#(( and some more Upkeep here because damn lmao ))
gacha-pcn · 2 years
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(( Okay so— a bitch finally delved into Twisted Wonderland like they’ve been meaning to ( it me. i’m bitch ) and i LOVE THAT SHIT. I read the manga and anthology and recently started getting back into the Game, so I’m not very far along in that. But also I’d Die for my Wonderland babs and am holding them up like goddamn Simba because Whomst would like to indulge, I promise I do not bite. I am literally a bean... *wheezes and lies down* )) 
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summonerscenarios · 3 years
So, mc adopting at least one of each of the Child mobs, how would that go?
Sadly I was only able to work on two of the mob kiddos as I didn't want this to get too long but I still hope its okay~!
Also just a heads up a lot of this is a pure waffle of information based on my own interpretations of the mobs so here's hoping I did a good job with them lmao.
It wouldn’t have been the first time you’d ended up inadvertently adopting someone, nor will it be the last knowing your luck. It’s not like you intentionally do anything to draw people to you, it just so happened that the things that you did and situations you got wrapped up in led to you getting to know all kinds of people in the process. And those people saw you in all kinds of ways - most saw you as friends, others saw someone else in you, more than a few made no attempts to hide their blatant flirting - and, rarely, a few would even see you as a role model,a mentor or parental figure to look up to.
You honestly have no idea why, after all, it’s not as though you go out of your way to make particularly responsible decisions (if anything, you get yourself in enough trouble that you’d imagine you’re anything but a role model) but a lot of the younger transients and students seem to flock towards your presence, looking for comfort, advice, or just someone who respects them. At first it was just the younger members of your guild that you technically took under your wing - as the Guildmaster you assumed it was only natural to look out for them, and you’d long gotten used to protecting Agyo and Kijimuna, wanting to make sure that the only thing they had to worry about was having the chance to be kids rather than getting dragged into the Guild’s app-based affairs. It’s not like responsible parental figures are easy to come by in this world of app-battles and fighting, so that’s perhaps why when you start taking a more protective, nurturing role with the younger ones that more of them begin popping up.
Surprisingly, the ghosts are some of the first mob children that you noticed began flocking towards you. Roaming spirits are unusual but certainly not rare, and it honestly breaks your heart a little to see so many young ghosts lingering around in the unexplored corners of the city, searching for one thing or another. Things feel...off, for a while before you can pin down the issue - you start feeling as though you’re being watched when you’re in the guildhouse by someone other than your teammates, and when your attempts to shake off the uneasy feeling doesn’t work, you decide to bring it up to your fellow Guild members in case it’s someone trying to spy. You want to make sure it’s not someone who can bring danger to the guild, but you don’t have much of a chance to set up a search of the building when the D-evils come tottering into your field of view, screeching up a storm and motioning towards an otherwise unassuming corner of the window.
Turns out you weren’t the only one noticing the other presence, as Shiro’s D-evils seem to have picked up on it to - and when your attention snaps over to the window to see what they’re pointing to you barely catch a glimpse of the flickering figure of a ghost child as they disappear from view. From that point on you start spotting the child more often - he’s shy or wary, always lingering someone just out of the corner of your eye but never getting any closer almost like he’s afraid. He seems to have taken an interest in you though, especially whenever the younger guild members come around to spend time at the guild, and it isn’t long before you notice that he’s intently watching the way you watch over and care for the kids of the guild - he looks almost sad in these instances, but never dares to get any closer and disappears as soon as you turn to look at him. Over time it becomes almost normal to have a resident ghost at the guild (though Agyo still shudders at the mention of ghosts despite having seen the kid plenty of times since arriving). He seems to be more at ease after a while of watching you, and things finally come to a head one day when you’re playing videogames with Hanuman and the other kids, noticing that the little ghost has wandered far closer than he’d ever done in the past, watching the small screen setup on the floor with an avid interest that seems far happier than the forlorn looks he’d had before. Taking a chance you tilt your head to look over at the ghost child, motioning him to come over and join; he disappears for a moment, startled, but right as you start to worry you may have scared the kid off he rematerializes, inching hesitantly closer and closer till he’s hovering beside the rest of your group, eyes fixed to the characters on screen with a child-like wonder.
You aren’t quite sure how this ended up with you adopting the ghost child yourself. It’s just one day you were talking about how you were pretty much adopted by the teachers at school and how you’d like to pay it forward some day, and the next you were talking about ‘son’ this, and ‘might as well take the kid under your wing’ that - you were practically acting like an impromptu parent for like a fifth of the people you knew anyway, so what was actually adopting a child? Toji had just about choked to death when you’d made the unfortunate decision to announce that fact mid-drink, and Shiro spent more than his fair share of time probing you with the legal questions surrounding a student adopting a child, ghost transient or not. Ryota seems incredibly excited by the idea however, gushing about being an uncle and wondering if your new son can eat and if so what his favorite food is - plenty of questions for a later time.
Ghost is certainly the most clingy of the children you end up adopting, and it’s clear from the get go in the sense that the poor little one is essentially glued to your side from the moment you take the venture to actually adopting him. With few things remaining in the physical world to cling onto, the familial bond is something that the little one cherishes and he absolutely refuses to budge on letting it, and by proxy, you, go. For a while he actually fears you’re going to leave him and take back what you said about protecting him and being a good parent. He of course had parents once, and their lack of presence at his side now paints a tragic picture no matter what way you look at it, so the kids got more than a few attachment issues you need to work through. Ghost doesn’t really talk too much, instead relying on gestures and interacting with things around him to talk to you and others - it takes a little bit to get used to if you’re unfamiliar with some of the gestures but it’s easy to pick up as time goes on.
Definitely one of the more well behaved children of the bunch, given that once you’ve convinced him that you’re not abandoning him he’s dead set on making you proud. He gets antsy when you’re not around, spending most of his time at the guild when you're at classes, but he takes to following Agyo around instead during these times. Agyo’s more than a little startled at first, and is a bit awkward about the whole situation as he processes it, but before long Agyo’s not only getting along with your ghostly son, but he’s also teaching him the ‘lion dog duties’ that he’s been teaching you - you’ll never quite forget walking in to Agyo giving the poor kid a detailed rundown on the upkeep of the guildhouse and all that it pertains.
It was supposed to only be the one child, you swear, but damn if you haven’t got a bleeding heart and a knack for attracting trouble. Word travels around fast about your adoption, and as more people learn about your impromptu push to parenthood people start coming to you for help - namely, kids with nowhere else to go. Maybe it’s your bleeding heart or savior complex, but before long one kid becomes two, and then two becomes three, and soon enough you’ve got four kids on your hands.
There’s no denying that things get a little bit rocky when you start taking in other children. Despite the other kids in the guild, Ghost has technically been the only child up to this point, and with your attention shifting from both him and the other children at once it’s a sudden change - one that you thankfully discussed with him first to make sure he was okay. Even with the okay though, Ghost is more than a little anxious when you bring the second child, a nether sprite, ‘home’, especially because of how loud she is by comparison. Nether sprite is an absolute ball of energy and mischievous to boot, so she more than makes for an interesting parallel to the otherwise quiet Ghost you’ve been taking care of the past few months.
She’s a handful, especially during the first few weeks that she’s settling in - it takes her a while to really start seeing the place as home, and even longer for her to even consider you a parental figure (she’s seen you as more of a babysitter till you proved you were willing to stick around and put the effort in to be a good parent). Once she does settle in however she takes to the place quickly, and, to your surprise, your two kids become thick as thieves. The Nether sprite catches on quickly to how Ghost communicates, and given his penchant to linger around those he’s close to and follow them around she’s more than happy to drag him all over the shop from one activity to another - it’s a surprising development but one you actively encourage. Unfortunately as I mentioned she’s still mischievous, though tones it down from anything too troublesome if it’ll cause you too much grief.
However that hasn’t stopped the amount of times you’ve gotten calls from someone about the kind of trouble you two little ones have wound up getting themselves into - looks like they both picked up your knack for getting intentionally and unintentionally dragged into the weirdest events (sure, it’s fun when you do it, but having your kids doing it only serves to give you grey hairs from the stress.) And things only get crazier once the other kids end up coming along, for both better and worse - but that’s a story for another time.
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 189 - I still have no clue why the lords' sanctuary is used as a grave like okay yeah I do it's mostly symbolic and to grieve but I still think it doesn't make sense. All the other uses? Yeah cool. Grave? Nah, not when purebloods dissipate into red mist when they die. Extremely funny imagining mvp lord picking out a fancy coffin full well knowing he won't leave a corpse though like okay king <3 and I haven't even started on those damn stairs.
- Everytime Rael's being cringe I flash through renditions of memes that cover the general energy of habitual suffering that is simultaneously willing yet forced.
- Tbh as someone who doesn't particularly believe in the whole concept of honourable fighting unless it's sports or agreed upon beforehand by all parties and because they're going against what they perceive as traitors or invaders... Rajak shouldn't be scolding Rael for trying to get rid of the trio.
Chapter 190 - Here they know the traiters were behind the Loyard massacre but later Seira doesn't even think that Zarga may have played a part until he said it himself so what's the truth.
- Really, Rousare having died should make it obvious that Gejutel wasn't involved and prevent all this. At least Ludis has some sense.
- Ah, time for grandpa's trashtalk.
Chapter 191 - It always drives me insane that Raskreia knows jack shit about Frankenstein and Raizel like she really did not give a fuck about them did she lmao? Oh father has sent clan leaders out on an arrest warrant? Oh father asks me to regularly visit this random stranger who he adores often and wishes for him to be lord? Why would I ever wish to learn more about them? Like queen ily but keep track of important events in Lukedonia even before you're lord please.
