#('kids' because they always cast 26 year olds for it)
softwaluigi · 1 year
I think anyone who creates or writes for a show focused entirely on teenagers having sex with each other should kill themselves
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apazwtsn · 4 months
I'm angry. I am very angry. I swear if I ever see anyone talking about how "gross and awkward" the Miller's Girl movie is because of the age difference again, I'm going to kill them all. I swear.
Because GOD, what part of "it's the point of the movie" they don't understand?
Don't listen to me, I'm just ranting. Or maybe you listen to me and want to rant a little, too. You're all welcome.
1st point: The movie
IT IS A FILM THAT IS ABOUT THE INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIP OF A TEACHER AND A STUDENT. EVEN THE OWN SYNOPSIS SAYS IT. INAPPROPRIATE, DANGEROUS. Why would you be surprised if they have sex??? THAT'S THE DAMN POINT!!! And if it makes you uncomfortable, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WATCHING?? Unless you decided to get upset on your own because you knew you wouldn't like it (like me), which is valid. But don't come away with the idea that you weren't expecting that horribly uncomfortable scene. BECAUSE IF YOU WENT TO SEE IT, IT'S BECAUSE YOU KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN. NO SHIT.
2nd point: The cast & set
Jenna is not a little girl. If she accepted the role it is because she knew what she would have to do. Martin is a very professional guy. And I'm not saying it, all the people who have worked with him say it. They are acting. You know what acting is, right? Do you know that if two actors kiss, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are enjoying it, but rather that they are doing their job? You know that, right? You know the difference between fact and fiction too, I guess? You know that if the movie is about something, doesn't means that it's saying that is alright? Or maybe you just want to be controversial because that suits you. For the first time in your life, think. And those who participated behind the scenes said that everything possible was done so that they did not feel uncomfortable. What does it cost you to do a little research, bro?
3rd point: The age difference in relationships
I have always been an advocate for this. Always. As long as they are conscious adults, it's fine. As long as you're both over 20, it's fine. As long as everything is consensual, it's fine! Personally (read, personally) I think that even 18-19 year olds are still a bit too young. You can disagree, of course. It's still an opinion. What you cannot disagree with is the fact that an adult person cannot be with a minor person. That's called pedophilia and it's wrong.
4th point: How people treat young women (Yes, this has to do with it)
I'm going to get a bit aggressive. And I warn you that you are going to read the statement of a feminist.
Have you seen how every time a young woman is talked about, older adults act as if they were little girls? No? Well, it happens all the time around me and I'm already fed up. If a woman is over 18, then SHE IS NO LONGER A LITTLE GIRL. SHE IS AN ADULT WOMAN AND CAN TAKE HER OWN DECISIONS. When a man passes 18, people act as if they "are already men." When a woman passes 18, THEY CONTINUE TO TREAT HER LIKE A KID OR A TEENAGER. And I think it has a LOT to do with what we're talking about. Because if a young girl (approximately 18-26) goes out with a man who is older than her, that man automatically becomes a "Pervert". Please. If the relationship is consensual, then he is not a pervert and she knows what she is doing. You know why everyone complains about big men with young girls but they never complain about older women with younger guys? FOR THAT REASON. THEY SEE YOUNG WOMEN AS LITTLE GIRLS WHO CAN'T TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES AND DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING, WHEN ACTUALLY MEN MATURE AFTER WOMEN. I SWEAR TO YOU THAT I AM TOTALLY PISSED. IF I SEE A MAN COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS, I WILL HIT HIM.
OK. Maybe I went a little overboard. Some anger issues, sorry. Maybe this only happens in my family circle (super toxic) and maybe out there people don't think like that. I hope so.
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natlacentral · 3 months
‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Stars on Bringing Animated Characters to Live Action: “We’re Weren’t Doing a Caricature”
After more than half a decade of development, Netflixunveiled its highly anticipated live- action Avatar: The Last Airbender on Friday. 
The show, adapted from Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko’s animated series that premiered in 2005, follows the beloved story of Aang, an Avatar who can bend all four elements — water, earth, fire and air — and is responsible for maintaining harmony in his universe’s four nations. Along the way, Aang befriends waterbender Katara and her brother Sokka as they work together to end the fire nation’s war against the other nations. Frequently, the group faces off against Zuko, a fire nation prince locked in an ongoing pursuit of Aang’s demise.
Though Netflix’s live-action approach to the story heads for darker themes than Nickelodeon’s animated original, the cast of kids at the show’s center maintains the story’s sense of childlike wonder that is so beloved by fans. 
The actors — Gordon Cormier (Aang), Kiawentiio (Katara), Ian Ousley (Sokka) and Dallas Liu (Zuko) — began their journeys toward the show around four years ago, navigating a blind casting process that tried to keep the subject of their audition a secret and involved a lengthy, international search for the right artists to bring DiMartino and Konietzko’s characters to life with the Albert Kim adaptation. Each an avid fans of the original (Cormier says he’s watched the show 26 times), the group spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about how their love for the franchise gave way to their need to get the live-action story right — and where they’re hoping the show will go next.
Let’s go back to the beginning. What do you remember about the casting process? 
DALLAS LIU They sent all of us these dummy sides and fake character names. I know some of these guys didn’t know [it was for Avatar], but for me it felt obvious from the character’s description, and my fake name was “Juno.” I think, knowing the series, already being such a huge fan and Zuko being my favorite character … I definitely used that to my advantage throughout the audition process. 
GORDON CORMIER I actually turned down the audition, because I had no clue what it was. I got the audition, and it was for a 12-year-old. I was a small 11-year-old at that point. I had told my agent, “I don’t want any more auditions like this because I’m too small to play 12.” So I turned it down. And then they sent it back and they said, “No, we really want to see this.” 
Were you all fans of the animated series?  
KIAWENTIIO Me, Dallas and Ian grew up [watching] the show, but Gordon was actually born after it aired. 
CORMIER After I booked the role, I looked up the animated series. I watched it 26 times, because I became a giant fan. I didn’t even really watch it to study my character — the first time was for that. Then I watched it again for the fun of it, and again, again, again, again. I feel like I really got to know Aang, to see what he’s going through and hopefully bring that into the live action, with a little bit deeper and darker tones. 
LIU I think because of the significance of Dante Basco’s voice acting [Basco is beloved as the original voice of Zuko], I felt a little extra pressure knowing that there were such huge shoes to fill. But the way I navigated that was: We aren’t trying to make a remake scene for scene, line for line. We’re trying to get a new set of people involved. Hopefully, they love the show just as much as we do, and we give the old fans something new. 
Were there any specific parts of your character you drew from the animated series, or anything you added that felt new? 
IAN OUSLEY It’s such an amazing opportunity for the character of Sokka to go from an animated series to live action. When I watch the original series, I feel like Sokka is always the voice of the audience, so that’s something that I tried to carry over into our show. How can I be the voice of the audience and set the tone for everybody at home? 
LIU We wanted to make sure we weren’t doing a caricature of these animated characters. For Zuko, in season one of the animated series, definitely for the first half of it, he’s quite melodramatic and extremely emotional to the point where his eyes are jumping out of his face. I think his relationship with Uncle Iroh in the live-action series was really cool for me. He’s not so much a brat to his own uncle, who looked out for him and cared for him. 
OUSLEY In the animated show, Sokka is [also] doing so many things that are animated. It was a big challenge to bring it into reality and not lose any parts of him. But in addition to that, what comes naturally with live action is the humanness. A lot of the things happening in the show are very real and very intense, and he gets to have real human reactions while also getting to find out what that comedy looks like. 
Bringing this world into live action also meant some impressive martial arts from all four of you! What was your preparation for that? 
KIAWENTIIO It was helpful, we did a six-week boot camp before filming. That’s where I got familiar with the fight scenes I had to train for. 
CORMIER I was super energetic. Running, around, doing all these exercises … that was heaven for 12-year-old me. 
LIU For Gordon, he’s supposed to be a master at such a young age. He needed to be extremely well-versed in the style of air from the beginning. 
OUSLEY It was really awesome watching the commitment to Gordon’s character, because he would go home and practice for hours and hours on his own. He was having so much fun. They had to keep him on the kids’ schedule still, but even as an 11- and 12-year-old, he was still putting in hours of work, because they were giving him videos to practice. It was awesome. 
KIAWENTIIO I feel like with my character, I got really lucky with the fact that I grew alongside her throughout the series. She doesn’t start out as a master, but she ends up that way. 
LIU And Ian is actually a world champion martial artist in weapons, but his character isn’t an expert. So he had to unlearn those punches. 
OUSLEY I love weapons in general, and Sokka has a really special attachment to his weapons, and his war club. So it was really cool to bring that over. But yeah, I had to unlearn a lot of that technique.  
It’s been about a year and a half since you finished filming season one. What’s it been like reuniting for this press tour? 
KIAWENTIIO It’s so interesting, because I feel like we got so much closer after filming. We definitely got to know each other while filming. But it’s on a different level now, getting to spend that time apart and realize how much we actually care for each other. 
OUSLEY The first time I saw Gordon [after filming], his voice had changed. I freaked out. I was like, “What is happening?” And then I kept telling him, “Talk again!” It’s been awesome to get to know each other again. We’ve grown up, and we’re growing together. 
LIU We’ve grown, not just as actors and actresses, but each of us grew up as human beings, in front of the hundreds of people on set. Each of them had a huge influence on the people we are right now. 
So, what are your hopes and dreams for a live-action season two? 
KIAWENTIIO With the animated series, it just gets better every season. I think adding a new addition to our group, getting to see Toph, is super exciting. It would also be really cool if I got to portray the Painted Lady. 
LIU Season two is epic for Zuko. I want to do the one where I’m yelling at the lighting. 
IAN I’m waiting for season three, though, because I want my sword. I am the world champion in weapons, specifically, so his sword would be a dream come true. 
CORMIER Also season three, I really want to do that episode right before I go fight the fire lord and Aang won’t sleep. I start to see all these visions, and Momo and Appa start talking. It’d be so awesome. 
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Big Roles
Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Request - Hailee Steinfeld x actor/singer!male!reader where y/n is a 26 year old single father who has a 5 year old daughter. His old girlfriend passed away due to an illness (you can decide what illness). Y/n meet Hailee during filming Hawkeye he was cast as the clone/son of Natasha Romanoff. During the few months of filming y/n develops feelings for Hailee, so does Hailee. During Christmas Hailee kissed y/n under the missile toe and they started dating. He doesn't let Hailee meet his daughter until he is very sure that the relationship between them lasts. After 6 months of dating y/n tells Hailee about his daughter. Ending fluffy and sweet.
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You arrived on set late due to traffic and you apologized for being late. You rushed to put on your suit and makeup, Hailee smiled at you.
“We get to do our scenes today,” Hailee said.
“I feel a lot of pressure being Natasha’s son,” You said.
“I felt that too when I took the part for Kate. You will do fine, Y/n” Hailee smiled.
“Thanks. I came late because the babysitter arrived late due to traffic and when I left home the traffic got worse” You said.
