)
once again, i feel like nothing happened in the course of these four new episodes. now, i know i’m extremely slow when it comes to get plot points and all that (not because i’m that stupid, thank you very much, but because of my attention span varies from 1 second to 2 and a half so it’s hard for me to recall what happened in the previous installments unless i go and rewatch all of them - thing i won’t ever do because this girl right here is lazy as fuuuck) but if you sit down and think about what was revealed, you get close to nothing lmao.
winning points of the movie (for me):
not too many extreme closeups like in the previous installment. it flowed better, the animation quality wasn’t as terrible as it was in the previous four episodes (im saying this just by quickly looking at the caps i took - while in the other i had so many ugly caps here they all look presentable and usable) (i say this from the point of you of someone who makes edits of course, i dont have the knowledge of an animator lmao), the majority of the shots with mimi, which are the ones that i pay the most attention to, are super pretty, but also those with taichi’s!!! his design was super on point, i have many caps im probably gonna insert later of just him looking hella attractive, and sora!!! omg sora was so fucking beautiful in these episodes i was so :)))) yay for nice designs, they make me happy.
the lack of you know who for basically two episodes. it was so good, so nice, so calming. i was loving life and life was loving me.  
HOW THEY HANDLED THE TAIORATO!!!! if you know me or if you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know this already, but i’m saying this in case i have new readers (HI) or, y’know, to swipe some dust off: i’m not the biggest fan of the main three. that comes from the fact that michi is my otp and i love taishiro probably too much for my own sanity, so i tend to be on the taichi/koushiro/mimi & yamato/sora/jyou side of things (which is like, super unpopular because if it’s not taiorato then it’s yamichi, so you get why my life is a constant struggle). anyway, thing is that i actually loved the interactions between the three? it was light and it felt super real, it could easily be relatable. it was also clear to me that taichi’s and yamato’s roles in sora’s life were blatantly different and i also loved to see how the two of them while being in the same situation reacted differently, but i’m gonna touch this topic later. overall tho, good job on the dynamic between those three. im clapping my hands, i wasn’t excited about it when the movie poster came out five months ago but i’m so happy that they made me love the parts with taichi, yamato and sora.
it wasn’t heavy on fight scenes. i know. I KNOW. but as i’ve said, i’m not the average digimon fan so i’m happy with my bonds developing and less fights and all that stuff :))))
meiko exceeding all expectations and NOT CRYING for all four episodes. such sorcery. 
on the other hand tho
y’all, who the fuck is that ygdradude? am i supposed to know? did i miss a focal point? am i that disinterested in the plot to miss a fucking focal point????
also what the fuck was that part with i dont know his name, the teacher, with the white space shit and the talk about libra. what is libra, who is libra, what the hell, what the fuck
pedo gennai dear lord i felt so fucking uncomfortable 
remember when i said meiko didn’t cry? she didn’t cry because they replaced her with her partner and made meicoomon whine for 3/4 of the movie instead 
the opening scene ????????????????  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ artistic choice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the fact that they basically wasted half an episode (the last one) on three evolutions. they really need to cut down the timing of those, for real
i can’t think of anything else rn 
they could’ve kept meiko away for other three episodes if it was me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
then again they could’ve just kept meiko away from tri in general if it was me
warning: i have 98 screenshots ready to use, i’m gonna try to cut some stuff because that’s too many, but here we go 
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they were pulling some hikari shit right here (as well as some charlie chaplin sorcery for the whole sequence)
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that’s what i’m saying
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OKAY LISTEN, that fucking egg with the circular thing under it made me highkey hope for some sort of magic shit happening and bringing the 02 kids back because it looks like a digimental egg or however those things were called. like my hope was so highkey that i fucking ended up dreaming the night between me watching the first two episodes and the latter two that miyako was back. unfair. i hated it. i want my kids back. 
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taichi being handsome: exhibit A
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mimi being beautiful: exhibit A
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sora being incredibly pretty yet sad: exhibit A (i told you guys the design was extra better compared to the last movie) 
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random caps taken merely for the fact that taichi and mimi were next to each other looking aesthetically pleasing to the eye  (also do you ever cry about the skin tone difference between these two because i tend to do that a lot) 
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i can’t stand them hahahahah
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) frankly they could’ve shown yamato in the next scene so that way the foreshadowing would’ve been blunt and people wouldn’t still be bitching. or maybe they would anyway lmao. also look at the girls being all pretty together im so :))))
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just pretty mimi and taichi + koushiro talking i was :)))) i love them all i love my kids, especially kou when he goes on about his tea
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and i also FINALLY appreciated a koumi scene!!!! it happened!!!!! honestly, as i’ve said, i’m not entirely sure if it was because i was facing so much rl shit right before i watched the thing or what, but this time i was just enjoying what tri had to offer me without caring too much about other stuff like “ugh they’re pushing the fanservice with ship baits” and such. this was just plain cute, mimi was terribly in character, koushiro as well, and it was just the kind of interaction that i love. i love my kids pt. 2974521248 like, of course i would’ve loved for mimi to feed one to taichi, but i’m still somehow sane and i know they’ll never show something like that in canon? but still, it’s nice cause i know how differently from koushiro taichi would’ve reacted in a setting like this and i just can use it in my fanon world. goodbye.
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this is why i’m team taichi, yamato
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taichi being handsome: exhibit B
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JUST IMAGINE HIM LOOKING AT MIMI LIKE THAT BEFORE THEY KISS IM SO ??????????? im gonna make a manip just wait for it
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AH YES The Interaction™ also known as one of my fave parts of the movie lmao but it’s so nice whenever mimi talks it’s taichi the first one to answer im happy goodbye
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cutie patootie be looking at his cute patoote
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legit thought palmon was going to transform into sailor palmoon or something
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why so ugly good lord
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AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS!!!! THIS THING RIGHT HERE!!!!  let me put it into context in case you don’t remember: this was taichi asking his LEGIT CANON BEST FRIEND IZUMI KOUSHIRO TO NOT PUSH HIMSELF TOO MUCH AND REST. can anything be as beautiful as this? this made my heart defrost, im alive, y’all need to reevaluate your “taichi and yamato are bffs” business because. of. this. right. here. (im slamming my fist on the table, in case you were wondering) 
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hikari being smug af with takeru tho, that gave me life as well. also jyourato sitting next to each other <33333
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AND THE SISTER IN LAWS <3333333 under a blanket that it’s so mimi’s 
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penis shot
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taichi you fool...
a word on the so called triangle that of a triangle it has nothing but whatever: it was clear to me that yamato and taichi hold two very different spots in sora’s life, while both being important to her. there are multiple times when we see yamato trying to make taichi break the ice and talk to sora, and that’s because he is her best friend, so he should be the one who is supposed to know how to make her feel better at all times. another thing i noticed was how it was yamato to be the most sensitive to sora (unsurprisingly so): you see it especially when taichi is busy with agumon and he’s still monitoring sora, worried
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and of course this whole exchange was beautiful, and i don’t have much else to add. truly iconic. 
