#((It'd most likely be when hes a bit older/ more confident in his relationships but <3))
ownst0ry · 1 year
Miles calls his gf "my lady" btw
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fallenhunnyapple · 5 months
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Sketchy doodles for another AU. Details + a bonus in under the cut
An Angel Lucifer appears in Heaven. No one knows why he's there or how he got there, but it doesn't seem as though the Lucifer in Hell has been replaced, this is just a whole second Lucifer. His memories only seem to go so far as the early days of Eden. Days where he was friends with the First Humans but before he had developed any sort of relationship or even real feelings for Lilith.
Adam, sort of shaken but also sort of Eager to reconnect with his first friend and the more pleasant memories of Eden, advocates to let him Stay. This Lucifer hasn't done anything, he doesn't even know about the Tree of Knowledge and it's not like Eden exists anymore for him to try it anyway. Lucifer is granted the ability to live in Heaven, but Adam will have to be responsible for him. Adam agrees and now has to watch over a Naive and Friendly Lucifer.
Lute is Less than Thrilled. She doesn't like that Lucifer is always around and she doesn't Trust him, even if Adam seems to. She does eventually warm up to him, but given her personality it doesn't really seem like she does. But Lucifer notices and he considers her a good friend. He ends up spending time with just her without Adam (she's basically angelsitting because Adam had other things to do) and they bond a bit and she's willing to accept that he's Not the Devil and that he's no more threatening than most non-exorcist Angels.
And once Heaven determines the same, he's tasked with Working with Emily to maintain the Happiness of Heaven's residents. Emily keeps an eye on him, but mostly they are both very positive personalities that play off each other well and they become fast friends. The first time he spent the day with Emily was the day of the first Extermination since Lucifer got there. Someone had to watch him while Lute and Adam were away. He doesn't know about the Exterminations (Most of Heaven doesn't so it's no surprise), and he doesn't even know about Hell. It was deemed... For the Best if he was kept in the dark about that. No one knows how he came to be and they don't want to risk anything happening because he finds out about the other version of him.
Lucifer is Very In Love with Adam. It wasn't immediately or anything. At first he was just really happy to have his best friend back, especially when everything was so different from how he remembered it, it'd been thousands of years after all. But he spent most of his time with Adam and anyone could tell you that Adam was less of a crass asshole with Lucifer around. Not by much, but enough to be noticeable. And over that time, Lucifer still saw a lot of who Adam was in Eden but also came to appreciate who he was (No one understands why)
It took a while before Adam was comfortable enough to take off his helmet around Lucifer. Sure he knew his human face, but he'd definitely changed over the years and his insecurities about his face were made Worse when Lucifer only knew him at his Best. Lucifer finally got to see him maskless one night when Adam let him see him before bed. And Lucifer was super smitten. Yes his face was Different, but not in a way Lucifer thought was bad. Adam definitely looked Older and Tired, but he thought it was Endearing instead of put off. After that he would sometimes watch Adam sleep-
Adam for his part is in emotional turmoil. Yes, he was in Love with Lucifer in the Garden. But completely against his better Judgement, his feelings have evolved and he's in love with the King of Hell. He's reluctant to think about Angel Lucifer that way because he represents a simpler and more innocent time and he doesn't want to corrupt that with new feelings.
Lucifer eventually confides in Lute about his feelings and she tells him that 1) Adam isn't into men and 2) He doesn't do committed relationships. It won't end well for him if he tells Adam. Lucifer is hurt but appreciates her honesty. He decides to tell him anyway because it's getting hard to keep it all to himself when he's around him everyday.
Well, the confession goes about the way Lute said it would. Adam tells him he doesn't like dudes and he doesn't hold it against him because who wouldn't want a piece of him? But they're still friends, that won't change. Lucifer already braced for it and it hurts but he accepts that answer. The only thing is, now that its out in the open, his friendly nature is So Much Easier to read as him pining and him being in love. So Adam has to just deal with Lucifer's love being thrown at him every day. The behavior hasn't changed Too Much, but his understanding of it has. But other people of Heaven definitely Know. Its so obvious to them that Lucifer is in Love with Adam. Some people criticize Adam for leading Lucifer along and bad mouth him. Lucifer doesn't like hearing anyone talk poorly about his best friend and will chastise and scold them.
It's finally when some winner/angel tells Lucifer he should get Adam flowers (as a joke, they think it would be funny because Adam doesn't have an ounce of Romance in his whole body) that things change. Lucifer does get him flowers! And he gives them to him when they're alone and Adam has removed his helmet. This is the first time Lucifer has been Proactive about his feelings and Adam doesn't have the cover of his Mask to hide his true reactions, so he can't deny how the gesture affects him. He was really only ever able to keep himself in check about his feelings for Lucifer because Lucifer wasn't Doing anything different. He wasn't Pursuing him. But now? Now he can't deny it anymore. Lucifer asks for a kiss and he gets it.
As an Angel, Lucifer didn't know or understand much about sex. It was meant for Reproduction and Angels reproduce asexually so he had no interest in it. It was a thing for the creatures of Earth to have, not Angels. So he has No Idea it's a recreational thing and despite the fact that he knows Adam and Lute fuck around regularly, he just Really doesn't understand why and they don't explain it either. So after Lucifer and Adam are together, Lucifer wants to understand Better and discovers the fact that it is, in fact, something that can be done Recreationally and its supposed to Feel Good. So, of course, he wants to experience that with his new Boyfriend. Let him learn what all the fuss is about~
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AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend because of his older sister?
Title will not make sense without context. For simplicity, let's call my ex B (20) and his sister S (21 almost 22)
So I (20) used to date this guy B. We met through a college summer class and just immediately clicked. We bonded over shared favorite media and characters, career interests etc. A couple weeks later and we decide to start dating. It'd been going really well for about a year so far up until about a week or so ago.
B had mentioned his older sister a few times in passing, but never mentioned her name. He'd only refer to her as "my sister" and she wasn't really brought up often, either. I sometimes asked stuff about having a sibling since I'm an only child, but for the most part she wasn't really a big deal. One day he tells me that she's turning 21 soon and that I should come to his family's to celebrate (they decided to celebrate earlier than her actual birthday since everyone's way too busy for the next month to do anything (jobs plus summer classes you get it)). I say yes, get all pumped up to meet his family (he's hyped them up a lot. Though he didn't mention his older sister, he'd talk about his parents and grandparents a lot) and the day comes and I realize that.. his older sister is one of my exes.
The moment we noticed each other was the most awkward minute I've ever had to endure in my entire life. He introduced me as his partner to her, and we both nodded at each other in greeting (at the time I also took it as a silent agreement to not say anything about our past relationship)
The party goes well, despite the awkwardness. We were both good at pretending nothing was wrong (this will come back in a moment) so the night passed well and we head back to my apartment. The next day I tell him the truth: that his older sister is one of my exes, and that it was a nasty breakup. I'm talking throwing glass kind of breakup (moreso her throwing glass at me). We were both drunk when it happened and things escalated VERY quickly, and afterwards we both went completely no contact. He says he believes me, and we'll just not visit his parent's place when she's there, but unfortunately she literally lives there, so visits would be rare. This sucks for a couple of reasons. 1 He's a huge mommy's/daddy's boy and loves his parents/gparents to death, and 2 if we ever wanted to have any big moment in our lives like marriage, kids etc she'd have to be there, and I just generally wasn't comfortable with that. He says there's nothing he can really do about that and we both sorta get quiet for a bit before he excuses himself to go back to his place, telling me to think about it a bit more. I do, and the next day I call him to break up with him (low to breakup over the phone, I know) and i can hear him start to get a bit choked up before we hang up.
It's been about a week since then and although I'm confident I never want to see her in my life again, I miss my boyfriend and feel awful for putting him through this. But I know there's feasibly no way for us to be together while avoiding his sister for the rest of our lives. So AITA for breaking up with him? Is there something I could've done different?
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sugar-omi · 6 months
been thinking about mc and cove who broke up after step 3 (prolly bc mc moved out of state) and they're finally meeting back up in person during step4 and its like "holy shit i still like you"
you're making my heart ACHE. but i do have a response for you now even if it's a bit lame LOL
yknow how in step 4, where if you play through step 1-3 on indifferent or fond, and switch to crush at step 4 and cove breaks down n confesses to you on your way back to your moms house from the beach
or even if you confess/kiss him in the car!
but he says something like, you used to just be a neighbor or his best friend and suddenly those feelings changed and he didn't know what to do...
I think he'd feel the same now.
he's loved you so deeply most his life, it kills him when you decide to break up because you're moving out of state and can't see the relationship holding up.
kills him even more if you're dating or mention someone asking you out during those 5 years between step 3 n 4.
he couldn't just stop loving you, and even so. there's not really anyone else for him. you're his soulmate. or well.. was.
and even if you and cove have minimal contact during those 5 years, I think he's still just as obsessed with you as the day you left. his feelings are the same as before you broke up with him, under the wound of his broken heart that is
when he sees you again, he feels that same feeling from when he saw you on poppy hill for the first time. feels like his world is changing again, like some storm is going to swoop him up and take him away.
you've always had that power over him. you keep, kept.. his mind and heart racing, itching for every new day ahead of him if it meant you would be at the end of it.
doesn't matter if you're shy or not adventurous, you just gave him such a zest for life, and you made the days seem brighter. happier. you made him happy
can't help but be a bit of a fumbling fool when he sees you again. awkwardly says hi, stumbling over words and trying to make eye contact but somehow you've gotten more attractive. which.. makes sense, you're not teens anymore, puberty and growth spurts are over. but fuck did his chest always feel like this?
if you've gotten more confident, no matter how much or how little, he's in awe of you. and when you talk about what you've been up to, he's so proud of you and happy for you. tries to ignore the aches in his chest, wishing he was there with you during all this.
of course, before I forget, cove isn't just a lovesick fool. really. he's bitter about the breakup, because it's just a state.. and he'd be so happy to follow you, just not right now. maybe in a year, or less, no more than 2! so why couldn't you have tried it out, and if you crashed and burned then fine, but at least you did it.
and the negative part of him, that you saw at the end of step 3, tells him he knew it wouldn't last. that the second one or both of you stepped away from this town, your relationship would unravel.
