#((She can 10000% be convinced to share))
xxvalkyriesxx · 24 days
No but picture it, Nessian's last kid is their only son (they have like 7 daughters). He's the spitting image of Cassian minus his eyes, those are all Nesta.
But, their son doesn't want to be warrior. He doesn't want to fight or go on adventures. Instead he shares his mother's passion in music, but falls in love with musical theater. He wants to be an actor.
So the Lord of Bloodshed and Lady Death are literally taking him to auditions and rehearsals. Imagine sitting next to the two of the fearsome warriors of the Night Court sitting stone face waiting for their son to emerge.
It took some time for Cassian to wrap his head around the idea of his son being an actor, but when he saw him emerge from his first play (picture any elementary school play), seeing the joy on his son's face, Cassian never looked back. He learns about stage directions and how to read music (he's getting there but to be fair his mentor is Gwyn who can be a little intense).
Nesta starts getting involved in the theater. She helps her son become an amazing dancer so that his skills are the ones that casting director is seeing and not who his family is. Nesta ends up making a lot of his earlier outfits (with the help of Elain and Emerie).
They don't pick favorites among their kids, but it's clear that their baby boy is the golden child. He's also 10000% a mama's boy (to the point that his older sisters convince him to ask Nesta for something they want bc she'll probably say yes to him).
They're so proud of him as he grows to become a famous actor. He becomes so good at playing a part he even tricks his high lord uncle sometimes. His other uncles and aunts are so impressed with him! His aunt who's high lady goes to him help her with public speeches.
And he was born on the anniversary of their mating ceremony. Literally he was born with a golden light around him. He shows the world Illyrians are more than just warriors. They can be anything they dream.
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silviakundera · 2 months
The Princess Royal ep 27 and 28
The moment when both Li Rong and Su Rongqing are like SHIT, your brother stepped into our game of thrones.
Damn it Su Ronghua, omg this is making me more heated than in the book.
now they're giving me the future flash of his death to make me sad but NO. NO! ACUALLY IDC. everything is your fault. 😤
blah blah romance with Shauggan Ya NO. NO NO NO. JAIL FOR 10000 YEARS
It's divorce era! SRQ's absolutely full proof plan has NOT devolved into a scenario that will lend PWX more power and cause his ex to soon start humping him like rabbits.... right... right?????
but who caresssss when my bro Cui Yulang is back in town 🎉
THE WAY HE HAS BOTH SRQ AND PWX SO PRESSED because they know he would hit that with the fury of god lololol
Look I do hate Consort Ruo but this whole poisoning the emperor thing is her 1 good idea
I am a simple woman who enjoys watching SRQ realize he's been clowned. And drunk Cui Yulang and exasperated Li Rong passing back & forth messages
Every time he brushes back a tendril of hair, I can hear her from the novel, "Be normal!"
They kept it! So I can be a softy and I admit was a bit charmed by this minor character when LR shared her view of someone with talent and perhaps desire to be of use, but who in her life never accomplished anything... and then he stops pretending to be a shallow pretty face for a moment to confess the real reason he wants to work for her is simply that he thinks she cares about people. I was disarmed by the way he doesn't think she'll believe that - but she immediately does (how few people have believed that about her, how few people have taken him seriously)
They even included PWX's petty ass fucking with the carriage 😭
Oh pleaaaaseeeeee Cui Yulang trying to come up with complaints about Li Chuan and everyone is like ?? ?? 😭😭😭
MY BODY IS READYYYYY for Li Rong digging a big pit with spikes and convincing Consort Ruo to enthusiastically jump in
Please don't let me down drama, I want that whole scheme!
For once the Su Rongqing and Li Rong scene actually worked for me. I did feel that moment where she bluntly references that this battle is heading in 1 direction: one of them will fall. We can see the blow hit both them. SRQ has been stubbornly in denial that this fight is against her faction but he's not taking her down - not truly. Not this time. But she just ripped all pretense away.
(this is where the story gets me to care about their dynamic. not as a love triangle, which it never really has been. but as 2 broken things that used to huddle in the dark to keep warm, now with a new chance in the light... and this is what they're going to do with it? fight to the death? it's sad.)
My darling Pei Wenxuan has not actually lost in brains from jealousy. Good for him.
(In the novel during this time he's secretly plotting shit about the exams and hiding it from LR, because of the whole 'we used to be the leaders of 2 competing factions in the last life' thing that LR was originally concerned about but then the glow of love made her stop being concerned about it, but guess!! what!!)
(I'm 98% sure they are gonna simplify that conflict.)
"Would you like to have the Inspectorate Office?" yaaasss lets goooooo
Su Rongqing, having no idea of wth is going on: Am.... I about to be clowned ?
as of Round 3 (work in progress):
Li Rong: 2
Su Rongqing: 0
Cui Yulang: my sincere love & devotion, whatever what's worth
[preview shows that next 2 episodes start some horny sneaking around ! whee!]
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tay0la · 1 year
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Did I just finished watching 1899? Yes.
Do I want to share my thoughts? Yes.
That intro??? That was so good. I didn't skip it for the whole show.
The character writing? I could kiss the creators. & the actors for being perfect.
The mind fucking plot? 10000/10 (I don't get it but I love it)
I can't go on without spoiling (do not read further when you haven't watch the show)
Daniel, again. Like he is really out there suffering the most (suffering isn't a competition but you know what I mean)
The scene, where they all go jumping off, was hilarious to watch (the shots with the whole ship, ofc not the scenes with Krester and Lis mom)
Olek being a decent human being. 🥰🥺
I do think Maura's father is wrong when he tells Elliot that his father doesn't care about him. Daniel knows his son is dead (probably) so he knows he can only save Maura. He'd save him if he could. I am 100% convinced and you can't change my mind about this.
Did Krester really blame Tove for killing the man, that attacked him and abused her?😐 (Yes, killing isn't good but how dare he to be so rude?? Especially since he was the reason. It was bad reasoning from the man but still.)
Krester's mom out there testing and stressing me. (She threw a boy out of the ship because she thought he was the devil. The way she treated her children, especially wishing death on Krester?)
Clémence is amazing. I would die for her.
Also, everyone is like Eyk+Maura 🥰 —Well everyone except me because my man (Daniel) is out there awake for at least 16 days (he must have gone through 2 simulations at least) just to help his love, who does not remember him.
Also theory: if Maura created this simulation, she also created that Daniel would come to help her get out of it. Because she trusts him.
And now my sore hate against Netflix for canceling this show (we got so many Riverdale seasons???):
This show has so much potential for a second season. I mean come onnnnnn. The show was so so good and it only had 8 episodes. Robbed.
Did we got robbed of the hot villain brother that is keeping his sisters in simulations solely because he hates her? Yes. I'm convinced that we got robbed. (I do think he hates her, because on the envelope to Maura, he wrote Henry and Maura stated that he used to call her like that because he hated her.)
Maybe he doesn't want Maura to suffer but their father. (Wow, I just realized that could have been another option)
I do think the spaceship is another simulation because of the triangle in her eyes and (I might didn't notice) Daniel wasn't there and he said a minute before, he would be there if she woke up. Always.
I felt like everyone else was there except him (—and maybe that's because of my bad eyes—) which is fine because he wasn't supposed to be on the ships either.
I feel like we could have seen a traumatic flashback from her father and brother in the second season.
All I want is for Daniel and Maura to find peace again.
Also, I wanted Tove, Clémence, and Maura to team up and being absolutely badass. Got robbed.
Everyone did such a good job with this show, the actors, the creators, the camera staff, the post-production staff (special effects, etc.). Everyone except Netflix.
The plot is amazing and there is so much left to unpack and I'm really devastated that we won't see all that “glowing up” for another season. :(
Now a poll because I am finally able to make on😁:
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ordinalastronaut · 17 days
omg I would 10000% read your headcannons for everything Nat and Maria (and even Clint and Ellie) like and hate. Like I said: obsessed
There’s a pretty long list of them! Ranging from normal (Maria got into West Point on a cross country scholarship and still runs to clear her mind) to really out there (Ellie has 2 middle names she picked out herself when Maria adopted her).
If this is actually something people want, I can be convinced to share more.
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steepedwonders · 5 months
is not matt she's just doesn't get it lol i told you in another ask that if she's using a vpn she will be banned she keeps making blogs from the same IP i bet tumblr already blacklisted her she needs to chill wait a while and use her real IP
Hopefully that works or she can connect with someone in Tumblr support.
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bubski-mcboo · 1 year
Dreaming of a Jodie Whittaker/Sophia Di Martino Goddess.
Okay, so I keep having this recurring dream and I need to share it.
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I'm about to start some sort of presentation to a very sparse classroom. The stuff I've studied never really required any presentations, so this was new territory for me.
The classroom I'm in looks vaguely like one that was in use at Bournemouth and Poole College, only it has no windows.
I'm getting super stressed out about the presentation, which I'm woefully unprepared for, so I go to an adjoining room to work on it.
It is a dorm room belonging to me, also with no windows and with American prison vibes, but not something I worry about.
Everything has a green tinge to it as if we're in the matrix or the good omens version of hell.
(For the record, I don't think you *can* upgrade perfection like Jodie Whittaker or Sophia Di Martino.)
Then an older (but stunning) woman with an athletic build and a blonde bob comes to calm me down. She's probably only thirtyish but I think I'm probably late teens/early 20s in this dream.
Even though awake me doesn't know her, dream me does. She's on the staff at this imagined educational facility, almost certainly a teacher/lecturer. So clearly, she is 10000% my type, like an upgraded Jodie Whittaker/Sophia Di Martino with a touch of authority.
