#(( but for now have saeclus
So I saw this post about shipping Saeclus and La'ela or Aurora. And I'm really curious of what it would be like if Saeclus met La'ela and Helen. Will he? How would he feel about them? How does he feel about Aurora?
I would definitely like for him to meet La'ela or Helen, but I can't say anything because this depends on how @nutaella-kookie, the owner of those OCs, feels about this and what she thinks, but since he definitely meets Aurora and I've had this fic planned for a while now, I can give you this fic that describes how he feels about Aurora and just, another interaction between them.
I will say though, that kookie owns all rights to Aurora, and if / when you read this, kookie, and feel as though Aurora has been misunderstood or misrepresented in any way, please tell me. I'll change it immediately.
I do hope that everyone enjoys this though ❤️
Spring Blossoms and Autumn Leaves
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"General." He smiles softly, his eyes cast at the other party, a nod following the turn of his head in polite acknowledgment. "I had not expected to see you here - a pleasant surprise."
Meeting again at what ruins and broken down structures that remained of the once-glorious city of Kralle, capital of Adlerland, was far from the ideal. And yet, it suited the life the two of them had been leading to a degree.
Remnants of lost kingdoms and declining people. Standing tall, not so proud any more. And wanting more than anything to go home.
"Sir." Aurora's expression has shifted from the pained one she wore before. Now it was one of surprise. Though even this look passed quickly. It seems she's become so tired that holding on to any feeling besides grief has become a pesky chore.
He can't say he blames her.
"It's a delight to see you unharmed again, though we could wish for a better scenery."
She seems to agree with that, her eyes refusing to meet the rubble around her again, instead fixated on his own golden gaze.
"As it is to see you again, sir. But... Why would you roam the ruins like this?"
"I have no other task to attend to these days." He hums - sorrowfully, if one paid enough attention - and continues. "The recording of history in its true, pure form also means observation. Of the battle, the ruins that follow, the refugee camps that become of the losing party..."
He halts his words there, and instead casts his eyes to the young Adler General. Aurora's eyes reflect what's left of the city - hollow with grief and haunted with what-ifs and maybes. Perhaps he should have left that last detail out.
Though, that would not have hindered the woman from thinking of the starving and freezing people she once proudly served, would it? Aurora is many things to many people, but a fool she has never been.
"How come you visit the ruins?" He decided to pose a question, to snap her out of where her train of thought would be headed - he knew well it would lead her only towards more despair. "And with the King of Vampires at that. I don't suppose you're awfully fond of each other."
Aurora's face barely changes, but he can still spot the bitter distaste she has for the Gold Blooded King - as the historians named him, though Saeclus preferred his much more sinister and forgotten name; the White Dread - as she speaks.
"I suppose you've spotted the dragon. We left it to hunt, and now he has gone to retrieve it from nearby. It would have been best to let it feed and rest itself for the journey ahead." Aurora states, quite the cold disinterest in her tone regarding the matter.
"A journey from here? Quite the odd place to start from."
"Not if you wish to travel the Black Mountains of Al'ahraish."
Saeclus feels his eyes go wide at the words. And for a few moments more, he stares at the General - whether hoping for his ears to have failed or for her to say more, he isn't sure. He now turns fully to the Adler, striding forward so he stands only a few paces away from Aurora, his eyes bearing into hers with a cautionary gaze.
"I would advise against it." He says, first, and then clears his throat. That was rash, he would do well to be less vague. General Aurora has always been strictly practical and reasonable, not one for an appreciation of vague thoughts and half-sayings.
"The Black Mountains are a dangerous, unruly place. Home to some of the most feared and yet revered demons in our world's history. No party has ever departed for the mountains and returned in whole. Some would deem it unwise to venture a place so discordant alone with a man whose unworthiness of trust is only rivaled by his cold cunning."
Aurora seems to ponder and linger on the words for a moment or two more. Then, her gaze settles on a nearby ruin of what was once a house, her voice firm when she responds. "I have decided to go. I said I would lead him beyond, and I will do so, and then I will return to my... House."
The fact that she purposefully replaced the word 'home' did not escape Saeclus, and he breathes for a moment. He's always found her determination and bravery remarkable, even if it's been denied by many.
After all, who could truly say a girl who survived military training, so harsh and gruesome that it brought tears of blood to the eyes, is not brave? And who could truly blame her for grieving, in cold loneliness, the sheer knowledge that she was to go down in history as a double-crosser?
"Do you hold faith in Karl Heinz?"
"No. But I do have faith in her."
Ah yes. Now it all made sense. This her Aurora spoke of could be no other than the infamous Lady Devyn Kang. He had heard from the Lady herself that she and Aurora have been close companions for years.
"I see."
"Is it bothersome?"
"I don't believe it is my place to be bothered, General Aurora." He smiled softly again, a golden light held within his eyes, her name sounding clear on his tongue. A silent show of trust. "Nor is it my place to decide what you choose is right or wrong. Only time will tell of that. Think of my meddlesome words as cautionary tales - those of a comrade to another's."
He turned to the side, and began to slowly walk to the aforementioned ruins. He could sense the Vampire King walking back towards them. The dragon must have finished its hunt.
"Whatever our souls have endured has not been wholly by choice, as fate twists in cruel and daunting ways."
She may not enjoy poetry much, but that wouldn't stop Saeclus from expressing himself through it. He found a pretty string of words and interpretative yet sincere meanings as close as he could get to a discovery of self. Perhaps that is one reason she dislikes them so.
He turns to her one last time, she is looking back at him now, and offers one last smile. "I should hope to see you back from your trip, General. Perhaps we can meet again in autumn, when the leaves of peach trees begin dancing in the wind, spring long forgotten by nature."
Aurora's face seems to brighten for an instant, the word 'spring' having sparked something within her alive. That's good. It means she is not too far gone yet.
"I would like that. To see spring blossoms and autumn leaves."
Saeclus holds his gaze on her a moment longer and offers her another nod. "Only the unloved and the unnatural would dislike that, and you are neither."
He doesn't turn back again, walking ahead into the ruins, vanishing from sight and aura as though he was never there to begin with.
You are not unloved, Aurora. It was a silent voice, a whisper in the wind, a reassurance that was spoken of not lips but in-between words. And you need not be alone. Let us meet again someday.
In the years to come, Saeclus will think of this short conversation again. He will ponder how his every action may have changed what became of the General Aurora, her kind's greatest. Would his persuasion have mattered had he tried more? Perhaps he could suggest to accompany them? Or should he have followed in silence to observe fate as he had said he does?
But for the moment, he was content with an unspoken promise of another meeting and moved by the power of trusting in another person so strongly. He hoped then that the time had come for her to leave "the Destroyer" behind, and live on as Aurora would want to.
And he could hope for no better fate.
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Names, Families, Legacies
In which Saeclus and Dong Hwa discuss the future and its possibilities - two men who've outlived all their peers, away from all audience.
Dong Hwa belongs to @secretarykang and is Devyn's father, which makes him the dilf of vampire- AHEM, I hope you all enjoy ❤️
"Who would have thought?"
"Of what, pray tell?"
