#(( waiting for that moment ruki is like- ))
gazetto-no-ki · 22 days
2024.08.31 Ruki:
Twitter: "Anxiety is a sign that you're taking things seriously. Pain is inevitable when overcoming difficulties, but it's a necessary feeling.
It is also essential to the process.
I hope these words can offer support to those fighting through each day."
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"How’s everyone doing? It’s been way too hot lately, hasn’t it? Was summer always like this?
In August, we’ve somehow managed to get hit by a typhoon on every day we’ve planned to meet as a band. But despite the rain, we still gather and keep working. That just shows how serious the members are.
In the end, I think that’s one of the great things about the GazettE.
Lately, when we’re together, I’ve started to feel a softer atmosphere, and in those moments, I feel my heart, which had been somewhat hardened, slowly start to soften.
I’m certain that the core and perseverance of this band will definitely lead us in a good direction.
So please wait for us, because I believe it's up to us to shape the future.
Also, recently, whenever I have some time, I’ve been intentionally going out of Tokyo to visit different places.
I’ll be posting a lot of what I’ve seen and felt from now on.
As I walk, just trying to imprint the unfamiliar scenery in my mind, I’ve realized I’ve grown to like walking.
That’s a recent change for me.
I also plan to take lots of pictures of the members from now on. I’ve come to realize once again that the ordinary moments in life are the true treasures.
Look forward to it. 🙏
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"By the way, I received a thoughtful letter from a certain art museum along with some valuable artworks they sent me. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.
I’ll take my time and read through these carefully, over and over again.
Recently, I’ve been going to the office a lot, so I’ve had the chance to read everyone’s letters. Among them, there was a boy who said he recently started liking us because of a certain event and sent me a CD of his favorite artist, hoping I’d listen to it. His pure feelings made me really happy.
I’ll definitely listen to it.
Thank you, as always. I appreciate all your feelings. 🙏
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Ruki (on X):
From January to July, so many things have happened.
Amidst the whirlwind of days, I questioned what is right and what is normal? While swaying between emotions and reason, I was constantly making various choices, and desperately running through each day.
In such times, I was supported solely by everyone's concerned voices and the words "I love you."
Thank you always.
And although it's been a while, I wrote on Instagram. I hope this reaches everyone who loves me. ✉️
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It's been about two months since my last post.
Seeing the closet still filled with winter clothes, I realized that this year, for me, there was no spring. Time stopped in winter, and then summer came.
I noticed that I had been putting off such a basic thing as living, and I finally did a long-overdue wardrobe change the other day.
Life is built on daily choices, an accumulation of decisions.
Only you can decide if those choices and your life are right or wrong.
The responsibility for your life is yours and yours alone.
I feel that trying to conform to the standards of "normal" for others will only make you feel more miserable when you are going through a tough time.
It's the same for everything; it's okay not to be "normal" as measured by someone else's standards.
No matter the relationship, I believe it's impossible to fully understand all of someone's inner struggles and pain. Fans' pain and our pain, human wounds vary from person to person.
Therefore, the way and speed at which wounds heal also vary for each person. The way you accept things too. It's okay if it's not the same.
Because the heart is a place that cannot be seen from the outside, others can't understand those wounds, and in fact, even we ourselves cannot measure how deep our wounds are.
Everyone, might be forcing a smile on the outside, and when they come home, no one sees the emptiness they are feeling, and they probably don't want to show it to anyone.
The way I've spent my days, I was told, wasn't very human-like, but I think that's okay.
Now, rather than sadness, I feel loneliness.
Because I am human, I know that I will meet them again someday.
So, thinking that way, I am accepting it now.
Although I feel lonely without Koron and Reita, for now, goodbye. This reminded me of when I wrote the lyrics for QUIET.
And when the day comes that we can meet again, I want to live in a way that I'll be told, "You lived a good life."
In reality, there are four of us now, but not as a mere illusion; another face is vividly present in my mind.
So, the feeling of being five members is not a lie. That will surely be forever.
After thinking about it all, I've come to the conclusion that I need to start living each day in a way that will leave a lot of proof that I lived.
I want to create music and things with more love than ever before.
Although my core approach to making music hasn't changed, what I feel I want to draw and leave behind now has changed significantly.
I want to cherish every moment, even the most ordinary ones, like taking pictures of everyday life, going to different places and feeling the scenery, the smells, all the things that I can only feel at that moment.
And if you're feeling overwhelmed right now, I think it’s okay to put everything on hold and take a break without overthinking it. It’s okay to stop pushing yourself for a while.
If I hadn’t taken a step back, I wouldn't have reached this mindset.
Then, bit by bit, listen to music you love, visit places that bring you joy, and heal your heart.
I'm gradually doing that myself too.
I hope everyone can find their own way of healing.
And if this band, the GazettE, can become something that saves or heals even just one person, I will overcome anything.
To me, everyone who waits for us is my reason for living.
The only place where you can let out everything you can't express in daily life, I believe, is at live concerts.
So, I hope we can share that extraordinary space where we can shout and make noise together as much as possible.
I've said it before, but there will be more opportunities to meet from now on. Or rather, I will make them.
I want to increase the time I can enjoy with everyone who loves me, so please wait for it.
Next is Toyosu PIT announcement, so please check it out.
Thank you for reading such a long post. I'll write again
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What would it be like waking up with Shu, Reiji, or Ruki?
So sorry I didn't see this Tumblr did not send me a notification!
But thank you for the ask and I will answer all three!!!
Under the cut because my writing is long and I might be mildly suggestive but nothing explicit!
I imagine waking with Shu would feel like a Saturday morning in Winter, where the heating is on and your bed is so warm and outside it's a cool snowy light.
Rolling over and feeling the slight chill of the vampire, his chest cool but the arm you slept on warmed by your body heat.
I think Shu, as a more subtle romantic, would enjoy like sleeping naked or at least shirtless with you. While throwing perverted comments around to deflect from showing his true sappy side, yet never actually going further then running his fingers along your spine as he holds you against himself slowly heating up.
Hearing him deeply inhale and stir as he feels your movement, eyes opening slightly and smiling before nuzzling between the pillows and your hair. A grumble of protest at having been disturbed.
If it is a weekend or holiday you give in easily resettling into the peaceful feeling of simple having skin contact with someone so intimately. Shu lifting the covers to cover you more as goosebumps cover your body slightly due to his lower body temperature.
A personal head cannon is that after you began to have an actual close relationship he would have servants bring hot water bottles to your room close to bed so you didn't have to be as effected by his chill. However by morning the once warm devices are now useless, yet he's less cold after a night of having you next to him.
Eventually you may try coax him awake. As he hides himself against your neck, feeling him voice complaints in a gravelly morning voice against your skin.
"My princess is so pushy, just rest order the servants to do the stupid errands. They're yours now."
Reiji could go one of two ways depending on the day. A busy day or a holiday. Either way I think his room would feel fresh but still warm to wake in.
On the average day Reiji wakes you either accidentally as he gets dressed and ready for the day, or with a drink and some breakfast delivered personally to your room. He claims it's to prevent your morning mood effecting the household but it is actually to just keep you to himself a moment longer even if it's while you're both busy preparing for a long day ahead.
He runs his fingers through your hair to wake you, slowly massaging your scalp. You'd be surprised that it doesn't put you deeper asleep.
On the rare days he doesn't feel the need to wake as early he's sensual and soft. Rare for someone as prim and proper as him.
It's canon from the sleeping with a vampire audios that Reiji wears silk pajamas and bed sheets with high quality mattresses. I see him ordering you matching pajamas and night dresses in similar designs to his and he secretly waits until you get yours on before changing. He refused to admit when he's sweet. He melts when you sleep in his shirt after nightly romps in the sheets.
Ever the leading partner, you wake up being spooned by him either facing him or with you back against his chest and his face buried in your hair. You used to worry about it irritating him at first until one night you felt him nuzzle against it intentionally as he smelt the shampoo you had recently used.
Like Shu I feel he would do things to motivate the temperature difference. However maybe an electric blanket or a potion that will last the entire night.
Deepest as morning voice, grainy too completely unlike his firm even tone when awake. It's a personal side only you see. And forget Shu being the lazy one when Reiji has the time to sleep in with you. The man is begging for 5 more minutes.
"My love, stay...hm? Need a drink? I left one on the nightstand. ... You can't reach it?... Cruel woman treating your lover like this."
Ruki's room must smell like candles and new books. A nice toasty feeling to wake to.
Clingy is the best way to describe how I feel he sleeps. So scared you may slip through his fingers or leave like others before, Ruki holds you close as you sleep.
I imagine he sleeps on his stomach due to having to sleep like that for so long after he initially got the scars on his back. His arm around your waist and head turned to rest abobe your shoulder.
The exception being when he reads a book to help you sleep. You lay, head against his chest or in his lap as he sits against a pile of pillows. You wake to his head against yours and the book left open on his lap as his arms encircle you.
Ever the slight sadist, on days you need to be up faster he might lightly pinch your sides to wake you. Chuckling as you squirm and complain at the rude awakening. Kissing you forehead in apology.
During nights where he has particularly bad nightmares you may have to wake him. Holding him against your chest and brushing through his hair as you comfort him best you can. You don't know when you both nod back off but you wake the next day to him still there resting more peaceful than ever. That being said night terrors have decreased drastically since you began to share a bed.
After you both wake up properly he holds you in his lap as you discuss your plans for the day. He takes his time laying kisses along your shoulders and down your sternum, a personal good luck ritual that makes the day a little easier to begin.
"Hm... where do you think your going? I assume like me you don't want to leave my side yet. Especially with those fingers tracing along my body. How shameless."
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otomehonyaku · 2 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS More,Blood Genteiban DVD Translation ☽ Mini Drama III (Ruki, Azusa, Kanato, Ayato)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD 限定版 SPECIAL DISK IV Mini Drama III Voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (Ruki), Kishio Daisuke (Azusa), Kaji Yūki (Kanato), Midorikawa Hikaru (Ayato) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (thank you @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
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Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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Here's the final instalment of the More,Blood special disks! ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ ) This is my least favourite of all of them (even though Ruki is obviously my favourite Diaboy) because I think Ruki kind of got the short end of the stick in terms of content in my opinion... I had hoped we'd get to see more of his inner struggle seeing as the rest of the CDs have these fun little bits talking about what they'd like to do with Yui and stuff, but this one had a little less of that ( ; ─ ; ) Still, the part where Ruki talks about Yui having agency? A king indeed...
Anyway, there's more good stuff coming soon! As always, have fun listening and reading along! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
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[This scene takes place right after the last episode of More,Blood, when Ruki and Ayato each take Yui’s blood and the two agree on working together against the Founders. Note: AY stands for Ayato and AZ stands for Azusa.]
00:00 Ruki: Leave her to sleep. If the Founders are coming for her soon, we need to be prepared. Isn’t that right, Sakamaki Ayato?
Ayato: I ain’t taking orders from you, asshole. Yours Truly can do as he pleases.
Ruki: These are no circumstances for liberal ideas, unfortunately. Quarrelling will not help us if we have to face off against the Founders.
AY: You don’t have to tell me that. I ain’t handing her over to those Founders. Or you, or anyone else, for that matter.
R: Didn’t you just say that you can do as you please? 
AY: So what if I did?
R: She also has the right to decide for herself. You’re free to think of her however you like. However, only Eve herself can make the choice. 
AY: That ‘Eve’ shit is none of my business. Pancake didn’t have any rights to begin with. She’s my prey. I shouldn’t have to listen to every single little thing that my prey wants.
R: Eve has a stronger will than you think she has. I urge you not to take that lightly. Especially not by considering her mere prey.
AY: Tch. Self-important bastard.
R: Besides, it’s only a matter of time until the Human World is no longer safe for her.
AY: What do you mean?
R: As the lunar eclipse progresses, your power will weaken. The Founders are undeniably waiting for the perfect moment to strike. You know this, and yet you’re still picking a fight with me?
AY: Fuck…
02:03 R: The Founders are immensely powerful. We vampires are no match against them with the lunar eclipse chipping away at our strength. Are you fine with the Founders taking Eve away? Because that is exactly where we’re headed right now.
AY: Of course not! I told you, she’s—
R: Yeah. You sensed the same danger I did and that’s exactly why you came here, right? So, if you would…
AY: Alright, I get it. So? What should we do? You gotta have a plan ready if you’re gonna boast like that.
R: I have something in mind, though it poses great risk. Especially for Eve.
AY: Anything’s better than letting the Founders get their filthy hands on her. What is it?
R: We bring her to the Demon World.
AY: The Demon World?!
R: This lunar eclipse is not just any lunar eclipse.
AY: Yeah, Reiji also said it’s taking place at the same time in both the Human World and the Demon World.
R: Exactly. Which means that you pureblood vampires are particularly susceptible to its influence.
AY: I know. Isn’t that why we resorted to joining forces with you lot?
R: However, our working together still does not guarantee victory against the Founders. We barely know anything about them.
AY: So that’s why you wanna take her to the Demon World?
R: This might be a gamble, but there is a possibility that the effect the lunar eclipse has on us is reduced there. Of course, I have no experience with this either.
AY: So it’s all or nothing?
R: Exactly. We have little hopes of winning against the Founders to begin with if we stay here. Don’t you think we would have better chances of succeeding if we go to the Demon World?
04:04 AY: If we take her along, Pancake might be more likely to die, though. More people’ll go after her just because she’s human.
R: You can’t even protect her from regular folk in the Demon World? Are you really that weak?
AY: The fuck?
R: You’re a Sakamaki. You should be able to deal with such nobodies with ease.
AY: Are you fuckin’ with me? Of course I can!
R: Our enemies are the Founders. The so-called First Bloods, who are said to be the origin of all of us. This is no time to be thinking about the lower classes of the Demon World.
AY: In any case, I’m not gonna let Pancake die. Besides, I definitely won’t let her fall into their hands.
R: Save your yapping for after we save Eve. If you’ve made up your mind about crossing the barrier, let’s get out of here quickly. We need to get to the Demon World before the lunar eclipse reaches its climax.
AY: You like givin’ orders, don’t you? Asshole.
[There’s a knock on the door.]
Azusa: Ruki… The lunar eclipse is pretty far along… Oh… Ayato? Why is he here…?
R: Don’t mind him. What’s important is that Eve is in great danger.
AZ: Eve?
AY: Those Founder assholes are after Pancake.
R: And the wolves that attacked us here seem to be their familiars.
AZ: Founders…? But why are they after Eve…?
Kanato: Mukami Azusa. I will never forgive you.
AZ: Oh, Kanato.
AY: Kanato? What’re you doing here?
K: I will avenge Teddy!
