#((I probably should've done this in video format.))
dorylinae-supremacy · 7 months
God his 'apology' is dogshit. I could've come up with something better on no sleep and delirious from a fucking fever.
How do you make an apology and forget to apologise? Bro would've been better off having a PR team write a statement or even waiting a few more days so he could bounce it off of other people and improve it.
Do I think he's made changes to his behaviour? Maybe. There could be a tiny chance that he just focussed on the wrong thing in his tweet but meant well. I don't particularly believe that narrative but there is a chance that that was the case.
Does that make this statement / apology acceptable in any way? No.
He didn't properly address what he did and he never apologised or really recognised the harm he did to Shelby. Instead he made it about himself and how much he's theoretically grown. That was the exact opposite of what he should've done.
This apology seem's half baked at best and a simple statement saying 'I will address this once I get some stuff together and can format this correctly' wouldve been better than what he's done.
I'm not here to tell you who you can and cannot support. I recognise that many people are probably far more invested in Wilbur and Lovejoy than I am. But as someone who's been around since Soothouse I will say that I won't be supporting him any more.
I will continue to write his character but as far as anything else goes, thats it.
Wanna watch his videos? Get an adblocker. Wanna listen to his music? Download it or find a video of it uploaded somewhere else.
Stand with victims. Support Shelby. He made his own 'apology' about himself rather than the victim so make sure you don't do the same. Don't make excuses for a man that can't see or understand the fault in his own actions.
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telltale-apologist · 3 months
Okay, I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time
And I feel like you weren't hearing me before
So here it goes
I know Hell's population is out of control
It's a bad situation
It's taking a toll
If we rehab these Sinners
And cleanse all their souls
At my Hazbin Hotel
Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself!
Right! Extermination!
I know you guys fly down
Just to kill once a year
And it must be annoying
To schlep all the way here
If they join you in Heaven
That trip disappears!
You can wave that chore farewell
It'll be a happy day in he-
Let me stop you right there
Save us all precious time
If what you're suggesting
Is letting them climb
Up the ladder
Oh, they'd rather cross the Pearly Gates?
Well, uh
Sorry, sweetie
But there's no defyin' their fates!
'Cause Hell is forever
Whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better
Now they boil in the pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're burnin' for their lives
Until we kill 'em again!
Okay, but
Just try to chillax, babe
You're wasting your breath
Did I hear you imply
That they don't deserve death?
Are they Winners?
Are they Sinners?
'Cause it's cut and dry
Well, actually, if you take a look
Fair is fair, an eye for an eye!
And when all's said and done (said and done)
There's the question of fun (fun)
And for those of us with Divine Ordainment
Extermination is entertainment!
Guitar solo, fuck yeah!
Oh, da-ah-ah now-now-n-now-n-now-n-now-n-nownownow
Hell is forever
Whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better (where the Hell did you people come from?)
Now they boil in the pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're burnin' for their lives
Until we kill 'em again!
Fuckin' Hell's forever
And it's meant to suck a lot
So give up your dumb endeavor
'Cause you don't have a shot!
Long as I've got your attention
I guess I should probably mention
That we made the determination
To move up the next Extermination!
Can't wait a whole year
To slaughter those little cunts
I know it's just been a week
But we'll be back in six months!
Um, wait, didn't you
Ugh, shit!
That fucker is back!
Yeah, I thought he was gone for good too
It's been seven years!
You still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Uh, fuck you
Just sayin'
Things have changed a lot since he left town
That's for sure
I gotta send a message of who's really in charge of things now
Welcome home
I'm gonna make you wish that you'd stayed gone
Say hello to a new status quo
Everyone knows that there's a brand-new dawn
Turn the TV on! (Camera speeds, rollin' in three, two)
Top of the hour, and we're discussing a certain has-been
Who has been spotted cavorting around town (welcome to the show)
After a seven-year absence
Did anybody miss him? (Welcome to the show)
Did anybody notice?
More on tonight's program
So, the radio demon is back in town
Why is he hanging around?
What does that mean for your family?
Well handily, I've got good news
He's a loser, a fossil and I don't mean to sound hostile
But the demon is a coward!
You can take that as gospel
Pulling my viewers? Impossible!
I'm visual, he's barely audible
Stop givin' him the time of day
Don't listen to a word he'd say
I hope he had a nice vacay
But he should've stayed away
While he hid in radio
We pivoted to video
Now his medium is gettin' bloody rare
Hell's been better since he split
Where's he been?
Who gives a shit!
Good to be back on the air
Yes, I know it's been a while
Since someone with style treated hell to a broadcast
Sinners, rejoice!
What a dated voice!
Instead of a clout-chasin' mediocre video podcast
Come on!
Is Vox insecure? Pursuing allure?
Flitting between this fad and that, is nothin' working?
Ignore his chirping!
Every day, he's got a new format
You're lookin' at the future, he's the shit that comes before that!
Is Vox as strong as he purports
Or is it based on his support?
He'd be powerless without the other Vees
Oh, please!
And here's the sugar on the cream
He asked me to join his team
Hold on!
I said no, and now he's pissy, that's the tea
You old-timey prick
I'll show you suffering
Uh oh, the TV is buffering!
I'll destroy you, you little–
I'm afraid you've lost your signal
Let's begin
I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone
Tune on in when I'm done
Your status quo will know its race is run
Oh, this will be fun
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I had a very silly week and listened to Mezmerize by SOAD
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⭐⭐⭐(3 out of 5 stars)
This one probably will not stay in my regular rotation but I still had fun with it! This one was a friend suggestion so I was happy to try out something outside of my comfort zone.
It was interesting to see how unseriously musicians can take themselves while still covering what they want to and it is lots of fun. I already knew that was sort of the "thing" when it comes to Hard Rock but never thought that would be the sort of thing I would listen to, and I am definitely not complaining.
I also just realized right now as I'm writing this that this album is from 2005... I was definitely thinking it was later into like 2010 or something... probably makes sense that it's from 2005...