"Of our two houses being joint and bonded." Dong Hwa raised his glass of wine - Feurrot wine brought by the man at his side from deep in the Sanguine manor's chambers. "I mean, look at us - sitting side by side again like at one of those damned Peace Gatherings that supposedly symbolized unity and concord."
This is talk from thousands of years ago - not even Karlheinz has lived to see one of these moments of time. The last of the wise Founder Kings died long before the White Dread ever saw life - or undeath.
"Except this time we don't have to deal with useless chatters and veiled threats that resulted in nothing except more deep hatred. All that useless preaching had me in tears from boredom. And-"
"In tears? I remember you sleeping rather loudly by the older Lord's side as he desperately tried to wake you without alerting the whole room."
"Hey! I don't recall you - with all your discipline and manners - doing more than sketching invisible lines onto the table."
Saeclus could not help a light chuckle. Indeed, he was right. Even the older, more mature Saeclus would not hold much value in those gatherings. For there was none in them. "I jest, Dong Hwa."
All he got in reply to that was a somewhat quiet hum, as if the other was willing to drop the matter in favor of more important things to speak of. "As I was saying, and - now we have another point of shared interest...
Of course. Sweet, darling Devyn - with flowing gold hair and the most charming smile he's seen in a thousand or more years - who's her father's treasure and pride, and the source of all joy Saeclus has found in the past few years.
"I know you and your family - you had a reputation even back in the Founder days, to have family and duty of equal value to your knowledge and histories. So I'm just gonna say this..." Dong Hwa then puts his glass down, and turns to face the golden eyes of the man who'd soon be his daughter's husband.
"Devyn's love doesn't come easy or without a price - so be prepared to stand against whatever comes, to not lose her."
Saeclus' voice is firm when he speaks. "I will."
"I know." Dong Hwa's words come fast as well, eyes staring into Saeclus' own. "I may not have known you well, but I trust her judgement. And you have given me very little reason for doubt."
"Then can I presume these were words of a concerned father, more than the Commander in Chief of the Vampires?"
"You'll know the feeling, when your own children come by." Dong Hwa pours himself another glass of the Feurrot, and then exclaims his last point. "Bring me a grandchild or two when you return from your manor with Devyn, would ya?"
His laughs then echo through the room as Saeclus chokes on the wine he was drinking, coughing out a muttered. "My God."
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Why is Saeclus' nickname the Timeless / the Eternal? Is it because of how old he is or did he do something that's went down in history as timeless? 👀
A combination of both! He's known as the Timeless primarily though. Both because of his weird aging and also because of a past """deed of glory""".
Okay so, first about Demons and Aging.
They have a much slower aging compared to Humans and even regular Angels in most cases. Shu mentions that a regular Vampire would begin to decay past two thousand years. It can be extended using the power of magic, as we have Vampires that have lived beyond two thousand retaining most of their power.
Think Karl Heinz or Dong Hwa Kang.
Now, comparing the races and the respective animals representing them, I have the following headcanons for the three other subraces and then the First Bloods:
The Adlers live the longest - they are wealthy, have high living standards and their relatively small population is well provided for by their mines and society. Because of this, Adlers have an average life expectancy of 3000.
The Vibora are very similar to the Vampire regarding the aging matter - but it heavily depends which region they have been born in. They have the most fluctuating life expectancy because of their different branches, but the years usually fly between 1500 to 2500 years for them.
The Wolves would have a life expectancy of around the same as the Vibora if they had a stable economy. Because of the famine and wars and their culture heavily being stapled in violence, it's hard to say how long a Wolf would live on average. However, their most powerful Lords could live up to 2000 and then some.
At last, the First Bloods. If we view them as the humans among these beings, aka being really generous, they would have a life expectancy of around ten thousand years.
But that's not the case 😭 because a lot of them usually die a lot younger than that. Why? Because of war, accidents and troubles of society. Their Lords are the only ones who might get to live that much, but they usually won't.
So, with all that in mind, Saeclus is considered a relatively experienced person even by First Blood standards. That means he's old but also not that old 😭 he stopped counting the years when he passed 500 so he has no idea how old he is either. He doesn't even remember his birthdate anymore.
Which means by all the other standards in this realm, he's hecking old. He should look like he's in his mid-thirties. And yet here he is, looking freshly past his early twenties. And it's even more odd because he's looked like this for the past thousand years.
It's weird. Karl Heinz, however, theorizes that the rare life magic essence that he possesses makes his lifespan surpass that of any ordinary Demon.
So guess what! He thought the best way to remedy it would be to kill him instead! Isn't he a darling? <333
But now for the """deed of glory""" I mentioned - which was a battle of course, that's why it's in heavy quotations. (tw for violence!)
Context is that in the war of the Founders against the Hell Beasts that broke loose from beyond the Black Mountains - also known as the Scarlet Age because the many places the Hell Beasts ravaged and most of the battlefields would always be painted red with blood - Saeclus' oldest brother, Nocsis, was murdered by the Mhyris.
The Mhyris were a large group of people who were bound to no social rules and no morals - they'd commit any sort of crime on a person of any race and did not care at all. It's rumored the group was founded by people that were shunned by Founder society for their crimes - turns out ignoring your problems instead of solving them leads to disaster.
Saeclus had just lost his father in a scheme set up by Odissa's sister, Odette, and now they tell him his brother has also been slaughtered in cold blood. And being in the middle of a war meant that he didn't even have time to grieve properly.
So he turned to the only other viable option - fury.
He had his men lead the Hell Beasts to the Mhyris most recent hiding spot, and then proceeded to absolutely decimate both the Mhyris and the Hell Beasts in a surprise attack as they'd engaged with each other.
The attack was vicious - Saeclus used his affinity with Hell Fire to roast the Beasts and Mhyris alike, some say that the Earth split open and spat out fire, only to devour those that would fall into the gaps in its fiery chasms.
Later, his soldiers and historians nicknamed the whole thing "the Battle of a Thousand and One Fires", because of the many beings that were burnt to nothing in it. And Saeclus received the official dub of The Timeless because of this glorious victory that ended the war and disbanded the Mhyris.
He does not look back on this event with any pride - if anything, he recalls it as one of his personal weakest moments. It's an odd sort of paradox - this was and is his greatest display of physical strength, but he fails to find a single thing to feel good about in it.
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@secretarykang this is a little late - yay me and my timing as well as the shadowban for that - but I am here regardless. This piece was meant to be drawn like an oil painting, but I am not as good as Saeclus in such arts, so I apologize for any mistakes I may have made. Now that the my notes are over:
Imagined by Saeclus Sanguine, capturing the beauty of the wondrous Lady Devyn Kang. The painting was gifted to the Lady herself, not the last of it's kind by the Lord, but the only one that resides with the Kangs' in their manor:
𝓓𝓮𝓿𝔂𝓷 𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Happy birthday to the greatest aide the Demon World has ever seen!
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for that ship meme, what about la'ela or aurora and saeclus 👀
Wow, I feel so honored to receive an ask like this because those girls are amazing. Thank you anon.
La'ela is quite literally the opposite of Saeclus in every way, so I have no idea how this would work. The only thing they share is that they're both super strong, but I think La'ela is stronger than Saeclus because... She's a literal celestial 😭
Honestly, it's kind of ironic to think about. La'ela is impatient, uneducated and bloodthirsty, yet she's a divine being to whom all magic bows except for black magic, exclusive to demons. Meanwhile, Saeclus is repressed, lonely and a pacifist, though he's from a race that pre-existed all demons, and has never been able to touch holy magic.