I'm writing a supporting character who seems a bit like her actually, only she's a gardener, not a teacher. Maybe a "mentor" figure.
When I wake up, she's asleep, and suddenly I realise that I need to cook something amazing for this goddess who is asleep in my bed even though I've just come out of surgery (apparently. I've fully recovered IRL.)
Anyway, this woman is calming me down, and then I realise that the vibe here isn't professional, it's friendly. Then it morphs from friendly to intimate - but not exactly sexual, although that boundary is wafer thin. I get nervous for non-educational reasons, because this woman is waaaay out of my league, and yet she's giving me strong vibes. It's as if she thinks we're already in a relationship and forgot to tell me. Not that I mind.
At this point, that green tinge to everything is gone. She convinces me, without words, to snuggle down on my bed, and obviously, I'm super-duper okay with that.
So I vault into my kitchen, which is apparently joined by a window and not a door, just as Jodie Di Martino gets a phone call that sounds more like an alarm. The volume is so loud that I hear the entire conversation;
Phone: "Hello, we need your password to complete your request for - "
Blonde goddess: "Oh right, you still remember me from the tower-"
Phone: *interrupts with urgent yelling*
BG: "Yeah, yeah, it's *****" (a username I used at school)
It's at this point I wake up, feeling very concerned that I'd left this remarkable woman in a Fallout 4 sort of situation with sub-par food that I hadn't even had time to cook for her. My last sleepy thought is, "But she can look after herself," and a part of me knows that she can kick ass, even though I don't know how I know.
I don't find this strange, still intent on cooking for this wonderful woman; which tracks because its one of my love languages.
For some reason, I'm looking in the cupboard under the sink, which isn't somewhere I store food items.
The kitchen looks vaguely like my ex's parent's old kitchen (second boyfriend), except it looks rather rusty and abandoned.
I realise the only food I have is baked beans in rusty cans - the label on them is the old white "tesco value" brand which was a callback to impoverished living at the end of secondary school - though I've never let a kitchen nor tins of food go rusty like that. I suddenly felt like I was in a post-apocalypse situation
After waking up, I realise I've seen this woman before in many other dreams. Every time, she's pretty keen on snuggling even though that isn't a thing she generally does with people.
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sandupommelfrog · 2 years
Had some thoughts ab vague urban fantasy vampire Xicheng au
the Jiang family r apothecaries and serve both humans and non-humans. The Yu line has been p involved in criminal underbelly type stuff but Yu Ziyuan stopped doing that several yrs before they had kids together. She still teaches her children how to defend themselves.
Wei Wuxian is great at experimenting and creating new elixirs and shit, Yanli excels at putting customers at ease and figuring out what options there r for whatever help theyre seeking, and Jiang Cheng is bookkeeper/paper work extraordinaire.
YZY and JFM still hv a troubled marriage bcut the fact that since the 3 siblings started working, they fill different but essential roles and work in tandem at the shop, its gotten a bit better.
In this part of the city, non-humans r p chill and the humans who r aware of them r like “oh thats just my flatmate Marleen shes chill but like i hv to hose her down after she comes back covered in mud and twigs from a full moon romp”
So hunters r not particularly well liked even by humans bc of History, but they deal w monsters and demons that ur average person cant.
Lan Zhan walks into the shop one day looking to restock his toxin antidotes and Wei Wuxian is immediately and obliviously smitten and invites him to various parties and shit, to which he declines but keeps finding reasons to visit the shop and see Wei Ying <3
Lan Xichen is in the depression zone bc he was tricked by a black market trader (JGY?? Idk yet) into killing several innocent non humans and is seriously doubting whether he can make sound judgements and actually protect ppl. LWJ recently made him move back into their shared apartment but hes still hving a rough time.
the Wens r a vampire clan, and the Wen siblings frequent the shop too and deliver them warnings that Wen Chao is going to try to extort them
after the Jiangs refuse to give in to their extortion attempts, they burn down their shop. Their parents r alive but comatose and the siblings go into hiding
Wen goons r ab to nab WWX but JC sacrifices himself and gets killed and turned.
WWX gets LWJ’s help since the Wen extortion stuff was already a big no-no but an attack and kidnapping like this is under the Lan hunter’s perviee. WWX goes apeshit and takes 10000 psychic dmg when he goes to rescue his babie brother only to find a feral and hungry babie vampire JC.
JC is subdued and put into needle coma by Wen Qing while and WWX recuperates before going to make Wen Chao regret being born but uh oh! The Wens hv gone into hiding now that the Lans r involved.
WWX feels at fault for JC getting kidnapped and turned bc He is supposed to b Protective Older Brother and convinces Wen Qing to bag his own blood to feed JC. Yanli also offers her own blood, altho she cant donate as much.
JC eventually is pulled out of the coma, feeds, becomes lucid, and then falls in depression times as he struggled to come to turns w being a vampire now and he is an extremely hungee boy bc the Wens did something to him.
The Yunmeng sibs stay in hiding for a bit. Yanli salvages what she can from the family shop and w Wen Qing’s help, still meets w clients. WWX runs himself ragged trying to donate enough blood to keep JC lucid and sated and also trying to come up w a tonic to suppress his unnaturally strong hunger.
JC is an anxious mess wrt losing control again and also how WWX is exhausting himself w how much blood hes giving him. JC does what shop paperwork he can while learning the vampire basics from Wen Ning.
WWX finally perfects a tonic to suppress JC’s hunger and is able to recover physically and while they both love each other a lot, things r a bit rocky rn.
Now that hes feeling better, WWX starts to spend the weekends w LWJ looking for the Wens. JYL by chance gets into contact w JZX, werewolf heir to a Business Place or sth and starts trying to negotiate a deal to acquire funds to rebuild the shop while they also both navigate their own awkward mutual-but-believes-its-unrequited-attraction.
WWX and LWJ dont come back one day, and arent answering their phones. JC suspects that theyve finally gotten their heads out of their ass and r fucking. He has negative desire to bug them while Thats Happening but hes unexpectedly run out of hunger tonic and WWX’s notes r illegible.
So he finds LWJ’s address and breaks into their apartment, LXC is just vibing, lying down in bed, w the lights off when he hears someone pick the lock. The Lans hv a fair amount of enemies so hes ready to beat someones ass, esp if theyre the reason Wangji hasnt come home.
LXC catches JC by surprise and pins him against the wall in a kind of sexy way and after a lot of snark from JC LXC’s like oh ok ur chill and lets him go. Theyre both v worried ab their brothers and JC eventually explains his situation and LXC offers himself for JC to feed on while they look for them.
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softrozene · 3 years
Helping Insecure Girlfriend
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Anonymous requested: Thank you Roze! For a request I would be interested in some hc or scenarios (which ever is easier for you !) With Zoro, Law, and Ace who wants to help their insecure girlfriend. She keeps waking up from nightmares from her past abusive relationship and is convinced her current bf is going to leave her because she is too much to handle. Just some comfort and fluff please and I'm so sorry if that's a lot. Don't feel pressured to do it ! ♥️
So sorry for the lateness of this! I have been meaning to get it out for ages lol but I really do hope this brings you comfort! Thank you for your patience anon!
Ace, Law, Zoro x Female Reader
Warnings: Comfort fluff and angst- Briefly mentions of past abuse so please tread carefully. PTSD
*Just a general note but I am proud of anyone who has escaped/left an abusive relationship and I hope that you guys are in a good place. As for those who are not then please do get some help and know you are loved and deserve so much better. Anyway, stay safe and healthy!
Words: 1,450
Two things these three men would all have in common is noticing their partner’s nightmares immediately and being aware that their partner’s ex was rather abusive. It is how they deal with it that varies
Portgas D. Ace:
When he notices, this man is going to feel bad instantly
So many emotions go through him all at once- Worry, sadness, anger, fear, and of course just the overall need to protect you
He will wake you up and hold you, remind you that you are in a safe place
His worry is at large since you do not deserve to keep reliving that nightmare with your ex
However, when these nightmares become reoccurring and how you seem to be pushing him away, not wanting to burden him with the past you keep reliving
You personally feel awful about these stupid nightmares- Why do you keep getting them?
Especially, while you are in such a good and healthy relationship?!