AY: Avenge Teddy? 
K: I can still hear him screaming amidst the flames. He’s hurting… He’s burning…
AY: Ah, so Teddy’s a pile of ash because of you.
06:14 AZ: Yeah… I’m sorry…
K: Apologising won’t give me Teddy back! I will never forgive you, Azusa! You burned him! I can’t forgive this. I won’t forgive this! I’m going to kill you!
[Kanato attacks Azusa, causing the two of them to topple over onto the ground.]
AZ: Oh…
K: I’ll fucking kill you! I won’t forgive you! I’ll never forgive you!
AY: Hey, Kanato! Cut it out!
[Ayato stops Kanato.]
K: Ayato! Why are you getting in my way? Do you want to get killed too? My Teddy is… Teddy is…
R: Are you alright, Azusa?
[Ruki pulls Azusa back onto his feet.]
AZ: Yeah… I’m alright…
R: What did you do to him?
AZ: When I went to get Eve… I ran into Kanato, and he stopped me…
K: Of course I did! She’s mine!
AZ: But we need Eve too, so… I threw his precious bear… into the fireplace…
K: He’s not a bear! He’s Teddy! Teddy! Teddy…
AY: Hey, Kanato. Doesn’t matter what he did. Stop crying.
K: Teddy… It hurts, doesn’t it? It burns, doesn’t it? I feel so bad for him… I will take the girl home right now.
AY: Huh? What’s this all of a sudden?
08:22 K: She will repair Teddy for me. I will take her home right now. Where is she?
AY: This isn’t the time to be asking that. You heard it too, right? The Founders are after Pancake.
K: That has nothing to do with me. She will repair Teddy.
R: You saw the pack of wolves too, didn’t you? You know full well how powerful the Founders are. Don’t get careless.
AZ: That’s true, Kanato… Eve might be in danger…
K: Shut up, shut up, shut up! Stop scolding me!
AY: But you wouldn’t want Pancake to die either, right?
K: What? I don’t care. If she dies, I’ll turn her into a beautiful wax doll. I don’t see anything bad about that.
AZ: Then… What about Teddy?
R: Yes. If you let her die, you will never hold Teddy in your arms again. Are you fine with that?
K: I don’t understand. She’s mine. I can do with her however I please, and she will repair Teddy for me!
[Kanato starts walking away.]
AY: Hey, Kanato! Where are you going?
K: I’m going to look for her. Where have you hidden her?!
[Kanato leaves the room.]
10:04 AY: Tch. He’ll kill her himself in this state. Damn it, I got no time for this shit— Hey, Kanato, wait!
[Ayato follows Kanato.]
AZ: Ruki… I’m sorry. It’s my fault…
R: No, it’s fine. We need Eve the most, after all. 
AZ: Yeah, that’s true…
R: We’d better hurry. We have to get to the Demon World before the lunar eclipse reaches its climax.
AZ: To the Demon World…?
R: Yes. I think our odds of protecting Eve are better there. Can you go tell Kou and Yuma?
AZ: Yeah, got it… We will protect Eve… right?
R: That’s exactly why we’re leaving for the Demon World.
AZ: Ruki… If one of us becomes Adam… I wonder if… all of us will one day… see the same bright blue sky… that we saw back then.
R: Yeah. We might.
AZ: This time… Eve would be there with us… right?
[Azusa leaves the room.]
R: There is barely any time left… But we will be the ones to protect you, Eve. No matter what it takes.
[Wolves howl in the distance…]
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callmeklair · 11 months
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okay so this got really really long so I had to shift the behind the scenes part for another post at last moment. Also I'm really sorry for how long this might look, I did try to edit it in small font but it was just unreadable so yeah >.<
[no beta because me is sick]
prepare yourselves for a ride. also special mention to @its-irsaa-fyp because our random midnight talk brought this au to life
hope you guys enjoy it ^^
this story revolves around a kind-hearted and beautiful girl named Yui Komori who lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. Her own mother died a long time ago, and father just met with an accident recently while on his way to travel.
???: oh~ cinderella~! cinderella~~!— Yui! Yui!
???: where did she disappear!? me and teddy are starving! is she still asleep!!?
unfortunately for Yui, her stepmother and stepsisters were not that welcoming as from the start they referred to her as Cinderella.
"someone or something that is given little attention or care, especially less than they deserve"
to mock her.
Yui: *sigh* they are at it again.
Yui stretched her sleepy arms as the birds started singing to awaken her and her favorite three mice pulled away the blanket to snuggle on her lap to get some morning pats.
these animals were the only ones who took care of her in this cold and insufferable household.
one of the three mices suddenly spoke to get Yui's attention.
Azusa: why… don't you just… run away from here?
Ruki: Azusa, it's not that easy for humans to run away like us animals. they need backup and basic requirements before moving away to guarantee their safety and survival.
Yuma: sheesh, glad I'm a mouse. if only you had done some good deeds in your previous life, then you would have been a mouse like us, Yui.
Yui chuckled at Yuma's comment and shook her head which made him blush. was it out of embarrassment or shyness? nobody knows. well of course except his brothers Ruki and Azusa.
Ruki: you should leave, before they barge into your room and mess it up like last time.
Yui: right! you are right! I'll see you guys later, take care until then.
she kissed each mice' head and left.
Ayato: what took you so long!? yours truly is starving!
Yui: I'm sorry stepmother, this won't happen again.
Ayato: you said that last time too!
Laito: now now mother, please let it be. poor Cinderella needs her beauty sleep too. After all, I'm pretty sure you won't want an ugly little thing with dark circles lurking around the house like a ghost while doing her chores. it'll be unsightly.
Kanato: as much as I hate her for making me and teddy wait, I agree with laito. it'll be really unpleasant to watch her like that. her pretty average looks are the only thing that is keeping me sane as I watch her face everyday while walking around the house. she's already ugly, don't make it worse.
Ayato: tch, you two. fine, you are spared this time on my daughters' request. but now… you have already wasted our precious time, go make the breakfast and, I don't think I need to repeat about your daily chores.
Yui: understood.
she bowed her head to them like a daily routine and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
later during the meal, while she was serving their breakfast something in their conversation perked her up
Ayato: we have received an invitation from our monarch for the prestigious royal ball that is going to be held in five days. it is rumored that the prince is looking for a wife through this occasion and will make her his queen after taking over the throne.
Laito: ah that sounds so wonderful! but why throw a ball when he can marry a very influential family and also, in the future he is destined to marry a lot of women to stabilize his kingdom. ah~ I really wanted to become his one and only.
Kanato: try getting out of your genius fantasies and assumptions, he'll never marry someone like you even if he wants to keep only one wife. I'm more suitable. me and teddy. right teddy?
Ayato: that's the thing. the current prince only wants to have one wife on his side who'll help him run the kingdom through her ideas and opinions too and not just influence.
Laito: hmmm isn't the king, the current prince's older brother who is still single and healthy, still ruling the kingdom. why will they look for a wife for the prince and not the king?
Ayato: dunno, probably not interested in marriages. and about the prince, he doesn't look like he has any intention to take over the kingdom but who knows what goes around in politics. definitely why they are looking for a wife for him due to this.
Laito: awww man, I thought if not prince then I could get a chance with the king as a backup but looks like I'll have to rely on my natural beauty and talent to press my presence into the prince's heart.
Kanato: gross.
Yui: can I join the ball too? I promise I'll complete all the chores! I'll clean the house to it's finest, laundry your clothes, iron them, and make your favorite foods. Everything.
The three's eyes widened at her request.
Kanato: what made you think, a mere incompetent average mediocre women like you can attend with us—!
Ayato: Kanato. it's alright.
the stepmother stopped her youngest child's tantrum and turned to Yui with an evil smile.
Ayato: fine. I'll let you join us-
Kanato & Laito: mother!
Ayato: shush. I'm still speaking. so Yui, you can join us… only if you complete all the listed chores I give you everyday.
Yui: that's alright with me! thank you!
Ayato: don't thank me so soon. you even have not started working on the chores yet.
the evil smile just grew wider. but Yui chose to ignore it and left the dining area to start preparing for her chores.
Laito: mother?
Ayato: you guys are worrying too much, she doesn't even have proper clothes except those rags. and to think about going to the ball without a proper dress? fufu she'll either be kicked out or made a laughing stock. but I'm pretty sure she won't be even able to step out of this house, as that much of the task and chores will be given to her from me.
on the corner, the three mice were watching the whole ordeal and Yuma just grew angry at the insolent behavior of these people towards Yui and her pure wish & will to go to the ball.
Yuma: those damn bastards- that stepmother is definitely planning something evil. the wickedness is in the air, I can't breathe anymore ugh!
Azusa: Ruki… we need to protect her and help her prepare for the ball.
Ruki: that's right! let's have a talk with her first and see what she is planning for the ball.
the three mice left the scene and went to their Yui.
Yuma: Yui! Yui! what are your plans for the ball?
Yui: ..! you guys know?
Ruki: of course we do, we are mice. our ears are everywhere.
Yui: oh I see. Well I of course don't have a dress so I'm planning to make one, I still have one of my mother's dresses which I can try to remake using various accessories and jewels.
Ruki: is that the pink one you showed a long time ago?
Yui: yes that's the one.
Yuma: then we'll help you remake it! you know those smelly wicked people are definitely planning something unpleasant and difficult for you.
Yui: Shush Yuma, that's not how you talk about people, especially behind their backs. and I'll really appreciate your guys' help my sweet adorable mice.
She rubbed their heads and ruffled around their chin to gesture her gratitude.
the three of them purred.
Now Yui was busy doing all her listed difficult and nasty chores. her stepmother really didn't want her to come so badly that she stooped so low in giving chores.
While on the other hand, the mice called for the birds and explained to them about the situation. Upon hearing this, the birds whistled and called more of their friends from the forest behind the house and with this, all of them proceeded to make a dress for Yui, so beautiful that even the prince will not be able to get up after falling from looking at her. not from the floor, not from his affection.
Days passed and the time for the ball was here. But Yui didn't look very excited as in the past few days, her stepmother really gave her so many tasks that she didn't even get the time to touch her mother's dress. The moment she'll complete those tasks and go to her room in the attic, she'll fall on the bed and sleep due to all the tiredness.
Yui:....! huh! How is this-!
Yuma • Azusa • Ruki • animals: surprise!
Yui was in awe and in tears as she saw the most beautiful dress she has ever seen in her whole life. These animals really remade the old dress into something new with their tiny hands, paws and beaks. She repeatedly thanked them as she stepped forward and took the dress to try it out.
Yuma: You look gorgeous!
Azusa: pretty!
Ruki: As expected, my imagination was on point.
Yui: you guys are really really adorable! I love you so much.
*church bell rings from afar*
Yui: oh no! it's almost time for the ball, I'm leaving. love you guys.
Ruki: we'll escort you out.
Yui and her companions moved to the door just when the stepmother and the stepsisters were about to leave.
Yui: wait, I'm coming too!
The three of them turned around and looked enraged at her beautiful sight.
blinded by jealousy, the sisters tore Yui's dress saying the jewels on her dress resemble their belongings as the mother just watched.
Yui: … why?
she was on the brink of tears.
Ayato: just cause'.
with that they left.
finally the tears poured from her eyes, she didn't want to cry in front of them to fuel their enjoyment more, and ran away from the scene.
the mice followed her, angry yet they couldn't do anything. if only they were human. if only.. if only… if only…
*magical noises*
???: I hear desperate wishes.
mice: !!!
Yui, who was crying on the bench, suddenly looked up and saw a handsome black haired man with pale magenta eyes wearing glasses in a…. blue gown?
Yui: you are?
???: Reiji. Your fairy godmother.
Yui: …
Reiji: what?
Yui: I think I'm hallucinating due to crying too much.
Reiji: and what is that supposed to mean?
Yui: aren't fairy godmothers females?
Reiji: ….
Yui: ….
Reiji: are you…
Yui: ?
Reiji: Are you doubting my profession? Do you know how hard it is to work in this profession? The ethics and norms says nothing about specific gender in this field. What is this gender discrimination!? Can't believe in this time and era, there will be people who'll show such impudent and narrow minded thinking. I knew it, I was born in the wrong generation.
Yui never expected that her simple question would end up with her getting a whole lecture.
Reiji: good grief *sigh* you are helpless.
Yui: isn't that why you are here?
Reiji: now miss mam, I think you don't know how the fairy godmother system works. We-
Yui: another one. here we go (⁠╥▽╥⁠)
Yui: okay okay, I understand.
Reiji: you better.
Yui: So why are you here?
Reiji: to help you out of course. I heard your deepest desires and wishes from far away. and as a compassionate person* I'm here to fulfill your dreams.
*compassionate person X
because it is my profession. ✓
Yui: really? but how?
Reiji: We can start with that dress of yours.
Reiji took out a white wand from his sleeves as he performed the spell bibidi babidi boo and transformed Yui's dress into a beautiful sparkly silver gown with glass heels while also styling her hair with jewels and sparkles.
Yui: oh my gosh! you are amazing.
Reiji: keke, of course. I'm an expert in my profession, as expected of me. hmm but there's still something amiss.
Yui: how am I supposed to go to the ball? on heels?
Reiji: right! that was what it was missing.
Reiji danced his wand again as he turned a full grown pumpkin, from the corner, into a carriage.
Reiji: perfect. now we are ready.
Yui: who is going to drive it?
Reiji: those three mice glaring at me from the start.
Yui turned at the direction of Reiji's stare and saw her companions glaring daggers. But such thing was completely normal for Reiji as he danced his wand again and turned the mice into humans.
Azusa: we are…
Ruki: humans now.
Reiji: for now. Listen to me and remember one thing very carefully, once the clock strikes midnight, my spell will be lifted and everything will be turned back to how it was i.e. your torn dress, pumpkin, mice, everything and everyone.
Yui: I understand, thank you so much.
Yuma: ugh this body is tall, why am I the only one like this!?
Yui: if only you would have done some good deeds.
Yui joked around repeating Yuma's comment from that day and the latter in turn grew more furious.
Reiji: bickering for later. the ball is starting soon. now if you don't want my precious energy and stamina I invested in you to go to waste. Please.
Yui: wait! what if my stepmother and stepsisters recognize me!? it'll be over for me.
Reiji: ah that's true, let me cast another enchanting spell on you which will act like an illusion.
he danced his wand again.
Reiji double checked and made sure everything is at point and now
he pointed at the carriage door's direction, impatient for them to leave. He had to go fill in his reports as early as possible to get some increment.
The three mice, now humans, discussed something among themselves and decided that Ruki & Azusa will be the escorts while Yuma will be the driver.
before Yuma could argue more, Yui looked at him with hopeful eyes and he wasn't able to say anything.