It's an idea that would be fun to play with, but I don't really know if any relationship with La'ela could ever be healthy 😭 I'm sorry, I swear I love her and Aurora and Helen but she's... Very messed up.
Now, about Aurora, I'll refer you to this amazing fic by @nutaella-kookie herself. As explained here, Aurora very much looks at Saeclus like one would a peer. I have a small fic in the works that might shed some light on how he views Aurora, but it's not a romantic lens.
Not to say that it wouldn't work, necessarily, just that right now it's much less likely to be romantic than platonic. Which is something I treasure a lot! I think platonic bonds are just as precious and beautiful as romantic ones, and should be celebrated just the same ❤️
Thank you anon, this ask honestly made me feel so honored because Kookie's OCs and she herself are so amazing <3
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My absolute darlings coming right up ❤️
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
Saeclus: As any other Lord of the realm, rumors had reached me of Lady Devyn Kang's unrivaled charm and beauty long before I had met her in person. What I had not expected, however, was to find that the rumors hardly do her any justice.
Eyes that set the mood, a rounded face, and softly flowing hair like silk - positively otherworldly, I would say.
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted || egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
Saeclus: I have always known Devyn as a woman of unshakable foundation. A strong mind and unyielding will to serve her people and her country - truly admirable in both cunning and loyalty.
Yet there has always been this warmth about her - I'm unsure of how to describe it, but in our many talks and letters, she has been friendly and kind. There is fierceness to her commands, and yet softness in her touch.
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Saeclus: That is a very personal matter, I wish to keep most details and discussions private. But I won't deny that the thought has crossed my mind. Specifically following the night of our engagement.
I do believe we will be intimate, only after the wedding, as is custom and tradition.
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
Saeclus: I believe we've had a sense of companionship even through our very first meetings. Devyn has always been so kind to me - sweet and yet sincere. And I shan't forget the time I left Vampire Lands, thinking I had found an unexpected friend.
Even now, she is as close to me as I feel anyone could be. And I know what she means when she narrows her eyes, pouts through her lips or crosses her arms against her chest. We feel like family - like home.
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Saeclus: I had been cautious, yet intrigued to meet the Lady Devyn Kang, of whom almost every noble Lord spoke of. I knew she was clever and sensible from the very first words she spoke in the meeting - and that she was fierce and loyal to her nation from the next.
As I have already mentioned, during the trip I received much favor from her - and left feeling as though I had made an unlikely confidant.
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Saeclus: The lack of spoken words here are not due to a lack of topics to discuss, rather I have entirely too much to say and feel, and I'm not sure I would be able to pick the correct words for each occasion and feel-
I suppose we shall keep it simple: Meluthineth (I love her).
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
Saeclus: Again, this sounds too private to ask of me- so I shall be brief. She is certainly skilled. Feather soft lips that ignite fire within the skin, and Devyn does know how to use them.
She makes every kiss feel like my first - I'm just as elated and hungry for more afterwards.
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REFLECT for sae about the whole almost getting killed by karl ( big L for karl lol)
This is actually perfect because it's a very different kind of trauma than what Sae is used to. Thank you love, I hope you enjoy ❤️
Saeclus, at Death's Door
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Event Description:
Karl had set everything up perfectly. Fabricating an urgent letter from Carla - with such mastery and precision that not even Saeclus could tell it was fake - asking Saeclus for assistance, it was easy enough to get him alone in the secluded wastelands that were once prime territories of the First Bloods.
The hard part for Karl was using the dagger he'd taken from a Guardian Angel a few years back, after successfully eliminating them.
The Heavenly Mirror; one of the Guardians' weapons, specifically designed to kill demon-kind when a lethal wound was inflicted, was now in the possession of the King of Vampires.
He had convinced Burai and Tartulla, one rumored to be the strongest of the new werewolves and expected to take the place of Gottfried one day, to accompany him in this mission. Tartulla for the glory it would bring to him and the werewolves name and Burai for the potential threat Saeclus posed to the matter of his succession through the connections he has with Claire.
Everything went smoothly. Finally, the moment came when the three had a confused Saeclus at the edge of the seal over Banmaden, alone and weary from the long travel and his latest attempt at taking down the seal completely.
The battle was hard and rather long, and at the end of it all, no one had escaped without ailments. Karlheinz had quite the gash in his side, Burai received three new scars and Tartulla lost an eye and four fingers. And Saeclus was stabbed right in the ribs with the Heavenly Mirror.
At that point, his fate was sealed. And the three retreated cheerfully, believing to have reduced the First Bloods' influence over the world to none now. And he would have died there, had it not been for the help of one young Angel.
The Aftermath:
This event made Saeclus' guard skyrocket again. His cautiousness became three times the usual amount, and he hid his presence from the world until he had regained some of his strength. Even then, he only revealed himself when he saw spies of the Kang family, people under Devyn and Dong Hwa's direct command, and let them take him to Devyn.
At first, after the incident, he was suspicious of everyone and everything. He even considered the possibility of Devyn having led him into a trap, but when he saw how worried she had been for her, he dismissed the thought. It was silly of him to think that, but he was paranoid.
It's not every day that someone makes an attempt on his life and comes this close to succeeding. And while he isn't exactly the most enthusiastic to continue living, he's just found a connection and a person that makes him believe in his own future again.
And while he was made paranoid, he also found the experience somewhat eye-opening. Both for the fact that he needs to be more careful and considerate, and for the realization that he isn't quite ready to die just yet.
"I can't die... Not yet. I have not experienced a life with love yet."
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Again, I didn't know who you wanted answers for but since Kauze has met Claire and Saeclus, I'll just answer for the two of them ❤️
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
Saeclus: The years have certainly matured his looks and his stature - yet I still find traces of the adorable child he once was in him. As such, I can't help but still see him as cute, though I don't doubt that he is now a heartthrob with the younger generation.
Claire: Never thought that cute kid could grow into such a handsome man. I met him only once but he was quite adorable - I doubt he remembers it though. Either way, he sure has grown - and for the better.
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted || egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
Saeclus: He's become a fine man, I believe. Though I can feel the disturbances under the skin, as if some unknown foe still chases his every move - I do believe he has matured into a better man than most.
Claire: From the looks of it, he's pretty alright. Everyone I've heard from who's interacted with him says he's respectful and kind - though I'm not quite convinced until I've verified it myself. He seems pretty enjoyable company though.
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Saeclus: I - I have known him since childhood. I don't believe it's appropriate to even make such inquiries... Perhaps because I've always viewed him as though he were my own child. I don't think I would ever, no.
Claire: Well, it really depends. I should need to meet him in person as an adult for a concrete answer, but if we're going offof physicality alone - then maybe, I'd say.
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend || like a child of my own
Saeclus: As I said before - I view him as a son of my own. As such, I feel a deep bond to him, and I would hope he'd feel the same way about me.
Claire: I don't exactly know him personally - not yet, that is. So I'm pretty neutral towards him - no real opinions have been formed about his adult self.