It is just not fair
It feels like your brain is trying to self-sabotage your relationship and it is working
You do not want to keep telling Ace all about your ex and what he did to you
How you feel completely and utterly broken
How he deserves so much better than you
You do not want to keep telling him that but you also wish he realized it too
You are just damaged goods
This cycle goes on for not much longer because of how much Ace cares about you
He recognizes the signs of spiraling out of good mental health and he knows you need help asap
He will always reassure you too
He will make sure you know that he would never stop loving you over something you can’t control
With help from his friends and yours (they do not give up on you), they help you recognize that your ex is no longer in your life and can no longer hurt you physically, verbally, or emotionally
You have Ace and he is doing everything in his power to show you that you are loved, and he will tell you about his own self-doubts and how he thinks it is you that deserves better than him
Overall- This type of relationship and scenario- It would be rather challenging on both sides since you think he deserves better and vice versa. However, Ace would never ever, ever, dream of giving up on you. Especially when it is obvious you are suffering from a past toxic relationship and need all the help and love you can get in order to start thriving and living for yourself
As for what other things he would do to help remind you that he loves you is daily date nights
Whenever or whatever you want to do it is all for you
He is even more gentle and cuddly for you after your nightmare as he reminds you that you are safe and with him and he would never ever hurt you or leave you unless it was a mutual break-up
100000/10 best comfort and understanding man here
Trafalgar Law:
In a relationship with Law, I think he would be very big on trust so talking about each other’s past is a huge step for him but a necessary one in order for you both to be happy in the relationship because otherwise there may end up being a few white lies or the relationship will feel off the whole time
Either way, because of the way Law is- He is just huge on mutual trust
He would essentially know about your abusive ex and the terrible things they have done to you. In a way, he can relate to any emotional abuse and manipulation thanks to a certain someone in his own past
When Law realizes that you are having nightmares about your past relationship he would actually confront you about it within the first few days but only because he needs you to understand you can go to him and he more than willing to hear about them
He is also quick to see your insecurities- The small ways you doubt yourself in this relationship and it nearly kills him
Law is aware of how hard it is to change a person’s mind especially after a toxic person in your life has convinced you that you are nothing
He will be as understanding as you need and will help you through this
Though Law is the one who gets the most stressed and will neglect himself in order to make sure you will be okay as well as your relationship with him
So, it may add to your guilt, but he will reassure you that you are worth it
Ace is more likely to do affirmations with you (as in: I am worthy. I am safe. I deserve to be happy, etc) but I do think that Law is also serious about helping you mentally so he would definitely also be on board with coming up with affirmations with you
On nights that you have nightmares, or your insecurities are at a high, he will stay up with you (hold you or make you a warm drink) and it really is no problem for him, thanks to his insomnia
He is happy to bring a bit of comfort if possible
10000/10 sneaky boyfriend. He may or may not go visit your ex and it is either really creepy or a gift when your ex is suddenly a paranoid person
Roronoa Zoro:
Zoro is the one who refuses to bring up your past in general until he notices it affecting your sleep which ends up affecting your health
He is more complicated in this situation since he will not force you to talk to him, but he will be very grumpy if you do not lol
He needs you to know trust is important and he may not be the most patient, but he will try to show you he can be since he wants you to open up to him on your own terms
Zoro values privacy the most and he is aware that he is not… as sympathetic as he could be which is why Zoro is the one who does not ask or pry about your past until you are personally ready to share it with him
Now when the nightmares start Zoro notices when you get them, all the time, thanks to him being most of the time. He only gets three hours of sleep plus naps (4 am to 7 am) so he usually notices when you begin to stir and cry in your sleep
He is not stupid so he knows when it becomes frequent, that it is a problem
When it begins to affect you in your waking hours that is when he will be like “are you good?” and if you do not answer or you are vague he will give you that raised eyebrow look
Eventually, your insecurities also get too high and decide that he should know everything and it would be his decision to decide if you are too much trouble
After you come clean and he knows about your abusive ex and the terrible things he did that still affect you, it becomes clear to him
He will reassure you that he is nothing like your ex and he would rather die than hurt you
Zoro will ask you and rather seriously “do you want me to kill him?”
He will do it too if that is what you want
Anyway, now that he knows what the problem is he also takes it seriously
He notices you trying to self-sabotage your relationship with him, and he will not have it
He will battle you, with love of course, and make sure you know that he is not going anywhere. At all
He can handle helping you and he will stay as long as you need until you realize that you deserve all the healthy love you ever wanted
As for affirmations to help with your brain- I do not think he would personally do it since he naturally believes whatever he says about himself so he would probably do them for you without realizing it
For example, “You are going to get through this and realize you deserve the love I give you”
It is simply the truth for him so if he believes it so should you
Now for nightmares, he will wake you up now that he knows you are reliving your horrifying past and he will do whatever you need to do in order to put you back in a safe place mentally
40000/10 best strong rock boyfriend
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sunflower-cathedral · 3 years
Credit to Shadeswift99 for the idea!
Rating hermits based on if I could win a fight against them:
Xisuma: 10/10 I will ruin X without hesitation. All I have to do is think of that video where he talked rlly shitty on a gender topic. The amount of unbridled rage-
Joehills: 3/10 he will fight dirty and you cant convince me otherwise. He was close with the convex last season, he has gotten his fair share of getting his hands dirty and I dont trust it.
Bdubs: -10000/10 this fucker will probably destroy me. Look, I could easily go off about how short he is and use his desperate anger as a way to make calculated hits but he is so unhinged. I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is something so so so feral and unhinged in bdubs that's always 2 seconds away from exploding at any given moment. I am also shorter; and very competitive, which would feed into his competitiveness.
TFC: -1000000000/10 I wouldn't. I just wouldn't. I wouldn't even try to hurt him hes minecraft grandpa i love him :(
Cleo: 8.5/10 I feel like I would have a solid chance, but she plays dirty after the initial shock of being attacked. Tbf I usually try fighting her every time shes on the patron server when I'm also on. Also if the rewards of heads are involved she will win 1000% no doubt about it.
False: 4/10 we would be an even match but me being a massive simp would bring my guard down. She could probably destroy my joints if she wanted
Scar: 11/10 I will snap his spine in half in seconds but I will feel guilt because I love him :(
Grian: 5/10 grians not the only person who can play dirty. It would be an even fight
Mumbo: 1000/10 hes a stick
Iskall: 0/10 no
Tango: I'm intimidated. 4/10. I dont trust him, I feel like he could break my neck from 4 feet away but also I feel like he doesn't have the skills against someone who plays pvp related minigames frequently
Impulse: I can and will beat the shit out of him without trying 10000/10
Zedaph: I dont trust a man who isn't afraid of the void and purposefully sits in said void -10/10
Cub: 3/10 he will snipe me to death NOT IF I SNIPE HIM FIRST- also I hate his skin so much its literal cultural appropriation (it's only cultural appropriation because it's similar to what leaders like Cleopatra etc wore: which is sacred to only the most powerful) so actually infinity/10 my pure blind anger and rage will kill him in a 200 block radius
Etho: ... meeehhh I dont wanna fight an OG today 0/10
Doc: look I get he fought God and lost only an arm and won, but listen. I'm A Uni Student. I fear nothing but due dates. I will destroy this man with every fiber of my being. It would be 11/10 but hes a new dad and frankly they're over protective. So he would easily break every bone in my body before I even manage to land a hit on him. 0/10
Wels: i would die for him. I would let him kill me and I would be happy 0/10
Xb & beef: I dont know them well enough but I feel like it would be a decent fight 4/10
Jevin: if he even looks at me he will implode bc of my hatred. I'm still so fucking infuriated by him invalidating and mocking Trigger Warnings infinity/10
Ren: His muscles don't intimidate me, but his never ending support for the rainbow community would make me too weak to attack him. I would be bawling my eyes out and probably end up cuddled by ren. I could never. -1000000000/10
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godneysbaldhead · 3 years
I Lost a Dear Friend.
Two days ago, I decided that I deserved more than to be ignored by a “friend”. That I shouldn’t have to beg someone to hang out with me, and that we just weren’t compatible as friends. I deserved more than I was getting. A friendship cannot thrive if you do not communicate. I was not faultless AT ALL. Like I said, we weren’t compatible.. I wished them well, and after posting something on social media that they both assumed was about them (it wasn’t) one of them posted a status about me where their family decided to make homophobic remarks, make up blatant lies about me, and even came clean about my so called “friend” taking pictures of my home that I PAID her to clean, that she then went around and showed to her family and made fun of me. I was in a deep depression, and I couldn’t bring myself to clean. It was 4 months after a failed suicide attempt, and I still wasn’t fully out of it. I paid this “friend” 400$ to clean my 900 sq ft apartment. I over paid her because I knew at the time, that she wasn’t working and needed the money. We decided on a day I would pay her and she was paid a week after the settled upon date because I was in the hospital with megalocardia (an enlarged heart). I got shit for that too, because I couldn’t get them the money while I was admitted in the hospital. Their justification? “My phone bill is due”. This friendship ended because I had discussed with my friend that when she ignores my messages for days on end, it triggers my anxiety because I think I did something wrong. I made a status on Facebook stating that “being ignored is my biggest pet peeve because my anxiety goes crazy”.
That status was enough to get her to finally message me back after nine messages and one and a half days later, just to tell me how mad she was that I said that. I told her that we had talked so much about it before and the mental effect it has on me, and we both apologized and that same night she went right back to it. This time making sure to read every message I sent, and just not replying. The next day is when all of that happened. I found out the person I trusted, confided in, and felt like I could be myself 10000% with was telling lies behind my back, and sharing pictures of my home that showed me at my most vulnerable. I found out that I was actually being judged by someone who promised to never judge me. I was the one person in her life that tried to push her to be better, and was there a million percent. Yet, she called me an abuser because I asked to not be ignored. I was called toxic because I tried to tell her that I deserved to know if she was going to stand up the plans we made a week in advance. I was called manipulative because I thought I deserved what any human deserves, and that is respect. Her sister was messaging people RANDOMLY on my Facebook friends list that she knew I was close with, literally telling them how I am “manipulative” and “toxic” and that she just wanted to let them know, and that they didn’t do anything wrong at all. All unprovoked. I got 9 messages from people telling me that she randomly messaged them out of no where. Their responses were all the same “yes, because that makes you look so innocent. Randomly messaging people trying to convince them that someone else is the toxic one.” In all of this there were three very hard things that I had to accept. One, this person I trusted to come into my home at my most vulnerable, snuck pictures behind my back maliciously to show people. Two, these are not the people I thought I knew for ten plus years. Three, all that matters to these people is how they look to their social media friends. She lied to her family and told them it took me 6 months to pay her for my apartment. Never happened. She told people I would belittle and berate her. Never happened. She told people I took advantage of her. Never happened. How can you take advantage of someone who has nothing? I paid for every meal we had when she would come over. I would give her whatever she needed, IE laptop for school. She wanted a smart watch, I gave her one. She needed a new phone, I gave her my old pixel.
