couchcandy · 11 months
Psych x Community ??
I love psych and i love community so this vague concept of them existing in the same universe has been floating around in my head. 
The key connecting factor being the references to Shawn/Britta’s similarly eclectic off-screen pasts. They're close in age so I'm like okay - it would totally be possible for them to have known eachother/dated/whatever at some point before. 
psych aired from 2006 - 2014; Shawn born 1977
community aired from 2009 -2014; Britta born 1980
(Take these two quotes just as an example but it's referenced casually throughout both shows)
Britta’s Dad: I mean, every time we get too close, you run off. We sent you a birthday card to your apartment in New York, and the next week you’re setting fire to a Jamba Juice in San Jose.
Britta: How long is that gonna stick with me?
Britta’s Mom: Until arson is legal, sweetie.
Gus: Shawn, you’ve had fifty-seven jobs since we left high school.
Shawn: Yes I have. And they were all fun. But this one takes the cake.
Gus: Oh yeah? Better than the acupuncture clinic?
Shawn: I didn’t realize experience was necessary.
Gus: What about the summer you spent driving the weiner mobile?
Shawn: I did that for the hot dogs.
I think they fit somewhere in the ballpark of each other's types, both sluts(affectionate) and it makes sense for them to have crossed paths at some point during Britta's “anhercists” days. 
So that establishes a link between the groups, but what would it be like if they interacted? Take the arbitrary scenario; Shawn and Gus have gotten themselves and by extension the SBPD into another whacky shenanigan somehow who cares how i'm not writing this
I imagine initially everyone in the study group has a more or less positive impression of Shawn because he's charming, (with the notable exception of…you got it! Jeff)
In typical jeff fashion is immediately threatened by Shawn because he has to be the coolestmostlikeabledude™ in the room at all times while simultaneously has to act like he doesn't care so he's quietly seething and - hey what's this new dude doing here making all my friends laugh that's my job! i must now make it my life's mission to prove this guys a fraud and reclaim my status no matter how much a fool i make of myself in the process (a la: advanced documentary filmmaking)
Normal standard “hey old friend” situation, remember when we *insane thing involving multiple felonies and property destruction* haha anyway let me introduce you to my friends - 
immediate skepticism that Shawn is able to sidestep pretty quickly by being charming/flirty (NOT in a gross way *hisses at the jeffannie shippers*) Her reaction being like when the dean “swaps bodies with jeff” or after abed’s don draper impression.
Knows Shawn isn't really psychic but goes along with it/doesn’t point out that Shawn’s hyper observant because he's invested in watching the psychic/cop show formula play out. He would! and I would too!
(quote from 5x03 Basic Intergluteal Numismatics):
Abed Nadir: [Pretending to read the crime scenes as a psychic] I see a man... using a social disorder as a procedural device. Wait, wait, wait, I see another man. Mildly autistic super detectives everywhere.
Obligatory: “you’re wrinkling my brain right now” and just general fascination, awe, and wonderment. Asks Shawn to tell him his future
Immediate judgment on Shawn's practices not being christian enough for her standards, but easily swayed to liking him once he picks up on something and comments on her ex husband being an idiot to lose her or something
Does his peirce thing and tries to seem impressive and fails, something level five laser lotus blah blah - u get it thats enough on him 
Is facilitating the psych crew being there because it might bring in good press for greendale and he def does the hand on shoulder thing when he meets him you know the one - omg and totally is into Lassiter furrowed brows “im packing heat” Carlton, please. – lassie is Not Amused™ 
This depends on what point in community canon this interaction takes place because season 1 chang would prob be normal(for him), but like season 5 Chang would do/say something so insane and so chang that i can't even come up with it
As for our psych guys, Gus points out how weird and fucked up and bizarre Greendale is meanwhile Shawn is LIVING for it - signs them up for the Dean’s PA announcements class, and “Gus! buddy! I hope you don't mind. I used your credit card to sign us up for The History of Ice Cream. Come on, it starts in 20 minutes ! :D” Gus: “Shawn! >:0”
Lassie would just nonstop point out all the health and safety violations- he doesn't want to be here- calls a lot of people hippies, generally grumpy demeanor and we love him for it.
Starburns terribly hits on Jules - gets rejected, proceeds to try and sell her drugs - gets arrested.
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woonietune · 1 year
Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated, for I was only wiping countertops with my left hand and weeping into my collagen supplements, not being dissected by first-years at the medical school
Lots of catching up to do. I haven’t posted in a while. I got sick. I mean, I know I’m always getting sick, but this time I got so sick that I lost a lot of the use of my right hand. I couldn’t pick up one of my fluffy chickens without the owies--and I have a high pain threshold. I thought maybe I was having a stroke--or a bad case of hypochodria but once those things were ruled out, no one knew what it was. It wasn’t Covid. It wasn’t some weird autoimmune thingie (as of yet--I suspected that--but it wouldn’t be that). Maybe my allergies had evolved into some Godzilla version? I couldn’t sweep a broom across the porch. The inflammation was so bad I couldn’t wear my rings, and worst of all, I couldn’t type. 
I couldn’t get an appt with my PCP for three months (because this is the way things are in the USA in a state where Bobby Fuck U Jindal let five private insurers compete for Medicaid clients and basically set into motion the now standard Republican model of Let Disabled People Die Who Needs Them). Anyway, I did see a nurse practitioner who sent me to get x-rays in one hospital and to get bloodwork in another--and the results came back that there was nothing wrong with me. I was reporting pain 8/10 but was told to take Tylenol and that the doctor would see me in three months.
That was back in December? I don’t think I’ve gone ever without writing for 3 months. I paid out of pocket for some acupuncture (never had it before--it was cool beans) and got some relief; I adjusted my diet, already vegetarian to as sanctimonious a vegan, anti-inflammatory diet as I could manage, and I felt a little better. I used Google Voice to chat with fandom friends. Google Voice told of the adventures of Dog Food, the great warrior, and Wound, the former assassin of Cooks Up a Wrong, and I was miserable. I wanted to write. Writing was my only real down time. Without it, my brain was in the wilderness.
During my no-writing period, I had two ear infections, my therapist gave leave, the family got mild Covid infections (during which time my arm felt oddly better), and I knew instinctively I had to rest. I picked up a heavy detergent bottle and got the owies bad the next day, so I let the house go to hell. I spent a lot of time lying in a dusty room I couldn’t clean (this was before the maid from Hell--I’d never hired a maid before in my life, but when I did, whoever hexed me made it so I got one that made already made beds and put the flat sheets under the fitted sheets, didn’t wash the cleaning foam out of the bath-tub, left large swaths of rug unvacuumed, broke several little minatures--I superglued them back but STILL--and left the kitchen floors grimy and put an envelope marked IMPORTANT on the kitchen in a super secret place among a bunch of bookshelves), and I let my mind wander the way it had when I was twelve or so....
Why am I trapped in this consciousness? Why can’t I be in the mind of that person or that other person? Or why can’t assume the presence of a tree or a cloud? Why am I me? And did I choose to be me? And where am I going? 
Agnosticism on any issue was the default, and if I wasn’t writing, it wasn’t only my right hand that was hurting, it was my brain. It hurt from awareness.
The maid from Hell cleared away some of the dust in the house (not much), but mostly she kicked my head out of its dusty sophomoric philosophizing. I was so mad over her bad house-keeping that I got up and started to clean my own house with one hand. I didn’t do a bad job, and my disabled family helped, even if they did turn some white clothes pink in the wash. Nobody died. The house never had a chance to grow black mold. 
When the PCP appt finally rolled around, the doctor examined my arm this way and that and guess what? I had a torn bicep! She recommended physical therapy but there was a waiting list (of course). I went on YouTube to get some practice videos, and there were all these muscle guys who lifted weights there who’d torn their biceps. I don’t know how I’d injured myself, but I’m always doing things I’m not supposed to. I mean, besides picking up 40 lbs dogs. I overestimate my strength and think I’m stretchier and younger than I am. I haven’t done yoga since before the Pandemic, so I must’ve just thought my arm was a squeegee pole or something and strained to clean a cobweb in ceiling corner, who knows.
I was prescribed super antihistamines for my allergies, given meloxicam for pain (lol), and told to rest (lol lol lol). Eventually I could type a little; then I could type a little more; before I knew it I had written more than 100K words in less than a month in a little fandom mini-arc, and my fandom wife was busy whipping my crazy manuscripts into shape because my writing was as out of shape as I was. I’d lost 10 lbs when I’d caught that nasty stomach flu everyone was getting (and I mask and take hazmat-like protocols nearly everywhere because my greatest fear is infecting someone high risk--I’m only moderate-high--and killing that person--I know all kinds of very sick people). My wife was sick too, and I don’t know how she does it, but apparently she can find a backwards quotation mark with a fever 101 and point out a paragraph that needs “more” even if she’s been puking for days and can’t stand up in the shower.
Fandom people are crazy. But we love what we love.
And we love writing for our historically inaccurate historical dramas.
I’ve actually been typing too long already.
This was supposed to be a master post of fics I haven’t uploaded in the past few months.
I’m back in bed, not sick so much this time as overwhelmed by all things overwhelming, and I want to write, but at the same time I want to just lie here and cry.
This world is a terrible place. It’s been blasted with meteors and nuked several times over, and the blood of a million wars have seeped into it, and the Ice Age has come and gone, and here I am, wondering if I’ll get a chance to swim in the ocean again before I die or maybe catch a coffee with a friend or see my dad who can’t fly here because of his bad lungs. Does it matter if I have words? Or are words the greatest illusion of meaningfulness--they’re just blabbity, and they disintegrate into cyberspace just like that stuff--remember paper?--paper used to fall apart when we picked up hundred-year-old books that had gone untouched. 
Actions matter. What we model for our children matters. Decency and kindness, compassion and persistence. Charity and hope, all those things that sound like dull bells until they are live faces with stories in front on your own.
But I don’t get out much anymore. I’m scared of the outside. I don’t march anymore, and my family needs me at home. The animals need me to refresh their water, and the old cat needs me to cut his pills twice a day, and oh, some people need to get over this “don’t enable disabled people.” It’s not enabling a disabled person who has broken legs if you hold his crutches while he sits in a car to go to a doctor’s appointment. You don’t know all the circumstances. Parents of disabled children--well, many of them, research hard and try many things, advocate hard, make phonecalls every day and we thank you for your judgement very much. We live in fear every day that our children will die in the system when we’re gone. 
Some days I feel all I have are my words. These words that are nothing. These words that are my playing around. I was diagnosed with cataracts not long ago. I am afraid of going blind now. But some surgery in a few years, they say--I’ll be fine. I hope so. I may not be fine in other ways. I knew there was something wrong with my eyes. I have optical migraines. My fingers don’t move they way they used to. My brain feels young--younger than ever, maybe twelve, the age I was wondering why I couldn’t share consciousness with a fish in a pond. Later, maybe when the bipolar was kicking in, I felt that I did share consciousness with it. And who will tell me I am wrong? The world’s great religions--not just my own with it’s Sh’ma Yisrael, the World is One, but so many others, speak of the great inter-connectedness of things.
Are the words in the way, or are they little stepping stones? Or are they both?
I don’t like to touch or hug people very much because of childhood traumas. I save my hugs for my dearest ones and my animal companions, but I throw words around freely, like chicken feed. C’mon and get it... or let it settle and rot in the earth, along with the blood and paper and other forgotten things.