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Saeclus: I got along fairly well with him in his childhood, so I am hoping this manner will continue with him as an adult. As a child, he was the very sunshine on Earth - excitable and curious.
Claire: The kid was pretty cute and lively. He was so happy about the smallest things. A real whiplash of childhood innocence.
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Saeclus: As I said before - I'm hoping we could continue to have a decent, stable connection as we did before. I see his spark even now - I should hope to meet with him more.
Claire: My opinion stands as I said - I will need to meet him in person again.
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed || I wonder
Saeclus: If cheek kisses will count, they were pretty adorable and reassuring.
Claire: Hmmm, we haven't kissed... But I do wonder how it'll feel.
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#Muse answer to Basic Q&A ★
Thank you @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat for the tag~
And I tag: @secretarykang , @ruki--mukami , @yui--komori , @iricathel and @rosemary-scented-roads
Lets go~★
Saeclus: Very well. If you wish to make inquiries about me, I would be happy to entertain you.
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What's your name? Is there a meaning behind it?:
Saeclus: My name is Saeclus Sanguine. Saeclus loosely translates to "Time Master", though some have speculated that it takes roots in Socles, meaning "safe" or "glory". As for whether my parents had a reason for naming me as such, I can only speculate an answer.
Saeclus: My family name, Sanguine, means "Blood Red". Though it could also be interpreted as "Optimistic". Either way, it's quite funny when the context is considered.
Any prefered Alias or nickname that you'd like to be called as?:
Saeclus: Oftentimes, I would prefer to not have my name shortened by strangers. Though, for close acquaintances or friends, I will provide an exception in which they may refer to me as "Sae".
What kind of person do you think you are?:
Saeclus: That is quite a complicated question…
Saeclus: Though, I would say, I believe I'm something of a melancholic presence. A calm breeze passing by, observing the world around me without much judgment or engagement.
Saeclus: As for whether I am a force of good or evil, as such questions often wish to inquire, I believe I am both depending on the party who is perceiving me. And for my own view, I am neither.
Saeclus: Now that all is put into words, I sound awfully similar to a ghost from the past, wouldn't you say?
When is your birthday? How do you celebrate it?:
Saeclus: …
Saeclus: Excuse my lack of knowledge on this matter. It has been thousands of years since my last celebrated birthday, I can hardly remember it from back then… I have long forgotten the date of my birth. 
Saeclus: And as evidenced by what I said earlier, I don't celebrate it.
What's your age?:
Saeclus: Ah, once again a troubling question… You see, after passing three millennia, I stopped counting the ever passing days and years.
Saeclus: Suffice it to say, I am older than the establishment of the four sub-races. Which would land me at somewhere over ten thousand…?
What's your gender?:
Saeclus: I am a man.
How tall are you? Are you satisfied with your height?:
Saeclus: I stand at six feet and two inches tall, roughly around one hundred and ninety centimeters, without wearing any heeled boots. And yes, I am satisfied with my height, though I don't care for it all that much.
Where did you come from?:
Saeclus: I came from the fire and the grave.
What charm do you suppose that you posses?:
Saeclus: Yet another troubling question…
Saeclus: Well, I suppose I come off as rather distant. As cold as the falling snow, and aloof like the lonely mountains of the East.
Saeclus: I hear it is known as the "unattainable" or "mysterious" charm of a person.
Do a voice impression, will you?~:
Saeclus: What is… A voice impression?
Saeclus, after listening to me explain everything: Ah. I'm afraid I'll have to refuse.
Name one of your favorite activities, can you?~:
Saeclus: Oh, only too many to name.
Saeclus: Though, of my favorite ways to pass time I can point to creating artworks.
Saeclus: The tender stroke of a brush against the canvas, never ending blankness coming to an end with colors spreading on the sheet. I could go on forever.
How do you greet someone in the morning?:
Saeclus: Supposing I am their host, I would ask for them to join me for breakfast and wish that they had a pleasant stay at my home.
Saeclus: Though if I am the guest instead, I shall try to sleep a little during the night, so that I could thank my host for their generosity and hospitality.
What's the last thing you say to someone before going to bed?:
Saeclus: It heavily depends on my relationship with said person.
Saeclus: Though I suppose that most commonly, I would wish them a pleasant night of rest.
Favorite possession (item)?:
Saeclus: My library of books. I treasure the secrets and knowledge stored there with all of my heart.
Why not talk about your hairstyle a little?~:
Saeclus: I don't suppose I style my hair much? I do look after the locks regularly, yet I don't believe I've ever had a specific style for it. I let strands of it hang beside my face, and use some to cover my scar.
Saeclus: Ah. Though I should mention I usually have it tied back in battle. I can't afford to be caught off my guard due to a hairstyle choice.
Any unique characteristics on you?:
Saeclus: My scar, I suppose? It goes over my eye, and is barely covered by some of my shorter hair strands.
Do you have a special nickname to call someone as?
Saeclus: I don't believe I do. Often I resort to calling people by their names alone, as they might be uncomfortable should I do otherwise.
What's your favorite color and why?:
Saeclus: My favorite color…
Saeclus: Gold, I believe. The reason should be… Well, it is the color most closely tied to my family, only second to deep red.
What do you enjoy doing?:
Saeclus: Many things, among which I can point to painting, reading and at times even writing.
Saeclus: You might need to be more specific if you wish for less vague answers.
What's your special skill?:
Saeclus: I'm not sure what my specialty would be… But perhaps you could say I am special in the way I organize my troops during a battle.
Demonstrate a short love confession! I dare you~:
Saeclus: I'm not sure a few sentences would be enough to convey such deep, intricate feelings. But I will have you know that what I have for you in my heart, is a vast sea of affection, rivaling the ends of the earth in depth.
Saeclus: Was that good enough for you?
Your favorite food, and why?:
Saeclus: I don't believe I favor any dish in particular, but I prefer sweet flavors the most. Perhaps I could say my most frequented dishes are vanilla cake and apple strudel.
Your favorite drink, and why?:
Saeclus: First Blood red wine, also known as Feuerrot. I enjoy the flavor, and it has no effect on my mental state, so it's a winning game.
Any favorite book?:
Saeclus: There are many books I have read during my life, most of which are too old for others to have ever seen. But perhaps I should name "Leili va Majnoon" as a story that has fascinated me for centuries and through every retelling.
Any favorite genre of movie? Hmm, why?:
Saeclus: A genre… Of what…?
Saeclus: Forgive me, I don't seem to understand what you refer to.
Favorite game? (If none can skip):
Saeclus: … I'm not sure… I don't believe I have any.
Favorite music? Why?:
Saeclus: Violin and piano songs can often please me greatly. I believe they are referred to as classical music, yes?
What's your weakness?:
Saeclus: It's improper form to inform you of such things.
Anyone that you respect?~:
Saeclus: Well, quite a number of people. To name some, I deeply respect the Lady Devyn Kang of the Vampires, General Aurora of Adler land, and a young Angel who dared to tread the territory of the First Bloods, as inexperienced as he was.
Do you have a wish?:
Saeclus: Only too many.
Saeclus: But perhaps my greatest wish would be to have this cycle of hatred between Demon races come to an end, as on and on the wheel spins, crushing hundreds of innocents underneath its heel.