always tries to ignore it. and when he's more reasonable, and he's brave enough to think so, he thinks that it was good you two broke up because you might not be where you are. again, the negative part tells him you could've done all that with him by your side, and vice versa.
he'd be really awkward for awhile. I think it'd take another year or two for him to open up to the idea of dating you again.
you changed. he changed. you're not stumbling teens, finding you way through the new world of adulthood and figuring out who you are. you're 25 and older, you've done a lot of growing in that time in many ways.
there's new things about you he likes, and old things he still likes. but of course there's still old things he doesn't like, maybe even new things he doesn't like about you.
not that your new/old habits are enough to repulse him, everyone has their quirks and such. he's sure you've found the same in him.
and then your lifestyle... if you're to date again, you two have to find your way to fit into each other's lifestyles.
you've developed new hobbies, started jobs that take more or less attention and effort, you have animals, etc.
your lives have been built around yourselves. will he still fit into yours?
when you finally do confess, or he to you, he still says stuff similar to the base game, like I mentioned.
he was so upset when you broke up with him, and he admits he was bitter at times, that he couldn't help but think that why couldn't you just do all that stuff as his partner still, and waited for him to follow you. that, what was so important you had to be single?
but then he thinks about himself, your reasoning, and he understands that maybe it was the best for him. or what you thought was the best anyway. and that, maybe he wouldn't be on certain spots if it wasn't for how things went.
but he still wishes he had spent all these years as your boyfriend still, that he never had to wake up and see the other side of his bed empty.
never had to see your last text was days. months.. maybe even years ago.
but goes on about how when he saw you again, he couldn't help but love you just like before. maybe even more than back then. that he admires who you are now, and finds so much love and admiration in adult you's new traits and hobbies and such.
if you wait for him to confess, he'd go on to say that he understands if you're not attracted to him anymore, he just has to tell you.
I think if you broke up with him, especially in step 3, cove would end up cold. becomes a bit like his step 1 self, just.. well with the angst but with the ability to deal with it.
he thinks he's become even lamer than when he was younger, even if he was reserved (cold) back then too. but the breakup really just refines him earlier, than if you waited another 15-20 years.
I suppose you could say, that if you went the breakup route, he's be smart and 'cold'
is very happy that you wanna try again. treats it like you've never dated before, which technically, you haven't. he may of learned your new quirks and habits as an adult, but he hasn't learned if you've changed as a partner, and the same is for him
tries to communicate with you if any problems arise, because even if he's more mature, he's still desperately, hopelessly in love with you and would hate to fail twice.
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mangosaurus · 2 months
Ceratosaurus, Dilophosaurus, and Compy for the ask game! Btw I’m so happy you get to finally participate in it 🧘‍♀️
HEHE same here! kind of wish i was around while it was still getting passed around by my mutuals so i could have sent in my own asks, but better late than never >:)
1. Ceratosaurus - Favorite character design from both series? (Also who in your personal opinion, had the best glow up from CC to CT)
AW MAN THIS IS SUPER HARD. of the nublar 6 my favorite designs in camp cretaceous are tied between yasmina and brooklynn from s3 onward, mostly because i love the way they both wore their hair. in chaos theory darius totally wins over everyone else though, the team really nailed his design there (but i am really fond of some of the concepts the artists came up with during pre-production! same goes for the other campers, especially brooklynn. that bleach blonde pixie cut is my roman empire tbh)
as for biggest glow up ... i feel obligated to give that one to ben, if just because of the growth spurt. also gonna take this opportunity to go on the record and say LEAVE KENJI ALONE I GET THAT HE'S SUPPOSED TO LOOK A BIT ROUGH BUT HIS HAIRCUT ISN'T THAT BAD 😭😭😭
2. Dilophosaurus - How did you discover Camp Cretaceous?
so, i didn't actually start watching camp cretaceous until a few months after the final season wrapped up—i think sometime around september 2022? but i had some close friends who had been keeping up with it for a while, and after hearing them talk about it so much i was like, hey, i want in! which is funny, because i was never really into jurassic park/world before then? i was more of a marine biology kid than a dino kid growing up. but even without knowing the ~lore~ of the franchise, CC and its characters still managed to reel me in, and now i'm here nearly two years later and my hyperfixation is still going strong!
3. Compy - Favorite duo/trio/friendship and why?
favorite purely platonic duo goes to ben and yasmina EASILLYYYY. they just get each other on such a personal level, and i love seeing ben go from this kid yasmina begrudgingly tolerates to someone she trusts enough to confide in, both in JWCC s5 when she realizes she might harbor romantic feelings for sammy, and then again in JWCT s1 when her relationship with sammy has hit a rough patch. shout out to yasmina and darius though, their interactions in JWCC s2 were really sweet, they don't get enough love imo. i've said this at least three billion times before but if kenji is darius's shitty older brother then yasmina is darius's cooler older cousin
as for my favorite trio, i feel like most people would probably say either yasammy + ben or the original three (darius kenji and brooklynn) but for me it's darius brooklynn and ben 🥹 their individual dynamics all mean so much to me, and it doesn't hurt that i also lowkey highkey ship them as an OTV with darius in the middle (although if i had to seriously ship ben with any of the girls, it'd be brooklynn, lol)
🦖✨ JWCC/CT ask game!
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mirabai0821 · 11 months
Tavalstarion Headcanons
I think it's time for some of my Tav x Halsin x Astarion headcanons. Halsin
Halsin's not good with words and so feels a bit inadequate with the flattery of his two lovers. He calls Tav "little rose" and Astarion "little star" for exceedingly simple reasons.
Since Astarion cannot see his reflection and nobody in camp is talented in the visual arts, Halsin works on a wood carving, creating e most lifelike figure of Astarion that he can, right down to the little curls that wisp about his head like so much morning fog. It takes the better part of a year, and it was difficult to work on in secret since elves don't sleep much and vampire elves even less. Halsin's a bit older so the work takes a toll on his eyes and back, spent hunched over the small piece of wood with an assortment of delicate instruments to get the most detail. Tav buys him a little magnifying glass to wear on his head so he can see better.
Astarion is genuinely speechless when he finally receives his gift. But it doesn't last for very long when he realizes how handsome he is. "This is what I've been working with for all these years? No wonder you both fell in love with me, I'm gorgeous!" Halsin has a tendency to stay close to Tav in combat. She's a bit fragile and though she has training as a bard and a sorcerer, she's not particularly powerful in either specialization so he feels he must stand between her and threats because it doesn't take much to knock her down.
With Astarion, though, while Halsin will of course intervene when needed, he lets the vampire fight on his own. Astarion, before being freed from Cazador and even after, doesn't have much confidence in his ability to protect himself or others. Halsin wants him to develop the confidence in his own martial prowess so is less likely to keep such a close eye on him, at least not with the idea to intercede. He does however keep an eye on him in combat because he loves Astarion physical competence in combat. He's so deft with his knives and the flourish he puts on his arrow shots. And the way he looks in leather armor doesn't hurt either.
Halsin is all things to both his lovers. Whatever they require he serves. With Tav he has a tendency to take a firmer, rougher hand. Growly, dominant, panting sweating sex. With Astarion he's softer and tends to let him lead. He absolutely delights in the way Astarion takes him. It is not so often that a big bear like him can be made to mewl.
That's not to say he isn't also soft with Tav and there has been more than one occasion where he's let the both of them boss him around while on hands and knees.
He does not like the Underdark for reasons I'm sure you can guess. But he swallows his fear to visit Astarion when he's down there helping with the spawn.
This was Not In His Plan. It was tough navigating the shape of this relationship, not the least of which because he's never been in a real, loving relationship let alone one where he has to navigate the emotions of two people and not just one.
They have an agreement that all emotions regarding their arrangement, no matter how petty or inconsequential, would be discussed openly and earnestly (with no jokey deflections!!) which he availed himself of often.
Overcoming jealousy was hard for him. He just felt that Halsin is such a better specimen of partner for Tav than he is and it'd just be better for all involved if he receded to mere friendship. Halsin is the one okay with sexual intimacy, he's more mature, he's stronger, he can protect Tav where he cannot. All he felt he offered was a "project" for Tav to fix because it is in her too-sweet-by-half nature to want to make something better. They just looked so good together, that their love was easy and he offered nothing but difficulty with his mercurial emotions and intimacy issues. The jealousy he felt wasn't because Halsin was taking up too much of Tav, but rather envy that the two do look so effortless together. He felt he didn't fit.
So his lovers made him fit. They spent a lot of one-on-one time with him. Mostly Tav and Astarion but after a while Halsin too. In the early times it was very much that Astarion was in a relationship with Tav and so was Halsin, but it took a moment before Astarion and Halsin developed their own relationship.
As they're both bigger than him, Astarion's a bit physically intimidated by his lovers. If this were The Bad Times, he'd default toto bratty, dominance all purred commands and such. But so much of his personality was cultivated as a survival mechanism that he doesn't know what to do now that there's no need for such artifice anymore. Astarion's never been allowed to just be and because of that it's hard being in a relationship because he simply does not know how to act. With them he's finding out what it is he wants and what he likes.
What he wants: everything. Not hyperbole. Halsin and Tav love him and love on him so much and he sucks it up like a dry sponge tossed in a lake. That was easy to figure out. He's greedy. He'll take 9, 10, 12 helpings of affection and ask for me. He nearly purrs when he's called "little star" by either of them. Adores idle touches, locking of pinky fingers on walks. He appreciates drive-by acts of affection like getting a kiss on the forehead as the other simply walks by him without stopping or asking for acknowledgement of the action. They work like little reassurances. "I am here, you are still loved. All is well."
Sex was difficult to sort out. That's where a lot of his jealousy stemmed. "They have that, I want it too! Why can't I?" When the "why can't I?" part stemmed from his own need to come into his desire at his own pace. Interestingly enough, Astarion's first time wasn't with Tav like he figured it would be (like it almost was before he botched his seduction.) but with Halsin. They were having a moment alone, Astarion went for it and ...kept going for it.