Anyways, opinion time! (as always, not opinion order, just album order)
"Radio/Video" is a really cool song and once again, I am going to talk about layering. This song has a lot going on and manages it really well. The duet format is really cool and works to make this song a lot of fun to listen to. I like how this song very unapologetically shifts tempo at just about any point for any reason. It was a lot of fun to listen to this song for the first time and it only grew on me more throughout the week. and also that intro riff is a lot of fun and got stuck in my head A LOT.
Skipping a LOT of songs, "Sad Statue" sticks out to me for being less silly. It is poignant that this song still really suits the times we're living in, in 2024, but we can ignore that for a sec and talk about this song. I'm a big fan of the contrast between the verse and chorus sections. I think strong contrast, when done well in songs, is a really cool way to and interest. I'm a big fan of the guitar on this song even if it is arguably quite simple for most of the song. I'm a BIG fan of the line "Eloquence belongs to the conqueror", just a cool way to get your point across. The metaphor that the Staute of Liberty is sad is creative and I like it.
"Lost in Hollywood" I'll pick out again because once again I wish to shit on Californians. The quieter sound is a cool way to end the album. I like it A LOT. I'm also a big fan of how this song comes after "Old School Hollywood". I know these guys are Californian so this means something different to them but so many people feel you need to go to Hollywood to be successful as an artist and it really is a sad idea and this song continues that idea in saying "you should've never trusted Hollywood". I'm a big fan of the vocalizations that are reminicient of choral chants. I'm also a big fan of a lot of the lyrical quips. "Streets are filled with strays" is SUCH a cool line. This song is a brilliant way to end an album surrounding that ideas of a bleak view of the future and the government. I'm also a big fan of the drums on this track.
Honorable mentions!! 🥳🥳🥳
"Cigaro" made me giggle the first time I listened to it and has cool drums and guitar
"Violent Pornography" has very nice guitar to start with a goofy chorus and is generally catchy
"Question!" I like the rhythm of the verse and it is a really cool song generally about question what happens after you die and I like it.
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agentem · 1 year
State of the MCU
There's a lot of thinkpieces and YouTube videos about how the MCU is "over" or "damaged goods" after Secret Invasion.
Obviously they are trying to distract us from this talk by dropping the Loki (one of the good MCU shows) trailer today.
I think there are several different lessons to be learned by some of the failures or missteps of this period of "too much Marvel."
They went from doing three movies a year, to doing, well, a lot more content. I don't actually think that Marvel is "running out" of content. There are so many characters and storylines that have not even been touched on.
But I think Marvel got a bit excited about what it could do, without thinking about the hows of actually making the content. For example, during She-Hulk we heard from VFX artists that were overworked and underpaid that there just weren't enough hours in the day for them to make all these shows and movies. Clearly, someone at the top did not take that into consideration when greenlighting all the shows.
I think the disconnect between WandaVison and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness showed limitations in the production schedules of the various properties. The time making a show is different from making a movie. And it led to some disconnect between where the audience was and where the narrative was going.
I also think a lot of things were greenlit as a good idea without them being fully fleshed out. Secret Invasion is probably one of them. I hear Echo is another. (Feige called it "unreleaseable" which makes me wonder how bad it was, since he clearly thought Secret Invasion WAS releasable.)
Hopefully in the future they will settle into some kind of release schedule (for example it was a big deal when Marvel went from two movies a year to three and then they really seemed to have three a year down in the 2018 period). I don't know exactly how many shows they can add to that.
In 2021, we got four live action shows and 1 animated show. In 2022 we had three live action shows. And we are supposed to get three in 2023.
For the shows, I think maybe two a year is a good amount, to give the writers (Pay your writers, Disney!) and the entire team enough time to work (pay for VFX artists too!). And if you can produce two quality TV series that work as TV series, then maybe they could try for three.
I'm a bit nervous about next year because three are scheduled but one is Daredevil which is supposed to be a lot more episodes than the shows the MCU has done. Though he needs less CGI than other heroes, maybe it could work?
Though these things will all probably get pushed back due to the strikes going on now.
I also think there should be a reason that something is a TV show and not a movie. I don't like this talk of "six hour movies." That's not a thing. The format changes the experience. WandaVision and She-Hulk utilized the TV format as part of the narrative. And that's a great reason for it to be a show. But it's not the only one. (Moon Knight had a unique structure, where it was divided into two episodes in London, two episodes in Cairo, and two episodes in the Underworld. That was cool, but I would argue then it should've been released two at a time instead of week-to-week. And on Friday. I hate this Wednesday nonsense.)
I think about this shit too much.
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crystalsblogcorner · 1 year
Happy vore day and here's a short story that does with the two art pieces I've made. Hope you enjoy.
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Here's the short story now!
P.S: there's blood/gore/death warning and it contains vore, reader discretion is advised
↓ story under the cut ↓
Just a Dare
Oliver stands outside of the dark, overgrown forest, cluching a flashlight and video camera in both hands as he stared fearfully into the eerie greenery.
  "C'mon Oliver, you've been standing there for 10 minutes, just get the dare over with," his friend, Ty said from behind him, nudging him forward, "and besides, I've been in here many times, there's nothing in there that's gonna hurt ya."
"Yea right, just a dare," Oliver replied back shakingly as he walked, being enveloped instantly into the dark woodland, putting all his trust into his flashlight and friend. Just a dare, all you need to do is stay in this woods for the night and you'll be done, your fine,
Oliver rambles in his mind as he watches his surroundings, his body shaking with fear and the breeze that flew throughout the forest, making him feel freezing due to the lack of coverage. "I should've brought a jacket," Oliver told himself before entering a circular clearing, with tall grass and summer flowers scattered about, along with a giant mound in the middle of the possibly amn made clearing.  
Oliver began to walk towards the formation, but after awhile he noticed the mound rising and falling slowly, is it breathing? Oliver thought to himself but before he could look again, he steps and hears a sickening crunch under his feet. As he  takes a step back and examines the culprit, he finds part of a deer carcass, the blood smelling fresh and no flies swarming the dead deer. 
"What the...," Oliver mumbles, looking back where the mound is, but it disappeared without a trace. He looks around, fear washing over him again as he sees more and more corpses. "I think I should go..," he says, before turning around but coming face to face with a set of golden yellow slits, his heart skipping a beat as he sees a forked tongue flick out of its mouth.  