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Saeclus: I hope you enjoyed our brief questioning session.
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Devyn and Saeclus' Children
I am sooo excited for this one, you don't even know. Me and @secretarykang have talked about this a few times and I can't help but share these headcanons with you
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They have three children. Two sons and one daughter.
Originally, they wanted to have two, but Devyn's second pregnancy turned out to be twins.
Their first son, Silas, was born two years before the twins. He has Devyn's soft blonde hair, and otherwise, looks exactly like Saeclus. Sharp eyes and delicate features.
His name was chosen by Saeclus, and it's the shorter form of the name Silvanus, who is the "Roman god of the forests". Though it could also be the Greek version of the name Saul, meaning "asked for" or "prayed for".
Silas also acts like Saeclus, and he was the calmest and happiest baby. So well-behaved and quiet and lively that Devyn and Saeclus were convinced parenting is always that easy.
And then along came the twins, a daughter and a son, to change that whole thought process.
Funnily enough, neither Devyn nor Saeclus had any idea that she was pregnant with twins, so it came as quite the surprise in the delivery stage. Though, neither of them minded much.
The daughter is named Aurora and the son Dante. They both have Saeclus' hair color, Aurora looks the most like Devyn out of all the siblings, while Dante is a perfect mix of Saeclus and Devyn's features.
Aurora means "the dawn" in Latin and was the "Roman goddess of the morning". And Dante is the shortened form of Italian Durante which means "enduring".
Aurora and Dante are absolute chaos children, completely unlike the calm and non-troublesome Silas, and they raise all hell for Devyn and Saeclus even as toddlers.
As stated before, the three kids have distinctly different personalities.
Silas is the most like their father. He's calm, compassionate, and artistic. He is trained in combat and educated in many subjects.
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As the eldest son of the joint Sanguine and Kang families, he has a lot of expectations to meet - not just from his parents but also from the rest of his peers - and this has made him the most hardworking and responsible of three children.
However, Devyn and Saeclus do not repeat the Sanguine family's mistake of suffocating Silas with his responsibilities, work and education. Silas is allowed to freely explore his hobbies, and they both encourage his love for art and literature.
Now, Aurora is most like Devyn in both looks and personality. She's confident, strong-willed and academic.
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She loves to explore the world of science aside from her usual studies. And who better to teach her than Karlheinz, Devyn's best friend. She's super intelligent and has neverending curiosity. While she is a constant reminder to Karl that he could never have Devyn, he can't help but love her for how much she acts like the woman he loves.
Saeclus is definitely a lot less disciplinary with Aurora, because he's never had a daughter before and has no experience on how to deal with them. He's had some experience with sons with Carla and Shin and some other children before. So most of the disciplining for Aurora is left to Devyn.
And in the end, we have Dante. The perfect blend between Devyn and Saeclus. Dante is charming, well-spoken and easy-going.
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He's probably very similar to what young Dong Hwa Kang and Nocsis Sanguine were like. Dante is super attractive and he's also polite and playful, inheriting Saeclus' effortless air of regality and mystique, and Devyn's charisma and skill with words. He'll probably keep playing around until he really falls in love with someone.
Saeclus and Devyn probably have to scold and chide Dante a lot for some of his behavior, but they love him just as much as Aurora and Silas. He also probably reminds his grandfather the most of himself when he was younger.
Silas has to babysit Aurora and Dante all the time, so he's quite fed up with these two troublemakers. That being said, Silas doesn't tolerate it if someone outside of family tries to tell Aurora or Dante off.
Aurora and Dante are absolute partners in crime, and one of their biggest missions in life is getting a rise out of their older brother at least once a week. They would have tried on their father, only he gave them the most intense look of silent disapproval and they just guiltily walked away.
I love this little family, expect to hear more from them soon ❤️
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Out of respect for this person who wished to keep their identity a secret but asked me a few questions, you're gonna see some random reaction stuff here. Starting with this one:
Thank you so much for the questions though, it means the world to me ❤️🥺
Saeclus and the Sakamaki Brothers
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He knew Shu at a young age too, although barely. They had seen each other in the few times Saeclus visited the Vampire Clan's royal castle as a diplomat. And he liked Shu a lot as a kid.
Shu was energetic, talented and strong, so Saeclus really viewed him in a similar lens as Carla (despite them having vastly different personalities, even as kids, they do share some traits) and had high hopes for his future.
He also told Shu once that he wanted to hear him play the violin.
Flash forward to a few centuries and they meet again. Saeclus is absolutely astounded at how much Shu has changed since the last time they met. And not in a positive way.
He's almost disappointed in what became of a promising young man, but then again, an environment as toxic as his was bound to fuck him up one way or the other.
Still though, Shu and Saeclus get along well. Saeclus himself is very artistic and hated the pressures of being a military leader as a young man, so he and Shu have a lot they can talk about. And both of them are comfortable in silence too, they don't have to talk much.
Eventually, Shu does play violin for him sometime. Saeclus loves and absolutely encourages it. He knows it's a bit too late for that kind of energy, but he provides it nonetheless.
Even now, Saeclus is a little impressed by some of the things Shu does - and how despite being known as lazy and useless, he still commands authority in the house - and believes he is the one who will claim the throne someday.
While Saeclus never really saw Reiji as a child, like he did Shu, Reiji did see him visit the palace and have brief exchanges with his older brother sometimes.
Honestly, adult Reiji reminds him of Caranthus. Like... A lot. A painful lot.
It's not that this makes him dislike Reiji - far from it, actually - but it does make him have a faraway look on his face every time their conversations end. Which may or may not leave Reiji with a questioning look in his eyes.
Saeclus knows a lot about the Demon World, more than almost any other Demon, through hundreds of years of studying and experiences. So if anything, Reiji understands that he has a lot he could learn from him.
He's also smart enough to not badmouth Saeclus. Unlike the triplets, he knows of what his rage would be like. He's not risking that, thank you very much.
Saeclus doesn't know what Reiji has done to Yuma and his village, but his opinion of him would vastly deteriorate if he were to find out.
He doesn't know shit about who Saeclus is. At all. My guy is expecting to become King of the Vampires at this rate too.
The first time he meets Saeclus is as an adult, and he's immediately put off by the fact that he's a First Blood. That being said, he is wearing red. So Ayato's willing to be a little polite.
Saeclus is very confused by Ayato's air of arrogance, and two seconds into his introduction, he's already figured him out. Overcompensating for insecurities and incompetence.
And that is something that leaves a bad taste in Saeclus' mouth. Because of the Founders and their blatant arrogance and idiocy.
So while Ayato annoys him with his behavior, Saeclus is trying his best to be lenient with him. I promise, he's doing his best.
So yeah basically. Ayato annoys him, but he's willing to bear with him because it is kind of funny how he shoots one ball through a designated hoop and thinks he's the king of the world.
Like... How do I...
In the nicest way possible, Kanato both angers him and makes him feel sympathetic.
He is repulsed by the thought of Kanato's behavior towards certain things, like his mother's ashes or the brides' corpses, and at the same time, he understands that it makes sense in Kanato's own fucked up head.
And it's weird, my dude, he doesn't know how to feel about this little freak.