Without anymore further ado, they left for the ball.
Subaru: tch. I'm not dealing with this nonsense anymore! 
Inside the ballroom, Subaru was starting to get frustrated in the upper room, where royals watch the people from above. 
Just a few hours ago, Shu, his older brother, the current king, lazily barged into his room and dropped the bomb that the ball was actually being held to find a bride for him. Until now he was just kept in the dark and was only told that a royal ball will be held for political purposes and so he assumed that it must be something to do with his king position but now this… this was frustrating.
All he could see was disgusting coaxing of females and the nobles trying to get their daughter with the prince. It got worse when suddenly a maiden with reddish brown hair and green eyes winked at him and 'nfu'-ed at him. Right now Subaru was running away from that maiden and successfully managed to ditch him. 
Subaru sighed as took in the familiar scenario of the grand corridors of this spacious castle. 
Subaru: tch. well now that I'm here, might as well roam around and cool myself down until that brother of mine and his followers drag me into this whole set-up mess again. 
Subaru walked but tensed up when he saw a beautiful gown. 
Subaru: not another one
He looked around to find a hiding spot until..
Subaru: …..! 
Subaru: she is ethereal
no no no, that shouldn't change his decision as he has already seen some beautiful/pretty faces tonight trying to suck him up, be it by their own will or their family's will. 
he shouldn't stop himself just because of an ethereal looking woman. but it was too late, she already saw him.
???: uhm hello? uh, do you know the direction of the ballroom? I'm kind of lost here. 
It looks like she didn't recognise, good for him. But sooner she might if someone from palace suddenly shows up and reveals his identity because of the formalities. 
Subaru: You are? 
Yui: oh… uh I was supposed to attend the ball with my family but due to cho— circumstances I wasn't able to depart with them on time.
She really let herself be open around and introduce herself without any hesitation. such a vulnerable prey. 
Subaru: let me do the honor and take you.
Yui: you will? thank you! 
the little rabbit has fallen into the hands of a beast. 
Yui: oh right! what is your name? Need to know your name to express my gratitude later for your each and every help. 
Subaru: Subaru. 
Yui: I see…
Subaru didn't say his full name because he didn't want his cover to be lifted, at least not yet especially when he gets to see her such beautiful smile making her eyes shape into alluring crescents.
He silently took her to the ballroom, so that people wouldn't notice him and expose him. 
Yui came back to her senses from her daze of taking in the marvelous interior of the palace when she realized that Subaru had taken her to the dance floor and both of them were waltzing now. 
Yui: S-subaru-kun!?
Subaru: shh. 
Yui blushes as she finally takes in his appearance illuminated by the golden lights of the ball room and how dazzling he looked with that silver pink hair and his scarlet eyes. 
Subaru wanted to quietly enjoy his moment with this ethereal girl he just met. He wanted to know more about her. He wanted to make her his own. He was intrigued. her soft expressions, her soft voice, her smile, her vulnerability, everything. He wanted to know them deeply. 
As Subaru and Yui were enjoying their peaceful dance with love filled eyes looking into each other with the desire to get to know each other more, Yui's stepmother and stepsisters were seen from afar as Ayato looked carefully and started to doubt how much the girl dancing with the prince looked familiar.
Ayato: No it can't be her, she doesn't even have a dress and the one she has we destroyed it. must be some other girl looking like her. 
Meanwhile Shu watched the scene in front of him unfold and sighs following with a lazy but genuine smile, glad that his younger brother finally found someone for him. With Subaru's past and his mental health condition this past few weeks, Shu decided to look for someone who'll help his brother out. 
Time passed and Yui and Subaru were at the balcony at the end of the ballroom to get some fresh air and get to each other. the more they talked to each other, the more they found each other falling for the other person. At first it was a little awkward so they started with random small talks and in between Subaru finally revealed his true identity. Yui was shocked and tried to bow curtly as she started being formal but Subaru stopped her. 
He wanted to spend time with her as a normal person. 
Has it been an hour or two since they started talking? Subaru doesn't know and doesn't care, the only thing that matters to him is the girl in front of him. At first he just wanted to see what she was capable of when she so openly left herself in his care, a beast's care. but now, there's more to it. 
He stepped forward and circles his arm around her waist pulling her closer. Yui squeaked at his sudden movement. Shy, she asked him what he was doing but instead of a reply she was met with a closer image of his face and realized their lips were getting closer. He didn't wait or hesitate as he landed a kiss on her lips in his daze of watching her intensely. 
At first Yui didn't know what to do as her heart and mind were saying different things. In the end she kissed him back, entangling her hands in his soft hair.
it went on for a few minutes as each second Subaru would try pulling himself closer to her or pulling Yui closer to him to deepen the kiss. 
Yui slowly opened her eyes to try parting with him to catch a breath but her eyes flew open when her gaze fell on the watch behind Subaru.
Yui: shoot! it's going to be midnight in 10 minutes. 
Yui's slowly pushed Subaru away who looked surprised. 
Yui: I'm sorry, but I need to go, it's getting late.
Subaru: it's alright, I'll order my people to drop you at your home so it won't matter.
Yui: no! i mean it's alright, i won't want to trouble you, your high-
Subaru: I told you to drop the formalities. and, it's not troublesome.
what should she do? if she stays here any longer her illusionary dress and everything will be exposed and she is worried if the connection they have until now, will it disappear if Subaru sees her true form?
Yui apologizes again as she slowly gets out of Subaru's grip and runs for the main gate to leave. Subaru shouted for her to wait for him and followed after her. Yui was rushing and rushing when suddenly Subaru caught her hand stopping her in her tracks at the stairs of the main gate.
Yui looked at the watch, terrified she gently held his hand and got her hand out and rushed again.a pologizing to him while running away.
and also, dropping one of her glass shoes on the stairs on the way. she did stop in her tracks to go above and pick it up but decided not to as the watch ticked over and over again in her ears, like a warning.
Subaru: wait! you never told me your name!
subaru cried out, but it was already too late as Yui had already disappeared, only her forgotten glass show left behind. picking it up, Subaru decided to find the girl no matter what. his determination through the roof.
Next morning, Subaru's bestie, Kou visited him after hearing about the rumors of his dearest friend being seen with a girl and looking at her with love filled eyes.
Subaru was already frustrated at Kou's arrival but started gritting his teeth at the non-stop blabber and teasing of the latter man in front of him.
Kou: aww c'mon man, you can't keep your bestie in the dark!
Subaru: who are you calling your friend!? i don't ever remember having such a relationship with you!
Kou: Hey Subaru-kun! you hurt me. I have been your reading partner since we were ten.
Subaru ignored Kou's annoying chatter, as he gazed at the glass show in his hand. oh how so badly he wanted to find her and keep her to himself. He swore he wouldn't let her get out of his grip anymore.
was he becoming possesive? even Subaru was shocked at his thoughts.
Shu: stop looking at it like that. The girl won't magically appear out of nowhere if you keep glaring at it.
Shu has entered the room.
Shu: I'll help you find her.
He gestures his hand at three men behind him to take the shoes and leave for the town to find the girl whose foot fits in the shoe.
Subaru recognised the three men as Shu's loyal followers from the start and also his reading partners. Kino, Shin and Carla.
Thus, he let the shoe go because he trusted in their methods and resources.
Kino: just wait for us~
Kino winked at Subaru, and Shin sighed complaining about the enthusiasm.
Shin: how are you guys so sure that this shoe will only fit one lady? There can be many people.
Subaru: the size of the shoe.. is very small. Kou has the smallest shoe size among us all and this shoe is even smaller than that, making it a very rare case.
Kou: Subaru stop exposing me!
Subaru ignored his friend's glaring as Carla nodded, understanding something.
Carla: in other words, the one whose foot glides in this shoe swiftly is the true owner.
Subaru: yes.
and so began the search for the girl that has mesmerized the prince of the kingdom and it didn't take long for the rumors to reach every household. even where Yui lives.
Ayato was in Yui's room, suspicious. Totally suspicious. No matter how much he thinks about it, the girl he saw yesterday doesn't sit right with him as a stranger. he looked around her room, and finally found it. the glass shoe! under her bed.
Ayato: che, I knew it. that cunning fox.
at the same time, Yui entered the room to make sure her glass slipper was still there as the people from the palace were coming & this was her chance to finally meet Subaru again. but the moment she saw Ayato, she was on alert. but it was too late as Ayato smirked while dancing the glass shoe in his hand.
Yui tensed as she stepped forward to take it form Ayato's hand but the latter just extended his hand above and because of the height difference Yui was left helpless.
Ayato: very smart huh? trying to get the prince to you. How did you do it? the dress? how did you reach there when it was already too late to reach in time by walking?
Yui remained silent.
Ayato: no answer huh? fine, for such disrespect, you'll be locked in your room for the meantime.
Yui: no you can't do that!
Ayato: Oh I can, just watch me. those people from the palace will never be able to find you.
with that ayato rushed and locked the door, trapping Yui in.
Ayato: Laito! Kanato! prepare yourselves, the prince is coming! you guys must do whatever you can to get the shoe fit your foot.
Laito • Kanato: Yes, mother.
Meanwhile, trapped Yui cries on the edge of her bed as she remembers how on the way back, it was already midnight and on the way back everything turned back to how it was, just like Reiji said.
except that one glass slipper on her feet still remaining intact.
how? was it because they were seperated? at first Yui was scared that the moment midnight hits the shoe under Subaru's care will turn back to normal and he will start doubting her, making them never meet again. but that wasn't the case as the shoes still remain as how they were.
No matter how much Yui thought it over, nothing explained the logic behind the shoes remaining the same. but at the same time, this gave her hope to meet him again. to meet Subaru again.
the mice notices this and planned to free Yui from the room, but how?
suddenly Ruki perks up as he comes up with a plan to take the key from Ayato's pocket.
The time was here, the people from the palace were here. and… the Prince was also along with them?
Carla: are you three the only people here?
Ayato: yes.
Carla: alright then.
the shoe fitting trial was starting, after going house to house and no one fitting the shoe, this was the only last house left. Subaru was starting to get impatient but he was determined to find her even if she turns out to be from another kingdom.
Meanwhile the mice parted themselves as Azusa went to steal the glass shoes from Ayato's locker. All three of them were glad to be mice as they can use their origin skills to help Yui out.
While Ruki and Yuma slowly approached Ayato and through tricks managed to get the key.
before ayato could notice it was too late, Ruki and Yuma already left and so did Azusa successfully managed to get the glass slipper.
the commotion here was too noisy for him to notice sooner.
Kino: god we don't even need to try the fitting here, it's obvious it won't fit.
Kino cried out the moment he sees the difference in the the glass shoe and the feet of laito.
Ignoring him, Laito still tried it out but as Kino said, it was really really big, no matter how much he tried to fit it in.
Shin: you are going to break it!
Kanato: leave it you pervert! I'll try!
Kanato pushed Laito off the chair and sat himself down, ready to try out the shoe.
Shin: shortie stop! even though you are smaller than him, you are also really big for the glass shoe!
Kanato: who are you calling shortie! WHO ARE YOU—
Ayato: ahem.
Ayato hushed Kanato as the prince was in the room. they cannot take any risk.
On the other hand the three mice finally freed Yui and gave her shoe back.
Yui hurried out and reached downstairs just when the palace people were about to leave.
Yui: wait, I'm here!
they turned back at the newcomer.
Subaru: you said you guys were only three!?
Subaru looks at the girl and the moment he sees her, he senses her. it's her! he rushed to her who was still running down the stairs and caught her in his arms in the form of a hug.
He didn't need that stupid shoe fitting trial to know if the girl he spent last night talking with is her or not. It's her. He can feel it. the warmth, the expressions, the tone. It's her!
Yui hugs him back for few seconds before pushing his shoulder gently to present the glass slipper. he other pair.
Shin: that shoe!
Ayato: Your highness, please listen to this subject. She is nothing but just a mere maid. There's no way she can be involved in matters like prestigious balls. I have no idea how she got that pair of shoe.
Carla: It doesn't matter who she is. you defied the orders, and on top of that lied to his highness. This matter won't go unnoticed and will be reported to the King immediately. Shin.
Shin: on my way ~
Yui: wait! please don't.
Kino: huh? are you saying?
Yui: yes. even though they, well they didn't treat me rightfully, I still don't want to become the reason for their demise. No matter what, everybody deserves a second chance.
Shin: hehe, you guys will be grateful for your life.
Kino snatched the shoes from Kanato's hands and gave it to Subaru.
and after taking the pair of shoes from both Yui and kino, the silver haired man bent down on his one knee and swiftly lifted Yui's feet one by one to slide the shoes.
they fit!
Subaru couldn't be any happier. she was finally his.
Yui hugged Subaru and both of them merrily smiled & laughed to be with each other again.
the glass shoes suddenly starts glowing and turns into dust. that dust soon forms a figure of a beautiful man who introduces himself as karlheinz and says
Karlheinz: Adam and Eve have been found in this universe too, my job is done.
And then disappears again by forming into dust before anyone could say anything.
Shin: what the hell!? what was that just now!? I have heard about fairies, but that was one scary and creepy one, if he was even one.
Kino • Carla: Adam and Eve?
Yui: is that why the shoes remained intact till the end even when the fairy godmother Reiji's spell was lifted at midnight?
even though the mystery about the shoes is solved, the more Yui thinks about it, the creepier it gets, especially how she wore those shoes all the time during the ball and when she was with Subaru…
Yui: don't tell me he witnessed everything…
Subaru realized what Yui was talking about but he can't also fall in the mood. he lifted her up as he gave the most genuine bright smile.
Subaru: Yui will you marry me?
Yui was surprised at the sudden proposal and cried the tears of happiness as she repeatedly said yes to him.
The wedding bells rang as Subaru and Yui exited the chapel after completing their wedding vows. everyone in the town came to pay their respects and give blessings to the newly married couple. the prince and the princess. The mice were throwing petals from the basket as they watched their Yui finally being happy.
Subaru lifted Yui in the bridal style, causing her to become shy for the nth time and ofc it doesn't goes unnoticed by Subaru.
Subaru: hehe, you should get used to such stuff now because I'll be loving you seven days a week. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. 24/7.
Yui blushes more as Subaru walks down the stairs and enters the carriage.
He sets Yui down and leaned in to kiss her as curtains fell.
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yuriko-mukami · 10 months
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Holidays were approaching, and everything looked jolly when Yuriko stepped in the mall. Ruki had agreed to meet her there later, but somehow, she had a constant feeling of being watched. Perhaps by a familiar? She glanced around but couldn't spot anyone who would have seemed out of the place.