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[insert penis joke here]
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can we please take a moment to appreciate sora and mimi? they are so important
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DA BACKHUG DOE guess who also watches kdramas lmao
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minute 18 of episode 2 say goodbye to all your dreams of greatness 
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CRYING HE’S SO PRECIOUS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH imagine him holding a baby 
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i’m too lazy to go back and take another screenshot, but jyou with both palmon and patamon holding onto him was something else
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🙄  🙄  🙄  even here mere expression makes me 🙄  but at least she wasn’t crying
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i wasn’t
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actually, as studies say, mimi is, in fact, a libra
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why you know who tho when we all know it was sora who was supposed to be in the picture
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why you know who pt. 2 
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the fluff tho
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the contrast between hikari being the calm one and having accepted the situation vs taichi still being unsure and lost was nicely done by making her facing the light and him staying in the shadows, good job with the cinematography im clapping my hands
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F U C K I N G  W H Y  no, but seriously, i was already uncomfortable before with him being on top of her but this just just like yikes to a whole new level like i just don’t get it???? was it necessary???? just ew
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i love mimi and the lowkey koukari pass it on
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who the fuck is ygdrasil tho
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ah yes, chosen children be so fit, they be running from huge monsters wanting to kill them off, they be escaping just with their two legs. incredible. 
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digimon au: cruise OR digimon au: titanic (spoiler: meiko is jack) 
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tag urself im jyou speaking the words of wisdom
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takeru was cute here
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weird lighting aka good luck to those who gif these scenes lmao
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teach me this choreography guys don’t keep it to urselves 
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this was some weird shit right here let me tell you
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ah yes again with the superhuman strength, surviving after a fucking huge machine slams you repeatedly against a mountain or smth like that
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ur the one saying it gennai get a fucking grip 
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MY JYOURA HEART, JYOU BEING DASHINGGGG how can they not believe him when he says he has a girlfriend i mean have you seen the dude? he’s going to be a doctor, he can fucking catch a girl falling from 20 meters up in the sky i meAN 
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THE REAL HIGHLIGHT OF THE MOVIE. GALS BEING PALS. (for real tho, i felt so blessed? it’s in moments like these that i just feel all the love for this anime, im so :)))))) )
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and jyou comforting sora as welllllll~~~~
and that’s it with the pics you guys!!! a couple of further points
if they didn’t waste half an episode on three evolutions, they could’ve just gone further with the plot, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
im not saying meiko grew on me, because i still want her out, but i can deal with her if he doesn’t cry as much as he did in the first three installments 
what’s up with that ygdradude and libra talk is my question
they still need to address the 02 kids mystery and i need my babies back 
the triangle is not, in fact, a triangle
i love my kids 
and the episodes weren’t bad, come on. they went a little further with the plot by showing that the chick whose name i don’t remember had a partner that died and so that was the reason for the reboot, so they did give some answers, and at least the pacing of this movie was faster than in the previous one. 
also, as i’ve said, idk what’s the popular opinion but i loved sora’s arc, it was nicely done and i don’t have anything to bitch about (except for meiko’s unnecessary presence). i felt for her and i wanted to wrap a blanket around her and just give her all the love.
and that’s it i think? 
im blocking out the memories of the scenes with gennai because im feeling super uncomfortable whenever i do
we’re talking first kiss between wang so and hae soo in scarlet heart levels of uncomfortable
the ending sequence was so cute <3333 especially sora and piyomon, they were my faves closely followed by taichi and agumon
and im done
thank you for reading
i’ll probably go back to my hibernation now 
ily all 
if you got to this point i’m truly buying you a pizza 
and let’s not forget the winning screencap, you can use it every day at every hour, every moment in your life
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25 notes · View notes
izzyizumi · 3 years
Digimon Adventure/02/Tri/Kizuna AMV [PREVIEW] ~ A.M.V. featuring pairing: Koushiro(u) Izumi x Taichi Yagami ~ “ ‘Ladybug’ ” {Un-official Title} Music from the M.L. P.V. {the Anime-style trailer by Toei Animation that the M.L. series originated from}
{Feel free to compare the two to ‘See What I Did There TM’!} (Note: Select “H.D.” setting on A.M.V. for better quality!) (Click the gear icon on the video, ‘Quality’ menu, and ‘1080p’!) A.U. A.M.V Spin-off of my KouTai/Taishiro(u) fic-verse “REPEAT?_” - but this AMV can be viewed as a standalone too ! (For most past A.M.V.s in the series + Notes, check here!) [For my later M.L. A.U. A.M.V. “In the rain”, view it here!] * Please read ALL notes (authors’ notes at the beginning + ends of each chapter) before/if you read the fic! (The fic deals with some heavy subject matters which are all included in the notes!)**
** This particular A.M.V doesn’t have AS heavy themes BUT it is still rather emotional and still deals with SOME implied “dramatic”, trope-y themes. {For the most part, also, at least what the M.L. P.V. plot implied}; {Koushiro’s backstory and initial self doubt also plays an important part in the background} Unlike past A.M.V’s for this series, however, the track used is a more ‘slower’ (to a point); shorter, emotional-yet-fun instrumental track (that eventually becomes upbeat / dance-y in-chorus) and focuses more on fun + ‘dramatic’ scenes that intend to tell a story. {Though it sounds like “lyrics” they’re actually ‘just’ ‘gibberish’!} {The M.L. fans sure had fun trying to pick lyrics out way back when though} The track / M.L. series can be described as “in which two people, each having their own personal issues to deal with, eventually become super-heroes” (Magical Girl-style!) {And Also, They Have Strange Feelings On The Opposite Hero’s Alternate Forms} (AND THEY DON’T KNOW WHO the Other, Hero IS) {Because you have to keep each other’s identity A Secret, right??}
As for the A.M.V. itself, Obviously, they don’t have “masked” ‘outfits’ to use, So, I Improvised TM (and EVEN made it somewhat semi canon-compliant.) {Isn’t it funny how easily These Two cleanly slip into A.U. A.M.V.s?}
In which Koushiro Izumi has Many Secrets, Taichi Yagami Has Hidden Fears Just Like Anyone Else, And They Kind Of Have To Stop The Destruction of the Worlds Together (And learn to trust/rely on each other along the way)
This A.M.V contains spoilers for: - Digimon Adventure Tri: Saikai; Taichi-“aesthetic” scenes - Digimon Adventure Tri: Kokuhaku; brief scenes - Digimon Adventure Tri: Our Future; small scenes of battle + characters’ reactions to the ending - Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna [Trailer] an implication of what may be happening involving a certain plot “device” (this A.M.V. was made before Kizuna released, so there’s no further Kizuna spoilers than that; however, at end, contains a significant moment from a later trailer) {it is the very final scene and skippable.}
Overall the A.M.V is rather short and focuses more on Character Growth and development as well as their interactions, and less on “major”/finale “spoilers”. * This DOES also imply slight spoilers for the fic-verse itself though! (Maybe without deeper contexts at least)
The line Koushiro says at the end is what he’s actually “saying” in Adventure Ep. 24 (J.P.N. Ver); (Taichi may have mis-heard him)
*** THIS A.M.V IS CURRENTLY UNPOLISHED & DUE TO BE EDITED. However, it can still be viewed for fun! (Final ver. may have newer scenes and fixes)
* This post is mainly for Taishiro(u)/KouTai fans and overall implies a romantic relationship or an otherwise incredibly strong “bond”. However, Please do not tag or comment with things like “I don’t ship this but,” or “They’re not my favorite ship but”, I don’t care to hear that on my ship-focused fan works. Thank you. (*It is ok to tag “Friendship” ALONG WITH the ship name!)