One minute he's thinking of incinerating him on sight, and the next he feels bad because he can practically taste the bitter loneliness of being Kanato.
The way he acts like a kid and talks to his bear because no one else would talk to him makes Saeclus really sad.
And then he remembers how he drags ghosts out of tombstones to literally frighten helpless girls and he feels less sad.
They have a weirdass relationship. I don't think Kanato would ever really approach Saeclus, one wrong word from him could potentially set the man off and he isn't risking death... Yet.
Again, in the nicest way possible, Laito either grosses and freaks Saeclus out or makes him feel pained and uneasy with sorrow.
His behavior towards women is inexcusable in Saeclus' eyes, and he tells him as much. Not that he expects Laito to care, even if he is considering burning him to a crisp while he speaks, but he had a feeling that wasn't all there was to it.
So he did some - because he's a curious soul at the end of it all - and found some clarity through hushed whispers and behavioral patterns.
He doesn't know exactly what happened to Laito, but he has an idea of it, and he isn't sure if he ever wants to know if it's true or not. Because the thought alone haunts him in the dead hours of the night.
Now, to be clear, Saeclus doesn't think this excuses or justifies any of Laito's actions. In fact, as someone who has experienced something similar on a much smaller scale, he expects Laito to become more empathetic.
Still, Laito's behavior towards women (or people in general) disturbs Saeclus and repulses him, so he tends to keep interactions with Laito to a minimum. Plus, he doesn't like the way Laito's always trying to figure him out.
But he can't quite bring himself to end Laito because of that same twisted sense of empathy he feels.
Long story short: it's complicated but if Laito makes another attempt at putting one of those hideous hats on his head, Saeclus will burn him to ashes. He won't hesitate, bitch.
Ah yes. Subaru also saw Saeclus, extremely briefly, as a young child.
He was wandering the gardens while Saeclus took a walk through them, and he was seen by the older man quite quickly.
He didn't stay around to chat - actually bolted almost immediately after being spotted - but he does remember seeing Saeclus' eyes soften at the sight of him. Still wonders why.
His anger issues, in the present, often exasperate Saeclus more than anything else. He isn't necessarily annoyed - if he's being non-biased, Shin is just as prone to an outburst as Subaru - and he's also not enjoying this.
But when Subaru's on one of his more peaceful days - or is feeling a bit shy around Saeclus - he thinks of him as a rather cute boy.
Saeclus loves nature, and by default, flowers. So it's quite often that Subaru and Saeclus have a chat on the subject away from any eavesdropping sleazebags. Subaru's worried he'd be made fun of.
Saeclus honestly doesn't mind Subaru, he's fine. Sure, he could - and should - work on that temper of his and stop throwing tantrums every time something goes south, but other than that he's okay.
You can catch Saeclus giving Subaru a lecture on why a small mistake does not put his overall ability in question, and how to start working on himself to become more confident. And seeing a demon like Saeclus might help Subaru, you know with the whole "because I'm a demon" thought process.
Honestly, I am not very confident in writing for canon characters, so if you think my portrayal can be improved in any way, do tell me! I hope you enjoyed this post ❤️
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May I ask what relationship do all your OCs have with Yui? 👉🏻👈🏻 By the way, I love your blog, it's really aesthetic!
Of course, and thank you so much! A lot of my content is about the ✨️aesthetic✨️ so I'm glad you enjoy that! <3
What is everyone's relationship with Yui?
Saeclus likes Yui alright.
- He definitely has a very paternal relationship with her, because of the age difference and the fact that Yui's optimism and curious nature reminds Saeclus of himself as a child.
- However, seeing the way Shin and Carla would treat Yui, he would definitely frown and reprimand them about their behvaior. He might even help her and step in to keep her safe himself sometimes.
- He would definitely protect her, and give her little tid bits of information about the Demon World and answer her questions.
- He treats her kindly, and wants her to be happy.
Basically he's her new dad 💀 Saeclus adopts every single child in need
Mishiro is close friends with Yui.
- Mishiro comes and goes to other realms like it's nobody's business, and she has seen Yui a lot at a certain church, even before she was taken to the Sakamaki manor.
- Though they officially met only after she's been taken in as a Sacrificial Bride, and Mishiro feels immense sympathy for Yui after finding out about her story. So she decides to become her friend!
- Being friends with Mishiro has certain perks, and she will sing to Yui a lot to console her pain and help heal her wounds. They girl gossip, talk about pretty little things and pastel pink dreams.
- Mishiro sometimes even tells her about Heaven's Domain and reassures her about her beliefs. And sometimes Mishiro tells her about her own life, but only about the pretty parts. She knows Yui has her own pain, and she doesn't want to add hers to the mix.
- All in all, they are friends of two completely different worlds.
Claire pities but also envies Yui.
- Claire has met with Yui through that time she was invited by Karlheinz to meet with her nephews, and while she's not impressed by the way she's treated, she's not surprised either.
- Claire applauds Yui for putting up with her sister's rubble because she does not. She feels some sympathy for her nephews, but she doesn't put up with their bullshit.
- She pities her too, because she knows that no matter how much she struggles, she'll never truly be an equal to anyone in this world. Claire isn't someone who's blatantly judgemental of other races, but humans... Well, they aren't the sturdiest of beings.
- But the most surprising thing is how much Claire finds herself envying Yui. The pure kindness, the gentle smiles, the understanding eyes - they can melt anyone's heart and Claire knows this. And she hates how she can't have that.
- As a whole though, she doesn't mind Yui. Might even advise her on how to deal with Demons if she asks.
Amriel protects Yui.
- Amriel has met Yui through Mishiro, and instantly felt sympathy for her condition. What she's going through sounds awful.
- When he's around, most Demons wouldn't dare come close to them. They probably don't have a death wish or don't want to fight with him for whatever reason.
- He'll give her a hand in whatever way he can too. Sometimes by just helping her move things around her room, other times by getting something back from people who've bullied her.
- He doesn't know much about her though, just a friend's friend who's going through a lot.
Aphaeleon doesn't know Yui.
- Now, he's technically seen Yui a few times, but he didn't care enough to ask about her.
- He's often too preoccupied to seek other people's company, and he isn't particularly fond of associating himself with others needlessly.
- If you ask him, he probably would only know that "Mishiro hangs out with her" and that's it.
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for saeclus <3 ✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours and ✉ for a written letter from my muse.
I think this one will turn into a full on ficlet because Saeclus and Devyn just have that effect on me...
Raindrops Against The Window
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"Who would have imagined a few days could feel like years passing...?" Saeclus mused to himself, taking his seat in the library.
Alone for the first time in weeks. The feeling is almost foreign now. Having only one teacup on the table, one dish for deserts, and leftovers of the apple strudel she'd made for him before.
He leaned further back into the sofa, bringing the lone cup to his lips in a hushed hum of contentment. Eyelids flutter shut as he sips the tea within the cup - herbs and sugar heaped in, just the way he likes it - and smiles to himself. And the smile speaks for itself:
He's thinking of her again. But the time is a little different.
The quiet tapping of the rain against the window snaps him from his thoughts, and he turns to watch the grey and dull sky. The sound is quiet yet persistent,
It's all an image. A clear vision - as if it were not produced by the mind's drunken state of missing one's beloved. So detailed that he almost called it a memory or a premonition...