Heading toward the bookshop, Yuriko let her gaze travel around the wide bottom floor of the building. Decorations shined, and happy tunes filled her ears, but it wasn't only that. It felt like there was a distinct aroma of the season wafting from the cafés around her. Oh, how she wanted to taste some seasonal delicacies... but right now, she was on a mission. Cozy and relaxed moments must wait...
Humming, Yuriko hastened her steps a little and turned around the corner...
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diabolikk-loverss23 · 2 years
Breaking your leg pt. 2 with Mukamis
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♧ RUKI ♧
-"Really livestock?"
-He takes care of you at least... because he sees you as an animal
-He secretly loves taking care of you though 😗
You were walking down the stairs at school when you twisted your ankle at the last step. "Ow..sh- wait.. Ruki I think I twisted it.." Ruki stopped and looked at you with his piercing glare, "Really livestock... you can't even go down the stairs?" You blushed in embarrassment, "I'm sorry-" Ruki cut you off. "If you want my help, then you should ask your master for it, right?" Your whole face turned red and the pain in your ankle was suddenly not on your mind at the moment. You tried to answer, but your flusteredness was affecting your speech. "Well livestock?" Looking at the floor, you quietly said "Please help me m-master..." A sly smirk crossed his face as he effortlessly picked you up and headed to the limo. You were extremely flushed from the looks you were getting from the others.
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♧ KOU ♧
-"My poor little kitten!!!"
-"I'll take care of you if you take care of me...."
-definately babies you.
It was lunchtime at school, and Kou had his entourage around him as usual. You kept your distance because they had some weird claim over him. Anyways, as you were walking past his table, one of them tripped you, causing you to fall on the floor covered in your lunch. Panic filled your body when you realized you couldn't get back up. Pushing his fangirls away, Kou arose and had fake worry written his face. "Oh no~ my poor little kitten! Are you okay?" Your face twisted in pain as you looked at your swollen ankle, "Y-yeah.. I think I just twisted it.." Kou let his mask drop a little before picking you up like you weighed nothing. "I'll be back, my little kittens! I have to get the clumsy cutie to the nurses' office!" As he was walking away, you looked over his shoulder at the disappointed girls starting up random gossip. He was humming softly as he carried you through the corridor to the nurses' room. "Kou, you didn't have to do that..." Placing you on the little gray table, he laughed, "Oh, don't worry, little maso-kitty~ I'll make sure you repay me~" You noticed his sweet smile turned to a sadistic one as he leaned in and bit your shoulder.
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- Laughs his ass off
-"Hahaha little pig stop your squealing... this is what happens when you're this weak."
- didn't even help you right away... he went to get his sugar cubes so he could have a snack and a show..
Helping Yuma in his garden was something you did regularly. Whether that'd be watering the plants, pruning the leaves, or digging holes; you still loved helping all the same. On rare occasions, he'd even reward you for your hard work. However, this particular time, your clumsiness got the best of you when you tripped over a pot in his green house. You hesitantly called out Yuma's name to no avail... so you did the next best thing. Crawled. You crawled all the way to the middle of the garden and stopped to take a breather. You looked over and saw Yuma's polished shoe in front of you. Trailing your gaze upward, you saw Yuma looking down at you with the biggest grin on his face as he popped another sugar cube in his mouth. "Poor little piggy... I heard you sqeaul earlier hehe.. what happened?" You embarrassingly fiddled with a leaf on the ground before mumbling out how you tripped over a pot. That sent him over the edge. He started laughing so hard at you that he nearly choked on a cube he had in his mouth. "Shit, little pig, how weak and stupid are you? Hahahaha-" You knew not to let his words get to you, but for some reason, they did sting this time.. "C-can you just help me out, please..." This wasn't good... you felt tears pricking at your cheeks, and the last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of him. Yuma stopped when he heard your quiet sniffle. He knealed down and placed his cool hand on your face, lifting it up to look at him. He had an amused smirk written on his face as he wiped off one of your tears. "I almost feel sorry for you, piggy. Say ahhh~" You were humiliated, but you did what he said nonetheless. He popped a sugar cube in your mouth before leaning in and giving you a kiss. The sugar cube melted between the heat of your kiss. He pulled away and then picked you up. "Consider that a reward for calling for your master to help you~ Now let's get you all fixed up."
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-"oh... no, are you... hurt? Did... the pain feel... good?"
-"Hurt me... too..."
-helps you but wants you to take out some of the pain on him as well.
Azusa was practically glued to you, and you didn't really mind... until you tripped over his foot from him being too close on the stairs. Falling down at least six steps, you landed directly on your leg and heard the most sicking crack ring through the silence. You immediately let out the most blood-curdling scream as you held your leg. Azusa looked down and saw your swollen leg. He ran his hand over it, "Wow. .. eve... it's burning... up..." You whimpered slightly at his touch, "Azu.. can you help me please -" It felt hard to breathe from the pain of your fall; the muscles in your leg were on fire. "Of course... eve.. any... thing for you..." Surprisingly, he was able to pick you up and carry you to Ruki's room so they could take you to the hospital. "Eve...? Do you... think you can hurt me.. like that... too?" He looked down at your face with puppy dog eyes only to see you passed out from the pain. Turns out you broke your leg in 3 places. Incredible.
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fangsforiris · 3 months
Hii again!! I’m back lol, I just wanted to say you’re such a talented writer !! I would totally read any book that you write 4 sure!! (^0^)ノ I’m not sure if there is a limit on how much I can send these submissions, if there is I’m sorry! o(〒﹏〒)o Anyways, can you maybe do headcanons on how Kou, Ruki, Asuza, and Yuma would act when they’re jealous? Take ur time, and have a nice day/evening! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
Admin: Thank you!! I highly appreciate that, and no don’t worry there’s no limit, I’d just appreciate not spamming continually and just being mindful!! But you’re good so don’t worry!! <3
Side Note: If it’s easier, you can just submit an ‘ask’ instead of pressing submission!!
Mukami Jealousy HC’s
• Ruki canonically does get outward with his jealousy.
• As seen with Yui in his MB routes, he even gets jealous of not being the first man Yui’s tied a tie for. (The first being her adoptive father.)
• He’d leave it off for a moment, but would give crazy hints towards it.
• It would be in the small stuff. Like washing dishes, leaving small things out that may be pertinent, etc. But he'd become cold and a bit distant without that clarification.
• He would 100% wait in private to confront an S/O about it.
• I’d like to think that even with his jealousy, he’s still aware of his image towards the public eye.
• So you would’ve catch him doing anything too risky. Just enough to ensure the point gets across.
• He would, uncharacteristically of him, act in an almost fussy manner.
• Like he’d 100% keep it, and hold it against you for future references.
• Like with some slight fussiness, expect the silent brooding. He will not say anything more after the jealousy, since he tends to keep his emotions bottled inside before it manifests into something greater.
• Don't be shocked if he returns back to old ways with his subtle manipulation to get the answer he wants. He'll remind his S/O of their dynamic- master and pet/livestock.
• Kou is also a double sided person when it comes to this, as seen with his reactions towards Yui in canon. (A good display that is universal is the anime.)
• He's very attention-seeking, especially with his time as an idol. So he may act sweet to you in front of a crowd. but behind closed doors he won't shy away from aggression.
• In comparison to all of the Mukami's, he'd have the most outward, emotional outbursts.
• As in, he'd hit, push, shove, and inflict pain upon his S/O, same way he did Yui in many routes, to establish that he's the sole one for S/O.
• His anger may not be as raging as Yuma's, but one can say that they could be at a somewhat equal playing field.
• He'll question his S/O a lot in terms of their truth and true feelings towards him. He'll become much more curious than the cat.
• If anything, the curiosity is rooted in annoyance, mainly to see if he's the one being played or deceived.
• Kou's 100% one for passive-aggressive behaviour. It's all a play and game to him.
• It'll be seen in his off-hand comments, that you'll get the idea of where he stands.
• It's all done due to his underlying fear of losing his S/O's affection.
• Yuma by far has the most explosive anger out of all the brothers.
• His uncanny size and strength is definitely used and in play here.
• Out of everyone, he values loyalty the most, and thus, will be seen as much more 'straight-forward' or blunt with his wants and feelings. Mainly aggression here.
• He'd use his size to intimidate the individuals that are attempting to pursue his S/O, as seen in some of his routes with Yui.
• He doesn't mind getting physical, however it's more so used to intimidate.
• If he does use force, it's to tug and drag his S/O away from the situation or to display his need for his S/O's attention in that given moment.
• But don't be shocked if he does unintentionally, or intentionally, scare his S/O with his anger and possible outbursts.
• He is hot headed and tempered, so sometimes it'll take control before he can find reason within himself.
• Yuma also has his jealousy manifest as emotional vulnerability. It's slight, but he's more prone to find himself revealing more and opening up about himself.
• Either in an attempt to get his S/O closer to him, or due to his own need to express how it makes him uncomfortable.
• He'd use it also as an attempt to be more protective with his protective instincts.
• As in, he'll be around his S/O more. Like standing in line with them when he doesn't need to, being in personal space, etc.
• Azusa isn't the type to get jealous as easily as the others per say.
• If he does, it's much more subtle and it'll go back to his self-loathing tendencies.
• As in, he'll feel worse about himself and perhaps take the self-harm route. Since that's his way of coping and 'helping' with his issues.
• He's much more fragile than the others, so it'll always end with his S/O needing to reassure him of his worth in comparison to other men/women, etc.
• Like he'd constantly compare himself and it would, at the end of the day, make him feel even worse than he already did. Especially with his tendency to overthink.
• Since he isn't as large, assertive, or blunt with himself as an individual, his insecurity will take over as he pleads with his S/O to keep him.
• Cue the hyper-dependency, especially seen with Yui in some of his routes.
• He will beg, and become overall submissive. Expect more of his usual submissive behaviours.
• If it comes down to it, he will become a slave, due to his heavy masochistic side, which at times overrides his sadistic.
• If he were to stay with his S/O, he wouldn't be so confrontational as everything he leads with is laced in self-doubt and worry. If anything, he'd be nervous because he wouldn't ever want to lose his S/O, no matter the cost.
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sekai-no-reita · 5 months
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A letter to Reita... From my heart to yours.
(Under the cut for your sake.)
My dearest れいた,
I know you will not be able to read this letter, but I hope these words still reach you wherever you are; from one soul to another.
I don't even know where to begin... I never thought I would have to write a goodbye letter like this to you. This all feels like a bad dream that I cannot wake up from.
I followed you and your journey with the GazettE for 18 long years.. I grew up with you. It feels like I've lost a dear friend, a family member, if you will. There are no words to describe this grief I'm feeling. Believe me, I have tried...
You guys were with me through everything from my teenage years to this day. If I was happy, you were there. If I was sad, you were there. You were always there. I could always rely on you being by my side when I needed you.
When you came to Finland for the first time in 2007 I queued outside the venue in the cold late October weather all night long, just so I could get a good viewing spot for the gig. It was insane... I was so cold and sleep deprived on the day of the gig, only having slept for like an hour, haha. But when you guys came on stage, none of it mattered. I was so happy. It was a dream come true.
And that's when I fell in love with you, Reita. That was the turning point. I had been listening to your music for a little over a year by then but Ruki was the one who held my heart. But then you.. You captivated me the moment you stepped on that stage. Of course I had always noticed you, your basslines and talent but.. when I saw you play live, it was almost hypnotizing. Especially during RIDE WITH THE ROCKERS. I was so incredibly happy you played it that time. I still remember the way you moved your belly and hips and shoulders when you were standing in the spotlight... Being admired by everyone.
I was fortunate enough to see you guys live two more times; in 2013 and in 2016 during your world tours. Especially in 2016 when I had the VIP wristband and I got to meet you. I still remember how surreal it all felt to me. It was all like a dream. The most wonderful dream. I was supposed to tell you then how much I admired you, how talented you were. But I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. Not with you staring at me with your (one visible) eye. All I managed to do was give you the little gift bag with the bracelet in it with a shaky "douzo". You were a little surprised by the gift and thanked me "Ahh, arigatou". Then you took my hand and we thanked each other again. Now I kick myself... I should've told you exactly how I felt. Now I will never get another chance to do it. Now you will never know...
You were so incredibly kind and sweet and caring...
Writing about you in the past tense breaks my heart. The world has lost something too pure, too beautiful.
Your passion towards the GazettE was a thing to admire. How you cared for your fans.. You never took anything for granted. All the tears you shed after your tour finals.. they were real (even when you in an interview joked that they were cgi *laugh*). That was how much you cared. That was your true strength.
There will never be anyone else like you.
The world will never be the same after losing you.
Your bass defined Gazette's music in a way. Everytime I listen to any of your songs, your bass stands out. It is incredible. I don't think any other band does that; puts the bass in such a spotlight. That's how important you are, ..were.
You are the reason I even own a bass. I wanted to be able to play like you. Sadly I cannot... I was too short-tempered and lost my nerve when I couldn't get my fingers to co-operate *laugh* But my bass is still there, waiting. Reminding me of you. Maybe one day I'll be able to pick it up again and think of you with a smile on my face.
I really do hope you know how loved you were -and still are-; by everyone. The band, the fans... How much you were respected by your peers and other musicians. You defined an era in v-kei. That's how important you were. Are.
There are so many more things I would like to say to you. But maybe another time. Maybe I'll write you another letter. Maybe someday I'll meet you again in the afterlife and I'll be able to tell you face to face everything I haven't been able to so far.
I hope you are now at peace and can rest.
I love and miss you so much.
Thank you for everything you have given me. It is a debt I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you.
Rest in peace, my beautiful angel.
With all my love,
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diabolik-art-blog · 10 months
The shelter of the future [ Part 03 ]
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AO3 : Part 03
Admin: ⚠️ This chapter includes light NFSW. If you feel uncomfortable or you are underage please don't read it and avoid this fanfic. ⚠️
After a two-day journey, Ruki and Yui had finally approached a new city. The train was still moving. Yui had put her head on Ruki's lap and was sleeping very peacefully. Ruki had thrown his jacket over Yui and was stroking her head as she slept and watching the outside. It was completely dark. Only the stars could be seen. They were not far from their destination and only had to wait a few more hours to reach the safe city that Ruki chose.
Yui looked restless in her sleep, and this caused Ruki's attention to be drawn to her restless face from the train window. Yui moaned in her sleep and looked like she was having a terrible nightmare.
Ruki was confused and didn't know what to do. He has never been so confused. What has Yui really done with his dark heart that he is so attracted to her and he does not want the slightest thing to happen to Yui. He experienced love for the first time in his life and never wants to lose this love.