He realized later that it was Tav specifically he was having a hard time being sexual with because he associated sex with her with his botched seduction. He meant to seduce her (away from Halsin no less) as a means to cleave her to him. But because she was so damnably sweet, so eager to please him, so utterly guileless he couldn't go through with it. He associated sex with her with hurting her and was thereby reluctant to pursue it with her. Halsin had no such baggage.
Tav (not her real name by the way) is a bard who cannot sing. Not that she has no talent for it, but for 10 years she was physically incapable of singing. She was raised in Baldur's Gate along with her sister and the two of them formed a popular singing duo managed by their father. After a while, Tav wanted to strike out on her own and did so under less than ideal circumstances. After she left she just wasn't able to sing anymore, like she had some psychological block preventing it.
Thankfully, whatever was blocking her from singing didn't stop her from using her other musical talents with the lute and lyre. For ten years she wandered, plying her services as an high-profile accompanist. If you wanted high-class music for your performance in some Lord's house, you called Tav. She also ghost wrote songs for performers and is responsible for a couple of big hits in Waterdeep and Athkatla (too bad she didn't negotiate royalties for those contracts.)
Despite being able to muddle along well enough on her own, singing was her true love and so, after 10 years she returned to Baldur's Gate in hopes that writing the wrong she wrought when she left would lift the mental block on her ability to sing, but the Nautiloid sucked her up before she could do that. However, in a weird twist of fate, whatever the tadpole did to her, fixed her and she can sing again finding that 10 years of disuse didn't dim her incredible singing ability.
During her 10 year walkabout, Tav had to learn to protect herself by dipping into sorcery. Because she came to it so late in life with no formal training, it means she's not the strongest magic wielder.
She was smitten with Astarion immediately. He's beautiful and sassy how could she not. That he was a vampire made no difference to her.
She was also smitten with Halsin immediately. It is very rare that someone can make a 5'7" tiefling feel small, but he sure as shit did.
She's very insecure about her body with her two elfin lovers. It's always a toss-up being a tiefling in a relationship with non-tieflings because you'll never know how they'll react to all the infernal bloodline curse stuff. The horns, the skin, the tail, the cartilaginous markings on her body. They love her body of course, but it was still a great source of anxiety before getting to that point.
Early in The Arrangement, it was difficult making the boys understand that this wasn't just a way for her to have wine with her honey or vice versa.
"You two are not gears, Astarion. You can't just swap in and out to make me work like I'm a clock you happen to fit. You two are the very concept of time itself. The clock doesn't make sense without it."
It's not that she'd be happy with one or the other. She wouldn't. It wouldn't work.
She needs both of them.
Tav did not go into this Arrangement with a plan. She didn't even know there could even be an Arragement at all. It was very haphazard. "Welp, I love you both and I'm making it both your problems! We have to figure it out together because I know about as much to make this work as you both do."
Through the events of the story Tav is left with a disability affecting her heart. She has great hangups about this because it means she's unable to protect those she loves the way they deserve.
Because of her condition, sex sometimes has to be a restrained, delicate affair while her lovers tend to approach her with a delicateness she'd rather they not. But because her lovers can't be that rough with her, it means she has to be rough with them and ... sis can wield the strap effectively. After all, while she was out for 10 years, a lot of the relationships she did have were with courtesans who taught her a thing or two.
The sleeping arrangement was the first and easiest thing to sort. Even though they initially defined the arrangement in relationship to Tav, Halsin immediately became the cucumber in the middle of the sandwich.
The bear cannot fathom his great luck. "A heart for each arm." He says.
For Tav it's more like a necessity. She well and true needs both of them.
Astarion is greedy and selfish in best possible definitions of those words. "Whats better than one lover? Two." Essentially. He would have been fine with just Tav but that great bear of an elf wants to come along too? Ok sure? Oh and he loves me too now? Even fucking better. Everything's coming up Astarion!
"The gods owed me for this you know," He said once. "All the bullshit they put me through, it's only right I get two of you. One wasn't payment enough."
So you have Halsin: Hmm, this is nice. Isn't this nice guys? Tav: I will literally die without the both of you. Astarion: I am no longer accepting anything less I am due so that means I'm taking both of you.
Threesomes don't happen all that often. Not because they don't want to of course, but because they are logistically difficult to execute between three different libidos, ages, and tastes.
More often than not, the way it really happens is because one of them will wake up and catch the other two. (And it's often Tav catching Halsin and Astarion.)
And when they do, they have a tendency to just be really, really sweet about it. It's not professional night at the debauchery den, it's achingly beautiful. Not to say professional night at the debauchery den doesn't happen, it's just not all that common.
All three love to watch the other two. Like that is their favorite way of sexual intimacy. One gets off watching the other two couple. It feels so voyeruistic and naughty...and it is, and that's why it's their favorite.
Astarion though, silver tongue as he is, takes it one step further and will taunt the shit out of whoever is watching.
"Isn't she lovely Halsin," he says, rocking into Tav who might as well be in the Astral Sea for how well she's been fucked.
"See how well she takes me? Watch, watch and listen. As for you, little songbird, do put on a good show for our guest." To punctuation his point, he snaps his hips forward bringing Tav out of whatever lust filled haze she was floating in right back to the delicious present.
Or. Astarion lowers himself inch-by-delicious inch onto Halsin's meaty cock to the frustration of both his partners.
Astarion groans, loudly putting on a show for both knowing what his voice does to each of them. Halsin can barely contain himself from fucking up into him, but when the little star is like this, he's in control and any flouting of his authority would be met with punishment.
"He feels amazing inside me," Astarion purrs, tilting his head back to great effect. "So full. Such a delicious burn, darling. Oh."
Tav has been made to sit and watch, bound only by the suggestion she not touch her throbbing pussy. She will face no punishment if she pleasures herself, but if she does, she forfeits the pleasures she could receive for her obedience.
Astarion loves to play with them like this. To show Tav how much he's enjoying what she can't have right now, while making Halsin shiver and shake and beg underneath him. Desperate for even the tiniest bit of friction.
"Watch him fill me darling, keep those pretty eyes on me."
He could, and does, keep this up all night.
The one thing that is a no go for all three of them is talking about the others' ages. It is a sore point especially for Halsin and Astarion that they are involved with a woman who will die long before either of them do.
"She did this on purpose you know," Astarion said, Tav dozing between them as she often does since she's the one who needs 8 hours. "How do you mean?" "This. Us." He reached for the bear to tease a lock of hair back into place.
Halsin still didn't seem to understand him, so though it was difficult to voice aloud, Astarion spelled it out for the druid.
"She wanted all three of us together, encouraged us, you and I, so that when she leaves us, we will not be alone. "
Astarion hated the frown that put on Halsin's face. "I bet she doesn't even like you all that much. She just knew I did." Halsin rewarded Astarion's attempts at levity with a smile. "Are you sure about that, little star? Was it not I who put her to sleep thus?"
Astarion shrugs, uninterested in facts.
It will be a long time yet, though, before she does leave them. Far longer than any of them expect or could even hope for. If you want to find out how, you'll just have to keep watching this blog now won't you? :)
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silusvesuius · 4 months
Just 2 expand on what you posted abt telvas gf/bf what kind of person would he be into? Would it b different the stuff he’s attracted 2 in a guy vs a girl orrrr … Ps I luvvvv ur nelvas stuff. Ur so rite & u must speak the truth 🫶 also would neloth react diff to him having a bf 2 a gf …. The ppl want answers
omg Thank you 4 this ask 🥰 my thoughtums under the cut
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hmmmm this is very much in the nelvas lens 🔎 but i can't help it cause i swearrrr their existences blend into each other. so here's wat i think i believe talvas under nelothian watch would grow to want to be coddled and pitied by ... Women 🙆‍♀️ very gentle and patient women that he can view as very motherly. Where are his parents man if i was his age and being thrown around like a pizza by an old ass man i'd be crying so hard i'd want to go back home stat. i can't even picture talvas having fun ever in his life anymore so..... JKUIUDFDOFIOR i couldn't say it'd be someone that's on the same wave as him or is trying to change him into a more confident person.. he'd just want to be pitied a lot. but as i said not in the way that this pampering behavior would prompt him to realize he's being harshly mistreated by neloth, it just serves as empty words to soothe him and his Damaged Dead Decapitated self confidence and self perception 😸 as 4 men my first instinct is to say he;d like older guys but that's too obvious. but yeah. i think talvas has the most awful social battery so he hates loud or 'fun' people so he'd lean on men that are either very ' ' gentlemanly ' ' or generally Smart and have something interesting to say. it'd be harder for him to hold long-lasting relationships with dudes cause the only Dude his life revolves around is masta neloff 🏆 he'd feel a bit bad or awkward about leaving women tho just cause he's a nice boy. tho the thing that stays in both male and female dating ventures is him being unable to feel real love towards anyone. or should i say attachment. && i bet it makes him SAD. but he can't do anything about it. he's superglue'd to neloth in attachment terms tho.. talvas with him is the personification of that 'when the only person you know at the party is busy talking to someone else (guy standing awkwardly on the side)' thing.. his unability to get actually close with others just has to be blamed on neloth ruining his self image too. You know neloth will get pissed at his tea not being hot enough and then insult your entire existence he dgaf about making things really personal for no reason . KING.
First of all tho iiiiii jsut know talvas would NEVER tell neloth that he's seeing anyone. 1. cause it's none of his business 2. cause he's embarrassed about it. he doesn't just date often anyways so neloth doesn't have to know, not that a noticable change happens. if neloth found out about any relationship at any point he'd get nosy as faaaack for no reason even if he'd try to not be. Nosy. he can't help it 🥳 if he asks talvas what plans he has for the day && he answers 'none' like 3 days in a row he's gonna start yelling in his face like THAT'S HOW I KNOW YOUR STUPID ASS GIRLFRIEND DUMPED YOU YOU DEGENERATE WHAT FEMALE WANTS A BORING DRY AF FAILURE FOR A MANDon't ask me how i know u have a girlfriend though :) you were saying?