“Oh, she is feeling better?” Hailee asked.
Last week you told Hailee that your daughter had a stomach ache.
“Yeah, she is doing better. Apparently, she was sneaking candy into her pockets and eating it when I wasn't looking” You said.
“Smart girl but that is funny” Hailee laughed.
You show Hailee the Halloween pictures and Hailee loves it.
“You made a cute Olaf. And oh my God, she is a cute Elsa” Hailee smiled.
“Thanks. She is obsessed with frozen. What did you do for Halloween? I just took Rachel to get candies” You said.
“That sounds nice. I went to a party here in the city. And this was my costume,“ Hailee said.
Hailee takes out her cell phone and shows you pictures from the party. Later, you and Hailee started to work on the scenes with Jeremy and Scarlett. You have a similar accent to Yelena but a little heavier because your character Clone was raised with Melina Vostokoff and Natasha. And your character Clone doesn't fully understand what is sarcasm.
“I'm always impressed that you can change your accent easily,” Hailee said.
“Thanks,” You said and winked.
Hailee smiled then you do scenes with Scarlett and Jeremy alone. But Hailee watched you act on set and she is impressed with your acting skills.
“It seems you have a crush on Y/n,” Florence said
“What!... What are you talking about?” Hailee nervously said.
Florence giggled and she can tell that Hailee has a crush on you.
“You always smile at him. And you laughed at that lame joke, he told us about a few weeks ago” Florence said.
“The joke wasn't that bad... It was a little funny” Hailee said
“Whatever. Y/n is single and he is good looking man, and he is a gentleman and he cares about his daughter a lot” Florence said
“But I don't know if he would go out with me,” Hailee said.
“You are hot and I think he would go out with you,” Florence said.
“I guess... I don't know” Hailee said.
“Don't be scared” Florence said.
You are in Hailee’s trailer and you will do a live Q&A on Instagram. She has on her purple suit and you have a similar suit to Natasha's but your suit shows more dark grey. You start to read the question first...
“Do you like working with Hailee?” You said.
“Do you like working with me?” Hailee asked.
“Hailee is such a diva. She hasn't paid me back that time I took her and Flo out for lunch, and she always makes me mess up my lines” You teased.
She smacked your arm and you gasped.
“Wow, that is assault” You laughed.
“Jerk” Hailee teased.
“I’m kidding. I like working with Hailee and she is fun to work with” You said.
“Y/n can sometimes be annoying but he does make me laugh a lot. And I like how he always changes his accent back and forth easily” Hailee smiled.
You and Hailee smiled at each other. Some fans start to write that they ship your Character Clone with Kate.
Later, you and Kate do another scene with Scarlett and Jeremy.
“We can't keep calling him ‘Clone’ I mean it can be his hero name but not his real name. Didn't you give him a name?” Kate said.
“I didn't get a chance to name him. They took him away before I can hold him,” Natasha said.
“What you would have named me if you didn't give me away?” you said.
“I didn't know what to name you,” Natasha said.
“How did all of this happen?” Kate asked
“Dreykov was making clones. He managed to get Natasha’s DNA and make a clone. When Natasha found out, she asked Melina for help but they found a baby boy in the lab. Natasha didn't know how to be a parent” Clint said.
“I wanted him to have a normal life,” Natasha said.
You didn't say anything but you walked away. Natasha feels bad and the scene ends.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✫
Hailee has been working on a song and she wanted you to sing the song with her. You agreed to it, you would meet up with Hailee at the studio to record the song.
“Sorry, I'm late. Rachel wanted to play with her toys with me” You said
“That is adorable, Y/n. She with her mom now?” Hailee said
“No. She passed away when Rachel was two years old, she had breast cancer. Since then, I haven't been in a serious relationship. I don't want to bring just any woman around my daughter. I have to make sure she will be a good role model for my daughter” You said.
“I’m sorry about your loss. But I understand what you mean. Ready to start singing? We have to do the chorus” Hailee said.
“Yeah, I'm ready,” You said.
You and Hailee go into the booth and started to sing.
“Y/n, I think you should sing that part again with more energy,” Hailee said.
“Oh, again. Okay, I will try again. Is it just that part?” You said.
“Maybe, sing the whole part again but with more energy,” Hailee said.
“Okay, I will try again,” You said
You start to drink water then you try to sing again. While singing, you and Hailee did argue about which chorus should go first and last, etc. The argument didn't turn into a huge fight, she managed to fix the problem.
You have the week off and you have been spending time with your daughter. She is happy to have you home and play with you.
“I don't want tomatoes,” Rachel said.
She doesn't like tomatoes on her burger.
“If you don't eat it then I will take your french fries and you won't watch frozen,” You said.
“Really?” Rachel asked.
“Yes, really. Eat your tomatoes” You said.
“I want to see frozen” Rachel said.
“Later, before you go to bed,” You said.
“Yay!” Rachel smiled.
Minutes later, Hailee called you on facetime. And you picked up, you smile at her.
“Hey, Y/n!” Hailee smiled.
“Hailee, I like your outfit. You look beautiful “ You said.
She blushed.
“I called to see how you been doing and Rachel too. Like my outfit? I'm going to a fashion show here in Milan” Hailee said.
“Sounds fun. I'm here about to see Frozen 2 with Rachel” You said.
“That’s cute. I saw the movie, it's actually very funny. And I love Olaf” Hailee said.
“Dad, I like Olaf too!” Rachel yelled then she smiled.
You spoke with Hailee for a little while then you watched the movie with Rachel then she wanted to play tea party and you dressed up for her.
You had to go to a party to celebrate the success of Hawkeye. At the party, you start to speak with friends and your manager introduced you to new people. But Hailee is across the room, you stare at her. Hailee is talking to her friends and she starts to look at you. You and Hailee stare at each other
✯ ✯ ✯ ✫
Florence invited you and Hailee to a Christmas party at her house. Hailee sees you and she is smiling at you, and Florence did notice how you and Hailee are smiling at each other.
“I will let you two, lovers talk. I have to make sure there are more cups” Florence said.
Florence left and you keep smiling at Hailee.
“Y/n, you came. I got something for you” Hailee said.
“Really?” You said.
“Yeah, it's in the room. Come with me” Hailee said.
You followed Hailee to the room and she gives you a gift bag. You take the items out of the bag.
“I got a gift for you and Rachel. Since she likes frozen I got her a coloring book and mini toys with Olaf included. And for you, I wasn't sure what to get so... I got you a gift card and a watch” Hailee said.
“Wow, Hailee this is great. Thank you so much and she will love it” You said.
You hugged her and you smell the perfume on her. She stared into your eyes and she wants to kiss you, but you got nervous and moved away.
“Again, thank you. Do you want to get a drink?” You said.
“Yeah, sure. Oh, Flo got these amazing cupcakes and you have to try them” Hailee said.
“I like cupcakes,” You said.
You follow her to the kitchen and you try the cupcakes. Then You take selfies with Florence and Hailee, and they posted the pictures on their Instagram account and tag you on it.
You are having a good time at the party. You and Hailee are making each other laugh, and she would gently caress your hand. You and Hailee grabbed the drinks and headed to the living room...
“Y/n, look up,” Hailee said.
“What?” You said
You look up at the ceiling and there it's a mistletoe. You moved closer and you leaned in and kissed her and she kissed you back.
Time Skip...
You are celebrating Christmas with your daughter. And you are opening the gifts with her and she is loving the gift Hailee got for her.
“I have a girlfriend,” You said.
“Eww,” Rachel said.
You start to laugh and she starts to laugh too.
“Her name is Hailee and I want you to meet her,” You said.
“Why?” Rachel asked.
“Because I want you to meet her. I care about her and I want to meet you” You said.
“Dad, she is your best friend?” Rachel asked.
“Yes, she is,” You said.
You stand up and you pick her up. She asked if she can eat cookies and you said yes, she starts to smile.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✫
6 months later...
You are in Hailee’s trailer. You and Hailee are kissing each other but didn't take it further. Now you cuddle with Hailee, you have your head on her chest.
“Do you see us being together long term?” You asked.
You sit up then she sat up.
“I do see us being together long term. I really like you, Y/n. Plus, I have told you stuff that I never told anyone before” Hailee said.
“Same with you,” You said.
“Do you want me to meet your daughter?” Hailee said.
“Yeah, I want you to meet her. She knows I'm dating but I want you to be sure before we can take the next step” You said.
“I know how much she means to you, Y/n. Yeah, I will like to meet her” Hailee smiled.
“This is great!” You smiled.
She pushed you down to the bed now she is on top. You and Hailee are smiling and she starts to kiss you. Her lipstick is on your lips and you can't stop smiling.
Today Hailee will meet your daughter and you are feeling nervous. You and Hailee agreed to spend time at your house. She knocked on the door and you opened it.
“Hailee you made it” You said.
“Y/n, I'm nervous about this” Hailee said.
“Do you want to reschedule?” You asked.
“No, I still want to meet her. I got donuts for us” Hailee said.
“Sweet. Her favorite snack is donuts besides pizza and French fries” You smiled.
Rachel runs towards you and she hides behind your leg.
“Hi, Rachel my name is Hailee,” Hailee said.
Rachel looks away and she has her arms around you.
“Rachel, she said hi to you. What do you say?” You said.
“Hi,” Rachel said.
“I got donuts for us to eat,” Hailee said.
Hailee followed you to the kitchen, she gave a donut to Rachel. Later, you go to the backyard, and Hailee is pushing Rachel on the swing. You see them having a good time and you start to smile. You take a picture of them and you don't post it online.
You went inside the house to grab something to drink while Hailee and Rachel are playing together, but Rachel fell. She scrapped her knee and she starts to cry. While you go towards Rachel, Hailee picked her up
“Put her on the counter,” You said.
“Dad, it hurts” Rachel cried.
Her knee is bleeding but it's not too bad. You went to grab the first aid kit, and Hailee wipe the tears away.
“It will be okay. Don't cry, your knee will heal and you will be fine” Hailee said.
You start to clean her knee.
“She is right. Your knee will be okay and you will be okay too. Now you can pick any band-aids you want” You smiled.
“I want Mickey,” Rachel said.
You the band-aid of Mickey on her knee. Hailee picked her up and starts to rub Rachel’s back gently.
“Looks like, you two are friends,” You said.
“It looks like we did” Hailee smiled.
You smile at Hailee. Later, Hailee helps you cook the chicken, and Rachel tries to eat a donut.
“No donut,” You said.
You take it away and put it in the box. During dinner, Rachel starts to talk about frozen and who is her favorite characters. Hailee thinks it's cute and you are happy that Rachel likes Hailee.