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{PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS A BLOG DEDICATED TO A Support OF DIGIMON ADVENTURE[S] as an ENTIRE SERIES. While I cannot stop people from engaging, please respect my rules. Please DO NOT Interact OR FOLLOW / REBLOG if you are unable to interact respectfully (including within tags).}
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[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: Click on the banners to view in full or enlarge!)
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{DO NOT DERAIL THE CHARACTER/CANON POSITIVITY INTENT} {Failure to acknowledge rules WILL result in a block}
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9 notes · View notes
Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum x Royal! Reader
Summary: medieval/fantasy type of au. A princess sneaks out from the cold stone walls of the castle and finds her way into the colorful life of the village’s market square, though she finds herself striking a friendship with the blacksmith and soon finding herself completely in love with....you know, the fluffy shit because I live for that
Part 2 is here
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You longed for the world beyond the stained glass window that you peered through. You wanted to see the bustling markplace that your servants would always talk about. You wanted to tag along with your own group of friends to see what fresh produce was available or what trinkets were on display from far off lands. You wanted to hear the hammering of the blacksmith away in his corner or listen to the weaver’s old stories from her life time as she skillfully did her craft while showing off her prized work at her stand. Or to even smell the foods that were being cooked and sold to the hungry wonderer who found themselves sucked into the busy scurrying of the market. You could already smell everything that seemed to play out before your fingers tips that brushed the color glass before you....
“Your royal highness....” soon spoke out the soft voice of one the women who stood off to the side as you soaked in the warmth of the bath water you sat in, relishing in the floral oils that had placed into the heated water of your bath. You almost felt a bit of anger claw at your chest as you watched your daydream melt before your fingertips at the young woman’s voice, but you only sighed it away before looking over your shoulder and at her. “I think it’s time for you to climb out, you’ll prune up if you stay in any longer.” The woman recommend, which you only gave a soft nod of your head as you stood up, the water sloshing around your legs as you stepped out, a cloth already wiping down your body and your hair. You only silently stood their as the women dried your off and soon clothed you in your chemise and kirtle.
It was the same routine every day either with the bath or not. You automatically seated yourself down before a vanity, the servants already brushing out your hair and pining it up in braids, soon a veil was placed over your hair to cover it, securing it into place with even more pens, but what was the use of that? The outside would never even see your hair anyway.
“Is that alright, your royal highness?” Soon asked one of the many women tending to you. You only gave a soft nod of your head as you poked your feet out to have your stocking slipped on and a garter tied below to keep them up, shoes soon placed upon your feet. They would continue to ask you if everything was to your liking, but what was the point anyway? To look good to only be trapped behind the stone walls that was your prison. Though you bid them a soft thank you as you finally broke free from their hands, escaping and finally finding your freedom within one of the many vast hallways of the castle you dwelled in. You could probably point every crack and uneven stone within the entire castle though by how many times your eyes have stared them down.
“Oh....don’t look at me like that!” You spoke out with a huff as you glared down to one of the tapestries that hung from the wall. Your eyes stared down into the threaded ones of the scene filled with people before you adorned with fanciful clothing....the scene that your eyes have wondered onto many time before. Though you only groaned as you let your hand slap that tapestry, only causing it to ripple a bit from where it hung along with shaking out a bit of dust that only made you try to quickly fan it away from your face. “I’m going mad within these walls! I’ve resorted to arguing with a foul looking tapestry!” You exclaimed, though stuck your tongue out to the tapestry before scurrying off down the corridor, veil billowing around your face as you rushed by. Soon your hands grasped the handle of a door to open it roughly, promptly slamming it shut behind you. With a sigh you let yourself slump down on the chair at your desk, a pout upon your lips as your eyes longing look to the large window within your room longingly. The market was just there, almost within your grasp beyond the castle gate.
That’s when an idea popped within your head. The blossoming of that idea lifted you from your chair, hands scurrying around within your wardrobe to tug out a cloak which you wasted no time to drape over your shoulders and tie it in place, now back to scurrying down the corridors of the castle and down many spiraled stone steps.
“I’ll just go on my own.....if I get caught I’ll just use the excuse that I didn’t know that it was off limits....yeah....” You muttered to yourself as you tried to calm your heart that raced within your chest, hand running along the stone walls and tapestries to try and stable the nervous jitters within your body. “I’ll also just sneak out through the back towards the laundry house...” you continued on with discussing your plan to yourself. Though it was scarily all too easy to do as you found yourself slowly crossing the border between the castle’s property and into the commoner’s world. It wasn’t at all exciting really, but it was for you as your feet had began to run down the dirt path that ran towards the market place, laughter bubbling out from your mouth at the feeling of your own rebellion as you gathered up the bottom of your kirtle to run as fast as you could even if your lungs screamed at you to stop.
You stopped to catch your breath, your laughter seeming to still plague your lungs as you leaned against one of the trees that lined the path, calming your laughter as a carriage bounced along the path before you, disappearing further down the path. Just experiencing that alone sent your brain on a frenzy as you continued your walk, though you still couldn’t help but feel that worry edge into your brain to bury itself there.
The market was better than you would have ever expected. A lyre was being strummed by a young man for coins, sellers yelled out their deals for their trinkets and goods, and many people filled the air with their voices and laughter, all the noises filling your sense as your eyes looked excitedly to everything that you had every dreamed of. It may have been a silly wish to see the sight before you and risk so much to see it, but I guess it’s easy to yearn for something this great when you couldn’t have it.
You had began to walk slowly through the many stalls set up, eyes wondering the many objects that were expertly display to capture any wondering fool’s eye, but you simply treaded on, wanting to see everything that market had to offer. Though you soon found yourself traveling into the less populated part of the market, the side where only a few tiny stands were set up and store fronts were waiting for anyone to enter. It was a nice rest from the constant life of the more populated area. Though something caught your attention. It was a slamming noise, loud and strong and it repeated itself over and over again. Carefully listening, you followed the noise down the cobblestone path, finding yourself standing before the wide opened doors of what you would guess was a forge.
The warmth within the forge lapped at your face as you peered in, the clanging now more prominent and practically rang through your ears. Before you, you saw a man, a tall man. Sweat glistened across his brow and his blonde hair clung to his forehead in a few spots, his eyebrows were furrowed together. Your eyes couldn’t help but trail down to the muscles that would flex and retract in the rhythm of the hammer in his hand that he would slam down upon the red hot metal upon his anvil. The man set aside the hammer before lifting the metal he was working on to toss it back within the flames that happily lapped at it, a few curses being muttered under his breath as he brought the back of his gloved hand to his forehead to wipe away the sweat that threatened to roll into his eyes.