Ruki looked at his watch. It was now eleven o'clock at night. Their train arrives at Tobishima village at 6 am. A very beautiful and safe village where they can be together and live a normal life as a normal couple without thinking about the founders and the ridiculous plan of Adam and Eve.
Ruki was staring at Yui's restless face moaning in her sleep. He decided to wake Yui up. Even though Ruki managed to put Yui to sleep, now he has to wake her up. She looks very restless and scared in her sleep and Ruki can't bear to see her suffer. He wants to help Yui, that's why an idea came to his mind.
Ruki softly whispered her name in Yui's ear while stroking Yui's head.
Ruki: Yui..... Yui.... wake up my angel....
Yui: Mmmm... Nnn... Zzzzz
Ruki moved his head towards Yui's forehead and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
Ruki: Yui... my angel... wake up... I want to show you something very beautiful.
Yui: Mmm... Ruki...
Yui woke up while softly whispering Ruki's name. She rubbed her eyes a little and looked around to see that they were still inside the train. The more she looked around, the more she realized that she had been sleeping in Ruki's arms all this time, which made her face blush a little.
Ruki still smiled at her and hugged and kissed Yui as she was still in his arms. He placed Yui's face on his chest and stroked her soft hair. He smelled her and called her name again and again.
Ruki: Yui, look at the window. The stars are so beautiful tonight.
Yui turned her eyes to the window of the train and looked at the stars. Ruki was right. Now that they were out of the city, the stars looked more beautiful and brighter than ever. Yui looked at the stars with a sweet look and smiled softly.
Ruki felt satisfied seeing Yui's sweet smile. He finally managed to make her laugh a little and calm her down. It was a dream moment for Ruki. Yui was relaxing in his arms and watching the stars. Ruki wished this moment could last forever and he could see Yui's smile forever.
The train whistle sounded and the steward announced that the train had reached its destination. Ruki slowly opened his eyes and realized that the train had finally reached its destination. He looked at Yui who was sleeping soundly with her head on Ruki's chest. She looked so beautiful and peaceful in her sleep that Ruki didn't want to wake her up.
Ruki kissed Yui's soft and fragrant hair and whispered her name softly in her ear to wake her up.
Ruki: Yui... my angel... wake up. We reached our destination.
Yui slowly opened her eyes and woke up. She looked out of the train window. It was beautiful. It was a green and beautiful village and she could smell the fragrance of flowers. Yui had fallen in love with this village and smiled happily.
Ruki helped Yui pick up their luggage and get off the train. After they got off the train, Ruki looked at the small map in his hand. He had already bought a small house in this village and now he was looking for its location on the map. After finding the location of their new home, Ruki took Yui's hand and they started walking.
After an hour of walking, they reached a small house. The house was very small but beautiful. Ruki spent all his savings to buy this house, yet he felt completely satisfied and happy that he was going to start a new life with Yui in this small town.
They went inside the house. The house was very dirty and it was obvious that no one had lived in it for years. Yui and Ruki both changed their clothes and started cleaning the house. Ruki looked at Yui as she was cleaning and could see happiness in her eyes. She was happy and smiling and that was enough for Ruki. Yui's happiness was all he wanted.
Ruki and Yui worked all day and cleaned the house and now it was night. Finally, their beautiful house and their future shelter was ready. A shelter where they can live with love and build a bright future for themselves.
Yui, who had gone to the bathroom faster than Ruki and was wearing pajamas, went to the bed and threw herself on the bed. RUKI who watched her smirked and went to sit next to her and patted her head.
Ruki: Hahaha... Apparently my angel is very tired.
Yui: Hmm... I'm so tired, Ruki.
Ruki: But we are not done yet.
Yui looked at Ruki in surprise and tried to sit on the bed but Ruki stopped her by holding her as she lay down. Ruki leaned towards Yui and kissed her lips. Her lips were sweet like honey. Ruki didn't even need her blood anymore because just kissing her was enough for him.
Ruki put his hand under Yui's clothes while kissing Yui repeatedly, but Yui got defensive and stopped him and quickly distanced herself from Ruki. Ruki, who was shocked by Yui's move, looked at her with wide eyes.
Ruki: Yui...
Yui: Don't touch me. Don't come near me!!!
Ruki had realized that Yui was still suffering from her painful memories and this made him feel guilty again. He shouldn't have done that. Above all, he must make Yui feel safe.
Seeing how scared Yui was, Ruki quickly ran over and hugged her, trying to calm her down by petting her.
Ruki: Yui... Calm down. Here I am. I will not hurt you. I promise you.
Yui was in Ruki's arms. She smelled him and realized that she was really safe. She buried her face in Ruki's chest and cried softly.
Yui: Ruki... *sob*... I'm sorry... I... I... thought... that he...
Ruki continued to caress Yui, trying to make her feel safe. This is all Yui needs right now.
Ruki: Shhh... calm down. You are safe. We escaped from that hell and now we are in heaven. You don't have to be afraid.
After Yui calmed down, she held Ruki's hand.
Yui: Ruki... touch me.
Ruki: .....! Yui are you sure?
Yui: Yes. I want to remember only your touch and kisses. I want to forget that incident. Kiss me please. Please touch me so that I forget it.
Hearing Yui's words, Ruki smiled softly and kissed her hair. He continued his kiss from her hair to her neck and went to her lips and placed a deep kiss on her lips. Yui's mouth opened to gasp and Ruki stuck his tongue into Yui's mouth, their tongues entwined, deepening the kiss.
Ruki could tell that Yui was hot. He reached under Yui's dress and caressed her tender skin. Ruki slowly unbuttoned Yui's shirt and took off her shirt as Ruki kissed her neck softly.
Ruki was staring at Yui's body. Her body was full of painful wounds that showed what terrible tortures she endured. Ruki felt guilty. He should never have left Yui alone.
Ruki kissed the scars and filled them with saliva to make Yui's wounds heal faster. From now on, he is going to treat her like an angel and a fragile flower. A flower that will take care of her and will not let anyone break her.
Ruki: Yui, my angel. I love you more than anyone else.
*smooch smooch*
Yui: Mmm... Ruki... I love you too.
Ruki: Let's build this shelter for ourselves. A shelter for our future. Just for me and you.
Ruki continued his soft strokes on Yui's delicate skin and his kisses deepened. It was a dreamy first night in their new paradise. Somewhere there are only those two and no one else and they are free.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Azusa ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの��テロ飯 [アズサ編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 12 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: This has to be funniest ‘late-night snack’ CDs yet. Honestly big props to Azusa’s VA for pulling off those sudden changes in tone so perfectly. You can honestly always rely on Azusa to bring some top tier comedy to the table. Funny moments aside, this track was also very wholesome but I did not expect any less from DL’s very own cinnamon roll. 
*Rustle rustle*
Azusa suddenly appears behind you.
“The refrigator...is so cool and refreshing...”
You shriek and jump backwards.
“Ah...I’m sorry...for startling you...I could hear sounds coming from the kitchen even though everyone should be asleep at this hour...so I came to take a look...But I was surprised to find you here...”
You sigh in relief.
“You were cooling off, so I probably interfered, huh? It’s really hot and humid tonight, so I totally understand.”
You explain yourself.
“Huh? I got it wrong? ...I figured you were using the refrigerator to find some refreshment. Then what were you doing? Looking for leftovers from dinner, perhaps?”
You nod.
“I see. You’re hungry, huh...?”
You nod again.
“I understand. Kou and Yuma...raid the fridge all the time as well...But they always get scolded by Ruki for having no manners...He’ll get mad at you as well if he sees you. You can have breakfast once you wake up so...Try to endure it for now, and let’s head back to your room, okay?”
You shake your head.
“Eh? I see...I guess you won’t back down, huh? ...If you’ve made such a strong resolve...then I am in no position to stop you. ‘I shall have my midnight snack, even if I have to break the rules!’ ...Eve, if that is the path you have chosen in life, you have no other choice but to stick to it, regardless of the many dangers which may wait ahead!”
You ask if Ruki is that scary when he gets upset. 
“Exactly. You shall soon find out too, just how terrifying he can be. Who knows what kind of torture might await you...if Ruki were to find you...He might just lecture you for a whole day while you’re forced to sit still on your knees. On top of that, if you just so happen to doze off...because he uses so many difficult words...the period will be extended to two days...
ーーNo, he might not keep it at just that! He could even forbid you from eating for a whole week...or fold your clothes inside out on purpose! And when you wake up...you find those horrible green peppers all over your room. But when you try to leave, the door’s lock has been rigged with some kind of puzzle you can’t solve! ...I’m sure Ruki would do such a thing. ...Still, you choose food, even if it means making him your enemy, don’t you? ...Okay. If you have made up your mind, then I won’t run either...!”
You start to have second thoughts.
“Eh...? What’s wrong...?”
You admit to Azusa that you’re scared now.
“Huh? You don’t want Ruki to get upset with you? I see. In that case...Hmー That’s a tricky one...I don’t want you to have to go through such horrible things but...Ah! Right! I think Ruki might let it slide if you actually cook something? Then you wouldn’t be doing something rude after all! Besides, it’s much worse to miss on precious rest because you can’t sleep from the hunger! Mmh! Let’s say that you’re allowed to eat something, as long as you prepare it yourself!”
You still seem doubtful. 
“Don’t worry. I’m sure Ruki will understand as well. Besides...I’m kind of hungry as well. Can I join you for a late-night snack?”
You agree and start looking through the fridge.
*Rustle rustle*
“Fufu~ Hooray! ...But do we even have anything left? Everyone in this family eats a lot so...do you think you’ll have enough ingredients to work with...?”
You nod and close the fridge again.
“Eh? What is...that?”
You explain.
You ask Azusa if he has never tried it.
“Mmh...It’s green just like peppers...so I haven’t really...”
You tell him it can be good.
“Is that so? If you say so...I suppose I can try a little...”
You tell him that you’ll make something with it.
“Mmh! I’ll help you with the cooking as well.”
*Cling cling*
“Hm...Oh...You’re using a bunch of different ingredients, huh? This is...flour starch...”
“And these are dried bonito flakes...Mayonaise and salt...”
You give him instructions.
“I just need to put them all together into a bowl? ...Okay.”
Azusa puts all of the ingredients in the bowl.
“Ah...Just a little bit of mayonaise and salt, right?”
He follows your instructions.
“About this much?”
 You nod.
“Now we add the eggs and a splash of water...Before mixing it well...”
Azusa adds the final ingredients before mixing everything up.
“Like this? Or should I mix it a bit more?”
You tell him it’s not quite right.
“I see...It’s difficult...Perhaps it’d be better to leave this part up to you...I don’t know how much strength to put in exactly...In return, tell me when it’s time to cut up the bitter melon, okay? I’ll try my best!”
You agree.
“Mmh. Good luck.”
He hands the bowl to you as you start mixing.
“Ah...Just as I thought, you’ve got the technique down. Just watching you makes me feel everything will be alright.”
You ask him if he sometimes feels worried when watching someone cook.
“Yeah. There’s been times where I’ve been stressed. I’m never worried when Ruki is the one cooking, but when it’s Yuma or Kou...watch out.”
You raise a brow.
“When Yuma makes dinner, he cuts the vegetables too big, so they’re never cooked all the way through. After starting from scratch several times, I guess he got irritated, because he just flipped over the pot. As for Kou...the kitchen was a mess. It doesn’t matter what he tries to cook, it always ends with a disaster. But the worst part is...Ruki who explodes after witnessing it.”
You flinch.
“Mmh...It’s horrifying...So try to avoid being there when it happens, okay?”
You ask Azusa about his culinary skills.
“Me? I’d like to think I’m a decent cook but...The last time I made something, everyone complained about the flavor. The others go way too light on the chili pepper. It’s so good though.”
“Your hand stopped moving, by the way. Are you done mixing? What’s next?”
You explain.
“My turn, right?”
*Rustle rustle*
Azusa grabs the bitter melon and rinses it with water.
“I need to cut it into thin slices, right? I’ll cut it the exact size you want.”
He grabs a large kitchen knife.
“Fufu...This knife looks...very sharp. Haah...Oh...But...I’m sure it’ll cut even better if I hone the blade...I’m sure it’d feel great to effortlessly slice through meat or vegetables...Fufufu...”
You tell him there’s no time for that now.
“Eh...? You think so...? If you say so, I’ll do it some other time, okay...? Well then, I’ll start cutting, okay?”
Azusa cuts the bitter melon.
“Slices of one milimeter each...”
*Chop chop chop chop chop*
“Hm~ Did I do it right?”
You are very impressed with his knife work.
“Fufu~ It feels nice to get praised by you. Is there anything else that needs to be cut?”
You ask him to cut the meat as well.
“Okay. The pork belly needs to be cut in thin slices of about one centimeter.”
“And you want the fried tofu chopped up in cubes of around five milimeter...”
*Chop chop chop chop chop*
*Chop chop chop chop chop*
“Here you go. All done.”
*Clap clap clap*
“You’re making me blush with all those compliments...But I won’t deny that it makes me happy. Should I add these to the bowl from earlier?”
You nod.
“In that case...”
Azusa adds the ingredients to mix.
“Now we mix it well, right?”
He mixes it up.
“Huh? A frying pan...? Are we going to...bake this perhaps?”
You explain.
“I see...I think I’m starting to picture it all together. Let’s see...I have to pour it in bit by bit, right?”
“Like this?”
You nod.
“Fufu~ We’ve got a bunch of mini okonomiyaki. (1)”
You start flipping them over.
“Oh! It’s perfectly browned on one side already. So that’s how you get it to bake on both side...”
“This scent...That’s sesame oil, right? Seems very rich in flavor and delicious...”
You turn off the fire. 
“Done already? Fufu...That was quick, wasn���t it?”
*Dun dun dun*
“...A bitter melon mixed-bake. It smells nice but...I can’t help but think of green peppers when I look at it.” 
You tell him that he doesn’t need to force himself to eat it.
“No...It’s okay...If you’ll have some...I’ll challenge myself as well. Uhmー I guess I put on some of this ponzu sauce over here?”
He prepares himself a plate.
“Well then...Time to dig in. Aahn...”
Azusa swallows it.
“I guess it’s because we cut it up so finely but...It’s not bitter at all.  You get a nice burst of flavor from the meat as well...and a nice texture.”
He continues eating.
“Mmh...Mm...So good...”
You have some as well. 
“Fufu...Fufufu...You seem to be enjoying it as well. Ah! I’m sure this would go great with chili pepper as well!”
“I suppose I’ll try sprinkling some on top. ...Ah.”
He puts it away again.
“No, nevermind.”
You seem surprised.
“Mmh. I want to enjoy the pure flavors today. ...We made this together after all, so I’m sure this is its optimal taste...”