Out of all of this, how am I the one who took advantage, belittled, or whatever else? At the beginning of this I said I was not without fault. I stand by that. When she would tell me she was busy dealing with something I would ask her “is everything okay?” Or I would get concerned instead of leaving her alone. I am wrong in that. It all came from a place of concern though. I worried about my friend who struggled with the same demons I did. I worried about my friend who also struggles with suicidal thoughts, and who lives in a very toxic home environment (her words). The friendship ending was both of our faults, but during the process I learned what a monster this “friend” actually was. Cold, calculated, and wicked. Taking snapshots of my vulnerability, and dragging the one person who pushed her to be the person she wanted to be through the dirt to anyone who would listen.
My lesson is learned, and I will never allow this to happen to me again. I was the part of the reason the friendship ended, she was the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Before anyone says anything, this friend knows I am diagnosed DID, PTSD, Severe manic depressive, and have childhood trauma. This wasn’t a simple “please respect my anxiety” she knew what she was doing was playing into these ailments, and she just didn’t care.
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I don’t know if I’ve asked before but would you write for Lee or Choji? Maybe a girl that really likes them and they’re super surprised to find out. Could be friends to lovers?? I just think they deserve more writing! I’m also a hopeless romantic. 😅
Why yes I do~ Thank you for the super cute request! <3
Choji is so underrated I love this plump boy so much T^T both of them are so genuinely kind I love them!!!
Warnings: a teeny bit angsty
just lmk and I'll re-do them no problem :(
Friends To Lovers with Choji and Lee
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Choji and you have known each other since you were children in the academy
You guys got along super well, and once it was discovered that you got along with Shikamaru too, you’ve been a set trio ever since
You three are attached at the hip
You guys have the most chill and supportive friendship amongst you
Choji is there to talk about your problems and help you emotionally
While Shikamaru is there to solve your problems and help you rationally
It’s a 10/10 friendship. The type you see in the movies.
You guys are never afraid to be honest with each other and accept one another completely as you are
The three of you always have great laughs and even better conversations
You yourself are particularly funny and make up for a lot of the lighter mood in the group
But you and Choji always got along a little more
You liked Shikamaru for sure, but Choji and you were just... closer
Not in the way that Shikamaru and Choji are close -- those two are each other’s ride or die, there’s no equalling that
But it’s obvious that you’re special to one another, especially once you guys become genin
It’s in the way he always compliments you
It’s in the way he always chuckles at your unfunny jokes
It’s in the way he always assures you that you’re amazing
It’s in the way he always lets you rest your head on his shoulder whenever the three of you are cloud watching
It’s in the way he always offers you food that he’s usually protective over
It’s in the way he always fiddles with your hair or rubs patterns into your back whenever you’re next to him
It’s in the way he never stands up for himself but will take on an army to protect you
And it’s been like this ever since you were little
Everyone can see right through it -- the two of you like each other. A lot.
But both of you are just so oblivious 
Shikamaru just watches the whole thing go down for years with affectionate exasperation
When you guys end up on different teams, he’s a little heartbroken and so are you
He makes sure that you’re always healthy and especially well fed lol
He worries about you on missions
This all lasts for years
What breaks the two of you out of it is Asuma’s death
He’s been hit, and he’s been hit hard
He doesn't know what to do -- he ends up just softly crying to you in a sense of loss
And you’re there for him every step of the way
Being so close to death, especially one of someone precious, makes people recognize the fragility of life
He begins to see the people precious to him in a new light
Especially you
He asks Shikamaru about it, who has long since known that the two of you liked each other
Shikamaru lets him know that there’s no chance of him being rejected (without saying you like Choji) and just lays out the two options he has:
1) There’s a war approaching. You don’t tell them and they go off to fight and could potentially die just like Asuma.
2) You tell them and they don’t die bc now the two of you have something to fight for: your future together.
Choji decides to do it
It takes him a long ass time though
Maybe 4-6 months?
Not because he’s scared (well, partially), but because he wants to remember you as the exact way he fell in love with you for just a little longer
It ends up being over a hang out with some chips and giggles that he tells you
You guys are just sitting on a hill and talking, your head on his shoulder again
Shikamaru isn’t there bc Choji told him his plan
It’s honestly just really casual and sweet
You can imagine what he says lol
You tell him you feel the sameeee 👀
and then y’all kith. Just a cute peck.
It’s so sickeningly sweet. You may get a cavity.
Anywho, falling into a relationship with him doesn’t feel much different than before 
It’s just the same except more affection and kissing
He LIVES for receiving cheek kisses
Also loves receiving praise since his self-esteem ain’t the best
When y’all announce that you’re dating everyone is unimpressed bc they all already knew it was all a matter of time
Naruto is hella confused
He thought y’all had been together since the academy days
You kind of were, now that you thought about it.
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10000/10 friend
Supports you unconditionally and will scream as much off of the hokage monument 
Always has your back
Any accomplishment that you have ends up with him being prouder than you are
You two are just pretty in tune with each other tbh
You definitely admire him from afar 
You liked him first for sure
He’s just super one track minded and oblivious that it was hard for him to notice
You guys were still friends though and bonded through shared missions, training and getting food together after either/or
You just admire his dedication and persistence as well as how hard he tries to make his dreams into a reality
Not only that, but he’s so attentive to your needs and emotions that he’s a really steady figure within your life
No one except a few people close to you know just how much you admire him
You don’t want to distract him from his goals as a Shinobi and tbh it doesn’t seem like he ever will be
You’re convinced for a while that he’ll never like anyone until he’s retired
So when you see him with Sakura it lowkey saddens you
Because that means he does like someone, he just doesn’t like you
However Tenten, who has her suspicions on how you feel about him, casually mentions in passing that although he really does think she’s pretty, she believes Lee’s pursuing of Sakura is only a product of his rivalry with Naruto and Sasuke
Thank god for Tenten, the queen that she is
It’s a long process with Lee
Unlike Choji who always liked you, Lee takes a longer time to see you for just how amazing you really are
It starts out with training
He punches the training stump at a bad angle accidentally and cuts his finger. It’s not bad, but he’s bleeding a decent amount for a cut
He tries to continue but you won’t let him and insist on him being properly bandaged before he continues
It’s when you’re wrapping his hand that he sort of realizes how great you are to him
This doesn’t directly lead to any feelings though
He just starts noticing how great you are in general
He thinks it’s totally platonic too
You land a good hit on him? Wow, you’re so amazing!
You stop to take a drink of water? What an awesome self-caring person you are!
You bandage someone up? Could you be any better?
He just starts to notice things about you that he doesn’t even think are that important, just normal admiration for his friend
You of course already admire everything about him
So when you get asked out by someone else and he hears about it??? 👀👀👀👀
Lee can’t help but think to himself that they just don’t know how amazing you are as well as he does
Again, he thinks it’s totally platonic
Boy is dense
But it still really bothers him
You didn’t even say yes to the guy
But it’s just a matter of him thinking about you with them
Now the boy is not a control freak or dominating product of toxic masculinity
He knows you have a free will and that you don’t belong to him or anything
It was just the thought of you not spending as much time with him and showing off how amazing you are to him that got him sad :(
And then he just kind of realized that he wants to spend all the time he can with you 
And so he does lol
You start recognizing how much time he’s been spending with you lately and how much he seems to want to be around you
And so with a little push from Tenten you decide to confess
But when you do, Lee kind of just goes:
“Oh... so that's what I’m feeling...”
And realizes that he didn't just want to spend time with you, he just wanted you
And so from there, you got to show him just how amazing you are every day forth 😌
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
HAHA Emily, I had a feeling I’d get these from you (though pleasantly surprised at the inclusion of Tomberly!)
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Seth, but Kate has been known to when she being patronizing, usually because Richie is right about something and Seth is not happy to have to acknowledge that
Gets jealous the most - Seth. 10000%. He knows how OUT OF HIS LEAGUE his tiny, vicious person is, and really does not like how she insists on being SO DAMN NICE AND GIVING THE COMPLETE WRONG IMPRESSION to anyone (any MAN) who comes into Jed’s.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Both. Usually Seth (especially when he gets caught up in his feelings), but then there are the nights where Kalinda convinces Kate to come out with the Jed’s staff and they all get full on shmammered.
Takes care of on sick days - Both. Seth gets really worried about Kate when she gets sick, like REALLY WORRIED, because of the whole...Amaru of it all, and is SUPER into taking care of her. But when Seth gets sick, he is a whiny, needy mess of a human person, and Kate basically has to cuddle him until he feels better (”has to” in HUGE quotes)
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Kate. Fuller. Full stop. Seth, for all that he wouldn’t shut up about El Rey, doesn’t actually like the beach all that much (Anakin Skywalker anti-sand vibes here), but he does let Kate drag him into the ocean whenever they go to the beach because she loves it. And also because she’s in a bikini and DUH.
Gives unprompted massages - Seth is the handsiest and cuddliest. Of course he would.
Drives/rides shotgun - Seth drives. Kate controls the music, and doesn’t always play music he can’t stand.
Brings the other lunch at work - Kate. Not that she slides into the homemaker role that her mother took with her family, but Kate knows that Seth gets distracted and forgets to eat, and when he remembers, he eats like shit, so she takes it upon herself that he has at least a meal or two a day that will help him maintain that six-pack for as long as possible.