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gncrezan · 7 months
i'm obsessed with aki, like it's not even funny. I JUST NEED MORE OF HIM IN MY LIFE LAWD HAVE MERCY. would you happen to have a bit more information on the loml...? if not it's aight big love <33
YOU CAN ALWAYS ASK ME ABOUT HIM i'm so sorry it took so long to reply i have been so everywhere but i have been meaning to find like sketches and stuff i have around of him :)
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collated a bunch of old sketches of his family!! aki was originally going to be a part of a big like. chinese-zodiac inspired thing and his family in particular were the snakes (he's got the character in his last name lol) and him and his siblings all got snake characteristics . there is however nothing new under the sun and even though i thought this was cool my friend was like "oh like fruits basket" and i shelved the idea LOL
in the end he just existed in a vaccum, i had nothing to do with him, before i dragged him out of there with the intention to drop him into a simpler slice-of-life story with a bunch of terrible postgrad students. that story mainly revolves around like.. biomed researchers basically?? aki would have been an ex-STEM student who dropped out because he didn't want to do medicine anymore, but kept in touch with his friends from the course (the other cast might eventually also be forced into IFs LOL)
more under the cut!
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i eventually completely veered off the zodiac-course and kept his base design and turned those scales into tattoos! he's got more in infamous, but in this universe it's just those snakes winding around his arms!!!! infamous tattoos are kind of not set in stone cause i plan to add more (inspired by the bandmates) and the tattoos are supposed to be based off them!! there was no way he'd stop at just seven's initials, he has a little thing for all of them!!!! bc we're only really two chapters into infamous tho i just want more time to "know" the bandmates and then give more him more tats (i have been reading asks about them and trying to assign stuff LMFMFMFAOOO)
what he has and i consistently draw him w are seven's initials, the snakes (leftover design from the kind of concept he was based off of), lotuses/flowers (could change!! i'm thinking rn that he gets everyone's favorite flower/plant tattooed), wave designs (i'm praying someone's a water sign), and he's also got the opening notes of their first song that they played as a band :)
the original version of him is also based vaguely off a friend i made in uni who did hair/makeup and which i still think is so cool and gave him that !!!! more specifically he sort of dropped out of a good-asian-kid stem course to do this, which freaked his parents out when they realised he was just Leaving to go cut people's hair. aki's pretty great at it, and is lucky enough to work at a good stylist agency <3
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kills it at karaoke with his friends in this universe too :) his genuine passion for working as a stylist and love for his job translates into music for infamous, which despite how "i'm-so-cool-and-chill-about-everything" he tries to seem, is his biggest worry. he really really wants to succeed and stick it to his parents, and can't imagine what else he'd ever do. music is all he has and really gets lost in songwriting/singing :)
his stage name akiya is also a reference to the word for abandoned/empty houses in rural areas in japan. they're cheap to buy, but cost a lot to repair and flip. this is a stealth dig at his parents lol but aki passes it off as a portmanteau of his first/last name: he is secretly emo like this </3
also their band name, snakebites, in general is like 1) "what's cool when we are 16 and making this band when we are in high school" and 2) the band's shared birth year being the year of the snake (2001/i'm projecting) (they're still like 25/26 which makes infamous oddly take place in the future for me, 2027ish???) and luckily i don't believe the year it takes place matters to anyone so i'm just going with it <3 don't think about it too hard this is deep lore that only makes sense to me
their fandom name also call themselves snakes, and they lean into this for their promo materials (each member gets a government assigned snake breed) LMFAO !! aki lightly thinks its cringe but it's not hurting anyone, so he just told maya that he thought the name was great LOLLLLL !!! they have a vaguely edgy image because of this (and because ya know. lots of drama surrounding seven leaving) even though they're much more an indie rock band (sounding more like hippo campus, yona yona weekenders, young the giant) with a reputation for being wholesome
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there's also a fun game their fans like to play called "using aki's hair, what era of snakebites is this" LOL <3
i hope this was kind of understandable <3 thank you for letting me cry about my boy <3
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edwinadaily · 1 year
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COSMOPOLITAN UK | A few weeks ago, Charithra Chandran was having a dinner party with some of her oldest friends. A few of them work in advertising and marketing, another is a doctor, one is a lawyer. None work in ‘the industry’. ‘Have I changed?’ Chandran asked them, as plates were cleared and wine glasses topped up. Their answer was unanimous. ‘No way.’ ‘In fact,’ one joked, ‘it’s actually sad how little character development there’s been.’ They all laughed. ‘Sometimes dickish things come out of your mouth like, “I’ve got a fitting with Dior next week!” Look, your life might have changed, but you certainly haven’t.’
Their words reassured Chandran of something she already knew. In just two life-changing years, she had gone from being a philosophy, politics and economics graduate preparing to start a job in management consultancy, to playing a lead in one of the biggest TV shows of the past decade. In the year since she appeared in Bridgerton’s second series, caught in a love triangle with Jonathan Bailey’s Anthony Bridgerton and Simone Ashley’s Kate Sharma, her trajectory has shown no signs of slowing down. This year, she stars in a handful of films including Good Intentions, a short with Micheal Ward (who you’ll know from the Oscar-nominated Empire Of Light), as well as playing the lead in teen rom-com How To Date Billy Walsh. And just a few weeks ago, she was in India with Ashley for the Dior pre-fall show (hence the fitting), which she describes as ‘special and incredible’. But while 26-year-old Chandran may be sitting front row, booking lead roles and appearing on magazine covers, she still feels like that same wide-eyed graduate, the one with no idea what would come next.
‘My life just feels so... normal?’ says Chandran, over a builder’s tea in one of her favourite central London cafes, her hair slicked back in a silk headscarf. 'That is the number one thing that has left me feeling sane. I worry that if my personal life was fully in this world, these crazy experiences would start to feel normal. I need to be surrounded by people not involved in the craziness.'
Most of her friends – like the ones at the dinner party – are from school and university, and the industry friendships she has tend to be with older women, including her Bridgerton cast mates Golda Rosheuvel (Queen Charlotte) and Shelley Conn, who played her mother in the series. ‘We hang out all the time. We go see shows; we grab tea or dinner. Golda’s so cool, sometimes I wonder why she wants to hang out with me. Shelley is literally like my older sister; I’m super close with her family. They both give me advice constantly about how to hold yourself in the industry. They provide perspective as well; they’ve been in it for so long, and they’re both women of colour; they remind me how far we’ve come and how far we have to go. Everything that I go through, they’ve been through it tenfold. I really rely on their counsel.’
The road to Bridgerton
Chandran auditioned for the show in 2020 before the first series had aired. At the time, her career as an actor was precarious. She’d loved performing for as long as she could remember (‘I was that annoying kid who always wanted to be the centre of attention’), acting throughout school and university, even performing in the West End with youth theatre companies, but she’d never really considered it as a viable career. ‘I never even talked about wanting to act because I felt embarrassed. Saying you wanted to be a professional actor felt like saying you wanted to be prime minister or an astronaut.’ Her reasons were twofold. The first was a lack of South Asian representation on screen and stage, – ‘For a long time I didn’t really have any inspiration to look towards,’ she says – and the second was familial expectation. ‘I’m the literal opposite of a nepo baby. My parents are doctors; we didn’t know any actors or journalists. Anyone who’s not a medic was foreign territory for us.’
Though her parents hoped Chandran would follow them into the profession, she credits their progressive attitudes with giving her the courage to follow her dreams. ‘They always expected academic excellence, but they gave me so much freedom and trust. I don’t know if that was an active choice or [if] it was because they were immigrants, junior doctors and single parents who didn’t have time to be focused on me 24/7. Either way, they really let me be me.’
Being herself meant giving acting a serious shot before starting the management consultancy job. She deferred the start date for a year and, in between working as a tutor and running a food bank, spent time crafting a CV and a showreel to try to get professional representation. Her graft paid off, and she signed to an agent who began to get her auditions for film and TV roles. Her first was a Bollywood dancer in the star-studded Marvel film Eternals, which Chandran landed after finding an advert on Instagram, helmed by the likes of Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden and Salma Hayek. On set, it was Kumail Nanjiani who really stood out for Chandran. ‘Being on a proper movie set with this fellow brown actor looking buff felt amazing. He treated us with so much kindness and grace.’
Shortly after, Chandran landed a role in Amazon Prime’s Alex Rider series, and then came her even bigger break: Bridgerton. The process was turbulent. The world had gone into lockdown and after a handful of virtual auditions for Ashley’s role (Kate), Chandran was told she looked too young for the part. Months later, out of the blue, she was approached again, and by that point, season one was already out and the show was a breakout hit that became the most-viewed English-language series onNetflix at the time. ‘While they continued looking for Kate, they had me on the back burner. I’d got a part in another show, so I was like, you know, okay, I love the sound of Bridgerton, butI have [other] work so, whatever. And then season one came out and I was like, “Oh, man! It’s such a good show. I would have loved to get that!”’ This time, the team wanted her to audition for the role of Kate’s younger sister, Edwina Sharma. ‘I desperately wanted to be in the show, but I didn’t want to do it solely for that – which is such an ego trip! I only had one credit at the time. But I was fully being like, “Okay, tell me more about the role...’ So I read for it, and then I didn’t hear about anything for months. I was like, “Okay, well, clearly it’s over!”’
Then, one afternoon, while helping out in her mum’s allotment, she received a call asking her to audition with Bailey and Ashley. ‘I didn’t even realise I was still in the running. But the chemistry read was so special. I remember they looked so beautiful on Zoom. The lighting was amazing, and I was in my dingy dining room in the dark. I thought, “Okay, I need to step up my game.”’ Clearly she was already bringing her A-game because she landed the part.
Surviving the spotlight
Bridgerton has a habit of launching the stellar careers of its leads. Almost overnight, season one’s Phoebe Dynevor and Regé-Jean Page went from emerging actors to household names. ‘So many of the cast members who’d been through it were like, Charithra, get a therapist because this is crazy,’ she remembers. She took their advice, and while therapy has been invaluable, nothing could truly prepare her for such a life-altering experience. She cites events in particular as ‘anxiety-inducing’, explaining, ‘There’s an impostor syndrome there. I leave and I want to cry every time!’ It sounds intense, and the internet’s opinions only exacerbated it. ‘I think when anyone is first exposed to this [fame] on the level that I was, they read the comments, they google themselves. And when you read the really aggressive ones – I know this sounds dramatic – but you feel really vulnerable. I’m a normal person – I’m taking the bus, I’m taking the Tube. You’re thinking all it takes is one person being slightly too deranged and trying to hunt you down... It took me like a solid four months to [get] through that.’
When it comes to social media generally, and whether she feels any pressure with what she posts and the persona she presents, Chandran is typically low-key. ‘I’m not famous enough for people to care about me enough to feel that now! I’m not thinking to myself at any point, “I wonder how the public will receive it.” Maybe I should! But even if – fingers crossed – I continue to do really cool things, and I do get more famous, I’m a very open person. I’m not trying to hide anything. I’m very active on social media and I share loads of parts of my life. But that’s what I’d be doing anyway, even if I wasn’t doing this. I don’t do things differently because I have a platform.’
One thing she is clear on: she doesn’t read negative comments any more and focuses her attention on what a powerful impact the series has had, particularly for young women of colour. ‘I get so much energy and enrichment when I meet someone who’s watched it and tells me how much seeing Simone and me on the show means to them.’ She adds, ‘She is so beautiful. We both went through a baptism of fire together, so we really bonded for life over this very seismic experience that we had. We’re connected by something so big.’