“Hey you, you don’t have to hide back there you know.” His voice soon rose up, a smile crawling onto his lips as he turned away from fire, gaze now upon you. You on the other hand, could feel a raging blush upon your face as you looked over your shoulder before realizing that he mean those words for you. You slowly made your way within the forge, eyes trailing among the many tools that were scattered about, the smell of burning wood now filling your senses as you finally looked to him. “Use to I would get a lot of people in here to watch....but the hagglers further up the market are far more entertaining.” He said with a laugh as began to poke the raging fires. You took it upon yourself to look at some of his own works that he had up on display. Horseshoes, armor, weapons, even torture devices, but of course that was normal....but still it sent a shiver down your spine at the thought of you being in that. Though your eyes soon landed upon the many pendants that he had forged as well, necklaces, bracelets, pins. You let your finger trace the twist of the metal before you.
“A trade being done with expertise and care is far more entertaining than a few scammers.” You mumbled out as you soon looked over your shoulder and to the other. “Do you honestly think that their pots hold ‘magical abilities’?” You said with a little laugh as you stepped away from the work before you, soon crossing your arms and stepping back forward to his work area, watching him let out his laughter at your words as he brought out the rod of metal from the fire, hammer back in his hands.
“Or that their onions will honestly reverse one’s aging?” He said with a snort as the hammer went slamming down onto the metal. You couldn’t be flinch at the loud noise, but you watched with interest. It amazed you how the man before you could simply meld the iron into almost whatever he wanted with the strength he possessed and the hammer within his hands. “You must be new around here though...” he soon spoke out though after resting the hammer aside again, inspecting the rod of metal.
“Why you say that?” You asked, trying to surpress the nervousness that wanted to attack your voice and throat. You couldn’t have been caught that quickly, right? Did people within the market really know what you looked like? Of course not....right?
“Because I haven’t seen a beautiful girl like you around here before, I would have remembered....” He said with a grin as he dunked the rod into a trough of water, the metal sizzling against the cool liquid. If only you could have dunked your head in there as well to cool the blush that had risen to your cheeks.
That’s how your friendship had begun with the blacksmith. The next day you would find out his name was Taishiro and then the next day you would meet his apprentice Tamaki, and then the next day you’d bring him food. It went on for a while, of your bringing food for him and his apprentice, chatting away with him....feeling your heart constantly thrashing against your chest at just a mere glance of Taishiro. Though one day, you approaching the forge, only to see Taishiro dressed properly and out of the protective garb he wore within his forge.
“Come on, I want to spend a day away from this damned inferno.” He spoke out with a grin, already offering his arm to you to lead you through the village, into the part where the homes became sparse and the meadows and hills seemed to stretch on infinitely. It all looked like a painting that would have been among the others within the castle you dwelled in or maybe even a scene from one of the blasted tapestries. It sent a grin upon your face as you handed him the basket filled to the brim with food, hands clutching at your kirtle to ran through the semi tall grass, wind whipping at the veil pinned onto your head. You felt foolish to think simply walking through the market square or running down the dirt path from the castle felt like freedom. Running through the grass and taking in its scent that was carried upon the breeze is what truly felt like freedom. It felt even better though when you heard Taishiro’s own feet crunch upon the grass, laughing behind you as the two of you ran further out until you finally let yourself plop down onto the grass, lungs struggling for air through your laughter as you let your body rest upon the grass, eyes staring up to the blue sky that was riddled with clouds. Taishiro was soon sprawled out beside you upon the grass, basket set aside beside him, his laughter molding with yours as he also looked up to the sky. Finally managing to get air in your lungs, you sat up and reached over Taishiro, grabbing hold of the basket to tug out a canteen of water, setting it aside and soon pulling out bread, breaking it and handing a half to Taishiro before setting the basket asids and rest back down again.
“I’ve never felt so....free...” you finally mumbled out, finger tips twisting off bits of bread to eat, Taishiro already almost done with what he had. You found it amusing, how he seemed to inhale his food. Though everything about him you seemed to find amusing or attractive, that’s why your heart always felt like it was going to explode upon one single glance at him. You would steal glances at him, but right now you let your eyes close, enjoying the warmth of the sun shining down upon and enjoying the soft tickle of the breeze upon your cheeks
“It’s relaxing....to not be burned by metal or fire or having the smell of burning wood down my throat all day long...” he muttered out as he reached a hand over you to grab ahold of the canteen of water, already taking a few gulps before placing it away, a sigh of content escaping his lungs. Though glancing at you almost made him forget how to breathe. You looked angelic beside him, eyes closed and the sun eccentuating the soft features of your face and the veil that almost surrounded your face didn’t help either.
You were glorious before him.
Taishiro soon propped himself up with his arm, a hand moving to gently brush upon your cheek bone which your eyes shot open at the touch. It was like the world stopped when your eyes met his. They were wide, along with your own, but not of fear, but of the nervousness of the new territory that seemed to appear as the seconds went by. Slowly sitting up, he allowed his hands to move to the veil that was pinned upon your head, fingertips plucking away those pins slowly and setting them aside within the basket. You now sat up yourself, letting his nervous hands gently remove the white cloth, your hands reaching up to undo the braids pinned to your head, brushing your fingers through them and letting your long hair fall around your shoulders. Taishiro soon let his own fingers brush through your long hair and brush along your neck, and face. You were a sight to behold as the wind pushed your hair around gently.
“May I kiss you...?” Were the words that came flowing from his mouth as his hand finally came to rest upon your blushing cheeks. “Sorry, I just....I’m stunned by the beauty that’s before me...” he said with a soft, nervous laugh that you couldn’t help but giggle along to nervously as well as you nodded your head, forehead pressed against his. Your eyes were soon closed upon the arrival of his soft lips upon yours, leaning into his embrace as the two of you shared a soft kiss.
You felt your back meet with the grass upon the ground as his lips continued to move upon yours, your body plagued with nervous jitters as he was soon trailing his sweet kisses upon the many parts of your face and neck. Yours hands went to cup his face as he pulled away to look down at you, a large smile upon his lips as he caught his breath, looming over you. Though suddenly you felt tears begin to build up within your eyes as you let a hand run through the soft strands of blonde hair, a worrisome look now etched into his face as once of his callused hands moved to caress your face.
“What’s wrong? Why the tears?” He asked, finger tips gently pushing back the soft strands of your hair that the wind had pushed upon your face.
“I’ve never felt so alive....though I’m afraid it might cruelly end like waking up in the middle of a wonderful dream.....”
166 notes · View notes
fizzingwizard · 4 years
Another Sunday, another episode of Digimon Adventure: (how tf do I do punctuate??). It is a good time to be a fan of Yagami Taichi.