Has the better parental relationship - Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Kate by default, even though....neither parental relationship is all that great? Jacob did lie to Kate, a lot. And Jennifer, well, she struggled with her own issues and that did put a strain on her relationship with Kate, especially since Kate didn’t KNOW what was going on behind the scenes.
Tries to start role-playing in bed - I actually don’t think either would. They get up to a LOT in bed, but Kate does not have it in her to role play, I don’t feel. And Seth goes along with what’s going to make Kate happy and not embarrassed, because an embarrassed Kate does not have sex.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Kate. She just gives no fucks, and once she starts drinking recreationally, she just likes to have fun. Seth thinks it’s fucking adorable.
Still cries watching Titanic - Seth. It’s a f i l m, and the man knows to appreciate a good movie. Kate just can’t understand why they couldn’t just share the door.
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Kate. Fuller. With backing from Richie. Seth hates it, but well, happy wife, happy life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Seth. Gecko. Full stop. Kate never really saw a need for money growing up, what with her dad and that constant message of providing for your community, so she really doesn’t know what to do with the money she gets being part of Los Tres Geckos outside of some small splurges. Seth, on the other hand, sees things and doesn’t look at price tags because he loves her.
Makes the other eat breakfast - Both. Since they keep such weird hours while running an operation that is predominantly nocturnal, it’s really just whoever is up first and remembers to check that they need to eat.
Remembers anniversaries - Seth. The man forgets nothing, like, from the big things to the little things (it makes him more than a little petty, too, but hey, what can you do?). Kate remembers the big dates, but Seth seems to have an anniversary for every day of the week for the two of them, whether it’s the first time Kate successfully learned a trick of the trade from him, or the day he realized she was still alive, or any milestone time period after Matanzas, or when Kate learned how to bartend, or, of course, the day he and Richie kidnapped her and her family.
Brings up having kids - Seth. He doesn’t want to be the one to bring it up, but eventually, LONG into the future, Seth realizes he DOES want that with Kate, and it’s a very uncomfortable (for him) conversation because she’s still so much younger than he is and he doesn’t want to pressure her, but also he wants it all with her in a way he never eve thought he’d want with anyone.
Kastle and Tomberly under the cut!
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Frank Castle, full stop. When he lets himself, he is v e r y affectionate. It comes to a surprise to Karen, but she gets used to it quick.
Gets jealous the most - Frank, because he feels guilty about the whole thing where he’s a criminal/vigilante and every man who breathes in Karen’s direction he feels could be her chance at a normal life. It takes a while for Karen to beat the stupid out of Frank in that regard, but does happen eventually.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Frank, every single time. Girls night with Sarah and Marci and Jones and Trish and Claire? Yeah. Frank plays DD more often than he ever imagined he would. Whenever he gets shitfaced off his ass, which is VERY rare, he usually bunks down wherever he is, which is always a controlled environment where he’s safe enough to let go.
Takes care of on sick days - Both. Frank is SUCH a family man, and can’t stand it when someone isn’t feeling well, and Karen is the QUEEN of overdoing it when she’s sick, so he has to make her rest. And the rare times where Frank is the one who’s sick? Karen has to force him to accept her help. That’s when she tends to comment under her breath about how exasperating he is, even though she knows he can hear her.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Karen. They don’t often do normal things like, “Hey, it’s beach day!” Because of the well, vigilante of it all, but when they do, it’s definitely Karen who has to drag him out from under the umbrella. The bikini helps a LOT with her case.
Gives unprompted massages - Frank. He knows Karen gets VERY stressed (he doesn’t blame her, working with Murdock and all), and she spends way more time than he things could possibly be healthy hunched over her computer, so shoulder massages are the norm in the Kastle apartment.
Drives/rides shotgun - Frank does most, if not all of the driving, which, of course, isn’t much when you live in NYC. Unless he’s been hurt and Karen has to cart him back home from wherever he was where he got his ass kicked (which, also, is rare.
Brings the other lunch at work - Frank, because A, he loves taking care of Karen, but also a little bit because Matt HATES when Frank stops by the office, and it scares the CRAP out of Foggy, which is endlessly entertaining.
Has the better parental relationship - Well, neither Frank nor Karen’s parents are in the picture, but it would have to be Frank by default, seeing as Karen’s mom is dead and Karen’s dad is a jerk.
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Neither. Frank is pretty straight-forward in bed, and it never occurs to Karen that she’d want to pretend they’re anything but Frank and Karen.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Karen. She doesn’t let loose often, but on girls night? Endless entertainment.
Still cries watching Titanic - Karen gets teary because she gets frustrated. Titanic is just…not a movie that Frank’s a fan of, but he humors Karen whenever she chooses to hate-watch something.
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Not that they really partake on Halloween much, but Karen would be the one most likely to come up with a couples themed costume. Frank would probably find any and every excuse to be busy on Halloween so he can avoid it.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Neither really. Holidays are hard for Frank, and neither are very materialistic. They tend to just spend holidays with one another, or they go to the Lieberman’s, and most of their efforts center on getting nice gifts for the kids.
Makes the other eat breakfast - Frank. If Karen had it her way, she’s subsist on coffee and spite. Frank makes sure she gets enough caloric energy in her so she can instill fear in the unjust.
Remembers anniversaries - Both. Frank can’t forget any of his anniversaries and important dates with Maria and the kids, but also really can’t forget things like the day he met Karen at the hospital, the day at the hotel with Lewis, and of course, the day he pulled his head out of his ass and apologized for telling her to walk away. Karen also can’t forget the day she met Frank, when he used her as bait in the coffee shop, also the hotel, and when Frank totaled her car when she was being held hostage by Schoonover.
Brings up having kids - Frank, but only in the sense that he’s concerned that Karen doesn’t know what she’s getting into with him (yeah, right). Karen sets him straight that she really doesn’t want kids and also doesn’t want to think that she wants to replace Lisa and Frankie. They talk about it once and it never really comes up again.
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Tommy. Because as much as Kimberly can hold her own in a fight, she is still is tiny and adorable girlfriend.
Gets jealous the most - Neither really (BECAUSE IN THIS UNIVERSE THERE WAS NO STUPID FUCKING LETTER). Yeah, long distance is hard, but they manage to keep things together pretty well while Kimberly competes internationally.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Tommy absolutely plays DD. When they’re old enough to drink, Kimberly absolutely enjoys letting loose and going to a party or two or…twelve.
Takes care of on sick days - Kimberly, because Tommy, being a leader and all, rarely lets anyone see him when he’s sick or struggling. He is very stubborn.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Kimberly. On days where the bad guys choose not to attack when the Rangers are out at the beach (or, well, the lake in Angel Grove, California, Canada), it’s Kimberly who pulls Tommy into the water with her, but also Tommy who pulls Kim back out with him when he gets bored of her lying around working on her tan.
Gives unprompted massages - Both. They’re both not just Rangers, but they’re athletes too, and they know how important it is to avoid muscle strain as much as possible.
Drives/rides shotgun - When they’re not teleporting to and from the Command Center, it’s Tommy who does most of the driving, so Kimberly can finish doing her makeup or filling him in on the latest school gossip.
Brings the other lunch at work - Neither. They’re both very self-sufficient, but will trade off who picks up their smoothies from Ernie up at the juice bar.
Has the better parental relationship - Neither. Kimberly’s parents are suuuuuuper MIA (like, if they weren’t, they’d probably figure out pretty quick that she’s, you know, A FUCKING POWER RANGER), and Tommy’s parents are also pretty…MIA. Like, really, do ANY Rangers have parents other than…Billy? It’s not that Zordon was looking for teenagers with attitude. It was attitude AND absentee parents.
Tries to start role-playing in bed - They are way too damn vanilla to even consider role play.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Tommy. Oliver. For all that he’s very good at fighting, it does NOT transfer to da club.
Still cries watching Titanic - Kimberly. She just gets emotional about how Jack sacrificed himself so Rose could live. Tommy wishes Kimberly would watch more movies with explosions. (And also wonders why the hell they couldn’t have just shared the door)
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Technically both, because Tommy is INTO Halloween and is happy to let Kimberly pick the costumes for them,
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - I mean, they’re in high school and fighting a war, so I don’t think they really think much about presents (plus, they get pretty sick gets in terms of tech from Zordon), but as adults, definitely Tommy doting on Kim, who gets annoyed that he’s using his teacher salary on extravagant gifts (she’s the real moneymaker in the family as a world-famous gymnast and coach)
Makes the other eat breakfast - When they do live together, Kimberly does the meal making because she finds cooking therapeutic.
Remembers anniversaries - Both, but Tommy remembers some of the more obscure anniversaries, like the day Kim fainted when she saw him in the new White Ranger uniform.
Brings up having kids - Kimberly. She tells Tommy that she’s planning on retiring from competing and going to coaching full-time, and when Tommy asks why, Kimberly tells him that it’s really hard to do a side aerial off the balance beam while pregnant, since balance is…hard when there’s a bun in the oven.
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Two Dharma Bums
Request (anon):  Ayo I saw that you were taking request, can I have some platonic Klaus x reader? Maybe klaus just kind living with the reader and them bein all domestic n shit
Summary: Klaus and the reader bond over their shared love of the beatnik counterculture and Kerouac. Klaus convinces the reader to come with him and travel across the country to live out the reader’s dream of the freedom displayed in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road. Also, I’m sorry if it’s rough. It’s unedited and quickly written.