Second, as for his differing reactions, yk his blood is boiling and cooking him from the inside if it's a man. i think him witnessing other men have influence on talvas would just make him feel like talvas is being 'tainted' (by the wrong people..?) and put in a wrong direction for his life (neloth views talvas' relationships to men only as him being lead or tutored by them in one way or another; he expects him as a younger man Only to look up to ONLY other men if that makes sense). he'd be more intrusive and maybe homophobic for talvas' man-on-man dating just cus he thinks he actually owns talvas and he can't and shouldn't have other (especially older) men in his vicinity.. with women he'd just get mad @ them being very lovey dovey to talvas like to a baby. imagine just living your life and some old ass man starts grilling you about how you shouldn't coddle men and especially that dude you've been seeing cause he did nothing to earn it . also he just hates women in general, especially the type talvas would like.. women that are just kind from the heart and Angelic are useless beings to him. even then i still know he'd be a big fan of purity and kindness in a way.. like something he wants to study... he's not necessarily attracted to those traits but likes seeing how they come to the surface when someone with that docile nature is confronted with vile behavior... so like.. Talvas. 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 that's it pretty much 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
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onepunchcatboi · 11 months
The Warrior of Light
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ARR caps ✦ HW caps ✦ SB caps ✦ ShB caps ✦ EW caps ✦ DT caps
Slowly but surely working on a little website for this boi that I will later link on here, but I thought it'd be good to do a quick landing page-post for him with some fast facts lol
Name: Zorri'to "Kima" Vossu Age: 33 (as of Endwalker) Nameday: July 19 Gender: Non-binary Orientation: Demisexual Height: 5'1" Weight: 120 lbs Alignment: Neutral Good Ancient Name: Nike
Melee: Monk, Ninja, Dragoon Ranged: Dancer Caster: Red Mage Tank: Gunbreaker Healer: Astrologian
Theme Song: Eye of the Storm- ARR-SB Eye of the Storm Reborn- ShB-EW
Relationships Thancred Waters: Brother why art thou like this (affectionate) Urianger Augurelt: Beautiful nerd friend Lyse Hext: Same-brain sister Papalymo Totolymo: The Professor Minlifia Warde: Cinnamon roll too good for this world (cry) Tataru Taru: Den mother of 1000 skills Alphinaud Leveilleur: My incredible son Alisaie Leveilleur: My unbeatable daughter Krile Baldastion: Lovely aunt Estinian Wyrmblood: Adventure buddy G'Raha Tia: Idiot little bother (affectionate)
Romantic Relationship: Y'Shtola Rhul: The Queen, my muse, my mirror, we are opposites, we are the same, I would travel the ends of the world with you, the world may be burning but we will burn brighter to save it
Personality In addition to the living cryptid factor that comes with being the Warrior of Light, Kima is an interesting puzzle when getting to know him. He’s quiet and contemplative but will converse easily enough if you find the right subject. His speech is forward and sometimes insightful, he also cusses like it's a first language. He's never owned more than three books, he can tell you the entire history of the Gyr Abania. He will capture bugs to return outside, he will tear a mans throat out.
While a bit rough around the edges, at his heart he is a kind and sincere person, given to honesty and altruism. He is smart and skilled in trades, but not academically educated. Most of his understanding of aether and the like is through the study of martial arts, so he might not have the right words, but he makes the right connections. He has a fascination with new things and history and loves to learn and explore. He also adores animals and nature, and somewhat frequently runs off on his own to meditate somewhere nice.
He walks with a quiet confidence that comes from both victories and defeats and does not make proud boasts but rather reserved threats, making promises based on past accomplishments. Above all he believes in people and their capacity for good and will try to reach his foe for a peaceful solution if he thinks it possible.
Short History He began life as the second son of a Keeper tribe in the Fringes of Gyr Abania, living on the outskirts of a small village doing their best to keep out of the sight of the Garleans. Like most he knew not his father and for a time his older brother was the only other male of the tribe. Even when not out hunting he was often out exploring, interested particularly in the ruins of the Monk temples left behind after the Mad King’s reign and left to further gather dust after Garlean occupation.
As all Keeper men do, when he came of age he gave to wandering. Eventually he found his way to Ul'dah, were he sought out the Pugilists Guild and came under Hamond’s tutelage. His involvement in Ul’dahs affairs put him in contact with Thancred, and soon after his duties as envoy to General Raubhan, he joined the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Later he returned to to serve the General as well, becoming an Immortal Flame to further the Scions goals. Upon his defeat of the primal Ifrit, he began to be known as the Warrior of Light, the Savior of Eorzea, and many more.
Character Creation Notes
While he began as a sort of self insert/what if Bruce Lee but if cat-boy character, eventually he became his own personality.
Both my girlfriend and I started the game together and somehow flipped the naming conventions of the sun and moon miqote lol So he was originally name Z'orri, and its in a lot of the older screenshots.
For a long time he was renamed to Zorri'to Viryu. But after a while I had realized this meant that his true name was "Viryu", which just never seemed to suit him. Finally after long deliberation he got his final name change lol
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otra-dimension · 2 years
For my own sake here's my list of how I think Saga/pope Ares interacted/treated the gold saints
While he pretended to be Shion for the past 13 years he didn't really know how to treat Mu so he just became more stricter and serious. Mu didn't think anything of it since he thought that his personality change was due to him getting older. When it was revealed that it was Saga all along and that he killed Shion he was 100% willing to kill Saga if given the chance. (also yes i think he would kill saga in one go)
Nothing changed. I said it before and I'll say it again everyone loves Aldebaran so luckily he didn't get caught in any type of emotional crossfire amen 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Honestly I think this is one of the very few "healthy" relationships that he has w anyone. For the most part DM follows Saga on his own accord and doesn't really get told off like everyone else. The worst that he's gone through is an aggressive remark from Saga but other than that they're kinda chill.
Yeah uh idk what else to add that hasn't been explored LMAO. Just to refresh Saga killed his brother, didn't do anything to stop the constant harassment and death threats he received, gaslit him multiple times to second guess both himself and Aiolos, mind controlled him and almost made him kill Seiya etc. Besides all of that I think Saga just tried to not acknowledge him either out of guilt, awkwardness or to save himself from the hassle of trying to rope Aiolia into his scheme.
Saga knew that Shaka was one of the strongest saints along with him and he knew that he was egotistical. He used his ego and self idolization to manipulate Shaka to follow him unquestionably. Shaka was a type of right hand man to Saga who "helped" run the sanctuary whenever Saga wasn't around because what's the easiest way to get people to follow you than to drag around one of the most praised warriors in all of Sanctuary.
While Shion and Dohko did loose contact after the previous holy war they did communicate every now and then to see how the other has been. I like the hc that they would send each other letters and that they stopped when Saga came into the picture. Saga would still receive them but would never write back. The only time they did communicate was whenever he made announcements or commands and to Dohko that became a red herring for something being wrong in the Sanctuary.
Similar to Shaka (ego wise) Saga would almost always praise Milo after his missions especially in front of Aiolia. To Milo it was a great booster bc what's better than being the "favorite" of the pope and being praised almost all the times in front of that traitorous bastard. Saga also used Milo as a pawn to indirectly put Aiolia down which is why Milo was never told to back off from during their youth.
If there's one man who went through hell and back it's definitely Shura. He got wrapped into this whole thing from the start I hc him being one of the first people who went to Saga's aid when he tried to kill Saori only for him to get the short end of the stick. Bc Shura was really young and admired Aiolos it was near impossible to get him to kill Aiolos so Saga did the best thing he could think of and mind controlled him the whole time. Ever since then Shura kind of became a puppet for Saga to use whenever he needed something done and bc he was a witness to his crimes Saga had a v close eye on him. This heavily affected Shura and led to him being very shut off and reserved from the others and only ever confiding with Aphrodite and DM.
I think Camus is one of the golds that Saga interacted with the least but that doesn't mean he didn't use him where he could. Saga was deeply interested in Camus' lack of emotion and restrain so he wanted to experiment a bit and see how it'd go if he were to train some students hence Isaak and Hyoga. It doesn't go as planned and to make matters worse he notices that the two made Camus a bit more emotional. In return Saga told him directly that he was growing weaker which led to Camus becoming crueler and stricter with Hyoga out of frustration (this is a whole 'nother can of worms but hopefully you'll get the idea)
His relationship isn't too different from DM. He also chooses to follow Saga on his own accord and a main difference is that he's usually on Saga's good side. Aphrodite does see him differently as he genuinely believes that Saga fits well in the position of a pope. Aphrodite does share a similar role to Shura where he is also used by Saga to get things done or certain people gone.
But uhhh yeah that's it ty if you read all of it I'll literally die for you. Feel free to ask any questions I'd definitely love answering them.
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nonbinarv · 9 months
3 linked universe characters of your choosing + 2, 12, 21, 22, 24? (for the ask game) :3c
under the cut bc these got kinda long!!!
2: i love his dynamic with the others in general tbh!!! he goes from being the older of two siblings to the youngest in a large group of them and there is somewhat of a struggle with the transition especially with the others' protectiveness but it's so obvious how much they care for each other- special shoutout to his dynamics with time (timeline talk 1) and wild (kings of hyrule)
12: i don't personally adopt the hc that he's four's descendant but all the fanwork i've read/seen incorporating it has been adorable so i do want to give it a nod here!!! otherwise i think he and wild would have a good cathartic conversation about their sisters if wild ever remembers his own
21: i haven't tried writing any of these three actually oops. if i were to write wind i think it'd be interesting getting into his perspective :o he's a very optimistic character but it's also important to consider all the trauma he's gone through both before and during lu and i think that'd be interesting to explore, though it may be difficult getting his age down in my writing
22: age swaps or de-aging aren't usually my thing in fics but lu is a fandom i make an exception for because of how different characterization is during their adventures vs the one shared with the others in the comic. ones where wind ends up not being the youngest anymore are interesting bc he can tap back into his older brother role and it can be fun to explore the what-if. i do think people overdo it on his swearing sometimes though; i do think he would (he's a pirate come on) but i don't think anyone would get onto him for it and i don't think it'd be every other sentence
24: bonnie!!! bonbon is a little younger than him but they share in being the kiddos of the group who hate being infantilized and are more capable than they may seem at first glance and have sisters they love dearly and would go through hell and back for
2: his fairy form is so cool!!! the design is so pretty :o but regarding his actual character can i just say his sheer determination. there are so many little moments this is expressed in but probably the most prominent is his words to twilight, on the verge of death, encouraging him to not give up… it breaks my heart in all the right ways
12: i haven't actually played either of his games yet!!! except for the first the tiniest bit as a kid- so i'm not really sure… maybe. actually. just bc i think it'd be funny he's a really good cook it's just that he can't make stew which is the complete opposite of most of the cast where there's some sort of soup or stew they've made in their adventures. imagine it
21: i think it'd be harder getting a grasp on his personality without the exposure to his games; i wouldn't feel very confident and would be referring to the comic itself constantly- but i'd be interested in exploring his era more through writing centered around him :o the events that happen between legend's time and his own, his relationship with legend as his successor, how his era shapes him and his behavior with its inherent roughness yet his deep and inherent love for it
22: i love his dynamics with legend especially in fics!!! but i don't like how he's reduced to just the healer of the group sometimes. the fandom isn't always bad about it (thunder is pretty common with occasional fire from the ones i've read- outside of his fairy form of course) but he has other spells and a sword too!!!