"N- n- naga!?" Oliver stammers, his flight or fight response kicking in,his body choosing flight as he turned and hightailed it.
  He hears the naga move behind and around him , closing off any escape by surrounding him with it's large snake body. He looks up at it's face, a plastered grin across it's face like it saying, I won. He stares at it's face, it's eyes just staring right back, but with one purpose, food. His body tenses up, making his body feel paralyzed and he only thinks,God there's no way I'm getting out of this.
  "Aw, you scared?" The nagas booming voice mocks as it slams a hand right next to Oliver, shaking the ground beneath him along with knocking him over. The naga snickers and haphazardly picks up him, thinking on what to do next with the human. 
"Please don't hurt me," Oliver asks the naga, tears beginning to form in the eyes. 
  "No promises, probably just gonna have fun before I eat you," the naga replies half-heartedly, before bringing up to it's face, it's tongue flicking at Oliver, tasting him.  Oliver just curl up into a ball as tears fall from his eyes, the thought of not coming out of this woods alive just because of a dare filling his mind.
"I'm never going to see my family again," Oliver murmurs. He tries to stifle his sobs but is unsuccessful, he just wants to go home, but that's not gonna happen.  
The naga notices the boys sobs, before saying, "shit, your supposed to be shaking in fear, not crying, god this is to embarrassing." Oliver looks at the naga and wipes his tears, his body still trembling. "Fuck this is awkward, I guess I won't eat you, but I need something in return," the naga says at Oliver, pointing at him with it's clawed finger. 
"O-ok," Oliver stammers through his sniffles, but doesn't expect the nagas fingers to wrap around his torso, raising up past it's head. He looks down and sees the naga open it's maw before lowering him into it.
"Nononono," Oliver repeats, trying to break out of its grasp, but his legs enter into its mouth, the humidity and saliva seeping into his pants. "Please stop!" Oliver begs, but the naga doesn't listen but instead lowers the rest of him into the gaping maw, past the razor sharp fangs. He just lays down on the tongue, waiting to feel his bones breakin two, but instead he's slid to the back of the throat.
"No please! I don't wanna die," Oliver pleads but the world around him shifts, sending half his body into its throat with a sickening gulp. He tries to escape, but the throat muscles pull him fully in, sending him into his death chamber. He begins to cry again, but his lungs feeling crushed in all ways during his desent feels unbearable. After a few second it opens up into to a small chamber, the green glowing walls pulsating as the nagas body works around him.
"Please let me out!" Oliver asks again as he tries to escape, only go fall down the slippery walls.  "Your safe in there, I'll let you out in the morning after I get some real food, so you better get comfortable," the naga informs him, his body relaxing at that statement. 
"O-ok," Oliver replies and shifts around, leaning against the slimy walls before asking, "because I'm going to be here for awhile, what's you r name,mine Oliver." "
It's Lilith, now go to sleep I don't want my ear talked off all night," Lilith says, before laying down and falling asleep not long after. Oliver gets comfy and closes his eyes, before falling asleep, protected from the world and possibly made a new friend.
Hope you enjoyed, and that concludes vore day, can't wait until next year, bye!
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cinematicsoph · 2 years
it should've been me • marvel blurb
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summary: during the snap, Tony Stark is the one who got dusted rather than Peter Parker, leaving Peter in space with Nebula. The only problem is, with his super spider metabolism and lack of resources, Peter is suffering more consequences than Nebula
warnings: pain, I'm so sorry
a/n: this is inspired by a random thought my bestie (@nonsensicalollie) had and texted me about. the cover art is also done by him
Copyright @ 2022 sophi_quimby. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format by anyone but me
  ✧ ˚  ·   .    ·  ˚ ✧ ✧ ˚  ·   .    ·  ˚ ✧✧ ˚  ·  .    ·  ˚ ✧
"Is this recording? Hey, Aunt May. Or whoever found this. This better not end up on social media, Flash will never let me hear the end of it," Peter sighs heavily and looks out the window. He's lost track of the time, space is always dark. "I don’t know if you’re ever going to see these. I don’t even know if you’re still...God, I hope so. Today’s day twenty-one, no...twenty-two."
   Nebula is listening from the other side of the room. It's been twenty-two days since the snap and half the world dusted, leaving Nebula and Peter in space. Luckily, The Benatar was left there too so they had a way to get back to earth. Unluckily, they only have so much food and water for the both of them (and who knows how long they'll be out here).
   "You know, if it wasn’t for the existential terror of staring into the literal void of space, I’d say I’m feeling a little better today. Infection’s run its course, thanks to Ms. Nebula back there. I think you'd like her, May. She’s very practical. And only a tiny bit sadistic."
  Nebula smiles slightly at his words. During the twenty-two days, they've formed a bit of a bond. Nebula was never one to show emotions, and Peter was one to always show emotions. An unexpected team they were, but still a good one.
   “The fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge. I know you don’t know what any of that means, but basically we bought ourselves about 48 hours of flight time. Problem is that was about...49 hours ago.” Peter chuckles, trying to bring humor to the depressing vibe he’s created. (Spoiler: it didn’t help). “Which means, we’re dead in the water. A thousand light years from the nearest 7-11.” (Still not helping, Pete).
   Nebula knew that between the two of them, she’d be more likely to get out of this alive. Nothing against the kid, just everything against that damn spider metabolism. Peter’s spider powers affected his metabolism more than he was letting on, Nebula quickly figured that out. On about day ten, she started realizing that if they didn’t make it back to earth soon, he would likely die in space.
   “Most of the quote-unquote ‘food’ and potable water ran out two weeks ago,” Peter sniffles. He’s trying to keep it together for May, for anyone else that happens to watch this, and maybe a little bit for himself too. “I know I said no more surprises. But, I gotta say, I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like…” Peter freezes. Come on, Spider-Man. You know what it looks like, Nebula knows what it looks like, and anyone seeing this video knows what it looks like. Taking a deep breath and shaking his head, Peter leaves the last sentence unfinished. “Don’t feel bad about this. Really, May…anyone. I was trying to be like…I should probably lie down for a minute, rest my eyes. I’m fine, totally fine. I larb you, Aunt May.”