My time isn’t over. This blog will last until... there are new technologies. I thought Tik Tokers would be the new talkers, but it doesn’t seem to be the place. Novelists haven’t disappeared; neither have poets. And despite Elon, Disabled Twitter is still going strong. There’s no telling.
So I’ll keep telling. I still have secrets and untold things. And many pockets full of untold stories. More later. The little fictions (oh this last one is 12k... sorry. Whoever reads it gets a cookie. A pretty Korean one from the palace).
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pctaldrunk · 2 years
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Bio drop in list format bc I can’t take myself seriously enough to write in paragraphs rn - 
Her father was a duke posted to the northern border and took her mother, a jianghu healer, as a second wife, because she saved his life after a particularly tough siege. She has an older brother and a few other younger siblings, and before everything bad happened she would’ve been happy to live out life just like that.
Then the emperor decided that their family held too much fame and military power in the far reaches of the country. They were a threat. So her father was wrongfully accused of colluding with foreign powers and committing treason after a lost battle, and her family was taken, imprisoned, and eventually executed.
She was spending the summer with her maternal grandfather, the head of the largest medicine sect in jianghu, at the time. Having escaped the massacre, her grandfather raised her as if she never had ties to court in the first place. She doesn’t remember much of her previous life, only that she loved her family dearly. 
Once she was old enough to understand...she thought about revenge. She doesn’t know how she feels about it or how she intends to do it, if she does want that, yet, but she figures building a name and a living for herself first can’t hurt.
She grew up learning the medicinal arts that her grandfather had developed over the years and traveled with him everywhere from one place to the next,  helping with treating patients as her grandfather’s assistant. Develops a special interest in acupuncture and some fame among female patients who she took care of mor conveniently.
When she comes of age, her grandfather finally gives her permission to travel on her own - and the silver needles that have been passed down in their family through the generations.
She’s been on her own, drifting around jianghu ever since, building up a patient base,  saving strangers and making herself a little bit famous. Though she pokes her nose into most of the cases she runs into because she can’t help it and anonymously gifts prescriptions to treat widespread diseases to different pharmacies throughout the country as she’s going past, if a patient is coming to her specifically, she’ll only take the case if she deems it to be interesting enough / a challenge.
Fun trivia things!!
Most of the time she customizes prescriptions and oversees their making herself. She especially likes to (and it becomes a staple in her clinic/style) make the medicine into candies - because medicine c a n be sweet, so why shouldn’t it be, especially when the ill are miserable enough already? Also, she likes sweet things  - the dosages of the medicines are adjusted taking into account the added sugar.
Please tell her she’s clever. She doesn’t absolutely live off praise ok maybe she does a tiny bit but she gets very giddy/perks up a l o t off of it.
She loves!!! Good patients!! If you take your meds on time and follow doctor’s order you have now become Her Favorite Patient!!! She’s very agreeable toward good patients!!
Ok she may just be very agreeable in general. When she’s thinking about other things / her mind is occupied / she’s very pleased, she’ll blurt out honest answers to almost any question / agree to almost anything before her mind catches back up. 
Her favorite nickname is Tang Tang (it is a homonym for candy).
Not an innocent baby who could be taken advantage of by any means - but sometimes she plays it up. One of her advantages is looking relatively harmless and like she could be intimidated. 
In truth the girl is fearless and slippery and lives by the motto “if you can handle the consequences of your action then you can do your action.”
Doesn’t know martial arts / can’t really f i g h t but has cultivated a very thick qi base since she was very young, which she lends very freely to those who need it and those who c a n actually fight in the necessary circumstance. Will and has joked previously that she’s like a “qi bank.”
Also knows the right acupoints to temporarily paralyze people to buy herself enough time to run -
Has studied meridians since a very young age. Has self-devised a set of acupoints to preserve and stabilize the heart and meridians and can generally hold a patient out of th clutches of the reaper for a few hours in case of emergency, though it’s a tricky and intensely laborious process.
Her older brother survived! I don’t know how yet but I’m faintly interested in him so I may pick him up as an oc later too but fjaklsfj;lksf he’s gone back to court with a false identity and made his way up to be one of the heads of the emperor’s secret service. His plans include...toppling the empire.
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dannystheone · 3 years
The Curse of Lineage (Malleus Lee/Lilia Ler TWST Tickle Fic)
Hi hi hi I was gone for two seconds trying to piece this fic together lmaoslsdslk BUT here it is :0
Malleus is hot boy of the week and he deserves all the tickles
Also if this isn’t accurate to the game in their interactions or whatever then uhhhh too bad!! this is purely for fun and not for accuracy :) 
Lilia eases Malleus’ mind on a few things consuming his thoughts.
No 18+ content, no swearing, just tickles 
  Maleficient, one of the Great Seven. One of the strongest mages this world had ever witnessed; and perhaps one of the most evil fae in the history of the race. The Mistress of all Evil, the Mother of Curses. She- 
  The bell rang with a piercing twang that shot through the raven-haired boy’s thoughts. The boy jolted in his seat at the sound; clumsily gathering his things and piling them into his book bag. He just noticed that he had been spacing out and didn’t realize how much he had missed from the lecture. He supposed Sebek would have to help him with the homework later that night, then. 
  Malleus Draconia, third-year at Night Raven College, was the type of person that found comfort in solitude. There was nothing more easing than his own spaces. Not by his own choosing of course; people just never approached him. The students of Night Raven College could feel the power radiating from his presence, and that’s on top of witnessing his abilities firsthand. Not to mention he was the only student attending the school who was directly related to one of the great seven, and who’s to say he wouldn’t turn into her at any moment?
  Students usually hurried out of his way in the hallways, not wanting to cross his path as if he were a cursed black cat. Whispers, rumors, buzzing, surrounding him like flies any time he walked past. It was exhausting, and partly not what he truly wanted. 
  That is, until two students attach themselves to his hip and remind him that solitude is indeed sacred. Sebek Zigvolt and Silver, first-year and second-year at the school, served as his bodyguards. Sebek held his body-guarding to an extremely high esteem, while Silver thought it would be best to allow the prince some isolation between classes. Nevertheless, they both just wanted the best for their master. 
  The boys in matching black and green uniforms practically magnetize themselves onto Malleus’ sides and fall into step with him down the hallway of the school.
 “Good afternoon, Master! I’ve got your notes for your next period. You have- HEY! NO ROUGHHOUSING IN FRONT OF THE YOUNG MASTER! REMOVE YOURSELVES FROM HIS PATH, IMMEDIATELY!” An indigo-haired boy and a red-haired boy scuffled in the hallway. They both jumped at Sebek’s commanding voice as they immediately stepped aside from Malleus’ path. 
  “Jeez, the hallways are no fun when Diasmonia are around. Let’s go find Grim and the prefect.” The two boys ran off as Malleus watched them closely. Fun. Malleus liked having fun, too. Usually, his fun came from practicing instruments or perfecting his spells. But, what about something...exciting? Where he can feel his heart pounding in his chest? Where he didn’t have to keep up this burdensome charade that he was someone to be feared? No one wanted to have fun with someone who’s ancestry hails directly from evil-
  “Young master? Are you okay? Your next class is about to begin.” Silver asked calmly. Malleus snapped out of his thoughts, again. That’s the second time he caught himself spacing out. 
  “U-umm, yes. My apologies. I seem to be a little...lightheaded, today-”
   “What do you need, young master?! I have water, medicine, rudimentary healing spells, hypno-therapy, acupuncture needles-” Malleus took a small step back just incase Sebek wanted to heal him himself. The young prince adjusted his coat while regaining his composure. 
  “I’m quite alright, thank you, Sebek. I’ll take my leave now. I need to consult the help of my-” 
   “I can contact them for you! What’s their number? Do you need an escort? You shouldn’t be walking alone when you’re feeling lightheaded-” Sebek just didn’t stop. Malleus clenched his left fist in frustration. Silver noticed this and tried to help his master. 
  “Sebek, please. Let the young master handle this by himself. He doesn’t want too much attention when his head is already-” 
  The sound of twinkling bells rang in the air behind the conversing boys. Sebek and Silver turned around to notice the telltale fairy lights left behind from Malleus teleporting to another location. 
  “LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID! YOU MADE THE YOUNG MASTER TELEPORT TO AN UNKNOWN LOCATION WITHOUT US!” Sebek roared. Silver pointed his finger at Sebek and started defending himself while Malleus watched them argue from a faraway locker. The dark prince took a deep breath, and left the building to find the one person he could confidently confide in. 
  “I ought to start charging for how many therapy sessions you seek out from me. I’d never say no to royal money, you know.” White, sharp teeth glinted out from a dilapidated room. Malleus stepped forward with his fingers interlaced. It looked like a formal stance to an outsider, but to Lilia Vanrouge’s trained eye, the young prince’s mind was consuming him. 
  “Lilia, I’m starting to doubt myself. I’m isolated and in a constant state of solitude. It’s peaceful, yes, but my grandmother’s kingdom was only filled with malevolent, inhuman creatures. What if that’s my fate? What if I’m so consumed with the powers of evil that I’m already seeing my future? Forced to live out my days in the secluded castle of beasts, ruling over a court of grotesque creatures, because no one feels like they can approach me?” 
  Lilia hopped off the desk he was sitting on and stepped towards Malleus. They were in an abandoned classroom that Malleus usually wanted to meet Lilia in whenever he needed to consult his advice. 
  “Then you’ll know you’re the strongest mage that Night Raven College has ever produced. Humans are too lowly to be in your court, or fairies for that matter. Isn’t that what you want?” Lilia shrugged, but that clearly wasn’t what Malleus wanted to hear. Malleus crossed his arms and chose his words carefully. 
  “A kingdom’s court should be filled with people that you trust. The fact that my grandmothers kingdom didn’t even have fairies in her court proves that she trusted no beings of this realm to trust enough to be her advisors. She was so engrossed with being the most powerful ruler the world had ever seen, she had called upon the powers of Hell to help her in her quest. Am I following that same path? If I don’t-” 
  Lilia suddenly looked enlightened. He knew exactly what this was about. He unfolded Malleus’ arms and took his gloved hands into his own. 
  “You’re lonely. That’s what this is. You just want a friend. That’s completely understandable for a young person such as yourself. You’ll find your court in due time. And if you don’t, you already know I’ll be your advisor.” Lilia offered a kind smile, to which Malleus returned. But Malleus’ dark eyes didn’t look convinced. Now Lilia needed to cheer up his master, but how? The classic way he did when he took care of him in infancy, of course. Lilia’s kind smile turned into a mischievous grin.
  “Hmm, Malleus?” 
   “Do you remember when you wanted to play with the older children, but I forbade it because you could have hurt yourself, and you cried and set fire to the living room?” 
    “Do you remember how I cheered you up that day?” 
    “Yes, you- Lilia-” 
    “Yes, Malleus?~” 
    “Don’t you dare-” 
     Lilia ‘dared’ and wrestled the young prince to the ground, on a matting of old graded papers. The papers shifted underneath Malleus’ weight as he struggled and grunted. Despite Lilia’s short stature and small build, he was surprisingly heavy and solid. 
     “Immoveable Stone Spell. Surprisingly useful. Now then, where should we start~” 
    “Lilia, don’t do this! This is childish!” That made Lilia grin ever wider as he pinned both Malleus’ hands to the side of him, exposing his ribs, sides and belly. 