24: hmm maybe emma (mikhaylov not woods). idk how to put it into words but there's the same drive there, the same passion, a shared dedication to the land and the people around them
2: his little subtle moments of vulnerability… his reaction to twilight being alright ;w; but also when he's turned into a bunny and he's thanking twilight and sky (only to be interrupted by sky's "nice hair" comment sgfdkhlj); there's so much depth to his character and so much he hides. there's a reason he turns into a bunny
12: ough i have so many palace of the four sword thoughts. not sure how in-depth timeline talk is gonna get (life spoilers and all) but he would struggle so much with the realization that he killed four since all records would most likely have vanished or be extremely obscured by his era (after all there's like. no more mentions of the minish or vaati or the four sword or anything about four save for a couple of references on wild's map). he already deals with nightmares but they would get so much worse starting the adventure with the chain after meeting four
21: there are so many good potfs fics out there already and i want to add to that. but also i want to give him a fucking break bc please this man deserves it. hurt/comfort perhaps for a nice even mix of both. i think it might be difficult keeping track of his inventory though in anything i write; between all his adventures he has so much gear and so many items
22: i love when people acknowledge his own special relationship with the master sword!!! especially when he gets to know fi; i always find those so sweet- it's clear he holds the sword in high regard and people mostly focus on sky's relationship with fi instead (not that that's bad, it's completely understandable, but legend deserves some too imo). but i feel people do go a bit overboard with his behavior sometimes compared to canon y'know; he teases but there's no real malice behind his words and he loves his family
24: okay this is gonna be mean of me and maybe a bit hypocritical since i just talked about him not being as mean as some people make him out to be in fanwork but. jax gave me legend vibes. like jax is significantly meaner towards the people around him but two bunnies coping unhealthily with their respective traumatic experiences…
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tothedarkdarkseas · 2 years
I really like imagining a hybrid of old hologram performances mixed with how the real crew really preform. Sure, I'll admit it's real charming watching Stu text while waiting his turn, but thinking about him doing half the things Albarn does on stage is also really amusing.
Prancing around, feeling himself up, feeling up the other band members, nearly crowd surfing every show... What a hoot that would be! (I also saw footage ages ago of seye kneeling down and playing damon's guitar with his tongue. im just saying. that's a real nice mental image for muds and stu.)
How do you think the band would preform nowadays?
I love absolutely everything you've described; while I'll never turn my nose up at Stu texting girls or his mum while he's idling on stage, I'm also quite smitten with Stu embodying more of that young Damon video and performance energy. Jumping up and down like he does in Charmless Man, getting raucous and sloppy, coming alive with a mic in his hand. I see it most when they're a bit younger, newer to performing, the others a bit more composed but still privately finding the footing for what Gorillaz will be. He's the least equipped among them to do it, but Stu will set the tone on that-- he is the frontman, after all. I wish early Gorillaz shows (er, in-character/in-universe I mean) did showcase more of those Albarnisms in Stu. I think it'd make sense for him, especially as he's getting a taste for performing without guidance and realizing it quite suits him. Plus, as you say, it'd just be charming to see! I could see Murdoc taking some issue with Stu showboating, but as they grow used to each other and particularly as their relationship warps around the knobby shape of them, I can see him being much fonder and more goading of it than Russel or Noodle would be; whether he's got a penchant for the spotlight or not, he does understand why it's fundamentally in their best interests for Stuart to be a good frontman, and a good frontman is, in his experience, a bit of a showboating dickhead.
As Gorillaz get older, more elements come into play: their age and their history, their developing reliance on or distance from their personas and the press and the stage, the evolution of their musical styles, the greater scale of it all and the emphasis on "bigger" music, on exploring things beyond Murdoc and Stu sat sharing a spliff in the studio, splitting all the writing credit for the debut between them. Performing Year 20+ Gorillaz is simply a different beast than performing Year One Gorillaz. But on the other hand, you can say all the same of Damon and he's still up there, performing exactly the way he does. The characters frankly seem younger now than they did in early years, so it'd be inaccurate to say they have to or should be slowing down.
Tuning the particulars of this phase out and pretending they're just performing as a band well into their career, the way they would've during Song Machine, it'd be fun to see them actually return to those carefree roots. I could see Stu doing less actual jumping and running and diving, but imbuing his movements and stage presence with that same confidence, lack of boundaries, lack of structure-- he's here because he's meant to be here, and any person in that audience should know it. I can see him running his hands through his hair and letting it stick up and back, can see him settling down at the edge of the stage to mouth things to girls in the front row while Murdoc's playing, sauntering and skipping in little bursts around the stage, swapping out blocking at a whim, leaning back-to-back against Murdoc and bending his knees in a comical slump, breathing a little laugh through his nose in the mic as he cranes his head back to lay on Murdoc's and probably loses his balance.
...and yes, yeah, I'm fully on board with a Murdoc-on-his-knees moment. They work Stu's admittedly fledging rhythm guitar playing (Noodle's drowning them out on lead, luckily) into the set just for that moment. I've also gotten an image of Murdoc sliding forward on his knees while he plays bass like this is rock and bloody roll, like he's the main attraction, and Stuart just standing before him, lazily echoing a few words of the chorus and putting a foot up on his shoulder. Murdoc's just staring up his leg as he plays, chin touching the top of his shoe; Stu's looking past him or into the crowd, but then he turns back and holds the gaze a moment before kicking off a bit as he leaves.
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megamanrecut · 2 years
Very goofy recut AU, character swaps have a lot of comedic potential, especially if the timelines don't exactly line up (ex: if you swapped Rock and Quint, Quint doesn't explicitly have to be Rolls twin, and could be older or younger if needed)
My personal favorite for ridiculous swaps is Top and Proto... With a twist lol. Top is the oldest of Dr. Lights advanced androids, but Proto isn't an advanced android at all, because he's Elec man's twin! I think it'd make for a funny dynamic with Proto and Elec being both very insufferable when they're younger, and even when brought up in the syndicate, I'm not sure how cool Proto would actually be cool with a lot of the darker aspects of it.
They'd probably have more of a golden child and black sheep relationship with their family, which might be an early source of resentment because I don't think Elec would have much sympathy for Proto (he's too young to really pick up on the underlying dislike of the job and just see it as Proto not taking things seriously, which he doesn't a lot of the time lol) but they'd probably get along well enough
...At least until Bass, another character slotted in earlier to give Wily any chance of succeeding without Proto shows up to fight them. He's smart enough to bring back up. Proto is confident he can distract them/make sure they don't steal any valuable information or secrets while Elec gets back up, but by the time Elec man comes back with Pharaoh man, everyone, including Proto is gone.
......Elec man definitely doesn't feel a misplaced sense of guilt or responsibility over the situation. It's completely normal to become extremely devoted to taking down a mad man who stole a syndicate robot. Meanwhile, Proto is slowly starting to like this new arrangement, while Bass is losing faith in Wily
....I like imagining character role swaps haha
hahaha this ask is a fic in itself! My thoughts under cut. 
Dunno about swapping the families up, awkward for the show-canon (if brief!) Roll/Top ship and the Elec/Proto ship so *DISCLAIMER* if anyone likes this AU idea AND either of those ships then maybe instead they are just living/working together through circumstances and not related 😵 (Though Proto&Elec and Roll&Top as platonic family relationships has cute potential too!)
Poor Recut Top; he would be living his best life at Dr. Light’s lab, and he’d be a very sweet older brother or mentor to Rock and Roll
Wait wait wait…so Rock and Proto would *not* be brothers in this role swap AU? Whoa I think that’s the biggest shakeup! Their relationship is such a driving force for much of their character arcs, arguably Recut's thesis and antithesis and the show's most popular character dynamic. So…what if they *weren’t* related? Would make for a completely different story! I guess??
Fun fact: Proto and Elec are close to being birthday twins (Proto’s activation is Sept 28th 1993, Elec’s Oct 1st 1993)
I think if Proto was brought up as a Syndicate Robot Master he’d actually be sorta cool with it, or about as much as Elec is. It’s a dark job…but he’s suited to aspects of it.
Elec and Proto would naturally be good crime partners (and like no one else would work with either hahaha) but also would be extremely arrogant hotshots in slightly different ways: Elec Man is ruthless on scrappers and like hardcore gangsters meanwhile Proto itches to fight ALL the police/other extreme thrill-seeking even if it’s against criminal code. So to everyone else they are just the worst (*especially* when they’re together) but also unstoppable so their Syndicate associates put up with them with both exasperation and reluctant admiration, hoping Elec will balance out Proto’s recklessness and Proto will balance out Elec from going *too* dark.
They’d get along great in this AU, runs a bit similar to a ‘What if Elec captured Proto’ Syndicate!Proto AU but no reprogramming angst. Still lots of banter, but Elec Man’s true problem with Proto is Proto is ‘Light’s prototype’/his own stubborn indignation about being a serious criminal reprogrammed to work for a goofy mad scientist. If they were otherwise on the same side, those wouldn’t be obstacles in becoming close.
Therefore it would be potentially super devastating/angsty for Elec Man if Proto also lost his memories after being stolen D: but maybe also funny.