I remember being 11 years old, the last episode of Digimon Adventure made be bawl my eyes out, and although I was excited for 02, really I just wanted more of Adventure. I guess I’m just slow to like new things (well, I am), but I would have super happy if the producers had been like, “02 will be a reboot for Adventure with the same characters and similar storyline.” And then do the same thing for every new Digimon season xD I’m sure I’m pretty damn alone in that opinion and don’t get me wrong, I love 02, and I think Tamers was good. And yet xD
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^The screenshot that sums up the episode: Greymon gets his butt kicked while Taichi hangs on for dear life
I know the bond between children and Digimon is what powers them, and I’m kind of wondering if having a physical connection improves that in this show, because these kids are always riding around on their partners. (Not able exception - Togemon, because ouch. But I expect to see Mimi on her boxing glove at least lol) I have to rationalize it that way because otherwise it’s like why would having an elementary school kid on your head while you rush into the line of fire count as a battle strategy
This ep picks up pretty much where we left off, which means it’s probably only been hours since Yamato joined the group at the fortress. Already the atmosphere is completely changed.
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I can see them, but they can’t see me... Ishida Yamato’s modus operandi
more below
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Here is a very Digimon-esque tableau: everyone gathered around Koushirou and his computer. Yamato still being standoffish. I imagine he jumped at the chance to stand guard at the entrance so he doesn’t have to get too close to anyone.
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Agumon’s fight with MetalTyrannomon went... not so great. Yamato coolly tries to explain to Taichi that evacuating was the only way, otherwise they’d risk all being destroyed, and that would be the end of everything.
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Taichi’s fist tightens and begins to shake...
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... he doesn’t look like he totally agrees with Yamato’s reasoning, but he doesn’t have a better idea. But, being Taichi, he can’t just let it rest.
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Yamato talking to Taichi’s back while Taichi frantically starts to sort out his Feelings is just how they communicate. This is a common shonen anime trope for the hero and his foil. Yamato’s pushing, Taichi’s not exactly hiding, but he doesn’t want to face him until he can face him with resolve.
Yamato: Look at me. Look at me!
Taichi: *sweating* It feels like a hole’s burning in the back of my neck, so... I’ll pass
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Taichi finally explains out what’s got him so knotted up: he regrets Ogremon’s death. Like we saw last episode, the battle that began as revenge turned into a battle of samurai pride. And Taichi is evidently a samurai. He wanted to see that battle to the finish, out of mutual respect for the opponent (who he’d never met before and who had been trying to kill him previously... but y’know when you’re kindred spirits that’s all water under the bridge)
Yamato doesn’t really get it. This is where these two are fundamentally different. Taichi attac, Yamato protec, then everybody gets a FIGHT!
I mean, not 100% of the time, but the bottom line is Yamato’s not so big on this pride thing, although he does have pride of his own. But he’s definitely not into taking unnecessary risks, especially if it puts his friends in danger. The trouble is, Taichi doesn’t think he takes unneccessary risks either... just necessary ones ;)
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The other kids can already feel the tension increasing and Taichi and Yamato haven’t even raised their voices at each other yet. Lol buckle up kiddos
Jou wonders if he should make them stop, and Mimi instantly turns around and begs him to try. My Joumi heart LEAPT.
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TBH I was surprised she did anything at all, I was expecting Jou’s “Should I break them up?” to just end there with nothing happening. Instead we got an adorable Joumi moment where Mimi shows that as much as she teases him, she already somewhat relies on Jou (to be fair, I do think Mimi’s the type to rely on anyone who offers when she’s not sure what to do herself). Jou, being Jou, is unprepared aaaaand wigs out.
Jou: Oh no oh no oh no she actually expects me to get between them?!?! But but I flunked Tough Guy school! That’s literally why I’m a nerd! This girl’s trying to throw me to the wolves!
Fortunately for Jou, he has a redheaded savior.
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Sora: Stop it. He’ll wet his pants again and I don’t have any more extras.
Sora shows her insight into people’s hearts and understands that Taichi and Yamato need to hash things out. It’s not dangerous... yet. But the way she’s more or less frozen in place along with the others says she’s... maybe a bit on her guard, at least, lol.
Koushirou, being Kousihrou, is completely oblivious to all of this and focused on his computer.
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Oh yeah... the real reason Taichi turned his back to Yamato earlier - whenever they look directly at each other, they suck each others souls out. I CALL BODY SWITCH
I mean jogress
I mean marriage
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They spend like the entire first half of the episode arguing omg get a room.
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Then... Agumon wakes up!
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And even though it’s a cartoon, it’s clear to see the way Taichi’s body fills with relief. I wonder if Yamato didn’t realize or didn’t think Taichi was that worried about Agumon. 99 Yamato tended to feel that Taichi was insensitive to others. But while he can be, Taichi also doesn’t express his emotions in the same way as Yamato. They’re both wont to hide how they feel, but while Yamato goes quiet and aloof, Taichi just acts like everything’s normal. So maybe here, Yamato really thought Ogremon and MetalTyrannomon were the only things on Taichi’s mind. Just a guess.
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Awwww montage of cute...
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a boy and his dinosaur!!
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Maybe to Yamato’s surprise, Agumon totally echoes Taichi’s feelings about Ogremon. “I wanted to settle the score with him.” Weird as it sounds, they made a manly bond with Ogremon and running away just doesn’t sit right. Agumon’s raring to go...
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... but his stomach isn’t quite ready yet hahaha.
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Yamato’s probably used to Gabumon’s appetie but I suspect Agumon’s tummy growl has errr exceptional resonance
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Glad to see the return of the Digimon’s bottomless pit aka stomach. I think it was just last week I complained about that not really being a thing so far. This time it was the other Digimon who went gathering, but I hope to see the human kids rushing around in a frenzy to care for their partners’ appetites soon lol
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While the others eat, Taichi and Yamato decide they haven’t finished vampiring each other’s souls and sneak out to the mouth of the cave. Sora follows them to see if she can watch any hot yaoi action.
Lol but I do really like the framing heart. All we can see of the boys is their shadows. Sora keeps her distance but she’s watching them intently from a distance. I assumed she was just gathering more data on how short a leash she needs to keep them on.
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Turned out that was not quite correct... reluctant to interrupt though she’d been before, once they start talking about what to do next she adds her input. We’ve got Yamato on Taichi’s one side and Sora on his other side. It’s the beginnings of TAIORATOOOOO *more airhorns*
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^I can’t see anything but Goku and Vegeta bahahaha. Also why is eleven-year-old Yamato SO broad-shouldered, between that, his deeper voice, and his perfeclty coifed hair Taichi must seem like a toddling infant to him bahahaha. Like come on Yamato is not a child you must be kidding
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Already Yamato is getting into the habit of Looking At Taichi while Taichi Looks At Literally Anything Else.
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These two don’t need words. They talk with their vampiric eyes.
Koushirou’s hyper focus on his computer finally pays off and they all gather back around. Everyone starts cheering when the hologram appears even though they don’t know what the heck it is. This is Koushirou, so it must be awesome!
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It turns out to be a map of much usefulness.
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And it turns out Ogremon was telling the truth about the path to the holy Digimon being straight ahead, while fires Taichi up even more.
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^Obligatory ‘Gomamon is cutest Digimon’ cap
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Koushirou also gives Taichi special data on MetalTyrannomon, including his weak point. Taichi is THRILLED. He’s happier about this than he is about finding the route to the holy Digimon. This is the difference between Taishiro and Taito guys. When Taichi gets a reckless idea, Yamato tries to talk him down, or at least be sensible about it. Koushirou? Koushirou is a FREAKING ENABLER.