- I know Gejutel's just bullshitting but like. The traitors having foresight? Sjjsjsis where? Lagus and Roctis yeah sure I get it. But the rest? Ignes literally experimented on ppl in Lukedonia. Urokai, as much as I love him, is definitely the stupid dumbass of the group. Zarga if he had any foresight would have either just stayed on Lukedonia and chilled as a loner or had a heir who he passed Lontrick on to and left Lukedonia to once again chill as a loner since unlike the others he only disagreed with the new ideals rather than wanting to actively murder someone. As for Gradeus... we know he can use his brain but he really turned it off entirely when deciding to install bloodstones huh? Like if all you want to do is fight than becoming that strong even when you're already the strongest around is not gonna be enjoyable. Well then he went cuckoo so whtever. Ofc I do wonder whether his goal went from enjoying fighting to mere murder before or after he was exposed to bloodstones and the same for him massacring his clan since the options have implications.
- And here we are at the "clan leaders should go into eternal sleep with the lord" bullshit. Like sorry but just cos the good guys are the ones spouting it doesn't mean I'll ever agree with it. Like tf. It makes me think immediately of rulers who had their servants buried alive with them, emperors whose harems were killed upon their deaths, wives set fire upon their husbands funerals, etc. It is interesting ofc that even nobles who are very obviously written as the best race in noblesse have such regressive and cruel practices. Much more fascinating to have humans take inspiration from them for both good and bad after all.
- Grandpa really tried to be mean so Raskreia wouldn't feel bad executing him huh. Not that it worked ofc.
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Chapter 192 - It's so funny that Raizel changes his clothes to Lukedonia's black and gold upon entering because like, did he feel like the odd one out or something?
- Darling clan leaders, I'll excuse your ignorance and underestimation of the enemy, but esteemed lord please, you should know better.
- Hilarious that Gejutel saw that the current gen had extremely spotty knowledge due to their predecessors being like that ig but instead of fixing that he essentially went "It's none of my business idc idc" and ignored it until it came back to bite him in the ass. Like at least tell the lord about all this pls. She should know what a noblesse is 😭
Chapter 193 - Rip Karias not finding everyone in the throne room. It's like when a class gets changed last minute and you have no clue which new place it's in.
- Raizel just take the earring off normally I swear. Imagine having only one memento from a friend you actually meant to keep but you just tear it apart. I would cry.
- Gejutel being apologetic about making Raizel use his lifeforce... grandpa,,,
Chapter 194 - The fact that Ludis' eyes glow as he sets up the protection for the sanctuary,,, love him.
- Insert 300 page analysis on Raskreia's relationship with being lord and just her in general here. I'm too lazy to type it out so insecurities, lack of communication, lack of clarity, formality and duty leading to distant relationships, etc etc etc.
Chapter 195 - This is so rude 😤
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- God Karias' entrance and interactions with everyone,,, the way he fusses over Raskreia openly, the way Rozaria beckons him over, them,,,
Chaoter 196 - "The clan leaders share my thoughts" obviously not with the traitors. Well Roctis may have agreed but Ignes prevented him from all that. Still, even from the other 4 non traitors of Ru, Elenor, Loyard and Mergas, it's very much possible they disagreed but simply kept quiet about their thoughts because how dare they go against the lord? I mean, the track record isn't exactly great and that's just how it is in these sort of systems.
- Well I definitely think the method he decided on was stupid but I do think mvp lord's sentiment was very sweet. And ofc just how he wants the best for Raizel... it makes me sad everytime like he just wants him to be happy and be able to enjoy life and yet. Just how his message always has him with that soft smile for Raizel as he tells him to live a long joyous life... that he wants him to be safe... that he's happy he's been outlived... gonna go cry brb..
Chapter 197 - Yeah just gonna ignore and replace the misogynistic bs they make mvp lord spout with like "Be wary of men; instead of wasting time beating them up see if you have any interest in women instead. Especially if they're not nobles. Only wear what you're comfortable with and don't let anyone pressure you. Remember to train often with swords or your skills will become rusty. Etc etc etc."
Chapter 198 - At least he has earring number 2 ig
- "This house is a little old and needs some renovation" It's great that you're being tactful but Tao we both know that this estate that hasn't had any upkeep for at least 5 centuries needs a hell lot more than a little fixing.
- M-21 just has his priorities straight okay,,, you all do need to change.
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- Why did Tao pack aprons and gloves for the trip?
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whyiask · 3 years
more bitter than sweet (Ch. 1)
Masterpost Ao3 Link TWs: there is a gun and non-graphic violence during the flashback (in italics) so mind that part Note: okay so. so. for people who have seen TUA, you might be saying "Joy, why on earth would you have Tommy as Vanya instead of Tommy as Five?" and the answer to that is: I just realllly wanted Tommy as Vanya, so Niki is Five, because badass Niki. also, the plot will have some changes, obviously, as it's driven by the characters and the role of Five's character is filled by a quite different person in this au. SO, on with the show. Other than that, it'll follow the original plot fairly well, probably. (also Schlatt is probably ooc, he got dealt the unfortunate hand of Luther and I don't really like Luther and don't really know how to write him, so F in the chat for schlatt lmao)
The sky was overcast and dreary. Fitting for the occasion. The manor house, which had been near silent for just over a year, was dusty and creaking. Normally Philza wouldn’t let the house get to such a state. The vines stretched high up the walls and Tommy craned his neck to view the once majestic mansion he had lived in. It was a far cry from the rigid upkeep of the grounds Reginald Hargreeves had insisted upon.
Tommy wasn’t looking forward to seeing his siblings again. Although he missed them dearly, he was afraid, not that he’d ever tell anyone, of how they would shun him. It had been years since any of them spoke to him. Wilbur had moved away from the house as soon as he could, forgetting about Tommy and never bothering to check in. Techno’s abrupt lack of communication was purposeful. He really did only have himself to blame.
Heaving a great sigh, Tommy mounted the steps. At least he would get to see Wilbur again.
His key fit into the door and as it swung open, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. The burning of the fireplace, the musty scent of the old, worn down rugs and furniture. The blood that had stained the floors time and time again. Pushing down his nausea, Tommy stepped forward into the open space.
“Big Man Tommyinnit has arrived,” he announced, but it fell flat, even to his own ears. It didn’t echo, trailing off in the lonely entryway. The whole house was a void, a black hole that had sucked his childhood away. He supposed he had never really gotten to be a child in the first place.
He didn’t hear the footsteps coming. He only looked up the grand staircase at the sound of a wall being punched.
“You shouldn’t have come,” Technoblade ground out. His eyebrows were drawn tight and his fists were curled. Tommy bit back a wince. He deserved this. After all, it was his brilliant idea to write a book exposing all of their family secrets. He had seen it as a way to try and cope with his trauma at the time, but it quickly became clear the rest of the family did not share his views.
A mess of curly brown hair poked out around the doorway that Techno was leaning against. A yellow sweater and a maroon beanie. A guitar strapped to his back. Tommy was hit with another wave of memories and it took all of his willpower not to run into his brother’s arms.
“Is that Tommy I hear?” Wilbur asked, and Techno moved aside reluctantly. Wilbur’s entire face lit up and he rushed down the stairs, nearly tripping in his haste. Tommy moved forward at a slower speed, and they met at the base of the stairs.
“Awww,” Wilbur whispered. “You’ve grown so much.” He raised a hand hesitantly, almost as if to pat Tommy’s head, and Tommy swatted him away.
“Oh bug off, you’d know that if you had actually stuck around.”
Wilbur’s smile faltered. He put his hand back at his side and a brief look of regret passed his face. “I’m sorry, Tommy, but I couldn’t stay here.”
“You could’ve taken me with you.” Tommy took a deep breath. He was getting too sentimental for his own good. Wilbur lifted his arms and wrapped them around Tommy’s lanky body. Tommy hesitated for a second, before returning the hug. It was awkward, nowhere near as smooth as it had been in their childhood.
“I missed you, Tommy. It’s good to see you again, you little gremlin,” Wilbur muttered into Tommy’s hair.
From up on the second floor, Tommy heard Techno scoff. He pulled away from Wilbur to look up at their brother. Techno was sharpening a knife, leaning back against the doorframe. His red cloak was settled comfortably on his shoulders and his face held a large scowl.
Wilbur frowned up at him. “Got a problem, Techno?”
Technoblade scoffed again, straightening up and coming to lean over the railing. He sneered down at Wilbur. “‘You missed him? You missed him?’” Techno’s eyes drifted over to Tommy with a glare. “Do you even know what he’s done?”
Wilbur stepped protectively in front of Tommy, and he had to resist rolling his eyes.
“He’s still our brother.”
“He’s still in the room,” Tommy interjected dryly. Wilbur shushed him and this time he actually did roll his eyes.
“Tommy was never part of our family to begin with. What gives him the right to talk about our family as if he belongs to it now?”
Tommy stiffened. Wilbur tensed beside him as well. “Techno,” he said, voice dark. “You know that’s not true.”
“Congratulations, we all have our own fucking trauma. Thank you Tommy, truly, for sharing it with the world!” He turned and his cape swished behind him dramatically. He spared one last look over his shoulder before walking back into the living room. Tommy barely caught his parting statement. “You’ve never been my brother and never will be. Stop acting like you are."