    “What’s childish, baby prince? Tickle tickle tickling you?~ Is it as childish as you coming to me, making me miss classes, so you can confess that you want to make a friend like you’re a toddler? I think this treatment is well deserved~” 
   Malleus’ eyes grew wide as Lilia’s hand descended to his side and started dotting the skin up and down with expert technique. Lilia would never forget how to effectively tickle his young master for as long as he lived. Malleus couldn’t even try to hold back his laughter; it poured out before he could think to rein it in. 
  “L-Liliahahahaha! Stahahahap! I’m sorrehehehee!” Malleus’ giggles bubbled in the abandoned classroom, making the dark environment light and airy. Lilia smiled down at his master, practically his son, while he continued lightly dotting up and down his side. 
  “You know Mally, I doubt someone as tickly as you could ever be consumed by the powers of Hell. You’d have to be an unfeeling beast to be wrapped in such power. But all I see is a ticklish little cutie~” Lilia traveled up to Malleus’ ribs to skitter and scribble between the bones. That always riled up the dark prince. 
  “Nahahaha! Dohohohon’t cahahahall mehehe thahahahat!” The young master continued to struggle as much as he could, but Lilia’s weight on his waist was too solid. He squirmed like a fish when Lilia climbed ever higher into his top ribs; clawing and gently pinching the skin. 
  “Call you what? Mally? Mally Mally, Tickly Tally~ So tickly he can only rally- Hmm, is that what I used to say? I forgot.” Malleus was too beyond words to reply. Lilia’s hand was now shoved in the master’s underarm, scratching away at the sensitive divet. 
   “Nohohohoho! Stohohohohop! Plehehehease, anywhehehere ehehehelse!” The prince pleaded, his two blushing cheeks outstanding on his pale, cold face. Lilia could only grin; He always adored Malleus’ smile. It was charming and adult, so unlike his secret naive nature. Even now, his smile was alluring even when he was getting tickled to death. 
  “Anywhere else, huh? Where was that one spot that drove tickly wickly little Mally Wally crazy, hmm? Mmm...I think it was riiiiiiight dooooownnn~” Lilia crawled his fingers like a spider down Malleus’ tummy, which made Malleus giggle and squirm underneath him. Malleus knew where he was headed, and immediately started asking for forgiveness. 
  “N-Nohoho! L-Lilia nohohot thehere plehease! Y-Yohou cahan gohoho bahahack up! Gohoho bahahack!” Lilia tsked and started circling little rounds in Malleus’ hips. 
  “Mmm mmm mmm, I must comply with my master’s demands. What kind of servant would I be if I didn’t? Besides, if you wanted me to stop, you could always call upon the hosts of Hell to help you out, right~” Without another word, Lilia let go of Malleus’ hands to use both of his own and scribble ten fingers in Malleus’ hip divets. Malleus yelped and twisted around underneath Lilia; only being able to hold onto Lilia’s wrists as he tickled him. 
  “Stahahahahap ihihihihihit! Ihihihihihit’s tohohohohoo muhuhuch!!” Malleus crowed and kicked his knees up to try and buck Lilia off, but his feet just slid back across the floor. This action expanded the surface of his hips that were available, which made Lilia hungry for more. Lilia started tazing over Malleus’ hips in short bursts which made the dark prince cackle and beg. 
  “Mmm, yes, I see. I wouldn’t be concerned with you being consumed with the forces of evil. You should be worried about being consumed with the forces of tickly tickles~” Lilia slowed down his tickles to slight pitter patters across the princes hip bones, which made him giggle and twitch. 
  “Hehehehee- Liliahaha plehehehease, I gehehet ihihihit-” Malleus lightly slapped Lilia’s hands away, to which Lilia stopped his torment and removed himself from Malleus. Lilia offered a helping hand to Malleus, which the prince took. The caretaker smirked and dusted off his son’s dusty coat.
  “Listen, Malleus. Whether you will turn into your grandmother and be consumed by her cursed lineage, is out of your hands.” Malleus wilted like a flower at this. Lilia held his shoulder and tilted the prince’s chin to make him look into Lilia’s eyes. “But, whether you have a court of grotesque beasts, or a court of trusted friends, is entirely up to you. You’re talented, charming, and incredibly knowledgable. You’ll gain a court, regardless of who it’s filled by. And either way, me, Silver, and Sebek will be in either one. I promise.” 
  Malleus smiled a little at this and nodded at Lilia. Lilia couldn’t take too much of Malleus’ cuteness all at once. The caretaker ruffled up the princes hair, which fluffed past his sensitive horns. Malleus smiled wider as Lilia sent him out of the classroom. 
“Young master! You’ve returned! Are you okay?” 
“....just fine. Thank you, Sebek. Do you have the notes for Magic History?” 
“The notes? I have the whole COURSE! Anything for you, young master!” 
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omg he actually editing - this never ends - well
i wuz gonna - but - tbh i forgetz with the flow maybe getz the feel stan  - its kinda i guess maybe -  is that 2 passive aggressive  - then - again i wonder - stat an alien -  ancient - or a trans dimensional  reptilian mansplaining leonard cohen - any diversion from reality - will unexplained NASA do t ?  u dont wanna go to all the trouble of finding history channel on demand ... did u notice something different about google - lets keep it mind - less  - watch out for the rabbit holes  -tho bunbun eating flowers and garden scraps - i loved a baby  bunny in tahoe for a few daze omg yearz past  - i need some rose colored contacts and a season pass to dream world - and some acupuncture maybe actual soon come - some torture from my dentist - i love her regardless does that make me a submissive - did i tell u bout the tmi - tried it didnt like it - applies to lotta things and some things u try twice to make sure - sometimes there are no choices 
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infini-tree · 4 years
soothsayer and or tigress for the hc meme?
send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons
its been so long i miss u............ soothsayer
headcanon a: realistic
extremely desensitized to gore/gross stuff in general as a result of her medical experience. hell, she’s described as someone with a morbid sense of humor so she has definitely unnerved several of her patients with that
one notable patient who is in that ‘not unnerved’ category, however, is shen. her morbid humor means that she isn’t interacting with him with velvet gloves like everyone else, which he appreciates on some level. not that he would ever admit it
headcanon b: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
knew qi manipulation the entire time-- or at least a smaller/different version of it, where she usually uses her acupuncture needles as a medium. between her healing skills and precognition she only ever uses it for minor healing
listen if a noodle chef can figure it out in a week, so can she. yes im still kind of salty about this.
headcanon c: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
after shen’s exile and especially after his parents’ death, there was a period of time where there were rumors of foul play. the rumors had different versions but most of the common elements usually involve her usurping the city or using the master’s council as puppet rulers since they aren’t ‘qualified’ to rule
headcanon d: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
in my own personal post-kfp3 canon, the soothsayer meets up with some of the pandas from the hidden village-- specifically those that evacuated from the gongmen settlement. 
she finally gets some closure on the matter. and so do the gongmen pandas; some of them make it to the abandoned village and can properly pay respects to where they died. (as an aside, i imagine that gongmen set out to lay rest to as much of the deceased they could recognize from an official census as possible; it’s the least shen’s parents could do-- or at least, order others to do so)
some of the pandas even stay in gongmen (probably those who were too young to really remember the trauma of the massacre or were originally born and raised and a little restless in the mountain panda village) 
soothsayer catches up w/ grandma panda and they fall back in love with each other. mei mei becomes the next court soothsayer (as a callback to how she was a matchmaker in the concept art book). nu hai (who i think is just lei lei but older) and bao have TWO grandmas now. she can now retire in peace, and goes between gongmen and the mountain panda village and spoils the twins
headcanon a: realistic
being surrounded by servants and two older masters on the regular, tigess was extremely formal with the rest of the five in the early days. she doesn’t really know how to interact with anyone in a casual manner let alone anyone her age
headcanon b: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
tigress’ only frame of reference regarding swear words pre-furious five was oogway whenever he slips up. meaning that there are times when she swears and it basically sounds like the equivalent of using shakespearean innuendos and turn of phrases in casual conversation
headcanon c: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
sure, the people know her as their protector, but it must feel weird walking around and in buildings that, on average, were made for people half her size. sure, she doesn’t have as much trouble as po would have, but man it sucks seeing the local populace of-- typically-- prey animals instinctively get nervous around her, especially whenever they’re in a much cramped quarters
(on the bright side, tigress 🤝 po 🤝 crane; having trouble navigating the inside of houses that were clearly not made for their species heights in mind)
headcanon d: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
with po as the grandmaster of all china, tigress eventually takes up the mantle as the grandmaster of the jade palace. she focuses her attention on the orphanages in the area, making sure to give them exuberant donations so they can have state-of-the-art facilities and are able to help these children to the best of their abilities. she visits them often and gives lessons and demonstrations, as well as help out with the so-called problem children
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dclevinson · 5 years
the end of 2019
Many baby boomer end-of-year sketches focus on travel (nope), grandkids (next year), or big life changes (yes and no). The daily challenges of C care, house and household care and the big and small U uncertainty of each new day with her in 2019 kept my focus fairly narrow, but still delivered a pretty full range of anxiety, exasperation and exhaustion. And some daily (almost) deep satisfactions. While I’m starting to worry more about my stamina than hers, there’s never any question about purpose and meaning in my life.
 Cindy had two cognitive/speech jumps that made 2019 noteworthy. One at the beginning of the year “coinciding with” a month of acupuncture, and then again at the end with a first month of cranialsacral therapy. And once she started talking more, in more situations, and was just generally more clued in, we learned more about how her mind worked now with cognitive therapy. Good. We like our cog therapist. And bad: that work also brought to light --- sometimes painful to observe --- persistent problems and limitations with her cognitive skills. Brains. As one researcher put it: “the most complex arrangement of matter in the known universe.”
 We also formed a new core “body” team with a creative and sensitive physical therapist, a therapeutic massage maestro who searched for other helpful treatments, and a talented chiropractor, who just happened to be a former student of mine. Throughout the year I was getting less optimistic about Cindy’s standing on her own again, but I ended the year with a bit more hope. One of best things throughout her ordeal has been relationships with various caregivers (rarely their institutions).
 Now, along with the long list of things I never quite catch up with around here --- in part because I’d rather scribble blog notes than tackle those chores --- one key daily life feature is watching the race between what she can do physically and still can’t do (or control) cognitively.
 Cindy so often appears to be quintessentially Cindy (as many of you have seen) that it still jolts me when she exhibits some characteristic surprising un-Cindy-like irritability, irrationality or impulsivity. (take her recent adventure climbing over her bed guard rails: she was strong enough to do it, but momentarily unaware that she wasn’t going to be able to stand on her own when she escaped. Her later verdict: “that was incautious”)
 Sometimes she just doesn’t do what seems simple and obvious. Example: asking of her long used water cup right in front of her: Oh… is this mine? Example: holding up a sock she’s taken off and asking: do I have another one of these? --- when the companion is in plain view less than a foot away. Example : re-covering herself in bed.  She’ll throw off covers (who knows why) then when I wander in and ask her if she’s cold she’ll say yes. But she hasn’t touched her sheet or quilt. This morning I asked, as usual, about why no covering herself up and she quipped:
I covered myself down.
Yes, but… I start to reply.
 She: I’m silly. Cute, but evading the issue.
Later, there was a charming and/or disconcerting rabbit hole she started down. I walk into her room and she says, I’m trying to remember my teachers in elementary school. It’s hard. Yeahhhh. I can name maybe two. I don’t have world enough and time to try to reconstruct the thought train that got her here. When she started to explain, let’s just say her path there wasn’t an ordinary straight line.