Chandran is clearly proud of the show, however not all responses to Bridgerton have been positive. While the Shonda Rhimes Regency-era romance has largely been praised for the diversity of its stars, some critics have questioned the casting, suggesting it’s tokenistic and that the characters of colour aren’t afforded sufficient context or cultural recognition and could just as easily have been played by a white actor. ‘It’s not a perfect show,’ says Chandran. ‘No one’s out here saying this is a perfect representation of anything. If we were to do it again, I’m sure we’d make certain different decisions, but it’s a damn good try. And it’s a really bold try. Let’s enjoy the fact that we have this and continue striving for more.’
Chandran says some of the commentary that bothered her the most were ‘the comments that said I only got to where I am because I’m Eurocentric or I’m white-passing. That really bugged me because all my life I’ve had to face prejudice for not being those things. I have a quintessentially Tamil face, not even Indian, people can place me as a Tamil. You open books, you go to a temple, you see the pictures and paintings; they look like this. So it’s like, bro, I didn’t go through prejudice and discrimination for you to now belittle my identity. When the show was coming out, that’s all I could focus on.’
From Regency to romance
As she gears up for the release of her next project, How To Date Billy Walsh, this time around, her feeling is one of excitement. She plays Amelia, a precocious teenager who, much like her Bridgerton character, finds herself caught up in an unlikely love triangle with her best friend Archie (played by Heartstopper’s Sebastian Croft) and an elusive new student (Cobra Kai’s Tanner Buchanan). The film brims with all the fun, campness and nostalgia of a classic romcom. ‘We wanted to make something that was really timeless,’ says Chandran. ‘My cousins who are 12 and 13 are still watching Clueless, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. We wanted to do something fun and heart-warming that harked back to the 90s.’
While classic teen romances are praised for their charm, they’re less celebrated for their diversity. As a woman of colour, did it feel like a big deal to be at the helm of a high school romcom? ‘I think it’s so interesting because what I really loved and appreciated was how not a big deal it felt, and I think that’s a real testament to all the people that have come before me, all the directors, producers, actors who have paved the way. I love representing my culture, and I love playing characters who are culturally specific to me,’ she says, ‘but on the flipside, I also enjoy playing a normal person where the story isn’t just about her being Indian. That is what I want for my career as well. I want to do things about race that start important conversations, and things about love and friendship. I don't want to be a one-trick pony.' When choosing roles, she says her approach is simply to find characters who feel truthful. 'The times I've said no are if it perpetuates bad or lazy stereotypes, if it's a character I've already seen before.'
As a romantic lead, her performance is effortless. Amelia is a plucky teenager who reels through the full spectrum of emotions when she develops a crush on the titular character, faces off against bullies and navigates some complicated feelings towards her best friend. Her portrayal of a girl caught in the full throes of an all-consuming crush is vibrant and hilarious, but she also imbues Amelia with a real sense of vulnerability.
Chandran shares some of Amelia's confidence and her thirst for new experiences, but her own memories of dating as a teenager were quite different. rowing up in Oxford, she went to an all-girls school. Most weekends involved house parties with boys from the neighbouring schools, where she would be the only one to get, ‘no attention from the guys,’ she remembers. ‘I thought, "Maybe they’re just not attracted to brown girls." I’m curvy; Indian women tend to have curves and fat in different places. All my friends were white and skinny. It was confusing, but I never took it personally. I used to wonder, is it because they see a brown girl and think, “Oh, she probably can't drink, she’s probably really prudish” – what assumptions were they making just from the colour of my skin?’
While she was at university, one of the boys who had been on the same teen house-party circuit messaged her on Facebook. 'This is a guy I’d seen every weekend for almost two years. He said I was cute and asked me how we knew each other. What’s mad is that I didn’t go to uni and have some glow-up. I looked exactly the same at 19 as I had at 15.’ She believes his sudden interest reflected a broader cultural shift towards diversity. ‘By that time, there were more Black and brown women in magazines and in lead roles on TV. I realised, "Oh, I'm trendy. So now you see there’s an attractiveness there. Because I objectively know I don't look different." That kind of shit happened quite a few times.’
Needless to say, Chandan ghosted the message. ‘I’m not a trend,' she says with a playful eye-roll. In life after Bridgerton, she admits dating can be difficult to navigate. She doesn’t use apps because ‘even before the show, people would see me on Instagram or google me. Which we all do, it's fine... but it started to get weird. So it is harder to meet people, but I don't think I'm famous or successful enough to ever have to worry that someone’s dating me for clout’. Plus, she knows what's important in a potential partner. ‘If I think about what kind of person I want to date, the number one thing I'll say is that they need to be a feminist. I'm a feminist, I'm an advocate for women. I went to a girls school, my family is a matriarchy.’
Dating aside, the fact that Chandran’s life hasn’t changed all that much is a testament to her ability to keep both feet on the ground. There’s also perhaps the knowledge that, should she ever find herself changed by fame, her best friends will absolutely be there to bring her back to reality at the next dinner party. ‘They're the most important people to me’ she says. ‘I love to be surrounded by women. I love the men in my life, but I just prefer women. Women made me feel safe, they make me feel heard.'
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tabithwaslost · 1 year
30 Ace Attorney Headcanons!
1. Klavier and Kristoph both have vitiligo but it's only on their arms and legs. They were always shamed for it as kids so that is why they always cover their arms up.
2. Robin Newman did become a prosecutor and she is a part-time artist.
3. A fan of the show made a music box with Katherine Hall as a little ballerina on the box and sent it to her, it is in Jeffrey's mansion and he always plays it at morning and night for good luck.
4. Miles loved visiting the cosmos space center. He has been visiting it at least twice every summer with at least 1 friend every year he can go.
5. Miles keeps 3 different pictures that have everyone, literally everyone in his wallet as good luck charms. The 1st picture has: Miles, Phoenix, Trucy, Kay, Sebastian, Justine, Raymond, John, Simon [Blackquill], Nahyuta, Rayfa, Amara, Pearl, Maya, Ema, Gumshoe, Franziska, Apollo, Athena, Katherine and Jeffrey. The 2nd picture has: Miles, Phoenix, Lana, Mia, Godot, Franziska, Aura, Apollo and Clay. The 3rd picture has: 9 year old Miles, Phoenix, Larry, Gregory and Raymond."
6. Phoenix takes drawing requests from anyone. You can ask him to draw anything.
7. Phoenix taught Larry how to blend colors/colours.
8.Larry made a drawing of the trio. Himself, Miles and Phoenix and he keeps it in his art studio.
9. Kristoph and Klavier's parents were really poor that they couldn't afford basic things and would sometimes not eat dinner.
10. Athena and Trucy are half-sisters by father.
11. This follows the headcanon that Maya and Miles are siblings, they don't know it yet.
12. Klavier has 5 black psyche-locks just like his brother. Breaking them with or without brute force would result in him breaking down and fainting.
13. Kristoph, Klavier and Apollo grew up in the same orphanage.
14. Apollo has 5 black psyche-locks, one is Dhurke's death, one is Clay's death, one is Jove's death, suspecting Athena and Kristoph's betrayal.
15. Phoenix had a younger sister who died at an early age, that is why he treats Maya as if she's his little sister.
16. Guy Eldoon's real name is "Samuel" but he goes with "Guy Eldoon" because he thinks it rolls off the tongue better.
17. Whenever Klavier had nightmares when he was younger, he'd always wake Kristoph up and they'd go take a late night walk at the beach that was close to their house.
18. Every member of the cast who knows Trucy all have a huge bet on what Trucy is gonna become when she is older.
19. Thalassa is in the gallery of all trials that involve Apollo and/or Trucy.
20. Manfred was a really strict father so he got Franziska a phone when she was 15 and he wouldn't let her have her phone for more than 1 hour per day, so Miles used to always help her sneak her phone with her to bed.
21. All the prosecutors take a case every 3 days. They can be working on 2 or more cases at once, but Nahyuta holds the record for the most cases taken at once and it was 6.
22. None of the prosecutors really sleep, so they spend their night working. Almost all of them would have 2 cases each and sometimes more.
23. All prosecutors [Except the Payne brothers, Sebastian and Kay if you will] are international prosecutors.
24. The only people who never lost a game of poker or any card game they know are Magnifi, Thalassa, Apollo, Trucy and Klavier.
25. The Gramaryes use their talent when playing any card game.
26. Klavier has never lost in any card game because he is good but he also cheats while playing, nobody has called him out for cheating because nobody realizes/realises it
27. When Miles and Phoenix were younger, they took a bus back to the street they lived in and the bus driver had an accident. It wasn't the bus driver's fault, it was another person's fault and all passengers including the driver, Miles and Phoenix went to the hospital. A couple of people died and Gregory and Phoenix's parents tried to make it as soon as possible to the hospital. Gregory was in court, he had just finished a trial and he got the call about his son.
28. Phoenix became colorblind/colourblind because of that accident in the bus and he studied art to try and tell colours/colors apart.
29. Miles, on the other hand got a dislocated shoulder because of that bus accident but it he didn't need surgery because it wouldn't affect him in his life.
30. Apollo and Nahyuta joke about their days in the revolution while Rayfa is clueless and doesn't know what they are talking about.
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DR info !!!
Name: Ophelia Ivy Adler
Birthdate: 26/5/1980
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
In-Universe Date: 26/5/1991 (my birthday!!!)
Patronus: Red Fox (can cast it by the end of third year)
Animagus: Black Cat (Third year)
Age: 11 (My CR self has childhood traumas, I want to be a child again in the same way some people age regress!!)
Safeword: Snivellus
Nicknames: Ophie, Ives, Lia, Felia (phelia)
Some random facts about me/my world:
-I have a “familiar,” an old sort of magic in which an animal attaches to a witch or wizard. It is a black cat I’ve yet to give a name. It brings me good luck and spiritual protection (impervious to hexes/curses in its presence).
-I want to be the Minister when I grow up! I want to be involved in politics and help make the world a better place!
-After the first year, I spend my summers with the Weasleys, or helping out with the Order in later years. I grow a garden out at the burrow and it thrives! Molly loves cooking with fresh herbs and veggies!
-My best friend is Neville, and we meet Luna third year and become an inseparable trio! A Gryffindor, a Slytherin, and a Ravenclaw! Who would’ve thought?
-I learn to become an animagus upon accidentally stumbling across the process for it while looking through the restricted section. (I was trying to find out more about Lycanthropy because I suspected Professor Lupin was up to something.)
-I have a map of the castle and everyone inside, always up to date. It is not the Marauder’s Map, it is a very good replica that Snape developed his fifth year because he was insistent that James and Sirius were sneaking around the castle. (He was right,) but McGonagall quickly caught him and confiscated it that same year because he did not have an invisibility cloak to hide himself under. He did not try again to make another. It ends up accidentally stuck into one of my school books, somehow. Luckily, I am both an animagus, and have the other half of the Potters’ invisibility cloak.