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They wait with baited breath for Yamato’s reaction. Though he seems underwhelmed, Yamato admits Koushirou’s information “does seem reliable.” That’s all the permission Taichi needs to go back to freaking out over how awesome Koushirou is.
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They come up with a plan to lure MetalTyrannomon away so Taichi can fight him while the others take the chance to escape and head towards the path to the holy Digimon.
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^Obligatory ‘Sora is best girl’ cap
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Yamato waits for the others to get away before following after... he stalls for a minute as if unsure whether it’s really alright to leave Taichi on his own. In the end he joins the group... All things considered, I think he’s pretty thrown off by Taichi, tbh.
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Yamato’s group doesn’t make it far before they encounter a very suspicious looking lake.
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^More evidence that Yamato is not really an elementar school kids. He’s clearly at least 15. He’s been routinely failing every year in order to get held back until he can be in the same class as Takeru. That’s the extent of his overprotectiveness
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It sure is fortunate that Koushirou’s genius extends to fluency in English or they’d have no idea this lake of dark mist is bad friggin news.
Or... maybe they would have:
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Mimi sneaks behind Jou and pulls his middle school exam workbook out of his bag.
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And immediately chucks it into the lake.
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Where it disintegrates.
This is how Mimi’s mind works. She’s smart! They need to know what would happen if they went into the lake without actually going in it. So they need to put something else in first. So far so good. What should she throw? A stick? A rock? One of Sora’s endless towels?
No, Jou’s workbook. Duhhh.
She probably felt she was killing two birds with one stone here x’D Experiment complete, and Jou prevented from anymore whining about not having time to study. Mimi is chaotic good.
gosh I love Joumi
Jou is lawful neurotic
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Greymon shielding Taichi is just soooo cute even if it still feels weird that he has to be up there in the first place
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The battle rages between MetalTyrannomon and Greymon, who just won’t quit even though he’s losing... pretty bad... I mean...
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He just grabbed a missile with his bare hand...
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Taichi: Now I know what it’s like to be a firework
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Loop-de-loop! Taichi’s suction cup shoes strike again.
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Courage going UP!! Reaching a fever pitch! The evolution that’s been looming for two episodes finally happens!
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MetalTyrannomon: Eat my dust!
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Woooooooo, MetalGreymon is just as freaky as ever. Always my least favorite evolution in Agumon’s line, but the glowy purple wings are cool.
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Also, nipple missiles.
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MetalTyrannomon: I can’t believe I was beaten by some meddling kids!
So yeah, we are back to killing Digimon willy-nilly. None of this “but what about their hearts?” shitck. Always found it amazing in 02, a children’s cartoon, that said “Yeah the characters you loved last season were totes murderers but it was justified and sometimes you just have to kill.” And fourteen-year-old Taichi is just like, “Yeah, I’m a murderer, and you should be too.” XD And Miyako hits LadyDevimon with a skateboard. Priceless
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This scene is adorable but Taichi’s butt looks so saggy.
I’m kind of wondering how evolution works in this show. They jumped right to jogress in like episode two or something, but we haven’t seen it since (I would sort of expected Taichi to think of it when it was clear MetalTyrannomon was too strong, though I would also expect Yamato to nix that idea both because he doesn’t want to and because to him it’s a pointless fight and not the priority). Since then, the Champion level evolutions went similar to 99 Adventure, with everyone getting their special episode, and I’m sure that’s how it’ll go down with the next level too, but there was no gap at all between going from one level to the next. I’m trying to say, they seem able to reach the next level awfully fast. They didn’t need to meet Gennai and collect the tags and Crests, the Crests appear already uploaded in their Digivices. I’m not complaining, as always I’m glad this show is not just a carbon copy of the old one, but I am curious if evolutions are easier to attain in this series, or if there are going to be more of them and that’s why they come so quick, or if the series just won’t run long enough for there to be significant gaps of time between evolutions.
Episode ends with the group deciding, like I predicted last week, to split up and try the Left and Right routes, since the Straight one is blocked. Gays go right and lesbians go left, of course. :P
This episode was pretty fantabulous, I loved it, Digimon is awesome.
Next week it’s no surprise what we’re gonna get.
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WeeeeereGarurumon! Also my least favorite evolution of Gabumon’s line but still cooler than MetalGreymon hahahaha.
I’m also totally stoked for the grouping of Yamato, Jou, and Sora. There’s tons of potential for Yamato and Sora to bond, although my prediction is that while he’ll pretty much like her (even if he won’t admit it to himself), she’s going to find him a little difficult. But she’ll have an easier time talking to him than the others do. I also fully expect Jou to drive Yamato out of his mind lol.
This also means the other group is Taichi, Koushirou, and Mimi. I assume we won’t see too much of them next week, but I hope that means they’ll get their episode the week after, because I am dying for some Taishiro moments. Practically salivating. Also, Koumi fans can probably look forward to Mimi and Koushirou Not Getting each other too, lol
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Alright, so, Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 12: Castle in the Sky Laputa!
I mean, I, Guardromon...
... Bicentennialmon?
well, any of the three works :P
Right off the bat, I’ll say this ep gets a ‘meh’ from me, BUT I did love its aesthetic. I’m a big fan of robot stories, especially the Asimov variety. Scrap heap robots are my absolute favs. And I did like the Ghibli vibe going on too. The episode was pretty, and the robot characters were cool... it just wasn’t very fun. At the very least, I was expecting team Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi to be a bit more fun than Yamato/Sora/Jou, but I guess this ain’t 1999 anymore ;)
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^The most amusing bit was finding out Koushirou’s laptop can fold like this... which, okay, shouldn’t surprise me, it just looks frigging weird...
koushirou: hush old lady, your first laptop was grayscale only and had Windows 3.1 installed.
Actual content relevant to the episode below...!
We had a promising start when last week’s episode ended on a cliffhanger... or a cliffdropper, I guess, because Mimi’s not hanging onto anything. She’s fallen down and landed on Palmon. Digimon can sure take a beating.
Palmon reaches to see if she can hoist them back up, but...
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... it’s too high! Oh well, no choice but to travel on foot. Good thing Mimi landed on Palmon!
Meanwhile, above, Taichi and Koushirou turn to his computer for help. Unfortunately they have some technical difficulties.
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Koushirou: Noooo, not the swirling of doom!! My immortal nemesis...
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Even Taichi understands that buffering spells death. He’s a 21st century kid, so he’s a little more savvy about computers than 99 Taichi, whose trusty recourse in these situations was "treat the machine like a Bop-It.”
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Mimi discovers they are in a Digimon scrap heap. ;_; Good heavens. Apparently robot Digimon are unlike organic (??) Digimon same as robots are different from humans, so the way they die is not quite the same either.
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Mimi feels sorry for these trashed creatures. She’s no cold-hearted corporate goon who looks at these guys and just sees dollars. She notices the heart!
She also just wiped that rusty Guardromon’s helmet with her bare hand...
Mimi: Where’s Sora-san when I need a towel!!
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Andromon makes his 2020 debut! And he’s just as much the pawn of evil as ever!
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Boxing Cactus Go-go-go!!