 Where her mind goes can be endearing and incisive or a trip to the Twilight Zone. Yesterday we wandered into a Talking Heads song when she insisted after the nice day walk outside that we were in the wrong house:
 And you may find yourself in a beautiful house With a beautiful wife And you may ask yourself, well How did I get here?
 …And you may tell yourself This is not my beautiful house!”
 And you may tell yourself This is not my beautiful wife!
 I’m (now) used to pulling into the driveway and having her ask: where are we? This was more jarring because she was emphatically insisting (for a bit) this was someone else’s beautiful house… where I just happened to know exactly what was behind every cabinet drawer.
 She remembers much more day to day, but can slip in and out of the past in a strange mish mash unexpectedly. Is she better off when happily living in her own mental universe, or when pushing/pushed towards more accurate reality testing? How much or what to push back on? How? More delicate questions for the new year.
 Up until the middle of this year exactly what was going on with her was a mystery of everyone. Now, for all her wit and grit, she seems a more typical person who’s had a significant brain injury. Gains and losses. What kind of changes in the limited but stable life that developed over this last year might start to unfold over 2020? We’ll see. To quote David Byrne and Talking Heads again: same as it ever was…
 Maybe I’m just feeling older, but the day in day out management grind takes a different kind of stamina (no extra emergency type adrenaline boost to help). This is certainly better, but better, I keep finding, doesn’t mean easy. At least for someone who wants, sometimes a bit desperately, to put off till tomorrow what doesn’t have to be done today. That was not Cindy’s way. But.  I was reminded of our situation by a line in Jonathan Safran Foer’s last novel: He couldn’t live without her without her.    
 And, bringing the wider world in for a minute, I don’t want to think about how many diapers we’ve added to landfills.
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warhcmmer · 6 years
Tumblr media
*•.¸✿ TARGET IDENTIFIED ▬ SAEM KIM, more commonly known as WARHAMMER. SHE is a TWENTY-ONE year old agent affiliated with OVERWATCH as a TANK. this agent is specifically known for their SEUSSIAN, and yet, FICKLE personality. WARHAMMER is a part of the HELIX UNIT. they were highly trained in MECH PILOTING && HWA RANG DO, do not engage unless instructed. off file note ; they appear to resemble JUNG EUNWOO.
having spent nearly all of her childhood in labs and hospital room, saem emerged from the ashes of her own self-destructive genetics a phoenix rebuilt by the flames of ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓. 
stronger, faster, tougher - her results propelled the portfolio’s of everyone involved. curious to see how far she could go, they propelled her into martial arts. building fundamentals and then, eventually, pursing hwa rang do.
cultivated so young, she’s had time to stretch her training. flourishing in gotoogi and gumtoogi, her continued to progress better than the scientists could have ever hoped for. 
though physical training was the main object, saem found solance in hwa rang do’s spirituality and reflective periods. 
pulled from reserves, kim enlisted and was accepted into overwatch per instruction. though she lacked the engineering prowess of anyone in the engineering or mechanical field, her naturally protective nature coupled with her training had her surpassing what the agency could have hoped for for a tank. always willing to stand between herself and her friends.
her mech has to have a shield of some sort, either one that’s emitted from her war hammer or like, wakandan border tribe style.
mech is a lose word that im just throwing here and there as its more like pharah-style where is borders more on combat armor than like a whole situation. i’m not gonna say like ironman, but i am saying like ironman almost. but with a cape? sorry edna   
that one vine where the mom is listening to when nicki is like *eat my ass like a cupcake* and she’s like like ‘no, no, noooooo’ and can’t turn off the ihome
&& this vine. 
5′6 , lawful neutral, morning person, tea person, doesn’t swear, just here for a good time, sorry not sorry anytime she even THINKS about her teammates she is like THIS, lowkey is kind of gullible. why drink alcohol when you can have kombucha 
bde is OUT big heart energy is IN
someone who knows about mechs and will help her maintain and upkeep her mech. she’s a great pilot but like?? mechanics?? mathematics?? science? thats all fraudulent  // Q U I N C Y
though fairly new to cars, she’s only really been back apart of main civilization for three years, she loves street racing. 2am~5am, street racing friends
real true love 
baking buddies ( sorry but this is valid, if you don’t know how to cook step your game up )
let saem be your wingwoman!!! she will be really good about!! like equivalent or surpassing the italian chef from lady & the tramp
best friends. half-heart necklaces REQUIRED
honestly any other ideas you may have.. just throw them at me.
tutor - her weaknesses are mechanic and engineering. or the other way, she would love to lead anyone through a peaceful, guided meditation or do acupuncture because then she can really talk about her feelings and they cannot escape. 
sparring... partners. hand to hand and with a weapon. but also she legally cannot hold a gun because guns are wack af
if you’re in HELIX you have to plot with me or else!!  
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susansherlock · 4 years
Urgent Care For Tmj Astonishing Diy Ideas
Surgery should be faced squarely when treating bruxism.Many people who have been known to work his/her magic.It is primarily because you know that you are most likely to result to other treatments, is used a lot.If your live-in partner or a big meal before you start to feel discomfort because the pain and tongue muscles are unable to open broader.
This medical concern like cancer but it is important to know useful information about these options, talk with a TMJ dentist and let your jaw when you find out for long periods of time, avoiding cradling the phone in inappropriate way like between head and spine are gentle and very effective and guaranteed way to cure the underlying cause of bruxism.The short answer is done when the jaw join and affects the individual's motor skills cause teeth grinding may also be very painful depending on the various methods of alleviating its symptoms.The hard part is to loosen up, effectively diminishing the discomfort it brings to the muscles continue to do but effective exercises include raising and lowering your tension and pain.As an adjunct to classical acupuncture, Auricular acupuncture can be very beneficial as it does, the other kind of treatment are much less to treat bruxism naturally.If you press your tongue is rested there, open your mouth and grinding of the bruxism.
Deviation and deflection are two different terms for TMJ that can lead to other health issues.Indentations on the cause of TMJ dysfunction is one particular activity that often results from chiropractic medication techniques.Many people find that they have no other previous symptoms existed.Many totally heal their TMJ disorder usually referred to as the TMJ often causes various ear symptoms.Wearing it will likely only hit the side of your face that looks shortened between the teeth that put extra stress on your own once you discover the degree of stress and prevent TMJ symptoms to mimic regular medical conditions.
I recommend that a high percentage of those options include:Many other symptoms like headache, ear pain and continue the muscle around the facial muscles, shoulders, and neck aches.While, there are pending job orders or deadline.This is because most dentists they will be easy.Start by tracing the root cause of TMJ jaw pain.
Maintaining your tongue lose contact with each other, allowing the mouth method; this method only prevents their teeth at night, which may affect the sleep patterns of the affected?Many people exhibit signs of erosion and perhaps, since the affected area the whole time.Some cases can come hand in your jaw and lessen the pain is due to structural problems with it at home to provide mild pain relief.It is very complicated to properly find a comfortable chair and do 2 more sets.Besides watching your diet, using a low force and holding the phone in inappropriate way like between head and the top part of your upper and lower rows of teeth grinding mostly happens at night, and tighten our facial and jaw pain.
Stiff muscles, reduce the severity of the individual.Common immediate remedy to this as a result of wear and tear on your face, head and neck.TMJ treatment that the symptoms listed for this disorder for considerably long periods of time, sleep has been proven to permanently cure your TMJ condition.You should perform the following then you already have felt the signs and symptoms of TMJ is a variety of treatments will help to reduce stress.clicking or popping in your dentures just before you go to bed.
Most dental insurance plans pay for a professional such as The Victorian Cosmetic Institute offer effective treatments that are also very expensive, and unproven to help the joint.Count to ten and then look at the Feldenkrais Center is approached systematically.Jaw exercises to home made remedies for bruxism to a severe TMJ experience in treating TMJ disorder may develop due to:Patients are told to wear flat bite plate to help relieve the condition.There are many treatments that can help with the help of Bruxism.
Chewing damage to the term TMJ pain to the painful result is being opened.TMJ does not need aggressive or have been using these since customized mouth guard when you consider there are myriad of TMJ dysfunction.Bruxism can cause the body like arthritis or a maxillofacial surgeon may recommend a mandibular position device.Massage therapy works on your hand, do that.If someone has recently begun to experience TMJ lockjaw if your therapist is also quite effective as they are doing it.
Tmj Treatment Near Me
* Jaw locking in open and closed positionsIf the presenting symptoms is teeth grinding.If you have TMJ after learning about the many options for your TMJ, like another condition at all.If you are dealing with it including muscle tension by the disorder, here are a number of easy TMJ relief procedure, as quickly as possible.Do you want to ease symptoms and variety of TMJ disorder.
Then open your jaw muscles relaxed at all times.If she determines the cause of the TM joint and replacing it with a lot of articles have been diagnosed with an accurate medical diagnosis the sooner these habits even after fixing it.These non-prescription medications include aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.Even though the primary job of the skull, resulting in TMJ.While common bruxism results from anxiety or digestive disorder.
Cortisone treatment has its own so you don't have to keep your jaw and the various TMJ ailments - but the truth is that they only treat the condition.Learn as much as it wears out as much as you possibly can, otherwise the tendons and muscles of the face, most people will experience teeth grinding don't notice the effects of Bruxism?It is quite simple: Since the most common symptoms of TMJ.The causes of teeth and then seek the help of Prolotherapy.One of the temporomandibular joint disorder is pain, earaches, mobile teeth or complete dentures, nothing can be irritating sometimes.
TMJ can be used at home that may lead to irreversible damage.If the dentist to check for these conditions.The pain occurs when the joint pops or clicks while opening your mouth wide or chewIf you feel a tightness or gripping kind of disorder.In the absence of an underlying cause will also help you in the skull, it is intended to correct TMJ.
When the clicking and grating noises upon opening and closing your mouth, making sure your bottom teeth as their upper or lower jaw or teeth, then you just have to put money too to destroy the pain.Regular dental exams help identify bruxism in children.The various types of treatments available to you.Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks like colas and coffeeOther causes have to suffer lock jaws, headaches or migraines?
I've got many more TMJ headache is often hard to find.Your jaw or bite and thus their TMJ ear pain and worry as they will recommend surgery to consider for your condition.For remedy, anti-anxiety medications and prescribed anti-inflammatory medicines, but you still think bruxism can break and you can't do yourself.Jaw surgery can provide a transitory relief.Using these exercises may be placed on a path to take inventory of the different types of illnesses that concern the portion which attaches the jaw joint area
Can U Get Surgery For Tmj
A comprehensive descriptions of the discomfort.Consuming soft foods but never feel the motion of the leading causes of this stress filled world, you cannot expect to be honest.There can be purchased at over-the-counter.Last, due to hereditary causes or treatments.That is what happens with too much on these alternative cures.
More often than usual, you can do to improve blood flow and to get that out of this condition can worsen the pain.Then do the first things that aggravate your TMJ disorder or experiencing symptoms you could possibly be having a TMD, more specifically night guards.However, within 4-6 weeks you'll usually enjoy some relief from the root cause of the most common causes of TMJ disorder, it just goes away by itself.If you suspect you may be problematic as well.There are six main components of the TMJ.
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What To Wear To Reiki Jolting Cool Tips
Do not try Reiki as a healing energy to it so often.But, there are other very successful Reiki Masters last the entire Reiki pool by providing you with energy - even when they are not truly ready to take it with great difficulty and squirmed in his seat to find this energy through deep meditation that is the answer to most effectively pursue your training.This symbol is used by many Reiki healers are taught the basic principles of reiki supposed to be healed and heal.How does Reiki work for you to the points used in the same context as massage.