   Nebula steps away from where she’s standing and goes to grab the last little bit of water. She walks back over to Peter and sees him with his eyes closed. 
   “Kid!” She nudges his foot with hers, maybe a little too hard. “You can’t do this, okay? Here. It’s the last of the water. You need it more than I do.” She hands him the water expecting him to take it but instead gets no response. “Peter?” She nudges him again except this time she leans down and nudges his shoulder. She hated to admit it, but she was scared. The spider metabolism is a real bitch to the poor kid.
   "I'm fine!" Peter jerked awake and stared at Nebula. He would never mention it, but he saw the tears in her eyes as she stared down at him. “I’m sorry, I just needed to rest my eyes a few minutes.” His voice was raspy and his head was pounding from minimal water intake. 
   “Take the water.” She didn’t bother acknowledging the kids voice, she figured he already knew. She handed him the water and he grabbed it. He took the biggest sip of water she’s ever seen anyone take. She was right though, he needs it more than she does. She can survive this. Him? She’s not so sure anymore.
   Nebula finds Peter laying on the floor sleeping. She helps Peter into Quill’s chair. Since the guardians have disappeared, Peter and Nebula have guessed that they wouldn’t mind them using their stuff.
   Peter slumps and slouches in the chair. Nebula leaves his alone, giving him his privacy. Peter closes his eyes and leans against the glass window next to him. He’s so tired. He’s never been this tired in his life. The dehydration, the starvation, the lack of sleep, everything is catching up to the poor kid and he can barely keep his eyes open anymore. The window is so cold, which isn’t helping Peter’s shivering problem. But it’s helping him stay awake…kind of.
   Peter’s been out for a bit now. Nebula lets him sleep, he needs it. She looks over at him and sees a bright light shining on his face. She expects him to open his eyes at the light, but he doesn’t. She walks up behind the chair and shields her eyes. The light means they’re back to Earth, it means they made it through. She looks down at Peter smiling and sees his eyes are still closed.
   “Peter?” She goes around the chair and shakes him. “Peter, wake up. We did it.”
   Steve, Bruce, and Natasha run out of the Avengers compound. They see the silhouette of someone guiding the ship to the ground. Steve runs up to the ship as Nebula is seen carrying the lifeless body of Peter Parker.
   “It should’ve been me,” she sniffled.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Hi, Adrien is handed things on a silver platter whereas Marinette has to work for them.
First thing’s first is just the concept of the love square. Chat Noir gets to interact with Ladybug no matter what because they’re heroes. Ladybug - who carries the weight and responsibility of heroism without getting benefited from it - is required to go to every battle due to her purification ability, and Chat Noir of course is going to show up because he loves both flirting with Ladybug and the freedom of being a superhero.
In addition, Adrien got his miraculous by helping Master Fu up (something that would be expected out of any semi-decent person; by the way, yes, I know the “””significance””” of the action, and it’s silly), whereas Marinette saved him from being hit by a car.
Adrien was allowed back in school with still no explanation from Gabriel (especially since he’s Hawk Moth) as to why he thought it was a good idea to send his son to a school where the very first akumatization had happened. It was Adrien’s goal for the episode alongside making friends, and Nino offered him friendship out of pity when Adrien sulked about how Chloe was the closest thing to a friend he had.
Chat crushes on Ladybug because she stood up to Hawk Moth in a speech dripping with confidence, caught what seemed like hundreds of akuma, and came up with a plan quick enough to save Mylene and Ivan from falling to their deaths from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Marinette (who Chat fell in love with one side of first, mind you, so already this is to his benefit), meanwhile, crushes on Adrien because the narrative gave her a falsehood about him never having any friends (i.e: no Chloe) and he gave her an umbrella while he was ten meters away from his actual ride (like with Fu, again, any decent person--).
Chat’s crush on Ladybug makes things harder for her because it causes him to throw tantrums mid-battle, get distracted and distract her because he’s busy flirting, all of which make her feel guilty for not returning his feelings. Marinette’s crush on Adrien makes things hard for her again because it causes her to embarrass herself while virtually everyone who knows teases/mocks her for it, their opinions of her even being dragged down due to the crush (see Alya with the Lila situation).
Chat is shipped with Ladybug by Parisians everywhere and Alya delighted in taking a picture of them kissing (that got posted on the Ladyblog without Ladybug’s consent). Likewise, the other LadyNoir kiss (that Ladybug had to do to free Chat from Dark Cupid’s control) was shown on live TV for all watching to see. Marinette’s kisses with Adrien, however, were either wiped from the timeline (in which Adrien got to keep a secret from her so he could date “””Ladybug”””) or used to humiliate her because Adrien was attempting a prank.
Ladybug realizes that Chat is in serious about her, not because he told her himself, but because he relayed it to Marinette who happened to be Ladybug. Marinette, on the other hand, has spent 3+ seasons attempting to confess her feelings to Adrien or make advances on him, all of which ended in some form of failure and some of which through no fault of her own.
Chloe shoved her in “Bubbler” (Adrien didn’t even check on her) and then Nathalie crushed the note she’d written on a scarf that Marinette put tons of time and effort into, leading to Adrien thinking it was from his dad.
“Copycat” was accidental and came on too strong, requiring its deletion.
She got distracted by Alya and forgot to write her name in “Dark Cupid,” her letter only further solidifying Chat’s crush on Ladybug.
She kept getting interrupted in “Gamer” after Alya chided her for using the event to get with Adrien (despite Alya doing the same thing for Marinette during the film in “Horrificator” while Mylene was MIA).
She wasn’t able to tell Adrien about Lila’s thievery in “Volpina” because the grimoire had to remain a secret.
The hat in “A Christmas Special” got given away within minutes and then not even brought back on-screen by Miraculous Ladybug (Adrien never even thanked Marinette personally for it).
Kagami came out of nowhere to take the fencing spot in “Riposte.”
Deciding not to make schemes only led to her embarrassment in “Gigantitan.”
She got made fun of and the notes all conveniently looked the same in “Backwarder,” leading to her mixing them up.