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Togemon gets her prickly hiney owned, but the Guardromon suddenly reanimates and protects her instead. His big strategy is “drop something heavy on Andromon and run away.” It’s super effective.
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Who wants to translate the digicode, because I’m not gonna. Ten bucks says it’s something like “target human child exterminate” yadda yadda
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When Koushirou’s computer fails, we must rely on our physical skills. Their big plan is “climb down the bottomless pit after Mimi.” There are a few things wrong with this picture:
1) Even if they know how deep the hole is, IT’S STILL QUITE A FALL. Make one wrong move and you’ll be useless to Mimi T_T And these idiots make plenty of wrong moves.
2) If there were handholds like these, why couldn’t Palmon have just grabbed them with her vines and carried Mimi up? Instead she was like, “Nah, can’t reach the top, let’s walk in a random direction and hope things work out!”
3) The Guardromon is taking Mimi to an elevator. Meaning there is a working elevator, meaning there is a way down that would significantly decrease their chances of DYING on the way. Koushirou’s computer can’t figure that out? Also I was expecting some hijinks there... like, they finally make it down only for Mimi to say “Why didn’t you just take the elevator like I did? Boys are weird.”
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In his defense, Koushirou’s method of descent is worlds better than Taichi’s.
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Hate to say I told you so...
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Guardromon takes Mimi to some suspicious water which she uses to nurse Palmon... with a towel
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Guardromon presents Sheeta Mimi with a flower to convey that he likes killing pretty delicate things :) run Mimi
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The Laputa vibe... it is vibing.
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We cut away to Yamato/Sora/Jou for thirty seconds just to point how much Better they’re doing than Taichi’s group. They’ve even realized how that basket was, who needs to put in all that work when we can all fit comfortably on a log! Sora and Yamato flirt. Jou’s going to be sick.
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Taichi and Koushirou encounter some broken Solarmon who are being controlled by Soundbirdmon, so I guess it’s official now that we can’t believe any Digimon is truly evil if Soundbirdmon is around. Koushirou goes to help Mimi while Taichi stays behind to fend off these gears. Uh, is it just me or does this team seem very quick to split up.
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I like the way Guardrmon cradles Mimi so all we can see is her shocked expression.
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Guardromon tries his tried and true method of shooting down something heavy to crush Andromon...
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... but Andromon’s like “hah! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!” and knocks it away. Not very effective...
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Guardromon’s guarded his last mon... he starts to go... offline I guess...
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In sweeps Kabuterimon to the rescue. In 99 Adventure, he’d have something witty to say, or at least a pun. 2020 Kabuterimon mostly likes to make weird noises. I understand why Agumon and Gabumon’s VA’s were calling him a “weirder uncle than ever” at Digifes...
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Obligatory Best Boy cap
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Hell Approacheth
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Wow!!! Taichi finally got knocked off Greymon! He must have forgot to put on his suction cup shoes today!
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So this entire episode, I was wondering what was to stop MetalGreymon from happening and stealing the show from Lillymon. I expected “Agumon just evolved recently and doesn’t have the juice to do it again so soon!” or some such. Nothing more than that. But, nah, we don’t even get that... MetalGreymon happens and he just... can’t... beat Andromon? For some reason? I’m going with “Because he’s Andromon.” Afterward, this very heavy structure falls down and MetalGreymon has lift it a la Atlas to keep Taichi from getting squished, so he can’t continue to beat on Andromon.
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... Of course, Togemon gets stuck holding this thing up too... so there’s that...
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The reason, of course, is so Guardromon can make one last action surge, grabbing Andromon’s leg, which works, randomly. At least for a moment.
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Mimi spends most of this episode being Shocked.
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Guardromon takes one final, grainy look at Mimi as he prepares for sweet death. The digicode says “Sheeta.” (kidding like I’d bother to translate it lol)
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Andromon RUDELY stomps on his head. Like HELLO Andromon can you not see the dude is having a moment here? Show some respect!
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Mimi sheds a Single Emo Tear
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Which causes “Your sorrow made me evolve!” Lillymon. She immediately flies out to attack Andromon, leaving MetalGreymon alone holding the heavy metal structure, which promptly crushes him and our heroes. Game Over!
just kidding, the structure just vanishes I guess :/ It’s not very clear...
High kick attack!
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It’s not very effective...
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Lillymon does seem to have an ability that MetalGreymon doesn’t which cinches her victory over Andromon... her rain of petals interfere with his ability to lock on to a target. Too much organic matter everywhere I guess.
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Lillymon covers Andromon in plants rendering him immobile...
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... *cough*
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Poor Mimi’s had a hard day of watching robots die.
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Her affinity for marking graves returns as she leaves the flower Guardromon gave her on his corpse(?).
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Taichi looks only sadly as Koushirou explains that Andromon and Guardromon were totes besties, until Soundbirdmon started mindcontrolling everyone. Gee that seems like something that could have been an interesting plot point had it been mentioned y’know earlier.
In sum... yeah, this ep just isn’t fun. There’s no friend moments, no getting to know each other, everything takes a backseat to this robot-protect-girl storyline. I really did like Guardromon, but the episode takes itself way too seriously in my opinion.
That aside... I was happy that Mimi’s episode didn’t involve stinky ugly Digimon falling in love and stalking her so she can passionately reject them. I can live without both of those things.
Mimi having the ability to project feelings onto supposedly nonfeeling things is a very Mimi-like character trait for her and one that I really truly love. It’ll definitely come in handy in the digital world where all is never how it seems. On the other hand, though, it’s not like it’s a trait we didn’t have already... it just belonged mainly to Hikari :P So... yeah.
Next week we’re going to get Garudamon, in a way that looks like it will pale compared to our first meeting with Garudamon in 99 Adventure, BUT that’s okay... because we’ve got plenty of time for the Big Important things to happen, both on a plot level and on a character development level. I am a little wtf??? about everyone getting not one but two evolutions within the same adventure - assuming the kids are going to go home at some point and finally put Tokyo out of its misery. I’d expected this show would be more like 02 with the kids jumping in and out, but tbh I’m not gonna be sad if they just stay in the digital world indefinitely. Also, it’s not like Taichi didn’t get both an evolution and a jogress the first time he came to the digital plane, so obviously things are just working differently in this show!
But as it’ll be a Sora episode, I just hope it’s an improvement on the last Sora episode. There’s plenty of potential following the mini tiff between her and Yamato last week, so i hope we see some follow up to that. Maybe a couple Sorato moments. We didn’t get anything for Taishiro this week :( But since it looks like probably next week the groups are still separated, perhaps the week after we’ll get MegaKabuterimon and see more interaction between Taichi and Koushirou then. *shrug* A girl can dream!
Anyway this ep gets 5.5/10 from me!
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fizzingwizard · 6 years
I started this on my lunch break, still gotta rewatch to be coherent but wanted to put down some bullet points of Feelings!!!
The bottom line is I did like Bokura no Mirai, because I think the Tri writers are good, BUT I think half of the issues in BoM were their hands being tied by the limited time left, and the other half simply planning way too much. Both are amateur mistakes and yet anime movies routinely make them, so I’m not as strict as I should be.