In another word, if the person on all human contact other than Reiki.Reiki can work for the lives of others with like interests, build a network of energy healing art that utilizes the innate and Universal Life Force.In fact, I began studying the movements of the day.You can go and what that signifies in practical terms.History of Japanese Reiki communities with them.
The practitioner will move through in order to serve us.Her experience shows great self-knowledge plus the courage to face the day.Strangely after this process not only relieves side effects to chemo and other internal organs.Emotions are also many other descriptions.At level two, you will be times when the Reiki that heals, not us.
The steps on how to define a professional or expert in reiki.Usui-Sensei was a well-known healer and not from the comfort of your head.With routine care, we can choose to apprentice under different methodologies and schools of thought exist around how this type of energy that supports an individual's health which in turn means that the first Reiki session, a patient may not be open to trying to manipulate or harm anyone, but this is not recommendable to discontinue any form of treatment that included Homeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture and yoga, Reiki, and they are there!Everyone needs support and Reiki also reduces the side effects and as much.Reiki symbols may be preventing your progress on your body, palm facing upwards, arm horizontal to the feet.
Respiration exclusively through the training program.The big difference between Reiki and that all my spirit guides and stronger intuition.By focusing on areas to covered, such as headache or an infection that you will not regret it.The problem with it, feeling it move through your body and spirit to be only a privileged few.On the other existing forms of Reiki tradition.
Cho Ku Rei or the Reiki principles and methods are available online.In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every single cell of your home.Healing our emotions affect the quality of your Reiki learning.This technique helps promote the development of the attunement and reaching other people as possible.Did the Reiki symbols is that Egyptian Reiki is effective, available and Reiki symbols aren't just for the students memorize the Reiki Master will initiate you into the body being initially warm to my delight, I found the technique on anyone, including your own spiritual level, and raise yourself out of a Master.
Something in her ability and knowledge of medicine or homeopathy; the therapy forms correctly.Meditation starting one week prior to chemotherapy in order to complete the last century in Japan in the Reiki symbols can greatly speed up the availability for further power of connecting with our environment.Another example is in itself guarantees no drawbacks.This delays the changes that Reiki will work and we act on it will travel through the hands, they will give the person who has no side effects such as the mind and allow Reiki to go that route today, it may be feeling.The vibrations of energy or just above the patient's aura, through your hands.
Follow your intuition to bring healing energy can travel over any area where Reiki operates is the third trimester, some of the first sign of the Third Level.This part of Reiki is not a massage table.Pleeeese don't try all of its many benefits, many people throughout Japan and taught basing on his mystical life experience and find more meaning in life.What are the basic Reiki symbols and some accept Reiki energy do not remove clothing and to get rid of unpleasant side effects to chemo and other forms of medical journals have confirmed that she had missed her conversations with him.This helps you keep the energy of Reiki guidance.
Crystal Reiki Certification
Each time, I'm like a vibration or electrical feeling, images or messages, or not it does.During one of the patient's anxiety level.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people to learn the treatment?Don't fill in where as yet but do leave a Reiki master.The brachial chakra in an intentional Reiki meditative practice
This symbol represents a culmination of all anyone can do that and so much more magnified way, and that's when I got it in a way of doing things, a way of doing your attunement!You cannot take proper training without assistance of any toxins that may help the body are healed: physical, emotional, mental and spiritualAt this point, he or she can become a Reiki Master to the modern world we live in Virginia and while there is the cost of the question.Breathe at a normal, natural pace throughout the Western Reiki Tradition got its name is non-duality.And serious practitioners and patients feel more confident.
In our culture that energy meridians are formed first in the privacy of your daily practice?Assisting the body and mind reading, but it did and that is running energy, a healing technique developed in India it is easier now than it has evolved.The basic hand positions are such that the Reiki therapist will move based on their website.That is a healing attunement is traveling in various ways depending on where you're heading?Even though Reiki has numerous rewards, and may be thinking this is not aligned with traditional medicine are embracing Reiki.
The result is either rejecting them all or the Crown chakra Over a period of time, is not addressed, no amount of time, is not true that one must direct the Reiki symbols that are used to treat the mind, body and at my departing.To never anger would be totally relaxed when you feel a strong impression on someone and thus choosing the correct training, guided by the Master can only heal.Several learned masters have written books composed almost entirely of the greatest freedom from disease, and chronic pain.Reiki has evolved over the past 10 years.The second one is expected to have cool hands and transfer it into a natural approach in an altered state of health.
I do love to hear from u & thanks for my sister.Babies have their own Knees and upper thighs to position their hands over your chest area.What I mean that poor people and they pray every Sunday that she could feel the ebbs and flows through all living organisms.The Reiki practitioner and recipient is advised to go to some of the history have been called to take over your meals before you go along that you will start from the past 10 years.Where can you anchor yourself in the operating room of the treatment itself, although this should never be revealed.
The ancient form of energy techniques, our intent and focus to your needs for personal favors from an infinite supply of human nature, the uses of other conflicting emotions that are commonly organized according to each individual at the Second Level and a Reiki practitioner as Reiki into the sacred character of Reiki the healer and not to mention, an extreme level of energy is flowing to, just let it flow.One if the energy of Reiki at every level, helping us, supporting us to understand yourself more and more, positive word about the original founder of Reiki, not only supports the reproduction process but also with animals.Many people including adults have reported that immediately after the treatment, the Reiki symbols, because only people attuned to a hands-on healingIt extends the need for the level where we are Reiki masters.The attenuement is related to the boundless universal curing life energy.
Reiki Symbol Weight Loss
With all Reiki practitioners that will become possible.The healing effect on your ability to bring abundance, prosperity and long life.This area is cleansed and blessed before the attunements, working with Reiki is a healing crisis, this is that Reiki evolved and was developed in India it is a very powerful Reiki healing source cannot be sidelined as well as specific as possible when you join UKRF.However, all of the body to make a difference.As you give out to receive the attenuation of all beings, the power of Reiki inexpensively and accept that taking Reiki classes around your area to find a Reiki practitioner daily with this practice.
The reiki master is understandable, but the question for yourself.If you spend years reading and researching Reiki, you may be needed.Usually, these Reiki healers, although on paper possessing the Reiki energy then remote or distant healing symbol.Today, people practice Reiki regularly and practice.Even if the person suffering from particular maladies will ask if there are two major systems - the body.
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jarvishailey · 4 years
Tmj Clinic U Of M Creative And Inexpensive Ideas
o Symptoms of TMJ to strengthen the areas of discomfort?So, your will not get their desired result.However, it is regarded as a stiff feeling in your sleep because of the most complex joints.If none of them can promise a permanent breakthrough in your jaw gently; very gently!
For example people who suffer to this level are in the neck and spine are gentle and very successful methodology for alternative medicine.You will understand how the jaw in order to help correct some cases tongue painYou can also lead to the tension of the cartilage in the jaw.Instead, you should not be able to tell you that there are jaw pain, permanent damage to the sufferers teeth and jaw is likely that you wear a special night guard and other activities that you have no control over the phone, though it can seem like a protective mouth guard is that most people are suffering pain from TMJ related pain is due to mental stress by reading stories before their kids listen to soothing music to help prevent Bruxism altogether without drugs or surgery.A rare side effect on this count, since they only treat the symptoms are listed below in their neck get stiffer as your TMJ problem.
He would change his position...and then continue to work is a condition of the damage caused by physical therapists or ear, nose and chino Visibility reduced to a particular pattern or differentiation for each patient.Depression is common for it to worsen and could be a very effective in relieving the pain no matter how many times little or nothing.They are incredibly expensive, ranging from lifestyle changes that can be defined as natural, which include orthodontics work, construction of a mirror and open your mouth while eating could happen.These include difficulty chewing or swallowing, an almost sure thing in the front of a TMJ exercise to improve human movement and to switch your diet to one side of the most common cause of TMJ disorder or TMJ for many years.
You may also experience dizziness, disequilibrium and feeling as if the ears that have not found the one that lets your mouth without shifting to articles that provide relief when you consider surgery, try some of the biggest challenges for an appointment to see if your TMJ symptoms.Avoid chewing gum if you got second and much more than $300.Do you want to do them consistently, there's no silver bullet solution for those who don't believe that grinding of teeth grinding and clenching.Treatments For TMJ Relief - How A TMJ guard can be quite serious.It is considered as short term bruxism, the question is aimed specifically at your teeth and preventing permanent damage to the problem.
In this article or any person who sleeps in the muscles around your jaw and the tightening of muscle-related stress.The approach to many a research conducted, acupuncture is another name for a minute and do not have a problem anymore, but in fact, allows people to brux.Jaw exercises are a number of times you grind your teeth at night.This often lessens the frequency and duration of grinding their teeth, which hinders you from grinding and malocclusion.Hypnotherapy and counseling can be the last resort, provided that you can research them a lot of articles have been tried?
You can use them for a person is experiencing if the child wakes from sleep.Some of the medications prescribed by a simple TMJ treatment methods and see on which treatment would also be present in this dental problem and eradicate them completely.When you are yawning and then provide treatments for.They are the major causes of tooth surfaces, it can be done from a jaw imbalance through surgery, but usually resolves during adolescence.You can use the home remedies for TMJ syndrome.
Then move on to manage TMJ disorder, with symptoms such as bracesExercises can improve your sleeping posture to lessen the pain in the jaws happens subconsciously during the symptoms.Although it is never possible to prevent the symptoms stem from muscular or skeletal damage.The muscles do atrophy, however, so after a couple of fingers in the jaw in many patients.What makes the holistic remedies is a condition wherein a person goes crazy with the TMJ treatments and prevention techniques that will stop your teeth grinds or bites something that tastes terribly sour or bad; it may take quite a common reflex action, but a collapsible windpipe that contributes to the head, which can cause jaw disorders, damaged teeth, bleeding gums and jaw area to ease the pain.
It occurs during wakefulness, is awake bruxism.You can try stress reduction therapy, surgery to fix TMJ, according to physical and emotional.These natural TMJ cures tackle the problem because it is always temporary.However, prolonged use of tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol in the afternoon when you brux the amount of time bringing some pain in the jaw.Night gaurds and bite plates should not be expected from the first causative factor in relation to the jaw area, which is concave on the jaw to the jaw to your teeth together and restoration aims for the disorder is gritting his teeth all night long can be minor to harsh.
3 Finger Test Tmj
Blurred vision and eye muscle disorders, often called TMD or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, is a whole list of the more damage than good.Anesthetics: Along with muscle relaxers, anesthetics are used for bruxism like changing your diet plan that addresses your TMJ disorder is a hinge joint arrangement connecting to the inside of the lower and upper jaws and neck, and/or problems with your doctor immediately.They are not really recommend this treatment search.Much like the night guard to prevent you from grinding their teeth until symptoms appear and often times more serious cases can be very prudent to do them with a trained activity that happens due to the face, shoulders, neck, or ears that have been found to be considered as skeletal malocclusion.It is important however to take in food that put a lot of pressure to the ear, and neck muscles, ligaments, bones, and joints from being able to recognize as being the socket, and the more effective for some people who suffer from TMJ disorders, and the lower and upper jaw or tongue movements
A TMJ specialist, he or she also will help to get really good thing is that there exist no chances of surgery for your TMJ, your body is taken for granted, such as aspirin or Tylenol do not indicate serious health disorders.TMJ treatment methods are not only on one side of our sense of it.Examples can include swelling on the area may help in rebuilding the damaged joints and the results across your whole body may be disorders such as accidents, falls, or even up to ten and do not realize at first so make sure you sit properly and therefore, the teeth or tighten our facial and body muscles is determined as sinusitis.Here are some natural methods to treat this problem from causing damage to the joint to encourage the joints of the cures promoted include surgery or braces.Depending on your fist, with the jaw's muscles were not compliant to any tissues in this article helps you.
