#(( hi hello happy munday everyone
royalreef · 8 months
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luckydxy · 2 years
9. Shoutout a blog/muse you’re loving lately (u said send u 9 so I did)
Munday Asks ;; Accepting
You've fallen into my trap!!! You!!! You're first in line! Cat I've swooned over the detail, effort, & love you put into Helena before - but I wanted to point out once more how much I adore your work! You're very articulate & you clearly put a lot of thought into the content you produce. I remember your greenhouse breakdown post & I still think about it a lot- I can't imagine how much time you put into that. I also recognize your support of everyone else in the rpc!! It's noticed & welcome when you go through my posts & I know you do the same for others. You're a cool cat & Helena is a treat too!
LADY LADY LADY I ADORE YOU !!!! I TREASURE YOU !!! You've stuck with me through so many phases & you've dealt with so many of my bastard muses. You're always the first one to support every single bad decision I've made on here & are always the first to offer me comforting words when I've fallen into a bad rut. You & Lira make my heart so happy & I wish nothing but the best for you. You've been a long time buddy & your pressence is so so so important to me!! <3
ASHLEY YOU'RE NEXT MWAHAHA ! You're another long time dash buddy. I've witnessed you & Leo change so much over the past few years & I hope I get to see you through many more! You've been through a lot & I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!!! We all have our bad days but I'm overjoyed that you've pushed through them & gotten to where you are now. Please give Noodle & your babies a kiss for me, I adore them so much & I care about you too. Leo is a staple on my dash & I forever want to torment that nasty icky bastard. I love him.
@paddyfuck / @aworldofyou
YOU TWO ARE A DUEL PACK I'M SO SORRY HELLO HI I LOVE YOU AS WELL!! Hannah I've known longer & I have so much fun memeing around with you & being able to share our love of Oblivion together <3 & MEL YOU'RE KIND & THOUGHTFUL. You're a doll & I'm glad we've been chatting too!!
@yellowfingcr / @voidrevelation
HEYSEL MUN YOU'RE A LIGHT. A JOY. YOU BRING SO MUCH FUN & MISCHIEF WHEREVER YOU GO!! Your sense of humor is impecable & your selection of muses are just as grand. I appreciate your love of frogs & the color yellow & fun & how you really pull the soulsborne rpc together. I feel like I'm not alone when I say your pressence on dash is special & I hope you're having a wonderful day / night!
KRIS YOU'RE NOT ACTIVE RN BUT I'M CALLING TO YOU THROUGH THE ABYSS. I just want to say hello & I love you too &&& I hope you're well &&&& I love our shared love for that stinky traitor rat-bastard Mercer Frey. Thieves Guild forever.
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dailyashleighraichu · 3 years
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woo yeah hi hello this is my huge apology post because i’m big dumb stupid rat guy
I’m gonna be going into a lot, so I’m gonna shove everything into a Read More (not sure how many people will read it but it’ll get some stuff off my chest)
SO! Why have I been like... absolutely dead since Christmas? A handful of reasons. At the time of posting the last STP update, I was visiting family for the holidays. I returned just before January and had every intention of continuing the arc after winding down from my vacation. But uh... things came up! Mainly...
1. Massive depression! January and February were very hard for me, mental health wise. Especially in regards to the blog. I was dealing with my own issues that I so Cleverly Plastered Onto Joule™️ that it made working on this blog very hard for me. I made a new blog (@spark-of-future) to kinda help with getting my mood back up, and it helped a little bit but the feeling didn’t last. (I do plan on doing stuff for that blog too. I hit a bit of a roadblock in regards to asks so oops???)
2. Personal relationship drama. Won’t go too deeply into this, but things happened between me and a friend who helped with a lot of STP, so going back to it is a bit bitter for me.
3. Legends: Arceus. Yeah, I can’t say anything that isn’t too surprising regarding this. I got the new game and absolutely ate it for breakfast. It’s a ton of fun and it clicks the little happy button in my brain. Keeps me occupied for a few hours. I also was given Shining Pearl for Christmas, and played that as soon as I got home. S’okay, not a huge fan, frankly...
4. Wooooooork. Yup, unsurprising too. After coming back, I got like... NO HOURS for almost a month and a half, but in February my hours got bumped up to the normal amount I usually had, so yeah. And with summer coming fast, I’m gonna be busy with that because it’s always busy at my job during that time.