A/N: No pronouns are used for the reader, so this can be female!reader or male!reader. Also, Klaus is 10000% a beatnik in this time period and would have thrived with Burroughs, Ginsburg, and Kerouac.
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Arriving in 1960 Dallas with nothing but the spirit of his deceased brother clinging to him, Klaus desperately tried to suppress the anxieties that immediately plagued him. Why was he here? Where were his siblings? Was he the only one who made it? What made him so special and deserving of life over his brothers and sisters? What was he going to do now? 
After days without anything more than a passerby’s leftovers, Klaus was desperate for something to eat. He stumbled down street as he followed the familiar aroma of diner food. Growing up so close to Griddy’s, Klaus knew the smell of a moderately priced home-cooked style meal, and his stomach immediately twisted into angry knots of starvation. Without thinking anything through, he flung open the door and dropped himself into a booth near the front of the diner. Compared to the attire of the other inhabitants of the diner--the men’s nicely pressed trousers paired with comfortable overcoats and the women’s long skirts and petticoats--Klaus’s tattered and sleeveless army shirt, laced leather pants, shaggy hair, and dirt covered face instantly earned him the full attention of the diner.
All eyes being on Klaus wasn’t something he would normally turn down. His family knew he loved being the center of attention, and normally, this much attention would be cause for a snarky comment about his importance; however Klaus was tired. He was too tired to think about anything other than how much he wanted to sleep and eat, and that exhaustion led to his eyes drifting shut despite Ben’s continual pestering him to stay awake.
“Um, Y/N,” a young woman holding a notepad and pen said in an attempt to get her coworker’s attention.
“Yeah?” Y/N asked as you turned to meet your coworker’s eyes. With a furrowed brow, you examined her face. She normally wore a kind expression, full of smiles that earned a lot of tips, but her brows were furrowed and she wore an obviously concerned look over her face. Discreetly, she held her pen pointed in the direction of the front of the diner. The ball-point landed on a man with dark hair and grimy skin leaning against the wall with his legs stretched out across the booth and eyes fallen shut. “That’s my section today, isn’t it?” Y/N asked as the girl nodded in a way that instantly made Y/N assume she was thinking, ‘Better you than me.’
It was a chilly twenty-three degrees, which is fairly colder than normal for a Texas winter, and Y/N could see the man in the booth didn’t seem to be dressed appropriately for the weather that was only getting colder. The man shivered suddenly as Y/N reached the booth, and he shot upright as if he had been startled awake.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Welcome to Norma’s Cafe,” Y/N greeted the man with a half-smile. “What can I get for you?”
“Water, please,” the man said in a somewhat pathetic and empathy inducing tone, “and if you have any crackers, I’ll take those too, please.” As the door to the diner opened, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the man begin to tremble as the bitter air found its way to his exposed skin.
“Sure thing,” Y/N sighed upon witnessing the tragedy that was this homeless man. Already, Y/N’s heart was softened into feeling complete sympathy for the stranger. After returning to the kitchen to fill up a cup with water, Y/N grabbed a pot of hot coffee a mug, and a plate of toast before returning to the table. “I put in an order of the special for you as well. I hope you like your eggs scrambled,” Y/N said and placed the tray of drinks and toast in front of the man.
“No, no, no, no, no,” he hurried to repeat the single syllable until the server turned around to face him again. “I can’t pay for this. I don’t have any money.”
“It’s on me,” Y/N said with a reassuring smile.
“No, I’m fine with some crackers. I’m skinny, I don’t need a lot of food,” he tried to argue with the kindness of the stranger before him.
“You’re my last customer before my shift is up,” Y/N said with a shrug. “Seriously, don’t worry about it.” Once again, Y/N rose in an attempt to wait in the kitchen for the food she ordered for this man only to have him protest one more time
“Can you at least keep me company? Maybe I can repay you with my witty sarcasm and great sense of humor.” A slight chuckle escaped Y/N’s lungs.
“You know I have to leave first to get your food, right?”
“So that’s a yes?” with a roll of Y/N’s eyes, a gentle smile fell over Klaus’s face. He was slightly surprised that Y/N decided to sit in the booth across from him as he ate, and even more so when he was encouraged to tell his ludicrous tale of how he ended up in Dallas in the first place. Their conversation was chaotic and jumped from so many different, interconnecting threads, somehow managing to find its way back to the point of origin after discussing Klaus’s past and Y/N’s seemingly illogical dreams and fascinations.
“Either you have a ridiculous imagination or your a beatnik like Ginsburg or Kerouac,” Y/N huffed and an entertained smirk flashed in Klaus’s direction.
“I’d consider myself to be more like Burroughs,” he retorted with a laugh as he finished the last of his food and sipped on the last of his coffee.
“Well, you certainly look like a dharma bum,” Y/N commented with an endearing and longing gaze. It had been a dream of Y/N’s to be able to pick up and leave, taking minimal belongings along on a journey across the country to a destination that had yet to present itself. Since reading Kerouac’s works, this dream had began to manifest as a pest in Y/N’s mind, constantly scratching at the part of the brain that controls impulses.
“In a way I am,” Klaus responded as he thought back over the course of his adult life. “I’ve never had a place of my own, no place to call home or people who wanted me around for longer than a few weeks at a time. Then there was the war, then ending up here.” His voice seemed to trail off as his mind went through everything he’d experienced in his short thirty years.
“I’ve read ‘On the Road’ and ‘The Dharma Bums’ so many times the spines are falling apart,” Y/N admitted. “There’s something so enchanting about that lifestyle that I can’t help but long for the open road and the uncertainty of where I’ll end up.” Y/N could see the ideas turning around in Klaus’s head as he thought over the words that had been dumped between them.
“Do you have a car?” It was a short and simple question that was answered with a nod of Y/N’s head. “Then let’s go.”
“Just like that? No thinking anything through? You don’t have any ties or anything keeping you here?”
“I just told you my true story. I have nothing and no one,” Klaus stated, subsequently earning an annoyed grunt from Ben. He could tell Y/N was thinking the offer over and the idea repeated in both of their heads like a broken record. “Come on,” Klaus urged, “You’ll be surprised by how easy the act of leaving is, and how good it feels! The world is rich with possibilities,” he loosely quoted the line from On the Road that circulated throughout Y/N’s mind.
“I have nothing to offer anyone but my own confusion,” Y/N responded with another quote, hoping Klaus would understand.
“What are you getting here that you can’t get anywhere else?” Klaus prompted. He had leaned across the booth and was excitedly staring into Y/N’s eyes as his heart raced at the possibility of not having to be alone anymore. “Because in the end...” A hopeful smile formed on Klaus’s face as he began yet another famous quote from Kerouac.
“You won’t remember the time you spent working in an office or mowing your lawn,” Y/N continued.
“Climb the damn mountain!”
***    ***    ***    ***    ***    ***
As weeks turned into months and months turned into years, Y/N and Klaus traveled across the country, hitching rides from farmers, truck drivers, and anyone who was still kind enough not to discourage the allure of being a vagabond.
Stories and poetry were the fuel they doused on the fires of their freedom, and always they found themselves immersed in the artistic and melodic talent of telling tales the other seemed to posses. Throughout their happiness and sincerest sense of freedom, they would occasionally find themselves seeking the comfort of one another. At night, often when the music, poetry, and stories had fallen asleep with their traveling companions--Klaus’s silver tongue and ability to fabricate realities out of small truths had accumulated quite a large following throughout their journey--their minds would drift. In these moments of perceived weakness, that they let their vulnerability shine through to one another.
“What’s wrong?” Y/N asked upon noticing Klaus sitting before a fire beneath the stars of California.
“What’s in store for me in the direction I don’t take?” Klaus asked, once again mirroring the words of Kerouac to allow for the deeper meaning to seep into Y/N’s soul.
“It seems like what you have done, in starting an unorganized cult, is the most absurd thing that could have happened in all of the endless possibilities presented to you at every decision you’ve made.”
“But what about my family. What if they’re alive and they’re looking for me? I thought the love of the people I surrounded myself with, the like-mindedness of the commune, would be enough.” Y/N lowered to be beside Klaus as he stared up at the stars. Silently, the pair sat, feeling the heat of the fire against their faces, until Y/N leaned against Klaus’s side and he fell gently into the genuine human connection.
“Unlike Kerouac, I’m not a believer of Buddhism, but finding enlightenment is an important theme throughout his novels. Maybe the enlightenment you’ve found is that this life that you’ve found on the path that you’ve taken isn’t the one that you’re searching for,” Y/N’s wisdom rolled through Klaus’s mind as he fell backwards into the grass in frustration.
“I took this path in hopes of gaining happiness,” Klaus sighed angrily as he slammed his fists into the soil beside him. “I failed my family and I failed at this; this concept of letting go and accepting the endless possibilities before me!”
“You didn’t fail,” Y/N stated firmly in defiance of Klaus’s self-depreciating words. “Experience is the only thing that can teach you. If I were to give you only water and crackers all that time ago back at the diner, we wouldn’t be in California right now. If you chose a different diner to fall into, you would have never met me, and your life would be even more miserable,” Y/N joked and nudged Klaus’s arm in an attempt to invoke the smallest of smiles in his face. “If I would have ignored your idea of taking to the road as two dharma bums searching for a sign for where our lives were supposed to go, I’d probably still be wasting away as a server in that diner. Just because you got to the place we set our course for doesn’t mean you’re at the destination you need to be at. It took getting here with all of these people following us, following you, for you to realize where your passion and happiness lies.”