Azusa continues eating.
“The next time you get hungry...Let’s make this together again, Eve. ...Ah! But we’re keeping it a secret from Ruki, okay?”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Okonomiyaki is a thick, savory pancake with various types of vegetables and meat/fish.
(2) Ponzu is a famous Japanese dressing or dipping sauce, somewhat similar to soy sauce but with mirin and citrus added to it.
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gazetto-no-ki · 2 months
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2024.08.06 Ruki on IG:
"August. Lately, I feel like I keep encountering passing showers in Tokyo. Were there always this many passing showers? 🌂
Even now, I can hear thunder.
For about the past month or so, there have been days when I wanted to block out music for a while.
But I wanted to feel with my own ears and eyes what makes me happiest.
So, I deliberately went out of my way to go to festivals I had never been to before, and attended live performances of artists I've been listening to since my teenage years.
I finally got the courage to actually go and experience music in person.
Every live performance by the artists was wonderful, and I discovered new music that I came to love.
Thinking that I wouldn't have encountered this music if I hadn't gone, I'm truly glad I made the effort.
The time I spent shutting everything out was necessary for me, but after all, live performances are the place I love the most.
Not only watching the stage but also seeing the faces of people around me enjoying themselves, I realized that live performances, where you can participate freely regardless of age or gender, are truly the best.
Why was I drawn to it? What made my heart dance? I felt with my whole being that this is the kind of irreplaceable time that cannot be substituted by material things as I immersed myself in the sound.
These are the moments that take me away from reality and give me intangible treasures allowing me to get back to my everyday life. They are truly precious times.
Being able to stand on stage as Ruki and deliver music and feelings to everyone as a vocalist is such a blessing.
Those continuous precious moments reminded me of the meaning of standing on stage and deeply inspired my heart to create more of my own music.
Next month, it will be my turn. I plan to use this experience to give my all in the live performance.
I can't wait to see everyone. I'll look at each person's face carefully and sing with all my heart, hoping that my feelings reach you.
It's still going to be hot for a while, but let's take care of ourselves and get through the summer. 🙏
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GiGS vol. 520 - interviews with the 5 members (2021 July)
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Interviewer: This time, with "MASS", the production was carried out over a long period, wasn't it?
RUKI: At the time when we were talking about releasing songs, the COVID-19 pandemic happened, and as I was considering how to proceed, I realized that the songs we had made until then were not something I wanted to listen to in this situation. What I wanted to present gradually changed. Rather than having a specific concept, I wanted to convey the latest evolution straightforwardly. That was quite the aim.
Interviewer: Among the songs born in that period was "BLINDING HOPE," which was released in advance.
RUKI: Yes. "BLINDING HOPE" had 4 to 5 different versions, and it was still uncertain how it would turn out. So, while making various changes, we created it with the idea that it would be the first song for the fans who had been waiting, serving as a starting point.
Interviewer: Around spring last year, when you were supposed to be deep into song production, you mentioned that you hadn't yet created a core song. When the members heard this song, they all felt it was the lead track. How would you describe the elements of a lead track in your words?
RUKI: In the past, a lead track might have been imagined as a song for a single. While it's the standout track of the album, it's also a kind of middle-ground song. With something thematic like "DOGMA," it's different, but it's important that the song conveys the overall atmosphere of the album and the current direction of the band. It's also something that can be listened to as the entry point to the album. I wanted it to be the trademark song of the album.
Interviewer: It's truly a song that represents the GazettE, and it seems some fans are already covering it.
RUKI: I've heard a few covers, and you know the crunchy sound that kicks it off? For some reason, everyone delays it. That's where you have to play it down with full force. That's what I want to say. It was good to have the opportunity to say that (laughs).
Interviewer: That's valuable advice (laughs). Did the other songs develop from there?
RUKI: Yes. "BLINDING HOPE" took an unusually long time to finalize. So, as a sort of reaction, when we started working on "THE PALE" and "NOX," the general image came together fairly quickly. At first, we kept creating the foundational tracks of the album one after another. As we went on, we integrated ideas like wanting to include certain types of songs and thinking about how they would be performed live.
Interviewer: It's an album that makes you really want to see the live performances, and moreover, it's catchy.
RUKI: Yes. We're not an overly niche band to begin with, so we focused quite a bit on the melody and catchiness of the riffs that we naturally have. The early version of "BLINDING HOPE" was extremely complex. There were many other songs with intense structures and very complex compositions. But after that, we aimed to create something simple and cool with a certain momentum.
Interviewer: What was the intention behind "NOX" and "THE PALE"?
RUKI: "THE PALE" came after "BLINDING HOPE," so initially, I was trying to make something that would rest my ears a bit. Then it ended up having a lot of elements. So, in contrast, "NOX" started with a phrase that came to mind while playing the guitar, and I wanted to shape it somehow. It was an extremely simple creation process, and then we added touches like violin for flavor.
Interviewer: "THE PALE" also features string sounds, but the violin in "NOX" stands out.
RUKI: It really does. It felt like the song was finalized because of that. It's something that hasn't really been seen in the GazettE until now.
Interviewer: The track order of the album is exquisite. Especially placing "THE PALE" and "MOMENT" in the middle section, surrounded by intense songs.
RUKI: It incorporates elements of the GazettE's live performances. The dark parts, the spatial elements like in "THE PALE," and songs like "MOMENT," which we haven't really had before.
Interviewer: "MOMENT" is indeed a rare type of song for the GazettE.
RUKI: Yes. This type of song usually has distortion in the middle, but this time I deliberately excluded it, adding a folk-like feel. The songs created later have many elements, so I wanted to do something extremely stripped-down and raw. Also, I always jot down ideas as they come to me.
Interviewer: How about "Daku"?
RUKI: "Daku" was something that happened by chance. When I was thinking about what to create next, I came up with the dissonant-sounding part at the beginning. At that time, I had a slightly grunge, somewhat weathered-sounding melody recorded in my voice memos, and it fit perfectly with that. I just wanted to incorporate a dirty feeling into the melody, but it surprisingly turned out to be something I really liked.
Interviewer: "ROLLIN'" plays a role of continuing the momentum from "BLINDING HOPE," doesn't it?
RUKI: Actually, "ROLLIN'" was initially a ballad made before "BLINDING HOPE." I originally wanted to have a lot of percussion and a bit of a folk music vibe in the album, and I thought of making it a main feature. But then I realized it wasn't right, so I significantly increased the BPM and added the guitars on top. So, the kind of music I initially wanted to make is quite close to the opening SE of the album.
Interviewer: In the track "COUNT-10" positioned at the beginning of the album, there's also an industrial atmosphere that's quite characteristic of you, RUKI. You can also hear a percussive rhythm.
RUKI: Yes, that was something that came about during mastering (laughs). It felt good to return to the original idea at such a timing.
Interviewer: "BARBARIAN" is an aggressive song as the title suggests, with a sharp riff driving it forward.
RUKI: Yes. Initially, I played with it without any particular plan and was struggling with how to develop the chorus. I wanted it to become increasingly decadent. It's not just intense, but also somewhat unpredictable towards the end.
Interviewer: This track probably has the most variations in the album.
RUKI: Yes. Even during recording, there were moments of, "Wait, what was this melody?" (laughs). It was originally all over the place, and I just wanted to somehow connect everything nicely.
Interviewer: Since it appears suddenly in the latter part of the album, it keeps you on your toes until the end (laughs).
RUKI: Especially since it comes after "MOMENT" (laughs). In terms of how it was made, it's similar to how we approached "DOGMA." While making simpler tracks, I felt the need for something complex. Without such elements, the album would feel lacking to me.
Interviewer: The album concludes with "LAST SONG," which has a very weighty presence that carries everything.
RUKI: Yes. I wanted to end with a song that could hold its own more than "BLINDING HOPE." It was a song we put a lot of effort into. I felt it had to be something truly satisfying, and it was a challenging process, but I aimed to create something quintessentially the GazettE. This song gave me confidence in the album as a whole.
Interviewer: The words in the lyrics also seem to be fitting for these times.
RUKI: I never expected the state of emergency to continue like this. In a sense, I was thinking of preserving what we could only create in 2020 and 2021. These words are not just directed at the fans but are also for ourselves, aiming to return to our original state amidst the ups and downs. It's also about reminiscing about live performances. If these feelings can be conveyed throughout the album, that would be great.
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Interviewer: When did you start working on the songs for the album?
Uruha: We had our first selection meeting in December two years ago, and from then on, each of us started composing songs. Initially, we didn't have a specific concept when we began production. So, we were making songs as we liked, but as the songwriting progressed and recording approached, we began to see the path we needed to take. It felt like we had reached a point where the goal was unexpectedly narrow. Also, in August last year, RUKI brought in "BLINDING HOPE" and proposed making it the lead track. It seemed like RUKI saw something within that song, and from then on, RUKI started bringing in more songs. As a result, all the songs on "MASS" this time were either written entirely by RUKI or he was deeply involved in them.
Interviewer: Did you feel any resistance to not having your own compositions included?
Uruha: As musicians, we have the desire to create and express ourselves through songs that we want to release to the world. However, when it comes to releasing music as the GazettE, the personal aspect has gradually become less important. Rather than who composed the songs, what's more important is how we create works that will impact our listeners. So, it didn't really bother me that my own songs weren't included this time. It turned out to be a good album, so I'm satisfied with that.
Interviewer: Indeed, it doesn't feel like a solo work by RUKI but rather an album filled with the essence of the GazettE. Next, let's talk about the guitars on this album.
Uruha: This time, there were many instances where we reproduced the guitar parts based on the demos RUKI created. RUKI had a strong will to achieve a specific vision. As a result, while we did change the irregular parts musically, we tried to stick to the approach of the demos as much as possible. When I really wanted to change something, I would throw it out there during pre-production, saying, "I've changed this," and there were songs where those changes were incorporated, and other songs where we discussed and decided that the previous version or a different pattern was better. We experimented with various things and reached the current form after being satisfied with the results.
Interviewer: That's a good approach. However, unlike the previous stereo-oriented guitar sound, there are more parts where you play in unison with Aoi. How do you feel about that?
Uruha: This time, we focused on the sound pressure throughout the album, so I think that's the right approach. I've always wanted to establish the individuality of the left and right guitars, but this time we decided to respect the composer's intention more. For RUKI, it was important to consider what melodies would work against the background guitars and rhythm. Also, this kind of approach was refreshing as we hadn't done it much before.
Interviewer: Even with the unison, the subtle differences in nuance and tone create depth and breadth, and I think this way of handling guitars is nice too.
Uruha: I wanted to highlight those aspects. We wanted to avoid having one person play all the backing tracks or doubling them mechanically. In fact, we tried an approach where one person played all the backing parts. But we found that the sound created by both of us playing the same thing felt better.
Interviewer: I think that was the right decision. Which songs do you think have a strong impression in terms of guitar parts?
Uruha: "BLINDING HOPE" has a strong impression in many aspects. The song starts with an introduction and then the band kicks in with a bang. It was crucial how we started the song because it was our first release in a long time and our lead track. I felt that if this part wasn't impressive, it wouldn't work. Until we arrived at the current form, there were many twists and turns. Also, when this song came up, I reconsidered how we were recording. The recording process completely changed my thoughts and approaches. Initially, we recorded in the studio using a cabinet and stood the mic up to capture a realistic sense of space. However, with the traditional method, I felt that the impact was lacking. So, we stopped using the cabinet and searched for the best way to record.
Interviewer: That was quite a process. The guitars on "MASS" have a clarity and quickness in their attack that's unique to digital, yet they don't sound too close to the ear, which I think is excellent.
Uruha: Thank you very much. Through trial and error, we concluded that we needed to use a cabinet plugin, and the choice of cabinet was extremely important. Also, RUKI wanted to distort the guitar quite a bit, but my personal guitars didn't quite achieve the sound he wanted. So, we borrowed a guitar with active pickups from ESP and used active pickups for the first time this time. "BLINDING HOPE" used passive pickups, but the rest were all active. However, for the leads and guitar solos, we recorded them all using a cabinet. We recorded the sounds that were meant to stand out in an analog manner and the backing parts that were meant to be more in the background digitally to achieve tightness. We valued this front-to-back contrast.
Interviewer: That's a method befitting someone well-versed in both analog and digital techniques like yourself. Since you mentioned guitar solos, could you talk about the guitar solos on this album?
Uruha: I had set aside the guitar solos for a while. I was focused on exploring the texture of the backing tracks, so I put the solos on hold. Towards the end of the production, I recorded them all at once. I particularly like the guitar solos in "BLINDING HOPE" and "MOMENT". For "BLINDING HOPE" I felt I should play an aggressive solo, but the length was quite long, so starting aggressively wouldn't last (laughs). Instead, I thought it was very important to create a dramatic development and changed direction midway. I tried various things from there and finally settled on the current form, focusing on building up towards the end. For "MOMENT," the backing is entirely acoustic, so I decided to play the solo on acoustic guitar as well. From the beginning, I wanted the sound to be acoustic and never considered using an electric guitar for the solo. In terms of phrases, RUKI had played some in the demo stage, so I used those as references.
Interviewer: The high-quality guitar solos deepen the world of the songs. How did you record the acoustic guitar for "MOMENT"?
Uruha: I recorded the acoustic guitar at home. I simply set up two mics and used compression while recording. When you play arpeggios, the volume level is low, and it's difficult to control dynamics. The engineer processes this with compression later on, but I wanted to control the dynamics myself while playing, so I decided to record with compression. Being able to play while visualizing the finished product was the most beneficial thing for me. Also, I enjoyed being able to do everything myself, such as mic arrangement and EQ adjustment.
Interviewer: That's very characteristic of you, Uruha, with your engineering skills. Now, the album "MASS" is a must-listen, combining the GazettE’s essence with a fresh feel. How do you feel now that you've completed the album?
Uruha: First of all, I really want to express my gratitude for completing this album. Production took a lot of time, and there were times when I wondered if we could really do it. However, with no live performances scheduled due to COVID, we had the opportunity to thoroughly focus on recording, and there was also the feeling that our efforts would be in vain if we didn't do this well. So, we put in more effort and spent more time than ever before to create something we can confidently call our masterpiece, so I hope you look forward to its release. However, since the songs grow when performed live, "MASS" isn’t complete yet.
Interviewer: I understand. Because of that, I think there are many listeners who are eager to see the GazettE live as soon as possible.
Uruha: Although I can’t promise exactly when we will perform live, we are constantly working towards it. Ideally, we want to perform live, not online. Even if the venue capacity is halved, we want to do it live. Also, if we do perform live, I want it to be a level beyond just not showing any signs of our hiatus; I want to show an evolved the GazettE. So, when we do hold a live concert, please come to the venue and experience it.