Proto would absolutely still like working for Wily; they have something like a hilariously bizarre odd couple friendship that no one including themselves get, and Proto could easily charm his way up Wily’s ranks.
…Still, definitely animosity between Proto and Bass, especially if Bass beat him in a fight lol. Like a bizarro Elec/Proto S1 dynamic where Proto actually likes working for Wily while Bass is like already super over it. (tangent: Actually always feel bad for Recut!Wily who sincerely thought Proto would accept Bass as like a replacement brother they would get along when they absolutely do not lol)
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chaoxfix · 2 years
if sonic "ended up" with anyone, who would you choose?
ah, i'm really not sure! mainly because im getting stuck on the phrase "ended up" in your ask.
because the thing is, i feel like i just don't ever think about his romantic relationships as super permanent if that makes sense? relationships can be temporary, or revisited time and time again with breaks in-between, or star-crossed and just not feasible, and yet all the same, they can still be incredibly meaningful. i guess that's how i see most of his romantic relationships working out, or not working out, i guess.
i tend to see sonic as not a super romantic person but ending up in a lot of different short-lived but intense/fun romantic entanglements as he gets older. i definitely don't picture him as having a house and kids with anyone -- so anyone who "ends up" with him would have to either be really cool with a partner who just comes and goes on a whim, or would have to be able to mostly keep up with him so they can go on his adventures (and take him on adventures of their own), or a mix of both. that's just what it'd take for the relationship to work out long term... and i'll admit there are a few characters who generally match this, but i also look for a few other traits too in terms of general compatibility.
in general, the other qualities i look for are: 1. someone who's a little more serious/mission-driven, not because that's what sonic cares about, but because i think sonic would get a lot of satisfaction out of getting a more serious character to lighten up. 2. someone emotionally mature and deep enough to get him to open up about the things he struggles talking about. this means it has to be someone he can really trust with his emotions (so in general, someone he has to have a really deep friendship with) 3. someone that generally matches his morals, or who's slightly more to one side or the other because a little bit of friction can actually make a relationship stronger 4. someone with a good amount of power -- be it physical strength, magic of some kind, or even social/political 5. someone confident, because i think sonic would associate reassuring someone on a regular basis with more of a familial relationship, not a romantic one.
because of this, the biggest ships i have for him are sonighty and sonsally, which are somewhat opposite in approach.
a realistic sonighty would be relationship that tends to just get revisited whenever they see each other again after a long time away. there's a lot of trust between them; they know they can pick back up whenever, because that's what their partnership has always been about in my eyes. i don't picture mighty being the type to have a lot of other relationships -- he's pretty stoic, while also being more in touch with his feelings. he'd be monogamous, but less focused on romance, meaning he's still okay with it when sonic rushes in and out of his life at his own pace.
a realistic sonsally would be kind of similar, but in a more formal open relationship style. sonic, plain and simple, can't settle down for a kingdom. he's not going to do the whole, king with children thing. it doesn't make sense in any universe but archie. but, even in the games, he can visit whenever he wants, and they can have an endless string of short-term flings. maybe they have other lovers in-between visits, hence the open relationships -- but sally being a princess and likely to be in an arranged marriage would have a unique ability to take a consort for love. i really think this would be something that works for sonic, because he'd still get to run around and have shenanigans and save the world whenever he needs to. and sally would still get to run her kingdom the way it needs to be run.
other relationships that i like for pretty similar qualities (but would have their own dynamics) would be: sonknux, sonadow, and sonaze. i like all of these but i don't have quite as much to say about them. might write a bit someday for them, but im not quite as active at shipping them.
sorry if this is a really roundabout way of answering your question! i just have complicated and very specific feelings about sonic in relationships.
i also think im putting a lot more thought into him and relationships than he would ever want to put into it; he doesn't strike me as the sort to really think about the people he might want to be with -- he'd really be acting on impulse and whatever chemistry he feels in the moment.
thanks for the ask! <3
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kirric-the-fan · 2 years
Pirate au Character focus: Pepa Madrigal
- Captain of the Casita, and leader of the Madrigals.
- Has more control over her powers than her canon counterpart. More doesn't mean perfect control, but she can direct large swathes of weather when she's concentrating, and push away small clouds without having to rely on 'clear skies'. This is mostly due to having more cause to utilise her powers instead of being stuck with them, and as such Pepa's confidence is much greater too.
- Pepa had always been favoured by Alma. Having control of the weather with a ship based life was hugely powerful, and Alma ensured Pepa was always learning the most about running a ship (starting on how not to damage the ship with her storms). Pepa in her own right has also always been a mama's child, staying closer to her than the other two, which made the breaking of their relationship even more hard for them. Pepa may not have been the older sibling, but she was always the one primed for captaincy (it was decided Julieta's gift was far to useful to risk her as much. also she would have much less time to devote to ships business with the need to cook as well. Bruno was considered lazy (more chilled out/introverted and needed more rest than the others due to his visions), and showed no interest in leading)
- Pepa took over as captain from her ma whilst in her twenties, leading the other two in stealing the casita away when Alma retired. Everyone knows that story, and that the command of the ship changed, but there is obvious and continued bad blood between Alma and her daughter. Their present relationship is strained, or nonexistent. Most people can tell that something serious went down between them, but no-one knows exactly what, and the triplets remain tight-lipped about the details. There are some rumors that Alma disapproved of her daughter's relationship with a merman, but it's hard to judge that aspect of it because Pepa's (and thus Felix's) physical and emotional distance doesn't help with building a familiarity or rapport (these are mostly rumors).
- Pepa is fiercely protective of her family, almost to a fault. Numerous incidents have drawn Pepa to keeping her family close, almost leaving them stuck on the ship with her. Not everybody is happy with that, but they have all been instilled with a strong sense of duty and obligation to stay and use their gifts to help. There is also a little bit of fear in the mix, because even though she wouldn't deliberately terrorise her family, Pepa is a pretty scary and terrifying person at times. She will certainly give no quarter in dealing with those who mean her family harm, and has gained a fearsome reputation for that in addition to her prowess on the seas. She may have lightning and weather on her side, but she also prefers to get 'hands on' at times. A punch can convey a lot more than an otherwise random bolt of lightning.
- Pepa is smart, and cunning in her own right in planning how to protect and bolster the Casita's resources so they can all have the most comfortable life. She also knows how to utilise her families gifts and natural abilities- she draws her brother into planning routes and charting weather courses not just because of his access to visions, but because he can understand the weather interactions better than her. But the pressures of running the ship have pushed Pepa to almost reducing her family to their gifts and what they can do for the ship. She is often blind to their own needs and desires, too focused on preserving what they have. (Pepa is the equivalent of canon Abuela in this au)
- Pepa loves all of the family, but is biased towards favouring her own side of the family, and her closer family members, even though it's more of a subconscious thing than an active attempt to elevate them. It'd be small things, like prompting Julieta to take one of her own daughters with her on a mission, even though Dolores would be the best choice. Pepa is very good at finding reasons to justify her choices like that, but the end effect is the cool colours getting more work, and the warm colours kids getting more bored/at a loose end. Agustín, Mirabel, and, surprisingly, Dolores are all very aware of this discrepancy in treatment. Isabela knows it too, but only in the context of having to keep up with Dolores, who has to do a lot less to get the same sort of attention and praise. On all fronts, Pepa is too embedded in her ways to address this behaviour, so they put up with it.
- Pepa is still firmly entwined with her emotions, has her canon counterpart's love of music and dancing, (and Félix). She also loves sailing, and being out on the sea, and would do anything to live her life on the waves.
(Got any questions or prompts for the au? My askbox is open! Want more pirate content? Mosey on up to my pinned post here for links to more pirate AU thoughts, stories and drabbles!)
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fff777 · 2 years
I was on Chinese message boards looking up tips on writing historical political tactics stories and out of the few that I saw a handful were like "It helps if you have a high IQ" and I'm like bruh X'D
Another tip I saw was to read lots of history which makes sense but I'm lazy v.v I see the value and I would want to start reading more history but I still want to start on the fic now.
An interesting tip I saw was that "you think you're writing about history but you're actually writing about people (personalities)" which I thought was great. More often than not, political tactics is about personality clashes more than it is about who's smarter. The smartest person can always be driven to do something if someone knows how to manipulate them.
As for my fic, well, I'm going to rearrange some things around. I think I need the characters to be higher rank so that they have more agency.
I'm also thinking of making the relationship between the Emperor and Chancellor a bit less straightforward. Like I said, the political tactics genre is so often less about the fact and more about feeling. And for the Chancellor to have their hold on the Emperor, I think it would make sense to have the Emperor feeling a bit of stockholm syndrome for the Chancellor.
In version 2 of my plan, I had the guys collecting clues pointing to the Chancellor having killed the Emperor's older brothers (or highly suggesting that he did), and I think I want to keep this story line, but I'm not sure how extensive I want it to be. I just think it'd be a good way to be the final block in eroding the trust the Emperor has of the Chancellor.
But what goes on in the middle is the huge question. Do I want a tactics story? Do I want a crime solving story? Cdramas typically have a format where you take down a bunch of small bosses before you get to the big boss. In version 1 of my story plan, I had the guys just taking out the Chancellor and his cronies at once, but it was a bit disorganized because all the characters were working on different goals at the same time. So I think I do want to stick back to the "small bosses building up to the final boss" format.
I'm also rethinking what roles to give the guys. I think it makes sense to keep Yixing as a scholar-official. He's totally the type of guy to be like "my work will speak for itself." In version 1, Lu Han was a general who'd worked his way up and became a confidant to the Emperor. I still want him to be a confidant but I don't know if I want him to be a military man. It gave him a shared background with Zitao but I don't know, I think that Lu Han would make sense in another role too, as long as he was the one out of the three who was most able to get the Emperor's ear. As for Zitao, I think it still makes sense to keep him a military man at first. And I think it still makes sense for him to switch ministries later on when he doesn't want to fight, but I don't know when to do it. In version 1, I had him switching ministries part way through the story so that the story could focus on a different part of the bureaucracy. But now I'm wondering if I should just keep him a military man the entire story and only have him switch in the epilogue. Gahhh this is difficult, isn't it.