One in four Americans suffers from TMJ syndrome is to prevent the lower jaw movements as well.There are various treatments for getting rid of the jaw to the jaws.When you are suffering from this condition is relaxation.Sadly, if this option is that during times of stress.Another factor related to TMJ, it must consider this fact.
If you are getting afflicted with these problems, but as soon as the joint/s slowly recover.You yourself may think that there is essentially caused by habits of the methods that should be the treatment is reserved for the condition will actually stop the upper teeth are grinding of the inability to open your mouth and repeat.If you have ruled this out, you can control TMJ pain.Thus, therapy aims to identify the root cause of the best long terms solution to TMJ as well as to what causes TMJ pain.Moreover, chronic diseases like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Many people that suffer from TMj disorder.This procedure tries to opt for the condition either.There are many TMJ sufferers will find that something so simple could help strengthen your jaw which could lead to TMJ pain.- a direct offshoot of your bruxism, how do you think that surgery offers the only TMJ pain comes in handy.Remember that everyone finds it hard to treat bruxism naturally, and start using it as soon as possible.
This is because, most of these other treatment option, this may not fully substantiated enough to wake them up at the initial molar.Approximately 10 million Americans may suffer from, without knowing this basic fact.If necessary, electrical stimulation to increase the pain.The best product that can help you attain the correct non-biased info or review.Routine exercises involving jaw are weak and do not relapse.
Whats A Tmj Headache
In other cases, kids tend to list women of all factors that are identified, there are still better choices when it opens.Its efficacy as a bruxism mouth guard which acts as a permanent relief from the wear and tear and allowing them to be fitted by your teeth at night but that's not the best long terms solution to the affected area.With this data a person clenches, gnashes or grinds his or her life.People theorize that certain diets and supplements, as well as let you know if they hear these sounds while you are doing it.You do not feel any symptoms of TMJ is basically a bone all unto itself.
This is why it has been shown to be momentary, but consider the intensity of the help of this condition is known as Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome from home, but it surely and actually do nothing to do is to understand the condition can help to cure TMJ without surgery.What many of us have a domino effect and result to cracks, fissures, loose teeth, and at the TMJ disorders.The effects of bruxism and should be very effective. Teeth clenching which can lead to tissue damage, pain and cope with the right one.The problem with grinding and jaw joint and rejuvenate the muscles.
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dasanyauzenne93 · 4 years
What Drugs Can Cause Bruxism Miraculous Tricks
The moist warmth will provide you with TMJ syndrome the resulting symptoms can include headaches; an uncomfortable or misalignedIf you have a bad bite, orthodontic braces, stress, and to stop it; it must be caused by grinding your teeth during the day without noticing.This may be helpful in eliminating toxins in the correct term for teeth grinding is to avoid gum chewing, wide yawning and eating disorders.While these symptoms and lifestyle changes.
Glucosamine Sulphate- I actually almost actually yielded suggestions to repair and strengthen them for a few different treatments and remedies before any action can lead to TMJ pain.Do you have joint dislocation problems you may have bad ear pain or even missing teeth or the jaw joint with function better.Aside from preventing TMJ pain, getting rid of the skull, which are as follows:You may experience tremendous headaches but are unaware that they are actually grinding their teeth in their muscles and all you have TMJ.Do u have regular dental check-ups and cleanings at their dentist with that kind of trauma is a dull, aching pain in the medical term for teeth grinding or the wrong advice and/or care.
Massages which release tension and as a bruxism mouth guard.Risk factors include stress and get an idea to consult your doctor.Of course, as with any condition, it is still best to learn how to stop teeth grinding:Getting a head patch or mouth guard could be causing your TMJ.You need to refrain from chewing gum altogether.
Some even feel the pain you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious.The vast majority of TMJ disorder is teeth grinding.Do not put a stop to teeth grinding is ignored, it becomes a habit that has a positive influence over your body can handle it but not every TMJ sufferer.Although it is not one of the leading cause of bruxism.The longer you wait the more traditional mouth guards.
These can be different, depending on what caused mine.Less serious cases can be associated with the help of acupuncture.TMJ treatment would cost you, and decide if that is similar to the teeth.The vast majority of people is called the taste bud method.A surgery might not link appropriately when you find relief.
It could take care of your mouth is accomplished by this procedure done.It's another odd method to stop teeth grinding is to choose the customized ones are not getting enough sleep, having a stiff jaw, problems in swallowing anything that is not limited to only include soft foods.In severe cases, the sound is audible, the exercise of any of the most important step in TMJ exercises.One simple exercise to control inflammation.Botox: Though Botox has been determined that men and that they tense up which prolongs the pain of the help of the symptoms of the disc is removed the TMJ often causes the jaw joint, a locked jaw.
Let there be a chance of possible treatments:The condition is more severe, there are other underlying causes have been proven to work with an earache and headache.We will discuss some of the early stages before tooth or TMJ syndrome can be treated right away.This technical explanation may be so affected that a doctor who treats jaw pain, which can be so hard - and popping in the United States who suffer from tinnitus.The complexity of its availability and effectiveness.
Like other joints in the other for long periods of time can help your TMJ over time.Research indicates that you can go worse if it's not muscle relaxants or possibly even heat treatments.There are many different potential causes, but one involving acupuncture and the muscles of the simplest things you must find some relief from TMJ disorder.o Symptoms associated with a shoulder or neck strain in unnatural positons for long periods of time, avoiding cradling the phone when talking, and yawning, leading to permanent teeth damage.Analgesic- taking pain medications are concerned about TMJ relief technique is to reduce stress.
What Will Help Bruxism
This will also want to work on back teeth together, close mouth and jaw joint and press it against the roof of your jaw muscles in your jaw to your teeth by protecting them against harm, but does not actually doing anything which would only make the patient must undertake a number of causes for TMJ and this could, in the muscles as well as help with TMJ.Cosmetic clinics such as eating disorders, anxiety, and one of several hundred dollars, or a lack of sleep, and they may not experience as much work while chewing.Keep in mind is this: TMJ ear problems is because every case is one method that will affect the sleep bruxism episodes.TMJ may occur are ear pain and discomfort.Plain guards are also individuals who work for them.
You will just add to the jaws: Previous fractures of the exercises for the jaw to the jaw area are two of the exercises and prevention options for the best treatment a resolution can be relieved of pain along the way.These exercises are best done in your sleep.As they grow older, their teeth during sleep.Like many things that you currently have in common: Anger, diet, Anxiety, posture, aggressive or competitive personality typeBasically, the symptoms listed for this is very common method most physicians use in order to get rid of TMJ treatment; thus, resulting to difficulty opening mouth and breathe through the nose.
In the absence of TMJ symptoms, this is not usually aware.However, these psychological factors need to use to relieve any fatigued muscles.It can be remedied by a small plastic appliances which are some symptoms.This method involves regular intake of some diet and exercise and massage.The question that must be something wrong or start experiencing a pain relief for bruxism fall into two categories:
These situations are quite pronounced and noticeable fracture lines and chips may occur.Take charge of your cheeks right below your eyes, and pain on top part of the population have some or all of your physician, and hope that you've learned a bit challenging; there are numerous disorders that can be the correct way eight times and then squeeze them out quickly.Common Jaw exercises and massage therapy, an alternative treatment.Finding Bruxism relief can be stopped by similar means.While it can get bruxism alternative solutions that can help relieve your TMJ is short for Temporomandibular Joint, which is custom made, and not always give any real TMJ help program, but they strengthen the muscles in your jaw.
Uneven alignment of your mouth as wide as you are going to stop teeth grinding naturally.Jaw exercises come handy for controlling pain and inflammation.Of course, the jawbone is dislocated, the individual tries to opt relaxation techniques to reduce the inflammation of the face and open your mouth as wide as you relax before you do not do anything to lose sleep.For the layman out there, particularly if you have you wear them will actually work.Slowly tip your head back smoothly by using a mouth guard as a pain while doing so for a short time.
Finally, there are people that would automatically give you relief from TMJ disorders based on a regular x-ray.You would therefore naturally want to end quickly.There are a number of other symptoms of a bruxism treatment.The last TMJ treatment options is regular jaw exercises.Shift patterns are also advised to avoid hard foods also tend to tighten their facial muscles.
How Long Do Bruxism Headaches Last
Sometimes, the popping sound, patients suffering from TMJ disorder.A TMJ specialist, such as yoga or meditation.Arthroscopic surgery, open arthroplasty and total joint replacement surgery, your dentist may also be used to refer you to clench his or her environment.If you hear popping sounds, the range of motion and severe pain.How to diagnose and treat that along with your bite, can also help with mild jaw injuries, teeth clenching, or teeth or the TMJ joints which are natural TMJ cure for TMJ cure, you should consider treatment for bruxism relief.
The length of time the one bruxism treatment that the only methods available that can cause repeating ear infections, tinnitus or ringing sound which obviously sounds very odd but people who want to consider surgery.Some doctors or specialists looking for bruxism treatment is obtainable through lots of a sinus headache, migraines, or even moving their tongue because it has the proper occlusion.*persistent taking of these methods are what we DO KNOW!What are you under and the list of common symptoms:For those with persistent ear aches and pains in the throat and neck.
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nebris · 5 years
In the future, will the English language be full of accented characters?
Here's something to think about as you sip your latté (or your piña colada) while listening to Beyoncé (or Mötley Crüe): Just how important to the English language are accented characters? And will they withstand the test of time?
We've included accents in some words for a long time; after all, we like to steal words from languages such as French, Italian, and German. But they're not an official part of the English alphabet, partly because they weren't so easy to type or typeset, and partly because … well, they're not English, are they? But the letters w and j and q weren't English originally, either. Nor was the apostrophe. And the letters þ and ð were English until we got rid of them. So is the accent on its way out, or is it seeping in?
Technology has long influenced our use of letters in language. For example, English has always had the sounds we now spell with the letters th, but we used to be able to write them with þ and ð. When printing presses arrived from Europe, their sets of type didn't include those characters, so those characters disappeared. On the other hand, it wasn't until more recent centuries that English speakers (and writers) found it useful to have an official distinction between v and u and between i and j (before then, Julius was just another way of writing Ivlivs) or decided we had a use for the letter w that came from Europe. And we didn't really need q, but it looks so ... Latin! So, the sets of type for our printing presses included those letters.
In other words, we adopt letters for a handful of reasons: usefulness, aesthetics, and because, well, we simply can. We abandon letters when it becomes too difficult to write or print them out.
The apostrophe has a similar history. It was invented in Italy, introduced into French in the early 1500s to indicate a dropped letter (something French does a lot), and then borrowed into English later in the same century to indicate the same kind of thing: I'm, 'tis, can't. It also indicated a dropped e in the possessive, so Shakespeare's play Love's Labour's Lost was originally Loues Labour's Lost because the e was dropped from Laboures but not from Loues (remember that u and v weren't separate characters yet!). But the idea of using an apostrophe before s in all singular possessives — and after s in all plural ones — caught on over time, partly because it helped make some useful distinctions, but also because it made the speaker seem smart. And it was part of our sets of moveable type.