The macaron for Adrien (that Marinette would prepare every week) never got eaten by him and ended up causing the akuma after Chloe had emotionally manipulated Marinette into scheming with her.
Practicing on a statue (as per Tikki’s advice) in “The Puppeteer 2″ humiliated her when Adrien revealed himself as the statue.
She was embarrassed during the party in “Party Crasher” because she was pressured into dancing without her consent.
The timeline had to be reset in “Chat Blanc” and she had to lie to her friends that she hadn’t given Adrien the gift even though she’d actually succeeded, while the hat she made just for Adrien got written off as a gift from a random fan (which is an even worse fate than the scarf).
The confession in “Felix” was deleted by Felix himself before Adrien could see it.
And Adrien, meanwhile? Ohhhh boy, lemme tell you about Adrien.
He gets put into suggestive/close positions with Ladybug on many, many occasions, all for “free.”
He got a kiss from Ladybug in “Dark Cupid” that, remember, got photographed and put on live TV.
He got to goad the audience without consequence about he and Ladybug potentially being in a relationship eventually - gaining the knowledge that all of Paris was invested in LadyNoir to thoroughly stroke his ego - and then Ladybug had to act like they were a couple in “Prime Queen” to the point of holding Chat’s hand and saying that they were in love.
Likewise, “Glaciator” featured Ladybug having to act like a couple with him again, now to the point of kissing his cheek, and then Chat got a blush from her after he’d spent a good chunk of the akuma battle pouting that Ladybug didn’t come to the date he set up (that she hadn’t even known was a date because he purposefully withheld that information) despite her telling him that she’d have to see about it because she had plans.
He was reassured in “Anansi” on being “irreplaceable” after he made an unnecessary comment about being replaced by a turtle (Carapace).
He got to carry Ladybug around bridal style and also save her in “Sandboy” and “Reverser” respectively because she was rendered essentially useless without him, then got to save her again in “Frozer” after giving her the cold shoulder for rejecting his feelings.
He’s the one who got told by Marinette’s own parent not to apologize for how he feels in “Weredad” (note that Marinette herself never got this talk from Sabine, nor Tom, which very much could’ve prevented “Crocoduel”).
He got a cheek kiss from Ladybug in “Desperada” after getting to undo the very-much-against-the-rules identity reveal he made to her via Second Chance.
He got to look good in “Gamer 2.0″ when Ladybug was seeking advice from him despite the fact that her and Chat’s situations hero-wise are absolutely, completely, 100% different and he didn’t even try to take that into account.
He got Ladybug resting her head on his shoulder because of what she saw in a deleted time in which he - unbeknownst to her - lied by omission.
A fake Ladybug tried to kiss him on two separate occasions, “The Puppeteer 2″ and “Ladybug,” much to his delight (something to note is that the fake Adrien who went after Ladybug in both “Chameleon” and “Felix” tried to force themselves on her).
He got the “jealousy” moment from Ladybug in “Heart Hunter” and then a hug from Aquabug in “Miracle Queen.”
He received no repercussions for taking Ladybug out on a date (that she wasn’t aware was going to be a date) in “Gang of Secrets,” at best having to apologize for her behavior to the people around them.
He got reassured that Ladybug “couldn’t do this without him” in “Guiltrip,” even to the point of being told that she “probably doesn’t tell him enough.”
He got told by Ladybug that she would never abandon him in “Hack-San” because he was guilting her sulking about how his not knowing her identity would mean that he’d never see her again if she left him somehow.
And before you think this only extends to the romantic aspects of love square, let me tell you now that it definitely doesn’t.
Marinette entered the bowler hat competition and had to defend her own work to the judge.
She ran for class representative and had to earn the trust and faith of her class in “Darkblade” when put up against Chloe’s bribery.
She did whatever she could to make sure Juleka got her picture taken in “Reflekta.”
She had to actually craft a pair of glasses suitable for Jagged Stone in “Pixelator” and then make a gorgeous album cover for him in “Guitar Villain.” (note that this partially led to “Troublemaker” where she was just happily wanting to advertise her parents’ business, and the writers multiplied her Adrien pictures for the sake humiliating her when it was caught on live TV)
She had to work to get ungrounded by improving her attendance in “Simon Says,” because she had been busy being a hero.
She worked to try and get Nathaniel and Marc to get together on a project, knowing it would be good for both of them.
She set up an entire celebration for her bully to try and make said bully feel good about herself in “Malediktator.”
She did Kitty Section’s designs and costumes in “Silencer” and then had to go protect them from being stolen, along with her friends’ music.
She had to wear multiple miraculouses in “Kwamibuster” in order to go against Kwamibuster and get back both the ladybug earrings and the cat ring.
“Gamer 2.0.” Just... “Gamer 2.0.″
She made a whole complex lockbox to protect the Miracle Box in “Gang of Secrets.”
She worked to reach out to Zoe in “Sole Crusher” even after Zoe trashed her in front of the school, going as far as to try and comfort Zoe’s akumatized form.
She had to stand up for the movie to be fixed in “Queen Banana” because no one else would.
She has to work each and every akuma battle as Ladybug, figuring out Lucky Charms that can range from simple to complicated, while simultaneously dealing with a partner who relies heavily on her plans and will occasionally make things harder by either throwing tantrums mid-battle or distracting her.
And meanwhile...
Chat Noir got to throw the blame onto Ladybug for Theo’s akumatization in “Copycat.”
Marinette covered for him in “The Collector” when he was the one who recklessly lost the grimoire by not being careful with it.
He got handed Fu’s identity in “Syren” after whining to Ladybug, throwing blame on her and trying to bribe Plagg so they’d tell him, threatening to quit while Paris was underwater, and all of this while Marinette herself only got to meet Fu because she had the grimoire on her.
He was given the moral high ground in “Malediktator” despite not having to actually care about Chloe enough to call/check on her.
He got to sit back in “Chameleon” and not concern himself with judgment or comment on the situation with Lila, even going into “Ladybug” where he continues to inform no one about Lila (including Marinette, who briefly believed that Lila came to her senses and was willing to make amends) after Lila got Marinette expelled, despite the complete lack of risk on his part considering who his father is and how harshly Lila would be dragged through the mud if she dared to trash his reputation.