Tommy reeled back like he’d been hit, but when he noticed Wilbur looking at him worriedly, he plastered on a smile.
“Are you-” he started.
“Don’t worry about me, big man,” Tommy said, louder than necessary. “It’s Techno you should be concerned about, he’s clearly got some major problems.”
Wilbur looked at him doubtfully but nodded along anyways. He patted Tommy’s shoulder once.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back, despite the awful circumstances. I did miss you.”
“I missed you too, Wil,” Tommy muttered, watching Wilbur’s back retreating up the stairs.
The living room was tense. You could cut through the thickness of the air with a butter knife. Techno leaned on one of the support pillars behind the couch, as far away from everyone else as possible. Schlatt was sitting in one of the large armchairs, and Ranboo had swung his feet up onto the couch, taking up the whole thing.
Wilbur immediately plopped himself onto the other chair, leaving Tommy to try and fit on the couch. Ranboo curled his legs in and Tommy nodded to him with a smile. Ranboo smiled back, before looking over his shoulder at the air and grinning wider.
Schlatt cleared his throat, calling everyone to attention. He stood up.
“I think you all know why we are here,” he said lazily, moving his gaze across everyone in the room. There were several murmurs of agreement.
“Our father is dead, and we have to pay respects to him,” Schlatt continued.
Techno snorted slightly and Schlatt ignored him.
“However,” he stressed, and Tommy rolled his eyes, recognizing the tone in his oldest brother’s voice. “I believe there was foul play involved.”
“Foul play?” Techno asked, disbelieving. “You think someone murdered dad?”
Schlatt bristled at Techno’s words. “Yes, as a matter of fact. When his body was found, he didn’t have his monocle on him, and it was nowhere in the room.”
Even Wilbur had to raise an eyebrow at that. “And…?” he said.
Schlatt groaned. “C’mon guys, you have to use your brains. When have you ever, ever seen dad without his monocle?” At the silence, Schlatt grinned triumphantly as if he had won. “See? My point is that someone took his monocle, right before or after his death. It must’ve been personal.”
He turned to Techno. “Philza was the one who found him, no?”
Techno’s mouth pressed together into a thin line. “You can’t seriously be accusing Phil,” he said, a threat clear in his voice.
“Well, who knows,” Schlatt threw up his hands. “Maybe he finally got tired of being the perfect little housekeeper. Who else could’ve done it, you?”
Techno’s eyes widened a fraction, before narrowing again. Tommy would’ve missed it if he had not grown up with him.
Schlatt must’ve noticed it too, because his jaw opened so fast that Tommy was worried it would come off.
“I mean,” Techno said, interrupting whatever yelling storm Schlatt had planned. “As much as I would’ve enjoyed the honors, it wasn’t me.”
Schlatt’s eyes narrowed down to slits. “I don’t trust him,” he announced.
Wilbur gave a single bark of laughter. “What else is new?”
“I don’t trust you either, and yet here I am. What’re you accusing me of?” Techno butted in.
Schlatt sputtered. “You know damn well what.”
As Techno reared up to argue back, Tommy tuned out their mindless bickering. Somehow, he thought they could’ve changed. Maybe he thought they could’ve grown up. He clearly expected too much. Techno was still a vigilante, still hot-headed. And Schlatt? Well, four years without any human interaction had really screwed up his subtlety. To be fair, Tommy wasn’t sure if he had had any to begin with.
Tommy sighed and stood up, grabbing Ranboo’s arm and pulling him up as well. The arguing brothers didn’t pay them any heed. Wilbur stood up too, trying to break up the argument that threatened to turn violent. Ranboo got Tommy’s drift and they exited the room.
There was no point in staying.
They are ten years old. The robbers are holding hostages, and Schlatt starts to tell the others his plan, when Niki jumps into the building. Schlatt curses and runs into the room after her. Techno, never one to miss out on the action, follows closely behind.
Ranboo, Tubbo, and Wilbur are slightly slower and stick closer to the wall.
They arrive in time to see Niki teleporting around, distracting the robbers, as Techno hurls a knife with deadly accuracy into one of the men’s shoulders. He falls with a cry. Schlatt lifts another and tosses him into a wall like a ragdoll.
A voice cries out over the chaos and all three freeze. One of the others has pulled a gun on the civilians. Without wasting a moment, Niki blinks right in between the gun and the civilians, sitting on the bank check-in desk. The man swings the gun down towards her but she’s already gone.
Niki is behind him now, calling out, “Hey, loser.” As he spins around to face her, she quickly blinks his gun out of his hands in exchange for a stapler. “Nice stapler.”
She grabs his hand and twists it upwards. He hits himself in the head with the stapler in his hand. Niki tosses the gun to Schlatt, who catches it easily.
The three boys in the corner smile. Ranboo hated feeling useless in fights, but his power wasn’t cut out for combat. Tubbo was glad he didn’t have to use his. And Wilbur was just happy for his siblings to do the fighting instead of him.
Outside, Reginald Hargreeves stands, monocle and top hat, leaning on a stylish cane. A young boy stands next to him, fidgeting with his uniform.
“Why can’t I be with them?” Tommy asks his father.
“We’ve gone over this, Tommy,” Reginald says, irritated. “Because you are not special.”
When the police arrive, and the news is scrambling over themselves to take pictures of the young superheroes who saved the bank and the hostages, Schlatt, Techno, Wilbur, Niki, Tubbo, and Ranboo all line up to have their picture taken. They stand with good posture and smiles, having it ingrained into them.
Reginald walks out with a dramatic flair onto the steps of the bank, setting his hand on Schlatt’s shoulder. Schlatt huffs out his chest in pride.
“These,” Reginald announces to the gathered press. “Are your new superheroes. Meet the SBI.” The people clap.
“I adopted 6 children with superpowers, and I have been training them to fight against the evil in this city.”
Reginald’s speech continues. Tommy continues to stand out of sight, as Reginald introduces his siblings to the press. Reginald doesn’t even look in his direction as he states he had only adopted six kids.
They are ten. This is their first mission as a team. The SBI is born. And Tommy isn’t allowed to be a part of it.
Tommy’s old room was exactly how he remembered it. The plain bedspread on the plain bed. The posters on the wall, one of the few things he was allowed to customize. A neatly organized bookshelf and a cabinet full of music books. A keyboard by the window, coated in a thick layer of dust.
He had been just as surprised as everyone else when their father had allowed him to take up piano like he wanted to. There was a grand piano downstairs, he knew. It was probably out of tune.
Still better than sitting around. Ranboo had wandered off a while ago, so he didn’t have anyone to talk to, and everyone else was either busy or likely to ignore him. Tommy made his way to the spacious room. He sat down at the piano bench, blowing the dust from the keys and tentatively played a chord. It wasn’t horribly out of tune, though it definitely wasn’t in perfect upkeep.
Letting his doubts free, he let himself fold into the music, allowing his fingers to move across the keys. The song wasn’t particularly hard, though it wasn’t one he had played in a while. It was a song he remembered playing often when he still lived here.
Unknown to him, around the house, everyone perked up at the distant echoing of his playing, unconsciously swaying to the once-familiar tune.
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caelan0d · 3 years
am theval fan from yesterday but u said u want dixie love. she is FUCKIN COOL i would still kill her 4 val but i love her hair plz tell us more abt what kinds of things she does in her life i want more info bcos she's awesome.
AAA I’m glad you like her! I’ve only had her for like a month?? so I haven’t nailed down a ton for her, and a lot of her motivations still feel like “hmm I will be bad just because” but if I’m being honest, I think it’s kind fun just having an oc that’s a little evil just cause (esp because I think we get to wrapped up in the details of esp NV that we forget to have fun with it lol) and of course my version of having fun is trying to create up lore for the fucking Boot-Riders of all things lmao
So basically what I have for her so far is that from a young age, Dixie saw the top dog of the Boot-Riders and was like “That’s gonna be me” And of course the boot-riders at this point are tough mfs so it’s definitely a difficult trek to the top, even just in their little group. But Bingo is born  (I want him to be her younger brother actually?? I think it creates an interesting dynamic!) and as she’s starting to plan how she’s going to meticulously become head honcho, Bingo just grows up being the toughest and meanest mother fucker you’ve even seen, and he’s basically a shoo-in for leader (of course he DID stab the shit out of the last leader first) and he is able to do that at like a super young age and this PISSES Dixie off so bad she tries fighting him herself. And well.. it did not go well. that’s why her right eye has a huge scar over it (she also has a few other unseen battle scars) 
Luck that Bingo didn’t rip her to shreads, she basically goes fuck this I’ll just start planning again and strike when the time is right. She takes up learning science and other things that the other boot-riders couldn’t give two shits about and she’s got this plan formulated. but THEN a certain Mr. House interrupts everything. Benny gets to Bingo before her and she’s like “god fucking damn it not again” 
the rest of this is copied from a discord chat so I’m repeating a few things here lol
 She's like "well shit I was trying to get rid of Bingo myself but Benny got to it first. This Vegas thing seems like a good opportunity so back to scheming again" (she essentially wants to just be the top dog wherever she is because she was raised, still working on making her motivations more complex) so BASICALLY she's like, very very good at reading people, and Benny is a fucking open book to her so she's like "Benny, baby, this house fella is cramping our style." and he's like "WELL I HAVE THIS PLAN ALREADY" and she helps him with his plan (I THINK she might even make Yes Man or at least know how to keep him running because she has high science?? bc she figured it'd help her get the upper hand to learn something the other boot-riders don't care about)  and then it comes time to get the chip and Dixie actually goes to intercept the courier but Benny shows up with the khans and is like "bro did you think I was stupid?? I know you're waiting to cross me so I'm gonna tie this loose end while I can." and shoots both Dixie and the courier. kinda convoluted but I'm working on it :')
idk if the courier survives like in the normal game but I can tell you Dixie crawls out of that grave and is like "oh you are dead meat pal"
oh ALSO If Dixie DID make Yes Man, or at least help upkeep his programming I had the idea that what if Benny catches on to Dixie's plan just bc Yes man straight up tells him. She's like "ok yes man you're gonna be buddy buddy with him and then we'll get the jump on him" "sounds great!" "Yes Man what was Dixie's plan to get the-" "She's going to murder you!" "huh???"
dixie is too good and just straight up manipulating real people she didnt think to program yes man with a shut up button
and that’s mostly all I have so far?? if you have some specific questions you wanna know about her, feel free to ask!