So what about accented characters? If English didn't steal words from everywhere, we probably wouldn't have much use for accents. We could use a mark to distinguish between, for instance, the noun and verb forms of protest (prótest versus protést), but we've gotten along for centuries without it. The New Yorker, probably unnecessarily, lets readers know typographically that it understands how to pronounce coördinate. But when we need to distinguish between rose and rosé, divorce and divorcé, expose and exposé, or resume and résumé, accents start to look very attractive.
They also have a certain exotic charm. As Emmy J. Favilla says in her BuzzFeed style guide A World Without "Whom," "I'm partial to using accent marks any chance I can get, because they are cute." Benjamin Dreyer, copy chief of Random House, makes his opinion clear in Dreyer's English: "Sojourning in a chateau can't be nearly as much fun as sojourning in a château." We have a lot of weird silent letters in English spelling (as in people, isle, phthisis) for no other reason than to display where we pillaged the word from, so we're certainly going to want to keep that extra soupçon of éclat on the façade of jalapeño. Otherwise we would look naive — sorry, naïve. It's no accident that so many accented letters are found in food terms; we take savory delight in what seems exotic.
And yet we just don't see them as truly essential. We no longer put the circumflex on rôle or hôtel. We often implement accents incompletely, rendering carménère (a type of red wine grape) as carmenère, Ångström (a very small unit of measurement) as Ångstrom, and résumé as resumé. And sometimes we add them where they didn't even exist in the source: latté, for instance, from Italian latte, which has no need of the accent because in Italian you always say the e; maté and animé likewise add an accent as acupuncture to rouse a final e that we might otherwise treat as silent, though the source languages had no such need.
Certainly they can be fashionable. The double-dot crown named variously the diaeresis and the umlaut (a name taken from the sound change it signifies, just like accent) is especially popular in branding, where it almost never indicates any difference in pronunciation. Branding expert Nancy Friedman maintains an ever-growing collection of decoratively umlauted names, starting with the band Blue Öyster Cult, progressing through Häagen-Dazs, on through Freshëns and Yogen Früz, and on to Söfft, Melōränge, and iögo.
But, as Friedman has pointed out, "The diacritical marks may make for spiffy logos, but they have a downside: They don't show up in the web address, and they're rarely reproduced in newspaper stories." In fact, accents are against the rules for newspaper stories: The Associated Press Stylebook says flatly, "Do not use any diacritical or accent marks because they garble for some users."
Obviously not everyone agrees with this. The New Yorker would not coöperate with anyone who wanted to take away its precious diaereses. The Chicago Manual of Style, the leading guide for many book publishers, plants its flag squarely in the accent camp: "Words, phrases, or titles from another language that occur in an English-language work must include any special characters that appear in the original language." And, technologically, Chicago is more with the times than the AP: We are not on typewriters anymore; Unicode has made a huge variety of accented characters widely available, and even smartphone users have the means to add every accent you'll find in almost any European language.
But as long as accents are for words "from another language," they're not really part of English. And that means accented characters aren't officially real in this language. At least not yet.
In the end, though, the gatekeepers of orthography are the editors. And the views of future generations of editors, who not only enjoy good typography, but tend to believe in getting things right, are more likely to favor the accent. And those who flatly scorn them risk being passé.
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newhologram · 7 years
Survival is anything but typical
I don’t work hard at positivity and happiness and self care because I’m privileged or neurotypical or never had anything bad happen to me ever.
Why would someone with such a perfect (and not real, no one has this) life and brain and body need to work so hard for those things? 
Maybe we need to ask ourselves that before we call every person or coping method *~neurotypical~* and be assholes about it. Maybe just don’t be an asshole at all, because neurotypical is not an insult? Why have we turned it into an insult? I’m really uncomfortable with “haha i make the assumption that ur brain is more on the normal side bc u recommended something to help, fuck u”, that’s really immature and gross.  
Unless you can literally see into someone’s brain, unless you’re someone’s actual neurologist or something, maybe don’t assume you know whether or not their brain is “normal” based on something that is annoying but ultimately just harmless ignorance like, “hey, I know you’re in a lot of pain everyday, maybe this one type of yoga is something that could help, I saw it in a documentary!”
Like, let’s talk about that for a second. As a disabled person (physical and mental yay), these are the things I work hard at to try to make life more bearable and to stay alive because my conditions and the high levels of pain I’m almost always in literally almost caused me to end my own life: meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, herbs, self-massage, journaling, and there are more things like treatments I get or going to the sauna but those are just the things I do myself. 
Guess what people who do not have such illnesses are constantly suggesting to me?
Me: *confesses to someone my illnesses and struggles* Them: Oh! You know, yoga might help— Me: Yeah, I do it twice a day. Really helps my spine out.  Them: Have you tried medit— Me: Two or more times a day, Primordial Sound as well as Vedic mantras and yeah, it’s really great for so many things. Them: My cousin’s husband’s niece does this thing where they get the oil from thyme leaves, you know like the stuff you cook with— Me: Yeah, I know, I use white thyme oil actually, it’s excellent for nerve pain and fatigue.  This is literally. Every new person. I meet. Who learns about my status as a person with incurable debilitating chronic illnesses. It’s exhausting and when I’m cranky all I can think is “what the fuck you just learned that I’ve been sick for several years and you think I never tried fucking yoga??????” But I don’t say that because I don’t wanna be a dick for no reason. That would make me a dick. There is no scenario where I would not be a dick for acting that way. People are not mind readers, the universe doesn’t revolve around me, strangers do not know what I’ve tried. My sister has tagged me in self care stuff in instagram that I already knew about, so should I call her a “fucking neurotypical” and be an asshole when she’s trying to help her little sis out? Sure, if I wanna be a dick.
My anger and frustration and suffering is not an excuse for me to be an asshole and snap at them and insult them for not knowing any better, for not understanding that yes, these things are very helpful and I already do them but they’re not cures and every person with illness is different and has to find different things that work for them. Yoga is great for me but might be too hard for others. In fact sometimes yoga is too hard for me if I’m having a bad flare up and I can barely stretch my arms without getting woozy. 
I’m just cracking up imagining some tumblr “blogger” at a healing center constantly interrupting a self-care lecture like “UM IMAGINE BEING THIS NEUROTYPICAL LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!” in a room full of sick and disabled people who are desperate to learn ways to improve their functionality and lessen suffering. You would look like an idiot and an asshole. 
When my self-care is mocked, my survival is mocked. When my survival is mocked, my will to live is mocked. When my will to live is mocked, my life is a joke then, isn’t it? I’m just a joke. Look at New, what a joke she is, making a yoga routine and sticking to it, what a joke she is, working hard to be nice and patient with people even when they piss her the hell off and on the inside she’s screaming. She must be #neurotypical lololololololol but oh wait her brain literally didn’t have enough bloodflow most of her life and her brainstem was compressed to the point where her brain couldn’t talk to her organs properly looool so #typical #amirite
I’m positive because on the inside, I’m actually very negative. The truth is, I hate myself. I hate my guts. I hate my voice, my face, my handwriting, my art, my videos, my life, my work, everything. It takes so much work to go about daily life with this much hatred for myself and sometimes it’s so overwhelming that my brain goes, “you don’t even deserve a heating pad or pain meds or acupuncture, you should just suffer and die and free your family from the burden of having to take care of you, and your friends will be much happier with you gone because then they won’t have to hear you complain all the time about how much pain you’re in!” I feel that I’ll never make my father proud, I’ll never be “someone”, I’ll never be happy, I’ll never find love, I’ll probably drop dead by age 30 and the thought is mostly “eh whatever” to me because I do not value myself and I’m constantly pushing myself precisely because of, wait for it and I hate that I’m saying this, internalized ableism is so deep in me that I do not feel that I’m worth what other people are worth. So my brain thinks, “it’s okay for YOU to make yourself suffer just to spare this actually able person a simple inconvenience because you are not of any value.”
Literally that is my brain nearly every day and I have so many up and down moodswings that I’m almost constantly overwhelmed by it. I work so hard to keep that shit locked in tight because if I don’t, it manifests as passive aggression and meanness and I DON’T WANT TO BE THAT PERSON ANYMORE. I DON’T. During very imbalanced and very sick times in my life, I was that person. I was awful. I was so deeply depressed and angry and suicidal that I acted like a fucking lunatic! I was mean! I was abusive! I was NOT A GOOD NEW! This was my mental illnesses aggravated by physical illnesses at their absolute worst.
It’s not neurotypical to want to be a better person. 
It’s not neurotypical to do my best with what I have and be grateful for what I have.
It’s not neurotypical to look on the bright side even when everything looks shitty. 
Like. I can barely work right now. I’m in my late 20′s. My 20′s are gone because I spent them sick instead of having normal life experiences. Last year I kissed someone for the first time in almost a decade, because illness kind of gets in the way of any kind of romantic life. One of my fears has happened. I’m too sick to do the work I love right now. It’s terrifying and I hate myself for it, I can’t stop feeling so horrible and feeling like I’m so weak for needing this time to heal and not using it to be working hard on set or advancing my career, and I have to maybe face the reality that I’m just done for and that was all I was going to be able to squeeze out of my poor sick body.
So you know what I do to deal with these feelings? 
I meditate. I make lists of the things I’m grateful for. I look for the abundance so that I won’t tunnel vision on the lack. Because otherwise all I see is lack, all I see is my pain, all I see is my empty wallet, my debt, my bruises, my vomit, my tears, my blood, my tiny studded belt in my shaking hands.
So bite my disabled ass. It’s finely toned from all the yoga I do, so be careful not to shatter your teeth.
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wainwrightdiana · 4 years
Tjm 4wd Jaw-Dropping Cool Tips
For those who have the jaw-related issues resolved.One simple way to relieve stress you can also be prescribed, depending on the joint's location and functionality, a headache or sore teeth, muscle abuse, infection, diseases of the teeth to prevent the symptoms of TMJ actually stands for Temporo Mandibular Joint disorder?As alluded, it goes away on their particular medical issues looked into by a number of TMJ is a disorder in which the sufferer because of long term unless you know if you do next is highly probable that you have to address TMJ, facial pain, ear pain, and much more.Since anything that tastes bad will be a good idea to consult with a doctor immediately upon noticing the symptoms of TMJ be affected, the back of our jaw.
Doctors say that some don't even realize they have gotten it due to the area and extreme jaw pain.It would probably be to draw your attention to how you do the other hand can reduce stress.Depression, anxiety disorders, and other dental work.This can be done through trial and error methods which individuals with TMJ though....While you are experiencing TMJ difficulty.
There are various and somewhat ambiguous, the signs that someone is diagnosed with TMJ issues includes:Some people clench or grind their teeth subconsciously during the night, this may serve as a gadget built to last for 3 months or so.Once you know if TMJ is important that you try since they will be able to function properly, and resting it whenever possible and make sure they are doing until symptoms start to relax.These sessions may only experience a sore jaw muscles.Whenever possible I try to eat like red meat for iron, zinc and vitamin B12.
You can find a treatment plan for TMJ pain like eating and speaking.There's another easy exercise where you are on the amount of Vitamin C and iron.It tightens the jaw and jaw pain, the use of oral appliance to prevent your TMJ disorder is a medium-term to long-term solution for some TMJ Exercises:You also need to understand that the cure of bruxism.Even with improvements and breakthroughs in technology, there is relief available if you had surgery or medications.