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Interviewer: As the work on "MASS" progressed, RUKI ended up writing most of the songs. Did you have any resistance to not including your own songs?
Aoi: Not at all. I thought that RUKI probably had a lot of things he wanted to express and convey, and if that was the case, he should be the one to transmit it. While asserting what I want my instrument to sound like is important, I felt it was better for someone with a clear vision of what they wanted to express to take the lead. Everyone seemed to feel the same way, and there was no pushback like, "I want to do it this way." If it had been just 2-3 years since we started the band, it might have been different, but we’ve created many works, and this isn't our last album. So, this way of making the album was totally fine and an interesting experiment.
Interviewer: Even though RUKI took the lead on the album, it’s still overflowing with the essence of the GazettE. I heard that "HOLD" and "FRENZY" were mainly created by the instrumentalists.
Aoi: RUKI kept bringing in songs, and before we knew it, there were only two slots left. Initially, RUKI and Kai had started working a bit on "FRENZY," but it was put on hold. We decided to work on "HOLD" first as an instrumental group, aiming for a straightforward song that would grow well in live performances. So we shaped it with that in mind before handing it over to Ruki to reflect his intentions and complete it.
Interviewer: The hard tunes on this album are both intense and easy to listen to, and "HOLD" is dark yet catchy.
Aoi: I thought it was okay even if it didn’t have much melody because we were focusing on a “frenzied” feeling. But when we passed it to RUKI, he added a solid vocal line, making it both dark and catchy. For "FRENZY," RUKI and Kai had only made the intro, which initially wasn’t to my personal taste (laughs). I thought it was a bit too pop, at first. But since the intro was a must-keep, we worked on the other parts, and eventually, even the intro was reworked. We created multiple versions for every part of "HOLD" and "FRENZY." So, we were able to make it complex or straightforward, and decided the current form was the best.
Interviewer: Both songs are really high-quality compositions. Now, let’s talk about the guitars on "MASS."
Aoi: This time, we mainly reproduced what RUKI had included in the demos. If there were parts where I thought I’d do it differently, I suggested changes, but usually, we ended up going with RUKI’s ideas after trying both versions. So, the guitar parts are quite simple this time. There are parts where we deliberately simplified RUKI’s phrases, not breaking them into finer notes but making them larger. We have two guitarists in our band. Visual kei twin-guitar bands often create competing guitar phrases, but I felt we’d already done that enough. This time, I wanted to focus on clear roles for lead and side guitars. I was interested in this approach and wanted to experience the side guitar position. I wanted to explore songs from the side guitar perspective.
Interviewer: The side/rhythm guitar might seem plain, but it’s deep and fun when you get into it.
Aoi: Yes, it’s great as a musical instrument. It felt really good. "Feeling good" is a very vague expression (laughs). There are layered phrases, rhythms, and sequences, and the role of the side guitar is to connect them well. In the past, I thought as long as the bass kept the rhythm tight, the guitar could just hit the main points and follow the broader rhythm. This time, though, I matched the drums closely and paid more attention to filling the guitar's frequency range and determining what to cut. This approach was very enjoyable and made me appreciate the importance of backing guitar.
Interviewer: So, you had new discoveries with this approach. Which song left a strong impression on you with its guitar work?
Aoi: "MOMENT." In this song, both Uruha and I played acoustic guitars throughout, with Uruha handling the arpeggios while I focused on strumming. It was a first-time approach, and it was fulfilling. Also, I used the acoustic guitar version of the IR (cabinet simulator) to record the acoustic guitar. Nowadays, when you hear an acoustic guitar in music, you sometimes can't tell if it's live or programmed. I wanted to explore that aspect a bit, so I decided to use IR. I recorded it with just the sound of the piezo pickup without setting up a microphone, and then I refined it.
Interviewer: The gentle texture and appropriate airy feel are pleasant, and it's surprising that you recorded it with only the piezo pickup sound.
Aoi: I did my best (laughs). I only knew the sound of K. Yairi and Martin guitars. But this time, I used the modeling of a Gibson Hummingbird. It has a very beautiful sound. In reality, I wouldn't want to buy it because the care is troublesome (laughs). When I recorded it, it had a more acoustic guitar-like sound with resonance, but since Uruha wanted to go thicker with the arpeggio, I thought it would be too much if I also made my sound rough. So, I deliberately made it thinner. I aimed for a fullness like the strumming of pop artists in Western music, while incorporating a slightly darker feeling from Japanese music. I like the darker tone of Japanese acoustic guitar.
Interviewer: Choosing to make the sound thinner shows a sharp sense. Also, the electric guitar sounds on this album are even more refined.
Aoi: When we first recorded "BLINDING HOPE," we used a cabinet, but the closeness of the sound wasn't what RUKI had in mind. So, we stopped using the cabinet and tried using IR, and finally settled on a plugin cabinet. At first, Uruha used a plugin, and I used IR, but the IR sound became too rich, so I adjusted to match Uruha. I didn't expect the sound to change so much with different cabinets. We tried various amps, but RUKI kept rejecting them, saying "This isn't it, this isn't it." In the end, we switched to a plugin cabinet, and it turned out that any head would do (laughs). The sound isn’t too close to the ear but still has the fullness of a cabinet, making it hard to believe it was recorded direct.
Interviewer: Another impressive aspect of your guitar sound in this album is the wide range.
Aoi: That’s something that changed over time. Originally, Uruha had a wider and more dynamic range. But that reversed at some point. This time, we worked on that a lot. My sound was wide-ranged and loud, so I narrowed it down. Uruha’s sound is more solid, so if we don’t adjust, the two guitars won’t sit well together.
Interviewer: The careful crafting results in a pleasant thickness and spread created by the two guitars. Now that "MASS" is finished, how do you feel?
Aoi: "MASS" might sound very simple at first listen. What the band is doing is quite simple, creating the atmosphere with sequences. While I have no complaints about this approach, there are parts where I feel my guitar might have become too simple. I am satisfied with my role, and enjoyed supporting the overall sound as the side guitarist. However, there are fans who could be called "Aoi enthusiasts", who favor my compositions specifically, and I wonder how they will take it. I feel confident about what I did in "MASS," and I want people to understand that my passion for music and the GazettE hasn't diminished just because the guitar parts are simpler. The simplicity gives me more leeway in my playing, allowing for a different kind of performance on stage. Therefore, if you listen to "MASS" and think, "What's this?" I hope you look forward to the live performance.
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Interviewer: Can you tell us your honest feelings now that the album "MASS" is complete?
REITA: Among all our albums, this one is probably the most suited for live performances, so I really want to showcase it soon. The track order also closely resembles a live setlist. When we released "NINTH," I thought we had an amazing tour, so I aimed to create an album that evolved further from there, and I think we achieved that.
Interviewer: "BLINDING HOPE" was released as the lead single, and I heard that it was recorded ahead of the others.
REITA: Yes, that's right. It was similar with our previous album and "Falling" as well. We finished mixing one song first and used that as a guideline to record the others. It helps create a framework.
Interviewer: How did you approach the recording this time?
REITA: I bought a lot of equipment beforehand. Even just with compact effects pedals, I bought around five… Honestly, it was quite an expense (laughs). We had used the equipment from the previous recording and tour extensively, and I wanted to advance the sound further. There is still a lot of equipment I haven’t tried, and I hoped to find something even better. Renting for just a day doesn’t really give you a good idea, so even though it might end up being a waste, I decided to buy and try everything. In the actual recording, I ended up using the orthodox SansAmp. I had been using it in live performances before, but a new version with mids was released. In the end, I didn't tweak the mids much and used it flat, but it fit the current songs perfectly.
Interviewer: I heard you bought a new bass too.
REITA: Yes, I bought two, but the one I used in the recording was the second one, a Dingwall Z3, a 2020 NAMM SHOW model. Initially, I used the first bass I bought for "BLINDING HOPE," but after re-recording with the new one, it sounded even better. Time was tight, so it was hard to suggest replacing it, but everyone agreed the new one was better, which was a relief (laughs).
Interviewer: I see. How did you approach the bass line in "BLINDING HOPE"?
REITA: The song is dark, so I tried not to stay too high up. I aimed for a slightly heavy feel while having the phrase move, going back and forth to lower chords. The bass volume is a bit higher in this song, and I think the bass presence fits the tone.
Interviewer: "ROLLIN'" has an intense sound that promises immediate impact in live performances. It's quite an interesting track.
REITA: I struggled a lot with the sound production for "ROLLIN'." Nothing seemed to click, so we re-amped it again on the last day of mixing. For example, in "BLINDING HOPE," the intro has a ground-shaking lower end, but that's because I’m playing open strings. However, in "ROLLIN'," I'm holding down the second fret continuously, so even if I tried to make the same sound, it wouldn't turn out the same. So, we adjusted it to fit between the kick and the guitar.
Interviewer: The slap bass at the end of the chorus is also impressive, but adjusting the sound with other parts seems difficult.
REITA: Originally, the song had everything up to the end of the chorus. During the mix of "BLINDING HOPE" or something, RUKI brought in the continuation, saying something like, "There's a bass solo, so do it." In the demo, it was programmed, but the nuance suggested it was supposed to be slap bass. However, running it through an amp made the sound too wild, so we ended up using a plugin. I'm still not sure how we’ll reproduce it live.
Interviewer: How about "NOX"?
REITA: "NOX" has a tempo that’s quite different from what the GazettE usually does, so I’m looking forward to playing it live. In the past, I might have thought this kind of song wouldn’t have a great groove live, but after the "NINTH" tour, I believe it will work well. Playing at this tempo feels really good, so I hope it creates a big wave in the audience.
Interviewer: The bass line in this song gives the impression that it's playing the absolute correct answer.
REITA: The phrase itself isn’t difficult, but the picking was really tough. I focused on keeping the pick level to ensure a clear "terodero" sound throughout. I didn’t want it to sound like alternate picking, but using down-only picking didn’t flow well, so I tried to find a balance.
Interviewer: The bass has a unique fret design, right?
REITA: At first, I wasn’t sure how it would feel, but I got used to it right away and didn't find it difficult to play.
Interviewer: The ballad-like songs such as "THE PALE" and "MOMENT" have interesting approaches too.
REITA: In intense songs, there are many unison parts, but in ballads, I think the bass has moments to shine (laughs). Especially in "MOMENT," which progresses with acoustic guitar strumming, the bass can handle intricate arrangements.
Interviewer: Was there any key song that stood out during the recording?
REITA: Ah, for example, I moved quite a bit with the phrase in the chorus of "濁 (Daku)."
Interviewer: I'm also looking forward to seeing how "MOMENT" will be performed live. "HOLD" seems to embody the intensity of a live performance.
REITA: This might be the song most tailored for live performance. The phrase itself is almost in unison with the guitar, so there’s nothing particularly standout, but it has a sense of band unity and isn't just intense; it has dynamics. We shared tracks on Pro Tools and discussed them over Zoom while creating this song. This was our first time using this method, but I think it might be a viable approach for future projects. We worked until someone said "I can’t go on anymore," which was tough but also fun (laughs).
Interviewer: The bass drives this song as well.
REITA: Mixing the bass within the double bass drum parts is challenging. It often gets buried. I can’t count how many times I said, "Isn’t the kick too loud?" (laughs). We approached "FRENZY" similarly to "HOLD." For the bass, I aimed for a cohesive sound without cluttering it, sometimes reducing the picking to avoid interference.
Interviewer: The bouncy rhythm in the chorus is excellent.
REITA: This was quite difficult. At first, Uruha played the phrase and asked, "How about this chorus?" We all played along with the strings, but the drums didn’t quite fit. The bass rhythm is tricky too. Avoiding ghost notes makes it harder to catch the rhythm. The energy should rise sharply, but the hands need to stay calm to pull it off.
Interviewer: The last song on the album, "LAST SONG," feels like a particularly important track, doesn't it?
REITA: As soon as the song starts, it gives off a strong feeling of "the beginning of the end." From the bass perspective, I played the chorus not with detailed phrases but with a slight undulating sensation, aiming for a bit of a driving feel. The intro is tightly synchronized vertically. This became clear once the piece was finished.
Interviewer: With this work completed, do you have a vision of the musical future of the GazettE?
REITA: Musically speaking, I think this album represents evolution rather than a new challenge. When the GazettE makes it, it really becomes a GazettE album, and I was reminded of that again. But I also realized the difficulty of the bass guitar again. This past year, I’ve particularly focused on the bass. I’ve watched a lot of playthrough videos on YouTube and bought a lot of gear. When you buy equipment, you naturally end up spending more time playing the bass, right? I want to bring those experiences to our live performances. However, while I can clearly envision the live performances, the uncertainty of the tour schedule due to COVID-19 is quite frustrating. Nevertheless, I want to keep honing my skills so that we can fully express this album when the time comes.
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Interviewer: Did you have any themes or concepts in mind when creating the new album?
Kai: No, we didn’t. It’s always like that with the GazettE. We speak through our music; without songs, there’s nothing to talk about. Starting with a concept is quite rare for us. Usually, as we create songs, themes and concepts naturally emerge. Through the song selection process, we find how to express the current GazettE. Initially, each member was making songs, but later, we started shaping the songs RUKI brought in. There wasn’t a standout song for a long time, but then the pandemic hit, our March concert was canceled, and we had time to reflect on ourselves. During that period, I think RUKI found the concept. "BLINDING HOPE" came together in April, and we unanimously agreed it should be included. After that, RUKI kept bringing in songs, and by shaping them, we completed most of the album. The last couple of songs were made by all of us, but even those were strongly influenced by RUKI. So, "MASS" ended up being entirely RUKI's work, which is a first for us, but it still feels very much like a GazettE album, so it doesn’t feel strange to me.
Interviewer: It’s more important what kind of work it is, rather than who made the songs. Let’s talk about the drums in "MASS." The drumming throughout the album is very energetic.
Kai: Everyone says that (laughs). People often say that, but I don't really feel that way.
Interviewer: Really? The approach of incorporating intricate patterns, fast fills, and double bass throughout the album made me realize once again how amazing your drumming is.
Kai: I wonder... People often say it's busy (laughs). To me, it's just a continuation of the approach I've always taken, so I don’t feel like I’m doing anything special. When I listen to a demo, I naturally hear the drum patterns in my head and then just bring them to life.
Interviewer: It's impressive that such intricate drumming comes naturally to you and that you can actually play it. Do you ever think that a drum pattern you came up with is too difficult and consider simplifying it?