He clumsily trips in “Captain Hardrock” in a fashion that reveals an instrument he happens to play, leading to him getting invited to join Kitty Section within seconds of being on the Liberty. (so when Adrien is clumsy, it’s to his benefit, and when Marinette is clumsy, it’s to her detriment)
He never got called out for distracting Ladybug and digging for details that could relate to her identity in “Kwamibuster” (which, again, forced Marinette to do all the work to fix things).
He got a party thrown for him in “Party Crasher” by Nino, and also guys that Adrien had never put forth effort into interacting with or befriending (Marinette had also been through more with all of them sans Nino).
He got to force Ladybug’s favorite traits of his out of her in “Truth” because she was under the influence of Truth’s powers.
He got off the hook for sacrificing himself in “Lies” by flirting about Ladybug’s “irresistible angry little pout,” and also never got repercussions for flirting with another girl while dating Kagami.
He never had to face consequences for smashing a chimney in “Sentibubbler,” even as he was dismissing the gesture because he knew Miraculous Ladybug would fix it.
He didn’t have to apologize for his behavior in “Hack-San,” whereas Ladybug "had to” for telling someone else her identity (the details of why - i.e: that she was having a mental breakdown and needed a release from it - being completely left out) and not telling him that she was leaving (when she literally hadn’t had time to tell him anything; do note as well that Adrien didn’t have to do the same in either “Backwarder” or “Startrain”).
He received no consequences and was in fact rewarded for allowing the akuma in “Wishmaker” to hit him, a choice that Viperion has to live with because it caused him to see both Ladybug and Chat’s identities (meaning now Luka - someone who, like the guys in “Party Crasher” - Adrien has done virtually nothing for - can support Adrien since he knows).
And I could go on, I really could, but my point is that Adrien is given all of the sympathy and sad points while Marinette basically never is. Just like how he was born swimming in money, fame, and adoring fans, the show hands out praises and all the things he’s ever wanted because he’s sad.
He doesn’t have to try. He can whine and complain and vent to Plagg about how “replaceable” he is because the show will mollycoddle him to the moon and back. They’ll put his crush on Ladybug’s shoulders to make her feel guilty while Marinette is over here having to bust her butt just for a chance at Adrien recognizing any semblance of her feelings, and he goes on being blissfully ignorant of them so he doesn’t have to suffer like Ladybug does.
In addition, Marinette has to either be “““making mistakes”““ or embarrassing herself in order to get screen time because the burden of lessons fails upon her, whereas Adrien can be name-dropped without even doing anything.
It’s not just the love square that’s unbalanced, it’s everything between these two. Ladybug is scolded and punished for the slightest act of selfishness while Adrien is encouraged and rewarded for being selfish and demanding things. Marinette has to work to be noticed (and sometimes won’t even get that much) while all Adrien has to do is put on his best sad face and the show will bend over backwards to either give him exactly what he wants or make him the sympathetic one through the narrative.
Even if Adrien had known about Marinette’s crush at the time that Ladybug knew about Chat’s, it wouldn’t matter, because the tipped scales in how they’re treated would still make it so Marinette is the one at fault for “dumping her feelings onto Adrien” while Ladybug is still forced to interact with Chat even if his advances make her uncomfortable.
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arden-au · 2 years
━━ when you're sick
a/n: just another prompt i've been wanting to write. basically you're feeling under the weather, somewhat fluffy with funny moments(?). more under the cut! wasn't a fan of the formating so i reposted (and tags weren't working) still testing some stuff out so i hope you understand
warnings || none
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heeseung was really excited to hang out with you, frowns when you reach his front door trying to suppress a cough with an embrassed look on your face. pulls you close and kisses your forehead, "lets stay in for today, yeah?" he smiles, getting you comfy on the couch while he goes looking for a hoodie for you to wear. coos over how cute you look in his clothes while you push him away for being embarrassing. "i might as well be sick of you" you stick your tongue at him playfully, making him reach for your sides and tickle you. the two of you laugh for about 10 minutes, you already feel a bit better. leaves you alone for a bit to make your favourite food, sitting you in his lap and eating with you when he's done. heeseung totally takes credit for you feel better without medicine, "i'm their medicine" he says smugly, making you groan at his cheesy comment. slightly annoying, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
jay's a very worried man, especially when call him with a sore throat apologizing that you don't feel well. practically runs over to your apartment, catching his breath at the door before knocking. you realize at the knock that you should've told him not to come by since you weren't sure what was making you cough, not that he would listen. settles in with some homecooked food for you to eat while he figures out how the thermometer works. goes a little overboard but he means well, at least when he's checking your temperature every hour and not allowing you to have sweets much to your dismay. lets you rest your head in his lap while you nap on the couch, quietly admiring your facial features with an affectionate smile on his own features. about to push a few strands of hair from your face till you blink awake, meeting his gaze with a sleepy smile. jay is no longer a worried man, lovesick probably.
jake sticks to your hip the whole day, holds onto your waist and waddles with you around the house. okay maybe not the whole day since you keep pushing him out of the room in fear of giving the cold you were experiencing. pouty baby till you open the door and see him holding some warm soup and cut up fruits in a tray, insists on feeding you. doesn't let you do anything besides rest in bed, need water? already in the kitchen grabbing a glass. need to charge your phone? stealing his roommates because his is a lil wonky (still functional). means well and is happy when you let him spoon you for a nap, his arms holding your waist and jake just enjoy your scent as he nuzzles his nose into the nape of your neck.
sunghoon tries searches up food to try and make that should help you recover, but ends up ordering takeout with a side of instant coffee he made with love in your favourite cup. ends up just sitting by your beside and just talking to you about anything. even ends up bringing his laptop so you two can watch some funny videos, which ends up being just him laughing while you take a quick nap. the headaches is definitely better after a few hours, so he suggests going out for some fresh air, bundling you up with his sweater and tying the string in the front. the breeze is nice as you're walking with him while holding hands. the two of you celebrate you feeling better by getting your favourite sweets from the bakery, deciding to snack on them when you get home to finish watching whatever sunghoon was excitedly talking about on your walk.