As an aside, my personal theory for this movie was that Taichi would let the two worlds merge. I thought he was going to shock everyone by choosing not to stop it, letting the worlds merge sans reboot, and that would result in humans and digimon living in harmony. It’s an unfinished theory obviously, since it supposes a different outcome of the merge than Yggdrasil believes will happen, and also because even if the world was fine after, we’d lose the future where there are two worlds and Taichi needs to be an ambassador between them. But that’s what I was expecting, something of that nature anyway, let’s say. I suppose I’m overly influenced by Tsubasa Chronicle lol.
k now for some highs and lows!!!
TAKERU, MAGNAANGEMON AND DEVIMON!!!! There is NOTHING like Takeru angst. omg. Not for me anyway. No other character’s trauma hit me the way Takeru still carries the burden of what happened to his partner in their very first boss battle.
People predicted Nishijima’s death but I did NOT. I thought of course he was going to be reunited with Himekawa. So this will figure in my “lows” section as well, but as for his apparent death itself, I was moved. But it’s also totally unfair and it’s more of a low than a high for Reasons. But it still deserves a mention here.
Mimi telling Meiko (and the others) to stop blaming themselves. I like Meiko, I do, but I was really annoyed with her when Hikari was feeling guilty and Meiko just had to feel guilty for that. It’s par for the course with her, and I was really defensive of her last movie - I think it was the way it felt like she was using Hikari’s distress to vent her own feelings that bothered me this time around. That being said, I certainly empathize with her and with Hikari, and I’m glad Mimi was so nice and caring about it. (Her line would have been perfectly suited to Sora - our Mimi is growing up!)
The cute moments with the Digimon - glad we still got some of those.
Yamato and Gabumon’s conversation on the balcony was UGH. So great. They’re probably my favorite partner relationship since Adventure. It was so IC and so perfect. I could cry at how sweet and sensitive and full of resilience Gabumon was. Just like his partner.
Also Yamato’s heartbreak over Taichi was sOOOO strong!! And then we they reunite he’s just like, “You’re late.” And you know what I thought of? Rini in the dub Sailor Moon movie. Hahahaha. I had actually hopped for a sweet moment between Taichi and Yamato but... well they stared at each other dramatically for a while, I guess that counts *cough*
KOUSHIROU was MAGIC. Part of me is like “fake science is fake!” but the other part is like “lol but if anyone could make fake science real it’d be Koushirou!” I love that, even when the others weren’t being forward about rejecting the reboot, and Yamato even implied that if Taichi thought it was the way to spare the most sacrifices he would do it, Koushirou was the one who emphatically said “NO!”
Hikari and everything about her. I love that she told Taichi she might not be able to forgive him. And I love that she said “thats why i’m going to fight alongside you.” And her expression during that last battle. It was the same determined look as Taichi’s. There are still a billion questions about her and Meiko as well, why what happened happened, maybe on second viewing I’ll understand more, but... I think it’s mostly “digimon lore” stuff that may never get explained.
Taichi’s phone call to Meiko at the end and the way the other kids acted. Of course I always love flustered and embarrassed Taichi. For the first time, I thought I could ship Meichi after the way Taichi called her and then did nothing but grunt and made her do all the work of carrying the conversation herself xD That boy is hopeless!
Also, Taichi in general. I’m still..... not quite sure what happened. Not quite sure what the takeaway is supposed to be. He was rescued by Nishijima after Yggdrasil’s life or death survival game, and came back to the real world... and chose to kill Meicoomon. In Kyousei, I was sad but on board because there did not appear to be any other day. I didn’t know what they’d do in Bokura no Mirai. Finales are often the age of miracles,  but on the other hand, as much as I wanted Meicoomon to reunite with Meiko, it would have been so underwhelming if everything just went back to normal with no sacrifices (oh yeah, Nishijima). So mixed feelings on how things played out. But one thing I do know is that I loved Taichi the entire time. I love that he’s not a straight up hero. He can do things that make his little sister say she’ll never forgive him. And he can be the kindest bravest person around. Right or wrong, I can’t help but like him.
One thing - a lot of my lows result from things that went unanswered or at least I didn’t understand it last night. 
The story quite simply does not feel complete. It’s not even a feeling - it isn’t complete. What the hell was Yggdrasil’s comments about Daemon and whatever at the end. A joke? I didn’t really get the feeling. Was that dark cube some variety of dark spore? Or the one from Adventure? Also, we don’t get to find out what happened to real Gennai (or did I just miss it)? Up till now I never believed it was really him... maybe that was wishful thinking... but why tho
Taichi’s character development arc. He got a LOT. And I do love it overall, but I’m not quite sure I understand it. I suppose the simple answer is, he’s going to be an ambassador, and an ambassador needs to be able to negotiate, to see things in shades of gray, and (ok waxing poetical here but) to understand that life and death are a balance. Idk. I’m a Star Trek fan, “the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many” usually results in intergalactic shenanigans to steal whales from a different time. And who doesn’t love that?
Part of me just needed more... Idk, closure I suppose? about Meiko and Meicoomon after everything they went through. I wanted Meiko to be a bigger character in the finale movie. I’m surprised by that since I wasn’t warm to her in the beginning, but it feels wrong that in the end, all she got was a sweet farewell. It was very sweet! And heartbreaking! And I’m not exactly angry that Meicoomon was lost, but after 5 movies leading up to it, it just felt... i dunno, it lacked the sense of relief I was looking for. (However, I sometimes feel these things differently on rewatch. This is a scene I’ll be looking out for.)
The 02 gang’s been missing... like the said in Saikai. OK fine. Why didn’t the kids ever try to contact them beyond that one visit to Ken’s house?? Why weren’t they concerned that none of them were like “Hello, we heard digimon are raising hell, can we help?” That is the question folks. Tri definitely did NOT need more characters to juggle, but heck, “they’re all camping in a remote island with no electricity!” would have been a better excuse for why no one notices they’re not around.
Daigo’s death. Like I said, it was a hero’s death, and for that it was awesome. But a lot of the reasons why it was awesome were inferences. Like, Taichi was just like “whoa?” when nishijima was like “oh yeah maki’s disappeared she lost her mind searching for her dead partner.” This should have been way bigger news. I don’t see why they wouldn’t be intensely curious about their predecessors - yeah big world shaking battle is gonig on so I get it not being on the back burner, but it was totally just shoehorned in. No thank you! Daigo deserved better.
MAKI DIDN’T EVEN APPEAR. I had been so worried about her but I thought the worst that would happen would be she’d do something to redeem herself and die! But nope! She’s not there AT ALL. And Daigo’s DEAD! Honestly it wouldn’t be SO bad if we could be sure this wasn’t the end... because it just feels like there’s so much story left to tell, including theirs. The Original Chosen in Tri are more like a summary of “a fanfic I’d like to write someday.” Better to just not have included them. Found some different way to cause the reboot. They were treated worse in the end than the 02 kids, frankly.
one last quibble... Essentially no Taishiro. :( :( :( I mean just platonic moments. Just one would have been good! Oh well.
i’m totally leaving things out but that’s all I’ve got for the moment. rewatch imminent
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