Kai: No, I don’t. It’s important to bring the imagined patterns to life, and if something is difficult, I just practice it. Besides, the other members have also gained knowledge about drumming, so these days, they don’t suggest physically impossible drum patterns like they used to. There used to be many times when I'd think, "I’d need three legs and four arms to play that" (laughs). Now, the drumming is more logical, so with practice, I can play it.
Interviewer: Thrilling songs have thrilling drums, and songs with a sense of speed amplify that feeling even more. Your drumming really pushes the music forward.
Kai: I'm glad you feel that way. I don't know how other bands construct their music, but for us, the speed and everything is carried by the drums. The drum is our standard. First, we create speed with drums, and then we discuss how to hook onto that. So, drums don't really go off into a different world.
Interviewer: It seems like many patterns amplify speed by adding sequences, but your approach is quite the opposite.
Kai: Yes. Also, even if you want to create momentum and speed with drums alone, it's different from just running. You need to pay attention to keeping the rhythm, and especially in intense songs like "HOLD" and "FRENZY" this time, you can't just go with the flow. It's meticulously crafted phrases as a band sound, so you need to integrate well with guitars and bass. If you go with just momentum, it becomes messy. Therefore, I consciously try to play tighter, and I think it requires a lot of attention during live performances.
Interviewer: The rhythm that combines tightness and momentum feels incredibly good. Another thing is that with drumming like yours, sound is also important. The drum sound in this work, with its blend of sound pressure and clarity, is ideal.
Kai: We've tried many different things with drum sounds, but this time we used the same method as on "NINTH." Basically, we recorded separately: just the kick, just the snare, just the cymbals. We record like that, but we also use off-mics, not just close mics. This way, we can achieve the clarity unique to separate recording along with the natural airiness you get when recording normally.
Interviewer: Setting up off-mics is an unexpected approach. However, I often hear that multi-tracking is more challenging than simply playing drums.
Kai: It's really challenging. Just playing the kick alone is quite difficult, and you can't play fills smoothly within the flow. Also, you can't hit the crash in the middle of a fill. So, while rolling the toms, you end up hitting a sponge where the crash should be (laughs).
Interviewer: Especially in Western music, many bands avoid such intricacies and opt for programmed drums. Your skill in doing this live is impressive.
Kai: I wonder about that. It might come down to being about programming if you pursue it deeply. But right now, we're allowed to do it with live multi-tracking. By recording separately, there are parts where you can focus on other aspects. For example, when putting a crash at the end of a fill, you need to keep it in mind, but if you don't worry about the crash, you can strike with edge until the last hit. I changed my approach this time and got closer to the ideal sound.
Interviewer: It must be challenging, but if possible, I hope you won’t switch to programming in the future. So, what drum set did you use this time?
Kai: I used my Yamaha set. It's the oak one I use for live shows, and it's really good. I decided to use it because I like the tone of the toms, and overall, its quality is high. For the snare, I used both Sonor’s bell bronze and TAMA’s bell brass, depending on the song. I like the sound of bronze and brass, and it’s easy to shape the GazettE's sound with them. We really like tuning it low to get a solid, rich sound. I tried various options, but in the end, I settled on those two.
Interviewer: "MASS" indeed has many highlights in its drumming. How do you feel after making this album?
Kai: Through the production of this album, I once again realized that the GazettE is a very forward-looking band. It’s easy to fall into negative thinking, like "we can't do this because of the pandemic," but we took it as a driving force to keep moving. We released a new music video on March 10th, exactly one year after canceling our concert on March 10th last year. This shows the strength we have as a band to reach that point. Personally, I was very affected by the cancellation of the March concert. The pandemic took a toll on my mind, and there were times when I thought it would be dangerous for us to remain silent for so long. I realized how weak I was as an individual. But I was greatly saved by RUKI bringing in "BLINDING HOPE." The way the band picked up from there was truly amazing. I feel that this strength is unique to the GazettE, and "MASS" is packed with the GazettE's resilience and unwavering spirit. So, I hope it reaches as many people as possible.
Interviewer: I'm sure it will. Also, I’m looking forward to your live performances.
Kai: I really want to perform live again. When we perform live, I want to surpass fans' expectations...or rather, I think we must. As time passes, fans’ memories get idealized. We can't betray that, and I also have a desire to always surpass it. So, it can't just be a "long time no see!" kind of live show. We have accumulated something within us, and there's a strong desire to release that. I don't think it will be an ordinary live show, so please look forward to it.
All translations are ChatGPT Scans: rad-is-more
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dixbolik-lovers · 2 years
Every kid's gotta go through it, and so do they: in the Child AU, the Mukamis' caretaker books them dentist appointments. How does it go down?
It's been a while since he had proper medical care of any kind, so the idea is a bit intimidating. Ruki knows you're just trying to take care of him, but that doesn't really get rid of the lingering nervousness about the whole thing. He doesn't want you to think he's being childish, though, so he suppresses the fear and obediently accepts the appointment. You'll eventually find out how scared he is... but likely only once the appointment is done.
There's no way you'll be able to leave him alone with the dentist. Kou is freaked out enough already from the very idea of the appointment— leaving his side for even a moment is going to guarantee a meltdown. He doesn't trust anyone but you to be near him, and makes that sentiment very known. You'll probably have to bribe him into cooperation somehow, as the offer of a reward does a lot to help him put up with the appointment.
He's more whiny about it than anything; it sounds like a total hassle to have someone messing with his teeth when they're perfectly fine as it is. Yuuma doesn't resist going, though, mostly because it'd be more trouble than it's worth. If you think he needs to do this, he'll go along with it. However, he's more nervous than he lets on— as you find out once you're in the waiting room, and the poor boy is practically vibrating in his seat from stress.
From what little he knows about dentists, they're supposed to do painful things, right...? In everything he's heard, people are terrified of dentists because of that. He's never been seen by one before, and that's very much going to be a problem. Azusa is far from nervous about the whole thing— rather, you're the one who's concerned by his utter lack of prior medical care. All he's thinking about is how it might hurt to have his teeth messed with.
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otomehonyaku · 2 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS More,Blood Genteiban DVD Translation ☽ Mini Drama I (Kou, Subaru, Laito)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD 限定版 SPECIAL DISK II Mini Drama I Voiced by Kimura Ryōhei (Kou), Kondō Takashi (Subaru), Hirakawa Daisuke (Laito) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (thank you @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
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Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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I'm back with another anime mini drama! This one's the first one of the three More,Blood mini drama CDs, featuring Kou, Subaru, and Laito. I can't stress enough that I love these 'behind-the-scenes' kind of CDs... and how sad I am that Ruki didn't get the exposure his character deserved in the mini drama he appears in (which is coming later...) ( -᷅ ⤙ -᷄ )=3
Anyway, next up is the More,Blood mini drama featuring Yuma, Shuu, and Reiji! Have fun listening and reading along ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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[This drama takes place after Subaru and Kou have their moment with Yui on the roof of the academy building.]
00:00 Subaru: Tch! Fuck, this is bullshit.
Laito: Ooh… Subaru. What were you doing on the rooftop terrace? 
S: That’s none of your business.
[Laito sniffs the air.]
L: This scent… is Bitchlet’s.
[Subaru is startled.]
L: Hmm… I see. Subaru, you were doing naughty things with Bitchlet on that roof! Everyone’s been starving ever since she left. To keep her all to yourself like that… That’s just mean.
S: That’s bullshit!
[Subaru punches a wall, debris falling to the floor.]
S: Fuck! You’re pissing me off.
L: Ah, you’ve punched a hole in the wall again… Someone’s cranky today. Or are you perhaps a bit too turned on after tasting Bitchlet’s blood again? Hehe.
S: I’m not.
L: Then I suppose you’re upset that the Mukamis took her away from us?
S: I just can’t stand them.
L: But the fact that Bitchlet’s coming to school with them… she must be living with them, right? She’s kept hostage in that house, letting those guys do whatever they want with her from dusk ‘till dawn… The four of them share her, take turns biting her… or maybe they all bite her all at the same time? Hehe.
S: Shut up.
L: At first she’ll resist, but eventually she’ll offer her body to them… Oh, I wonder about the faces she makes when they feed on her, the pleasurable noises that must spill from her lips… Ah, it’s just too much…
S: I told you to shut up!
[Subaru shoves Laito.]
02:09 L: Oh, Subaru, don’t get so upset!
S: Fuck off! Do you think she wants to be their plaything?
L: Hehe. I wonder. People need change, I guess, and having a good time with them might stimulate her a little. However…
S: Heh. So you’re alright with those Mukami bastards taking her away?
L: Oh, no, not at all! Subaru, you’re so thickheaded.
S: Tch. Watch your words.
L: There’s nothing wrong with making the best out of a situation, right? That’s why I always try to put my personal enjoyment first. Well, I think I’ll go take a sip of her as well. She’s still on the rooftop, isn’t she?
S: No, you should leave her be.
L: Huh, why? Isn’t it a bit unfair that you’re the only one getting to enjoy her?
S: She’s still with him.
L: Who? Oh, I see… So that’s why you were upset, Subaru. Mukami Kou’s the one pleasuring her up there…
S: Ugh.
L: First, you took her blood, Subaru, and now he’s biting her too. Ah, I wonder how she’s feeling right now…
S: Motherfucker…
L: Someone else’s fangs are piercing her skin right now… Heh. How arousing.
S: Go get turned on somewhere else, you fucking pervert.
04:01 L: Huh? Don’t you want to come with me, Subaru?
S: Fuck off! Leave me alone.
[Subaru walks away.]
L: Well, I suppose Subaru has said it before.
It’s no fun hogging resources. I think I’ll go say ‘hi’ to Bitchlet…
[Laito goes to the rooftop and sees Kou.]
L: Ooh, wait a minute—she’s unconscious! If you keep feeding on her like that, she’ll die, you know.
Kou: What’s this all of a sudden? This is none of your business. We’re taking good care of our little Masochistic Kitten… in our own way, that is.
L: You’re saying that, but her face is white as a sheet. You Mukamis get pretty rough when you feed, don’t you?
K: That’s not something I want to hear from you Sakamaki scum. Besides, I’m not the only one who bit her just now.
L: You mean Subaru?
K: Yeah, yeah. Subaru was more violent than I was, so you might want to tell him off instead.
L: So that means you just stood by as he took Bitchlet from you…
K: Don’t misunderstand. I purposely handed her over. Subaru wanted her so badly, but he’s too shy to just be honest and say so. I felt a little bad for him, is all.
L: Hmm.
[Laito walks over to Yui.]
L: Even then… Heh. You’re pretty naughty yourself.
K: Huh?
L: You covered up Subaru’s bite marks with your own. Your desire to monopolise her is on full display.
06:04 K: And how are those two things connected?
L: Something precious was taken away from you and it made you sad. You used to be human, so I suppose you’re subject to those cliched emotions.
K: Stop it. You’re imagining things. You know that we were once human, though…
L: I could tell by your scent. Besides, you seem to need Bitchlet for something. What are you scheming? You guys reek of suspicion.
K: You’re awfully good at sticking your nose in other people’s business, Laito. Well, you’ll find out soon enough.
L: Hmm. I’ll just have to kill some time until then. But hey, Bitchlet’s still out like a light. Just when I thought the three of us could have a good time together….
K: Oh, wow. Are you really alright with this?
L: Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy seeing her writhe in agony because of my fangs. I just wanted to see her writhing because of someone else’s, for once.
K: Seems like you’re the one that’s fucked up…
L: Don’t kill her, though. I was looking forward to playing with her again when you guys are done with her.
K: You really are a pervert. It’s disgusting. Just what I expect from an aristocratic brat. And as I said before, I assure you we won’t kill her.
L: So if you kill her, you can’t fulfil your plans. Is that it?
K: Wouldn’t you like to know?
L: Oh, well. Be careful, though. You’re not the only ones after her blood. There are vampires out there who are quite upset about their parched throats. Hehe.
08:08 K: You say that as if you don’t have anything to do with it.
L: Hmm… That’s not entirely true, either. I just don’t think it’s fun when she’s continuously passed around like that. I’ll have to wait for her a little longer, but I’ll be sure to enjoy myself in the meantime. Hehe.
[Laito walks off.]
K: You’re only now behaving like you have all the time in the world…
[Kou walks over to Yui and lifts her up.]
K: Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. Until I become Adam, that is. And I will become Adam. If only to prove myself to the man who gave me my freedom. Right, my little kitten?
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 34
What the fuuuuuuck? Whelp, I got the darkness I've been waiting for and I didn't really care for it to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited for this show to get edgy, but this episode just felt jarring and the animation was kinda questionable.
Btw you've all been very courteous in the replies not spoiling anything, so thank you for that. Please continue to not spoil things haha :) I feel a little bad sharing this photoset because even the episode's title is spoilerific, but I'll make sure to tag it properly so at least the people that blacklist spoilers don't see it. (Then again, maybe I'm the only one in 2023 who still hasn't seen this show lol).
Because I made the mistake of googling Culumon's gender a few episodes back, I did get spoiled that they're not really a digimon. Still, this raises many questions. What are they? Where did they get the name Culumon? What was their original form and how did they get their current form? etc. etc. I guess them not being a digimon lines up with them being partner-less and having a weird digivolution enhancing power.
This episode felt weird because it was basically (other than a brief, relaxed bit) one loooong battle scene filled with misery and rage. It sort of felt like one of those really abrupt surprise horror things like Doki Doki Literature Club because the tone shift was so jarring. Normally I like that sort of thing, but I don't know that it was executed well here.
I think the main flaw that this episode had for me is that the focus was on Leomon dying and Juri breaking down over his death. I do not care enough about those characters for that to have an impact on me. I don't feel like there was enough time spent developing their tamer-partner relationship. Even in this very episode when Leomon is questioned as to why he became Juri's tamer he's just like "fate I guess" which is a pretty lukewarm response. Also, Leomon dying is like a meme in Digimon lore, so that was another blow against this moment.
It felt a little off to me that Kyubimon got so beaten up but Ruki just panicked on the sidelines instead of running to comfort her. I get that that was probably a self-preservation response, but it seemed a little cold.
First Juri's digivice (arc, whatever) blue screens and then Takato's shatters!? Now that's intriguing...
I was hype to get a new "bad" digivolution since that hasn't happened since SkullGreymon (unless you count abominations like Chimeramon). It was a little upsetting to see Takato flip out. I wonder if his mixed emotions about Guilmon "just being data" played into his accidental abuse. The evil digivolution is cool looking but maybe has too many colors going on
Daaaaamn, poor Shiuchon just GOT here and now she's going through all this trauma. Not fair...
That was quite the cliffhanger ending, I feel like the follow-up to the chaos will be more interesting than the chaos itself...
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