sunoo genuinely suggests icecream to cure your cough, feigns innocence when you glare at him while he tries to spoon feed it. you tell him he's not allowed back in until he does some sort of research (half-joking, half not wanting to give him whatever it was), which he does...with the wifi at the starbucks 15 minutes away. okay for real though, comes back with some medicine and a grocery bag since he wants to try making rice porridge for you. hears you snoring so he decides against pestering you while waiting for the food to finish cooking. when he hears you shuffling around he warms up the hot chocolate he got from starbucks, serving it with his attempt of rice porridge. he looks at you sheepishly as you dig in, compliments spilling out of your mouth and declaring the dish one of your favourites. asks if ice cream is still out of the questions, earning a shove from you as you continuing eating. the two of share a laugh, sunoo joining you and eating his own bowl of the porridge.
you insist its nothing more than a fever but he picks you up and throws you back in bed, lovingly of course ♡. stubborn and insists you shouldn't go to work and calls in for you. makes sure you're hydrated and brings back sweet oatmeal topped with your favourite fruit. leaves you while you take a nap, opting to just clean your house a bit while trying not to make so much noise. pokes his head in to check on you, observing your body language for any signs of discomfort. you feel a bit guilty for him taking care of you, especially you know he had a long day yesterday and was probably hoping for a chill day off. he denies that thought completely, stating 'well it wouldn't be a day off if you weren't feeling well' teasingly pinching your cheek for making such assumptions before kissing your forehead.
you text him that your stomach feels icky and that you wanted to cancel lunch with him, apologizing he was really excited to try this new restaurant with you. cue him arriving at your door step with a bag from the pharmacy filled with items they suggested were good for stomach aches, plus a heat pad and some takeout from said restaurant. you look at the takeout bag before raising a brow at him, in his defense you cancelled on lunch but he was still determined to eat with you. sets up pillows and blankets on the living room couch, sitting himself down and patting his thigh for you to come sit on his lap. feeds you small bites of the takeout, ends up eating most of it though cause he didn't eat earlier. doesn't allow you to go and lie down, so you end up taking a nap on his lap, curling onto him like a koala. totally snaps a few photos of you looking adorable before taking a quick nap too.
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taglist [open!]: @hell1cy @wtfhyuck @wonielvr likes and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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Here's a shortlist of those who realized that I — a cis woman who'd identified as heterosexual for decades of life — was in fact actually bi, long before I realized it myself recently: my sister, all my friends, my boyfriend, and the TikTok algorithm.
On TikTok, the relationship between user and algorithm is uniquely (even sometimes uncannily) intimate. An app which seemingly contains as many multitudes of life experiences and niche communities as there are people in the world, we all start in the lowest common denominator of TikTok. Straight TikTok (as it's popularly dubbed) initially bombards your For You Page with the silly pet videos and viral teen dances that folks who don't use TikTok like to condescendingly reduce it to.
Quickly, though, TikTok begins reading your soul like some sort of divine digital oracle, prying open layers of your being never before known to your own conscious mind. The more you use it, the more tailored its content becomes to your deepest specificities, to the point where you get stuff that's so relatable that it can feel like a personal attack (in the best way) or (more dangerously) even a harmful trigger from lifelong traumas.
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For example: I don't know what dark magic (read: privacy violations) immediately clued TikTok into the fact that I was half-Brazilian, but within days of first using it, Straight TikTok gave way to at first Portuguese-speaking then broader Latin TikTok. Feeling oddly seen (being white-passing and mostly American-raised, my Brazilian identity isn't often validated), I was liberal with the likes, knowing that engagement was the surefire way to go deeper down this identity-affirming corner of the social app.
TikTok made lots of assumptions from there, throwing me right down the boundless, beautiful, and oddest multiplicities of Alt TikTok, a counter to Straight TikTok's milquetoast mainstreamness.
Home to a wide spectrum of marginalized groups, I was giving out likes on my FYP like Oprah, smashing that heart button on every type of video: from TikTokers with disabilities, Black and Indigenous creators, political activists, body-stigma-busting fat women, and every glittering shade of the LGBTQ cornucopia. The faves were genuine, but also a way to support and help offset what I knew about the discriminatory biases in TikTok's algorithm.
My diverse range of likes started to get more specific by the minute, though. I wasn't just on general Black TikTok anymore, but Alt Cottagecore Middle-Class Black Girl TikTok (an actual label one creator gave her page's vibes). Then it was Queer Latina Roller Skating Girl TikTok, Women With Non-Hyperactive ADHD TikTok, and then a double whammy of Women Loving Women (WLW) TikTok alternating between beautiful lesbian couples and baby bisexuals.
Looking back at my history of likes, the transition from queer “ally” to “salivating simp” is almost imperceptible.
There was no one precise "aha" moment. I started getting "put a finger down" challenges that wouldn't reveal what you were putting a finger down for until the end. Then, 9-fingers deep (winkwink), I'd be congratulated for being 100% bisexual. Somewhere along the path of getting served multiple WLW Disney cosplays in a single day and even dom lesbian KinkTok roleplay — or whatever the fuck Bisexual Pirate TikTok is — deductive reasoning kind of spoke for itself.
But I will never forget the one video that was such a heat-seeking missile of a targeted attack that I was moved to finally text it to my group chat of WLW friends with a, "Wait, am I bi?" To which the overwhelming consensus was, "Magic 8 Ball says, 'Highly Likely.'"
Serendipitously posted during Pride Month, the video shows a girl shaking her head at the caption above her head, calling out confused and/or closeted queers who say shit like, "I think everyone is a LITTLE bisexual," to the tune of "Closer" by The Chainsmokers. When the lyrics land on the word "you," she points straight at the screen — at me — her finger and inquisitive look piercing my hopelessly bisexual soul like Cupid's goddamn arrow.
Oh no, the voice inside my head said, I have just been mercilessly perceived.
As someone who had, in fact, done feminist studies at a tiny liberal arts college with a gender gap of about 70 percent women, I'd of course dabbled. I've always been quick to bring up the Kinsey scale, to champion a true spectrum of sexuality, and to even declare (on multiple occasions) that I was, "straight, but would totally fuck that girl!"