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choisgirls · 7 years
Ok, for once maybe I have a request~ Er. Maybe the RFA with an MC who has a younger sister about 5-7 years old? I was think about this one because I thought it'd be hilarious but kinda cute for them to see the smol child and be like "I WILL GUARD THE PRECIOUS BEAN WITH MY LIFE--" or maybe its just me, haha. you dont have to do this meh-- ~C the shy anon (may or may not have a younger sister that's 7 years old and is a precious bean)
A/N: C, MY FRIEND, ITOO HAVE YOUNGER SIBLINGS (THE AGES 6 AND 10) AND I’M LIKE THE BIGGEST GUARDDOG FOR MY YOUNGEST BROTHER so like if the rfa didn’t like my siblings i’dprobably have to fight them, fists flying, maybe even a baseball bat, who knows~Admin 404
I went for more genderneutral just in case, ya know? ^^;; cause i mean some people have either a sister or a brother or none, rip;;
               -He absolutely loves his oldersister
               -So siblings are Grade A forhim! You’ve got one? GREAT!
               -You told him about your youngersibling and he about fangirled into next week
               -“HOW MUCH YOUNGER? A YEAR?TWO?”
               -Try several years there buddyboy,,,
               -You’ve decided to make a playdate out of their first meeting!
               -Jungle gym at the park, getready
               -The moment he walked up to you,there was a marshmallow being flung at his forehead and he almost dropped tothe floor, looking for cover
               -“MC, WHAT ISHAPPENING?!” he asked, watching you from behind the park bench as youburst into laughter, walking towards the jungle gym
               -“Oh, your majesty, youmustn’t shoot your deadly Marshmallow Arrows at the new knight, he is here toprotect and create an alliance!” you told your sibling, throwing yourselfdramatically against a bar as they popped their head out from behind theirhiding spot
               -His eyes went wide as he lookedat your sibling, couldn’t be much older than around 6, listening to them recitetheir speech loud and proud, acting as a mighty (lord/lady), treating you likea prince(ss)
               -“COME FORTH, SIR KNIGHT,AND HAVE A TALK WITH THE ALMIGHTY (Sibling’s name)!” you sibling boomed,throwing their hand on their hip, raising their slingshot-turned-bow in the air
               -Yoosung could not be moreexcited to run up and kneel to one knee, bowing his head and gesturing up atyou. He was about to get into the zone and channel his LOLOL knight character
               -“I’ve come to ask for yourpermission- wait no, to ask for your honour! To protect the lovely MC witheverything that I have- I shall protect them from all harm, and raise my swordto protect their precious heart!” He stood up to look at your sibling,feeling so confident and proud, like he was a real knight!
               -Until his confidence shrankunder the intense stare from the younger kid. He had no idea he could feel sointimidated by your younger sibling. If they didn’t like him then, well, whatwould happen to the two of you? Would you leave him?!
               -You jumped down from the perchyou had climbed to earlier when your sibling started their speech, dramaticallythrowing yourself to Yoosung, grabbing onto his arm (you scared him a littlewhen you did this) but you threw your other hand to your forehead as youstarted to pretend to fall to the floor
               -“You don’t understand!This knight, I love him! You can’t separate us! You simply can’t!” youcried, watching from the corner of your eye as Yoosung turned a crimson colour,looking at you then back to your sibling
               -They stood with their armscrossed, looking over your boyfriend, trying to decide if they deem him worthyenough to date their older sibling
               -“Fine. I shall allow thisrelationship to continue! But only if you stay true to your word, knight! Andit totally isn’t because you played Castle with me!”
               -He was s o r e l i e v e d, hegot your siblings blessing and now he has an excuse to play LOLOL more!
               -“MC! We have a play datetomorrow, I have to sharpen my knightly skills!”
               -People love him, he wasabsolutely sure that your sibling would love him too
               -He loved when you would talkabout your sibling because you always got this tender look on your face
               -And he m e l t e d when yourexpression got that soft
               -Always begged to meet yoursibling, so you decided you’d take them to his latest show!
               -You just.. forgot to mention toyour sibling that your boyfriend was /The/ Zen.
               -And you forgot to mention toZen that your sibling is one of his biggest fans. But you were ready to see howit all played out
               -Throughout the whole play, youcould almost see physical stars in your siblings eyes as they watched Zencommand the stage, the younger kid practically vibrating with happiness andadmiration
               -At the end of the show, you siblingwas standing, clapping as hard and as fast as their little hands could go
               -“Hey, (Sibling name),would you like to go and meet some of the actors from the show?”
               -“HECK YEAH I WOULD, MC!LET’S GO! Do you think I could meet Zen? Oh my g o s h, MC! CAN WE MEETZEN?!”
               -You couldn’t help but giggle asyou guided the smaller child towards backstage, watching as they skip along,screeching to a halt when they caught glimpse of Zen
               -He looked over at you andsmiled, his smile only grew when he looked to your sibling
               -Practically jogging over to thetwo of you, he held onto your arm as he leaned it to place a kiss softly onyour lips
               -He jumped 3 feet into the airwhen he heard your sibling screech, you just sighed and placed two fingersagainst your head, muttering “Well, here we go” under your breath.Zen looked at you, tilting his head in confusing until he looked over at them
               -Your siblings rant continued onand on and Zen was just staring at them, starting a rant of his own about howcute they were and how much he couldn’t believe they looked like a littleversion of you
               -The two of them just started toyell compliments at each other and you just stood there. What were you supposedto do???
               -It only ended when Zen pickedyour sibling up in such a warm, loving hug
               -Your sibling refused to let goand they stuck their tongue out at you when Zen wasn’t looking
               -The little brat straight stoleyour boyfriend??? You tried to suggest putting them down but Zen immediatelyrefused it
               -“MC I will carry this kidwith me everywhere now. Have you seen how cute they are?? They’re almost ascute as me!!”
               -There was a small child runningaround the cafe
               -Touching everything, playingwith the stereo, running behind the counter
               -‘Whose kid is this?!’ she askedherself, trying to look out and spot someone looking for a child
               -She couldn’t find anyone, soshe gave a heavy sigh
               -But now?? She couldn’t?? Findthe kid??
               -She found them behind thecounter, eating a couple of cookies from the pastry case
               -“What- get out of there!What are you doing? That isn’t for you!” she said, grabbing the kids handsternly but still with a gentle aura around her, “we’ll find yourfamily”
               -“Myff fmly isnt here rifhtnow,” the kid said through their cookie. Jaehee sat them down and toldthem to finish eating before talking, it was rude not to.
               -“I said, my family isn’there right now! I’m waiting for my older sibling but they aren’t back yet Ithink,” they told her, she watched as their eyes turned from mischievousto soft and a little upset, but they shook it off fairly quickly
               -“My sibling said if I everget lost I should come here and wait, they’d always come find me!” the kidsaid with a large smile
               -Jaehee couldn’t help but sitand talk with the kid (the shop was slow at the moment anyway), she learnedtheir favourite movies, books, what they like to do, and she decided that thiskid was amazing!
               -They were so sweet, and shecould tell they were raised with manners and a great intellectual taste, theiroutburst earlier must have just one of those things that “all childrendo”
               -Suddenly, she heard the door tothe cafe burst open and she jumped a little bit before turning to see youlooking like a complete mess
               -Disheveled and out of breath,your eyes went wide when you looked at your sibling sitting at the table
               -“(Siblings name)! Thereyou are!” you ran over to them and dropped down to their level, pullingthem into a tight hug
               -Jaehee’s eyes went wide,looking between the two of you, just now realizing the similarities you shared
               -“MC? This is your youngersibling?” she watched as you nodded, letting go of them. Your siblingturned to her and smiled, giggling slightly
               -“Oh! So you’re Jaehee,MC’s girlfriend! I knew you would be nice!” they turned to you and puttheir hand up, attempting to tell you a secret but they weren’t so quiet aboutit
               -“She’s pretty. And shedidn’t get mad when I ate the cookies, I like her. I want to come play with hermore often”
               -JAEHEE’S GIGGLE WAS LIKE HEAVENLET ME TELL YOU. She immediately adopted this young kid and kept them under herwing, sometimes she had play dates with them without you, they had tea parties.She reads them so many books, sometimes they have to call her just to get abedtime story and she thinks it is one of the most adorable things
               -He has younger siblings aswell, he just doesn’t see them often. They’re nowhere near close with eachother, so he didn’t quite get how you and your sibling could be so close
               -Don’t get him wrong, he loveswatching how your face lit up at just the thought of your siblings but he neverexperienced a relationship like that
               -Hell, his relationship with youwas still new and the feelings were slightly confusing. How was he supposed tomanage a sort of friendship.. or would it be more of a brotherly relationship?MC, he was lost please help him
               -You came home to find himpacing back and forth in the living room, looking through some sort of magazinefrom one of the big toy stores in town
               -“Uh, Jumin? Sweetheart?You okay there?” you ask as he quickly spun on his heel to face you,shaking the magazine in his hand
               -“MC! Did you know thereare so many different toys? So many different age groups, different themes,different types, what am I going to do? What am I supposed to get your sibling?What if they come over and they’re bored? If they’re bored, they won’t enjoy mypresence. If they don’t enjoy my presence, they won’t enjoy our relationship,and if they don’t like our relationship then-”
               -You cut him off by placing afinger to his lips and giggling, which completely melted his heart. He loweredthe magazine and straightened himself out, not before placing a kiss to yourfinger though
               -“Jumin, it’ll be okay.They’ll bring their favourite toys and some movies for their sleep over.They’ll be fine, you’ll be fine. It’ll be fun!” you assured him, kissinghis cheek before heading to the guest room in the penthouse to make sureeverything was ready for your sibling
               -Later that day, you returnedwith your sibling in tow, hiding behind your leg as you introduced them toJumin
               -“Come on out! He’s notgonna bite you, it’s okay!” you comforted your sibling, Jumin held out hishand so they could grab onto it and he could coax them out. It didn’t workuntil he gave a small smile and your sibling started to think about coming outfrom hiding
               -Jumin spent hours trying totalk to your sibling, trying to b o n d but they? Wouldn’t? Talk? To him?