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Clari my love I hope you are well 💖
How are you? What have you been up to? I am doing ok right now, I got my first covid vaccination earlier this week which is very exciting - it made me super tired for like a full day tho but I’m just happy to be able to get it <3
Ooo you mentioned dyeing your hair blonde again which I am fully in support for since I’ve been highlighting my hair blonde for like 4 years now - every time before I get it dyed again I say to myself ‘no I’ll grow out my natural hair colour blah blah blah’ and then I have no self restraint and I just dye it again - your hair does sound like it is a super pretty colour tho, I don’t know anyone with strawberry blonde hair but if you wanna re-dye it go for it but also it depends on like the upkeep of hair dyeing
Also I rewatched midsommar and enjoyed it more than I did the first time I watched it and now it is a fave - I watched hereditary when it came out and it scared the shit out of me but I did also enjoy it
Also also Måneskin songs hmmm they have a few songs in English and then obvs some in Italian, I would say my fave in English is For Your Love and one of my faves in Italian (since I love a lot of them) is Lividi Sui Gomiti - if you don’t like them I won’t be offended but I thought you should check them out
I hope your mosquito bite reaction has gotten better, that sounds so shit and painful I’m sorry that you’re dealing with that - I’m v lucky that I am allergic to nothing really so grateful for that
oH I was also gonna ask since I trust your film judgement and taste on reccomendations on films to watch or shows that you enjoy - I’m in a real slump with films and shows atm my brain just does not want to cooperate <3
Anyway I really hope you are well and taking care of yourself, have you got any plans or anything soon? I do also hope you’ve had a good day, as always I’m sending you all my love and hugs <333- 🍯 oh also I was going to say that you don’t have to worry about how long you take to respond, my anons are usually long so I totally get taking longer to get back to them, there is totally no pressure whatsoever to respond in a certain time frame I just wanted to emphasise that anyways I will actually finish typing this now
hello honeybun <333
tw: bit of a vent below the cut, mentions of death
so i know you know what happened last week, because you sent your condolences and all that (thank you again for that, by the way <3 i sincerely appreciate it <3) but on top of our family friend’s tragic passing, life has just been so, so rough lately—with my mental illness and my family in particular. i’d assume that the illness stuff was most likely triggered by the death, which makes sense, but i am so exhausted and so tired of fighting with my own fucking mind it’s unbelievable. and then, yesterday, i witnessed some things i really wish i could’ve stayed ignorant to, and it’s just really fucked me up too. my heart hasn’t stopped pounding all day. BUT, if we’re looking on the bright side (or trying to) the incident yesterday was a very sobering (lmao) slap to the face and a much needed wake up call for me to get a damn move on with getting the hell out of this environment. so that’s propelled me forward and motivated me to really get down to work (it’s just pushing myself to work through the anxiety and illness that’s difficult now haha but i am doing it!!).
EDIT: i had a nice long talk with two of the three most important people in my life (and in this situation in particular, too!) and i’m feeling a little better now <3
yes!!! i’ve actually changed my mind now LMAO because i’d like to use that money towards leaving. my roots have grown out past my chin, so when they get a little longer i will be forced to (very sadly :c) chop all of the dyed hair off. i haven’t had my natural colour in a LONG time, so this is kind of odd haha. originally i was going to redye it pink!! but the upkeep is an absolute nightmare and i just can’t right now lmao. yeah idk!! it’s a really odd colour, my natural hair, but it might be refreshing to be back to it again after so many years, i dunno!!!
YAAAY i’m so glad to hear that!!!!! it’s such an incredible film i could literally go on about it forever aaaaah hehehe and HEREDITARY IS FUCKING TERRIFYING LIKE i cannot watch that movie on my own truly i can’t. it’s so unsettling in such a fun way!!!
i haven’t listened to them yet, but i will soon, pinky promise!! i just saw someone else talking about them too and i was like oh hey it’s that band honey anon told me about LMAO
my mosquito bite has healed, thankfully!!! it’s just a bruise on my ankle now hehe but the ickiest parts are over <3 OOOH films okay so! someone asked a similar question and i am going to link you to my answer (which has more links) right here, but if you’ve ever got any more specific recs that you’re looking for (genre, era etc) pls let me know!!!! i love discussing film hehehe <3
no plans as of yet; i have a lot of SUPER exciting things in the works and two of them are like !!!!!!! thiiiiis close to being ready and i cannot wait to share them with you all!! i love you so much honey, truly and sincerely, thank you for being here for me, for sending me such thoughtful messages and just for talking to me in general. it all means so much to me <3 i hope you are taking care of yourself my sweet friend!!!
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steamy-linguine · 5 years
Two Shots. (Gavin Reed x Reader)
A/N: I had started this earlier this week but I’m sick as hell so it took a minute to write. Debating doing a second part because I really enjoyed writing this but hey. Let me know what you guys think. I also read somewhere someone put that the flashbacks were in italics which is smart cause I know that can be confusing so the flashbacks are in italics lmao
Warnings: Gun violence, Cursing, and some blood.
“Don’t die on me…Please…” Gavin begged your unconscious body.
You laid in the hospital bed, eyes closed with small breathes escaping past your parted lips. Gavin sat at your bedside with red eyes from the tears and bags underneath them from the exhaustion and stress.
“I’ll go in first and I want you to stay behind me.” Gavin told you sounding serious but it was Gavin. The typical DPD asshole.
You rolled your eyes, “Gavin kiss my ass your not gonna get to take all the credit like you did me last time.”
“(Y/N) I’m serious. This could be dangerous you’ve seen the fuckin’ record on this guy.” Gavin said to you. 
“Why didn’t you just listen to me for once?” He said putting his head into his hands as the events of the last few hours began to replay in his head and he fought back the tears again.
“Count of three I’ll kick down the door.” He said to you and you nodded at him as you took a few steps back, your gun in your hand already aimed and your fingers on the trigger ready to shoot if need be. 
In one swift move Gavin kicked down the large door. You both rushed inside, guns pointed in each direction possible. The apartment was a lot bigger than what you both had expected but the upkeep of the place was a mess. The couch was turned over, pictures torn from the walls, and shattered glass everywhere. You lowered your gun and let out a sigh, “Gav I don’t think he’s here. It looks like nobody has been here for weeks.“
Suddenly you heard the sound of a door slamming and you both turned around quickly but not in time. The suspect stood there gun raised high in his hand, already aimed at Gavin and before you knew it he pulled the trigger. It seemed as if time slowed down in that moment and you knew the bullet would hit Gavin and you had to save your partner. 
So without any hesitation you shoved him out of the way.
Gavin stood there eyes closed for a moment, awaiting for the bullet to pierce him. He quickly opened his eyes and noticed he had not been shot but saw you laying on the ground bleeding out.
Another sound of the barrel went off and the bullet whizzed by him barely missing him and he quickly aimed his gun and fired, the bullet entering between the man’s eyes and his body quickly collapsed to the ground. Gavin quickly dropped down to the ground pulling you into his lap, “(Y/N) no! Why the fuck did you do that?!”
You stared up at him trying to breathe steadily but your heart was pounding in your ears and tears welled up in your eyes from the pain. You looked down at yourself seeing the blood stain yours and his shirt and you looked but up to him, “I-I’m ruining your favorite shirt…”
“(Y/N) stop talking! Just h-hold on!” Gavin pleaded as he pulled out his phone calling for an ambulance and letting them know an officer had been shot. He looked back down at you pressing a shaky hand against your new wound and you winced in pain from the sudden pressure. “Shit I’m sorry but I-I gotta stop it…I-I have to-“
“I’ll be okay…I-I’ll be…” You said as your breaths seem to become a little slower and the darkness enveloped you.
“No…no no no stay awake! Keep your damn eyes open!” Gavin begged.
“You should’ve just let me take the shot.” Gavin’s voice was shaky along with his hands as they ran through his hair, his foot tapping against the hospital floor uncontrollably. 
“Will they be okay?!” Gavin asked the paramedics as they rushed your body inside.
“Sir you need to step back!” The nurse quickly stepped within his line of sight of you.
His shirt was still covered in your blood but it was dry now. His hands now holding his head as he swam through his thoughts wondering if you’d ever wake up anytime soon to tell him to stop worrying. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry I was such…” He started to say but took a deep breath and raised his head to look at you yet again. 
“I’m sorry I was such a fucking asshole to you. You didn’t deserve it. Any of it and your the best damn detective I know and I-I need you to wake up!” He said the last words coming out a bit more frustrated as he stared at you. If anybody was there to see Gavin having a complete melt down they would’ve thought that they were dreaming. Gavin was a cold hard asshole and nobody had ever seen him show any other emotions. No one except you.