-Neville and I go to the Yule Ball together because we’re too scared to ask/be asked by anyone else.
-Amortentia isn’t a “love potion,” it’s a “Soulmate Scent.” Soulmates exist in our world. It smells like what your soulmate will. Mine smells of peppermint, dark chocolate, and expensive cologne.
-I am basically a human time-turner. In case anything awful happens accidentally, I can reverse time. Or if I’m sitting in a class I really don’t want to be in, I can fast forward time. In my universe, there are no time duplicates.
-Wizard Religion! We loosely believe in Greek Mythos, with Hecate being the Wizarding World’s patroness. I pray to her often and she rewards me with tokens of her gratitude. (Luck, skills/abilities, little objects of affection.) I like to think I’m one of her favorites, but we are all loved by her.
-Only first and second years have to wear uniforms, as a way to introduce us to formal wizarding customs and to keep us from wearing anything cringey or generally distracting to class, as kids sometimes do. After that we only have to wear robes to formal occasions. (First and last days of school, Halloween, Christmas if we’re at the castle for it, OWLs and NEWTs, etc.)
-My wardrobe is much bigger on the inside than it appears to be on the outside.
-School parties are definitely a thing and NEVER get interrupted. Snape is sometimes jealous because he was never welcomed at them when he was in school, but McGonagall and Professor Sprout often run interference on him so he doesn’t come and bust us. There’s a Quidditch before party, no one drinks and it’s generally just a friendly get-together. And then there’s Quidditch after-parties, invite-only at discreet locations you can only enter if invited by a player (from any team, even ones who didn’t play). There’s secret parties for every holiday, certain birthday parties that friends throw for one another, there’s a welcoming one and a going away one at the start of school and end of school respectively. Only fifth years and above are invited, and no one lets you drink or smoke if you’re under 16 to keep everyone safe.
-There’s a school trip with your year, every year. First years always go to one of the other wizarding schools to see how everyone else conducts their classes. We go to the American school my first year. Every trip is a week-long event, and we go to magical places across the world. Neville and I are “buddies” the whole time and have the absolute most fun every time. A few of the places we go are the Scottish Highlands for a wizarding Sun festival (A sect of wizards who worship Apollo), Venice, and a week-long Cherry Blossom festival in Japan. There are also class-specific trips that we take. Herbology has at least one every year because professor sprout loves getting the students out into real nature. We go to the Everglades, the Rainforest, etc. to see magic herbs that are protected in nature! Astronomy takes a trip to Northern Canada to go and see the Northern Lights! Stuff like that, pretty much at least once a quarter/twice a semester (if you take the right classes, that is). Hogwarts definitely believes in field experience and hands-on learning.
-The earth is MUCH healthier in my reality! Pollution is limited and mega corporations have to have clean energy to be approved by NATO. There are wizarding non-profits who go out and magically do beach/ocean cleanups, and who magically restore fracking areas and logging operations. There is so little air pollution that you can pretty much see thousands of stars wherever you are in the world, except on cloudy nights. There’s no littering or trash on highways or in waterways. People there just care about the world more.
-Healthcare is free, globally. Relief aid is given to the muggle world by the wizarding community, though they have to operate in secret. People care about each other more and the world is not falling apart!
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bexduri · 5 months
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hellooo there!! anth's (26, he/him, est) in your area! i'm really excited to be here and to introduce you to a muse who's really near to my heart, park duri(he/him, '03)! he's essentially a recreation of one of my most beloved muses, specially catered to this verse! i hope you all grow to love him as much as i love him! here you can find his about, here you can take a look at his pinterest, and here you can find some plots! without furtherado, let's get into park duri! if you'd like to plot, please like this post or feel free to im me!
i would just like to give a quick heads up that there is some triggers under the cut (and on duri's about page), these include car accident, parental death, ptsd, and injury! they're tagged accordingly, just in case you'd like to skip!
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born on christmas day in 2003 in seoul to two young parents, who were still in college at the time of duri's birth.
this meant that he spent a lot of time with his family members, like grandparents, and that of the such. duri became really family oriented from a young age because of this - he's always been pretty close to his family.
duri's parents kept going back and forth on names that they wanted to name duri at the time, and it was taking them a bit. however, when aeji's friends had visited her in the hospital to see the baby, they made mention of him being the perfect combination of the both of them. so, her friends suggested naming him duri (두리) meaning two. these friends still check in on duri from time to time, and he's friends with their kids, even though he is older.
when duri is four, his parents get their dream jobs, and they're finally able to live in a better apartment, and they kind of move to more of a fancy apartment, thanks to the jobs the two took on.
CAR ACCIDENT TW, PARENTAL DEATH TW // however, life took a turn for the worst when duri is six years old, and a car accident occurs, with him in the back seat. both of his parents pass from the accident, leaving duri the sole survivor, being pulled from the accident by bystanders. // END TW.
INJURY TW // he injured his leg pretty badly in the accident, causing him to be in a cast. later having to get physical therapy to get it back to the proper leg! he tends to suffer from a pain flare up in his right leg every now and then, but he usually just pushes through it - tending to hide it from those around him in someway because he doesn't want them to worry // END TW.
his uncle, hojoon, and his aunt, mihi, take over guardianship of duri. his uncle and aunt own a café, living in the two floor apartment above their successful café, in hongdae, mapo-gu, seoul.
PTSD, GRIEF TW // duri developed ptsd from the car accident, causing him these intense nightmares every now and then. sometimes even the sounds of smashing glass would cause him to have a ptsd episode. he would ultimately end up going to a therapist and grief counselor to help him. sometimes, he still struggles with his mental health and nightmares, but it's under control. // END TW.
other health is duri having an alcohol allergy. meaning he tends to have a terrible time with most foods, but will tend to pop allergy medication when he wants tteokbokki.
at some point, duri got really into music and singing. he would often sing a lot, run around singing, sing to himself, and all that type of stuff. his uncle and aunt picked up on it, but it wasn't until duri came to them that they put effort into getting him into music classes, most importantly vocal classes to really help him cultivate the vocals he was truly blessed with.
always did really well in school, got high marks. was often the class president/class representative because he was friends with everyone. a lot of people would tend to use that to their advantage though.
definitely got picked on too, though, due to being "so happy" and "so nice" all the time. also because sometimes he wouldn't eat in the cafeteria and would find somewhere to eat himself when his mental health would be making him feel kinda overwhelmed. this is something that he'll still do and that's probably when you know duri isn't feeling the best.
spent a lot of his time doing vocal classes and things of that nature, he never attended an after school academy - instead, he taught academics to himself in some kind of way. kind of just studied really hard, just so he didn't need it.
won a lot of talent/singing shows around seoul as a teenager, became rather known in that circle, especially for his voice.
he went on a variety show as a teenager as well, a singing show (think something like fantastic duo, the sistar episode lives in my head), that gathered himself some attention.
after the talent/singing shows and that variety show, he would often get casted by talent scouts. but, he always thought he was being scammed so he turned them down.
he has a youtube channel that he tends to upload to every now and then, maybe you could call him a youtuber, duri might not. but, he tends to upload song covers to that channel, as well as some of the vocal/talent competitions he's taken part of around seoul. check out duri's record shop on youtube!
he's known for his beastly vocals.
he really loves to sing, essentially does it pretty often, and is known to sing to himself whenever he's doing a task.
he attended yonsei university for like six months, but it just wasn't for him at all, so he ended up dropping out.
as a teenager, he gained two certifications - one in vocal training, as he got super into it throughout all the years that he's been in vocal classes himself and really studied, so he took the test! also attended barista school at night and got his certification in that, simply so he can help out at his uncle and aunt's café.
currently, duri works as a barista at his uncle and aunt's café! this is temporary, simply because he's trying to chase his dreams of becoming an idol. he uploads to his youtube channel every now and again, as well, especially because he has some more time.
duri can easily be described as bright, bubbly, happy, and sweet in a way; he's almost sickly sweet, bright, bubbly, and happy. he challenges the sun in that way and it's like sunshine follows behind him when he walks.
tends to hide his sadness and gloom because it's something that he feels from time to time, thanks to his mental health; but, he never wants to burden anyone with it, so he kind of just buries it in someway. perhaps, there's someway that you're able to tell that he's sad when you're close to him, but otherwise, he hides it.
there's not one mean bone in his body; who knows how that's possible, but duri doesn't know what that means!
i've always said if duri wasn't smart, he'd definitely be a himbo. he holds the himbo energy, 100%.
heart is too big for his chest really, he's someone who's also super caring and will always care about someone. tends to put others' before himself.
he can usually be seen with a big smile upon his lips. he's truly just always smiling.
honestly he's kind of just like a puppy, he's a soft boy in a harsh world, kind of scared of the world sometimes. he's a really big dreamer, believes in the stars, very into y2k stuff (lots of his wardrobe is y2k inspired.) likes big sweaters. really likes books, has a collection of books. loves plushies, has a collection of those as well. big foodie, big on cooking as well. can make a mean latte. he really likes "cozy" video games, such as stardew valley, animal crossing, disney dreamlight valley, house flipper, you see the theme!
he's not a big fan of cars or small spaces. elevators are something he's not a fan of, but he takes them because he usually just has to. at this point, duri just closes his eyes, stands in the back, and sings quietly to himself, pretending he was somewhere else. keeps his eyes closed until he's off the elevator - it's honestly a sight to see.
duri lives in the apartment next to his uncle's and aunt's apartment that's above the café, just so he has his own space and they thought it would be good to give duri his own space, esp so he can hang out with friends and such in his apartment. duri is still often in their apartment because he tends to cook dinner for them. half the time he's not entirely sure what to do with his own space, but you know.
he's very big, super gay! just very very gay, and we love that for him.
he's a big, big fan of cherish and nana. has definitely gone to a few different cherish and nana concerts over the year. also really likes ri5e/ris3, lightspeed, starlie, and a.maze.
really hopes he gets the chance to be a trainee and debut as an idol (main vocalist), it's his biggest dream and he's working really hard towards it! ♡
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
hi hello !! i'm stevie, i'm 21+, my pronouns are she/they, & i'm really excited to be here with you all now that my work schedule is less hectic ! i've had my eye on infinite for a while & finally decided to join in on the fun - with my beloved baby boy, nikolai ! he's the main vocalist for phoenix, a sweetie with a heart of gold, but he also has #issues &lt;/3 pls feel free to dm me for plotting or drop a like and i'll come to you !!