               -They wouldn’t even change theirfacial expression. They just had a blank look the whole time. The only timethey somewhat showed any emotion was any time you talked to them
               -When they went to pick a movieto watch and you had left to make snacks, Jumin decided he’d give up. If thechild wanted to approach him, they could. But trying so hard was gettingexhausting and he didn’t want to do it
               -But that actually seemed tocalm the kid down? Your sibling started to scoot closer and closer to Jumin,making him hold a teddy bear and eventually asked him to make a “MovieFort” with them halfway through the second movie. He was so surprised tohear them talk? And ask him to participate in something?
               - The two of them spent a lot ofthe night in their Movie Fort, talking about the cartoons and how ridiculousthey are
               - Jumin was super surprised thatthe two of them were actually getting along?? Your sibling was very quiet andonly spoke selectively. They were polite with great manners, and only showedtheir emotions when they deemed necessary
               - Was your sibling related toyou??? Or Jumin??? The world may never know??
               - You left for 5 minutes. 5.Minutes. And you came back to the two of them fast asleep on the ground. Youdecided not to chance it and simply covered the two of them in a warm blanketfor the night
               -The next morning, Jumin wassurprised to find himself on the floor?? And he was even more surprised  to see Elizabeth walk right past him. Hecalled to her but she just kept walking?
               -Turns out she was followingyour sibling. They would bend down and pet her every once in a while, but shewould meow and try climbing into their lap every time until they picked her upand carried her. She constantly headbutted against their jaw and would licktheir cheek
               -Immediately Jumin decided heliked your sibling, a lot. If someone is worthy of Elizabeth’s attention likethat, they are an amazing person (he knew from her experience with you). Theyremind him of how he was as a child and he is Ready to Protect This Child™.He spoils them like crazy. They have intellectual talks /without you/. Whatlittle brats
               -What a cowinky dink there MC,he has a twin, you have a sibling, the two of you are meant to be
               -“I don’t think that’s howthat works, Saeyoung” “DON’T KILL MY DREAMS”
               -He thinks your sibling and himwill get along so well!
               -Not to mention he’s alreadydecided he was going to protect this child with his life. He wants to do abetter job with your sibling than he got to do for Saeran… not that he’d tellyou that
               -You brought your sibling overfor a play date, but when you got through the door, Saeyoung was nowhere to befound?
               -You called out for him, lookingaround until your sibling picked up a cat-shaped piece of paper
               -“MC! Look! It says he’shiding and we have to find him. Oh! Like hide and seek! I love that game!”they said, starting to jump up and down out of excitement
               -Placing the paper on thecounter, you looked around, trying to gather your thoughts on where in thehouse he could be hiding from the two of you. Your sibling pulled on yoursleeve, “MC? Do you think he has more kitty paper? I wanna draw on somelater!”
               -You nodded and pointed them toone side of the house while you searched the other
               -Your sibling looked up and downthrough every room but the one with the large “GO AWAY” sign on it,it was too scary for them
               -Opening a small cupboard in thebathroom, they found Saeyoung cramped up in there, they giggled as he fell outonto the floor
               -Standing up, he applauded yoursibling, a large smile on his face
               -“You found me! Good job!!You must be (Siblings name)! MC told me you were the /best/ hide and seeker inthe whole wide world! I knew you were going to find me first!”
               -The younger kid did their bestsuperhero pose they could, puffing out their chest and beamed with pride
               -“Of course I am! MC can’teven find an elephant if it tapped them on the nose!” this time it wasSaeyoung’s turn to laugh, nodding in agreement. He suggested he and yoursibling should attempt to scare you
               -And it succeeded. Who knewopening a closet and having two people tackle you to the ground would bescary??
               -At this point, Saeran came outof his room and you practically clung onto him, hoping to avoid any of thepranks Saeyoung and your sibling may have placed
               -The two of them dressed up assuperheros, running around, attempting to save you from the “evildragon”
               -Though Saeran did put on thepaper dragon horns your sibling made because they were… kind of cute. But hedenies it. He said he put them on solely because he didn’t want to put on theones Saeyoung made
               -Saeyoung and your siblingliterally ran themselves down. They ran around playing all day, they passed outon the couch, cuddling together. You knew they would get along since Saeyoungloved to play around and your sibling was young and full of energy! You justdidn’t know they’d get along this well. From then on, you have to make your owncostumes just so you’re included in the games
*DaddV (soRRY):
               -So precious™ so pure™
               -He loves younger kids!!! Lovelove loves them!
               -He thinks younger kids areinnocent and deserve the world on a silver platter and he just really admiresthem?
               -Especially when they’recompletely adorable and passionate about anything they love, even play time!
               -The moment you told him youwanted to bring him along to your siblings speech debate he was practicallyalready in the car with 5 different video recorders
               -The two of you watched as yoursibling dominated the stage, dripping with passion about why there should bemore funding for animal shelters
               -The fire in your siblings eyes,the passion in their voice, the emotion on their face, V was completelyinvested
               -He could definitely see that itruns in your family, because he loves seeing you the same way!
               -After the debate, your siblingran over to you, hugging you before extending their hand out professionally togreet V
               -“Hello. You’re Jihyun,correct? I’ve heard a lot about you and I think you make a great candidate formy siblings future husband.”
               -You turned as red as could be,wondering how V would react, but all he did was smile??
               -It was such a heartfelt smilethat even your sibling was enraptured by it??
               -He knelt down and hugged yoursibling as they stood there, unsure of what to do.
               -“Thank you,” V said,pulling back to look at the younger kid, “my love for MC is as passionateas you are about the animal shelters, and I want you to know that. I hope thatyou and I could be friends. I’d also like your permission to show the video ofyour debate to a friend, I think it could be beneficial to you!”
               -Your sibling completely droppedtheir guard?? They turned to look at you with complete panic on their facebefore they turned to the man with the soft eyes
               -“I- um, I mean I..would… appreciate that. Very much. You… you recorded my debate, though?May.. may I see it? I don’t let MC record it because they’re terrible”
               -V laughed (r u d e, V) andnodded, completely agreeing with the child
               -“MC isn’t the best with acamera, but that’s okay! I’ve been teaching them a few things so they couldsurprise you!” your sibling tilted their head in confusion until V let outa /precious/ little laugh and followed up with, “I’m a photographer, Iwork with cameras!”
               -Your sibling instantly fell inlove. Complete heart eyes. Your sibling consistently hung out with V and tookphotography lessons from him, and even got to visit multiple differentcharities that he suggested! The little kid was so excited to find someone whocared about the world and people in it, just like them!
               -Not only that, but they were/so excited/ when V introduced them to Jumin (after showing him their recordeddebate)
               -Because!!! From then on!! Valways helped them collect donations for charities! It was a tag team, yoursibling provided the speeches and V provided the exposure for the cause!
               -He could hardly handle peoplehis age
               -What made you think he couldhandle /children/??
               -You brought your sibling overfor a play date anyway and he was not excited
               -But apparently neither was yoursibling?
               -You opened the door and hecould hear your sibling throwing a fit
               -“I don’t want to meet yourboyfriend! Why couldn’t I just stay home. I don’t want to be here. I’m surehe’s fine for you. I just want to go home and take a nap!”
               -You sighed and shut the door, Saeranpeeking from around the corner to look at the two of you, hoping the kid didn’tnotice. Maybe he could run and hide somewhere. Maybe he could go into Saeyoung’sroom and pretend to be him?
               -But it was too late, the kidgave him such a death glare that he swear to god he saw himself in his face
               -His eyebrows furrowed together,as he came around the corner and gave your little sibling an angry glare, butyour siblings expression didn’t change? At all? That confused him and hiseyebrows grew even closer
               -“You’re Saeran? I thoughtyour name would be Edgy Mc My Chemical Romance” you sibling said, turningto walk back out of the door, “Okay, I met Debbie Downer there, I’m goinghome”
               -Saeran was S H O C K E D. Didyou sibling really just call him that? Who did they think they were?
               -You went to stop them butSaeran did instead? He pushed the door closed from above them and grabbed theirhand, dragging them to the living room. You followed closely behind, afraidyour sibling was going to sass him to the point he would snap
               -Saeran sat them down and handedthem his 3DS, crossing his arms when they looked up at him with a blank stare
               -“Pass this level,” hesaid, sitting down next to them. They watched him sit down and tried handingthe system back. “No,” Saeran said, pushing the game back to them,“Play it.”
               -“Look, you don’t have tobe nice to me. We don’t have to be friends. And we don’t have to play thisgame. Take it back,” your sibling said, trying to hand it back to himagain
               -He leaned in close to theirface, his eyebrows coming together once again, he whispered, “You willplay this game. You will hush. And you will like it. MC wants us to be friends,and if that will make them happy then we. Are. Doing it. Understood?”
               -Your sibling stared at him witha blank stare for a while before turning away and muttering“whatever”; they started to play Saeran’s game and the two of themsat in silence while you went to the kitchen to make some snacks for the threeof you. It totally wasn’t to get away from the awkward tension in the room.
               -Saeyoung came out of his roomto find Saeran and your sibling staring at the game, both with no emotions ontheir face. He decided he was going to lighten up the mood and cut the tension!
               -“Meow meow! Hi guys!Whatcha doing? Playing? We can play something else so all three of us can play!Ooooh! What about hide and seek?? I’m the master at hide and seek!”
               -“Good. Go hide and wewon’t seek you,” Your sibling and Saeran said completely emotionless, atthe same time. Saeyoung fake cried and left the room, yelling something like“NOT ANOTHER ONE” over his shoulder before slamming his door shut
               -Saeran and your sibling lookedat each other, nodding once and sharing a small smile. Saeran decided theyweren’t so bad- if they can be mean to Saeyoung like that, then they could getalong. Your sibling kept wanting to come back for play dates but didn’t wantyou to be there? You thought maybe it was because your sibling didn’t want youto see how much they liked Saeran- which was part of it. But mainly, it wasbecause your sibling wanted to bond with Saeran by playing pranks and sassingSaeyoung and didn’t want you to get mad at them. Saeran was 100% okay with thisbecause now?? He has a partner???
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