After all you two were close. Despite his ways, you never took the shit from him and you were the first to ever give it right back to him. 
“You let them get away!” Gavin yelled at while you both stood in the alley watching the suspect leave with two others that had joined him in the middle of the chase.
You turned around and frowned at him, “I just saved your ass and mine Gavin! Least you could do is say thank you!”
“Saved my ass? Yeah well when Fowler starts yelling’ at us let me know if you think you still made the right choice because I had them.” 
You took a step closer to him this time, “You’re seriously that fucking determined about a case that you’d put us in the risk of getting killed? I made the right choice. You just don’t want Fowler to yell at you again and call you a fuck up. Well news flash Gavin, you are one so get over it.”
His face twisted into anger and this time he got in your face.
“Fuck you (y/n).”
“Yeah whatever go fuck yourself Reed. Call me when you wanna thank me.” You said to him before flipping him off and limping away from your hurt leg. Gavin stood in the alley watching you walk off and seeing you struggle to stand did something inside of him but he instead let you go.
After that incident you two had refused to speak to each other for a good week before another case emerged making you have no choice but to work with the grouch but nonetheless he told you he was sorry in the most Gavin way possible.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted out and you looked at him. He kept his eyes on the road as he continued to drive down the long road and you turned your attention back out of the window. 
“It’s fine.”
“Aren’t you gonna say sorry?”
You turned to look at him again, a puzzled look on your face, “For what?”
“For fucking up our case.” He said a small smirk on his face. “Yet again go fuck yourself Reed.” You replied and turned to the window to hide your small as you watched the trees zoom by.
“It should’ve been me to get shot.” Gavin said.
You two grew to become close friends and although everyone in the office suspected there something going there was something going on between the both of you, there was nothing. Chris would tease you both and Gavin would rolls his eyes muttering a fuck off under his breathe and you would pretend to gag. You’d tell him to be quiet with a chuckle and walk off to go do yet another chase on someone with your partner. Although you would deny the rumors and flip off your coworkers at the constant teasing, Gavin had wanted there to be more between you two. 
He knew he loved you after taking the time to get to know you. You both going out for drinks and sometimes he’d show up at your place with your favorite take out and beer and after sharing old stories and laughter you’d always fall asleep while leaned against him and he’d take the time to study your features while he’d let his fingers run through your hair, he knew in that moment he loved you but he also knew your feelings for him were not the same so instead of confessing he kept it to himself and enjoyed having you the only way you’d let him.
As a partner but more so as his friend.
“Fuck..” He murmured to himself as he sat back, letting his head fall backward and his hand flew to his eyes as he rubbed them. The room was silent again as he sniffled and wiped away his tears. He sat back in his chair, closing his eyes and let out a sigh, letting himself listen to the beeping from the machine that was set on the other side of you.
 “Are you crying?” You managed to croak out and Gavin shot forward in his chair.
“(Y/N)!” He said relieved to see your eyes open. “Yeah…The fuck happened?” You asked as you tried to push yourself up, wincing in the process from the sudden pain.
“You took a bullet for me and I thought-God dammit why did you do that?! You could’ve fucking died!” He stated sounding more angry in his tone than sadness like before. You blinked at him as you recalled the events before you passed out. “I did it because you’re best friend Gavin. I know you would’ve done it for me.” You said. Gavin let out a shaky breathe as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
You have no fucking idea what I would do for you. He thought to himself as he kept his eyes locked on your half lidded ones. 
He scratched the back of his neck, “Just don’t do that shit again. You scared the fuck out of me.” 
You nodded, “Trust me dipshit I’m not. It fucking hurt too much.”
“I’m sure it did dumbass.” He said. His old self seeming to come back and you chuckled at him, grabbing your side from the pain. He watched you grab onto yourself and he tried to get close but you shook your head and told him you were fine.
“Want me to shoot you? We can both be in the beds in the same room.” You said with a goofy grin on your face.
He shook his head and let out a small laugh, “In your fucking dreams doll.”
You smiled at him and slumped back into the pillows feeling more comfortable in your new position than the previous. “Gav?” You called for him. “Yeah?” He answered as he moved the chair to be closer to your bedside. 
You reached out and grabbed his large hand, rubbing a thumb over the knuckles, “I love you.”
The shock hit him when you said this, making his heart flutter in his chest but his subconscious reminded him it wasn’t in the same way he wanted but either way he was glad you were awake and talking an with that alone made him smile again.
“I love you too.”
“Gav?” You called for him again.
“You cry like a girl.” You told him trying to relieve some stress by joking around with him like you usually did.
“Go fuck yourself (L/N).” He said making you smile.
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flightofaqrow · 4 years
five of those branwen tribe headcanons
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cries i am not the expert here, i come to you for help anthropology person, you. but i will try!
I feel like I veer left on this one, but I constantly refer to the tribe as just “the bandit tribe” when I talk about qrow’s past, because I don’t consider it “The Branwen Tribe” until Raven takes over. It had a different elder with a different name. 
they will and have kidnapped babies and toddlers (basically anyone young enough to not know better/remember their real parents and feel too much resentment) of the towns they destroy as a recruitment method. this is how they got the twins. all the kids were raised communally, the twins have no concept of their parents or any people who took that role in the tribe. it was one big family.
we talked about names? can i put that here? with the disclaimer that you helped me come up with some of it?? the twins didn’t get their names right away. there was a naming ceremony once they were old enough to start learning words, and thus their own names, and that’s when they were called Raven and Qrow. this gave the tribe time to learn about Qrow’s bad luck. [Branwen was their birth name which they were allowed to keep. The raiding party saw it within their home, but never found out their given first names, and they don’t exactly have the tech or desire to look up records. This kinda sorta helped them get into Beacon since the records of that name were clear, but uh... yeah different first names, hmm.]
they groomed Raven as a leader (clever! decisive! strong!) and constantly berated Qrow as an example of what not to be (compassionate! hesitant [read: perceptive enough to want more time for more information]! weak!). still, they trained both of them as fighters just like everyone, because the family still takes care of each other, and the twins both held their own in end results.
there is a pecking order (lmao) based on contribution to the tribe and strength challenges. anyone new starts at the bottom and goes through an initiation, education [books, no tech], and training process (longer, for raising kids then assimilating adults, obviously). then they get a job. once they have contributed enough via their role (whether that’s raids, camp upkeep, foraging, etc.) they can approach the elder for a chance to challenge a higher ranked member. it is a subjective decision, there aren’t concrete criteria to determine worth. if they win, they move up a rank (depending on the role and how many people are needed in it, they might just add on, or the other person might get knocked down). all this really means is more portions of stuff and/or some people working under you. unless you, yanno, take over the whole tribe by challenging the elder (which can be done at any time, but damn you better be ready).  - the twins always moved as a unit through the ranks, even if Raven was continually encouraged to ditch Qrow somewhere in the middle. they fought better together; they both knew this, and so they would wait until both could get the blessing to challenge and then take on 2x2 fights. it is their undefeated streak and ability to work together that made the tribe realize they might actually be able to make it into and thrive at Beacon.  
another bonus round bc I feel like this turned into ‘twins being in the tribe’ than worldbuilding so
idk man!!! raids, bonfires, music, stories, hunting, communal living with varied roles, bad attitudes but providing for each other anyway, no electricity, feeling like it’s the tribe against the world. this just feels like a summary of everything we’ve talked about but those are the vibes i get. I haven’t done enough research to get too specific.
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It Will Come Back
Third drabble from the song drabble game. You can read the first one here, the second one here and here is the BTS request list and the Girl Group request list. Song: It Will Come Back by Hozier Don’t give it a hand, offer it a soul Honey, make this easy. Leave it to the land, this is what it knows Honey, that’s how it sleeps. Don’t let me in with no intention to keep me Jesus Christ, don’t be kind to me. Honey don’t feed me I will come back. Word Count: 3k I don’t know what a drabble is apparently :’D Genre: fluffy fucking fluff and a hint of smut Author’s Note: I’m drunk so I don’t know if this is shit or not lmao sorry
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Yoongi almost jumps right out of his skin when he's woken up from his barely two-hour-long sleep by something yapping and licking at his face. In his haste to get away from the thing, his legs get tangled up in the sheets and he falls to the ground, knocking his head against the nightstand. "Fuck!" He just manages to shout before a small, furry demon leaps down from the bed right into his lap. Startled, Yoongi stumbles back and hits his head against the nightstand again. He cradles his head in his hands and falls to the ground, which makes the little creature even more persistent in his pursuit of him.Through the blurriness of the pain, he squints his eyes to try to make out the exact nature of the beast he was dealing with. Brown in color, small in size, fluffy fur, and a toy form...