There she stood. In the middle of the freshly wet concrete among the flowers, the smell of her favorite orchids thick in the air, the light after-rain wind sending her hair flowing. With a content smile on her rosy lips and her eyes opening to look into his own, the image was a testament to her eternal beauty.
She'd turn around, her dress skirt going into a flurry at the graceful step, and walk towards him with the same poise. He can feel a smile etch itself upon his lips even then, mesmerized and in awe.
And she knows just the effect her presence has on him. She takes his hands into her own, the bliss of her touch is delightful, and her eyes lock with his in a soft and intimate look. Before he knows it, he's leaning down and-
His eyes open when he feels his hair falling into his face. It seems he's leaned down unconsciously at the daydream, his face close to the flowers on the table. So he takes his time to smell them.
As expected, fragrant orchids.
He pulls back only to look back outside, at the still weeping sky of the Demon World, and thinks back to the woman he had been dreaming about some moments ago. His hand then lightly beckons forward his pen, ink and paper from the library's study across him. He must write to her today, even if just for that dream...
"Dearest Devyn,
The days seem longer without you by my side, further fueling my desire to reunite with you soon. Despite that, I wish you fruitful and lovely times by your father's side.
At the mention of his name, I believe it's wise to address the matter: I've decided to take your words of advice and prepared a fitting gift for him. A masterfully crafted sword from the middle centuries named Slaughterer for the hundreds of battles it's fought and the thousands of lives it's taken.
Aside from that, I shall also bring you some of the Feuerrot that I'd promised before. Did you enjoy the Sahellas flowers' essence? It's their blooming season, so I could bring you more if you'd like me to.
I would have loved to show you the blooms by the mountainside in person in this instance, yet I suppose we shall have to wait for that. The rain and damp air of today will leave the air freshened. If only you were here, the walk that we'd take through the forest towards the lake would be heavenly.
My heart goes out to you, this moment, and every single one that shall follow it. Please do take regular time off your work and allow yourself to relax and rest, though I'm not sure how seriously you will take this last request.
Sincerely with love,
The letter would arrive through the box she'd left behind a few hours later, a single flower plastered to the end of it: forget-me-not.
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Devyn and Saeclus - relationship headcanons
More from the perspective of Saeclus rather than Devyn (@secretarykang)
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Saeclus is the calmest man ever. Pretty much nothing can startle him or make him act up irrationally. Which is to say, he'll behave himself around Devyn at all times, no exception.
Asks her for a dance at every formal event and they dance so beautifully that it's burning holes into the eyes of some jealous people (it's karheinz, he's people). Saeclus couldn't care less though, he just enjoys dancing with his beloved Devyn.
Not a big fan of PDA, but won't shy away from a small kiss should it come his way. He would rather keep it personal and private, but will walk arm in arm with her at every occasion.
In private, he is nothing short of a romance story male lead. Seriously. Forehead and back of the hand kisses, soft but engulfing hugs, his nose softly brushing against hers, eyes that look at her like she's the best thing he's ever laid his gaze upon.
Devyn helps Saeclus sleep more peacefully, for some reason that neither of them can explain. Saeclus often suffers from nightmares, so he used to skip sleeping as much as possible. But with Devyn by his side, he can finally sleep soundly.
They are always holding on to each other when they share a bed, often Saeclus is the big spoon, but sometimes he needs some spoiling so Devyn takes over.
Everyone was surprised when they announced their engagement. Devyn's dad, Dong Hwa, was informed before the rest of the world. Saeclus was not intimidated by him in the slightest, if anything he was just nervous about getting his approval.
Karlheinz didn't take this well, evidenced by his following actions, but Saeclus is not impressed by the King's interference with his relationship with Devyn at all. He isn't blind, sir, he can see you trying to break him and Devyn up. But it's so much fun watching Devyn tell him off everytime that he never gets involved directly.
Saeclus doesn't get jealous, he trusts Devyn and knows that she is faithful to him under any circumstance, and he doesn't see a point in throwing a fuss over someone flirting with Devyn or trying to sway her over.
I mean hello?? It's Devyn Kang, of course people would want her even after she's already with someone.
Saeclus has drawn a portrait of Devyn that is kept in his artroom in the Sanguine Manor, but he would give it to Devyn if she wanted. It's not going to be the last time he draws her anyway.
Saeclus quickly agrees when Devyn says that she wants to keep her maiden name. He honestly sees no reason to have her change her name at all.
Even if they don't technically need to eat, they still love to share meals together at any chance they get. Bonus points when Devyn has made the food, or they've cooked together.
Very protective of Devyn's pride. Try to bad mouth her, even slightly, in his presence and he will bite your dignity right back. He knows Devyn is very capable of doing that herself, but he can't help being offended on her behalf.
He won't hesitate to kill for her either. The smallest hint of an attempt on her life, or something close, and Saeclus will end your miserable existence and erase every trace of you off the face of the world. He isn't here to play around, so watch your back when you can't watch his.
They don't fight. Sure, there are times when their discussions get a little heated, especially when their races and the Great War gets mentioned, but with Saeclus being as calm as he is, and a de-escalating factor, it never gets to the point of an actual fight between them.
Saeclus styles her hair for her, since he has practice from years of having long hair and learning from his mother, and he knows how to do any hairstyle she's like on her.
Saeclus is a very lonely person, he's watched many ages of the world pass and the people he had known as family and friends disappear slowly. He was convinced that he would die alone and before long, his name would only be known as a military general and a ruthless tactician.
But now, having the warm presence of Devyn by his side, he thinks that may not be entirely true. And that there will be someone - some people - who will remember him as he was.
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The Greatest War - Chapter I : Coward
This is the first chapter of how I interpret the war that caused the extinction of the First Bloods. I will go forward and backward from this point in my later works since I want to explore Sae's relationship with the Tsukinami family, as well as his personal history. Very very very extremely nervous about this but anyway
I hope you enjoy <3
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Time seems to fly by fast nowadays and yet so frighteningly slow at certain moments in time. And once again, Saeclus bore witness to the passing of it. Silent and watchful. And hesitant still. It was as if that woman's voice, echoing in his head after all these years, was nothing but truth;
"With all the power in the world pulsing beneath your fingers, you are still weak. It's painful but so beautiful."
But it was true, wasn't it? The way he'd watched this all go down when he could have done anything... When he should have done something.
"Lord Saeclus." A familiar voice, now deep and too formal for his likening, spoke. The greeting was rather cold to all else standing in the room. All except Saeclus himself. For whether the snowy-haired man in front of him intended it or not, Saeclus could see through him.
He had always been able to see through him, ever since he was but a child. A fine child, curious and intelligent... And with potential so overwhelming it stirred hate in his own father's heart.
"Hello to you as well, Crown Prince Carla." Came his reply, a ghost of a smile on his face. But this smile wasn't a happy one. How could he express happiness seeing what his father did to this brilliant child - no, man - every nightfall.
Carla did well in hiding his aches; he must feel them every time he moves the wrong muscle. Though, that was no good for Saeclus. If anything, it enraged him. This child that he had tutored since a young age, with whom he'd explored his love for arts and literature once again, was being molded into a cruel man while he'd been gone.