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look who’s joining the infinite tour! only nikolai xiang, who is the main vocalist of phoenix. i’ve heard whispers that the 26 year old is pretty cordial but lowkey neurotic. also, doesn’t he remind you of wen junhui?
tw for: substance abuse, death, abuse, homophobia, & mental illness.
background !
nikolai was born in hong kong on july 5th. he was raised there with his two brothers, one younger & one older, who both shared the same passion for music he did. the xiang's weren't a wealthy family, their father absent & an addict, leaving their mother to do p much everything by herself.
his relationship with his family was great, relying on them a lot growing up. their mother, a music teacher at their school & supporting as ever (bless her soul), uplifted & encouraged them to chase their dreams.
he looked up to his older brother a lot, basically idolizing him - desperately trying to follow his footsteps & be as effortlessly cool (as any younger sibling does tbh), even learning dance from him.
out of the 3, nikolai was always deemed most sensitive, taking literally everything to heart. he was a very sweet & outgoing kid, undoubtedly the softest.
things however took a turn when he was 12. both his older brother and mother were involved in an accident, which tragically took their lives. everything changed then, his brother & himself ending up in their father's care.
it forced him to grow up far more abruptly than any child should; he still had his younger brother to take care of. everything nikolai did from that point on was for him. he protected him from their father, never letting him lay a hand on him, basically raising him himself - they were attached at the hip.
when he turned 14, he started a job and began to save up. at this point in time he was already exhibiting symptoms of mental illness & it would go untreated until his early 20's.
some time later, nikolai began to come terms with his sexuality. he stayed closeted for a while, knowing that the people around him (brother excluded) didn't exactly "approve" of homosexuality. just a few months after his 16th birthday, his father caught him holding hands with another boy - the final straw for all of them.
he ended up getting very hurt physically & thrown out, left to the streets without a care. with nowhere to go, he was alone & afraid, but shortly after his brother joined him with the saved up money (and a handful of their dad's), & they headed for seoul to live with a recently reconnected aunt.
career !
nikolai was street cast only a few months after his move, shortly after his younger brother passed his auditions. initially he declined it because he believed his interest in music was gone, but the scouting agent didn't give up on him - showing up to pester him again a few days later. hesitantly, he finally agreed to do an audition & the rest was history.
he didn't understand why they had so much faith in some depressed kid, & would come to realize much later that it probably saved his life. days as a trainee were extremely challenging, especially with not being properly diagnosed or treated for his mental health concerns, but it gave him something to put his energy into, his passion for it quickly reigniting.
after a few years of being a trainee, nikolai was 20 when phoenix debuted !! all the hard work had finally paid off & the group headed for stardom.
he is very much the mood maker of the group ! he also enjoys doing vlives, ig lives, the works - whether he's with the members or just by himself. a lot of the time, he solo streams in the middle of the night, talking to flames centring him & filling a sort of perpetual lonely void. in these middle of the night lives, flames get to see the quieter side of him.
personality !
there are 2 very different sides to nikolai & he's open about both of them. on one hand, he's an extremely warm, friendly & just universally loved guy, known to goof off a bit and let loose while still being respectful. flames consider him very charming, though he doesn't exactly see it himself.
below the surface though is a tired and broken man. his struggles with mental health is a topic that (after years in the industry) he talks about openly & honestly. his group members & those who knew him in his trainee days are most familiar with this side of him, but he's publically an advocate for mental health, and has been vulnerable with his own.
there are times where it noticeably seeps through in things like variety show appearances & group vlives, but he generally does his best to provide the fans with good energy :( over the years he's taken a few month long hiatuses to focus on getting better.
he's still an extremely sensitive person, kind-hearted, & wears his heart on his sleeve. he would give someone the shirt off of his back, no questions asked. taking care of people is just part of who he is. he's the one who wakes up before dawn to cook breakfast for the rest of the members, the first to offer water or a jacket, constantly making sure the people around him are okay.
VERY DRAMATIC. very extra. he's known to sulk easily, & fans eat that shit up even though it's seldom intentional.
he alsoooo is a bit of a party animal. it's fine when done in moderation, here & there, but he's prone to binge drinking & indulging in that sort of behaviour, especially during difficult times. he can be messy, & it's gotten him in trouble with their manager more than a few times, though he's careful not to let it be seen by the public.
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redvanillabee · 2 years
also re: jack originally being in his 30s: i mean, technically he still could be? cmm was early-mid 30s during filming, i think? i've just always thought of him as being 26 during s1 (between peggy, canonically 25, and daniel, canonically 27) because cmm's right in the middle, agewise, of hatwell and enver, but there's absolutely nothing in canon saying how old he is. if it means anything, michael's probably 30 or so during season 2 (not the flashbacks; i refuse to believe that man is dead)...
(re the casting call link in this post)
I guess I was just surprised by the casting call cos I tend to write him a little younger, closer to Daniel's age. Both myself and a few people I've talked to tend to assume that he basically graduated not long before Pearl Harbour; I've even seen suggestions that he dropped out of college to enlist. So to see that he is actually a good few years older than Peggy and Daniel really brings a new perspective to his character.
Also—and this just came to mind, but the fact that he is a good few years older than Daniel really adds a new layer of desperation to his arc in s2, no? It would add a layer ot why he is so eager to do as Vernon says and get in with the 'right crowd'. Not only is it partly in his nature to follow and please an authority figure, but one of his main goals post war is to make a name for himself. To establish himself. He is supposed to be a Functional Adult, and yet here he is, working for what Vernon describes is a dying organisation. Barely able to keep a handle on his own subordinates. Have an almost-canon drinking problema and still burdened by trauma and likely PTSD. While Daniel—a disabled veteran, likely a working class kid who doesn't have the shiny background and connections that Jack has—rose from the butt of the office to a whole regional chief himself in a year.
I'm also definitely thinking about that Jack-Michael parallel from a few days ago. I dont' think the writers were planning that far in advance when they decided that Jack is in his 30s, but puts him much closer in age to Michael than Peggy. Which just makes for even more Annoying Older Brother Parallels :D
(btw where are you getting Daniel's canon age. I've been quietly screaming for two years over the fact that AOS S7 gave us his whole damn personnel file and still we don't have a date of birth.)
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
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NAME. Okello Brown AGE. 26 ALUMNI HOUSE. Gryffindor BLOOD STATUS. Muggleborn FACECLAIM. Daniel Kaluuya
Okello Brown never set out to change the world. He was an average kid from an average home and he had average expectations for his life — except it turned out he was wrong about all of that. Because Okello wasn’t average, he was magic. All the weird little things that happened whenever he was around weren’t mere coincidence, or the result of an ordinarily hectic family existing in close proximity to one another. They were a sign of wizardry, and he needed to go to school to learn to master those powers. This revelation led to something of a row between Okello’s parents, but eventually the witch who’d brought them the news got everything sorted out and straightened up and the next thing Okello knew, he was on his way to a magical castle to learn how to cast spells. It was unbelievable... but it wasn’t perfect, of course. Nothing in life is, not even magic.
That was all right, it wasn’t exactly a surprise. Okello had never expected perfection, so finding that Hogwarts came with its fair share of sneers and shadows and prejudice was hardly earth-shaking. Okello did the same thing he’d always done back home: he kept his head down, he didn’t make trouble, and he just got on with his life. Rabble-rousing and protesting and whinging about fairness was for other people. Not everyone in Hogwarts agreed, of course; there are troublemakers everywhere. The Wizarding World seemed to have almost as many as the Muggle, although the fact they all had wands made them a little harder to ignore. Okello tried, though. And for years he succeeded: he built himself a neat, safe, happy little life where he didn’t have to deal with things like Death Eaters and Ministry raids and Dark Marks.
That changed the day he came home to find one of the latter hanging over his home, the lifeless body of his soon-to-be wife inside. Suddenly their happy life, all their plans for the future, were shattered and Okello was left adrift in a world — in two worlds — where he no longer had a place. He couldn’t leave magic behind and go live with his Muggle relations, the way he and his fiancée had talked about. It would’ve been easy, with them both being muggleborns. But leaving the Wizarding World without her would mean leaving behind his memories of her, of all the places they had shared, too. But staying here surrounded by reminders of the woman he’d loved — of the life he had lost — was no better. Eventually Okello realized there was only one way to live in this world without her: to fight for it.
Okello didn’t know how to get in touch with the vigilante group that was causing the Death Eaters such fits — didn’t even know their name. But he hadn’t spent a lifetime keeping his head down without learning how to do the opposite. How to be noticed. So he made himself visible. Made himself a target. The only question was who would find him first. And if that happened to be the Death Eaters, well, at least he could take a few of them with him before the Dark Mark indicating his corpse’s resting place rose into the sky. It wasn’t as though he had anything left to live for. Fortunately, it was the Order who came and with the Order, Okello has found a new reason to live. Not love; that was lost to him. But friends, allies? People he can fight beside, can rage beside? That, he has, and it’s good. But is there any point in holding himself to the moral standards of the man he’ll never be again? Maybe it’s time — past time — for the Order to take the Dark into their own hands. Maybe if someone had done that sooner, his wife would still be alive. Maybe it’s time to make sure nobody else dies in this war... except the enemy, of course. Every last one of them.
WILA TRAVERS. They were in the same year, the same house, in school. That doesn’t mean Okello ever expected to have anything in common with this wealthy witch from an old magical family — but now they’re more than just on the same side. They’re here for the same reason: revenge. He’s never felt as though he understands someone this much, this quickly - even his fiancée. If he wasn’t so numb he’d probably feel guilty. ZINNIA TURPIN. They’re both new to the Order — sort of. Zinnia was here before, but doesn’t remember much of it, so doesn’t that sort of put them on a level playing field? Okello knew her in school, but they didn’t really know one another. She’s here now, though, and is willing to fight, which means she’s a friend of sorts. If friend means on the same side, anyway. He hopes she’ll eventually remember who cursed her — so he can kill them.  GLENDA CHITTOCK. He’s not sure why she’s here, to be honest. She has power from the famous people in her life and could coast through this war with her head down if she wanted. But he’s certainly glad she is. Her radio show led him to the Order — well, led him to the idea of it. He’d been listening, realized it was more than just music, and it had pushed him towards seeking the group — towards making himself a target, hoping they’d show. He owes her one. 
**Note: Okello has not yet joined the Order. Upon an acceptance, a plot drop will occur which will allow him into the organization. 
Any applicant should include information regarding Okello’s fiancée in their application; the admins will then do a “npc bio” for the deceased character. The fiancée can be of any gender.
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thedaveandkimmershow · 7 months
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It's Linzy's birthday today and what I shall forthrightly and adamantly avoid is to post pictures of when she was a newborn or when she was a kid.
She's 26 years old, for crying out loud. I shoulda stopped doing that more than a decade ago. 😐
I shall also forthrightly and adamantly avoid making today about the missus 'n me. Because, you know, we've got stories. Stories that are still easily accessible right at the tips of our fingers kinds of stories.
I could tell you one right now about the day Linzy was born...
But I'm not gonna.
Instead, I'll point out how we still feel what our twenties were like. And we can very much see through Linzy's eyes what they're like right now.
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In many ways, her twenties and our twenties aren't that different. At the same time, they're nothing like each other. They couldn't be more different.
By which I mean to say that the fundamentals of being a twenty-something haven't changed whilst the environment in which present day twenty-somethings exist is breathtakingly, profoundly different.
Profoundly different.
They're basically living a reboot.
As if the cast of a Western film classic like "High Noon" was reimagined into the middle of a Science Fiction classic like "Blade Runner".
Same people.
Wildly different environment.
And oh yes. They're also living a fiercely different story.