Yoongi pounds on the door of his next door neighbor with all his might, feeling like he might actually knock it down. Well, if he was Jungkook that is. A panicked voice stutters from behind the door, "Who is it? If you're looking for trouble then I think you should know that I have a baseball bat that I'm not afraid to use." The clearly terrified girl squeaks out then adds later as an afterthought, "I h-have also called the police." "I have your thing-- animal." Yoongi grits out, clearly irritated with the dog and his owner. She seems to have recognized his voice because the door is swung open right away. "Mr. Min, w-why do you have my dog?" She says all wide eyed and blushing. He shouldn't have come here. He should've just kicked the dog out of his house and let it fend for itself. Even if that meant it would get lost and his neighbor would cry over it. See if he cares. "I should be the one asking you why I woke up to find that ridiculous excuse for a dog slobbering all over my face." "I'm so sorry." She gasps, quickly taking the dog off his hands. If he was any other person, she would've already chewed his ears off for daring to insult her dog. But with him, she just took it and apologized to boot. "He must have slipped out the house and found an open window at your place and jumped in. He's a jumper you know." She lamely jokes, little snorts appearing in between her chuckles, but her laughter soon dies down at Yoongi's unamused expression. "I'm sorry." She says in a small voice, holding her head down. "Whatever, just make sure it never happens again," Yoongi says coldly and the girl bites her lips and dares to sneak a glance up at him before he can turn his back to her. "You're injured!" She gasps, noticing the drop of blood peeking out from under his bangs, and without thinking it over, she reaches forward and brushes them back fully exposing the wound. "Oh my god, oh my god! You're really hurt!" Yoongi winces as her voice rises in pitch until it resembles a bird's call rather than a young woman's. "It's nothing I'll take care of it." He says dismissively and turns to leave. She hurries forward and steps in his path, "No, I'm the one who caused this. Let me drive you to the hospital." "Don't be overdramatic. I said I'll take care of it." He bites, but she still doesn't let him go, holding onto his hand and looking up at him with big, pleading eyes. "Then let me do it, please." She sees a hint of hesitation in his eyes so she says again with more conviction, "Please."
Yoongi is aware of her puppy crush on him. He'd be blind not to, but she's wasting her time. Sure, she's attractive, and he certainly wouldn't mind hitting that, but that's precisely why he shouldn't. He'd be in it for a quick fuck but she obviously wants more. She isn't the type of girl who can just sleep with someone and then move on. She is too sweet and innocent for her own good. "I think it would be better if you don't put any bandages on it and leave it to dry. You need to clean it and disinfectant it the same way I've shown you twice a day, but if you can't do it, I'd be more than happy to help." She was done with his wound a long while ago, but she still kept touching him, fluttering around him and pretending to inspect and perform some minor touchups to the wound but Yoongi knew it was bullshit. When she couldn't do that anymore, she started messing with his bangs, pretending to try to pin them back so they wouldn't contaminate the wound, and that's precisely when Yoongi realized he'd been letting her. The smell of her flowery perfume had permeated into the deepest parts of his mind and cast its spell on him, ordering him to follow the smell to the space between her breasts that he just knew to be the origin of the smell, cradled by the wide neckline of her princessy sundress that he was certain she wore with no intention to arouse the desires of dirty men like him. And yet, here he was, a single thread of will power away from burying his nose into her chest. Pushing her hands away, he gets up and walks towards the door. "It's fine. I can do it myself." "Yoongi!" She follows after him again and touches his shoulder, and he whirls around to face her and snaps, "What?" She quickly drops her head to the floor and mumbles, "Mr. Min, It would really be better if you push your hair back for a while, and don't get water on the wound." Fuck, he really wanted to jump on her and fuck her right there and then. He'd teach her a lesson for teasing him with her doe eyes and her pouting lips. God, how he wants to fuck the innocence out of her until the only thing she can think of is his cock. He really needs to get out of here. Yoongi doesn't spare her even a grunt as a way of reply, leaving the poor girl not knowing whether to clutch the door to keep from falling or clutch her heart to keep it from bursting.
Despite the cold facade he'd shown her, it took only one day for his feet to lead him back to her house under the pretense of botching up his wound upkeep process. He went back for her, for the way she looked at him like he was the most wonderful man in the world, for her innocently sexy dresses and for that damned intoxicating perfume. She really should stop letting him in. He became convinced that she was a witch and that perfume was her love potion. That is the only explanation for the way he seemingly found himself in front of her door out of his body's own accord. Long after his wound has healed, he still found his way into her house, too tempted by the fact that she always let him in. He kept telling himself that he shouldn't, that he was bad news for a girl like her, and yet he found himself coming up with any flimsy reason he could to excuse his frequent visits. From baiting her dog to come into his home and then yelling to her about it, to complaining about a nonexistent noise coming from her house when in reality he was the one who was always blasting music, to the god-forsaken banal excuse of needing to borrow some sugar. Fucking sugar. He never even uses sugar. He drinks his coffee black and his tea unsweetened. He got to know her much better during that blissful time. She works in an office but she dreams of saving up enough money to go back to college and study art and philosophy. She has an overpowering sweet tooth and her fridge and pantry are overrun with all kinds of cake, chocolate and ice cream, but she has a single drawer where she hides all her salty snacks in like a guilty pleasure. Her library is full of books that once fooled him into thinking she's a bookworm but that image was banished from his mind when she bashfully admitted one afternoon that she never actually finished any of those books. She would start reading one but then get distracted by another one and abandon it only for the same thing to happen to the new one too. And day by day, he found himself impossibly more smitten with her. Her sweet smile was the highlight of his day and he swooned every time she looked his way. And before he knew it he was head over heels in love with her. Those days went by so blissfully and seeing him always made her so happy that he started getting it into his stupid head that maybe he could actually let his guard down and allow himself to be with her. That is until the moment he'd almost thrown her over his lap and spanked her for daring to bite her lip in his presence. He stopped going to her after that, despite her constant asking about what happened and the permanent glint of tears in her eyes that drowned his sorry heart every time he saw it. God help him but he was a man bewitched.
Holy fucking father in heaven! Was the world ending? That's the only explanation for the celestial-scale ruckus in his mind that could have only come from the trumpets signaling the end of times! He tries to open his eyes but immediately shuts them against the light of the sun that seems to have decided to come down from the heavens to take a stroll through the earth's atmosphere. "Sorry" A voice squeaks out then there's a flurry of movement around him and the light goes away. He hears a quiet thud on the floor in front of him then a soft hand removes his arm from over his eyes. His gaze immediately falls on those maddening doe eyes of the girl kneeling in front of him then, as if drawn by a magnetic force, they travel down over her pink lips to the swell of her breasts shown by the uncharacteristically plunging neckline. He groans. Does she not realize the pull she has on him? Does she not know of the sickness of men's minds? Is she deliberately trying to drive him crazy? Because it's working. He feels her hands on him again and he curls up deeper into himself. Why can't she just go away? But she doesn't go away, instead she shoves him back with surprising strength until he's on his back then she straddles him before he can recover from the shock and turn around again. "Get off," Yoongi warns, voice raspy from the weight of her hips on his own. God, he's going to break. "No." "Listen to me or you'll regret it, baby girl." She shivers at the pet name, "Why? Because if I don't, if maybe I start moving my hips like this," She enunciated her words with little tentative grinds against his crotch, "You won't be able to hold back anymore and you'll fuck me until the only thing I can think of is your cock?" Yoongi was in a state of shock at her words and actions. He puts his hands around her waist in a belated attempt to stop her movements that were making him so hard, but he finds that his hands would rather help her instead. "How..." "You're very honest when you're drunk." Fuck him. His memory comes back to him in bits and pieces. A picture of him discreetly pining after his sweet neighbor from his window. Him throwing on the nearest shirt and pants to escape to a bar and try to get the image of himself sitting on the couch beside her out of his mind, the image of letting her hold onto his arm and cuddle up to him as he sees her on another one of her infernal horror movie marathons, clutching onto her toy dog for dear life. He'd do a much better job than that ridiculous dog. The next picture is of him dancing with some woman in the bar, them making out, her asking him where he lives, him suddenly bombarded by the look of absolute heartbreak his oblivious siren regards him with whenever she sees him bring another woman home, and somehow she always sees. Him running out of the bar and hailing a cab home. Him beating down on her door, shouting for her to stop messing with his mind. Her opening her door, looking alarmed and entirely too fuckable in her large t-shirt that almost entirely hid the shorts under it, but of course, she would wear shorts, his innocent girl. No, fuck, not his girl. He cringes hard as he remembers the monolog he launched on about how everything she does makes him hard and how badly he wants to fuck her until she weeps and apologizes for the countless times she made him jack off like a hormonal teenager to relieve himself of her. "You want me, Yoongi. You can't deny it anymore." Her words are brave but her voice isn't, and neither is her movement as she lifts her hands and removes the dress she's wearing. When did she change into that anyway? He was sure it was to seduce him, so is the makeup on the normally barefaced girl. Dark makeup, he notes. She must have taken the looks of the girls he normally brings home too much to heart. The bra and underwear she was wearing underneath her dress were another thing entirely. Pink lacy things with a strip of pink material covered in glitter running around the lower part of the bra and the upper part of the panties. Fuck it. He pulls her down and crashes his lips to hers, immediately tasting an explosion of strawberries. Any illusion of bravery she put on immediately leaves her body along with her strength and she becomes putty in his hands. He turns her around on the couch so that she's the one under and he's hovering above her. The distance between their bodies doesn't exist for long as his hips soon find their place between her legs, and he grinds on her harder than before.
His hand moves to the strap of her bra and he pulls it back a little then releases it, causing it to snap against her shoulder and her to moan out even louder than she already was. God, she looks like a princess but she sounds like a pornstar. He never even knew girls like her existed. He was going to lose his mind.
He contemplates taking off her bra and seeing her breasts in their full glory but the innocent sexiness of her little lingerie fits her so well that he eventually decides to leave it on, and touch her over the lacy material instead. Turns out, that only adds to the pleasure for her. The combination of his fingers and the lace rubbing against her nipples sending her senses into overdrive.