Once again I am VERY sorry for falling over dead on the pavement with this blog. I have no intentions of abandoning this blog or the story at all. I just need to find my footing again and hope and pray that I can actually get something done. I may go against myself and search for guest artists for the next couple posts, because I cannot bring myself to draw for this blog at the moment.
I appreciate the asks I’ve gotten from everyone over the past couples months though! I do genuinely enjoy talking with y’all, even if it’s just silly joke asks with no meaning to them. Same with Mundays, I know I constantly pop in with Mundays, but it’s mostly to keep myself engaged in this blog instead of leaving it to collect dust.
I hope that I can slowly get back on my feet and get back into doing stuff for this blog. It’s my pride and joy and I don’t wanna leave it so soon. So thank you all for sticking by me all this time! I appreciate it more than you know!
💖- Ashton/Valentine
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ofrhysand · 3 years
𝐎𝐎𝐂; Munday + Update!
     Hello everyone! So I've decided to continue indulging my 'fuck it' impulses with RP related things and do a multi-muse blog, to see how it goes. I'll be moving the Casteel blog over there when it's up so that's why I haven't gotten anything started on his at @hawkethroned​. BUT Rhys will stay here, in his own blog. I'll be working on the multi-muse so my speed here will continue to be slow, but I will try to at least do 1 reply daily. Try being the key word there.
Also a friendly reminder that I do have discord, available to mutuals, for chatting or little RP things as well if i can manage it. And as for the munday, have some selfies from a week ago where I was trying out old dresses now that I'm two months postpartum. And since I feel comfortable and happy enough here, decided to share them. Hope everyone's having a great day/night!
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hyaciiintho · 4 years
✿ || Happy Munday everyone !! I have a special little boy below the cut that was just adopted today ♡ He may be missing an eye, but he has his whole heart to give! Say hello to Link the kitty~!! tw; for body horror (missing eye) it’s scarred over and shut, but just in case! Stay safe my lovelies!
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ask-zhuanshi-ai · 6 years
For the munday meme, ? ! ;w;
[Find it Here]
[Mun: Hello! Happy Munday! I feel like everyone’s into Knitting now a days, and I guess I’m also apart of it? I’ve been learning how to knit and so far I’ve made some scarves for my friends!]{你好!快乐的Munday!我想每个人现在都在编织一天,我想我也是其中的一部分?我一直在学习如何编织,到目前为止,我为朋友们做了一些围巾!}For a muse: In school, Longya tends to do well on science class, because of his past life’s job as a herbalist/doctor. He was a young one, but he held that knowledge from his past to his present. {在学校里,龙雅往往在科学课上表现出色,因为他过去的生活是一名中医/医生。他是一个年轻人,但他把这些知识从他的过去带到了现在。}
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
Quietly boops my url here
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: SCREECHES TO THE HEAVENS: I FUCKING LOVE SAKURA!!!! The minute I saw her I knew I was gonna play the shit out of Birthright. I love her. She’s so good, so pure, but so strong and steadfast! she is shy but her shyness does not make her weak, and in fact it makes her stronger as she grows with it, which makes me ecstatic because shy/introverted characters are always seen as weak or meek but NOT SAKURA not this girl who is brighter than the fucking sun I love her she’s one of my absolute faves next to Nishiki…also we share the same birthday so I may or may not be extRA BIASED :)))How they play them: HELLO LUNA THIS IS A PSA I love your Sakura!! I love the way you play her. She is shy, still, but bright?? She can stand her ground? She’s polite? She knows her way around? She’s not just the weak little sister, she is THE sister that will support everyone and knock them down at the same time. Like Tsubaki and Kazahana are fighting? SAKURA COMES IN AND STOPS THEM and she’s so good I love your writing and your interpretation, basically.The Mun: HI we talk sometimes and mostly meme and scream at each other but I truly adore you!! I think you’re really cute and?? boy are you HILARIOUS it’s like a breath of fresh air with you, but we should definitely talk more than we do now!!
Do I:
RP with them: YOU KNOW I THINK SO I send the occasional ask and vice versa, I also wrote a starter which I will remind you to take your time with bc I know life is busy,,,but in short, yes we rp with each other.Want to RP with them:  ALL THE TIME I love those Nishiki & Sakura interactions…bc it’s like two of my faves just being together and being MY FAVES…
What is my;
Overall Opinion: like roseate sun and shine / a perfect princess i wish were mine / but doesn’t the one behind the royal know? / that they are just as adorable 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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