And, once again, he had sat idly by, watching it all play out like a retelling of an epic tragedy.
Their walk to the King's study was silent. Unlike many times in the past, they were accompanied by guards and servants, too many for Saeclus' likening, and a few of them he didn't even know. He suspected Giesbach had put watchers over Carla, making sure he doesn't step a toe out of line.
Mentally, he was laughing at how the King failed to know his sons, his very own kin, children brought to life through him, and the woman he'd come to love over the years. Saeclus' eyes trailed away from the path, astraying to the great training halls. He hoped to catch a glimpse of Shin, but it seems the younger Prince was not in his usual dwelling. Not yet, at least.
And so the walk continues, with Saeclus' eyes traveling afar in each corridor they pass, hoping to sight the strawberry blonde second Prince. But there is no such being in sight.
Even upon entering the study, some senseless part of him hoped that the younger son would be there. Nothing, he concludes, Shin is not in the castle.
"Is your mind troubled with other matters, General?" The King's voice, sharp and commanding, made his eyes whip back to his front where, a few steps ahead, sat the King of Founders.
"Your Majesty." He says as greetings, bowing his head in respect. Though he did not miss the slight frown that crossed Carla's face as he moved his head and body downwards.
Even that small movement was enough for his body to ache, and Saeclus knew very well what that meant.
And yet, he says nothing.
"If you are done aimlessly looking about I suggest we move on to the matter at hand." The King's tone is sharp with him, bone chilling enough that he can feel the guards behind him tense up.
But he feels nothing. Certainly not fear. And not even hatred or anger. Nor an ounce of respect. He feels nothing in the presence of his King.
"You wished to speak to me, Your Majesty."
"Yes, I believe I do." He doesn't offer for Saeclus to sit. An undeniable insult, given his status. And still he says nothing. "It's in regards to the Eastern Borders."
The borders we share with the Vampires, he thought as his brows furrowed, this can't be good.
"I'd like for you to arrange a visit to the area. The watchtowers have reported strange activity," the King's momentary pause didn't go unnoticed by the far older General, "I believe this is a matter that you can settle."
"That area is a territory under the watch of General Gottschalk, Your Majesty. Wouldn't it cause upsetting if I were sent to deal with a matter regarding their domain?" His tone is calm - frighteningly devoid of any emotion - and his eyes have become neutral again.
The King's blazing gaze, filled with fury, shoots towards his. "Are you questioning my decision, High General?!"
"I am advising you, Your Majesty," If only you could tell the difference... ", if the reports are indeed correct, then it is a time we need to keep our unity."
Whatever remains of it anyway, he added to himself as an afterthought, eyes darting towards the heir of his realm for a split moment.
"If I need your advice, I will ask for it!" The sharp response would've made anyone else recoil, even a little. "The King of the First Bloods has no reason to counsel on a decision that's already been made! I will not tolerate such disrespect again."
Is he supposed to be afraid? It seems that way as the King's gaze turns more foul every moment his gaze remains neutral. No, he thinks, it's no longer neutral.
He's unimpressed. And yet...
"As you wish, Your Majesty." Why does he not decline? Why does he not argue more when he has so much to say? Why convince himself that this is all that could be done?
Coward, he thinks as he turns to exit the study. You are such a coward, Saeclus Sanguine.
He hesitated again. And he's lost the opportunity. He has no loyalty left for the King, and he doesn't fear resentment or loneliness - he's already shunned and alone - so why does he keep on obeying commands?
He can feel it the moment the door closes behind him, and the guards come to stand outside. This is where he takes out all the anger on his son - who admires him dearly - and calls it preparation to become King.
His chest feels heavy with that knowledge. A pause comes to his steps then, thinking of a way to get Carla away from that room. If he asked to speak with him regarding the borders, his practice of magic, or even his duties as a newly appointed regional overseer.
That would only result in more severe wrath to befall him. He presses on. I can't do anything for him... His troubled steps lead him out of the castle.
I am still weak.
Even with all the power a demon could ask for humming under my fingertips, he bitterly thinks as he feels the watchful gaze of many nobles follow his steps away from Phandemonium, I am still weak.
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Modern Saeclus Sanguine
I talked about this with @secretarykang and like everything, I just HAD to do this. I might add the others, but we'll see how that goes.
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Third son of a rich and successful family with two older brothers. He was and is somewhat spoiled but he is humbled by his mother's teachings and socializing with common folk.
He was sent to stay at a relative's state as a kid for a year and he returned a changed person and had a scar over his eye.
Arte and Clius made sure they paid for that.
His two brothers each have their own successful careers, Nocsis is the one who inherited their father's estate and banking company while Caranthus has his own construction business.
He keeps in touch with them and his in-laws whenever he can. Respects his in-laws so much and is always polite and sweet to them. Adores his brothers' children, and they also adore him back.
Giesbach was a business partner of his father's who ruined his fortune and ran away with whatever remained of it, leaving his two sons to pay it off behind.
And this left a bad taste in the three brothers' mouths so they paid off the debt, but Saeclus was the one who reached out and took those kids under his wing.
They live with him now. At first, he felt like he was in way over his head being a twenty-something year old single man taking care of two teenagers, but he got the hang of it.
Now they have their own little dynamic, and Saeclus feels like the father or older brother the two of them deserved. He personally looks after them, and tries to spend enough time with them.
He knows he can't make up for their dead mother and coward dad, but he does his best.
He's that nice and smart rich boy who doesn't understand how the common sense of money works. If you tell him a dress can cost less than half a grand he's not gonna believe you.
He can manage a multi-million dollar brand but buy a normal perfume that doesn't cost half of people's salary? That's possible?? Disbelief...
Definitely an artistic kind of person, and has a habit of citing poetry and writing pieces in response to questions he wants to dodge.
Genuinely kind-hearted, loves physical touch as a form of affection, and is super polite to strangers and colleagues alike. Comfortable letting people be around him, warm and approachable, and super helpful if you ask nicely.
Don't get on his bad side though. He'll humiliate you without uttering a word of profanity. Somebody call 911 he just murdered someone's pride. He's got the snark, he just usually prefers to not use it.
He's also fiercely competitive when challenged despite his usually easy-going attitude. If you're coming at him, you'd better bring your A-game because he won't be backing down.
Raised to be and is a perfectionist to the core. And he holds himself to a higher standard than anyone else in his life.
Basically a less traumatized version of the usual Saeclus.
Career and Education:
CEO of the most popular sweets production company, he owns a famous chain of bakeries all around the world and has the highest standards ever. Though he didn't inherit that company, he was born into a high class and old money type family.
Sincerely wanted to major in arts, but his family (mostly his father) firmly objected to that. Through some fights with his father and some logical talks with his mother and oldest brother, he finally agreed to major in business.
Kinda salty about it but he doesn't complain because he's not bitchy like that.
He probably studied abroad in some lavish university where he shared a school with Karlheinz (and probably Devyn).
Two years older than Karlheinz (so three years older than Devyn), and he's the only junior he genuinely dislikes. Not only are they competitive as hell, they legit chip away at each other's sanity every time they speak.
Likes Devyn a lot though. He thinks she's someone who acts her class and age, and he admires that a lot.
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