He's a bit taken aback by how little she's touching him. He wouldn't have pegged her for a selfish lover considering how generous and loving she is with everything else. No matter, she's his princess and he'll wait on her hand and foot. He couldn't wait anymore. His hand travels down to her pussy and gives her an experimental stroke over her panties. Her reaction is almost violent as she mewls and lies witless in his arms, which only fuels his madness further and before he knows it, he's prodding at her entrance, dying to feel how tight she is. Too tight. He jumps away when he feels resistance against his fingers and a sob escaping her. "You're a virgin?!" He meant for it to sound bewildered but it must have come across as condescending to her because the lust escapes her eyes and she wraps her arms around herself. "Yes. I know you don't like that. You like your women experienced and bold. I've seen them, but I can get better." She looks at him with fragile hope and he feels like throwing up. "No! You're fucking perfect. Look at you! Don't ever say that again." Again his tone betrays him and he sounds angry without meaning too. But he is angry! Angry that she'd ever doubt how much he wants her. She has him losing sleep over her for fuck's sake. She struggles to unwrap her arms from around herself, too timid to lose the imaginary protection, and moves closer to him, hands resting awkwardly on his chest. "If you really think so, then fuck me." "But you're a virgin!" "So what? Everyone is a virgin once." She childishly counters, taking her hands off of him and putting them in their original spot around herself. This time it's Yoongi's hands that cup her cheeks, "I know. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you being a virgin. I just don't want you to lose it to a burn out like me." She forgets about her anger in a second and rushes to comfort him like she always does, "Now, you don't say that. You're a wonderful man with a wonderful heart and I'd love for my first time to be with you." "Baby..." He begins to chastise her again but stops when he sees the familiar wet glint of her eyes, and an idea pops into his mind out of nowhere. "How about we postpone it a little bit. Say after a few dates?" In a fraction of a second her head shoots up and in another fraction a dazzling smile lights up her entire face, leaving no trace of any previous sadness. "Y-you'll go out with me?" He curses himself. Why the fuck did he have to suggest something so stupid? He's smarter than this. This could only end one way: with her wizening up to who he really was and dropping him, and him dying a swift death from acute loss of his sunshine. But it was too late to take it back, he could never say no to that smile. "Yes."
Author’s Note: Thank you all for the lovely feedback. I’ve gotten a lot of messages asking about a continuation for this but unfortunately, this is only a one-parter and there will be no further addition to this. 
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jojotier · 7 years
Little Star (a Dadtaro short)
Jotaro had no idea what in the ever loving hell he was doing.
That wasn’t a sentiment that he could give often, and he sure as hell normally didn’t feel the sentiment so vehemently and with enough force to force him to sit down in the tiny hospital chair, tiny metal creaking under his own mammoth body as he tensely stared at the bundle wrapped in pink in his arms. Jolyne was fast asleep, like her mother was after nearly twenty-four hours of intense labor, but he was far too afraid of jostling her the wrong way because babies were.... Fragile. Breakable. Still drooling, shitting messes of not-quite human beings too, but he couldn’t even feel the usual resentment towards children here.
This was his daughter. Jotaro had a daughter.
Jotaro was no idiot; he knew this day was coming, and prepared for it, and sat there with his lover trying to break his hand but failing pretty damn misery. He heard the screaming at first and felt his heart stop dead in his chest. He knew that his daughter had come, knew that his wife was in no position to be staying awake as she finished riding out waves of pain and the doctors took the baby to clean her up.
(The cutting of the umbilical chord was the worst, because he could hear the pain in his daughter’s little voice, or maybe was imagining it, and he wanted to bash every doctor’s skull in with Star Platinum despite it being necessary.)
Now here Jotaro had his daughter, fragile as glass and paper lanterns and whatever bullshit poetic verse he probably stole from that book of poems he vaguely remembered reading for class in high school. It would be far too easy to drop her- far too easy to just hold her soft head the wrong way and crush it or let it wilt. This little thing was one day going to grow up and be an actual person- a concept he knew in theory but in practice seemed far fetched as all hell and like something he never wanted to happen in the first place.
There was. A lot to process here, definitely. When it came to emotions that didn’t lead to him punching holes through a problem or lend confidence to the careful upkeep of his calm demeanor, he was at a complete loss. Jotaro supposed that it was time to be an adult and think through why his chest hurt looking at the little girl, or why he was resisting the urge to stroke that little tuft of fluff on her head so that he didn’t break his hold and mess this all up.
He has no time for that because enormous blue hands phase straight through his and carry his daughter off. What the hell, Star Platinum?!
Granted, Jotaro always knew the stand had some mind of its own-it still occasionally brought him things it thought he might have needed, and still was the first to be drawn when there was a bullet or something of the like thrown at his head. Kakyoin insisted that Star Platinum didn’t so much as have a mind of its own, as it was just an extension of the instinct and emotions that Jotaro felt, but looking at his stand hold his daughter there, he had a different way of looking at it. Mostly because Star Platinum was crying.
Jotaro felt his own eyes sting in turn as he continued to reach for his daughter, reprimands for his errant stand dying in his throat when he realized that Star Platinum, as always, was just as precise and delicate as with any operation. Star wasn’t bent on hurting Jolyne; just holding her as he wept silently, a smile on his face. Jotaro couldn’t really be feeling like that, could he have? Crying from joy just wasn’t his style, even with seeing his daughter cradled and asleep, and even with watching her come into the world.
He was still undeniably, happy, though. It was strange to have to admit that, maybe, but he truly was. Even so, no amount of happiness could quell his annoyance when Star put the baby back in his arms only as she began to wake up.
Well, annoyance wasn’t the right word. The right word was probably more “mortifying panic” as he suddenly worried about far too many things in the seconds before Jolyne’s eyes opened fully- what if she didn’t like him (she was a baby did she even have any concept of that yet?) what if she was in pain or needed something (was it already time to learn how to change a diaper?) what if--
Jotaro’s racing thoughts were effectively stopped when Jolyne looked up at him and smiled. It was a toothless thing, and she waved her arm slightly, fingers flexing. By all means, she should have looked like any other flesh gremlin that got passed through these halls, any other screaming embodiment of pure, condensed human, but. Jolyne in particular is the most beautiful goddamn thing that Jotaro had ever seen, and he could feel his heart melting. Not at all unpleasant, for the liquefied muscle dripping down his rib cage.
Before Jotaro could indulge in any cliche of holding out his finger or starting to make promises (he could feel himself melting into a sap laced puddle, but that didn’t mean he didn’t find those any less sickeningly mushy), Star Platinum oh so helpfully materialized in front of him and the baby, bending down so Jolyne could see its face. Shit. Babies already cried at practically everything, and to see an enormous blue man would have just been taking the cake- there was no way that a little girl would be able to look at a stand- if she could look at them at this age- and not go bursting into wailing tears--
The little well of panic stopped short when he felt a sharp tug on his hair. Jolyne had reached for one of the floating strands of Star’s hair and closed a tight, chubby fist on it, burbling the entire while as she tugged with a surprisingly strong grip. Then, not even twelve hours old, the baby in his arms gave a sharp trill of giggles, watching Star’s eyes go wide and glancing up at Jotaro, watching his eyes water.
Leave it to his daughter to already be able to start throwing darts into his expectations and carefully made facade to give him this much happiness, and make him cry to boot.
(Eventually she stopped tugging and when Star Platinum disappeared, Jolyne cried and wailed for the first time since her birth.)
(When her great-grandfather came and she started bawling her eyes out at the sight of him, Jotaro had the express pleasure in telling the old man that maybe he was more frightening than a Stand, before demonstrating that little Jolyne absolutely loved Star Platinum by showing him to the baby who immediately giggled at the sight. Needless to say, Joseph was more than a little put out.)
((Hope you enjoyed that little thing!! I just love the idea of Star Platinum being able to emote when Jotaro’s having trouble, and even though I haven’t finished season 2 of Stardust Crusaders I’ve been hearing about a daughter and I live?? for family stuff???? 
but yeah i think there’s more fanfics for this fandom to come lmao))
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pxllidum-blog · 8 years
(!!! i love this physical meme so much omg please share your novel) mouth, hands, legs
Alma has really plush, full lips. They’re like, one of my favorite features about her goodbyeeeee. Her upper lip is slightly bigger than her lower lip and she doesn’t have a super defined cupid’s bow (basically like this – YES KYLIE JENNER LIPS). She also has dimples! But they only show up when she smiles or laughs and they’re pretty deep, too. You CAN TUCK YOURSELF INTO THOSE DIMPLES. Because of her lips, her resting face always looks like she’s pouting a little bit, lmao.
Surprisingly, she has really good teeth. She takes pretty good care of them (even if she’s homeless, she’s super conscious about hygiene and health!) because teeth are, you know, very important for a ghoul. They are, surprisingly, straight and white, and her eye teeth/canine teeth are just a little bit sharper and more pointed then the rest, but they’re not something you’d really notice unless you looked closely.She doesn’t particularly wear lipstick or chapstick or any of that stuff bc makeup is a foreign concept to my child. The only time she actively wears chapstick is if her lips get so chapped that they crack, which happens some times during the winter season if she’s not careful. And since she’s a goof, she’ll get the kind of lip-balm made for kids bc (like lipsmackers omg i miss lipsmackers) they smell so good. She really likes the strawberry kind.