With a tear in each of his eyes, Klaus sat up and pulled Y/N close to him. As he felt Y/N’s arms fall around him, a reassuring sigh left his mouth and the tears of joy fell onto Y/N’s shoulder. Klaus tightened his grasp on his friend, and hesitantly spoke. “Thank you, Y/N. I know this distance is what you wanted and that the road was kinder to you than to me, but I have to go back to Dallas. I’ll miss you, but I’m grateful to have met you.” Slowly, Klaus rose from where he sat and blew a kiss to the person who had been at his side through it all. It was all he could do as he hid the pain of losing the first person who had shown him kindness three years ago.
“My path is with you. You’re my friend, Klaus, but more importantly, you’re my family now. If not for you, my life wouldn’t have changed. If not for me, yours could have gotten worse. Our paths were intertwined for a reason, and I’m not going to ignore that. When you need me, I’ll be there. That’s what family is for.”
Klaus smiled as Y/N strode to his side and the pair hurried off towards the van. The same thoughts and anxieties that flooded their minds when they left Dallas floated in their minds like a veil of mist that clouded their vision, but this time was slightly different. Sure they had many miles ahead of them, hardly any money to afford the trip back, were in dire need of sleep, and didn’t know the way back, but they knew where they were headed and why, and they had each other, and that was enough for now.
Tags:  @multifandom-ramblings, @bisexual-with-adhd, @ne0n-gh0st, @thehanwen @helena-way07 
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smolbeanethel · 3 years
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Aria (Age: 20) (bi) - Cat girl!! Works for Charles
- Sneaky little brat- enjoys watching chaos and if there isn’t any chaos... she will be determined enough to stir the pot. - 10000/10 believes in the supernatural like Sonia only... she gets a kick out of seriously scaring anyone she can.
- Once told the other maids about how she once saw a vengeful ghost near the maids quarters and that it wanders outside the halls every night, looking to take some lonely maid and torture them forever. - Experiences heats but isn’t afraid to make it known to her master or whomever her master might be- ... You’ll likely find her fingering or fucking herself on your bed- or somewhere where you can hear her- she just wants her master to come in and punish her. - Eager to please her Master- you can do anything you want to her- loves it rough and actually adores being punished? Get rough with her- treat her however you want.
- Might have a cult of her own? And isn’t afraid to sacrifice others off- after all... its for her “God”- anything to appease him/her. - Her laughter... can either range from being soft and cute or quiet and creepy.
- Doesn’t get along with Caramel- those two can never see eye to eye? And tend to make it a competition if threesomes are involved? Who can please the master more? Make the master orgasm more- you name it? - like the cat she is- also only wants attention when it is on her terms- if you were to come at her when she isn’t in the mood for it- she might swat you away?
- On Cinnamon’s side with being jealous over those with certain body types? She always wishes her breasts were bigger too- but she does think she has a cute rump? So it’s not all bad?
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- Isn’t afraid to hunt her darling’s love interest down and cut them into pieces? She’ll even be so kind as to make them into a stew for her darling- they’ll be useful to her in that way but they can’t have her darling.
- When she’s pissed- she tends to get all smiley and it’s hard to really tell if she’s mad or not? But her sudden aggressive handling over her darling is enough to pass on the message? - Also not afraid to kill her darling- sure she might end her own life afterwords but this way she will be the last thing her darling sees and hears. - Doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty, she kinda finds it amusing anyway?
- Also the type to use her darlings interests in a cut ritual? they’re a perfect sacrifice! Why not turn them into an offering... besides hearing them scream for mercy would be so much fun.
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Gabriella/Gabby (Age: 20) (bi)
- Doggo girl- vvv loyal and playful
- Also works for Charles and honestly- she adores him to pieces? Doesn’t mind him treating her like a pet at all- just as long as he continues to pet her head and rub her tail? - Kinda dumb but she makes up for that in how eager she is to please and her eagerness in being a good girl for her master or whomever her master might be.
- LOVES food.
- Pulling on her tail would honestly make her release a cute little moan and she’d want her darling to do it again. - Also experiences heats- and she does try to behave but ultimately she just wants someone to pound her? Make her cry out and fill her up- doesn’t matter which hole, just as long as she’s being used. more likely to come to her master or darling and rub herself up on them. - Actually likes doggy style- and when you go hard on her? She can never seem to keep quiet? She just continues to beg for her darling/master to go harder and faster while her tail would just be wagging away. - Kinda clueless on how to show affection and would totally lick her darling? It’s normal to her- she can’t fathom why it wouldn’t be normal to them.
- Has moments where she walks around naked and needs to be reprimanded? Sometimes she just forgets that clothes are necessary. - Pretty decent at cooking, cleaning, and tending to things outside.
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- These new feelings are all strange to her? Do humans really feel this way? Is it normal to not like seeing your darling interact with their own family- and is it normal to want to keep them all to yourself? No matter what?
- Isn’t afraid to bite her rivals and will get pouty if them be harsh towards her? She doesn’t understand human customs? Don’t bully her-
- Aria likely is the one who would help Gabby out with taking care of these rivals, Aria just sees this as coworkers helping each-other out? - Would never dream of killing her darling. She’d rather they live and she can continue to be their good girl- she only wants their love and attention.
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Terrance (Age: 26) (bi)
- One of Marx’s men. He is pretty loyal to his boss but he can also be easily won over with money- to him? Money is everything.
- Greedy- I mean? he wants everything to be his and isn’t too fond of sharing- and why should he? - While he doesn’t like to admit it openly, he isn’t against being dommed or pegged. You‘d just better not tell this to ANYONE. Especially Marx- he won’t hesitate to punish you. - He has his moments where he can be pretty soft though? When he does want to show his daring how much he adores them... those moments are where he shows a more gentler side to you- and isn’t opposed to letting you go at your own pace. - Never has time to tend to his hair and normally lets it remain as a mess but he isn’t against letting his darling take care of his hair. - Always manages to mess up somehow- which tends to make Marx punish him more? Marx doesn’t appreciate failure. - Tries to act like things don’t bother him but it’s easy to tell that things do when he can barely keep a straight face- some things do bother him but he’s learned to keep it to himself. - Doesn’t like spending money on useless things. You can’t convince him, ever.
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- Pretty violent but he’s developed this from watching Marx, he just doesn’t blame the darling for his actions. He is aware that this is on him but... he doesn’t like sharing? His darling must’ve been aware of this when they chose to interact with him. It just isn’t fair.
- If the rival is cute- he might be a little iffy on harming them? Might resort to just scaring them away- who would ever want to harm cute things? That’s awful!
- Becomes much more demanding of his darling after they’ve upset him with falling in love with someone else. He will lock them away for some time. - Violence is like second nature to him, depending on how the rival is- he will resort to being violent- he’ll practically make the rival suffer for even looking at his darling.
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Ajax (Age: 36) (bi)
- Doggo boy- loyal attack dog for Marx
- He’s always down for a fight, he gets a thrill out of it after all? Blood shed is so much fun! Why not make your opponent wish they were dead... or simply kill them? Anything to show who is the alpha.
- Pretty rude? I mean- he isn’t afraid to flip anyone off? Get on his bad side and you’ll see how quick you’d wish you hadn’t.
- He also has moments where he gets into heats. He’s demanding and rough when he is like this- and doesn’t even bother with the foreplay either- he will mate his darling. No matter if they are a girl or boy- it doesn’t really matter as long as he is inside of them.
- Does actually have a knot too- and gets a sort of sick pleasure out of shoving them into his darling too? Loves when they are stuck to him too- Finds it amusing.
- Has practically ripped someone apart before- Marx demanded that of him too, the person was on the opposing side. Did he care? Hell no, it was kinda fun. - His darling would be the only one who could get away with touching his tail or ears- but don’t get too comfy with it.
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- He won’t hesitate (bitch). Anyone her perceives to be a rival will be dealt with promptly. He won’t be showing any ounce of mercy. - Actually will opt to mentally break his darling by letting them watch him tear the other person apart- let that be a lesson to them to never piss him off like that again. - Another one who gets meaner to their darling. He practically equips them with a shock collar to keep them in line now- he’ll treat them like the pet now. - Might not hesitate to kill his darling too- he’d hate to end his own like as well? But he can make them suffer for it in Hell.
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enlightenedsloth · 3 years
Decoding the communication process of exceptional geniuses
Everyone must have heard the name Elon Musk recently, I mean why not, he became the richest man on earth for sometime and we are always updated on who is the richest person in the world. At a young age, everyone knew the name Bill Gates because he was the richest and not because what he did. But for men like these, becoming the richest isn’t even the last wish on their ‘bucket list’. One can only imagine what Elon Musk’s ‘bucket list’ looks like, I think it would start from making electric cars and end on colonizing mars or fitting a chip in the human skull. So, the bottom line is that the people who achieve the most aren’t even driven by the thought of achieving for themselves, rather, driven by goals of changing or bringing a revolution to the world. The fact that most of these people start with negligible resources and yet succeed among people who have all the resources in the world proves that the only purpose of doing what they do is innovate to make our lives better. So how do they succeed?
Because they communicate from the innermost part of the brain called the Limbic brain. This part is responsible for emotion, behaviour etc.
This is what is called The Golden Circle.
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It is like a codified version of how organizations/entrepreneurs communicate. It matches perfectly with the framework of the human brain. The circles in red represent the Limbic brain and the circle in black represent the Neocortex brain which is responsible for analytical and rational thinking, understanding facts and figures and language. So, the ‘why’ and ‘how’ comes from the Limbic brain and the ‘what’ comes from the Neocortex.