If you don't believe me, God. Just look around. Because this, all around us, is a fiercely different story.
So when we say we're proud of our daughter... it's because we know her story.
From Day 1.
We know her, we know her story, we know the cast of characters who've taken the stage with her (all manner of heroes and villains), and we know the world she's navigating.
And yes.
We remember the twenty-something gig.
So when we say we're proud of her, we say that with the full knowledge of having done the twenty-something gig and recognizing what that's like today. Right now.
This very moment.
With that in mind, we're impressed as hell by her relentless pursuit of her music career. Her dreams. We're impressed by the unimaginable work that goes into being in two successful bands and performing to packed audiences. In fact, by this time next month, one of those bands, The Little Lies, will have performed in front of an arena filled by a crowd of thousands at a Kraken game.
Did not, by the way, see that coming.
Really did not.
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In many ways, we're still her first audience for song demos. At least we like to think we are.
We're probably nine and ten on the list 'cause she's got a lot of friends who are professionals in the local music community.
Aside from those demos, I thoroughly enjoy kicking ideas around with her when it comes to her Dream Patrol brand, the wing of her creativity reserved for the techno/pop/cinematic/layered vibe she does so well. It's also a completely engaging exercise to talk about the difference between one of her songs produced as a Linzy Collins production versus a Dream Patrol production. And then imagining what a live Dream Patrol show looks like.
It's her future actively being written before our very eyes.
You know?
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Linzy's always been a hard worker which, I admit, I hate how that doesn't sound like one of those cool things of which to be proud. But in Linzy's case, from learning to play the piano, the guitar, the clarinet, the trombone, the cello... to interior and exterior house painting to filing to spreadsheets to high-end home cleaning with an agency... to putting bands together to the DIY nature of being a band in the PNW handling everything from songwriting to arranging to producing to recording to sound mixing to cover art to marketing and promoting and rehearsing and rehearsing and...
Maybe "hard worker" isn't the way to put it. Maybe "relentless master of her pursuits" works a little better.
Okay. A lot better. 😁
Because while she has the whatever it is people have inside them that keeps then going... she also has the bandwidth, the intellect, the emotional IQ, the verbal skills, the professional vibe, the work ethic, and the sheer creative prowess to prevail at something that was barely a dream once upon a time that's now an actual, paying, honest-to-God career with plenty of success behind her and plenty of room above her to keep reaching ever upward propelled there by her solo work, her band work, her Dream Patrol work, her production and songwriting services, and so on.
All that atop the reality of living in a major urban center, in her twenties, in today's world.
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The challenges are intimidating, of course. I won't lie. They're suffocating, sometimes demoralizing at times. Not just for her but for anyone pursuing the life she's choosing, this passion she's following, this craft she's absolutely mastering alongside the community of professional musicians she calls friends, collaborators, bandmates, and badass gifted artists.
It's a helluva thing to watch, this life she's challenging, this career she's building. And yes yes yes. Of course we're proud. Of course.
But it's also exciting as hell.
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Cast Reveal #3 - Antigua - Old School
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First Survivor Season: TS Montenegro (June 2019)
Intro: 28. zilennial. enfj. begrudgingly a morning person and a glass half full person. is happiest cuddling & sleeping in bed or on a roadtrip. writer & poet. humanistic spiritual interpreter. professional ipad baby. the most taylor swift hating taylor swift listener. happiest zero vote finalist. moved cross country recently and is still adjusting to being in CST after a lifetime of PST. cries pretty easily after a lifetime of repressed emotions so don't take it personally. a little pretentious about how much they love music but definitely not in music taste. in a perpetual state of grief & love. misses the beach.
Three Words to Describe You: Effervescent, passionate, creative
Hobbies and Passions: Writing, collaging. Playing online Catan and some video games like Overwatch, Mario Kart, etc. Reading tarot and astrological charts. Pointless debates. Finding humor in everything (genuinely). Going on long drives. Going to the beach. Making playlists for people I love.
What You're Most Proud Of: Myself and how far I've come after all I survive and keep surviving.
Why You'll Win: I think 3rd time may actually be the charm!
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First Survivor Season: Stings Tierra del Fuego (July 2020)
Intro: Howdy party people, my name is Maddison and I’m super excited to (potentially) play with all of you! This is about as exciting as my tinder profile, so I’ll notably mention my love for basketball and being a plant mother. I’m a 26 y/o lil bisexual and I work in marketing (thrilling!)
Three Words to Describe You: silly, goofy, cowboy
Hobbies and Passions: listening to live music, watching women’s sports & anything outdoors!
What You're Most Proud Of: Leaving my small, rural hometown and building a life for myself that feels authentic and open to possibility.
Why You'll Win: I can win this game because I am open, adaptive and flexible to others gameplay.
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First Survivor Season: Athena Azores (July 2017)
Intro: I'm Raffy. I wasn't planning on playing a game so soon after, but it is Jay hosting and I love them. So here I am again to make a fool of myself.
Three Words to Describe You: Prideful, Sentimental, Bold
Hobbies and Passions: Reading, writing, and playing video games
What You're Most Proud Of: I am most proud of my senior thesis I wrote in university. It taught me a lot about where my skills as a writer lies and the joy of research. I’m actually working towards creating more analytical essays on some of my favorite TV shows and video games (though I still have to get around to it)!
Why You'll Win: Because I am headstrong and determined to do my best in everything!
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First Survivor Season: Supreme Madagascar (February 2016)
Intro: Hey y’all! I’m Steven and I’m a Florida guy without the Florida vibes. I work as a line cook and love Pokémon, board games, and reality tv. It’s also my birthday month so please be nice to me
Three Words to Describe You: Optimistic, competitive, opinionated
Hobbies and Passions: Watching reality tv, Pokémon, and baking
What You're Most Proud Of: That I am able to always push myself to overcome what scares me and grow as a person from it
Why You'll Win: I know what I am successful at and hopefully can balance the things I struggle with to make my way to the end
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First Survivor Season: TS Kiwayu (March 2015)
Intro: Hi kids it’s everyone’s fave elusive icon back from the grave to play again! Currently using she/her pronouns and am a fresh crispy 26 years of age! Unfortunate facts about me include that I’m a swiftie, I identify as a slytherin in ironically, and i’m mentally stuck in 2004! 🫶🏼 Excited to dust off the ole brain cells and play again with everyone!
Three Words to Describe You: Kooky, Kwazy, and Kunty (can i say that?)
Hobbies and Passions: Spin/the gym in general, reading, and arts and crafts 🫶🏼
What You're Most Proud Of: My fiancé and I recently bought property in the year 2023 and we never thought that would happen so that’s probably my most proud moment 💅🏼
Why You'll Win: Because I’m funny but also snakey and everyone loves the mean one with the good one liners
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fourth-quartet · 1 year
For the ask game (gonna do a little bit of everything):
Personal: 1, 11, 13, 26, 30, 39, 63, 69 (cuz why not?)
Favorites: 72, 83, 85
Family, childhood and places: 101, 102, 105
Friends: 108, 109, 111
Relationships: 127, 129, 149, 153
Music, movies and books: 181, 182, 188, 190
Situations and crazy things: 195, 208, 213
Opinions and beliefs: 219
Feelings and Others: 230, 234, 264, 265
Go nuts!!
Answers below!
1 - How are you? Altogether, I'm doing alright. Today was a very stressful and exhausting day, but I made it through and now I get some time to just relax. 11 - Have you ever dyed your hair? Oh my god, yeah. Until very recently my hair had been consistently dyed since I was about twelve years old. The last time I shaved my head, I decided to let it grow in the way it naturally is (auburn in color) 13 - If you could change your eye color, would you? I wouldn't! I have green eyes and it's one of my favorite things about myself. 26 - Something you are working on right now: Honestly? Taking time for myself and just existing in my body in the present. 30 - What do you think you’re really good at? Writing ^^ 39 - Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? I do! He's a stuffed tiger from Build-A-Bear. 63 - A quote you try to live by: Be Kind. Do good. 69 - Leave me a compliment: I don't want to sound shallow but you're??? really freaking pretty Sass. No kidding, I always get excited when you post a pic because you've got killer makeup and fashion.
72 - What’s your favorite band/singer? Right now, I've been really revisiting my love for Steven Suptic's voice via his music under the SUGR? name. 83 - What is your favorite flower? Daisies~ 85 - What is your favorite season? Autumn!
101 - Where would you like to live? I would honestly love to either be back in the northeast (Boston I miss u) or in the PNW. I have family in Idaho so Washington state would be great (relatively close by but not in Idaho) 102 - What would your dream house be like? This always confuses people, but I actually don't ever want to own a house! I'll be content to rent for the rest of my life. There's something so reassuring to me about the possibility of picking up roots and moving when I want to. 105 - Top three places to visit: I have no idea. I'm so used to road trips with my family that I don't have a list of places I'd love to visit, nor do I have a list that I enjoyed visiting all that much. Always museums though.
108 - Who is someone you never tire of? My darling best friend Kay. 109 - Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? Nope o.o 111 - Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? Kay, for sure.
127 - What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Fashion sense. 129 - What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? Hand size 149 - Say five ways to win your heart: parallel play, watching shows with me, check-ins, respecting boundaries, words of encouragement for literally anything 153 - What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? A guy I knew my senior year of high school realized I never had any food and started bringing me lunch every day because he liked cooking and cooked meals for his family every night.
181 - How often do you listen to music? More than I don't listen to music. 182 - What kind of music you like? It's all over the place. I listen to a lot of kpop (2nd-4th gen), I listen to stuff from the emo/pop punk 00s vibes, I listen to some general indie singer-songwriter stuff, I listen to Broadway. 188 - Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play: Shake It Up - Super Junior, U - Super Junior, Gold Dust - Changmin, Beautiful Monster - STAYC, Fallin' Down - DinDin, These Drugs - Sugar Pine 7, Outlaws of Love - Adam Lambert, If the World Only Knew- Joshua Colley, Don't Let Me Know - Smash Cast, Eat Your Young - Hozier 190 - Describe your dream library: Natural lighting, not overwhelming in its presence, little nooks to curl up in and read, options for paper, audio or kindle
195 - If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be? There's this book I read when I was a kid called the Westing Game. Turtle has always had a soft spot in my heart. 208 - 5 things within touching distance: My pillow (zebra-striped pillowcase), my switch (lite, salmon colored), my stuffed animal (tiger, Hobi, he/him), my Kugrash plush in my window, my phone 213 - If you met me what would you do? ask for permission to give you a hug!
219 - Do you consider yourself lucky? What’s your good luck charm? I don't! I actually consider myself to be unlucky most of the time ehehehe
230 - Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? It depends on what the thing is, but I'm actually generally a 'get things done early' type. 234 - Something that you’re proud of: I'm published!! 264 - One thing you’re excited for: My brother and I just got approved for an apartment together and I'm excited to move in with him. 265 - Describe the most terrifying/strangest/beautiful dream you’ve ever had: We had to keep dream journals in one of my fiction classes, so I can actually copy directly from when I had it the first time- "
I’m aware it’s a dream, and that my actions have control over everything else. In some ways, this godly power gives me anxiety; what if I fuck up? What if I hurt someone in my dreams? Will I hurt them in real life? Will they know? 