Her hands are very small and delicate (like everything about her BYE!), with long, thin fingers. She has what people would call “piano hands”, I guess? Idk, this is a term I’ve heard a lot when I was a kid bc me and my cousin both have pretty similar hands to Alma. Anyhow, they look a lot like this, minus the fake nails ofc bc Alma doesn’t have time for that.Speaking of nails, Alma doesn’t do much upkeep to her nails, so they’re all kind of uneven. Her nails are healthy and strong, but they are prone to break often because she uses her hands a lot. She speaks with her hands a lot, too – her hands are one of few really great indicators to her mood, if that makes any sense. If she’s nervous, she’ll play with her hands or run her fingers through her hair. If she’s comfortable, they’ll be loose and relaxed. Things like that.It’s not uncommon to see her with scrapes or scratches on her hands or bruised knuckles, since she does get into scraps with other ghouls. And, also, like I said, she just uses her hands a lot. Of course, they won’t be there for long since she can heal easily.
I AM NOT GOING TO LIE HERE, I’VE NEVER REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT HER LEGS MUCH. I know that, although she’s short, her legs are long, which makes up the bulk of her height bc her torso is short. They’re spindly and she kinda has knobby knees, tbh…Since she’s always walking every where, she has pretty strong legs and calves – not ridiculously muscular or anything, but they’re defined and there. Esp if she were to wear high heels AND THEN IT’S LIKE BAM! CALVES! DAMN ALMA WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE CALVES? “RUNNING FROM GHOULS AND THE CCG” SHE WOULD SAY. And then she would trip because she has never worn heels in her life.Oddly enough, she does shave, which I guess is a weird habit to have when you’re homeless. She just really absolutely detests how when the hair starts growing back, it gets stubby and chafes her legs when they rub together. She’s not into it. IT’S THE SAME WITH HER UNDERARMS, TOO, LMAO.
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aquarianlights · 6 years
This has been such a stressful start to the semester I cannot even explain...
I am so fucking stressed out and my mother is not making it any fucking easier. I feel *really* bad for saying this, but I really can’t wait until she leaves tomorrow morning. I really do appreciate what she has done for me today and yesterday!! I do! But...my god, just. . .please, I have SOOOOOOOOOO much to do!!! I don’t have TIME for guests.
Like, I just REALLY enjoy living alone. I get SO much done and I can do everything on my own time in my own way and everything is exactly how I like it and everything is absolutely SPOTLESS and nothing is EVER left out and nothing is EVER not cleaned immediately and everything has a place and everything is in its place at all times unless I’m using it and everything is facing in the right directions at all times and everything is so nice and quiet and I don’t have to worry about “Can my roommates in the next room hear me? Am I being too loud?” and I can cry from my excruciating pain when I need to and I can just get up and run errands real quick when I actually am able to get the energy up to do it and it doesn’t have to be a big thing of who’s going and what are we getting and what do we need because I ALREADY KNOW because unlike my former roommates, I am EXTREMELY organized and EXTREMELY clean and EXTREMELY meticulous about my upkeep of everything in the house (taking out the trash, laundry, dishes, etc...). Nothing is ever procrastinated on. Ever. I have not been one to procrastinate in a LONG time. I can’t even REMEMBER the last time I procrastinated on something.
It’s such a surreal feeling to say this, but I actually do not understand people who procrastinate on everything until the last fucking second. Yet. . .I used to BE that person because of my depression for almost my ENTIRE LIFE up until a handful of years ago so I really SHOULD understand but I’m such a different person that I genuinely don’t. I---Quinn or Killian---can genuinely not even IMAGINE procrastinating on ANYTHING. I can’t imagine pushing ANYTHING back even by like... a day.
The SECOND I notice I need to do something, the furthest it will get pushed back is an hour. Idk if it’s part of my OCD now (since I was only recently diagnosed with OCD and only recently developed it, I really do not know much about the disorder. People reference it a lot jokingly like “Oh my god becky you’re so ocd hahaaha” like white people are so terrible about doing that and I HATE it, but BECAUSE of that, I genuinely do not know what this disorder entails......).
Like..... is a lack of procrastination part of OCD? Because after I notice a thing needs to be done, it eats away at me until it’s done.
For instance, let’s say I notice the trash is full and I need to take it out to the dumpster and change the bag. That involves collecting the little bags from the tiny trash cans and then taking the big bag down three flights of stairs and walking across the road to the dumpster and then coming back up three flights of stairs and then changing the big bag and the little bags. I can see why/how a lot of people would procrastinate on that. NOT ME. Why?
The second I notice it needs to be done, I get this weird feeling in my entire body that is more concentrated in my chest than anywhere and it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to get comfortable and IMPOSSIBLE to focus on anything (whether it be homework, a TV show, or even a conversation with a friend) until I have done that thing. So I literally feel like I don’t even have a choice in doing it immediately. Even if I don’t have ANY energy, I just tell myself “Look. All it is is a less than 5 minute thing that if you get done now will be a lot less work later and you’ll feel so much better when it is done and then you won’t have to worry about it tomorrow so just do the thing. It’s really not that big of a deal to walk a bit. It’ll do you good.”
And I do feel better afterwards. I feel much better, like this serene feeling of relief will wash over me after things are done and I have nothing left on my “to-do” list except long term things and my body will allow me to relax in bed and stuff. It’s so nice.
But this is applicable to literally ANYTHING. Making a phone call, homework, taking a shower, chores around the house...EATING... like, anything.
I can’t find a way to put ANYTHING off for over an hour. An hour is the longest amount of time I can give myself to just...chill and relax after getting home from a long day at school before absolutely NEEDING to do the thing.
I’ve been really wondering if it’s an OCD thing lately. Coz I REALLY DID used to be the person who would constantly put things off until the very last second because I had a negative amount of motivation due to my major depressive disorder, which I really don’t have anymore (I think??). I mean, I would put research papers and stuff off until the night it was due and I would speed-write it in the last few hours before the due date time and submit it RIGHT AT 11:59pm when it would be due online at midnight or I’d do them right outside the classroom right before class or even IN THE CLASSROOM DURING CLASS while our teachers were talking about the assignment and collecting it (that last one was mostly during high school). 
A lot of times, I would procrastinate so badly that someone else who loved me would do my work for me because I was so unmotivated that I just literally couldn’t find any motivation to do it and I’d be crying and cutting myself over it instead of trying to do it ...because I just...literally...couldn’t. There was this executive dysfunction block SO BADLY. I mean, I cannot even express to you guys how bad my executive dysfunction was all my life up to a few years ago.
Sometimes I’d just get 0′s because I’d procrastinate to the point of not doing ANYTHING or push myself so far back that I’d only get a part of it done and I am such a perfectionist that I wouldn’t allow my professors to see anything less than perfect, so I wouldn’t submit anything.
Didn’t figure out until a year or so ago that it’s SO much better to submit SOMETHING than nothing at all. Doesn’t fucking matter what or if it’s not good. They don’t fucking care. It’ll save your damn grade.
But I’m REALLY wondering if this INCREDIBLY STARK CHANGE has been because I recently developed OCD. Because this anti-procrastination/get on top of things immediately thing seemed to develop right around the time I developed OCD behaviours, before I developed an OCD diagnosis.
It’s really odd and one thing that I’ve had a love-hate relationship with.
Same thing with my hyper-cleanliness and germaphobic-ness getting worse and worse and worse. Hell, my mom left her tea cup out on the counter like she always does wherever she is coz she has tea periodically throughout the day and uses the same cup. . .and I just fucking FLIPPED! I mean.... I fucking went OFF. I was shaking and about to have a panic attack.
So yeah, albeit it’s made me an INSANELY clean person (whereas in the past, my clothes would be EVERYWHERE and I’d just leave things on the floor all the time, bottles would be everywhere, the trash would never be taken out of my room unless my parents or roommates did it, and my bed was never made and also had a MILLION things on it at all times and barely ANY room for me to sleep EVER), it has also made me VERY panicky about germs and cleanliness and anti-clutter. I guess taking this human pathogens course isn’t exactly helping...lmao. I need it for my profession as a surgeon, though, so there’s no way outta it. Errrghhh....
But it ALL keeps getting worse and worse and worse as the days go on. I’m getting more and more panicky and snappy over the smallest of things. So far, it seems to be localized to my apartment and my car, thankfully. And, ofc, I do pick up and clean at my friends houses/apartments. Which... they certainly do not mind LMAO.
But everyone who knew me growing up and from young adulthood are all just like “WOW You’re so grown up! Wow oh my gosh look at how clean you’ve been and how spotless your apartment is and how ORGANIZED everything is!! You’ve always been clean, but just had that very cluttered style. So everything looked messy. But my god, your apartment is SO spotless and organized. Do you wanna teach me your secret?? Haha. :)”
They don’t see all the breakdowns I have where I am on my hands and knees scrubbing the same spot repetitively for an hour and then deep cleaning the apartment for the third time in the same day because “I’m just not quite sure it was effective the first two times...” and such. And they don’t see that I hallucinate bugs all the time and have freakouts. I mean, I’ve hallucinated bugs for many years. But. . .it’s been SO bad since OCD came about.
ANYWAYS... I’m gonna stop ranting coz it’s 9pm and I am wiped the fuck out. :| I wanna sleep again tonight since I only got to sleep for 15 hours in the span of the past 7 days. Pulled 3 all nighters and didn’t have time to sleep for much of the other days coz of exams. It was fucking rough. :| :| :|
Gonna have some dinner coz I am hangry. [Still mad about something that I won’t even get into here... if you’re on my fb, then you know...sigh.]
I just REALLY cannot wait to go back to my alone routine tomorrow. I quite love living alone. A LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. :| :| :| :| :| I don’t know if I ever wanna live with roommates again. Lmao. As long as I have friends nearby, living alone is FANTASTIC. ;A;
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