Now, why should you care about what represents what. Because The Golden Circle is the foundational block of your mindset based on which you build an organization or pretty much anything. Here’s the thought behind it
WHY- Why you do what you do. Do you believe it?
HOW- How do you do it.
WHAT- What do you do.
Everyone surely knows what they do and how do they do it but do they believe it, do they know the reason. Most leaders communicate from the outside in, they explain what they do, e.g. make the best smartphones, then they explain how do they do it i.e. by making it thin, fast, durable etc. and expect an action i.e. a vote or a purchase. Is it convincing? NO. The inspiring leaders do something completely opposite, they communicate from inside out. They first convey what they believe e.g. we believe in revolutionizing the way people use something which is required in day-to-day life. How do we do it? By making it fast, simple to use, and long lasting, we just happen to make the best smartphones.
Now do we have a product here. YES
This is how Elon Musk communicates, from inside out. He believes what he does and has proved it time and again. When General Motors announced that they are going to double their budget for developing electric cars, Musk welcomed the competition saying the whole point of Tesla Inc. is accelerating sustainable transport across the globe and if someone makes better cars than Tesla and it loses much of the market share, he is totally cool with it.
As a child he was always fascinated by innovations, ideas and big thoughts. His former boss says that they used to spend a lot of time talking about physics, meaning of life and the essence of the universe. At a very young age, he used to quit spending time with his brothers and sisters and stand next to and listen to the person he perceived to be successful in whatever field he/she was in. Christie Nicholson, the daughter of an advisor to Elon Musk says that even as a college student he was so into technology and sustainable future that in a room of 12 people, they said ‘hi’ to each other, then two sentences in he asked ‘what do you think about electric cars?’. Now, some years into the future, he is living his every belief and idea. Some of his companies or should I say contributions to human beings include-
Tesla Inc.- Manufacturer of electric cars with self-driving technology.
SpaceX- A space exploration company with the ultimate goal of making the human civilization multi-planetary with its reusable rockets and funding this project with the help of another project- Starlink, which aims to launch 42000 satellites in the earth’s orbit to provide internet connectivity anywhere and everywhere on earth.
The Boring Company- A low-cost transportation and freight tunnel digging company. The company with its project- Loop aims to dig tunnels with express system which allows people travelling through it to directly reach their destination without having to stop anywhere between the starting point and the destination. Also, the company under its project Prufrock has developed a faster way to dig tunnels. The machine digs at a rate of 1 mile per week.
Hyperloop- Not a company but a significant contribution from his side to this concept of high-speed transportation. He holds annual competitions involving international student teams to design and build the best version of this concept. These competitions are funded by Boring company which also builds hyperloop tubes.
Neuralink- A neurotechnology company driven by linking a chip fitted in the skull and the neurons in the brain. The technology’s first goal is to give people with severe spinal cord injury and paralysis the ability to control computers. As the person thinks of moving his fingers, Neuralink decodes the information and sends it to the user’s computer. And as the technology develops, there will be more utility from it. Just imagine if engineers find a way to wirelessly connect the chip to a prosthetic.
Paypal- An ‘ahead of its time’ idea. Paypal is a digital payment system launched by Elon Musk in 1999 and sold to Ebay in 2002. It was a rapidly growing digital payment platform back then and even today, it has a high transaction rate.
SolarCity Corp.- This is a company which Musk helped his cousins start in 2006 and in 2016 combined Tesla Inc. with it. The company strives to achieve a sustainable future by making solar panels with the idea to push people to put those on their house’s roofs and every purchase of panels comes with an energy storage container.
The man lives for humanity and success is just the byproduct of it. He resonates with people’s beliefs and works almost 20 hours a day to convert it into a reality. The success also depends on people’s support. There are very less people who believe or even think about sustainable future and becoming a multi-planetary civilization, just ask yourself that how many times in a week do you think about all this. That’s where the innovators and early adopters come into play. The figure below is an innovation diffusion model developed by Everett M. Rogers.
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The innovators and early adopters are the ones who are responsible for the success of these people. The figure explains the percentage of consumers in the following stages-
Innovators- The kind of people willing to be the first to purchase the product for their belief in it or for the sake of trying something new.
Early Adopters- These are the people who embrace change and have leadership opinions.
Early Majority- They adopt change before the average person and typically need an evidence of the effectiveness of the innovation.
Late Majority- They are sceptical of change and will only adopt an innovation after it has been tried by majority and has a strong evidence of effectiveness.
Laggards- They are the most sceptical and conservative people. They only adopt an innovation because the alternative they used before doesn’t exist anymore.
Any innovation’s first customers are innovators and early adopters and the technology only captures the market after it ‘crosses the chasm’ as said by Geoffrey Moore which means after it penetrates into the change adoption mindset of Early Majority.
But is knowing the reason or believing in what you do is enough for success? NO. Nikola Tesla believed in what he did and put together some parts and invented things which shape our modern world, but he wasn’t successful. By success here, I don’t mean in monetary terms or ‘fans’, I mean was he able to achieve his goal of causing a revolution, he did but not at the level of what he intended.
Nikola Tesla was one of the most intellectual people in the world with his gifted intuition of finding hidden scientific secrets but also was very impractical in financial matters, an eccentric, naive to worldliness and had a very few friends. Nikola started constructing wireless world broadcasting tower with a loan of $150000 from an American financier Pierpont Morgan. The tower was expected to provide worldwide communication and to furnish facilities for sending pictures, messages, weather warnings and stock reports but the project was abandoned due to financial and labour troubles and Morgan’s withdrawal of support. Due to a lack of funds, much of his ideas remained in his books which are still examined by enthusiasts for clues. Reporters and scientists were reluctant about considering his future prophecies. He was greeted with caustic criticism when he claimed to have communication with other planets, that he could split the earth like an apple and having invented a death ray which could destroy 10000 airplanes at a distance of 400 kms.
So believing in what you do is not a success mantra, rather an ingredient in the recipe. Maybe it’s time to rephrase ‘follow your passion’ to ‘follow your belief’.
Blog inspired by Simon Sinek
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Aloha! Can I have a matchup for BNHA, please? I'm an ESFP-A, I'm 5'7", female and a raging bisexual. I do volleyball, yoga, and I also do a lot of stretching. I really like drawing as well, but whether or not I'm good at it is another question XD I prefer someone who can keep me in-check, I suppose? I can be really reckless, and it's hurt a couple of people. But I also want them to have a sense of humor, so they can also lift my spirits. You can match me with anyone in the baku/deku squad. ty!
ᴀᴡ ʙʙʏ, ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴇᴇᴍ ʟɪᴋᴇ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ! ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅ ꜱᴏ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴋɪɴᴅ, ᴏꜰ ᴄᴏᴜʀꜱᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴜᴘ ^u^
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I match you with...
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Kyoka Jiro! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
⋆☂˚。 You two would be so cute together! I think that Jiro’s a very underrated character when it comes to the fandom, and she’s honestly just so sweet and passionate about the things she loves.
⋆☂˚。 Jiro might not be the first person that you may consider someone that would be responsible, but she truly does care about you. She has a lot of passions, in specific, music-- but when you come into your life, suddenly, her passions are dedicated towards you
【  how you two met  】
☾ After Jiro performed for the school festival, you saw her working backstage, cleaning up, and trying to help with the props
☾ You decided to pop in as well to help out, and you started cleaning up all of the boxes
☾ And as if it was a movie, Jiro grabbed one of the boxes at the same time as you and looked up. She was a good seven inches shorter than you, and just hnnngh imagine her face?? Just like “ah! uh, i’m sorry-”
☾ But you brushed it off and said it was okay, and after, you two talked the rest of the day as you took the props back to where they should be. 
☾ (she won’t say it out loud, but she thinks it’s really cool how you can do volleyball. She’s literally just so- so smol and she just looks up at you, her eyes sparkling just like YES-)
【 relationship headcanons 】
First thing I want to address: height?? difference?? I’m sorry, I’m just such a sucker for things like these because it makes me so soft 🥺🥺 When you two are walking around together, she’s always looking at you with eyes that just sparkle, and she’s sharing her passions. She loves to watch you in volleyball games as well! Her eyes just always follow you like a magnet, and the way you move so smoothly gives her a surge of energy. Jiro would also send you good morning and goodnight texts, and freaks out when you send her one back-- she might have been hanging out with Ashido, and when you text her back, Ashido just announces to the whole world, “SHE TEXTED BACK SHE TEXTED BACK, I REPEAT, SHE TEXTED BACK-” and Jiro is just this big, flustered mess. Jiro often likes to wake up with you in the morning and stretch, but she’d probably take her time sleeping in (oh, and she also likes to be the lil’ spoon). And Jiro also loves your drawings! She’s convinced that no matter what, you’re just so persistent with everything and she really admires you for that. And luckily, because you’re friends with Jiro, you’re also really close to everyone else in the Bakusquad. You like to do Denki’s nails, have facials with Kirishima, have Bakugo teach your eyeliner, late-night talks with Mina, or hang out with Sero late into the night. And Jiro has so much respect for you wanting to improve, and overall, she’s just so proud of you. 
Bonus: HNNNGGGHHH imagine?? how cute it’d be?? if she wrote like 10000 songs about you, but never really made it direct?? like she’d show you the songs, play them for you, but she’d be too embarrassed to admit it was about you. But you know ;)
Thank you so much for requesting, bby! My requests will be open for a long time, send ‘em in! Stay safe ^U^ <3 <hugs!>
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