I stand in a theater, an auditorium, and I look out at the rising seats. Red in color, dark red, bathed in darkness. Outside, somewhere, sirens wail, ascending and descending, growing closer and further, as though the concept of distance doesn’t truly exist. Like they’re driving in circles. Or rather, like the sirens are moving in circles without them; I don’t hear engines. 
I hear birds chirping and whales singing and I can feel their loneliness in my bones, itching, crawling on my skin, and rolling around in my skull, bouncing like a DVD logo. Their loneliness echoes my own isolation in this theater, putting on a show for patrons I cannot see, with a script I do not know. The papers in my hand, appearing as I look, are blank; I need to write my own show on the spot, but if I do not entertain then it will be my own downfall, embarrassment and shame, that are the entertainment for the cruel patrons playing the game."
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johnhardinsawyer · 1 year
Where are you headed?
John Sawyer
Bedford Presbyterian Church
4 / 2 / 23 – Palm/Passion Sunday
Matthew 21:1-11
Matthew 26:17-30
“Where are you headed?”
(Straight to. . . Wherever Jesus Goes)
When I was in High School, there was a rock band called Drivin’ N Cryin’ that made it big, regionally, touring across the Southeast.  Just in case you’re wonderin’, yes, both the words “Drivin’” and “Cryin’” end with apostrophes and these two words are connected with the letter “N,” as opposed to the word “a-n-d.”  Anyway, probably the most enduring song from Drivin’ N Cryin’ is about this kid who lives kind of a wild life and comes from a neighborhood and a home where a lot of people are living wild lives.  The song definitely wasn’t written for church.  It was written to be sung really loud in crowded bars and theatres – and, I won’t ask the choir to join in with me this morning – but the chorus goes like this:  I’m goin’ straight to Hell, just like my Mama says.  I’m goin’ straight to Hell.[1]
Now, I hesitated to sing these words in church this morning, but the title of today’s sermon is “Where are you headed?”  And this song was the first thing that came to mind in a week when children and teachers and a tortured soul with too many guns were all shot dead in an elementary school in Nashville, thirty-nine migrants were killed in a riot at an immigration facility in Mexico, and people were picking up the pieces after catastrophic deadly storms in Mississippi. . . and that was just on Monday.  By Wednesday, someone had text messaged everyone in the church,  posing as me, using my name and asking for money, and I was like “What in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks?!?!”
Over the years, there have been many people who have said that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, or a handcart, or in a handbag, but sometimes, it would appear that the world has eschewed the need for a carrying receptacle – like a handbasket or handcart – and is just going to hell on its own. . .  We’re goin’ straight to. . . without a handbag. . . Lord, save us. . .  
In today’s first scripture reading – the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem – we are not told if he carried anything like a handbasket on his borrowed donkey and colt, but I’m sure there were those who wondered where this miracle-working Rabbi from Nazareth was headed as he rode into the city.  Who was this guy, riding on borrowed livestock?  What had he come to do?  Where was he headed?
To be clear, Jesus was always clear about where he was headed.  Three times in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples something like:  
We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death; then they will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified; and on the third day he will be raised.  (Matthew 20:18-19)[2]
This never goes over well with the disciples.  We see Peter, in Matthew 16, greatly agitated with Jesus.  And in Matthew 17, the disciples are greatly distressed when they hear Jesus talking this way.  Where is Jesus headed?  Well. . . to Jerusalem. . . to die. . .  One of my favorite sayings of Jesus foretelling his own death – if one can have a favorite saying of Jesus foretelling his own death – is when Jesus is on the way toward Jerusalem and he gets word that King Herod wants to kill him.  Jesus responds by laying out his agenda:
Go and tell that old fox for me, ‘Listen, I am casting out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish my work.  Yet today, tomorrow, and the next day I must be on my way, because it is impossible for a prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem.’ Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it!  How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing.  See, your house is left to you.  And I tell you, you will not see me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.’  (Luke 13:32-35)
“Listen,” Jesus says, “I’m going to go about the work of bringing healing and wholeness to people who are sick in mind and body and spirit, and then I am going up to Jerusalem because that is the place that kills prophets.  I have wanted to gather you people together and protect you with God’s loving protection, but you don’t want what I have to offer.  I’m on the way to you, though – threats or no threats – and there just might come a day when you will say, ‘Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord.’”
In today’s story, we find Jesus heading into the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it with people literally shouting, “Hosanna!  . . . Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”  (Matthew 21:9) “Who is this?” the people of the city ask.  “This is the prophet Jesus,” the crowd responds.[3]  As the story goes, the whole city is stirred up – “in turmoil”[4] – “quaking with agitation.”[5]  Just so you know, this is the same word that gets used just a few chapters later in Matthew to describe the quaking of the earth when Jesus dies on the cross.[6]    
We who hear this story, two thousand years later, and re-hear it again and again year after year on Palm Sunday – Passion Sunday – can’t help but think that we are watching a car crash happening at the speed of a donkey and a colt making their way through a large crowd.  We, who already know the whole story, know where this is headed – whether the crowd or the disciples know it in full, or not.  We know the hell that awaits – the false accusations by those afraid of losing power, the petty politics of the Jews and the Romans, the betrayal, the arrest, the beating, the mocking, the crown of thorns, the cross, the nails, the spear, the cry of abandonment, the slain body laid in a tomb.  
“Hosanna!” the people cry out as Jesus rides into the city – a word that means, “Lord, help us!  Lord, save us!”[7]  “Where are you headed Jesus?”  Straight to. . . Well, just where he said he’d go.  
The great Reformed theologian Karl Barth writes about this:  
Who was God and what did God do through the suffering and death of this man Jesus?
It so happened that in. . . Jesus, God. . . came into the world, which God had created and against all odds still loved.  God took [on] human nature. . . and became human, like the rest of us, in order to put an end to the world’s fight against God and also against itself, and to replace our human disorder by God’s design.  In Jesus God’s name was hallowed, made God’s kingdom come, God’s will done on earth as it is in heaven, as we say in the Lord’s Prayer . . . To accomplish this, God not only bandaged, but healed the wounds of the world; God helped humankind not only in part and temporarily, but radically and for good in the person of God’s beloved Son; God delivered us from evil and took us to God’s own heart as God’s own children. . .  It happened through this man on the cross that God canceled out and swept away all our human wickedness, our pride, our anxiety, our greeds and our false pretenses, whereby we had continually offended God and made life difficult, if not impossible, for ourselves and for others.  God crossed out what had made our life fundamentally terrifying, dark and distressing. . . God did away with it.  It is no longer part of us, it is behind us. . .
God saved us and made us free to live in God’s everlasting kingdom; God removed the burden and took it upon God’s own self.  God the innocent took the place of us the guilty.  God the mighty took the place of us the weak.  God the living One took the place of us the dying.
This, my friends, is the invisible event that took place in the suffering and death of the man hanging on the middle cross on Golgotha.  This is reconciliation: his [condemnation] our liberation, his defeat our victory, his mortal pain the beginning of our joy, his death the birth of our life.[8]
In Jesus Christ, God was (and is) bringing the kingdom of heaven into the world, bringing all the world into the kingdom of heaven, and being willing to go through hell to do it.  There are some traditions in which Jesus literally goes down to hell, to bring out those who have been imprisoned there.[9]  In church, whenever we say the ancient Apostles Creed, we are invited to say the words, “He descended into hell” as part of this tradition.  There are many people, throughout many centuries, who have thought, and written, and imagined many things about a literal place called “Hell” that is the opposite of “Heaven” and is supposedly where bad people go when they die.  
For my own part, though, I don’t spend much time thinking about this kind of stuff.  There is enough hell for us to see and experience right here in this life.  Besides, I’m convinced that the hell on earth Jesus encountered takes the teeth out of any hell – whether it is in this world or in the world that is to come – so that we might encounter some of heaven, instead. We don’t always see it this way, usually dwelling more on the hell we see than the heaven that is always being offered to us.  But Jesus offers us a glimpse, a taste, maybe even a full-on vision of more than we can see when we read the news, or get the test results from our doctor, or look at our bank balance, or get caught in whatever personal hells this world might throw our way.  Yes, this life can be so hard – hard as hell.  But we have a God who knows how hard it can be for us – a God who is for us when life is so hard for us.  
We see this at work in today’s second scripture reading, when Jesus – in the face of the hell that lies ahead and the betrayal and denial of the friends who are sitting around the table with him – says, “Take, eat; this is my body. . .” and “. . . this is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”  (Matthew 26:26-28). Here, Jesus is offering his very self to give his friends – to give us – the strength, and the Holy presence of mind, and heart, and spirit to face all the hell that lies ahead. . .  until the kingdom of heaven can be seen on the earth, until earth starts to look more and more like heaven. . .
There are some days when heaven is so hard to see, and yet we long for heaven, we pray for heaven, and as followers of Jesus, we are called to work for heaven until it is on earth as it is in heaven.  It just so happens that tomorrow evening, the Monday of Holy Week, the Session of this church will be meeting to discuss – and possibly vote upon – a new vision and mission statement for the congregation.  This is just a rough draft, but the first line for the new vision statement is:  
With God’s help, Bedford Presbyterian Church envisions a congregation, community, and world that is more loving, peaceful, and whole – on earth as it is in heaven.  
There is more to it, of course, but to envision and work for a better world – to have hope even when confronted by hell – is a bold stance to take.  We live in a world that could definitely be more loving, peaceful, and whole – and we claim to follow the One who humbly rides into this world to make it on earth as it is in heaven.  Would we dare to be part of God’s Holy purpose?  Would we be open to following the One who came to bring an end to the hells that threaten to undo us?  If we do dare – if we are open – this Table is a good place to begin. . . or to begin, again – trusting in the loving, strengthening presence of the One who knows what it means to sacrifice, and suffer, and then. . . in the end. . . triumph over any and all suffering – even death and hell.  
In the end, as the story goes, the disciples finish their meal, sing a hymn and go out into the night – to the Garden of Gethsemane, and all the hell and all the heaven that lies ahead.  In just a little while, this morning, we will do the same.
Hosanna. . . Lord, save us. . .  May we envision heaven here on earth, trusting in God’s saving power to make us – and the world, through us – more loving, peaceful, and whole, until it is on earth as it is in heaven.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_to_Hell_(Drivin_N_Cryin_song), https://genius.com/Drivin-n-cryin-straight-to-hell-lyrics.
[2] See also Matthew 16:21-23 and 17:22-23.  
[3] See Matthew 21:10-11.
[4] See Matthew 21:10.
[5] Walter Bauer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979) 746.
[6] See Matthew 27:51.
[7] Walter Bauer, 899.
[8]  Karl Barth, Deliverance to the Captives (Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001) 79-80.  Edited by JHS for gender neutrality.
[9] See Ephesians 4:9 and 1 Peter 3:19.
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