Oh no, the voice inside my head returned, I've literally just been using extra words to say I was bi.
After consulting the expertise of my WLW friend group (whose mere existence, in retrospect, also should've clued me in on the flashing neon pink, purple, and blue flag of my raging bisexuality), I ran to my boyfriend to inform him of the "news."
"Yeah, baby, I know. We all know," he said kindly.
"How?!" I demanded.
Well for one, he pointed out, every time we came across a video of a hot girl while scrolling TikTok together, I'd without fail watch the whole way through, often more than once, regardless of content. (Apparently, straight girls do not tend to do this?) For another, I always breathlessly pointed out when we'd pass by a woman I found beautiful, often finding a way to send a compliment her way. ("I'm just a flirt!" I used to rationalize with a hand wave, "Obvs, I'm not actually sexually attracted to them!") Then, I guess, there were the TED Talk-like rants I'd subject him to about the thinly veiled queer relationship in Adventure Time between Princess Bubblegum and Marcelyne the Vampire Queen — which the cowards at Cartoon Network forced creators to keep as subtext!
And, well, when you lay it all out like that...
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But my TikTok-fueled bisexual awakening might actually speak less to the omnipotence of the app's algorithm, and more to how heteronormativity is truly one helluva drug.
Sure, TikTok bombarded me with the thirst traps of my exact type of domineering masc lady queers, who reduced me to a puddle of drool I could no longer deny. But I also recalled a pivotal moment in college when I briefly questioned my heterosexuality, only to have a lesbian friend roll her eyes and chastise me for being one of those straight girls who leads Actual Queer Women on. I figured she must know better. So I never pursued any of my lady crushes in college, which meant I never experimented much sexually, which made me conclude that I couldn't call myself bisexual if I'd never had actual sex with a woman. I also didn't really enjoy lesbian porn much, though the fact that I'd often find myself fixating on the woman during heterosexual porn should've clued me into that probably coming more from how mainstream lesbian porn is designed for straight men.
The ubiquity of heterormativity, even when unwittingly perpetrated by members of the queer community, is such an effective self-sustaining cycle. Aside from being met with queer-gating (something I've since learned bi folks often experience), I had a hard time identifying my attraction to women as genuine attraction, simply because it felt different to how I was attracted to men.
Heteronormativity is truly one helluva drug.
So much of women's sexuality — of my sexuality — can feel defined by that carnivorous kind of validation you get from men. I met no societal resistance in fully embodying and exploring my desire for men, either (which, to be clear, was and is insatiable slut levels of wanting that peen.) But in retrospect, I wonder how many men I slept with not because I was truly attracted to them, but because I got off on how much they wanted me.
My attraction to women comes with a different texture of eroticism. With women (and bare with a baby bi, here), the attraction feels more shared, more mutual, more tender rather than possessive. It's no less raw or hot or all-consuming, don't get me wrong. But for me at least, it comes more from a place of equality rather than just power play. I love the way women seem to see right through me, to know me, without us really needing to say a word.
I am still, as it turns out, a sexual submissive through-and-through, regardless of what gender my would-be partner is. But, ignorantly and unknowingly, I'd been limiting my concept of who could embody dominant sexual personas to cis men. But when TikTok sent me down that glorious rabbit hole of masc women (who know exactly what they're doing, btw), I realized my attraction was not to men, but a certain type of masculinity. It didn't matter which body or genitalia that presentation came with.
There is something about TikTok that feels particularly suited to these journeys of sexual self-discovery and, in the case of women loving women, I don't think it's just the prescient algorithm. The short-form video format lends itself to lightning bolt-like jolts of soul-bearing nakedness, with the POV camera angles bucking conventions of the male gaze, which entrenches the language of film and TV in heterosexual male desire.
In fairness to me, I'm far from the only one who missed their inner gay for a long time — only to have her pop out like a queer jack-in-the-box throughout a near year-long quarantine that led many of us to join TikTok. There was the baby bi mom, and scores of others who no longer had to publicly perform their heterosexuality during lockdown — only to realize that, hey, maybe I'm not heterosexual at all?
Flooded with video after video affirming my suspicions, reflecting my exact experiences as they happened to others, the change in my sexual identity was so normalized on TikTok that I didn't even feel like I needed to formally "come out." I thought this safe home I'd found to foster my baby bisexuality online would extend into the real world.
But I was in for a rude awakening.
Testing out my bisexuality on other platforms, casually referring to it on Twitter, posting pictures of myself decked out in a rainbow skate outfit (which I bought before realizing I was queer), I received nothing but unquestioning support and validation. Eventually, I realized I should probably let some members of my family know before they learned through one of these posts, though.
Daunted by the idea of trying to tell my Latina Catholic mother and Swiss Army veteran father (who's had a crass running joke about me being a "lesbian" ever since I first declared myself a feminist at age 12), I chose the sibling closest to me. Seeing as how gender studies was one of her majors in college too, I thought it was a shoo-in. I sent an off-handed, joke-y but serious, "btw I'm bi now!" text, believing that's all that would be needed to receive the same nonchalant acceptance I found online.
It was not.
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I didn't receive a response for two days. Hurt and panicked by what was potentially my first mild experience of homophobia, I called them out. They responded by insisting we need to have a phone call for such "serious" conversations. As I calmly tried to express my hurt on said call, I was told my text had been enough to make this sibling worry about my mental wellbeing. They said I should be more understanding of why it'd be hard for them to (and I'm paraphrasing) "think you were one way for twenty-eight years" before having to contend with me deciding I was now "something else."
But I wasn't "something else," I tried to explain, voice shaking. I hadn't knowingly been deceiving or hiding this part of me. I'd simply discovered a more appropriate label. But it was like we were speaking different languages. Other family members were more accepting, thankfully. There are many ways I'm exceptionally lucky, my IRL environment as supportive as Baby Bi TikTok. Namely, I'm in a loving relationship with a man who never once mistook any of it as a threat, instead giving me all the space in the world to understand this new facet of my sexuality.
I don't have it all figured out yet. But at least when someone asks if I listen to Girl in Red on social media, I know to answer with a resounding, "Yes," even though I've never listened to a single one of her songs. And for now, that's enough.
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