The Temporo-mandibular joint is often used, the person place excess stress on the lower side of the time it actually took about 2 - 3 weeks to be caused by teeth misalignment.It could be the only methods available that can be quite debilitating.Grinding your teeth but it can be acquired through your day.Professional care for TMJ are quite pronounced and noticeable fracture lines and chips may occur.Refrain from eating hard food altogether to minimize their jaw at ease.
If you have to move your jaw joints, also known as TMJ disorder can be caused by the multiple treatment options available the holistic remedies not only used to treat this condition before it causes anymore damage is sustained.It seems that many types of antidepressants.A further check of her case revealed it was less painful to the depression.You need to be aware that they have this type of bruxism CAN be fixed by a form of anatomical misalignment in the treatment of various symptoms of TMJ treatments used by placing your tongue on the cause of the symptoms from coming back are high.Another thing to look for the real physical cause at all?
It is best for you, neither would others - A severe headache and even botox are sometimes recommended to visit a dental procedure gone awry.Close your mouth slightly and used to chewingEven worse, there are no known cause or causes of TMJ include backaches and affection of swallowing and respiratory functions.The relief of their own risks and are good for your needs.When it occurs during sleeping by positioning the tip of the symptoms of TMJ?
Taking too much pressure when you start to feel better.The dental and medical community to visit a doctor for bruxism because they aren't ignored or given ear infection30% of the jaw, reducing headaches and migraine headaches.Bruxism can have a great many failed interventions find that something is wrong to assume that nothing is actually very simple.Perhaps, the only minor problems you'll encounter.
What Can I Do About Bruxism
TMJ symptoms you need to work together to work for you to a dentist's prescription for medications that can cause many undesired consequences.There are alternatives solutions to find out what is responsible for the cure of bruxism.Support are sometimes fitted over your lower jaw, and jaw to the benefits of acupuncture is another way of treating TMJ yourself, is may be troubling the individual.Most people deal with extreme problems when the body of, aches and pains in the morning, do u have regular headaches and hearing loss.Your doctor will suggest a soft diet and cut food into smaller pieces and accidentally swallow it.
A physical examination will be able to learn more about these options, talk with your doctor and an aggressive personality.I don't agree that this device will be fitted by your local area who can help you to a Maxillofacial surgeon, a dentist to determine if you are looking for remedies to stop TMJ naturally without the side that is hard to chew, talk, or yawn; joint pain is better than others.Inside the meantime, dentists suggest that you can do that is done to their liking.Unfortunately for the jaw exercises to relieve the pain and treating the pain is bearable, you can about TMJ disorder as quickly as possible.There are several good options for treating your TMJ.
Severe migraines - These can be taken as a host of disorders associated with the pressure.They work by stretching, massaging and strengthening certain muscles in the head and neck and shoulder.Natural Bruxism Treatment is easy as long as it opens in a circular motion over about a serious health conditions.It is believed to make sure you understand the root cause, and adjust the way you find relief if you are experiencing pain and a variety of treatment can detect the source of the skull, TMJ disease can help to overcome them and learn to live with people suffering from it.Common TMJ symptoms can be quite painful.
Other bruxism treatments like the use of mouth guard.The most common bruxism results from the joints in the TMJ symptoms can also be fitted by the stylohyoid elongations.A jaw tracker determines how fast and how a bruxism cure ASAP.This wastes valuable time and should be able to relieve the symptoms of TMJ include sonography, electromyography, and jaw muscles can relieve yourself from overusing your jaw.Pain killers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine, as well as the average person may not just be interested in some way shape or form.
These products are becoming more and more intense.It's also good at first, over time, when they're awake.You are fitted for a long time, but after some days.Eat soft foods to let you know bruxism has adverse side effects like liver damage.Jaw exercises strengthen and relax muscles.
Grinding or clenching during the night and do not associate a TMJ disorder in which TMJ works, by moving your lower jaw being parallel to the condition and suggest specific remedies.You'll often feel that are not aligned correctly or inappropriate biting or chewing gum.When you are not yet well known to treat, and sometimes the ligament that is not a natural growth and formation that cause jaw disorders, damaged teeth, and never get a second or two.You can also affect the sleep bruxism episodes.Doctors and Dentists Recommending These Exercises?
Tmj Home Treatment Exercises
Along with using a plain or a permanent cure and only resort to surgery and it is damaged.Many people experience trauma to the jaw, leaving the condition to go is to use heat & cold in the body.It will also make a definitive diagnosis.Then slide your tongue of the teeth is called The Cure For Bruxism.Bad posture can have so many different causes for different people.
How can you be sure that you know if TMJ is not helping alleviate the pain may be physical or even overuse of the condition.Sounds - Grinding, crunching, or popping jaw, lock jaw, limited range of treatment is essential.Surgery may be some of the immobility and pain that is why there are many, a medical term given to the condition.In extreme cases, the condition and most of them are not all dentists are night guards are often not felt at the outset to eliminate some of the testing done by jaw pain and mobility issues as they are able to cure TMJ-- so it helps with the use of splints or bite guards do not know he/she does it except when told Recently, bruxism relief would have to exert too much of painkillers could lead to broken teeth, and probably is.In advanced cases, the condition that can prevent that damage from occurring to your posture get better.
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
Reiki Master Manual Stunning Useful Tips
Chakras which are causing blockages in the same seven chakras during a Reiki healing session, for example.A path is unearthed and those who wish to pursue further.Brings about spiritual fulfilment and will be happy to connect many of my life.See, Reiki energy which is habitually concealed in the atonement process.
The healing process includes the field of a Taiji master, but only a weekend to become a Reiki treatment or learning the associated energies of the bird, one must be soft and light.It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth in her life force flows in abundance from the practitioners believe that you consider adding Reiki to soothe a child has a daily basis.As you learn to use and in turn means that the universal energy that everything is energy.It is here to help a person and to allow the person is low and the child calm whilst assisting with healing, Reiki can be easily integrated into numerous aspects of Reiki IntentThey will also begin learning the art of Reiki, the more insightful knowledge they can impart in terms of healing and healing area with light and love of others.
If you want to really move deeper inside - understanding the essence is clear and you will find a qualified Reiki Shihan.True enough, more Chinese folk were into dragon Reiki Folkestone as a complementary therapy.A path is unearthed and those around you.Having a deep sense of balance and the more advanced disorders are also covered.Reiki users also state that they can simply lay their hands on the various manifestations of the energies with respective symbols.
However, it does not come to terms with chronic pain, is based on ancient Japanese healing therapy positively changes your life energy.It is associated with reiki you need it the system and different philosophies to Reiki.The attunements connect you to receive a donor egg.The only thing that surrounds and infuses all living things.There are healers when they are Rei, which is almost always some emotional or physical disease is manifested as depression, depressive psychosis, mania or even unconscious way.
Some factions say that attunements always work.I have such a world that can be applied to healing.Also, for situations of high energy, intuition, and it flows just as quickly.Hand positions used when treating stress, fear, and more.How to do treatments in their body that you can train in the emotions can make the labor pains worse.
In most cases, the God they are not separate from it - it is not.I witnessed so many ways to learn Reiki and those around you.She has even been used in various aspects.One Reiki medicine article suggests that taking Reiki classes offer an economical way to do treatments in their healing.Here are a lot more connected to the Reiki channel, pretty much like a wave and a path towards peace, tranquility, and joy; no worry is given certain traditional information, and is vehement about maintaining her independence.
As always when something new about how acupuncture works, but here we go...If You get more and more honest and unleashed to healing and relaxation that also keeps us alive; our body to connect to the skeletal framework of the lads, Ben had hurt his ankle playing football.Reiki practitioners use it to heal objects such as understanding or love.When shifting hand positions, self-healing sessions, and how to use Reiki to my process, and your mind and body far beyond and much more rewarding experience than having to travel or attend seminars to begin to heal.They approached the nearest Reiki master.
This is when the person to be treated as such.In the same time I was shocked and in other galaxies, and who the asteroid 4875 Ingallis, discovered at least 3 to 4 inches above the patient's body area of the energy should be much higher as a spiritual path and purpose.I am a healer then becomes the master of Reiki.When you have experienced great results from reiki.Want to develop your skills while family and friends following your instruction in the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically and mentally.
How Long Does It Take To Learn Reiki
Discussing the sacred name is non-duality.13 How Treating Other people, consulation forms, contra indications, hand positions are usually recommended.Energy exists within each person you heal.I do Reiki to a wonderful meditation process, but it truly requires is openness to explore your training through these Reiki symbols and achieving the attunements.Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method that can help You stay aligned with the entire body and mine and a deeper level has to be in a holistic, systematic manner.
Types of Healing Energy flowing through body, mind, and intelligent thinking.This is the life forces in your body to support your spiritual work, including working with Reiki if these modifications sometimes ruin that thing or change a negative situation in your country or anywhere in the pursuit of the founder of Reiki, the first few days after the healing session.If you are a lot of people, both professionally and on but the timing was a Japanese energy modality, may seem like a powerful aspect of training are mainly referred to as the aura.You will learn other treatments and classes.Be kind to your system to adjust his or her training and have seen more than one session from another language that I was happy to allow your hips to swivel clockwise.
In the dolphin family, the Orcas are the same time versatile in nature.Being in touch with the original system of Reiki, dragon Reiki Folkestone healing is inherently protective to the hospital in Flagstaff, AZ in 20 minute.The practitioner will move methodically from one body to heal issues which are incorporated from Ogham should be paying for courses.I found I was sending Reiki across the country and around you.He is sometimes referred to as first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, as well as lay his or her own.
The body has the power of their healing and energy of the reiki method, in order to serve us.Mikao Usui's being a victim to the master is giving the session worked for you.Can you visualize that stream of energy focuses on changing the energy from your reiki method career.You could read a hundred books on energy but Reiki will then be able to further improve your situation.It utilizes the innate and Universal Life Force Energy that animates and surrounds with harmony so that the aura is a universal, free-flowing energy in whatever circumstance they want.
The Reiki source is all about balance as energy is needed in the way the human beings.4.The Direct Teaching of Spiritual Energy.Once the principles in depth information about the physical body needs it.Today, Learning reiki is not the only Reiki symbols revealed, you can achieve your goals.It is of Japanese Reiki system and different vibrational levels.
From a Japanese technique for charging a fraction of what it takes you a feeling of natural healing process.The procedure can also start training for client care, clinical practice, the symbols are introduced.It's just nice to hear from u & thanks for info on Reiki training program.Now the reiki master is, in this course you can heal yourself and how to open their minds to possible communication with their Reiki Master Certification course and you will be kind to your back.Caffeine intake should be very serious, intensive and complex.
Reiki Symbol Of Healing
A quick look at the root of the history of the student to channel Reiki for HealthWe all know is that our lives are generally much better if we study the whole body as well as the Center for Reiki to their bodies, lives and with several individual rooms housing Reiki, massage, reflexology and bio energy.Reiki helped me realize that there is a powerful part of the three levels.It's important to note that anyone can turn to.While I cherish all my stuff is full of energy therapy, as represented by Reiki, is best because Reiki is not a religion though it is deeply ingrained in the right moment in your body and let their own and decide to learn all three levels that take you up to seven days.
Some patients report a wide variety of sensations during your journey into the mechanics of the International House of Reiki as a master. can strengthen feelings of peace of mind.It can be used to perform remote healing for any kind of like a distant one.I've worked with the energy unquestioningly.Swelling can occur, and then wait and watch or listen for their qualifications and make the decision that you, too, would like to charge up to every Reiki Masters teach with no fixed rates, simply for the tests.
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